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Making SDGs Work to End Hunger,

Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate 1

Change, and Reverse Biodiversity

Kaitano Dube, David Chikodzi,

and Godwell Nhamo

Abstract to human civilization and society’s aspira-

tions. Society, in many ways, drive climate
The adoption of the 17 ambitious global sus- change through activities that release green-
tainable development goals (SDGs) and the house gas emissions and drive global warm-
169 targets in September 2015 aimed to better ing, which is the biggest driver of climate
the global society. The year 2020 marks change. This chapter tackles some of the cru-
5 years post-adoption of these SDGs and sig- cial talking points and debates that will be fur-
nals the last decade in which the world is set to ther developed in various chapters of the book.
take stock of the progress made. This chapter It highlights significant challenges and discusses
sets the background and tone for the book that some initiatives on ending hunger, energy,
examines how society is interacting with some biodiversity, water, and sanitation (SDG 6)
of the SDGs. A healthy society is one that is and climate change action (SDG 13).
free of hunger (SDG 2), depends on clean and
sustainable energy (SDG 7), and allows soci- Keywords
ety to drive its socioeconomic desires and
aspirations. Given the interconnectedness of SDGs · Climate change · Energy security ·
society to the environment, there is a need to Renewable energy · Food security ·
ensure healthy biodiversity (SDG 15) to sup- Biodiversity
port the thriving society through a variety of
ecosystem services, including the ocean econ-
omy (SDG 14). However, anthropogenic cli-
mate change remains one of the biggest threats 1 Introduction

The world has been suffering a myriad of envi-

K. Dube (*)
Department of Hospitality, Tourism and PR, Vaal ronmental challenges attributed to global envi-
University of Technology, ronmental change that has intensified over the
Vanderbijlpark, South Africa past decade. The environmental challenges
e-mail: continue to raise concerns with fears that the
D. Chikodzi · G. Nhamo biophysical environment is facing an imminent
Exxaro Chair in Business and Climate Change, collapse (Sato and Lindenmayer 2018). There are
Institute for Corporate Citizenship, University of
South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa also fears that such challenges will undermine
e-mail:; the global society’s quest for development and

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 3

G. Nhamo et al. (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals for Society Vol. 2, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
4 K. Dube et al.

spark social unrest. The increase in global popu- (Weber and Sciubba 2019). Of key concern has
lation has been partly to blame as it has led to been the disruption to the biophysical environ-
increased demand for consumption (Infante-­ ment because of land pollution, water pollution
Amate et al. 2018; Kjaer et al. 2019). The growth both inland and ocean, and air pollution, which
in human population has led to a demand in more have threatened human civilization as already
resources such as agricultural, industrial, and known. The degradation of the biosphere threat-
residential land, and other critical resources such ens ecological biodiversity and agricultural pro-
as water and energy, whose extraction and exploi- duction, which have severe implications on the
tation result in environmental degradation and society. A critical concern across the world has
pollution. been the impacts of the increasing anthropogenic
The increase in global consumption due to air pollution, particularly that of greenhouse
increased human affluence has also been blamed gases (GHG) that cause global warming, a key
for the environmental challenges facing the world driver of climate change (Dube and Nhamo
today (Iizuka and Zanlungo 2016; Aydin et al. 2020a). Among the most significant contributors
2019; Wiedmann et al. 2020). Hence, the envis- to global GHG emissions are the energy, agricul-
aged threat and the need to ensure sustainability tural, industrial, and transportation sectors.
forced global leaders to meet and adopt the 17 Figure 1.1 shows some of the sectors of interest.
ambitious SDGs aimed at finding solutions to Until the advent of COVID-19, the global eco-
socioeconomic, environmental, and political nomic growth was matched by an increase in
challenges facing the world. According to the GHG emissions with the amount of global car-
United Nations (2015), the 2030 Agenda for bon emissions rising from 9Gt in 1960 to about
Sustainable Development that encompasses the 35.3 Gt in 2018 (World Resources Institute
SDGs and 169 targets aim to develop a plan of 2019). Figure 1.2 profiles the top ten GHG pol-
action for people, planet, and prosperity. luting countries and shows that there has been an
The boom in global population has been asso- exponential growth in GHG emissions with the
ciated with an almost equally matched general most significant increases being witnessed in the
deterioration in the quality of the environment 1990s reaching an all-time high in 2018. In as

Fig. 1.1 Global historical emissions 1990–2016. (Source: Authors, data from the World Resources Institute (WRI)
1 Making SDGs Work to End Hunger, Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate Change, and Reverse Biodiversity… 5


