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Vocabularies For Grade 7

1. Add 38. Important 75. Speak

2. After 39. Know 76. Stand
3. Age 40. Late 77. Study
4. Agree 41. Laugh 78. Swim
5. Angry 42. Lazy 79. Take
6. Because 43. Learn 80. Talk
7. Become 44. Listen 81. Teach
8. Before 45. Look 82. Tell
9. Begin 46. Make 83. Think
10. Believe 47. Maybe 84. Tomorrow
11. Bring 48. Meet 85. Train
12. But 49. Memorize 86. Translate
13. Buy 50. Mix 87. Travel
14. Call 51. Move 88. Try
15. Chat 52. Need 89. Use
16. Close 53. Next 90. Wait
17. Come 54. Nice 91. Walk
18. Comment 55. Now 92. Wash
19. Cook 56. Open 93. Watch
20. Delete 57. Past 94. Wear
21. Difficult 58. Perfect 95. Weekend
22. Do 59. Play 96. Well
23. Drink 60. Pray 97. With
24. Easy 61. Present 98. Work
25. Eat 62. Pretty 99. Write
26. Educate 63. Read 100. Yesterday
27. Enter 64. Relax
28. Erase 65. Repair
29. Find 66. Run
30. Future 67. Say
31. Garden 68. See
32. Get 69. Sit
33. Give 70. Sleep
34. Go 71. Smart
35. Handsome 72. Smile
36. Have 73. Sorry
37. Hungry 74. Some

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