奥柏(丹尼尔·弗朗索瓦·埃斯普雷特·奥柏)歌剧《古斯塔夫三世》"Le Domino Noir"

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LE DOMINO NOIR. (IL DOMINO NERO) Opera IN THREE ACTS, 2Y AUBER. WITH ITALIAN AND ENGLISH WORDS, THE LATTER RY CHARLES L. KENNEY. EDITED BY ARTHUR SULLIVAN anp J, PITTMAN. AGEL oS BOOSEY AND CO., LONDON AND NEW YORK. KENNY & Co, TYPOGRAPHICAL MUSIC, STEAM MACHINE AND GENERAL PRINTERS 25, CAMDEN ROAD, CAMDEN TOWN, LONDON, N.W. INDEX, ACT I, OVERTURE... .... 1,—CORO D'INTRODUZIONE No, 2.—ARIA (Lord Elfort) .. , B—ROMANZA (Orazio).. No. 4,—TERZETTO (Angela, Briyida, Orazio) No, 5—CONTRADANZA No. 6,—STROFE (Angela) No, 7—DUETTO (Angela, Geazio) .. PRELUDIO .. No, 8.—STROFE ((iacinta) No, 9.—MARCIA MILITARE ‘ZO D'ASSIEME (Angela, Gia- ‘inta, Orazio, Giuliano, Cora) No, 10.—PE No, 11,—RONDA ARAGONESE ED ASSIEME (Angeta e detti) No, 12,—FINALE ((ilPerez ¢ tutti i precedent) ACT II. “ 10 «Ma voalio seaeciar dlla testa’? 2... 19 Bat straight from mg hed. * Quando 25 When the heart. «Un anno gil seorren’ 5 oo One year old Lime hath measured. “Presto, adanzar”.. rn) Quick, then “Chi son io?” Who am 1 “Ma, dil” : = ol Ah, speck ACT III, PRELUDIO .. No. 13 —STROFE (Brigid) No, 14.—ARIA (angel) . 15,—CORO DI MONACHE 16.—CANTICO CON CORO (Angela) .. No, 17.—FINALE Domino Nero, psbblieato ora per Ja prima volta in italiano, conticne tutti i pezai di mmsica aggiunti, da Avber, por il Royal Italian Opera, Quest’ edizione & Vuniea al prosonto in osistenza . 83 “Se v8 nel mondo” 84 Where will you fiud? «Che veggo . so 88 What see 12 « Ridestiam ” S oe Waken up! « Orsi, vediam” 120 Come, let us hear. « Sposar si vuol” 121 Ines, s0 fair. «Ah, possiam aver uae “Heaven now be prais't cs : 188 “Nel refettorio” 190 All tines of dey. “To sono salva alfin” lod At last L am safely houseed Qual notte, o Ciel !” 195 Ah, what a night, “Ah, qual dolor” 207 Alas, and woe, “A quei concerti di pieth” 232 ‘Those pure and sclemn strains, “ Sorelle, amiche 240 ‘One word, my sisters, ‘The Domino Noir, published for the first time in Italian, contains all tho additional pieces of music arranged by Aubor for the Royal Italian Opera, and now published for ‘the ft time in any country, LE DOMINO NOIR. DRAMATIS PERSONA. ANGREA uae a Brroma (Monaca) ve . ae Gracixta (Governante di easa di Giuliano) Onsota (Monaca) os . oe La Ponrinata (del Convento) Onazto pr Massanwa Soprano. Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, ‘Mezzo-Soprano, ‘Mezzo-Soprano. Tenore. Grurrano (Amico di Orazio) Basso, Lorn Exronr (Amico di Giuliano) a Basso, Gu Pensa (Portiere del Convento) = os Basso. Cono— 7 Dame, Cavalieri, Convitati, Amici di Giuliano, Soldati, Monache, Servi, §c. Tue scene of the “ Domino Noir” is laid in Madrid. A young Spanish lady of rank and wealth, although the inmate of a convent and about to be made its A ess, is in the habit of attending balls in the disguise of a black domino, At one of these entertainments given by the Queen of Spain, she has met a young Count, and having fallen in love with him secretly protects his career, A. year clapses and they are fated to meet again under identical cireum- stances, ANGELA, having escaped once more, attended by her faithful friend Brrarrra, to join in the festivities of the Queen’s ball. The Count, hopeless of ever meeting his fair incognita, is hovering on the brink of marriage with the French Ambassador's danghter when this accidental encounter takes place, On seeing her he feigns sleep in an arm-chair, and hears from the fair one’s lips an avowal of her feelings, which she moreover marks by leaving her bouquet by his side as a. token and last gage of a passion which must be stifled in her forthcoming solemn engagements. Horace, soon after singles her out from the crowd, and after pouring out the ayowal of his intense passion, challenges her to an equal confession by producing the bouquet and revealing that he overheard her, Angela tells him that an inseparable barrier parts them for ever, but that she will ever be his tender and devoted friend. Horace persists in his suit, and begs to be allowed once more to see her face, when the clocks strike twelve, the hour at which Angela had appointed to slip from the ball with her companion. Brigitta, having been deceived as to the hour by Horace’s friend JULIAN, has however gone without her, and Angela is obliged to make her way back to the convent alone as best she can. In attempting this she becomes so bewildered anil terrified that she ventures to knock for shelter at a house whence a friendly light is seen glimmering, It is the bachelor residence of Count Julian, and his house- keeper having prepared supper for her master and his friends, is also waiting the arrival of her friend the porter of the convent. Angela is kindly received by the duenna, and to shield her from discovery is invested in the habiliments of a country girl, a niece of the housekeeper, Ivesm1a by name, whose arrival had been daily expected. In this ‘Angela waits-on the bachelor’s party, which compriscs Horace. In the pretended Ineslla, who is induced to sing for the amusement of Julian and his guests, Horace discovers to his intense bewilderment his incognita, Pressed by him to confess her identity she manages to escape after frightening the porter of the convent, who takes her, in the domino she has resumed, for an apparition, and surrenders the convent keys to her demand. Angela thus reaching safely her saintly retreat, now prepares to assume the rule of the community of nuns, and a lange attendance of friends ‘assemble to witness the solemn ceremony. Horace arrives at the convent at the same moment. The lady to whom he was in a measure engaged bein, an inmate there he has come to intimate the impossibility of their intended marriage, and thus hears the voice of his incognita amidst the chaunt of the nuns advancing, and soon after beholds Angela arrayed for her inauguration. In the midst of the astonishment caused by this fresh mystery, a letter reaches the convent from the Queen, appointing another Abbess, releasing Angela from her yows and enjoining her to choose a husband without delay. Thus unexpectedly Horace finds himself crowned with happiness at the very moment when hope seemed for ever lost, for Angela loses no time in proffering her hand and love to him in presence of the entire assembly. OVERTURE. Allegretto, 5 Sst 1 Bg 268 © ' Se. (ez eee eae Paavo. J{© fen (less . ae “re eas raced 2828333 nto S8 pee et —— = : saa: REP Ree ene fn reapers ys PCP P ROP. APs fo, Meee Feet eee eee ee ee = tte Soe 2eoeene, ‘The Royal Baltion.