Unit 1

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-Acquaintance (C) -Acquaint Sb/ Sthacquainted -N1: Sb you know but
-Acquaintanceship With Sth Not a close friend
(UC) -N2: a slight friendship
-V: make Sb/ yourself
Familiar with
capability -Capable Capably Having the ability for
# incapable # incapably Doing sth
lasting lastingly Continue to exist for a
Long time
-Selfishness -Selfish -N: caring only about
# unselfishness # unselfish Yourself
# selfless #: give more time to
People’s needs than
concern concern -Concerned -V: to involve/ affect
-concerning Sb
-N: a feeling of worry
Shared by many ppl
interest interest Interesting Tìm được niềm hứng
Interested Khởi làm việc gì đó
affair relationship
constancy constant constantly Staying the same, not
-Enthusiast for Sth -Enthusiastic enthusiastically -N1: a person who is
-Enthusiasm for About doing Sth Very interested in sth
Sth -N2: a strong feeling of
Excitement in doing
change change Changeable
Certainty (C) Certain Certainly Strongly believe in Sth
# uncertainty #uncertain #uncertainly
lifelong Lasting or existing all
Through your life
Loyalty to Sth Loyal to loyally Trung thành
suspicion -Suspicious of/ -suspiciously Nghi ngờ
About Sth
readiness ready readily Sẵn sàng
Rumour (C) Lời đồn
gossip gossip Informal unkind talk
About ppl’s private
-Influence influential ảnh hưởng
-trust -trust-worthy truthfully -N1: Sự tin tưởng
-truth -truthful -N2: Sự thật
-A1: Có thể tin cậy
-A2: in an honest way,
The truth
mutuality mutual mutually Equally, shared by 2
Ppl or more
sympathy -Sympathize withsympathetic sympathetically To feel sorry for Sb
aim Aim to Mục đích
Sorrow at/ for/ over sorrow sorrowful Being very sad
Sth (C)
Pursuit (C) pursue Sự theo đuổi, mưu cầu
Pleasure (C) please Pleasureable pleasureably -A1: enjoyable
pleasant -A2: attractive, fun
Care caring Quan tâm
Hospitality hospitable Hiếu khách
Modesty modest Khiêm tốn
Sincerity sincere Chân thành
Generosity generous Phóng khoáng
Honesty honest Trung thực
Helpfulness helpful Tốt bụng
understanding Thấu hiểu
studious Chăm học
quick-witted Thông minh, lanh lẹ


- a number of + Plural N + Plural V
Ex: A number of students are going to the concert tonight.
- The number of + Plural N + Singular V
Ex: The number of days in a week is 7.
- take up sth:
- capable/ incapable + of doing Sth
- be concerned with
- give-and-take
- on one side / on the other
- be tired of doing Sth
- feel the attraction of Sth to Sb
- be loyal to
- take interest in
- get acquainted with
- have sth in common
- remain +Adj

Reading: - Guessing meaning in context
Speaking: - Describe physical appearance and personality
Writing: - Writing about a friend
Language focus:
- The pronunciation of /dʒ/ and /t∫/
- Grammar: infinitive with and without to

a. Word form:
mutual trust. (mutually)
1. Your friendship should be based on ___________
Friendship is a two-sided affair. (friend)
2. ___________
3. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness
__________. (selfish)
sympathize to my plight. (sympathy)
4. They were extremely ____________
acquainted with new friends. (acquaintance)
5. She found it difficult to get __________
6. If people keep telling you you’re ____________, you begin to lose confidence in yourself. (capability)
7. Some people take up an interest with _____________, but they are soon tired of it. (enthusiastic)
8. Friends must know each other so well that there can be no ____________ between them. (suspect)
unchangeable and uncertain people incapable of true friendship? (change)
9. Why are ______________
10. Good friends must be _____________. (loyalty)

