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Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203

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Developments in greenhouse gas emissions and net energy use in Danish

agriculture e How to achieve substantial CO2 reductions?
T. Dalgaard a, *, J.E. Olesen a, S.O. Petersen a, B.M. Petersen a, U. Jørgensen a, T. Kristensen a,
N.J. Hutchings a, S. Gyldenkærne b, J.E. Hermansen a
Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology, Blichers Allé 20, P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark
Aarhus University, National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture are a significant contributor to total Danish emissions.
Received 9 February 2011 Consequently, much effort is currently given to the exploration of potential strategies to reduce agri-
Accepted 13 February 2011 cultural emissions. This paper presents results from a study estimating agricultural GHG emissions in the
form of methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide (including carbon sources and sinks, and the impact
Keywords: of energy consumption/bioenergy production) from Danish agriculture in the years 1990e2010. An
Greenhouse gases
analysis of possible measures to reduce the GHG emissions indicated that a 50e70% reduction of agri-
Carbon sequestration
cultural emissions by 2050 relative to 1990 is achievable, including mitigation measures in relation to the
Mitigation measures
Fossil energy
handling of manure and fertilisers, optimization of animal feeding, cropping practices, and land use
Bioenergy changes with more organic farming, afforestation and energy crops. In addition, the bioenergy
Scenarios production may be increased significantly without reducing the food production, whereby Danish
agriculture could achieve a positive energy balance.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction significant agricultural production, agriculture will need to make

a contribution towards reaching these targets.
Agriculture, and especially livestock production, is globally one The annual GHG emissions from the primary agricultural sector
of the main drivers of environmental pollution (Steinfeld et al., in Denmark in the form of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4)
2006), and a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- are currently about 10 Tg carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq.)
sions causing climate change (Johnson et al., 2007). compared to total emissions of 66 Tg CO2-eq. for Denmark in 2010
Mitigation options for agricultural GHG emissions are therefore (Nielsen et al., 2009). To this agricultural contribution should be
particularly relevant to facilitate a more sustainable development, added CO2 emissions from direct and indirect fossil energy use
and to achieve the stabilised GHG emissions and global mean amounting to around 5 Tg CO2-eq. (Dalgaard et al., 2002), and a net
temperature targets of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the 2009 mining of the soil carbon pools (DC) amounting to less than
Copenhagen Accord. In this context, Denmark is committed to a 21% 1 Tg CO2-eq. (Gyldenkærne et al., 2007). Other GHG contributions
reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 to 2012 (Houghton, 2004), from agriculture are negligible. Together, agricultural emissions
and has in addition agreed a national ambition of a society inde- account for about 24% of the total national GHG emissions.
pendent of fossil fuels by 2050. Denmark is one of the world’s most Agriculture also has a significant potential for expanding bio-
intensively farmed countries and a world-leading exporter of pig energy production, which can substitute fossil fuels in other sectors
and dairy products, accounting to an annual production of 25 (Jørgensen et al., 2005). However, the value of this substitution to
million pigs, 4.6 million litres of milk, and a total agricultural reduce net GHG emissions is only relevant up until the point at
product export value of €8.7 billion in 2008 (Statistics Denmark, which the demand for energy can be wholly satisfied from
2010). Consequently, in common with other countries that have renewable sources. As the proportion of energy demand obtained
from renewable sources increases, there will be an increasing need
to focus on reductions in the GHG emissions associated with energy
production from these sources.
* Corresponding author. Therefore agricultural mitigation efforts should not only be
E-mail address: (T. Dalgaard). directed towards substituting fossil fuel emissions with bioenergy,

0269-7491/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3194 T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203

but also at substantially reducing methane and nitrous oxide 4,5

emissions and maintaining soil carbon stocks.
Most studies focus on the mitigation of only one or a few of the 4
major types of GHG emissions from agriculture (for example CH4 by
Petersen et al., 2005, N2O by Dämmgen and Hutchings, 2008, DC by 3,5
Scott et al., 2002, CO2 from fossil energy by Dalgaard et al., 2001, or
mitigation options via bioenergy production by Jørgensen et al.,

Area (million ha)

2005). In contrast, the present paper aims to synthesise the
combined effect of all these elements in the form of scenarios for
the mitigation of agricultural GHG emissions in Denmark, and to 2
explore what mitigation measures would be preferable compared
to others. We hope these scenarios, and the associated catalogue of 1,5
mitigation options, will serve as inspiration for other countries that
find themselves in a similar situation, when tackling the challenge 1
of stabilising their GHG emissions and prevent further climate
changes. 0,5



