Chemia Ogólna I Nieorganiczna 7

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ZWIAZKINIEORGANICZNE ZMWIAZKI NIEMETALL pélmetali INNYCH NI TLEN (mpPCly C82) Bue, yonpLee sore 2 Tos typu qe | eotond metaliczne KWASY bertlenowe —_tlenowe WODOROTLENKI zasadowe —amfoteryezne e mag) oe raravker SOLE oh on beztlenowe tlenowe wodorosole hydroksole oksosole TLE AL -~ | v TUE RAY WASTUEINVAY FON ADTLERML + poo, . e weapousarrie, SERS yeep eet “yt Yeoctlenne we) “On 2 em na~ | Shep + ao, niert. Pensioste (come O) gen Av Re db 70 Gepyace) a v wa, ~ A/2 stop t arclares Leno. “yr9 a oem + Sree rwtcsken leno . Wwrrpduniende gre kkreingius * iG aoc FROME OSE Reena jealen eds okove “klevun Wwigke sk & a jyeok emake ne = ¢ J Ww z wacklienw Lrkcocco wedltlenrnn wie Awowy Lt be Ro auLE ve Weed O sxepes te Sure aunkere;te peat otOm MO TARuMeK. tens |e CES ma =A ee de kytbo Geter shone Testy Sig 2 meaner N DTRRNMYWANIE TLENASU @ wsrzrodacrnm~e srorexn TANG + On > 22 Moo 4 \ @ somncay renner sort , wopoRorLenmdy | TEAMS * Cato, = Gao+ COz "WOH > CHO + MAO (to tek reanee ctereptvotagy) + UMNO, —> 2NngO, + O32, N espaieny BO Wo Mec toute? RY svopien mutt S ws “hottiniay ‘ote wend “ateeree) ® UrnEntaAme Teac NA MIXKRYM STOPMU UTLEME RIA (colem Laysmanie kena we Saale stopncy) v + ASO, 4 ASOy @ Aeduacté TLENMdw NA RYESKYM SvoPATU + y+ C= deo stopien! wt rwees wiemetos jest nti. wet ( stoRKe met Aude wat xy Ww wyteionya — Hennu) g ®D PARNE RWIAZKSW OROAMIEERVEH + CHu + 20, > Con + AHA Wtspotance Spouanie cabwourtte OY MYWA NE NADTLE RK SH (eck scotu) @D Capen awre Pie ASTRA \paieeaaacae ROw len Bex (opsen itu) + dwe + 0, N@2.Ox Cs Spy etagie Geeta? Nactenex cosston a on eer ovate; waklerniencu lio uaLesieUMeS @ reancye Sor. DANEGO wETALU & Huo, Wo PY ZASABOWNN + Col S0y + Maa + ANMY OW > Colon Crus, SOu HLHLO OT Rwy NYWANIE FONADTLENKSH ¢ on : een ene Co CLO Got 9 ragtlenen ie “goras= WY J q SLEREN ROD T crdme MEM @® neancye We aw asrudw Ay Ao*® K+ Oy > KO, Hada, jest awwiqgaycem AES he kuie eatotose 1) Lud otto J 5 mapyy warclt leno! clue LAW aocaades "7 meen TEENY REAGUARCE RX HILO Ne REAGUAACE HR wad + bio "SOx, * SO, AAAD, vi + Mnaoy + co cro (une anos 6 wapusrenatnete’ a 9 reawele, 2 cagste cama, socaty) 3 THERMAL we dN ~~ OROTE TNE KWASOW E ZASABOWE —_AMFOTE DYCANE ° @® + coy ert + ALA, no + NOR * mo rt + Cra0% COOKE TNE Me reaguye, Russe, [co Me Anacay ze a 1s gv we eens 4 ' i) ez a= 2 wWoatanst au sosaclews, J LWASOWE Tw reawg 2 wede toeee Kony, (niemetar:) . reaega 2 2esactant