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Lesson 1: Information and • Access to information: Increase in access

Communication Technology to information and services that has

accompanied the growth of the Internet.
History of ICT Some of the positive aspects of this
ICT, or information and communications increased access are better, and often
technology (or technologies), is the cheaper, communications, such as VoIP
infrastructure and components that enable phone and Instant Messaging.
modern computing. • Improved access to education, e.g.
distance learning and online tutorials. New
Uses of ICT In Our Daily Lives ways of learning, e.g. interactive multi-
media and virtual reality.
Communication • New tools, new opportunities: ICT gives
We all know that ICT take a major role for access to new tools that did not previously
us by means of communicating, way back in exist: digital cameras, photo-editing
the past our parents use to make letter and software and high quality printers, screen
send it via post mail. But now with the help magnification or screen reading software
of ICT it is easier to communicate with our enables partially sighted or blind people to
love ones. We can use cellular phones that work with ordinary text rather than Braille.
design for communicating with other people • Communication: Cost savings by using
even they are miles away far from you. e.g. VoIP instead of normal telephone,
email / messaging instead of post, video
Job Opportunities conferencing instead of traveling to
In the employment sector, ICT enables meetings, e-commerce web sites instead of
organizations to operate more efficiently, so sales catalogues. Access to larger, even
employing staff with ICT skills is vital to the worldwide, markets.
smooth running of any business. Being able • Information management: Data mining of
to use ICT systems effectively allows customer information to produce lists for
employees more time to concentrate on targeted advertising. Improved stock
areas of their job role that require soft skills. control, resulting in less wastage, better
cash flow, etc.
Information and Communications Negative impacts of Information and
Technology (ICT) can impact student Communication Technology
learning when teachers are digitally literate
and understand how to integrate it into • Job loss: Manual operations being
curriculum. replaced by automation. e.g. robots
replacing people on
Socializing an assembly line. Job export. e.g. Data
Social media has changed the world. The processing work being sent to other
rapid and vast adoption of these countries where
technologies is changing how we find operating costs are lower. Multiple workers
partners, how we access information from being replaced by a smaller number who
the news, and how we organize to demand are able
political change. to do the same amount of work. e.g. A
worker on a supermarket checkout can
Impact of ICT in The Society serve more
customers per hour if a bar-code scanner
Positive impacts of Information and linked to a computerized till is used to detect
Communication Technology goods instead of the worker having to enter
the item and price manually
• Reduced personal interaction: Most people  Computer is a machine that
need some form of social interaction in their manipulates data according to a list
daily lives and if they do not get the chance of instructions (program).
to meet and talk with other people they may  Computer is any device which aids
feel isolated and unhappy. human in performing various kinds
• Reduced physical activity: This can lead to of computations or calculations.
health problems such as obesity, heart
disease, and diabetes. Three Principal Characteristics of
• Cost: A lot of ICT hardware and software Computer
is expensive, both to purchase and to
maintain. An ICT system usually requires 1. It responds to a specific set of
specialist staff to run it and there is also the instructions in a well-defined
challenge of keeping up with ever-changing manner.
technology. 2. It can execute a pre-recorded list of
• Competition: this is usually thought of as instructions.
being a good thing, but for some 3. It can quickly store and retrieve large
organizations being exposed to greater amounts of data.
competition can be a problem. If the
organization is competing for customers, Application of ICT (Computer) in our
donations, or other means of funding daily lives
nationally or even internationally, they may
lose out to other organizations that can offer o Business – Nowadays, almost all
the same service for less money. businesses utilize computers. They
may be used to manage projects,
Module 2: History of Computers: Basic keep track of inventory, manage
Computing Periods store, monitor accounts, produce
reports, and presentations. Using a
Objectives: variety of technologies, such as e-
i. Gain familiarity of the different mail, they make it possible to
discoveries during the different communicate with individuals both
periods. inside and outside the company. It
ii. Learn different inventions and seeks to provide systems and tools
discoveries during electro- for effective data management,
mechanical age. decision-making, communication,
iii. Identify different technologies and and engagement with customers, as
their improvements during the well as to increase productivity and
different generation. gain a competitive edge.
o Education – Interactive activities,
remote learning, and online tutoring
may all be done on computers. They
Definition of Computer
can use E-Books, intranet, and
 Computer is a programmable internet resources to get
machine. instructional content. They may use
