Bài Tập Củng Cố Tuần 6

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(Từ ngày 8/3/2021 ->14/3/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 8/3/2020

1. It is part of a teacher's job to ___________ confidence into his or her students.

A. institute B. inscribe C. instill D. inspect

2. She said how much she _________________ the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding
to the appeal.

A. appreciated B. appropriated C. affiliated D. associated

3. He found it very hard teaching a class full of __________________ teenagers.

A. indifferent B. invalid C. intimate D. intermediate

4. He gets a small _______________ from his father - just enough to live on until he starts to earn money.

A. revenue B. compensation C. allowance D. consumption

5. The cut and ______________ of this political debate went beyond everything that I have ever
witnessed in this sphere.

A. threat B. thrill C. thread D. thrust

6. Worrying about inconsequential tasks will prevent you from doing projects which really matter.

A. crucial B. trivial C. significant D. critical

7. I have a suspicion that he's having an affair, though I don't have any ___________ proof.

A. concrete B. discreet C. dubious D. converse

8. Morality is a(n) _________________with no physical form or presence, existing only in the hearts and
minds of people.

A. abstraction B. distraction C. subtraction D. retraction

9. I hope the dispute will soon come to a satisfactory conclusion. (CLOSET)

A. inevitable B. acceptable C. miserable D. considerable

10. The scientist’s theory was based on ____________ evidence that had been proven in laboratory

A. desirable B. rational C. chaos D. abundant

11. They are meeting consumer demand for fashionable products at _____________ prices.

A. inevitable B. irritable C. miserable D. affordable

12. The suspect's statement does not ___________ with the information witnesses have given us.

A. apply B. adjust C. accord D. adhere

13. She ______________ her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her.

A. averted B. availed C. absorbed D. abstracted

14. Voters should avail themselves _________ all the tools available to get information about the

A. in B. with C. by D. of

15. After a few introductory comments, we cut to the __________ and began negotiating.

A. phase B. chase C. purchase D. case

16. We had a big argument, but I guess it helped clear the ________ between us.

A. sky B. atmosphere C. airspace D. air

17. If you take _________ with me or my methods, feel free to hire someone else.

A. issue B. concern C. theme D. affair

18. I felt the man was guilty beyond the _____________ of a doubt.

A. shelter B. shade C. shadow D. screen

19. In _______ of your years of hard work and experience in the company, we think you would be
well-suited to a managerial role within the company.

A. merit B. virtue C. goodness D. attribute

20. Rick expressed deep ___________ for his wife at their fortieth anniversary party.

A. affection B. infection C. affectation D. effectiveness

21. I always thought that singers were outgoing by _____________—until I saw how shy you are off-

A. intention B. cognition C. definition D. position

22. I bet you he left his report card here ____________ so we would compliment him on his grades.
A. on purpose B. on business C. on trial D. on duty
23. She was a __________________ woman, volunteering all of her free time to charitable organizations.
A. stingy B. rapacious C. benevolent D. greedy
24. If you're too critical of Sophie, I worry that you'll damage her amour propre. (CLOSET)
A. modesty B. conceit C. humility D. reserve
25. Someone must have interfered _____________ the server last night because it's not working right

A. to B. on C. with D. over

26. After spending her whole life in her tiny hometown, Carla would need to _________ to big city life
while attending college.

A. apply B. abide C. adjust D. accord

27. Evidence suggests community _______________ of pandemic influenza was well established in the
state at that time.

A. transportation B. transformation C. transmission D. transfer

28. White blood cells help defend the body against ________________.

A. affection B. infection C. affectation D. effectiveness

29. The purpose of a university press is to disseminate knowledge by publishing books and

A. disseminate B. distract C. dissolve D. distort

30. Raw _____________ was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.

A. sewage B. garbage C. trash D. rubbish

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 9/3/2020

1. The enamel on your teeth has almost completely ___________, which is why you've been
experiencing so much pain when you eat and drink.

A. worn off B. put off C. cut off D. turn off

2. During the playoffs, teams ____________ until only two are left to play each other in the
championship game.

A. drop around B. drop by C. drop away D. drop off

3. The bank said they couldn't honor your __________ because you didn't have enough funds in your

A. test B. check C. research D. scrutiny

4. Despite the fact that we aren't aware ___________ the external world during sleep, our minds
continue to actively process information.

