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Human Resource Management

Sonali Bank Limited
Internship Report


Human Resource Management Practices of Sonali Bank


Submitted To:
Professor Mr. Bader Uddin Ahmed
Dhaka City College

Supervised By:

Mr. Shakir Hossain Akand

Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Dhaka City College

Submitted By:
Md .Arafat Rahman Maj
National University Roll: 2080971
National University Registration No.: 16501001503
Session: 2016-2017
Major: Management
Department of Business Administration
Dhaka City College

Date of Submission: November 3. 2022

Letter of Transmittal

03November, 2022

Professor Mr. Bader UddinAhmed

Dhaka City College, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of internship report on “Human Resource Management

Practices of Sonali Bank Limited”

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I would like to inform you that, it is great pleasure for me to submit
the internship report on “Human Resource Management Practices of Sonali Bank
ltd.” As it is a fulfillment of partial requirement to achieve BBA degree under the
curriculum of National University, Bangladesh. In the preparation of this report, I
have studies various documents and gathered practical knowledge about the HR
practices in the bank. I tried my level best to make this report significant and
communicative. I hope that it will fulfill my degree requirement.

So, I therefore, request and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my
evaluation and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,


Md.Arafat RahmanMaj

National University Registration No: 16501001503

National University roll no: 2080971
Session: 2016 – 2017
Major: Management

Department of Business administration

Dhaka City College

It’s a great pleasure to submit the internship report successfully. In the process of
doing this at the very beginning I am extensively grateful to almighty Allah for giving
me strength and patient to make such an authentic report.

I would like to express heartiest gratitude to my honorable supervisor Mr. Shakir

Hossain Akand, Assistant Professor of Business Administration of Dhaka City
College for providing appropriate instruction & guidance to make this report properly.

I also express special thanks to Sonali Bank Limited. Especially Mr. Anwar Hossain
(Principal Officer Lalbagh Branch), Salma AkterRimu (Officer In Cash) ,Mr. Md
Sadiqur Rahman(Senior Principal officer,Lalbagh Branch ), & also thanks to Sonali
Bank staff college all officers for passing out successful internship session in Sonali
Bank Limited. They helped me a lot to understand the work activities of SBL. They
taught me so many things practically. Without their co-operation it was impossible for
me to continue internship at SBL Lalbagh Branch. Many thanks to other branch
officials for their kind help to me.

I also like to show cordial thanks to Local office Branch, Sonali Bank Limited and all
of its employees and stuffs. They were really very co-operative and friendly in nature.
It would be very difficult to complete this report successfully without their mindfully
assistance. I shall always remember the assistance from books, term papers,
journals, etc., above all I really be indebted to authors of these works.

Finally, I would like to thank all the persons who have directly or indirectly
contributed in getting ready this report.

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that Md. Arafat Rahman Maj , student of BBA, Bearing National
University Registration Number 16501001503, Roll No: 2080971 Academic session
2016–2017 , Major in Management, is a regular student of 8th semester on BBA
program , Department of Business Administration , Dhaka City College , under
National University of Bangladesh. He has completed a internship program in “Sonali
Bank Limited” Lalbagh Branch, under my supervision, which is a fulfillment of
particular requirement of obtaining of BBA.

I wish him every success in his future endeavor.

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Executive Summary
This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of
internship at Sonali Bank Limited. Basically; it is a reflection paper which includes
my learning from day to day activities on HR functions to scheduling and organized
works of the company. The report mainly portrays my duties, activities, learning,
achievements and other issues related to my workings during the internship period.

In chapter one is mainly focusing on the basic things of this report as origin, scope,
objectives, methodologies, limitations used for report preparation & about internship
objectives & duties performed at SBL.

In chapter two of this report is about brief information of company overview of

Sonali Bank Limited.SBL has currently 1224 branches, 18918 employed persons all
over the country. . National Bank of Pakistan was the largest commercial bank in the
then East Pakistan. After liberation of Bangladesh in 1971, this bank along with two
smaller banks, Premier Bank and Bank of Bahawalpur were merged into Sonali Bank
Limited. The bank was nationalized under Government order P.O.26, 1972.This bank
was transformed into a Public Limited Company under 100% ownership of
Government and started functioning as Sonali Bank Limited on 15 November, 2007.
In preparation of the report, mainly direct communication with the officers, website of
Sonali bank Ltd (SBL) and records were used. Some information related to SBL, are
taken from the last published annual report. Sonali BankLimired has an authorized
capital of BDT 60000crore and has BDT 45300crore of paid up capital In this chapter
I also describe the SWOT analysis of Sonali Bank ltd Limited& product & services
of Sonali Bank Limited.

Chapter three contains much wider information about SBL’s Human Resource
Management.. In this part I also describe the recruitment flow chart of SBL, selection
procedures of SBL, I also present a tabular & graphical presentation of designation
wise & gender wise number of staffs here total 15680 are male staff and 3238 are
female staff working in Sonali Bank. Here I present tabular and graphical
presentation recruitment scenario like in 2020 total 1306 people was recruited in
various positions. Later I also present a tabular & graphical presentation form about
training program that shows that in 2020 number of total courses are 266 and total

trainee is 7152. Employee relation & Human resource accounting topic also describe
in chapter three. To complete this internship report, during internship period, I had to
perform a simple survey on a 30 employee’s sample, using three parameters –
satisfied, neutral & dissatisfied to know about the employee satisfaction.

In chapter four, I provided some of the major findings from the internship like
Recruitment procedure of SBL is still traditional hard copy resumes dropping, lengthy
scrutiny then written test & several interviews. Sonali Bank’s remuneration scale,
initial payment system, allowance is not attractive but in the long run after
promotions, salary is much satisfactory also give some relevant recommendations
regarding with findings.

Table of Contents
Page No

Letter of Transmittal i

Acknowledgement ii

Certificate of Supervisor iii

Executive Summary iv
Acronyms viii
List of Tables& Figures ix

Chapter One:Introduction
SL No. Contents Page No.
1.1 Origin of the report 2
1.2 Scope of the report 2
1.3 Objective of the Report 3
1.4 Methodologies 3
1.5 Limitation of the study 4

Chapter Two: Overview of Sonali Bank Limited

2.1 History of Sonali Bank ltd. 07
2.2 Corporate profile of Sonali Bank ltd. 11
2.3 Mission & Vision of Sonali Bank ltd. 12
2.4 Slogan& Logo of Sonali Bank 12
2.5 Core Business & Services of Sonali Bank ltd. 13
2.6 SWOT Analysis 18

Chapter Three: Analysis & Evaluation

3.1 Introduction of HRM 22
3.2 HRM practices of Sonali Bank ltd. 24
3.3 Recruitment policy of Sonali Bank ltd. 24
3.4 Recruitment Flowchart of Sonali bank ltd. 26
3.5 Selection Process of Sonali Bank ltd. 27
3.6 Designation-wise number and gender of the staffs 29
3.7 Recruitment Scenario to Sonali Bank Ltd 31

3.8 Impact of Employees to the Bank. 32
3.9 Human Resource Accounting 33
3.10 Training &Development Policy of SonaliBnak Ltd 35
3.11 Number of Course &Number of Trainees 37
3.12 Transfer &Separation Policy of Sonali Bank Ltd 38
3.13 Compensation Policy of Sonali Bank Ltd 39
3.14 Leave Rules of Sonali Bank Ltd 41
3.15 Performance Appraisal of SonaliBnak Ltd 42
3.16 Employee Relation 45
3.17 Ethics and Fair Treatment at work 45

Chapter Four: Findings,

Recommendations, Conclusion
4.1 Findings 47
4.2 Recommendations 48
4.3 Conclusion 49
Bibliography 50
Appendices 53

SBL – Sonali Bank Limited.

