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I started my On-the-Job Training at the Department of Tourism Region 1 last July 4,

2023. I was both very excited and a little scared on my first day of training due to the
unfamiliar surroundings and individuals I was surrounded by. I had no notion what sort of
people they were, which forced me to adapt to their views and personalities.

Sir Kristane Ray Z. Caducio welcomes us right away. After a little while, he lets us
identify ourselves and introduces us to each person in the office. My fellow interns and I were
warmly welcomed, and then we went to the Office of the Director (OD) for our orientation
with Sir Bon Derryl Pungal. After the orientation, Sir Bon assigned us to separate stations; my
fellow interns were given the station for planning and accounting, while I was given the
station for procurement. Ma'am Camelia R. Tadina assigned us the responsibility of entering
the check and advice to debt account disbursement records of each transaction to suppliers
on index cards in alphabetical order. And instructed about the urgent procurement by Ma'am
Jenefer M. Fontanilla, and I printed and organized them. Ma'am Jenefer M. Fontanilla taught
me about the urgent procurement and I print and sort them out in their respective folders on
her desk.

On the following days of my first week at OJT, Sir Bon taught us about accreditation
for walk-in applicants while we proceeded to enter disbursement records on index cards.
When Sir Bon informed us that there was an urgent task to be completed, my fellow intern
Johnlloyd and I were given the task of searching through social media, particularly Facebook,
on all Region 1 LGU accounts that supported the tourism marketing campaign "Love the
Philipines" and sorting them out using excel. On my third day, I entertained inquiries and
accepted telephone calls at the Front Desk. After finishing, I was assigned to create Sir
Thom's DTR. On my third day, I worked at the Front Desk, answering questions and accepting
phone calls. Ma'am Jesseriele Ann M. Laudencia delegated to me the responsibility of
recording and summarizing the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Reso from February to June
Projects. I use Microsoft Word to read and encode the summaries. On my fourth day, I finished
describing the BAC Reso projects that Ma'am Jess had assigned to me. After summarizing, I
proceeded to the Front Desk to answer questions and take phone calls. Afternoon arrived, and
I assisted Sir Thomas A. Pinasen in sorting through procurement document files. After that, I
assisted my co-intern Alyssa with calculating tax and payment amounts and entering vital
information. Finally, I scanned essential documents and completed Sir Thom's DTR encoding.

Last day of my first-week Internship, and it was the most challenging day for me. The
first thing I did was be at the front desk, entertaining inquiries and taking telephone calls.
And I was called by Sir Thom to help him sort out files of procurement. While helping Sir
Thom, I was chatted with by Sir Bon who was currently on leave and assigned to follow up
STATUS of RFQs (Request for Quotation) on five projects to Sir Thom, for Opening Bids later
on, via Zoom. Sir Thom and I became busy completing the RFQs of the five projects and keep
updating Sir Bon on the RFQ's Status. Afternoon came and we completed the RFQs and it will
all be ready for the 3 pm opening of bids. I was assigned by Sir Bon to be on the Opening of
Bids and BAC assistant, I'm responsible for assisting and writing on the Record book of
Opening of Bidding of suppliers in different projects while ma'am jen is not yet around in the
office due to childbirth. and Also assigned to assist sir Thom with procurement because BAC
SEC ( Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat) are all on leave and travel, while sir Thom is
the only BAC SEC in the office. It was my first time and it was great to observe such an
opportunity, and I thank Ma'am Gay Nora Marie and Sir Thom for being patient and kind with
me as their secretary of the Bidding, and allowing me to experience such an opportunity with
the BAC members also. After the Bidding, I was tasked to organize the procurement files of
the finished projects we bidder. Thanks to Ma'am Jess for teaching me the proper order of
organizing the files. After that, I felt happy organizing piles of files at the Office of the
Director, I felt energized that I did and learned something great that day. And now, I'm excited
to learn more about my training at DOT R1.

My first week was a good start, and I was motivated to perform excellently because of
what I have already accomplished and because employees in the DOT are very accommodating
and kind to me and to my co-interns.