—"Le Domino nole."=(1) B ‘The Royal Baition, "Le Domino noir."~(2) aaa = ¢—$--5- Bg 3 —- Sa —— ro SSeS SS ee oe pte. PPP erases pS aeae tome tea ea ea ee eae oe ote aeaiamaataaeaataape eae mee == Ss eee ePrize ae eee | taf pias safe Pat i aeae toate oS ‘The Royal Baition —\*Le Domino note.” 4) S —— EE _ SS Saas aaaa Biase wate ‘The Royal Baition,—"Le Domino notr."—(7) ‘The Royal Edition, —" Le Domino noie."—( 8) 33—3s —— #2 ee po eo Ete ot tezteptele £ co = oe ih A s A ‘The Royal Edition, —""Le Domino nois.”—(9 ) ee CORO D'INTRODUZIONE. Allegro vvace. Prima vata. Cin» ani e Conrad a? f = = — Seconda volta, Ome Prima volta, ¥ - By ee a So so - jyi + ta In dan - zm a no - vao-sul - tan 2 tet de> light 7 ¥ cor = rtal-fa din - fa, cho 1% - Sein te the dave tng the morn 2 pen der el ing, and Sion the sum + svi - ta Ia dan - a a nuo - dicho dance in = ig, ow ten ede ra i ai a ace & ‘sor = pren end son etn tit = rial gm + to rie = mor 2 raw joys aright ey fon der gay a = nN 7 (eee hes —_—s—2 ate —— wow and . gor- mo @ & - with - tor - now - den - 4 fo - ai - vin fis Stig welt shine Yor aur = prt > lag fwck guest mur = sug gi- vi In rid - da sag -gi - rial gr - to ri - chia - moa mor 2 roe jiy's bright ie age Se = Wha you der gry throng” white et =e ES ga - ra cor - ria = mo, al gra = to ri ~ chia - mo, n gn = me cor aiege = Ty a ding, yen tn Som = der gay throng whirl ee aeye a ter AN SA N. SNR Nn —— a et ——— AS: oe oe. 3 a ps - li = vi, dan - zan - do, gi - ran - do, par - lan - ibe plea ~ sure ‘or that prie-tece trea art, ue sweet word of via - mo, al gta - to ri - chia - mo a te ee van = do, gi = ran = do, par - that” prict-tess "trea. ~ sure, one > dam Sang! oa Tove! = ram t long? fe — a lees SSS = mor! ‘ove! ececeaa (fe oleate oat in om - pi-di gi- ri ta yon eRe Svan soy = = Ss feaae et ¥ we sor + pren = der del gicr = no ei Be, Hoon the: aay = = ang ald m+ pi-di gi- ri la at” Ne. fers oe sas 4 23 = pren = der del gior = no oi Boe” he im Sire ag. wa = = ‘The Royal Bition,—"" Lo Domino notr—(11) - ri, al gr - to ri chin - maa cmt, is Son - der ony =. os - —s le. ia an oe “wo “oy y de - veil ri - tor - no ar-den - ti, fe - sti - vi, im shine forth oor = pris 1 ngs oth panes til par wg! the rid - da s'ag - gi ti + chia ~ mo) @ aright "siege Er fad threny ohio £e & 2 £ £# = VASE z a - yeil si - tor - no ar-den - t, fe - sti - vi, in pos - si gin = shine” firth gor pris Ting, cack guest atl pur > ia rng the Ugh tek af es OS 2. 2 Ettetee ora + mol guar + do sul guar - do,il se = no ul se = > ty” ly Rane "wey Soot = tly fon glen et NK S Ns 3 Hess. ja i - ban - do, vi - ta, pia - co - 7, som ont = ty ww aah that 7 patel "tree > at “al guar - se + no sul se - no, ib Kins jg mgt yl gt bs: te ete 5 5 2 Sea et vi = ta, pia - co + re, son that" pricetees "tree * urd gut i8 sia ba = Te = no fiam - mail pen - sier, Ja fiom-ma, fiam-ma il pen = pet “onward” dash, thous lhe supe “ght-ling fas, ght ning’ swiftly fash, ike aN SN Ay 7 <7 G = - eee ta = pi-de To = re, sap-piam - der, si, fug-gon, ra - pi- de son oe dare a+ tom, fore lene Meeel fof thal out” pri et,” pree ts + le + mo, sia fiam - tdeagheibe seit os .- ———s Se Ee vor Eee Yo - re, sap-piam - no go ~ dex, sy fug-gon, ra-pi- de son = tne, foe Sole Regt aire Feet jot eh mt? pric day pret re sier, sin fiam-ma, fiam-ma il pen = Pook, ke lightning —eusft-ly flash, like The Meyal Eaition,—"Le Domino neie—(22) = sie, sin fiam-ma lightning swiftly a pen = ster, sin fiam-ma, flam-ma il pen bes, flesh tke ight-ning —auaft-ly tas, ike = sier, sia flam-ma ight ning swift = ly n poe: at oe. ai Yo -re, ne sap = treasure, one sweet oH é + ster, sia flam-ma il pen - sier,sia flam-ma, fism-ma il pen Tight-ning swift - ty yes, flash, like lightning” swift -ly flash, like : s & SS =o Yo-re, ne sap pium 0 = der, si, fug-gon, ra - pi- de son trea, one seo eord GF ce fue that Set price-Tes, pre ee Yo-re, ne sup ~ piam go - der, si, fug-gon, ra - pi- de son treasure, one seca word Of vey for that most! price lees, priceless sier, sia flam-me light ning swift = Fs a iz | Yo-re, ne sap fees, one wert, Sea 2g tie pte] et ae ane Pee == Ss SS 2s G sier, il i, il fash, ight fut) ight Bp. Fess ¥ 4 ¥ der, son mat + te love. for that" dear trea - sure, one sier, il id, il i, sia a, = fash, light feety light het ca der, som tocol for = = aS Se - v + le + no e sia fiam - ma il pen - ser, dash, "and thoes tke tye ning weit By fest aaa e Fs! piam, pia 7 is! = e thought : 2 ——p =— - 4. #: vip ogee gp meg Rea e = = ao? eet} oC ‘The Royal Eaition,—" Le Domino noie."—(18 ) + ster, u pe sia ba - le = no sia fiam-mail pen - sier, Bk adie BEB a, att, naman - alee = Aah £ toe = os soe = der, ra-pi-de sm To - re ne sap-piam go - der, ior fr Uh prices tren aah one eke ont” te = sier, il pik sia ba - lo = no, sin fiam-mail pen - sier, a aight fet omercand ~ dash, ~ thongs — separ light sing flashy . ee = =e sas — = = a4 = der, ra - pi-de son To - re, ne sxp-piam go - der, tove, fir tit priestess trea > shy tM aie word OP” tee ares V es 8 oo il pid sia ba - lo - no sia flam-mail pen = siery il ig, il ashe fet ows veand "desk, ~ thumtie ety as ight keg sk? take fea whe $8 NS a . nN ey ———— Fe ede ete o o I~ ra-pi-de son To - re ne eap-piam go = der, — son fir Wht price-lat toes = our, ce silence! or il pid sia ba - le + no, sia fiam-mail pen - sier il pia, light feet on~ ward ~ dash, "thoughts —aeyft ae Light ning fash,’ — tight fot — ra-pi-de son To = 1% ne sap-piam go - der, — aoa mt - to for that price-lest tren = sure, ene sued word if ve for hat dear Partecetey pid sia ba - le + no, e sia fiam - may il pen . Jet “one seord aset, "thoughts yt ible = mings tight ~ ing ¢ = i= goes * 3=3— 3 ss acer o ¥ YO - re sap-piam, sap - piam, sap = pian Ke der, sa : tron 2 snre ome Trond? GP” Mans RPP fee oP pit, - le - no sia fiam - ma, il open = a gt «min tgat = ing £ = Zz fF ee SSS ee 2 = To - re eup- piam, sap - piam, sap = an tree 2 aire, ont” Front” GP Tees BR Inve! nt ace a £ —— E es == ‘The Royal Edition —""Le Domino noit,"—(14) = sie, il_pon = sien, in mao - pi-di gi- ti la wid - das'ag - gi - Hi, al ashy — swipe” fast yes, att “Til ta ~ mor ~ row jugs bright face well bor - row tw 22SEs le =F o_ 6 ae pia = be go - ae ee pee ag gor G Gu - he moe - ‘weet word of ove, yes, "aoa the sun» “ria ~ ny wall chine forth sur + pris = égy each i+ 2, al = ser, iL pen - ier, i m- piedi gies arid fan! any’ gaat E sf all EU" to = mor vow joyre beg der, sor - pron - dor del gior-n0 ede - voli ~ tor~ no ar - F " teee, “yes, Prom ‘the sim = Sa. kag wld eine forth aur pris tg, each [Cee 7 ———— ®. p. é a4 ears Se eae fare =p j= {= gra- to ri - chin- mo, a ga - ra cor - ria - mo,il guar - do sb fon = der guy throng “whisking tlie > ye ky Kearte wilt = ty — hoe ow gio - ia lie guest ~ still pur plea 2 swe, feet gr. to i - chin- mo, a go ya cor = ria = mo,il guar = do sul Fou 2 der gay thang ulthe yt a 2 tong,” “ot Kats” witty & £e ft o 2 | z SE = den - fe mae - a gu OW guest stil pur su 2 ing the yt erack Ma pew Le. guar-do,il se = no sul so - no, i pid sia ba - lo - no, sia flam = mail pen - "hat dy alin “tex fond met = gy Wht feet an cseard "dash, thougheslite staf Uight-hg hon a = = ae peg sss es + ban - do, i+ ta, pia- ce - re, son a - pi-de Vo - re sap-piam- ne go - wes sagttat prcedee trea aard “alt Ot tiles a = toce, jor oor emt vend oF ar-do, il eo - iS sia ba - Je = no, sia fiam -moilyen er Viet oncteand dash thoughts ike eft tee Se 2 gee ¢ #2 a eee 2 2s eer ee Pane Pe pe + ban - do, vi - = pi-d Yo + re say iam - ne go- era Pes Pees er : ‘Fe, oe ef att», Pet ae ——2~—_» 2» ot ett at ete The Royal Eilltion,—"Le Domino noir,” = sier, sia flam-me, fiam-toa i pen ~ ster, sia dam-ma il pen ~ sier, siafiam-ma, eke aghe- ming agen ty fh te ight nig ity ay Bes, fleshy lke fighting oo = ae der, si, fug-gon, ra - pi-de son T'o-re, no sap - piam go - der, si, fug-gan, Ue, Fer tal ort pri Be, priests reas, nae seeker GP 7 tne! for hat Sot ~ sier, sin fiam-ma, fiam-ma il pen - sicr, sia fiam-ma ashy Gike ight-ming? swift ty ash, Mike "tight! ning svoift = ly ate e—F- ee eo pen ~ sier, sia fiam-ma, yet, flaky ike ight ming + der, si, feg-gon, ra - pi-de gon Yo-re, ne sap - piam = dor, si, fug-gon, foe, fot thatcel —pice-De, price ctr” treason, me awet ond a fur! the ==. fiam-ma il_pen = siery sia flam-ma pen = sien wept iy fle tite “tigkening sey by Bc sk “ = : é — = == ra-pi+ de son Vo~7 me sap + piam., go rice Tess, price-test rats were, one. sweet ord y fiomema i pon = sie sin fame i pa ata oe “ev ra pis de son Vow re, ne sap - pinm apriee-Tes, price-tat fret Sour, one seeded (am mas ieee —agtarst atin Pe teen ey eaeoeseeesoee— ‘The Royal Baition,— “Se Domino notr.’—(16) Moderato. Groniano._Reort. RECITATIVO. be - ico) - ne, Lord EL- fort, lie - to for, why ok you” thas aa = non dot = ta sehy not non Ave con = a -ve- que - sto grace our Balt bal - Io Ia. gon - til with your fair la + dys Lorp Exronr, Oe et + sor = te? Noy pre swe! Nanght chown facta de = pied” he of ek t— ~ Q \(eSs n be. a SEE = ——— = - vol - Ie, di ni = po - soba va - ghezm, © Ma, te Jit veh ome re fe” mata dade Be! — nN se — se - —~ oy #- 2 — 2 ! = f ‘oe Royal Edition —" Le Domina noi" ) © Lorp Exyorr. . ae —— FRO _ m= eee eae sie - te, da - 7a mal s'ad - di - ceal - la fe - Un pen - = wind a mi tur bae mi fis = phe eum. atl mo - le-sta, jue vo-stro Gon-te O = ra - a hewat tage This friewl of yours, Gaunt Ui - Zio = 7 ere ~ do take it un fi - ber-tin, is one whose arts” may prove to me Ta - ta-lea meil pre - v ef wy Sa = = < 5 ee no pre-sen = ti = men - tol 1 dal-Toa dis- 1 - par - fo non fia + pis clon ner ~ eas” string ~ er? come jm the lence, sam" your Sd “tt {+ = SS —— oe = SS = —— = ars =—— = —_ = 2 — 9 — te — . © = = Ten - to. Non 80 a vip sta dO - mm - rio hake rnensne it 1 tno at ely the aight” Of” Gant te = tases ‘he Royal Eaition.—“ Te Domino noir.—(18) No. 2. Allegretto, . (cengepieets 5 | ; Loup Enron. Se Sssetsstisey See Ma.... —_vo-glio senc-ciar dal - la Biden steaighh from my head let me to - sta, st, sexe -ciar i tri-sti pen ~ sier, vol...+ pensar sol-tan-to al-la Ya = mish gldim "+ “y thouphts my Bliss thet "te ~ stroyy aie MGametes fur ee> er shall F a eee = a ee —— fo - sta, soloall’'a - mor ed al pin - cor! 2 In tri-ster- znu-na fol - a> mis, yids ing a = tone to Bue dad ap ‘tis fat ly to gee wry ef 062 @, + ft T rt ‘ue Royal Edition, "Le Domino noir." ~(19) 2 Sy: E ma- lat - ti- a, such sheer meul-nese, oh, =i = a, peg-gioan-cor w= na maslat = ti- sea > net, nse thon Cat “gute dia es, no ais Se | —s—f — - 2 che My, cane ci eo-gliein- prow fie less du + oma fil = Ui yes mere fod on me yada lon- some me, Hea ~ ven, please! da ti- ran = nia, Fanny ere eh oo - del ge-no-rew-man.. : po hath contin del = la vi = ta, og? fue eT ane uid ” ———. Se : le 22s ————— 5 s 7 Spe pA ope: : == SEE fe ‘The Royal Edition, —“"Le Domino nole."—(20 ) = seedel-da vi = ta. +i - tay ud spin-zer lo pian pian sul con - fin. pest Fe” uae thet fe ist 2 ence, F tence gent iy snothingtie path the ends gen-til, a- mo- gpiise in th ge te an gi glio bil smo can - ~ te amorquell'akma nf-fet ~ Hire Soe “is te are orp ty al that te tuo - sa, ma chi sey vir -tu- de eo - nor! ert-do mal la ge- lo - mo = ving, near sseeree Jrom what i night Oh, Gos lw —iy's next door to = —_—__. =e ‘The Royal Euition,—* be Sa a,seavventain son md > 1s, whee cl = mil ee Bt ne a no, In ser - pe ol, goekjerw al lo-si- a, of sad-nest —e Jon - tan, ven, please ! stan - ne me, Hen = = gu - om fl- i - ys, "tis mere fal cho non i eo-gliein« Spr f= bse rath, che gent = da ti- tan - nia - ranny one i cig “se pian, pian, a iy suovihing the ath’ tothe 5 — = = Gt SS ee confin del - la vi = ta, si, de) ge-ne-re u-man.. = = oss —— = es —= (Lord Befort vedendo givngere Oracio, parte cog? invitat.) 