LTD – Limited.

HRM – Human Resource Management

HRD – Human Resource Division.

MD – Managing Director.

AMD – Assistant Managing Director.

DMD– Deputy Managing Director.

EO – Executive Officer

SO – Senior Officer

JO – Junior Officer

CEO – Chief Executive Officer

List of Tables
Table no Subject Page No.
Table 1 Corporate profile 11
Table 2 Designation-wise number and gender of the 29
Table 3 List of recruitment from 2016 to 2020 31
Table 4 Impact of employees to the Bank. 32
Table 5 Human Resource Accounting 34
Table 6 Training programs during 2017 to 2020 37

List of Figures
Figure No Subject Page no
Figure 1 Structure of Sonali Bank 10
Figure 2 SWOT analysis 18
Figure 3 Functions of HRM 26

Figure 4 Recruitment Process. 26

Figure 5 Designation-wise number and gender of the staffs 30

Figure 6 List of recruitment from 2016 to 2020 31

Figure 7 Total Employees of the Bank from 2017-2020 33

Figure 8 Age Group Wise Value in 2020 34

Figure 9 Number of Courses in Training programs 37

Chapter One

1.1 Origin of the Report
Human Resource Management is the process of developing, applying and evaluating
policies, procedures, programs and methods relating to the individual of the
organization. Human resource management includes human resource planning,
recruiting, selection, training and development, compensation, performance
management and development. Effective human resource practices relate to company
performance by contributing to employee and customer satisfaction, innovation,
productivity and development of a favorable reputation of the firm in the industry.
This report on “Overview of Human Resource Management practices of Sonali
Bank Limited (A_Case Study of Lalbagh Branch. Dhaka)” was initiated as a part of
the Internship Program which is a BBA Degree requirement of the Department of
BBA Dhaka City College, Dhaka. Internship at the Sonali Bank Limited, Lalbagh
Branch, Dhaka preceded the preparation of the report under the supervision of Mr.
Shakir Hossain Akand, Assistant Professor , Department of BBA, and was
submitted to the Chairman, Internship Placement Committee.

1.2 Scope of the Report

The report deals with the Human Resource Management (HRM) practice including
HRP, recruitment and selection process, training & development process,
compensation management, employee relation & separation, etc. in terms of
theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the
HRM issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more
efficient. The study will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading
organizations. Moreover the study will help to differentiate between the practice and
the theories that direct to realize how the organization can improve their Human
Resource Management (HRM) practice & process. This report has been prepared
through extensive discussion with company employees. Prospectus provided by the
asset management company also helped in preparing the report. At the time of
preparing the report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth knowledge of all
the investment activities practiced by SBL.

1.3 Objectives of the Report
The main objectives of the study are follows:

Broad Objective
The main objective of the report is to fulfill the requirement of BBA program
which is essential for a student’s Under National University.

Specific Objectives
 To know the concept of Human Resource Management procedure of SBL.
 To analyze & examine the existing recruitment system of SBL.
 To understand the terms and conditions of Human Resource Practice
 To understand the Human Resource Management Procedure in The Banking
 This study will help us to identify the type of problems that bank usually faces
& try to give some solution about it in this report.

1.4 Methodology of the Study

Methods followed to perform a job or conducting activities to complete a task is

called methodology. In conducting this report the following methodology was
adopted in data & information, preparation of reports etc. Both qualitative and
quantitative methods were applied for preparing this report. The data were
analyzed and presented by Microsoft excel and shows percentage, graphical
presentation and different types of charts. Best effort was given to analyze the
numerical findings.

The main focus is on numerical data in preparing the report. Also theoretical
portion of the report has been used as the demand of the report. Analyzing foreign
trade management of a bank, both theoretical and technical knowledge are
necessary for execution, then everything with accuracy.

1.4.1Data Collection

The study contains a huge amount of data and information that is prepared
according to both primary and secondary data.

(i) Primary Sources

 Personal observations.
 Collect sample information.
 Relevant file study provided by the officers concerned.

(ii) Secondary Sources

 Research, brochures, and various publications of Sonali Bank Ltd.

 Annual report, Official data book.
 Newspapers and Journals.
 Internet and various study selected reports.

1.5 Limitations of the Report

I have obtained wholehearted co-operation from employees of Sonali Bank Staff

College and Motijheel Local office Branch, they were extremely busy. So they were
not able to give much time. Besides, total duration in internship is not sufficient to
give me more than a superficial idea of the functioning of the various departments. I
have faced the following problems which may be termed as the limitation/short
coming of the study. These are as follows:

 The allocated time is not sufficient for us to gather knowledge and to make
the study a complete and fruitful one. It was one of the main constraints
that affected covering all aspects of the study.

 The study also suffered from inadequacy of data provided by Sonali Bank.
Secondary source of information was not sufficient for the completion of
the report.

 Much confidential information was not disclosed by respective personnel
of the department.
 Organization did not disclose full information in their websites or any
journals that has interrupted me for collecting the appropriate data.
 Although I have prepared many reports before, I had no experience of
internship. Thus inexperience is one of the main constraints of the study.

Chapter Two
Company Overview

2.1 Company Overview
In the backdrop of economic liberalization and financial sector reforms, a group of
highly successful local entrepreneurs conceived an idea of floating a commercial bank
with different outlook. For them, it was competence, excellence and consistent
delivery of reliable service with superior value products. Accordingly, The sponsors
are reputed personalities in the field of trade and commerce and their stake ranges
from shipping to textile and finance to energy etc.

As a fully licensed commercial bank, Sonali Bank Ltd. is being managed by a highly
professional and dedicated team with long experience in banking. They constantly
focus on understanding and anticipating customer needs. As the banking scenario
undergoes changes so is the bank and it repositions itself in the changed market

National Bank of Pakistan was the largest commercial bank in the then East Pakistan.
After liberation of Bangladesh in 1971, this bank along with two smaller banks,
Premier Bank and Bank of Bahawalpur were merged into Sonali Bank. The bank was
nationalized under Government order P.O.26, 1972.

This bank was transformed into a Public Limited Company under 100% ownership of
Government and started functioning as Sonali Bank Limited on 15 November, 2007.

