#Predicting With Jaimini's Rasi Dasas

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Predicting with Jaimini's Rasi Dasas

By Ernst Wilhelm

Jaimini teaches the calculation of his predictive Rasi Dasas in the Chapter 2, Pada 4 of Upadesa Sutras. In addition
to the information in that chapter, Chapter 1, Pada 1 covers the necessary basic principles of Forward/Reverse for
Odd/Even Rasis and Dasa lengths. In this handout I will be covering the exact method of how to predict with
Rasi Dasas, something Jaimini expects us to figure out on our own as he gives little specifics other than the
calculations. It's in understanding the calculations, however, that the secret of the Dasas are revealed, so as always,
Jaimini gives us everything we need to know - we just have to study it deeply.
2.4.1. Dvitiiyam bhaavabalam caranavaamse.
dvitiiyam – Nom. second. bhaavabalam – Nom. house strength. caranavaamse – Loc. moving nine:
partitions, parts; caranavamsa dasa.
The second house strength in the moving navamsa (Caranavamsa Dasa).
The second house strength in the moving nine part (Caranavamsa, Aya, Svakendra, Chatushtaya, Manduka,
Yogarda, Drig, Trikona, Sva).


In Jaimini it's the Rasi that is important. A Rasi is the field of some concrete experience. The exact concrete
experience discovered in the field of the Rasi is determined by:

1. Karakas in a Rasi
2. Cara Karakas in a Rasi
3. Bhava Cusps in a Rasi
4. Padas in a Rasi.

The nature of the experience is dependent upon the nature of the Grahas that influence the Rasi through
conjunction and Rasi aspect.

SAUMYA & KRUURA GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 4)

Saumya, gentle, Grahas are the waxing Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Kruura, cruel, Grahas are the waning Moon, Mercury when joined a Kruura, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and

Saumya Grahas cause concrete experiences that are as comfortable and easy as possible.
Kruura Grahas cause concrete experiences that have stress, hardship and work attached to them.


The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are Masculine.
The Moon, Venus and Rahu are Feminine.
Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are Neuter.

Masculine Grahas get involved in concrete experiences for the sake of external fulfillment - to create a better
life in the World.
Feminine Grahas get involved in concrete experiences for the purpose of internal fulfillment - to create a more
satisfied inner life that contains the many bright "Stars" of love and happiness.
Neuter Grahas get involved for both of the above purposes.

Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins.
Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas.
Moon and Mercury are Vaishyas.
Saturn is Sudra.
Ketu is a Mixed Caste.
Rahu is an Outcaste.

Brahmins gain greater understanding through the concrete experiences that they are involved with.
Kshatriyas get stronger and use their will more appropriately through the concrete experiences that they get
involved with.
Sudra Saturn get involved because they have pay for their right for life, which means, to pay their dues.
Mixed Caste Ketu gets involved for all of the above reasons, with the Kshatriya reason being the dominant
Outcaste Rahu gets involved for reasons that are not the real reasons and also for Sudra reasons.

SATTVA, RAJAS AND TAMAS GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 12)

Sattva Grahas are Sun, Moon and Jupiter.
Rajas Grahas are Mercury and Venus.
Tamas Grahas are Saturn, Rahu and Ketu

Sattva Grahas get involved with the concrete experiences of the Rasis because they are inspired to do so.
Rajas Grahas get involved with the concrete experiences of the Rasis due to choosing the experiences in the
hope that the experiences will prove desirable.
Tamas Grahas get involved with the concrete experiences of the Rasis because troubles require them to do so.

LUMINOUS, STARRY & DARK GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 23)

Sun and Moon are Luminous.
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are Starry.
Rahu and Ketu are Dark.

The Luminous Grahas, through their concrete experiences, allow the individual to find out about who they
really are and what they really need.
The Starry Grahas allow the individual to find out what their skills and capabilities really are.
The Dark Grahas allow the individual to find out about their dark side.

FORMS OF THE GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 24)

Sun and Mercury have the form of a Bird.
Moon has a Creeping form.
Jupiter and Venus are Biped, i.e. Human.
Saturn and Mars are Quadruped.

Birds search and find what works for them. Sun searches for his kingdom, Mercury searches for the best
possible situation.
Creeping forms do whatever it takes to survive and get their needs met.
Biped Grahas progress, with their heads up, and move forward.
Quadruped Grahas have the strength to deal with extremes, Saturn that of carrying great burdens as does an
ox; and Mars that of the strength to deal with critical immediate needs such as a hungry Cheetah chasing
dinner, or that of an antelope running to escape being dinner.

SIGHTS OF THE GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 27)

Sun and Mars look Up.
Mercury and Venus look Sideways.
Saturn and Rahu look Down.
Moon and Jupiter look everywhere equally.
Ketu has no eyes.

Up looking Grahas strive towards the best outcome they can envision with respect to the concrete things
indicated by the Rasis they influence.
Sideways looking Grahas move towards the obvious possibilities in the concrete things indicated by the Rasis
they influence.
Down looking Grahas bring about the negative possibilities that they dwell upon in respect to the concrete
things indicated by the Rasis they influence.
Grahas that look everywhere equally do all of the above.

DRY, WET & MOIST GRAHAS (Graha Sutras Chapter 28)

Sun, Saturn and Mars are Dry.
Moon and Venus are Wet.
Mercury and Jupiter are Moist.

Dry Grahas do not comfort or soothe, they take things as they are and expect others to do likewise.
Wet Grahas comfort and soothe and try to make things feel better than the situation merits.
Moist Grahas fall in between the above two states.

Mercury, Jupiter and the Lord of a Rasi joining or Rasi aspecting the Rasi assist the Rasi in manifesting its
concrete experiences and in maintaining them. This is Jaimini's Second Strength.
Sun, Saturn the 12th lord from a Rasi serve to separate the individual from the concrete experiences of the
Rahu makes things weak and prone to failure, Ketu puts things on a solid foundation.
Mars fights and Venus heals. Mars is hungry for things while Venus is fulfilled by things. Mars's influence
without Venus's influence indicates an expense of activity with less than needed fulfillment.
Waxing Moon creates external growth, but lack of progress internally. Waning Moon creates inner growth, but
lack of progress externally.

