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EXT. Afternoon-
It is a cold rainy afternoon with no people around. The only
thing moving is the ducks and the river. The pour of rain
hitting the river creates a loud roar with the quacks of ducks
and geese flying and swimming along the river.
Slowly a body appears in the sight line and starts to bob there,
its hair is wet and sticking up, clothes ragged and torn. The
face covered in weeds all white with blood completely drawn out
from the body.
A voice is heard:
VOICE (voice over)
Right, that is me, as you can see, I am dead. I
have been down here for a long time. Let me show
you what happened.

Shot of water whirlpooling before it transitioning to a draining


Int: night
Alice, have you finished packing? We need to
leave in 20 minutes!
The girl Alice is 16 years old with long blonde, almost white
hair, and brown eyes. She is 5’8 and an only child after her
father and mother split up 4 years ago.

Yes mum! Just coming!
Alice picks up her rucksack and suitcase and makes her way down
the stairs where her mum is waiting in the kitchen.
<1 >

Alice and her mum are driving in the car, the rain is hammering
down on the windshield and the wipers as Alices mum tries to
drive. They pass houses, shops nursing homes, schools, and
Did you hear that?
Hear what Alice? *sighs*
That thunder and the crash of lightning? How
could you not? It was so loud!
No Alice I did not.
They sat in silence after that just the quiet hum of the traffic
report on the radio, that was the only form of talking on the
inside of the car. Putting her elbow in the corner of the car
window, resting her head on her arm and the hand on the arm in her
hair, started staring out of the window and a dark figure appears.
Alice sits up, furrowing her brows as she glances over to her mum
then out the back of the car seeing that the figure has gone. After
a few minutes of just driving in the rain the figure appears again
but closer before disappearing again when the car passes.
Mum! Did you see that?
See what Alice?
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That man! I have seen him twice now! Twice!

No! No, I have not seen any Man, Alice. Nor have
I heard any thunder or lightning please stop
overreacting, it is late I am struggling to
concentrate on the road as it is, and your
constant questions are not helping.

Turning back to her window, huffing Alice watched the rain pour
against her window. Then screech, Mum swerved the car, the figure
had appeared in front of them only a few meters away from them.
Alice nervously looks over at Mum who looks panicked.

T-tell me you saw him then?!

Mum ignored Alice, and then about five minutes later turned and
pulled into the car park of this old hotel that looks like it was
a church. It was beside the bridge over the river. Mum pulled into
a space and turned off the engine before turning to Alice.

Right, I do not know if the man in the middle of
the road was your *makes quotation marks with
fingers* mystery figure. However, I do believe we
are both tired and should sleep before we
continue to drive. If there is room, we will stay
the night in this hotel and get back on the road
tomorrow. I hope a good night's sleep will stop
you from making things up and allow me to
concentrate on driving.
<1 >

They both get out of the car with their bags and begin to walk
up to the door of the hotel. Alice swears she could see the
figure looking at her from around the back of the hotel but
continues waking.

Dawn-Early morning.

As Alice could not sleep, she decided to take a walk around the
hotel grounds.

The sun was just rising as she walked around, through the trees
and looking at the flowers and the structure of the old

Alice saw the figure and decided to turn and walk the other way.
Not long after Alice sees the figure in front of her, looking
behind to where she last saw it noticing that it was gone. She
looks in front again to see that the figure has moved closer to
her. Alice began stepping back, getting faster as the figure
moved closer as she moved away. Turning around Alice began to
run through the trees ripping her pajamas as she ran. She began
to slow down, slowly looking behind, no longer seeing the
creature. She began walking back the way she came back towards
the hotel before being grabbed and pushed to the ground.

Looking up Alice sees the figure, a young man all in black,

leaning down to grab her. She kicks up knocking him down and
begins to run back to the hotel before falling again as the
figure pulls her back down by, she ancles ripping the base of
her pajama trousers. Alice kicks out again, this time kicking
the figure in the face. The figure puts all his weight down on
Alices legs causing a snap to ring through the silence. Alice
screams out in pain. The figure stands up and grabs both of her
legs, a piece of rope and a large heavy tree branch and begins
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dragging her around the back of the hotel and onto the bridge.
Alice, still kicking and screaming, also started to wave her
arms around as the figure tied the rope and the stick around her
ankles before picking her up. She began kicking and hitting him
in the chest until he dropped her.

Shot follows Alice down into the river.

Shot changes to look at the figure as Alice fell
Shot changes back to Alice as she enters the water showing more
bodies that had the same fate.

EXT. Afternoon-
It is a cold rainy afternoon with no people around. The only
thing moving is the ducks and the river. The pour of rain
hitting the river creates a loud roar with the quacks of ducks
and geese flying and swimming along the river.
Slowly a body appears in the sight line and starts to bob there,
its hair is wet and sticking up, clothes ragged and torn. The
face covered in weeds all white with blood completely drawn out
from the body.

Alice (Voice from beginning)

Well, that leads us back to where we started this

story. Well, not exactly, they never found my
body. All I found was my phone in the woods by
the hotel, leading the search party further into
the woods rather than to the river.
I knew I saw something on the drive here, but mum
did not believe me and that cost me my life. I
also guess going outside, in an area I did not
know at Half 3 in the morning was also the
<1 >

Shot: moves away from the river edge to the hotel

where the back of the figure is walking up the
road. Pans upwards following the height of the
hotel to the sky as end credits start.

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