Lecture 1 Priciples of Games Design

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Games Design &

An introduction to games Design and Techniques
which use player behaviour to improve

Lots of practical content

Design is collaborative, you will be expected to
You will be expected to play games
This module 2 pieces of design focused coursework
1. Twitch play focused
2. Long term retention/monetisation focused

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 2

What makes
a good  https://www.wooclap.com/ZUAYYD

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 3

Design Diary
What you
need • Doodles & notes
• Photograph key pages & add typed text if
• Keep as Word Doc or PDF

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 4

 https://youtu.be/QKRlaI1SZ2o

 Could there be an animal urge to play?

 Hunting
 Chasing
 Finding
What does  Matching

this tell us?  Which games do you know which animals may
 What would the barriers be?
 Controls
 Rules
 Screen, realising its not a real world

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 5

 Solving
 Puzzle,
 Winning
 Known Status
 /Unknown  High score
Joy of play  /Self
 Reputation
 Discovering
 Spectacle,
story, items
 Destroying
 Creating
 Improving
 Collecting
IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 6
Player acts

Player evaluates Game pushes

situation back/rewards

Play cycle  Dynamic, usually changes

1. Short term
Second to second gameplay

2. Medium term
Level to level

3. Long term
Play session to play session

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Types of

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Recall (Memory)
Primary Manual dexterity
Gameplay Problem solving

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Types of
game activity

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 Player is not in freefall
 The ground stops the player falling
 Player can jump 2x own height

 Player can only have 5 cards

 To pick up a new card player has to discard one
 There are 13x4 unique cards in the deck

Rules  Enforcement
 Traditional game
 Other players
 Umpire/Referee
 Video game
 Game code running on computer
 Moderator

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Real World
Rewards /

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 Spot the rewards https://tinyurl.com/y3caacd8

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Video game

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Intrinsic - Inside the experience
 For the joy of playing
 Controls, movement, sounds, visual effects

Extrinsic – Outside the

 Trophies, Score, Progression
Types of indicators
reward  Reminders of what you did, and indications
of what's to come

 Hybrid
 Extrinsic-Intrinsic: i.e. Bonus item for
coming back to play
 Intrinsic-Extrinsic: i.e. Kill cam shot

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 Poorly designed intrinsic rewards
 Bad controls, poor GFX, annoying sound,
 “Not fun”
 The effort to play > the enjoyment gained from
Why people
 Poor retention due to bad extrinsic
stop playing rewards
 Game was fun, however;
 I think I have seen it all
 I don’t really remember much of it
 It feels like I am standing still
 No-one else seems to be playing it

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 19

 Extrinsic rewards support, but should not replace,
intrinsic ones
 Its almost impossible to use extrinsic rewards to cover
for poor intrinsic ones
 Intrinsic rewards are much harder to design well;
 They need to be delivered in game, using controls,
effects, sound
Which is  It may need to work repetitively, without becoming
more boring
 They may be part of a game economy and could cause
important? unbalanced gameplay

 Net effect of poor intrinsic rewards is that people don’t

care about the extrinsic ones, so stop playing
 Exception: Games for real world rewards like cash,
where the extrinsic reward has real world value

IS74022A © Richard Leinfellner 20

 Intrinsic
 Anticipation
 Difficulty in obtaining
 Possibility of failure
What makes  Spectacle of achieving
 Joy of exploring the reward, new powers, unlock
a reward etc.
meaningful?  Utility of the reward, what it does to make the
game more fun

 Extrinsic
 A trophy to act as a reminder
 Scarcity, perhaps linked to difficulty

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Reward ideas 1opw3tq1
 Not sure this will work

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 Spideysense bell for the designer
 When a game has few/poor intrinsic rewards, i.e.
does not play well, there can be temptation to
Adding compensate with “cheap” extrinsic rewards
 STOP: Players won’t care much about extrinsic
Trophies, rewards if the intrinsic ones are poor
High Scores  Extrinsic rewards supplement intrinsic ones
& badges  So whilst they are cheap to create they will also be
irrelevant to the player unless they reflect real
achievement in something they care about

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 I managed to kill the big guy and got this cool gun
 Good luck having a meaningful conversation about
this or searching for it online

 When I killed Sabboth, a massive Cyborg, he

dropped the BFG9000
 BFG9000
 Quad Damage, does what it says on the tin
Vocabulary  Paleto Bay-Stunt Jump, location and action

 Humans like labels

 Shared vocabulary is very powerful

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 Reward should seem obtainable
 Perhaps just out of reach, the method to get it
should be clear

 Luck vs Skill
 The longer players play the more luck they feel they
deserve, even if skill suggests otherwise
 Good luck is highly valued
 An irrational sense that we have control over luck
Anticipation  The designer can use this (carefully)
& Luck  Example: When the player defeats an opponent,
there is a 20% chance they will drop a low value
random item, after 5-10 drops, just as the player
gets bored with the grind, the game offers up 2
enemies in a row which both have a 80% chance of
dropping a high value item.

 How does the player feel?

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Player failed (perhaps died)
 Heroic, Spectacular, Funny, Pathetic
 Ideally non judgemental, unless
Why replay?
Disappointments  Each time they get closer to winning
compensation (progress)
 Next time they know more so will
succeed, by skill or game design
 “Lucky” reward when you spawn,
more health etc.

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 What does the reward offer?
 BFG9000, awesome gun, but no use without ammo
 Game has now added “find BGF ammo” to list on
implied sub quests

 If you have all the toys, you need to “feed them” to

keep them fun
 Utility rewards, need counterbalance or you get a
Reward positive feedback loop
 Restrictions on “fuel/ammo” allows for negative
utility feedback loop, keeping economy stable
 Game needs to be near zero sum, i.e. no real
superpowers, for too long
 Search “Why being superman sucks”

 Designers need to ensure balance

 Maximum perceived value (Bling), minimal averaged

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Reward design

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Design a game mechanic
Decide the rules & Rewards
20 then back here to discuss


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