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Sample Paper

Terminal Examination 2017-18

1st Semester

Paper Anatomy-I

Multiple Choice Question.

1. Kidneys from the level

a. 12th thoracic vertebrae of the 3rd lumber vertebrae
b. 10th thoracic vertebrae of the 2nd lumber vertebrae
c. 11th thoracic vertebrae of the 4th lumber vertebrae
d. None of these
2. _______ is slightly lower than the left
a. Left kidney
b. Right kidney
c. Both are equal
d. None of these
3. Kidney are long
a. About 12cm
b. About 11cm
c. About 13cm
d. None of these
4. Kidney are of weight about
a. 200g
b. 100g
c. 150g
d. None of these
5. Outer layer of kidney are surrounded
a. Capsule
b. Cortex
c. Medulla
d. None of these
6. Kidney is composed of about millions of functional units
a. 1-4 million nephron
b. 1-3 million nephron
7. Cup shaped of nephron is called
a. Glomerulus capsule
b. Bownman’s capsule
c. Both A and B
d. None of these
8. Glomerular filtration rate is about
a. 115ml/minute
b. 130ml/minute
c. 125ml/minute
d. None of these
9. Filtrate are formed each day by two kidneys
a. 200 litres
b. 150 litres
c. 100 litres
d. 180 litres
10. Ureters are long
a. About 20 to 30 cm
b. About 25 to 30 cm
c. About 35 to cm
d. None of these
11. Diameter of the ureter is about
a. 4mm
b. 6mm
c. 3mm
d. 5mm
12. Stomach is a _______ shaped
a. H-shaped
b. D-shaped
c. N-shaped
d. None of these
13. Stomach have _____ parts
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3
14. Stomach have ____ spinchters
a. 3
b. 2
c. 0
d. None of these
15. Small intestine is _______ long
a. 6 meters
b. 7 meters
c. 5 meters
d. None of these

16. Small intestine have ______ parts

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
17. hepaticpancreatic ampulla are open into
a. jejenum
b. illium
c. Duodenum
d. None of these

18. Large intestine is about_______ long.

a. 1.5 meters

b .2.5 meters

c. 2 meters

d. None of these.

19. Diameter of Large intestine__________..

a. About 5.5 cm

b. About 6.5 cm

c. About 7.5 cm

d. About 4.5 cm

20.Junction between large intestine and small intestine is called_________.

a.iliocaocal valve.

b.jejuniocaocal valve.
c. deudonocaocal valve.

d. none of these.

21.The colon have parts ________.

a. 3 b. 2 c. 5 d. 4

22. Weight of Pancrease is _________.

a. About 60 gram b. About 70 gram

c. About 80 gram d . None of these ..

23.Pancrease are _________ Long .

a. About 10 _ 16 cm b. About 12 _ 15 cm

c. About 8 _ 12 cm d. None of these .

24. Diaphysis and Epiphysis are separated by?

A. Epiphysis ligament. B Epiphyseal caretilage. C. Both A and B. D.None of these.

25. Osteoblasts cells secreted?

A. Organic component. B. Inorganic component. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

26. Compact bone makes up about…. Of the body bone.

A. 70% B. 50% C. 60% D. 80%

27. Haversion system consist?

A. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.

28. Bone looks like a honey comb?

A. Compect bone. B. Spongy bone. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

29. Axial skeleton consists?

A. Skull and face. B. Vertabra and thoracic cage. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

30. Face is formed by ….. bones.

A. 14 bone. B. 15 bone. C. 8 bone. D. 13 bone.

31. Number of cervical vertebra.

A. 8 vertebra b. 5 vertebra c.12 vertebra d.7 vertabra.

32.choice the correct statement about sternum bone.

a. Body xiphoid mannbrium. b. xiphoid mannbrium body.

b. C.mannbrium body xiphoid. D .mannbrium xiphoid body.

33. Ribs are consist

a.7 pairs b.10 pairs c.8 pairs d.12 pairs

34. True ribs are

a.First eight pairs b. first ten pairs

c. first nine pairs d. none of these

35. Fit of head_________ glenvid cavity.

A. Femur bone. B. Tibia bone.

C. Ridus bone. D. Humorus bone.

36. Choice the correct statement of carpal proximal row.

A. Lunate_Scaphoid_Triquetrum_pisiform. B. Trapezium_trapezoid_capitate_hamate.

C.Scaphoid_lunate_triquetrum_pisifrom. D. Triquetrum_lunate_pisifrom_scaphoid.