Kruura Saumya/Kruura Kruura Saumya/Kruura Saumya Saumya Kruura Kruura Kruura

Male Female Male Neuter Male Female Neuter Female Neuter
Kshatriya Vaishya Kshatriya Vaishya Brahmin Brahmin Sudra Outcaste Mixed Caste
Sattva Sattva Tamas Rajas Sattva Rajas Tamas Tamas Tamas
Luminous Luminous Starry Starry Starry Starry Starry Dark Dark
Bird Creeping Quadruped Bird Biped Biped Quadruped -- --
Looking Up Look Everywhere Looking Up Look Sideways Look Everywhere Look Sideways Looking Down Looking Down --
Dry Wet Dry Moist Moist Wet Dry -- --
Weak Solid
Separating Growth Fights/Hungry Manifesting Manifesting Healing/Fulfilling Separating
Foundation Foundation

The degree of a Grahas desirable and undesirable effects is based on the Grahas dignity:

Desirable Effects Undesirable Effects

Exaltation: 60/30 0
Mulatrikona: 45/22.5 15/7.5
Own Rasi: 30/15 30/15
Great Friend’s Rasi: 22/11 38/19
Friend’s Rasi: 15/7.5 45/22.5
Neutral’s Rasi: 8 /4 52/26
Enemy’s Rasi: 4/2 56/28
Great Enemy’s Rasi: 2/1 58/29
Debilitation: 0 60/30


Jaimini tells us of the existence of Caranavamsa Dasa in Sutra 2.4.1, the calculation he leaves for us to
discover. Fortunately this is an easy discover as earlier in the chapter when giving the longevity Dasas
he states the following in reference to the standard Navamsa Dasa:

2.3.1. Vishame tadaadirnavaamsah.

vishame – Loc. odd. tad – that. aadih – Nom. beginning, commencement. nava – ninth. amsah – Nom. share,
portion, part, division, a degree of longitude or lattitude.
The navamsa in an odd – that commences.
2.3.2a. Same aadarsaadih.
same – (9) Loc. even. aadarsaa – perceiving by the eyes, mirror. adih – beginning, commencement.
In an even, the mirror commences.

To change the standard Navamsa Dasa to Caranavamsa simply requires that we use changeable (Cara)
Dasa length as per the Sutra on determining Dasa lengths which is found in Chapter 1 of Upadesa

nawaNta> sma> àaye[. 28.

1.1.28. nāthāntāh samāh prāyena.
nāthāh – Nom. Pl. owner, lord, occupied by, antāh – Nom. Pl. boundary, border, whole amount. samāh –
Nom. Pl. year (sama – equivalent). prāyena – mostly, generally, as a rule.
Generally, the whole amount of years are equivalent to the borders occupied by the lords.

One of the certain cases where the rule that even Rasis are counted in the reverse is not adhered to
is for the purpose of determing the length of the variable length Dasas. The length of many Rasi Dasas
is dependent upon how far the lord of the Rasi has moved from the Rasi. Since planets move in the
forwards direction from Aries to Taurus, etc. the Dasa lengths are always counted in the forward
direction, no matter whether the Rasi under consideration is odd or even.
If the lord of the Rasi is in the Rasi itself then the length of the Dasa is 12 years. If the lord of the
Rasi is in the second from the Rasi, then the length of the Dasa is one year, and so on.
Some commentators also believe that Rahu and Ketu should be considered as co-lords of Aquarius
and Scorpio and that they also have a say on the Dasa length, but this view is erroneous and not
supported anywhere in the Sutras. It does find support in Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, but I am not of
the opinion that the version of that text that we have available to us is accurate on this point. Not even
a hint of such an idea is found in Jaimini Sutras.
Another similarly erroneous view is that if the lord of the Rasi is exalted, one year is added to the
Dasa length, and that if the lord of the Rasi is debilitated one year is subtracted. Again, this is nowhere
supported in Jaimini’s Sutras, though it is stated in Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra. One obvious problem
with the idea of subtracting a year for a planet in debilitation, as pointed out by KN Rao who does not
follow that idea, is that for Sagittarius Jupiter in Capricorn would give a Dasa length of 0 years – how
can Sagittarius Dasa not have any time?


Caranavamsa Dasa is an important Dasa for predicting changes to the individual's path, the direction of their
life and those things that they strongly identify with. The most important periods are of the Dasas holding:

The Sun The dispositor of the Sun

The Atmakaraka The dispositor of the Atmakaraka
The Lagna Lord The dispositor of the Lagna Lord
The Pada

Look for these in all Vargas.

2.4.34. Antarbuktyamsayoretat.
antar – sub. bukti – sub –sub. amsayoh – Loc. Dl. portions. etat – the preceeding.
The preceding in the Antar and Bhukti.

In this sutra which is at the end of the predictive dasas chapter, Jaimini tells us to calculate the Antar and
Buktis in the same manner as the previous directions on calculating the Maha Dasa. As obvious as this is, I
mention this sutra as some people believe that all antardasas should start at the 1st or 7th from the mahadasa
or that the 2nd from the mahadasa should be the first antardasa, but neither of those are stated by Jaimini.

This sutra also lets us know that Rasi Dasas are meant to be calculated down to three levels, not 5 levels as is
done with Vimshottari Dasa.


The Antardasas and Bhuktis must be examined in three ways:

For timing and event: Look for the similiar event to come up in the Antardasa as that of the Mahadasa and
look for the similiar event to be indicated by the Bhukti as is indicated by the Antardasa. When all three Dasa
levels indicate an event, the event happens. The quality of the event is as per the influences to the Dasa,
Antardasa and Bhukti Rasis. If the Antardasa Rasi is better disposed than the Mahadasa Rasi, then the event
will be strong in the beginning, but wane in a future Antardasa. If the Antardasa Rasi is more badly disposed
than the Mahadasa Rasi then the event can improve later in another Antardasa. Similiarly read the Bhukti in
respect to the Antardasa.

Same House
House from the House
Rasi with the House Lord
Rasi with the Karaka or Jaimini Karaka
Rasi with the Pada
Rasi with dispositor of house lord, or dispositor of house from the house lord.
Rasi with the dispositor of the Karakas
Padas of Rasis of the Above

For seeing the ups and downs of an event: After an event has been given by the Mahadasa, the Antardasas of
any Rasis that hold planets that are influencing the Mahadasa Rasi will create some shift to the event, for good
or ill depending upon the influencing planets. Read the Bhukti the same way in reference to the Antardasa.

For seeing important transition periods that may be periods of termination: For this Jaimini has some special
principles that are invaluable.

2.4.2. Dasaasrayo dvaaram.

dasaa – period of life, state or condition of life, loose ends of any piece of cloth. aasrayah – Nom. resting
place, refers to a rasi. dvaaram – Nom. door, gate, entrance, way, means, medium.
The Dasa Rasi is the doorway.

2.4.3. Tatastaavatitham baahyam.

tatah – from there. taavat – for so long, so much, so far, so many. itham – thus, in this manner? baahyam –
Nom. outside, foreign, strange, opposed to, diverging from.
From there, for so long thus is the outside.
2.4.4. Tayoh paape bandharogaadih.
tayoh – Loc. Dl. those. paape – Loc. malefic. bandha – binding, chain, capture. roga – breaking up of
strength, disease, infirmity. aadih – Nom. etc.
A malefic in those – bondage, disease, etc.

2.4.5. Svarkseasya tasminnopajiivasya.

svarkshe – Loc. own rasi. asya – Gen. this. tasmin – Loc. that. no – and not. pa – protecting, ruling. jiivasya
– Gen. Jupiter.
That in own rasi among this, and not Jupiter’s protected.

