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Volume: 51  Number: 09  Total Pages: 68

Roller Crash Barriers-Road Safety Measures on Waghai-Saputara Highway in Gujarat

Volume: 51  Number: 09  SEPTEMBER 2023  ISSN 0376-7256
Indian Roads Congress
Founded : On 10th December, 1934

¾ From the Editor’s Desk 4-5
¾ Letter to Editor 6
¾ Advertisements 2, 7-18, 66, 67 & 68
¾ Highlights of the 225th Mid-Term Council Meeting 19-28
¾ Important Announcement 29-31
¾ IRC Technical Committees Meeting Schedule for the Month of September, 2023 64
Technical Papers
¾ Evaluation of Rheological Behaviour of SBS Modified Binders: Significance of Lower Angular Frequency 32
By Akanksha Pandey, Sk Sohel Islam, Prof. GD Ransinchung R. N & Prof. Sham Ravindranath
¾ Use of Hybrid Reinforced Earth Walls in Mountainous Terrain 44
By Sachin Kumar
¾ Making Road Infrastructure Resilient to Climate Change 56
By Suvendu Seth
¾ New/Revised Publications of IRC 65

Suggestion/Observation on editorial and Technical Papers are welcome and may be sent to IRC Secretariat on

Publisher & Editor: Sanjay Kumar Nirmal, Secretary General, IRC

Headquarter: IRC Bhawan, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022.
Phone Nos.: +91-11-26171548 (Admn.), 23387140 & 23384543 (Membership, Tech. Papers and Indian Highways),
23387759 (Sale), 26185273 (Tech. Committees)

No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the Secretary General, IRC.

The responsibility of the contents and the opinions expressed in Indian Highways is exclusively of the author(s) concerned. IRC and the Editor
disclaim responsibility and liability for any statements or opinion, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors. The
opinion expressed in the papers and contents published in the Indian Highways do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IRC.

Printed at: M/s Infinity Advertising Services Pvt. Ltd., FBD One Corporate Park, 10th Floor, Delhi Faridabad Border, NH 44, Faridabad, Haryana


Crash barriers, also known as traffic safety barriers, are efficient transportation systems that are used to keep vehicles on
track and are implemented for the safety of pedestrians as well as to prevent collision. In addition, crash barriers are used
to avoid passengers from losing control of the vehicle, entering into deep water or falling from steep slopes. Furthermore,
crash barriers such as median barriers are installed in between the highways to prevent vehicles from losing control &
leaving their side of road and entering the opposite lane. Median barriers are designed as to prevent damages when struck
from either side.

The metal beam crash barriers are being used on high-speed corridors at accident prone locations especially at locations
like Valley sides of hill roads, high embankments, sharp/blind curves. These are very useful in containing, redirecting and
absorbing impact energy of the hitting vehicles and reducing the severity of the accidents.

The function of a barrier is primarily two-fold, Containment and Severity. It means that the barrier must be strong enough
to contain a heavy vehicle (truck, bus etc.) on impact and at the same time be soft enough so as to avoid occupant fatalities
of a car on impact. As the containment level increases severity becomes a challenge. In India, Concrete Rigid Barriers are
implemented in many places, which although offer high containment but provide high severity of impact and thus should
be avoided as far as possible. The Metallic Bridge Parapets, while offering similar containment had much lesser impact
severity. Over the last couple of decades, extensive research has led to the evolution of scientifically designed crash tested
barriers recommended by the Ministry which is now at par with the best barriers available and in practice worldwide
conforming to the European EN 1317-2 and American MASH Standards.

The design of crash barrier with regard to loads and load combinations is being done as per IRC: 6-2017 on “Standard
Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges Section: II- Loads and Load Combinations. With regard to general
Features of safety barrier design IRC:5-2015 on Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges Section - I
General Features of Design is being used. The locations and specifications for erecting various types of roadside/median
crash barriers and type of crash barriers i.e., concrete/new jersey, semi – rigid/metal, flexible/wire rope barriers have been
stipulated in IRC :119 “Guidelines for Traffic Safety Barriers”.

Ministry’s circular on installation of metal crash barriers (semi-rigid) for national highways provides the following
recommendations on applicability.

1. New Jersey/Thrie beam type crash barrier are considered appropriate for the hilly areas where space is constrained
and lesser space is available for deflection and is recommended for installation.
2. Thrie beam type crash barrier may be provided for expressways/high speed corridor.
3. W beam crash barrier in hilly area may only be provided if the traffic volume is very low and most of the vehicles are
of lower containment level/passenger car.
4. The barrier should be placed as far away from the travelled way as practical.
5. There should be sufficient distance between the barrier and the start of the embankment slope to provide adequate
support for the post for proper operation of the crash barrier. A minimum distance of 0.6m should be provided to
prevent the wheels from dropping over the edge. However, in case of Expressways a minimum distance of 1 m from
the edge of the embankment shall be provided
6. Preferably kerbs should not be present in front of the crash barrier especially in the rural stretches. In case kerb are
also provided along with the crash barrier, the kerb should be of mountable height and it should be behind crash
barrier or at least face of kerb flushed with crash barrier.
7. A barrier installed for protection should not be seen in isolation but must be integrated with other parts of the barrier
including Approach End terminals, Departure end terminals and Transitions to Concrete Structure/bridges. Such a
complete system shall ensure proper functioning of the system for the best results.

Performance capabilities of roller crash barriers in Hilly Roads, Roads with high curvatures, low width medians and on
approach to tunnels, etc. have advantages over conventional barrier systems especially when the ends of the same are left



Roller crash barriers offer compliance to both European, Korean and American Crash Testing Norms and offered high
containment as per the guidelines and MORTH Circular. This barrier was already utilized in 30 countries worldwide.
However, costs of Roller Barriers are high which is prohibitive in making their use common. The Ministry has implemented
these barriers at 2 locations on a pilot project basis.

Recently, new type of crash barriers are finding use in India and abroad. These are classified as:

i) Modified thrie beam

ii) Safety roller barriers
iii) Planter and Benches
iv) Deformable barriers
v) Wood Crash barriers

The above systems have been crash-validated to different levels of performances. Most traditional barriers follow the
concept of providing rigid structures to stop the truck load and relying on truck-body deformations to dissipate kinetic
energy. The high-security, crash-rated planter is rated to PAS68 standards. This barrier is practical and effective at
protecting against vehicles, terrorist threats and other criminal acts. It can stop vehicles from violating a perimeter which
can protect sensitive areas, buildings and pedestrians from vehicle threats.

Recently, some new energy-dissipation concepts provide crash barriers with a shop-calibrated deceleration force to stop
the truck gradually over time. This strategy controls impact forces transferred to the base, thereby significantly reducing
barrier strength and foundation requirements.

The deformable barriers are useful for showing the deformation, deceleration levels, energy absorbed and for determining
crashworthiness in different crash test configurations for which they were designed. These are made from aluminium
honeycomb, have evolved over time with the aim of improving the stiffness and capacity of absorbing the forces of a
frontal impact of a vehicle type, and its compatibility with other vehicles in a real crash situation. In Europe, barriers
defined by UN-ECE 94 (frontal collision) and UN-ECE 95 (lateral collision) regulations are currently used, although later
developments such as the Advanced European Mobile Deformable Barrier (AE-MDB) will better represent the stiffness
of the European-type vehicle.

An extraordinary accomplishment towards achieving Aatmanirbhar Bharat has been made with the development of
Bamboo Crash Barrier, which has been installed on the Vani-Warora Highway. In addition to being environment friendly,
it offers an economic opportunity to bamboo sector. The recycling value of the bamboo crash barrier is 50-70%, while
that of steel barriers is 30-50%. Bamboo barriers though a new innovative product have the following issues which need
to be addressed. One is that Severity of the barrier is suspect as it has no absorbent driven deformation unlike steel etc.,
Secondly, product consistency is difficult to be maintained as it is naturally grown product and there is no control over
size and diameter of the bamboo being used vis-vis the bamboo that was crash tested. We hope that the above issues will
be duly addressed by the promoters in near future so as to bring confidence in implementing agencies about their efficacy.

IRC has now taken up updation of the Guidelines on Crash Barriers based on feedback received on existing document and
to incorporate the latest developments in the technology.



Comments on Editorial on “Innovation in Digitilized Toll Plaza in India” Published in August,

2023 issue of “Indian Highways”

Dear Sir,

This is in response to your editorial in Indian Highway August 2023 issue regarding Electronic
Toll Collection (ETC) on Indian Highways.

You have very well explained the process and benefits derived out of use of this technique. You
have put forth very impressive figures of toll collections on these highways. These figures clearly
show government`s sincere efforts to increase this in future as well.

I find road users being heavily taxed since NHAI started toll collections on our NHs. Most of the
state governments have started construction of highways on NHAI pattern and started collecting
toll tax on their roads. Purvanchal Expressway, Lucknow-Agra Expressway, Bundelkhand
Expressway of UP are typical examples. Public transport has also increased bus/taxi fares. All
these have created a barrier to smooth commercial and social activities and led to road users
dissatisfaction and poverty among them.

There is a need to assess the implications if this taxation is reduced substantially or abolished
completely. This may give a boost to commercial and personal trips and consequently our economy
will grow, road users shall be more satisfied and richer. I am of the view that this way government
shall lose some revenue but this can easily be met by other sources for which studies may be
conducted. For example I recall days when we used to get vehicle registration renewals every
year and as soon as permanent registration for 15 year period was enforced almost all of us started
following this and are more satisfied. On the same lines we can think of one time toll collection
or other way out and which shall give a boost to our economy and road user satisfaction.

With regards,

Er. Ramesh Chandra Shukla

Chief Engineer (Retired) UP PWD
B1-1103, Saryu Apartment,
Sector 1 Gomti Nagar Extension
Lucknow 226010



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The risk of accidents increases when there are no clear directions on the road. Drivers should not have to rely on guesswork. In 2021
alone, approximately 8,122 individuals lost their lives due to wrong side driving and lane indiscipline*. The key factors contributing to
these fatalities were insufficient lane guidance and limited visibility of road markings in adverse weather conditions.

Poor visibility of road markings during night

Lack of information on lane speed limits, directions and
& wet conditions.
exit details; plus, unauthorized parking on highways.
IRC 35-2015 endorses the use of all-weather road marking
To tackle this problem, IRC 67-2022 has mandated the use of
solutions, raised pavement markers, median markers and
lane discipline information signs, vehicle speed limit signs,
delineators that offer enhanced visibility and improved lane
variable message signs and “No Parking” signs.

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lane discipline:

High visibility: Retroreflectivity:

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vehicle headlights is returned to the driver. high retroreflection.
• Signages appear brighter and are more visible, • Reflects maximum light back to its source ensuring
even in low-light or adverse weather conditions. excellent night visibility.
• Improves driver's ability to perceive and interpret
Wide angle reflectivity: the information.
• Ensures sign visibility from all angles and, even
awkward positions. Wet Retroreflectivity:
• Drivers can easily identify and follow lane • Engineered with the new wet retroreflective
guidance even when not directly facing the sign. technology.
• Ultra-high 2.4 refractive index (RI) optics
Long-distance recognition: compared to traditional 1.5 RI markings.
• Reflective properties enable signs to be • Counteracts the impact of water, ensuring better
recognized from longer distances. visibility in rainy conditions.
• Drivers have more time to make informed
decisions on lane changes or exits. *Times of India, 2023: To ensure lane driving, Centre to issue
guidelines for signal placement and road markings.

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Bigger, Brighter, Better

MORTH has issued a new circular for provision of signages on Expressways & National Highways. This
is included for better visibility & understanding of the road users on Expressways & National Highways
which supersede all the codal provisions/ guidelines issued till date in respect to this provision & must
be followed in addition to all other provisions of IRC-67 & clause 800 of MORTH etc.
As per new guidelines, It is suggested to use Type XI Reflective Sheeting for all the signages over
Highways and Expressways. Here, It is cogent to mention here that, using the best Type XI retro
reflective sheeting, ORALITE 9910 gives a peerless Reflectivity which can be warranted for 12 years.

One should always use Oralite 9910 Type XI sheeting because of its Brightest performance as the higher
Reflectivity values result into -
Exceptional visibility at longer distances.
Enhances visibility for aging population.
Superior visibility even at the larger observation angle.
Enhanced performance of Overhead signs.
Unequaled performance when digitally printed.

*Brightest amongst all the sheetings available in Indian market.





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On the invitation of PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh 225th Mid Term Council Meeting of IRC was organized from 7th to 8th
July, 2023 at Raipur, Capital of Chhattisgarh State. The Council Meeting was inaugurated on 7th July, 2023 by the Hon’ble
Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari by lighting of traditional
lamp along with other dignitaries. The function was presided over by the Hon’ble Minister of PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu.

Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari and Hon’ble Minister of PWD,
Govt. of Chhattisgarh Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu lighting of traditional lamp along with other dignitaries

The Dais was also shared by the Office bearers of IRC, Shri S.B. Vasava, President, IRC and Secretary R&B Department
Govt. of Gujarat; Shri PVVSS Ravi Prasad, DG (RD) & SS, MoRTH; Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, IRC; Shri
C.P. Joshi, Immediate Past President IRC; Vice Presidents of IRC Prof. Manoranjan Parida; S/Shri R.K. Mehra; Arvind
Kumar Jain & Pranav Kapur alongwith the Officers of Chhattisgarh PWD Shri K.K. Pipri, Chairman, Local Organising
Committee, 225th Council Meeting & Engineer-in-Chief, Govt. of Chhattisgarh; Shri V.K. Bhatpahari, Engineer-in-Chief
& OSD; Shri Gyaneshwar Kashyap, Local Organising Secretary & Chief Engineer.

A view of the Dais during the Inaugural Function



Welcome of Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport & Welcome of Hon’ble Minister of PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Highways, Government of India Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl
by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl

Welcome of former Finance Minister, Govt. of Chhattisgarh Welcome of President, IRC Shri S.B. Vasava
Shri Amar Agarwal by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl

Welcome of DG(RD)&SS, MoRTH Shri PVVSS Ravi Prasad Welcome of Secretary General, IRC Shri S.K. Nirmal
by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl

Welcome of Immediate Past President, IRC Shri C.P. Joshi Welcome of Vice-President, IRC Prof. Manoranjan Parida
by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl



Welcome of Vice-President, IRC Shri R.K. Mehra Welcome of Vice-President, IRC Shri Arvind Kumar Jain
by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl

Welcome of Vice-President, IRC Shri Pranav Kapur Welcome of Chairman, Local Organising Committee and E-in-C,
by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh Shri K.K. Pipri by presenting bouquet,
memento and shawl

Welcome of E-in-C & OSD, PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh Welcome of LOS 225th Mid Term Council Meeting Shri Gyaneshwar
Shri V.K. Bhatpahari by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl Kashyap by presenting bouquet, memento and shawl



Shri S.K. Nirmal also mentioned during Council Meeting,

a number of Guidelines, Manuals & Code of Practices, the
drafts of which have been prepared based on the accumulated
expertise and wisdom of IRC fraternity will be deliberated upon.
He briefly mentioned about the two day agenda of the council,
HRB meeting and Chief Engineers Meeting. The presentations
will also be made by experts on two very important topics very
relevant in the present context i.e. cost optimization of road
projects and lessons learned from failure of bridges.