Vg? ZASADOUSE we reaKei” w a: gf A eel, rong, sala * pemegeeer 2 wosssam AM fore De cxNE vreegaie 2 beosams i 2atacta mt ( aah. cof woninnd) q ECE SLT SSS IES ESI N N cron VE ig, WODORUMN { 5 > fax. aus. waster 2 addunmi. Zienviastwami) v “q 7 OF BaP NYWANIE @ BEXPOSREDNIA SYATERA + Hat S = Has Bis Aa > 20H * tat HR Cony, @ wnrana + Rn + MUg = ACH 4 BU we Ader WOE oe + dhonauter chemicany pwodeorndw FARN CUNE CHEN I CANE + Skaie + wooleyuc niemetar’ lane By gonami Bad sinicowaty S rospaw vaso (ae 1,2 N K woctorm wiemetan') % TYPU sou NETAUICENE KOWALE NCW TNE s blow 5 = Rens. gmep 7 gets (8) q 4 + Lautancwee, qooowr nln - Se so wscetty ea \ + a niemerotann’ wo =1 Stepnine * vayeten Be M9, : 1 d 1a Wee GPO teed; (imo ene! Awenc v grape tesctorss jowaise) s wigaenie Loooket - metal Tt Asa he eeSre 2 ged Ni (eign ie © corte we reep) LAR (oo ysl been Moasstio ¢ aascct - teoni J must. ne Kany 1 Mesca . dacent C . Zasecty ke todeawsi » Kedre 8 d doudowane 2 woolowr cs resaky ‘oa: = g 8 Mio Menowye tesstsr wigde Sie, 2 Kenene OT OLY MR WANE, AWASY REZTLENOWE D SVnvezrq OBPOWIEOMEGS wWobosyru 1 2029. GO WwW LO « Y wtse ts » vy AS ay 4 Hao > AS (4) Rwasy WE Nowe QD BOQAQuVCAE ME SBPOmMEDMEGS TLEMRU LW Loobsr€ 7 88, 4 HO > Ha Soy SUMETSZYM BWASEM MA SSL OTAIVYMNWANEGO KU + ou @ marae + dha + HSOU > Noa Sou + Nan SO,+ AHU PD WSo, + aman * / Cases Ese tel \ bearosclrniw S04 { aoe ate weagyt § Ee wap ate, 2 fowa, Ssh woos Hi) knemowegs modine ctaymec w reo stopianta: AURIS (Sox) s ookpowseolnin, cee > BS HO cnemewege = 0 Ca weguiey to} opers wa qc erage ce mE A esenem no ssl wo seit aeracie = ae eT ewes eRe roy g bse ASeWoken OAEN ere lutea. Yeaucryunrok! Firearms + wre saci See ° . : aN . erecnawe FadAncke clo cclce mania . ear ame % protencto REAL CYE = sou 4 wosn WAS © 2ASABA TLENEKS SSL 8 SODA eSAS + C etree dasectony, @ woay = _NeTAL MESILURCHETAR 3 SSL+ Laseda, Foren cet «skanctarctouy jest “wyenuny = aalolne Irs Spero Uncctons a Rivosu Omang £ beaktens) > METH SAU CHET / RSL QLACHETAN stenste cobousy ( a reopens, pene aN N @ ‘ons me epee woolen, kabao ener hanego Meme { } S J ~* e Cat AHASOY > CUSOU + SOZ* AHAO + BA + YHNOA™ BAGNOZ+ NOs 2wO 3 0 WOBSMOTLE NUL (my teort wwascis 5 Aotecl Mrehentusa | Betion meter on yeogiows) Nig YRS NuYh PHY” Creation) * ae sa, g mekate nw amonony _ tosfonousy ‘ aototne to Peyjmowsania provoncdro Ge On” searg au) % * Bxlolne clo odl Sacre py a mak So loy hu \ | ope Stadiasis or aay MYA WILE @ SpPOWiEDNY TLENEKR ZASRBOWY LW WODRE (rorpuduce) + yo + Huo SLioy stan Hao > lolol, —~ (® weanrasren Gad £2 (ereoekyony) 2 wooR snd ( Emetot acho cto wo. fa wsclen. nowek 2 . oy to eerie ss ~ nojoorsaice jens potent Seounevareeaa au + avso> Quow + Hat + lo + awo > Colowat ut @) woreai Cfonoue = eyes so) 2 wWoOTA, 24H 7 Hao 2 amom + Kat @D cramer a ov erany (Sine Zervecta Ka SU yenoiatina utdrego Henen gt niewsap es 120) N eee ee 7 usou 4 anon = ca(orat = xasou J es) Lssolu ott ene) WLAEE\ WO “a PI ct ne SCHEME 7 esteygaoke! Ress 1 Kasten twsAg Staie, sale (6. acvoietnionio) \ & Chromey Lemsrycos * Aalolue cho pryiceane PION a Aon Seen, prokonsus SOLE (au. cnt, Actors, LEDS aS ct hate SEES) QD Meta a memetar (sole wo. beattenonngts) . Aa + s~> Oe @ wearooamm KWASOWY 4 BEasSDME AASADODY = + CaD+ Wa Cacoy @ eawornw — zasanowy (TLEWEY) + KWAS + Cam ammog-s caloxa ® 2asapa. + Tener wwAasowy + Awaou+ CO, > Neto, + KWo @D METAL + kwas + Ca +H2S04 2 Cosoy * 42 © wovoporcenew + wwKws F NOOR + UNO, None, + Had a \ PROSTE FORO NE aay meee 7 Posogyne . popes Motiondw 1 jecten cteos ane Ketiony wee) onionsve WAL (CSDu) a, ¥a Soy Ala (Ou), sove SISKENS Yo Ny ER TLENCWE ae. al ~ OMI E TNE WwASne ZASA ROWE + Came CSSAEISUEN Corstorgysove) Cosy 1M tS toe a A, + ea 0Oy A a wetion | _ on Vi vesady wasctous, | Tig gain is Seer / ra NOt SpSeeokions | | Gswttebe - 0 L aes mice JO Wado | | a post w PONE 8 Lt | Sean on sore ersoso1e SOLE UWOBMIONE » Yorece) + Ca (S00) x Bho ae tenes aang “| Imemetat p 1 \ ' [reSaka eesasowe | \ | KONPIE KRY Kompless (auiqzen eorata nancy vey g tmoine widinic jeolen Lue iietey at. centrarnyon oy o > eee “ > oh. cent raine otocrone PoSalinneipkowaymids AoC Comey okomdo) baci alien eee Cae to ignenie ob centatnegs 4 Cen Uience Pony eterbonowe | wide pochodai ok Jae. akowwu wp Meet | Hasou, HyPOy y MNOS HAO" (fon wapironsouy) “jones aA UOTE Wo Komoplexsie. ese meron + CRewinjcanie otek ee wy Seng Ri - Rs Fentaa mina tbrenus Koba low (in) to wa Cwodstorunime co, wo chen Sees 7 orgounceniney) each. wo m _-_ _ _ ¢ eee eK a (qr. BIR ) KONPLE KS, x y i 1 PRWINZEK ZAWSZE TLELTRYCUMVE OBOYSETAW WwW CTS LESO | STOUKTUQLE AWSTZPUTE POZVMAINMER TEDEN Fw wom PLE KSowy 1 \ \ Cestnioa at KomplevSenn a tis SSS i Fay .. mor yn seat , Owes, Oo KCl LWeluodst hae ORE BOY CARS AVES a fe jones aan cddateiywaniem we aetadste edd haaiyoomue etevtrcdstotyernego Cxation=onion) = cRegTeY Et MP eee ceed. 2h a teadcin Jando ronepteesouyets J Ju lomae] Leecenvel ™ . Spey cate stale 7 nis re2p. Se OO wedae also sie, cloone vorp o> a a ASW