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Zola Bantu Class 28

The Biblical Heritage of the Decline of the Adamic Civilization

By Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala

Conscience Awaker & Founder of ZB
Date: 20.08.2022

Ladies and gentlemen today we are going look at the biblical legacy of the decline of
the Adamic civilization.

Part 1: How Lucifer put pressure on the Human Brain

We would like remind you on the archangel that is well known as Lucifer, that later
became a demonic, that became Satan by influencing man in the principle of evil.

We told you that Lucifer, this entity was of the purpose of placing in the material
universe the principle of evil so that man can do the choice of Good or evil.
But we would like to give some precision to help others to understand better.
What does the principle of evil mean that Lucifer was radiating?
Lucifer was there to help the spirit of evolution (humans), to use well their intellect
(the animal brain). They had to use it well in service of THE MOST HIGH.

Ladies and gentlemen lets dive a little bit into science precisely in biology.
A human being has two brains; we have the outer brain that is called the Cerebrum, and
he also has an inner brain that is called the cerebellum. So, these two computers have
to work in a coherent manner. There is a need of the outer brain, the intellect, the
brain of analysing, that basically does the programming, because it can only program or
analyse things when it receives instructions from the cerebellum.
It means our cerebrum for it to interact with the 5 senses of the universe, it needs to
first consult the cerebellum because the cerebellum receives the intuitions from the
spiritual kingdom via the solar plexus. By the stomach there is a solar plexus which is a
centre of energies where by intuition via the heart it communicates with the higher
And when the spirit via the solar plexus receives instructions from THE MOST HIGH
or the ancestors it sends that information to the cerebellum, and the cerebellum
elaborate this information of intuition and sends it to the cerebrum in the form of
That is why sometimes when you dream, you see
images, but there not images, the intuition
information has been elaborated to images by
your cerebrum, but the information when it
comes to the spirit it doesn’t come as images.
Intuitions that come from the spiritual kingdom
are received by the cerebellum, and the
cerebellum sends it to the cerebrum through the
form of images.
And now the cerebrum will decode the
information to perform acts, perform words,
perform thoughts and concepts taking account from that he receives from the
And the cerebellum receives the information from the heart by intuition from the
spirit which interacts with the spiritual world.
Lucifer needed to help us in using the animal brain, the cerebrum, because we
incarnated the animal body, we live in an animal body. We therefore have an animal
brain, we need to use this brain in excellence so that all the impressions coming from
the kingdoms of light, we can have the possibility to apply and cultivate them in nature.
To create cultures and traditions of light, customs of light and laws that can make the
earth like heaven.
So, the solar plexus aliments the cerebellum and cerebellum aliments the cerebrum and
the cerebrum manifests what he has received from light all that he has received as
resources on earth to create a just society.
And the brain (Cerebrum), through the use of the 5 senses he commands the material
world. He commands the acts, he commands the feelings, he commands the emotions, he
commands the word, he commands the thoughts from regard to what he has received
from the cerebellum. So the cerebellum was given to us to better understand the
The animal cerebrum which the principle of evil (Cain). Evil is anything that is not
alimented or vitalised by divine force.
When you do something and it is not vitalised by divine force, that thing is evil. Even if
it is satisfying in a good way materially. Say for example you are distributing goods to
the poor but if it is not for the glory of THE MOST HIGH, if the force by which you
are doing that thing does not source from THE MOST HIGH that is thing is bad/evil.
Since we have won evil in us, it means the animal body, there was a need of an archangel
that can help us to make sure that this animal does not become a free electron. That
this animal should always follow the will of the spirit (the will of the bios).
And so when the human animal brain, the cerebrum, and when all the inventions that we
make by using our human brain responds to the orders of the higher realms, well it
means we are making earth like heaven. It means we are now cultivating beauty in this
dimension. And this beauty that we are cultivating in the universe will give birth to
great wisdom, it will give birth to noble science, respectful political government
systems, and respectful laws of creation.
And so this archangel Lucifer needed to help us so that the intellect should obey and
be in submission to the intuition. Because the intuition needs to govern the universe
via the intellect.
But instead what happened? Lucifer instead of maintaining this equilibrium for the
human brain to depend on the intuition from the heart, Lucifer constructed the
intellect, and focused on the intellect and the animal man became a free electron, the
animal man separated from the intuition of the heart. He became and auto-man, and
there was a large gap that separated him from THE MOST HIGH.
So, because of a luciferian pressure. See therefore how the disequilibrium entered in
humanity. This affected the construction of the thoughts of men. Humanity used more
of the anti-christ meaning the intellect (evil) and this intellect was used not in
conformity to the spiritual kingdom and THE MOST HIGH and this therefore led to
the fall.
What is then the fall? Because here we have explained to you the fall in medical terms,
in the inner biology of man. The cerebellum is no longer used, and man became weak and
weak and disconnected from THE MOST HIGH. Man became an ant-christ. Man
separated from THE MOST HIGH and entered into a cocoon, and locked himself in
the cocoon of egotism and materialism and in the night of his life (death), he never saw
THE MOST HIGH (Never rose to the higher Dimensions).
And the consequences we told you last time, we built civilizations that are out of the
norm (not in respect to the laws of THE MOST HIGH), civilizations that were
completely disconnected from t THE MOST HIGH he most high, we became with no
force, we became people who are completely lost.