 Computer is an electronic device to generate projects and tasks, as
that manipulates information, or well as to manage and track student
data. It has the ability to store, achievement, especially through the
retrieve, and process data. use of online tests. It is yo enhance
the quality of education, increase
access to educational resources,
and improve communication o Marketing - Computers enable
between educators and learners. marketing campaigns to be more
o Healthcare – ICTs have the power to precise through the analysis and
advance patient-centered healthcare manipulation of data. They facilitate
at a lower cost, improve the the creation of websites and
standard of treatment and promotional materials. They can be
information exchange enlighten used to generate social media
patients and healthcare campaigns. They enable direct
professionals, encourage new type communication with customers
of engagement between patients through email and online chat..
and healthcare providers, and cut o Science - Scientists were one of
down on travel time. Computers the first groups to adopt
continue to change the healthcare computers as a work tool. In
industry. Digitalized medical records science, computers can be used for
also make it simpler to store and research, sharing information with
retrieve patient data. Complex data other specialists both locally and
may also be evaluated by software internationally, as well as
to help with diagnosis and to look for collecting, categorizing, analyzing,
disease risks. Lab apparatus, hearr- and storing data. Computers also
rate monitors, and blood measure play a vital role in launching,
monitors are all controlled by controlling, and maintaining space
computers. They make it possible for craft, as well as operating other
doctors to communicate with other advanced technology.
medical professionals about o Publishing - ICT is applicable in all
illnesses and have better access to the aspects of the production and
information on the newest distribution in publishing, such as
medications. promoting, distributing and
o Retail and Trade - Computers may marketing books with modern
be used to purchase and sell things information and communication
online, allowing customers to technologiesI
compare prices, read reviews, and o Arts and Entertainment - Computers
select delivery preferences while are now used in virtually every
sellers can reach a larger market branch of the arts, as well as in
with no expense. They can also be the wider entertainment industry.
utilized for advertising and direct Computers can be used to create
commerce. Processes may be drawings, graphic designs, and
accelerated in retail by using paintings. They can be used to edit,
information technology. Create copy, send, and print photographs.
efficiency across a variety of They can be used by writers to
channels as well. This covers supply create and edit. They can be
chains, e-commerce, and data used to make, record, edit, play,
collection from customers. and listen to music. They can be
o Government - The Internet gives used to capture, edit and watch
governments the opportunity to offer videos. They can be used for playing
public services and to provide games.
information and policies more o Communication - Computers have
efficiently. made real-time communication over
the internet easy, thanks to software
and videoconferencing services other technologies to monitor people
such as Skype. Families can and controlling access to confidential
connect with audio and video, information .
businesses can hold meetings o Weather Forecasting - The world's
between remote participants, and weather is complex and depends
news organizations can interview upon a multitude of factors that are
people without the need for a constantly changing. It's impossible
film crew. for human beings to monitor and
o Banking and Finance - Explores the process all the information coming
dynamic, fast-paced world of money, in from satellite and other
shares, credit and investments. technologies, never mind
o Transport - Road vehicles, trains, perform the complex calculations
planes, and boats are increasingly that are needed to predict what is
automated with computers being likely to happen in the future.
used to maintain safety and o Robotics - Robotics is an expanding
navigation systems, and increasingly area of technology which combines
to drive, fly, or steer. computers with science and
o Navigation - Computers combined engineering to produce machines
with satellites mean that it's now that can either replace humans, or
easy to pinpoint your exact location, do specific jobs that humans are
know which way that you are moving unable to do.
on a map, and have a good idea of
History of Computer: Basic Computing
amenities and places of interest
around you.
o Working from Home - Workers can  Tally Sticks - an ancient memory aid
access necessary data, device to record and document
communicate, and share numbers, quantities, or even
information without commuting to a messages.
traditional office.  Abacus - a mechanical device used
o Military - Computer technology is to aid an Individual in performing
helping create new advantages for mathematical calculations. The
infantry and armor. abacus was invented in Babylonia in
o Social and Romance - Computers 2400 B.C
have opened up many ways of  Napier’s Bones - Allowed the
socializing that didn't previously operator to multiply, divide and
exist. Social media enables people calculate square and cube roots by
to chat in text or audio in real time moving the rods around and placing
across large distances, as well as them in specially constructed