Sonali Bank has an authorized capital of BDT 6000.00 crore billion and has BDT
45300Crore paid up capital. With 1224 branches including two overseas branches, 3
subsidiaries and 3 representative offices, Sonali is by far the largest commercial bank
of the country.

Since its emerge as a nationalized bank in 1972, it is discharging its duties in building
the economy of the nation and till now it’s carrying out the social commitment for
which it was entrusted.

2.1.1 Government Intervention

Financial services have traditionally been the subject of close government scrutiny
and it is to be expected that exchange rates, interest rates and terms of credit should
be closely monitored in the public interest. In the recent years, however,
governments have tried to use interest rates, credit regulations and informal controls
on banks as a means of managing the supply of money in the economy in an effort to
increase or reduce consumer spending and to hold back or promote investment by
business. During the 1976 to now, the effect of these policies has been to add a new
dimension of risk and uncertainty to financial markets which were already
fluctuation wildly because of the oil crisis, the commodity boom, increasing inflation
and controlled exchange rates.
Besides government is a big problem for the nationalized bank in Bangladesh.
Government forces to the nationalized bank to insider lending, lend to government’s
priority sector, state-owned enterprises, sick industries, borrowers with political
influence as well as provide exemption schemes to fulfill its pre-election
commitment. The loan exemption program of 1986-87 and 1991-92 exempted 11.37
percent and 25.56 percent respectively of total bank loan outstanding. As a result,
nationalized commercial banks are burdened with very large classified loans (32
percent of total loans) against which very large provisions had to be made which
affected profit position adversely. Classified loans in the country’s banking sectors
on June 30, 1996 amount to 33.0 percent of total loans. It was 34.9 percent as on
December 31, 1993. However, net income of local banks is drastically reduced, as
the required to maintain very large provisions for bad debts and interest suspense

2.1.2 Management

The management of the bank is vested on a Board of directors, subject to overall

supervision and directions on policy matters by the Boards which is constituted in
terms of Bangladesh Bank (Nationalization) Order 1972. Board of directors,
constituted by seven members, has authority to organize, operate and manage its
affairs on commercial consideration within the board policy of the Government. There
are directors appointed by the Government. Others members of the board including
MD are also Government appointed out of that at least three have the experience in
the field of Finance, Banking, Trade, Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture. The
management Director is the chief executive of the Bank. He executes all the activities
under the direction of the Board. All line and staff personnel of the Bank’s are own
recruitment except member of the Board of Directors.

2.1.3 Functional Structure
Sonali Bank Limited is the largest commercial bank of Bangladesh. It has 1224
branches throughout the country. It has also overseas branches. The Head Office of
the bank is located at the Motijheel Commercial area Dhaka. The Divisions are
headed by the DGMs and the departments are by AGMs. There are also many
sections under every department in the Head Office. Principal Offices are the local
points of the bank’s administrative zone in the districts. The corporate are nearly
equivalent to the GM office and usually headed by the DGMS. They provide all the
banking services such as general banking, loans & advances etc.

Board of


DMD at Head

Deputy Managing Deputy Deputy

Director 1 Managing Managing
Director 2 Director 3

Gm at head office Field GM office

6 at division 7

Deputy General Deputy General

Manager at
Manager at head
field office

Assistant General
Manager at head
Manager at field

Other executive &

stuffs at head Other executive
office & stuffs at field
Fig 1: Structure of Sonali Bank


2.2 Corporate Profile of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Name of the Company : Sonali Bank Limited

Chairman : Ziaul Haque Siddiqui

CEO and Managing : Mr .Md Ataur Rahman Prodhan


Company Secretary : Mr. Tauhidul Islam

Legal Status : Public Limited Company

Genesis : Emerged as Nationalized Commercial Bank in 1972,

following the Bangladesh Bank (Nationalization)
Order No. 1972(PO No.26 of 1972)

Date of Incorporation : 3 June, 2007

Date of Vendor’s : 15 November, 2007


Registered Office : 35-42, 44 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka,


Authorized Capital : Taka 6000.00 Crore

Paid-up Capital : Taka 45300.00 core
Number of Employee : 18918
Number of Branches : 1224
Phone-PABX : :0257161080-88
FAX : 88-02-9561410, 9552007
Website :
E-mail :

Table 1: Corporate profile


2.3 Mission & Vision of Sonali Bank
Vision of Sonali Bank Limited

The target of this bank is to take the country in to a new level of excellence. To ended
up the successful commercial bank in Bangladesh to back the socio- economic
improvement of the nation and tend to be driving in South Asia.

Mission of Sonali Bank Limited

The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the social- economic development
of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking organization, providing
credit to viable borrowers, efficiently, delivered and competitively priced,
simultaneously protecting depositors funds and providing a satisfactory return on
equity to the owners.

2.4 Slogan & Logo of Sonali Bank Limited

Sonali Bank believes innovative banking system. They always try to cope up with
updating banking system.

Slogan: Your trusted partner in innovative banking.

Bank Logo


2.5 Core Business & Services of Sonali Bank

Sonali Bank Limited operates the following services:

 Corporate Banking is a core business of Sonali Bank Ltd

 Sonali Bank LTD also invests in different financial project.
 Sonali Bank invests more in Consumer credit & SME Finance.
 Trade Finance is another important business of Sonali Bank Ltd.

2.5.1 Principal Activity of the Bank

The principal activities of the bank are

 To facilitate and handle all kinds of commercial banking services to its
customers authorized by Bangladesh Bank.
 To perform Government Treasury functions and also act as an agent of
Bangladesh Bank.
 To export and import trade of Bangladesh with other countries under various
2.5.2 International banking
A. Subsidiary

A subsidiary company named Sonali Exchange co. Inc. was incorporated on 4 April,
1994 under laws of the state of New York, Department of State, licensed on 17
October, 1994 by the State of New York Banking Department and commenced
operation as an International Money Remitter from 12 December, 1994.

B. Associate

On 4 November, 1998 Sonali Bank notified the financial Service Authority of the UK
of its intention to voluntarily surrender the banking license for Sonali Bank UK
branch with effect from June 30, 1990. Sonali Bank UK branch had extinguished all
its retail deposits by 30 June, 1999 and is not permitted to accept any further deposits
from the date. Bur a representative was there till 7 December, 2001. A subsidiary
money remitting company under the name of Sonali Trade and Finance (UK) Limited
has been incorporated under the UK company act of 1985. The company has been

allowed to start its function as a bank from 7 December, 2001 (the operation activities
was started on 10 December, 2001) by the Financial Service Authority of UK
changing its name as Sonali Bank (U.K.) Ltd. 51% share capital of the newly renamed
company is held by the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and remaining 49% by
Sonali Bank.