A. about B. at C. on D. of

5. If you didn't do anything wrong, then the investigation will ________ your innocence.

A. bear out B. break off C. bring out D. carry off

6. To ____________electricity, we are cutting down on our heating.

A. support B. protect C. safeguard D. conserve

7. The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their
snouts in the _____________.

A. slit B. crest C. trough D. hill

8. Unless you want to hear Uncle Glen and Aunt Mildred squabbling all night, we need to run

A. conference B. interference C. deference D. reference

9. This is a desperate situation which requires a truly ___________ solution.

A. identical B. vertical C. partial D. radical

10. Her legal advisers persuaded her _________ mentioning the names of the people involved in the

A. into B. with C. about D. for

11. The company is moving its headquarters to a new _________ with better links to the airport.

A. position B. location C. situation D. place

12. His granddaughter coming to visit him in the nursing home was always a bright ________ in Jim's

A. spot B. mark C. scene D. point

13. With that loss, we gave ___________ to the team below us in the standings and found ourselves
outside the playoff picture.

A. place B. seat C. room D. space

14. We were all so busy drawing up the contracts for this new deal that the thank-you dinner we'd
promised to our interns simply ________ the cracks.

A. wear off B. fade in C. fell through D. drop away

15. Long ago, women were _____________ to vote in political elections.

A. prevented B. stopped C. forbidden D. banned

16. The computer software isn’t _____________ with your operating system.

A. comparable B. equal C. compatible D. similar

17. With human populations increasing, resources for Asian elephants are ____________, and the
numbers of these animals are diminishing.

A. scarce B. unique C. sole D. narrow

18. The campaign has certainly ___________in raising public awareness of the issue.

A. managed B. succeeded C. afforded D. achieved

19. As a leader during the war, he was ____________ and ineffectual, and was eventually relieved of his
A. conclusive B. determined C. indecisive D. crucial

20. Since the new teacher failed to ____________ herself with the students, she found it hard to
maintain an orderly classroom.

A. interfere B. ingratiate C. include D. interchange

21. It is not a good idea to miss meals and ___________ them with snacks.
A. substitute B. replace C. change D. exchange
22. The substance will __________ from a gas into a liquid with enough pressure.

A. change B. transform C. convert C. alter

23. The pipeline was constructed to ____________ oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.

A. transport B. transmit C. transfer D. transform

24. The start of my presentation did not go as I had hoped, but I had to just _____________ ahead and
keep talking.

A. forge B. phrase C. roam D. scatter

25. The olives we use to create this oil originate __________ Greece, so you can be sure that you are
getting an authentic flavor.

A. over B. from C. for D. with

26. The use of hot water for bathing is very ____________ in the remote villages of Nepal, where fuel is
too precious to use for such purposes.

A. rare B. radical C. rational D. realistic

27. She was criticized so much by her employers that she began to feel ______________.

A. valuable B. precious C. worthless D. treasured

28. Sightseers may be a little ____________________ by the crowds and noise.

A. overweight B. overwhelmed C. overseen D. overdone

29. I've been ____________ leave for the past few weeks as my illness has gotten worse.

A. at B. on C. off D. out

30. A positive conversation with the CEO today could set the __________ for a promotion tomorrow.

A. sight B. vision C. view D. scene

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 10/3/2020

1. The search for a new vaccine will take _____________ over all other medical research.

A. authority B. celebrity C. priority D. minority

2. She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly ________________.

A. deteriorated B. ameliorated C. mitigated D. alleviated

3. His plans of becoming an astronaut are a pipe dream, he should be more realistic. (CLOSET)

A. a promising vision B. a terrible situation

C. an impractical hope D. a real nightmare

4. The _________ is his garden was very rich and this enabled him to growprize- winning lilies year
after year.

A. fertility B. soil C. land D. ground

5. It was found that he lacked the ________ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.

A. persuasion B. commitment C. engagement D. obligation

6. The poll confirmed Americans’ growing propensity to invest in the stock market. (CLOSET)

A. currency B. democracy C. tendency D. emergency

7. Nearly two-thirds of the company's current employees will be ______ to retire within five years.

A. negligible B. eligible C. illegible D. tangible

8. It is no use preaching to your children if you do not act __________ yourself.

A. decently B. politely C. gracefully D. rudely

9. The slowdown of the US economy occurred ____________ with a downturn in Europe.

A. simultaneously B. punctually C. timely D. rightly

10. The average human ____________ in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred

A. lifespan B. lifestyle C. lifeline D. lifebelt

11. Jack was not exactly _____________ after the incident with the fire extinguisher.

A. common B. popular C. prevalent D. widespread

12. Don't ____________ his hopes about seeing Aunt Jen this weekend—I hear she's having car trouble.

A. bring up B. grow up C. build up D. turn up

13. Several high-profile sponsors have ___________ their heels following the athlete's controversial

A. turned on B. set off C. start off D. went on

14. She does a lot of work for charities, but her ______________ forbids her from talking about it.
A. vanity B. indecency C. modesty D. arrogance
15. During the crisis, oil prices _____________ between $20 and $40 a barrel.

