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“How to Maintain Friendship Amidst Huge Differences?

It can be really hard to maintain friendships with people who have huge differences in
opinion. But it's important to remember that even though we may not agree with each other, we are
still friends. Since the release of Covid-19, many people have been asking how to maintain friendships
during this time. The good news is that it's not as delicate as you might suppose.

How can people maintain friendships when so many loved ones are losing their lives?
The hardest thing about the current crisis is that it brings a lot of separation between friends - whether
that's because of the physical distance or because of the online quarantine that many people are now
observing. But don't let that stop you from staying connected with your friends. After all, the most
important thing is that you make sure you're taking care of yourself and staying safe. And it's important
that you remain emotionally healthy throughout this crisis - not just for your own wellbeing, but also so
that you can be there for your friends if they need you. Here are some things to keep in mind when
working on maintaining your friendship with someone who has a different worldview than you. Firstly,
listen to your friend's point of view. Ask them why they hold a particular viewpoint or believe in a
certain idea, and be open to their answer. If your friend comes to you with an idea that you don't agree
with, resist the urge to tell them they're wrong and try to persuade them to change their mind. Instead,
ask them why they think that way and encourage them to explain themselves. Secondly, be open to
learning something new. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you have to lose your
respect for them or stop liking them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and you shouldn't feel
threatened or hurt when someone has a different point of view than you do. Thirdly, respect your
friend's boundaries. Remember not to make assumptions about your friend's beliefs and values. It's
never OK to impose your own beliefs on someone else or try to force them to be something they're not.
If you have reason to believe that your friend isn't open-minded about certain topics, try to avoid talking
about those subjects with them. Fourthly, don't criticize your friend for their beliefs. Being critical of
another person's beliefs can undermine your relationship, so be sure to avoid this behavior. If you have
some constructive criticism for your friend, suggest ways in which he or she could make a change
without attacking his or her personality or character. Fifthly, Stay true to yourself. Your friend may
disagree with some of your ideas, but that doesn't mean you have to change the way you live your own
life. Make sure that you stay true to yourself and don't compromise your values and principles just to fit
in with your friends. Six, be patient and respectful. Working through disagreements can be difficult, but
it doesn't have to be difficult all the time. Try to approach disagreements in a calm and rational manner
so that you can have a productive discussion. Avoid getting angry at each other or making rude
comments, as this will only escalate the situation and make it even harder to resolve.

Remember that in the end, both of you need to respect each other and be willing to
compromise to find a solution that everyone can agree on.

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