CERTRALINE WO. KOM PLE KSOW eH + Tat ual 4 erect ronawe wp TOR yt, VEL ce 2H adh, Met FEM | Co GANDY Wo AW. WONPLE KSOWw EH 7 CRAKS Boloxwe (ex. org] operates oa AP MBO, ma | > govecnese (ezgereceei) (ps seucsae Um, Bene nee | Vg ~ yowRonowe Me te mega mbes) = Wie spo retosins dy e . . pose cla voshle, yore, & Pemuns be Mesunactchis 49 2, ce eimierws roorety wa cys, d, ey (nonsprednonh5 G POTECWA awiWZANE 2 wonmelevsanis = We2BA KLOOROVNA CR ANA, YX omdux SO ils Leanecists saiqramch 2 jonem o oy J eR roy Ug ™ pe fej Lterbie motna Ryfustera) axe, SNA LHe, mo dang Komprems “ najosdmiessae 1 woomiyneuyine | N y a maja. mailiioe “sextosc! eee (a) - umiowa: ot, -@- Se Cen & ss ee w sey some Peace > “oy. ketraealoyerma. Ceremia, ogetene ?) efHe - Pasig” nusastake ( este seaseny zne) (2 Gira. goetsy. A) “+ “8 = egiramiste bygonatne (2 age nety © SLRS ~ biptramicla setragovarne ( osc) (2 Rom. o OI) . A ton centy. oS te “ ners) reve) ) Si i . u crerdcie, spotykone wW uk. bic! tres 1 fy W Levack. ~ NaN TS NJ jes A PLE K SSW JE Se a om ple nme!) ~~ KOMPLERS, DIAMIAY > DicRLOBOPLAT LOA J aaskosowenie farmmecertycene J eral ce LS platy J HEM = PL - cx cant ~ e A ee (nomen Saari ont tone’ NM erapenty cong 7 W seerzeniu ee eae nouskussrby Mg NiGBY wi PEAVY ( pers) Jaynindio, Jade, Sausr ‘ we Pe as Sn ayt ent ~~ S S cee grow) gd * wigranie “PECL Lo w. Ke MLEMENINE SK NUAZ= PE ko WS KOORLBNNMACYING meta cagst. €leurycanie obeyetna 1 ' SCT «ec doscaje sig (2 ensd) ne ' { \ w | SN REESE \ ; \ (es roma seu ket tens: Sock ladeeray 1 Hann Len, oye’ r sd \ 1 \ 1 a 1 reel ee Lk i ee wo Momdsce Wo Aamienione na Hid beng arywone ecteueky | Kicre eddaiolyoujac 2 DUA ctoproun: Sse clo ao kom - ~ 1 ATTY NE FORMY CIg- PLATY RY 1 \ te @ i 1 ‘ a i . wo @ .|\«oas. | > | «|. @ |* Mos — Pa. = = — ees - Pt- 430] ——s | ign-er- veo] 1 1 \ v ' no, J aus | My qi eee LL _ _ Le — _ sls an “ee ewsone We HO Be vO wo ko de Had jest x siege Legoncenr wid a (srereg spetvoate meni) v Wun, anaes Se eRo ay Val’ ereyt rowowe J © , TEER Py mw poston’ Kowplersow 2 bioczesteca ean 7 pie wow Pepayetarnt 7 meoaennt nuvatei nowy wut koi wo Sets Wtaime amrclowene 2 “ Ae Omi roma PRAY READY WOMPLE ESS METAU La UK. BIOLOGCIAN CH oF centrum n WO HOMO Ns 5 Sue gne otyst mye ennowey (meroroenry™ ectpowsedMalny Ae eypropar ganauas ~nie anionovodnina ae bergrs tomigene forma ktenk Jy PeSose es ee of n eee Sees sees OSes o ey, PRREALCTA BYENUTAGTY ANON LODNKA, TONADTLENKOWEGO 1 AQe tania On. + Had, I Crootnias) ( eeancic nie imebe