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The foundation was originally made in the mountains of Mariche, in a place that later
became known as "El Rodeo". There the founding ceremony of this "town of Indians"
called Nuestra Señora de la Copacabana de los Guarenas was held, the place where the
square and the church would go, as well as the blocks of the population, were marked..

The cross wake is a ritual during which believers

demonstrate their devotion to this symbol in various
ways. As of May 3 in Venezuela, and with particular ORIGIN On February 14, 1621, it was
characteristics depending on the region founded as a town of indigenous


November 21 - Day of the
Virgin of Copacabana
(Patroness of Guarenas)

29 de junio - Día
June 24 - Saint John FESTIVITIES de San Pedro de
the Baptist Day Guarenas

The name "Guarenas" or "Huerena" comes from the Caribbean language

and means "meadow" or "land of much grass" or "grassland", and it was
February 14, 1621 - DATA OF INTEREST what the indigenous Chagaragotos called these lands. The subsequent
Foundation of move of the town to the site where it is currently located was carried out
Guarenas. towards the end of the 17th century..

On February 27, 1989, this city was the protagonist of the

beginning of the violent period of looting and civil disorder
known as the Caracazo.

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