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Motion and Kinematics: What is the formula to calculate velocity?

a) V = d/t
b) V = a/t
c) V = F/m
d) V = m/F

Electricity: Which particle in an atom carries a negative charge?

a) Proton
b) Neutron
c) Electron
d) Photon

Quantum Mechanics: Who formulated the Schrödinger equation, a

fundamental equation in quantum mechanics?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Max Planck
c) Erwin Schrödinger
d) Werner Heisenberg

Forces and Newton's Laws: According to Newton's third law of motion, for
every action, there is an equal and opposite __________.
a) Reaction
b) Force
c) Acceleration
d) Mass

Theory of Relativity: Which theory of relativity deals with objects in motion

at constant speeds?
a) Special Relativity
b) General Relativity
c) Relative Relativity
d) Motion Relativity
Thermodynamics: What is the First Law of Thermodynamics also known
a) Law of Energy Conservation
b) Law of Entropy
c) Law of Heat Transfer
d) Law of Temperature

Electromagnetic Waves: Which color of light has the longest wavelength?

a) Red
b) Green
c) Blue
d) Violet

Optics: What type of mirror always forms a virtual, upright, and diminished
a) Concave Mirror
b) Convex Mirror
c) Plane Mirror
d) Spherical Mirror

Energy Conservation: Which of the following is a unit of energy?

a) Watt
b) Ampere
c) Joule
d) Volt

Atomic and Nuclear Physics: What does the acronym "MRI" stand for in
the medical field?
a) Magnetic Radiation Imaging
b) Medical Radiology Imaging
c) Molecular Resonance Imaging
d) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

a) V = d/t
c) Electron
c) Erwin Schrödinger
a) Reaction
a) Special Relativity
a) Law of Energy Conservation
a) Red
c) Plane Mirror
c) Joule
d) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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