2.4.6. Bhagrahayogoktam sarvamasmin.

bha – rasi. graha – planet. yoga – uktam – Nom. said, word, sentence. sarvam – Nom. of all sorts, manifold,
various, completely, everywhere. asmin – Loc. this.
Everywhere, the rasi, planet yoga said everywhere about this.


2.4.35. Subhaa dasaa subhayute dhaamnyucce vaa.
subhaa – Nom. benefic, auspiscious. dasaa – Nom. subha – benefic. yute – union. dhaamni – Loc. house,
condition. ucce – vaa – or.
Benefic union in the house, an auspiscious condition, or an exalted – an auspicious dasa.

2.4.36. Anyathaaanyathaa.
anyathaa – otherwise. anyathaa.
Otherwise – otherwise.


2.3.6. Kaarakayogah prathamo bhaanaam.
kaaraka. yogah – Nom. union. prathamah – Nom. first, principle, foremost. bhaanaam – Gen. Pl. rasi.
Karaka union – the first and foremost of the rasis.

2.3.7. Saamye bhuuyasaa.

saamye – Loc. equal, likeness, similiar. bhuuyasaa – Nom. exceedingly, more numerous.
Similar – the more numerous.

2.3.8. Tatastungaadih.
tatah – then. tunga – prominence, high. aadih – Nom. commencing from.
Then exaltation, etc.

2.3.9. Nisargastatah.
nisargah – Nom. natural condition. tatah – then.
Natural condition then.

Dual Rasi are stronger than the fixed and the fixed are stronger than the moveable.

2.3.10. Tadabhaave svaaminah itthambhaavah.

tada – then. bhaave – Loc. house. svaaminah – Gen. lord. ittham – thus, in the manner. bhaavah – Nom. the
Then at the house of the lord in the house manner.

2.3.11. Aagraayatto atra viseshaat.

a – denotes comparison. agra – supernumerary, foremost. aayattah – Nom. depending on, resting on. atra – in
this place, then. viseshaat – Abl. even more, difference between, exceedingly, particularly.
Then, the foremost depending on the difference between the resting place.

Count from the Rasis to the lord, the longer count is the stronger as per the Dasa length rule.


2.4.7. Pitrilaabhapraanitoayam.
pitri – (1). laabha – (7). praanitah – of, from the vital. ayam – Nom. going, good luck, fortune.
Fortune going from the vital 1st or 7th.

2.4.8. Prathame praakpratyaktvam.

prathame – Loc. first. praak – directed forwards, facing, opposite, pratyaktvam – backward direction.
At the first – directed forwards, opposite – the backward direction.

2.4.9. Dvitiiye ravitah.

dvitiiye – Loc. second. ravi – the Sun, name of the number 12. tah – of, from.
At the second, from the 12th.

2.4.10. Prithakkramena tritiiye catushtayaadih.

prithak – widely apart, separated, singly, one by one, severally, differently, kramena – Instr. regular course.
tritiiye – third. catushtaya – set of four, the angles. aadih – Nom. beginning, commencing.
One by one, with regular course, at the third the set of four begin.


Aya Dasa is an important Dasa for predicting the prosperity required to manage anything in life. Prosperity, or
fortune, is here defined as having what one needs when one needs it. Everything in life that we get involved
with will have its cost and fortune is having the means with which to fulfill our responsibilities towards that
with which we may be involved. These means may be financial, but they may be any other means such as skills,
a friend, a relative, etc.
As fulfilling our responsibilities towards something is only necessary when we are involved with something,
Aya Dasa is useful for looking at all types of events in all Vargas. Aya Dasa is the Dasa of primary importance
for looking at the fortune to maintain oneself and one's immediate responsibilities. If we can take care of
something to a degree that is not stressful and if that thing is rewarding and pleasant then we are fortunate in
respect to that thing - a good Aya Dasa will show that. If the amount of work to take care of something is very
stressful and the satisfaction derived from that thing very li9ttle then we are unfortunate in respect to that thing
and that will be indicated by an afflicted Aya Dasa. The most important periods in this respect is that of the
Dasas holding:

The Moon The dispositor of the Moon

The Amatyakaraka The dispositor of the Amatyakaraka
The 2nd Lord The dispositor of the 2nd Lord
The 3rd Lord The dispositor of the 3rd Lord
The 2nd Pada
The 3rd Pada

The 2nd from the Moon

The 3rd from the Moon
The 2nd lord from the Moon The dispositor of the 2nd lord from the Moon
The 3rd lord from the Moon The dispositor of the 3rd lord from the Moon
The 2nd from the AmK
The 3rd from the AmK
The 2nd lord from the AmK The dispositor of the 2nd lord from the AmK
The 3rd lord from the AmK The dispositor of the 3rd lord from the AmK
Padas of Rasis of the Above

Look for these in all Vargas with the Hora being the most important Varga.

Analyze the Aya Dasa with the same principles as we used in the Caranavamsa Dasa.

Caranavamsa and Aya Dasas almost always point somehow to the most important events that a person may be
going through. Caranavamsa as it indicates the path the person is on and for an event to be extremely
important it has to be part of the individual's path. Aya Dasa as it indicates the fortune in a person's life and
every important event has a huge bearing on the individual's fortune. Thus these two Dasas will almost always
indicate the most important events in the relevant Vargas. These events may be indicated based on the specific
Caranavamsa and Aya Dasa indications thus far taught, or they may be indicated by common Varga

Or they may be indicated by the Dasa of the critical Rasis in each Varga:
The Rasi holding the critical cusp.
The Rasi holding the critical Pada.
The Rasi holding the critical cusp lord.
The Rasi holding the dispositor of the critical cusp lord.
The Rasi holding the critical cusp from the cusp, its lord, or its dispositor, or its Pada.
The Rasi holding the Karaka or Carakaraka.
The Rasi holding the dispositor of the Karaka or Carakaraka.
The Rasi that is the critical Rasi (or Rasi from the Rasi) from the Karaka or Carakaraka.
The Rasi holding the lord of the critical Rasi (or Rasi from the Rasi) from the Karaka or Carakaraka.
The Rasi holding the dispositor of the lord of the critical Rasi (or Rasi from the Rasi) from the Karaka or
The Rasis of the Padas of Rasis of the Above

Or they may be indicated by the Caranavamsa of the critical Rasi as counted from the Sun or AK; or by the
Aya Dasa of the critical Rasi as counted from the Moon or AmK.

Lastly, the Mahadasa of the critical Rasi as counted from Aries can indicate the event.


2.4.11. Svakendrasthaadyaah svaamino navaamsaanaam.
sva – self, master. kendra – (9) angle. sthaa – No. Pl. those being situated in, standing in, place. aadyaah –
Nom. Pl. first, being at the beginning, older, excellent. svaaminah – Nom. Pl. lord. navaamsaanaam – Gen.
The Sva angle places begin the lords of the Navamsas.