2. Materials and methods

2.1. Estimated development for Danish agriculture

Other areas (urban, roads, forests etc.)
Information about the development in land use, fertiliser use and livestock
production in Danish agriculture for the period 1990e2010 was collected from Conventional food production
Statistics Denmark (2010). For simplicity, and in accordance with the expected Organic food production
development trends towards 2020 estimated by the AGMEMOD model (Donnellan
and Hanrahan, 2007; Hanrahan et al., 2008; Dubgaard et al., 2009), it is for the Afforestation
period 2010e2050 assumed that the food production in the form of milk, meat and
Available for other biomass production
vegetable products will not change. Moreover, based on Nielsen et al. (2009), and the
biologically feasible increases in efficiency documented by Poulsen (2008), it is
assumed, that the significant increases in livestock production efficiency, experi- Fig. 1. Distribution of the in total 4.3 million ha of Danish land use from 1990 to 2010,
enced from 1990 to 2010 will continue in the period from 2010 to 2050 (see Table 1). and the projected land use in The Reference Scenario with a “frozen policy” and no
Based on developments in actual crop yields from 1990 to 2010 (Statistics additional measures implemented from 2010 to 2050.
Denmark, 2010), and the findings by Halsnæs et al. (2007), it is assumed that the
average food and fodder crop yields will increase by 0.7 percentage point per year
between 2010 and 2050. Although this might be a conservative estimated yield
1 Livestock Unit (LU) is defined as 100 kg N ex manure store; i.e. the N left in the
increase, in the scenarios we also test the effects of lower yield increases. Further-
manure ex animal after deduction of N losses in livestock houses and manure stores
more, based on Pedersen (2004, 2006, 2009) and Halberg and Kristensen (1997),
(European Commission, 2000). Finally, the use of synthetic N fertilisers is projected
organic cash-crop yield levels are set to 60% of the conventional yields, whereas no
to decrease proportionally to the reduction in the conventionally farmed area, and to
significant difference between organic and conventional milk yields is expected.
decline when measures to increase the N fertiliser value of animal manures are
There is no significant organic pig production in Denmark.
implemented in the scenarios (Fig. 2).
On this background, Fig. 1 shows the land use history for the period 1990e2010
and the assumed land use development in Denmark 2010e2050. This reference
scenario was made under the assumption of a “frozen policy” (Dubgaard et al.,
2009), where the decrease in the total agricultural area of the period 1990e2010
is set to continue at the same rate (1900 ha yr1 afforested, and 7000 ha yr1
converted to urban areas, roads, etc.). Environmental policies and regulations
(Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, 2009) are also assumed to
further decrease the area farmed by 5000 ha yr1 until 2020 (via set-aside for new
nature protection areas, constructed wetlands, etc.), to double the organically
farmed area and milk production (whereas the total farm area may be reduced, and
the total organic and conventional milk production may be sustained), and to
increase the biogas production to utilise 50% of the total slurry production in 2050.
The development in manure production is derived from the key figures of
Table 1, and the number of cattle and pigs. Other types of livestock are converted to
cattle or pig units, according to the number of livestock units they represent, where

Table 1
Expected increased livestock production efficiencies from 2010 to 2050, based on
Poulsen (2008), Nielsen et al. (2009) and own calculations (1 SFU ¼ 1 Scandinavian
Feed Unit, equals 12 MJ metabolisable energy or 1 kg barley equivalent).

2010 2050
Dairy cows Milk yield (kg cow1 yr1) 8900 13,600
Efficiency (kg milk SFU1) 1.36 1.54
Nitrogen-utilisation (%) 27 30
Sows Produced piglets (sow1 yr1) 25.5 35.0
Efficiency (SFU piglet1) 58 51
Piglets (7e30 kg) Efficiency (SFU piglet1) 58 51 Fig. 2. Nitrogen fertiliser use in Danish agriculture 1990e2010 (Statistics Denmark,
Nitrogen-utilisation (%) 48 58 2010), and for the reference scenario with no additional measures implemented
Porkers (30e100 kg) Efficiency (SFU pig produced1) 215 198 from 2010 to 2050, under the assumption of a sustained animal and vegetable
Nitrogen-utilisation (%) 42 48 production and the resulting land use of Fig. 1. The nitrogen in livestock manure is
accounted ex animal; i.e. before losses from housing and storage.
T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203 3195