C. Account Section

This is a very much crucial section for each business concern. As such this is a crucial
department for a commercial bank. Records of all the transactions of every
department are maintained here. Accounts section verifies all financial accounts and
contents of transactions. Every working day all the accounts are balanced and
reconciled to remove and discrepancy. The overall activities of accounts section are as

 Record all transactions in the cash book.

 Record all transactions in general and subsidiary ledger.
 Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, periodic statement of affairs etc

D.Customer Service
To ensure qualified customer service Sonali Bank has started in addition to
computerization corporate client service and one stop service. To facilitate the
foreign exchange activities Sonali Bank has launched SWIFT (Society for
Worldwide Interbank Finance and Telecommunication) system in its 12 branches.
The bank has punched Website, Reuter service, Internet service, and Ready cash
service. The bank has taken a plan to launch shared ATM system in various
important places. Already, it has given work order for this.


Sonali bank starts its computerization process at December, 1989. After that it
expands its computerization process by establishing RISE System (RS 16000) OS/2,
LAN etc. Up to this time 113 branches are under computerized system. Besides this
‘One Stop’ is being given in its 56 branches. Moreover, Sonali Bank is serving to the
customers in the following ways:
 Foreign exchange business and standard of customer services is being
increased and speed up of information flow by using the computerization
system LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network).
 It has established 7 subsidiary companies in United States named Sonali
Exchange Company Incorporated (SECI) and 5 offices of Sonali Bank, UK
Ltd. establish with 49% share with govt. in UK so that the Non-Resident
Bangladeshi can send their money to Bangladesh through a valid channel as
fast as possible.
 Recently SECI established a Web based Remittance Software in United States.
Sonali Bank Wage Earners Corporate Branch established electronic link with
its branch in Middle East Branch through which remittance is to be sent.
Besides this 5 electronic link is in implementation process in Oman, Qatar and

 Rural Credit
Bangladesh is primarily an agricultural country. A major portion of the population (
about 85%) live in the rural areas. About 75% of the active rural population depend
on agriculture as the main source of their livelihood. Agriculture contribute about
22% to the GDP. Majority of the farmers are either small or marginal. So credit
plays a paramount role to augment the capital base to support agriculture
production. With this end in view.Sonali Bank Limited the largest state owned
commercial bank has been playing a vital role in the socio-economic
development & poverty alleviation since 1973. Keeping in view that Credit is one
of the many inputs that complete the cycle of agricultural production Sonali Bank
extending rural credit through 1224 branches over the country. Sonali Bank
Limited introduced indirect rural credit in 1973 through the then IRDP.

 Ready Cash
 Sonali Bank Ltd. Ready Cash Card is a Debit Card.
 Cardholder can easily pay utility bills like – Water, Telephone, Gas etc.
 It is easy to remit funds among the participating branches of the Bank.
 Transaction beyond working hours.
 It is a riskless Cash Carrying facility.
 Cashless purchase can be made form specific merchandise points.
 Only computerized Branches of Dhaka City will deal Ready Cash Card.
 Branches of other Cities and Towns will introduce Sonali Bank Ltd. Ready
Cash Card in due course.

2.5.3 Ancillary Services

Sonali Bank Limited offers multiple special services with its network of branches
throughout the country in addition to its normal banking operations.
 Gas bills.
 Electricity bills.
 Telephone bills,
 Water/Sewerage bills.
 Telephone Bill
 Municipal holding Tax.
 Passport fees, visa fees and Travel tax.
 Customs & Excise duties,
 Source tax and VAT.
 Jakat fund.
 Hajj deposit.
 Land development tax.

 Pension of employees of Government and other Corporate Bodies.
 Bangladesh Bank employees pension.
 Army pension.
 British pension.
 Students’ stipend/scholarship.
 Govt. & Non-Govt. Teachers’ salary.
 Food procurement bill on behalf of the Govt.
Social Services:
 Old age allowances.
 Widows, divorcees and destitute women allowances.
 Freedom Fighters’ allowances.
 Rehabilitation allowances for acid survival women.
 Maternal allowances for poor women.
 Disability allowances.
Sale & Encashment/Purchase:
 Savings Certificates.
 ICB Unit Certificates,
 Prize Bonds.
 Wage Earner’s Development Bonds.
 US Dollar Premium & Investment Bond.
 Lottery tickets of different Semi-Govt. and Autonomous Bodies.
 Sanchaypatra.
 Public Service Commission’s application form.
 Judicial Service Commission’s application form.
 Exchange of soiled / torn notes.

2.6 SWOT Analysis of Sonali Bank Ltd

Each& every organization should be aware of their strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats. This analysis is known as SWOT analysis. The central
purpose of the SWOT analysis is to identity strategies that align, fit or match a
company’s resources and capabilities to the demands of the environment in which the
company operates. To put it another way, the purpose of the strategic alternatives
generated by a SWOT
T analysis should be to build on company strengths in order to
exploit opportunities and counter threats and to correct company weakens.

Figure 2: Swot analysis


SWOT Analysis -Sonali

Sonali bank view:
During my internship period in Sonali bank I have found some aspects relating to the
Bank’s strength, opportunity, weakness and threats, which are more or less. I think
affecting the Bank’s performance in total which are given below:


 As a largest bank, it has qualified, professional and experienced manpower.

Structural set-up & business location is Strategic.
 Sonali bank assets position is quite satisfactory & now there is no fund crisis.
 Sonali bank has requisite strength and opportunity to sustain the challenge of
the market economy.
 Being a nationalized banking organization, it always get govt. support in all of
 its operations and new projects if is viable


 In Sonali bank, arises problem of manpower because of there is no new

Recruitment for a long period.
 Bureaucracy official process hampered the daily internal workflow.
 Lack of motivation for the workers & low salary structure.
 Management – employee relation is not good in some cases.
 Rules and regulations of govt. sometimes make problem for the bank.


 Expansion of new area of investment.

 Scope for automation will open a big door of opportunity.
 All out efforts for deposit mobilization.
 In case of fund crisis Sonali Bank gets govt support as it is a govt. owned
 Gear-up recovery through setting up of pragmatic recovery targets.
 Undertake need-based training program& full computerization of bank’s


 Newly developed privatized & foreign banks.

 Facing a great competition with other commercial banks and financial
 Loan recovery systems are very weak & policies are not practices properly in
some cases.
 Introduction of certain harder banking rules and regulation.

Chapter Three
Analysis & Evaluation

3.1 Human Resource Management
Human resource management includes all management decisions and practices that
straightly affect or influence the people, or human resources, who work for the
organization. In modern years, attentiveness has been devoted to how organizations
manage Human Resources. This increase focus comes from the comprehension that
an organization’s employees facilitate an organization to achieve its goals and the
management of these human resources is vital to an organization’s achievement.

Human Resources Management (HRM) is a innovative concept. It is a grouping of

HR, Accounting, Management, Financial Management and Economics. Globalization
to would economy has unprotected the commercial business organization to universal
competition, enlistment of professional manpower and modern numerical
management practice. So, there are increasing understanding cannot achieve its goal
successfully and efficiently. To face this multifaceted management challenge, actual
objectively measurable database system to quantity and apply HRM information.