And with this situation THE MOST HIGH reacted and removed Lucifer from creation,
he was no longer a helper, but the humans learnt through him to use their animal brain
independently from the advice and counsel of THE MOST HIGH.
Men learnt to act with no wisdom. The humans learnt to act with no reasoning,
reasoning that is founded on the principles of THE MOST HIGH. The men deprived
themselves of the guidance of our ancestors, our elders that are in the kingdoms of
light. Men lived on themselves in creation, but in a cocoon.

Part 2: Heritage of Decay

Now, what happened? What is that heritage of the civilization of decay that we
inherited from our ancestors?
Because the ancestors of humanity when they disconnected from THE MOST HIGH,
they began to create their own solutions.
They did not accept by ego, the intellect did not accept by ego to return to THE MOST
HIGH the lord of all creation to ask for forgiveness and restore their connection with
THE MOST HIGH. To be led again by THE MOST HIGH.
Man first of all because he had attained a peak of knowledge on his relation with THE
MOST HIGH. He said, “Well not an issue I will be a god for myself, I will create
for myself egregore (groups of energies)”. I will create for myself energies that will
help me to accomplish what I want.

A Very important thing to note

Before we address this. We would like to speak to you on something, because if you do
not grasp it well you will not be able to follow us in the third part of today’s class.
If you notice in the first part 1 we reminded you the principle of evil. We explained
the disequilibrium that it produced between the cerebellum and the cerebrum (Cain and
So from this point the first sin is a heritage, we have now inherited a cerebrum that is
very developed but with a cerebellum that is less developed. This we can show you
that the morphology and the functioning of the human system has suffered a
deformation or decay or malfunctioning and we inherited a human system where the
cerebrum is very much advanced materially, as compared to the cerebellum who is
supposed to receive information from THE MOST HIGH.
And now, the humans noticed this equilibrium between the cerebrum and the
cerebellum, between man and woman, it is the same thing.
A woman is like the cerebellum, she is the one that is supposed to receive the intuitions
of light to pass it to the man. But the woman was a victim of the pressure of Lucifer
and the woman lost the contact with the higher realms.
Man found himself in the material world like the cerebrum and navigating for life with
no guidance from the cerebellum. And humanity and began to do whatsoever they
wanted and led the entire humanity to the fall.
Because, when there is no equilibrium in the manner of living between man and a woman,
and when a woman is no longer getting intuitions from the spiritual world, she that has a
strong intuition, her intuition was replace by her own imaginations. Today the modern
woman takes her imaginations as intuitions because she is no longer connected to the
kingdoms of light. She says anything to her husband, and her husband makes atomic
bombs, and her husband is in egocentrism, her husband does whatsoever in the society,
see why we are living the fall.

Man tried to reconnect on his own way with light.
He tried to do some techniques to get rid of his sins in his own way instead of
repenting by coming before the MOST HIGH to do a radical change (True repentance).
But instead because of ego, man built in his own way a way of taking off his sins in a way
that we shall be explaining today. All the techniques that we shall speak of today, you
will notice that there satanic techniques, they are luciferian techniques, but sadly in
African traditional religion and religion of today, they take these practices as
authorization by the MOST HIGH as a way of cleansing of man from sin while they are
actually techniques that humans themselves (the priests of the old testament, the
priests of the previous alliance) of the first civilization introduced to cleanse
themselves and the community off sin.

But to be able to explain this to you, you need to first understand the Blood. Because if
you do not know the spiritual significance of Blood, you cannot understand the biblical
heritage of the decline of the Adamic Civilization.
We would like to rapidly explain to you the blood, but we will one day do an entire
lecture on the human blood.
Ladies and gentlemen we told you in our previous lectures that a human has 9 bodies
(let’s put aside the 2 bodies we take from the kingdom of the Simbis) it means we have
7 bodies of this post creation.
But for the explanation of the blood we are going to resume it to 3 bodies. Especially
those with a Christian background you will understand us well.

