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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse



Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 1: 1st

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The city of H is south of the city. At the end of December, the daily average temperature is
still above 5 degrees Celsius. In the case of today's good weather, there is no cloud and no
wind, the golden sunlight melts into the air, and the warmth is straight from the bones.
Laziness loomed.
The nurse, who had just turned for half a year, walked to the door of the ward holding a
paper bag, and suddenly felt nervous.
Not because of the only three senior wards in the entire inpatient building in front of him,
nor because the left and right door gods in front of the ward seem to look scary, but
because of the person in the ward.
She glanced back at the nurse standing not far behind. Four or five young nurses of the
same age as her failed a few minutes ago and gave the errand to the ward rather
unwillingly. Squeeze and lie on the back of the platform and stare at her, seeing Xiao Ke
turning his head, squeezing his eyes and squeezing his tongue and tongue, and someone
thumping his fists excitedly and silently punched her.
Xiao Ke's face turned red, and the original tension was mixed with a bit of coyness. He
turned his head and took a deep breath, greeted two bodyguards who had been familiar
with each other for more than half a month, and then knocked. Door, turned the door ****
and pushed the door in. "Mr. Shen, are you there"
The spacious ward is beautifully decorated, the heavy blue curtains are all pulled open, and
the bright sunlight falls in from the bay window through the second layer of veil, which
brightens the room.
If it is not a full house flower basket, and the hospital's unique testing equipment and
hanging water stand stand around the bed, it looks like a five-star hotel suite.
Mr. Shen, who is young and delicious, is standing next to the upright closet behind the sofa.
His sick clothes have not been changed. He has a few clothes in his hands and a luggage bag
at his feet. It looks like he is packing. Turning his head after hearing the knock on the door,
a pair of dark jade eyes carried the light, showing a bit of cold, deep and indescribable
charm "I'm here, what's wrong"
The voice is clear, like a splash of pearls.
With such a flat tone, Xiao Ke's flush was immediately deepened by another two points,
because without him, Mr. Shen was so beautiful.
The complexion is white, the eyelashes are dense, the attractive shape and color of the lips
can't help but be a little jealous even as a female, and the word eyebrow is even more
appropriate for him, as if every line is After careful arrangement and careful consideration,
the pen was finally formed and formed into a face that could not find any shortcomings.
It was a kind of gorgeous, almost charming, but because the host's cold temperament and
tall and slender height did not seem feminine at all, it only made people's hearts shake, and
then they developed a sense of distance that can be viewed from a distance and can't play.
Dare to approach.
Obviously the age of registration on the medical record card was less than twenty, several
years younger than himself, but Xiao Ke couldn't even look at each other, and his eyes were
hot before he turned on and immediately turned away "Shen, Mr. Shen, Well, I'll bring you
the underclothes when you were admitted to the hospital. "
I can't blame her for not being prosperous. The young Mr. Shen has been hospitalized for
more than half a month. None of the little sisters at the nurse station can stop his face
If the dazzling beauty boy in anime can become a reality, it is probably the case.
Shen Shi'an had carefully put the clothes just folded in his hand for Li Bao, and came over to
pick up the paper bag in Xiao Ke's arms. He had a car accident more than half a month ago
and was then taken to the largest joint-venture hospital in H City. For the treatment, the
bag was filled with what was taken from him at that time.
The mobile phone was damaged in a car accident. A new one was replaced during the
hospitalization. The student ID and ID were also taken out when confirming his identity. All
that was left was a set of clothes worn at the time and a bunch of keys.
Shen Shi'an simply flipped over, and thanked Xiao Ke for "troubled."
"No, no trouble, no trouble," Xiao Ke said, with red ears and a hot face, she didn't know
where to put her hands and feet. Thinking of the little sisters at the nurse station cheering
for her, she dared to put her gaze back on Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Shen is packing up, do you want
me to help?"
Shen Shi'an already has experience in dealing with such situations. Try not to let his voice
sound a bit leeway, and not be too indifferent and refuse to be far away. "No, I can do it
myself, thank you."
Xiao Ke scratched a bit of disappointment in his eyes, bit his lip, didn't dare to say the
request for "exchange of mobile phone number", and finally looked at Shen Shi'an,
whispered "Mr. Shen, you are busy," and turned and walked out of the ward.
Shen Shi'an watched her leave and take the door, so she put the paper bag on the coffee
table and walked back to the cabinet to continue packing. After a while, the door was
knocked again. This time it was one of the bodyguards. The Chinese character had a big
face. Fan Guoping, about forty years old, "Mr. Shen, there is a little brother who says that
your classmate wants to come in and visit you. . "
He didn't finish talking. Shen Shi'an had already seen the tall young man standing outside
the door. The coldness and indifference of his whole body faded a little, with a smile on his
face, like a flower blooming under the crystal ice. The good looks are becoming more and
more vivid. "Why are you here, aren't there classes today?"
He and Yun Feiyang are both sophomores from the Medical University of H City. They have
different majors in the same faculty, but some public classes will still be together. Today is
Friday. He remembers that there are professional classes in the morning and afternoon.
"How can I not come out when you leave the hospital, am I the kind of unconscientious
person, and Daoshan Huohai can't stop me from running to your footsteps." Yun Feiyang
walked in with his hands around the bodyguards and came in. When it comes to the key
point, "the teachers are not checking enough to check the attendance at the end of the
period. Besides, there are roommates standing on their shoulders. I really need to name
them and help me answer them."
Looking around in the ward and finally falling on Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang blew his whistle,
"You can live this day, my little brother, flowers and fruits and nutritional supplements. I'm
holding you back than I was before my hospitalization. it is good."
This is true, probably because I have been indoors for a long time. Shen Shian's skin looks a
little whiter than before, and it is not the kind of pale that has not seen the sun for a long
time. Standing far away, you ca n’t look carefully, and standing close. It was found that even
the pores were almost invisible, and the lustrous luster in the white was still red, which
was better than the medical dog who stayed up late to play games and stay up late at the
end of the period.
Yun Feiyang searched for a long time before finding out the traces of patients who had been
involved in a car accident. "It's a lot thinner." The jaw line was thin and the clavicle became
more obvious. Alas, if the female classmates in the school could see it, it would be sad.
In front of friends who are familiar with each other, Shen Shi'an is obviously gentle and
relaxed a lot. "If I renew the ward and let you stay for two days, it doesn't matter. Let the
nurse put two needles a day."
Yun Feiyang hesitated twice, "That's too embarrassing, I still don't bother the nurse sister."
Seeing that the door had been closed again, he took an orange from the fruit basket and
tossed it to Shen Shi'an. "This is at your door. What is the situation of the two bodyguard
brothers who have n’t seen it yet? Your father coughs, Mr. Gu found it for you. ”
Shen Shi'an snorted, and the half-length black hair fell in front of him as he bent to pull the
zipper of the luggage bag, without further explanation.
Knowing that this was not a topic suitable for in-depth discussion, Yun Feiyang didn't
continue to ask, "Is there anything I need to help with the discharge procedures?"
As I said, I picked up the paper bag on the coffee table and was startled when I opened it.
Inside was Shen Shi'an's clothes, which he knew. But the pale gray sweater and coat were
covered with dried dark red blood stains, and the blood stains seemed to have completely
penetrated the fabric of the clothes, because the deep color and large area looked quite
shocking, which made people immediately bear. What kind of trauma did the owner of
Lenovo's clothes suffer?
Yun Feiyang's face was a bit whitish, and the original laughter disappeared, watching Shen
Shi'an difficult to conceal his worry, "Shit, your car accident is so serious."
After Shen Shi'an had a car accident, the hospital first notified the school through his
student ID, and the school also informed the counselor. The counselor contacted Shen
Shi'an's only immediate relative, which is Mr. Gu, who is far away from city b. Wait until he
gives Shen Shi'an called and found out that nothing could be solved. When she noticed
something wrong, she reported to the counselor that it was already the second day of her
At that time, Shen Shi'an had just finished the operation. Although he lived in the intensive
care unit, his looks and the description of the attending doctor did not seem to be
particularly serious. It was only at this moment that he saw these clothes that witnessed
the car accident and were soaked with blood. He jumped fiercely, and felt that the other
party had walked away from the gate.
Shen Shi'an took the paper bag out of his hand and put it in a Li bag. "Looking scary, it's all
skin trauma."
Yun Feiyang was a little unbelieving. Looking at the blood on his clothes, "really" was
clearly the blood loss that could kill people.
"Really," Shen Shi'an's eyes are clear, and there is a gloss similar to black gems. "What do I
lie to you, if there is any major problem, the doctor will not let me be discharged. Is the
discharge procedure already completed, and the things also? They're packed, and I can
leave when I change clothes. "
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uneasy. He stared at him on the sofa, for fear that he would
endure the pain, and he would be unable to support the stun and fainted on the ground in
the next second.
According to the distance between the two, if he suddenly fainted, he should be able to rush
forward to catch it, Yun Feiyang thought. After a moment's secret evaluation, the buttocks
were quietly moved away from Shen Shi'an on the sofa. Well, that's about it. It can
definitely rush to the hero to save the beauty in an instant.
The scene imagined in Yun Feiyang's mind was not realized, because Shen Shi'an did not
look like something, and walked back and forth normally. There was no blood-stained
bandage or a bandage under the sick clothes. It is a traumatic wound after trauma.
But when Shen Shian turned his back on and put on a thin black slim sweater, Yun Feiyang
saw something unusual. "Hey, where is your bead?"
Shen Shi'an has been wearing a string of beads on his right wrist. The texture of ink jade
has been carved into an ancient lotus shape, because it is a relic left by his mother, Mrs.
Shen. Yun Feiyang has never seen him for so long. He took it off.
But at this time, the black woolen clothes were draped over him, and the right wrist was
flat, clearly not wearing anything.
Shen Shi'an wore a slight pause in his coat, and then pulled the zipper as usual. "I woke up
after waking up after the operation. It was probably because the rope was torn in a car
Understanding the meaning of the jewel for Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang didn't know how to
comfort him, and for a long time he uttered a sentence, "The old one will not go and the
new one will not come." I just wanted to give myself a slap. say something
Shen Shi'an knew that he didn't care about his character, changed his clothes and picked up
his luggage. "Let's go."
Yun Feiyang hurriedly grabbed the luggage bag and tried a little to please Dai Yiliong.
"Where are you sick? Where can you hold something, give it to me." I looked around the
flower basket and fruit basket in the ward. "What about these things?" Do it "
Shen Shian's tone was indifferent. "Just leave it like this, it wasn't originally given to me."
Gu's family is one of the major shareholders of the hospital. After Mr. Gu's visit, the doctors'
directors and leaders at all levels in the hospital came here. of.
It is common for patients to give things to doctors, but it is rare for doctors to give things to
patients. Shen Shian thought.
Yun Feiyang immediately reluctantly. "Why didn't they all come to your ward with so many
fruit supplements? It's a pity to throw them here, **** your prodigal child."
Pick up a bunch of flowers, turn around and go out to the nurse's station and ask the nurses
for a few big bags, then choose between the fruit basket and the tonic and fill the three big
pockets. Probe the two bodyguards outside the door Giggle "Hey, hey hey, I'll go home and
give us An An to make up for our body, brother bodyguard help me."
Fan Guoping was very good at talking, and his big hand stretched out two bags easily. The
other bodyguard was younger, named Wan Feng, higher than Yunfei Yang in 185. He was
staring at him for a moment. Only then picked up another bag of things.
Yun Feiyang quietly rubbed his arms and didn't know where the person Mr. Gu invited
from, it looked like a fire.
A group of four arrived at the underground parking lot after the person in charge of the
inpatient department saw him off. Fan Guoping drove, Wan Feng sat in the co-pilot, and
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang got into the back seat. About half an hour later arrived at Shen
Shi'an's residence near the Medical University of H City.
The apartment building was left to Shen Shi'an by his grandfather. The community where
he belongs belongs to the courtyard of the medical staff of the medical university. It is rare
to enjoy municipal heating in the slightly southerly city of h city.
As soon as Shen Shi'an took out the key and opened the door, the group was immediately
breathed a breath by the oncoming heat.
The apartment is a two bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and two bathroom
structure, with a storage room and a balcony. The area is not too large, but Shen Shi'an lives
alone more than enough.
The house was neatly packed. Even if it was unoccupied for more than half a month, it
could not be seen as dirty. Only a light layer of gray was dropped on the furniture and it
was cleaned after a little cleaning.
Two bodyguards stopped Shen Shi'an from preparing to enter the door. "Mr. Shen, for
safety, it's best to let us check first."
Shen Shi'an pressed his lips, then nodded. Standing at the door, watching the two
bodyguards carefully inspected every corner of the house, until Wan Feng was about to
open the north-facing storage room, and then frowned and stopped. "Wait, that room can't
As soon as the voice fell, I walked over and turned the handle to open the door actively.
The storage room is about the same size as the second bedroom, because it faces north and
back, and the temperature is slightly lower than the rest of the house. The store structure is
written on the storage room, but it is not actually used as a storage room. The room is
empty and unobstructed. There is only a light cyan porcelain pot on the wooden furniture
against the wall. Next is a magnified black and white photo. In front of the photo, there are
a four-corner censer with a length of about 20 cm and a red clay sculpture and two
Wan Feng immediately understood what it was, took a step back, and whispered "Sorry."
"It's okay." Shen Shi'an could not see any expression on his face, and turned to look at Fan
Guoping, who had just checked the bedroom. "Trouble two people have been by my side for
so many days, but I have been discharged from the hospital and arrived home safely. Both
should also You can retreat. "
Fan Guoping and Wan Feng looked at each other with a little embarrassment on the
Chinese character's face. "What, we were hired by Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu's request is to protect Mr.
Shen from your 24-hour personal protection. Your salary has been obtained. Now, without
Mr. Gu's instructions, we would not dare to neglect our duties and just let it go. This is also
for your safety considerations, Mr. Shen. "
Shen Shi'an is not ignorant, nor will he deliberately embarrass the two. The thick eyelashes
fall for a moment and then rise again. The cold and delicate eyebrows still teach people to
look embarrassingly for a long time. Two people."
Even if he could live, he couldn't be in the same room with the two men 24 hours a day. It is
unwilling and impossible.
Fan Guoping's expression relaxed immediately, and he smiled and said, "You don't need to
worry," turned and walked out the door, took out the key and opened the door of the
apartment opposite Shen Shi'an's house. "Mr. Gu has arranged it, and we both live in
Opposite Mr. Shen, he would never disturb Mr. Shen's private life, just treat us as if we
didn't exist. "
In this case, Shen Shi'an had to accept such an arrangement. After sending them out, I
thanked them again and closed the door to return to the room.
Yun Feiyang, who has not spoken for a long time, seemed to be thinking about something.
"Your dad is not, why does Mr. Gu give you a bodyguard? Twenty-four hours of personal
protection. For your safety, you are not a national leader. You have to watch out for
someone assassination. "The voice suddenly slammed, and Yun Feiyang suddenly opened
his eyes." Look, isn't your accident a car accident? "
Yun Feiyang almost jumped up in shock and anger, but Shen Shi'an's expression remained
unchanged, neither admitting nor denying that "no one can be sure of something without
evidence." He bent over and changed his slippers, and brought Yun Feiyang a pair.
"How can't I be sure? If there was no cat in the car accident, how could Mr. Gu ask you for a
bodyguard in such a big battle?" Yun Feiyang's temperament was just like the artillery
battle, and he suddenly learned that someone was going to hurt his brother. Immediately
holding a kitchen knife and the murderer behind the scene desperately "I know who is
doing who is going to hurt you. It must be Mr. Gu and his wife, right? You are all surnamed.
The household registration has nothing to do with the Gu family, she keeps staring. What
are you doing that was not enough? "
Shen Shi'an suddenly turned and looked at him, his face could not see the mood, but the
cool coldness in his eyes instantly made Yun Feiyang stop as if he was pinching his neck.
After a while, he rubbed his hair like a vent. "Stop it, I won't say it." After secretly
whispering how I lived in the hospital once, it was more scary when I cold-faced.
Seeing Shen Shi'an walk into the storeroom, quickly changed his shoes and followed, and in
the quiet environment and the scent of light candles, he subconsciously said, "I also give my
aunt a column incense."
Shen Shian lit the candle, then lit three incense sticks with the candlelight, and whispered
in his hand to the black and white photo, "Mom, I'm back."
The woman in the photo is very beautiful. She has a shawl with gentle hair and eyebrows.
She looks similar to Shen Shian's feet, but her temperament is completely different. A pair
of smiling eyes are slightly bent, and she shines in the sun.
Unlike Shen Shi'an's restrained restraint, Yun Feiyang, who also has the fragrance, is much
more fussy. "Auntie, I'm here to disturb again, but today An An is a sick person. I will not
work. He will cook and cook. I will wait." Give him more nutritional supplements and feed
him well. You can rest assured that although An An is in a car accident, it is not a big deal.
Now people are jumping around, and they say that there will be blessings if they do n’t die.
I ’ll take care of you in heaven. Take care from the ground, and I will definitely have good
luck in the future. "
Until a bunch of incense was almost burned out, it was not enough to insert incense into the
incense burner, followed Shen Shi'an to the living room to prepare takeaway.
By the time the takeaway helped to clean up, Yun Feiyang suddenly remembered
something, "Yes, don't you do one good every day, isn't your share today still useless?"
Shen Shi'an's uncle and his mother both believed in Buddhism. Although he himself did not
believe it, under the influence of his mother, he had been insisting on "doing one good deed
every day" for more than ten years, even during hospitalization. When I heard this
sentence, the thing of thinking and doing good right away was not big or small, even if it
was just a helping hand, but now I'm afraid I have no chance to implement it.
Yun Feiyang Shi Shiran sat down on the sofa with a coffee table on both legs. The sentence
"Otherwise, come over and squeeze my shoulders and pinch my legs." The door bell rang,
and the voice of the takeaway brother was at the door. "Will Mr. Yun Aotian be here, your
take-out is here."
Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow and glanced at Yun Feiyang. Then in the latter's laughter, he
went to the kitchen first to get a bottle of water, then opened the door, took the takeaway,
and handed the mineral water to the hand. . "
The takeaway brother stunned, then took the water and smiled. "Okay, thank you. If you
are satisfied, please trouble with five stars."
Shen Shian nodded. "No problem."
Water delivery plus praise, today's Yixing should be considered to be up to the mark.
After eating dinner and eating dessert, Shen Shi'an sent Yun Feiyang with a large bag of
Yun Feiyang said with a bag while walking out, "You ca n’t live alone, it ’s still a bit
dangerous. Hey, I ’m going to work in a pet hospital tomorrow Saturday, or I ’ll bring you a
dog, we ’ll keep it in our hospital. There are so many stray dogs. They have been cleaned
and vaccinated. What do you like? "
Yun Feiyang obeyed his parents' expectations to study human medicine, but I was actually
more interested in veterinarians, so I took a part-time job in a pet hospital while I was out
of class. According to him, "How can I cure a dog? They're not good at doctors. "
"Let's talk," Shen Shi'an thought, didn't immediately agree, he didn't like pets very much, "I
will tell you if you want to raise."
"Okay, say it well, don't buy it by yourself. Adopt it instead of buying. There is no harm if
you don't buy or sell." Yun Feiyang waved at Shen Shi'an through the gradually closing
elevator door. "Okay, you go back, take a good rest."
Yun Feiyang was sent away, and Shen Shi'an returned to his home. There was a little sweat
during cleaning and eating, and the heating was drying, making it sticky. He walked into the
bedroom, turned out to change clothes, and stood under the shower in the bathroom and
took a shower.
Twenty minutes later, a slender figure emerged from the glass door of the bathroom, and
while walking around the waist with a bath towel, he walked to the mirror.
The bony joint fingers wiped a few times on the mirror, and the adhered water vapor rolled
down, showing a young figure in the clear mirror.
Water droplets dripped on the wet black hair, and a flush of redness was emitted from the
handsome face due to the heat of steam, and the thin lips were slightly frosty. The color
became more and more seductive to the extreme. It was almost sexy, but it was cold in the
dark eyes. I feel a little more untouchable distance in an instant.
The young people's body is slightly thin but not thin, and a thin layer of muscle is just right.
The smooth muscle lines have been submerged in the bath towel, showing a charming
luster in the water vapor.
Shen Shi'an's gaze swept across his face in the mirror, and then fixed on the man's left wrist
It was his own right wrist. The beads that had never been removed in the past were long
gone. In the original position of the beads, a dark blue tattoo seemed to be innate, wrapping
Shen Shian's right wrist completely. In the circle, the dark cyan lines are in sharp contrast
to the fair skin, and there is a kind of thrilling monster beauty.
If Yun Feiyang was present at this time, it would be immediately recognizable. The tattoo
was mysterious and weird, and it also contained a mysterious pattern, which is clearly the
style of the beads.
Shen Shi'an raised his left hand and touched the tattoo that fits perfectly on the skin.
The next second, the steaming bathroom was empty.
The author has something to say: Friday, December 21, 2018, three months and 12 days
before the virus outbreak.
Xinwen officially opened a pit, thank you for supporting the first fifty comments to drop the
red envelope
Shen Shi'an is under attack and is expected to play within three chapters.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 2: 2nd

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an told Yun Feiyang that he had suffered only a minor trauma in the car accident.
This is not true.
The place where the car accident happened was at a crossroad on the outskirts of city H.
There was light rain in the sky, and the vision was dim and unclear. Before the big truck full
of coal **** suddenly rushed out, Shen Shi'an didn't notice any abnormality.
He drove a small car, and his grandfather gave him a graduation gift after the college
entrance examination. The main publicity point of the producer is that he is light and smart
and suitable for novice drivers. Therefore, under the rapid impact of a heavy truck passing
a red light, it almost looks like a Only a fragile matchbox was hit by a fly and smashed into a
mud puddle by the road.
When the volley tumbled for several weeks and crashed to the ground, Shen Shi'an, who
was tied to the driver's seat by the seat belt, could clearly feel that his ribs had broken
three, and one of them penetrated the lung lobes and pierced straight from the right side
under the right flank. Blood filled his chest and scrambled to drain from his mouth, nose,
and wounds, quickly soaking his clothes.
He thought he was going to die, and he couldn't think of any possibility of survival when the
co-pilot was completely crushed by the impact force and completely incapacitated.
But he did not die.
In the dimness before dying, the blood-drenched bead-strands were a masterpiece of light.
For a moment, the pain of burning the right wrist with high heat almost exceeded the pain
of the lungs being drowned by blood. When the vision became clear again, he came to
himself. Where to stand
In front of me is a quiet space with an area about the size of a football field. The
environment is not complicated. The most conspicuous is a three-story, antique bamboo
building. There is a bamboo planted behind the building. There are two trees in front of the
building, one is a peach tree, and the other he does not know.
In front of the two trees is an open space, surrounded by a sparkling stream, and at the
source of the stream, there is a hole with a slightly higher spring eye, and under the eye of
the spring, a stream of confluence of spring water , About three meters in diameter, the
mist is transpiration of the Lingquan.
It was this Wang Lingquan that saved his life.
After the accident, the pain of being burned by a soldering iron on his right wrist just
appeared, and he was "sucked" into the place by the beads and placed in the Lingquan. He
studies clinical medicine, but no medical theory can explain the changes in him
As if there were countless warm currents pouring into his body from the spring water,
soothing, repairing, and healing the wounds on his body and inside his body, the anxiety
and pain caused by the car accident calmed down quickly, and the broken ribs grew back
and were The pierced flesh tissue heals quickly, and the blood in the thorax drains from the
pores in a wonderful way
The warm spiritual spring is like the mother's womb, and keeps feeding him with all the
materials he needs.
He didn't know how long he had soaked in the Lingquan. When the space vomited him out
again, he was still tied to the overturned car by a seat belt. The beads on his wrist
disappeared, leaving only a circle as if Dark cyan tattoos growing on the skin, and the sirens
of the ambulance sounded faintly in the distance.
He was taken to the hospital by an ambulance, and the doctors examined him. The main
trauma was an epidermal abrasion and a soft tissue contusion caused by the impact. When
Mr. Gu got the news and rushed to the hospital, the director of the surgical department
personally supervised him and gave him from scratch. I did a check at my feet, and the test
results were still the same.
The most serious wound on his body was the deep and shallow scratches caused by broken
glass, because several vein blood vessels were cut, and the bleeding volume was relatively
large. It looked a little scary. In fact, it was all skin trauma. It could be crusted after two
days of raising. In addition, not even the slightest concussion. If not for Mr. Gu's insistence,
he would not need to be hospitalized for more than half a month.
The driver of the accident that caused the accident fled the scene long before the
ambulance arrived. After investigation, the police found that it was a temporary worker
hired at a mining site. The identity information, contact information and home address on
the work contract were fake. At present Still running without any news.
Only Shen Shi'an knew what mysterious and wonderful things had happened on the ****
driver's seat in the cramped car of the horrible car accident in that rainy early winter
The temperature in the space always seems to be around 20 degrees Celsius, so even if only
a towel around the waist is not cold.
The surroundings were extremely quiet, except the snoring of the water in the eyes of the
spring. Shen Shian leaned against the wall of the Lingquan pool. The warm spring water
surrounded the whole area below his chest. He looked up at the snow-colored "sky" at the
top of the space.
After the initial shock and disbelief, all that remains is doubts
What kind of existence does this space have? Who created this space and what kind of
connection and connection with the Shen family? Besides him, does anyone know the
secret of the bead?
Similar or different questions are endless one after another, but sitting here in the hot
spring, obviously there is no way to answer any of them.
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and poured water on his face. I've died once, and when it
comes, it's safe.
About half an hour later, feeling the full energy and strength in the body, Shen Shian
jumped up from the spring lightly and agilely with one hand, wiped off the water drops on
his head with a bath towel, re-wrap it around his waist, and walked along A grassy path
leads to the bamboo floor.
The touch of the grass under the feet was very wonderful, with a slight tingling with dense
itching, and the ground next to it was soft and fluffy, showing a rich black in the sky.
Shen Shi'an looked at the open space surrounded by the stream and wondered if he should
plant something, otherwise it seemed too wasteful.
But what to plant
Not only does he have little experience in planting, but in a modern city where it is
extremely convenient to buy any vegetables and fruits, it seems unnecessary to go to the
space to dig soil and farm.
As I thought about it, I walked around the two big trees in front of the building and stepped
on the steps outside the corridor. Shen Shi'an stopped at the door, took a neatly folded
towel on the bamboo stool, wiped his feet, and put on a pair of cotton slippers next to the
Both of these things were purchased by his bodyguard Fan Guoping during the
hospitalization, and then all the items brought in direct contact with his body when he tried
the laws of space can enter the space with him.
The space on the first floor of the bamboo building is not large. There are only four rooms
in total. The center is a living room. On the right side of the living room is a study.
The furnishings in the study were simple and elegant. Shen Shi'an pushed in the door and
walked over the desk full of pen, ink and paper, and walked straight to a book shelf
opposite the desk.
The bookshelf is large and the same height as the entire wall, but there is only one book on
the entire bookcase. Shen Shi'an walked over and picked it up from the bookshelf. The four
large characters on the simple cover came into view again.
Guixu Gongfa.
This book Shen Shi'an has been flipped back and forth many times. In the meditation, he
can feel that this book and Lingquanquan Eye should be the two most important things in
this space. A deeper understanding of space.
It is a pity that most of the books are traditional characters, which are difficult to recognize.
The most important thing is that the words are obscure, the word order is chaotic, it is
clear that each word is known, but there is no reason to connect together. For Shen To
Shi'an, it was no different from Tianshu.
The patience reluctantly turned over two pages and found that there was no progress like
the previous few times, and Shen Shi'an could only put the book back again and returned to
the living room on the first floor.
At the innermost part of the living room is a wooden staircase connecting the second floor.
Shen Shi'an walked up the stairs, halfway around the staircase, unexpectedly stopped by an
invisible barrier.
Sure enough, he still can't go up. There are too many places he can't understand about this
Out of the bamboo building, Shen Shi'an again focused his attention on the tattoos on his
wrist, and his thoughts appeared in the bathroom.
The steaming heat was gone when he took a shower, and his figure was clearly seen in the
mirror. The time velocity in space is different from that in the real world, which is about
two to one. That is to say, staying in space for two hours, only one hour has passed in the
real world.
It may seem like a good choice to hold your feet before the exam.
Shen Shi'an unbuttoned the bath towel and put on clean underwear, and put on the pink
and white checkered home clothes. The light colors neutralized his cold temperament, and
even the offensiveness brought by the delicate appearance weakened a bit. Shows softness
similar to mother's.
With Yun Feiyang's help, the house has been completely cleaned, but there have been no
occupants for more than half a month, and there are still many places to clean up. She was
taken to the balcony by the core and pillows and exposed to the sun. The sheets were
replaced into a washing machine, and the fruit supplements brought back from the hospital
were put in the refrigerator and sorted out. Water the plants on the balcony.
The green plants are all planted by grandpa. When the grandma was alive, the entire
balcony was packed like a small three-dimensional garden. From common pumpkin
peppers and other vegetables to various vines and flowers, it was very colorful and lively. It
was alive all year round. exuberant. After dying, the vegetables and flowers died a lot. Later,
my grandpa turned his spirit and took care of it, which was also a lush.
Until his grandfather died, Shen Shi'an did not know how to take the plants on this balcony.
He tried to take care of the plant habits according to the planting manual and the various
plant inquiries found online, but the plants that enjoyed careful care seemed more
vulnerable than human life. No matter how hard he tried, one or two plants died every day.
Later, most of the undead plants let him give them to the upstairs and downstairs
neighbors who like to take care of flowers and plants. A small half may be left for the
purpose of "wanting to prove their gardening ability." Only one is left. A pot of cacti, a pot of
aloe and a clump of green cypresses still lingered in his hands.
However, no one was watering for more than half a month, and the aloe and green dill that
seemed to be wet did not seem to be able to breathe any longer.
Fingers squeezed most of the shrunken leaves of aloe, Shen Shi'an raised his eyebrows
subconsciously, thinking for a moment, the body flickered from the place, and when it
appeared again, the watering can had been replaced with Lingquan water.
Lingquan can repair wounds and should nourish plants
Shen Shi'an is not particularly certain. After all, the human body needs completely different
nutrients and plants, but at the moment, only a dead horse can be used as a live horse
I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. After pouring in the spring water, the state of aloe and green
dill seems to improve a lot with the naked eye.
The cactus was watered before it was hospitalized and should not be used for the time
being. Shen Shi'an stared at the spikes for a while, reached out and held the cactus
flowerpot, and when the thoughts moved, the cactus disappeared into the palm of the hand
with the flowerpot.
It seems that not only "dead" such as slippers and towels can be transferred, but plant life
such as cacti can also be brought into space. I do n’t know if animals can
Mastering another law about space, Shen Shi'an was a little satisfied. Looking at the sky, I
decided to go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities before the sun goes down.
Grandpa was a teacher of Medical University of H City during his lifetime, and many of the
residents in the community were colleagues. These colleagues also knew Shen Shi'an, and
after the death of Grandpa more or less, they walked from home to the door of the
community. He had to stop and say hello to the other side several times.
There is no news in the school. Many people have heard about Shen Shi'an's car accident. In
addition, he has a code of conduct of "one day and one good". He often helps the elderly to
pick things up and press the elevator. He always asks about it carefully.
In the face of these grandparents, Shen Shi'an always converges his indifference and slows
down his expression as much as possible. The thick eyelashes hang down half, and they
look so cute and beautiful, making people feel reluctant to let go.
The two bodyguards are far behind due diligence. They both have professional military
training backgrounds. If they are quietly sneaking in, Shen Shi'an is supposed to be
imperceptible, but it is good for Lingquan's gentleness. Now he has no ears. His eyesight
and observation were much sharper than ordinary people, and the two shadows in the
distance were not difficult for him to find.
Fortunately, they didn't follow closely, Shen Shi'an thought, or else two bodyguards
suddenly appeared around them, I am afraid these grandparents have more questions to
After finally getting out of the gate of the community, Shen Shi'an let out a long sigh of
relief, as if unloading the heavy load, his eyes turned back to the icy coldness, and even his
footsteps were light.
The supermarket is not far from the community, and you can walk across the road for
dozens of meters. Shen Shi'an bought some fresh ingredients, picked a few bottles of fresh
milk and juice, grabbed some snacks, and replenished bath and toiletries. I thought about it
when I was preparing to check out, and pushed the shopping cart to the agricultural
product area. Find a few packets of vegetable seeds at the bottom of the shelf.
After all, it is not a special crop seed base station, and the types of vegetable seeds in the
supermarket are limited. Shen Shian took a bag of tomatoes and a bag of melon and walked
back to the community with a paper bag still thinking about which location in the space is
more suitable.
Thinking too much, I didn't notice that I was tripped by the steps, and my body moved
forward and stabilized in time, but a packet of luncheon meat fell out of the bag and my
bones rolled away.
Shen Shi'an chased a few steps before he had time to pick it up, a dark shadow suddenly
burst out of the bushes, took a bite of the luncheon meat, turned and pressed Shen Shi'an to
lower his two front legs, his hair exploded, and sent from his throat Threatening growl
Super fierce.
Shen Shi'an stopped. Looking at the dirty puppy before him who squinted and squinted his
eyes, pointed at the luncheon meat in his mouth and said "Mine."
"Woohoo" is even fiercer.
Shen Shi'an, who had no interest in pets at all, felt challenged.
The property environment in the community is very good. He has never seen stray cats and
dogs for a few years. Where is it so big? It looks like it is only two or three months at most.
Is it lost by other households or bitch? Throw in by accident
No matter what, it's always wrong to grab him lunch.
He put the paper bag aside and squatted down. Before the puppy attacked, his eye quickly
grabbed the back of his neck and thanked Lingquan. His reaction speed also improved a lot.
The puppies are very light, and when they got close, they found that they were a little male
dog. At the same time, the sour odor of the dog did not know how long he had not taken a
Shen Shi'an frowned, taking the dog a little bit disgustingly.
The back of the neck was held in his hands. The instinct of the beast made the puppy stiff,
but it was unwilling to be restrained. So he rolled his eyes and stalked his neck. A stupid
silly dog.
Even then, it didn't spit out the luncheon meat in his mouth.
Shen Shi'an and his eyes stared at each other for a while, and remained unmoved in the
other's fierce eyes and the unceasing threat.
Before thinking of Yun Feiyang, he persuaded him to have a dog, and he was not
particularly satisfied with today's "one good deed", hesitated for a long while, and dumped
the small things in his hand like a dried plum.
"Otherwise, come home with me"
The author has something to say that the attack is coming. He is now in the form of a cub.
The IQ and the value of force are temporarily limited by the form. It is good to be long.
This chapter randomly drops red envelopes
Thanks readers
Cumin threw a grenade
Xiao Zhuo threw a grenade
Falling wind throws a mine
Meow Meow Lu Yanyan threw a mine
Cat **** threw a mine
A Jiu threw a mine
26253107 threw a mine
Maybe threw a mine
Maybe threw a mine
Wuwu threw a mine

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 3: 3rd

Settings saved..
Shen Shian eventually brought the dog home.
But he regretted it as soon as he entered. I glanced over the dog's dirty hair and the meat
pads that were so dark that I could not see the original color.
The floor was freshly mowed, the sofa cover was newly changed, and the carpet had been
in the sun for less than an hour. Where should I put the dog?
It doesn't fit anywhere.
Shen Shi'an put down the paper bag and changed his shoes, and continued to walk slowly
and step by step while holding the puppy's neck skin until he walked into the bathroom
opposite the second bedroom.
Fortunately, nothing fell from it.
Despite the opposition's resistance, he pulled the luncheon out of the puppy's mouth, and
Shen Shi'an twisted his limbs to reveal his fierce light and looked like he was desperately
desperate for him. His eyes were dark. Crystal-like icy luster "Want to take a bath first, it's
yours after washing."
The eyes turned back uncontrollably with the luncheon meat, and the threatening whine
sounded, and the puppies' teeth seemed to recover two.
Shen Shi'an didn't care. She knew the best, but she also had to wash if she didn't know. He
should spend a lot of time wandering outside. He does n’t know if there is any wound or
disease on his body. After thinking about it, he put the dog into the glass door of the shower
room and closed it. “Wait.” Then he picked up a plastic basin. Shining body disappeared in
When he reappeared, he held most of the hot steaming water in his hand.
The puppy rushed out as soon as the glass door opened. Shen Shi'an thought it was going to
attack, and he was ready to pinch his neck. If he knew that the other side wouldn't look at
him, he ran straight from his leg to the basin. On the side, the two front legs struggling to
rest on the edge of the basin, and began to drink.
Shen Shian hesitated for a while, then responded "Hey, this water can't be drunk"
The Lingquan water has an automatic cleaning function. This was discovered when Shen
Shi'an entered the space for the second time. No matter what kind of impurities fall into it,
it will be cleaned up within half an hour.
That's right, but after all he bathed in Lingquan. Even if he doesn't like pets anymore, it is
too much to feed the bath water.
The slender fingers pinched the back of the neck and held the puppy up again. This time the
reaction of the little thing was more fierce than when it grabbed its luncheon meat. Zhang
Yawu's claws seemed to be incompatible with Shen Shi'an.
How long has it been without drinking water?
Shen Shi'an closed it into the glass door again, "Wait." He went out of the bathroom and
went to the kitchen to pick up a plain blue dish. He went into the space and picked up a
plate of water from the spring eye. Then he returned to the bathroom and placed it next to
the puppy's mouth. Hey, drink. "
A plate full of Lingquan water entered the puppy's belly in an instant.
"Saturated" Shen Shi'an moved a stool and sat next to the plastic basin. The sweater sleeves
were pulled up. The t-shirt cuffs were carefully rolled to the elbow position, exposing a thin
white and thin arm, and there was just a raised bone joint on the right wrist. A small dark
blue Buddha lotus, supported by the bone joint, seems to stretch and bloom on the skin,
beautiful and mysterious. Raise your hand to pick up the puppy and put it in the basin.
"When you are full, take a bath."
I thought it was a chore to bathe this little thing. I didn't expect it to cooperate
unexpectedly. I paddled my legs in a pot that was twice as long as it was in diameter and
swam over to dive in. The posture was very pleasant. While Shen Shi'an wasn't paying
attention, he took another sip.
Bi Yingying's spring water can no longer see the original color after soaking the puppy for
ten minutes. Shen Shi'an scooped him out of the basin, rubbed the shower gel and washed
it with a shower head three times, and wrapped it in a towel. Rubbing it on the leg again,
this is the true appearance of it.
The hair is close to pure black and dark gray, and there is no slight noise from head to toe.
Although it is a stray dog, the hair quality is not bad. It is soft and fluffy after being dried
with a hair dryer. The hair on the face is a bit long. If you pay little attention, you will block
two slick eyes and illuminate the light, only to find that its iris is emerald green, and I do n’t
know what kind it is.
"What's the name?" Shen Shi'an said to himself while pinching his neck and blowing his
hair. "I'd better call you Xiaohei later."
Seeing Xiao Hei trying to twist his neck again to bite, Qingying's voice turned cold and cold,
"I don't want to eat luncheon meat."
Xiao He moved stiffly and twisted his neck back silently, his claws began to pull the towel
under him.
The piece of lunch meat that he "leaked" from Shen Shi'an was the size of an adult fist. Shen
Shi'an was not prepared to feed all of them to estimate that he could not eat it. Second, he
was not sure whether the luncheon meat dog would be eaten.
But that is, he took out his mobile phone and searched for "Can the dog eat lunch meat",
and when he lowered his head again, only one piece of lunch meat was left in a piece of
wrapping paper.
Shen Shi'an looked at the wrapping paper, and looked at Xiao Hei's body without slippers.
Finally, he looked at his swollen belly, and was a little worried whether it would hold
himself to death.
But now there seems to be no other way than to pray for its strong digestive power. If I
knew it, I wouldn't rush to get the name.
According to the results of online search, many people eat food that dogs ca n’t eat. There is
no pet food at home and they need to buy it now. Thinking of those enthusiastic
grandparents in the community, Shen Shi'an was reluctant to go out again. Open the
supermarket a on the mobile phone, selected two bags of dog food and a can of pet milk
powder, thought about adding a mushroom-shaped dog kennel, and directly chose home
Xiao Hei didn't know where he went, and Shen Shi'an was not in a hurry to find it. When he
first arrived, let him familiarize himself with the environment at home. A dish of Lingquan
was placed in the corner of the living room, and the things bought were arranged in the
same way. It wasn't too late, and I started preparing dinner.
He bought a lot of ingredients, and he didn't have to be too complicated to eat alone. He
burned a sweet and sour pork ribs, a lily shrimp, a cold okra, and cooked a small pot of
seaweed soup.
The rice was stale, and when the last dish was off, the door bell rang, and it was his
Xiao Hei didn't know which corner was drilled out before the ribs came out of the pot. It
was neither fierce nor noisy. He squatted on the stove and stared at the pan with his eyes
straight. After the door bell rang, he probably heard it. The smell of strangers outside the
door immediately exploded into a hedgehog. When Shen Shi'an opened the door, he
grinned and rushed out.
Shen Shi'an grabbed the back of his neck in time to pick it up, and took the carton from the
courier with his other hand. "Trouble, thank you."
Send the courier to close the door, put the carton with the dog on the stool at the entrance,
turn around and return to the kitchen to put the cooked dishes on the table, first give
yourself a bowl of rice, and find out a small bowl and A pair of scissors, walked back to the
The little black man had short legs, hesitated on the cardboard box, didn't hesitate to jump
down, and saw Shen Shi'an come over and immediately lowered his teeth and rushed at
him, almost fierce.
Shen Shi'an ignored it, skillfully pinched his neck and placed it on the floor, opened the
carton to take out the dog food, carefully poured a shallow layer into the bowl, and placed it
next to the dish of Lingquan water. "
Xiao He froze, his round eyes opened wider, turned his head to look at the fragrant meals
on the dining table, and looked at the black grains of dog food in front of himself, as if he
had suffered a great grievance. Similarly, his eyes were suddenly fierce, two rows of
gleaming little fangs emerged, and the bowl was kicked with one kick
The author has something to say, Xiao Xiaohe, you eat dog food. Your whole family eats dog
Today is a little short, hee hee hee.
Thanks readers
Shanhebi threw a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
dandan threw a rocket launcher
Shui Liuli threw a mine
Wooden ah

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 4: 4th

Settings saved..
The small bowl fell to the ground and made two turns, and the dog food inside spilled to the
Shen Shi'an's expression cooled down instantly.
He was beautiful, with a thin jawbone and facial lines carefully carved by the most romantic
artist, but the most beautiful was a pair of eyes
The pupil is dark, the eyelashes are dense, and the arc of the eye is slightly upturned. If it
grows on another person's face, it should always give the illusion of smiling smile, so it is
impossible to extricate yourself, but once the eyes are stained with cold The seductive
impact is even stronger, and people can't help but watch it, and dare not see it for a long
The fierce little black accidentally bounced his hind legs.
Shen Shi'an stared at it for half a minute, then seemed to think of something, and his
expression was slightly relieved. He squatted down and straightened the small bowl to pick
up the dog food one by one. "Lunch meat ca n’t digest it, right? Wait until you are hungry. "
After picking up the dog food, carefully wipe the ground with the wet paper towel off the
ground twice. After washing your hands, walk to the dining table and sit down to eat. The
fierce little black hesitated for a moment and chased after him.
The legs are high, the dining table is taller, and the fragrant meals are close at hand and far
away from the sky.
It wasn't until it thumped around the table for the fifth time that Shen Shi'an understood
what it wanted to do, "You want to eat"
Xiao Hei immediately yelled at him twice, "Wang Wang." Although his expression was still
fierce, it was obviously not his anger or threat. His tone was soft and soft, and he even
brought a little milk that was not easy to detect. sound.
Shen Shi'an pointed to the small bowl of dog food in the corner of the living room. "Isn't
there the rice, go eat it."
"Wang Wang" seemed a little angry this time.
"You want to eat what I eat"
The "Wang Wang" little milky tone is more obvious.
"No," Shen Shi'an refused. "This is eaten by humans. You can't eat it. It will become a dead
dog if you eat it."
"Hum," suddenly fierce.
Shen Shi'an ignored it and ate his own food while holding a bowl. Xiao Hei was so angry
that he started to circle around Shen Shi'an's chair crazyly, screaming as he turned, the
tone varied from "嗷嗷", "Roaring" to "Wang Wang," and "Woo Woo", and there were more
and more loud trend.
Shen Shi'an was annoyed by it before taking a few sips, and the beautiful eyebrows were
wrinkled tightly. "Pang" put down the bowl, "You're not finished, right?"
Xiao Hei looked up at his "Wang" tone and was particularly certain.
He regretted it for the second time, why did he pick it home. One person, one dog, one
sitting on a chair and one squatting on the floor, was relatively speechless for a long time.
"咚咚". There was a knock outside the door, and then the bodyguard Fan Guoping hesitated
hesitantly. "That, Mr. Shen, I just heard that the dog in your house was barking particularly
badly, and then suddenly there was no sound, dog cough, Are you OK"
The restless tone seemed to be worrying that Shen Shi'an was too annoying for the dog, and
how the ferocious hair gave the dog. As a matter of fact, Shen Shi'an's mind is indeed
turning to some disharmonious thoughts.
"It's okay," he still stared at Xiao Hei, and raised the volume. "I'm fine with the dog, thank
you for your concern."
"Oh, that's good, that's good." Fan Guoping outside the door seemed relieved, but didn't
leave immediately. "The stray dog, because of his crimes outside, will be more prepared for
people at first, especially like that kind of special Small puppies, so small, big, and bullied
everywhere without mom. Is n’t that a bit of a temper, my daughter has adopted a stray
dog, just over two months old, eating it outside It ’s a lot of hardships. When I first got
home, I did n’t even touch them. I was prepared to eat, but as long as I take care of them
patiently and gently, I will soon be close to them. I ’ll follow them wherever I go. Dog The
most loyal, no revenge, but you remember it a little better, isn't there a word, dogs are
human best friends "
Shen Shi'an patiently listened to Fan Guoping's whole set of remarks about "how valuable
is the friendship between humans and dogs". After the other person's footsteps were
getting farther and farther, he carried Xiao Hei's neck and skinned it "I abuse you"
"Wang" is simply wronged.
Ah. Shen Shian sneered, put the dog back on the ground, got up from the cupboard and took
a shallow blue plate "Do you want rice?"
"Wang" Xiao Hei immediately followed and began to flick his tail.
Shen Shian served a spoonful of rice, and Xiao He raised his claws to scratch his trousers, so
he added another spoonful.
"Do you want shrimp?"
"Wang Wang"
Hold the dinner plate and give it a small half of shrimp, "Do you want spare ribs?"
"Wang Wang Wang"
Shen Shian's eyebrows were drawn, and a few pieces of ribs were simmered. By the way,
the soup was poured. The grainy rice and the richly-scented gravy were stirred evenly, and
the caramel color appeared in the light, which made the dog drool more. , The small meat
pad frantically froze on the floor.
"Do you want okra?"
This time it was a long silence.
Shen Shi'an looked down at it, and Xiao Xiao's eyes were round and well-behaved, looking
particularly innocent.
"Don't it be a drink of spiritual spring water?" He muttered in his heart, and put the plate
full of hands next to the dining table. "Eat, if you eat it, it will become a ghost, and you will
have a debt. Lord, remember to find Mr. Fan Guoping Fan, do you know? "
Where is Xiao Hei interested in listening to him? A pair of eyes stared straight at the
porcelain plate, and when Shen Shi'an put it down, he rushed over to eat.
Shen Shi'an sat back in his chair to continue his dinner, and said, "Let's eat and die as he
pleases," but couldn't control his eyes and swept toward Xiao Hei. Seeing that the hill-like
food in the porcelain plate was half eaten, the small things still didn't stop, and finally
couldn't help but walk over "Eat, you really want to kill yourself"
Seeing Shen Shi'an reach out to grab a meal, Xiao Hei was anxious. He whipped from his
throat and ate even faster, but his mouth was stuffed with food, and the fierce whining
sound didn't sound very deterrent. Hurry Stick out your tongue and lick at the top ribs of
the porcelain plate.
Shen Shi'an "" What are you doing?
Taking advantage of the other's divine efforts, Xiao Hei quickly licked the rice and shrimp
in the porcelain plate, including the entire edge of the porcelain plate, while licking again
and again, demonstrating and squinting at Shi'an An.
Eating his stuff at his house and declaring ownership in his presence
Shen Shian smiled angrily, pinching his chin with his backhand, pinching his thumb and
forefinger with a round cheek that was supported by food, with bright eyes flowing, as cold
and charming as his voice, "rice, shrimp, ribs, all in this home Everything, including you, is
mine. If you want to live in this home, what you say, you have to do, do you understand? "
A little pup with a mouth full of food and being pinched by the cheek apparently couldn't
answer him.
Shen Shi'an loosened it, and was about to lift the porcelain plate, suddenly remembering
that the entire plate was covered with saliva, so he stretched out his palm and retracted it.
Forget it, no matter how stupid, you can't just brace yourself to death
"Don't eat it if you eat it," Shen Shi'an said to the dog after thinking about it, "I will make
braised pork tomorrow. If you die, you can't eat it."
Well, there should be no problem now.
When Shen Shi'an finished dinner, the dishes on the porcelain plate were also eaten, and
even the plates were licked clean and shiny. Consecutively eating food that is half its own
volume, the dog Xiao Hei seems to have nothing at all, and jumps around the room.
After washing the dishes and packing up the kitchen, Shen Shi'an found a shovel from the
toolbox, and flashed into the space with the pack of tomato seeds and a plastic basin bought
in the afternoon.
The space is still warm as spring, and the air with the smell of plants and moisture is
refreshing. Shen Shi'an stood in place and took several deep breaths, then walked to the
open space beside the stream.
He bought a total of two bags of seeds, a bag of tomatoes and a bag of melon in the
supermarket. Considering that he has no experience in planting crops, Shen Shi'an does not
plan to plant the whole plant for the time being.
According to the information he found on the Internet, the method of planting tomatoes is
very complicated. It is necessary to raise the seedlings more than a month in advance, wait
for the buds to grow, and then pull out the seedlings for replanting. This method is mainly
to ensure that there are sufficient nutrients during the growth of the seedlings, but the land
in the space is the most fertile black soil. There should be enough nutrients to come, so
Shen Shi'an intends to plant directly, eliminating the process of planting and seedling
The Internet also said that seeds can be soaked in warm water at about 50 degrees Celsius
before sowing, which can improve seed survival and reduce disease. Just at the
temperature of the Lingquan water, Shen Shi'an simmered a pot in a plastic pot, poured a
quarter bag of tomato seeds into it, and then left it beside the open space, while he dug a pit
while the seeds were soaking.
The slippers were taken off, the pants of the home service were rolled to the knees, and the
cuffs were rolled to the elbows. Shen Shian first marked an area of 3 meters wide and 3
meters in the open space, and then dug a pit with a gap of about 10 cm in rows and 15 cm
in columns. The pit depth is about five centimeters.
The ground in the space is soft. Even if there is no professional tool, it is not difficult to dig
it with a horticultural shovel. When the thirty-one rows and twenty-one rows of neat and
shallow pits are all dug, Shen Shi'an brings the plastic basin over. From left to right, from
top to bottom, three to four seeds are placed in each shallow pit, covered with soil, and then
poured with a little spring water.
After all the planting work was over, Shen Shi'an was sitting on the shore with his arms
behind his back. The cool stream flowed through his feet, and his nose had a layer of bright
Maybe it ’s because a person is alone, or the fatigue after work is satisfying, or the aroma of
grass and wood in the space can't help people to guard against it. The cold temperament
slowly fades away, exposing the soft inner layer under the thick ice layer. .
This is the first time he has planted vegetables. He hopes that the seeds will germinate and
grow up as soon as possible, and the plants will be healthy and disease-free. I do n’t know
what the tomato tastes like. It does n’t matter if it ’s not tasty.
Can dogs eat tomatoes?
I took a bath in the hot spring to clean the mud and dust from my body, and changed to
clean clothes placed in a bamboo building. Shen Shi'an carefully folded the dirty clothes and
flashed out of space.
As soon as he came out, Xiao Hei was fighting the sweeping robot in the living room.
The sweeping robot is a new model on the market last year, with a disc shape of more than
thirty centimeters in diameter. It is usually due diligence. Even during Shen Shi'an's
hospitalization, he will come and **** dust and dust, just colliding with the small black
scurrying around.
He was hit inexplicably, where Xiao Hei could stand the grievance. At the moment, the
whole body was snarled and gave the robot a slap, and the robot's silver disk was shocked.
He thought he had hit an obstacle and turned to another direction to continue. Taxiing, I
didn't ski too far and hit the sofa foot, so I turned and turned back.
In Xiaohei's eyes, it was Chi's naked provocation.
He pulled out two rows of gleaming little fangs and slapped again with a heavier force. The
robot was stunned, and the two lights representing the eyes seemed a little confused. He
turned his head and walked back, hitting the sofa and turning back again and again.
When Shen Shi'an came out of the space, Xiao Hei was like playing table tennis. His mouth
was "wow" and "wow", and he opened the bow from side to side to draw the robot back
and forth between himself and the sofa. He smelled Shen Shi'an and turned around. At the
time, I still had the evil look of "I don't believe that I can't take care of you".
"Is it fun?" Shen Shi'an asked it.
Xiao He retracted his teeth and had not had time to announce any tones. The robot slid
back after hitting the sofa. It may be that the procedure was a bit panic after touching the
wall one after another, and the speed was significantly faster. The top of the disc hit the
small one. The black dog's legs didn't stop behind, shoveling it all up, and running on top of
the disc.
Xiao Hei sits on the top of the robot in a posture with his buttocks and hind legs on the
ground, and his dog's face is markedly white and sloppy.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help but chuckle.
Without continuing to pay attention to the dispute between Xiao Hei and the sweeping
robot, he put the shovel and plastic basin back in place, and prepared to rest when it was
too late.
After washing, Shen Shian went to her mother and said good night to Zhu Xiang, and then
put the mushroom-shaped dog kennel back on the sofa. "Little black, you sleep here at
The little thing seemed to find some novel toy. Now, he was riding on the robot's head and
wandering around, and he didn't know if he heard it.
Shen Shi'an didn't care about it, and he couldn't lose it at home anyway, checked the door
lock to turn off the lights, and turned into the master bedroom.
After about two hours, the night became darker. The half-covered door of the master
bedroom was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and emerald green eyes appeared in
the quiet darkness.
Xiao He squatted at the door and did not move immediately. Shen Shi'an's shallow and
steady breathing sound sounded for another ten minutes, and it was determined that the
other party was really asleep, and the sharp cold light on his teeth was quietly released.
"Want me to obey a human being, even though I do n’t know where a human gets the
fountain of life, but as long as he eats it, it will be mine."
The sound of swallowing saliva seemed to faint in the darkness. "This human being has a
strong aura and must be a great supplement."
The deeper the green light in the eyes, the forelegs were pressed down, and the hind limbs
were charged, like a dormant beast that had been dormant for a long time, and flew
towards Shen Shian as lightning.
Shen Shi'an did not sleep well, he had a dream.
Not a nightmare, but definitely not a sweet dream.
In his dream, he was only twelve years old. Because of an accidental opportunity, he
discovered the secret of the Buddhism bracelet. The excitement in his heart was beyond
words. He rushed to the bed immediately and took his mother into the space to soak in the
Lingquan Spring.
Dreams are always chaotic, without logic. He was still reading in the classroom the last
second, accidentally cut his finger through a hole, and saw the red blood drops merge into
the lotus, the next second he suddenly appeared in the hospital ward, holding his mother's
hand with excitement Can't do it myself.
In addition to this strange chaos, some of the thoughts belonging to the adult Shen Shi'an
are still sober and sane. This part of the thought is like a separate individual from the
dream, quietly watching the development of the dream, and knowing clearly why he did
this. dream.
In a car accident more than half a month ago, after discovering that he was rescued by the
beads, the first thought that came to his mind was not the joy of escape, but a strong sense
of anger and weakness.
Why didn't he find out earlier why his blood didn't melt into the beads earlier? If he could
find the hidden space in the beads earlier and the spiritual spring in the space earlier, the
mother would never die
Ms. Shen was not healthy since she was a child and suffered from congenital heart disease.
She accidentally conceived Shen Shi'an and did not follow the doctor's order to terminate
the pregnancy. Instead, she gave birth to her life. Since then she has become weaker and
her health has deteriorated.
My grandfather tried everything to heal his daughter, praying to worship the Buddha,
chanting vegetarian food, western medicine, and even rural remedies. Almost all the
methods that I could try were tried, but I could only see my daughter as if she had been
lost. The flowers of nutrients, step by step towards withering and death.
No one has thought that the most effective and convenient method is actually always
around, always hiding in the beads of Shen Shi'an's wrist.
"It is because of my negligence that my mother loses her health \ 'the possibility of living",
such a thought can drive anyone crazy.
The sober, sane thoughts that belonged to the adult Shen Shi'an floated above the dream
and remained silent. Not only did he know why he dreamed this dream, but he also knew
exactly how the dream would develop. Because this is not the first time he has dreamed of
this dream.
The twelve-year-old himself lay on the bedside and took her mother's hand and tried to
bring her into the space over and over again, but no matter how many times he tried, when
his figure disappeared in place, the pale and weak mother would always be stay on the
Shen Shi'an's physical development is later than that of ordinary boys. At the age of twelve,
he is not tall. His face is full of childishness, because his skin is white and he looks much
thinner than his peers.
The adult Shen Shi'an watched his twelve-year-old himself try again and again, looking at
the childish face, the original excitement and excitement peeled off a little, the eye sockets
became more and more red, the lips became tighter and tighter, and finally fell completely
In pain and despair.
This pain and despair were so strong that the original sober and rational thoughts were
affected. The sleeping body became tighter and tighter, breathing became more and more
urgent, and even faintly wailed like a lost cub.
Until a "bang" muffled Shen Shi'an from her dream.
He opened his eyes and patted his hands with two slaps. The voice-activated light turned
on, brightening the bedroom. The door didn't know when it was wide open, but by the light
coming out of the bedroom, it seemed that there was a small shadow lying on the side of
the living room sofa far away.
"Little Black" Shen Shi'an shouted, his voice was a little hoarse.
The shadow seemed to tremble.
Shen Shian wiped off the water stains on his eyes, lifted the quilt, put on slippers, went out
of the bedroom, and pressed the light on the corridor. This time the light source was close
to the living room, and the scene by the sofa was immediately clear.
The little black clumps lie beside the sofa feet, their bodies tremble
"Missed, miscalculated, I didn't expect this human to have a defense weapon, ah it hurts."
Shen Shi'an turned on the light in the living room, walked over and crouched in front of
Xiao Hei, only to find that it was not only shaking, but also tears in the corners of his eyes,
and the fur around his eyes was wet, obviously a trace of crying
This is, afraid of black
Seeing very fierce, I did not expect such counseling.
Seeing that the little thing became more and more trembling, carefully thought about
holding it up for a moment, "OK, or else sleep with me tonight." It was only after it was
bathed, it should not be dirty.
Turning off the lights in the living room and corridor, Shen Shi'an held the dog back to the
bedroom, turned on a night light by the bed, and put the dog next to the pillow and lay
down next to it.
"Sleep," he slaps two more times, and the voice-activated light goes out, placing his hand
next to the puppy. "I'm here."
Xiao Hei recovered a lot from the pain, biting his fingers with a venting bite, but he didn't
dare to bite too hard. He was afraid that the defense weapon would be thrown out once
more, and he rubbed the two rows of small teeth between canines.
Sure enough, it's a small milk dog, but she's still coquettish. Shen Shian's lips curled up, and
he raised his hand and rubbed it on the dog's head.
Under the soft light of the night light, Xiao He secretly wiped his tears on the pillow towel,
and then licked a few sips on his wrist, his heart was ruthless
"You wait, eat you sooner or later"
The author has something to say: What is your opinion on Xiao Hei's desire to eat you?
An An's small body dreams big.
The meaning of the "" symbol in Xiaohei's psychological activities is that it does not speak
Chinese, and the language is different from that of humans.
Today is thick and long

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 5: number 5

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an and his grandfather have lived together for nearly six years. Under the
influence of the elderly, he has cultivated a very healthy lifestyle and a very regular
biological clock. At six o'clock every morning, his eyes must be opened before the alarm
goes off.
But today's situation seems a little different.
After taking Xiao Hei to sleep together, Shen Shi'an never dreamed again, but he always felt
that he had forgotten something important. Unknown confusion is subtle and
unpredictable in the subconscious until finally in the morning
He forgot that Xiao Hei needed to pee.
"The dog may have had a bowel movement at some corner of the house or even by his
pillow." Shen Shi'an was so shocked that he sat up in the bed, his back sweating and turning
his head, his eyes were like sharp swords Xiao Hei stabbed to his side
A small one-foot-long thing was standing on its feet, its furry belly was slightly undulating,
and a slight little purring sounded in its throat, apparently sleeping soundly. There were no
obvious foreign objects on the sheets, and there was no suspicious smell in the air.
call. Shen Shian was relieved. I looked at the phone at 5:30, raised my hand and poked
Xiaohei's belly twice. "Get up, take you out and shit."
It was late in winter, and the window was still drowsy at this point, so when Shen Shi'an
changed his clothes and washed, and entered the living room through the corridor, he did
not immediately notice the abnormality.
Until he picked up the mug from the coffee table, and inadvertently raised his eyes toward
the balcony. If it wasn't for constant response and quick response, I'm afraid the cup in his
hand had fallen.
Shen Shi'an strode to the balcony, and "opened" the glass door between the living room and
the balcony. Because the movement was too rapid, the metal edge of the glass door hit the
door frame heavily, and the pulley made a harsh friction sound in the track. The unmanned
midwinter morning seemed particularly loud and clear.
A leaf about the size of a fan was squeezed in after the glass door opened, rubbing Shen
Shi'an's cheek and dropping it in his ear. Shen Shi'an lifted her head, and on her long and
elegant neck, her throat knot fluttered a few times.
For a moment, he almost thought that a virgin forest had grown on his balcony.
Yesterday, the aloe was still weak. At this moment, it looks like a mutated deep-sea siren.
The triangular fleshy leaves are like the siren's huge and sturdy tentacles. Each one has an
adult man with a thick waist, from the balcony floor. Radially straight as high as the ceiling,
even the small thorns on the edge of the blade have changed from the size of sesame seeds
to countless hard sharp watermelon knives.
And the pot of three-dimensional green dill that was originally placed on the corner of the
balcony, several vines meandered like dark green pythons, entangled with each other, and
the leaves of the giant fan were green, dripping wildly along the vines, blocking the large
balcony. If the windows on the balcony are not closed properly, Shen Shi'an has no doubt
that these vines will pass through the window lattice, and continue to climb and grow along
the wall of the building unscrupulously.
Early in the morning, he was woken up in deep sleep, and the super fierce little black
showed his wrath of wrath. When Shen Shi'an went, he followed him, and threw back and
forth at his feet all the way, struggling his slippers. And trousers. Therefore, when Shen
Shi'an took a few steps and stopped suddenly in front of the glass door, Xiao Hei was unable
to hit his calf with one head and fell back with his **** on the ground and "tonned" to the
ground under the reaction force. Before I got too late, I saw the same scene as Shen Shian
Shen Shi'an swallowed with some difficulty, bowed his head and the dog's eyes stared at
the dog jg.
Why Shen Shi'an's eyebrows are creased, and the shock in his heart is still as turbulent as
yesterday. It was good yesterday. Why did such an amazing and counter-intuitive change
happen overnight? What kind of factor is the cause of the species variation, but it ’s
artificially affecting him. Nothing at all
Shen Shian was watered with a shock. He poured aloe vera and green dill with spring
As if a lightning flashed across his mind, Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered something,
disappeared in the spot instantly, and flashed into the space.
In the open space surrounded by the stream, thirty-one rows and twenty-one rows of seeds
that he planted last night have grown into tomato trees that are more than four meters tall
and lush. Thousands of basketball-sized tomatoes on the "twig" of an adult's arm are as red
as fire, shining seductively in the sky in the space.
Shen Shi'an stood by the brook, looking a little hesitant.
He hoped that the tomatoes would grow a bit faster, but it seemed too fast.
Banyan raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows. Now, at least one thing can confirm
that the aloe, green dill and tomato have such a change that violates the laws of nature
because of the spring water.
Shen Shi'an turned to look at the Lingquan surrounded by mist, and felt that he seemed to
underestimate the magic and function of the Lingquan water.
But now it ’s not the time to think about it, the little black **** has n’t pulled it yet.
With a tight heart, he immediately returned to the living room, changed his clothes and
shoes, and took a few disposable shoe covers from the cabinet at the entrance. He waved to
Xiao Hei.
There is no dog leash in the house. Shen Shi'an grabbed the back of the neck and picked it
up. He said coldly, "Awkward, do you want to eat meat?"
The dog snored a few times in his throat, and it did not move.
As soon as Shen Shi'an locked the door and pulled out the key, the opposite door was
opened. The bodyguard Wan Feng stepped out, dressed uniformly and expressionless, and
nodded at Shen Shi'an "early."
"Early," Shen Shi'an nodded, also surprised, "Don't you sleep all night?"
He also maintained a regular biological clock during his stay in the hospital. He got up on
time at six o'clock every morning. This habit is not difficult to find. But today he got up
earlier than usual, and he did n’t live in the same house. How did this Mr. Wan go out on his
front foot, and his heel followed?
Wan Feng said simply, "Sleep." There was no further explanation.
Another bodyguard, Fan Guoping, came out from behind him and laughed as he locked the
door. "Then definitely have to sleep. The bed is a bullet man and a gun. After resting, there
is strength. Who can hold it without sleep, both of us Shift work. Mr. Shen got up so early
today. "
After speaking, he bent down and said to Xiao Hei, "Oh, yesterday I was holding a black ball.
It looks pretty after washing it."
Xiao He banged his teeth fiercely.
Shen Shi'an pinched the back of his neck and motioned for the small things to rest. At the
same time he replied, "Go out to walk the dog without going far, just in the community. It's
still early now, and the two can continue to rest without following."
"How do you do that," Fan Guoping quickly waved his disapproval. "Mr. Gu said when he
hired us, asked for 24-hour personal protection, and gave people money to do business. We
still have this professionalism. Mr. Shen should not think Sorry, we two are paid higher. "
Shen Shi'an no longer quit, so he nodded and walked into the elevator first. Xiao Hei was
carried on his left hand, his forelegs were lifted, his hind limbs were stiff, and he moved
back and forth with the pace, like an old dried bacon.
The bacon was put down after Shen Shi'an stepped out of the first floor, and he ran forward
with his short legs.
The sun has not yet come out, and the temperature is at the lowest time of the day. The cold
air is sucked into the lungs, and when it is spit out, it is a misty white.
Shen Shi'an pulled out a wet wipe and wiped the palm of his left hand carefully. His long,
straight legs were not uncomfortable, and he followed behind Hei He with a pleasing
frequency. A circle of white fox fur on the down jacket hat surrounded his face, and his lips
were reddish and white, and his eyes were exquisitely cold and gorgeous.
It's too early and the temperature is too low. Today is Saturday again. Except for Shen
Shi'an and his party, there are few people in the community. Occasionally, the sanitation
workers can be seen in the gap between trees and buildings.
Shen Shi'an took out his mobile phone and looked at the temperature of minus four
degrees, but he didn't feel that cold. His knuckled hands were hanging freely on his legs,
and his skin was still glowing with warmth.
The green environment in the community is very good, there are trees and half-height
bushes everywhere. Xiao Hei ran for a while, then went into one of the bushes.
Shen Shi'an stood by the bushes, and as soon as he thought of having to pick it up later, his
face quickly frozen with the speed visible to the naked eye. For the third time, he sincerely
regretted why he picked up the dog.
It was probably too long, and Xiao Hei took a little longer to deal with physiological
problems than Shen Shi'an expected. After it finally got out of the bushes, Shen Shi'an took
a deep breath with both hands, and put five layers of disposable shoe covers on the palm of
his right hand. Then he bent down with a cold face, and plucked away the branches of the
bushes with his left hand. Go inside
I looked around several times and found no trace of shit.
If the dog feces are not treated in time, they will easily form powder after being air-dried
and broken, and the bacteria and viruses attached to them can be transmitted through the
air. If they directly contact the lawn, not only will the soil not be fertile, but a large amount
of heat will be generated by fermentation and decomposition And organic acids and other
toxic substances, burn the plants or cause "burning seedlings"
Shen Shi'an interrupted his thoughts in time. He seems to have read too much information
about agricultural cultivation recently.
But no matter how he finds it, Xiao Hei's uncle is still missing.
Shen Shi'an retracted his upper body from the bushes and looked at the little black face
with a doubt, "You won't eat it."
After reacting to what he meant, Xiao Hei was so angry that he scratched a few times in his
trousers, and then Shen Shi'an grabbed the claws with obvious dirt marks.
Ah, I dug myself and buried it. Shen Shian was relieved.
Turning his head to the bushes, even if he was aware of the adverse effects of pet feces
directly contacting the soil, he could not convince himself to drill in to find the little black
dug pit, and then plan out the buried dung.
Forget it, doing two good deeds every day will make up for it.
After buying breakfast from a breakfast shop outside the community, after returning home
to eat one by one, Shen Shi'an began to face the most difficult problem.
A dozen or so flat balconies were blocked by mutated aloes and green dill, and even the
roots could not be seen. Shen Shian thought for a long time and did not think of a proper
With some anxiety, he squeezed the corner of his eyebrows, and Shen Shian flashed back
into the space again.
Compared to the "primitive jungle" with limited volume on the balcony, the visual impact
brought by the tomato forest growing from seed to big tree overnight is obviously more
Shen Shi'an counted it, a total of 2362 tomato trees. Yesterday he dug thirty-one rows and
twenty-one columns, a total of 651 shallow pits, each with three to four seeds. If each pit is
calculated based on four seeds, a total of 2604 seeds, this will be This means that the
survival rate is as high as 907.
Even if there is very little involved in agriculture, Shen Shi'an can guess that this is a very
high number, and the actual survival rate is definitely higher than this.
With so many thoughts in his mind, Shen Shi'an suddenly realized a more shocking fact
after walking around the tomato forest three times in a row.
Due to the impact of the tomato forest, he ignored the most obvious anomalies other than
the tomato tree.
The planting area has grown.
When he planted yesterday, the experimental field he had drawn up was only three by
three meters, with a total area of nine square meters. But at the moment this "forest"
containing more than 2,000 tomato trees, let alone nine square meters, more than nine
hundred square meters.
But when he looked over from the other side of the brook, the tomato forest felt as if it was
only nine square meters in size, as if the space had been folded.
When he stood in the distance and looked at it, there was no change in the area of the open
space in front of the bamboo building. When he walked under the tomato tree, the
surrounding space seemed to be magnified hundreds of times instantly.
Therefore, the open space can be freely changed according to the needs of the plants on it.
Then if the experimental field he had drawn out yesterday is not nine square meters, only
half, but still planting so many seeds, will the actual area inside the experimental field
expand to this large?
Shen Shi'an subconsciously bit his right thumb. In any case, the open space cannot be
infinitely expanded. The multiple that it can expand must have a maximum value. Beyond
this maximum value, even if there are more things stuffed into an open space, its space
cannot continue to change. .
What exactly is the highest value, further experimental research is needed.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and touched his fingers on the lotus tattoo on the wrist of
his right hand. He looked a little dignified. This portable space was more complicated than
he thought. If he can master the method of reading the "Gui Xun Gong Fa" in the study, it is
estimated that more incredible changes will occur.
But there are too many things right now.
Shen Shi'an pondered for a moment, bypassing the tomato forest and walking through the
grassy path to the bamboo floor corridor. The cactus he had received yesterday was placed
next to the railing in the corridor.
The cactus is not watered by the spiritual spring, so the amazing changes like aloe vera
have not occurred, but the volume is obviously more than three times larger than the space
before it was harvested. The pottery pot is fragmented by the root system, and it is broken
by a touch .
It seems that not only the spiritual spring water, the air in the space can also promote the
growth of plants, which should also be of great benefit to the human body. He has been in
the space for a long time. When he first went out, he felt that the outside air was
Shen Shi'an looked at the cactus with half a needle on the cactus. It had some headaches.
Let it go first. It shouldn't grow too exaggerated in the short term without pouring water.
When should I find a shovel and come in to deal with it .
Before leaving the space, Shen Shi'an thought for a while, walked under a tomato tree, and
picked a basketball-sized tomato. Now that it's bearing fruit, let's taste the taste first.
The skin of the tomatoes is bright and shiny, and the delicate red flesh underneath is
visible. You can smell the obvious fruit before you cut it, wait until Shen Shi'an is clean and
put it on the cooked plate, take the watermelon halves and all the halves. The sweet aroma
fluttered instantly.
Shen Shian took half a bite and took a bite. The tender and elastic flesh was covered with
plenty of water. As she chewed completely in the mouth, the rich fruit aroma quickly filled
the nose and mouth, and the acidity and sweetness reached a perfection to the extreme.
Balance point, sour and refreshingly sweet
This is definitely the best tomato he has ever had.
Xiao He followed him as soon as he flashed out of space, and saw that he took a bite and a
bite of tomatoes, eager to scratch his heels
It can be understood that not only does this human have a carry field, there is also a
fountain of life in the field. And he even watered flowers and vegetables with the spring of
"I want to eat extravagant waste"
Shen Shi'an also divided the other half into two pieces, one of which was cut into small
pieces and placed in Xiaohe's special porcelain plate "喏."
Xiao Hei fluttered in the wind, and then started scratching his pants. Shen Shi'an was so
annoyed that he could only give the other quarter "How can you eat so much, who can
afford it."
Xiao He buried his head in the plate and ignored him.
After eating and drinking, the "primitive forest" on the balcony still has to be dealt with.
The building where Shen Shi'an lives is located on the outer edge of the community, and
further away is the Medical University. There is no high-rise building opposite. However,
aloe and green dill can obviously not be left as such, and sooner or later, people will find
But how to deal with it is really a headache.
Is it necessary to take a shovel a little clean and then scoop out and throw away the
workload is too large, he alone, it takes at least three days.
Ugh. Shen Shi'an sat on the sofa and couldn't help sighing, knowing that she had packed the
space with the cactus yesterday.
Shen Shian straightened his back sharply, and he took things into the space, always in the
form of "whole", such as a set of clothes, a pair of slippers put together, a storage bag filled
with toiletries
As long as you touch your palm with a part of this "whole" and your mind moves, the whole
"whole" will be taken in.
After absorbing the spring water, the aloe and green dill were too large, and it was difficult
to separate them by climbing the walls, so he didn't consider the method of "income space"
at first. If he touches only a part of aloe or green dill, can the space automatically recognize
the "whole" and separate it from the entanglement of another plant?
Shen Shi'an immediately got up from the sofa and walked to the "primitive forest". Take a
breath and gently place your palms on the aloe spikes that are as long as a watermelon
The sight in front of me seemed to flash a little, and suddenly a large gap appeared on the
balcony full of aloe and green cloves.
The aloe disappeared, and the green vines originally attached to the aloe's flesh leaves lost
their support and fell to the ground with a pop.
It's done.
The author has something to say Lu Anan said, are you eating **** on your back?
Thanks readers
A Zhuozi threw a mine
A Zhuozi threw a mine
dandan threw a grenade
If the heart is sunny, He fears sadness and throws a rocket launcher
The cute cat who sucked a cat threw a mine
The cute cat who sucked a cat threw a mine

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 6: number 6

Settings saved..
Yun Feiyang went to the pet hospital part-time on Saturday, and knocked on the door of
Shen Shi'an's house with two bags of snacks on Sunday.
As soon as the door opened, a seductive sour and sweet fruity scent came upon me.
Yun Feiyang looked at the disposable gloves on Shen Shi'an's right hand, "Why are you
doing so delicious?"
"Squeezing juice." Shen Shi'an let him in, closed the door, took off his gloves, and threw it
into the trash bin in the living room together with the left hand.
Yun Feiyang put the snack bag on the shelf in the porch, and familiarly found his slippers
from the shoe cabinet. Sitting on the sofa bench and looking in while changing shoes
Shen Shi'an's home had a bright window, golden yellow sunlight spilled from the balcony,
and the retro fragrances on the coffee table dazzled with blue smoke. Everywhere was fine
and clean, everything was the same as usual.
Until he saw the little milk dog sitting on the robot sweeping from the kitchen.
Xiao Hei made out two rows of small fangs, and whine savagely rushed forward to Yun
Feiyang, only half of the rush, Shen Shian raised his foot to stop the robot, stretched his
hands and pinched the back of the neck and choked up. "Don't make trouble. "
"You are your own person. Your family is a human being, and a human being dares to call
yourself a human."
Weaknesses are restrained and we do not give up resistance, hanging on Shen Shi'an's
hands, twisting his limbs back and forth, lowering his voice and flying to the clouds,
After Yun Feiyang changed his shoes, he came over and said, "Hey, where's the dog from
here looks kind of mental."
"Pick it up in the community." Shen Shi'an put the dog on the sofa, threatening softly, "Do
you still want to eat meat?"
Yun Feiyang walked around and sat down on the other side of the sofa, looking at Xiao Hei's
eyes full of novelty, Yang cried, "You move fast enough, I only persuaded you to raise a dog
two days ago, I still want to go from the pet shop I ’ll bring one for you. I did n’t expect you
to pick it up. Look at this head. It ’s estimated that we just weaned. Did you meet the bitch?
"I only saw one of them when I picked it up. I asked the gatekeeper of the community
yesterday. The gatekeeper said that he didn't see an adult stray dog in the community. He
didn't know where he accidentally hit and got in." Shen Shian's voice came from the
kitchen. "The name is taken, called Xiao Hei."
"Hey hey hey, good name, good name." Yun Feiyang fakely held up, seeing a box of beef
jerky on the coffee table, leaned forward to reach for it. The fingertip just touched the box,
and the little black who was quiet on the opposite sofa seemed to be completely irritated.
His hair exploded violently, and his hind legs kicked hard. The mini-shaped figure was like
a black flash of lightning. Jumping from the sofa to the coffee table, biting his fingers
directly at Yun Feiyang
The upper and lower teeth bite into the air, and the crisp sound of the heavy impact after
piercing the air was clear and audible.
Yun Feiyang ""
Holding his own hand, the whole man was retracted into the sofa, his face pale and
swallowed. He had no doubt. If he didn't react quickly enough, he would have lost a finger
on the spot with blood. Looking at Xiao Hei's eyes were full of resentment, why are you
eating your beef jerky?
Shen Shi'an came over and handed Yun Feiyang the glass in his hand. At the same time, he
pinched Xiaohei's neck and put it on his leg to separate it from Yun Feiyang. The palm of his
hand did not allow him to move "honestly."
"Slump," Yun Feiyang couldn't help complaining. "You're not big and have a bad temper.
Your dog is too fierce."
Shen Shi'an touched Xiaohei's neck and smoothed the dog's hair. "It's okay to be strong and
dry. Looking at the fierce, the courage is actually very small. I was crying because I was
afraid of the dark the night before." When I remembered the scene at the time, my
expression became mild. , Even the movements on the hand are lightened a lot.
Yun Feiyang swears that he sees a twist in Xiao Hei's furry dog face.
Lifted the cup and stared at the blood-red liquid in it for a while, sent it to his mouth and
took a sip of "What is delicious?" Yun Feiyang's eyes became bright, and he raised his head
and murmured a few mouthfuls to drink the liquid in the cup "This is your freshly brewed
drink. It looks a bit like a tomato, does it?"
"It's tomato juice. There are still a lot. I'll pack a few bottles later to take you back to
school." The tomato forest in the space is growing too vigorously. There are tens of
thousands of tomatoes in basketball. Shen Shi'an picked a little and squeezed out the juice.
"In addition to juice and tomato sauce, the taste is also good. Now the temperature is low,
and it should be fine for several days on the bedroom balcony."
"That relationship is good," Yun Feiyang said, still pouting. "Where did you buy the
tomatoes? The taste is too good. It is definitely the best tomato juice I have ever drunk." It
takes a few days, and it is estimated that one night Can solve them all.
Before Shen Shi'an answered, Yun Feiyang found that the dog next to his leg was kicking
and kicking his teeth and punching himself again, this time he understood that "yo, this
little thing you picked is kind of food."
He deliberately provoked a piece of beef jerky out of the box, and took a big bite with "ah
Shen Shi'an worked hard to appease Xiao He, who was suddenly irritable, and it was too
late to stop Yun Feiyang, watching him swallow the beef jerky.
The provocative look could not last for three seconds, and Yun Feiyang frowned. "Hey, why
the taste of your beef jerky is a bit wrong, it should not expire." Pick up the box and check
"The production date is not expired in November. . "
Shen Shi'an had two points in his eyes. "Xiaohei licked it."
"Every beef jerky in the box, Xiao Hei licked it."
Yun Feiyang stared at the dog next to Shen Shi'an's leg, his face changed from red to black
to black to green to green to white. After a moment, he moved the bite of beef jerky back
very slowly, rushed into the kitchen with a glass and poured four glasses of tomato juice.
When he returned to the living room again, Shen Shi'an didn't do anything, and turned to
another topic, "Fei Yang, what should Xiao He do not eat dog food?"
"It ’s a hunger strike without dog food."
"No, the meal is still eaten."
In fact, this little thing wants to eat everything except dog food, and the food is so large that
it almost catches up with an adult man. Shen Shi'an was worried that it would kill himself.
So he just fed a small sip last night. I got up this morning and found a lot of chocolates
under the sofa. wrapper
This little thing somehow turned out the chocolate he brought back from the hospital,
chopped off the wrapping paper and ate clean. There is also a box of beef jerky that I can't
eat. It was hidden under the sofa and was pushed out by the sweeping robot. After being
spotted by Shen Shi'an, Xiao Hei rushed in front of him and licked the beef jerky one by one,
and then shaved his paw back into the box.
Chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine, which is a very toxic neurotoxin for
dogs, which can be severe or even fatal.
The dog ate a big box, but it looked like nothing was happening. The sweeping robot
chasing the location of its beef jerky was a fat meal.
Xiao Hei is obviously different from other dogs. This was discovered after Shen Shi'an
picked it up. Not only are eating habits different from ordinary dogs, but IQ is far beyond
the level of ordinary pets.
He first suspected that it might be the cause of the Lingquan water. When he saw the
"primitive forest" consisting of aloe and green dill and the "tomato forest" over four meters
high, the original suspicion turned completely into conviction.
This dog is no longer an ordinary dog.
But no matter how smart a dog is, he has to eat dog food.
"Isn't the dog food palatable?" Yun Feiyang sat back on the sofa. "Show me what brand you
Shen Shi'an carried two bags of dog food over and Yun Feiyang flipped back and forth. "This
brand is very good. It can be regarded as high-end in imported food, and the user's
evaluation is very high. Xiaohe really doesn't eat it."
While talking, he grabbed a small hand and sent it to the little black mouth, and almost got
bitten by the dog again.
"Not eating such good dog food, Bacheng is used to it." Yun Feiyang looked back as usual.
"Hungry for two meals."
He paused and said, "When did you pick it up and you haven't gotten the vaccine yet? Stray
dogs are susceptible to carrying germs. Both rabies vaccine and dog Liulian have to be
vaccinated. Don't you start class tomorrow? Just because you have time today, why not me?
The dean of the pet hospital where I work is special you. "
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and nodded "OK."
The place where Yun Feiyang works part-time is called Hapi Pet Hospital, which is not too
far away from H City Medical University. It takes about half an hour by bus. Fan Guoping
drove, Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang sat in the back seat, and they arrived in less than ten
Shen Shi'an grabbed Xiaohei's neck and stopped it from biting Yun Feiyang's body, thinking
that he would have to buy a dog bag and a leash at a later time. It's not the way to grab the
neck like this.
The pet hospital's facade looks warm and cute. There are giant dolls with dogs and cats on
the left and right. Because it is Sunday, it is quite lively. The sounds of various pets, the
conversation between the owner and the doctor are mixed.
Yun Feiyang first opened the glass door and went in. "Sister Fang, are you here? I'll bring
you a guest."
Shen Shi'an followed in, and the tall and slender figure stood slightly. The noisy hospital
was quiet immediately.
The pet owner's and doctor's eyes mostly focused on Shen Shi'an, and the pet who kept
barking in the last second also weakened the tone for some unknown reason until it was
completely silent.
A 30-year-old lady in a white coat came out with a document and said, "What did you shout
and did not see you at work? You pulled me a guest. If you don't go to work today, you still
work so hard. Is the sun going west?" The hearty voice stopped abruptly when she saw
Shen Shi Anshi, and it was a little more delicate and weak for a moment. "Oh, that, this
gentleman is"
Yun Feiyang raised his hand and embraced Shen Shi'an's shoulder. "This is my classmate
and the best brother, Shen Shi'an. How about it? Look handsome. He is one of the most
famous school grasses in our medical school, and even the girls who secretly love him can
Surround the medical department more than ten times "
Shen Shi'an interrupted him, his voice was cold. "Speak business."
"Ah, hey," Yun Feiyang retracted his arm and pointed to the dog that was walking in his
hand. "An An picked up a dog in the community two days ago, this is it. I want to come over
for a simple check, and then get a rabies vaccine and Liulian. Sister Fang, this is my brother,
so the price should be a little bit better, and it ’s going to cost eight. ”
"Concessions and benefits," the dean called Sister Fang invited the two to the consulting
room, "50% off all costs"
Yun Feiyang ""
Feeling worthless.
Sister Fang ignored him, and asked Shen Shi'an to put the dog on the treatment table. "I just
picked it up for two days. Has it been bathed? Is there a wound on my body? Yes, defecation
is normal, is there a regular diet? "
Shen Shi'an "It refuses to eat dog food, and must eat like everyone else."
"That may be because of the long wandering period, and I'm not used to dog food. It's good
to slowly adapt." Shen Shi'an held Xiaohei's neck, and Sister Fang checked it. "At present, it
looks healthy, good spirits, and physical appearance. There are no parasites. If Mr. Shen is
unsure, we can do a blood test and check some basic items. "
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and refused. Not that he was afraid to spend money, but
that Xiao Hei had been drinking spring water these two days, and he was worried that
some data that violated common sense might be detected. Not to mention that eating
chocolate did not kill it, it did look very healthy.
"Okay," Sister Fang nodded. "Then let's get the vaccine first. It looks like it's been more than
two months. At this time, it's a little bit late but it won't affect it. We suggest that you get six
joints first. Three shots, every four weeks. After the third shot, the rabies will be
replenished. After that, a six-stroke one-stroke rabies will be added every year. Today, the
first six-stroke shots will be taken, and one week later, come to do internal and external
Shen Shi'an said, "Thank you doctor."
"It's okay, you're welcome." Sister Fang's face flushed with peach blossoms.
"My sister Fang is terrific," Yun Feiyang interjected. "She is a talented student at Nanda
University who has read extensively. There are no pets she can't cure in this world. Xiaohe
puts 10,000 hearts in her hands." . "
Sister Fang's face was more flushed. "Where can there be, talk nonsense. Well, I'll get the
vaccine, Mr. Shen will wait."
Yun Feiyang had just blown the boss's rainbow fart, but he never thought that the
"omnipotent" Sister Fang turned his head and encountered difficulties. Xiao Hei was
irritated, and he did not want to let Sister Fang get a needle, even Shen Shian pressed
Staying on the neck didn't help, and whimpered and kept others away.
Seeing that the little thing was almost freed from his own hands for the fourth time, she
took a bite of Sister Fang, and Shen Shi'an sighed, and said to Sister Fang, "Let me try it, just
pierce it through the neck and subcutaneously. Is that all right?"
Sister Fang was also the first time I saw such a difficult dog, and handed the syringe to Shen
Shi'an. "Yes, Mr. Shen, please be careful, after all, it is a stray dog, and his temper is not as
good as the domestic one."
"I understand, thank you."
In order to prevent further irritation to the dog, Sister Fang retreated from the consulting
room after giving the syringe, and Yun Feiyang also retreated outside the door. She felt
uneasy and quietly probed in.
Shen Shi'an loosened Xiaohei's back of the neck, his sharp-knuckle fingers smoothed along
the spine line, squatted down and flushed with his sight.
"Hum," Xiao Hei banged his teeth fiercely.
"How about I go back and make braised pork for you, use pork belly, half fat and half thin,
crispy and fragrant, melted at the entrance, and eat the soup on white rice, eat as much as
you want." Shen Shi'an tone was soothing, black There is rare patience and gentleness in
the gem-like eyes.
"Hum," this time the voice was a little quieter, but obviously did not intend to give up.
"I make you braised pork for a week."
"Two weeks."
"A month, no more."
Xiao Hei didn't call this time, his slick eyes stared straight at Shen Shi'an. He couldn't see
the irritability and anger in it, but with a little grievance.
Shen Shi'an seemed to be blessed with heart, and suddenly understood what it meant. "I
promise, I will never force you to eat dog food again."
Yun Feiyang couldn't help laughing, "Ah, An An, you really do. It's a dog and not a human.
How can you understand you? You have negotiated with it."
The voice didn't end, not long ago, Xiao Hei, who was still fiercely exposed, spread his limbs
and lay on the treatment table, turning his head to Shen Shi'an softly "wang".
Yun Feiyang ""
The face was always like a tornado. I shut up.
Shen Shi'an touched Xiaohei's neck, carefully inserted the needle into the skin, and pushed
the medicine in. After pulling out the needle tube, he rubbed two "good guys" on his head.
Sister Fang walked in after learning the vaccine, "Oh, no one else will let you touch, only Mr.
Shen can, it seems that Xiao Hei and Mr. Shen really have a fate. It's 10:12 now, you need to
wait for half an hour to confirm Xiao Hei has no allergic reaction or strong rejection to the
vaccine. Mr. Shen sits for a while. Would you like to drink water? May I introduce you to
dog sterilization if you are interested? "
"Yes, we generally recommend sterilization for stray dogs. Although it sounds cruel, in fact,
dogs do n’t understand fertility differently from humans. Sterilization is not a terrible thing
for it, but it can effectively reduce it. The incidence of testicular cancer and prostate disease
can also improve the aggressiveness of dogs, making them more docile, and research
studies have shown that the average life expectancy of dogs who have undergone
sterilization is higher than that of dogs without sterilization. Less. "
Shen Shi'an, who has been unresponsive, didn't say "the dog can live longer after
sterilization" until he heard the last sentence
"The research data is shown in this way. My office has specific research reports and
explanations on dog sterilization. It has advantages and disadvantages. After Xiao Hei has
been vaccinated, he should almost consider sterilization, or Mr. Shen will come with me. ,
Let me introduce you in detail "
Shen Shi'an looked at Xiaohei.
Yun Feiyang immediately said, "Don't talk to people like this. We have a cage in the
hospital. You put it in, An An. I'll watch it here, and I'll let you know immediately."
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment, nodded, put Xiao Hei into the cage, and followed Sister
Fang out of the clinic.
There is only one person and one dog left in the consulting room. Yun Feiyang moved a
stool and sat opposite Xiao Hei "uncomfortable"
"Hou" Xiao He punched out two rows of small fangs at him.
"Well, you have such a bad temper. What kind of psychological shadow has been caused to
you by your stray life." Yun Feiyang didn't mind its attitude, and talked up when he was
able to poke at a dog. "Picked up by An An, you How lucky you are, do n’t you know he does
n’t look cold all the time, in fact, he is good to both his own person and his dog. When I
persuaded him to raise a dog the other day, I did n’t give much hope because he did n’t like
raising Pets are n’t for you. He does n’t like pets because he does n’t like animals, is n’t it?
Your life span is so much worse than that of people. You do n’t know if he ’s spent his life
with his loved ones. Yes, take away one after another, and raise another pet that is destined
to die in front of you. By then, the black-haired person will give the old dog, how sad it will
be. "
Speaking of Yun Feiyang, he grabbed his head. "I don't know if it's right to persuade him to
raise a dog. If he doesn't support him, he's too lonely. If he raises an affection for you, he
will have to bury you. It hurts people. In short, you have to fight for it and live as many
years as possible with him for a period of time to know that sterilization is a good thing.
After sterilization, it ’s good to eat healthy. Maybe it can break the dog ’s maximum life
record. I'm bullish on you, my brother. "
Xiao Hei didn't even look at him from beginning to end, and lay in a cage thinking about the
question "What is sterilization?"
At this moment, a doctor came in with a dog in his arms. The dog was completely paralyzed,
and the tail was covered with gauze for several layers, followed by the dog owner.
Yun Feiyang greeted "Just finished sterilization"
The doctor nodded. "Yes, the anaesthesia is not yet awake. You have to observe it for a
The dog owner shook a small transparent bag in his hand, and the two **** **** inside it
rolled back and forth with the action. "The freshly cut one is still warm. I will keep it for our
family treasure and wait for it to grow old in the future. Buried together. "
Yun Feiyang smiled and was about to speak, making a loud bang, Xiao Hei slammed into the
cage, almost too hard, and almost fell off the clinic with the whole cage. Senhan's two rows
of sharp teeth Biting the wire, staring at Yun Feiyang's eyes, murderous
The author has something to say about walking dogs and picking food
An An noisy.
Yun Feiyang was hungry for a few moments.
Sand Sculpture Netizens Discuss It
Sand carving author cut chicken cut chicken cut chicken cut chicken cut chicken cut chicken
Sorry to be late, it's crazy to return home. The Chinese New Year holiday is changed every
other day, and the next one is on Thursday
Although it has been said under the copywriting, I will repeat it here.
This article does not change settings.
That is to say, the specific people and the plot direction, as I write, everyone will look at it.
If there are readers who are not cute, I ’m deeply sorry, but jj is so big and there are so
many novels. I can always find works that fully meet your expectations and make you

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 7: 7th

Settings saved..
The first class in the morning of h City Medical University usually starts at 8:30. Thanks to
good work and rest habits, being late for Shen Shi'an is almost impossible.
Until this morning.
Seeing that there were less than twenty minutes left before the bell rang, Shen Shi'an had
little patience and finally exhausted. He looked at Xiaohei and said, "I'm going to class, what
are you going to do as anatomy?"
Xiao Hei lay on his shoes with his buttocks, his front legs clasped his ankles, and his heels
grabbed his shoelaces. Two rows of small fangs bit his trousers. What do you do? "
Fan Guoping laughed at the door. "I said, the dog is the most loyal to people. Don't look at
the little temper I just picked up. It's only been a few days before he started sticking to Mr.
Shen. This shows that he likes How about you "
"Like" Shen Shi'an didn't feel much honor. Bend down and stretch out your long arm, and
pull the small item and pull it from the back of your neck. "You obediently, I will come back
and cook for you after three lessons. If you are not obedient,"
His gaze paused meaningfully at a special place below the dog's belly, his voice soft and a
little scary.
Xiao He immediately clamped both hind legs.
Thirty seconds later, Shen Shi'an and two bodyguards successfully entered the descending
The elevator was running smoothly. Wan Feng was standing in front of Shen Shi'an on the
left and silent as usual. Fan Guoping, on the right, unscrewed the lid of the 15-liter thermos
cup in his hand, raised it and mumbled and sipped. After drinking a mouthful, I said to Shen
Shian, "Mr. Shen's tomato juice tastes too good. It reminds me of the taste I ate in my
hometown many years ago. My hometown is in the southwest mountainous area. At that
time, tomatoes were grown without pesticides or ripening. The agents are all naturally
grown by spring watering. The flesh is full and the size of a fist. At the hottest noon in
summer, a basket of icy tomatoes is pulled from the well and sent to the mouth. Take a bite,
that taste "
Fan Guoping pouted, apparently immersed in some extremely fond memories. "But even
the tomatoes I ate at that time didn't feel as good as Mr. Shen. Now I'm focusing on what
organic vegetables. Mr. Shen's tomatoes are not cheap to buy. Rarely think about us both,
hehehehehe, thank you "
Shen Shi'an said, "It's not worth anything, there are still many in the family. If you like to go
back, I will give you more, don't be polite with me." There are too many tomatoes in the
space, and the place he picked It grows again. If he hadn't found any signs of decay due to
overripeness, he really didn't know how to take these tens of thousands of basketball-sized
Shen Shian is not sure how long the "freshness time" of the space is, so it is necessary to
think of a proper solution to the tomato as soon as possible. Juicing and making ketchup is
definitely not enough, unless he opens it for free to all medical masters and students, but
how to explain such a large number of sources will be a problem at that time.
It only takes about five minutes to walk from the entrance of the community to the south
gate of the Medical University. However, the place of class this morning is in the North
Teaching Building. The south gate is exactly diagonally located. It takes at least ten minutes
to walk past.
Shen Shi'an looked at the phone and speeded up again. The young man's figure is tall and
erect, but his appearance is gorgeous, but with a thin layer of frost that no one can enter,
striding across the tree-lined road, it is like a chill wind blowing with a fragrant fragrance.
Because of his appearance and the relationship between Mr. Gu, there are many people
who know him in the Medical University, plus two unbelievable bodyguards who are not
far behind, these two are usually able to hide well when accompanied, but the Medical
University is The school was full of lively and energetic students everywhere. After
entering the school gate, it seemed like a pony was mixed with puma. Everywhere it went,
it was out of place, so Shen Shi'an gathered more sight.
Shen Shi'an pressed her lips and pulled the zipper of the down jacket to the top. Most of her
face was covered strictly, leaving only a pair of dark eyes.
He walked so fast that he finally entered the classroom half a minute before the bell rang.
This morning is a public theory class of the Clinical College. There are more than 200
people in three classes. The large staircase classroom is densely packed. Shen Shi'an just
entered the door. A familiar voice came from the window of the third to last row. An'an,
here "
Shen Shi'an lowered his schoolbag in his hand and walked towards Yunfei.
Yun Feiyang moved the things on the table and left Shen Shi'an close to the aisle. "Why did
you come so late today? I thought you hadn't slowed down from the car accident and was
ready to help you with your monitor. Thanks to me Came early and grabbed such a good
seat for us. "Hiding in such a place in the sea, Lao Li's one thousand degrees of myopia, can
not see them 100%.
Shen Shi'an took out the textbook and handed Yun Feiyang a bottle of tomato juice. "There
is something delayed. It's too famous."
"The squad leader of each class just ordered, it's okay, you didn't be late, just say one to
your class after the first lesson." As soon as the voice fell, the bell just sounded.
The first lesson passed quickly in the rustling sound of Shen Shi'an taking notes and the
smirk of Yun Feiyang's short video. After the bell rang, Shen Shian found out from the
schoolbag that the USB flash drive was preparing to copy the courseware of his
hospitalization to the teacher. A girl in the front row suddenly turned back, her eyes shy
and dodging, her face was obviously coy. "That, student Shen, I heard that you were
hospitalized in a car accident. Is it serious? Is it okay now? I will help you copy all the public
and professional courses during this time. Do you need it? "
The girl Shen Shi'an knew, and Zhang was his classmate. The courseware information was
indeed what he needed. Today is December 24th. The New Year's Day holiday is about to
enter the exam week. His course has been pulled down for more than a month, and he must
catch up before the final exam.
Just based on past experience, if you want to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is
best to refuse such kindness.
Shen Shi'an looked at the pink USB flash drive in the girl's hand and hadn't figured out how
to refuse to be clear and embarrassing. Yun Feiyang, who was obsessed with the mobile
phone, suddenly looked up and interjected. "Hey, what if this beautiful lady reminds me I
almost forgot Anna, I copied all the course materials, u disk in my bedroom, I will give it to
you in the afternoon. "
Shen Shi'an turned his head to see him "You helped me copy the materials." Fortunately,
most of the classes were taken together, but the two majors were different. How did he
copy the professional course materials?
"It's not easy. There are so many people in your class. You can just solve it with a classmate.
In short, you can rest assured that I have checked it. Each course has courseware and
Shen Shian nodded and looked at the girl. "My friend has already copied it for me. Thank
you. It's really troublesome."
It ’s hard for girls to hide their disappointment, but their mood is not low. “It ’s okay, I ’m
just going to do it anyway, and I ’ll review it myself. Classmate Shen, are you all right?”
"Yes, student Shen's body is not a big deal." Shen Shi'an has not answered yet. A sound of
deliberately raising the volume rang in the aisle in front of the seat, and immediately
attracted more than half of the eyes of the entire staircase. "Shen Shen was hospitalized in a
car accident. After a full month and a half of vacation, my classmates were very worried. I
was also afraid that I was seriously injured or my bones and bones were moving. It doesn't
seem to be a big deal now, not even a scar can be found. "
The monitor of the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan swept over Shen Shi'an twice, obviously
meaning "I don't know whether it was Shen Tongqi's good car accident that all suffered
minor injuries, or his body healed particularly fast."
Shen Shi'an looked at each other and said nothing.
Yun Feiyang couldn't help, and stood up for a moment. "What do you mean, suggest us that
An An is lying or deceiving, or how we are an adult man, can't we say something properly,
isn't it interesting that the yin and yang are sandy and intriguing?" You ’ve watched a lot of
dramas, do n’t you? An An is applying for leave from the medical record sheet and
examination report to the counselor. According to your meaning, you want to take a look at
his medical records. ”
Lu Xiuyuan's skin was relatively white in the boys, so he was crackled by Yun Feiyang, and
his blush was particularly obvious. I do n’t want to lose in the eyes, and I ’m so tight. ”You
’re not a member of the class committee. I do n’t know. Our clinical specialty is to conduct a
comprehensive evaluation of each class based on attendance. The miscellaneous duty of the
hospital is related to more than just one person's affairs. If the reason for Shen's leave is
bright and there is nothing to hide, it is better to show the medical records for the students
to look at. "
"Ha ha ha ha ha," Yun Feiyang did not hide the ridicule in the laughter, condescendingly
rolled his eyes at Lu Xiuyuan. "The patient's information belongs to the patient's privacy.
Only the attending physician and the patient's family can see it. The squad leader is in the
class committee. I am busy with important affairs, so did the ethics class go to the dog's
stomach? I do n’t know if I want to make my medical records public, silly. ”
Lu Xiuyuan's face rose sharply and turned red. After taking a half step forward, he seemed
to be rushing to do it. Yun Feiyang immediately couldn't wait to start squeezing his sleeves,
and everyone pulled Ladra to persuade him to make a mess, just as the bell rang in class.
Lu Xiuyuan gave Shen Shi'an a serious look and turned back to his seat.
"Fuck in the grass," Yun Feiyang sat down. "The youngest brother, San Laozi, wanted to
shave him for a long time, and he took the feather feather arrow to really count himself. If it
weren't for you not to run for the class committee, where is the squad leader? It's his turn. "
Shen Shian took a sip of water and tightened the cap. "Class begins."
Yun Feiyang stared at his exquisite and beautiful side lines that could attract a lot of girls
howling. He said for a long time, "What do you say he always treats you, do you really like
you and love each other?" An uncle "My mother duck, it's terrible. Promise my little
brother, don't look for someone like Xiuyuan even if you're working on it." He looks good,
but his character is really annoying.
"Really," Shen Shi'an said casually while taking notes. "Then what should I look for?"
What you are looking for must be at least handsome, handsome, generous and sincere, tall
and mighty like him
Yun Feiyang was shocked with cold sweat, quickly cut off the thought that suddenly came
to his mind, and read the four-character motto "I am a straight man" over ten times.
After a long while, you glanced at Shen Shi'an, who was addicted to studying.
With a wicked face, men and women have all-enchanting charm, who can hold it.
The author has something to say: Monday, December 24, 2018, three months and 9 days
before the virus outbreak.
The relationship between Yun Feiyang and Shen Shi'an is pure brotherhood and there is no
feeling line.
Thanks readers
A Zhuozi threw a mine
Liver evi threw a mine
Little teaser threw a grenade
A bamboo mine threw a mine
Aged Qi. Threw a mine
A Zhuozi threw a mine
1 mine was thrown in July
Liver evi threw a mine
Love you guys
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 8: number 8

Settings saved..
The rest period of the second class was relatively long. Shen Shi'an went to the bathroom.
As soon as he left the seat, the female student with the last name in the front row looked
back at Yun Feiyang, and her expression was full of envy. "How is your relationship with
Classmate Shen so good, I must have the courage to talk to him Psychological struggle for a
long time. "
Student Zhang's voice just came down, and a circle came around students. "You're good,
dare to talk to Shen Meiren. I can't even look at him for more than three seconds. Hey, is it
easier for boys to get along with boys?" what"
"Don't," said a male student. "I'm a man, but I don't dare to talk to Mr. Shen, even if I stand a
little closer, I feel uncomfortable." Compared to him, all the other men were rough and
greasy big pig's hoof. The title of "Bingshan Beauty" is indeed well-deserved.
Everyone's attention refocused on Yun Feiyang. "We are all sophomores, and the whole
school has a good relationship with only one of you. The handsome guy from Yun, let us
reveal to you, how do you deal with classmate Shen?"
Yun Feiyang lay on his left leg with his right leg lying horizontally on the seat. He took a sip
of tomato juice and deliberately prolonged his tone. "Well, that's a long story."
His acquaintance with Shen Shi'an, the root cause must be attributed to Shen Shi'an's "one
good deed" code of conduct.
Yun Feiyang's parents are high-level students who have been studying in the medical
colleges of H City, and they are still alumni. Because of his deep alma mater plot, Yun
Feiyang had been looking forward to his parents' business since he was a child. He will also
be admitted to the city ’s premier medical university in China in the future.
Compared to dealing with people, Yun Feiyang himself prefers to deal with animals. In
addition to the rebellious psychology of teenagers who don't follow the usual path, he
doesn't believe in evil even if his parents exaggerate the medical science. During the second
year of high school winter vacation, a person took a schoolbag and set foot on the high-
speed rail for thousands of miles and walked to the Central Plains. He ran to the Medical
University to step on it, and vowed to use his own strength to find the major unknown
flaws behind the Medical University.
As soon as I got off the bus and walked to the school gate, I found that a big hole was
scratched under the schoolbag. I lost my mobile phone and lost my wallet.
His hometown is located on the southernmost island of China, and it is hot all year round.
The winter in H City is just like extreme cold **** to him, but he was not prepared enough
and brought only a thin down jacket like a piece of paper. He was hungry and cold,
penniless, squatting in the corner of the South Gate of Medical University with a schoolbag.
The snot dripped old.
He was thinking about which student he met casually, and asked someone to borrow a
mobile phone to ask his parents for help, but they all went to the school during the winter
vacation. There was a lot of people coming from the Dongmen Affiliated Hospital, but he
didn't know. After waiting for a long time, the students did not wait until Shen Shi'an, who
was going out from the opposite community, stared at him for a while, and led him home
for a meal.
After a long time, Yun Feiyang was afraid that he fortunately met An An early in the day. He
had not used the opportunity of "one good deed" or he had to freeze his rheumatic bone
pain and cold legs.
Yun Feiyang followed Shen Shi'an back home. At that time, Grandpa Shen Yun had not died
yet. Ci Meiyang was wearing a pair of reading glasses, stewed Yun Feiyang with a pot of
pork rib soup, and made a large pot of grated pork. Eat and lie on the sofa and chat on the
sofa, only to discover that my parents turned out to be graduate students brought out by
Grandpa Shen myself.
Grandpa Shen called Yun Feiyang's parents to explain the original situation. He stayed at
home for a day, and Shen Shian sent him to the train station the next afternoon. Yun
Feiyang was not willing to walk by holding the door. One was reluctant to be cooked by
Grandpa Shen. The other was that he was afraid that he would be killed by his parents
when he returned home. He could n’t drag it. He waved his arms with Shen Shi'an. I have
nothing to do with classmates. Remember to call me. "
It was said that they needed to contact each other frequently, but in the third year of high
school, the two were so busy with their schoolwork that they didn't even have time to
sleep. It was already summer vacation after the college entrance examination.
Yun Feiyang complied with the wishes of his parents and filled in the City of Medical
University as the first volunteer and achieved his wish. After getting the admission notice,
he rushed to City H and prepared to score scores dozens higher than him because of the
relationship Shen Shi'an, who received the admission notice in advance, shared the good
He probably remembered where Shen Shi'an lived because he didn't say hello in advance to
surprise the other party. I do n’t know if the structure in the community is too complicated,
and I lost my way. After walking around for a long time, I walked to a remote garden and
heard that someone was fighting.
One of them is Shen Shi'an.
That was the first time that Yun Feiyang knew. Don't look at Shen Shi'an's inhumane
fireworks, but it's so fierce to fight. He took a cloth bag and put another person on his head,
and he fisted to death. Li Yan, the fierce look of those blood-stained eyes is still a little
scared in retrospect.
Yun Feiyang was afraid that he would slap people out. He looked around to make sure that
no one was around. He rushed up and knocked the person in the sack, pulled him around
and ran. At that time, he didn't bother to ask carefully, only later did he finally understand
why Shen Shi'an was fighting with people.
That was the fourth day after the death of Grandpa Shen, and Shen Shi'an had just finished
his funeral. The man he played was named Ma, who lived in the same neighborhood. He
learned a little bit about the family affairs of the Shen family by catching wind and catching
a shadow. At that time, he failed to pass the college entrance examination, not even a junior
college, probably the first overall score of the Shen Shian Medical University Clinical
College Ming's admission results were stimulated, and began to spread the words "Shen
Shi'an's mother is a junior, angry and mad at her father" in the community.
Yun Feiyang regrets that he should not stop Shen Shi'an, this turtle grandson should be
He stayed with Shen Shi'an for more than two weeks. Originally, his parents learned that
the news of Grandpa Shen's death would have to come over, but was stopped by Yun
Feiyang. Shen Shi'an didn't tell them about it, it should mean that he didn't want to cause
trouble for others. What's more, the pain from the flesh to the death of his own life can not
be helped by others. His parents came here at this time to remind Shen Shi'an of this fact
again and again, making him more sad and sad, and the rest was useless. Might as well stay
with me.
On the second day, he first met Mr. Shen Shian's nominal father, Mr. Gu, who rushed over
from the dust of city b.
Mr. Gu is very handsome, handsome and elegant, he wanted to hold Shen Shi'an away after
he entered, rubbing his eyebrows and sighing for a long time. "You haven't told me such a
great thing about the death of grandpa."
Shen Shi'an was silent for a long while, and suddenly said, "I've been fighting with
someone, and the other person is probably not badly injured."
Mr. Gu froze, and quickly responded to "when?"
"Did the other party recognize you? Did you call the police?"
Yun Feiyang replied, "I didn't recognize it, An An put it in a sack, and that grandson called
the police. The siren sounded for several hours last night, but no police has come to the
door yet."
Mr. Gu glanced at him and nodded. "I know, don't worry, I'll take care of this."
Yun Feiyang did not know how to deal with it, but I heard that the family named Ma had all
moved out of the community.
"Hey, Ms. Yun, ask what you say." A series of voices pulled Yun Feiyang out of her
memories. "Why the relationship between you and Shen Meiren is so good?"
Yun Feiyang thought carefully for a moment. Shen Shi'an insisted that "doing good every
day" is not a day or two. It must be more than one who has been brought home to eat for so
many years, but only he can become a good brother with him. What does this mean?
Yun Fei's eyes narrowed and he touched his chin unpredictably "probably because I'm too
Shen Shi'an came out of the bathroom, and happened to meet the counselor in the corridor.
He stopped and greeted "Mr. Gao."
"Hey," the counselor is a forty-year-old middle-aged man with a slight blessing. His
eyebrows and kind smiles at two dimples and motions to Shen Shi'an to walk to the railing
facing the central small garden. "I'm going to find you. How is your body? Are you sure you
recovered? Would you like to take a break? "
"No, the doctor said that he was fully recovered. Thank you for your concern."
"Thank you so much. It's my job to care about you. It's like this. The final exam will start
next week. Isn't your hospitalization leave missing more than a month of courses, and our
clinical medical school's task is again? Heavy, the school leaders discussed it and said that if
you feel that it is difficult to keep up with the course, you can apply for a postponed exam
and wait for the next batch of students to take the exam when the school starts next year,
but you do not count the supplementary exam, the score is still included in the normal final
exam Grade, do n’t understand "
Shen Shi'an said, "I understand, but I think I should be able to catch up with my progress. I
do n’t need to apply for an extension of the exam. Thank you for the kindness of the teacher
and the leader." The spring water can obviously feel that all the functions of the body are
rapidly growing at a very terrible speed. Thick and obscure medical books may be difficult
for others to remember, but Shen Shi'an is almost able to remember it.
"So confident, that relationship is good." The counselor laughed and raised his hand and
patted him on the shoulder. "Continue to work hard for another scholarship next semester,
but also take care of your body, you are a rare good seed, Leaders value it. If you feel unwell
and want to change your mind, just call me at any time. "
"Thank you, teacher."
Watching the counselor leave, Shen Shi'an just turned around and expected to see the
squad leader Lu Xiuyuan, who was standing not far behind the pillar, for a while.
Shen Shi'an lifted his feet and walked to the classroom. He was stopped by Lu Xiuyuan. The
thick curled eyelashes dangled and then lifted, and the intolerance of coldness in the eyes
was "something"
Lu Xiuyuan's eyes were gloomy, and his voice was almost gritted. "The counselor and the
hospital leaders take care of you not because you are a good seed, but because your dad
donated two research laboratories to the school. There are at home What about money?
Have n’t you heard the words of being rich for three generations? Only by relying on the
achievements of your own hard work can you truly save your life. Thirty years in Hedong
and thirty years in Hexi. development of."
"Ended" Shen Shi'an waved his hand and moved on.
The disregard of "you" made Lu Xiuyuan more angry, and yelled at Shen Shi'an's back, "Do
you think the family has money and looks good, can you really do whatever you want?"
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, then turned and nodded to him, "Yeah."
The author has something to say that Kushiro's monitor is sore.
Some readers feel that An An is too slow to face the carry-on space.
But the fact is that An An is just a sophomore in a medical school. He didn't know that the
end of the world was coming. Suddenly he got a space where he knew almost nothing. He
ca n’t go to school anymore. He stays in the space all day wondering how to practice the
skills and dominate the world, or is he desperately spending money shopping to stuff
things in the space
I really want to write like this, you won't kill me
Don't worry, the story time has just passed three days.
Take your time, please enjoy the last warmth and peace before the end of the world
The Chinese New Year holiday is changed every other day, and the day after tomorrow is
changed, the next chapter is on February 3
This article participated in the essay competition of jj. During the event, one overlord
equals one vote and one bottle of nutritional liquid equals one vote.
Don't bother me: 3 ''

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 9: 9th

Settings saved..
After a few days in a row, Shen Shi'an found that Xiao Hei became more and more sticky. As
long as he is at home, he must go wherever he goes like a little tail. Whenever he lowers his
head, he can see round green emerald eyes at his feet.
And recently, a new hobby has been added. When Shen Shi'an accidentally gets into his
closet and rolls, he rolls his jacket and his pants are full of dog hair. If not Shen Shi'an has
checked the information beforehand, he knows that pets like to mark the smell. Seeking a
sense of security, it may be the braised dog meat served at the table.
In addition, every morning the battle of separation is getting more and more fierce, and the
number of times is too much, even the "Egg Warning" seems to be very useless, no matter
how Shen Shi'an threatens Xiao Hei just hold his ankle, his face "I No matter I am going to
die together ".
When Shen Shi'an's trousers were bitten out of the eighth hole, he saw that Xiao Hei's
patience had reached the limit, and the three-day New Year's Day holiday finally arrived.
Shen Shi'an felt a bit guilty about throwing Xiaohe alone at home every day. Fan Guoping
and the dean of the pet hospital both said that the stray animals that were just adopted,
especially Xiao Hei, were so big that what they needed most was the owner's company and
care. Even if you do n’t like pets anymore, it ’s only been one week since the little dog was
picked up. Most of the time, it was letting it face the wall and the sweeping robot at home.
In order to make up for it, Shen Shi'an went to the supermarket for purchases on the
afternoon of Saturday afternoon, and made a large table for Hongzi and himself at night.
Full of meat and rice, I carried the dog down and walked around to digestion, returned
home and cut a plate of tomatoes, turned out a few bags of snacks brought by Yun Feiyang
last time, one person and one dog sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.
Shen Shi'an wasn't really interested in TV shows, but Xiao Hei seemed to like it, especially
the costume fairy-tale drama, staring at the colorful special effects and flying magic
weapons on the screen.
Shen Shi'an removed the bale seeds, grabbed a slow strip, and looked down at the furry dog
face lying on his legs full of concentration, some want to laugh.
silly dog.
Xiao Hei soon smelled the aroma of Gua Ziren. He shook his nose twice and leaned against
Shen Shi'an. During the period, his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV screen. The
proportion of whites gradually increased to make people worry that he would turn his
eyes. .
Shen Shi'an peeled out a few tablets and handed them to his mouth. A soft, hot and hot
tongue rolled all over immediately, chewed two bites and felt very delicious, and drew his
head towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few more, Xiao Hei ate a few bites, and brought his head back again.
When a small amount of melon seeds were peeled into melon seeds and entered into the
dog's mouth, Shen Shi'an's guilt born from the "left-behind milk dog" was completely
consumed, and a slap was shot on the dog's head that continued to arch into the palm of his
hand. The sound was scary. "I'm an artificial machine for peeling melon seeds. Do you want
to eat it yourself?"
Xiao Hei screamed in pain, turned his head to fangs, and Nei Li whispered twice, and he
pulled out of the bag by himself. It's just that when God created a creature like a dog,
obviously he didn't consider adding a "snap seed" function to it, crooked his mouth,
squinted his eyes, and bite it for a long time, but he couldn't separate the seeds from the
seeds, so that it was directly into the bag. Take a sip, chew it and swallow it with shells.
"Well." Stupid dog.
Shen Shi'an's dark, black eyes had a smile on his face, and his heart flashed into the space.
Xiao Hei found that it was too late when he disappeared, and he kicked his hind legs and
ran out of his claws, and scratched the sofa twice, "I didn't catch up"
There is not much change in the space compared to when Shen Shian came in last time.
This week, he used various methods to squeeze juice, cut raw, cook, and make ketchup. He
tried his best to consume nearly a thousand tomatoes. However, the vibrant "tomato
forest" was still fruitful, and the red lanterns full of trees did not show any signs of
He bought a total of two bags of seeds in the supermarket, a bag of melon and a bag of
tomatoes, of which only a quarter of the tomato seeds were used. He was trying to find a
way to properly handle these tens of thousands of tomatoes, or to determine whether the
fruits in the space were not Before he became corrupt, for the time being he was afraid to
plant anything.
The plants growing in the spring watered in the space are obviously unusual. He has only
one person, and at most he adds a dog. How can he consume so many things, he ca n’t sell
them and sell big tomatoes. How does he explain the planting? It is estimated that others
will only feel that the fruit is sprayed with a bulking agent. In the event that someone who
cares for it takes the test and detects data that violates common sense, it will only cause
trouble and set fire.
After two laps in the tomato forest, Shen Shi'an followed the grassy path to the bamboo
floor. Two trees were planted in front of the bamboo building, one was a peach tree, but it
had not yielded yet, and the other could not see what kind of species. The tree was full of
bright yellow, translucent flowers. Shen Shian felt vaguely that these flowers were with
him. It seemed a little different when I saw it last time, but I couldn't tell where the
difference was, so I didn't care about it.
The giant aloe received from the balcony is next to the peach tree, next to the aloe is a half-
height cactus, two prickly plants you poke me I poke you, it looks like Quite harmonious.
Another gigantic green dillock was placed in the bamboo forest behind the bamboo tower,
and the bamboo was growing up.
Shen Shi'an carefully avoided the spikes on Aloe's body, stepped on the steps and entered
the study. The quaint book called "Guixu Gongfa" was still on the bookshelf. He picked up
the book and sat down to the front page of the desk. Unsurprisingly, everything inside was
still obscure and confusing. It was like someone deliberately shuffled the order of each
word in the book, unless he found the correct " Key ", otherwise this book is just a bunch of
useless garbled characters.
But how to find this "key"? This book has been read back and forth no less than a hundred
times, and tried all kinds of common or uncommon cipher text deciphering methods that
can be found, but so far, Still foggy and clueless.
Shen Shi'an rubbed his eyebrows, and put the book back together. Forget it, I lost my life, I
already have such an amazing baby in space, and I ca n’t be too greedy.
What's more, he still needs to complete his studies. The clinical medicine needs to be vast
and complicated, and the courses are full. The second year of his sophomore year will be
more busy after he has determined the specific professional direction. He can't do anything
for this. Ancient books, even the normal life and future plans are abandoned.
In the blink of an eye on Monday, it should be time to take Xiao Hei to the pet hospital for
deworming in vitro and in vivo. However, Yun Feiyang brought the medicament personally,
along with an adult slap parrot.
"Where is this from?" Shen Shian opened the door and took the bird cage from Yun Feiyang.
"I adopted it." Yun Feiyang said as he changed his shoes. "In October, he followed the
Association for Action to rescue stray cats and dogs. I found it on the Zhangshu Avenue in
the old district. I don't know who is so lacking in morality. After getting a fishing net, this
little thing was wrapped around it. The fishing net was particularly thin, and the more it got
tighter, it was probably afraid that it would struggle too much. When we found it, we
almost tore off our wings. "
Shen Shi'an looked closely, and it turned out that the left wing of the parrot seemed to be
injured and inflexible, and even a large piece of feather was missing. Xiao Hei came over to
whimper and was silenced by Shen Shian's eyes, poking at the parrot's teeth.
Yun Feiyang changed his slippers and took the bird cage. "I thought I couldn't live. I came
back for the surgery that Sister Fang had given me for two months before I brought my life
back. This little thing is still a famous breed. Its scientific name is colorful. \ 'Macaws are
expensive on the market, and an adult bird costs tens of thousands. But this one doesn't
know what's going on. It's several times smaller than a normal macaw. Even Sister Fang
didn't dare to recognize it at first, and later guessed Either they are stunted or they
crossbreed with other breeds, and they mainly target mammals such as cats and dogs. They
do n’t have a good grasp of birds. "
"If it was a breed bird, it should have had its owner"
"We think so too. After the rescue came back, we posted a lot of leaflets to find the owner in
the place where it was found. The Association also issued a notice on its official website,
but no one has been contacted and I do n’t know if this little thing flies. How far is it too far?
And because it was almost taken care of by me during the recovery period after the
operation, I have the closest relationship with me, so I will take care of it for the time being.
This little thing is smart and can speak, Lai Rui Bao, say hello to An'an. "
The parrot stood on the horizontal frame and crooked its head. "Hello baby", the words
were clear and round, and the sound was pretty good.
Shen Shian saw the talking bird for the first time, and she was a little surprised. Before
seeing the parrot, she saw the parrot and tilted her head to the other side. "Goodbye baby"
Shen Shian ""
"Hey hey hey," Yun Feiyang scratched his head, "It just learned to speak for a long time,
now it only has three words: hello, goodbye, and baby." Then he smiled at Shen Shi'an.
"Well, Sister Fang is back to his hometown on New Year's Day, ha, The Pip Pet Hospital is
temporarily closed, and the temperature in the bedroom is low. I'm afraid it will be frozen,
so I just thought of bringing it to your side to disturb you for two days. Don't worry, it's
very good and definitely not noisy. "
"Of course, you still live in the second bedroom." Shen Shi'an agreed, "Would you like to
prepare something for him?"
Each time Xiao Hei, who had to grind hard and softly to eat something, didn't hesitate for a
moment, bowed his head and made two holes in Shen Shi'an's trousers.
"I do n’t have to. I bring the bird food. I usually feed it with melon seeds as a snack. Ruibao
likes melon seeds the most. He can eat half a catty a day, and he does n’t dare to feed more.
Today is an extra reward. Now. "
Yun Feiyang put the bird cage on the small round table next to the radiator, added the
seeds and food, teased for a while to make sure that the little things were not suitable, and
turned to Shen Shi'an. "Tomorrow is New Year's Day. Tonight we will celebrate the New
Year. Shen Da What is the chef going to do to make it delicious? I'll give you a hand. "
"The ingredients in the house are almost gone," Shen Shi'an said. "Go to the supermarket
and see what you want. I just need to buy something else."
Yun Feiyang picked up his coat and was ready to go out. Before leaving, he looked at the
parrot in the birdcage, who was so vigorous that he was succulent. He looked at the little
black who was crouching beside him and stared at the parrot. Do n’t your black bully bully
Ruibao? ”
Xiao He immediately turned his head and snapped his teeth against him.
"Shouldn't," Shen Shi'an glanced. "It can't reach the stool, and there is a bird cage blocking
Right. Yun Feiyang let down his heart and followed Shen Shi'an to the elevator. The two
bodyguards accompanied him as usual.
The supermarket has a full range of ingredients. Shen Shi'an estimated the number of
meals added by two people and two pets, and bought a full cart of meat and vegetables.
After leaving the supermarket, he asked Fan Guoping to drive to the nearest hardware
store, and bought a spade, a hoe, an ax, a garden scissors, and an aluminum two-way
folding ladder more than four meters high.
Yun Feiyang was stunned. "Little brother, are you ready to farm at home?"
Shen Shi'an thought that you were right.
Buying more things, in fact, it is nothing to share to four adult men. Not only the strength of
the two bodyguards is much higher than that of ordinary people. After the warming and
tempering of the spiritual spring water, Shen Shi'an faintly realized that his current
strength is not much worse than that of Fan Guoping.
The four of them walked out of the elevator door and heard the cry of parrot Ruibao
coming from the room, "Hello baby, goodbye baby"
One after another couldn't stop.
Yun Feiyang was wondering if this little thing was hanging his throat. I didn't see it like this
at all. The key was to assure An An that it would not be noisy.
Shen Shian stared at him, opened the door and walked in lightly.
Next to the radiator in the living room, Xiao Hei didn't know how to climb to the round
table where the parrot was placed, and dumped the bag of seeds that had not been eaten
before Shen Shi'an was put into the bird cage.
The parrot Ruibao is shrinking in the corner, and spit the seeds into the trough after each
one. After a few capsules, the little black old **** stretched out his paw and ate it, and it was
still in the bird cage Double tap to signal the other party to move quickly.
It trembled as soon as it slammed the cage. Ruibao was trembling with tears in his small
round eyes, and screamed miserably as he smashed the seeds.
"Hello baby"
"Goodbye baby"
"Hello baby"
"Goodbye baby"
"Goodbye baby"
The author has something to say about Bao Ruibao's heart.
The next change is on February 5
Do n’t forget the author has a finale,
Hormone smashing vs. cold appearance and soft heart
Super sweet
30 years, congratulations to everyone
Thanks readers
A Zhuozi threw a mine
Shuangxuan threw a mine
Liver evi threw a mine
Throw a mine
Mother Lotus Paddle Throws 1 Mine
Tong Tongya threw a mine
It ’s better to see that I threw a rocket launcher
A Zhuozi threw a grenade
Shuangxuan threw a grenade
I threw a mine at the age of three
Sho laughed and threw a grenade
1 mine was thrown by yur sauce
Yule sauce threw a grenade
Dreamed back to the Tang Dynasty and threw a mine
Mother Lotus Paddle Throws 1 Mine
Aged Qi. Threw a mine
Witches threw a mine

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 10: the 10th

Settings saved..
Tomato burdock bubbling in the casserole, winter bamboo ribs tumbling up and down in
the clear soup, and the pan-fried catfish sizzled with hot oil. The braised pork had a
tantalizing caramel color throughout the kitchen The aroma of hot food permeated it.
Xiao He rides around the living room and dining room on the head of the sweeping robot. It
is quite satisfied with this newly-accepted "mountain", that is, it is slower, and the IQ
doesn't seem to be very good. You have to push hard to know the turn.
Shen Shi'an wore a light gray apron with sleeves rolled around his forearms. He was skilled
in movement and was busy in front of the cooking table. Occasionally, when he turned
around and looked away, Xiao Hei who was driving to the kitchen door immediately turned
his head, looked coldly without squinting, took his claws to the "mountain", turned around,
and walked away. He was determined not to look at Shen Shi'an.
This man dared to do that kind of thing to himself, and he has never held a grudge against
him ever since
This so-called revenge against Dai is in fact that Shen Shi'an discovered that Xiao He bullied
Rui Bao and slapped two in the ass.
He and Yun Feiyang came back in time. Ruibao was not injured, but it was obviously scared
enough. As soon as Xiao Hei approached, he fluttered his wings and shouted "Goodbye".
Now he can only put it in the second bedroom to separate from Xiao Hei.
Shen Shi'an was very unhappy, and cut a small dish of tomatoes specifically for Ruibao, and
quietly replaced the water it drank with Lingquan water. Now he is quite emotionally
stable and has fallen asleep on the shelf.
Yun Feiyang was sitting on a chair next to the cooking table, staring at Xiaohei while
peeling the peas. "Hey, An An, is your dog going to become a sperm? I've never seen a
puppy with such emotions. Humane, didn't you just hit it twice? Take a look, and now I still
avenge you. "
Shen Shi'an turned around and glanced at it. Just as Xiao He rode the robot and turned to
the kitchen, he turned his head and turned away arrogantly and indifferently, almost
throwing himself out of the robot.
"It's not revenge," said Fan Guoping, who was marinating chicken wings, smiling when Xiao
Hei went away. "I think this little thing is jealous."
"Jealous" Shen Shian was puzzled.
"That's not it." Fan Guoping put the chicken wings on the baking sheet into the oven, and
then took off the disposable gloves. "Animals are almost like humans, Mr. Shen, you think
about it, you just picked it up for more than a week, not yet I am completely familiar with
the environment. Suddenly there is another pet in the house, and you hit it for this pet. Do
n’t worry about it, then, in the small black eyes, do n’t you consider other pets to be more
precious than it? It ’s not only jealous, but maybe you ’re afraid you wo n’t want it after you
have a new pet. Stray little things can be sensitive to people ’s emotions. My daughter just
raised a stray dog during the time, even if she got out of the house The smell of other cats,
dogs, and dogs will be anxious for a long time after returning home. To put it plainly, there
is no sense of security. "
After that, he took his elbow and punched his colleague Wan Feng. "Yes, Lao Wan."
Wan Feng was peeling peas with Yun Feiyang, and his arm was suddenly pounded by Fan
Guoping. The peeled peas immediately rolled down from the palm of his hand, looked at
them without changing the color, and fished again before the peas landed, and then greeted
them. Yun Feiyang's amazed glance "um" sounded.
Is that so
Shen Shian was thoughtful.
Four people cooperated with each other, and a hearty New Year's Eve meal was quickly
prepared. The bamboo shoots and pork ribs were stewed and the meat was rotten. The
garlic mullet was fried on both sides. Scent of Cola Chicken Wings coming out of the oven
As each dish was brought to the table, Xiao Hei and its mounts spent a lot of time
wandering around the restaurant. Shen Shian took out his usual bowl, filled it with two
tablespoons of rice, and called it "come over for dinner."
Little black head twisted, right when he did not hear.
Shen Shian pours a large bowl of braised pork with soup on the rice, "I really don't eat it"
Little black ears moved, still squatting on the sweeping robot without looking at him.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few shrimps and placed them next to braised pork. Then he took out
two small bowls, one filled with half a bowl of tomato burdock, and one filled with half a
bowl of pork rib soup. I'll take it to Ruibao. "
The voice didn't fall, Xiao Hei had already rushed over like a gust of wind, and stuck out his
tongue and licked all the food and soup, while licking and squinting provocatively at Shen
The corners of her lips were slightly invisible, and Shen Shi'an raised his hand and rubbed
two on the dog's head. "Eat slowly, not enough."
"Come here," Yun Feiyang opened a bottle of red wine, and poured a small glass into four
glasses in turn. "An'an quickly sat down and waited for your master."
The table is full of delicious aromas. Among them, Shen Shi'an made the tomato burdock
the most popular. The space-produced tomato was boiled into a thick state. The burdock
was cooked thoroughly and crispy. Put it in your mouth and chew it twice. The hot gravy
and tomato juice overflow instantly, and the rich meat and fruit aroma burst on the taste
buds at the same time, so beautiful that you can swallow even your tongue.
Fan Guoping inhaled while eating and raised his thumb high at Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Shen's
cooking is fine."
"Sloppy," Shen Shi'an said, "Mr. Fan's Cola chicken wings also taste great."
Yun Feiyang nodded his cheeks again and again, Cola chicken wings have eaten the most
besides burdock.
Fan Guoping smiled and waved his hand. "I ca n’t compare it. I am because my daughter
likes to eat this, so I usually have nothing to think about at home. I do n’t have a problem
with home-cooked dishes, and I do n’t have a chance on big occasions. I'll only be this one. "
"Anyway, two hard chefs." Yun Feiyang raised his wine glass. "Come and get together is a
destiny. I wish us all the best in 2019, and a happy new year."
Everyone toasted and met "Happy New Year"
At one meal, the guests and the guests were happy. After the meal, Yun Feiyang offered to
clean up the dishes. Shen Shi'an sent Wan Feng and the two out, and took Xiao Hei down
the circle by the way. This little thing was still awkward. After pulling it, I didn't look at
Shen Shi'an, and ran back on my own short legs.
Shen Shi'an didn't care, he hurriedly followed behind. Near the bottom of the building, the
residents of the building next door also came out to walk the dog. It was a large dark brown
Tibetan mastiff, half a person tall, with strong muscles and hair, and turbid saliva running
along the teeth. Going down, it looks quite scary.
I don't know if the aroma of burdock ribs was left on Shen Shi'an, or because he often
soaked in Lingquan, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly got excited when he saw him, and
hurriedly walked forward the dog rope to release his hand from the owner. Barking loudly,
she flew towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an frowned, preparing to dodge. Xiao Hei, who had ran into the building, suddenly
turned around and ran back. He hadn't hidden the small half-legged mastiff in front of Shen
Shi'an. Two rows of fangs were cold and exposed from his throat. There was a growl.
This roar is very strange, like the deep roar of some ancient beast, faintly holding the
majesty and anger, so that the Tibetan mastiff that stands taller than people seems to have
heard something terrible. The sound, howling whine, ran back towards the master with his
The dog owner picked up the dog rope with sweat and apologized to Shen Shi'an. "I'm
sorry, I accidentally didn't hold it and let it run away. I didn't scare you. Our dog just looked
scary, but it didn't bite. It ’s human. ”He also looked at Xiaozi Youzi,“ What kind of dog in
your family has a bad temper? ”
Shen Shian bent over and hugged Xiao Hei, without directly answering the other party ’s
words. His tone was a bit cold. “It ’s better to take good measures against large dogs. Not
everyone can be as lucky as me. In case something hurts someone, But it's not a few words I
can solve. "
The other party looked awkward, and what more to say, Shen Shi'an had already held Xiao
Hei and entered the gate of the building.
The protector returned to the protector. Xiao Hei was still angry. When he entered the
elevator, he was troubled to get off Shen Shi'an's arm.
Shen Shian touched Mao a few times, bowed his head and kissed "good."
The dog stiffened and stopped immediately.
After the New Year's Day, the final exam will be held. Yun Feiyang also started a sprint once
a semester. After spending good night with Shen Shi'an Road, he went to his house to pick
up the lights and read at night.
Shen Shi'an returned to the master bedroom to take a bath, gave his mother a joss stick,
and then leaned on the bed with a heavy professional book. After just a few pages,
something was pulled down, and Xiao Hei stepped on the robot. Straightening up beside
the pillow, he still turned his head away from him.
Xiao Hei just picked it up that night because she was afraid of the darkness, so Shen Shian
made an exception and let him sleep in the bed all night, and then every night he slept in
the kennel by the sofa. In particular, after adding the bad habit of rolling dog hair, Shen
Shi'an even forbids him to take a step closer to his bed. Tonight's behavior is quite
Shen Shi'an stared at this little fluffy group for a while. The dark eyes reflected the light,
like a deep pool full of fine stars in the night, and the mysterious charm was unfathomable.
Suddenly I remembered the words that Fan Guoping said before eating, and seemed to
understand the reason for Xiao Hei's actions, and a gentle wave of water poured out from
the deep lake.
He closed the book and put it on the nightstand, turned off the light and lay down on his
side. The fingers touched the hair and smoothed the hair. After a while, the gentle and clear
voice rang softly in the dark. "There are no other pets. I only have one."
Xiao He moved, first struck down a layer of hair on the bed sheet, then turned around and
hugged Shen Shi'an's arm, and licked his lips wetly.
"My favorite grain is first, who dares to rob me and kill someone?"
The author has something to say: January 1, 2019, three months and two days before the
virus outbreak.
"I only have you."
"Who dares to steal you and kill me?"
Rounding up is love and fog
Playing mahjong all night was a miserable loss.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 11: number 11

Settings saved..
The exam time for the first professional course is scheduled at 9 am on January 3.
The night before, Shen Shi'an filled the schoolbag with the manuscript papers and
signature pens needed for the exam. Before leaving, he poured another bottle of tomato
juice and changed clothes and shoes to go out, only to find that Xiao Hei was gone.
"Little Black," he shouted twice, standing at the entrance, "I'm leaving."
The room was quiet, and no familiar black figure appeared.
I don't know where to hide and still be mad with him. Shen Shi'an didn't care, it was better
to be mad than to snare to bite a hole in his trousers secretly. Pick up the schoolbag from
the sofa. "I'm gone. Don't be fooled, come back at noon and burn your chicken legs."
The test room and seat numbers are randomly assigned after disrupting different classes in
the same department, which means that the same test room may not be seated in the same
class. Shen Shi'an's seat was in the penultimate row of the first row. On the way to the seat,
it was found that the class leader Lu Xiuyuan was also in this examination room, and he
was sitting diagonally behind him, with the penultimate row in the second row.
Lu Xiuyuan also saw him and raised his chin high to prepare an arrogant and disdainful
look. Unfortunately, Shen Shi'an didn't give him the opportunity, glanced lightly, and
quickly turned his eyes away.
Put down your schoolbag and sit in position, first take out the paper, pen, and student ID
from the outer pocket, arrange them neatly in the upper left corner of the desk, then unzip
the inner main zipper, reach in and hold the thermos cup
It is expected that the cold feel of the medium insulation cup did not appear, and the palm
was soft and fluffy. Shen Shi'an squeezed two subconsciously, lowered his head, just facing
the pair of round green emerald green eyes, the owner of the eyes also stuck out his tongue
and licked on his fingers flatteringly.
Shen Shian ""
Meifeng wrinkled and had a headache. He bounced a few times into his ears. How did you
run in? I have to take an exam. What do you want to do here?
However, it is obviously not the time to discuss these issues. The proctor's teacher has
taken the sealed roll to the podium. "The exam is about to begin. Please turn off your
mobile phone. Except for pens and pencils, all things like school bags etc. Come up, if you
find that the mobile phone is not turned off after the test starts, or there are professional
books, reference materials and cheat sheets, whether you see it or not, all are treated as
cheating. The consequences of cheating will be known. The school will report the criticism
directly. Rehabilitation, severe expulsion from school, scary, scary, quickly send things up,
everyone competes honestly on the integrity test. "
The test time is two hours in total. It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Hei to sit quietly in
Baoli for two hours without speaking. Although Wan Feng was nearby, the mobile phone
was required to be turned off. It is too late to call them to pick up Xiaohei. Seeing the
urgency of the proctor's teacher more and more urgent, Shen Shi'an unzipped the down
jacket and stuffed Little Black through the cover of the desk and schoolbag.
"Don't make a noise," he said softly. "Otherwise, I'll have dog meat fondue at noon."
Pull down the zipper of the down jacket and school bag again, and then hold the dog's ****
in one pocket with one hand, hold the school bag with one hand, and walk to the empty
table in front.
After the test bell rang, candidates began to answer questions. Needle drop was audible
throughout the examination room, only the sound of footsteps of the proctor walking back
and forth and the rustling of the pen tip on the paper sheet.
The down jacket is very warm, and the tip of the nose is filled with the familiar and unique
taste of the owner of the clothes, which is fresh and smells good, reassuring the dog. Xiao
Hei was so satisfied that the meat pad grabbed the sweater nest and took a nap in the down
jacket. When I woke up, I found that Shen Shi'an was still writing, and bored with
boringness, he began to dig his **** and drill one after the other.
The dog's body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human, and it is almost warm
like a small stove on its stomach. Observing that the small stove suddenly began to be
dishonest, Shen Shi'an put his hand into his pocket and threatened to squeeze it twice
across the fabric.
The small stove stopped, and it didn't take long to settle down, and then poked in his
Shen Shi'an focused his attention and answered the questions carefully, without any pause.
Until Xiaohe turned around and started to drill under the clothes, the speed of answering
suddenly increased. After finishing the last word, put a period, and then put down the pen.
Hold the dog's back neck skin across the clothes with one hand, and open the zipper a little
with one hand, his face turned Cold as frost, pursed his lips and looked down at the "you"
A reprimand that lowered the volume to the extreme just started, and suddenly came out
shouting "report to the teacher, he cheated"
The voice was loud and clear, as the same thunder exploded in the examination room, and
everyone's eyes were instantly gathered. Most of them knew Shen Shi'an. The quiet
examination room was full of whispers.
Shen Shi'an turned his head and, as expected, met the eyes of the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan.
The eyes were very bright, full of excitement and contempt, and when Shen Shi'an came to
see it, he was a little bit more defensive and proud of defending justice, stood upright, and
repeated his allegations in a correct manner. , Something hidden in his clothes, I found him
peeping several times "
There are two proctors, one male and one female. The male teacher should have gone to
the toilet. The female teacher heard that the movement had come in the direction of the
two. Shen Shian bowed his head lightly and quickly and said "remember to be poor." .
Standing upright and cold, his face was soothing and calm, without any panic or anger as he
should be after being charged.
Probably he didn't look like he would cheat. After the female teacher confirmed to Lu
Xiuyuan that the accused was indeed him, he subconsciously softened his voice, "This
classmate, is there something hidden in your clothes?"
Shen Shi'an nodded, his voice clear and clear, like a jade stone striking the summer wind
and brushing the forest, and he inadvertently made people feel a bit like "Yes."
"Look at the teacher," Lu Xiuyuan's face rose slightly with excitement, "I'm right."
The female teacher glanced at him and put her eyes back on Shen Shi'an. "Can you pull off
your clothes and show me?"
The down jacket's zipper was only halfway down, and a fluffy, swollen head immediately
emerged from the clothes, buttocks were slammed with fingers in the pocket across the
fabric, and the emerald green eyes immediately burst into tears. Only a meat pad was
chopped on Shen Shi'an's chest.
Turning her head to the female teacher softly called a "meow"
Shen Shian ""
There was an uproar, and the female teacher waited for a while before responding. "This is"
While asking, she picked up the student ID on the table. "Shen Shi'an, you are Shen Shi'an,
who is the first place in the year."
Shen Shi'an was accepted by the medical university with the first place in the city's college
entrance examination. He also spoke as a freshman representative at the opening
ceremony. He also won a national scholarship with the first grade in his freshman year
finals. He concluded in the semester of the clinical college. Speeches on the awards were
given at the conference. In addition, Grandpa was a professor of Medical University before
his death, and Mr. Gu donated two research laboratories to the school. Even if the teachers
in the school did not teach him, he and his family were more or less heard of it.
"This is a stray dog I picked up in the community," Shen Shi'an replied softly, and he
touched the dog's head at the same time. "The doctor said that he was only two months old,
and it was estimated that he had just separated from the **** shortly after weaning. The
bushes were almost frozen to death. "He was much taller than the female teacher, so from
the perspective of the other side, half of the eyelashes became denser and curled up." It
lacks a sense of security and must be kept You can be quiet with the company, otherwise
you will tremble and tremble. There is no other person in my family who can take care of it,
and there is no way to bring it over. I am sorry to disturb your classmates for the exam. "
The tone of the youth is flat, the pace of speaking is not rush, and there is no meaning in the
look to win sympathy, but once there is a trace of softness on the face of the indifferent and
alienated face, the softness is particularly obvious, like in the ice A flower that blooms is
fragile, stubborn, beautiful and lonely, and instantly makes a surge of protection.
At this time, the male teacher also returned to the examination room. In order to prove
innocence, Shen Shi'an simply hugged Xiaohei with one hand, and took off the down jacket
with his other hand to show everyone "There is nothing else but this dog. I know I have to
Bringing a pet to the examination room seriously violates the discipline of the examination
room and also disturbs other students' exams. I'm really sorry, but the two teachers should
decide how to punish them. I have absolutely no complaints. In order not to cause
interference to other students, I want to submit the papers in advance. "
He bowed squarely to the two teachers, then packed up and hugged the dog to leave the
examination room. As soon as I walked out of the classroom door, the softness between the
eyebrows disappeared instantly, and I held it to the front with my little black neck skin. My
eyes were not deep, and my tone was very soft. "Say, do you like clear soup or spicy?"
In the classroom, the male teacher picked up Shen Shi'an's paper, and glanced over the neat
and clear writings under each question, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, this is all
Lu Xiuyuan's complexion, which was not so good at first, was even worse.
The final exam lasted for more than a week. Under the rigorous defense of Shen Shi'an, the
accident that the dog sneaked into the schoolbag never happened again.
In the afternoon of January 11, the last exam was successfully concluded. Most students
have already bought tickets for their home tickets early. Less than an hour after the test,
most of the campus is empty.
Yun Feiyang didn't return home, and moved into the second bedroom of Shen Shi'an's
house with a suitcase and bird cage. Shen Shian poured him a glass of tomato juice. "You
don't have to stay with me to accompany me." Since the death of my grandpa, Yun Feiyang
always has to stay with him for a variety of reasons during the winter and summer
vacations. Shen Shi'an deeply understands that. I was afraid that he would be alone and feel
sad and sad.
"I didn't stay here to accompany you," Yun Feiyang lay down comfortably on the sofa,
poured tomato juice into Ruibao's kettle, and shared it with him. "I signed up for the
Volunteer Association's volunteer activities. h city as the center, together with surrounding
towns and cities to carry out rescue operations for stray animals in winter, it is estimated
that it will last for two weeks. The school dormitory building will be closed in a few days,
and it will be frozen to death. Brother, I have no choice. Come over to you. "
I said, I changed my posture. "Yes, I may have to live in a foreign city for two days during
the event. When that happens, please help me take care of the rations that Ruibao can
handle. There are several layers of newspapers under the cage. If you think it smells bad,
take one out. "While talking, she blinked at Shen Shi'an, trying to lure him, and" Yes ", and
let your black child stay away from it slightly. a little."
Shen Shian nodded "OK." Probably because he had fed Lingbao with Lingquan water.
Although this little thing was afraid of Xiaohei, he was very close to him. Every time he saw
it, he shook his head and shouted "baby". It was very cute.
Yun Feiyang fulfilled his wish and turned to look at Xiao Hei, whose legs were standing
upright in the corner of the living room, motionless against the wall. "What's wrong, it was
punished to sneak into your schoolbag."
There was no secret in the school. When Shen Shi'an took the exam, he had a small milk dog
in his arms and spread throughout the clinical academy that afternoon. Most students were
surprised that Shen Xueba, the beauty of the iceberg, had such a gentle side, and she added
a large number of admirers to Shen Shi'an. In the past few days, she received dozens of
confession text messages. Many of them were classmates. How to refuse Shen Shian's
brains one by one, which is why things have passed for a few days, and Xiao Hei still has to
face the wall to punish him.
Raised his eyes and glanced over, "Stand up."
Little Black Fang wanted to whine, remembering that the three-day meal of Qingshui
cabbage did not dare, he lifted his front paws up, and his belly and the wall were more
tightly attached.
"The results of that examination have not come down yet," Yun Feiyang asked.
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It is estimated that it will not be until the New Year, but the
counselor made me not to worry. It should not be cancelled."
Yun Feiyang glared at "you didn't cheat, you were taking the exam brightly, why did you
cancel the grade and give you the answer?" He said with a sigh of relief, "Fuck, Lu Xiuyuan,
the grandson, sooner or later Give him a hard repair. "
"Don't cause trouble, violent fights are to be expelled directly."
"I'm not stupid." Yun Feiyang whispered secretly. I don't know how to secretly sack you.
After the holiday, the free time suddenly increased. Yun Feiyang often stays away from
home during volunteer activities, which facilitates Shen Shi'an's free access to many places
before he can freely study the space, just to explore carefully during the winter vacation.
After having dinner on this day, Yun Feiyang hadn't returned to Linshi. Shen Shi'an was not
assured to let Xiao Hei stay with Ruibao alone. After thinking about it, he thought of it and
moved into the space together.
Entering the space for the first time seemed to have a great impact on the dog, and he
looked stiff and stiff. When I reacted to where I was, I immediately broke away from Shen
Shi'an, spread my short legs and ran forward.
"This is the realm of Shen Shian"
Shen Shi'an didn't care about it, ran along with it, raised his feet and walked towards the
tomato forest. Just after taking two steps, a bright golden light suddenly appeared in the
vision of the corner of the eye. With a scream, a familiar black hair ball flew in the sky, and
then hit the ground in a parabolic shape.
Small, black
Shen Shi'an failed to understand what was happening for a while.
Xiao Hei, who fell into the soil, didn't seem to feel the pain. He stood up and shook the soil,
and toward the goal, Lingquanquan rushed over. This time, she kept her eyes on it, and
Shen Shi'an finally took a closer look at everything.
Xiao Hei rushed towards Lingquanquan at full speed, and when it reached about five
meters outside the fountain's eye, a golden barrier that penetrated the heavens and earth
suddenly lit up, and the rune on it flashed mysteriously and inexplicably. Surrounded by
Wang Lingquan Pond, blocking Xiao Hei's steps, and at the moment Xiao He bumped into it,
Jin Guangzha shone like a thunder and flew Xiao Hei far away.
There is a barrier around Lingquan before, or it has only recently appeared. Why he never
found out
The shock in my heart was like a stormy sea. Shen Shi'an quickly walked to the place where
Jin Guang appeared a moment ago.
After flying Xiao Hei, Jin Guang disappeared again. At this time, the surrounding Lingquan
looked the same as usual. Shen Shi settled down, and then continued to walk forward to
Quan's eyes and away from them come back. Back and forth unimpeded, Jinguang did not
appear, and did not find any obstacles.
Why it was so obvious that he had seen the golden barrier is definitely not an illusion.
Turning his head and waving at Heihei, "Come here."
The second time seemed to be a bit harder than the first time, but the ground was soft and
Xiao Hei had a lot of hair on it. It was not a big deal except he was covered with mud.
This time it learned to be smart and stopped before the place where Jinguang appeared. It
has recognized it, and this thing is clearly the defensive weapon that it wanted to eat Shen
Shi'an once and knocked it out.
Shen Shi'an hugged the dog and squeezed his paw forward.
Alas. The golden light barrier appeared again. Keep Xiao He's claws firmly in place.
That turned out to be the case.
Shen Shi'an seemed stunned that this barrier was only effective for creatures other than
him, preventing other things from approaching Quanyan, and he was not subject to this
restriction because he was the owner of the space. The golden barrier is actually a
protective cover to protect the spring eyes.
So if he wants to bring other creatures in, but everything that comes into direct contact
with him can be brought into space with a single thought, does this barrier follow the same
Shen Shi'an embraced Xiao Hei, meditating "into" in his heart, and then took a step forward.
The golden barrier still exists, with the runes flashing and colorful, but Xiao Hei has been
standing inside the barrier with Shen Shi'an.
Sure enough, it can be brought in. Then if a creature has direct contact with him, but he
doesn't want to bring it in, for example, if the space is exposed, he is being held hostage by
others and threatens to enter the Lingquan.
Before waiting for Xiao Hei to rejoice because he entered the barrier, Shen Shi'an held it
back and then took another step forward, but this time he clearly refused Xiao Hei to
approach Lingquan
With a flash of gold, Shen Shi'an walked smoothly into the barrier, while the dog fell like a
cinder on the filter paper and fell to the ground with a crack.
Little Black ""
It seems that this shield can also sense his psychological activity, and Shen Shi'an is
somewhat surprised. But if he refuses to let in, but gives a verbal instruction to enter
In order to prove the conjecture, Shen Shi'an stepped out of the barrier again and picked up
Xiao Hei to start the experiment. By the eighth time Xiao Hei was stopped by the barrier
and fell to the ground, the rules of this protective cover have also been studied.
Except Shen Shi'an, no other creatures can enter;
Shen Shi'an can bring creatures into it, but he must willingly give permission instructions,
otherwise he will still intercept them;
Creatures who have not been allowed to order, how much force to impact the shield, will
get a corresponding level of rebound. And if you blindly ignore the protective cover and try
to break into it,
"Hey" Xiao Hei screamed and withdrew his claws. It just tentatively broke the claws
through the protective cover less than one centimeter, and the front-end hair was already
blackened by the sudden electric current, oozing a little blood .
"Xiao Hei" Shen Shi'an was so tight in his heart that he immediately held it through the
protective cover and put it into Lingquan. Little black eyes brightened, he couldn't wait to
turn over and jump and gurgle, drank several springs of water, and then paddled his legs in
the pool tossing back and forth.
"Finally came in"
Shen Shi'an waited for a while, grabbed his claws and determined that the wound had
healed, and then he felt relieved, and allowed him to plan the dog in the spring water, and
turned to walk in front of the bamboo floor to fold a small branch from the peach tree.
Divide the branch into four sections, then walk to the place where the protective cover
appeared, and insert a section every quarter circle as a reference.
When all the branches were inserted, when he turned his head again, there was no small
black shadow in Lingquan. Shen Shi'an frowned, went to the pool and shouted "Little Black"
The mist on the spring was transpiration, and there was still no movement.
The diameter of this Wang Lingquan is only a little over three meters. Xiao Hei will be a
dog, so he ca n’t drown in it.
Shen Shi'an shouted a few more times, and walked around Lingquan, and found no trace of
Xiao Hei. His heart became more disturbed, and he was about to jump down and look for it
again. Suddenly, the water in the middle of Lingquan surged, and what happened to
Buddha The suction is normal, and gradually forms a vortex that rotates rapidly, but it
takes only a second or two. You can already see the vortex at the bottom of the pool
violently, and a cute Yuxue baby floats out of it.
Oh yeah.
Shen Shi'an was a little bit surprised that this Lingquan could still give birth.
The author has something to say: January 16, 2019, two months and 17 days before the
virus outbreak.
The humanoid attack you want, please check it
It was written in the time copy at the beginning of the last days. On April 3, 19, I had
accidentally increased the number of months by a few days before.
Earn money last night. This chapter randomly dropped fifty red envelopes.
Thanks to a reader
37 threw a mine
Maybe threw a mine
Maybe threw a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
One fish throws a mine
Throwing a mine away without a book

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 12: 12th

Settings saved..
The little baby in front of her looked at three or four years old, stood still, she was not ten
feet tall, her legs were red, her teeth were white and her lips were lovely. Only her round
eyes were filled with familiar and ferocious eyes. At first glance, the eyes were black and
close It was discovered that it was actually dark green, because the green was too strong
and too dark, and the backlight became a deep bottomless black.
Shen Shi'an and him stared at each other for a while, still unbelievable. Could not help but
reach out his finger and poked "little black" on his soft face
The little baby gnawed her teeth twice, slammed Shen Shi'an's fingertips into her mouth,
did not dare to bite it hard, rubbed her teeth a few times, and then spit it out. It took a long
time to reluctantly "um".
He looked down at his tender hands and feet. He looked frustrated and seemed to be aware
of Shen Shi'an's sight. He quickly covered his hands with his hands. His face turned red and
fierce. The "no-look" tone was very strange, and the child's milk sound There is a little
husky in the mix, and the words are jerky and ambiguous as if they have just learned to
Shen Shi'an "I didn't see it." Peanuts point at something big, what's so nice about it.
After saying this, I remembered that the other party was still naked. Although the space is
as warm as spring, it is still a little cold even when naked, not to mention the little baby just
came out of the Lingquan, and the wet body is covered with drops of water.
Suddenly this kind of accident happened, and the research originally planned to do would
definitely not be able to continue for the time being. Shen Shi'an simply picked up the baby
doll, and his mind flashed out of space.
The home was very quiet, Yun Feiyang didn't come back, only Rui Bao was holding seeds in
a bird cage on the coffee table, and saw Shen Shian patted his wings happily "Baby"
Shen Shi'an didn't have time to make fun of it, and he agreed to go into the bathroom and
took out a towel. He dried the baby from head to toe, and wrapped him in a cashmere
blanket on the sofa. "Sit here. Move, I'll look for clothes you can wear. "
The baby was tangled up like a bitch. After watching Shen Shi'an leave, he twisted to find a
more comfortable posture. He looked up and found that Ruibao in the cage was tilting his
head and staring at him, and immediately spit out two rows of small fangs and stared
fiercely Go back.
Rui Bao was stiff, and some unbearable memories instantly returned to the cage, screaming
back into the corner and screaming "Goodbye, baby, goodbye, baby, goodbye, goodbye"
Shen Shi'an stepped out of the master bedroom and cast doubt on and implicitly accused
Xiao Hei "You bullied Ruibao again"
The little girl widened her eyes and was aggrieved. "I don't have it", angry and annoyed, she
turned her head toward the parrot and snarled a fierce roar similar to that of a beast, and
flung her hands and feet to bite it.
Ruibao shuddered in fear, and his screams became more and more fierce. The chicken
flying in the living room could not rest for a while. Shen Shi'an could only carry it back to
the guest room by the bird cage to be isolated by the door.
He sat on the sofa with two pieces of clothes and a pair of scissors, beckoning Xiao Hei
"Come here."
The little baby twisted her head and snorted very proudly and indifferently.
"You can't come, I gave Rui Bao my clothes," Shen Shi'an said lightly.
The proud and indifferent little baby immediately moved to Shen Shi'an's legs like a
There was no clothes suitable for children at home, Shen Shi'an looked for a long time and
found only a set of autumn clothes that had only been washed once, and a shrinking light
gray cardigan.
Qiuyi has good elasticity. The pants are cut directly from the middle of the thigh, and then
the waist and trousers are tightened with transparent glue. The top is cut short, although it
is still loose after being put on. Fortunately, the shrinking sweater unexpectedly fits. Just
cover the buttocks and roll up the sleeves again, it looks cute. There is no way out for
underwear, so I can only buy it tomorrow.
After putting on clothes, Shen Shi'an touched his hair, a little tide, brought the hair dryer,
and adjusted the mid-range warm air to blow slowly. The little things that were fierce a few
moments ago were pretty good at this time, lying on Shen Shi'an's legs motionless. The
child's hair was originally soft, and it became more fluffy after being blown dry. The fur was
against the palm of the hand, reminding Shen Shian of the touch on Xiao Hei's body.
When the hair was completely dry, Shen Shi'an closed the hair dryer, sat on the sofa and
faced the baby, and considered the language "You are indeed a little black, right?" What
happened under his eyelids. There are no other explanations.
The little doll nodded.
"How did you become human"
The baby shook his head.
"What the **** happened to you in Lingquan"
The baby shook his head, blinked, and continued to pretend to be innocent.
Shen Shi'an did not feel that the other party was pretending to be innocent. To him, the doll
in front of him was still a little milk dog less than three months ago, and even if it suddenly
became fine, it was essentially the soul of a little milk dog.
What can you expect a puppy to know
The reason why Xiao Hei suddenly became sperm is still in the spring. Could it be said that
the spiritual spring water not only accelerates wound healing, not only improves physical
fitness, but also promotes the crazy growth of plants, and can also turn the soaked animals
into humans. Myths and stories are often written like this. If you get some kind of heaven
and earth, you can become a human by eating it. Since the Lingquan can save him from
dying state, in a way, it is equal to rebuilding his body, and it is not impossible to make a
dog into a refined form.
So, can any animal become human after soaking in Lingquan?
Shen Shi'an suddenly thought of Ruibao across the wall.
The idea of "putting Ruibao in Lingquan to see what will change" was just as soon as it
emerged. In case Ruibao became a human, how should he explain to Yunfeiyang?
Not to mention Ruibao, now how to explain this dog sperm is a difficult problem.
Shen Shi'an looked at the baby's dark green eyes and suddenly got a headache.
After Xiao Hei becomes a human, the biggest advantage is that he doesn't have to walk the
dog, but it becomes a problem where he sleeps. He can't let him continue to sleep in the
kennel. Ruibao was asleep in the guest room, definitely not; the sofa could sleep, but there
were always suspicions of child abuse.
Before she waited for Shen Shi'an to think about how to place him, the baby doll had moved
into the quilt of the master bedroom neatly, her eyes closed tightly, and she obviously did
not intend to move the place.
Shen Shi'an laughed and went to give her mother a joss stick, then went to bed from the
other side. As soon as he lay down, a small, soft stove leaned over, and his furry hair was
right on his chin, scratching his skin with a tingling itch. This feeling is very novel, but it is
not annoying. On the contrary, because it is obviously needed to be relied on, it can not help
but give birth to some softness from the bottom of my heart.
silly dog.
He always has a fresh and smelling smell, and because he has been perfumed, his clothes
have a touch of light sandalwood aroma. Xiao He likes it, arching into his arms and sniffing
repeatedly, Shen Shi'an fixed his arm with "Don't make trouble, sleep well." Raised his hand
and turned off the headlights.
Outside the dim yellow light of the night light, a pair of dark green eyes faintly dim, staring
at Shen Shi'an's side face for a long time, without knowing something, bowing his head and
licking slightly on his wrist.
Yun Feiyang came back two days later. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a baby doll
sitting on the sofa, holding a large bowl of dark-haired purple cherries, and watching TV
while eating.
"Hey," Yun Feiyang put on slippers, "who's this?"
"Mine." Shen Shi'an put down his crops and planted them in full color, and touched the little
black head. "Come, call dad."
Little Black drummed his cheeks and said nothing, but Yun Feiyang was shocked. "I did n’t
go home for two days. Who did you even have a child with? When was it really fake?"
Shen Shi'an said, "Fake."
Yun Feiyang covered his chest and sighed, "I'll just say it, I haven't seen you have a target,
scared my little brother." Came over and looked at Xiao Hei up and down several times.
"Hey, this kid looks pretty good Good-looking, really, who is it? "
"I don't know, I picked it up."
Yun Feiyang looked back for a while before getting his voice back. "Are you donkey again?"
"No, it was picked."
"Where did you pick it up? Did you call the police?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I am going to raise it myself." Xiao Hei becoming a human is a
good thing to him to some extent, after all, the life span of a dog is limited, but the life span
of a person is much longer. He has the confidence to raise this child in his own capacity.
For a moment, Yun Feiyang almost thought that his brother's brain was a bit abnormal, and
then he thought whether it was the past few days that An'an had been stimulated by
anything extraordinary, otherwise he would never have had a relationship The good young
man, how can I remember raising a child and raising a child who doesn't know who it is?
He is madly testing on the edge of the crime of kidnapping children, what is the plan?
Concerned about how to start a friendly and profound spiritual discussion with Shen Shi'an
on this issue, Yun Feiyang suddenly found a problem, "Hey, Xiao Hei". As usual, it was time
to rush out and slap him.
Shen Shi'an looked at the dog spirit beside him and hesitated a bit. "Lost."
"Well, I forgot to close the door, it seemed to run out by itself."
"Have you looked upstairs or downstairs?"
"did not find."
Yun Feiyang was excited, because he was going to choose clinical psychology as the
research direction in the next semester. He has been reading books on psychoanalysis
recently. At this time, he learns and uses, and feels that he has found the crux of his
brother's abnormality. Although Shen Shi'an never said it clearly, he could tell how foolish
the dog was. Don't say anything, because Shen Shi'an has a bit of cleanliness, but the master
bedroom ca n’t even step in, but the dog can lie on the bed and walk the dog's hair. This is
not what true love is.
I finally persuaded myself to have a pet, and then lost my affectionate pet. I don't know how
uncomfortable he was now, no wonder he was looking for a substitute. If he wants to dispel
the thought of raising a child, it seems that he has to let him forget Xiao Hei first.
Yun Feiyang secretly thought about it and sat next to the baby doll. He tried to make Shen
Shi'an Dao as light as possible. "If you lose it, you're so good. You have to wait for the big
fish and meat all day to run out. Yes, it was just lost. Let's go back and raise another ang. "
After saying that I took a big cherry from the glass bowl held by the little baby, but I did n’t
put it in my mouth. At first, I watched the cute little baby suddenly suddenly exposed, and
his teeth clicked and bite at him. If it hadn't been for him to hide, he might have blood
splattered immediately.
Yun Feiyang held his hand into the sofa and stared at the two rows of small fangs.
Oh, this **** familiarity.
The author has something to say Thanks readers
Yun Chang throws a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
His Royal Highness Candle Dragon threw a mine
My emperor threw a mine early

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 13: 13th

Settings saved..
It was cold in winter, and Shen Shi'an was preparing to cook hot pot at home.
The soup base was stewed with tube bones and chicken racks. It was boiled in a casserole
for more than two hours with gentle heat, and the bone marrow was as crunchy as milk
and the aroma was so strong that it could choke people. Mushrooms, red dates and a few
slices of tomatoes were added to the clear soup. Large pieces of authentic hot pot red oil
were slipped into the spicy soup. After the induction cooker was plugged in for a while, the
shabu-shabu began to turn up half milky white and half red.
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang, two young guys, plus a freshly made little black, two big and
one smaller than one can eat, so you must prepare enough boxed fat beef rolls and fat
sheep rolls. There are several dishes, such as shrimp slips, tripe, luncheon meat, various
beef balls, seafood balls, etc. In addition, there are frozen tofu, oil gluten, bamboo skewers,
enoki mushrooms and other pigmented dishes, which will make the large dining table full.
Beef and lamb rolls are thinly cut. After the soup is boiled, it is cooked thoroughly with
chopsticks and simmered back and forth for a few times. The clear soup is delicious and the
red soup is hot, with the tender and delicious meat quality. For the first time, Xiao Hei eats
spicy food. He spit out his tongue while sitting on a specially elevated chair, and his mouth
is sweating with a red forehead. His eyes are still staring at the red soup. When Shen Shi'an
turned to clear soup, Then he frowned and whined twice.
"Children eat less spicy, be careful not to grow up later." Shen Shi'an filled the bowl in front
of him. "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."
At home, I warmed my feet and sweated easily while eating hot pot. Shen Shi'an took off his
sweater and wore only a long-sleeved t-shirt. The white cotton fabric was soft and soft.
With the movement, he drew a delicate shoulder blade and a thin waistline. It looks so good
that even tofu is pleasing to the eye.
Turning around, he found that Xiao He was just eating meat, and blanched two slices of
lettuce from the clear soup. "Eat more vegetables, don't picky eaters." Even when he was a
dog, he is now a human. What about vegetables? Unscrewing the lid gave him another glass
of juice.
Yun Feiyang sat across the table, looking at the child who was caring for the child carefully,
and he didn't even realize that he was a friend like an old mother. "Anna, you, are you really
going to raise him as a son?"
Shen Shi'an and Xiao Hei face each other for a long while, staring at him reluctantly and
swallowing the lettuce without raising his head in response. "Huh."
"But," Yun Feiyang groaned with the words, "but you have to worry about whether the
child's own ideas, if he doesn't want to stay here, he wants to go home and find his own
parents." Kidnap the child for ten years At the beginning, do n’t think about it, brother.
Shen Shian bowed his head and asked Xiao Hei "Will you live with me?"
Little Black nodded his cheeks.
"Do you want to go home and find your parents?"
Little Black drummed his cheek and shook his head. He was born naturally to his parents.
Shen Shi'an looked up. "Look."
What Yun Feiyang "sees" is all the more sorrowful in abduction, even chopsticks are biting
in a circle.
Shen Shian guessed what he was thinking, and guessed that his friend might have shaped
himself as a criminal with the intention of breaking the law. If you want Xiaoxing to live
smoothly, you have to find a solution to this problem.
"Feiyang, I haven't told you something yet," Shen Shi'an thought, and put down the
chopsticks in his hand, his voice was low and hesitant. "I don't think this child was
accidentally lost." He picked it up and kept it for a while and barely made it. Even if the
police cooperated with the investigation, it was impossible for police comrades to find Xiao
Hei's parents. Although the adoption process was troublesome in the future, it was logical.
"What does it mean that you ran out of the house by yourself? Didn't you pick it up in the
mall? It is likely that his house is near the mall." Yun Feiyang looked at Xiaohei. "Hey, do
you remember where you live? Father and mother's name is you What is your name"
Three consecutive questions are like Shi Shenhai, Xiao Hei just cares about eating his meat
and ignores him.
"Hey, why didn't this child speak?" After thinking about it, it seems that he hasn't talked to
him since he saw him. You know. "Unless
Yun Feiyang focused on Xiao Hei. He would not use chopsticks. He took a child fork
prepared by Shen Shi'an. He was probably unhappy with the fork. He just threw it aside
and buried his face directly in the bowl. Occasionally, I also helped pull twice to help, and
soon my face, chin, and fingers were full of oil.
This look looks like she's still beastly in Shen Shi'an's eyes, and there is something cute in
her innocence, but in Yun Feiyang's eyes, there is some mental retardation.
Shen Shi'an looked at his look. Although it was a little different from the script he expected,
it didn't prevent him from guiding his friend to follow the other's thoughts and continue to
make up for the brain, so he sighed, "You should understand now."
As if a flash of lightning slammed from my head, a child more than three years old can't
speak, has to grab his hands with meals, looks fierce and wants to bite, doesn't know his
parent's name, and doesn't want to go home. All kinds of abnormalities are spinning in Yun
Feiyang's brain. With superb investigative and analytical capabilities, he finally cracked the
only truth
"This kid is a fool"
Shen Shi'an held the little black head in one hand and rubbed it in a soothing manner, and
quickly halted a half-box of fat cows in one hand to block his flashing fangs, meaning he
sighed inexplicably.
Yun Feiyang is even more convinced of his inferences. "So the parents of this child thought
he was stupid and deliberately left him in the mall." No wonder he would rather follow An
An as a stranger than go home. See how hard it is to eat Child, it is estimated that I did not
go hungry and embarrassed at home, and I did not know whether I was hurt or not abused.
Looking at Xiaohei's eyes was full of sympathy immediately. "Powder-carved jade is very
cute, but my brain is not good. If you look back, you may take it to the hospital to check it
carefully. It may still be cured." In this way, An An was picked home Still his fortune.
In just a few minutes, Shen Shi'an in his eyes transformed from a misstepd young man who
was once wrong to a righteous hero who saved others. Not to mention, the hot pot boiled
hot, steamed a few touches of soft pink on Shen Shi'an's white face, and looked down and
patiently looked after the children. It really exudes motherhood, no, the glory of
Shen Shian vaguely said, "The inspection must be done, but after a while, he will be raised
for a while." What to do if it becomes a human is only temporary, and it will become a dog
within a few days. It is not known whether his current physical data is according to human
standards or dog standards.
Yun Feiyang was so nervous, it seemed that he was being abused. The sympathy in the eyes
became more real, and he leaned over and filled the baby with a chopsticks full of lamb.
"Eat, eat more, follow An An, and keep your delicious and spicy food in the future. The past
is gone. Who will dare to bully you in the future , Uncle Yun strangled you for you. "
Xiao Heiwu Zhanzhan's eyes glanced at him, took a fork to fork out his lamb, and ruthlessly
threw it into the trash.
Yun Feiyang didn't care that he was a fool. What can you and fools care about?
Quickly ate a few mouthfuls of meat, burned my teeth with the soup in the peeing beef ball,
and then looked at Shen Shi'an through the hot white gas. "Would you like to give him a
new name? He did n’t remember the name, even if he remembered it It ’s not necessarily a
good thing. Just pick another one and start with a new name. "
Shen Shi'an also had this idea, and all of them became human. He could not continue to call
Xiao Hei Xiao Hei, but it was difficult to decide what name to take for a while.
Yun Feiyang drank a cold beer. "It's a good idea. Otherwise, you're called Lele, you're An An,
he's Le Le, and it's An Le together." The extremely sensitive veterinarian Yun shut up his
mouth in time, facing Shen Shi'an's gaze and sneered "Change one, change another."
When a meal was nearing its end, Shen Shi'an made up his mind. "Let's call it Shen Xun."
"Which one is Shen Xun?" Yun Feiyang said a few times in his mouth, pondering something,
"You found him in the vast sea of people, fate is not what it means"
Shen Shi'an did not answer. My mother believes in Buddhism, and believes that fate is
bounded, and that there is a fixed number in the meditation, then whether he found Xiao
Hei or Xiao Hei found him, and who can tell clearly.
Get up and go to the bathroom and twist a hot towel, and said to the doll "Shen Xun, come
and wipe your hands."
After eating, Xiao Hei should now call him Shen Xun, sit on the sofa with a fruit tray and
watch TV, Shen Shi'an prepares to wash dishes, Yun Feiyang rolls up his sleeves to help
pack things.
I turned to glance at the little child on the sofa in the living room, and lowered his voice to
Shen Shi'an. "An'an, I know it ’s kind of you to pick him up. If you decide to raise him, that
brother will definitely support it." But he has parents, after all, I wonder if you should first
report to the police and take the child across the clear road. A police comrade will
investigate and give you a certificate, then you will be able to support or adopt. The formal
procedures can also be bright and righteous. Otherwise, if you raise your child in vain,
healthy, and healthy, that parent will come to your door to make trouble and want to take
the child back, who do you talk to? "
Shen Shi'an is not in the same direction as him, but it is not much worse. Although he
doesn't have to worry about parents coming, Xiao Hei will become a human and want to
live normally in this society. He must have a legal identity certificate. He's not easy to
handle this, I'm afraid to find Mr. Gu.
Yun Feiyang also thought of this: "Mr. Gu have not contacted you recently"
Shen Shian nodded. Originally, he contacted about once a week. Since his accident, the
frequency has increased. He will call every two or three days. The content of the call was
similar, except that Mr. Gu asked as usual, and Shen Shi'an replied formulaically. In fact,
even if he didn't answer, Wan Feng and his two colleagues would probably report their
situation to each other without fail.
Yun Feiyang looked at his face and felt that he was not in a bad mood. He could not bear it,
but he asked carefully, "An'an, Mr. Gu and your mother, what is going on?"
He and Shen Shi'an have known each other for almost three years, and it can be considered
the same as before, plus the relationship between Grandpa Shen and his parents, he has
always treated Shen Shi'an as a brother. But he didn't know much about his family affairs.
He only knew that Mr. Gu was Shen Shi'an's biological father, but his relationship with the
Shen family was not good. Therefore, An An followed his mother's surname, and every time
his father and son met, his attitude toward him Are extremely indifferent.
The reason for this is that he was not good at asking an outsider, and involved his mother
who died early, so Shen Shi'an would not take the initiative to say. He has heard a lot of
rumors, but apparently he chewed the tongue in order to satisfy the desire of the gossip,
and he never believed a word as much as he could.
Curious is inevitable. This curiosity has been buried in my heart for a long time, just
tonight, the atmosphere is harmonious, and one of the heroes mentioned that he
accidentally slipped out of his mouth. Yun Feiyang realized that he was too reckless as soon
as he said it, and he regretted and regretted pulling a few mouths out of his mouth and
quickly waved his hand to apologize.
Shen Shi settled, put the cleaned dishes on the drain rack, and then took a towel to dry his
hands. His expression was flat. "There is nothing to say."
Really speaking, this is actually a very rotten dog blood story, it's like a live-action version
of Wanwan Wanyan.
Mr. Gu's full name is Gu Zheng, a rich and powerful generation in Beijing. The family has
deep roots, but still want to go further, so when Mr. Gu gets old, he plans to arrange a
marriage for him.
Zheng \\\ 'government marriage is normal for a child born in the family background of the
Gu family, but Mr. Gu is obviously different from everyone else. He is reluctant to use
marriage as a bargaining chip based on his pride. Therefore, in violation of the parents'
instructions, they went all the way down to the city of H to prepare for self-reliance to
break out of a world and prove themselves with their results.
In this way, I met Shen Qingan, who was also the mother of Shen Shian, who was working in
the library of H City at that time.
At first sight, Fenghua Zhengmao was full of love, and the love between the two of them
must be vigorous and infinitely beautiful, because even when the sickbed was lingering at
the end of her life, whenever she talked about it, Ms. Shen's beautiful eyes were full of
This sweet and free love lasted more than two years, during which Mr. Gu met the parents
of the Shen family, and won the approval and blessings of the parents of the Shen family,
and successfully proposed at Ms. Shen's birthday party. It ’s just that marriage is a matter
for two families. The consent of the parents of the Shen family will definitely not work.
Therefore, Mr. Gu Qichen returned to Beijing and promised Ms. Shen before leaving that he
would do the work of patrons ’parents and return to host a wedding ceremony. .
At that time, the transportation was very convenient. There was a direct high-speed rail
link between H City and Beijing. Mr. Gu went quickly and returned quickly. He appeared in
front of Shen Qingran again in less than five days. His eyes were red, and his ring finger was
more up. An unfamiliar ring, and at this time in the citizenship information of China, was
already married.
The lady Gu who appeared out of thin was the marriage partner arranged by Gu's family to
Gu Yi, surname Qin. According to Mr. Gu, when he returned to Beijing and entered the
house, he was placed under house arrest by his parents. He repeatedly persuaded him to
inject sedatives after no fruit, took his ID card to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and held a
certificate of registration. A wedding where the groom is unconscious.
"Qing Ran," Gu Yan hugged her, her eyes filled with tears. "I love you, I only love you, I only
met her once I got home, I can't remember what she looks like .Don't blame me. Don't
blame me. I have submitted the divorce procedure. Once the marriage relationship is
dissolved, we will immediately obtain a certificate. I will never go back to that house again.
Shen Qingran's mother believed in Buddhism. She was influenced by Buddhism culture
since she was a child. She believed in destiny, and refused to take the initiative to do
anything to hurt others.
She loves Mr. Gu deeply, and believes what Mr. Gu said, that this marriage was forced by
the parents, but what was wrong with Miss Qin? She is also the victim of this forced
marriage. Can Mr. Gu look at each other? Will he have to accept the criticism and pain of
marriage breakdown before he gets married?
Shen Qing could not make this determination, and at this time, she found that she was
Shen Qingran has congenital heart disease, which means that pregnancy and birth is a very
high-risk and terrible thing for her. She knew it and Gu Yan was very clear about it, so the
two have been very careful and took all necessary protective measures.
Unexpectedly, it is still a secret.
The arrival of this life was too accidental and not the right time, but she just tilted the
balance in Shen Qingran's heart to herself. She wanted to give birth to the child, and she
wanted to raise the child with Mr. Gu.
The marriage of the bad guys is really evil, and the trusted woman has nothing else to do. If
the Bodhisattva blame, please put all the karma report on her.
Ms. Qin appeared in the night with heavy rain. At that time, Shen Qingran suffered a lot of
pain due to a strong reaction to morning sickness, and then swallowed everything and
turned up completely. Mr. Gu finally coaxed her to finish drinking a bowl of porridge, and
drowsiness would be brewed in his arms, and he was perspired by the harsh doorbell.
Miss Qin stood outside the door, drenched in embarrassment, and handed a document to
Mr. Gu.
Not a divorce agreement, but a doctor's diagnosis.
"Well," she didn't look at Shen Qingran, only watching Mr. Gu smiled shyly. "I'm pregnant."
After Miss Qin left, Shen Qingran locked herself in the bathroom and vomited. After walking
for a long time, he whispered to Mr. Gu, who was paler than her, "Go back."
Shen Qingran, who was originally worried about the ruin of the marriage, found that Mrs.
Gu had already been pregnant, she would never agree to Mr. Gu's divorce for her, let alone
promise to marry him after his divorce.
There are settlements for cause and effect. She talked to Mr. Gu, maybe it was just fate.
Shen Qingran is a gentle person, but also a tough and persistent person. Her love is so hot
that she cannot tolerate any lies or betrayal. After making a choice, he really made up his
mind to delete all contact methods and reject all incoming call requests or text messages.
Gu Yan did not return to Beijing. He bought another house in the building where Shen
Qingran lived. Following Shen Qingran's schedule, he accompanied her to work and work
every day, went out to buy together, and walked back and forth in the community together.
Shen Qingran didn't want to be involved with him, he was far behind, and he was careful
not to let her or her family see.
He knew Shen Qingran's physical condition, and knew that she had to bear dozens of times
higher life risk than other pregnant women. So when he first heard of this news, he wanted
to let the other party terminate the pregnancy process. But Shen Qingran did not agree. She
said that this was our two children. I wanted to give him birth. She said that I even thought
about the name. I called Gu Shi'an. All places were safe. Can grow up safely and healthily.
She held his hand on her lower abdomen, smiling at the corners of her lips, and glittering
stars in her eyes. "You said, when he grows up, is it more like me or more like you?"
Gu Yan could not refuse her.
We invited the best cardiologists and gynecologists in the city to jointly consult, and after
repeated discussions, we set up a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan and a
health care plan during pregnancy to try to minimize the risk and ensure the safety of
mother and child.
At that time, I never expected that the pregnancy health plan and diagnosis and treatment
plan would proceed as scheduled, but I could not continue to be a part of it.
Six months after the appearance of Mrs. Gu, Shen Qingran gave birth to a baby boy at Ren'ai
Hospital in H City. During the period, two first aids were implemented, and eventually
turned into danger, but he was greatly injured.
Twelve years later, Shen Shi'an stood in front of the bed, watching her stop breathing.
The story is not long, but because it involves life and death parting, it is inevitable that it is
sad. Shen Xun noticed that Shen Shi'an was not in the right mood, blasted his teeth fiercely
at Yun Feiyang, and turned to hold Shen Shi'an's arm in his arms.
Yun Feiyang took a few embarrassing shots on Shen Shi'an's shoulder, and once again
deeply regretted why he had to die to bring up the topic. However, after listening to the
whole story, I was able to solve many doubts in my heart, such as why Shen Shi'an was so
cold to Mr. Gu, why Mrs. Shen and Mr. Gu were not married, and why An An's surname was
Shen but not Gu.
However, there are still some doubts. "Hey, since Mr. Gu said that he and Mrs. Gu had only
met before the wedding, wouldn't Mrs. Gu's child be actually his, but he would mix up with
other people and marry him. Sir, maybe it's just a fake pregnancy. "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I am really pregnant, and the child is indeed his."
After the fetus is four months old, amniotic fluid can be drawn for paternity test. The
appraisal report that the possibility of father-son relationship is more than 9999 was sent
directly to Shen Qingran. After her death, Shen Shi'an accidentally saved the careful
documents from a stack of documents Inside out.
"Ah." Yun Feiyang scratched his head and stopped talking. After thinking about it, I still
think there is a problem. "No, so your mother and Mr. Gu are in the first place. The Gufu
talent is the third person involved. It is shameless to force a superior with a small three-
handed sword. Now that she also has a child, she also has a big advantage. She still ca n’t do
anything with you and dare to cause a car accident. If you want to hate, you should hate
her. ”
Shen Shi'an felt that his arms suddenly tightened, lowered his head, and met a pair of dark
green eyes. Shen Xun seemed very angry, her soft little face wrinkled, because she was too
angry, and her unfamiliar language became more and more chaotic. "A car accident hurts
you, whine." Angrily, even the puppy barked. Come out.
Yun Feiyang was very surprised. "Hey, this fool can talk, but what is vague? I didn't
understand a word."
Shen Shi'an understood it. With a soft heart, a little smile appeared under his eyes, and he
raised his hand and rubbed it on his head. "I'm not injured, it's fine, all right."
Then he looked at Yun Feiyang and answered his previous question, "The Gu family is a big
cause, and it is said that several generations are still the relatives of the emperor during the
feudal period. The family has deep roots, and some old-fashioned traditional ideas have
been passed down from generation to generation. Li attaches great importance to the
status of the eldest son in the family. The reason why Mr. Gu was regarded by the family as
the perfect candidate for marriage is because he is an orthodox family. Mrs. Gu was
pregnant two times later than my mother. Month, but I do n’t know why, the child in her
stomach was born before me and was one month older than me. I heard that because of the
premature baby, she was weak and sick because of her small bones. Mrs. Gu estimated that
this account was in my account. Head on. "
These remarks are simply speechless, making people want to scold without knowing where
to start. Yun Feiyang stunned for a long time before turning blushed, and spit out a ruthless
After a long while, he took a long breath, raised his arms and gave Shen Shi'an a hug, "I'm
sorry you have a brother."
Although Shen Shi'an said briefly, Ms. Shen's red face died prematurely, and it was
impossible to have nothing to do with the series of riotous actions of Mrs. Gu. My mother
was forced to death by the other party to a certain extent. I still have to worry about my life.
I must protect the bodyguard for twenty hours. What a **** life?
If Ms. Shen is still alive, knowing that An An has eaten so much and suffered so many
grievances, I still don't know how to be sad.
He paused and said, "I am able to marry Mr. Gu, and that Mrs. Gu's house is estimated to
have power. I am not incapable of saying anything, I know that I am now a bed bug that is
dead compared to others, but Feng Shui turns, brothers put the words here, if God opened
his eyes, one day Mrs. Gu fell into my hands, rest assured, I will definitely help you revenge.
Shen Shi silently said, "Why do you compare yourself to bed bugs, flies and mosquitoes?
The bed bugs are too bad. The smell of the odor can be smoked if they stick to it." Nausea.
Yun Feiyang "" can't talk anymore
That night, I perfumed my mother as usual, and when I went back to the bedroom, I found
that there were bulging in the quilt, and a little furry head emerged from the pillow.
After relying on sleeping in the master bedroom for a few days, Shen Xun now felt so
conscious that he ran to Shen Shi'an bed just after taking a shower, wrapping himself so
tightly that he couldn't go away. Seeing him come in at this time, even opened the quilt and
patted "come" in the character of the hero.
Shen Shian ""
He went to the other side and went to bed. Just lying down and covering the quilt, the little
furry head got into his arms, "An An"
Shen Shian flicked on his forehead, "Call dad."
Shen Xun pretended not to hear, and continued to "anan" in his arms
Shen Shi'an slapped the chandelier, just like every time the dog spirit came in to sleep,
leaving a small night light at the head of the bed exuding a soft light. "Why?"
"What's your name, Mrs. Gu"
Shen Shi'an looked down at him under the faint light of "What do you ask this?". The dark
green eyes reflected a layer of light fluorescence. Because he was close, Shen Shi'an could
even see the unevenness on the iris like the surface of the planet. Strange lines, a feature
that is similar to humans but very different, are becoming more mysterious in the dimness
and quietness at this time.
"Want to know" Shen Xun refused to spare, seeing that he started to pull the buttons on his
pajamas without any words, "Annan told me"
Shen Shi'an held his hand to prevent him from moving, and the densely curled eyelashes
drooped slightly. After a moment of silence, he quietly said "Qin Shu. Qin Huang Han Wu's
Qin, Shu Xiang Men Di Shu." The tone is very proficient, as if already in his heart. Meditate
tens of thousands of times.
Shen Xun was satisfied, holding his palm and closing his eyes to "sleep and sleep"
A few hours later, it was determined that Shen Shi'an had fallen into sleep, and Shen Xun
opened his eyes quietly. Release the palm of your arms and turn gently to lie on your back,
with words in your mouth, and raise your white and tender claws to draw a circle in the air.
Along with his actions, a cold white weird pattern slowly emerged in the air, a stroke of
complex and mysterious, faintly forming the outline of some ancient monsters, surrounded
by a smooth and perfect circle.
And in the middle of the circle, it is exactly the word "Qin Shu".
When the entire pattern was formed, Shen Xun bit his own finger, and dropped a drop of
blood into the pattern, as if the ink was in the water. The entire pattern instantly turned
into a **** red, and with a password that was inaudible, it burst into a blast. Into countless
sparks, disappeared instantly.
Shen Xun licked his injured finger and hugged Shen Shi'an's palm again to close his eyes.
"Hum, you dare to move, and draw a circle to kill you."
The author has something to say: January 20, 2019, two months and 13 days before the
virus outbreak.
Thick and long doubles
Dog brother's chasing and cursing Dafa has another mystery. It's not just the name.
Thanks to the reader The legendary magician Jing hxagz threw a deepwater torpedo
Ah ah ah the first deepwater tyrant received this article loves me
Thanks readers
Legendary magician crystal hxagz threw a rocket launcher
Legendary magician crystal hxagz threw a rocket launcher
Legendary magician Crystal hxagz threw a grenade
Legendary magician Crystal hxagz threw 1 mine
Legendary magician Crystal hxagz threw 1 mine
Legendary magician Crystal hxagz threw 1 mine
25864172 threw a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
Throw a mine
Throw a mine
Mo Moci threw a mine
Xue Yangyang threw a mine
Momoda 360 ° Rotary Jump Refill