2. (Dit capo il Coro, ta seconda volta.) het: Ling &: a5 22 io Fe wee ep | eS = an i nd spin-ger-l sul con Jean vi - t. § a -hLLUrL—r——~— CG ¢.8°3 8 — ‘The Royal Edition. —"*Le Domino noir." 22) RECITATIVO. = © - r= tio, Wat to srace dun-qued ver quel che che ® nox zean to = night you dra - i? leace ust Nol so! He’n doves! Tam-ba - seia he = tri ee vuol che su ¥ thieart = ed not eam bussador'e io would =a fi glia te = ay 2—s-— 2 ee spo- si, nae mb a far = ty her” weal gio-vi-ne, rie~ ca bel City dag Enon V'ac-cet - ti, Why hes i> tate you a Ta tua con = to eomesurt mare at sor-te, non tif-fret - ti? J A--mo d'ar- ca~no a-mor, fan-ejul - In ar-ca - na, Se ae Eat ome orgie free eae a, poco lento, =— 1 so ————— SSS SSS SS SS a | =F oe ‘The Royal Bultion.—*Le Domino nois."—(23) del ‘once to the Queen's bald Ja Re-gi-na L- spa-na,albal-lo Tin-em-tra- i, un an-nod gid, md = = es —— E ess ae 2 ol =| a che cre-a = va pd mio a - ry vi- di bei, di lei mac - Hea = ten willd” T nogit dis» co > en fer Caw and straight “was = + + = si me-queai-to-rin we Ta = mo- sn Fee a more io Mt her” “law be == b oe ft S di mar-ti-ree di spo - mm = lo nu- di Ja lon - ta- a LUrUrlrUr he En Gal ur St —». SS a i 3g ee ——— \e SSS SS SSS pee = = 2S les BPE eS SS we Se ‘The Royal Buition.—'Le Domino neir,—(25 } eo - me vo-la Pal-maa Di asthe dove still home-veard son —— TN eres, 2 7 i] mio cor al suo vo - 1d, co-me vo-la Val-maa Di = o, il mio cor ee my heart to here Jor tom, Gh the dove ithome nnd” ar + thy fled ery npcrn, GroLtano. ~ bax + ee lo ~ a rE t= —_4 ee gE or al suo yo. Ah non mai, non mai vid’ io pit re-pen-teestra-noa - peur wo jor Sn Neer anne We = fore Tat eke Rare te end > don = Con-ver-san-do, sor-pre:seil de-sir mi - 0 From our converse she juth-erd mg am - bi tim ‘the em d'un po-sto a2 su-ba-seia~ta tesa te enters _— qi Moderato, ‘, — v= = e E ‘The Roya) BAtion.—"“Le Domino noir," 26) Allegretto moderato Sea RN ee OH il do-ma- ni mi seri-vez “Al po-stoam bi - to, Ja Re-gi-na vi ; ett day thus did she worite mes “The post “you wishd for iy your Sh rein ie I = = a= = —— Ss = a | pee De. z t be =< fi a8 ae SS SS SE SSS jee « chin ma" ed il bi gliet = tose = gna: “Tl Do- mi- no Ne - 10.” grunt sett nd thet tha ands “Bie = dere ne Blick Do = 'mt =m aes er p= * = = = — es > pt —= = ET — i Terra fu o-pnor Ia Spa-gna del mi - ma In dan-za m‘ap-pel~In Strange'is hncfrom Spain adi - win teres dark to : Bit the danescals to" te on by (parte, > bbe SS 137 = Spa 7 ge + ¥ re - sta, se vio - i, pen -san-doal - Ia tua hel - la. stay Tf ye ka ahem ag tlt of yates ——. . SN —)- SSS == 42 ° ‘The Royal Buition,—" Le Domino note,"~( 27 TERZETTO. =e = = = Le, FA ARF Nie eee] ABNER we SEE Sees etree =a] SI ee — et ta, quesau an ~ =~ dai stea-ea quol-ln bel- th since TP hat Formato tm renoing tay ent om = fees ge wx ete se. e606 fen Goorgento Angela e Brigida che Sevanzano per ta ports ai fondo, corre a corcarsi su wn canap? ¢ finge di dormire.) treasury b tp — ete G22 Ss— jet —_— Ditto di - spo-stohi Note youre eure alls pre = Onazto, (de se.) Gat fe) Giel! non min-gan-no, Fen and "she heh ver ‘The Rogol Raltion.—"Le Domino noin”—(28 ) ——p-A—*. De (fo I va tu? A mezza not = te, il eoe-chion-spet-te - ri, = para? Be lhure the coach wall at mut-night wit us there; BRUGIDA. , SS SS == =e pa EE +t == = = Wat-t0 dame To fa Tee settled all — quite right, Onazto, (a parte sina al fine del Terzetto,) es- ser do-vrai Pee bound thee, in thi same raim, = NN x == = SS SS — me-¢o Vin-du-giar d'un i- stan - fea noi sa-rla fa - tate at nb, dont a” So ment te lei or "teil my tw = tn Briema. : —— 1 = 2 =E ie! Visa - ro. Teele mph omazto. = eft eee == Vi wa = 15! Teele at night? ‘The Royal Biition,—"" Le Domino neli,"—420) a Se © tre-ma- mi pen-san_- dol gidil ve 12 ery thought ith far’ aher me ‘Trop-po lo so, T kaunw't too wel, An-diom, si- gno-ra, Gime, ma am, time, your courage fa -te & a = rt ¥ = Brrara, St te eae oe eee is *-6tp ie = ee Le —— Gb =F eee le cor, 0 nel=Ie cal = ea hon na = s00-80, ri-cer-chia-moil pia - cor scordia-moil ti ~ Wake, fir tx the pouch youanom be lng and once on plea = sure youre lnc’ het fetta yo fur ~ Che bl + = lase-rma ~ ta, quill gin - = Glad mie su foie ee a) a ota) el =e} me, st ae = Spit QoS mor, Che. - lnse-ra = ta, qual gin = . ‘ae sty gine gt ihe p_joranto — —— — — =. PZ er — ie at =f ed oO - ce - - ta, qual gio - cee Shy ge FOE pe a bet < —— 33st: Ge aeae ree possi P 55535 — "Peper: pemee popes: eecee: peeee as = rl : c orl The Royal Baition,—"Le Domino nolr,"—( 30) ques’ al - ma be- a - + ta ty bo oe 2 tone iy — = = = a Sai = ——— : quest? al = ma wera + + ta fy to sm on —» 7 | 7 E = a JJ == in pel cor, ape aes : fair bd bright, to > tom mS trae ing reser, non with dame ‘f Tae with so - gma, dreams Go ps2 : Jy o x = ty qual gio tad A cn = in peleor, dear bad ght, ceaaes Reese tee = eae ‘The Royal Bdition,— Le Domino nole."—($1 oa let aot wi Shy SES io Fo ~ tenon ing with fond ta non fing Wid fon = mar! Sia-mo noi so - le? light Ye 0 One near us? No, un cas yalier & Yer, @ gor tieman is v O Ciel f 08 Hea’ COrazio finge di dormire, seduto sul canape, Brigida lo guarda.) ——— SS ee eee ban-do al ti-mor, dor -men = te o- alarm you need’ not cher’ ~ ish, he ‘The Royal Bdition.—'"Le Domino nolr."—(82) aH zt dav-vor? yatre sure? ——— 5 = ia, si, cer = to, eps mat rea ‘Onazs0, Ctra se, 0g? ozchi chins.) : _ re Dae ju = 1) pm + fer 2a BriGwwa. _ (guardando Orazio.) as Leg ginedroe-gli® wee Bats ty mot guar-da - tel aay - ver, ook at him, = SS ee fon - da - memteei dor-mi - ri, sleep "from "these eyes aught shall — scare, se Awauna. —_(avvicinandosi ad Orazio,) SS si, O-ra - zi! ie Giv-sto ciel! a lui, yore ie 2 vase! Gro-ccus pow'rs? em Br - gno = ra, on > feat you~ | How, pie fe yee ‘The Royal Edition, —""Le Domino noir." 33) oo = — = — f ma si, quel gio-vin ea - va - Jierehe un an-no yes don't You Know the ther night, at youu man who was & gid, ci sal ~ vd. we po ite? radio! Hs mo + = tint (ome sognancto.) —= —— as = a — wae 2. A te, sijo-gnor a te, ie te Eijee thew cath, (Orchestra) —- E bee a — mee Cy heney Alegra. = : wa : Pee SN ee Ei nel son-no penne me! Tn Ait dep hs thoghts are mine! O20 See SS ore 2 nex a = — 8 mia divi = omed ar = en = mal Tre Reps Bation,—"Le Domino notn—(49) Al-cun pon-sier pro = fam......