exchange photographs, videos, boards. Invented by John Napier in
and memes. 1614
o Booking Vacations - Computers can  Slide Rule - Used primarily for -
be used by travelers to study multiplication - division - roots -
timetables, examine route options, logarithms – Trigonometry. Invented
and buy plane, train, or bus tickets. by William Oughtred in 162
o Security and Surveillance -  Pascaline - It was its limitation to
Surveillance Computers are addition and subtraction. Invented by
increasingly being combined with Blaise Pascal in 1642.
 Stepped Reckoner - The machine  ENIAC – stands for Electronic
that can add, subtract, multiply and Numerical Integrator and Computer.
divide automatically. Invented by It was the 1st electronic general-
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672. purpose computer. Completed in
 Jacquard Loom - It is an automatic 1946. Developed by John Presper
loom controlled by punched cards. Eckert and John Mauchly.
The Jacquard loom is a mechanical  UNIVAC 1 – stands for Universal
loom. invented by Joseph-Marie Automatic Computer 1. It was the 1st
Jacquard in 1881. commercial computer. Designed by
 Arithmometer - The first rellable, John Presper Eckert and John
useful and commercially successful Mauchly.
calculating machine. A mechanical  EDVAC – stands for Electronic
calculator. invented by Thomas de Discrete Variable Automatic
Colmar in 1820. Computer. The 1st stored program
 Difference Engine and Analytical computer. Designed by Von
Engine - It an automatic, mechanical Neumann in 1952.
calculator designed to tabulate  The First Portable Computer –
polynomial functions. Invented by Osborre 1- the first portable
Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834. computer. Released in 1981 by the
 First Computer Programmer - In Osborre Computer Corporation.
1840, Augusta Ada Byron suggests  The First Computer Company – was
to Babbage that he use the binary the Electronic Controls Company.
system. She writes programs for the Founded in 1949 by John Presper
Analytical Engine. Eckert and John Mauchly.
 Scheutzian Calculation Engine - -
this is the first printing calculator. Basic Computing Periods – Ages
invented by Per Georg Scheutz in a. Pre-mechanical Age - Is the age in
1843 which there were no kinds of
 Tabulating Machine – To assist computer systems. This was a very
summarizing information and long time ago, estimated to be
accounting. Invented by Herman around 3000BC.
Hollrith.  Petroglyphs
 Harvard Mark I – This also known as  Ideographs
IBM automatic sequence controlled  Cuneiforms
calculator (ASCC). This is the 1st
 Abacus
electro-mechanical computer.
 Phonetic Alphabet
Invented by Howard H. Alken in
b. Mechanical Age - - was one of the
most important exhibitions of the
 Z1 – The 1st programmable
1960s dealing with art and
computer. Created by Konrad Zuse
technology. It developed between
in Germany from 1936 to 1938.
1450 and 1840, the inventors began
 Atanasoff-Berry Computer – It was
to use techniques and tools to create
the 1st electronic digital computing
machines that will perform some
device. Invented by Professor John
Atanasoff and graduate student
Clifford Berry at Iowa State  Pascaline Calculator
University between 1939 and 1942.  Difference Engine
c. Electro-mechanical Age - The  Large in size
developments in this age are the  Very Expensive
beginnings of communication. The  Used Machine language
discovery of ways to harness  Punched cards and paper tapes
electricity was the key advance
made during this period. This period Second Generation: 1957-1963
started between 1840-1940.  Used Transistors
 Telegraph – any device or system  Smaller and faster than 1st gen.
that allows the transmission of  Cheaper and more reliable
information by coded signal over  More energy efficient
distance.  Still generated lots of heat
 Telephone – revolutionized  Use magnetic core technology
communication by allowing  Saved instruction in memory
conversations to take place between  Used machine/ assembly language
individuals at different locations. It
was invented by Alexander Graham Third Generation: 1964-1971
Bell in 1876.
 Used Integrated Circuits (IC)
 Radio – In 1895, a young Italian
 Smaller and faster
named Guglierro Marconi invented
 Cheaper than 2nd gen. of computers
what he called “ tge wireless
 Accessed using Keyboard and
telegraph” while experimenting in his
parents’ attic. He used radio waves
 Made available to large number of
to transmit Morse Code and the
instruments he used became known
as the radio. Fourth Generation: 1971 – Today
 Mark 1 – the 1st large-scale
automatic digital computer in the  Microprocessor with VLSI (Very
United States was the Mark 1 Large Scale Integration)
created by Harvard University  Thousand of IC on a single chip
around 1940.  Small and portable
d. Electronic Age - is what we currently  Cheapest and work at high speed
live in. It can be defined as the time  Accuracy and Reliability
between 1940 and right now. The  Larger Memory
ENIAC was the first high-speed,  GUI and Application Software
digital computer capable of being  Handheld Devices
reprogrammed to solve a full range Fifth Generation: Today – Future
of computing problems. This
computer was designed to be used  ULSI ultra large scale integration
by the U.S. Army for artillery firing  Faster and cheaper
tables.  Self reliant
 Quantum Technology
History of Computer: Generations of  Nano Technology
Computer  Intelligent Computer
First Generation: 1945-1956
 Thousand of Vacuum Tubes
 Consumed lots of Power
 Generated large amount of heat
LESSON 3: THE WEB AND THE  Lack of standards