Shri K.K. Pipri, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, Govt. of

Chhattisgarh delivering his Welcome Address

Shri K.K. Pipri, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, Govt. of

Chhattisgarh welcomed all the dignitaries and the
participants. He drew attention of the audiences about the
road network in the State of Chhattisgarh. He also citied
that outcome of this discussions would prove immensely
useful for all concerned and would help to solve the
problems in Road Construction.
Shri PVVSS Ravi Prasad, DG (RD) & SS,
MORTH delivering his address

Shri PVVSS Ravi Prasad, DG (RD) & SS, MORTH in

his Address spoke about the various National Highways
development programs, works executed by MoRTH,
Govt. of India and need of extra care in preparing new/
revised IRC codes.

Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General,

IRC delivering his address

Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, IRC welcomed all

the Council Members, Technical Committee Convenors,
presenters of documents and the participants who have
come all the way to participate in the Mid Term Council
Meeting. He also elaborated the history, functioning,
objectives & achievements of IRC since its inception in Shri S.B. Vasava, President, IRC delivering
his presidential address



Shri S.B. Vasava, President, IRC while delivering the remedial measures to remove deficiencies in road system
presidential address highlighted the role of IRC in the leading to future accidents.
preparation of Standards, Specifications and design codes
for the guidance of highway and rural roads engineers He also mentioned that IRC has also taken lead for setting
and bringing the practice of uniformity in the country. He up of Accreditation scheme of Road Safety Auditors in
informed that so far IRC has published 131 Standards and India. The constituted IRC Expert Committee finalised
Codes of Practice, 134 Special Publications, 26 State-of- 15 days curriculum/course for training of Road Safety &
the-Art Reports, 80 Highway Research Journals and 41 Safety Audit as well as selection criteria for identification/
Highway Research Records. IRC has also brought out 33 training of the Institutes for imparting training with aim to
publications on behalf of the Ministry of Road Transport maintain uniformity throughout country. MoRTH & IRC
and Highways, three publications on behalf of the Ministry has already signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)
of Rural Development and four publications on behalf in presence of Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport
of Planning Commission. Various Standards, Codes of & Highways with reputed Organization like IAHE, Noida,
Practice and Guidelines published by the Indian Roads IIT Delhi, IIT Jammu, IIT Roorkee, IIT Guwahati, SVNIT,
Congress have helped in achieving uniformity in design Surant, VNIT, Nagpur, MANIT, Bhopal, CRRI, New
and construction practices of roads and bridges in the Delhi, NATPAC, Kerala etc. who are imparting15 days
country. For this achievement, he appreciated efforts put training course of Road Safety & Safety Audit to highway
forth by Secretary General, IRC Shri S.K. Nirmal for his engineers regularly. Further IRC is also in the process to
hard & dedicated work. sign MOU with other IIT and Training Institute.

The Highway Research Board (HRB) was set up under He appealed to all the engineers to identify black spots
the auspices of the IRC for paying attention to research of accidents in their jurisdiction and take up remedial
and development activities. Identification, Monitoring and measures to avoid accidents in future.
Research Application (IMRA) Committee looks after the
The current system of the IRC in drafting of Standards,
Research work and compiles data of road research work
Codes, Manuals and Guidelines is heavily dependent on
done in the country on yearly basis. Under the aegis of
the voluntary contribution of the members of the Technical
HRB, an Expert Committee for “Accreditation of New
Committees. It is not surprising that several of the Codes
Materials and Techniques” was constituted for the purpose
and Manuals – need to be updated to bring that at par with
of recommending usage of New Materials/Products/
current International practices & considering regional
Technologies on trial basis in the field for road and bridge
problems. He urge upon the Hon’ble Minister to consider
works in India. For wider dissemination, the HRB publishes
extending financial support to IRC for the Committee’s
State-of-the-Art Reports, Highway Research Record and
work. The financial support from the Government of India
Highway Research Journal. The HRB identifies the R&D
would definitely expedite preparation of IRC documents.
requirements of the country.
The proposed financial support will cover charges for
Road safety is an issue of concern. With rising motorization hiring Consultants, for the Committee’s work.
at 10% compound growth every year and expanding road
He further mentioned that IRC keeps in touch with most
network, travel risks and traffic exposure grow at a much
of the consultants in India & Indian Manufacturers,
faster rate. Today, road traffic injuries are one of the leading
Contractors, Academic Institutions with similar institutions
causes of untimely demise, disabilities and hospitalizations,
across the world also such as American Association of State
with socioeconomic costs, across the world.
Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and
He mentioned that the accidents have been occurring due Transportation Research Board (TRB) in the United States;
to high speed of vehicles, fatigue of drivers etc. The total Japanese Road Association (JRA) in Japan, Permanent
socio-economic loss due to road accidents reported is International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC)
estimated at about 3% of GDP. The predominant factors in Paris, France; National Association of State Roads in
responsible for such a huge loss is attributed to drunken Australia (NASRA); International Road Federation (IRF)
driving, reckless driving by two-wheeler drivers, over in Geneva, Switzerland. These organizations are engaged
speeding, fatigue of drivers and besides bad condition of in various activities connected with planning, design,
roads. He called upon engineers to understand the cause construction, maintenance and operation of highways and
of accidents after visiting to each accident site and take development of Codes, Standards and Specifications.



Hon’ble Minister of Road Transport & Highways Shri

Nitin Gadkari first complimented the Hon’ble PWD
Minister, PWD Chhattisgarh officers and also IRC team for
organizing this Mid-term Council meet of pan India base
officers, engineers from Central & State Governments,
Research organizations, Engineering Colleges, experts,
technology providers, consultants, contractors associated
with road sector to deliberate upon issue & challenges
of road sector and to come out with workable solutions,
policies and guidelines.

He said that IRC is an 89-year-old, pivotal organization

providing a common platform for pooling of collective
wisdom of highway engineers and practitioners from all
over the country as well as aboard in development of
Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu, Hon’ble Minister, PWD, Standards, Specifications, Code of Practices, Guidelines,
Govt. of Chhattisgarh delivering his Special Address
research-based State of art Reports, etc. on various
In his speech Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu, Hon’ble Minister, aspects of road, bridges & tunnels for making users life
PWD, Govt. of Chhattisgarh expressed his immense joy comfortable.
to warmly welcome all the delegate of the 225th Mid-Term
Council Meeting of IRC. Further, he said that the Indian He complimented IRC for deliberation which will be held
Roads Congress, the prestigious apex body of Highway on important documents & Amendments on new subjects.
Engineers, has been leaving impressive footprints in All these documents have been prepared by IRC taking
construction and maintenance of roads and highways into account best practices at par with best international
in our country ever since its inception. He said that the standards. These new Standards will be of immense help
roads are an integral part of the transport system, they in planning, designing, implementation, operation of
play a significant role in achieving national development
road construction and maintenance programmes both on
by enhancing mobility, taking people out of isolation and
National Highways as well as for other categories of Roads
poverty. He said that Chhattisgarh is a rich State with
mining and mineral and infrastructure developing State for fast and sustainable construction.
and this meet will be a boon for Chhattisgarh PWD and
the people of the State as well. In the end concluding his We know, Infrastructure development plays an important
speech he once again thanked the Indian Roads Congress role in fulfilling the vision of our Hon. PM Narendra
for having this meet in Raipur. Modiji to make India a 5 trillion-dollar economy by 2024.

Road & Bridge infrastructure is the most important of

all public assets and pedal for national economy to fuel
economic growth and reap social benefits. It does a noble
duty of connecting people with each other, with essential
services and facilities like educational institutions,
lifesaving hospitals, etc. The positive aspect of road sector
activities leading to growth in tourism sector, employment
generation, etc., perhaps makes it one of the biggest
employments creating sector.

• I always quote former US President John F Kennedy’s

words about American Roads.

• “American roads are not good because America is

Hon’ble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India
rich, but America is rich because American roads are
Shri Nitin Gadkari ji delivering his Inaugural Address good”.



• I strongly believe in this statement. Good road innovate and to deliver on time. If our systems are strong
network is key for the prosperity of any Country. and robust, the World will respect us and be willing to work
with us. We should develop the capacity of making the right
Today, India has about 6.3 million kilometres roads which choices of environmental friendly technology, conforming
at present is the second largest road network in the world. synergy between research and product development.
Though the National Highways has a length of about 145
thousand km, it carries over 40 percent of the total traffic Today, I am also happy to note that IRC is publishing &
across the length and breadth of the country. dedicating 7 important Guidelines on various subjects.

Road network is vital for sustained and inclusive growth I am sure that the deliberations during this Council Meeting
of the economy. Not only it makes easier to transport both would be quite useful for the highway profession and they
people and goods across the nation, it also fosters economic will enrich knowledge regarding road construction &
efficiency by reducing overall transportation costs in terms maintenance techniques without compromising quality,
of economies of production, distribution, and consumption. durability, serviceability, safety, health and environment.
Because of its last-mile connectivity or feeder service, It will guide the Government in deciding the future road
road transportation plays a disproportionately large role as infrastructure needs of the country. These efforts of IRC
compared to other forms of transportation. are really commendable and agree for following points
with suggestions henceforth.
To fulfil above objective, Govt. of India has launched a
Visionary Highway Development Scheme with an aim to • We are ready to give you financial assistance for the
directly impact the economic activity and freight movement above mentioned activities. However, efforts shall be
across the Country. The scheme is called BHARATMALA made to formulate policy, framework for making IRC
PARIYOJANA. It focuses on the new initiatives like full time Organization. You can take retired Secretary,
development of Border and International connectivity Engineers in the organization, there is no problem
of roads, Coastal & port connectivity roads, improving because that will make it a professional organization.
efficiency of National Corridors, Economic Corridors You can make the constitution of IRC at the earliest
and others. The ambitious project also plans to create and it should be 24 hours activity not a part-time
new Industrial Corridors and urban centres, which should activity.
enhance economic activity in the country. The government
• It should be independent autonomous body supported
also expects that 70-80 per cent of freight traffic will move
by the Government and make its mission for research
on national highways, up from 40 per cent now.
& development and futuristic technology which are
Vision of our Ministry is to participate in the overall useful for the country for the sustainable development.
development of the country by creating good roads, • I am very happy that you are doing excellent job. It
bridges, tunnels and their proper upkeep. Availability of is my humble expectation from you that it is time for
a good infrastructure facility is an essential pre-requisite you that we should perform, reform and transform.
for the growth and development of all spheres of economy We have to make India a super-economic power.
and improving the living standard of the people. We also
visualize a great employment of advanced technologies • We need to make Indian construction industry,
with high quality control in the construction of tunnels. number one in the World.

• You have that kind of capability that European and

Our government is dedicatedly working towards expanding
American code take you report and implement in
National Highway network to 2 lakh kilometers by 2025.
their codes.
As we know that, technologies are changing at a fast pace, • One again my best wishes for you. I am always with
so we must be open to new ideas. We must be able to learn you.
from our experiences. We have the capacity to compete, to



Release of new/revised IRC Publication during the Inaugural Function of Council Meeting at Raipur


1 IRC:73-2023 “Geometric Design Standards for Non-Urban Roads” (First Revision)
2 IRC:82-2023 “Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Roads” (Second Revision)
3 IRC:135-2023 “Guidelines for Development of Bus Ports in India”
4 IRC:SP:32-2023 “Guidelines for Safer Commute to Schools” (First Revision)
5 IRC:SP:85-2023 “Guidelines For Variable Message Signs” (First Revision)
6 IRC:SP:90-2023 “Guidelines for Grade Separators and Elevated Structures” (First Revision)
7 IRC:SP:99-2023 “Manual of Specifications & Standards for Expressways” (First Revision)
8 Special Report No.26 “Mobile Routine Maintenance Facility for Flexible Pavement”
9 MoRTH Publications prepared with technical cooperation from JICA
"Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions"
1. Guideline For Planning
2. Guideline for Tunnel on Arterial Roads in Hill Area
3. Guideline for Operation and Maintenance
4. Guideline for Slope Protection and Embankment with Advanced Technology – Part-I Main Text
5. Guideline for Slope Protection and Embankment with Advanced Technology Part-II Appendix
6. Guideline for Mountain Bridge with Advanced Technology

The Council in its 225th meeting held on 7th July, 2023 On 8th July, 2023, the 81st Meeting of Highway
transacted the administrative, financial and general Research Board was also held under the Chairmanship
business of the IRC in addition to discussion on four of Shri PVVSS Ravi Prasad, Director General (Road
numbers of documents prepared by various Technical
Development) & Special Secretary to the Govt. of
Committees of IRC. After detailed deliberation, Council
approved four documents for their adoption for public India, Ministry of Roads Transport & Highways to work
benefits. The meeting was attended by the Council out road map for the road research, development and
Members, Co-opted Members, Convenors of Technical cutting edge greener technology initiatives mechanism
Committees of IRC and Invitees from the Central to transfer to laboratory research findings into actual
Government Departments, State PWDs, NHAI, NRIDA,
ground in Highway Sector.
Border Roads Organization, IITs, NITs, Engineering
Colleges, Research Institutions and Private Sector.



A view during the 225th Mid Term Council Meeting of IRC at Raipur

View of dais during HRB Meeting held on 8th July, 2023 under View of dais during Secretaries/Engineer-in-Chiefs/
the Chairmanship of DG (RD)&SS, MORTH, Govt. of India Chief Engineers Meeting held on 8th July, 2023 under the
Chairmanship of DG (RD)&SS, MORTH, Govt. of India



Welcome of Shri Anurag Jain, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India

Shri Anurag Jain, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India interacted with the
Council Members as well as Secretaries/E-in-Cs/Chief Engineers

Shri Anurag Jain, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport painstaking effort put in organizing this Mid Term Council
and Highways, Govt. of India interacted with the Council Meeting by Public Works Department Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Members as well as Secretaries/E-in-Cs/Chief Engineers headed by Shri K.K. Pipri, E-in-C, Chhattisgarh PWD and
in the evening of 6th July, 2023. He invited views of all the his dedicated team of Engineers and IRC Secretariat team
senior officers for improvement of the quality of construction, headed by Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General and his
sustainable construction and improve safety. officers for making excellent arrangement for the success of
this Meeting.
At the end Council and HRB members appreciated the


In the evenings of 6th to 8th July, 2023, Cultural Programme consisting folk dances and melodious songs etc.
were performed in a very colorful way by the local artists of Raipur



Nominations are invited in prescribed proforma for the IRC Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award for the year 2022. The last
date for receipt of nominations is 25th October, 2023.
For the year 2022 the nominee’s age should not be more than 45 years. The particulars about the award are given below:
This award has been instituted by the IRC during Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Year and will be made each year for
outstanding contribution in the field of Highway Engineering.
Award will be in the form of medal/Citation certificate and will be made annually for notable and outstanding contribution,
applied or fundamental, in the field of Highway Engineering (including Bridges).
For recognizing outstanding work in engineering technology, utilization, etc. in the highway sector and encouraging young and
upcoming engineers/scientists in the profession.
a. Any Engineer/Scientist or any individual of India who is member/individual associate member of IRC and is engaged in
the field of highway engineering will be eligible for the award.
b. The award will be bestowed on a person who, in the opinion of the Selection Committee constituted by the Executive
Committee, has made conspicuously important and outstanding contribution to Road Development of the country in the
preceding 5 years of the nomination for the award.
5. The age of nominee shall be less than 45 years on the 31st May of the year in which the nomination is received.
6. The award will be made on the basis of contributions made primarily by work done in India. The criteria for selection of the
contribution for the award will be the following:
i) Important addition, modification or improvement to the available design criteria.
ii) Important contribution to present day knowledge of physicial phenomenon or behaviour of relevance to engineering practice.
iii) New approach or methodology for utilization of development of new technology or new techniques for solving problems
in applied engineering technology.
iv) Specific contribution made in the following fields:
(a) Investigation Methods (g) Repairs and Rehabilitation
(b) R&D Management (h) Environment
(c) Standardisation (i) Highway Safety
(d) Software Development (j) Construction and Management
(e) Planning (k) Protective Works
(f) Maintenance (l) Traffic Engineering
7. Nominations
a) Names of candidates may be proposed by or through any member of the IRC Council. Each such nomination shall be on the
basis of proforma, accompanied by detailed statement of work and contribution of the nominee by the sponsor, and a critical
assessment report bringing out the importance of the significant contributions of the nominee made during the preceding five
years. The nominations alongwith copies of work assessment reports is to be sent to the Secretary General, IRC on or before
25th October, 2023.
b) A candidate once nominated should be considered for a total period of 3 years, if otherwise eligible, unless revised nomination is
received. Once such nomination has been received, the Secretary General, IRC may correspond directly with the candidate for
supplementary information, if necessary.






