N The Five Brothers

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The Five Brothers LEVELED BOOK • N

The Five
A Reading A–Z Level N Leveled Book
Word Count: 696

Think of another story where someone
tricks someone else. Make a Venn
diagram that compares that story with
The Five Brothers.
Social Studies and Art
Use the details in the book to create a
map of the magistrate’s land. Include a
map key and a compass rose. Compare
your map with a partner’s.

K •N
H •

Retold by Betty Yee • Illustrated by Julie Kim

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The Five abilities
Words to Know

Brothers China

Retold by Betty Yee

Illustrated by Julie Kim
The Five Brothers
Focus Question Level N Leveled Book
© Learning A–Z Correlation
Retold by Betty Yee LEVEL N
How do the brothers trick Illustrated by Julie Kim
Fountas & Pinnell L
the magistrate? All rights reserved. Reading Recovery
Long ago in China, there lived five
brothers who looked exactly alike. The
only way to tell them apart was by their
amazing abilities.

First Brother was as strong as ten water

buffalo. Second Brother could fly in the
One day, Fifth Brother came across a
sky like a bird. Third Brother could hear
strange garden. He decided to rest and
an ant sneeze. Fourth Brother could make
enjoy a delicious apple.
his body iron hard. Fifth Brother could
hold his breath for hours. Fifth Brother Suddenly, three soldiers appeared and
also had another ability that happened seized him. “This garden belongs to the
when he cried. His tears flowed so magistrate. Nobody may eat his fruit!”
quickly that they turned into a river. a soldier shouted.

The Five Brothers • Level N 3 4

The magistrate was an evil, greedy
man. He announced his decision: “I will
let you go.” Fifth Brother interrupted
him with a shout of joy.

The magistrate continued. “I will let

you go if you bring me the treasure of
Fire Island.”

They dragged Fifth Brother to the

court of the magistrate. Enraged, the
magistrate declared that Fifth Brother
should be locked away forever in his
deepest dungeon.

“Please take pity, Magistrate,” Fifth Fifth Brother sighed deeply. Fire Island
Brother begged. “I didn’t know it was was in the middle of a nearby lake. A
your garden! I didn’t notice any warning dragon lived there, guarding its treasure.
signs to stay out of the garden. Please, Stealing it seemed like an impossible
I will do anything to stay free.” task, but Fifth Brother agreed to try.

The Five Brothers • Level N 5 6

That night, as he sat in his prison cell,
Fifth Brother felt frightened. He dared
not cry, for he knew what would happen
if he did. Instead, he whispered, “Third
Brother, help me!”

Far away, Third Brother put a hand

to his ear. “Fifth Brother is in trouble!”
he declared. After listening to Fifth
Brother’s story, Third Brother told his
other brothers what had happened.
They decided to go help their brother
get the treasure.

Second Brother used his ability to fly to

bring the brothers to Fire Island. They all
hid out of sight.

Then Second Brother flew to the

magistrate’s dungeon. He whispered the
brothers’ plan to Fifth Brother through
a window.

The Five Brothers • Level N 7 8

In the morning, the magistrate brought When Fifth Brother should have
Fifth Brother to the edge of the lake. appeared on the shore, Fourth Brother
came out of his hiding place. He waved
“We’ll be watching you like a hawk,”
at the magistrate from the beach. Then
warned the magistrate. “Don’t try to
he looked for the dragon.
run away!”

The dragon raced out of its den, blowing

a stream of fiery breath at Fourth
Brother. However, the fire had no effect
Fifth Brother took a deep breath and on his iron-hard body. Fourth Brother
dove into the water. He remained laughed as he led the dragon on a chase
underwater while his brothers worked around the island. Finally, Fourth Brother
to get the treasure. hid behind a rock.

The Five Brothers • Level N 9 10

First Brother gathered up the dragon’s
treasure and dove into the lake.
Underwater, he handed the treasure to
Fifth Brother, who had been holding his
breath all along.

Next, First Brother jumped out. He used

his power of amazing strength to lift the
dragon and throw it very far away.

The Five Brothers • Level N 11 12

Fifth Brother swam back to where the
magistrate waited and dropped the
treasure at his feet.

“Here is your treasure. Now let me go!”

Fifth Brother panted.
When Fifth Brother heard this, he started
The magistrate was a very greedy man, to cry. The first tear that hit the ground
and he had other ideas. “I can never became a puddle. The second tear
lose a servant with such amazing turned the puddle into a pond. Before
powers. You must stay with me forever,” long, his tears became a rushing river
he declared. that swept the magistrate away.

The Five Brothers • Level N 13 14

abilities (n.) skills or talents (p. 3)

China (n.) a large country in Asia

where people have lived
for five thousand years
(p. 3)

dungeon (n.) an underground prison

cell, often in a castle (p. 5)

enraged (adj.) very angry (p. 5)

greedy (adj.) wanting more than what

one needs or deserves
(p. 6)

magistrate (n.) a local official in charge

of the law for a particular
area or region (p. 4)
Once the land dried out, the brothers
journeyed home. They were happy to seized (v.) took control by force (p. 4)
be together again. task (n.) a piece of work that needs
to be done (p. 6)
The next day, Fifth Brother announced
that he was going on a walk. His treasure (n.) something that is very
brothers made him promise never to special or worth a lot
eat out of strange gardens again. of money (p. 6)

The Five Brothers • Level N 15 16

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