b. Multiple choice:
1. They had a quarrel, but they are again now.
a. a friend b. friends c. friendship d. friendless
2. Simon finds it hard to make with other children.
a. friend b. friendship c. friends d. friendliness
3. He is a(n) man. He always helps people without thinking of his own benefit.
a. selfish b. unselfish c. selfishly d. selfishness
4. A(n) is a person one simply knows, and a(n) is a person with whom one has a deeper
a. acquaintance- friend b. classmate - colleague
c. colleague – relative d. friend – acquaintance
5. You can’t always insist on your own way – there has to be some_____.
a. take and give b. give and take c. give d. take
6. Despite many changes in his life, he remained his work principles.
a. loyal to b. loyal with c. loyal about d. loyally
7. He started to get when she told him that she had been to Britain for many times.
a. suspicious b. suspect c. suspicion d. suspiciously
8. The children seem to be ______working quietly by themselves.
a. capable to b. incapable of
c. capable with d. incapable with
9. She found it difficult to get with new friends.
a. acquaint b. acquainted c. acquaintance d. acquaints
10. My friend often shows her whenever I have troubles.
a. sympathy b. sympathize
c. sympathetic d. sympathetically
11. He does not know much about the project but he is very ____.
a. enthusiastic b. enthusiast
c. enthusiasm d. enthusiastically
12. Daisy is so . She only cares about herself, not about other people.
a. helpful b. selfish c. loyal d. talkative
13. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a girl she is!
a. uncertain b. mutual c. suspicious d. changeable
14. Brian and Richard like each other a lot because they have a lot of things __________. .
a. in common b. indeed c. in need d. in use
15. John left a impression on me. I will never forget him.
a. loyal b. lasting c. capable d. constant
16. Friendship offers us great in life.
a. please b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleased
17 .True friendship will as long as our lives.
a. spend b. take c. last d. keep
18. She felt an to him when they first met each other.
a. attraction b. enthusiasm c. interest d. aim
19. She is never completely in what she says about people.
a. sincerely b. sincere c. real d. reality
20. She has always remained to her political principles.
a. loyal b. loyalty c. faith d. faithfully

I have several good friends but I suppose that my best friend is Ellen. We have been friends with each other
(1) _________ we were very young because she (2) _________ live next door to me. We have always been in the
same class at school although she has always been much (3) _________ than me. I do not mind though, because she
often helps me with my (4)_____. Anyway, I have always been better at sport than she is. I always (5) _______ her
at tennis and she does not like that. In fact, she hates losing at anything and gets very annoyed if she does. That’s the
thing that I do not like (6) _________ her. Otherwise, she has (7) _________ humour and she is always making me
laugh. We get on very well together, although occasionally we have had (8) _________ usually about silly little
things. Ellen and her family moved to another district last year but I still see her a lot. We (9) _________ to go on a
trip around Europe next summer. I am really looking forward to it because I think we will have a lot of fun and see
exciting places. Of course, it is going to be hard (10)_______ such a wonderful and exciting trip and so we are both
going to get jobs and try to save up enough money for it.

1. a. till b. since c. when d. while

2. a. should b. could c. used to d. ought to
3. a. cleverer b. clever c. intelligent d. wise
4. a. housework b. homework c. works d. paper work
5. a. win b. defeat c. conquer d. beat
6. a. in b. with c. about d. on
7. a. a great sense of b. a large number of c. a lot of d. a great many
8. a. arguments b. talks c. discussions d. negotiations
9. a. will plan b. plan c. planned d. are planning
10. a. to pay b. to afford c. to buy d. to book

III. READING: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each
Mary Allen was my best friend – like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies,
swimming, horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away. Mary and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special
occasions – like my wedding and Mary’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote
less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address unknown”. I had no idea how to find Mary.
Over the years, I thought of Mary often. I wanted to share stories of my children and then grandchildren. And I
needed to share my sorrow when my brother and my mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a
friend like Mary could fill.
One day I was reading the newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Mary and
whose last name was Wagman – Mary’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans, “I thought, but I
wrote to her anyway. She called as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!” she said excitedly. “Mary Allen Wagman is my
mother”. Minutes later, I heard a voice that I recognized instantly, even after 40 years. We laughed and cried and
caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place of my heart is filled. And there is one thing that Mary and I
know for sure: we won’t lose each other again!
1. From what we read from the passage we can infer that
a. Mary Allen is Mrs Tobin’s sister.
b. Wagman is an unusual last name.
c. Mrs Tobin loves and needs Mary Allen in her life.
d. Only one of them moved away.
2. The phrase “Address Unknown” stamped on the card in this story means__________.
a. wrong address.
b. no house with that number.
c. no way to find that number
d. no person in that house has the name on the envelope.
3. To Mrs Tobin, Mary Allen is___________.
a. the one she hardly shares everything. b. the one who is very helpful.
c. a sister. d. a friend in her childhood.
4. They lost contact with each other because___________.
a. they lived too far away from one another.
b. they didn’t have problems to share.
c. they were too busy with housework.
d. they moved away and were very busy.
5. The woman in the photo in the newspaper is________.
a. Mary Allen Wagman.
b. Mary Allen Wagman’s daughter.
c. a relative of Mary Allen Wagman’s.
d. someone who knows Mary Allen.

