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Unit 6 Adjectives, Adverbs

2. as
3. as
4. colder
5. less
6. later
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
2. behaved badly
3. a good
4. you work
5. was less successful
6. isn’t as tall as
7. more comfortable than
8. the silliest
Comparative and superlative adverbs
2. sooner
3. highest
4. more safely
5. worse
6. more seriously
7. accurately
8. most carefully
2. farther/further; False
3. more quickly; True
4. faster; True
5. higher; False
6. better; True
7. more easily; False
8. more deeply; True
D. Possible answers
2. My sister draws best.
3. My mom works hardest.
4. Stefan writes most clearly.
5. Marco lives farthest/furthest from here.
6. My dad sings worst.
7. My brother sleeps longest.
8. My cousin eats his lunch most quickly.

R10 Review: Adjectives and Adverbs

2. nicer, the nicest, nicely, more nicely, most nicely
3. easier, the easiest, easily, more easily, most easily
4. quieter, the quietest, quietly, more quietly, most quietly
5. faster, the fastest, fast, faster, fastest
6. sadder, the saddest, sadly, more sadly, most sadly
7. better, the best, well, better, the best
8. more expensive, the most expensive, expensively, more expensively, most
9. worse, the worst, badly, worse, worst
10. further/farther, the furthest/farthest, far, further/farther, furthest/farthest
11. more interesting, most interesting, interestingly, more interestingly, most
12. friendlier, the friendliest, in a friendly way, in a friendlier way, in the friendliest
2. the
3. as
4. than
5. the
6. more
7. more
8. less
2. the worst driver
3. further from the sea
4. loudly enough
5. expensive new American sports
6. more slowly than I
7. in a silly way
8. is less interesting than
9. lot less warm
D. Possible answers
2. I always study hard before an important exam.
3. Please speak more quietly. The baby is asleep.
4. I hardly ever get up early when I’m on holiday.
5. You never wear your old blue coat.
6. (Sometimes) I (sometimes) don’t answer my important emails quickly.
7. He’s a very nice man, but he’s a bit boring.
8. My new car is a lot better than my old one.
9. She never laughs and she doesn’t often smile.
10. You eat too quickly and you don’t eat enough fresh vegetables.
3.b 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.b
11.a 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.a 16.b
F. Possible answer
Once upon a time, there was a silly, young boy called Jack. He lived
quietly with his old mother. They were very poor. They didn’t have enough
money. They had dirty old clothes. They had just one thin cow.

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