B. Web 2.0 (Read-write interactive web)

The Web (World Wide Web) consists of A term used to describe a new generation of
information organized into Web pages Web services and applications with an
containing text and graphic images. The increasing emphasis on human
World Wide Web is larger collection of collaboration.
interconnected documents or content. It  It is a platform that gives users the
contains hypertext links, or highlighted possibility (liberty) to control their data. This
keywords and images that lead to related is about
information. A collection of linked Web user-generated content and the read-write
pages that has a common theme or focus is web.
called a Web site. The main page that all of  People are consuming as well as
the pages on a particular Web site are contributing information through blogs or
organized around and link back to is called sites.
the site’s home page. Sir Timothy John  Allows the user to interact with the page
Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA known as DYNAMIC PAGE; instead of just
FBCS, also known as TimBL, is an English reading
engineer and computer scientist best known a page, the user may be able to comment or
as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He create a user account.
is a Professorial Fellow of Computer  Dynamic page refers to the web pages
Science at the University of Oxford and a that are affected by user input or
professor at the Massachusetts Institute of preference.
Technology.  Is focused on the ability for people to
collaborate and share information online via
A. Web 1.0 (Read Only Static Web) media, blogging and Web-based
It is an old internet that only allows people communities.
to read from the internet. First stage Example of Web 2.0 are the following:
worldwide linking web pages and hyperlink.
Web is use as "information portal". It uses
table to A. Social Networking - is the use of Internet-
positions and align elements on page. based social media sites to stay connected
 Most read only web. with
 If focused on company’s home pages. friends, family, colleagues, customers, or
 Dividing the World Wide Web into usable clients. Social networking can have a social
directories. purpose, a
 It means web is use as "Information business purpose, or both, through sites
Portal". such as:
 It started with the simple idea "put content Example: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
together" of Web 1.0 Google, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram Page
 Home Page B. Blogs - is a discussion or informational
 Directories Page website published on the World Wide Web
 Views HTML/Portals consisting
Disadvantages: of discrete, often informal diary-style text
 Read only web entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed
 Limited user interaction in reverse
chronological order, so that the most recent  Suggested name by John Markoff of the
post appears first, at the top of the web New York Times for the third generation of
page. the
Example: Wordpress, Blogger, Tumbler web.
C. Wikis - is a hypertext publication  In this generation, all the application on
collaboratively edited and managed by its web or mobile will be upgraded with more
own audience features.
directly using a web browser. A typical wiki  It applies same principles as Web 2.0:
contains multiple pages for the subjects or two-way interaction.
scope of  Web 3.0 will be more connected, open,
the project and may be either open to the and intelligent, with semantic web
public or limited to use within an technologies,
organization for distributed databases, natural language
maintaining its internal knowledge base. processing, machine learning, machine
Example: Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, reasoning
Commons Wiktionary, Wikiquote, and autonomous agents.
Wikivoyage, Wikidata, Wikinews,  Semantic Web - provides a framework
Wikispecies, MediaWiki that allows data to be shared and reuse to
D. Video Sharing Sites - a website that lets deliver
people upload and share their video clips web content specifically targeting the user.
with the It is a web of data.
public at large or to invited guests.  Changing the web into a language that
Example: Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, can be read and categorized by the system
Flickr, Photobucket, Twitter, Veoh, rather
Dailymotion, than humans.
VimeoPRO,, Metacafe Types of websites:
Key Features of Web 2.0: • eCommerce Website - is a website people
 Folksonomy – allows users to categorize can directly buy products from you’ve
and classify/arrange information using freely probably used
chosen keywords (e.g. tagging). a number of eCommerce websites before,
 Rich User Interface – content is dynamic most big brands and plenty of smaller ones
and is responsive to user’s input. An have one.
example Any website that includes a shopping cart
would be a website that shows local and a way for you to provide credit card
content. information
 User Participation – the owner of website to make a purchase falls into this category.
is not the only one who is able to put • Business Website - is any website that’s
content. devoted to representing a specific business.
Others are able to place a content on their It should
own by means of comments, reviews, and be branded like the business (the same logo