Now-a-days, in Bangladesh, every year, and big amount of cash and talented HRM
are being involved by corporate to recover the efficiency or skills o f their workforce
across the country. Such huge expenses are made with the anticipation of future
returns in terms of better-quality services to be rendered by skilled employees. In
other words, organizations by capitalizing human resources development certainly
growth the service potentials personified in human resources and these reserves thus
create economic assets for the organizations.

Human resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of receiving things done
through people, is an important part of every manager’s errands, but many
organizations find it beneficial to establish a professional division to provide an
skillful service dedicated to safeguarding that the human resource function is achieved

“People are our most valuable asset” is a chestnut which no member of any senior
organization team would affect with. Yet, the reality for many administrations are that
their people continue undervalued, under experienced and underutilized.

The rate of modification facing administrations has never been greater and
administrations must absorb and achieve change at a much faster rate than in the past.
Acceptable to instrument a successful business policy to face this challenge,
governments, large or small, must ensure that they have the correct people
accomplished of distributing the strategy.

The HRM function and HRD profession have experienced wonderful change over the
past 20-30 years. Many years ago, big governments looked to the “Personnel
Department,” mostly to achieve the paperwork around engagement and paying
people. More recently, organizations contemplate the “HR Department” as playing a
main role in staffing, training and serving to manage people so that people and the
association are performing at all out competence in a highly rewarding way.

Figure 3: Functions of HRM

3.2 Human Resource Activities of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Human resources remain the single most influential factor behind the success of any
organization though all technological and intellectual developments occur. Human
resources is the main driving force for performing at the highest level in a fiercely
competitive financial market like Bangladesh by a competent, committed and fully
motivated team this think are believed by Sonali Bank Ltd.

By attracting, retaining and motivating the most talented and success driving people
the bank maintain HRM strategy. The Bank has developed a detailed HR manual. The
service rules covering the recruitment guidelines, promotion criteria, training and
other related issues. The transparency and continuous endeavors for achieving the
excellence are the core strength of HRD at Sonali Bank Limited.

The Board of Directors and the management team of Sonali Bank Limited always
emphasize on hiring talents, developing human and technical skills of the employees
so that the organization can get optimum output by utilizing limited workforce. With
these ends in view, a new organ gram, a new area of operation, performance and merit
based promotion, right man in right place posting policy are among the few initiatives
which were approved and implemented by SBL authority in 2018

3.3 Recruitment Policy of Sonali Bank Ltd

A decision making process is called selection. A process is a number of interrelated

activities. For example, a candidate who fails to qualify for a particular step is not
eligible for appearing for the next step. So each step is crucial. Failure of any step
disqualifies the candidate from attempting the next step. First they take preliminary
interview. Then there are selection tests. Then the department takes selection decision.
When they take then take medical examination. When the candidates pass the
examination then he or she get the job offer. And finally evaluation process is the last
process of selection of HR in sonali bank ltd. By recruiting organization get the best
qualified applicants to fill vacancies.

3.3.1Sources of Recruitment:

1 Sources of internal recruitment

 Company‘s own website.

 Placement consultants.

2 Sources of external recruitment

 Advertisement in the news papers.

3.3.2 Basis of Recruitment:

Recruitment in all grades will be need based. While ascertaining need for human
resources, the following factors, among others, will be taken in to consideration:

 Growth in Business of the Bank.

 Possible expansion of branch network.
 Addition of new responsibilities due to change in regulatory framework.
 Vacancies arising out of promotion / retirement/ dismissal / termination /
resignation / death , etc

To address the growing demand of banking products and services and to operate new
branches and divisions of SBL, recruitment is a general necessity. The HRDD of the
Bank has been consistently recruiting manpower at different grades to meet the
vacancies. To ensure the transparency and accountability, regular transfer and posting
is also an important responsibility of Personnel Management Division.

3.4 Recruitment Flow-chart of SBL

Recruitment flow chart of SBL is given below:

Workforce forecasting

Prepare and publish advertisement

Receive application through several sources

Sort the CV’s according to the criteria

Plan for Selection Test

Create Database and Inform Candidates (Interview cards,

emails, phone calls etc)

Taking necessary preparation for exam

Recruitment File closing with reports

Taking Joining/File Handover to the appointment unit

Figure 4: Recruitment Process.

3.5 The Steps in the Selection Process SBL

The selection process can be defined as the processor selection and short listing of
the right candidates with the necessary qualifications and skill set to fill the vacancies
in an organization. The selection process varies from industry to industry, company
to company and even amongst departments of the same company. The Selection
process of SBL is given below:

A. Sorting out of application: Applications that are collected are sorted according to
the recruitment criteria and the others are rejected that doesn’t fulfill the required

B. Preparation of preliminary list and issuing interview cards: After all the
applications are sorted out, the information regarding each and every applicant is
inserted in the computer and a database a made combining the entire potential
candidates. When all the information is properly inserted, interview card is issued for
every interview in order to call the applicant for the written test.

C. Announcement of written test: The applicants who are sorted out and listed, the
interview card are send to those candidates and are informed to sit for a written test.

D. Commencement of written test: The candidates have to appear for a 40 marks

written test on general aptitude along with General Knowledge, Mathematics and
English. The candidates securing 60% mark in this written test will qualify for the
interview. A list of all the candidates will be made who qualified for the interview. In
the case of recruitment of experienced bankers, the Management will directly
interview them. They don’t have to sit for any written test.

E. Interview: The candidates who qualified in the written test are the ones who sit for
the interview. The interview consists of 36 marks. These 36 marks are distributed in 5
parts, 7 marks for Appearance and Personality, 8 for knowledge on related field, 7 for
general knowledge, 7 to test the analytical skill of the candidates and 7 for
communication skills which is very important for any kind of job and for the proper
flow of information.

F. Background investigation: The candidates who showed satisfactory performance
in the interview are again sorted out and then their backgrounds are investigated by
contacting their former employer, referees, verifying their educational background
shown on their application and etc.

G. Preparation of desirable candidates list: After the backgrounds of the candidates

are thoroughly investigated, the most suitable and desirable candidates are selected for
the required posts.

H. Final approach by the management: After the list is prepared, a further

formality is required. The management finally approves the list in order to select the
candidates for the required posts.