1. Name of the Nominee.

2. Roll. No. ______________as member of IRC and the year since he is member of IRC.

3. Discipline under which to be considered.

4. Date of Birth.

5. Academic qualifications beginning with Bachelor’s Degree.

6. Present employment and post held.

7. (a) Outstanding achievements of the nominee (in about 500 words) during the last 5 years (Attach separate

(b) Benefit derived/anticipated or measurable impact of the work/contribution/achievement.

(c) Assessment by the sponsor of the importance of the contribution (not more than 100 words)

8. Whether these achievements/contributions have already been recognized for awards by any other body. If so, the
name of the body, the name of award and the year of award may be given.

9. Other awards/honours already received including fellowships of professional bodies.

10. Papers published, if any (reprints to be enclosed)

11. Names & address of three experts in the area (preferably in India) as possible reference.




Place : ___________________ Signature _____________________

Name & Designation of the Sponsor
(IRC Council Member)


NOTE: Ten copies of the Proforma along with ten copies of the detailed statement of achievement/contribution neatly
typed should be supplied along with reprints of relevant Papers.





On the invitation of Government of Gujarat, the 82nd Annual Session of the Indian Roads Congress will be
held at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) from 2nd to 5th December, 2023. The Invitation Booklet containing the Tentative
Programme, Registration Form, Accommodation Form etc. will be available in our website
shortly. Accommodation is available on first come first serve basis. All members of IRC are invited to attend the
82nd Annual Session.

It is expected that more than 4000 Highway Engineers from all over the country and abroad will attend this
Session. During the Annual Session of IRC, there has been a practice for various firms/organizations to make
Technical Presentations on their products/technologies & case studies (with innovative construction methods or
technologies or having special problems requiring out of the box thinking and special solutions). The presenters
will get an opportunity to address a large gathering of highway professionals from Private Sector as well as
decision makers in the Govt. Sector. These presentations evoke lively interaction among the participants.

A time slot of about 12-15 minutes is normally allocated for each Technical Presentation. Time is also given
for floor intervention. During such Technical Presentation Session, no other meetings will be held parallel so
as to ensure maximum attendance during the Technical Presentation Session. The stakeholders are, therefore,
requested to participate in the event and book slots at the earliest.

Interested Organizations may write to IRC conveying their willingness for participation and send the topics
of their Technical Presentation by E-mail: / or through Speed
Post alongwith a Demand Draft for Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand only) drawn in favour
of Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi latest by 17th November, 2023 so that necessary
arrangements can be made by IRC.

For any enquiry about the 82nd Annual Session like Registration, Membership & Technical Presentation etc.
please address to Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New
Delhi-110022. For assistance the contact details are given as under:

Membership Registration Technical Presentation Accommodation

Shri Ajay J. Chauhan,
(Local Organising Secretary)
Shri Anil Kumar Sharma Shri Rajneesh Katoch Shri Sunil Ishrawat
Superintending Engineer (I.C.)
Section Officer Section Officer Section Officer
R&B Circle, Ahmadabad (Gujarat)
Phone + 91 23387759 Phone +91 11 2338 7140 Phone + 91 26185315
Mobile +91 9891060148 Mobile +91-7078193056 /26171548
Mobile No. 9825873849
Email: ircmembership Email: Email:
Phone (o) : 079-27910296
Fax No. 07927910236





Akanksha Pandey1 Sk Sohel Islam2 Prof. GD Ransinchung R.N3 Prof. Sham Ravindranath4


This study demonstrates the critical role of lower angular frequencies (ω) in quantifying the rheological properties of
SBS-Modified Binders (SBSMBS). Variables such as SBS dosage, SBS type, additive, and aging conditions have been considered
in this study. Modified binders with 2 to 6 wt.% SBS content was prepared, and frequency sweep tests were performed at 60°C
between 100 to 0.01 rad/s in the linear viscoelastic region. The results illustrate that the rheological signature of SBS molecules
is predominantly observed at lower frequencies (≤ 0.1 rad/s), due to which the difference among the SBSMBS increases as the
angular frequency decreases. Compared to 2 wt.% SBSMBS, the complex viscosity at 60°C of 4 wt.% SBSMBS is higher by ≈ 1.5,
2, 4, and 8 times at ω = 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 rad/s, respectively. The sluggish mobility of the SBS molecules and the formation of
the interconnected SBS-rich phase are the main reasons for the rheological sensitivity at lower frequencies. Irrespective of SBS
type, additive type, and aging conditions, the deviation increases as frequency decreases. The correlation between |G*|/sinδ
and rutting at ω = 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 rad/s is 0.88, 0.97, 0.98, and 0.99, respectively. Similarly, the correlation (R2) of other
rheological variables with rutting in asphalt mixes improves significantly at ω ≤ 0.1 rad/s. The R2 value approaches a value
closer to the correlation between non-recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) and rutting. This study demonstrates that analysis at
lower oscillatory frequencies (≤ 0.1 rad/s) better defines the upper service temperature rheological properties of SBSMBS. Hence
for better grading and improved correlation with mixture performance, we recommend including rheological parameters at
a frequency of 0.1 rad/s in IS 15462 PMB grading standard. Simpler rheological parameters, such as complex viscosity and
phase angle, should be considered.

1. INTRODUCTION responses of the asphalt binder and polymer will be very

diverse at a specific frequency because of the substantial
The viscoelastic properties of Polymer-Modified Binders
variance in the dynamics of the molecules at upper service
(PMBs) play an essential role in improving the asphalt
mix performance. In the linear viscoelastic region (LVE),
the properties of the PMBs, such as complex modulus Though the rheological behavior of PMBs has been
(|G*|),viscous modulus (Gʺ), elastic modulus (Gʹ), extensively analyzed, the significance of frequency in
complex viscosity (|η*|), etc., are unaffected by the strain
better quantifying the properties and performance of
amplitude (γ). On the contrary, even in the LVE region, the
Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) modified binders has
rheological properties of the PMBs are strongly dependent
not been illustrated. SBS is widely employed to modify the
on the frequency (ω) of oscillation. For a given frequency,
sluggish molecules react more solid-like (elastic/brittle), asphalt binder among the various polymers. The interaction
whereas highly mobile molecules react viscous-like. PMBs between SBS and binder molecules provides exceptional
are formed by combining asphalt binder molecules and resistance against moisture-induced damage, permanent
long-chain polymer molecules. The individual rheological deformation, raveling, fatigue, thermal cracking, etc.
1. Research Scholar, Email:
2. Research Scholar
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
3. Professor,
4. Associate professor



This work aims to demonstrate that lower oscillatory curves. Master curves help to evaluate the rheological
frequencies are crucial for accurately assessing the behavior of complex fluids over a wider frequency range.
rheological response of SBSMBS at upper service Ming L et al. 2015 used the master-curve technique
temperatures, and for establishing a good correlation with to explain the thermo-rheological behavior of various
the rutting performance of asphalt mixes. To attain the SBSMBS[23]. The study concludes that an increment in styrene
objective of this study, SBSMBS were prepared at different content improves the viscoelastic properties and reduces
SBS dosages (2, 4, and 6 wt.%) and molecular (linear, the temperature sensitivity of the asphalt binder. On the
high vinyl, branched, and reactive terpolymer). Frequency other hand, according to Vlachovicova et al. 2005, viscosity
sweep tests from 100 to 0.01 rad/s were carried out on the is more accurate than the master curve in distinguishing
samples at 60°C. The rheological properties (|G*|, |ɳ*|, δ, unmodified and polymer-modified asphalts[12, 24]. By using
|G*|/sinδ) of the SBSMBS at ω = 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 rad/s a Han plot to assess the rheological parameters, Yvonne
were correlated with rutting on asphalt mixes measured at BM et al. 2003 highlighted the transition from viscous to
60°C. viscoelastic behavior due to polymer addition[17].

1.1 Literature Review: The primary purpose of the rheological study of PMBs
in an oscillatory mode is to forecast the performance of
SBS-modified binders (SBSMBS) viscoelastic properties are asphalt mixes.The upper limiting temperature (Tu) in the
crucial for enhancing the performance of asphalt mixtures. Performance Grading (PG) is assigned by the temperature
SBS dosage, SBS structure, and base binder primarily at which |G*|/sinδ ≥ 1 kPa and 2.2 kPa for unaged and
affect the viscoelastic properties of modified binders at RTFO aged at 10 rad/s. Here, 10 rad/s frequency represents
the temperature of interest[1-3]. Sengoz et al. 2008 observed the vehicle moving at 80 km/hr, while PG grading
the increment in softening point, viscosity, and network has not considered higher traffic speeds. It is widely
structure formation as a function of polymer content[1]. documented that for PMBs, the rutting criterion (|G*|/
The study also reports that an increase in viscosity is sinδ) is incapable of anticipating the asphalt mixes rutting
unfavorable because higher viscosity requires higher performance[5]. Therefore, depending on the understanding
mixing, laying, and compaction temperature. By varying from the rheological responses, Shenoy et al.2001, 2004
the SBS molecular structure, and styrene/butadiene ratio, have modified the PG rutting specification parameter to
Schaur et al. 2017 have shown a pronounced decrease in |G*|/(1-(1/tand sin δ)), which is a suggested international
phase angle and plateau in storage modulus in the case of codal provision[25-27]. Bouldin et al. 2001 related the creep
radial compared to linear SBSMBS[2]. Yogesh et al. 2020 and recovery experiment and frequency sweep data and
have mentioned the superior upper service temperature proposed a semiempirical model for comprehension[27].
performance of branched SBSMBS compared to linear[3]. Radhakrishnan V. et al.2018 have shown the influence
Several studies have examined the rheological response of frequencies on the correlation among proposed rutting
of SBSMBS through the fundamental oscillatory variables, parameters and rutting on asphalt mixes[28]. Low or zero
i.e., phase angle (δ), complex viscosity (|η*|), complex shear viscosity analyses are also suggested because of
modulus (|G*|),etc.[4-11]. These variables were measured PMBs shear-rate dependent rheological behavior.
by temperature and frequency sweep measurements or at
constant temperature and frequency. Studies by Rossi et 2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGIES
al. 2015, Liyanet al. 2020, etc., have reported the change
in morphology and rheological behavior of SBSMBS by 2.1 Asphalt Binder and Polymers
varying the temperature and SBS concentration[10, 12-15]. SBSMBS with and without additives were prepared using
The rheological behavior of SBSMBS has also been evaluated AB1 asphalt binder. The properties of unmodified binder
by employing a variety of plotting techniques, such as as per IS:73 standard are provided in Table 1. Based on
master curves[15, 16], Han plots[17], is ochronal plots[12, 18], the stated parameters AB1 binder belongs to VG 10 grade.
cole-cole plots[19, 20], black diagrams[21,22], etc. Airey et To prepare SBSMBS, three commercial-grade SBS polymers
al. 2003 analyzed the SBSMBS viscoelastic properties via (Linear SBSL, branched SBSB, and high-vinyl SBSHV)
master curves of |G*| and δ by varying the SBS dosages[6]. and one reactive terpolymer (RET) were used. The basic
The rheological properties of complex fluids in the linear properties and pictorial presentation of polymers are
viscoelastic region are commonly analyzed using master presented in Table 1 and Fig. 1, respectively.



Table 1 Properties of Asphalt Binder, Polymers, and Additives.

Asphalt binder Polymer

Nomenclature AB1 Nomenclature SBSL SBSHV SBSB RET
Penetration @ 25 °C, (dmm) 90 Structure Linear Linear Branched Linear
Softening point, (°C) 48.2 Copolymer type Triblock Triblock Triblock
Aged binder Diblock content (%) < 15 < 15 < 15 -
Viscosity ratio 2.6 Vinyl content (%) ≤15 ≥ 30≤ 15 -
Melt flow index: 200 °C/5 kg,
Ductility, (cms) 20 <1 <1 <1 8
(g/10 min)
Type Commercial Name Additive content (wt.%)
Sulphur Reagent grade 0.14, 0.21
Waxes Sasobit 1
Aromatic Oils Nynas 41700 2
Crumb rubber 30 mesh 2

(a) (b)

Polystyrene, Polybutadiene
Fig. 1 Pictorial Illustration of (a) Linear and High Vinyl SBS, (b) Branched SBS

2.2 Preparation of the Polymer-Modified Binders made by adding 0.21 wt.% sulphur, 2 wt.% aromatic oil,
(PMBs) 1wt.% sasobit wax, and 2wt.% crumb rubber in 4.5 wt.%
SBSMBS. The basic properties of additives are provided in
Preparing PMBs is a two-step procedure; blending asphalt Table 1. Except for sulphur, other additives were added
binder and polymer using a high-shear mixer followed by during higher shear mixing. Conventional and rheological
low-shear homogenization. A Silverson high-shear mixer properties of SBSMBS with and without additives provided
(Model: L4RT) was employed at 180°C for 120 minutes in Table 2 are measured as per IS: 15462. The grading
at 3000 rpm to blend the polymer and asphalt binder. After of respective samples is based on |G*|/sinδ and non-
ward, the IKA-Werke low-shear mixer (Model: RW20) recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) value. From Table
was used to shear the mixture at low shear for 120 mins at 2, it can be inferred that an increment in SBS dosage
600 rpm. During low-shear homogenization, sulphur was from 2 to 6 shifted the grade from PG64-10H to PG80-
added at a weight percentage of 0.12% to prevent phase 10E. Presence of additives also significantly influenced
separation in the PMBs. To reduce excess data, only the the grading of the binder. 4.5 wt.% SBSMB belongs to PG
properties of the SBSL/AB1 modified binder are provided 76-22 H grade whereas increment in sulphur dosage, the
in Table 2.The SBS dosage varied from 2 to 6 wt.% at addition of sasobit wax, and crumb rubber shifted to PG
an increment of 2 wt.%.SBSMBS with additives were 76-22 V.