Firstly, a human has the physical body, he is a soul and he is a spirit.

The physical body is the body that we wear to permit us to live in this physical material
environment. We need to wear a physical vessel that can enable us to interact with our

Secondly, a human is a soul, it means a spirit that wears a mental body to enable him
to think, by the use of the intellect. He needs to think so that he can be able to guide
his physical body to build societies of light. Thus the soul is the centre of reflections.
When the spirit enters into a mental body then it becomes a living soul, it means he has
now the capacity to reflect/reason, and the capacity to bring about solutions.
But rather it is better for this soul to bring about solutions by seeking help from our
elders, our ancestors who are in the higher realms or kingdoms of light, so that he can
implement those solutions in the level of the physical body via the intellect (Cerebrum)
to cultivate action causes in the society.

Finally, a human is a spirit, it means, he is a piece of THE MOST HIGH, a small

Nzambi, he has ingredients of light. When THE MOST HIGH said, “let there be light”
the seeds of spirits were manifested at that time. And the seeds of spirits could not
grow in the superior universes, meaning in the spiritual kingdom. So they had to
descend to the lower post creation (the physical kingdom) as they were descending,
they wore the mental body to become a living soul that allowed them to elaborate
thoughts and permitted them to be conscious of who there were. And later they
descended to incarnate the physical body, they wore the animal body, to do their
experience on earth.
Up to this point, you are very much aware we covered it in detail in the previous class.
Soul enters the physical body
The soul, the mental body is not of matter. The mental body is not made up of physical
matter, but the mental body has other materials that come from other lightened
universes of a higher frequency than the physical body.
There is theory of two different substances do not mix. You cannot bind water and oil,
you cannot bind air and water, there different elements. Air and water, if you want to
bind them together, you cannot do that by welding them. Because one is gas and the
other liquid, this cannot happen, and this is at the material level.
And plus the mental body is made up of a matter that very subtle, when it enters into
the animal body, after the father and mother have sex and the woman becomes
pregnant halfway through the pregnancy. The soul is not welded or bonded to the
physical body with a physical liaison, no. The soul is welded or bonded to the physical
body magnetically, it is magnetically that the soul is welded to the physical body.
So there is a support where the soul interacts with the physical body to pass his
impressions on the physical body. And well this support, this intermediary that can
take the energies of the soul and energies of the physical body is called the blood.
The blood is therefore the support or binder of the magnetic liaison of the soul and
the spirit. The soul receives the two types of vibrational ingredients from the physical
body and the soul. Vibrational ingredients that aliments the physical body and that
which aliments the soul.

Please understand us well here on what we are saying; the blood does not only possess
natural materials or ingredients, it also has a spiritual vibration that comes from the
soul. That is why in many situations you hear people say, “His blood is strong”, these
expressions came because people understood that the soul passes ingredients of light
to the blood that makes the blood to behave in a certain manner. Here we have
summarised, but on day we will go in depth and in detail on the teachings on the chakra
for you to see the different centres of energies the soul sends energies into the body,
that we call the endocrine system.
The endocrine system is the system of secretion of hormones in the body of human,
but it does not only secrete the hormones, but the vitalisation of the hormones, the
vibration of the hormones; the frequency, is influenced and comes from the soul. And
you will see that all over the body of the animal there are 7 great secretional centres
of hormones known in the east as the 7 chakras.
Ladies and gentlemen we are in spirituality, spirituality is not shouting shangalala,
spirituality is knowledge and it has 3 branches namely; Priesthood/wisdom/Love,
Science, and Justice (Laws).

So, the blood contains the life of the soul. In the blood of the human, there are
characteristics of the soul, and also the biological characters in the level of your
physical body.
And how does the soul send information via the blood? It is by the secretion of
hormones through the endocrine system. Endocrine system is a system of secretion
of hormones to stabilize the blood so that blood reflects your proper personality. So,
you can see the importance of the blood, why they imposed the people in the shedding
of the animal blood during sacrifice, we will touch on this soon. Because in the animal,
contains also the animality of the animal.
So when you eat an animal, especially that which has blood in it, you are not only eating
the flesh of the animal, you are also eating the animality of the animal. You are
bestializing yourself. The animal blood is not equivalent to the meat of the animal. You
are therefore eating also part of the constitutive ingredients of the animality of the
animal. It is a process of bestialization. And worse for people who are cannibals, those
that eat people.