I. Appointment and placement: This is the final step in the selection process. The
successful candidates in the preceding steps are finally offered for appointment. They
are formally offered by an appointment letter for the particular post where all the
details regarding payment and other things are mentioned. After the candidate accepts
the appointment letter, he/she is finally placed in the vacant position of different
department or posted to the branches where the recruited person finally starts his/her
official duties

3.6 Tabular Presentations of the Designation-Wise number & Gender
of the Staff

A tabular presentation of the designation-wise number and gender of the staffs are
given below

Description 2020
Male Female Total

CEO & MD 1 0 1
Deputy Managing Director 4 0 4
General Manager 5 0 5
Deputy General Manager 124 14 138
Assistant General Manager 325 45 370
Senior principal officer 1087 177 1264
Principal officer 2248 513 2761
Senior officer 4631 1274 5905
Officer 5161 1129 6290
Junior officer 42 4 46
Assistant officer grade 1 428 16 444
Assistant officer grade 2 830 55 885
Supporting staffgragr1&grade 2 714 11 725
Local based officer 49 0 49
Local based staff 31 0 31
Total 15680 3238 18918
In percentage 82.9% 17.1% 100%

Table 2: Designation-wise number and gender of the staffs

Source: Annual report 2020.


Figure 5:: Designation

wise number and gender of the staffs

Interpretation: In above graph it shows that there are 15680 male staffs in Sonali
Bank and the total
otal female staff number is 3238 in 2020. And the percentage ratio is
82.9% for the Mail staff and 17.1% for the Female staff

3.7 Recruitment Scenario to the Bank

SBL Recruitment is inevitably required the ,The HRD of the bank ,has been
consistently recruiting manpower at different grades and tires to meet the vacancies as
desired .To ensure the transference and accountability
accountability posting is also regular is done
by human resource management of SBL.

List of recruitment
ment 2016 to 2020 in different grades are given below.

Year CFO CITO CAO CSO Law Senior Officer/Cash Total

Consultant Officer officer
2020 1 - 1 - 1 425 878 1306

2019 - - - - - 1148 2721 3869

2018 - - - 1 - 65 496 562

2017 - 1 1 - 1 89 11 103

2016 - - - - - - 3 3

Total 1 1 1 1 1 1727 3319 5843

Table 3: List of recruitment from 2016 to 2020

Source: Annual Report 2020

Number of Employees Recruited


8000 Officer/Cash Officer

6000 5843 Senior Officer

Law Consultant
2000 1306
0 562 CITO

Figure 6:
6 List of recruitment from 2016 to 2020

Interpretation: In above graph it shows the recruitment scenario from 2016-2020. It
describes that there are total 5843 people recruited by the Sonali Bank ltd. And they
recruited immense number of people for the post of senior officer & Cash officer
rather than other designation.

SBL sent requisition for recruitment in 9543 post (Senior Officer, Officer, Officer
Cash and other posts) up to 2020 to Bankers Selection Committee, Bangladesh Bank
which is in under process.

To ensure the Security of Head Office/ Controlling Offices/ Branches/ATM Booths/

Pledge God owns by the embodied Ansar we signed Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with Bangladesh Ansar &VDP authority.

3.8 Impact of Employees to the Bank.

The number of employee of Sonali Bank is graphically describing in this chart. The
number was 18301 in 2017 which increased into number 18918 in 2020 though out
this years.

Description of years 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total number of employees 18918 19609 17271 18301

Total number of branches 1226 1224 1215 1212

Employee per branch(no’s) 16 16 14 15

Deposit per employee (million 66.54 59.09 63.33 58.17

Investment per employee 64.27 53.62 52.61 58.16
(million tk)
Operating profit per employee 114 0.87 117 0.65
(Million tk)
Salaries and allowances per 0.76 0.71 0.80 0.78
Employees (million tk)

Table 4: Impact of employees to the Bank.

Source: Annual Report 2020

Graphical representation of total employee number from 2017-2020 data is given

Total Employees

Number of Employees 19609





2020 2019 2018 2017

Figure 7:: Total Employees of the Bank from 2017-2020

In above graph it describes the data of year 2017 to 2020 about the
number of total employee. It depicts that there are tot
al number of employee is
18301in 2017, In 2018, the number is 17271, In 2019 the number is 19609 and In
2020 the total
otal number of employee is 18918

3.9 Human Resource Accounting

Human Resource Accounting is the process of identifying and reporting investment
made in the human resources of an organization. It is done to furnish the value
information for making proper and effective management decisions about acquiring,
allocating, developing
eveloping and maintaining human resources in order to achieve cost
effective organizational objectives. Soon after the recruitment and the process of
making the officers competent by imparting adequate training, Human Capital
Accounting (HCA) is done so th
at the decisions involving the recruitment,
development, compensation and replacement of human resources on a value for

money can be taken accurately. SBL regularly follow
up and looks into some
important areas of Human Resource Accounting for mathematical and co-relational
understanding on the main business factors. The total value of Human Capital has
been ascertained by present value of fut
future earning model .

Grade Per capita value 2020 2019

Age group No of Total No of Total
Value Value
employees employees

18-29 Yrs 3.70 3267 12069 1238 9837

30-39 Yrs 10.15 8742 88731 7194 72795

40-49 Yrs 13.55 2591 35108 3506 47292

50-59 Yrs 18.45 4323 79759 8265 90204

Total 45.85 18923 215667 20203 220128

Table 5: Human Resource Accounting.

Source: Annual Report 2020

Graphical presentation of 2020 is given below:

Human Resource Accounting

Total Amount

60000 79759

12069 35108
20000 2020

18-29 Yrs
30-39 Yrs
40-49 Yrs
50-59 Yrs

Figure 8: Age Group Wise Employees in 2020

Interpretation: In above graph it shows the Human Resource Accounting of SBL. It
shows the age range wise total employee like there is 12069people in age 18-29 years,
88731 people in 30-39 years, 35108people in 40-49 years and 76759 people in 50-59

3. 10 Training and Development Policy of Sonali Bank Ltd

To performing the activities every organization needs well-trained people. Employees

increase knowledge and skill by training and development. Without updated by proper
training knowledge becomes obsolete. For every organization it is necessary to raise
the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employee. Now day’s
jobs become more complex. There is use of different technological software. So the
importance of employee training was increased. Sonali Bank Ltd. spends billions of
dollars each year on formal training. There is intensified competition, technological
change and the search for improved productivity. So Sonali Bank Ltd. is motivating
management to enhance expenditures for training. A firm depends on the knowledge
and skills possessed by the employees for competitive advantage. So Sonali Bank Ltd
manages the training and development.

A. Staff training and development policy

 SBL training and development policy are based on its personnel policy.
 All training and development activities sponsored by SBL ,in and out premises
,internal and external ,at all levels ,are job related and geared towards
improvements of current performance and further development of the

Functional elements of training and development of SBL

 On the job training

 Training for further promotions
 Supervisory skills training
 Managerial skills training

 External job career related training
 Implementation of technical criteria on filling vacancies
 Implementation of multifaceted training programe to cope with the turnover
consideration about the job enrichment possibilities to facilitate individual
development and promotional career path.

B. Training budget

 In the SBL, the HR department works with the divisional heads during the
fourth quarter of each year with a view to identify training needs for the
upcoming year.
 A plan of training for each department is drawn up utilizing existing, modified
or potential in house programs and external courses.
 A consolidated budget is presented to the managing director for approval by
the board of directors.