2.2. Calculation of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions waste. Moreover, energy harvested from agricultural land afforested in the period
2010e2050 is also included in the 2050 agricultural energy balance, whereas bio-
Based on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change methodology (IPCC, energy from other forests, or from organic waste utilised for biogas or other types of
1997), the emissions of N2O and CH4 are calculated in accordance with the official energy production, is not included in the present study. Other potential sources of
Danish IPCC reporting (Nielsen et al., 2009). Here the Global Warming Potentials renewable energy from wind, water or solar power, bioethanol etc. are not
(GWPs) are set to 310 CO2-equivalents for N2O, and 21 CO2-eq. for CH4. In the future, considered. However, in the partial effects analysis of Table 4 some additional bio-
these GWPs will expectedly be revised to 298 CO2-eq. for N2O and 25 CO2-eq. for energy production options, like incineration of the fibre fraction of manures, energy
CH4, corresponding to the climate effects estimated by IPCC (2007), whereby the maize for biogas, or biogas from harvested nature conservation grasslands, are
estimated effects of methane emissions may increase. However, for the present included for use in the discussion and perspectives of results.
study we stick to the presently used GWP standards, and consequently, the GHG Bioenergy production yields are derived from Jørgensen et al. (2005, 2008) and
emission results presented in this paper do not differ significantly from the official the Danish Energy Agency (2009). For instance, the estimated present-day energy
estimates by Nielsen et al. (2009) for the period 1990e2010. In contrast, the future yield from SRC willow for CHP is 147 GJ ha1 yr1 if planted on former arable land,
projections differ since the present study assumes a higher proportion of biogas compared to 60 GJ ha1 yr1 from extensive grasslands harvested for biogas.
production from slurry (50% in 2050) and emissions are linked to the projected According to Hedegaard et al. (2008) and the experiences from Swalöf Weibull’s
animal production efficiencies and fertiliser use as described above (Table 1; Fig. 2). willow improvement programmes, an annual yield increase of 1.5% is realistic for
In addition, the net effect of agricultural land use on the carbon balance (DC) in the SRC willow, but for the present reference scenario development we assume a 1%
form of sequestration (sinks) or emissions (sources) of C is estimated via inter- or annual yield increase, corresponding to a net energy yield of 227 GJ ha1 yr1 in
extrapolations of the accounts made by Gyldenkærne et al. (2007) for the period 2050.
1990e2025. Table 2 shows the CO2-emission factors used to convert energy production, or
bioenergy substitution of fossil energy, to the GHG effect measured in CO2-eq.
2.3. Partial effects of measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions Energy for fuels and indirect energy for fodder imports are converted to CO2-eq. via
the factor for diesel fuel, whereas energy used in the form of electricity, machinery
Based on literature studies and recent reviews by the Danish Ministry of Food, or buildings is converted via the factor for coal, and to comply with the European
Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a,b), a list of relevant measures to mitigate GHG Commission’s Guidelines (Audsley, 1997) emissions from synthetic fertiliser
emissions have been selected, and the maximum possible, partial effect of each production is estimated via the emission factor for natural gas.
separate measure has been quantified for the 2050 situation of the reference
scenario described above. These partial effects are described in the Results and 2.5. Scenarios for GHG emissions from Danish agriculture
Discussion section together with the references behind the key figures, which may
be divided into the following two main categories (For further details see Results In this paper we set out three types of scenarios in the following sequence:
section and Tables 3 and 4):
1. A reference scenario for the development in agricultural GHG emissions (excl.
1. First, the selected measures to mitigate GHG emissions in the form of N2O, CH4 energy-related CO2-emissions), under the above-mentioned assumptions
and DC via better manure and fertiliser handling (Sections 3.2.1e3.2.7), fodder about a “frozen policy” and a sustained food production 2010e2050. This
optimisation (Section 3.2.8) and optimised cropping and land use practices increases the area “available for other biomass production” (see Fig. 1). In the
(Sections 3.2.9e3.2.11) are documented, together with the connected effects on reference scenario it is assumed that this area is managed such that the net
fossil energy use. GHG emissions per ha are the same as the area under conventional food
2. Secondly, the potentials for substituting fossil energy with bioenergy produc- production.
tion, including the associated effects on other GHG emissions are described 2. Partial scenarios for the maximum possible effect of selected, single measures
(Section 3.3). to reduce GHG-emissions compared to the reference scenario situation for
2050, and including effects of changes in energy consumption or bioenergy
In general, the partial effects of measures in 2050 are deduced using the most production in relation to the specific measure.
updated literature values, including the latest updated methane conversion factor 3. A synthesis scenario where the combined effect of the reference development
(MCF) of 17%, as recommended by IPCC (2006a,b), and the methods described below and a plausible combined implementation of the partial measures to reduce
to estimate net energy balances. In contrast the reference development (Section 2.2), GHG emissions is assessed. In this scenario we assess both the energy balance
in accordance with the national reporting standards (Nielsen et al., 2009), is based and the total GHG balance for Danish agriculture, including effects of direct and
on the IPCC (1997) standards and an MCF of 10%. indirect energy consumptions and the potentials for bioenergy production, and
compare the 2050 situation to the 2010 situation. Furthermore, to evaluate the
2.4. Agricultural energy use and bioenergy production sensitivity of the GHG and energy balances to the assumed annual increase in
crop yield, we compare the “high yield” situation described above (“high yield”)
Based on FAO’s definition of basic energy concepts (Hulcher, 1991), we calculate to a situation where only half of the expected yield increase is achieved in 2050
the fossil energy balance from the direct energy used in the form of fuels, electricity, (“low yield”). In the synthesis scenario, all of the area identified as “available for
etc. (Edirect), the indirect energy used to produce the production factors needed in other biomass production” (Fig. 1) is planted with willow for bioenergy (SRC,
the form of fertilisers, pesticides, machinery, buildings and fodder imported (Eindir- CHP), because of the high energy yield and GHG mitigation cost-effectiveness
of this option compared to other options for production of biomass energy in
ect), and the bioenergy produced by agriculture (Ebioenergy):
Denmark (Dubgaard et al., 2009). Increases in other types of bioenergy
Energy Balance ¼ Edirect þ Eindirect  Ebioenergy (1) production in the form of straw for CHP, and increased biofuel production from
rapeseed and animal carcass waste, etc. is estimated based on Jørgensen et al.
The factors used to account for the direct and indirect energy use are docu- (2008) and Danish Energy Agency (2008).
mented by Dalgaard et al. (2001), and the same methodology is used in the present
study to derive national energy balances for Danish Agriculture in 2010 and 2050.
In the following sections we present the results of these three scenarios.
The energy balances calculated for 2010 and 2050 include the four major bio-
energy types currently produced by Danish agriculture (Danish Energy Agency,
2009): 1) Straw for Combined Heat and Power (CHP); 2) Short Rotation Coppice 3. Results and discussion
(SRC) willow for CHP; 3) biogas; and 4) biodiesel from rapeseed oil, or animal carcass

3.1. Reference development in greenhouse gas emissions

Table 2
CO2-emission factors according to Audsley (1997), and the bioenergy sources that
can substitute the related fossil energy sources. In the period from 1990 to 2010 the GHG emissions in the form
Fossil energy Emission factor Bioenergy
of N2O, CH4 and DC was reduced by 35% (Fig. 3), with the relatively
source (kg CO2 GJ1) source largest reduction from changes in the carbon pool mining (DC) from
Natural gas 56.9 Biogas 3.3 to 0.8 Tg CO2 (77%, especially caused by the ban on burning
Diesel oil 74.0 Biofuels, slurry cooling etc. straw in the fields), and smaller reductions in N2O (43%) and CH4
Coal 95.0 Straw or woodchips (12%) emissions. In the reference scenario from 2010 to 2050 (see
(from SRC or forests) Section 2.5), the total emission is expected to further decrease by
used for Combined
Heat and Power (CHP).
26%, giving a total decrease from 1990 to 2050 of 48%. Again, from
2010 to 2050 the largest relative decrease is expected for DC
3196 T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203

Table 3
Partial effects of mitigation options to reduce agricultural emissions in the form of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), net carbon storage (DC) and net reduced energy
consumption measured in CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq.). The effects are measured per livestock unit (LU), per hectare (ha) or in %-point of the maximum possible extra capacity
(extent) compared to the reference situation for 2050.