So for all that consume meat, we encourage you to eat clean meat. Meat where all the
blood has been removed, because the blood is the force of the animal, and the human
blood is also the force of the human.
The term blood in spirituality, when we use blood in spirituality it means force or life,
they do not mean the physical blood of a man or the blood of master Yeshua physically,
no. It means the force of THE MOST HIGH. The light of THE MOST HIGH, the life of
THE MOST HIGH that is expressed by love, purity and justice that enters in the
composite of the blood as an ingredient to permit the human brain to construct
societies of light.
So you have understood that blood is very important. And by the way when a person
dies, the first thing that dries up is the blood. When the spirit leaves the physical
body, the blood stops circulating. You remove blood from a human, the spirit can no
longer stay, there is no more the magnetic liaison. When a person bleeds heavily, and
arrives at a certain level of bleeding the spirit needs to leave why? The spirit can only
connect to the body via the blood, the blood is an element of liaison.

Follow us careful we spoke to you on the decay of humanity that has consequences at
the level of the relationship between the cerebellum and the cerebrum. And now we are
speaking to you on how humans, wanted to substitute their relationship with THE
MOST HIGH to be independent from the spiritual world. That is why we started by
telling you about the blood.

We return to the major consequences of the fall. What then is the fall of humans, the
bridge is broken between the humans and the spiritual world. Man lost spiritual
guidance, man lost spiritual equilibrium that allowed him to be in touch with ancestors
of light and THE MOST HIGH.
In consequence the entire post creation was corrupted. Even those who were in the 3
kingdoms of light felt the corruption. The fall is therefore the absence of light. Light
no longer penetrated to men and women of the post creation.
And man by feeling that emptiness, and feeling that spiritual isolation, man became
obligated to be vitalised on the other side, man looked on his own way for energies to
purify himself. Because if you have understood, all spirituality is the management of
energies. Now because nothing was coming from above, he began to look for energies on
the earth to try to live.
He began to look for the energies in the mineral world, he began to look for these
energies in the vegetative world, he began to search for it in the animal world. At time
he looks for it in the human world.

The Cult of Sacrifice

So man invented and created a cult of sacrifice thinking it will ease the anger of THE
MOST HIGH, this was done by some priests. Some priests of Lucifer told the people of
the 2nd civilization listen, “We are now going to take the blood by spiritual
techniques to try to calm the anger of THE MOST HIGH”, NO It was not THE
MOST HIGH, it is Lucifer, Lucifer cheated them by showing them luciferian
techniques, he presented himself as YAHWEH, and he infiltrated certain priests of
ancient Egypt and ancient Ethiopia, telling them that, “This is what you need to do in
the name of Yahweh, Yahweh demands sacrifices so that you can purify yourself”.
In our African ancestry we went even far as sacrificing humans. So this cult of
sacrifice, there are cults of the substitution of the sins of men.
Lucifer who was known in ancient as Ra or Re, by the way Israel, means Isis-Ra-Elohim,
we shall return to this another day. Ra who was charged to lead us in light, he took
himself to be God and installed on the people through the priests the sacrifice of
See therefore great heritage of Lucifer. Our ancestor were doing sacrifices of
offerings coming with things of the vegetative world, and salt from the mineral world
to compensate for theirs sins by the use of energies because all of these practices in
their different tributes of sacrifices was of the goal to separate man and God.
Because in the ancient civilizations when they had light, they were no sacrifice. The
offerings that they took to the temple, it was an agreeable odour cult by our way of
living the love, purity and justice of THE MOST HIGH, our way of being pure in
our relationships in our nations by building laws that are conformed to the laws of
To offer to God an agreeable sacrifice is not by killing animals, these are luciferian
cults that was installed since the centre of Katiopa (Ethiopia), that had only the goal of
making a substitution so that man can no longer have the need to renew his relationship
See therefor a great element of the fall. Techniques of how to pulverise energies by
the blood and how to vitalise it.
Like for example Voodoo, is a technique of getting energies by incantations, and
incantations mean, you create an egregore, say a group of people or a group of priests
make incantations or invocations, and if it is done in a group I becomes egregores and
then they can take these egregores and place them in masks, or encapsulate them in
evil, and these egregores for them it will bless their families, or activities, but since
there are not spiritual energies that come from the kingdoms of light they need to at
all times to offer sacrifices to vitalise or reinforce these egregores.
And these energies that you encapsulate, that you pulverise, they also have instructions
that you have to observe and follow, for example don’t sleep with women, do not eat oil,
do not marry, do not sleep at night, engage in immoral acts, and you fold your arms and
your energies works on your part.
And you offer these energies sacrifices, and they may even ask for vitalisation via the
human blood. The demands start small bring me this and bring me that but tomorrow
the demand increases and becomes very complicated. They are techniques, but
techniques of the lower astral world.