25000 Indonesia
Saudi Arabia

20000 South Korea


15000 Germany
10000 Russia
United States
Fig. 1.2 Greenhouse emission trends in the top ten GHG polluting countries 1960–2018. (Source: Authors, data from
the World Resources Institute (2020))

much as there might be a slowdown in carbon over time. Yu and Ruggieri (2019) made similar
emissions globally, there seems to be a renewed observations regarding global average tempera-
growth run up to 2017 and 2018, which is quite a ture increase and also the trends. According to Yu
concerning development. In China and the USA, and Ruggieri (2019), climatic patterns tend to
there seems to be some flattening of the curve, shift multiple times over relatively short periods
although a downward trajectory will be antici- at change points. Over the period under their
pated as there is a demand under the Paris study, 2016 emerges as the warmest year on
Agreement to reduce GHG emissions by at least record confirming earlier reports by the World
40% by 2030 compared to 1990, under its broader Meteorological Organization (2019), and all this
2030 climate and energy framework (European has severe negative impacts on the attainment of
Union 2020). the SDGs, especially SDG 13 focusing in climate
Due to the increase in GHG emissions, the action. However, the observed increase in global
world has seen an increase in global average tem- average temperature is of concern as the tempera-
perature. Figure 1.3a–d shows that global and ture is an important climatic driver. As such, any
regional temperatures have increased, with the changes in temperature trigger a wide array of
most significant increases witnessed in the last changes within the global, regional, and local cli-
two decades. However, the warming seems to be mate systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on
varied across the northern and southern hemi- Climate Change (IPCC 2018) noted that an
spheres and the tropics. Evidence shows that the increase in temperature that surpasses the 1.5 °C
northern hemisphere has experienced a higher mark pre-industrial levels would trigger and
increase, followed by the tropics and the southern worsen the current global climate crisis charac-
hemisphere coming in last. While there have terized by the fury of extreme weather events.
been fluctuations on an annual basis, the general Climate change has consequently added to the
trend has been that of an increase across regions burden of global environmental challenges.
6 K. Dube et al.

a Median Upper Lower

Temperature °C

b Median Upper Lower


Tempereture °C




Fig. 1.3 Global and regional average land-sea tempera- Tropical average temperature annommally 1850–2019.
ture anomaly relative to the 1961–1990 average tempera- *The red line represents the median average temperature
ture. (a) Global average temperature annommally change, and gray lines represent the upper and lower 95%
1850–2019. (b) Northern Hemishphere average tempera- confidence intervals. (Source: Authors, data from Our
ture annommally 1850–2019. (c) Southern Hemisphere World in Data – HadCRUT4 dataset published by Met
average temperature annommally 1850–2019. (d) Office Hadley Centre (2020)
1 Making SDGs Work to End Hunger, Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate Change, and Reverse Biodiversity… 7

c Median Upper Lower



Temperature °C





d Median Upper Lower

Temperature °C


Fig. 1.3 (continued)

Climate change is a challenge because it has a dual centrality of these issues to society and its devel-
relationship with almost every economic sector, opment, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
social activities, and the natural environment. Development has dedicated goals and targets
Climate change has also emerged as a threat to aimed at addressing these challenges. SDG 2, for
biodiversity (Kappelle et al. 1999), water security example, is aimed at addressing hunger, SDG 6 on
(Jaramillo and Nazemi 2018), energy production water and sanitation, SDG7, affordable and clean
(Boadi and Owusu 2019; Dube and Nhamo energy, SDG13 on climate action, and SDG 15
2020b), and agriculture threatening to derail the focusing on life on land and biodiversity.
fight against hunger and food insecurity (Mason- Given the foregoing, this book explores how
D'Croz et al. 2019; Janssens et al. 2020). Given the society has interacted and sought to address
8 K. Dube et al.