I. PHONETICS: Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1. a. French b. which c. chemist d. changeless
2. a. touch b. beach c. cherish d. champagne
3. a. bridge b. just c. image d. changeable
4. a. village b. dangerous c. gossip d. passenger
5. a. chore b. machine c. much d. such
6. a. pasture b. acquaintance c. constant d. talkative
7. a. gin b. girl c. gift d. guest
8. a. generous b. gene c. generally d. giving
9. a. cheese b. children c. chemical d. teacher
10. a. match b. watch c. ache d. catch

II. STRESS: Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. difficulties b. acquaintance c. relationship d. enthusiasm
2. a. interest b. quality c. suspicion d. sympathy
3. a. rumour b. affair c. friendship d. secret
4. a. constancy b. loyalty c. apartment d. benefit
5. a. brighten b. offer c. practise d. remain
6. a. passage b. friendly c. affair d. special
7. a. intelligent b. understanding c. mathematics d. personality
8. a. suspicious b. changeable c. selfishness d. influence
9. a. honest b. unfriendly c. dangerous d. generous
10. a. imaginary b. international c. personality d. sympathetic

A. BARE INFINITIVE can be used
1. After modal verbs:
The main use of the bare infinitive is after modal verbs. All the modal verbs must be followed by a bare infinitive.
Ex: I can/ could/ may/ might/ will/ shall/ should/ must leave soon.
“Dare” and “need”, when they are modal, are similar.

2. After some verbs:

Let: I won’t let you ride my bicycle.
Let’s: Let’s take a taxi.
Make: The beard makes you look older than you are.
However, in the passive, “make” is followed by “to infinitive”
Ex: He was made to work 20 hours a day.
Would rather = ’d rather
Ex: I’d rather work on the land than work in a factory.
Had better = ’d better
Ex: You’d better not go near the edge.

3. After some verbs of perception

(can also be followed by gerund: see, hear, watch, notice…)
Hear: I heard someone unlock the door.
Watch: The crowd watched the fireman climb the ladder.
See: I saw her cry in the rain.

4. Causative form:
Have + personal object + bare infinitive: show that one is causing another to do something.
Ex: He wanted a job to do so I had him paint the kitchen.

Exercise: Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the given words/ phrases
1. The police forced everyone to leave the building.
-> The police made everyone
. to leave the building.
2. The driver allowed the old man to travel on the bus without a ticket.
-> The driver let the old .man travel on the bus without a ticket.
3. Jack forced his younger brother to wash the dishes.
-> Jack’s younger brother was made to .wash the dishes.
4. Did Brian do something suspicious?
-> Did you notice Brian?do/doing something suspicious?
5. I’d rather work on the land than work in a factory.
-> I prefer working
. on land to working in a factory.
6. It’s cold. You had better wear a coat when you go out.
-> It’s cold. You should wear a coat. when you go out.
7. I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the cinema.
-> I would rather stay at. home than go to the cinema.
8. Her parents would not allow her to go out.
-> Her parents wouldn’t let her go . out.
9. The accident happened. Did you see this?
-> Did you see ? the accident happen/happening?
10. I had my house repaired by Tom.
-> I had Tom repair
. my house.

B. TO- INFINITIVE can be used:

1. Subjects:
Ex: To learn English is good for our future.
To live is to struggle.
It is very dangerous to tease that lion.
It is very difficult to please everybody.

2. Objects: To-infinitive can be used as objects after linking verbs such as “to be, to seem…”
Ex: Her hope is to study abroad.
His work then was to cook meals for everyone.

3. Complements: after these verbs:

Afford, agree, appear, arrange, care, dare, decide, demand, deserve, determine, fail, fear, forget, hate, hesitate, hope,
intend, learn, long, manage, mean, need, neglect, offer, omit, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, regret,
remember, resolve, seem, swear, tend, threaten, volunteer, wait, want, wish…
4. After some verbs + HOW: discover, wonder, find out, understand, know, explain…
Ex: He knows how to make a cake.
Our teacher explained how to solve the problem.