+-Ptos-80 8 non m'ar - ro sta, pur,abi- admit tad) yet Neer when J came thought of wreng Sie my, cote teas som! di ter- ror bat - ten - do Bere to te satan To jel te ‘tro-vial- meu, al-lor- cha here T leave’ J of tame am ae ~ quit = saemai nol sa = pri, mo, no, no, no, no, giam - fandnaupht wil fe Akon mo? ng) tty) no my (Angela posn wn masco di fori pressad Gracie. Za questo mentre Aliogro, Covchestieriprende forte i blends ela si soca tn fete) =e = tS a= + mai, no, ei nol sa naught will he ee = er eerie bee ‘The Royal Bdition.—M'Te Domino note." 44) ANGELA, ee eo de-star lo fa - ral "twill cause him to wake! pee — = = ee = — a a . Che bo - le=r0 gen~ til! That to - Were "40 gay? ao _ —— sh es =] == bee retet ‘Ah, non vo’ de ~ ES fF ES = see fo =| oF puo-te Tir-se de starsi ad un fake im not from has dream, eine of LS =e mi, 80 - gniam d'a- tit! my “part note == ¥ a lie-to suont Ah, io tre-mo,ileon - ay! Yea, his alum bers twould = SS No, tel giu-to,iledn~ecen-to de- star-lo non pud, no, tel giu-ro, il, eon = Nay, his sume bers "could teem are net ea = sy to Brea, nay, Ais Muon - Dora eould Onazio. | = ———— No, no, cer- toil eon ~ | Though to’ slum -ter 7 a$$ es = een = to. keen as tongh fug - gi- te a SF = eel gnan-doe-gli dine ten - to Va to — = de star non this co - lei che wey =e yp strug-ger ane er -s. pee non so la = uaught from his = che? no, quel au thin “bert "tcould seem a Ae peas =A ee eI ce = 88 nen Yyouglio tur - bar- lo wake, ah, were fol = ly le) = sciar- lo, a pla - ci-doe-glia, io. dream chante his star = lo non ream "twere a 2 eo] tT par lo ell” a, part to play whiten Poy ster fo ten-to, fag come 7 dem coe to h—h. === Se ten-to di Fey OT dream tet me cnglece SNS el = mb Fah, Tag a pro - alo? per - hd guy! nay Ke mt ‘a ly te break, 2 a oe Le ce ah, non vo-glio tur- bar - lo, ma fin- ger i = way! though to slumber “1 seem yet this hint ean P=: Se = oz Ae mon 80 in-ecwr-lo, si pla-ci-doe- glia co- at pla- ei no = thing would break, ah? may ndughtfrom his dream chance his sen ~ se8 SS ee — a ae ef ee eo oe | Hy? sio-noa de> star-lo non val, qre-die me, xo, non val, cre-die ay te break, nay, Me shun lers woud seem’ are! nee ea” yO 20; ¢_e_2__@_p_#__2_¢_¢ Ss SEE SSE i+ a ce es - si non par~ lo, ell’ @in-nan-zia me, el - Ja stain-nan-sia alam ter TT dem” yet this int Peon” take yes, tis “Rent eam — *= ee = == t == > Ct — wept ep tr EG: s i? ———— ee os : =F 5 eae = SE 7 coal pla-ci-do e-gii 8, ab a, 7 Sctancehis Eons to Ste an, ny {eee bee pea = val,cre-dia me, si, ere - e eek, vneehe an = + = eo FE j el-la stain-nan-zia me, ins os mm se yesh hint 2 com tae, tog ap St 1 ‘The Royal Edition. —“Le Domino noir.” 48) “. —_—— Giuliano arriva datts sale di batto.) 3; 534 RECITATIVO. Onazto. (sotto wee a Giuliana.) ee e bel bo ~ le- role) ming bo es Bo! ‘mi - €0, son hot me, ait (at Orazio.) Grinaaxo. , Onazto. Tin = eo aly. mame = ta-tole Chi veaten'd!) Whom? swith her? so-lal di fa-vel-Jarte ho bra-ma, her Tm era 2, 2. = TH No, 5. CONTRADANZA FRA LE QUINTE. A Allegro, Onazto, chia = mat with you! ae: dan-zaa mo er - te + - se Sin - te! seat with ome 10 join the next dance? on = Fix eet i ot 2 = no ee ere Bes Ba B= (4 Giudiono.) Brigida.) “ i Brroma yee U dadam, on = Oa ee ir ‘The Royal Eaitien. —" Le Domino woir."—F60) Pi morerato, To prive tis se = ext now you's le - sure, eS ie E ‘A-scol-tar-nii wi Fstan-te, un sol vo = Graneme, 1 pray a ‘mo = ment, but x Sect I- gu - ta We hheo = = glin- te." = 335) Se met tee (wostrandolei@ me: ino di fori.) Onazt0, fore. No! que - sti Ni! dud thee fw * ers Heav'n Axanna. Onazto, Do-noa me They ty you ne y 7. fe- ste, i ser-be - rd..., ine = ter- no, Qual fol - ti - at da gin em) aad shall be hep den for er This ye Te uninrd yr enbas seers deogh ter te, going sun to marsy. ‘you are Mat! Yau on = ty do Giam-mail Per-ehd ? Per-chd voi so-laa- Way not? 7 2 yao more! § ‘Ahi. non mel di-te,odi do-loa sl di= team chi senih, Suppo Tmt aveipt yea? ake.” ay net a0, youoom me then 0 erichs tiling pray no = = ak ——. = = a (= = = 1a ‘The Royal Euitfen 1" Le Domino nein.”151) STROFE ANGELA, — ae ae. siete? Chi son io? un angel son, 80-0 Ia rey? Who am. 7? a a rong fa ta, Dang, che fi=da sem = pro a Hope still thy foot ai oniTa ny foul ut Stack = e-ter-no ment noes no 2 a ¥ a =s eS du = ra, cho puoitm - dir sonza pa = ou - e chonem~mon — a-spet- tar cheng > ing, aight "ed Teed Snohand Meee tong scorasing the" tuk ond dle ———— = ae $ ; a —— t * bye Nea tie ees. ee reese eee pud dateun a = mor, che non...... mer-t3, hy si, jo so = no Van-gel co- SS ee oss Sie f : N. = ee = Sant | De = 2a i The Royal Buition.~"Le Domino noin."—{ 52) fas Sart = stan = te, a te il tect > ins thy ad me a ev ate (ee = N lene 1-maa-man - te ex prot thee. ing - su = na do-man. - daa a ae N= — “- te, lie +t its in cor, lige to 0 mor! thine! & —__ =e i = ‘The Royal Edition, —* Le Domino noir." 53) Mo - Po strar = ti vo'ilmio thy slave neo eer ze- lo, si in ter = ra co-me in cic, 0 fir igh hese de = bil as as bee we te non jen lous mai sa - rd, pang my lo e quand’ al aun’ al tra, 1- In . is So ag: ambition one : fi = Teco - Cenpae ad = mir oa, ame =pie=no io ti tonds ta her ve - te aalciel per te, i-o pre - ghe-nJ, ah, for thee Wie pray an fornounne thy Gride; Pannen si, io ey ‘The Koya! Billion —" Le Domino nokt”—( 54) + stan - te, + tect = indy ai, + quest! alm —— naman - te ee peck = ing pe mer = cb ote do-man - de su = na 8 nes = sme hens or frm Se — Pa a a3 —E-S ens Sere cor, iy lie to thet in cor (parte preeipitosas) tr ———_ nf 2 RECLTATIVO. Moderato. Onaazto. pa Fl- la stin-yo - la Sle Mas es-emd me e co-me ond just at one 1-10 SeoF-80 long yer since (ginnge tmproveiso.) Gretna. Onazto. zu not- fat mide night ith her com Gitano. = =e gt Partir non le fa - re-mo. ‘A ~ si qui do-vimn-no a mer-Za WeU dustk noe their de prrtevre, — They'll both be here to -geth = er just at midnight er ————— he a sa yan = at well” put the Yo - ra nant xer~ Fn ~ no Se thy “ors ne a rh let tar -dial-lo = ra. they a= bin = done ta Lancetta del? orologio, det fondo.) ‘Entra Brigil., 6== 2 Vu-na ma- sche - ra Fora tench no = raan- da - mask, pry, Ma > dam, ae @un do = mi - ed omie tein trae - cin you bak > tag SS SSS ‘The Royal Edition." Le Domino noir."