The Uk

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The United Kingdom

In the British islands outside the north coast of the European continent, the UK
is located and includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on the
northeastern part of the island of Ireland. The capital is London. A number of
unions, with England as a dominant party, formed the basis of the country. After
union agreements were Wales and Scotland with from respectively 1536 and
1707. In 1801, Ireland became a part of the kingdom. The majority of Ireland
broke away and formed the Irish Free State, later Republic Ireland in 1921.From
the center of the mid-18th century and the 1800s and with the industrial
revolution, and if I colonies in all continents, the UK developed the greatest
story's biggest empire. In the 20th century, British Empire lost, but Britain is
still considered a political economic and cultural great power. The UK was
considered one of the three major forces after World War II. The UK's national
anthem is "good rescue of the queen" (or "the king"), "God retains the queen"
("or the king").

History about The UK

England and Scotland were united into the United Kingdom with Parliament in
the Westminster. The empire soon became the world's leading power. in 1701 to
1713, the British navy was overcrowded in ports during the Spanish Succession
War. After 1750, British foreign trade increased rapidly, and Britain became the
world's leading trading post. The industrial revolution created working classes
and social contradictions.

Britain secured the French colonies in North America during the Seven Years'
War in 1756-1763, but in the North American War of Independence in 1775-
1783, it lost 13 colonies that founded the United States. With the exception of
two shorter periods, Britain was at war with France and consolidated dominance
at sea in the years 1793-1815. Ireland was pushed into the personnel union with
Great Britain in 1800.Liberal governments carried out reforms which, among
other things, gave the much-industrialized cities representation in parliament
after 1830. Labor laws were passed, the welfare system was improved and free
trade was introduced for most goods. By the National Act, the liberalization of
trade was completed with the growth in 1849. Canada became the first colony
with the status of dominion.
Britain Reached the pinnacle of political and economic power, and cultural
influence under imperialism in 1870-1914. The British colony covered 1/4 of the
earth's surface, and London was the world's financial center. Dominica status
was granted to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.Britain formed
European alliances to maintain the balance of power on the continent after 1900.
The British were part of the Allies and conquered the German colonies in Africa
and the Pacific, and the Turkish colonies of Palestine and Mesopotamia in
World War I. Great Bethany will not be a leading great power in the First World
War. The Easter Uprising in Ireland 1916 - 1921 ended with the establishment
of the Irish Free State.There was economic turmoil and social unrest in the
1920s, and in 1924 the first Labour government was appointed. In 1931 The
British Empire replaced by The British Commonwealth of Nation. Britain
declared war on Germany after the German attack on Poland in 1939. Britain's
position was as a great power and Commonwealth as a political and military
power factor. Rapid economic upheavals led to major financial problems and
sabotage. Britain gave up after the Suez crisis in 1956. Britain joined the EU in
1973. Oil discoveries in the North Sea have been of great importance to the
British economy since the 1970s. Commonwealth includes of Independent
States after figjøringsprossensen in former colonies from 1946 to 1997.
The weapon in its present form dates from 1837, when the union with Hanover
was broken. In Scotland, the national coat of arms has a different design

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