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 14: 14th

Settings saved..
Yun Feiyang accompanied Shen Shi'an after a small year and stayed until January 31,
preparing to go home. If you do n’t go back, it ’s the Spring Festival on February 5th. If you
do n’t go back, he will hit the highest peak of the Spring Festival. Whether you will be home
before New Year's Eve is not necessarily.
Pushing the suitcase to the door, Yun Feiyang reluctantly said, "You don't want to go home
with me for the Chinese New Year. My parents are looking forward to it, and said that I
have prepared a lot of delicious food for you. The island is warm now. Let ’s go swimming
and surfing in the sea together, catch fish and touch shells, how happy man. "
Shen Shi'an handed him a cloth bag full of sealed ketchup and freshly squeezed tomato
juice. He shook his head when he heard the words, "Thank me for thanking my uncle and
aunt, and wishing them a happy New Year and all the best, I will not pass this year. Don't
worry, I'm not alone. I have Shen Xun to accompany me. And Mr. Gu will come over on New
Year's Eve. "
Yun Feiyang was surprised "Mr. Gu came to New Year's Eve and celebrate the New Year
with you"
"Um." Shen Shi'an nodded, his expression faintly unable to see any emotion. In previous
years, Mr. Gu, as the first successor of the family's long-distance family, accompanied the
elders on the New Year's Eve to honour the ancestors, and usually only came to H City in a
hurry. I don't know why this year. I called Shen Shi'an more than a week ago and said that I
would come and eat on New Year's Eve.
My dad is coming to accompany the festival, of course Yun Feiyang is not good enough to
bother people to turn on the island. Persuade to swallow back, raise your hand and hold
Shen Shi'an hug, "Okay, let's make an appointment next year. Good New Year, wait for me
to come back and bring you an authentic green coconut bigger than a basketball, sweet and
sweet. Keep it safe after you finish drinking Want to drink. "
He looked down at the child next to Shen Shi'an. "Look, come, say goodbye to your uncle
Shen Xun didn't want to ignore him, and punched him with two rows of fangs "Woo"
Rui Bao, standing on Yun Feiyang's shoulder, fluttered his wings and screamed "Goodbye,
goodbye, baby, goodbye"
"Okay, okay," Yun Feiyang hurried to appease. "He's not Xiao Hei, and he won't threaten
you to peel seeds. What are you afraid of, huh, getting more and more counseling."
Shen Shian hid the child behind him without a look, and said to Yun Feiyang, "Are you sure
you can go home with the parrot, or you can leave it with me, and raising it is not
"Rest assured, no problem." Yun Feiyang pulled down the zipper of the down jacket and put
Ruibao in the inside pocket to reveal only one head. "I was in a moving car and not an
airplane. The inspection was not so strict. I will take Ruibao like this at that time. There was
a tuck in my clothes and a scarf on my neck. As long as it wasn't visible, no one could see it.
I had rehearsed with it last night. The little things are smart. "
To Shen Shi'an Road again, "Okay, it's very cold outside. You don't have to take your
children with me. I will just take a suitcase and a bag, and take the elevator down the taxi."
Shen Shi'an had no politeness and nodded. "Tell me when I get on the bus and when I
"No problem, brother, happy new year"
Shen Shi'an waved "Happy New Year, all the way."
Watching Yun Feiyang get on the elevator, the two people came home and closed the door.
Shen Shian looked down at the child, "I want to go into the space, you watch TV alone"
The words did not fall, Shen Xun had quickly hugged his calf, hands and feet entangled in a
pair of kraft sugar that could not be torn off. "No, I must be with An An"
"I have an important job, what if you mess up."
Shen Xun immediately shook his head like a rattle, and "not disturbing obedience", and
then extended Bai Nennen's paw with three "guarantees".
Shen Shi'an thought about it and decided to trust him once.
Entering into the space with Shen Xun like Shen, Shen Shi'an put a glass bowl full of cherry
into his arms, and let him sit on the green grass next to the black earth. . "
The child blinked his eyes and nodded cleverly. When Shen Shi'an left, the fierce sight
immediately turned to Lingquan, which was not far away. At this moment, there seemed to
be nothing uncovered. Recalling the severe pain of the last time the paw was scorched by
the Thunder, Shen Xun pouted, and reluctantly looked back.
Shen Shi'an walked into the tomato forest. The lush large "tomato tree" looked no different
from the previous one. The big tomato in the basketball was still red and full of flesh, which
looked very attractive. Most importantly, there are no signs of overripeness that are about
to rot.
It seems that the fruit growing in the space has a longer shelf life than he expected. This is
good news, but this is not the purpose of Shen Shi'an's coming in this time.
When she first planted tomatoes, Shen Shi'an initially allocated only three meters by three
meters for a total planting area of nine square meters. Unexpectedly, almost all of the last
two thousand seeds survived and grew into a large and dense tomato forest. What's even
more amazing is that when he looked from the outside of the tomato plantation, the
original planting area of nine square meters did not seem to have changed, but once he
crossed any boundary of the planting area of nine square meters, the surrounding space
would suddenly expand by hundreds. Thousands of times, showing the whole picture of the
whole tomato forest, as if stepping into a completely new space.
If his inference is correct, then there is indeed space folding on this land, and the area can
be expanded freely as the plants on it grow. The purpose of Shen Shi'an is to test how many
times the land in the space can expand.
He originally planned to carry out this experiment after the exam. The materials and tools
were ready, but the secret of the Lingquan protective cover was discovered unexpectedly
before the experiment began, and then he went through the process of turning the dog into
a living person , Was temporarily delayed. Right now, there are only two of him and Shen
Xun in the family. Don't worry about external interference, it is a good opportunity to
continue the experiment.
The space is completely isolated from the outside world, there is no way to receive satellite
signals, and ordinary land area measuring instruments cannot be used. Shen Shian took out
the industrial tape measure prepared in advance and divided it into multiple
measurements to successfully obtain the area of the tomato forest of 3,600 square meters.
Four hundred times more than the initial area he outlined.
Shen Shi'an wrote down this number in his notebook and calculated the optimal optimal
growth area for each tomato tree by default, based on the total number of tomato trees of
2362, which was 1,524 square meters.
Subsequently, three additional experimental fields were set up beside the tomato
plantation, ten centimeters long, ten centimeters wide, and an area of 001 square meters.
The reason why the test field area is so small is that there are enough tomatoes in the
space. Although the freshness period is considerable, how to deal with it in case of eating is
still a big problem.
Secondly, Shen Shi'an roughly estimated that the original total area of the land in the space
was only 100 meters by 50 meters, that is, about 5,000 square meters, about half the size of
a playground. Even if this area can be expanded, the original area of each inch is still very
precious. Until no end use is determined, try not to waste or not waste.
After the test field was marked and numbered, Shen Shi'an planted three tomato seeds on
field one, five on field two, and ten on field three. A pot of spiritual spring water was
poured from the stream, and irrigation was completed in turn. . The rest can only wait
According to the default space, the optimal growth area for each tomato tree is 1524 square
meters. Ideally, if the space expansion multiple is not limited, these three test fields will be
expanded to 457 square meters, 762 square meters, and 1524 square meters, respectively.
Meters, the corresponding expansion times are 457 times, 762 times, and 1524 times.
Shen Shian wrote down a series of numbers on his notebook. If the expansion of No. 3 test
field is successful, it means that 1524 times is not the limit of land area expansion. Then he
will further increase the number of seeds in the test field of the same area until the
expansion limit is tested.
Hold the pen in the book and close it. Shen Shi'an sat beside Shen Xun, raised his hand and
took a big cherry from the glass bowl. The cherry was just bought yesterday, with reddish
black hair and purple, sweet and sweet entrance. Children like it very much, dominating the
fruit plate, no one except Shen Shian, Yun Feiyang deliberately teased him last night, but
the two almost got into a fight.
After eating, he vomited the nucleus into the palm of his hand. Shen Shi'an looked around
and asked Shen Xun, "Where's the nucleus?"
Shen Xun's cheeks on both sides bulged, like a little squirrel who only stored grain in
winter, and pointed at the dark earth in front of him, all of them went into the soil. I took
the nuclear in Shen Shi'an's palm and buried it, and I poured some spiritual spring water.
A cherry core is buried today and a cherry tree will grow tomorrow.
Shen Shi'an laughed, raised his hand and rubbed his head. After a long while, he turned his
head and glanced at the test field. When the eyes brightened, he immediately stood up and
the seeds had sprouted.
The last time Shen Shi'an found that the seeds had grown into a tomato forest after one
night. If you count the difference in time velocity between inside and outside the space, it is
actually two nights. He thought that it would take at least a few hours to see the change, but
he did not expect that the seed would grow so fast after being irrigated with the spiritual
spring water.
Seeing a mature tomato forest and witnessing the entire process of a seed growing into a
tree is a completely different experience.
As if watching a video of a plant growing hundreds of thousands times faster, tomato seeds
that were planted more than twenty minutes ago are sprouting, drawing, stretching at an
amazing and breath-taking speed, just one In hours, he had grown to the height of Shen
Shian's waist.
The veins grow along the stem, the epidermis produces fine fluff, and the small tender buds
stretch into green leaves. When listening quietly, you can even hear the sound of the juice
flowing smoothly in the rhizomes. The dynamic vitality of a static plant erupts. Such a
carnival and hot dance of life can only be described by the word miracle.
When the stem height exceeded Shen Shi'an's head, the light yellow flower buds gradually
protruded from the leaves. Shen Shian turned on her mobile phone early to record the
growth time of tomato seedlings. When the flower buds are fully bloomed, they should be
able to bear fruit after successful pollination.
and many more.
Shen Shi'an froze, suddenly realizing how to pollinate a tomato in a crucial problem space
that has been ignored by himself.
The space is completely isolated from the outside world, and no objects or creatures can
enter through it. He stayed in the space for so long and never found any bee-like insects. In
this case, how did the previous tomato plantations pollinate successfully and bear fruit?
Waiting for Shen Shi'an to understand, the eighteen new tomato trees have all bloomed. As
if triggering a certain condition, a strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded throughout the
Shen Shi'an turned his head sharply, and followed his voice to the two trees in front of the
bamboo tower.
There are two trees in front of the bamboo building. One is a peach tree with green leaves.
The other one he does not know is full of bright yellow translucent flowers. At this time,
there are dozens of flowers as if The decomposed light spots generally spread out and turn
into numerous buzzing flying insects.
Where is the flower? It is obviously hundreds of bees gathered together, the size of a
sunflower seed kernel. These bees are translucent and light yellow in color, and when they
are entangled with each other on tree branches, they look like blossoming or budding or
blooming flowers.
Shen Shi'an hugged Shen Xun, and hurried across the stream before the bee swooped on.
However, the bee swarm apparently had no interest in the two of them, and flew directly to
the eighteen tomato trees, flying among the trees. .
About twenty minutes later, the swarm gathered into a branch and flew back to the branch
again, and entangled again, forming a steady "flower". When Shen Shi'an entered the space
two times before, he had vaguely noticed that these "flowers" were slightly different from
what he saw for the first time, but there was no way to distinguish the specific differences,
and he finally understood at this time.
After collecting pollen, the bees have slightly increased in size. It's hard to detect a single
one, but when several dozens of them cling together, the size of the "flower" will obviously
Shen Shi'an waited for a while, and determined that the bee colony had returned to a static
state without any movement, and then Shen Xun was released. At present, it seems that the
bee colonies in the space only respond when plants are blooming, and increase in volume
with the amount of pollen collected. Although it is not yet sure what species it is, as long as
it is not aggressive, the existence of the bee colony is rare and good news for Shen Shi'an. At
least it is not necessary to catch bees from the outside for pollination.
Shen Xun obviously thinks more long-term, staring at that bee tree and drooling, "Honey is
delicious" absorbs the flowers from the spring of life, and the honey produced by pollen
must make up for it.
At this moment of effort, the flowers on the tomato tree have faded one after another,
leaving large green fruits of grapes. Seeing that the tomato tree had almost stopped
growing, Shen Shi'an took a tape measure to measure the area of the three test fields in this
There are three tomato trees in Test Field No.1, with an initial area of 001 square meters, a
completed area of 457 square meters, and an expansion of 457 times;
There are a total of five tomato trees in Test Field II, with an initial area of 001 square
meters, a completed area of 666 square meters, and an expansion of 666 times;
There are ten tomato trees in Test Field No. 3, with an initial area of 001 square meters, a
completed area of 666 square meters, and an expansion of 666 times.
In other words, the expansion limit of land in space is 666 times. Because the test fields No.
2 and No. 3 have reached the expansion limit, the average area of each tomato tree is
smaller than the default space, and it seems to be crowded.
According to this figure, the initial area of 5000 square meters is multiplied by 666. The
actual planting area of Shen Shi'an in the space is about 333 square kilometers, which is
equivalent to the area of 16 bird nests.
Really became a landlord.
On the other hand, the buried cherry cherries of the silly son of the landlord's family have
not yet responded. Shen Shi'an believes that this should be due to the growth difference
between the herbaceous plant and the woody plant.
The experimental goal was successfully achieved, and Shen Shi'an was satisfied. Turning
around to see the child moving around the bee tree, he didn't know what he wanted to do,
and didn't care about him. He packed up the seeds and tools neatly and prepared to soak in
Lingquanchi for a while. Before Yun Feiyang was there, he couldn't get into the space for
too long. Counting from the sperm being refined, he hadn't bathed in Lingquan for two
However, when Shen Shi'an came to the edge of the Lingquan pool, he found something
wrong. There was a dead silence in the misty Lingquan, and the sound of gurgling water
flowing down from the spring's eyes was inaudible at this time.
My heart tightened, and Shen Shi'an quickly walked through the mist to the spring's eyes
There was a trace of dry water in the spring's eyes.
The author has something to say that Quanquan's eyes felt his body was hollowed out.
Spring Eye will recover, don't worry.
Finally hurried all the relatives before the fifteenth, starting today, day by day, day by day
In the three chapters of An'an, he started to practice exercises. The eschatology is expected
to begin around five chapters.
Thank you reader Li Zhen for throwing a deepwater torpedo, the second deepwater in this
article, I am deeply ashamed, I will try to update der
Thanks readers
Baishou Forgot to Throw a Mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
Shuangxuan threw a mine
One fish throws a mine
Smiled and threw a mine
Can't help but throw away a mine
Li Zhen threw a mine
Love you guys
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 15: 15th
Settings saved..
Spring eyes were drained.
Shen Shi'an's first reaction was to go to Shen Xun, and think about it, this matter is
absolutely inseparable from the great change. Whatever child asked, I didn't know, the big
dark green eyes were clear and innocent.
Too. What he couldn't explain, how a little milk dog who had just become a few days old
knew the answer.
Shen Shi'an was a little worried, but at this point, he could only accept the reality. Every
once in a while, I entered the space to observe it, and recorded the amount of water in the
Lingquan Pool and the condition of the spring eyes in detail. I dare not let go of any clues.
Fortunately, except for the dry spring eyes, no other things in the space have occurred for
the time being. External objects can still be brought in. The newly planted tomato tree has
normal fruit and the cherry core buried in the soil has grown to half a meter. Small tall
At the same time, without Shen Shi'an's permission and leadership, Shen Xun was still
unable to approach Lingquan half a step, and was firmly blocked by the golden barrier five
meters away.
Shen Shi'an finally understood the role and significance of the protective cover.
In the blink of an eye, on February 4th, Lunar New Year's Eve.
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes at 6 o'clock as usual, Shen Xun was ready to lay on the bed,
rubbing his buttocks and grouping himself under the quilt into a ball, but it didn't take long
for him to be stunned by the thick meat scent from the door. The aroma came into the
kitchen, and the bird's nest-like dull hair trembled and drowsyly embraced Shen Shi'an's
calf "meat"
Shen Shi'an tasted the taste of chicken broth, adjusted to a gentle heat and continued to
cook. "Speak well, complete one sentence." It was about unfamiliar with human language,
and he found that children were increasingly cutting corners when talking, and could not
use two words for one word. This is not a good habit. Even if he can understand it, sooner
or later he will be found vulnerable to contact with the outside world, so he is committed to
correcting it as soon as possible.
Shen Xun hadn't fully woke up, yawning and squinting on his pants, the coral fleece's home
service fabric was soft and comfortable, and was filled with the owner's fresh and good
smell. After a while, I said "I want to eat meat"
Shen Shi'an wiped his hands and lifted him to the bathroom. "Brush his teeth and wash his
face first, wash them carefully, and the toothpaste foam can't be swallowed."
"Sweet can't swallow."
Staring at him on the children's bench after washing, peeled two eggs for the child and
poured a glass of milk. "The meat isn't good yet. Wait a while, you can eat the couplets."
Shen Shian posted, Shen Xun helped hand over the transparent glue, and by the way looked
up to monitor the couplet. In the end, there was a little golden pig. Shen Shi'an thought
about it, while the child was not paying attention to his back, then he calmly invited Wan
Feng from the opposite side to come and eat together.
Two bodyguards are now only Wan Feng. Fan Guoping's wife and daughter are in City B.
The Chinese New Year and Wanjia reunion are not good for the other party because they
have to separate the two places from their family on New Year's Eve, so Shen Shian
advances. I asked Mr. Gu to take three days off. Before talking, I thought I had to talk a little
bit. I didn't expect Mr. Gu to speak unexpectedly, and I agreed after a little consideration.
Fan Guoping was of course overjoyed, and had already set off for home last night.
According to Shen Shi'an's plan, Wan Feng had been asked to take a leave. One was that
nothing had happened around him since the car accident. The other was that he had room
to rely on. Now it is not easy to want his life. However, Wan Feng refused, saying that he
was the only one left in the family, and it was the same where he spent the New Year.
This point is already considered to be brunch. According to the Shen family's practice, the
broth is under the bar. The soup base is a big bone soup that has been stewed for a few
hours and started to stew. It has a rich aroma of milk and is bubbling in a casserole. Cooked
noodles in clear water, put them in an open bowl after cooling water, sprinkle with green
onions, blanch two greens, spread a few slices of ham and a golden flowing poached egg,
and pour a spoonful of milky white Bone soup, and a spoonful of chicken soup with golden
fat. Green onions, pink ham, tender poached eggs, hot greens are refreshing and fresh, and
a mixture of bone marrow, chicken, and green onions is scorching hot. After a meal, each of
them sweats.
Wan Feng offered to wash the dishes, Shen Xun sat on a stool and kicked chicken legs, while
Shen Shi'an began to prepare tonight's highlights dumplings.
Wan Feng said little, unlike Shen Shi'an's coldness and alienation towards most people. He
either didn't have a sense of presence, or his presence was so strong that he could scare a
child. Wash all the chopsticks with caution with regard to the sophisticated weapon, turn
around and see Shen Shian's skilled kneading action, with a little surprise. "On the city side,
New Year's Eve seems to make more Chinese New Year's Eve." Eating dumplings is usually
North customs.
Shen Shi'an kept moving, rolling the dough back and forth, and replied, "My grandpa and
grandpa were originally northerners. They went to the south to study in the 1980s. After
graduation, they settled in city H. They lived here for decades. Some northerners still have
the habit of eating dumplings every New Year's Eve. "
Wan Feng knew it, so it turned out. After watching for a while, he said, "Mr. Shen is skilled."
Shen Shian smiled and didn't speak. He still learned the technique of making dumplings
from his mother, and his mother was a teacher-in-law. After his mother died, he followed
his grandfather to practice cooking. After studying for several years, the dumplings he
made were finally similar to his mother's.
Knead the dough thoroughly, and roll it into pieces of palm dumplings. There are three
kinds of fillings: pork, amaranth and corn stuffing, leek, egg and shrimp stuffing, and
shrimp and fish jelly pork stuffing.
The filling is chopped finely and the juice is splashing. Although it is still half-lived, the
aroma is very enticing. Shen Xun learns the appearance of Shen Shi'an and holds the
dumpling skin. , Cold face blasted out of the kitchen not allowed to take a step closer.
Mr. Gu arrived at more than seven in the evening.
Fengchen servant was covered with cold, and after entering the door, he apologized to Shen
Shi'an. "I didn't expect it would be so late. Something has been delayed. Wait a long time."
Wan Feng said goodbye to his employer and returned to the opposite house. Shen Shi'an
stood upright at the entrance, with a faint look. "No, I just finished dumplings." Then he
gave him a pair of disposable slippers for guests.
Mr. Gu took off his coat and looked down to see the child beside Shen Shi'an's leg. Although
he had been known from the bodyguard's mouth for a long time, he was surprised at first
Shen Shi'an said, "My son."
Mr. Gu's handsome and elegant face seemed to be twisted for a moment. Zhang opened his
mouth as if to say something. Shen Shi'an had led the child and turned away. Standing there
for a while, the question was filled with pressure, and I sat on the sofa bench to change my
He's no stranger to this house. Many years ago, when he was planning to propose to
Qingran, he came once. After the death of Shen Hao and Shen Hao, each came once. Shen
Shi'an lived alone for the past two years. .
The decoration and furnishings have not changed much from his impression, which is the
neatness and generosity of the Shen family. It's just that there is a mushroom-shaped dog
kennel next to the fog-blue fabric sofa, which looks a little different from the overall style.
Gaze swept over the kennel, and then headed straight towards the storeroom. The tide
wave faintly turned up at the bottom of his eyes, and Shen Shi'an said, "I'll go and give your
mother a pillar incense."
The storage room is clean and elegant. In front of Shen Qingran's photos, there are
sacrifices that have been changed in the morning. The scent of sandalwood is mixed with
the aroma of fruits and flowers. It is quiet and soft, which makes people clear.
Mr. Gu looked at the photo, his eyes became red, and he smiled and shouted, "Qing Ran, I'm
here to see you."
Shen Shi'an didn't follow up, and took Shen Xun to sit on the sofa for about half an hour,
until he heard the children murmur and started to knock on the door, "Mr. Gu, it's time to
The dumplings were cooked quickly, and when the water pan was opened, the fat
dumplings like Yuanbao turned up their white belly shortly. Shen Shi'an first gave Wan
Feng two pots, and the rest were all served and placed on the table. Set the dishes, cups,
chopsticks, soy sauce and vinegar, and opened a bottle of red wine. The main seat was
empty, Mr. Gu sat on one side, and Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun sat on the other side.
Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in the urban area, but sporadic blasts and
cheerful laughter from the children can still be heard. The TV in the living room started to
play the Spring Festival party. The sound was not loud, and it was full of room lights and
steaming dumplings, but it also showed a bit of annual flavor.
Mr. Gu raised his wine glass, no abnormalities were seen around his eyes, and he smiled
softly. "An'an is hard. I wish you all success in your studies in the new year and a good life
for your youth."
Shen Shi'an also raised his glass and touched it lightly. "I also wish Mr. Gu's wishes come
Shen Xunren had short arms, even when sitting on a specially elevated chair. He could only
drag Shen Shi'an's hand down to touch him. Seeing the attractive red wine in his glass, he
touched his mouth to express his desire. Taste it.
"This is wine, children can't drink it." Shen Shi'an pulled his hand back and rubbed two of
his furry heads by the way "Drink your tomato juice obediently."
Mr. Gu watched his look, his gaze turned back and forth between him and the child for a
while, and he thought for a moment, and asked "An An, this is really your child"
Shen Shi'an put a few dumplings with shrimp and fish paste in Shen Xun's bowl and
nodded. "His surname is Shen, called Shen Xun. This year is three years old, and his mother
is not willing to ask him, so I will raise him later." Gu Ye would believe this rhetoric, but
whether he believed it or not, it didn't really make much difference to him. He looked up
and Mr. Gu looked at him. "His mother and I are having a terrible trouble, and they have
completely cut off contact. I do n’t have his birth certificate, so I ca n’t let him get an
account, so he is now a black household. I ca n’t do anything about it for the time being. I do
n’t know if I can trouble Mr. Gu for help ”
Mr. Gu was relieved because he was so unobtrusive in his words, but also relieved that he
seldom took the initiative to ask for help, and immediately promised, "You can rest assured,
leave it to me."
After saying a word, there was a brief silence on the dining table, only Shen Xun heartlessly
stuffed dumplings in his mouth, the mouth was not finished, and several forks were
Mr. Gu was in the market, and he was a long-sleeve dancer in the officialdom. He was facing
a son who was similar to Shen Qingran's feet. He never thought it was so difficult to talk.
I took a few sips after holding the wine glass and finally found a topic "I talked with your
counselor. You have a good grade this semester. Although you have missed more than one
month in the middle, you still have the highest grades in professional courses. In the future,
when the specific study direction is determined in the next semester, you have the right to
choose. Have you considered it yourself and which direction you want to focus on in the
future? "
"I'm going to choose pediatrics."
Mr. Gu wondered, "Isn't pediatrics originally trying to learn cardiac surgery?"
Shen Shi'an looked the same, and put a few dumplings in the child's bowl. "Well, I changed
my mind."
Mr. Gu kept silent, and then nodded, "Either pediatrics, as long as you like, you want to
learn everything. Your grades are very good. After graduation, there should be no problems
in graduate research in insurance. At that time, whether you want to stay in medical
university research The research topic is to go to the hospital for an internship or to study
abroad, and I will arrange it for you in advance. "
Shen Shi'an took the initiative to respect him.
Mr Gu had a bitter heart. "You don't need to be so kind to me." I drank the red wine in the
glass and poured another glass. He said, "I ’m here this time. In addition to wanting to
accompany you to celebrate the New Year, there is good news. I want to tell you that there
were some changes in the Gu family. I am now the official owner of the Gu family. If you
want, I plan to take you back after the New Year and record it in the Gu family tree. From
now on, you will be the grand grandson of the Gu family. It's yours, and I'll get it back for
you the same way. Of course, you're still studying, and if you want to continue living in the
city of h, it's complete. "
"Mr. Gu," Shen Shi'an interrupted him, looking at his eyes word by word. "About whether
you want to look back on the family, join the genealogy, and become the grandson of Gu
Jiayi, you asked me once when your mother died, You asked me again when my grandfather
died. Today is the third time you asked me, and my answer is still the same. I do n’t want to.
My mother is not interested in becoming your family, and I am also not interested. If Mr. Gu
can treat me The intention was conveyed to the Gu family, and I am afraid that no one will
always remember to kill me. "
Shen Shi'an's voice was very light, but it made Gu Yan look as if he had been stabbed with
several knives, his face paled every inch.
Banyan smiled a little self-deprecatingly, "Ann, do you hate me?"
Without answering, the original silence became more obscure.
Shen Shi'an noticed that his sleeve was torn and lowered his head, and saw a pair of dark
green eyes full of concern.
Shen Xun patronized eating dumplings. The two did not listen carefully when they talked,
but Shen Shi'an was obviously in a bad mood. He could still feel it. He immediately put his
fist with a fork on the table and hammered him hard. Growl "whine"
Dare to bully An An, you are dead
Shen Shian's heart warmed, and he squeezed his cheeks, then shook his head at Mr. Gu "No,
I don't hate you."
My mother has loved this man all his life. Even before he was dying, he persuaded himself
not to live with resentment, to do good deeds with an open mind, and to love someone is
easier and happier than hating one.
Mom wants to make her life easier, so Shen Shi'an doesn't hate him.
But it is undeniable that, looking at him, he guessed that he might have experienced one-
tenth of the pain he had suffered, and an almost vicious pleasure flowed from his heart.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and pushed a plate of dumplings towards him. "Let's eat, it
will be cold later."
Mr. Gu drank another glass of red wine, and his blood color recovered a lot. After eating
several silently, he adjusted his mood and smiled at Shen Shi'an. "It's delicious, just like
your mother's taste."
"Just eat more if you like, there are more buns in the afternoon, and a lot of uncooked."
Probably because of talking about Shen Qingran, the atmosphere at the table gradually
warmed up. After eating a full plate of dumplings, Gu Min felt a little bit supportive, so he
put down the chopsticks and prepared to take it easy.
I accidentally noticed that Shen Xun had three empty plates on hand, and couldn't help but
be surprised. "An'an, is this child eating too much and won't have any problems?" After
speaking, he leaned forward slightly and wanted to put Shen Xun in front of him. Take the
plate away and stop him from eating.
Before the finger touched the edge of the pan, the child saw his eyes suddenly gloomy,
exposing two rows of small fangs, and the whole person rushed to the chair and blew at
The sharp and crisp sounds of the smashing teeth reverberated for a long time, and Mr. Gu
retracted his hands dangerously and dangerously, and his blood-stained face would
immediately become white again.
Shen Shian pushed the child back to his seat and calmly explained, "It's okay, he has a long
After dinner, the three sat on the sofa watching the Spring Festival Gala. Shen Shian poured
a glass of tomato juice to Mr. Gu, "Freshly squeezed, sober up."
Shen Xun also held a cup of tomato juice, drinking and drinking suddenly turning like a
tumbler, and Shen Shian noticed that something was wrong, took his cup and tasted it, and
immediately raised an eyebrow and sneered, okay, this little thing didn't know anything
When he wasn't paying attention, he even mixed half of the red wine into the tomato juice
and drunk himself drunk.
Fortunately, drunk and not drunk crazy, pillow on Shen Shi'an's legs unwilling to get up,
dark green eyes wet and reflected, holding the palm of Shen Shi'an whispered "An'an is
This upside-down Shen Shi'an didn't understand, only when he was drunk and still
remembered to eat, both angry and funny, and slapped him on the buttocks. Which of you
is a pig sperm? .
Gu Yan sat next to him and looked at the smile on Shen Shi'an's face. He looked too much
like Qing Ran, especially his eyes, and looked exactly the same when he laughed.
Shen Shi'an noticed his gaze and looked up. "Do you want tomato juice?"
"Ah, yes, thank you An An."
Shen Shi'an raised a glass jug and poured him another cup. The sweater sleeve shrank with
movement, revealing a circle of teal lotus tattoo on his wrist.
Mr. Gu glanced for a moment, and leaned forward, "where is your bead?" The string of
beads is a relic of green dye, and An'an has never taken it off in his memory.
Shen Shi'an pulled his sleeves back. "I woke up from the hospital and disappeared. I should
have broken the rope during a car accident." I thought about it and asked, "Did the mother
tell you anything about this string of beads?" Origins may give clues about space.
Mr. Gu recalled for a moment, and then shook his head. "Not much, I remember mentioning
it only once, saying that it is a heirloom handed down from the Shen family's ancestors."
Each jade used to sculpt the lotus is quite old, and its texture is transparent. It's a pity that
it's a pity to lose it, not to mention the relic of Qing Ran. I'm afraid the child couldn't let it
go, so he wore a tattoo as a substitute.
Thinking of the unknown car accident, there was a cold light in his eyes.
I thought of another thing and said, "Is your car scrapped in a car accident? Would I buy
you another car?"
"No trouble, I can buy it myself." His car bought insurance because the damage was too
thorough in the accident, and the insurance company paid half of the new car's purchase
price directly. Coupled with the savings left by his mother and grandpa, paying for a regular
car is not a problem.
"I'll buy you a car with great sense, so there is no trouble." On this issue, Gu Xi did not
intend to give in. "It happens that your birthday is almost here, even if it is a birthday gift I
gave you."
In order to prevent Shen Shi'an from continuing to refuse, he said, "Not only will I give you
a birthday present, I will also give Shen Xun a meeting gift. Xun, do you have anything you
want, no matter what."
Shen Xun was half drunk and awake, and he opened his eyes stupidly.
"Yes, you can," Gu Min repeated patiently. "As long as you want, I can give it to you."
This time, Shen Xun understood, his eyes were suddenly bright, and he said the longest
sentence since he became a person, "meat, I want meat, I want to fill the meat of an entire
Shen Shian ""
Mr. Gu froze, apparently did not expect such an answer, but immediately agreed to "Okay,
that's it."
What else should Shen Shi'an say? The countdown to the New Year has been ringing in the
TV: "Five, Four, Three, Two, One"
Mr. Gu smiled and raised his glass "An'an, Happy New Year."
Shen Shian pursed her lips and raised the glass to touch "Happy New Year."
The pendulum of the New Year began to turn, and a distant sound of fireworks came from
far away from the window. Shen Shian turned off the TV and was ready to sleep.
The guest rooms have been arranged for a long time, the pillows and quilts have just been
sun-dried, and the sheets and quilts have been newly replaced. Mr. Gu looked at Shen
Shi'an Road, "I want to sleep in the storeroom, with your mother, can you?"
Shen Shi settled down. "There are no beds in the storeroom and flooring is needed."
"I have no problem."
Heli took the quilt pillows into the storage room and sorted them out. Gu Yan stood at the
door and looked at the young man who had a natural and inseparable connection with
himself and Qingran. The heart was filled with infinite pride and love Can hug you "
Shen Shi'an didn't move, Gu Yan reached out and took him into his arms. After a moment,
he let go of his strength and touched his forehead with his father's attitude towards his son.
"Good night, sleep well."
Shen Xun was still drunk, because he couldn't find Shen Shi'an rolling on the sofa. Shen
Shi'an caught it in time before he fell, wiped his palms and cheeks with a hot towel, and put
it into the quilt in the master bedroom.
Go to bed and lie down, leaving only a night light. Shen Xun followed his taste and arched
into his arms, his face flushed, his eyes shining brightly at him, "An An"
"what happened"
"good night"
"Good night, sleep."
However, the child did not close his eyes, raised his hand around his neck, and said "good
night" again.
Shen Shi'an reluctantly said good night you sleep.
Shen Xun approached him and emphasized "good night" again
There was a flash of light in his mind, and Shen Shi'an stared at the small thing, suddenly
realized what he meant. There were a few smiles in the obsidian-like eyes, and he bowed
his head and kissed him "good night."
Shen Xun was satisfied, and Mei Zizi closed his eyes in his arms.
The author has something to say: February 4, 2019, one month and 26 days before the
virus outbreak.
Thanks readers
Mo Moci threw a mine
Falling wind throws a mine
Seven mines on a vine threw a mine
Shanhebi threw a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
Wooden ah

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 16: 16th

Settings saved..
Gu Yan is busy with business, and rarely sleeps until the sky is bright. After getting up, she
dyed columnar incense for Shen Qing, opened the door and walked out of the storage room.
On the face, she smelled a warm and tempting aroma of food.
The house was very quiet. Only the slight sound of a collision of cooking utensils came from
the kitchen. The light golden light in the morning fell through the window sash,
illuminating the ordinary and warm atmosphere of fireworks.
Gu Yan looked soft, stood still for a while, raised his feet and walked towards the kitchen.
Within a few steps, a dwarf shadow came out of nowhere and slid slowly past him in front
of his calf.
Shen Xun was carrying a bag of milk, sitting cross-legged on the head of the sweeping
robot, and gliding forward from side to side while sliding forward, so as to adjust the
direction in real time according to obstacles.
Originally, when he was a dog, he was small and light, and the robot carried him with ease.
He could run around and **** dust while mopping. But he is a human figure now, and it
weighs more than a dozen pounds, which is difficult for a sweeping robot whose original
intention is not "load". The two electronic eyes were pressed into red light and flickered,
almost advancing on the ground, and the disc-shaped shell was so overwhelmed that it
squeaked along the way to teach people the ache of the teeth.
This scene fell into Gu Yan's eyes, and it was really difficult to say.
Shen Shi'an came out of the kitchen holding an casserole and saw Shen Xun's eyebrows
twitched. He lifted his neck and raised him. "How many times have you said that, don't ride
it again. Do you come to sweep the floor if you ride it?"
He looked up at Gu Yan again. "Morning, breakfast is ready."
"An An Zao." Gu Yan replied, his eyes fell on Shen Xun's body, and he seemed to want to say
something. After a pause, he didn't say anything, turned and walked into the bathroom to
After having breakfast, Mr. Gu is leaving. Shen Shi'an is not surprised. The higher the
position, the more busy the business. In his current capacity, it is hard to find time to stay
But before leaving, Shen Shi'an had one more thing to discuss with him. "The car accident
has been so long, and I have been safe. Even if someone really wants to do something to me,
maybe I have given up the plan long ago. I think the bodyguard. "Is it possible to
withdraw?" He thanked Wan Fan for their due diligence, but being monitored and tracked
by people anytime and anywhere was not a pleasant experience. What's more, he can't let
people protect his life forever.
"She doesn't do anything to you right now, because it's because she can't take care of
herself." Gu Yan sneered, a few cold lights flashed under his eyes.
Shen Shi'an moved in his heart and heard what he said, "Mrs. Gu has an accident."
Gu Xie showed the obvious disgust for the word "Mrs. Gu" "I didn't know what stimulation I
was receiving years ago, and all day long murmured that there were evil spirits to attack
her, and she screamed and cried every night, making her home unsettling I went to the
hospital and couldn't detect the problem. After seeing more than a dozen psychiatrists, it
didn't work. Later I heard that I felt that I had been lowered. Now I am hiding in a temple in
Southeast Asia. Please ask the master to solve the disaster. " Oh, there are so many bad
things done, can it be easy to hit a ghost?
Shen Shi'an was a bit surprised by the noise of the head.
Shen Xun beside him sipped, drank a bag of milk, and took a nap by the way.
"The bodyguards are not in a hurry to withdraw," said Mr. Gu. "Wait a few months and see
that the situation in Beijing is more complicated recently, and the Qin family may have
made some big moves. You can rest assured that at most six months later, I promise she
will never Dare to make any idea for you. "He will become the person in charge of the Gu
family, and made it clear that he only admits Shen Shi'an, a son, and must prevent the other
dog from jumping over the wall.
Shen Shi'an agreed and sent Mr. Gu to the door. Gu Yan looked at him and the children who
were next to him. He thought for a while and said, "An An, raising children is not an easy
task. In addition to food, clothing, and transportation, there are more important
educational issues. You are young I am busy with my schooling. This child has reached the
age of going to kindergarten. If you agree, I can take him back to Beijing first and give him
the best educational resources and living conditions. , Wait until your studies are done and
your business is stable, then send him back. "
Shen Xun had just fangs out, and a warm palm rested on top of his head. Shen Shi'an shook
his head. "I have received the kindness of Mr. Gu, but he is my son. I have the obligation to
raise him by myself."
The dog was picked up by his own hands, and it was because of him that he became human.
In any case, he must personally ensure that children can live normally in this society.
Mr. Gu seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Shen Shi'an, thinking that he meant
to metaphorically indicate that he was an unqualified father, and his eyes were bitter. "I'm
fine. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."
Shen Shian nodded. "I will." After a pause, he took a step forward and gave him a very light
hug "all the way."
This hug made Gu Min feel a lot better, and did not let Shen Shi'an send him off. He took the
elevator and went downstairs. The assistant had taken someone to park the car downstairs
and waited. Before entering the car, Gu Min asked Wan Feng who followed him, "The child
named Shen Xun is really safe."
Wan Feng shook his head. "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be. Mr. Shen went to the mall alone
that day and brought a child when he returned. It seems that Mr. Shen picked it up after
being abandoned."
Speaking of this matter, in fact, he and Fan Guoping were neglected as bodyguards for 24-
hour close protection. They did not even know when Shen Shi'an went out that day. Wan
Feng has confidence in his own abilities, and Fan Guoping is equally confident. It is almost
impossible to avoid the two of them to go down the stairs alone, but it did happen again. If
there is such an omission, no matter what the reason is, it is a bit ashamed to stand in front
of the employer at this time.
However, Gu Zheng didn't care about this. He said secretly when he got into the car with a
sigh of relief. With the genes of the Gu family and the Shen family, the children born should
not be a pair of people with an underdeveloped brain.
Shen Shi'an rejected Mr. Gu's proposal to support the children, but the words of the other
party reminded him that Shen Xun is now a human being. If he wants to survive in this
society, he must receive corresponding education.
It's just that the child is about to bite his temper. Shen Shi'an dare not send him to the
kindergarten. Thinking about it, I can only teach it myself for the time being.
During the Spring Festival, most of the shops were closed. Finally, it was difficult to find a
few online ones that can be delivered normally. After careful comparison, I selected a few
sets of teaching materials for children. Shen Xun's biggest problem at present is that he
can't speak clearly and is vague, so Shen Shi'an decided to start with the basics and learn
Pinyin first.
Considering that he hasn't become human for a long time after all, the boring study is
probably unacceptable, and it is better to be entertaining. So in addition to textbooks, Shen
Shi'an also picked him up several comic books and story books, as well as several sets of
easy-to-use Lego bricks. At the end, I bought myself a few more professional text password
deciphering books and had more vacation time. He still wanted to try to find out how to
read the exercises.
The courier arrived slightly faster than he expected. Shen Xun was next to Shen Shi'an.
When the delivery box was opened, she quickly took out a box of building blocks from the
inside and sent it to her mouth to bite. She felt that there was no taste, and she threw it
With the teaching materials, he moved out the small desk and blackboard that had been
prepared for a long time, and arranged the pen and eraser neatly. Shen Shi'an cleared his
throat and said, "The small sunflower class is officially started."
The teaching progress is quite smooth. Although the child seemed stupid, he did not expect
that he was very clever, and the learning speed was much faster than Shen Shian expected.
It took only two days to memorize the initials and finals. If it wasn't for his own witness,
Shen Shi'an would have thought of it anyway. Just over a month ago, he was still a furry,
spoiled, and **** in his pants when he was angry.
Unfortunately, the gratifying teaching process soon encountered obstacles.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and told himself secretly not to be anxious for the 23rd
time. He was a child, and children were slow to learn something. They had to be patient and
teach them a lot. They could always learn. Then point to the pinyin on the textbook, "Come,
read this word again."
The child was sitting upright, looking cute and well-behaved, **** with a milky tone "i force,
feng hum, li hum"
It's so simple to read a single thing, it's a long way to go.
"What is wrong, Li Hu, is Li Hu a word? How many times have you missed the same word?
Look at the pictures below. How can two bees so big read wrong?" Shen Shi'an bit his back
molar and tried to put a light tone. " I just taught it. I use my lips to hang my tongue, bees,
buzzing bees, swell the bees, and remember not to "soothe my emotions and point to the
next pinyin".
The children looked at "huafa, hu fu, die butterfly, fa fu butterfly" this time is the word.
Shen Shian's eyebrows jumped straight, the palms hanging on her right leg were loose and
tight but not anxious, not anxious, the child is small, just learning, making mistakes is
normal, but can't be killed.
Why didn't he know before that teaching children how to torture like this?
Grind your teeth carefully and correct each word, then squeeze your smile with the
greatest effort. "Come on, think about how I taught before. You can be so great. Come, how
to read this?"
"Xiao Xiao, song fierce, shu Xu," Shen Xun scratched his face. "Xiao fierce Xu"
Shen Shi'an closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stunned and stood still, stood up,
rushed to the kitchen, picked up two kitchen knives, and chopped the meat for half an hour.
When the nerves finally relaxed, watching the incredibly smooth meat on the cutting board,
my heart moved, and suddenly I had an idea.
Striding back to the desk, I wrote two words on the small blackboard and put in pinyin,
"Come on, try again, read it right. We'll eat this at noon."
Shen Xun's eyes focused in an instant, this time it reads quickly "hong red, shao roast, rou
meat, braised pork kao roast, ji chicken, tui leg, roast chicken leg"
Shen Shi'an breathed a long sigh of relief, and he couldn't help bending his lips to know.
Hit the iron while it is hot, quickly pick up the textbook and continue to ask him "how to
read this"
The children's words are positive, "da big, xi couple, gua eight, big couple eight"
Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead and felt that he was an old father with a lot of energy.
The author has something to say To prevent someone from not knowing, click on the
column to collect the author, hehe hehe hehe: 3 "
The wall crack recommends the end of the school friend Satoki tea tea Jun Jun campus
elementary school slag
Meng Meng loves to worry about learning scum vs. domineering love fights
Super sweet
Attached case
Elementary school scum stared at the college bull that blocked the classroom door. "You
University bulls frowned casually. "I did well."
The elementary school **** was hit badly, all eyes were water vapor, "you, you skipped
class in the morning"
The college bull raised his hand and pulled his collar, "I have good grades." Primary school
slag: qaq
It turned out that you can do whatever you want with envy

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 17: 17th

Settings saved..
Teaching children to learn Pinyin was too difficult, and Shen Shi'an decided to give up. It is
more practical to study the exercises.
In the study of the Bamboo House, some simple renovations were made. Two gray-blue
fabric sofas were placed against the wall, and a thick layer of carpet was laid on the floor.
The round wooden low table could seat more than four people. Throw a few pillows at will,
or sit or lie comfortably.
Shen Shi'an put all the children's comic books, story books, and building block toys on the
round table, and told him, "Play by yourself, don't make trouble." Then put a coaster under
the glass bowl. "Eat is OK, but don't get everywhere . "
The glass bowl contains the snacks he made for the children, orange juice aloe, and the raw
material is the aloe vera, which grows wildly after pouring the spiritual spring water. Use
an axe to chop off the long thorns of the forearm and peel the leaf flesh. Select the fattest
and tender part in the middle and cut into long strips. First simmer in boiling water to
remove bitterness, then marinate with freshly squeezed orange juice and honey for two
hours, and finally pour into a glass bowl covered with ice cubes. Suitable for digestion and
tiredness after the New Year.
The only inconvenience is that the temperature in the home and space is not too low. The
glass bowl is filled with ice, and the outer wall will liquefy a lot of water drops if left for a
while. If you do n’t use a coaster, it will stay wherever you go. A circle of water stains. This
is an unforgivable thing for Shen Shi'an.
After getting a guarantee from the child's mouth that "the bowl is on the pad if the pad isn't
only eating vegetables", Shen Shi'an took the exercise book from the bookshelf, calm down,
and tried to decipher it again.
Shen Xun forkd a few sticks of aloe vera with a fork, and while chewing, he snatched a
bone-shaped cushion and smelled it, stacking the blocks randomly and pushing them down.
I barely settled for ten minutes, turned around and began to gather around Shen Shi'an, and
his eyes suddenly flashed when he fell on the exercises.
Oh yeah, there are a lot of babies in this portable field.
Shen Shi'an leaned on the sofa with one leg slightly bent and straight, and pulled out long
straight lines from the linen fabric. More than a dozen manuscript papers were scattered
around the legs, each of them was densely packed, and the text in the exercise book was
arranged and reorganized according to various deciphering methods.
Shen Shi'an's hard-lined calligraphy is very beautiful. It is the type of Xiu Xiong who will be
attracted at first glance and can't help but admire. The pen is thin and self-contained. He
won the prize in the hard-writing competition when he was in high school. Like others, "the
aura with aura is in the cold and proud".
It's a pity that these good-looking words were just written out not long after, they will be
crossed out by two black lines soon, and a small cross will be drawn after the deciphering
method used in this text.
The more characters that were erased, the thicker the manuscript paper that fell around
him, and the more irritable the eyes that were half-hidden under the black hair. When
another manuscript paper was discarded and thrown down, Shen Shi'an closed with a
"snap". Gongfa book, lifting his forehead with his back, his forehead is as white as jade,
leaning on the sofa and sighing heavily
Or not.
Shen Xun stared at him for a long time and finally understood what he wanted to do.
Drumming cheeks, foolish An An.唧 唧 唧 After chewing the aloe vera in his mouth, grab
one of his fingers, put it in his mouth with a thunderbolt and bite it, then squeeze out a few
blood beads and smear it on the exercises Spine.
Shen Shi'an felt only a pain in his fingertips and had no time to question. The exercises on
his legs suddenly became a masterpiece of light. Like Dongsheng's rising sun, he slowly
suspended to mid-air, and instantly turned into countless points of light. He surrounded
him in a hurry, disappeared into the body No trace.
The Buddha was thrown into the chaos in front of the world, like a dream, awake and
drowsy. There were countless lights and speeds passing by, but he couldn't see and grasp.
He could only follow the waves in the endless dimness, without knowing it Where to go
When Shen Shi'an regained control of the body and opened his eyes, he found that he was
lying flat on the sofa with a small, tender ball lying beside him.
"How long have I slept?" He sat up frowning.
Shen Xun stretched out a hand for "ten minutes"
After looking around, the exercise book has disappeared or exists in another form. As long
as his mind moves, the entire contents of the exercise book will automatically appear in his
mind. Although the sentence is profound and mysterious, it is not garbled.
He looked into Shen Xun's eyes. "How do you know that blood is useful?"
The dark green eyes blinked twice, ignorantly cute and innocent.
Shen Shi said in silence, "Watch less TV in the future."
In fact, he actually entered a misunderstanding of his own thinking, because the order of
the text in the book was obviously wrong, so he just wanted to decode it, and because the
exercise book was paper, he never thought of linking it with blood such as blood. together.
Since the bead is fused with his blood to produce change and open space, it should have
been tried on the exercise book for a long time.
枉 He thought about it for so long, and finally let a goblin who loves watching Xianxia
drama crooked. Shen Shi'an couldn't help laughing, rubbed two on the child's head, and got
up from the sofa.
After merging the exercises, the entire space changed completely in his eyes. The air was
filled with light cyan substances, which were between liquid and solid, floating around
irregularly. And inhale into the body with breathing.
And when he meditates on the recipes recorded in the Gongfa book, the rate of this
substance's penetration into the human body will suddenly increase. After circulating along
the veins for a week, it will gather in the lower abdomen, like a warm spiritual spring,
nourishing the limbs and bones. One inch of skin, the wound bitten by Shen Xun's fingertips
healed as long as it was repaired, and he could even clearly feel that all cells in the body
rejoiced because of this substance, like a spring grass, glowing Exuberant vitality.
Shen Shi'an tried to clenched his fists, and a surging sense of power immediately surged
out. If the spiritual spring water improved his physique, then under the action of Gongfa,
this substance called spiritual power would do something to him. Complete transformation
from the inside out.
According to the book, if you can practice this set of "Gui Xun Gong Fa" to the twelfth-order
great consummation realm, you can call the wind and call the rain to break the void and
become a power similar to the gods. Now Shen Shi'an has just come into contact with the
exercises. Although he has not even touched the first-order barrier, he is very satisfied with
the current effect.
A few punches were arbitrarily blown into the air, and the clear breaking sound showed
the terrible power contained in the fist. At this time, Shen Shi'an lived like a young adult
cheetah, with a young and vigorous fighting spirit, full of energy and clamor. How to vent.
After a few laps in the study to feel the changes in his body, Shen Shi'an stepped down and
suddenly remembered something and turned and walked out.
"An An" Shen Xun quickly stood up and chased after holding the glass bowl.
Going to the inner part of the living room on the first floor, Shen Shi'an continued down the
stairs, stopped at the corner, and raised his hand and waved twice in the air.
Nope, the invisible barrier that originally blocked here really disappeared.
Shen Shian was so happy in her heart that she immediately stepped up and waited until the
height of her sight crossed the staircase, and the entire second floor was unobstructed.
The second floor is different from the first floor. There are no rooms separated from each
other. The entire floor is open. The floor is about five to six meters high. It is supported by
six thick solid wood pillars. Looking out, nothing is empty.
"An An"
Shen Shi'an turned his head and found that Shen Xun was crawling up with his short legs,
and climbed for a long time without even reaching a quarter. Sitting on the stairs, he
screamed and hugged.
Bend the corner of the lips, take a few steps to hug him, and walk around the post. The first
floor was divided into several rooms with wall barriers, and it was not obvious. After the
entire floor was opened, it was found that the area of the bamboo building was very
considerable. In addition, the second floor was higher than ordinary housing, and it looked
extremely spacious and empty.
Walking to the corresponding position in the study downstairs, Shen Shi stopped calmly,
his eyes fell straight on the entire weapon wall.
The walls are all cold weapons, and there are many types of swords and halberds. In the
middle is a half-height long sword with a black and simplistic shape throughout the body. A
simple but strange beast-shaped pattern is carved on the scabbard.
Shen Shi'an took a few steps forward, holding the sword with both hands, and carefully
took the sword off the stand. The right hand holds the sheath and the left hand holds the
handle slightly. A lush snow blue sword light suddenly lights up in the field of vision, and
the sword body trembles like a dragon.
The long sword is cold and bright, and the sword is as frosty as the blade of autumn water.
Even if little is known about the cold weapon, Shen Shi'an has no doubt that he is holding a
magic soldier who cuts hair and cuts his hair.
One-handed sword stabbed into the air a few times, and Shen Shi'an quickly understood
the reason for the existence of the barrier on the previous stairs. The sword in his hand did
not know the specific material, but the density was very high, even if the scabbard At least
there are more than 50 kilograms. If it was not because of his integration of the exercises,
and his body has been transformed by spiritual power, there is absolutely no way to take it
so easily. At that time, if he accidentally bumps it, he may break his hand or break it. foot.
Looking at the second floor, she was hiding her baby. Shen Shian moved in his heart,
walked to the window, and stretched out his right index finger to touch the blade of the
sword very carefully. There was an opening in his fingertips at the moment, and the bright
red blood drops appeared on the sword.
Without any response, straight down the blade.
Hey, he thinks too much.
Shen Shi'an retracted his sword into the sheath a little awkwardly. As soon as he turned
around, he saw that Shen Xun was stomping his feet, reaching for a tang sword at the
bottom of the weapon wall.
The Tang knife was dark red throughout, the blade was twice as wide as a long sword, and
the lines on the scabbard were open and wild, standing taller than the whole child.
If it falls and hits the body, it may kill you if you are injured.
Shen Shian's pupils tightened and slammed "Don't touch"
But before he rushed over to save people, Shen Xun had already taken down the knife, held
the knife handle with both hands, and drew it out, waving twice to the left and right.
Shen Shi'an stopped abruptly at the spot, and then walked over and took the knife from his
hand and slammed it twice. It was expected that the heavy hand was heavier than the long
sword in the other hand.
Looking at the child's look suddenly weird. "When did you become so powerful?"
Shen Xun still sells cute costumes silly "always like this duck"
Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a while without talking. Then he
turned and put both the sword and the Tang knife back to where they were. "Let's go
downstairs." The soldier is a magic soldier, but he doesn't have any use at this time. It is
better to put it here.
When I looked down, I found that the glass bowl containing orange juice aloe was placed on
the floor, but the coaster that was supposed to be underneath was completely missing. The
tone immediately became dangerous. "How did I tell you, um, don't put the bowl with ice.
Let it be, you are everywhere. "
The sound stopped abruptly when a finger touched the wall of the bowl.
Wait, it's wrong.
Shen Shi'an raised the bowl and examined it carefully, confirming that he was not dazzled
or had hallucinations.
There are no drops of water, no matter the outer edge of the glass bowl or the floor placed
on the glass bowl, all are dry and clean without any water stains.
But this is impossible. There are many unmelted ice cubes under the aloe sticks in the bowl.
Shen Shi'an held the bowl for a while and the hands were already cold. The air temperature
in the space was about 20 degrees. The hot air liquefies into water droplets when it is cold.
In response, he and Shen Xun have been on the second floor for nearly twenty minutes. It is
absolutely impossible to have no liquefied water vapor outside the bowl wall. It was still
normal in the study before.
There was a flash of light in Shen Shi'an's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.
He squeezed a piece of ice from the bowl, squatted down, and placed it on the floor.
Ten minutes had passed, and the volume of ice was still there, showing no sign of melting.
Lying down.
Shen Shi'an clenched his fists tightly before he could control the almost exclaimed exclaim
For items, the time on the second floor of the main building is completely static, so the glass
bowl will always remain as it was before it was taken up
No, not just items. Shen Shi'an looked down at his right index finger, and a slight scratch on
his fingertip was clearly visible.
This was the wound he had scratched on the blade. According to his current physique and
nourishment in the body, such a small wound should have healed long ago, but there was
no sign of healing at this time. What it looks like, what it looks like now.
He thought that the weapon wall was a treasure hidden in the second floor. In fact, the
second floor of the entire bamboo building was the biggest treasure.
The meaning of having a static space of time is self-evident. In the simplest terms, at least
the questions about "how to preserve food grown in black soil" need not be worrying.
Shen Shi'an held back his excited emotions. In order to prove that his guess was correct
again, he thought out of the space, poured a cup of hot water and then flashed in.
After half an hour, the hot water was still hot.
The wound on the tip of his right finger had healed in the short period of time from the
second floor of Zhulou.
In the process of getting in and out of the space, except for pouring a cup of hot water, Shen
Shi'an also found two other surprises brought about by the fusion of exercises
Before merging the exercises, the space was completely isolated from the outside world,
that is, when he entered the space, he didn't know what happened to the outside world, and
vice versa.
After merging the exercises, he can clearly perceive the changes at the other end whether
he is inside or outside the space. For example, Shen Shi'an enters the space from the living
room. When he is in the space, as long as his mind is moving, the consciousness can appear
in the living room at this moment; and when he leaves the space, the movement in the
whole space is all Stay in control.
At the same time, no matter he is inside or outside the space, he can rely on his
consciousness to move objects in the space. However, this ability seems to be limited by the
level of the exercises. In the current state of Shen Shi'an, just moving the cactus from the
bamboo tower to the bamboo tower and back from the bamboo tower to the original
position, you can feel obvious dizziness.
And this ability seems to be useless to animals, he tried several times, Shen Xun is still
sitting on the second floor of the bamboo floor, 唧 bar 唧 aloe.
In any case, the book of fusion exercises has really yielded a lot.
Shen Shi'an was in a good mood. He walked out of the bamboo building with Shen Xun. The
thick peach tree outside the corridor was full of peach trees when it was unknown. , More
and more the whole space looks like Taoyuan Wonderland.
Some of them fell quietly on the face of the young man. When looking up, the thick curled
eyelashes looked like two small fans. The jaw line was fine and delicate, and the black-red
lips had a complexion like jade. A bit more scorching and gorgeous.
Shen Xun watched accidentally, and opened his mouth for a long time, almost dripping his
mouth on Shen Shi'an's shoulder.
Shen Shi'an frowned in disappointment, straightened his arms and quickly put the child
down, turning around the space to see if there were any other changes.
When I walked to the side of the stream, my heart moved, and suddenly I remembered the
most important thing, and turned and walked towards Lingquanchi.
In the translucent mist, listening calmly and quietly, you can capture the very slight sound
of running water.
Shen Shi'an looked at the re-wet spring eyes with a sigh of relief. Although the current is
only a thin stream compared to the original, it seems to disappear intermittently, but as
long as there is improvement, it is good.
Since Quanyan and Gongfa interact with each other, as long as he works hard, he can one
day restore it to the original.
A big rock fell in my heart, and the whole person was relaxed a lot. Turning his head, he
saw that Shen Xun was lying tightly on the golden protective cover like a gecko. His
squashed face was full of longing, and poor Baba shouted at him "An An An An"
Shen Shi'an sat on the floor next to Lingquan and smiled very gently at him. "You, he,
mother, don't want to come in."
The author has something to say, Shen Shen Xuan An, I want to come in
An An, you dream, go, don't suffer from Lao Tzu.
Thick and long
Discussed with the editor, this article officially entered v on February 22, this Friday, and
will drop the 4D fat stamp, thank you
Thanks readers
dandan threw a grenade
Cat **** threw a mine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
It ’s better to see 1 landmine
Seven mines on a vine threw a mine
Huahuahuahuai threw a mine

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 18: 18th

Settings saved..
Yun Feiyang returned to h before the Lantern Festival. When I arrived at the building
where Shen Shi'an was just off the elevator, I heard a child ’s reading from the door.
"Steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken,
roasted goose, Sauce chicken, bacon, Songhua belly, steamed Babao pigs "
Ill and frustrated with a milky voice.
When I entered the door, I could n’t laugh. “What are you doing?”
Shen Shi'an took the bird cage and suitcase in his hand and "taught him to learn Pinyin and
literacy." It took several days to finally find a book with Pinyin on the Internet. Say, as long
as you read three pages in a row Without making any mistakes, you can order any three
dishes from the recipe. The current learning effect is gratifying.
Seeing Yun Feiyang dragging an oversized snake skin bag with a height of half a person
besides the trunk, he was a little surprised "What's this stuff for?"
"Hainan green coconut, didn't you say it was good to bring you a taste, drink coconut juice
in the heating room, I will tell you a great thing in life."
Shen Shi'an was even more surprised at the weight of "you carried it all the way from
home," and just looking at it knew that it was absolutely light.
"How can it not be exhausted, you despise my brother too much." Yun Feiyang familiarized
himself with the slippers and changed his slippers. "I came back by plane. I was afraid
Ruibao would be wronged in the check-in warehouse, so I went away to transport pets. A
courier company that can monitor the status of pets in real time. Their home also happens
to ship fresh fruits and so on, and they just mailed it together. The time is accurate, and it is
more than two hours earlier than me. I just went to get Ruibao. Bring it here by the way. "
When I walked into the living room, I saw Shen Xun on the sofa. "Xun Xun, but I want to kill
your Uncle Yun. He wouldn't have spoken a few years ago. I will read books after a few
days. . "
Shen Xun's face was small and looked at him relentlessly.
Yun Feiyang didn't mind, he turned to ask Shen Shi'an, "Hey, do you think your son has
grown taller?"
"Are you there?" Shen Shi'an poured him a glass of tomato juice, and then he picked up the
child and stood on the ground. It was indeed taller than before. He had not had his calf
length when he became a human. Now he can touch his knee on his forehead .
He can see children every day, so he is not particularly sensitive to changes in his head.
Instead, he has n’t seen Yunfeiyang for half a month, and his growth rate may be a bit
Carrying the child back on the sofa and separated from Yun Feiyang, his expression
naturally explained, "Normal, he eats too much."
Yun Feiyang suddenly said "ah" and was instantly convinced that it made sense.
He stared at Shen Shi'an for a while. "Not only him, you seem to have had a good year. It
looks more spiritual, handsome and more." Yun Feiyang pondered for a long time and
finally thought of a third suitable description. Up "
The appearance of Shen Shi'an belongs to the impeccable quality. An unintentional look can
see the red ears and hot legs of the human face, so no one can usually stare at him for a long
time. One is that he is afraid of being out of control. Secondly, when you look at it, you feel
ashamed. At this point, it was still very beautiful and beautiful, but in addition to being
beautiful, there seemed to be something else. It was like a cheetah running fast on the
prairie. It was breathtaking, but once you leaned too far Recently, I couldn't help but have a
little fear.
Shen Shian knew what he meant, and the changes in temperament and gas field were also
one of the additional effects brought by the exercises. If you are in space, because the
practice speed is fast, this change will actually be more obvious.
After merging the exercises, Shen Shi'an became more and more aware of the preciousness
of his portable space. For practitioners like him, the most essential thing is spiritual power.
Not only is there a total convergence of spiritual power in the space. The completed
Lingquan, even the spiritual power in the air, is so strong that it can condense into
substance, soaking into the texture at any time and place, giving the whole body a top-level
sa from the inside out.
But once you leave the space, the spiritual power in the real world is so thin and pitiful.
Shen Shi's safe power works all night, and the absorbed spiritual power has not been
absorbed by a breathing room in the space. It is no wonder that Shen Xun always wanted to
go Run away in space.
There was no change on his face, and he quietly shifted the topic. "It is quite sweet to drink
honey at home in the New Year."
"No, I'm telling the truth. Besides talking about what honey to drink, it's enough to drink
your tomato juice." Yun Feiyang said as he took a cup and took a sip. "You tomato juice is
good, before you leave Bring me such a big bag, and I ’ll finish it after coming home two or
three days. My parents also said yes, those big jars of tomato sauce were either soup or
cooking or bread, no matter what they did, they were delicious. When my relatives came to
the door afterwards, I quietly touched them all and hid them in the quilt. Otherwise, the
woes would be cleaned up soon.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help laughing. "As for you, just drink, there is a big pot in the kitchen.
The contact person of the express delivery company who sent fresh food also gave me one,
and I will send a batch to my uncles and aunts." It's tomatoes.
"Hey, hey, that's a good relationship." Yun Feiyang didn't follow him. He turned his gaze
and saw a jar of peanut candy on the coffee table. The glittering peanuts wrapped in syrup
glowed amber and sealed in a transparent glass jar. Yan Shi, there is a bow tie around the
mouth of the tank, which is obviously not the style of Shen Shi'an. He reached for a piece of
"What little girl secretly loves you, and it's delicious." The peanuts are crispy and crispy.
Sweet mouthfeel.
Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun's head in one hand to stop him from raking his teeth and
grinning at Yun Feiyang, and pushed the glass jar closer to Yun Feiyang with one hand.
"Don't make a fuss. This is done by his wife Fan Guoping himself. Mr. Fan spends Chinese
New Year at home, Bring me a copy when I come back. "It is both a show off and a small
thank you to Shen Shi'an for taking his leave. The taste is indeed good. Shen Xun's young
age is a time when he is sweet-loving. When he eats it, he cannot spread his hands. Shen
Shi'an is afraid that he has eaten too many broken teeth. These days, he is only allowed to
eat five yuan.
Yun Feiyang ate the child's share for one day, turned around to see Shen Xun's expression,
and deliberately gathered to tease him, "Oh, care, don't want me to eat, but it is really
delicious, why is the peanut so fragrant, and how is the syrup so Sweet, you hear this
sound, it's crispy and crunchy "
Unbearable, unbearable, unbearable.
Shen Xun fiercely broke open the palm of Shen Shi'an, and whine, biting at Yun Feiyang, just
as the teeth were about to penetrate the flesh, Shen Shi'an was holding it with his cheeks.
Lying down.
Yun Feiyang covered his hands and his face turned white. Why didn't I **** remember it?
Medical University officially started on February 25, and the new semester courses were
selected through the teaching system during the winter vacation. Shen Shian's final
semester last year was the first place in the clinical college, she won the national first-class
scholarship, and she has the right to choose the main direction of the master's and doctoral
period, so that the school can focus on training in advance.
He chose the direction of pediatrics according to his wishes and submitted a plan according
to the requirements of the school. Yun Feiyang chose the direction of clinical psychology,
often holding this thick and heavy psychological work looks like a decent look.
The school life in the new semester hasn't changed much. The study is still busy. The class
leader Lu Xiuyuan still sees that his nose is not nose, eyes and eyes, and Yun Feiyang grinds
his teeth. He has secretly set a date to sack him for a meal.
In addition, the temperature change during the spring and winter seasons is relatively
large, and many people around have a cold. The number of people who come to the hospital
of the Medical University is several times more than it was a year ago, and they are
overcrowded every day. Correspondingly, students of clinical colleges are going to
hospitals to do more miscellaneous duties.
Mr. Gu's car for Shen Shi'an arrived in mid-March. Just one day before his birthday, Mr. Gu's
assistant drove downstairs to Shen Shi'an's house.
When Yun Feiyang heard the news, he ran over and watched. From the first glance when he
saw the car, his mouth full of "depression" never stopped.
"Sure, it's so handsome. Sure, it's too good." It took several turns around the car, and then
rushed to Shen Shi'an to make a face with both hands. "Let me drive around, just go around.
"Okay, little brother."
Nearly one meter nine man made this kind of action, it was really difficult to swallow, Shen
Shian could not help but kick him.
The car is a military off-road model. The body is dull and restrained in dark gray. The
chassis is half a person tall. Probably considering that he has a son, the compartment is
very large and equipped with child seats. No problem when sleeping in bed. The overall
style is fierce and reckless, like a mighty beast. In comparison, Shen Shi'an, which is one
meter by eight meters, is lined with petite. Shen Xun looks even smaller, raising his hands
above his head and not touching the door.
Fan Guoping and Wan Feng had eyes that were very hot, and the doorway was more
"ballistic glass, special-grade explosion-proof steel, top-level driving and safety systems,
alas, driving this car, let alone a normal car accident, no problem hitting a train."
Shen Shian's heart moved slightly, he wanted to send himself a car, the original intention.
The assistant came down from the driver's seat and handed the car key to Shen Shi'an. He
also handed over the antique rosewood box with the car key, opened it, and lay a bunch of
lotus beads made of ink jade. Although it is not exactly the same as Shen Shian's original
string, it is very similar. At first glance, it is difficult to see the difference. It can be seen that
it took a lot of effort to find it intentionally.
"The boss said that he wished Mr. Shen a happy birthday and asked me to apologize on his
behalf. I wanted to send it in person, but my family couldn't get away with something. After
a while, I was not so busy. I must make up Mr. Shen's birthday. . "
"No." Shen Shi'an stared at the beads in the wooden box for a while, picked them up and
put them on his right hand, covering the circle of lotus tattoos. The thick eyelashes are
raised, and the color of the eyes is gentle and soft. "Tell me to thank him. I can understand
his busy affairs so that he doesn't need to be concerned." He paused and said, "Being busy
is the most important thing."
The assistant responded with a smile. "Hey, Mr. Shen, rest assured, I will convey it
truthfully. Oh yes, the gift to the little boy is behind, and it is estimated that it will be
another ten minutes."
Shen Shi'an hesitated for a moment before responding that the "little son" refers to Shen
Xun, and as the assistant said, after more than ten minutes, three large four-meter-high
trucks slowly drove downstairs to the community.
Mr. Gu is a real person. He said that he would send a house of meat to Shen Xun. If he did,
he would bring a house of meat, beef jerky, preserved pork, ham, sausage, duck neck,
chicken wings, and a whole box. Shen Shi'an's house can't fit so many things, so he also
bought an unoccupied house upstairs. The movers pushed the cart to move it back and
forth for nearly five hours. The space was crowded with rigors.
Shen Xunle was crazy, and he could not wait to live in the meat pile. Shen Shi'an had to
carry a few boxes of meat home before he led him downstairs.
Witnessing Yun Fei's tongue during the whole process is not rich, the officer is different.
In addition, along with the Shen Shen ’s identity certificate, which was different from what
Shen Shi’an expected, Mr. Gu did not include Shen Xun as his son in the account of the Shen
family, but re-established a completely unrelated to Shen Shi’an. identity of.
The assistant explained, "After all, the little boy is a young child who has entered the
account of the Shen family arbitrarily. He is suspected of abducting and trafficking in
children. If he is completely disassociated from the family of the Shen family, he will deal
with it even if his biological parents come to the door and want to make trouble It's
simpler. "There was another reason that Mr. Gu didn't say, but the assistant guessed that
Master Shen hadn't married yet, and Leng Buding had a half-older son, which would affect
his marriage in the future. Of course, even if he guessed what the boss intended, he would
never reveal it.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, and thought he was right. His original intention was to give
dog sperm a legal human identity. Since this goal has been achieved, it is not important
whether his son is a hukou or not.
Although Mr. Gu was unable to attend, Shen Shi'an's 20th birthday was still lively and
lively. Yun Feiyang bought a big cake, Fan Guoping cooked the roasted chicken wings, Wan
Feng told the story when he joined the army, and Shen Xun was responsible for eating.
After the birthday, life goes on. As far as Shen Shi'an is concerned, all of his studies,
exercises, and children are going very smoothly. If there is any problem, there are more and
more colds in the school.
This wave of influenza viruses seems to have seized the good time of the cold and hot in the
early spring. It suddenly infected nearly one third of the people. When walking on campus,
you can hear coughing and blowing your nose. As a result, the school has held a number of
publicity conferences on "Beware of Influenza Viruses and Prevent Cold Infection",
admonishing students to keep warm and cold, and exercise regularly to enhance their
resistance. The Student Union also specially organized personnel to distribute Banlangen
and Sanjiu cold spirits for free at the entrance of the cafeteria.
Yun Feiyang didn't care much about this, so he shirtlessly played basketball on the
playground from time to time. "Everyone said that the flu virus was a particularly powerful
mutant strain. As far as I was concerned, the students were too imaginary. All the
dormitory bedrooms were at two and one line all the time. Whenever I had time, I would go
home and play games. Is the resistance good?" He pointed to Shen Shi'an and pointed to
himself, "You see why we have nothing to do, Wan Ge Fan Ge is okay, even your family Shen
Xun is good, alas, the resistance is not as good as children, they do not catch a cold. . "
Shen Shi'an caught the basketball he had thrown, bypassed his defense after a few shakes,
and leapt forward, his athletic posture crossed an arc, and it was a perfect and standard
dunk in front of the basket. I have to admit that he thinks Yun Feiyang said something. But
to be on the safe side, Lingquan water was quietly added to the tomato juice that was given
to Wan Fan, including Yun Feiyang.
No one expected that the epidemic cold would continue to intensify, not only for students
with relatively weak resistance, but also not for the northern and central regions with large
temperature differences. All provinces and regions in China seemed to be involved in this "
Popular ". Among them is Fan Guoping's wife.
By the end of March, there were four people in Yunfeiyang's bedroom, and three other
people had signs of a cold. Shen Shi'an was not assured, "You move out to live with me,
even if the resistance is good, I'm afraid to stay with the source all day long."
Yun Feiyang agreed. It's not that he has doubts about his strong physique, but he still has
Ruibao. This little thing only had a major operation last year. In case of illness, it will be
Weekend March 31, 2019. Yun Feiyang moved out of the dormitory with the help of Shen
Shi'an, and lived in Shen Shi'an's house that night.
At this time, there were two days and 11 hours before the virus completely broke out.
The author has something to say that everything is ready, only the last day.
This chapter is updated on Thursday. I will enter the v-shaped fat chapter tomorrow, so I
put it up in advance.
I recommend to you that the boyfriend Mu Ziran ’s present lingering linguistic essay is a
ghost, a thorn, a stimulus, and a timid person can lie to you
Copywriting one
An accident caused Yang Yibai to have a pair of yin and yang eyes, and also picked up a
boyfriend. Later, he found that the boyfriend was not a human, but a ghost.
However, what surprised Yang Yibai most was that his boyfriend turned out to be a big guy
in the underworld. He could hurt others without leaving a word, and he could unlock it
with his bare hands. The most important thing was that he could help Yang Yibai with his
hands Ghost, let him live a life of leaning on a tree with his back.
small theater
One day, Yang Yibai woke up from a dream, staring at the man in front of him, and put his
mouth together.
Then he reacted and fled.
Sitting on the bed, Shiyin reached out and touched his lips, a hint of doubt flashed in his
eyes, and a word popped into his head. "Really fragrant."
Copywriting II
In the year that Yang Yibai was 24 years old, something strange happened suddenly around
him. At first, the faucet at home was blocked, and the plumbers pulled out a bunch of long
hair from the plumbing. Later, he was hit by a pair of yin and yang eyes in a car accident,
and rescued a strange man who revealed all over his body, but this man seems to have a
wonderful origin with his grandfather.
Later, the village chief called him once and said that his grandpa's grave had been planed.
Since then, his life has changed dramatically.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 19: 19th
Settings saved..
Shen Shian was shocked when the phone rang, and opened her eyes immediately. I leaned
over and took the phone and found it was the alarm clock. I turned off the ringtone and slap
on the warm little dumpling's buttocks beside me. "How many times, don't disturb my
Shen Xun's Pinyin has been learned, and the entire recipe has been read all over. In order
for him to apply what he learned, Shen Shi'an began to teach him to type using the phonetic
phonetic input method and chat with QQ robots.
I didn't expect that the dog character was not well typed, but he had a great interest in
pondering the mobile phone. When he didn't pay attention, he stole the mobile phone
tossing and tossing it up, confusing the ringing tone of the caller and the alarm clock. It was
still a small problem. A male student sent the words "like you" plus a series of garbled
characters. If it was not April Fool's Day, he would not know how to explain it.
The child's buttock was attacked, and he stretched out his hands and rubbed it twice,
subconsciously drilled Shen Shi'an's arms and said "An An", after pouting, pouting, and fell
asleep again.
Shen Shi'an took away his arm around his neck and lightly got out of bed. Entered the
bathroom, covered the door, turned on the light, stood by the sink, bent down, and poured
two cold water on his face.
He didn't sleep very well last night. In the middle of the night, he was stuck in a long and
chaotic dream. He was pulled back and forth by the grotesque pictures in the dream. He
couldn't sleep well and couldn't wake up. The whole person was so exhausted that it didn't
last. Wake up before the alarm bell rings.
The young man with his hands on the washstand in the mirror, the black hair was wet with
cold water, cluttered on his forehead, the water droplets rolled down along the thick
eyelashes, and struck the tall bridge of the nose and the red lips that were stimulated by the
cold water , And finally rolled along the lower jaw into the neckline and disappeared.
He vaguely remembered something very bad happening in the dream, but every time he
tried to remember, he seemed to be separated by a thick mist barrier, no matter how hard
he tried, he couldn't remember any details.
Shen Shi'an stared at the dark, black eyes in the mirror for a while, exhaled a long time, and
pulled his wet hair up with his backhand, exposing a polished jade forehead. Even if he
can't remember it, he has room for body protection and body protection. Even if the dream
really foreshadows something, the soldiers come to block the water from the soil.
After going downstairs to run around the community for two laps, Yun Feiyang was awake
when he came back with breakfast. He drew slippers and yawned. "My mother-in-law, I
have to go to the school half an hour in advance to have a morning meeting. This time will
give us some sleep How good, where does the lack of sleep come from? "
He and Shen Shi'an were full of classes this morning. The first two classes were still
together. According to the class time of h, the first class started at 8:30, but was affected by
the recent spread of influenza virus. The school Each major is required to arrive half an
hour before the lesson, and the counselors in each class organize a preventive reminder
Shen Xun also woke up, and his furry hair slept into a bird's nest, followed the fragrance to
Shen Shi'an, and stomped out of the bag he was carrying to eat.
"Schools are also for the sake of safety. This year's flu is indeed different from previous
years. The duration is too long and the scope of transmission is too large. Not only in China,
but also across the world, a high proportion of cold cases have occurred. I spoke with Mr.
Gu yesterday. After calling, he said that the flu was taken very seriously. The National
Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a three-level alert, and led by a
professor from our school, an expert team has been formed nationwide to conduct special
research on influenza viruses. Do n’t I'm not afraid, I'm afraid it's the second sars. "Shen
Shi'an said, while pressing Shen Xun's head to turn him in the direction" First brush your
teeth and wash your face, wash them before eating. "
Yun Feiyang took breakfast from his raised hands and did n’t let the children have enough
to take the breakfast and went to the restaurant, muttering, “It ’s so serious, it scares itself.
Sars was dead at the time. The flu started Almost a month and a half, you have heard of a
death case without "the virus is difficult to be entangled, but it is estimated that it will
sooner or later.
Shen Xun was pushed to the bathroom door by Shen Shian's head, and still turned his head
persistently and stared at the breakfast bag "Shrimp Xiao Long Bao, Mine"
Yun Feiyang heard it, and nodded again and again. "Your and yours are yours." As soon as
the child entered, he immediately found the shrimp in the bag and squeezed two into the
The morning meeting started at eight o'clock. Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang ate, and they
were ready to leave at 7.30. Shen Xun once again hugged Shen Shi'an's calf and asked to go
to school with him.
The daily "separation battle" has almost become a routine between the two of them. As
long as Shen Shi'an patiently coaxed two words to ensure that what kinds of delicious food
to make after returning, the two can successfully reconcile. But today ’s children seem
extremely stubborn. No matter how courageous Shen Shi'an is, holding him tightly will not
let go.
Shen Shi'an completely lost his patience. "It's no use calling Dad."
Shen Xun bulged up his cheeks, and after a while he seemed to be out, and blushed and
shouted "Dad"
Shen Shi'an was helpless, thinking of the vague and confusing dream in the middle of the
night and revealing an unknown dream. After a few thoughts, he bent over and hugged the
child into the master bedroom. , Obediently wait for me to finish class. "
Space is portable, where Shen Shian is, where is it. Shen Xun's eyes lighted, and he nodded
again and again.
Shen Shi'an sent the child into the space and felt that he was staying in the study. He turned
out of the master bedroom and brought the door in hand.
Yun Feiyang looked behind him and said, "Coax."
Shen Shian nodded, "Let's go."
Just after they left, Wan Feng and Fan Guoping also came out of the house opposite. Fan
Guoping's face was not very good, his eyes were dark and his face was full of sadness. Shen
Shian asked "Mrs. Fan's cold is not good"
Fan Guoping shook his head, and his two thick eyebrows frowned even tighter. "It's been
more than a week, but I still have a bad cough."
"It's better to go back and check it out," Shen Shi'an said. "I'm fine here, Mr. Wan alone is
Wan Feng nodded, but Fan Guoping could not agree. He received a salary several times
higher than the bodyguards of the same level from Mr. Gu. He said it when he signed the
employment contract. There was no vacation during the contract period, and Shen Shi'an
was protected 24 hours a day. Life safety. During the Spring Festival, three days of leave
and returning to the New Year have been generous to the employer, because his wife has to
resign due to a cold.
Shen Shi'an Road, "You are worried, staying here is also uneasy, it is better to go back and
take a look at the peace of mind. It is also fast to fly, as long as two hours, if you are sure
that there are no major problems, you will be back. You can rest assured, Mr. Gu I will
explain. "
Fan Guoping thought about it and made up his mind. "She said that she went to the hospital
yesterday to prescribe a new medicine. I'll wait to see if there is any improvement today. If
it's still the same at night, I'll rush back to see it overnight and try to get back the next day. .
"Having settled the solution, a big rock fell in my heart, and he sincerely thanked Shen
Shi'an" Thank you for your understanding. "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It's human to care about your family. You are very kind."
The morning meeting place was chosen in a temporarily idle large-scale staircase
classroom, with two counselors in three classes. Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang arrived at
7.50. Many people were already sitting in the classroom. Nearly half of them were showing
signs of a cold. The coughing sounds were one after another, and each of them was red,
blue, and more serious. Floating, it looks like they are standing still.
Shen Shi'an's heart was slightly sinking with clinical symptoms caused by the Shen
influenza virus, and it seemed to be getting worse.
He and Yun Feiyang found a place close to the aisle, and the class leader Lu Xiuyuan stood
on the podium and patted the table. "Clinical class 4 students pay attention to the school to
update the school's statistics and aspirations, and sent a message last night to remind
everyone Bring your student ID, take all the troubles, please take it out, please take charge
of it and give it to me. "
Shen Shian took the student ID out of his schoolbag. After a while, Lu Xiuyuan came over
and took it away. He also took a registration book. "Our class ’s attendance table at the
hospital is exhausted. Student Shen, it's 6 o'clock tonight. It's four o'clock tomorrow
morning. "I didn't even look at him after finishing talking, and raised my chin and walked
Yunfei grinds his teeth. "Fuck, what kind of virtue is this grandson intentionally wearing
small shoes for you?"
From the second year of clinical college students, they have to take turns to affiliated
hospitals on duty. The first is to accumulate experience in apprenticeships, and the main
thing is miscellaneous. The shift schedule is generally arranged by the class committee
according to the specific curriculum of the students. The night shift from 6 pm to 4 am is
the least popular. Not only is it longer than the day shift, it is also particularly tiring. It is
false, so it is usually only arranged for students who have no class the next morning.
"Do you have a class tomorrow morning? Is he blind? Is the squad leader a bit bigger and
really treats himself seriously?" Yun Feiyang became more and more angry, and decided to
choose another day rather than hit the sun, and set the sack. It's set for today.
Shen Shi'an did not respond. "It's the same, I have to be on duty anyway, and there are
fewer people at night." It is used to practice the exercises, and it is more mental to run one
night than to go to sleep. Lu Xiuyuan was intentional or not. Seriously, he didn't take it
seriously. I estimated my time schedule and pulled out my phone to set an alarm clock at
half past five.
At eight o'clock, the two counselors arrive and the meeting will begin. The content has been
repeated many times before, pay attention to keep warm, strengthen exercise, and clean
the dormitory regularly to ensure hygiene.
At the end, he said to the group of students who had a cold, "everyone who has a cold sign
must go to the affiliated hospital in time to get medicine. If you can't hold it, you can skip
class, go back to the bedroom, take a good rest, drink plenty of hot water, and hold the
medical record Just ask me to fill in a leave note. Let ’s talk about it first. I ’m really sick. It ’s
okay to go back to the bedroom to rest. If I ’m not sick, I ’ll pretend to be sick and run out
and fooling around.
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang's first two lessons are the same as the anatomy class in the
North Research Building, not too close to the stepped classroom. Seeing that the class time
is coming, they will quickly stand up and walk out after the instructor announces the
meeting. Shen Shi'an noticed along the road that most of the cold students turned to the
dormitory building. They should follow the counselor's suggestion to go back to rest, and
some people scatter their noses among the teaching buildings. It seems that they are
unwilling because Colds delay learning.
The anatomy class classroom is located on the northernmost part of the second floor of the
scientific research building. The teacher is an associate professor of Medical University,
surnamed Li, in his fifties, wearing grey reading glasses and reading glasses. He has a very
strict teaching attitude and is devoted to human studies. It is said that Often fighting for the
remains of donors and several other professors in the school for a "big fight", most of them
ended up at the Mahjong table.
The professor came early and waited early at the classroom door. Seeing several students
with red eyes and coughing, they stopped and refused to let in. "Hey, stop the cold and go
back. Do you know how many viruses and bacteria you brought in a sneeze? I'll go
wherever the pollution caused by the specimen is. I will give you a holiday, and go back
quickly, and come back to my class when I have a cold. "
The students who had planned to take a sick class had no choice but to turn around and
walk back.
The anatomy classroom is large, neatly arranged with a silver-white metal dissection table,
the surrounding shelves and glass cabinets are full of human specimens, hands and feet,
and various internal organs, soaked in formalin The large and small transparent containers
were illuminated by some dazzling lights, reflecting cold white light.
People who walk in for the first time may be a little scared, but everyone who has been
dealing with the anatomy room for more than a year has long been accustomed to it. Yun
Feiyang has not even scanned it, focusing his eyes directly on the largest one in the center.
On the dissecting table, "the general teacher is fresh today"
There are too many monks in the clinical medical school, and the corpses used for
anatomical research are more precious than endangered species. They are in short supply.
Most students can only deal with corpse specimens that have been immersed in formalin
for five years. Even the shadow of the fresh corpse was not seen. Even if it was fortunate to
see it, most of the hands were carefully studied many times, and even a complete piece of
skin could not be found.
At this time, the corpse on the dissecting table apparently died within a few days. Even
formalin was not soaked. It was completely divided into dozens of pieces from head to toe.
In addition, all the scratches of the scalpel were found. No. No wonder the professor
blocked himself at the door today, and no students with cold signs were allowed in.
Some students couldn't help cheering, "Long live Professor Seco"
The professor wasn't indifferent. "Hurry up and put on your gloves. Give you five minutes
and automatically divide into twenty groups."
Generally, there are seven or eight people in each group during the class. Today, some
people have not caught a cold, and some people have been driven back. The number of
people is almost half, so three to four people in each group.
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang stood in front of an anatomical table as usual. The other two
members were girls, one of Shen Shi'an's classmate, and one of Yun Feiyang's. After saying
hello to each other, they said nothing.
The two did not speak mainly because Shen Shi'an, with a slight glance, his face was red
ears, his face was shameful, and he was embarrassed to take the initiative to speak; Shen
Shi'an was due to his personality, and he was habitually indifferent to unfamiliar people.
Because I was just staring at the general teacher, before the professor said, "Freely choose
the anatomical area," he rushed forward in a stride, arranging all enemies to seize the
opportunity, and took back a leg with a foot from the crowd. .
Put your calf on the group dissection table, and touch it while praising "Oh, look at how
elastic the skin is, see how clear the blood vessels are, look at the muscles, the layers are so
beautiful as a painting"
Shen Shian ""
The tone is too fanatical, brother.
Yun Feiyang snatched his leg back, and of course he got it first. Clamp the scalpel in your
palms, folded your hands and bowed to the lower leg. "General teacher, please advise."
When the first scream rang suddenly, everyone was taken aback.
Yun Feiyang shuddered, almost cutting his scalpel to his own hand. Looking around, she
and Shen Shi'an looked at each other.
Before Shen Shi'an had time to speak, the second scream rang, followed by the third and
The screams were also mixed with a chaotic run, a heartbreaking cry for help, and some
kind of bitter chewing.
There was a moment of restlessness in the classroom, and everyone was whispering, and a
few fears of the unknown appeared on the confused faces.
Shen Shi'an twitched his nose and sniffed, his heart sinking bloodily.
Their classroom was located at the innermost part of the corridor, farthest from the
staircase, and it was calculated that no one would pass at all, so they knew nothing about
what was happening outside except for a chaotic noise that was higher than a burst.
"Quiet, everyone is quiet" Professor patted the table. "I'll see what's going on."
Before waiting for him to come to the door, the half-closed classroom door was suddenly
pushed open, and two tall figures quickly flashed in, screaming "lock the back door quickly"
while locking the door.
Shen Shi'an had been tightly guarded all the time. He heard that he rushed to the back door
and locked the door. He turned to look at Fan Guoping and Wan Feng who had just rushed
in. "What happened, what happened outside?"
Fan Guoping and Wan Feng both had pale faces. This paleness suddenly deepened when
they saw the messy corpse fragments on the dissection table. As a result, some extremely
terrible memories were triggered, and they immediately turned their eyes away.
The throat knot twitched up and down for a moment, Wan Feng said in a dumb voice,
"Can't go out, don't go out."
"Why can't you go out? Why is it happening?" The classroom became more and more
turbulent. Before everyone could get specific information about the outside world from
Wan Fenger's population, there was a muffled sound and a vague flesh. The human body hit
the classroom door.
The classroom doors of the scientific research building are all in a unified system, divided
into two parts. The bottom is made of metal with a metal sheath, and the top is a whole
piece of transparent glass. Therefore, the human body that suddenly hit the door was
reflected in the room lights, and it was revealed in the eyes of everyone.
The caller was a girl with long hair combed into two braids and wearing a beige sweater
skirt. At this time, the fresh and cute sweater dress with embroidered cartoon flower
pattern was already soaked with blood into a thorny dark red.
Most of that blood should be her own, because the girl had a huge wound on her cheek, the
entire flesh of her right face was torn off, and there were obvious tooth marks on the edge
of the wound, as if some animal had taken the whole The right face bite down stiffly,
revealing the **** gums, and a turbid and congested eyeball that seemed to fall from the
broken eye socket at any time.
Coupled with a piece of sensational bone on the neck, it doesn't look like a living person.
The sharp screams rang through the entire classroom instantly, and everyone trembled
back in horror. In a blink of an eye, a large area was vacated near the front door.
The loud screams seemed to stimulate the human body outside the door, and the turbid
eyes turned, and he slowly raised his hands and knocked heavily against the glass. "Bang,
bang, bang"
It was just that with constant percussion of ordinary glass, several cracks quickly appeared.
Behind the braided girl, several strange and rigid figures appeared one after another.
Wan Feng cursed lowly, and hurriedly called on Fan Guoping to "push a few cabinets over
and hold the door"
Shen Shi'an responded a little faster than them. Turning around, he pushed an iron cabinet
standing against the wall and used to store viscera specimens and pushed it to the back
door. While pushing, he shouted "Don't call quiet" to everyone behind him.
Yun Feiyang also returned to God, together with a few male students with relatively strong
mental capacity, split into two shares, and rushed over to help Wan Feng and Shen Shi'an
push together. The iron cabinets in the classrooms were all custom-made. They were large
and heavy, almost as high as the ceiling. Although Shen Shi'an's current physique was not
difficult to push, when others came to help, he still lost a bit of energy subconsciously.
One cabinet can block the door tightly. Everyone added another one. The two iron cabinets
were superimposed, which weakened most of the chilling knock outside the door, and the
screams inside the door finally stopped. .
Once the classroom becomes quiet, the screams, wailing, crying for help, and some kind of
greasy and extremely psychologically uncomfortable roaring sounds become more and
more clear and audible.
A huge panic swept through, and some people couldn't help crying, but subconsciously
covered their mouths and didn't dare to make too much movement. The crying in the body
was deliberately blocked, making the atmosphere in the classroom more depressed and
Yunfei swallowed his throat, and his palms were full of cold sweat. "The one just outside
was a zombie."
Shen Shi'an took out a pack of wet wipes from his schoolbag and handed them to Wan Feng
and Fan Guoping, and motioned them to wipe the blood on his face and hands.
The psychological endurance of the two bodyguards was far beyond ordinary people.
Before the incident happened suddenly, and they witnessed some extremely terrible
scenes, it was only a moment of confusion, and at this time, they were calm.
Fan Guoping first opened his mouth. "I and Lao Wanshou were at the staircase window
between the second and third floors. About twenty minutes after the bell rang, a student
came downstairs, his face was particularly ugly, and his lips were faint. The purple eyes
were red, and he coughed as he walked. He was so weak that he almost fell off the stairs. I
reached out and helped him, and asked him if it was okay. "
Speaking of this, he took a deep breath. "It was all good. The student waved his hand to me
and said thank you. When I think of something, something is suddenly wrong, he, he
doesn't know how to do it all at once. I breathe and I lose my heartbeat. "
Someone took a breath and said, "Dead, dead."
Wan Feng shook his head "Not dead."
"If it dies, it's better," Fan Guoping grinned bitterly, drew his palm subconsciously into his
pants pocket, and found out that he had promised his wife to quit smoking early. The
thumb and forefinger squeezed together, and said in a single breath. "The student had no
breathing and heartbeat, but the person did not fall down. He murmured a few times in his
throat and suddenly flung on me. I was in a hurry. After he kicked him, it was useless. He
continued to pounce, and he wanted to bite while he pounced. Lao Wan folded his arm, but
the other side didn't care as much as he didn't feel pain. He continued to pounce on us, and
mother followed. It must have taken a bite of flesh from us. Just then, screams came from
upstairs and downstairs. "
Wan Feng picked it up. "I and Fan Brother noticed that something was wrong, so that 50%
of the force had turned the student upside down and ran here. I met a female student along
the way," and glanced behind the iron cabinet. "It was just outside I shot the door and was
bitten on the ground by two students who were also not breathing or having a heartbeat.
One brother and I fanned over the two and crouched down to prepare for the first aid to the
female student. There was no breathing and heartbeat, and it was exactly the same as
before. "
"Fuck," Yunfeiyang exclaimed. "This **** is really a zombie."
In the classroom, because of the information brought by Wan and Fan, they were restless
again. Students of this age are no strangers to zombies, and they know more or less how
terrible things are in the zombie world. Some people are frightened and some question.
Noisy chaos.
Before waiting to discuss a result from the chaos, several students by the window suddenly
exclaimed "Look outside"
There are three windows in the classroom facing the campus avenue. Due to the storage
requirements of the specimens, the windows are closed all year round and blocked by
curtains. Until one of the curtains is half opened, everyone sees what the outside world
looks like at this time. Fan scene
Chaos, screams, countless people fled, and no one dared to stop, because as long as they
were slightly slower, they would be surrounded by classmates who were stiff and slow,
their eyes were cloudy and dull, and they were already surrounded by classmates who
were no longer living. After a period of time, they were dragged out of the organs or ****
wounds and became one of them.
There are people everywhere, blood everywhere, death everywhere.
Someone in the classroom was pale when struck by lightning, someone shivered and burst
into tears, and some couldn't hold it, rushing to the edge of the pool and throwing up.
"Doomsday," an inexplicable fear accompanied by some kind of speculation spreading
quickly in the crowd "is this the doomsday?"
Shen Shi'an rushed forward to pull up the curtains, and his palms trembled for a while and
then resumed as usual. The exquisite and handsome face reflected a layer of cold white
light under the fluorescent light, but because of the unusual calm, he took a strange, stable
The power of the heart.
"Don't look." He said, "Don't look outside."
The professor's face was a bit poor. Before that, he was helped by several students to sit
down at the podium, but at this time he stood up. "Afraid, even if it is a zombie, it is just a
moving corpse. Our clinical college students are still afraid. The corpse's cooperation, let's
call it a general teacher. Those who don't cooperate will catch all the films. "
Under such circumstances as "噗嗤", it is rare for someone to laugh. "Professor, you know
Professor's eyes glared, "Why don't I know I'm just old and not stupid"
"Hahahaha" This time there were more people who laughed. When they were rushed by the
laughter, the atmosphere in the classroom was less depressed and desperate.
The professor gathered everyone together, and pointed at Wan Fan and asked Shen Shi'an
"Is this two gentlemen with you, I am afraid they are not ordinary people"
Shen Shian nodded. "I had an accident before. These two are the bodyguards hired by my
father. They are extremely capable."
After the voice fell, his expression suddenly moved, and he quietly took two steps behind
the crowd.
Shen Xun in the space didn't know how to detect that something was wrong, and was
making trouble in the open space next to the Lingquan. "An'an, An'an, how are you? Have
you got anything wrong, An An An'an, please let me out, if you don't let me out, , I drank
your spring eyes, An An, you answer me An An quickly "
Shen Shi'an was helpless and funny, while the professor was asking Wan Feng and Fan
Guoping in detail about the matter, no one noticed himself, took out the phone from his
pocket, typed a line, and then put the phone into the income by putting the phone in a
schoolbag Space just falls in front of children.
Shen Xun picked up the phone, and a line on the memo page of the display showed that I
was fine. There was an accident outside. You should eat something yourself, and I will let
you out when things are resolved.
With a gap in his mouth, he began to shout again, "What happened to you, An An, An An, did
you hear me, An An, An An, An An?"
Shen Shi'an was annoyed by him. On the other side, the professor has analyzed the current
situation based on the information he received. "According to Mr. Fan and Mr. Wan, there
are two ways to become a zombie. One is by There is another kind of zombie bite that
suddenly turns into a zombie. Let's call it zombie for the time being. And Mr. Fan has
witnessed the source zombie in the process of transformation. Did he have the symptoms
of severe cold before the transformation? "
"Yeah, he has a terrible cough, and his face is so pale that he can't stand." Fan Guoping's
voice stopped abruptly, and he suddenly realized a possibility, and this possibility made
him instantly assaulted.
The professor lowered his head, did not notice the change in his look, and nodded and
concluded that "It is very likely that people infected with the flu during this time will
become source zombies, and the flu virus is exactly what caused The source of it all. "
This conclusion was immediately supported by many students. "I just saw several
classmates in the zombies outside the window. They all got the flu and there were no
obvious wounds on their bodies."
With or without a wound, it seems that the biggest difference between the source zombies
and the infected zombies after the bite.
Fan Guoping's expression became more desperate, one foot stepped back and two steps
back, Shen Shi'an stood right behind him and reached out and helped a hand. "Mr. Fan,
don't worry, the professor just put forward a hypothesis, not 100% Make sure all those
who have a cold will become zombies. "
Not only Fan Guoping, every student in the classroom who had a relative or friend who had
the flu was scared by this bad news. The anxiety and panic that could not be relieved ate
away the heart a little, and the cry that finally stopped could not stop.
"Don't worry," the professor raised his voice slightly. "Mr. Shen Shi'an was right, I just put
forward a hypothesis, and I'm not sure that all people who catch a cold will definitely
become zombies. Not to mention that there are many reasons for a cold, Even if it is indeed
infected by this flu, many different types of disease strains will mutate during the
transmission of the influenza virus, and which one or more kinds cause the current
situation needs to be thoroughly and thoroughly studied. It can be determined by
investigation. Without telling you, my wife and grandchildren also caught a cold. "
The words of the professor calmed the mood of everyone, including Fan Guoping, but then
another question was raised. "If the zombies outside are related to this flu, wouldn't it
mean that we are not alone here, zombie viruses have spread all over the country. "You
know, flu patients are everywhere and the proportion is very high.
If such a terrible disaster happened only in one place, they can still rest assured to wait for
rescue. But if this disaster involves the life and death of the entire country and even the
entire human population, if this is the case in all parts of the country, who will come to
rescue them?
Someone took it easy, quickly took off the plastic gloves on their hands, found out the
mobile phone and started trying to call relatives and friends, the police station, the fire
station, and everyone who could call, but without exception, they were all unreachable
Busy tone. Similarly, the network signal infinitely approaches zero, and neither can send
messages nor search for messages. Is the devastating power of this disaster so strong that
even the communication network has been completely destroyed in such a short period of
A huge irresistible shadow and heavy despair struck again.
"It's over," someone mumbled. "We're all over, we're dead."
"Everyone is too pessimistic." Shen Shi'an sounded like a jade strike, with excellent
penetrating power, ringing softly in the classroom. "In the current situation, it is estimated
that all surviving people are trying to call outside, The sudden outbreak of data caused the
temporary collapse of the communication network. It is normal for you to remember that h
City Medical University is the highest academic institution in China with the highest level of
medical scientific research and the strongest teaching staff. There are tens of thousands of
high-end scientific researchers such as professors, and even an expert group for flu virus
research has been set up. If this disaster is truly national or even worldwide, do you think
survivors like us What is needed most "
Yun Feiyang responded to the first "vaccine vaccine against viruses"
Shen Shian nodded. "The cold in our school accounts for about half of the total. According
to the worst plan, this half has become zombies. Then the number of survivors is still very
considerable. As long as there are survivors, they need to be developed. A vaccine that can
defend against or even cure the virus. As long as this need exists, even other regions can
ignore it, and the Medical University will definitely be the country's first rescue target. "
When everyone's eyes lighted up, they all felt relieved. This is the reason
Someone asked, "What are we going to do, stay here and wait for rescue?"
"No." It was Wan Feng who spoke this time. "The rescue will come, but it is not certain
when it is. Although the door is currently blocked, none of us knows whether these
zombies will change further in case of this. The two doors couldn't be blocked. The terrain
here could not advance or retreat. It was too passive. "
In other words, space is limited and occlusion is inadequate. In the event that a zombies
break in, ninety-nine percent are dead.
"Then we can find a way to go back to the dormitory, eat and drink, and sleep after the door
is closed."
"No" Yun Feiyang opened his eyes wide and looked at the person who made the suggestion.
"You forgot that the counselor drove all the cold people back to the bedroom. The bedroom
building is now a zombie lair, and you will be dead when you return."
Shen Shi'an frowned and wondered why the people in this group can still stand here and
think about countermeasures, instead of facing the cruelty of the virus outbreak, just like
those screams that are getting weaker and weaker, that's because luck is so good, all people
who have a cold All were stopped by the professor and persuaded to leave. However, it is
impossible to have such good luck in other places. The proportion of cold people is close to
one-half. Even if more than half of them are resting in the dormitory, the rest is still mixed
in every corner of the campus. The number of infected zombies and their distribution has
soared to a terrible extent due to the mutation of the infection.
"What's the place," he looked around, and slowly asked, "can isolate the zombies, have a
vantage point to observe the surrounding environment, have enough drinking water, be
able to rest, and have the fewest people before the zombie virus breaks out."
"Aqua hall."
Shen Shi'an followed the reputation and saw the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan. "No one in the
water auditorium today"
The small water hall is one of the landmark buildings of the Medical University of H. In fact,
it is not small when it is small. It is two and a half floors high and can accommodate up to
about 2,000 people at the same time. It is located in a relatively large artificial lake with
wooden bridges. Because the design is chic and the environment is beautiful, usually there
are any seminars, seminars, conferences, or large-scale evenings held by various colleges in
the school.
There are lakes and doors to isolate zombies, there are commanding heights to observe the
surrounding environment, and there is running water and drinking fountains in the
auditorium. The lake water can also be used to save lives. If it is determined that there are
no people in today, it is really a great escape from zombies and waiting for rescue. place.
Lu Xiuyuan was frightened by the zombies, and his body was still shaking a little bit. Seeing
Shen Shi'an come to see her, her subconscious straightened her back, raised her chin, and
tried her best to keep calm and look back at the past. "Yes, you should also know that our
school has led an expert group to invite experts and scholars from all over the country to
come and hold exchanges on influenza virus research. Yes, the time is set tonight, so
yesterday, several class members of our clinical college led a group of freshmen to clean up
the entire water auditorium according to the instructions of the school leaders. In order to
prevent others from entering and destroying the venue, the small The auditorium is not
accepting any bookings for the event today, the door closed last night, the key, "
He pulled out a bunch of things from his schoolbag "here I am."
The other class members testified his words, and the atmosphere in the classroom became
relaxed and relaxed instantly.
Yun Feiyang's face was full of joy and bluntness, "If I didn't hate you too much, I would like
to kiss you now."
Lu Xiuyuan flushed and snorted in aggravated tone.
Having identified the retreat location, the next question is exactly how to get there. The
small water hall is located at the far north of the school. Although it is not the farthest from
the scientific research building, it is not very close. What's more, in the situation where
zombies are scattered all over the world, murder is everywhere, and one meter more is
more dangerous.
The professor walked in front of Shen Shi'an, looked at him, and looked at Wan Feng and
Fan Guoping, "Student Shen, what I want to say next is a bit difficult to tell, but I must say
that I know these two gentlemen are yours Bodyguards, with their protection, you can
leave school without any problems; I also know that your place is outside the South Gate,
and it is the farthest from the south to the north of the small hall; I know better that you
have no obligation at all Stay to ensure the safety of other people. After all, life is only one
time. In the final analysis, this world is always the most precious of my life. But as a teacher,
I have to worry about the safety of the lives of all students, so I know this request is very
difficult. , I still want to ask if I can trouble you and the two bodyguards, escorting the
others to the Aquatic Auditorium. "
The professor pointed to other people. "We have more than 70 people besides me. They are
young and strong little girls and guys. They have legs and feet to run fast. If you want to
take care of them a little, they do n’t say everything. At least most people can safely arrive
in the small auditorium. As for the poor old man with inconvenient legs, you don't need to
worry about it. I'll just wait here. These cabinets are very heavy, and I think the zombies
can't be knocked open. "
Other students almost always assumed that Shen Shi'an and the two bodyguards would go
to the water hall with them. Until this time, after listening to what the professor said, they
realized that there was another possibility. Shen Shi'an lived near the school. He There is
no need to hide in the small auditorium. If two bodyguards protect him alone, the chances
of survival are much greater no matter how they are counted, why bother running to the
small auditorium farthest from home?
After witnessing the tragic scene of zombies and cannibalism, the reason why everyone
remained calm and did not collapse largely depended on the sense of security brought by
the two bodyguards, Wan Feng and Fan Guoping. Therefore, once they realize that their
lives are not within the consideration of others, many people's expressions immediately
become colorful.
Shen Shi'an didn't pay much attention to the faces of other people at this time. He looked
back at Wan Fan and Fan Guoping immediately said, "Because of his loyalty, he also got the
salary after signing the contract. Mr. Shen's will is my will. I listen to Mr. Shen. "
Wan Feng said nothing, but nodded, the same meaning was very clear.
Shen Shian revisited the professor. "Mr. Li, rest assured, I will go to the small auditorium.
Not only other people, you will also go, after all," he deliberately slowed down the voice.
"Scientists like you are the rescue team. The primary rescue target. "
In other words, where Professor Li is, the rescue team is most likely to go.
He is not the same as his mother. He does not hesitate to speculate on human beings at the
worst level, whether this sentence is redundant or not, but as long as other people
understand this more clearly, Professor Li ’s life will be more protected.
Among the crowd, some people's minds quietly changed.
I decided to go to the small water hall together, and then we need to plan a specific plan.
The first thing is how to get out of the classroom. Surely not going through the door, the girl
with a twisted braid still screamed.
"Let's go to the window," Fan Guoping turned around the three windows and chose the
middle one. "Tie the curtain with a curtain and tie it with one end tied to the foot of the
dissection table." The dissecting table can be moved, but the large middle dissecting table is
fixed on the floor, and it is more than enough to bear the weight of one or two people. And
thanks to the classroom on the second floor, the curtains were just long enough. "Others go
down by themselves, and teach me to carry them down."
The method of going out was solved. The second point is the route planning. You must
choose a route that is the closest, open, unobstructed, and suitable for fast running. In the
best case, supplies will be available along the way.
Beyond that is the most important security issue. Outside are zombies, they can't fight with
bare hands and zombies. Shen Shi'an made a round in the classroom. After turning off the
power, he tore off the steel pipe of the hanging lamp above the dissection table, and danced
left and right.
Others have everything to learn, apart from disassembling steel pipes, sharpening the feet
of stools, mop bars with scalpels attached, metal brackets for glassware in cabinets,
medical scissors, medical scissors and even curved faucets. A scalpel, although shorter, is
better than defenseless.
"First, attack the head. Mr. Wan said that attacking the body is useless. Zombies do not have
pain and can attack normally, so be sure to aim at the head, preferably the eye socket and
the brain stem under the back of the head. Let ’s learn By the way, these two parts are the
softest and the easiest to destroy the brain. Don't panic, you have all seen that the zombies
are very slow and stiff. As long as you stay calm and don't panic, we still have the greatest
advantage with weapons. "
Shen Shi'an stood above the podium, taking Yun Feiyang as an example for demonstration.
His dark eyes were bottomless, and the whole person was methodical and calm and
terrible. But at this time, such calmness is the best stabilizer for everyone.
"Second, try to keep the distance between yourself and the zombies, don't get injured.
Everyone must make sure that no part is unnecessarily exposed to the attack of the
zombies. Masks, multiple sets of plastic gloves, all in all, as long as you can not directly
contact the zombies, try not to touch them. "
Fan Guoping inserted a sentence: "What we are seeing now, it seems that only a bite will
become a zombie. Will it be dangerous if it is caught?"
"Of course," Yun Feiyang immediately said, "Zombies are covered with viruses, and they
must die if they touch a wound. This is what movies and TV shows and games do."
The professor nodded. "We have no way to determine how the zombie virus spread from
the source zombies. It is likely that there is more than one way to saliva, so be careful."
Fan Guoping was silent.
Later, Wan Feng introduced the formation on the way. At this time, there were 76 people in
the classroom. If you are not sure about the formation, it will be easy to be scattered by
zombies. In general, the crowd will advance in a long, thin diamond formation. The
positions of the two front and rear vertices are the most important. Therefore, Yun Feiyang
and Wan Feng opened the road ahead. After Shen Shi'an and Fan Guoping's tail hall, the rest
according to their physical strength, To be strong, to stand in a circle from outside to inside,
with strength, courage, and physical fitness, holding the shortest weapon to stand in the
innermost, high psychological quality and strong physique, holding the longest weapon to
the outside.
"In order to save physical strength, we have to attack in batches." Wan Feng drew a simple
schematic diagram on the blackboard with chalk. People must immediately step on top,
followed by the third and fourth laps, as long as they have the strength to wield their
weapons, they cannot step back. Everyone wants to hide in the innermost circle and do
nothing but enjoy the protection of others. Everyone dies together. "
"Last point," Shen Shian put down in a low voice, summing up. "Our goal is to do our best to
send the largest number of people safely to the small auditorium. In other words, no one
can guarantee that everyone here is safe and sound. If someone was bitten on the way or
someone was left behind, I'm sorry, but we won't stop for you alone. "
He glanced around all the young, Cangjie under the podium, with fear that could not be
concealed. "Are you afraid?"
Some people whispered, others shook, and more people answered, "Afraid."
Less than two hours ago, they were still a group of carefree students who were giggling in
anatomy class. They were ecstatic because of the fresh general teacher, carrying countless
expectations and good ideals for the future. , They will become the best batch of doctors
and shine in their respective posts.
However, an accident happened. They are now surrounded by countless horrible zombies.
The aisle across the wall is covered with stumps and blood, and there are still faint screams
in the distance. They don't know whether their relatives are alive or dead, and even their
next moment is a life or death.
The warmth and calm of the normal world are so fragile and fragile.
"I'm also afraid." Shen Shi'an and everyone looked at each other slowly, Mo Yu's eyes were
gentle and quiet, and the glorious spleen was shining in the sun shining through the
"I'm also afraid," he whispered, "so, we're going to do our best to survive."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 20: 20th

Settings saved..
There are six curtains in the three windows, which are tied into two rope ladders and
dragged down from both sides of the window. All of them were fully armed, carrying
backpacks and holding weapons, using goggles, masks, plastic gloves, and plastic wrap to
cover themselves tightly, exposing only their noses, mouths, and eyes. Even Professor Li
took a scalpel in his hand in preparation for the worst case, even if the zombie could not be
killed, he would have to kill himself first. No one wants to experience the pain of being
bitten by a zombie, let alone later. Become as irrational as they are.
Wan Feng and Fan Guoping carefully checked everyone in turn to ensure that there were
no omissions, and then nodded and everyone was ready.
Before leaving the classroom, Shen Shi'an looked at the clumps of clumps placed on the
dissecting table due to the interruption of the course, and various organ specimens soaked
in formalin solution on the surrounding shelves, and asked Professor Li "these need to be
properly preserved Get up "
Professor Li froze, "No, don't need it." It's the end of the world. Who knows when the next
class will be, and who knows if there will be another class.
A light flashed in Shen Shi'an's eyes. "That's right."
Wan Feng and Fan Guoping first descended from the rope ladder and cleared a safe area
near the landing point, followed by a relatively strong boy, holding a weapon against the
landing point in a semi-circle, and preparing for the offensive at any time. The students
with slightly weaker physical strength, after the landing, formed the prototype of the
formation according to the pre-rehearsal, and finally Fan Guoping climbed up and carried
Professor Li back. Be sure to be careful and quiet during the whole process, and seek
stability and speed.
The rope ladder is knotted every other distance as a point of emphasis, plus the floor is not
high, even the weakest students climb down is not particularly difficult.
Lu Xiuyuan's landing sequence is in the middle. Wipe off the sweat from the hands. Follow
the two bodyguards' instructions to entangle one knot with each of your hands and feet,
and move down a little bit around the other knot each time to keep as much as possible.
Stable action range, do not shake left and right
The landing process was smoother than expected. Seeing that only the last quarter of the
height was left from the ground, Lu Xiuyuan was relieved and looked back forward.
The classroom directly below the dissection room is a laboratory. When the bell rang in the
first class, it was filled with students neatly. Unlike the good luck of Shen Shi'an and others,
people with signs of cold in this classroom were not able to be isolated from other students.
Therefore, after the virus outbreak, most students were exposed unsuspectingly to the
killer next to themselves. under.
At this time, the classroom was in a mess, the tables and chairs were tilted and tilted, and
various experimental equipment was scattered all over the place. There were dazzling
blood and stubborn limbs and meat pieces. The survivors did not know where they had
run, but only a zombie, blind, wandering zombies.
One of the zombies shook to the window. He was infected after being bitten. A face that was
almost eaten was no longer visible. The skin was pulled down and dangled on the jawbone
and neck. As you walk back and forth, you will occasionally throw out a little meat. The
turbid and congested eyeballs rolled around, through the clean and bright window glass,
facing Lu Xiuyuan.
Lu Xiuyuan exhausted his life's greatest self-control. He covered his mouth and didn't bark.
In fear, his body became weak and his strength with one hand was insufficient, and he fell
off the rope ladder in an instant.
Immediately supported by a pair of arms. "All right"
The deliberately low, cold voice sounded in the ear, and Lu Xiuyuan turned his head to the
deep and calm eyes of Shen Yu, who was as deep as Mo Yu. The fear in my heart suddenly
weakened a lot, and nodded and whispered "Thank you."
Shen Shi'an didn't say much, helped him to stand and then continued to pay attention to the
next person to land. When everyone landed safely, Fan Guoping also carried Professor Li
back and placed him in the middle of the crowd. The whole team quickly assembled in a
rhombus, gesturing towards Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng in front.
From the dissection room to the water auditorium, you must pass through the teaching
building. According to the route planned after detailed discussions, the entire distance is
about 1,700 meters. The campus boulevard is less than 400 meters from the dissection
room to the English corner. Because there are many teaching buildings on both sides of the
road, the crowd is concentrated during the outbreak of the virus, which is the most
dangerous, difficult to pass, and most deadly life checkpoint in the entire route.
If this section can be passed safely, the section with the least crowd on campus will be
followed, and the nearest graduate school building is also hundreds of meters away. As
long as it runs fast, 99% will not be caught up by zombies.
Whether it is life or death, all depends on the short and long 400 meters.
Everyone has analyzed that the zombies are attracted by the sound, so try to minimize the
sound as much as possible along the way. But the factors that attract zombies are obviously
more than this one. A group of people just turned around on the campus avenue and made
a head on the campus avenue. Whether the zombies are wandering around aimlessly, or
they are buried in the carnivorous corpses, or they are surrounded. The hoarse howls
blocked in front of the teaching building stopped their movements briefly, their heads
raised, their noses scented, and their turbid eyes rolled twice, and then they seemed to
have exchanged some information. A crowd of people hobbled around.
Standing upstairs overlooking the zombies, and being among the ubiquitous zombies, are
two completely different experiences. Blood, broken limbs, flesh fragments, and chilling
bite marks on most zombies were all clearly exposed. Far-sighted fashion can weaken the
isolated sensory experience. At this time, it is covered with a thick **** smell and a sticky
howl, and the huge psychological impact caused by it is even supported by the clinical
medical students who often deal with corpses. Can't help it, all pale and trembling.
The important role of the two bodyguards was fully revealed at this time.
Yun Feiyang held a half-meter-long medical forceps to open the way in front of Wan Feng.
His body was as tight as a concrete wall. Before the first zombies rushed up, he held up his
arms and slammed into each other's eye socket.
Alas. The medical forceps were stuck by the bones after being inserted for only one
measure. The eyeballs were crowded and burst, and several nerves were dragged at the
corner of the eye. The sticky blood dripped down the handle and ticked down. There was
no feeling at all, and he continued to wave forward with his arms and rush forward, and the
grunt of saliva mixed in his throat was extremely uncomfortable, but the still intact eye was
full of crazy desire for fresh flesh.
Yun Feiyang held the handle of the medical forceps to prevent the zombies from
approaching himself. The bones and the forceps of the forceps made a sound of ache in the
teeth due to fierce friction. He lifted his feet and strove to pull the zombies at the same
time. Clamp, and when the opponent rushed up again, followed the same position and tried
to insert it. This time the medical forceps were fully submerged, and he could even feel the
soft touch of the metal front end entering the brain, and the zombie was stiff and fell
straight down.
Throwing the brain on the medical forceps, Yun Feiyang clenched his teeth tightly. The cold
sweat on his back had already wet two layers of clothes. And when he finally managed to
kill a zombie, Wan Feng had solved his opponent one after another, leaving a large area
He didn't seem to need to respond at all. He stabbed his hand at will, and the metal rod
penetrated into the zombie's brain accurately at various tricky angles. The hard skull was
fragile in front of him. Frustrated. Occasionally stood up, raised his leg and pointed at the
flying zombie on the neck of the zombie. Even if the surroundings were chaotic, Yun
Feiyang could clearly hear the crisp sound of the fracture of the cervical vertebrae, and his
opponent was thrown away like a rag bag. The brain has not been destroyed, and it can
only stay in place to bite the upper and lower jaws.
Fan Guoping and Shen Shi'an in the rear are equally capable. After Fan Guoping solved two
zombies at the same time, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Shen Shi'an,
and was somewhat surprised. "Mr. Shen practiced it."
Such speed, strength and responsiveness are not what ordinary 20-year-old college
students can possess. Of course, in Shen Shi'an, what is more rare is the extremely self-
control calmness and calmness. Fan Guoping asked himself, if he was in his twenties, he
would be far from doing so.
The children of rich people are not the same, no matter how talented they are, martial arts,
whatever they want to learn. However, according to the situation that Brother Shen was
worried that someone was murdered and needed 24-hour personal protection, it was
normal for Mr. Gu to ask someone to teach him self-defense.
Shen Shian nodded his head as a default, he did practice, but the practice is about
completely different from Fan Guoping's conjecture. Raised his hand and smashed the steel
pipe in his hand to a zombie's head. The strong vibration came back through the metal
feedback. Without anatomical examination, Shen Shi'an was also able to confirm that the
opponent's brain was rotten with this blow.
Under the strong support of the front and rear, the entire team, like a sharp blade, ripped a
stern hole in the vast zombies. There are many survivors trapped in the classroom on both
sides of the teaching building. At this time, they stood by the window and looked out.
Among them were bold and happened to be on the first floor. They learned to wrap the
wrists, necks and other vulnerable parts. Rising up, holding table-legged chairs and other
homemade weapons, jumped out of the window and rushed towards the crowd.
Shen Shi'an and others considered this situation when discussing the battle plan.
Therefore, the "diamond surface" facing the person quickly moved to accept the other
person. The person beside him briefly introduced the precautions and continued to move
forward in cooperation.
With the increasing number of zombies that everyone has confronted, in addition to the
rapid loss of physical strength, the deeper psychological endurance is also facing huge
In any case, these unknowing "living creatures" are less than two hours ago, and human
beings like them are alive, they will laugh, they will have the same youthful thoughts, and
they will worry about being late for class rolls, and their final exams will be suspended. .
Many of them even ate together and attended classes, and greeted each other with smiles
when they met on the road. Putting weapons into the minds of similar or even
acquaintances again and again, this kind of pressure is unbearable for most normal people.
If you encounter a zombie infected after being bitten, it ’s better. Most of these zombies
have been unrecognizable. It is difficult to find similarities between the exposed bones and
the living person, and the psychological burden on the hands. It is even lower.
However, there was almost no wound on the source zombies, except that his face was blue
and white, his eyes were turbid, and his action was slow and stiff. It didn't look much
different from normal people. If you change the time and occasion, it is estimated that
students who say that they stay up all night playing games will not be doubted.
Regarding such "living creatures" as deadly enemies, he put weapons into the brain from
his orbit or brain stem, causing them to die. Even Fan Guoping was a bit intolerable. "This is
still a child." At least in his early twenties, he was only seven or eight years older than his
Shen Shi'an shattered the head of a zombie again, raised his hand to wipe the blood stains
on the goggles, and his voice was terribly cool. "Children who can eat human flesh. Mr. Fan,
they have no breathing and no heartbeat, even if they develop There is no way to survive
the virus vaccine. "
Fan Guoping's heart was stunned, and he quickly returned to God and said, "You are right."
The fewer these things, the more safety the survivors will have.
At the same time, Yun Feiyang ahead also encountered the biggest challenge along the way.
He stared pale and stared forward, his hands clenching the medical forceps trembling
violently, and when he saw a source zombie turning his turbid eyeball, he was about to
come towards himself, but he couldn't stop it anyway.
"Be careful" Wan Feng sighed and hurried before the nails of the zombies touched Yun
Feiyang, dragging him back sideways and kicking the zombies more than five meters away.
movement. While guarding and guarding, turning to look at Yun Feiyang "you know"
Yun Feiyang's lips trembled, and a tear appeared in his eyes. He nodded a little bit hard,
"The youngest man in the bedroom." Except for him, the other three people in the bedroom
were infected with the flu. Today I took a vacation to rest in the dormitory. It should not
have appeared here, but the third one talked to a girlfriend last semester, maybe to
accompany her girlfriend to class.
Such things cannot be comforted by others. Wan Feng kept silent and raised his hand on his
shoulder. "Concentrate and live well."
The further you go, the closer the teaching buildings are, the more dense the zombies will
be. The diamond-shaped team is like a small boat sailing into the swamp. Numerous silt
vines are pulling hard, making each step more difficult. By the time the English corner was
about a hundred meters away, the tide-like zombies were numb with scalp even though
Wan Feng looked at it.
Shen Shi'an saw the timing and sang "it is now"
The students in the inner circle immediately passed the large and small parcels of arms to
the outer circle personnel. The outer circle personnel took out a piece of corpse fragments
and internal organs from the package and threw them to the sides of the road with all their
might, acrid formalin smell. Soon in the air.
Fortunately, such a smell is not a big problem for zombies. Through the strong preservative
breath, they still found their crazy and craving taste. After a short stagnation, they turned
around and walked towards the corpse fragments, picking up a piece. Put it in your mouth
and chew.
The medical students who have been through the battle again can't stand it this time,
holding their mouths for a while and retching, and triggering a series of chain reactions.
"This thing is not picky," Yun Feiyang turned his eyes away, his face was blue and white,
and he could spit it out just by taking another look. "The specimens do not know how many
years have been soaked in the jar. Mouth lies. "
Other people's faces were no better than him, and someone whispered, "Eat, it is best to eat
a few to die." Organs made into specimens are usually highly diseased. Even if it has been
bubbled for several years, who knows if there is any virus left.
After she was thrown out, Shen Shi'an paid attention to the situation on the road. When she
was attracted by the corpse, the density of the zombies on the road decreased several
times, and she immediately "walked" to the humane.
Without the obstruction of silt and vines, this time the boat was moving much faster. In
addition to the tune of the corpse, the corpse was taken away from the mountain, and the
guilt of the hands was greatly reduced.
A group of people who can eat and drink formalin specimens for years
Once the psychological pressure is relieved, the advantages of being a clinical medical
student will be fully demonstrated. The concentration is fast, and the hands are fast and
accurate. There are two bodyguards escorting back and forth. A group of people took only
ten minutes without delay. By that time, I had broken the last one hundred meters.
After the team completely withdrew from the English corner, with a "run", everyone
immediately exhausted their full strength and rushed along the empty road. Fan Guoping
even carried Professor Li back and ran out with others After a distance of almost 500
meters, it stopped gradually.
Resistance to zombies and hastily rushing is huge for physical exertion. A group of people
stopped on the open ground outside the North Playground, knees bent with both hands,
and panted sharply.
"Hahaha" didn't know who was the first to start. Once the joy of the rest of the disaster has
spread, it can't be suppressed. Short laughter is getting more and more dense, with a
deliberately low volume in this space. There was a long time on the ground.
The end of the laughter was another voice, distant from the east gate, with countless
screams and screams, with trembling despair, even though the shouts traveled this far,
Despair still teaches people like falling ice caves.
That is the direction of the affiliated hospital of Medical University.
At the time of the virus outbreak, the affiliated hospital was probably the most
concentrated place for influenza patients in the university town. That kind of sound, you
can guess what kind of purgatory scene is in the hospital at this moment by imagination.
A moment ago, the laughter melted like snow and ice. The blood color that emerged from
the fierce running quickly faded away.
Professor Li sighed. "Don't even think about it. It's useless to think about it at this time.
Let's concentrate first to ensure your own safety."
Shen Shi'an replied, "Yes, we are all excited. Don't forget, we haven't reached our
destination yet." There is still a thousand kilometers away from the small auditorium.
The crowd adjusted their status and rearranged the formation. After accepting a group of
mid-way participants, the entire team now has a total of 83 people. Wan Feng was enlisted.
Seven men were tall, armed, and carrying schoolbags. Eight of them will go to the
supermarket 200 meters to the right of the road and the supermarket next to the graduate
cafeteria. Collect supplies within.
The reason why I chose this supermarket is because it is located in the route to the small
hall on the water. The number of graduate students is relatively small. At the time of the
virus outbreak, it was around 9 am. It was the time when there were the fewest students in
the cafeteria, so the risk factor was the lowest. .
However, a low risk factor does not mean that there is no danger. On the contrary, this is a
life-threatening task.
Shen Shian repeated the precautions previously agreed. "If you find that there are too many
zombies, retreat immediately, don't take the risk, everything is based on your own safety. If
you successfully enter the supermarket, don't stay too long, and collect high calories and
fullness first. food."
Wan Feng nodded. "Rest assured, I understand the stakes."
"Careful and safe, we are waiting for you in the small auditorium."
"You too." Wan Feng beckoned, with seven boys quickly disappearing behind the bushes
beside the road.
The others resumed their journey. Shen Shi'an replaced Wan Feng's position and started
with Yun Feiyang. After Fan Guoping's hall, a group of people quickly moved along the main
There were no zombies this time, and the speed of the team was increased to the extreme.
In just a few minutes, they came to the artificial lake where the water hall is located.
Walked along the wooden bridge to the entrance of the auditorium, the door was really
locked, and the huge banner "Warmly welcome the expert group to come and exchange
guidance" hung on the door, which meant that Lu Xiuyuan was right, nobody in the
auditorium The possibilities were great, and everyone was quietly relieved.
Lu Xiuyuan took out the key, the lock clicked, and the two doors slowly opened. As she was
about to go inside, Shen Shi'an stopped him. "Wait, be careful." Turning his head to Fan
Guoping, "Mr. Fan, please be vigilant outside." Then, with Yun Feiyang and five other boys,
holding weapons Back to back, carefully inspected the entire two-and-a-half-height small
auditorium, and finally knocked the steel pipe on the door a few times. The loud impact
sound returned to the whole small auditorium. After the sound disappeared, the hall Still
This is the real relief.
The crowd quickly entered the auditorium, and the door closed and locked again. Press the
power switch, three huge hanging crystal lights and fluorescent lights in all corners
illuminate the entire hall as daylight, because to welcome the expert group, there are
flowers on both sides of the aisle, and each of the large and soft seats is placed A bottle of
water, a few special snacks from H City, and a medical university brochure.
Bright and safe space, fresh and sweet mineral water, and the moving floral fragrance in
the air, for everyone who has experienced the test of life and death, this is simply heaven.
After cheering loudly, they flew towards the seats.
"This chair is too soft and comfortable, and it's okay to sleep as a bed."
"Don't eat any food first, wait for the gathering team to come back and share."
"Well, this projector is connected to a computer and can watch movies as long as there is
food, I don't think it would be a problem for me to stay here for a month."
The excitement grew even higher when two vending machines were found on the second
floor. It was difficult to wait for everyone to calm down and drink some water to recover
their energy. Several girls volunteered to go to the top floor to pay attention to the
movement of the gathering team. See if we can find more supplies. After Shen Shi'an
determined that Professor Li had been placed, he made a round around and found the
men's bathroom on the second floor.
As soon as I walked in, I found Fan Guoping standing close to the mirror.
"Mr. Fan" Shen Shi'an walked over.
Fan Guoping was shocked, pulled back from the mirror and dropped his sleeves. Eyes are
Shen Shian knows "you are still worried about Mrs. Fan and the child"
Fan Guoping lowered his head for a few moments of silence, then squeezed out a smile, "I
know I'm so far away from them, no matter how worried I'm useless, but I can't control it.
My heart is like burning hot coals, and it's burning. "
It's about the safety of relatives, and Shen Shi'an can't say anything to comfort him. In the
case of change of place, he was afraid he could not listen to any persuasion at this time.
After thinking about it, he said, "Now that the communication network is down, I can't
contact Mr. Gu temporarily. As long as I can contact him, I will certainly ask him to send
someone to check and take care of Mrs. Fan and the child."
Fan Guoping's eyes brightened suddenly, and his mind was mixed with emotions. In the
end, he thanked Zheng Erzhen seriously. Bent over and washed his face with cold water.
After drying, he asked Shen Shi'an, "What is Mr. Shen going to do next?" He remembered
that the child Mr. Shen picked up was still at home.
Shen Shian nodded. "We will leave as soon as Wan Feng returns."
Shen Xun was already crazy in the space, and he couldn't release people brightly without
going home. What's more, there are plenty of supplies in the house, and there are all kinds
of meat products in the house upstairs, which is more suitable than staying here.
He originally came to the bathroom to find a quiet place to enter the space to soothe the
children, but he couldn't find a good time right now. And Fan Guoping stood on the aisle
and talked a few more words. There were several cheers from the floor. "They are back.
The gathering team is back."
Shen Shi'an and Fan Guoping looked at each other and immediately went downstairs.
Wan Feng and others did return, and they returned with a full load. Not only were the
backpacks stuffed, everyone also wrapped a huge package on their backs with things like
bed sheets and quilts, which were full of food.
The gathering team who returned home safely was warmly welcomed by everyone. Shen
Shi'an just asked "Are there any accidents?" The seven boys who followed Wan Feng
immediately recalled the passion of pouring beans in bamboo tubes.
"Vange dangled a side-by-side link and didn't even need a weapon. Kakaka kicked several
zombies and broke his neck."
"It ’s different. The martial arts masters on TV are far worse than Wange."
"When we walked out of the supermarket, we encountered several zombies blocking the
door. Wan Ge held the bag in one hand and carried it so many times. I didn't even see the
action, and the zombies were headshot."
"My dear, I have decided that Wange will be my idol Wange from now on."
The praises and praises to Wan Feng continued, Yun Feiyang seemed to have discovered
the new continent, because he was familiar with each other, and the other party saved his
life not long ago. He grabbed Wan Feng's shoulder and grinned. Your ears are red "
Wan Feng had no expression as usual, but his body was stretched like a bow.
While others gathered around the team members to discuss it enthusiastically, Shen Shian
called Wan Feng aside and informed him of his plans to go home. Today there are food and
drink in the small auditorium, and there are lakes as natural barriers. They have
successfully escorted everyone over.
Wan Feng nodded. "Listen to Mr. Shen."
Shen Shi'an turned his head and asked Yun Feiyang again, "Are you coming home with me?"
"Of course, where are you and where am I" and Ruibao is still at home.
What else should Shen Shi'an say, holding a few bags of bread and a few bottles of mineral
water, and walking towards the road where a few people came, he was shocked and said,
"You have to go"
His voice was not small, and everyone's attention was instantly focused. It was learned that
Shen Shi'an and others were leaving, and looked different.
Shen Shian narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Xiuyuan, "You have an opinion"
"What do we do when you leave?" Lu Xiuyuan shouted subconsciously. This sentence
seemed to shout a lot of people's voices, so there was a silence in the small auditorium for a
while, and the eyes were firmly focused on Wan Feng and others.
It seems to be a reaction to his own words that are not very beautiful. Lu Xiuyuan paused
and said, "I want you to stay and it is for your good. Shen Shian, you said it yourself. Medical
University must be the country's first rescue target. There is water and food in the small
auditorium, and it is unlikely that zombies will come over. How good is it to stay here and
wait for rescue. Why risk your life to go home? The rescue team cannot save the school and
went to your home. . Moreover, even if Mr. Wan and Mr. Fan are highly capable, they dare
not guarantee 100% that you will be home safely.
"I spit it out" Yun Feiyang interrupted his words politely. "These words do you blush? Do
you want a free bodyguard? Just say, when the watch still wants to set up a torii, why are
you so cheap? I have sent you here safely, and I am not allowed to leave An An and Wan Ge
Fan Ye owe you. At this time, remember that your classmates love and care about safety
and security. Your grandson knows that An An will have classes tomorrow and arranges for
him tonight. Go to the attached hospital on duty What if the virus erupts ten hours late, just
in time for An'an on duty, is he still possible to live? Can you dare to do it on the surface?
Mother has long wanted to punch you. "
Yun Fei raised his fist in anger and was stopped lightly by Shen Shi'an. He stared at the red-
skinned Lu Xiuyuan for a while, slowly looking around for a week, and finally whispered "I
won't wait for rescue here."
Not only because Shen Xun had to be released from the space, but also because his
mother's ashes were still at home. If waiting for rescue here, as Lu Xiuyuan said, the rescue
team could not finish the school, and he was allowed to go home.
"Whether we accept it or not, we will all leave."
The four of Shen Shi'an and the others stood side by side, and the atmosphere was a little
stagnant for a while.
"What are you doing?" Professor Li stepped down from the bathroom on the second floor
and apparently heard what happened. "Shen Shen was kind-hearted, and risked his life
with Mr. Wan and escorted us here. Since they If you want to leave, you should be grateful
and wish for peace. Only three hours after the zombie has appeared, have you lost even the
most basic gratitude? "
Many people were ashamed and bowed their heads.
Professor Li ignored them, and said while walking to Shen Shi'an and others, "Would you
like to go now? Do you want to take a break and have something to eat at home? It ’s better
to take part of the food with you. If it weren't for Mr. Wan, we would not be able to collect it
More stuff. "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "No." Looking at the loudspeaker on the podium in front of the
auditorium, he made another request to the crowd, "I will not take food. Who among you
can contribute a mobile phone with a particularly loud volume? "
Then he said to the professor, "Can I trouble you to record a passage?"
About half an hour later, four people from Shen Shi'an appeared in the most densely
populated teaching area. I walked around the zombies and found the most suitable place. It
is a huge stone monument located between the teaching buildings. It is nearly five meters
high. The front side is engraved with the medical school motto, and the back is engraved
from the university. Well-known doctors who have made outstanding contributions to
medical development.
"That's it," Shen Shian whispered. "It's in the middle of the school building, and the zombies
must be out of reach."
Fan Guoping offered to ask, "Leave it to me, you will take a step back."
He took the mobile phone and the loudspeaker from Shen Shi'an, like a strong tiger, quickly
ran under the stone monument and climbed up with his bare hands. Align the power
amplifier of the mobile phone with the microphone of the loudspeaker, then press the
buttons at the same time.
A steady and loud voice rang through the entire teaching area instantly.
"Hello classmates, I'm Li Chengfang, associate professor of the Medical College of Medical
University, and 78 students of the Clinical College and I are now located in the small
auditorium on the North Campus. It's very safe, with water and food. If you can After
hearing this, you are welcome to come and we will make peace if you can ensure your own
safety. If you ca n’t come over, do n’t worry, keep calm and wait for rescue, please rest
assured, I assure you that the rescue will soon Will come "
Before leaving, Shen Shi'an and others made a half-meter-long crack on the wooden bridge
leading to the small auditorium on the water to ensure that normal people could easily
cross it, but the zombies would only fall into the lake.
A safe haven completely isolated from the zombies, plus this recording, is all he can do for
the survivors.
As for whether the survivors who rushed past and the 78 individuals would have a conflict
because of food or drinking water, that was not his consideration. In the end, Professor Li,
who is the primary rescue target of the rescue team, is afraid of anyone.
Fan Guoping put his mobile phone and loudspeaker, and climbed down from the stone
tablet to quickly reconcile with the three. A group of four people rushed in the direction of
the South Gate. Behind him, Professor Li was hit by the loudspeaker and bounced back, and
echoed for a long time in most of the campus.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 21: 21st
Settings saved..
The university town is located on the outer edge of the main city of h. Although it is slightly
inferior to the bustling and prosperous city center, it also nourishes a large area of thriving
business district with sufficient foot traffic.
Out of the South Gate of the Medical University is a commercial street with various shops
and restaurants lined up. Walking along the commercial street to the end is a main road.
Crossing the road is the neighborhood where Shen Shi'an is located.
The virus outbreak happened to be during the first class in the morning. It was early and
did not arrive for meals. Few students came out to buy things. Therefore, the density of
zombies on the commercial street was much smaller than that in the teaching area. The
ground swayed around, rolling muddy eyes in search of prey.
The only thing that was more troublesome was that a car in the middle of the commercial
street had a car accident and ran into another car parked on the side of the road. The
screaming alarm slammed into the clouds and echoed, leading most of the zombies on the
entire street In the past, there were even zombies following the sound, continuously
coming from the main road, crowded around the car, blocking the road for most of it.
"Slump," Yun Feiyang hid behind the security room outside the south gate, looking at the
zombies in front of him with a sad look. "This road is tightly closed. How can we go?"
If you want to return to Shen Shi'an's home, you must pass here, or you have to walk back
through more than half of the campus and then go far from other doors. The risk factor is
definitely rising geometrically.
Shen Shi'an carefully observed for a moment, then turned to ask Wan Feng and Fan
Guoping for the opinion, "Let's close to the door of the store and quickly rush over." As long
as we pass this small block, we can run all the way directly into the community.
Wan Feng and Fan Guoping had no opinion. It is easier for them both to protect one, than to
**** seventy or eighty students before.
The four made some adjustments, checked their respective weapons and protections,
looked at each other and made a gesture of "ok", headed by Wan Feng, followed by Yun
Feiyang, Fan Guoping defended from the rear, and the cat quietly walked on his waist.
The accident was located on the right side of the road, so the four chose to walk from the
left. Based on previous combat experience, Shen Shi'an and others have learned that
zombies will not only be attracted by sound, but will also look for prey based on the smell
and residual vision. Therefore, after starting the operation, they have made psychological
preparations for zombies to find them and then siege.
But I do n’t know why. The zombies on the commercial street seemed to be extremely
attached to the alarm. The four of them have already advanced for dozens of meters. They
still do n’t want to leave around the two cars. Everyone who was hit by them was resolved
silently by Wan Feng and Fan Guopingxun.
When it was only about 30 meters away from the car, through the bustling body gaps and
broken glass windows of the zombies, Shen Shi'an finally understood why they were
unwilling to leave the vehicle.
There are people in the car. The driver of the vehicle failed to escape from the vehicle.
The driver was a male, and his flesh was vague. He could not see his specific age. He was
wearing the uniform of the medical staff of the Medical University, and he was probably a
school teacher. According to the situation of the accident, the other party should be driving
to escape after the virus outbreak, maybe panicked, or to avoid pedestrians, the vehicle
turned sharply to the right and crashed into a parked vehicle on the roadside.
Judging from the brake marks of several meters on the road and the impact of the two cars,
the driver may have increased the speed to the extreme before the accident, so the car
suddenly slipped after braking, and the entire car drifted around the center of the impact
point after half a circle. On the other hand, the front of the car just slanted in the direction
of Shen Shi'an and others.
The fully popped-up airbag is covered with dripping blood. With such a strong impact, the
driver is likely to pass out in the moment of a car accident. When he woke up again, he was
faced with dense layers of zombies. The window glass on both sides of the driver's seat was
shattered, the front position was sunken, and the seat was stuck in place. Coupled with the
tight seat belts, the driver could not escape at all, without any chance of survival.
More than one zombie penetrated the car window and plunged more than half of his body
into it. Blurry gnawing sounds and sticky chewing sounds were mixed in one place, mixed
with the frenzied howling of the surrounding zombies who could not eat, which made
everyone feel cold. . The dark red blood leaked out along the door, and the blood had not
coagulated. It can be seen that the time of the accident was not long ago.
After Shen Shi'an observed for a moment, he quickly looked back, and the meridian bulge
on the back of the hand holding the steel pipe. Although it sounded ruthless, the driver's
sacrifice really earned them a vital escape opportunity. Even later, when the driver became
one of the cannibal monsters, his flesh and blood could not Any attraction to zombies.
The four stepped down again, moving forward against the shop facade. Located on the left
side of the gathering section of the zombies is a cafe with a classic and romantic decoration
style. The entire wall facing the street is installed with a whole dark one-way glass, which is
the kind of sitting outside where you can clearly see the outside of the glass, but standing
Only blackness can be seen through the glass outside, this unilateral confidentiality is very
popular with customers.
Wan Feng held the metal pole, and fell down with a knife in his hand once again to silently
lay down a zombie. With his back against the glass wall, he quickly made a gesture to the
three behind him. Yun Feiyang and others immediately followed immediately. The zombie
group on the right still only cared for flesh and blood. As long as they passed through this
small section silently, the gate of the community was far away.
Yun Feiyang was tall, and the cat was struggling when walking around his waist. When he
walked to Wan Feng, he raised his head to signal that he should continue to move forward.
Something in the field of vision moved at this time. Under the light, there was a faint
glimpse of a shadow behind the glass wall.
The brain hasn't had time to think clearly, the body has already responded one step in the
first, grabbing Wan Feng's arm and pulling him back "be careful"
"Kacha" accompanied by the crackling of the glass, a zombie wearing a cafe waiter's
uniform broke through the one-way glass, and rushed out to where Wan Feng stood a
moment ago.
Wan Feng responded quickly and inserted a metal rod back into the zombie's head. But
such a loud movement instantly attracted the collective attention of the zombies.
A zombie pulled his upper body out of the car window, his face was full of dark red blood,
and half of his cheek was eaten away, and the flesh that was constantly chewing between
the teeth could be seen. The muddy eyeballs looked at the sound, just right in front of
After 0.11 seconds of stiffness, Shen Shi'an sang "Run"
The four of them dare to delay and use their strength to rush forward. They ran over a
dozen zombies along the way until they rushed out of the commercial street, crossed the
road, and came to the gate of the community. Then they dared to relax.
"Slump," Yun Feiyang gasped heavily on his knees, and his throat felt a sweet smell because
of the fierce running. "This is **** too dangerous, he almost got wrapped."
Wan Feng turned and looked at him. "Thank you, you saved my life."
He spoke sternly, sounded serious, and Yun Feiyang was a little embarrassed. "Thank you, I
didn't do anything. Besides, Wange, you saved me a life before, and a life is worth a life."
Not so used.
Wan Feng nodded and said nothing. Shen Shi'an glanced at the chaotic scene of car
accidents and wreckages everywhere on the road, looked back, and said, "Let's go."
Today is Wednesday, April 3rd, when the virus broke out during work and school, so there
are not many people in the community, only the young children who have not yet reached
school age, retired elderly people, and those who are infected with the flu and rest at home
After encountering a fourth familiar and unfamiliar old face one after another, the raised
veins on the back of Shen Shian's hand became more and more obvious. Yun Feiyang came
to him and was worried that many of the elderly in the "All right brothers" community
were very good friends with Grandpa Shen. After Grandpa Shen died, he had to pull Shen
Shi'an home for dinner. Seeing this situation right now, I'm afraid I can't bear it.
Shen Shi'an shook his head. His lips were tight and his eyes were cold and grim. After
careful investigation, he walked into the building first. The four were afraid to take the
elevator, so they walked up the stairs one by one. Most of the zombies seemed to be
trapped in the house, solved three wandering and climbed seven floors, and finally
successfully reached the door of Shen Shi'an's house.
Shen Shi'an found the key and opened the door. Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng successively
walked in, but Fan Guoping took a step back.
"Fortunately, let Mr. Shen be delivered to the door safely. You can go in," he said, "I won't
go in."
Shen Shian hesitated, "Why are you going back to Beijing now?"
Yun Feiyang heard and hurried back, "Brother Fan, you are not with us, but the airport and
moving cars are definitely out of service at the moment. All the zombies are outside. It is
too dangerous for you to walk alone."
Wan Feng also frowned slightly. "It's better to think long."
Fan Guoping smiled with Xiao Suo on his face. "It's not going home, but I can't stay with you
anymore. Guys, I'm scratched by a zombie."
There was a moment of silence in the air.
Then Yun Feiyang shouted in disbelief. "You can't be scratched by a zombie. When things
can't be scratched by a zombie, it will mutate. Fan Brother, you haven't mutated all the
time. Maybe it's your own mistake. The wound that I accidentally made was not captured
by zombies at all, or, "Yun Feiyang's eyes lighted up, and I thought of another possibility,"
or that the zombies wo n’t infect the zombie virus. The virus can only pass through. Saliva
spreads, so even scratches are fine. "
This time, Fan Guoping's smile brought some bitterness. He avoided Yun Feiyang's eyes full
of hope and expectation, put down the steel pipe in his right hand, unbuttoned the cuff at
his left wrist, and rolled up the sleeve little by little.
There was a small scratch on the back of his hand, not too big, just a little more than a
centimeter. If you put it on a normal day, it wo n’t take you two days to see a scar. But the
scar was red, swollen and purple, and the dark black unknown liquid was still oozing out.
What's even more chilling is that from the wound to the shoulder, the skin on the entire
arm is hard and blue like the living person, and the blue tendons under the skin bulge high,
like earthworms struggling under the mud after the rain. Seconds are about to break
through the ground, violently bulging and terrifying, submerged into the clothes on the
shoulders and do not know where they spread.
Yun Fei shook his head, and his voice began to tremble. "Impossible, Brother Fan, you are
so powerful that you cannot be caught by the zombies. Maybe it ’s just allergic to something
or the skin color has changed a bit. In fact, it will not become a mourning at all."
"Brother Yun," Fan Guoping interrupted him. "I know you won't be able to accept it for a
while, but that's the truth. I know my own body best, I'm afraid I don't have much time left."
Shen Shi'an stared at his arm, and his throat seemed to be stuffed with sand, and it hurt
when he uttered his voice. "What happened when"
He looked up at Fan Guoping's eyes, only to find out that his eyeballs had started to become
congested and turbid in the bathroom of the small auditorium on the water. He saw that
Fan Guoping's eyes were a little red. At that time, he only felt that he was worried about his
family. In retrospect, probably before that, Fan Guoping's body had begun to mutate.
Fan Guoping exhaled, "The virus was scratched just after the virus broke out. This is
probably life."
Wan Feng responded "is the student you support on the stairs"
Fan Guoping nodded. Before the virus broke out, he and Wan Feng were guarding the
staircase window outside the autopsy room. When they saw a student who was too sick to
walk down, they reached out and helped. Who would have expected that the virus broke
out in a flash, the student suddenly turned into a zombie, and turned to bite at him.
Although he was stopped without a bite, his left wrist was accidentally caught with a
Before listening to Shen Shi'an explaining the precautions before leaving the autopsy room,
he also reported a fluke in his heart. Perhaps only a bite would infect the zombie virus, and
only a small wound would be scratched. Maybe nothing happened.
It wasn't until he reached the small auditorium on the water that he saw the changes taking
place in the mirror with his own eyes, and he realized that this level could not be avoided.
Looking at the heavy sadness on the faces of the three, Fan Guoping laughed. "Don't be sad.
People inherently die, they must die sooner or later. This time the zombie virus broke out,
and more people died. It's my luck to bite a bunch of things alive. "
He took out a purse from his pants pocket, and took another picture from the wallet
mezzanine. He took a long time to look at it with love, gave it to his mouth, kissed him, and
handed it to Shen Shi'an with both hands.
This is a group photo, which should have been taken during a picnic. On the left, a beautiful-
faced woman kneels on the tablecloth, her hair is blowing in the breeze. The smile seems to
be shouting, not far away is a ten A lively and cute little girl, about three or four years old,
hugging a half-height dog rolling on the grass. Under the bright sunshine, a bright and lively
laughter seemed to echo in her ears through the photos.
"This is my wife Xu Shiya, and my daughter Fan Xintong," Fan Guoping looked at Shen
Shi'an's eyes, and those gradually cloudy eyes were full of begging. "After Mr. Shen
contacted Mr. Gu, if we can find them both News, if neither of them can survive, like me,
then let ’s forget, our family of three is just reunited underneath; if one of them or God bless
them all survive, trouble Mr. Shen for the sake of meeting each other , Look after one or two
for me. "
Shen Shi'an took the photo, his chest was stuffy and bloated. He looked back at Fan
Guoping's eyes, his voice was hoarse but he made a sound. "I swear by my life that I will do
everything I can to find out the news of the two of them, at all costs, to ensure their Safe.
Brother Fan, you can rest assured. "
With tears in his eyes, Fan Guoping bowed deeply to him "Thank you."
Yun Feiyang bit his teeth, but his tears rolled down uncontrollably. He strode forward and
wanted to give Fan Guoping a hug, stopped by the other party. "I must be full of zombies
now, just in case Be careful to infect you too, that's how you died unjustly. "
Wan Feng asked "Where are you going next?"
"Back to school," Fan Guoping said. "It's all children, and one can be saved before I become
a zombie."
Wan Feng stood upright with his legs folded, respectfully saluting a military salute, "Fan
Brother, go all the way."
Shen Shi'an raised her right palm to her eyebrows in the same posture, Yun Feiyang wiped
her tears and followed her. Although the movement was not particularly standard, her
feelings at this time were equally sincere. "Brother Fan, go all the way."
Fan Guoping's lips trembled, and a layer of water quickly appeared in his eyes. With a
raised chest, he slammed back into a military salute with a smile and said, "Let's live for Lao
After watching Fan Guoping leave, the three stood at the door for a while before turning
around and entering.
There is no change in the house, maintaining the same peace and tranquility as when
leaving early in the morning. Ruibao stood in a bird cage on the coffee table and patted his
wings cheerfully. "Hello baby, baby, hello"
However, at this time no one had the mood to reply to it, even Yun Feiyang was red eyes,
sitting silently on the sofa motionless.
Shen Shi'an could not greet others, took off his equipment after entering the door, and
strode directly to the master bedroom, while closing the door and letting Shen Xun out of
the space.
Shen Xun was so anxious that his hair was smashed into a ball of hair by himself, and when
he came out, he felt the **** body of Shen Shi'an was almost mad, pulling his hand to look
him up and down and back and forth. "An An, are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me see if you
get hurt."
Shen Shi'an squatted down and hugged the child, patted his back softly to appease "I'm fine,
shh, I'm fine, the blood is not mine, I'm not hurt at all, I really don't lie to you"
Coaxing for a long time finally calmed down the child ’s emotions, but his anger was still
gone, and his cheeks were red. “You ca n’t keep me in space for a whole day like this”
Shen Shian remembered that the flow velocity in the space is different from the real world.
At this time, more than eight hours have passed since the child was put in the morning,
which means that for Shen Xun, he is fully in space. Have you been here for more than a
Shen Shi'an felt even more guilty and raised her three fingers to solemnly promise "I
promise that I will never go against your will and put you alone in the space."
That's ridiculous. The child's anger was mostly gone, and he stretched out two small arms
to embrace Shen Shi'an's neck, and sniffed back and forth at his neck. Although the clothes
were all bloody, the taste here was still peaceful.
When his temper was gone, Xiao Niuyin softened and said, "What happened outside?" He
felt something, but it was not particularly clear.
This matter is long and serious, and Shen Shi'an does not intend to explain it to the children
for the time being. Hold him up and go out. "Don't worry, with me, you will be safe no
matter what happens."
The child's eyes bent, and he sniffed a few more into Shen Shi'an's neck.
The atmosphere in the living room remained silent and heavy. Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng
were relatively speechless, each sitting on the side of the sofa. Seeing Shen Shi'an holding
her child out and raising his eyes, "Why the hair is messy, sleep?"
Shen Shian nodded.
After this sentence, the three did not speak again, and sad eyes did not know where to go.
Shen Shi'an looked at the coffee table. The glass jar in the center was filled with half a jar of
peanut candy. He still remembered what kind of happiness and pride permeated his face
when Fan Guoping gave him this jar of peanut candy. Absolutely, it can't be bought outside.
However, in just over a month, people and people have changed dramatically, and even the
person who made the peanut candy can't be alive or dead at this time.
Yun Feiyang raised his fist and slammed his leg fiercely. "Fuck, if Brother Fan listened to An
An in the morning, just go back by plane, then he doesn't need to be infected, maybe Xunzi
and his daughter could be in him. Live well under the protection of the police. "
Wan Feng shook his head. "The time of the virus outbreak was around nine in the morning.
If Fan really rushed to the airport for a plane, then either in the airport lounge or on the
plane, no matter which one, there will be no good results. . "
Yun Feiyang remembered the crowds in the waiting room every time he took an airplane
and fell into silence again.
Shen Shi'an walked to the kitchen. "Don't even think about it, let's eat something first." It
was already more than four in the afternoon, and everyone hadn't eaten anything since
morning. The child ate a lot in the space, but was hungry for a long time now, and ran to the
kitchen behind Shen Shi'an.
It takes time to cook rice. Fortunately, there are more food in the refrigerator, bread and
milk, frozen dumpling buns, and a large pot of chicken soup to cook noodles.
Shen Shi'an took out everything that he could eat as soon as possible, cooked two barrels of
noodles, cooked bun dumplings, and poured a glass of milk for everyone. He added the
spiritual spring water from the spring eye to the milk. After Fan Guoping was injured by the
zombies The reason why he can stay awake for so long, instead of changing in just a few
minutes like other infected people, except for the difference in the infection speed between
bites and scratches, he guessed that it might be removed from the tomato juice produced in
space. No relationship.
Originally, I planned to let a few people drink more tomato juice, but after experiencing the
scene of zombies eating people, even he himself temporarily lost interest in this bright red
drink, so he simply switched to spiritual spring water. better.
After eating, several people took a bath and changed clothes again, and it was five o'clock.
Yun Feiyang paced back and forth between the living room and the dining room with his
mobile phone, constantly trying to call his parents, but without exception, he was busy
every time. Each time the noisy and meaningless voice sounded, the anxiety on his face
became heavy, and he rested unsteadily, and finally made up his mind and walked to Shen
Shi'an. "An'an, I have to go home."
Shen Shian was shocked. "It's too dangerous now. I know you are worried about your uncle
and aunt, but they didn't catch a cold before the virus broke out, which means that they
won't mutate. It's most likely safe now. It's so far from the island here. As soon as you have
an accident midway, what to do or wait a few more days, when the rescue team comes to
Medical University, I will send you to the rescue team and ask if they will go to the island. "
Yun Feiyang shook his head. "Because of the gathering of scientific researchers and experts
studying influenza virus, Medical University will be listed as the first rescue target. You also
said that the island is far away, and even if the rescue team passes, you do n’t know. When
to wait. An An, I know it ’s dangerous to do this, but I ’m not impulsive. Think about it, if
Aunt Shen is still alive, you ’re in Beijing now and you ca n’t get in touch, and you do n’t
know if she is alive or dead. , Will you make the same choice as me, let alone Aunt Shen, you
dare to say that you don't have the slightest desire to go to Beijing to make sure that Mr. Gu
is fine. "
Shen Shi'an was silent. Yun Feiyang was right, and he could easily understand why the
other party was doing this, but this did not mean that his worry would be reduced.
Wan Feng, who had not spoken, stood up. "I can go back with him."
Shen Shi'an Yixi "really?" If Wan Feng followed, Yun Feiyang's safety would undoubtedly be
guaranteed to the greatest extent.
Wan Feng nodded. "My bodyguard position has not expired, and he saved my life."
Shen Shian was relieved, but it was Yun Feiyang's turn to disagree. "Wangge is here to
protect you. How can you let him leave with me, even if it is the end of the world, that does
not guarantee that Mrs. Gu will stop." Being a demon doesn't want your life, and this
troubled world makes it easier for her to get involved. Do n’t you know that. You also have
a child. It is logical that you need more protection. No, I do n’t agree. ”
"You don't have to worry about me," Shen Shi'an patiently persuaded. "I just stay at home
and close the door. I don't want to go anywhere. Zombies are a killer. Who can move me
and the rescue team will come soon. Even if the rescue team is not in the community, Mr.
Gu will definitely send someone to pick me up. I am definitely safer than you. "
Yun Feiyang stared. "You do n’t have a donkey. I ca n’t get through to the phone now. How
do you know that Mr. Gu will send someone over? I ’ll say something awkward. He may or
may not have an accident. If Mr. Gu has an accident, then you will People need protection
even more. Do n’t say it. It ’s my own choice to go home. I ca n’t change my mind about what
you say, so you face greater risks. ”
Shen Shi'an's lips were tightly squeezed, and his expression suddenly moved slightly, and
he put his hand into his jacket pocket. The next second, a loud ringing of an incoming call
sounded from his pocket.
"Slump," Yun Feiyang stunned, "Your mobile phone still has a signal" for several years, Shen
Shi'an's ringtone has not changed, he remembers better than anyone else.
Shen Shi'an pulled out his mobile phone and put it in his ear. "Hey", then he burst into joy.
"Mr. Gu, you're fine."
Yun Feiyang also showed ecstasy, and was nervous and happy. He couldn't even breathe,
staring at Shen Shi'an's cell phone.
"Well, I'm okay, you can rest assured, Shen Xun is okay, um, okay, I understand, um, no
problem, you should also pay attention to safety, I know hey hey"
Shen Shi'an pressed his cell phone and asked Yun Feiyang a series of "what's wrong with
what Gu said?" "The signal was suddenly interrupted, but Mr Gu told me that everything is
fine, and a zombie virus broke out in Beijing. But the situation of Gu's family is under
control at the moment. He told me not to stay anywhere at home, at least two days to a
week, he will definitely send someone to pick me up. "
"It's so good that you and Xunxun are safe." Yun Feiyang was really happy for him, and
looked at Shen Shi'an's cell phone with envy. "What brand of your cell phone did I make
without calling for an hour, You can still contact Mr. Gu. "
"It has nothing to do with the mobile phone. Mr. Gu said that he also tried to dial for several
hours, probably the fewest people who tried to make a call in an instant. The
communication network was not so busy, which just squeezed his call in."
Yun Feiyang was right when he thought about it. This is the reason. His mobile phone is
more expensive than An'an, and the quality cannot keep up with it. He raised his hand and
gently nudged Shen Shi'an. "Good luck, little brother, you have been caught at such an
Shen Shian laughed, and the whole person seemed very relaxed. "Since it has been
determined that I will wait for rescue soon, it should not be a problem to let Mr. Wan go
home with you. You don't want me to be in trouble, and I can't just watch you go to death. "
Yun Feiyang was so filled with emotion that he once again shoved "Good brother, listen to
you" on Shen Shi'an's shoulder, and then turned and held his fist in front of Wan Feng.
Wan Feng still had no expression "should." And said "Since it is certain to leave, it is best to
leave tonight, until tomorrow, I am afraid that all the main roads will be blocked and there
is no way to leave the city."
Although he was reluctant, Shen Shi'an had to admit that Wan Feng was right and no longer
delayed to start helping to organize the things to bring. Wan Feng had a car and parked in
the underground garage. Considering what was going to happen on the road, it was better
to bring everything he could bring.
Yun Feiyang lived here a few days ago, so basic clothes and toiletries are here, as well as
luggage and school bags. You can take them without planing, and keep as much space as
possible. Shen Shian took out all the dry food and fruits that can be easily consumed on the
road, in addition to medical bags, flashlights, drinking water mixed with spiritual spring
water, everything that will be used is concentrated in the living room by Yunyun Feiyang
and Wanfeng are responsible for packaging.
I found out one of my suitcases and two handbags and squatted down to discuss with Shen
Xun. "I know the meat upstairs is yours, but Fei Yang is my best friend. He is going to do
something very Dangerous things, food is a necessity to keep him safe, so can I take a
portion of that pile of meat and give it to him, I promise, I will definitely double the price
and give it back to you in the future. "
Shen Xun drummed his face, asking for his flesh just like asking for his flesh. It took him a
long time to nod reluctantly in the anticipation of Shen Shi'an.
Yun Feiyang was so touched that she almost burst into tears. She rushed over and wanted
to hug, "Look, I know you love your Uncle Yun."
Shen Xun scooped out two rows of gleaming little fangs, which instantly frightened him
back. Little kid, shy, really.
Shen Shi'an carried suitcases and bags, and went upstairs to fill with all kinds of meat
products. He also moved three boxes and put them at the door. It should be almost the
same. I am afraid that it will be difficult to load more cars. Shen Xun followed and quietly
counted, pouting with distress as he remembered, and crunched the duck's neck.
When everything was ready, the three moved to the underground garage a few times, and
finally only two backpacks and a Ruibao remained.
Shen Shi'an said, "Your coat is still too few. It will be cold at night. Pick a few you can wear
from me and take it with a blanket." Then he led Yun Feiyang into the master bedroom and
hid it. Go to the door.
“I do n’t think it ’s necessary to take it lightly and lightly, and the farther south it gets
hotter, I will just think that there will be too many clothes at the time” Yun Feiyang said as
he walked behind Shen Shi'an while walking in, not long after stepping into the door, see
Shen Shi'an suddenly turned and rushed at him with a "hush" gesture, took him to the
closet, and took out a handful of daggers about 20 cm long from the middle of the blanket.
"Don't believe anyone easily," Shen Shi'an lowered his voice very low, and put the dagger
into Yun Feiyang's hand. "Hide it carefully, in case the situation really deteriorates to the
point where it is similar, and remember, preemptively." The dagger is him. Taken from the
second floor of Zhulou, blown hair and cut iron like mud.
Yun Fei was silent, and the young hearty face was extremely dignified at this moment. After
a moment, he nodded strongly, took the dagger and inserted it into the jeans pocket, and
covered it with clothes.
Shen Shi'an chose two large coats, took another thin woolen blanket, and walked out of the
master bedroom with Yun Feiyang.
The parting time will finally come.
Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng were carrying backpacks, holding bird cages, and Shen Shian
sent them to the door.
"Don't send it off, let's go down by yourself. You and Xun Xun must pay attention to safety
at home. When I'm sure my parents are all right, I'll take them to Beijing and run to you."
Shen Shi'an hummed.
"Ah, do n’t make it so heavy," Yunfeiyang laughed. "Maybe this zombie virus is not as
serious as we thought. The vaccine will be developed soon and the disaster will be
effectively controlled. Maybe I haven't arrived yet Then, the medical university resumed
normal order and resumed classes. Alas, I will have to hurry back by then. "
Shen Shi'an also laughed. "Huh."
"Okay, no more ink, you're fine at home, goodbye brother. Seeking, say goodbye to your
uncle Yun"
Shen Xun ignored Shen Shi'an while holding him. But Rui Bao patted his wings "Goodbye
Shen Shi'an touched Ruibao's head, took a deep breath, and hugged Yunfeiyang. "Don't die
in front of me."
Yun Feiyang was silent for a moment, raised his hand and hugged him
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 22: 22nd

Settings saved..
As soon as Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng left, Shen Xun sulked. "An An, you deceive you."
"Mr. Gu didn't call you at all, right," the child's eyes were clear, and he looked up at Shen
Shen Shian smiled, locked the door carefully, and sat on the sofa with the child in her arms.
His ringtone and alarm were confused when Shen Xun tossed his mobile phone. Before the
morning meeting in the morning, he learned from Lu Xiuyuan that he was going to the
affiliated hospital on duty at night, and he set an alarm at 5.30. When persuading Yun
Feiyang, the cell phone alarm sounded in the space, so he took the cell phone out of his
Successfully cheated Yun Feiyang, but did not cheat children.
He rubbed two on Shen Xun's head, "It's not good to lie, children should not learn."
Shen Xun held his palm "I don't lie to An An." As for other humans, it's not good.
Shen Shian's heart warmed, and his eyes grew softer and softer.
As soon as Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng took Ruibao away, the house became quiet
immediately. Because it is too quiet, the mind becomes active uncontrollably.
Fan Guoping would be scratched and infected by the zombie, which he never expected.
After listening to Professor Li's analysis of the relationship between this zombie lesion and
the flu virus in the dissection room, Shen Shi'an has been thinking about a question
Does the spring water have any effect on defending or even cracking the zombie virus?
Before the outbreak of the zombies virus, the number of people infected with influenza in
medical universities was about one-half of the total. According to local news reports and
early warnings issued by the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the
proportion was similar in other regions.
But he, Yun Feiyang, Wan Feng, Fan Guoping, Shen Xun, and Gu, including Yun Feiyang's
parents, did not show any signs of a cold. This probability is not impossible, but the
probability is too small under normal circumstances. The most reasonable explanation is
because they all drank the tomato juice that was irrigated with the spring water and
produced from the space.
In other words, Lingquan water can protect against influenza viruses.
The sudden transformation of a cold person into a zombie means that the flu virus must
have mutated. Fan Guoping was wounded by the zombies, infected with the mutated
influenza virus, that is, the zombie virus, and then mutated. When he escorted Shen Shi'an
and others back to the door, the zombie metamorphosis on his body was very serious. The
skin was dry and bruising, the veins were convex and distorted, the eyes were cloudy and
congested, and even the blood leaking from the wound was dark and unknown. color.
This shows that even if you take in the Lingquan water, there is no way to resist the
mutated zombie virus, at least it is impossible to resist the zombie virus that has
penetrated into the body.
The reason is true, but at this time, Shen Shi'an couldn't help but think about more
possibilities. If the Lingquan water is not unable to fight the virus, it is just because Fan
Guoping has n’t taken enough of it. Change, but if you drink a little more spring water, you
can be saved.
After learning that Fan Guoping was scratched by the zombies, the thought of trying to save
people with spiritual spring water flashed in his mind. But he couldn't do it.
On the one hand, according to the information obtained so far, the possibility that Lingquan
water can cure zombies and even reverse zombies is too low; on the other hand, the
existence of space and Lingquan is too shocking and worldly, and the husband is guilty and
Even if he was lucky, he saved the life of Fan Guoping by using the spring water. According
to the other party, he had to rush back to school in the last stage of his life to save one
character. If Fan Guoping asked him to save other people who were wounded by zombies If
Fan Guoping's wife really turned into a zombie, Fan Guoping asked him to save people with
spiritual spring water. Will he save or not?
Every time someone knows the secret of the spiritual spring water, the space is exposed to
an additional risk. And once the existence of space is exposed, not only will he face an
unpredictable destiny, but even Shen Xun, who appears out of thin air around him, will also
encounter a thorough investigation and research.
If Yun Feiyang was infected today, Shen Shi'an would have to find a way to get him to drink
a little more spring water, or even stun the other person into the space and soak the water
spring. But Fan Guoping is not Yun Feiyang.
He is grateful, respectful, and admires Fan Guoping's character, but he cannot take such a
big risk for the other side for a one in 10,000 chance.
Thoughts in my head are inevitable. He looked at the children playing with his fingers,
perhaps to persuade himself, or to alleviate the guilt in his heart, and whispered, "Do you
think Lingquan water can cure zombies?"
"No." Shen Xun shook his head decisively. He has seen the situation in the community and
the campus from the balcony window. Although he doesn't understand why there are so
many dead bodies in this world, the danger of these inferior races is beyond doubt.
"An'an," the child looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes, and the dark green eyes shone with light,
still with some strange tones. At this time, it didn't look like a goblin who had only become
a human for a few months. Like a child just three or four years old. "Lingquan can save
lives, but only if the other party is still alive. Fan Guoping is no longer alive."
He is not the owner of the portable field, so when he is in the space, his perception of the
outside world is relatively vague, but how many people around the space can clearly
perceive it. When Yun Feiyang and others arrived at the door of the house, there were only
three beating hearts near the space. He thought it was Shen Shi'an that was the cause of the
accident, so he was so worried when released.
If Fan Guoping soaked Lingquan immediately when he was scratched, there might still be a
glimmer of life. But those who have died, even the fountain of life, are lacking.
Shen Shi'an stared at Shen Xun for a while, and the dark light surged in his eyes, not
knowing something.
After a long time, the eyes returned to calm, and the children's messy hair was tidy. "Do you
want to go to Beijing?"
Shen Shi'an decided to go to Beijing.
He assured Fan Guoping that he would do everything he could to find out the news of his
family, and at all costs to protect their safety, the communication network was now broken,
and Mr. Gu did not know whether life or death, let alone whether this zombie mutation
would continue to deteriorate. For whatever reason, he couldn't stay at home waiting to
The reason why he chose to go instead of returning to school and waiting for the rescue
team with other people was that he was not sure when the rescue team would arrive.
Secondly, the rescue team ’s primary rescue target was senior scientific researchers such as
Professor Li. The students are likely to be necessary supplies, waiting for the next wave of
There is another more important reason. In order to strive for timeliness, the rescue team
must have been deployed nearby. Fortunately, the province a where h city is located has a
large military area, where the army is stationed for a long time. If he guessed right, the
rescue team did take high-end scientific research personnel as the primary rescue target,
so in order to develop vaccines as early as possible and effectively control the disaster, the
most likely way is to establish shelters and safe areas nearby instead of risking great The
risk traversed more than half of the country of China, and thousands of miles rushed to
Beijing. After all, according to the population density of Beijing, the severity of the zombie
disaster is probably far greater than that in most parts of China. In this way, even if he was
waiting for rescue, it didn't make any sense.
From h to Beijing, before April 3rd, it only takes more than two hours by plane, less than
five hours by high-speed rail, and about ten hours by train. Even if you drive yourself, you
can count on eating and relaxing along the way. No more than four days.
However, in the current situation of mutated zombies across the country, the future is
uncertain, and the road is difficult and difficult.
Now that you have decided to go, you must be well prepared. The first step is to prepare
the supplies.
Unlike Yun Feiyang, Shen Shi'an is not worried about the traffic congestion caused by the
survivors fleeing. He has space to rely on. When he encounters a congested road, he can
first put his car away and pass the congested road before driving. At present, gas, water and
electricity can be used normally. If it is not used, it is a pity. There are many crises on this
long journey. I am afraid there are not many opportunities to cook with peace of mind.
He first collected all the meat from the house upstairs into the second floor of the bamboo
building. Fortunately, after the integration of the exercises, he could move the objects in the
space with his mind. Otherwise, it would cost him a lot to organize the pile of boxes. time.
Then bring the steel pipe obtained from the dissection room to the supermarket outside
the community. There are more than a dozen zombies wandering in the supermarket, the
shelves have fallen a lot, and the goods have been scattered all over the ground, and there
have been traces of them being collected.
Shen Shi'an blocked the surveillance camera and took three bags of rice, a barrel of cooking
oil, edible oils such as vinegar, soy sauce, vinegar and other spices. The fresh area can only
save one or two days of vegetables, chicken, duck, and fish. One-fifth of the buns and
steamed buns in the district were collected, one-tenth of the frozen meat in the freezer and
yoghurt, fresh milk, and meat products that were easily spoiled in the freezer were
collected, and a few boxes of milk and egg.
Other foods, such as high-calorie candies, biscuits, bread, instant noodles, etc., remained
unchanged. There are three or four neighborhoods around this supermarket. No matter
whether the survivors in the neighborhood decide to flee or stay at home for rescue, this
supermarket is the only supply point where they can get supplies. He is not short of food,
and there are so many opportunities to get supplies along the way, there is no need to
ransack it here.
In addition to food, I took a little of daily necessities, two juicers, three soup pots, five rice
cookers, and dozens of mobile phone charging treasures. Fresh-keeping boxes, bento boxes,
water kettles, glassware Take the most, and finally all the seeds can be found in the
While picking items, calculate the price in your heart and add up. If the zombie disaster is
quickly brought under control and the supermarket is reopened, he will come to settle the
Back at home, he plugged the rice cooker into the electricity and started cooking. He picked
a large batch of tomato juice from the space, put fresh chicken and duck in a pressure
cooker and stewed soup, fish or steamed or braised, thawed frozen meat with vegetables.
Stir fry together and find another casserole to make tomato sauce
The rest of the home plus all the food obtained in the supermarket that needs further
processing are all cooked into ready-to-eat cooked food. He is not worried about whether
the tap water is still drinkable. City water is strictly filtered and disinfected, and the water
source cannot be the way to spread the influenza virus. Otherwise, it means that all rivers
and lakes in the world are contaminated by the virus at the same time. This is tantamount
to night fate. Taking a step back 10,000, even if there is a flu virus in the water, he has been
drinking for more than a month. Since nothing happened, it means that he has sufficient
defense ability against the virus. In the absence of carrier nutrients, influenza viruses in
water cannot mutate into zombies.
In addition to this, Shen Xun said that he could drink.
Shen Shi'an carefully controlled the electrical appliances not to overload, put on an apron
and kept busy in the kitchen, and the house soon became full of attractive food aromas.
The child swallowed and drove back and forth behind him. Shen Shi'an simply tore him a
roast duck leg, took out his mobile phone and edited a text message sent to Mr. Gu. The text
message details his current situation and future plans. And ask the other party to inquire
about Mrs. Fan's mother and daughter and take care of the request, let Shen Xun sit on the
sofa over and over and try to send.
I don't know if it is good character or strong, Shen Xun sitting on the sofa for two hours and
really let him send the message to him. Shen Shi'an immediately tried to make a call, but it
was still a noisy and busy tone. Looking at the message "Sent successfully" under the
message for a long time, he finally exhaled a long breath.
It is always a good thing to be able to send it out. If Mr. Gu can see it, then the safety of Mrs.
Fan's mother and daughter will undoubtedly be added.
Shen Shian stayed up all night, spending a full day and a half, cooking all the food before it
got dark the next day. Rice is put in a bento box, and the cooked dishes are topped with
rice. The steamed buns are heated. The tomato juice is put in a water bottle. The tomato
sauce is sealed in a sealed box. The time here is stagnant. It is steaming when it is sent in. It
is still steamy when it is taken out.
So many things are enough for him and his children to eat for a month. And it doesn't even
count those hill-shaped sausages, jerky duck necks.
In addition, he packed everything available in the house into the space. There are four
rooms on the first floor of the bamboo building. In addition to the study and the hall, there
is a bedroom with a carved wooden bed and a mahogany wardrobe. There is a vacant room
behind the hall. Shen Shi'an intends to use it as a kitchen. Sofas and coffee tables are put
into the hall, pots and pans are put into the kitchen, and laundry, quilt pillows, mattresses
and stools are put into the bedroom.
In addition, there are various sundry items, professional books and medical tools left by my
grandfather, and they have been well received by Shen Xun. \\\\ ' 躏 坚 坚 \' Shen Xun
insisted on taking it with him, and he was righteous to say "An An bought it for me"
It was almost moving the entire house into space.
Originally, he did try to take the whole house as a whole into the space, but failed. It seems
that what can be collected will be limited by the quality and volume of the items.
As for the mother's ashes and relics, they were carefully stored on the bookshelf in the
study. Since the exercises were merged, the entire bookshelf of the same height was empty.
After finishing everything, considering that the steel pipe obtained from the dissection
room has been deformed, Shen Shi'an took out the solid wood mop stick carefully selected
from the supermarket, tied a mutant aloe spike with the length of a watermelon knife, and
made a Put new weapons. There are many such spikes. In addition to the two-storey aloe in
the space, he also cut a lot of orange juice aloe before. The spikes after mutation are not
only long, but extremely hard. The test should be no worse than that of iron and steel, and
it is perfect for making weapons to attack zombies.
As for the long sword on the second floor of Zhulou, Shen Shi'an did not plan to take it out
for the time being.
In the evening before leaving home, he made a big meal for himself and Shen Xun, prawns
with braised oil, braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, cola chicken wings, toasted sweet
potatoes, and fresh bamboo shoots and duck soup.
Shen Xun was so excited that he started to drool before the dishes were served. When the
dishes were finally served, he immediately climbed up to his special chair "After eating this
meal, is it time to go on the road?"
Shen Shian ""
That's right, but why does it sound so unlucky?
Raised his hand and gave him a chicken wing. "After dinner, take a good night's sleep and
leave for the city center tomorrow morning."
There are two reasons to go to the city center. One is to further supplement the supplies.
The food in the space is enough, but if you want to travel long distances to the capital, there
are still many preparations to make. The simplest example is children's clothes and shoes.
not enough.
A more important reason was that he had to go to the city library in the city center. The city
library maintains detailed maps of provinces, cities, and towns throughout the country.
When navigation is no longer useful, if there is no map to determine the route and location,
he estimates that he will get lost soon after leaving city h.
Shen Xun has no opinion, just follow An An. With so many dead bodies outside, he had to
protect An An's safety.
At five o'clock in the morning on April 5, the third day of the zombie virus outbreak, the
night light in the bedroom suddenly went out, and then the entire city of H successively fell
into a thick darkness.
Two hours later, Shen Shi'an took Shen Xun to the underground garage and got into the car.
The powerful engine roared, and then he returned to a stable state and drove into the
At the same time, on a provincial road hundreds of kilometers away from city H, Yun
Feiyang woke up from the back seat of the car and yawned while holding a thin woolen
blanket on his body.
"Fortunately, An An let us bring a blanket, otherwise it would be so cold at night, who
knows that it can still be so cold in April." After muttering, he greeted Wan Feng from the
driver ’s seat, "Wang Ge You Tired, take a break and change it for me. "
Wan Feng stared at the front of the field of vision, adjusted his direction cautiously and
calmly according to the road conditions, and shook his head. "No tired. There are many
rear-end vehicles and wandering zombies on this road. After this period, you can change
"Hey," Yun Feiyang simply responded, pulled out his bag and started to eat to replenish his
strength, and by the way gave Ruibao some seeds. While eating, I could n’t help but think of
Shen Shi'an ’s good luck. “Thank you An An has prepared so much for us, otherwise we
have to suffer a lot just to find food.”
After leaving the city of H, the two found that the disaster after the virus outbreak was far
more serious than they thought. There were damaged vehicles everywhere and wandering
corpses everywhere. Not only are the towns and other places where residents gather, they
are afraid to approach, even the supermarkets at rest stations are often crowded with
zombies. The shortcomings of the overwhelming population in China were vividly
manifested at this time.
While paying attention to the traffic conditions, Wan Feng said, "You have a good
relationship with Mr. Shen."
"Of course, the two of us are closer than our brothers." Yun Feiyang said that the box could
not be closed as soon as it was opened. "Don't look at An An's temperament when he is
usually cold. He looks soft all day long, but his heart is soft. It ’s like the kind of hard-frozen
fruit jelly filled in the refrigerator, you know, although it ’s cold and hard outside, the bite is
soft and sweet after it is bitten, which is especially delicious. ” Could not help but
Wan Feng didn't know how to respond.
Yun Feiyang continued to slap down. "You know An An has a code of conduct that is good
for one day. I and him know this because of it. It ’s An An's mother. An An's mother agreed
with An An before she died, saying I hope he is open-minded, do n’t hate learning and love.
Alas, I ’m not afraid to tell you. When I first heard about it, I felt that Ms. Shen was too good.
It is too much of the Virgin. An An has suffered so many grievances since he was a child. He
also needs to be open-minded, who can be open-minded. "
Having said that, he paused and sighed.
"Until Grandpa Shen died, I didn't understand why Ms. Shen made such an agreement with
An An. An An has a very good relationship with Grandpa Shen, and Grandpa Shen is still his
last living relative, so he was hit especially hard. The mood is very unstable, because a
grandson in the community has a dirty mouth and rumors about Ms. Shen are rumors
everywhere. She almost killed someone, and her eyes were **** and red. "
To this day in retrospect, Yun Feiyang still has a lot of fear.
"After that, another thing happened. On the first day of the seventh day of Grandpa Shen, I
was with An An at home. Someone sent a pot of flowers and said that it was specially
booked by a client in Beijing. Although he didn't leave a name, Mr. Gu would not
Anonymous with An An playing, the only one left is Mrs. Gu. The first seven are flowers,
some chrysanthemums, white camellia, white roses. What ’s not good, then the stinky girls
actually sent a pot of good luck. There is no lack of morality to bully a child like this.
Yun Fei gasped, and slammed into the co-pilot's seat with a punch. "Don't say it's An An.
You can't stand anyone, it's so bad. An An sits on the sofa. Without saying or moving, I
stared at the pot of flowers for a whole day. When it was getting dark, I was about to turn
on the lights, and he suddenly laughed. Can you imagine that you did n’t laugh too loudly,
that is This kind of gentle smile, my spine ’s air conditioner has bristled with sweating hair.
How much hate can I hate before I can laugh. ”
"I understand from that moment on," Yunfei lifted her eyes gloomily, "Ms. Shen asked An
An not to hate others, but to try to find someone who can make herself love, not to believe
that Buddhism is foolish, but to live with all beings For the sake of others, it's not forgiving
everything that Mrs. Gu did to her, but it's not important to Ms. Shen. The most important
thing is to let An An live as easily and happily as possible. These are the things of the
previous generation. She doesn't want An An to bear such a heavy burden for the rest of
her life, and she doesn't want hatred to blind An An to feel other beautiful abilities. One
good deed is to break through the self-frozen and release goodwill to the outside world.
Way, release more goodwill, and always get a little happy. "
This is the last guardian that a mother can give her child before she is dying.
There was a long silence in the carriage.
"Live well." Wan Feng suddenly said, "Don't you say that you and Mr. Shen are like
brothers, then you are also his relatives. As long as you live well, you will have a day to
meet again."
Rui Bao fluttered his wings and jumped into the seat of the co-pilot. He flew to the sky and
said, "Hello baby, goodbye baby."
Yun Feiyang laughed, leaning forward, touching the bird's head, and grabbing Wan Feng's
shoulder, "We can do the duck."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 23: 23rd