Mitigation option Partial effect Extent Total effect, Denmark 2050 (103 t CO2-eq yr1)

N2O CH4 DC Energy

Cooling of pig slurrya 230 kg CO2-eq. LU1 30% 11 70 0.8 10
Cover solid manure stores
Pig manure 225 kg CO2-eq. LU1 100% 1.4 3.6 0.2 0
Cattle manure 100 kg CO2-eq. LU1 100% 0.6 3.0 0.1 0
Cover slurry tanksb
Pig manure 200 kg CO2-eq. LU1 90% 8.3 161 0 0
Cattle manure 165 kg CO2-eq. LU1 90% 5.5 113 0 0
Pig manure 330 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 0 161 1.8 5.8
Cattle manure 285 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 0 117 1.3 5.3
Pig manure 770 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 4.6 358 2.0 0
Cattle manure 645 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 4.0 251 1.4 0
Injection in soilsb
Pig manure 18 kg CO2-eq. LU1 75% 15.3 0 0 0
Cattle manure 17 kg CO2-eq. LU1 75% 12.4 0 0 0
Nitrification inhibitors
Synthetic NH3eN 60% N2O 100% 292 0
Fodder optimization
Dairy cows 15% CH4 100% 239 0
Young cattle 10% CH4 100% 40 0
Reduced tillage 300,000 ha
Energy consumption 40 kg CO2 ha1 12
Soil carbon 800 kg CO2 ha1 240
Catch crops 315,000 ha 0
Nitrous oxide 185 kg CO2-eq. ha1 58
Soil carbon 733 kg CO2 ha1 231
Intermediate crops 525,000 ha 0
Nitrous oxide 93 kg CO2-eq. ha1 49
Soil carbon 367 kg CO2 ha1 193
Restoration of cultivated wetland soils
Nitrous oxide 2675 kg CO2-eq. ha1 30,000 ha 80 c

Methane 2100 kg CO2-eq. ha1 63

Soil carbon 10,267 kg CO2-eq. ha1 308
Active cooling via pipes in slurry channels; only applied for sows and piglets.
It is assumed that less than 4% of the livestock manure in 2050 is stored as solid manure, and the rest in the form of slurry.
It is assumed, that the energy use for cropping operations is reduced proportional to the area restored (see also Table 6).

Table 4
Partial effects of bioenergy production options to reduce agricultural emissions in the form of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), net carbon storage (DC), and net energy
production measured in CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq.), in 2050. The effects are measured per livestock unit (LU), per hectare (ha) or in %-point of a plausible extra extent compared
to the reference situation.

Bioenergy type Partial effect Extent Total effect, Denmark 2050 (103 t CO2-eq yr1)

N2O CH4 DC Energy

Biogas treatmenta
Pig manure 645 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 65 172 47 117
Cattle manure 590 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 56 126 37 90
Biogas from harvested nature 1373 kg CO2-eq. ha1 75,000 ha 45 b
0 148
protection grasslands
Biogas from energy maize 5310 kg CO2-eq. ha1 100,000 ha 232 b
0 763
Short rotation coppice willowc 12,700 kg CO2-eq. ha1 500,000 ha 135 b
785 5435
Straw for CHPc 1987 kg CO2-eq. ha1 450,000 ha 63 b
294 894
Oilseeds for fueld 5700 kg CO2-eq. ha1 30,000 ha 0 0 0 171
Afforestation 110,000 ha
Energy production 1350 kg CO2-eq. ha1 150
Nitrous oxide 640 kg CO2-eq. ha1 70
Carbon in soil, wood etc. 104 kg CO2-eq. ha1 1100
Incineration, fibre fractiona
Pig manure 290 kg CO2-eq. LU 50% 1.6 9.0 116 250
Cattle manure 415 kg CO2-eq. LU1 50% 1.1 6.1 144 313
It is assumed, that less than 4% of the livestock manure in 2050 is stored as solid manure, and the rest in the form of slurry.
Included in the nitrous oxide emissions component.
Reductions in N2O emissions are mainly due to fixation of N in the soil, and the reduced N-fertilisation compared to the alternative practices.
Only effects from energy production; the other emissions are assumed equal for such crops grown for energy and for food.
T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203 3197

18 heaps with solid manure from pigs and cattle may reduce GHG
emissions by 226 and 101 kg CO2-eq. LU1, respectively. Coverage of
16 solid manure is already mandatory in Denmark, unless the stack
receives manure additions daily. In practice this is rarely done.
Carbon dioxide equivalents (Tg)


