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CHAPTER I - Lesson 1. Police and Law Enforcement.

Policing: An Overview The concept of law enforcement

consists of just that: enforcing laws. In its
Who is a Police? purest form, law enforcement requires an
Police can be defined as an identity created unwavering adherence to rules and
by law, funded by government for the procedures. It is a focus on the letter of the
specific purpose of maintaining social order law rather than the spirit of the law such as.
and to enforce the law. Citations are issued, arrests are made, and
force is employed with little regard for the
A body of government employees reason or meaning behind a particular law or
trained in methods of law enforcement and policy. It can be a very effective way to
crime prevention and detection and maintain public order and punish crime
authorized to maintain the peace, safety, inasmuch as it is focused on requiring the
and order of the community. members of a community or society to
comply with the law or face the
Role of Police in Social Life consequences. The problem of law
1. A watchman. enforcement alone as a response to crime is
2. A Law Enforcer. that it is singular in its approach, responding
3. A Service Provider. to effects without consideration for causes.

What is Policing? Policing.

Policing refers to the actions taken by a The term policing has come to mean
police agency to fulfil a legal mandate of an approach to crime fighting through
which the end result is maintenance of order community service and problem-solving. The
and keeping the peace. Policing is the act of idea of policing requires a holistic approach
enforcing laws, preventing and solving to community service, taking into account
crime, maintaining order, and promoting the problems that plague a community and
security and safety through the use of working with the people within that
legitimate authority... community to solve them. It requires
cooperation from residents, business
Basic Goals of Policing owners, and leaders who participate in the
a. Enforce laws process of reducing crime and improving
b. Preserve peace quality of life. While this idea of community
c. Prevent crimes policing may sound revolutionary, it actually
d. Protect civil rights, liberties dates back to the earliest days of the modern
e. Provide services police force. The concept is best articulated
in Sir Robert Peel's nine principles of
What is the Doctrine of Policing by policing.
The law enforcement implies
This doctrine states that police are a
compulsory compliance, policing suggests
substantially unarmed body who rely upon
voluntary adherence. In that sense, law
community support and goodwill, rather
enforcement is but one component of
than force, in the conduct of their duty.
policing, one of many tools in the toolbox
available to police officers and law
What is Police Discretion in Policing?
enforcement agencies.
Police discretion refers to the fact
that a police work with very little direct
The Beginning of Modern Policing
supervision once they are in the field and
The concept of modern policing,
often have to make choices about which
beyond doubt, originated in England through
course of action (if any) is to be pursued.
the development of the first modern police
forces initiated by the first three
What is Comparative Policing?
personalities mentioned in the succeeding
Refers to the act of determining the
which influenced American policing. The
similarities and differences of policing styles,
fourth person, an American police officer,
models, and approaches police
contributed too towards modem policing.
organizations have used and currently using.
Their contributions to modem policing are as
Law Enforcement versus Policing
1. Henry Fielding. 3. Sir Robert Peel.
As magistrate deputy of Bow Street Court in Peel established the London Metropolitan
1748. He is credited with two major Police through Metropolitan Police Act (a
contributions to the field of policing, namely: bill passed in Parliament in 1829) which
became the world's first modern organized
a. Fielding advocated change and police force. It became model for the
spread awareness about social and American police system and other police
criminal problems through his forces in Great Britain but also had great
writings; and influence on the style of policing in almost all
industrial societies. The Metropolitan Police
b. He organized a group of paid Force also called as Scotland Yard Police was
nonuniformed citizens who were guided by the following concept:
responsible for investigating crimes
and prosecuting offenders. This a. Crime prevention is the primary police
group, called the Bow Street objective;
Runners, was the first group paid
through public funds that b. It embodied the principle which states
emphasized crime prevention in that: the police are the public, and the
addition to crime investigation and public are the
apprehension of criminals. While police (see Peelian Policing Principles
citizens responsible for social control below); and
used to simply react to crimes, the
Bow Street Runners added the c. Police constables have to be civil and
responsibility of preventing crime courteous to the people.
through preventive patrol, changing
the system of policing considerably. The informal names are: Met and
MPS; police are often referred to as Bobbies
2. Patrick Colquhoun. or Peelers after Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel.
A Scottish magistrate, developed the science
of policing in the late 1700s. Colquhoun's Techniques in Detecting Crimes
science of policing suggested the following: Introduced by Robert Peel
a. detectives concealing themselves.
a. Police functions must include b. secretly photographing,
detection of crime, apprehension c. recording conversations, and
of offenders, and prevention of d. employment of the first undercover
crime through their presence in officer.
public. The function of crime
prevention was supported by The Nine Peelian (Robert Peel) Policing
other influential scholars like Principles:
Cesare Beccaria in his 1763 essay
On Crimes and Punishment a. To prevent crime and disorder, as an
which proposed that "it is better alternative to their repression by military
to prevent crimes than to punish force and severity of legal punishment.
them;" and
b. To recognize always that the power of the
b. Colquhoun contended that highly police to fulfill their functions and duties is
regulated police forces should dependent on public approval of their
form their own separate unit existence, actions and behavior, and on their
within the government. ability to secure and maintain public respect.
Furthermore, he argued that
judicial officers could provide c. To recognize always that to secure and
oversight and control police maintain the respect and approval of the
powers if they were organized as public means also the securing of the willing
a separate unit within the co-operation of the public in the task of
government, in effect proposing securing observance of laws.
the separation of powers
controlled through a system of d. To recognize always that the extent to
checks and balances. which the co-operation of the public can be