C. Career management

 SBL training efforts are given to improve employee’s performance in their

present posts and recognizing and developing potential for advancement.
 SBL HR department’s role is primarily to meet needs, to increase competence
and current performance.
 HR department’s works continuously with departments head to ensure that
high potential staffs are identified, developed by training and experience.

3.11. Number of Courses & Number of Trainees

In last Four years, some training programs had been held on self employment of the
trainee workers providing some courses

This is given below in the following table;

Year Number of Courses Number of Trainees

2020 266 7152

2019 796 12775

2018 709 11133

2017 730 11822


Table 6:
6 Training programs during 2017 to 2020

Source: Annual Report 2020.

The graphical presentation of number of courses is given belo


12000 11133


8000 7152
Number of Courses
Number of Trainees

796 709 730
2020 2019 2018 2017

Figure 9: Number of C
Courses in Training programs and Number of Trainees.

Interpretation 1:The above graph shows that the total number of courses in Training
programs from 2017-2020. Total 266 courses & 7152 trainees were taken 2020
training program 706 courses & 12775 trainees were taken in the year 2019&
respectably 709, 703 course & 11133 ,11822 trainees were taken in 2018 &2017.

3. 12Transfer and Separation Policy of Sonali Bank Ltd.

A. Transfer

 At the banks request: Any vacancies occur in SBL, other than at trainee
level, are filled by an internal candidate whenever possible. The personnel
department selects suitable candidate and inform the individuals through
formal office order about the transfer.
 At the employee’s request: Employees of SBL can apply, through proper
channel to the personnel department, for a transfer to another department or
office.Thediscretion to allow such aa transfer with the competent authority.
 Job rotation: In the SBL transfers of duties of staf at regular intervals are
provided to ensure safeguard against fraud as well as to assist in making the
services of every staff of greater value of SBL.

B. Resignation

In the SBL if any employee wants to resign from the service of the bank, serves
on the competent authority a notice in writing disclosing his or her intention to
resign as under:

 90 days notice in case of permanent / confirmed officer’s grade.

 60 days notice in case of probationary officers subject to other condition s
mentioned in the agreement or bond.
 30 days notice in case of trainee assistant officer subject to other conditions
mentioned in the agreement.
 30 days notice in case of permanent/confirmed non officer’s grade.
 30 days notice in case of temporary/unconfirmed employee

C. Termination of service

 SBL terminates the service of an employee or call upon him to resign from the
service of the bank.90 days notice in case of confirmed employees.
 30 days notice in case of temporary employee and employee on probation
including probationary officer.
 Over or above the notice of or salary, such employees are entitled to other
benefits as may be admissible under the law for the time being in force.

The employee’s promotion, transfer, demotion and separation- is a major aspect of

human resource management. In Sonali Bank Ltd. actual decisions about whom to
promote and who to fire can also be among the most difficult, and important, a
manager has to make.

3. 13 Compensation

Salary administration and Employee benefit

A. General Policy

 The job they are filling in terms of its technical demands and responsibilities
in relationship to other jobs in the bank.
 A fixed pay for the holder of the post.

B. Job evaluation

In SBL,the first stage of salary administration is the evaluation of each position by

the management committee. For this purpose supervising officer ensure that any
substantial changes in the job recruitment or responsibilities are incorporated in the
revised job description. As a minimum they review description once a year as part of
the appraisal process.

As a result of job evaluation each job is place in a grade with an associate salary range
which is applied to its incumbent.

C.Positioning of staff within ranges

SBL merit increase program:

 Reward employee who by their individual effort and performance are making
progress in their position
 Assure fair and equitable pay for all employee in relation to performance in
their position.

D. Fixation of salary on promotion

In SBL after an employee promotion his or her substantive salary is fixed at the
minimum level of the salary range for the new position. In case the employees
existing substantive salary exceeds the minimum level for the new position. it is
fixed at a level in the higher salary range which is immediately above the existing
substantive salary of the employee.

E. Payment of salary

In SBL substantive salary and allowance is accrue from the commencement of the
active service of an employee and is generally become payable on a working day
during the last week of each month is determined by government from time to

D. Medical facilities
In SBL all employees of the bank get medical facilities as per scheme approved by
the government.

E. Provident Fund

The benefits of provident fund is approved as per provident fund rules of SBL

F. Gratuity

 The gratuity is to be compensated to the concerned employee for the past

service rendered to the SBL
 SBL creates a gratuity fund by annual charge to revenue expenditure and all
gratuity payment is made out of the said fund.
 The gratuity is paid at the rate of one month’s basic salary for each completed
year of service.

 The basic pay for the calculation of gratuity is the basic pay drawn by the
employee concerned for the immediate last month.
 An employee who has completed 10 years permanent and continuous service
in SBL is entitled to gratuity.
 The gratuity is paid to the employee concerned in SBL.In case of his/her death
the gratuity is payable :
 To the person nominated by him/her before his/her death.
 To his/her legal heirs in the absence of any nomination.

3. 14 Leave Rules of Sonali Bank Ltd.

A. General Policy

 An employee of SBL cannot be absent from his/her duties or leave his/her

place of posting without obtaining leave sanctioned by competent authority.
An employee is not allowed for leave of absence on the ground of illness or
maternity unless the same is substantiated by a medical certificate to that
effect from a medical practitioner designated by the board.
 SBL doesn’t draw any pay for its employee unauthorized leave. The employee
are liable to disciplinary action as the competent authority may impose
including dismissal from service availing unauthorized leave.
 All applications for leave are addressed to the controlling authority, which
must contain the full contact address during the period of leave applied for.
 Employees of SBL submit their leave application well ahead so that it can be
processed and sanction given before they are allowed to proceed in leave.

B. Types of leaves

Casual leaves

 In SBL casual leave is granted not more than 10 days in a calendar year.
 Not more than 3 days casual leave can be taken by an employee.
 Casual leave is not combined with any other kind of leave,orproceed by
any holidays.

C. Earned leave

All staff employed by SBL is entitled to annual leave upon completion of one year

 Assistant officer/probationary officer and above gets annual leave of 4 weeks.

 Assistant with three years and above service gets annual leave 4 weeks.
 The maximum period of earned leave which is taken at any one time by an
employee is 45 days.
 An employee entitled full salary and other admissible benefits during the
period of his/her earned leave.

D. Maternity leave

Maternity leave of female employee is granted with full salary and other admissible
benefit for six months.

E. Extraordinary leave

 Extraordinary leave can only be granted to an employee of SBL when no other

leave is unavailable to him/her.
 Any unauthorized leave may at the discretion of the competent authority be
treated as extraordinary leave.
 No pay, allowance and other benefits are given to an employee during the
period of spent on extraordinary leave.

3.15 Performance Appraisal of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Sonali Bank Ltd., there performance is one of the manager’s most important tasks
though they improve others. Managers freely admit performance appraisal In Sonali
Bank Ltd. Improvement coaching gives them difficulty. This is not easy for judging
an employee’s performance accurately.

