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Meet the human

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The human is the basic races and can do any race without bouns They can set their own diets

Meet the villager

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The villager No streath but can do magic the best they can talk themselves into a good deal.
They can eat anything. Villagers can pick a classes to be profiction in that gives them special
bousts in stats. They can be infected and changed from zombie bites or from lightning. If it’s a
zombie bite they will be undead but can be cured with weakness psoion and golden apple.
Lighting will turn them in to a witch and can also be cured. Are the best with build golems.
Good at casing and suporrt

Meet the Farlander

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The enderman is a tall strong race they can’t use wepons because of their hands and height nut
have a lot of straeth in their punches weak to water. They are vegans and don’t eat meat.
Enderman can telport at ease with out magic or a ender peral and will not take damage but will
lose hunger poinst for long gated teleportant. Enderman can’t see anyone wearing a pumkin on
their head.
Good at casting stealth and support

Meet the creeperling

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Aww man the creeper is best with stealth and can do big explosins don’t worry they have
prostaice hand to hold items Weak to fire and cats. They don’t need to eat but they need to
coume gunpoweder to use expsosins. Creepers can control their expolsoers and the heath the
lose from the action the bigger the less heath. If set on fire a creeper will immatly expoled. If
struck by lightning the creeper will do two things deponding on the roll. The creeper will be
supercraged and the next explosion will do the most damage but will leave them with one
heath point. If the roll fails the creeper will be supercharged and instanty blows up from the fire
Good at casting and steath

Meet the piglin

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The pigin loves gold and can get a 2x amour and damage bosst while using gold and netherrite
items. They can talk to piglins with out gold and have a heat resatice. They are carivores so they
only eat meat. The piglin can also be undead from bite lignthing or from extreme cold tem can
be cured the same way as a villager. Piglins have endence of fod
Good at support and fighting
If you are part of the horde of the hunt you are streger and get a buff from bone

Meet the golem

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The golem is a tough race and is the tankest but can’t use too many classes due to its build.
They can’t eat because they are maichines. They can only heal by using the material corapoing
to them. Can only be revived by being rebuilt.
Only can fight

Meet The slime

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The slime can change from their evement and can mold and transform into anything. They can
eat anything and can change their size. Also can have special varites deponed on the biome.
They are best at support and casting.

Meet the guardin born

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The gardin can breathe in and out of water only if their water on their skin. The nether will be
the worst place for them. They have a presain shot thore their eyes and can hit anyone form a
distance. Are best at casting spells and support.

Meet the shucker

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The shucker is a tough but short looking race you have a double invotory space and extra hearts
and defench and a breath wepon where shoot a leavtion shot for a cost of a hunger point or a
long rest, but you are heavy and slow. You are best a fighting and magic.

Meet the Blazeborn

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You are a humanold blaze who is

Meet the cursed

Meet the dragon

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