2 F-75 Syllabus Academic Program Fundamentals of Logic Design by Dana Utebayeva After Correction

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Faculty of _“Information technologies”__

Department of _“Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”__

Vice-Rector of Academic and Educational Affairs of
Umarov T.F.
«____» __________ 20__


Course (code, title): _________“OLP3206 - Fundamentals of Logic Design”_____________

(code, title):

Major (code, title): ___ В058 Information security ____________________

(code, title):

Educational program _____________6B06303 Network Security _____________

(code, title)

Year: __3__ Semester: __5__ Number of credits: __4__ ECTS

Lectures: __15__ hours

Practices: __15__ hours

Laboratory classes: __15__ hours

T/SIS: ___60__ hours

Total: __120___ hours

Final assessment form: Examination

Almaty 2021
Academic program of the course_ “OLP3206 - Fundamentals of Logic Design”__ has been developed
on the basis of Standard Academic Program В058 Information security.

Academic program has been reviewed at the meeting of “Radio Engineering, Electronics and
Telecommunications” department.

Minutes №. __1__ dated «__23rd__» ___August_________________ 2021_

Head of the Department ___________ ________Bakhtiyarova E.A., associate professor, CTS_

Author ___________ ________Utebayeva Dana, Senior Lecturer, MTS_

The working academic program was approved at the meeting of the Educational and Methodological
Board of JSC "IITU"

Minutes № __1___ dated "_24th __"_August_ 2021.

Director of the Department ____________________ A. Mustafina

for Academic Affairs

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

Faculty Network Security
Major code and title В058 Information security
Educational program code and 6B06303 Network Security
Year, semester 3rd year, 5th term
Subject category Basic disciplines
Number of credits (ECTS) 4
Prerequisites Electrical circuits (Electronics)
Postrequisites Diploma projects
Lecturer Utebayeva Dana, Senior lecturer, 8 7083139816,
87052902700, d.utebayeva@iitu.edu.kz, Monday 3-5 pm.)

The course goal is to learn the basics of digital electronic circuit design to understand the design
of digital computers, control systems, data communications, and other applications that require
electronic digital equipment.
The objectives of the course are to to understand the representation of information in digital
systems, the basic postulates of Boolean algebra, the design of combinational circuits, various
serial digital components, microprocessors, and microcontrollers.
Learning outcomes of the course
The discipline is designed for students of the specialty "6B06303 - Network Security " and aims
to familiarize students with digital devices of various functional complexity in integral and
microprocessor design.
Students successfully completing the course will be able to:
- about modern and promising trends in the development of digital and microprocessor
- on the principles of building digital devices;
- on the field of application of various digital and microprocessor systems;
- arithmetic and logical foundations of digital technology;
- synthesis algorithms for combinational devices and finite state machines;
- the organization of memory chips;
- the architecture of a typical microprocessor and the basics of its programming in assembly
- the principle and organization of the operation of typical peripheral devices in a microprocessor
be able to:
- represent numbers in different number systems and translate them from one system to another;
- perform arithmetic and logical operations on binary numbers;
- describe the operation of digital devices in the form of minimized logical expressions of a
particular basis;
- to synthesize combinational devices and finite automata or skillfully apply their typical varieties
in the form of integrated circuits;
- to develop circuits of storage devices based on integrated circuits;