Svakendra Dasa follows the principles of Jaimini's Third Strength: Planets on angles from the AK are the
strongest, those in 2, 5, 8 and 11 the second strongest and those in 3, 6, 9, and 12 the weakest. In the first part
of life when the self will is most fiery the signs in angles from the AK navamsa run. In the second part of life
the 2, 5, 8 and 11 from the AK navamsa run. And lastly when the self will is most relaxed the 3, 6, 9 and 12
from the AK navamsa run. Dasa length follows the same general principles as for other variable length Dasas.


Svakendra Dasa reveals the strength, effort and discipline used to bring about the events in our lives. Dasas of
Mars and 3rd Bhava factors indicate times when the greatest strength, effort and discipline are required. The
Dasas during which the individual will put a great deal of energy into something are that of the Rasis holding:

Mars The dispositor of the Mars

The Bhratrakaraka The dispositor of the Bhratrakaraka
The 3rd Lord The dispositor of the 3rd Lord
The 5th Lord The dispositor of the 5th Lord
The 3rd Pada
The 5th Pada
The 3rd from Mars
The 5th from Mars
The 3rd lord from Mars The dispositor of the 3rd lord from Mars
The 5th lord from Mars The dispositor of the 5th lord from Mars
The 3rd from the BK
The 5th from the BK
The 3rd lord from the BK The dispositor of the 3rd lord from the BK
The 5th lord from the BK The dispositor of the 5th lord from the BK
Padas of Rasis of the Above

Look for these in all Vargas with the Drekkana and Bhamsa being the most important Varga. In all Vargas, the
Rasi from Mars and BK are important.

Analyze the Svakendra Dasa with the same principles as we used in the Caranavamsa Dasa.


2.4.12. Pitri catushtayavaishamyabalaasrayasthitah.
pitri – (1). catushtaya – set of four, angles. vaishamya – odd. bala – power, strength. asraya – source, seat,
resting place, refers to rasi. sthitah – resting in, situated.
The source situated in the odd strong Lagna angle.

Chatushtaya Dasa is important for predicting events that can provide concrete happiness. Happiness is the core
meaning of the 4th Bhava. Life on earth is hard and thus it is difficult to be happy, but a few things in life help
us get away from the stress of these difficulties so that we can relax our minds and allow for the natural
happiness of the soul to pour into our hearts. These are the things of the 4th house and they allow us to take a
break from the hardships and stresses of the world. Property and fortune in wealth from the Chuturthamsa
Varga (D4), vehicles from the Shodamsa (D16) and strongly auspicious events from the Khavedamsa Varga
(D40) are the primary considerations of the 4th Bhava. The primary Graha from the Chaturthamsa is Mercury
for fortune in wealth and Mars for property, Venus for vehicles and the Moon for auspicious events.

Many people would consider the 7th house to be the house of happiness because we all look so hard for
happiness in human relationships, but the fact is that the 7th house more than anything else shows us our lack
of happiness that we see reflected in the condition of our partnerships. The 7th is only a second Bhava of
happiness due to being the 4th from the 4th and thus also ruling 4th Bhava things.

Dasas of Rasis holding the 4th Bhava Karakas (Mercury, Mars, Venus and Moon) and 4th Bhava factors
indicate times when the greatest opportunities for these happiness enhancing opportunities come. The Dasas
during which the individual will put a great deal of energy into something are that of the Rasis holding:

The Karaka The dispositor of the Karaka

The Matrukaraka (MK) The dispositor of the Matrukaraka
The 4th Lord The dispositor of the 4th Lord
The 7th Lord The dispositor of the 7th Lord
The 4th from the Karaka
The 7th from the Karaka
The 4th lord from the Karaka The dispositor of the 4th lord from the Karaka
The 7th lord from the Karaka The dispositor of the 7th lord from the Karaka
The 4th from the MK
The 7th from the MK
The 4th lord from the MK The dispositor of the 4th lord from the MK
The 7th lord from the MK The dispositor of the 7th lord from the MK
Padas of Rasis of the Above
The 4th Pada
The 7th Pada

Look for these in all Vargas with the Chaturthamsa, Shodamsa and Khavedamsa being the most important
Vargas. Analyze the Chatushtaya Dasa with the same principles as we used in the Caranavamsa Dasa.

2. 4. 14. Svaamibalaphalaani praagvat.

svaami – lord. bala – strength. phalaani – Nom. Pl. consequence, good or bad, issue of an action. praagvat –
as before, as in the preceeding part.
Consequences from the lords strength, as before.


2.4.15. Sthuulaadarsavaishamyaasrayo manduukastrikuutah.
sthuula – (1) large, thick, dense, doltish. aadarsa – perceiving by the eyes, mirror. vaishamya – oddness, diversity,
distress, asrayah – Nom. source, resting ground, rasi. manduukah – Nom. frog. trikuutah – Nom. three peaks or humps.
The odd 1st or its adarsa is the source Rasi – manduka, three peaks.
Manduka Dasa takes all the odd Rasis during the first half of life and all the even Rasis during the second
half of life. The first half of life is the more actively creative half while the second half is the period of
living with the results and enjoyments of that which was actively created. This creation process of
consistently working towards some creation and then at some point letting it be and enjoying is a 5th
Bhava process that we do to some degrees with all things. The 5th Bhava is the Bhava of consistency and
Manduka Dasa shows the consistency with which we approach anything. It is thus a helpful Dasa for all
Vargas in order to see the consistency with which one consciously approaches anything. Dasas of 5th
house factors can be periods of making a steadfast commitment to something if those factors are well
situated, or periods when things fall apart if those factors are poorly situated. 5th house factors are:

5th cusp, 5th lord and 5th Pada

9th cusp, 9th lord and 9th Pada
Putrakaraka and 5th and 9th from there.
Jupiter and 5th and 9th from there.
5th and 9th from any Graha to see the consistency exerted towards the things of that Graha.

Look at Manduka Dasa to see how much a person's heart is into something.


2.4.16. Niryaanalaabhaadi suuladasaaphale.
niryaana – (6), going forth or out, depature from life. laabha – (7). aadi – beginning, commencement. suula
– spike. dasaa. phale – (8) effect.
Niryana begins at the 7th; Sula dasa effects at the 8th.

2.4.17. Purushe samah sammaanyatah.

purushe – Loc. male. samaah – Nom. Pl. year. sama – (9) even, constant, regular, anyatah – on the contrary,
towards some other place.
In the male – regular, nine years, even is contrary.


Niryana Dasa is specific to the 6th house and secondarily to the 8th house. Niryana means "going
away" in the context of going away or departing from life. The 6th house represtents the troubling
physical things that wear away at our health and physical wellbeing until there is no more life left in our
bodies. The life in our bodies itself is the 8th house, when that life is worn away completely, we die.
Niryana Dasa is primarily used to predict wearing incidents of accidents and diseases. It is also
secondarily used as a Dasa to assist, along with longevity specefic Dasas, the time of death.

In respect to actual physical ailments, the 6th house, Saturn and the Trimsamsa are the primary factors
to consider with Niryana Dasa. The Rasi Varga, Mars, and the Gnatikaraka and the 8th are secondary
factors to consider with Niryana Dasa. Don't forget the 6th and 8th from the Karakas and the 6th from
the 6th (the 11th) and the 8th from the 8th (the 3rd). These in all vargas can indicate other stresses that
drain away the life from the body.

