Delos Santos Michael Jacob 12 JAVA Forms

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Consent for the Processing and Use of Personal Data

CIIT College of Arts and Technology (CIIT) is committed to protecting the privacy and
security of personal data in accordance with Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data
Privacy Act of 2012.

I understand that CIIT processes students’ personal data, which includes the name,
age, birthdate, place of birth, marital status, gender, nationality, religion, address,
contact information, emergency contact information, family background,
educational history, grades, academic performance or standing, attendance, health
or medical records, disciplinary records, and any other personal information of
students that is within the control or possession of CIIT.

I understand further that CIIT’s processing includes manual, automatic or electronic

collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval,
consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction, and other
operations performed on students’ personal data.

By affixing my signature below:

● I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the Privacy Policy of

● I give my explicit and unambiguous consent and permission to CIIT, including

its directors, officers, employees, academic and non-academic personnel,
agents and representatives, to:

- collect, use, and process personal data in connection with [my/the

student’s] application for or admission to, enrollment in, or education,
training, or internship with CIIT, and other legitimate purposes of CIIT;

- share [my/the student’s] personal data with CIIT’s service providers and
their personnel for the purpose of processing such personal data,
background check or verification;

- share [my/the student’s] personal data with partner organizations or

companies for the purposes of internship, on-the-job training,
employment, or any other similar engagement;

- share [my/the student’s] personal data with government agencies and

other regulatory authorities in accordance with law; and

- share [my/the student’s] personal data with parent/s, legal guardian/s, or

any person/s giving financial support for [my/the student’s] education, for
purposes of verification and in acknowledgement of the exercise of their
authority and responsibilities under the law.

- share [my/the student’s] personal data with other school personnel

including information that falls under privileged information that was
given to the School Guidance Counsellor, Doctor or Nurse, for the purpose
of preventing, aggravating and avoiding existing conditions that the
student might have.

● I give my explicit and unambiguous consent and permission to CIIT, including

its directors, officers, employees, academic and non-academic personnel,
agents and representatives, to share any of my data to the individuals I have
listed in this form should they request any of my data from CIIT (only students
at least 18 years old or the Legal Guardian whose signature appears below this
document may authorize and list down names below):
● If any of the Authorized Persons below contact CIIT to request for any of my
data, CIIT can release the data as long as the authorized person or claiming to
be the authorized person is able to provide a valid PIN Code.
● I undertake to give the PIN codes only to authorized Persons. Those who shall
use the PIN codes shall be presumed to be authorized by me.
Name Relationship with Person

Geraldine Delos Santos Andres Paternal Aunt

Arthur Roland S. Andres Paternal Uncle

_____ I understand and agree to the conditions outlined in the Consent for the
Processing and Use of Personal Data. I understand that this form is valid for
two (2) academic years. I also understand that my consent does not preclude
the existence of other criteria for lawful processing of personal data, and does
not waive any of my rights under the Data Privacy Act and other applicable

_____ I do not agree to the conditions outlined in the Consent for the Processing
and Use of Personal Data. I do not give my consent to CIIT to process the
personal information for the purpose(s) described herein.

For minor students/applicants:

Michael Jacob Delos Santos Geraldine Delos Santos Andres

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Name and signature of student / applicant Name and signature of parent/guardian

Date: ____________________________ 3/7/2022
Date: __________________________
Student Work/s Submission Consent Form

Dear Student:

We at CIIT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL INC. (“CIIT”) take pride in the work
submissions of our students. CIIT also recognizes the students’ rights over their
works. Thus, it is the policy of CIIT to request from the parents or guardian of the
students or from the students themselves, if at least 18 years of age, their permission
before any works or images of such works are used by the school. Photographs,
audio and video recordings may be taken of the works of the students for the
purpose of showcasing CIIT’s students’ talents and achievements, promoting CIIT
and its school events.

Hence, by signing below, you are granting CIIT permission and authority, and
without compensation, to use, exhibit, or publish your work/s, whether literary,
artistic, photographic, interview recordings and statements/testimonials or in any
other form (hereafter, the “work/s”) for the above purposes and for publication in
CIIT’s marketing materials and official social media posts, including newsletters, and
the CIIT website. CIIT may modify, edit, crop, or combine such work/s with other
forms of work/s, in connection with the authorized publications.