Often the judgment is even harder to convey the employee in a constructive and
painless manner and to translate feedback on past performance into future
improvement. There is a great importance to determine appropriate compensation
related to task.

The appraisal and counseling discussion

 Sonali Bank Ltd. Arranges an appraisal and counseling interview once in a year
for employees to
 To discuss work process
 Make suggestion about job content
 Discuss career interest and aspirations to be told of the bank general
assessment of performance.
 Raise question about work, the bank or the individual
 Understand overall performance rating as one aspect of salary review.
 To prepare for the discussion employees are given atleast three working days
before the interview.
 Employees follow up with their officer on any outstanding pointsraised during the

A. Career management

Career management is policy of SBL to ensure that individual is given the most
possible career development consistent with both organizational need and personal
aspirations. In major tool in achieving personal development in their appraisal system
which identifies employees strength and weakness and counseling them to achieve
higher performance levels and ultimately greater and more regarding responsibilities.
It is conducted under the guidance of the officers and formalized training programs of

B. Promotion

All the promotions of SBL from lower grade to higher grade are made on the basis of
criterion laid down and the directives given by the board from time to time.Promotion
occur either of the two sets of circumstances:

 As a result of evaluation, if it is observed that a job career a level higher than

that of the incumbent.
 Where a vacancy exists within the bank for which internal candidates are
sought from a lower level.

In either case selection of candidates is on basis of

 Qualifications
 Performance
 Potential

In all cases the selection of the individual to be promoted are discussed and
considered by the promotion of advisory committee of SBL constituted for the

C. Counseling unsatisfactory performance

When it becomes necessary to discuss performance shortcoming the officers of SBL

meet the employee to discuss the problem and their underlying reason. Suggestions
are made on how improvements can be achieved and a date set for reviewing situation
again. At the end of the period situation is discussed with the employee. If no
improvements are achieved, further period is set. If still no improvement, or if the
performance still falls short of the target set, the situation is discussed with the
personnel department. When improvements occur, they are recognized and
encouragement is given to maintain and further improve performance.

D. Job description

SBL ensures that every employee has clear understanding about his or her duties and
responsibilities and he or she shares this understanding with his or her supervising
officer. The means of achieving this understanding is the job description.

It is responsibility of all supervising officer of SBL to prepare a job list describing the
details of duties to be performed by his or her subordinate in the bank.

3. 16Employee Relations

HR is much more than just recruiting people. A proactive HR department helps the
new hire become a productive and satisfied employee when the employee selection is
completed. The process of becoming a productive and satisfied employee is important
to the organization and to the employee. The new comer thinks about if he will be
able to do the job. If he fit in around there. How is the boss behave with him.At the
time of employment Employees are think to quit when their first few months passes.

Orientation program familiarizes new employees with their roles, the organization, its
policies, and other employees. It is a process of adaption that helping new employees
adapts to their new organizations and work responsibilities.

New employees face anxiety about their job and job environment. Anxiety is bad for
health and job so new employees want to reduce that anxiety very quickly. The new
member feels a lack of identification and that create Stress. Loneliness and a feeling
of isolation are not unusual response. New employees need special attention to put
them comfort.

An adequate amount of information to reduce uncertainties and ambiguity helps

employee to overcome this. Through this program, personnel department can reduce
employee turnover. By meeting personal objectives of employees can reduce turnover
.Turnover cost is very high. Recruiting, training and developing new employees are
including with cost. When employees quit, the loss may be high because of training,
skills that they take with them.

Sonali Bank Ltd. Help their employees that they can easily overcome their stress and
anxiety and comfort with the socialization or orientation with the environment of
Sonali Bank Ltd.

3. 17Ethics and Fair Treatment at work

More or less SBL tries to take care of the matter that its employees are being treated
with the fairness and justice that they deserve. Perception of fairness relates to
enhanced employee commitment, enhanced satisfaction with organization.

Chapter Four

4.1 Findings
I have find out some points by screening the whole study, which are expressed as
major findings. The conversations with the Sonali bank officials were very significant
for the findings.

 Sonali Bank has low training facilities for the employee’s which can hamper
functions of organization due to unskilled employees.

 The bank doesn’t have better software for the use of employee’s data in
different department.
 Compensation Packages is of Sonali Bank is not attractive to facinitate
talented graduate.
 The recruitment process of the bank is backdated and is a lengthy procedure of
hiring employee’s.
 The salary scale is not satisfactory so the bank can’t hire eligible employee’s.

4.2 Recommendations

After completion the study I have gathered some practical knowledge about the
Human Resource practices in Sonali Bank Limited. Now I would like to provide some
recommendations, which might be helpful to upgrade the Human Resource practices
of Sonali Bank Limited is given as under: Employee and customer smooth co-
ordination should be needed

 Sonali bank should give emphasis on increasing training facilities for its
employees to increase their skill .So that they give all effects to achieve
organization goals
 Batter and updated software is necessary for the employees for ease of work.
 Compensation should be available.
 The recruitment process of the bank should be updated and should develop a short
duration procedure for hiring employees.
 The salary scale of the bank should be changed in a satisfactory way. So that
eligible employee’s can be hired.

4.3 Conclusion

Sonali Bank Limited, one of the state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh. Their
Human Resources Management policies and practices are different from the private
organization. It can play a vital role in this report, as it is the prime development
financing institution of country. It has a code of conduct for successful implementing
Human Resources Management policies for the employees and specific issues are
highlighted about the Human Resources and different related aspects but it do not
have any monitoring activities to find out whether the number of the management
deal with employees according to their rules and regulation. I believe and hope that
this report will offer a number of benefits to improve update the Human Resource
practice for its smooth operation and will co-operative in redesigning the system and
atmosphere of the department. There is a standard Human Resources practices in
Sonal Bank Limited because they have to maintain the rules and regulation of the
government. Sonali Bank Limited is the organization that is developed and practicing
the area of HRM (Human Resource Management) is a unique way. So if this report
can improve the existing condition of Human Resource Practice policies and is
implemented, my little initiatives will get a breathed satisfaction


 Dessler,G. (2006).Human Resources Management (13th Edition) USA: Donal

 Gareth, R. (2005).Recruitment & Selection (2nd Edition) UK: Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development.
 John,I. (2007).Human Resource Management (10th Edition) Indiana: Indiana

Web references

 Sonali Bank Limited. (August, 2020). Company overview.Retrieved August

15, 2020,fromSonali Bank Bank Limited:
 Sonali Bank Limited. (August 23, 2020). Mission and Vision.Retrieved
August 23, 2020,fromSonali Bank Bank
 Bangladesh Bank Limited.(August 25,2020). HRM Department. Retrieved
(August 24, 2020) ,from Bangladesh Bank Limited:

 Annual Report of Sonali Bank 2020
 Annual Report of Sonali Bank 2020
 Data from Published report of Bangladesh Bank
 Internet Source of Sonali Bank ,Lalbagh Branch



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