secured diminishes proportionately the First, borrowing from the Bow Street
necessity of the use of physical force and Runners, their mission was crime prevention
compulsion for achieving police objectives. and control. The philosophy that it was
better to prevent crime than simply respond
e. To seek and preserve public favor, not by to it greatly influenced the role of modern
pandering to public opinion, but by police officers.
constantly demonstrating absolutely Second, their strategy was to maintain a
impartial service to law, in complete visible presence through preventive patrol.
independence of policy, and without regard
to the justice or injustice of the substance of Finally, the third element was that of a
individual laws, by ready offering of quasi-military organizational structure.
individual service and friendship to all
members of the public without regard to These three elements of policing
their wealth or social standing, by ready developed in the early 1800s in the London
exercise of courtesy and friendly good police department had a significant impact
humor, and by ready offering of individual on modern policing.
sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.
It is worth to note that in France, the
f. To use physical force only when the New Police also known as Serjents was
exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is established in March 1829, the same year
found to be insufficient to obtain public co- the MPS of Sir Robert Peel was created. The
operation to an extent necessary to secure Serjents appeared on the streets of Paris,
observance of law or to restore order, and to dressed in blue uniforms to make them easily
use only the minimum degree of physical recognizable by all citizens. They were lightly
force which is necessary on any particular armed with a white cane during the day and
occasion for achieving a police objective. a saber at night, underscoring the fact that
they were a civilian, not a military, body.
g. To maintain at all times a relationship with However, the first non-military policing role
the public that gives reality to the historic in France was established in Paris in 1667,
tradition that the police are the public and under Louis XIV known as Basse Police. The
that the public are the police, the police Basse, with its wide powers, ensures the
being only members of the public who are welfare of the citizens, and regulates aspects
paid to give full-time attention to duties of food, housing, health and safety.
which are incumbent on every citizen in the
interests of community welfare and 4. August Vollmer. Vollmer, during the
existence. early 20th Century, is famous for the
development of the principles of modern
h. To recognize always the need for strict police administration. Advocated the
adherence to police- executive functions, concepts of administrative efficiency sought
and to refrain from even seeming to usurp to "centralize the authority within police
the powers of the judiciary, of avenging departments" and to "rationalize the
individuals or the State, and of procedures of command control."
authoritatively judging guilt and punishing
the guilty. The Berkeley Police Department,
under the leadership of Chief Vollmer, was at
i. To recognize always that the test of police the forefront of Police innovation. These
efficiency is the absence of crime and included:
disorder, and not the visible evidence of
police action in dealing with them. a. In 1906, installation of the first Modus
Operandi (MO) System.
Sir Robert Peel's contribution led
people to regard him the father of modern b. In 1907, first use of scientific investigation
policing [law enforcement]. (Kelinschmidt Case analysis of blood, fibers
and soil).
Elements of English Police Forces
Significant to Policing Modern. c. In 1907, establishment of the
department's police school. It included
instruction from professors on such subjects

as the law and evidence procedures. This Criminology, which evolved as an institution
was the first school of its kind in the world dedicated to studying police problems and
and had a far-reaching effect on law developing solutions. His contributions led
enforcement. the scholars to regard him the Father of
American [Modern] Policing.
d. In 1911, first use of the first Police
Motorcycle Patrol. e. In 1913, he changed Vollmer Significant Statements
Police Motorcycle Patrol into automobiles
for patrolling. a. Your main job as a cop on the beat is not
to make a lot of arrests, but to help prevent
f. In 1916, establishment of the first School crime. The best way to do this is to start with
of Criminology at University of California, at the children. Make friends with them. Guide
Berkeley. them towards law abiding citizenship. Show
them that the law is their friend not their
g. In 1918, began using intelligence tests in enemy.
recruiting police officers; Chief Vollmer
being a strong advocate of college educated b. The policeman's job is the highest calling
police officers [thirty-six-month college level in the world. The men who do that job
program in police education). Vollmer should be the finest men. They should be the
believed that higher education would be the best educated. They should be college
vehicle to convert the police occupation into graduates. That's what policemen should be.
a profession. And what are they? Dumbbells.

h. In 1920, the first lie detector instrument

was developed at University of California for
use by the Berkeley Police Department.

i. In 1921, began using a psychiatric

screening in police recruitment.

j. In 1923, the first Junior Traffic Police

Program was established.

k. In 1924, established one of the first single

fingerprint systems.

l. In 1925, established the first Crime

Prevention Division and hired the first Police

m. In 1941, he served as president of

American Society of Criminology which he
earlier founded.

Vollmer pioneered a more

professional approach to policing in Berkeley
that influenced police reform efforts
nationwide. A strong proponent of scientific
policing, he opposed capital punishment and
embraced a social work approach to policing,
visiting local jails himself each morning to
talk to inmates and urging his officers to
interact with members of the community
while walking their beat.

Vollmer believed in the importance

of proper training and education for police
and helped found the Berkeley School of

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