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Lyceum of the Philippines University

College of Business Administration

Logistics Management
Midterm Examination

Name _________________________________
Date _________________

I. Determine whether each statement is True or False. If the statement is false, explain why. (2pts each)

1. Transforming a raw materials into products and getting it to customers is Supply Chain Management

2. Factory Gate Pricing distribution strategy is a burden for manufacturers because it prolong the transfer of
goods to the customers

3. Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company assigns internal employees to handle operations or
provide services for the company

4. Mass Customization is manufacturing technique that combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-
made products.

5. The agile supply chain is a demand-pull chain designed to cope with volatile demand and enabled by mass

6. In top-down corporate approach, CEO or heads of the departments won’t be the one making all the decisions
because the decisions are coming from the operational employees to enable the company to focus on customer
needs and gather feedback from employees closest to them.

7. Logistics Management is the management of the movement of materials in the whole supply chain.

8. Just-in-time, or JIT, is an inventory and manufacturing management method in which goods are received from
suppliers only as they are needed.

9. Mass production allows a customer to design certain made-to-order features of a product while still keeping
costs closer to that of mass-produced products.
Lyceum of the Philippines University
College of Business Administration

10. Pipeline as the mode of transport is always the slowest and cheapest mode of transporting the products

II. Enumeration:

What are the 7Rs of Logistics

What are the 3 objectives of Logistics Management


Give 3 international transport modes


III. Essay 5pts each: Please answer the following with your own words. Kindly use the back of the paper in
answering the questions

1. What do you think are the advantages of Globalization in the Philippines? Explain briefly

2. Glocalization is a combination of the words "globalization" and "localization." The term describes a
product or service that is developed and distributed globally but is also adjusted to accommodate the
user or consumer in a local market. Think of a company (except McDonalds) that is successful in using
this strategy globally. Kindly explain how this company use glocalization in its operation.

3. Explain the disadvantages or drawbacks of using outsourcing in the company operations

4. Differentiate the top-down and bottom-up corporate strategy

5. Manufacturers transporting goods internationally, most of the time have no control over third-party
couriers. What do you think is the best way to protect your goods in transit from any kind of threat in
transportation such as damage, pirating, hijacking, theft, etc.?

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