Tugas Bingg Kelompok 2

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Nama kelompok 2:

1. Cindy Claudia
2. Tita laurensia
3. Kholilah Harahap
4. Yova aryuna
5. Dini amelia

Cindy: hi guys

Tita,Lila,dini,yova: hi too cindy

Cindy : what do you think about the event that will be held on campus about the bazaar

Tita: I think that the bazaar needs sufficient capital to open a bazaar stand

Dini: I also think so what if we just sell food at a cheap price

Yova: I don't think so because if we sell at a low price then we can't increase our sales cash flow, we have
to keep increasing the selling price of our food

Lila: yes but, by increasing the price of our food our customers will turn to bazaar stands whose prices
are cheaper than ours

Cindy : yes, what if we sell at affordable prices, that way customers will buy food at our stand and we can
also increase our bazaar income cash flow

Tita: how about the others , do you all agree ?

Dini,yova,lila: totally agree

Cindy : okay guys thank you

Tita,Dini,yova,lila: you are welcome cindy

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