12 3.2.3. Covering slurry tanks

According to Danish legislation slurry tanks must be covered to
10 reduce NH3 losses and odour nuisance, and in most cases this is
achieved by a natural crust or an artificial crust from chopped straw
8 or leca nuts (Danish Energy Agency, 2009). A surface crust may
reduce CH4 emissions (Sommer et al., 2000; Amon et al., 2006), and
currently a 40% reduction is assumed in the IPCC methodology
4 (IPCC, 2006a,b). Clemens et al. (2006) found that an additional solid
cover over slurry tanks further reduced CH4 emissions. A potential
2 for methane oxidation has been documented in surface crusts from
both cattle and pig slurry stores (Petersen et al., 2005; Ambus and
0 Petersen, 2005) that may explain this effect. The effect of a solid
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 cover on slurry stores on N2O emissions is not known, but is
assumed here to be negligible. In accordance with Amon et al.
(2006) the reduction of CH4 emissions during storage of slurry by
use of a cover with passive ventilation is estimated at 15%, corre-
Methane Nitrous oxide Net carbon source
sponding to 199 and 165 kg CO2-eq. LU1 for pig and cattle slurry,
respectively. These estimates also include the indirect effect on N2O
Fig. 3. Estimated development in GHG emissions in the form of CH4, N2O and carbon
sources minus sinks (DC) for Danish agriculture 1990e2010, and for the reference
emissions from an estimated reduction of NH3 losses of around
scenario 2010e2050. 2e3% (Mikkelsen et al., 2006), even though this effect is very
uncertain and dependent on a corresponding reduction in the total
N fertiliser amount distributed by the farmer.
(64%), whereas the largest nominal reduction is for N2O, which is
reduced from 6.3 to 5.2 Tg CO2 (20%). In comparison, the CH4 3.2.4. Separation of slurry into a solid and a liquid fraction
emissions are reduced relatively more (30%), due in particular to For slurry separation, the net GHG reduction, including effects on
the increased use of slurry for biogas. soil C storage and energy use, was estimated by Sommer et al.
(2009), who reported a reduction of 16% and 25%, respectively,
3.2. Partial effects of greenhouse gas mitigation options from pigs and cattle slurry. This effect is due to a reduction of CH4
emissions during storage. No net effect on N2O emissions in the field
An overview of the derived partial effects of the selected were expected, because the increased N-value of the thin fraction
measures to further reduce GHG emissions is presented in Table 3, after separation will be counterbalanced by a smaller N-value of the
which also includes estimates for the maximum total effect of each solid fraction (Sørensen et al., 2004). A total effect of separation on
separate mitigation option, as compared to the reference situation CH4 and N2O emissions from cattle slurry during storage and after
in 2050 (i.e. the effect of the maximum possible, partial imple- field application of 37% was reported by Amon et al. (2006).
mentation of the particular measure; see also Dalgaard et al., 2010). However, in their study effects on soil C storage or energy use was
In the following sections the scientific basis behind each of these not included. For the present paper the total GHG effect of separa-
mitigation options are described and discussed in more detail: tion is estimated at 330 and 284 kg CO2-eq. LU1 for pig and cattle
slurry respectively. These estimates assume that separation is
3.2.1. Cooling of pig slurry combined with coverage of the fibre fraction during storage, as this
Sommer et al. (2004) reported a 31% reduction of CH4 emissions may otherwise lead to large N2O emissions (Hansen et al., 2006).
from livestock houses and manure stores if slurry channels were
cooled to 10  C, a strategy originally developed for NH3 mitigation. In 3.2.5. Acidification of slurry
practice cooling below 15  C is not cost-effective, and this will reduce A pilot study of emissions from livestock houses has indicated
the overall CH4 mitigation effect to 18%. Other effects of cooling a considerable reduction (possibly more than 50%) of CH4 and N2O
include an increase in the N-value of the manure ex store, and energy emissions with a commercial system for acidification of the slurry
use for the cooling (Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, using sulphuric acid (Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, 2004).
2008a). The overall net effect of the cooling measure is estimated to be These preliminary observations of inhibitory effects have been
230 kg CO2-eq. LU1. Cattle houses are naturally ventilated and confirmed in lab-scale and pilot-scale storage experiments with
unheated in Denmark; for cattle, active cooling of slurry channels is both pig and cattle slurry (Berg et al., 2006; Ottosen et al., 2009).
therefore not a cost-effective option (Ministry of the Environment, Indeed, feeding strategies lowering the pH of the slurry may also
2009). Cooling is mainly an option where excess heat from the cool- affect methanogenesis (Eriksen et al., 2010). The effect of acidifica-
ing unit can be utilised, i.e. for heating the housing of sows and piglets. tion on N2O emissions after field application is assumed to be small.
Based on the data available the reduction of CH4 emissions was set
3.2.2. Covering solid manure stores to 60%, whereby the total GHG effect of acidification is estimated to
Depending on wetness and compaction, CH4 and N2O may be 769 and 644 kg CO2-eq. LU1 from pig and cattle slurry respectively.
emitted during storage of solid manure, and total N- and C-losses can
be substantial (Petersen et al., 1998). These losses, and the derived 3.2.6. Field application of slurry by direct injection
CH4 and N2O emissions, can almost be eliminated with airtight Slurry spreading by direct injection reduces the NH3 loss
coverage during storage (Hansen et al., 2006; Chadwick, 2005). Based compared to trail-hose application and broadcast spreading, which is
on the results of Hansen et al. (2006) it is estimated that coverage of not permitted in Denmark (Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
3198 T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203

Fisheries, 2008a). Mikkelsen et al. (2006) estimated that the higher N This is compared to the current situation, where there is estimated
fertiliser value of the slurry with direct injection compensated for the to be a significant net soil C mining (Danish Ministry of Food,
extra energy use, resulting in an effect of 18 and 17 kg CO2-eq. LU1, Agriculture and Fisheries, 2008a). With the reestablishment of
with application of pig and cattle slurry respectively. wetlands, there is decreased denitrification because the soils is no
longer cultivated and fertilised, and a risk of N2O emissions, which
3.2.7. Nitrification inhibitors in synthetic fertilizers in this study is estimated via the IPCC (2006b) default methodology
Wolt (2004) and Clough et al. (2007) reported that nitrification for indirect emissions. Moreover, the CH4-emmissions are
inhibitors were able to reduce the risk for N2O emissions from the increased, whereas the energy use for cropping operations is
ammonia equivalents of synthetic fertilisers by 60%; this value is reduced proportional to the area restored.
used here. Some of the relatively few field experiments with
nitrification inhibitors conducted in Denmark have shown 3.3. Partial effects of bioenergy production options
improved crop yields (Pedersen, 2004, 2006), but this effect and
any associated reduction of nitrate leaching or N2O emissions, are The GHG effects of selected options for bioenergy production are
not included in the present study. summarised in Table 4, and described below:

