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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology Livelihood Education

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
• Define monogram designing;
• Identify the styles of letter used in monogram designing; and
• Enumerate the tips in designing a monogram.

II. Subject Matter:

Topics: Monogram Designing
References: Technology and Livelihood Education 08
Materials: Powerpoint presentation and instructional material


A. Subject: TLE 08

B. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of/on:

• Understanding of what monogram designing
• Understand the combination and style of
letter used in monogram designing
• Understand the types of monogram; and
• Understand the tips in designing a monogram

C. Performance Standard The learner shall be:

• able to identify the combination of monogram
and the style of letter used in monogram
• enumerate the types of monogram
• Perform the tips in designing a monogram

D. MELC: Perform and understand the technicalities involved in

monogram designing.

E. Objective: ✓ Student will be able to define monogram designing;

identify the combination of letter used in monogram
designing; identify the types of monogram; and
enumerate the tips in designing a monogram.

F. Subject Matter: Chapter 2: Commercial Art

Lesson 1: Monogram Designing

a. Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education 08

b. Modality of Learning: Limited Face-to-face

c. Value Integration: ✓ Cooperation

G. Methodologies /Strategies: • Give motivation and energizer related to the lesson.

• Discussion about monogram designing and the styles
of letter used in it.
(Page 298 - 299)
• Discussion of Tips in Designing a Monogram
• PowerPoint presentation

H. Application • Create their own monogram design using the

initial of the students’ name.

I. Assessment • A short pen and paper test consist of 10 items (5

items in identification and 5 items for true or
III. Procedure


A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
Good morning students. Good morning Ma’am

2. Prayer
To start our day let us begin with prayer.
In the name of the Father the Son the Holy
Spirit Amen.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did
instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the
same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever
enjoy His consolations. Through Christ Our Lord.
Amen. In the name of the Father the Son the Holy
Spirit Amen.

3. Checking of attendance
So once again, good morning class.

Before we formally start our discussion,

first, let’s have an attendance. Say present
if your name is called.

B. Activity
Before we proceed to our topic, we will be
having our activity first. This activity is
called Guess the Logo. The mechanics are
very simple, you just have to guess the logo I
will show you and you have to write your
answer on the piece of paper I give to you. I
will give you enough time to answer and
when I say up, you have to raise your paper
along with your answer in it. Understand? Yes Ma’am.

The first one is this one. What do you think is

the brand logo’s name?
Louis Vuitton

What about this one?


That’s right. It is the Gucci logo. What about this



That’s correct. And this one?

Michael Kors

Excellent work students! You’re all good at

guessing these logos.
C. Analysis

What did you notice in our activity?

Yes, that's right! Our topic is related to

different logos involved in our activity a
while ago. Today, we will be going to discuss Ma'am, it consists of different logos
the monogram designing in which it is the of well-known products and
usual or commonly used process in creating companies.
brand logos and such

In this lesson, our learning objectives are:

you the students are expected to:

• Define monogram designing;

• Identify the combination of letter used in
monogram designing;
• Identify the types of monogram; and
• Enumerate the tips in designing a *student will answer*

So, do any of you have an idea about what

monogram designing is?

What is monogram designing?

➢ A character or a cipher compound of
two or more letters combined so as to
represent a name, or a part of it (usually
the initials).

“A monogram is a motif made up of two or

more letters to form one symbol. “

“Monograms are a powerful tool in modern

brand design. It has long been used by
companies as recognizable logos and as
symbols for a country's reigning sovereign.
With the help of monograms, different
products are able to advertise and be
well-known in various industries and their
monogram logos are the ones imprinted in
the minds of the consumers which is their
advantage since the more famous and
familiar their logo is, the more sales they will
have. The purpose is to distill a brand,
person, or even a country into a graphic that
best represents them.”

The next one is the forms in letters, the

combinations of monograms.
From the pictures in the presentation, can *student will answer*
anyone discuss or share their ideas about the
differences of these three combinations of

1. Joined
“It is the combination of monograms that is
formed by joining two or three letters

2. Separated
“Unlike the first one, a separated monogram
has letters which are not intertwined or
mixed together but it is bound by a symbol
like crown to make it look like one although
the letters are separated.”

