1-6 June 2017 PhysEd & Dance

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Grade 5/6 Phys.

Ed Reports ~ June 2017

In Physical Education, *N* always comes to class willing and ready to participate, and shows a positive
attitude towards *2* personal development of movement skills, concepts, and strategies used in both
indoor and outdoor sports. *4* was successfully able to work in a cooperative group to create and
perform a fitness, gymnastics and skipping routine while incorporating all of the movement and
combinations indicated in our success criteria. In units such as track & field, soccer and baseball, *1*
willingly followed the specific safety rules for each sport. *N* has been a positive role-model within the
class throughout the year! (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

In Physical Education, *N* usually comes to class willing and ready to participate, and shows a positive
attitude towards *2* personal development of movement skills, concepts, and strategies used in both
indoor and outdoor sports. *4* was able to work in a cooperative group to create and perform a fitness,
gymnastics and skipping routine while incorporating the movement and combinations indicated in our
success criteria. In units such as track & field, soccer and baseball, *1* followed the specific safety rules
for each sport. More active participation is encouraged next year! (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

In Physical Education, *N* sometimes comes to class willing and ready to participate, and is
encouraged to display a more consistent and positive attitude towards *2* personal
development of movement skills, concepts, and strategies used in both indoor and outdoor
sports. *4* needed assistance and encouragement to create and perform *2* fitness,
gymnastics and skipping routines while incorporating the movements and combinations
indicated in our success criteria. In the units such as track & field, soccer and baseball, *1*
needed reminders to follow the specific safety rules for each sport. *N* is encouraged to listen
and follow teacher instructions more consistently. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

Grade 1 & 2 Phys.Ed comments


In Physical Education, *N* enjoys participating actively in a variety of indoor and outdoor games and
demonstrates a clear understanding of the importance of physical activity in *2* daily life. *4* always
follows our routine safety rules, follows directions, takes turns, and shows respect for others. *4* has
continuously improved *2* movement skills throughout the year and successfully followed our success
criteria to create and perform a gymnastics and skipping routine. *N* has been a positive role-model
within the class throughout the year! (Mrs. K. Norbraten)


In Physical Education, *N* usually participates actively in a variety of indoor and outdoor games and
demonstrates a good understanding of the importance of physical activity in *2* daily life. *4* usually
follows our routine safety rules, follows directions, takes turns, and shows respect for others. *4* has
improved *2* movement skills throughout the year and followed our success criteria to create and
perform a gymnastics and skipping routine this term. More active participation is encouraged next year.
(Mrs. K. Norbraten)


In Physical Education, *N* sometimes participates actively in a variety of indoor and outdoor games and
demonstrates an understanding of the importance of physical activity in *2* daily life. *4* is
encouraged to follow our routine safety rules, follow directions, take turns, and show respect for others
more consistently. More active participation is encouraged in order to improve *2* movement skills to
the best of *2* ability. In our gymnastics and skipping units, *1* needed some assistance and
encouragement to follow our success criteria when creating and performing *2* routines. (Mrs. K.

Grade 5/6 Dance Comments ~ June 2017

In Dance, *N* shared ideas and collaborated well with *2* small group to compose movement
sequences into a successful dance piece. *4* extended *2* understanding of the elements of dance by
participating with enthusiasm and communicating ideas through movement. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)


In Dance, *N* shared some ideas and collaborated relatively well with *2* small group to compose
movement sequences into a dance piece. *4* extended *2* understanding of the elements of dance by
participating and communicating ideas through movement. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

In Dance, *N* is encouraged to share ideas more openly and collaborate with others during the
composition of movement sequences into dance pieces. *5* understanding of the elements of dance is
somewhat limited due to *2* lack of participation and communication of ideas through movement.
(Mrs. K. Norbraten)

Kindergarten Comments June 2017

Belonging and Contributing
Phys Ed A

In Physical Education class, *N* enjoys participating actively in a variety of tag, ball, and movement
games and activities, and has demonstrated an understanding of the importance of physical activity in
*2* daily life by saying, "I am sweating and my heart is beating fast, so that means I am getting a lot of
exercise today”. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

Phys Ed B

In Physical Education class, *N* enjoys participating actively in a variety of tag, ball, and movement
games and activities, and has demonstrated a good understanding of the importance of physical activity
in *2* daily life by saying, "I am sweating so I am getting a lot of exercise today.” (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

Phys Ed C

In Physical Education class, *N* sometimes participates actively in a variety of tag, ball, and movement
games and activities, and has demonstrated some understanding of the importance of physical activity
in *2* daily life by saying, "I am hot and my heart is beating fast." (Mrs. Norbraten)

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

Phys Ed A

In Physical Education, *N* always follows our safety rules such as; keeping *2* eyes open and
maintaining control of *2* body. *4* has continuously improved *2* coordination, spatial awareness
and movement skills throughout the year. *N* always listens and follows teacher directions, takes
turns, and communicates using kind words to others. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

Phys Ed B

In Physical Education class, *4* needs reminders to follow our safety rules such as; keeping *2* eyes
open and maintaining control of *2* body. *4* has made good progress with *2* coordination and
movement skills throughout the year. *N* usually listens and follows teacher directions, takes turns,
and communicates using kind words to others. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)
Phys Ed C

In Physical Education class, *N* needs constant reminders to follow our safety rules in the gym such as;
keeping *2* eyes open and maintaining control of *2* body. *4* needs reminders to listen and follow
teacher directions, take turns, and communicate using kind words to others. (Mrs. K. Norbraten)

In Physical Education class, *N* always enjoys participating actively in a variety of tag, ball, and
movement games and activities. He has continuously improved his ability to bounce, kick, throw and
catch a variety of balls. On-going improvement has been seen in the control of *2* large and small
muscles as well as his overall coordination, spatial awareness and movement skills throughout the year.
He has demonstrated an understanding of the importance of health and well-being through engaging in
daily physical activity. He always listens attentively to teacher instructions and is able to quickly grasp
new games and concepts that are introduced in the gym. Throughout our unit on Creative Movement, X
enjoyed following and learning new moves to a variety of music and dance genres such as folk, country
and hip hop. *N* always follows our safety rules such as; keeping *2* eyes open and maintaining
control of *2* body in order to prevent injury to himself and others. During partner tasks, small group
centers and team activities, X always tries his best, willingly takes turns, encourages his peers, and
communicates using kind words. X is encouraged to keep up the great work! (K. Norbraten & J. Saleem)

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