umied) a clowek Spouse ( SN Mabatiaatorem (jest cenrem miedaiowe cysmuka ! J v |) uktentenie anionosan ponaattt. O%* ole tH.cegst. On te abe etmnrectancey (amienia Ke Kioienie Lagowotc) t >) veo go. prectuxke nm 2 canicnorssiiwe jest “20% | 1 ' Oo CeMUEME WekAL EINE “Lakega estttoone nin ' redox Cu O)- Sod + OCe = Culi}- SOD + oO, Car (I)- SOD + Qos sant —> an (v)- SOD + H2O2 * womplens deraze (nem) vo hemogrolcnie, (102.36 treba Fer! "a. por xynouy 7 Fe LS conta A KEWALE NCVAINE | 2 DOWOLOWE CECHA RW. KONPLE KSOWY cH adelnesd clo utwonenia Wwionanio wooretawn. wmege (nomplens metotx) clgje modl. Utworenia Wes ae wigan wil a to ae sropwia, ubt. a5 WarkOse clemege xeaviestwe. Sopten! utlenienia % wartoseiowode! (to, unsec) “TEOMA POLK KOYST ALIC? NEGO t kTUMe cg, Jostens nis TEOMA LIGANDS W ere J aaa TEOR A POA KMOYST ALIC? NEGO. daytacea 20 + me jon cent: (ers cMacte Esse) mG vat ey? =} metote ‘ct! ererrronoue <4 bea cymncweses MERWE SRanows, ioclunew gunutouy Yjemng hortealadant oe LoRpSt ectnyte ome ‘g \e —— poctporvowe ore A - & oretowe S fuy bi joe [acme Zak ( wetex | 7 Lesg, migdan contami vsspstngetnyce e92,) sant 7 of (Cea 3 ° Torbitete tesa, wa oSack wepstn: ssintelsa Soldner ywaniel Salpyena jack Cpowrstyjace & sear Cea orloitatr) pro acie ae na orbditate vnie, Ooi UnLacly Se [Lgondey dorideys, Mey migday estan) 4 ae _—— [pole osymetri} pole o symetrii ~ | sferyeznej | — oktaedrycznej symetwjcenie © <\ ( \ sy] Marediiar orbirol ot A ee boi, poclpouion.) \ Lotedaied, | dugui prgjiciom £7 a jectnege | Porat ae slniat moins. qeniewer fy roe Kec eoweRd ebse noowe ce! banenoked rerkwodu <= v ne) Bis. Kom plelsSouyehe Raa we eRe S eRne ETRE ———- Oe Su —— iviona, & Co re nowek Soe apideie Lo rmrsaczepienia to Rie clserade Se ENge micdty avome porismamt) v NY) meine bomay” ws amt oct ceivote _versacrepionto, Copteps we Sa goes Suwieiene cots, Lok) eave) OWTRE DD sitnied, eokkaunas! cloeceoke! Ligenclsvo be, cla, KON Samo & anejeujace Se vo orbitals etek Baye (ma oxtach) > rorSreepenie perp. ape a ~ a portion, enercetyeriny bone, erbitete: chery g hi? wtdsag poalom ener oreitate | oliy velxa-otye pnesnon e7 wed poriome nt ( banonsid aroigard) J Roane Macnsly niinie, coldniahyade wa jon centro 1 Sia ealdaiciyuanio wajon Ce nbeany > vote Se, rereacaeprenie pocipsuiowt EYP ot O rdinice Ww cnmagiaats colpesiaclalacpis clanennn voasacse plenin’) Moke digancly + sebe pote f cotisotnie MEVEG SPEKTAOCHENI cay METAL wool < Fo

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