3. Interlaced
“From the name itself, the interlaced
monogram has letters which are entwined
with each other. The letters thus interlaced
may be either all the letters of a name or the
initial letters of the given names and
surname of a person for use upon writing
paper, seals, or elsewhere.”

Types of Monogram Styles

1. Crown
“This is the type of monogram style which
royals around the world have been known to
adopt and this is the tradition of an official
monogram. These are applied to clothing and
royal seals.”

2. Brand
“Brands with a longer name might choose to
use only their initials as monograms. A
combination of two or three letters is normal,
and the style must reflect the overall feel of
the brand.”

3. Personal
“Monograms are also very popular at
weddings—they can be applied to invitations,
cakes, and clothing. Wedding monograms are
a great symbol of a union. Embroidered
goods with the child’s initials are traditional
as a baby’s birth present.”
Before we proceed to the last part of our
topic, let’s have a recap.
*student will answer*
Again, what are the three forms or Joined, separated and interlaced
combinations of monograms?
*student will answer*
Very good! How about the types of monograms? Crown, brand, and personal

Tips in Designing a Monogram

1. The letter must be read from left to right.
“It is a very common method used in writing
and reading in different countries including

2. In a three-letter monogram of one’s

initials, the middle initial or letter should not
be larger than the others.
“Since it is the middle initial, it should be
well blended in the first and last letters so
that it won't overpower the monogram and
all letters would be visible.”

Why do you think that a monogram must

*student will answer*
appear attractive and give equal importance
to each part of it?

3. If the letters represent the name of the

company, all of them must appear attractive
and must be given equal importance.
“Since the more attractive, well-written and
readable the monogram logo is, the more
chances that it might retain to the mind of
those who see it, which is the main purpose
of every company or business, for more

Kindly read the fourth one.

4. If enclosed in a border or of its outline

forms or fits in a geometric shape, the
monogram must appear stable, unified and
decorative. Geometrical figures commonly
used are the square, rectangle, triangle, circle,
and ellipse.
“In monogram designing, geometric figures
are also usually used in presenting it. And
again, the monogram should be fitted
perfectly and blended precisely in the
geometric shapes you will use so that the
design or the logo would be seen as one
although you used both letters and shapes.”
5. The border line should be light and simple
to complement the letters to make it more
“The lighter and the simpler the border line
is, the more readable, cleaner and attractive
your monogram design is. Since monogram
designing usually focuses on using and
mixing letters, it is important to keep the
border line light and simple so that all the
letters included in it would be visible and it
would also be pleasant to the eyes of those
who will see it. “

D. Abstraction
Are we clear? Do you have any questions?

If none, I would be the one to ask you. I

would like to know what are your takeaways
from today’s lesson?

Very good. I am happy that you learn

something from me. Thank you for answering.

And then, we will proceed to the application

of our lesson.

E. Application
Create your own monogram design using the initial
of your name in the piece of paper I will give to
you. You can choose any form of letter we
discussed. It’s up
to you on what designs you will put and let
your creativity show in your work.

The rubrics I will use in checking your work

is: 20 pts.- Creativity
15 pts. - Follows the instruction
15 pts. - Cleanliness
With a total of 50 points.
F. Assessment
Identify the term or word being described in
the sentences. Choose your answer in the

Gothic Styles Separated

Joined Crown
Personal Text
Monogram Designing Interlaced
Brand Geometric Designing

___________1. It is a motif made up of two or

more letters to form one symbol.
___________2. It is the preferred style of letters
used in monogram designing.
___________3. Type of Monogram design in which
royals around the world have been known to adapt
and used in their clothing and royal seal.
___________4. Type of monogram design
commonly used by businesses or companies with
longer names. (Brand)
___________5. Type of monogram design which
is popular in weddings and usually used in the
invitations, cakes and clothing.

II. True or False

1. The constructing monogram design, the letters
must be read from left to right. 1. Monogram Designing
2. All of the letters must appear attractive and must 2. Gothic Styles
be given enough importance in constructing 3. Crown
monogram design for the name of a company. 4. Brand
3. The border light should be heavier and simple 5. Personal
to complement the letters to make it more
attractive. 4. Planning before creating monogram 1. True
design would help you to choose the right 2. True
geometrical shape that will suit the letters you 3. False
will used. 4. True
5. Gothic style is the best and simplest style of 5. True
letter preferred to use in monogram designing.

Prepared by:
Shaira Grace B. Alday, LPT

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