3.2.8. Fodder optimization 3.3.1. Biogas from manure or harvested crops

According to Russell et al. (2007) and Weisbjerg et al. (2005) CH4 The GHG effects of biogas production from manure or harvested
emissions from dairy cows may be reduced by 15e20% via the crops are based on reviews by the Danish Ministry of Food,
optimisation of feed rations, without significant effects on Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a), Jørgensen et al. (2008),
production or animal health. This effect can be achieved by Sommer et al. (2002), Sommer and Husted (1995). The positive
adjusting the type of carbohydrates and the proportion of fat and effect of manure treatment is significant, and further improve-
roughage in the feed ration. Young cattle (especially heifers) are ments in the biogas yields per kg of slurry of about 20%-point may
traditionally fed a more fibre rich diet, and the potential for be expected towards 2050, compared to a present efficiency of
reducing CH4 emissions from this livestock category is estimated to around 50% (Jørgensen et al., 2008). However, such higher biogas
be lower, i.e. around 10% (Weisbjerg et al., 2005). yields per kg of slurry will also reduce the C recycled to fields and
accumulated in soils, thereby reducing the net GHG effect. There-
3.2.9. Reduced tillage fore, all the present calculations are based on a net efficiency of 50%.
Reduced tillage (without ploughing) reduces the fuel The net GHG effect of crops harvested for biogas is relatively small
consumption and related CO2-emissions by about 30e64% (Olesen and uncertain, and very dependent on local conditions, the derived
et al., 2005). For the reduced-tillage practices presently used in soil carbon balance, and related losses of other GHGs. Especially
Denmark this corresponds to an average emission reduction of N2O from fertilisation, for example of maize harvested for biogas,
40 kg CO2 ha1 yr1. Moreover it may lead to an increased soil C may reduce the net GHG mitigation effect (Danish Ministry of Food,
storage, although there may be a risk of higher N2O emissions. Agriculture and Fisheries, 2008a).
However, given the light-textured and well-drained soils typical for
Danish agriculture, this latter effect can be neglected (Rochette, 3.3.2. Straw, short rotation coppice, or woodchips from afforested
2008). Thus, based on figures from the Danish Ministry of Food, land for CHP
Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a) and Chatskikh et al. (2008), the In Denmark, straw and woodchips from SRC willow or afforested
total effect on reduced soil tillage is estimated here to be land areas are used for CHP, and the energy yields have been
840 kg CO2 ha1 yr1. published by the Danish Energy Agency (2009) and Jørgensen et al.
(2008). The GHG effect of burning rather than incorporating the
3.2.10. Catch crops and intermediate crops straw, is based on figures by Christensen (2002) and Danish
Olesen et al. (2004) and Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture Ministry of Food Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a,b). Based on
and Fisheries (2008a) estimated that a catch crop, i.e. the growth Polglase et al. (2000), Post and Kwon (2000), it is concluded that
of undersown ryegrass between autumn harvest of the main crop the C sequestration from the woody plants mainly takes place in
and spring sowing, will reduce N2O emissions by an amount cor- the upper soil-layer and in form of the tree biomass, whereas the
responding to 185 kg CO2-eq ha1 yr1. In addition, a positive effect sequestration in deeper soil layers is insignificant (Paul et al., 2003).
on soil C storage corresponding to 733 kg CO2 ha1 yr1 was esti- From this, and in accordance with the Danish Ministry of Food
mated. Intermediate crops represent another option, where for Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a), the GHG effect estimates of
example Brassica spp. is established between an early autumn Table 4 are derived. It should be noted that these DC estimates are
harvest and late autumn sowing. The establishment of interme- adapted to Danish conditions, and are significantly higher than the
diate and catch crops are made without extra ploughing, and with estimates calculated according to IPCC (2006b).
no or only little soil tillage. Therefore, the extra energy use induced
is very small compared to the total energy use (Dalgaard et al., 3.3.3. Oilseeds for fuel
2001), and is not included in Table 3. According to Thomsen et al. Today, oilseed rape is the most widespread energy crop in
(2008), the effect of such intermediate crops is about half that for Denmark (Statistics Denmark, 2010). For the present study the
the above-mentioned catch crop; this value is used here. energy and GHG balance for this production are based on standard
values for this crop from Olesen et al. (2001), Jørgensen et al. (2008)
3.2.11. Restoration of cultivated wetland soils and the Danish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Fisheries (2008a).
This measure involves the destruction of drainage systems of In addition, some biodiesel is produced from livestock carcasses
soils previously reclaimed from wetlands, plus the cessation of (Danish Energy Agency, 2009), which was not separated from the
cultivation and fertilisation on these areas; arable rotations are value of fuels derived from rapeseed oil.
replaced by permanent grasslands. The resultant reduction in the
oxidation of soil organic matter, plus the higher input of C to the soil 3.3.4. Incineration of the manure fibre fraction
from the grass compared to the arable crops is expected to result in Sommer et al. (2009) reported significant potentials for GHG
an increased accumulation of soil C of 300e500 kg C ha1 yr1. mitigation via this measure. However, based on Olesen and
T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203 3199