Settings saved..
There is a large comprehensive commercial city near the pedestrian street in the center of
h city. It is about 20 minutes' walk along the tree-lined road on the north side of the city,
which is the most famous and proud landmark of the city, the city library.
After Shen Shi'an drove away from the community, he ran all the way to the direction of the
business city. He didn't drive the car many times, and the unique leather smell of the new
car still floated in the compartment. Shen Xun was very interested in this large "mountain".
Sitting on the co-pilot for a while and touching it for a while, there was no honest time.
"Sit well, don't move, or go to the child seat in the back." Shen Shi'an, focusing on the road
ahead, gave him a glance with Yu Guang "and drank the milk.
Shen Xun drew the soft straw into his mouth, and the little soft hand was still touching back
and forth on the inside of the door. He raised the window for a while and lowered it. "An
An, you can teach me how to drive, too." This mount looks powerful and he likes it.
Shen Shi'an "... you can touch your toes to the floor first." "Two legs are not high enough.
Why use a car?
But this car does drive very well. After you really get started, you can understand what
Wan Feng ’s evaluation of the "top configuration" meant. It is responsive and flexible, and it
can maintain amazing stability at the speed of no less than the supercar, whether it is
braking capacity or The driving experience is much higher than Shen Shian's scrapped car.
Even better, the chassis with a height of half a person is suitable for any road conditions in
the city. When the main road is blocked, the adult road can be replaced at any time and the
green belt can continue to move forward.
Even so, Shen Shi'an had to stop when it was about three kilometers away from the
commercial city. It was estimated that the large power outage in the early morning had
stimulated a lot of people. The number of people who chose to flee the city of H surged.
Several main roads radiating from the city center were blocked severely. The vehicle was
full. The main road is full of shops and communities, and the density of zombies can be
imagined. Once you are trapped in the middle of the road, you can't retreat, it will become a
delicious food at your fingertips.
In fear, some people chose to abandon the car and escape. At this time, they did not know
where they went, but for various reasons chose to stay and resist, or fortunately, they felt
that locking the car door can block the zombies. It's almost time, dragging the torn body to
make a hoarse howl inside or outside the car, and become one of the numerous zombie
Looking up, the car on the road is like a long dragon, and there is no living person.
Shen Shi'an parked the car inside a car wash shop. After the flameout, he took out a stick
tied with aloe thorns and jumped out of the car. After solving the two zombies who heard
the movement, he carried a backpack on his body. The bag was packed with two clothes
and a few bottles of water. It seemed bulging, not because there was no space in the space,
but if he needed something, he could take it out of the space with the cover of a backpack to
prevent unnecessary note.
Go around to the position of the co-pilot to unfasten the seat belt and discuss with the
children. "The next section of the road requires walking. Zombies are too dense. I will send
you into the space first, and I will let you out in the business city. "
Shen Xun raised his cheeks, "You can't keep me in for a whole day!"
"No, I promised you."
After getting the child's consent, Shen Shi'an took him into the car with him, holding the
stick in his left hand, and carefully watching the surrounding environment at the door of
the car wash shop.
It is about three kilometers away from the commercial city here, and it takes about half an
hour to walk normally, but in the case of wandering zombies everywhere, this time is
obviously unrealistic. But if he can increase the speed as much as possible, he may save a
lot of time.
Without knowing his living person around, Shen Shi'an no longer concealed his true
strength. He put his sweater and hat on his head and fastened it to cover most of his face.
He went all out to practice the exercises like a storm.
Both Lingquan and Gongfa have modified his body to different degrees, because he has to
cover up the abnormality on himself, so until today he has a thorough understanding of the
extent to which his body has been transformed.
The shops and trees flying on both sides are generally swept backwards, the wind in the
ears is hunting through the hat, and the body is unconsciously adjusted to a slightly
forward leaning position that is most suitable for galloping and offensive—Shen Shi'an
never thought he could run It ’s so fast that you do n’t need precise measurements. He also
knows that in just a few minutes, he may have broken the highest record of all track events
in the world.
Bend over and insert a sharp sharp thorn into the center of a zombie from the bottom of his
chin, and then flashed sideways in the next moment, pulling out a thorn stick and backhand
to burst another zombies' eye.
This is the first time he tried to defend and attack while running the exercises. Thanks to
the super high speed, flexibility and responsiveness brought by the exercises, the zombie
who was already slow and stiff at the moment looked like a delay in his eyes. After a dozen
times slower movies, every attack, every bite and every attempt to surround the track is
clear, and he is left with ample time to deal with it.
He was like a blue shark roaming in the seawater. He was quick and silent, and often the
prey didn't have time to react to what happened, and the red blood stains had already
stained the sea.
But no matter how fast the speed and response ability is, it is only effective when the
enemy is less than a certain number. Once the enemy is dense to a certain degree, no
matter how fast the speed can only be dragged to death. Seeing more and more zombies
were attracted, people were crowded like tides, Shen Shi'an threw his brain and blood on
the spikes, turned his direction and ran to the long queue of vehicles on the main road. The
roof of the car, like an elegant and robust cheetah, stretched its limbs to move across, and
soon narrowed to a black spot in the roar of the zombies.
The congested car virtually gave Shen Shian a shortcut to go forward. After about twenty
minutes, he finally successfully reached the square in front of the business city.
He didn't rush in, found a relatively safe commanding height, took a bottle of water from
his backpack and drank half a bottle in one breath. It ’s true that the body has been
completely reformed, but the exhaustion of running energy or fighting for more than
twenty minutes is still too great for physical energy. The water is a well-preserved
Lingquan water. Spring Eye now has very little water, and only had three bottles before
leaving home. However, the speed of recovery of the body is immediate. Once the abundant
spiritual power is integrated into the body, the heart beating violently due to high-load
exercise is instantly stable.
Tighten the bottle cap and put the water back into the backpack. Shen Shi'an took off his
hat, exposing sweaty forehead and flushed face. A pair of eyes reflected the flushing on his
face, which became blacker and darker, reflecting a slight light in the sun.
The land price around the commerce and trade city is so expensive, so there are few
residential areas, but it is surrounded by several high-rise office buildings. When the virus
broke out during work, hundreds of meters apart, a hoarse howl in the office building alone
was heard. Even if there are survivors in it, I'm afraid they will be fierce.
On the south side of the trade city is a pedestrian street. From the position of Shen Shi'an,
you can also see the stone pillars at the street to block the vehicles. In the past, people were
crowded on the street at any time. To the north is a tree-lined road, and you can reach the
city library along the tree-lined road.
Shen Shi'an carefully observed the surrounding environment, and resolved several walking
and walking zombies. When the physical strength recovered, he jumped off the sculpture
and rushed into the mall door at full speed, and quickly closed the door to remove two
mops from the space. Stick stick 'locked into the handle.
There aren't many zombies in the mall, most of them are salespeople in the store and
passers-by who unknowingly come in. Although the power was interrupted, the top of the
mall was a completely transparent glass roof, and the bright sunlight penetrated into it, and
it did not appear dim at all. Clothing stores are mainly distributed on the first and second
floors. After clearing the zombies in view, Shen Shian released the children from the space.
Shen Xun waited impatiently for a long time, and when he landed, he wanted to run
forward, and was pulled back by Shen Shian's collar. "Don't run around, or tie your dog's
Shen Xun pursed his lips, stepped back and grabbed Shen Shi'an's right hand. A pair of dark
green eyes shone, and his head probed to look at both sides. He hasn't been shopping yet.
Since it took so much effort to come to the mall, it must be good value for money. In
addition to hoarding clothes and shoes for children, Shen Shi'an himself also needs to
prepare more clothes. His clothing style is more casual and usually feels comfortable and
loose. However, it is really not suitable for a long-running battle like today. It is still not
suitable. Into professional sports equipment.
In addition, there is a reserve for everything that can be used. The future on this road is
uncertain, but I don't know when it will be needed.
The two men went shopping, choosing clothes as quickly as a blast, and in less than an
hour, all the clothes from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, and from spring to
winter had been hoarded. Considering that the growth rate of children is different from
ordinary people, Shen Shi'an even prepared clothes and shoes that he can wear in his teens.
By the way, I prepared several bigger ones for myself. According to biological research, a
male will not stop growing completely until he is about twenty-four years old, in case he
can still grow taller.
What was surprising was that they also found an outdoor sports equipment franchise store
on the second floor, which not only contained tents, sleeping bags, impact ropes, various
backpacks, high-concentration flashlights, sports shoes and jackets, but also specialized
climbing equipment. All are necessities for outdoor survival, and there is no better material
for Shen Shian.
After emptying the entire franchise store by a third, Shen Shi'an went into the fitting room
and changed into a dark green camouflage suit. The camouflage clothing is an improved
style. The jacket is not so long. The decoration of the belt is removed. The fabric is strong
and elastic and looks very good.
The surrounding environment is not necessarily safe, so Shen Shi'an did not delay time.
After putting on short t and pants, he walked out of the fitting room and stood in front of
the mirror. The hem of the t-shirt was pushed into the pants, and a pair of hiking boots
were stepped on. The tailored trousers stretched the legs to the extreme. The waist and
thin legs were long and straight. The eyes were black as ink. The result is breathtaking
coldness and eye-catching glory exclusive to young people.
Shen Xun looked dumbfounded, and turned around to find that there was an identical set
beside this suit, but it was several times smaller, and he had to change it when he was in
trouble. After changing his hands, he walked to the mirror with his hands on his hips, and
his lips were red-toothed, carved and carved, and he was full of milk.
After visiting the first floor and the second floor, Shen Shi'an took a look at all the chefs in
all the restaurants on the third and fourth floors, and put all the vegetables, fruits, and meat
products that had not been cooked in time into the space. Right now, the city is powered
off. It will only rot here.
In the middle, I also encountered several dessert shops and cold drink shops. At the child's
strong request, Shen Shi'an did not let the cream out before he could run out of the cream
After half an hour, Shen Shi'an held the child in one hand and the flashlight in one hand,
Shen Xun held the mousse cake in one hand, and the bear's paw ice cream in one hand, and
walked into the supermarket that had been cleaned on the negative floor.
Considering that few people can come across the zombies to collect materials here, this
time Shen Shi'an is not polite, except for those foods in the freezer and fresh food cabinet
that will continue to deteriorate soon after being put away, all other types of food and The
Shen Shi Security Department of the daily necessities closed half of it. In order to save time,
simply put the entire shelf directly on the second floor of the bamboo building, which is
convenient and quick and saves organization.
By the time the whole supermarket was half empty, the second floor of the bamboo
building was already full, and even the grass near the stream was full of things.
Although the space of the black earth can expand up to more than 600 times, it is only
effective for plants, that is, Shen Shi'an must first plant something, and the space will
expand with the growth of the plant. The inanimate items will be put on it. It is too wasteful
to occupy as much area as possible.
The best way to expand the storage space is to set a small area on the black soil to plant
grass. The expanded grassland has a wide area and you can put whatever you want. It's just
that Shen Shi'an has no grass seeds at present, and this idea can only be temporarily
After ending the raid in the supermarket, Shen Shi'an took the child out and saw a
children's toy store along the way. After thinking about it, he walked in and collected two
children's cars. "No more sweeping robots are allowed."
Leaving the mall along the original road, Shen Shi'an started walking towards the city
library. I was going to take the child back into space, but the child hugged his neck tightly
and was unwilling. "I don't want to go in alone and hold it for a while, just a moment, if you
meet a zombie, you will send me in." In the face of a Lingquan that can be seen and touched,
it is too tormenting.
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment and agreed. The tree-lined road leading to the city
library is a non-motorized road. There are few zombies and it is not blocked. The risk factor
is relatively low. In case of an accident, the child can be sent in with a single thought.
When the deafening roar suddenly sounded from the sky, Shen Shi'an could already see the
edge of the square in front of the library far.
For a moment, he thought he had hallucinations, and when he looked at the sound, his face
suddenly changed, and he immediately rushed away.
Behind him, a huge passenger plane cast a huge shadow like the sky, the tail flaming
billowing flames, and fell with a trembling sound of air.
Shen Shi'an secretly cursed, his teeth were bitten tightly, and the power was fully operated
to increase the speed to the extreme. When the virus just broke out, he expected that an
airplane would definitely fall, but now it is the third day of the virus outbreak, why is there
an airplane that has not happened until now?
But this is obviously not the time to consider this issue.
"I sent you into space!" He asked Shen as he ran.
Shen Xun's look was also dignified. "Let's go!"
"Boom !!!!"
Before Shen Shi'an had time to speak, there was a loud noise behind him. He glanced with a
ray of light, his face turned white for two minutes, the office buildings in this area were too
dense, and the wings of the passenger plane smashed the two rows of high-rise buildings.
The towering steel-cement buildings are like dominoes. One building after another
collapses instantly. The scorching splatter is over 100 meters high. Shen Shi'an can even
feel the tiny cement particles wrapped in the hurricane. Gently swept across his face.
He finally felt the horror of the twin towers when they were attacked.
"I can't go in!" He yelled eagerly into the child's ear.
The space moves with his movement. Once he enters the space, wherever he goes in, he
must come out. If he enters the space with Shen Xun at this time, the space will stay in this
place, and once it is located in the area where the office building is overturned or the
passenger plane falls, the two of them may never come out again.
Shen Xun had nothing more to say, but Shen Shi'an couldn't delay anymore. When he
moved his mind, the child's shadow disappeared.
The sound of life-long chasing behind him is getting louder and closer, and the exercises in
the body are running to the extreme at this moment, and the speed of the aftermath will
bring out the afterimage by another two points.
A few seconds later, the airliner crashed.
After the explosion rang through the world, most of the city center was drowned in the
blaze of fire and billowing smoke.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 24: 24th

Settings saved..
"An An! An An! An An, how are you An An! An An, can you hear me? An An, please answer
me ..."
An anxious scorching shout made Shen Shi'an gradually regain consciousness, his face
clinging to the cold and rough ground, his throat and eyes coughing a few times, shaking off
a thick layer of cement **** and the ash after the explosion.
As soon as Consciousness returned to the cage, Shen Shi'an quickly checked himself and his
surroundings. He should have been fainted by the shock wave generated by the explosion.
The whole person fell forward to the ground, and his palms, elbows and knees were slightly
scratched. There was a slight tingling on the cheek. I could feel the liquid mixed with the
mud and it should have been scratched by some debris. In addition, fortunately, there were
no internal injuries.
The surrounding air is filled with flying dust and ashes, the fog is covering the sky, and even
the sun is blocked for most of the time. With each inhalation, the coughing ceases, and the
nasal cavity is filled with the bitterness of the plaster. greasy. About a hundred meters
behind him, the wreckage of a huge passenger plane was soaring through the sky and dust,
and the concrete tall buildings collapsed near the wreckage and the blaze of fire rising from
the wreckage can be seen faintly.
The shouting in the space is getting more and more urgent, faint already has some nasal
sounds, Shen Shian can't take care of the others, and quickly releases the child. By the way,
he took a wet towel and carefully covered his mouth and nose. "I'm fine, I'm fine, the plane
is fine Hit me. "
The child had shortness of breath and redness in his eyes. When he saw the blood on his
face, he became redder, his tone almost broken, "deceptive! You are injured!"
"It's just a minor injury. It was cut by debris. It will be fine soon. I promise you."
The child hugged his neck tightly, staring at the wound and not daring to touch it. The little
milky voice trembled slightly. "Then you quickly drink the spiritual spring water, and you
will get better soon after you drink it."
"Don't worry, it's not safe here, wait for us first ..."
Shen Shi'an's voice came to an abrupt halt, and a familiar voice made him look back
sharply, his gaze piercing the dust behind him like a sharp sword--
In such a short time, a lot of dust and ashes floating in the air fell, and the visibility in the
field of vision was greatly improved. The huge explosion and additional disasters caused by
the crash of a passenger plane are fatal to living people, but not necessarily to zombies. As
long as the brain is not damaged, even if the flesh is sparsely blown, and it is missing from
the waist, it must be dragged With the internal organs and broken limbs, crawling along a
little bit according to the smell of living people.
There are apparently no survivors in the wreckage of the airliner, but the number of
zombies is objective. Those who blow their legs and feet, flesh and blood, can see the
internal organs through Sensen's bones, and even those who are burning fiercely ... As long
as they can feel the craving for devouring flesh, they will stiffly, slowly, but not Will stop
and come out from the blazing fire.
Not only that. After the virus broke out, the towering office buildings quickly turned into
huge nests for zombies. At this time, the walls that blocked the nests were destroyed by
passenger planes, and tens of thousands of walking dead were like hatched worm eggs,
scrambling to leave the nest. The stump of the broken wall squirmed outward.
What's even more frightening is that the noise caused by the crash of the passenger plane is
too large, not only in the cabin or office buildings, but where the roaring zombies can be
heard in the entire city center, I am afraid they are gathering around the wreckage of the
passenger plane.
Shen Shi'an fell into a circular square in front of the city library when he was stunned by
the explosion shock wave. It was about 300 meters away from the library door, and there
were more than two living people nearby. The survivors who didn't know where they were
hiding were damaged by the collapsed office building or explosion because of the hiding
place. Now, as long as they can move, they all ran out and ran towards the nearest and most
suitable refuge, the city library.
Seeing the weird figure like the tide after clearing the dust, Shen Shi'an's pupils tightened
for a while, immediately stood up from the ground, holding Shen Xun in one hand, picking
up the thorn stick next to the rolling down, and galloping behind the other survivors.
He is not far from the library. Although the zombies are surrounded from all directions, the
speed is slow. As long as he rushes into the library door, it will be safe for the time being.
Shen Xun hugged his neck tightly. Although he was reluctant, he couldn't increase his
burden at this time. "... or you can put me in again."
Shen Shi'an clenched his arms tightly, shook his head and said quietly, "No, I'll take you
with me this time."
More than one person rushed to the library. According to the current situation, I am afraid
to stay in the library for a short period of time. If he sends Shen Xun into the space at this
time, it means that it must be at least several days. He released it, and the time flow rate in
the space was only one-half of that in reality. Every time he hid for one day, he would
endure twice the loneliness and length. He assured the child that he would not shut him
alone. In it.
What's more, there were survivors around him, and the children suddenly disappeared
from his arms. There was no guarantee that they would not be seen.
The door of the library is an antique iron-clad solid wood door, which is more than four
meters high, with the two sides facing away. The vermilion lacquered door is inlaid with a
full eight rows of bowl-shaped copper nails, and there are two titles at the edge of the door.
The ring-shaped animal vulture looks not only majestic but also extremely strong.
After solving several zombies blocking the forward route, seeing that it was only the last
ten meters away from the gate, Shen Shi'an was about to speed up, but found that the two
survivors who ran in front of him pushed one side and actually pushed the wooden door
away. Locked up internally. At this time, the latest zombies were at least 100 meters away.
The sight was so cold that he took a few steps to stand up and kicked himself on the ring-
shaped copper beast, which not only opened the door wide, but even the two survivors also
backed up and fell down under the impact of the impact. After crying a few times, he began
to yell at "What are you doing! Crazy! The zombies will rush in without closing the door!"
Shen Shi'an ignored them, and turned in a few survivors who sought to escape. He lifted
Shen Xun to his back and clasped his neck. He pulled the two wooden doors close together
and left a half-meter gap.
The survivors, who were almost shut out by the two men, were shocked. After entering the
door, they had to slow down a bit. They had to settle accounts with each other. "Are you
still human, ah! Zombies are so far away, why are you anxious to close the door! People did
n’t come in, did they want us stuck outside and bitten alive! "
The two were originally trying to find Shen Shi'an to settle accounts, but seeing that more
and more survivors ran in afterwards, the emotions were very different, and the tone
became unconscious. "There are so many zombies outside, who knows if you can Rush in in
front of the zombies? In case the door is closed late, everyone in it will have to die! The two
of us are doing the dirty work, but you might as well ask which one of the advanced people
does n’t want to hurry up. Close it? Instead of you, you do n’t have to worry about fear and
do n’t want to ensure your safety first? You can let the door open wide and wait for others
to slowly come in? I ’m afraid it ’s not necessarily. No one is easy, Everyone wants to live, so
why stand on the moral high ground and act as a messenger of justice. "
The latecomers became more and more angry, and some people rushed to try to get
started, but were stopped by another group of people for a while. One girl and one guy
walked beside Shen Shi'an. "Let ’s take care of each one, so we can close the door faster."
Shen Shian nodded and gave up the position of the left door.
When the two people behind him became more and more furious, seven survivors rushed
in before the zombies. At this time, the dense army of zombies was only about 50 meters
away from the door.
Ordinary people who have never experienced a virus outbreak, if they face the last zombie
alone, as long as they can maintain the minimum calmness and calmness, relying on speed,
reaction, wisdom and other advantages, they have a great chance to successfully escape or
even fight back. But once you meet the mountains, the sea, the crowds of people, and the
zombie swarms where you can barely see the border, let alone counter-killing, just the
broken limbs with blurry flesh, the cloudy eyes full of death, and the gathering of The crazy
roaring towards the sky can make people completely lose their desire to survive \\\ 'hope
and confidence.
Seeing that the zombies were getting closer, the two people who were still noisy stopped,
this time not only the first batch, but even the latecomers who were almost stopped outside
the door could not sit still. "This little Brother, you can close. "
Shen Shi'an's eyes condensed, and the palms of the palms holding the door remained
motionless "wait again."
The little **** the left shouted at the door, "Hurry up, everyone, run faster!"
The only few people clenched their teeth, and it really speeded up, one, two, three ...
successively rushed in through a gap of more than half a meter wide, or collapsed or were
held by others.
The zombies were more than twenty meters from the doorway, and between the gate and
the zombies, only the last person remained.
It was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a fat face and a slight blessing, wearing a suit
and trousers, and holding a briefcase in his arms that seemed not light. The limbs, which
have been lacking in motion for a long time, have long been weak, and they have been
shortened a little bit when the speed of zombies is less than half that of normal people.
Shen Shian's lips were tight, and he shouted, "Throw the bag!"
The middle-aged man was so sweaty that when he heard that he subconsciously held his
bag tighter.
At first, the two people were going to close the door. They were anxious. "They are still
holding their bags when they are dead. Can the bags be worthy of life? Are you going to
bury everyone for this kind of people!"
The crowd in the library immediately rioted, urging Shen Shi'an to close more and more
people, even the two little girls became hesitant.
Shen Shi'an's voice was so cold that he screamed again at the middle-aged man, "Wait for
you to be killed by the zombie!"
The middle-aged person trembled, and finally threw the bag out with a sad face. The
briefcase rolled a few times after it landed, and the gold bars and chains and neatly bundled
cash were scattered along the way.
After throwing the weight, his speed was a lot faster. When half a meter away from the
gate, Shen Shi'an pulled out an arm and grabbed his neckline and yanked the man in, while
holding the right hand of the pike. Pushing hard, the young men and women on the left
slammed the door shut.
The two-meter-long latch had just been inserted into the groove and locked, and the
muffled sound of countless bodies hitting the door exploded. The strong impact force
caused the whole door to shake violently, and everyone could not help but exclaimed and
took two steps back.
But the load-bearing capacity of the solid wood door was obviously better than Shen Shian
expected. After the first wave of tremor, it soon stabilized and remained firm.
The middle-aged man suffocated sharply on the ground, panting, and raised his head while
sinking, sinking into Shi'an. Thank you "... Thank you, thank you, Xie Xiaoyou save me ..."
Shen Shi'an looked cold and his tone was even colder. "Don't thank me, you just need to
take a step back and I will shut you out to feed the zombies." If you weren't worried that
the fresh blood would make the zombies more crowded, this last person would not save.
Before everyone's minds had time to relax, "Bang!" "Bang Bang!" More zombies hit the
floor-to-ceiling windows of the library one after another, and the muddy eyes pressed
tightly against the glass and flattened, as if walking around their prey. When turning back
and forth, even a sticky water stain was left, which is more psychologically uncomfortable
than the dark red blood fingerprints.
Immediately, the crowd screamed in a panic.
The city library is a regular hexagonal prism structure. A cylinder is hollowed out in the
center of the prism to cultivate plants. Considering the lighting and aesthetic requirements,
each side of the hexagonal prism facing the outside is installed with a half-wall transparent
glass window.
At first, in order to build the first iconic building in the city, the city government spent a lot
of money and spent a lot of time. All the glass is military-grade high-end customization. The
mayor once said with a smile at the ribbon-cutting ceremony that "it can't be broken with a
cannon." So Shen Shi'an didn't worry too much at first.
Just being surrounded by a crowd of zombies as food, the psychological pressure is too
great. In addition, considering that the zombies may still have some vision, it is obviously
not wise to lure them with fresh flesh in a room. thing. Moreover, twenty-five years after
the city library was built, who knows whether these glasses have exceeded the shelf life.
The proposal to move the bookshelf to cover the floor-to-ceiling windows was unanimously
approved. Shen Shi'an reminded him, "Be careful, there are groups of people taking care of
each other, and there may be zombies in the bookshelf." The zombies on the first floor
should be attracted by the sound of the explosion. Shen Shi'an I encountered a lot on the
way to the library, but I didn't see it when I came in. But being cautious is always right.
The library covers a vast area, and the glass windows covering the six walls are not easy. In
addition, the bookshelf full of books sinks to unimaginable. Even if there are more than 50
survivors running in, it will be enough. It took more than half an hour to complete this task.
By the way, I checked the whole floor again to ensure that no corner was hidden in the
zombies and all entrances and exits were safely locked.
After the windows on the six walls were completely covered by bookshelves, the library
suddenly darkened. Even with Shen Shi'an's eyesight, it was difficult to see things two
meters away. He lifted the child off his back and still hugged it with his right hand. He
firmly held the stick in his left hand, trying to identify the position as if he was looking for
After the light was blocked, the roar of zombies outside the library, the muffled sound of
knocking on the door, and the sound of scratching the glass window by the broken limb
became clearer. People can't help asking so many zombies over and over again, are they
still likely to go out alive?
As the crowd gradually fell into some kind of uncontrollable panic and despair in the dark,
a burst of something that knocked over something suddenly rang from the left side of the
reception desk, and even a scream that pierced the eardrum "Ahhhhh! !!! "
Snapped. Shen Shi'an successfully found the light switch, and the entire first floor of the
library was instantly bright like daylight.
He followed the screams, his gaze was frozen, and he took several steps to pierce the
stabstick into a zombie temple, but it was obviously late. A 30-year-old man next to the
zombie had awesome shoulders. Smears of blood appeared.
"He was bitten! He was bitten by a zombie !!"
Before they had time to respond to the reason why the lights would turn on, everyone
screamed back and forth, and suddenly a large area was centered around the bitten man,
and the shouts were noisy and mixed up.
"He was bitten, and he is about to become a zombie!"
"What are you waiting for? Kill him!"
"Or throw it out, you can't throw it on the first floor, you can throw it on the second floor ..."
The man's face became increasingly white in the discussion of the crowd, and the two
battles trembled, looking at Shen Shi'an's eyes full of terror. "Do n’t kill me, I ’m not a
monster, I ’m still human, and I do n’t know her. Why did it become a zombie? I was still
fine before I entered the door. I beg you, I don't want to die, I don't want to die ... "
Shen Shian's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and he smashed the end of the thorn stick to
the ground with a heavy muffled sound, "Quiet!" When the noisy discussion sounded calm,
he turned his attention to the bitten man. "You are Say, like us, a survivor who hid after the
explosion? Just turned into a zombie? "
The crowd reacted, right? Obviously the first floor had been inspected everywhere. Where
did this zombie come from?
Someone stared at the zombies on the ground whose brains had been completely
destroyed, and turbid brains leaked from the pierced temples. "Ah! I remember her! She
ran in behind me, just when I pushed the bookshelf. Right across from me! "
"I remember, I talked to her!"
"How could she be a zombie, and she couldn't see the wound at all?"
"Maybe it's been bitten in an unobtrusive place ..."
As long as I think that such a person infected with a zombie virus has stayed close to him,
and even had a friendly talk with himself, everyone can feel a bitter cold from the soles of
the feet straight to the sky cover.
What if the person who was just bitten is himself? What if he was standing next to him
when he became a zombie? Can you hide yourself without precaution?
"I'm so damned," someone sighed at the zombie fiercely. "I was bitten by a zombie and
didn't say it. I want to take all of us to be buried together!"
"In case there are other people who have been bitten or scratched but do n’t say what to do,
if we come here a few times, we may all die here. Could it be that we have escaped the tide
of zombies, and we are going to die in the relative In a secure library? "
The fear that "there are likely to be other virus-infected people around" makes all survivors
subconsciously spread away, and a large distance away from other people. The eyes of each
other looking at each other are all precautions and vigilance.
"I want to say that in order to ensure the safety of everyone, we must check each other.
Once we find injuries, all of them were thrown from the second floor of the library together
with the one who was just bitten! Anyway, they are all the same kind of zombies, Just going
outside and reunited. "The voice was one of the two survivors who wanted to close the
door in advance, with a medium oval oval face, looking at and speaking with ease, in fact,
both eyes were full of light. And after talking, he turned his attention to Shen Shi'an-the
blood stain on his face was so obvious.
As soon as the oval-faced voice fell, someone immediately disagreed. "The previous
explosion of the plane was so destructive. Various cement blocks and debris were flying
around. How many people can escape alive without being injured? Why do you just Can it
be determined whether the zombies were bitten or accidentally bumped and rubbed, in
case of a bruise, just because you have to say that half of the people have to be thrown out
to feed the zombies? Are he or her mother mentally ill or have a mental illness? "
"I think he is clearly cold-blooded and selfish, and wants to monopolize such a safe haven!
At that time, if he wanted to close the door in advance, if not for this brother to help each
other, we would all have died a dozen people later!"
"You said that abrasions are abrasions. In case it was really caught by zombies, you don't
know anything after you become a monster. We are exposed to danger, but we, why should
everyone be buried for you! You This kind of talent is truly selfish and cold-blooded! "
"Old \ 'zi has long seen you displeased, some kind of come over and fight!"
"If you fight, you'll be afraid of anyone. Take off your clothes and prove that there are no
wounds, otherwise I'm not interested in practicing with a zombie ..."
Following the problem of closing the door, the people in the library again split into two
waves because of the problem of examining the wound, and they were not incompatible
with each other. Under the weight of death, the fire's medicine smell became stronger and
"Everyone calm down first." A gentleman with glasses and a calm temperament stepped
out of the crowd. "Please be calm and calm, and think from the perspective of each other.
The reason why we will argue is because Fear of zombies and want to do my best to live.
Why do we want to live? Because we are all living human beings. We are all fellow human
beings, and there are so many cannibalistic monsters outside, why do we need to consume
the same room? Calm down first. To solve the current problem, it is not that there is no two
way. "
The quarrel was much lower, and someone asked, "What can you do?"
The eyes of the man smiled gently. "At present, there are actually two problems, one is how
to deal with the bitten gentleman, and the other is how to deal with the sibs who have
wounds on their bodies. Don't panic, let's take it one by one Come. First, "
The eyes of the man turned to the bitten man. The other person had not mutated, but his
condition was obviously terrible. "Although I'm sorry, but this gentleman, you should also
know that people who have been bitten by zombies will not be spared and will eventually
become zombies. But you can rest assured that you can still keep your consciousness now,
then you are still human and kill Zombies are legitimate defenses, and killing humans is
murder. I believe no one will do such a thing. In this way, we will tie you up first, and after
we confirm that you have become a zombie, we will solve it. You can no longer feel the pain,
which will not only make you suffer less, but also ensure the safety of everyone. "
Everyone fully accepted this method. The bitten man's lips trembled, and the eye man
patiently advised "I promise that you will never hurt you when you have human reason.
Think about it if you are bitten by someone else, do you want What about controlling each
other's actions? "
The bitten man finally agreed, and he also had to agree that everyone was on the same
front in how to deal with him, and who successfully ran to the library, not only Shen Shi'an
took a weapon in his hands.
Someone brought in a barrier tape outside the display area and tied the bitten man to a
chair, which was very strong to ensure that it could not move completely.
The glasses man continued, "Next, this is the second question. First of all, everyone must
check each other, the lesson of the car in front is in front of us, and we have finally come
here. Anyone's innocent sacrifice is for others. It ’s a huge loss. But do n’t worry, even if
there is a wound on your body, you ca n’t be sure that it will be the zombies. The safest way
is to be tied to a chair and restrained, like this gentleman, for several hours. Later, if there is
no abnormality in the wound, others will help loosen up and restore freedom. "
There was no natural consent for injuries, and those with wounds were hesitant to hesitate.
The eyes of the man slowed down. "That's the same sentence, please think from the other
side's point of view. If you find that someone else is injured, and there is no way to
determine whether it was injured by the zombie, before you can determine this problem,
you are Do n’t you want to be able to control each other ’s actions? Also, the previous
explosion and collapse were too chaotic. Maybe you thought the wound was a bruise, which
was actually accidentally made after a brief contact with the zombies, and was tied to a
chair for observation. Is the best and most responsible way for everyone. "
The words of the man in the glasses were obviously very persuasive. In the end, the two
people reached an agreement on this issue.
After the crowd started arguing and mingling, Shen Shi'an crouched down holding the
child, and carefully observed the zombie that suddenly mutated.
He wanted to cover the children's eyes, but he was picked up by the children. "I'm not
Also, many of the zombies who had just been even more terrible outside were seen.
The survivor who mutated into a zombie is a female, very young, estimated to be in her
twenties, lying on the ground with round, muddy eyes, and those eyes only retain the
craving for flesh and blood, and no one can belong to humans. Feelings.
She had no obvious wounds on her exposed face, neck, palms and wrists. Shen Shi'an
looked closely several times, and finally found a flesh-colored and blue-mutated tooth mark
on the outside of her right arm. The leaked blood was blended into the dark sweater fabric
and was inconspicuous, so it was not found.
Finding the wound Shen Shi'an expected that what really concerned him was the time it
took the survivor to mutate into a zombie.
There must be no doubt that she was bitten before entering the door. It has been nearly an
hour since Shen Shi'an entered the door. In other words, it took at least an hour after the
other person became infected with a zombie virus to completely mutate into a zombie?
On the first day of the virus outbreak, there was a girl with a twisted braid in the zombies
blocked in the door of the dissection room. According to the process described by Wan
Feng and Fan Guoping, it took the girl about five minutes to change from being bitten to
completely mutated. The longest mutation time of infected persons encountered after Shen
Shi'an did not exceed ten minutes.
The reason why Fan Guoping's mutation time can be delayed for several hours is because
he has ingested spiritual spring water, so it is not informative.
But the survivor in front of her, her mutation time is actually more than several times the
infected person Shen Shian met.
Is it because of individual differences? Or did the zombie virus become less aggressive? Or
is the survivor's resistance stronger?
While Shen Shi'an was thinking, others had reached agreement on examining each other's
Shen Shi'an stood up, and it was no accident that one person's eyes focused on himself.
"Do you want to check me first?"
Shen Shi'an looked the same, put the child down, took out a bottle of mineral water from
the schoolbag, moistened his sleeves and wiped the blood on his face, exposing the flawless
skin underneath "not my blood."
The scratches on his face and the abrasions on his body healed by running exercises as
soon as he entered the door.
After half an hour, the people checked each other out, and several women stepped out of
the bathroom.
A total of fourteen people had wounds on their bodies. The rest found all the things that
could be tied and tied them to a chair. For safety, they intentionally pulled away from the
bitten man a certain distance.
After everything was handled properly, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and found
a place to rest for a while. Until then, no one remembered the problem of electric lights.
"Isn't the power outage? Is the power restored? Does this mean that the disaster has been
brought under control and the country is coming to rescue us soon!"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "The power was not restored. The library has a backup power
Disappointment in the crowd was obvious, and some people questioned "how do you know
it's a backup system and not a power recovery?"
Shen Shi'an swept coldly over "You can choose not to believe."
His mother was the administrator of the municipal library before his death. Before Ms.
Shen's health was so bad that she had to stay in bed to rest, the municipal library was the
place where he spent the longest time outside of home and school.
However, it is obviously unnecessary to explain this to others.
Regardless of whether the power is restored or the backup system plays a role, having
sufficient lighting is obviously a good thing for everyone.
Human beings naturally love light, and where there is light, there is hope.
"Maybe rescue will come soon." Someone muttered, leaning on the pillar.
At this moment, the hoarse howling over countless zombies, from a height of hundreds of
meters, a booming sound of the helicopter's propellers rotating rapidly.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 25: 25th

Settings saved..
[The previous chapter has been modified, and the plot and important foreshadowing have
been added. Friendship is recommended to review again after entering the library from
"Airplane, is it an airplane, I heard the voice of the airplane !!"
The quiet library boiled instantly.
It was indeed a plane. Shen Shi'an listened for a while, it should be three.
The crowd was ecstatic, like the blind who suddenly restored their vision, and quickly
joined forces to move the bookshelf in that direction from a gap in front of the floor-to-
ceiling window, and looked out greedily through the thick glass of dust.
The survivor tied to the chair could not move, and hurriedly asked, "How about it, is it an
airplane, is anyone here to save us?"
"It's a plane. There are three in total. It flew over the pedestrian street. It still looks like a
military plane," the responder was so excited that his voice was shaking. "Rescue is here,
the rescue of the country is here!"
"Fly away from the pedestrian street? Where are they going, why don't they stop? When
can we come to save us?"
"Don't worry, the city of h is so big, it is certainly not only us who have survived. It is also
normal for rescue teams to go to other places to search and rescue. As long as the country
sends troops, we can find us here sooner or later."
"Great, we have been saved, we are all saved!"
The survivors almost wept, hugged, prayed, cheered and laughed, and the library was filled
with hope and great joy for survival.
Shen Xun raised his hand and touched "Shi An?"
Shen Shi'an held the child's hand and let go of the tightly frowned brows. "I'm fine."
He didn't join the cheering crowd because he was not as optimistic as everyone else.
The emergence of the rescue team was unexpected, and according to the direction of the
helicopter, the destination can almost be determined to be the City Medical University.
According to the current situation, helicopters are fast and safe, which is the best tool for
emergency rescue, but it also means that the carrying capacity is extremely limited. This
shows that his original guess was correct. The first wave of rescue will only focus on high-
end scientific research personnel and medical staff like Professor Li, and others can only
wait for the next wave.
But even if the next wave of rescue arrives, will the city library where everyone is now
really a rescue target?
On the square outside the library, the crashed passenger plane was about to have a small
explosion from time to time due to the fuel tank or the engine. The deafening sound of
explosions was soaring into the sky, and it is estimated that most of the urban areas can be
heard. Don't need to see it for yourself, Shen Shi'an can also imagine how many zombies
were gathered around the library at this time, and how many zombies were attracted by
the fire and explosion.
For the survivors of all other locations in city h, they are the best targets to attract zombies
near the sound of the explosion.
The more zombies gathered here, the fewer zombies will be in other places, and the lower
the difficulty of rescue. If he is a decision maker, in such a national or even global disaster,
in the rescue operation that must consider the least cost in exchange for the most
survivors, the city library, and everyone in the city library, can only be abandoned. child.
No rescue will come here at all.
Shen Shi'an's eyes crossed from the cheering crowd's faces, and unexpectedly met a pair of
equally diligent and thoughtful eyes.
The man in glasses smiled gently at him. Shen Shi'an did not have any expression on his
face, his eyes retreated.
Just a few minutes after the survivors in the city library heard the sound of the plane, the
small water auditorium of the Medical University was also boiling with sudden hope.
The small water hall at this time has changed a lot compared to the time when Shen Shi'an
escorted Professor Li. The recording that he asked Professor Li to record and placed on the
stele by Fan Guoping not only gave the survivors safe shelter information, but also
attracted the zombies around the teaching building to the stele. The students hiding in
various classrooms regained their hopes due to Professor Li's voice, regaining their
calmness and confidence, and when they found that the zombies were all gathered in one
place, most of them chose to escape from other directions and rushed to the water hall and
Professor Li and others met.
Coupled with Fan Guoping's rescue, the number of survivors in the entire auditorium has
reached more than 2,000.
It is not easy for more than two thousand people to live together on the island of Huxin and
cannot go anywhere. Because the space in the small auditorium is limited, hundreds of
people have to lay a floor in the hallway, steps, and open space outside the auditorium.
Fortunately, the temperature is not low at this time, otherwise sleeping alone will become a
big problem.
The problem of drinking water is easy to solve. There is tap water in the auditorium. Even if
the number of people doubles, it can be supplied and is more than enough. However, the
problem of food is not so easy.
The 78 students who first arrived in the auditorium not only harvested the specialty snacks
prepared for the expert group, but also collected a large number of materials from the
supermarket under the leadership of Wan Feng, but who would like to share these things
with the latecomers for free? No one knows when the rescue team will come. It ’s too risky
to go outside to search for supplies, and food is the hope of survival. Even they have to save
themselves. Who can give up hope to others?
The quarrel over food has been renewed, and even Professor Li's mediation has not helped,
and it has continued to intensify over time. But no matter how big the conflict between the
students is, how arrogant and tears are the same at the moment you hear the roar of the
propeller rotating at high speed.
"Rescue is here! Rescue is here! We are saved!"
Three helicopters were parked on the playground with a relatively small number of
zombies. Dozens of heavily armed rescuers jumped out of the cabin one after another and
began to carry out a planned search and rescue of the entire campus, especially the
research laboratory on the campus. .
It didn't take long for them to find that the small water hall is the largest gathering of
survivors in the medical university, and because of the superior location and security of the
small hall, they chose to use it as a temporary base in search and rescue operations.
The entire search and rescue operation lasted about six hours, and at this time the number
of people on Huxin Island had surged to more than 5,000.
Like everyone else, Lu Xiuyuan was rejoicing because of the arrival of rescuers, but as more
and more people flooded into the island of Huxin, an anxiety rose from the bottom of his
heart, so the rescue team could take all go?
This anxiety grew stronger and stronger, and finally turned into an uncontrollable anxiety.
He bit his thumb and paced around the corner, suddenly trying to go to the bathroom.
There are too many people on the lake island, so when the toilets are almost vacant, there
is a lingering odor and urinary odor lingering inside and outside, and after the city's power-
off ventilation device stops working, this This situation became more and more serious,
there was no courage to walk in without holding your breath.
However, in addition to the public toilets on the first and second floors, there is actually a
toilet in the domed loft on the top floor, which is located inside the grocery room. The
location is very hidden. Stumbled upon the venue.
After solving the physiological problems in the bathroom that only he knew for a while, Lu
Xiuyuan washed his hands and was preparing to go out, and heard someone talking
outside. He walked lightly to the door and pulled the door open a crack.
There are three people standing in front of the glass window of the attic, two of them are
the captain of the rescue team, the other is the vice president of the medical university, and
a well-known scholar who has considerable achievements in the medical field. National
Research Lab. An expert group headed by the Medical University before the virus outbreak,
the vice-principal was one of the main leaders.
"... the number of survivors in the school was much more unexpected than we expected,"
said the slightly taller captain. "We have three helicopters in total, limited to load capacity.
This time, we will only take away all doctors and scientific research. personnel."
The vice-principal said, "What about the remaining thousands of students?"
Another captain said, "There are materials on the helicopter, and we will drop them on
Huxin Island before leaving. It should be enough for them to persist in the next wave of
The deputy principal was silent for a while, "So what do I need to do?"
"Check the number of eligible survivors. We will start the journey in about twenty minutes.
Do not bring anything except documents that are helpful for virus research. The laboratory
and various professional equipment have been prepared at the base." The tall captain
paused and said, "In addition, see if there is a sophomore named Shen Shian among the
survivors. If he is still alive, he will go with us."
Lu Xiuyuan hiding behind the door gritted his teeth and trembled, sure enough, as he
expected! The rescue team didn't plan to control their lives, they just wanted to take the
scientific researchers away! Prepared materials for them to wait for the next rescue. It
sounds good, who knows when the next rescue will arrive! There are only three
helicopters. How can the loaded goods be distributed to thousands of people!
If all students can only die here and wait, why can Shen Shi'an take up a rescue place like
the professors? Is it because his family has money, his life is more precious than the lives of
Unspeakable anger mixed with deep-seated jealousy biting Lu Xiuyuan's heart, why, why!
Why is he not me! He already has a bodyguard escorted home, isn't it enough!
Lu Xiuyuan's almost stupid expression suddenly froze, and a certain thought struck him
like lightning:
Shen Shi'an had already returned home, and the vice-principal could not find him in the
survivors of Huxin Island. The rescue team, I am afraid, does not know what Shen Shian
looks like.
Anger and jealousy quickly faded away, and what surged in an instant was a mixture of fear
and excitement.
He immediately took off the schoolbag, and there were still a few bags of biscuits and bread
in the schoolbag. This was the rest of his calculations. In order to prevent others from
stinging, he carried his body no matter what he did. And besides food and textbooks, there
are a bunch of things in the schoolbag—
Student card.
The morning before the virus broke out, he collected his student ID from his classmates
before the morning meeting.
The heart beats like a cymbal, fast and heavy. He trembles and quickly finds the one he
wants from a pile of student ID cards, carefully tears off his photo, and dries his mouth
tightly against the water Go up.
The rescue team leader and the vice-principal were preparing to leave after discussing the
details of the evacuation. A squeak, a humble wooden door in the corner was suddenly
pushed open, and a young man with a straight-bodied figure came out from the inside,
Meifeng Slightly wrinkled, seems a little confused. "Sorry, I accidentally heard a little
conversation. What did you ask Shen Shi'an for?"
The taller rescue team captain squinted his eyes and looked up and down "Do you know
Shen Shi'an?"
The young man came out of the door with some precautions on his face, but nodded his
head. "I am Shen Shi'an." After that, he took out a student ID from his pants pocket and
handed it over. "The teacher notified the students to be admitted on the day of the virus
outbreak." The certificate said that it was necessary to update the student's registration
information in the hospital. As a result, the zombies appeared before they were turned in. "
The captain took the student ID, his face was a little rugged, and there was no expression.
Lu Xiuyuan stood about one meter opposite him, his expression was still indifferent and
indifferent, it seemed that he did not care what decision the other party would make
because of his identity. But only he knew how tightly the sweaty palms had been stuck in
the uniform pockets of the school uniform, so as to ensure that he was not exposed to any
He chose to let go in this way and fight for any possibility of living for himself, so no matter
what the end result is, he will never regret it. But the inner fear and hustle were like stormy
seas, and he could be completely swallowed up at any time.
What if the Vice-Chancellor has seen Shen Shi'an and knows what he looks like? What if the
captain sees a strange suspicion of his identity? What if the photo doesn't stick?
But he was lucky. The photo did not fall, the captain of the rescue team did not doubt it, and
the deputy principal did not remember what Shen Shian looked like.
The team leader put the student ID card together at his fingertips and asked the vice
principal, “On April 3, will the school hand in the student ID card?”
The vice-principal thought about it. "It seems that this is indeed the case. Students in
clinical colleges should choose the research direction after graduation in the second
semester. The school needs to count voluntary information so as to develop a special
cultivation plan for some top students."
The captain nodded and returned the student ID to Lu Xiuyuan. "Take off in 20 minutes.
You will go with us."
It's done.
Walking behind the three, Lu Xiuyuan passed a quick and warm smile in his eyes.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 26: 26th

Settings saved..
Lu Xiuyuan felt that he had never been so lucky.
He and Shen Shi'an's student IDs were stamped in the same batch, and the traces in the
photos were just right; the captain of the rescue team seemed to be very anxious to
evacuate without even verifying his identity; Professor Li and he were not escorted in the
same batch Helicopter team, so I did n’t see him
He put his sweater and hat on his head, pulled the zipper to the highest position, and
followed the last batch of rescued people to the wooden bridge leaving Lake Island.
He should be grateful to the more than 5,000 students who were left behind. Their
dissatisfaction and questioning were deafening, so he recognized his shouts like salt grains
rolling into boiling water, and disappeared for a moment;
He should also thank the captain of the rescue team for his fierce and fiery style. He pulled
out his pistol in the overwhelming questioning and opened three shots. After the billowing
noises quickly calmed down, he said, "Collect supplies, pay attention to safety, and wait for
the next Wave rescue. "
Lu Xiuyuan's lips under his neckline showed a hint of sarcasm. He had guessed that such a
dirty deal due to money and power, how could the rescue team explain the reason why he
only brought "Shen Shi'an" to him? Others listen.
He heard conversations that others didn't hear, he saw the truth that others didn't, and he
grasped it at a fleeting opportunity.
If there is an error in any of these links, he can only stay here to die. But no, there were no
mistakes, everything was more perfect than he eagerly prayed, and it went unbelievably
Lu Xiuyuan thought it was a providence. God wants him to live.
Therefore, when the helicopter had already flown out of the city of H, Professor Li only
reflected on what happened to the rescue worker "Mr. Shen", and Lu Xiuyuan looked back
at him with shock, disappointment, and contradictory eyes and turned his back. Slowly
He did nothing wrong. The rescue team was so anxious to retreat, even if he did not replace
Shen Shi'an, they would not take such a big risk to save people in the community.
Shen Shi'an is staying safe at home, with water and food, and bodyguards. He has too many
advantages compared to other people. Since he is not in danger of life whether he goes with
the rescue team or not, why? Can't give this extra chance of survival to myself
If someone else is in his position and encounters the same situation as him, he will only
make the same choice as him.
The plane has been so far away. Even if the rescue team finds that he is not Shen Shi'an at
this time, it is absolutely impossible to return to save people. Professor, I am also your
student, and my life is also my life. Do you really want to take apart my lies at this time for a
worthless truth?
He won the bet. Professor Li was silent for a long time, and still said nothing. Just lowered
his gaze and never looked at him again.
Lu Xiuyuan didn't mind. He turned his eyes to the outside of the machine window. The
building complex, the size of a matchbox, quickly retreated, and the afterglow of the sunset
was warm and spectacular.
He was not particularly worried that he would meet Shen Shi'an's family after the plane
landed. The rescue team leader told the vice-principal that the plane would take scientific
researchers to the nearest military base, and special experimental equipment had been
prepared in the base. That Mr. Gu is far away in Beijing. How could it be that he came to the
base through most of China on the third day after the virus outbreak.
Even if later found out that his identity is false, what can be done to save him, and then kill
him for an unchangeable fact? He willingly took the risk.
As long as he successfully reaches the base, he can survive. Lu Xiuyuan looked out of the
window and thought of the fiery fiery sunset.
He just wants to live.
When the three helicopters were evacuated from the city of H, Shen Shi'an had also cleaned
up the second floor of the library with more than 20 survivors.
The fourteen survivors who had wounds on their bodies did not mutate at all, proving that
they were not injured by the zombies, and that others had released their restraints and
restored their freedom. The man who was bitten by the zombie was transformed into a
zombie as early as five hours ago, and his man was pierced by his glasses.
So far, there are 54 survivors in the library, of which 19 are women and 35 are men. In
addition to Shen Shi'an with children, a mother in her 30s also brought one. Child, a lot
older than Shen Xun, looks like he should be seven or eight years old.
A total of 54 survivors, of which only 23 chose to go to the second floor with Shen Shi'an to
clean up the zombies, except for two children, and 28 others refused to participate in the
cleanup operation for various reasons.
There are obviously more zombies on the second floor than on the first floor, but relying on
speed, responsiveness and cooperation with each other, twenty-four survivors successfully
resolved all the zombies and no one was injured.
After throwing all the zombies from the second-floor window together, Shen Shi'an took
the child to the second-floor bathroom and finally found an opportunity to clean himself up.
He was thrown a thick layer of cement **** and various ashes in the explosion caused by
the crash of the passenger plane. After that, he moved the bookshelf and resolved the
zombies, and sweated again. The sticky answer is boring.
According to Shen Shi'an ’s cleanliness, I ca n’t wait to get into the space immediately and
take a good bath. I scrub it carefully from head to toe and put on clean and dry clothes, but I
do n’t have this condition at the moment. I can only take out a towel from the space with
the cover of a backpack. Just wipe the place that can be wiped with the tap water. In the
end, I couldn't help but simply ran through my hair.
Shen Xun sat on the sink and shook his calf. He came out of the space after the explosion,
and was guarded by Shen Shi'an all the way, but his body was very clean, and he smelled of
a milky shower gel.
He was staring at Shen Shi'an and wiping his hair. He walked in by a person outside the
door with pair of glasses on his nose.
"What a lovely child," the man in glasses exaggerated Shen Xun, and then extended his hand
to Shen Shian with a smile. "Introduce yourself, my name is Zhang, my name is Zhang Ze. I
don't know the gentleman's surname."
Shen Shian wrung out the towel, folded it neatly, put it in the pocket on the side of the
backpack, and heard the words "Shen." The words were simple and indifferent, and he
didn't shake his hand.
The man in glasses didn't seem to mind. He calmly put his hands back, washed his face and
walked out of the bathroom. He even said hello to Shen Shi'an before leaving. "Then I'm
going out first, Mr. Shen took the child for It's not easy, let me know if you need any help. "
As soon as he walked on his front foot, Shen Xun searched for his back and fangs his back, "I
don't like him."
Shen Shi'an rubbed on the child's head, looking away for a moment before the indifference
"I don't like him."
It is not that there is any holiday between the man who claims to be Zhang Ze and him, but
that the other is too gentle. Regardless of the attitude and tone of other survivors, or the
initiative to come forward to introduce your name, they are really good at communication.
If it was before the outbreak of the virus, such a person would definitely be a long-sleeved
good dancer, and Shen Shi'an would not have any doubts about him, but in the current
crisis and deteriorating living conditions, any goodwill for no reason must be prepared.
And be alert.
He wasn't sure what Zhang Ze was thinking, or if he was thinking something, but people do
n’t offend me, I do n’t offend, as long as the other party does n’t actively provoke him, he
does n’t mind peace with the other party during the period of refuge in the library get
It wasn't long before Shen Shi'an finished talking, and there was a very loud empty sound of
"Guru" and "Guru" in the stomach of the child. Mo Yu's eyes could not help but smile
Shen Xun nodded immediately.
Also, since the meal I ate before leaving the house in the morning, the child only eats some
desserts and ice creams while collecting supplies in the mall all day long. With a heavy
amount of food, he should have been hungry for a long time, but he has been patient. Didn't
tell myself.
Shen Shi'an was distressed. He took out a vacuum-packed duck leg from his backpack and
handed him "pad his belly first." Just as someone else walked into the bathroom, he
inserted the thorn stick leaning on the washstand into the zipper to reach the backpack.
Bottom, then carried the bag and carried the child out.
The first floor was too close to the zombies, so most of the survivors moved after the
second floor was cleaned up. When Shen Shi'an took the child out of the bathroom, he could
clearly feel that many eyes focused on the duck legs of the child.
"Mr. Shen," Zhang Ze shouted at the railing, surrounded by people. He was a survivor who
had participated in the cleanup before. "Are you coming to join us?"
The city library is a hexagonal prism structure in which a cylinder is hollowed out in the
middle. The volume of the cylinder is not small. The bottom area is about half of the area of
the bottom of the hexagonal prism. It is surrounded by military-grade bullet-proof glass of
the same material as the floor-to-ceiling window. A variety of flowers and plants have been
cultivated. No matter what level of the library you look down from, you can see a beautiful
and flourishing garden with special staff to maintain it. The flowers are in full bloom in the
four seasons. It is the most famous landscape in the library. one.
And where Zhang Ze and others are standing now, there is a second-floor library area
passing through an access control on the left hand side, and a cylindrical glass wall on the
right hand side. There are creepers and other vines climbing along the wall. The lively
green is very cute.
Shen Shi settled down and walked with the child. Without asking him, Zhang Ze actively
explained, "We are discussing how to allocate the materials collected from the library."
Leaving aside the army of zombies outside the library at this time, the library is indeed a
good place to temporarily serve as a refuge. It is not only sturdy enough to effectively
prevent zombies from coming in, but also has a backup power system and water There are
sufficient resources, and there is a water boiler on each floor to receive boiling water. How
many times better than most places.
The materials in Zhang Zekou are specifically aimed at foods that can supplement calories.
There are two vending machines on the first and second floors of the library, one for snacks
and one for drinks. A total of four vending machines, plus items collected from the lockers
and the staff room on each floor, are not small, but for the 54 survivors, there will certainly
not be enough.
At present, there are different opinions on how to allocate these materials. The survivors
who stayed on the first floor hope to be divided equally, but they are definitely not willing
to participate in the second-floor cleanup operation. Why do I risk the zombies? The
benefits must take you Dip together
Shen Shi'an stood at the edge of the crowd and listened for a while, but said nothing. Zhang
Ze still looked gentle, patiently and carefully listening to everyone's opinions. The results
have not been discussed here, but the sound of smashed glass suddenly came from the first
floor, followed by several yells, "Why do you want to be **** shameless? When you hit a
zombie, you will be a turtle, It ’s more positive than anyone else. I ’m not working hard to
make you eat, drink, and live comfortably. As long as I ’m here, you wo n’t be able to **** a
pack of spicy sticks. ”
Shen Shi'an and the others looked at each other, walking down the stairs at the same time,
walking to the lobby on the first floor, they found that the snack machine was broken open,
the broken glass was scattered all over the place, and several people were pulling around.
One saw Zhang Ze and immediately said, "Brother Zhang, these three people want to steal
things from the vending machine."
There were three people who broke the machine and wanted snacks. One Shen Shi'an was
very familiar. It was precisely the ellipse that wanted to close the door in advance to
prevent latecomers from entering. After being blocked by Shen Shi'an, he wanted to drive
all the injured out of the wound. Face, surname Fang.
The other two were a middle-aged couple, about forty years old, who seemed to be named
Huang. These three people refused to participate in the cleanup operation and chose to stay
on the first floor.
Mrs. Huang was unhappy immediately when she heard this. A pair of well-maintained
hands had half-inch long nails. She raised her hand and scratched the face of the person
who stopped her. "Stealing your mother, stealing this vending machine is your house. It ’s
not yours that you spend money on, but I ’m hungry and want to get two bags.
The person who stopped her was one of the participants in the clean-up operation. He was
not burly, but obviously much stronger than Mrs. Huang. If you encounter this situation
before the virus outbreak, maybe the good guys will not fight with the women or do not
want to mess with them. She was in trouble and gave up a little, but this time is not certain
whether she can survive tomorrow. Who will get used to her, and she was blocked by a
zombie, and she was holding her arm straight back. As soon as she pushed, Mrs. Huang
stumbled to the ground, and was immediately bleeding from the ground's broken glass,
screaming piercing the eardrum.
Mr. Huang was frightened and furious, shouting his fingers and screaming, "Do you think
there is no king law when the zombies come? Wait for the rescue team to rescue us, I will
definitely let you eat and go, just wait Let's go home and kill you "
This time another more grumpy participant flew up and kicked Mr. Huang to the ground,
lying next to Mrs. Huang, and the two began to scream, "Kill, kill, these bandits and
hooligans are fighting There are many killers. "
"You call again, you call Lao Tzu to kill you, believe it or not, stupid"
"Why are you so fierce? Although the aunt is anxious, but she's right, the vending machine
is in the library and not anyone here. Why can't people stop holding things?"
"If it weren't for us to clean up the zombies, you would n’t be willing to do anything when
you had a chance to take things. If you found the supplies, you would like to take the
advantage first. Are you my father or my mother?
"Why are your compatriots in city H saying so terribly, when this disaster is over, maybe
there will be more opportunities to meet in the future. You are sure that you do n’t need
other people's help when you are young. I don't understand a few retreats. "
The quarrel was getting louder and louder, and the participants and the left-behind each
made a mess for the camp. Shen Shi'an pressed the child's head against his chest and
blocked his ears, covering his other ears with his palms. Shen Xun rubbed his duck legs
while watching the show, and then touched his belly and took a nap.
Seeing that the two sides were getting more and more ridiculous, Zhang Ze made a gloomy
glance in his eyes, and slammed "Don't make a noise"
About a few more constructive solutions have been proposed before, and his words still
have a role in survivors. After the quarrel ceased, Zhang Ze slowed down his tone. "The
biggest contradiction of everyone is how to allocate materials. Now that you know where
the problem is, you need to find a way to solve it. Put all the materials together and move
them all to The reading room upstairs. "
About twenty minutes later, all survivors were divided into two teams and concentrated in
the middle of the reading room on the second floor. The afterglow of the sunset projected
through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the various drinks and food stacked
between the two teams.
"There are two kinds of solutions," Zhang Zedao said. "First, all materials are divided
equally according to the number of people."
The left-overs immediately agreed, while the participants showed up.
Zhang Ze signaled the participants to be calm and restless, looking at the stayers and
saying, "Equal sharing is fine. But since you choose to share equally, you can't just share it
in the library. Everyone should bring in the supplies they bring in. Come out and count the
numbers. "
Now it ’s the turn's turn to disagree. The reason why the left-behind are unwilling to
venture to clear the zombies on the second floor is not only due to various reasons such as
lack of courage, but also because more than half of the left-behind rushed into the library
with their bags and luggage on them Seeing that the rescue team is coming when the
materials can support it for a period of time, why should they take risks?
By the same token, many people choose to participate in the cleanup operation, because
many people simply do not care about bringing anything when they escape, they can only
go to the second floor and try their luck.
Of course, except for Shen Shi'an, his backpack looks bulging, and he is willing to feed such
a big duck leg to children, which has been identified as a wealthy family who doesn't worry
about eating and drinking.
Zhang Ze's first solution was eventually rejected by the majority. Then he gently proposed
the second "Since everyone is unwilling to share equally, then the second method is to
distribute according to work. Everything that everyone brings in can be retained, and the
materials obtained in the library are based on each person's How much labor is allocated to
find supplies. "
After saying this, he stood by the participants. For the first time, when Swen Qingxiu's face
looked at the left-hander, other expressions appeared, and there was a faint chill. "Please
be sure to understand, only these two Option, there is no third option. "
Soon, the second option was adopted by all votes.
Zhang Ze's look regained mildness, and even brought a smile. "Then start to distribute the
materials. By the way, Mr. Shen has the most labor in collecting materials, so he has the
most things, and everyone has no opinion."
Shen Shian looked at those smiling eyes with a sound, and looked back for a moment.
In the end, all the materials were successfully distributed. As the person who solved the
largest number of zombies, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun were divided into a bag of sandwich
biscuits, a bag of potato chips, a bag of strange beans, a snicker, and a bag. Dove chocolate, a
bottle of orange juice, a bottle of fruit milk and a can of cola.
Shen Xun was not interested in other things, but he never drank Cola. Shen Shi'an seldom
drank carbonated beverages. Since having the tomato juice produced in the space, Shen
Shi'an has never bought it. Even the two cans bought by Yun Feiyang were used to burn
Cola chicken wings. Shen Xun always thought that it was cooking. For the first time, I knew
that it was a drink that I could drink, and immediately tangled with Shen Shian to help him
open it.
Can't wait to sit on the chair, holding a cold cola and taking a big sip.
The next second, I was shocked by the abundance of carbonic acid gas, a mouth sprayed
out, and I wrinkled my face and threw my tongue back and forth. This thing was poisonous.
Raised in shock and anger, I want to throw it, and suddenly smash it, slap it, it seems that it
is OK
Then he held the cola jar to his mouth and took another sip carefully.
Drinking less this time, the stimulation of carbonic acid gas is not so strong, but a strange
and crispy numbness has never been experienced in the mouth.
Shen Xun jumped out of the chair and rushed to Shen Shi'an to share with him "An An Yuyu
spit bubbles in my mouth"
Survivors laughed sporadically. Shen Shi'an also laughed. After taking a sip as the child
intended, he raised his hand and touched his head. "I see, keep playing."
Shen Xun seems to have found something precious, holding Coke back to the chair, taking a
sip and feeling it, and then taking a sip and feeling it again, sometimes he accidentally
drinks too much and wrinkles the entire face into Qiuju. After Ma Jiner passed, he couldn't
help trying again.
And while the children were having a good time holding a can of Coke, Shen Shi'an was
preparing a place for the two to sleep at night. For security reasons, the stairwell doors
from the second floor to the third and first floors were locked, and everyone concentrated
on the second floor for rest. The reading room on the second floor is very user-friendly, not
only with tables and chairs, benches, but also sofa cushions, and tatami mats that can sit
Shen Shi'an pulled out a tatami enough for him and two children to sleep, took two pillows
as pillows, found a corner of the wall next to the wall and neatly padded, and took out the
sticks and placed them near the tatami. Position, took out a thin cashmere blanket from the
space through the backpack, shook it off, and beckoned to the child, "Come, go to sleep."
The child ran over holding the cola jar that had already drunk half of it, and lay down
between Shen Shi'an and the window, a pair of dark green eyes opened round.
Shen Shi'an put Coke on the ground next to him, "Drink tomorrow." Then he lay down
likewise. The child immediately turned over and got into his arms, and sniffed a few
hesitant, peaceful smells around his neck.
It was completely dark outside. Today is April 5th, the first day of March in the lunar
calendar, which is also the Qingming Festival. The crescent moon, which is so thin, is almost
invisible, only a few stars emit a dim and clear glow, reflecting the unstoppable hoarse
howling of the zombie army downstairs, revealing a sense of desolation.
In order to save electricity, all the lights on the first floor were long gone. Only the second
floor table was still lit with a few lamps, which matched the starlight outside the window,
becoming the only light in the dark night of the entire city.
The road is difficult and the road ahead. In such a night, there can always be infinite pity
and pity in my heart. But no matter how worried or anxious, as the night gets darker, he
also sinks into sleepless dreams with his tired body.
Shen Shi'an's breathing was shallow and long. When everyone had fallen asleep, there were
only a few murmurs in the reading room, and a pair of eyes opened quietly, reflecting Ling
Qingguang in the starlight.
He nudged the child gently, waited until the child opened his eyes, and compared him with
a "hush" gesture, leaned sideways to his ear and said in a low, low-pitched voice, "I put You
enter the space, eat well, and eat vegetables. Do not picky eaters. In addition to rice, add a
glass of milk and an egg. Do n’t forget to eat fruits. Wash your hands and wash your face
after making sure that there is no taste. I will put you out. With a child's appetite, it was
impossible to be full at that point.
Shen Xun was irritated by the heat from his mouth and nose, trying to control not to hide
behind him, his eyes flashed sharply after hearing his words, and he nodded again and
Shen Shi'an thought, moving the child into the space, and at the same time took a pillow out
of the space and placed it beside himself, instead of Shen Xun's position. The place he chose
was hidden, and there were very few survivors resting around it, plus the cover of his body
and blankets. Unless someone came to him and lifted the blanket away, it was impossible to
find anything strange.
When Shen Xun on the other side entered the space, he immediately ran to the second floor
of Zhulou. For easy access, those cooked foods prepared by Shen Shi'an before leaving
home were placed beside the stairs on the second floor and packed in containers such as
bento boxes, because the time on the second floor of the bamboo building was stagnant and
still hot.
Shen Xun picked a large braised pork rice bowl, took a bag of milk and an egg, and put an
orange in his pocket, and moved it to the coffee table in the hall on the first floor.
Fortunately, he was a little taller, otherwise the stairs might not be able to climb back and
The braised pork is roasted with fatty and half-pork pork belly. It is fat but not greasy and
crispy, and it has an attractive caramel color. The rice and soup are fully stirred, and each
grain of rice is covered with the essence of the gravy. The soft and hard particles are clear,
and the teeth are slightly elastic. With chewing, an indescribable rich sweetness is released.
Shen Xun took his own special children's spoon and ate a large portion of rice bowls and
ate it all within a short time. Even a few grains of rice on the lid of the bento box were not
spared, leaving only a few hot ones. Green vegetables, lying alone in the corner no one
cares about.
The child frowned a bit disgustingly, but thinking of what Shen Shi'an said, he still stuffed
the vegetables in his mouth with a look of death as if to return home, chewed them
perfunctoryly, and swallowed them.
"I'm not picky," he lifted the bento box to Shen Shi'an outside. "Everything is done."
Shen Shi'an, who can sense all the changes in the space in real time, can't help laughing a
little fool.
After eating rice bowls, I drank a bag of milk and ate an egg. Finally, I drank the oranges to
the stream, washing my face and rinsing my mouth, waiting for the flesh from my body to
clear, and peeling and eating the oranges.
After waiting to smell it no matter how you smell it, sure that there is no smell of food left,
Shen Xun shouted to the air, "An An, I'm fine"
Shen Shi'an retracted the pillow and released the child. After eating and drinking, the child
was in a very good mood. He got a small voice in Shen Shi'an's ear and said, "It's time for
you to go in for dinner."
The hot breath sprayed out with the words, and Shen Shi'an felt only an itch on his ears,
and a layer of goosebumps suddenly formed. Move the child away from his ear, shake his
head, and said very softly again "I can't go in, I will be found."
He is not the same as Shen Xun. His volume is too large. Once he disappears from under the
blanket, as soon as someone looks at it, he will immediately notice that something is wrong.
Shen Xun heard the words and opened his eyes suddenly. The expression looked like a real
adventure with others. He obediently did according to the requirements of the adventure,
but when it was his turn, the others directly resigned. Angry and anxious, whispering, "But
you will be hungry."
Shen Shian calmly patted him on the back. "I'm not hungry. I ate sausages and biscuits."
The ham sausage was taken from the space through a backpack, and the biscuits were the
supplies. The duck leg that was given to the child was already very eye-catching. Although
his backpack looked bulging because he had put on his clothes, he could n’t keep going
from the backpack forever when there was so much food. Take things out and judging from
the current situation, they don't have to stay in the library for a long time. If they eat and
drink without regret, it will inevitably cause others to doubt and feel that he has another
dependency. The biscuits were eaten in only half a bag. He can protect his body by doing
exercises, and Lingquan can replenish his energy. Even if he doesn't eat anything, he can
survive in a short time.
Shen Xun was even more anxious after listening.
Still have to pick up what to say in the past, Shen Shi'an held his arms in his arms and drew
in his arms. "Don't make a noise, I'm really not hungry, sleep well."
Then he kissed "Good night."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 27: 27th

Settings saved..
When the alarm bell suddenly sounded, Shen Shian woke up suddenly. In the moment of
confusion caused by thinking being pulled from deep sleep to reality, he thought that it was
a child who disturbed his mobile phone and accidentally set an alarm clock, but in a flash, it
was like a pot of snow pouring down, and the whole person was completely awake Take
the phone out of the backpack as fast as possible.
At this time it was more than twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the sporadic
stars outside the window became more dim, and even the hoarse howling of the zombie
army seemed to be much lower. In the silent reading room on the second floor, the loud
alarm bell sounded like a thunder, which instantly awakened most people.
Someone followed the voice and looked towards Shen Shi'an. "Why, let's not let people
sleep in the middle of the night?"
"Is the phone ringing? Isn't the phone disconnected from the internet?"
"Someone got the call? Can you contact the outside world now?"
"Mr. Shen, did your phone ring? Did someone call you?"
Shen Xun was also awakened, rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the tatami, "An'an?"
Shen Shi'an couldn't answer him. In fact, he couldn't answer anyone now. When he saw the
incoming contact on the mobile phone screen, he shook slightly, and immediately slid to the
connection key "... Hey, Mr. Gu?"
Gu Yan's familiar voice sounded at the other end, probably because the signal was not good,
blurry and intermittent, with a little noisy and rustling noise "... An'an, An'an, can you
listen ... can I speak?"
Shen Shian clenched the phone case subconsciously. "Can hear, I can hear, how is the
situation over you, have you been injured?"
"... I'm fine, I'm not infected ... the virus," Gu said, almost crying with joy. "I received you ... a
text message ..., where are you ...? Is it safe?"
"I and Shen Xun everything is fine, now it's safe, you don't have to worry about it," Shen
Shi'an briefly and quickly explained the current situation of himself and the children, and
then asked another important question besides Mr. Gu's safety: "You Did you find Mr. Fan's
family? Is there any news about them? "
"His daughter ... It's okay, live now ... Gu's ... It's safe. I will continue to take care of her. Don't
bear it ... his wife was already ... after the virus broke out ... zombie, I sent someone to bring
her body back ... buried in…"
Shen Shi'an's heart seemed to have fallen into a stone and sank a little bit.
Mrs. Fan had been infected with the flu before the virus broke out. Although she knew that
her chances of survival were extremely low, she was still somewhat unacceptable when she
heard the news. Fan Guoping was still worried about his wife's safety when his life was
about to come to an end, but he didn't know that his wife had completely passed away
before him. How worldly things are impermanent and cruel.
Fortunately, his daughter Fan Xintong is still alive. Shen Shi'an kept his promise in mind
and he will do everything in his power to protect the child's safety.
I heard that Shen Shi'an was connected to the phone. The library boiled instantly. The
escape after the passenger plane crashed was too hasty. Some people did not have time to
bring the phone. Some people brought the phone but did not bring the charger. The phone
was turned off, and the rest had both a mobile phone and a fortunate battery, all of them
took the phone out and madly called to try to get in touch with the outside world.
The rustling noise in Shen Shi'an's mobile phone suddenly became louder, and Gu Yan's
voice on the other side became more and more blurred, fragmented and unspeakable, and
seemed to be interrupted at any time. The other party should also be aware of this, because
Mr. Gu's speaking speed suddenly eagerly accelerated "... An An ... Beijing side ... Chaos ...
dead above ... uncontrollable, ... Qin family ... military ... you must be careful ... can't ... The
rescue team ... soon ... pick you up ... "
Waiting for Mr. Gu to finish, there is only a long and meaningless busy tone in the mobile
phone. The call was dropped.
Shen Shi'an called back immediately, but no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't
connect again.
The other survivors exploded their phones and failed to make any calls. At this time, seeing
Shen Shi'an ended the call and all came around immediately. "Mr. Shen, are you in touch
with the outside world? Who called you? "What did he say? Is the rescue team coming
soon? How about the disaster elsewhere? Is there a zombie virus out there? Why can't your
cell phone get us through ..."
The swarming problem almost drowned Shen Shi'an. He raised his hand to signal everyone
to be quiet, and then hugged the child who was caught by his leg. "The call was from my
father. He and I exchanged each other's current situation. Information. Others were in
Beijing, where a zombie virus also broke out, and the disaster situation should not be more
optimistic than the city of H. Now the communication network has collapsed due to data
overload. It should only be an accident when my mobile phone can connect to the phone,
like in a deep mountain old forest I just received the signal. "I don't know how many times
Mr. Gu has tried to make this call.
Everyone was anxious and couldn't be quiet. They tried to get more information from Shen
Shi'an, but Shen Shi'an himself had very limited information and couldn't answer more
questions. So after more than 20 minutes, the survivors could only be disappointed. But
reluctantly returned to their original positions.
Before leaving, several people expressed the hope that they could borrow Shen Shi'an's
mobile phone to continue trying. Shen Shi'an thought about it and agreed. His mobile
phone was replaced after the accident. There was no personal information in it. After
checking it, he borrowed the mobile phone. Make an appointment to return tomorrow
Hopeful people are more suitable for living together than hopeless people.
Startled by the call, the survivors couldn't fall asleep anyway for a short time. Someone
turned on the radio function in the mobile phone, carefully switched the frequency, and
tried to receive messages from the outside. No matter how you tune it, the phone can
always receive a rustling electronic noise.
"I used to listen to the radio every night," said the middle-aged man who turned on the
radio. "But I haven't heard one since the outbreak of the virus. No matter which channel is
not working, it stands to reason, even if many people become zombies, But the tower
receiving station is still there, can't it suddenly all be broken? "
"I'm thinking about this too. It shouldn't be difficult to send a message on the radio. Why
have all these three days passed and the country hasn't moved at all? It's good to send an
explanation statement to appease the masses."
"I do n’t have to worry too much, do we still see helicopters during the day? Now that the
rescue team has appeared, it is only a matter of time before we are rescued. Wait until all
the survivors come together to lead the party and the country It is not difficult to restore
normal social order. "
"Can the rescue team leave soon?" Someone suddenly interjected, the sound was not too
loud, but it succeeded in quickly cooling the fiery hope that had just ignited in the reading
After a long time, someone whispered, "... the rescue team, will you come back?"
There was silence, and no one answered him.
Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun and lay back on the tatami. The child was afraid of heat and
looked like a small stove. Shen Shi'an covered him with a blanket, turned his head and
quietly stretched out his feet. Tapping "Don't make trouble, watch out for cold."
Shen Shi'an was not surprised that the broadcast could not receive the message.
He agreed with Professor Li's analysis that there is an absolutely inseparable link between
zombies and influenza viruses. Coupled with the news about Mrs. Fan that he just learned
from Mr. Gu, it is very likely that before the virus outbreak, all people infected with the flu
will become zombies after the virus outbreak.
This means that at the moment of the virus outbreak, the country's population had been
halved. Coupled with the fact that the source zombies subsequently infected the zombie
virus by grabbing, biting, or eating, the most conservative estimates are that the number of
survivors in China as a whole will not exceed one quarter of the total population.
What's more fatal is that the influenza virus infection has no regularity, has nothing to do
with age, has nothing to do with sex, and has no physical strength. In other words, three
quarters of the population lost in these two and a half days, including In all fields,
industries, and positions, as long as the virus is infected, no one can be spared.
A country or society is like a huge and sophisticated high-end machine. For its normal
operation, countless individuals need to be used as gears to coordinate and connect with
each other. This lack of any link will cause major problems, and a quarter of it The vacancy
of the three populations is definitely a devastating blow to the state apparatus. The
breakdown of the communication network and power outages throughout the city are the
best proof.
The transmitter and receiver used to transmit the broadcast signal may be intact, but the
person making the signal may not be.
What's more, judging from Mr. Gu's last paragraph, the zombie virus is probably more
destructive to the upper-level authorities. If the entire superstructure is on the verge of
collapse, no one will be able to send a broadcast signal to alleviate the panic. No matter
how speculative it is, wait until the end of this round of shuffling and the new power
mechanism is determined. At that time, even if we think of the need to transmit signals,
how many people can hear when the power is cut off is unknown.
Shen Shi'an rubbed the child's hair, and his gaze out the window was a little dignified. In
the call with Mr. Gu, his gain was not small, and he had a lot of information that was
important to him. But because the signal was not good, his speech was intermittently
ambiguous, and he was not sure whether he understood some information correctly.
For example, the Qin family has specialized in officials and business circles for several
generations, and their family members have been in high positions or have a wealth of
wealth. How can they be related to the military? Or did he miss any important information
during the call?
However, no matter how tangled, this question can't be answered right now, and we can
only discuss it in detail with Mr. Gu after arriving in Beijing. According to Mr. Gu said on the
phone, the rescue team should be able to come soon.
The reading room became quiet again, and those who tried to make calls gradually gave up.
The middle-aged man who turned on the radio did not turn off the phone, tuned the
frequency casually, and placed a constant electronic noise on the table.
Shen Shian was thinking about things, waking up very shallowly like a dream. So when a
cry cried suddenly at more than four in the morning, his eyes opened instantly.
The voice came from the mobile phone on the table, which is much clearer than the call
before Shen Shian, and every word can be heard clearly.
"... Hey, hey, can anyone hear me? I am Xiong Mengmeng, who lives in 2203, Building 12,
Qinglan Villa, Taoyuan Street, H City Business District, and is now transmitting a signal to
the outside through a homemade transmitter. If anyone can hear Me, please help me,
please. My house is out of power because the floor is too high and the water has stopped.
My mother has n’t returned to find food. I ’m so hungry. The black outside is full of
monsters. I ’m so scared ... ... if anyone hears me, please, can you come and save me ... "
The girl's especially tender voice is no more than fifteen years old, with obvious weakness
and fear to the extreme crying, echoing between the bookshelves of the reading room,
traveling through the most viscous darkness before dawn, emitting Despair is all over the
Someone yelled, "Who turned on the radio, can't turn it off yet!"
The radio turned off, the girl's cry disappeared instantly, and the reading room was dead.
The child arched in the arms of Shen Shi'an and stumbled, "... An'an?"
Shen Shi'an sighed indifferently and held him tighter. "It's all right, sleep."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 28: 28th

Settings saved..
Looking down from the second floor, the hordes of zombies are more and more shocking,
as if there is no end, and the layers are creeping endlessly, making everyone feel cold.
It is the mid-spring season, and the sun is shining for several days. Although the zombies
can still move, the ground and flesh on the body have long lost their activity. The result of
being exposed to the sun for several days can be imagined. Thousands of dead rotten odors
came together, and if the window was opened with a slit, the smell would faint people.
Shen Shi'an led the children around the six-story floor-to-ceiling window on the second
floor, and carefully observed the zombies below, and his eyebrows frowned for every
additional moment of observation.
I don't know if it is an illusion. He always feels that some of the zombies' moves seem to be
a little more flexible than three days ago. The slowness and stiffness between actions is
becoming less and less obvious, and he can even try to jump.
Can zombies evolve?
This sudden thought made Shen Shi'an feel a cloud quickly in his mind. In just three days
after the virus outbreak, the number of survivors has fallen sharply to less than a quarter of
the total population, and the survival situation has already been difficult. If in this case,
more than three-quarters of the total number of zombies is returned If it can evolve, then
the entire human race may be in danger of genocide.
In order to prevent it from being dazzled by himself, Shen Shi'an looked closer to the floor-
to-ceiling window. In the past, the spotless glass was covered with a layer of dirt because of
the explosion caused by the crash of the passenger plane and the collapse of the building,
but fortunately, the impact on the view was not too great. When he stared at several
zombies that behaved abnormally, it seemed as if there was a sense in the meditation. A
series of seven or eight zombies suddenly raised their heads at the same time, and there
was a black hole in the rotten eyes, straight toward Shen Shi'an looked over.
A deep chilly bone crawled up against the back, Shen Shi'an stepped back subconsciously,
his legs hit a long table and made a muffled sound, something inexplicably cold and
frightened like a bone-bone claw. He held his heart tightly, as if he had encountered a major
threat to his life. At this time, the internal body exercises were working to the extreme.
Numerous small auras gathered from all around, because the speed was too fast and even
formed around him. Hundreds of invisible cyclones.
Shen Xun immediately noticed his abnormality and ran to grab his hand "An'an!"
Shen Shi'an leaned on the table and gasped a few times. His face was a little pale, but his
eyes became darker and brighter. "I'm okay," he shook his head, waiting for the sudden
coldness and coldness to suddenly disappear, and the internal workings gradually returned
to normal. He raised his hand and touched his slightly warm abdomen, which seemed a
little unsure. " I feel like the exercises are about to advance. "
The exercises are indeed about to advance. When the enthusiasm in the lower abdomen
continued for more than two hours and still did not stop, and his five senses were slowly
rising at a noticeable rate, Shen Shi'an finally determined this.
He has been practicing Gongfa for more than two months. Although it is not too long, it is
only logical that he is promoted to the first level. After all, according to the Gongfa book,
this is the most basic and simple step in the entire cultivation phase, which is probably
more than Babies learn to drink milk a little harder.
Regardless of what triggered this advancement, whether it was the desperate rush before
the plane crashed, or the mental stimulation experienced at that moment, the improvement
of exercises is a great thing for Shen Shi'an.
I just do n’t know how long this advancement will take, and whether the use of exercises
during the advancement period will be affected.
In addition, those pair of black holeless eyes have completely become a lingering shadow in
Shen Shi'an's heart. Whether it was the strange behavior of the zombies or the response of
the internal body exercises to this, it has confirmed the worst guess in his mind since the
virus broke out--
Zombies, at least the zombies whose behavior patterns have changed, are sensitive to his
space or the spiritual spring in the space.
This means that in the last days, he is a living target for attracting zombies.
What is the effective distance of this induction? Is there a way to shield this induction? Will
this induction weaken or increase as his skill level increases? ...
Shen Shian's thoughts were complicated. Numerous questions were rummaged in his mind
but none could be answered. At last he sighed and hugged the child. "Let's find some
On the second floor is a reading room. All types of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals
are placed on the bookshelf. They are extremely rich and complete, from international
affairs to entertainment gossip, from fashion pictorials to pig breeding manuals.
The geography books and materials are on the fourth floor of the library. The detailed maps
of the provinces and cities stored in it are the main purpose that Shen Shi'an chose to go to
the city center from the beginning. But he didn't intend to reveal his goal. In the case of
zombies everywhere on the second floor and above, a person rushing to the fourth floor
was really strange. Anyway, with so many survivors, the food simply cannot afford to be
consumed, and there will always be people who propose to clean up and collect materials
one by one.
Shen Shi'an turned around the bookshelf a few times, took four or five journals related to
crop planting, and found two comic books for the children. He walked to a coffee table a
little far from the window and sat down to read.
When you are trapped in a limited space, there is no network and games, there is no way to
leave and nothing can be done, and the time suddenly becomes extremely long.
Some of the survivors are sleeping, both to save energy and reduce consumption. Some sit
around in groups of three or five, and some are looking out of the window, and others, like
Shen Shian, pass the time by reading newspapers and magazines.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun sat opposite each other. In addition to a few books on the coffee
table, they also put a pack of strange beans and iced tomato juice in a thermos cup. The sun
poured in through the window, flipped through the pages of the book and drank an ice
drink. Ignoring the endless hoarse howl of the zombie army is a rare afternoon quiet time.
It's just that this silence was quickly broken, and there was a growing quarrel from the
reading room. You don't have to go out to see Shen Shi'an to know what these quarrels are
There are generally two ways of water supply in cities. One is the artesian water supply
system, which uses natural gravity to make the water source from high to low. It is usually
suitable for buildings and households at lower altitudes. The other is a pump water supply
system. That is, the water is pumped directly to high places by electricity, which is usually
suitable for buildings and households at higher altitudes.
The first and second floors of the library have low altitude, so the water was not cut off
even after the city was powered off, but maybe it was reminded by the **** the radio in the
early morning that many people began to realize that they were trapped somewhere and
the water source was cut off. What a terrible thing.
The library still has water, but the storage capacity of the highland pool is limited. In case
the water in the water tower runs out, where is the electricity to transport water from
other places? The backup power system in the library only controls lighting, but it does n’t
matter whether the water pump is available or not. When the water runs out, then they just
have to sit and wait for death!
It was not too early in the morning, and some people found various appliances that could
hold water, took water from the tap and stored it. The herd effect is often blind and crazy,
especially when it comes to self-interest and stimulates the desire for survival, the first one
will have the second, then the third and fourth ... to the last half of the crowd I am afraid
that I will suffer if I pick up late.
There are a total of four bathrooms and eight faucets on the first and second floors of the
library. Once they are not allocated enough, it will naturally cause contradictions and
The quarrel didn't last long, and it calmed down in Zhang Ze's exhortation. Shen Shian has
observed his words and deeds carefully, and found that he seems to be very good at and is
accustomed to playing the role of leader in the group.
After turning over half of the magazine, a short-haired young man suddenly walked up
beside him, with a tall head and dark complexion. I was embarrassed and put two bottles of
water on the coffee table. , I brought you two bottles. "
Shen Shi'an was a little surprised. He looked at the bottle and looked at the young man. It
was not immediately clear what he meant.
"Ah," the young man responded, and scratched his head even more embarrassed. "Mr. Shen
probably doesn't remember me. My name is Li Cheng. I'm a courier. I gave Mr. Shen a
takeaway. Right in that neighborhood? "
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly. He had not ordered a lot of take-out land but not too many, so
there was still no way to connect the other party with specific events. What's more, what
does the other person have delivered to them to take delivery, and what is the relationship
between water delivery to them now? Takeaway service is a good deal of money and goods.
What I really want to say is to thank the other party myself.
The young man saw his suspicions and hurriedly continued, "I gave Mr. Shen a takeaway at
the end of December last year. A handsome man called Mr. Yun Ao Tianyun placed the
order and Mr. Shen took it to me when he arrived. The bottle of mineral water also gave me
a five-star praise. Hey, because I made two more dollars for this one. "Speaking at the end,
he smiled brightly and straightly, exposing two rows of white and neat teeth.
Shen Shi'an finally remembered. That day was the first day he returned home from the
hospital after the car accident, and Yun Feiyang ordered takeaway. Later, in order to
complete the agreement with his mother to "exercise one good day", he took a bottle of
mineral water to the takeaway and let Yun Feiyang Five-star praise.
After more than three months, Shen Shi'an had long forgotten what the delivery man
looked like. If it wasn't for the other party's reminder at this time, I'm afraid he would
never remember such a passenger in his life. That bottle of mineral water is just a quick
way to complete the task for me, even someone will remember it for so long?
Li Cheng laughed again. "Well, it ’s not a good job to deliver food. There are many places for
delivery, and all kinds of people can meet. Because the food is not good, I was badly judged
because of traffic jams on the road. After a few minutes of complaining and scolding, I also
delivered it clearly, because I accidentally knocked over the result and lay on me, and called
for compensation ... Anyway, it was quite a lot when I didn't go well, so I sent all I said
thank you to the guests who gave me a good review. I wrote it down. When I was in a bad
mood, I thought about it one by one and it was not so uncomfortable. Mr. Shen was the first
and only person to bring me water. I remember clearly Now, I recognized it as soon as I
entered the library yesterday, but I was embarrassed to come over to talk, and today I saw
Mr. Shen never going out to pick up water, so I brought two bottles with me. "
Talking about pushing the water slightly towards the middle of the coffee table, "The bottle
is clean, I washed it before receiving the water. The water is left in the water heater, it's still
warm, just because children don't drink cold water. "
Shen Shian didn't know what to say. Regardless of the others, how can water from three
months ago and current water be compared on the same standard? What was dispensable
at the time was now life-saving.
My mind was full of thoughts, and I could only say "Thank you."
"You're welcome. You should, you should, I just happened to be good." Li Cheng quickly
waved his hands, posed and didn't hold back a yawn, and quickly covered his mouth again.
"I'm sorry, last night After listening to that little girl's radio, I never fell asleep. "
Shen Shi'an looked closely, and it turned out that he found a dark blue from the bottom of
his eyes.
Li Cheng sat down in another chair after obtaining consent, as if he finally found the person
to talk to, and raised his eyebrows and sighed heavily. "It's a shame that she is so young and
so smart. She is at home alone How pathetic, if only I could rescue her ... "
Shen Shian can understand his guilt and helplessness, but this matter is probably
powerless for anyone in the library.
It is not difficult to make a simple signal transmitter. As long as you have a small electrical
appliance such as a radio or alarm clock at hand, you can easily do it by disassembling a few
parts and reassembling. Many senior private schools that value practical skills are taught in
manual lessons in junior high or elementary school. When Shen Shi'an helped a child to find
a school that suits him for a while, he watched a lot of similar teaching videos from the
school's official website.
But such a transmitter has a very obvious limitation, which is that the propagation distance
is short. According to Shen Shi'an's estimation, the girl named Xiong Mengmeng should be
no more than one kilometer away from the library in a straight line. This means that she
and the survivors in the library are separated by a zombie army that cannot see the end.
How to save?
No one can save her.
In the last days, the DPRK is not guaranteed, and there are certain things that can only be
left to fate.
Li Cheng sat down for a while, stood up, and prepared to leave. Shen Shi'an thought and
called him "You don't have to worry too much, the tap water in the library will not be
broken in a short time."
The highland pools in h city are distributed by district, that is to say, the water tower that
supplies the library at least stores enough water for hundreds of thousands of people
throughout the city center in three days. The population concentration in the city center,
the proportion of zombie conversion will only be far higher than the average level, plus the
commercial water is completely stopped, even if the survivors who fled the city are not
considered, the water storage in the water tower is sufficient to ensure the basic residents'
water use, even if it It is estimated that there will be no problem for several months.
After listening to his explanation, Li Cheng's eyes brightened, and he became increasingly
embarrassed at the act of sending water. "You see what I did, and thought it was helpful. I
didn't expect to do it any more. Hey, college students who have read books are Not the
same, then Mr. Shen is busy, I will not bother. "
After waiting for Shen Shi'an to show anything, she scratched her head and ran away.
Shen Xun, who has not spoken, twisted the two bottles of water one by one and smelled
them, no problem. Seeing Shen Shi'an was in a good mood, he jumped out of the chair and
squeezed into his arms. "When did you meet him, An An?"
Shen Shi'an rubbed two on his head and continued reading. "It has nothing to do with you.
At that time you didn't know where it was."
Shen Xun raised his cheeks.
Probably because he slept much during the day, the survivors that night fell asleep
significantly later than the day before. Shen Shi'an took two pillows against the wall and
held the child in his arms to read a story book to him.
"... 'Oh, he treats this princess as me,' The little mermaid looks at the prince and the bride in
his arms and feels his heart is breaking. 'For him, I left my tribe and gave up the beauty His
voice endured endless pain every day, but he didn't know at all. 'The little mermaid hoped
she could tell the truth, but she couldn't speak anymore, she was just a pitiful little girl in
the palace Dumb. By tomorrow morning, when the first rays of sun rise, she will become a
foam in the sea and disappear completely ... "
"Ann," the child interrupted him. "Why doesn't the little mermaid write?"
"... What?" Shen Shi'an did not respond for a moment.
Shen Xun turned from his arms. "Isn't the little mermaid giving her voice to the witch so
she can't speak, then why didn't she write? After writing the words, she can tell the truth to
the prince."
Shen Shi was silent. To be honest, since he first knew the story of "Daughter of the Sea", he
has never considered the other party's "why not write and tell the prince the truth"
"Probably because the mermaid is not a human, the mermaid cannot write human
characters." He quickly compiled a very reliable explanation.
"I can't learn it. She lived in the palace for several months. Can't I even learn a few words
for such a long time? Didn't I learn it, I'm not human ..." Shen Xun covered her in time.
Mouth, his eyes quietly looked around for a moment, and almost said it was leaking.
Shen Shi'an was silent again. The survivors who heard the conversation between them
laughed. "Ah, it's true. It can be solved in a few words. Why don't the little mermaid learn?
Oh, this child's head is so flexible."
Shen Xun was a little proud, summing up the old **** with his hands in his chest. "So the
little mermaid was stupid by himself. In the final analysis, I still ate a loss without culture."
"Hahahahaha ..."
In the laughter of everyone, Shen Xun and Shen Shi'an coquettishly, "Ann, I don't want to
hear such stories, is there any thrills?"
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and went to the staff room to get a copy of "Liao Zhai Zhi
Yi"-probably which administrator was idle and bored, and passed downstairs to pass the
The ghosts and fox fairy fairies, now Shen Xun excited, and opened his eyes and listened
with interest. However, after listening to them for a few times, I had the question, "An'an,
do all monsters saved by human beings want to repay their favors?" What are the fox
sprites and bitches?
Shen Shi'an was afraid that he would ask some difficult questions again and again, and he
persevered a few times, then closed the book together, "Okay, that's all for today, lie down
and prepare to sleep."
Shen Xun got into the blanket and looked at Shen Shi'an's side face thoughtfully.
The darker the night, the quieter the reading room became. After confirming that everyone
was asleep, Shen Shi'an awakened the child again, "I'll send you in for dinner."
Unexpectedly, this time the child immediately shook his head and resolutely disagreed.
Shen Shi'an frowned, and whispered, "You're obedient, I don't grow tall without eating, I'm
really not hungry."
"Then I'm not hungry," Shen Xun wasn't moved, a pair of dark green eyes were deep and
quiet in the night, like an emerald moistened by springs. "You promised you wouldn't shut
me in against my will Yes, "he paused, adding," Even if you put me in, I won't eat. "
Shen Shi'an was speechless, both distressed and funny, but had nothing to do.
Shen Xun noticed his looseness, grinned two times, and kissed him on the forehead, and
took his neck into his arms. "Good night, sleep well."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 29: 29th

Settings saved..
On April 13, 2019, survivors entered the library on the eighth day.
The fourth floor of the library has been cleaned up, and one person was lost because of a
bite from a zombie, while the rescue team still did not show up. Since the three helicopters
left H City one by one in the roaring propeller sound eight days ago, there has been no
movement except for the zombies howling outside and day and night.
Hunger, panic, and helplessness and anger as a sleepy beast make the survivors' emotions
more irritable and irritable, as if they were a little explosive packs, some people cut in line
when they receive water, some people make sounds when they sleep, and even wait for the
toilet It's too long ... Anything trivial can become the flashpoint of the igniting line of fire
and evolve into a tit-for-tat chaos.
In just a few days, there have been three serious brawls in the library. This sturdy, large
building seems to be increasingly becoming a cage, inspiring the fierce beastly nature that
was originally hidden behind the civilized order.
Regardless of whether it is arguing or fighting, it has nothing to do with Shen Shi'an for the
time being. After seeing his skill and the power of that sharp thorn stick, no one was willing
to provoked him. It seems that no matter whether it is a civilized society or a beastly cage,
the strong is king.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun sat opposite each other, took out a cup of Babao porridge, a
bottle of canned peaches, a pack of compressed biscuits, two braised eggs and two sausages
from the backpack and put them on the coffee table. "Let's eat."
Because the child is reluctant to eat in the space, Shen Shian can only rely on this method to
ensure his nutrition as much as possible. He didn't think about taking the opportunity to go
to the toilet or hiding in a corner of the library with children to enter the space, but the
actual operability was not strong.
For one thing, although it doesn't take much time to enter a space to eat a fighting meal, it is
not a matter of a few minutes to wait for the smell of food to completely dissipate. It
disappears for a long time without causing anyone to doubt, and the probability is too low.
Secondly, it may be because his backpack is too eye-catching, or his ability to show is too
eye-catching. From the second day after entering the library, no matter where he goes and
what he does, there always seems to be something behind him. It seems that there are a
few lines of sight, even if you go to the toilet, there will always be people shaking back and
forth by the sink, and there is no opportunity to enter the space.
Fortunately, his backpack is large enough, and he can gain something every time he cleans
the floor. In addition, the items taken out of the space should be as small as possible, high in
calories, and full, so the backpack is also more than a week down. It took about a third. It is
impossible to be full with a full meal, but it is more than enough to ensure basic energy
requirements. What's more, compared to most of the survivors, their meals are already
extravagant, and every time they open a meal, they attract a lot of meaningful eyes.
Shen Shi'an didn't care about this, and told the children to take a little slower while taking
out the thermos from the bag. The thermos cup contains tomato juice. Unlike food, he can
take out unlimited amounts of tomato juice from the space. Anyway, the thermos cup he
used to hold the tomato juice is the same. After drinking a bottle, fill it with tap water. Next
time, Take another bottle and see no flaws unless you come over and look into the bottle
The reading room was quiet. Within a few days, the survivors had begun to form small
groups. Among them, the group headed by Zhang Ze had the largest number and the
strongest physical fitness. Almost all of them participated in the zombie cleanup operations
on each floor.
Relying on the outstanding personality charm and strong acting ability shown in several
incidents, Zhang Ze has now gained a group of loyal fans. At this time, he is sitting around a
round table without knowing what to discuss, and he notices Shen Shi'an's sight. And
returned a very gentle and friendly smile.
Shen Shi'an looked back and continued to eat. Although there is no direct evidence, the
person following him may not be able to relate to Zhang Ze. He just hadn't figured out why
he was carrying his backpack? Still worried that you might pose some kind of threat to
him? Either way, this person must be more prepared.
After Shen Xun had eaten his share, he secretly left a few petals of yellow peach for Shen
Shi'an, and walked over to sit beside him. "An'an, when are we going to leave?" Eat them all.
Shen Shi'an took another bag of milk from his backpack and rubbed it on his head. "Don't
worry, it's coming."
It's been a week since Mr. Gu's phone call, and the rescue team is still missing. Shen Shi'an
is worried. He's not sure what information he missed, or what trouble Mr. Gu has
encountered that caused the rescue team to be late. Cannot arrive.
If he missed it, and no rescue team would come, it doesn't matter, anyway, he planned to go
to Beijing by himself anyway. But if something happened to the rescue team, he left at this
time and just missed the rescue team. Once he missed it, he would like to contact Mr. Gu on
the way to the capital, so the possibility of determining each other's location information
may be infinitely close to zero. .
On the other hand, in the case of siege outside the library, it is not easy to want to leave
safely. His continued enthusiasm in the lower abdomen has not disappeared, which means
that the process of advanced exercises has not been completed. , Waiting until the success
of advanced exercises, will undoubtedly greatly increase his and Shen Xun's survival
Of course, whether waiting for a rescue team or leaving the library, be prepared in advance.
After eating, Shen Shi'an led the children to walk and eat, and went out from the reading
room on the second floor and walked down the stairs to the fourth floor. The fourth floor
was cleared the day before yesterday, and the maps of the provinces and cities are the main
purpose for Shen Shi'an to come to the library. Because of his tailing, he can't expose the
target too clearly, but fortunately, it is much easier to collect books into the space than a
living person enters the space. There are also children who use them as shields. Every day
he finds story books or Tang poems for him. The name of Song Ci oscillates between
bookshelves that can't be seen at a glance. There are so many books in the library that no
one will find them missing.
Shen Shi'an pushed the cart as usual, mixed in several stacks of books what he really
wanted, and suddenly heard a cry of men crying across the bookshelf.
He knew that there was someone on the opposite side. With Shen Shi'an's ear strength, he
could hear the opponent's heartbeat every minute at such a close distance. But this sudden
cry was unexpected.
Shen Shi'an is unwilling to go around, especially in the current tense atmosphere in the
library, but considering that the other party is on their own travel route, and the child
sitting on a cart shaking his legs and sucking milk looks at each other, he still pushes
Walked past the car.
He knows the crying person, let alone be an acquaintance. It was the middle-aged man who
survived the last day when the survivors fled into the library. .
I haven't seen it for a few days. The middle-aged man who was slightly blessed that day was
obviously thinner by two circles, and the wrinkled suit finally meant to fit a little. This is
located at the corner of the bookshelf. The other person obviously didn't expect anyone to
come over. His blushing face was very embarrassed. He raised his hands and wiped his
tears. He had wiped them almost. Why did he think that his eyes were suddenly nailed to
the milk of the children? The throat knot rolled up and down and began to cry again.
While crying, he made a few loud empty sounds from his stomach.
Shen Xun sucked a few times and drank the milk, and it was no use crying at him fiercely,
and I didn't give it to you!
Since it's not good to encounter it, I don't see it. Shen Shian coughed twice "... what
Middle-aged man cries even worse "I'm so hungry!"
He is certainly hungry. If Shen Shi'an represents the highest level of diet in the library,
middle-aged men are undoubtedly the lowest. When he ran into the library, he brought
nothing, and the only briefcase full of cash and jewellery was thrown out of the door,
because the performance of that day was very poor among the survivors, and no one was
willing to ignore him. Because of his timidness, he was afraid to participate in the clean-up
operation. In total, he was only given a packet of potato chips, a packet of spicy sticks, a
packet of broad beans, and a bottle of jasmine green tea. The protein bar persisted for eight
full days.
But even if he was still a little bit boned, even if he was so hungry to cry, he didn't ask Shen
Shi'an to ask for food. Of course, it is more likely that he knows that he will not give even if
he wants it.
"My richest man in Miao has worked hard for most of his life and started his own business
from scratch. I never imagined that the final result would be starved to death in such a
library." It was probably a broken jar and a middle-aged person who simply did not wipe
his tears. Then, leaning on the bookshelf became more and more crying. "If the package is
not thrown away, it ’s not only rich and gold bars, but also a dozen of my property
certificates. I just sold them in the past. What to eat and what to eat, abalone and rice,
Australian lobster, deep sea shell king crab, roasted whole lamb Buddha jumping over the
wall ... "
Shen Xun's eyes brightened, and Shen Shi'an had to interrupt the other party. "These are
useless. I urge you to recognize the facts a bit. After the outbreak of the virus, no amount of
real estate gold bars can compare with a pack of instant noodles."
"I have instant noodles!" Miao Shoufu twisted half of his body. "I started my supermarket
chain. I have supermarkets in all districts in the city. How much instant noodles are in the
supermarket!" You said why I ran to the city center to buy a house. I should have known
that I would sleep in the supermarket. What kind of instant noodles I want to eat is just
instant noodles with braised beef and tomorrow Laotan sauerkraut taste, add two braised
eggs and a grilled sausage in it.
Shen Shian frowned. But the other person's words moved his heart. "You said you opened a
supermarket chain?"
Miao Shoufu was pulled out of the illusion of instant noodles, braised eggs and roast
sausage, and was slightly lost. Hearing his words, he nodded, although his expression was
weak, but his eyes were half proud. “The city has opened more than 30 times. Generally, it
can be seen in places where the consumer groups outside the second ring road are more
concentrated, like the university town, the municipal square, and the coast Huxin District.
The next step was to continue to advance to surrounding cities. Who would have thought
that the contract had not been negotiated yet, and the cooperation partner would become a
zombie. "
"Where is the university town?"
"Near the Medical University, there are several neighborhoods around it. When I fancy that
place, the surrounding neighborhoods have not been built yet, and I feel that a bunch of
students have insufficient spending power. What is the result? They are called big by my
family. Do business It just needs to have a bad eye and decisive action, otherwise nothing
can be done ... "
Shen Shian pressed her lips, further confirming "What's the name of the supermarket?"
"Sure enough, have you heard of the Sunshine Chain Supermarket?" Shou Miao said,
sighing. "Brother, you saved my life that day. My richest man in Miao is a benevolent
person. On the day you go out alive, let alone, you and your son will be free members of our
supermarket for life. "
Well, the information is right, it really is the one outside the community. Shen Shi'an looked
at him with a complicated mood. He still had hundreds of pounds of food in his space. He
never paid a pound.
With a little thought, take out a pack of compressed biscuits from your backpack and pass
Miao Shoufu is incredible "This, why is this?"
Shen Shian "... do one good every day."
Two lines of tears rolled down and were wiped off by Miao Shoufu. After a few lip purses,
he couldn't speak, and took the biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth. Shen Shi'an had never
seen anyone eat anything so fast, and took out a bottle of tap water that he had taken
before and handed it to him, and he was drunk most of the time.
Compressed biscuits do not swell with water, but the fullness brought by sufficient sugar is
very obvious. Miao Shoufu forcibly resisted the impulse to carefully collect the last biscuit,
stood up and bowed to Shen Shi'an, and Shen Shi'an avoided him.
"This is the only time today. I ca n’t give you food all the time. I have to rely on myself to
survive. You are a successful businessman. You must have dealt with more people than me.
People are slow and definitely easier to resolve than competitors you have encountered. "
Shen Shi settled down and said, "Stay alive so that you can earn back the gold bars you
threw away."
Miao Shou's rich and swollen eyes were instantly bright.
There was a shadow flashing outside the bookshelf, and it should be the person who had
followed him.
OK, Shen Shi'an hugged the child and thought that in the eyes of other survivors, he was not
only well-stocked, but also a living Virgin. Something went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 30: 30th

Settings saved..
On April 14, 2019, the ninth day that survivors entered the library. A group of participants
consisting of some survivors decided to start cleaning up the fifth floor of the library.
Miao Shoufu was standing in the middle of the line holding a sharpened mop stick, and his
sweat was cold on his forehead. After a while, his thighs would shake spasmodically.
Courier Li Cheng smiled at him. "Brother Miao, don't be nervous. Zombies are not so
terrible. We don't respond quickly enough. We are slow to respond. As long as we are
careful to point to the place, we will catch a stupid rabbit. And Mr. Shen is here. I have
followed Mr. Shen three times to clean it up. I will listen to Mr. Shen ’s instructions a little
later to ensure that there will be no problem. "The participant who was bitten before was
because he did not listen. Advised, seeing a pile of snacks on the table, rushed forward, only
to be bitten by the zombies hiding behind the curtains.
Li Cheng's words were immediately recognized by other participants. "Don't look at
Brother Xiao, he is really good."
"Yes, yes, the alertness is fast and the reaction speed is fast. At the time of cleaning the
second floor, I haven't seen where the zombies are. People have already solved three."
"And the last time that Zhao Fei stepped on the wall and stabbed him, you remember, it ’s
so handsome, and it ’s probably the same thing in the TV show. The eaves walked around
the wall. This should be put aside, take a mobile phone and post it online. Absolutely fire. "
"Remember where I can forget it, my life was saved by Brother Shen, hey hey hey, Brother
Shen Niubi"
Miao Shoufu looked at the relaxed attitude of everyone, and the thorny stick that Shen
Shi'an seemed to teach people, his thighs were not shaking so much.
"Everyone concentrate, don't chat anymore," Zhang Ze's gentle and clear voice sounded at
the right time. "The confrontation with zombies depends on the strength of the group, and
any member is vital. Even if there is such a person as Mr. Shen The master is there, and no
one else can be taken lightly. All the staff are ready, I will open the stairwell door. "
Li Cheng lowered his body slightly, held the steel pipe tightly in his hand to make a
precautionary posture, and whispered to remind the Miao richest man next to him,
"Remember to point at the zombie's eyes and back of the head, Mr. Shen taught these two
places. It ’s easiest to kill zombies. "
"Ah, remember, remember." Miao Shoufu nodded again and again, keeping the words
"eyes" and "back head" in his heart, while he was thinking about something, he was brave
enough to breathe deeply, waiting for the door to open. They followed the others and
rushed out to meet the howling of the zombies.
The cleaning process went smoothly. There were a total of 30 participants in the clean-up
operation, and about 145 zombies across the entire five-story building were divided into
six groups. After entering the library area, they moved clockwise to advance each other's
offense and defense. It quickly cleared more than a third of the area.
The first zombies encountered by Miao Shoufu was a female. He was petite and a head
shorter than him, but half of his cheeks and teeth were bitten up and down, and he did not
look weak at all. The richest man in Miao was stiff, and his brain reminded him of the action
essentials reminded by Li Cheng in a blank space. He clenched the wooden stick and
stabbed in the eyes of others with a javelin throw.
I accidentally poked, the stick pin stuck in the position of the nasal bone and couldn't pull it
in. I was staring at the eyes of a zombie with a mop stick, and a hoarse howl called a cold
sweat, like a jumper. Comes in a circle.
Shen Shi'an took a moment to fly and kicked the end of the mop stick. Miao Shou rich felt
that his body leaned forward uncontrollably. A "click" sounded. The tip of the stick pierced
the skull and inserted into the brain. The semi-liquefied brain immediately followed The
fountain came out along the gap. If he hadn't covered his face with plastic wrap, he would
have saved a meal.
Shen Shi'an didn't turn his head back, and in the blink of an eye he dropped two more.
"Find the right position and use all your strength. Don't mess with yourself. This is only
"Ah, heh." The Miao richest man did not dare to carefully smell the smell of brain on the
mask, so he followed quickly.
After the whole floor was cleaned up and checked twice, it was more than three hours later.
A strong man with a strong surname tore off the mask and plastic wrap on his face, and
took a few sips, then looked at others with some fear, "Hey, does anyone seem to find
zombies faster than before? I came across a person who could almost catch up with a
normal person. If it weren't for the bookshelf, I might have to fold it today. "
"No, it's still slow and slow. I solved four today. The record is already broken."
Someone joked, "Maybe it's the masculinity in your body that has attracted people and
caused them to be wild."
Everyone who had just ended a fierce battle laughed wildly, but Shen Shi'an felt a slight
sink in his mind. It seems that it is an undeniable fact that zombies can evolve. In this case,
can humans also evolve? Is the extension of the mutation time after infection of the virus a
part of evolution or is it just the beginning of evolution and such an evolution will push the
cruel end of the world into a new situation?
At present, the only good news is that not all zombies can evolve. According to Shen
Shi'an's observations these days, only about 2% to 1% of the zombies have produced speed
and improved reaction. In the meantime, as long as this ratio does not suddenly rise,
humans still occupy a slight advantage.
"Okay," Zhang Ze slaps. "The clean-up operation is once again completed successfully.
Thanks to everyone for their courage and dedication. After a short break, we have to start
doing business. Let's collect the supplies and concentrate everything. Lou. Pony, wait for
the stayers to come up and clean up, and throw all the zombies down. "
As the survival situation in the library becomes more difficult, the only way for those who
are unwilling to participate in the cleanup operation to obtain supplies is to clean up the
work. This method was proposed by Zhang Ze, and the reason given is to strive to protect
the interests of both the participants and the stayers to the greatest extent, so that more
people can survive the disaster.
The number of leftovers and participants is equal, and each time they can get about one-
tenth of the total supplies. Even so, the opinions of the participants who risked their lives
on the leftovers are still getting bigger and bigger. "It ’s just a little bit of stuff, they do n’t
have enough food, and they have to honour those uncles who do n’t want to dirty their
hands, grass. I said, without this guts, I would starve to death. "
Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, under this distribution method, the conflicts
between the participants and the left-overs gradually intensified, and there is a vague
uncontrollable trend.
As soon as Shen Shi'an returned to the reading room on the second floor, Shen Xun jumped
off the sofa and flew towards him "An'an"
Squatting down to catch the child, Shen Shi'an took a piece of chocolate from the side
pocket of the backpack with his backhand, and handed it to the child who helped the child
close the same day. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. I didn't do anything." The girl blushed a little, just sitting on the second
floor and looking at the child, she could get a piece of chocolate, and now I don't know how
many people are stunned by the work. After receiving the chocolate, Shen Xuan
exaggerated and said, "Brother Shen, your child is good, neither noisy nor noisy." He didn't
speak or move. He sat on the sofa and looked out the door. Who talked to him? Whoops.
Shen Shi'an nodded and hugged the child to calm him down.
When the stayers cleaned the fifth floor, the participants also shipped all the collected
materials. Good luck today. In addition to two full vending machines and bits and pieces in
the lockers, I also found a box of unopened biscuits from the staff room and a box of braised
beef noodles with four or five bags. .
The crowd concentrated around the materials, and were distributed by Zhang Ze as usual.
"The distribution rules are familiar to everyone, and they are distributed according to their
contribution in the cleanup operation. Among them, Mr. Shen has the most credit, so he has
the most things, and everyone has no opinion. Right "
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly. These words, starting from cleaning up the zombies on the
second floor, Zhang Ze will say it every time he allocates supplies. Nothing sounds wrong,
these things were originally due to Shen Shi'an, but they also seemed to be transparent, fair
and reasonable. However, in the eyes of others, Shen Shi'an carried such a large bag of
things. Under the current circumstances, he can still eat three meals a day. Obviously, there
is no shortage of supplies. Why should he take the big head again and again if it is just
entered At the time, the library didn't even have to. Many people brought their own food,
and there was no shortage of this. But after such a long period of time, most people have
already eaten their food, and the distribution of materials has become their only source of
For him these are just food, for others it is a hope of life
What's more subtle is that Zhang Ze's settlement of the zombies is second only to Shen
Shi'an. That is to say, the material he received was actually not much less than Shen Shi'an.
By emphasizing this every time, no one would notice that he divided How many things,
everyone's dissatisfaction and spearhead will only focus on Shen Shi'an alone.
Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Ze's words fell, some of the left-behind jumped out: "I don't
Shen Shi'an looked at him in the sound and was an acquaintance. On the day of entering the
library, Liang Zi's oval face was born because of the closing problem.
The round face stood out, and his face was full of indignation and righteousness. "This Mr.
Shen's contribution is the most correct, but shouldn't the distribution of materials be
guaranteed to everyone as much as possible? How many of us are close to three I have n’t
eaten anything in the sky. Seeing that someone will starve to death, ca n’t Mr. Shen make a
trivial sacrifice for the benefit of the masses? ”
Someone is willing to go ahead, others immediately follow
"That is, he doesn't lack food at all. He can give kids chicken drumsticks every day, and he
can use chocolate to hire people to see the children. Why should he even argue with us for
"Isn't he kind and unselfish, so much food can be given to the fat man who almost killed
everyone, so if so, what about giving us a little bit?"
"The collective interest is higher than the personal interest. Is there no consciousness in
this point of thinking? Don't you just say today ’s supplies, just take all the contents out of
the bag. It ’s much better than eating alone and starving others. ”
"You're right to take the initiative and hand it over. Big guys will still remember your
kindness. Otherwise, don't blame us."
In the siege of the zombies, hunger and panic provided the most adequate nutrients, while
blind self-confidence as the “majority group” provided the most suitable environment,
making the most common and despicable greed, selfishness, and hypocrisy in human
nature, like a greenhouse The slender vines in it spread and grow along the body, and once
sprouted and unearthed, they were out of control.
Invisibly, Shen Shi'an was not surrounded by well-intentioned people, and the scorching,
wanton, and unveiled sight all gathered on him and the backpack full of delicious food
behind him.
Shen Xun embraced Shen Shi'an's neck, his dark green eyes were flaming with anger, and a
beast threatened and yelled from his throat. Li Cheng and the richest man in Miao were
also in a hurry, holding weapons behind Shen Shi'an. "Why are you guys like this, without
Brother Shen leading the zombies, who dares to go up to clean the floor, and how can these
supplies come from other people's benefits? If you know gratitude, you take it for granted.
Some of the participants also wanted to speak for Shen Shi'an, but most of them regarded
Zhang Ze as the leader. Seeing his appearance unchanged did not seem to prescribe justice,
hesitated for a while and swallowed the words back.
Shen Shi'an patted on the child's back to indicate that he was slightly restless, and glanced
gently at Zhang Ze outside the crowd, and then pulled his thorn stick out of the backpack
with his backhand. The sharp thorns also carried the dark black blood of the zombies,
which had not yet solidified, refracted into the cold luster under the sun shining through
the window, slowly converged into one point, and dropped down along the thorn tip.
Looking around carefully for a week, the dark eyes are like nine jewels, and he whispered
"Who dare to grab." An error has occurred, please refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 31: 31st

Settings saved..
People who are accustomed to bullying by force often fail in the face of more powerful
Shen Shi'an held the stick with one hand, not even looking fierce, but the group who was
clamoring for a moment to grab his backpack and divide things was like a mouse who saw
the light. You push me, I push you, there is no Dare to step forward
No one wants to try it. What would it feel like if the stick that pierced hundreds of zombie
In the silence of the room, Shen Shi'an's clear voice sounded coldly. "I want to get more
supplies. There are three floors upstairs that have not been cleaned up. As long as you join
the cleanup operation and distribute according to work, it should be your share." I will give
you less. If you do n’t have the courage to face the zombies, and you want to sit down
without paying for it, then wait to starve to death. "
"Mr. Shen is right." Zhang Ze, who had not spoken, suddenly took a few steps forward, as if
he had never planned to stay out of the ordinary, standing next to Shen Shi'an with the
strongest backing posture, and the eyes staring through the lens were sharp. And is it
"cold" is it too easy to live in a safe area, so many people have forgotten a basic fact that
every piece of material you have collected was collected by participants at the risk of their
lives. No The dedication of the participants, you have already starved to death. Among
them, Mr. Shen especially contributed, and instead of being grateful, you have to steal his
private income. What is the difference between this behavior and the bandit bandit is not
only shameless, but absolutely unforgivable. "
He looked around coldly for a week, and looked at the left-behind no longer the gentleness
and politeness of the past, and seemed to be looking at some kind of inferior lower
creatures. "Today, all troublemakers cancel the right to allocate materials, do you have any
Shen Shi'an looked at his easy-going leader gesture and suddenly understood.
The crowd distributed materials according to work. Among them, the left-behind did not
participate in the zombie clean-up operation, but they could obtain a small amount of food
through the post-sweep cleaning work. This method was proposed by Zhang Ze.
There are three reasons.
First, to shape his credibility among survivors with a grand reason: "to fight for all to live
Second, split the survivors into two camps, the leftovers and the participants, and select
members among the participants to gradually develop a group led by themselves.
Third, nourish the cowardice and inertness of the left-behind. It is so dangerous to confront
the zombies directly, even if it is just a cut made by the opponent's nails, the ending is
undoubtedly dead. If you only need to hide in a safe area, you can get supplies after
cleaning and sanitation afterwards, so why not do it? Although there is a little less, but it is
better to sustain life than to die in the hand of a zombie and become a monster. Much more
And inertia and greed are often inseparable. The less these people get each time, the deeper
they become jealous of those who have enough supplies, and even spawns "My work is
dirty and tired, and I don't have less labor than him. Why should he get something?" Just
more than me "wait and paralyze yourself.
Such jealousy and greed are deliberately leading the next step to accumulate and focus on
Shen Shi'an. As long as the firewood is slowly ignited, sooner or later, the day will erupt.
And Zhang Ze is waiting for such an opportunity
He expected that Shen Shi'an would not sit still, and he also expected that the leftovers did
not have the courage to fight Shen Shi'an. The left-behind was greedy and annoying, and
Zhang Shi, who played at the right time, by Shen Shi'an's deterrence, received immediate
results no matter how they dealt with them, making the participants trust him more and
not triggering a rebound from the remaining left-overs.
In this way, in the eyes of the participants, he is a defender of interests, in the eyes of the
stayers, he is a destiny decider, the position of the leader is unshakable, and Shen Shian is
the best help to help him establish this position.
Of course, if Shen Shi'an lost or even got hurt in this farce, then it would be a happy event
for Zhang Ze to have one less powerful rival to compete for leadership.
In any case, he can achieve his purpose.
There are actually very few people with a leadership personality. When most people
encounter a disaster, they will subconsciously look for the backbone to be led by others.
This can help them overcome the panic and quickly calm down. And Zhang Ze is
undoubtedly a typical leader-type personality. No matter the level of understanding of
human nature or the ability to control other people's thinking, they are extremely
When did he start counting all of this when he first entered the library or realized that
everyone was just the abandoned son of the rescue team will be left here forever
Shen Shi'an lowered his eyes and rubbed his thumb on the stabstick so disgustingly.
After allocating the materials, the richest man in the seedlings found Shen Shi'an. "Brother
Shen, I would like to take the liberty to ask you, do you have any way to improve your
combat ability quickly? I feel my combat effectiveness is still too weak. I will give everyone
a hindrance when cleaning up. "He recorded a record of two zombies today, but in fact, only
half of them were really solved by his own ability, the other half was attributed to Shen
Shi'an's foot, and one was purely a blind cat running into a dead mouse. Someone knocked
down one of the bookshelves and just picked it up.
Shen Xun was going to eat Zhang Ze in one bite. Shen Shi'an was coaxing the child and he
swept at him when he heard the words. "Are you determined or will you rise up"
The richest man in Miao
"I have the method, but it certainly won't be easy. If you are determined to improve
yourself, then I can tell you, but if it is only on the whim," Shen Shian frowned. "Don't waste
each other's time."
Miao Shoufu was stunned, and then laughed. "Brother Shen, don't look at me and look at
the rich state. The whole body is full of big money, but I'm from a poor family. I have been
living for several generations. You can plan and eat in the land. To be able to fight for such a
large industry in H City, it is not idle and waiting for the sky to fall. To say that relying on
the old and selling the old, I have had the hardships that you ca n’t think of. What is there?
The method also invites Brother Shen to give me advice. If I make a long and tired cry, the
three richest characters in Miao will write upside down. "
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while, then looked up and called Li Cheng, "Do you have
time this afternoon?"
"Yes." I just cleared the floor and finished the supplies, and there was so much time in the
Shen Shian took out half a bag of brown sugar from his backpack, which he just assigned,
and then took out a half bag of salt from the space. He said to Miao Shoufu, "The biggest
problem you have now is that you exercise too little, even the most basic level of physical
fitness. If you ca n’t reach it, the easiest way to combat zombies is to run, run a lap along the
first floor, run up the stairs to the fifth floor, run a lap along the fifth floor, and finally run to
the next floor. This is a round. . Every ten minutes refill a glass of salt water and a glass of
sugar water, if you can run a hundred rounds in three hours, "said the pause," I remember
you got a packet of instant noodles "
"Well," the richest man in Miao nodded proudly.
"If you can run a hundred rounds in three hours, I will sponsor you two braised eggs and a
grilled sausage in the evening to give you a good meal."
Then do n’t look at the other person ’s happy expression as if they were about to cry.
Instead, give the brown sugar and edible salt to Li Cheng. “Trouble you to supervise him.
After three hours, I will pay two halogen eggs. Sausage as a reward. "I thought about it and
said," If you want to exercise with him, pay attention to sugar and salt. "
Miao Shoufu returned from his excitement. "Hey, wait a minute, Brother Shen, it's already a
great help for you to formulate an exercise method. Where else can you give me supplies,
Li Cheng also waved his hands again and again, saying that he could not be asked for
"Zhang Ze is right," Shen Shian looked at the two. "Cleaning the zombies relies on the
strength of the group. The higher your physical fitness, the more secure you will be for me.
Take your time, don't push it back. Pushed away. "
They stared at each other, then focused on "We won't let you down."
Before the two ran the stairs, Shen Shi'an quietly grabbed Li Cheng. "If Mr. Miao can't hold
on and wants to give up, you tell him that only by becoming strong can he survive, and only
by living can he earn more than a dozen houses."
Li Cheng didn't know why, but still nodded, "Hey, I know."
The library floor is much higher than ordinary buildings. Running up and down a hundred
times in a row is not an easy task, especially when everyone around you looks at you like a
However, to the surprise of Shen Shi'an, Li Cheng and the richest man in Miao insisted.
They were sweating and panting like cows, and their clothes were so wet that they could
twist out the water. When the last step was taken out, they immediately fell to the first
floor. It takes effort to move even your finger.
Shen Shi'an took four bento boxes that were "accidentally" found from the staff room, each
of which was filled with a piece of pasta, two braised eggs, and a sausage, sprinkled with
seasoning packets, and picked it up from the water boiler on the fifth floor. The four-bowl
boiling water boiler is unplugged after the zombies have been cleaned up. The water inside
is still hot. According to the current generally accepted distribution rules, only participants
can enjoy it.
Then put the four bento boxes on a wooden board, stood up and walked to the first floor
with Shen Xun, and kicked on the legs of the two who were soft and muddy.
The chopsticks were found in the drawer of the staff room. It is estimated that the staff
often order takeaways, and a lot of idle disposable chopsticks have accumulated. Li Cheng
and his limbs were so weak that they couldn't even chopsticks, or Shen Shi'an separated
and stuffed them.
The lid of the bento box was lifted, and steaming steam mixed with the aroma of instant
noodles and sausage. Miao Shoufu's hand with chopsticks shook, his eyes seemed red, but
he couldn't see clearly through a layer of water mist. After a long time, like Li Cheng, he
took the bowl and took a sip of it with cherishment.
Then I can't control the speed.
In less than two minutes, Miao Shoufu put down the bento box without dripping noodle
soup and leaned on the chair with a long sigh. "This **** is really the best bowl of noodles I
have ever had."
After speaking, I saw Shen Xun's reaction to the other side. "Sorry, sorry, forgetting that
there are children. Children, **** is swearing, children can't say, don't learn from your
Shen Shian ""
"But Brother Shen," said the richest man in Miao again, "the child in your family is kind of
fierce. The left-behind people started to make troubles in the morning, and the small eyes,
alas, were like eating people."
Shen Xun snorted. If it wasn't for An An, those people would have entered his stomach.
I glanced at the two bento boxes opposite each other. If it weren't for the sake of speaking
to An An, you dare to eat my braised eggs and grilled sausages.
Li Cheng immediately lowered the empty bento box, and his body recovered strength. His
dark complexion showed a little red, facing Shen Shi'an Road. "Thank you Mr. Shen, I'm
really sorry to let you spend it." This is For almost half a month, his first meal was warm.
The richest man in Miao is also serious. "Brother Shen, you have saved me three times,"
once he pulled him from the zombies into the library, once gave him a packet of biscuits,
and now gives him a living Method and hope Even if he wanted to take another bite of this
steaming instant noodle and grilled sausage, he couldn't just die in the library like that.
"Everyone said that Da En didn't say thanks, so I didn't come here, Da En Dade, Miao will
keep in mind."
Shen Shi'an stared at the child and finished eating the eggs, then looked at the two of them.
"Two halogen eggs can't save your life. If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself.
Do you have any sugar and salt left? Exercises will continue tomorrow. "
Miao Shoufu's eyes brightened "Tomorrow I can eat instant noodles and grilled sausage"
Li Cheng couldn't help but slap a slap on his shoulder with a grin. "What do you think, Miao,
wake up quickly."
After eating, Shen Shi'an took the child into the bathroom and wiped the bath, and then
went into the compartment to put on clean underwear. Although Shen Shi'an was still
intolerable, the environment could only do so. To the point.
Back in the reading room, you can see Zhang Ze standing next to the tatami where they
sleep. Shen Shi'an comforted the child who was fierce and rushed to bite someone at an
instant, and walked over at speed.
Zhang Ze smiled mildly. "There is indeed something I want to discuss with Mr. Shen."
"There are eight floors in the library," Zhang Ze didn't seem to mind his attitude at all, and
whispered softly. "It will be cleared after seeing it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect
materials afterwards. I and other participants After a discussion, I decided to go to the
restaurant to try my luck. I wonder if Mr. Shen is interested?
This is what he and his group have been planning mysteriously recently.
Shen Shi'an refused, "No."
The library has a restaurant, which is called a restaurant. In fact, it is more accurately called
a cafe. It is located in the center of the garden in a cylindrical glass wall. It is connected to
the first floor hall by three arched wooden bridges. Dessert drinks and light meals in the
Many accompanying people like to borrow books and go to the restaurant for discussion
and communication, not only because the library and reading areas need to be quiet and
unable to speak, but also because of the unique beauty that can be seen in the restaurant
The design of the city library is very unique. It pays attention to the integration of human
and nature, so it surrounds such a large glass wall for planting grass and flowers. Not only
are the three pathways to the restaurant built into the shape of a wooden arch bridge full of
flowers on both sides. The restaurant itself is a huge wooden house. Various vine plants are
climbing on the roof and walls. As a whole, if you don't look closely, you really can't tell the
There must be a lot of supplies in the restaurant, no doubt about that. But whether this
batch of materials can be successfully obtained is not necessarily.
Since Shen Shi'an and others entered the library, no survivors other than them have been
found. You should know that the library in city H is different from other places. Because it
has millions of books and contains various professional books of various types, the flow of
people is extremely high on both weekdays and weekends, and it is impossible for
everyone. It ’s true that they are infected with the virus, and the number of zombies they
encountered when they cleared the floor was not right.
When people were contacted to enter the library, the three doors of the wooden bridge
entrance from the lobby on the first floor to the restaurant had been properly locked from
the inside. Then the most likely situation is that all survivors in the library Are hiding in the
restaurant with the most abundant food resources. If you change to Shen Shi'an, it is
estimated that you will choose this way.
So there is only one question. Are those survivors hiding in the restaurant still alive today?
Layers of green vines hang on the roof of the restaurant. Like a waterfall, all windows are
blocked. Only through the gaps can people occasionally see a figure walking back and forth.
As for whether the figure is dead or alive, it is completely uncertain.
On the other hand, if the people in the restaurant are still alive, why haven't you seen
anyone out for so long? Even if you are afraid of a dispute with the survivors because of
food, the sound is so loud when the helicopter flies over that day, Didn't anyone figure it
Compared to "the survivors in the restaurant are still alive", another guess is more
convincing. Maybe they are mixed with virus-infected people who have not yet mutated.
Maybe there are many zombies hidden in the restaurant anyway. The survivors who are
trying to take refuge have probably encountered unexpected events.
If it was a week ago, Shen Shi'an might consider it. However, it has been determined that
zombies will evolve, and the evolved zombies still have a sense of Lingquan. He will not risk
going in as a target anyway.
Zhang Ze was not surprised by his answer, and nodded with a smile. "Okay, I see. Good
night Mr. Shen."
Shen Shi'an looked at his back and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. After what
happened in the morning, Zhang Ze should know better than anyone that he neither trusts
him nor agrees to enter the restaurant with him. What is the purpose of running this trip in
It wasn't like asking him to go, it seemed like he had come over to make sure he wouldn't
Annoying such people. Shen Shi'an rubbed his child's head with irritability and wanted
Shen Xun to die.
Shen Shi'an did not go to the restaurant, Li Cheng decided to join the cleanup team this
time. "Mr. Zhang said, there must be a lot of supplies in the restaurant. I want to try my luck
Shen Shi'an persuaded twice that he could only remind him to be careful.
"Mr. Shen rest assured that there are a lot of people going this time, and some of the left-
overs have also joined," Li Cheng laughed. "Also, I am not inexperienced, and the zombies
that have been solved are almost thirty." There are many gains here, and he can share them
with Mr. Shen.
As for Miao's richest man, like Shen Shi'an, he was indifferent to Zhang Ze's proposal. Talk
to Shen Shi'an privately "Someone like Zhang Ze, it belongs to the kind of business I'm most
unwilling to deal with. The twists and turns in my stomach can make five turns around the
solar system. The surface is grinning, and you are stabbed in the back, typical. Buddha's
mouth heart. "
However, regardless of whether he and Shen Shi'an will go, three days later, on April 17,
the teams that decided to participate in the restaurant cleanup operation gathered as
Shen Shi'an felt a little uneasy in his heart, and when he found that Yuanlian was also in the
process of cleaning up the team, this uneasiness became more and more intense. Too late to
think carefully and hand in your thorn stick to Li Cheng "Use this, remember, be careful, if
you find something wrong, run back immediately, I will answer you."
Li Cheng grinned out two rows of white teeth and focused on "um"
At nine o'clock in the morning, three glass doors leading to the wooden bridge were
forcibly unlocked, and the cleaning team divided into three groups and went in.
Ten minutes later, the crowd disappeared under the cover of Luzhi Waterfall.
Things seemed to be much smoother than Shen Shi'an imagined, because after less than
two hours, the cleaning team returned to the first floor lobby along the wooden bridge, and
everyone returned with a full load.
No one was injured and only one member in the team rounded his face.
In the cheers of the left-behind, most of the members were proud of their heads, but a small
number of people turned pale. When they returned to the hall, they rushed to the bathroom
with their mouths covered, including Li Cheng.
It took Shen Shi'an and Miao Shoufu for nearly an hour to piece together the truth of the
entire cleanup operation from his mouth.
The cleaning team divided into three groups and reached the three entrances of the
restaurant. One of the members of the group suddenly united, pressing the other member
of the group round to the ground and tied with a rope, then cut a hole in his leg, and shoved
his lower body through the entrance gap.
"Meal, the door of the restaurant is locked with an iron chain," Li Cheng leaned on the
cubicle in the bathroom, his face was lost due to long-term vomiting, and his fingertips
could not help but tremble violently. The gap in the middle can just fit a person's lower
body in, but the upper body is stuck outside. Inside is full of zombies, smelling blood, and
surrounding them all. "
The round face becomes a living flesh target, leading all the zombies in the restaurant to an
entrance. There are few critical positions in the lower body, and even if bitten by a zombie,
it will not die for a while. However, due to physical evolution, today's survivors will be
infected with the virus, at least one or two hours before they completely lose
Li Cheng's face was full of tears. "Shen Brother, Miao Brother, I was right across from them.
I saw them all. He wanted to climb out, but other people blocked him. Those zombies, those
zombies dragged his legs and bones. I came out "
Shen Shian's eyes were light and condensed "Why didn't he hear his scream"
"One of the team members blocked his mouth with clothes"
"I stepped on the Malegobi," Miao Shoufu couldn't help but yelled at, and his face started to
turn pale just listening to Li Cheng's description, and he was holding his chest with some
physical discomfort. "This **** is too nasty" A living person
Only one person can think of such a strategy.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath. Zhang Ze stepped into a camp, and he was deliberately
trying to split the participants and the left-overs, and hostile to each other. This turned out
to have such a role.
I have to admit that he chose this bait very cleverly. If you want all survivors to vote for
each other, choose the person with the worst character and the least seen, and try to close
the door in advance for the sake of selfishness, regardless of the life and death of the later,
and then repeatedly take the lead in rounding the face. Absolutely among the best, even
Shen Shi'an didn't like him at all.
Those who are in the same group as Yuanlian Fang are obviously the confidants carefully
selected by Zhang Ze to execute the plan. They are most likely those who were almost shut
out by Yuanlian. They were almost alive because of Yuanfang. When bitten to death, the
original grievances, coupled with Zhang Ze's step-by-step guidance, such a person with a
round face is just a self-serving waste for most participants. It has no effect other than
wasting food. Why not use him as a bait to not only dispel hatred but also make the most of
Even if the participants of the other groups saw it, one side was a round face that would be
killed by a zombie bite, and the other was a clear road leading to a lot of supplies. Which
one to choose?
And the left-behind people don't even need to think about it anymore. They were cut out by
Zhang Ze and have deliberately nurtured the weak and inert people. Even if they knew that
the materials were exchanged for life with round faces, a few people would care
Zhang Ze's ultimate goal is to build a small, hierarchical society headed by him in the
library. The restaurant cleanup operation is probably only the first step.
Shen Shi'an was right. This batch of materials shipped from the restaurant, Zhang Ze was
not assigned to the left-overs at all, but moved to the eighth floor of the library, which is
also the base camp of him and his fans today.
There is only one way for left-behind people to obtain supplies and to serve the
participants who have the supplies. Carrying your back, pinching your legs, washing your
clothes, including all the services that the other party accepts, are all right. If you want to
live, you can only live this way.
The first to follow the new rules was the couple Huang, who wanted to steal snacks from
the vending machine. With the first and second demonstrations, it seemed easier to obey
the new rules.
The remaining few are unwilling to sell their dignity. Even if they want to resist stubborn
resistance, they may not be able to persist for a long time. All the materials in the library
have been searched and cleaned. There are still many in the restaurant, but they are full of
zombies. The strength of a small group of people is impossible to rush in. If you want to get
food, what can you do besides begging for mercy?
Shen Shi'an even had to admire Zhang Ze. In less than half a month, he completely
shattered the civilized order familiar to the survivors, transitioned to another society
without hindrance, and continued with the new order of rules. run.
And just 14 days before the global virus outbreak, how many people in the world like H City
Library and how many people are there like Zhang Ze
On April 18, 2019, on the thirteenth night when everyone entered the library, the
illuminated table lamp suddenly went out, and the backup power system was exhausted.
After more than two hours, Shen Shi'an opened her eyes, feeling the fading heat in the
lower abdomen and the huge energy filling her body. She whispered to Shen Xun, "It's time
to leave." An error occurred, please refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Settings saved..
Before Shen Shi'an left, another thing happened in the library and a child caught a cold.
The survivors of the library had two children in total. In addition to Shen Xun, there was a
senior who was older than him. It was estimated that he was about seven or eight years old.
He hid with his mother on the day of the crash.
After Zhang Ze took most of the participants to live on the eighth floor, the rest of the
crowd also shifted. Some chose to be closer to the "power class" to facilitate service in
exchange for food. The more and more deviated from the atmosphere of civilized society,
he chose the rest place on the fourth floor where Shen Shi'an was located, and sought
asylum by his deterrent.
There are various reasons to choose to stay away from the crowd and stay alone
somewhere. This is exactly the case for mother and child.
The first to find that the boy was a bit wrong was a left-behind. He searched on each floor
below the eighth floor, trying to find the materials left by the participants, and accidentally
walked into the utility room where the mother and child were located. The mother tried to
hide it, but the flushed face and intense coughing under the high fever could not be hidden.
Within two minutes, the news of the boy's influenza spread to every corner of the library.
Zhang Ze came soon, his face stopped in the distance, and he took out a square of his left
hand to cover his nose and mouth, and waved his right hand to "solve."
Several strong men rushed forward, wearing mask gloves, both holding the mother, the two
raised the child and went to the window, and the onlookers immediately backed away,
avoiding like a viper. Open a passage.
"Do n’t want what you want to do, do n’t hurt my son, Lele, Lele." The mother was mad and
struggling, but where was her strength better than two mature men, seeing that the child
was getting farther and farther away from her, tears filled with tears Faced with Zhang Ze
plopping, he knelt down. "Mr. Zhang, I beg you, please don't hurt my son, he is only eight
years old, he is only eight years old this year."
Zhang Ze's tone is calm, as usual, clear and unhurried, but once the mild camouflage fades,
all that remains is to teach people coldness and indifference. "What you should know about
a cold means that all people infected with the flu virus will Become a zombie, Ms. Dong,
because it is your own self to expose all survivors to the threat of the flu virus, this behavior
is not only stupid, but extremely venomous. I am not trying to hurt your son, I am
protecting everyone here. "
Ms. Dong tried to get close to Zhang Ze on her knees, and was forced by one of the strong
men to fall to the ground. She could not help but raise her neck and screamed, "No, not
everyone will become zombies. I have been two days ago. I also caught a cold, but I did not
become a monster. Lele was just infected by me, and I will be able to recover in a few days.
Mr. Zhang, I beg you, please let Lele go alive, as long as it does not hurt Lele "Whatever you
want me to do, Mr. Zhang, I beg you."
Zhang Ze's eyebrows were wrinkled, and the temperatureless gaze set on Ms. Dong, "You
said, you've caught a cold", his eyes were deflected, and two strong men restraining her
looked at each other.
After receiving the instructions, they dragged Ms. Dong's arm and dragged to the window.
"Don't, don't, save us, come and save us."
Seeing that his son had been lifted to the window, and one of them was pushing open the
window, Ms. Dong's eyes were red, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She
suddenly broke the palms of the two strong men and rushed to the window when she got
up. Robbed his son from another strong man, like a mother animal guarding the cub,
screaming at all outsiders, looking desperate and almost crazy "Nothing will happen, Lele,
nothing will happen, Mom Protect you, mom is here "
Zhang Ze was a little impatient "to move faster." Every time the two of them breathed,
there was one more flu virus in the air.
The four brave men rushed up, and the two were to be thrown out of the window. Ms. Dong
held the son in one hand and chopped the window lattice. Her face was blood-stained and
A blazing flame spurted out of her mouth.
Ms. Dong eventually took her son to the first floor, and no one dared to approach, and they
were not allowed to go upstairs. Things seemed to be settled in this way, but the impact
there was was like rough seas.
"Look," Ms. Miao, sitting on the couch, patted his thighs; "Brother Shen, you haven't seen it,
the guy spit out a fire, such a living person said it would be gone, burned clean, only one left
The ground is gray and white, it's really a **** good thing. Just follow that, hey, brother
Cheng, who is in charge of the fire?
Shen Shianqu raised his finger on the round table and "focused." At the time of the incident,
Ms. Dong was taking a child in the motor room on the negative floor of the library, which
was far away from the incident and had good sound insulation. So I heard nothing. By the
time he passed, people were almost scattered, only a puddle of ash remained on the ground
near the window, and it was blown by the wind, and disappeared after a while.
However, although he did not witness it with his own eyes, he also knew almost every
detail of the time under the vivid description of Miao Shoufu.
"Sorry, sorry, but I was interrupted again," said Miao Shoufu, embarrassed and grinned
twice, and refocused his eyes on the table. "Brother Shen, continue to say."
A round meter of white paper was placed on the round table, and a detailed map of about
one kilometer around the library was drawn on the paper with a pen. The content of the
map is extremely detailed. It not only clearly shows all the streets and important buildings,
but even a few cars parked on the roadside, any obstructions or obstacles are clearly
The more Li Cheng looked, the more he admired. "Mr. Shen, you are so amazing."
This map was drawn by Shen Shi'an for more than a week, combined with the existing map
of the city of h in the library. Because the surrounding floors are generally high, some
details must be visible from the top of the library. That is, he has to wait until the eighth
floor is cleared up, which is one of the reasons why he stayed in the library for so long.
If you want to leave safely, you must be well prepared. He doesn't plan to take the risk of
his own life and that of his children.
Miao Shoufu also admired him very much, thinking that this little brother took his children
around all day long and was idle and nothing to do. Where can I know that people have
been doing such a big thing silently, and then think of those who eat every day in chaos
Survivors who have fallen asleep and eaten, just waiting for rescue teams to rescue, this is
the gap between people.
Shen Shi'an held a pencil, and then went on to say "The crash site of the passenger plane
was outside the square south of the library and was attracted by the explosion. The south,
southeast, and southwest gathered the most zombies, and the north was the most.
Relatively few, if we leave, we have the best chance of survival from the north. "
After learning that he was about to leave, Li Cheng joined Shen Shi'an in anticipation, but
the richest man in Miao was able to leave this safe and solid library and set foot on the road
of zombies without a return.
According to Mr. Miao, the richest man himself, "I ’m all right, it ’s okay to suffer and suffer,
but that ’s for my own business. I have to put my grandson behind someone else ’s
buttocks. starve."
When a person is hungry to the extreme, the body will automatically digest the internal
organs, and that feeling is better than being bitten by a zombie. Might as well get out and
give it a go.
Except for the two of them, no one is willing to try and keep a good refuge in their eyes.
They just want to go out to get in close contact with the zombie army. What is the
difference between suicide? And the situation outside is not necessarily better than the
library. Even if it is fortunate that it has not been bitten by a zombie, it may die in countless
other situations. Where is comparable to a library with food and water, just wait for the
rescue team to come.
Shen Shi'an couldn't control other people's thoughts, and didn't have that mind to manage.
I drew a line on the north side of the library with a pencil. "We went down the window on
the second floor. About 500 meters away there was a circular semi-closed pedestrian
bridge. Zombies will not climb the stairs, as long as we can rush to the overpass, we will be
temporarily safe, "he drew a circle on a car wash shop on the east side of the pedestrian
overpass" My car stops here. "
His car was already in the space long ago. After everyone arrived at the overpass, he went
to the car wash alone to take it out and drove under the overpass to cope. After that, he
could drive out of the city all the way, even if it was blocked on the way You can also
temporarily abandon the car, and then find an opportunity to return to the place to put
away the car. Because of the quality of that car, anyone can't drive it or break it anyway.
The two Li Chengs were attentive and did not dare to let go of any detail, but this was a
major issue that affected them.
After roughly explaining the escape route, Shen Shi'an took out a tightly wrapped towel
from his backpack and opened the towel. Inside, there were two mutant aloe spines that
were hard and sharp enough to be as long as a watermelon knife. "Find two sturdy mop
sticks and wrap them as tightly as possible. This will be your weapon in the future."
"Oh, I've long wanted a thorn stick like my brother." The richest man in Miao was excited,
and after tangling Lee with the guidance of Shen Shian, he couldn't wait to dance. "What
kind of metal is this?" It ’s ok, it ’s okay, it ’s too domineering, and it ’s definitely used to stab
a zombie ’s brain.
Shen Shi'an gave a vague reply without too much explanation. He didn't know how to
explain it, did he tell the two that his aloe had mutated after he poured water from the
spiritual spring. There are still thousands of such spikes.
Li Cheng also loved "Thank you Mr. Shen"
After Miao Shoufu finished dancing, he sat back and dragged the subject to Ms. Dong. "She
will spit fire. It should be the super power generated by the virus outbreak. I have seen it in
the movie, but it ’s never been better I did not expect to see the day with my own eyes. Hey
Brother Shen, do you think we will also have any super powers? "When super powers and
super weapons are added, will it not be invincible?
What's so great about Shen Xun, who is holding milk, and spitting fire, he can also call the
wind and rain down the mountain?
Moved around Shen Shi'an, trying to pay attention to "An'an, I have super powers"
Shen Shi'an rubbed his head, and he answered twice.
Ms. Dong's ability to spit fire is obviously one of the results of the survivor's physical
evolution. Whether the two richest Miao people have the same or similar abilities Shen
Shi'an is uncertain, but he can be sure that the physical fitness of the two has significantly
improved compared to the day they entered the library, especially the richest man Miao,
From the original slow pace, now running up and down the eighth floor ten consecutive
stairs without breathing.
Li Cheng and Miao Miao also thought that this was because Shen Shi'an's exercise method
was effective, but under normal circumstances, even if the two of them run around the
library for another half year, the current effect cannot be achieved.
Zombies are evolving, but humans are also evolving, so it seems that the survival chances of
survivors may be much higher than Shen Shian expected.
The richest man in Miao didn't know what he thought, and suddenly he laughed alone, and
then got close to Shen Shi'an and lowered his voice. "Ms. Dong spit out the fire at that
moment. You didn't see Zhang Ze's face. I don't know how suffocating I am. "The political
order that was established only after a while, has not enjoyed a few days of prestige, and
ushered in an unstable factor. Alas, this
This is probably the reason why Zhang Ze was genuinely happy when Zhang Ze learned
that Shen Shi'an was about to leave the library, and even offered to help, so that Shen Shi'an
and others had any needs.
It would be so good to be able to send away such a threat from Shen Shi'an, and perhaps to
see it in the army of zombies.
Li Cheng hasn't slowed down from the restaurant operation that day. Now as soon as he
hears Zhang Ze's name, he will feel uncomfortable. He couldn't figure out why Zhang Ze did
this. "He spent so much effort that everyone listened to him, but there are only a lot of
supplies in the restaurant, which is limited. After the food has been eaten, if the rescue has
not come, it will still die if it does not matter. What does it mean to be in power? Why can't
we get along with everyone? "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "Does the food you take out of the restaurant have raw food
such as sweet potatoes and soya beans?"
Li Cheng nodded.
Shen Shi'an reminded him "Don't forget, there is land in the library."
Right now in spring, the land in the garden is reclaimed and cleaned up, everything that can
be planted is planted, there is water and sunlight, and a batch can always be collected
before the supplies are exhausted. I'm afraid Zhang Ze had already planned it. He didn't
care if there was any rescue. He was preparing to build the entire library into his own base.
What's more, with Zhang Ze's almost paranoid leadership personality, even if there are
only two survivors, even if he can only live for one day, he will completely control the
situation in his own hands.
"Ah, leave him alone, let him live on his own. Anyway, we all have to leave and come and re-
focus." Miao Shoufu patted Li Cheng on the shoulder twice, and refocused on the map. My
brother said, whether we can escape, the most important thing is whether we can go over
500 meters from the north side of the library to the pedestrian bridge. The north side is
indeed less than the south side, but it seems to be too much. It would be nice if the airliner
could explode and draw the zombies back. "
Shen Shi'an pulled out 13 mobile phones from his backpack, all of which were quietly
searched from the zombies during this time. He took a dozen charging batteries from the
supermarket before leaving home. These mobile phones were already full in the space.
Powered up. "It doesn't matter if there is no explosion, just a sound."
Miao Shoufu brightened his eyes and immediately understood what he meant. "Readers
think about things differently. It turns out that you are well prepared."
Shen Shi'an opened a packet of chocolate beans for the child, then folded his hands on the
table and looked at the two of them. "You two leave with me. I can promise to do my best to
keep you safe, but you have to give something."
Miao Shoufu patted his chest, "Brother, please say it"
Shen Shian took out two condoms from his bag.
Miao's richest man is stiff, arms folded in his arms. "Brother, I'm not that kind of person."
Shen Shian ""
Then he took out a set of needles from the backpack. "I need a little blood from both of
Miao Shoufu relaxed, Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately squeezed his
Ten minutes later, two condoms were filled with about three hundred milliliters of blood
each. After the needle tube was pulled out, Shen Shi'an handed a cotton swab to each of
them. The cotton swab was dipped in spiritual spring water. It is expected to take only a
few seconds. Can make the blood drawn completely healed. While the two pressed the
wound, they quietly poured a little spring water into the case, and then tied the mouth
carefully with a string.
Miao Shoufu held a cotton swab and said, "Brother Shen's backpack looks like the pocket of
a lot of love dreams. It is a needle tube and a cotton swab, everything is complete."
Shen Shi'an said calmly, "I am a medical student, these are standing items."
No wonder the richest man in Miao.
Li Cheng took the cotton swabs after the wound did not bleed. He had already guessed Shen
Shi'an's plan, but there was still a question "I'm afraid these things should be placed near
the wreckage of the passenger plane to achieve the best results."
But the library and the wreckage of the passenger plane are separated by corpses and
corpses. Who can deliver them, and if they can be successfully delivered, how can they
return without alarming the zombies? If the zombies are brought back, the whole plan is
meaningless .
"Don't worry, I have a way."
After Shen Shi'an spoke, she turned her attention to Shen Xun, who was chewing chocolate
beans. Something went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 33: 33rd

Settings saved..
Before leaving, Shen Shi'an went to the first floor of the library.
After he returned, the two richest men in Miao immediately greeted "How is she going to go
with us?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "Ms. Dong decided to stay and wait for rescue."
This decision makes sense. Her son, Lego, had a fever and was so weak that he couldn't
even stand still. Rather than taking him out to risk a lifetime of death, it was obvious that
staying in a secure, solid library with sufficient water was the right choice. Moreover, she
now has abilities, and after showing the great power that can instantly burn people into fly
ash, I am afraid that no one will dare to provoke her for a long time, and she may be able to
compete with Zhang Ze for a leader in the future. The location is not necessarily.
Shen Shi'an left her a lot of supplies, in addition to what she ate, as well as the medicine she
took with her when she left home, especially antipyretics and antibiotics. Among them, Ri
Xing Yi Shan accounted for a small part of the reason, and the main thing was that she had a
favor and needed her help.
Miao Shoufu and Li Cheng glanced at each other and sighed with relief.
Ms. Dong's super powers are really powerful. If it is used to fight zombies, it will definitely
be a great help. But she also has a son who can't walk even seven or eight years old. If she
really wants to leave with them, it may be a drag. The odds are even greater.
And don't forget that her son was infected with the flu virus, and not only had the risk of
infecting other people, but also had to watch out for him suddenly turning into a zombie,
who could bear it.
Say they are selfish or snobbish, but this is the most normal humanity library to spend so
long together. I haven't said a few words. I do n’t even know what Ms. Dong ’s name is. One,
for no reason, why bear the risk for a stranger
She chose to stay, the best decision for both parties.
The last meal before you leave must be rich, and one will supplement your physical
strength, and the other will be, "Even if you die, you will have to be a full-fledged ghost."
Miao Shoufu put all the food he had saved on the table. Laughed.
"No one will die," Shen Shi'an emptied his backpack, and duck legs, sausages, bread, and
noodles set the table. "Hurry up and eat."
Li Cheng and Miao Shoufu saw their eyes straight, and this section was no longer
pretentious. After a few sentences, they began to eat special foods. In the hearty chewing
sound, the rich food aroma floated throughout the room. Let the survivors living on the
same floor keep swallowing
Knowing that the last meal was so good, it didn't seem unacceptable to follow them out to
After a little rest, we are ready to go. Life or death, do it all.
The four, including Shen Xun, were completely wrapped from the soles of their feet to their
teeth, with all kinds of masks, gloves, and long-sleeved coats, and they were determined not
to expose any places that could not be exposed. Miao Shoufu had not worn the trousers and
leather shoes when he entered the library that day. The quality of the set was not good. He
was stretched out within a few days of running the stairs, and it was inconvenient to move.
Now he wore it from a zombie. Washed and exposed sports and leisure suits, besides, are
quite fit.
Looking out of a south-facing window on the second floor of the library, about 300 meters
away is the wreckage of a passenger aircraft soaring, and a bowed, densely packed army of
zombies rushes into the tide, staggering and fleshing, meaningless. The hoarse howling
gathered, and the sight was simply the most terrible nightmare that humans could imagine.
On the table next to the window were twelve fully-charged mobile phones and two sleeves
filled with fresh blood. As for how to get these things near the wreckage to attract the
zombies north of the library
"Slump," the richest man in Miao looked at Shen Shian's arms and exclaimed "this thing has
been found by you"
Shen Shi'an placed the sweeping robot on the table. "I found it under the workbench in the
staff room when collecting materials. It is estimated who bought it for cleaning.
Fortunately, there is electricity."
What he said was naturally false. This sweeping robot is the one brought out from home,
because it is too large, he can no longer take it directly out of his backpack. Pushing it off
and buying it as a library employee is the most suitable way. Participants searched only for
food and other things when they searched for materials. Who can remember whether there
is such a thing under the workbench?
Shen Xun was wronged when he learned that he was going to sacrifice his mount. Shen
Shi'an could only persuade patiently "Isn't I got you two toy cars from the mall? The toy
cars are much more comfortable to ride than robots, really."
"Then you can't send things with a toy car."
"Toy cars are not intelligent. There is no way to switch to a fixed-direction travel mode, and
remote control cannot control such a long distance." What's more, when a sweeping robot
is found in the library, he can barely explain that when he comes out with a toy car, he
wants to How to make
It ’s easy to say, and listening to the children carrying a long list of recipe names in their
ears, they finally reached a friendly and cooperative intention.
Shen Shi'an adjusted the time of twelve mobile phones to the same time, and set the same
alarm clock. The alarm clock has the same ringtone. It is a song in one of the mobile phones.
It is transmitted to other mobile phones via Bluetooth. The volume is adjusted to the
maximum to achieve the best results.
Then use tape to fix the mobile phone and blood cells to the top of the robot's disc. Finally,
a rope was wrapped around the robot without knots. The head and tail were held in the
hands. After the robot landed, just loosen one end. , You can take back the entire rope.
Li Cheng and the richest man in Miao opened the window, and the thick smell of the corpse
rushed to his face. Even if they were ready to put on a mask in advance, everyone was
stunned. Shen Xun's response was particularly strong, tiptoeing his head into Shen Shi'an's
jacket, and he was reluctant to come out.
Shen Shi'an, whose five senses were greatly enhanced after the exercises, was no better
than him. His eyebrows were creased and hesitant to discomfort. He slowly turned on the
power-on robot along the rope from the window on the second floor.
After about a minute, the robot landed smoothly.
As expected, the zombies had no interest in anything other than humans, even if it had
wheels on it.
The sweeping robot set the forward direction. Although it stopped and stopped because of
the zombies being too dense, it kept moving towards the south.
The window was closed again, Shen Xun was hugged by Shen Shi'an, looking at the small
figure that was moving away in the corpse sea with heavy eyes.
Farewell, my friend, I will always remember you.
Shen Shi'an stared out of the window tightly, and did not dare to relax for a moment. He has
already made the worst plan. If the robot stops unexpectedly halfway, or because of its own
failure or was knocked over by the zombies, or the blood cells burst in advance and blood
bleeds out prematurely, then the effect of attracting the north zombies Although it can not
reach the optimal state, with his ability, the probability of bringing the child and Li Cheng to
the flyover will be at least 70%.
Probably the character broke out, and none of the expected accidents happened. The robot
ran to the collapsed building next to the passenger plane, and finally stopped between
bricks and stones.
After about twenty minutes, the alarm sounded.
"Unity is power, unity is power, this power is iron, this power is steel"
Twelve songs of solidarity is the power to sound at the same time with the maximum
volume of the mobile phone amplifier, what is it like?
Deafening, straight into the sky, unable to control the urge to sing along.
Miao Shoufu ran around the window to the north, and when he came back, he laughed so
hard that he could not close his mouth. "Moved, zombies moved."
If the movement of the zombie after the bell sounds is only a subconscious search for the
sound source, it is stiff and slow, then when the first blood cell is stepped on, the thick ****
gas mixed with the smell of the spiritual spring water spreads with the wind, and the
zombie army seems to be suddenly pressed After pressing some kind of burst button, he
went madly towards the robot's position.
The two Li Chengs ran back and forth between the north and south windows, and each time
they ran, the joy on their faces increased by one point. Not only them, more and more
survivors gathered to watch, until they found that the army of zombies around the library
was like It was put into a sieve, and as the bamboo sieve tilted quickly to the south, the
zombies in the north became less and less scarce. I firmly believe that Shen Shi'an and
others leaving the library are definitely the idea of death. It happened for the first time.
Nearly half an hour later, Shen Shi'an retracted his eyes from the window and held a thorn
stick to Li Cheng. "It's time."
The rope ladder has long been tied out of the north window on the second floor of the
library. Shen Shi'an packed the child into his backpack. It couldn't fit completely. It could
only be placed on Shen Xun's chest, but this would ensure that the child would not fall off
his back because of arm weakness.
Except for Ms. Dong and her son on the first floor, most survivors came around. When I
entered the library that day, I helped a girl who was closed to Shen Shi'an. Like everyone
else, there was fear and hesitation in the look, and a few hopes that were unsure and could
not be suppressed. "Mr. Shen, if you can really go well Leave, if you encounter a rescue
team, can you please tell them there are still many people here? "
Shen Shian looked at her and nodded.
A tear erupted in the girl's eyes. "Come on, I wish you a safe journey."
Shen Shi'an inserted the stabstick diagonally into the gap between the backpack and his
body, climbed up the windowsill and climbed down the rope ladder first, and quickly
cleared away a few zombies wandering around without being attracted away.
Li Cheng followed them as fast as possible, holding a stabstick in their hands and defending
each other back to back.
"Remember the main points of our training in advance," Shen Shi'an lowered his voice
"Keep aiming, don't fight in love, beware of evolutionary zombies, run as fast as you can,"
the two answered quickly.
The escape process went more smoothly than expected. Most of the zombies on the North
Square were taken away, and the rest were scattered and scattered. The trio cooperated
like an awl, and it was easy to tear open a passage.
The only troublesome thing was the evolution of zombies. Although Shen Shi'an had
already reminded him, the flexibility and running speed of this type of zombies were far
beyond their expectations.
"Fuck," said Miao, the richest man, scolding and dodging, "this ghost is just like a normal
Shen Shi'an lifted his feet on a zombie with almost all of his face rotten. The sound of the
bone fracture under the boots was clear and audible. The rotten body flew up because of
the huge impact. When he landed, his brain burst like a watermelon. . Killed cleanly and
then backhand inserted the stabstick into the head of the evolutionary zombie entangled
with the richest man in Miao.
The zombies must have died, and Shen Shi'an was convinced. But the strange sensation
from the top of the lance gave him a slight movement, and then he pulled out the lance.
Shen Xun was in a backpack, holding his neck and pressing his nose and mouth tightly
against his neck, so he immediately found his hesitation. Hold your breath and endure the
strong rancid gas and say "An An, what's wrong"
Shen Shi'an shook his head, "It's okay, it seems that something has been poked." Then he
sipped "Leave" in front of Li Cheng.
The two evacuated immediately and rushed forward along the passage opened by Shen
Shi'an. Seeing that the three were about to rush to the center of the North Square, getting
closer and closer to the road with fewer zombies, a sudden loud noise came from behind
Shen Shi'an turned his head and found books scattered all over the square. The
bookshelves were fragmented and shattered into countless pieces, apparently being
pushed down from upstairs.
The line of sight moved, and behind the wide-opening window on the fourth floor, facing
Zhang Ze's somber eyes.
The two Li Chengs also found out this situation, and Miao Shoufu yelled, "What does this
grandson want? This grandson wants to bring back the zombies and trap us here alive."
Attracted by the sound, some zombies have turned their way from the South Square. Zhang
Ze raised his hand, and another bookcase full of books fell down from the fourth floor
"I **** fuck, I **** his uncle, I **** his ancestor eighteenth generation"
Miao Shoufu jumped anxiously, but did not wait for more zombies to be attracted by the
sound. There was a louder explosion coming from the direction of "Boom" South Plaza.
Turn back and continue slowly to the south square.
Li Cheng, who was holding the full body alert of the stabstick, couldn't fully react. Turning
his head and Miao Shoufu facing each other, what happened?
Shen Shi'an settled in Zhang Ze for a few seconds, then retracted his eyes and looked at the
two humane "don't care about the others, hurry up"
Before he left, he went to the first floor of the library. In addition to leaving food and
medicine for Ms. Dong, she also left her five incendiary bombs made with glass bottles and
gasoline. If after the alarm bell sounds, there is any unusual sound in the direction of the
north square of the library that may attract zombies, Ms. Dong will use her power to
detonate the incendiary bomb in the direction of the south square in accordance with the
Facts have shown that this second hand has not been left in vain.
The zombie was re-attracted by the loud noise of the incendiary bomb explosion, and Shen
Shi'an and his team disappeared into the green on both sides of the road as planned.
In the corner that Shen Shi'an didn't see, Shen Xun stretched out his finger and drew a
circular pattern in the air. He wrote the word "Zhang Ze" in the center of the pattern, then
bit his fingertip, and shot a drop of blood into the circle. .
Watching the four people leaving Zhang Ze felt that his neck was cold, and when he turned
around, he just met the smiling face with round and square faces.
Thirty-seven minutes after leaving the library, a group of four successfully climbed the
destination footbridge. After clearing the zombies on the overpass, Li Cheng and Miao
Shoufu collapsed on the ground, look at me and look at you, crying with laughter. Ten
minutes later, Shen Shian and his child drove the car to the bottom of the overpass and
rang the horn to "get in the car."
Because of the crashed passenger plane, most of the zombies in the urban area were
attracted to the surroundings of the library, so the rest of the place was exceptionally clean,
and it took a long way to see a few scattered ones.
When Shen Shi'an left home and went to the city, he had seen the situation of the roads in
the city center being blocked. He had thought that he would not be able to stop for a long
time to stop and walk. I did not expect that Li Cheng knew the roads around the corner
because of his work experience as a courier. The absurdity turned out from the city.
After leaving the city, the vision suddenly widened. Just half a month later, the entire city of
H has undergone earth-shaking changes. There are no rushing cars, noisy ads, no students
or young staff with street hair flyers, and no pedestrians hurried or joking.
A silence, like a dead city. Only the sound of wind.
Li Cheng and the richest man in Miao glanced at the window of the car for a while and
looked back. The joy of the rest of his life gradually faded away, leaving only confusion and
panic about the future.
According to Li Cheng's description, Shen Shi'an finally parked the car next to a gas station
near the northern suburbs. This place deviated from the main road and took several turns
around the road to get in. I don't know why the gas station was built here. But because of
this, not only are there few cars, but even zombies are scattered around.
When the car stall was released and the fire was turned off, Shen Shi'an turned his head
and looked at the two of them, "Do you have any plans to follow me?" Both of them are of
good character. If they want to go to Beijing, they may be able to accompany them. Even the
space thing is a bit troublesome.
After a brief silence, the richest man in Miao opened his mouth first. "Mr. Shen is going to
Beijing to find your father, isn't it? I discussed it with my brother Li Cheng in private. The
journey to Beijing is not easy. We have limited abilities. This risk, even if you follow it, can
only hinder you. It is better to distinguish each one and value it. "
Shen Shian nodded "then you are ready to go back to find your family"
Miao Shoufu smiled and waved his hand. "My father and mother passed away early and did
n’t enjoy my blessing. Now I just do n’t have to suffer this hardship. I have worked hard for
half of my life and have no plans to get married. I wanted to keep my own. Live in the
industry, you should eat and drink, you should bet and gamble, and you are very happy.
Now that the industry is gone in the last days, there is nothing left between the lonely and
widowed, ready to go with his brother Li Cheng first and go to his house for a while , I'll talk
about the future. "
Li Cheng explained, "My home is in a small township under the city of H. It's not far from
here. You can drive for two hours and walk for at least one day. There is good water, arable
land, and grown rice over there. It can be exported every year. I think there are fewer rural
people, fewer zombies, there are fields and grains, how can you not starve to death, it is
definitely more comfortable than in the city. "
This is indeed a good choice. I met each other, and each was a friend who was born and
died, and learned that the two had a feasible plan, and Shen Shi'an was also relieved.
After thinking about it, saying "Wait a minute", then got out of the car and opened the
trunk, took out two mountaineering bags from the space by covering the seats, filled the
bag with food and mineral water, medicine left in the space Take it all out, and finally stuff
two bottles of tomato juice into each bag.
One hand knocked the door of the back seat.
Li Cheng got out of the car and was shocked to see the scene. He quickly waved his hand.
"You are going to Beijing. The future is uncertain. The mountain is far away with a child and
you give us all your supplies. What do you eat?" No, no, no. "
Shen Shi'an could n’t refuse to stop and said, “Let ’s hold it, I still have a lot.” He paused and
said, “Brother Miao, there is a supermarket you opened outside the neighborhood where I
live. I ’m in the supermarket before I leave home. There are a lot of things in it, so you don't
have to be polite with me, these are what you deserve. "
Miao Shoufu was stunned, and then laughed, his eyes were red. "I always thought that you
are a smart man, Brother Shen, but I did not expect you to be a real fool. I have opened
more than thirty supermarkets. Count on the things in it to be intact. There are not
thousands or hundreds of people. If it were me, I would have to take them. You just have to
give me everything you can because of this, you, you let me"
Speaking at the end, he turned his back and wiped his eyes fiercely.
Shen Shi'an lightened his voice. "Brother Miao, Li Cheng, I'm not someone who considers
the lives of other people heavier than myself. I'm not telling you things like falsehood. I do
have a lot, enough for me. Consumption with Shen Xun. You have seen my skills. Even after
the food is eaten, it is impossible to make yourself hungry. It is usual to go from here to Li
Cheng ’s house for a day, but it ’s definitely more than that. Take these things, be careful all
the way, and live well. "
Miao Shoufu took a deep breath, then turned back, carried his backpack on his body, and
stretched out a hand to hold it with Shen Shi'an. "That's the sentence, thank you very much.
Brother Shen did it for me." I have it in my heart. After that, my future is very difficult. If I
have a chance to see you again, what can I do to help you at that time? I just want to say
Li Cheng also had red eyes, bowed his back, and stood straight and bowed deeply to Shen
Shi'an. "Mr. Shen, thank you. I hope you will be safe all the way and you will arrive in
Beijing as soon as possible to find your family."
Shen Shi'an led Shen Xun and stood opposite the two "take care."
They looked at him and smiled. "Take care."
Qingshan does not change the long stream of green water, go here for a while, there will be
a period later. Something went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 34: 34th

Settings saved..
The first thing Shen Shi'an entered into the space was to bathe in Lingquan Pool. For more
than half a month, there was no way to wash it thoroughly with hot water, and the
unbearable stickiness was driving him crazy.
Shen Xun also wanted to soak with him. Shen Shi'an was about to nod his head. At a glance,
he saw that a drop of spring water was dripping from the pond after a few seconds, and it
seemed that the spring eye that might completely dry out at any time, looked cold.
As the thoughts moved, a half-meter-high children's bathtub and a bucket came out from
the second floor of the bamboo building. He carried two buckets of spring water to fill the
bathtub, and put his changing clothes on a small bench. On the hand, a finger points to
Then he turned and entered the range of the protective cover alone, and the slender figure
stood quickly in the thick mist.
As soon as a little hot spring water touched the skin, it made people comfortable and
sighed. Shen Shi'an used the absolute control of the objects in the space to attract a set of
toiletries, carefully rubbing himself three times from head to toe, until the foam and dirt
disappeared under the automatic cleaning of the spring water, then the body was relaxed.
Soak into the warm Lingquan pool.
The spring water is green and swells with hot air. As the body moves, the water waves
pulsate. Whenever a layer of water waves rises, a continuous stream of spiritual power
flows into Shen Shi'an's body, swimming around the limbs, warming. Raise every inch of
muscles and tendons, and eventually converge on the lower abdomen. The resulting
comfort is difficult to describe with pen and ink.
This self-cleaning effect is really a good thing, Shen Shian thought. The Lingquan water
flows from the highest spring eye, converges into the Lingquan pool, and then flows from
the Lingquan pool into the creek surrounding the space for half a week. Before the spring
eye was sucked up by Xiaohei, the outflow of spring water was not small, and it never
stopped. According to common sense, the water volume should have flowed over the
stream to flood the space, but the water level of the stream has never changed. It seems
that Lingquan has its own set of circular laws.
The hair was dripping with water, and it fell a little on the shoulder. Shen Shian
backhanded his wet forehead, and his forehead was clean and white. The cheeks were
steamed with a touch of soft redness because of the heat, and he leaned his head against
the wall of the pool. .
After leaving the library, his journey with Shen Xun has just begun.
They stayed in the library for a total of 17 days. During this period, the rescue team did not
show up, and since that call, he and Mr. Gu have completely lost contact.
There are two possibilities. One is that Mr. Gu is in trouble, and the other is that the
information he understood from the call is wrong. No rescue team would come over.
According to his knowledge of Gu family's power and energy, he tends to recognize the
second possibility.
As long as Mr. Gu is not infected with the flu and has not become a zombie after the virus
outbreak, then relying on the foundation laid down by generations of the Gu family, he is
definitely the group who can live the easiest and safest.
Shen Shi'an lifted his right wrist, and the ink jade buddha beads on the wrist were soaked
with Lingquan water, which became more transparent and moist.
As long as Mr. Gu is safe, then Fan Xintong who is following him is also safe. Shen Shi'an's
two most important purposes for going to the capital are guaranteed. He can take a sigh of
relief and plan carefully with the calmest thinking.
For now, first of all, food is definitely enough. Not only the various food resources collected
are sufficient, but also the vast land in the space can be planted. Even raising a small army
is not a problem.
Secondly, because the Huai Lingquan is an indispensable medicine for other survivors, it is
not necessary for him and Shen Xun. Even if he is injured, as long as there is still breath,
come in and soak. Just take a bath. Of course, the premise is that he must find a way to
restore the spring eye as soon as possible, otherwise the spiritual spring water will always
be consumed on the day.
Gasoline is a must. If you want to drive to Beijing from here, you must have enough
gasoline. According to the map, there are several container production plants outside the
city of h. He can collect a large number of containers such as oil drums and store enough
gasoline when passing through various gas stations.
Before that, he had to expand the storage area in the space, which was almost filled with
various materials.
The first floor of the bamboo building is mainly used to store things at home. The second
floor of the bamboo building was stuffed before entering the library, and this time he not
only got detailed maps of the provinces, cities, and towns from the library, but the entire
library However, all kinds of professional books that may be used are all taken into the
space. Under the circumstances that the Internet is very likely to be unrecoverable, these
are the most valuable and non-renewable information resources.
In addition, he also brought in the generators used to support the backup power system in
the library, which are four meters long and two meters high. They are placed on the grass
by the stream like a hill, and The dark earth looks across the water.
If you want to expand the area, you must plant it in black soil. In summary, seeds, especially
grass seeds, are what he needs most now.
After roughly clarifying the ideas and planning, Shen Shian brought in towels and clean
clothes, dried the drops of water and changed into clothes, and lifted his feet out of the
Shen Xun had taken a bath long ago, dressed himself and smashed it on the protective
cover, looking pitifully into it. Seeing Shen Shi'an's eyes light up, he pursed and complained,
"An'an, you don't take me in hot springs."
Shen Shi'an asked him, "You spit out the drained spiritual spring water, and I will let you in
the hot spring."
Shen Xun's head was facing his fingers, and his eyes started to look silly.
Shen Shi'an ignored him and crossed the stream to the land. I didn't come in for half a
month. The biggest change in the field was that the cherry pits that Shen Xun had scooped
into the soil finally came to fruition.
The growth rate of the cherry pit is much slower than that of the tomato. It was planted by
Shen Xun years ago. It grew into a small sapling after the year, and then continued to grow
until the end of March, when the tree reached nearly eight meters and finally stopped. .
At this time, twenty-eight cherry trees were full of lush fruits. Shen Shi'an had just walked
into the woods, and a thick sweet scent of cherry blossomed immediately. The growth
period of the trees is long and the growth rate is slow to prevent nutritional deficiencies.
During the growth of these fruit trees, he replenished the spring water several times. Now
he grows very well. The clusters of red, purple and black cherries gather into a large area.
Each one is round and full, the size of an orange.
Shen Shi'an raised his hand and picked one. After washing it in the stream, he took a bite.
The flesh was soft and sweet, and the fresh and sweet juice instantly overflowed. The taste
was more than one or two grades better than the top cherries on the market. What's even
better is that the size of the fruit has grown, and the cherry core is still the same size.
Shen Xun jumped anxiously "An'an, An'an I want"
Shen Shi'an also picked two for him, kid, let's sip it, eat it with a few sips, and still want,
Shen Shi'an watched him "You don't want to eat so much"
Shen Xun's eyes lighted up and ate
The two sat in the hall on the first floor of Zhulou. With the names of the children's
newspaper and Shen Shian's mind flashing, steaming delicacies appeared on the coffee
table between the two.
Steamy chicken soup, sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy and tender fried beef, golden fried
catfish on both sides, rich and delicious sirloin curry, crispy and tender green sautéed peas
Paired with the good-scented rice, they didn't talk nonsense, they picked up the tableware
and started eating.
After more than half an hour, Shen Xun drank the last sip of chicken broth, spitting out a
chicken bone in his stomach. Shen Shi'an rarely missed a cup full of coffee tables, and
sighed with relief on the sofa.
This is called life.
After eating and drinking, she rested on the sofa for more than ten minutes, and Shen
Shi'an pulled the child up and walked out of the bamboo building to eat. He checked the
condition of the tomato plantation, took the harvest that seemed to be nearing the
expiration date, and sent it to the second floor for preservation. He found another fruit pot,
and stepped on the ladder to pick up a pot of cherry.
While squatting by the stream to wash the cherries, Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered
something and said to the child, "I'm going out for a while, are you staying here?"
"I'm going too," Shen Xun immediately said. The cheeks were swollen with flesh, and the
voice sounded a little unclear. "Where are you angry?"
"Go find the zombies."
To be precise, it is to find mutant zombies.
It's just that the mutant zombies are not so easy to find. The scattered zombies can't be
seen at all. Shen Shi'an drove for nearly an hour and only found two on a square near the
fifth ring road.
There are office buildings near the square, especially service-oriented places such as banks,
residential offices, and real estate management centers. There are a lot of people and
zombies are dense.
Shen Shi'an did not drive the car too close, and stopped far away from the road. He
instructed the children to be honest and not allowed to come out, and then took out the
long sword on the second-floor weapon wall from the space and got out of the car to close
the door. Rushing silently.
Two minutes later, he returned to the car carrying a plastic bag with a zombie's head,
returned along the same road, and re-driven the car next to the sparse gas station.
Get on and off from the driver's seat, turn to the front passenger seat and open the door.
There is no way to hold the child out of the car. The chassis of the off-road vehicle is too
high, and the little dwarf can hardly touch the ground.
Shen Xun dragged his corner of his clothes, his heart became more and more curious, "An
An, what do you want?"
"Cover your nose," Shen Shi'an reminded him, then dumped the plastic bag on the concrete
floor, and a half-rotten head grunted out. "I want to prove one thing."
When he escaped from the library, he had solved a mutant zombie entangled with the
richest man in the North Square in the North Square. Encountered hard objects.
Is the illusion accidental or is there an unknown change in the brain of the mutant zombie?
Shen Shi'an held her breath to isolate the foul odor. She held the sheath in her right hand
and the handle in her left. Qing Lingling's sword flashed, and her skull was cut off.
Shen Shi'an returned to the sheath, and Shen Shi'an found a wooden stick and stirred it in
the semi-liquefied brain. After a while, he fixed his eyes, took out two tissues, wrapped his
fingers, and picked up something from the ground.
"what is this"
It was a colorless transparent spar. It is only about the size of a marble, the surface is not
smooth, and it refracts countless rays of light under the sun. If you don't look closely, you
may mistake it for a precision-cut diamond.
There is absolutely no such thing in the mind of a normal person.
After looking at it for a long time, Shen Shi'an didn't see what it was. He could only confirm
that the texture was extremely hard. He found a stone and smashed it for several minutes
without even showing any traces.
Shen Xun seemed to know what it was. The dark green eyes flashed, and he took it from
Shen Shi'an and held it in his palm, but after ten minutes passed, there was no response.
Yu Xue's cute little face was immediately wrinkled into bun buns.
"Forget it," Shen Shi'an decided to give up after all kinds of speculation. "Wait for
conditions to check with professional equipment later." What should appear in the mutant
zombie's mind should not be simple.
Put the spar in your pocket, and bring the child and car back to the space.
Just standing, the original quiet and invisible protective cover around Lingquan Pool
suddenly became golden, and a strong suction came from the spring's eyes. Shen Shi'an was
too late to react, and his pocket moved slightly. The crystal was like the metal that met the
super magnet It seemed that he flew straight into Quan's eyes.
In the next second, the spring eye that had dripped a bit of water for a long time before and
then dropped out a very thin but continuous stream. Something went wrong, refresh and
try again
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 35: 35th
Settings saved..
On May 6, 2019, one month and three days after the virus outbreak.
On the national road in the northern suburbs of h City, Shen Shi'an was carrying a heavy
sword and striding around the abandoned vehicles everywhere.
"Don't make trouble," he turned back. "Hold up, it's going to be dark."
Hey, a child behind him who didn't seem to be four or five years old answered. With a knife
in his hand, he cut off the head of a zombie, reached in and dug it out, and pulled out a
marble of the size of a transparent spar.
Put a few punches on your clothes, and then carry the tang knife, which is half higher than
his whole person, and run to Shen Shi'an.
"Ann, here you are"
Shen Shi'an took the spar into the space, and felt that the spring eye once again absorbed
the spar, and the spring water flow increased slightly with an insignificant change, his eyes
stretched, but he wrinkled again when his eyes focused on the child. , Took out two
disinfection wipes and squatted down and wiped his hands. "How many times have you
said, don't just dig out the zombie brain with your hands."
Shen Xun obediently stretched out her two paws, and the wet wipes soaked with alcohol
were cold and rubbed a little in the fingers. The cloth straps on the shoulders used to carry
the knife slipped down, and quickly raised his hands and carried them back.
Shen Shi'an saw, "Retract the knife. I'll change a shorter dagger for you again." The Tang
knife is too big, reckless and heavy, standing on the ground a bit higher than a child, even if
it is slanted. He would also slam on the ground, just like an ant moving house, he looked too
tired to panic.
Shen Xun quickly grabbed the strap "No, I'll take this one"
"This majestic and domineering one is super handsome."
Shen Shi'an "" is not too old, but he has learned to smell.
However, the child's use and proficiency of the tang knife really did not exceed his
expectations. He was blessed with amazing power and danced in a fierce manner. Shen
Shi'an estimates that if he is a self before he has advanced, he is not necessarily his
Of course, from time to time, my physique has been greatly improved by soaking in
Lingquan. This little thing has drained the entire spring eye, and it is unreasonable without
some inhuman skills.
But his other ability made Shen Shi'an a little jealous, probably because he was a dog, and
the zombies had no interest in him at all. Even if they walked away from the zombies, no
zombies would take the initiative to attack. Top When he was attacked, he resisted for a
This ability can simply walk sideways in the last days, and just can neutralize the
attractiveness of the spirit spring spirit to Shen Shian to the zombies.
Probably racial talent as a goblin
The children resolutely use a Tang sword, and Shen Shi'an has no choice. After wiping his
hands, he wiped the blood and brain stains on his clothes, got up and went forward. The
ordinary zombies wandering between vehicles did not pose a threat to him, and he could
solve it without pulling his sword.
After leaving the library, he stayed in the suburban area of city H for more than a week, one
to hoard fuel and the other to collect mutant zombie crystal nuclei.
Fuel is relatively easy. I ran about fourteen or five gas stations, and each gas station
collected about one-tenth of the oil storage. At present, there are more than ten tons of
gasoline and diesel in the space, which is enough for them to drive all the way. To Beijing.
Crystal nuclei are slightly more troublesome. This kind of crystal nucleus that can be
absorbed by the spring eye exists only in the brain of the mutant zombies, and the mutant
zombies are not common, or it is common only in the places where the zombies are
gathered. The traffic in the suburbs is originally small. Only 23 crystal nuclei have been
collected in so many days.
At this time, I regret that I did not solve a little more mutant zombies in the process of
escaping the library. There were as many as tens of thousands of zombies around the
library, and there were at least thousands of mutant zombies inside.
During the collection of materials, he encountered a total of four waves of rescue teams, all
of whom came from the nearby military area. He was responsible for transferring the
survivors to a safe haven without going to the capital. Shen Shi'an originally wanted to try if
he could use the military's communication equipment to get in touch with Mr. Gu, but the
other party responded that they could not communicate with Beijing.
Regardless of whether this statement is true or merely used to evade civilians' rhetoric,
Shen Shi'an is not good at continuing to entangle, telling them that there are more than 50
survivors in the city library, and then they will make a difference. Saving people in the city
center is beyond his control.
Shen Xun tightened the cloth bag with the knife tightly and chased him and held his hand.
"An'an, when are we going to eat in the space?"
"What, hungry"
There should be many survivors who choose to flee from the north national road. After
abandoning the car for various reasons, he and the children have already walked for nearly
two kilometers. The long queue of congested and abandoned vehicles is still not over.
Bend over and hug the child, and take the tang knife on his back into the space first. "Wait a
while, let's go in when the sun is completely down."
The setting sun was as red as blood, dragging a long shadow behind him, silent all around,
the evening wind rolling in the wilderness blowing away the rotting odor in the air, and the
weary birds returning from the forest passed by between the clouds and the clouds. , The
attitude of freedom reveals a bit of romantic poetry.
By the time the last rays of sun covered the horizon, the congested vehicles finally came to
an end.
Shen Shi'an lost his mind with Shen Xun.
Compared with ten days ago, the space has changed a lot. Shen Shi'an used the collected
grass seeds to expand two more than 100 square meters of lawn on the black soil, one to
store fuel and one to store non-food materials.
The time static function of the second floor of the Bamboo Building is too precious. Shen
Shi'an decided to use it only for food storage, and planned fixed areas according to raw
food, cooked food, fruits, and packed convenience foods. This makes it very convenient to
find and take things. .
"Take off your jacket," Shen Shi'an said to the child, but took his dirty clothes and threw
them into the washing machine with the clothes he was changing.
The generator was placed on the open space behind the bamboo building, filled with diesel
and set up the circuit. At present, electricity can be used normally in the space. There are no
shortcomings except for the sound.
If you use water, please be troublesome. Although there is a Lingquan and a stream in the
space, the Lingquan water is too precious to be used for washing clothes and dishes.
Therefore, in addition to fuel oil, Shen Shi'an went to the residential building to store a
large amount of tap water as domestic water. source.
Shen Xun, holding a fruit bowl full of cherry seeds, followed him like a tail. "An'an, what
shall we eat tonight?"
Shen Shi'an was in a good mood. "Let's order, we're burning at night." The rice bowl lunch
prepared before leaving home has not been eaten yet. Don't worry about placing it on the
second floor.
Two children's eyes are as bright as a light bulb. After more than an hour, Yufu stewed fish
stew, Sydney pork lung soup, potato roast meat, white-burning prawns, braised pork
trotters, shredded sweet potatoes and rice cooked in a rice cooker There was a table full of
After eating and drinking enough, with the consent of Shen Shi'an, the child went to the
second floor and took a box of ice cream for dessert. Shen Shi'an cleaned the table, took the
chopsticks to the bamboo forest behind the house, and was preparing to wash. Shen Xun
came with one hand holding the ice cream and the other holding the small bench. "An'an, I
help you."
Shen Shi'an smiled, thinking that this son was not raised in vain.
Then in just ten minutes, they witnessed the children breaking three bowls.
The time velocity in space is different from the outside world. A day in the real world is
almost two days in space, so Shen Shi'an usually spends half of his time resting and the
other half of his time planting land.
He found a lot of seeds in the farmer's market in the city of H, so in addition to tomatoes
and cherries, he now planted about two acres of sweet potatoes and about one acre of
Sweet potatoes are grown early and can be eaten a week ago. They are high-sugar red heart
varieties. They are sweet and soft and well-proportioned. They are about one-third the size
of rugby, whether they are steamed, cooked, grilled or fried. Sweet potato **** are
extremely delicious, especially the shredded sweet potatoes, which have recently risen to
one of Shen Xun's favorite sweets.
The strawberry was just planted yesterday, and the growing time is similar to that of
tomato. The whole process of flowering and fruiting was completed in just three hours. The
aroma of strawberries growing from the absorption of spring water is particularly strong.
When I walked into the strawberry field, I was seduced by the tempting sweet aroma. I
waited for a little longer, as if my breath became sweet.
Shen Xun wanted to eat last night, and Shen Shi'an didn't let it, because the shelf life of
strawberries is very short compared to other fruits, so he wants to see if the fresh-keeping
effect in the space has any effect on it. Picked and placed on the second floor of the bamboo
At present, the effect is not bad. The red ones are all very good, and they don't look much
different from when they got the results last night.
Turned and said to the child, "You can pick it. Be careful not to fall when you pick it.
Remember to wash it before you eat it."
While Shen Xun was struggling to pick strawberries, Shen Shian stepped out of the
strawberry field and went to the tomato forest. It was more than four months since the first
batch of more than 2,000 tomato trees he planted. With the constant consumption of
flowers, about 500 tomatoes were harvested.
Originally he was still worried about the tomato tree being so tall and large. After the
tomatoes were picked, what would he do to restore the land to the state of cultivation? It
would be a big project if the trees were cut one by one. Not easy to handle.
Unexpectedly, after all the fruits on the first tomato tree were completely picked, the entire
tomato tree was retracted to the normal plant size at a speed that is visible to the naked
eye, and eventually fell in the land and disappeared. The black land disappeared this way
The nutrients in the plants are recovered again.
This is really another surprise from space. In this way, the reuse of land is much simpler.
At present, there are six fields on the black soil, and the area is very small from the outside.
One tomato, one cherry, one sweet potato, one strawberry, and two lawns as storage space.
Together, the black land occupied is about ten square meters, that is, there are nearly 5,000
square meters of original land waiting for further development and utilization.
In view of the short growth period of the herbaceous plant, it can mature in a few hours,
and the second floor of the bamboo building also stores a large amount of vegetables and
has not eaten them, so he does not plan to plant vegetables for the time being.
It is too troublesome to grow rice and the like. He has no experience in harvesting or
hulling, so he does not consider it until the finished rice is eaten.
The woody plant has a long growth period, but he has no seeds or seedlings. If he meets on
the way, he can transplant a few trees.
I made a general plan in my heart and looked up and called the children home "Go, go back
to sleep."
I have to hurry at full speed tomorrow morning. Something went wrong, refresh and try
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 36: 36th

