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physical fitness, activity,

and exercise

physical fitness
Physical fitness is a state
of health and well-being DIFFERENCE:
and, more specifically, the Exercise is a subset of
ability to perform aspects physical activity that is
of sports, occupations and planned, structured, and
daily activities. Physical repetitive and has as a
fitness is generally
final or an intermediate
achieved through proper
objective the improvement
nutrition, moderate-
or maintenance of
vigorous physical exercise,
and sufficient rest along physical fitness.
with a formal recovery

physical exercise

DIFFERENCE: 1. movements and activities

Physical fitness done to keep your body healthy
is a set of or make it stronger. Again, it is
worth taking some brief
attributes that
physical exercise or doing a
are either
relaxation response to get rid of
health- or skill-
this tension. 2. a particular set
related. of movements intended to
improve health or make you
stronger.rmal recovery plan.

physical activity
Physical activity refers to all DIFFERENCE:
movement. Popular ways to Physical activity is any
be active include walking, bodily movement
cycling, wheeling, sports, produced by skeletal
active recreation and play, muscles that require
and can be done at any level of energy expenditure.
l and for enjoyment by Sample cases are
everybody. provided.

“The only bad workout is the one that didn't


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