A. coincided B. harmonized C. consisted D. fluctuated

16. In many developed and developing countries, life ___________ has greatly increased over the last
two decades.
A. expectancy B. suspense C. expectation D. expansion

17. In the film, he is able to ___________the sense of otherness and alienation that many teenagers feel.

A. distort B. degrade C. deform D. depict

18. Many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in _____________.

A. span B. point C. part D. portion

19. Once I saw all of the presents stacked under the tree, I thought I would ________ curiosity before
Christmas morning.

A. die of B. pass away C. pass on D. give away

20. Gifted children typically show great intellectual curiosity and a wide range of interests.

A. mental B. physical C. tangible D. sensible

21. Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential ______________ of a healthy diet.

A. additive B. component C. stabilizer D. portion

22. Do you think I'll be able to __________ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?

A. complete B. finish C. break D. achieve

23. Slow download times, inadequate security and website __________ can damage your business

A. overtime B. uptime C. downtime D. timeline

24. Could you please describe what happened that night? Take your ______—we want it to be as
accurate as possible.

A. time B. clock C. minute D. hour

25. I wanted to impress Juliet, so I _________myself in music by her favorite band.

A. turned B. took C. absorbed D. abandoned

26. I tried to convince the other board members, but my efforts were ______, and they outvoted me.

A. in fail B. in vain C. in loss D. in hope

27. As the bomb went off, ______________ noise and eye-clouding smoke filled the city.

A. deafening B. frightening C. happening D. threatening

28. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention __________.

A. limit B. span C. duration D. time

29. She's an up and _____________ star in the marketing department.

A. increasing B. growing C. coming D. arriving

30. We were up all night drinking cheap wine, and I woke up the next morning with a ______________

A. sharing B. dividing C. splitting D. separating

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 11/3/2020

1. These complex formulae are beyond the _____________ of the average pupil.

A. grasp B. sense C. virtue D. sympathy

2. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural ______________.

A. house B. habitat C. accommodation D. residence

3. The urgency of his voice _______________ them into action.

A. encouraged B. motivated C. stimulated D. galvanized
4. It can be dangerous to let too much soot ____________ inside a chimney.

A. accumulate B. contemplate C. appreciate D. speculate

5. As a result of unchecked pollution, the Chesapeake Bay is in __________ condition.

A. inconsequential B. valueless C. critical D. trivial

6. Any athlete who aims to _________ performance by taking drugs is likely to bedetected and banned.

A. develop B. motivate C. stimulate D. enhance

7. The car won some of the industry's most _____________ awards.

A. prestigious B. notorious C. luxurious D. infamous

8. I need to ____________ on the candidates we've interviewed so far with you—are you free this

A. infer B. refer C. confer D. defer

9. His father was a hall-of-famer, and he's a pretty good basketball player in his own ______________.

A. attitude B. option C. chance D. right

10. There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down. (CLOSET)

A. considerate B. appreciative C. specific D. considerable

11. He has his own ways of beating the system, making sure that he has good relationships with
_____________ people.
A. superficial B. influential C. initial D. partial
12. The band will be playing at several different __________ in the UK.

A. revenues B. venues C. antiques D. rescues

13. There are still a few technical problems to be surmounted before the product can be put on
sale to the public. (CLOSET)
A. overcharged B. overloaded C. overwhelmed D. overcame
14. I think you have to ____________ into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us.
A. put B. make C. take D. have

15. Now that the ruling has been successfully overturned, I'll able to conduct business without let or
___________ once again.
A. handy B. useless C. hindrance D. obstacle

16. He had paid off his loans and was free of the __________________ of debt.

A. encumbrance B. furtherance C. convenience D. indifference

17. I once thought sushi was totally gross, but I've found that it's something of an _______________

A. achieved B. acquired C. accomplished D. succeeded

18. Everyone in the class _____________ the teacher.

A. looked up to B. came in for C. got round to D. put down to

19. At the age of twenty he already has several major victories to his ________.

A. credit B. praise C. feat D. reliance

20. I give the kids 10 bucks at the start of the week as a bit of pocket ________. If they spend it all, then
that's all they get till the next Monday.