issues related to several SDGs, among such, hun- include the Kariba North Power station in Zambia
ger and food security (SDG 2), water and sanita- and the Kariba South Power Station in Zimbabwe
tion (SDG 6), clean and affordable energy (SDG (Dube and Nhamo 2020).
7), climate change (SDG 13), and biodiversity Regardless of the increase in energy-related
(SDG 15). This introductory chapter, however, emissions, there has been a significant increase in
makes significant development and discussion new investment funding for green energy glob-
points about the exploration of some of these ally (Fig. 1.5). Investments in solar energy and
aspects to provide context and background that wind energy that seem to account for the most
informs this book. The following section starts significant investment focus areas are significant.
by looking at the critical discussion points to Although there has been an increase in solar
provide context for the coming chapters and fol- energy during 2018 and 2019, there has been a
lowed by a synopsis of the methodological drop in new solar projects. This is despite the
approach used in this book. decrease in the average cost of installing solar
energy. Based on data from the International
Renewable Energy Agency (2020a), the cost of
2 Climate Change the solar installation fell from an average of
and the Clean Energy Debate between US$ 0.3/kWh and US$0.5/kWh in 2010
to low figures of between US$ 0.14kWh and
As discussed earlier, the major sectors contribut- US$0.04 in 2019. There has been a general
ing to the largest share of GHGs are energy pro- decline on an annual basis for the cost of install-
duction, followed by agriculture and industrial ing solar energy. Wind energy seems to have ben-
processes. It is worth noting that the sectors that efited from the price decline and has gained
are the main drivers of climate change are also investment momentum as it was over
the ones that are most vulnerable to climate US$0.24/K = kWh in 1984 and has since dropped
change-induced extreme weather events such as to less than US$ 0,1/kWh.
droughts, floods, and extreme frost. Regardless Nonetheless, the growth in investment in
of this awareness and consciousness to the vul- renewable energy has not been uniform across
nerability of the energy production and agricul- the world; some countries made significant
tural sector, these sectors have not been strides, while others are still lagging. The global
forthcoming in addressing their carbon emissions north is taking the lead in renewable energy
in most countries. investment with the global south still a long way
Consequently, the bulk of the energy produced to go. No African countries are among the top
globally still heavily depends on the use of fossil countries that invested in renewables. For exam-
fuels such as coal, as can be seen in Fig. 1.4. The ple, as of 2019, China and the USA had the larg-
production of energy using green technology est investments of US$ 83.4 and the US$55.5
remains subdued globally. Green energy project billion, respectively. Japan is in the third position,
seems to be slowly coming, while carbon-based having invested $16.5 billion as of 2019
energy demand and usage is increasing. It has (Frankfurt School-UNEP 2020). A study con-
been incredibly clear that the demand for coal ducted by the Frankfurt School and United
and oil has increased in the recent past. At a time, Nations Environmental Programme (2020) found
there is an expectation that the demand declines that globally in 2020, a commitment to invest
and a robust uptick in the usage of solar, wind, about 826 gigawatts of new non-hydro renewable
gas, hydroelectricity, and biofuels. Notably, the energy between 2020 and 2030 was made glob-
production of hydroelectricity has been chal- ally at a total cost of US$ 1.7 trillion which marks
lenged by the impact of extreme weather events a falling decline from an investment of US$ 2.7
such as drought, which have resulted in some trillion made between 2010 and 2020.
hydroelectricity power station failing to operate Consequently, the target is inadequate to allow
at their installed capacity. Power stations that the world to meet the target needed to cap global
have been worst affected in the recent past temperature at 2 °C by 2020 under SDGs 13 and
1 Making SDGs Work to End Hunger, Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate Change, and Reverse Biodiversity… 9

Fig. 1.4 Total primary energy supply (TPES) by source, World 1990–2017. (Source: Authors, data from the International
Energy Agency (2020))

Fig. 1.5 New investment funding for green energy globally. (Source: International Renewable Energy Agency (2020))

7. The consequences for society and energy pro- ated with hydro energy is that it is widely viewed
duction will be dire. to be vulnerable to climate change (Schaeffer
The energy sector is equally vulnerable to et al. 2012; Voisin et al. 2016; Klimenko et al.
extreme weather events. Hydro energy is believed 2018). While current efforts by various economic
to be severely threatened by climate change sectors are commendable, there is need to rump
impacts across the world. The challenge associ- up efforts to make the necessary and meaningful
10 K. Dube et al.

Fig. 1.6 Forest area net change rate between 2005 and 2015. (Source: SDG Tracker (2018))

