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No. Forming Prefix/ Meaning Example

Noun Suffix Base Sentence
That actor is a person who keep all his personal
–al relating to Person
matters away from public.
He is a successful person now. His success in
–ful full of Success developing a new application helps the finance of
his company.
He is so childish. Even a child can give a better
–ish origin, nature Child
answer than him.
They are homeless now because fire burnt their
Noun »» –less without Home
1. home last night.
He is so famous. Even people in a another country
–ous Quality; nature Fame
acknowledge his fame.
It is rainy nowadays. Bring an umbrella just in case
–y Characterized by Rain
today will rain.
That kid likes heroic movie because he wants to be
–ic Relating to Hero
a hero when he grows up.
We are looking for girly stuff to give to our friend’s
–ly Like / manner of Girly
baby girl.
That woman is very selective to find her new
–ive causing effect Select
secretary. She selects every candidate thoughtfully.
Verb »» –ant/ Inclined to; tending Anisa is an excellent student in Math class. She
2. Excel
Adjective –ent to excels all her classmates since last semester.
–able/ The site is not accessible now. Many people try to
can do Access
–ible access it because today is the deadline.


No. Forming Prefix/ Meaning Example

Noun Suffix Base Sentence
Adjective In a slow motion scene, the driver looks like driving
1. –ly Adverb of manner Slow
»» Adverb the car slowly.
Note related to Adj >>> Adv

There are some words that have different meaning when added –ly (not talking about adverb of manner)

1. Hard – hardly
2. Late – lately

Can you tell the difference between the base and the word with affix –ly?

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