evaluation. and positioning) and communicate the types
 Long Tail – services are offered on of
demand rather than on a one-time products and/or services the business
purchase. This is offers.
synonymous to subscribing to a data plan • Entertainment Website - If you think about
that charges you for the amount of time you your internet browsing habits, you can
spent on Internet or a data plan that probably
charges you for the amount of bandwidth think of a few websites that you visit purely
you used. for entertainment purposes.
C. Web 3.0: (Read-write intelligent web) • Portfolio Website - are sites devoted to
showing examples of past work. Service • Infopreneur Website - websites overlap a
providers who bit with business and eCommerce websites,
want to show potential clients the quality of but they
the work they provide can use a portfolio represent a unique type of online business.
website Infopreneurs create and sell information
to collect some of the best samples of past products.
work they’ve done. This type of website is That could be in the form of courses,
simpler to tutorials, videos or eBooks.
build than a business website and more • Personal Website - Not all websites exist
focused on a particular task: collecting work to make money in some way or another.
samples. Many people
• Media Website - collect news stories or find value in creating personal websites to
other reporting. There’s some overlap here put their own thoughts out into the world.
with This
entertainment websites, but media websites category includes personal blogs, vlogs,
are more likely to include reported pieces in and photo diaries people share with the
addition to or instead of content meant world.
purely for entertainment. • Web Portal - are often websites designed
• Brochure Website - are a simplified form of for internal purposes at a business,
business websites. For businesses that organization, or
know they institution. They collect information in
need an online presence, but don’t want to different formats from different sources into
invest a lot into it (maybe you’re confident one place to
you’ll make all relevant information accessible to
continue to get most of your business from the people who need to see it. They often
other sources), a simple brochure site that involve a
includes login and personalized views for different
just a few pages that lay out the basics of users that ensure the information that’s
what you do and provide contact information accessible is
may be most useful to their particular needs.
enough for you. • Wiki or Community Forum Website - Most
• Nonprofit Website - In the same way that people are familiar with wikis through the
businesses need websites to be their online most
presence, famous example of one out there:
nonprofits do as well. A nonprofit website is Wikipedia. But wikis can be created on
the easiest way for many potential donors to pretty much any subject
make you can imagine. A wiki is any website
donations and will be the first place many where various users are able to collaborate
people look to learn more about a nonprofit on content
and and all make their own tweaks and changes
determine if they want to support it. as they see fit. There are wikis for fan
• Educational Website - The websites of communities,
educational institutions and those offering for business resources, and for collecting
online valuable information sources.
courses fall into the category of educational
websites. These websites have the primary
either providing educational materials to
visitors or providing information on an
educational The Internet or "net" (network of network) is
institution to them.
the largest computer network in the world 1. Servers – is a computer program that
that connects billions of computer user. The provides service to another computer
word internet comes from combination program and its
between "interconnection" and "network". user.
Network is a collection of computers and
devices connected via communication
channels and transmission media allow to Types of Servers
share resources (hardware, software, data,  Application Server – a program in
information). Generally, nobody owns the computer that provides the business
internet. logic for an application program.
 Web Server – a computer program
that serves requested HTML pages or
A. Brief History of Internet files.
 Proxy Server – is a software that acts
ARPA – Advanced Research Project as an intermediary between an endpoint
Agency January 2, 1969 – started an device, such as computer and another
experimental computer server from which a user is requesting.
network.  Mail Server – is an application that
receives incoming e-mail from local
users and remote senders and forward
Concept – No server, but equal outgoing e-mail for delivery.
importance/participation to every  File Server – is a computer
computer in the network. Even responsible for central storage and
if, one or two node destroyed that will management of data
now affect the network. files so that other computer on the same
network can access them.
 Policy Server – is a security
In 1982 the word internet started. component of a policy – based network
that provides
authorization services and facilities
1986 – First "free net" created in Case tracking and control of files.
Western Reserve University.