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

- explain the principle of operation of a typical microprocessor and microcontroller, compose the
simplest programs for them in assembly language;
- to expand the functions of microprocessor systems by introducing additional peripheral devices
into them.
3. Course description
The discipline is designed for students of the specialty “6B06303 - Network Security” and aims to
familiarize students with the basic concepts of digital device systems.
This discipline is the main theoretical discipline with an important practical and laboratory
component in the system of training future specialists. The prerequisites for mastering this
discipline are knowledge of algebra and physics at the level of the first two courses, the theory of
electrical circuits. The course examines ways to build digital devices based on logical design.
Attendance at classes should be regular. In case of missing classes, the student must work out the
material studied in the missed classes. If, without a valid reason, a student missed more than 20%
of all classes, he is not allowed to the exam.
Classroom work. Time of lectures and practical classes - 50 minutes, laboratory studies - 100
minutes. During lectures and practical classes, the teacher has the right to remove from the
classroom students who interfere with the lesson and violate discipline. In case of a systematic
violation of the order, the student is not allowed to the remaining lessons.
Cell phones must be turned off during class.
Homework: Required. The student, during the semester, is obliged to complete, pass, and defend
6 laboratory works (3 to RC1 and 3 to RC2). During the SSSP classes, the teacher checks the
students' homework and gives points.
Control work: during the midterm control, the student writes a control work consisting of two
questions and one task, the volume and level of complexity of which correspond to the studied
material. The teacher has the right to include in the list of questions and tasks topics that were
given to students for independent study. The time allotted for the test, which depends on the
number of questions and problems proposed for solution, does not exceed 50 minutes.
A student noticed by a teacher with a cheat sheet, or violating the order of the test, is removed
from the classroom without the right to retake.
The student's knowledge is assessed based on a rating system. The rating score after two midterm
controls can be 60 points (max).
Final control: at the end of this course, students take a test exam, which can be 40 points (max).
The final score is formed as the sum of the rating and examination points and can be 100 points
Students are encouraged to:
- come to classes prepared about the lesson. A student without preparation will receive a negative
additional point, which will be considered in the rating score;
- to provide independent settlement and graphic works on time. The score for the late submission
goes down;
- do not be late for classes. Three tardiness equates to one absence from class;
- do not use mobile phones in the classroom during classes;
- do not chew gum, do not talk to each other on abstract topics;

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

- be appropriately dressed (formal style acceptable);
- show respect and mutual support to teachers and other students.
Platforms and services for conducting classes: MS Teams, DL
Basic literature:
1. Subir Kumar Sarkar, Asish Kunar De, Souvik Sarkar “Foundation of Digital Electronics
and Logic design”, Pan Stanford, 2014.
2. M. Rafiquzzaman, “Fundamentals of Digital logic and microcomputer Design”, Pomona,
California, 2005.
3. Biryukov, S. A. Tsifrovyye ustroystva na integral'nykh mikroskhemakh / S. A. Biryukov.
– M. : Radio i svyaz', 1991. – 183 s.
4. Zel'din, Ye. A. Tsifrovyye integral'nyye mikroskhemy v informatsionno-izmeritel'noy
apparature / Ye. A. Zel'din. – L. : Energoatomizdat, 1986. – 280 s.
5. Kalabekov, B. A. Tsifrovyye ustroystva i mikroprotsessornyye sistemy / B. A. Kalabekov.
– M. : Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2007. – 336 s.
6. Karlashchuk, V. I. Elektronnaya laboratoriya na IVM RS. Programma Electro nics
Workbench i yeye primeneniye / V. I. Karlashchuk. – M. : Solon-R, 1999. – 506 s.
7. Naryshkin, A. K. Tsifrovyye ustroystva i mikroprotsessory : ucheb. posobiye dlya
radiotekhn. spetsial'nostey vuzov / A. K. Naryshkin. – M. : Akademiya, 2006. – 317 s.
8. Opadchiy, YU. F. Analogovaya i tsifrovaya elektronika (polnyy kurs) : uchebnik dlya
vuzov po spetsial'nosti «Proyektirovaniye i tekhnologiya radioelektronnykh sredstv» /
YU. F. Opadchiy, O. P. Gludkin, A. I. Gurov ; pod red. O. P. Gludkina. – M. :
Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2005. – 768 s.
9. Panfilov, D. I. Elektrotekhnika i elektronika v eksperimentakh i up razhneniyakh:
praktikum na Yelectronics Workbench : v 2 t. T. 2. Elektronika / D. I. Panfilov, V. S.
Ivanov, I. N. Chepurin ; pod obshch. red. D. I. Panfilova. – M. : DODEKA, 2000. – 288 s.
10. Pekhal'skiy, G. I. Tsifrovyye ustroystva : ucheb. posobiye dlya tekhn. spetsi al'nostey
vuzov / G. I. Pekhal'skiy, T. YA. Novosel'tseva. – SPb. : Politekhnika, 1996. – 885 s.
Supplementary literature:
11. Skhemotekhnika elektronnykh sistem. Tsifrovyye ustroystva / V. I. Boyko [i dr.]. –
SPb. : BKHV-Peterburg, 2004. – 512 s.

