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The king of South Asian cuisine and a loved-by-all dish is Biryani.

The layered preparation, usually with fragrant basmati or kalizira

rice, is sprinkled with saffron and has chunks of sumptuous meat.
Its trademark smell lets everyone know that it’s a special occasion.
It is a very popular dish in Pakistan and the question often arises,
“Is this the national dish of Pakistan”?

Once a dish for royalty, today biryani reflects the flavor and
traditions of each locality and is a common dish across many
places in Pakistan. However, there is a controversy as to whether
Biryani is the national dish of Pakistan. It seems that the
Government of Pakistan has not declared any food to be the
national dish because there isn't just one dish that is popular in
every region and such a lavish meal is often out of reach for some
Pakistanis. However, Biryani is definitely one of the strong
contenders for the title.

Biriyani has its origins among the Muslims of the Indian

subcontinent and is popular beyond the region.

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