My brothers and sisters, we address first of all to those that have made a return to
African spirituality. At Zola bantu we are telling you all the techniques of vitalisation of
energies via human sacrifice, or sacrifices from the vegetative world they are
luciferian techniques that Ra/R, that Ne Mbumna Lowa installed when man fell.
To continue with these methods, it is not of THE MOST HIGH, it is to demure in
darkness. If we want to build a society of light we need to be reconnected with THE
MOST HIGH, the master of creation, the Holy Spirit (God the Creator). By
practicing acts of love that reflect the justice, that reflect purity, we do need to
sacrifice animals. THE MOST HIGH is not a killer where his anger is eased by the
killing of animals. He says I need no sacrifice or offerings (Hosea 6:6 “I want you to
show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt
offerings) but he wants men and women that will come and do his will just like how
master Yeshua did.
This is the first point.
So, in the African culture, all the elements of sacrifices are satanic. All the acts of
vitalisation of energies by the sacrifice of animals it is not the right thing. These are
practices of decay; we are the servants of THE MOST HIGH speaking to you today.
Check your cultures, your cultures are full of Satanism.
We have Seth, who was the first to be in touch with light. And we lived in light for over
150,000 years. And at one moment we fell, and by ego we created systems of
vitalisation of energies that we call the Voodoo, since they are renewable energies,
they are energies that do not come from, “let there be light”, these energies are not
eternal. And they told us to use these energies through sacrifice to cleanse ourselves.
And to well cheat us the priests taught the people that THE MOST HIGH says,
“sacrifice to me animals, so as to ease my enter”, these are practices of Lucifer,
and it not the Holy Spirit, it not THE MOST HIGH, it is to the devil.
The old testament is full of demonic practices; these are practices that come from the
infernal world. They are practices that drove the traditions of light towards the
tradition of darkness in the name of Yahweh. That is why we always say that, “They
cooked us in our own water”, the old testament was presented as an ancient/old
alliance that our ancestor wanted us to practice before master Yeshua can come. The
old testament is usurpation of techniques that they introduced in the name of Yahweh,
but are techniques of substitution that has nothing to do with THE MOST HIGH.

We therefore have to clean africa from this ignorance and practice of substitution.
Sadly, the Christian world, the Christian theology have also introduced this to say that
in the ancient times the most high permitted the sacrifice of animals, it is false! They
are luciferian practices. The true Yahweh not Ra, when he asked Lucifer to come and
help us it was not so that we can introduce the energies of substitution to purify
THE MOST HIGH cannot kill animals to purify humans, and the most saddest part is all
the theology of Christianity is founded on that Jesus replaced the blood of animals. By
this you are already on the other side, Master Yeshua did not replace anything. He
needed not to sacrifice his blood and he is not the replacement of whatsoever. Your
typologies fall from today.
We have just demonstrated that the practice, in our ancestry voodoo, you go to a
traditional doctor the tell you have this curse upon your life, if you want this curse to
leave you, bring a chicken, we will kill and do a transmittance of that negative energy to
animal and the animal dies.
So the entire testament is full of voodoo practices. And you say it is Yahweh THE
MOST HIGH that authorised this?? Well it is Yahweh yes, but not the true Yahweh, it
is Satan, it is Lucifer.
When the true prophets came to Israel, they said THE MOST HIGH does not need
your sacrifices.
Let’s Read Isaiah 1 from the 11 verse, listen to what the Isaiah is saying on the part of
Isaiah 1:11-15
“The multitude of your sacrifices—
what are they to me?” says the Lord.
“I have more than enough of burnt offerings,
of rams and the fat of fattened animals;
I have no pleasure
in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
12 When you come to appear before me,
who has asked this of you,
this trampling of my courts?
13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
Your incense is detestable to me.
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—
I cannot bear your worthless assemblies.
14 Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals
I hate with all my being.
They have become a burden to me;
I am weary of bearing them.
15 When you spread out your hands in prayer,
I hide my eyes from you;
even when you offer many prayers,
I am not listening.
Your hands are full of blood!