Settings saved..
Today is the same as the previous few days, the weather is still fine, the golden waves of
rapeseed fields on both sides of the road are rolling, the warm wind blows on, and the
fragrance of flowers and plants wrapped around the heart.
Shen Shi'an stood on the edge of the front of the car and rolled out a map. According to the
map, they have crossed several cities after leaving city h. At this time, there are only 200
kilometers away from the border of province a. The traffic is in good condition, and it can
take up to three hours.
However, he can not take highways and other main roads. According to the experience of
the past few days, he will definitely be blocked. The delay is too long, and he is prone to
encounter the tide of zombies. He can only go from provincial roads and county roads and
township roads on the edge of the city. bypass. Counting the possible delays in clearing
zombies, suspending repairs, and getting lost in the middle of the journey, it is expected
that driving out of province A within two days should be about the same.
Use your pen to mark several important road junctions and turning points, carefully fold up
the map and close it, and turn to Shen Xun and shout "Come back, ready to go."
The child was fluttering butterflies in the rapeseed field, and when he heard the sound, he
immediately ran back with his sword on his back. His head was full of petals. He opened his
palm carefully and showed him the butterfly that was half-dead. "An'an, for you"
Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow. "Thank you." The butterfly was released, carefully washed
the children's hands with water, and then took the co-pilot "Hurry to eat."
Breakfast is a homemade toast sandwich, with a slice of bread topping, lettuce and poached
egg, another slice of bread, cheese slice and bacon ham fried with scorched oil, and a layer
of poached egg and lettuce, and finally two Slices of sweet and sour tomatoes, with freshly
squeezed strawberry milk in the morning, are balanced and delicious.
Shen Xun was eating hamburgers and colas collected from the fast food restaurants in the
mall. When eating and eating the sandwiches, Shen Shi'an looked more tempting. He took a
bite, and then he couldn't move his mouth. Yes.
Shen Shi'an put out a finger and pressed him back. "No hum, don't let you eat fast food. You
don't listen. It's not your share."
Quickly finish breakfast, check that the child's seat belt is fastened, start the ignition, and
open the solar panel on the roof. Sunlight energy collection is the design that comes with
this off-road vehicle, which is intended to serve the survival of the wild. Mr. Gu did not
remove this function when he sent it for modification. Instead, he replaced the material
with the military's most advanced daylight collection board. In normal sunny weather, the
amount of electricity that can be collected in a day is quite large and can be burned. Water
can charge the mobile phone, and it is sufficient to support the air conditioner in the car for
more than two consecutive days.
The car drove for more than ten minutes, and Yu Guang glimpsed the child who had
finished eating the burger. Then he took out an extra prepared sandwich and handed it to
him, "Eat fast food and eat less."
Hahahaha. Shen Xun smiled so blindly that he took a big strawberry from the fruit plate and
twisted his body to feed him "Anan You Eat"
"Sit well, don't disturb." Shen Shi'an frowned and took over the strawberry, and then
instructed "Drink the milk after eating."
The journey was quite smooth. I did not encounter a road blocked by abandoned vehicles.
Occasionally, a few ordinary zombies came out of the road, and Shen Shi'an drove directly
past it.
When approaching another city, Shen Shi'an got off the provincial road ahead of schedule
and was going to bypass the road from the outer edge of the city. After driving along the
outer ring road for about half an hour, two people, three, appeared to be more than four
hundred meters away in front of the family.
Tian Yi Shou waited for more than an hour by the side of the road, finally waited for a car,
immediately dragged his tired body, rushed to the middle of the road with his hands, "Stop,
please stop, I have no bad intentions, please kind people stop a little "
However, the speed of the other party was not reduced, and a detour was usually passed
around him, causing a lot of dust.
Tian Yi covered his mouth and nose and coughed a few times. His tired body was smashed
into a ball because of his physical loss, and his face was a bit bitter and sure. Nowadays, no
one will stop at all.
After a while, I straightened up, wiped my cheeks up, turned and walked towards the same
tired and disappointed wife and daughter. "It's okay, let's wait for the next one, or just leave
for a while. The ground is not too far away, always walking slowly
The voice didn't fall, and the dark gray off-road vehicle that was speeding out fell back
again, and the wheels spun quickly, stopping exactly where he stopped the car before.
Tian Yi subconsciously turned back and took a few steps backwards, guarding his wife and
daughter behind him, waiting for the co-pilot's window to fall down, revealing a small face
carved like a pink and jade sculpture, which lightened the vigilance in his heart by two
points. Carry children like him.
To be seen in the driver's seat is a very good-looking young man in his early twenties, he
was secretly relieved, and quickly pulled his wife and daughter over to him. "Hi brother, my
name is Tian, Tian Yi This is my lover Ye Ping and my daughter Tian Yaoyao. I don't know if
I can trouble you for taking us. We brought some water and food. You can discuss how
much you want as remuneration. "
Shen Shi'an looked at the three of them "Where are you going?"
"We intend to go to the survivor base in Dongming County," Tian Yi replied.
"There is a survivor base in Dongming County" Shen Shi'an was a little surprised, he
remembered that there were no troops stationed nearby. "How do you know?" The power
system was completely cut off shortly after the outbreak of the virus, and most of the
mobile phones and radios were unusable for such a long time. In his impression, the
survivors still can only wait for rescue. Knowing where the survivor base is located and
rushing past, this is the first time I have met.
"The horn broadcasts on the helicopter. Three or four helicopters fly back and forth twice a
day. It has been broadcasting for more than a week. By the way, the flyers were scattered
from the plane." Tian Yi immediately from his pocket. He pulled out a neatly folded paper
and handed it to Shen Shi'an through a car window. "Brother, you passed this road, I
thought you were going to Dongming County too. It is said that an army has cleared out the
entire Dongming County. A special security base has been built, with a large area, there are
fields, water, and food. The radio allows survivors in several nearby cities to catch up, and
we have met several times on the road. "
Shen Shi'an took the leaflet. The paper is the most common office paper, about half the size
of normal a4 paper. The printing is very concise. The bold outline of the security base and
the specific location are introduced. A simple map is provided to recommend actions.
Restricted survivors locked the doors and windows to wait for rescue, and if possible, went
to the base and met with the large forces.
Shen Shi'an quickly read the content of the leaflet and handed it back from the car window.
"You just said that the radio will let the survivors of several nearby cities go to the base."
"Yes, we are from city C. I met several groups of survivors from other cities along the way.
After hearing the broadcast or picking up the leaflets, they rushed to the base."
Can clear up an entire county to establish a survivor base, and can also use several
helicopters to spread the news back and forth in several cities. It seems that the size of this
army should not be small, it is likely that it was directly ordered above, and Dongming
County was selected as the a One of the long-term large-scale security bases in the
In order to hurry as soon as possible, most of the time he chose to pass through remote
areas far from the city, so the information in this regard is somewhat lagging.
Tian Yi was afraid that he would not bring people, and he softened his tone and said,
"Brother, we are not bad people. I originally drove out of the car, but the car broke down in
the middle, and the oil was burned out. Walking by car. It ’s okay for our adults to walk a
little tired, mainly because of the pain of the children. I walked for a day yesterday, and
walked for another morning today. My feet are bleeding and bleeding. I really feel bad
about being a father. It is mentioned that as long as it can be satisfied, we will do our best to
satisfy it. "
Shen Shi'an glanced at the little girl who was guarded by two adults, wearing two red
braids and wearing a red dress, about seven or eight years old. The probe looked at Shen
Xun with curiosity, and the child was fangs. After getting scared, he hid back.
He wouldn't fall back if it wasn't for the sake of them taking their children.
Dongming County is not too far away, about 50 kilometers away. If you drive, you will
definitely arrive by this evening, and it is exactly on the route that Shen Shi'an is expected
to take. Perhaps he can also go to the base and try to get in touch with Mr. Gu. A team of this
size must be equipped with special military communication equipment.
Do a good deed that day.
My mind was set, my face was not obvious at all, and I looked at Tian Yi with his face full of
face. "I am only responsible for taking you to the base. If there is any accident midway, I am
not responsible for ensuring your safety."
"Hey, hey" Tian Yi and his wife were overjoyed and thanked Shen Shi'an quickly. "Thank
you, brother, please rest assured. We only have to take a ride, and we will not give you
Shen Shian unlocked the car lock and "get in."
The two breathed a sigh of relief, immediately dragged their luggage with their backpacks,
and took the children to the back seat.
Shen Shian shifted gears and speeded up, starting the car again.
The compartment is very wide. Long swords, tang swords, and strawberry cherries have
been taken into the space long ago. The trunk and the rear seat are connected. The bulge is
covered with a layer of canvas to tightly cover the seams. what.
Tian Yi and his wife kept their daughters in the middle one by one. Although they were
envious of having such a good car, they tried to control their eyes and looked around. About
to ease the atmosphere, take the initiative to talk to Shen Shi'an "Little Brother Gui
"It turned out to be Brother Shen," and when she noticed that Shen Shi'an had a cold
temper, Tian Yi turned to the subject of the two in common, that is, the child; "is this
brother Shen's brother or?"
Tian Yi was somewhat surprised, but the acquaintance did not continue to ask, "It looks so
good, and it is more lovely than the child stars on TV."
Shen Xun did not eat this set at all, and the defense in his eyes did not decrease at all. He
turned his teeth and whispered a few times at him, and continued to chew the chocolate
Tian Yi didn't mind, and said with a smile, "Should it be less than five years old to go to
"No," Shen Shi'an said, "self-study."
"Our girl is seven and a half years old. In the first grade, she was a little afraid of being born
outside, but she was very lively." Tian Yi touched the little girl's hair. "My lover happens to
be a teacher in their school. There are more and more colds in school. My lover is afraid
that the child will be infected. The day when the virus broke out, she took time off to teach
her at home alone.
No wonder, Shen Shi'an thought that according to the influenza virus infection rate of up to
50%, the chances of all the family of three surviving were too small, and it was all right, and
their luck was considered.
Glancing through the rearview mirror, I just saw the little girl secretly drooling at the
chocolate beans in Shen Xun's hand, and with a thought, she took a lollipop out of her
pocket and passed it.
"Oh, how sorry this is," Tian Yi blushed, but in the end he was distressed by his child, and
he took it after a moment of hesitation. "Thank you, thank you so much, Yao Yao, thank you
uncle soon."
The little girl held the lollipop in her palm, raised her head and looked shyly at Shen Shi'an,
and whispered "Thank you Uncle."
"You're welcome."
Shen Xun opened his eyes wide, and Shen Shi'an raised his hand and held his head, "Xun
The dissatisfaction in the dark green eyes dissipated instantly, and he twisted and
squeezed Shen Shi'an a few times on his head. Then I turned my head and rushed to the
little girl, lychee, I didn't like to eat lychee. The delicious An An is reserved for me, so I wo
n’t give it to you.
The little girl peeled off the candy paper, and licked it with a cherished bite, and the
sweetness in her mouth gradually relaxed, and with a smile on her face, she lifted the
lollipop to her parents' mouth. "Daddy, Mom , You eat too. "
"Mom and Dad do n’t eat it, you eat it yourself, Yao Yao is so good." Tian Yi kissed her
daughter on the forehead, looking at her happy look, her eyes were very kind, but she could
n’t hide her heartache. “Good world, The last days are the last days. We adults are actually
nothing. Like I have lived in my thirties, I have experienced all the things I have tried and
tried all the things I have tried, but I am a bit tired and tired, but I still know it well. What
kind of life is it? Only the children are the poorest. They have n’t had time to enjoy any
blessings, and they will have to suffer with us later. I am a dad, and I ca n’t even make her
full. In a few years, I'm afraid she can't remember what a normal day should look like. "
Shen Shi'an thoughtfully, the light on Shen Xun's body could not help but feel a little soft,
raised his hand and touched "Hungry" on his face.
Shen Xun drummed his cheeks, and his mouth was filled with chocolate beans. He was n’t
hungry about this problem. He had a double-layer chicken leg for breakfast, a chicken roll, a
bag of french fries, and a can. Cola ate another layer of super-luxury sandwiches prepared
by Shen Shi'an for him, and drank a box of milk and a box of orange juice. After that, he ate
a full pot of strawberries and cherries along the way. His stomach is still round now.
However, Shen Shi'an's attitude at this time was very useful. He took his hand and slap his
face and said, "An'an, let us recite poetry." They took a lot of books such as Tang poetry and
Song poetry and modern poetry in the library, and Shen Shi'an. Memorizing poems
together is one of his favorite travel games these days.
Shen Shi'an started with "Qin Shiming, Moon and Hanshiguan,"
Shen Xun immediately replied, "Several people returned in Kulai."
"The wormwood is short,"
"The crossing of Daduqiao is cold."
"I don't know the moon for hours,"
"Millions of people have disappeared."
"Bright moonlight before the bed,"
"Wash your hands and make soup."
The little girl in the back seat giggled. "He's all wrong."
Shen Xun's eyes turned and rushed at her. Tian Yi hurried round the field. "My brother is
very young. It's great to be able to memorize poems at such a young age. Yaoyao often
misrepresented when you were young. He also said to Shen Shi'an Tao, "This child's word
is quite accurate, I can't match it."
Shen Shi'an looked soothing "just playing on his back." He didn't expect Gozi to remember
all the poems and understand the meaning, but mainly wanted to train his pronunciation
ability and pass the time. It would be even better if we could improve a little bit of literary
Goblin is a monster that can't stand criticism. Originally, although it was crowned and
crowned, it was always a serious poem. It was edited by a little girl with a smile.
"Moon Wo Day,"
"Grow sweet potatoes."
"Thousands of miles,"
"Eat more sweet potatoes."
"Young people don't work hard,"
"Boss grows sweet potatoes."
"Except for one year old in the sound of firecrackers,"
"Every household grows sweet potatoes."
Back to the end, licked his mouth, and gathered around Shen Shi'an to discuss with him,
"An'an, how about we eat silky sweet potatoes at noon." An error occurred, please refresh
and try again
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 37: 37th
Settings saved..
It's impossible to eat wire-fried sweet potatoes.
At more than one o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Shi'an parked his car on an open road with
an unobstructed view and announced to Shen Xun that he would eat instant noodles at
Remove the solar charging board and connect it to the induction cooker. Pour half a pot of
mineral water into the circular ceramic cooking pot and wait for the cold water to boil.
Tian Yi took out two packets of biscuits and a bottle of fruit milk from the trunk and wanted
to give them as a thank you. After being rejected by Shen Shian, she took the family to rest
on the other side of the off-road vehicle with a wink, and did not rashly near.
Shen Xun drummed his cheeks and squatted beside the induction cooker to pull the grass.
The boss was unhappy that if these people were not there, he and An An would be able to
go into the space to drink chicken soup and eat braised pork, as well as sweet and sweet
toasted sweet potatoes as a snack. What's so delicious about instant noodles?
Shen Shi'an glanced at him and ignored him. After the water was boiled, he poured a small
half of the boiled tomato sauce into it and cooked it with fresh tomatoes. It tasted better,
but obviously he couldn't take out the fresh tomatoes right now. Boil the water and cook
into a brightly colored tomato soup, and add two tablespoons of Laoganma to it. Stir well
and place in four noodles, four eggs, two lunch slices, and two ready-to-eat hams. For a
short period, sprinkle the oil and seasoning bags and vegetable bags. Within a few minutes,
the hot aroma will burst out.
Shen Shian took out the chopsticks and stirred, pulled the plug when the noodles were
translucent, and asked the child "You don't eat"
Shen Xun stared at a pot full of rich instant noodles and swallowed, immediately flew over
to "eat"
It's a fool to send some sticks in spring.
Instant noodles can't stand it, and I want to vomit when I smell it, but if I eat it once in a
while, the taste is really fragrant, especially with tomato soup as the base and willing to cut
it. The heat is not bad but the noodles are delicious. A bite of noodles, a mouthful of meat,
and a soup makes people want to eat it.
Shen Xun was holding a sea bowl that was bigger than his face. He ate thinly and was
particularly energetic. He couldn't see that he was still abandoning instant noodles and was
not up to his grade.
"Slow it, don't burn it." Shen Shi'an urged, raising his eyes to see two ordinary zombies
swaying in the direction from the past, about one hundred meters away from the off-road
vehicle, his eyes narrowed and did not move.
The Tian Yi family on the other side also quickly found the zombies. After half a minute,
Tian Yi rushed forward with a twenty-centimeter sharp knife. The action is not particularly
agile, and he is slightly hesitant when he starts, but after all, he is in his prime, physically
strong, and knows that aiming at the head is the key, and he should have experience in
dealing with zombies. Although it took a little longer, the two zombies were successfully
While wiping his knife and walking back, his wife Ye Ping and his daughter greeted him.
"It's okay," Tian Yi smiled, handed the knife to his wife, and then hugged her daughter.
"Zombies are so stupid, they can't run slowly, they're not opponents of Dad."
The little girl hugged his neck, turned her head and looked at Shen Shi'an, and then leaned
close to his ear and said, "Daddy, I want instant noodles, too."
Tian Yi was a little embarrassed and a little distressed, and it was too late to confirm
whether the words were heard by Shen Shi'an, holding her daughter's hand and
whispering, "Yao Yaoyao, when we left the house, we hurried without bringing instant
noodles. After the base, Dad must find a way to make you eat instant noodles. You can bear
it a little bit longer, OK? "
Ye Ping picked a flower from the side of the road and put it in her daughter's hand.
"Yaoyao, look, is this flower good-looking? Mom will help you comb your hair and re-tie
two braids, and tie the flowers to the braids. It must be particularly beautiful." Like little
princess, do you want it? "
The family of three whispered softly and returned to the other side of the off-road vehicle.
Shen Shi'an quickly finished his portion, and told the child to eat slowly. Then he took the
solar panel and the induction cooker, took out a packet of instant noodles and a stewed egg
from the trunk, and went to Tian Yi's side. Yes. If there is a pot, I can do both pot and water.
Tian Yi hesitated for a few seconds before striding over. "There are pots and pots. I'm a
cook. I don't have much other things before I leave, and the breadwinner should not lose
it." Staring at Shen Shi'an I looked at the contents for a long time, and bowed deeply before
taking over. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Shen."
In this world, food and water are life. He pushed people into the zombies for a packet of
biscuits, and he hadn't seen this way.
Ye Ping, who was combing the hair of the little girl, wiped her eyes secretly, and took her
daughter to thank him, "Thank you Mr. Shen."
Shen Shi'an shook his head and estimated the time. "Don't worry, we will start in half an
Apart from the apparently more harmonious atmosphere in the carriage, the journey in the
afternoon is not much different from that in the morning. The closer to Dongming County,
the more vehicles and pedestrians met on the road. It seems that Tian Yi is right. Survivors
from several nearby cities have rushed to the security base after receiving the information
from the helicopter.
There were more survivors able to break through the zombies than Shen Shi'an expected.
When the county entrance was half a kilometer away, the vehicle was blocked and unable
to move. In front of it are hundreds of meters of long vehicles. At the end of the long lines,
we can see a barbed wire more than ten meters high erected around the county seat, with
steel bars and metal plates as support at intervals.
A gate opened at the intersection of the barbed wire and the highway. There were two rows
of gun soldiers guarding the front of the gate. Above the gate, a red banner more than ten
meters long and more than one meter wide printed with "Welcome to Dongming County
Security Base" was flying in the wind.
"Here it is," Tian Yi held his wife and daughter's hand tightly, almost crying with joy. "We
are finally here."
Shen Shian relaxed the throttle, merged into the long dragon, and slowly moved forward
with the vehicle in front. Since the outbreak of the virus, such a peaceful and orderly traffic
jam scene has actually passed away. Although the speed is slow, the lively vocals, roaring
engine sounds, and exciting conversation sounds around it make people feel a little relaxed
and peaceful from the bottom of their hearts.
that's nice. It's nice to have so many people alive.
It's just that this speed is really too slow. At first, the turtle was able to move forward at a
high speed, but then it was completely motionless. After an entire hour, Shen Shi'an and
others moved less than five meters.
It happened that the person who got out of the car in front of the car more than 20 minutes
ago left and walked back in the opposite direction, and it seemed as if he had heard
something. Tian Yi said hello to Shen Shi'an, and immediately got out of the car and asked,
while asking, he took out a crumpled cigarette box from his trouser pocket. "Brother, did
you just go to the base door, what's the situation? I did n’t move for more than half an hour,
and we would n’t let us come over a thousand miles, or let us in. ”
The other side looked at Tian Yi with caution, but when Tian Yi passed a cigarette, he finally
eased his look. "Where can I go? It is definitely given, but the process is a bit cumbersome.
You need to check whether there is a wound on your body and your temperature is normal.
It ’s not normal, but you still need to draw blood. Wait slowly, this matter can't be anxious,
in case there is a zombie virus infection, then we will be unlucky. "
Stop here and say "Yes, did you bring your ID card account?"
"I brought it," Tian Yi even nodded. "Broadcasts and leaflets said they would take it. How
dare you not take it. What's wrong, people who don't bring their IDs will not be allowed in."
"That wouldn't be the case for the soldiers who have been in trouble for more than a
month. It is fortunate that they can survive, and it is unlikely that all survivors can just
bring their IDs with them, and they will need to apply for a temporary certificate." The
other side bowed his head slightly. "I asked you what this meant, because those soldiers
were looking for someone named Shen Shi'an. They can prove that they are Shen Shi'an.
You don't have to wait in line. Can go in. Alas, it is estimated that there is a wealthy or rich
official or official, leave a VIP channel for their family members. Mom's, in the last days,
there are still people who rely on relationships to walk through the back door. "
Tian Yi did n’t know why he wanted to look back at Mr. Shen subconsciously, but held back
in time, and continued to talk about “As long as he proves that he is Shen Shi'an, if someone
says that he is Shen Shi'an, but he has n’t had time to bring his ID card, would n’t he be
confused? The "pass" power and communication network have been disconnected for such
a long time, and it is impossible to verify fingerprint dna or something on the spot.
The other person smiled. "Seven or eight people have already done this, and all of them
have been thrown out. I guess we should also check some basic information, such as how
old do a few people at home and work, such places, etc. It's easy to replace. "
"Excuse me," the other person heard the sound, and saw that in the mighty off-road vehicle,
a young handsome guy protruded half of his body from the window. "Those soldiers only
look for Shen Shi'an alone. Are there any other people who pass directly? Quota "
The other side looked at him up and down to see what kind of rich people's child this looks
like. I wonder if my father and mother have given themselves a back road. He spit out a ring
of cigarettes, half happy and half jealous. "No, just a quota. If you do n’t believe it, you can
ask yourself. There have been several people asking if there is any one of them in the quota,
but the army will recognize it. One Shen Shi'an. "Who made your relationship harder than
him? Honestly line up with us.
"Thank you."
Shen Shian retracted his arm into the car, closed the window glass, and beckoned Tian Yi to
signal his return.
When Tian Yi sat back in the back seat, he said, "Get out of the car."
Tian Yi froze, looked at his wife, and then asked, "Will Mr. Shen go into the base with us?"
"No, I have something else to do." Shen Shi'an turned back. "I promised to take you to the
gate of the base, and now I have done it. After you get out of the car and line up with other
people, you should be able to go in quickly."
Tian Yi heard the urging meaning in his remarks, and did not dare to grumble, and quickly
moved his luggage and backpack out of the car with his wife. At the end, he held his wife
and daughter's hands outside the window on the side of the co-pilot. "Thank you Shen Mr.
has helped us so much, and our family will always remember this kind of kindness. No
matter what Mr. Shen is going to do in the future, I wish you peace and success. "
Shen Shian nodded. "Take care."
Then he turned on the lights and turned the head. With the perfect adaptability of the off-
road vehicle to the terrain, he drove directly into the roadside rice fields, turned around
and moved forward. He didn't return to the road for a long time, and galloped along the
original road. Quickly disappeared into the vision of the three.
Ye Ping grabbed her husband's arm and whispered, "You said, is this Mr. Shen the Shen
Shi'an that the army is looking for?"
Tian Yi thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't know." He did doubt it, but if
this Shen is Shen Shi'an, then he obviously can enjoy the privilege to enter the base directly,
why should he leave suddenly?
In the off-road vehicle at this time, Shen Xun asked the same question, "An An, why should
we go?" Isn't someone looking for An An?
Shen Shi'an clenched the steering wheel, his face was a little dignified. "I'm afraid it was not
Mr. Gu who arranged for me."
After the virus outbreak, he contacted Mr. Gu twice. One time when he was preparing
supplies at home, he wrote a text message detailing his situation at the time, including Fan
Guoping was infected by the zombies and infected with the virus, Wan Feng escorted Yun
Feiyang home according to his instructions, and he decided to go to Beijing. plan.
The other time was in the library. The call between the two was very short and fuzzy, but
he still successfully exchanged information about each other's situation with Mr. Gu, and
confirmed that Mr. Gu had received his text message.
In other words, Mr. Gu knew from beginning to end that he was on the road with Shen Xun.
If Mr. Gu really wanted to find him, why did he only release his name information? Why is
there only one direct pass at the base? Compared to "Shen Shi'an", would it be easier to
narrow down the target group to find people It is important to know that less than one-
twentieth of the survivors who have grown up have children.
There is only one explanation, that is, the person who wanted to find him did not know that
he was carrying a child.
Shen Shian's thoughts turned quickly, and his mind suddenly remembered the last
sentence that Mr. Gu said to him during the call, "The An'an side of the city is dead and can't
control the Qin family's army. You must be careful that the rescue team will not pick you up
He always thought that Mr. Gu was letting him be careful, pay attention to safety, not take
risks, and wait for rescue teams to rescue him.
But if Mr. Gu really wanted to say, let him be careful about the rescue team
Shen Shian's lips were tight, her shoulders and back stretched straight, and she repeated
the words in her mind over and over again. The Qin family, the military. How does the Qin
family, who specializes in the business world, even the noble in politics, have anything to
do with the military?
The off-road vehicle made a sudden brake and stopped abruptly in the middle of the road.
Shen Shian held the child leaning forward with inertia in one hand and patted the steering
wheel with one hand
Supplies are supplies
Mom \ ', he forgot such an important thing.
The business scale of the Qin family is extremely large, covering a wide range of industries,
including heavy industry, light industry, agricultural products, real estate, service industry,
high-tech industry, etc. The reason why the noble Gu Gu family, which has deep roots,
chose the Qin family as the marriage object. The value is The other party ’s tremendous
strength and wealth in the business community. This strength and family base is now Qin's
greatest support in the last days.
After the virus outbreak, what are the most important supplies. The soldiers and horses are
the first to move forward. No matter how the cards are shuffled or turbulent, the Qin family
can rely on all the famous light and heavy industrial processing plants, agricultural product
transaction chains, and high-tech industrial equipment to gain an invincible position.
Breathing returned quickly after a short rush. Shen Shi'an sighed softly, and his eyes met
the afterglow of the setting sun.
The Qin family and the military have reached a cooperation. You must be careful of them.
You cannot trust the rescue team. I will find other ways as soon as possible and I will pick
you up soon.
This is what Mr. Gu wants to tell him.
"An An" Shen Xun was a little worried.
"I'm fine." Shen Shi'an rubbed his head and started again. The off-road vehicle gradually
accelerated and soon left the scenery on both sides far behind.
This journey to the capital seems to add a lot of challenges.
Around the same time Shen Shi'an left Dongming County Security Base, he was in another
large base hundreds of kilometers away.
Lu Xiuyuan has been here for more than a month. This is the scientific research area of the
base. Other survivors cannot enter, and people in the scientific research area usually
cannot go out.
Because he was evacuated with medical workers and scientific researchers such as
Professor Li, and he was a student of Medical University, he was assigned as an assistant to
Professor Li and others after arriving at the base, and has been here. Others, whether it was
the captain who was in charge of the rescue operation at the beginning, or the students
who were evacuated from the medical university, or Shen Shi'an's family, have never seen
one since entering the research area.
It was almost dinner time, and there was no one in the research room. Only Professor Li
was still experimenting at the workbench. With a stack of report papers, Lu Xiuyuan
walked over to "Professor, the data you want." For these data, he has been staring at the
petri dish for two weeks without rest.
"Let it go," Professor Li said without sitting in front of the microscope. "Then clean all the
experimental tanks."
Lu Xiuyuan's eyes flashed darkly, and he couldn't bear it. He threw the report paper down
on the table and tried to suppress his anger. "I remember the professor taught us that no
matter what position we are in, for others The fruits of labor should be fully respected. "
Professor Li looked up and pushed his glasses. "You think I don't have enough respect for
you." After asking, he didn't wait for Lu Xiuyuan to answer, and continued, "Since then, why
don't you apply for leaving the scientific research area? You can't bear the treatment here,
Afraid to meet acquaintances outside and be shouted by others, in fact you are not Shen
Shi'an. "
Lu Xiuyuan saw a embarrassment in his eyes, his face quickly turned red. Seeing that there
was no one else in the research room, I just spread out and said, "Professor is in my heart,
I'm afraid I have spent a lot of time. When I got on the plane, didn't you not recognize me,
nor did I know that I was relying on Why was the plane on board so full of sense of justice,
why did n’t I take it apart at the time? It ’s plain, the professor was also afraid that the plane
’s U-turn would increase a lot of uncertain factors and threaten his own safety, so he turned
a blind eye to my lie. The success of the plan is also due to the professor ’s credit. Since I
chose to be deaf and dumb at that time, why should I stand on the moral high ground and
blame me at this time, or do I blame all the reasons on my conscience? Will it be fair to me?
Is this fair to me? Shen Shi'an. He has bodyguards. He does n’t need rescue. I just want to
live. Is there anything wrong with this? "
Professor Li was trembling with anger, took several deep breaths, and looked at Lu Xiuyuan
in a cold voice. "Yes, I made a mistake. At the time, I was not sure if the rescue team was
willing to risk the loss of an aircraft researcher. Risk, turn around to search and rescue
classmate Shen, and once you break through your lie, you will have a great chance of being
abandoned by the rescue team. I made a wrong choice because I could not bear it for a
while, and chose you instead of classmate Shen . Fortunately, there may still be a chance to
make up for this mistake. "
Lu Xiuyuan turned pale and was about to say something. The door of the research room
was suddenly pushed open. He and Professor Li both knew the two who came in. They
were the two captains in charge of the rescue operation.
The tall captain greeted Professor Li first, and then said to Lu Xiuyuan, "Mr. Shen, please
come with us."
Lu Xiuyuan was worried that Professor Li would say something in the presence of the two
captains, and had no time to delve into what they were looking for, and quickly turned to go
out. "Okay, let's go."
Professor Li opened his mouth open and stopped talking. In the end, he sighed and said
nothing, whether it is a blessing or a curse, it depends on his own good fortune.
Lu Xiuyuan followed the two people out of the scientific research area, and went to the
garage inside the base, only to find that there were more than three of them in the garage.
Slightly sweaty palm, subconsciously stopped "Captain Qu, where are we going" Did Shen
Shi'an's family finally arrive at the base?
Captain Qu, who was taller, jumped into the back of a military pickup without saying a
word. Two people who had already got on the vehicle gave him his way, and then turned to
the road and repaired the road to "get in."
The other captain got into the front passenger's co-pilot. Lu Xiuyuan paused for a while,
and finally plucked into the railing of the car cloak in the impetuous urging of the opponent.
After he got on the bus, Captain Qu patted him on the front panel.
Pickup pulled out of the base, followed the cleared road all the way, and made a few more
turns midway, and soon Xiuyuan lost his position completely. He tried to ask a few more
times, trying to get any useful information from the mouths of the three soldiers in the back
of the car, but the other party only talked to each other and ignored him.
Humph. Lu Xiuyuan couldn't help but say that if I was really Shen Shi'an, when I met my
rich and powerful father, I must give you a few lessons from the soldiers in your group.
But he is not really Shen Shian. So at the moment, I can only desperately turn my head
around to write the abdomen, thinking about how to persuade the other party not to be
angry with themselves if I really see the Mr. Gu later.
The pickup was driven for more than half an hour, eventually driving into the streets of a
town and stopping in the middle of the road.
One of the soldiers took out a cell phone and a speaker and played music in the rear door.
The loud sound of music spread further through the speakers, and it rang throughout the
town. It didn't take long for the buildings on both sides of the street, as well as the front,
back, left, and right directions, to hear the stiff and slow footsteps and hoarse howls of
Lu Xiuyuan's face turned pale. "What are you doing, the music is so loud, if we attract all the
zombies in the town, we will be dead."
No one still ignored him.
Attracted by the sound of music, the zombies quickly came together, and seeing the dense
walking corpses getting closer and closer to the back of the car, Lu Xiuyuan quickly hid to
the innermost position and sat with Captain Qu. Hurry up "
Until a zombie grabbed his arm on the door of the back compartment, Captain Qu finally
took two shots on the front panel.
The pickup started, and opened a short distance before waiting for the road Xiuyuan to
breathe a sigh of relief, and soon stopped. When the zombies followed the voice, they
started again, and then stopped again. After so many rounds, it didn't take long for the back
of the carriage to be followed by thousands of walking dead.
Lu Xiuyuan's mind was not stupid. After looking at the attitude of the crowd and the
direction of the truck, he finally understood what Captain Qu was doing. What they were
doing was cleaning up the zombies and moving the zombies in the towns around the base
away from the base. Directional drainage is scattered to prevent zombies from gathering
and forming a large-scale zombie tide, which threatens the security of the base.
After understanding this layer of intentions, the uneasy heart finally fell back. It's just a
little doubtful that since it's to clean up the zombies, why should he come out with him? He
didn't play any role at all. Is it the significance to take him to see the mysterious secret of
Mr. Gu after the zombie is cleaned up?
In his clueless speculation, the truck had driven out along the main road in the town,
getting farther and farther from the base, and more and more zombies were attracted
behind him. God, and it's tingling, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be
surrounded by so many zombies.
"Did it all come out?" Captain Qu asked.
"It's almost there," one of the soldiers replied. "At least 70% to 80%. Other people who are
trapped in the house may not respond slowly, but the rest will not make the climate."
Captain Qu nodded, then pulled the gun out of the holster and "jumped down" at Lu
Xiuyuan's temple.
The whole body's blood was cold for a moment, and his mind was blank. It took more than
half a minute, and Lu Xiuyuan couldn't understand what he meant by "what"
Captain Qu puts the gun against his skin, and the cold muzzle Sen Han bites, as if his voice
at this time "jumped down."
why why why
The face was quickly congested and pale due to intense fear, and the heart beating madly
almost burst out of his chest. Lu Xiuyuan's brain was chaotic to the extreme, but suddenly
he had a flash of light. In this extreme chaos, he caught a trace of "You want to kill Shen
Shi'an, the person you want to kill is Shen Shi'an, right, I'm not Shen Shi'an, Captain You I
said, I'm not Shen Shi'an. "
The instant vitality almost made Lu Xiuyuan laugh, as if the drowning man who caught the
last life-saving straw, he desperately clarified, "My surname Lu, my name is Lu Xiuyuan, I
am not Shen Shi'an at all, I used his students. The disguise pretends to be to evacuate to the
base with you, but I'm not Shen Shi'an. You can ask Professor Li, and Professor Li can help
me prove that I'm really not Shen Shi'an. "
Captain Qu frowned and seemed to be thinking, but the following sentence completely
broke Lu Xiuyuan into the abyss "throw it down."
The two men stepped forward and waited for Xiuyuan to respond. One raised his hand and
one raised his foot. The force, like steel casting and iron casting, was not allowed to struggle
at all, and he was thrown out of the slowly moving pickup because The inertial bone rolled
a few laps, rolled the dust on his face, and was probably hit hard enough to get up for a long
"The music can be turned off." Captain Qu patted and patted on the board of the front
compartment. "Go."
The pickup speeded up immediately, the wheels spun around, and soon left the zombies
behind him, under the **** sunset, arousing the dust of the sky.
It was confirmed with his own eyes that the figure lying on the ground got up and ran for
two steps. After being surrounded by the zombies and drowned, the two men sat opposite
the leader of the canal and each lit a cigarette.
"Qu team," one of them couldn't help but said, "The kid said he wasn't Shen Shi'an, could it
be true."
Captain Qu spit out a ring of smoke on his hood, and his rough face was indifferent. "It
doesn't matter to me. The Qin family said that to solve a person named Shen Shi'an, then I
would solve a person called Shen Shi'an. As for the end Not really, Lao Tzu is not
responsible for helping him confirm. "
Men silent. After a while, he said, "Captain, what kind of resentment does the Shen Shi'an
have with the Qin family? I heard that it seems that not only our troops have received this
commission, but the garrison teams at several bases have also received it. Let Shen Shi'an
be buried without a burial place. It ’s the end of the world and it ’s so full of the world to
find someone to guarantee that the other party must die. It ’s such a deep hatred. The
blood, the Qin family is also rich.
"You asked me how I knew that it would be enough for us to eat a month's worth of
supplies for one life, and make steady profits without losing money. I'm the mother of such
Captain Qu whispered a curse, glanced out of the car and quickly retracted, whispered after
a while
"Anyway, in troubled times, life is like a mustard." An error occurred, please refresh and try

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 38: 38th

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an found that he seemed to be lost.
Not only does he have to avoid running into large-scale zombies, but he also pays attention
to avoiding rescue teams performing missions, so he is walking more and more away from
the urban area, and he is lost in the villages and towns of Jiuqu 18 On the trail.
In front of me is a winding stone road, with few people around, and you can see several
buildings and cottages at a distance. I do n’t know if it ’s because the owner has moved to
town for a long time, so the house has been unoccupied for a long time, or because of some
other reasons, these buildings are mostly in ruins, like being bumped into by a giant
monster, and it ’s like Encountered by a natural disaster such as a typhoon, most of the
masonry walls and room beams collapsed, leaving only broken walls.
There are only a handful of zombies encountered along the way, and one living person has
never seen one. According to the population density of China, this is almost impossible.
Looking up, both sides of the road are endless wilderness. There is a sense of separation
from the normal society.
Paper maps cannot be exhaustive. Due to material and size restrictions, it shows that rural
trunk roads below county roads are already the limit, and many remote paths will not be
marked. Therefore, Shen Shi'an could only determine that he was between two townships
in province b, and had no other information.
Shen Xun is indifferent. After putting down the Tian Yi family, there are only two people left
in the car: Shen Shian and Shen Shi'an. Anyway, they can enter the space at any time to eat
and drink spicy food, which is the same everywhere. At this moment, holding a pot of
water, sweet and sweet, full of strawberries as large as a fist, sitting on the co-pilot while
shaking his legs, "Ann, where are we going next?"
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment, put away the map, and started the engine to ignite.
"Continue to drive forward." Since there is a road, go straight along the road. Always go
north and always leave this area. It will be easy to re-enter the main road again. At that
time, check the map to determine the specific position, and then redefine the route.
Shen Xun had no opinion at all, took another strawberry from the basin, and handed it to
Shen Shi'an.
The off-road vehicle traveled all the way along Shizi Road. When the huge animal suddenly
appeared in the field of vision, Shen Shian thought for a moment that he saw a giraffe.
But even if the giraffe from province b came out of the zoo, how can any giraffe be pure
white with two feet?
Without waiting for his careful identification, the small hill-like animal had rushed over the
field. Although it was bulky, it did not show any slowness. In a blink of an eye, he came to a
place less than 20 meters in front of the off-road vehicle, leaned forward and stretched his
neck. Two orange-yellow, nearly two-meter-long, chisel-shaped flat beaks pecked down
fiercely towards the front of the car.
Shen Shi'an turned his steering wheel sharply, the off-road vehicle rushed out of the road to
the left, and bumped into the barren grass by the road a few times. The position where it
was a moment ago has been cut out by the two flat beaks to a depth of half a meter. Shallow
pit. The animal seemed to be provoked for this reason, and then chased it in the direction of
the off-road vehicle. The flapping wings generally covered the sky and cast a huge shadow
on the ground, and it quickly increased its speed by two points.
Shen Shi'an was about to reopen the car, and found that there were more than one such
animals, and a large group rushed out from the end of the wilderness. The family dragged
their friends around and invited them, as if they had scheduled a fight for the group. The
trend rushed towards the off-road vehicle, and it was magnificent, and even the ground was
slammed. Sometimes one of them ran too fast and did not control the direction and crashed
into the farmhouse, or the wings spread and swept away. A building, whether it's a
masonry wall or a mud hut, just fell down most of the time.
This sinking Shi'an finally knew how those ruined walls came.
Seeing that the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and more and more attacks are
falling, Shen Shi'an thoughts of it. Before the other side completes the encirclement, people
even lead the car into the space.
Shen Xun swallowed a strawberry and closed his eyes from the window. "An An, what is
Shen Shi'an looked dignified "Goose."
Goose Goose Goose, song Xiang Tiange
A child's eyes light up and "can eat"
You can eat it, but you have to eat it. The domestic goose is irritable and aggressive, and
extremely arrogant and persevering. Once the attack target is identified, he will not let up.
He will have to smash his blood to the end.
What's more important, how did these flocks of geese grow into such a beast of ten meters
It cannot be explained with normal scientific logic. Could it be said that not only humans
and zombies have mutated after the virus outbreak, but even animals have also mutated.
Shen Shi'an has some headaches, and even ordinary domestic geese are very difficult. How
can such a large group of mutated white geese solve this problem? They obviously occupy
this whole area as a base, and if they want to pass, they must either break through or
detour. But he was in a state of getting lost, and he didn't know where to go.
Shen Xun's fighting spirit was eager to try, even Tang Dao took it out and carried it on his
body. "An'an, let's go and catch the geese"
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while, but did not blow his enthusiasm. Perceived that the
flock of geese outside the space spread out a little, with a thought, they reappeared with
their children.
The flock of geese fell into a moment of chaos because of the suddenly disappearing target,
flapping their wings and puffing around, exhaling fiercely, it was irritable, okay, the target
appeared again.
After leaving the shelter of the off-road vehicle, the hugeness of the mutant goose is more
intuitive and shocking. Each one is as high as three floors, with a large body and a thick
neck. The orange sarcoma on the forehead is like a light on a lighthouse. Once, the wings
brought a gust of wind, and when they saw them, they straightened their necks and
Shen Xun licked his mouth and pulled out \\ 'A sword that was taller than himself greeted
the past with "Ahhhhhh" so much meat, one do n’t want to run
Shen Shi'an didn't stop him, and he mostly focused on the children while dodging. Until
Shen Xun was slammed by the wings under the siege of the geese, and saw that the huge
triangular webbed feet of the white goose were about to step on him, then the exercise
method was run, and he rushed over and carried his collar to be small The baby fished out
from under the goose's paws, and then re-entered the space.
"How," Shen Shi'an bowed down, looking down at the gray-faced child, "caught a few"
Shen Xunyi spit out grass dregs in her mouth, and her dark green eyes ignited a raging war.
She lifted her sword and jumped up and down, "An'an, let me out of An'an."
Shen Shi'an reached out and held his head, and by the way helped him remove the grass
from the dead hair. "Okay, be quiet. The flock of geese must be solved, but they need to be
Forced attack is not impossible, but it is too troublesome and accidentally killed, how to
store such a large mutant goose is also a problem. It's better to be smart.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and found three packs of grass seeds from the seed area on
the second floor of Zhulou. The area of fifteen square meters was measured on the black
soil. The grass seeds were sprinkled and the spring water was poured again. About an hour
later, a piece of grassland expanded 666 times from the original fifteen square meters and
equivalent to one and a half football fields. The grass was so faint and endless that it was
over a foot tall, and each was plump and juicy. When he first went out, he took a few counts.
There were thirteen mutant geese in total. Such a large pasture should be enough for them
to move.
Take the child out of the space again and return to the field by the roadside. "Go and flock
the geese to live."
The child ran away with a knife in a gust of wind. In less than two minutes, a large group of
aggressive mutant geese ran behind his **** and did not know what he did. The anger of
these geese was more obvious than the last time. More than ten times more, pecked the turf
and splattered the earth, and the posture did not swallow the child.
Shen Shi'an found the right time, shouted to Shen Xun, "run towards me" while catching the
child, stretched out his hand and hit the mutant goose closest to the two of them.
call out. The two goose disappeared at the same time.
Shen Shi'an was holding the child on the edge of the black earth, and the mutant goose was
sent to the pasture under the control of his consciousness. As long as the objects touched
by him can be taken into space, once they enter the space, all objects can be moved and
controlled by consciousness. Currently only dog sperm is an exception.
Shen Shi'an was not in a hurry to collect the other geese, because he needed to determine
whether one of the mutant geese sent to the pasture could run out by himself.
There is a space fold on the black land, which is a fact that he discovered not long after he
got the carry space. Normally, the plants planted on the black soil will grow into a space as
it grows. This space is contained in the main space and is also under his control.
Because Shen Xun can freely go in and out of these subspaces to pick strawberries and pick
picks, Shen Shi'an is not sure whether this "free access to subspace" permission is valid for
all living things, or whether there is a subspace similar to a spring eye shield This level of
permission will only be activated if he is actively invited to enter and willingly allows the
other party to enter and exit freely.
The mutant goose rammed in the pasture, but bumped and bumped, but couldn't hit it. Just
like a ghost hitting a wall, he ran away for a long time and ran back to the place.
Shen Shi'an was relieved and he really needed his permission.
Looking down, she looked at Shen Xun. "Let's go, there are twelve dumb geese outside."
The next goose catching operation was extremely smooth. As long as Shen Shi'an walks
among the furious goose flocks, not to be attacked by any one goose, and touches his hand
gently, the big white goose like a hill will be instantly captured. The only problem is that the
mutant goose is too large, and every income of two or three Shen Shian will stop and slow
Waiting until only the last one was left, the mutant goose rushed for two steps in the
direction of Shen Shi'an, and finally found something wrong, and then started to run
Shen Xun could not wait any longer, and shouted, "An An, this is just for me."
The words have n’t dropped and I have chased after them, waiting for Shen Shi'an to search
for him slowly, the big white goose fell on the ground with his two feet tilted, and the blood
dripped from the Tang knife. , How about eating goose at night? "
Shen Shi'an looked at the goose weighing at least one or two tons and had a headache. How
to pluck his hair? The key is. Something went wrong, refresh and try again
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 39: Chapter 39
Settings saved..
Depilation was too troublesome. Shen Shi'an couldn't help it. Just made a V-shaped incision
on the mutant goose's chest according to the anatomy tutorial, and peeled off the entire
The dog was leaner than he was. He grabbed one side of the incision and dragged it down
hard. A whole piece of leash was cleaned up.
Fortunately, there is less pollution between the rural areas far from the city, and it is not
difficult to find a place where the goose can be washed initially. Shen Shi'an took the whole
goose into the space, and walked out to a rather wide clear water lake to release it again.
There should always be people washing clothes in the lake, and several square and very flat
bluestones are spread along the shore, which is convenient for people to stand up and bend
over to touch the lake.
The long sword that blows hair and cuts hair, cuts iron like mud, and has not been used
much for the first time. Today, it ’s the first time for seriousness to come in handy. After a
few clicks, the whole goose was easily turned to head and tail. Each block is about 20
pounds, cleaned by the lake one by one, and drained into the fresh area on the second floor
of the bamboo building.
Internal organs are somewhat troublesome. Except for goose hearts and foie gras, which
are easy to cook, goose pupae and goose intestines are really difficult to handle. Simply dig
the shallow pits previously mutated by the goose and dig deeper. Skin goose feathers and
other unwanted bits were buried together.
By the time these are all properly disposed of, the sky has been wiped out.
Because of the existence of mutant geese in this area, the zombies and survivors did not
know where they were driven away. It was rare and safe. Shen Shian thought about it and
asked the children for advice: "Let's sleep outside tonight, camp and barbecue How's it?
"It's early summer, the night temperature is right, and there's nothing to do in the space
recently. Too long in it is also a kind of torture.
Does this still need to ask, Shen Xun raised his hands and feet in favor.
A flat field with a wide field of vision was selected by Qingshui Lake, and the off-road
vehicle was taken out of the space. A dozen bamboo poles were also taken out. Based on the
off-road vehicle, one was inserted / inserted at a distance to form a diameter of fifteen.
Irregular circles around meters. A rope is attached to the bamboo pole, and there are bells,
fork spoons, metal pieces and other objects hanging on the rope-if something hits in the
middle of the night, the sound can be a little warning, although simple, but better than
Shen Shi'an had just set up the protective ring, and the child walked over holding a small
branch of a tree branch, bent over and drilled the bell rope, and threw it with interest:
"An'an, are these enough to roast goose!"
Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow: The roasted goose feathers are still pretty much the same.
When the first star started blinking on the dark blue sky, three bonfires lit up in the open
space beside Qingshui Lake.
A bunch of iron pots were on the shelves, and the goose soup in the iron pots had
murmured with small bubbles, and the hot aroma had emerged from the gap between the
lids, overflowing in this small space.
A pile of half-meter-long bamboo sticks kebabs being held by Shen Xun. After washing the
goose, cut it into half square fists and cut it into small pieces with fruits and vegetables on a
bamboo skewer: a goose, an apple, a goose, apricot mushroom, and a goose and a bell
pepper ... ...
A total of eight bamboo sticks were crammed, sprinkled with spices, and placed in an iron
pan next to the bonfire. Shen Xun held one in one hand and raised it over the fire. The
mutant goose is large in size and rich in fat. The goose oil is roasted out of the fire and flows
through the vegetables and fruits in turn. It finally drips in the wood fire and bursts into a
strong flavour.
The child swallowed while turning the bamboo sticks, staring at the meat skewer without
blinking, and every ten seconds he would sink into Shi'an and shout, "An'an! Can the meat
be eaten!"
"No," Shen Shi'an next to the third bonfire didn't look up, brushing honey on the goose
wings, and said, "Give me the truth."
The goose wings of the mutant goose are too large. Even if Shen Shi'an cuts only the tip of
the wings, it is more than one meter long. Use a knife to make a cut in the most fatty part of
the meat, and put it on the grill. . The grills were reassembled and made from supermarket
shelves, about half a meter high, just right on the campfire. After brushing the honey, I
brushed a layer of the prepared sauce. After roasting for a few minutes, I turned the goose
wings and shook it slightly with the grill underneath.
The self-made grill is still a bit unstable, Shen Shi anxiously thought, in the future, he would
have to collect a set of special equipment for grilling.
The aroma in the air was getting stronger and stronger, and just as the child was choking
on his paws, Shen Shi'an finally announced: "It's ready to eat."
Although the mutant goose is large, the meat is not firewood at all, but it is suitable for fat,
tender and juicy cooking. The goose soup is hot and delicious, the grilled skewers are
tender, the aroma of the goose wings is tangy, and each of the three ways of eating has its
own wonderful points. With the clear breeze of the wilderness, the stars are truly
Shen Shian took out a can of ice beer from the space, opened it and took a sip. There was a
stimulus on his neck, and he felt that the pores in his whole body were spreading out in an
instant. The child was holding the goose wings and squeezing with joy, and when he saw it,
he hurled tightly and took a sip, before he swallowed it, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he spit
it out again.
Raise his cola to Shen Shi'an's mouth: "An An, drink this!" An An must want to leave him all
the good drinks, so he drank the swill, which was pathetic.
I ate almost two hours before and after a meal, and in the end there was no soup left. Shen
Xun was sitting next to the bonfire holding his stomach, his face was full. Shen Shi'an leaned
on the backpack, took out a packet of marshmallow, skewered with bamboo sticks and
grilled on the fire, and used it as a dessert for children. The soft marshmallows are roasted
to a yellowish appearance, and the rich sweet aroma flows in the air. Before eating, the
whole person feels sweet.
After roasting marshmallows, the mess around the ground was cleaned up, all the bonfires
were extinguished and buried in the ground. Shen Shi'an took the child's hand and walked
around Qingshui Lake to eat.
Shen Xun held the roasted marshmallow in the other hand, and finally waited until the
appearance was not so hot, and the nervous mouth was one. I did not expect that the half-
smoked part inside was still hot, but the taste was really good and hot Tooth grinned and
reluctantly spit it out: "Okay, good, good times! An'an also times!"
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and bit a bamboo stick, and the hot and sweet taste spread in
his mouth, and even his mood became pleasant. After making two turns around the lake,
the child was hugged: "Go to the space to take a shower and get ready to sleep, and get up
early tomorrow."
At night sleep directly in the car, the back seat can slide back and forth, slide close to the
front seat and then completely flat, is a large and soft bed, two people sleep more than
Shen Shi'an patted a loose pillow, covered the blanket after the child lay down, and also lay
The sunroof was half open, and from the position where they lay down, they could see the
stars shining brightly. The night breeze came in and flickered out with the fragrance of
grass. The temperature was not high or low, just right and comfortable.
Shen Xun was sleeping in the wild for the first time, so excited that he stared at the starry
sky from "Xing Ding Hing Ye Kuo" to "Man Chuan Qing Meng Qing Xing He", and at the end
he was so annoyed that Shen Shi'an was two heads large and stretched out his hand to
cover his eyes. He got up: "Hurry to sleep."
The thick eyelashes blinked against the palm of the hand, the child turned, his dark green
eyes shone brightly, and he used his fingers to point between his foreheads: "Good night
Shen Shi'an couldn't, and wanted to laugh a little. He bowed his head and kissed him: "Good
night. Can you sleep now?"
Shen Xun was satisfied, and Minato passed a kiss on his forehead: "Good night."
Holding Shen Shi'an's arm, he squeezed into his arms to find a comfortable position. The
nose tipped and sniffed secretly: An'an used a strawberry-flavored shower gel tonight, hee
hee hee.
At more than three o'clock the next day, Shen Shi'an finally drove the car back to the main
road and confirmed his location according to the map. After several measurements, it was
decided to use a medium-sized township 20 kilometers away as a temporary foothold.
There are three main reasons: First, he needs to replenish clean domestic water, and
second, the resident population in the town is about 15-20 thousand, which is neither too
much nor too small. It is just that you can find mutant zombies to obtain spar. . In three,
there is an agricultural shop specializing in agricultural products and seeds in the town.
There are not many grass species left in the space, and there is a large amount of mutant
goose rice. It is expected that a new batch will be planted every other period, and sufficient
reserves must be made. In addition, the catch of the goose gave him an inspiration: if he can
control the mutant goose into the subspace and control it, if he meets an undefeated enemy
in the future, can he do the same?
Of course this enemy is limited to humans. The zombie obviously felt his space, and the
desire for the Lingquan even exceeded the fresh flesh. In the event of any accident in the
process of entering the space, that would be bad. He still has too much to know about the
zombie. Space and Lingquan are too important. He cannot take this risk.
As for the rescue team, the military's early rescue targets are mostly concentrated in the
outer areas of large cities and small and medium-sized cities. Because of the vastness and
sparse population in rural areas, survivors have a high chance of self-rescue, and they are
unlikely to run into them in the short term. Even if bad luck really hit him, he didn't give his
name on his own initiative, anyway, the other party didn't know he was carrying a child,
and when the communication network collapsed across the board, Shen Shi'an suspected
that those who wanted to find him could only use military The device was talking or
transmitting text messages. The photo could not be transmitted, so the rescue team
probably didn't even know what he looked like.
Shen Xun has no objections to his plan, sitting on the co-pilot and still remembering the
whole goose feast last night, "An'an, shall we still eat goose tonight?"
Shen Shi'an put away the map: "It depends on the situation."
Depending on the situation, it is estimated that the goose cannot be eaten tonight.
Because Shen Shi'an just parked his car at the destination—the door of a store specializing
in agricultural products and seeds—Shen Xun sucked his nose: "An'an, there are people
Needless to say, Shen Shi'an also noticed that with the five senses of excellence that have
been advanced in the exercises, the strong heartbeat sound in the shop passed through the
door leaf clearly in his ears. only one person.
This agricultural product shop is located at the forefront of the township street. As soon as
the car comes along the road, there are not many surrounding buildings, and most of them
are commercial shops. Therefore, the population is small and only a few zombies are
Shen Shi'an extinguished the fire, took out the long sword and carried it on his body. He got
out of the car and walked to the other side to pick up the child. After locking the car, he
went to the shop.
The iron fence outside the shop door was not tightly closed, leaving a gap of about 20 cm.
Shen Shi'an pulled open the iron fence and stood outside the door and shouted, "Is anyone
there? I am a survivor passing by, and I am not malicious."
Near dusk, the shop was a little dark due to the power failure and the door was closed, but
with the light coming in through the glass window at the top of the door, Shen Shi'an still
saw the figure standing at the corner of the counter.
That was a young man, about 20 years old, slightly taller than Shen Shi'an. He had good
facial features but was very thin, and seemed to be malnourished. The limbs are long and
straight, and the sense of strength is sufficient. You can clearly see the traces of long-term
exercise. If placed before the end of the world, it should be a British qi and healthy type that
is popular with female students. Something went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 40: 40th

Settings saved..
The man stood behind the counter, with short hair hanging down to cover half of his eyes,
and the bulging backpack behind him was particularly striking.
His body was tight and his look was full of alertness. After seeing the child in Shen Shi'an's
arms, his alertness was slightly lowered. After seeing Shen Shi'an's appearance, his
alertness was reduced again. Innateness of beautiful things relaxes your vigilance.
But when he turned his attention to the long sword behind Shen Shi'an, the alert that fell
only doubled up again.
Shen Shi'an looked at the other party quickly, and looked at the blood of the two zombies
lying on the floor outside the counter. The blood of the zombies had not completely
solidified. It seemed that the man hadn't entered the place for more than half an hour.
"My surname is Shen," Shen Shi'an took the initiative to say, "It's going to be dark, and
going forward is the town center. It is very dangerous, so I'm going to take my child to
settle here. If you feel inconvenient, we can change another local."
The other party was silent for a while, then shook his head, "No." He paused and said, "My
surname is Chen."
Shen Shi'an asked, "Are there any other zombies?"
"No, I checked."
Shen Shi'an put the child down "then let's throw these two zombies out first"
The other nodded and walked out from behind the counter. When they approached each
other, they could see each other more clearly. The man's face was sharp and angular, and it
seemed that he was a type of quiet and not very fond of talking. Shen Xun followed his steps
and turned his eyes half a circle, then suddenly shrugged his nose.
Shen Shi'an cooperated with the other party to lift the zombies and throw them out, and
then simply cleaned and cleaned the shop again. The display style inside is similar to the
most common large pharmacy. A glass cabinet of equal height is erected against the wall,
and a glass counter of one meter high is placed around the cabinet. It is packed with plastic
bags Good seed. The shelf in the middle was supposed to contain agricultural products.
Now it has been ransacked, lifted up and moved to both sides, and a large area is vacated.
There is a compartment at the back of the store, which is estimated to be a place for the
boss or salesperson to rest.
"You settled the zombies here alone," Shen Shi'an said. "You collect materials first."
The other person's look eased by two points, nodded, walked around the back room and
walked back quickly, probably no food was found, slightly disappointed. To Shen Shi'an
said, "I'm fine."
Shen Shi'an went directly to the glass cabinet and counter where the seeds were stored,
and carefully checked from left to right. Surprisingly, these seeds obviously have been
collected, and a lot of them are vacant in many places, so Shen Shi'an could not help
thinking of the man's bulging backpack. But what does the other party want the seed to do
to settle in the countryside and cultivate the land?
Since the other party said that he had searched it, Shen Shi'an was not polite. He took a
backpack from the car and filled all the remaining seeds in it, including two bags of white
radish that he and children did not like. Who knows, maybe Variation goose likes it.
After putting the seeds back into the car, it was completely dark. Shen Shi'an found a circle
of firewood in the vicinity, and as soon as he entered the door, he found that the child was
staring at his backpack.
"Look for it." Shen Shi'an shouted and apologized to the other side at the same time. "Sorry,
the child is not sensible."
The other shook his head and said nothing, but pulled the backpack closer to himself.
He occupied the end of the shop near the door, and Shen Shian took the child to the end of
the shop. The two sides were diagonally distributed, each burning a bunch of bonfires. The
iron fence was closed tightly, and the door was closed, leaving only a gap of ten centimeters
as an air vent. The orange and yellow firelights reflected on the walls and glass cabinets,
which were quite bright.
Because other people are here, I can only eat instant noodles tonight. Shen Shian took the
pot and water from the car. After the water boiled, he put tomato sauce, old lady, noodles,
eggs, ham sausage, and seasoning bags in that order according to the customary formula.
The orange-red soup gurgles with bubbles, and the rich aroma quickly permeates the entire
Shen Shi'an's hearing has been significantly improved because of the advanced exercises.
Although it has not been carefully measured, he can hear subtle movements at a distance of
about 20 meters. For example, he clearly heard the young man swallowing saliva from the
other end of the shop.
The other party was obviously trying to suppress his desire, turning his back and not
looking here. But when Shen Xun started holding the sea bowl and started to sizzle the
noodles, and finally said that it was delicious, he finally couldn't help it. He seemed to be
determined to take something out of his backpack and walk slowly towards Shen Shi'an
"Excuse me, excuse me. I want to ask, can I change a bag of instant noodles with you?"
Shen Shi'an looked at what was in his hand. It was two potatoes with big fists.
The other party obviously realized that the exchange was a bit unequal, with a slight
reddening on his face, and a little pleading, "I know the two potatoes are a little bit, but you
only go tomorrow, right? I can give you again tomorrow." The words "two" came to an
abrupt halt, as if some important secret had been accidentally revealed. The man hurriedly
stopped his words, flashing annoyance on his face.
Shen Shi'an didn't understand the meaning of what he said. Since he can give two potatoes
tomorrow, why not give the instant noodles together and pay in installments?
But the man obviously didn't intend to explain. The annoyance in his look became more
obvious, and he didn't change his face. He turned around and walked back.
"Wait a minute." Shen Shi'an called him, took a pack of instant noodles from his backpack,
plus a sausage and a chicken leg. "I'm willing to change with you. Except for these two
potatoes, if you have seeds, then It could not be better."
The man's eyes brightened, and after a moment of hesitation, he focused on "I have it"
Squat down and place the potatoes next to Shen Shi'an, quickly return to their positions,
and take out a dozen packets of seeds from the bag with their backs facing them. Shen
Shi'an noticed that after taking out the seeds, his backpack was still full. At a glance, I found
that the child was staring at the backpack while eating noodles. He raised his hand and
rubbed two hands on his head. The old man staring at someone else's bag can be regarded
as a matter of trouble.
The child whispered in his ear, "He has something in his bag."
Shen Shi'an was helpless, reminding him with eyes that we had enough.
Between the two whispered, the man was already holding the seeds and Shen Shi'an looked
at them. Most of them were tuber vegetables such as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro,
and radishes. Although not the grass he wanted most, it was equally precious.
Counted in front of each other, a total of seventeen bales. "How about a bag of seeds for a
bag of instant noodles, or a ham?" Shen Shi'an said.
Men seem a little incredible "really"
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Instant ham is fine, you can choose it yourself."
The man considered for a moment "Fifteen packs of instant noodles, two hams."
Shen Shi'an instructed the child to stand up and walk out of the door. After a while, he
moved back to a box containing fifteen packets of instant noodles and two hams. As for the
initial package of instant noodles and sausage chicken legs, "It's yours, change your two
potatoes." It's an apology for the child's behavior.
The man carefully picked up the box, turned around before leaving, and said "thank you" to
Shen Shi'an.
"You're welcome." After all, for Shen Shi'an, the value of the seed is much greater than
instant noodles, and in the face of a peer who does not seem to be strong and also has
children, the other side did not perform If anything, he wouldn't mind being kind. "Do you
need a pot and water? I can."
The man shook his head, the alert on his face was running low. "There is a pot and running
water in the back room of the shop. I just saw it. Thank you."
While the other party went to the back room to wash the pot and take water, Shen Xun put
his gaze on his backpack again. Now Shen Shi'an is also curious, "What the **** are you
looking at?"
Just following the child's gaze, I noticed that the bulging backpack suddenly moved.
The footsteps of a man walking backwards sounded in his ears, and Shen Shi'an quickly
pinched the child's chin and twisted him over to "eat well." Perhaps someone had a pet in a
backpack. This is not impossible. When Yun Feiyang left, he also brought a Ruibao. Less
trouble, nothing to do.
While thinking about it, he held the potato that the man had exchanged for instant noodles
in his hand. It was originally just a random look, but his eyes were stunned and the potato
was newly planted. Even the mud was still moist.
Thoughts are moving fast, but just two laps and then stop and forget, who has no secret in
the last days. Maybe the other party just found a vegetable field planted with potatoes near
the town. As long as he and his children are not threatening, he has no reason to pursue it.
The cold water boiled in the pot, and the aroma of instant noodles quickly rose in the shop.
Just as the other side was holding the pot to eat noodles, his backpack suddenly jumped up
and fell back, as if something was struggling violently, and Shen Shi'an was so big that he
didn't even think he could pretend to find it.
The man was panicked, his face was pale, and he was coughed violently by the soup. He
dropped the pot on the ground at will, and quickly reached out and touched the bag. "Shh,
He put his hands on the bag for a long time, and the backpack was quiet again.
Shen Shian thought to himself, it turned out to be a pet.
The atmosphere in the shop was tense because of the turbulence. It happened that he and
Shen Xun had finished eating, extinguished the bonfire, carried the pot and backpack, took
the child out, and informed the man by the way, "We rest in the car at night."
The man stood up and seemed relieved for a long time about the news. "Okay, I'm in there,
just call me if you have anything."
Shen Shian nodded. He held the pot in one hand and carried the bag in one hand, and the
child followed behind and walked out, and did not walk well. As he walked, he left and right
kicked the small stones, kicked and kicked his body, and suddenly kicked the man's
backpack .
The backpack fell to the ground, and I don't know why. The zipper that had been pulled so
tightly opened more than half, and a human head rolled out from the inside. Something
went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 41: 41st

Settings saved..
The human skull rolled hurriedly to Shen Shi'an's feet. He didn't need to take a closer look
and immediately discovered that it was a zombies' skull.
The left hand quickly dropped the backpack, holding the sword handle with his backhand,
the cold light flashed, and the sword came out of the sheath.
The "stop" man was so anxious that he wanted to rush over to grab the head and didn't
dare to act lightly. He could only look at Shen Shian and begged "Don't kill him, I beg you
don't kill him. He hasn't harmed anyone, I just want to take him with me. Capital "
Shen Shi'an paused and carefully looked at the head of the head that was cut off from the
throat. The broken part was tightly wrapped with black canvas. The blood vessel air cavity
was not visible. A circle was usually worn on the mouth to prevent it from biting people.
Penny masks cover a part of the face, but if you look closely at the eyebrows, you can find
some similarities with young men.
This human head is obviously zombified, because the brain has not been destroyed, and it
still maintains the basic activity and the desire for flesh and blood. Even if the mouth is
covered, it still rolls on the ground and tries to bite and eat.
The most surprising thing is that there is no sign of decay and decomposition on this head,
and the age is not more than 15 years old. If it is not the clearly visible black and blue blood
vessels under the skin and the turbid and congested eyeballs, it looks like it has passed
unknowingly. Any way to hide the normal teenager below the neck. The rancidity and ****
smell of the zombie head were very light, and they were actually tightly packed in the
backpack, so Shen Shi'an didn't notice it, but the smell was much earlier than his sensitive
He thought that the children had been staring at other people's backpacks because they
were mischievous and unruly, but he did not expect that the dog spirit had long noticed
danger, so he exposed the zombies hidden in the dark.
"Mr. Shen," the man saw that Shen Shi'an stopped his motion and hurriedly continued. "I'm
really not malicious. I don't want to hurt someone with this head. You also saw it. His
mouth was covered and he couldn't bite. I I ask you never to kill him. "
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, shouted the child to himself, then stepped back, the sword re-
entered the sheath, and said to the man, "Pick it back."
The man seemed unbelievable, but immediately lifted his head up, gently and carefully, and
even carefully wiped the dust off his head. But the human head has no reason and no
consciousness. After being transformed into a zombie, all that remains in the body is only
the craving for fresh flesh. Therefore, even if this zombie's head had anything to do with a
man before his death, this time also Don't remember, struggling fiercely in the man's arms
trying to bite.
"Shh, shh" the man touched his hand on the zombie's hair. Incredibly, the zombie was really
quiet, and let the man hold it in his arms and no longer move.
Shen Shi'an's sight was condensed. This was the second time that he had witnessed tonight.
The man successfully soothed the emotions of the zombies. But how can he communicate
with the zombies?
"Thank you," the man said to Shen Shi'an. "Thank you." He knew that this was not an easy
decision. The terrible aspects of zombies and zombies viruses need not be repeated. A
living zombies' head is undoubtedly an explosive bomb. No one can be sure when it will
detonate and affect itself. In his place, I'm afraid I can't easily accept such an occasional
bomber's bomb with him for several hours. The so-called hidden danger, naturally, the
sooner it is removed, the better. So he sincerely appreciates the other party's willingness to
stop when he can easily solve the hidden dangers. For him, this is more than everything.
Shen Shi'an shook his head and said, "Sit down and talk about some questions if you want. I
want to ask you questions."
The fire was swaying in the small and large shops, and the beep sound of the occasional
burst of firewood was clear and audible. Shen Shi'an took the child and sat with the man on
either side of the bonfire.
"Introduce yourself again," Shen Shi'an said. "My surname is Shen, and my name is Shi'an.
This is my son Shen Xun." The reason to dare to report the full name is because the other
party's situation must avoid the crowd and it is impossible. After entering the security base,
it is naturally impossible to know that the military is looking for someone called "Shen
"My surname is Chen, called Chen Nan," the man paused, and pointed to the backpack that
had become bulging again. "That is my brother, Chen Jiamu."
"You just said, you want to take this one, you want to take your brother to Beijing"
Chen Nan nodded, probably because the biggest secret was exposed. At this time, he simply
unloaded all precautions. "I am a student of the provincial sports school in province b, and
a first-level athlete of the provincial track and field team. At the beginning of May this year,
there was a large national In track and field competitions, as long as you get a good ranking,
you may be selected for the national team. I promised my brother to fight for the national
team and take him to live in the capital. He has always wanted to visit the capital.
"Your parents"
"There are no parents, only me and my brother."
Chen Nan did not explain in depth, and Shen Shi'an did not continue to question. He paused
and said, "When did your brother become infected?"
"From the beginning of the virus outbreak." Chen Nan lowered her head slightly, stared
straight into the firelight, with a low voice, with the low and dumbness unique to young
people. "The sports school is fully enclosed training, and you ca n’t leave school at all times.
I can't contact the outside world privately. I make a phone call about once a week and go
home every half a month. If it is near an important event, the training is more busy, and it is
common to not contact the outside world for a month or two. My brother He caught a cold
before the virus broke out, but he never told me. I did n’t return home because of training
for 28 days. I made two phone calls in the middle and found no abnormality. After the virus
outbreak, I was in a hurry. I hurried back, only to find out that he had become a zombie. "
When he returned home, he saved a neighbor. The neighbor told him that Jiamu had caught
a cold for more than half a month. He took a leave from school to go home for medical
treatment, but the situation was getting worse and worse, he was so weak that he couldn't
afford to stay in bed. Can't do it. Fortunately, the neighbor discovered that something was
wrong and called the property manager to open the door, which only made him eat a warm
meal. But even so, it failed to save his life after the virus broke out.
Shen Shi'an was silent for a while to calm the other side. After a short while, he continued,
"If your brother is suffering from the flu, so after the virus broke out, it became the first
source of zombie mutations. There is no sign of rot on your head, do you know why? "
Chen Nan shook his head. "I thought about this question, but couldn't find the answer." For
some time he even wondered if this meant that Jiamu was "alive" in some way, but he had
witnessed that Jiamu had no sense of fresh flesh. His crazy desire and indiscriminate attack
are enough to break any of his fantasies.
"I found that you seem to be able to soothe his emotions. Can you communicate with the
"No." Chen Nan paused suddenly. After a moment, it seemed as if he finally made up his
mind to Shen Shi'an. "I have the power."
"What kind of power" moved in Shen Shian's heart
"I don't know exactly how to define it, but I can give birth to plants." Now that I have
opened my mouth, I will say everything. "The potatoes I used to change instant noodles
with you are born with abilities."
Sure enough. Shen Shi'an secretly exhaled.
After discovering that Chen Nan collected seeds purposefully and the potatoes were
obviously new, he made two guesses. One was that the other party had the same portable
space as he could grow, and the other was related to plant growth. Power.
But Shen Shi'an ’s portable space was acquired before the end of the world. Aside from the
shocking spiritual springs and exercises, the existence of portable space itself is mysterious
and difficult to explain with common sense. There is another person in this world who has
the same The probability of space is too low. Under the premise that humans can evolve
after the end of the world, it is more reasonable and reasonable to attribute it to abilities.
The reason why he did not ask actively, once this kind of thing is too private, even if he asks
the other party in the previous situation, it is impossible for him to tell him, but it will
strengthen his alertness to the incident. Moreover, if his guess is wrong, the other party is
really I just met a vegetable field with good luck. I collected seeds for self-reliance in
cultivating the fields in the future, and rashly asking about powers or space-related things
would most likely cause the other party to associate, ignite the upper body, and expose
their biggest hole cards.
Now the other party is willing to speak frankly, which is the best result for Shen Shi'an.
Chen Nan is the second power man he has met since Ms. Dong in the library, and the power
is related to plants, so he has too many questions to understand carefully. "Are there any
restrictions on your ability?" He asked Chen Nan, "For example, how long does it take to
spawn a potato and how many?"
"It takes about 20 minutes to spawn a potato, and now it can spawn up to four a day." Chen
Nan answered honestly, adding that after thinking about it, "but not all four can be eaten,
and one must be left to be germinated as a seed. . "
Shen Shian's heart jumped violently, and he couldn't help but clenched his palms for a
while. "You mean, you can use the power of potatoes to spawn potatoes, and you can use
them as seeds to spawn new potatoes."
Chen Nan nodded.
Shen Shi'an's throat knot moved up and down, her palms sweating slightly, and her head
looked down at the children.
Chen Nan's ability is similar to the effect of spiritual spring water on plants in space. But
the resulting crops can be replanted, which is not possible in space.
Shen Shi'an tried it as soon as he came out of the library, but whether it is cherry, tomato,
or the same as potatoes, as tubers are used for asexual reproduction of sweet potatoes.
Once grown, the seeds are planted into the black land again. It will be decomposed and
recovered by the soil as an ineffective part like a bare tomato plant.
In other words, no matter how good the variety of crops cultivated in the space is, it is
impossible to carry out secondary reproduction. Otherwise, he doesn't need to rush to
collect seeds, just leave the tomato seeds and cherry pits and plant them again.
Chen Nan's ability has the effect that space is scarce but cannot be achieved. This raises a
question: If it is a plant that Chen Nan cultivated with abilities a second time or even
multiple times, can it be planted in the space? Simply, it is to take one of the cherries in the
space to Chen Nan at this time. , He gave birth to a new cherry tree by the cherry core, so
can the seeds borne on this cherry tree survive in space?
If it can, it means that if they cooperate with each other, he and Chen Nan will have the
highest quality and continuous source of seeds.
Of course, this is just an idea. His understanding of Chen Nan is still close to that of a
stranger. If cooperating with the other party means bearing unpredictable risks, he would
rather eliminate any possibility of cooperation. Although the collection of seeds is slightly
delayed for the trip, it is not too much trouble. The safety of the Lingquan and space is the
top priority. What's more, among the remaining hundreds of millions of survivors, this kind
of ability that can give birth to plants is definitely more than just Chen Nan.
Shen Shi'an quickly stabilized his mind, and continued to ask, "You came here to collect
seeds just to use the power to spawn as food."
Chen Nan nodded, not knowing why a few grievances and a hint of fear suddenly appeared
in the look. "I don't want to eat potatoes anymore."
Shen Xun interjected, "You have only been eating potatoes"
"Well," said Nan Dao. "I only brought potatoes when I left home, and then I was afraid to go
to a crowded place because I was carrying Jiamu. Today is the first time I went into a store
to collect seeds."
The child's face was immediately filled with sympathy too bad brother.
Shen Shian asked "How long have you been away from home"
"Today is the thirty-fifth day."
"Thirty-five days, only eat potatoes"
"Well. I cook it when I have it, and I eat it when I'm raw."
Now even Shen Shi'an had to sympathize with him. It was no wonder that his face was so
thin and slobbering that he smelled the taste of instant noodles.
After thinking about it for a while, I think something is wrong, but why the seeds you
collect are all radish and taro? Compared to tomato melon, it tastes better.
"Because I can only produce tuber vegetables, others cannot bear fruit because they cannot
Unable to pollinate
"When you give birth to plants, do you have to give birth in one breath, or can you stop at
any stage halfway?"
"You can stop."
"Then why don't you stop after the plants have bloomed and manually help the petals
pollinate and then continue to spawn so that it can bear fruit."
Chen Nan's face was empty for a moment. "I didn't think about it."
There was an awkward silence by the campfire for a while.
About half a minute later, Chen Nan touched his nose to break the silence and looked up to
Shen Shi'an. "I know that you are collecting seeds. Do you have the same ability as me to
give birth to plants?"
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and nodded. "You can understand that, I do have a way to
accelerate the growth of plants, but the specific details are complicated and it is not
convenient to disclose them in detail. I'm really sorry." Since the existence of the ability to
promote plants, does it mean The fruits and vegetables grown in the space can be taken out
in the future.
The other side spoke frankly, but he had some reservations. Shen Shian felt a little guilty,
said apologizing to Chen Nan, and admonished, "It's not just you who has evolved a power
after the end of the world, but only more and more. Abilities will be your biggest hole cards
in the last days, and you must never reveal them to others in the future. "
Chen Nan laughed. For the first time under the orange flame, the young man's face revealed
the kindness and heartiness he should have been most common at this age. "I know. But
you are different. I am not afraid to tell you that you are a good person."
Shen Shian "" Where did this come from?
Think for a moment and pull the topic back again. "You said earlier, the reason why you can
soothe your brother's mood is related to your ability."
Chen Nan nodded. In order to prevent Shen Shi'an from understanding, he simply said from
the beginning, "After I returned home and found Jiamu became a zombie, I started to have a
fever that night. I thought I would also become a zombie. I died at home with Jiamu. I didn't
expect to stumble for two or three days, and after waking up, I found that I had a power.
Later, I decided to take Jia Mu to Beijing and fulfill the agreement between him and him.
Because his zombies turned It's so obvious that I can't take him everywhere, so after
discovering that the zombie will not die as long as it doesn't hurt the brain, I tried to cut off
his head and put a mask on him to prevent him from biting. Just now In the few days I left
home, I often encountered other survivors on the road, and Jiamu started to frantic as soon
as he smelled the survivors. I was afraid he would be noticed. I once covered the backpack
tightly. I was surprised to find that as long as I go He puts a power into his head and he will
be quiet. "
"Enter Ability"
"Yes," Chen Nan worked hard to think about how to explain. "After I evolved the power, it
was like an extra thing that didn't exist in my body. This thing can be used to promote
plants, and it can also be input into other objects. For example, Jiamu ’s head. It ’s like, it ’s
like the internal skills performed on TV. Do you have this feeling? ”
Shen Shi'an understood. This is similar to the aura in his body.
Through Chen Nan's remarks, at least two conclusions can be drawn. One, contacting the
statement of Ms. Dong in the library, it seems that the evolution of abilities and mutation
into zombies have the same step, that is, fever. But whether it is Ms. Dong or Chen Nan,
both of them have fevers after the virus outbreak. As for the people who had a cold and
fever before the virus outbreak, it seems that there are no exceptions, all of them have
become zombies. I don't know if there is any connection.
Secondly, the power of the psionicist, like the spiritual spring water in his space, has an
attraction similar to or even more than fresh flesh for zombies. Shen Shi'an does not doubt
that if he feeds Chen Nan's brother with spring water, he should also be able to temporarily
soothe his head.
The problems raised from this conclusion are very many and very complicated. Is there a
relationship between the power and the spiritual spring water? The spiritual spring water
is essentially a liquefied aura. His exercises can be advanced after absorbing the aura. Can
you advance? Why are zombies interested in abilities and spiritual spring water? After
consuming abilities or spiritual spring water, can zombies also be advanced to further
mutate. He has also become a key target of zombies
These problems are too many and too chaotic to be understood for a while. What is certain
is that the reason why Chen Jiamu's head did not rot is that it should not be related to the
ability that Chen Nan gave him.
It is not a wise choice to rush to Beijing with a zombie head that can no longer be called
"alive" and is highly likely to undergo further mutation. But Shen Shi'an had no choice, nor
did he stand to persuade the other party to give up the idea.
Can I still feel the fetters of family, and willingly give everything for this, isn't it the biggest
difference between humans and zombies?
He looked at Chen Nan. "You came all the way." Chen Nan's home is less than two hundred
kilometers away. According to Chen Nan, he left the home and went on a journey 35 days
ago. As the crowd walked a long way, this speed could only be matched by walking.
Chen Nan nodded and shook his head. "At the beginning, I was riding a bicycle for a while,
but the tire burst and I couldn't find a place to repair it. Then I could only walk."
Shen Shi'an Road "From here to the capital, there are thousands of miles away."
Chen Nan smiled. "I know, but I have to give it a try. I promised Jiamu before the end of the
world but I didn't do it. I want to realize it after the end of the world." He was ready to die
halfway, this journey Nominally to fulfill his agreement with Jiamu, in fact, it is also for
He couldn't stay at home anymore. For more than a month, he can't help thinking about it
again and again, asking himself if he can go home once, if he can find Jiamu's abnormality, if
he can take Jiamu to the hospital in time, if he can do well Taking care of Jiamu does not
give him a chance to get sick. Can Jiamu still be alive and well? He dare not imagine how
Jiamu can, under the circumstances of being seriously ill, still disguise with his best efforts
when talking to him. Normal, I dare not imagine how the weak Jiamu survived every day
during his absence. How many times did he not know the illness before the flu and what
evil he had suffered? With only the competition and honor left in my mind, leave the most
important brother behind
He has to do something, he has to start the journey. He promised Jiamu to take him to see
what the Forbidden City looks like, then this is his only goal now. Perhaps the day he died
halfway was his end and liberation.
Chen Nan looked at Shen Shi'an, "Where are you, where are you going?"
"Beijing," Shen Shi'an said, "I'm going to find two people."
Chen Nan was a little surprised, and at the same time, he was a little clear. "That must be
someone who is very important to you." Because it is important enough, I was willing to
take countless risks and meet each other.
After a conversation, the mutual understanding deepened a lot, and the atmosphere was
much more harmonious. Shen Shi'an did not expect that Chen Nan was not yet eighteen
years old, probably because he was physically strong in training all year round, and his
personality was more stable and restrained than his peers. It seemed to be older than his
actual age.
Integrating the information he obtained in his heart, Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered
one thing: "Have you ever touched the nucleus of a zombie?"
"What" Chen Nan looked confused, "What crystal nucleus"
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, "Wait for me." Then he said to the child, "Be obedient and
sit here and don't run around." Then he took the sword and went out.
About ten minutes later, holding the sword back, handed a bright transparent nuclei to
Chen Nan "this."
Chen Nan connected the crystal nucleus with curiosity, and looked at the fire. "This is what
looks a bit like a diamond."
The voice didn't fall, and the crystal nucleus in the palm suddenly seemed to be a nutrient-
dried fruit, turned into a handful of white ashes, and fell cleanly.
Chen Nan's eyes widened "I did nothing"
Shen Xun also opened his eyes wide, why he can absorb
Shen Shi'an's eyes brightened, and he was not completely surprised by this result.
"Describe in detail, what happened?"
Chen Nan frowned and tried to think "I just feel that this crystal nucleus is pretty, and then
the power in the body suddenly moved without knowing why."
Shen Shi'an said, "Take a closer look at whether the power in your body has increased."
Chen Nan closed her eyes and quickly reopened again, reflecting the astonishing light of
fire. "Not much, a little bit, probably a tenth of a potato, but it rose."
Shen Shi'an said with confidence.
The nucleus of a mutated zombie can promote the recovery of the spiritual spring, and it
can also promote the ability to increase the ability. Although he could not directly absorb
the crystal nucleus like Chen Nan, he could enhance the exercises through the restored
Lingquan, which was essentially the same.
"Can you absorb the nuclei, right?" Chen Nan also responded, "You just said, this is the
zombie nuclei."
Shen Shian nodded. "The mutant zombies grew out of your mind. Do you know the mutant
zombies, that is, the speed and response ability are much faster than ordinary zombies."
"I know, but there hasn't been a head-to-head battle."
"Why?" He walked all the way for more than thirty days, and supposedly he should
encounter mutant zombies.
"They don't run as fast as I do."
Shen Shi'an was still a little confused at this time, but soon in the process of searching for
mutant zombies and collecting crystal nuclei the next day, he deeply understood what Chen
Nan meant by “run fast without me”.
He runs too fast.
Trained by Lingquan water and exercises, Shen Shi'an now runs about three times faster
than before carrying portable space. Usually, he can run a hundred meters in about four
seconds. This speed can be further increased when the exercises are fully operated.
But Chen Nan's speed was faintly faster than him. The whole person was lightning fast, let
alone the mutated zombies. Shen Shi'an had to use some real effort to catch up with him,
and he was really amazed.
Facing Shen Shi'an's compliment, Chen Nan was a little embarrassed. "I specialize in the
100-meter and 400-meter sprints in the track and field team. I have been training since the
age of seven or eight, and have been practicing for almost ten years, definitely faster than
ordinary people. But now this speed is only available after the ability is obtained. I didn't
even think about it before. "If you can have this speed when you are in the provincial team,
what other domestic competitions will you participate in, which will directly win the world
Shen Shi'an thoughtfully. He knows that the physical fitness of human beings has been
continuously improved since the last days, such as Li Cheng and Miao Miao, who met in the
library, but they have not improved as much as Chen Nan. Chen Nan's amazing speed is
inseparable from the basis of his perennial training. Secondly, once he has evolved his
abilities, his physical fitness seems to be one step higher than that of ordinary people. For
example, Ms. Dong, when the power broke out, she threw out two strong men who weighed
more than three times her weight.
However, although he runs fast, Chen Nan's combat experience is obviously inadequate,
and his fighting ability is slightly better than that of Miao's richest man. It is estimated that
a child will not be a problem to hit him like twenty. Especially for the weapon, there was
only one running water pipe that was almost worn away. Shen Shi'an couldn't see it. He
took the aloe thorn from the space and made him a thorn stick.
Shen Shi'an spent a total of three and a half days in the town, collecting a total of two
hundred and one nucleus of zombies, and successfully restored the Lingquan water to the
thickness of a Wahaha straw. During the period, Shen Xun repeatedly proposed that he
wanted to help show off his mighty power. Shen Shi'an did not agree that he was
suspicious, or the heart of a villain. He and Chen Nan had only known each other for a few
days. They were not completely informed. There were too many abnormal places on
children. It is best not to expose it.
In addition to the crystal nucleus, the clean water source also collected more than a dozen
tons. As long as he put his hand under the opened faucet, he could directly send water into
the water container in the subspace. So much water was sufficient for a long time.
Having eaten at noon that day, he and the children planned to start off again.
Chen Nan hesitated for a long time, and finally came to Shen Shian, "Brother Shen, can I
follow you?"
Shen Shi'an is the first person he is willing to trust after the last days. In the past few days,
he has known each other, got along well with each other, and the other person is just like
him who has the ability to give birth to plants. The destination is also Exactly the same, no
matter what measure, they are rare peers.
But if you really want to travel, the other party has a car and food, and the force value is
still super strong. No matter how you look at it, you have taken advantage of it, not to
mention that he still has a zombie head in his bag that everyone can't avoid. Worried about
Shen Shi'an's unwillingness, hurry up and say, "Brother Shen, don't worry, I won't eat and
drink. I can collect or grow my own food. I will give you one, no, two, no, three spar each
day. The reward for the ride, if you encounter any danger, you don't need to worry about
me, I will run by myself. Usually I will be optimistic about Jiamu without giving you trouble.
If you need me to do anything, just say that I can make fire and chop firewood. "
Shen Shian placed the child in the co-pilot seat and bent over to fasten him with a seat belt.
After closing the door, he turned and looked at Chen Nan. "Zombie crystal nuclei are not so
easy to obtain."
Chen Nan hesitated, then came to understand. It's impossible to say no disappointment, but
still nodded. "I see. Brother Shen, be careful all the way, I wish you find what you want as
soon as possible"
Before the words fell, I saw Shen Shi'an opened the back door of the off-road vehicle. "But it
is more than enough to add another person to my car." An error occurred, please refresh
and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 42: Chapter 42

Settings saved..
By the time Shen Shi'an collected crystal nuclei in the town, he looked for supplies. In
addition to two bags of rice, half a bag of flour, a barrel of cooking oil, and some portable
packaged foods, a small refrigerator more than one meter high was found. It should have
been bought for a short time and it looks at least 90% new. After cleaning and disinfection,
I put it in the car and placed it against the back of the driver's seat, which left a fairly
spacious space for the back seat aisle. I connected the power supply through a solar
charging board and stuffed it with a refrigerator.
On the first night when Chen Nan got on the bus, Shen Shi'an took out three bags of frozen
buns from the refrigerator, cooked a pot of pumpkin millet porridge, and baked six sweet
potatoes in a wood fire. Then he didn't wait for Chen Nan to refuse and shouted "Come here
for dinner."
Chen Nan wanted to bear it, but he couldn't hold back. When he came to the campfire, he
took a sea bowl of porridge to dry out a whole bag of steaming meat buns and two pieces of
roasted sweet potatoes with a weight of about three pounds.
Breakfast the next day, Shen Shian took out two packs of toast, a box of eggs, a bag of bacon,
a bag of ham and three bottles of milk from the refrigerator, and said to Chen Nan,
"Breakfast of two lettuces."
Then Chen Nan had the best and most memorable super-luxury homemade sandwiches of
his life.
The lunch is a barrel of snail powder. The freshly boiled boiling water is poured on the rice
noodles and stuffed for three minutes. Drain the water and add bamboo shoots, screws,
soup stocks, seasoning bags, and add water for half a minute. The lid is lifted. On the other
hand, the red oil was hot and sour, and it was paired with a half-pound marinated duck leg
and the gherkin born from Chen Nan. The taste was wonderful.
When he stopped the car in the evening, when Shen Shi'an took out the iron pan and rice
from the trunk, and took out a large piece of frozen meat from the refrigerator, Chen Nan,
who could only smash potatoes two days ago, was about to cry: "We, Shall we have dinner
tonight? "
Shen Shi'an gave a sigh and handed him a backpack of seeds: "See what kind of vegetables
you can spawn."
That night, shredded green peppers, chives and eggs, stir-fried greens, shredded sweet
potatoes, shiny shiny braised pork, and even a pot of seaweed egg soup, served with a large
pot of white rice with fragrant Q bombs. Until after eating and starting to wash dishes, Chen
Nan still found it unbelievable: Is this kind of life real in the last days? Is he too stupid to eat
potatoes? Are you really dreaming?
But the aftertaste of the aroma of food and the feeling of fullness and suppleness in the
stomach cannot be faked. Compared to the month when I can only eat potatoes, the level of
food today is more than a leap. And even Chen Nantan ’s color-changed potatoes have
begun to show amazing flavors under Shen Shian ’s cooking: vinegared potato shreds, ribs
stewed potatoes, potato platter chicken, bacon potato rolls ...
Shen Shi'an even fried a large pot of French fries for Shen Xun and Chen Nan as snacks on
the trip, dipped in homemade tomato sauce, sweet and sour, crispy and fragrant.
In just one week, Chen Nan felt at least five pounds fat.
At noon that day, Shen Shi'an parked the car beside the road. According to the map, there
was a rest stop not far from the road. After saying hello to Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan took a
stabstick and was ready to try his luck in the rest station to see if he could collect materials
or zombies. The journey with Shen Shi'an was more than imagined. Good, he wants to stay,
so he should work hard to prove his role in the journey.
He was quite lucky. There were about 200 zombies near the rest station, of which there
were nine mutant zombies. With extraordinary speed and the fighting skills given to him by
Shen Shi'an, the mutant zombies were drawn from the zombies and broken, although The
thrilling process took a little toll, but all nine crystal nuclei were eventually included in the
As for the goods, there is no such good luck. The supermarket inside the rest station has
been searched for a long time. He used the sound of a car horn to pull the zombies inside
out. He only found two bags of middle-aged and elderly milk powder and the ones
scattered under the shelf. Four cans of Coke, found a plastic bag, packed it all, and tied it to
a backpack strap.
Before returning to the parking lot before taking out the things, Shen Shi'an handed him a
bowl of strawberries: "Try it."
Strawberries are cute and well-proportioned, each with the size of a fist, and the bright red
water leaf stalks are green and fresh.
Chen Nan wiped his hand and took one. "Brother Shen, did you plant it with a power?" He
bit his mouth and opened his eyes in surprise, "It's delicious! It's so sweet!"
Shen Shian nodded and handed him the whole bowl of strawberries. When Chen Nan
waved his hand and refused, he pointed to the sink with four times the size of a bowl full of
strawberries in Shen Xun's arms: "I still have this. "And said:" Leave a peeled and dried
seeds to see if you can use the power to spawn. "
Strawberries are naturally taken out of space. Cherries are woody fruits. It is estimated that
the ability of Chen Nan cannot be used to produce them. Tomatoes are too large to be
exposed for the time being. Only strawberries are suitable for experiments. If Chen Nan can
spawn success, and the seeds spawned by him can be planted again in the space, it shows
that his vision is completely feasible, and space and Chen Nan cooperate with each other to
obtain continuously optimized and endless seeds.
Chen Nan responded, and then picked up strawberries. Then he quickly untied the plastic
bag on the backpack strap, and was a bit embarrassed: "The supermarket at the rest station
was searched and only found such a thing." Then he gave all nine crystal nuclei to Shen
Shian: "But the crystal nuclei harvest OK, Brother Shen, it's all for you. "
Shen Shian put the milk powder in the trunk and put the cola in the fresh-keeping layer of
the refrigerator. The nuclei are put together, and the other five are returned to the other
party, and they cannot be refused: "My nuclei are now sufficient, but your power, but need
to be improved at this stage. Since it is a teammate, Then we need to cooperate with each
other, and the improvement of the comprehensive ability of the team is equally important. "
Chen Nan silently, then focused on, and brought back the five spar. In the past when the
provincial team was training relays, the coach often told them that the amount of water in a
wooden barrel was determined by the shortest board, and the overall ability of the team
was the same. He will definitely do everything he can to improve himself, not to hold back
Shen Shi'an looked calm and glanced at his left ankle: "Injured?" Although the other party
tried hard to hide it, it was still slightly unnatural when he ran back.
Chen Nan lifted his leg and shook it twice: "I ran too fast when I just hid the zombies and hit
a concrete pillar. Without breaking the skin, I twisted a piece of blue, which does not affect
the action. It is expected to be eliminated tomorrow. . "
Shen Shian nodded. "Wash your hands and eat."
It is said that traveling together can test one's qualities. And these days along the way, his
evaluation of Chen Nan has been rising.
Probably because of the closed training in the school all year round, Chen Nan is not a
social type. He doesn't talk much and rarely speaks actively, but he does a lot of things:
wash dishes, cook pots, get water and fire, all the way Almost all of his miscellaneous work
was contracted, and every time he took a break, he looked for every opportunity to collect
supplies and zombies. It is clear that he is doing his best to contribute, and prove his value
to Shen Shi'an.
Before getting on the car, Chen Nan said that he would pay three crystal nuclei for the ride
every day. Shen Shi'an didn't care. The crystal nuclei were very important to him, but they
were not an indispensable necessity. Besides, he didn't just want those few. A crystal
nucleus promised Chen Nan to take him with him.
However, Chen Nan apparently took this matter to heart and took it as a commitment that
must be fulfilled, leaving no chance of acquiring crystal nuclei along the way. It ’s just that
the nucleus of a zombie is not easy to obtain. There are few mutant zombies. In addition,
Shen Shi'an's chosen route is relatively biased, and he has less chance to meet the mutant
zombies. Even if he tries hard, he cannot achieve his goal every day.
On the night when he failed to achieve his goal for the second time, Shen Shi'an found out
that he didn't know where to find a slap-top notebook, and carefully recorded in it what
food he had consumed today and how many crystal nuclei he owed. After that, she worked
Shen Shi'an didn't say anything and didn't stop.
He really does not need Chen Nan's nucleus, and the food in space is not a problem even if
he has an army, but he cannot let Chen Nan take the resources and conveniences he enjoys
during the trip as a matter of course. Promoting Miu and fighting against Miu is good for
helping people, but unrestrained help often only produces dependence and irresistible
greed / desire.
Working together, working together, value each other's efforts, and always be grateful, this
is a long-lasting partnership. He acknowledges Chen Nan's approach and character. If this
character can stand the test of time, he will only reciprocate with goodwill.
The atmosphere during the journey became more and more harmonious. If anyone in the
trio was not satisfied, it was Goblin.
The human who joined halfway grabbed An An's too much attention, and the dog refined
his teeth, Huo Huo. These days, I have been thinking about how to secretly eat people so
that Shen Shi An won't find it.
In the evening, Shen Shi'an parked his car beside a pond. There are grasses all over the
pond, and there will be several willow trees hanging near the water. The water quality
looks good. There are small fishes with long fingers swimming back and forth, scrambling
to eat the flowers that fell to the water. After eating, Chen Nan still took the initiative to
wash the dishes. Shen Shi'an added a few pieces of wood to the fire and started to boil the
water on the pot.
The water is used to bathe the children. With an additional member, I naturally cannot
enter the space to take a bath at will. Fortunately, the road they chose is remote. It is not
difficult to find unpolluted water between the countryside. Firewood and hay Everywhere,
it takes a little effort to heat the water.
However, hot bathing is the privilege of Shen Xun. As for him and Chen Nan, who are both
physically fit, they are not cold in mid-May. Most of them jump directly into the pond and
use cold water to solve it. It is not satisfactory considering the current environment. .
"Brother Shen," Chen Nan finished the cleanup and came over to say hello to Shen Shi'an:
"I'm going to the pond first."
Shen Shian nodded: "Call me something."
After the person left, Shen Shian untied a tub from the place where the spare tire was
originally placed on the trunk lid, poured hot water and mixed it with cold water. After
confirming that the water temperature was OK, he beckoned to Shen Xun: \ "Come over . \ "
While rubbing the child's hair, he whispered to him, "Do you have any opinion on Chen
Shen Xun pretended to be stupid: "No."
Shen Shi'an believes it is strange. In the middle of the night facing Chen Nan Moya when he
didn't hear it. Just suddenly joining a stranger, many things have to be restricted, even a
normal child cannot adapt so quickly, not to mention Shen Xun is just a goblin who has
become a human for less than six months. Do n’t take it apart now, while noticing the
bubbles do n’t get into the children ’s eyes, continue, “Chen Nan has a good character. We
have a long way to go before we face the zombies, but also the military and possibly hostile
ones. Psions, and many unpredictable situations. The more forward you go, the more
dangerous it is. It is better to find a companion than it is only to us. "
Shen Xun pouted, and muttered quietly: "He is too weak, I can hit him a hundred of them, it
is useless."
"Man always grows. He has abilities and can absorb nucleus. It ca n’t always be like this
now. And his abilities are exactly complementary to the black earth. The things planted in
the black earth cannot reproduce again. He The spawned things can't control the quality of
the seeds, "Shen Shian rubbed carefully, seemingly inadvertently:" If they are well matched,
there will be inexhaustible and increasingly delicious cherries and strawberries in the
space. "
As soon as the child's eyes brightened, Shen Shi'an bounced on his head as soon as his eyes
made two turns: "Close my eyes, I'm going to flush."
At night, after saying good night to each other, Chen Nan got into the tent outside the car as
he did the other day. The tent was provided by Shen Shian, including the sleeping bags
provided with professional field camping equipment collected in the mall. The canvas and
the stand are very strong, and the zombies cannot enter. There are simple warning devices
made of bamboo poles and bell ropes. Don't worry too much about security issues.
Shen Shian lay in the car, covered the child with a blanket, and kissed him again on the
forehead: "Sleep."
Shen Xun hugged one of his arms sideways, his dark green eyes widened, and his voice was
milky: "An An, even with other companions, you still like me, right?"
Shen Shian's heart softened, and a smile appeared in his eyes. He raised his hand and
rubbed the child's furry hair: "Of course. You are my son. I don't like who you like."
Goblin contented. After Shen Shi'an fell asleep, he secretly licked two on his wrist:
Huh, mine. Who robs who. Something went wrong, refresh and try again
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 43: Chapter 43

Settings saved..
Through strawberry seeds given by Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan successfully gave birth to
strawberries. At present, a maximum of eight seeds can be spawned in a day, each head and
orange are almost a few laps larger than ordinary strawberries, but Chen Nan knows that
this is not his credit, but that the quality of the seeds given by Shen Shi'an is too good. In
particular, I compared Shen Shi'an's birth with what Shen Shi'an gave him, and I admired
Shen Shi'an more and more.
After spawning thirty-two strawberries for four days, Shen Shi'an left two peeled and dried
to collect seeds. The rest was added milk and a spoonful of ice cream, and the milkshake
was made with an ice cube into a milkshake. .
Sitting in the back seat of a speeding off-road vehicle, watching the trees on both sides of
the road and scattered wandering zombies passing by, the cool wind blew across his face,
Chen Nan took a sip of strawberry milkshake, and felt that life was wonderful. Too unreal.
"You used to spawn four potatoes a day, and now you can spawn eight strawberries a day.
That's a big improvement." Shen Shi'an said while watching the road conditions. "Continue
to work hard to use as much energy as possible in my body. Supplementation through
crystal nuclei should work best. "
"Huh." Chen Nan nodded and should come down. He knew that Shen Shi'an was right.
Every day for more than a week, all the abilities were output cleanly and then healed
himself. Although the speed was slow, he could obviously feel that his abilities were
working. A little growth. I glanced at Shen Shi'an in front of me. I was a bit embarrassed.
"Unfortunately, my power is still too weak. I can't help you at present." Too few plants
spawned will not do much at all. Give the team some points. Just snacks.
Shen Shi'an bypassed an abandoned car with a quiet and clear voice. "Don't be arrogant.
The plant power is indeed weaker in the early stage, but as long as it continues to evolve, it
may exert unexpectedly great power. Not only is it the rarest in the last days. Food, have
you ever thought that one day might be able to destroy zombies by manipulating plants? "
Chen Nanyi ’s Plants vs. Zombies worked hard to improve the ability to spawn more plants.
There is no problem. "Where can I find a pea shooter?"
Shen Shi'an does not need to understand it so plainly.
Shen Xun smirked unceremoniously and was swept away by Shen Shi'an, immediately put
the cup over "An'an, drink a milkshake"
Chen Nan's concerns are not without reason. Plants that move and actively attack in nature
are not absent, but there are too few species and it is extremely difficult to obtain. At least it
is currently impossible for the trio to get plants or seeds. But Shen Shi'an did not consider
this plant.
He thought of the mutant aloe in space.
If one day Chen Nan's ability is strong to a certain degree, it can give birth to plants of the
level of mutant aloe. Besides, let ’s say that encountering the enemy directly breeds a circle
of mutations that are several meters high or even tens of meters high. Aloe vera, thousands
of aloe spines alone can scare people. Who can hurt him by half a hair? This defensive
method is much stronger than the melon in plant vs. zombie.
What's more, if he can catalyze mutant aloe from seedlings in a few seconds, and then
sprinkle a handful of seedlings in advance, the scene can be spawned instantly when the
enemy passes by. It can be imagined that Wan pierced and shed blood, It is simply a great
killer for ambush.
But it is useless to think of these at present. From the birth of only eight strawberries a day
to the use of mutant aloes for group attacks, Chen Nan's path can not be overstated. take it
After eating at noon, Shen Shi'an took out the map, marked the current location of the trio
with a pencil, and marked another circle to the north. "There is a small county about ten
kilometers ahead. The permanent population is about three. We have two ways to go
forward. One is to pass directly through the county town along the provincial road, but it is
bound to confront the zombies. The other is to bypass the county town, which is safer.
There are mountains to the west, and the rolling hills will delay at least four days no matter
where you go. "While delaying time, it means that food, water, and gasoline will be
consumed in large quantities.
He looked at Chen Nan and the children. "What do you two think?"
Shen Xun didn't want to "walk the county seat". Zombies were as many as possible. The
more nucleus had more nuclei. The more nuclei there were, the faster the springs would
recover. I protect you "
Chen Nan laughed at the child's childish words, but after careful consideration, he agreed
with Shen Xun's opinion that "I also think it is better to go to the county seat." The delay is
too long if you detour, and the longer the delay, the more It is prone to all kinds of
accidents. The population of 30,000 is indeed large, but it should not be possible to turn
them all into zombies or encounter them all, not to mention that they are still driving, and
there is no problem if they ca n’t drive out or return. It is rare to have such a good
opportunity to increase combat experience, obtain zombies, and collect materials, he does
not want to miss it.
Of course, which way to go depends on Brother Shen. Without Brother Shen's high combat
power, he can only deliver food to the zombies. So after Chen Nan said, she looked at Shen
Shi'an. "What do you think, Shen?"
Shen Shi'an also tended to pass by the county seat. The population of 30,000 is neither
large nor small, which is just right for Chen Nan to practice. But if you decide to go straight
through the county seat, be prepared for another thing. "Did you find out, there are more
and more zombies along the way."
Shen Xun didn't pay much attention to this matter and didn't pay much attention to this
kind of scum-level undead dead body. No matter how many people gave him a head, but
Chen Nan's experience was deep and he nodded immediately. "It's like this, I just left the
house When the zombie zombies are hardly visible on the road, only one or two of them
can be found occasionally in some towns or in gas stations, but during this time mutated
zombies can be seen even among zombies wandering along the road. "
The proportion of mutant zombies is increasing. Shen Shi'an, who has been faintly
concerned, is gradually becoming a reality.
When the mutant zombies were first discovered in the library, the proportion was about
two percent, and in the town where Chen Nan was met, Shen Shi'an harvested a total of 201
nuclei among more than 10,000 zombies. At the rest station passing by a few days ago,
according to Chen Nan, 9 out of less than 300 zombies were mutated
Not only is the percentage of mutant zombies increasing, but the rate of increase is
This also means that the number of mutant zombies in the county seat is likely to greatly
exceed their expectations.
If 20,000 resident people in the county have become zombies, the ratio of mutated zombies
should not exceed seven hundred at the rate of one-thirtieth.
Shen Shi'an thought for a long time, and felt that this number was within the range that he
could handle, and he could safely retreat even if he had no strength. So the line officially
decided to go straight along the provincial road.
Before leaving, Shen Shi'an glanced at the sky and said, "Unplug the refrigerator."
According to the climate of previous years, it should have entered the rainy season as early
as April, but it was not known whether it was all the way north or because of a virus
outbreak. To some extent, it has also caused climate change. The sun has been shining
along the way without even seeing a drop of rain. Sometimes the temperature is too high to
reach summer. The sun didn't show up until these two days, and the sun never appeared.
He was worried that such weather might continue for some time. If there was no sunlight
as an energy supply, the power in the charging board must be saved a little, anyway, frozen
food in the refrigerator They're all done.
Shen Shian's worry was not wrong. The car started just half an hour before the rain fell.
And it ’s not the lingering drizzle in the rainy season. The heavy raindrops slammed down
and hit the car. The rain fell like a pour, because the field of vision was too blurred, and the
wipers simply did n’t work. I had to stop for more than twenty minutes.
It was not until the crossing of the boundary pillar and into the county seat that the heavy
rain finally stopped, and even the shadow of the sun appeared behind the clouds.
After the rain, the county town was renewed, all dirt and dust were washed away, the green
belt on both sides of the road was lively green, and the leaves were still covered with
crystal clear water droplets.
The streets were extremely quiet, even the rain dripping down the billboards, and the
sound of the incoming water flowing into the sewer mouth was clear and audible. It was
empty, left and right, with no popularity at all, and no zombies.
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly, and stopped for less than 50 meters along the road. Chen Nan,
holding a stabstick, was close to the car window and carefully looked at "what is the reason
and why there are no zombies"? It is impossible to go in to hide from the rain.
Shen Xun opened a slit in the window, shook his nose and sniffed. The rain washed away all
the odors, and the wind was blowing into the county, and he couldn't smell anything.
Shen Shi'an turned off the fire, and after a moment of thinking, he made a decision, "You
two are waiting in the car, I will go in and see."
Shen Xun immediately said, "I want to go too"
"No," Shen Shi'an said. "It's unclear what's going on in this county. It's too dangerous to
take you with me. In case of an accident, I can't take care of you."
The child is anxious "I am going to be dangerous, I can protect you"
Shen Shi'an looked at him for a moment, got out of the car, took him out of the co-pilot,
walked a little distance to the side of the road, confirmed that Chen Nan could not hear, and
softened his voice, "I know you are great, but my ability is not Is n’t that bad? In case of any
unexpected situation, I ’ll come back to you immediately. Do n’t forget, in the eyes of Chen
Nan, you are still an ordinary child, do n’t you still trust him, how can you take this trump
card? I just missed it and showed him. "
Shen Xun raised his chest subconsciously, "I am the ace"
"Of course," Shen Shian, Zheng Jiandian, "you are the most powerful monster in the world,
of course, the trump card." Seeing the children look loose, and said "And I also need you to
help me look at the car, in case we are not in the car What to do if Chen Nan runs away. Off-
road vehicles are the most important tool for us to go to Beijing. Now I leave the task of
protecting this important tool to you. Can you complete this glorious and arduous task? "
"Yes" Gou Zi Jing raised her chest, and the frame could not wait to swear a **** oath, "An
An, rest assured, I must take care of the car."
Shen Shian sent the aggressive dog spirit back to the car and said to Chen Nan, "The doors
and windows are locked. Do not open the door to anyone except me. The child is naughty
and troubles you."
Chen Nan nodded. "Brother Shen, don't worry, I will protect it."
The dog whispered secretly who wants you to protect. If you dare to steal a car, eat you in
one bite. Something went wrong, refresh and try again

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 44: 44th

Settings saved..
Shen Shian, carrying a long sword, walked alone on the main road in the county seat.
He has walked for nearly a kilometer since he got off the car. On this kilometer road, except
for abandoned vehicles, crooked road signs, and broken shops ’gates, you can see the traces
of eschatology, and the entire street is empty , Silence is like a dead city. As if that pouring
rain not only washed away the dirt and dust, but even the zombies and the survivors
washed it clean.
This scene is too unusual. Shen Shian's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, while carefully
looking at the traces around to try to find a reasonable explanation, at the same time, the
doubt clouds in her heart were more and more concentrated.
The county's resident population is about 30,000. With so many people, no one can be
infected with the flu, and no one can become a zombie.
So where did the zombies go, cleaned up by the army, or cleaned up by the survivors
If so, why not collect the shops and small supermarkets on both sides of the road after the
clean-up is still visible to the naked eye. What's more, where did the zombies survive?
The county is densely built, and because of the transformation of the old city, the buildings
are unevenly arranged and look a little messy. Shen Shian can only observe the general
situation of the buildings along the street. As for the later ones, they are mostly blocked by
the floor, and the field of vision cannot be extended at all. Hearing is not affected, but within
the five senses range greatly expanded by the exercises, there are no abnormal sounds.
The wind blew up the plastic bag, stumbling on the ground, rolling a distance, and floating
up, floating forward along the main road. Shen Shi'an's eyes moved forward with the plastic
bag, turning around an intersection, his eyes suddenly opened up
This is a very large circular square, surrounded by the undulating buildings in the county
center at the center, and you can't see the end at a glance. The square is in the shape of a
square, with a trolley, awning, display stand, bench, bench, and plastic bench criss-crossed.
A two-storey inflatable gate at the forefront stretches a dozen meters long. Giant banner,
the rope in the upper right corner of the banner broke down and covered most of the
content, only the word "Lin'an County" was visible.
Shen Shi'an stepped on the steps at the edge of the square and walked to the gate to
prepare for a closer look, but something suddenly caught in his ear made him tense, raised
his hand to hold the hilt, and quickly looked around for a week.
From the streets, intersections, and building gaps that surround the square, the zombie
that had not been traced for a while was like a locust tide, and a large swath of rushing
waves rushed from all corners, and soon the whole Surrounded by circular squares.
Looking around, the dense walking corpses are like mountains and seas. It is roughly
estimated that at least 10,000 or more people, and most of them are mutant zombies.
A gust of wind blew head-on, blowing up the dangling corner of the banner, revealing the
complete content above. Welcome to the 18th National Food Festival of Lin'an County.
It's not right, it's not right. Shen Shi'an's alarm bell was a masterpiece in his heart. His left
hand exerted force and the long sword suddenly came out of the sheath.
Not only is the proportion of mutated zombies bizarrely high, but even more embarrassing
is that zombies should have been unconscious. Even mutated zombies are the same. They
are completely driven by the original instinct of desire for flesh and blood, without reason.
But before the tens of thousands of zombies surrounded him in the center of the square, he
didn't rush directly, but seemed to have received some kind of command. Even though he
was irritable and roaring, he still stopped and longed for his own desire. Tens of thousands
of empty eyes filled with dead spirits, all focused on Shen Shi'an.
These are not only zombies, but a zombie army with a basic order.
Shen Shian's heart was beating like a drum, and soon a sweat came out of his palm. Quickly
search in the army of zombies while keeping calm. Since these zombies follow certain
instructions, there must be a "leader" who gives instructions. Shoot people first, shoot
horses, capture thieves first, and king. It is imperative to find this leader as soon as
possible. come out.
Thanks to the excellent vision brought by the exercises, Shen Shi'an quickly set his sight at
a certain point on the back of the zombie army.
It was a zombie that looked unremarkable at first glance, with half of its face well-
preserved, and half of its face bony. According to the dress, it could be seen that he was a
male before birth. The reason why Shen Shi'an in the crowded corpse and the dead sea paid
special attention to him was entirely because of his eyes.
In those eyes, which should be empty and irrational, the greed and cunning similar to the
beast clearly flashed.
At the moment when Shen Shi'an looked at each other, a sudden sense of crisis made his
hairs stand up, and he evaded sideways. Almost at the same time, with the sound of a blast,
an invisible wind blade flashed lightningly from where he stood a moment ago. The first
wind blade had not completely dissipated, and three more wind blades emerged out of thin
air. They attacked simultaneously on the upper, middle, and lower paths. As soon as Shen
Shi'an's eyes were condensed and avoided, his face was immediately marked with a ****
Tick, and the bright red blood fell to the ground. The **** gas spread with the wind, and the
zombie army suddenly became restless.
Shen Shi'an stared at the leader tightly, sinking heartily, this is a zombie with power.
Not long after Shen Shi'an left, the atmosphere inside the off-road vehicle became strange
and awkward.
Except for his younger brother, Chen Nan has not dealt with a four- or five-year-old child
for many years, tangled for a long time, and pulled out a bag of chocolate sandwich cakes
from his backpack. "Look, do you want to eat?"
Shen Xun punched his teeth, and his face was full of fierce gods. "It is forbidden to ask me to
search." Searching is also the only thing humans can call. Only An An can shout.
Chen Nan smiled with a good temper. "Sorry, what do you want me to call you?"
Shen Xun stared at him for a while, raised his chin, and hummed, "Don't call anything. Don't
talk to me." But he has an important task at his disposal, don't try to take the opportunity to
divert his attention, dare to steal The car ate you.
Chen Nan touched the wall one after another, scratching his head helplessly, and could only
concentrate on watching the scenery outside the window. The off-road vehicle is parked
right next to an intersection. From here, you can see the streets on the left and right. The
two were relatively speechless, and the compartment quieted again.
But this quiet didn't last long. Shen Xun shook his nose suddenly and cast his gaze on the
street on the right. After a few seconds, Chen Nan staring at the street on the left suddenly
exclaimed "No, there are zombies"
A few small groups of zombies suddenly appeared on the empty streets a few minutes ago,
hoarsely howling hoarsely, wandering aimlessly.
Chen Nan's heart was tight, and she immediately lowered her voice to Shen Xundao, "Hurry
down and hide her head." The county seat was so empty, maybe they had good luck, and
they might not have been found by zombies.
However, it turned out that they did not have such good luck. The original zombie group
seemed to have quickly found a common goal and concentrated in the direction of the off-
road vehicle. About five minutes later, the first zombie patted his hand on the car window,
and the rotten eyes were covered with maggots, and he looked close to the car window. At
any time, the opaque eyeballs that could fall were rolled, just facing Chen Nan.
The muscles in the face were torn, and the hoarse howling sounds sharpened, and as if
receiving some kind of signal, more and more zombies heard the sound, banging and
banging into the off-road vehicle.
Chen Nan cursed lowly. Clenched the thorn stick in his hand and turned his head to
appease Shen Xun, who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Don't be afraid to find, I will protect
Shen Xun pouted his mouth, so these undead corpses did not dare to eat him, OK, before
saying "Who wants you to protect", I saw Chen Nan opened the sunroof, got out of the
sunroof and stood on the roof of the car.
The roof area of the off-road vehicle is wide, and because the chassis is high, the zombies
can't climb up and can't catch it. During the time with Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan's fighting skills
have improved a lot. With the geographical advantage of standing on the roof of the car,
and a sharp stick in his hand, he can almost do one stick and one cruel. The zombies that
were next to the off-road vehicle were quickly resolved.
However, the zombies seem to be endless. They are constantly coming out of the buildings
on the left and right streets and on both sides of the street. The previous wave of zombies
has not yet fallen, and more zombies have surged in like tide, even walking on the ground.
The corpse almost caught Chen Nan's trousers. Continuous attacks and dodges are
physically exhausting. Only twenty minutes later, Chen Nan can feel the obvious soreness
from the arm.
What's even more frightening is that because the more zombies gather, the more thrust
they generate, the off-road vehicle is swayed to the left and right, like a boat that may
capsize at any time in the waves.
Chen Nan knew that this off-road vehicle had good performance. Even if it was really
overthrown, it was impossible for the zombie to break the glass or break the door. But once
the car is really overthrown, how to help it later and wait for Brother Shen to return. How
can they escape from this place? Abandon the car but lose the important tool of off-road
vehicle. Can they run past the zombies without any fatigue at all? It is even more unrealistic
in the car. The storage of food and water in the car is limited. They can't hide in it for a
lifetime. Zombies are ignorant and lifeless. They can be consumed here for ten days and a
half months or even months, but he talks with Shen. Can't afford it. Once the zombies get
together more and more, in the end, even Brother Shen who rushed back to save people
would be in danger.
After trying to stabilize his body, Chen Nan pierced the heads of the two zombies with a
stabstick, quickly got back into the car, and closed the sunroof. Then packed two bags of
cookies and two bottles of water into his backpack.
Shen Xun was making a face at the zombies outside the window. He heard that he turned
around and looked at him suspiciously. "What are you doing?" Do you want to leave him
alone and run and hum, he knows that humans are not credible at all. Except An An.
Chen Nan tied his backpack tightly to his body, kneeling down and looking at Shen Xundao,
"Find, I need you to listen carefully to me. There are more and more zombies outside. If the
car is pushed down by the zombies, not only us, but even Brother Shen It ’s in danger. So
I'm going to lead the zombies away. "
Shen Xun frowned, suddenly looking strange. "You are going to lead a zombie"
Chen Nan nodded. "I promised Brother Shen to protect you, and I would never break my
word. You can rest assured that these are ordinary zombies outside, I run fast, they can't
catch up. You stay in the car, wait After I leave, I close the skylight. Unless Brother Shen
returns, I ca n’t open the door and window. If I can get rid of the zombies, I will come back
as soon as possible and I will make peace with you. Something is wrong. You let Brother
Shen drive first and leave a mark along the way. I will definitely try to find you. "
Shen Xun did not speak. It wasn't until Chen Nan holding a stab-stick to get out of the
sunroof, that was "What to do if you die."
Chen Nan turned his head, smiled, and bent over and rubbed the child with two "I try not to
Climbing out of the sunroof and standing on the roof of the car, I chose a position with the
fewest zombies to clear a gap, and jumped down.
Brother Shen left from the front, and he could not lead the zombies; the rear path needed to
be set aside to retreat, which was not the same. Chen Nan quickly made up his mind, ran to
the left road more than 50 meters away from the off-road vehicle, took out a fruit knife and
made a crossing in his hand, then raised it and waved at the zombies. Do n’t you want to eat
here, come and eat me
Attracted by blood, the zombie group quickly reversed their direction after a short search
and staggered towards Chen Nan's position. The crowd was ups and downs and
disappeared within a short time.
Shen Xun lay on the window of the car, his dark green eyes were bottomless, staring at the
empty street for a long time.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 45: 45th

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an stood next to the highest fountain in the square. His chest was undulating, and
the rancid blood was dripping down the sword blades, and soon gathered at his feet into a
small beach. The sweaty hair clung to his forehead, and his eyes became darker and
There are too many zombies, and the waves are endless. He has stopped counting since the
300th anniversary, but his rapid physical exhaustion and the increasing number of zombies
around him have undoubtedly marked his attack.
Different from the zombies encountered before, even if the number is large, it is essentially
a loose sand, and the offense is not scattered, and it will even block the self-rebellion
position because of snatching flesh and blood. Their attention.
This group of zombies controlled by power zombies seems to have a unified and
coordinated brain, not only not interfered by ordinary strategies, but also mastered the
basic tactics, no matter which direction Shen Shi'an rushes, zombies in other directions will
quickly gather Coming over, forming an insurmountable sea of zombies, and using wheel
battles to take turns to attack, it is clear that it is necessary to consume Shen's physical
Another wave of zombies besieged. Shen Shi'an clenched the hilt of the sword to meet the
enemy, and the sound of air broke in his ears. Three wind blades emerged out of thin air,
rushing towards him like a sharp sword. Shen Shi'an escaped two, and the third one was
cut from his right arm, and it was another **** mouth immediately.
He didn't care to inspect the wound, and his eyes immediately searched in the direction of
the wind blade. However, like the previous times, the shadow of the mutant zombie had
just been caught in the last second, and the other party moved back and forth in the next
second. In the tide of zombies.
Oh shit. Shen Shi'an secretly gritted the power of the zombie was too difficult.
If it is a head-to-head single fight, the power zombie is definitely not Shen Shi'an's
opponent. Trouble is trouble. The opponent's ability is exactly a long-range attack, and can
control more than 10,000 zombies to listen to its command, hiding behind the zombie army
and seeing a sneak attack, and knowing that it can be changed for a place, even its location
cannot be determined. , How to capture the thief and the king
The only good news is that this zombie's ability should still be in the initial evolution stage.
It can only shoot up to three wind blades at a time, and the cut is not deep. Shen Shian's
operation method will soon Healing through Reiki as ever.
After resolving a wave of zombies rushing up again, Shen Shi'an's breathing became more
rapid. He can hide in the space to recover his strength, but this method has obvious
limitations, that is, where he must go from where he enters. After three or two times, the
power zombies find the law, as long as he disappears in place, immediately command A
large number of zombies surrounded it, and watched for the opportunity to sneak in. In
this way, Shen Shi'an had no chance to escape. The moment he came out of the space, when
his own defense was weakest, he accidentally scratched a few wounds with the wind blade.
And it's probably because the flavor of Lingquan came out in and out of the space. Every
time he went in and out, the mood of the zombie army became more manic.
What's more important is that he can't afford time. He has to rush back to the children's
round as soon as possible to confirm whether the children and Chen Nan are safe. Shen
Shi'an knew that zombies would not actively attack Shen Xun, but in case the power
zombies had never met them before, no one could be sure if the goblins were attractive to
the power zombies. In case there is more than one such zombie, in addition to the square,
there is another zombie army attacking the off-road vehicle at this time.
The ever-increasing anxiety and the endless attacks of zombies made Shen Shi'an's look
more stern, and his moves were more ruthless. The zombie's mutilated limbs were
everywhere, and the blood was rotten and rancid like a **** on earth.
By the time the windblade again struck out two wounds on his face, the rage in his chest
finally climbed to the extreme. Raise your hand to wipe the blood stains on the lower jaw,
lift your eyelashes lightly, and look at the screaming zombie sea in front of your eyes. A
dark layer of blood looms in the dark eyes.
Is it hidden again?
If you kill them all, where else can you hide.
The internal working method works to the extreme, and the endless stream of spiritual
power is like warm current, starting from Dantian and quickly flowing to the limbs and
bones. The wound on the face healed quickly, and I felt the power of refilling in every inch
of texture. Shen Shi'an held the sword handle and shook it twice. The splashing blood had
not yet landed. Arrows shot from the bow went straight towards the zombie tide
He previously instructed Chen Nan to exhaust the power in his body and then add it back,
to maximize his potential and increase the speed of power growth. This is actually his
experience from his own exercises.
Although he could not directly absorb the crystal nucleus like Chen Nan, the effect of the
Lingquan water was similar to the crystal nucleus, and it was even more outstanding. Since
the spring eye gradually recovered, Shen Shi'an has been collecting spring water on a
planned basis until this moment. There are 163 bottles of spiritual spring water on the
second floor of Zhulou.
The zombies wouldn't be exhausted. Coincidentally, neither would he. And see if the
bottom of the spring is consumed first, or if he cleans up these puppets first.
Once the battle has reached a certain level, defense, attack, and finding the enemy's weak
points are integrated into the bones and blood and become instincts. In the meditation,
Shen Shi'an put the Buddha into a very mysterious state. Without the need to observe with
his eyes, the entire square and all the scenes on the square are like 3D three-dimensional
pictures, which are completely projected into his mind.
The distribution of the surrounding zombies, their every movement, every offensive angle,
and even the blood stains on each zombie's clothes and the texture of rotten muscles are all
clear and clear.
As time passed, other things seemed to fade away one by one. In Shen Shi'an's
consciousness, only the skull of each zombie and the numerous nuclei embedded in the
skull were flashing red as targets of attack.
The long sword is integrated with itself. The middle of the sword becomes a part of the
extension of the arm. Between the offensive and defensive movements, the arm moves like
a finger, and the spiritual power infiltrates. Qi swept out as the offensive swept away,
accurately splitting dozens of zombies' heads.
Shen Shi'an was not sure how long this mysterious state lasted, and when he broke away
from it, there were already corpses and blood around him. There were only a handful of
dead zombies in his palm.
The line of sight was raised, and a half-faced zombie corpse at the edge of the square was
intact, and half-faced bones were facing each other.
The sound of breaking air, and three wind blades whistled.
Shen Shi'an's feet remained motionless, the long sword blocked in response, and the three
wind blades never touched the corners of his clothes, just disappeared in a blink of an eye
like boiling snow.
The dark eyes were so cold as ice, Shen Shian looked at the power zombie and whispered,
"Did you think I haven't figured out your way yet?"
The power zombies seemed to understand that the big event was not good enough, and
then turned around and wanted to run, Shen Shi'an wielded his sword and swept across, a
forest cold sword swiftly, split it from the waist into two sections.
Shen Shi'an didn't rush to resolve it, and his chest was violently wheezing a few times, his
legs were soft, and he knelt on the ground with his sword on one knee. The arm trembled
almost because of the load almost exceeding the limit, and almost did not even open the
bottle cap, and it was only slightly slowed down after drinking most of the bottle of
spiritual spring water at one go.
Even if there is a spiritual spring as a support, it is too reluctant to use one enemy. If it
weren't for the good weapons, it would be a question of whether to leave alive today.
Stopped and rested for a while, took out the water to clean the blood on the palm and the
blade of the sword, and simply washed the face. Then he stood up again, walked in the ****
sea of the corpse with the sword handle, and caught up with the Power zombies that were
cut off and still crawling forward trying to escape.
Shen Shi'an stepped on it "Can you speak?"
The 嗬 zombies are struggling hard, giving out a scream that is different from ordinary
zombies and closer to beasts, but also meaningless to Shen Shi'an.
The muddy eyes were full of greed and madness, not so much human, but more like a
brutal beast that had not yet been cultured.
It seems not to restore human consciousness, but to evolve the most basic animal wisdom
as a zombie species.
I don't know if it was a sigh of relief or a sigh, the arm moved slightly, the snow-colored
sword light passed by, the power zombie twitched and stopped quickly.
Shen Shi'an took the sword back into the scabbard, squatted down to find a crystal nucleus
from the skull, washed it, and put it in the jacket pocket.
Returning along the original road at the fastest speed, I saw Shen Xun sitting on the front
cover of the car shaking his legs, wandering around a few zombies, all looking at him as if
he could not see a child. Nothing happens.
"An An" Shen Xun found him for the first time, like a lighted artillery shell, jumped out of
the car and dashed all the way into Shen Shi'an's arms. "Where did you go? What
happened? If you don't come back, I will I'm going to find you, but I promised you to watch
the car well and not run around, how did you run into danger? Who did you get injured? "
The problems like renju cannons exploded in Shen Shi'an's ears, especially the last two
sentences, because the anxiety and anger almost broke the sound, almost deafening the
ears, and quickly stretched his arms to pull the child far away. "I'm not injured."
"You lied" Shen Xun's eyes were red, "You have blood on your clothes"
Although the wound cut by the wind blade was healed with aura, blood and damaged cloth
could not be covered. Shen Shi'an took two photos on the child's back, opened the cloth and
showed him "I'm not hurt, you see, well, the blood is not mine." And then quickly shifted
the topic "What about Chen Nan"
As he asked, he glanced at the zombie corpses around the off-road vehicle, which were all
killed with a single head hit, apparently caused by Chen Nan's stabstick.
Shen Xun really calmed down, with some strangeness he had never seen before, holding
Shen Shi'an's neck and saying, "He is gone." Before Shen Shi'an spoke, he said, "He said he
would lead all the zombies away."
Shen Shi'an looked calmly, and put the child down to look into his eyes "speak carefully
from beginning to end."
Five minutes later, Shen Shi'an put the off-road vehicle into the space and said, "Can you
confirm the direction?"
Shen Xun, carrying the tang knife that was half higher than his entire body, squatted on the
sidewalk on the left side with a little bit of dried blood on his hands, sniffed at the tip of his
nose, and stood up and pointed in a direction "there"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 46: Chapter 46

Settings saved..
Before the end of the last days, Chen Nan had only one goal: to run faster.
Hurry up, hurry up, get a good ranking, win honorary awards, and strive to enter the
national team as soon as possible, you can better life for yourself and Jiamu.
After the end of the world, Chen Nan still only has one goal and runs faster.
Hurry up, hurry up, get rid of the zombies, work hard to survive, and take Jiamu to Beijing
to see the Forbidden City and the Forbidden City to complete the agreement between them.
At the moment, not only must he run faster to ensure that the zombies cannot chase
himself, but also do his best to steer the zombies away from Shen Xun as far as possible. It
was not a difficult task for him if his ankle was not injured.
A few days ago when collecting nuclei at the rest station, Chen Nan accidentally hit his left
ankle and sprained it on a cement pillar. At that time, he didn't think it was a big problem.
He got a piece of skin, and it didn't break or swelling. The day after tomorrow felt nothing.
Until today, running and jumping for a long time to attract zombies, the hidden injuries
lurking under the flesh began to show. Less than half an hour before he got out of the car,
the unintended injury had swelled nearly **** high, and the pain from the injury became
more intense with each step he took.
As a professional athlete, Chen An knew what an ankle injury meant, but he could n’t stop
or dare to stop. There were hundreds of zombies behind him at this time, not only ordinary
zombies, but also nearly A quarter of the mutated zombies, in addition, there are more
zombies coming from inside the house, in the gaps in the building, at various intersections
and roadways. Once stopped or even slowed down, these zombies drowned him instantly.
The county town is in the process of rebuilding the old town, and the road design is very
chaotic. Not only are there many twists and turns and complicated roads, but also potholes
everywhere. Chen Nan was not very lucky. After breaking into a narrow roadway, he ran
into a section of construction head-on. The road was blocked by various roadblocks and
excavators. The cement foundation was also embedded with four or five teeth paws.
Zombie workers couldn't get through.
What's more terrible is that a group of zombies also appeared from the other end of the
road, followed by wolves and chasers, hissing and blocking Chen Nan in the middle of the
Fuck Chen Nan with a curse and a pale face, not only because of the predicament of life and
death in front of you, but also because of the growing ankle. Seeing that the two zombies
were about to encircle, it was too late to consider carefully, turned and rushed into a
bookstore by the road, closing the door with a "bang" as quickly as possible.
There is no zombie on the first floor of the bookstore, which is good news. But the door was
made of wood-panelled glass, and it was rattling under the push of the first wave of
zombies. It was impossible to persist for too long.
Chen Nan resisted jumping on one foot, dragging two bookshelves tightly behind the door.
Most bookstores sell exercise books and reference books. The middle two rows of
bookshelves are only one person tall and the weight is not enough, but they should last for
a while. The bookshelf against the wall was both tall and heavy, but unfortunately it was
fixed on the wall with screws. Chen Nan spent a long time and remained motionless, and
had no choice but to give up.
There were more and more zombies gathered outside the door, and they banged the door
with a concerted effort, and a layer of cement ash floated down from the place connected to
the ceiling during the tremor. Chen Nan dragged several small bookshelves behind the
door, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and turned to go upstairs.
The stairs were so steep and extremely dark because the door was closed that Chen Nan
had to keep his eyes wide open to barely recognize the outline of the steps. Even so, when
he finished the last step of the stairs, he stepped subconsciously and stepped up again. His
body had not stood still from the imbalance in which he stepped on the air, and a shadow
suddenly rushed at him.
It was a male zombie, medium-sized, and rammed Chen Nan heavily against the wall with
impulse. His almost completely rotten face was desperately pressed to his neck. Vaguely
maggots lingered in it.
"Nesting" Chen Nan held her arm and pushed out with all her strength, preventing the
other's nails or rattling teeth from contacting her, struggling to fall from the palm of her
hand and rolling down along the stairs.
Chen Nan cursed again, pushing his zombies farther away in his heart. His strength was
greater than that of the male corpse, but he did not expect that the texture on the other's
arm was also rotten. Under the relative force, the skin slipped up like a sleeve, the zombie
arm stretched forward, and his nails were almost scratched. Chen Nan's face. Just at this
moment, another female zombie stumbled out of the house. The hoarse howling sound was
close at hand, and she would bite on Chen Nan when she saw it.
At the very moment when Chen Nan was anxious, he pushed the male corpse and turned
the female corpse half a circle to block the female corpse, then turned the other half of the
circle and the zombies to change directions, raised his feet fiercely, and the two zombies
stacked backwards and mumbled from the stairs Gollum fell.
Grass, lying trough, lying in a large trough.
Chen Nan was holding the wall to breathe violently. The extreme fear of life and death
made him feel a little weak. His heart was beating too fast and he seemed to be able to jump
out of his chest at any time. His ankle was like a knife stabbing in for a while, and it hurt
more. But the crisis has not been resolved, the two zombies just fell down the stairs and did
not die. After a muffled roar, the mutated male zombies climbed up the stairs again, and the
calf bones broke because of it, and the **** bones The stubble pierced the cloth and showed
it outside, but it was not affected at all. The turbid eyes stared directly at Chen Nan, like a
nine ghosts crawling **** the dark and staircase. Just glance at the scene and instantly Can
teach people a white hair cold sweat.
At the same time, a rumbling sound of heavy objects falling to the ground and cluttering
footsteps from the downstairs pushed the door open.
Chen Nan's hands and feet were as cold as falling ice caves. After two seconds of stiffness,
he clenched his teeth and quickly turned to find a room on the second floor. After
confirming that there were no zombies in the room, he hid in and locked the door. He
pushed a wardrobe and a desk behind the door. After doing all this, the back was already
soaked with cold sweat, and he sat down on the bed for a few steps. The rapid gasping
sound was mixed with violent heartbeat, echoing repeatedly in this space.
The second floor of the bookstore was where the boss lived. The room he found looked like
a girl's bedroom. It was fresh and pink, and there was a faint aroma. The room is not large,
but at this time it can give people a sense of security of asylum, and let Chen Nan's tight and
tense nerves relax for a moment. Once the nerves relax, the pain at the ankle becomes more
intense and unbearable.
Because of the high-speed running and just kicking the zombie's foot, the ankle at this time
has swelled almost like a hoe, and the blue hair is shining with a little bonus. Moreover, I
can't bear a little bit of force, and if I move my weight a little, I will feel a pinch.
What to do next if you lose your weapon
Before waiting for Chen Nan for too long, a zombie slammed into the door.
A conservative estimate is that there were 2,000 zombies chased before him, of which
about 400 to 500 mutated zombies. Even if only half of the zombies rushed into the
bookstore, only half of them would climb the stairs. Can this door withstand the force of a
hundred zombies?
The cracked wall had told him it was impossible.
Chen Nan wiped a sweat and jumped to the window with one foot so as not to affect the
children's learning. This bedroom is located away from the construction street. The
window is facing a relatively quiet alley. There are not many zombies. Twenty or so, if Chen
Nan is not injured and has weapons in hand, this is the best escape route.
Unfortunately, the situation is not satisfactory.
Chen Nan carefully observed the situation outside the window more than a dozen times,
and practiced predictions back and forth in the heart. In the end, he could only come to a
conclusion and jumped from here. With good luck, he was directly killed. Swallowing it
alive, eventually becoming one of them.
Jumping back to the bed with one foot, Chen Nan's tongue was dry and his hands and feet
were numb. He couldn't figure out what he felt.
Is that all? Is this the end of his life, his journey, the agreement between him and Jiamu, is
this the end of this place?
boom. Another zombie hit the door, the wooden door trembled, and a layer of mud was
thrown at the edge.
He is running out of time.
Chen Nan sat on the bed for a while and waited until the palms stopped shaking, then
released the backpack from his body, unzipped, and carefully took out Jiamu's head. With
the guidance of Brother Shen, his abilities have grown very fast recently. Every day he
instills Jiamu in addition to spawning plants, so he looks more and more normal, almost no
different from when he was alive. Touching Jiamu's eyebrows with his palm, Chen Nan
smiled, infused all the abilities in the body into his skull, and then took out a comb from his
backpack, and patiently and carefully combed Jiamu's hair. Jiamu, who is full of powers, is
always very good, noisy and noisy, leaving Chen Nan in his arms, Langzhong seems to be
back to the time when the two were dependent on each other before the end of the world.
Zombie's crazy howling sounded more and more fierce when hitting the door, every time it
slammed the whole room.
After combing her hair meticulously, Chen Nan lowered her comb and seriously kissed her
brother on the forehead. "If you really want to die, then I would rather die in your hands."
As I said, I held my head close to my carotid artery. At the same time, he raised his hand
and touched the lock of the mask. As long as the mask comes off and is attracted by fresh
flesh, he will soon become like Jiamu.
Sorry, brother is useless and can't take you to the Forbidden City. If someone has a lifetime,
would you still be my brother?
It is probably unwilling. It doesn't matter, then I will be your brother.
A smash of glass interrupted Chen Nan's movements. He turned around and looked around,
just right to the eyes of Shen Shi'an Liangruo who was on the window sill "It really is here."
After waiting for Chen Nan's reaction, Shen Shi'an shouted "found" to the downstairs, then
quickly jumped out of the window and walked to the bed. "Are you injured or bitten by the
Looking at his figure for a long time, Chen Nan was speechless, his sore throat was blocked,
and he wanted to ask why he didn't leave and asked how he found himself, but in the end
he just nodded and shook his head. , But an ankle was injured. "
Shen Shian knelt down on one knee, lifted his trousers and looked up, and his eyebrows
were tightly wrinkled. After the initial inspection, he gradually loosened. A bottle of mineral
water "drank this." About one-fifth of the spirit water was added to the mineral water,
which would not only make Chen Nan notice an abnormality, but also accelerate the
healing of his wounds.
The "bang" sound of the door rang again, this time being extremely fierce, the door lock
was loose and crumbling, and it would be knocked open at any time.
Shen Shi'an turned and looked at Chen Nandao, "It's okay, don't worry." After he drank the
water, he said, "Take your head away, we have to go."
Until Shen Shi'an was on his back and landed safely on the second floor, Chen Nan still felt
like he was dreaming. However, more dreamy things were still behind him. Shen Xun was
carrying a mighty Tang knife, and squatted in the alley to actively follow him. Say "I'm not
Chen Nan hadn't figured out how to answer the question, and several zombies staggered
from behind Shen Xun, and he was shocked to find "search carefully"
Shen Xun skimmed his lips, drew out the Tang knife and ran over, chopping melon and
chopping vegetables to chop the zombie clean.
Shen Shi'an put Chen Nan's left arm on himself and said to the child, "The road ahead."
"Hey" Shen Xun bouncing in front of the two with a knife.
After walking about two hundred meters, Chen Nan finally found his voice, "Brother Shen,
where are we going?" This doesn't seem to be the direction to leave the county town.
"County Town Square." Shen Shi'an Road.
He still had thousands of zombie crystal nuclei he hadn't picked up yet.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 47: 47th
Settings saved..
When Chen Nan saw the corpse mountains on the square, he almost scared me to cry. Oh
my god, what happened here?
Shen Xun opened his eyes wide and looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes full of pride and marvel.
"An'an, you are great" is indeed the man he sees.
Shen Shian took three extra-large canvas bags and three pairs of rubber gloves from his
backpack, and took out six aromatherapy pills, each divided into two capsules to plug the
nostrils. , Pay attention to the surrounding environment when picking up, do not be too far
away from each other, there are situations to announce loudly. "Asked Chen Nan" how can
the feet hold up? "
Chen Nan reluctantly recovered from the shock, and immediately nodded, "No problem, I
feel much better." He did feel much better. He didn't know whether it was psychological
effects or physical evolution. In half an hour, not only the pain at the ankle was greatly
reduced, but even the swelling was visible to the naked eye.
"That's good. If your power is exhausted, absorb more crystal nucleus and add it back later,
no matter how much you pick up, it's yours."
No matter how many were picked up, it was his behavior. Brother Zeng resolved it. But
Chen Nan did not wait for refusal. Shen Shi'an took two photos on his shoulder. "A strong
group is really strong. Hurry up There are still a lot of zombies in the county seat. It's
getting late, and we should collect them before it gets dark. "
Chen Nan swallowed the words, and he was no longer arrogant. He took a canvas bag and
chose a place to start immediately.
Although there are crystal nuclei only in the brains of mutant zombies, it is not difficult to
search for them. At the same time, compared with ordinary zombies, mutant zombies have
a significant feature, that is, the degree of decay is lighter and easier to identify. The
percentage of mutated zombies in the corpses is extremely high, and even with closed eyes,
the probability of picking up crystal nuclei is more than half. What's more, almost all the
zombies were cut off from their skull by Shen Shi'an, and they reached out and stirred in
their brains to find out.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun started at a distance of three or four meters from Chen Nan. The
children were full of interest.
"If I win, will you let me take a hot spring?"
The dog's essence was not affected at all. After replacing the winner's reward with a sweet
potato, he was still fighting spirits. He drew a shot into the head of the zombie at high speed
and high efficiency, and soon Shen Shi'an could only see his high buttocks.
There are too many zombies, and the accumulated blood is more than an inch thick. But
obviously there is no way to take care of it so much. Shen Shi'an moved his eyes quickly, his
heart was glad that his boots were waterproof.
I did n’t pay much attention to the zombies when I was in the battle. At this time, I found
that many zombies are not only less rotten than other zombies, but the body ’s food marks
are fresher and more tragic, and they are wearing backpacks and wearing sports clothes ,
Many belts or calves are still tied with weapons. Obviously, this is similar to the Shen Shi'an
three, dressed as survivors during the journey.
From entering the county seat to now, Shen Shi'an can be sure of two things
First, the power zombies evolved wisdom.
Second, the power zombies can control other zombies.
Reconnecting them with the empty and empty streets of the county seat, you can make the
following speculative ability: Zombies lead its zombie army, set a trap for survivors passing
by the county seat, and reduce survivors' vigilance with safe and empty streets , Tempting
them into the square step by step. If you accidentally fall into the ambush circle, unless
there is an inverse situation like Shen Shi'an and super strong force, I am afraid that it can
only become a snack for the zombie army, and eventually become one of them.
Even Shen Shi'an was afraid that the number of zombies in the county was far more than
that on the square. When he was looking for Chen Nan with children, he saw at least five or
six thousand, and the area they passed was less than One tenth of the entire county seat.
So why does n’t the power zombie control all the zombies in the county to deal with Shen
Shi'an together?
According to Chen Nan and Shen Xun, when they found zombies wandering on the road in
the off-road vehicle, it was almost when Shen Shian was fighting with the army of zombies,
so Shen Shian guessed that the power zombies could indeed control ordinary zombies, but I
am afraid they exist. Limitations on quantity, range, or accuracy. For example, when the
power zombies issued a relatively simple instruction, "Hide away from the main road, do
not come out" to ordinary zombies, it can control a large number of zombies, and may not
necessarily include the entire county; but when When the power zombies issued a very
complicated command such as "destroy that human with wheels", the number of zombies it
could control was greatly reduced, and the upper limit was estimated to be the number of
zombies in the square.
When the zombies are controlled to fight with Shen Shi'an, the power of the zombies'
control over zombies outside the upper limit will be greatly weakened, so only zombies will
roam the streets and besiege off-road vehicles based on their instincts.
Shen Shi'an had to be grateful that if the evolution of the power zombies was a little higher,
the number of zombies that could be precisely controlled doubled, I am afraid that neither
he nor Chen Nan would be able to leave here alive. Probably only the dog sperm was safe
and sound, and the zombies had no interest in him anyway.
Chen Nan concentrated on picking up the crystal nucleus, picking up and picking up the
position close to Shen Shi'an, and there was some worry in his look, "Shen Brother, do you
think there are more than one zombie in the county?" He can control thousands of zombies
in an orderly manner. Attacking strategically makes people shudder just thinking about it.
Wisdom is the greatest advantage of humans over zombies. Do they even lose this
advantage? The more they feel terrible in their hearts, the more they admire the successful
escape from the enemy, even Shen Shi'an, who is tens of thousands. Niubi.
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "Should not." The mountain is not to be tolerated. The county
square is the best place to ambush the survivors. If there are other power zombies, it is
impossible to give this place to the one he solved. And they just walked all the way. The
zombies on the street were all scattered and chaotic, not as if they were controlled by
another power zombies.
Chen Nansong took a sigh of relief, but quickly raised his heart again. "There are too many
zombies in this county, and the proportion of mutated zombies is too high."
Shen Shian's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. This is exactly what he has been worried
about and confused.
A few days ago when I met a rest station on the road, the proportion of mutated zombies
was less than one-tenth. However, the proportion of zombies in the square increased to
about three-quarters, even in the zombie group chasing Chen Nan. It's up to a quarter. Is
the speed of zombie evolution so fast or what is hidden in the county that can speed up the
evolution of zombies?
In addition to mutating the proportion of zombies, the total number of zombies in the
county town is also alarming. Shen Shian initially speculated that it would never be less
than 50,000. But the total resident population here is only 30,000. Why is the number of
zombies so much related to the food festival written on the square banner? There are still
no survivors in the county. What happened here after the virus outbreak?
None of these questions can be answered at this time.
It was dark when the three men had finished picking up the crystal nuclei, but at this
moment the heavy rain stopped for a long time and started to fall again.
Shen Shi'an tied himself and Shen Xun's canvas pocket for crystal nuclei back and shoulders
on his shoulders. "Walk, find a place to hide from the rain and drop in overnight." There are
many crystal nuclei, roughly estimated to be around seven thousand. Three canvas pockets
are full. Shen Shi'an originally planned to directly enter the space. After thinking about it,
he still did not do so. He was convinced that Ren Chen Nan was right, and he already
regarded the other party as a life-saving partner, but the matter of space was too
complicated. To what extent we have to discuss.
Chen Nan also carried the crystal nucleus back and declined Shen Shi'an's offer to help him.
It was a bit weird to say, but his feet seemed to be completely healed. Does n’t the
absorption of crystal nuclei not only supplement abilities, but also improve the body ’s
healing ability?
There were too many zombies on the streets around the square, and the three did not dare
to stay too much. They went out along the main road and planned to find a place to spend
the night outside the county seat. However, the rain was rushing and heavy, and it was
better than that at noon. The three of them were soaked from head to toe just like the
falling chicken, and the visible range in the field of vision was less than three meters. A
group of zombies chased behind them unknowingly under the cover of heavy rain.
Just when the three were fighting in the heavy rain and retreated quite embarrassedly, a
bang, the iron gate of a shop facing the street was suddenly lifted from the inside, and the
orange fire light inside the door was extremely striking in the heavy rain. At most sixteen
or seventeen-year-olds stooped down from under the iron gate and beckoned hard to them,
"Hurry up!"
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan glanced at each other, nodded, and rushed forward holding the
The three had just entered the door with their front feet, the iron gates on their hind legs
were closed again, and the quadruple locks were fully locked.
After the teenager who let them in lock up the last lock, he seemed relieved, turned around
and smiled at the lips of the three, then stretched out his hand. "Hello, my name is Liu
Shen Shi'an lowered Shen Xun and raised his hand to shake back to "Shen Shi'an."
While looking at the surroundings calmly, looking at Chen Nan's ankle gave him a wink.
Chen Nan immediately understood that he moved the entire weight of his body to his right
foot, and his left foot lifted up, his face a little bit painful.
His acting skills were good, and the teenager soon noticed, "Oh, did you hurt your feet?
Hurry up and sit down and rest."
"Thank you." Chen Nandao thanked him and pulled up his trousers to show him some red
and swollen ankles. One was to prove that a foot injury was true, and the other was to
prove that he was not bitten by a zombie. It accidentally twisted. "

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 48: Chapter 48

Settings saved..
It looks like a beauty salon with a large area. There is a circle of sofas in the lobby. A square
stone stove was set up with bricks in the place where it should be a coffee table. The stove
was on fire. To the source of the flare. The space behind seems to be wider, but the black
holes are not very clear.
Shen Shi'an looked at the teenager "There is only you here"
The boy admitted very simply, "Yeah, rest assured, it's safe here, zombies can't break in."
He looks handsome and faint, but looks at the three people very hot. "Are you thirsty or
hungry? Do you want to drink water or eat first? "
There is too little information available at the moment, and Shen Shi'an is somewhat
unsure of what situation he is facing. Even if the teenager looks gentle and harmless, his
alertness has not been relaxed. But as he came, he could not do anything to someone who
offered to help, unless he noticed obvious abnormalities. I looked at the child who was
soaking wet around him and asked the teenager, "Excuse me, do you have clean clothes or
towels? I am worried about the child's cold, and I want to change his wet clothes."
"Oh," the boy looked very guilty. "Sorry, I was negligent. I forgot you were uncomfortable in
the rain. Both towels and clothes are dry. By the way, do you want to take a hot bath?"
"hot shower"
Chen Nan heard a vocabulary that he had almost forgotten, because he was so surprised
that he almost asked it back in a loud volume.
The boy nodded and smiled a little shyly. "You should also see it. This is a beauty salon. Five
solar energy are installed on the roof. The most important thing is hot water. There are
showers upstairs and downstairs. You can also take a medicated bath. By the way, do you
prefer roses or camellia? "
In the night with heavy rain, it's cold, tired and wet from the rain. Take off your dirty
clothes and take a steamy hot bath. What kind of experience is it?
Heaven-like feeling.
As if the whole person had come back to life.
Shen Shi'an stood under the shower head and rushed for half an hour, rubbing it carefully
from head to toe, three times, until the skin became hot with hot water. Then he turned off
the water, wiped off, put on a bathrobe, and walked from the shower room. Come out
The children were swimming in the circular bathtub in the cubicle, and they sprinkled
petals in the hot water while swimming. They were so happy that they even invited Shen
Shi'an to take a bath together. Bubble "
Shen Shi'an kindly refused, and then washed his clothes and the children's clothes briefly,
and planned to have a clean and dry change of clothes in the drying room by the fire, but it
was not convenient to take them apart from the underwear.
Chen Nan took this bath even more ecstatically. When she was finally willing to walk out of
the bathroom, her skin was almost as red as the hot prawns. Even when she walked, "The
hot water bath is so comfortable", reminded Shen Shi'an. He remembered that his left foot
was “inconvenient”, and frowned quickly to show his pain.
There are no children's bathrobes in the beauty salon, so Shen Shi'an can only wrap the
whole child with a large towel and sit back with Chen Nan on the sofa in the lobby. The
trio's backpacks, crystal nuclei, and weapons were all placed close to the sofa.
The boy named Liu Fangzhou brought a tray, not only hot tea in the tray, but also a lot of
food bread, biscuits, crispy noodles, ham sausage, eight treasures, canned meat can be piled
into a small hill, put it with hot tea The three approached. "You must be hungry. Eat fast. If
not enough, I still have it here. Don't be kind to me."
Even Chen Nan felt that the teenager was over-enthusiastic. Not to mention the precious
materials of the last-day people, even before the last days, few people would invite
strangers to their homes and treat them with unsuspectingly large fish and meat.
The firewood beeps, and no one moved for a while.
Liu Fangzhou seemed to guess their worries, and twisted his fingers with a slight redness
on his face. "Ah, am I scared you?" He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it, and then
opened a ham sausage Take a bite. "I'm not malicious, but I'm so happy to finally see living
people, but you are the first and only survivors I met."
Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun, who shrugged his nose, then nodded to him to eat. Then I
picked up a bag of bread and a cup of eight-treasure porridge from the tray, and gestured to
Nan Nan with his eyes, and said to the young man, "Thank you. You just said that we were
the first survivors you met. Is it in the county except you, No other survivors? "
"Even if there is not much left, either choose to leave here, or hide in the house like me and
dare not go out." Liu Fangzhou cooperated very well, knowing everything, "but I don't think
I can stay in the house for long, because I did n’t eat it. I ’m lucky. The supermarket next
door is a small supermarket. I closed the iron gate of the supermarket and cut a hole in the
wall. I can drill in at any time to get food, so you do n’t have to be kind to me. It's okay to
eat. "As he said, he fixed his fiery eyes on the three.
Although the youth's hospitality was impeccable, this look made Shen Shian inexplicably
uncomfortable, as if it were regarded as something extremely rare to watch. It ’s just that it
’s currently under the influence of others. It ’s not good to force too much. Think about it
from another angle. The enthusiasm of the other party is also a good thing. I just took this
opportunity to inquire about the information I want to know. More than even the resident
population here, do you know why? "
"It's not because of the food festival." The teenager sighed and poured a cup of tea for each
of them. The tone suddenly saddened. "You don't know from other places. The food festival
is one of our Lin'an County. The grand event has been around since I was born. It has been
held for 18 sessions so far. It starts on April 1st every year and lasts for a full week. Because
of its large scale, it has become famous. Residents in several cities and towns or other
places Tourists will come here. No one expected that this year's food festival was only
halfway. When the crowd was the most lively, the zombie virus broke out. "
On the day of the food festival, there were people in the square, and suddenly someone
mutated into a zombie, and the confusion caused was unexpected. "In the beginning, it was
only a small part that was infected with a virus or was bitten by a zombie. What is more
terrible is the stampede accident caused by it." The victim in the stampede lost his mobility
and was bitten by a zombie and turned into a zombie Cause more panic and stampede, thus
forming a vicious circle. "Where are tens of thousands of people? It's gone without saying."
The teenager's eyelids were lowered, so tender that it was distressing. "My mother went
out that morning and never came back."
Chen Nan felt the pain of losing his loved ones and asked, "What about your father?"
The tenderness and sorrow of the young man disappeared instantly, and a pair of glazed
eyes glowed with cold light. "Run away with Xiaosan. I hope he was bitten alive by the
Chen Nan didn't know how to answer the words, and turned around to find that Shen
Shi'an seemed to be lost in thought, and shouted "Shen Brother"
Shen Shi'an looked at the teenager. "According to you, after the virus broke out, tens of
thousands of zombies were gathered in the square hosting the food festival in just one day."
Liu Fangzhou said, "It doesn't take a day. At that time, the virus infection speed is fast. It
will mutate in a few seconds after being scratched or bitten by zombies. This is how several
of our customers die. People in the square are all dead. I want to run out, but no one runs
out. "
Chen Nan stayed with Shen Shian for so long, and occasionally a flash of light has been able
to keep up with his thinking and consider the problem. "Brother Shen, do you think that the
proportion of mutated zombies in the square is so high, it is related to the number of
zombies gathered."
Shen Shian nodded. In addition, the zombie virus that broke out in the county sounds no
different from other places. There is no reason that zombies have evolved so much faster
than other places, and even zombies have appeared. For a long time, he thought that
mutated zombies mostly appeared in the places where zombies gathered, and it was a
matter of probability that scattered zombies rarely encountered were scattered. The
number of mutated zombies was small, and it was definitely easier to find in places with
more zombies. But if for some reason, the zombie group gathered together is more likely to
spawn mutant zombies.
In this way, the abnormal situation of the county seat can have a perfect explanation. The
food festival attracts a large number of people. These people are quickly transformed into
zombies and gathered together after the virus outbreak. There is some unknown effect in
the huge zombies, making The evolution of zombies has accelerated greatly, and the
proportion of mutated zombies is much higher than elsewhere. After all, looking at the
entire history of human evolution, social gregariousness is also one of the necessary
conditions for evolution.
If this assumption is correct, it is both good news and bad news for Shen Shi'an and his
team. The good news is that the distress in this county is a special case. In the future, as
long as you avoid the zombies, the danger will be greatly reduced. The bad news is that
they can't avoid the city forever. The closer to the capital the higher the population density,
the greater the number of zombies. It is conceivable that the difficulty will rise
geometrically if you want to cross the past.
After listening to this speculation, Liu Fangzhou immediately agreed and relieved. "There
weren't so many mutant zombies in other places, and there were no zombie abilities. I
thought they were the same as here. A zombie king can control several Thousands of
zombies, terrible. "
Shen Shi'an blinked and looked at Chen Nan. This time, Chen Nan didn't understand what
he meant, until Shen Shi'an asked the teenager "You have stayed here since the outbreak of
the virus" and the boy nodded "Yeah, there are too many zombies in the county, and my
force value is too weak , And the food is enough, you dare not go out to take risks. Or you
are terrible, even the county square came here. "This is a big mistake. If Liu Fangzhou has
never been out since the outbreak of the virus, how did he know the mutant zombie, and
How did you know there were zombies in the square?
Startled in my heart, looking at the young man's eyes instantly alert to why he had to lie
and open the door to let them in. What is the purpose? Is this a trap? But what is it for?
Brother Shen's off-road vehicle didn't come and they had nothing on him. unless
Chen Nan glanced at the zombie nucleus full of three large canvas bags by the sofa. The
canvas bag is tightly tied, and you can't see anything if you look at it from the outside, but if
they have been stared at when they picked up the nuclei on the square, will there be other
people in this room hiding what they are going to do? Grab the crystal nucleus directly?
Crystal nucleus is only useful to the psionicist, does the juvenile also have psionic power?
The more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, and the more I panicked, and then
I looked at Shen Shi'an again, and then I slowly relaxed and shouted. It was all right,
Brother Shen was there. Brother Shen is okay with one enemy, even if there are many
people hiding.
No matter how turbulent the heart is, at least on the surface it is still kind. Several people
were drinking tea and chatting around the campfire. Shen Shi'an baked and dried his
clothes. The child couldn't bear the heat. He took off the towel and exposed the pink pants
with the puppy and bones printed on it.
An electronic clock hung on the wall, still moving normally. At about half past ten, Liu
Fangzhou stood up from the sofa. "It's not early. Do you want to rest? There are beds in the
beauty room and bedrooms upstairs. The one on the left-hand side is the one I live in, and
the rest you live in at will Anything works. "I found a bunch of scented candles from the
cabinet again." The firewood goes out at night. If you want to illuminate, use this. The
brightness is almost the same as ordinary candles. It has various flavors. I recommend
orange flavor, but It smells good. Then you can do it yourself. I'll go upstairs to take a
shower first. "
When Liu Fangzhou's footsteps drifted away on the stairs, Chen Nan immediately came
over and lowered his voice, "Brother Shen, what shall we do?"
Shen Shian asked Shen Xun "Did you smell something?"
The dog nodded and pointed to the dark back room "inside"
Shen Shi'an had a sword on his back, and Chen Nan had planned to help get the Tang
sword. However, he didn't expect that it would be as heavy as before, and almost smashed
into his own foot. Shen Xunchi laughed. After getting dressed, he held the knife handle and
easily carried it on his shoulder. He accidentally knocked down a vase, and Shen Shian took
the knife back and carried it on the other side. "
The three of them held an scented candle, walked in the direction of the dog's fine fingers,
twisted around, came to the end and hit a wall, and studied the wall for a long time, only to
find a secret door. , Connected to the basement.
Shen Xun opened his eyes with excitement. There were situations that stimulated him.
Shen Shi'an held the child up. He held the candle, held the sword handle with his backhand,
and stepped over the stairs with Chen Nan one after the other. The light from the candle is
limited, but after turning the corner of the stairs, the scene in the basement is still clearly
displayed in front of the three people.
There is a long table in the center, with zombies. The limbs of the zombies are fixed to the
four corners of the long table, and there is almost no decay. The belly was broken, the ribs
were broken, the muscle layer was rolled out, and the internal organs were on the plate
near the long table. The body, the table, and the white cloth were all stained with red and
black blood. Even though this looks like this, the zombies with their intact heads are not
dead, they looked up desperately at the smell of a living person, and made a hoarse howl.
Chen Nan had never seen such a scene. When he turned pale, he turned to retching.
Shen Shi'an Meifeng wrinkled and quickly loosened. She was about to walk over and take a
closer look. There was a sudden "click" on the stairs, and someone locked the door from the
Liu Fangzhou walked down the stairs and stopped at halfway, half of his face shone under
the candlelight, and half of his face was hidden in the darkness.
"Ah," he whispered, and couldn't tell whether it was more fear or excitement. "I've
discovered it."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Settings saved..
Chen Nan was so frightened that he rushed to the long table to pick up a knife and shouted
at Liu Fangzhou, "Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here."
Liu Fangzhou shuddered and even shouted, "What do you want to do, what do you want to
do? What do you want to do?"
Chen Nan "Who the **** are you, what is this place, what do you want us to do when you
come in?"
Liu Fangzhou "Do you want supplies? The supplies are all upstairs, there is nothing below
Chen Nan "Do you have any associates or are there other people hidden in the house? Do
you want to grab our nuclei?"
Liu Fangzhou, "Do you want to eat or just drink, please take it easy, don't hurt me"
Two people stood one above the other and one under the stairs, screaming and screaming
at each other like the frightened short-legged Corgi. The chaotic shouting of questions
repeatedly echoed in the basement, and no one listened. Not sure what the other party said.
Shen Shi'an couldn't bear it anymore. He was so angry that Shen Dantian sang a "quiet" and
waited until the two finally stopped. Shen Shi'an looked at the boy "Who are you?"
"Liu Fangzhou."
"Why would you let us in"
"I want to save you."
"Hey," Chen Nanxin, he only has ghosts, holding the knife handle and pointing the tip of the
knife at him. "Why do you lock the basement door? I tell you, do n’t want to mess around,
even if you have a partner, it ’s useless. Brother Shen One can beat you ten thousand "
"Zombies have gathered outside. The basement has good sound insulation. When the door
is closed, they can't hear the sound inside and they will spread out as soon as possible."
"What about this?" Chen Nan pointed back at the long table behind him, and his face was a
little blue because of the irresistible retching. "What's this?"
"This is my dissecting table," Liu Fangzhou said after reacting. "You wouldn't think I was
doing any evil experiments here, and these mutant zombies or the power zombies in the
county town have something to do with me, really without me. I just want to know the
specific structure of the zombies, and what is the difference between them and living
people. It is entirely in the attitude of scientific research, and I take notes and record all the
data carefully. Come, if you don't believe me, I will show you. "
Liu Fangzhou said as he walked down the stairs, the candlelight in his hand swayed with
the pace, and his face disappeared clearly. The back of Chen Nan's neck was straight, and he
danced with a knife and shouted, "Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here."
Reaching a few steps forward and pushing, Liu Fangzhou was pushed upside down, and he
sat down on the stairs with a bang, and the candle in his hand also knocked over the bones
and rolled off the floor. "Oh," Liu Fangzhou screamed while holding his waist. "Oh, oh, it
hurts me, what are you doing, I am going to save you, how can you bully people?" While she
complained, she burst into tears, and her eyes and nose soon turned red. It looked pitiful
and helpless, like an innocent teenager who had been bullied on campus.
Chen Nan never imagined this kind of plot development, and rubbed his palms against his
trouser legs. It was a little awkward. "Sorry." He didn't work hard. This child is too weak.
At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the door and a hoarse howl from the
zombies. Sitting on the steps, Liu Fangzhou sucked his nose. "Look, what did I say, the
zombies came together. They said I didn't lie to you."
Shen Shi'an stared at him, his eyes were transparent. "How do you know that zombies have
Liu Fangzhou didn't know what he meant "ah"
"It's been five minutes since you closed the basement door, and the zombies have just hit
the door. So how did you know in advance that the zombies would come?" Even such a
distance, he and Shen Xun could not find out.
The teenager rolled his eyes "I saw it through the window"
"It's dark outside and the rain is pouring down, so you saw the zombies hundreds of meters
away in the dark through the heavy rain curtain"
"Ha" Chen Nan pointed his knife at him again, exasperated. "You said that you didn't lie to
anyone. You have nothing to say."
The boy's colored eyes stared at Shen Shi'an for a while, turning his head to the side and he
stopped talking.
Shen Xun was honest and quiet in Shen Shi'an's arms for a long time, and then quietly put it
in his ear "An'an, do you want him to speak to you to tell the truth"
Shen Shi'an looked down at him "you have a way"
"Yes" The child came down from Shen Shi'an's arms, returned two cups of scented candles
to him, then walked to Liu Fangzhou, grabbed his fingers and bite.
"Ah" Liu Fangzhou exclaimed, "Well, why are you bleeding when you bite?"
Shen Xun ignored him, drew a drop of blood beads from the wound with his finger, and
made a gesture in the air in front of him. If Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan, Liu Fangzhou, or any
human can see the mystery at this time, you can find that with Shen Xun's gesture, a blood
red, extremely mysterious and complicated rune suddenly appeared in the air, and After
being fully formed, he quickly flew to Liu Fangzhou, disappearing into countless light spots
and immersed in his body.
But no one can see it, so in the eyes of Shen Shian and Chen Nan, including Liu Fangzhou,
the child walked over and took a bite, drew a circle in the air with his finger, and patted him
on the shoulder again You have to say anything An An asks, and you can only tell the truth.
Then bouncing back to Shen Shi'an, "An'an, you can ask whatever you want now."
Shen Shian ""
Chen Nan ""
Liu Fangzhou "" Will it be too casual?
Shen Shian sighed gently, put the candle on the cabinet, dragged a chair and sat opposite
the teenager. Anyway, the bite is bitten, let the dead horse be treated as a living horse.
"introduce yourself."
"My name is Liu Fangzhou. I'm a pervert." As soon as the words came out, the boy tightly
covered his mouth, his eyes widened, and his eyes were full of panic.
Shen Xun dragged a stool and sat next to Shen Shi'an. He raised his chin and looked proud
of me.
Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow, which was a bit interesting. And asked "why are you a
The teenager obviously tried his best to shut up, but his brain and mouth were completely
out of his control. "I like to dissect the human body. From the age of four or five, I have been
full of special interest in the human body. I want to know under the skin. What it looks like,
what the muscle layer looks like, what the blood vessels that are still beating after peeling
off, and what the hot, fresh internal organs look like. Everyone in my eyes is not just a
person, but a person The wonderful and mysterious human treasures in the event, if you
can use a scalpel to unpack this treasure a little bit, decipher it a little bit, and explore it a
little bit deeper, what a happy thing to do. "
The expression on the teenager's face was too intoxicating and enthusiastic, especially
strange under the dim candlelight, so that Chen Nan shivered fiercely.
Liu Fangzhou noticed his reaction keenly, probably knowing that no matter what the child
did, he could not resist, and he simply gave up to resist the broken jar. "My biggest wish is
to have a closed room, a scalpel, a The living person tied to the dissecting table, let me
spend a good time with him. So you see, I am a complete metamorphosis, not only I think
so, my dad also think so, he is because of this reason Throwing his wife and son away with
Xiaosan. "
Shen Shi'an looked calm. "Have you killed anyone?"
"Did you take the initiative to hurt someone for pleasure?"
"Cursing my dad to curse him for dying early"
"Have you ever killed a critter?"
"Of course not." The teenager was angry and blushed. "What do you think I am, scum?"
"Well." Chen Nan couldn't help but laughed out, and was a little embarrassed after the
laugh. "I'm sorry, you continue."
Liu Fangzhou rolled his eyes and pursed his lips and continued, "I'm a pervert. That's right,
but it doesn't mean I don't know what is right and what is wrong. I have to go to jail when I
do something. I know I have a mental problem. My mother also knows, so I have been to the
psychiatrist regularly since I was eight years old, although I think there is no egg use at all. I
want to dissect living people, especially want to think about it, the desire is so strong that
you ca n’t even imagine it. For me To say that life is like putting a bucket of mineral water in
front of a person who was thirsty for three days in the desert and seduced him, but also
made various rules to not allow him to drink. I forbeared it, and for almost ten years I have
n’t drink it. Then, when the living person arrives in the last days, I ca n’t dissect the
zombies. The feeling of dissecting the zombies is not the same as the living ones, much less
than the living ones, it ’s like changing the bucket of inedible mineral water to drinkable
Although the spicy soup is not very thirsty, it is better than nothing. "
Shen Shi'an pointed to the zombies on the long table. "Where did you learn about anatomy
from a professional?"
Liu Fangzhou froze, glanced at him and dropped quickly, his face turned red again. "Ah, I'm
not very professional anymore. I'm all self-taught. I bought professional books and video
materials from the Internet myself. They used to be in my mind. Practice here, I never
thought that it would really come in handy so quickly, and the tools were unqualified, and
they were randomly collected from the supermarket next door. "After speaking, I seemed
to realize what" you understand the anatomy "
Shen Shian nodded. "I am a student of the Clinical College of the Medical University of H."
"Really?" Liu Fangzhou was suddenly excited, and his cat-like glazed eyes were shining. "H
City Medical University is the best medical university in China, and it is the school that I
dream of entering. I have been admitted to this year's medical university summer camp.
Now, I was going to take a retest in August, and I am going to go to the medical university
preparatory class in September. "
Shen Shi'an was a little surprised, and at the same time it was difficult to conceal the
appreciation. "The summer camp and preparation classes of the Medical University are
very difficult to enter. Congratulations, you are excellent."
Liu Fangzhou's face became redder, his excitement overflowed with words, but soon fell
down again. "Now it's useless to say these, it's all eschatology, and I'm still studying fart."
There was a moment of silence in the basement, so the howl of the half-dissected zombie
on the table grew sharper. Chen Nan was aroused about the planning and longing before
the end of the world, and was upset in his heart. He walked over and resolved it.
"What are you doing?" Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened and he was furious. "Do you know
how difficult it is to catch a live zombie? Do you know how much effort it took me to drag it
here and tie it up? Well, you bully one Zombie, you are sick brother
Chen Nan looked at the knife in his hand and looked at the dead zombie. "Sorry. Otherwise,
I'll help you grab another one"
Liu Fangzhou thought about it, and he could re-dissect again after grabbing another one,
and immediately nodded his clapper.
Shen Xun was playing with Shen Shi'an's fingers. He heard a whining sound and fangs
Shen Shi'an was helpless, and he rang a finger to pull everyone back to the subject, and
continued to ask Liu Fangzhou, "What is your power?"
This is no need to test, and it is determined that the opponent must have power. Chen Nan's
eyes lit up and she came up and raised her ears.
Liu Fangzhou wanted to endure but didn't hold back, a vulture in his mouth obediently said
again, "I took the name myself as a scanner. As the name suggests, my consciousness can
scan the surrounding environment and sense how many zombies and how many zombies
are around. Survivors and the like. "
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan glanced at each other and asked, "Is there any limitation on this
ability? Will it be blocked by buildings or other objects? How far can it be sensed?"
"Unblocked by buildings, my consciousness is intangible. I can walk straight through to
understand. I have never been blocked by anything. If I use myself as the center and scan
around at the same time, the most The long-distance sensing distance is about 500 meters;
if I use myself as the endpoint and select a direction to scan in a straight line, the longest
sensing distance is about one kilometer. "
"Can everything in this range be sensed, such as road signs or obstacles?"
"That's not true. It can only sense living and moving things. Zombies are not alive. Oh,
anyway, you just understand that, you can sense zombies, humans, and animals," Liu
Fangzhou said slightly. After a moment, he glanced quickly and secretly into Shen Xun's
body "and what could be human or animal."
Shen Shi'an didn't notice his small movements, and was in the process of estimating this
ability in remote real-time survey, ignoring the obstruction of the building, even if the
survey object is slightly limited, the value of this ability in the last days is inestimable. The
simplest example, with this ability, is almost guaranteed not to be ambushed or attacked,
whether by zombies or by humans.
Chen Nan calculated for a moment in his heart, and suddenly responded, "Isn't that saying,
as soon as we enter the county, you will know"
"Yeah." Liu Fangzhou replied. After he answered it, he remembered that he didn't have to
tell the truth at all. He rolled his eyes and turned to Shen Shi'an. His look was different
immediately. "You are so amazing, that amazing zombie Lead the army of zombies to set up
traps on the square. You have killed dozens of survivors passing by. You are the only one
who is safe and able to fight back in the Jedi. There are so many zombies surrounded by
super handsome. I thought you were dead. It's over. "
His words reminded Shen Shian of another question, "How do you distinguish between
ordinary zombies, mutated zombies, and power zombies?" If you look at the appearance,
the difference between these three types of zombies is not great.
"The picture I sense is actually different from what I see with my eyes. How can I explain it
to you?" Liu Fangzhou's effort to organize the language "is similar to thermal imaging, but it
is not exactly the same as thermal imaging. For example Well, ordinary zombies are gray
flutter in my induction, mutant zombies have a white dot in the gray flutter, the power
zombies have a blue light on their heads, and ordinary survivors are a mass. White light. "
The young man pointed at Chen Nan. "When I sensed you, he was a green light, but there
was a gray shadow next to the green light. I thought that there was another zombie, and
then I found you, "The teenager looked at Shen Shi'an, and the fiery intense and
uncomfortable fiery light floated in his eyes again." You are a group of golden light,
especially bright, and there is something beside the golden light that I can't see clearly. ""
He pointed to Shen Xun again. "He is even stranger. The small black group of black paint is
like the light is absorbed and devoured as soon as it approaches, and the consciousness is
not transparent."
Shen Shi'an's pupils shrank, turning his head and the children to glance at Liu Fangzhou's
induction, apparently it was the zombie head in Chen Nan's backpack, his exercises and
space, and Shen Xun's non-human identity.
For different abilities and creature types, the sensed picture changes accordingly. This
ability seems more interesting than he imagined.
Liu Fangzhou finally concluded that his tone was full of novelty and enthusiasm. "In short, I
have been here for almost two months. You are really the most special survivor I have ever
met." It would be great if you could dissect it yourself .
Shen Shi'an looked at him "so you open the door and let us in for what it is for"
"Anatomy." As soon as the words were finished, they waved their hands in the apparently
bad eyes of the three of them. "No, no, I don't mean that. You listen to me and explain that I
mean, helping others is the basis of happiness. Please help me in emergency Good
impression, let's make friends with each other. If you are unfortunately killed during your
stay in the county seat, I will be responsible for collecting your corpses and analyzing them
by the way. I swear to Heaven that I have absolutely no intention to murder you. If you
think about it, I would have seen Brother Shen alone solve more than 10,000 zombies. Even
if I borrow some more courage, I would not dare to attack you. "
Seems reasonable. Chen Nan thought about it and put it back in front of him.
Shen Shi'an asked, "You just said that in your induction, there is a blue light in the brain of
the power zombie."
"Yes, that's right."
Shen Shi'an pulled something out of his bathrobe pocket "Is that so"
It was a crystal nucleus, slightly larger than a marble, and the whole body was clear and
green, like a precision-cut cyan diamond, and like a pure and flawless emerald, blooming
under the candlelight.
"Wow." Chen Nan couldn't help exclaiming, and took a closer look. "This is the crystal
nucleus in the head of the power zombie" is very different from the mutant zombie's head.
Shen Shian nodded. He took it out of the power zombie's brain and put it in his jacket
pocket. When he washes clothes, he put it in the bathrobe pocket. The reason why there
was no income for spring eyes to absorb was because he always felt that the crystal nucleus
of the power zombie might be possible. Will play a more important role.
"Nuclear nucleus" Liu Fangzhou was full of doubts. "What is a crystal nucleus, do you mean
that this thing was cut out from the brain of the power zombie?"
Reaching out to touch, Shen Shi'an has closed his palms to take back the nuclei, and Meifeng
wrinkles slightly. "You don't know what a nuclei are"
"I don't know," Liu Fangzhou was even more confused. "Don't I tell you all, haven't I been
out since the end of the world? I can only sense how many zombies exist through abilities,
and what is the difference between them? As for them, How do I know what's growing in
my head. Hey, this thing is really out of the head of a zombie. Let me take another look. "
Shen Shi'an looked at Chen Nan. Chen Nan quickly understood that "I'll go." Then he went
up the stairs and left the basement. He didn't return long after carrying a heavy canvas bag.
Shen Shian took a transparent crystal nucleus from the bag and handed it to Liu Fangzhou.
"This is also a crystal nucleus, which was taken from the brain of the mutant zombie."
Liu Fangzhou pinched the crystal nucleus at his fingertips and looked carefully, and soon
experienced the same thing as Chen Nan's original crystal nuclei turned into fly ash, and
fluttered from his fingers.
"What's going on? What's the matter? I swear I didn't do anything." The terror on the
teenager's face suddenly stunned, and then turned into an incredible surprise. "Suddenly
my sensing range increased a bit."
Shen Shian nodded. "This is normal. Psionics can absorb the nucleus of zombies to promote
the enhancement and evolution of abilities."
Liu Fangzhou was very clever and quickly linked the information together. "So in the
picture I sensed, the white spots of the zombie mutated and the blue light of the power
zombie corresponded to the crystal nucleus in their brain. Crystal nucleus? "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "No."
Suddenly getting such an important message, Liu Fangzhou was very excited. "Can I absorb
another crystal nucleus?"
"No," Chen Nan refused, and tied the canvas bag tightly. "This is what we have collected so
hard. You want to absorb yourself to fight the zombies."
Liu Fangzhou was very angry. "I asked Brother Shen and didn't ask you. Whatever you
inserted, the zombies were killed by Brother Shen. It doesn't matter to you. You just follow
the bargain for the cheap." Now thinking, no wonder they are He stayed on the square for
almost two hours. He was puzzled before and thought that he had any special hobbies like
himself. It turned out that he was picking up crystal nuclei.
Chen Nan is also angry. "Who is your brother Shen, did you call him? We are not familiar
with you, so we have less relationship."
"I just called me, I didn't ask your brother what are you anxious for"
"I'm not rare. You call me brother, I don't have a brother like you." His age is about the
same as that of Jiamu. Even Jiamu is one tenth, no, not one percent.
"If you want me to call me, I won't call, you want to be my brother, dream about you"
"Okay" Shen Shi'an got a headache after being noisy, interrupted the two and looked at Liu
Fangzhou. "Chen Nan is my teammate. You don't have anything. If you want a crystal
nucleus, you can answer the question honestly. This on your desk Zombies, are they
common or mutant? "
Liu Fangzhou pouted "ordinary zombies. I don't dare to catch mutant zombies."
"It has almost no decay. Have you been giving it power?"
"You know the trick, too." The teenager's emotions came and went quickly, and soon
became lively again. "I was worried that the sound it made was too loud, and brought in
other zombies. I just found out that I just need to input the power. It's quiet, and you can do
whatever you want to dissect. Over time, I found that doing so can slow down the decay
process, so I lost it several times a day and continue to this day. "
"To maintain a whole zombie uncorrupted, I don't think there are a few required abilities."
According to Chen Nan, maintaining only one head uncorrupted is quite reluctant to him.
"It's okay, I don't feel anything." Liu Fangzhou said, "I'm not losing power to it 24 hours a
day. It's a loss for half an hour a day. I have to monitor the surroundings at other times."
Shen Shian's heart moved, "Will your power be continuously turned on for 24 hours, won't
it persist?"
"I don't have to go to bed for 24 hours. But I usually open it whenever I wake up, and it's
boring to hide in the room. I have to find something for myself. It will be a little tiring and
you need to rest ten too long. It will take a few minutes to recover. Alas, I'm still too weak. "
In the absence of crystal nucleus, Chen Nan who can only spawn ten strawberries per day
and needs to sleep for one night to recover ""
No wonder he doesn't know the crystal nucleus, they don't need to use the crystal nucleus
to supplement the power at all.
Shen Shi'an's eyes stroked a marvel. If the survivor had an initial value after the evolution
of the power, then of the three powers he met, there was no doubt that the initial value of
Ms. Dong in the library was the highest. Can instantly burn people into fly ash; Chen Nan is
the lowest, but his abilities belong to the growth type, the early stage is relatively weak, and
the development potential in the later stage is inestimable.
The initial value of Liu Fangzhou's abilities is probably not much lower than that of Ms.
Dong. However, the shortcomings are also obvious. It can only be used as an auxiliary
ability, and its lethality is so low that at least Shen Shi'an can't figure out **** zombies by
this ability.
As the conversation progressed, the two sides gradually deepened their understanding and
learned from each other. The sound of the zombies crashing into the door upstairs
gradually diminished and eventually disappeared.
Shen Shian thought for a moment, stood up to Chen Nandao, "Come with me, I have
something to tell you."
Shen Xun immediately took his hand "I'm going too"
Shen Shi'an touched the child's head and pointed at Liu Fangzhou. "You have another task. I
need you to help me look at him."
Liu Fangzhou was unwilling. "Why, this is my family, and I saved you?"
Shen Shi'an looked at him, his voice was colder and his eyes colder. "This is the
consequence of you letting strangers enter the door."
Liu Fangzhou pouted his mouth and dared not speak, sitting back on the steps and
whispering in his knees.
Shen Xun has always been enthusiastic and aggressive in completing the tasks assigned to
him by Shen Shi'an. "An An, rest assured, I promise he will not move."
Shen Shi'an untangled Tang's knife and let him hug, "Oh, do something directly, I'll be back
After the two left, the basement fell into silence immediately. Only two cups of candle burst
Liu Fangzhou cleared his throat and planned to relax the atmosphere. "Is your name Shen
Xun? How about I tell you Xun Xun?"
Shen Xun stared at him dumbly, fangs snarled, "wow"
In the picture that Liu Fangzhou sensed with his consciousness, the dark group symbolizing
Shen Xun suddenly burst out of an unimaginable beast, as if it had come from the ancient
floods, covering the sky with the sound of thunder and thunder, can spit in the breath.
Disaster destroys the earth.
Suddenly his consciousness was cut off, and his head was as painful as a knife. Liu
Fangzhou's face was pale, and there were several layers of cold sweat in an instant, and he
shouted aloud
"Xunxiong, I know I'm wrong Xunxiong"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 50: 50th