6. Course schedule
Practical sessions

Lab. sessions







Course topics

Introduction to Digital Systems. 1-10

1 Combinational Circuits. Digital 1 1 1 1 2
Integrated Circuits.
2 Number Systems and Codes. 1-10 1 1 1 1 2

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic 1-10 1
3 1 1 1 2
Combinational logic design. 1-10 1
Completely and Incompletely
4 1 1 1 4
Specified Logic Functions. Design of a
combinational Circuits.
Combinational and Sequential Circuit. 1-10 1
5 1 1 1 4
Adders. Subtractors. Comparators.
Multiplexer Design Procedure and 1-10 1
6 1 1 1 4
7 Demultiplexers and their Applications. 1-10 1 1 1 1 4
Decoders and their Applications. 1-10 1
8 1 1 1 4
Sequential Circuit. Sequential logic 1-10 1
9 1 1 1 4
design. Flip-Flop. Counters.
Microcomputer architecture, 1-10 1
10 Programming, and System Design 1 1 1 4
Design of Computer Instruction set 1-10 1
11 1 1 1 4
and the CPU.
12 Memory. 1-10 1 1 1 1 4
Application: Digital to Analog 1-10 1
13 Converter. Analog to Digital 1 1 1 6
Converter. A/D Converter types.
14 Application: Microprocessors. 1-10 1 1 1 1 6
15 Application: Microcontrollers. 1-10 1 1 1 1 6
End of term
Total hours: 120 15 15 15 15 60

7. List of topics/ assignments for laboratory classes

№ Number Form of Deadline

Topic Title References
of hours reporting
1 2 3 4 5 6
Investigation of the logic [1] –[11] 3rd week
1 3 Lab work 1
elements and circuits.
Study of combinational digital [1] –[11] 5th week
2 2 Lab work 2
3 Sequential digital devices. 3 [1] –[11] Lab work 3 8th week
ADC / DAC and generators [1] –[11] 11th week
4 3 Lab work 4
on their basis
Circuits on transistors and [1] –[11] 13th week
5 2 Lab work 5
operational amplifiers
Microprocessors and [1] –[11] 15th week
6 2 Lab work 6

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)


8. List of topics/ assignments for practical classes

Number Form of Deadline

№ Topic Title References
of hours reporting
1 2 3 4 5 6
Converting a number from [1] –[11] rd
3 week
one number system to Report for
1 another. Arithmetic and 3 Practise work
logical operations on binary 1
[1] –[11] Report for 5th week
Synthesis of combinational
2 2 Practise work
circuits in different bases.
[1] –[11] Report for 8th week
Design with Multiplexers.
3 3 Practise work
Adders and Subtractors.
[1] –[11] Report for 11th week
Flip-Flops. Sequential
4 3 Practise work
Circuits. Counters.
[1] –[11] Report for 13th week
5 Microprocessors 2 Practise work
[1] –[11] Report for 15th week
6 Microcontrollers 2 Practise work

9. List of topics/assignments for Student Independent Study

Proper organization of students’ independent study is the key to the formation of skills in
mastering, learning, assimilation, and systematization of acquired knowledge, ensuring a high
level of academic performance in the learning process
Number Form of
№ Topic/Assignment title References
of hours reporting
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Binary Numbers 3 [1] –[11] SIS project 1 3rd week
2 Digital Logic Gates 3 [1] –[11] SIS project 1 5th week
NAND and NOR [1] –[11] SIS project 1 8th week
3 2
4 Decoders and Encoders 3 [1] –[11] SIS project 1 11th week
Programmable Array Logic [1] –[11] SIS project 1 13th week
5 2
6 Flip-Flops 2 [1] –[11] SIS project 1 15th week