Table 2 Properties of SBSL/AB1 Modified Binders for 2-6 wt.% SBS Content and Additives

Effect of additives in 4.5 wt.% SBSL/AB1

Parameters Effect of SBSL Content
Sasobit Aromatic
Sulphur Crumb rubber
wax oil
Dosage (wt.%) 2 4 4.5 6 0.21 1 2 2
Softening point, (°C) 58 75 83 95 86 88 81 83.2
Viscosity at 150°C, (Pa.s) 0.51 0.87 1.14 2.1 1.4 0.96 0.76 1.3
1.7 @ 1.1 @ 1.14 @ 76 1.9 @ 82 1.3 @ 2.2 @ 1.6 @ 1.7 @
|G*|/sinδ, (kPa)
64 °C 70 °C °C °C 76 °C 76 °C 70°C 76 °C
Phase angle δ, (°) 75 62 65 51 58 54 61 60
∆SP, (°C) 0.4 1.0 0.6 1.2 0.4 1.4 1.2 2.1
|G*|/sinδ (kPa) 3.6 @ 2.9 @ 2.23 @ 76 2.8 @ 82 2.5 @ 3.5 @ 2.7 @ 2.6 @
64 °C 70 °C °C °C 76 °C 76 °C 70 °C 76 °C

Jnr at 3.2 kPa 1.3 0.33 1.25 0.14 1.05 0.75 0.45 0.72
PG 64- PG 70- PG76- PG 82- PG 76- PG 76-22, PG 70-
PG Grade as per IS15462 PG 76-22 ,V
10, H 10, E 22, H 10, E 22, V V 10, E

2.3 Methods: Materials Characterizations compaction procedure. The rutting of the asphalt mixture
was determined for 20,000 cycles at 60°C. The properties
The softening point, Brookfield viscosity at 150°C, PG related to asphalt mix, i.e., optimum binder content (OBC),
temperature, elastic recovery, and storage stability of the VMA, VFB, Marshall Quotient, etc., as a function of SBS
PMBs were examined as per ASTM D36, D4402, D6373, dosage, is provided in Table 3. The influence of SBS
D7405, and D7173, respectively. Anton Paar’s MCR 102 modification is observed as an increment in MQ, RMS,
rheometer was used to measure the rheological properties and stability values, respectively.
of the samples. The analysis was performed in parallel
plates with a 25 mm diameter and a constant spacing of
1 mm within the LVE regime. To determine the effect of
angular frequency (ω) on PMBs properties, frequency
sweep experiments were performed from 0.01 to 100 rad/s
at 60°C.

2.4 Performance analysis of Asphalt Mix

The aggregates were procured from a local quarry in

Roorkee, India, to prepare the mixes. Fig. 2 displays
aggregate gradation at the lower, upper, and selected
gradations. The maximum aggregate size was 19 mm. The
Marshall mix design process was used while maintaining
the gradation to prepare the asphalt mixes. Asphalt Institute
guideline (MS-2) was followed to measure the optimum
binder content. A Wheel Tracking Device (WTD) was used
to measure the rutting of asphalt mixtures in accordance
with AASTHO T324. Asphalt sample with 300 x 300 x 50 Fig. 2 % Passing as a Function of Sieve Size
mm dimensions was made with 7% air void using a static



Table 3 Asphalt Mix Properties of Unmodified and 2-6wt.% SBSL Modified Asphalt Mixes.
SBS Content OBC (%) Va (%) VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability (kN) MQ (kN/mm) RMS (%)
0 5.25 3.88 14.92 72.95 9.8 3.5 83
2 5.34 3.95 15.21 73.76 12.3 4.01 86
4 5.44 4.02 15.36 73.91 17.8 5.7 92
4.5 5.48 4.05 15.36 73.91 18 5.6 94
6 5.51 4.07 15.51 74.05 21.1 6.24 95


3.1. Influence of SBS Concentration
The dosage of SBS polymer strongly determines the
performance properties of SBSMBS and asphalt mixtures.
Excessive vehicular load, adverse environmental
conditions, minimum maintenance, etc., require using SBS
> 4wt.%[29,30]. The impact of lower frequency in analyzing
the influence of polymer content was illustrated by adding
2, 4, and 6wt.% of SBSL in the AB1 binder. The basic
rheological properties of SBSMBS, i.e., complex viscosity
(|η*|), phase angle (δ), and rutting parameter (|G*|/sinδ),
was examined by varying the frequency (ω) at 60°C.
Fig. 4 Phase Angle (δ) vs. Angular Frequency(ω) at 60 °C
for 2, 4, and 6 wt.% SBSMBS in AB1 Base Binder

Fig. 4 illustrates the phase angle for 2,4, and 6 wt.%

SBSMBS at 60°C. Notably, the phase angle values of the
modified binders (MBs) diverge to a greater extent at
lower frequencies (≤ 0.1 rad/s). With the increment in
SBS concentration, it can be noticed that the phase angle
value changes by ≈ 22° and 55° at 10 and 0.01 rad/s,
respectively. The rutting parameter (|G*|/sinδ) was also
examined along with complex viscosity and phase angle.
Fig. 5 demonstrates that |G*|/sinδ also strongly depends
Fig. 3 Complex Viscosity vs. Angular Frequency (ω) at 60°C for 2, on the frequency, and the difference in the three SBSMBS
4, and 6 wt.% SBSMBS in AB1 base binder. is visible at frequencies < 1 rad/s. Therefore, from Figs.
3, 4, and 5, it can be concluded that |ɳ*|, δ, and |G*|/sinδ
It can be noticed from Fig. 3 that the complex viscosity is dependent on applied frequency, and the difference is
of the SBSMBS rises as the SBS concentration increases prominently visible at lower frequencies.
over the frequency range of 100-0.01 rad/s. Essentially,
the contrastin complex viscosity among the three
SBSMBS increases at frequencies < 1 rad/s. SBS polymers
sluggish dynamics in the binder and the formation of
the interconnected polymer network increase the longest
molecular relaxation time (λ)[31,32]. Lower oscillation
frequencies, where the sluggish SBS molecules respond
more readily, increase the differences among the three
samples. At SBS concentrations ≥ 3 wt.%, a network
structure is developed in the binder[33, 34]. The formation
of an interconnected network and the SBS molecules
sluggish dynamics cause protracted molecular relaxation
time scales. So, the rheological signature of the slow SBS
molecules is better detected at longer time scales, which Fig. 5 Rutting Parameter (|G*|/sinδ) vs. Angular Frequency (ω) at
60°C for 2, 4, and 6 wt.% SBSMBS in AB1 base binder.
correspond to lower frequencies.



To better understand the rheological behavior of SBSMBS, rich network dramatically slows down the mobility of the
it is vital to know the importance of frequency and longest SBS molecules, making the rigid PS blocks much more
molecular relaxation time. The viscoelastic response in influential on the rheological behavior of SBSMBS. Unlike
complex fluids is typically analyzed using the Deborah segmental movement, lower frequency captures the
number (De), which is denoted in oscillatory measurements dynamic of the polymer molecule. Hence, low oscillation
by frequencies are better for quantifying the viscoelastic
properties of the SBSMBS. Numerous studies have
De = λw examined how the polymer dosage affects the rheological
characteristics of PMBs[6,10, 39]. These studies have stated the
SBS molecules are highly flexible molecules, and their
change in morphology, increase in|G*|, |η*|, elasticity,etc.,
molecular length significantly affects their rheological
as a function of polymer dosage. The measurements by
properties. The longest relaxation time (λ) and molecular
cole-cole plot, black diagram, master curves, etc., also
weight (Mw) can be related as
demonstrated the influence of polymer modification.
λ α Mw3.4 While the explanation related to the interference of brittle-
like behavior in modified binders has not been provided by
The λ for a polymer molecule is the time it takes to travel the stated curves.
a distance corresponding to a hypothetical tube length or
by end-to-end distance (R)[35, 36]. The polymer molecules 3.1.1 Correlation with rut depth:
intrinsic time scale is the λ that decides the viscous or
To examine the practical significance of lower frequency,
elastic response of the polymer under external deformation.
the correlation between rutting in asphalt mixes and
For the polymer molecules, λ is constant at a fixed
rheological parameters was analyzed. Table 4 presents
temperature, and the increment in frequency increases the
the rut depth values of 2-6 wt.% SBSL, SBSB, and SBSHV
De. The behavior of fluids approaches solid-like (elastic
modified asphalt mixes. Compared to the unmodified
or brittle) as De becomes > 1. Therefore, the response of
binder, a considerable reduction in rut depth value for
fluid changes from liquid-like to solid-like by the varying
SBS-modified asphalt mixes is observed. Table 5 exhibits
frequency at a fixed temperature and conversely. In the the correlation value (R2) for ruttingand rheological
same way, the De value enhances as the fluids λ rises by parameters at 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 rad/s angular frequencies.
lowering the temperature with a fixed frequency. The basis At a frequency of 10 rad/s, the R2 value varies significantly
of the viscoelasticity response in oscillatory measurements for all parameters, whereasit converges to similar values
is the interdependency between the frequency and λ. at frequencies ≤ 0.1 rad/s. The improvement in the R2
Complex fluids commonly react more elastic/solid-like as value depicts that lower frequencies can better quantify
frequency increases, which causes the phase angle value the performance of SBSMBS. Literature highlights that
to decrease. In contrast, at SBS dosage ≥ 4wt.%, modified the Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery (MSCR) test
binders display an opposite trend, as shown in Fig. 4. The also correlates better with rutting performance in asphalt
main reason for the contradiction is that in polymer melts mixes[40]. According to the correlation analysis, the non-
recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) and rutting have an
and solutions, the shorter polymer molecule component,
R2 value of 0.99, which is comparable to the R2 value for
such as Rouse and Kuhn segments, start responding at
rheological parameters at a frequency below 1 rad/s.
higher ω. In SBSMBS, SBS polymer swells several times
in the binder and creates a network structure. At higher Table 4 Rut Depth of Unmodified and SBS-Modified
frequencies, shorter segments of SBS molecules and binder Asphalt Mixes at 20,000 Cycles and 60°C.
molecules contribute to the rheological response, unlike
the overall polymer molecule. SBS polymer is a blend of SBS content SBSL SBSB SBSHV
Poly Butadiene (PB) and Poly Styrene (PS) blocks. The 0 10.1
glass transition temperatures (Tg) of PB and PS are ≈
2 8.2 7.1 7.9
-100°C and 90°C[37, 38]. At the upper service temperature
of 60°C, the rigid polystyrene segments respond brittle/ 4 5 4.3 6.4
glassy-like with an increase in ω. Notably, at SBS content 4.5 4.1 3.2 4.3
≥ 4 wt.%, the formation of an interconnected polymer- 6 3 2.1 3.4



Table 5 Correlation Between Rheological Properties of SBSMBS and Rutting on Asphalt Mixes.

Unaged RTFO aged

ω (rad/s) 10 1 0.1 0.01 10 1 0.1 0.01
|G*| 0.91 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.85 0.93 0.98 0.97
|ɳ*| 0.90 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.86 0.94 0.98 0.99
δ 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
|G*|/sinδ 0.96 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.88 0.97 0.98 0.99

3.2 Influence of SBS Molecular Structure rad/s. This indicates the importance of lower ω analysis
in SBSB polymer. The linear high vinyl SBSHV modified
In addition to linear SBS, grades such as branched binders exhibit a behavior similar to that of the branched
(SBSB) and high vinyl SBS (SBSHV), are also used for SBSB modified binders, as shown in Figs.7(a-b). Shifting
binder modification. Thus, it is essential to know if the C=C bond to the side chain does not alter the molecular
the observations made in section 3.1 are valid for other weight and hydrodynamic volume of the SBSHV polymer
polymers. AB1 binder was modified using SBSB, SBSHV, compared to SBSL. Figs.8(a-b) displays that even in
and a reactive terpolymer. reactive terpolymer-modified binders, the contrast among
It can be seen in Figs. 6(a-c) that the rheological the modified binders with varying polymer content is more
parameters, such as |η*|, δ, and |G*|/sinδ, of the branched evident as frequency reduces. |η*| shows a trend similar
SBSB modified binders also strongly depend on the applied to the SBSMBS, where the curve divergence is more visible
frequency, and contrast is more profound as frequency at ω< 1 rad/s. However, the difference in δ values as a
lowers. The plot of |η*| and |G*|/sinδ overlap at ω ≥ 10 function of ω is muted compared to SBSMBS since reactive
rad/s, which diverge significantly as ω decreases below 1 terpolymer is of low molecular weight (Mw).

Fig. 6 (a) Complex Viscosity (|η*|), (b) Phase Angle (δ), and (c) |G*|/sinδ of SBSB/AB1 Modified Binders at 60°C.

Fig. 7 (a) Complex Viscosity (|η*|) and (b) Phase Angle (δ) of SBSHV/AB1 Modified Binders at 60°C.



Fig. 8 (a) Complex Viscosity (|η*|) and (b) Phase Angle (δ) of Reactiveter Polymer/AB1 Modified Binders at 60°C.

Regression analysis was carried out between rheological SBSB and SBSHV modified binders, which approaches 0.97
parameters for SBSB and SBSHV modified binders and and 0.91 at 0.01 rad/s. Hence, from regression analysis,
rutting in asphalt mixes. Table 6 shows the R2 value of |G*|, it can be summarized that irrespective of SBS type, the
|G*|/sinδ, |ɳ*|, and δ with rutting at 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01 rad/s. frequency of oscillation is a crucial factor in achieving a
Noticeably, all variables correlation significantly increases stronger correlation with rutting.
at ω ≤ 0.1 rad/s. At 10 rad/s R2 value is 0.94 and 0.83 for
Table 6 Correlating Factor (R2) Between Rutting and Rheological Variables of
SBSB and SBSHV Modified Binders in AB1 Binder.

Parameters SBSB/AB1 SBSHV/AB1

ω (rad/s) 10 1 0.1 0.01 10 1 0.1 0.01
|G*|/sinδ 0.94 0.94 0.97 0.97 0.83 0.88 0.91 0.91
|G*| 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.89 0.94 0.94 0.94
δ 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.95 0.95
|ɳ*| 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96

3.3 Effect of Additives aromatic oil, and the cross-linking agent. Complex viscosity,
phase angle, and rutting parameters are provided in Figs.
Depending on the requirement, various additives are often 9(a-c). From Fig. 8a, it can be seen that at 10 rad/s, the
used in SBSMBS. For example, waxes are added to increase change in complex viscosity for SBSMBS without and with
workability, phase stability is provided by adding sulphur additives is only ≈58%, while the difference approaches
to the PMBs, incorporating aromatic oil enhances the 125% at frequencies < 0.1 rad/s. Fig. 8b showed that in
compatibility between the SBS polymer and the binder, etc. the case of phase angle, the difference is only ≈5%, where
This section briefly illustrates the importance of frequency as it approaches ≈10% at frequencies < 0.1 rad/s. In the
in quantifying the impact of additives on the rheological case of the rutting parameter, at 10 rad/s, the difference
characteristics of SBSMBS. without and with 1% waxs, 2% AO, 0.21%S, and 2%CR
SBSMBS with 4.5 wt.% SBS content was prepared by is only ≈ 70, 25, 60, and 50%, respectively. In contrast, it
adding 1 wt.% sasobit wax (1%waxs), 2 wt.% aromatic increases to nearly 750, 40, 320, and 450% at 0.01 rad/s
oil (2%AO), 0.21 wt.% sulphur (0.21%S), and 2 wt.% frequency, respectively. Such significant difference at a
crumb rubber (2%CR), respectively. Frequency sweep lower frequency, irrespective of the type of additive with
measurements were carried out at 60°C on the samples different physical and chemical properties, exhibits the
with and without additives to analyze the impact of wax, importance of lower frequency during the analysis.



Fig. 9 (a) Complex Viscosity (|η*|), (b) Phase Angle (δ), and (c) |G*|/sinδ of SBSL/AB1 Modified Binders Without and with Additives at 60°C.

