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Jay S.


HRDM 1-8


7. What are the different union security clauses?


Historically, the three most common types of union security clauses include: Closed shop clauses, Union
shop clauses and Agency shop clauses.

8. Explain the concept of Agency Shop?


Agency shop, place of employment where union members pay union dues and other workers pay
service fees to the union to cover the cost of collective bargaining.

An agency shop is common in public sector unions to ensure a fair deal between the union and all hired
professionals. The policy demands non-union staff to make payments in the form of a reasonable share
cost to manage the expenses of the employees' union's associated bargaining tasks.

9. What is the name of the contract that binds both labor and management to an agreement?


This is known as a collective bargaining agreement or contract that includes employment conditions and
terms that benefit both parties involved. A Labor-Management Contract is an agreement made between
the workers and the leadership of a company. It is binding and enforceable in court. These agreements
protect the rights of both the employees and company.

10. Define picketing. What is Constitutional basis?

“Picketing” – refers to the right of workers to march to and fro before an establishment involved in a
labor dispute generally accompanied by the carrying and displaying of signs, placards, and banners
intended to inform the public about the dispute.

Picketing occurs when a person or a group of people stands, marches, or patrols inside, in front of, or
about any premise with the intent to persuade an occupant or patron of the premise regarding some
point of view or to protest an action, attitude, or belief.

No. 27 RULE III The Revised National Conciliation and Mediation Board Manual of Procedures for
conciliation and Prevention Mediation cases 2017 edition.
11. Can the picketer block the entrance and exit of company premises?


Pickets may not aggressively interfere with the right of peaceful ingress to and egress from the
employer's shop or obstruct public thoroughfares; picketing is not peaceful where the sidewalk or
entrance to a place of business is obstructed by picketers parading around in a circle or lying on the

Article 279 (formerly 264) (e) of the Labor Code provides: No person engaged in picketing shall commit
any act of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free ingress to or egress from the
employer's premises for lawful purposes, or obstruct public thoroughfares

12. Unfair labor practice act can be committed by management or labor. Is it criminal offense?


Consequently, unfair labor practices are not only violations of the civil rights of both labor and
management but are also criminal offenses against the State which shall be subject to prosecution and
punishment as herein provided.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph notwithstanding, only the officers, members of governing
boards, representatives or agents or members of labor associations or organizations who have actually
participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor practices shall be held criminally liable.

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