A. cash B. coin C. money D. currency

21. After his _______________ from his job, the elderly man had nothing to occupy his time but solitaire
and bingo.

A. retirement B. appointment C. recruitment D. inauguration

22. Vitamin D is _______________ by the body after exposure to sunshine.

A. absorbed B. took C. turned D. addicted

23. The committee will suggest ways to _____________ historically important buildings in the
downtown area.

A. preserve B. present C. predate D. preheat

24. The single market is designed to ______________ barriers to the free movement of goods, services
and people.

A. elevate B. contaminate C. eliminate D. discriminate

25. Most of the studies focused on health conditions or issues that pertain predominantly or
exclusively to women. (CLOSET)

A. mainly B. scarcely C. densely D. barely

26. This article examines experiments with __________ to ethical issues.

A effect B. expect C. accept D. respect

27. Has anyone called an ambulance? Time is of the _________ with this man's injuries!

A. access B. excess C. essence D. possession

28. It started bucketing ____________ just as I began cycling home.

A. off B. under C. down D. out

29. Jason bought drinks for _______________to celebrate his promotion.

A. all and sundry B. leap and bound

C. up and down D. cats and dogs

30. When I was a kid, I threw my brother's birthday cake on the floor because I was _____________
with envy that it wasn't my birthday.

A. black B. green C. red D. blue

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 12/3/2020

1. After the serious wedding photos were finished, everyone struck a silly _________________ for a
funny picture.

A. longitude B. attitude C. gratitude D. similitude

2. There is no one-size-fits-all __________ to learning. Some individuals would learn best through
direct contacts with real life circumstances

A. opinion B. idea C. attitude D. approach

3. This is the second time in a row that he didn’t show up, and I believe he did it on ______________.

A. effect B. purpose C. conclusion D. influence

4. I asked Joe to lend me his bicycle, and he sent me this old, rusty one. But ____________ can't be

A. beggars B. misers C. paupers D. bankrupts

5. Once I had recovered from my injury, I _____________ myself to training for the marathon again.

A. dedicated B. distributed C. delivered D. predicated

6. It took a few weeks, but I think I've finally gotten into my _________ at my new job.

A. step B. march C. stride D. stalk

7. My father was as poor as a church _________ growing up, so his sole focus was to give his kids every
opportunity in life that he missed out on.

A. porcupine B. mouse C. squirrel D. alligator

8. She took ____________ of the project and made sure it was finished on time.

A. return B. favor C. need D. charge

9. They returned to their office feeling energized and ready to __________ new challenges.

A. take off B. take on C. take after D. take back

10. I will consult colleagues before ________ a final decision about how to proceed.

A. making B. taking C. putting D. getting

11. I'm sorry I haven't returned your calls. It's just that lately I've been totally snowed ___________
with work and looking after the kids.

A. up B. along C. under D. out

12. It's pretty rare to have all my brothers and sisters under one _______, so it really does feel like a
special occasion.

A. entrance B. window C. roof D. foundation

13. I don't care if you wear headphones while you work, _________ that it doesn't affect your

A. unless B. or C. otherwise D. provided

14. We ______________ the wedding invitations about three weeks ago.

A. dropped by B. went around C. turned off D. sent out

15. Salesmen may make untrue statements to try to __________ you to buy the product.

A. induce B. deduce C. reduce D. produce

16. When she was pregnant, certain foods produced a feeling of repulsion in her. (CLOSET)

A. pleasure B. disgust C. satisfaction D. delight

17. Surprisingly, a smile on an individual’s face doesn’t always ___________ the person is happy.

A. verify B. imitate C. classify D. indicate

18. I'm not ___________anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?

A. implying B. inferring C. concluding D. deducing

19. The painting is so beautiful that it took my breath___________.

A. away B. around C. along D. among

20. He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a _______________.

A. temper B. temperature C. temptation D. temple

21. Talking it through with you has helped me to ___________ my own thinking about the problem.

A. split B. categorize C. clarify D. separate

22. If you utilize your time wisely, you will be able to finish all of your chores. (CLOSET)

A. make use of B. come in for C. keep pace with D. face up to

23. Right then and there, I _________ my mind that I would become a police officer when I grew up.

A. put up B. made up C. lived up D. got up

24. I'll be upstairs, so could you __________ my phone calls up there, please?

A. transport B. transit C. transfer D. transform

25. The company is accused of child ______________, which is a very serious charge.

A. exploitation B. exploration C. explanation D. explication

26. The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to _________congestion.

A. abandon B. dispose C. relieve D. discard

27. According to hiring practices all applicants should be judged fairly regardless __________ their
race or ethnicity.

A. about B. in C. at D. of

28. Finding the piece of paper I need in this huge pile of documents is like trying to find a ____________
in a haystack

A. needle B. scales C. drill D. scissors

29. At first, Polly and Luna didn't ________very well, but now they are great friends.

A. take on B. get along C. get by D. take over

30. I'm really surprised that the sequel even holds a ____________ to the original.

A. light B. candle C. dark D. chance


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