10. System for evaluating student performance in a discipline:

Option 1
Period Assignments Score Total
1 attestation Laboratory works: 35 100

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

Lab work 1, 15
Lab work 2, 10
Lab work 3, 10
Practical lessons: 25
Project 1, 5
Project 2, 10
Project 3, 10
Mid-term 25
SIS assignments 15
2nd attestation Laboratory works: 35 100
Lab work 4, 15
Lab work 5, 10
Lab work 6, 10
Practical lessons: 25
Project 4, 5
Project 5, 10
Project 6, 10
End-of-term 25
SIS assignments 15
Exam 100
Total 0,3*1stAtt+0,3*2ndAtt+0,4*Final
*If the number of absences exceeds 20%, student will be automatically scheduled for a Retake
(summer semester)
Option 2
Each type of educational work is evaluated on a 100-point scale and is included in the average
assessment of the current control, taking into account the weighting coefficient in accordance with
the table
Period Assignments Maximum score Weighting Total
1st Laboratory practice 100
Course paper 100 0,3
CGW 100 0,3 100
Attending lectures 100 0,1
Working during practical 100
2nd Laboratory practice 100
Course paper 100 0,3
CGW 100 0,3 100
Attending lectures 100 0,1
Working during practical 100
Exam 100
Total 0,3*1stAtt+0,3*2ndAtt+0,4*Ex 100
*If the number of absences exceeds 20%, student will be automatically scheduled for a Retake
(summer semester)

11. Assessment criteria:

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

Option 1
Example of assessment criteria on a 5-point scale for laboratory works:
Points Assessment criterion
5 The work was completed in full and correct answers were received for additional
questions from the teacher within the framework of the program.
4 The work was completed in full, but mistakes were made when answering
additional questions from the teacher.
3 The work was completed in full, correct conclusions were made, however, there
are some non-compliance with design requirements, for example, errors in the
design of graphs, tables, or in recording measurement results. After teacher's
instructions, these shortcomings are eliminated.
2 The work was performed in an incomplete volume, for example, fault
calculations were not carried out or carried out incorrectly, some results are
incorrect, the conclusions do not correspond to reality, there are significant errors
in the graphical data. After teacher's instructions, the main shortcomings were
eliminated, and the graphs were corrected.
1 Work is performed in an incomplete volume, for example, there are errors in the
calculations of most or all of the desired values, no faults, the results are mostly
present, but not true, the conclusions do not correspond to reality, there are
significant errors in the design, there are no graphs, calculation formulas are not
specified, etc. After teacher's instructions, the main shortcomings are eliminated.
0 The work is incomplete, for example, there are errors in the calculations of most
or all of the required values, there are no faults, the results are mostly present, but
not true, the conclusions do not correspond to reality, there are significant errors
in the design, there are no graphs, calculation formulas are not specified, etc.

Option 2
The point-rating letter system for assessing the educational achievements of students with their
interpretation in the traditional grading scale:
Letter Numerical Traditional system General description of grading
Points (%)
Grade equivalent assessment criteria
The student has knowledge of
the subject in the full scope of the
curriculum, understands the
discipline deeply enough; shows
А 4,0 95-100
a high level of knowledge that
exceeds the volume provided by
Excellent the syllabus, gives an exhaustive
The student has knowledge of
the subject in the full scope of the
А- 3,67 90-94 curriculum, understands the
discipline deeply enough; gives
an exhaustive answer
В+ 3,33 85-89 The student shows a complete,
В 3,0 80-84 well-founded knowledge of the
subject, but the answers did not
В- 2,67 75-79 Good
always highlight the main idea,
С+ 2,33 70-74 rational methods of calculation
were not always used; the

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

answers were mostly brief and
sometimes unclear.
The student demonstrates
2,0 65-69 sufficient knowledge of the
subject, but without proper depth
С- 1,67 60-64 and justification, the answers are
D+ 1,33 55-59 unclear and without proper
logical sequence.
D 1,0 50-54
The student demonstrates
insufficient knowledge of the
FX 0,5 25-49
subject, positive answers were
Unsatisfactory not given to individual questions.
The student demonstrates a very
F 0 0-24 low level of knowledge of the

