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Name _________________________ Project ___________________________

Art Project Rubric

Criteria Points

20 15 10 5 or 0 ___ /20

Elements & Advanced use of and combination Good use of and combination of Acceptable use of art elements Lacks evidence of thoughtful use
Principles of of art elements and principles that art elements and principles that and principles but Lacking of elements and principles with a
Design seamlessly work together for the work well together for the overall harmonization or demonstration design that looks unplanned,
overall design. Work demonstrates design. Meeting expectations. of planning or understanding. rushed, and/or incomplete. ___
a deep understanding and ability to Work demonstrates an expected
manipulate these concepts. use of concepts.

Craftsmanship Project is pristine and well-kept Overall, the project is clean and Minor folds or Work includes
Neatness without any defects. It has a without major defects like stray marks may be present but obvious deficits like folds, rips,
professional finish and level of Folds/Rips. All areas have been the work is acceptable. Some and/or stray marks. Little effort ____
detail that shows a pride in work. considered and finished to meet portions of the work could have went into creating the work and
Areas others may ignore and skip expectations. benefited from more attention to using the Information
have been considered. detail. demonstrated.

Time & Student was actively engaged Student was mostly Student was somewhat Often reminded to stay on task.
Management and self-motivated. Student may independently distracted from their work and Social/digital
have even taken work home to motivated with a few social had to be reminded to stay on- Interactions impeded work.
do more than expected or distractions. Work was mostly task. More focus would have Lack of focus had a strong
required. Student was focused self-driven. been helpful. impact on project work.
and never distracted.

Execution, Work had a novel and original Work was unique & original Though work did include some What work was done was
Originality, approach to the subject. Media with some evidence from sample or derivative imagery, highly derivative of the
& choices and use coordinated samples/examples. Work it did include many unique samples or other student’s
Uniqueness seamlessly to create a included no direct copying from elements. work. Little was truly original or
compelling work of art. other sources. unique.

Requirements Intense exploration of subject & Subject and media were well Subject or the technique was Little depth of subject and
& Depth techniques; student exceeded explored and met project not fully explored. A Technique. Requirements
most/all expectations. expectations. requirement was missing. were not fully met.

NOTES: Grade ___

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