Cookery LP - Q4 - L1 - Lo4.2

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March 2, 2018

Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology-Vocational and Livelihood

Home Economics: Cookery NC II (Grade 12-Sharp)
7:30 – 11:45
Prepared by: Ryan D. Bantinoy

I. Objective
At the end of the period, students should be able to:
 Store fresh and cryovac-packed meat according to health regulations.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Prepare and cook meat
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Technology and Livelihood Education Pp. 36-37
K to 12 Learner’s Module in Technology and Livelihood Education Pp. 378-380

Kitchen tools, equipment and rubrics for evaluating the output.

Values Integration:
The students will value the importance of storing meat according to health rgulations.

III. Procedures

 The teacher and students will pray the Lords’ Prayer
 The teacher greeted the students in a good mood and the students greeted back with
joyful faces.
Checking of Attendance
 The teacher monitored the attendance of the students by asking the class Biddle.
Classroom Rules
 The teacher reminded the students to their agreed classroom through recitation.

A. Review

 The teacher reviewed the previous topic entitled “Prepare and cook meat” with the
learning objective of utilizing quality trimmings and leftovers in storing meat.
 The teacher will ask the students about the activity they have done last meeting
through oral recitation.

B. Motivation
 The teacher conducted an activity called “Energizer”, wherein the students will mimic
the dance step in the video.
C. Lesson Proper

 The teacher presented the topic entitled “Prepare and cook meat”, wherein the
students will read the said topic.
 The teacher presented also the learning objective “Store fresh and cryovac-packed
meat according to health regulations”.

1. Group Activity

 The teacher divided the class into three (4) groups, wherein the students will pick a
piece of paper at the box that contains 4 different colors (Blue, green, yellow and
orange). The color they have picked indicates their group color.
 The teacher distributed the information sheet to be discussed each group about the
storing hygiene in storing meats products.
 The teacher will give the activity sheet to every group wherein they will exercise on
what they have discussed.
 The students will choose their representative to present their work.

Group Performance rubrics

Excellent Good
Criteria Improvement Total
5 points 3 points
1 point
The student The student The student did not
consistently uses seldom uses use English in
Communication English throughout English throughout his/her
Skills his/her his/her presentation at all
presentation presentation
The student shows The student The student does
mastery in storing hesitates in not able to store
fresh and cryovac- storing fresh and fresh and cryovac-
packed meat cryovac-packed packed meat
according to meat according to according to health
health regulations health regulations regulations
The presentation The presentation The presentation of
of the output is of the output is the output has no
orderly and not orderly attempt at all to
effective explain


2. Individual Activity
 The teacher let the students to do the task individually in storing fresh and cryovac-packed
meat according to health regulations. The performance will be rated based on the criteria.

Individual Performance rubrics

Excellent Good
Criteria Improvement Total
5 points 3 points
1 point

The student The student

The student does
shows mastery in hesitates in
not able to store
storing fresh and storing fresh and
fresh and cryovac-
Mastery cryovac-packed cryovac-packed
packed meat
meat according meat according
according to
to health to health
health regulations
regulations regulations

3. Generalization

 The teacher conducted oral recitation regarding from the task given to them.

4. Evaluation

 The teacher considered the result of the performances of the students during application since
they actualize the theory.

5. Assignment

 The teacher instructed the students to research about the hygiene practices in storing meat
products and put it in a long bond paper to be submitted next meeting.
Activity Sheet #35


 Utilize quality trimmings and leftovers in storing meat..


 Review your information sheet.

 List down the proper hygiene in storing fresh meat products..
 Perform the activity.
 Present your work.

Hygiene Practices in Storing Meat products

Posing question:

What is the first step in applying proper hygiene in storing fresh meat products?

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