Settings saved..
Shen Shian found a room on the second floor, which looked like a massage room. After
Chen Nan sat down opposite him, he said, "First of all, I need to apologize to you. You are a
teammate worthy of your life, but I have n’t told you many things along the way, including
Chen Nan repeatedly waved hands, "Do n’t do it, Brother Shen, do n’t be so polite with me,
you guide me along the way to take care of me, let me eat, drink, car, and crystal nuclei, and
risked so much to save me Life, I have n’t thanked you yet, where can I apologize to you.
What you want to say is that I have found things that have abilities. ”
Shen Shi'an "Um"
"Xun Xun probably evolved his ability in terms of strength. The knife was so heavy. I felt
struggling to hold it in both hands. He used it as easily as a fruit knife, much better than
me." Chen Nan has some I embarrassedly scratched my head and laughed twice, watching
Shen Shi'an again
"Brother Shen, you don't need to feel uncomfortable. The power is already important. We
haven't recognized it for a month. It is too normal for you to worry about it. In my case, you
must have some cards. Really like Liu Fangzhou was so enthusiastic when he met, that is
really a ghost in his heart. Sports schools are all closed training, so I rarely have the
opportunity to deal with the outside world, and my mouth is not high, but who It really
treats me well and I can still tell. Brother Shen, I have always been taken care of, thank you.
Shen Shian didn't know what to say. Although the process is slightly different from what he
expected, the problems related to children have been temporarily resolved. In addition,
Chen Nan is indeed a good partner.
"It's not just a matter of searching." Shen Shi settled, raised his eyes and looked at Chen
Nan. "There is one thing you need to know that my ability is not just a plant."
Shen Shi'an released the sword and held it horizontally in his hand. With a thought, the
sword disappeared instantly.
Chen Nan opened his eyes in shock and repeatedly touched the position where he was
before the sword for a moment. "It's gone. How did this happen?"
Shen Shi'an said, "Another ability of mine is to keep the items I touch or take out at any
time." The sword appeared in my hand again.
"Wow." Chen Nan touched the sword, dumbfounded, and suddenly reacted again. "That
doesn't mean that we can collect all the materials in one go, and then we will worry about
eating and wearing them. If there are too many things, we will wear them." Will not let go "
"Don't worry about this, the volume of space is enough for now, and off-road vehicles are
also placed inside."
"Wow, you are so amazing, Brother Shen."
Chen Nan actually has questions about his stomach. For example, how big is the volume of
space? Will the size change with the evolution of abilities? Is there any restriction on the
use of space? Can there be anything other than items such as animals or people?
But he didn't ask.
He is not stupid. The ability to carry space is not the same as other abilities. Especially in
the current end-time background, it is directly related to the most important material issue
for maintaining survival. Once exposed, what kind of maliciousness and rampant will lead
to inestimable. Brother Shen is willing to tell him such a secret and has already fully shown
his trust in him. To be honest, he would not be sure that he would have such a measure or
courage if he moved to another place. That trust was rare enough that he couldn't get into
Shen Shian chose the part that can be said to give a brief introduction to the space, and then
said, "The space power is special, you should also be able to think of it. For me and for the
safety consideration of our small team, I have to make a request for you. Unless my consent
is obtained, this matter must never be told to a second person. "
"Brother Shen, rest assured," Chen Nan straightened his back, looking solemn and solemn
as never before. "I swear by my life and the agreement between me and Jiamu that I will
never utter a word to anyone else."
Shen Shian nodded, a gentle layer of "I believe in you" appeared in his eyes.
Chen Nan breathed a sigh of relief, not only felt that she had an extra burden on her body,
but she couldn't live up to Shen Shi'an's trust, and she felt comfortable and energetic
because of this trust. "Brother Shen, what are we going to do next?"
Shen Shi'an thought about "I'll spend the night here tonight, and plan for the rest
tomorrow." There are too many things to experience today, and they all need to relax.
When the two returned to the basement, Shen Xun was idle and was using a Tang knife to
cut the stool, here and there, and sawdust fell off the ground. Liu Fangzhou was still sitting
there, and he did not move as much as the child promised. I just don't know why my face is
a little pale and my calf is still shaking.
"An'an" Shen Xun stood up almost as soon as Shen Shi'an pushed in the door, throwing half
the stool down and throwing his eyes, "You are back"
Shen Shi'an went to the child and rubbed his head, "It's hard."
Shen Xun froze with his palm, his face flushed "not hard, this guy is super weak."
Liu Fangzhou shouted and shook again.
After finishing talking to the child, Shen Shi'an turned to look at him. "We want to borrow
one night here, and each of you pays you three crystal nuclei as a reward. What?"
Liu Fangzhou glanced timidly at the look, and immediately shook his head like a rattle. "No
need, no use, just staying for one night, talking about the crystal core hurts feelings,
everyone is a friend. It is not necessary.
Shen Shi'an frowned, "Would you like it?"
Liu Fangzhou "required"
Too late to react, real thoughts have blurted out. Liu Fangzhou's face was grim, and he
glanced at Shen Shi'an again, and then he said to Shen Shi'an Road, "You can live upstairs
and downstairs. You can choose the room."
Chen Nan wondered "Did you say that there was a bedroom for you?"
Liu Fangzhou waved his hand. "Oh, mine is yours. Everyone is a friend. Whatever you do
outside of it, just pick whatever you want, and if you have any other needs, don't worry
about it."
Chen Nan ""
Shen Shi'an gave him a glance, counted nine crystal nuclei and gave him "then let's go to
rest first."
"Hey," Liu Fangzhou put his hands together and stood obediently on the stairs. "Good night,
brother, good night."
Shen Shi'an stepped in a footstep, looked at the child and looked at him, and finally looked
at Chen Nan with a strange look, which was crazy.
There are three rooms facing south on the second floor. Liu Fangzhou lived on the far left,
Chen Nan lived in the middle, and Shen Shian took the child to the far right.
The room is pretty good, the area is spacious and the decoration is simple, because Liu
Fangzhou is usually idle and cleaned every thirty minutes, so even if he hasn't lived in two
months, it is very clean. Putting the two massage beds together, slackening the pillows and
shaking off Liu Fangzhou's quilt, he even thoughtfully put on a new quilt. After closing the
door and locking it, Shen Shi'an did not rush to sleep, but entered with Shen Xun. space.
Because it is not particularly convenient to travel with Chen Nan, Shen Shi'an has not
entered the space for half a month. The last time I came in to experiment with strawberry
seeds spawned by Chen Nan, it proved that Shen Shi'an's idea is completely feasible, and
the plant seeds in the space cannot be used. Directly cultivated, but after Chen Nan's
breeding, the second-generation seeds obtained can grow normally, and the indicators are
better in all aspects. This means that whenever Shen Shi'an already has plant seeds, he will
never have to worry about seed consumption again.
As soon as Shen Xun entered the space, he carried a bamboo basket into the No. 2
strawberry field, which was the second-generation seed planting ground that was
improved by the space and promoted by Chen Nan. The second-generation strawberry was
not only larger but also more fruity. , The taste is more sweet and tempting. Shen Shi'an is a
little curious. If such optimization is continued from generation to generation, what kind of
super strawberry can be planted in the end.
The child was busy picking fruits. Shen Shi'an inspected several fields and collected some
tomatoes that had matured for a long time and put them on the second floor of Zhulou. The
picked tomato plants were recycled by the black land, and the area of the tomato forest It
has shrunk accordingly.
Then I went into the pasture of the goose and re-spread a batch of grasses. These mutant
geese are too edible. On average, they consume a whole pack of grass every four days. They
run wild in the pasture all day, except to run and sleep. Just eating, looking fat again, looks
more and more majestic. After receiving several painful lessons one after another, I finally
grew a little bit of memory and didn't dare to take the initiative to attack. When I saw Shen
Shian, he fluttered his wings and ran far.
Shen Shi'an, while pouring the spring water on the grass, was thinking that it would be
troublesome for Chen Nanduo to spawn some grass. He inadvertently looked up and found
an extraordinary thing in the half-meter-high grass.
Shen Xun was washing strawberries by the stream and was stunned when he saw Shen
Shi'an stepping out of the grass field. "An An, what is this?"
Shen Shi'an put down the thing that was bigger than the watermelon in her arms, and was a
little afraid to "goose eggs"
The shape is almost the same as a normal goose egg, but the volume has increased by
dozens of times. Shen Shian measured it, at least 20 pounds.
Shen Xun threw down the basket and ran quickly, almost squatting down almost as high as
the goose eggs, slobbering and his eyes were astonishingly bright. "Do you eat now?"
"Don't worry, wait till you talk." Shen Shi'an looked at the egg and had some headaches.
Well, now is not the time to consider this, he has more important things to do. Ask the child
to wash the strawberries, receive the goose eggs on the second floor of the bamboo
building, and then carry the two big bags of zombie crystal nuclei to the side of Quanyan.
He and Shen Xun picked up a total of more than 5,000 nuclei. When all of these 5,000 nuclei
were absorbed by Quanyan, the trickle of Xili was finally restored to the original endless
spring. A big stone fell in Shen Shi'an's heart, Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and the
whole person was relaxed and happy.
The hot air around Lingquan Po is probably the energy that spring eyes renewed, and even
the water waves are more lively and attractive. Shen Shi'an has some heartbeats. Although
he has already taken a shower, how can it be comfortable to soak in the Lingquan water?
Today, he is too strenuous with an enemy, and his veins are still faint. Even Dantian has a
little fever. Just by the abundant spiritual power of this pool, he can nourish his bones and
Shen Xun ran over with a basket. When he was five meters away from the pond, he was
blocked by the vacated golden protective cover, and he looked at Shen Shi'an "An'an, I want
to soak."
"Can you guarantee that you won't **** Quanquan?"
Shen Xun blinked, Gu Gu said that he "an'an, I like you the most in the world"
Shen Shi'an sneered, ignored him, and walked into the evaporating mist beside the
Lingquan Pool.
The slightly hot spring water just passed through his chest, Shen Shian leaned his head
against the wall of the pool, closed his eyes and sighed cozily.
About ten minutes later, the slightly rippling water waves suddenly spun around the center
of Shen Shi'an, turning more and more rapidly, and finally turning faster, and finally formed
a vortex. The endless stream of aura gathered in one place. Shen Shi'an Dantian rushed in.
The whole process lasted about half an hour. Shen Shi'an suddenly opened his eyes.
Gong Hui Gong, second-order success
Before Shen Shi'an carefully realized what it felt like to be promoted to the second level, he
seemed to feel something in the midst. He quickly stepped out of the pool and ran to the
spring, which had just recovered for an hour, and dried up.
He turned to look for Shen Xun, and the child took a few steps backwards while waving
strawberries. "I didn't do it this time."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 51: Chapter 51

Settings saved..
The sudden promotion of Gongfa was completely unexpected by Shen Shi'an. It was less
than two months from the advanced level of the library. He thought that it would take some
time to make a breakthrough.
The only explanation is that the battle of one enemy on the square greatly promoted the
training of Gongfa throughout the entire battle. Shen Shi'an entered the state of spiritual
exhaustion 28 times and consumed a total of 143 bottles of spiritual spring water. This
pushes himself into despair, so that the extreme battle that walks on the edge of life and
death is inestimable for both the improvement of power training and the stimulation of
Not only is the advancement time unexpected, the entire advancement process is also very
different from the last time in the library. The performance of the advancement is that the
fever in Dantian has continued for twelve days, and this advancement It's done in half an
After thinking about it, you need to absorb a large amount of reiki during the advanced
stage. In the real world, the reiki is too thin. In order to get enough reiki, it takes a long
time, so the advanced process is slow. In the space, especially in the Lingquan, there is
plenty of aura, so it is the normal state that the advanced should be completed in a short
It's a pity that Quanyan's eyes were drained again.
Shen Shi'an was a little surprised, but didn't worry that there were 40,000 or 50,000
zombies in the county where they were located.
"Accurately, there are 52,432 zombies." After being taken around by Shen Shi'an in the
county, Liu Fangzhou reported a precise number. Six. "
Immediately after the remarks, Shen Xun started off with a knife and chopped down a
zombie head.
"It's 38,685 now."
Enough. You can save a lot more. Shen Shi'an calculated the account in mind, and at the
same time, he looked at Liu Fangzhou's power more and more and glanced at the night. The
rain slowed down a lot, but he still kept dropping, even though his five senses were
improved because of the advanced exercises. Even more than that, they are still disturbed
by the sound of rain and rain, but these factors are not enough for Liu Fangzhou.
The teenager retracted his eyes from the sharp edge of Tang Dao's cold light, shook his calf
twice, and turned to ask Shen Shi'an, "Shen Brother, are you planning to kill all the zombies
in the entire county?"
Shen Shi'an did not answer him and looked at Chen Nan through the rain line that rolled
down along the side of the umbrella. "What do you think?"
Chen Nan thought for a while, and nodded, "I think it can." Without the control of the power
zombies, the zombies in the entire county are a piece of scattered sand, which can be
completely smashed by guerrilla warfare. The importance of crystal nuclei is self-evident,
so many ready-made babies are in sight, it is a pity to let them go. What's more, because
there are very few survivors, the materials in the county are almost never searched.
After listening carefully to his thoughts, Shen Shi'an expressed his praise and agreement. "I
think so too." At the same time, he also understood that the hidden meaning of the hidden
layer that Chen Nan did not say in front of Liu Fangzhou had a spatial power in his hand. In
terms of it, it is equivalent to a huge reserve. There is food and clothing in the space, but
like materials and crystal nuclei, who would be too few.
Raising his eyes and shouting at the child, "Don't play, let's go back first." Emptying the
zombies of the entire county is a big project. To ensure foolproofness, you must carefully
plan for the best.
Shen Xun was wearing a children's raincoat, a lemon-yellow puppy pattern, matching boots
and a cape, two ears on his hat, and carrying a knife while stepping on water. Hearing Shen
Shi'an called him, he lifted his feet and bounced hard in a puddle. The water splashed
around and ran back, holding the crystal nuclei in his hands high. "An'an, here you are"
Since the decision to "slay the city" is bound to stay in the county for a while, Shen Shi'an
asked Liu Fangzhou, "We want to stay here with you. There are still three crystal nuclei per
person per day. If you are willing to help with power, everyone Add one more each day, and
I'm responsible for catching a live mutant zombie for you to dissect, how? "
"The transaction was completed" seemed to be afraid of Shen Shian's remorse. Liu
Fangzhou yelled three times in a row, hurriedly looking at Shen Xun's face and quickly
added, "The crystal nucleus does not need to be added, anyway, I am idle but also idle, just
to find something Do things. If you have any needs, do n’t be kind to me, hot water, food,
make sure you have enough. ”
Shen Shian nodded, spread a piece of paper on the coffee table, and outlined a brief map of
Lin'an County. According to Liu Fangzhou's information, the distribution and specific
number of zombies in each area were marked. The first step of the battle plan had to be
acknowledged. In terms of enemy sentiment, Liu Fangzhou's skills are so easy to use, which
corners, buildings, and floors contain several zombies.
In addition to formulating a battle plan, Shen Shi'an used aloe thorns to make a new thorn
stick for Chen Nan. The original one was thrown on the stairs of the bookstore. On the
second floor of Zhulou's weapon wall, there was a long red 缨 gun, and he might give it to
him when the time was ripe.
After everything was ready, Shen Shi'an shouted Liu Fangzhou aside before leaving,
thinking about calling Shen Xun over, and then asked the teenager "Last night, did you use
the power in our room?"
"Used." Liu Fangzhou blurted out, and then quickly covered his head and shrank into a ball
before Shen Xun's tooth decay. "But I'm not intentional Brother Shen. Please listen to me
and explain."
Shen Shi'an rubbed the child's head. "Explain."
Liu Fangzhou watched Shen Xun swallowed and put his hand down his head. "What, I told
you honestly yesterday. Generally, as long as I'm idle, I will open the ability. I want to check
before going to sleep last night. Check if there are any zombies gathered nearby, then open
it and look at it. Then there is a feature of my power, which is that the circle scan is
centered on me by default after turning on, and it needs to be adjusted with consciousness
to change to other modes. The two of you live next door, so the moment the power is
turned on, the subconscious swipes, but I promise to swipe inadvertently, so the duration
will not exceed one second. It ’s definitely not intentional surveillance or unethical. "
Shen Shian looked at him "What did you feel in that moment?"
"I'm not sure. It's vague, as if the two of you are disappearing from the room, as if they are
still in the room." The boy tried hard to remember, and suddenly seemed to understand
something. The glaze-like cat's eyes opened suddenly. I rely on, Brother Shen, wouldn't you
have found a way to block my abilities? How can you do it so quickly? Or do you use some
special material? Is it not only that you are super powerful but you are also a technical
coffee? "
Shen Shi'an hugged the child, grinning at the corners of his lips and surreptitiously.
The heavy rain intermittently lasted a whole week. When the weather finally cleared, Shen
Shi'an and others' plan to "slay the city" was finally nearing completion. The whole process
was very smooth. In the end, more than 38,000 crystal nuclei and a large number of
materials were successfully harvested.
On May 31, 2019, Shen Shi'an and his party entered the Lin'an county noon on the eighth
day. Shen Shi'an found a car wash shop and took the off-road vehicle out of the space, then
drove to the door of the beauty salon. Because the zombies throughout the county were
cleared, the iron gate of the beauty salon was finally pulled up.
"Floating trough" Liu Fangzhou rushed out of the door, and he was reluctant to let go on the
off-road vehicle. "Brother Shen, this car is too handsome" is exactly the dream ship
Shen Xun punched his teeth An An's no touch
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan joined forces to bring all the crystal nuclei into the car, and then
walked to the teenager. "We're leaving."
"Ah." Liu Fangzhou retracted his gaze from the starting cover of the off-road vehicle. The
excitement that had been floating on the surface gradually faded away, revealing the true
emotions of some young people. Fingers twisted together, looked up at Shen Shi'an, and
then quickly fell down to stare at his toes "so fast."
Although Xunge is a bit scary, the days when someone is around are better than being
Shen Shian's eyes were gentle and he handed him a stack of things. "Thank you for letting
us borrow this long. This is for you."
At the top is the textbook of the anatomy course he has attended since the Medical
University of H City. In the middle is a professional book about anatomy that he brought
out from the library. At the bottom is a medical box containing a set of teachings by Shen
Yeye. Tools, including a scalpel, a scalpel and a stethoscope, were stowed into the space
when he left home. About whether to send this set of tools out, Shen Shi'an considered it for
a long time, and finally decided to take it out. Grandpa has been a teacher for a lifetime, and
her biggest wish is to do her best to teach and educate people and make her own
contribution to training more medical talents. Regardless of Liu Fangzhou's other aspects,
few people can reach the talent and enthusiasm of anatomy. If the grandfather is still alive,
he should be very fond of meeting such a student.
This set of tools is useless to him, and there is only a high probability that it will be dusted
in the space. Moreover, whether it is the memories left by Grandpa or his feelings for
Grandpa, will not be changed by the existence of a set of teaching tools.
Things are a bit heavy, and Liu Fangzhou almost did not stabilize. When the coffee table
was moved back to the house, it was the same as what was on it, and the eyes became red
immediately. "You and me" in his throat seemed to block a large group of cotton, and he
didn't say a whole word for a long time.
Shen Shi'an patted on his shoulder "The end of the world is difficult, the heart is sinister,
take care of yourself, and never open the door to strangers in the future."
Chen Nan added, "Your ability is very good, but you also need to strengthen your exercise.
Now you can push it like this."
Shen Xun had nothing to say, holding Shen Shi'an's hand to hug.
When Shen Shi'an carried the child to the co-pilot, Liu Fangzhou suddenly rushed out of the
beauty salon. "Shen Brother, I can go with you."
Shen Shi'an took a break and turned to look at him. "We are going to Beijing." Liu
Fangzhou's ability is very interesting and can also play a great role in the journey, but at
this time it is still eighteen thousand miles away from Beijing. Among them, the difficulties
and dangers cannot be predicted, and even he did not dare to guarantee that he would
arrive alive, so he did not mention the matter of inviting the other party in these geniuses.
After all, according to the situation that the county seat has been cleaned up, it is safer to
stay anyway.
Liu Fangzhou stopped opposite Shen Shi'an, a little bit panted, and clenched his palms
quietly. "Then I will go to Beijing with you. I can help you investigate the enemy situation
and scan for enemies or zombies around you."
"I want to dissect you" and just waved out. "No, no, I don't mean that. I mean, we are all
friends. If you are traveling together, I can help you to collect the corpse, and study it with
Shen Shi'an "What else?"
"Well, my military value is too weak. Now the zombies are dead. The survivors who were
originally blocked at home will definitely come out. If there is a conflict, I ca n’t fight them.
It ’s not good to keep hiding at home. The food in the supermarket is always It will be eaten
one day. "
Shen Shi'an "What else?"
The teenager's face turned red, and his toes rolled on the ground, with a half-snoring sound
like a mosquito. "You are fine, I like you a little."
Shen Shi'an turned his head and looked at Chen Nan, then said to the boy, "Give you 15
minutes to pack your luggage."
"Wait a while, Brother Shen, you promised me. Hey, hey, hey hey, Brother Shen, you're
waiting for me and I'll be right away." The ecstasy of the teenager's face showed, and a pair
of glazed cat's eyes shone in the sunlight, turning around A gust of wind also seemed to
rush back home.
Shen Xun rolled his eyes and beckoned to Shen Shi'an. "An'an, come here, I have something
to tell you."
Two minutes later, Shen Shi'an walked into the beauty salon and walked out. There was an
extra jacuzzi in the space.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 52: Chapter 52

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There is one more person and luggage on the car, and there are also six large canvas bag
crystal nuclei. The space for storing supplies has been greatly reduced. It may be
impossible to hide the space in front of the new members.
However, Shen Shi'an has not yet fully trusted Liu Fangzhou, and he still has doubts about
the direct exposure of space, so he gave Shen Xun the task of how to handle this matter.
On the night Liu Fangzhou got on the car, Shen Shi'an chose a place near the water and the
terrain was flat to stop the car. After eating the extremely rich ingredients of Shen ’s
exclusive “Qing Ying Hui” tomato soup around the campfire, the four of them boiled instant
noodles, Shen Shi'an boiled water, Chen Nan washed the dishes, Shen Xun touched his belly,
and stood up with a Tang knife To Liu Fangzhou, "Come here, I have something to tell you."
Three minutes later, the two returned. With tears in his eyes, Liu Fangzhou had a bite in his
left finger. The child held his head upright, and rushed to invite Shen Shi'an to commend
"An'an, I have resolved to ensure that he will not ask anything and say nothing"
Shen Shi'an rubbed his head. "Awesome, the water is hot, ready to take a shower."
Turning to look at the teenager sitting on the side of the fire holding his knees miserable, he
walked over and handed him a band-aid, and then took out a pot of big red strawberries
from the space. "Eat?"
The true reaction to "eating" instincts blurted again.
That said, it's arrogant. Liu Fangzhou took one and took a bite.
When the food enters the abdomen, the psychological shadow brought by Shen Xun will be
cast aside soon. The most important thing is to eat something. Who cares about what
powers are not powers?
At night, Shen Shi'an took the children to sleep in the car as usual, and Liu Fangzhou and
Chen Nan slept in the tent together.
Liu Fangzhou was sleeping in the wild for the first time, facing the breeze of stars and sky,
so excited that he helped to set up a tent while he was finished. "Do you want to apply some
toilet water repellent powder at night? What if there are bugs coming in? Are you sleeping
and snoring? You have no athlete's foot. Hey, what ’s in your bag is moving? "
"Don't touch" Chen Nan hurriedly wanted to stop, but it was too late.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" A stone-shattering scream pierced the silence in the wilderness, Liu
Fangzhou's face turned pale, and he crawled out of the tent he had just set up. "Shen
Brother, help me!"
Shen Shian pressed the window "what happened"
"Head to head, head to head" Liu Fangzhou looked for a long time and finally found his
voice "He has a zombie head in his bag"
Shen Shian looked at Chen Nan "You haven't told him yet"
Chen Nandao "He has induction ability, I thought he had guessed it."
That's it. Shen Shian nodded. "It's good to get used to it later. Go to bed early and call me
Chen Nandao "Oh, Brother Shen, good night."
The calm and silent conversation between the two made Liu Fangzhou messy in the wind
and guess what to guess. He did sense that there was a gray group next to the green light
representing Chen Nan, but he always thought it was because of the other's power or the
person himself. Question, who can guess that he hid a zombie head in his bag?
How do you get used to having to stay with this head in the future and he has just been so
stimulated, no one comforts and comforts him?
Seeing that Shen Shi'an closed the window and turned off the lights, Chen Nan set up the
tent and drilled in. Liu Fangzhou was sad and angry. I have made friends with a group of
Then he stomped his feet and regretted it, ah, the zombie's head was cut and still alive. Why
did he forget it? I knew that I had brought one, and I could dissect and study the greatness
at any time.
Since the end of the last days, with the children on the journey, Shen Shi'an's concept of the
date has become more and more blurred. Many times it is necessary to take the mobile
phone out of space to know the day of the week.
I found a calendar when collecting materials in the county seat, a total of 365 sheets, one
representing a date, was placed on the dashboard shelf in front of the driver's seat, and
Shen Xun asked to tear it off before going to bed every night. , Simple and easy to
Getting up at six in the morning, Shen Shi'an stood outside the car door, shook the blanket
twice, folded it, and glanced inadvertently from the calendar, only to find that today is June
1, Children's Day.
"Today is your holiday," Shen Shi'an added two slices of ham and an omelette to the child's
sandwich while eating, and poured him another strawberry milkshake. "Happy holidays, is
there anything you want to do?"
I just want to refute that I ’m not a child ’s Shen Xun ’s eyes, “I can do anything”
Shen Shi'an carefully thought about "Three things can be done at will, but he must not be
made unreasonably, he must not be put in danger, and he must not be in the hot spring."
The last one, Chen Nan, was puzzled, but Shen Xun understood it.
"It's no use pretending to be poor."
Shen Shi'an's hard-hearted heart softened before three minutes, and led the child to the
other side of the off-road vehicle. "It's not that I don't want you to soak, but Quan Yan has
already done it twice in a row. I am worried about it in the short term If it is allowed to dry
out, it may cause irreparable damage. How important is the spiritual spring water to us?
You also know if the spring eyes are so strong that they ca n’t repair the crystal nuclei, we
are both lost. The biggest hole card. I promise you, wait for Quanyan to relax for a while, it
’s not as weak as it is now, I will give you a bubble, OK? "
Although he did not want to be regarded as a child, Shen Xun enjoyed the feeling of being
gently persuaded by Shen Shi'an. Stretched out his arms and hugged his neck. "In addition
to hot springs, I can still do three things, right?"
"of course."
Shen Xun grinned two times, and took a sip on his face and kissed "This is the first one."
Without waiting for Shen Shi'an to respond, he said, "The second one is An An, please kiss
Shen Shi'an looked at him, only to find that the tenderness of the loving father who "has
such a son and a husband" is nowhere to talk, and he bowed his head and kissed "Mu" on
his cheek.
Compared with Shen Xun's great interest, he has been planning the third thing to do all day.
Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou have no idea about Children's Day. They are all adults. Do not
make fun of children.
Until the rest of the day, Shen Shi'an stopped after parking and took out a whole set of
barbecue grills from the space according to the children's requirements. They were found
during the search of materials in the county as well as the goose, goose wings, goose claws,
foie gras, A variety of fruit and vegetable ingredients were piled up on the dining table, and
Liu Fangzhou couldn't help looking at the situation. He rubbed his hands and walked to
Shen Shi'an. "Shen, what, this is for Xun."
Shen Shi'an has not spoken yet, Shen Xun fiercely fangs "I will go away on Children's Day"
Food is bold. Liu Fangzhou bypassed Shen Xun, and approached Shi Shian from another
direction. "Actually, I'm still a baby."
Chen Nan coughed, followed by "I have three months to reach adulthood."
We also thought about Children's Day.
Shen Shi'an stared at the two for a long time, and before Shen Xun was eating, he handed a
kitchen knife to "work."
After more than an hour, the goose was roasted golden, the goose claws were sautéed, the
foie gras was grilled on a teppanyaki, and the goose wings gave off the sweet aroma of
The two Chen Nan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and when the child finally managed to
loosen his mouth after being persuaded by Shen Shi'an, he rushed towards him with a piece
of meat.
"His delicious, hiss is so delicious" Chen Nan was so hot that he breathed in, still reluctant
to stop. "Brother Shen, is this really goose meat too big?" frame. But then again, he really
can't imagine which bird has such a large wing.
Shen Shian fed the child a spoonful of soup and nodded. "The flock of geese I met with Xun
Xun have mutated, each one is more than ten meters high, and there is more than one
Liu Fangzhou said, "Is there no virus in the mutant goose?" This is the question. The rate of
eating meat has not slowed down at all.
Shen Shi'an Road "Apart from the volume change, the goose has no other mutations and no
signs of zombies. I think that either the virus has different effects on humans and animals,
or the mutant goose did not occur because of the zombie virus Variety."
Chen Nan thought for a long time in the last days, they have never seen a zombified animal.
Maybe animals won't turn into zombies at all.
Besides, no matter how much virus is roasted by the fire, how much can you eat?
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun have been able to add a meal from time to time since the end of
the world, and the level of meals has not changed much compared to before the end of the
world. However, the two of Chen Nan had not eaten meat for nearly two months, especially
Liu Fangzhou, who had tasted instant noodles last night and felt so terribly delicious.
The four of them gathered around the campfire, and even the mutant goose egg weighing
more than 20 pounds was taken out. After being repeatedly amazed and watched by Chen
Nan and Liu Fangzhou, Shen Shi'an split it with a long sword and put it in a rice cooker to
stir well , Fry the hot goose on the iron plate into an omelette, wrap it with cucumber
shreds, ham shreds, and grilled goose shreds, then brush with a layer of fragrant barbecue
sauce and put a bite in your mouth
"Ah," Liu Fangzhou wiped the tears from his eyes. "It's such a happy day."
At this time, the teenager didn't know yet. For him, the happy days of eating tricks and
eating delicious food would soon be over.
At noon on the fifth day after adding a member, Shen Shi'an fired a hot pot and cooked rice
with the help of Chen Nan, making braised pork, sweet and spicy fried chicken, tomato fish
ball soup, sweet and sour pork, and stir-fried vegetables And garlic broccoli, plus a seaweed
egg soup.
Liu Fangzhou started to drool a long time ago, when he finally waited for the meal to come
to the table and washed his hands and was preparing to take the bowl, Shen Shi'an handed
him a bag of crispy noodles and a bag of plain bread "You eat this."
Liu Fangzhou stayed "why"
Shen Shi'an Road "Because you didn't pay for food, three crystal nuclei per day."
"But, but," the boy was anxious. "But I helped survey the surrounding environment.
Brother Shen, you said, haven't we encountered a large-scale zombie group these days?"
Shen Shi'an nodded "Yes. So I will pick you up for free to eat and drink and provide you
with the necessary supplies. But unless you pay for the meal, you can only eat portable
packaged food every day."
If it was put five days ago, then Liu Fangzhou didn't care. He hid at home and ate portable
packaging food for nearly two months. Didn't he still live well? The last days are difficult,
and some foods are good.
But after eating for five days, Shen Shian's craftsmanship, every day, the meat and
vegetables are full of colors and fragrances, so delicious that he can't wait to kill himself,
and then let him abandon the hot white rice soup and whole goose barbecue feast, and go
back to eat dry Bread, who can stand it
Liu Fangzhou racked his brains for a long time and thought of no solution. Seeing that Chen
Nan had begun to serve rice, he immediately raised his finger to him "then why he can eat"
"He paid for meals, three a day, many at a time."
"But I do n’t have a crystal nucleus." Shen Shi'an and others did pay him dozens of crystal
nucleus as a reward when he stayed, but he was absorbed by him at his leisure yesterday.
He never expected that there would be food expenses. Now, there is nothing I can do if I
want to pay it.
"You can get a crystal nucleus by killing the zombies," Shen Shi'an looked at him calmly.
"Don't you say that there are five mutant zombies within 500 meters nearby. If I can solve
all of them, I will give you a discount, and tomorrow will not be necessary. Also paid. "
Liu Fangzhou's face turned red. "But, but I dare not kill the zombies."
"It doesn't matter, then you can eat crispy noodles and bread. The quantity is enough. Do I
want ham sausage or eight treasure porridge?"
Shen Xun, holding a sea bowl larger than his face, poured five spoonfuls of braised broth on
the rice, and sandwiched some ribs and fish balls.
Liu Fangzhou breathed the rich aroma of food in the air, and said "I want to go home" once
he lost me, who would help you sense the zombies
"Okay," Shen Shian nodded, put the bread and crispy noodles on the ground next to him,
and gave the child a spoonful of broccoli. "Go back." It seemed that he didn't care.
This kind of response was obtained when the ruthless words were released. The teenager
immediately encouraged the journey to go smoothly. After five days of off-road vehicle
driving, he was hundreds of kilometers away from Lin'an County. It is no wonder that he
can go back alive by himself. Even if he can really go back, how long can he persist in the
face of having to compete with other survivors for supplies?
After waiting for five days to start asking for food, Brother Shen clearly calculated it, which
was too bullying.
The more Liu Fangzhou wanted to get more wronged, he wiped his eyes and ran to the
other side of the off-road vehicle, sitting on the ground and plucking the grass.
Chen Nan quickly chopped a few sips of rice, put down the bowl and said to Shen Shi'an,
"I'm going to find him." Then he picked up the bread and crispy noodles and found Liu
Fangzhou and sat beside him.
Liu Fangzhou glared at him, turned his head away from looking at him, and said, "What are
you doing, see my joke?"
Chen Nan straightened one leg and put two bags of food in his hand. "You are much smarter
than me. You should know that Brother Shen did not intentionally embarrass you, he is for
your good. After the virus broke out, you stayed at home. No I have n’t touched the
zombies, I have n’t touched the survivors, I ’ve never eaten or dressed, I have n’t suffered, I
do n’t know what the outside world looks like. A bag of biscuits pushed a girl next to him
from the second floor of the supermarket. To escape from the zombies, some people
stabbed their companions to attract the zombies to live in desperation. The true colors of
the last days. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put in your house that
night instead of us, but other malicious people? "
Liu Fangzhou sucked his nose, "I'm not stupid, who dares to get me to dissect?"
Chen Nan laughed. "The anatomy must be restrained by the other side first. The small body
you push down, even ordinary zombies dare not kill, can restrain one." Sighed softly and
said "You Knowing that we are going to Beijing, right? This is a long way, even if you have
your ability, you will never be able to meet the zombies. On the day when you are forced
into desperation, what do you want to do? Brother Shen is really powerful, but he I ca n’t
protect you all the time, in case you have to confront the zombie yourself, do you want to
say that I do n’t dare to kill you, please let me go? Zombies may think you are too funny and
bite you more Sip. "
"Well." Liu Fangzhou did not hold back, blowing a snot bubble, quickly turned around and
took out a tissue to blow his nose. After half a while, he turned back and looked at Chen Nan
with red eyes. "What shall I do? I have never killed a zombie before. I was able to grab one
to dissect pure luck. If I really wanted to fight, I would even start from where I started. do
not know."
"The battle experience is to be accumulated. It will be more practice. Don't worry. Brother
Shen hopes you can become strong and have the ability to protect yourself. You don't want
you to die. If you are really determined to kill the zombies, I I will accompany you, starting
with ordinary zombies. "
"Ordinary zombies do not have crystal nuclei, what about the food expenses?"
"Well, in fact, Brother Shen accepts credit."
Liu Fangzhou's eyes glared, and he quickly got up from the ground and ran back. "Brother
Shen, I'll take a credit for a day first, but leave me some braised pork."
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 53: Chapter 53
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After a day's credit, the zombies still wanted to kill.
Liu Fangzhou did a full day of ideological work for himself, and finally came to Shen Shi'an
during the noon break the next day, "Brother Shen, I'm ready."
Shen Shian asked "How many zombies are nearby"
"Six, two to the east and four to the north, one of which is mutated zombies, and the rest
are ordinary zombies."
OK, not too difficult for a novice. After confirming that he was wearing long-sleeved
trousers and gloves and a mask, Shen Shi'an handed him a stabstick "Take this as your
scalpel, aiming at the eye sockets and back neck fossa, there is no bone barrier, soft and
easy to break and easy to break . Run as soon as you miss, don't let the zombies approach
you, and don't let the zombies be surrounded. "
Liu Fangzhou clenched the thorn stick tightly and sweated in his palm.
The small white face looked like Chen Nan wanted to laugh and was a bit unbearable. If
Jiamu was still alive, it might be the same when facing Zombies. Ask Shen Shi'an, "Shen
Brother, should I go with him?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "Now the crystal nucleus is sufficient, your most important task
is to exercise your powers. The sooner you turn it into combat power, the better." Turning
to look at the child who is licking a lollipop, "Look for and give you a task how about it"
Shen Xun hadn't answered yet, Liu Fangzhou's legs didn't shake, and he didn't sweat, he
immediately became excited. "Is Xun brother going with me? That's great."
"He won't help you kill the zombies, nor will it help you attract the zombies." Shen Shian
poured a spoonful of cold water, then squatted down and looked at the children. "You just
need to ensure that he doesn't come back as a zombies."
Shen Xun rolled his eyes. "Can I order at noon?"
Shen Shi'an "Don't eat sweet potatoes today, control within eight dishes."
Five minutes later, Shen Xun took a lollipop and walked in front of him. Liu Fangzhou
followed him. "Find your brother, please slow down. I have a stone here for you. If you are
thirsty, do you want to drink water?" Looks a bit heavy and wants me to help you
recalculate when I didn't say "
The two came back earlier than Shen Shi'an expected. Shen Xun jumped up and down with
great interest, and ran over with two spar "Anan to you"
The crystal nuclei were clearly flushed with water, and the bright crystals were very clean.
Shen Shi'an counted thirteen and turned to look at Liu Fangzhou, who was far behind. "Isn't
there only one mutant zombie?"
Panting, Liu Fangzhou was sitting on the ground with his buttocks as soon as he stopped.
His body was covered with dirt and looked rather embarrassed, but his expression was
very excited. "There is really only one within a thousand meters. We went eastward again.
After a distance, I found a gas station nearby. A group of zombies gathered around it, a total
of 142. It was densely wandering among the abandoned vehicles. It looked scary. You did
n’t see it. Going up, I really did not exaggerate at all, and I solved everything like chopping
melon and cutting vegetables, and the zombies were just like I could not see him. "
Of the 142 zombies, 13 were mutated. It seems that outside Lin'an County, the proportion
of mutated zombies has remained at about one tenth. I just don't know what's going on in
the cities with dense populations. Shen Shian thought about it, praised the child, "Finding
awesome." Then looked at Liu Fangzhou "What about you."
"Ah, here I have washed it from my zombie's head with my own hands and washed it
according to the instructions of Xunge" Liu Fangzhou passed the crystal nucleus clasped in
his palm, "The mutant zombie is so fast that I almost got chased by it Fortunately, there is a
convenience store next to the gas station. In a pinch, I was in a hurry. I deliberately led the
zombies around the convenience store. When I got around the corner and it couldn't see
me, I could sense it. Then I turned and killed it. , Poked at the white dot in the gray,
hehehehe, right in the eyes.
After speaking, his chin was raised high, and his eyes looked at Shen Shi'an brightly.
It took Shen Shi'an two seconds to realize that he meant to praise. He raised his hand and
patted him on the shoulder, "You are also great." Then he put away the nuclei and "eat."
Liu Fangzhou's cheeks flushed with excitement, and Shen Xun calmly kicked him on his leg.
The boy just wanted to shout, was glared by the child, grieved and swallowed back.
After eating and drinking, take a short break. Shen Shi'an took out the map to check the
route. Chen Nan was holding a flowerpot and devoted himself to giving birth to grass seeds.
Liu Fangzhou was sitting on the road and he was a bit unwilling. After that, I found a
problem that Chen Nan hadn't noticed. The heart seemed to be scratched by the cat's claws
for a long time. I finally couldn't help it. I braved myself to the side of Shen Xun. Is there any
power that can make zombies ignore you? "
Shen Xun took a strawberry and ignored him.
Liu Fangzhou didn't mind, he thought in his heart that Shen Xun's most obvious power was
definitely an extraordinary force. If his guess was correct, he could also shield the zombie ’s
attention at the same time. Power "
Shen Xunba 唧 唧 唧 finished eating strawberries, still ignore him.
Liu Fangzhou continued to ponder what was wrong, and Xunge could also let him "tell the
truth in the face of An An", "do not ask questions to An An indiscriminately" and "you must
not tell others what An An said", so to say, "Find Brother, are you a third-line power? "
Shen Xun was annoyed by him, and his teeth snarled at him.
Liu Fangzhou's face turned white, and he pulled out immediately, covering his chest. "Don't
ask, don't ask, don't ask."
Alas, our brother is really a mysterious man.
In the next few days, in addition to urging Liu Fangzhou to confront the zombies to improve
guts and combat experience, Shen Shi'an will teach Chen Nan to drive into the schedule.
"This way we can take turns to drive. If we encounter something similar to Lin'an County,
In an emergency, I need you to drive away when necessary. "
Chen Nan is not arrogant. Firstly, driving a car can reduce the burden on Brother Shen.
Secondly, he knows that currently, he and Liu Fangzhou are the weakest in the team. When
confronted with a fierce battle, it is estimated that they can only drag their feet, and
sometimes save themselves first. Brother Shen can be without worry. Besides, who wants
to drive such a mighty off-road vehicle?
Liu Fangzhou was so envious that "Shen Brother I also want to learn"
Shen Shi'an refused "You are not qualified." In other words, the other party has not fully
won his trust.
The boy broke his face and squatted on the ground to weed.
Shen Xun immediately raised his hand "An An, I have to learn"
Shen Shi'an also rejected "You're not enough."
The child collapsed his face and turned to step on Liu Fangzhou's foot.
Probably because the boys have a natural resonance for the machine, and because they
don't need to follow any traffic rules in the last days, Chen Nan got started quickly, and he
can replace Shen Shi'an intermittently after a week. With Liu Fangzhou's power, the
journey was smooth and peaceful. Occasionally driving on an empty provincial road, the
sun rolled over the grassy tip, and the smoky wind of the early summer blew onward. What
virus broke out and what zombie ran rampant seemed an illusion The world is quiet as
usual, they are just on an ordinary road trip.
Shen Shi'an sat on the back seat and looked back out of the window after looking for a long
time. Because Chen Nan was driving, Shen Xun rushed Liu Fangzhou to the co-pilot and sat
next to Shen Shi'an next to himself. At this time, he looked up at him, "An'an, are you
Shen Shi'an rubbed the child's head, his hair was thin and soft, and his palms were itchy,
and even the chest's depression was gone. Looking at those dark green eyes did not lie
"Well, a little."
Liu Fangzhou's ability is a good thing to ensure that they are unimpeded all the way away
from the zombies. But the farther away from the zombies, the farther away from the city,
the survivors, and the security base. Since the survivor base and the Tian Yi family
separated in Dongming County, he has not been in contact with the crowd for more than a
month. However, the lack of information exchange made him ignorant of what happened to
the end of the disaster in China during this month.
For Shen Shian, information is one of the most important things at all times. With sufficient
information, he can make reasonable guesses and effective judgments, and then make the
best choice for the next action. After the virus broke out, the communication network
collapsed, and he could only contact the crowd if he wanted to get information, but he still
had a "wanting order" on him.
This disconnected from the community and isolated from the information has made him
increasingly anxious, and he has anxiety and anxiety in case he misses the information,
which can decide the life and death.
As the day passed, the more he wanted to know, the more zombies in other places have
evolved in the past few days. What is the current number of survivors in the entire country
of China? Where has the zombie virus research progressed? Has the virus vaccine been
Most importantly, how is Mr. Gu's situation?
If we could talk to Mr. Gu again, many problems would be solved.
However, under the current circumstances, it is feared that only the army in the security
base still maintains long-distance communication capabilities.
So, do you want to take the initiative to approach the security base?
He couldn't decide this issue alone, so that night, the four had a first team meeting around
the campfire.
Shen Shi'an briefly introduced his situation of being "wanted" "I've probably guessed who
the ambassador is behind the scenes, and I can be sure that the other party will not give up
unless I get the exact news of my death."
"Fuck," Liu Fangzhou stunned for a long time after listening, his cheeks glowing with
excitement and glowing red with excitement "Wu Gong has strong abilities and is hunted
down by others. Brother Shen, you are simply a son of heaven." The protagonist's halo is
bright. According to the general routine, you will not only die, but you will become more
and more powerful. In the end, you will achieve a vigorous career in the end. As for the
master behind the scenes, no matter how aggressive it is now, it will be absolutely
miserable in the future. Miserable end "
No, he must hold Brother Shen's thigh tightly
Shen Shi kept silent and pulled the topic back. "My opinion on whether to contact the
security base should be yes. First of all, we have too little information. At present, it is
equivalent to being isolated from the world and blindfolded to rush forward. I have
repeatedly encountered unexpected situations, and I have encountered opponents that are
more difficult than zombie abilities. I can't be as lucky as Lin'an County every time.
Secondly, my wanted should only contain basic information, but no specific images. In
other words, the person in charge of arresting me did not know what I looked like, and it
was more than 80% feasible to mix into the base after disguising my identity. It was more
than two months since I left the city of H. Even the master behind the scenes had more
materials under control, It is also unlikely to give orders or commissions to the garrison at
all security bases in the country. Even if she wants to do so, the family behind her will not
agree. Therefore, the wanted chance for me is only distributed around province a where h
city is located, and then It is estimated that the base to the north did not know that there
was a person named Shen Shi'an. Taking all into consideration, entering the security base
to obtain information has more advantages than disadvantages. "
He paused and added, "Taking back 10,000 steps, the other party's goal is only me, and I
don't even know the existence of the search. Without you being affected, I have the
confidence to break out alone." Even if the situation When it really deteriorates to the point
where he loses control, he also has room as the biggest ace.
Shen Xun hugged his arm, "An'an and me, whoever dares to bully you, I will eat it."
Shen Shian smiled and rubbed his head, Liu Fangzhou shrank into a ball and shook.
Chen Nan thought for a moment. "I agree with Brother Shen. The closer to the capital, the
more zombies, there will be a fierce battle sooner or later. The information must be known
the more, the better. Only knowing oneself and oneself will be able to fight indefinitely."
Shen Shi'an turned to Liu Fangzhou, "What do you think?"
"Of course, go. In case the vaccine has been developed and the virus can be controlled soon,
then we don't have to hurry to kill the zombies at all". Moreover, there must be a lot of
people in the security base, and I don't know if they will What kind of power you meet,
maybe luck, you can catch an anatomy
Shen Xun only listened to Shen Shi'an, so the four reached an agreement to go to the next
survivor base, but for security reasons, the size of the base should not be too large, and the
number of abilities should not be too large. The number of garrisons is preferably within
two thousand.
Based on this goal, Shen Shi'an adjusted his course. In the morning two days later, when the
off-road vehicle was approaching a suburb of a medium-sized city, Liu Fangzhou suddenly
shouted, "Brother Shen, stop and park, there is a crowd in the northwest direction."
Shen Shian parked his car on the side of the road, "how many people"
"Three thousand six hundred and forty-three, there are about one hundred and fifty
Liu Fangzhou scratched his head. "You also know that I can only sense all kinds of light
masses. I am sure that ordinary survivors are white light, but if it is not white light, it must
be a power person, or if there is white light in the power person, then you cannot Certainly.
Anyway, there are 157 colorful light clusters. "
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, and asked Chen Nan to sit in the driver's seat. "I'll go and
see. You're waiting here. In special circumstances, drive away."
Waiting for Shen Xun to speak, he said to him, "Looking, I want to give you an important
task. Can you help me look at them both?"
The goblin who wanted to go with him immediately lifted his **** and "can"
Shen Shian found a lot of good things in the outdoor equipment store of the mall, including
several high-end telescopes, which came in handy at this time.
Fearing that the guarded garrison team found that he was not too close, he found a
camphor tree with the highest terrain on the side of the road and climbed up, pointing the
telescope lens in the direction induced by Liu Fangzhou.
According to the glittering lettering on the stele, it is a tobacco company's tobacco factory,
which covers a very large area, and it is estimated that it can accommodate 10,000 people.
The building is magnificent, full of the wealth of state-owned enterprises, and it also
surrounds a wall of more than four meters high.
This is an excellent safe haven for anyone.
The door of the tobacco factory was closed tightly, leaving only a narrow passage for one
person near the gatehouse. Four soldiers guarded the gun in front of the passage. Shen
Shi'an observed for an hour and a half, and saw a total of three military trucks coming in
and out, two driving to the urban area, one driving back from the urban area, and a total of
sixteen people lined up from the truck to enter the corridor.
Obviously, the garrison here is still searching and rescuing survivors in the city.
The number of garrisons cannot be determined, but since the total number is only over
3,000, I am afraid that it will not exceed 2,000 at most.
This security base is much smaller than he expected. It is not like a special garrison, but
more like a temporary base for a certain battalion. Maybe the main task is to collect
materials and then go to the base to meet
In any case, it is the target they can try to reach.
Jumping off the tree, Shen Shi'an quickly and quickly returned to the off-road vehicle stop,
and briefly introduced the observations to the three others.
Half an hour later, the off-road vehicle was included in the space, and together with the
space in the vehicle were Shen Xun's Tang Dao, and Chen Nan's brother, Chen Jiamu's head.
Shen Shian was carrying a long sword, Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were holding prickly
sticks. The three of them each carried a bulging mountaineering bag. The materials in the
backpacks were carefully selected. Even if they were checked out, they would not reveal
flaws. Shen Shian held the child in his arms and walked to the door of the tobacco factory.
Four soldiers stopped them and signaled to go to the gatehouse window to register first.
The man in charge was a man in his thirties, dressed in military uniform, with a husky
"Yunfei Yang," Shen Shian replied, and pointed to the child in her arms, "Yunruibao."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 54: 54th

Settings saved..
In addition to the basic information such as name and place of origin, the four Shen Shi'an
were asked a question when they registered in the guard room.
"Any power?"
Before packing up to the tobacco factory base, Shen Shi'an made two assumptions to the
team members that the base garrison had mastered the method of surveying abilities, or
that the garrison at the base could not distinguish the abilities from ordinary survivors.
"If the base garrison can distinguish the power wise, then there are two methods most
likely. One is through a machine, and the other is through an ark-like power." Shen Shi'an
Road "So when we approach the door, the ark you Need to sense whether there is any
power-generating person in charge of registration, and give us a hint, lame to indicate that
there is, coughing means no. If there is no power-wise person and no machine detection, it
means that the base garrison has no way to distinguish, then Everyone keeps his powers
secret until he has enough information. "
Liu Fangzhou coughed behind him, Shen Shi'an looked unchanged, and said "No to the man
in charge of registration."
After all four were registered, a soldier led them into the narrow aisle on the right side of
the gate, but the aisle was not behind the tobacco factory, but was next to the tobacco
factory's wall, using wooden boards, barbed wire and Area where plastic sheds are built up
against the wall. The area of this shed is quite wide. The concrete floor is divided into four
columns and paved with dozens of cushions. The wooden wall on the left is painted with
the large word "isolated area" with red paint, and the concrete wall on the right is smoke-
making. On the inside of the factory wall, the "Code of Conduct for Qujiang Tobacco Factory
Base" is written in several times smaller fonts. There are not many, a total of twelve
articles, which set out the things that must not be done in the base and are called on
Someone was already in the quarantine zone, and Shen Shi'an glanced quickly at the
number sixteen. It should be the sixteen survivors from the truck that he had observed
with a telescope before, plus four of them, exactly twenty.
"You need to stay here for 24 hours and wait until tomorrow at this time if there is no
mutation before you can go out and enter the base officially." The leading soldier said,
probably because Shen Shian was holding a child in his arms and his tone returned. Very
kind "The first day the newcomers came in, they could receive a meal for free. Would you
like to follow it? The food will be distributed at six o'clock in the evening, and the drinking
water will also be delivered at six o'clock. Solve it in the public toilet. When you are idle,
you should back down these codes of conduct on the wall. Prohibited items must not be
violated. Once the violations are blasted out of the base. If anyone finds something wrong
there may be mutated. Click this alarm bell. You can't press it randomly, you can get out of
the base by pressing it randomly, we will come over as soon as we hear the bell. "
The soldier said that he glanced at the long sword on Shen Shi'an's back, and the stabstick
in the hands of Chen Nan. "But it seems that you can solve it by yourself. Okay, is there any
Shen Shi'an said, "No, thank you."
The soldier nodded and retreated back.
The sixteen survivors who entered early had been sweeping their eyes to the four, bright or
dark, but no one approached. Shen Shi'an didn't care about the end of the world, but
everyone who knew a little bit knew to keep a distance from strangers.
After looking around for a week, pointing at the farthest corner from the mobile public
toilet, Chen Nan's humane "drag three mats over."
This corner is close to the entrance, and on the opposite side are twelve codes of conduct
on a concrete wall, behind which is a wooden wall with the words "isolated area" brushed.
There are no windows on the wooden wall, only the bottom is sporadic with a few gaps
formed when the wooden panels are assembled. Chen Nan knelt down on the mat and
looked in front of the gap, then shook his head after a while. "The gap is too low, and
nothing can be seen except the concrete floor."
Turned around and found that Shen Shi'an was still standing, "Brother Shen, why don't you
sit down?" To prevent accidents, they brought a lot of things, and the backpack was quite
Shen Shi'an stared at the soft, dull yellow color of the cushion for a long time, her pretty
eyes were cold, and her brows were wrinkled to pinch the flies. I heard Chen Nan ask him,
put the child down from his arms, opened his backpack tightly, took out two blankets, and
carefully spread the cushions on the cushion to make sure that there were no exposed
parts that would be directly touched. This led Shen Xun to sit. Come down. The sword was
lowered and placed within easy reach of the cushion.
Chen Nan came together and lowered his voice, "Brother Shen, what to do next" while
talking, looking across the last code of conduct on the opposite wall and actively
participating in the material search, everyone was me and everyone.
"Wait for the twenty-four hour quarantine time first." Shen Shi'an thought for a while and
whispered, but there was nothing else he could do. Then he asked Liu Fangzhou, "Are there
any peculiarities among the sixteen people across?"
Since entering the quarantine zone, Liu Fangzhou has been staring at a certain point in the
opposite crowd. His eyes were very hot, and he immediately nodded. "There is one, he is a
yellow light, not a yellow lemon yellow, but similar to the loess high slope. The kind of
earthy yellow, the light group is very bright, and the volume is not small, about the size of a
washbasin. Alas, the black thin black in front right. "
According to his description, Shen Shi'an saw a man, about thirty years old, who was not
tall and was indeed very thin. The look of defense on his face was obvious. He was sitting
alone on the cushion and holding his backpack tightly in his arms.
Gaze swept back quickly and said to Liu Fangzhou "don't stare at others."
This was a bit late, and the man seemed to feel a little turning back, just looking at Liu
Fangzhou's sight. Liu Fangzhou raised his left hand with enthusiasm and greeted him, and
in his right hand, he unconsciously made a stroke on the cushion with a scalpel and grunted
a spit.
The other trembled, his look more and more alert, immediately holding his luggage and
moving away from the four for several meters.
Shen Shi'an reluctantly turned the boy's head back. "Converge, don't ask for trouble."
Liu Fangzhou also wanted to hold back, but Shen Xun bit his teeth hard and heard that he
was not allowed to trouble An An
The eyes turned back instantly, and the whole person obediently shrank into a ball. "I'm
wrong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, don't look at it or look at it."
Twenty-four hours were long or short, short and short, and passed by for a short while.
At six o'clock in the evening, they received a free dinner and a packet of soda biscuits from
the soldiers who were newcomers to distribute supplies.
This kind of thing is naturally dispensable for Shen Shi'an and others, but it can save lives
in the immediate end-time environment. More than half of the remaining sixteen survivors
ate the biscuit in an almost gobble-like posture, and they saw that Chen Nan's heart was
inferior. If they hadn't encountered Brother Shen, their situation would be much better
than these people.
A packet of biscuits was enough to cover the belly. Some people asked if they could give a
little more. The soldier refused "free food, how much do you want. I don't think I can
change it after entering the base tomorrow."
The interrogator was afraid to say more, but there must be some dissatisfaction. As soon as
the soldiers left, someone started to complain, "It was free food, but they sent me a packet
of biscuits. Everyone in this group of soldiers had guns in their hands, and the collected
materials were reloaded by trucks. I do n’t believe it. Twenty of us can't have a full meal.
Can't we treat better if we can all save it? "
Someone echoed and kept silent.
Liu Fangzhou wanted to speak, but was stopped by Shen Shi'an with his eyes. The choice of
four people would not be too compelling for a food dinner.
It soon got dark.
There are two lamps in the isolation zone, which are the most common low-wattage
incandescent lamps. The lights are dim and hung on the two ends of the artificially built
wooden wall. The cement fence on the other side should be equipped with searchlights,
which are much more intense, and faintly illuminated through the plastic film on the top.
Shen Shi'an was not asleep, Shen Xun held one hand in his arms, and one hand rested
behind his head, staring at the thin steel bars on the top of the head that acted as crossbars.
Various thoughts in his brain moved quickly, summarizing all the information currently
The child was sleeping very close to him, his soft belly was slightly undulating, and
occasionally he didn't know what he had dreamed about. He put out his tongue and licked
it on his wrist, muttering "Mine" in his mouth.
Chen Nan, who was not asleep, lay down on the cushion and turned over, and finally
couldn't help but whispered to Liu Fangzhou, "How old am I?"
Liu Fangzhou didn't dare to get too close to Shen Xun. The cushion was on the far side of
the four, and he was addicted to the various colorful light groups in the base. After being
interrupted, he could not respond to "what"
"Don't you say that the black and thin man's light group is the size of a washbasin, then
how old am I?"
Liu Fangzhou turned to look at him for a moment, and his expression was not sympathetic
or something. "When I first saw you, let's have a tea cup."
"now what"
"An extra cup of tea."
Chen Nan was silent, a little unwilling to "What about Brother Shen?"
"The golden light on Brother Shen is too bright to sense the size, it must be bigger than you
Chen Nan had to ask again. Suddenly, there was a low and urgent warning from Shen
Shi'an, "Hush, don't talk." At the same time, Shen Xun in Shen Shi'an's arms opened his
eyes, and the dark green iris glowed, staring Holding a wooden board overhead.
There were footsteps outside the wall. The comer deliberately put it very lightly, it seemed
that he didn't want to alarm anyone, but was still captured by Shen Shi'an a few dozen
meters away. About a minute after he uttered a reminder to Chen Nan, footsteps came to
the edge of the wall, and, a piece of paper jammed into the gap under the wooden board.
After dozens of seconds, two more sheets of paper were shoved in from other positions on
the wooden wall.
Liu Fangzhou was closest to the first piece of paper, quickly rushed over, took it back, and
spread it among the four. Only one sentence on paper
"If you are an evolutionary, please keep your identity confidential and prevent it from
becoming a military test."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 55: 55th

Settings saved..
When the four Shen Shi'an came out of the quarantine zone, it was already around ten
o'clock the next morning. After leaving the shed, the face of the entire tobacco factory base
was fully displayed.
After entering the gate is an irregular circular square. There is a sculptural fountain in the
center of the square. The water nozzle has not sprayed water for a long time. On the left is a
large green landscape and parking shed, and on the right is a rather elegant administrative
building, which is a total of four floors, with dark blue glass windows shining dazzling in
the sun.
Liu Fangzhou raised his hand to block the light, leaned against Shen Shi'an, and secretly
suppressed the voice very low. "Shen, what about that note?"
If you are an evolutionary, please keep your identity confidential and prevent it from
becoming a military experiment.
Because of this sentence on the note, he was scared last night and didn't sleep well. The
"evolver" in this sentence obviously refers to the power person. If what is said on the note
is true, the soldiers in the base will use the power person to experiment, then they are not
sheep and tigers. He likes to dissect people, but he does n’t like to be dissected. In case this
is really a place similar to a horror camp, it ’s not time to run.
Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun, carefully observed the surrounding environment, and
whispered "Don't worry, watch for changes first."
The information contained in the note is undoubtedly frightening, but they are currently
not sure whether the note is true or false. If it is true, then rash action will certainly attract
the attention of the garrison; if it is false, the motives of the visitor are unknown, let alone
rash action. Regardless of who is writing the note, since the other party is willing to take
the risk of being discovered by the garrison to pass information to the newcomers in the
quarantine zone, they will definitely contact them afterwards.
After receiving the note, the four of Shen Shi'an were particularly calm, but others were not
necessarily. Especially the black and thin man identified by Liu Fangzhou as the same
power, now has become a bird of surprise, holding his backpack tightly at the end of the
team, trying to be farthest from the soldier who led the way.
After Shen Shi'an's gaze swept lightly from the other side, he soon ignored him. The area of
the square was wide. A group of people followed the soldiers for nearly two minutes before
crossing the square. Shen Shi'an found a lot of signs along the road, either posted on the
wall, hung on a tree, or handwritten with paint or other paint directly on the ground.
Except for things absolutely prohibited in the twelve codes of conduct, the rest are all
calling on survivors to participate in material collection operations
"Zombies are actually not terrible. It is up to you and me to defeat them", "Good action in
collecting materials and getting everyone full", "Self-reliance and self-reliance", "Survivors
are one family, and collecting materials depends on everyone" .
The slogans are so dense, maybe the base encountered any difficulties in searching for
After crossing the square, there is a row of two-story flats that look like ordinary
employees' offices. Now they have been transformed into public event areas, which are also
covered with slogans. The back of the flat building is divided into two pieces. One side is the
production workshop of the tobacco factory and the other is the dormitory building. The
canteen is diagonally in front of the dormitory building.
This is Shen Shi'an's first close contact with the survivors in the base. There are about
2,000 people standing in line. Most of them are thin and pale, with the most common
characteristics of survivors in the last days. But his mental state seems to be quite good.
Many people even raised their hands to say hello to the 20 newcomers.
The other people's congresses were on alert, only Liu Fangzhou was eager to greet him and
greeted him with more enthusiasm.
"The canteen inside the base is open twice a day, at 10 am and 6 pm," said the leading
soldier. "Food is not free. You can go to the administration building to receive work and
change it through labor contributions. The scope of work is wide, from the simplest. There
are cleaning and patrol guards, different job requirements are different, and the rewards
are different. The higher the difficulty, the greater the contribution value. If you want to eat
well, you can go out with the search team to collect supplies, regardless of the search It's up
to you. "
During the soldier's introduction, Shen Shi'an was watching the cafeteria. His eyesight is
outstanding. Through the long-lined team, he can clearly see that there are only two
windows in the cafeteria. Four fully armed soldiers are guarded by the window. The
survivors come forward in turn, according to some kind of work record card attached to
the chest. Take your own food from the window. The whole "beating meal" process was
fairly smooth, but whether it was the four muzzles used as a deterrent or the vaguely
dissatisfied grievances in the team, it was obvious that the atmosphere between the
survivors and the base garrison was not harmonious.
Shen Shi'an looked back thoughtfully and followed the leading soldier into the dormitory
building. There are three dormitory buildings, each of which has four floors. There are
aisles in them. After entering the lobby on the first floor, they go directly to the fourth floor
of the third building.
"The three floors below are fully occupied, and there is only space on the fourth floor." The
leading soldiers said upstairs and said, "Zombies have been cleaned up for a long time. The
basic supplies are all provided. You may need to clean them yourself. The water from the
building ca n’t come. You need to take the bucket to the first floor and the second floor to
pick it up. The room is allocated by yourself. There is a minimum of four people and a
maximum limit. You can live as you please. ”
He stepped on the last step and stopped at the entrance of the stairs. When all twenty
people came up to concentrate, he put his right hand on the holster around his waist. He
looked extremely serious. They can move freely. But it must be remembered that no violent
acts and sabotage activities are allowed at the base. Once found, the consequences are at
your own risk. "
Looking around for a week among 20 people, he said, "I hope everyone can make their own
contributions and strive to build a better base. If you intend to join the search team to
gather materials in the urban area, gather at the door at 7 am every morning. Everyone is
welcome to register. If you have any other questions, you can go to the first floor of the
administration building for consultation. "
After speaking, Li Zhengzheng saluted, turned and walked downstairs.
After the soldiers left, the new people dispersed, and Shen Shi'an and his party happened to
be four people, so they randomly chose an empty dormitory, cleaned up together and
temporarily moved in.
Since the soldiers said that they could move around except the administrative building,
Shen Shi'an did not miss this good opportunity to investigate the situation. After a brief
meal, Chen Nan stayed in the dormitory to guard the luggage. He took Shen Xun and Liu
Fangzhou to turn the whole base together.
The tobacco factory is a little bigger than Shen Shian expected. It takes 48 minutes and 33
seconds to complete a full circle along the fence at normal speed.
The infrastructure inside is relatively complete. There is a dormitory and a cafeteria. There
is also a basketball court behind the dormitory building.
In addition to the administrative building, the production workshop of the tobacco factory
should be the most valuable building in the entire factory before the end of the world. It not
only contains extremely modern assembly line production machinery, but also piles of
tobacco and packaged cigarettes.
Shen Shi'an asked Liu Fangzhou to make sure that no one around him had collected a batch
of non-smoke in the space, but this kind of thing is absolutely rare in the last days.
There should be a large green belt outside the production workshop. At this time, all the
green fields were reclaimed into vegetable fields. The tender green plants had just taken
the tip. Shen Shi'an barely recognized one of the sweet potato seedlings through the barbed
wire, and the others could not be identified.
Caitian's protective measures are very strict, not only surrounding the barbed wire, but
also installing a camera on each of the four corners. Liu Fangzhou walked around the
barbed wire twice. "Hey, this is still like a thief. Brother Brother, why do you say they don't
use abilities to directly spawn, how hard it is to grow and waste time."
Liu Fangzhou can only sense the color, intensity, and volume of light groups corresponding
to different targets, and cannot distinguish each other's specific abilities. However, it stands
to reason that if the light groups are similar in color, the powers they represent should
have more or less in common. There are about 150 psionicists in the base, and 17 of them
are the same as Chen Nan in the color of the light group. If their abilities are also related to
the plant growth, they can be directly responsible for planting vegetables. Why?
Oh. Liu Fangzhou remembered. The note stated that the exposed power was to be caught
for experiments.
Alas. Liu Fangzhou shook his head and called himself a stone. If the garrison team is willing
to be better at the power wise, the two parties will cooperate and win together.
After leaving Caitian, Shen Shi'an took two babies around the base for a few more laps, and
found that there were not even a few garrisons in the entire tobacco factory except the
soldiers on duty at the door and in the administrative building. Think of the three military
cards that you saw during the observation that day. They are all absent at this time. Did all
the other garrisons go out to collect supplies?
Shen Shi'an thought a few times and took Shen Xun's hand to Liu Fangzhou and said, "Let's
go back to the dormitory building first."
At more than seven o'clock that night, a survivor knocked on the door of Shen Shi'an and
others' dormitory and invited them to participate in the "welcome party" held on the
platform on the top floor of the dormitory building.
Said to be the orientation party, in fact, a group of survivors gathered together to
understand each other.
When Shen Shi'an arrived at the four, the platform was already full of people, either by the
railings to chat, or playing cards around the bonfire, almost a cigarette in the hands of
everyone, lit up in the night countlessly. Red dot.
One of the red dots seemed to be slammed a few times, suddenly lit up and then
extinguished. A middle-aged man threw the annihilated cigarette **** into a trash can and
stood up to the four of them. "Hello, hello, Welcome to the base. My last name is Zhou
Jianghai, but everyone else here calls me a doctor. "
The comer was about 50 years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, the shirt
sleeves were neatly rolled up to the elbows, the figure was thin but still straight, because
the beards were very clean and looked more energetic than other survivors. .
Shen Shi'an reached out and held "Yunfeiyang." The palm of his hand just came into contact
with the other party. A warm current suddenly passed from the other's palm and poured
into the right arm meridian. Shen Shi'an's heart tightened, waiting for the brain to give an
order. Already operating instinctively, Dan Tian's spiritual powers converged to the arm of
his right hand, blasting out the warm current with a thunderbolt, and his right hand quickly
withdrew back. Shen Xun's teeth yelled from his throat, and Chen Nan noticed something
was wrong and immediately surrounded Shen Shi'an in a defensive posture.
The man named Zhou Jianghai took a step back and saw his hands hurriedly. "Don't
misunderstand, don't misunderstand. I'm not malicious, I'm an evolutionary, and my ability
to evolve is to heal others, so other people call me a doctor. Just now That is my ability,
which is not only harmless to the body, but also good. "
Shen Shi'an did not lower his alert at all. Each muscle was in a tight state of rotation. If the
other side showed a little abnormality, the long sword behind him could scream at any time
to take its first level. "For no reason, why use power over me"
"Sorry, I didn't mean it on purpose." Zhou Jianghai looked very embarrassed. "My ability
seems to have evolved again recently, so it's a bit out of control. When I contact someone, I
accidentally scurry out." Brother Yun, if in doubt, can ask other people, or a dozen new
friends. "
"The doctor didn't lie," someone in the crowd immediately said. "Oh guy, don't be nervous,
it feels normal to have a warm current. The ability of the doctor is like this. As long as this
warm current is turned around in the body, it is not only refreshing. Energetic, and any
wounds can be good in a few minutes. This warm current is precious. Usually, you can only
enjoy it if you are sick or injured, or if you are particularly weak, you can earn it.
A new guy who was in the quarantine area yesterday also said, "I just felt it, it scared me,
but it was really comfortable after the warmth was over, and I felt like I had all my energy
recovered. Today I only ate a bag of egg yolk pie. There was no energy at all, but it's much
better now. "
It sounds a little similar to the role of spiritual power in him. Shen Shi'an relaxed a little.
Zhou Jianghai apologized again. "I'm sorry, I'm too bold, I should explain it before shaking
hands with you."
Liu Fangzhou's eyes were eager to try, seeing Shen Shi'an look relaxed and ease the other
side to reach a reconciliation, and quickly came over and held Zhou Jianghai's hand "Hello,
hello, my name is Liu Fangzhou, so are you a doctor before the last days?"
Zhou Jianghaidao "No, I used to be a high school teacher and teach history." After I finished
holding it, I wanted to put it away, but I couldn't twitch it.
Liu Fangzhou was so enthusiastic that he didn't realize the other party's willingness to let
go, and he held the other hand up. "What restrictions do you have on this ability? Can all
diseases or wounds be treated? Can it be bitten by a zombie? "
"Ark," Shen Shian whispered, and then said to Zhou Jianghaidao, "Sorry, the child is not
"It's okay," Zhou Jianghai smiled with a temperament. "Young people, curiosity is normal.
According to my current experience, minor illnesses and small pains can be cured. It's too
serious to be impossible. As for being bitten by a zombie, it's very Sorry, my abilities can't
do anything. "I pulled my hand back hard and greeted the four people" Come and come,
don't just stand, let's sit down and talk. "
Someone handed a packet of cigarettes to Shen Shi'an. "Brother comes to a base, there is
nothing else, this thing is the most. Don't say that it tastes pretty good."
A person next to him said, "This brand is so expensive, of course, it tastes good. I didn't dare
to smoke hard before, one was costly, and the other was hurt. Now it's fine. I live in a
tobacco factory and smoke as much as I want. Lung cancer, liver cancer, tracheal cancer or
something, and our doctor is here. "
"Do n’t, I ca n’t cure cancer, you still have to pump less." Zhou Jianghai responded with a
smile, seeing Shen Shian refused to pump, and looked at Shen Xun in his arms. "This child is
so beautiful, in our base. I have n’t seen the child come in for a while, oh, look at my mind,
you ca n’t let the child smoke second-hand smoke, or let ’s all kill the smoke first. ”
"No," Shen Shi'an said. "You are free, I'll take him to the side of the railing to blow hair."
After talking, holding the dog spirit and walking to the corner of the platform, Chen Nan
The sunset is late in summer and it doesn't take long for the sky to just get dark. In the
night, most of the base was shrouded in hazy darkness. Only the searchlights on the wall
and the lights in the administrative building remained bright and dazzling.
Someone asked "Why can't the dormitory building be powered on if there is a generator to
generate electricity?"
"Why do you say that?" Someone spit out a cigarette. "The administration building is a
soldier's house. Of course, the good thing is to hold the master first. Of course, we ordinary
people are not entitled to enjoy it."
There was a sigh of laughter not far away. "That's not the case, Master Bing is hot and spicy.
Let's be a cow and a horse to serve others. We can barely die of starvation every day."
"Ahem." Zhou Jianghai, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, cleared his throat.
"Tonight is a welcome party. The new friends who have just arrived are the protagonists.
Don't go far. There are a total of twenty new people. It ’s not long since everyone first
entered the base. I'm afraid there are many questions. If you have any questions, don't feel
embarrassed. "
Since he said that, someone asked a question very soon, and it was the black and thin man
named Ma Zhongyi who had the power. "Why do you expose your identity as an
evolutionary?" Ma Zhongyi still looks like a guard, holding his backpack tightly and asking
Zhou Jianghai, "I heard that this base seems to do something to the evolutionary. Do you
understand? "
Zhou Jianghai seemed to understand, but didn't seem to understand at all. He pushed the
glasses and laughed, "Evolutionary ability is something that is exposed early, and also
exposed late. It is definitely impossible to hide. Everyone has lived since the last days. It ’s
very difficult. Like most people in our base ca n’t eat enough food, sometimes I ’m hungry
and ca n’t walk stably. Since my ability can help everyone, what is the meaning of hiding it?
What are the consequences, I can accept it frankly. "
Ma Zhongyi was silent, but the other survivors in the base had something to say "Our days
in the base were not very sad, eating, living, sleeping, and the walls blocking the zombies,
but the soldiers paid more for their work. Less and less, everyone should remember, at
least there were two bags of bread before cleaning, but now I can only get a bag of biscuits.
Is it a small package, it ’s a fart. If it ’s not a doctor I'm afraid someone has starved to death.
These words seemed to open a gate invisibly, and the platform was quickly filled with the
dissatisfaction and complaints of the survivors.
"Sweeping the toilet and dumping garbage, farming, fertilizing, fertilizing, and watering,
what we do is not the result of the dirty work. They pulled the supplies back in the entire
vehicle and the entire vehicle, just like the thief, but they let us eat. Can't bear to have a full
meal "
"This group of soldiers has such privileges and privileges before the end of the last days.
After the end of the last days, we still use us as slaves before we call them. On what grounds
are they lying."
"I think it's great to have a gun in my hand. One by one is arrogant. I can't wait to grow my
eyes to the sky, as long as I live comfortably. When did we treat us as humans? Alas, I
thought I was a cheap labor before the last days. Now But it's a cheap slave. "
"Hehe, there are guns. There are many precedents in history. There is resistance when
there is oppression. Don't forget that Feng Shui will take turns, so sooner or later."
The terrain on the platform was wide, and it was far away from the administrative building,
and everyone's voices quickly dissipated in the wind. It was about no scruples, there were
too many dissatisfactions accumulated in the heart, the argument was getting louder, and
the subtexts in it became more and more explicit.
After listening for a long time, Chen Nan couldn't help but raised the volume and said, "I
want to eat well, then why not go out and collect materials?"
"What" was quiet in the crowd
Chen Nan stepped forward. "I feel that working in the base is less rewarding and not
enough to eat, so why not go out with the search team to collect supplies? When I came in
today, I heard the soldiers say, as long as they participate in the search operation,
regardless of the search I ’ve got as much food as I can so I ’m full, right? ”
The crowd was quiet again for a moment, and then someone laughed. "Sure enough, it's a
young man who just entered the base. You think collecting materials is so easy to get out,
but not necessarily to come back."
"As you say," Chen Nan couldn't understand. "Do n’t the soldiers go out to collect materials
and risk their lives, they risked the greatest, so they enjoy the best treatment, is there any
The answer to him this time was Zhou Jianghai. Unlike the surrender of other survivors,
Zhou Jianghai's voice was very gentle, and he faintly carried some helpless "lady, it is not
that we are not willing to go out and collect materials. There is an important prerequisite
for collecting materials That is, they must be able to kill zombies, right? The garrison at the
base are all professionally trained, with guns and bombs, and equipped with weapons and
weapons. The killing of zombies may not be difficult for them. But you then Look at us
survivors. What kind of old, weak, sick and disabled women and children are we all
equipped with? Are we going to fight barefoot with the zombies? We have actually
discussed with the soldiers. If we can also equip the survivors with some weapons, we do
n’t need much. At least it makes us feel a little bit jealous and increase our confidence,
knowing that we are not going to die, so many, many people are willing to join the search
operation, but the garrison refused. I guess they should not be assured of us, but since they
have reached the end of the world, can it Shouldn't we unite as one and treat the zombies
as our only enemy? "
Chen Nan subconsciously wanted to refute, but for a while, he didn't know where to start.
Zhou Jianghai's words sounded reasonable and could not find any flaws.
Some survivors added intentionally. "Furthermore, if we participate in the search
operation, the danger we face is not only from zombies, but the dark knife that comes from
behind is the most indefensible."
Shen Shi'an and Liu Fangzhou and others looked at each other and thought of the note last
Obviously, it is not just them who made such associations. Soon, newcomers went to the
senior survivors and whispered inquiries about the "evolvers" and "experiments."
However, the survivors of this issue seem to be very secretive and vague, and Tai Chi is
playing very well, and they just refuse to speak up.
The more so, the more sure the newcomers are that something is absolutely wrong, and the
concerns about the contents of the note quietly increase a little.
Shen Shi'an let go of the five senses and listened for a while, then said to Chen Nan, "Let's
go back."
Say goodbye to everyone, walk into the corridor on the fourth floor, Shen Shi'an looked at
the brightly lit administrative building in front and asked Liu Fangzhou, "How many people
are there in the administrative building?"
"Two hundred and forty-eight." Liu Fangzhou reacted as soon as he finished speaking.
"There are only more than two hundred troops stationed in the base." He sensed a total of
more than three hundred and fifty, and thought that at least there were one thousand Yet.
Shen Shian nodded. Even if guard patrols are added, it is estimated to be less than three
Less than 300 people supported the material collection of more than 3,000 people
throughout the base, and no wonder they were filled with slogans calling for survivors to
participate in the search operation, and the work salary was getting lower and lower. The
number of survivors was so low. The more it is distributed to everyone, the lower the
compensation. "How many powers are in the garrison"
Shen Shi'an stepped back and looked back at Liu Fangzhou "what"
"There isn't one, it's all white light from ordinary survivors." Liu Fangzhou scratched his
head and felt a little strange. Of the more than 3,000 survivors, there are more than 150
abilities. According to this ratio, there should be at least one or two survivors in the
garrison. Frowning for a moment, suddenly his eyes lighted up, and he quietly gathered up
to suppress the voice. "Brother Shen, would you say that because the soldiers in the team
don't have power, those soldiers just use the power to do experiments."
Shen Shi'an did not answer. When a few people entered the dormitory and closed the door,
they took out two candles from their backpacks and lit them, and whispered in the
candlelight, "Tomorrow I will join Chen Nan in a search operation to inquire about the
One of the main purposes of their entry into the base was to use the communications
equipment of the garrison. They had to deal with each other before they could open the
mouth. Just look at the zombie mutation ratio in the urban area. As for the note, he still had
doubts in his mind, but he was still not sure, but he must be careful.
Liu Fangzhou said, "What about me?"
"You stay in the base and keep your luggage. By the way, find out more about the news." Liu
Fangzhou is young and handsome, looks harmless to people and animals, and most people
don't take precautions against him. After thinking about it, he added, "Remember, don't just
stare at others, and don't ask questions casually."
Shen Xun holding Shen Shi'an's hand back and forth, "Ann, what about me?"
Shen Shian squatted down and looked at him. "I have a task for you. I need your help to
look after the children."
It took a long time for Liu Fangzhou to react to "诶"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 56: 56th

Settings saved..
There are important changes in the previous chapter, which promised me to review the
part starting from the "orientation party"
When she gathered at the door at seven in the morning, Shen Shi'an discovered that the
military trucks inside the base were not three, but five. They were neatly parked in the
open space outside the door, and the soldiers next to them were ready to go.
A tall man in camouflage took five soldiers also in camouflage to walk to the 27 survivors
including Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan. This is the base to voluntarily join the garrison and go
to the city. The total number of people searching for supplies in the district.
"First of all, everyone is welcome to join today ’s material search operation." The man
sounds like Hong Zhong. "In order to prevent new people from not knowing me, let me
introduce myself as the person in charge of the tobacco factory base and the chief
commander of the search operation. You can call me Captain Luo. These five are the heads
of the five search teams. After you are divided into groups, you can ask the team leader on
the road if you have any questions. I only have one request for you, that is Obey the
command, everything is subject to the command of the team leader. The team leader lets
you do whatever you want, can you do it well? Remember, zombies are not terrible, as long
as you keep calm and follow the command, we should all be able to come back alive. ready
to go"
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan were assigned to the first group. The leader of the group was
Tao, called Tao Yuan, with thick eyebrows and baby eyes. They looked very young. After a
brief introduction, they took them to the first truck. Commander Luo Wei also In this car, sit
in the co-pilot position.
A total of 138 people participated in the search operation, which was distributed to about
25 people in each car.
As soon as the two of Shen Shi'an got into the car, a soldier whistled at them. "Is the
newcomer who just arrived yesterday awesome enough weapons?"
Shen Shi'an's sword is obviously not an ordinary product, so other people didn't bother to
say that they wanted to see it. They only borrowed Chen Nan's thorn stick to look carefully.
It ’s like, but the colors do n’t match, and unless you have professional equipment, you ca
n’t make metal so sharp. ”
Shen Shi'an had already told Chen Nan about this problem. "It's a mutant aloe thorn," said
Chen Nandao. "I stumbled upon it on the way. It was probably affected by the virus and
reached a height of ten meters. It took the old effort to chop off the thorn."
"Variant aloe thorns my obedient, then there must be hundreds or thousands of aloe
thorns. Where can I see them far from here?"
When Chen Nan said that it was near Province A, the soldiers could hardly hide their
regrets. "It would be better if we were closer. We all cut down and tied each one on a long
stick to equip one each. It would be more powerful to kill the zombies." "
Chen Nan was puzzled. "Don't you have a gun?" The firearm is definitely better than aloe
"The bullets are limited, so you do n’t have to use them. The captain said that you ca n’t fire
unless there is a compelling emergency. And it ’s really time for melee combat,” said a
soldier, knocking a saber on his belt. “It ’s still a cold weapon. That ’s good. By the way, my
name is Niuquan, and you are welcome to join. ”These two look at them at first sight, and
they need such people most.
The team leader Tao Yuan, who was sitting opposite, looked at the two of them. "So you are
both Province A. Province A is not close to here. Why not join the security base nearby, and
Qianliyu came here."
Shen Shi'an said, "We are going to Beijing. I have a family there."
To reunite with my family.
The atmosphere inside the truck changed almost instantly. The eyes focused on Shen Shi'an
not only included understanding, support and admiration, but also obvious envy.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while to understand where this envy came from. According to the
information he obtained, the tobacco factory base was formally established within the
second week after the end of the last days. In terms of time, these soldiers are unlikely to
have a chance to go home.
After the virus outbreak, almost all survivors are pinning their hopes on military rescue,
expecting heavily armed soldiers to come over as soon as possible to rescue themselves
and their families and **** them to a safe place.
Few people will remember that these soldiers also have family members. In this end-of-
the-life disaster, their family members are also disaster victims, and they also need help
urgently. However, unlike ordinary people, soldiers are restricted by military orders and
cannot even rush home to confirm the safety of their families.
It is very difficult to be regarded as a savior, hope, and patron saint, but there is no way to
protect them by the closest family members.
This alone is enough to make people respect them.
"Ah," Niu Quan took the lead to break the silence after a while. "Have you come all the way,
have you encountered anything other than mutant aloe?"
Shen Shi'an nodded "variant goose."
After he described the mutated goose, everyone in the car began to drool. "Look, this goose
is enough for us to eat for several days."
"What else, what else, are there any other mutant species?"
"Mutation of zombies."
"Mutant zombies are about the same speed as normal people, right? We know this,
everywhere in the city."
Shen Shi'an took the opportunity to ask, "Is there a lot of mutated zombies in the city?"
"A lot, a lot, but less than ordinary zombies." Niu Quan thought about it. "About 20-30
percent, it's especially difficult to get together."
Twenty or thirty percent, much lower than Lin'an County. The city where the tobacco
factory is located is called Qujiang City. It is a third-tier medium-sized city with a large area
and a permanent population of about 4 million. After Shen Shi'an experienced the Lin'an
County incident, there was a speculation that the more zombies gathered, the faster the
evolution. The number of zombies in Qujiang City must have exceeded two million, but
because of the vast area and the population density is not high, it is difficult to form the
kind of tens of thousands of people on the county square that have become zombies at the
same time, and have gathered together for a long time. Due to the special environment, the
proportion of mutated zombies is lower than that of Lin'an County, which to a certain
extent justifies Shen Shi'an's speculation.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and then asked, "Have you ever encountered a power
"Zombies" all focused their eyes. "What's the point, zombies can evolve abilities."
Shen Shi'an nodded, and briefly said what happened in Lin'an County Square, covering up
his process of being invincible. "The zombie's ability was to form a wind blade in the air for
a long-range attack. Three attacks were formed at a time, and the attack range was about
400 meters. If this is the only thing, it is not difficult to deal with, but the zombie ability
They can also besiege other zombies. "
Waiting for no one else to respond, the commander Luo Wei, who was sitting in the co-
pilot, turned his head and looked through the window with a dignified look. "You mean, the
power zombie has wisdom and self-awareness."
"Yes, zombies controlled by \ 'have a unified brain, they will not be easily disturbed by
noise and other factors, and they will also use tactics." Shen Shi'an Road "But the
intelligence level of the power zombies is not high, Similar to lower mammals, and the
number of zombies that can be controlled is limited. I speculate that it should be related to
the degree of evolution. The higher the degree of evolution, the greater the number of
zombies that can be controlled. The control limit we encountered was around 10,000
zombies. . "
The exhaust sounded one after another in the truck. "One manipulating 10,000 and wisdom
will use tactics. How can this be done?"
"It's not only this that is terrible, isn't it okay? If the control of the number is related to the
degree of evolution, as the cloud brother guessed, in case one of the zombie kings that can
control millions of zombies evolves, then how do you fight? Brother Them "
"People haven't evolved their abilities, but the zombies have advanced and come out."
Shen Shi'an understood “So you have n’t encountered the power zombies”
Niuquan shook his head. "No, I'm going to suffer a lot from such an estimate."
Someone said, "Maybe there are very few zombies of this kind. There are a total of two or
three in the country. It's impossible for us to just meet them."
"In any case, you must be more careful in your future actions." Luo Wei said to Shen Shi'an.
"Thank you, this is a very important message."
After driving for more than forty minutes, the truck gradually entered Qujiang City. The
driver was familiar with the road, and along the way, he could clearly notice that there
were few live zombies, many zombies, and there was a mess like a ruin formed after the
explosion every other distance.
After another half an hour along the main road, the truck stopped at Lowe's order.
Everyone got out of the car, dozens of zombies were sloshing around the road, heard the
movement around, was cleared by the soldiers quickly and silently with a saber, and then
formed a protective ring around the truck with a serious alert attitude.
Luo Wei rolled out a map on the front cover of an abandoned car. After the five team
leaders passed around, he raised his hand and asked, "Brother Yun, Brother Chen, if you are
interested, you can come and see."
The map is a detailed map of Qujiang City. Lowe first pointed to the current location of the
crowd. "From the tobacco factory to here, we have collected this area, and the zombies
have been resolved."
Then I drew a circle hundreds of meters away along the main road. "Today's goal is this
mall. It is said to be the largest comprehensive shopping mall in Qujiang City, and it is also
the place with the highest concentration of zombies in the urban area. For one, it is more
difficult to break, but if we succeed, we will be fully loaded today. "
Luo Wei drew a circle along the same direction, about three hundred meters away from the
mall. "Three groups and four groups, you take things to this point, what is the process?
Everyone is familiar with it. Five groups go to nearby buildings." See if there are any
survivors, come back within an hour to gather. The other groups are on standby
temporarily. "
The three group leaders asked, "How long is the setting today still twenty minutes?"
Lowe thought about it. "There are many zombies near the mall. Let's set it for half an hour."
The leader of "Yes" turned around and gave the order "Survivors participating in the search
operation stayed in place, the rest followed me."
A group of more than 50 people, carrying backpacks and weapons, hurried towards their
destination and disappeared shortly after turning around the intersection.
Team leader Tao Yuan explained the specific plan to the survivors who participated in the
operation for the first time. "The places where the three and four groups are going now are
called burial sites. Their task is to set traps at the burial sites and bury timed bombs \ ' Use
the audio, horn, blood and other tools to attract as many zombies near the mall as possible.
After half an hour, the bomb will explode and the zombies will be cleaned up at once. "
"But," Chen Nan asked, "Willn't the explosion attract more zombies? The burial site is only
a few hundred meters away from the mall. If there are too many zombies gathered twice,
they may run to the mall." "
Tao Yuan nodded "Yes, so after the first explosion, three groups of four will bury a second
time bomb, the time is also half an hour."
Chen Nan's first explosion brought all the zombies within the range of the sound of the
explosion. At this time, a second explosion will not only destroy the zombies, but also will
not attract more zombies.
Shen Shian asked "you should not use this method for the first time" so that you can explain
the ruins after the explosion.
"This is the fourth time," Tao Yuan explained. "Because the stock of explosives is limited, it
will only be used when it comes to big targets like shopping malls."
That's it. This method will undoubtedly be able to clear out a large number of zombies most
quickly and conveniently, which greatly reduces the risk of action, so many survivors can't
help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Tao Yuan frowned, and the doll's face was very serious. "Although there are explosives,
there is no guarantee that the search operation will be safe. There may be zombies staying
around the mall without being attracted by the sound, or they may be attracted by the
explosion. Zombies completely exceeded expectations, and bombs could not be completely
destroyed and turned around the mall. In short, all accidents may occur, so be careful when
you act, and move quickly in and out. Since everyone chooses to participate in the
operation, I'm afraid no one wants to die here because of carelessness. If you want to
return to the base safely with your supplies, give me 12 points. "
The survivors looked for a moment, and breathed back the breath that had just been
Chen Nan asked, "What shall we do now?"
Forty minutes later, the first explosion sounded loudly. Ten minutes later, all members of
the three groups and four groups returned. After nearly half an hour, the sound of the
second explosion echoed repeatedly in the building complex.
Lowe gives instructions to "depart"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 57: 57th

Settings saved..
Even with the sound of explosions, the number of zombies staying around the mall cannot
be underestimated.
Shen Shian's long sword swept across, slicing off the skulls of the two zombies, sideways
avoiding those who rushed from the right side, and stood up on tiptoes, a side kick with a
broken sound was severely struck on the back of the zombies. Accompanied by the crisp
sound of bone fracture, the long sword was turned back and stabbed, as if eyes were
behind, just passing through the center of a zombie's eyebrow, exposing a little snow-blue
sword tip outside the skull.
Draw back the sword and shook it, and two strings of blood spots mixed with brain and
minced meat splashed on the ground, a voice "Good skill" sounded beside him.
Shen Shi'an turned his head and met the commander Luo Wei's admiring eyes "practice
Shen Shi'an smiled and didn't speak, right was taken as the default. He is naturally
untrained, and all of his current skills are due to the exercises. The exercise method has the
effect of washing the muscles and resuscitating the bones. It has completely reformed him
from the inside out. Every time he advances, he can feel the physical qualities such as the
five senses, strength, speed, and reaction ability. They all increased rapidly at an incredible
level, as if they were creating a magical soldier, constantly practicing to peel off impurities,
and finally invincible.
The martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly, and the strength of the flesh itself
is the basis of combat effectiveness. After working up to the second level, Shen Shi'an can
jump straight from the height of the third floor without any injuries. This sense of power
filling in every inch of muscle and even every cell is unparalleled, even without professional
training. In close combat, this group of soldiers combined may not necessarily be his
However, according to Shen Shi'an's analysis, the role of Guixu exercises should be much
more than that. After integrating the exercises, he saw a description that said that if he
practiced the exercises to the twelfth order, he could turn the wind and rain. Break the void
and become a mighty power similar to oracles. Shen Shi'an does not think that one day he
can really become a god, but he has already broken through the second stage. How can he
just strengthen the body? Unfortunately, he knows too little about the cultivation of Gongfa,
and he has no guidance. At present, he has only learned to use spiritual power to heal
wounds and inject spiritual power into the sword to form a sharp sword power. What other
mysterious uses are there? I'm afraid I can only slowly explore in battle.
Together, the five groups of people quickly cleared the zombies outside the mall and
rushed into the mall from the main entrance. Except for the minus two minus three floors
which are used as parking lots, the mall has five floors, exactly one group responsible for
the first floor.
Luo Wei issued the order "Three people from each group check the other entrances and
exits. Others follow the group leader's actions. Don't worry, first remove all the zombies
before searching for supplies. The structure is complicated. Each group must be careful and
the situation is clear. Gun warning. "
There are not many zombies in the mall, but because of the large area and densely packed
shops, each store must be carefully inspected. In addition, the power is cut off and the light
is dim. It can only be illuminated by flashlights and other equipment. More than a hundred
people spent almost two It took only an hour to clear the entire mall.
The next task is relatively simple. All five trucks have been parked at the intersection
outside the mall, and the goods can be directly moved to the car. The most in short supply
in the base is definitely food, so three members of the five groups go directly to the
supermarket on the negative floor, one collects other floors, and the last one is responsible
for security and loading and unloading.
The supermarket is huge and almost occupies half of the negative floor. It is divided into
two parts, the import area and the domestic area. Except for fresh food and frozen food,
which can't be eaten, most other foods are well-preserved and full. On the shelf.
"Look, I sent it this time." Everyone was just like the New Year. Excited cheers mixed with
whistles and singing echoed across the entire floor. Even Luo Wei's face was full of smiles.
"Don't patronize silly, Hurry to move, the zombies may come back sometime. "
"Hey" the soldiers took apart the bread or sausage and sipped in their mouths, pushed the
shopping cart and ran fast back and forth between the supermarket and the truck, and the
rice noodles, oil and biscuits snacks, as long as they were eaten. After the warehouse door
was knocked open, the joyful atmosphere was taken to the next level. FCLs of various foods
were loaded directly into the car.
The military truck has a large capacity, but even if the car roof is full, it is unrealistic to
want to empty the entire supermarket at one time, and Lowe had no plan to do so. After the
"shopping spree" lasted for more than an hour, I saw that the five trucks were almost full,
turned around and walked in the direction of the mall to prepare to issue an evacuation
As soon as he walked into the mall door, the ground under his feet suddenly shook, and the
whole man took a few steps to hurry to hold the door frame. At the same time, a loud
deafening noise came from not far behind him. Luo Wei turned around and saw that the
building group less than two hundred meters away from the mall was like a domino that
was pushed down, and fell down one after another. Between the ground shaking and the
mountain, the severe vibration carried the cement ashes and stirred up a few The ten-
meter-high air wave, the waves billowed, and shattered the mall's glass door.
Luo Wei quickly squatted down to protect his head. After the air waves passed, he turned to
look at the general scene of the sky falling outside the door. The heart sank fiercely. The
wound came to the supermarket as fast as possible.
The supermarket on the negative floor also felt the shock, even stronger than the ground.
The shelves were shaken to the west and the goods scattered around. Shen Shi'an
responded quickly, stabilized his body in time and held Chen Nan beside him. The two were
working together to pull up a survivor who was trapped by the shelves. When Luo Wei
rushed in, he rushed in. Injured "
Fortunately, with the exception of two survivors and three soldiers, who were crushed by
the fallen shelves and had different degrees of abrasions and sprains, everyone was safe
and sound.
Luo Wei immediately issued the order "Evacuation of all members of the emergency
Until running out of the mall door, Shen Shi'an saw the collapsed buildings not far away,
and the process continued. The roaring sound of the sky and the sky was blowing, and the
noise from his feet was buzzing endlessly. , Shock numb people.
Too late to tell what was going on, Shen Shi'an suddenly looked calm, holding the hilt with
his backhand and pulling out the long sword, "Be careful, zombies are here."
Similar to the crash he experienced in the city center of h city, after the building collapsed,
all the zombies originally trapped inside ran out, coupled with the huge roar, a steady
stream of zombies was moving towards The surrounding area is pouring in.
The soldiers who just ran out were caught by the zombies and caught off guard, but
responded very quickly, quickly took out their weapons to meet the enemy, broke through
the doorway, and battled and retreated to the direction of the truck.
"Slumped," Niu Quan pulled out a saber from the head of a zombie, and his palms were full
of cold sweat. "What the **** is this, is there an earthquake?"
Shen Shi'an cut off three zombies' heads one after another, and pulled Chen Nan to his side.
Wen Yan shook his head. "No, it's a ground collapse."
He had excellent eyesight. Even through the flying dust, he could clearly see the collapse.
The original flat surface seemed to be hollowed out under the entire depression, forming a
huge cave that was hundreds of meters long and wide.
The reason why the ground collapsed Shen Shi'an almost immediately thought of two
explosions to attract zombies. But it was a timed bomb and it was not a nuclear bomb. It is
reasonable to say that it is impossible to cause such a degree of damage.
"Ah," exclaimed a local survivor, struggling to open up a zombie, "I remember, it seemed
that a subway was being built near here before the virus broke out."
The subway repair will be hollowed out because it is not finished yet and there is no time to
support it. It was bombed like this three times and five times.
grass. Luo Wei scolded in his heart, his face suddenly changed, his voice suddenly sharp
and high-pitched. "Run to the truck, don't carry anything, all the supplies he's thrown from
Just now, the vibrations under my feet suddenly became intense, and a cobweb-like fissure
appeared on the square in front of the human eye.
It's going to collapse here too.
Shen Shi'an's pupils tightened for a while, and she couldn't hide her strength. She practiced
the speed and injected spiritual power into the long sword, and the sharp sword energy
swept out, instantly clearing a passage "Hurry away after I break"
Luo Wei glanced at him and immediately ordered "Tao Yuan evacuated with the survivors,
and the other four team leaders stayed with me. After breaking off with them, I would run
for Lao Tzu."
The edge of the square has collapsed, and a large number of zombies have been taken along
with it. Unfortunately, the zombies did not fall. They soon climbed out along the concrete
fracture of the collapsed edge, like a ghost who climbed up from Jiuyou Hell to kill someone.
The flesh and bones are blurry, and at first glance, people's hands and feet are cold and
scalp tingling.
The evacuees rushed under the cover of Shen Shi'an and others, and soon more than half
got into the truck.
Luo Wei said to Shen Shi'an, "You go first"
Shen Shi'an pierced the heads of the two zombies with his backhand and pulled out the
sword and shook it twice. "No need, let your people withdraw first."
The collapse speed is getting faster and faster, like a beast with an open mouth and a big
mouth biting the crowd and chasing them, and the distance between them is less than five
Luo Wei pulled out his gun and killed two people who blocked the road, and said to the four
team leaders, "Let the driver drive immediately"
The four hesitated but strictly followed the order and turned towards the truck and ran full
Zombies continued like a wave, coming from all directions. After the four left, the
remaining two naturally increased in pressure. Shen Shi'an persisted until all five trucks
were launched, and the long sword screamed in his hand. After sweeping one piece again,
he retracted the sword into the sheath and said, "Captain Luo, withdraw."
At this point, the collapsed rift was close to his eyes, and countless falling zombies were
crawling and howling under the mud pit, and urgently needed to bite the fresh flesh that
had also fallen.
Luo Wei finished sweeping a bullet, the two turned around and ran full-force, the truck was
already moving, Chen Nan was so sweaty, he drew "Shen Brother, hurry up" beside the
The rumbling of the ground collapsed closer and more zombies came from both sides. A
mutant zombie rushed towards Luo Wei, and Luo Wei ducked sideways and drew his saber
into the eyes of the zombie. However, this moment's pause, a spider web-like crack quickly
spread to his feet, the ground collapsed sharply, and the figure flew straight. Fall straight.
Fuck. The mad hissing of zombies was close at hand, and there was a despair in Lowe's
heart. Would he feed the zombies this way?
Both hands with the last will to survive in vain waved what they wanted to catch, but
unfortunately nothing was caught.
But was caught by others.
The fall stopped abruptly, and Rowe raised his head, facing dark ink eyes in the smoke and
Shen Shi'an grabbed Luo Wei's wrist tightly at the edge of the rift, "drinking" his muscles
and pulling up sharply, pulling him from the collapse.
At this moment another zombie screamed and leaped from the right side, waiting for Shen
Shi'an to pull his sword. A rapid burst of air suddenly sounded, a few drops of blood
dripped from the zombies' temple, and it flew like a pool of rotten meat twice After falling
Shen Shi'an turned his head and saw Tao Yuan squatting on a banyan tree two hundred
meters away, with a sniper in his hand \ "Captain, Mr. Yun, come over and cover you"
Alas, a few empty sounds and another zombie fell down.
Someone cleared the zombies remotely, and the escape process for the two was much
easier. Twenty seconds later, Shen Shi'an and Luo Wei, together with Tao Yuan jumping
from the tree, caught up with the last truck. Shen Shi'an grabbed the door and jumped up
first, then Luo Wei, and finally pulled Tao Yuan together.
"Drive" Luo Wei rushed to the window behind the driver's seat, dragged the communicator
in the car and shouted, "Drive at full speed and press the throttle to the end."
The truck drove out more than a thousand meters, and finally left the collapsed ground and
the dense crowd of zombies behind.
Luo Wei breathed a breath while holding the instant noodle box. The voice of the first truck
driver came from the communicator. "The intersection in front of the captain was blocked
by zombies. There is no way to rush through."
Luo Wei clenched his fist "Can you detour?"
The driver was anxious. "We usually take this one. Only this one leads to the base. The
other roads are all in the opposite direction. I don't know either."
Oh shit. Luo Wei gritted his teeth, thinking that it would be impossible to leave the car
without supplies. He listened to Shen Shi'an Road "turn right, go north-south elevated, we
can return to the base from the outer ring road in the other direction. Although it is far
away, but now the zombies They are all led here, but the other direction is safe. "
Lowe's eyes lighted "You know the road"
Shen Shian nodded. "I've seen the map."
Before going to the mall, the map of Qujiang City that Luo Wei told him to see was all in his
Luo Wei thought that he had studied the map before participating in the search operation,
and he was immediately suspected of having him, and immediately asked Shen Shi'an to sit
in the co-pilot to direct the route through the communicator.
After more than two hours, cheers from the first car came from the communicator,
"Captain, we see the base."
Luo Wei, who had been straining her heart, was truly relieved at this time, raised her hand
to look through the window, and pressed it firmly on Shen Shi'an's shoulder twice.
The strong joy of the rest of the life after the disaster plus a full load returned quickly in
each truck, "Look, today is too dangerous."
"So many floors, it just collapsed. Bang Rong was so **** scary. My leg was scratched by the
broken cement block."
"It feels like making a movie. I thought I must have fallen into the pit and eaten by the
"Ha ha ha ha look at you, isn't it urinating pants?"
In a row of cheering laughter, I don't know which driver of the car suddenly snorted, "Why
are there a kid sitting at the base of the base, yo oh, such a small doll will still smoke."
Three minutes later, Shen Shi'an got out of the car in front of the base, his face was as dark
as the bottom of the pot, and he gnashed his teeth to "Shen Xun"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 58: 58th

Settings saved..
Shen Shian clamped the child under his arm and came across Zhou Jianghai when he
walked to the door of the dormitory building. A black and thin man named Ma Zhongyi was
also beside him. His face was no longer guarded when he entered the base yesterday, and
he looked at Zhou Jianghai. His eyes were full of trust, and he whispered something as he
Seeing Shen Shi'an, Zhou Jianghai smiled and raised his hand to say "brother Yun, you're
back, just because I have something"
"Brother Yun, don't walk so fast and wait for me" Liu Fangzhou caught up from behind,
catching up from behind, seeing Zhou Jianghai's eyes brightened, and immediately
stretched out his hand to meet "Doctor you are here, I will look for you All day "
Zhou Jianghai, who was about to go to Shen Shi'an, changed his face, stopped and hurriedly
turned around. "It happens that I have some things to deal with, Brother Yun, you're busy
first, you're busy." The back rushed and fled, quite a bit deserted. Stance.
Liu Fangzhou sighed in a sigh of surprise, "ah"
Shen Shi'an looked suspiciously between the two, and the child under his arm kicked his
leg, struggling to raise his neck to see him "An An"
"Don't move," Shen Shi'an quickly chuckled his face, and patted him on the buttocks. "Give
me the truth."
Return to the dormitory and put the child down, and order him to stand against the wall.
"Stand upright, and say, who do you smoke from."
Shen Xun raised his hand and pointed at Liu Fangzhou who had just entered the door. "He."
Liu Fangzhou's face was white, his legs were soft under the eyes of Shen Shi'an, and he
quickly raised his hands. "I don't really smoke without my own conscience, Brother Shen."
Liu Fangzhou can only tell the truth to him. Shen Shi'an frowned and looked colder at the
children. "Not only did I learn to smoke, but I also lied."
Shen Xun was treated like this for the first time here in Shen Shi'an, a little scared and
aggrieved. "I didn't lie. I asked him how he smoked. He said I didn't know. I lighted it with a
lighter, and then I learned. "Since he dared to stir up the relationship between him and An
An, there was no sin in his dark green eyes, and he yelled at Liu Fangzhou for two rows of
gleaming little fangs.
Liu Fangzhou trembled like a sieve, and sat down on the stool with a bang.
Shen Shi'an's anger "is still being taught by yourself"
This sounds like a good word. Shen Xun's **** are "well"
Shen Shian laughed angrily, and her temples jumped abruptly, letting the child turn around.
"Stand upright. Without my permission, don't allow you to move or talk. Think about where
you are wrong."
Shen Xun pouted, grieved and turned to stare hard at the wall.
The dormitory door was knocked twice, and then Chen Nan turned the handle to push in
the door, carrying a huge mountaineering bag on each of the left and right shoulders. Liu
Fangzhou went up to pick up a "This is the material you and Shen brother assigned, it is
"Well, everything is used for food." Chen Nan put the bag down and said to Shen Shi'an.
"Captain Luo wants to double it, I don't want to."
Shen Shian nodded. They have no shortage of materials to ensure that there is so much
living demand in the base. No matter how much, it may attract unnecessary attention.
Chen Nan unscrewed a bottle of water and took a few sips. As soon as he turned around, he
saw Shen Xun who was thinking in front of the wall. He wanted to laugh but resisted in
time. "Oh, this is a reflection of mistakes."
The dog spirit scratched a handful of walls, and the gray cement fell straight down. Shen
Shi'an ignored him, but Liu Fangzhou thought of one thing: "Oh, just when I was at the door,
Brother Shen was angry and shouted out the real name of Xun brother, so wouldn't we
show the stuff?"
"I'm afraid it's been exposed before that." Chen Nan smiled bitterly, full of guilt and
annoyance. "I accidentally called out Brother Shen when collecting materials, and it is
estimated that those soldiers had guessed that the name of Yun Feiyang was false. Yes,
Brother Shen is sorry. "
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I don't blame you. At that time, the situation was urgent. I
would also call out my real name. Don't worry, there should be no problem with Captain
Luo." The other side didn't ask the question carefully, and his appearance was normal.
What kind of association will be generated in the heart, with the friendship between the
troubles and the common people when the fall, it is always impossible to directly deal with
him. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if he really started, only two hundred people might not
be able to stop him.
"The situation was urgent when you were collecting materials. I heard what the soldiers
said was dangerous, but I did n’t understand what was happening. I told you quickly." Liu
Fangzhou brought a stool to his side, Even the goblin standing in the corner of the wall
raised his ears.
So Chen Nan said the whole search operation from beginning to end. When it was said that
the surface of the ground had collapsed and the house had collapsed and surrounded by
zombies, Liu Fangzhou covered his heart and screamed again and again, "It is so thrilling."
Chen Nan nodded, still lingering. "The ground collapsed too quickly, and all the zombies
were in all directions. If there were no brother Shen and Captain Luo after they broke, no
one could run out. It is estimated that all five trucks had to fall into the pit." Only two of
them ended up being either killed by zombies or buried alive by cement blocks.
Shen Xun turned his head anxiously "An An, are you injured?"
"Turn your head back and don't speak." Shen Shi'an paused after speaking, and his voice
softened by two points. "I'm not injured."
Liu Fangzhou was shocked to hear Chen Nan's description. At the end, he was a bit lucky.
"The goods were loaded on the truck when it was fortunately trapped. Five big trucks, let's
add a few tons together. This is the base." Is there no shortage of food for a while? "
Shen Shian shook his head, faintly dignified "not as optimistic as you think." The unfinished
subway line runs through half of Qujiang City. The most conservative estimate is that the
area affected by the subsidence will not be less than four times the total area of the urban
area. One-third. It is not just the collapse of roads and buildings that collapse, the resulting
road damage and the large number of zombies gathered are the biggest problems the base
needs to face. I am afraid that the search operation could not be carried out normally for a
long time. How long can the five trucks alone support without additional sources of
But now these are the issues that the garrison has to worry about. Shen Shi'an looked at Liu
Fangzhou, "Let you inquire about the news, how is it?"
Liu Fangzhou immediately nodded. "Inquiry a lot. First of all, the survivors in this base
were almost all rescued by the garrison from Qujiang City. Only a small part of them
escaped from other places, or temporarily settled like us. Then the relationship between
the survivors and the garrison seemed to be very stiff. About half a month ago, there was a
riot survivor in the base called an uprising, probably the process was that they felt that the
pay for work was getting less and less, and they were hungry every day. I didn't have
enough food in my stomach, so I robbed the food when the cafeteria took the meal, and
injured two soldiers. "
No wonder yesterday that a soldier in the cafeteria was stunned with a gun. Shen Shi'an
Road "what happened"
"The dozen or so people who took the lead in the trouble were kicked out, and the doctor
came forward to heal the soldiers' injuries. The two sides reached a reconciliation." Liu
Fangzhou said that this was somewhat indignant. "No matter what, the soldier brother took
the risk to save you back. Give you a place to live and arrange work to ensure that you will
not starve to death, do n’t know if you are grateful. What is the matter of beating people?
Chen Nan is right. You ca n’t eat enough to go out and search for supplies. No one is there.
Stopping you, I have the courage to hit someone, but not the courage to hit a zombie. Such
people want me to say that I am just going to kill them. Then how can I say that?
Chen Nan was blocked by a speech by Zhou Jianghai last night, and he had already
responded long ago. "It is said that old and weak women cannot kill zombies, but there are
more than 3,000 survivors. All of the old women and children are not greedy for fear of
death. But their lives are fatal, and the lives of other people are not fatal. ”As soon as they
remembered that everyone was almost there when they collected materials today, they
became even more angry.“ The survivors in this base are too ridiculous. ”
After Shen Shi'an and the other two vented, they continued to ask Liu Fangzhou "Any other
"Some, some, about that note." Liu Fangzhou came over and lowered his voice. "I haven't
found out who put the note, but there are rumors among the survivors at the base that
soldiers will do it with the ability." Experiment with this. It is said that there were two
other people besides the doctor who had the identity of the phantom in the original base,
but those two people disappeared inexplicably during the collection of materials. After a
few days, someone saw the soldiers sneaking and bringing back two corpses. The bag
contains the corpses of those two psionicists. The corpses were all wounded by pinholes or
something, which was particularly scary anyway. "
Shen Shi was silent and asked the two of them "Do you think it is true or false?"
"I think it's fake," Chen Nan said immediately, and he now has a higher degree of trust and
trust in the garrison than the survivors. "Captain Luo can't do this kind of thing."
Liu Fangzhou ’s analysis needs to be organized. “This rumor listens to thriller. In fact, if I
have a lot of loopholes, I will be stationed in the army. Even if I do experiments with
powers, dissect to see what ’s different from others, it ’s impossible. After the dissection, I
brought the corpse back especially. There are so many zombies in the city. Where can I
throw the corpses? I ca n’t destroy them. As for the pinholes and stab wounds on the
corpses, it ’s even more irritating. It ’s not enough to bring the evidence back. I want to
show it to other people to see it, anyway, I think it looks like it ’s just a rumor. ”
Chuan Chuan. Shen Shi'an rolled these words on the tip of his tongue several times.
Without that note, he might indeed believe that the whole thing was a misunderstanding
that went from wrong to wrong. However, when the newcomers were deliberately selected
in the quarantine zone, and they knew nothing about the base and had the heaviest
precautions, it was not a "misunderstanding" to explain the mistrust of the garrison
through such a note.
He tapped his finger twice on the table, and then stood up. "Chen Nan hasn't eaten yet. Take
a break first."
Chen Nan immediately said, "What about Brother Shen?"
Shen Shian clamped the dog sperm under his arm again. "I'll educate the child."
Putting the child down on the top floor platform, Shen Shi'an sat on the cement brick and
stared at him "Say, why should I smoke?"
Since being a human, Gouzi Jing has been taught by Shen Shi'an for the first time, and he
has been wronged for a short time. He was most sensitive to Shen Shi'an's emotions, but at
this time he noticed the softening in his voice, and immediately stuck it into his arms. "I saw
someone biting this and asking them what it was. They said it was a real man. Only
pumping things, children can not touch. An An, I am not a child. "
He is three hundred years old, a small fart, and those stupid humans hum.
Shen Shian could n’t laugh or cry, “So you smoke just to prove that you are a man”
"Um." The sound of the little **** sounded softly.
Shen Shi'an raised his hand and hugged him, and looked down at his eyes. "Then I never
smoke, do you think I'm not a man?"
"No" Goblin cried out loudly "An An is a man who is particularly powerful"
"So you see, smoking or not doesn't prove anything." Shen Shi'an held him on his lap and
sat. "Tobacco is bad for your health, every time you smoke a cigarette, your body will suffer
a little bit. I don't want to always Stop you from smoking, but your time as a person is too
short to understand what these injuries mean, so I have a responsibility to protect you from
being harmed before you fully understand. When you fully understand, I feel that I really
like it Smoking, those harms you are willing to bear, so not smoking is your freedom. "
"Then when will I understand?"
"When I say you already know."
"Oh." The dog replied obediently, raised his hand to hold Shen Shi'an's neck, and took a
hard sip. "An'an, I won't make you angry in the future."
"Manly husband, it is difficult to chase after a word"
Fine. There was a smile in Shen Shi'an's eyes, and he kissed "good" on the man's forehead.
Hee hee. The man clung to him as closely as a koala bear, softening his voice and "being
kissed on the face."
The next day, Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan followed the search team and went to the city
again. The collapse had completely stopped, but the damage caused was even more serious
than he thought. Large buildings collapsed into ruins, numerous zombies gathered, and the
road from the base directly to the city was blocked. Even if we can detour from the outer
ring road, after such a strong shock, the place where we can still collect materials does not
know how much is left.
The increasingly severe living situation put a huge rock on everyone's mind. "Grass,"
someone cursed, "It is a pity that we only cleared out the mall yesterday. There are still
more than half of the items in the supermarket too late."
Lowe looked dignified, looked back and forth several times with a telescope, adjusted his
expression, and jumped off the truck roof. "Okay, don't be discouraged. Maybe the zombies
have been led to a place, but other places are more It ’s easy to search. It ’s such a big city in
Qujiang that it ’s enough for us to find it slowly. It was a hard day yesterday. I ’ll give you a
half-day leave today and go back and rest. ”
The crowd returned the same way, and the truck entered the gate of the base and stopped
in the square. Shen Shi'an just jumped out of the car. Today, Niu Quan, who was in charge of
standing in the cafeteria, ran to him from a distance and shouted, "Mr. Yun, your child,
please People quarrel "

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 59: 59th

Settings saved..
After watching Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan get into the truck and leave the base early in the
morning, Liu Fangzhou asked the dog spirit to "find brother, what do we do today"
The child was educated for smoking yesterday, and he felt a little uneasy. In order to
restore his image in Shen Shi'an's mind, he had a good idea long ago: "I want to help An An
catch the guy who is stuck with a note. "Although he didn't see his face across a wooden
wall, he still remembered the taste.
Liu Fangzhou immediately got excited. "Is it possible to investigate the case and arrest the
suspect? I can also help the person who is an ordinary survivor, Bai Guang, so all the
abilities can be ruled out. But there are also 3,000 survivors. Where do we start? "
Shen Xun shrugged his nose and waved his little hand.
During the day, most of the survivors were working, sweeping the floor, sweeping
vegetables, and growing vegetables, scattered scattered around the base. The dog just
followed the taste and walked for a little while before he encountered a problem. The taste
in the base was too mixed. Not only is the strong body odor produced by more than 3,000
people because of conditions that make it impossible to take a bath, but also the rice field
flavor of the fat field and vegetables, and the ubiquitous smoky smell.
Various flavors are mixed, let alone find someone, Shen Xun sniffed hard for a while and
almost did not spit it out. In addition, the crowd moved back and forth, and it was here that
the suspicion was eliminated and it was mixed with another group of people, which
increased the difficulty of the tracking plan.
The two were busy for most of the morning and had nothing to gain. Soon after ten o'clock,
the survivors started to walk towards the cafeteria. As soon as Shen Xun had an idea, he
directed Liu Fangzhou to "Let's go to the cafeteria". All survivors would line up to take food
in turn. He would sit next to the window and smell it one by one.
Tables and chairs in the canteen are stacked on both sides, and a part of the space is left in
the center. Six soldiers have escorted supplies into the back kitchen area. Two people are
responsible for standing in the window to distribute food. Four people are standing with
guns. Guards are guarded outside the window. Shen Xun smiled when he said, "Oh, isn't this
Mr. Yun's doll? I don't smoke now, and your uncle invites you to eat sugar." Bend over and
stuff two big white rabbits into his pocket.
The dog bit his teeth and whispered two times before I could not eat what others gave. The
small breast was very tall, and Liu Fangzhou sat on the plastic chair closest to the window
with his sword.
"Hey, look for brother," Liu Fangzhou came over and whispered. "Have you found that
today's survivors seem quite happy."
It is indeed very happy. Almost everyone has a smile on his face, whispering and
whispering, can't wait to look in the window.
It's just that this happy mood did not last long. The survivors in the front took the food
from the soldiers, and the original expression immediately broke down. "What's the point?"
The soldier is unknown, so he pointed to the work sign on his chest and reminded, "You can
only exchange so many work points."
"Don't you say you want to add a meal," the survivor turned and lifted up a small bag of egg
yolk pie. "It's not enough to jam between the teeth."
"What's going on without meals?" "We worked so hard all morning and we can only get
something like this" "Fool who's all this"
The platoon-like team immediately became agitated, complaining and complaining, and
there was a growing trend.
The four gunmen who held the gun subconsciously held their barrels, and one of them
yelled, "Keep quiet and keep order. Whoever you say you want to add a meal"
"What do you mean" came from the crowd, "Co-authoring the supplies of the five big trucks
that you packed back yesterday, even letting us eat more."
"Dirty work is why we do not let people eat enough food, which is too bullying."
"It ’s okay if there ’s a shortage of supplies, but it ’s clear that only so many things were
pulled back yesterday. Dozens of boxes and dozens of boxes were moved down, not even
the administrative building. Everyone saw it. Is n’t it a little bit? It ’s not too much. If you ca
n’t eat it, it ’s okay for us to leak some of it from your fingers. ”
"They were comfortable and spicy, but they did n’t even want to give us a meal. This is a
feudal slave. They died early in the morning, and they wanted to be their own with guns in
their hands. Emperor? I disagree. I want equal human rights. "
"What was said before the end of the age is that the soldiers who did not take the common
people one stitch and one thread, but in the event of an accident, they only care about
themselves regardless of the lives of the common people. This is what you have said for the
"Well, it still serves the people. It is clearly a bandit bandit who oppresses the people and
exploits the people."
The emotions were in a rage, and the shouts mixed almost to lift the roof. The four soldiers
were so angry that they had blue tendons bursting on the back of the hand holding the
barrel, raised the gun sharply and shouted, "If you line up in a quiet line, don't blame us if
you push forward."
"Come on and shoot if you have the ability. You are a great soldier, just kill us all."
"Is it possible to block the mouth of the world with forceful suppression? There are still
millions of people killed by me"
"Hello, don't make a noise" A sudden yelling accompanied by several bangs attracted
everyone's eyes to the seat beside the window, Liu Fangzhou jumped twice on the metal
table again, and then jumped down to face the head The two survivors shook their heads.
"You are so shameless."
The survivor was furious, "Who is the little bunny scolding?"
"Who answered me?" Liu Fangzhou raised his chest, his eyes full of contempt. "I didn't
intend to say anything, but the extent of your shame is really amazing, crying and saying
that you need to eat if you are not full. You guys have no hands or feet and want to eat
enough. Who stopped you from going out to find the supplies? The big one in Qujiang City is
there. If you have a hard time selling it, you **** will collect it. There are courage in the
nest, so a large group of adults thought that they could have something to eat when they
splashed and rolled. Brother Bing is your father. You have to take care of the food your
family goes out to risk their lives. Why do you give me food and cook? Your spring and
autumn dreams "
"Who said we were unwilling to collect supplies?" Some people shouted, "I have the ability
to share half of our firearms and ammunition. I promise to find more than double the
Liu Fangzhou rolled his eyes to the sky. "Can you use the gun? Can you aim at the zombies?
Can you hit the gun? Can you hit? Can the survivors who participated in the search
operation have no guns? Why would they dare to go? I do n’t even have the courage to face
the zombies. I really want to give you a gun. Maybe the zombies can hit a hole in
themselves, not to mention, the gun is what the other soldier ’s brother gave you. Look ugly
and have bad eyes "
He speaks fast and speaks sharply, like a machine gun, without a chance to interrupt the
other side. "You people are really interesting. Standing here, more than 90% are rescued by
the soldiers. Do n’t say gratitude, Dade is grateful, and rightly clamored for supplies and
weapons. Who gave such a large face during the development of facial muscle hyperplasia?

The survivors managed to seize the opportunity to refute "they are soldiers, and it is
natural for the people to rescue the soldiers. I used the soldiers for a long time, and our
taxpayers raised them for so long. Isn't it just for them to contribute to the country and the
people in times of disaster? , Why, I still feel wronged when I do my job well "
Liu Fangzhou gave a strong sip, "hetui, this **** is taking advantage and taking advantage of
it. Brainwashing kits, soldiers guard the frontiers to defend the motherland. Any disaster \
'accident always rushes on the front line. Not as good as your own family, risking your life
to save you, what kind of contribution have you made to the society to release the exhaust
gas and exacerbate the greenhouse effect? A group of ungrateful humanoid garbage "
A survivor of the "Little King Bastard" rushed here a few steps.
Liu Fangzhou narrowed his neck and immediately hid behind Shen Xun. He felt safe and
poked his head out slightly. "Battles are strictly prohibited in the base. There is a kind of
move. You can try me without going out and hit the zombies. Bullying the children is handy.
Oh, I am so scared. "Oh, I'm fighting and I'm not eating.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 60: 60th

Settings saved..
Shen Shian thought that the child in Niuquan's mouth was Shen Xun, and rushed to the
door of the cafeteria to know that he was talking about Liu Fangzhou.
The atmosphere in the canteen has now entered a feverish stage. Liu Fangzhou
straightened his neck and scolded people. The arrogance of the arrogant angle of the rich
vocabulary can make the livelihood popular; some survivors stood back and watched, some
survivors Angrily blushing and a thick neck, exhausted his brain to overcome him in
language, and more gathered together and rushed to the window, shouting to take back
"the materials belonging to them".
The four gunmen were tense, trying to maintain order. "Stand calmly and don't move,
otherwise we will shoot."
"Come on, kill us all if there is one kind, and starve to death anyway, it is better to fight for
equality of human rights."
Thousands of people made a noise, only Shen Xun sitting in a chair motionlessly, his nose
twitching back and forth as if looking for something. A middle-aged person was furious by
Liu Fangzhou.Also, he had long been jealous of all kinds of supplies from a group of them.
When the brain was hot, he couldn't consider the prohibition of violence in the base. A little
bunny who didn't know the suffering in the world was a lesson.
Haven't met Shen Xunyijiao yet, a slender and powerfully articulated palm suddenly
stopped to hold his wrist, and with a little force, the middle-aged man screamed like a pig.
"Ahhhhhhh, my hand My hand is going to break. "
Shen Xun retracted the sharp teeth that had just been sharpened, and opened his arms
happily. "An'an, you are back"
Shen Shi'an loosened his palm and didn't look at the middle-aged man who fell back and
fell to the ground, bent over and hugged the child. "What are you two doing here?"
Gozi hasn't answered yet, the middle-aged man lying on the ground holding his wrists and
screaming loudly "beating the surname of Yun violated the rules of the base and beating
someone, oh my hand, I broke my hand
"My uncle" saw Shen Shi'an arrive at Liu Fangzhou with increasing confidence. "It is clear
that you first want to bully our child, you nasty and shameless man who sprays dung."
Shen Xun rubbed his teeth while holding Shen Shi'an's neck. "An'an, let me eat him."
Shen Shi'an shook his head.
Luo Wei has also brought someone to the quarrel, more than a hundred soldiers with guns
in their hands, passed through the crowd and stood in two rows in front of the window
Relying on the number advantage, the survivors of the trouble are not afraid, but they are
more and more confident.
"Captain Luo is here. You have to give us an explanation."
"Why are you fragrant and spicy? We ca n’t even fill our stomachs."
"We are not slaves, we have equal human rights"
"The materials are shared by everyone, so you can't let you swallow them alone."
"If you don't want to divide the food, you can give us half of the weapons. Let's go out and
find food for ourselves."
The shouts became louder and louder, and finally became a slogan of unity. Everyone was
filled with righteous indignation. At the same time, some survivors couldn't listen. They
chose to stand by the soldiers. A clear dividing line.
"Quiet" Luo Wei shouted several times to no avail, raised his muzzle and fired a shot at the
ceiling. The huge roar instantly calmed the crowd. Only the man who rushed forward was
still brave and fearless. Is it a great gun? There is a gun that can oppress the people. We
have thousands of people. If you have the skills, you can shoot us all. "
"Bang" Lowe pulled the trigger and fired a shot directly at his calf.
The man widened his eyes narrowly, staring at a blood hole in his calf. He seemed to want
to call, but before he made any sound, his eyes rolled back and passed out. The blood
dripping from his calf was fast. Winding and growing on the floor.
"Ah," the crowd exclaimed again and again, as if they were holding their necks by
something, and no one was talking this time.
Lowe looked cold, his eyes slowly turned around in this group of people. "Yesterday, a
ground subsidence occurred in the urban area. The people who participated in the search
operation almost died there before they brought the goods back. A lot of buildings were
affected by the subsidence. Collapsed, the road to the urban area was also blocked, and it
will become more and more difficult to collect supplies in the future, so starting tomorrow,
the work salary in the base will be halved. Does anyone have any opinions? "
Most people closed their mouths tightly, and a few of them who wanted to speak were
frightened by the uniform sound of loading.
Luo Wei nodded. "Very good. The cafeteria is closed today, and I want to eat again in the
evening." He pointed to the fainted man on the ground and said he broke his hand while
covering his wrist. Base, Niuquan, took a few people and threw them out. If you dare to
make trouble, just shoot and die. "
Luo Wei motioned for Shen Shi'an to nod, and then led the person out.
Liu Fangzhou's eyes brightened with excitement, while walking behind Shen Shi'an, he
approached the small voice, "Captain Luo Luo is so handsome, this group of grandchildren
are greedy for life, and one is more owed than one." they"
Shen Shi'an covered one of the children's ears and looked back. "The vocabulary is very
"In general, the world's first" Liu Fangzhou reacted to half of his poverty, and immediately
made a movement to zip his mouth. "Brother Shen, I was wrong. I promise that I will never
speak swearing in front of my brother."
Shen Shi'an let him go, and instead watched the crowd around Luo Wei's deterrent effect
was very effective. The canteen was closed halfway and no meals were taken. It must be
upset in normal times, but no one dared to say half of it. No words. All the survivors came
out, half shocked and half afraid to speak. The doctor who hadn't seen before seemed to
have just heard the news, hurried to the cafeteria door and whispered to soothe everyone's
emotions. The black skinny survivor named Ma Zhongyi still closely followed him.
Shen Xun shook his nose twice, suddenly excited, holding Shen Shi'an's hand "An'an, I
found that person"
The dog sprite wrapped his hands in a trumpet shape and whispered into his ear. When
Shen Shi'an looked, he looked down at him "Are you sure"
"I'm sure he can't be wrong"
Shen Shi'an raised his head, looked straight at the doctor, and then turned to the other
direction according to Shen Xun's description. It was a very ordinary young man, about
twenty-five years old. The most prominent feature on his body was an embroidery on the
back. The tiger's denim jacket coat, as well as the lavish fuchsia washing and blowing style
on the head.
Chen Nan also heard about it, glanced back quickly, "it's the note he stuffed"
"Where is it?" Liu Fangzhou also wanted to see, and Shen Shi'an held his head. "Go back to
the dormitory before talking."
The four had just entered the gate of the dormitory building, Tao Yuan chased up from
behind, with a smile on his face. "Mr. Yun, do you have time, our captain would like to invite
the four to come over."
Shen Shian thought that Luo Wei was asking him to go to the administrative building to
discuss something. I did not expect Tao Yuan to take them directly to the base door and sit
in a truck. He followed the other two trucks for more than 40 minutes and stopped. In front
of me is a green meadow lined with trees, and a long river that is more than ten meters
wide and can not see the end on both sides.
Tao Yuan introduced them to the four people. "This river is called Qujiang and it is a moat
in Qujiang City. It is said that it was dug up by war in ancient times."
Liu Fangzhou puzzled "What are we doing here?"
"Dining" Luo Wei jumped out of the co-pilot seat of the first car and walked in front of the
four with a smile. "Since we all say that we are soldiers all day long, we eat delicious and
hot, so do n’t eat more than that. "Famous name." Turned around and patted his palm, he
chanted, "remove everything in the car, set a stove on the stove, we have a good meal
"Ah," more than a hundred soldiers jumped out of the truck in succession. They happily
moved boxes of food and pots and pans to the grass. Some people were digging pits, some
were collecting firewood, and a team of people took Two fishing nets ran into the river
"Captain, look at me for a whole fish feast for you today"
"Okay, don't come back if you can't catch the fish." Luo Wei responded with a smile, took
two bottles of white wine and two paper cups from the truck, and motioned to Shen Shi'an
and others. "Follow me."
The air around the moat was excellent, and two rows of poplar trees were planted along
the shore, and the verdant leaves blew in the wind. Luo Wei walked to a dirt **** before
stopping. The view here was the best. The trees on both sides were shaded by trees. There
were many wildflowers in the grass behind. The river in front was endless, sparkling in the
There are four bulges on the side of the soil slope, about half a meter wide and less than
two meters long. There is no grass on the soil, which is obviously a new excavation not
Luo Wei handed a bottle of white wine to Tao Yuan, and they poured a little in front of the
drum bag in turn, then poured a half-finger height into the paper cup, and drank it after
touching the glass.
Shen Shi'an has been waiting for them to bow away from the drum kit before asking "this
"Both are soldiers under my hand. Two died when cleaning up the tobacco factory, and the
other two were accidents when searching for the survivors and supplies." Luo Wei
tightened the bottle cap again, pointing to Tupo "Let's sit down and talk."
Six people formed a semi-circle on the dirt slope. Liu Fangzhou remembered one thing and
couldn't help but ask, "The two brothers who died for the rescue of the survivors, did you
bring them back in the body bag?" "
Tao Yuan was a little puzzled, but still nodded. "They were bitten by zombies and didn't
want to become zombies. They all broke before they mutated."
grass. Liu Fangzhou cursed inwardly, staring at each other with Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan,
and immediately realized that the heroes they wanted to sacrifice to save people were
rumored to be evidence of soldiers experimenting with powers, the group of survivors But
really capable.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 61: 61th
Settings saved..
Luo Wei pulled his trousers up and straightened one leg, looking at Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Yun,
or I should call you Mr. Shen, please come here today, and want to talk frankly besides
eating. Mr. Shen, I don't know Why do you hide your real name? I wo n’t ask if you do n’t
say it, but you saved my life and to some extent saved the lives of more than a hundred
soldiers under my hands, so I am here in front of me The four graves, swearing by my own
life and the lives of my brothers, no matter who your last name is, even if it is a most
wanted criminal, you have only a life-saving benefactor in my eyes, who dares to If you are
unfavorable, you must first ask my gun to disagree. "
Tao Yuan also said, "If you save the captain's life, you save my life. If I revenge, I will be
killed alive by the zombies."
Shen Shi'an and the two looked at each other for a moment and said, "My last name is Shen,
and my real name is Shen Shi'an. The reason why I hide my name is because someone
wants my life."
If the voice does not fall, the internal exercises have been operated to the extreme. If the
other party has any movement, he can detect it immediately. But Luo Wei and the two did
nothing special, except for the obvious surprised expression on their faces, they did not
even speed up their heartbeat. Shen Xun leaned on Shen Shi'an's arms and felt his tightness.
Holding his hand and pinching An An, don't be afraid. If they dare to kill you, I will eat them
Shen Shi'an carefully looked at the looks of the two, and he breathed a sigh of relief, holding
the child's paw with his backhand, and organizing the language to continue.
The whole thing is not complicated to explain, because Shen Shian did n’t even want to
understand “I ca n’t be 100% sure who the master is behind the scenes. It ’s just my guess
that the other party entrusted the army to find me. It matters. I have to be careful. "
"You're right to be cautious." Luo Wei thought for a moment after listening to his words,
and proposed another idea. "Gu Gu's family in Beijing, but few people who have been in the
army for more than a year don't know." The Gu family controlled a quarter of the Chinese
army's military control. It is not an exaggeration. The battalion I brought is strictly a branch
of the Gu family. But after the virus outbreak, more than half of the people died, and the
entire system was completely chaotic. In a group, no one knows who to listen to. Everyone
wants to send more soldiers to their own hands. The person who is looking for you may
just want to take care of your family to use you as a bargaining chip. Well, again, you are
right to be cautious, or I will do the same. "
Luo Wei said the possibility Shen Shian considered. The Qin family has a large number of
supplies in hand. It is impossible to avoid the idea of the army after the end of the world,
but they have a shallow foundation, have little dealing with the military, and have unclear
routines. I really want to make a difference. The best way is to rely on the old power.
Family Gu family support. It is a pity that the current owner of the Gu family, Mr. Gu, has
been dissatisfied with the Qin family for a long time. It is absolutely impossible to dress up
for the benefit of the family. Sincere support is absolutely impossible, and Shen Shian is
undoubtedly the best way to restrain Mr. Gu tool.
On the other hand, the cost of entrusting the base to find people will not be cheap. Such an
expenditure cannot be determined by Mrs. Qin, an out-of-marry woman. Therefore, it is
more likely that the entire family of Qin was looking for him. Of course, if Mrs. Qin secretly
moved some hands and changed the commission of "bringing alive to Beijing as a
bargaining chip" to "ensure that the target has no place to die", the possibility of this
situation is not low.
Luo Wei said, "But rest assured, I can assure you that I have not received any similar orders
or commissions here. It is estimated that only a few bases near your home have received it.
No matter how thick the base is, it won't be possible to go everywhere in the country. It
was entrusted. "Speaking in a low voice," Public apparatus and private parties are used for
party and private business. What a **** is this? "
Tao Yuan asked, "Then why did you venture into the base of the tobacco factory? Shouldn't
you just stop for a while or exchange information? If we can help, we won't quit."
At this time, there is nothing to hide. Shen Shi'an Road, "Our destination is Beijing, but I
don't know what the situation is in Beijing today, so I want to borrow your communicator
and hope to get in touch with my father. "
Tao Yuan and Luo Wei glanced at each other with a bitter smile. "I'm afraid we can't really
"Don't get me wrong," Lowe explained immediately. "It's not that we don't want to help, but
that our communicator has a problem, and it couldn't be used two weeks ago."
Did Liu Fangzhou "what's wrong" accidentally broke the game?
Luo Weidao said "I don't know. It was still good. There was no problem with back and forth
calls. One night two weeks ago, I suddenly couldn't use it. No matter how I debugged, I
couldn't receive any signals. We used a strengthened satellite phone. The message was
transmitted directly via satellite. The correspondent studied it for several days and
concluded that the phone was still good. Either the satellite or the other side had an
accident. There was also a possibility that signals on both sides were intentionally
intercepted. "
No matter which one is not good news.
Although he was ready to return without any effort before entering the base, it is
impossible to say no disappointment. The longer he lost contact with Mr. Gu, the anxiety in
Shen Shi'an's mind increased a little.
Tao Yuan was a little bit surprised. "How long are you going to stay in the base? If your
communication equipment is restored during this time, I will tell you immediately"
Luo Wei nodded. "As long as you don't think the base is chaotic, you can stay as long as you
Shen Shi'an Road "Thank you two, I need to discuss this with my teammates before giving
an accurate answer."
"It's natural and you don't need to worry. Although the base has been a bit uneven recently,
it is generally under control."
Now that I have just talked about this topic, Liu Fangzhou immediately said, "Captain Luo,
you also know that some people are doing things in the base. I am not talking about the
mess in the cafeteria, but secretly offensive."
Liu Fangzhou is not stupid. Today, he saw the end of the farce in the cafeteria. The reason
why it ended up so big was that someone was fanning the rhythm of the fire and
deliberately guiding the contradiction between the survivors and the garrison. What Shen
Shen analyzed All right.
Luo Wei took out a pack of cigarettes, asked Shen Shi'an and others not to smoke, and
pinched one in his hand, and did not light it. Wen Yan nodded. "There were originally two
evolutionaries in the base. They later left, and reminded us before leaving. Some of the
survivors planned to seize power and wanted to turn the tobacco factory into their own
It turns out that this is the truth of the "inexplicable disappearance" of two evolutionaries
in the rumor. It's missing a fart, it's clear that I don't want to mingle with other people. Liu
Fangzhou secretly defamated and asked, "Who did they say they wanted to seize power?"
Lowe shook his head and knocked the cigarette on his knee. "But it's not hard to guess."
Before Liu Fangzhou responded, he listened to Shen Shi'an Road, "I am an evolutionary."
Lowe glanced at him and nodded. "Ordinary survivors have no meaning against us. Once
our existence is good for them, it is not harmful. Second, even without us, they cannot
guarantee that their power is not threatened. "Following the law of the jungle in the last
days, strength is the last word."
"But evolutionaries are different," Shen Shi'an continued. "Evolutionaries are physically
better than ordinary people. If the evolutionary ability is strong enough, it is no different
from the superhero heroes in film and television dramas. Powerful forces are most likely to
generate powerful desires \ ' It is hoped that such a person may be irrelevant at first, but it
is impossible for them to be subordinated to, restrained or even ruled by ordinary people
after a long time in an environment like the last days. "
Therefore, in the tobacco factory base, the powerists will be called "evolutionaries" to
compete for the survival of the fittest. They feel that they are a superior ethnic group
selected by the laws of nature, so they are eligible to become leaders.
Rowe said "I have a total of 261 soldiers in this group, all of them are ordinary people, and
there is no evolutionist. But we have guns and bombs in our hands. If the evolutionist
wants to establish his own rule, We are the biggest obstacles. At present, there seems to be
no evolutionary who can stop the bullet. "
Chen Nan suddenly realized that "no wonder those people want to divide their weapons
inside and out of words. It's not to kill zombies, but to weaken you and strengthen yourself,
so as to fight against you in the future."
Liu Fangzhou was anxious. "Captain Luo, you know who is messing with it. Why don't you
want to manage it? Let them stir the wind and ignite the brains of the survivors, and
secretly put notes into the quarantine area. If not, Brother Shen calmly said that Wait and
see what happens, and I'm definitely afraid to deal with you. "
"Notes" Luo Wei and Tao Yuan glanced at each other. They were all confused. "What notes"
"Grass, you don't know." Liu Fangzhou looked at Shen Shi'an and saw that he nodded and
immediately unzipped and pulled out a note from the small pocket on his arm.
"Fortunately, I didn't throw it, hey, this is it, we stay Someone tucked in from the bottom of
the board that night, and a total of three were tucked in, and two were picked up by others.
Lowe glanced, his face darkened immediately. Tao Yuan's eyes burst into flames. "Non-
sense. When did we experiment with the evolver and put his mother's **** on?"
Liu Fangzhou thought to himself that you don't know the rumors circulating among the
survivors, otherwise I'm afraid I'm even more angry.
Luo Wei sneered. "Lao Tzu finally understands why no one among thousands of people is
willing to admit that he is an evolutionary. Emotions have long been brainwashed and
treated us as flood monsters." Looking up at Liu Fangzhou. " You ask us why we know that
the evolver has troubled it, but it does n’t matter, but the problem lies here. There are more
than 3,000 people in the base. Except for the doctors, we do n’t know who the evolver is.
They cannot be seen with the naked eye. They I don't want to say that I can't hide it. Later
evolutionists could not tell us by brainwashing. We can't solve more than 3,000 people. "
Liu Fangzhou raised his chest and raised his chest proudly, "You don't know who is the
evolutionary, we know."
Luo Wei froze, seemingly unbelievable, looking at Shen Shi'an "really"
Shen Shian nodded. "The ark is also an evolutionary. His ability is to sense other
evolutionaries. Not only that, we also know who plugged the slip. Among the survivors is a
male about 25 years old, about 1.73 meters tall , Dyed a fuchsia hair, embroidered a tiger
on the back of the denim jacket, do you have an impression? "
Luo Wei looked at Tao Yuan. Tao Yuan thought for a while, "I remember that there is such a
person, but I have to go back and check what name I live in."
"He is an ordinary person, not an evolutionary person." Liu Fangzhou added, feeling a little
confused. "You said that the evolutionary people are united with you because they are
pretentious or frightened by slips of paper. I can understand why these ordinary people I
also have such a big opinion about you that I can make trouble with a little provocation,
and I even want to do my dirty work. "
Shen Shi'an Road "Part of it was brainwashed, part of the inferiority and greed of nature,
and part of them knowing that the speech used to solicit is false, and that it is not easy to
station troops, but they can get vested interests such as adding meals by pretending to
coax. It's not fun, but in the final analysis there is only one reason, "he said, looking at Luo
Wei and Tao Yuan" all of which you are accustomed to. "
The ancients of Dou Mien and Miu Chou have learned from the past. The garrison has
created a safe, free environment for these survivors, and they will not starve to death
without killing zombies. Naturally, they can only raise a bunch of greedy lives and fear
death. Lee's blood-sucking roundworm. Even if you are grateful to the garrison at first, you
will only brainwash yourself over time. I think it ’s justified for the garrison to do this, and
they may even feel that they did not do enough or good enough.
You are soldiers, you have guns in your hands, and when the end of the world comes, who
will not die?
If from the beginning, Luo Wei took out the iron blood means in the cafeteria today,
compulsively stipulating that everyone must go out to kill zombies to collect supplies, and
it is necessary to kill a hundred moments to establish an absolute authority image, and it
will not be reduced to today's use by evolutionaries. Difficult situation.
There are three purposes for the evolutionist to stop spreading rumors by spreading notes.
The first is to attract the new evolutionary. The second is to create survivors' distrust of the
garrison. The third is to make the inert survivors who are born inert more worried about
joining the search operation. Many, even gave them a straightforward reason not to
participate. I did n’t go out because I was afraid of death. It was the bad mood of the
soldiers who wanted to hurt people. Maybe they would use us for experiments one day.
The fewer survivors participating in the collection operation, the more tense the material
situation inside the base, and the more tense the material situation, the less the
remuneration for work, the better the evolutionary can use hunger to stimulate the
emotions of the survivors, and expand them and the garrison step by step. Contradictions.
Soldiers can be deterred by force, but they can't always kill all the people who are in
trouble, let alone force them to go out to collect materials in the event of irreconcilability
and conflict between the two sides. In case of an operation, they secretly make a trip and
stumble. Or push it into the zombies, what's the difference between putting a timed bomb
around you.
Luo Wei smiled bitterly. "You're right, we are all used to it."
After listening to Shen Shi'an's analysis, Chen Nan was anxious in his heart. "According to
this, those survivors cannot kill but can not force them to participate in the search
operation. In order to prevent the conflict from intensifying, they must be supported by
materials. Too dead, there are too many survivors in the base. It would be better if there
were fewer. "The garrison has only a total of more than 200 people. If the number of
survivors could be controlled to less than 1,000 at the beginning, how much better to
Luo Wei shook his head. "When the virus just broke out, where can I think so much, no one
knows that the disaster will be so serious, and I don't know if it will last so long and it will
last longer. At that time, I just wanted to save one. The more you save, the better. In the
end, it becomes like this.
Shen Shi'an Road "In fact, there is still the easiest way for you to leave directly."
Chen Nan's eyes lit up. "Yeah, I just think about how to solve the problem in the base. I
forgot this. Captain Luo, you have a car, food, and weapons. You just take things to other
places to build the base or you just go home. Look for loved ones, the evolutionaries in this
place leave them to them so much. Those survivors are ungrateful and afraid of death, and
see how they adjust. "Either the survivors are ruled, or the evolutionaries are dragged to
death, anyway, to the last two sides. No good fruit to eat.
This time Tao Yuan said, "We can't do this." He glanced at his captain, and then looked at
Shen Shi'an and others. The young baby's face was full of adherence and dedication to faith.
"Before the communicator was not broken, The last order we received was to stand firm
and do our best to search and rescue the survivors. This is our task, no matter how difficult
it is, we must not be abandoned halfway.
Luo Wei laughed and rubbed two on Tao Yuanyuan. "Mariko is right. We are soldiers.
Obedience to order is a duty to protect the masses. Where can you say that you give up and
give up? Don't worry, today's shot is fired. Groups rarely say they have to be good for ten
days and a half months. "
Shen Shi'an sighed in his heart, not only was worthless for them, but also gave a heartfelt
admiration. This is really the most respectable and lovely group of people.
A soldier shouted in the distance, "Captain and vice captain have dinner."
Luo Wei stood up, took the unlit cigarette back into the cigarette case, and patted his pants.
"Walk around, and for a long time, almost forgot the business, and hurried to eat."
Everyone found a lot of things in the supermarket yesterday. Rice, oil, ginger, and vinegar
are all available. More than one hundred people cooked three bags of rice. Green leafy
vegetables are not there, but potatoes and sweet potatoes are many. Bacon sausages and
ham sausages are also used a lot. A large pot of hot and sour potato shreds, a large pot of
bacon and sweet potato shreds, dried peppers, and five pounds of sausages were steamed.
The ham sausage was cut into slices and fried in a large pot of eggs. The fishing team
harvested a lot and boiled it again. Cauldron fish soup, half-baked fish for one person, plus
various canned pickles, soy milk, beef noodles, and a large slice of Dangdang, the aroma is
extremely rich.
The group of ten people sat in a small circle, and ten small circles formed a large circle. At
the same time, the paper cup in their hands was raised. "Who is the hero, who is the hero,
whoever finishes drinking and who eats first"
Shen Xun also lifted the cup. He filled the cup with water. After drinking, he pretended to
sizzle his teeth, and made Captain Luo and others happy. "Brother Shen, your child is really
interesting. It ’s okay to be young now, eat more and grow taller, and you can drink like us
in the future. ”
Goblin felt that he was being despised, exposing his small fangs. Shen Shi'an held back a
laugh, held his head and turned around, and handed him the clean-stinged grilled fish
carefully and handed him "eat, be careful."
Shen Xun took a bite and left her mouth scornfully, which is not as delicious as An An
Luo Wei left for a while while eating, and when he came back, he held a bowl of noodle fish
bone soup as a base. The dragon whisk noodles were slender and smooth, and two golden
brown fried eggs were spread on the top. The soup was gone. A few green little greens,
sprinkled with a little green onions from nowhere, the steaming aroma scented, all the way
to Tao Yuan "Today is your birthday, do not think the big guy will forget it"
Liu Fangzhou reacted for the first time, stood up and applauded loudly, took the lead and
sang the birthday song, "Happy birthday to you.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you"
"Happy Birthday"
"Oh oh"
"Make a wish, Deputy Captain"
"Wish Wish Wish Wish"
The cheers of more than one hundred people were deafening towards Yunxiao, and Tao
Yuanzhang stared at the bowl of longevity noodles for a long time, his eyes quickly turned
red. In the rumbling of the crowd, he closed his eyes and made a wish, then opened When I
opened it, my eyes were not so red, and I said to Rowe with a clear nasal "Thank you
Luo Wei smiled and rubbed two on his head. "Come on, I'll cook it for you. Don't leave any."
"Well," Tao Yuan nodded strongly, and sure enough, there was nothing left, even the soup
was drunk.
After more than an hour, everyone returned to the tobacco factory base with pots and pans,
unfinished rice noodles, and food specially packed for soldiers on duty.
Compared with when leaving, the atmosphere inside the base has changed significantly.
Zhou Jianghai, known as a doctor, led the survivors who took the lead in the canteen to
stand under the administrative building, first apologized to the soldiers, and then said to
Rowe, "Captain Luo, everyone in the morning was deeply aware of themselves. Wrong,
send me out as a peacemaker, for the construction and development of our base, can we sit
down and talk peacefully? "
Lowe's attitude towards him was obviously much more modest than that of other
survivors. After a few words, he invited people into the administration building.
The conversation between the two parties, Shen Shi'an, and others did not participate, and
returned to the dormitory after saying goodbye to Luo Wei. Curious about Liu Fangzhou, he
has been sensing the administration building side. "The doctor and Captain Luo sat down
somewhere on the first floor of the administration building. Brother Tao Yuan seems to be
there too, hey brother, what are they talking about? "
Shen Shian asked, "What else do you think?"
Zhou Jianghai, in the stance of a survivor representative, first apologized for a farce he
himself was not present on, and then proposed that he wanted to talk about it only to
promote reconciliation between the survivor and the garrison. Starting tomorrow,
probably more survivors will join the search operation.
Chen Nan Yixi "This is a good thing"
Shen Shian nodded. It is indeed a good thing for more survivors to join. After the urban
area subsides, no matter whether it is to clear roads or collect materials, more manpower
will be needed. If the survivors really change their minds and realize the truth of their own
food and clothing, it will be good news for themselves, for the garrison, and for the entire
Chen Nan couldn't help but sigh, "Captain Luo is right in saying that, these people, if they
are scared, they will obey."
The dark light in Shen Shi'an's eyes flickered, and he did not speak.
Late at night that night, Liu Fangzhou suddenly shouted "Shen Brother."
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes immediately.
"Do you remember before we entered the base, I told you that there were a total of 3,443
people in the base, and the night we came in, I counted again, it was 3,728 people."
"Um." When Liu Fangzhou discovered the base, some soldiers were still collecting materials
in the city and did not return. Later, he added 20 new recruits.
"Don't two people be kicked out today, so we returned to the base after the meal was 3726
Shen Xun was impatient when he woke up, and poked his head out of Shen Shi'an's arms.
"Ah, hey, the point is, I just scanned it again just now, there are 3723 people in the base,
and three people are missing."
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 62: 62th
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There are only two possibilities to disappear from Liu Fangzhou's induction. One is that the
other party has left Liu Fangzhou's induction range, and the other is that they are dead.
This matter can be small or large. Shen Shi'an didn't delay. He immediately took Liu
Fangzhou to the administration building to find Captain Luo.
Luo Wei immediately integrated the garrison inventory after hearing the original members.
The good news is that the number of soldiers is complete, no matter whether they are
resting in the administrative building or the one who is on guard.
This means that the three who disappeared were all survivors.
Loud and harsh emergency rally cut through the night, and quickly rang through the base
through the horn. The searchlight adjusted its direction, and the square next to the
administrative building lit up like daylight.
The survivors who were awakened from their deep sleep have gradually concentrated on
the square, their sleepy eyes dangled, probably shocked by the shot in the canteen during
the day, even if they were dissatisfied, no one dared to make trouble, divided into five
according to the requirements of the garrison. The ten columns stood up, whispering to
each other, discussing in a whisper what the trouble was.
Shen Shi'an deliberately cast his eyes on Doctor Zhou Jianghai. Like other survivors, his face
was full of drowsiness and a sudden awakened confusion. He took off his glasses and
rubbed his eyebrows, yawned, and realized that Shen Shi'an's He smiled and waved his
hand to say hello.
Luo Wei lowered his voice and asked Liu Fangzhou: "Are all people here?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "All the bases are here, the total number is still 3723, three less."
Luo Wei's eyebrows were locked tightly, standing in front of the survivors and exclaiming,
"All the members are very sorry for interrupting everyone to rest so late, but there is a
special situation in the base, please be calm and calm, and cooperate with the count." Turn
to look at Tao Yuan holding the register: "Let's go."
Tao Yuan split the paper in the register and distributed it to another 49 soldiers, each in
charge of a column, and asked those present to find their name and sign for confirmation.
After half an hour, the count was complete. There were indeed three missing men, all three
were men, and one of them happened to be the killing young man who put a note in the
quarantine zone. The three lived in different dormitories. None of the people in the same
dormitory knew when they were gone and where they went. After much cross-examination
by the soldiers, they could only remember that the last time they saw them was probably in
line for dinner.
The possibility of these three men leaving the base in tandem is too small, not to mention
hiding the soldiers guarding the patrol. Even if they leave the base, they are not physically
strong. Only one of them has participated in the material collection operation. Limited
combat power and lack of experience. Staying in the base can at least guarantee a safe and
sufficient survival diet. Isn't it a death to go to a crisis-ridden world?
Lowe looked dignified, and his brows grew more and more tight. After thinking for a while,
half of the soldiers were left in place. Two hundred volunteers were selected from the
survivors, and a carpet-like search was started from the gate of the base. Corpse, I do n’t
believe it, the three living beings can disappear from the base without a chance. ”
However, people really disappeared.
More than a hundred soldiers and two hundred volunteers searched the base three times
from beginning to end. The corner corners, bathrooms, utility rooms, and even the bottom
of each dormitory were carefully checked, almost three feet in the ground, but The shadow
of the missing person was not found.
When searching the production workshop, Shen Xun, who was held in his arms by Shen
Shi'an, suddenly shook his nose: "An'an, there is blood."
But that's it. The **** smell the child smelled was very light, and it was also doped with
some pungent detergent smell, and it was not sure who it belonged to. Luo Wei led people
to search the entire production workshop, especially Shen Xun's **** area, and searched it
several times. Even the machinery was disassembled and looked at. Nothing was found.
By the time the search was over and Shen Shi'an and others returned to the dormitory, it
was already over five in the morning.
Liu Fangzhou said: "The timing is also a coincidence. Xunge only found out the person who
was stuck in the paper in the morning, and the people disappeared at night. Someone
secretly made a ghost. The murderers behind my dime were those who wanted to seize
power. To prevent killing young Matters from revealing their identities, they must first kill
the murders. "
Shen Shian asked, "What about the other two people?"
"To confuse sight, so no one can guess their true goal"
Shen Shi'an did not speak. He agreed with part of Liu Fangzhou's view that the
disappearance of the Matter youth was related to Shen Xun's discovery that he was a
slipper. But since the young man's note slipping has been exposed, as long as the first
reason he is involved in the garrison is definitely to die, no matter how many people use it
to confuse his sight, it is useless. And the disappearance of three people at the same time
will inevitably attract attention. I am afraid that such a large action is not just as simple as
killing people.
Chen Nandao: "Even if the three people are dead, where did the body go?" Every corner of
the base has been searched several times, and the soil has been checked every inch without
any new signs. It ca n’t evaporate.
"If it is really the hands of the evolutionist," Shen Shi'an pushed the child back to the bed
and covered the quilt. "There are many ways to make the body disappear." For example, a
psionicist like Library Dong can burn the body into a fly Gray, for example, the space ability
can directly receive the body into the space.
There are many methods, but unfortunately they cannot be verified. Shen Shi'an took off
his coat and lay beside the child: "Don't think about it, hurry up and make up for it."
As Liu Fangzhou climbed up on the bed and thoughtfully, sitting on the bed silent for a long
time, suddenly watching the crowd quietly: "There is another possibility. Maybe it was
Chen Nan had a nightmare for this sentence, and he was still groggy until ten o'clock, with
two huge dark circles.
The search team has left the base long ago. In addition to the soldiers, there are more than a
hundred survivors. It seems that Zhou Jianghai's conversation with Luo Wei has been
fruitful, and more people have joined the search operation.
Shen Shi'an didn't go. He didn't lack supplies. The first two members joined to understand
the zombie variation in the urban area and to establish a good relationship with the
garrison, thereby borrowing a communicator. At present, the first two goals have been
achieved, but the third goal may not be achieved.
After discussing with Chen Nan, Shen Shi'an decided to stay in the base for another three
days: plus twenty-four hours in the quarantine zone, they had stayed in the base for four
days, just one week together. If the garrison's communicator can be restored within three
days, it is naturally a joy, if not, they should hurry on their way as soon as possible.
Regarding the three survivors who disappeared for no reason, Luo Wei set up a five-person
investigation team to repeatedly investigate the roommates of the missing persons, the
witnesses who last saw them before disappearance, and the people who had conflicts with
them. The search was expanded beyond the base walls, but still found nothing.
In the last days, whether it is missing or dead, it is too common. In less than three days, the
disappeared from the survivors to talk after the meal to gradually disappeared, as if the
water vapor on the glass mirror, after evaporation No trace, completely left behind.
On the other hand, the atmosphere between the survivors and the garrison in the base
became more and more harmonious. Things similar to the canteen farce never happened
again. The cooperation between the two parties cleared the road leading to the urban area,
although many buildings collapsed. The unfinished materials in that shopping mall were
also completely buried underground, but Qujiang City is vast and unaffected by the
subsidence still accounts for most of the area. There are many people and powerful forces,
and the search team ’s daily harvest is not much worse than before.
If you can keep it up, the days will always get better.
On the last night when Shen Shi'an and others decided to leave, Luo Wei set up a banquet in
the administrative building to see off the four of them.
"Brothers Shen, Brother Chen, Brother Liu, and this little Shen friend," Luo Wei raised his
glass. "Everyone said that meeting is a fate, and meeting after the end of the world should
be a more rare fate. I'm glad to meet the four, I It's a rough person, and I can't say anything
beautiful, so I wish you a safe journey and reach the capital as soon as possible to reunite
with your family.
Shen Shi'an also raised his glass: "Thank you Captain Luo, and Captain Ji Yan."
Tao Yuandao: "Mr. Shen, although the communicator hasn't been repaired yet, if you want,
you can leave your family's name, phone number and the information you want to tell, and
we will definitely try to convey it after the communication is restored."
This is also a solution. Shen Shi'an nodded, and toasted Tao Yuan again, "I'm really grateful
to everyone."
Subject to conditions, the banquet dishes are not rich, but the guests and the guests enjoyed
a meal. Most of the soldiers admired Shen Shi'an's super-combat power. At the same time,
because of the scolding battle between Liu Fangzhou and the survivors in the cafeteria, the
four people were so impressed that if they hadn't planned otherwise, they really wanted to
In the same way, Shen Shi'an and others admired the soldiers. If there are more people like
this, it should not be terrible even in the last days.
Liu Fangzhou was young and full of emotions, and he was angry. He was sad because of the
parting emotions. With a few brothers, you got me a glass, he got a glass, I got drunk, and
finally held the brother's thigh to death. Unwilling to let go: "You are all good guys 1551,
Captain Luo, Brother Tao Yuan, I can't bear to beat you up"
Shen Shi'an's eyebrows twitched fiercely, his lips indifferent and his lips tight, and he
gestured to the dog.
Shen Xun Da Ma Jin Dao walked to Liu Fangzhou and whispered something into his ears.
The teenager trembled and immediately jumped from the ground: "I'm not drunk, I'm not
drunk, look for brother, look, I'm sober "
After saying goodbye to the crowd, Chen Nan helped Liu Fangzhou to go out first, Shen
Shi'an led the child, and Luo Wei, who insisted to be sent to the door, stopped under the
steps and stopped: "Captain Luo, how much do you know about Zhou Jianghai?"
"Not too much," Luo Wei thought and replied, "He was one of the first survivors who were
rescued after we set up the base. He used to be a teacher in high school to teach history and
has the healing power. Has helped us a lot, because the collection of materials is often
injured, and my brother and I have almost been treated by him. Both ability and popularity
are very good. Among the survivors, the prestige is very high. This time the survivors can
cooperate so well, He is credited. "
Shen Shi'an looked into Luo Wei's eyes and said quietly, "Be careful when dealing with him
in the future."
Lowe seemed a little surprised, and then there was a meditation in his eyes. Nodded
solemnly, "I see."
Liu Fangzhou was so drunk that he was not sober until midnight. My throat was terribly
dry, as if there was a fire burning, crawling down from the bed and looking for some water
to drink, I pulled out a bottle of mineral water from my backpack, took a sip when I opened
the lid, and suddenly it looked like It was frightened, and he suddenly coughed, and the
water dripped with tears and tears, but he couldn't even care about it at this time, and
shouted in the direction of the Shen Shi'an bed:
"Brother Shen, a lot of zombies came around"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 63: Chapter 63

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When Shen Shi'an rushed to the administrative building with the children and Chen Nan,
the harsh alarm sounded throughout the base.
Soldiers shouted exhaustedly on the guard tower by the wall: "The enemy attacked the
zombies and attacked all the members."
Luo Wei rushed out of the administrative building with a serious look, and met Shen Shi'an
and others who could not afford to greet him, and ran directly in the direction of the guard
tower: "while walking and talking"
There are a total of twelve meters in the five-meter-high sentry tower base, which is built
around the wall to surround the entire base for defensive soldiers to detect and alert.
Among them, there are four gates facing the urban area and therefore most vulnerable to
zombies, two left and right, connected by a walkway made of wooden boards and steel
plates, about one meter wide, allowing two people to pass at the same time.
Luo Wei walked along the steps to the tower and asked Liu Fangzhou not far behind him:
"You sense what the zombie is like now"
Liu Fangzhou's face was a bit whitish, and half of them were frightened because of the
dizziness after being drunk: "The zombies came from the urban area, and the number
sensed two minutes ago within one kilometer was more than 7,400. Now it's fifteen
thousand, and it continues to increase. "
Luo Wei's face was sinking in water, and everyone else looked embarrassed. Tao Yuan
couldn't understand: "The area near the base in the urban area has been cleaned up long
ago. It is still good to collect supplies in the afternoon. There are only a few scattered
zombies along the road. Suddenly gathered so much "
Shen Shi'an's lips were tight, and there was a hint of uncertainty in his heart: the
purposeful gathering of zombies could not be an accident in any case. Concealed anxiety
that has been difficult to ignore since entering the base suddenly became a reality, and in
this case it is not known whether it is time to take a breath or lift the heart high.
The crowd quickly climbed to the top of the tower and stood on the aisle and looked out. All
the searchlights on the fence light up, lighting the area within 100 meters outside the gate
like daylight: under the dazzling cold white light, tens of thousands of zombies are dense as
tide, and the turbid eyes are full of reflection. The grayish scent of death, with a mad desire
for fresh flesh, hissed and rushed towards the door.
A dozen meters away from the gate, a circle of protective fences made by soldiers using
sharpened wooden stakes was set up, but under the impact of such a torrent, it had little
effect and was quickly scattered by the zombies.
And in the darkness where the lights can't reach, God knows how many zombies are
coming in continuously.
The searchlight was intensely bright, and the rotting dead meat on the zombies, exposed
bones, blood-stained clothes, and even dirty yellow teeth were all exposed. Liu Fangzhou's
complexion turned whiter, and he took a half step back, subconsciously covering his mouth.
It wasn't just him who was blushing, so the impact from a bird's-eye view was too great,
and many soldiers appeared panic and embarrassment.
"Attention everyone" Luo Wei's fast and steady voice cleared up and down the tower: "One
class and two classes worked with me on a firearm protection net with a gun rack, and the
third class supported them with grenades." Four shifts and five shifts went from behind the
door and attacked. Be sure not to let the zombies knock the door open. "
Ruohong Zhong's calm voice sounded, and the soldiers instantly looked as if they had found
the backbone of their hearts, responding in unison: "Yes"
The gate of the base has two layers. The outer layer is the original two iron fences, which
are high and heavy. They are locked with chains and iron bolts. The inner layer is the iron
sheet and wooden boards that the soldiers added later. In order to prevent outside
At this time, the first batch of zombies who had rushed through the fire net had hit the
door. The sound of nail scraping on the iron sheet was sour. The fourth and fifth soldiers
who were ordered to remove the iron sheet board and stand with the saber. After arriving
at the door, the arm that had escaped the mad zombie's waving arm passed the blade
through the fence and pointed at the zombie's head.
The stabstick in Chen Nan's hand was able to give play to his advantage at this time, and
rushed to join the soldiers without a word. Liu Fangzhou wanted to help and was terrified.
Shen Shian said, "You don't have to go down, I need you to detect the number of zombies in
real time."
The teenager was relieved, and immediately responded, "Hey."
The bright alarm sound still echoed repeatedly in the base. Within a few minutes, two or
three hundred survivors ran one after another from the direction of the dormitory building.
After learning about the situation, they joined the battle.
Except for the two or three hundred people, there was no movement in the entire bedroom
building. The remaining 3,000 survivors were clearly awake. With Shen Shi'an's eyesight,
there were many eyes behind the window, but no one ran out to ask what happened, and
no one came to the door to provide support. The darkened building was quiet. It's
terrifying, like a beast dormant in the dark. I don't know what the idea is, and I don't know
when it will jump out and give a fatal blow.
The sense of uncertainty in his heart grew stronger, and Shen Shi'an retracted his gaze and
looked at the current situation: more and more zombies gathered outside the gate. Looking
away, the sight was full of dense zombies. The two classes led by Luo Wei erected more
than a hundred guns on the aisle between the towers and the aisles between the towers.
The shells burst into the ground with violent shooting sounds, and numerous bullets were
shot into the zombies like a storm. From time to time, there are still hand grenades thrown
away from time to time, which explode a dazzling fire, and the strong smell of smoke and
smoke has even covered the rancidity of the zombies, but it still cannot stop them from
rushing to the door.
The 45-meter-high fence around the base is the best protection against zombies, but it has
also become the biggest obstacle to combat at this time: Due to terrain restrictions, only
long-range attacks can effectively attack zombies, which makes soldiers with guns Become
the main force of battle, but whether it is soldiers' guns or ammunition, it is impossible to
continue without limit.
Among the survivors who came to support were two psionicists who could conduct long-
range attacks. At this time, they did not care about concealing ability, and climbed into a
tower to defend it. The remaining people had neither guns nor long-range attack
capabilities, and most of them concentrated at the door and alternated with the soldiers
like Chen Nan.
However, the doorway has limited attack positions, and the accumulation of zombies also
hinders the speed and efficiency of new zombies. In this way, it is only a matter of time
before the zombies break through the door.
Shen Shi'an frowned and tightened, and asked Liu Fangzhou: "How many zombies are
"Four, forty-six thousand"
"Are they still increasing?"
The boy's voice sounded like he was crying: "Um."
Shen Shi'an no longer hesitated, striding towards Lowe: "Is there any horn and bombs used
to attract zombies when collecting materials before?"
Luo Wei blasted off the heads of the two zombies with a gun, and looked back at Shen
Shi'an and immediately understood what he wanted to do: "Yes, you need to lead the
Shen Shi'an nodded: "There are too many zombies, and I ca n’t insist on it without pulling
away a part of the base. I go west from the side wall for a kilometer, and this distance
should be enough." Difficult, because in addition to the horn that can amplify the sound, he
also has something that the zombies can't resist.
Lowe's throat rolled and his emotions surged in his eyes: he knew that Shen Shi'an's ability
could take his companions away. The base had nothing to do with the other party. He was
neither a soldier nor survivors in the base They are not relatives, and they are ready to
leave tomorrow. They have no position and have no right to ask the other party for help.
But the other party still chose to stay and fight, even willing to risk their lives to lead away
the zombies
But now is not the time to be emotional. Holding all the emotions in his chest, Luo Wei
quickly calmed down: "You are too dangerous alone, and you have no experience in
detonating bombs. I asked Tao Yuan to take ten people with you. Tao Yuan"
While Luo Wei gave orders to Tao Yuan, Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun to a hidden corner
under the tower, took the Tang sword out of the space and returned it to him: "Wait here
for me, I will be back soon." After waiting for the children to refuse, he said, "Evolvers in the
base are weird. I can't worry about leaving Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou here. If something
happens, I need you to help me protect them. I promise you , I will be fine. "
Just to coax the children over here, Tao Yuan came with ten people: "Mr. Shen, the bombs
and the zombies are in the administration building. Let ’s get them before we go."
Shen Shi'an nodded, shouted Liu Fangzhou and looked after the children, and then ran with
Tao Yuan and others toward the administrative building.
The party just ran two steps, and the mutation became abrupt. A violent shock suddenly
came from under my feet. The whole ground seemed to have vitality suddenly. The pranks
generally threw people up and down, and the ground was shaking with a loud noise, which
was not much more than the movement back to the urban subsidence. Let.
At the same time, the ground at the edge of the square suddenly cracked. A one-meter-thick
soil wall rose from the ground and rose higher and higher, along the concrete road outside
the square, extending from one side of the fence to the other. The soil mass was shaken
violently and fell, but within a few minutes, a majestic mud wall that was more than ten
meters high and more than one hundred meters long blocked the road tightly. The Buddha
drew a cross in the circle. The line, which became the second wall inside the base, firmly
isolated the garrison and survivors who came to support in a small area between the mud
wall and the gate.
The shock caused by the rising mud wall was too violent. Tao Yuan had not yet stabilized
his body. He heard the exclaimed comrades from the tower: "Captain and captain fell off"
The heart seemed to be slammed hard, and he gritted his teeth and rushed back
immediately. However, a shadow beside him was faster than him. After a few steps, he
stood up and jumped directly from the ground onto the five-meter-high walkway.
There were a lot of wild horses and horses on the aisle. The sudden shock caused the
soldiers to fall to the west. The muzzles of several agencies' guns were almost deflected and
accidentally injured. Four soldiers, including Luo Wei, rolled off the wall unexpectedly and
fell into the accident. In the zombies outside the fence.
Shen Shi'an extended the five senses to the extreme. After confirming that Shen Xun and
Chen Nan were not in the wall, he jumped onto the fence and jumped off the wall.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 64: 64th

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Luo Wei stunned for about 0.5 seconds after falling to the ground, and then fully awoke
from the roar of the zombies and the slight sting of the lower back. He just fell on a zombie,
turned his head to avoid the zombies' teeth, lifted his feet and rolled over two stoops, and a
carp stood up from the ground, his right hand took a gun and burst three in succession, his
left hand was drawn. \\ 'The army knife slammed into the temple on the ground.
Looking back at the three men who fell with him: "How are you?"
The three soldiers did not respond slowly, quickly rising back-to-back in a defensive
posture, and fighting back while holding weapons and zombies: "Okay, Captain, you?"
"Not dead yet" Lowe fired a few more shots, and then there was an empty sound of bullets
in the barrel. Fuck the gun back to the holster, replace it with a knife in your right hand and
lift your foot on a zombie chest. The sternum is immediately sunken like a dough that has
been hammered with a punch. The broken ribs pierce the fabric. The rotten meat suspected
of viscera squeezed out from the crack and slipped out, but the action was not affected at
all, and the black rotten blood basin was still flung forward.
Luo Wei made another kick, this time hitting the skull. After clicking and crunching, the
zombies finally fell down, but more zombies came around. "Backward to the wall"
The four retreated to the wall, with the shielding pressure slightly reduced behind them,
but the zombie's sensitivity to fresh flesh and blood was amazing. After the suppression of
the fire on the tower, they rushed towards the food like a tide.
Luo Wei struggled to resist the gap and took a look at his head: the fence was too high, and
he could not go at all without a point of leverage. He can use it as a leverage point to let the
soldiers climb on his shoulders, but there are too many zombies. The four people circled in
a half circle but barely supported. Once any one is missing, the remaining three people will
be torn to pieces by the zombies in an instant. .
One of the three soldiers was the youngest and his voice shook so loudly that he cried:
"Team, Captain, are we going to be eaten by the zombies?" He was not afraid of death, but
he didn't want to be killed by the zombies alive.
"Fart" Luo Wei yelled, Yu Guang swept the soldier secretly and touched his hand to his
chest pocket, and his heart sank: after the end of the last days, all the soldiers put a bullet in
their chest pockets, which was called The "glorious bomb" is used to reduce suffering in
There was a little blood in his eyes: "You don't do silly things to Lao Tzu"
A word just shouted, and a person jumped off the fence. He was as light and silent as a
cheetah, his sword came out and a snow-blue glare of light fluttered across it, and the
zombie's head was snoring, and he was immediately surrounded Empty one.
"Mr. Shen" was screaming in surprise at the soldier who was about to take out the glory
Shen Shi'an glanced back: "Are you all right?"
Luo Wei's throat rolled twice, and the sinking heart floated up again: "It's all right. Brother
Shen is careful"
Shen Shi'an flipped his sword sideways and swept away, and then smashed a group of
zombies that came up, and took two steps back to the position of the four: "You go up first"
Someone was standing in front of the zombie tide, and climbing the wall was much simpler.
Rowe and a soldier acted as a lever to send the other two up, and then a third person. Just
as the people on the wall had found a rope to hang down, Rowe shouted: "Brother Shen
soon come"
"You go first, I'll come later." Shen Shian's eyes were cold, his posture stretched his sword
extremely fast, and almost a circle of impervious sword-light afterimages danced, but no
zombies could enter the whole body one meter. Within range.
Luo Wei no longer hesitated when he saw this, immediately grabbed the rope and climbed
up like a spirit ape, and Shen Shi'an confirmed that he was safe and stood on tiptoe, and
easily fell on the wall.
Luo Wei just stood on the aisle of the tower, Tao Yuan immediately loosened the rope and
rushed over: "Captain, how are you, Captain, are you okay, Captain, are you injured, let me
check it soon"
Luo Wei grabbed his hand, watched his faint red eyes tremble in his heart, and then rubbed
two on his head with a smile: "It's all right, don't worry, I'm fine what it is." The dozen-
meter-high, more than 100-meter-long, towering Great Wall generally lay across the
earth's wall not far away, and immediately opened his eyes in shock.
"Power." Shen Shi'an jumped up and stood next to him, looking up at the earth wall as well,
his eyes were dark and bottomless: "There are soil-type powers in the base."
This wall was just right, blocking all garrisons and survivors who came to support in a
small area from the edge of the square to the gate of the base. The crowd who had just
eased from the shock just looked at the block in front of them. Behemoth, a panic emerged
from the bottom of my heart by accident: what is going on, what is the situation, why is a
wall rising?
The mastermind apparently did not let everyone wait long, and a figure quickly appeared
on the top of the earth wall: it was the survivors who had been silent in the bedroom
building after the alarm sounded.
Luo Wei stared at the doctor standing in the center of the crowd with a blue complexion,
almost spitting fire in his eyes: "Zhou Jianghai, what do you mean?"
Zhou Jianghai was the same as when Shen Shian saw him for the first time, with gray hair,
wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, neatly trimmed his beards, and meticulously
buttoned his shirt. It's just that the look behind the glasses is different. Through the cold
reflection of the lens, you can clearly see the indifference and arrogance of the superior in
the eyes looking at the inferior people.
Standing next to him was also an acquaintance. It was the black and thin men Ma Zhongyi
who entered the base with Shen Shian and others. At this time, his face was a little pale, and
he quickly turned into a fly ash in his palm. Familiar: Zombie Crystal Nuclei.
It seems that the soil-powered person who raised this wall is him.
Facing Luo Wei's questioning, Zhou Jianghai did not appear guilty or nervous at all, and
even maintained his gentle and gentle attitude as a history teacher: "It's not interesting.
There are too many zombies outside, just to provide you with an extra layer It's safe. "
Luo Wei had nothing to say, Zhou Jianghai fluttered and interrupted him: "Captain Luo is
better than focusing on this to prevent the zombies from breaking through the door."
It seemed to be in response to his words. There was a dull impact sound outside the gate.
The previous vibration not only threw people up and down, but the fence was also affected
to a certain extent. Cracks appeared in several places, and iron The connection between the
door and the surrounding wall was particularly damaged. The hinged door frame became
loose, and the cement ash fell straight under the impact of the zombies. There was a danger
of falling off the wall completely at any time.
And once the door breaks open, the people isolated in the narrow area between the earth
wall and the door will be completely exposed to the tide of zombies, unable to escape, and
face the brutal attacks of tens of thousands of zombies.
Luo Wei's complexion can no longer be described with iron blue. His eyes were bloodshot
and he stared at Zhou Jianghai for a moment, then suddenly turned around and gave the
order: "All members should pay attention to maintaining the previous formation to
increase their defensive efforts and not let the zombies continue to hit the door."
The soldiers were indignant: "The captain let them hide behind the earth wall, shall we
fight to help them kill the zombies?"
"Since some evolutionists can manipulate the soil to raise the earth wall, why not build the
earth wall to block the zombies, what's going on behind us?"
"Just grenade \\\ 'bombed the wall, and everyone will die together"
Luo Wei took a bite of blood on the ground, bent over and picked up one, and the waves in
the tiger's eyes were scary and scary: "I didn't expect them to help, and continued when
they didn't exist. If the zombies rush in, the first one It ’s us who are unlucky, so it ’s not for
others to kill the zombies, it ’s for ourselves, and from now on, it's only for ourselves.
Listen, Lao Tzu ’s soldiers are n’t trained to come together with a bunch of rubbish. No one
is allowed to die here today. "
After a brief silence, the response was neatly deafening: "Yes"
The firepower net was re-established. One part of the soldiers and survivors under the
tower tried their best to support the door. The other part clenched their teeth and waved
their weapons in an effort to prevent the next wave of zombies from striking.
Fighting desperately above the wall, watching from above the earthen wall, at this moment,
the whole base seems to form two distinct worlds.
Ma Zhongyi absorbed more than 30 crystal nuclei in succession, his face looked much
better. Looking down at the battle below, he asked Zhou Jianghai: "Doctor, when should we
"Don't worry, wait for them to run out of ammunition and kill a little more mutant zombies
for us. At that time you don't need to do anything and concentrate on this wall. Someone
has gone to the administrative building to find a gun. It is not a problem to solve them.
After Zhou Jianghai spoke, he confirmed again: "If they fight with a dead net and blast it
with a bomb, you are sure you can keep this wall from falling."
Ma Zhongyi glanced at the two large barrels of crystal nuclei next to him and nodded hard:
"You can rest assured, as long as the crystal nuclei are present, I will make up as much as
they explode to ensure that the earth wall will not be damaged at all."
Zhou Jianghai was satisfied with the answer, raised his hand and patted him on his
shoulder, then turned his eyes to a certain point on the tower.
Shen Shi'an jumped down and cleared away a group of zombies who had rushed through
the firepower net and gathered at the door. After easing the offensive, he jumped up again,
facing away from a gaze on the earth wall. The plan of using horns and spiritual springs to
drive away the zombies would definitely not work. According to the current situation, it is
estimated that before he arrives at the site to bury the bomb, the door will be opened by
the zombies.
There is very little ammunition left, the door is in danger, and it is dead to stay here. It is
not possible to flee the crowd and escape from the ground. The position of the earth wall
rising from the ground is very clever. The isolated part of the wall is full of zombies and
densely glanced. Can't see
The success rate of blasting the earth wall from other directions is very small. Zhou
Jianghai knew that the garrison had explosives. Since he chose to raise the earth wall, there
must be a rear move. It is likely to be reserved in advance. Well, the crystal nucleus
provides energy supplement for that earth-based power actor, not to mention that there
are more than 150 other power fighters waiting for the opportunity;
The back road is blocked and the front road is difficult. Even if it can break out from the
wall enclosed by zombies, the zombies will not just watch the food slip away. The huge
target of nearly 500 people will definitely attract them to pursue. Among the tens of
thousands of corpse waves outside the wall, about a quarter of them are mutated. Their
speed is close to ordinary people, they will not be tired, they will not be hungry, and they
will not give up. It's just a matter of time.
The best way is to drive, but the five military trucks are all isolated on the other side of the
dirt wall.
It seems that Zhou Jianghai did design a dead end for them.
It is a pity that he missed a Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shian came to Luo Wei: "Now, do you still want to stay here to protect the survivors?"
Strong anxiety and anger burned in the chest, Luo Wei held a gun and madly shot red eyes.
After a few seconds, he reacted. What does Shen Shi'an mean? "You, you can take us away"
"It depends on whether you want to leave."
"Yes" Luo Wei's hand holding the gun trembled, with countless annoyances and regrets in
his eyes: "If it weren't for me to stay here and obey an order half a month ago, my brothers
would be home soon. Reunited with loved ones. Brother Shen, if you really have a way, I
beg you to take them away. "
"I need a little time, can you hold on for a while?" After waiting for the answer, Shen Shi'an
asked again: "Are there any shotgun bombs in the administrative building? \ 'Can those
people get it after the medicine soil wall?"
Luo Wei shook his head with great certainty: "I can't get it. When we collected materials in
the urban area, we pulled back a safe from the bank. The bombs could not be opened, and
all the remaining weapons and ammunition were placed inside. The password is only
known to me and Tao Yuan. "
This is easy to handle, at least you don't have to worry about the group of people shooting
from behind with guns.
Shen Shi'an no longer delayed, and immediately jumped down the aisle to find Chen Nan
and Liu Fangzhou, so that they didn't have to worry about holding on for a while, while
being alert to the crowd behind the earth wall.
This time, Shen Xun insisted on acting with him. Shen Shi'an thought for a while and
refused, took him out of the wall with him and put him into the space. It was not difficult for
Shen Shi'an to make a breakthrough from the zombies alone. He turned around the base
wall half a circle, and then turned in from the dormitory building. He breathlessly ran for
five cars at full speed towards the administrative building The truck stopped in the open
space next to the administrative building.
At this time, more than 3,000 people mostly gathered on the earth wall, all the way through
unimpeded without encountering any survivors. However, more than fifty meters away
from the truck, Shen Shian stopped suddenly. A person walked far from the direction of the
earth wall, and was finally completely exposed to the lights of the administrative building.
Zhou Jianghai smiled at him: "It really is you."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 65: 65th

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an did not speak.
In my mind, I estimated that the distance from here to the original position of Zhou Jianghai
on the soil wall was not less than 200 meters.
How did the other party find him at such a long distance, he was convinced that he did not
make any sound, and even the frequency of breathing and heartbeat were deliberately
controlled in an extremely slow and stable state. Even if it was him standing on the soil
wall, his five senses were released to the extreme. Underneath, you may not be able to
detect your own trace.
Zhou Jianghai didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't seem to mind his silence.
"You must think I'm a shameless person who has lost all his goodness and ingratitude."
"That's right." Shen Shi'an was very straight, his face was so cold, his answer was firm.
Zhou Jianghai froze, and then continued his monologue as if nothing happened. "In fact, I
didn't intend to do it so well at first. I know that Captain Luo is a good person, but in the
last days, they can't survive as good people. Mr. Yun I should know that I was a history
teacher before the last days. Human beings have experienced many major catastrophes in
history. Many historians have described it as a disaster, but I prefer to call it a test. Every
catastrophe is a disaster. Selection, elimination of unqualified ones, selection of excellent
ones, giving them special abilities and inheriting them from generation to generation, such
as walking upright, using tools, such as abilities. The natural competition and the survival
of the fittest are natural justice and Wisdom. Zombie virus is also a selection, unqualified
people are reduced to walking dead, barely qualified people struggle to survive, only we,
only evolutionaries like us, are the natural arrogants who are naturally screened out and
adapt to the new environment. Superior ethnic groups are qualified to lead others to
survive in the last days. "
Zhou Jianghai looked at Shen Shi'an. The gentleness of the teacher or the pride of the
inferior ethnic group disappeared in the eyes behind the lenses, and was replaced by the
recognition of the same kind and the enthusiasm for his lofty mission. "Mr. Yun, we are the
selected people. It shoulders the responsibility of guiding, inheriting, and rejuvenating
human beings. Captain Luo does not have any of them. How can such a person lead us to
build a better base and how can we lead us to survive in the last days? , They ca n’t even
guarantee that the survivors have enough to eat, and this is something that any plant-based
evolutionary can do after it has fully evolved. ”
Shen Xun rolled his eyes while eating strawberries in the space. "I think this old man is
Shen Shian sympathized deeply. Ask Zhou Jianghai "When did you start planning this
"It didn't take long." Zhou Jianghai was unexpectedly frank and cooperative. "I said, I didn't
intend to do it so well. It would be good to persuade ordinary people not to participate in
the material search operation, or to deepen the conflict between the survivors and the
garrison. They just want Captain Luo to retreat and take the initiative to leave the base, but
unfortunately he is not willing to let go. Honestly, my plan fell into a bottleneck for a while
before your newcomers appeared, although I am confident that we can win the base
Control, but once it ’s too slow, there will inevitably be an evolutionary sacrifice.
Fortunately, God will soon send me an earth-powered evolver whose abilities you have
personally I realized that such a huge power is beyond the reach of ordinary ordinary
people who can't understand it in their lifetime. "
In other words, it was planned after Ma Zhongyi entered the base. No wonder he was so
close to Ma Zhongyi. Shen Shi'an's thinking moved quickly, and some incidents were
quickly linked. "If you want more than 3,000 people to cooperate with your plan, you must
let them deeply reject or even hate the garrison. So the last farce in the cafeteria is not only
you It was achieved by one hand, and your purpose was to persecute the garrison. "Lowe's
force deterrence was simply in his plan.
Zhou Jianghai smiled. "Yes. Without Captain Luo's shot, those ordinary people who are
dumb and embarrassed haven't been so easy to coax."
"The so-called cooperation between the two parties is actually an opportunity to collect
crystal nuclei in the urban area."
"That's right. Captain Luo and others don't even know the special role of crystal nuclei,
leaving the crystal nuclei to stay in the rotten skull of mutant zombies is really a violent
"What method did you use to bring the zombies back?" Shen Shi'an looked as usual, but his
dark eyes with light on his back were scary. "Do you use the blood and bodies of the three
missing persons?"
\ "To be precise, two missing persons. \"
Shen Shi'an frowned, thinking for a moment with a frown, and quickly responded, "The
third person is an evolutionary. He has hidden himself and his body with power."
"You're smart." Zhou Jianghai's eyes were more appreciated. "Mr. Yun, you are an
outstanding evolutionary. I have no intention of being against you. The reason why I can
answer these questions frankly is to express my sincerity. If If you like, I can manage the
base with you, and gradually expand the scale, and build it into one of the largest survivor
bases in the end of the world; if you do n’t want to, you and I are the chosen evolutionaries,
there is no reason to choose Is it true that you and your companions can leave each other
freely, I promise not to block them, and if you have a need, you will be willing to give away
a large number of materials. The number of evolutionaries is already small, so we should
unite and unify, for the sake of Reconstruction and rejuvenation of civilization are working
tirelessly. "
In the space, Shen Xun vomited "This old man is really sick."
Shen Shi was silent for a moment, then looked at Zhou Jianghai's eyes. "If I am not willing to
build a base with you or leave, I insist on coexisting with the garrison."
Zhou Jianghai lifted up his glasses, and the lens reflected a cold light. "Mr. Yun is really
powerful, but after all, he is only one person. On our side, there are more than 150
"Dare to threaten you" The dog jumped up and down "Anan let me go out and kill him"
Shen Shi'an ignored him, and "I have two more questions."
"Mr. Yun, please."
"You have brought so many zombies here. With garrisons and two or three hundred
survivors, you can't kill them. So what do you do when they become zombies?"
Zhou Jianghai is well-placed. "Since I have a way to bring it in, I naturally have a way to get
it back."
In other words, kill two more people. "The last question is what your power is"
Zhou Jianghai's expression remained stagnant for a moment, and then he and Shen Shi'an
met each other mildly. "If I asked Mr. Yun, would Mr. Yun answer the truth"
"will not."
"So easy to move, Mr. Yun should also be able to forgive Zhou for not being able to tell his
own situation."
Shen Shian nodded "fair."
Zhou Jianghai seemed to be relieved, and then stretched out his right hand. "Although the
timing is not particularly suitable, I am very glad to have such an opportunity to talk to Mr.
Yun, regardless of your final decision, Zhou will fully respect it."
Shen Shi'an stared at the palm of his hand for a while, and also extended his right hand.
"Thank you for your understanding."
Just when the palms of the two were about to be held together, the left hand pulled out a
sword with a thunderbolt \\\ ', and the blade flipped lightningly towards Zhou Jianghai.
However, the sword was not able to pierce the opponent, because a half-meter-thick soil
wall was erected between the two, and Zhou Jianghai was firmly secured.
Jianguang swept across the earth wall, but Zhou Jianghai has hurried back with this
moment of obstruction, his face full of wrath "Yunfeiyang, what do you mean"
Shen Shi'an ignored it at all, holding a long sword in his hands to bully the past, and his
slender figure was like a cheetah, chasing his prey quickly and elegantly. Between the
battles, there are many different abilities displayed from Zhou Jianghai, or vines that have
suddenly grown up to try to entangle, or a curtain of water floating in the air to block the
attack, or a blade of wind that has passed violently.
Everywhere, there are more than a dozen kinds of abilities.
Shen Shi'an's expression gradually condensed, and the sword's offensive became more
fierce and fierce. Zhou Jianghai took a bit of a loss. His body was marked with several ****
mouths. He raised his hands and threw out two wind blades and raised two earth walls to
hide Get a breather behind the wall. By the time she looked at Shen Shi'an again, her eyes
were already full of anger. "Toasting, not eating and drinking"
This is because the power did not make Shen Shi'an suspend the offensive, and he was
tense again to raise his vigilance. As soon as witnessing Zhou Jianghai like a water stain
under the scorching sun, from head to feet, his eyes "vaporized" and disappeared in front of
A strong sense of crisis struck suddenly. Shen Shi'an crossed his sword in front of him and
looked around vigilantly. However, there was nothing around him. The bright lights were
empty, and Zhou Jianghai could not be seen at all.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The internal workings of the body work
to the extreme, and the five senses that have been strengthened for many times are fully
turned on, as if a 3d three-dimensional figure is projected in the consciousness, every point
of movement within a radius of 50 meters, every particle of dust, and even every trace of
water vapor are clear. It came to mind that this was one of the fighting methods he felt in
Lin'an County.
Between the electric light and the flint, the sword held a sword flower in his hand and
suddenly pierced straight to the right and rear. After only a scream, the bright red blood
dripped down the blade and quickly gathered on the ground. On a small beach, a piece of
cloth belonging to Zhou Jianghai appeared briefly and then quickly disappeared. No matter
how Shen Shi'an sensed, he could not detect the existence of the other party.
Shen Xun was so anxious in the space, "How about it, did you kill him?"
Shen Shi'an pulled the sword back and shook it. He retracted the sword into his sheath.
Some unfortunately, "No, let him run away." Judging from the blood loss, the injury should
not be the key, but it was not a complete harvest. At least he was right. Zhou Jianghai's
ability has been speculated, and they know how to hide the body of the missing person.
The confrontation with Zhou Jianghai took more than ten minutes. Thinking of the situation
in front of Shen Shi'an, I didn't dare to delay, and quickly put five trucks into the space. The
truck was too large, so Shen Shi'an temporarily sent all of them into the pasture where the
geese were raised. The goose was startled, barking its wings and barking everywhere. In
order to prevent them from getting angry and smashing the truck, Shen Xun also followed
in with a knife at the request of Shen Shi'an, and easily jumped onto the top of a truck. No
goose dared to approach within 100 meters.
After collecting the truck, Shen Shi'an went to the administrative building again, and then
quickly hurried back to the door of the base surrounded by zombies along the original road.
The battle is not optimistic. The left side of the gate has been knocked open from the hinge
connection. Numerous zombies have gathered towards the gap. The sound of gunfire from
the aisle of the tower is sparse. It seems that the ammunition has almost been consumed;
and more It was startling that Zhou Jianghai covered his pierced shoulders and returned to
the top of the earth wall. He shouted, "Don't let one go". Various colorful attack methods
were all directed behind the garrison and survivors in battle. Raid.
Shen Shi'an's eyes were cold and cold, and there was a heavy murderous stroke under his
eyes. Gu Gu again regretted not being able to solve him with one sword. He squatted on the
western wall with the lowest density of zombies, took the truck out of the space and
smashed it directly into the zombies. After placing it, jumped into the wall, pulled out the
sword to infuse spiritual power, and the unparalleled sword screamed out. In turn, an
oblique cross was drawn on the wall corresponding to the position of the compartment
entrance, and flew up. Raising his feet fiercely, in the roar of the whirling gravel, a gap of
more than one meter high and one meter wide appeared at intervals from the fence.
Outside the gap was the truck compartment.
Luo Wei probably understood his plan when Shen Shi settled the truck. At this time, he
immediately ordered "the driver to retreat from the roof, the survivors go first."
Zhou Jianghai stared at Shen Shi'an and the five trucks that appeared out of thin air. His
voice was harsh because of anger and hate. "Don't let them leave Ma Zhongyi and raise a
wall to stop it."
The voice did not fall, a figure rose from the fence, as if completely free from the influence
of gravity, lightly and quickly exceeded the height of the earth wall, the long sword buzzed
and swept left and right, and the two snow-cyan sword lights crisscrossed. Then, the
screams of the earth wall suddenly burst, and even the towering walls were blasted with a
gap of more than five meters long.
These three thousand people were in a state of chaos, and in a short time they could no
longer afford to carry out sneak attacks with abilities.
After making a full blow, Shen Shi'an hit the ground lightly like a civet cat, and his toes
stepped out of two shallow pits on the concrete floor. Then he took a sword and cooperated
with a few of Luo Wei to resist the zombies that came in from the crack of the door and
gave others a chance to escape.
Liu Fangzhou knew that he had limited combat power and left a mess for everyone, so he
rushed to the truck immediately after the hole in the wall was opened. He heard a muffled
sound just a few steps away, and the sound was very familiar. Looking back, Chen Nan I do
n’t know which power entangled several vines with thick three-finger vines behind the soil
wall. He fell heavily to the ground and couldn't move. Two zombies were staggered and
stretched five meters away. The blood bowl came over.
Hastily. I yelled three times in a row, gnashed my teeth and ran back, squatting beside Chen
Nan, took a knife from his pocket, grabbed the vine, and began to cut. While cutting, he
complained, "Why are you so unlucky, brother, if I hadn't been with the scalpel sent by
Brother Shen, I can see who can save you."
Chen Nan never expected that he could come back, moved Mo Ming in his heart, and had
not had time to speak, Liu Fangzhou cursed again, "Why is this vine in the trough so hard?
It is also a botanical power. Look at it. Look at it. Look at people, you can only grow
strawberries. They can kill with abilities. "
Chen Nan's look suddenly changed, and he reached out and dragged Liu Fangzhou to one
side while pulling the stabstick in his hand from the bottom up to the jaw of a zombie. Liu
Fangzhou reacted fairly quickly, picked up his own stabstick and killed another.
Fortunately, these two are ordinary zombies, and it is not difficult to kill them. But there
were three more not far away, and the speed was obviously the mutant zombie.
Chen Nan reached out and pushed Liu Fangzhou, "Let's leave me alone"
Liu Fangzhou's lips trembled, and he bit his teeth and threw the scalpel to Chen Nan. Since
leaving Lin'an County, Shen Shi'an has given him a lot of training, but the best performance
was only to kill two mutant zombies at the same time, and he was lucky, one of them just
stuck his foot into the sewer mouth. The three mutated zombies were too difficult for him.
He barely thrust a stabstick into one's head, and hurriedly bent over to avoid the other. The
third one that came from behind could not escape anyway.
I die. Liu Fangzhou's hands and feet were cold, he closed his eyes with enthusiasm, and
prayed that the zombies wouldn't hurt too much, and that his sacrifice would be recorded
in the annals of history for future generations to look forward to. Before he finished
praying, Chen Nan's wrath suddenly came. What are you doing, run away? "
Chen Nan pulled the scalpel out of the temple of the second mutant zombie, and pulled Liu
Fangzhou towards the truck. Liu Fangzhou was ecstatic for the rest of his life, probably too
happy. He didn't know what tripped him, and the whole man flew forward, and even took
Chen Nan to take a few steps and almost fell to the ground again.
The third zombie has been chased up, this time it's Liu Fangzhou's turn to lie on the ground
and shout "Hurry up and leave me alone"
However, Chen Nan didn't have any panic on his face, but she showed a touch of joy. Liu
Fangzhou hadn't had time to react to what happened. Her body was pulled by the collar,
and dragged into the truck compartment. "Sit down. "
After Shen Shi'an threw the boy into the compartment, he shouted to Shen Xun on the roof,
"Looking for it"
The dog jumped from the top of the carriage onto the fence with a leash, and jumped into
Shen Shi'an's arms from the fence. Shen Shi'an held it and handed it to Chen Nan.
The people had almost evacuated. The first three trucks started one after the other, rushing
out of the zombies and galloping south. The gate of the base had completely fallen down,
and a crowd of zombies poured in like a tide. After a slight pause, they rushed towards the
last two trucks. Shen Shi'an held the sword at the mouth of the carriage and waited until
the last Luo Wei and Tao Yuan got on the car. He originally planned to jump to the earthen
wall and give the survivors a lesson. It would be best to completely solve Zhou Jianghai. But
suddenly he looked up suddenly as if he felt it, and his gaze coincided with the one in the
center of the corpse that could clearly see that a young woman was alive before his death.
The murky eyes were filled with dead gas, and they could not see any human emotions
except the craving for flesh and blood. However, as if it was only a momentary matter, the
vitality in those two eyes suddenly faded away a little, revealing a coldness similar to the
wisdom of the beast. At the same time, the hoarse howling of tens of thousands of zombies
stopped at the same time.
The cold hair on the back of Shen Shian's neck was straight, and he quickly jumped into the
car and walked away.
The two trucks flew away from the base of the tobacco factory. It was frightening and
shuddering that none of the zombies came after them. All the zombies stayed around the
base, and on the road leading to the city, in the dark night. There are still countless figures
coming towards the tobacco factory.
Liu Fangzhou drew near Shen Shi'an, as if he was pale with some kind of huge fright. "Shen
and Brother Shen, just in the group of zombies, it seems that there is a mutant zombie
Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun in his arms and squeezed the cold sweat in his palm.
"I know."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 66: 66th