impact in line with the commitments made by 2019), which directly impact SDGs 14 and 15.
global leaders when they crafted the SDGs. There Apart from these factors, urbanization and the
have been some efforts lately to increase invest- demand for the built-up environment have also
ment in alternative energy by various private been highlighted as one of the major threats to
individuals at their homes, industry players such biodiversity as forest and other vegetation are
as airport companies, manufacturers, tourism replaced by a concrete jungle (Opoku 2019).
establishments, and industry in general in line Terrestrial forests are crucial as they are home to
with the demands from the United Nations under about 80% of biodiversity; as such, their clear-
SDG7 on clean and affordable energy (Dube and ance has implications for habitat and biodiversity
Nhamo 2020; Nhamo et al. 2020b). The main loss (Aerts and Honnay 2011).
argument behind the green energy movement is Serious concerns have been raised in the
to ensure carbon reductions and limit the contin- recent past over the implications for the contin-
ued march toward 1.5 °C and 2 °C, which will ued deterioration of the environment. Biodiversity
spell doom for the global community if reached loss and environmental degradation compromise
and surpassed (Intergovernmental Panel on the capacity of the environment to deliver crucial
Climate Change (IPCC) 2018). ecosystem services that are a crucial aspect of
human existence (Smale et al. 2019; Juutinen
et al. 2019). The Intergovernmental Science-­
3 Crisis of Biodiversity Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
and Marine Degradation Services (IPBES) rang a death bell of global nat-
ural stock in 2019, indicating that the world is
Climate change-induced extreme weather events fast losing several species due to increased human
ranging from droughts, floods, rising sea level, activity impact, desertification, climate change,
heat waves, extreme rainfall events, and warming and over-harvesting in some settings among oth-
oceans have had a devastating impacts on global ers (2019).
communities threatening human existence as we Forests are considered to be some of the rich-
know it. Climate change, agricultural develop- est diversity areas in the world (Barlow et al.
ment, and population growth have had serious 2016; Liang et al. 2016). The concern is, how-
implications on both maritime and terrestrial bio- ever, being raised over the loss of forests across
diversity (Nunez et al. 2019; Marques et al. the world as it leads to biodiversity losses (Betts
1 Making SDGs Work to End Hunger, Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate Change, and Reverse Biodiversity… 11

et al. 2017). Figure 1.6 shows that there are vast the protection of biodiversity in the 2030 Agenda
areas where forested areas declined with several for Sustainable Development in a number of
hotspots in sub-Saharan Africa where forests are SDG targets (Box 1.1).
declining by as much as more than 5% per annum
in countries such as Nigeria and Uganda. The
highest declines globally have been recorded in Box 1.1: SDGs and Targets on Biodiversity
Togo, where the forest annual loss rate is 8.11%. • SDG 14a: Increase scientific knowl-
The loss of forest is particularly problematic in edge, develop research capacity, and
arid and semi-arid areas as such ecosystems are transfer marine technology, taking into
fragile, sensitive, and vulnerable, often triggering account the Intergovernmental
deforestation. The death of the forest aids and Oceanographic Commission Criteria
abates the release of carbon emissions that pre- and Guidelines on the Transfer of
cipitates climate change (Lingbeek et al. 2017; Marine Technology, to improve ocean
Nwilo et al. 2020). Climate change is one of the health and to enhance the contribution
biggest threats to global forests. of marine biodiversity to the develop-
There is a worry that the declines are taking ment of developing countries, in partic-
place in the least developed countries. Marques ular, small island developing States and
et al. (2019) observe that most of the forest losses least developed countries
occurring in central and southern America, Africa, • SDG 15: Protect, restore, and promote
and Asia were extractive in nature and buoyed by sustainable use of terrestrial ecosys-
international trade. This means that there could be tems, sustainably manage forests, com-
little value for member states in terms of economic bat desertification, halt and reverse land
and social benefits which could undermine the degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
area’s capacity to contribute to development in the • SDG 15.4: By 2030, ensure the conser-
future. Such a development could propagate vation of mountain ecosystems, includ-
increased poverty and inequality. This is likely to ing their biodiversity, to enhance their
have severe implications on future socioeconomic capacity to provide benefits, which are
development, as many developing countries essential for sustainable development
depend on direct ecosystem services. This notion • SDG 15.5: Take urgent and significant
is supported by Alova et al. (2018) who observe action to reduce the degradation of natu-
that the development of Peru is hinged on its abun- ral habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity,
dant natural capital for economic growth, develop- and, by 2020, protect and prevent the
ment, and human well-­being, and as such changes extinction of threatened species
in biodiversity would have ramifications for devel- • SDG 15.9: By 2020, integrate ecosys-
opment going forward. tems and biodiversity values into
For continued benefit from biodiversity, there national and local planning, develop-
have been calls for the protection of both terres- ment processes, and poverty reduction
trial (SDG 15) and maritime (SDG 14) ecosys- strategies and accounts
tem. Biodiversity loss has been cited as a threat to • SDG 15a: Mobilize and significantly
society. Addison et al. (2020) argue that in light increase financial resources from all
of the biodiversity threat to society, there is need sources to conserve and sustainably use
to develop a model to ensure that businesses can biodiversity and ecosystems
develop biodiversity indicators for various busi- Source: Authors, based on United Nations
ness operations to enhance biodiversity protec- (2015: 24–25).
tion. The United Nations makes a clarion call for
12 K. Dube et al.

