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Kelompok 2:

1. Yova aryuna
2. Cindy Claudia
3. Tita laurensia
4. Dini amelia
5. Kholilah Harahap

Yova (lecturer): good morning everyone

Cindy: morning ma'am

Yova: today I'm going to tell you what we can do and what we can't do in the laboratory. Before that,
let's say what we can't do in the lab and let's say what we can do in the laboratory.

Tita: okay mam

Dini: we can't eat or drink in the laboratory ma'am

Lila: in the laboratory we can do research ma'am

Cindy: Ma'am can we sleep in the lab

Tita: Can we do research on wet acid observation?

Yova: What Cindy said is impossible, son, we can't sleep in the lab

Yova:yes the opinon of Tita,Dini and Lila is correct

Cindy:okey ma'am

Yova:Alright, do you still have any questions?

Dini,Lila,tita,cindy:no ma'am

Yova:okey,see you next time

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