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Mental Framing in Ethics

Name: Lamatao, Rochie Joy M.

Course/Year: BSTM 2


1. Define what Mental Framing is.

 A frame of reference, or point of view, refers to the way we look at a given situation.
How a person views that situation can affect her understanding of the facts and influence
how she determines right from wrong. Some frames minimize or even omit the ethical
aspects of a decision, by remembering to consider the ethical implications of any
situation, we can keep ethics in our frame of reference when making decisions.
2. Provide an example of Mental Framing.
 Example, studies show that if people are prompted to frame a situation only in terms of
money or economic interests, they often leave out ethical considerations.
3. Do you think Mental Framing is harmful? Why or Why not?
 The framing effect is when our decisions are influenced by the way information is
presented. Equivalent information can be more or less attractive depending on what
features are highlighted. Decisions based on the framing effect are made by focusing on
the way the information is presented instead of the information itself. Such decisions may
be sub-optimal, as poor information or lesser options can be framed in a positive light.

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