Niryana Dasa is not analyzed the same way that the other event timing Dasas. The 2nd source of
strength is not used for assessing Niryana Dasa. Instead, Kruura Grahas cause stress that wears the life
out of the body while Saumya Grahas regenerate and rejuvenate the body.
2.4.18. Siddhaa ududaaye.
siddhaa – Nom. accomplished, thoroughly skilled or versed in. udu – water. daaye – Loc. portion, share.
Accomplished at the water portion.

In this Sutra Jaimini tell us to become accomplished in the Uda Dasa. Uda Dasa refers to Nakshatra
based Dasas. Vimshottari Dasa itself is known as Uda Dasa, and it can be calculated for Rasi
Antardasas so it is very comptabile with Jaimini's system. Jaimini more likely is referring to Kalachakra
Dasa, another well known Dasa of Rasis that is calculated based on the Moon's Nakshatra. Kalachakra
Dasa is the most time senstive Dasa - even small inaccuracies can lead to huge changes in Dasa timing.

The calculation of Kalachakra Dasa is very involved as compared to other Rasi or Nakshatra Dasas.
Essentially the Pada of the Moon is taken and related to a Rasi and this Rasi is called the Amsa, or
portion of the Moon. This portion will rule 83, 85, 86 or 100 years of life. This portion is divided into
nine Rasi Dasas. The length of these Rasi Dasas will depend on the lord of the Rasi: Sun - 5 years,
Moon 21 years, Mars 7 years, Mercury 9 years, Jupiter 10 years, Venus 16 years, Saturn-4 years. The
exact position of the Moon in its Nakshatra Pada determines how much of the Amsa's years are left
and which Dasas have passed and which are to come.

There are two groupings of Nakshatrasa: Regular order or Savya and Reverse order or Apasavya,
which is dependent upon the Forward or Reverse motion of the Moon's Amsa.

Depending on the Amsa under which the individual is born they will be a certain type of person:

Aries: Brave and a Thief Taurus: Wealthy

Gemini: Learned Cancer: Kingly
Leo: Respected by Kings Virgo: Learned
Libra: Minister or Advisor Scorpio: Impovished
Sagittarius: Highly Educated Capricorn: Sinful
Aquarius: Business Person Pisces: Wealthy

Examine the Rasi and Navamsa of these signs before coming to conclusions.
In the advent that the individual completes all the Dasas of one Amsa and moves onto the next Amsa, then
the effects of that Amsa will color their life to some degree.

Deha & Jeeva Rasis

BPHS: 123-128. If the Deha or Jiva Rasis are conjunct with Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu the native will die. Worse results
may be expected if the Deha and Jiva Rasis are conjunct with two or all of them. If there is a malefic in Deha Rasi the
native suffers ill health; a malefic in a Jiva Rasi will make the native very timid. If the Deha and/or Jiva Rasi are conjunct
with two malefics there will be distress and diseases. Three malefics in the Deha and/or Jiva Rasi will cause premature
death. Four malefics in the Deha and Jiva Rasi will cause definite death. If both the Deha and Jiva Rasis are occupied by
malefics, there will be fear king and thieves, and death of the native.

If Sun is in the Deha or Jiva Rasi, there will be danger from fire.
Cruel Moon in the Deha or Jiva Rasi will cause danger from water;
Mars in the Deha or Jiva Rasi will cause fear from weapons;
Cruel Mercury in the Deha or Jiva Rasi will cause fear from windy troubles;
Saturn in the Deha or Jiva Rasi will cause fear from gulma (a disease);
Rahu and Ketu in the Deha or Jiva Rasi will cause fear from poison.
If the Deha or Jiva Rasis are occupied by Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, the native will be wealthy, will enjoy all kinds of
comforts, and will have good health.
Mixed results may be expected if the Deha and Jiva Rasis are occupied by both benefics and malefics.


Kalachakra Dasa does not follow any regular order of Dasas as do other Rasi Dasas. Rather one Rasi can
follow forwards or reverse to the next Rasi, skip a Rasi or more trine to a rasi.

Standard Movement: Dasa moves from Rasi to Rasi.
Manduki: of a Frog - Dasa skipping a Rasi. In Savya indicates trouble from enemies and attacks, problems with
people and troubles to relatives, particularly those indicated by the skipped Rasi. In Apasavya indicates trouble
to spouse and children, fever and loss of status.
Markati: of a Monkey - Dasa moving back to previous Rasi. In Savya indicates loss of wealth and prosperity,
loss of elders, laziness and loss of animals. In Apasavya indicates fear from water, loss of position, death of
father, punishment and wandering.
Leoavalokana: Lion's Backward Glance - Dasa moving to trine Rasi. In Savya indicates physical harm particularly
from accidents or attacks, pain and loss of friends and dear ones, and loss of home. In Apasavya reduction in
rank, death of father or close relative.

Effects of Manduki, Markati and Simhaavalokana Dasa Movements

BPHS: 101-106. The effects of the Dasa of the Rasis with Manduki gati in the Savya Chakra are distress to friends,
relations, parents and elders, and there is likely to be trouble from poison, weapons, thieves, and enemies. In the Manduki
Dasa of the Gati of a Rasi from Leo to Gemini, there is the likelihood of the death of the mother or self, trouble from
Government (or king) and possibility of brain fever.
The effects of the Dasa of Rasi with Markati Gati in the Savya Chakra, are loss of wealth, agricultural products and
animals, death of father or an elderly close relation, and feeling of lethargy.
The effects of the Dasa of the Rasis with Simhaavalokanaa Gati in the Savya Chakra are, possibility of injury from animals,
loss of amity with friends, distress to near relations, drowning in a well, fall from animals, possibility of harm from poison,
weapons, and diseases and destruction of residential dwelling.

106-108. In the Dasa of the Rasis with the Manduki Gati in the Apsavya Chakra, the effects will be distress to wife and
conditions, loss of children, possibility of feverish conditions, and loss of position.
In the Dasa of the Rasis with the Markati Gati in the Apsavya Chakra there may be danger from watery places, loss of
position, distress from father, punishment from Government, and wandering in the forests.
In the Dasa of Rasis with the Simhaavalokana Gati in the Apsavya Chakra, there may be destruction of the dwelling and
death of father, etc..

Effects of Specific Dasa Movements

BPHS: 109-111. If the movement is from Pisces to Scorpio, the native may suffer from fever.
If the movement is from Virgo to Cancer, there may be loss of brothers and kinsmen.
If the movement is from Leo to Gemini, there may be ill health of the wife.
If the movement is from Leo to Cancer, the native may die.
If the movement is from Sagittarius to Aries, there may be death of uncles and similar relations.
If the Rasi is yuti with a malefic, adverse conditions may be expected in the Dasa Rasi.
Favorable effects will be felt in its Dasa if the Rasi is yuti with a benefic.