—(509 Brroma, Grotzano, oh. Pro-ci - ea- men - tel” Or 0 - m di qui par - ti cor- hy yes) pres ce” |! This mo > oment Sn Mite The ence Got fs — 3 [ee = con do - lo-re,inguar-dar Vo ~ ra: “che far? el - la non 7 cunt wait as the ged ap "en the time - piece Brraiwa. Z eG é 2 vie-ne!"” Parti, di-eo.ste,equando? A mez-za-not-te. Mez-za-not-te, gran Di - 0! Vo-ra2 pas long =r.” Depart «al suid you when pray? "Teas just at midnight, “Just at mid -night, gad Hea-cen'e!tis past the (varte in fret) ». » . We See ee ee ir degg’ i - 0, ahi tri- sta, ahi sven-ta-ra = ta! four, thet Thence mmok hur = ry, mast cru = al this mis for - tunel Tio stra ta-gem-madan-da-toa mo-ra-vi- glin! ma rag-gin-stin-mo Po= rm Gur bold de ~\vice has answer toa wim = der! but we must put the click back! > ‘The Royal Buition,—- Le Downino noir," 57 ) cendere bn lancette dell orologio,) ‘ano (parte) 4, bas Boe i Jo voloa lei” Tro-var pili stia-noa-mo-reio non po - tre-il My-lord! rrr ———————=—C “T= Sonoin-di-gna-te, un ne-to do-mi- no Fin quite in-dig-nant, a do~ mi no _in black 2-2 vi pre-ce- de-vaO-ra- aio, Ba count ovrace” has ‘at-racl yt the = In-va col Con-teO TL tempo voi per ~ de - te sa = fiom with this Count 7 5 A our time you're on ~ ca __ (da se) GIULIANO. Loup eae pe nia mo-gliel © Oh Cie-lo! eife then lover him! Ok, How ven? eT ma-toe Pa-ma, nal quel far oe lovee hom, Liver him! what? “ie my - glo Var - mi@’A- fucas Ar = a= gots ancient = ma di fa mi sight of a emt glia ri-co-nob-bi, sul suo ven - ‘of arms am > Urui -derd up ~ on her no noir" (68) ‘The Royal Baition,—"Le De Grorrano. es Pa ¢ == = ve BB nn go - na, Mi-le-dy nac-que L-spa-n & di stir - pe so - vra- na.” M8 no-to! —+— — 3 AI ‘Acwrei vo-lu-to smasche~rar-la, ma ra > pi-da spa- i -& Woto-var-ia se - 7 teas, = bout to tear ber mask rf’ when she Uke lightoning wan - ish, - = — —F (Cora Bor parte senate; Orario anvioa dt to appt.) FULIAN é : aera Ce pra! O- ra- zio, a tem = po giun tu non = a ————— : Giuztano, 358 are jes, Yin - eo- gui-ta chea-do - rid Yn-dy El- } Deaseal@ Tl ma - peord the" far ‘woslnuen “gon worship “is Lint BY funky pose! Bis farts) dnt her in co-nob-be e yuolcer- car- ti, fa-vel-lar - fi, pro-vo - cartiin-sul-tar- ti, hus bend who's di- eve ~erd the fact now secke you, he to fight im maansto take yous toin=cull oe, ‘Tho Royat Ration, —" Le Domino nute,"—( 59) ma - ti-tomoe-eu-pe - rb, charge, 1 mast pre 2 - in ca-sa Ia eon - dud, io eanduct the lady hamewart, T que-sto duc aoa ‘ha cer-cu. © Mio ma - Fi = too-vinque vi Ti okey soarch-fig eo Lord El-fort mio ma = 1 What! Lord I~ forty my = ta taio non ue = band hove have me when = le te? askd yout ee —-—— = SSS Gi, qual de-stin. abbinm no-! che cise - speak! “Vay whit fate, what strange ow ver “divides cur ee Oh no, dav-ver, Bit a0” “inv deed, SRST eee Boe il tuo na - ola for - or birth ae my birth than thine nas taleab ~ biam.... gua =e, Teen =e Al- lor & ly rie -chez - za, obi- then mast te eal, ae per tenon ve m’ha, permenem - men, nthe slfvime pass! Ht matters nauk ‘The Royal Edition —""Le Domino noir."—(61) =r pf rie- chi Axon. by Maho, ma no, jo post eeg - go te - son ay, yom! re tron, for ny) secu” 18 nae seat, he, ina - Your rank 8 mio po = ‘is as you ay, eqns jou nay! (Qual an > = (imate tt= te si iu thrcwn all im her 2 : seers to, ah qual pie ~ + gen to nel cor, sen - toin ct ak Be pak. Sint att ise, “OT = oe - we i= ah, pl ety fet tro = vi pie ti... for att il mio do - lor... my Woeycr rcv cor pel suo do Se ie le wees eee ae! eee o ‘he Royal Batition. "Le Domino noit."—(63) thy che chin - do nel vor. ey ere eee tee oer = ster sa + per del tuo ee geal aad hy fe chiu-do nel cor.) it. tim ion) Phe. =e — a [—* jor del tno cor. Pan-que da voi spes mr che — ma me. 7 owt From thee, a+ lng shell oom then grttonsose me ‘The Royal Baition,— Le Domino nolr."—(64) = a J 7 ae Ui : Un’ a-mi - sta, see che se = gir vi su = pr, My) friendship” aye. ty Fath aha a= at pres = soa me che va - one who kur = ships thee ===. = Lew ee x et - ve sio ve = der - vi ri- tor - ‘hee sit "Stn 2 ger out his ta Piet: ANGELA. (ospirando.) = nar, fated Bo ig — le i G - 7 Ah. no, giam - m a ee =f ah, non mel ne = tne eh je Asaeran Sr atta ee SSS br rs ===" J iow Prosar: e£ ‘The Royal Baition.—" Le Domino note." (65) eae Bp r yor ve - der - vi, quel oe ee sett t. fs ff — by =z ba—e- = <— = > ba i eee Seat a E woe = i t J hel sem-bian-te con - tem - plar, ‘ah. + que= sto spe = ran amore be hold thy charms wo hare ay pen, Bray, to, ah ne - gar nol ro-glis = fe! tal omy nee, tut once “on : aE a ceerereare! Eb - ben, Wop-pa-ghe - 1,“ Ungiuroio vo, ungiuroio vo La "Tie well T' grant your proy'r, This will you sweat; — thisseild you swear? Neer eS [3 5 = = To == SSE RES 2=ESe = mia pro-mes-saungin-ra - men - to valu in giuroio vo’, un giu-roio yee tid mor tal thus (ques =tion me dave. Thenthir ‘you swear, ses, this you = 7 — toot eF i = f ‘The Royal Eéition.—"*Le Domino noir.”