2. IP Address (Internet Protocol) – is a

1991: US government allowed business numerical label assigned to each device.
agencies to connect to internet. Now all This provides identity to a network
people can connect to the internet and device.
improve their life and work quality. The
internet support various aspects in our
life. Vinton Gray Cerf ForMemRS is an 3. Browser – is an application program
American Internet pioneer and is that provides a way to look information
recognized as one of "the fathers of the on the web.
Internet", sharing this title with TCP/IP Example of browsers: Google chrome,
co-developer Bob Kahn. safari, internet explorer, opera, Mozilla

B. Major Components of the Internet 4. Domain Name System (DNS) – is the

phonebook of internet. We access
information online through domain
Example of DNS:, The Internet is a vast network of,, interconnected (networked) computers that
Name .com .org .net .edu .gov .ph .au use the TCP/IP protocol for communication.
(Entity. Commercial. Organization. The Advanced Research Projects Agency of
Network. Education. National and State the United States gave the Internet the
Government Agencies. Philippines. moniker ARPANET in 1969. Department of
Australia) Defense using only four linked computers

5. Internet Service Provider (ISP) – is an The World Wide Web is what?

organization that provides services for
accessing, using or participating in the
internet. It is a collection of interconnected and
connected online information, resources,
images, sounds, and multimedia,
Two types of ISP: sometimes known as the "web" or "www." It
is simple to view and link to informational
web pages while using software like
 National ISP – provided internet Netscape.Tim Berners-Lee created the
access to a specific geographic area. internet in March 1989 at the CERN
 Regional ISP – business that provides Laboratory.
internet access in cities and towns
Example of ISP: Sky Broadband, PLDT, Internet - A global network of thousands of
Converge computer networks linked by data lines and
wireless systems.
Web – a collection of billions of webpages
C. Uses of Internet that you can view with a web browser
Email – the most common method of
 Look for information
sending and receiving messages online
 School works, jobs, and home
Social media – websites and apps that allow
people to share comments, photos, and
 Send and receive electronic mail videos
 Video teleconferencing (video call, Online gaming – games that allow people to
video chat) play with and against each other over the
 Buy and sell product Internet.
 Social networking Watch & post Software updates – operating system and
videos application updates can typically
 Games downloaded from the
 Take college courses Internet.
 Monitor home while away HTML - Hypertext Markup Language is a
 Financial transactions coding language used to tell a browser how
 Download music and movies to place pictures, text, multimedia and links
to create a web page. When a user clicks
on a link within a web page, that link, which
D. Internet Terms and Definition is coded with HTML, links the user to a
specific linked web page.
URL - Uniform Resource Locator is a web
address used to connect to a remote
What exactly is the Internet?
resource on the World Wide Web.
Bit - is a single digit in the binary numbering
system (base 2). For example: 1 is a bit or 0
is a bit.
Byte - generally consists of eight bits.
Upload - To upload is to transfer data from
your computer to another computer.
Download - To download is to transfer data
from another computer to your computer.
HTTP - is the acronym for Hypertext
Transfer Protocol, the data communication
standard of web pages. When a web page
has this prefix, the links, text, and pictures
should work correctly in a web browser.
HTTPS - is the acronym for Hypertext
Transfer Protocol Secure. This indicates
that the web page has a special layer of
encryption added to hide your personal
information and passwords from others.
Router or router-modem combination is the
hardware device that acts as the traffic cop
for network signals arriving at your home or
business from your ISP. A router can be
wired or wireless or both.
Encryption - is the mathematical scrambling
of data so that it is hidden from
eavesdroppers.Encryption uses complex
math formulas to turn private data into
meaningless gobbledygook that
only trusted readers can unscramble.
Web Bot - A term that applies to
programs/applets (macros and intelligent
agents) used on the Internet. Such bots
perform a repetitive function, such as
posting messages to multiple
newsgroups or doing searches for
Search Engine - specialized software, such
as Google and Yahoo, that lets www
browser users
search for information on the web by using
keywords, phrases.

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