3.4 Effect of Rolling thin Film Oven (RTFO) were aged in RTFO as per ASTM D2872-12. The complex
Aging in SBSL/AB1 Binder viscosity and δ of the RTFO-aged SBSLMBS are presented in
Figs. 10(a-b). Similar to unaged SBSMBS, the rheological
During pavement construction presence of air and elevated response of RTFO-aged SBSLMBS significant lyrelies on
temperature hardens the asphalt binder and influences its the applied frequency. The divergence for the samples
performance considerably[41]. To simulate the stated aging is observable mainly at a lower frequency. Regression
phenomenon, also known as short-term aging, a Rolling analysis among rheological variables for RTFO-aged
Thin Film Oven (RTFO) test was performed on the binder. SBSLMBS and rutting also illustrated significant dependence
Similar to unaged SBSMBS, the significance of oscillatory on oscillatory frequencies. Table 5 illustrates the correlation
frequency in assessing the rheological response of RTFO- between |G*|/sinδ, |G*|, δ, and |ɳ*| and rutting at different
aged modified binders were also examined. SBSL modified frequencies. From Table 4, it can be seen that the R2 value
binders (SBSLMBS) with 2, 4, and 6 wt.% polymer content improves considerably at lower frequencies.

Fig. 10 (a) Complex Viscosity, and (b) Phase Angle (δ) of RTFO aged SBSL/AB1 Modified Binders at 60°C.

3.5 Enumerate the Deterioration in Property of before its application, the nature of the storage container,
SBSL-Modified Binders During Storage the heating system, etc. According to storage and handling
guidelines, PMBs are recommended to be stored between
In actual practice, PMBs are stored at elevated 120 to 190°C to prevent degradation of the polymer
temperatures in metal containers for extended periods. molecules[41,42]. Generally, if the PMBs are stored for more
The temperature and time of storage of PMBs depend than 1 week, it is usually stored at between 120°C and
on numerous parameters, such as; the interval of storage 150°C [IRC SP:53, AAPA advisory note 7, etc.]. Reheating



becomes arduous and time-consuming if PMBs are stored 14 days at 180°C, and the changes in rheological properties
at very low temperatures (< 100°C). If the PMBs are to were analyzed through frequency sweep measurement.
be used within 1 week, they are generally stored between The deviation in |η*|, δ, and |G*|/sinδ of the SBSL modified
120°C and 180°C. If the storage and handling guidelines binders after 3, 7, and 14 days of storage are shown in
are not properly followed, the properties of SBSMBS can Figs.10(a-c). It can be seen from Fig. 11a that the decrease
deteriorate due to the chain scission of SBS molecules. in complex viscosity (|η*|) due to storage at 180°C is
Sumit et al. 2018 have shown that SBS molecules degrade noticeable only below ω < 1 rad/s. As shown in Fig.11b,
considerably during 5-7 days of storage at 180°C, even the phase angle (δ) value of the SBSLMBS at 0.01 rad/s
in closed metal containers where the presence of air is after 14 days of storage increases by nearly 20°, while the
negligible [43]. The significance of applied frequency in increase is only 5° at 10 rad/s. In the same way, the erosion
measuring the deterioration in the rheological properties of in |G*|/sinδ value is noticeable only below ω< 1 rad/s,
SBSLMBS due to storage at 180°C was examined. as shown in Fig.11c. Hence, the analysis illustrates that the
erosion in the rheological properties of SBSLMBS is better
SBSMBS with 4.5 wt.% SBSL content was stored for 3, 7, and quantified at lower frequencies (< 1 rad/s).

Fig. 11 (a) Complex Viscosity (|η*|), (b) Phase Angle (δ), and (c) |G*|/sinδ of Stored SBSL/AB1 Modified Binders at 60°C.

4 SUMMARY of the SBSMBS (G*|, |η*|, δ, and |G*|/sinδ) at

ω = 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 rad/s were correlated with
From the study, the following out comes can be drawn: the rutting through regression analysis. It was found
• SBS Content: The effect of increment in SBS dosage that the correlation (R2) value for the four rheological
from 2 to 6 wt. % in the binder is mostly observed variables and rutting enhances significantly below ω
at frequencies ≤ 0.1 rad/s. The results exhibit the = 0.1 rad/s and approaches a value that is close to the
dominance of SBS molecules in the rheological value calculated from the MSCR test (R2 = 0.99). The
response of PMBs at lower frequencies. Among correlation analysis indicates that at ω ≤ 0.1 rad/s,
SBSMBS with 2, 4, and 6 wt.% SBS dosage, the other rheological parameters can also be equally used
divergence in |η*|, δ and |G*|/sinδ values is several to predict the rutting performance of asphalt mixtures.
times higher as frequency reduces. The divergence in • Polymer type: Three grades of SBS used in this
phase angle (δ) between the MBs at ω = 10, 1, 0.1, and study have different areas of applicability during
0.01 rad/s is ≈ 22°, 33°, 45°, and 54°, respectively. This pavement construction. The usage of high vinyl SBS
is essentially due to the sluggish mobility of the SBS provides thermal stability to the binder, which reduces
polymer in the binder and the interconnected network the possibility of properties erosion during storage
formation. The sluggish dynamics of SBSL polymer at elevated temperatures. Linear SBS can be used to
result in longer relaxation time scales, which respond reduce the rut depth or improve the low-temperature
more at lower oscillating ω. performance. In locations where higher stress is
• Correlation analysis: The rheological properties applied branched SBS is the suitable polymer to use.



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Sachin Kumar1


Almost entire work being executed by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) falls in Mountainous or Steep terrain which is
characterized by cross slope greater than 25%. Construction of roads in such terrain demands cutting of hill slope and
protecting the slope cut by construction of permanent structures in the form of Breast Walls or Retaining Walls. At present,
Construction of gravity Retaining walls is the most frequent in the form of Stone masonry (random Ruble Masonry) walls
and PCC walls, in BRO. RCC walls are also used for greater heights, However, these types of retaining walls have certain
limitations. To overcome these limitations, Reinforced Earth walls shall be used in retaining hill slope. But due to limited space
availability behind fascia panel in hill terrain conventional Reinforced Earth walls cannot be used. Therefore, there is need to
use combination of anchors drilled into hill slope along with Geo-strip. This type retaining wall known as Hybrid Reinforced
Earth Walls, if constructed with proper quality assurance, can overcome above difficulties and have cost benefit also.

1. NEED OF RETAINING WALL IN ROAD Retaining walls. To obtain the wider road formation and
CONSTRUCTION impart economy, vertical faced Retaining walls can also
be designed and are referred as modified Retaining walls.
In hills, Road formation towards Hill & Valley side is Fig.1 shows the section of both types of above Retaining
required to be supported by providing retaining walls. In walls. The base width required for Gravity retaining walls
mountainous terrain, where the cross slope is high, often the (for conventional and modified) taller than 4 m height is
required height of retaining wall is quite high. The height significantly high. Further, front slope needs to be provided
of retaining wall from 3 m to 10 m is the most common. in Gravity retaining walls. Due to this, formation width
Such situation is frequent in river bridge approaches, available at the top end of wall also reduces equal to the
hair pin bends, sharp curves and road widening works. width lost in providing front slope, had the face remained
Traditionally, Gravity walls and RCC walls are being vertical from the toe end. In case the modified Retaining
constructed in BRO. At many locations, Roads suffer from wall is attempted to overcome the road width reduction
poor road geometrics due to non-availability of space problem, then the foundation protrudes more towards the
to accommodate required curvature, sight distance and hill which is practically not possible to achieve, especially
gradient etc. for height more then 5 m~ in steep/mountainous terrain.
2.2 Limitation of RCC Retaining walls
CONSTRUCTED Construction of RCC retaining walls is not possible during
rains, which are difficult to predict and are very frequent
2.1 Limitations of Gravity Retaining Wall
in Himalayan region. More than 6 months are lost in
Gravity type Retaining walls with front slope are prevalent Himalayan region in a year due to rains and snowfall.
in mountainous terrain and are referred as conventional Construction of RCC retaining walls requires highly

1. Executive Engineer (Civil), HQ (P) Arunank, Border Road Organisation, New Delhi,



Fig. 1 Section of Stone Masonry RRM Retaining wall

skilled manpower and field supervision. Construction cost  Aesthetics

of RCC Retaining wall is also very high. Panels may be given a variety of architectural finishes to
improve aesthetics specially in habitat areas.
 Economy
RE walls utilizes Soil reinforcement (Geogrids) to There is about 15-50% savings over cast-in-place concrete
mechanically strengthen the soil embankment behind walls, depending on wall height and loading condition.
the vertical fascia panel. Fascia Panel is connected to the
 Better Road Geometrics
geogrid layers and lateral pressure of soil mass is retained
Vertical face ensures availability of full formation width in
by fascia panel through the friction developed between Road/Highway construction.
soil mass and geogrid. A typical arrangement is shown in
Fig. 2. Fig. 3 presents survey results of retaining wall costs
(Koerner et al.)

Fig.2 Typical RE Wall Arrangement Fig.3 Cost Comparison of Different Type of Retaining Walls

3.1 Following are Main Advantages of RE Walls 3.2 Design of retaining wall centers around the
 Efficient load-carrying capability external stability of the entire mechanically stabilized
RE walls utilizes weight and physical properties of the mass (sliding, overturning and bearing capacity), and the
backfill material to generate friction/grip with geosynthetic internal stability within the reinforced soil mass (geogrid
material and retaining soil mass/formation behind RE walls. spacing, anchorage length and connection strength).
Fig.4 illustrates these concepts, each of these stability
 Ease and speed of installation
issues must be treated individually in designing of the RE
Prefabricated materials and granular soil simplify
construction and facilitates faster construction.



3.3 Following types of fascia panels can be used- Geogrid Strips comprise of tendons made from high tenacity
polyester yarns concentrated in ten separated bundles and
- Wraparound facing
encased in adurable polyethylene sheath. The polyester yarns
- Timber facing
are placed in tension and polyethylene is then co-extruded
- Precast concrete panels
- Full height precast panels on to the polyester to form polymeric strip. While polyester
- Cast in place concrete panels is load bearing element, polyethylene sheath protects the
- Gabion facings polyester yarns and provides the size and shape to the strips.
- Welded wired mesh facings Geo strip is supplied in various strengths between 30 to100
- Masonry block faced walls kN. The width of Geo strip varies between 85 to 90 mm
depending on the strength of strip. Geo Strips are supplied
in rolls of generally100 m length.






Fig.4 Stability Concepts of RE Wall

Precast concrete panels are most common. Fig. 5 depicts

typical diagram of one precast concrete panel. However,
It can be casted to any size to suit the project requirement.
Fig. 6 Laying Arrangement of Geostrip

3.5 Backfill satisfying the technical specifications

145 145
and design requirement regarding the shear strength



parameter angle of internal friction, maximum particle


size, percentage fines isused. Table 1 lists the desirable


Gradation for Reinforced Soil Fill as provisioned in




Table 1 Gradation for Reinforced Soil Fill



Sieve Size Percentage Finer (%)

Fig. 5 Typical Precast Concrete Fascia Panel 75mm 100
4.75mm 85-100
3.4 Geogrids are commercially available. These are
425 micron 60-90
made of different combination of HDPE materials and 75 micron < 15
have life of more than 200 years. Suitable Geogrids having
required strength and aperture may be selected depending The backfill should also have Plasticity Index, PI < 6 and
on design & site requirement. Cu> 2.



3.6 Filter Media in the form of Geo composite is are provided to tie the reinforcements within reinforced
placed all around, behind the concrete panels to allow earth embankments to soil nails installed in the existing
water to carried through it and exit at the bottom through ground behind the embankment. The existing ground is
weep holes. Geo composite is Geonet layer sandwiched considered a firm geological material.
between Geomembrane and Geotextile.

3.7 EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer)

pads are used as seating in horizontal joints and provides
flexibility to the system. Four EPDM pads are used on top
of each panel.

The above information provides basic background of RE

walls. The detailed design of RE wall is not discussed here
which can be easily referred from academic text books or
IRC:SP:113-2013 & IRC:SP: 102-2014. Various software
are also available for design.

3.8 Use of RE Walls in Highways

The RE walls are being extensively used in Highway

constructions in plain/rolling terrains. However, its use
in mountainous terrain is not much explored, at least in
Border Roads due to following reasons –

 Requirement of space behind fascia panels is about

70% of height of wall to lay the Geo strips to generate Fig.7 General Arrangement Drawing of Hybrid RE Wall
sufficient friction force to resist the pressure on fascia
panel. In most conditions, in mountainous/steep

610 1000 610 540 1000 610 540 1000 610

terrain, space is very limited behind fascia panels for
placing Geo Strip reinforcement.

 It is difficult to place soil compactor on mountainous/

steep slopes, therefore required compaction may not be

achieved due impossibility of mechanized compaction.


Deficient compaction results in future settlements.


Also, deficient compaction results in reduction in

capacity of Geo strips to take up load.

To overcome above problems use of Hybrid Reinforced


Earth Walls and plate earth compactor is suggested.

4. HYBRID REINFORCED EARTH WALLS Fig. 8 Connection Arrangement of Geo Strip with Anchors

A hybrid reinforced earth embankment system was This arrangement is highly suitable for retaining earth
developed by Fan and Hsieh (2007) to use in area where the embankments in Road/Highways in steep/mountainous
fill spaceis restricted. The hybrid reinforced earth system terrain for Formation widening works. Soil nails (in the
incorporates a reinforced earth embankment with soil nails form of self-drilling anchors) are installed into existing
which are installed to the existing ground, as shown in Fig. 7. hill slopes which address the problem of insufficient space
Soil nails provide additional resisting forces to stabilize the for laying Geo strips. Soil nails serve dual function of
reinforced earth embankment which is otherwise unstable retaining hill slope and to provide additional resisting force
due to insufficient reinforcement lengths. Additionally, to reinforcement. In case, there is feasibility to retain the
flexible connecting elements (member), as shown in Fig.8,



RE embankment by using dense reinforcement then soil SDA generally come in 3 meter segments that can easily
nails serve the purpose to retain the vertically cut hill face be expanded with the use of couplers. The entire bar is
only. Soil nails in a horizontal plane are connected through threaded uniformly meaning it can be cut to size to fit any
metal member (generally Flat 50x5 mm), which is hot dip particular application. Various drill bits are configured
galvanized to 86 micron thickness. to fit on the thread allowing for a variety of different
applications. 3 meter SDA can take up load up to 1500 KN.
The other end of Geo strips is wrapped around this member
through adequate connection. All the remaining work of 4.1.2 Anchor nuts
Hybrid Reinforced Earth wall is same as Reinforced Earth
Nuts are used at the end of the anchor bar to secure the top
plate in place. Size of anchor nut can be chosen according
4.1 Self-Drilling Anchor Bolt Arrangement (SDA) to the size of bar used for the application.

The Self-Drilling Anchor Bolt comprise of a threaded 4.1.3 Anchor plates

hollow bar with an attached drill bit that can perform
Anchor plate is placed on outer dia of anchor bolt at the
drilling, anchoring and grouting in a single operation.
outer end of it.
Itreduces project lead time and installation difficulty. The
hollow barallows air and water to freely pass through the
bar during drilling to remove debris. It also allows grout
to be injected immediately after drilling is completed.
Cement Grout fills the hollow bar and completely covers
the entire bolt. Couplers can be used to join hollow bars
and extend the bolt length while nuts and plates are used to
provide the required tension.

Hexagonal Nut

Self Drilling
Hollow Bar
Drilling Bit

Threaded Coupler

Fig. 9 Self-Drilling Anchor Bolt Arrangement

4.1.1 Self-drilling anchor hollow bolts Fig. 10 Anchor Nuts and Anchor Plates

SDA are produced using low carbon steel which results in 4.1.4 Anchor drill bits
increase in its ductility, reduces its brittleness and resists
Hardened Steel Cross-Cut Drill Bits are Designed as a
corrosion cracking and carbon embrittlement. This choice
of material significantly reduces occurrences where rock cost-effective solution for loose to medium dense ground
bolt may snap or buckle during on site installation. conditions.