11. Assessment and evaluation materials (exam questions)

− List of exam questions on lecture topics:
1. Digital systems, microprocessors, and microcomputers.
2. Positional number systems.
3. Binary, binary-octal and binary-hexadecimal conversions
4. Number systems and arithmetic.
5. Binary codes for decimal digits. Detection of errors.
6. Boolean algebra as a mathematical system.
7. Truth tables and boolean expressions.
8. Theorems of Boolean algebra.
9. Logic functions and truth tables.
11. Karnaugh maps.
12 Minimum amounts.
13. Minimum Works.
14. Logic elements AND, OR, NOT.
15. Logical elements AND-NOT, OR-NOT.
16. Logic elements EXCLUSIVE OR, buffer amplifier, tristable driver.
17. Logical circuits.
18. Basic parameters of logical elements.
19. Triggers. Asynchronous and clocked R-S flip-flops.
20. One-stroke and two-stroke D-triggers.
21. Triggers with an internal delay. T-triggers.
22. Universal J-K-trigger.
23. Impulse counters.
24. Binary totalizing counters.
25. Counters with a counting coefficient Ксч 2N.
26. Decade counters.
27. Binary subtractive counters.
28. Reversible counters.
29. Registers: parallel and sequential.

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

30. Single-ended, two-bit sequential register on D-flip-flops.
30. Combination schemes.
31. Decoders.
32. Multiplexers.
33. Adders.
34. Subtractors.
35. Adders-subtractors.
36. Tires.
37. Storage device.
38. Permanent memory.
39. Operational memory.
40. External memory.
41. MP architecture.
42. The general structure of the MP.
43. Control and synchronization unit.
44. General scheme of MP work.
45. The system of commands.
46. Methods of addressing.
47. Programming for MT.
48. Machine language.
49. Branching in programs.
50. Programming cycles.
51. Subroutines.
52. Digital-to-analog converters.
53. Analog-to-digital converters.
54. Synchronization of microprocessors.
55. Types of messages in control systems.
56. Quantization by level or by parameter.
57. Time quantization.
58. Examples of building digital systems.
59. The current state of digital technology.

− Form of assessment (exam): written, oral, comprehensive, design, testing.

Form of the Midterm - written quiz.
Form of the “End of Term”-written quiz.
Exam form – written.

− Sample (form) exam card with assessment criteria (required).

Department of "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications"
Discipline “Fundamentals of Logic Design”
for the specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications"

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)


Examination ticket number 0

1. Please, describe the principle of operation of logical operators.
2. Please, draw a block diagram of the trigger.
3. Please, realize the task with logic gates:

- Exam Grading Criteria

Points Assessment criterion

5 If the work was completed in full and the correct answers to additional
questions of the teacher were received within the framework of this program.
4 If the work was completed in full, but mistakes were made when answering
additional questions from the teacher.
3 If the work was completed in full, the correct conclusions were drawn,
however, there are some violations of the design requirements, for example,
errors in the design of graphs, tables or in the recording of measurement results.
After instructing the teacher, these shortcomings were eliminated.
2 The work was carried out in an incomplete volume, for example, the
calculations of errors were not carried out or were carried out incorrectly, some
results are incorrect, the conclusions of the conclusion do not correspond to
reality, there are significant errors in the graphic data. After instructing the
teacher, the main shortcomings were eliminated, the schedules were corrected.
1 If the work was carried out in an incomplete volume, for example, there are
errors in the calculations of most or all of the required values, there are no errors,
the results in a larger mass are present, but not correct, the conclusions of the
conclusion do not correspond to reality, there are significant errors in the design,
there are no graphs, the calculation formulas are not indicated etc. After the
instructor was instructed, the main shortcomings were eliminated.
0 If the work was carried out in an incomplete volume, for example, there are
errors in the calculations of most or all of the required values, there are no errors,
the results in a larger mass are present, but not true, the conclusions of the
conclusion do not correspond to reality, there are significant errors in the design,
there are no graphs, the calculated ones are not indicated formulas, etc.

Head of the department Bakhtiyarova E.A.

Compiled by Dana Utebayeva.
Minutes No. ____ dated "_____" ______20___

F-75, Syllabus (Academic program)

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