Sommer (2005) and Wood and Cowie (2004) it can be concluded scenario. Here all the area “available for other biomass” production
that the net GHG effect of incinerating the fibre fraction of manure than food production is planted with SRC willow for CHP, and with
after slurry separation are uncertain. In addition, the interactions the expected increased (“high”) crop yields. Note that the increased
with other measures are uncertain, mainly because of the signifi- utilisation of biogas and straw for CHP leads to a net reduction of soil
cant effects on soil C pools and thereby possibly a reduction of the C, whereas SRC willow and afforestation leads to a net accumula-
long-term soil fertility, which is already critically low in parts of tion. However, in addition to the direct bioenergy CO2-mitigation
Denmark (Schjønning et al., 2009). Moreover, the major GHG effect of the bioenergy mitigation measures, they generally also lead
benefit from incineration of the fibre fraction of manure is via the to a significant indirect GHG effect via a net reduction of N2O, CH4
substitution of fossil fuels, which may be of limited value in a future and soil C stock changes.
fossil free society. Therefore this measure is not included in the Measured in petajoules (1 PJ ¼ 1015 J), Table 6 shows the esti-
following synthesis scenarios. mated energy balance for Danish agriculture in 2010, and for the
2050 reference scenario with the expected yield increase of Table 5
3.4. Synthesis scenario for a CO2-neutral Danish agriculture by (“high yield”), as well as a situation where only half of the expected
2050 increase in crop yields is realized (“low yield”). In the low yield
situation, the area “available for other biomass”, and the resulting
The present paper does not include an assessment of the bioenergy production from SRC willow planted in 2050, is signifi-
economic costs or benefits associated with the implementation of cantly lower, but the total energy balance is still shifted from
the GHG-measures listed. However, based on previous farm budget negative (41 PJ) in 2010 to a positive energy balance of between
and welfare economic accounts made by Dubgaard et al. (2009), 53 PJ and 124 PJ in 2050. The bioenergy production from straw for
and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries CHP and from biogas is expected to more than double, so that straw
(2008a,b) discussion of practical possibilities for the combined is collected from an additional 450,000 ha in 2050 compared to
implementation of the measures listed, we define a synthesis 2010, and 85% of all manures is used for biogas production in 2050.
scenario. In this scenario, the selected partial measures were all In contrast, the amount of rapeseed and animal carcass waste, etc.
implemented with 75% of the maximum possible effects shown in used for biofuels is only expected to increase by around 50% (Danish
Tables 3 and 4, representing a simple summary of the maximum Energy Agency, 2008), and the bioenergy contribution from affor-
plausible combined implementation of the measures defined. ested, former agricultural areas is also small compared to the other
Table 5 shows that such a combined 75% implementation may bioenergy sources implemented. The direct and indirect energy use
(compared to the reference situation) almost halve the total 2050 is reduced from 2010 to 2050 as a result of the reduced agricultural
emission of N2O, CH4 and C stock changes (DC) in the synthesis area, the reduced use of synthetic fertilisers, and the increased
production efficiency, where also the livestock numbers and the
fodder imports can be reduced, whilst total food production is
Table 5 sustained. However, the energy input needed for the low and high
Greenhouse gas emissions in the form of changed N2O, CH4 emissions and net soil
yield scenarios for 2050 does not differ significantly, because the
carbon stock changes (DC) in the synthesis scenario with a 75% effect of the selected
partial measures from Table 3 and Table 4, compared to the reference scenario with livestock numbers and the total area farmed are the same in the
no additional measures implemented in 2050. All the measures are implemented two situations.
according to the predicted land use of Fig. 1, in a situation where all the area Finally, the total GHG balance for Danish agriculture in 2010 is
“available for other biomass production” is grown with Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) summarized (Table 7), indicating that the inclusion of energy
willow and used for Combined Heat and Power (CHP).
related CO2-emissions adds a net emission of around 2.9 Tg CO2-eq.
(Tg CO2-eq.) N2O CH4 DC Total to the 10.6 Tg CO2-eq. GHG emissions in the form of N2O, CH4 and C
Reference scenario 2050: 2.75 5.25 0.46 8.45 stock changes (DC) in the reference scenario (Fig. 3). Moreover,
Table 8 summarizes the situation in 2050, where the reference
Manure and fertiliser measures:
scenario will lead to a reduction of the GHG emissions to
Cooling of slurry 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.06
Cover manure stores 0.01 0.21 0.00 0.22
Manure separation 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.21
Acidification of slurry 0.01 0.46 0.00 0.47 Table 6
Soil injection of slurry 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 Estimated fossil energy balance for Danish agriculture 2010, and for the 2050
Nitrification inhibitors 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.22 synthesis scenario with the expected high yield increase (“high yield”), and with
a “low yield” situation where only half of the expected increase in crop yields are
Fodder optimisation measures: realized.
Optimized cattle feeding 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.21
(PJ) 2010 2050

Cropping and land use measures: Low yield High yield

Reduced tillage 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 Direct energy use:
Cover crops (catch þ intermediate crops) 0.08 0.00 0.32 0.40 Fuels 20 19 19
Restoration of cultivated wetland soils 0.06 þ0.05 0.23 0.24 Electricity 6 5 5
(stopped drainage and harvest) Indirect energy use:
Fertilisers and pesticides 10 8 8
Bioenergy measures: Machinery 4 4 4
Biogas from slurrya 0.09 0.22 þ0.06 0.25 Buildings 6 5 5
Biogas from harvested nature areas 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 Fodder import 19 16 16
SRC willow 0.10 0.00 0.59 0.69 Bioenergy production:
Straw for CHP 0.05 0.00 þ0.22 þ0.17 Straw for CHP 19 40 40
Oilseeds for fuel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Afforestation 2 2
Afforestation 0.05 0.00 0.83 0.88 SRC willow for CHP 1 37 109
Biogas 3 28 28
Balance after reduction measures: 2.01 3.93 1.41 4.54 Biofuels 2 3 3
50% included in the 2050 reference scenario, plus 0.7  50%-point ¼ 35%-point
Energy balance 41 53 124
included here.
3200 T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203