4.1.6 Drifter

For driving the anchor into hill, mechanized drifter is used,

which uses compressed air to push the anchor into hill and
one motor to rotate the anchor.

Fig.11 Cross cut Drill Bits & Button Drill Bits

Tungsten Carbide Cross Cut Drill Bits are Designed

with the same shape as a cast hardened crosscut bit but
reinforced with tungsten carbide, this drill bit is able to
handle soft to medium rock formations.
Fig. 13 Drifter
Tungsten Carbide Button Drill Bits are Designed with
tungsten carbide “buttons” to add extra strength to the cast 4.2 Compaction of Reinforced Earth
hardened button bit, this drill bit is excellent at handling
medium rock formations. Backfilling behind fascia panels is carried out using selected
soil having Φ more than 300. This soil needs to be compacted
Hardened Steel Button Drill Bits are Designed with
adequately to achieve required field density. On hill slopes
tungsten carbide. The “button” design of this drill bit
it is very difficult to deploy wheeled soil compactors.
makes it excellent for unconsolidated rock with boulders.
Therefore, to overcome this problem either baby rollers
4.1.5 Anchor couplings may be deployed or the better solution is to use plate earth
compactors. These compactors are diesel/electric operated
Couplers are used to join various segments of anchor bar and can generate 3-5 ton impact over 2-3 feet size plate,
together. Simply match the coupler size to the bar diameter making it easy to achieve the required compaction.
and multiple bars can be easily joined together. The coupler
thread has a break in the center making it easy to ensure
that both the front & backend bar meet in the middle of
the coupler.

Fig.12 Anchor Couplings Fig.14 Plate Vibrator



4.3 Design Considerations In each reinforcement layer, calculate the maximum

Analyses for sliding, overturning, and eccentricity modes tension per unit width of wall (Ti) based on the vertical
of failure, though conducted for traditional RE walls are reinforcement spacing, Sv:
not required for Hybrid RE wall design, as they are not Ti= σh.Sv Eq. 3.
critical(9). Internal stability design considerations for
For discrete reinforcements Ti is calculated by dividing the
extensible reinforcement are briefly discussed here.
result of equation 3 by the reinforcement coverage ratio
4.3.1 Internal stability design (Rc). Rc is defined by:
Internal stability design of the RE component of a Hybrid Rc= b /Sh Eq.4.
RE wall system should address the following potential
where b is the gross width of the geostrip, and Sh is the
internal failure mechanisms:
center-to-center horizontal spacing between strips.
• Soil reinforcement rupture (elongation or breakage of
calculate the internal stability with respect to rupture of the
the reinforcements).
reinforcements. Stability with respect to rupture of each
• Soil reinforcement pullout.
layer requires that:
For determining the internal stability, failure surface shall
Tallowable≥Ti Eq. 5.
be established first. Fig. 15 illustrates the conceptualized
failure surface for extensible reinforcements. The critical where Tallowable is the allowable tension force per unit width
failure surface has been assumed to be bilinear with the in the reinforcement.
lower point passing through the toe of the wall. In the case of an Hybrid RE wall system, only the lower
reinforcement layers (i.e., those that extend into the
resistant zone) are designed to resist pullout for the entire
“active” RE mass.
The required pullout resistance (Tmax) of the reinforcements
within the resistant zone is calculated as the pullout force
derived using the simplified free-body diagram presented
in Fig.16. Figure 16 represents the typical case where the
RE wall component has horizontal backfill and is subjected
to a traffic surcharge, q (force per unit length units).

Fig.15 Potential Failure Surface for Internal Stability Design of

RE Wall Component with Extensible Reinforcements

At each reinforcement level, horizontal stresses, σh, along

the potential failure linefrom the weight of the reinforced
fill (γ.z), plus uniform surcharge loads (q), and concentrated
surcharge loads (Δσv) is given below:

σh = Kr.σv Eq 1.

where the vertical stress, σv, is calculated:

σv = (γ.z) + q + Δσv Eq. 2.

For extensible reinforcements Kr= Ka (active earth

pressure coefficient). The increment of vertical stress (Δσv)
due to concentrated vertical loads may be calculated at
each reinforcement level using a load dispersion of the Fig. 16 Free-body Diagram for Calculation of Required Tensile
2(V):1(H). Capacity in the Resistant Zone



For extensible reinforcements, ψ = 45+φ/2; and Tmax is:

Neglect forces N2 and S2. Eq. 14
Further, this analysis conservatively excludes extension of
the upper layers of reinforcement. Concentrated vertical
Calculate the pullout resistance of Reinforcements in
and horizontal loads (FV and FH, respectively) are assumed
the resistant zone -
to apply at the centroid of the truncated active failure
wedge. Based on the reinforcement spacing(s) selected, calculate
the length of embedment (Lei) of each reinforcement layer
Therefore, the weight of the active wedge, W, can be
within the resistant zone:
calculated as:
Lei=L – (H– z) / tanψ Eq.15
W = Lw H γ–½ L2wtanψ Eq. 6
where L is the length of the reinforcement at the
where H is the height of the wall, γ is the unit weight of the
corresponding reinforcement level, z is the depth to the
reinforced fill, ψ is the angle defined in figure 16, and LW
reinforcement layer from the top of the wall, and ψ is the
is the maximum length of the truncated failure wedge, i.e.,
angle defined in figure 15.
reinforced length at the intersection of the Hill Face and
active wedge. Assuming that the RE wall facing is near- At each reinforcement layer within the resistant zone,
vertical, LW may be estimated as follows: calculate the pullout resistance, FPO:
Lw= LB.v / (v - tanψ ) Eq.7 Eq. 16
LB is width of the RE component at the base and v is the
vertical component of the Hill Face batter, i.e., 1H:vV. FSp = Factor of safety against pullout
Eq. 8 F* = Pullout resistance factor
Eq.9 C = Reinforcement effective unit perimeter (2 for geostrips).
Tmax is the resultant pullout force mobilized by the α = Scale effect correction factor to account for a nonlinear
reinforcement in the resistant zone. stress reduction over the embedded length of highly
extensible reinforcements, based on laboratory data,
At failure, as per Mohr-Coulomb failure state:
generally 0.6 to 1.0 for geosynthetic reinforcements.
tan Φ’ = S1 / N1 Eq.10
Rc= Coverage ratio
where Φ’ is the effective friction angle for the reinforced
σvi= Effective over burden pressure (γz) at the ith
reinforcement level, including distributed dead load
When LW is less than H tan β, the weight of the truncated surcharges, but neglecting trafficlive loading.
“active” wedge is given by:
Lei= Length of embedment in the resisting zone at the ith
W = Lw H γ–½ L tan β
Eq. 11 reinforcement level.
Substitution of the expressions for S1, N1, and W and The calculated pullout resistance, FPO, should be less
simplification for Tmax leads to: than or equal to the allowable strength (Tallowable) of the
The pullout resistance factor (F*) can be estimated using
the following general equation:
F* = (Fq .αβ) + tan ρ Eq. 17
For the case where LW≥H tan β, the weight of the “active”
wedge is: where Fq is an embedment bearing capacity factor, αβ is a
bearing factor for passive resistance based on the thickness
W = 1 /2 γ H 2 tan β Eq. 13



per unit width of the bearing member, and ρ is the soil- Qy = π Da2fy / ( 4x1000x FSy)
reinforcement interaction friction angle. In the absence of
Qy = Factored Yield Anchor Capacity (kN)
laboratory test data, F* is commonly estimated as (2/3)tanφ’ Da =Anchor Diameter (mm)
for geotextile/geostrip reinforcement in granular soil. fy =Anchor Yield Strength (Mpa)
The pullout resistance of the RE wall component of an FSy = Factor of safety against anchor yield
Hybrid RE wall system is considered adequate if: Qt = σh.Sv.Sh
Tmax≤Σ FPO Eq. 18 Qt = Horizontal Thrust from retained Backfill.
σh = Lateral Pressure from Backfill (kPa)
4.3.2 Retained hill face Sv = Vertical Spacing (m)
Sh = Horizontal Spacing (m)
To provide required Base width (2 to 3 m), Hill face is For safely retaining the hill face
to be vertically cut and retained through installation of
Qt ≤ min ( QP&Qy)
Self Drilling Anchors. Fascia Panels are also provided for
distribution of reaction load. The capacity of anchors is 4.3.3 Illustrative design calculations for 8 m high
calculated through minimum of Pull out and Yield strength Hybrid RE wall
criteria. Input parameters for typical design for Hybrid RE wall are
presented in Table 2.
QP = π d .fb cos i / (1000xFSP)
Calculations for checking of safety of Geo Strip with
QP = Factored Pullout Anchor Capacity per meter length respect to rupture is presented in Table 3.
(kN/m) Calculations for adequacy of RE wall component with
D =Hole Diameter (mm) respect to Pull out resistance is presented in Table 4.
fb =Bond Strength between grout and Soil (kPa)
Input Parameters for Anchors and Calculation for checking
i = Nail Inclination (˚) of safety of anchors for retaining the vertical cut hill face is
FSp = Factor of safety against anchor pullout presented in Table 5 & Table 6 respectively.

Table 2 Input Parameters for RE wall Component

1 Batter Angle of Reinforced Soil Wall with vertical (˚) 0

2 Type of Reinforcement in Wall (Extensible/ Inextensible) Extensible
3 Uniform Surcharge Load q (kN/m2) 12

4 Concentrated Vertical Load F1 (kN) 0

5 Depth of Concentrated Vertical Load from top z’ (m) 0.2
6 Width of MSE Wall at the base LB (m) 2.5
7 Vertical component of Shoring Wall v 2.5
8 Reinforced fill Internal Friction φ (˚) 34
9 Density of Reinforced fill ϒ (kN/m3) 18.5
10 Depth of Reinforcement layer from top 0.5
11 Spacing of reinforcement Layers 0.9 up to 5 m & 0.6 m below that
12 Aspect Ratio 0.34
13 Uniformity Coefficient Cu 4
14 Maximum Horizontal Acceleration 1.77
15 Width of Strip Reinforcement Used (m) 0.095



Table 3 Safety wrt. Rupture

Depth of Lateral Earth Lateral Earth
Lateral Stress Vertical Stress Hori. Stress
S No. reinf. from Pressure Coeif. Pressure Coeif. For
Ratio Kr/Ka σV(kPa) σH(kPa)
top H (m) Ka reinf. Kr
1 0.5 0.28 1.00 0.28 21.25 6.01
2 1.4 0.28 1.00 0.28 37.9 10.71
3 2.3 0.28 1.00 0.28 54.55 15.42
4 3.2 0.28 1.00 0.28 71.2 20.13
5 4.1 0.28 1.00 0.28 87.85 24.84
6 5 0.28 1.00 0.28 104.5 29.54
7 5.6 0.28 1.00 0.28 115.6 32.68
8 6.2 0.28 1.00 0.28 126.7 35.82
9 6.8 0.28 1.00 0.28 137.8 38.96
10 7.4 0.28 1.00 0.28 148.9 42.10

Reinf. Long term

Number of Connec- Reinf. Coverage Maximum Tension Stability wrt
S No. Tensile Capacity Tallow-
tions per meter Ratio RC Ti(kN) Rupture
1 56.8 1 0.19 18.97 OK
2 56.8 1 0.19 50.75 OK
3 56.8 2 0.38 36.53 OK
4 56.8 2 0.38 47.67 OK
5 56.8 3 0.57 39.22 OK
6 56.8 3 0.57 46.65 OK
7 56.8 3 0.57 34.40 OK
8 56.8 3 0.57 37.71 OK
9 56.8 3 0.57 41.01 OK
10 56.8 3 0.57 44.31 OK

Table 4 Adequacy wrt. Pull out Resistance

Length of
Length of Effective Reinf.
Depth Embedment
reinf at the Pullout Overburden effective Scale effect Pullout
of reinf. of each reinf.
S No. corresponding Resistance Pressure at unit Correction Resistance
from top layer within
reinforcement Factor F* the ithreinf. Perimeter factor α FPO (kN)
H (m) the resistant
level L (m) level C
zone Lei (m)
1 0.5 4.30 0.63 0.54 9.25 2 0.8 0.48
2 1.4 3.94 0.33 0.54 25.90 2 0.8 0.71
3 2.3 3.58 0.52 0.54 42.55 2 0.8 3.60
4 3.2 3.22 0.70 0.54 59.20 2 0.8 6.76
5 4.1 2.86 0.88 0.54 75.85 2 0.8 16.37
6 5 2.50 1.06 0.54 92.50 2 0.8 24.08
7 5.6 2.50 1.42 0.54 103.60 2 0.8 36.16
8 6.2 2.50 1.78 0.54 114.70 2 0.8 50.21
9 6.8 2.50 2.14 0.54 125.80 2 0.8 66.23
10 7.4 2.50 2.50 0.54 136.90 2 0.8 84.21
Σ FPO(kN/m) = 288.81

Weight of Active Wedge, W (kN/m)= 269.33

Resultant Pullout force mobilized by Reinforcement in Resistant Zone Tmax(kN/m) = 168.31 < 288.81kN/m



Table 5 Input Parameters for Retained Hill Face & Anchor Capacity (Pull Out)

1 Density of Retained Fill (kN/m3) 19

2 Cohesion C (kPa) 0
3 Internal Friction φ (˚) 30
4 Height of Wall (m) 8
5 Surcharge on the Retained Fill (kPa) 0
6 Vertical Spacing (m) 1
7 Horizontal Spacing (m) 1.5
8 Hole Diameter (mm) 76
9 Anchor Yield Strength (Mpa) 500
10 Bond Strength between grout and Soil (kPa) 150
11 FOS for Anchor failure in Yield 1.8
12 FOS for Anchor failure in Pullout 1.5
13 Nail Inclination (˚) 10
14 Factored Anchor Capacity based on Pullout Strength per meter length (kN/m) 23.51

Table 6 Anchor Capacity (Max of Pull Out & Yield)

Active Earth Lateral Length Nail Factored Anchor Nail
S Installation Load
Pressure Pressure from of Nail Diameter Capacity - Yield Capacity Status
No. Depth from (KN)
Coief. Ka Backfill (kPa) (m) (mm) Strength (kN) (kN)
Top (m)
1 5.5 0.33 46.83 70.25 3 20 87.27 70.54 OK
2 6.5 0.33 53.167 79.75 4 25 136.35 94.05 OK
3 7.5 0.33 59.5 89.25 5 25 136.35 117.57 OK

Table 7 Approximate of Hybrid RE Wall & Stone Masonry Wall

Hybrid Reinforced Earth Wall

EXVN CUM 375 525 196875
Conc M 35 CUM 198 8892 1760533
STEEL 8 MM KG 6930 98 677952
GeoStrip m 14500 125 1812500
EPDM PADS NOS 1400 55 77000
COMPACTED R Earth Filling CUM 2875 1069 3072800
SDA m 812 3000 2436000
installation cost of SDA m 812 900 730800
Geo composite filter media Sqm 1100 175 192500
TOTAL 10956960
MISC for member, J hook, steel clamps, toggle bar etc. @ 5% oftotal cost 547848
G TOTAL 11504808
Stone Masonry RRM Wall
EXVN CUM 950 525 498750
PCC (1:3:6) CUM 114 4914 560196
RRM CUM 1732.5 5246 9088695
B/FILL CUM 945 4178 3948210
EARTH FILL (ORDINARY) CUM 511.875 183 93673
Conc M25 CUM 90 8874 798660
TOTAL 14988184



4.4 Comparison Cost of Hybrid Reinforced Earth Approximate Estimate for vertical faced Stone masonry RRM
Wall wall 100 m long for hill having 500 cross-slope for achieving
additional 6 m width from existing 6 m wide formation width
Approximate Estimate of 100 m long and 8 m high in SMB/SR type mountainous terrain of Arunachal Pradesh
Hybrid RE wall for hill having 500 cross-slope for is also given at Table 7. Typical cross section of both type of
achieving additional 6 m width from existing 6 m wide walls are shown in Fig.17. It may be noted that for increasing
formation width in Soil Mixed Boulders / Soft Rock the formation width by same magnitude, a little taller wall
(SMB/SR) type mountainous terrain of Arunachal will be required. TI 5 revision 2022 of BRO has been used for
Pradesh is given at Table 7. Input parameters and the arriving the size for RRM wall.
designed sizes of various components of Hybrid RE
wall same as presented in the illustrative example of It can be seen that Hybrid RE wall costs less, by more than
section 4.3 above. 20%.

