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•If you were an artist, what kind of artist will you be? What artfield will you explore? why?

If were an artist, i will be the type of artist who will use my talents and skills to spread
awareness and consciousness to the population through Realism Painting. According to
Oxford dictionary, Realism is defined as the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or
situation accurately or in a way that is true to life. So realism paintings depicts things the way
they are, and example of this are paintings of human potraits, nature, things, and event
events. But there is one distinction where realism are related to, and that is the life of each
citizens in a society. In this today's era, society still has a lot of problems, there are
communities who lacks access to basic needs, the environmental problems, deadly wars
and many more are one of the most common crisis that are faced by our society. It was also
evident that the hardships of life are most felt by those who lived in the past generations. Our
life should be treasured and be lived as we should, but as long as these problems are still
present we must do what we can to help each other and to help the future of the community.
That is why through realism paintings, spreading awareness will gather new thoughts
among the mass. This will enable those who are ignorant about the current situation be
aware of how the society is doing. Through spreading realism paintings, this will help
eliminate fakes, problems, and misunderstandings. This will help foster societies to be
critical thinker and be an innovator. My paintings will help revolutionize the way to live, and
that is to improve and utilize resources to help and sustain those individuals wo are affected
by such problems, because each and every one of us has the right to live and be free. When
awareness is spread, there will be active actions that are coming from citizens who are
literate because of my paintings and this will help bear good and positive results that will
help change their way of living. They could help bring change, make individual matter to
improve their lives, motivate them to succeed or to spread love and kindness, this will result
to a life we want. Imagine a place where war is rare, families will be living in standard, the
environment is green and free and many more. This will help the society and those
individuals to live and nurture without worrying trivial things. Realism depicts the real world. It
could be the good things or the bad things.
Realism is not only limited to bringing truth and justice to a painting but also to convey the
positive ideas from the good points. It could be where love and care can be captured in the
painting, or the glimpse of cultures, or even simple good things that can be painted. That is
why if I were a painter, I will use my skill to develop my talent while contributing a positive
result to the society and the people living in it.

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