Table 7 reduce both nutrient pollution and GHG emissions from agricul-
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) balance for Danish Agriculture 2010 including the GHG ture. However, the effects of the measures described depend
emissions in the form of CH4, N2O and carbon sources minus sinks (DC) from Fig. 3,
the fossil energy related CO2-emissions, and the CO2-mitigation from the present
strongly on the technological development assumed (Table 1) and,
bioenergy production (see Tables 2 and 6). as discussed by Olesen et al. (2010) and Halsnæs et al. (2007), on
whether the expected increases in the agricultural production can
GHG emission (Tg CO2-eq.)
be achieved. Other developments in food production will also affect
Reference situation:
the scope for mitigating GHG emissions via, for example, increased
CH4, N2O and DC emissions: 10.6
bioenergy crop production, and vice versa. Especially an increased
Fossil energy use: livestock production (Steinfeld et al., 2006) and consumption of
CO2 from direct energy use 2.0 meat (Goodland and Anhang, 2009) may be problematic, but is not
CO2 from indirect energy use 3.0 included in the present study. One of the major problems here is,
that a decreased production of animal products in Denmark may
Bioenergy GHG mitigation:
lead to increased production elsewhere in The World, where the
Straw for CHP 1.8
SRC willow for CHP 0.1 efficiency in the animal production is typically lower, and maybe
Biogas 0.2 related with higher GHG emissions per product produced. We
Biofuels 0.1 recommend further studies within this area. In line with the
development of organic farming and other more extensive
Total GHG balance: 13.5
production systems, there are also a number of challenges to be
tackled (Halberg et al., 2006). This include both new opportunities
for development of more sustainable production systems with
8.4 Tg CO2-eq. in the form of N2O, CH4 and DC, and a possible a higher C sequestration capacity (Johnson et al., 2007; Dalgaard
further reduction from mitigation options in the synthesis scenario, et al., 2006), and lower net fossil energy consumption and GHG
leading to an emission of between 4.4 and 5.3 Tg CO2-eq., in the emissions (Dalgaard et al., 2001, 2002). Finally, it must be empha-
high and the low yield situation respectively. sized that the scenarios of the present paper does not evaluate the
economic costs and cost-efficiency of the different measures, which
in combination with the future political framework will be the main
4. General discussion
drivers of the actual developments to be expected (Dubgaard et al.,
The estimated development in GHG emissions (Fig. 3) showed
A wide range of mitigation options for manure management
relatively high reductions from 1990 to 2000. This has two main
were considered in this study, most of them with reference to
reasons. Firstly, a diverse range of agri-environmental regulations
recent studies conducted under Danish conditions. Greenhouse gas
and changes in farming practices have impacted GHG emissions.
emissions from manure can vary considerably depending on
These include the 1990 ban on the burning of straw in the fields, the
manure composition and local climatic conditions, and clearly the
reduced liming of fields, and the reduction of soil C mining due to
GHG mitigation potential depends on the representativeness of
increased planting of hedgerows and other woody plants on former
both reference scenario and effect of each measure. Hence, there is
agricultural soils (Gyldenkærne et al., 2007). Secondly, the Danish
a continued need for documentation of environmental technolo-
action plans implemented to reduce nutrient losses from agricul-
gies and management strategies under a variety of conditions.
ture to the aquatic environment have significantly reduced the N
Cooling of slurry during in-house storage was considered as
losses from agriculture in the period (Kronvang et al., 2008; Hansen
a strategy to reduce emissions. An alternative strategy would have
et al., 2011), and thus GHG emissions (Erisman et al., 2007). The
been frequent emptying and cleaning of slurry channels
profound effect of these action plans in reducing the use of
(Häussermann et al., 2006), but in both cases the effect will depend
synthetic N fertilisers by 40% while simultaneously increasing the
on retention time and outside storage temperature (Sommer et al.,
crop and livestock production (Dalgaard and Kyllingsbæk, 2003) is
2009). The reduction in emissions from solid manure assumed
an excellent example of the large potential previously identified by
during storage was also observed by Chadwick (2005) who
Johnson et al. (2007) for improved management practices in
combined compaction with an airtight cover. A reduction of CH4
emissions may be assumed in the presence of a surface crust (IPCC,
There is no doubt that the mitigation measures discussed and
2006a; VanderZaag et al., 2009). This was not considered as
listed in the present paper (Table 3, Table 4) may help to further
a mitigation option in the present study since nearly all slurry
stores in Denmark already have a crust (Danish Energy Agency,
Table 8 2009). The assumed CH4 mitigation of a solid cover on slurry
Estimated GHG emissions in the form of CH4, N2O and carbon sources minus sinks stores refers to limited empirical evidence, but a stimulation of
(DC) for the 2050 synthesis scenario, with the bioenergy production of Table 6, and microbial CH4 oxidation in the crust is likely to occur as a result of
a 75% implementation of the partial measures to mitigate GHG emissions of Table 5
elevated headspace CH4 concentrations (Husted, 1994; VanderZaag
(compared to the reference scenario with no additional measures implemented in
2050). et al., 2010). Finally, slurry acidification was adopted as a CH4
mitigation option based on consistent effects observed during
Low yield High yield
storage of both cattle and pig slurry under laboratory and pilot-
(Tg CO2-eq.) (Tg CO2-eq.)
scale storage conditions, which are currently being prepared for
Reference scenario: 8.45 8.45
Mitigation options 2050:
The current scope for bioenergy production (Table 6) is esti-
Manure and fertiliser measures 1.20 1.20 mated on the basis of a maximum implementation of SRC willow
Fodder optimisation measures 0.21 0.21 for CHP, which is expected to be an effective measure with respect
Cropping and land use measures 0.94 0.82 to both energy production (Jørgensen et al., 2008), GHG mitigation
Bioenergy measures 1.27 1.68
(Olesen et al., 2010) and costs (Dubgaard et al., 2009). It is also
Balance after mitigation options: 4.83 4.54
expected to create other environmental benefits such as reduced
nitrate leaching and thus reduced eutrophication (Jørgensen et al.,
T. Dalgaard et al. / Environmental Pollution 159 (2011) 3193e3203 3201

2005). So far, the uptake of willow by Danish farmers is rather initialising our literature review, being the central background
limited, and ongoing evaluations of commercial results are expec- material for the present publication. Moreover, we are grateful to
ted to show if better performance can be achieved than in Sweden, The International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems
where commercial willow yields have been much lower than (ICROFS) for the funding of related research projects and to the
expected (Mola-Yudego and Aronsson, 2008). However, the higher European integrated research project NitroEurope (www.
precipitation in Denmark, and focus on optimal agricultural for the Open Science Conference initiative and
management (in contrasts to the lack of fertilisation of the willow the present special issue publication.
by Mola-Yudego and Aronsson, 2008), are expected to ensure
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