50° 50°
6.0 M 6.0 M 6.0 M 6.0 M

2.50 M

2.25 M 0.60 M



8.0 M RRM
8.25 M

3.60 M


0.30 M 4.0 M

Fig.17 Typical Cross Section of Hybrid RE wall and Stone Masonry wall

In mountainous terrain, construction of wider roads require 1. IS: 14458 (Part 2 Design of Retaining/Breast walls) : 1997
either higher slope cuts or taller Retaining structures. Higher “Retaining wall for hill Area – Guidelines”.
cut de-stabilizes hill slopes and thereby making road prone
2. IRC:SP:113-2013 “Guidelines for the Design and Construction of
to landslides and accidents. Taller permanent structures are Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankments on Soft Subsoils”. Indian
costlier with conventional construction. Therefore, there Roads Congress, New Delhi
is need to look for alternative method of construction for
3. IRC:SP:102-2014 “Guidelines Design and Construction of
retaining earth mass.
Reinforced Soil Walls”. Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
The limitation of RE walls being used at large scale in plain 4. Robert M Koerner “Designing with Geosynthetics”.
terrain can be overcome by using Anchor arrangements and
5. Koerner, R.M., and Hwu, B.- L., “Prefabricated Highway Edge
using plate vibrators. Therefore, it can be concluded that
Drains,” Transportation Research Record No. 1329,Transportation
Hybrid Reinforced Earth walls are perfect solution to retain Research Record, Washington, DC, 1991,pp. 14-20.
embankment earth in hill slopes for walls requiring height
more than 5 m. These walls are economical, durable, need 6. “Design and Construction of Reinforced Soil Earth Wall” DGBR
TI No 26 (Rev – 2022)
less time to construct, have pleasant aesthetics & its vertical
face ensure better road geometrics. 7. “Rigid Retaining Structures (Gravity Type)”, DGBR TI No 5 (Rev
– 2022).
8. Fan, C.-C. and Heish, C.-C. (2007). “A Hybrid Embankment
Author thankfully acknowledges the help extended by Col System used in Repairing Collapsed Roadway in Mountainous
Aseem Sexena, Dir (Plg & Br), & Sh S K Verma, SE (C), Dir Area.” Proc., 16th Southeast Asia Geotechnical Conference, Kuala
(contract), Project Arunank, BRO for providing guidance and Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-11.
editing this technical paper and by Draughtsman Civil, Sh 9. Central Federal Lands Highway Division Publication No. FHWA-
Bhuwneshwar Prasad, Project Arunank, BRO for completing CFL/TD-06-001 February 2006 “Shored Mechanically Stabilized
the drawing work in this technical paper. Earth (SMSE) Wall Systems Design Guidelines”.





Suvendu Seth1

Transport infrastructure is vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change. Infrastructure should be
resilient in order to minimise the negative social and economic impacts. There are various approaches to improve resilience.
This paper presents a methodology to assist project teams to incorporate climate change adaptation measures during project
development of road projects. How road projects can be made climate resilient at a project level are discussed. The methodology
proposed by the Asian Development Bank is presented for use by practicing engineers in planning, designing, construction,
operation and maintenance of road projects.

1. INTRODUCTION • Change in rainfall pattern, leading to more rain in high

latitude areas and less rain in sub-tropical areas.
Transport infrastructure is vital for proper functioning of
a society. Investment in transport infrastructure lowers • Sea level rise in coastal areas.
transport costs, reduces the cost of goods and services, • Changes to ocean with occurrence of marine heat
promotes economic growth, employment and profitability. waves and acidification.
Transport infrastructure is vulnerable to the impacts of
extreme weather events and climate change. Floods can Changes in the frequency and/or intensity of extreme
wash out roads and bridges, cutting off supply chains; weather events and increase in temperature and rainfall
storms can disrupt transport services; heat waves can buckle can be damaging to infrastructure. Direct impact of
railway lines, preventing trains from running. Therefore, climate change can be damage to the structural integrity of
transport infrastructure should be resilient in order to infrastructure. Indirect effect can be change in demand of
minimise the negative social and economic impacts. transport, leading to revisions in operating characteristics
and capacity of the infrastructure.
1.1 Impact on Transport/Road
The transport sector is vulnerable to climate change.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report All modes of transport like rail, air and water transport
2021 states that over the next 20 years, global temperature are impacted by climate change. This paper looks at the
is expected to increase by about 1.5°C. The report projects potential effects on road infrastructure, which are:
that in the coming decades climate change effects will be
seen in all regions. Climate change will bring in multiple • Increase in temperature leading to damage of road
effects in different regions. pavement.
• Increase in rainfall and rise in water level impacting
The major effects of climate change are: the road foundation and subgrade
• Change in water cycle. This leads to more intense • Stronger and more frequent storms affecting the
rainfall and flooding in some areas and drought in capacity to drain water, resulting in flooding and
other areas. increased velocity of water flow.

1. Transport Planner & Road Safety Consultant, Email:



• Higher velocity of water flow, damaging the foundation The low levels of resilience in road sector are often due
of bridges and cross drainage structures. gap in knowledge, resources and money. These lead to
capacity issues.
• Increased wind speed and storm frequency damaging
bridges, especially the suspension and cable stayed 2. APPROACHES TO INCREASE
• Increased storm surges impacting coastal transport. 2.1 Approaches at Policy Level
• Increased salinity reducing the strength of pavements There is no single approach to improve transport resilience
and structures. and adaptation, because the environment, situation and
capabilities of transport infrastructure and operators vary.
Resilience is the ability to respond, absorb and adapt to,
The approaches at policy level areRef 2:
as well as recover after a disruptive event. A resilient
infrastructure is expected to be able to resist an extreme • Anticipate: prepare in advance to respond to extreme
event with minimal damages and functional disruptions climate events
during the event. After the event, it should be able to • Resist: take actions in advance to endure the events
rapidly recovery its function similar to or even better than
the pre-event level. • Absorb: take actions to reduce the impact of the events
• Recover: restore level of service as early as possible
1.2 Meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
• Adapt: modify the infrastructure so that service can be
SDG are a set of seventeen interlinked global goals, delivered after the occurrence of extreme events
accepted by the United Nations, for peace and prosperity • Transform: regenerate and improve the infrastructure
of global citizensRef 1. Implementation of resilient transport
systems can help to meet the SDG targets. Overall, actions 2.2 Adaptation Approach at Project Level
for resilient transport support SDG13 on climate action.
More specifically, seven of the 17 SDGs have positive links Adaptation approaches at the project level can be engineering
between transport adaptation and achieving SDG targets. and non-engineering. There can also be an option of doing
Policies that reduce vulnerability or exposure, help form nothing. In certain circumstances, doing nothing can be a
positive links between transport adaptation and SDGs. preferred option. For example, for an old structure, it is better
to let it deteriorate and decommission it after some time, than
Improving transport resilience through policy is connected to take the effort to make it climate resilient.
to four SDG targets:
The engineering approaches are:
• Target 3.6: Halve the number of global deaths and
injuries from road traffic crashes • Improving the sub-surface conditions
• Improving the material specifications
• Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and
resilient infrastructure • Revising the cross sections and standard dimensions
• Improving drainage and controlling erosion
• Target 11.2: Provide access to safe, affordable,
accessible and sustainable transport systems for all • Providing protective engineering structures
• Using waste material and recycled pavement material
• Target 11.6: Reduce the adverse per capita
environmental impact of cities. The non-engineering approaches are:

Indirect links between transport resilience and SDGs • Regular maintenance with early warning and detection
are mainly socio-economic. Resilient transport enables • Change in alignment
continued connectivity of people to goods and services.
• Change in master plan
Emergency services are not disrupted, businesses can keep
operating, children can attend school and rural or remote • Change in land use plan
communities can access essential supplies. • Environmental management



3. BUILDING RESILIENCE IN ROAD A methodology for assessing adaptation at project level

PROJECTS has been developed by the Asian Development BankRef 3.
The methodology is divided into six activities and 20 steps.
Efforts to make road infrastructure resilient to climate Table 1 shows the activities and steps.
change has to be taken up at policy level, sector level and
at project level. This paper addresses the project level The six activities are:
methodology for building resilience to road infrastructure.
i Project screening and scoping
A significant part of bringing in resilience to the road
infrastructure takes place at the project level, to ensure ii. Impact assessment
that a project’s design is appropriate for changing climate iii. Vulnerability assessment
conditions. Adaptation strategy can be integrated in the
project preparation process after assessing the potential iv. Adaptation assessment
climate change risks at the concept stage. This is because
v. Implementation arrangements
adaptation strategy requires specific expertise and budget
and may result in revisions to the project design and vi. Monitoring and evaluation
implementation plan.
Table 1 Activities and Steps for Assessing Adaptation Needs

Activities Steps
1. Project screening & scoping 1. Screen the project exposure to climate change
2. Establish the adaptation objective
3. Survey existing information and knowledge
4. Identify and engage stakeholders
5. Identify methodology and data needs
6. Identify the required expertise
2. Impact Assessment 1. Construct climate change scenario
2. Estimate future biophysical impacts
3. Assign probabilities to identified impacts
3. Vulnerability Assessment 1. Identify the vulnerabilities
2. Identifying biophysical drivers of vulnerability
3. Identifying socio-economic drivers of vulnerability
4. Adaptation Assessment 1. Identify all potential adaptation options
2. Consultations
3. Economic analysis
4. Prioritize and select adaptation option
5. Implementation Arrangements 1. Establish arrangements for implementation
2. Identify needs of technical support and capacity building
6. Monitoring and Evaluation 1. Design of monitoring and evaluation plan
2. Feedback and knowledge management

Source: ADB Guideline for Climate Proofing in Transport Sector

The broad activities and the steps to be taken for each the assessment of adaptation options will be undertaken.
activity are described in a simple and user-friendly manner.
However, these must be tailored to the local needs. The six steps for screening and scoping are:

Activity 1: Project screening and scoping Step 1: Screen the project exposure to climate change

The goal of project screening is to determine a project’s risk Several risk screening tools are available to rapidly assess
level from climate change. The goal of project scoping is to the risks to a project due to climate change. These are
identify how climate change impacts can affect the overall used to assess whether a detailed study is needed. Expert
project objectives and to set the boundaries within which opinion is the most widely accepted method of screening.



Step 2: Establish the adaptation objective A preliminary assessment of the climate parameters at
the conceptual stage helps in identifying the data to be
The adaptation objective can be based on two criteria:
collected. The methodology to be followed to prioritize
• Risk to the project functioning, like increase in risk of adaptation options, like cost benefit analysis or multi-
landslides cutting off access to villages. criteria analysis, also guide data collection.

• Increasing vulnerability to the surrounding area, like Step 6: Identify the required expertise
increase in flooding, more use of water resources,
The assessment of adaptation options requires interaction
increasing urban heat islands.
between different experts. These are: road designer,
The adaptation related objectives should be chosen to hydrologist, drainage specialist, environmental engineer,
minimize these potential effects. Choosing the proper climate specialist, economist, social safeguard specialist,
objectives help in performing the next steps. etc. Detailed work plan is necessary for the integrated
Step 3: Survey existing information and knowledge
Activity 2: Impact Assessment
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) have a large depository of knowledge. The goal is to identify and evaluate the effects of climate
All countries have a climate change focal point with change on human and natural systems. Climate projections
UNFCCC and prepare national adaptation programs of are used to identify how climate is going to change over
action to identify their most urgent adaptation needs. These time. The impact of the changes are then assessed.
documents provide a basis for understanding the climate
Step 1: Construct climate change scenario
change initiatives. The Global Environment Facility’s
Adaptation Learning Mechanism provides a list of country- Climate change projections can be useful in determining
level adaptation initiatives. These documents are useful how climate variables such as temperature and precipitation
for vulnerability assessment. may change in the future. Climate change projections
Step 4: Identify and engage stakeholders provide alternative scenario of future climate conditions.
They are helpful in exploring “what-if” situations. They
The possible stakeholders could be state climate change do not aim to provide accurate predictions of how climate
body, state disaster risk reduction body. The local and will be in the future. The IPCC’s Task Group on Data and
regional research institutions can be associated with. Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Assessment
Local communities, non-governmental organizations and provides general guidance on the use of data and scenarios
businesses operating in the area can be very useful in on impact and adaptation assessments. The construction of
selecting the proper adaptation strategy. climate change scenarios begins with an understanding of
which climate variables are likely to affect the transport
Step 5: Identify methodology and data needs
project. Past climate data are generally needed to develop
For road projects, the most relevant climate related data climate projections. Historical climatic data can be used
required are: to assess the ability of a given climate model to reproduce
local climate conditions. This baseline climate data can
• Sea level and wave action be used to calibrate impact models and to quantify climate
• Rainfall intensity and slope change impacts with respect to the climate baseline.
• Peak rainfall Usually, detailed climatic data can be obtained from
meteorological department.
• Past data on extreme climate events
• Changes in rainy season Climate change scenarios are normally constructed using
climate projections from General Circulation Models
• Wind speed
(GCMs). GCMs are computer models used to simulate
• Changes in snow fall the earth’s climate systems. However, there are some



limitations in constructing climate scenarios from GCM. Table 2 Likelihood Scale by IPCC
These are: model errors, uncertainty of the model in
Terminology Likelihood of Occurrence
correctly depicting the region and resolution in geographic
Virtually certain Greater than 99% probability of occurrence
scale. The issue of improper resolution is overcome by a
Very likely Greater than 90% probability of occurrence
process called downscaling. The method of downscaling
Likely Greater than 66% probability of occurrence
to be used depends on data availability, time frame and
About as likely as not 33 to 66% probability of occurrence
project budget. The most common approach is to use
Unlikely Less than 33% probability of occurrence
existing GCM or Regional Climate Model (RCM), utilize
Very unlikely Less than 10% probability of occurrence
local historical climate data and apply simple spatial
Exceptionally unlikely Less than 1% probability of occurrence
downscaling to develop scenarios.
Source: IPCC 2007
Sea level rise is not a direct output of most GCMs. Accurately
estimating sea level rise on a project site requires extensive Activity 3: Vulnerability Assessment
data collection, coastal surveying and hydrodynamic Vulnerability assessment identifies the major vulnerabilities
simulations. It can be time consuming and expensive for the of the road system to climate change. This also helps
project. An alternative is to use a Geographic Information to ensure that adaptation measures are locally suitable,
System (GIS) approach. An overlay of coastal elevation beneficial and sustainable in the local socioeconomic
data from satellite measurements and different sea level context.
rise conditions can produce a reasonable approximation of
Step 1: Identify the vulnerabilities
coastal impacts.
Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is notable
Step 2: Estimate future biophysical impacts
cope with the adverse effects of climate change. It depends
After climate change scenarios have been built, the on the character, magnitude and rate of climate change. It
relationship between the change in climate parameters is also dependent on the sensitivity and adaptive capacity.
Vulnerability and adaptive capacity are site specific.
and its effect on the road project needs to be established.
Identification and assessment of vulnerability increases
Biophysical models are used to analyze the effect of climate
the likelihood of the proposed adaptation measures to be
change on the road. Some of the models are:
useful and relevant.
 Dose-response model: it analyses the effect of change The information required for vulnerability assessment
in rainfall and temperature on construction cost, includes: change in rainfall patterns, water availability,
maintenance cost and service life of the road effects of warming on vegetative health, incidence of
extreme climate events like floods. These are relevant to
 Hydrologic model (rainfall – runoff model): analyses
design engineering and non-engineering solutions. The
the effect of change in rainfall and temperature on information can be qualitative or quantitative. Extrapolating
runoff and water levels. They can be used to study the from the present to predict how vulnerability may change
effect of drought and flooding. in the future, given both climate and non-climate trends,
is an essential step to capture the climate change impacts.
 Hydraulic/hydrodynamic model: can be used to predict
future inundated areas based on rainfall. They can also Step 2: Identifying biophysical drivers of vulnerability
be used to predict the extent of flood and sea level rise.
Some biophysical drivers are: poor land management,
Step 3: Assign probabilities to identified impacts deforestation, slope instability. Some biophysical drivers
that may increase damage to the roads are:
Assessing the need for measures to be adopted requires
an estimation of how likely the climate event is to occur.  Deforestation and loss of land cover
The IPCC have provided a likelihood scale based on  Coastal and riverbank erosion caused by human activities
probabilistic assessment of outcomes in the past. The  Over extraction of ground water
return period of occurrence of the event helps in assigning  Ecological degradation caused by unsustainable
the probability of the event occurring. development