~( 66) (mostrandagli ta sala ove si dayza,) Se: O-do a danza, © Yo-raa-van-za, convien par-tir,ad-dio di dir, eon quei_ con - Hark! yon light strain there, e-choes a ~ gain there, let this dus-course cease now, T prays the dance te = non pos- sou dir, non 90 Me dinning” ban = not eth one word you hay. Head nol that = = FPF : é Aworta, A i ay cacy Sapien eran “aby cee, ‘ch, eat, cease, ay prate Fare a <8 - op ee oe oe = ge don-2 Bingrandi-ston-za, _re-star po - tre-ste un’ o- ra.an-cor, con quel con = ruin there, ite moe te ean Chee our sweet e~enurze would rude- 7 aly, ‘pte Tat ta —————— ; es * yo et eeees See eS _——— eee es SSS wae sw le= = Nae “*. we —*¢ no, no, par- tir, aah cease, ah, cenet, 2 rm! ie 2 > eR i vo-striac-cen-ti, conquel bel suon pit dol-ci son, thro our care spinning, yourveords 10 mine Still find their way. ‘The Regal Edition, —" Le Domino noir,”—(67) = = == aI f i eet Sear tut - toormmal spa whan that gad hour veil ys bright dat og DH Dk —— To FSS Bork eH ORARIO. yn + ehoes “gs gain there, light strain there, x. 7 —— tf Sa Sw z —— In dan e Vo-raa-van=2a, con-vien par - tir, ad-dio di dir, e Tet this dis ~ caurte cease now, 1 pray No, ad Qin gran di - stan - 2a, In dan- 2a ‘te nuise in ain there 7 strain there, not! that re-star po - tre-ste un’ o- ra an-cor our sweet dis ~ eouree would rude ly stay con “apite + + za a Sete a) 7. ee ‘ - 5 : con quet con-een-f, i vo-strine-ea =dir, non so en pir. ie dunce Ses gin aingy tid a te a fetta" werd yay Se = Hf SS ee sorstri ac-con - ti quei_ con - cen- ti, i thot cur care spin mang, ul thie din -mingy ‘con quel bel your words to suon pid dol -ei son, me hud ail their way, = 2°SE T may hope mot in tain ser - bo la spe-mein ten ae yeas te Di ri ~ ve-der-vian - cor, io,...s..2. det-to Tho! nok “gine my word? Ah, where? when tn ex pect Eco - momsisa-per - lo? your Hav-viunan - gol From the fay ao lives, to pro- tech You, you shall know whe, but an = tb pee ae ee Sse 2: cheeses te pro-teg-ge ei tel di- ri, ma si-no al-lor dei te - then ve dis _——— "= cer dei fu-vor a te con- ces - si! * at What! the fa" - vars you have grant = el? ReAzt0» (2S === c= == aye iz o Giam-mai, giammai no, non ‘Ay pray te = lice Tome = sia wet == = @_# -se tee a —— ‘The Royal Laition.—" Le Domino nofr."~( 69) Onazro. o——— 9-6-0 as Sy quan-do n’ot - ten - go ma fin o-rainmja £85 im-pos - si bi-le non Sate a. Te ne pee arte nat de ell = E £ tet * ef of f ns ae sg oe pe et : a ie = fim : ae fre 34 z | : fig etal S88 FS ee ee tecon-ve - ni-re, un ta-le mi-ster dealing 1% treweon would be an im = pos [eet E Ep Fa - tech'io m'ab - L-men un me-ri-tointa- ce = ce, fa - te ch'iom ee Gane." dwt a felerswesmenoreve trea ol grant thaws TP tte = : _———— ao * ee et a : a ere peer O- a mw dann, 0 Hark! yon light strain there e- fe ‘= men in me-titointa - cor. tir == (+ tae somemore asta reasiny, er £ —_—__ a= oe eb ae 3-3-3. ereso. fe —— a= e= Yo-raa-vanza, convien par - hoes again there, let this dis —_— he Royal Baition.—* Le Domino noir." 70) tir, ad-dio di dir, > course cease now I pray, con quel 0 nce ture 2 ginning, a oie s—$ hear’ one word you fay) : wo No, no, In dan-za Heed wot! Chat eran ther, ses con-vien partir, tre-ste un’ o-7a.an-cor, course woul rey con quel con cen~ ti, ‘mite Ta this dinning, eters no-stri ae-cen- ti, es ££ par tir con-vien, - 3 To-ragid pas - donot lose Precious” ine, sine Hl find their way. =. — eR tee, tut = toor-maispa-ri, or - msispasti, oF - mai! shen” goysbrgh tat gletm a fect kg) a) dream 2 2f ef = tae eA =o =s5 ee le —— ae: = ae Ei 2 See E Se O- do a e Vo-raa-van-za, con-vien par- Hark! yon light strain there @ = choee a ~ gain there, let this Wis = Ne, no, Je dancza Bingran di - stanza, re star po Heed not! that strain there, its nuise in eain there our scet dis ~ a dio di dir, now T pray con quei eon-con-t, i yo-strinc-een-ti, non pos-sou ‘the dance he = gin ning, throt all ate 7 ean = nob ~ —. 7 qe a SE f ee ~ trestn untomrmanocr, com qusi cm cm-fi, i voettiaccen-H, con qual bal 1 eurennld rei age pe St Giet” Gi nh rt cur want in ly your aon to SSeS eo se" ey ~ die, non woe -pir eet te ware yon Oo eT suon pit dol-ci son. ‘mine sell find their ey ‘The Royal Baiion,—" Te Domino noir.—72) o- See SR Nee fe 0 Ciel,che a-scolto,non eredea che fosse ecor-sa What's that! I wonder now whether Ihave teen here #0 Vo-ra,e mez-zanot-te u-dinab si,tut-tor pa-re-vaa ling, yed BBatruckwasy that clock, eaunt-ed ed -4y darmal bt == = SSS =5 ——— 5 (6i sentono altri orolagi suonare fe ore.) Pas = oo SS ee = =o amet ma si, ct, an- a oe, i, : Es =e No, non an - eor, no, fa-te er- ror. Trad cock ie wrong, the clack was wrong. S oy e bas. a ee] as o-vun-que, cho ma-i- fa, tor = au trict a las poor uk = NNN =f ee of ——— o Boe 2 8 e 1a miaa-mi -ca,0 Ciel, Jamin fi - da com- ts, ana wheree my. friend a= las? any compan ion de = SSS = SSS et 3°85 a ‘The Royal Haition,—"Le Domino soi"—(73 ) oS ESS — eee | t= pa- gna, o-ven’an-ad, do-ve s‘n-scon - de, — tro-var - la mai co - me po - Ten? tanaka oud Ghee tn = no = tedl___must pass_nowehereed = er_the a Ee —— 7. ——————— 0 Ciel, se nean = = at ‘ Oat, oe 4. Ouine, — ~ : —s = = Ss CLD =: Es-sad— es-sad par - ti - ta BRS Se rsh 2 8 C= a =< = SS ~ dd, co-me cid? _ soe Gah = = : i naa = 5 SSS SEs oe, boat me Eee SaaS _S5== Sas Sy weg een 205 eto — ee weet 5S —— =I ae ze wo eta ek ae ae ae ee = ES sole es 80, ai ui, yer fa-yel -lar - viio la fs - oi par- ¥ chee ke to ge as omit ep Sou aa ee eee SS Ss ‘The Royal Edition." Le Domino noie."—(74) eon grit’) (da se.) 2 + — fi Ss SSE a ee ee > che Ps so - nol ‘Ah, perdu - “ao my We a yous crud awe What his for - tures at ~ = SS == =~ [S* — ‘Oh tat = tor, cheo-do What on earth cam you ar poo. pe ta! Ah,non merto per = See eee ee) fantmapectanedar (£27 Bo pittper me non v'b speme,non pid gra-tiae par-do- [ote En ae head, hw Zon Bor Eeber fos to dsm a a ey as ots: aes = er SS Tete | \ CS s—=3—— 33 = - = SS SSS é = = z .h,per-du-ta io so - no, ye-rar pos jie ="th? del pe - na se - Bas byit to ds «aonb 4 wa Bw ts in FE one yes pee} eae eos. PSS a =e gaat = Ho, non mert-to pio thy ericdel po nn se om ~Blocold {er stepre~ tai, on what courte then Fe = sas =A C= sgpees SSeS = vo - rt mi mi-nac -cin,m's-spet- ta,che pi tre-men-dae fio - ra, su me_di-seen-der do- Fate" me, femal Same ee ase" mévulat | or row deep in = tke mei death oy sent nto re = ‘oe pte eaeaee: 2 Sea aa PRES fat J = vo - taameso - fof spl-trche tre-mende e fie ~ Ta, sa J cloe ” “Wey from blame how ab ~ solve mesuch gars rowsdrend in ~ volee me, death = —s3; ea a = {ees See >= p (ert eee SS ee ‘The Royal sition. —“'Le Domino noit."