On the second week of my On-the-Job Training, my co-interns and I are shifting

schedules daily on weekdays of being at the Front Desk and entertaining inquiries and taking
telephone calls, and if one of us interns is not doing something, he/she will be on the front
Desk. On the first day of my second week, I followed up on pending procurement files, and we
had a meeting for the opening of bids for the new projects, and it was just like my 1st bidding
where I was assigned to be an assistant BAC secretary. It was my 2nd bidding and I was more
comfortable, and I organize the files before giving them to Ma’am Jess. Sir Thom taught me
how to create an Abstract of the Quotation and Purchase Order of the project for the 2nd and
3rd quarter office supplies, which are very important in the process of procurement.

On the fourth Day, I was invited by Ma'am Arlene, together with Ma’am Loryna our
Supervising Tourism Operation Officer, and Ma’am Divine Q. Dulay, to distribute tokens from
RD Jeff to important guests on the MIDYEAR TPB Strategic Planning for CY 2024 at Patio Hotel,
together. My co-intern tag along, and it was a great experiencing meeting significant people.
Afternoon came, and I had my 3rd opening of Bids meeting together with the BAC SEC and
BAC MEMBERS via Zoom at the Office of the Director. After Bidding, I was entrusted to visit
and distribute RFQs to different suppliers for the project: metrovision, KTRB HUb, and
Channel Prints.

On the fifth Day, I assisted Ma’am Jess in picking up RFQs from different suppliers:
KTRB hub, Channel Prints, and Metrovision. Prepare and checked the RFQs if sealed and had a
signature. I had my 4th opening of Bids meeting with the BAC SEC and MEMBERS. Afterward,
entrusted to create Purchase Orders (PO) for the winner in the bidding, print them and give it
to the winner, KRTB HUB and was assisted by the DOT service car. Before Friday ends, I was
invited by the planning station to assist Seminars in Pangasinan for 2 days and 3 nights.

And the most common assigned to me on my second week was when, I was assigned by
Ma'am Arlene B. Mercado, Executive Assistant to call Mariot Hotels for booking RD Jeff and
Miss Jasmin Curtis Smith. And Ma'am Arlene, Sir Bon, and Ma'am Jess to send them
confidential files and procurement files, printing, scanning, following up pending
procurement files, and updating them about what they needed. I helped my co-intern Alyssa
with computing tax and payable amounts and inputting important details and was tasked by
Ma’am Camelia to check and stamp accounting files. Sir Alex B. Lazaro who is in the
accreditation station entrusted me with calling people and different establishments who
completed their accreditation and informed them that it was ready for pickup.

I went to the office even if its Saturday, I helped Ma’am Jess on the urgent projects
that needed to be done. I created procurement documents such as an Abstract of quotation
and RFQ for readying new projects. Ma’am Gay Nora entrusted me to call the supplier of Walis
in La Union and avail as tokens for the incoming project in Manila, and assigned to create 51
pcs welcoming hanging cards "fine the One in Region 1", and after creating and putting
ribbons, I strung it on the 51 pcs walis tokens.

Sunday came, it was the day that we will travel to Pangasinan for the upcoming
seminar training for the LGUs of Pangasinan. It was a dream come true experience for us. So
we are in the office at 3 pm and helped prepare things needed for the seminar, and we
traveled afterward to the venue of the first seminar - Hotel Trish in Mangaldan, Pangasinan.

I observe that I’m becoming more comfortable working now compared to my first week
of the internship. Moreover, I’m adjusting comfortably and learning to handle situations, and I
was able to socialize with other employees in the office and not be afraid to voice out my
concerns if I don’t know something. Nevertheless, I had fun doing the things assigned to me
for the past weeks of my On-the-Job Training.


On the third week of my internship, I’m in our first venue of the seminar, and I’m with
my co-intern Alyssa together with the Planning team of DOT which are Ma’am Devince, Ma’am
Almira, and Sir Edilberto. We woke up early in the hotel, and after preparing ourselves, we
prepare and got the things we need during the seminar and for technical stuff, such as
laptops, printers, projectors, and more. After that, we got to the function hall of the hotel
Trish. Alyssa and I helped in arranging the stuff and checking if there are missing things we
need in the function hall, and after checking them all, Ma’am Almira assigned us to prepare
for the registration in the hallway. Alyssa and I greeted guests and let them register, and
asked them if we correctly put their names right and other information for their certificate
after the seminar. During the seminar, we are asked to hand out the print-outs of activity
sheets for the seminar, and we guide and teach some LGUs who did not totally get the
directions, and we also assigned to give tokens to those who won the activity. While the
seminar was at its peak of ending, ma'am divine assigned me and Alyssa to type out names for
the certification of the participants in a certificate template, and we engraved stamps and all
created 50 certificates. After the Seminar, we Farewell the guests with warm departure words
and thank them for coming to the seminar. And helped out organizing the staff back in boxes.
After organizing our stuff and personal stuff, we put them all in the service car and headed to
the next hotel for the next seminar on July 18, which was in the Hiraya Wellness Resort and
Ecopark in Aguilar, Pangasinan. We arrived their night time already. July 18 came, and it was
the same as we did on July 17, it was just different venues and much bigger seminar training
for LGUs. And we did not expect that the 50 expected participants will be going to be more
than 100 at that time. I took pictures and greeted participants and let them register their
information. We finish encoding for certificates before bidding goodbye to the planning team
because Alyssa and I will work again at the office on July 19. It was a great and unexpected
experience that I will never forget.