GIS can be used to map the areas of vulnerability. This population may be quite different from that of the present
can be taken up as a part of initial environmental and social population. These changes need to be accounted for in the
assessment of road projects. These maps can be overlaid on assessment and cost and benefit of the adaptation options
areas reflecting climate change projections. This overlay need to be identified.
assessment helps in identifying areas that are most exposed
and vulnerable to climate change. Community participation in identifying vulnerabilities and
assessing adaptation options ensure that the measures are
Step 3: Identifying socio-economic drivers of vulnerability relevant, acceptable to the community and sustainable.

Socio-economic drivers should also be included in the Activity 4: Adaptation Assessment

overall vulnerability assessment. Biophysical maps can be
overlaid on the population maps of the projected growth Adaptation assessment identifies and prioritizes the most
centers. Study of socio-economic characters of the overlap appropriate adaptation measure to be taken up for the
areas like: human development index, population density, project.
dependence on agriculture, education level, determine the Step 1: Identify all potential adaptation options
vulnerability and the ability to respond to changes.
Based on the assessment of climate change impacts and
Just as climate hazard may change over project lifetime, vulnerabilities, the project team can identify a wide range
vulnerability may also change along with change in the of adaptation options. Some of the options are given in
socio-economic condition of the population over the Table 2.
project lifetime. Hence, adaptation options for the future

Table 3 Adaptation Options

Climate Issues Potential Adaptation Options

Increase in rainfall 1. Changing the gradient of slopes
2. Increasing the size and cross section of cross drainage structures and channels
3. Raising the level of pavement and adding drainage capacity
4. Use protective material for preventing flood damage (like impermeable lining)
5. Use materials that are less affected by water
6. Increase water retention capacity and slow infiltration through natural or bioengineered system
7. Consider bigger safety factor at the time of design
8. Realign water courses
9. Increase monitoring
Increase in wind speed 1. Install protective systems like wind breakers
2. Plant coastal forests and mangrove
3. Modify supports and anchorages
Sea level rise and storm 1. Raise the level of the road
surges 2. Realign the road
3. Increase the longitudinal and transverse drainage structures
4. Construct seawalls or levies
5. Plant artificial reef
6. Regular maintenance
7. Increased monitoring
Reduction in rainfall or 1. Use materials with high resistance to dry conditions
increase in erosion 2. Increase water retention capacity and slow infiltration through environmental measures and
bioretention systems to recharge aquifers and reduce surface flow runoff
3. Regular maintenance by clearing dust and landslide
4. Vegetate with drought tolerant plants
5. Use matting or erosion control blankets
6. Use flexible pavement
7. Moisten construction material
8. Apply granular protection
Source: ADB Guideline for Climate Proofing in Transport Sector



Sometimes, the best option may be beyond the scope of the more weightage; however, the other factors also influence
project. For example, realigning the road alignment away decision making.
from a floodplain may be the best option but it may not be
possible within the project scope. Activity 5: Implementation arrangements

Step 2: Consultations Step 1: Establishing arrangements

Identification of the various adaptation options involve A lead organization should be selected as a nodal agency
input from several stakeholders. Consultation with the for implementing the adaptation measures. This could be
stakeholders is an important step in identifying the suitable the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. However,
adaptation options. cooperation of other agencies is required from various
sectors. How such multi-disciplinary actions are to be
Step 3: Economic analysis taken up should be established during policy and strategy
Economic analysis of the adaptation options provides development stage.
decision makers the information about expected costs and
Step 2: Identify needs of technical support and capacity
benefits of each technically feasible options and ranks the
options according to the net total benefit. The economist
monetizes the impacts of climate change and that of the Capacity and awareness required to manage climate
adaptation options. Two scenarios are considered: change and adaptation is currently limited. Training and
capacity building will be needed for lead agencies, partner
• What are the expected impacts of future climate change
institutes, local communities, project management units
on the roadway if no adaptation measures are taken?
and contractors.
• What are the expected impacts of future climate change
on the roadway if adaptation measures are taken? Activity 6: Monitoring and evaluation

The benefit of the adaptation options is assessed as the Step 1: Design of monitoring and evaluation plan
difference in the quantified and monetized impacts of Worldwide there is very little understanding of how
“with” and “without” the adaptation options in place. effective adaptation options are, in reducing vulnerability to
Sensitivity analysis and probabilistic analysis are two climate change. Indicators need to be set up to monitor the
approaches to account for risk and uncertainty in cost benefit effect of adaptation measures. These indicators can be for
analysis. In sensitivity analysis, switching values are often monitoring long term impacts by measuring the outcomes.
computed. It is the value of a specific variable that makes One indicator for measuring long term effect is assessing
the net present value switch from positive to negative, or how resilient the road is to flood effects. The outcomes that
reverse. The purpose is to raise the level of confidence can be measured are: percentage reduction in road closure
when recommending or rejecting an adaptation option. due to land slide / flood, percentage reduction in flooding
Probabilistic analysis involves attaching a probability of roads. The outputs that can be measured are: length
distribution for the possible value of any cost or benefit of road constructed to withstand climate change effects or
component of the project instead of attaching a single area of natural methods adopted to protect coastal roads.
deterministic value. Such probability distributions may be
constructed using historical data. Common practice is to Step 2: Feedback and knowledge management
use Monte Carlo simulation technique. The outcome is an
Feedback from the lessons learnt from use of various
“expected” net present value. It is a demanding process.
adaptation measures taken up at a project level should
Step 4: Prioritize and select adaptation option be used by the policy makers to formulate appropriate
approaches of climate resilient measures. A process
Prioritization is based on an assessment of technical needs to be set up for gathering data / reports and lessons
feasibility, costs and benefits, social acceptability and the learnt from projects so that a knowledge repository can be
opportunities they may offer for synergies with national created and appropriate adaptation measures can be used
priorities. Usually cost-benefit analysis is often given
in the road sector.



4. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY PRACTICES A methodology for assessing adaptations at project level

has been developed by the Asian Development Bank. The
Road transport has a significant contribution to Greenhouse six activities are:
Gas (GHG) emission. In order to reduce GHG emission
during road construction and operation, energy efficient i. Project screening and scoping
and locally available material can be used along with new
technology. Timely and quality maintenance of roads ii. Impact assessment
also reduces the carbon footprint due to lesser wear and iii. Vulnerability assessment
tear of vehicle engines. IRC guideline can facilitate in
estimation of GHG from road projects. Methodology is iv. Adaptation assessment
provided in the guidelines for estimating GHG emission
v. Implementation arrangements
for road construction and maintenanceRef 4. Methodology
is also provided for estimating vehicular emission during vi. Monitoring and evaluation
operational stage of roads. These guidelines can be useful
is reducing the carbon footprint of road projects. Each activity has several steps, totaling to 20 steps for the
assessing adaptation measures. The activities and steps are
Recycling of pavement can be a suitable way to reduce described in this paper for practicing engineers.
negative impacts on the environment. Recycled pavement
material can be used for resurfacing, repaving and Several environment friendly practices can be adopted to
reconstruction. The aggregates existing in the pavement reduce the negative impact on the environment and reduce
are a part of natural resources drawn from the environment. the carbon footprint of road projects.
Those should not be dumped if a pavement fails or
becomes unserviceable, because it causes damage to the
environment. The situation gets further accentuated by 1. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals sdgs.
extracting more virgin aggregates from the environment
to replace the wasted materials. IRC Recommended
PracticeRef 5 provide guidelines for recycling of bituminous 2. Climate Resilient Transport – A Policy Guide,
pavements. University of Birmingham, TRL, UK Aid.

Safe disposal of plastic waste is a serious environmental 3. Guideline for Climate Proofing Investment in the
problem. It is a non- biodegradable material. When Transport Sector – Road Infrastructure Project, Asian
dumped in landfills, it finds its way back to the environment Development Bank
through air and water erosion. It can choke the drains and
4. IRC:SP:133-2022, Guidelines on Reducing Carbon
drainage channels, can be eaten by grazing animals causing
Footprint of Road Projects, Indian Roads Congress,
them illness and can contaminate construction fill. Waste
New Delhi.
plastic can be used is bituminous pavement construction.
IRC GuidelinesRef 6 provide direction on use of plastic in 5. IRC:120-2015, Recommended Practice for Recycling
bituminous mixes for wearing course. of Bituminous Pavements, Indian Roads Congress,
New Delhi.
6. IRC:SP:98-2019, Guidelines for Use of Waste Plastic
The transport sector is vulnerable to climate change. A
in Hot Bituminous Mixes, Indian Roads Congress,
resilient infrastructure is expected to be able to resist to
New Delhi
an extreme climate event with minimal damages and
functional disruptions during the event. Adaptation 7. Urban Transport and Climate Change – Module 5e,
approaches at the project level can be engineering and non- GIZ.
engineering, to increase resilience of road infrastructure.




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Date Day Time Name of the Committee Venue

14-09-2023 Thu 03:00 P.M. Meeting of Road Maintenance and Asset Online Platform
Management Committee (H-6)
11:00 A.M. Meeting of Project Preparation, Contract Hybrid Platform
Management, Quality Assurance & Public
16-09-2023 Sat Private Partnership Committee (G-1)
11:00 A.M. Meeting of Multi-Modal Transportation Online Platform
System Committee (G-6)



The IRC has recently brought out the following 13 New/Revised Publications. These prestigious publications
will be quite useful to the Road Engineers in their day to day working.

S. Packing
Title of the Document Price
No. & Postage
1 IRC:73-2023 “Geometric Design Standards for Non-Urban Roads” 500 40
(First Revision)
2 IRC:82-2023 “Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Roads” 800 30
(Second Revision)
3 IRC:135-2023 “Guidelines for Development of Bus Ports in India” 600 40

4 IRC:SP:85-2023 “Guidelines for Variable Message Signs” (First Revision) 800 30

5 IRC:SP:90-2023 “Guidelines for Grade Separators and Elevated Structures” 500 30
(First Revision)
6 IRC:SP:99-2023 “Manual of Specifications and Standards for Expressways” 1500 40
(First Revision)
7 Special Report No. 26 “State of the Art: Mobile Routine Maintenance Facility for 500 30
Flexible Pavement”
8 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 1400 50
“Guidelines for Slope Protection & Embankment with Advanced
Technology” Part-I Main Text
9 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 1800 50
“Guidelines for Slope Protection and Embankment with Advanced
Technology” Part-II Appendix
10 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 300 30
“Guideline for Planning”
11 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 800 40
“Guideline for Mountain Bridge with Advanced Technology”
12 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 800 40
“Guidelines for Tunnel on Arterial Roads in Hill Area”
13 Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions 900 40
“Guideline for Operation and Maintenance”

Copies of these publications can be obtained from IRC Office against cash payment or by sending Demand draft
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These publications can also be ordered through making online payment by visiting our website
under the column “Sale of Publication”.



44. Kurda, R., de Brito, J., Silvestre, J.D., 2017a. Inuence of recycled Pressure Bar Impact Test, Buildings 2022, 12, 1055.
concrete aggregates and high contents of y ash on concrete fresh 10.3390/ buildings12071055.
properties. Cem. Concr. Compos. 84, 198–213.
57. Jiangwei Bian, Wenbing Zhang, Zhenzhong Shen, Song Li and Zhanglan
45. Kurda, R., de Brito, J., Silvestre, J.D., 2017b. Combined inuence of Chen,,Analysis and optimization of mechanical properties of recycled
recycled concrete aggregates and high contents of y ash on concrete concrete based on aggregate characteristics, journal Science and Engineering
properties. Constr. Build. Mater. 157, 554–572. of Composite Materials, 10.1515/secm-2021-0050


adopting recent advances in rehabilitation REFERENCES

techniques it is possible to bring back bridges to
original serviceable condition. 1 EN 1504 Parts 1 to 10
2 IRC:SP:40-2019 “Guideline on Repair, Strengthening &
5. MATERIAL USED Rehabilitation of Concrete Bridges” Indian Roads
Congress, New Delhi
i) KP/HP- 250 –
SLV grout - (Super low 3 IRC:SP:80-2008 “Guidelines for Corrosion Prevention,
Viscous Epoxy Grout) Monitoring and Remedial Measures for Concrete Bridge
Structures” Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
ii) KP/HP-350 – Epoxy Patching Compound 4 Limaye R.G. and Kamat M.K. and Hotta S.
iii) EPI Bond – Bonding Agent before Strengthening Chemically Deteriorated Concrete
Shotcrete Structures. The Indian Concrete Journal, September
iv) Feovert – Alkaline rust convertor 1992 pp 517-521
v) IPNet RB – Anti corrosive coating to 5 Concrete Bridge Practice Construction, Maintenance
rebars and Rehabilitation – V.K.Raina
vi) KP 100 – Concrete Corrosion inhibitor 6 Principals and Prevention of Corrosion –Prof R.D. Angal
vii) PC grout – Microne polymer cement 7 Austin S.A. & Robin P.J. (Sprayed Concrete Properties,
grout Design and Applications whittles Publishing 1995
8 Neville A. – Properties of concrete, John Wiley & Sons 1996
viii) Sifumex 100 D – Microsilica admixture for
shortcrete. 9 Shotcrete by Nem Kumar Banthia- Master Builder, Vol
8, No.2 Feb-March 2006.
ix) Goldbond 1893 Superwrap – Glass Fiber
10 Rehabilitation and Retrotting of Structures Edited by
K.B. Rajoria, Ashok Basa.



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