BPHS: 112-113. 0 Brahmin! In the Kalachakra Dasa favorable and unfavorable effects may be predicted after taking into
account the directions of the Rasis and Grahas.

Virgo to Cancer: 114-119. If the movement is from Virgo to Cancer, good results are realized in places located in the East
and at that time journeys to the places in the North prove fruitful. Unfavorable effects will be felt in places located in the
West and the South. It will be advisable not to undertake journeys in those directions in the Dasa of these Rasis.

Leo to Gemini: If the movement is from Leo to Gemini, no journey should be undertaken to places located in the East.
However, the journeys to the South-West will prove fruitful in the Dasa of those Rasis.

Cancer to Leo: If the movement is from Cancer to Leo, journeys during that period to the South will prove unfavorable
and result in loss, and the native has to return from the South to the West.

Leo to Cancer: It will not be advisable to undertake journeys to the West during the related period if the movement is
from Leo to Cancer.

Pisces to Scorpio: If the movement is from Pisces to Scorpio, there will distress if the native goes to the North.

Sagittarius to Capricorn: The same would happen if the movement is from Sagittarius to Capricorn (there will distress if
the native goes to the North).

Sagittarius to Aries: Going North, there may be ill health, imprisonment, or death if the movement is from Sagittarius to

Sagittarius to Scorpio: Going North, there may be gains comforts and property and marriage if the movement is from
Sagittarius to Scorpio.

Favorable results should be predicted if the Rasis are conjunct with benefics and adverse if the Rasis are conjunct with

Dasa Effects
129-130. In the Dasa of the Rasis owned by malefics the body and soul will be in distress. The effects will be favourable in
the Dasa of the Rasis owned by benefics. If a malefic Rasi is occupied by a benefic Graha, or if a benefic Rasi is occupied
by a malefic Graha, the effects will be of a mixed nature.

BPHS: Effects of Kalachakra Dasa of the Rasis in Lagna and other Bhavas.
When using the following Sutras from Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, focus on Bhava cusps primarily, secondarily the
Rasi as counted from the Lagna. Also consider similar effects when running the Dasa that holds the lord of a Bhava. The
road of the individual's life will follow the path of the Bhavas as per the Kalachakra Dasa. The road won't be exactly that
as described in the Sutras, but it will relate somehow to the Bhava.

1st Bhava: 131-132. In the Kalachakra Dasa of the Rasi in Lagna the body remains healthy and the native spends a life
with many kinds of comforts. If the Lagna Ras is a benefic one, the good effects are realized fully. If the Lagna Rasi is a
malefic Rasi there is likelihood of ill health. If a Graha in exaltation or in its own Rasi occupies Lagna, the native is
respected by the king or government and acquires wealth.

2nd Bhava: 133-134. In the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in Dhan Bhava, the native receives good food, enjoys happiness of
wife and children, gains wealth, achieves progress in the educational sphere, becomes a clever conversationalist and moves
in good society. If the Rasi be a benefic, good effects are realized in full, otherwise the effects would be of a mixed nature.

3rd Bhava: 135-136. Happiness from co-borns, valour, patience, comforts, acquisition of gold, ornaments, and clothes,
and recognition by the king or government, are the effects in the Kalachakra Dasa of the Rasi in Sahaj Bhava. If the Rasi is
a benefic, the good results are realized in full, otherwise adverse effects may also be experienced.

4th Bhava: 137-138. Good relations with kinsmen, acquisition of land, houses or a kingdom, conveyances and clothes,
and enjoyment of sound health, are the effects of the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in Bandhu Bhava. If the Rasi is a benefic
one, the good effects are realized in full. If it is a malefic Rasi adverse results are also experienced.

5th Bhava: 139-140. Being blessed with wife and children, favors from Government, enjoyment of sound health, good
relations with friends, achievement of fame, good progress in the educational sphere, patience and valour, are the effects
of the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in Putr Bhava. If the Rasi is a benefic one the good results are enjoyed in full. If the Rasi is
a malefic one, adverse effects are also experienced.

6th Bhava: 141-142. Danger from the king (government), fire and weapons, and the possibility of suffering from diabetes,
gulma and jaundice are the effects in the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in Ari Bhava. If the Rasi is a malefic one, the above
adverse effects will be experienced in full. There will be some mitigation of the evil effects in the case of a benefic Rasi.

7th Bhava: 143-144. Marriage, conjugal happiness, being blessed with children gain of agricultural products, cows and
clothes, favors and recognition from the king (government), and achievement of fame, are the effects in the Chakra Dasa
of the Rasi in Yuvati Bhava. The beneficial results will be experienced in full if the Rasi is a benefic one. Meager good
effects will be realized in the case of a malefic Rasi.

8th Bhava: 145-146. Destruction of a residential house, distress, loss of wealth, poverty, and danger from enemies, are the
effects of the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in Randhr Bhava. The adverse effects will be realized in full in the Rasi is a malefic
one. Some mitigation in evil effects may be expected in the case of a benefic Rasi.

9th Bhava: 147-148 Happiness with wife, children, house, agricultural activities, performance of good and pious deeds,
progress in religious inclinations and privilege of moving in the society of great religious leaders are the effects in the
Chakra Dasa of the Rasi of the 9th Bhava. The good results will be realized in full in the case of a benefic Rasi. Very
meager good effects will be experiences in the event of the sign being a malefic one.

10th Bhava: 149-150 Acquisition of Kingdom, recognition from the kin, happiness from wife and children, success in
ventures and performance of pious deeds are the effects in the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in the 10th. The good results will
be realized in full in the case of a benefic Rasi. Good effects will be few in the event of the Rasi being malefic.

11th Bhava: 151-152 Happiness from wife, children and kinsmen, receipt of favors from government, acquisition of
wealth and clothes and association with good people are the effects in the Chakra Dasa of the Rasi in the 11th Bhava. The
good effects will be enjoyed in full in the case of a malefic Rasi. Very little good will happen in the Rasi of a malefic.

12th Bhava: 153-154 Failure in efforts and ventures, pain in the body, loss of position, poverty and unnecessary
expenditures are the effects in the Kalachakra Dasa of the Rasi in the 12th Bhava. The adverse effects will be experiences
in full in the case of a malefic Rasi. Some good may happen in the Rasi of a benefic.

BHPHS: Effects of Dasas of Rasis in the Amsas of the Various Rasis

1-3. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Aries Amsa:
Aries: Distress from diseases caused by blood pollution.
Taurus: Increase in grain production.
Gemini: Dawn of knowledge ('Gyanodaya').
Cancer: Increase in wealth.
Leo: Danger from enemies.
Virgo: Happiness from wife.
Libra: Ministership.
Scorpio: Danger of death.
Sagittarius: Gains of wealth.

4-5 1/2. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Taurus Amsa:
Capricorn: Tendency to indulge in sinful actions.
Aquarius: Profits in business.
Pisces: Success in all ventures.
Scorpio: Danger from fire.
Libra: Honours from the king.
Virgo: Danger from enemies.
Cancer: Distress to wife.
Leo: Eye troubles.
Gemini: Danger from poison.