On three days of my Thirds week, I was given various tasks and most of them are
urgent and needed to accomplish. On the third and fourth days, our usual routine was to be at
the Front Desk, entertaining inquiries and taking telephone calls. And I assisted Sir Thom in
making RFQs, sent Ma’am Arlene confidential files, and was assigned to create procurement
procedures and records through MS Excel. Additionally, I was entrusted by the Executive
Assistant on calling and going to East West Bank, to personally ask for confidential details.
While recording procurement projects, I was also asked to learn about posting APP-CSE on
PhilGeps. And I assisted in getting ready to pick up tokens (Customized notebook) on
suppliers: KRTB. I finish recording on the fourth day and asked to arrange PR numbers of
procurement projects and print confidential files.

On the fifth day of my third-week internship, the first thing I did after going into the
office was to assist Sir Thom, I was tasked to record projects supplies on stock cards and
check RIS (Request and Issue Slip), print out Business permits, Triple checking if there are
missing important documents on the procurement files such as No contracts and No Purchase
Order, and I helped to create Purchase Order for projects that have missing PO. Moreover, Sir
Thom asked me to create an Inspection and Acceptance Report and Created Inspection and
Acceptance Report for different projects and lastly input suppliers receiving receipts on their
respective files.

This week was great and I had fun learning and experiencing something new and out in
the office. And I enjoyed meeting people from different places and positions. I was inspired
by the employees on their determination to finish their work accordingly and I admire them
for being professional in doing their work. I was also starting to be comfortable with the
people I work with as well as in the workplace. When we came back, I was also starting to be
comfortable with the people I work with as well as in the workplace.

During my fourth week of Internship training, another week for another set of work to
do. I was able to accomplish a pile of tasks given to me. I assisted Sir Thom in making new
RFQs and remind him pending pick-ups and distributions. I was also reminding some
confidential matters the Executive Assistant requested and sent important priorities that
needed RD Jeff's signature by Ma’am Jess. I also help out my co-intern John Lloyd in preparing
tokens for the seminar in Ilocos Sur. Afternoon came, I finish assisting Sir Thom on completion
of procurements and he assigned me to check the 2nd and 3rd Quarter, IT, TISP, and Janitorial
supplies through the receipts from the supplier. And my co-intern John Lloyd helped me on
checking, and after checking the supplies, we are tasked to distribute them at different
stations, from Admin, LSO, Accounting, budget, BAC, CSO, OD, Planning, and Accreditation.
Sir Thom helped us on distributing supplies to CSO, we carried boxes of A4 and Legal bond
papers and put them in their designated storage. After that, John Llhoyd and I finished
distributing them and cleaned the area of the supplies. It was a tiring but fun experience for
me, but I enjoyed it and am happy that we finish them, thanks to the help of my co-intern JL.
This week was not as heavy as the previous week but I enjoyed it because of the new tasks
that I accomplished.

In my less than a month of Internship Training in the Department of Tourism Region 1, I

was exposed to the actual work and became familiar with the documents and preparation
they are working on, and I learned how to use equipment that is usually used in the office.
Aside from those things, I also learned to be more sociable and to adjust myself to the
environment where I am working at and who I am working with. I learned many things not
only those things that are related to my course but also the things that molded me into the
person I am right now. I learned to become a hard-working person. The time to finish the task
assigned to me is important, but it is also important that I should do it correctly. And more
importantly, do not be afraid to ask questions, because asking is not a sign of being weak, it's
a sign of determination to learn and improve oneself.

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