Settings saved..
The truck was galloping in the night, and the tobacco factory base illuminated by
searchlights and the dead mountains and seas outside the base soon disappeared into the
deep darkness.
After more than half an hour, five trucks stopped on the side of the road, with the moat on
the left side of the road. In the first place, this distance is safe enough without zombies
chasing; in the second to five trucks, there is little fuel left. It is not a rational decision to
run blindly before determining what should be done next; the most important The thing is,
they need to check everyone's condition as soon as possible to prevent someone from
being scratched or bitten by the zombies.
A total of 498 people escaped from the tobacco factory base, in addition to the 262 garrison
and Shen Shi'an, there were 232 survivors. It is almost miracle that no one was bitten by
the zombies, and no one was scratched by the zombies. All the wounds on the people came
from the sneak attack of the power behind the earth wall. Fortunately, they were not fatal.
After a thrilling battle, he escaped from the dead, exhausting his physical strength and
energy. Most of them sat paralyzed in the carriage without even lifting a finger.
Luo Wei summoned all the soldiers to the open space not far from the truck, and stood in
five columns to give Shen Shi'an four people Qi Qijing a military salute "Mr. Shen, life-saving
grace is unforgettable"
Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou voluntarily stepped aside, Shen Shi'an's body was a little
embarrassed, but Shen Shian was very comfortable, and Shen Shi'an was hugged in his
arms, and he was generously respected. If there was no peace, you would all have to
become dead Do you know the little bit of the corpse?
After the ceremony, someone asked "Mr. Shen, do you know why those zombies didn't
come after him?" Tens of thousands of zombies showed them away without notice, and the
picture was really ridiculous.
Shen Shian nodded. "A zombie has evolved from the zombies."
The crowd was startled. "Zombie power is the zombie king that you have said before and
who can control other zombies."
"Yes." The power zombies have elementary wisdom similar to that of beasts. They can
weigh the pros and cons. Compared to their group of "small snacks" who fled by trucks and
fled less than 500 people, they were obviously trapped in the base of 3,000. Multiplayer is
more attractive. The sudden evolution of the power zombies no doubt proved once again
that Shen Shi'an's speculation that "the more concentrated the zombies, the faster the
evolution," the garrison searched the city for more than two months and did not encounter
the power zombies. It was less than half an hour after the tides gathered that mutant
zombies evolved. Apparently, some kind of "catalytic reaction" that occurred in the tens of
thousands of zombies happened, which greatly accelerated the evolution of zombies.
The power zombies have wisdom, and will not be easily attracted by sound, blood or
corpse fragments, which means that Zhou Jianghai's plan is to lift a stone and smash his
own feet, completely trapping more than 3,000 people. Desperate. The soldiers who heard
the news all applauded, and wished to fire their guns to celebrate "It's worth seeing what
the grandchildren are going to do with his mother now, I hope they will all be bitten to
death by the zombies"
"This means that many injustices must be self-defeating, good and evil will be reported, and
the heavens will be reincarnate."
"Hahahaha, he ’s right. Mom, do n’t they have an evolutionist who knows the soil system?
That wall wo n’t stop all the zombies.”
"Hundreds of thousands shouldn't be stopped. Even if it's stopped, they can't get out if they
can't get in. They have to die sooner or later."
"It's a pity that the supplies were left in the administrative building and we couldn't bring
them out. We searched hard, and the cheap garbage was lying in the sink."
"There is no cheaper for them." Shen Shi'an inserted in a timely manner. After everyone
looked at them, he explained, "I have the space ability, and I loaded them all by the way
when I took the truck." In front of so many people Taking the truck out of the space, the
"space storage" ability cannot be concealed anyway, it is better to admit it freely.
The soldiers remained silent for a second, then cheered and rushed over. "Mr. Shen, you are
so handsome", "Mr. Shen, niubi", "Mr. Shen, I love you"
Shen Xun poked out two rows of small fangs and snarled fiercely from his throat. Zhang
Yao's dance claws firmly did not allow anyone to approach An An.
Everyone didn't mind. If they couldn't hold Shen Shi'an, they would hug each other. They
just cheered and felt that there was no more depressing moment than this. Do n’t you like
to complain all day about working too tired and not getting enough? The garrison is
bullying and squeezing them. Now that the garrison has left, no one has asked them to
work, and they will be able to make it easy and happy.
More than three thousand greedy, selfish, stupid, and vicious survivors all gathered
together. The siege of the zombies was still short of supplies, and the end was truly
predictable miserable.
The feeling of great revenge really teaches people to be physically and mentally happy, but
after the pleasure, more is the blank tobacco factory base that was built by these two
hundred soldiers who risked their lives. The "protection of survivors" is their The only goal
and mission since the end of the last days, now the base is gone, and the goal no longer has
any meaning. The communication with the superior has long been completely interrupted,
so what will happen next?
Niuquan couldn't help but look around and found Lowe standing in the dark "Captain,
where are we going next"
Lowe doesn't know why he has become extremely silent since leaving the base. At this
moment, facing more than two hundred pairs of eyes looking at himself, his throat has
rolled two times, and some difficult roads said, "I'm afraid I can't decide for everyone. "
Tao Yuan faintly felt anxiety, "Captain, what do you mean? You are the captain, of course,
we go wherever you go"
Luo Wei looked at him, all kinds of emotions in the tiger's eyes surged, and finally sighed
softly, "Mariko, I was infected with a zombie virus."
For example, a bucket of ice water was poured down in the cold winter, and the cheerful
atmosphere in the crowd was wiped away. If the soldiers were shocked, Tao Yuan ’s baby
face was even scarlet. “Impossible, impossible, I do n’t believe it”
Luo Wei sighed again, took a few steps to roll up the camouflage jacket halfway, turned and
exposed a wide back under the light of the truck's headlights, you can clearly see that there
is a very shallow position on the right waist. The scratches were about scratching a layer of
skin, and some blood leaked out. If this kind of wound is not used for band-aids before the
end of the world, the crusts will heal the next day, but at this time, the surrounding area of
the wound is obviously alienated, and the blood leaked out is faintly black. The skin is
bruised, and the blood vessels under the skin bulge up like creeping earthworms. Each kind
of mutation is caused by zombie virus infection.
Tao Yuan's complexion was pale, and he stepped unsteadily for two steps. He stretched out
his hand to touch, and was blocked by Luo Wei. "Don't touch, beware of being infected." Let
go and let go of your clothes.
The eye socket seemed to be poured with a bottle of chili oil, which was painful and hot,
and Tao Yuan trembled and asked "when"
"When I fell down the fence, I smashed into a zombie, scratched by bones or nails." Luo Wei
raised his hand and wiped his face, and the fiercely-fashioned iron man looked helpless for
the first time. "Don't cry, everyone is watching, beware of Niuquan and they will laugh at
However, Niu Quan and others are also red-eyed "Captain"
Luo Wei turned to look at them, and his firm and soft eyes swept slowly from each soldier,
his shoulders straight and his voice sounded like Hong Zhong. "Every one of you is the best
soldier and soldier I have ever seen. Before and after the end of the world, I have always
adhered to the duties and beliefs of the soldiers, and deserves my identity and glory as a
soldier. I am very happy to be your captain and feel heartfelt pride for all of you. Before
leaving, I I want to give you the last order as the captain. From now on, no matter what you
are going to do, go home and reunit with your loved ones, or find a place to build a base
again. I ask you to always keep yourself and your family's Life and benefit come first.
Remember, no one is more important than yourself. "
Someone "Captain" couldn't help choking his throat.
Tao Yuan held Luo Wei's clothing corner tightly, as if holding the last trace of hope, "The
range of mutation is not large. Maybe the captain is immune to the virus. Maybe it was n’t
the zombie that scratched the wound. It was just a stone on the ground. Or the roots of
trees, or maybe we immediately set out to find other bases, maybe a vaccine for zombies
has just been developed. "
Lowe looked at him quietly without speaking. Until his voice became weaker and more
tears, he stepped forward and gently held him in his arms, then raised his hands and
rubbed two "hush, don't hesitate" like he did countless times. Fear, it's okay. "
The hug didn't last long, because Lowe wasn't sure when he would lose his mind. After
releasing Tao Yuan, he took out a particle bomb from the pocket on his chest, put it in the
magazine of the hand gun, and put the hand gun back into the holster.
I looked around and pointed to the moat several tens of meters away. "I'll go by the river,
you don't have to follow me. When you hear the gunshots, come again. It doesn't have to be
a problem. Just find a place by the river and bury it. The scenery is pretty good here. "
He paused slightly, his heels slammed together, and raised his hand in salute. "Don't be sad,
just live well."
Two hundred and sixty-one soldiers wiped away their tears, saluting "the captain gone"
When Luo Wei turned to leave, his arms suddenly tightened, and Tao Yuan held him. "I'm
going too."
Sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled "nothing to look at, wait until the gun goes off"
"I'm going too" Tao Yuan screamed with all his strength, his eyes were red as blood, and his
tears fell down. Wiggling his face with a hard wipe on his face, he turned back and stared at
Luo Wei fiercely. "I want to stay with you. You can't stop me."
Luo Wei opened his mouth like he wanted to say nothing, and finally said nothing, and
nodded, "Let's go."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 67: 67th

Settings saved..
After Luo Wei lifted his clothes and exposed the mutated wounds on the back, Shen Shi'an
stepped back a few steps later and whispered something with Shen Xun.
After a few minutes, Shen Shi'an asked the child, "Are you sure?"
Shen Xun raised his **** and focused his head "Well on me"
At this point, Luo Wei and Tao Yuan had gone one after the other in the direction of the
moat. Shen Shi'an held the child to follow him and stopped them by the river far away from
the crowd. "I have something to discuss with you."
Ten minutes later, Shen Shian led Shen Xun back to the open space next to the truck. The
emotions of the soldiers were still sorrowful, and it was about not wanting to be seen by
others. By night, they were scattered into the darkness by twos and twos, and only
occasionally they heard sobs that they tried to suppress.
Liu Fangzhou was sitting in the corner with his eyes flushed, and he wiped his tears while
gritting his teeth while dragging the grass. "Why is there no good report, Captain Luo is so
good, saves so many people, why is he infected with the zombie virus? Blame Zhou Jianghai
If it weren't for him, all this would not happen at all. I curse him and everyone in the
tobacco factory, all spit by the zombie.
Chen Nan sighed and raised his hand to pat on his shoulder. Shen Shi'an sat across from the
two, Shen Xun sitting on one leg, and his knees stood up on the other side. The stretched
fabric outlined the long straight legs, and the cold color between his eyebrows. "Zhou
Jianghai is not so easy. dead."
"What" Liu Fangzhou widened his eyes. "When we left the tobacco factory, the number of
zombies gathered near the gate was almost over 70,000, including more than 20,000
mutated zombies, and a power zombie. Are these people still like this? Can escape "
After a fierce battle, Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were not very good.Shen Shi'an handed
them a bottle of mineral water mixed with Lingquan, took a bag of milk, inserted a straw,
and handed it to the child. in. "Others are estimated to be more ferocious, but Zhou Jianghai
is not necessarily. His abilities are somewhat special."
Chen Nan was puzzled, "Isn't his power cured?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "This is just a guise. I suspect his true ability is to copy. The
ability to copy other people through physical contact."
What Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened again, this time was frightened. "He can copy the
power. That healing power is actually deceptive. But I have seen him see the sick for the
survivor. He has a few centimeters of mouth. Healed in a while. If replication is his true
ability, what is the healing ability? Liu Fangzhou reacted without saying "He copied the
healing ability from other abilities."
Shen Shian nodded. "This is exactly my guess. He should have copied the healing ability
before entering the base. After entering the base, he used this ability as a disguise and won
the trust of others. You still remember the survivors at the base said Will there be a warm
current into the body of the person being treated? I think this warm current has nothing to
do with the healing ability at all, but the means by which he replicates the ability. "After
establishing the identity of" doctor ", Contacting other survivors was easy for Zhou Jianghai,
and no one had any doubts about the true role of the warm current. Shen Shi'an had to
admit that this was a very clever disguise.
Lying down. Liu Fangzhou swallowed "but, but I've been treated with that warm current"
and more than once, he remembered that he seemed to be entangled in the other side to
deliver more warm current.
Shen Shi'an stared at him "so he copied your ability." In this way can explain why Zhou
Jianghai was able to detect his trace more than 200 meters away, and the timing of raising
the earth wall was just right, just in time with him and Tao When Yuan et al. Rushed back to
the administration building to get bombs, they perfectly isolated all the people outside his
control from the earth wall.
In the eyes of Shen Shi'an, Liu Fangzhou was covered with excitement, and he immediately
confessed wrongly. "I promise that I will never touch the hand of the phantom again"
Chen Nan still shocked Mo Ming. "As long as you have physical contact, you can reproduce
abilities. Isn't Zhou Jianghai invincible?"
"The world is invincible. There is no limit to such a powerful ability." Shen Shi'an analyzed.
"When I went to pick up the truck, I played with Zhou Jianghai. In the process, he used Ma
Zhongyi's soil powers, but the soil raised No matter the size or the strength of the wall, it is
several levels worse than the one that Ma Zhongyi raised up, so he can replicate the ability,
but the ability to copy should be a weakened version of the original ability. "
There is also evidence for Shen Shi'an to confirm this. When Zhou Jianghai found him, he
said, "It really is you." There is an inference of relief and pride in his tone. This means that
before seeing Shen Shi'an in person, he could not. Determine who came in through the wall.
But this is a completely non-existent problem for Liu Fangzhou. Shen Shi'an's induction
light is very unique and is a dazzling golden yellow. After evolving the ability, he has only
encountered one of these and put it in the base of more than 3,000 people. It is even more
conspicuous. It can be confirmed over a thousand meters, and it is absolutely impossible to
admit it.
He had already said this to Shen Shi'an for a long time, so Shen Shi'an speculated that the
"scan" ability copied by Zhou Jianghai was not so fine. He could divide zombies of different
identities and survivors of different identities into different colors. All or all of the zombies
in Jiang Hai ’s sensors are all in one form, either white or gray, and the farthest sensing
distance is no longer than one kilometer of Liu Fangzhou.
That being said, the power of replication is unquestionable. As long as he can reach enough
psionicists, Zhou Jianghai's ultimate ability is completely unthinkable. I am afraid that this
is also an important reason why he wants to seize power from the garrison and establish a
security base that is completely under his control and dedicated to absorbing psionicists.
"So to speak," Liu Fangzhou was a little reluctant to believe. "There are more than 150
abilities in the base. Everyone has been treated by Zhou Jianghai, so at least he has more
than 150 abilities."
Shen Shi'an "I am afraid that is the case. Three people were missing in the base a few days
ago. You should remember that two of them were murdered, and the blood and corpses
were used to attract the zombies tonight. The other is a powerist, he His ability should be to
allow himself and other things to vaporize and disappear, so the ark did not sense the
presence of the other party that night. Unfortunately, Zhou Jianghai also copied this ability.
"I want to escape from the base besieged by the zombie army. Come out, there is no better
way than this.
"Grass and grass" Liu Fangzhou was so annoyed that his eyes quickly turned red again.
"Captain Na Luo, Captain Na Luo died for nothing."
Chen Nan secretly sighed, feeling equally sullen, wondering how to comfort him.
The crowd calmed down, no one talked, didn't rest, or sat or stood, eyes opened in the deep
night. Near dawn, there was a sound of gunfire near the moat. Someone cried.
Tao Yuan did not allow anyone to approach. He personally packed Luo Wei's body into a
body bag, and personally carried the body bag into the car. This place is not far from the
moat where the four Shen Shi'an had picnicked with the garrisons. Five trucks. After
driving all there, Tao Yuan personally dug a fifth grave beside the four sacrificed comrades-
in-arms, and then buried the body bag in it.
The funeral was simple and solemn. As many as 497 people who escaped from the base
arrived at the scene, dropped a wild flower in front of the grave, and paid tribute to the
soldier and hero in the first rays of the morning sun.
After the funeral, it's time to leave. The soldiers seemed to have negotiated a plan to go
back to find their families, and then set a date to gather at a specific location. Most of the
survivors choose to find other security bases together. Some of them have their own
destination, and some choose to stay with the soldiers. There is no place to go anyway.
Take a step and count.
Shen Shi'an returned all the materials brought from the administrative building to the
soldiers, but declined the other party's proposal to leave him a part. As for how to allocate
them, it was not a question for him to consider.
Tao Yuan did not participate in the distribution of materials. He found four Shen Shian "Mr.
Shen, I want to go to Beijing with you."
Chen Nan was a little surprised "Why don't you go home"
Tao Yuan shook his head. "I am the only child. My parents were infected with the flu virus
before the end of the world. It does n’t make any sense to go back." As for why he was going
to Beijing, he looked down at a military card in his palm and capped it for a moment. I put it
around my neck and shoved it into my clothes carefully, and I was close to myself. "The
captain's home is in Beijing. I want to take him back."
Shen Shi'an had no opinion, as long as he did not have any opinion on Gouzi, even if there
were opinions, Liu Fangzhou and Chen Nan were naturally welcome.
However, before the official departure, Tao Yuan made a request, "Trouble give me a day, I
have one thing to do."
After one night, the army of zombies around the base of the tobacco factory has surged to
as many as 110,000, and under the control of the power zombies, the entire tobacco factory
was surrounded by weatherproof iron barrels along the fence.
Although it is speculated that Zhou Jianghai's scanning capability can't be compared with
Liu Fangzhou's, Shen Shi'an still parked the car at a distance of one kilometer from the base
gate for safety reasons. After turning off the fire, turn to look at Tao Yuan in the back seat of
the car. "He has a lot of abilities, be careful. Remember to evacuate immediately after a hit,
regardless of whether Zhou Jianghai appears or not, I will only give you twenty-four hours.
Tao Yuan nodded, "I understand." Then he jumped out of the car carrying a sniper gun.
He found a suitable vantage point, and the sight of the base door was clearly visible through
the rifle scope.
There were a lot of people standing on the soil wall, and everyone's face didn't look very
good. Tao Yuan recognized the first evolutionaries who launched the attack last night. The
Ma Zhongyi with the soil ability was also there, but there was See Zhou Jianghai.
He is not in a hurry. Breath is steady, heartbeat is slow, and consciousness is clear. It was
like a motionless beast dormant in the sand, except for those sharp eyes that showed no
Zhou Jianghai appeared in the evening. The fire clouds on the west were extraordinarily
gorgeous, and the layers were endless, which stained the world with blood.
Tao Yuan did not move, he lay quietly on the ground, waiting for Zhou Jianghai to board the
earth wall, waiting for him and the survivors surrounding him to finish talking, waiting for
him to step by step to the middle of the earth wall, looking down Situation of zombies.
Then pulled the trigger.
A dazzling ray of silver flickered from the gun. After about one second, Zhou Jianghai
seemed to be raising his head, his consciousness suddenly turned, and the power broke
out, and a horrible stream of earth walls and curtains of vines were raised in horror. Gun
bullets were extremely vulnerable under the super explosive force.
Blood splattered, and a figure fell straight from the earth wall.
Until witnessing the zombies swooping towards the silhouette and eating them up, Tao
Yuan retracted his sight from the sight, climbed up and split the gun carefully, then leaned
on the wall and stared at the burning cloud in the sky for a long time.
After the last glow passed away, he pulled a military card from his clothes and kissed him
close to his mouth.
Captain, today's sunset is really beautiful.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 68: 68th
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When Tao Yuan returned, his face was not bad. Shen Shi'an watched him "solve"
"Well," Tao Yuan nodded, and his voice resolutely "all solved." He used anti-equipment to
reinforce the bullets, even the tank could be pierced, and his head was blasted into a burst
of blood.
Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou secretly clapping their hands behind their backs, quietly
comparing them.
Shen Shi'an relaunched the off-road vehicle. "Let's go, it's getting late." During Tao Yuan's
departure, he carefully looked at the map of the nearby area from the space and looked at it
carefully. He had already determined the way forward.
The off-road vehicle galloped all the way in the twilight, and drove out of Qujiang City
completely before the sky completely darkened, leaving the base of the tobacco factory far
The overnight location was chosen next to an abandoned gas station. It took half an hour to
clean up the surrounding zombies, set up a simple protective warning line, and a group of
people worked together to quickly sit down around the bonfire.
Now that the "space storage" capability has been exposed, many things are much easier to
do. After staying at the tobacco factory base for a whole week, I could only eat packaged
food every day. The trio headed by Shen Xun had long been dazzled with green light, and
there were new members joining the team. Shen Shi'an did not hesitate A large amount of
mutated goose and fresh fruits and vegetables were taken out of the space and served with
cold beer drinks.
Eat and drink enough to clean up the mess. Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou did not sleep last
night. They sat down at the campfire and drank a cup of hot milk and couldn't stand it. After
taking a cold shower, they simply washed it. Drilled into the same tent in turn. Tao Yuan
slept on the other side. Considering what he experienced, Chen Nan agreed to give him
some personal space.
Shen Shi'an didn't rush to sleep, and finally had the condition to bathe the child. He burned
a bath full of hot water, pressed Shen Xun in the basin and rubbed it three times from head
to toe. I smelled it while smelling it.
Holding the fragrant Shen Xun back to the car, the two thoughts moved into the space at the
same time.
First blow hair to the child. The furry hair was thin and soft, with a milky aroma of
shampoo. Shen Shian's slender fingers shuttled through the hair with warm air, and then
massaged gently on the scalp, and the dog was almost comfortable. Little snoring.
After confirming that the hair was completely dry, Shen Shi'an put the hair dryer down and
opened the child's bangs. With a little natural volume, the facial features are delicate, at
first glance, it looks like a little girl.
As soon as Shen Shi'an moved, a rubber band was added to his hand, and his fingers were
stabbed twice on the sperm head of the dog, giving him a small puppet behind his head.
Lips, red teeth, white beads, and round jade, Shen Shi'an's lips curled into a smile and
couldn't help but kiss him on the face. "It's so beautiful. I won't block my eyes."
"Hmm." Shen Xun didn't care about tying his pigtails, as long as Shen Shi'an liked it, and he
looked good after looking in the mirror himself. The more he looked, the more aggressive
and aggressive he was. I turned my head and touched Shen Shi'an's hair. "An'an, your hair
is also long, let me make a pigtail for you, too."
Shen Shi'an thought that he hadn't heard, and put Shen Xun down from his lap. "Go play
with me, I will take a bath too."
Shen Xun poked him on the railing of the bamboo floor and watched him step by step
toward Lingquan Pond, until he was sure he could not take a bath with the past, his pitiful
expression closed, and he turned around and ran to the strawberry field .
It hasn't come in for many days, and the bath time is slightly longer. When Shen Shi'an
finally came out of the pond, the whole body's skin was scalded with a layer of bright pink.
Obsidian-like eyes shed a layer of water because of the heat, and the habitual indifference
faded a lot, which looked particularly soft.
Wet black hair clings to the face, dripping drops of water slowly. Shen Shi'an held his hair
behind his head with the backhand, and felt that the child was right, his hair was indeed too
The towel was called to dry the water stains, and a light gray bathrobe was called from the
closet. The smooth texture lines were covered by the cloth, and the tie was tightened and
tied on the side. The whole portrait was a poplar with a thin waist. The legs are long and
straight, the youthful vitality and the adult male's sense of strength are perfectly combined,
and they are so dazzling that they can't move their eyes. Probably because of practicing
exercises, even if wearing a pair of plush slippers, walking with a strong wind like a blast.
Shen Xun was sitting on the grass outside the protective hood and eating strawberries. He
heard the movement and turned his head to look at it, staring at Shen Shi'an for a long time.
After a long while, he finally recovered, and jumped up to catch his hand. Ann, where are
we going? "
"The second floor of the bamboo building."
The second floor of the bamboo building is not much different than usual. The only
difference is that there is an extra single bed beside the weapon wall, and a sleepless man
lies on the bed.
Time back to the night before.
Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun and called Luo Wei by the moat "I have something to discuss
with you."
Luo Wei stopped. "Mr. Shen, please."
"This matter may be related to whether you can survive," Shen Shian looked at Luo Wei's
surprised expression and Tao Yuan's sudden eyes, and said before the two asked, "but
before I say it, you must Let my son take a bite first. "
Goblin moves quickly. Even though he repeatedly promised that Luo Wei's blood was not
affected by Zombie Virus, Shen Shi'an stared at him and drank a whole bottle of spiritual
spring water after he had bitten. Then I deleted the complicated and simplified, and picked
the Tao Tao who was obviously anxious but strongly pressed, and explained the role of the
second floor of the Zhulou. "In addition to receiving items, my space power can also receive
living things. And keep the object's time still at the moment of receiving it. Although
Captain Luo has been infected with the virus but has not completely mutated, I can use
your income to keep you in this state until the successful development of a vaccine to treat
the virus. Let you out. "
Tao Yuan was so excited that he opened his mouth and wanted to speak, and Shen Shi'an
stopped his action. "Listen to me. If you are sure you want me to do this, I have three
conditions first. This matter must be strictly restricted to the four of us You must not let the
fifth person know. Unless you have my consent, you must not reveal the dialogue tonight
and information about my power in any form in any way. Captain Luo must be in a coma
and be included in my space. In other words, I need to stun you first, and you will remain
unconscious in the space; Captain No. 3 has only one chance to enter the space. If Tao Yuan
asks me to call him in any name before the vaccine is successfully developed, It can be
released, but once it is released, I will not take him in, and I will not be able to take you in to
check on his condition and then release you. After Captain Luo enters, you will have to do a
long job. I haven't seen his mental preparation for a while. Okay, do you have any
questions? "
Luo Wei's body was tight, but his tone was as relaxed as possible. "That is to say, I was
about the equivalent of a sleeping beauty after Mr. Shen got into the space."
"You can understand that."
Tao Yuan's lips trembled, his hands dangled tightly because of this sudden message. "After
the captain enters the space, do I need to drink water to eat? Will it have a negative impact
on the body because the coma is too long?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "The time that I said is still, the body function is completely
stagnant, it will not get better or worse, what I looked like when I put it in, what it looks
like when I release it. Before you make a decision, I need to emphasize that my ability can
only maintain Captain Luo in the current state, there is no way to change the fact that he is
infected with the virus, there is no guarantee that the virus vaccine will be developed, and
that the developed vaccine will not guarantee him. This kind of mutation case is effective.
In the final analysis, whether he can survive is not under my control. "
"Enough," Tao Yuan smiled at Shen Shi'an. The great joy in his life made tears completely
uncontrollable. He fluttered and rolled down, then quickly turned to look at Luo Wei. "This
is enough . "
As long as the captain has hope of survival, this is enough.
"Is there any problem?" Shen Shi'an said, "I suggest that you can make a decision as soon as
possible. After every second, the mutation in Captain Luo's body will be severe. Even if it is
finally confirmed that the zombie virus cannot be cured, you will still have a chance at that
time. bid farewell."
Tao Yuan immediately grabbed Luo Wei's arm "Captain."
Luo Wei and he looked at each other for a moment, took off the military badge on the neck
and put it into Tao Yuan's hands. "Live well, I hope that when I wake up, the deputy captain
will be the first person I see."
Then he nodded in front of Shen Shi'an. "Trouble Mr. Shen."
After stunning Luo Wei into the second floor of the bamboo building, Shen Shi'an took out a
protective piece of protective clothing and a bag of rice, which are common in the
laboratory, and gave it to Tao Yuan. "Remember, don't let others see flaw."
Tao Yuan nodded strongly, "You can rest assured."
Through the cover of the night, the next plan was smooth. No one found that the body bag
was not Luo Wei, but a bag full of rice bodysuits.
The real Luo Wei has been asleep on the second floor of the Bamboo Tower.
In addition to admiring Luo Wei's character, the reason why he would help is to make up
for the defect that Fan Guoping failed to save when the zombie virus just broke out.
Luo Wei and Fan Guoping's situation is different. Fan Guoping was infected with the virus
for too long and the mutation was too deep. By the time Shen Shi'an found out, he had no
breathing and no heartbeat, his eyes were cloudy and congested, and there was only a thin
line between the zombies.
However, apart from a small change in the back of Luo Wei, his breathing was normal and
his heartbeat was strong. It looked no different from normal people.
The chance of cure is great, the character is guaranteed, and the "mantra" of Shen Xun
ensures the safety of the space. It can only be said that the time and the place are good and
peaceful, which just left him this vitality.
Dog sperm once said that Lingquan water can treat living people but not dead people.
According to Luo Wei's current situation, in fact, a bubble of Lingquan can completely cure
But Shen Shi'an did not intend to do so. Once Quanyan ran dry two times in a row, he was
unstable. He could not predict the impact of Luo Wei carrying the zombie virus on Quan
Yan. Second, Luo Wei was infected by the zombies and was infected by the virus. Yes, if
Shen Shi'an used Lingquan to heal him, even if there was Shen Xun's spell, there would be
no way to hide this secret.
As survivors have evolved more and more abilities, it is one thing to expose their ability to
"storage space", and it is quite another to reveal that they have a cure for zombies.
Once Lingquan is exposed, let alone the wanted by the Qin family at that time, I am afraid
that the survivors around the world will try their best to catch him, with unpredictable
Shen Shi'an can help on the premise of ensuring his own safety, but there is absolutely no
selflessness to be willing to put himself and Shen in danger for others.
The initiative to propose Luo Wei to the second floor of the Bamboo Tower has been his
greatest help. As for whether Luo Wei can survive in the end, as he said to Tao Yuan, this is
not under his control.
After carefully examining Luo Wei's situation, Shen Shi'an took the child downstairs and sat
down on the lounge chair in the corridor of the bamboo floor.
The thick peach tree outside the corridor is still full of flowers and trees, and it has been
like this since he merged the exercises. The peach blossoms of the tree burned its clouds
and steamed Xia Wei, and a few petals floated down from time to time, laying on the edge of
the corridor A shallow layer.
Shen Xun looked at this peach tree, which was blooming and fruitlessly, holding the fruit
pot and drilled into Shen Shi'an's arms, and fed him a strawberry "An An, what are you
Shen Shian swallowed the strawberry and moved the child by the way "I was thinking
about the relationship between the power and the zombie virus."
The power is definitely related to the zombie virus outbreak, and this is beyond doubt. But
apparently it is not possible to evolve abilities through infection with the zombie virus. At
present, all people known by Shen Shi'an who have been scratched or bitten by zombies
have mutated into zombies, including the four sacrifice soldiers Shen Shi'an who had asked
Tao Yuan They all self-destructed before the degree of mutation was beyond control, and
no one was spared.
So what is the relationship between powers and viruses
According to information already known to Shen Shi'an, all psionicists seemed to have a
common fever before they evolved.
This is true of Ms. Dong in the library, so is Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou, and the same is
true of the six abilities that fled the tobacco factory together.
It is almost certain that fever is at least a condition of evolutionary power or a clinical
This reminded Shen Shian of the flu virus that swept the world before the end of the world.
The virus caused a fever in nearly half of the world ’s population. There was no cure in this
half of the population, and all of them became source zombies when the zombie virus broke
out .
In other words, before the end of the world, a cold and fever will become a zombie, but
after the end of the world, a cold and fever can evolve abilities.
Is there any difference between these two types of fever, or is it just because the person
who has the fever is different?
Shen Shian had speculated that people who caught a cold before the end of the world
became zombies because the flu virus mutated into a zombie virus for some reason. So
boldly suppose that people who have a cold and fever after the end of the age are also
infected with the flu virus, but this time the flu virus did not mutate into a zombie virus, but
made some modification to the body of the survivor, so it evolved a power .
If this hypothesis holds, then it may explain another problem why one of the 261 garrisons
has not evolved.
Because they are much stronger than ordinary people, they are not easily infected with the
flu virus, or they are not easily modified by the flu virus.
If you think about it this way, it seems that the currently known psionics are all physically
weak to middle-aged Ms. Dong, juvenile Liu Fangzhou, black and thin Ma Zhongyi, Zhou
Jianghai who is over half a year old
Only Chen Nan is a special case. He is a professional athlete of the provincial track and field
team. He has received a lot of training for a long time, and his physique should be
particularly strong. However, he did say that the fever was after he discovered that his
brother had become a zombie, so he was distraught, and such a strong mood swing has a
great chance to affect a person's physical condition and immune system. The "heart that
has been certified in modern medicine "Smashing syndrome" refers to the sudden
contraction of the left ventricle produced by a patient after a major sad event. The clinical
manifestation is similar to an acute heart attack. In severe cases, it may even lead to sudden
All kinds of thoughts are moving fast, and the thinking in my head is becoming clearer.
After Shen Xun finished eating a full pot of strawberries, Shen Shi'an sighed and held him
up from his chair. "Let's go and sleep in the car."
Everything is normal in the off-road vehicle, but there is a figure sitting beside the cordon
in the distance.
Shen Shian thought for a moment, let the child lie down and cover him with a quilt. "You
sleep first, I'll be right back."
Tao Yuan turned his head when he heard the footsteps, and immediately stood up. "Mr.
Shen, did I wake you up?"
Shen Shi'an held down his shoulder and sat down beside him. "No, the child can't sleep
Tao Yuan looked at him and stopped talking, and seemed embarrassed to ask what. Shen
Shi'an guessed what he thought: "You can rest assured that Captain Luo is very good, and
the virus has not spread further."
Tao Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief, looking at Shen Shi'an's eyes full of gratitude. "Mr.
Shen, for what you have done for us, for the captain, for other comrades, I really do not
know how to thank you. If anything What I can do, please do n’t hesitate, I ’m going to go
down the mountain, and I ’m going to die. “I have to pay three crystal nuclei for food every
day. Liu Fangzhou has already told him, but Mr. Shen for him and his comrades What can
you do to get a few crystal nuclei? If it weren't for Mr. Shen's life-saving lives, they would all
have to die inside the base.
Shen Shi'an didn't directly quit, thought and wanted to answer, "It's not necessary to go up
to the mountain, but down to the sea of fire, but I do have something that may require
trouble. You don't know if you would like to help train Chen Nan and Ark according to the
methods in your army. Show mercy. "
"Would be willing, of course." As long as there is a way to express his gratitude a little, Tao
Yuan can't wait. "Mr. Shen, rest assured, this thing is covered by me."
"Thank you. You don't need to call me Mr. Shen. Since joining the team, that is a partner.
Just call me by name. Right, how old are you?"
Shen Shian silently swallowed the phrase "if you don't want to call me Brother Shen" and
swallowed the baby's face.
Stand up from the grass. "It's getting late, I'll go back to coax the child to sleep, and you'll
rest early."
Tao Yuan also stood up. "Well, I'm going to bed right away, good night."
"Good night," Shen Shi'an looked into his eyes and said warmly. "Wake up tomorrow
morning, it's a new day."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 69: Chapter 69

Settings saved..
The morning light shone, and the grass was covered with a layer of hazy water.
There were two piles of firewood next to the off-road vehicle. A pile of casserole was set up
there. The pot was cooked with shrimp and fish fillet seafood porridge. .
A pan was placed on top of the other pile. After the bottom of the pan was heated, a layer of
salad oil was poured, and the bacon and ham poached eggs were quickly fried.
Shen Xun rubbed his buttocks and brushed his teeth not far away. He held a wet children's
toothbrush in one hand and tossed it in his mouth a few times. He held a cartoon water cup
with saliva in one hand, and raised his head, grunted and spit it out, and was about to finish
it. , A voice came from behind "re-brush, brush carefully."
I just prepared to lift my butt, I reluctantly squatted down again, squeezed the toothpaste
again, and repeated the process just now, but I doubled the frequency and duration of
brushing my teeth, and then put on a pile of fluff Stupid hair, there is a circle of toothpaste
on the edge of his mouth, and he jumped to Shen Shi'an, "An'an, I'll brush it."
As he said it, he shook his nose vigorously, and glanced into the pan with a good look.
Shen Shi'an just finished frying a pan of omelet mutated geese and laid eggs again. There
are a total of twelve geese. Now, the frequency of two eggs can be guaranteed almost every
day. Take half of the egg liquid to break it up, add bacon, sausage, minced pork, carrot and
The corn kernels are stirred evenly, and it is just enough to fry five golden, thick, soft, and
fragrant quiches in a pan. Take the pan to the side, change the steamer to start steaming the
buns, and mix the boiling water with cold water. Wash the child's face after trying the
water temperature.
After washing my face, I wiped my paws, smoothed my hairs, and put a small puppet
behind my head. The weather was hot, the child wore a short-sleeved t-shirt with the same
style as Shen Shi'an, and he wore a pair of bib pants. The pink carved jade was lively and
cute, squatting next to a pan like a little prince and drooling. An An, when can you eat? "
The porridge was almost boiled, Shen Shi'an bent over and turned off the fire, the half-
covered pot lid was smashed, and the spoon was stirred for a few turns to wait for the
porridge to dissipate. The arms under the short sleeves are long and thin, and a string of
ink jade beads is worn on the wrist of the right hand.
"Wait a while," he straightened up to Shen Xun, the t-shirt hem was put into camouflage
trousers, showing a thin and flexible waist line, looking up towards the side of the road,
looking far away in the past "wait for Chen Nan to return."
About two minutes later, three people appeared at the end of the road. One was upright
and full of vigorous steps. The other two were carrying their shoulders and snoring and
panting, and seemed to faint into a human skin on the road next second.
Tao Yuan held a stopwatch and timer. Since he promised Shen Shi'an to train his
teammates, he took out the original posture of the new recruits, and said no mercy during
the call. "Run again and raise your legs. Adjust your breathing according to the rhythm. One
hundred two, one hundred and twenty-one are left with the last two hundred meters. Take
out the energy to feed and start sprinting. "
When he finally returned, Tao Yuan stood upright as if nothing was happening. The baby's
face showed a touch of healthy red, and the other two fell down on the grass. They were
soaked as if they were taken out of the water.
Chen Nan is a professional athlete. Even if the long event is a sprint, he added 10 kilograms
of weight. After five kilometers, he is still within the range. After sitting on the ground for a
while, he calmed down and stood up and walked around.
Liu Fangzhou is different. Before the end of the world, he was still in high school, and he
had little opportunity for busy exercise. After the end of the world, he spent almost two
months at home. After five kilometers, he felt as if he had lost his life. Begin to cry after
The more I cried, the more I cried, and the more I felt aggrieved, especially after hearing
Tao Yuan said that he would have to run once a day in the morning and evening. This
grievance became more real and he was out of breath with tears. "I don't want to run, for
Why do you have to run me, I have the power, my scanner is so powerful, I'm on guard all
day, not helpless or not contributing, you want to be ds, you can't do it, I think It ’s not
enough to be quiet and quiet, oh oh, it ’s too bullying. ”
Shen Shi'an took the bottle of water and walked in front of him and squatted down. Wait
until he cries, and pass him the water "What is your position on the team?"
Liu Fangzhou cried, "What"
Shen Shi'an looked at him. Some long black hairs were scattered, and he crossed his eyes to
cover half of his eyes. "If your positioning is only a scanner in the team, it is dedicated to
detect the alert function for the team. Yes, then in order to maintain the normal operation
of your function , I will be responsible for your clothing, food, shelter, care for you, protect
you, and do my best to meet your basic needs. But again, if you encounter the life and death
siege of the siege in the tobacco factory base, I will only be able to Save one, and I will give
you up without hesitation. "
"If you are positioned as a member of a team, as a partner and teammate who fights side by
side, then I am willing to put your life as important as yourself. At the same time, you
should at least try to not drag others down consciousness."
"You have two options, and I respect them all. Give me a reply before you leave."
Liu Fangzhou opened his mouth wide, watching Shen Shi'an stand up, and handed a bottle
of water to Chen Nan and Tao Yuan.
Shen Shi'an's tone was very light, even mild, but he was slammed on him like a whip, and it
was hot everywhere.
His first reaction was to anger my power so much. I did so much for the team. Why should I
say that I am holding back?
This anger did not last long, and soon became a mixture of shame and reflection. I was not
weak. I could also kill zombies. The siege of the base also saved Chen Nan's life that night. I
said I could n’t save it, but I almost put myself in, but in general it ’s still a bigger
contribution, okay? Now I think he ’s holding back, then why did you coax him into the car?
Alas, it seems that he himself offered to join.
If he didn't join the team, where would he be now still hidden in the closed door of Lin'an
County? Is the food in the supermarket enough for him to eat? Will the other survivors find
him? Will he conflict with him? Can you beat others? If you ca n’t, you ’ll have to go hungry
on the street
Looking down at the mineral water in his hand, the reflection in his heart suddenly became
strong. He was drinking Brother Shen, eating Brother Shen, and living Brother Shen. Even
the clothes he wore were in Brother Lin's county seat. Collected here. Without him, Brother
Shen is so powerful that he can still drive the car here. But without Brother Shen, he can
still worry about eating and wearing safety in the last days. Is he as comfortable as he is
The night Liu Fangzhou shook off the base of the Tobacco Factory, if Brother Shen was not
there, he would have been killed by the zombies. Now there are more and more abilities
and various abilities. He is Brother Shen, and I'm afraid he doesn't want to be a teammate
like this, but the strong man must be friends with the strong man.
Like myself, I can only be a scanner
Suddenly Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened. Brother Shen said just now, "You have two
choices." Either be a scanner or be a teammate. That is to say, as long as you can work hard
without hindering yourself, you are one of the officially recognized teams
Even more than a week ago, Brother Shen said he didn't trust himself, so he didn't even
want to teach him to drive.
Does this mean he has won the trust of Brother Shen?
The teenager's emotions came faster and faster, immediately got up and rushed to Shen
Shi'an, both excited and guilty, and squinted and lowered his head. "Shen Brother I was
wrong. I know you let Tao Yuan Brother train us for our good, I You should not cry and
make noise in front of everyone because of this temper. "
Shen Shi'an stared at the back of his head for a while, and finally softened his tone. "Ark, the
end of the world is not a game, any omissions may endanger your life, and there is no way
to read the file again. Your power is very powerful, it has a role on the team It is also great,
but the combat effectiveness is the foundation for survival in the last days. You cannot
make your physical fitness the biggest shortcoming and weakness. The tobacco factory is
lucky for you and Chen Nan, but if I do n’t catch up in time, I will move forward. The more
dangerous you go, the more I can't notice your safety at all times. "
Liu Fangzhou's nose was sore. "I know, Brother Shen, you can rest assured that I will work
hard in the future, and I will not hinder everyone anymore." I raised my eyes and peeped
quietly. "If I work hard enough, will I be a formal member of the team?" Up "
"I said, you have two choices, how do you choose to see yourself." Shen Shi'an turned and
walked two steps, looking back at him "why don't eat anymore"
"Eat eat eat eat." Hehe hehe hehe.
The breakfast was particularly rich. In addition to supplementing the physical strength of
Chen Nan, it was also because the only convenient packed food for lunch was too long in
the tobacco factory. Just by adding a Taoyuan that could drive, Shen Shi'an did not plan to
Stop and hurry at full speed throughout the day.
By the end of June, the weather was getting hotter. In fact, the temperature has risen
rapidly after the continuous heavy rain in Lin'an County for more than a week, but Shen
Shi'an and others all the way north, it is not particularly obvious, and it was not until this
time that they had a deep understanding.
The sun is like a fire, dazzlingly bright in the sky, the sun is poisonous and spicy, and the
leaves along the way will be burnt on the branches, and even the wind is like a Martian
planet, fluttering on the face. Succeed.
Liu Fangzhou just opened the seam of the car glass and quickly closed it. In the cool air-
conditioning cold wind, there was something in my mind. "My mother, this temperature is
almost forty degrees, is it so terrible in the summer in the north?" Fortunately, the off-road
vehicle comes with it. Solar charging panels can turn on the air conditioners in the car,
otherwise they would all have to be steamed buns in the steamer, and it is not impossible
to live or die.
Holding the strawberry milkshake in my arms, I took a big sip, and suddenly I remembered
something, and immediately put together in the driver's seat, "Shen Brother, let's have
enough power on the charging pad. Don't suddenly lose power?"
"Um." Shen Shi'an's eyes swept across the leaves on both sides of the road, his eyes were a
little dignified. He is not worried about the problem of the charging board. The charging
board has good performance and sufficient power storage, and can keep the air conditioner
running continuously for two days and two nights after being fully charged. Not to mention
the current sun intensity, the rate of power consumption is estimated to not keep up with
the rate of replenishment.
But this temperature is too abnormal. His geography is not bad. Their current location is in
a temperate monsoon climate, and the temperature has never climbed to such a high level
in previous years. If it is so hot here, what will happen to the area that has always been
known as the "high-temperature stove"?
The temperature is so high that the surface temperature is even more scary. The tires of the
off-road vehicle are military standards. Don't worry about it for now, but in order to
prevent the engine temperature from becoming too high, Shen Shi'an has laid two layers of
light-shielding cloth on the front cover. The roof doesn't matter, there are solar panels on
the roof to absorb heat.
Although it was in the car, Tao Yuan's training did not drop at all. Instead, he became more
and more responsible for the strawberry milkshake with ice cubes in his hand. The area of
the off-road vehicle is large. After Shen Shi'an stowed the contents of the small refrigerator
and the trunk into the space, a large part of the empty space was more than enough for
Chen Nan to do push-ups and sit-ups.
"The ten-minute break is over," the instructor's ruthless voice sounded in the car. "Sit-ups
and push-up cross-training exercises are now underway. Five groups are completed in one
hour, and the endless three-mile run."
Liu Fangzhou ’s unleashed 吟 \ 'yin swallowed back immediately, quickly lay on the carpet
inside the car than anyone else nonsense, exercise in air-conditioned cars and get out of the
car to run under the big sun, is it still necessary to choose, this weather goes I'm afraid he'll
die again.
Shen Xun, holding his oversized drink cup, looked back for a while, and asked Tao Yuan,
"Do you have abdominal muscles for this?"
Tao Yuan nodded "Yes. The muscle-building effect is obvious."
Shen Shian glanced at the child with Yu Guang. "What do you ask this for?"
Shen Xun blinked and blinked. "An'an has abdominal muscles, and I want to."
Shen Shi'an wanted to laugh a little, his lips curled up, and he raised his hand to snore on
his soft little belly. "Who says you don't have abdominal muscles, you have them, isn't this a
whole piece?"
"Hee hee hee hee." The dog was very itchy and twisted into a caterpillar on the seat.
After more than forty minutes, Chen Nan took the lead in completing the training task.
Leaning on the seat for a while, took a large flower pot from the trunk.
With constant practice, his abilities have greatly improved, and now he can spawn a pot of
strawberries in one go. The main exercise goals right now are to minimize plant growth
time and control plant deformation.
After picking the ripe strawberries one by one and putting them into the fruit pot, Chen
Nan held the flower pot with both hands, paying attention, and staring closely at the
strawberry seedlings in front of her.
With the output of different energy sources, another stem seedling was born on the grown
plant. The slender stem seedling slowly grew, twisting and winding like a self-
consciousness, and a tender green and lovely bow.
"Pretty." Shen Shi'an looked in the rearview mirror and praised him.
Chen Nan took off the tightness on his arm and let out a long sigh of relief. He smiled a little
embarrassed. "OK, better than the first try."
This was his inspiration from other plant-based abilities in the tobacco factory base. Shen
Shi'an once said that his power might be used to control the enemy. He always thought that
he had to find a plant that would move or be aggressive first. Until the night when the
zombies were besieged in the base, a psionicist manipulated the vines to entangle his feet
and made him unable to move, which made him suddenly cheerful. Although the plants
could not move, he could control the growth rate and direction of the plants so that Plants
This is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult to put it into practice. The growth of a
plant is mainly achieved through his ability output, regardless of the speed or amount of
output, which will affect the growth process. Any slight error may cause the plant to grow
completely out of the expected effect.
In the first experiment, he planned to bend the strawberry seedlings into a heart shape, but
the power output was not controlled. The strawberry seedlings were directly twisted into a
ball of spider webs.
Hundreds of times of failure before finally successfully tying the first bow.
After the inexplicable excitement, Chen Nan was a bit worried. "The stalks of the
strawberry are too soft to be used for fighting. You have to find a firmer plant, preferably a
tangy vine. "Different plant growth has different requirements for power output.
Strawberry seedlings cannot be used for fighting. Even if he has trained flowers, he will be
blind. He must find a suitable one for fighting as soon as possible, and he will use it to
practice later.
Shen Shi'an moved in her mind, thinking of the mutated green dillock in the space that
absorbed the spiritual spring water.
Chen Nan practiced more than ten times, determined that the bow could be opened with
her eyes closed, put the flower pot back, and brought her backpack over.
His abilities are growing rapidly, and after practicing for so long, there are still remaining,
and he intends to lose all to Jiamu, and then absorb the nucleus to supplement.
Chen Jiamu's head was left in the off-road vehicle in the space for a week, and it seemed
more energetic when it was taken out. If you just look at the eyebrows, if you don't look
closely, you won't see a zombie.
Tao Yuan was startled when he saw this head for the first time, and now he is used to it. He
can even analyze the similarities between his head and Chen Nan carefully and change it to
him. He will not remember him in this way. In terms of the most important person, death is
death. Instead of living unknowingly, it is better to let the dead sleep and rest. But he can
understand why Chen Nan did it.
Liu Fangzhou finally managed to finish the training within an hour, but was lying on the
carpet and standing dead. Staring at Chen Nan for a while, he suddenly said, "Your brother
is already a mutant zombie. You always give him power like this, what if it really evolves
into a power zombie?"
The harsh brake sounded suddenly, Shen Shi'an turned his head, and Tong Ren turned dark
and never bottomed, staring at Liu Fangzhou and asking "What did you say"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 70: 70th

Settings saved..
"Oh," the brakes were too quick, and Liu Fangzhou bumped into the seat back.
Was rubbing his head, I heard Shen Shian turned his head and asked in a calm voice, "What
are you talking about?"
what? What
Liu Fangzhou thought hard about "Nan's younger brother is already a mutant zombie. What
if he absorbs the power and turns into a zombie?"
Shen Shi'an's voice was very light, but he seemed to have a gritted tooth in Liu Fangzhou's
ears. "When did Jiamu's head become a mutant zombie?"
"It's always been the same, it's been changed since we first met." Liu Fangzhou was
puzzled, and then reacted. "Did I not tell you whether it should be, I remember I said it
clearly The sensing images of your three are particularly strange. One is not like a normal
person. Brother Shen is glittering. Brother Xun is black and black. Southern brother is. "
The boy talked while thinking about what he had said that night in the basement.
Shen Shi'an's memory is much better than him. "You say, Chen Nan is a green light, but
there is a gray shadow next to the green light."
"Well, I didn't mention that there was a white highlight in that gray shadow"
Shen Shi'an's eyes let the Buddha kill someone. "No, there is."
Liu Fangzhou was full of excitement, and now he fully remembered that Shen Shi'an was
the first person he met with the power. At that time, they only felt that these three people
were very strange and had valuable anatomical research value. They did not know these
different colors of light What the regiment meant, not to mention that Chen Nan was
carrying a zombie's head, because that gray flutter almost regarded him as a newly evolved
power zombie.
Later, he joined the team and was frightened by the zombie's head without any precaution.
Brother Chen's response was extremely rare and ordinary, and he was told that "habits are
just fine." Liu Fangzhou thought that they had known that this head had been mutated, but
did not want to appear too fussy, and never mentioned it since.
"So," Liu Fangzhou carefully looked at the faces of Chen Nan and Shen Shi'an, and finally
understood the problem. "This zombie head was not mutated before."
"Of course not," Chen Nan said immediately. "When I cut Jiatou, he was still an ordinary
zombie. I can be absolutely sure of this."
"So I was right before," Liu Fangzhou thought for a moment and suddenly became excited.
"Zombies will indeed evolve after absorbing abilities."
The power of the psionicist can promote the evolution of zombies. Even if this discovery is
not a latecomer, it is definitely an ancient one.
As soon as the rising pride took a sharp edge, Chen Nan was ruthlessly pierced. "This thing
Brother Shen had already guessed."
Facing the eyes of Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan, Chen Nan explained, "When Brother Ge and
I first met, I mentioned that Jiamu liked my power very much, and every time I absorbed
my power, I would be quiet and not trouble. It was about to bite. At that time, Brother Shen
guessed that the power would most likely promote the evolution of zombies. Let me
carefully observe Jiamu's situation and tell him about any changes. "
To appease the emotions of the zombies, Chen Nan must often give him powers. Shen
Shi'an took this opportunity to collect data and roughly speculated about the functional
relationship between the power output and the evolution of zombies.
The difference between ordinary zombies and mutant zombies is mainly reflected in two
aspects, one is flexibility, and the other is that the degree of decay is slightly different.
When Shen Shi'an first saw Chen Jiamu's head, he was intact. According to Chen Nan, there
was no trace of decay, so the only criterion for judging whether he had evolved was only
How to judge the inflexibility of a zombie head
Shen Shi'an was not sure. But from the perspective of the naked eye, this head was neither
more noisy nor more lively, so he always thought that the different energy output by Chen
Nan did not meet the zombie evolution standard. Coupled with the frequent accidents
during the trip, everyone was in danger one after another. There were too many things to
pay attention to, and less attention was paid to this matter.
Until now, they did not know that this zombie head had evolved long ago.
Shen Shi'an met Chen Nan in mid-May and Liu Fangzhou at the end of May. Did this head
evolve within this half month, or did he evolve before he and Chen Nan met each other? ,
The effect of zombies on the evolution of zombies has greatly exceeded Shen Shian's
This is why he braked suddenly in surprise.
Chen Nan held his head and wondered what to do. "Brother Shen, will I still lose Jiamu's
power in the future?" According to the Ark, Jiamu had already mutated when they arrived
in Lin'an County. The mutated Jiamu input at least one month of the horror of the power
zombies. He had seen it with his own eyes. In case Jiamu also became a power zombies, he
called a zombie group to attack the team. What should I do?
Really at that time, did he have to choose between Brother Shen and Jia Mu? Shen Brother
had a life-saving grace for him, and he would never watch Brother Shen in distress; but Jia
Mu, he could succeed against Jia Mu ?
Chen Nan was caught in a fierce battle between heaven and man.
Shen Shi'an pondered for a while and said to Chen Nandao, "Continue to lose. There are two
known methods of zombies evolution, one is power, and the other is autonomous evolution
between zombies. That is to say, even if you do not lose, he may Will evolve into power
zombies. "
This is the risk he agreed to take when Chen Nan was on the road together, but from
another perspective, it is also a valuable opportunity to study the zombies of the power.
Power zombies are undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges that everyone will face in the
next journey. The more zombies gather, the more terrible the power of zombies will be.
And their understanding of power zombies is too little, and Chen Jiamu can just become the
perfect channel for them
Even if it evolved into a power zombie, he is just a zombie head that is completely in
control. He can't bite away and can't run away. He can't pull out a flower with only one
"If the situation is really critical," Shen Shian looked at Chen Nan. "For the safety of
everyone, I may have to put him in the space." Put it in a box and lock it, and then put it in
the safe.
Chen Nan secretly let out a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't kill Jia Mu, and immediately
nodded, "No problem."
Shen Shi'an looked at Liu Fangzhou again. "From now on, we will strictly monitor Jiamu's
situation, and promptly remind us of any changes."
Liu Fangzhou was ok "wrapped on me."
Shen Shi'an glanced at the zombies held in his arms by Chen Nan. The flesh was almost
indistinguishable from the living, and turned around to restart the off-road vehicle.
Time passes by quickly during the journey. The special training received by Chen Nan and
Liu Fangzhou has achieved remarkable results. Tao Yuan could not help but express his
astonishment to Shen Shi'an in private. "Their training results of one week are much
stronger than the one month I trained with recruits."
This result was expected by Shen Shi'an. After the end of the world, the physique of
survivors has evolved greatly, which has been reflected in the library's Li Cheng and the
richest man in Miao. Second, since the spring eye recovered, Shen Shi'an added spiritual
spring water every time he cooks, including drinking water A lot has been added here.
Under the effect of two phases, it is not surprising that the training effect is not good.
In addition to the most basic physical training, Tao Yuan also conducted fighting body
training. This part of Shen Shi'an also joined with Shen Xun, and he felt greatly benefited.
The lethality of melee combat rose by at least 30%.
Liu Fangzhou also wanted to practice shooting. Shen Shi'an ruthlessly rejected guns and
bullets. He brought the weapons from the administrative building of the tobacco factory.
They were originally intended to be returned to Niuquan with the supplies, but the soldiers
We did n’t ask, "You brought something from Mr. Shen, and it should have been yours. We
have all the supplies for a big advantage. Besides, the deputy captain sends the captain
home. I don't know how dangerous it is, you need it more than we do. "
The other party insisted that Shen Shi'an did not quit. However, these ammunition
obviously cannot be wasted for Liu Fangzhou's two training targets. The zombies must hit
their heads before they die. It is estimated that the ammunition will be consumed before
they can practice the sharpshooter's aim. These things can exert their maximum value only
in the hands of Tao Yuan.
However, although he couldn't practice the target, Shen Shi'an asked Tao Yuan to teach
them the most basic method of using guns to kill the zombies, but it was able to defend
himself. It may or may not be possible at a critical moment.
Not only did physical fitness improve rapidly, Chen Nan's powers also increased a lot. Shen
Shian cut a branch with a complete air root from the variegated green stalk in the space
and gave it to Chen Nan. At present, one person and one plant are getting along well, not
only can they spawn the vines to perform the most basic binding. Nan also found that he
could shrink the plant back to its original size through the recovery ability, so that he could
not only carry it with him, but also use it multiple times, and had sufficient time and
opportunity to cultivate his ability to control the same plant.
Liu Fangzhou ’s power has also been greatly improved. The farthest sensing distance has
expanded from one kilometer to two kilometers. When the power diverges in a circle, the
distribution of life within one kilometer is fully under control.
On the tenth day that Tao Yuan joined the team, Shen Shi'an sat in the back seat of the car
and looked at the map for a moment. Shen Xun immediately noticed it, pressed his head
under Shen Shi'an's arm, and looked up at him.
Shen Shi'an took a pen and drew a circle around the current location of the people on the
map. He seemed to breathe a little, and smiled at Shen Xun, "We're halfway through."
The virus broke out on April 3, 2019. On May 6, he left the city with Shen Xun and officially
set off. To this day, on June 26, 2019, they were finally halfway through the road to Beijing.
The excitement quickly contaminated and boiled in the carriage. For Chen Nan, who is also
the destination of the capital, this is really exciting news. The moment Jia Jia set out on his
journey, he never thought about it. I can go so far.
"Celebration" Liu Fangzhou cheered and started knocking. "We must celebrate this
Shen Xun's eyes lighted up, "Eat delicious"
"Barbecue Full Goose Feast"
"I'm going to eat goose wings and oil. I can't put that on a grill."
"I want to eat goose and make a mouthful, sprinkle the seasonings and stir well, then add
some sausage, ham, bamboo shoots, etc., and cook it on the fire and burn it."
"The foie gras is also delicious, roasted to eight, and then add some red wine."
"Vegetarian vegetables can also be roasted. Bacon roll mushrooms, garlic roasted eggplant,
charcoal grilled corn, but South Brother, we have leek seeds, grilled leek is also great."
"And roasted sweet potatoes, roasted marshmallows"
"Plus cold beer and cola, a bite of meat and a bite,"
Four hours later, the evening winds of Hirano Hoshino studied, and two bonfires lit under
the gentle night, and the long table next to it was full of ingredients. The name of the dish
that everyone reported had brewed a strong aroma in the flame, The fat dripped on the
firewood, "Zila", raised a flame with a scorching incense.
Five people sat around the tablecloth and raised their beers or drinks to toast
Shen Shi'an drank half of the cold beer in one hand, and felt that the pores in his whole
body were instantly opened and hit a spirit.
Tonight is very beautiful. Although the moon cannot be seen, countless stars are twinkling
in the upside-down sky. The fine light is dazzling and gazing for a long time. Even the
Buddha and the soul must be sucked together.
Shen Xun sent a slice of foie gras to his mouth "An An Eat"
Shen Shi'an brought him a piece of grilled wings "You eat too."
The dog sperm smiled so quickly that he could not see his teeth.
"Cough," Liu Fangzhou cleared his throat, then stood up holding the beer can. "I want to
respect Brother Shen first. Brother Shen saved my life. He guided me to take care of me and
taught me a lot. .If it wasn't for Brother Shen, I don't know if it's life or death. Where can I
eat bran-phages? Maybe I can't even eat bran. "
Chen Nan followed closely, "Respecting Brother Shen, he not only saved my life, but also
saved it more than once. Without Brother Shen, I wouldn't have been here."
Tao Yuan also raised his glass. "To the best of my life, he not only saved my life, but also
saved more than 200 of my comrades-in-arms, and people more important than my own
Shen Xun also followed the excitement and raised Cola to the "highest respect in An'an, the
best in An'an in the world"
Shen Shian rubbed two on the child's head, clinking glasses with the crowd, drank the rest
of the beer, and then opened another can.
He stood up, his legs wrapped in camouflage trousers and hiking boots were long and
straight, with a bonfire in front of him and thousands of stars behind him.
The clear sound sounded in the wind. "The first half of the road is not easy to go, but we
have come successfully; the later road will only be more difficult, but nothing can stop us.
On the day I arrive at the destination, I hope to sit Everyone can witness for themselves. To
all of you, to the last half of our journey. "
"To all of you, to the last half of our journey"
"The first half has already finished, will the second half be far away?"
"Unity is strength, and as long as you are united, you can't do anything."
"What a zombie is, I ’m not even more powerful." Liu Fangzhou was anxious as soon as he
was half stingy. "Why do you guys eat so fast, leave a goose neck for me. Brother Shen ’s
goose neck is delicious. "
Chen Nan deliberately teased him, "Who wants you to patronize and shout slogans. It is a
fool to eat so many delicious things without hurrying. Come to Taoyuan Brother and share
half of you."
Shen Xun's Tooth Care "Marshmallow is mine"
"Don't find me, let me taste it"
"This grilled sausage also tastes good. I'll roast two more."
"An An, you taste this fragrant"
In laughter, the celebration dinner lasted more than two hours before it was concluded.
About drinking a little too much, Shen Shi'an felt very sleepy.
Until a scream that pierced the eardrum awakened him from his deep sleep.
hhhhhhhhh when
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes instantly, quickly said "Stay here" to the child, and jumped out
of the car with a sword.
The tent where Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou slept were crooked, as if someone was fleeing
around, and Liu Fangzhou's scream came from the tent.
Tao Yuan, who heard the movement, also got out of his tent. Before the two rushed to
investigate the situation, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the top of the tent in the
hazy starlight, "buzzing" and turning for half a circle, Just flew over in the direction of Shen
Shen Shi'an's eyes were frozen, his left hand pulled out his sword at a speed imperceptible
to the naked eye, and the five senses instantly captured the target position in the dark. The
snow-colored sword light suddenly appeared, dividing the black shadow into two.
A stream of liquid came out of the dark shadow body with strong **** gas. Shen Shian's
figure flickered to hide, but Tao Yuan behind him was caught by surprise. He was sprayed
all over his face and caught his hand. A handful of "this is, blood"
At this time, it was still late at night, and the surrounding light was too dark. Shen Shian
took out a flashlight from the space with a thought, and opened it to the location where the
shadow fell.
Only to find out that the thing he cut in half turned out to be a mosquito the size of a fist.
The mosquito was cut off from the abdomen by the sword gas, apparently unable to
survive, but the slender limbs and tentacles are still trembling, the scales and lines on the
surface are clearly visible, and the most terrifying mouthpiece is like a sharp steel Needle,
which reflects a cold light similar to metal under the light.
The screams in the tent stopped after the mosquitoes flew out. "Did you run away?" "I
didn't see it, it seems to be flying out." "What the **** is there in the sink" Tao Yuan opened
the tent With the zipper, Chen Nan helped Liu Fangzhou to walk out, his face was full of
Shen Shi'an immediately stood up and walked over to "how was anyone injured?"
"I'm okay," said Chen Nandao. "But the ark was bitten by the mosquito, which is a
Shen Shi'an had seen Liu Fangzhou's left forearm as red and swollen with a big bag as if he
had been swollen, and the skin on the swollen bag and the surrounding skin was red and
purple, which looked extremely scary.
Liu Fangzhou was painful and itchy. He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab it. He
was stopped by Shen Shi'an's eyes. He quickly took out a bottle of Lingquan water from the
space and "drank it immediately." What happened and how the mosquitoes flew in "
"I don't know. I slept well. Suddenly, my arm suddenly hurt. When I opened my eyes, I saw
a ghost-sized thing lying on my arm. It was too scary. Is that really a mosquito? Why did the
mosquito run so big where I can't sense it now, grass, how much blood I sucked while I was
sleeping, if I get caught "
Liu Fangzhou's voice came to an abrupt halt, his face quickly whitening at the speed visible
to the naked eye.
Shen Shian scratched an unknown "what happened" in his heart
"Car, car, car, car," Liu Fangzhou shook twice, and finally got his voice back. "Everyone who
got on the car got on the car, and there were tens of thousands of mosquitoes flying over it."
Half a minute later, in the off-road vehicle with the windows closed, a group of five people
witnessed a large mosquito in the black and white, smashing like a hail in the deafening
"humming" roar.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 71: Chapter 71

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Wang Chongyang stabbed the dragon stone by accident, and the whole tomb made a sound
of zaza, as if it was about to fall apart. Everyone was startled and hurried away from the
gate of the tomb.
Just then, the little dragon girl snorted, struggling into the tomb, struggling with her badly
wounded body. This crowd was shocked. Yang Guo hurriedly said, "Aunt, why did you get
in? When you come to the tomb, you will be sealed. Come out soon. "
Little Dragon Girl Road "Hum"
Yang Guo cried loudly, "Aunt, you can't do this. Although the tomb is a place where you
lived from a young age, you can't live without it, but the world under the mountain is also
good, don't go back to die." She cried "I can't live without Aunt. "Little Loli cried twice, and
plunged into the tomb.
The people outside were sweating together, Li Yan and Li Mochou looked at each other. Li
Mochou said, "What should I do for my sister and niece?"
Li Yan did not hesitate to say, "Let's go in too, otherwise they will be dead inside, and I will
have to rescue them."
Li Mo cried, "But we will also be trapped when we go in."
It may not be necessary for Li Yanxin to be trapped. According to the original records, there
is an underground river at the bottom of the ancient tomb. You can swim out of the
underground river. But only I know this. People in this plane should not even know it. If I
don't go in to rescue the little dragon girl and Yang Guo, they will really be trapped if I don't
get in, but I will survive if I go in.
Of course, this kind of thing Li Yan is impossible to explain, he just frowned and said, "Don't
worry about that much, let's go ahead and talk about it." Li Yan took Lingbo a small step
and hurriedly rushed forward. Falling slowly. I saw that the gate of the ancient tomb began
to close, and a piece of megalithic stone that didn't know how much weight was hanging
down little by little under the influence of the machine, would block the gate of the ancient
tomb. .
Li Yan slipped to the ground. With a nearly flying tackle-like action, he slid into the tomb
from under the broken dragon stone. As soon as he stood still, he felt a strong wind
sounded, and two figures slid in. It turned out to be Li Mo Sorrow and the unknown woman
Li Mochou's face was full of resolute look. "Since you are coming in, I will naturally follow
in. If you die, I will die with you."
Li Yan smiled and gently stroked her face. But he turned to the unknown woman priest and
said, "Our family will die for themselves. What do you do when you jump in?"
The lady Taoist said bitterly, "The ancestor is waiting to clean up outside. I am dead
outside. I might as well follow Li Shaoxia to come in. Although dying in the ancient tomb is
also dead, it is more death than being stabbed to death Slow down. It's called the two evils
to the utmost. "
Li Yan is speechless. Well, you're right.
At this time, the broken dragon stone was about to completely seal the tomb, and there was
only the last crevice under the stone. At last, the figure flickered, and someone slipped in. Li
Yan Daqi, our group of people rushed to death. Why would anyone want to come in and
take a closer look, but it was Wang Chongyang.
She slid into the tunnel, and the broken dragon stone behind it “banged”, completely
sealing the tunnel, no longer allowed to enter, the moment the stone finally fell. You can
also hear the male Taoist shouting, "How did you go in here, grandfather?" Then he quieted
down, the tomb was completely isolated from the outside, and the tomb was suddenly dark,
and no fingers were reached.
Wang Chongyang's voice rang out in the darkness. "I accidentally stabbed the authorities
and killed you all. I have to come in and accompany you, one person, one person."
Li Yan spread his hand. "You count how many people are here. Are you doing it alone?"
Wang Chongyang counted, and one, two, three, four, five, and six wiped away a sweat. This
was one person who was doing something. Six people felt embarrassed. "It's all my fault,
but I really can't help you anymore ... you beat me Let me be angry, just eliminate the
grievances before dying, don't bring resentment to my reincarnation "
Li Yanxin thought that if I did n’t have a way out of the trap, I would definitely beat you up
now, but I ’m not afraid at all. After walking to the deepest underground river in the ancient
tomb, I can swim out easily. He waved his hand, "Forget it, isn't it just a matter of being
stuck in an ancient tomb? I can solve it in minutes. Whatever you do, you can reflect deeply
on yourself."
Wang Chongyang made a slap, thinking that this man was full-minded and he was about to
die. He was so gentle and light-hearted that he didn't complain to me.
Li Yan had no time to care about her, and walked quickly to the Little Dragon Girl Company.
This poor bear child was first disturbed by his practice and led to a fire. Then he forced his
severely injured body into the tomb, and then used his energy. Now it is Injuries were
added to the wound, and lying on the ground could not move, only the strength to spit
blood, but no strength to drink blood back. She had beautiful skin and white skin, and now
she couldn't move. She fell to the ground pitifully, and there was a blood stain on her
mouth. It was a picture that could arouse a man's desire for protection.
Li Yan hugged her horizontally and said, "I need to heal the little dragon girl, and I'll discuss
other matters later. You can play with it yourself. I'll heal the little girl's wound and come to
you to talk about the matter."
Leaving other sisters, Li Yan hugged the little dragon girl and went to a cemetery. This
cemetery was just like the others. There was nothing in it and it was empty. Li Yan put the
dragon **** a stone and sat down, but unfortunately, the dragon girl was too badly injured,
and she couldn't even maintain her sitting posture. Once Li Yan let go of her hand, she was
soft like a pool of mud. Little Rory also followed in and saw her aunt become like this. Little
Rory was so scared that she just cried, and did nothing else.
Li Yan had no choice but to put her in her arms and let her lean against her chest so that
she could maintain a five-hearted sitting posture, and then she stretched out her hand to
resist her main point and slowly her skill. Enter the body of the little dragon girl, beautiful
novel :.
Little Dragon Girl weakly "hum"
The little girl next to him sobbed and interpreted. "Aunt said she was so clean and
untouched by a man. It is wrong for you to hold her like this. She will kill you if she can
Li Yanhan said, "Let's talk less about the eggs. I am treating the patient by the doctor. Some
of the abnormal movements are normal, but I have to kill the doctor after seeing that the
female patient is cured."
The little dragon girl was weakly "hum"
Little Lori said, "Aunt said, there are some unscrupulous doctors. After giving the patient an
anesthesia, such a doctor should be treated like a doctor."
This product is really too poisonous. Li Yan rolled his eyes. "Could you say a few words to
give me good luck and guide me to help you heal the wounds and then make such
nonsense, and beware that it is really dead."
Little Dragon Girl Road "Hum"
"My aunt said that she was trapped in the ancient tomb anyway. What better cure is to
simply give up the treatment, and to avoid being misled by the unscrupulous doctor. She
also advised you that your unscrupulous doctor will be trapped soon. Now, when there is
still a bad mood, the patient should find a beautiful cemetery as his burial place. People
should have a long-term vision, make a plan for the future, and choose a better cemetery
before they die. Show that you are a man with a development plan "
Li Yan froze from side to side, trying to find a door panel to pinch her head, but there was
no door panel in the tomb, so there was nothing to say, so I had to learn Xiaolong Women's
Road to "hum"
The little dragon girl was stunned. It was only she who hummed others. This was the first
time she was hummed by others. She could n’t understand what Li Yan meant, so she
turned to Yang Guo.
Little Rory froze, and quickly said, "Brother Li Yan said that if you talk nonsense again and
again, he will put you in eighteen looks."
Nani Li Yan was shocked. He did n’t express that meaning just now, but he did think so. Of
course, although this idea did exist, it did not mean that he would do it. I would think "you
will stop talking about me and kill you", but it won't really kill someone. It's just a malicious
thought when venting anger, and it's gone instantly. He didn't expect that his casual
humming was actually interpreted by the little loli. This little loli is so awesome that she
can read mind art. No wonder she can read the little dragon girl's hum.
The little dragon girl was also taken aback and put it in the shape of eighteen, so let's be
honest. This time she finally became good, no longer humming with poisonous tongue, and
began to close her eyes to guide the internal interest.
Li Yan was relieved, and quickly helped her to promote blood circulation and heal her
When Li Yan healed the Dragon Girl, Li Mochou quietly found a tomb. She is obviously a
person who has "a long-term vision and will make a good plan for the future." Of course,
first find a place to bury the bones, and she also carefully chose a larger tomb, so that she
can bury a cave with Li Yan, more romantic.
On the other side, Wang Chongyang and the unknown little female priest were not so
Wang Chongyang looked at his apprentice with strange eyes, and the female Taoist priest
also looked at Grandpa with strange eyes. The two looked at him with wide eyes for a long
time. Wang Chongyang sighed a long time. I'm too lazy to deal with you with door rules
here, you can do it yourself. "
It turned out that this woman Taoist was Yin Zhiping. She bitterly said, "It's useless. There
is an ancient tomb here. Where can I go?" Then again, the space is small, and the man I like
is Being forced to be in the same room as me has accelerated the progress. If you can
experience the taste of being a woman before you die, it is not wrong. "
Wang Chongyang was speechless. "You are so mad, how can I have such an unwieldy
disciple under my door?"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 72: Chapter 72

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Liu Fangzhou stood in this survivor base that had hit half his name, and felt like he was the
first Liu Liu to enter the Grand View Garden.
Clean and tidy streets, normally open shops, brisk pedestrians, green belts on both sides of
the road are not only trimmed neatly, but the lush green meadows are also full of unknown
wild flowers.
Look, a duck is playing with a group of ducklings in the shade, and a few chickens are
pulling the turf not far away to look for bugs. Oh, two sheep are drilled under the bushes.
Is this really an eschatology?
Compared to him, Chen Nan has a kind of feeling that it is almost three months before the
virus outbreak. The country and even the world are going through the cruel test of the last
days. However, this hot spring town and the one he came to more than a year ago
Compared to time, it seems that nothing has changed.
No, there are still things that have not changed the number of green plants in the past, the
streets on the old days are not as clean and beautiful as before, and the faces of former
residents are not as full of leisure and comfort as they are now, as if there is nothing to
worry about.
Shen Shian, holding the child, should first walk along the street. As a well-known hot spring
spot, the buildings in the county are mostly two-story small buildings with a uniform style,
with soft and tranquil colors and an obvious rural style.
At dusk, the survivors here seem to have just finished their day's work. Many people are
sitting on the rattan chairs in the corridor for a cool drink. There is a small table in front of
them, and a pot of herbal tea on the table, or a few A side dish and a bottle of beer,
occasionally facing the eyes of Shen Shi'an and others, they raised a glass and laughed and
said "Welcome to the Ark"
Tao Yuan walked to Shen Shi'an's side and lowered his voice. "They didn't check our
backpack and didn't ask us to isolate."
"Well." Shen Shi'an responded softly. Entering this base called "Noah's Ark" is much easier
than imagined. Just ask them what to do here and open the city gate for release. Friendship
is also suggested to outsiders to stay at the hot spring hotel located in the center of the
county. What this means is not difficult to guess. "Some of the survivors responsible for
defending the city can detect whether outsiders carry a zombie virus."
There are more than 2,000 abilities in the county seat, and it is not surprising that any
abilities have evolved.
Not only was entering the city very smooth, but after entering, I also felt the hospitality of
the residents in the city. Almost all the pedestrians who met face to face would smile and
greet them. They were particularly enthusiastic about Shen Shi'an's arms. Touch the small
face and pull the small hand. After being stopped by Shen Shi'an in time, he didn't mind,
and passed various snacks to Shen Xun's hands. "Children are the hope of the new era.
Welcome to the Ark."
This sentence Liu Fangzhou just started to listen to awkwardness. I felt that people were
calling his name in all directions. I was embarrassed when I heard it a lot. I got used to it
after a few times. Those who can, we almost see. "
"No ordinary survivor"
"There aren't many on this street anyway." There are colorful light clusters everywhere in
the induction range, and Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but sigh, "If Zhou Jianghai had the life
to come to such a place, it wouldn't be happy to go crazy." Imagine Let's take a look at the
scene where more than 2,000 abilities were secretly copied into his hands, and
immediately added "Fortunately, he died early."
Shen Shi'an calmly glanced over the smiley faces on both sides of the road, whispering
"What are the power levels of these people"
"According to the brightness and size of the light group, there are strong and weak, the
strongest is not as strong as you, and the weakest is not as weak as Nange."
Chen Nan "" knee pain.
"Well." Liu Fangzhou suddenly whispered, leaned back to Shen Shi'an, and his voice was
even lower. "Brother Shen, if there are two light groups on the same person, what is
different from the situation of Nan brother and his brother, Both light groups refer to living
people. "
Shen Shi'an thought about "men and women"
"Girl," Liu Fangzhou responded, "that is, pregnant." It turned out that his power could still
be used as a b-super.
Pregnant Chen Nan asked "months"
Liu Fangzhoumu turned his face and looked at him "" You are embarrassing brother.
According to Liu Fangzhou's guidance, Shen Shi'an quickly glanced at a female probationer
who was suspected of being pregnant and wore less clothes in the summer. It was obvious
that the lower abdomen was still flat. "No more than four months."
Chen Nan calculated in her heart that it was almost three months from the outbreak of the
virus. If she was pregnant before the last days, it can only be said that after the outbreak of
the virus, the mortality of women, children, and the elderly is much higher than that due to
physical fitness. Adult men and women who are pregnant are even more at risk. Regardless
of the nutritional problems of the fetus and the ability of the pregnant woman to move
during pregnancy, childbirth itself is a very dangerous thing. It is even more so when
medical conditions collapse across the board. in this way. So if you are pregnant after the
last days, do n’t you die, even if you successfully gave birth to a child, is this a world
suitable for babies?
Shen Shi'an frowned, what seemed to come to mind, and asked Liu Fangzhou "what color is
the light group representing the fetus?"
"White, all white." Symbolizes the color of ordinary survivors.
Shen Shi'an stopped talking. Liu Fangzhou didn't understand what he meant by asking this,
but it was not easy for the pedestrians to ask about it. As I walked around and expanded
the sensing range, I didn't sense anything special, but I remembered an important thing. I
quickly took out a bottle of toilet water spray from my backpack with a pat on my head,
sprayed myself from head to toe, Began spraying on others "Hurry up, the sun has set, and
it will be too late without spraying."
After encountering the mutant mosquito swarm, the first thing to do every day after the
sun goes down is this. Although not sure how much it can play, it is better than nothing.
According to Liu Fangzhou's words, "I don't need toilet water to smoke the mosquitoes. I
just need that compared to us, mutant mosquitoes prefer those without spray water."
Shen Xun was sneezed and sneezed several times, but rarely got angry. He put his nose
against Shen Shi'an's neck and sucked hard. "I won't let mosquitoes bite An An."
Shen Shian shot his little cricket, "I won't let mosquitoes bite you."
After spraying the toilet water, everyone has come to the corner of the street. After all,
Chen Nan has been here once. He is familiar with other people here and walks in the front.
"I remember turning this corner is the largest hot spring hotel in the city. The shape of the
hotel is very It ’s distinctive. It ’s called Golden Phoenix. Why did you stop? ”
Chen Nan was puzzled, turned his eyes and turned his head to a place less than two
hundred meters away, and a hotel like no one remembered stood in the dusk.
The hotel is a western-style domed palace style, with a total of five floors. Compared with
the famous five-star hotels, the hotel must have a clear gap, but it is truly magnificent in
such a small county.
A golden phoenix stands on the highest dome, spreading its wings to be alive, and the
feathers and tail are covered with small colored lights.
At this time, the Phoenix, like the entire hotel, was brightly lit and dazzling in the
increasingly dim twilight.
"Bed," Liu Fangzhou walked into the hotel lobby first, and was amazed at the marble floor
and the bright dazzling crystal chandeliers above his head. "There is electricity, and the air
conditioner is on. How do they do it?" of"
There were more than one entrance to the city wall, and outsiders who walked into the
hotel at this time were not only Shen Shi'an and his party. There were three people in front
of them, obviously accompanied by men, all tall, short and fat, carrying backpacks like
them. Just after entering the gate, a waiter greeted the three of them. "Welcome to the Ark.
May I ask what the three gentlemen need?"
Another waiter was stopped by Shen Shi'an and others when he was about to go. "These
guests gave me."
The waiter stopped immediately and looked down, respectfully "is the manager."
The man was slender, wearing a black and elegant black suit with an off-white bow tie tied
in the center of the neckline, and his hair was meticulously combed. His eyes paused for a
moment on Shen Shi'an's face, crossed the long sword behind him, and then reached out to
Liu Fangzhou, who was standing in front, "Welcome to the Ark."
Liu Fangzhou didn't dare to eat and eat, and Zhou Jianghai didn't die in vain.
The other party didn't mind, withdrew his hands freely, and introduced himself with a
smile. "Yang Xueqiu is the lobby manager of the Golden Phoenix Hotel and the first officer
of the Ark."
Liu Fangzhou what is mine
Seems to see the doubts of everyone, Yang Xueqiu explained, "In order to facilitate
management, the division of personnel and duties in the ark follows the setting on the
general ship."
Shen Shian "That means you have a captain"
"Yes." Yang Xueqiu nodded.
Several people raised their ears and waited for the following, but found that the chief
officer did not continue to say anything at all, and turned the topic back. "I don't know if
there is anything I can do for the gentlemen."
Shen Shi'an did not plan to get any internal information from the other party. "We plan to
rest here for one night. Can we open the room?"
"Of course, if you become an Ark resident, the hotel is free of charge. Do you have any
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "We are just passing by and leave tomorrow morning."
"That was the case." Yang Xueqiu made a "please" gesture, led the five of them to the
service counter, and took out a pamphlet from the counter. Yes, the rooms are divided into
five levels. The prices are different for different levels, and the services are different.
Several gentlemen can see which one is needed. "
Shen Shi'an took the booklet, and Chen Nan and others gathered around. There are only
five sheets of paper in the booklet, which represent five rooms with different levels of
water and electricity, three rooms with water and electricity, and water with electricity
Standard room, double bed room with water and electricity, and luxurious suite with water
and electricity. Each sheet of room is marked with a number behind the detailed
description, ranging from one to twenty.
The tall and short **** is not far away, and also holds a booklet in their hands. Visual
inspection is the same thing as Shen Shi'an and others.
Shen Shi'an asked, "These numbers represent the cost of the room."
"Yes," said Yang Xueqiu. "However, please note that the hotel charges according to the
number of people rather than the room. These figures refer to single expenses, which
means that even if you only have one room, you still need to pay four Personal expenses are
free for children. "
Shen Shian asked "How to pay"
Yang Xueqiu said, "This hotel accepts zombies and nuclear materials for payment. In order
to facilitate the calculation, the materials need to be converted into crystals and then paid."
After finishing speaking, I took out a booklet, which is more than the first one. It is much
thicker. "This is the exchange rate of various acceptable materials and crystal nuclei in the
ark. Several gentlemen can take a closer look."
Shen Shian opened the second booklet, which listed hundreds of materials from high to low
according to the convertible crystal nuclei. Most of the drugs in the front are drugs,
gasoline, weapons, etc., which are of high value, and there are no less than 20. In addition,
the value of seeds or plants of various vegetables and fruits is also high, and the last is the
end. Everything else needed for survival varies in value.
Surprisingly, Shen Shian expected that the value of food in this booklet can only be placed
at the bottom. Five packets of puffed food can be exchanged for a crystal nucleus. The bread
and instant noodles are slightly higher, and the meat products are higher. , But the unit
price did not exceed five crystal nuclei. Instead, it is a cigarette, and each pack can be
changed to ten to fifteen crystal nuclei depending on the brand and preservation status.
There is a lot of information available in this booklet.
First, there is no shortage of food in Noah's Ark. Second, there are many botanical abilities
in the ark.
What Shen Shi'an cares about most is that there are many types of drugs listed here, but
none are used to prevent mosquito bites or swelling and itching. There are no mosquito
repellents such as toilet water.
The trio next to them has begun to exchange for crystal nuclei, and their materials seem to
be very sufficient. One shot is the three most urgent anti-inflammatory drugs. Seeing that
Shen Shi'an had not made a decision, Yang Xueqiu pointed at the thorn stick behind Chen
Nan and Liu Fangzhou and said, "If several gentlemen are willing to exchange this weapon
for exchange, I can give the price of twenty crystal nuclei. . "
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, thinking of the hundreds of aloe thorns that had been pulled
out in the space but had not found any usefulness, and the thousands of aloe thorns that
had not been removed from the mutant aloe, shaking his head slightly sadly.
He has enough supplies for the crystal nucleus, but what should be exchanged for it is a
question that requires careful consideration.
"Give us a suite," Shen Shi'an said.
"One?" Yang Xueqiu confirmed, "One suite has two separate bedrooms. Several gentlemen
may live in a crowded place. Because this hotel is charged according to the number of
people, the price for you to open a suite and two suites is actually Same, do you need to
change to two? "
"No, just one."
"Okay, five customers. Children are free. Twenty crystal nuclei per person for a total of
eighty crystal nuclei."
Shen Shian took out a cigarette from his backpack "How many crystal nuclei can this be
exchanged for?"
The cigarettes were taken from the base of the tobacco factory. The packaging was tight
and not yet unpacked. Yang Xueqiu took it and checked it carefully. It seemed a little
pleasantly surprised. Want to redeem it all? "
Shen Shi'an hasn't spoken yet, the slightly fatter in the trio next to him suddenly made a
move together, hehe laughed twice "That little brother, let me discuss with you whether
your room rate is 80 crystals, That ’s enough to exchange six packs of cigarettes. Let me
give you the remaining four packs. I ’ll exchange the supplies with you. If you want
something, say it directly and make sure you do n’t lose money. The old smoke gun has
been cold for more than a month without smoking a cigarette, and the smoke bugs have
almost killed me. Brother, if you save your life, help out. "
The tall man snorted "How good it is to quit smoking."
Uncle Fat waved his hand. "What do you know, there can be several hobbies in life, all of
them are not so comfortable in the last days, let's say this is not exactly what happened."
Turning his head, he continued to blink and looked at Shen Shi'an with longing and hope.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, and nodded, "Can be changed. Do you have toilet water or
ointment for swelling and itching?"
Uncle Fat for a while, "Hua Lo Shui Antipruritic Ointment", took the backpack down and
rummaged for a while. "You wait a moment, I'm not sure if I haven't. I have forgotten a few
mosquitoes this year until now, I remember Last time it seemed like I put away two bottles.
Liu Fangzhou opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. After receiving Shen
Shi'an's gaze, he swallowed back immediately. Uncle Fat turned his back on them, and they
could not see what was in the other's backpack from their perspective, but after a few
minutes, Uncle Fat suddenly carried the bag with excitement and stood up. "I found it,"
turned around and turned the two bottles of sixd Pass it to Shen Shi'an "I said there are two
bottles, this brand is good, I have used this in previous years, but I don't know why this
year, I haven't seen any mosquitoes"
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, where?" Liu Fangzhou scrambled.
Uncle Fat jumped up and took a slap. "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao. I just wanted to say that I
haven't seen a mosquito this year, so I killed one." He looked up and saw Liu Fangzhou
hiding behind Shen Shian. The face of the enemy's small white face was very puzzled.
"What's wrong with this child, isn't it just a mosquito?"
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes and said nonsense, "It's okay, he's allergic to mosquitoes." He
glanced at the undead normal mosquito corpse in the palm of Uncle Fat, and looked at Chen
Nan Taoyuan.
"I'll just say so." Uncle Fat looked at the two bottles of sixd in Shen Shi'an's hand. "It's
definitely not enough to change with you. Little brother, what can you wear without eating?
Most I have. "
In the end, Shen Shi'an exchanged four packs of cigarettes from Uncle Fat for two bottles of
toilet water and two boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs. According to the exchange rate
given by the hotel, Shen Shi'an slightly took some advantage, but Uncle Fat obviously didn't
think so. The cigarette smoked and took a deep breath, and spit it out intoxicatedly after
brewing for a long while, and the expression seemed to be able to rise to the sky
immediately. See where Shen Shi'an and his party feel pleasing "Thank you brother"
After paying the nucleus, the lobby manager Yang Xueqiu handed a room card to Shen
Shi'an, "room number 8001, take the elevator to the fourth floor, the first one on the left
Uncle Fat's trio also asked for a suite, room number 8005, which was diagonally opposite
Shen Shi'an and others.
"Check out at noon every day at 12 o'clock. After 12 o'clock, you need to pay for an extra
day's accommodation; outdoor and indoor hot springs can be soaked normally, but because
the temperature is too high, it is recommended to control the hot spring time to prevent
heat stroke; phone in the room Ca n’t use it, but there are rattles beside the bed in the suite.
If there is any need for some gentlemen to ring the bell directly, I hope you all have a good
time. This hotel is committed to the highest quality service and dedicated to meet all the
needs of customers. "
Yang Xueqiu has been sending Shen Shi'an and others to the elevator entrance. "The suite
includes dinner service. The restaurant is on the second floor. Dinner time starts from 6
o'clock. There will be a special performance tonight, and also prepared unexpected
surprises for several gentlemen. Everyone is welcome to join. "
After entering the elevator, Chen Nan suddenly remembered one thing: "Yes, can the
wishing pool behind the rockery still be used?"
Yang Xueqiu, who has always been polite, flashes of confusion "what"
"It's the heart-shaped wishing pool behind the rockery," Chen Nan said before the elevator
door was closed. Frowning, I felt a little strange. "Why didn't this lobby manager know
about the wishing pool? The hotel staff told me specifically when I came last time, saying
that it was particularly effective. Many people in the county like to make a wish. I went with
the provincial team. The teammates also went and wished to get a good result in another
game, and later they won the championship. "
Tao Yuandao "It's normal if he doesn't know. The virus has been out for three months. He
may not be the lobby manager here before the last days, maybe he is not a local resident."
Chen Nan froze, then smiled. "Yeah. This hotel is so well maintained, I almost forgot it was
in the last days."
After returning to the room to drop things, Shen Shi'an actually reclaimed the space, and
the five came to the restaurant at dinner. One is to see if you can get more information. The
other is that in the last days of food shortages, having free dinner but not eating is always
prone to suspicion.
The restaurant is large, with a large stage in front and dozens of tables facing the stage.
More people came to the restaurant than Shen Shi'an expected. Looking at the clothes and
mental appearance, they should be outsiders who have just come here or have lived here
for several days.
Shen Shi'an and others sat at a table alone, and the tall and short trio came. Uncle Fat said
hello to Shen Shi'an and saw him on the right hand side. The dinner was pushed by the
waiter's dining cart. Each person included a large bowl of rice, a roasted potato with very
little meat, a vegetarian fried bean, and a vegetable soup. It is a minimal meal before the
end of the world, but after the end of the world, it is extremely rare to be able to eat such a
decent meal, and it is almost tearful.
Of course not including Shen Shian and others.
The emotions in Tao Yuan and Chen Nan's eyes were a little subtle, and Liu Fangzhou was
obviously disappointed. By Shen Xun, that was a complete disgust.
After confirming that there was no problem with the meal, Shen Shi'an tapped on the table
with his knuckles "to eat. Nothing left."
The second sentence is to Shen Xun.
The child held the bowl reluctantly.
Shen Shi'an glanced around secretly, and found that in addition to the few in front of him,
the tall and short **** did not seem to be very satisfied.
Just as everyone was eating, the lights gradually dimmed, the curtain opened on the stage,
and Yang Xueqiu's performance began.
It was a stage play, and Liu Fangzhou quickly recognized "Ah Noah's Ark Story"
Anyone who has received nine years of compulsory teaching, even if they do not know the
allusions of "Noah's Ark" in detail, most of them have heard a little.
Only the dog spirits were present and didn't know what that was.
Covered by the dim light, quietly poured a plate of vegetarian fried beans into Liu
Fangzhou's bowl, and at the same time approached Shen Shi'an and whispered "An'an,
what is Noah's Ark"
"A story recorded in the Bible. God felt that mankind was too corrupt and sinful, and
regretted the creation of man, and decided to use the flood to destroy all living things in the
world. Of the sinful people, only Noah was a perfect good man and never did evil Therefore,
God chose Noah and his family as the seeds of the new humanity, and asked Noah to build a
boat and take his family and a part of the birds and beasts to the boat to avoid the flood.
After the flood, only the creatures on the boat survived. This ship is called Noah's Ark. "
After Shen Shi'an finished speaking, he put his share of beans in front of the children. "Eat
all, and I will make you a full vegetarian meal with less one."
The dog pouts and eats his face in disgust.
The content of the stage play is simple and easy to understand. The theme to be expressed
is even more obvious. Only those who are on the boat can survive and continue in the new
world after the last days.
In this way, it is easy to understand why this base was named after "Noah's Ark".
"This is too middle school." Tucao from the middle school boy Liu Fangzhou.
China is an atheistic country. Most citizens thrive under the guidance of Marx's dialectical
materialism. The religious atmosphere is extremely weak. For 99% of the people, the gods
and gods of all walks of life are all true only when they encounter something and ask for it.
And the survivors of the last days have too many things to ask of the fairies.
People always find something to trust in panic and despair, or to rationalize what
happened to them as much as possible. Why did the zombie virus erupt? Who can be sure,
this is not because God is too disappointed with humans, so A "flood" catastrophe
There are too many people, and the atmosphere of the stage play is just right. Some people
will believe it.
But there are also many unbelievers.
Uncle Fat's voice can be heard throughout the restaurant. "I have a question. In mythology,
God chose Noah and his family as the seeds of new humans. His family includes his wife, his
son, and I remember him. Daughter-in-law, how can a few people want to be inbred as new
human seeds, can the child born?
The atmosphere rendered by the stage play suddenly changed, and the topic quickly turned
to landslides such as "the harmfulness of inbreeding", "the old immortal gods in Western
European mythology", "Noah's Ark or Zheng He's voyage to the West". Going out of hand.
Liu Fangzhou gathered together in the past for a moment of enthusiastic discussion and
then felt boring. "The show is all over. The surprise that Manager Yang said"
As soon as the words came down, the waiter pushed in the dining car again. This time the
dining car was loaded with not just meals, but a large watermelon with a weight of ten
pounds each. Chen Nan was close, and the explorer touched "the cold."
Oh yeah, the atmosphere heated up instantly.
As soon as the crackling sound of the melon peel cracked, the sweet melon fragrance
floated to the restaurant at once. There are two watermelons in total, and each person is
only assigned a small piece because of the large number, but the waiter said that they can
be purchased separately with crystal nuclei, two crystal nuclei for one pound.
Those who can enter the restaurant are all set up with double-bed rooms and above. In
other words, they are not so bad as nuclei or supplies, so someone immediately signed up
for melon, and Uncle Fat ordered three in one go.
Shen Shi'an didn't order. He remembered that there were still several bags of watermelon
seeds in the space and he forgot to plant them.
When the crowd was intoxicated by the sweet taste of iced watermelon, the lights were
dimmed again. Liu Fangzhou snorted "There are also shows"
More than a dozen charming figures came in from the entrances on both sides of the stage.
At the same time, with the fragrance coming from behind, a hand painted with red nail
polish was put on Shen Shi'an's shoulder, and the tone was confusing.
"Sir, do you want someone?"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 73: Chapter 73

Settings saved..
This is the anti-theft chapter
Xiao He rides around the living room and dining room on the head of the sweeping robot. It
is quite satisfied with this newly-acquired "mountain", that is, it is slower, and the IQ
doesn't seem to be very good. You have to push hard to know the turn.
Shen Shi'an wore a light gray apron with sleeves rolled around his forearms. He was skilled
at moving water and was busy in front of the cooking table. Occasionally, when he turned
around and looked away, Xiao Hei, who was driving to the kitchen door, immediately
turned his head, looked coldly without squinting, took his claws to the "mountain", turned
around, and walked away. He did not look at Shen Shi'an.
This man dared to do that kind of thing to himself, and he has never held a grudge against
him ever since
This so-called revenge against Dai is in fact that Shen Shi'an discovered that Xiao He bullied
Rui Bao and slapped two in the ass.
He and Yun Feiyang came back in time. Ruibao was not injured, but was obviously scared
enough. As soon as Xiao Hei approached, he fluttered his wings and shouted "Goodbye".
Now he can only put it in the second bedroom to separate from Xiao Hei.
Shen Shi'an was very unhappy, cut a small dish of tomatoes for Ruibao, and quietly
replaced the water he drinks with Lingquan water. Now he is quite emotionally stable and
has fallen asleep on the shelf.
Yun Feiyang was sitting on a chair next to the cooking table, staring at Xiaohei while
peeling the peas. "Hey, An An, is your dog going to become a sperm? This is the first time I
have seen a puppy with such emotions. Humanistic, don't you just hit it twice? Take a look,
and now I still avenge you. "
Shen Shi'an turned around and glanced at it. Just as Xiao He rode the robot and turned to
the kitchen, he turned his head and turned away arrogantly and indifferently, almost
throwing himself out of the robot.
"It's not revenge," said Fan Guoping, who was marinating chicken wings, smiling when Xiao
Hei went away. "I think this little thing is jealous."
"Jealous" Shen Shian was puzzled.
"That's not it." Fan Guoping put the chicken wings on the baking sheet into the oven, and
then took off the disposable gloves. "Animals are almost like humans, Mr. Shen, you think
about it, you just picked it up for more than a week, not yet I am completely familiar with
the environment. Suddenly there is another pet in the house, and you hit it for this pet. Do
n’t worry about it, then, in the small black eyes, do n’t you consider other pets to be more
precious than it? It ’s not only jealous, but maybe you ’re afraid you wo n’t want it after you
have a new pet. Stray little things can be sensitive to people ’s emotions. My daughter just
raised a stray dog during the time, even if she got out of the house The smell of other cats,
dogs, and dogs will be anxious for a long time after returning home. To put it plainly, there
is no sense of security. "
After that, he took his elbow and punched his colleague Wan Feng. "Yes, Lao Wan."
Wan Feng was peeling peas with Yun Feiyang, and his arm was suddenly pounded by Fan
Guoping. The peeled peas immediately rolled down from the palm of his hand, looked at
them without changing the color, and fished again before the peas landed, and then greeted
them. Yun Feiyang's amazed glance "um" sounded.
Is that so
Shen Shian was thoughtful.
Four people cooperated with each other, and a hearty New Year's Eve meal was quickly
prepared. The bamboo shoots and pork ribs were stewed and the meat was rotten. The
garlic mullet was fried on both sides. Scent of Cola Chicken Wings coming out of the oven
As each dish was brought to the table, Xiao Hei and its mounts spent a lot of time
wandering around the restaurant. Shen Shian took out his usual bowl, filled it with two
tablespoons of rice, and called it "come over for dinner."
Little black head twisted, right when he did not hear.
Shen Shian pours a large bowl of braised pork with soup on the rice, "I really don't eat it"
Little black ears moved, still squatting on the sweeping robot without looking at him.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few shrimps and placed them next to braised pork. Then he took out
two small bowls, one filled with half a bowl of tomato burdock, and one filled with half a
bowl of pork rib soup. I'll take it to Ruibao. "
The voice didn't fall, Xiao Hei had already rushed over like a gust of wind, and stuck out his
tongue and licked all the food and soup, while licking and squinting provocatively at Shen
The corners of her lips were slightly invisible, and Shen Shi'an raised his hand and rubbed
two on the dog's head. "Eat slowly, not enough."
"Come here," Yun Feiyang opened a bottle of red wine, and poured a small glass into four
glasses in turn. "An'an quickly sat down and waited for your master."
The table is full of delicious aromas. Among them, Shen Shi'an made the tomato burdock
the most popular. The space-produced tomato was boiled into a thick state. The burdock
was cooked thoroughly and crispy. Put it in your mouth and chew it twice. The hot gravy
and tomato juice overflow instantly, and the rich meat and fruit aroma burst on the taste
buds at the same time, so beautiful that you can swallow even your tongue.
Fan Guoping inhaled while eating and raised his thumb high at Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Shen's
cooking is fine."
"Sloppy," Shen Shi'an said, "Mr. Fan's Cola chicken wings also taste great."
Yun Feiyang nodded his cheeks again and again, Cola chicken wings have eaten the most
besides burdock.
Fan Guoping smiled and waved his hand. "I ca n’t compare it. I am because my daughter
likes to eat this, so I usually have nothing to think about at home. I do n’t have a problem
with home-cooked dishes, and I do n’t have a chance on big occasions. I'll only be this one. "
"Anyway, two hard chefs." Yun Feiyang raised his wine glass. "Come and get together is a
destiny. I wish us all the best in 2019, and a happy new year."
Everyone toasted and met "Happy New Year"
At one meal, the guests and the guests were happy. After the meal, Yun Feiyang offered to
clean up the dishes. Shen Shi'an sent Wan Feng and the two out, and took Xiao Hei down
the circle by the way. This little thing was still awkward. After pulling it, I didn't look at
Shen Shi'an, and ran back on my own short legs.
Shen Shi'an didn't care, he hurriedly followed behind. Near the bottom of the building, the
residents of the building next door also came out to walk the dog. It was a large dark brown
Tibetan mastiff, half a person tall, with strong muscles and hair, and turbid saliva running
along the teeth. Going down, it looks quite scary.
I don't know if the aroma of burdock ribs was left on Shen Shi'an, or because he often
soaked in Lingquan, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly got excited when he saw him, and
hurriedly walked forward the dog rope to release his hand from the owner. Barking loudly,
she flew towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an frowned, preparing to dodge. Xiao Hei, who had ran into the building, suddenly
turned around and ran back. He hadn't hidden the small half-legged mastiff in front of Shen
Shi'an. Two rows of fangs were cold and exposed from his throat. There was a growl.
This roar is very strange, like the deep roar of some ancient beast, faintly holding the
majesty and anger, so that the Tibetan mastiff that stands taller than people seems to have
heard something terrible. The sound, howling whine, ran back towards the master with his
The dog owner picked up the dog rope with sweat and apologized to Shen Shi'an. "I'm
sorry, I accidentally didn't hold it and let it run away. I didn't scare you. Our dog just looked
scary, but it didn't bite. It ’s human. ”He also looked at Xiaozi Youzi,“ What kind of dog in
your family has a bad temper? ”
Shen Shian bent over and hugged Xiao Hei, without directly answering the other party ’s
words. His tone was a bit cold. “It ’s better to take good measures against large dogs. Not
everyone can be as lucky as me. In case something hurts someone, But it's not a few words I
can solve. "
The other party looked awkward, and what more to say, Shen Shi'an had already held Xiao
Hei and entered the gate of the building.
The protector returned to the protector. Xiao Hei was still angry. When he entered the
elevator, he was troubled to get off Shen Shi'an's arm.
Shen Shian touched Mao a few times, bowed his head and kissed "good."
The dog stiffened and stopped immediately.
After the New Year's Day, the final exam will be held. Yun Feiyang also started a sprint once
a semester. After spending good night with Shen Shi'an Road, he went to his house to pick
up the lights and read at night.
Shen Shi'an returned to the master bedroom to take a bath, gave his mother a joss stick,
and then leaned on the bed with a heavy professional book. After just a few pages,
something was pulled down, and Xiao Hei stepped on the robot. Straightening up beside
the pillow, he still turned his head away from him.
Xiao Hei just picked it up that night because she was afraid of the darkness, so Shen Shian
made an exception and let him sleep in the bed all night, and then every night he slept in
the kennel by the sofa. In particular, after adding the bad habit of rolling dog hair, Shen
Shi'an even forbids him to take a step closer to his bed. Tonight's behavior is quite
Shen Shi'an stared at this little fluffy group for a while. The dark eyes reflected the light,
like a deep pool full of fine stars in the night, and the mysterious charm was unfathomable.
Suddenly I remembered the words that Fan Guoping said before eating, and seemed to
understand the reason for Xiao Hei's actions, and a gentle wave of water poured out from
the deep lake.
He closed the book and put it on the nightstand, turned off the light and lay down on his
side. The fingers touched the hair and smoothed the hair. After a while, the gentle and clear
voice rang softly in the dark. "There are no other pets. I only have one."
Xiao He moved, first struck down a layer of hair on the bed sheet, then turned around and
hugged Shen Shi'an's arm, and licked his lips wetly.
"My favorite grain is first, who dares to rob me and kill someone?"
Everyone's attention refocused on Yun Feiyang. "We are all sophomores, and the whole
school has a good relationship with only one of you. The handsome guy from Yun, let us
reveal to you, how do you deal with classmate Shen?"
Yun Feiyang lay on his left leg with his right leg lying horizontally on the seat. He took a sip
of tomato juice and deliberately prolonged his tone. "Well, that's a long story."
His acquaintance with Shen Shi'an, the root cause must be attributed to Shen Shi'an's "one
good deed" code of conduct.
Yun Feiyang's parents are high-level students who have been studying in the medical
colleges of H City, and they are still alumni. Because of his deep alma mater plot, Yun
Feiyang had been looking forward to his parents' business since he was a child. He will also
be admitted to the city ’s premier medical university in China in the future.
Compared to dealing with people, Yun Feiyang himself prefers to deal with animals. In
addition to the rebellious psychology of teenagers who don't follow the usual path, he
doesn't believe in evil even if his parents exaggerate the medical science. During the second
year of high school winter vacation, a person took a schoolbag and set foot on the high-
speed rail for thousands of miles and walked to the Central Plains. He ran to the Medical
University to step on it, and vowed to use his own strength to find the major unknown
flaws behind the Medical University.
As soon as I got off the bus and walked to the school gate, I found that a big hole was
scratched under the schoolbag. I lost my mobile phone and lost my wallet.
His hometown is located on the southernmost island of China, and it is hot all year round.
The winter in H City is just like extreme cold **** to him, but he was not prepared enough
and brought only a thin down jacket like a piece of paper. He was hungry and cold,
penniless, squatting in the corner of the South Gate of Medical University with a schoolbag.
The snot dripped old.
He was thinking about which student he met casually, and asked someone to borrow a
mobile phone to ask his parents for help, but they all went to the school during the winter
vacation. There was a lot of people coming from the Dongmen Affiliated Hospital, but he
didn't know. After waiting for a long time, the students did not wait until Shen Shi'an, who
was going out from the opposite community, stared at him for a while, and led him home
for a meal.
After a long time, Yun Feiyang was afraid that he fortunately met An An early in the day. He
had not used the opportunity of "one good deed" or he had to freeze his rheumatic bone
pain and cold legs.
Yun Feiyang followed Shen Shi'an back home. At that time, Grandpa Shen Yun had not died
yet. Ci Meiyang was wearing a pair of reading glasses, stewed Yun Feiyang with a pot of
pork rib soup, and made a large pot of grated pork. Eat and lie on the sofa and chat on the
sofa, only to discover that my parents turned out to be graduate students brought out by
Grandpa Shen myself.
Grandpa Shen called Yun Feiyang's parents to explain the original situation. He stayed at
home for a day, and Shen Shian sent him to the train station the next afternoon. Yun
Feiyang was not willing to walk by holding the door. One was reluctant to be cooked by
Grandpa Shen. The other was that he was afraid that he would be killed by his parents
when he returned home. He could n’t drag it. He waved his arms with Shen Shi'an. I have
nothing to do with classmates. Remember to call me. "
It was said that they needed to contact each other frequently, but in the third year of high
school, the two were so busy with their schoolwork that they didn't even have time to
sleep. It was already summer vacation after the college entrance examination.
Yun Feiyang complied with the wishes of his parents to fill in the City Medical University as
the first volunteer and achieved his wish. After getting the admission notice, he rushed to
City H and prepared to score dozens of points higher than him in the college entrance
examination. Shen Shi'an, who received the admission notice in advance, shared the good
He probably remembers where Shen Shi'an lives, because he didn't say hello in advance to
surprise the other party. I do n’t know if the structure in the community is too complicated,
and I lost my way. After walking around for a long time, I walked to a remote garden. I
heard that someone was fighting.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 74: Chapter 74

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Chen Nan was awakened by ice water.
As soon as he woke up, he had dark eyes.
Shen Shi'an breathed a sigh of relief and put down the bucket in his hand. "Ordinary cold
water is useless, only ice water can be poured. If you can't wake up again, I will consider
using a needle to **** your feet."
You can't wake up
Chen Nan then found himself lying on the carpet in the living room. Turning his head, he
saw Tao Yuan, who was also soaking wet on the sofa, apparently just splashed.
I was too dizzy to figure out what was going on, and Shen Shi'an's next sentence was like a
thunderbolt to wake him up completely.
"Ark is missing."
"What" Chen Nan and Tao Yuan rose up at the same time.
Tao Yuan's glances quickly reacted for a week. "Are we unconscious because of a food
"Not food." Shen Shi'an shook his head. Shen Xun has confirmed that the food can be eaten,
and all of them eat the same things. If the problem lies in the food, it should not be him and
Shen Xun. Similarly, it can't be something like poisonous gas. Dog sperm has already
smelled everywhere, and there is no suspicious gas in the air. "I suspect it's a power.
Someone in the base can use it to make people fall asleep." It happened that he entered the
space with the child, so he did not escape.
The two of Chen Nan were immediately shocked that if they had such powers in cold sweat,
wouldn't it mean that they were completely exposed to the control of the other party and
had no resistance at all?
"Wait a minute," Chen Nandao said, "Why are we all okay? Only the Ark is missing. Is it
related to his ability? Does it mean that the other person with the power has evolved a
power like Trillium and heard the conversation between us, So I chose the Ark as a specific
target. "
Tao Yuan shook his head after thinking about it. "I don't think the probability is high. If the
other party really has a thousand miles, then we should know that we are not a loose zero-
time group. A person's disappearance will definitely cause follow-up troubles. Anyway, we
are fainted. If you really want to catch someone directly, it is not simpler.The ability of the
ark can only be regarded as an auxiliary at most.It is very useful for people like us who
want to travel across the mountains and rush to the capital.For such a person who is almost
self-sufficient The base is not necessary. If we can really hear our conversation and know
that we have no intention of being hostile to the base and will leave tomorrow, why bother
ourselves? "
Shen Shi'an agrees with Tao Yuan's point of view, "Don't scare yourself first, no matter
what the other party's powers are, you will always find out how to crack it. Now the most
important thing is to figure out how the Ark disappeared and where it is now." Ten minutes
ago, it was discovered that one member was missing and two members were sober that the
scorch had disappeared. At this time, the youth was calm and calm, and the dark eyes were
bottomless. "Can you both remember when you fell asleep, What was the last thing I
remembered before I fell asleep, is there anything unusual, and when was the last time I
saw the Ark? "
Tao Yuan frowned. "I lay on the sofa after taking a shower and thought about some things. I
don't remember exactly when I fell asleep, but it should be around eleven. No suspicious
situation was found, the last time. When we saw the Ark, we ended the conversation when
he and Chen Nan entered the bedroom. "
Chen Nan immediately answered, "After entering the bedroom, the Ark took a bath first,
then came to me, and there was no abnormality. I also talked with the Ark after taking a
bath. It didn't take long for me to go to bed at about ten o'clock. , For safety reasons, the
lights are always on. "
Shen Shian estimated that he and Shen Xun entered the space at about half past ten, and
spent a total of more than five hours in the space. The outside world was less than three
hours in the past. When they noticed something out of the space, the clock in the living
room was displayed at 1 am. Zero seven points.
In other words, Liu Fangzhou disappeared from 11 o'clock last night to 1.21 am today.
"Ark's shoes are missing," Shen Shi'an went to the bedroom and looked for a trail. "This
shows that he should be awake when he disappears." An abducted person will not wear
him shoes first.
"He was dragged away stiffly." Chen Nan's heart lifted immediately, and the brain made up
the picture of a young man desperately calling for help but no one responded. He clenched
his fists and hammered the grass **** the sofa. At that time, How scared.
"Not necessarily. I can be sure that he did not cry out for help, and there was no sign of
struggle in the room." Since the integration of the exercises, Shen Shi'an can still perceive
the outside world, just because of space. The five senses will be limited when things
change. Usually when you enter the space from the bathroom, you can only accurately
sense what is happening in the bathroom. However, if there are fierce disputes and shouts
outside the bathroom, it is impossible to detect nothing.
Chen Nanyiyi "What does it mean that he never left on his own initiative?"
Shen Shi'an didn't say a word, walked along the line from Liu Fangzhou's bed to the
entrance of the suite, stopped at the entrance, and picked up a crystal vase from the
wooden cabinet. It looked like it was accidentally dropped. Because the carpet was thick
and not broken, all the water in it spilled out, soaking the carpet a lot.
He remembered very well that the vase was still good when everyone entered the room
last night.
I glanced over the door and answered Chen Nan's question, "It's impossible, the door is still
locked." Even the hair caught in the crack of the door was still there.
Tao Yuan checked the rest of the place. "The windows are all locked."
The dog spirit who had been following Shen Shi'an shrugged his nose another clue, "There
is no smell of other people in the room, no one came in."
Now Chen Nan was completely stunned, the doors and windows were locked, and no one
else came in. What about the Ark people?
It must be missing in the suite. Shen Shi'an picked up the child and told the duo, "Change
your clothes, and we'll go out to find them."
They lived at 8001 and walked along the corridor just a few steps after going out to the
door of 8005, where the tall and short **** lived.
Shen Shi'an stopped suddenly, and Tao Yuan realized that his face was not right. "What's
"I remember all three of them brought their companions back to the room."
"Yes." The laughter is particularly loud, and the sound insulation of the door is not
particularly good. It is difficult to ignore it.
Shen Shi'an sighed softly. "No one in the room, no one."
There was no heartbeat, no breathing, nothing more.
Chen Nan's hands were cold and sweating, "he is also missing"
Tao Yuan came to the door, and he didn't know how to click, and he just unscrewed the
door, walked in quietly and walked out again soon, with a solemn look "No one, no signs of
It's impossible to check out in the middle of the night.
The sudden increase in the number of missing people undoubtedly made a few people
more and more heavy. The only good news is that not all rooms on this floor are empty and
customers in most rooms are sleeping. Shen Shi'an estimates that I may have to pour a
bucket of ice to wake up.
"Let's go." He touched Shen Xun's head twice. "Now it's up to you."
Gozi Jing shook his nose hard. According to his instructions, Shen Shi'an and others took
the elevator, went down from the elevator to the first floor of the hotel, walked out of the
hotel's door and walked along a street.
At the halfway point, Shen Shi'an sighed. "No need to leave."
Tao Yuan and Chen Nan looked back ""
"In front is the entrance to the city gate where we came in. Unless the ark chooses to return
the same way in the middle of the night, otherwise he will find the smell he left in the
Nearly two o'clock in the morning, no one was dark on the road. Because the darkness is
too deep, things that were not noticeable during the day because of careful hiding were
finally exposed on the neatly trimmed camphor trees on both sides of the street. Dozens of
red dots were faintly shining between the leaves, like a pair of Peeping eyes in the night.
Chen Nan felt a few chills running along the spine. "These are the cameras."
Tao Yuan whispered "Yes."
Shen Shian asked the child, "Are there other places where you can smell the Ark?"
Shen Xun shook his head. "Only this street and hotel, the hotel tastes a bit stronger."
Shen Shi'an turned and said, "Let's go back." Liu Fangzhou was still in the hotel.
As soon as everyone returned to the hotel entrance, the lobby manager Yang Xueqiu
greeted him. He also came with the shady air-conditioning air conditioner in the hotel,
which was supposed to be a heat-relief weapon. At this time, Chen Nan, who was sweating,
shivered from head to toe.
Gritted his teeth straight to "Ark"
Yang Xueqiu was surprised by "what"
The surprise on his face was so real that Shen Shi'an didn't think he was in disguise, but it
was because of Chen Nan's problem, but because he saw that several of them were not in a
coma, then it is unknown.
"One of our companions is missing in your hotel," Shen Shian stared at Yang Xueqiu's eyes.
"I don't know if Manager Yang can give an account."
Yang Xueqiu seemed even more surprised. "How did the disappearance disappear? I
remember that several gentlemen only booked a suite, so they should share the bedroom
with each other. People in the same bedroom didn't realize that the other person had left,
or that gentleman. No information left when leaving "
Chen Nan was anxious and wanted to say what was being held by Tao Yuan. "According to
Manager Yang, it was our own fault that someone disappeared in the hotel."
"Hotels only provide accommodation services and cannot track or control the actions of
guests." Yang Xueqiu Binbin politely said "But since people are not seen in the hotel, our
hotel will definitely take our responsibility. Several gentlemen should not be too anxious,
Perhaps the guest just felt bored and went out for a walk, the ark was so big, and the city
gates could not be closed at night, so people must not lose it. Look at it this way, the time is
too late and the staff have rested. Furthermore, some corners could not be searched
because it was not powered on. I will launch the Ark residents to help find the trace of that
guest tomorrow morning. I am sure I can find it. Can several gentlemen accept this plan? "
Shen Shi'an stared at his eyes for a while and nodded. "Of course. Thank you Manager
Because there is a camera in the elevator, Chen Nan finally whispered until he walked back
to the door of the suite. "Brother Shen, do we believe that the lobby manager's nonsense?
The Ark is missing and we can't be related to them." I really want to adjust the surveillance
video without a ghost Come out and see
"Of course I don't believe it." Shen Shi'an opened the door with a room card and motioned
to the two of them to go ahead. "There are cameras everywhere. It's easy to expose people
when there are too many people. Look for any clues in the room. Look elsewhere in the
hotel. Manager Yang has something to say, "
The young man looked through the windows of the corridor to the distant city walls, and a
sigh of suffocation ran through his eyes.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 75: 75th
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Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun searched all the places where Liu Fangzhou's smell remained.
But found nothing.
Obviously he can still feel his taste in the hotel, but people disappear like nothing.
During the search process, it was found that there were several areas in the hotel that were
defensively not only installed no-dead-end surveillance, but also people were on duty,
including the fifth floor on the top floor.
Because none of these places smelled of Liu Fangzhou, Shen Shi'an took note of his position
and didn't come close, so as not to frighten the snake at this time.
Back to the fourth-floor suite, Tao Yuan and the two failed to find new clues.
Chen Nan remembered one thing, "Brother Shen, did we also have missing people when we
were in a tobacco factory? At that time, it was speculated that there was an ability that
could evaporate into gas with others, so I couldn't find it Ca n’t find it, will it be the same
this time? ”
Otherwise, how can a big living person disappear in the locked room where the doors and
windows are locked?
Shen Shi'an "The disappearance of the ark must be related to the power, but the situation is
not exactly the same as that of the tobacco factory." After the ability person at the tobacco
factory base steamed himself and the two survivors, the hidden part was not only "form
"And all traces of life, such as smell and heartbeat, are completely integrated with the air,
so Shen Xun, Shen Shi'an and Liu Fangzhou failed to find each other. The reason why Shen
Shi'an was able to win against Zhou Jianghai was because the power of Zhou Jianghai's
copied abilities was reduced, and secondly, he completely relied on the five senses that
were strengthened many times as the exercises progressed, so that he noticed the air Minor
"Do you remember the route we took after entering the hotel yesterday?"
Chen Nan immediately recalled, "I first walked into the hotel's door, stood at the counter
for ten minutes, then took the elevator through the lobby to enter this suite, then went to
the restaurant on the second floor for dinner, and finally returned to the suite."
"There are two ab elevators," Shen Shi'an Road. "We have always been a elevator.
According to normal conditions, the ark is with us from beginning to end, so his smell
should only stay in our common range of activities. .But looking for elevator b, the bar
lounge inside the lobby, including the hot spring sauna, smelled of the ark. "
Chen Nan understood that "so the power kidnapper who had abducted the ark couldn't
hide the smell. This should be good news for us."
Shen Shian nodded. "At the moment it is certain that the Ark is still within the hotel area,
but we do not know what method the other party used so we cannot find it. At the same
time, it is certain that the Ark should not be in danger for the time being."
Tao Yuan agreed "I really want to kill him and not take him around in the hotel, and I
should start while I am in a coma with Chen Nan."
Chen Nan's anxious mood calmed down a bit, "What shall we do next?"
"Wait." Shen Shi'an said, "I still don't understand what the other party ’s kidnapping of the
Ark was for, nor do they know what action they will take next. The best way is to collect
information as secretly as possible while keeping the soldiers at bay.
He glanced out at the white sky where the fish belly was exposed, and took out various
foods from the space and piled them on the coffee table. "Everyone hurry up to rest and
replenish their strength. There will be important tasks after dawn."
The manager Yang said that after dawn, the Ark residents would be mobilized to help find
someone together. This was a good time for them to check the situation of the base.
Yang Xueqiu said that he wanted to start the residents to find people. However, he did not
expect to start more than half of the residents of the base. After the sun rose, the shout of
"Where are you in the ark" echoed throughout the county.
With the "Welcome to the Ark" interspersed with greetings to the newcomers, it is really a
wonderful sight.
Chen Nan was very angry. "The cat was crying and the child was falsely compassionate, and
the people were obviously hidden in the hotel. In this way, moving the teachers to move the
public simply wanted to shift their eyes."
Tao Yuandao said, "Don't worry about them, the more powerful they are, the better for us."
Taking advantage of the opportunity to follow the residents to pretend to look for people
everywhere, the four have already visited the area allowed by the entire base.
Because the cameras hidden on both sides of the street were accidentally found last night,
they are paying special attention to various hidden corners where cameras can be installed.
Some things are like faces hiding behind the door gap. If you do n’t find them, they will be
creepy once you find them.
It's not just cameras installed on the main street where the four powers live. There are
more cameras in the living area of ordinary survivors. One can be found every few steps,
and it has almost reached the point of all-round surveillance.
Chen Nan couldn't help getting cold in his so-called apocalyptic ark. What kind of days are
he going to have?
But after a while, it might be a good thing for them.
First, such high-intensity monitoring shows that people in the base are uncomfortable.
Regardless of the purpose or purpose of the place, there must be opposition among the
Secondly, it can be formally determined that there is no such thing as "Thousands of Miles"
in the base, otherwise it would not need to monitor with such great effort. Zombies are
everywhere after the virus outbreak. I am afraid that I have only collected so many
cameras. original capital.
The longer the time, the stronger the sun, and the hotter the temperature becomes more
intolerable. Shen Xun did not sleep overnight last night. At this time, she was snoring in the
arms of Shen Shi'an. It was probably because of practicing the exercises. I took a sip on his
neck and licked it a few times, muttering "big watermelon"
"Well," Shen Shi'an responded, and patted him on the back while watching carefully.
"Remember, I'll give you food when I go back."
The shouts of surrounding residents searching for the ark had dropped as the temperature
became higher, and some people began to return to their residence.
Chen Nan and Tao Yuan came to the "Are we going back to the hotel" search operation is
about to end, and they have already grasped the approximate structure and topographic
map of the county seat.
Shen Shi'an did not speak, and let a wave of residents walk back sideways, stopping in the
shadow of a camphor tree.
Here is a surveillance dead end.
"Did you find it?" He whispered, his eyebrows tightened.
"The numbers are wrong."
Tao Yuan and Chen Nan glanced at each other for a while, but couldn't understand what
this sentence meant.
"Ark said before we entered the base that there are more than 5,400 people in the base."
"Yes." They all remember that.
"We made three laps in the county this morning, and the total number of people we met
was only about 4,000."
"Maybe someone stayed home and didn't come out"
"Never mind," Shen Shi'an Road "includes customers and staff in the hotel."
His five senses currently can perceive a range of about two hundred meters, which can be
accurate to the sound of breathing and heartbeat. This perception, which was evolved
purely by the flesh, is affected by buildings or other barriers, but unless the barrier is a few
meters thick, the effect is very limited.
"All the people who did not come out of the building are counted. The total number is about
4,000, and the error is not more than two hundred."
In the hot sun, the heat wave billowed, and Chen Nan shuddered together, so where did
more than 1,500 people go?
Shen Shi'an had a hunch to find the whereabouts of more than a thousand people, and he
could find Liu Fangzhou.
The key is how to find it.
He patted the child's back and whispered "It's time to find someone who knows the inside."
Golden Phoenix Hotel is committed to satisfying all requirements of guests.
Leaving aside the fact that this hotel makes people disappear, this slogan is not all false. At
least not long after Shen Shi'an asked for a "special service", the girl who stuck him a note
in the restaurant last night appeared at the door of the suite.
Inviting people to sit on the sofa, Shen Shi'an opened his door and said, "Do you want us to
save you, just to take you out of the base?"
The girl only took a second to respond and "I have my sister. My sister is in their hands. If I
don't listen, they will kill her. Please save my sister."
"I can't promise it," Shen Shi'an looked at her, with a gleam in Mo Yu's eyes. "But I promise I
will do my best. The premise is that you can't lie to us, you must tell what you know
Everything here is spoken. "
The girl's eyes turned red, and she nodded her lips firmly.
Chen Nan poured a glass of water to her, "Don't be afraid, start slowly from the beginning."
The girl held the water glass and quickly sorted out her thoughts. "My name is Xu Ge, my
sister's name is Xu Yao. Our family are all residents of the county. Before the end of the last
days, we opened a restaurant in Beicheng District. My parents were all affected by the flu It
turned into a zombie. There were only me and my sister at home, and other local families
were in the same situation. "
"Our county seat is not large, and almost all of it is supported by the hot spring tourism
industry. During the autumn and winter tourism season, there are particularly many
tourists, and usually fewer people start in April. When the virus broke out, fewer people
were due to the severe influenza epidemic. The more than 2,000 people who survived were
united, and it only took more than half a month to clean up the zombies in the inner city,
and blocked the fence and barbed wire. Everything was fine, although it was a bit difficult,
but everyone supported each other. No one would have imagined that those abilities would
suddenly appear to live. "
"They have a large number, about five or six hundred, and they have all kinds of abilities.
They are all very powerful. They arrested all the Aboriginal people and said that to build a
Noah's Ark, only the ability to evolve and be willing to accept the captain Only those who
rule will get on board and survive the last days to become the seeds of the new world. "
"What about ordinary people?" Chen Nan couldn't help asking.
"Ordinary people can also get on board, but they can only exist as livestock, provide all
services unconditionally, and are committed to satisfying all the needs of the abilities." Xu
Ge looked down at the cup, probably remembering something, his voice changed. Kai Yin 翳
"The original inhabitants had a total of thirteen abilities, three of them were killed because
of resistance, six agreed to join, and the remaining four disappeared inexplicably. Most of
the ordinary people were forced to become Slaves for them to drive at will to undertake all
labor services in the base; some people are unwilling to give in, but there are other family
members to worry about, such as me and my sister, the family members will become
hostages, in order to obey us to obey Order; the other part was neither willing to yield nor
have anything to do as a threat, and all of them were hung on the wall and starved to death.
The "grass" Chen Nan bit his teeth and blew up blue tendons on his forehead.
Tao Yuan stretched his baby's face and subconsciously touched his hand at the handle of
the gun.
Shen Shian's eyes were dark, and after Xu Ge took a sip of water, he asked, "Do you know
who the captain is?"
Xu Ge shook his head. "I only saw him once in the night when they occupied the county
seat. I didn't see what he looked like, and I never saw him come out. The affairs in the base
are generally made by the chief mate, that is, the hotel. Manager Yang is in charge. "
"You said that four unsuccessful psionicists are missing. Do you know their whereabouts?"
"This I know, they were locked up with my sister. This is what my sister told me that all the
original inhabitants who had been taken hostage and those who disappeared in the base
were all locked up in one place." Lucy asked further, Xu Ge said, "But I'm not sure where
they are being held. In order to be obedient to ordinary people like me, we can meet with
family once a week to confirm that they are still alive. But before meeting You have to cover
your head with a cloth bag, and you can only take it off when you get there. "
Shen Shi'an "Did you walk by? Do you have any impressions of the route? Do you
remember the characteristics of the places where people are closed?"
Xu Ge nodded and shook his head. "It's walking, but I've walked back and forth a lot of
places. I feel like I've been in circles. I tried to write down the route, but I can't remember it.
There is nothing special about the place where people are closed. The overall space is It's
very big, but the area I've seen is limited. Only the cell where my sister and other
aboriginals are closed. The cell door is surrounded by vines spawned by the psionicist. I
can't see anywhere else. Oh right, The cell should be underground. "
Shen Shian's mind flashed "underground"
"Well, except for the door in the cell, the other faces are all earth walls. The walls are very
humid, and I will feel stuffy when I stay for a long time." Xu Ge said a little. "Did I help you?"
Knowing what it is doing underground, the county area is so large, it is impossible to dig it
"No, you have helped a lot. I think I already know where the people are." Shen Shi'an turned
to look at Chen Nan. "Ark said last night that almost all of us on this floor are different.
Capable, but there are also many psionicists at the bottom of the hotel. "
There are only five floors in the hotel, so at that time, Shen Shi'an thought that Liu
Fangzhou meant not only the fourth floor, but also a lot of abilities in the first floor of the
hotel. It is estimated that Liu Fangzhou himself thought so.
However, Liu Fangzhou's power has a characteristic. He can only sense moving living
things, and he completely ignores architectural obstacles. The image in his brain is similar
to thermal imaging.
This means that when he uses the ability to sense, there is no detailed concept of the
specific floor location of the target, only the relative height based on himself, that is,
whether the target position is higher or lower than him.
The lowest floor he said was actually not the first floor, but the ground floor of the entire
hotel. This can explain why his taste is in the hotel, and why Shen Shi'an can only count
more than 4,000 people in the entire base.
Because the remaining 1,500 people and Liu Fangzhou were all confined to the
underground prison several meters below the hotel.
Chen Nanyi clapped, "This hotel is located in the center of the base, which is obviously the
base camp of those powers. It makes perfect sense to build the prison under the hotel."
Tao Yuan "But where is the entrance, we must know the entrance so we can go in to save
Shen Shi'an thought for a while that "there should be more than one entrance. The ark must
have been taken from where in the hotel, but Xu Ge and they cannot enter from the same
entrance. The environment in the hotel is too easy to distinguish. If it is all from the hotel
Go on, then initiatives such as taking the lead and detouring are completely useless. "
Xu Ge nodded immediately. "I'm sure I didn't enter the cell from the hotel."
"There is no need to consider the entrance question. If it doesn't work, it will blow up one."
Shen Shi'an now wants to know another thing. "You said that there were more than 2,000
aboriginal people. At first, there were only five or six hundred abilities. There are less than
3,000 people in total. But the population we can determine is more than 5,400. Are
everyone else outsiders who accidentally entered the base like us? "
"How Many Aborigines Are Underground"
"About five hundred."
According to Shen Shi'an's perception, there are a total of 4,000 people on the ground,
which means that there are about 1,500 people on the ground.
"That said, the remaining 1,000 prisoners are outsiders. What is the purpose of this base
prisoner to ban so many people?"
"I don't know. But I know that ordinary people among the outsiders are either reduced to
slaves or used as plant fertilizers, and the abilities are either residents of the Ark or
disappear for no reason."
Xu Ge looked up at the three, and said quietly, "As long as you walk in, no one can go out."
No one spoke, and the room was silent for a moment.
The sudden noise made Chen Nan almost jumped off the sofa, and when he turned around,
he found that the bedroom door had been pushed open. Shen Xun, who had been sleeping,
walked out stupidly with a stupid hair.
Goblin spent the middle of the night using his sense of smell last night. He took a moment in
the arms of Shen Shi'an in the morning, and fell asleep when he came back after he drank
the watermelon.
Shen Shi'an got up, walked over and hugged him, rubbed the fluffy curly hair on his head,
and kissed his face with a "sleep"
Shen Xun crooked his head against Shen Shi'an's shoulder socket, rubbing his neck back
and forth with contentment, rubbing his lips red and white with teeth and milk, obediently,
like a little angel who just woke up. I was about to hum and grind for a while, suddenly
shrugged my nose, raised my eyes to see Xu Ge sitting on the sofa, and suddenly looked
"Why is she here"
Cannibalism immediately.
Shen Shi'an patted twice on his buttocks. "Be honest, don't move, what's the word of
someone outside. She came to help us find the ark."
Maybe it ’s two smooth shots on the buttocks, the dog sperm really no longer struggles, and
he has recovered into the image of a little angel with a good milk and a good nose. Hand,
while people are not paying attention to Xu Ge's teeth secretly.
The situation in the base has been almost understood. After the three of them carefully
asked other points and the power situation of the psionicist known to Xu Ge, Shen Shi'an
looked at her. "Have you asked for help from other psionicists before us?" "
"No. My sister is in their hands, and I can't take risks."
"Why did you choose to ask for help now?"
"Because I haven't seen my sister for two weeks." Xu Ge was sitting on the sofa, holding his
water glass so hard that his fingertips were white. "The person responsible for taking me to
see her has been pushing away I was not allowed to see her for various reasons. I don't
know what happened, I don't know if she is still alive, but I can't wait any longer. "
"There were so many abilities in the restaurant yesterday, why did you choose us?"
"Because you were received by Manager Yang in person." Suddenly a little excitement
emerged in Xu Ge's tone. "Manager Yang has a high status in the base. He only obeys the
captain's order. He personally receives you, which means that the captain wants to invite
you to The residents of the Ark can get the invitation designated by the captain, and your
strength must be particularly high. "No matter to whom to rescue, once she and her sister
are exposed, they will definitely not be able to survive. Anyway, they will take their lives to
take risks, of course, they are looking for the best person.
He paused and said, "There is only one thing I can't figure out. One of your partners is
missing, right? If I guess correctly, you should also consider helping me because of this."
The three did not deny. "Yes, he disappeared last night."
Xu Ge seemed very confused. "Everyone who disappears in a hotel is an unqualified person,
that is, a person who has not passed the base selection criteria and cannot become an Ark
resident. But you have clearly been designated by the captain, and logically should not They
disappeared on the first night, but they would meet with the captain the next day for talks.
If the results of the talks are not good, no agreement can be reached before they disappear.
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan looked at each other, and looked at Xu Ge. "You mean, the first
night is to clear the unqualified people, and the next night it is the turn of those who are
qualified but unwilling to stay."
"Yes, if it is not the second day, or it may be the third or fourth day, depending on the
outcome of your talks with the captain. If you agree to become an Ark resident, naturally
you do not need to disappear."
Tao Yuan asked, "Is everyone missing at night?"
"Yes, because only people will be lethargic at night. You should know that someone in the
base can make other people fall asleep."
"Guessed." Shen Shi'an said, "Do you know who this is?"
Xu Ge shook his head "I don't know. I also went to see my sister one night and discovered it
by chance. As soon as it was night, all the people affected by the powers would fall asleep.
This ability is beyond defense, and I woke up the next day and felt nothing unusual. "
She looked at the three Shen Shi'an and hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't
understand why any of you are missing, but since someone is missing, and you haven't met
the captain today, I think it is very likely tonight"
Tao Yuan took what she didn't finish saying "It's probably our turn tonight"
Xu Ge tightened his fingers and nodded.
"If this is the case, it may not be a good thing." Shen Shi'an said.
Chen Nan responded quickly this time "no more effort to find the entrance to the
underground prison"
"Oh," Tao Yuan joked, "directly into the enemy's nest."
The relaxed atmosphere in the triple room made Xu Ge's uneasy heart suddenly set a point.
Perhaps, this adventure, she really did it right
When Xu Ge left, Shen Shi'an sent her to the door. Before going out, she turned around and
looked at Shen Shi'an. The young face still had a thick makeup that did not match her age,
but her eyes were very bright. After the delirious and charming charm she had deliberately
created, the bottom was clear at this time "I do n’t know What are you going to do, but
don't worry if I can help. "
He paused a little, and said, "If there is an accident in the end, you can only save one
between my sister and me. Please beg you, save her."
When Shen Shi'an returned to the living room sofa, Tao Yuan and Chen Nan were
discussing a battle plan tonight. Thinking about going, other places can adapt to the
situation, but the variable of lethargy is too big.
"After being lethargic, we can let the other person take us to the underground prison. But in
case we are not going to the underground prison this time, we will be stabbed directly
when we come up." Tao Yuan frowned. "Once sleeping, it means nothing. There are too
many uncontrollable factors to resist. "
Chen Nan asked Shen Shian, "Brother Shen, how did you wake up early last night?"
"I didn't wake up in advance, the power should have an effect on me and Xun Xun. But the
problem is not this." Shen Shi'an took out a rubber band and pierced the child again, then
looked at the two. "The problem is, Why is the Ark awake. "
Chen Nan was shocked, "Yes, that power is not effective for everyone, why is the ark
Tao Yuan thought about it, "Perhaps, the other person's intention to wake him up should be
able to freely control who sleeps and who wakes up. Didn't the manager Yang and the staff
in the hotel wake up last night?"
"Why?" Shen Shi'an subconsciously capped the bead on his right wrist. "According to Xu Ge,
we are specifically invited by the captain to become residents of the Ark. They will not be
cleared on the first night, and will meet the captain the next day. In this case, isn't it the
best choice to let all of us fall asleep until dawn? Is there any reason to keep the Ark awake,
or even make him disappear, thus causing our hostility and vigilance? "
He originally thought that the other party had a special purpose for the Ark, but according
to the information obtained from Xu Ge, since the captain had the intention to personally
invite all of them to become residents, he rushed to start against one of the members. It
doesn't make sense anyway.
Chen Nan's mind flashed a thought, "So, the Ark will wake up is an accidental variable, and
he should have been as lethargic as we are."
Tao Yuan immediately took his thoughts "because the ark was not asleep, and heard the
movement of those people clearing other outsiders, and was accidentally found, they were
cleared together and put in an underground prison."
"Vase" Chen Nan stood up in excitement. "The overturned vase on the wooden cabinet was
accidentally overturned by the Ark, so only those people found it could be worth it."
"Then there is only one question left."
Shen Shi'an sighed gently, "Why Ark is not affected by abilities"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 76: Chapter 76

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Liu Fangzhou was awakened by a loud noise.
哐 dang 哐 dang 哐 dang. It's like the sound of a heavy iron cart wheel rolling on the
The sound was very loud, coming from the direction of the hotel corridor, can be heard
across the two doors.
Opened his eyes stupidly and glanced at the watch: 12.02.
Why do n’t you let people sleep so late?
The sensory force swept around subconsciously, and a little waking up was immediately
frightened: those with powers. Just outside the suite.
Raising his hand to push Chen Nan asleep next to him, lowering his voice, "Nan, Nan, wake
up, there are people outside."
Chen Nan was motionless and even snored.
Sleep so dead
Liu Fangzhou was a little uneasy. After pushing it twice, he got out of bed and put on shoes
after no response. The cat opened the bedroom door with his waist on his waist, and
walked to the sofa in the living room lightly: Someone is outside. "
Tao Yuan also fell asleep and didn't wake up. Even if Liu Fangzhou slammed his waist hard,
there was no response.
It's over, it's over. Liu Fangzhou was a little bit nervous, his hands and feet were cold and
his mouth was bitter. When he found that Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun were not in the
bedroom, he was even more bitter:
What's the matter, Brother Shen and Xun Brother, why is he alone awake?
No, he is not alone. There are several unexpected guests outside the door.
Deep in the middle of the night, isolated and helpless, the suite was horribly quiet, so the
rattling of carts in the hallway became even harsher.
Like the prelude to a thriller in a horror movie, who is unlucky who is not asleep.
After a stroll around, the cart stopped at the diagonally opposite door. The sound of hearing
should be the room where the tall and short **** lived.
Liu Fangzhou gritted his teeth, held his breath and stomped toward the door of the suite.
Cat eyes are installed on the door, and the 8005 gate can be seen at the border of the field
of vision after I got up.
The light in the hallway was dim and yellow. Three people stood in front of the 8005 door,
two tall and one short, relaxed and relaxed, and the short man hummed against the handle
of the trolley. The two tall men were standing at the 8005 door, one left and one right. One
of them seemed a little impatient. He raised his hand and slammed twice on the door:
"Hurry up, why don't you just open the door?蹭 I'm so old, I can go back to sleep after I
finish moving early. "
Another said: "You move lightly."
"What are you afraid of? This group of people are sleeping like pigs right now, and they
won't wake up even if they use their horns to sing by their ears. Do you not rest assured of
the captain's ability." Two times: "Say you, Zhao Fan, why isn't it okay?"
A voice came from the door: "Wait a moment, these three people are quite vigilant, they put
a lock around the chain, and I didn't find the key."
This voice is not from any one of the three members. Before Liu Fangzhou understood what
was going on, he saw a human head piercing through the door of 8005: "Sun Brother, if you
have a lot of strength, just screw the lock directly open"
Liu Fangzhou was shocked, his hair was exploded instantly, and he took two steps back in a
panic, accidentally knocked the vase on the wooden cabinet with his arm, and hit the carpet
with a bang. .
Quiet immediately outside the door.
"what sound"
Liu Fangzhou covered his mouth so tightly that his heart was pounding, and he couldn't
even breathe.
"You heard me wrong," someone said a moment later, "come and unlock the lock quickly,
and move people as soon as you finish."
With a click, it seemed that the lock had been unscrewed, the chain went down, and then
the door of the suite opened. There were footsteps in and out, and he carried something
heavy to the trolley.
Liu Fangzhou's rapid heartbeat calmed down a bit, and his forehead was full of cold sweat,
and he was quietly relieved: good danger.
He straightened up to the cat's eyes and wanted to see what was happening outside the
door, just to face a dark eye.
As soon as the scream got stuck in his voice before he could yell out, he was covered by his
mouth and dragged out from the door. When I went back to God, I didn't know why I was
already standing in the corridor.
"Look what I've caught." Covering the human path of Liu Fangzhou's mouth from behind,
listening to the voice is the head of the man who just floated on the door. The name seems
to be Zhao Fan. With all hands and feet, he dragged Liu Fangzhou to the other three.
"Grass." The tall man in Qimen came over, and looked at Liu Fangzhou up and down:
"Somebody really wasn't asleep. Is anyone else awake in this room?"
As he said, he took Liu Fangzhou from Zhao Fan's hand, covered his mouth with one hand,
and twisted his arm behind his back, threatening fiercely: "Don't call, if you dare to call me,
you will break your neck."
He had great strength. Liu Fangzhou had a special training with Tao Yuan for a period of
time. His physical strength was several times stronger than that of ordinary people, but he
could not move as little as a chick in his hands.
Painful and scared, nodding his head again and again.
"Let me see." Zhao Fan said and walked back to the door of the suite, leaned forward and
stuck his head up.
Liu Fangzhou looked carefully this time. As long as the part of the door that was attached to
Zhao Fan's body spread like water waves, Zhao Fan passed his head through it without
Shouting Liu Fangzhou through the wall.
Zhao Fan put his head in and scanned his eyes, and saw Tao Yuan on the sofa and Chen Nan
in the bedroom. He quickly closed his head again: "No, everyone else is asleep."
Sun Zhuanghan mentioned that Liu Fangzhou shuddered, "Say, why didn't you fall asleep?"
I fell asleep and woke you up, brother. Liu Fangzhou was full of tears and couldn't say
"Leave him alone," said the short man next to the cart. "We have been delaying a lot of time.
The chief mate is still waiting below. Take it first."
Liu Fangzhou turned his attention to him, only to find that there were three people
crowded on the cart next to each other. It was the tall and short **** living in 8005. The
chest was undulating and breathing was normal. Like Chen Nan, they fell into an abnormal
One of the four psionicists led the way, two pushed a cart, and the other carried Liu
Fangzhou and took the elevator down to the first floor of the hotel together.
There is a bar counter behind the lobby on the first floor. The lobby manager who has only
seen before is still wearing a suit and shoes. He is sitting at the bar with his back to the
party and drinking.
He didn't look back when he heard the cart, "You are late."
The four power-seekers seemed to be particularly afraid of him, and Wen Yan immediately
stooped and confessed: "I encountered a special situation and it took a few minutes."
Sitting on a high chair, Yang Xueqiu turned and saw Liu Fangzhou frown. "How could he be
Sun Zhuanghan pushed Liu Fangzhou forward: "The chief mate asks you something."
Liu Fangzhou walked two steps, and said, "I, I don't know."
Yang Xueqiu stared at him for a while and turned his attention to the four: "Have the room
been carefully inspected, have anyone else been awake?"
Zhao Fan immediately said: "After checking, everyone else is asleep."
One bedroom has the door closed. Zhao Fan originally wanted to add this sentence,
considering the first officer's method of punishing people, his calf shook and swallowed the
words back.
Anyway, it's not too important. Since the door is closed, it means that someone must be
"First mate," Sun Zhuanghan said, "what is this man to do, is it locked up?" He made a
movement to wipe his neck.
Liu Fangzhou's heart trembled, and before he said, "The man is brave", he said to Yang
Xueqiu: "Close it first, and close it alone. They are the captain's fancy."
So Liu Fangzhou was dragged to the back of the hotel again, and walked into a hot spring
sauna room. Zhao Fan dragged him to the middle of the sauna room, holding his arm in one
hand and the handle of the cart in one hand. When Liu Fangzhou reacted, what did he do?
His body suddenly subsided, the floor tiles under his feet spread like water waves, and the
lights above his head quickly went away, and the whole person was wrapped in darkness.
The darkness came and went fast, and only about a second later, Liu Fangzhou suddenly
felt a gravitational attack, and his feet suddenly stepped on a platform, and with him, there
was Zhao Fan and the stack. Holding a trolley of a tall and short threesome, he hit a loud
noise on the platform.
Liu Fangzhou only felt that his chest was stuffy, and a thick hot air mixed with earthy smell
came to his face.
The platform is not large, about two meters square. Down the steps, in the dim light, there
were two rows of underground cells that could not be seen at a glance. Many people were
closed in the cell. Through the wooden gate, we could see that everyone was lethargic.
There was only two rows of cells. Someone peeped out of the room like a sentry box and
whistleed at Zhao Fan: Send new people again, are there any women? "
"In the last days, there are fewer women and girls with power. You do n’t know that, even if
there are, they will not be sent down. The captain will still keep the seeds to cultivate new
human beings. If you perform well, maybe you can have a wife for you. Hurry up and move
people. "
"Come on," the man sipped. "If I behave well and is valued by the captain, I won't do the
hard work here." While turning, he yelled in the pavilion, "Here comes the goods, soon Get
up and move people. "
After walking up the stairs, he glanced at Liu Fangzhou several times, and licked his mouth:
"There is no woman, but a beautiful man is OK."
OK your mom than. Liu Fangzhou shouted and shouted in his heart.
I was thinking about solving this grandson without the fighting skills that Tao Yuange
taught him, and then heroically got right. Then he heard Zhao Fan said, "This can't be
moved, this is what the captain sees, and the chief officer ordered him to be held alone."
"Grass, it was the captain's favor."
Three more people came out of the pavilion with their naked torso, one of them gave the
man a punch: "You stop and kill both of them. Go back and do something and throw you in
the hands of the mate to make you cry No place to cry. "And said to Zhao Fan:" This
underground is too hot, the **** hot spring geothermal is really killing people, brother, can
you give us a cold watermelon later? "
"I can't be the master. I have to apply with the first officer first. But these three people
suspect that there is a space power," Zhao Fan pointed to the trio on the cart: "The first
officer meant to do your best Squeezing out the things in the space, there are a lot of
squeezed things, not to mention watermelons, even if it is a wife to a female psionicist, isn't
it a matter of words? "
"The space power is a big fish," the four guards lighted up. "Excuse me, leave it to us."
Half a minute later, Liu Fangzhou was held in a separate cell.
The tall and short trio were tied to a chair, and their hands and feet were locked by iron
The four guards covered their mouths and noses with a cloth. After about twenty seconds,
the three men woke up one after another. This was followed by torture and screaming all
night long.
Liu Fangzhou sat tightly in the corner of his cell and covered his ears. All the abilities were
concentrated in the upstairs suite. He said in his heart: When my brother Shen seeks my
brother to rescue me, you all have to die.
Maybe he heard his prayer. The next night, Zhao Fan appeared again with a wheelbarrow.
This time there were three people and a child lying on the cart.
"The one the captain saw last night, these are also, they are all closed together, a few of you
pay attention, the chief officer said, these people seem to be resistant to the captain's
ability, and may wake up early."
Liu Fangzhou rushed to the door of the cell, anxious: "Brother Shen seeking brother South
brother Tao Yuan brother"
Anxious and panicky, just before tears fell, she saw Shen Xun lying on Shen Shi'an's chest
and blinked at him.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 77: 77th

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Zhao Fan, wearing a wall piercing ability, just landed on the platform with a wheelbarrow.
There was a shirtless bald head in the sentry box and he looked over at half of his body:
"Fan brother sent someone tonight. Is there any girl tonight"
Zhao Fan scolded: "Grass, why do you have to ask this question every night, no."
"You don't know his virtue," another person came out of the pavilion: "The brain is all tied
to the two pieces of money under the crotch, and you can choke yourself without doing it
twice a day, Wu The name De is the most suitable for him. Yo, are there a lot of goods today,
and a child. "
Wu De, a bald head, followed the steps to move people. He scolded something in his mouth
and grinned, as soon as his eyes fell on the cart, he couldn't move away immediately: "Fang
brother, you made me so good. I didn't say it earlier. "Eyes are **** \\\ 'Evil and sticky,
swallowing two saliva subconsciously:" Fuck, this little white face is so strong that I have
such a beautiful baby, why do I want a woman? Yeah, it's more flavorful to make. "
Zhao Fan patted his hand away: "This can't be touched, these are the captain's request, and
they were locked with the one last night. Oops, let's get off and let the brother Wang come."
"Why the captain wants it again?" Wu De was squeezed aside, watching the delicious meal
in his mouth flew away, and the anger immediately jumped up: "I, he \\\ 'Mom sees a
captain who wants one, a few I mean, don't make me feel better. "
As soon as this remark came out, not only Zhao Fan's face was embarrassed for a moment,
the other three watchmen kept busy covering his mouth: "You are crazy, you dare to say
your mother-in-law's fine \\\ ' Damn, the three brothers still want to live. The captain or
chief mate heard a little bit of star, you can't even die. "
Wu De regretted it as soon as she said it. At this moment, she was even more afraid, and she
said softly to Zhao Fan: "Fan, I didn't mean that, it was just a quick mouth, and it was too
boring and hot in the ground. You're so upset that you can't speak without thinking, you
must help your brother. "
Zhao Fan stared at him for a while, "I won't pass on the words below, but fortunately I'm in
the ark. What I can say and what I can't say, it still has a little spectrum to live long."
"Ah." Wu De's face receded under the steps. Watch as the other three guards push the cart
down the **** and into the cell door.
Liu Fangzhou rushed over and shouted: "Brother Shen seeks brother South brother Tao
Yuan brother"
Wu De held a fire in his heart, and lifted his feet to the door and passed: "What's the name,
and I'll kill you again"
Liu Fangzhou glanced at him, and he was silent.
Wu De sneered: "Little bunny, you have to learn lessons to be honest."
On the other side, Zhao Fan instructed to pay more attention to these people when he
finished his patrol and turned to leave. After walking down the steps, I thought about it and
called Wu De: "Do you want to have fun?"
Wu De snorted, and his gaze was still sweeping over Shen Shi'an, who had just been carried
into the cell. "Isn't it impossible to move what you like?"
"Don't think about that. I'll give you one in the welcome group upstairs."
Wu De froze, then exulted: "Fan, don't pit me, the welcome group is not specially selected to
greet outsiders, do we usually not touch them, can you really send me one"
"You gained a lot from that space power last night. The chief officer meant both merit and
hard work. You must be rewarded. Female powers are in short supply for the time being. If
you want, you can get it from the welcome group. Pick one for you here. "
"It's definitely necessary" Wu De's face glowed with excitement: "The welcome group is all
white and beautiful, forward and backward, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I secretly
remember for a long time. But do I have to control A little bit to prevent it from being
broken. "
"This is a bit special. It's one of the aborigines. Didn't the hostage used to make her
obediently obscure last week? Strictly speaking, it was still killed by you. She kept
clamoring to see people, and she couldn't control it. The big copy comes and plans to
dispose of it in a few days. "Zhao Fan patted on his shoulder:" So you can play for as long as
you like this time, it depends on your own ability. "
Wu De shook with excitement, licking his tongue along his mouth: "Fan, you are really my
brother. When can I send it?"
"I'm going to pick someone up now, about half an hour later."
Zhao Fan climbed up the rope ladder on the top of the platform and disappeared into the
soil layer. Wu De excited and turned back to the sentry booth. The remaining three guards
locked the door of the cell and also went into the sentry box to rest.
The huge underground prison returned to calm, the dim lights flickered from time to time,
moisture condensed into drops of water and slid down the wall, smashing into the mud
puddles to cause an empty echo.
Liu Fangzhou did not lower his voice until it was determined that all the four guards had
entered the pavilion. "Find brother, you should wake up soon, everyone is gone."
Shen Xun opened his eyes, along with him were Chen Nan, Tao Yuan, and Shen Shi'an,
whose face was so cold that he could scare people. Just a little bit, he went straight.
Liu Fangzhou looked at the four people, and his nose was sore and his eyes were
immediately covered with a mist of water: "You, you are all awake. I was almost scared to
death, I thought, I thought"
Chen Nan embraced his shoulders and hugged: "Shh, don't cry, don't cry, we are all right,
we have to pretend to be lethargic. Those talents will take us down. How are you, bullied?"
Liu Fangzhou shook his head, raised his hand and wiped two with his eyes. His nose was
thick: "They said that I was the one the captain saw and didn't do anything to me. Right,"
the excitement of reunion was slightly slower, and the boy finally Remembered the most
important thing: "How could you wake up that Captain's ability didn't let everyone fall into
a drowsiness? How did I make you and Tao Yuan brother awake last night?"
After confirming that the teenager was okay, Shen Shi'an's face looked a little bit: "Then
why do you think you can not be affected by the power?"
"I'm wondering," Liu Fangzhou was puzzled. "I've been thinking about this since I was
arrested last night. Why can I wake you up but you can't wake up? Is it true that I am
talented or that I do it? What did you not do? It stands to reason that we have all the same
food, clothing, and habits, including daily routines. What ’s the difference? I ’ve only been
bitten by mutant mosquitoes. ”
The boy's voice broke out, his eyes widened in shock: "No."
Chen Nan smiled and nodded: "Yes."
"But," Liu Fangzhou still couldn't figure out. "There haven't been any mutant mosquitoes
Shen Shian was so moved that he took out a half of the mutated mosquito body from the
space. It was exactly a few days ago that attacked Liu Fangzhou and was cut into two by his
sword. "I put it away."
After speculating that Liu Fangzhou's unaffected ability might be related to mutant
mosquitoes, Shen Shi'an made two preparations. First use the mosquito corpse in his hand
to stab each of the four arms to ensure that the formic acid remaining in the mouthparts
enters the body to produce a swollen body. Then he and Shen Xun hide into the space. If the
guess is correct, Chen Nanhe after dark Tao Yuan will not fall into a coma, so the four will
pretend to be stunned according to the plan. If the guess is wrong and Chen Nan is still
affected by the ability to fall asleep, then Shen Shi'an will temporarily put the two into
space and take the dog. Jing rushed down to grab people.
And the facts prove that the world is so wonderful. Something that is newly created or
mutated in the mutant mosquito is just able to restrain the captain's ability.
Liu Fangzhou stayed for a long time holding the mosquito mouthparts: "Look at the
While he was in a daze, several people in Shen Shi'an had carefully observed the cell. The
space was not large and the walls were extremely thick. Visual inspection was at least one
meter thick. The wooden gates grew directly from the inside of the earth wall, and the roots
did not extend. Where, the other side was locked with a thick iron chain.
Chen Nan looked around: "There is no camera underneath."
"The moisture is too heavy," Tao Yuan said. "It is useless to install it, and the water droplets
are hardly visible when it is condensed. It is too deep underneath, and the line placement is
also a problem."
It is always a good thing for them.
Liu Fangzhou eased over there and quickly reported the information he had collected
throughout the day and night: "There are 1,532 people closed down here, of which 383 are
ordinary people, and the others are all powers. . "
Tao Yuan nodded: "Ordinary people should be the hostages that Xu Ge referred to as
aboriginal people, as for those with power, they are all missing in the hotel."
The hostage of Xu Ge, Liu Fangzhou, was full of fog, and Chen Nan briefly tutored him over
the information he had obtained, and was a little confused: "Since there are so many
abilities, why not try to escape?" More than 1,000 people Together, it is a force to be
reckoned with.
"Can't escape." Liu Fangzhou shook his head: "These psionicists will fall asleep as soon as
they reach the night, and even if they want to run during the day, they have no energy:
People in this base rarely give anything to control them, and I stay here I only saw water
once for a long time, and I ate a small biscuit per person. I guess it was just to make them
barely breathe alive. If you look at the person in the opposite cell, you can't see the human
form and you can escape. strange."
Chen Nan walked to the door lightly and couldn't bear to look at it through the door railing:
"This group of beasts. What is it for those who have so many powers for nothing?" Do n’t
eat or drink, build Is this an underground prison just to make people rot underground?
There is no clue about this problem at present, I am afraid that only the base builders will
know about it.
Liu Fangzhou continued to whisper: "There are four people in the caretaker below. They
are all powers. The most disgusting and perverted bald is called Wu De. His power is to
turn part of the body into metal, like a knife, This kind of steel needle, I like to torture
people with these things. The other three are kings, the power is the plant system, these
doors are strengthened once a day, and the other two are the soil system. The main work
should also be to strengthen the prison. I In the day and night I stayed here, I saw no one
else except the person who gave away the wall-crossing power. Listening to the meaning of
the guards, it seems that it is a hard job to see people underneath, and no one wants to do
it. "
After Shen Shi'an listened, he nodded at him: "Good job."
Being locked up in this kind of place for a day and night, isolated and unsustainable, life and
death are unpredictable, and the most wicked and evil people are within easy reach, both
psychologically and physically are bound to bear tremendous pressure. In this case,
remember to observe and analyze and collect information, it is very rare.
Liu Fangzhou was very embarrassed, his head was red and his eyes were red: "It's all
because I was too careless to be caught by them, which made everyone spend so much
effort to save me. I thought I had to do something to make atonement."
Chen Nan rubbed two on his head: "What do you think your teammates do, is to support
each other in this situation and stand up for each other."
Liu Fangzhou blinked his head vigorously and blinked, and then asked Shen Shi'an:
"Brother Shen, what shall we do next"
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and could not wait for the dog spirit to look at each other. He
walked a few steps to the door of the cell, his eyes were extremely dark, and the dim lights
revealed the cold light:
"If anyone doesn't offend me, I won't offend. If anyone offends me,"
Standing straight and taking off, kicking sideways, the straight long legs wrapped under the
camouflage clothes are like thunder lashes, and chopped towards the wooden gate with a
sharp cracking sound:
"I let him regret it."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 78: Chapter 78

Settings saved..
The door of the sturdy cell exploded to pieces.
Two soil-based abilities first rushed out of the guard pavilion. The earth wall had just risen
and was shattered into pieces by Shen Shi'an. The soil masses that flew out were impartial,
and they just fell to the ground. .
The plant power lags a little behind, but the response is not slow. A sturdy vine quickly
emerges from the ground and entangles everyone. Chen Nan immediately spawned his
mutant green dillium to meet the enemy. His power level was slightly inferior to the
opponent, but after being strengthened by the Lingquan, the green dillleaf golden vine
known as the devil's vine was entangled, sturdy, attacking ability and even the growth
speed. The ordinary vines were completely crushed, took root and walked around the
ground, and soon tore the other person's roots apart. Tao Yuan took the opportunity to
bully himself into a hand knife, and resolved another cleanly.
Wu De came out late, and turned around when he saw something bad. He wanted to run.
Shen Xun had been waiting for him. He grabbed a thick wood of an adult arm from the door
of the cell next door, chased it and hit him with two legs. Broken, the screams were
extremely screaming, the right hand turned into a knife, and the child was about to turn
around, and when he just lifted it, he was stepped on by a black hiking boot, and the metal
shoe was crushed hard A few times, the sound of cracks in the bones of the wrist cracked
like firecrackers.
Liu Fangzhou's eyes smashed his hands and quickly pressed a scream in his mouth to
squeeze back the screams. He stomped and struck his crotch: dare to fight the idea, eunuch.
After lifting his feet from Wu De's hand, Shen Shian took a sigh of relief, turned and walked
towards the two soil-based abilities that were first brought down.
The two were like hell, one retreated quickly, and the other strong one even dared to turn
his face ruthless and said ruthlessly, "You wo n’t be able to catch us, you wo n’t be able to
get out even if you catch us. There is no entrance or exit from this place. There are five or
six meters, and only one person in the entire base can take people in and out freely. "
The voice didn't fall, and a "bang" came from another platform opposite to where Shen
Shi'an and others entered.
Zhao Fan, a veiled horror, came in with a hooded Xu Ge.
Zhao Fan estimated the situation on the spot in one second. He turned around and grabbed
the ladder and wanted to run. Shen Shi'an was like a wind. He grabbed his feet before he
completely submerged the soil, pulling him down and pulling people away. He pulled it out
of the soil and threw it down from the platform, lying on the ground and whistling.
Look up at the soil-powered person: "What did you just say?"
Soil Warrior: ""
Xu Ge heard Shen Shi'an's voice, panicked, took off his hood, looked around and looked
after the others: "Mr. Shen, I'll go to my sister first."
Shen Shi'an looked for a moment and looked at her as if she wanted to say something, but
Xu Ge was so anxious that he didn't notice it. He hurried down the steps. She didn't know
which cell her sister Xu Yao was locked in. Looking around, even if I know that the
detainees are falling into a deep sleep at this time, they still can't help trying to call, the
anxious shout echoed throughout the underground prison: "Yao Yao, Yao Yao, where are
you, Yao Yao, I Sister, promise me if you hear it. "
Shen Xun grabbed Wu De's collar and dragged him over: "An An"
Shen Shi'an stepped down the stairs, feeling a little heavy. He talked about Zhao Fan and
Wu De as much as possible, so he had already guessed that Xu Yao was afraid of being
fierce. He sighed softly: "Let's follow too."
Gou Zi Jing held Shen Shi'an in one hand and dragged Wu De in one hand. Zhao Fan was
very easy to run because of his power. Tao Yuan twisted his arm and pulled it from the
ground. Chen Nan recovered the power of the devil vine's crazy root from the ground by
recycling the power. Take it back, and then entangle the plant abilities that had passed out
and the two soil abilities that were about to faint into three cocoons. He dragged two Liu
Fangzhou and followed one behind the team.
Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but praise: "Nang, you are so good." This is the first time he has
seen Chen Nan apply his abilities to battle, and the effect is simply amazing.
Chen Nan was a little embarrassed: "It's the plants that Brother Shen gave." After
relentlessly exercising precise control with a bow tie, coupled with super mutant plants,
the fight was almost twice the effort, even he was scared. A hop. However, his biggest
disadvantage is in the amount of power savings. The level of the plant power tied to a
cocoon is significantly higher than him. If the power of the power is deep, the two of him
may not be spent together. other side. It seems that it is imperative to speed up the
promotion of powers. He has evolved powers at the beginning of the last days, and was
unreasonably left behind by others.
There are many cells in the underground prisons. Roughly there were at least 70 or 80 in
the past. The number of detainees varies, one or two, a dozen, and two or thirty in a large
cell. Most of the Aboriginal people who are ordinary people are in this category.
When Shen Shi'an and others overtook Xu Ge, she had found the place where Xu Yao was
detained in the past, but was blocked out of the door: "This is where Yao Yao is locked with
these people, but she is not here now Inside, why isn't she inside? "
Shen Shi'an held the iron chain of the locked door and pulled it hard, dragging the iron
chain with the same piece of broken wood. Xu Ge hurried in, looked around and turned to
Shen Shi'an for help: "Mr. Shen, can you wake them up?"
Shen Shi'an shouted: "Ark."
"Hey." Liu Fangzhou responded, and the mosquito's body was carried in his pocket. He
went into the cell, pinched his mouthpiece, and poked him on the arm of the sleeping
Twenty-three people were in the cell, and the mouthpiece won't work after waking up
seven times.
Shen Shi'an frowned: "The formic acid has run out." The mutant mosquito has long since
died. The formic acid remaining in the mouthparts is limited, and it is already a miracle to
support so many people.
Suddenly, Liu Fangzhou remembered something, pointing to Wu Dedao, who was dragged
to the ground by Shen Xun, and said, "Last night he covered the mouth and nose of the
unconscious man with a piece of cloth, and the unconscious man woke up."
Shen Shi'an turned around and walked to Wu De, stepping on his other wrist, "said, what is
the way to wake up the unconscious person."
The soil in Wu De's mouth was just spit clean, and immediately began to scream again: "I
said that I only need to restrict breathing for 20 seconds, they can wake up after 20
seconds, don't step on, don't step on,"
Liu Fangzhou immediately covered the mouth and nose of an indigenous resident and tried
it. After 20 seconds, the other party woke up.
Shen Shian knew for himself: It seemed that he was able to wake up Chen Nan with ice
water last night. It was only a fluke, because continuous water splashing restricted the
breathing, so he just happened to achieve the awake condition.
After being awakened by Xu Gejiao Zhuo, the aboriginal people finally talked about Xu Yao's
whereabouts: "About one week ago, your family had a fever, and the guards said she was
infected with the virus and will soon Into a zombie, so take her alone "
"It won't be infected with the virus. How could Yaoyao be infected under this situation?" Xu
Ge burst into tears and rushed out and grabbed Wu De's shoulder. "Yaoyao, where did you
get Yaoyao?" Now, I have obediently obeyed your orders. Where did you get Yaoyao to talk?
"Because the nails were embedded too hard in the meat, Wu De screamed again.
Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan, and others stared at each other: ordinary people may not know yet,
but they do know that the fever after the beginning of the last days is likely not to be
infected with the virus, on the contrary, but the precursor of evolution.
Now that they have discovered this, there are more than one thousand abilities in Noah's
A trapped hostage may have evolved abilities, which is probably not good news for those in
power in the ark. As a result, Xu Yao's safety became more worrying.
Wu De, who was still very cooperative, didn't know why he bit his teeth and just didn't
speak this time. Liu Fangzhou pulled out a scalpel from his pocket and was preparing to get
started. Zhao Fan, who was screwed tightly by Tao Yuan, suddenly said: " If I tell you the
whereabouts of that little girl, can you guarantee that you will not kill me. You know the
situation here, and no one can go out if you kill me. "
Shen Shi'an stared at him: "Say."
Zhao Fan swallowed: "You promise first"
"I'm afraid Mr Zhao hasn't figured out the situation yet," Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes,
and Ru Mo's eyes flashed with dim light: "You are not qualified to talk to me about the
Zhao Fan was full of excitement, only felt a cold coming on his face, apparently in the hot
underground prison, but gave him the tingling sensation of being immersed in cold water
in the cold winter. His complexion gradually turned pale, but he did not hold it, and he
quickly and honestly explained: "The little girl had a high fever, and the captain's order was
to be monitored separately, and any changes were reported in a timely manner. You also
have the following conditions. I know, she has a high fever, and maybe there is no sign of
support the next day. At that time, the captain had not decided what to do, but Wu De
sneaked into the prison \ 'The forbidden room stayed for a few hours, waiting for him
When he came out again, the little girl died. He said, "
Zhao Fan glanced at Wu De, regardless of his begging eyes, and said the remaining half of
the sentence: "He said, he's going to die anyway, so let him be happy before he dies."
There was silence in the prison.
Xu Geyan opened his eyes wide, his face was completely bloodless, and tears smashed
across his face.
She seemed to understand Zhao Fan's words, as if she did not understand, her mouth
opened and closed, like a fish lacking water, and she could not spit out a byte for a long
But she finally made a sound.
"Where's Yao Yao's body." She looked at Wu De, her ten-finger nails became harder,
penetrated through the flesh and stabbed in, dripping blood dripping down her shoulder.
The original pale face quickly became rosy, the connected eyes began to turn red, the voice
was very light, and the words were repeated again and again: "Say, after you are happy,
what about Yao Yao's body?"
Wu De screamed, trying to struggle, but was pinched by Shen Xun's neck, unable to move at
all. Can only answer while screaming:
"Ah, ah, bury it, pull it out, bury it, you let go, ah ah ah ah"
Xu Ge's face turned redder. The exposed skin also gradually glowed red like iron.
"Pull it out and bury it," she repeated gently, crying and smiling: "You pulled my Yaoyao out
and used it as a flower fat. Why did you do it? She was only twelve years old."
"She's twelve years old"
Shen Shi'an looked abruptly, pulling Shen Xun and Liu Fangzhou who were closest to Xu Ge
one step back in a hurry. At the same time, accompanied by a screaming cry that could
almost pierce the eardrum, Xu Ge's body was red, like magma The crimson red color burst
out from her, pinching Wu De's palm and blasting out two extremely high-temperature
flames, instantly burning Wu De from the position of the forearm to the collarbone into the
fly ash, the two arms lost flesh and blood connection "Tong Tong" fell to the ground, and
the remainder was black. Wu De didn't even have time to scream, and his eyes fainted.
"Look." Liu Fangzhou looked at the screen in shock, "She is, this is a sudden evolution of
Shen Shi'an looked dignified and squatted down half a meter away from Xu Ge: "Miss Xu,
can you hear me?"
The two flames burned Wu De's shoulders and immediately retracted them, leaving only
two shallow black pits on the ground that had been burned by the flames.
Xu Ge knelt on the ground, his eyes straightened for a moment, but soon his eyes gathered
again, and his magma-like complexion gradually returned to normal.
She looked at Shen Shi'an: "Is this power?"
Shen Shian nodded: "Can you control it?"
Xu Ge stared at his palm for a while, and suddenly a flame came out of his palm, because the
temperature was extremely high, and the outer flame was faintly revealing a layer of light
She closed her palms and the flames disappeared.
"Controlled," she said. It was just a short moment, and she seemed to have fully recovered
her sanity.
"Mr. Shen," she looked at Shen Shi'an again. "Are you going to be hostile to the entire base
"Yes. But some preparation is needed before that."
"Can I join?" It seemed to worry that Shen Shi'an would not agree, and his voice was
"Of course." Shen Shi'an came over and reached out her hand: "Welcome to join."
Xu Ge stretched his hands over, faintly smiling: "Thank you." Then stood up by Shen
Shi'an's strength.
She stood around and looked around. As she glanced over Zhao Fan and the three other
guards lying on the ground wrapped in cocoons, they obviously shrank back, their eyes
were full of fear.
"I'm afraid I can't help for the time being," Xu Ge said to Shen Shi'an, grabbing Wu De's
collar and dragging him up. "While Mr. Shen is preparing, can I be alone with him for a
Shen Shi'an nodded and pointed to the two large dormitory guardhouses not far away:
"That place is just right. It's strong, and there should be something he is going to use on
Xu Ge froze, then responded: "I see."
Shen Shi'an watched her walk towards the guard pavilion, and after a little thought, caught
up and handed her a small bottle of water: "If he can't support it, take a sip, it can extend
the time."
Xu Ge took the bottle in his hand and slowly clenched it. This time he laughed more
obviously: "Thank you."
Liu Fangzhou held his scalpel and said: "He also wants Wu De. He hasn't dissected the
power yet.
After thinking about it, let's forget it, the younger sister needs to vent more than him.
Eyes rolled around to the three cocoons on the ground, and asked Shen Shi'an who came
back: "Brother Shen, I can dissect one."
Itchy hands and want to study.
"Next time. Not today. I have a task to give you." Shen Shi'an stunned the three cocoons and
Zhao Fan. He didn't show mercy at all. Can he wake up to see his luck? Then led the team
members to the cell where they were initially locked, and took out a climbing bag from the
space and gave it to Tao Yuan: "It can start."
Tao Yuan nodded, carefully carrying the bag and walking outside the cell.
Before Liu Fangzhou had time to ask him what he was going to do, Shen Shian took out two
more boxes. One was food and the other was mineral water mixed with Lingquan: "Chen
Nanzhouzhou, you two are responsible for putting the cell on the left. The psionicist in the
middle wakes up, and Xun and I are responsible for the right side, and then distribute the
food and water equally. If they are willing to resist the base together, let them gather in the
middle area. "
"Ah." The two Chen Nan immediately picked up half of the food and water and went out.
Shen Shi'an held up the other half and said to the dog, "Let's go."
During the wake-up call, Shen Shi'an saw the fat uncle who originally lived at 8005. His
condition was not good. His body was full of scars, burns and cuts, and he lost three fingers
on his right hand. After being awakened, I drank half a bottle of water in one breath, and
then laughed at the scream of Wu De in the guard kiosk: "My power is probably not helpful,
but I am not greedy, as long as I can kill one Earned. Brother, count me as one "
Uncles other than him in the trio also decided to join, but uncles who were taller were not
seen. Uncle Fat did not say, and Shen Shi'an did not ask.
After waking up two-thirds of the psionicists, Liu Fangzhou suddenly ran over: "Brother
Shen, they are gathering a lot of psionicists on our heads."
The direction is exactly where the three platforms are located, one inside the hotel and two
outside the hotel.
"What to do, so that we will definitely be under siege when we go out." And that Zhao Fan
can only take a few people at a time.
"Don't worry, we don't go out of the platform." And, all they want is to gather.
Since Zhao Fan is the only one who can take people freely in and out of the underground
prison, if he doesn't go back for a long time, it will inevitably cause the local people to be
Chen Nan chased Liu Fangzhou back: "Just rest assured, Brother Shen has already thought
about it. It's important that we wake up all the abilities quickly."
Half an hour later, all the trapped awakened.
Except for one hundred and thirty-one people who were imprisoned for too long, and
suffered severe physical loss and almost completely lost their combat effectiveness, the
remaining 1,018 people all joined the battle.
Shen Shi'an took out the long sword and the Tang sword. The Tang sword was given to
Shen Xun, and the long sword was lost behind him.
The long rifle on the weapon floor on the second floor of Zhulou was originally intended to
be given to Chen Nan, but he has gradually become more comfortable with the devil vine,
so the long rifle was given to Liu Fangzhou. The teenager liked it so much that he danced
wildly in his hands. Fortunately, he followed Tao Yuan's special training, and his strength
increased more than three or four times than before. Otherwise, he might not be able to
pick up the gun.
As for Chen Nan, he got a watering can with pure spiritual spring water in it. "Spray twice
on the devil's vine when the power is not enough. Remember not to spray too much."
In addition, the team members, including Xu Ge, each pinned a miniature radio walkie-
talkie. It was originally a material of the tobacco factory garrison. Later, Shen Shian took it
out of the administrative building. Support short-distance calls, the farthest can not exceed
500 meters.
Finally, Shen Shi'an took out a long parcel from the space and gave it to Tao Yuan: "All are
Tao Yuan nodded: "Where we are standing now, the impact of the explosion is minimal,
which can ensure safety."
A few meters above the surface, more than a thousand cultivators are staring.
A few meters below the prison, under the dim light, there were more than 1,000 pairs of
eyes burning with eagerness for revenge.
Standing in front of thousands of people, Shen Shi'an looked up at the deep-fried medicine
packs installed on the top of the three platforms. His eyes were dark and bright, with a
touch of blood.
"Then start frying."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 79: Chapter 79