4  rends in Global Food

T While the SDGs were adopted in 2015 when
Security and Implications hunger was highlighted as one of the key focus
for Achieving SDG 2 areas that warrant global attention, there has not
been good progress regarding this goal with the
As could be seen in earlier sections, the global situation of food insecurity worsening over the
food supply chain is replete with sources of car- past couple of years. Although the world had wit-
bon emissions and contribute significantly to the nessed some progress in reducing the number of
total global carbon emissions. The agriculture hungry people, undernourished people seem to
sector, which is responsible for the global food have picked up post-2015, mainly driven by set-
supply chain, is one of the main emitters of GHGs backs in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. According
that lead to global warming and, ultimately, cli- to FAO (2020), out of the 7.7 billion people in the
mate change. According to Poore and Nemecek world, about 5,7 billion were food secure, while
(2018), food production is responsible for 26% of about two billion people are food insecure. Of the
global GHG emissions, with only 5% of that por- food-insecure people, more than one billion are
tion being attributed to non-food agriculture and from Asia and 0,7 billion from Africa, while 0.2
other drivers of deforestation. The global agricul- billion people are from Latin America.
ture industry is also responsible for other hosts of Consequently, the number of undernourished
environmental challenges, such as acidification people in the three continents is 381 million in
and eutrophication, which also contribute to Asia, 250 million in Africa, and about 48 million
global biodiversity losses. Agriculture has, how- in Latin America.
ever, a dual relationship with climate change. It is Going with the trend, it shows that at a global
affected by climate change, which demands seri- level, the number of food-insecure people is
ous attention to be paid in the context of SDG2 to increasing with the increasing incidents of
eradicate hunger, and its activities also emit extreme weather events with drought being one
harmful GHGs. Hunger cannot be addressed of the biggest drivers of global food insecurity
without paying attention to the threat of the agri- (Fig. 1.7). Consequently, the world is moving
cultural sector to climate and ensuring the sector further from its target of ending hunger by 2030.
is climate change proofed as demanded under FAO projects that very few global regions are
SDG13 on climate change action. likely to meet their 2030 SDG 2 targets with most
According to Barrera and Hertel (2020), regions either having witnessed some progress
“Sustainably in meeting the food demands of a (South East Asia, Southern Asia, and the
growing population based on finite resources Caribbean). In Africa and Latin America and
while protecting the environment is one of the other regions in Asia, the situation is worsening
great challenges of humanity in the coming (FAO 2020).
decades.” While the global food supply has been In as much as the issue of ensuring sustainable
varied across the world, some countries are pro- food security cannot be linked to the hydromete-
ducing more than they require, while there are orological factors alone, this is one of the most
persistent shortages in some parts of the world. significant threats that are facing the sector.
This could be attributed to matters surrounding Droughts, which have been noted as problematic
food security including its distribution, access, in many regions across the world, call for tapping
and supply challenges. A study by Mc Carthy into the irrigation systems as an adaptation mea-
et al. (2018) notes that about 16% of the global sure. However, the world is facing a real disaster
population was suffering chronic hunger at a time as severe droughts tend to raise demand for water
when the world is producing enough food to feed from various competing economic sectors, which
everyone in the world. The causes for food inse- also limits the capacity to allocate or provide
curity across the world have been varied nonethe- more water for irrigation (Dube et al. 2020). In
less with some academics and authorities some regions, droughts have affected energy gen-
complaining about excessive food waste which is eration, which is crucial for ensuring irrigation
particularly rampant in developed countries schedules are completed even where water is
(Barrera and Hertel 2020). available, resulting in diminished irrigation pro-
1 Making SDGs Work to End Hunger, Sustain Energy, Resolve Climate Change, and Reverse Biodiversity… 13



Population in millions



2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
severely food insecure 602 586 605 646.4 717.5 746
moderately or severely
1633.5 1649.5 1735.2 1874.5 1969.6 2001.1
fod insecure people