CIIT, on the other hand, acknowledges that it will only use such works in
relation to the purposes discussed herein, and shall not sell or reproduce the work/s
for economical gain. This consent is valid for two academic years.

Thank you.

_____ I agree and consent to the above terms.

If you also agree to the use your personal information, such as your name, student
grade and section, age and scholastic information next to your work/s or in the
publications, please indicate:

_____ No

Student Signature: _______________________________

Michael Jacob Delos Santos
Student Name: _______________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature (below 18 y/o): _______________________________
Date: _____________________________

Michael Jacob M. Delos Santos

I _______________________________________ acknowledge and understand that my
admission to CIIT College of Arts and Technology Senior High School Department
signifies my agreement and consent to the institution to carry out the rules and
regulations stipulated in this Student Handbook. I am fully aware that all policies are
deemed appropriate for the improvement of my personal wellbeing.

I recognize and accept that my continued stay in this educational institution is

subject to my compliance to the governing rules and regulations of the school. I am
also aware that in case of disagreement and grievances, the school has the final
authority to decide based on what could be the best for all parties.

I hereby pledge to abide and follow what is required in the Student Handbook
without hesitation and mental reservation. I further understand that the school
reserves the right to amend any or all of the provisions stated herein as they see it
necessary for the development of its organization.

I am executing and affixing my name and signature in this letter of conformity as a

proof that I have read and understood the contents of this Student Handbook.

Signed by:

Michael Jacob M. Delos Santos

_________________________________ Geraldine Delos Santos Andres
Name and Signature of Student Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian

Plagiarism Contract

A. What is Plagiarism ?

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with

or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full
acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in
manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.
Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the
regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary
offense. (University of Oxford, 2021)

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Using phrases, quotes, or ideas that are not your own without giving
credit to
the original source/author.
2. Paraphrasing the work of the others even though you may have
changed the
wording. • Using facts or data not considered to be common
3. Cutting and pasting phrases or sentences from a website without giving
credit to
the original source.
4. Using illustrations from an original source and claiming that it was a

B. Tips to Avoid Plagiarizing

In order to avoid plagiarizing, use the tips below. ( Calonia, 2021)

1. Cite your source - In citing your source, identify the full name of the source,
the date of publication, and any other citation element that’s required by
the style guide you’re adhering to. Check online articles on how to cite
using the MLA or APA format.

2. Paraphrase - Rephrase the ideas or information in your own words.

Change the sentence structure then use synonyms or change the word
form. Be careful not to change the idea of the original information.

C. Consequence for Plagiarizing

Once a student is proven to have plagiarized any written tasks or
submitted illustrations that are lifted from any original source, he / she will
be receiving sanctions based on the Revised CIIT SHS Handbook Policy on
Academic Dishonesty ( pp.36- 37).

First offense One (1) day suspension, violation report, conference with
parents and referral to guidance counselor for Intervention.
The student will also be asked to redo the task and resubmit
according to the given specific time.

Second Offense Two (2) day suspension, violation report, conference with
parents and referral to guidance counselor for Intervention.
The student will be marked zero (0) in the activity.

Third Offense Three (3) day suspension, violation report, conference with
parents and referral to guidance counselor for intervention.
The student will be marked zero (0) in the activity.

Fourth Offense Outright Dismissal

I have read and understood the above information. I understand that if I plagiarize,
I will receive a disciplinary consequence. I understand that if I have any questions
regarding plagiarism, it is my responsibility to ask my teacher for guidance.

I agree to give due acknowledgement and credit to the works of others following
the proper format of citation as required by the discipline. I also recognize that
passing somebody else’s work as my own is considered as cheating and as
plagiarism, thus resulting in some consequences as sanctioned by the discipline
body and the school.

In return, the School has the following responsibilities:

Provide clear instructions on proper citation and provide opportunities where

learners develop their awareness of Intellectual Property and the use of other’s
works for the improvement of their own works

Michael Jacob M. Delos Santos Date ______________________

Student Name (printed) __________________________ 3/7/2022

Student Signature ______________________________________________

Geraldine Delos Santos Andres

Parent/Guardian Signature over printed name #1 __________________________________

Parental Aunt
Relationship to student ____________________________


Calonia, Jennifer (2021). How to Avoid Plagiarism. Grammarly Blog. Retrieved Aug.12, 2021 from

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