Settings saved..
Three bombs exploded at the same time, and the dust swayed in the mountains.
Surrounded by surface exits, those who prepared to wait for the rabbit base were among
them. Some of them were blasted by shock waves, and some of them fell down like
dumplings. The flesh flew and screamed for a while. The sound was endless.
Shen Shi'an and others hid at the bottom of the ground where they were least affected by
the explosion. In order to ensure the safety of several soil-based abilities, they formed a
protective wall around the crowd. Even so, they were still standing unsteadily, and they
were filled with shattered debris. body. When the aftermath of the explosion calmed down
and the protective wall was pulled down, three plant powers joined forces to spawn several
vine ladders in the blasted gap. More than 1,000 rebels climbed the vine ladder under the
leadership of Shen Shi'an and others. Climbed out at the fastest speed.
They chose the exit to be located behind one of the main street residential buildings, and
soon the base powers found them, accompanied by a snow blue sword light and a light
purple flame, and the battle was officially launched.
"Chong, kill the grandchildren"
"Killing one to protect the capital and killing two is to earn Lao Tzu, and even if you die, I
will take you to the funeral."
"Ah ah ah don't let one go"
Tao Yuan stood up and flipped over the two blockers, carrying a long package, and
disappeared quickly into the fierce melee through the cover of the night.
The Golden Phoenix Hotel collapsed in half due to the explosion, and the remaining half
remained lit. The rebels collided head-on with the base powers, and the place of battle was
quickly concentrated on the square in front of the hotel and on a main road connecting the
Chen Nanxuan planted the devil's vine in the center of the main road. According to Shen
Shi'an, he sprayed two spirit springs at its root. With the power input, the ten-centimeter-
long devil's vine seedling took root and skyrocketed. Winding and crawling against the soil,
and quickly spawned more than a dozen branches, centering on him to penetrate the
underground from the fighting crowd.
Devil rattan is well-developed and has strong entanglement. He knows that his power
storage is limited, so he chose a precise attack method. After selecting the target, the vine
digs out of the ground. As long as it is entangled in any part of the body, it will quickly
move. Spreading up and wrapping up the other party, making them completely
incapacitated in a short time.
At the beginning, due to insufficient cooperation, no one further attacked in time after the
vine entangled the enemy, giving the enemy a chance to break free. As the battle continued
to cooperate gradually, Chen Nan specially chose to interfere with the enemy with his own
personnel. Once the opponent was found to be entangled by vines, the friendly forces
would immediately rush to make up for the knife and seize the opportunity to kill him
while he was ill.
Liu Fangzhou held a long gun and stood next to Chen Nan. His main task was to ensure his
own safety and use his power to remind his teammates of the enemy's attack direction.
Because he was close to Chen Nan, Chen Nan was entangled with vines. In his hand, the two
cooperated with each other to harvest heads efficiently.
Shen Xun carried the sword that was higher than himself and walked through the
battlefield, like a small but destructive terrible hurricane. Whenever he hit the light and the
crippled died, he was two meters around him for a while. No one in the range dared to
Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge are at the forefront of the rebels, directly confronting a large number
of base abilities, and they are also the most fierce places to fight.
Although Xu Ge's power has just evolved, her power is not to be underestimated. Her
power is similar to that of Ms. Dong in the library, but it is different from Ms. Dong who spit
out flames from her mouth. Her flames burst out through her hands. As far as one meter
away, it can ignite a blazing fire in the dark night, because the flame temperature is
extremely high, no matter what it encounters, it will burn into nothingness in an instant.
The sister's tragic death undoubtedly inspired her hate and murderous spirit. Her eyes
were scary and she was ruthless. She almost rushed into dozens of base powers with a life-
threatening fight, and she was soon bruised. At the same time, left a scorched stump with a
broken arm.
Shen Shi'an held the sword like a wind, and his fitness figure was like the same elegant
cheetah. Teng Nuo turned and stood up, light and silent when he landed. Where the sword
light shines, the sharpness is unstoppable.
This is the first time he has used all his powers since his second promotion to Gongfa.
Unlike zombies, power zombies have stiff thinking and slow movements. Even if they are
controlled by power zombies, they have no skill at all in attacking. They only know that
they are rampant. The psionics not only have wisdom, but also a variety of strange abilities
emerge endlessly.
The exercises are working at full strength, and the five senses are extended to the extreme.
During the Zombie War in Lin'an County, I realized that the combat skills were re-launched.
All enemies, friendly forces, combat conditions, attack directions, and hot air within a 200-
meter radius fluctuated due to powers He Liangguang is completely displayed in the sea of
consciousness in the form of 3d dynamic graphics.
The fighting situation was quite optimistic. With the destruction and panic caused by the
explosion, the rebels caught the base powers by surprise, and for a while, faintly prevailed.
Unfortunately, this advantage did not last long.
The base powers did lose part of it because of the explosion, but most of them successfully
defended with the power, or they were originally outside the scope of the explosion.
Once recovered from the explosion, he immediately launched a fierce counterattack under
the leadership of several base leaders.
The rebels are eager for revenge, but after all, being imprisoned in an underground prison
for a long time, their physical function is damaged. It is not a little food or a few mouthfuls
of Lingquan drinking water, which can be quickly restored. When fighting, the longer the
battle, the more aggressive the enemy's attack, and the frail and fragile will immediately
In addition, the strength of the power when screening the residents in the base is also one
of the main conditions. Most of the residents of the Ark have powerful combat capabilities,
and most of the "missing people" who are trapped underground are auxiliary powers,
which can cause half of the effective damage to the enemy. None of them, various factors
interact, and the number of his own casualties soon exceeded two digits.
As the main combat force, Shen Shi'an and his team suddenly increased pressure.
"Nange is careful" Liu Fangzhou stunned away from two wind blades, raised his hand and
wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Anyone with a power copied it from our back bread"
However, Chen Nan couldn't care less about this at this time, probably because he found
that the Devil's Vine was special. The various plants of the wood-based abilities
manipulators in the base sieged all over him. Numerous roots were entangled in the ground
and they were fighting fiercely. The turf skin twitched, tumbling back and forth like waves.
The internal abilities in the body flow quickly like sand in the funnel. The body suddenly
trembles because of the power. He gritted his teeth and sprayed a few springs at the root of
the devil's vine. At the same time, he reached into the mountaineering bag behind his back
and absorbed the nuclei while fighting. .
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou hurriedly rolled twice on the ground to avoid a flying knife, but the
other failed to hide, "stabbing" made a spit in his calf, and it hurt him to take a cold sip
immediately Qi: "Everything hastily, this group of grandchildren know to hide in the dark
and put a cooler"
Before I had time to inspect the wound, I suddenly changed my look and lifted the gun back
and stabbed it. However, the gun was held directly by the person, and it was thrown away
with a strong pull. The palm of the right hand of the teenager was instantly worn through. ,
Hot and painful.
The comer Liu Fangzhou knew that it was exactly that night that he moved at 8005, and
even he was sent to the underground prison with Sun Zhuanghan. With great strength, he
could break the chain with his bare hands.
At this time, his face was glaring and fierce, and after throwing the gun long, he had to lift
his foot down to Liu Fangzhou's chest.
If this is true, he estimates that it will soon become a rotten pool of flesh.
"Ark" Chen Nan was extremely anxious. At the very moment, he urged a vine to burst out of
the soil, and dragged Sun Zhuanghan's ankles.
Sun Zhuanghan suddenly fell out of balance and almost fell. His expression became even
more fierce. He bent down and grabbed the vine to pull it upward, so that he could pull the
whole branch out of the ground, completely disconnected from the main vine.
Liu Fangzhou climbed up from the ground while taking a breather, but was lifted by the
iron clamp with his palm around his neck in the next second, and his complexion rose
Chen Nan was horrified. His devil vine was attacked by other plants, and it was too late to
spawn another one. He was about to call for help through the intercom, and heard a loud
bang. Sun Zhuanghan suddenly shook it twice, seemingly incredibly low. He stared at the
blood hole in his chest for a while, then fell back in two straight steps.
Liu Fangzhou fell to the ground, almost coughing his lungs while covering his neck, holding
a gun in his right hand, the muzzle was hot, and the smoke was pungent.
The cough on his face was all tears, but his mouth was not affected at all. The probe took a
sip on Sun Zhuanghan's body: "Do you want to kill me?
Shen Xun came over with a knife, raised his hand and threw the long gun back to him, and
warned his teeth: "This is an An thing, if you dare to lose it, I will eat you."
Then he stared at him twice, and nodded his elder brother vigorously: "Performance is
good." An An asked him to look after him. The child resolved it before he even shot.
When he turned around and left, he added a knife to Sun Zhuanghan: My brother, you dare
to bully. Alas.
Shen Shi'an took back some of his mind from the three, and instead focused on dealing with
the situation at hand: Not only Chen Nan and others encountered a crisis, he also
encountered difficulties.
After being aware of his leading role, a dozen of the most powerful fighters in the base
rounded him up, including Chief Mate Yang Xueqiu.
According to the information received from Xu Ge, Yang Xueqiu should be a water-powered
person. Xu Ge has seen the other party condense a ball of water to cover his mouth and
nose as a disciplinary measure.
Therefore, Shen Shi'an was extremely vigilant to him, and while monitoring other people's
violent attacks, he closely monitored his surroundings.
Xu Ge was so resentful to this mate that the raging flames burst out from the palm of his
hand and attacked the opponent, but the flame was stopped by a dragon-like water column
before Yang Xueqiu was near. Teng Teng is like a giant wave.
Xu Ge's ability level was far worse than him. He tried to support the flame for several tens
of seconds and then weakened. He retreated to avoid the water column, and the two water
dragons smashed a whole piece of concrete ground in an instant.
Gritted his teeth, he was unwilling to re-accumulate his abilities and rushed forward, but
only two steps later, Shen Shian held his shoulders and hurried back.
At the same time, the three who were close to Yang Xueqiu's intention to attack the
resistance suddenly froze. The body dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the
whole body's skin was cracked. In a blink of an eye, it became a piece of dry rotten wood, as
if all the water in the body was absorbed instantly.
"Beware," Shen Shi'an wielded his sword and opened more than a dozen flying knives, with
a solemn look: "Don't get near him, the body's water is also under his control."
I'm afraid this is Yang Xueqiu's real killing move. The power is so terrible. No wonder the
powers in the base almost talk about him.
Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge stayed away from Yang Xueqiu as much as possible, but at the
moment being besieged by multiple people into a melee, it is not easy to beware of who is
Shen Shi'an was about to repel a wave of abilities, and Shen Shi'an was about to make up a
knife. Suddenly his body fell down, and his two feet sank along where he stood. Before he
broke free, there were four earth walls He almost rose up close to him. A dozen thick vines
of the arm broke through the ground, spreading quickly along his calf, and wrapped around
in circles. Looking at the posture, he must be fixed in place. .
"Mr. Shen"
"Brother Shen"
"An An"
There were several exclamation sounds from far and near.
At about the same time, Shen Shi'an felt that the blood in his body suddenly and
uncontrollably violently oscillated, the body quickly lost water, and his lips quickly cracked
as if exposed to the sun for several hours.
Just as Shen Shi'an was in danger, a slight but rapid sound broke through the night. There
was a silver light fleeting, and a person from the base soil system passed straight through
the eyebrows, and left a sloshing blood cave in Yang Xueqiu's chest, making two bangs and
Shen Shi'an sighed with a clenched palm, and the turbulent spiritual power surged out. The
vines wrapped around him and the four earth walls around him instantly exploded into
numerous fragments, all of which flew out together with the siege of the enemy.
Raise your hand to wipe the blood on the lips, and tilt your head to the intercom: "Thank
"You're welcome." Tao Yuan's calm voice came from the headset: "The commanding height
has been reached, and the sniper's hand is in place."
As soon as the words fell, several base powers blew up blood on their foreheads, without
even screaming, and fell silently.
Shen Shi'an drank two bottles of mineral water in one breath, and gave instructions
through the intercom: "I'm fine, everyone will attack with all their strength."
The abilities that fell down one after another quickly caught the attention of the base, and
the huge panic spread quickly like a virus:
"Grass, they have guns"
"This group of prisoners has" snipers "
"Where is where"
Once the commanding heights are occupied, the sniper's terrible degree is unimaginable.
This horror lies not only in its ultra-long-range precision lethality, but also in its absolute
psychological suppression.
The night was dark, the lights were dim, there was thick blood everywhere and deafening
shouts. You don't know which direction the bullet will come from, you don't know who will
be the next target, and you have no idea where the opponent is hiding.
At any time, it is possible that the fear of death is like epidemic anthrax, and you can't run
away. This kind of mental pressure can completely crush people.
In contrast, the base powers fell into a collective panic. In contrast, the rebels' morale rose:
"We have a sniper \ 'What are you afraid of, killing these turtle grandchildren"
"I want them to pay for their blood debt"
The situation reversed again.
However, just as the rebels fought fiercely, there seemed to be a light wind blowing quietly
in the air, as if they had hit a certain curse. The spirit of fighting was raised in the last
second. The crowd suddenly closed their eyes the next second and fell to the ground one
after another. Lethargic.
The base powers showed ecstasy, and at the same time bent down and turned in one
direction, Moses gave way to the sea. At the end of the passage is the hotel entrance. Under
the dim light, a figure emerged from it.
Shen Shi'an used to mutate mosquitoes to secrete formic acid, but still felt a strong
dizziness, as if his whole body strength was being pumped away instantly, he gasped twice,
kneeled on the ground with his sword on one knee, and ran low on the intercom: come."
The intercom channel was shared. Everyone in the team heard this sentence, but Shen Xun
knew that he was telling himself that his teeth were reluctantly lying on his back.
Chen Nan and others did not sleep because of the mutated mosquito saliva, but when they
found that they were not good, they "fall" to the ground with other people and waited for
the opportunity to observe the enemy situation.
Liu Fangzhou raised his head quietly by covering up the sleepers in front, his voice was
extremely low, and he could only see the mouth: "This is the captain"
Chen Nan nodded slightly: It should be.
The figure was getting closer and closer, wearing a white robe covered from head to feet,
with a hood hanging down to cover his face, and he couldn't see what it looked like.
Shen Xun pouted: pretending to be a ghost.
The silhouette aisle Shen Shi'an stopped in front of him. A thin arm protruded out of the
white robe and raised his hand to take off the hood. Liu Fangzhou immediately opened his
eyes and cursed "lying trough":
"Captain, Captain is a woman."
The female captain was very young, at most not more than twenty years old. The
appearance is exquisite and cute, and even a bit of innocence is in the look.
Laughing and reaching out to Shen Shi'an with a smile: "Hello, this is Noah. Welcome to the
Shen Shi'an hasn't spoken yet, and not far away fell to the ground. Xu Ge suddenly got up
and flew towards the captain. His eyes were blood-stained and hatred: "You killed my
sister, I want to avenge Yao Yao"
Xu Ge has not been stung by a mutant mosquito. It stands to reason that she could not stay
awake under the captain's ability, let alone attack. But Shen Shi'an quickly understood why
She broke her left forearm.
The sharp bone stubble pricked the flesh and stabbed it, revealing Bai Sensen, a flurry of
flesh and blood, his arm dripping with blood, dripping softly on his side. With the severe
pain caused by the broken arm, Xu Ge not only kept awake, but also successfully shot a light
purple flame from Noah's right palm.
The flame didn't meet Noah, because a figure rushed over to block Noah at the stern
moment and withstand all attacks.
Yang Xueqiu looked down at the black and hollow chest, his mouth opened and closed, and
he seemed to want to say something to Noah, but unfortunately, no sound came out, and he
slammed at her feet, splashing a little dust.
Noah tilted her head and stared at his body for a moment, her expression didn't change
much. Then wrinkled his nose at Xu Ge: "You're really annoying."
I didn't know what she did. Xu Ge was soft and completely fainted this time.
Solving an unpleasant little trouble, Noah looked a lot easier, and refocused on Shen Shi'an,
with a little coyness: "Don't be afraid, I don't hate you, I like you. Why don't you You are so
obedient and obedient to stay in the Ark. You are great. I am also great. As long as the two
of us are combined, we will be able to give birth to the best looking and most powerful baby
in the new world. "
There was a depressing low roar from the headset.
Liu Fangzhoumu had a face: Look, he knows that no one can stop Brother Shen's beauty.
Shen Shi'an took a bite on the tip of her tongue, keeping herself awake by stinging, and
looked at the other person coldly: "You try to gather so many abilities, what is your vision?"
Noah didn't seem to mind his attitude and smiled softly: "When the end of the world comes,
only after boarding the boat can you survive in the end of the world and become the seed
and hope of the new world. I have already told you this. "
Shen Shian's lips tightened: "New World Seed, do you mean the fetus in the belly of those
female abilities?"
"Oh, you see it now. Those babies are still small and need to be carefully taken care of
before they can come down safely. When they grow up, the world will definitely become
even more."
"They are all ordinary people." Shen Shi'an interrupted her. "The power and the power are
combined, and the child is still an ordinary person."
Noah looked. The smile on his face quickly closed: "How do you know"
Shen Shi'an did not answer the question: "So what do you do and find that they are
ordinary people and then use them as flower fertilizer? Can't you breed qualified offspring
abilities, how can you become a new world seed?"
Noah stared at him, and soon laughed again. "They can't conceive, it doesn't mean that I
can't. You haven't responded to my invitation: Will you stay in the Ark and live with me? As
long as you are obedient, I can allow all of your companions to stay safely through the last
days. I even want to live with You share the captain's position, everyone in the ark must
obey your orders, what you want them to do, what do you think? "
Shen Shi'an did not speak. A fine layer of sweat dripped from the forehead.
"You are resisting my ability," Noah was surprised, then she covered her mouth and
giggled. "Do you know why I set up the ark far away from this place?"
"In addition to the convenient transportation here, you can harvest enough residents to
prepare for candidates, but also because the county area is not small, it is all within the
control of my ability."
"Now," she squatted down and looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes: "I haven't figured out why you
and your companions are resistant to my powers, but I usually control more than 5,000
people in the entire ark. You said, if I With all the powers used on more than 5,000 people
on you, can you still resist it? Your friend on the roof has not been able to hold on, and he is
sleeping soundly now. "
Shen Shi'an only felt that an invisible majestic energy was pressing towards him in an
instant, letting the world ’s sweetest drowsiness and heaviest fatigue all concentrate on
him, and every cell in the body was eager to close his eyes and sleep well. This drowsiness
was so overwhelming that the eyelids were simply prevented from closing, and she
exhausted all her power.
Shen Xun couldn't hold back anymore, his whole body was tense and he was about to
explode. Liu Fangzhou suddenly heard a terrifying scream in the headset: "Variable
mosquitoes mutated mosquitoes flew over. Brother Shen soon woke up, lying in a trough.
The mutant mosquito is about to fly over "
All base abilities were startled by the sudden scream, but didn't understand what it meant.
Only Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were still sober, and suddenly sweated.
The teenager's face was all white: Brother Shen did not know what hex that the captain had
caused was almost half unconscious. The surrounding hotels and buildings along the street
were mostly collapsed due to the explosion. They were all cracks and could not be hidden
at all. The residential buildings farther away are not affected, but that is the area where
ordinary people live. Since the beginning of the battle, they have hid behind their homes
and closed their doors to death. It is no wonder that they can open the doors at this time,
not to mention so many abilities around them. It's a big question, whether you can catch up
in time is a question.
In the induction force, there was almost no end to the pressure of the mosquito. The army
of mosquitoes approached quickly. At most, there were dozens of seconds to reach the
It's over, it's over, it's over.
Do they all have to be buried today?
铿锵 A powerful slap awakened him from the panic stunned, and was awakened together
with Chen Nan, Shen Xun did not know where it came out and suddenly appeared in front
of them, one hand grabbed Chen Nan Devil Vine and one hand left The second half of the
pot of spring water poured all over: "Give me all your abilities, right away"
Liu Fangzhou was completely at a loss as to what the situation was, but he shook his head
and subconsciously followed it. He and Chen Nan stuck his palms on the child's back and
transported all the energies as fast as possible. Zombie crystal nuclei.
The base powers also didn't know what was happening, but they had to rush over to make
trouble, but before the people approached, they were pumped out by a dark green vine that
soared into the sky.
If the devil's vine is like a python in Chen Nan's hands, then under Shen Xun's hands, it is
like a huge sea monster covering the sky, because it is too huge, and only a small part of it
can be seen from the perspective of humans. Countless tentacles danced in the night.
One of the tentacles rushed towards Shen Shi'an's location, entangled him with almost
gentle movements and hugged him back; two reached Xu Ge, and one quickly spread along
the ground and reached Tao Yuan's side. ; Part of the remaining tentacles drove obstacles
to the base powers, and part of them aimed at the surviving rebels, either dragging their
hands or feet directly from the ground.
In the end, three were separated, and they caught up with the thunderbolt and caught up
with Noah, who tried to escape from the captain, and fixed her in place.
Things went too fast, almost in a blink of an eye. Liu Fangzhou stared stupidly at the small
back in front of him, relying on his muscle instinct to continuously output abilities. When
he realized it, the original response to Shen Xun's chaotic darkness had not changed when:
First it turned into a mighty and immense flood monster, and then it became a tall and
strong man. He could not see the specific appearance against the light, but the whole body
was shocking.
After dragging everyone back to the "Sealie's abdomen", countless tentacles entangled with
each other and closed in the middle, and the top closed quickly, forming a huge
impenetrable impenetrable fortress.
The next second, a deafening humming rang loudly outside the fortress.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 80: 80th

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an felt like he had a long dream.
There are towering virgin forests in the dream, and the breath is full of damp leaves and
branches, and the buzzing sounds of various insects sound one after another, sometimes
very far and close.
Someone shouted in his ear: "An An, An An, An An, you wake up"
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes, and the dark green vines and huge leaves reflected in his
pupils made him almost think he was still in a dream. Then Shen Xun rounded his small
face and squeezed over to block everything else: "An'an, you wake up"
Shen Shi'an sat up with his arms up, only to find himself lying on a bed.
It was a "bed" made of vines. The bed surface was smooth and flat. The depressions and
protrusions at the head and neck were just right, perfectly conforming to human
mechanics. In addition, it was covered with several thick leaves, which were soft and
comfortable. After sleeping all night, The body does not show any signs of stiffness and
He touched it on the bed, looked around, and then looked up at the towering dark green
dome: "This is the devil vine. We are inside the devil vine."
His memory has been very vague since the captain applied all his abilities to him,
remembering a few fragments sporadically, but missing the main storyline.
"It's all about finding brothers to be bullish or not," Shen Shi'an continued to ask, and Liu
Fangzhou couldn't wait to describe everything from start to finish: "Brother Shen, you don't
know, it was too dangerous last night. , We almost became a mutant mosquito snack,
thanks to the search brother "
The teenager was so excited that he wasn't specific enough, and when he was excited, he
jumped up and danced a few times.
Shen Shi'an listened carefully, occasionally asking two questions about a certain detail, and
even thoughtfully prepared a bottle of water for Liu Fangzhou.
Only the protagonist in the story, Shen Xun, the hero who turned the tide in the whole
incident, said nothing abnormally, and sat next to Shen Shi'an with his hands together,
carefully looking at his look. The dark green eyes seemed to be hiding a bit A guilty
After Liu Fangzhou had finished speaking, it seemed to whisper a little for a specific reason:
"An'an, I have dragged in all who can save people."
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while, rubbing his head as usual: "Finding awesome."
The dog's fine eyes lighted up, then completely relaxed and arched into Shen Shi'an's arms:
"All An An taught well, hee hee hee."
Liu Fangzhou said dryly, sitting beside him mumbling and drinking. Regarding what
happened last night, he only said that he and Chen Nan knew something. As for accidentally
seeing things through induction, whether it was a beast or a strange man, he didn't spit out
a word.
Subconsciously, he felt that this was definitely not something he should intervene in.
The space inside the fort formed by the devil vine is huge, and a slender gap is opened in
the "wall", which is not enough for the mutant mosquito to penetrate, but enough light
penetrates into it.
"What's going on outside?" Shen Shi'an asked.
"It didn't take long for the sun to come out," Liu Fangzhou re-tightened the bottle cap.
"There are still thousands of mosquitoes left. I guess it's better to wait for the sun to get
A total of 341 were dragged into the Devil's Vine fortress to avoid the mosquito rebels,
including Uncle Fat and his companion Uncle Short. These people were attacked by Chen
Nan with a few covers last night because of a small amount of power attacks. I woke up
with my nose, listened to the humming sounds of mutant mosquitoes and screams outside
in the middle of the night, and was so frightened that I was sitting on the wall to rest, or
came to thank Shen Shi'an and others.
Tao Yuan was attacked heavily, and the suffocation method was useless to him, but he
opened his eyes half an hour after Shen Shian woke up.
The other was attacked by the captain, Xu Ge, but he did not wake up. Captain's ability is
one reason, and excessive blood loss is another.
The injury on her left arm was too severe, and the bone puncture was blurred. Chen Nan
and Liu Fangzhou gave her a simple treatment, but there was no way to completely stop
the bleeding. Her face was pale, and her breathing became weaker and weaker.
Shen Shian fed her a half bottle of Lingquan water. While she was unconscious, she washed
the wound with Lingquan water and pushed the bones back to the right position. She was
sutured and carefully bandaged, and finally fixed with a splint.
The conditions are limited, so much can be done. But there is a spiritual spring to help heal,
as long as you are careful, there should be no sequelae.
Chen Nan admired his admiration for his skillful movements: "For such a long time
together, I almost forgot that Brother Shen was a senior student in the medical school."
"No way," Liu Fangzhou said, "too many skills are too strong, so my brother Shen is so
Shen Xun Blowing Rainbow Fart: "The Best in An An World"
At nearly eight o'clock, the blazing temperature rose rapidly, and the mosquitoes finally
evacuated, and Xu Ge woke up.
Because the child was too tired to be held in his arms by Shen Shi'an, Chen Nan restored
the huge Devil's Vine fortress to its original state, the huge vines were pulled away and
shrunk, and everyone was exposed to the sky again.
The main street and the square not far away are all messy. The traces after the fierce battle
are horrible. The ground level of the building collapses. Mutant mosquito corpses and
people who have been sucked into the human jerky base can be seen everywhere.
Shen Shian walked straight to the captain's trapped place according to the child's
instructions: She was still trapped in place, and the vines wrapped around her legs were
full of cuts or scratches from her nails, but unfortunately she did not break one.
The mutant mosquito seemed to like her in particular. She was bitten by dozens of times,
spreading all over her body. She was originally ruddy and smooth, pale and pale, hanging
loosely on her body, her eyes widened and her life was frozen Before last fear and despair.
The question of why the captain should build Noah's Ark and gather powers is still
unanswered by Shen Shi'an and others.
With her death now, maybe this cause will become a complete mystery.
Xu Ge stood looking at her body for a long time, and eventually burned her to ashes.
Base powers also survived, not many, a total of seventeen, all dragged out by the resistance
after Liu Fangzhou found out where they were hiding.
Shen Shi'an put all the mutant mosquito bodies into the space and placed them separately,
then led the team members into the hotel.
The hotel collapsed in half, but the warehouse for storing materials and crystal cores was
not affected at all, and it was not clear whether it was God's will.
He didn't move the supplies. It should be the uncle fat. The uncle fat took it back, and the
rest was distributed by the rebels and ordinary people in the base. However, Shen Shi'an,
the zombie crystal nucleus, stole all of them, roughly calculating not less than 60,000, and
piled up a hill in the space.
After all the materials found in the hotel were moved out, everyone stood on the square,
and Xu Ge lit a fire.
This place is too bright and beautiful, and it also bears too much pain and blood. It is best to
be burned.
The fire was extremely rapid, and the remnants soon fell down, and the contents inside
were buried together with the underground prison and turned into ashes in the flames.
Shining in flames, Shen Shi'an turned to Xu Ge: "Where are you going next?"
Where are you going next
Xu Ge shook the air by twisting it due to the high temperature, and looked at the golden
phoenix in the middle of the flame for a while.
Where can she go.
Noah's Ark was destroyed, but the county seat is still there, and the dozen-meter-high wall
outside the county seat is also here. For ordinary people, this place is still an excellent place
to hide from zombies.
She originally thought the same way. If one day she could drive those abilities away or kill
them, she would bring Yaoyao back to her former home, cultivate a vegetable garden, and
strive to survive in the last days. If you are bitter and tired, do n’t be afraid. As long as you
live, life will always get better.
But Yaoyao is dead, and all the enemies who killed Yaoyao are dead. Does she still need to
stay here?
Where there is no loved one, how can it be called home?
The left arm was well taken care of and was wrapped around the neck with a cloth after
being tightly bandaged. It didn't even hurt much anymore.
Xu Yao touched the gauze splint twice and shook his head: "I don't know."
"Will you join us."
"Can I be with you."
Two voices sounded at the same time.
Shen Shi'an smiled and reached out to her: "Welcome to join."
Liu Fangzhou immediately cheered, "Singer welcomes you to join your powers." Oh, finally
there is a girl in the team.
Chen Nan and Tao Yuan also extended their hands in turn: "Welcome to join."
Shen Xun Mo's teeth wanted to speak, but he didn't know why he swallowed it again, and
looked at Shen Shi'an, holding his neck and smiling cutely.
After making sure that a new member is added to the team, everyone will leave.
Xu Ge made a request: "I want to go to a place before leaving."
The base powers are used to grow vegetables and fruits and crops are located in the
northwest of the county. The area is large and divided into several parts according to the
different crops. Because the wood-type abilities are usually taken care of by the ordinary
people, various plants grow very well.
According to information collected by Shen Shi'an and others, all ordinary people killed will
be buried here as fertilizer.
Xu Ge stood in the middle of the field, his eyes flushed, and tears rolled down: "I don't
know, I don't know where they buried Yao Yao."
She wants to say goodbye to Yaoyao before parting, but where are all the sleepers under so
many crops?
Green plants can't see the end. Only a ridge of a field did not know when a small clump of
daisies was born, which bloomed in the sun.
Shen Shi'an was silent for a long time, and she lowered Shen Xun, found a flower pot from
the space, carefully dug out the clump of daisies with soil and planted it in the flower pot,
and gave it to Xu Ge: "She is here. As long as you Remember her, she will always be there
for you. "
Xu Ge stared at the pot of daisies for a while and stretched out his right hand to hold the pot
firmly in his arms.
Tears were still falling, but the smile was bright: "Thank you."
Shen Shi'an led the child: "Well, whoever walks outside the city wall will be rewarded with
a watermelon and iced."
"嗷嗷 嗷"
"Shen Ge Ruisi worship watermelon is me"
"I'll have to run past that before I say it."
Xu Ge held the flowerpot and followed: Yaoyao, I will take you to start a new life.
that's nice.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 81: Chapter 81

Settings saved..
Since Xu Ge joined, the atmosphere in the off-road vehicle has changed quickly.
In addition to Shen Shi'an and Gou Zijing, the three male players are obviously restrained in
behavior and language.
It's not because there is not enough space in the car, the area of the off-road vehicle is very
spacious, especially the trunk space is included in the space, after the rear seats are
adjusted backwards, the free space is covered with thick carpets, throwing a few pillows
up, four people A table of Mahjong is more than enough.
When Shen Shi'an drove in front of Shen Xun while driving, Chen Nan's three were either
training or sitting on their backs. Tian Nan Di Bei Hu talked about all kinds of blind chats,
and occasionally told a few colorful jokes. They were all men anyway. Well, how can you
come easily when you are fine.
But when Xu Ge joined, it was quite different.
She was slightly inconvenienced because of an injured arm. So it ’s like driving a car door
and taking things. The men are rushing to do anything they can.
The entire rear seat was given to her alone. Others were deliberately separated even if they
were to sit. The rest was sitting on the carpet full-legged, holding the pillows straight up.
Liu Fangzhou also secretly found Shen Shi'an and asked for a bottle of body freshener. He
sprayed himself twice from beginning to end every day before getting on the car. The
windows were closed and the air conditioner was turned on. He had to sneeze and almost
threw him out.
Xu Ge was very embarrassed. She wanted to let everyone feel free and didn't know how to
speak. Shen Shi'an told her: "Don't worry about them, just be nervous in front of the girls. It
won't take long for them to be revealed."
And it's true.
In the last days, ability is the most important, who cares about you and your men.
It was Tao Yuan's turn to drive this afternoon. In the afternoon, he was drowsy. The sun
outside was hot and dazzling. The air conditioner inside was cool and pleasant.
Liu Fangzhou covered a thin blanket to lie on the co-pilot to make up for sleep. Chen Nan
sat on the carpet with his back door behind him, holding a flower pot in both hands to
continue exercising his control over the devil's vine. Bow-tie is no longer difficult for him,
so now he started practicing Chinese knots, spawning two slender strands from the main
vine, twisted and swayed in the air, and tangled and shuttled. Although it was a bit ugly, it
was better We can see the beginning of China.
Xu Ge was so surprised that he said: "Is this green chrysanthemum? It looks darker than
ordinary green chrysanthemums, and the leaves also have a layer of gold rim."
Chen Nan breathed the crooked Chinese knot in his hand, and nodded with a sweat: "It's
the mutant Lulu after the mutation. Brother Shen gave it to me."
This green sprout vine seedling absorbed a whole pot of spiritual spring water in the battle
of Noah two days ago, and was spurred by Shen Xun to generate a huge "sea monster"
covering the sky. After he recovered the ability and restored its cost to the size, Show
obvious changes:
Not only a layer of gold grows on the leaves, but also a layer of light gold on the dark green
vines. He discussed with Shen Shi'an and agreed that this plant should have undergone a
second mutation, and its power must have been greatly improved. But because it has not
been tested in actual combat, it is unclear how much it has been improved.
Holding this Devil Vine Chinese knot before and after a look around, Chen Nan himself was
quite satisfied, raised his hand and touched it twice to put it on the back frame for display.
The power in the body has not been used up, and some of it is delivered to Jiamu's head as
usual, and the other part is lost to the pot of daisies.
Xu Ge looked at the daisies gently and thanked him gently.
Take the cup carefully and take a sip of cold watermelon juice. There is a large pot of fresh
strawberries on the small table in front of you. To tell the truth, she is not used to this
"luxury" life in the end of the world, and then turned to sit in the car Shen Shi'an was by the
Shen Shi'an was looking at the map, holding a pencil in his hand, constantly writing, writing
and drawing figures. Shen Xun hugged a glass of watermelon juice and watched with him
beside him. I did n’t know if it could be understood. Anyway, it looked like that from his
face, and from time to time he whispered the city name on the map. Reciting two ancient
poems related to the name of the city seems to be more cultural.
"Brother Shen, are you planning the next route?" Xu Ge asked. She was two months
younger than Shen Shi'an, and she was simply called the same as Chen Nan.
Shen Shian nodded: "I have an idea and want to discuss it with you."
Detective Chen Nan patted Liu Fangzhou: "Ark wakes up, Brother Shen has something to
After Liu Fangzhou was awake, Shen Shi'an said: "Everyone must know that because of the
existence of mutant mosquitoes, we will have to find buildings to avoid them before dark
for a long time."
A new member is added to the team, and it is possible to hide in the off-road vehicle
occasionally, but it is becoming more and more inconvenient.
Everyone nodded, remembering that the horrors in Noah's Ark were sucked dry by
mosquitoes, and they were all shuddering: this method of death was too horrible, and the
degree of horror was almost the same as being killed by a zombie.
"Therefore, it is inevitable that the route will continue to approach the place where humans
gather before the end of the world. Considering various factors, I suggest that we choose
small and medium-sized counties as the starting point." Shen Shi'an continued:
"First, there are plenty of options for night breaks."
"Second, the county economy is more developed than that of townships, which makes it
easier for us to replenish supplies along the way."
"At the same time, the permanent population in the county seat is far less than that in the
city. It is not too risky to choose a county seat. It is more important to use zombies in the
county seat as a training method to improve our fighting ability, especially as a team."
"I agree." Shen Shi'an just finished, Tao Yuan immediately said: "I originally planned to talk
to you about this in the past two days. From the tobacco factory base to now, both the
zombies and the psionics have evolved at a fast pace. It's too fast. To reach the capital
safely, we must improve our ability as soon as possible. "
Noah's Ark made them realize the terrible powers of the abilities, and at the same time
realized the importance of team fighting. In the last days, the success rate of trying to
survive by singles is very small. As a group, they cooperate with each other. There are too
many areas for improvement.
Liu Fangzhou lay on the back of his chair with his eyes brightened: "It ’s the mobs who
accumulate experience value. I understand this. I have to agree." There are many people in
the capital and many zombies. There must be as many people gathered in the past. Such oss
are waiting for them.
Chen Nandao: "I agree." He just learned to fight with abilities, and now the most lacking is
actual combat experience. One day, he hopes that he can grow up enough to fight alongside
Brother Shen instead of always needing someone to look after the role.
"And can also accumulate zombie crystal nuclei by the way," Chen Nan said: "Isn't Noah's
Ark using crystal nuclei instead of currency, I think it is likely that large-scale bases will use
crystal nuclei as general equivalents for commodity exchange." It's useless to humans, but
the importance of the power is obvious. The reason why his power can be promoted so fast
is because of the zombies. Brother Shen has collected a lot of crystal nuclei in Lin'an County
and Golden Phoenix Hotel, but no such thing is too much.
Xu Ge naturally has no opinion, and Gouzi only listens to Shen Shi'an: No matter where he
goes, as long as he can be with An An.
Shen Shi'an smiled and lowered his head to mark a line on the map. "That's OK."
Choosing to go head-to-head with the zombies will definitely reduce their travel speed. But
now that they have come this far, they need to consider more than just arriving in the
capital. Reaching the capital is not the end of the last days. On the contrary, if the vaccine
has not been developed, the status quo of survival will only become more difficult as the
zombies and psionics have evolved more and more, and the capital is only the beginning of
their eschatology. After that, how to ensure their own security efforts to survive is the
biggest challenge they will face.
"The journey will not be easy afterwards," Shen Shi'an looked at the team members. "I hope
that everyone will be mentally prepared, but if we blindly try to relax, we will probably not
meet here."
He held up the watermelon juice in his hand: "My grandpa likes to tell students what he
likes the most when he teaches. He can live in peace and longevity. Hardships and
hardships are strong, which is also suitable for use at this time. Everyone, respect for the
The dog sperm raised his glass and touched him: "Respect grows stronger"
Chen Nan: "Respect and unity,"
Liu Fangzhou: "Respecting the fierce fortune"
Xu Ge: "Those who have lofty ideals will succeed,"
Tao Yuan slammed the horn twice: "Respect goes up against the current and survives in the
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 82: Chapter 82
Settings saved..
As the saying goes, it hurts your muscles for a hundred days.
Thanks to the effect of the Lingquan water, Xu Ge only took ten days to remove the splint,
and his left arm was completely cured without leaving any sequelae.
After confirming her complete recovery, the plan to increase combat effectiveness and
cooperation by confronting the zombies directly began.
The first goal chosen by Shen Shi'an was a small county town with a small area. The
resident population before the end of the world was only 20,000 to 20,000. It was just right
to train the team.
The off-road vehicle stopped when it was nearly two kilometers from the county seat, and
the road was full of abandoned vehicles. The off-road vehicle was impassable.
Six people got out of the car one after another, and Shen Shi'an put the off-road vehicle into
At this time, it was less than four o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was so strong that it
could kill people. The heat waves in the air were rolling, and the air conditioner remaining
on the skin was evaporated instantly and coolly, and it was ruthlessly burning red. mark.
Everyone did not dare to delay, and they used sunhats and sun protection clothing to block
themselves from head to toe.
Chen Nan stood on the side of the road and looked far away at the end of the road: "So
many cars are crowding on the road. It seems that after the virus broke out, the survivors
here are anxious to run outside the county seat."
"Why?" Liu Fangzhou was puzzled. "Isn't it supposed to be hiding at home under normal
circumstances?" For example, in his hometown of Lin'an, ninety-nine percent of the
survivors closed their doors and were afraid to go out.
Tao Yuan solved two ordinary zombies wandering on the roadside and found the answer
from an abandoned vehicle.
"Flyer," he handed the paper in his hand to others, "there should be a security base in this
Shen Shi'an took the paper. He had seen this kind of flyer once, and shortly after leaving the
city to embark on a journey, he encountered a man named Tian Yi and his family along the
way, as seen from the other side.
At that time, Shen Shi'an carried the family for a ride and kept sending them to the gate of
the base. If it wasn't for a wanted man in the base, he and Shen Xun would probably go in
together, and it would be a completely different encounter.
The paper in my hand has withstood several months of wind, rain, and sun exposure, and
has become thin and brittle, and the handwriting has been blurred and blurred, but the
main information can be barely distinguished:
The security base is located about 10 kilometers southwest of the county seat. They and
their team came from the southeast direction, and they should have missed it.
I sprayed the sunscreen twice carefully for the child, put on a special sunscreen for
children, and finally hung a children's kettle full of cold watermelon juice around his neck.
After confirming that everything was OK, Shen Shian stood up and took it out of the space
Five bikes: "Let's go and move on."
Bicycles were obtained in a mountain bike specialty store along the way. Everyone picked
their favorite style. Of course, other than Shen Xun, that store did not sell children's cars.
Put the dog sperm on the padded front deliberately cushioned car, Shen Shi'an put on
sunglasses, stretched his legs and sat on the cushion, holding the handlebars with both
hands to surround the child: "Sit firmly."
Hiking boots stepped on the pedal, the wind generally stiffened out.
Liu Fangzhou followed him with a dazzling look: He was also riding a bicycle with
sunglasses, so why Brother Shen could ride so handsome. From head to toe, even the little
tadpoles behind the head can't work.
Alas, sour.
After souring for a while, he suggested, "Let's collect a few more motorcycles in the future."
The rumble sounded like Mars, and the ride was more windy.
Xu Ge was beside him: "You can drive a motorcycle"
"No, but you can learn it. Tao Yuange will definitely," Liu Fangzhou turned around and
looked back.
Tao Yuandian at the end: "Yes, but it is not recommended that you drive, motorcycles are
not easy to handle, and they consume a lot of fuel. In addition, if there is a problem, it is not
easy to repair."
This is a problem.
Maybe in the future, the team can specially recruit a mechanically proficient person, or
simply let Brother Shen collect a few more cars at once and throw them out if they are used
The teenager was dreaming, and his party was only about 500 meters away from the
county seat.
Shen Shi'an stopped first, put away a bicycle, and rolled out a map on the front cover of an
abandoned car. "Ark, report the situation in the city."
"Hey," Liu Fangzhou gathered together and reported the induction results in conjunction
with the county map: "The total number of zombies was 6,752, and the number of zombies
was 2,313. The rest were ordinary zombies, no difference. It can be zombies. After entering
the city, there are probably more than a hundred. There are more than a dozen buildings
on this side. This community and the school next to it have the most zombies.
After all the specific zombie distribution numbers were marked on the map, the six men
briefly discussed the battle plan, and then began preparations.
The weapons of Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun are still long swords and tang swords. Chen Nan
and Xu Ge directly rely on abilities to fight. Liu Fangzhou clenched his long gun, while Tao
Yuan held a barbed stick and was still in short supply. The product must not be wasted on
the zombies. With his fighting skills and combat capabilities, it is more appropriate to use a
stabstick as an attack weapon.
"It's 4.02," Shen Shi'an glanced at his watch. "It's expected to be sunset at seven o'clock, and
we're trying to clear all the zombies before seven o'clock. Are you ready?"
Team members can't wait to get ready: "Ready"
"Then leave."
The crowd rushed to the county town at the fastest speed. The scattered zombies on the
streets did not pose a threat to them. After the three, five, and two were resolved, the speed
did not decrease, and they rushed into the county's largest area and gathered the number
of zombies. Most of the Molan Ting district.
The community is divided into four parts in the southeast, northwest, and in the middle
there is an activity square, about half the size of a football field. The green conditions are
excellent, and it is designed for residents to entertain.
Shen Shi'an and others rushed all the way to the square. After quickly clearing the zombies
on the square, he took out a speaker from the space and put it on the top of the sculpture in
the center of the square to start playing the Yellow River chorus.
Exciting melody was deafening, and soon, not only in the community, including the
periphery of the community, but also in the neighborhood, and the school with the second
largest number of zombies, thousands of zombies followed the singing to six people.
The battle really started.
Chen Nan planted the devil's vine in a flowerbed in the middle of the square. Liu Fangzhou
stood beside him, and the other four were responsible for one direction.
Devil's vine spawned five strands. In addition to one for self-defense, the remaining four
grew in four directions to cooperate with the players' battles. After the second mutation,
the devil's vine not only grows faster, but also more entangled. Under the control of Chen
Nan, he becomes more and more flexible. He stares at the legs and feet of the zombie, and
winds it for more than a dozen laps before tying the knot. One became entangled and then
the next, and soon all the zombies were trapped in place and unable to move.
Shen Shian's posture is extremely light and fast. All the movements of the zombies appear
to be slowed down in the mind as many times as the movie shots. The swords of the human
are united like clouds, and every time the sword sweeps across, it immediately flew out a
large skull.
Shen Xun started hard and heavy. Relying on the zombies, he would not attack him actively,
and rushed directly into the zombies to chop vegetables like chops and chops. However,
none of him was able to run.
Tao Yuan ’s attack methods are much more technical. The fighting skills that he has trained
over the years are very powerful. The stabstick is no different from the gun in his hand. As
long as it is stabbed, there must be more on the head of the zombie. Blood hole.
The battle situation on Xu Ge's side is the most magical, and the viewing is also the
strongest. Two light purple fire dragons more than one meter in length aimed at the head
of the zombie and ran out from the palms in sequence. The flames had not completely
disappeared, and the entire skull and even the chest were burned. The ashes of the zombies
have fallen down one after another, leaving only the dazzling crystal nucleus whirling and
rolling down.
Occasionally, a zombie rushed through the defense of four people, and was handed over to
Liu Fangzhou and the fifth branch of Devil's Vine. Chen Nan was responsible for tying Liu
Fangzhou to stabbing, which was extremely efficient with tacit understanding.
"Zombies are coming around too fast," Shen Shian distractedly checked the situation in four
directions, and said loudly: "Chen Nan, use vines to block"
"Okay, I'll be fine soon"
Chen Nan immediately absorbed the crystal nucleus to increase the power output. The
vines that were more than ten centimeters in diameter suddenly soared to more than one
meter in thickness and spawned more branches. They moved around the square in a
movement similar to the windmill, blocking the zombies. Outside the vines, slow them
The pressure of the four people abruptly reduced, and the entire fighting process became
more and more flexible. Shen Xun even stopped to drink a half bottle of watermelon juice,
then wiped his mouth and carried a knife, and continued to rush into the zombies and hack:
"嗷 woo"
But almost accident happened.
After naming the vines, Chen Nan focused on tangling the zombies' legs and feet to keep
them in place. For most targets, this tactic is completely feasible, but the zombies have no
pain, and after a long period of exposure, they have severely rotted. Several zombies broke
the bones of their feet or rotten the flesh on their legs. He broke free and dragged his stump
of bones towards everyone.
The others were okay, and after a little surprise, they quickly resolved the zombies.
However, Liu Fangzhou was picking his head smoothly, and he couldn't react to it all at
once. He panicked back and fell directly to the ground. Seeing that he was about to be
attacked by the zombies.
Shen Shi'an rushed to a sword in time to cut off the heads of two zombies. He held a sword
flower in his left hand and pulled Liu Fangzhou from the ground with his right hand. His
look was extremely severe: "What fighting skills Tao Yuan gave you trained you to meet the
zombie for such a long time or will you just hide? Don't rely too much on the devil's vine.
Life and death are on the battlefield. Any change can happen."
He didn't look at him after speaking, turned and returned to his place to continue the fight.
Liu Fangzhou was full of shame, but he ate a stubborn long and a wise man, and now he
never dared to take it lightly anymore. He clenched his long gun and kept on guard at all
Chen Nan also learned the lesson. Later, when he tied the zombies, he not only tied his legs
and feet, but entangled him into a mule, to ensure that they could no longer break free.
After more than an hour, the speed of the zombies' gathering was significantly reduced, and
the six men took a rest for a while.
Two hours later, Liu Fangzhou once again reported the number of zombies: "There are still
164 in the community, but it seems that they are all trapped in the house and cannot get
out; there are more than 200 on the outside streets, scattered. There are scattered
everywhere, and they are slowly going to this side; there are nearly three hundred in the
school, some of them go here, and some of them seem to be trapped indoors and there is no
way out. "
After another half an hour or so, all the zombies outside the community were cleaned up.
Everyone sat on the ground and waited for more than ten minutes. No zombies appeared
on the periphery of the square.
The first battle was a success.
"Tired is very tired," Chen Nan concluded with sweat. "But he \ 'm so happy."
From the outbreak of the virus to the present, humans have been living in the shadow of
zombies, lest they will become food for zombies. Who would have thought that they had
one day to actively kill zombies as a prey.
Shen Shian took the horn off the sculpture, and closed it into space after closing.
"It is estimated that there are still 20 minutes of sunset. Others and I will look around in the
community and find a place to rest tonight." Shen Shi'an picked up the child and turned to
look at Liu Fangzhou: "You are responsible for picking up the crystal nuclear."
Liu Fangzhou thought about it, didn't dare, and nodded honestly.
Tao Yuan left him a gun, and Chen Nan patted him on the shoulder. Xu Ge was about to help
him burn a part of the zombie's head to reduce the workload. He heard Shen Shian's voice
in front: "Let him pick it up alone . "
The flames that just emerged were immediately collected and cast a gaze on the teenager.
In the setting sun, Liu Fangzhou covered his nose and dug out the head of the zombie in the
Shen Xuncai looked over Shen Shi'an's shoulder and looked back at him, sighing while
sipping watermelon juice:
Little children, they owe lessons.
Just a few more abuses.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 83: Chapter 83

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an and others finally chose a snack supermarket as a resting place.
The supermarket is located on the periphery of the community, and the area is quite
spacious. There are two floors in total. The lower part is the supermarket and the upper
part is the residence. The front door is facing the street outside the community, and the
back door is facing the square in the community. Nuclear Liu Fangzhou.
Most of the items on the shelves have been evacuated. Pieces of candy, biscuits, chips,
shrimps, and the like are left in pieces, and everyone has not left them. They are all packed
and delivered to Shen Shi'an to receive the space.
Tap water can still be used, and the dirty part accumulated in the water pipe will become
clear soon after it is discharged. Shen Shian took the opportunity to store a lot in the space;
The doors and windows are intact, and they are double-glazed, which is definitely no
problem to block mutant mosquitoes;
What's even more surprising is that most of the cans of liquefied gas remain in the kitchen.
Depending on the situation, the owner should reserve it shortly before the end of the last
days, which is more than enough for two meals;
The solar water heater on the second floor can also be used, that is, the temperature of the
water is so scary, it is estimated that you have to add a lot of cold water to dare to wash it.
All in all, it is a rare landing.
Chen Nan and Tao Yuan were responsible for removing the shelves on the first floor and
clearing an empty space after cleaning. Shen Shi'an took the child to the second floor to find
things like bedding, blankets, pillows and cushions. There are only two bedrooms, and
flooring is definitely needed. Xu Ge volunteered to prepare dinner: "Our family used to run
a restaurant. I ca n’t say how good my craft is, but it certainly won't go anywhere."
After seven o'clock, the sun went down and the sky gradually darkened. Before the night
came completely, Liu Fangzhou dragged two cloth bags and finally picked up the crystal
As soon as I walked in, I collapsed. "I'm dead."
Tiredness is one thing, and more so is heat.
The heatstroke in the air has not disappeared, because to avoid mutant mosquitoes, the
doors and windows upstairs and downstairs are closed, so it is more sultry and abnormal.
It is almost no different from a steamer, even the tiles are not cool.
Shen Xun was too hot to stick out his tongue, his red face was covered with sweat, and he
had to stay in this environment for a long time.
Fortunately, Shen Shi'an was well prepared. Because there is a generator in the space, the
normal power supply has been maintained. He recently collected a large freezer specifically
for freezing ice cubes. The whole bucket of water was put in, and it was frozen after one
night. At this time, he proposed two Put the bucket on the side, and take out the fully-
charged solar energy storage board and a vertical electric fan slightly higher than the ice
bucket. The electric fan is placed behind the ice bucket. The fan blades rotate quickly, and
the refreshing cool wind will soon Everyone rushed over.
Liu Fangzhou jumped up from the ground, and Shen Xun and one of them hugged an ice
bucket and did not want to let go: "I'm alive again"
Xu Ge came out of the kitchen with a pot and bowl: "I'm ready to cook."
The others helped out, placing everything on the round table in the center, facing the cool
"I thought the weather was too hot, and I guess everyone else could not eat it, so I made
Liangpi and a pot of mung bean porridge."
In addition, it was accompanied by three plates of pancakes and two cold dishes: a garlic
patted cucumber and a white sugar cold tomato.
Everyone sat around the round table, each with a sea bowl of Liangpi, steamed into a
translucent Liangpi specially cut with ice water and cut into slender strips, adding
cucumber shreds and bean sprouts, sprinkle with peanuts, coriander and stir-fry Cook the
sesame seeds, pour some balsamic vinegar and sesame oil, and finally add garlic water and
red oil spicy seeds. Stir it back and forth with chopsticks. The red oil has a clear and
fragrant aroma.
Shen Shian tasted two sips, and praised: "It tastes really good." Q Springs Road is spicy and
refreshing, which is perfect for this kind of weather.
Liu Fangzhou buried his head in the bowl and couldn't stop, and took time to give Xu Ge a
thumbs up: "It's delicious, it's delicious"
Chen Nan and Tao Yuan also praised, "This is not good enough, Xu Ge, you are too modest."
Xu Ge was embarrassed: "In fact, the authentic Liangpi is repeatedly rubbing the dough
with water, but that takes too much time, so I made a simple version, which is directly
steamed out of batter, and it will taste slightly worse. a little."
"Not bad, not bad, not bad, this simple version is already super delicious"
"Let's have a Liangpi every day in the future"
Xu Ge laughed: "Of course I can make you want to eat, but it does n’t necessarily feel
delicious every day. I discussed with Brother Shen, boil beef stew at night, how about
eating zongzi noodles tomorrow morning. I ’ll compare on pasta I can take it. "
"Yes, it must be OK"
"My saliva has come down"
Liu Fangzhou began to think: Brother Shen is good at making southern food, and sister Xu
is good at making northern food. Will it not be possible to have one day of southern food
and one day of northern food?
Gaze quietly toward Shen Shi'an, in the end did not dare to say this idea: Hey, what dreams
do I have.
Shen Xun was busy eating and kept silent. He added two spoonfuls of oil and hot pepper to
the bowl. After stirring, the whole bowl was filled with red slices. While eating, he gasped,
tearing his nose hard.
Shen Shi'an couldn't stand it. He took out a paper towel and let his nose blow. "Will we both
Shen Xun shook his head: "Sizzling and delicious" and then seriously added: "An'an cooks
the best food."
Shen Shian laughed and poured him a glass of cold watermelon juice.
Seeing Shen Xun eating vigorously, Liu Fangzhou learnt his appearance and added a
spoonful of chili oil. The two of them snorted while snorting while drinking watermelon
juice. Their meal was particularly lively.
After eating Liangpi, they ate two pancakes with mung bean porridge, and the child covered
his stomach and leaned on Shen Shi'an.
Tao Yuan was responsible for washing dishes, Xu Ge went upstairs to wash, Chen Nan and
others moved the table and laid the bedding on the ground. After everyone was finished
washing, Shen Shi cut a watermelon, and everyone sat around on the floor to summarize
today's fighting experience.
Shen Shi'an took out a piece of paper with a table on it, detailing the total combat time this
afternoon, the percentage of mutated zombies, the number of zombies encountered by each
person, and the rate of zombies destruction at different time periods.
Tao Yuan looked at the watch carefully. "My problem is mainly the lack of endurance. The
attack speed is fast in the early stage, and it obviously slows down in the later stage."
Shen Shi'an shook his head: "It's not just your problem."
The total battle time is more than two and a half hours. Zombies are tireless, but people will
be sleepy. Long-term continuous high-intensity battles, not to mention the physical power
of Tao Yuan, will feel a bit difficult, even if the team can The ability to absorb the nucleus to
replenish the power, the physical fatigue can not be eliminated after a long battle.
The best way to solve this problem is to control the zombie's offensive rhythm, so as not to
rush all the way and consume too much energy.
Shen Shi'an turned to Chen Nan: "Can the Devil's Vine improve in control"
Chen Nan nodded immediately: "Yes. I didn't master it well today. The growth path of Devil
Vine has taken a large circle, and many abilities were wasted for nothing."
"I also wasted a lot of abilities," Xu Ge later said, "I didn't have enough precision when I
controlled the fire to attack, and I was easy to get nervous during the battle, and my aim
was lower. In fact, I just burned the zombie's head, but Today, there are always too many
power releases, and the entire upper body is burned, and the Devil's Vine has been
accidentally burned. "
"Precision can be exercised," Shen Shi'an said, "Isn't Chen Nanping practicing by controlling
the devil's vine knot, you should also find a way to practice."
Tao Yuan added: "You can learn to shoot with me and it will help."
The other people summarized in turn. The eyes just turned to Liu Fangzhou, and the boy
immediately bowed his head and acknowledged: "I have the worst performance today, for
no reason, I will run three kilometers more tomorrow morning."
Shen Shi'an retracted his gaze, let him be let go, and concluded the meeting. "There are two
bedrooms above, who of you are going to sleep"
Except for the dog sperm, the four shook their heads together: "Sleep right below, cool
There are ice buckets and electric fans. No one wants to run up so cool. Anyway, it's a shop,
just lie down.
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Then I'll follow up with Xun. Just shout if something happens."
Walking into one of the bedrooms with the child in his arms, he closed his door and
thought, and both entered the space at the same time.
The space is still spring, especially after comparing with the sultry outside, it looks cooler
and more pleasant.
Because the time in the space is longer than the outside world, Shen Shi'an is not in a hurry
to sleep, and plans to sort out the things collected during this time first, and then see what
needs to be added.
Shen Xun also followed him. After entering the space, the first thing must be picking
cherries or strawberries. Today, I do n’t know why I did n’t go anywhere. I always follow
Shen Shi'an, and the expression is entangled.
Shen Shianquan thought that he hadn't seen it, and concentrated on doing his own thing.
Until all the items were sorted out, and I was going to rest in the bamboo building, the dog
spirit finally couldn't help but stopped Shen Shi'an in the corridor of the bamboo building:
"An'an, you just don't have anything to ask me"
Shen Shi'an looked down at him, didn't speak, turned and walked to the reclining chair and
sat down. There was a peach blossom slowly falling on his leg. Up "

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 84: Chapter 84

Settings saved..
The child just wanted to arch into Shen Shi'an's arms, and he stopped suddenly when he
heard this.
The look on his face changed for a while, and he pinched his paw subconsciously: "Ann, you
all know"
Shen Shi'an leaned on a reclining chair, peering at him full of peach trees outside the
corridor, "what do you know"
Shen Xun's eyes dodged and lowered his head: "Know, I know I'm not an ordinary dog"
Shen Shi'an seemed to sigh and said slowly: "Do you think I'm stupid?"
"Of course not stupid" Shen Xun immediately raised his head, his eyes were like a torch:
"The security world is the smartest"
Don't forget to blow the rainbow fart at this time.
Shen Shi'an wanted to laugh a little, but put his lips back before bending them.
Since he wasn't stupid, how could he think that the child was just an ordinary dog.
No ordinary dog can slap big enough to understand human words. No ordinary dog
resolutely refuses to eat dog food. I have to eat three bowls of rice at one meal. I like sweets
without meat. I do n’t like ordinary dogs. A whole box of chocolates, the next day as usual,
fight with the sweeping robot, there is nothing ordinary dogs know that they may be facing
sterilization, after jumping up and down almost bit the iron door of the dog cage. The child
is careful, he will breathe, domineering food, strong possessiveness, superficial and docile
on the surface, bully the parrot in the back to give it seeds
There are too many flaws exposed by dog sperm.
Shen Xun looked pathetic, and wanted to get close to Shen Shi'an but didn't dare to
approach: "So, you just picked me home and found that I'm not an ordinary dog."
At first I was just skeptical. For a long time, he felt that maybe these were just the effects of
the Lingquan water. After all, the Lingquan water can even wash the tendons and save the
dying people. It does n’t seem to be a dog to open the wisdom. Incredible things.
After that, the dog sperm suddenly turned into an adult form, deliberately directed his
method of integrating the exercises, and showed amazing power, all of which only
deepened this suspicion.
Really convinced that dog sperm was unusual. It was when Fan Guoping accidentally
infected the virus and mutated into a zombie after the end of the last days.
Gouzijing told him, "Lingquan can save lives, but only if that person must be alive, and Fan
Guoping is no longer a living person."
In fact, Shen Shi'an knows that the spiritual spring water can't save the dead. The first page
of the Gongfa book says that the spiritual spring water can "living dead human bones and
bones", but the "dead" here must still be alive. Strictly speaking, Is "the dying." People who
have no breathing and no heartbeat, even Da Luo Shenxian, are lack of skills.
How does the key dog spirit know about the Lingquan? If not through the exercises, even
Shen Shi'an can only be half guessed, but Shen Xun can accurately say one of the limitations
of the Lingquan water. I am afraid I can never Explained by "turning on the wisdom".
He is definitely not as simple as an ordinary dog who has absorbed a lot of spiritual spring
Along the way, the various magical abilities that Goblin constantly demonstrated also
confirmed this.
Shen Shi'an stared at the child for a while, and he couldn't see if he looked faint: "I thought
you would keep hiding from me."
As a result, a big move was put in Noah's Ark, and I realized that I couldn't hide it, so I
pretended to be good for several days, and kept talking about it all day long.
Shen Xun was anxious: "An An, I didn't mean to hide it from you."
Shen Shi'an made an ear-wagging gesture: "Huh"
Shen Xun wanted to come forward to him, looking at his eyes, after all, did not dare, grieved
and sat down on the small bench: "I didn't mean to hide it from you, because I don't know
many things myself. I only Knowing that I was originally out of this world, I do n’t know
why I entered this world, and I was badly injured, and could only change into a larval form.
The mental body carrying the memory was also restricted, and many things I do n’t
remember. On the street The wandering was hungry for many days, and then you were
picked up by An An.
Badly injured
Shen Shi'an raised his eyebrows: "Why is the injury healed now?"
"It seems to be a fight with whom, but I can't remember who it is. The injury has been
healed, thanks to An'an, your spiritual spring, but the mana has been consumed so much,
all the mana must be cultivated back. I Only then can the cost body be restored and
remember all the things that have been forgotten. "
"What is your ontological form"
"Don't remember, but I know that I am as powerful as an invincible overlord in my original
Shen Shi'an snorted coldly: "Isn't the invincible overlord also beaten into a handicapped
little dog?"
Shen Xun pouted and muttered quietly: "Then I must have made the other person disabled"
Shen Shi'an ignored him. The dog on the street almost starved to death said he was
invincible. Since the larval form is a dog, the body form should also be inseparable from the
Not a world that is easy to understand. Various theories on multiple universes and parallel
worlds in modern science are inherently starry. Since obtaining space, his worldview has
been tolerant of everything. Furthermore, it is mentioned in the book of Gongfa that there
are thousands of worlds apart from the realm of humans, ghosts, monsters, and spirits.
Legend has it that the practice of Guixu Gongfa can be perfected, and then it can become a
fairy and rise to the realm of gods. Originally, Shen Shian was still suspicious, but now it
seems to be true, but the human aura is the least, and it is impossible to practice as an
immortal in his next life.
Does Shen Xun come from the divine realm and have something to do with dogs?
There were so many thoughts in his mind that he did not influence him to continue asking:
"Since many things are not remembered, how do you know that you can use the abilities of
Chen Nan and Ark simultaneously by absorbing the abilities of both of them?" By accident,
according to Liu Fangzhou's description, it was proposed by Gouzi.
"The memory in my head is messy," Shen Xun grabbed his face, thinking hard about how to
describe it: "It's like breaking a mirror, here and there, and rolling under the sofa, and can't
find it. But when I notice something, the fragments about it suddenly jump out. For
example, when I see Lingquan, I know that it is the fountain of life, and when I see a zombie,
I know it is a dead body. I want Liu Fangzhou Just telling the truth, what will happen is in
my head. That night I was anxious to save An An, and suddenly I remembered that I could
integrate the powers of other people. "
Triggered memory. It is in line with the recovery symptoms after memory impairment.
But what Shen Shian cares about most is another sentence: "Undead dead body, you mean
that there are zombies in your original world"
"Yes, undead mage summons undead corpses through spells to fight others."
"That is to say, those undead corpses were dead before they were summoned."
Shen Xun nodded.
That's not exactly the same as zombies. Zombies are mutated after being infected with the
virus, and they die of their consciousness, and their bodies are controlled by the zombies.
But if the zombie virus is compared with the so-called "dead spell", there seems to be a
subtle connection.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, "Is there a crystal nucleus in the brain of the dead corpse?"
"No." Shen Xun shook his head, and then said, "But the undead mage has a magic stone in
his hand. The magic stone is a very powerful thing in my original world. The wizard
releases the spell through the magic stone. If you do, you can increase a lot of mana. "He
should have been able to absorb magic stones, but I don't know why he can't absorb the
crystal nuclei, or he can restore the body early.
Undead mage owns a magic stone, and can control dead bodies through the magic stone;
A power zombie has a crystal nucleus, which can be used to control other zombies.
Is this really just a coincidence?
Shen Shi'an's expression was faintly condensed, "You said you wandered for many days
after you came to this world, and then I was picked home. How many days did you wander
Shen Xun counted with his fingers: "Three days and four days must not exceed five days."
"Apart from you, are there anyone else in your original world?"
Shen Xun shook his head, which he didn't know.
"If anyone wants to come over, can you shuttle freely?"
"It's difficult to travel the world. It has to be super super powerful to do it."
"Like the one who hurt you"
Shen Xun was silent, and after a long time he reluctantly nodded his head.
Shen Shi'an's eyes flickered, and his hands were folded on his knees, and he couldn't help
Shen Xun saw him not talking for a long time, and his heart grew increasingly frightened,
and he carefully approached him: "An'an, are you angry with me? I swear I have never lied
to you, I have told you everything I can think of You forgive me
Shen Shi'an looked down at him, his eyes darkened and he bottomed out: "If I don't forgive
Shen Xun stunned, then opened his eyes wide suddenly, and then suddenly rushed, and
rushed to hug his calf: "No, An An can't help but forgive me. You said that the world likes
me the most, if you don't forgive me, I, I wo n’t let go of An An. I promise to be obedient in
the future, eat more vegetables every day, and brush my teeth carefully in the morning and
evening. I will do whatever An An lets me do. I like An An all over the world. Do n’t leave me
alone. ”
The more I talked, the more I became scared, and the more I became scared, the two arms
clasped Shen Shi'an tightly and he didn't dare to loose them. One pair of eyes became so
anxious that two golden peas fell down.
After raising him for such a long time, it is common for him to cry with tears deliberately,
but it is the first time that he really cries.
Shen Shi'an was softened, raised his hand and hugged the child, and whispered, "I am
amusing you. Where are you, my son, who can not want you? I have long forgiven you."
The child held his collar, his eyes flushed and cried: "Really"
Shen Shi'an was distressed and funny, bowed his head and kissed him: "Really. If I don't
forgive you, I won't take you on the road, right?"
It is true that this little thing has not taken the initiative to tell him the real situation, but it
has never deliberately concealed it from the beginning to the end. Instead, it often relies on
the ability of children to solve various difficult problems.
The true identity of Goblin may not be known, but to this day, the trust, reliance, and
determination to protect oneself when they get along with each other are unmissable in
any case.
So far, Shen Shi'an has only experienced this emotion in his family and Yun Feiyang.
He hasn't had a smooth life in the past 20 years. His mother died prematurely due to illness,
his biological father has been separated for many years, and his grandfather has passed
away. Yun Feiyang is not close to his blood relatives, but Yun Feiyang has his own family
and ties. In the end, the vast world, but only one person.
Before the dog sperm, he was unwilling to keep pets, not that he did not like pets. On the
contrary, the loyalty and companionship of pets were the things he most desired.
But pets have a limited lifespan. Unless they keep only a thousand-year-old turtle that lacks
communication and interaction, it is just a process of repeating life and death.
The last thing he wants is to go through this process again.
Maybe a body is so powerful, trust him unconditionally, rely on him, like him, and turn into
a humanoid sperm to avoid such pain and tangles
Shen Shi'an looked soft and bounced twice on Xiao Xun's head behind Shen Xun's head:
what can he do without forgiveness, and the dogs he picked up, even if he sticks, he will
have to keep it.
Never take the shabu-shabu.
Take a hot towel and carefully wipe away the tears on the child's face. Shen Shi'an looked at
his eyes: "You must not hide anything from me in the future."
"Hmm" Shen Xun nodded hard.
"What you say you have to do."
"Brush your teeth sooner or later and eat more vegetables."
Shen Shian narrowed his eyes.
Shen Xun nodded madly immediately: "Uh-huh"
The biggest secret was spread out to make it clear that both were a lot easier.
Shen Xun leaned in the arms of Shen Shi'an. The tip of his nose was all his favorite taste,
and his heart filled with happiness.
Hee hee, An An is the best.
"That's right," Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered one thing. "Don't you say that you can
recover the cost body after all the mana has been cultivated? How long will it take?"
If he suddenly changes his appearance, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it for a while,
and if he asks it clearly, he will have the bottom of his heart.
"There are too few auras in this world, and it's very slow to practice, at least a few years."
The child rolled his eyes and said, "But if I can make a spirit spring"
Shen Shi'an laughed twice, looking at his eyes very tenderly: "You, dream, dream."
The two slept in the space all night, got up early the next morning, and when they were
going downstairs, they encountered Xu Ge coming out of the bathroom.
Xu Ge cut his hair. The long, thick black hair will now be close to the ears. It is not neatly
cut, and the hair ends are a bit messy, but it looks very comfortable and the soft
temperament is gone. Yingzi is cool and capable.
"It's too hot," Xu Ge said, embarrassed by touching Shiyan's eyes, "and the long hair is too
troublesome to take care of, so I cut it all short. Is it like a boy?"
Shen Shi'an smiled: "No, short hair suits you well."
Shen Xun stared at Xu Ge secretly grinding his teeth. When Shen Shi'an turned his eyes
back, he immediately closed his fangs and blinked:
An An, I'm super good.
At eight o'clock in the morning, the six set off again after dinner.
Since then, three battles have been fought, each time trying to control the number of
zombies to less than 10,000, and the cooperation between them has been continuously
improved, and everyone has benefited a lot.
July passes quickly, and it's early August. It's getting hotter.
In the evening of the day, Shen Shi'an and others arrived at the destination county. The data
shows that the resident population in the county is about 30,000. However, it is surprising
that the number of zombies in the county is less than one thousand, and no survivor has
been found. Several large pits were dug outside the county seat. The soil in the pit was
scorched and there were obvious signs of burning.
Tao Yuan picked up a skull from the bottom of the pit, and there was a small hole in his
skull: "It is a bullet hole."
After entering the county, the doors of the shops along the street were wide open, and most
of the materials inside were moved cleanly. Tao Yuan found bullets embedded in several
"It should be that the military has come here to collect supplies and incidentally took all the
survivors," Tao Yuan analyzed. "It is estimated that there is also a security base near here."
Shen Shi'an nodded, digging a pit and burning the corpse to prevent the body from
decaying and infecting the epidemic, which is indeed the military's working style.
"Since the zombies have all been cleaned up, everyone just happened to have a good rest
this evening."
Chen Nan turned out from a shop. "But this search is too clean." He found several stores
and found only a box of canned food, but it fell into the corner and was not searched.
Remove the mountaineering bag from your shoulder, unzip it and pack it in.
When he was about to carry the bag back again, he heard Liu Fangzhou saying, "Brother
Shen, it seems that there is a talent who is going to our side."
The voice in his ears did not fall, and a figure swept past him like a lightning, causing a
Chen Nan only felt that his hand was light, and the mountaineering bag was gone.
His face changed instantly: "Jiamu"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 85: Chapter 85

Settings saved..
Before the crowd reacted, the figure had completely disappeared, but the remaining leaves
were blown into the sky by the whirlwind, and then fell to the ground.
Liu Fangzhou: "He was so fast that he was just one kilometer away."
Chen Nan was anxious: "Jiamu was in the bag and was taken away by him"
Suddenly, he didn't even see what the pack robber looked like.
"Don't worry," Shen Shian reassured, then turned to Liu Fangzhou: "Can you sense where
the other party is now?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "Just in front, he stopped after grabbing the bag, now it is about five
or six hundred meters away from us."
The other party is estimated to be daring in art, and no one can catch up with him so he
didn't run far, but never expected that they were full of cheating figures.
No matter how late, Shen Shi'an picked up the child and "leave"
Shen Xun's molars were so excited that his eyes brightened: the broad daylight is long and
bright, the robbery has grabbed us, and will be steamed or roasted later
The team chased at full speed according to Liu Fangzhou's guidance. Chen Nan ran out of
the fastest speed in his life. The long-term training before the end of the world and the
physical evolution after the end of the world made him quickly, only Shen Shi'an in the
team could keep up, because Liu Fangzhou ran too slowly and simply carried him on his
back: "Where is the man?"
"Just in front," Liu Fangzhou lay on his back, feeling that his internal organs were almost
turned out: "Turn left at the intersection ahead"
Chen Nan gritted his teeth to increase the speed again, and immediately ran to the
intersection. He was about to ask where the bag robber was hiding. A tower-like figure
suddenly ran out of a drug store on the street.
The tiger-backed man is tall and big, the two flowers are full of arms and the legs of
ordinary people are thick, his hands are folded into fists and placed like a rattle, and he
screams as he runs:
Liu Fangzhou reached out and said, "It's him"
Chen Nan's eyes turned red, and a devil's vine came out when he raised his hand: "Return
the bag to me"
However, the devil vine failed to hit the target, and stuck a street lamp post after piercing
the air: just a blink of an eye, the bag robber lost his trace again.
"He didn't leave." Liu Fangzhou jumped off Chen Nan's back. "He's around us, but it's too
fast. I can't locate it." Wow, is this guy a Flash?
Is it not even detectable by the naked eye?
The cold light flashed in Shen Shi'an's eyes. When Shen Xun was put down, he suddenly
caught his hand in the air, and a tattooed arm immediately appeared beside him like the
intercepted aurora: "Ouch"
After catching Liu Fangzhou's great joy, he then said: "Brother Shen, be careful. This person
has two colors. I think he should be a dual system."
The words did not fall, and then the strong man with the flower arm showing his figure
disappeared again, and Shen Shi'an even took two steps back.
"He is indeed a dual power," Shen Shi'an twisted his wrists to relieve the pain after the
powerful impact, and a look of dignity appeared in his look: "If he is not wrong, he has
evolved both speed and strength." The ultimate power, the destructive power that can
burst out is unimaginable.
"Well," Liu Fangzhou suddenly heard a strange voice beside him: "You can figure out how
many other powers others have"
Tao Yuan raised his hand towards the source of the sound. It was a shot, but the bullet not
only emptied, but also deflected to another direction at an angle that was absolutely
impossible under normal circumstances, and penetrated the window glass of a clothing
It's like being bombarded in the middle.
"Ouch, I'm going," the voice rang again. "Brothers have guns."
Xu Ge was about to attack by sound, and Shen Shian stopped her: "It's useless, he is faster
than the sound."
When they heard the voice, the other party had left the place long ago.
Shen Xun found that Shen Shi'an quickly ran over and pulled his hand to check carefully.
After he found that his wrists seemed to swell a little, his eyes were immediately angry, and
he didn't speak at the moment. He dragged a Tang knife and stood in the middle of the
street. When it sounded the second time, it suddenly exploded.
With a click, a sole fell off the road.
The sound of "relying" sounded a little panicky, and quickly drifted away: "This kid is so
wicked and almost gave me the soles of my feet."
Shen Xun fiercely fangs: "Woo" lifted his feet to chase, but was stopped by Shen Shian: "The
other party has special powers, don't act lightly."
During the fight on the road, Chen Nan had rushed into the pharmacy and found his bag.
Shen Shian asked him, "How about Jiamu?"
Chen Nan held Chen Jiamu's head up and down and examined it several times, and finally
he breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's okay." He put the bag on his back again and tied a knot
at the waist buckle.
Several people from Tao Yuan leaned over, "What shall we do next?"
Shen Shi'an raised his eyebrows: he couldn't catch up, and this opponent was really
Turned around and asked Liu Fangzhou: "Is he gone?"
Liu Fangzhou shook his head and pointed to the right: "Hidden in the house over there."
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment, and gasped Dan Tianyang, "What the **** do you want
to do?"
After a long time, a voice rang far away: "I don't want to do anything, and it's not malicious.
I just want to find something to eat. I can't stand being hungry. It's my turn to grab the bag. ,
Give my brother a few reparations, or the big guys will smile at each other and make
friends with each other. "
He paused and said, "Will you make some food after making friends?"
Chen Nan was anxious: "You dream of grabbing people and you want us to give you food,
there is no door"
Shen Shi'an bent down and asked the child, "If he comes again, can you hit him?"
Shen Xun nodded: "Can" cut his hands first and then his feet.
Shen Shi'an rubbed two on his head and said to Tao Yuan and others: "Don't worry about
him, the sun is going down, first find a place to rest tonight."
They can't chase each other, but they really need to be anxious, and they will never let him
A group of people walked down the street, and the voice of the strong man soon rang again
in the distance: "Where are you going?"
"Can't you be a friend?"
"I'm getting along well with silver."
"Think about it."
"Just give me some food."
"Saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter."
"You said that you packed a zombie head in your bag and Kaha almost scared my soul out."
"It ’s okay to be a friend. How about giving me a bag of bread for an hour?"
Liu Fangzhou could not bear it: "You're so annoying, don't follow us"
"Who says I'm following you," said the voice closer, "I'm not happy that the road is so wide,
it's not your house."
Shen Xun suddenly ran out with his knife, the knife flashed, clicked, and another layer of
soles fell on the road.
The face with red lips and white teeth reveals fiercely: "If you dare to follow, cut your legs
Before the crowd reacted, the figure had completely disappeared, and only a few leaves
were blown up by the whirlwind into the midair, and fell to the ground again.
Liu Fangzhou: "He was so fast that he was just one kilometer away."
Chen Nan was anxious: "Jiamu was in the bag and was taken away by him"
Suddenly, he didn't even see what the pack robber looked like.
"Don't worry," Shen Shian reassured, then turned to Liu Fangzhou: "Can you sense where
the other party is now?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "Just in front, he stopped after grabbing the bag, now it is about five
or six hundred meters away from us."
The other party is estimated to be daring, and no one can catch up with him, so he didn't
run far, but never imagined that they were full of cheating figures.
No matter how late, Shen Shi'an picked up the child and "leave"
Shen Xun's teeth were irritated, his eyes brightened with excitement: the broad daylight
was bright, the robbery grabbed us, and we will eat steamed or roasted later.
Before the crowd reacted, the figure had completely disappeared, and only a few leaves
were blown up by the whirlwind into the midair, and fell to the ground again.
Liu Fangzhou: "He was so fast that he was just one kilometer away."
Chen Nan was anxious: "Jiamu was in the bag and was taken away by him"
Suddenly, he didn't even see what the pack robber looked like.
"Don't worry," Shen Shian reassured, then turned to Liu Fangzhou: "Can you sense where
the other party is now?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "Just in front, he stopped after grabbing the bag, now it is about five
or six hundred meters away from us."
The other party is estimated to be daring, and no one can catch up with him, so he didn't
run far, but never imagined that they were full of cheating figures.
No matter how late, Shen Shi'an picked up the child and "leave"
Shen Xun's teeth were irritated, his eyes brightened with excitement: the broad daylight
was bright, the robbery grabbed us, and we will eat steamed or roasted later.
Before the crowd reacted, the figure had completely disappeared, and only a few leaves
were blown up by the whirlwind into the midair, and fell to the ground again.
Liu Fangzhou: "He was so fast that he was just one kilometer away."
Chen Nan was anxious: "Jiamu was in the bag and was taken away by him"
Suddenly, he didn't even see what the pack robber looked like.
"Don't worry," Shen Shian reassured, then turned to Liu Fangzhou: "Can you sense where
the other party is now?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "Just in front, he stopped after grabbing the bag, now it is about five
or six hundred meters away from us."
The other party is estimated to be daring, and no one can catch up with him, so he didn't
run far, but never imagined that they were full of cheating figures.
No matter how late, Shen Shi'an picked up the child and "leave"
Shen Xun's teeth were irritated, his eyes brightened with excitement: the broad daylight
was bright, the robbery grabbed us, and we will eat steamed or roasted later.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 86: Chapter 86
Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an and others walked along the street for more than ten minutes, and finally chose
a Chinese medicine massage hall as a resting place.
The county's other materials, especially food, were almost completely collected, but the
massage hall looked like it had not been patronized. The six people harvested a lot of
mugwort powder and a full set of cupping equipment.
Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were responsible for moving things on the first floor to clear
up the space. When they turned around, they found that they were hiding behind the door,
and they were anxious and gritted. "Why did you come back?"
Liu Fangzhou looked up and shouted, "Xun brother came down and cut people."
"Don't introduce it, I said I'm not malicious. Let's sit down and talk about it, isn't it? You
have to be ashamed," the voice didn't fall, and I saw a small figure running upstairs with a
big knife. Down, his face disappeared from the door instantly.
Shen Shi'an followed the child and looked down the door. "He's here again"
"Isn't it," Chen Nan said, "I don't have any feelings about the flowers and strong men." He
said he wanted to sit down with us and talk about it. He just grabbed people and won't fight
with him. . "
Liu Fangzhou's face was grotesque and whispered, "Nang, your accent has been biased."
There is a big **** smell.
Chen Nan's expression was stiff, and he scolded secretly.
Tao Yuan closed the door and locked it, and installed a simple alarm device. If someone
breaks in at night, they can detect it immediately. Xu Ge said, "Although the other party is a
little bit treacherous, it doesn't seem to be too malicious to us, except to grab the bag." But I
only grabbed the bag and did not start. With the ability of the other party, I really want to
hide from them in the dark. If attacked, I am afraid no one can resist except Brother Shen
and Xun Xun. That speed is simply terrible.
"Be careful," Shen Shi'an said. "It is naturally best for him to have no malicious intentions. If
there are secret calculations, we must also be prepared. The ark will be responsible for the
vigil tonight, and make up for tomorrow in the car."
"Ah." Liu Fangzhou widened his eyes as soon as he nodded. "Here again"
The crowd turned their heads and saw a big face on the door glass, which seemed a little
fuzzy in the dusk that had already dim, but it was indeed a brave man.
The glass is a shading glass. The strong man blocked the light with his hand and touched
the glass for a long time, and suddenly the candlelight lit up, and then he met six pairs of
murderous eyes. There are two rows of small fangs in Goblin.
The "Boom" strong man jumped back in fright, two big palms covering his chest. "How old
do you like to scare Yiner Miles, in case this scares me out of trouble to rectify."
Liu Fangzhou lowered his voice and whispered a word, but because the strong man did not
hear it across the door, but because of the patient listening attitude of the crowd, he
became a little more eager to communicate \\\ '" Reasonable Yiner, as the saying goes, do
n’t fight or you do n’t know each other. If you look at it like this, let ’s let him go with the
wind today. If you do n’t feel happy, you need to make me apologize or pay me a favor
Suddenly the fire broke out, it ’s easy to discuss the four no. Everyone is a survivor. If you
meet each other, you have a fate. It ’s not easy to survive after the end of the world. Then
you have to help you through the difficult times. , But the ability is quite okay, there is
strength, what do I need to join hands, it is a sentence, as long as I can control the rice "
Before he finished speaking, a deafening buzz came from behind him.
The brawny man with a flower arm looked back, and a large swarm of mutant mosquitoes,
each with the size of a fist, rushed at him.
Can not see his movements, the figure disappeared instantly. The group of mutant
mosquitoes was estimated to be hungry, and nearly one-third turned around and chased
after them.
Liu Fangzhou focused his attention for a moment, shaking his head. "The mosquito didn't
catch up and he ran away."
"Well." There were regretful sighs in the massage hall.
After eating and bathing, they chatted together for a while, and five people except Liu
Fangzhou went to sleep one after another.
No words overnight.
In the early morning of the next day, the door of the TCM Massage Hall was reopened.
Shen Shi'an led the child to play two sets of boxing skills recorded outside the door. At the
end of the third pass, Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou just followed Tao Yuanchen's morning
Chen Nan panted and handed Shen Shi'an three zombies. "Brother Shen, today's food."
Then Tao Yuan and Liu Fangzhou each handed over three.
Paying three crystal nuclei every day was when Shen Shi'an first met Chen Nan, and Chen
Nan wanted to travel with him. Later, in order to urge Liu Fangzhou to confront the
zombies as a necessary condition for enjoying three meals a day, Tao Yuan joined, learned
this practice from Chen Nan and told Xu Ge later.
To this day, the team has just begun to form a large scale. The team members are born and
stricken together, and their feelings are long different, but the habit of paying three crystal
nuclei to Shen Shian every day is still consciously retained by all members. It ’s not so much
food expenses, it ’s actually more like a ritual sense after joining the team, to remind
yourself to cherish every day in the team, to work hard to improve your strength, and to
live up to the people who were willing to let themselves into the team.
Shen Shian put away the crystal nucleus, and her cold eyebrows were particularly dazzling
in the morning light.
Tao Yuan shook his head. "I met a few on the way and just packed up."
Liu Fangzhou wiped his sweat and continued to exercise for nearly two months. Now after
running five kilometers, he looks relaxed and no longer looks pale and shaky as if he was at
the beginning. But last night, I didn't sleep. After sweating, I became very sleepy. I patted
my mouth several times and yawned. After wiping away the tears, he lowered his voice and
said, "Brother Shen, the man is here again."
Shen Shi'an's expression remained unchanged. "Don't worry about him, go to dinner first,
and set off on the road after eating."
Yes. Chen Nan looked at a big tree at the intersection on the right and sneered. I didn't
believe you could chase the car.
Facts have proven that the flower arm strong man can indeed.
When Chen Nan inadvertently saw the familiar figure in the rearview mirror, he suspected
that he had hallucinations for a few seconds.
However, the other party immediately caught up. It was located on the left side of the off-
road vehicle and the rear door. The expression was relaxed and comfortable. He raised his
hand and greeted everyone in the car.
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly, and Shen Xun flung his teeth to the half-open window. Chen
Nan immediately stepped on the accelerator, raising the speed from 60 kilometers per hour
to 80 kilometers per hour.
The brawny man with flowers still follows the car, and even chats leisurely. "It's a nice day
Chen Nan tightened her brow, and gritted her teeth, I didn't believe this evil.
The throttle was stepped down again, this time directly increasing the speed to 120
kilometers per hour.
The trees outside the window were blurred into an afterimage, but the brawny brawny
man was still steadily behind the car, and even circled the off-road vehicle around. How
many kilometers can be driven "
Chen Nan looked iron-clad and stepped on the accelerator. The speed soared directly to
200 kilometers per hour. The trees on both sides of the road were completely blurred and
the wind screamed outside the window. Liu Fangzhou was lying on the carpet. I was
awakened instantly and felt like my whole person was flying fast.
Shen Shi'an stared at the still-sharp figure outside the window for two seconds, and patted
"Chen Nan" on the back of the driver's seat.
Chen Nan was startled, calmed down immediately, released the throttle and slowly
restored the speed to the original.
Xu Ge looked at Brother Hua Arm and found it unbelievable. "Is it really possible for
humans to evolve to such a degree? This is too scary."
"Actually," Liu Fangzhou lay on the window like Shen Xun and turned back to Xu Ge. "Sister,
have you seen a Hollywood blockbuster x-Men? There is a character in it who is a super
speed man. He runs at full speed. When he got up, the others were almost still to him. To
achieve this effect, I guess at least it should be close to the speed of light. "
"If you run so fast, wouldn't the friction with the air burn him to ashes?" Tao Yuan asked.
Liu Fangzhou "It is true according to known physics theories. Among the powers we have
seen, none of them can be explained clearly by normal physics."
Tao Yuan nodded in a sense.
The brawny man with a flower arm outside the window was still persevering in trying to
communicate, Shen Xun looked at him with a grimace on his face and raised his hand to
make a movement to wipe his neck.
Looking back at Shen Shi'an "An'an, just let him follow?"
He didn't mind jumping with a knife and chopping people.
Shen Shi'an rubbed two on his head, "Let him run." He was a little curious, how long the
opponent can persist at such extreme speed.
The sun is getting higher, the sun is getting hotter, and the hot air is getting harder and
harder to endure. With each inhalation, it feels as if the internal organs are scalded by Mars,
which is dry and painful.
Shen Shi'an closed the windows completely, and Tao Yuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot,
turned on the air conditioner, and the cold wind slowly blown out. The temperature inside
the car quickly became cool and pleasant.
A group of people lie on their backs and lie down, with different attitudes and appreciation.
Brother Hua Arm is running fast under the hot sun.
About half an hour later, Liu Fangzhou suddenly said, "He stopped."
Shen Xun stood on the back seat of the car, leaned on the back of his chair, and looked back.
"Hee, fell down."
Chen Nan's speed slowed subconsciously, Yu Guang swept towards the rearview mirror
The figure falling on the road became smaller and smaller in the mirror, his limbs flat and
Xu Ge looked at the others "will not be dead"
In the scorching sun, the asphalt road was blanched by the sun, and a dark gray off-road
vehicle drove past. After a few minutes, it slowly fell back.
Shen Shian put on the child's sun visor and hugged him out of the car.
A group of six people walked to the strong arm of the flower arm, and Chen Nan lifted his
foot and kicked "Hey."
The brawny man remained motionless and looked like he was out of breath.
Shen Shi'an stared at the "corpse" coldly. "Dig a pit and bury it. Put a few more branches on
the grave. He was also a decent person."
The "corpse" immediately turned over, took Shen Shi'an's feet, and looked trembling with
tears. "Big brother, give me something to eat."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 87: 87th

Settings saved..
Suddenly, the brawny man with a flower arm embraced Shen Shi'an's feet. "Brother, give
me some food."
Shen Xun's eyes glared, and he was about to jump down and chop people, but before he got
down, the strong man closed his head and crooked, and fell back to the road.
This time I really passed out.
The scorching sun was so hot that the asphalt road was scary, and even through the soles of
the shoes, a rush of enthusiasm could be felt.
Chen Nan looked at each other "how?"
Just leave people here
In this weather, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour to dry adult meat.
Shen Shi'an's eyebrows were twisted for a moment and then gradually released, and he
made a decision "Let's get on the car first."
Do a good deed that day.
Tao Yuan lifted his upper body, and Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou each took one leg and
lifted them into the back of the off-road vehicle.
The rear compartment is large in size, and four people are more than enough to set up the
table. However, after the brave man was put on the carpet, several people in the rear
compartment gave birth to a little bit of cowardice for the first time.
"I'm going," Liu Fangzhou put the man down and moved his shoulders back and forth. "This
brother is too heavy."
Tao Yuan succeeded Chen Nan in the driver's seat. Liu Fangzhou sat on the co-pilot and
continued to make up for the sleep. Chen Nan entered the back compartment and sat cross-
legged on the carpet farthest from the strong man.
Shen Xun rubbed his teeth against the strong man for a while, and the boss reluctantly said
to Shen Shi'an, "An'an, we must always take him."
Chen Nan immediately said, "I dare to rob someone in the broad daylight. Who knows what
bad eyes he hides, just drive him out of the car when he wakes up." He didn't believe it, and
the brave man really could follow They did not follow the way.
Since people have already fallen into their hands, Shen Shi'an doesn't worry about what
bad ideas the other party can carry with them. Raised his hand and hit the little magpie
behind the dog's head. "Go and bite him."
The dog's eyes brightened, and he immediately picked up the strong man's finger and bit it
down, then threw seven or eight spells on him with blood.
He brought it to you, so don't blame him for being rude.
Xu Ge carefully fed a half-bottle of water to the strong arm of the flower arm, and the
remaining half was used to soak the towel. After folding it, he placed it flat on the strong
man's forehead to cool him. "Shen, when do you say he will Wake up. "
"It shouldn't take long." In addition to the physical exhaustion, the other side is likely to
faint, and the most important thing is that it is high temperature, and it will be fine when he
cools down. After all, they are pure physical evolutionary powers, and their physical fitness
will never be worse.
When the flower arm strong man opened his eyes, Shen Shian and others were drinking
mung bean soup. Mung bean soup was boiled by Xu Ge last night. A pound of mung bean
was added to half a bag of rock sugar and cooked on low heat for more than an hour. The
bean particles were completely sanded, and the soup was completely integrated into the
soup. After drying, it was handed over to Shen Shi'an. In the refrigerator in the space, take
it out in the morning and pour it into a thermos cup, which is exactly filled with six cups.
The sun was scorching outside the car. Open the lid and take a sip.
The brawny man squinted and waited for a while, listening to the six of you, I drank in a
bite, I couldn't wait, I pretended to just wake up 呻 \\\ 'moan, and then sat up on the carpet
and stared Hold tightly the thermos cup in the hands of Chen Nan and others, "Oh, what are
you eating?"
After Shen Shi'an waited for Shen Xun to drink another cup lid, he took the lid and
tightened the thermos cup. "It's too cold for children to drink more."
Take out the wet wipes and wipe the child's mouth and hands, and then take the hem of his
t-shirt into his stomach to prevent the air conditioner and the wind from being cold. After
finishing all the finishing, he lifted his eyes and swept towards the flower arm. "Woke up"
"Hey, hey," the strong man nodded immediately, after having talked for so long, he knew
who was the main character in the team, and he was very good towards Shen Shi'an.
"Thank you brother for saving my life and getting me into the car This kind of kindness is
unforgettable. If there is any need for my brother, I will give it a call. "
As he said, he looked at the environment inside the car. "This car has a lot of space and can
turn on the air conditioner." Alas, it is really a big family.
"Since I got on the bus, I have a few questions I want to know." Shen Shi'an said.
"Despite asking and asking, I promise that I know nothing but a lie."
"What's your last name?"
"My surname is Bear, called Manshan, the bear of the giant panda, and the giant panda runs
the whole mountain."
"What is the purpose of you following us"
"I really have no purpose," Xiong Manshan scratched his head. "To be honest, I just want to
get something to eat from you. The day after the end of the world is too sad. I have n’t eaten
anything for two days, I ’m really hungry. Do n’t worry, I ’m not a person who wants to eat
white food. If you ask me, please mention that I have a lot of energy. ”
Chen Nan Lengheng said, "You don't want to eat white food, and you're ready to rob."
Xiong Manshan's face was embarrassed and guilty. "It was indeed my lack of consciousness
and foolishness. Don't look shameless. I was really hungry at the time. When I saw someone
in front of me, I rushed before I could bend my leg. Pass, and then do the most wicked thing
in this life. Brother, I really give you a gift here, I hope your grown-up will not remember
the villain, and can forgive the brother this time. I ’ll take it from you There is a bottle of
canned peaches in it, and I will definitely double it for you in the future. "
Chen Nan's face eased a little, but he was still reluctant to talk to him.
Liu Fangzhou poked his head out of the co-pilot. "Since you have seen what is packed in the
South Brother's bag, why should you follow us? We may have eaten the meal but not the
rest." For the sake of convenience, the six people usually only Tao Yuan and Chen Nan were
carrying bags, and everything else was taken into the space by Shen Shi'an. They didn't
look like people with rich food.
Xiong Manshan laughed. "I am a silver tiger, but I ’m not stupid enough. You are a group of
six people, including a child. Each face is rosy and shiny. I have been hanging around for so
long, I have n’t seen it yet. I ’ve been to people who look better than you. If you ca n’t eat
enough, you can develop a complexion that looks like me, and you will be hungry. ”
Several Chen Nan subconsciously looked at his face, but Xiong Manshan had too dark skin
to see anything. But the sudden hunger in the stomach could be heard throughout the car.
Shen Shian opened his backpack and took out a bag of cookies and a bottle of water from
Xiong Manshan.
Happiness came too suddenly, Xiong Manshan couldn't react for a while, "really give me"
Shen Shian nodded. "Let's eat."
When he finished eating, he said, "I have already given you the food. Do you just get off here
or do you have any other plans?"
Xiong Manshan twisted a cookie crumb around the corner of his mouth, carefully put it into
his mouth, and thought, "If possible, can I give you more strength together, I promise not to
pull your hind legs, really, want me What do I do, just rice. "
Shen Shian "We are going to Beijing."
"Okay, I'm fine. Anyone in the family is left with me. I can go anywhere." Xiong Manshan
smirked twice. "I haven't been to the capital yet. I just went to see what the capital city is
like. I'll leave everything dirty and tiring in the future, and I promise to do it properly. "
Shen Shian looked at Chen Nan and others.
Chen Nandao "Brother Shen, you decide."
Liu Fangzhou also said, "I listen to Brother Shen."
Tao Yuan nodded to Shen Shi'an from the rearview mirror, and Xu Ge also gave the choice
to Shen Shi'an.
"What about the opinion" Shen Shi'an lowered his head and asked the child.
Goblin wondered why it was unexpectedly pleasant. "Keep it."
He also has several blood curse effects that have not been tested yet.
Xiong Manshan knew he was done, and he was overjoyed, and immediately flew rainbow
farts. "Oh, this child looks so handsome. Not only is he handsome, but he is also very kind
and cute."
Shen Xun looked at him "called Xun brother."
"Hey look brother"
This "seeking brother" shouted so much that even Xiong Manshan was holding his own
after shouting. Oh, what am I going to do?
He didn't know why, after hearing what the child said, he shouted out of consciousness as
required, like a pet dog who heard the owner's password. In order to eat his stomach, has
he fallen to such a point?
Gozi is very satisfied with his hands in his chest, and the spell is so good.
Chen Nan's gaze towards Xiong Manshan has changed from faint to faint to faint to admire
the elder brother for everything he can do for a bite.
Xiong Manshan is ashamed of his bottomlessness, so he listens to Shen Shi'an Road, "It is
not impossible for you to follow us."
Xiong Manshan's eyes brightened, and he immediately left the bottom line behind his head,
"Really Brother"
"But you need to pay for food every day, thirty crystal nuclei."
Xiong Manshan said for a moment, "But isn't everyone else just three crystal nuclei?" He
heard this morning.
"Three crystal nuclei are internal price, only for the official team members, you can only be
counted outside the editor at the moment." If you can do it, stay, if you ca n’t do it, you can
go now "
"I can do it, I can do it" Xiong Manshan almost jumped up "Isn't it just 90 crystal nuclei
every day, no problem"
After a pause, I was a bit uneasy.
Shen Shian nodded. Looking at the burning eyes of the other person who jumped up
instantly, a vaguely unpredictable feeling was born
Ninety crystal nuclei a day is already a lot.
Shouldn't lose

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 88: Chapter 88

Settings saved..
As soon as Liu Fangzhou woke up, at one o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for lunch.
Xiong Manshan had been waiting for this moment, and he was so excited that he started
rubbing his hands, and the sound of drooling was heard in the whole off-road vehicle.
In order to ensure that he was not eating white food, Shen Shi'an emphasized again, "I do
n’t have much energy right now, I ca n’t run, and I ca n’t catch zombies, so I ’ll pay for it first,
and I double pay at the end, wait for me to eat slowly Ninety crystal nuclei are guaranteed
to be given to you before the sun goes down today, and one less you cut off my head. "
There was a gospel spell, Shen Shi'an didn't worry that the other party would go wrong,
and nodded in agreement. "In order to hurry, we usually have a simple lunch."
Xiong Manshan couldn't help but have two points of disappointment, but soon turned
around and simpler, even simpler, as long as he can fill the bread.
Tao Yuan drives, others eat first. Shen Shian asked Chen Nan a few people "what do you
want to eat"
Chen Nan thought about "Is there any snail soup powder I ate last time"
"Then I eat snail powder, the brand tastes quite authentic, and another duck leg, two
braised eggs, and a bottle of orange soda."
"Where is the Ark"
Liu Fangzhou turned around and put his head on the back of the co-pilot's chair. "I want to
eat instant noodles with spicy Chinese cabbage, plus two three sausages and one braised
Shen Shi'an turned his attention to Xu Ge, Xu Ge said, "I also eat instant noodles, kelp ribs,
and add a grilled sausage and a stewed egg."
Xiong Manshan almost looked at Shen Shi'an with a stunned expression. According to the
orders of everyone, he took out a bag of food, instant noodles, snail powder, quick-frozen
buns, instant hot pot, instant rice, sweet potatoes, chicken wings and duck leg ham sausage.
This **** name is easier to eat
However, even if there is instant noodles, I did not open the blisters. When I saw Shen
Shian took out a hot water kettle and a microwave oven, I opened the window and pulled a
plug-in board from the roof. And frozen buns.
by. Impressed.
Shen Shi'an looked at him "What are you eating?"
"Instant noodles" Xiong Manshan immediately said, "a braised beef flavor, a roast sausage,
a braised egg, a duck leg, and a few more buns." He wanted to order more sausages and
duck legs, but it touched the child's sight I do n’t know why I swallowed it and went back to
While boiling water, Liu Fangzhou yawned and chatted with the newly joined reserve
members, "Brother, where are you from the Northeast?"
Xiong Manshan shook his head. "I'm not Yiner of the Northeast."
"I'm an authentic Suzhou Yiner, and I'm in Niandi University in Suzhou." Xiong Manshan's
sleeves rose up. "There are two Northeast brothers in our bedroom, one on my right and
one on my right. Four years of college sleeping together, but when I was a graduate student,
I fell asleep with the upper brothers for nearly two years. Six years later, okay, this accent
will never come back. It ’s not just me, There are more than sixty people in our class
everywhere in the north and the south. After graduating from undergraduate education,
they all became northeast drops, and their mouths were full of big sister-in-law flavor.
When they joined the Northeast Villagers' Association, no one would be able to tell the
truth. Come on, Real Four is so magical. "
"Deideidei" Liu Fangzhou has a deep understanding of this. He has been with Xiong
Manshan for less than a day, and his tongue has been bent subconsciously while speaking.
Xu Ge asked, "You said that graduate students have been studying for two years, that is to
say you haven't graduated yet."
"That's not it. Seeing that we will graduate into the society and contribute to the
construction of the motherland, let's say that the eschatology broke out. We have four
bedrooms, and I have survived by my own life." Alas, there is good luck for everyone. It was
still good at that time, and it became a zombie or the soul of a zombie before noon, which is
truly an unexpected event. "I ran away from school and found that my parents were gone,
and then I accidentally evolved the power. I wandered around to this day alone."
Chen Nan forgot, four years of graduate work in the university just two years, "Mr. Xiong
"Gui Hangeng, this year is the twenty-fourth year, which is exactly the year of my fate."
Probably the surprise on everyone's face was so obvious that Xiong Manshan touched two
subconsciously on his face after saying "how, it doesn't look"
Liu Fangzhou said, "I thought you were forty-two." Suzhou belongs to Jiangnan, doesn't it
mean that Jiangnan Water Village is the most supportive, it ’s like this.
Xiong Manshan chuckled two times, "Well, that's a little bit grown up. Hey, so I am the
oldest among us"
Chen Nan shook his head. "Tao Yuan is older than you."
Xiong Manshan looked at Tao Yuan's baby face from the rearview mirror and was a little
disbelieving that "Tao Yuan Brothers, Your Guigeng" was at most eighteen.
Tao Yuan stared straight at the pavement ahead. "26."
Xiong Manshan was silent for a moment, and sneered again "almost."
The water had been boiled during the conversation, the sausages and buns had been
warmed up, the microwave oven was not turned on, and the roasted sweet potatoes
continued to operate.
Waiting for the instant noodles to soak is too long to imagine. Finally, it was finally possible
to uncover it. Xiong Manshan was holding the noodle bucket, and the tears in his eyes were
too delicious, on the one hand, it was hot.
It's not that he didn't want to slow down. He hasn't eaten anything decent for more than a
month. The aroma of instant noodles and sausages goes straight to the internal organs.
He ate quickly, and a bucket of noodles simmered with roasted duck legs, stewed eggs, and
soup with water. After eating three more buns, the others just picked up the chopsticks and
Shen Shi'an looked at him "are you full?"
Xiong Manshan immediately shook his head. "No."
"What else do you want to eat"
"Another bucket of instant noodles will not taste old sauerkraut."
Shen Shian handed him instant noodles. Three minutes of boiling water, three minutes of
instant noodles, half a minute to solve all the problems, no dripping soup left.
"Are you full?"
Xiong Manshan, poke, pout, "Hey, hey, no."
Shen Shi'an brought him a bucket of instant noodles again.
When Xiong Manshan started eating the fifth bucket, everyone looked at him differently.
Shen Xun, in particular, chewed the gummy bear in his hands.
Shen Shi'an more or less already expected this scene, and when Xiong Manshan dropped
the barrel again, he was calm and said "are you full?"
Xiong Manshan scratched his head a little embarrassed "No"
The words did not end, Shen Xun looked at him and said, "You are full."
"I do not have"
"No, you are full."
"I still want"
"No, you don't want to."
Xiong Manshan flashed his head, facing Shen Shi'an Zheng Jianzheng, "I'm full, I don't want
to eat anymore."
Shen Shi'an glanced at the dog sperm and warmed him with two boxes of quick-frozen
After eating five buckets of instant noodles, a sausage, a duck leg, a braised egg, three boxes
of half-meat buns, and two roasted sweet potatoes, Xiong Manshan finally rested his
stomach on the door and was satisfied. "I'm full . "
Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but said, "Brother, you have been wandering all over the place
alone, eating for a while and not for a while. Is it really because your meal is too large that
no base is willing to accept you?" It's so miserable.
Xiong Manshan scratched his face. "Brother, I tell you the truth, I did get kicked out by the
base because I ate too much. But this is not the main reason for my starvation. In the final
analysis, it is mainly because I ca n’t find anything to eat. This was the case at the base, and
it will be the same after coming out. Wherever I choose to collect supplies, I do n’t care
whether the supermarket is a restaurant or a food factory, either it is searched or there is
nothing to eat. Tell you. "
Liu Fangzhou is full of suspicions that it has been more than three months since the last
days. Collecting materials is indeed very difficult, but it may not be at all. They have found a
lot of food from small counties along the way.
With the speed and strength of Xiong Manshan, there must be no problem in hitting the
zombies. I still can't find anything
He didn't believe it.
But he soon believed.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 89: Chapter 89

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an replaced Tao Yuan after eating and drove northwards.
The destination was decided at the team meeting last night. It is located in a small county in
the northern part of province C. The resident population is less than 20,000. If it has not
been cleaned up by the military, it can happen to collect some supplies after the zombies
are resolved. Good evening Rest all night.
Shen Xun sat on the co-pilot, holding a huge thermos cup in his hand, and asked "An'an, can
I drink now" after the car drove a certain distance?
"No, it's not an hour."
"Oh." The child licked his mouth, tightened his two short arms and continued to hold the
thermos cup. His buttocks were stabbed back and forth on the seat. After a few minutes, I
asked "An An, can I drink now?"
"No." Shen Shi'an watched the road ahead and controlled the off-road vehicle to flexibly
bypass the two corpses rushing from the roadside.
Little kid, pout, pout, look away from the thermos cup, stare at the creeper leaves that Chen
Nan spawned out of the car window to block the sun, and say again, "An hour is up."
"How Long Will Duck"
Shen Shi'an leaned forward and gave him the penguin alarm clock on the dashboard shelf.
"I taught you how to watch the time, and forgot it."
The child took the alarm clock and tried to identify the fruitlessness. After throwing it back
and forth a few times, he secretly shoved it under the seat and asked "An An, can I drink
Xu Ge in the back seat couldn't help but "chuo" laughed out. Shen Shi'an was helpless, and
Yu Guang glanced at the child. "I can only drink one cup. The mung bean soup is not good
enough. The next cup will take another hour."
The child laughed so much that he couldn't see his teeth. He shook the thermos cup up,
down, left, right, and right twice, then twisted the lid and poured a full cup, holding it in the
palm of his mouth and drinking carefully. A loud "ha" on the back of the chair.
Liu Fangzhou chuckled and leaned closer to whisper to Tao Yuan, "I didn't know he thought
he was drinking Lafite for 82 years."
Immediately after speaking, I saw two rows of small fangs shining cold in the rearview
mirror, and sat upright. "You drink what you drink, how you want to drink."
Xiong Manshan chased the off-road vehicle for more than half of the morning in the
morning. He was too tired. He lay on the carpet to sleep after eating enough. At this time, he
was awakened by the sweet taste of mung bean soup. Brother, drink mung bean soup. Oh, it
smells so good. I can taste it. "
Oh yeah. Liu Fangzhou embraced his chest with both hands to show the expression of
watching a theater, dare to find the idea of brother's food, you are afraid that you have not
experienced the beating of society.
Thirty seconds later, Xiong Manshan was kicked out of the car and ran behind the car. The
road was scary and hot after the hot sun burned, and the hot enthusiasm ran straight up
the soles of the shoes. Brother, I know I'm wrong. Give me another chance. I'm going to
perform well. Hey, I'll go, this mother-in-law's even the soles of the shoes can be turned
away. "
Tao Yuan glanced back at "Don't you be afraid he ran away?" I ate so many things at noon,
the crystal core had not yet paid, and at this time, running the road only made no money.
"It's best to run," said Chen Nandao. "With regard to his meal, I think I lost a meal of fifty
Liu Fangzhou said, "I don't think we can run. Our food conditions are so good, the fool will
Xiong Manshan was obviously not stupid. After chasing the car for half an hour, Shen Shi'an
stopped the car and let him sit up again, not because he was worried that he was tired, but
because he was too tired to eat more at night.
At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xun had just finished drinking the third
cup of cold mung bean soup, and the destination county was in sight.
A group of seven people got off the bus outside the county as usual, gathered intelligence to
investigate the situation of the enemy, and formulated a battle plan based on the
distribution of the zombies.
There are not many zombies in the county, there are only more than 5,000, and about one
third of them are mutant zombies. However, because the total area of the county seat is
relatively large, the zombies are scattered everywhere, and I am afraid it is not easy to
gather them with tools such as audio.
"Group operations," Shen Shi'an looked at the specific number of zombies marked at
various locations on the county map. After thinking about it, he divided the county into
three parts with a pen. "We have seven people in total, divided into three groups, and each
group is responsible for an area. Meet at the door of the department store in the middle. "
Shen Xun must be in a group with Shen Shi'an. The two have the strongest fighting power,
so they are responsible for the central area with the most zombies.
Chen Nan and Tao Yuan are in a group. One of them can use the devil's long-distance attack
to bind the zombies, one is good at melee combat, and can also use the gun to perform
double long-range cooperation when necessary, and is responsible for about a thousand
zombies in Xicheng District;
Xu Ge's current longest attack distance is about two meters, which is more than enough to
deal with ordinary zombies, but it is still a bit dangerous if you encounter a siege of mutant
zombies. Therefore, with Liu Fangzhou's accurate zombie number and location information
at any time, so you don't have to worry about it. Sneak attacked by the zombies, plus Xiong
Manshan, a bipedalist, the three were in charge of Dongcheng District together.
The seven determined the group, arranged their equipment and set off, and Shen Shi'an
discovered that Xiong Manshan had no weapons.
"How did you fight zombies before?"
"Then it's usually to tear up directly," Xiong Manshan said, "or just kick your feet."
Shen Shi was silent, took out a stabstick from the space and gave him "try not to have direct
physical contact with the zombies to prevent infection with the virus."
"Ah, well, it's mainly because I'm fast, and the zombies can't react at all."
Xiong Manshan took the stabstick and waved it twice, "Ah, this thing is so good, and you can
give me one more, I am left-handed and can use both hands."
Shen Shi'an took another one, and after repeating the precautions after walking to the
entrance of the county seat, he spread out and rushed towards his area of responsibility.
This county is developed along the main road in the east-west direction. The area he and
Shen Xun belong to belong to the central business district in the county seat. Before the
outbreak of the virus, the population density was the highest, and the number of zombies
was also the largest, about half of the total number of zombies in the county seat.
The zombies inside the high-rise building cannot come down. For the time being, the two
people Shen Shi'an are mainly responsible for clearing the zombies wandering around the
streets of the business district and the shops on the first floor.
For him and Shen Xun, solving zombies has become a familiar matter. Ordinary zombies
cannot threaten them at all. In addition, zombies will not actively attack Shen Xun.
Environment, the entire cleaning process becomes more and more smooth.
The two indented in a circle, so that the department store was used as the end point, and
they just gathered with the others after the cleaning.
However, Shen Shi'an estimated the length of the battle based on the efficiency of the two
people. It is estimated that after they have completely resolved the zombies in their area, it
will take some time for the others to reach the assembly point.
After five laps, almost all the zombies in the central business district were cleared. Shen
Shi'an said to the children as he walked towards the department store. "We first clear out
the department store and then take a ten-minute break. After ten minutes, if no one else
has come, then we will support it."
"Hey" Shen Xun responded, rushed to the crossroads with a knife and easily cut off the
head of a mutant zombie, then shook his head back and forth, shaken the crystal nucleus,
and picked it up to Shen Shi'an. "An'an ,Give you"
After the crossroads, the department store was close at hand. Shen Shi'an had just put the
crystal nucleus into space, and when he looked up, he noticed that a person was sitting on
the steps at the entrance of the building.
Chen Nan, Tao Yuan, Xu Ge, Liu Fangzhou, and of course, Xiong Manshan, a reserve
member, waved their hands enthusiastically when they saw Shen Shi'an.
Then turned to Shen Xun
Shen Shi'an pressed his lips, drew the sword into the sheath with his backhand, and led the
child to "The zombies on your side are cleaned up."
Liu Fangzhou couldn't bear it. He jumped up the steps and ran to Shen Shi'an. He was
beaming with elation. Rushing with two stabsticks like a gopher is a wild jab. I haven't
reacted to what happened. The zombies have already lay on the ground, and then dazzled,
one within a hundred meters. The standing zombies are gone "
Xiong Manshan touched his head and laughed twice, his voice sounded like a thunder. "I
would just play casually, mainly with weapons."
Shen Shi'an turned to look at Chen Nan and Tao Yuan, "What about you?"
Tao Yuandao said, "After Mr. Xiong finished cleaning, he went to our side to help solve the
Chen Nan nodded his head for confirmation, and even looked at Xiong Manshan to ease his
face. In the last days, there is nothing more trustworthy than a strong and reliable
teammate. There are contradictions and contradictions, and he still has doubts about Xiong
Manshan's character, but the opponent's combat effectiveness is indeed extraordinary.
In other words, Xiong Manshan alone killed almost half of the zombies in the county seat,
and was faster than Shen Shi'an and Gouzi.
Shen Shian took out a bottle of mineral water from the space and handed him "hard work."
Xiong Manshan picked it up, and the big palm fan slaps back and forth a few times. "No
hard work, no hard work, everyone is a brother. Hard work is also a matter of hand-raising.
As long as I have enough food, I will go to my old nose, noon Huo Huo, you have so many
things, you have to work hard to perform well. "
Turn around and pick up a plastic bag from the steps to Shen Shi'an, which is full of zombie
crystal nuclei. "What, what's the cost of the meal today, a total of ninety, you point me."
Although Shen Shi'an looked calm, he did eat a lot, but at present it seems that the newly
added reserve member has shown the strength to match the amount of food.
No loss, no loss.
Put away the crystal nucleus, pick up the child and walk inside the department store. "Let's
go and see if there is anything needed, and try to collect it all before it gets dark." There
should be many in such a large place. Supplies.
Xiong Manshan stopped him suddenly, his expression tangled and stopped, "Cough, Brother
Shen, you may have to be mentally prepared."
Shen Shi'an stopped to "prepare"
"It is estimated that there is no food in it."
"how do you know"
Xiong Manshan scratched his head twice. "I said this to you in the car, but wherever I clean
up the zombies to find supplies, there is absolutely no food. We just rushed out of the
department store when we first arrived. I was killed by a zombie. "
Liu Fangzhou did n’t believe it at first, but he does n’t believe it anymore. “Brother, I think
you ’ve misunderstood something. The county we met yesterday did not eat, but that ’s
because it has been carefully searched inside and out by the army There are obviously so
many zombies here, how could such a large department store not eaten. Walk around, walk
in, let's go in and see, you believe me, the shelves are still full. "
The gate at the entrance was half-covered, and the door was pushed open to enter.
Although the sun shining through the doors and windows, the inside was a little darker but
did not affect the normal sight.
There were not many zombies on the first floor, and those who rushed out were all killed
by Xiong Manshan, and the remaining hand could be counted. After all the zombies had
been resolved, the crowd closed the door and walked boldly around.
The first floor is divided into two areas. The part near the door is mainly gold and silver
jewelry and various electronic product display cabinets. Going inside is the supermarket.
Six people walked to the end of the counter and stood for a long time under the words
"supermarket entrance". Chen Nan took the lead to break the silence. "What about
Looking forward from where they stood, a large area that was supposed to be a
supermarket was empty, as if it had been erased by an eraser, not to mention food, not
even the shelf containers.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 90: 90th

Settings saved..
Lying down.
Liu Fangzhou was stupid.
The supermarket disappeared so thoroughly that if it weren't for the four big words
"supermarket entrance" overhead, the ghost couldn't guess that it used to be full of shelves
and goods.
Shen Shi'an took two steps to look around. At this level of collection, he could think of only
one kind of possible spatial power. It is also a space power with considerable storage space.
Unlike his own space, the space power that evolved for unknown reasons after the end of
the world, Shen Shi'an has only encountered one in Noah's Ark, the fat uncle in the trio.
Because Shen Shi'an and others rescued them from the underground prison, and they had
jointly resisted the base power group led by the captain, Uncle Fat was extremely grateful
to them, and Shen Shi'an also got a lot of information about the space ability.
The storage capacity of space power is usually very limited. Take Uncle Fat as an example.
His storage space is only about five cubic meters. If he only holds food and drinking water,
he can hold a lot of it, but he wants to fill it with the shelf container. It's not enough.
Tao Yuan also took a few steps to observe carefully, "regardless of the person who
evacuated here, he or they should have been here a long time ago." The dust on the floor
tiles was obvious and evenly distributed, except that they did not see it. To other footprints.
Xiong Manshan came slowly behind the six, and was not surprised by the sight in front of
him. He even put his head on his head and said a bit of arrogance in it. "I said, I haven't
eaten it. Really, since the end of the world I have encountered such bad things in the future.
For more than four months, we have not even found a packet of biscuits. "Otherwise, I will
not be hungry to grab the bag, and I will have to follow it after I fail to grab it. Shen Shi'an
and others were together.
Alas, isn't it tears when he says too much?
Liu Fangzhou did not believe in evil, and checked the entire "supermarket" back and forth
four or five times along the corner of the wall, and finally gave up completely "rely on, no
sesame seeds left"
Turned around and scanned Xiong Manshan suspiciously.
No, he still doesn't believe it.
This kind of thing really can't explain anything. Ninety-nine percent are just coincidences.
Since the supermarket was evacuated since it happened long ago, there is no Xiong
Manshan, and the result is the same even if they walk in.
Not only Liu Fangzhou, Chen Nan, and others do n’t believe that there is such a “magic”
body constitution, and food is evasive everywhere.
so funny.
Liu Fangzhou glanced at Xiong Manshan who was completely sorrowful and sullen. He said
to Shen Shi'an Road, "Shen brother, there are many small shops and supermarkets in the
county, or I will go out with Brother Xiong"
Chen Nan said, "I will go too."
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and nodded. "I'll be back before dark, and we'll rest here
Chen Nan and Xiong Manshan walked outside the department store. Xiong Manshan
muttered as he walked. "If I don't go, I'm not here. Maybe you are more likely to find food."
Liu Fangzhou grabbed him, "Brother Xiong, you listen to me, you are all psychological, you
hint to yourself, suggesting that time will come true. This county is so big, how can it not
find food, really want to I ca n’t find my name from now on.
After the three had left, the door closed again, and the rest began to check around to make
sure the doors and windows were tightly closed and sorted out where to sleep tonight.
The department store has three floors, the first floor is gold and silver jewelry, electronics
plus missing supermarkets, the second floor is clothing, footwear, bags, and the third floor
is a whole layer of household items, including appliances, mattresses, kitchenware, Quilts,
quilts, etc. Except that there was no food, almost no other materials have been moved,
which is a good harvest.
Xu Ge was still a bit worried about where to cook. I did not expect that there was a model
display room in the home appliances and kitchenware area on the third floor to build a
whole kitchen structure. Houxi raised her eyebrows. "This decoration style looks really
Simple, generous, warm and bright, people will have the desire to cook at a glance.
Shen Shi'an walked over and looked at it. "If you like it, take it with you." The cabinets and
cooking tables are removable, and you can take out the cooking directly from the space in
the future. many.
"Really?" Xu Ge was surprised, "Brother Shen, you can hold your space."
"no problem."
The initial plantable area of the black land is 5000 square meters, and the maximum
expansion after planting can be 666 times. So far, the initial age he has used is less than one
tenth, let alone a display room. The department store is fully installed.
However, the items that can be collected were limited by mass and volume. Before leaving
the house, Shen Shi'an tried to collect the entire house into space but failed. The heaviest
thing he has collected so far is the generator in the book tube, and twelve mutant geese.
His technique has been advanced once since then, and it is not known whether the
maximum mass and maximum volume of the receivable items have changed, but if there is
time, it can be experimented.
Kitchenware and electric appliances are readily available. Before collecting materials, I
collected a lot of unused gas canisters. At this time, it just came in handy, connected to a gas
stove, and set off a solar energy storage board as a power source.
The number of people in the team has increased again, so Shen Shi'an is going to cook with
Xu Ge tonight, and asked the four people what they want to eat out of the space after taking
out a variety of ingredients, the most essential of which is meat.
Except for the mutant goose, the rest of the meat eaten by Shen Shi'an and others along the
way were frozen meat he had taken from supermarkets and shopping malls before leaving
the city of H. After that, because of the power cut off, most of the fresh meat deteriorated
and he could not replenish it. Over such supplies. Consumed for several months, there was
not much frozen meat left on the second floor of the bamboo building, so all of them were
taken out for a big meal.
Southern cuisine is fine, northern cuisine is mellow. He and Xu Ge are holding a wok, and
sometimes they exchange cooking experience or put tomatoes in the mouth of the child.
The hot oil is sizzling, and the tempting aroma is fast. Just floating inside the department
Xu Ge had a hard time cooking, "Shen Brother, how much rice do we need to cook?"
Each of the six members of the official team has a large amount of food. Even after Xu Ge
evolved his abilities, the demand for food increased significantly, so he originally cooked
about five pounds of rice per meal.
But now there is another Xiong Manshan who is stronger than six people, and five catty
meters is definitely not enough.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and took out a bag of 15 pounds of new rice from the space.
There is still a lot of rice in the space, but at this rate, sooner or later he has to consider
planting rice in black soil.
Fifteen pounds of rice can't be cooked in a pot. Xu Ge picked five of the largest rice cookers
in the kitchen area and put them in a row after connecting the power supply. It was also a
great spectacle.
Tao Yuanxiao "I didn't know we thought we had an army."
Shen Xun hummed twice that the army was not raised, and he had a bear, who was big,
stupid and super-eating. Is there a spell that can make people eat less?
When the rice cooker started to get hot, the darker the window outside, the door on the
first floor rang twice, and Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou finally returned.
The results can be guessed from their empty hands. Liu Fangzhou fell on the mattress all at
once, and his face was ashamed. "From today, I will be Zhou Fang Liu."
Tao Yuan asked, "Nothing was found."
Liu Fangzhou shook his head, his tone was bleak. "We even turned over the drawer of the
school's canteen. I didn't see anything to eat. Seriously, I think Brother Xiong is afraid that
there are three kinds of powers. In addition to speed, there is a debuff. Regardless of the
type of group attack, as long as you touch it, don't want to find food. "
What kind of luck is this to be miserable to this extent?
Tao Yuan frowned. He didn't believe in luck or anything, but if Xiong Manshan is true, no
matter what it is, there is no food as long as he arrives. "That does n’t mean we will never
do it again." No way to replenish food stuff "
Liu Fangzhou sat up from the mattress, "Yeah, what can I do?"
Shen Xun clicked and chewed the potato chips. "Just throw him away."
Shen Shi'an ignored him and looked towards the stairs, "Where is Xiong Manshan?"
Chen Nandao "I was not in a good mood after rubbing the shop. I said I wanted to be quiet. I
looked as if I was afraid we would drive him away."
The words did not fall, the door was knocked again, and Xiong Manshan returned. Not only
did he come back, he was carrying a bag in his hand. After opening, it was full of crystal
Raised his hands and wiped his sweat, his burly figure shrank like a little daughter-in-law,
with a bright smile and a flattering meaning. "What, I'm fine, anyway, I just dug back the
crystal nucleus." "
Shen Shi'an said to him, "It's hard. One half of it is yours."
"No need, no need," Xiong Manshan waved his hands again and again. "This is the result of
the team battle. Where can I carry it in my own pocket? This is public property. Brother
Shen, rest assured, I will pay you for the daily food expenses in the future. . "
Shen Shi'an nodded and didn't speak again, and put the crystal nucleus into space.
Twenty minutes later, all five pots of rice are cooked, and the last dish is also served. The
assortment of gourmet dishes will fill the cooking table with braised pork, steamed
potatoes, sirloin stew, and fresh and delicious Dutch bean stir-fry. Shrimp, brightly colored
tomato and egg soup
"Wow" The rich aroma successfully resurrected Liu Fangzhou's blood. "I eat so rich tonight.
It ’s so fragrant and fragrant. I have four bowls of rice tonight."
Shen Xun refuses to be outdone "I want to eat five bowls"
"Then I have six bowls."
"Then I have seven bowls."
Shen Shi'an brought the sweet-smoked sweet potato specially made for the children to the
table. By the way, he shoved two times on his little puppet. "You two of you are holding a
pot, don't stop after you finish, just go."
Liu Fangzhou counseled, "How embarrassing, I have to leave something for you."
Xiong Manshan seemed to be shocked by the dishes on Mantai. Now he was sitting beside
him for a long time, and after a long time he muttered to himself, "This damn, you can still
eat like this after the last days."
The aromas of meat, vegetables, rice, and soup are mixed together, and drilled like a paw
straight into people's internal organs, and the sound of Xiongmanshan's drool can be heard
on half a floor. Xu Ge secretly rejoices for the cooked rice. Enough.
Then, to everyone ’s surprise, Xiong Manshan ate only two bowls of rice, and put the
chopsticks down with great difficulty. "I'm full."
The other six took a break, and turned their attention to him
Shen Xun drummed his cheeks. His mouth was stuffed with rice soaked in braised broth,
and two burdocks were opened in his mouth. His mouth was shiny and shiny. While
chewing, he stared at Xiong Manshan for a while, then turned to Shen Shi'an Road, "" I do
n’t eat just because I eat.
Shen Shi'an smoked a piece of paper and wiped his mouth. "After eating, talk well."
Then he looked at Xiong Manshan. "Continue to eat, the meals are enough. This is probably
the last meal. It will be difficult to eat it later." The frozen meat has been completely
consumed, and about a quarter of the mutant goose remains. After eating it, I can only
slaughter it if I want to eat meat.
Xiong Manshan seems to have misunderstood the meaning of Shen Shi'an. He shook his face
and turned white, and the one and eighty-five strong man showed a pitiful gesture. His
mouth opened twice as if he wanted to talk, but in the end he said nothing, and went to a
large bowl of rice with the pain of the "last meal".
Under its super-combat power of turning grief into strength, in the end, all five buckets of
rice were eaten without a grain, and even the soup in the dish was wiped clean, as if
carefully licked by an animal It was too bright and reflective.
Putting down the chopsticks, Xiong Manshan covered his stomach and sighed. "It's the first
time I've eaten enough food for more than four months."
Standing up and bowed to Shen Shi'an "Brother Shen, thank you."
Then he turned to look at the others. "Although I have n’t known the big guy for less than
two days, and I ’ve opened a bad bad that ca n’t be broken anymore, but I ’m really scared of
you. Brothers are rare in this world. Great man. This kind of ending was actually estimated
by me long ago. Before that, I was kicked out of the base three times because of the bad luck
of this evil gate, but I can understand that eating a drop after the end of life is life. If I ca n’t
continue my life, In addition to letting me cool while I go there, it can be reorganized.
Brother, the green mountains will not change the long green water, I hope we have fate. "
"Wait," Shen Shi'an interrupted. "What are you doing?"
As soon as Xiong Manshan looked a little bit red, "Just, let's say goodbye."
"You don't want to stay in the team anymore"
"Of course I think, the key is it that you don't want to take me?" Then he felt aggrieved and
sniffed loudly twice.
"Who said he didn't want to take you?"
Xiong Manshan even said "No, then you said the last meal" is the last meal, do you have to
break up after eating?
Shen Shi'an pinched his eyebrows. "Since I got you in the car, as long as you don't have any
thoughts that should be paid on time, we will not drive you away. Of course, if you feel that
it is inappropriate for us to leave with you, You can leave at any time. "
"I do n’t want to, I do n’t want, I do n’t want to, I just want to stay with you” Xiong Manshan
could n’t help but sadly responded “What to eat then”
"You don't have to worry about food issues. Our current food storage is enough."
Except for the food materials that Shen Shi'an collected with dog sperm in the early stage of
the last days and that have not been exhausted, when he first met Liu Fangzhou, the entire
Lin'an County was rarely searched because of the existence of mutant zombies, of which
more than 70% were food He was packed into space. And since the strategy of confronting
the zombies has been formulated, they have passed more than 30 counties and counties,
and even if nearly half have been searched, the materials they have obtained are still very
impressive, and various foods have been jammed in the space. With two football fields as
large as grass, even with the big stomach king Xiong Manshan, it is conservatively
estimated that it can last for half a year.
Shen Shi'an Road "I'm not yet sure whether there is an inevitable connection between you
and the fact that you can't find food. Even if there is, you can be in charge of logistics
without participating in combat light when we have to replenish food."
Xiong Manshan's eyes widened "Yes"
Shen Shian raised her finger and tapped on the cooking table. "Are there any questions?"
Xiong Manshan immediately shook his head like a rattle.
"Then do the dishes and have a meeting after you finish."
Ten minutes later, seven people sat around the cooking table, and the lighting connected to
the energy storage board was bright and dazzling, and Shen Shi'an's map on the cooking
table was fully illuminated.
"If there are no accidents, we can drive out of province c around three o'clock in the
afternoon tomorrow. Then we have two choices," Shen Shi'an picked up a pencil and drew
two circles on the map. "One is along the provincial road Settle in the small county town
located in the south of province d. The county town is very small, with a permanent
population of about 5,000 people. The other way is to turn the provincial road into the ring
road at this location, and you can reach a small city called Shannan. The resident
population in the city is about 100,000. "
Shen Shi'an looked at others and said, "My opinion is to go to Shannan City. First, the city's
materials are more abundant. Second, the ordinary county seat has no effect on us to
improve combat effectiveness."
"There is a more important reason. In terms of population density in Shannan, it is almost
certain that zombies will evolve.
"There is only the last third of the way to the capital. Going forward, the population density
will increase to an extremely terrible level, and the evolution of zombies will inevitably be
"We can't escape the zombies forever. If you want to challenge, Shannan is the best

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 91: Chapter 91

Settings saved..
At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, the fiery sun was still hanging high above the
head. The heat waves evaporating from the ground continued, and even the vision became
On the roof of a seven-story commercial building near the Third Ring Road in Shannan City,
Liu Fangzhou lay in the shadow of the building to extend the inductive range to the extreme
along a line, and slowly moved clockwise. A number was reported again a moment later.
"Two thousand eight hundred and two."
Shen Shi'an marked this number on the unfolded map of Shannan City. Shen Xun, who was
sitting next to him, stretched out his finger and poked a few times on the calculator. The
result was "31372."
Within two kilometers of the crowd, the total number of zombies was 31,372. This includes
more than 16,000 mutant zombies, as well as a power zombies.
Of course, this number is not the total number of zombies in Shannan City.The area of
Shannan City is much larger than the counties they passed by.However, Liu Fangzhou's
power can only be sensed within two kilometers when scanning in the form of rays. The
situation ca n’t cover the entire city, so after driving around the ring road for several times,
they finally chose the battle base here. There is still some distance from the city center with
the highest density of zombies, and the zombie with the ability It is also in Liu Fangzhou's
sensing range.
Shen Shi'an used a red pen to draw a circle on the map, and once again confirmed to Liu
Fangzhou the location of the power zombie "Are you sure it is here?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded "OK, it is about 1.5 kilometers away from us, so far it has not moved."
The teenager's face was a little pale, not only because of the continuous consumption of a
lot of powers, but also because of the dense light layer in the sensing range, which could
hardly find any gaps. Since the end of the last days, he has seen so many zombies for the
first time. . If this comes all over, I'm afraid I can bite myself into scum in an instant.
He had probably made an estimate when driving around before. Shannan had a resident
population of 100,000 and at least 70,000 zombies. The zombies they have dealt with are in
their early seventies at most, and they still have no power zombies.
There are no power zombies, the lethality of zombies is very different.
Fortunately, they were not going to clean up all the zombies in Shannan.
Seven people sat in a circle around the map in the shadow of the building. Shen Shi'an
repeated the consensus reached during the meeting last night. "Our goal this time is only
one, and that is to kill the power zombies. If we can achieve this goal, If so, then get as many
zombies and materials as possible on this basis. The time limit I set for this operation is
three days. If within three days we ca n’t resolve the power zombies, then the whole The
officer immediately evacuated. Any questions? "
Everyone shook their heads. "No."
Shen Shian looked at Liu Fangzhou. "Ark, according to your induction results, first
introduce the situation of the power zombies, the more detailed the better."
"Ah." Liu Fangzhou moved to the middle, picked up his pencil and pointed at the red circle
on the map. "There is only one zombie in Shannan City. Within this circle, from the height, it
should be in direct contact with the ground. , But I'm not sure whether it is outside or
inside the building. The zombie surrounding it is about 20,000, of which the mutant
zombies account for half. This mutant zombies is estimated to be very powerful, and its
light mass volume It's big and the brightness is particularly high. "
Shen Shian asked, "How does it compare to the zombies we encountered in Lin'an County
and the base of the tobacco factory?"
"It's about twice the power zombies in Lin'an County. It's about the same as the one at the
tobacco factory base. By the way, its light group color is red."
Except for Xiong Manshan, the other five subconsciously looked at Xu Ge. Xu Ge said, "That
is to say, this zombie's ability is probably also related to fire."
Liu Fangzhou nodded "I think it is very likely." The relationship between the power and the
color of the light group is traceable. For example, Chen Nan is a wooden power, his color of
the light group is green, the one in Lin'an County A zombie is a wind power, and its light
group color is cyan. The chief mate Yang Xueqiu in Noah's Ark is a water power, and the
light group color is light blue. Of course, this kind of regularity can't be applied every time.
For example, what Shen's golden light group and Xun's dark black block represent, he
hasn't figured it out yet.
Knowing one's confidants is endless, and it is probably good news for everyone to
determine the scope of the power zombie, but it does not mean that the task will be much
Shen Shi'an looked at the team members "Do any of you have ever dealt directly with the
power zombies?"
The negative answers of Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were expected. Tao Yuan only saw the
zombies from afar. Xu Ge didn't know that zombies would have abilities before joining the
team. Xiong Manshan solved the zombies by speed, or Either the war runs or it is estimated
that he has no idea even if he has encountered the power zombies.
In summary, no one has ever fought with the power zombies.
Shen Shi'an looked dignified. "Zombies are terrible. This horror lies not only in its abilities,
but also in its evolution of wisdom, but also in its manipulation of other zombies, which is
absolute and real-time. Once they fight, All zombies controlled by it will automatically
become a whole, and tactics will be changed at any time according to the orders of the
power zombies, and no zombies will resist the orders of the power zombies. "
"Lying down, shadows, \\\ 'body." Liu Fangzhou exclaimed.
"It can be understood. It is not difficult to solve the problem of zombies alone. The key lies
in the zombie army controlled by it. The zombies I encountered in Lin'an County can
control about 10,000 zombies, and the tobacco factory base There are as many as 80,000
zombies around, of course, these 80,000 zombies may not be all under its control, but we
must make the worst plan possible. The goal we have to deal with can command the entire
zombies in Shannan City. . "
Even if the zombies are too far away, there are 30,000 zombies within two kilometers. At
least 30,000 zombies can be resisted by the zombie tide led by the power zombies. Who can
resist it?
Even Shen Shi'an, who was promoted to the second level by the exercises, did not have this
"So I must emphasize it again," Shen Shi'an Road. "In this mission, everything is based on
one's own safety. It must not be taken lightly under any circumstances. I want to let
everyone accumulate the experience of fighting zombies, not let everyone Death in vain.
Whenever necessary, I may take special measures to take everyone out of here. "For
example, stunned before retreating into space.
The considerations have been emphasized, and the next step is to discuss the battle plan.
Chen Nan first said, "I think it is best to kill a zombie if you want to solve the power
zombies. If you fail to kill the target and expose our location, the other party is expected to
direct the zombie army to surround us."
Liu Fangzhou looked at Xiong Manshan. "Hey Xiong, aren't you super fast at killing
zombies? Can you kill Xiaohong before he reacts?"
Xiong Manshan accepted the nickname "Little Red" very smoothly, but his face was a little
embarrassed. "I have the biggest limitation on this power. I run fast, so there must be some
place for me to run. Is it surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, three laps and three
laps, and the road to it is blocked? I ca n’t rush in even if it ’s fast. ”If the number of zombies
is smaller, the density will be smaller. It ’s okay to say a little lower, they just hit them.
"Ah, this is also true." Liu Fangzhou said, "If you accidentally get scratched by a zombie nail
or something, it's over."
Shen Shi'an looked to Tao Yuan "Is there a way to sniper from here?"
"Yes, but there are two difficulties." Tao Yuan observed the map carefully and thought for a
moment. "First, if the power zombies are hiding in the building, there is no way to
guarantee the sniper's vision. Second, even the power zombies Outside the building, I don't
know what it looks like. "
If the zombies do not expose their abilities, they look almost the same as the mutated
zombies. It is almost impossible to accurately identify which of the tens of thousands of
zombies is the target. At present, everyone can only distinguish Xiao Hong from other
zombies through Liu Fangzhou's ability, but even Liu Fangzhou has not seen Xiao Hong's
true appearance. In his mind, they are just a ball of red and bright light.
Shen Shi'an turned to Liu Fangzhou. "If I give you a telescope, can you combine the visual
and the sensed pictures to confirm which one is Xiaohong?"
Liu Fangzhou shook his head. "There is no way to confirm that there are too many zombies.
The area around Xiao Hong is almost a light group pressing against the white point of the
light group. It is too dense and squeezes all together. I can try to squeeze the suspect of Red
as much as possible. The scope is narrowed, but it is too difficult to be specific to a zombie.
The discussion was once again deadlocked. When the team members turned to find other
possibilities, Shen Xun suddenly yanked Shen Shi'an's sleeve and whispered in his ear,
"An'an, I can carry a knife and go straight to cut the little red duck." Anyway, the zombie
would not take the initiative. Attack him.
Shen Shi'an looked at him "Have you ever fought with the power zombies"
The child shook his head.
"Then how can you be sure that the power zombies are also not interested in you?" If the
power zombies realize that he is special and attack him, the goblins will be trapped in the
tens of thousands of zombies instantly. Shen Shi'an could not let him take this risk.
But Shen Xun's interruption made Shen Shi'an think of another method. "Ark, does your
power only sense living things?"
"What about Chen Nan's devil vine?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded "Yes, Nange ’s devil Fujii is usually a small green light group if it is
not spawned. It is very similar to Nange himself. Since the last time he made a second
mutation in Noah's Ark, he also brought a little Gold; if the spawn becomes particularly
long, it is a green line of gold. The longer the devil vine grows, the longer the line. "
"That is to say, you can sense it in real time according to the shape of the devil vine."
Shen Shi'an asked again, "What if the Devil Vine entangles a zombie?"
There were zombies under the commercial building where everyone was. Chen Nan
directly gave birth to a devil vine climbing down the wall and tied one up. Liu Fangzhou
immediately said, "A gray line surrounds the gray light group representing the zombies."
Xu Ge laughed. "I seem to know what Brother Shen wants to do."
Combining Liu Fangzhou's and Chen Nan's abilities, let Liu Fangzhou be Chen Nan's eyes,
guide the devil vine to the position of the power zombies, and bind the power zombies.
"During the devil vine's journey, you can continuously correct the position according to the
instructions of the ark. As long as the green and gold lines representing the devil vine are
entangled in the red light group, it means that the correct target was successfully
captured." It is related to fire, then it is estimated that the Devil Vine can't hold it for a long
time after binding it, so you need to choose a high point in advance to set up a sniper \\\
'gun. Once you confirm the devil vine's binding object, immediately carry out a sniper. "
This method is actually the last time in the Noah's Ark, Shen Xun combined the effects of
Chen Nan and Liu Ark's abilities. It is of course possible for Shen Xun to do this, but since
the purpose of this trip is to accumulate experience, naturally it is necessary to strengthen
the tacit understanding and cooperation between the players.
Chen Nan's eyes lighted after listening "I think this method works"
The method is indeed feasible, but the success of Tao Yuan's three requires extremely high
degree of cooperation.
In order to attack the target as accurately as possible, Shen Shi'an took Liu Fangzhou with a
piece of paper. A red star was drawn in the middle of the paper to represent the power
zombie Xiaohong. Let him use Xiaohong as a reference and mark the distance Xiaohong in
detail. The specific locations of two hundred zombies that may have been mistaken for
Xiaohong recently.
For Chen Nandao, "If Xiaohong is outside the building, once the target is tied, you must
immediately speed up the power output, try to entangle it as tightly as possible, extend the
time to limit its action as much as possible, and fight for Tao Yuan. Opportunity; if Xiao
Hong is inside the building, you must drag it out as fast as possible to ensure that Tao
Yuan's sniper vision is unobstructed. "
After listening to Shen Shian's explanation of the specific process, the three Chen Nan
practiced a few times with the mutant zombies downstairs, except for the first time the
wrong object was bundled, and the other five were all successful.
Ten minutes later, Tao Yuan took his gun and short-range communicator to find a suitable
vantage point on the top of the building next to him. He was lying on his back, lying on his
back with the gun on his shoulders, his eyes close to the scope, and after confirming that his
vision was clear, he held the communicator. "Sniper \ 'hand in place."
On the top of another building twenty meters away, Shen Shi'an "started" with Chen Nan's
The ability continued to output, and the devil's vine branches and leaves stretched and
grew rapidly. It didn't take long after climbing along the wall to the ground, and then
disappeared into the soil of a flower bed and completely penetrated the ground.
Liu Fangzhou combined with the images he sensed to show him the way on the map "Yes,
keep going, you now go straight through this neighborhood on this road, then turn left and
continue to move forward"
The red circle, which is 1.5 kilometers away from everyone's location, is just around the
corner. Chen Nan stopped temporarily when there are dozens of meters away from the red
circle. In case, in order to absorb the crystal nucleus, the power will be returned to its full
state. Liu Fangzhou took the hand-drawn, more detailed and specific zombie distribution
map, and said to Chen Nandao, "I'm starting. Come on, the devil vine continues to move
forward, okay, you are now on the far side of the zombies' feet , Continue to move forward,
slow down, don't worry, okay, after passing two zombies, slightly to the right, okay
continue to move forward "
The red star representing the location of the power zombies was densely stacked with
more than a dozen zombies. It was impossible to distinguish them. Chen Nan could only
manipulate the devil vine to quietly expose the ground and try to tie two to his leg one by
And Tao Yuan's vision did not see the devil vine emerging from the ground, which means
that the mutant zombie is indoors.
"It's wrong, it's not this," Liu Fangzhou crossed out a point on the paper again. "Go on. It's
not this either. I caught it one more time."
The boy suddenly widened his eyes, "Caught, caught, caught, it's this Nan brother hurry up
and tie"
Without his reminder, as early as when he shouted the first sound, Chen Nan had entered
the power into the devil's vine root system without any reservation, and dragged the prey
out at the fastest speed.
Tao Yuan held his breath, and the building door in the sight of the sight could already see a
significant commotion in the zombie group. Holding the gun handle in his left hand, the
index finger of his right hand was loosely placed on the trigger. As soon as the target bound
by the devil vine appeared, The bullet can penetrate the opponent's head in an instant.
Just then, Chen Nan exclaimed "grass" in the headset
Tao Yuan's heart was tight.
On the top of the other side, Chen Nan, who was about to drag Xiaohong out, suddenly
turned pale, gritted his teeth and sweared twice, while absorbing the nucleus of the
zombies, while collecting the devil vine as fast as possible to restore the original Devil vines
of all sizes are bitten by something and cut off from the stems. Half of the branches and
leaves disappear. The fractures are black and red, with a strong roasting atmosphere.
All the abilities of Chen Nan were condensed in the Devil's Vine. The Devil's Vine was
suddenly severely damaged, and even Chen Nan was affected. His body shook twice and
almost fell.
Shen Shi'an immediately supported him, before he had time to say anything, suddenly his
appearance changed dramatically.
Two seconds later, all six members, including Tao Yuan, were transported by Xiong
Manshan to a park 500 meters away. The crowd will stand, and the mountain will be
shaken at their feet, followed by a bang, and a hot magma of more than 20 meters will rush
straight out of the roof where they were standing.
The smoke was billowing and the fire was burning.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 92: Chapter 92

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The orange-red magma has flowed more than 20 meters into the air like a fountain, and the
bright light can be seen across hundreds of meters. After a few seconds, the magma fell
down, and the objects in contact with it were melted and destroyed instantly, the smoke
was rolling, and the air was full of burnt smell.
"Ouch, I'm going," Xiong Manshan was shocked. "I was almost cremated. This is it."
Xu Ge couldn't figure out "how can Xiaohong know where we are? It can sense the position
of other people like Ark"
Liu Fangzhou immediately shook his head. "It's impossible. Its light group has only one
color, and it is definitely a single system power."
"Presumably it's because of me." Chen Nan's face was still a little pale, and it was very
distressing to see that the devil vine, which had been burned halfway in the palm of his
hand and withered leaves, felt very distressed. , It should have found us based on that
channel. "
At this time, the park where they settled is not too far from the roof where they were a
moment ago. If you look closely, you can see that the magma did not directly climb from the
building to the roof, but from the north side of the building near the road, where A flower
bed is the entrance to the underground of the devil vine.
Tao Yuan looked dignified. "Speaking like this, doesn't it mean that this zombie's attack
range can reach one kilometer away?"
"Grass, this is too strong."
"Then you just walked around with a moving cannon, and saw wherever you were, how can
you fight it?"
Shen Shi'an said nothing, took a few steps along the standing place thoughtfully, and put his
hand on the ground. "You feel it."
Liu Fangzhou squatted down and touched the ground, "Is it hot because of magma?"
Then he responded "No, the place where the magma came up is hundreds of meters away,
and the soil is not heat conductive, why is it hot here?"
"We now know that Xiao Hong's ability is jet magma," Shen Shi'an Road "means that it can
either release extremely high temperatures to heat the subterranean rock formation to the
magma state, or it can directly attract the magma under the crust for its own use No matter
which one, the more magma is better for it. If you are Xiaohong and want to exert your
maximum combat power, what will you choose to do? "
After thinking about Chen Nan for a moment, he first said, "accumulate magma pools
underground." Both his power and Xiao Hong's abilities belong to the types that are
relatively restricted by geology. If he wants to exert his maximum combat power, then the
first condition must be to find a large area of mud. The more fertile the better.
Shen Shian nodded "Yes. Didn't Ark say before that the power zombies are always fixed in
the same range and have hardly moved? This is not common for zombies, because zombies
are never tired. So I guess it chooses to defend There is a reason for a certain location. Near
that location, it is estimated that the bottom of the ground is full of boiling magma. "
Subconsciously, Xiong Manshan stepped back two steps, and the more he felt the more
hesitant, he stomped on a stone pillar.
Tao Yuan understood the meaning of Shen Shi'an. "That is to say, the reason Xiaohong can
attack a kilometer away is because the magma under the ground is already prepared."
"Yes, its attack range can indeed reach one kilometer, but it can only reach this level in this
area." The power zombie Xiaohong is really powerful, but not too powerful to be able to
Liu Fangzhou raised his hand, "I know, this is called the home advantage fire system ability
to play better in the hotter place."
The teenager immediately developed a sense of pride that he was praised for answering
the question correctly, but he wasn't happy yet. Suddenly he was anxious. "Not good, a lot
of zombies are coming in this direction." Bacheng Xiaohong wanted to confirm that they
were dead.
Shen Shi'an glanced at the setting sun dangling to the west, and took the off-road vehicle
out of the space with a thought, "This place shouldn't be stayed for a long time. Let's leave
the city for a night's rest, and think about it tomorrow."
Looking at Xiong Manshan again, "Tough you run a bit in front of the car to prevent a
zombie or a car from blocking the road."
Xiong Manshan rolled up his sleeves.
According to Liu Fangzhou's induction, Shen Shi'an chose a path with the least number of
zombies. With the help of Xiongman Mountain Road and clearing the road, the off-road
vehicle drove out of Shannan City unimpeded, and finally stopped next to a gas station five
kilometers west of Shannan City.
The convenience store at the gas station was cleared out, and a group of seven walked in to
use it as a break tonight. Thanks to Xiong Manshan ’s amazing physique, Shen Shian, a
petrol and diesel material, added a lot, but he did n’t even see one in the food category.
With enough food and drink, everyone sat around a low table and drank watermelons to
discuss how to fight tomorrow.
Chen Nan held a teacup in his arms. In the teacup was a small half cup of spiritual spring
water given to him by Shen Shi'an. The root system of the devil's vine was soaking in it.
With the nourishment of the spiritual spring water, the devil vine recovers extremely
quickly, and a new stubble has grown out of the burnt fracture. It can be fully restored in a
few hours at this speed.
The situation of Devil Vine has improved, and Chen Nan also looks a lot easier. "I think the
tactics proposed by Brother Shen today are still feasible. It is impossible for Xiao Hong to
make such a large lava pool too easily to leave the old nest too far. In the case of a distance
attack, the best way to eliminate it is to rely on Tao Yuange's long-range sniping. The most
troublesome thing now is that we don't know what Xiaohong looks like. "
"I know," Tao Yuan said, "I see it."
Everyone looked at him "really"
Tao Yuan nodded. "When it launched its ability to attack, it squatted down and pressed its
hand to the ground. I just saw it from the window." Unfortunately, Xiong Manshan was
taken to the park before he could pull the trigger. in.
"Just know what it looks like" Liu Fangzhou slaps with excitement "I can sense where Xiao
Hong is, so long as Tao Yuange finds the commanding heights"
"Also make sure that Xiao Hong is outdoors or has windows to be seen," Tao Yuan added.
Shen Shi'an asked Xiong Manshan, "If the zombie can control the magma to attack again,
can you still send people to a safe place?"
"No problem," Xiong Manshan nodded. "As long as everyone is no more than 500 meters
away from me, it's too far to be insured."
Shen Shi'an thought about it. "In this case, tomorrow will be divided into two groups of
Chen Nan, Xu Ge, and Xiong Manshan. Seeking as group a. The four of you are responsible
for attracting the attention of the power zombie. It is best to draw it out of the building. ;
Ark, me and Tao Yuan are in group b, responsible for squatting at the commanding heights
to assist Tao Yuan in sniping. "
"No" Shen Xun immediately disagreed, plunging into Shen Shi'an's arms and clutching his
neck. "I'm going to be with An An."
Shen Shian rubbed two on his head, patiently persuading, "There are too many zombies in
Shannan City, and the ability of zombies is too powerful. In case of emergency, at least one
person in each group can ensure the safety of others. Evacuation. "Tao Yuan had no
abilities, and the ark's actual combat capability was insufficient. Someone must stay behind
to take care of it, and Shen Shi'an could take both of them into space at the necessary
"Then I will take care of it with you, another group with Xiong Manshan will do."
"The task of group A is to attract the attention of the power zombies. It is bound to endure
all the attacks from the power zombies and the zombie army. This task is very difficult and
extremely dangerous. I can not trust the three of them. I only trust you." Shen Shian held
the child's paw and squeezed, "Can you help me with this task?"
The dog's face was tangled "but in case An An is in danger"
"Are you still unclear about my abilities, or say you don't believe me?"
"Trust me. Of course, the security world is the best." The dog spirit hesitated for a long
time, and finally nodded. "I'll go to Group A, An An, you must be careful, and promise."
Shen Shi'an hooked his little finger.
Liu Fangzhou held the melons and said that Shen Shen's methods of coaxing his brother
were really set.
The general battle plan was determined, and everyone repeatedly discussed and improved
the details. Shen Shi'an repeatedly emphasized that "Remember, as long as Team A attracts
Xiaohong, it will be successful. Don't hesitate to evacuate immediately. "Especially staring
at Shen Xundao," don't take risks. "
Everyone nodded "I understand."
Shen Shi'an looked around for a week. "So, I wish you great success tomorrow, come on"
"Come on"
"To win"
"Do it big"
"I want to pull out the nucleus of the power zombie and give it to An'an"
Nothing overnight.
At eight o'clock the next morning, a 19-story high-rise building near the Third Ring Road in
Shannan City.
On the map, Liu Fangzhou drew a high-end restaurant where Xiao Hong was located. Tao
Yuan set up his gun and observed a circle. "I didn't see it, it is probably indoors."
Shen Shi'an said to the communicator, "The power zombies are inside the house, and they
start to operate."
The optimal distance of the communicator is within 500 meters, and the members of group
A are far away, so the sound coming from the headset is slightly blurred, but it can still
clearly hear "receive"
Since the goal is to attract the power zombies, there is no need to hide and carry on
carefully. Xiong Manshan pulled out the fuze of the grenade \\\ 'bomb, raised his arms and
threw it towards Xiao Hong's hiding place.
The grenade he threw was one of the materials that Shen Shian obtained from the garrison
of the tobacco factory base. After formulating the combat plan last night, he asked Tao Yuan
to teach others how to use it urgently. The reason why Xiongmanshan was chosen for
throwing was because he had great strength, and because he was fast, he calculated that his
mistake had exploded before he threw it out, and he was able to avoid it in time.
The action of throwing a bomb was very standard, but unfortunately the head was a bit
short. Instead of throwing it into the restaurant where Xiao Hong was located, it was
thrown into the roof of a nearby shop.
But the deafening explosion sound still achieved the attractive effect.
Tao Yuan was motionless like a sculpture, his right eye was close to the sight "Xiao Hong
didn't come out."
Shen Shian held up a telescope. After the smoke and dust caused by the explosion in his
field of vision were cleared, he could clearly see the restaurant door.
Xiaohong did not come out, but the nearby zombies suddenly started to commotion, and
the groups swarmed back and forth, as if looking for something.
Liu Fangzhou said, "There are zombies looking for brother, they surrounded them."
The first batch of attacking zombies was not many. Chen Nan spawned the devil vine main
vine to a thickness of more than one meter, which served as a barrier around the crowd.
There were more than a dozen thin branches rushing out of the main vine and tied the
zombie. Be strong
Xu Ge used the devil's vine as a barrier, and his two-handed abilities fired together. The
two-meter-long flame was swept out, and a zombie was burned off his head immediately;
Xiong Manshan held two stabsticks at a speed so fast that he could barely see the figure,
and in a blink of an eye the zombies fell down a large area;
Shen Xun, carrying a sword, jumped out of the Devil's Vine and chopped it casually. Shen
Shi'an carefully observed for a few minutes. At present, it seems that the zombies still
would not actively attack him.
Before the second wave of zombies arrived, there was a very slight wave on the ground.
The voice fell for less than three seconds, and Shen Xun and others suddenly burst into a
hot magma with a diameter of over one meter.
Under the scorching sun, the magma seemed to be more terrible. The near-horrible
temperature twisted the air, and it raged up from the ground, and fell down again, like the
overturned molten iron. Overflowing.
But the trace of Shen Xun's four people has disappeared in situ.
"There" Liu Fangzhou also held a telescope in his hand and soon shouted, "Brother Shen,
look to the right, about 400 meters away from the coffee shop door."
Shen Shian turned the camera according to the words, and she found that the dog spirit
was intact, and she was slightly relieved.
"Have the zombies not yet come out?"
Tao Yuan "Nothing."
Liu Fangzhou said, "I still haven't moved much in the restaurant. Hey, this guy isn't curious
what happened outside?"
No matter if Xiao Hong isn't curious, the action must continue.
Xiong Manshan brought a total of three grenades. The first one did not work, and he quickly
threw a second one.
This time, the head was full, and it was directly thrown into the second-floor window of the
restaurant. The fire flew across the glass, and the brick-and-stone-mixed wood-built wall
fell more than half, and the booming sound was amazing.
It would be better if he could directly kill the power zombies, but Liu Fangzhou quickly
shook his head in disappointment, "Alive, dazzling red." And took advantage of the
billowing smoke from the explosion and ran into another restaurant opposite.
The three members of Shen Shi'an had to adjust their squatting positions. After Tao Yuan
re-mounted the gun, members of Group A had already started fighting with the zombies
"Brother Shen," Xiong Manshan grunted from his communicator. "The last hand left is not
"Don't throw it for the time being, try as close as possible to the restaurant where the
power zombies are hiding, to see if you can force it out."
After two more magma attacks, Xiong Manshan and others were only 200 meters away
from the power zombies, and the density of the zombies around the four had reached a
terrible level.
"Can't go any further," Xiongmanshan said, "I'm afraid I can't run out if I encounter
Shen Shi'an frowned and was thinking about what to do next. He heard Xu Ge exclaim,
"Find out where you are going"
Shen Shian was shocked, and immediately aimed the camera at the location of the four
people, but saw Shen Xun carrying a Tang knife and jumping out of the devil's vine's
protective range, all the way through the zombies as if he were in a state of no one, Quickly
approach the restaurant where the power zombies are located.
"Shen Xun, come back"
Chen Nan's voice came back from the headset "Brother Shen, he didn't bring a
"Grass, move" Before Shen Shi'an had time to grit his teeth, Liu Fangzhou suddenly called
"Little Red Moved"
Tao Yuan held his gun handle and his voice was calm and calm. "I see his feet."
Within the scope of the telescope's field of vision, you can clearly see that Shen Xun stopped
outside the restaurant steps, but for a moment, a figure slowly emerged from the
restaurant's eaves. At the moment when the figure appeared, the zombie army around the
restaurant who had turned a blind eye to Shen Xun, like a beast who only smelled the smell
of prey, suddenly rushed towards the goblin.
Shen Shian tightly tightened the telescope ability and the zombies attacked the search.
Suddenly turned to Tao Yuan, "Can you aim?"
"No," Tao Yuan put his finger on the trigger, his eyes still moving. "I can only look at my
chest, my head is blocked by the eaves."
Shen Shi'an quickly exuded a layer of cold sweat in his palm, raised the telescope to
continue to observe the power zombies, and seemed to have great interest in Shen Xun, so
that the zombies swarmed continuously towards the location of the dog sperm in the field
of vision. Come, even Xiong Manshan and others on the other side can't take care of it.
"What's going on" Chen Nandao "Suddenly all the zombies were withdrawn"
Shen Shi'an stood backlit, with a strong figure like a cedar, but his lips were bluish because
he pressed too hard. The more anxious my heart is, the quicker my heart beats, the colder
my expression becomes. "Xiong Manshan, are you sure you can bring your search out
Xiong Manshan sounds very embarrassed. "There are too many zombies in front. There is
one layer after another, and it can't be washed away at all."
Shen Shi'an quickly made up his mind, "Ark you and Tao Yuan stay here, I'll go"
Before the words were finished, the vision of the telescope in the corner of the eye
suddenly changed. The figure standing under the eaves of the restaurant suddenly squatted
down and pressed his hand to the ground.
Tao Yuan said that the power zombies will only put their hands on the ground when they
launch an attack.
The dark pupil narrowed to the extreme in a flash, and Shen Shian's eyes scratched a scar,
and he was about to jump off the top of the building. At this moment, a slight burst of sound
came from his ears, and Liu Fangzhou shouted, "Dead The power zombies died. The light
group disappeared. Brother Tao Yuan, you are so bullying. "
Shen Shi'an raised the telescope restaurant door again. The power zombies rolled down the
steps, and a marble hole was added to the center of his eyebrows. A magma came out of the
ground, but it only fell a dozen centimeters and then fell back. Soon the road solidified into
a puddle of gray soil; the power zombies died completely, and the zombies that originally
surrounded Shen Xun suddenly seemed to have lost their targets, and they traveled
eastward and regarded him as nothing.
The mission was successful.
Ten minutes later, everyone cheered to gather downstairs at the sniper spot.
Shen Xun, holding a zombie crystal nucleus, sprinted towards Shen Shi'an. Dark green eyes
were full of excitement, "Ann, give you"
Shen Shi'an took the nuclei into his hand and raised it slightly to point at the sun.
It was a fiery red crystal nucleus, about twice the volume of the cyan crystal nucleus he
obtained in Lin'an County. It seemed to be perfectly cut out of countless diamonds. fan.
"It's so good" Liu Fangzhou circled around the nucleus a few times. "This is more beautiful
than any gem, isn't she allowed?"
Xu Ge nodded, his face full of wonder "extra beautiful." It was almost unimaginable that in
the mind of a man-eating monster such as a zombie, such a beautiful thing could be bred.
Xiong Manshan was the first time that he saw the power zombie crystal nucleus. He took it
from Shen Shi'an and repeatedly looked at it. "Good guy, this is almost as big as an egg."
"The ordinary mutant zombie crystal nucleus is about the same size as marbles. The
zombies crystal nucleus that Shen Brother got in Linan County are about the same size as
dove eggs. This is a bit bigger," concluded Chen Nan. The larger the nucleus. "
"Will there be a crystal nucleus the size of my head that completely squeezes my brain?"
Liu Fangzhou was whimsical.
Chen Nan rolled his eyes. "A crystal nucleus the size of his head. Even if the zombies can
grow out, can you get them?"
That's true. Juvenile scratching his face, this little egg was almost deadly.
After everyone was watching, Tao Yuan asked, "Shi'an, what should I do with this crystal
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, and passed the crystal nucleus to Xu Ge, "Here you, absorb
Xu Ge was at a loss with the crystal core. "What can I do? The power crystal core is so
precious, and this crystal core was obtained by everyone's best efforts. The position of the
ark induction, the zombies killed by Tao Yuan, Chen Nan Almost even the Devil Vine was
destroyed, Brother Xiong saved us several times, Brother Shen, you led us in the battle, and
search. Thanks to search, you can attract the zombies. The contribution of any one of you is
greater than mine. Why shouldn't you give it to me? No, I can't. "
When Shen Xun heard his name, he subconsciously lifted his chest and swept Yu Guang
across Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an didn't look at him, and handed the nucleus back from Xu Gesai again. "The
distribution of power nuclei is not reward based on contribution value theory, but based on
material conditions. We are the only one among us. It is a fire-based ability, and this crystal
nucleus can only exert its maximum benefits if you absorb it. We are a group that should
cooperate with each other to pursue greater interests. You can rest assured that if you
encounter a crystal nucleus that suits me in the future, I will also You will never be polite
with everyone. "
"That's it," said Liu Fangzhou. "Sister Xu, let's take a look, maybe the power can evolve."
Chen Nan nodded. "No one is more suitable than you."
The sound of Xiong Manshan is like Hong Zhong. "As the Brother Shen said, since the power
crystal nuclei are so precious, it must be suitable for whom. There is nothing wrong with it.
If you encounter any speed power zombies or power zombies, even if you want to grab I
won't let it out. "
Tao Yuan laughed. "Try it out, maybe it can produce unexpected results."
They persuaded enthusiastically that Xu Ge would no longer twiddle, and found a place on
the first floor to sit cross-legged, "then I started"
The absorption of power nuclei is much slower than ordinary nuclei. Xu Ge closed his eyes,
and his skin flashed red light because of the process of absorbing the power. At the same
time, the fiery red crystal nucleus faded a little bit at a rate visible to the naked eye, and
finally became completely transparent and completely turned into Powdered.
A few minutes later, Xu Ge opened his eyes and stood up from the ground, trying to squeeze
his fists.
Everyone gathered around "how to feel how"
"It's very different," Xu Ge's face was a little surprised, "It's completely different from the
Liu Fangzhou rushed over impatiently, "Did the power evolve? Is it better than before?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Walk around, hurry up and find a place with a lot of zombies"
Not far from the tall buildings, there is a square wandering hundreds of zombies.
Xu Ge went to the edge of the square and looked back at his teammates. "If the effect is not
satisfactory, don't be disappointed."
"No," said Nan Chen. "Sister Xu is careful, the zombies rushed over."
Xu Ge took a deep breath, raised his hand and waved out a power in front of the zombies
who rushed over.
A more than ten-meter-long purple fire dragon suddenly burst out from the palm of the
hand, and the dragon's head roared raging flames. With her as the center, it quickly circled
the entire square.
The flames had not yet disappeared, and all the zombies in the square had disappeared, and
Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang dropped a place of dazzling transparent crystal nuclei.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 93: Chapter 93

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The ability of the same abilities zombie crystal nucleus to enhance the ability is far beyond
everyone's imagination.
After absorbing the small red nuclei, Xu Ge was able to produce more than ten times more
fierce flames than before. Both the attack range and the flame temperature had jumped up
and immediately became one of the most powerful members of the team.
With the tremendous power of the purple fire dragon, Xu Ge took the lead and teamed up
with six teammates to clear all the tens of thousands of zombies within a kilometer.
Shen Shi'an added a large amount of supplies and crystal nuclei to the space. After that, the
group no longer delayed, and after driving out of Shannan City, they continued to gallop
Because the role of the power crystal nuclei is too significant, it is self-evident to the power
person. After that, Shen Shi'an and others planned to attack the three power zombies in
succession. Two of them succeeded, and the other was dangerous because the ability of the
zombie power was too weird, and there were almost casualties in the team, and eventually
they had to give up.
In two successful operations, a soil-based power nuclei and a wood-based power nuclei
were obtained. Xiao Lu gave it to Chen Nan, and Xiao Huang temporarily collected it from
Shen Shi'an. After arriving in Beijing, she could trade with other people who possessed the
power nuclei, and replaced it with a type of nuclei that is more suitable for the team
members to absorb. Maximum benefit.
In a blink of an eye, in September, the team grew up quickly in battles. Xiong Manshan got
rid of his reserve status and became a full-time team member. The crowd was only one-
sixth of the way to Beijing.
At three o'clock that afternoon, everyone arrived in a small city.
The city is empty, and there are obvious signs of being ransacked in the shops along the
street. At this time, more than five months have passed since the outbreak of the virus. In
summer, the temperature is too high, and Yuwei is still being enjoyed. The green plants in
the city have gone to two extremes, either withering and dying in the high temperature, or
grasping the only nutrients. , Weeds grow wildly along flower beds, roads, and gaps in
walls. Weeds higher than the calf are everywhere. Trees that can no longer see the species
have multiplied the height several times. Generally, the trees are covered with shadows on
the sun. .
Looking up, all is deserted.
Xiong Manshan stood on the open road and looked around. He could n’t help sighing.
"Before the end of the world, there were too many people. There are people everywhere.
Traffic jams can block for hours. There are many people in the mall, and they line up to eat."
It can starve people to death, which is even more terrible on the holiday of May 11, and
going to the attractions can squeeze you bald skin from head to toe. At that time, I thought,
if I can click a finger and change all people How good it is, the world is immediately clean.
Whatever comes to mind in the last days, most people are gone. "
He thought about making people a little bit less, that's not such a little trick. I don't know
how many people are still alive across the country.
Ugh. Xiong Manshan sighed again and said that things hurt him, which really didn't make
him feel good.
Liu Fangzhou patted on his shoulder, "Don't be discouraged, there is hope for someone who
is alive. When the zombie virus vaccine is developed, life will be able to return to normal.
To bear brother, do you drink water?" The teenager enthusiastically took it from his
backpack. Take out the water glass.
Xiong Manshan waved his hands again and again, "No need, no thanks, thank you."
When Liu Fangzhou came to the front, Xiong Manshan was a little behind, and he got down
beside Shen Shi'an and said, "Shi'an, I'll ask you something."
Xiong Manshan scratched his head "You don't feel it, the ark seems to be too good for me"
Shen Shi'an watched him "Do you want him to scold you or beat you every day?"
"No no no, I didn't mean that." Xiong Manshan lowered his voice again. "Of course I am
grateful to me, but the ark seems to be too good for me. Let me tell you so. I woke up at
midnight last night. Once, when I opened my eyes, I found that the Ark was lying opposite
and staring at me. After I met my eyes, I smiled at me twice and asked me whether I want to
eat watermelon. This happened. When I usually eat, during breaks, and when we are
chatting together, as long as I turn around, I can always find that he is staring at me. You do
n’t blame you for a while. I want to ask Ask, do you know why he always stares at me and
sees why? "
Shen Shi was silent, then said "Because of worshiping you."
Xiong Manshan blushed “really”
Shen Shian nodded. "Really. The more capable he is, the more he admires, and the more he
wants to learn more."
For example, where to start from the dissection is more appropriate.
Xiong Manshan got the answer, Huan Huan Xi Xi ran to the front and went back to shoulder
with Liu Fangzhou. Liu Fangzhou stared at him innocently for a while, and swallowed two
Shen Shi'an pinched his eyebrows, it seemed that it was time to talk to the teenager.
Shen Xun rushed into an electrical appliance store on the side of the road with a knife and
rushed out again shortly, holding a crystal core in his hand, "An'an, here you are"
Shen Shi'an took the crystal nuclei into the space.
Shen Xun licked his mouth, "An An, I'm thirsty"
Shen Shian took a bottle of water from the space and handed it to him.
Shen Xun blinked, "Ann, I'm hungry."
Shen Shian took another chicken leg from the space and handed it to him.
Shen Xun thought for a while and took the initiative to hold his hand "An An, I'm so tired"
Shen Shi'an bent down and took up the Tang sword and hugged him.
If you want anything, just don't talk to him.
The dog was pursing his lips, choking his neck, and squinting softly; "Ann, I really know I'm
Shen Shian didn't squint. "What's wrong."
"I shouldn't risk playing Xiaohong alone, and make you worry about me."
"is it."
"Yes, but every time I hit the zombies, I will be obedient, An'an will let me retreat and I will
The child scowled his face, "Are you still angry with me?"
"When can I not be angry"
"When I'm not angry."
\ "\"
Alas. The angry An An is hard to coax.
A zombie rushed out of the dense jungle on both sides of the road. Chen Nan raised his
hand and threw out the devil vine. The vine grew rapidly and wrapped the zombies from
head to toe tightly, as if it were a python preying prey. , Instantly twisted it into a **** scum
of paralysis.
"Did you find out?" Chen Nan skillfully took back the devil vine, cleaned the vines with a
towel, and turned to look at the others. "Usually when we walk together, zombies rarely
attack Tao Yuan first. brother."
"The psionicist is more attractive to zombies." Tao Yuan pierced the skull of another
zombie with a stabstick, and said as he slid off the blood on the tip of the thorn.
This rule is not difficult to find, and it is a good thing for him. The first task of the sniper is
to find the commanding heights and lurk quietly. The less interest the zombies have in him,
the better it is for him to make a silent and fatal blow.
"Hey," Xiong Manshan walking in front of him turned back. "How do you say that zombies
can tell who is a power person and who is not a power person? You can't see it by your
Chen Nan asked, "How do you think they distinguish survivors from similar ones?" Why did
zombies never attack zombies?
"According to the smell, the zombies are corrupt and stinky, and the living body has a scent
of meat."
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It's not about smell. I can confirm that."
When the virus first erupted, he and Wan Feng and others escorted some of the city's
medical students to the small auditorium on the water, using human specimens stored in
the anatomy room as bait to distract the zombies.
Those human specimens were at least soaked in formalin solution for more than half a
year. It is absolutely impossible to smell any smell except the pungent chemical smell, so
the theory of "determining prey by smell" is totally unreasonable.
Xu Ge agreed with Shen Shi'an. "If the zombies attack because the survivors do n’t have a
stink body, why do n’t they attack other animals? There are also a lot of poultry and
livestock that we have met along the way, but we have never seen a zomb Goed up. "
Xiong Manshan touched his chin. "It's the same. Why only bite us and not animals? The
flesh is very delicious."
"There are still too many things we don't understand about zombies. For example, in what
way do omnipotent zombies control tens of thousands of ordinary zombies and transmit
commands to them in real time, these require special and systematic research experiments
to demonstrate. "When these things are clarified, the confrontation between survivors and
zombies may be completely reversed.
Shen Shi'an pulled out a long sword to cut off a vine that was blocking the road, and looked
up at the sky. "It's still early, we should move to the next county soon."
"Hey," the team members immediately accelerated their pace.
Although Shen Shi'an had never said it, the closer he was to the capital, the more he became
more anxious, and he has been stepping up the road recently.
The players knew what his anxiety was for, and they felt the same. Others may not be able
to do it, but they can be done with the best efforts to match his pace.
The green environment in this city seems to be too good. There are trees everywhere, and
the more green plants are walking towards the edge of the urban area, the more or less the
trees that have survived have mutated, the branches and leaves are dense and dense, and
they cross each other. It is so tightly closed that walking is like walking through a primitive
Shen Shi'an held the child across a huge gas root that was half a meter thick and broke out
of the ground. Liu Fangzhou, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly. "Shen, there is
something in front."
As soon as Shen Shi'an raised his hand, all the players stopped in place and clenched their
arms. "Zombie?"
Liu Fangzhou backed back lightly, lowering his voice, "Not a zombie or a survivor. I have
never seen this kind of light group as if it was some kind of animal."
Chen Nan suddenly remembered one thing, "Brother Shen, is there a zoo nearby?"
"Zoo" Xiong Manshan almost jumped up, but fortunately, he just closed his mouth as soon
as the first syllable jumped out, and whispered, "It's the kind of zoo that has tigers, hippos
and black bears." Mutated that can be neglected "
The big white goose can grow into a giraffe after mutation, the mosquito can grow into a
small ball, and the tiger and black bear can grow into something.
Xiong Manshan was frightened by his own imagination, shook his body, and stomped
subconsciously behind Shen Shi'an.
Liu Fangzhou was helpless, "Brother Xiong, is your courage too small? It is totally
inconsistent with the big arm of the flower arm who set up two light groups and ran
towards us."
The voice did not fall, and rushed behind Shen Shi'an.
Xiong Manshan "Yes, you are bold.
Shen Shi'an put Shen Xun and his sword on the ground, and drew a sword backhand "all
staff are vigilant."
The results of these two months of training immediately showed that the fighting almost
became instinct. Seven people quickly positioned themselves according to their
capabilities. The melee personnel were in front, and the melee personnel were in front. The
full alert was ready, staring at the unknown. The direction the creature came from.
The surroundings are extremely quiet, the sky is full of tree shadows, and only the sound of
leaves swinging in the wind can be heard. At one point, there was a little more noise in the
Shen Shi'an clenched the hilt "Here."
Shen Xun carried out two rows of small fangs with a knife, Chen Nan squatted down and
laid the devil's vine on the ground. Liu Fangzhou stubbornly held a long \\\ 'gun. Xiong
Manshan raised two huge fists, Tao Yuan took one Putting a stabstick on one's waist, Xu
Ge's palm has faint purple flames
Until that point was getting closer and louder, finally two figures rushed out of the thick
bushes suddenly, and yelled at everyone with their heads.
Xu Ge retracted the flame in his palm and stared at the two small things at her feet that
were only the size of her palm. "This is a lion."
Really a lion. It's just a mini version of the lion that has shrunk hundreds of times.
The head was round and golden-colored, and a long tail was dragged behind the buttocks,
and he rushed over to bite everyone's shoes. After biting for a long time, there were several
small eyes with large pinholes and two wet saliva marks.
Liu Fangzhou pinched his neck and scooped up, "Oh, it's still a male and a female."
Xu Ge could not help but hold up another "This is too cute"
"Beware of being bitten," Tao reminded. "After all, it's a lion. Even if it gets smaller, its teeth
and claws are still sharp."
Xu Ge nodded while walking back and forth along the lion's hair, and humans seemed
naturally irresistible to the furry and small ball. Known as the "King of Animals", the mighty
lion became the size of a milk cat, and even its sharp minions looked soft and cute.
"Ah, the ears still move"
"The tail moves too"
How could there be such a cute creature?
Chen Nan couldn't help but walked over and touched two of them. "It seems to be hungry,
Brother Shen, do we still have meat?"
Shen Shi'an retracted his sword and took a small piece of mutant goose from the space. The
two little things smelled of fragrant meat, and they immediately clamored to get off from
Liu Fangzhou and Xu singer. After being put on the ground, they flung their little tails and
rushed to Shen Shi'an's feet. They picked his boots on the front legs and raised their heads.
Whoosh screamed, sounded like a coquettish.
Shen Shi'an tore off two pieces the size of a fingernail, one was fed, and two small things
quickly swallowed and swallowed. After eating, he continued to lift his head, humming
again and began to pamper, even licked at his fingertips. Two.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help but smile, raising his hand and rubbing on the two furry little
The dog spirit, who did not care about it, suddenly developed a strong sense of crisis. He
raised his arm and blocked it in front of Shen Shi'an, and tusked his teeth fiercely at the
little lion.
The two little things trembled, barely fangs whimpered twice, rolled their tails backwards,
turned their heads and ran back to Xu Ge and others.
Liu Fangzhou just looked stunned, "Brother Shen, let me feed, let me feed."
Shen Shi'an stood up and handed the meat to him, and let the child hug him tightly on one
leg, and put his hands in his chest to watch the little lion eating.
Chen Nanqi said, "Isn't the mutation of animals bigger?"
Xiong Manshan also stepped in the past, "Look how happy these two little things are. I'm
afraid I'm hungry. So big, I don't know how to survive these months."
"Maybe its prey has become smaller or it can only eat bugs and grasshoppers." Liu
Fangzhou had a little pain and secretly tore two large pieces.
Tao Yuan didn't hold back, and while the two lions were eating, they also reached out and
teased twice, and then thought of a question "If the animal will become larger or smaller
after contact with the virus, then the human is also an animal. I have never seen anyone
change in size. "Neither zombies nor survivors.
"You can think of it this way, it's bigger than people, it's smaller than people. Maybe we
humans have also changed, but it has become the same size as the original, so we can't tell."
He does not mean that. Shen Shi'an and the other teammates looked at each other,
wondering why it suddenly gave birth to an indescribable chill from the bottom of his
Does the variation in animal volume really use humans as a reference?
The two little lions ate meat very quickly, and the piece of meat that Shen Shi'an had taken
out was about the size of an egg. Considering their current size, they are afraid to feed more
if they eat too much.
Next, what to do with them.
Xu Ge looked at the little things rolling around at his feet after eating, and felt that the
whole heart was about to sprout. "Brother Shen, can we take these two lions away
together? Anyway, they are so big and they don't eat much. I can help them find food."
"No" Shen Xun turned his face instantly, holding Shen Shi'an's legs tighter. "No one is
Shen Shi'an ignored him and asked Liu Fangzhou "what do you think?"
Liu Fangzhou bravely avoided the eyes of dog spirits to eat people, and coughed twice. "I
think you can take them. They are too small. I can't beat mutant mosquitoes. If I throw
them in this wild country, maybe I have to starve to death, and save the lion's life to build a
seven-level floating slaughter. I will be a pet for us in the future.
Chen Nan touched his nose. "It's cute, and it doesn't bite if it's small."
Tao Yuan nodded. "I can do whatever I want."
Xiong Manshan just nodded, and suddenly his face shook his face. "No one is allowed to
take me to eat."
Everyone ""
Shen Shi'an clapped, "Take it."
So the two little lions trembled in the sound of constant grinding of Shen Xun, and Xu Ge
and Liu Fangzhou embraced the off-road vehicle.
After finishing washing on that night, Shen Xun followed Shen Shi'an into the space. As soon
as he entered, he started to make trouble "An'an, you can't raise a lion."
"Oh," Shen Shi'an, with his hands and feet and dog sperm hanging on his leg, made a pot of
tea with ease, turned and sat on the lounge chair in the hallway. "Why."
Shen Xunqi was extremely angry, and his dark green eyes were wet with a layer of water,
and he sternly accused "You have said that I like me the most in the world, and said that I
only have one."
Shen Shi'an held up the tea cup and took a sip. "The little lion is more obedient than you."
"I'm obedient. My super obedient An An lets me do whatever I want."
Shen Shi'an began to turn over the old account. "Well, how do I remember someone
carrying Xiaodao with a knife?"
\ "That was more than half a month ago. \" Gongzi Jing pouted his mouth and grieved "You
ca n’t bear a lion on my back because of this"
Shen Shian took another sip of tea. "Why not? Little lion is more lovely than you."
"I'm cute too, I'm super cute"
Shen Xun hugged his leg, slammed his cheeks, and began to exert his strength all over his
face, until the little face became red, and he went biu, and two fluffy little ears appeared
from the top of his head.
"Well." Shen Shi'an almost squirted out the tea.
Staring at Shen Xun's head for a long time, he couldn't help but touched his hands. The two
ears seemed extremely itchy and trembled in his palm.
It feels so good.
Shen Xun stared at him tightly, and had not forgotten the business "I am cute"
Shen Shi'an's hand had not been taken off his head, and the two little ears had been turned
over and rubbed into various shapes. Wen Yan nodded and nodded "OK."
"Are you still angry with me?"
"No longer."
The dog spermatozoon smiled twice and asked, "Do you still have a lion?"
"I don't support them," Shen Shian pinched the furry ears, "Xu Ge they support."
Shen Xun thought about it and could accept it. "Then you are not allowed to hold them or
touch them in the future." Otherwise I would eat them in one bite.
"Can your ears change every day?"
"Well, my mana has recovered a bit recently."
"Then I don't touch them."
"you promise"
"I promise."
Hahahaha. This time Shen Xun was completely satisfied. Tired of Shen Shi'an's arms again
"Are we sleeping?"
"Sleep," Shen Shian picked up the child and walked to the bedroom. He could not help but
urge "the ears will be closed tomorrow."
Shen Shi'an hugged the child and touched the dog's ears all night.
As soon as he got out of the space the next morning, Liu Fangzhou rushed over.
"Tao Yuan has a fever"

