Performance 23 - Practical Research 2

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Valencia National High School

Senior High School Department

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
Performance Task 2 (By group)

A report on a research design must include the following key components in

the discussion: (a) a description of the research design; (b) when it is used; (c)
specific types, if there are; (d) key characteristics; and (e) steps in conducting
research following the design.
The report must not exceed 20 minutes including time for the reporters to
accept questions from the rest of the class.

Performance Task 3 (Individual)

Critical Analysis of Research Paper

The selected paper must have published in a research journal (search through
Google Scholar: and must have been conducted not
earlier than 2015. It must be relevant to STEM. Presenters must obtain the full
paper of the research report, provide an electronic copy to all members of the
class, and have it uploaded to
r11h8xojgDW2svyT4SCvY0zLkqP?usp=share_link at least two days prior to the

The discussion must include the following key components: (a) background of
the study (or introduction); (b) methodology; (c) results and discussion; and (d)
conclusions and recommendations. To aid critical analysis, presenters must be
able to discuss answers to the following guide questions:
1. What makes the study interesting? What aspect of the research made you
decide to present it to the class?
2. Was the research design used appropriately based on the purpose and
concept of the study? If not, what research design could have served the
purpose better?
3. What research opportunities does the study present (aside from those
which may have been recommended by the researchers)?

The presenters are also required to submit a paper containing their answers to
these questions before they start the discussion.
The presentation must not exceed 10 minutes including time for the reporters to
accept questions from the rest of the class.
Grading Criteria
Evaluation for both types of presentations will be based on the following rubric.
Criteria Descriptors
Exceeds Doing Fairly Barely hitting Needs
expectations well (18 the mark (15 improvement
(20 points) points) points) (10 points)
Content of the The scope of The scope of The scope of he scope of the
Discussion the report the report the report lacks report lacks (or
includes and lacks (or fails (or fails to fails to explain
explains in to explain in explain in in detail) three
detail all key detail) one key detail) two key key components
components component components required.
required. required. required.

Clarity of The reporter is Although The reporter The reporter did

Explanations consistently ideas are struggles to not make an
able to provide clear, the explain key effort to explain
a clear and reporter is not points in the key points in
concise able to discussion. the discussion.
discussion of express them
the ideas directly to the
raised. point.
Comprehension The reporter is The reporter is The reporter is The reporter is
able to able to able to not able to
accurately accurately accurately accurately
answer almost answer most answer a few answer any of
all questions of the questions the questions
posed about questions posed about posed about the
the topic. posed about the topic. topic.
the topic.
Preparedness Reporters are Reporters There are The report was
completely seem to have instances in unorganized.
prepared and prepared but the discussion
has obviously struggles when the
planned for the transitioning reporters
discussion. from one part manifested
of the uncertainty.
discussion to
the next.
Time Reporters are The report The report was
Management able to took more finished in less
maximize the than the than 10
time given to allotted time minutes.
them (within to finish.
14-16 minutes
of discussion)
Highest Possible 100 points
Passing Score 75 points
Reporters will be informed of their evaluation no later than the next scheduled class meeting.

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