5. Used after some verbs + objects:

Advise, allow, assist, ask, beg, cause, caution, dare, enable, expect, forbid, force, get, hire, permit
Ex: Teachers advised students to obey the regulation.

6. In reduced relative clause: after superlative, “the last”, “the only” and ordinal number
Ex: Marie Curie is the first woman to receive Nobel Prize.
The last person to leave the room must turn off the light.
7. To express purpose:
Ex: He collected some sticks to set fire.

8. In some structures
a. It is/ was + Adjective + of + noun/ pronoun + TO inf
Ex: It is very kind of you to help me.
b. This/ That/ It + is/ was / would be + (a/an) + adjective + noun + TO inf
Ex: This is a strange place to visit.
c. Too + Adj/ Adv + TO inf
Ex: She is too short to reach the ceiling.
d. Enough + Noun + TO inf
Ex: She had enough money to buy a house.
e. Adj/ Adv + Enough + TO Inf
Ex: She is old enough to get married.
f. Used + TO inf
Ex: I used to drive to work every day.
g. It takes + someone + time + TO inf
Ex: It takes me fifteen minutes to go to school on foot.

Exercise: Choose the best option

1. It is very kind of you me the direction.
a. to give b. give c. giving d. gave
2. He was the first the fire.
a. discover b. to discover c. discovered d. discovering
3. He is everybody in my class likes him.
a. very kind that b. kind enough that
c. so kind that d. as kind as
4. These employees are made__________ overtime.
a. to work b. work c. working d. worked
5. He advised me the facts before I made a decision_____ the job.
a. considering/ to accept b. consider / accepting
c. consider/ accept d. to consider/ to accept
6. They have they cannot find time .
a. such many things to do that/ for going out.
b. so many things for doing that/ going out.
c. such many things for doing that / going out.
d. so many things to do that / to go out.
7. Loyalty is considered one of the most important qualities for true friendship.
a. to be b. be c. being d. is
8. It is impossible such a difficult thing without any help.
a. to do b. do c. doing d. done
9. Look! Do you see an insect on your foot?
a. to crawl b. crawling c. crawl d. crawled
10. She wore a mask so that nobody recognized her.
a. so that not to be recognize b. so as not to recognize
c. so as not to be recognized d. in order not to recognize.
11. Those tourists were their journey.
a. enough tired to continue b. too tired to continue.
c. very tired to continue. d. too tired that they could not continue.
12. Did you notice someone the room last night?
a. enter b. to enter c. to entering d. entered
13. The police let him after they had asked him some questions.
a. to leave b. leave c. leaving d. left
14. The accident is thought caused by human error.
a. being b. to being c. be d. to have been
15. The children they cannot keep silent.
a. seem to be so excited that b. seem being so excited that
c. seem to be very excited that d. seem being very excited that
16. The policeman did not permit them through the military zone. He forced them another
a. going/to go b. to go/ to go
c. to go/ going d. go/ go
17. John, I have something interesting you, but you have to promise _____ it secret.
a. for telling/ keeping b. to tell/ keep
c. to tell/ to keep d. told/ keep
18. His doctor advised him______, but he found it impossible_______ his habit.
a. stopped smoking/quit b. to stop to smoke/quitting
b. stopping smoking/ for quitting d. to stop smoking/ to quit
19. The guards were watching a shoplifter along the shop window.
a. go b. to go c. went d. gone
20. She pretended ________ me when I passed by.
a. not to see b. not seeing
c. to not see d. having not seen
21. I have decided ____ my girl-friend Maisie ____ as she pleases.
a. to allow/ do b. allow/ to do
c. to allow/ to do d. allowing/ doing
22. The police suspect him of ________ stolen goods.
a. trying selling b. trying to sell
c. trying sell d. try to sell
23. Can you manage ________ these parcels alone?
a. to finish to pack b. to finish packing
c. finishing to pack d. finish pack
24. I’d love ____ an opportunity of ____ you again.
a. have/ meeting b. to have/ meeting
c. to have/ meet d. having/ meeting
25. I couldn’t resist ____ him why he was trying to avoid____ me.
a. ask/ meet b. asking/ meeting
c. to ask/ to meet d. to ask/ meeting

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