Advantages of Choosing The General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona National High School

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Advantages of Choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona National High School

This research aims to provide valuable insights into the advantages of selecting the General Academic
Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona National High School. These insights will aid students, parents, educators,
and policymakers in making well-informed decisions about strand selection, ultimately enhancing the
overall educational experience and future opportunities for the students.

Statement of the Problem:

In the ever-evolving landscape of secondary education, students at Estipona National High School, like
many others across the country, face the critical decision of selecting a senior high school strand for their
Grade 12 education. Among the available options is the General Academic Strand (GAS), a versatile and
academically oriented program that provides a broad foundation in various subjects.

This research aims to address the following problems:

1. What is the advantages of choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona
National High School in terms of Identification of Knowledge Gaps: There is a lack of
comprehensive information and data on the advantages and benefits of choosing the General
Academic Strand among Grade 12 students at Estipona National High School. This knowledge
gap hinders informed decision-making by students and parents regarding strand selection.

2. What is the advantages of choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona
National High School in terms of Perceived Disadvantages: Many students and parents may hold
misconceptions or have concerns about the General Academic Strand, such as limited career
opportunities, lack of specialization, or academic intensity. These perceived disadvantages can
influence students' strand choices.

3. What is the advantages of choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona
National High School in terms of Influence of Peer Pressure: Peer pressure and social factors may
play a significant role in the selection of senior high school strands. Understanding how these
factors impact students' decisions to choose or not choose the General Academic Strand is crucial.

4. What is the advantages of choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona
National High School in terms of Alignment with Future Goals: Students' career aspirations and
future goals may not always align with the General Academic Strand's curriculum. Assessing
whether this strand adequately prepares students for their chosen career paths or higher education
is essential.

5. What is the advantages of choosing the General Academic Strand in Grade 12 at Estipona
National High School in terms of Effectiveness of Guidance and Counseling: The effectiveness of
guidance and counseling services at Estipona National High School in providing students and
parents with accurate information and guidance on the General Academic Strand needs

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