—( 75) ' ete: sie =e See a al -la mer- ta-ta,ella mer-ta = pe - Da me sot-trar, me sot-trar-re non ete eee aces tater ies met ad sec hee ee eka aera — $e eee ares Eta ee = : = vil, mortal M-atorta= Te tuo sido gho, gla m'e-epon, git mVe-spon Ter -Por er ab - site ‘ne’ Gh, whee at erro im — —— al aie Row from her Blame shall 1 L es eae oe 2 5 =. S0pgpec rar pl non do » vrdp spe = rar pid non do «Encinas MAES ey Fema tee rece, Sethe, ow Sms nae teres mae! es opto te ze ponte ape a — ly f oe et ey pea yo = mi 6, cares pit non do~ vr, spe = rar plinon o- wo! Cheal = Te erat ony dams ot tore na thon ome Da ge devecage!W —— 4 =yfittes — per 4 epee ©OF..-+.. sicon-fi - di, ler-yo-re ri-pa = Te- Shares LL tata mit” mes the werang Poe dine might re = i, te ne scon- world you but per ~ ‘The Royal Edition, — Le Domino noir."—(76) =——_— By some prof Af 20D nn would my full 6F = Bi ~ attyamnne ah, dammichee-spi - a - 30 io possaun tanto er-ro = Te, che ti di-fin-daal- ? et me be your de === 7 pa + gno ti wide you rt deg-gio par - ti ae e ; - SSeS "Awhile stay im this spot? z= = tale ge! cremthead ES, —o9 = Pia! —: = = = - £ é ae == Un sch i-stan-te an - cor! 4 xe-gui- 701 Jat wget ack? 20, per pie-ta de, no! 1 tes der you not! 4 : E= aay eae pat aS che io sonper-du - ta, ah,per-du - ta io Dy Fa TAYE CUE shat is for - tunes as - = = eS we Giu - sto Ciel jal er = ror! Waste la, fave done! rr = p or ae pee ee ee spe-me;non pit gra-zia o per-do ~ no,sperar posso,o pie- ti! tie Ue fory fate odie” tom ~ bie Elan, howtte ain! Ss ‘Ah non mer- to per- Waatmisfor = avec = NY = ah,per-du-taio 80 no, spe-rnr pos-topie th? cru-del pe - nase - for’ ng font foie - tom Be ee tat dow ob £ Tar eee ee ctr nee lars mee ae owe He EES Gees 32 ge gee Sea + dono, pi. perme non v8 spe me,col-pe- vos ip 20 nomonme-ri-topie - #8, erudel pe - na se - sem: tie dad thus eae her totem = Demy inch Tecan ie - sen ~ Bl her steps cou Te ~ tain, on chat ures nano Fe = 2 St =o oat pa fog og ae lV a i Pp ess 8. 8s 33 2 et —_ ‘Tue Royal Baition.—" Le Domino noir,’—(78) ew -2 + vo - ra mi mi-nae - cia,m’n-spet - ta, che pitt tre-men-dae fie - ra, sume. di-aten-derdo- + selve, how from ult Blame’ ab soice Mme cuch or = rows dep tu tae me, detth only seemt new tore. = 2 = z ia ees 2 = SS reac = ve = raame so - lo si spet- ta,che tre-men-da o fie - ra, su me di-scen-derdo- = solee, fromher Blame how ab = delve me,such —gar- rows deep in volce me, death ; == = — 4 Spree ee al-la mer-ta-taalla mer-ta - ts pe - ma me sot~ trar, me sot-trat-re non fou from all Blame, how from all Blame” ab solce me, sar ~ rows deep, sor ~rouederp now in - er === = vri,.... al mor-tal, al mor-ta - Je tuo ede gno, git m'e-spon, gill m’e-spon Ver-ror + Nala from "her Same, fromber lone how ‘ab = sine” "ae Sor ~ "Toes epi or «race he iw te + —_ eS 5 phere = = SS eee f oreso, - Sree = myepe = jit non do - vrd, - mr pia non do - meldiath coy Een mew tose, dah carly Nem now tore > oP — te ha = ae | 2 E ee ES eS ere ae i no, spe = i do - wr, - it non do = me dcth omy froma now are-mait, ith Tat Reems now tore ‘Tao Reyel Bdition,—" Le Domino nolr,”—(70) ——_——s ea = = =o ee = —t - = -wd, al-In mer = ta = = = te ope, = = oma me oot = “mai, tow from "al Blame Bee sme, Buch deep 2 S: Say E S355 = es ag je! =v, almor-ta - letuo sde - gnom’é-spon Terror mi-o, al tuo ede - gnomor - rm Amn. - ops > soap lo ake, aes * toast SS teeta pte ey lew, — = erp =e =. tote: — ee + trar non poss’ i = 0, non spe - me per me, non fr = ros Pins = eee me dant chy wenshow a” te ae = ta -Jem'espon Versor mi + 0, per me, per me non_—_vha,perme speeme, non asda” medeepor- rie te tae” mh ath on’ «yy wo ve meine aaath athe now Pe oo 2—p—p— 29 = ~— = | re t 4 = ioe ale omer te ee ae ow from "all" blame. ; a. alle sme, suck decp wha, _almor-ta - Te tuo sde - gnom/espon Terror _mi-o, al tuo sde + mains, frum er lame ftw ad'~ solve “me, Such tor” = mown in ~ wolee me, from her Ueme == === epee Sees eo ar ee —————_ Se ‘The Royal Edition —"*Le Domino nolr."-( 80) non Whe lucth, ” ah, non oss Ly non pe = me perme, HOR Se = bee = ta - lemespon Terror mi - 0, per me, per me non Wha perme speme non per = mains, — death vhal = what Onacio ai non seguirla ; egti Sarreste.) ‘Onazi0. Allegro. = =H ———— es — = fe = a ‘Al tuo vo-ler, * 2. Then be it 80, Ss £ ‘The Royal Baition "Le Donsine wire 82) al tuo vo-ler, eru-de- le, —ob-be-di = the at cot my) ‘ex tat ence thityour be = No, 20, rossi non pos - soy sot-tranti?ineio = loan = cor... see . se ti se-gui - T mnat pur ee ten cae : CLEA ahaa ee ATTO SECONDO, Agro 2) 9 PRELUDIO. ee ee ee — ee sss es Se , wae o ‘The Royal Duitiou®— Le Domino noir." 88) No, 8 STROFE. pamsersrg Pusno. . Pp Ly Epeers apecee: ease veer |\wrree| were z Allegro. Se vd nel Where wilt you 2da Strofa. & La go-ver = Teale mon-doun mo-stier bel’ in = ver, che fa pia = ce = fad on this earth snug ~ ger berth than "ete thet, amd er th moi rue and =nan- te Thowse keep ail suo bea, ae yer esesnn = per-todil ea re Re 3 ue Roy'at Eiition.—" Le Domino noir" —4 84) un me-atier pia bel_non a= deed on be mere es-san-vri dal suo si - gnor, as leys he om» Yider us gri-re ben gli fo, -gni cu-raa lui dar 0, nursd tnd ead dled night and day ss —t tut-te Ie chin-vie quel-la pur del or, vi-taeglid fo - Of his Aeart be~ side he des = eer our pow pee nel- a. mor-te an gio - ne op-pur a tor = tm 8 gem - BS Ritndt ne! = = dro= ne ladies, “we eit tn one & go-ne - ro = 80 do-po yes breailesa post = 0+ Git Of = “Le Domino noir,” ~/ 85 ) =——— se = mo, 6 at-tem= paeteoin A= pril, mot sap-plam re - gna~re, a a ee a a mor = te, at-tem A+ pril, noi sap-piam re - gna~re, ott fim, be yow young gon ay? youd Thole Sadt un” = le = e : 7 sem-preedab-biam ra- gion, no, non vy’ um me = stier pitt bell! in - ver, pit < question do just the Sine, choate tee atith at Ola. = eke = dor fey uo aie doe be en att Bu en iN pe oe. Se 7 Wel me-stier,.. no, non v8... mo, me-stier pid bell! in = yer, jue like me, chabse "to be swith an old” bas che ~ for free ——— SN he Royal Edition. —"Le Domino note."-( 86)

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