Memberform 2022

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Squash It Up UM Postbus 616 6200 MD Maastricht

Membership Form – Squash It Up UM 2021/2022

Membership (TICK)
▢ Year – Membership for the academic year 2020/2021 € 40,-
▢ Half Year – Membership for the first semester in the academic year 2020/2021 € 25-
Applicant Information

Last name :
First name :
Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy) :
Gender : ☐ Male ☐ Female
Language : ☐ Dutch ☐ English
Email address :
Address :
Postcode + city :
Phone number :
Um student number :
Faculty :
Sports card* : ☐ Yes ☐ No

UM Sports Card
Keep in mind that every member of Squash It Up UM needs to have a valid UM Sports membership
or all-in one membership. Members without this membership will be denied access to the squash
Please join a copy/photography of your membership
Payment Information
By signing this membership form, I hereby declare that within ten days, I will transfer the
membership fee of € 40 for a year/ €25 for half a year into the bank account of Squash It Up UM.
Bank Details
Squash It Up UM
IBAN: NL63 INGB 0007 7174 67

Personal Data
The personal data of members are processed by Squash It Up UM for the following purposes
- Administration
- Communication
- Implementing the membership agreement

As a result the members will

- Receive their membership
- Be automatically registered for newsletters

Photos and Videos

▢ I consent ▢ I do not consent

to be filmed and have pictures taken of me during the association’s events by the association and its
members and consent to them being used on the association’s website as well as social media
platforms including facebook and instagram.
I reserve the right to revoke this decision at any point in time of my membership by notifying in written.

Committees (optional)

I wish to join the following committees of the association (cf for more
information about the committees and their roles and their activities)

▢ promotion
▢ tournament/training
▢ events

Undersigned declares to have filled out all of the above truthfully and to have acknowledged the
membership fee.

Date _________________ Signature _________________________

Squash It Up UM Postbus 616 6200 MD Maastricht

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