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Rater Comparison Worksheet

Adult Form


Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition

Patti L. Harrison, PhD Thomas Oakland, PhD

Compare two forms: Adult (self-report) and Adult (rated by others)

See Appendix B, Tables B.30 and B.31

Adult score Adult score Significance

(self-report) (rated by others) Difference Base rate in
GAC/Adaptive domain (M = 100, SD = 15) (M = 100, SD = 15) between raters Critical value .05 level standardization sample

GAC ≤15% ≤5%

Conceptual ≤15% ≤5%

Social ≤15% ≤5%

Practical ≤15% ≤5%

Adult score Adult score Significance

(self-report) (rated by others) Difference Base rate in
Adaptive skill area (M = 10, SD = 3) (M = 10, SD = 3) between raters Critical value .05 level standardization sample

Communication ≤15% ≤5%

Community Use ≤15% ≤5%

Functional Academics ≤15% ≤5%

Home Living ≤15% ≤5%

Health and Safety ≤15% ≤5%

Leisure ≤15% ≤5%

Self-Care ≤15% ≤5%

Self-Direction ≤15% ≤5%

Social ≤15% ≤5%

Copyright © 2015 by Western Psychological Services. Permission is granted to users of the ABAS-3 assessment, Adult Form, to reproduce this rater comparison worksheet in the
course of administering the ABAS-3. All other uses of this worksheet, in whole or in part, require the prior written permission of WPS ( All rights reserved.

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