6-8. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Gemini Amsa:
Taurus: Gains of wealth.
Aries: Fever.
Pisces: Affectionate relations with maternal uncle.
Aquarius: Increase in enemies.
Capricorn: Danger from thieves.
Sagittarius: Progress in education.
Aries: Assaults from enemies.
Taurus: Quarrels.
Gemini: Happiness.

9-10 1/2. The following effects will be experienced in the Dasas of Rasis in Cancer Amsa:
Cancer: Enjoyments.
Leo: Danger from the king.
Virgo: Happiness from kinsmen.
Libra: Good reputation.
Scorpio: Distress from father.
Sagittarius: Gain of knowledge and wealth.
Capricorn: Disgrace in public.
Aquarius: Loss in business.
Pisces: Travels to distant lands.

11-13. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Leo Amsa:
Scorpio: Quarrels, distress.
Libra: Gain of wealth, happiness.
Virgo: Increase in wealth and grains.
Cancer: Danger from animals.
Leo: Both happiness and sorrows.
Gemini: Increase in enemies.
Taurus: Gain of property, happiness.
Aries: Distress.
Pisces: Long journey.

14-15 1/2. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Virgo Amsa:
Aquarius: Gain of wealth.
Capricorn: Increase in wealth.
Sagittarius: Happiness from brothers.
Aries: Happiness from mother.
Taurus: Happiness from sons.
Gemini: Danger from enemies.
Cancer: Affectionate relation with wife.
Leo: Increase in ill health.
Virgo: Birth of a son.

16-18. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Libra Amsa:
Libra: Gain of wealth.
Scorpio: Happiness from brothers.
Sagittarius: Happiness from brothers and uncles.
Capricorn: Distress to mother.
Aquarius: Profits in business.
Pisces: Gain of property, happiness.
Scorpio: Distress to wife.
Libra: Danger from water.
Virgo: Increase in property and happiness.

19-20 1/2. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Scorpio Amsa:
Cancer: Loss of wealth.
Leo: Danger from government.
Gemini: Gain of lands.
Taurus: Increase in wealth.
Aries: Distress on account of blood pollution.
Pisces: Happiness.
Aquarius: Profits in business.
Capricorn: Loss of wealth.
Sagittarius: Gain of property, happiness.

21-23. The following will be the effects of the Dasas of Rasis in Sagittarius Amsa:
Aries: Gain of wealth.
Taurus: Gain of lands.
Gemini: Success in all ventures.
Cancer: Gain of property, happiness.
Leo: All comforts.
Virgo: Quarrels
Libra: Profits in business.
Scorpio: Danger from diseases.

Sagittarius: Happiness to sons.

24-25 1/2. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Capricorn Amsa:
Capricorn: Birth of a son.
Aquarius: Increase in wealth.
Pisces: Well-being.
Scorpio: Danger from animals.
Libra: Gain of wealth.
Virgo: Danger from enemies.
Cancer: Gain of wealth.
Leo: Danger from enemies.
Gemini: Danger from poison.

26-28. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Aquarius Amsa:
Taurus: Increase in wealth.
Aries: Eye troubles.
Pisces: Travels to distant lands.
Aquarius: Increase in wealth.
Capricorn: Success in all ventures.
Sagittarius: Increase in knowledge and learning.
Aries: Loss of happiness.
Taurus: Danger of death.
Gemini: Gains of property, happiness.

29-31. The following will be the effects in the Dasas of Rasis in Pisces Amsa:
Cancer: Increase in wealth.
Leo: Assistance from the king.
Virgo: Increase in wealth and grains.
Libra: Profits in business.
Scorpio: Distress from fever.
Sagittarius: Increase in knowledge and wealth.
Capricorn: Antagonism with wife.
Aquarius: Danger from water.
Pisces: All kinds of enjoyments.

Kalachakra Dasa & Yogas

37-38. The results of Rajayogas, etc. already told from the earlier chapters should be intelligently used in the Kalachakra as

Kalachakra Antardasas
1. Maharishi Parashara said: Now, I am going to describe to you the effects of Antardasas in the Kalachakra
Dasa as related by Lord Shiva to the Goddess Parvati.

2. Dasa of Aries Amsa: There will be wounds and fever in the Antardasa of Mars in the Dasa of Aries Amsa. In
the same Dasa and Antardasa of the Rasis owned by Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Jupiter all kinds of happiness
will be enjoyed. Danger from an enemy will be experienced in the Antardasa of Sun.

3-5. Dasa or Taurus Amsa: Effects like quarrels and diseases will be experienced in Antardasa of Saturn. There
will be gains of education and physical felicity in the Antardasa of Jupiter, going away from home, death or
distress from fevers in the Antardasa of Mars, and gains of garments, happy association with women in the
Antardasas of the Rasis owned by Venus and Mercury (and Moon). Danger from the king and violent animals
may be expected in the Antardasa of Rasi owned by Sun.

6-10. Dasa of Gemini Amsa: The effects in the Antardasas of the Rasis concerned will be as follows: Venus:
Gain of wealth and garments. Mars: Death of parents, danger, fever, wounds and travels to distant places.
Jupiter: Increase in intelligence, success in education, opulence, and glory, popularity and affection towards

others. Saturn: Foreign journeys, diseases, fear of death, loss of wealth and kinsmen. Mercury: Success in
education, gains of garments, etc., happiness from wife and children, and reverence from all quarters.

11-16. Dasa of Cancer Amsa: The effects in the various Antardasas of the Rasis concerned will be as follows:
Moon: Happiness from wife and children, gain of wealth and reverence from the public. Sun: Danger from
enemies, animals, and the royal family, mental agony, and fear of diseases. Mercury and Venus: Happiness from
wife, children, and friends, increase in wealth, popularity, and name and fame. Mars: Danger from poison,
weapons and diseases like fever. Jupiter: Gains of wealth, physical felicity, honours from the king. Saturn:
Rheumatism, danger from snakes and scorpions, and distress of all kinds.

17-21. Dasa of Leo Amsa: The effects in the various Antardasas of Rasis concerned will be as follows: Mars:
Diseases of the mouth, bilious fever and danger from weapon. Mercury and Venus: gain of clothes, happiness
from wife and children. Moon: Danger from fall from some height, meager gains of wealth, foreign journeys.
Sun: Danger from enemies, fevers, loss of wisdom, fear of death. Jupiter: Gains of wealth and grains,
beneficence of the king and Brahmins, progress in education.

22-26. Dasa of Virgo Amsa: The effects in the various Antardasas of the Rasis concerned will be as follows:
Saturn: Many kinds of troubles travels to distant places, fevers, distress from hunger. Jupiter: Gains of wealth
through the beneficence of the king, arrival of friends and kinsmen, and success in education. Mars: Bilious
fever, travels to distant places, danger from fire and from weapons. Mercury and Venus and Moon: Gains of
wealth through sons and employees, many enjoyments. Sun: Travel to distant lands, danger from diseases,
quarrels with kinsmen, danger of assaults by weapons.