37. Tibia and fibula are articulated with…. at from ankle joint.

A. Three cuneiform bone. B. Navicular.

C. Cuboid bone. D. Talus bone.

38. Heel of foot from by?

A. Talus bone. B. Cancaneus bone.

C. Navicular bone. D. Cubid bone.

39. Tarsal bones are consist?

A. Five bone. B. Eight bone.

C. Six bone. D. Seven bone.

40. Movement in the synovial joints

a. Flexion b. Abduction

c. Rotation d. All of the Above

41. Synovial fluid act as

a. Lubricants b. Maintains joint stability

c. Both A and B d. None of the Above

42. Which of the following muscle is involuntary?

a. Skeletal muscle b. smooth muscle

c. Cardiac muscle d. Both B and C

43. Contractile part of the muscle

a. Origin part b. Inversion

c. Fleshy part d .Both A and B

44. Trachea is divided at about the level of…………………. Thoracic vertebra .

a. T6 b.T7 c.T4 d. T5

45. Left Lung have…………. Lobes.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

46. Right Lung have………….. fissure.

a. 2 b.3 c.4 d. 1

47. Right bronchus is …………. Cm long

A. 2cm b.5cm

c. 4cm d. None of the above.

48. Lungs are surrounded by

a. Pleura b. Pericardium

c. Peritoneum d. All of the Above

49. Superior mediastinum contain all of the following accept?

a. Thymus b. Heart c. Trachea d. Esophagus

50. Inferior mediastinum is divided by………….region.

a.2 b.3 c. 4 d. having no division.

51. Breast are suspended by

a. Lateral collateral ligament b. Medial collateral ligament

c. cooper ligament d. None of these.

52. Uppre end joint Between ridus and ulna.

A. Distal radioulnar joint. B. Middle radioulnar joint.

B. C. Proximal radioulnar joint. D.None of these.

53: Medullary canal cantain?

A. Yellow bone marrow. B. Red bone marrow. C. Both A and B. D. None of these.

54. Irregular bone consists?

A. Vertebra bone. B. Skull bone. C. Both A and B. C. None of these.

55. Outer Layer of bone?

A. Medullary canal. B. Periosteum.

B. C. Both and A and B. D. None of these.

56. Outer layer of heart is called

a. Pericardium b . Myocardium

c. Non of these d. Endocardium

57. Compact bone makes up about…. Of the body bone.

B. 70% B. 50% C. 60% D. 80%

58. Haversion system consist?

B. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.

59. Bone looks like a honey comb?

B. Compect bone. B. Spongy bone. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

60. Heel of foot from by?

A. Talus bone. B. Cancaneus bone.

C. Navicular bone. D. Cubid bone.

61. ureters are layers.

a) 4 layers
b) 2 layers
c) 3 layers
d) 5 layers

62. bladder is roughly ----shaped?

a) Apple
b) Pear
c) Oval
d) Non of these

63.Female urether is approximately long

a) 4 cm b) 5 cm
c) 6 cm d) 3 cm

64. The skin superficial part are called____.

a. epidermis
b. dermis
c. Both A and B
d. None of these

65. Heart are ________ long

a. 10 cm b. 12 cm
c. 15 cm d. both a and b

66. The layer of skin composed of dense connective tissue

a. dermis
b. epidermis
c. Both A and B
d. none of these
67. ______ Large arteries supply to thoracic cavity

a. Ascending aorta b. arch of aorta

c. both A and B d. None of these

68. Veins are supply to thoracic artery

a. Superior vena cava b. Azygous vein

c. Both A and B d. None of these

69. The female external ganitalia are consists of

a. Labia majors b. vagina

c. hymen d. Both A and C

70. The erectile tissue are part of female ganitalia organ

a. labia minors b. hymen

c. critoris d. none of these
Q.NO. Answer key Q.NO. Answer key Q.NO. Answer key
1 A 29 C 57 D
2 B 30 A 58 D
3 B 31 D 59 B
4 C 32 C 60 B
5 A 33 D 61 C
6 C 34 A 62 B
7 C 35 D 63 A
8 C 36 C 64 A
9 D 37 D 65 D
10 B 38 B 66 B
11 A 39 D 67 C
12 D 40 D 68 C
13 D 41 C 69 D
14 B 42 D 70 C
15 C 43 C
16 B 44 D
17 C 45 B
18 A 46 A
19 B 47 D
20 A 48 A
21 D 49 B
22 A 50 B
23 B 51 C
24 B 52 B
25 C 53 A
26 D 54 C
27 D 55 B
28 B 56 A

Anatomy ANS KEY

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