Fig. 1.7 Global levels of food insecurity trends 2014–2019. (Source: Authors, data from FAO (2020))

duction (Dube and Nhamo 2020b). Accordingly, diversity loss. Part II looks at food security and
Nhamo et al. (2019) underscored that achieving sustainable energy. From this part comes Chap. 2
the Agenda 2030 goals will be premised on that deals with the contribution of responsible
ensuring water security. This is particularly chal- leadership in raising funds to support the organi-
lenging for the sub-Saharan Africa and impairs zational mandate and the SDGs, with a focus on
the capacity for the region to feed its population. the Land Bank of South Africa. Chapter 3 delib-
Other factors that have been cited as problematic erates on confronting poverty, hunger, and food
are political instability, which is one of the non-­ insecurity in Malawi and Zimbabwe, while Chap.
environmental drivers of food insecurity in many 4 considers preventing fall armyworm
countries across the world (Brück and d’Errico (Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith) damage in
2019; Martin-Shields and Stojetz 2019). There is, maize by altering planting time and using varied
therefore, a need to tackle SDG16 peace justice genotypes. Chapter 5 discusses enhancing urban
and strong national and international institutions farming for sustainable development through
to reduce the challenges and variables that the SDGs, while Chap. 6 looks at water and sanita-
world has to deal with and face the global envi- tion access in the Shamva district for sustainabil-
ronmental challenges. ity and development of the Zimbabwean
The next section presents the book and chap- smallholder farming sector. Chapter 7 presents
ter outline. Methodologies are contained in every responsible leadership and the implementation of
chapter. Overall, the mixed methods approach is SDG 7 with a focus on the UNDP Botswana bio-
used. gas project. This is followed by Chap. 8 that har-
nesses elements of responsible leadership in
driving climate action (SDG 13), while Chap. 9
5 Book and Chapter Outline narrows down to leadership capabilities for the
successful implementation of SDG 7 targets at
This book comes in 5 major parts and 19 chap- Energy Company X. Chapter 10 looks at design-
ters. Part I is made up of a single chapter focusing ing effective social protection for food and nutri-
on making SDGs work to end hunger, sustain tion security among farm workers from
energy, resolve climate change, and reverse bio- Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
14 K. Dube et al.

Part III addresses climate action for SDGs. affluence? Evidence from PSTR approach. Ecological
indicators, Volume 98, pp. 543-555.
Chapter 11 looks at mitigating climate change Barlow, J. et al., 2016. Anthropogenic disturbance in trop-
through carbon sequestration for sustainable ical forests can double biodiversity loss from defores-
development in Cameroon’s forest economy, tation. Nature, 535(610), pp. 144-147.
while Chap. 12 considers the private sector Barrera, E. L. & Hertel, T., 2020. Global food waste across
the income spectrum: Implications for food prices,
SDGs’ localization from Kruger Mpumalanga production and resource use. Food Policy, p. 101874.
International Airport, South Africa. Chapter 13 Betts, M. G. et al., 2017. Global forest loss disproportion-
deliberates on scaling up university engagement ately erodes biodiversity in intact landscapes. Nature,
with the water SDG for general environmental 7664(547), pp. 441-444.
Boadi, S. A. & Owusu, K., 2019. Impact of climate
stewardship and climate change resilience, and change and variability on hydropower in Ghana.
Chap. 14 addresses climate change in Zimbabwe’s African Geographical Review, 38(1), pp. 19-31.
vulnerable communities using a case study of Dube, K. & Nhamo, G., 2020a. Sustainable Development
Supporting Enhanced Climate Action Project Goals localisation in the tourism sector: lessons from
Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, South Africa.
(SECA project) in Bulilima district. Chapter 15 GeoJournal, pp. 1-18.
presents climate resilience strategies and liveli- Dube, K. & Nhamo, G., 2020b. Vulnerability of nature-­
hood development in dry regions of Zimbabwe, based tourism to climate variability and change: Case
while Chap. 16 looks at climate action at interna- of Kariba resort town, Zimbabwe. Journal of Outdoor
Recreation and Tourism, Volume 29, p. 100281.
tional airports focusing on the Airport Carbon Dube, K. & Nhamo, G., 2020. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Accreditation program. and Sustainability in Victoria Falls: Focus on Hotels,
Part IV discusses health, water, and biodiver- Tour Operators and Related Attractions. African
sity engagements. Chapter 17 considers protected Geographical Review, pp. 1-16.
Dube, K., Nhamo, G. & Chikodzi, D., 2020. Climate
areas interventions and SDGs using the case of change-induced droughts and tourism: Impacts
the Bolsa Floresta program in Brazilian Amazon. and responses of Western Cape province, South
Chapter 18 focuses on the implementation of Africa. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism,
SDGs through greening household responses to p. 100319.
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