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Jane Cadwallader

Granny Fixit and the Viking Children

Stage 1
Below A1
Young ELI Readers

Activity Pages
1 Unscramble the letters to find the answers.
1 The guide is talking about a Viking MOHE.
2 Granny Fixit takes the children to the
CABEH. __________
3 Granny Fixit’s bag is WEYLOL. __________
4 The children run into a EVAC. __________
5 On the beach, they find a baby HAWEL.
6 The children use a long yellow POER.

1 home, 2 beach, 3 yellow, 4 cave, 5 whale, 6 rope.

Jane Cadwallader
Granny Fixit and the Viking Children

Stage 1
Below A1
Young ELI Readers

Activity Pages
1 Complete the sentences with a word from
the box.

its • her • it • their • his • they

1 Danny, Lucy and Alex are with ______________

mum and dad.
2 Granny Fixit has got lots of things in
______________ bag.
3 The children look for the ball but they can’t
find ______________ .
4 Eric says the children can play with
______________ ball.
5 Gala and Gerd are Viking children and
______________ want to play too.
6 The baby whale is on the beach and
______________ mother is in the sea.

1 their, 2 her, 3 it, 4 his, 5 they, its .

Stage 1 Young ELI Readers below A1

Jane Cadwallader
Granny Fixit and the Viking Children

Pages 28-32
1 1 Mum, 2 Granny Fixit, 4 Gala and Gerd, 6 Eric, 7 Alex, 9 Lucy, 10 Danny
2 Eric: I’m a Viking - Strong and brave - You are welcome - In my cave. - Here I dance -
And sing and play - Doing things - My Viking way!
Gala and Gerd: We’re Vikings - Strong and brave - You are welcome - In our cave. -
Here we dance - And sing and play - Doing things - Our Viking way!

3 1 sand, 2 whale, 3 rock, 4 rope, 5 beach, 6 bird, 7 tail

4 1 whale, 2 whale, 3 bird, 4 rope, 5 sand, 6 rock, 7 beach, 8 rock, 9 rock, 10 whale, 11 rope,
12 tail, 13 whale
5 1 hat, 2 ball, 3 longhouse, 4 longboat, 5 toys, 6 classroom
1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 T, 5 T, 6 F

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