27-31. Dasa of Libra Amsa: The effects in the various Antardasas of the Rasis concerned will be as follows:
Venus: Wisdom, comforts, happiness from wife and children, and from wealth, garments, etc. Mars: Distress to
father, enmity with friends, danger from disease of forehead, fevers, poison, weapons, etc. Jupiter: Gain of
wealth, acquisition of a kingdom, performance of religious rites, honours from the king and happiness all
round. Saturn: Travels to distant places, critical diseases, loss in the agricultural sphere, danger from enemies.
Mercury: Birth of a son, gain of wealth, happiness from one's wife, joy, dawn of fortune.

32-33. Dasa of Scorpio Amsa: The following effects will be experienced in the Antardasas of the Rasis
concerned: Moon, and Mercury, and Venus: Gain of wealth and grains in different ways, freedom from diseases,
enjoyments of many kinds. Sun: Danger from enemies, loss of wealth, distress to father, danger from wild and
violent animals. Mars: Troubles from wind and bile, wounds, danger from fire and from weapons. Jupiter: Gains
of wealth, grains,. and gems, devotion towards deities and Brahmins, beneficence of the king. Saturn: Loss of
wealth, separation from kinsmen, mental anxiety, danger from enemies, diseases.

34-40. Dasa of Sagittarius Amsa: The following effects will be derived in the various Antar Dasas of the Rasis
owned by: Mars: Heart burn, fevers, cold, diseases of the mouth, many kinds of troubles. Venus, and Mercury,
and Moon: Increase in wealth and property and fortune, progress in education, destruction of enemies,
happiness from the king. Sun: Loss of wife and wealth, quarrels, danger from the king, travels to distant lands.
Jupiter: Charity, self mortifications, honours from the king, increase in religious mindedness, happiness from
wife, gain of wealth.

41-44. Dasa of Capricorn Amsa: The following effects will be experienced in the various Antardasas of the
Rasis owned by: Saturn: Wrath of Brahmins, deities, and the king, loss of kinsmen, abandonment of the
homeland. Venus, and Mercury, and Moon, and Jupiter: Devotion towards deities, self-mortification, honours
from the government. Mars: Disease of the forehead, assaults on hands and feet, danger from dysentery, blood
pollution and bilious troubles. Saturn: Loss of father and kinsmen, fevers, danger from the king and the

45-49. Dasa of Aquarius Amsa: The following effects will be experienced in the Antardasas of the Rasis owned
by: Venus: Many kinds of educational attainments, gains of property, happiness from wife and children, sound
health, and increase in wealth. Mars: Fevers, danger from fire and from enemies, distress from enemies, and
mental agony. Saturn: Danger of troubles from wind, bile, and phlegm, quarrels, foreign journey, danger of
suffering from tuberculosis. Jupiter: Freedom from ill health, happiness, honours from the king, and joy.
Mercury: Happiness from wife, children, and wealth, joy, increase in good fortune.

50-55. Dasa of Pisces Amsa: The following will be the effects in the various Antardasas of the Rasis owned by:
Moon: Increase in wisdom and educational attainments, happiness from wife, freedom from disease, association
with friends, joy and happiness. Sun: Quarrels with kinsmen, danger from thieves, mental agony, loss of
position. Mercury, and Venus: Victory in war, birth of a son, gains of land and cattle, increase in wealth. Mars:
Bilious troubles, dissension with members of the family, danger from enemies. Jupiter: Gain of wealth and
grains, happiness from wife, honours from the king, name and fame. Saturn: Loss of wealth, mental agony,
abandonment of the homeland on account of associations with prostitutes.

56-58. Maharishi Parashara said to Maitreya: O Brahmin! The effects of Antardasas in the Kalachakra Dasa
which have been described above are based on Savya Chakra. The effects of Antardasas in the Dasas of the
Rasis in the Apsavya Chakra have to be assessed in the same way. The peculiarity in this respect is that
inauspicious results have been ascribed to malefics, but, if during the Antardasa the Graha concerned is a friend
of the lord of the Dasa, the results of the Antardasa will be favorable. If the Graha concerned is a benefic, but
an enemy of the lord of the Dasa, his Antardasa effects will not prove favorable. This is how the Antardasa
effects have to be analyzed and conclusions arrived at.

In Addition to the specific Antardasa results mentioned in Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, the effects of the
Dasas of the Houses as per the Mahadasas also apply, as do the effects of Manduki, Markati and Simhavalokana
Dasa movements and the effects of the directions. Also, read the Yogas related to the Antardasa Rasi.


Kalachakra Dasa is not only important for determining the foundation of the individual's destiny, it's also
important for timing all events. Kalachakra Dasa shows the road that the individual travels on the path towards
fulfillment. The individual is the 1st house, the path towards fulfillment is the 7th house, but fulfillment is just
greater fulfillment with oneself and so the 7th from the 7th is the first. These are the two most important
Bhavas in Kalachakra. Dasas and Antardasas of these in an Varga will light up the indications of that Varga.

Venus is the most important planet as ultimately it is Venus that determines what is worth doing, what the
effort required is worth the fulfillment given. Venus's importance in determining our path is shown by it being
the brightest of the five starry planet. The cornerstone of Kalachakra Dasa is the Moon as it is the Moon's
Nakshatra Pada that is used to calculate Kalachakra Dasa. Venus and the Moon both have a shared agenda of
fulfilling the individual. The Moon is the individual's psychological capacity to feel fulfilled, so that part is up to
the individual; Venus is anything in the world that makes a person feel fulfilled, which is to say, the things that
give the Moon, the psychology of the individual, an opportunity for fulfillment. These two Grahas work
together in this, which is shown by their Shad Bala value connection. The Moon is exalted in earthy Taurus, a
Rasi of Venus, which shows that a healthy psychology is grounded in reality and capable of experiencing a level
of fulfillment with the things in the world in a realistically achievable way. The Moon is, however, an enemy to
Venus which illustrates that an individual who expects the world to make them happy rather than realizing that
one has to have the capacity for happiness, will ruin any chance of fulfillment - and this is what happens when
the Moon joins or strongly aspects Venus as per the Lajjitaadi Avasthas.

The most important periods, in any Varga, in respect to Kalachakra Dasa is that of the Dasas holding:

The key Bhavas, Bhava Lords, Karakas, Cara Karakas or Padas for that Varga.
Venus & the 7th from Venus, the lord of the 7th from Venus and its dispositor.
The Moon & the 7th from the Moon, the lord of the 7th from Moon and its dispositor.
The 7th Bhava & the Lagna.
The dispositor of the Moon & Venus.
The lords of the 7th & 1st Bhavas and their dispositors.
The Darakaraka and 7th from there, as well as the lords of these and the dispositor of the lord of the 7th
from the DK.
The 7th & 1st Padas. Padas of the above.

The Most important Vargas to consider are the Rasi and the Saptamsa.


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