Man thought by sourcing energies through egregores by alimenting by the blood

because he knew that in the blood there is the force of the soul, he would be able to
substitute certain negatives energies in him. Practices that brought no result, up to
when THE MOST HIGH himself came to tell us what is the true solution.
Yes, these practices brought nothing, because you may say, “It was carried out in the
temples”, yes these were priests of Satan, you did not understand, those are voodoo
We say this, we can set aside energies, let us give an example, I can set aside some
money into my bank knowing that it will help me in the future, knowing that money is
from my work. But setting aside energies for substitution of evil is an insult to THE
And to say that master Yeshua came as the as lamb that taketh away the sins of man
through his death, my friends we advised you to close your bibles and seek THE MOST
THE MOST HIGH is not a killer and vampire that sucks blood.
The Yahweh of the old testament in the version that you preach is not THE MOST
HIGH, it is Lucifer.
See why he asked people to kill, you enter a city and kill everyone, kill the women and
children with no remorse. We speak of the scriptures as it is written now. If you are
truly awakened and not in spiritual laziness, you can immediately understand no, no. How
can THE MOST HIGH lead his people to the promise land all the nations that are in the
path to the promise land he tells them kill them all, get their cattle and sacrifice to the
me. What sort of God can ask something like this? Imagine THE MOST HIGH wants to
bless me an says go to brother Stevens house, kill him and take his wife, today doesn’t
that sound in your ear as wrong with a free conscience, those are luciferian practices.
There are old writings of decay that the greeks took of our ancestors of Katiopa. They
practiced voodoo in the sense of substitution.
Our body cannot be used for sacrifices as in the practices of substitution. I am sure
you know of how the pharaohs used to be buried with people and slaves, here you
already see that luciferian practices infiltrated.
Our body is the temple of THE MOST HIGH, it means our spirit needs to use the brain,
the brain is to used not command the spirit, when the body, the brain begins to give
orders to the spirit, it is the antichrist.
THE MOST HIGH adheres to the respect of his laws and not sacrifices, you know very
much of the famous verse, “Obedience is better than sacrifice”.
1st Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied:
“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

So there is no need of voodoo practices to succeed in life. Only in a life of love, of

wisdom, we can receive the force from THE MOST HIGH.
And later we shall see how the broken bridge was restored, it was not by sacrifice. It
is here we shall speak about Master Yeshua, and how he re-established the broken
bridge. It is not by sacrifice; theologians have lied to us. And we have been lied in this
for years, and it is very hard for you to take, and you think we are insulting the old
testament. On the sacrificing of animals in the old testament, no. we don’t kill
whatsoever to win the favour of THE MOST HIGH. We only win THE MOST HIGH by
living in love, because THE MOST HIGH is love. Master Yeshua succeeded in his mission
without killing anyone, instead he was the one who was killed, he was killed by hate, he
killed no one but did the will of THE MOST HIGH. He showed us how to live and told us
how to have love among ourselves, that is how we will know we are his disciples.

There you go my dear friends, the judgement of this time is to set Africa free from all
these egregores that is stopping us from getting close to THE MOST HIGH.
Now we have a culture where if you want to gain employment, you go and bribe the
employer or someone who has access to the employer, to protect your money, you go a
traditional doctor, all these practices are luciferian practices.
A man of God cannot teach this, do not indulge yourself in such things because such
things comes from the fall. When humanity separated from THE MOST HIGH, the high
priests were influenced by Ra into such techniques. Such cults do not come from THE
MOST HIGH and worse of all Christians took it even far to say The most high
sacrificed his only son, never his own son, because his son is part of him.
So you have to review the teachings on Abraham, the most high asked him to sacrifice
his son. What does that mean? You have to review the teachings on Moses when he
asked the people of God to kill lambs and place the blood on the door and roofs of their
houses. What does that mean?
So we have a lot of materials to review, a lot!
Do not accept things like a sheep. It is not because someone says, “Hey bring me two
goats, I will do this and that”, refuse, think! “Oh I will take your sins and place in
the goat for you to be cleansed”, wait, the animal has done what?
Today we have the Ramadan in Islam, and after 40 days they will come out sacrificing
animals, you understand that these are luciferian cults.
We are at Zola Bantu do not sacrifice anything, our only offering is living in elegance,
living according to the laws of THE MOST HIGH living in love, purity and justice. And
we have the force of THE MOST HIGH and no sorcerer can come close to us. We do
not need to believe in any sort of sacrifice, we are in contact with light.

Thank you

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