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Why Do We Need A Parliament?

Why do you think our national movement supported the idea that all adults have a
right to vote?

Answer: The freedom struggle was fought by people belonging to different

backgrounds, and they were inspired by the ideas of freedom, equality and participation
in decision-making. The reason to fight for the freedom of the nation was to live in a
country governed by leaders who were sensitive to people’s needs and demands and
who could completely abolish the inequalities that existed under British rule. The dreams
and aspirations of people to live a free and respectful life were based on the principle of
Universal Adult Franchise, i.e., the right to vote.

2.Why Should People Decide?

The decision of the people matters in a democratic country because:

1. A democratic government is run by the consent, approval, and participation of the

people or citizens.
2. The people in a democracy are the citizens, and they are an integral part of any
3. The people elect a few candidates who represent their collective voices in the

3. The Role of the Parliament

The Indian Parliament is an expression of the faith that the people of India have in the
principles of democracy. The Parliament in the Indian system has immense powers as it
is the representative of the people.

• Elections to the Parliament are held in a similar manner as they are for the state
• The Lok Sabha is elected once every 5 years.

Functions of Parliament
India has numerous constituencies. Each of these constituencies elects one person to
the Parliament. The candidates who contest elections usually belong to different political
parties. These candidates become Members of Parliament or MPs. Once elections to the
Parliament have taken place, the Parliament needs to perform the following functions:

.The main function of both the Houses is to make laws.

.Every Bill has to be passed by both the Houses and assented to by the President before
it becomes law.

.The subjects over which Parliament can legislate are the subjects mentioned under the
Union List in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India.

. Controls and guides the government.

.The Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution of India.

What are the benefits of the opposition parties?

The opposition’s main role is to question the government of the day and hold them
accountable to the public.

What are the functions of the Vice President of India?

The office of the Vice President is the second-highest constitutional office after the
President and ranks second in the order of precedence and first in a line of succession
to the presidency.

What are the functions of the Rajya Sabha?

1. A.Functions as a Legislative body b.. Debating chamber c. . Federal chamber

2. The Rajya Sabha functions primarily as the representative of the States of India
in the Parliament.
3. The Rajya Sabha can also civiliate legislation and a bill is required to pass
through the Rajya Sabha in order to become a law.
4. , Rajya Sabha enjoys almost equal powers with Lok Sabha, except in the case of
Money Bills
• After the Lok Sabha elections have taken place, a list is prepared that reveals the
number of MPs who belong to each political party.
• The political party that has the maximum number of its MPs elected to the Lok
Sabha, is the winner and that party forms the government. Since there are 543
elected (plus two Anglo-Indian nominated) members in Lok Sabha, to have a
majority a party should contain at least half the number i.e., 272 members or
• The members of the other political parties that do not have the majority, they
constitute the Opposition in the parliament.
• The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister of the country and
the rules of the Lok Sabha.
• One of the major tasks that the prime minister has to perform once he comes to
power is to assign Portfolios to its ministers. For example-Health, Defence,
finance, Textile, etc.

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