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‫شركــــــة ليـــال الوطـــن‬


Reducing Single-Use Plastics

The objective of this strategy is to minimize the use of single-use plastics and transition to
more sustainable alternatives, reducing plastic waste and its environmental impact.

1. Assessment and Inventory: Conduct a comprehensive assessment and

inventory of single-use plastics currently used within the organization.
Identify the types and quantities of single-use plastics used, their
purpose, and their impact on the environment.
2. Policy Development: Develop and implement a policy that outlines the
commitment to reducing single-use plastics throughout the organization.
This policy should set clear targets and timelines for the reduction and
elimination of single-use plastics.
3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage employees, customers, suppliers, and
other stakeholders to raise awareness about the negative impact of
single-use plastics and the importance of their reduction. Encourage their
participation and collaboration in finding alternative solutions.
4. Product and Packaging Redesign: Work with suppliers and
manufacturers to explore alternative materials and packaging designs
that reduce or eliminate the use of single-use plastics. Prioritize materials
that are recyclable, biodegradable, compostable, or reusable.
5. Procurement Guidelines: Develop procurement guidelines that prioritize
the purchase of products and materials with minimal or no single-use
plastics. Consider factors such as packaging, durability, recyclability, and
environmental certifications when making purchasing decisions.
6. Internal Education and Training: Provide training and educational
resources to employees to raise awareness about the impacts of single-
use plastics and promote behavior change. Educate staff on proper
waste management, recycling, and the use of alternatives to single-use
7. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with industry peers,
sustainability organizations, and government agencies to share best
practices, research, and innovations in reducing single-use plastics.
Explore partnerships to develop and promote sustainable alternatives
and technologies.

Address: AlBasrah- Al Jazzier - Amman District- Near Shanshl Moll

Tel: 07801418818 - 07714505888
Web Site:
LAYAL AL WATAN CO. ‫شركــــــة ليـــال الوطـــن‬

8. Communication and Marketing: Develop a communication and marketing

campaign to inform customers, suppliers, and the public about the
organization's commitment to reducing single-use plastics. Highlight
achievements, progress, and initiatives, encouraging others to join the
9. Measurement and Reporting: Establish metrics to measure progress
towards the reduction of single-use plastics. Regularly monitor and report
on the organization's performance, including the amount of single-use
plastics eliminated, waste diversion rates, and environmental impact
10. Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and reassess the
effectiveness of the strategy. Identify areas for improvement and
implement adjustments as needed. Stay informed about emerging
technologies and industry trends to remain at the forefront of sustainable

Address: AlBasrah- Al Jazzier - Amman District- Near Shanshl Moll

Tel: 07801418818 - 07714505888
Web Site:

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