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 94: Chapter 94

Settings saved..
Tao Yuan had a fever. This burn is exactly three days.
Xu Ge twisted a towel from the ice water and folded it carefully into Tao Yuan's forehead.
Shen Shi'an took the thermometer out of his mouth and frowned, staring at the displayed
Chen Nan looked into the rear-view mirror from the driver's seat "not yet having fever"
"No, it's still close to forty degrees." Since the discovery of Tao Yuan's fever, Shen Shi'an has
fed him two full bottles of Lingquan water, but the Lingquan water, which can heal even
severe injuries, can be cured quickly. I don't know why it was completely lost Function,
Taoyuan's condition did not show any improvement in the three days, he always had a high
fever and was unconscious.
Looking up at the other players, "How long did you have a fever before you evolved?"
Liu Fangzhou thought about it "one day and one night, and the fever went down the next
Xiong Manshan turned away from the co-pilot. "I burned for two days, and it was very
uncomfortable. When I woke up, I felt like I was dead."
Chen Nan "I stumbled asleep, not sure how long it has been burned, but certainly not more
than two days."
Xu Ge didn't have a fever. She was inspired by a huge stimulus instantly.
Anyway, Tao Yuan had a fever for too long.
Xiong Manshan worried, "Oh, I'm afraid I'll burn my brain if I burn like this."
"Brother Shen, do we still have antipyretics?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. Because there is a spiritual spring, medicines are the least he
collected. One of the two boxes of antipyretic medicine was given to Ms. Dong in the library.
The other box has been fed to Tao Yuan, but it still has no effect. .
Shen Shi'an's lips were tight, and his eyes were faintly anxious. After carefully unrolling the
map and observing for a long time, I took a stroke and drew a circle. To Chen Nandao, "turn
right at the next intersection, we will go to e city."
Chen Nan responded, and Liu Fangzhou asked, "Are we going to the hospital?" The
pharmacy can only find basic medicines that are painless and itchy. If you want
professional treatment, or the hospital's things are reliable, even if it can be bottled and
dripped. .
"Don't go to the hospital. The hospital is located in the urban area, the population density is
too high, and it is the most concentrated place for influenza patients during the virus
outbreak. More than 80% of them will have zombie abilities. We can't afford this time."
"Let's go here."
It is a medical research center, located on the outskirts of the city of e, with few
surrounding buildings and low population density.
"Everything that can be found in a hospital should be found there, and such research
institutions usually have their own independent hydropower system, and we can also take
a break in it."
At present, it is unclear whether Tao Yuan's fever is a precursor to evolutionary power or
just sick due to exhaustion of the road. In either case, he urgently needs to rest in peace.
Beijing is close at hand, and Shen Shi'an cannot risk losing a teammate at this juncture.
The city of e is not far from the current location of the crowd. Two hours later, the time is
close to noon, and the off-road vehicle enters within two kilometers of the medical research
The people were fully armed and ready to engage in a fierce battle with the zombies in the
research center and clear the main building as quickly as possible. Liu Fangzhou suddenly
snorted "No zombies in the research center."
Shen Shi'an tied his sword and looked up to see "You are sure"
"OK, I have sensed it several times. There are really no zombies, but there are two survivors
"One is a power person, the other is an ordinary person. The light group representing the
power person is pink."
What is pink pink
Xiong Manshan scratched his face "Pink is also red, is it also related to fire?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded "it is possible."
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment. "Our main goal is to get medicine and medical
equipment as soon as possible. It is best to do a full body examination of Tao Yuan. Before
clarifying the other party's intentions, everyone should be vigilant and peaceful
communication is the main thing. We ca n’t afford conflict. Conflict. "
A few minutes later, the team came to the entrance of the research center.
Shen Shi'an chose a remote corner to put away the off-road vehicle, and took Tao Yuan into
the gatehouse with Chen Nan, and said to Xiongmanshan Road, "You and the Ark will stay,
and you will use a communicator if there is something wrong, or If anything unexpected
happens, take your time and take them out of here as soon as possible, and the safety of
both of them will be left to you. "
"Well, rest assured, wrap it around me"
Liu Fangzhou said, "Brother Shen, Brother Nan, and Brother Xu, please be careful."
Chen Nan patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, they only have two people, four of us,
and they are all powers. What are they afraid of? The other person should be afraid of us."
Shen Shi'an tightened the sword bag tightly, and helped the child raise the Tang knife by
the way to prevent it from being dragged to the ground. Make sure the four are ready and
raise their hands to signal "Go."
The area of the research center is quite large. After passing through the gate, there is a
semi-circular square. There are a lot of zombies on the square. The blood has not solidified,
and it looks like it has just died.
Xu Ge lowered his voice. "The two people are probably a little earlier than us."
Shen Shi'an nodded, and led the child around the zombie corpse, and quickly walked to the
main building door.
The access-type tempered glass door is unlocked, half-covered, and through the glass,
many zombies can be seen lying on the ground floor. Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun went first,
followed by Xu Ge, and Chen Nan, who walked in at the end, stepped into the door and was
dragged by Shen Shi'an to the corner next to the wall.
Shen Shi'an pointed to the red light just above his head, and the camera that suddenly
started to rotate up, down, left, and right, softly "they restored the power system." And
after the power was restored, the first thing was to mobilize the monitoring system.
The monitoring equipment resumed operation. At the same time, the glass door returned to
its original position and locked with a click. The entire hall light suddenly turned on, as
bright as day.
The light came on too suddenly, Chen Nan was startled, and swallowed subconsciously.
"Here is the dead corner monitoring, they can't see us for the time being." Shen Shi'an said
immediately after opening the communicator "Ark, are those two people still on the
negative floor?"
"The current position is a little lower than before, it should have gone to the negative
second floor." Liu Fangzhou's voice passed from the headphones into the four ears at the
same time.
The research center has a structure of three floors above and three floors below. There is a
similar research institute in the Medical University of H City, and Mr. Gu is also the main
investor. Shen Shi'an has visited several times. The setup of this type of research institution
is generally similar. If he guessed correctly, the upper three layers are mainly used for
conferences, seminars and display functions. The lower three layers are the places for
medical trials and topic research. The first is to ensure confidentiality. The second is to
facilitate the storage of experimental materials. Many experimental materials are
So the third floor underground is exactly their goal. It's not impossible to go straight to get
the medicine, but it's unclear what the other party's origin is, whether it is the enemy or the
friend, and the reason for it. What's more, Tao Yuan also needs a full-body inspection and
rest. At present it seems that the two people have already taken this place as their own site
because they took the first step. They opened the protective system to prevent outsiders
from entering, so I ’m afraid they still want to get supplies Somewhat troublesome.
In any case, first make sure that the two do not pose a threat to themselves.
There are two ways to go underground, either by elevator or stairs, but either one is bound
to be captured by the surveillance system.
"I have a solution."
A branch emerged from the devil's vine, quickly climbing and growing along the corner of
the wall, silently around the back of the camera, and then wrapped the lens tightly.
Shen Shi'an said, "Let ’s move, hurry up, let's go down the stairs." The camera was suddenly
blocked, and the other party was expected to find anomalies soon.
The four of them found the stairway, and tried to walk lightly and quickly. Chen Nan
blocked the two cameras with the leaves of the devil vine along the way. After half a
minute, he and Liu Fangzhou confirmed that they were now on the same level with the two.
The hand opened the entrance door of the negative second floor.
The door is also brightly lit, and the scenes are the same as the cold white walls and floors
expected by Shen Shi'an. The rows of experimental benches on both sides of the spacious
walkway are neat. Experimental equipment and medical instruments.
But no trace of the two men was found.
Not only that, Shen Shi'an turned around and found that Shen Xun who had been following
him disappeared.
Xu Ge and Chen Nan also disappeared.
In the large laboratory, I don't know when he will be left alone.
He was frightened in shock, "Xun Xun" he tightened his brows and shouted, holding the
sword handle "Xu Ge Chen Nan" backhand
The sound passed through the empty laboratory, bumped against the wall, and bounced
back. When the echo dissipated, there was still silence.
There was no reply, no movement, and even in the five senses he extended to the maximum
range, he did not notice any signs of life.
"Ark Bear Mountain" Shen Shi'an said to the communicator, "Are you still there? Can you
sense where they are?"
Still a silence.
Impossible, impossible.
A layer of cold sweat quickly oozes in the palm of the hand, hits the chest cavity with a
violent heartbeat, and roars in the eardrum. The blood vessels bulge from the skin because
the blood flow is too fast. The physiological and psychological dizziness seems to be visual.
Are faintly blurred.
Shen Shian took a bite at the tip of her tongue and forced herself to calm down immediately
It has not been more than three seconds since he entered the laboratory, and no one has
this ability. He can completely remove Shen Xun and others within three seconds, and he
still has his five senses fully open.
Until entering the laboratory, everything was normal. Shen Xun was behind him one step
away, followed by Xu Ge, and then Chen Nan. The information collected by the five senses
clearly showed in Shen Shi'an's consciousness. With the three people's looks, movements
and positions.
Since when is it abnormal
From the first second he stepped into the laboratory.
Without being aware of it himself, Shen Xun disappeared from his five senses. It was as if
his senses had been blocked by something for a moment, and then the picture obtained was
completely different.
Shen Xun cannot leave him silently, either actively or passively, but Xu Ge and Chen Nan are
equally impossible. He has confidence in his team members.
So where did people go?
There are so many things in my mind that in fact only a moment passed.
In the fourth second when Shen Shi'an stepped into the laboratory, a zombie body full of
rotten bones and densely smelling strong stench did not know where to appear, and
suddenly rushed at him.
When the battle instinct was triggered, the cold light flashed the long sword suddenly came
out of the sheath, and when the sharp blade was about to pass over the zombie's head, Shen
Shi'an suddenly remembered one thing Ark said, there was no zombie in the research
At the very moment of death, Mori Han sword edged back dangerously and dangerously,
Shen Shi was tense and tight, Dan Tian was running frantically, and he had accumulated in
his right palm a huge energy enough to blast the zombies into meaty meat in a flash. The
distance between that zombie and himself is getting shorter and shorter
Then he held his hand.
The heart tightened and loosened, and Shen Shi'an seemed to feel "seeking"
No one answered him, but the zombies held him closer.
Before he could spit out in a breath, Shen Shi'an suddenly made a big alarm bell, his body
held the "Zombie" as fast as possible and rolled to the side. At the same time, a huge purple
fire dragon was facing the two men. The location was turbulent, and half of the
experimental long table was burned to nothing.
"Grass," Shen Shi'an faintly captured a strange voice, "can't let her burn it up later"
Before Shen Shi'an carefully discerned, "Zombie" suddenly pulled him to hide in the other
direction, almost at the same time, a thick dark green vine twisted a bench beside them into
pieces of ground.
Shen Shi'an quickly pulled up the "zombie" and hid in a corner. At this moment, he
probably understood what was happening.
There are two people hiding in the negative two-story laboratory, one of which is an
ordinary person and the other is a power person. And the power of that power is probably
to create hallucinations.
From the moment they stepped into the laboratory, they had fallen into the illusions
arranged by each other.
This illusion is very weird, and Liu Fangzhou's sensing ability should belong to the spirit
system. Deception is not only human vision, but also hearing, smell, taste, and even
consciousness. Therefore, Shen Shi'an was unable to perceive Shen Xun and others. At the
same time, he could not use the communicator to communicate with the outside world Liu
Fangzhou. He was not sure whether he was speaking to the communicator or not.
The other party used illusion to distort what they saw, and Shen Xun became a zombie in
his eyes. By the same token, it can be speculated that Chen Nan and Xu Ge are also facing
the same situation, so they will treat them. Launch an attack.
It's a good idea to let the enemy kill each other through illusions, and you can win with little
Shen Shi'an's lips were tight, his body's spiritual power was surging, and dark clouds rolled
in his dark eyes.
He ca n’t determine where the enemy is, and he must always pay attention to avoid his
teammate ’s attack, and he ca n’t fight back. What ’s more frustrating is that even if he
shouts the other side, he ca n’t hear, and even treats him as an extremely crazy zombie
Increase attack intensity. There was nothing he could do to advance and retreat, and the
situation seemed to be in despair for a while.
After escaping again and again dangerously two devil vines and a fire dragon, Shen Shi'an
gritted his teeth, wrote the word "wait for me" in the palm of the "zombie", then released
his hand and attacked along the devil vine The reverse capture of a "zombie" is a fat meal.
Six members of the team have followed Tao Yuan to learn close combat, and have cultivated
excellent tacit understanding in hundreds of battles. They are familiar with other people's
fighting methods. After two consecutive hands, "Zombie" Chen Nan finally found something
wrong, took back the devil vine and stopped.
After Shen Shi'an reminded Xu Ge in the same way, he blurtly captured the strange voice,
"Hey, this person doesn't seem to be affected by your ability. Is the strongest move ready?"
Shen Shian's heart was tight. Although he knew that others might not hear it, he still
shouted "Be careful"
Then ran in the direction of Shen Xun.
Will run in two steps, suddenly a thick fog around the sky, a vast expanse of darkness
covering the sky, reaching out with five fingers.
When the fog cleared up a bit, Shen Shi'an found that the environment had changed
Tall huge trees, colorful exotic flowers, like bubbles reflecting the various brilliance of the
spheres hanging in the air, the gorgeous feathers of the tail feathers sing and fly past the
At the foot is soft and fragrant soil, and in the distance are endless mountains and
waterfalls, as if suddenly breaking into a dream country that only exists in fairy tales. Shen
Shi'an stood for three seconds under a colored mushroom that was more than ten meters
high. .
A familiar zombie ran towards him from under another mushroom, and he was so calm and
calm that he walked up to hold the hand of the zombie. The zombie suddenly rose and
raised his foot with a thunderbolt. His arm.
There was a "click" sound at the forearm of his right hand, and the severe pain caused Shen
Shi'an's forehead to produce a layer of cold sweat.
Gongfa runs at a fast speed, and a steady stream of spiritual power surges from the Dantian
to the arm. The mild warm current quickly relieves the pain.
Shen Shi'an guarded the wound and sideways avoided the second attack of the opponent.
Two thoughts surfaced at the same time in his mind.
He is not searching.
This person is so strong.
Even in the case of unpreparedness, few people can hurt him with Shen Shi'an's current
body speed and reaction ability. This person's melee ability is definitely still above Tao
Yuan, and his body skills and Tao Yuan's fighting skills are somewhat similar.
Is this the ordinary one of the two? The other's combat ability is so powerful
The opponent failed to hit again, and soon gave up the goal of Shen Shi'an, disappearing in a
sudden dense fog.
The sudden disappearance of the enemy did not let Shen Shi'an relax, but made him
anxious. He just found a way to make Chen Nan realize that the zombies around him were
actually teammates and could not attack easily. This sudden and powerful enemy would
definitely let them eat. Great loss. Even if you fortunately escaped, a lurking enemy
suddenly appeared in the illusion of the five senses, which may jump out at any time to give
a fatal blow. Then, when you encounter a zombie or other attacks, will you hit or not hit?
Hitting may hurt teammates by mistake;
Do not fight, may be seriously injured by the enemy;
The situation is already very unfavorable, and then there are many worries and concerns,
which is undoubtedly the initiative to push yourself into despair.
Shen Shi'an expected nothing wrong. Soon, the chaotic fire dragons and vines became the
target he had to pay attention to, not only that, but also to prevent the enemy who could
rush up at any time with the help of vines and fire dragons.
I accidentally ate two more losses.
Calm down, the more calm you are at this time.
Shen Shi'an took a few deep breaths, and meditated over and over again about the clear
mind recorded in the exercises. Since Wu felt interference, he simply took all five senses
back, and did not see or hear, but only fought with instinct and reaction.
Quickly analyze the situation while avoiding attacks
The melee lurking in the illusion is indeed very powerful, but if he is not restrained by the
illusion, the opponent is definitely not his opponent. Any one of the four players can solve
him alone.
Therefore, the most urgent task is to find a way to crack the illusion, that is, to find the
power releaser.
The release of illusion should belong to spiritual powers. Generally speaking, the mental
ability is relatively strong, and the physical combat strength is weak, such as Liu Fangzhou
and the captain in Noah's Ark.
Therefore, the illusionist will definitely try to hide in the safest and most difficult place to
However, in a fantasy world, Shen Shi'an cannot even confirm whether what he sees is true
or false. How can he find out the other person who deliberately hides?
He needs a benchmark, a benchmark that can be 100% "true".
Something that this illusionist can never fake
The hair on the left side of the body suddenly exploded, the thought had not yet reacted, the
body had risen vertically, and his left leg swept away fiercely like a thunderous whip.
"Click." Shen Shi'an faintly captured a subtle sound and a strange muffled sound.
The body stepped back two steps because of the reaction force, but Tongmu brightened his
He knew there was something that the illusionist could never erase and couldn't fake.
Qi Shen Dan Tian Shen Shen knows the sea, the internal body work method runs on its own,
and the magical power travels through the strange veins and eight veins in a wonderful
path, and finally completes a complete cycle at Dan Tian.
Pulled by the work method, the tiny auras floating in the surrounding air quickly centered
on Shen Shi'an.
Reiki is thin on earth, but Reiki is everywhere. When Reiki is pulled by Shen Shi'an all by
Gongfa, the obstacle-free front will flow unimpeded, and those with obstacles in front will
change the path and bypass the obstacles. It's like blowing a candle across a bottle. The
blown air is divided into two parts by the bottle, and finally re-converges on the other side
of the bottle. The changed path exactly outlines the shape of the bottle.
Numerous strands of aura are like countless slender tentacles. In another way, Shen Shi'an
traced the surrounding real environment, and formed a complete 3d dynamic picture in the
sea of consciousness.
When the picture inside the consciousness was completely formed, Shen Shi'an opened his
eyes again.
The towering trees, the bird waterfall, and the three-story dreamy big mushroom that
originally taught people are fascinating. They resemble electronic screens with poor
signals, and flashing cracks and snowflakes start to appear. The gap between the
snowflakes is the cold white walls and floor he first saw, and the mess on the floor after all
kinds of fierce battles.
The cracks and snowflakes became denser and denser, and eventually collapsed and
disappeared completely.
Shen Shian's body flickered, and she almost rushed towards the weak young man who was
at the most corner of the laboratory and looked at least sixteen or seventeen years old.
caught you.
Just as his finger was about to hit the teenager's neck, Liu Fangzhou rushed in from outside
the door, shouting at another strange man with blood on his right leg and shouting, "Why
do you arrest him, this is a power By"
At the same time, the weak boy smiled, and grabbed Shen Shi'an's wrist.
A burst of power struck instantly.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Settings saved..
The young man had great strength, holding Shen Shi'an's wrist with a hand, and locking his
throat with a thunderbolt: "Don't move, otherwise your neck won't be protected."
Looking up at Liu Fangzhou at the door: "Let down your weapon."
As soon as Liu Fangzhou came in, he clenched his long rifle and approached the pink light
group. At this moment, the tip of the gun was firmly against the back of the man with the
injured right leg. Under his threat, the man regained his abilities, and Chen Nan and others
finally recovered from Freed from the illusion.
Chen Nan and Xu Ge looked rather embarrassed. They were covered with wounds and
blood. Some of them were accidentally injured by teammates, and some were attacked by
the enemy. Shen Xun seemed okay. After seeing the real situation, he thundered suddenly.
We're going to rush to Shen Shi'an. With a look at Shen Shi'an, the child stopped where he
was, and he clenched his fists and stared at the young man. The dark green eyes were
murderous and surging, flashing the bloodthirsty and brutal beasts.
The two sides held one hostage each other, facing each other across several rows of
experimental tables.
Shen Shi'an relaxed his body and asked the young man, "The first person you met with me
was you"
The young man is the man with strong physical combat strength. He probably found that he
was about to break away from the illusion, so he pretended to be a weak physique to
seduce himself to attack. However, from the point of view of the encounter, the man was
different. A capable man is also not weak in close combat. That kind of fighting technique is
probably not accessible to the average person.
"The reaction has come" The boy's voice sounded a little frivolous, "Don't be too sad, it's
not just you who are fooled anyway. I remember I should have broken one of your arms.
How does it look like nothing is wrong, you Have healing power "
A deep and depressed roar suddenly rang out of "少年 呜 呜, 呜 呜 头", and the teenager
looked up to see the last pair of eyes narrowed to the extreme: it is difficult to describe the
look in those eyes with specific words, Because that look seems completely out of the
human category.
The heart was pounding, and several layers of cold sweat were exuding from the back. The
teenager did not dare to delay and tightened his arms again: "I said, put down the arms, as
long as we can leave here safely, I will let your people go."
Chen Nan leaned on the wall and spit out a **** sip, sneer: "Aroused us, you and his mother
want to leave here safely today"
The young man frowned slightly, and an unpredictable hunch rose from the bottom of his
heart, and he felt the arm that was clinging to Shen Shi'an suddenly numb, and the whole
person leaped into the air as if he was hit by a cannonball, and hit him hard behind him.
The walls fell on the floor like slime.
Shen Shi'an took back the majestic energy he had accumulated on the surface of the skin,
walked around and pinched his neck to hold him up: "Don't move, otherwise your neck
won't be able to hold it."
The teenager's heel was off the ground, and a delicate and lovely face quickly rose to
purple. The man on the opposite side looked anxious, dragging his right leg forward two
steps and said in a deep voice: "Don't hurt him, you won, I'll give you that thing."
Liu Fangzhou: "What is it"
Teenager: "No"
Two sounds sounded at the same time.
Men and teenagers look at each other: "You are not here to grab things"
"Grabbing you paralyzed" Chen Nan was attacked somehow, today is particularly angry:
"Lao Tzu scarce your broken things"
Xu Ge's temper was slightly better: "One of our team members is ill, so I want to come here
for treatment, that's all."
The boy was wrapped around his neck by Shen Shi'an, and his breath was a little
unpleasant: "Then you sneak in, sneak in"
"Hey," Liu Fangzhou said unwillingly. He raised his gun and hit the man's shoulder. "What's
the matter? This place was opened by your family. It's all people who come in to collect
supplies. Why are we? Sneaky, then you turned on the monitoring as soon as possible,
stunned, guilty of being a thief. "
The man leaned on the table, and a puddle of blood quickly accumulated near his right foot:
"We are avoiding hunting all the way, if we are not careful, we would have died a long time
Shen Shi'an put the boy on the ground slightly: "You are military people"
The man looked at him, and after a few moments of thinking, he chose to tell the truth: "It's
not, it's not, I'm a man of honor, a researcher at the State Secret Investigation Office. You
are seen from our body, you and your companions should be I also learned military combat,
which is one of the reasons why we mistakenly think of several killers. "Until now, if the
other party is really a killer, there is no reason to continue talking to them.
In just two sentences, the amount of hidden information is considerable.
After the boy stood still, his breathing was clear, and his voice was much clearer: "This
thing really can't blame us. As soon as our front feet came in, your back feet caught up, and
we intentionally blocked the camera and touched it silently. It just feels like you're
insincere. Since you just want to treat the team members, just say no to the camera. "
Shen Shi'an asked, "If we explain the situation to the camera and politely request to enter,
you will let us in."
The boy lowered his eyes: definitely not.
In the last days, people's hearts are unpredictable. Who knows whether the other party is
good or bad is true or false. In order to be safe, it is estimated that they will directly throw a
illusion to let them go.
Liu Fangzhou sneered: "We will do the stupid thing that neither of you will do". Instead of
passively waiting for others to stretch out an olive branch, of course, it is to use force
deterrence to confirm that the other party is not threatening, and then make it more secure
and safe. Who is stupid?
The teenager wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth. Once the frivolous tone
converged, the pale face looked weaker and weaker: "Anyway, this is just a
misunderstanding. I accidentally kicked your arm, and you also stun Broke my companion's
right leg, your two friends got hurt a bit, and I was badly injured by you. Everyone is
leveled, it ’s better to shake hands and make peace as if nothing happened. Although this
place is us It was cleared up, but you and your companions are welcome to stay and rest. If
you need any help, let us say that it should be a few reparations for our recklessness. "
Chen Nan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Shen Shi'an.
After thinking for a while, let go of your palm: "It's not impossible to let go of you."
The man named Tang Song asked: "What is your request?"
Shen Shi'an pointed to Shen Xun: "Let my son take a bite."
The teenager responded quickly: "Is this child's ability to get other people's blood?"
Shen Shi'an did not speak.
"What if we don't agree," Tang Song said after a moment of silence.
Shen Shian held the sword handle with his backhand, his dark eyes were quiet and quiet,
his eyes frosty: "You have no right to choose."
Tang Song and the teenager looked at each other for a moment and stretched out their
hands: "Bite it."
Shen Xun walked over and grabbed his left hand to take a bite, leaving two rows of ****
teeth marks. Tang Song frowned slightly, and put his hand back after the child finished
When it was his turn, Shen Xun left a deeper tooth mark on his wrist, then "clicked" and
broke his right arm.
The teenager's face was as pale as paper, and a layer of fine sweat oozed from his forehead,
but he stiffened and did not bark. Holding her soft right hand, she smiled at Shen Xun:
"Revenge your father, okay, I recognize it."
Liu Fangzhou retracted the long rifle, Tang Song dragged his right leg and walked to the
teenager, because a lot of blood loss also turned pale, and asked Shen Shi'an: "Can we deal
with the wound first, you can rest assured that we will not leave, nor will we There is no
small movement. "
Shen Shi'an nodded, using his eyes to signal the dog's fineness to stare at them, took out
two bottles of mineral water mixed with Lingquan from the space and handed them to Xu
Ge and Chen Nan: "What about the injury"
They shook their heads: "It's okay, it's all hurt."
Shen Shian asked Liu Fangzhou again, "Where is Xiong Manshan?"
"He is holding Tao Yuan in the security room," Liu Fangzhou said. "When you came down,
you suddenly used a communicator to ask me where the others were. I replied that I was
right next to you and didn't get a response. After that, you and each other I even knew that
things were bad, and I must have been careful about the opponent ’s way. I thought about
the ability of even Brother Shen to recruit, and it was also possible that Brother Xiong came
down to give food, so let him stay Don't move yourself down anyway, I can sense the
position of you and the enemy, the illusion is useless to me. "
Shen Shi'an patted on his shoulder: "Good job." Then opened the communicator: "Manshan,
take Tao Yuan down."
The next second, Xiong Manshan hugged Tao Yuan in front of everyone like a gust of wind:
"What the **** happened, everyone is not oh, I'll go, Chen Nan Xu Ge, you two made this
Chen Nan drank half a bottle of mineral water, and the wound on his body had begun to
heal, but the blood stains on his clothes looked a little scary. Liu Fangzhou applied the two
burns on his chest with wounds and bandages, and he nodded towards Tang Song in the
corner: "Brother Xiong, you haven't seen each other yet."
Xiong Manshan turned his head to look at it: OK, one broken arm and one broken leg, it
looks much miserable.
Chong Xu Ge raised their thumbs: they did a good job.
The second basement area is vast, and the place where the two sides fought before was just
a laboratory at the forefront. Shen Shi'an took a few steps deeper and found a hand pushing
the bed to put Tao Yuan up. After taking a temperature measurement, there was still no
sign of falling.
After finding the medicine and giving him a fever-rejecting needle, and hanging a bottle of
drips, he was going to look up and down to see what equipment can be checked for him in
detail, Tang Song and the teenager came over.
The wounds of the two of them have been dealt with each other, the broken bones have
been repositioned and the splint has been tied up. The wounds were sutured and
disinfected with medicine and bandaged. neat.
Tang Song looked at Tao Yuan: "This is your sick teammate. Has he got a fever?"
Shen Shi'an nodded: "The fever is high."
"Burned for a few days"
"Three days."
Tang Song's eyes brightened, he looked at the teenager, and then looked at Shen Shi'an:
"Can I check it for him?"
Shen Shian looked at Shen Xun, then stepped back: "Please."
Liu Fangzhou and others gathered around, and saw Tang Song take the stethoscope from
Shen Shi'an, moved the auscultation head back and forth on Tao Yuan's chest several times,
and lifted his eyelid to pull out his tongue. After a few minutes, he took the stethoscope He
also returned: "Except for the high fever, all vital signs are normal, and his constitution is
very healthy. Antipyretics are not useful for him. He can use ice water or alcohol to cool
down physically, and pay attention to supplementing glucose and nutrients. You should
know that this is a precursor to evolution. Don't worry, the longer the fever, the better it is
for him. "
"Mr. Tang seems to know this very well," Shen Shi'an looked at him. "Are you saying that
you are a researcher in the Confidentiality Investigation Department, specializing in
medical research?"
"You can say that." Tang Song nodded.
At this time, the atmosphere between the two sides was a little milder, and no longer
arrogant, Liu Fangzhou noticed that this man was not only young, but also had a lot of air
between his hands. His temperament is actually a bit like Shen Shi'an, both of which are
cold, but Shen Shi'an is indifferent and alienated from unfamiliar people. He is usually a
little cold, and when he is angry, he is scared to death. Dare to approach rashly, and Tang
Song seemed to put all his thoughts on one thing, so indifferent to everything else
To describe it, that is, as long as you see him, you can imagine the other person wearing a
white coat, glasses and medical gloves standing next to the laboratory bench.
Even if the right leg was broken, the gentle and gentle atmosphere was not affected at all:
"Re-introducing myself, I am Tang Song, the head of the State Secret Investigation Office of
the State of Hua Guo, and major major in human biology and genetic engineering. Research.
This is Lin Ruan, my student and assistant. "
The teenager named Lin Ruan added: "It is also Major Tang's bodyguard."
Shen Shi'an briefly introduced his own members and asked, "You said that you are for
something so you have been avoiding and hunting for something."
Controlled by Shen Xun's spell, the two were unable to hide the secret in front of Shen
Shi'an and others, but it seemed that they did not mean to hide it.
Lin Ruan turned and took a backpack out of a cabinet in a research room deeper, and then
took out a 30 cm high cylindrical metal can from the backpack.
Shen Shi'an recognized: The "low temperature storage" tank was filled with refrigerant
such as liquid nitrogen, which was used to store biological samples.
Tang Song nodded: "We are here to replenish the refrigerant."
Liu Fangzhou was very curious: "What's in it?"
"Hope for a zombie virus vaccine."
The entire negative second floor was silent for ten seconds, and Xiong Manshan jumped up:
"What do you say, you say it again"
Tang Song took the metal can from Lin Ruan, and carefully placed it on the long table. There
was a flash of fanaticism in his eyes: "Here are three blood samples of the 11th flu patient
in Huaguo, which were collected from the patients and mutated into After zombies, before
mutating into zombies, and before being infected with the flu virus, that is to say, it
contains the only virus-free blood sample that is still active in the country and even the
world. "
Xu Ge didn't understand: "What does it mean to have the only virus-free blood sample?
Doesn't the survivor have not been infected with the virus? Just find someone to take a
Lin Ruan shook her head and said softly, "Everyone is infected with the virus."
Twenty minutes later, Tao Yuan, who was dipped in glucose and nutrients and physically
cooled with alcohol, lay down on the push bed and rested. The others cleared out a long
table and sat in a circle around the low-temperature storage in the center of the long table.
Ruan is responsible for explaining.
"On February 5, 2019, the first day of the New Year's Eve just after New Year's Eve, the
Provincial Hospital of y Province of China received the first new influenza case. However,
no one was alert to this at that time, until seven days later, the second Only 103 cases came
to the attention of the Confidential Investigation Office. "
"Major Tang and I were ordered to investigate. There were 203 cases scattered throughout
the country, but nearly one-fifth of them were concentrated in province Y. On the fourth
day of our arrival in province Y, the number of cases nationwide has surged to six. One
hundred and thirty. You should all be impressed by what happened afterwards. There are
more and more flu patients. The Center for Disease Control and Epidemics issued an
emergency alert, but all the known treatments have failed to achieve obvious results. After
just over a month As of April 3, the number of people infected with influenza in the country
reached 740 million, which is half of the total number of people in China. During this
period, we discovered a terrible fact: everyone is actually infected with the virus . "
To make it easier for everyone to understand, Lin Ruan dragged over a white board and
marked several important points in time with a marker.
"On February 5, 2019, just before the first influenza case appeared, humans worldwide
ingested the virus for a reason that is not yet clear. We call this virus the original virus. The
original virus is actually harmless. It stays in the body and does nothing. The immune
system doesn't reject it, and doesn't feel anything strange, and the immune system rejects
it, and it will have flu symptoms. "
Shen Shian: "Allergic reaction"
"That's what it means. The original virus itself carries a special substance. Some people are
allergic to this substance, some people are not allergic, and the ratio of allergies is almost
exactly one to one. You can understand this as the first virus to humans. One screen. "
"At 9:00 am on April 3, 2019, the protovirus in all influenza patients worldwide suddenly
mutated, carried out devastating attacks on human cells, and quickly grasped the human
body's dominance, transforming humans into being driven by flesh and blood We call this
virus a zombie virus. "
Xiong Manshan raised his hand: "That means all flu patients are dead."
Lin Ruan nodded: "Yes, there are absolutely no exceptions. When the virus in a flu patient
mutates, the protovirus in the other half of the human body also actually mutates at the
same time. We call it a power virus. Continue Before explaining, I would like to ask you how
much you know about genes. "
Xiong Manshan raised his hand again: "Isn't it Di Anji, I know that."
"To be precise, genes are effectively inherited DNA fragments. The genetic instructions they
carry are the basis of life formation. They control the development of organisms and the
functioning of life. They determine how many fingers you have and what color your eyes
are. How high your IQ is, do you have better thinking ability or stronger physical activity? If
you compare human beings to software, genes are the lines of code that make software
programs. What do you look like and what do you do? Write it down from the code. It was
completely decided in an instant. "
"However, the DNA molecule is very large. The fragments that carry coding instructions
and can be effectively inherited account for only 15 of the total DNA sequence, and the
remaining 985 are called junk DNA. They remain silent during the normal life of humans."
Liu Fangzhou asked, "Does it mean a recessive gene?"
Tang Song shook his head: "This is not the same as a recessive gene. A recessive gene is a
gene that governs a recessive trait. As long as it is homozygous, it can still be displayed on
the phenotype and still belongs to a valid genetic segment. Junk DNA is more like A blank
piece of paper, which does not carry any genetic code, cannot affect the synthesis of any
protein, and means it can be changed at will. "
He took the pen from Lin Ruan and drew two spirally intertwined lines on the whiteboard:
"Everyone should know that human DNA is a double helix structure composed of two long
chains, and the inner side of each long chain is repeatedly distributed. There are four
nucleotide bases, and each base is fixedly complementary to the other base. For example, if
a position in a long chain is an a base, the opposite base must be a t base. If a position is a c
base, then the opposite must be a g base, and vice versa. This is the principle of base
complementary pairing. Only through specific pairing of two long chains can they be stably
aggregated together. Then when any one of these bases When the position of the base is
disturbed, it means that the order of the entire DNA will be changed. "
"The main purpose of a power virus derived from the mutation of the original virus is to
rewrite \ 'junk dna \'. Various powers are generated from it."
"This kind of writing is essentially an attack on the existing DNA sequence, randomly
changing the DNA arrangement order, so as to output different performance
characteristics. The weaker the person, the easier it is to be attacked by the power virus,
and the easier it is to be renewed. Write sequences, so the stronger the body, the later it
will evolve. "
Xiong Manshan was stunned and said, "Well, you're still in good health."
"Not so." Tang Song sat down again: "When the DNA sequence is rewritten by a virus
attack, resulting in a new life trait, the human body will have a certain rejection reaction,
that is, a fever. The longer the fever, the more the virus is rewritten. The more DNA
sequences you have, the deeper you rewrite them, and the more likely you are to evolve
powerful abilities. Your friends have been feverish for three days, aren't people with weak
constitutions unable to survive such a long process of rejection? You know, not all people
attacked by the power virus can survive. After the zombie virus outbreak, there are not a
few people who die of fever. "
Shen Shi'an thoughtfully: No wonder that feeding Tao Yuanling Spring Water is useless at
all. Ling Spring Water can strengthen the physique and unintentionally prolong the time
between Tao Yuan and the virus.
Lin Ruan continued: "In addition to passively waiting for the power virus to rewrite the
DNA sequence, if extremely intense emotional fluctuations occur in a short period of time,
the biological environment in the human body is changed, and the power virus will
stimulate the attack speed."
Everyone glanced subconsciously in the direction of Xu Ge.
Chen Nan thought about it and asked, "Since all survivors have this kind of power virus,
does that mean that eventually everyone can evolve powers?"
Tang Song shook his head: "I just said that the DNA sequence changes are completely
random. If you just type in the next line of code, it is very likely that this line of code is valid
or invalid. According to the information we have, The proportion of capable people can
only reach one-twentieth to one-fifteenth of all survivors at most. The rewritten sequence
of the vast majority of people has no effect at all, it is still garbage DNA, and it will not feel
any change itself. . "
Xiong Manshan managed to digest this information, and looked at the central metal can of
the long table with almost awesome eyes: "With this thing, can you really develop a method
to eliminate the zombie virus?"
"It is not necessary to eliminate the zombie virus." Tang Song said: "The three blood
samples in this document recorded the entire process of the patient's infection with the
original virus and the original virus mutated into the zombie virus. By studying this
process, we may find a way To reverse the mutation of the original virus and make the
zombie virus degenerate to the original virus again. "
Survivors who are still alive are immune to the original virus. As long as the zombie virus
can degenerate into the original virus, it is completely non-threatening to humans.
"No," Chen Nan discovered a problem. "Since the flu case was discovered, everyone had
already ingested the original virus, so where did you say the virus-free samples came
"We are lucky. The eleventh influenza patient has the habit of donating blood on a regular
basis. After realizing that the virus is already in everyone, we were lucky to chase back the
blood donation bag belonging to him in time."
The blood donation bags are anonymous, and the manpower and material resources can be
imagined to retrieve them.
Xiong Manshan couldn't help but fear: "That's really good luck." On the third day after the
end of the world, the power will be cut off. If the blood sample is a little bit late, it is likely
to have deteriorated.
Being able to defend against zombies is a matter of life and death for all humankind.
Suddenly knowing that the vaccine is promising, everyone could not help but have a
hopeful excitement, and their attitude towards Tang Song became more and more gentle.
No one asked why they were hunted down. Everyone is not a fool. After the end of the
world, the human population has dropped by at least three-quarters. Those in power have
reshuffled, and the power has emerged. Now it must be a situation of multilateral
opposition. What is the concept of a virus vaccine? Whoever holds the vaccine will hold the
lifeblood of all human beings. It is strange that no one grabs it.
Liu Fangzhou stared at the metal can for a long time and thought of a question: "Since you
all know how zombies are formed, do you know why zombies can eat people and eat
people without eating other animals?"
Tang Song put his hands on the long table: "I have an inference. Although it has not been
fully confirmed, I am at least 70% sure."
"You said you said you said."
"Zombies don't eat people to eat, or they think human flesh is delicious. They eat people to
get human DNA."
Obtaining human DNA "for what" Xiong Manshan puzzled: "Aren't they themselves? After
all, they are all humans."
"For evolution, to be precise, the evolution of the zombie virus." Tang Song's voice was
unhurried, echoing on the long table with a texture between metal and jade: "The acquired
human DNA The more they evolve, the faster they can evolve. Have you ever wondered
what exactly zombies discriminate between other people and their kind is not taste, sound,
nor visual, it is dna. When a zombie passes through a bite After acquiring a human DNA, the
relevant DNA information will be passed to all zombies in a certain range through a zombie
virus, achieving an effect similar to information sharing; when other zombies meet the next
human or zombies, the virus in its body will pass The virus in the opponent's body obtains
the DNA fragment of the other person and compares it with the existing DNA information
database. If the person's DNA already exists, then it is the same kind. If it does not, then it
will immediately attack the attack in order to obtain a new one. DNA information. "
"Wait," Liu Fangzhou interrupted subconsciously. "Wait, wait, wait, as you say, different
zombies or viruses in humans can communicate with each other."
Lin Ruanxiao: "Do n’t you think it ’s incredible, but the communication between living
things is the most incredible thing in the world. Research shows that a whale can share
information with whales on the other side of the earth. It is logically not at all separated on
two continental shelves. It is possible to exchange interactive species. As long as the species
on one continent learn a certain skill, the species on the other continent will soon learn. For
another example, everyone knows that bees communicate by dancing in a character. How
does the queen queen control other bees? How do the worker bees and the male peaks
reach a consensus on the division of labor and cooperation? The hive is so big that we ca n’t
dance whenever there is an issue. At our current level of technology, for different
organisms There is too little understanding of the methods of communication between
them, and there are countless problems that are difficult to explain with modern
technology and knowledge. "
"The most likely inference is that zombies, powers, and even zombies and powers can
communicate with each other, so that it can perfectly explain why the original viruses
around the world mutate at the same time, why Power zombies can control other zombies,
and why zombies can distinguish the difference between humans and their kind, ordinary
people, and abilities. "
"The more zombies gather, the more DNA information they can exchange and share with
each other, and the faster the evolution speed, the easier it is to generate zombie abilities."
"The zombie prefers to eat powers, but also because the DNA of the powers has been
transformed, and there are more effective fragments."
Suddenly everyone was shocked by the restructuring of the Three Views.
Xiong Manshan took a slap on his thigh: "According to this, the power virus in our body will
disclose our DNA information to the zombie virus. Is n’t that what you eat?" Why are you so
anxious? "
Tang Song said: "This should not be controlled by the psionic virus itself. If you have to
classify several viruses, then the zombie virus is higher than the psionic virus than the
original virus. It is precisely because the structure of the peculiar virus is different. No virus
can stop snooping by zombies. "
"What if the signal is disguised," Shen Shi'an suddenly said, "Can the wrong message be
transmitted to the zombie virus through the power virus, so that they mistake humans for
the same kind and not attack?"
Tang Song gave him a grateful glance: "This is one of the research directions we plan to do,
but we must wait until we know more about several viruses."
Shen Shi was silent and thought of another question: "If the more zombies gather, the more
information exchanged between zombies and viruses, and the faster the evolution, the
greater the power of the abilities. The faster it can evolve "
"Yes." Lin Ruan was speaking this time.
Chen Nan first responded: "Noah's Ark"
No wonder that the captain is going to spend so much effort to prison \\\ 'The power-
forbidden person and the plant power level in Noah's Ark are significantly higher than him.
It was because of this.
It is estimated that the captain also discovered this law by some chance under the
Lin Ruan briefly understood the story of Noah's Ark, and continued: "Because of this, many
small security bases across the country have begun to merge. Today, there are mainly five
large bases in China: Changbai Base to the north and West to the west. The plateau base,
the Yunchuan base in the southwest, the island base in the southmost, and the central,
largest and largest administrative center, the base in Beijing. "
The island set up a large base, does that mean that there are many survivors on the island?
Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered Yun Feiyang returning to the island to find his family,
his thoughts flowed, and eventually he calmed down.
Meet each other. They have made an appointment and will definitely meet again.
Xu Ge found one thing: "Is there no base on the southeast coast"
Suddenly Lin Ruan's expression was a little heavy: "The population density on the
southeast coast is too high, and no survivors exist. No one who escapes is scattered to
various bases in the inland. The zombie evolution there is too fast, only in the short term.
Avoid its edge. "
"It's not just the two of you who are studying vaccines," Shen Shi'an looked at Tang
Tangsong. "Is there any news about vaccine development elsewhere?"
Tang Song shook his head: "Nothing yet."
Lin Ruan sneered: "It can really be developed, so there is no need to send so many people
to hunt us down."
Liu Fangzhou asked, "Wasn't the survivors evolved a variety of abilities? Are there any
abilities that can restrain the zombie virus?"
"The currently evolved abilities are mainly divided into seven categories: gold, wood,
water, fire, earth, superpowers, and spirituals. If I'm not mistaken, there are wooden, fire,
spiritual and "Super Energy," Tang Song turned his eyes to Chen Nan, Xu Ge, Liu Fangzhou,
and Xiong Manshan, and finally fell on Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun: "As for the specific
capabilities of these two, I haven't guessed yet, maybe there are many Regardless of the
abilities, no abilities that can defend against zombies have been found so far. Everyone,
abilities or ordinary people, will definitely die after being infected with zombies. But the
higher the ability's ability level, the better for zombies. The stronger the virus's resistance,
the slower the mutation speed; similarly, the higher the zombie level, the more aggressive
the zombie virus it carries to humans. "
"Did the survivors have specific criteria for grading abilities and zombies?"
"How long haven't you been in contact with the outside world?" Lin Ruan couldn't help but
groaned, and then explained patiently: "The level standard came out two months ago. It
was released by the Beijing base. The power level needs to pass a specialized agency. For
testing and verification, all of you should be above the second level, and Mr. Shen is likely to
reach the third level. As for zombies, all zombies without abilities are called lower zombies.
Those who are similar are the most common. At present, the most common zombies are
first-level zombies and second-level zombies. The number of low-level zombies that can be
controlled is 10,000 and 50,000 respectively. Level 3 is rarely seen. No more than 20 in the
country can be controlled at the same time 10,000 to 200,000 low-level zombies. In
addition, it is said that a fourth-level zombies has evolved at the center of Modu, and the
number of zombies can be controlled up to one million. "
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but cursed: "How else can I fight, a zombies drooling
can drown people"
Lin Ruan shrugged. There wasn't much fluctuation on the pale and delicate face, but a dim
light was quietly hidden in the lowered eyes: "Do you think there is anyone alive in the
magic capital?"
The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.
After a long time, a loud belly hunger broke the silence.
Xiong Manshan's face turned black and flushed: "Sorry, sorry, sorry, then, why haven't you
eaten yet?"
In order to hurry up, the party didn't have time to eat lunch. After a long battle, they talked
for so long, and it was time for dinner.
Everything I knew was already known, Shen Shi'an stood up: "Everyone eats first, find a
place to rest after dinner."
The research center has all the water and electricity, as well as hot water for bathing,
because everyone is exhausted, and they don't have to cook too much. They can cook
instant noodles or use microwave ovens to heat up fast food.
Lin Ruan and Tang Song stayed alone on the other side and did not rush to bother.
After eating, Shen Shi'an led the dog spirit toward them, and one person gave a bottle of
mineral water: "It's good for your injuries."
Tang Song didn't ask much questioningly, took it and thanked him.
Shen Xun hated fangs, and it looked like she wanted to sever him once Lin Ruan's arm was
"Mr. Shen," Tang Song called when Shen Shi'an turned and was about to leave. "Tang has a
merciless request, and I want to discuss it with you."
Shen Shi'an stopped. "You said."
"Can I take a blood sample from your feverish player, if it's not convenient, just pull a hair."
Chen Nan and others gathered around and heard the words with a look of caution: "What
do you want?"
Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised the corners of his eyes slightly, and the
coolness of his eyebrows became more and more vivid: "Mr. Tang should not only want to
take a sample, is he ready to wait for him to wake up, take it again."
Xiong Manshan puzzled: "Hey why"
"Comparing the changes in the DNA sequence before and after Tao Yuan evolved the
power, confirm what kind of coding determines his power. In the future, it may be possible
to artificially create a targeted attack on the specific position of the DNA sequence by
guiding the power virus. Powered. Mr. Tang, am I right? "
Tang Song nodded: "It's not bad."
Lin Ruan said: "This is not a bad thing. If you think about it, zombies have evolved so fast.
The more power there are, the more hope there is for humans to overcome them."
Shen Shian thought for a moment, took a hair from Tao Yuanyuan and gave it to Tang Song:
"The next sampling, you need to wait for him to wake up and ask for his consent in person."
"Thank you very much." Tang Song took a test tube that Lin Ruan handed over and
carefully put his hair in.
During the night, the two sides took separate breaks, and Shen Shi'an and others took turns
taking care of Tao Yuan, without a word.
In the early morning of the next day, it was just a bright day. Chen Nan re-wrung a towel
from the ice water and was about to put it on Tao Yuan's forehead, and he met a pair of
bright eyes.
"Tao Yuan, you are awake"
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 96: Chapter 96
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The team members quickly gathered around Tao Yuan:
"Tao Yuan brother, are you awake"
"how do you feel"
"Is there anything uncomfortable"
"Is it different than before?"
Tao Yuan sat up from the push bed under the crowd, tried to punch his fist, and got out of
bed and took a few steps: "Very good, there is nothing uncomfortable. I feel that my body is
full of strength."
Xiong Manshan is anxious: "Hurry up and try to evolve what ability"
"How to try"
Liu Fangzhou squeezed over: "Do you now feel that there is something in the body that is a
power, try to turn the power around the body a few times, or release it through the palm of
your hand."
Tao Yuan nodded, took a deep breath, raised his palm, and the others stepped back
subconsciously: At present, Tao Yuan has the longest fever and lethargy among the several
abilities in the team. According to Tang Song, This means that his DNA has been
transformed more thoroughly, and the power of evolution has become greater. In case it is
similar to Xu Ge that can burn people to the ground with one shot, how to prevent
accidental injury without hiding.
The crowd held their breaths and stunned, and after five seconds, nothing happened.
Liu Fangzhou: "Brother, have you released the power?"
Tao Yuan seemed a little confused: "Released, it is still being released." But there was
nothing moving in the palm of his hand.
"Is it turning in my body, do you feel any change?"
Tao Yuan shook his head.
Xu Ge said, "Aren't you able to sense the ark, what color is Tao Yuan's power?"
"Probably because he just woke up and the color hasn't come out yet. I guess it will take a
Chen Nandao: "Or try it on my devil vine"
Five seconds later, Chen Nan took the devil vine unchanged, "It seems that the leaves have
turned a little greener."
Xiongmanshan Road: "Run two steps, look at two steps"
Tao Yuan ran two laps around the laboratory, "the speed is much faster than before." But it
is far from being able to be called an ability.
Xu Ge thought about it: "Don't you say that abilities are divided into several categories:
gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, or try to see if it is related to metals"
"It makes sense" Liu Fangzhou's eyes lighted up, and he immediately took out the scalpel
he carried with him: "Come and come, Tao Yuange, can you try to sense this, such as
manipulating metal?"
Tao Yuan held the scalpel and then released it. The scalpel slammed on the floor.
"It doesn't seem to be metal," Chen Nan took out a bottle of mineral water. "What about
water, can you control it?"
Tao Yuan raised his palm against the mineral water bottle with the lid unscrewed. After
five seconds, the mineral water did not move.
Xiongmanshan Road: "Hold the ground and see if you can raise a dirt wall"
"There's another layer underneath, not in direct contact with the soil."
"Then press and hold the wall, the soil behind this wall."
Tao Yuan pressed his palm against the wall, and after a few seconds began to reflect on
whether he was a bit silly.
"This won't work," Shen Shi'an released his sword and handed it to Shen Xun, walking to
the open area between the experimental benches and saying to Tao Yuan: "Play with me,
don't worry, use your best."
This is one way.
Tao Yuan squeezed his fist, his joint crackled, and reminded: "Here it is."
As soon as the words fell, people rushed out like a string of arrows. The upright figure
brought a gust of wind, and it struck Shen Shi'an in an instant. You came and met me
several times.
Shen Shi'an's body has been repeatedly tempered by Lingquan and Gongfa. No matter its
physical strength, sensitivity, flexibility, or explosive power, it far exceeds the reach of
normal humans. Therefore, although Tao Yuan did not endure long-term systematic and
rigorous professional training in the army like Tao Yuan, he lost a little bit in technical
skills, but Tao Yuan is not his opponent even if he does not use his skills in peacetime.
But this situation seems to have a tendency to reverse.
After a shot was missed, Shen Shi'an retracted his long legs and sideways avoided Tao
Yuan's fist. The fierce fist faintly stirred a fine sting on his face. His right hand would grab
his wrist, and Tao Yuan squatted short, The left leg swept through with more vigorous
energy, and a sharp cracking sound was cut against the ground.
Shen Shi'an released his wrist and backed away, Tao Yuan took advantage of the situation,
and five consecutive side kicks screamed in the air. Shen Shi'an was forced to the corner,
raised his right arm to block, and then twisted his left arm to tighten his calf, turning his
shoulders and carrying him upside-down to fly him directly.
Tao Yuan landed on the ground for two steps and re-launched the next second. After two
quick steps, he stood up and stepped directly on the wall. Left and right feet stepped on
three shallow pits on the cement wall, and turned over in midair. A heel followed, and his
right leg was severely chopped down in the direction of Shen Shi'an, carrying the power of
Shen Shi'an was like a ghost, and he avoided the moment before his feet fell, but a metal
test bench in front of him was not so lucky. With a bang, a nearly 20 cm thick steel plate
directly from the edge Split in half, twisted into shape.
As soon as the "grass" study stopped, Liu Fangzhou and others gathered around, staring at
the striking footprints on the wall and the experimental bench that seemed to be rolled
over by a truck: "Tao Yuan brother, you can all walk away from the eaves." what"
Shen Shi'an rubbed his right arm and said to Tao Yuan: "Your melee combat power has
been increased by at least ten times compared to before." Whether speed, strength or
responsiveness are indistinguishable from those before the fever, it is almost necessary
Forced him to use his skills.
Tao Yuan himself also felt that the whole body was full of infinite fighting power. It was
almost indescribable. He shook his fist almost fascinatingly: "Is this my power?"
"No." Tang Song and Lin Ruan, who started watching from halfway through the discussion,
came over.
Tao Yuan found them both, but he didn't rush to ask his teammates as usual. Only then did
he say: "These two are"
Shen Shi'an briefly talked about his three-day fever and coma. After the two sides
introduced each other ’s names, Tang Song said: "The increase in combat power is not your
ability. After all the ability players have successfully evolved their abilities, they will be
accompanied by the enhancement of their physical fitness. In general, which aspect before
evolution The more prominent your ability is, the more significant this improvement will
be after evolution. For example, for a weightlifter, after he has evolved his power, his main
strength will be strength, while a mental worker will be very strong. It may be thought that
you can think of this as an additional benefit brought by the power virus. Mr. Tao is
inherently better than ordinary people, has outstanding abilities in all aspects, and has a
long fever, so the increase is particularly significant, but This is not your power. "
Tao Yuan asked, "Does Major Major know what my power is?"
"The discussion between you and Mr. Shen is very exciting. There are many times when
you are in danger, but your ability has not been reflected. Therefore, I guess your ability
should not be an offensive ability," Tang Song held out his hand, "to I try to input a little
power into my body. "
Tao Yuan hesitated: "Are you sure"
Tao Yuan clung to his palm and carefully lost a little power.
As soon as Tang Song's eyes lighted, he removed the gauze on his left hand. Under the
gauze was the wound bitten by Shen Xun yesterday. At that time, the bones and flesh were
blurred. He drank the mineral water given by Shen Shi'an and gradually healed, but at this
time it still looked Horrible. "Try increasing the power output."
Tao Yuan increased the power output in accordance with the words. I saw that the wound
on Tang Song's hand healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The new flesh gave
birth to scars and peeled off. In a blink of an eye, no marks were found, and no injuries
were seen at all.
Chen Nandao: "Tao Yuange evolved to heal abilities"
Tang Song's eyes were even brighter. He bent down and lowered the splint on his right leg.
He walked back and forth two steps freely: "No, I'm afraid this amazing healing speed is not
just as simple as healing powers."
Looking down for a moment of contemplation, Tao Tao said, "I think what you evolved
should be the ability to reproduce."
"Regeneration ability"
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, "Is it similar to a gecko breaking his tail?"
"Yes," Tang Song nodded, looking a little excited: "The gecko will cut off his tail to escape
after being attacked, and the broken tail can grow back after a period of time. Humans
cannot grow a broken limb again, yes Because our cells are highly differentiated, which
cells make up which organs have been completely defined during embryonic development.
However, in the early stage of embryonic development, that is, when humans are still just a
susceptible egg, we The cells used to be totipotent, and each cell can become any part, but it
is a pity that this totipotency is lost after the embryo is formed. This is determined by the
human genetic genes and also by nature There is a limit to mammals, and the scientific
community has done countless studies to try to break this limit, but it has not achieved
anything until the end of the last days. "
"Now, Mr. Tao is likely to do it by himself."
"Mr. Tao was lethargic for three and a half days during the process of evolution. It must
have made sense for such a long time. I suspect that even if he cut off one of his arms, he
could grow back in just a few minutes. , And can also apply this ability to other people. If it
is true, Mr. Tao is probably the most powerful dna transformation I have ever seen. "
Tang Song looked at Tao Yuan with hot eyes, and at the end he regretted: "Unfortunately,
there is no way to verify Mr. Tao's ability through experiments."
The dog spirit next to Shen Shi'an suddenly said, "Who said there was no way." Crooked his
head and looked at the big dark green eyes toward Lin Ruan, who hung his arm with gauze:
"I can't break his arm."
Lin Ruan's face was white, and he had to hide behind, but he hadn't had time to move. His
intact left hand was uncontrollably placed on the injured part of his right hand. Seeing that,
he would start playing with his arm and playing self-harm.
Tang Song was surprised: "Mr. Shen"
Shen Shi'an rubbed the child's head: "Don't make trouble."
The dog hummed, reluctantly gave up the idea in his head, and saw Lin Ruan regain control
of the body.
Holding Shen Shi'an's right hand in his arms, he carefully touched where he was injured
yesterday: An An just rubbed here, he saw it, it must be painful.
Secretly rushing to Lin Ruan's teeth: You wait, sooner or later, you will be repaid hundreds
of times.
The topic returned to Tao Yuan's ability. Although there is no way to do experiments, so far
everyone is quite convinced of Tang Song's professionalism.
Xiong Manshan scratched his face: "This ability sounds pretty evil, that is to say we don't
have to worry about breaking our arms or legs in the future"
"It's not just broken arms and legs. As long as it doesn't hurt the heart and brain, Mr. Tao's
ability should allow the damaged part to grow back."
This means that as long as the crystal nuclei are sufficient, he can almost serve as an
unlimited life reserve.
Shen Shian lowered his head and looked at the dog sperm: such a powerful and fast healing
ability, even the Spirit Springs may not be able to do it.
In any case, Tao Yuan was awake safely and evolved such a powerful ability, which is really
good news.
It happened that there was water and electricity in the research center, and there was a
canteen on the left side of the main building. Everyone moved there. Shen Shian took out a
lot of ingredients from the space, and Chen Nan gave birth to another part, ready to
Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge were in charge. Others beat them. While cooking, Liu Fangzhou and
Xiong Manshan were responsible for the part that Tao Yuan missed in the past few days,
which was not convenient for Tang Song. Make up for homework.
Upon learning that the vaccine was successfully developed, Tao Yuan was almost excited to
cut off his fingers, thanks to Xiong Manshan's thunderousness and promptly snatching the
kitchen knife from him: "Oh, I go, I have the ability to regenerate. You do n’t have to do it
yourself, brother. ”
Tao Yuan smiled cutely and stingily: "I'm so happy."
Once the vaccine is successfully developed, the captain will be able to get out of Brother
Shen's space. By that time, I knew my abilities, and I didn't know how the captain would
Maybe I would praise him.
Everyone started working together. After more than an hour, a variety of gourmet dishes
were filled on the large round table pulled out from the canteen box:
Steamed goose broth with steaming stew, curry goose pot with fragrant smell, dried goose
meat with spicy and spicy rice, roasted goose with sweet and sweet chestnuts, golden and
tender bacon goose quiche, roast goose leg roasted goose wings Goose claw
There are also a variety of fresh fried vegetables that make people appetite at a glance, with
a full grain of eight rice cookers, soft and hard, just right, sprayed white rice.
Lin Ruan, who walked into the cafeteria to find some bread and biscuits to fill his stomach,
was stunned: "This is your food in the last days."
"Where can I do that?" Xiong Manshan shook his head, before they were calm and
surprised, and said, "I used to eat better than this."
Since other types of frozen meat have been consumed, all they can eat is goose.
Alas, it's delicious.
Tang Song: ""
Lin Ruan: ""
Shen Shi'an came over: "Do you want to join?"
As soon as Tang Song wanted to refuse, he listened to the other party and said, "Each meal
costs thirty crystal nuclei, not one less."
Lin Ruan nodded immediately: "To be or to be or to be or to be"
The nuclei they obtained when they cleaned up the research center were useless.
After the delivery of sixty crystal nuclei was completed, Lin Ruan dragged Tang Song to
enter the table happily. After a meal, the guests and the guests were happy, and at the end
they sighed in their stomachs: such a meal would require thirty crystal nuclei.
What a bargain.
After dinner, Tang Song found Shen Shi'an: "Mr. Shen, I have something to discuss with

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Shen Shi'an took Shen Xun's hand and walked with Tang Song to a conference room in the
main building of the research center.
"Mr. Tang wants to say"
Tang Song didn't make any mistakes: "Mr. Shen and others want to go to the capital, we
also have to return to the capital with a blood sample to return to the upper levels. Since
the destination is the same, I don't know if Mr. Shen is willing to go.
Shen Shi'an half leaned on the conference table with his hands on his chest, his left heel
lifted up, and straight and slender leg lines were drawn under the tight camouflage pants.
A pair of eyes were dark and cold, and they looked extremely sharp: "If I remember
correctly, it seems that the two are still being hunted down."
Lin Ruanxiao: "Mr. Shen is also wanted, isn't he?"
Tang Song looked at Shen Shi'an, who was suddenly sharpened, and said quickly: "Mr. Shen,
don't get me wrong, we have nothing to do with the forces you want, nor are we trying to
spy on you deliberately. It is natural to know that many forces are looking for a person
named Shen Shi'an. "
Shen Shi'an quickly seized the key point: "Multiple forces"
"Yes, there are organizations of abilities, civil self-defense forces formed after the end of the
world, and there are several forces in the military alone fighting each other, all with the
goal of finding Mr. Shen." Tang Song looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes: "According to my
speculation, these forces should be looking for Mr. Shen for different purposes."
Shen Shi'an's heartbeat was a little faster.
He knows that the Qin family and the military have reached some kind of agreement and
want to catch him through the military force and there is absolutely no good intention; if
there are other forces holding other purposes to find him, then Only Mr. Gu.
As if a boulder had been hanging for a long time, it finally fell down. Not only was it a long
sigh of relief, but also the chest hurt because the boulder fell too hard, but it gave birth to a
more urgent anxiety.
It would be nice if you could contact Mr. Gu, if you could talk to Mr. Gu, even if you just said
one thing, confirm that he is okay at this moment, and tell him that he is okay, that's fine.
Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered one thing: "Since you were ordered to investigate the
zombie virus, there should be a way to get in touch with the upper levels to report the
results at any time."
Lin Ruan nodded: "We have a satellite phone."
After waiting for Shen Shi'an to get excited, he said, "But it hasn't worked since two months
ago. The phone is okay, but the signal cannot be transmitted or received, and it is most
likely that it was intentionally blocked."
Two months ago, that was not exactly the garrison led by Lowe at the tobacco factory base.
When the communication was interrupted and it was impossible to get in touch with the
outside world?
Can it be a coincidence
Seeing Shen Shian's sudden silence, Tang Song said: "I admit that the reason we want to
walk with Mr. Shen and others really has the admiration of you, so we want to seek asylum.
But Mr. Shen is assured that we do not It will make you take such a large risk for free, let
alone the ethical abduction of Mr. Shen with the hope that vaccines are for all human
beings. As long as you can ensure that Lin Ruan and I arrive in Beijing with blood samples,
once the vaccine is developed, I It is possible to promise Mr. Shen the priority to use the
vaccine, as well as ten percent ownership of the vaccine production technology. This means
that one-tenth of all the benefits derived from the vaccine belong to Mr. Shen. "
Shen Shi'an looked still: "You have the authority to make this commitment"
"After all, I'm the main person in charge of developing the vaccine, aren't I?" Tang Song
glanced at Shen Xun, who was leaning on Shen Shi'an's leg. "Although it's not sure what the
child's bite of us would do, I can't tell Mr. Shen The falsehood should be one of them. Even if
he doesn't trust me, Mr. Shen should be able to trust his ability. "
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and the dog sperm looked at each other, and his feet crossed
and changed their position: "Ten percent of the vaccine ownership is indeed tempting. But I
can grab the blood sample directly from you, so that the entire vaccine Would n’t it be more
cost-effective to have them under my control. "
"Major Tang and I are under the control of your son. If you really want a blood sample to
speak directly, we will hand it over immediately." Lin Ruan's right arm was still hanging on
the neck with gauze, her face was slightly pale, Standing beside Tang Song looked soft and
obedient: "But the blood sample is only a blood sample after all, not my bragging. The
whole country and even the world ’s research on zombie virus is even better than that of
Major Tang and me. I ’m afraid there are very few. Do you know if you can find a third
person besides us, can you successfully develop the vaccine? "
"After all, the blood sample is just a blood sample. That's true." Shen Shi'an stared back
coldly: "All you have now is just three blood samples and preliminary ideas for vaccine
development. The two dare to guarantee that they can develop a vaccine even if Yes, how
long will it take? How many variables are there? The so-called ten percent vaccine
ownership, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just a carrot that is put in front of the nose
and I do n’t know if I can eat it. Why should I order A promise that may not be fulfilled puts
the player at risk of being hunted down "
"High yields always come with high risks." Tang Song calmed his eyes, and Shen Shi'an
looked at each other: "What one-tenth of the vaccine ownership means should not be
explained in detail. It depends on whether Mr. Shen is willing to gamble. "
Shen Shian was silent for a moment and stood upright. "I need to talk to the players."
"Of course, Mr. Shen please."
Tang Song gave way and watched Shen Shi'an lead the child away. Wait until the figure
disappears from the window and say, "Do you think he will agree?"
"How can I be sure"
Lin Ruan sat on the table with a well-armed left arm and asked, "Does the teacher think he
lacks crystal nuclei?"
"No shortage." Based on his estimation of the fighting ability of seven people, at least he can
fight 10,000 mutant zombies at the same time.
"He doesn't lack a crystal nucleus, but he used our food expenses as a reason to relax and
eat a good meal." Lin Ruan shook his legs: "Anthropological analysis, the details can be seen
in character. This pedestrian The character is good and it is impossible to ignore the
vaccine. "
At the end, he added, "Only that child hates it."
At the same time, Shen Shian and others on the other side are discussing whether to go
with their peers.
"Now the vaccine is just under our eyelids. Any progress can be known at any time. If the
blood sample is really taken away by other forces, who knows what will happen, we have to
wait until the day when we use the vaccine." Xiong Manshan First, I voted in favour: "Let's
talk together together, there is brother Xun, and I'm afraid that they can't talk anymore and
secretly make little moves."
Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan agreed.
Chen Nan and Xu Ge were attacked inexplicably yesterday, saying that it would be
impossible to not care about Tang Song, but the vaccine is important and the other party is
in control, so they tend to travel together.
Shen Xun was still thinking about when he would break Lin Ruan's arm several times.
Naturally he would not oppose it, so the intention of his peers was officially reached.
Now that we have decided to go together, the next step is to plan the route.
The crowd gathered in the conference room. Tang Song spread out a map on the table. The
map marked the current location of the crowd and the place at the base of the capital. A
five-pointed star was drawn. The light yellow and dark orange were used between the two
five-pointed stars. , Crimson painted a continuous shadow, the darker the shadow color, the
darker the color, the darker the zombie density.
"It is not too far from here to the capital. According to the normal route, only the last two
hundred kilometers are left, but in the middle of it is the most amazing population density
in China. The number of permanent residents in the cities along the way is not low. Below 3
million, the closer to the capital, the higher the population density before the end of the
world, and the more terrible the zombie transformation rate after the virus outbreak. "
He raised his finger to the seemingly shocking red shaded area: "Especially this one, I am
afraid that it has completely become a no-man's land, reduced to a base camp for zombies,
and has definitely evolved a high-level zombies. Mr. Shen originally planned How to get
through "
"Try to get around the edge of the urban area with a small number of zombies. If you can't
get around, you will be forced to rush through." The running-in battle in the early two
months was to prepare for the last paragraph.
Lin Ruan shook his head: "At this point, the distance you have to travel will be at least three
times longer, and you may not be able to see the gate of the Beijing base alive."
Shen Shian looked at each other: "You have other plans"
Tang Song nodded and raised his hand to circle a position in the northwest direction of the
research center, about 50 to 60 kilometers away from the crowd, just at the edge of the
light yellow shaded area. "According to the information we collected from the previous
security base, a medium-sized base named Yangcheng Base was established here. The
number of survivors is about 50,000. It is managed by the powers and the military. It is also
when we arrived in Beijing. The closest base we have been able to reach before. "
"What's in the base" Liu Fangzhou whimsical: "Underpass to Beijing"
I didn't expect Lin Ruan to actually nod his head: "Almost. There is something wrong with
our own communication equipment, and we can't get in touch with our superiors. But such
a medium-sized base stationed by the army cannot not communicate with the outside
world, as long as it can use the other party The communication equipment of our company
reports our situation and location to our superiors. It is expected that a helicopter will
come over to respond soon, and then we can fly directly from the zombies. "
"But aren't you still being hunted down by people in the army? People will agree to lend
you the communicator."
"At present, the internal forces of the military are mixed, but fortunately, this garrison has
no conflict of interest with us, and can even be regarded as an alliance of interests. We are
80% sure that we can get communication assistance from the other side." Lin Ruanti wrote
on the paper: " Considering the need to pay attention to covering the whereabouts and
clearing the zombies along the way, we can arrive at the base of Yangcheng within three
days at the slowest, waiting for a reply from the superiors within two days. If everything
goes smoothly by plane in one day, we can do it no later than one week Arrive in Beijing. "
Shen Shi'an wasn't dizzy by this number and calmed his eyes: "If it doesn't go well, if you
don't get the communication help, or if your superiors can't send the helicopter over, or if
something else happens, are there any other backup plans? "
"It didn't exist at first. If this plan doesn't work, it is estimated that he can only prepare to
break into the zombies like Mr. Shen. But now it may not be." Lin Ruan turned to Tao Yuan:
"Will Mr. Tao drive a plane?"
Tao Yuan hesitated, then nodded: "It will go. The army can use both enemy aircraft and
helicopters. Civilians may have to practice their skills first, but the problem should be
Lin Ruan's face was painted with joy, and the pen drew a circle on the map about forty
kilometers away from the base of Yangcheng. It just entered the range of the dark orange
shadow: "This place has a secret air force base. I Before majoring with Major Tang, he was
transferred from here to y province to investigate influenza cases. I thought it would not be
useful. Thanks to Mr. Tao's presence, it can play a key role. If we ca n’t wait for the plane in
Yangcheng, then Find a way to go here and fly to Beijing by yourself. Although the density
of zombies along the way is not low and the risk is not small, it is much better than driving
through the red death zone. Counting the time required to resolve the zombies, at most
only It takes ten days. "
Ten days later, he must arrive in Beijing.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 98: Chapter 98

Settings saved..
With the route planned, we can't start immediately. The supplies in the entire research
center have not yet been cleaned up.
Probably because the zombies in the research center were solved by Tang Song. Xiong
Manshan never intervened from the beginning to the end. Since he joined the team,
everyone found food supplies for the first time, and the quantity was still quite large. In
addition, the biscuits, bread, coffee, milk, etc. collected from various floors are scattered,
and when stacked together, they are quite spectacular like a mountain.
The food Shen Shian collected half, and the remaining half was sealed and placed in the
most conspicuous place on the first floor of the main building, so that other survivors could
come in and search;
Pharmaceutical materials are definitely one of the most scarce materials after the end of
the world. No matter where they are placed, they are of great value. Shen Shi'an and others
because of the regeneration ability of Lingquan and Taoyuan have little demand for
pharmaceuticals, but for insurance I took a third of it, and even if I do n’t use it, I can trade
with others after I arrive in Beijing. Medical supplies such as syringes, infusion tubes, and
gauze bandages also received a lot of income. Liu Fangzhou also obtained a brand new and
complete set of dissection equipment.
Shen Shi'an replenished a batch of clean domestic water into the space, and took out the
generators originally obtained from the library, and replaced them with more sophisticated
and efficient power supply equipment in the research center.
Finally, at the suggestion of Tang Song, all the experimental equipment and high-end
medical equipment that can be found in the three floors above and below the main building
will be fully covered. Unless the manufacturing industry is fully restored, these things will
be extremely long-term. Precious non-renewable resources.
In addition, Shen Shi'an found Tang Song. "In order to prevent any accidents, I hope to give
me a blood sample and store it in the space."
Tang Song was hesitant not to worry that Shen Shi'an wanted to take the blood sample as
his own. Under the current circumstances, he and Lin Ruan both had fish under his sword.
Even if the other party wanted to kill them, it seemed easy. "Although the blood sample is
in a refrigerated state, it is essentially Still living creatures, isn't the space psionicist's space
unable to store living things? "
Shen Shi'an looked at him and said nothing.
Tang Song understood that it was unheard of to be shocked by the space in which abnormal
living things could be stored. How could the dead space formed by abilities create the
necessary environment for living organisms? Where can oxygen come from? How can the
temperature be controlled?
Originally, he only lamented the huge storage space of the other party. As a result, the
mystery of Mr. Shen's body may have just revealed the tip of the iceberg.
There was a rush of enthusiasm under his eyes, and he nodded to Shen Shian. "Since this is
the case, it is safer to hand over the blood sample to Mr. Shen."
Lin Ruan immediately brought the low-temperature storage, "Mr. Shen rest assured that
we will never reveal half a word about your space."
Shen Xun holding his cartoon little water bottle and sucked two strawberry milkshakes,
and heard a cold hum, "try it if you have the courage, you ca n’t even spit it if you want to."
You can kill you with just a click.
Lin Ruan felt only a tingling pain in his right arm, daring to anger but not to speak.
Huh, I hate it.
The area of the research center is too large, and after all the floors have been cleaned up,
the sky has darkened. After a discussion, they decided to go for an outdoor barbecue on the
top terrace of the main building.
It is located in the suburbs, with few surrounding buildings, and the field of vision is very
wide. Standing on the top of the building, you can clearly see the rolling clouds of dark gold,
dark red, and dark yellow at the edge of the sky. Like the elves in the twilight, sprinkling a
glorious glory.
Xiong Manshan stood by the railing, watching the magnificent beauty
"When a bunch of clouds light up the evening,
The red light shone on the stubble,
At this time, the little flying bugs under the river willow,
Buzzing in hordes,
Suddenly high and low, he was dizzy and turned by the small wind.
The oil gurgle under the fence sang,
The red-headed birds in the garden screamed in horror.
The sheep shouted in the mountain pen. "
Liu Fangzhou laughed "Brother Xiong, what are you talking about?"
"It's Keats' autumn chant," Lin Ruan replied, looking a little weird. "There are many
versions of this poem, but it's the first time I've seen the Northeast dialect."
Chen Nan joked, "Brother Xiong, you secretly recite poetry behind us. Isn't this just a matter
of looking for things?" After the performance, the live performance was performed, and
after the performance, Brother Shen made silky sweet potatoes for him.
"Where and where?" Xiong Manshan blushed. "This is my old profession. My
undergraduate and graduate students are studying foreign poetry and literature. What is
strange about the first poem?"
"What are you reading"
Several voices sounded at the same time, Liu Fangzhou's mouth was so wide that he could
swallow a mutant tomato. "Brother Xiong, your specialty is foreign poetry and literature."
"Yeah, did I tell you?"
That's strange.
Liu Fangzhou closed his mouth very hard. "I always thought you were learning tanks at
Lanxiang Driving School."
Xu Ge nodded subconsciously, and everyone laughed.
Xiong Manshan did not share his general knowledge, and raised his hand to wrap Lin
Ruan's shoulders. "We still have the culture. What kind of secret office do you work for like
Major Tang? You are a scientist at such a young age and can study the genetic code. What a
zombie virus, what a terrible brain, you say. I wonder if you're not yet an adult yet. "
Lin Ruan stood beside Xiong Manshan, like a little deer next to a **** bear in the old forest
in the deep mountains. He was weak, cute and innocent, and easily carried the bear's paw
that could crush people down from himself. . "
Xiong Manshan looked at his size and looked at his face "how old"
"Twenty-four, the year of the fate of this year."
"Oh," Liu Fangzhou came over to make up the knife. "The same year as Brother Xiong"
Chen Nan "can't see it at all."
Goblin "like father and son."
Tao Yuan smiled at Lin Ruan "I'm two years older than you."
"Really, he looks so small."
Xiong Manshan did not believe in evil, "How old is Major Tang?"
Twenty-two will die, or commit suicide.
"Don't you guys who are doing scientific research bald and get old quickly?"
"We're studying genes. It's easy to make a glass of youth \ 'potion when we're idle."
Xiong Manshan's eyes lit up "really"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
Xiongmanshan ""
Jealousy makes me have a good appetite and is growing stronger and stronger.
Two rows of barbecue racks were set up, charcoal gave out orange-red warm light under
Xu Ge's palm, and everyone worked separately to cut vegetables and string. The
magnificent sunset on the horizon gradually disappeared, and the sky was completely dark.
The fluorescent lights at the entrance to the balcony have long been lit, and the railings are
also full of small colored lights found from the storage room downstairs, which illuminate
this space, especially in the night.
Tao Yuan glanced up at the mosquitoes humming in the crowd above the heads, sighing
"Can the magic be used in this way?"
Thousands of mutated mosquitoes and various moths came through the light, but within
five meters of the balcony, they seemed to have lost their way, and turned back and forth
from side to side. They could not move forward for a long time, as if there was an invisible
piece. The barriers kept them out.
Liu Fangzhou, who has always been the most popular among mosquitoes, lifted Bai
Shengsheng's arms and swayed the mosquito mouthparts. He didn't get any response.
"Hey, God, this is, this is better than any toilet water. Major Tang, You can release this
illusion in a wide range. "
Tang Song nodded. "Such a large area is close to its limit. If it is expanded, it will be leaked
because it cannot be replenished in time. However, mosquitoes are much more confused
than humans."
Shen Shi'an asked, "If the role of illusion is to deceive the mind, your power should not be
able to affect ordinary mutant zombies."
"Yes, ordinary zombies have no wisdom. They only act on the instinct of craving flesh and
dna. Illusions can't affect them at all. At present, they only have an effect on power
"Isn't all the zombies in the body of ordinary zombies?" Xiong Manshan was puzzled. "The
virus can be communicated as you said, and there must be thinking. Can't Illusion be used
directly on the virus?"
Tang Song shook his head. "I tried. But the power is far from reaching the subtle level of the
virus, otherwise the zombie virus can be cracked directly by healing the power."
Ah, that's true.
Chen Nan thought about it, "In fact, it's not much worse. Power zombies control ordinary
zombies. You control power zombies, after all, the same effect."
It was a bit of a hassle when encountering a zombie group that has not yet evolved, and
there are thousands or tens of thousands.
Skewered skewers, vegetables, fruits, grilled sausages, etc. are placed on the grill, brushed
with grease and seasonings, and sizzle on the hot charcoal fire. The seductive aroma
quickly fills the whole layer. balcony.
The crowd sat around a long, low table. Lin Ruan took a string of goose wing tips from
singer Xu. He ate too hot and hissed and sighed, and quickly picked up a cold beer and filled
it with a cool liquid. A piece of Jiaoxiang flew into the filth, closed his eyes and sighed for a
long time, life.
A day before, such a level of food would definitely make him suspect that Tang Song had
given him magic.
Tang Song stared at the fat and tender wings that were bigger than his face, and looked at it
with interest for a long time. "This is the same as lunch, but also a mutant goose."
Shen Shi'an took the two bunches of roasted broccoli on the plate of the child, carefully
withdrew the bamboo stick to prevent him from poking himself, and nodded. "I met them
on the road, and on average they weighed about two tons."
He and Shen Xun met a total of thirteen mutant geese at the beginning, and Shen Xun
chopped one, and ate it for more than three months. He finally consumed it after Xiong
Manshan joined in. Now what he ate was just slaughtered a week ago. Visual inspection of
the capital is absolutely fine.
Lin Ruandao, "I met a group of mutant goats with my teacher. They look like dinosaurs. I
can only eat for half a year, but unfortunately I did n’t catch them, but I could n’t take them
even if I caught them. I remember if we were at noon Have you ever eaten goose eggs, Mr.
Shen, do n’t you plan to keep the eggs and hatch the goose cubs later? "
"Can't hatch."
"Hey why"
Shen Shi'an directly took out a goose egg from the space and "knocked."
Tang Song tapped carefully, his look changed, and he knocked again with the long-handled
knife that cut fruit, "high hardness."
"Very high," Shen Shi'an said. "I have to take a sword to split. With such a high hardness,
the pup can't break through the shell at all."
"How the mutant goose's fighting power might be if the cub inherited the power of the
mutant goose"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I am afraid that the mutated goose eggs will only be ordinary
Tang Song's eyes were so clear that he expressed great interest "how did Mr. Shen know?"
Shen Shi'an briefly described what she saw in Noah's Ark. "The captain wanted to give birth
to more abilities through the combination of abilities. But the fetuses in the abdomen of
those women were all ordinary. people."
"In this way, the DNA mutation caused by the virus cannot be inherited." Tang Song
couldn't even care about eating, and fell into a deep thought.
Xu Ge is puzzled. "If there is sexual reproduction, don't both parents have half of each DNA.
If the paternal gene and the maternal gene are mutated, why the child has changed back to
ordinary people?" It makes no sense.
Tang Song's mind seemed to be undergoing a storm of thinking, and soon said, "There are
two possibilities. The human DNA has evolved over millions of years to reach today's level.
Its complexity and mystery are far beyond imagination. Almighty virus can temporarily
mutate individual genes, but this abnormal mutation will be forcibly returned to its original
position during reproduction, that is, DNA itself has rejection and error correction. Second,
DNA determines species and infection. The survivors who have been rearranged and
combined with the power virus and DNA may not belong to the same species from a genetic
perspective, which means that there will be some reproductive isolation between different
individuals, so there are errors and omissions in the genetic process. Which prevents them
from giving birth to them. "
"So, when the power generation of our generation dies, there will be no power generation
in this world."
Lin Ruan said, "It's not going to be that fast. In our current environment, the air and water
are full of protoviruses. Although the mutated organisms can only breed ordinary
organisms, but ordinary organisms come into contact with the original virus. Will generate
a new round of mutation, and once again evolved mutant goose in animals or human
abilities. However, these proviruses will always be less and less, and all the proviruses in
the ecological cycle system will be consumed. This The world will one day be restored. "
Everyone thought for a while, and couldn't even tell what their feelings were.
Xiong Manshan filled his belly with half of the effort while others discussed. At this time, he
was honestly standing by the barbecue grill to serve everyone. I groaned twice in the
mouth. "You said that this virus is also very interesting, either, it will make people zombies,
or it will evolve various abilities, and it will make the animals bigger and smaller. This is all.
Tang Song looked up to see him "make animals smaller"
"Yeah, what's wrong, you haven't seen smaller animals yet." Xiong Manshan's tone was full
of enthusiasm to show off his children. It just happened that the little things weren't eating
yet. "
Shen Shian was moved by heart, and two furry, adult slap-sized lions immediately
appeared beside the long table. At first sight, the unfamiliar environment depressed the
body vigilantly, and after a while they began to familiarize themselves with Chen Nan and
others. .
Lin Ruan was stunned "Do you still have pets?"
Xu Ge smiled and handed him a piece of raw goose. "Cute, tear it into small pieces with big
fingernails and feed them a little bit. They don't bite or hurt."
Lin Ruan coaxed one with his flesh and couldn't stop holding it in his arms; Tang Song
originally observed carefully with a scientific and rigorous attitude. Before long, he couldn't
help but secretly rub the little lion's tail.
Shen Shi'an also wanted to rub, but in the eyes of the dog's strict guard against death, he
stiffened his thoughts. He looked calm and undisturbed. He raised his hand and put a bunch
of broccoli on his plate, and motioned his eyes to change my ears at night.
Goblin nodded again and again. My heart is full of joy, the little lion is a fart, I am super cute,
and An An likes me the most in the world.
The darker the night and the stronger the aroma, the bamboo sticks and empty beer cans
were quickly scattered on the balcony.
The two little lions were full and started chasing around. When they looked up and saw the
mutant mosquitoes flying up and down, they eagerly tried to scratch one.
Xiong Manshan leaned on the railing, holding a string of goose **** in his left hand, and
holding a bottle of cold beer in his right hand, while looking at it cheerfully. Looking at it, I
thought of a question, "Hey, mutant geese can grow as high as several floors. Why do you
say that mutant mosquitoes don't grow much? If they are as big as a car, wouldn't it be a
bite? Swallow one at a time. "
"It's a big deal." Lin Ruan reclined on Tang Song, probably drinking a little too much, her
pale complexion finally appeared with a touch of ruddy blood. "Female mosquitoes use
blood as food, and their mouthpiece diameter can just be inserted \\\ 'Into human blood
vessels will not break the blood vessels. How big to **** the blood, mosquitoes cannot
digest anything other than blood.'
The twenty-four-year-old young man who looked like a fragile and cute little boy took a
nap, and said in a serious academic tone, "So Everbright is useless, we have to match the
calibre and get in and out of the hole. The skills are important."
Xiong Manshan slammed the beer out of his mouth, wiped his mouth and sat upright.
"Brother, I won't be sleepy if you slap this."
Xu Ge blushed after knowing it, pretending that he didn't hear him and turned to tease the
little lion; Chen Nan, Liu Fangzhou, look at me, look at you, and laughed meaningfully.
Tang Song nodded and thought deeply, "Lin Ruan is right, the technique of mosquitoes
inserting mouthparts into the blood vessels is really exquisite."
Several **** men laughed even harder.
Goblin lifted his head to watch Shen Shi'an "what are they laughing at?"
Shen Shian put his face in his mouth and put a potato in his mouth. "Eat yours."
At midday on the moon, this dinner was finally finished.
Tang Song stood up. "Let me and Lin Ruan clean up here, let's go to rest first."
Xiong Manshan, who was about to start packing, immediately dropped the dishes. "I'm
The last person to do the dishes is a tradition in the team. These two are pretty visionary.
Tao Yuan and Shen Shi'an looked at each other and fell to the back of several teammates.
They reached out to Lin Ruan "I hope everything goes well and arrive in Beijing as soon as
Lin Ruan held it in her hand, suddenly her eyes brightened, she hung her neck, her right
arm tied with a splint and a bandage, and squeezed her fist flexibly, with a smile on her
face. Beijing. "
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 99: Chapter 99

Settings saved..
This is the anti-theft chapter
The spacious ward is beautifully decorated, the heavy blue curtains are all pulled open, and
the bright sunlight falls in from the bay window through the second layer of veil, which
brightens the room.
Mr. Shen, who is a little delicious, is standing next to the vertical closet behind the sofa. His
sick clothes have not been changed. He has a few clothes in his hands and a luggage bag at
his feet. It looks like he is packing.
Turning his head after hearing the knock on the door, a pair of dark jade eyes carried light,
cold and deep like a cold moon, "I am here, what's wrong"
The voice is clear, like a splash of pearls.
With such a flat tone, the flushing on Xiao Ke's face immediately deepened by another two
points. This Mr. Shen was really nice.
It was almost gorgeous, but because the host's cold temperament and tall and thin
physique did not seem feminine at all, it only made people's hearts shake, and then they
developed a sense of distance that can be viewed from a distance and can't play. Not afraid
to approach.
Xiao Ke's gaze was hot with him and he turned to the side immediately. "Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen,
I'll bring you the intimate clothing when you are admitted to the hospital."
Shen Shian carefully put the folded clothes in his hand into a Li Bao. He came over and took
the paper bag in Xiao Ke's arms. He had a car accident more than half a month ago, and was
then sent to the largest joint-venture hospital in H City. The treatment, the bag contained
all the things that were taken from him at that time.
The mobile phone was damaged in a car accident. A new one was replaced during the
hospitalization. The student ID and ID were also taken out when confirming his identity. All
that was left was a set of clothes worn at the time and a bunch of keys.
Shen Shi'an simply flipped over, and thanked Xiao Ke for "troubled."
"No, no trouble, no trouble," Xiao Ke said, with red-hot ears and no idea where to put her
hands and feet, thinking about the other party's discharge from the hospital soon, think
about the little sisters at the nurse station cheering on her, He had the courage to put his
eyes back on Shen Shi'an's face. "Mr. Shen is packing up things, do you want me to help?"
Shen Shi'an already has experience in dealing with such situations. Try not to let his voice
sound a bit leeway, and not be too indifferent and refuse to be far away. "No, I can do it
myself, thank you."
Xiao Ke scratched a bit of disappointment in his eyes, bit his lip, didn't dare to say the
request for "exchange of mobile phone number", and finally looked at Shen Shi'an,
whispered "Mr. Shen, you are busy," and turned and walked out of the ward.
Shen Shi'an watched her leave and take the door, so she put the paper bag on the coffee
table and walked back to the cabinet to continue packing.
After a while, the door was knocked again. This time it was one of the bodyguards. The
Chinese character had a big face. Fan Guoping, about forty years old, "Mr. Shen, there is a
little brother who says that your classmate wants to come in and visit you. . "
He didn't finish talking, Shen Shi'an had seen the tall young man standing outside the door.
The coldness of the whole body faded away a little, with a smile on his face, like a flower
blooming under the crystal ice, and his excellent appearance became more and more vivid.
"Why are you here, are there no lessons today?"
He and Yun Feiyang are both sophomores from the Medical University of H City. They have
different majors in the same faculty, but some public classes will still be together. Today is
Friday. He remembers that there are professional classes in the morning and afternoon.
"How can I not come out when you leave the hospital, am I the kind of unconscientious
person, and Daoshan Huohai can't stop me from running to your footsteps." Yun Feiyang
walked in with his hands around the bodyguards and came in. When it comes to the key
point, "the teachers are not checking enough to check the attendance at the end of the
period. Besides, there are roommates standing on their shoulders. I really need to name
them and help me answer them."
Looking around in the ward and finally falling on Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang blew his whistle,
"You can live this day, my little brother, flowers and fruits and nutritional supplements. I'm
holding you back than I was before my hospitalization. it is good."
This is true, probably because I have been indoors for a long time. Shen Shian's skin looks a
little whiter than before, and it is not the kind of pale that has not seen the sun for a long
time. Standing far away, you ca n’t look carefully, and standing close. It was found that even
the pores were almost invisible, and the lustrous luster in the white was still red, which
was better than the medical dog who stayed up late to play games and stay up late at the
end of the period.
Yun Feiyang searched for a long time before finding out the traces of patients who had been
in a car accident. "It's a lot thinner." The slender jawbone was thin. Alas, if the female
classmates in the school could see it, it would be sad.
In front of friends who are familiar with each other, Shen Shi'an is obviously gentle and
relaxed a lot. "If I renew the ward and let you stay for two days, it doesn't matter. Let the
nurse put two needles a day."
Yun Feiyang hesitated twice, "That's too embarrassing, I still don't bother the nurse sister."
Seeing that the door had been closed again, he took an orange from the fruit basket and
tossed it to Shen Shi'an. "This is at your door. What is the situation of the two bodyguard
brothers who have n’t seen it yet? Your father coughs, Mr. Gu found it for you. ”
Shen Shi'an snorted, and the half-length black hair fell in front of him as he bent to pull the
zipper of the luggage bag, without further explanation.
Knowing that this was not a topic suitable for in-depth discussion, Yun Feiyang didn't
continue to ask, "Is there anything I need to help with the discharge procedures?"
As I said, I picked up the paper bag on the coffee table and was startled when I opened it.
Inside was Shen Shi'an's clothes, which he knew. But the pale gray sweater and coat were
covered with dried dark red blood stains, and the blood stains seemed to have completely
penetrated the fabric of the clothes, because the deep color and large area looked quite
shocking, which made people immediately bear. What kind of trauma did the owner of
Lenovo's clothes suffer?
Yun Feiyang's face was a bit whitish, and the original laughter disappeared, watching Shen
Shi'an difficult to conceal his worry, "Shit, your car accident is so serious."
After Shen Shi'an had a car accident, the hospital first notified the school through his
student ID, and the school also informed the counselor. The counselor contacted Shen
Shi'an's only immediate relative, which is Mr. Gu, who is far away from city b. Wait until he
gives Shen Shi'an called and found out that nothing could be solved. When she noticed
something wrong, she reported to the counselor that it was already the second day of her
At that time, Shen Shi'an had just finished the operation. Although he lived in the intensive
care unit, his looks and the description of the attending doctor did not seem to be
particularly serious. It was only at this moment that he saw these clothes that witnessed
the car accident and were soaked with blood. He jumped fiercely, and felt that the other
party had walked away from the gate.
Shen Shi'an took the paper bag out of his hand and put it in a Li bag. "Looking scary, it's all
skin trauma."
Yun Feiyang was a little unbelieving. Looking at the blood on his clothes, "really" was
clearly the blood loss that could kill people.
"Really," Shen Shi'an's eyes are clear, and there is a gloss similar to black gems. "What do I
lie to you, if there is any major problem, the doctor will not let me be discharged. Is the
discharge procedure already completed, and the things also? They're packed, and I can
leave when I change clothes. "
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uneasy. He stared at him on the sofa, for fear that he would
endure the pain, and he would be unable to support the stun and fainted on the ground in
the next second.
According to the distance between the two, if he suddenly fainted, he should be able to rush
forward to catch it, Yun Feiyang thought. After a moment's secret evaluation, the buttocks
were quietly moved away from Shen Shi'an on the sofa. Well, that's about it. It can
definitely rush to the hero to save the beauty in an instant.
The scene imagined in Yun Feiyang's mind was not realized, because Shen Shi'an did not
look like something, and walked back and forth normally. There was no blood-stained
bandage or a bandage under the sick clothes. It is a traumatic wound after trauma.
But when Shen Shian turned his back on and put on a thin black slim sweater, Yun Feiyang
saw something unusual. "Hey, where is your bead?"
Shen Shi'an has been wearing a string of beads on his right wrist. The texture of ink jade
has been carved into an ancient lotus shape, because it is a relic left by his mother, Mrs.
Shen. Yun Feiyang has never seen him for so long. He took it off.
But at this time, the black woolen clothes were draped over him, and the right wrist was
flat, clearly not wearing anything.
Shen Shi'an wore a slight pause in his coat, and then pulled the zipper as usual. "I woke up
after waking up after the operation. It was probably because the rope was torn in a car
Understanding the meaning of the jewel for Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang didn't know how to
comfort him, and for a long time he uttered a sentence, "The old one will not go and the
new one will not come." I just wanted to give myself a slap. say something
Shen Shi'an knew that he didn't care about his character, changed his clothes and picked up
his luggage. "Let's go."
Yun Feiyang hurriedly grabbed the luggage bag and tried a little to please Dai Yiliong.
"Where are you sick? Where can you hold something, give it to me." I looked around the
flower basket and fruit basket in the ward. Do it "
Shen Shi'an said indifferently. "Let ’s just leave it, it was not given to me." The Gu family is
one of the major shareholders of the hospital. After Mr. Gu's visit, the doctor's director and
leaders at all levels in the hospital came here. of.
It is common for patients to give things to doctors, but it is rare for doctors to give things to
patients. Shen Shian thought.
Yun Feiyang immediately reluctantly. "Why didn't they all come to your ward with so many
fruit supplements? It's a pity to throw them here, **** your prodigal child."
Pick up a bunch of flowers, turn around and go out to the nurse's station and ask the nurses
for a few big bags, then choose between the fruit basket and the tonic and fill the three big
pockets. Probe the two bodyguards outside the door Giggle "Hey, hey hey, I'll go home and
give us An An to make up for our body, brother bodyguard help me."
Fan Guoping was very good at talking, and his big hand stretched out two bags easily. The
other bodyguard was younger, named Wan Feng, higher than Yunfei Yang in 185. He was
staring at him for a moment. Only then picked up another bag of things.
Yun Feiyang quietly rubbed his arms and didn't know where the person Mr. Gu invited
from, it looked like a fire.
A group of four arrived at the underground parking lot after the person in charge of the
inpatient department saw him off. Fan Guoping drove, Wan Feng sat in the co-pilot, and
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang got into the back seat. About half an hour later arrived at Shen
Shi'an's residence near the Medical University of H City.
The apartment building was left to Shen Shi'an by his grandfather. The community where
he belongs belongs to the courtyard of the medical staff of the medical university. It is rare
to enjoy municipal heating in the slightly southerly city of h city.
As soon as Shen Shi'an took out the key and opened the door, the group was immediately
breathed a breath by the oncoming heat.
The apartment is a two bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and two bathroom
structure, with a storage room and a balcony. The area is not too large, but Shen Shi'an lives
alone more than enough.
The house was neatly packed. Even if it was unoccupied for more than half a month, it
could not be seen as dirty. Only a light layer of gray was dropped on the furniture and it
was cleaned after a little cleaning.
Two bodyguards stopped Shen Shi'an from preparing to enter the door. "Mr. Shen, for
safety, it's best to let us check first."
Shen Shi'an pressed his lips, then nodded. Standing at the door, watching the two
bodyguards carefully inspected every corner of the house, until Wan Feng was about to
open the north-facing storage room, and then frowned and stopped. "Wait, that room can't
As soon as the voice fell, I walked over and turned the handle to open the door actively.
The storage room is about the same size as the second bedroom, because it faces north and
back, and the temperature is slightly lower than the rest of the house. The store structure is
written on the storage room, but it is not actually used as a storage room. The room is
empty and unobstructed. There is only a light cyan porcelain pot on the wooden furniture
against the wall. Next is a magnified black and white photo. In front of the photo, there are
a four-corner censer with a length of about 20 cm and a red clay sculpture and two
Wan Feng immediately understood what it was, took a step back, and whispered "Sorry."
"It's okay." Shen Shi'an could not see any expression on his face, and turned to look at Fan
Guoping, who had just checked the bedroom. "Trouble two people have been by my side for
so many days, but I have been discharged from the hospital and arrived home safely. Both
should also You can retreat. "
Fan Guoping and Wan Feng looked at each other with a little embarrassment on the
Chinese character's face. "What, we were hired by Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu's request is to protect Mr.
Shen from your 24-hour personal protection. Your salary has been obtained. Now, without
Mr. Gu's instructions, we would not dare to neglect our duties and just let it go. This is also
for your safety considerations, Mr. Shen. "
Shen Shi'an is not ignorant, nor will he deliberately embarrass the two, and the thick
eyelashes will fall and lift up for a moment. "But you also saw it, I can't live with you both at
Even if he could live, he couldn't be in the same room with the two men 24 hours a day. It is
unwilling and impossible.
Fan Guoping's expression relaxed immediately, and he smiled and said, "You don't need to
worry," turned and walked out the door, took out the key and opened the door of the
apartment opposite Shen Shi'an's house. "Mr. Gu has arranged it, and we both live in
Opposite Mr. Shen, he would never disturb Mr. Shen's private life, just treat us as if we
didn't exist. "
In this case, Shen Shi'an had to accept such an arrangement. After sending them out, I
thanked them again and closed the door to return to the room.
Yun Feiyang, who has not spoken for a long time, seemed to be thinking about something.
"Your dad is not, why does Mr. Gu give you a bodyguard? Twenty-four hours of personal
protection. For your safety, you are not a national leader. You have to watch out for
someone assassination. "The voice suddenly slammed, and Yun Feiyang suddenly opened
his eyes." Look, isn't your accident a car accident? "
Yun Feiyang almost jumped up in shock and anger, but Shen Shi'an's expression remained
unchanged, neither admitting nor denying that "no one can be sure of something without
evidence." He bent over and changed his slippers, and brought Yun Feiyang a pair.
"How can't I be sure? If there was no cat in the car accident, how could Mr. Gu ask you for a
bodyguard in such a big battle?" Yun Feiyang's temperament was just like the artillery
battle, and he suddenly learned that someone was going to hurt his brother. Immediately
holding a kitchen knife and the murderer behind the scene desperately "I know who is
doing who is going to hurt you. It must be Mr. Gu and his wife, right? You are all surnamed.
The household registration has nothing to do with the Gu family, she keeps staring. What
are you doing that was not enough? "
Shen Shi'an suddenly turned and looked at him, his face could not see the mood, but the
cool coldness in his eyes instantly made Yun Feiyang stop as if he was pinching his neck.
After a while, he rubbed his hair like a vent. "Stop it, I won't say it." After secretly
whispering how I lived in the hospital once, it was more scary when I cold-faced.
Seeing Shen Shi'an walk into the storeroom, quickly changed his shoes and followed, and in
the quiet environment and the scent of light candles, he subconsciously said, "I also give my
aunt a column incense."
Shen Shian lit the candle, then lit three incense sticks with the candlelight, and whispered
in his hand to the black and white photo, "Mom, I'm back."
The woman in the photo is very beautiful. She has a shawl with gentle hair and eyebrows.
She looks similar to Shen Shian's feet, but her temperament is completely different. A pair
of smiling eyes are slightly bent, and she shines in the sun.
Unlike Shen Shi'an's restrained restraint, Yun Feiyang, who also has the fragrance, is much
more fussy. "Auntie, I'm here to disturb again, but today An An is a sick person. I will not
work. He will cook and cook. I will wait." Give him more nutritional supplements and feed
him well. You can rest assured that although An An is in a car accident, it is not a big deal.
Now people are jumping around, and they say that there will be blessings if they do n’t die.
I ’ll take care of you in heaven. Take care from the ground, and I will definitely have good
luck in the future. "
Until a bunch of incense was almost burned out, it was not enough to insert incense into the
incense burner, followed Shen Shi'an to the living room to prepare takeaway.
By the time the takeaway helped to clean up, Yun Feiyang suddenly remembered
something, "Yes, don't you do one good every day, isn't your share today still useless?"
Shen Shi'an's uncle and his mother both believed in Buddhism. Although he himself did not
believe it, under the influence of his mother, he had been insisting on "doing one good deed
every day" for more than ten years, even during hospitalization. When I heard this
sentence, the thing of thinking and doing good right away was not big or small, even if it
was just a helping hand, but now I'm afraid I have no chance to implement it.
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 100: 100th
Settings saved..
The morning light was light, and the base was already bustling.
In a row of two-story bungalows in the northwest corner, the door on the left side was
pushed open, and Shen Shi'an came out with his children.
Shen Xun sipped a bag of milk, and two dark green eyes of Bulling Bulling looked around "a
lot of ducks."
"Um." Shen Shi'an responded, light golden sunlight on his face, his expression calm and soft.
Many of the places where they have passed since their journey are too small and the
management is seriously unbalanced, more like a transit station where survivors have
temporarily gathered together; Noah's Ark is too deformed, and its bright appearance
brings together the darkest humanity in the end of the world. Vicious part. Only here is a
place that is built by the group strength after the sudden tragedy, and the survivors work in
cooperation with each other, wait for the wounds to heal, and work hard to rebuild and
This is what a base should look like.
Pedestrians on the road may not be neatly dressed, not necessarily rosy, or even sleep well
and eaten, but everyone's eyes are full of bright and lively anger
A new day begins, as long as you can breathe, there is hope.
There are a total of three canteens in the base, and there is one near the bungalow that
everyone chose to settle down. This time happens to be a meal, and most pedestrians are
gathering in the direction of the cafeteria.
Shen Shi'an took the child into the crowd and walked around the windows. It was found
that the canteen was mainly packed with biscuits, bread and other convenient packaged
foods. There are also snacks and congee noodles, but the quantity is small and the price is
high. Few survivors went to buy.
This situation is not difficult to understand.Although there are wood-based abilities in the
base that can spawn plants, food crops such as wheat and rice have higher land
requirements. In the case of surrounding city walls to defend against zombies, it is difficult
to be in the base. There is sufficient and suitable land planned for cultivation, so that only
the grain reserves and a small amount of grain collected before the end of the world can be
eaten, and the price is naturally high.
Correspondingly, there are a lot of vegetables and fruits that can be grown at random, and
the price is not expensive. Shen Shi'an bought three sweet corns for the child with a crystal
core, and two were packed in paper bags. The other was held up by the dog's sperm with
both hands.
In addition, Shen Shi'an also saw in the cafeteria a kind of locally processed food with
"Yangcheng Special" printed on a food packaging bag that was absolutely absent elsewhere.
The production date was within one week.
Yesterday, when I entered the base clock Han, I introduced them to them. The Yangcheng
base belongs to the industrial area of Yangcheng before the end of the world. The entire
area is vast and various factories are scattered. Before the outbreak of the virus, the
workers and their families in the factory mainly lived. Self-supporting department outside
the urban area. After the military chose to establish a base here, it benefited from the
abundant coal resources around Yangcheng. Several factories were restarted, and the food
processing plant was one of them. This is a unique advantage of Yangcheng base.
Of course, because the entire production chain is broken, it is impossible to produce
anything too delicate and complex with just one factory. Most of them are secondary
processing of vegetables and fruits to extend the shelf life, because raw materials are
produced in-house, and in all foods The price is the best and most people buy it.
Shen Shian bought a bag of half a catty of sweet potato fries and a bag of pumpkin pie, both
of which tasted good, because without any preservative added, it seemed to taste extra
When the turn was almost the same, holding the dog in one hand and holding the "local
specialty" in one hand, "Go back."
People who had eaten from the cafeteria started to divert, some went to the factory, some
were scattered on the criss-crossed streets, and some went towards the door.
Greet each other or know each other
"Have eaten it"
"I have eaten it, I have eaten it, the melon just launched today tastes good, did you taste it?"
"Taste it, this new batch of sweet potatoes is also good, sweet and soft."
"Really, then I have to try it at noon"
"Lao Zhang, go to work in the factory"
"Yeah, hey you don't go today"
"No, I plan to go out and try my luck. I heard that recently there are fewer and fewer
zombies outside, and it is safer than before. Yesterday, they packed up and returned the
goods from Linshi."
"Okay, then you pay attention to your safety. If I get a good harvest, I will make up a few
with you in a few days."
"Well, see you later"
Shen Shi'an walked slowly in the trivial and full of life dialogue. When returning to the
residence, Tang Song and Lin Ruan who had gone for a walk had already returned. Chen
Nan, who followed Tao Yuan's morning training, was a little behind, and finally came in
Bear Man Shan.
The members gathered and exchanged the collected information while having breakfast
around the table.
"At present, the number of survivors in the base has increased to more than 80,000," Liu
Fangzhou picked up a piece of pumpkin cake Shen Shian brought back from the cafeteria
and stuffed it into his mouth. "The powerist is about 4,142. Plus, if you do n’t come back to
do the task, the total of 4,500 should be fine. ”
Chen Nandao "We briefly enquired. There are four factories in the base to resume
operation, a food processing factory, a toilet water production factory, and the other two
are used to train steel to make weapons. They are stricter than other places, except for
staff. People and other people cannot approach at all. It seems that they have also used the
produced things to establish trade relations with other bases and communicate with each
other. "
Tao Yuan unpacked a pack of compressed biscuits. "When we were running, we just met
two military trucks coming out of the forging plant to get out of the city gate. According to
the rut, the contents were not light. They should be transported from the Yangcheng base.
Weapons are being traded elsewhere. "
"The survivors here have a good standard of living." Liu Fangzhou swallowed the pumpkin
cake and grabbed a handful of sweet potatoes. "Most of the power go out to kill the zombies
to find supplies. Ordinary people go to work in the factory or vegetable garden. The factory
has 10,000 small jobs. Anyway, if you are willing to work, you will definitely not starve to
death. "
Lin Ruan put tomato sauce on his toast slice, then wiped the tomato sauce with strawberry
jam, sandwiched two slices of ham and three slices of lettuce, everything was halved to
Tang Song, "Overall, we have the information we collected before Almost, the garrison team
is also the one we expected, and the teacher in charge of the military at this base just
happens to know him. "
Shen Shian looked to Tang Song "acquaintances are just one-sided friends"
"Between the two," Tang Song exchanged the sandwich with more meat in his hand to Lin
Ruan. "His wife had a serious illness before the last days. It was the attending doctor I
introduced from the Confidential Investigation Department. . "
"A serious illness that is absolutely incurable in normal hospitals," Lin Ruan added.
"That relationship is good," Xiong Manshan clapped his hands. "That's tantamount to
saying that you have a life-saving favor for his wife, and how good it is to hold such a big
Shen Shian asked him "What's up with you?"
"I went to the Shengtang. The place is quite large, and the decoration is not very advanced,
but it has a solemn and solemn atmosphere, and it feels a bit like a church. They are quite
standard, and the recovered corpses are specially responsible for organizing them. The
remains, some people are responsible for taking pictures and collecting the relics, and
others are responsible for sealing these relics and sending them to the population
disclosure office. I also went there, in the center of the base, which was originally the
stadium. All the survivors in the base and known The information of the deceased can be
found in it. If you want to find someone or leave a message to others, write a note and paste
it on the bulletin board. There is also a wall specially prepared for Xiangshengtang. Above It
was all the photos of the dead and their relics, and I counted almost two thousand people. It
is said that many survivors have found their families from above. "
"Where is the cemetery for the dead"
"On the hillside northwest of the base," Xiong Manshan lifted the wrapping paper, stirred it
twice in the steaming instant noodles, wrapped it with a fork, and sent it into his mouth.
The large hillside there has been used as a cemetery. It seems that it was specially
approved by the base. I retrieved the dead body in Shengtang, cleaned up and took photos.
After the cremation, I was buried there. A wooden sign was erected in front of each grave. If
you know the name, write the name. If you do n’t know, write the forerunner. A small tree
is planted next to it.
The Chinese people pay attention to getting into the ground for peace. No matter how they
die, after they die, they can have a place to stay in the zombies and wilderness, which is
considered a good home.
"Not only was the body recovered from Shengtang buried there, but also the survivors who
died during the mission and search for supplies in the base were buried there," Xiong
Manshan drank most of the noodle soup and wiped his mouth with his hand. "Anyway. , I
think this matter is quite meaningful. In this life, people have nothing but life and death. It
is not lifeless in the last days, but no one knows when it is their turn, but they know After I
die, some people collect corpses, some bury them, and some people scan themselves for the
grave. They will have a sense of collective belonging more or less, especially when it is
estimated that 99% of the country ’s population has broken their homes. If I were, I would
be willing Stay here. "
Xu Ge nodded. "I met several people in the street wearing the uniform of Zangshengtang.
The survivors in the base respected them very much. I think this should be the reason why
the managers are willing to show support for Zangshengtang."
From the perspective of management and cohesion of the base, the existence of
Xiangshengtang seems to have its important role.
Near the end of the breakfast, the information was exchanged.
Shen Shi'an remembered one thing: "Have you heard of the survivors mentioning the
reduction of zombies near the base?"
Everyone shook their heads. "It didn't seem that we had encountered many zombies when
we came yesterday. Didn't the base send someone to clean up?"
"It's not clear for the time being, anyway, pay a little more attention, if you have the
opportunity to find out more about this."
"Okay, if the zombies really decrease, that's a good thing, maybe the zombie virus has
mutated again and killed himself." Liu Fangzhou dreamed cheerfully.
A few minutes later, everyone ended breakfast, Tang Song and Lin Ruan successively stood
up from the table. "Then we will officially set off to contact the garrison. If we do not return
within three hours, Mr. Shen, please take it as planned. The blood sample will go first, and
we will find a way to join you as soon as possible. "
Shen Shian nodded. "Be careful."
They were taken to the door and watched as they disappeared into the crowd.
Chen Nan closed the door, "Brother Shen, what are we going to do next"
Shen Shi'an squeezed the child's fingers in his palm, his eyes were dark and quiet

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 101: Chapter 101

Settings saved..
Tang Song returned within two hours. Look can't talk about joy, but it can't talk about
"Two messages," Lin Ruan said, "a good one and a bad one, which one do you want to hear
The crowd gathered around the table, and Shen Shi'an said, "Bad."
"The bad news is that we were unable to get a direct contact with our superiors,
communication was blocked, and no matter how many times it was broadcast, it was
"The good news is that the person in charge of the garrison here really is the one we know
and owes to the teacher. The surname is Yang, named Yang Mingwu. The other person still
remembers the relationship, and he knows that the newspaper is very good. Support, so my
teacher and I were able to leave an encrypted message to the superior contact via another
alternate line. "
"Encrypted information" Xiong Manshan asked "equivalent to encrypted text messages"
"You can understand that."
"That means there is no way to determine if the other party has seen the information."
"Yes, in the current situation, we can only wait to see if the contact will reply or send the
plane directly."
Because the mental preparations for things that might not go well in advance may not be
particularly difficult for these two news.
"Still come as originally planned," Shen Shi'an said. "We only wait here for two days. If we
do not receive a response or wait for the plane after two days, we will implement the
second plan."
Although going to the air base requires a deep dive into the heart of the zombies,
comprehensive comparison is already the most convenient and quick way.
There was no objection from everyone.
The message has been sent and everything they can do has been done. The next time was
idle, and several people turned the place where the base can go a few more times, not only
to gather information, but also because they have not been in contact with large-scale
crowds for too long. The days are quite memorable.
Tang Song said that the rule of "the more zombies gather and evolve faster" also applies to
the abilities. This theory was quickly verified on Liu Fangzhou. The third day after the
crowd entered the base, he had not happened for several months. The change of the
ability's sensing distance finally broke from the furthest two kilometers to the longest three
kilometers, and if he diverges the ability in a circle centered on himself, it can sense all life
conditions within a radius of 1.5 kilometers. .
Although Chen Nan and others are not just like him because they are close to the critical
point, they can just break through, but they can feel the subtle changes in the body. There
are more abilities, and what a considerable boost will be produced over time.
On the other hand, the messages sent by Tang Song were like a sinking sea, and neither
received a reply nor a plane came to respond.
On the third night after entering the base of Yangcheng, Shen Shi'an and others formally
started a backup plan, planning the next route in detail around the map.
Two hours later, Shen Shi'an put down his pen and put away all the maps and dense
notebooks. "Everyone rest early, and leave tomorrow morning as soon as the gate opens."
Because the plan was adequate and detailed, and the team members were full of
confidence, Chen Nan touched his head in his backpack and couldn't help sighing, "We can
really reach the capital in at least two or three days. This is simply a dream. same."
Xiong Manshan sat in a chair and stretched his waist, casually saying "As long as nothing
happens tonight."
The faces of the people changed drastically, and Liu Fangzhou jumped over and covered his
mouth. "What are you doing? You have to put a debuff on your own staff, spit and spit and
say again."
Xiong Manshan was almost rolled and his eyes rolled, and he spit in two spittle, and
secretly defamated in my heart. When I was looking for supplies, it was not a bit, nor was it
a crow's mouth that had been opened.
As for it?
Really he \ 's mom.
This was the first sentence that came to mind after Xiong Manshan was awakened by the
sharp and loud alarm sound at around 12 o'clock that night.
Everyone dressed as fast as possible, took their weapons, and opened the door to the
The alarm sounded throughout the city, and the lights on both sides of the road lit up,
attracting various bugs to fly up and down. The cold white light sprinkles a circle of light
and shadow on the road. The place where it is illuminated is bright and dazzling. The place
where it is not immersed is immersed in the deep night, and it becomes more and more
difficult to distinguish.
Shen Shi'an and others responded quickly. When they rushed out of the gate, there was no
one on the street, but soon survivors ran out of various buildings one after another, holding
weapons in their hands. Although they looked nervous, but I didn't see much fear or
confusion during the operation, and ran towards Beicheng Gate in the direction of the
"Zombies are here again"
"Is n’t it just once last month? Why is it here again? I also heard people say that there have
been fewer zombies outside recently."
"Who knows what's happening, it's always such a high wall, and no one is afraid to come."
"Just a bunch of crystal nuclei, my daughter's birthday is almost here, and I plan to buy her
a little skirt."
The North City Gate is not far from where Shen Shi'an and other people live. The crowd ran
for less than two minutes following the flow of people, and the towering and thick wall was
near. Rows of heavily armed soldiers ran across the main road in an orderly manner,
divided into two parts from the steps on both sides of the gate to the city wall, and the
uniform footsteps were particularly reassuring in the night.
One of the leading commanders recognized Tang Song and disappeared on the wall after
saluting him. He quickly ran back again. "Major Tang, Chairman Yang has invited you."
"Can my friends also go up"
"of course."
Shen Shi'an held the child at the back of the team, followed the commander through the
rows of soldiers and the abilities, and soon came to the main wall part directly above the
A middle-aged man surrounded by the crowd turned around and shook hands with Tang
Song. "Major Tang was also awakened." Then he pointed to the man beside him and
introduced "This is the person in charge of the affairs of the power in the base." Mr. Zhu
Guangzhu. "
"Head Yang, Mr. Zhu, these are my friends." Tang Song also made a brief introduction, and
then asked, "Zombies came around the base."
First of all, head Yang bet on Xiong Manshan, who looks like a tiger-backed bear waist
tower, and looks the most mighty and amazing. He replied, "Yes, Yangcheng is a city with a
relatively high population density. There are many zombies. After a period of time, There
will be a tide of zombies. But don't worry, our city walls have been strengthened many
times and it is very safe. Zombies ca n’t break in, but it takes a bit of work to clean up. Did
you originally plan to leave tomorrow or maybe it will be postponed for some time. "
The power leader named Zhuguang focuses on Shen Shi'an, who is at the end of the line,
and repeatedly looks at it. "The child in your arms is also a power person."
Shen Shian nodded, patted the back of the child who was preparing for cavities a few times,
and turned sideways without speaking. Because of the urgency of time, there was no time
to disguise his face, the delicate jaw lines were smooth and clear, and the pearly white soft
light was reflected in the night.
"Head Yang," Tang Song turned the topic back. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you
know that a zombies were coming around"
The lights on the city gate are extremely bright, and they can be seen in the hundreds of
meters outside the city wall. It can be clearly seen that there is no abnormality as in the
daytime, and no zombies have been found in the sensing range of Liu Fangzhou. trace.
Head Yang took a handheld computer from the soldier and handed it to Tang Song. "In
order to detect the movement of the zombies in time, we have installed cameras in four
directions five kilometers away from the base. It's the image from the camera. "
Liu Fangzhou took a look and saw that the computer screen was full of zombies, the flesh
was rotten and the bones were sensational, and the murky eyes were full of lifelessness. It
looked particularly dark and weird in the dark gray picture of the infrared camera.
"Can you determine the exact number of zombies?" Lin Ruan asked.
Head Yang shook his head. "The camera can only capture a limited range, and the specific
number has to wait for the zombies to get closer. However, in previous waves of zombies,
the number of zombies has never exceeded 100,000."
When several people exchanged information, someone climbed up the city wall and walked
over. It was Zhong Han, the person in charge of Wang Shengtang who had a side with
Zhong Han seemed surprised when he saw Shen Shi'an and others. "You are also here."
Zhu Guang asked "Zhong Tangzhu knows these friends"
"I just met on the way back to the base the day before yesterday. By the way, all the people
who came back were very powerful people." Zhong Han said with a smile and greeted
several people, and said to Yang Ming Wudao "Head of Yang, to Shengshengtang People are
ready below, waiting for the leader to send. "
The head of Yang reached out, and his attitude was extremely kind.
"Where is Captain Yang? It is the responsibility and obligation of each of us to jointly resist
the zombies and maintain the security of the base."
The zombies were several miles away, and the base was already ready. Liu Fangzhou
glanced at the soldiers and abilities on the city wall, and looked at the city wall neatly,
everyone holding a weapon in his hand. 2. The residents of the base who are ready to
charge at any time have a strong and reliable sense of security.
It's just that this sense of security hasn't been born for a long time, and suddenly he
screams and covers his head with both hands, his face pale and crumbling, and he will fall
to the ground with his eyes.
Chen Nan was startled, and quickly hugged him "what happened, what happened"
Liu Fangzhou looked distressed, and a layer of cold sweat quickly appeared on his
forehead. "Zombies approached a lot, a lot."
His power can accurately sense the specific number of zombies at the moment of contact
with the zombies. Essentially, it depends on the induction and coverage of each zombie
individual by mental power. This means that once the number of zombies exceeds a certain
limit, for Mental power will be a huge burden.
Shen Shi'an immediately squatted down "how many"
"One million," Liu Fangzhou said of a number that frightened everyone "absolutely more
than one million"
The tear-like pain in his brain was too strong, and Liu Fangzhou had no choice but to
recover all his abilities and leaned against the city wall to breathe.
Head Yang and others quickly gathered around. "Can this child sense that the number of
zombies is more than one million?"
Liu Fangzhou nodded weakly, "at least so much." He could not continue to expand the
range of induction, otherwise his mind would explode.
The crowd's expressions quickly condensed, and Zhong Han thought about "With the
solidity and height of the city walls, even if there are really a million zombies, you should
not worry too much, but I am afraid that I can only be isolated from the outside for a long
time. There is no way Go out and search for supplies. "
"No, no, no, no, no," Liu Fangzhou shook his head again and again, not knowing whether it
was because of panic or urgency. His pale face looked whiter. "You did n’t understand,
there were eleven in the one million zombies. Power zombies. "
"And the eleven zombies are all soil abilities."

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 102:

Settings saved..
"what did you say?!"
"Are there eleven zombies?"
"Are they all soil abilities? How do you know? Is it wrong?"
As soon as Liu Fangzhou's words fell, the wall was immediately fried.
Head Yang faced Shen Rushui, and turned to look at Tang Song: "Major Tang, are your
friends' conclusions credible?"
Tang Song nodded: "Since he said that, there would be absolutely nothing wrong. I
guarantee it with personality."
"But how is that possible," someone said anxiously, "how could it be that all abilities
zombies are all soil abilities, and this is not the first time we have encountered a zombie
tide. Where is such a coincidence?"
Shen Shi'an has reached out and pulled Liu Fangzhou up, and handed him a crystal nucleus
for him to absorb and recover as soon as possible. He turned his head and looked at the
place where the lights outside the city wall could not be illuminated by light. His jaw was
tightened, and his dark eyes seemed to be frozen under the vast night Hantan Gubo:
Not a coincidence.
This is not an ordinary zombie tide, but a planned siege.
The zombies that suddenly reduced around the base before were probably preparing for
this siege. Something gathered the zombies scattered all over the place, and specially
selected eleven zombies leader best suited to siege-
He knew that the wisdom of zombies had been evolving, but had he unknowingly evolved
to such an extent? How many zombies made this plan? Will it be among these millions?
No, if the opponent is smart enough to fight against the base's biggest weakness, then it will
probably not take the risk easily.
"The eleven power zombies control more than one million lower zombies, which means
that these power zombies are at least the power level two," Tang Song looked at to the head
of Yang and Zhu Guang: "Currently in the base How many soil abilities are there? What are
their levels? "
Zhuguangdao: "A total of twenty-six soil abilities, eight of them have evolved to the second
Someone raised hope again; "So we still have the advantage, right? Twenty-six vs. eleven,
even if the power level is a little worse, the number of people can crush them."
"Impossible." Shen Shi'an retracted his gaze from a distance. "Zombies can sleep and
tirelessly, and attack all the time. Can abilities keep defending? Not to mention their goal is
not to overthrow the entire city wall, as long as they can Rip a hole from any position on the
wall and break in. We have no advantage at all when we fight. "
Zhu Guang focused his gaze on him again, and this time even Chairman Yang looked at it:
"Is there any solution for this gentleman?"
"No." Shen Shi'an shook his head sharply. "Arrange for non-combatants to evacuate as soon
as possible. According to the speed of the zombies in the surveillance screen, there is a
maximum of twenty minutes before the tide of zombies arrives."
And once a million zombies approach the city, it will only be a matter of time before the
Yangcheng base is breached.
The siren still sounded, everything in the bright light looked no different from half a minute
ago, but an unknown atmosphere floated quietly in the air.
The fighters who were close could hear the conversations of Commander Yang and others.
Although they tried their best to keep calm, the tension in the limb movements could not be
hidden; the survivors who were far away and under the city walls did not know what had
happened. The only word that came out indistinctly made them even more disturbed.
A moment ago, the sense of determination and security that "has been fully prepared to
deal with any situation" gradually dissipated, and the uncontrollable astonishment and
turmoil spread quickly among the crowd like a virus.
The night was lonely and the rain was coming.
Yang Mingwu only glanced into the city and immediately made a decision: "Inform all
ordinary survivors immediately to gather in Nanchengmen within five minutes. The
commander of the 3rd Battalion and the 4th Battalion, both of you will be responsible for
the evacuation. Women and children will get on the bus first. . "
"You can go all the way to the Yuzhou base all the way," Zhu Guang suggested: "The area is
large enough to receive tens of thousands of people. It is not a problem, and the car that
transports our weapons to the Yuzhou base for trading only leaves in the afternoon and
drives faster. It just happened to catch up. "With the supplies in hand, the issue of
personnel placement should always be better handled.
The more urgent the moment, the more the leader's response can determine the military
heart. Several management personnel were not afraid of the danger and finalized the
details of the evacuation as quickly as possible. The alarm soon stopped and was replaced
by an emergency evacuation announcement with a stinging eardrum. The two teams of
soldiers quickly withdrew from the city wall and disappeared at the end of the road. Among
the noisy silhouettes and hurried footsteps, a new wave of panic swept across the city.
Chen Nan's presence was so high that he could see all the soldiers and horses in the base all
over the place. He quickly took a cold sweat in his palm and lowered his voice: "Shen ...
Brother Yun, shall we withdraw?"
Shen Shi'an's lips were tightly squeezed, and the dark light surged under his eyes: Is it
removed? Where to withdraw? They finally came here, seeing that Beijing was close at
hand, would they run south?
What's more, it is not a problem that can be left behind as long as they leave safely. Eighty
thousand lives were at stake in Yangcheng base.
He glanced down at the thousands of ordinary survivors in the city walls who still chose to
hold their positions strictly with weapons, and then turned his attention to six teammates,
including Shen Xun, in turn: "All members are prepared to fight and try to be ordinary Fight
for evacuation time. "
When the enemy is approaching and the zombies are approaching, he can't convince
himself to turn a blind eye to the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people, leaving
nothing to chance. If it's time to die, he will send all his teammates into space.
Look at the two of them: "If you want to leave first, I can give you something back."
Lin Ruan laughed, and for the first time she smiled innocently, and even pale face was a
little more alive: "You think of us as someone, even if you join temporarily, it can be
regarded as a teammate, since it is a teammate Of course you have to move forward and
backward together, what do you say, teacher? "
Tang Song nodded, although he did not speak, the intention was self-evident.
On the other side, Chairman Yang, Zhu Guang and others cooperated with each other to
arrange the evacuation task quickly and chaotically, and said to Zhong Han: "Zhong Tang
Lord, you are mostly ordinary people going to Shengtang, so go back as soon as possible to
prepare for evacuation. . "
Zhong Han shook his head, his face resolutely: "Lang Sheng Tang is part of the base, and it
is necessary to fight for the base to the last moment. You, the commander, will arrange for
others to leave first."
Shen Shi'an could not help but glance at him more.
Head Yang turned to Tang Song and others: "What about Major Tang and these friends?"
Tang Song said: "We don't go, it can help a little bit."
Head Yang said nothing, stared at the nine for a moment, raised his hand and saluted a
military salute.
A wind blew from the north, and the wind faintly carried the muddy earthy odor and the
rancidity of the zombies.
Liu Fangzhou gritted his teeth and released the power again. "... The zombie tide is 1.5
kilometers away."
With the orders of Commander Yang and Zhu Guang, all soldiers with guns loaded, and
those capable of long-range attacks stood at the forefront of the city wall. Twenty-six soil-
type powers were placed in various positions in the North City Wall and waited. Baskets of
zombie crystal nuclei were lifted from under the city wall like flowing water.
At the same time, the evacuation operation was proceeding in an orderly manner. Eighth
minutes after the evacuation notice was issued, the first military truck filled with survivors
slowly opened the Nancheng Gate.
Just then, a soldier suddenly ran over towards Yang Mingwu with a handheld computer:
"Head of the report! An abnormal creature was detected by the south camera!"
Head Yang frowned: "Bring it!"
Everyone went together, and soon someone exclaimed: "What a ghost!"
The handheld computer was transmitted to Shen Shi'an. In the dark picture of the infrared
camera, you can see a huge arthropod passing quickly in front of the camera. The large feet
are more than three meters long, and the small ones are the size of a bicycle. .
"This is ..." Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened and he felt incredulous: "Ant?"
Tang Song picked up the handheld computer, his brows became more and more frosty, and
his expression was even more dignified than when he heard a million zombies: "This is the
ant, which is usually called the man-eating ant, it should be affected by the virus So the
megamorphism mutated. Head Yang, let the truck drive back! Block all the city gates
immediately! "
Lin Ruan's face was no better than him, and he quickly introduced to everyone: "The ants
are fierce and eat everything. A sufficient number of ants can instantly turn a male lion into
bone, and almost no animal can fight against it. Grass, Isn't this thing living in a rainforest
area? How could it come here! "
"How many key numbers are there?"
The camera installed at the base is located five kilometers away, far beyond the maximum
sensing distance of Liu Fangzhou. Shen Shi'an looked at the child: "Can you do it?"
Shen Xun immediately understood what he meant, and nodded hard: "No problem!"
Liu Fangzhou quietly put his hand on the child's back through the efforts of others to study
the video. After a few seconds, the child waited for a precise number: "627254."
This number was made public through Liu Fangzhou's mouth. For all combatants, it was a
clear-cut thunderbolt: "More than 600,000 mutant man-eating ants? How does he fight?"
"Fuck, why did these ghosts choose to come all over tonight?"
Zhu Guang stared at the computer screen and looked up at Lin Ruan: "Are there any
weaknesses in cannibal ants?"
Lin Ruan shook her head, her mouth a bit bitter: "The fire may stop you for a while, but this
number of man-eating ant colonies is close to water and fire invasion." The normal man-
eating ant is still extremely difficult, not to mention the mutation of the hindfoot Some cars
are big, so I'm afraid they will not grow.
It may be possible to let go of a zombie group, after all, the fighting power of a single
zombie is not a concern for them. But after encountering the mutant giant anteater, it was
too late to run.
The key now is that I can't run anymore.
There were millions of zombies in the front and man-eating ant colonies in the back, and
the Yangcheng base was completely dead.
The author has something to say: Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mine]: the words of the heart,…, maybe ?, the
goddess CLOUD, Xihua, Enron Ziruo, Xiao Yihan, Shuangxuan;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
92 bottles of Enron; 39 bottles of quietness; 35 bottles of meow; 30 bottles of Meowsi
Golfsky; 25 bottles of glutinous rice; 20 bottles of Xia Zhiyu and Fulian entrance Wifi;
3136046918 bottles; , Guoerer, Victoria C Yinqiao tablets, Huanhuanyu, Qi Yi, lilith, I like
Luffy, should be a celestial drunk, 21605121, Sanye, Dream Blue Seven, 廿 _ 廿, Yan Xun
cubs 10 bottles of demon foxes; 9 bottles of warehouse boat; 6 bottles under the rain all
night; 5 bottles of little whale, time of heart, how much I like, July fence, mint candy, bread
bag, 4 bottles of Junlingji; 3 bottles of upside-down phoenix; 2 bottles of tea rocks, hattie;
28364453, green flowers, candy box, q ... qnm ?, jungle butterfly demon, empty808, vante,
hzz, purple purple 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 103:
Settings saved..
On the screens of the two handheld computers in front of the crowd, one side is a zombie
tide that is desperately desperate to eat human flesh, and the other is a giant mutant ant
colony that also desires flesh and blood, like two rapidly approaching copper walls and iron
walls. It was an egg sandwiched between the iron walls, and it was inevitable to escape,
waiting for two walls to collide with each other, and breaking up the bones instantly.
There was a moment of silence on the wall.
The situation is changing too quickly, and everyone can no longer afford to be afraid, but an
almost desolate despair can't help but strike: Is Yangcheng Base, which has gathered more
than 80,000 survivors, about to end like this ...
"Do eater ants eat zombies?" Shen Shi'an suddenly broke the silence.
Lin Ruan stunned, then his eyes suddenly flashed: "eat, eat, eat! Man-eaters don't picky
Someone responded immediately: "Then we can find a way to lead the eater ants over and
let them fight the zombies!"
"The key is how to attract people. Man-eating ants can't listen to us. Besides, the rotting
flesh and fresh flesh on the side, the survivors must smell better."
"No need to cite," Tang Song said, "Just let the cannibal ants bypass the Yangcheng base.
The ant colony and the zombie's direction of travel is exactly opposite, and they will
naturally encounter after bypassing the base."
"That's still the same problem. How can we let the anteater bypass us?"
"Grass," Liu Fangzhou almost jumped up and drowned: "Holiday water! Henna water!
Hurry up and sprinkle henna water outside the city wall !!!"
The cold sweat scared by the zombies and cannibal ants has not dried yet, and the blood
around him begins to boil again:
What is the reversal of the Jedi survival, this is the lie!
Tang Song nodded, speaking very fast: "The ants rely on the pheromone secreted by the
body to communicate. They are extremely sensitive to the smell. The strong pungent smell
of toilet water has a great chance to make them detour. Chief Yang, there should be no Less
toilet water, right? "
"Yes, yes, yes, there are too many toilet waters! We have a whole toilet water factory!" The
sudden turn of opportunity made Yang Mingwu, who was accustomed to the storm,
couldn't help but be excited. People go to the factory to carry toilet water! "
Zhong Han stepped forward: "There are more trucks in Shengtang. I will take someone to
Zhu Guang also quickly pointed out a power evolutionary ability to help.
Shen Shi'an, who has been calculating the movement of the zombies, reminded: "It is at
most five minutes before the first wave of zombies arrives." The ant colony is a little farther
away, but it cannot be more than ten minutes.
"Hurry up, everyone moves faster!"
"Run for me if you want to live!"
The radio that resounded throughout the city changed the content again, this time it called
for all survivors to deliver the toilet water they can find to the north and south gates at the
fastest speed. All corners of the base were busy again, with rushing figures and chaotic
footsteps everywhere, this time not for evacuation, but for a race against time and death.
Thirty-seven seconds after the radio rang, the first batch of toilet water collected from the
survivor's residence was piled up next to the city gate. The speed ability led by Xiong
Manshan took the lead and started holding the toilet water bottle and disappeared outside
the city gate. People can clearly see their movements, but the toilet water that quickly
accumulates on the hill decreases rapidly with the naked eye.
One minute later, two trucks coming from the factory also drove to the gate of the city. The
car was filled with bottled toilet water, bottled toilet water that had not been bottled, and
even the toilet water stock solution that had not finished the manufacturing process. .
Shen Shi'an put the child down. "You and Ark don't run around here, the others go with me
to help." After finishing talking, he stepped off the city wall, took a few steps, grabbed the
door and jumped into one of the trucks.
A truck full of toilet water and survivors drove out of the city gate and walked along the city
wall at a constant speed. The people in the car stood in a circle around the edge of the
railing and wished to give birth to three heads and six arms. They opened the toilet water
at the fastest speed. Bottles and buckets pour down.
The darker the night and the colder the moon, the light path of the truck's headlights
dragged on in the dark night, and one can be seen every other distance, and a circle is
drawn gradually around the towering city wall that stretches for several miles.
When the circle was drawn to three-quarters, Shen Shi'an realized that time was running
out, and billowing smoke and dust were rising from the horizon to the north. Among them
was tens of thousands of walking dead and howling shouts.
Without witnessing it, you can't imagine what a million zombies are.
The dense tide of corpses swelled like a stormy sea. As far as the eye could see, the sky was
blocked and the ground was blocked. No one could see anything except the zombies, and
even the air was quickly filled with the rancid rancidity.
Compared with the immediate sight, the group of zombies that Shen Shi'an once met
outside the H City Library and the base of the tobacco factory is not worth mentioning at
Liu Fangzhou stood tall, and the army of zombies that could be seen in his vision became
clearer. His scalp could not stop tingling for a while, and his cold limbs were weak, as if all
the fear and anxiety in the body had sneaked into the bottom of every cell. And at the same
time exploded.
How else can I fight?
Enemies of this order of magnitude do not have the courage to compete with them at all.
"Close the gates immediately!" Commander Yang commanded aloud, and immediately
waited for Shen Xun to get angry, Liu Fangzhou questioned, and said, "All abilities are ready
to meet the people outside the city!"
With the last fifth of the circle left, the north and south gates were closed and locked, and
various vines and rope ladders fell from the wall. At the same time, wind and dust storms
caused by the zombie tide also hit the faces of people outside the city. .
Shen Shi'an pumped his backhand with a sword. The sword light was as sharp as a sharp
sword, and the first wave of zombies rushing to the truck was instantly shredded into
pieces: "Ordinary people go to the city wall first, after the power is broken!"
The truck stopped by the city wall. Chen Nan and others worked hard to get close to Shen
Shi'an while fighting. The powerful team that had been trained numerous times in the
zombies was particularly prominent at this time. Fill the vacancies for the center, and
together form a protective wall to cover ordinary survivors climbing up the vine rope
ladder, and a dense fire protection net is also formed above the city wall.
One zombie fell and more zombies came over. The trucks clinging to the city walls were like
small boats in rough seas. The crew tried their best to land, but the ship was at risk of being
overturned by the huge waves at any time.
The ordinary people all climbed up quickly, and a calm and calm voice broke through the
night, and it clearly sounded under the city wall again: "Anyone who is good at melee walks
first, and the queen who can engage in long-distance war!"
Another group of survivors turned around and started to climb upwards. The remaining
soldiers would face greater fighting pressure. Zombies roared like never ending. They
roared around the truck and even scrambled to climb up the car because of the number.
The amazing force formed pushed the truck to the left and right, and it could fall into the
corpse torrents with a little instability.
A scream came from a truck a few meters away, and someone was grabbed by the zombies
and torn down. The scream lasted only a few seconds, and soon disappeared completely in
the hiss.
This is already the fourth victim.
"Grass!" Xiong Manshan threw his left hand into two stabsticks and threw it out, replacing
it with the one in his right hand and poking out: "He \ 's mother's stuff is endless!"
The most frightening thing is that this is just the first wave.
Shen Shian's face was condensed, Dan Tian was full of energy, raised his hand to exert a
spirit, and the air waves suddenly rolled wildly. In a blink of an eye, a row of zombies
climbing on the railroad car was smashed into pieces.
"Man Shan, Tao Yuan, Lin Ruan, Tang Song, you go to the wall! Chen Nan Xu Ge
concentrated behind me!"
Chen Nan output madly and blocked a group of zombies with vines again. The fire dragon
in Xu Ge's palm suddenly rushed to more than 20 meters in length, and temporarily cleared
a safe area around the truck.
Through the cover of their teammates, Tao Yuan and the four of them rushed to the city
wall as fast as possible, and tried every means to provide help from the city wall.
Shen Shian urged the exercises to the extreme. The spiritual power in the body surged into
the sword like a raging wave. The sword body was bright and clear. The sharp edge was
invincible. It was a safe place for Xu Ge to clear out by one person. Expanded another circle:
"Chen Nan Xu Ge, on the wall!"
After Chen Nan and the two men safely landed on the wall, only Shen Shi'an was left on the
surrounding trucks.
Shen Shi'an turned and was about to evacuate, and found that the last truck that had circled
was surrounded by zombies before the city walls could be approached. More than 20
people in the car were struggling to support and could be dragged into the corpse at any
Shen Shi'an didn't hesitate, standing up on tiptoe, jumping like a ghost on the top of several
trucks, and instantly came to the side of the last truck. The sword flipped twice in the palm
of his hand, and the snow-colored sword flickered. Gu Lulu rolled down the head of the
zombie, turned and drank to more than 20 people, "Go!"
The wood-powered man who climbed the city wall gave birth to vines and other plants to
the location of the truck. The survivors on the truck did not dare to delay and immediately
grabbed the vine and climbed up.
Most of the people on the other trucks had safely left, the zombies had lost their targets,
and all of them came towards this last batch of prey.
Shen Shi'an's pressure increased sharply, only one batch was cut down in the first second,
and more zombies stepped on the front corpse and rushed over the next second. The flesh
flew across the sword, but these things could not be killed at all.
Gritting his teeth was about to recharge and exert another energy. Suddenly there was a
great light in front of him. A dazzling electric light swept from the side like a thunderbolt.
The zombies were immediately emptied and a large area was filled with flesh and blood.
Burnt taste.
Zhong Han jumped over from another truck, and his face was so **** and sweaty, there was
still light in his palm: "Mr. Yun, are you okay?"
Shen Shi'an glanced at the electric light in his palm and shook his head: "It's all right, thank
"What else are you grateful for in this case," Zhong Han raised his hand and wiped his
sweat, panting and handing his back to Shen Shi'an: "I will be with you behind the court."
With the addition of Zhong Han, this last protective wall persisted for dozens of seconds.
But as other personnel evacuated one after another, the zombie frenzy that came over Ju
became more and more horrifying.
Liu Fangzhou was anxious to chop on the city wall and shouted, "Brother Yun, come up
soon, here comes the power zombies!"
Zhong Han gritted his teeth, walked two steps forward, and split an electric mang again. His
feet were unstable, and he did not look back: "Mr. Yun, you go first! I can hold on for a
Chen Nan ran to the side of the city wall closest to Shen Shi'an, and spawned a branch of
Devil Vine wrapped around Shen Shi'an's waist. "Brother Yun, hold on!"
The vines were quickly taken back.
Shen Shi'an took off from the ground, grabbed the vine with one hand, and stretched out
toward Zhong Han with a hand: "Catch!"
Zhong Han turned around and ran, struggling to catch up with the surging tide of corpses,
holding Shen Shi'an's wrist firmly in his right hand. After three seconds, the two fell on the
wall at the same time.
"It's okay?" Shen Shi'an asked Zhong Han while rubbing the heads of the children who came
over to calm him.
"It's okay," Zhong Han smiled and kicked his left foot. "It was the shoes that were stabbed
by the zombies. I ran through them for more than half a year and didn't wash them. I don't
know if they are suitable for them."
"Hahahahaha ..."
There was a laugh on the wall.
It was just that the zombies didn't leave much breathing room for everyone. Shen Shi'an
and Zhong Han had just ascended the city wall with a bang, and the whole city wall
fluttered suddenly, and a gap of more than three meters was immediately cracked in the
northeast direction.
"Zombies are coming!" Zhu Guang shouted loudly, "All those with soil abilities will fight
with me!"
It was difficult to hide the anxiety on the head of Yang, and he came over and asked Liu
Fangzhou, "Little brother, how long is it before the cannibal ant colony?"
Liu Fangzhou didn't know where he got two bottles of toilet water. He opened the bow left
and right and sprayed himself and his teammates one after another. When the leader Yang
came over, he just sprayed Shen Shi'an, because Zhong Han's performance under the city
wall was good. He also squirted, smelling a gesture of "hush": "Here it is."
A fierce battle under the city walls, although the seconds are like years, actually only five or
six minutes have passed. When the last batch of fighters emerged from the emergency,
more than 600,000 giant mutant man-eaters approached the base from the south.
The howls of more than one million zombies were so harsh that they did not hear another
movement at first.
When Liu Fangzhou said that the ant colony had arrived, all the combatants did not make
any sounds under the command of Commander Yang, and the abnormal movement finally
became clear--
It looks like 10,000 horses galloping across the grass, and the sound of some arthropod
crawling on rough grass paper is amplified 10,000 times, from far to near, from light to
heavy, permeating along the ground. In, gradually ringing in the ears of tens of thousands of
survivors inside the base.
The toilet water battle plan jointly implemented by the people was very effective. The
strong pungent odor rushed into the sky. The ant colony split into east and west when it
was tens of meters away from the south city gate, and continued to move along the
periphery of the city wall. Once there, they finally reunited outside the North City Gate.
That arthropod crawling sound that was both ten thousand horses and ten thousand times
magnified was changed at this time, and the hissing sound of the zombie tide seemed
suddenly amplified at a certain moment, and continued for a long time. It gradually
decreased, and finally was completely covered by another sound:
Click, click, click, click.
Both the fighters on the city walls and the ordinary survivors in the city walls held their
breath in this continuous clicking sound, and did not dare to make any movement.
The click sounded in the middle of the night. It's unavoidable to feel cold at first, but I can't
help feeling a little drowsy after listening for a long time.
Xiong Manshan snored against the dugout against the city wall and was awoken by Shen
Xun's arm.
Shen Shi'an sat on the wall of the city with one leg straight and one leg up, holding the child
in her arms, closing her eyes to practice the exercises. Although the battle under the city
wall was thrilling, it seemed to have some insight from it.
By the time he reopened his eyes in the commotion of the crowd, the sky was already
bright, and the clicking sound that lasted for five or six hours had completely disappeared.
Shen Shi'an stood up and looked down the city as the crowd turned:
More than one million zombie swarms and more than 600,000 cannibal ant swarms have
disappeared at any time. Under the magnificent dawn, only the endless, twenty-centimeter-
thick white bones are scattered, and the brilliance scattered among the white bones Crystal
After a long silence, I don't know who said, "... is it over?"
"It's over." Someone answered.
A few seconds later, news of the crisis's official resolution followed the broadcast to every
corner of the base.
The deafening cheering continued for a long time, and Liu Fangzhou jumped and screamed.
He did not hold back two tears, and finally expressed all the emotions accumulated in the
One looked down and found dozens of zombies swaying back and forth close to the city
wall: "Well, how many cannibal ants eat?"
Lin Ruan looked at it with a probe: "It is estimated that it smelled of toilet water,
"Yo, kind of principled." Resolutely do not eat.
Xiong Manshan looked at the boneless bones outside the city wall and couldn't see his head.
"Whoever says that I can eat, I'm in a hurry, I can eat again, can someone eat ant ants? More
than a million zombies stab me Di Niang, who said that if she died, she would be gone. "
"That's because there are more than sixty man-eating ants," said Chen Nan. "If you replace
it with more than 600,000 bear brothers, you can get rid of one million zombies."
"Do n’t do that. There are really 600,000 bear brothers. Zombies alone are not enough. All
mutant mosquitoes and mutated geese must be counted as rations. If you ca n’t beat them,
use the mouth to give the other party a De-buff. Want to live. "
"Hahahahaha ..."
Everyone was joking, and Yang Yang and Zhu Guang came together, and Zhong Han came at
the same time.
Chief Yang raised his hand to salute the nine people again: "You are memorable for your
kindness to the base of Yangcheng. I do n’t want to say too much. If there is any need for
our help in the future, a few will speak. As long as I can do it, Yang Mingwu will never shirk.
Zhu Guangdao: "Did you originally plan to leave today? It is estimated that you want to go
north? But the cannibal ant colony has just left, and it is easy for you to run into it now. It is
better to stay in the base for two more days. One is to take a good rest. Let me discuss with
Chairman Yang that we are planning to hold a celebratory banquet. It would not be possible
without you. "
Shen Shi'an had just discussed it with Tang Song, and it was best to wait two days before
leaving—the terrible aspects of the cannibal ant colony were fully understood. If you really
run into it, there is only a dead end. The ant colony spreads out first, and if you are lucky,
you can still pick up a leak behind the ant colony.
So nodded: "It's better to be respectful than to follow."
Although the crisis was lifted, there were obviously a lot of problems to be solved by
Chairman Yang and others, and the group did not stay on the wall and returned to the
foothold in the northwest corner of the base.
The drop-off point is the same as when everyone left in the middle of the night, the luggage
is still in place, and the blankets are scattered aside.
Liu Fangzhou sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of water, grunted and drank
it again, and put it down. It's a pity: "You see the nucleus of the zombies outside the city
gate is not scattered around the bones, according to my yesterday The result that was
roughly sensed at night was that there were at least 700,000 and 700,000 crystal cores in
the one million zombies. Hey! How many good things can you buy! Let alone eleven second-
level ones. Crystal nuclei, I haven't seen what secondary crystal nuclei look like.-Sister Xu,
the crystal nucleus you got from Xiaohong was not a secondary crystal nucleus? Well, I've
only seen it once. Grade crystal nucleus! A total of eleven! It is said that more than one
million zombies have died. We must have at least half of the credit. The strategy was
proposed by us, and we helped to implement it. We ca n’t suffer any harm after suffering.
No man-eating ant can agree. Brother Shen, do you think we can discuss with Chief Yang,
we don't have to divide it by half, even by one-tenth. "
When Liu Fangzhou regretted that more than 700,000 crystal nuclei, Xiong Manshan didn't
know why he suddenly locked all the doors in and out of the room. Shen Xun took Shen
Shi'an's hand to the table, and the old **** was holding his chest in both hands. And
signaled that everyone else was sitting over.
Shen Shi'an noticed something different: "What have you done?"
The dog giggled twice, took out a cartoon wallet from his arms, unzipped it down, and
rolled out nine zombies with the size of an egg, lying on the tabletop, reflecting charming
and moist. Warm yellow luster.
Liu Fangzhou almost stared out of his eyes: "... recession."
Shen Shi'an picked up one and raised an eyebrow at the dog: "You picked it up?"
Goblin nodded towards Xiong Manshan: "I asked him to pick it up."
"Why don't I know?" Xiong Manshan was indeed fast, but he didn't notice it.
Tang Song covered his mouth and coughed, "Because of me."
"Look," Lin Ruan almost glared out this time: "Teacher, you have a share!"
Tang Song's face didn't change color, even if he secretly carried a large one with his back, it
was still full of scientific rigour at the moment: "The two of them are easy to be detected by
others, so I use illusion to ensure that this is not the case. will happen."
"And we also left two for the base," Xiong Manshan added: "We took nine, and we can each
fill a yellow diamond."
Xu Ge thought a little bit more carefully: "If there are only two nucleus of power crystals
found on the head of Yang, will he doubt us?"
"No, no, no!" The shocked energy slowed down, Liu Fangzhou was left with excitement,
immediately grabbed a yellow diamond and was unwilling to give up: "Anyway, a cannibal
ant eats everything, who can be sure that it is not a cannibal ant I eat it smoothly. More than
600,000 man-eating ants, it is normal to raise a pica. "And these crystal nuclei are all
sponsored by man-eating ants. Whoever picks them, who have any doubts? Really.
Xu Ge was relieved: that's true. The base can't catch up with the man-eating ants and check
their stomachs one by one.
The light emitted by the nine soil crystal nuclei is soft and moist, reflecting the excitement
of everyone.
Hey secondary nucleus! It must be fought hard to get it in normal times, now it is equal to
picking up!
The cannibal ant colony is a blessing to mankind.
Shen Xun opened two dark green eyes of Bulling Bulling, staring at Shen Shi'an, and the two
radish legs dangled back and forth under the table. The intention of asking for praise could
not be more obvious.
Shen Shi'an raised his lip corner and rubbed his head. "Good job."
On the second night, Chairman Yang held a grand celebration feast in his mansion. In
addition to Shen Shi'an and others, Zhu Guang, the leader of the omnipotent, Zhong Han,
the master of life, and several bases who made outstanding contributions in the battle
Managers are all listed.
The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves during the dinner.
Towards the end of the banquet, Chairman Yang took a check-like thing and gave it to Shen
Shi'an in a wooden box.
Shen Shi'an looked at the words "200,000 whole" on the check: "This is it?"
"This is a crystal cheque. With the cheque, you can pick up 200,000 crystal nuclei from the
Bank of China's Renaissance Bank." With a little intoxication on the face of head Yang, he
raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder of Shen Shian: "Thanks to Mr Yun Major
Tang and these friends still have Yangcheng Base to survive the huge crisis of the city ’s
destruction. Nearly 800,000 crystal nuclei are cleared out of that bone. This is what you
deserve—ten million Don't be embarrassed, after all, these crystal nuclei are all left by
man-eaters, and we are all picking up leaks. "As for the power nuclei, because there are
only two, you can't share them.
Zhu Guang added: "I know that you are going to Beijing. It may not be easy along the way. I
guess you ca n’t bring it directly to Jingnuo, so I wrote a check directly. Rest assured, Bank
of China is officially certified by Beijing Capital Base, absolutely not Tickets will bounce. "
Shen Shian thought for a while, but did not refuse.
After all, strictly speaking, it doesn't count that they have taken advantage of the base, at
most they have taken away man-eaters.
Besides, he still has to support his family. The prices in Beijing don't know how. There are
too many zombies.
When the banquet was over, it was midday on the moon.
Shen Shi'an and others bid farewell to Head Yang and walked back slowly.
"Mr. Yun!"
Shen Shi'an turned around and saw Zhong Han catching up: "Is there something wrong
with Zhongtang?"
Zhong Han drank a little too much tonight, his smile couldn't be controlled, and the whole
person seemed more and more intimate.
Standing in front of a group of people, he stopped and said, "Listen to Mr. Yang saying that
you are leaving tomorrow? This is presumptuous, but I do have a merciless request."
The more critical the situation, the more it can reflect a person's character. After the battle
of zombies, Shen Shi'an's view of him has changed a lot, and his attitude is quite mild:
"Zhong Tangzhu, please say."
"Can I go to Beijing with you?"
Shen Shi'an did not expect this request. He Tangsong looked at each other and asked,
"Zhong Tangzhu will also go to Beijing?"
Zhong Han nodded: "Yes, everyone knows we are going to Shengtang to work on statistics
of the dead, right? But the flow of people in the Yangcheng base is limited. At present, most
of the dead are still not identified by their families or friends. Tang has always wanted to
send a copy of all the information we have collected so far to Beijing, so that more survivors
can consult it. It is best to set up a similar non-profit organization in the Beijing base, but it
has been unable to do so for various reasons. This trip was completed. This time the
zombies were besieged and the Yangcheng base was almost destroyed, so we realized the
urgency of this matter, so I plan to go to Beijing to explore the road first and see if we can
cooperate with the population management agency over there. "
"Why come with us?" Tang Song said: "Zhang Sheng Tang is so large, with the support of
Chairman Yang and Mr. Zhu. If a team dedicated to the Beijing base is formed, it is not safer
than with us ? "
Zhong Han laughed: "Mr. Tang, you are all smart people. Mingren do n’t say secret words.
The Yangcheng base has already established trade cooperation relations with several bases
in the south. The only reason for not contacting the Beijing base is to go to the Beijing base.
The road is too difficult. There is an absolute death zone separated by dozens of kilometers.
Not to mention the establishment of a special team. Even an entire army may not be
successful. If you choose to detour, you will have to take several times the risk. .Nine of you
dare to go north, you must rely on it if you want to come? In this case, of course, I want to
take a ride. "
"Come again, the previous wave of zombies has just passed, and the Yangcheng base has
survived, but the next wave of zombies does not know when it will occur. How can I take
away all living forces in the living hall at this time?"
Zhong Han said that he bowed his head slightly and raised it quickly: "You have some
concerns. I can understand them. To be honest, I have my own concerns, but the chance to
successfully go to the Beijing base is too rare. I have to try it. Since it ’s a rude invitation, of
course you have the right to refuse, and I fully respect it. But if I can count on one, all
conditions are easy to negotiate, and I will definitely not hold you back-even if you rely on
it, The more combat power, the better? "
Shen Shian thought for a moment: "Wait a minute, I need to discuss with my teammates."
Nine people walked to the side of the road to discuss voting, six to three, agreed that Zhong
Han followed the majority.
Shen Shi'an walked back and reached out to Zhong Han: "Welcome to join."
The author has something to say: Puyang City Base is not an opportunity for the dog to
grow up, don't worry, saying that letting him grow up will definitely make him grow up ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 2 Rosas; maybe ?, Shuangxuan, Li Tsundere,
proud dumplings z, Rockman, Huahuahuali 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
50 bottles for return; 39 bottles of frightened little goose; 30 bottles of Chloe; 27 bottles of
Tao; 20 bottles of Qingguang little angel, rainbowturtle, avocado la la la, and Ailok; 15
bottles of Junxi; Aoyama can't cover, many fish, SeraphimGG , Harddy, Guoluer, Gu Yu,
Lucidus, Headache, Jiajia 10 bottles; kiki, empty8089 bottles; 6 bottles of me I can not meet;
Oriental white crane, Han Zhuojing, Huahuahuali, HYHTATTAT, 36417853, apricot 5
bottles of egg rolls; 4 bottles of upside down phoenix; silk dolls, 2 bottles of YY; q ... qnm ?,
purple purple, Qi Yexue, 1 bottle of Bai Fumei wearing slippers;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 104:

Settings saved..
In mid-September, the sun was still hot.
In an abandoned city more than 30 kilometers away from the Yangcheng base, a medium-
sized van was rushing along the main road in the city.
Many abandoned vehicles and wandering corpses were distributed in front of the truck,
and they were thrown out by an invisible force one after another, or burned completely by
the fire dragon and lightning shot from the top of the truck, which just cleared the truck
forward. path of.
After about half an hour, the truck gradually drove out of the city, and the number of
zombies blocking the road decreased significantly. The frequency of fire dragons and
lightnings decreased successively. After a few minutes, the carriage suddenly sank, and the
sweaty bear Manshan also jumped. Got in the car.
Shen Shi'an handed each of them a bottle of water. "It's hard."
"No hard work, no hard work," Xiong Manshan took the wipes from Chen Nan and wiped
his sweat. "I feel that there are far fewer zombies in this city than we expected. I had to find
a way to do a good job. . "As a result, only three people needed to open the road, and the car
never stopped from beginning to end.
Xu Ge nodded: "Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of cannibal ant colonies." Just like a
cripple, they killed most of the zombies they passed by, and they followed them completely
to find ready-made bargains.
"More is due to the ability of the Ark. If he could not sense where zombies are dense and
where zombies are scarce, we would not be able to just follow the path of the ant colony."
Zhong Han laughed and lifted up the co-pilot Liu Fangzhou and raised Thumbs up: "This
ability is really amazing!"
Liu Fangzhou blushed: "Where and where, I can only be a support, the combat effectiveness
of the team countdown, Zhong Han brother is your ability to be great, like Xu Ge, both
belong to the category of remote mage, buffer time The short-term power is also very
strong. When killing zombies, it can destroy a large group. "
This person, Zhong Han, has a good attitude and a high emotional quotient. It is easy to
develop a good impression when he meets for the first time. The more he gets along, the
more he feels that he can get closer to the kind of people who want to be close to him.
There are organizations that need to be managed, but Liu Fangzhou seems to have
regarded him as a reserve member of the team.
After drinking water, Zhong Han tightened the bottle cap, and also took the paper towel
from Chen Nan to wipe his sweat. He shook his head when he heard: "I have a lot of
powerful abilities, but I still see the scope sensing ability like you for the first time. . Is it
only zombies that can be sensed? Or can other things be sensed too? "
"Everything that is alive and active can be sensed, such as animals, ordinary people, and
abilities, and the abilities will show different colors of light groups in my induction because
of different abilities."
"Oh?" Zhong Han was very interested: "Then what color am I?"
"White, to be precise, is milky white. It is particularly similar to the white light group
representing ordinary people, but with a little difference. I also saw your thunder and
lightning ability for the first time." Liu Fangzhou turned his head from the rear window.
Look at Xiang Tangsong: "Major Tang, haven't you said that abilities can be divided into
different faculties? Which one is the lightning ability? Gold? Super?
Tang Song shook his head: "It should be a wood system in terms of attributes, and it is a
particularly rare ability in the wood system."
"So this is ah."
During the chat, the truck completely left the urban area and stopped next to a gas station
in the suburbs.
The car filled with fuel and water to dissipate heat, and a group of people sat around in the
shade to solve their lunch. Because Shen Shi'an had not exposed the space in front of Zhong
Han, the team members still ate dry food in their backpacks.
"The air base is about ten kilometers from here," Lin Ruan took a bite of ham sausage and
pointed at the circle on the map. "Moreover, there are mostly wild farmland and no
buildings and people. It is estimated that the road will be smooth."
Shen Shi'an estimated the time, "At most half an hour's drive, if all goes well, we should be
able to get on a helicopter before two o'clock."
After that, you should be in Beijing in about an hour.
After nearly half a year of trekking, this goal to be realized seemed a little unreal, so much
that the heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.
Shen Shian's arms sank, and he lowered his head and found that the dog spirit hung himself
on him, holding a duck leg and handing it to his mouth: "An An eat."
The heartbeat gradually became peaceful because of the softness that suddenly floated in
his chest. Shen Shi'an bit his duck leg and rubbed it on his head.
Xiong Manshan suddenly said: "In case ..."
Instantly four breads were stuffed into his mouth at the same time: "Shut up !!!"
Xiong Manshan: "..."
Fine. There is no freedom of expression in the African Emirates.
The bread was strange.
Thanks to Xiong Manshan's open mouth, this time failed to play a role, the journey to the
air force base was incredibly smooth.
Twenty minutes later, the dark blue station-type base building was near.
"Ark, report the situation inside the base."
"A total of 1,655 zombies were almost mutated, but there were no zombie abilities."
Tang Song reminded: "Most of the zombies here are soldiers stationed at the base. They are
physically better than ordinary zombies. They may be wearing protective equipment and
equipped with weapons. Everyone should pay attention to the attack on the head and be
careful of the weapons. "
"To understanding."
The seven official team members are familiar with the pattern of zombies brushing. "Which
person is responsible for which position" and "when to change the position" need not be
discussed at all, and one eye can understand each other. Although Lin Ruan Tangsong and
Zhong Han have just joined, one has excellent physical skills, one is self-protective, and one
has super powers. He quickly learned to cooperate with seven people and fight in a timely
manner. Force output.
The group was smashing bamboo, and soon came to the indoor tarmac located at the
southwest corner of the base.
"Slump," Liu Fangzhou was stunned as soon as he entered the door: "So handsome gray
And there are more than one. A total of more than a dozen aircraft with different
specifications and different uses are staggered into two rows lined up in a wide apron. The
streamlined wings are flashing, silent but powerful, just like one. A robust eagle ready to
The apron is huge, with two floors opening up and down, and the ceiling is more than
twenty meters high. Just standing here makes people feel a small sense of being under the
Chen Nan looked around: "Are we looking for a helicopter?"
Tao Yuan reluctantly lifted his hand from the wing of a newest fighter jet, and nodded: "Yes,
and the right size."
They were ten people in total, too young to sit down, and too big to drive alone.
Liu Fangzhou regretted: "If only we could drive one by one, these planes would be too
Xiong Manshan embraced his shoulder: "The dream is very good, continue to be a little
The people walked a half circle along the tarmac, and Tao Yuan successfully found a
helicopter that met the requirements. I climbed up the cabin door and briefly looked up
and jumped down again: "I have driven this model, but it ’s best to be familiar with it after a
long time interval, and the helicopter has stopped here since the virus outbreak started.
Nearly half a year, the performance of each part must be carefully checked, and fuel must
be replenished. "
Shen Shian asked, "How long does it take?"
"An hour and a half."
Lin Ruan raised his hand: "I can help. Although I haven't got a helicopter pilot license, I
have also received some flight training."
"It should be about that hour."
Shen Shi'an nodded: "Okay, if there is anything you need to say directly, the others can
move freely for the time being, and be careful not to leave too far."
Tao Yuan and the two were busy living around the helicopter. Zhong Han watched for a
while, and was curious: "The radar system on the helicopter should not be used now?"
"What if we hit a mutated flock in midair?"
Lin Ruan smiled and blinked: "Don't worry, we have already figured out the
With the teacher's illusion skills, it is entirely possible to ensure that all birds consciously
give way before approaching the plane.
Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou swung back and forth around the tarmac, jumping up
and down one by one to experience the speed of a simulated flight. Chen Nan and Xu Ge
carried their bags to the back warehouse, and wanted to see if they could find anything
useful thing.
Shen Shi'an led the children around and took a chance to signal Tang Song with his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Tang Song asked in a low voice.
"If I put something in this base into the space, can you use illusions to ensure that others
don't notice it?"
"Do you want to collect the plane?" Tang Song immediately understood what he meant, and
who he meant by "other people" in his words, and once again marveled at the storage
capacity of his space.
"It's not just airplanes. I want to go to the arsenal." Such a large secret air base cannot be
without weapons and material reserves.
Tang Song nodded: "No problem, as long as the other party does not leave me within 50
meters. In the eyes of others, you have never left the tarmac, and there will be no fewer
aircraft in the tarmac."
He really changed Zhong Han's impression, and agreed to the other party to go to Beijing
with them, but after all, they haven't been together for a long time, and now it's not time to
expose space.
When Shen Shi'an came back from the arsenal with the children, no one found that they
had once left.
Tao Yuan and Lin Ruan checked the helicopter almost, Chen Nan and Xu Ge also ran back
from the warehouse: "Brother Yun, we found a parachute in the warehouse!"
It's just that there are only nine sets of parachutes. There are ten of them, which is exactly
one less.
Zhong Han immediately said: "It's okay, I don't need to memorize, I have confidence in Mr.
Tao's driving skills."
"Back it, just in case." Shen Shi'an pointed to Shen Xun: "I'll share a set with him." The child
is very light, and he really wants the dog's fine back to estimate that he won't use it.
Nine people carried their umbrella bags, and the helicopter was filled with fuel. They all
carried them to the open space outside the tarmac, and everything was ready.
The cabin door closed tightly after everyone boarded. "Everyone fasten their seat belts."
Tao Yuan sat in the driver's seat and started the engine. "Ready to take off!"
In the sound of the huge propeller turning, the air waves swelled around the helicopter.
The people sitting inside the aircraft only felt that their bodies suddenly fell back and sank,
and the ground outside the window and the air force base had slowly moved away.
"Wow!" Liu Fangzhou sat by the window and looked out: "It's cool! I can't see it so clearly
by plane!"
This is the first time Shen Xun has taken an airplane. After the plane has gradually
stabilized, he quickly unfastens his seat belt, sits sideways on Shen Shi'an's leg, and looks at
the window with Liu Fangzhou in the same posture.
Helicopters are extremely fast, and the vast air force base quickly turns into a small square,
and from a square to a fuzzy black spot with unclear shapes.
Because there is no radar and positioning system, Tao Yuan can only feel northward all the
way, and the further north he goes, the more zombies on the ground.
Tang Song sat opposite Shen Shi'an, and a map was spread between the two. During the
flight of the helicopter, he continuously estimated the current location of the crowd based
on the terrain and architectural features on the ground.
Twenty minutes after the helicopter took off, Tang Song held a pen and clicked on the map:
"It's almost time to reach the red death zone."
In fact, without him, Liu Fangzhou and others who have been looking out the window have
also noticed.
"My mother-in-law," Xiong Manshan swallowed, "no wonder the death zone."
Looking down from the height of the helicopter, in a vast area that seems to have no
margins, dense crowds of zombies are like maggots, rolling and endless.
Because the number is too large and too dense, everyone can not help but produce a kind of
psychological and physical double aversion and fear, for some time a little nauseous.
"This is one of the top 15 cities in China with a population," said Lin Ruan, the co-pilot. "The
permanent population is about 10.32 million."
Liu Fangzhou had turned off the power because he couldn't hold it, his face was pale and
his eyes closed, and he dared not look at it again: "... In this city, there are at least two level
3 zombies, and the level 2 is no less than 2. Ten. "
Chen Nan was terrified: "Fortunately, Brother Tao Yuan will fly." Otherwise, he would be
Xu Ge nodded silently.
If she had to walk from the ground, she really couldn't imagine how she could successfully
walk through it without being bitten into pieces by zombies.
Once the number of enemies reaches a certain level, it is not a matter of comparison of
combat effectiveness. Absolute crushing of this number alone is enough to make people
It wasn't until this frightening death zone flew halfway that the team members' mood
finally eased and they turned to another question: "Where is the plane landing?"
"Can't you drive all the way to the base of Beijing?"
"No," Tang Song shook his head. "In order to block mutant mosquitoes and mutant birds, a
high-voltage protective net was set up over the base of Beijing. If we fly directly, it will be
immediately turned into coke. I am not sure about the outer area, but it should There are
strict protection systems. "
So you can't fly in, and you can't stop too close.
Shen Shi'an focused his attention on the map, and based on the current position of the
helicopter, he began to study with Tang Song where it was most appropriate to stop.
Shen Xun was bored for a while, then scooped down from his lap and plucked it in another
Zhong Han leaned against the window and stared at the zombie tide on the ground for a
moment, then turned his head and beckoned to Shen Xun: "Mr. Xiaoyun, I have something
to ask."
Gozi was quite satisfied with the title, so he moved over to him: "Why?"
Zhong Han smiled sweetly and lowered his voice softly, "Did you vote against me when Mr.
Yun concentrated his team members to vote last night?"
What happened next was so rapid that no one could react in time;
And because this incident has changed the fate of everyone so much, when the survivors
recall it in the future, every detail seems to be slowed down by countless times:
Zhong Han's voice did not fall. He opened the helicopter's cabin door in one hand and
pushed out the unsuspecting child with one hand;
Shen Shi'an turned his head to look at it, and his eyes were red with blood as soon as he
was shocked. He raised his hands and struck Zhong Han with some energy, and at the same
time jumped out of the cabin like a lightning:
"Looking for it !!!"
The author has something to say: 1. You all know what plot is coming next.
2. Zhong Han is a bad person, especially a bad one, but it has nothing to do with the Qin
family. There will be an explanation later on why he should deal with them.
3. In order to prevent some readers from feeling that "An'an team is too credulous, take
Zhong Han without letting the dog bite and it is impossible to understand that it is a bug at
all" and thus create unpleasant emotions, here is a little spoiler: this incident I don't really
blame them. It is related to Zhong Han's true ability. You can recall the attitude of all people
who have been in contact with Zhong Han when facing him.
4. Zhong Han will surely die, and he will die particularly miserably, but not now, the plot
about him has come to an end, and it will take some time before it will start again.
That's about it, so wait for the dog to grow up! !!
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: Kiko1;
Thanks for the little angels who cast [mine]: Sunny893; Tang Ke2; Bai Qianyuzhi, Yimuyuyi,
Shuangxuan, Meow Sauce ?, Storm, Chloe, Bao Zheng, Hungry ?, Rosa , Perhaps? 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
94 bottles of "Boss_067"; 86 bottles of solo dance; 70 bottles of Ye Sanfu; 50 bottles of
beautiful male and meow in my family; 40 bottles of Meng Xiaoyu; I love sugar such as
19019137 bottles; 30 bottles; 26 bottles of whole sugar; 24 bottles of plants; 20 bottles of
plants and meows; 18 bottles of zhizhi; 15 bottles of JIMINI; 14 bottles of ° w °; Muco,
Beilin, Shuihanling smoke, Yuanyuan , Aozaki, snow clothes, glass yy, LM, crazy, seven,
Ikeike, please give me a leg of lamb, take a sip, And, mandieeeee, indifferent, indifferent,
clean, stunned, Zhang w ice 10 bottles; booming 恍 恍惚 惚, source pupil 6 bottles; you
think who you are, the villain and the fox are mine, 夙 迩, maple, Daxiao are fine, shake
your wife and shake, cover your ears_5 bottles; Su Su, Three bottles of upside down
phoenix and Kiko; two bottles of Jiajia, Sunny89, HTY, wheat ears, and solitude; Qiyuexue,
me who can't be found, sweet fish with a bite, 32087977, JUSTIN, dream chaser, 1 bottle of
Tangeke, Little Cute, Chenmo Micromirror;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 105:

Settings saved..
Zombies are as dense as waves, and waves are endless.
Whenever I managed to break free from a wave, I wanted to get a moment of respite, and a
more violent wave would come to an end and smash him back into the whirlpool. With the
wave, I could n’t do anything, even taking a breath of air became luxurious. Extremely.
Shen Shi'an held the sword in his hand and walked slowly in the endless tide. Liquid kept
dripping from the tip of the sword and dragged a long blood line behind him.
The blade has long been covered by dirty blood. Those that have solidified and are about to
solidify are stained with those that have not yet solidified. They are covered with layers of
dark red blood, which peel off with the offensive action. Condensing new.
More stained blood slid into the palm along the blade.The wet and sticky touch almost
completely covered the lines on the hilt and the texture in the palm.After numerous
frictions, it finally coagulated into a mass between the fingers. Or powdery solid.
He took a moment to look up at the daylight in the gap where the tide was split, and the
west-sloping sun was still dazzling.
The rubber bands used to pierce the hair don't know when it breaks. The black hair that is
long over the shoulders is scattered, covering his slender jaw, slightly pale lips, a string of
dried blood stains on the cheek, and a pair of dark and Sharp eyes.
There was a zombie rushing back diagonally, but the muscles of the left arm started to be
convulsed because of being in a tight state for a long time. The intense pain was irritating.
Shen Shi'an changed his hand, and the sound of a break between the sharp blades turned
out. Xueqing lightsaber burst out.
He didn't remember how many zombies he had killed. There should be many. Bloodstained
boots stepped on the asphalt pavement with blood marks. Even the boots were wet, and a
"gritty grid" was issued as he walked. Sound.
The spiritual power at Dan Tian has already dried up. Forced operation of the practice has
caused tearing pain in every meridian, but this has not stopped his footsteps, even slowed
down, and broke open from the dead mountains and dead seas. A blood path.
"Finding!" After resolving another wave of zombies, Shen Shi'an's husky voice echoed again
in the building complex: "Finding where you are! Finding can you hear me!"
No one answered him. More zombies rushed over.
Too much. These ghosts are really too many.
He breathed a few times with his sword, observed a circle from side to side, hurried toward
the southwest, and jumped onto a three-dimensional billboard at the intersection of the
The top of the billboard was about four meters long and more than one meter wide. It was
more than enough for him to rest for a while, but the severe pain from his right foot at the
time of landing made him slightly frown.
Shen Xun first dropped the helicopter in one step. In order to catch up with the child as
soon as possible, Shen Shi'an cut off the parachute when it was nearly 50 meters away from
the ground. The landing speed increased greatly, and the huge gravity effect also caused the
right ankle to land at the moment He suffered a comminuted fracture.
The spiritual power repaired a part and the spiritual spring water repaired another part,
but after a long and fierce battle, the injuries that began to heal again showed signs of
At this time, it had been more than two hours since he jumped off the helicopter. Shen
Shian took out a bottle of Lingquan water from the space, stood on the billboard, and
quickly replenished his spiritual power while remembering what happened more than two
hours ago.
The two spirits that hit Zhong Han before jumping off the helicopter didn't hit the target.
Zhong Han avoided at a speed that ordinary survivors could never reach, which meant that
he definitely had more than a thunderbolt ability. .
Why did it take so much effort to disguise and sneak into their team?
Why are you against them?
Why choose to start with children?
However, it does n’t make sense for Zhong Han to choose who to start with, because the
other party obviously has no intention of letting go:
A few seconds after Shen Shi'an landed, the helicopter, which had flown hundreds of
meters away, suddenly exploded. The sound was deafening, and a gorgeous cloud of fire
rose from the sky.
The instant of terror was beyond words, but fortunately Shen Shi'an quickly found a few
figures under the cloud of fire, which should have jumped out of the cabin before the
explosion. But because the distance was too long, he was not sure how many people
jumped, nor who exactly jumped.
If the explosion was deliberately created by Zhong Han, then he must have mastered the
way to safely cross the death zone without the need for a helicopter, so he chose to expose
his true intentions at this moment without fear of leaving any aftermath:
Even if he escaped the explosion by chance, who would come out alive once he fell into the
absolute death zone where at least seven or eight million zombies had gathered.
What happened on the helicopter?
Did all members escape in time?
Where are they now? Was there any injuries? Can you keep yourself safe?
The whereabouts of the seven members are unknown, the countless problems and the
intense anxiety caused by these problems will almost tear Shen Shi'an alive from the inside,
but now he can't distract himself from paying attention to others, he must find Shen Xun
As for Zhong Han, as for the Zhong Han that caused it all.
Oh, Zhong Han.
Shen Shian smiled. The blood under the eyes was everywhere.
The two bottles of Lingquan water were soon finished, and Dan Tianli had regained his
vitality, and his right foot injury had also eased. Shen Shian closed the bottle, clenched his
sword, and jumped off the billboard.
"Find! Find! Find where you are! Find you promise me!"
The hoarse shouts echoed again and again in the building complex, the five senses
stretched hard, and he didn't dare to miss any corner, but the only answer to him was
always the lonely echo and the howling of the zombies.
Shen Xun is definitely alive.
Shen Shi'an never doubted this, never for a minute.
He must be alive, no other possibility.
It was a goblin who could talk and change. It was a big monster who dominated in a
different world. Even without a parachute, even if he fell into the zombies from a height of
nearly 1,000 meters, he would never have an accident.
Even if there is really only one breath left, Shen Shi'an will find him, and the spiritual spring
water can save him.
Shen Xun, you promised, you promised you would never die in front of me.
If you dare not speak, I will ...
Oh, what can he do?
The sun didn't know when it was gradually stained with blood. Shen Shi'anzhu knelt down
on the steps of a square with a sword, his chest undulating, sweat sweat mixed with blood
fell from his forehead, and dripped along his chin. On the ground, blooming dark red wet
He felt that his vision was a little blurred, maybe because the light was too strong, maybe
because the pain from all parts of the body was too intense, or maybe because he was too
So that when the raging tide of zombies came to him again, the whole body could no longer
give back the slightest strength to fight back.
He supported the ground with one hand and the other with the hilt of the sword. Yu
Guangzhong was a dense tide of carrion, but now he seemed to have glanced over the past
20 years of his life.
Is that so?
Once again, he can only stand still and see his beloved go further and further and eventually
Why on earth?
When the palm on the ground suddenly felt a strong shock, Shen Shi'an thought that he had
It wasn't until a loud roar rang through the clouds that he looked up into the distance:
Under the magnificent blood-colored residual sun, a huge beast with a height of more than
ten meters ran back with light. Pure black hair fluttered in the wind, and a layer of dazzling
gold was faintly shed.
The majestic style is extraordinary, as if he can swallow the sky with his mouth open.
The giant beast shook his neck, easily crushed all the zombies around him into fragments,
then walked slowly, and lowered his forelegs half-knelt in front of Shen Shi'an, and put
down the canvas package that had been pinched between his teeth.
The canvas spread out, revealing that the hills inside looked like dazzling zombies.
It raised its claws and pushed the parcel in the direction of Shen Shi'an. At the same time, a
clear and slightly husky boy's voice rang in Shen Shi'an's mind:
"Ann, here you are!"
The author has something to say: Does the dog grow up today?
grown up!
This pattern will last for a period of time, which means that it will not become an adult
male yet (don't hit the nest)
You think, An An has always regarded him as a son. How can he be suddenly accepted as an
adult man? There must be a buffer transition, so that he can change his feelings and fall in
love ~
Hee hee hee hee hee hee (? ˙︶˙?)
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;
Thanks for the little angel who cast [grenade]: Rosa1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 4 super-inspired people; 3 watermelons that are
both rotten and rotten; Delphi shrine, proud rice dumplings z, Bao Zheng, affectionate 2
your grandfather; bread bags , Mercy ?, Shuangxuan, Moyao Juying 茕, Sunny89, by her, one
muyu one, maybe? 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Love your uncle 80 bottles; flowers ~ 65 bottles; 50 bottles of dumplings; 40 bottles of
fudge; and 38 bottles of love for the rest of life; 30 bottles of Nick, years of songs, 撩 god, 20
bottles of weekly; 17 bottles; Feiyu 15 bottles; Su Xiaodu, who is no one to take care of,
chopped string, huh, proud dumplings z, tin demon, jasmine, 28015617, Wu Dan 10 bottles;
8 bottles; Aozaki, mint, Xia Meow 5 bottles of Han Xuefei servee; 3 bottles of upside-down
phoenix; 2 bottles of super agitated person; bone jade, Xiaotang, I am a lone wolf, Chenmo
Microscope, Yingzi, 28647778, Ning Ting, Qi Yexue, Jiao Jiao, lunca 1 Yuyu and Yuyu 1
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 106:
Settings saved..
This is the anti-theft chapter. It ’s enough to heat the home, and it ’s easy to sweat when
eating hot pot. Shen Shian took off his sweater and wore only a long-sleeved T-shirt. The
white cotton fabric was soft and docile. Waistline-People look good, and even plucking tofu
is pleasing to the eye.
Turning his head, he found that Xiao He only cared about eating meat and blanched two
slices of lettuce from the clear soup: "Eat more vegetables, don't picky eaters." Even when
he was a dog, he became a human now. How to eat vegetables. Unscrewing the lid gave him
another glass of juice.
Yun Feiyang sat across the table, looking at the child who was caring for the child carefully,
and he didn't even realize that he was like a mother's friend. "Anna, you, are you really
going to raise him as a son?"
Shen Shi'an and Xiao Hei faced each other for a long while, staring at him reluctantly and
swallowing the lettuce without raising his head in response: "Well."
"But," Yun Feiyang pondered the words, "But you also have to worry about whether the
child's own thoughts, if he doesn't want to stay here, want to go home and find his own
parents?" Kidnap the child Start in ten years, don't think about it, brother!
Shen Shian bowed his head and asked Xiaohei, "Would you like to live with me?"
Little Black nodded his cheeks.
"Do you want to go home to find your parents?"
Little Black drummed his cheek and shook his head. He was born naturally to his parents.
Shen Shi'an looked up: "Look."
Yun Feiyang: "..." What you see, this is all abduction! My heart became even more
sorrowful, and even chopsticks bit a bald head.
Shen Shian guessed what he was thinking, and guessed that his friend might have shaped
himself as a criminal with the intention of breaking the law. If you want Xiaoxing to live
smoothly, you have to find a solution to this problem.
"Feiyang, I haven't told you something yet," Shen Shi'an thought and put down the
chopsticks in his hand, his voice was slow and hesitant: "I don't think this child was
accidentally lost." If it was fortunate to escape after being trafficked, He picked it up and
kept it for a while and barely made sense. Even if the police cooperated with the
investigation, it was impossible for police comrades to find Xiao Hei's parents. Although the
adoption process was troublesome in the future, it was logical.
"What do you mean? He ran out of his own house? Didn't you pick it up in the mall? It is
likely that his house is near the mall!" Yun Feiyang looked at Xiao Hei: "Hey, do you
remember where you live? What ’s your parents ’name? What ’s your name?”
Three consecutive questions are like Shi Shenhai, Xiao Hei just cares about eating his meat
and ignores him.
"Hey, why didn't this child speak?" Thinking for a moment, it seems that he hasn't talked to
him since he saw him, "Can't he talk? Nothing, ah, a child over three years old, what's his
name? You should know. "Unless ...
Yun Feiyang focused on Xiao Hei: he would n’t use chopsticks, he took a child fork specially
prepared by Shen Shi'an, he probably did n’t feel happy with the fork, he just threw it aside
and buried his face directly in the bowl Alas, he occasionally pulled two hands to help, and
soon his face, chin, and fingers were full of oil.
This look looks like she is still animalistic in Shen Shi'an's eyes. There is something cute in
her innocence, but in Yun Feiyang's eyes, there are some ... mental retardation.
Shen Shi'an looked at his look. Although it was a little different from the script he expected,
but it did not prevent him from guiding his friends to follow the other's thoughts and
continue to make up for the brain, so he sighed sigh: "This time, you should understand."
As if a flash of lightning slammed from my head, a child more than three years old can't
speak, has to grab his hands with food, looks fierce and wants to bite, doesn't know his
parents' name, and doesn't want to go home ... all kinds of abnormalities are in
Yunfeiyang's mind Rotating fast, with superb detection and analysis capabilities, he finally
cracked the only truth-
"This kid is a fool!"
Shen Shi'an held the little black head in one hand and rubbed it in a soothing manner, and
quickly halted a half-box of fat cows in one hand to block his flashing fangs, meaning he
sighed inexplicably.
Yun Feiyang is even more convinced of his inference: "So the parents of this child think he
stupidly left him in the mall deliberately?" No wonder he would rather follow An An as a
stranger than go home. It's hard, I don't think I'm hungry at home, and I don't know if I
have any injuries or abuses.
Looking at Xiaohei's gaze was immediately sympathetic: "Powder-carved jade is very cute,
but it's hard to think of it. Do you want to take it to the hospital for a closer inspection?
Maybe it can be treated." In this way, An An picked it up. Going home is still his creation.
In just a few minutes, Shen Shi'an in his eyes transformed from a misstepd young man who
was once wrong to a righteous hero who saved others. Not to mention, the hot pot boiled
hot, and steamed a few touches of soft red from Shen Shi'an's white face. Looking down and
patiently caring for the children, it really exudes motherhood ... ah no, the glory of
Shen Shian vaguely said, "The inspection must be done, but after a while, he ... will be raised
for a while." What if it turns out to be only temporary, and it turns into a dog within a few
days I do n’t know if his current physical data is according to human standards or dog
Yun Feiyang's heart was tight: Oh, it seems that he was really abused. The sympathy in the
eyes became more real, and he leaned over and filled the little baby with a chopsticks full of
lamb: "Eat, eat more, follow An An, and keep your delicious and spicy food in the future.
The past has passed, ah. Who will dare to bully again in the future? You, Uncle Yun
strangled him for you. "
Xiao Heiwu Zhanzhan's eyes glanced at him, took a fork to fork out his lamb, and ruthlessly
threw it into the trash.
Yun Feiyang didn't care: He was a fool, what can you and fools care about?
Quickly ate a few mouthfuls of meat, burned my teeth with the soup in the peeing beef ball,
and then looked at Shen Shi'an through the hot white gas: "Would you like to give him a
new name? He didn't remember the previous name, even if It ’s not necessarily a good thing
to remember. Just pick another one and start with a new name. ”
Shen Shi'an also had this idea, and all of them became human. He could not continue to call
Xiao Hei Xiao Hei, but it was difficult to decide what name to take for a while.
Yun Feiyang drank a cold beer: "You have to have a good idea, or is it called Lele? You are
An An, he is Le Le, together you are An Le ..." I haven't finished talking, because I am in the
pet industry. The veterinarian Yun, who was extremely sensitive to a certain word, closed
his mouth in time, and sneered at the sight of Shen Shian: "Changing one, changing
When a meal was nearing its end, Shen Shi'an made up his mind: "Just call Shen Xun."
"Shen Xun? Which Xun? The Xun Xun?" Yun Fei raised his mouth several times, pondering
something: "You found him in the vast sea of people, fate! Does this mean?"
Shen Shi'an did not answer. My mother believes in Buddhism, and believes that fate is
bounded, and that there is a fixed number in the meditation, then whether he found Xiao
Hei or Xiao Hei found him, and who can tell clearly.
Get up and go to the bathroom and twist a hot towel, and said to the doll: "Shen Xun, come
and wipe your hands."
After eating, Xiaohei—it's time to ask him to look for Shen, hold a fruit tray and sit on the
sofa to watch TV. Shen Shi'an prepares to wash dishes, Yun Feiyang raises his sleeves to
help pack things.
He turned to glance at the little child on the sofa in the living room, and lowered his voice
beside Shen Shi'an: "An'an, I know it ’s kind of you to pick him up. If you want to raise him,
as long as you decide, that brother is sure Support. But after all, he has parents. I wonder if
you should report to the police first and take the child across the clear road. A police
comrade will investigate and give you a certificate. You can also adopt or support the
future. It ’s not difficult to complete the formal procedures. Otherwise, in case you raise
your child in vain, healthy, and healthy, that parent will come to the door again and want to
take the child back, who do you talk to? "
Shen Shi'an is not in the same direction as him, but it is not much worse: Although he
doesn't have to worry about parents coming, Xiao Hei will become a human and want to
live normally in this society. He must have a legal identity certificate. He's not easy to
handle this, I'm afraid to find Mr. Gu.
Yun Feiyang also thought of this: "Have you contacted Mr. Gu recently?"
Shen Shian nodded. Originally, he contacted about once a week. Since his accident, the
frequency has increased. He will call every two or three days. The content of the call was
similar, except that Mr. Gu asked as usual, and Shen Shi'an replied formulaically. In fact,
even if he didn't answer, Wan Feng and his two colleagues would probably report their
situation to each other without fail.
Yunfei Yang looked at his face, feeling that he was not in a bad mood, and he could not bear
it, he asked carefully: "An'an, Mr. Gu and your mother, what is going on?"
He and Shen Shi'an have known each other for almost three years, and it can be considered
the same as before, plus the relationship between Grandpa Shen and his parents, he has
always treated Shen Shi'an as a brother. But he didn't know much about his family affairs.
He only knew that Mr. Gu was Shen Shi'an's biological father, but his relationship with the
Shen family was not good. Therefore, An An followed his mother's surname, and every time
his father and son met, his attitude toward him Are extremely indifferent.
The reason for this is that he was not good at asking an outsider, and involved his mother
who died early, so Shen Shi'an would not take the initiative to say. He has heard a lot of
rumors, but apparently he chewed his tongue in order to satisfy the desire of gossip, and he
never believed a word as much as he did.
Curious is inevitable. This curiosity has been buried in my heart for a long time, just
tonight, the atmosphere is harmonious, and one of the heroes mentioned that he
accidentally slipped out of his mouth. As soon as the words came out, Yun Feiyang realized
that he was too reckless, regretful and anxious to draw a few mouths on his own, and
quickly waved his hand to apologize: "My fault, my fault, if it's inconvenient to say."
Shen Shi settled, put the cleaned dishes on the drain rack, then took the towel to dry his
hands, and his expression was dull: "There is nothing to say."
I really want to say, this is actually a very rotten **** story, it looks like a live-action version
of Wanwan Xiaoyan.
Mr. Gu's full name is Gu Yan, who is the powerful and powerful N generation in Beijing. The
family has deep roots, but still want to go further, so when Mr. Gu gets old, he plans to
arrange a marriage for him.
Zheng \\\ 'government marriage is normal for a child born in the family background of the
Gu family, but Mr. Gu is obviously different from everyone else. He is reluctant to use
marriage as a bargaining chip based on his pride. Therefore, in violation of the parents'
instructions, he went all the way down to the city of H to prepare for self-reliance to break
out of a world and prove himself with his grades.
In this way, I met Shen Qingran, who was also the mother of Shen Shian, who was working
in the H City Library at the time.
At first sight, Fenghua Zhengmao was full of love, and the love between the two of them
must be vigorous and infinitely beautiful, because even when the sickbed was lingering at
the end of her life, whenever she talked about it, Ms. Shen's beautiful eyes were full of
This sweet and free love lasted for more than two years, during which Mr. Gu met the
parents of the Shen family and won the approval and blessings of the parents of the Shen
family. The marriage proposal was successful at Ms. Shen's birthday party and a simple but
warm Romantic engagement ceremony. It ’s just that marriage is a matter of two families.
The consent of the parents of the Shen family will definitely not work. Therefore, Mr. Gu
Qichen returned to Beijing and assured Ms. Shen before leaving that she would definitely
do the work of patronizing her parents and return to the fair. wedding.
At that time, the transportation was very convenient. There was a high-speed rail service
between H City and Beijing. Mr. Gu went quickly and returned quickly. He appeared in front
of Shen Qingran again in less than five days. His eyes were red, and his ring finger was
more up. A strange ring, and at this time in the citizenship information of China, he was
already married.
The lady Gu who appeared out of thin was the marriage partner arranged by Gu's family to
Gu Yi, surname Qin. According to Mr. Gu, when he returned to Beijing and entered the
house, he was placed under house arrest by his parents. He repeatedly persuaded him to
inject sedatives after no fruit, and arranged for his substitute to go to the Civil Affairs
Bureau to register with his identity card. A wedding ceremony in which the groom was
unconscious was held.
"Qing Ran," Gu Yan hugged her, her eyes filled with tears: "I love you, I only love you, you
are the one I want to spend my life with. Don't blame me, don't blame me. Well, I didn't
expect them to do that. When I regained consciousness, the wedding was over and the
marriage certificate was already received, but none of these were really voluntary ... "
Shen Qingran also had six gods after intense pain. Five days ago, Mr. Gu was still her fiance.
The two of them were discussing the appearance of the wedding, discussing which guests
to invite and the decoration style of the wedding room. In just a few days, his lover became
the legal husband of another woman?
She loved Mr. Gu deeply, and believed what Mr. Gu said, that this marriage was forced by
his family and involuntarily. But how can they face it?
Mr. Gu took her hand: "Don't worry, everything will be left to me. I have already submitted
the divorce procedure and signed the divorce agreement. When the marriage relationship
is terminated, we will immediately obtain a certificate, and I will then return to that home. I
won't go back. "
Shen Qingran was stunned: "... divorce? Will Miss Qin agree?"
"She must agree if she disagrees!" Mr. Gu gritted his teeth. "I didn't know her at all. I only
met her before the wedding. How can such a relationship be a couple! I don't know her at
this wedding. I do n’t have a share, but no matter what, this marriage is divorced! The Gu
family thought that I was in love with family powers and could only be controlled by them.
In fact, I was not at all rare. Being completely out of relationship with the Gu family has lost
the value of marriage to them, and they have nothing to threaten me. "
Mr. Gu's resolute and unwavering attitude calmed Shen Qingran a bit, and while they were
waiting for the absurd marriage relationship to end as soon as possible, she found she was
Shen Qingran has congenital heart disease, which means that pregnancy and birth is a very
high-risk and terrible thing for her. She knew it and Gu Yan was very clear about it, so the
two have been very careful and took all necessary protective measures.
Unexpectedly, it is still a secret.
The arrival of this life was too accidental, and it was too pleasant surprise for the two who
happened to change. Shen Qingran was very happy. She started counting days and days,
looking forward to the completion of Mr. Gu's divorce procedure as soon as possible,
looking forward to entering the marriage hall with her loved ones, and raising this child
However, the divorce procedure of Mr. Gu and Miss Qin failed to reach the final step.
Ms. Qin appeared in the night with heavy rain. At that time, Shen Qingran suffered a lot of
pain due to a strong reaction to morning sickness, and then swallowed everything and
turned up completely. Mr. Gu finally coaxed her to finish drinking a bowl of porridge, and
drowsiness would be brewed in his arms, and he was perspired by the harsh doorbell.
Miss Qin stood outside the door, drenched in embarrassment, and handed a document to
Mr. Gu.
The author has something to say: Today is also the day I want to kill Zhong Han _ (: з''∠) _
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket Gun]: 氿 、, seven fa1 on a vine;
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [grenade]: Kiko and Miss Ben;
Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: proud dumplings z, mim83; Shuangxuan,
Youtian, Sunny892; adorable Mengda ..., a popsicle, Kiko, Qing Shao Qingming, every day,
no nickname, good night, heartfelt words 、,? Maybe ?, Showtime, one idiot;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
I do n’t know what 178 bottles are; 100 bottles of shallow sand in the shallow water; 90
bottles of dandan; 70 bottles of vegetables; 60 bottles of Baibai の Bai and Bai Wen are
better at first sight; small jujube, small o perilla, New Year's Day = _ = 50 bottles;
discretionary A pot of sorrow, no nickname, 40 bottles of Yichuan forgetful water; seven
fa35 bottles on a rattan; 30 bottles of crazy, Qianxia; empty empty empty empty ears. 28
bottles; 24 good nights; 23 bottles disqualified from the world; Western words, Victoria C
Yinqiao tablets, I do not eat small bread, I am Meng Meng Nick Fox, half pot milk, leaf paper
20 bottles; Mu Mu 199317 bottles; every day , Little cute 16 bottles; Wushan, Rainless
Clouds, hongke111, Super Infant, YY, One Tree Pear, 23369116, Purple Cloud, Little Fox
World, Waiting in the Wind, Hand Pickable Stars, Lauv666, mim8, 10 bottles of Kiko, Gott,
~~~, Ni He, zyum; 8 bottles of Christopher; 5 bottles of popsicles, Leo at first, Youtian,
gentleman, gentleman, and JIMINI; Sunny89, my non-gentleman, upside-down phoenix, and
the world is exactly 3 Bottles; 2 bottles of Tuyanyan, Junzhu Changbai Mountain, Fante, q ...
qnm ?, Xiao Yishu; 32087977, Yu, Qing Shao Qingming, Xiao Tang, I am a tree and 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 107:

Settings saved..
This is Zhang Baozhang until this morning.
Seeing that less than twenty minutes were left before the bell rang, Shen Shi'an had little
patience and finally exhausted. He looked at Xiaohei coldly and said, "I'm going to class,
what are you going to do? When anatomy material ?"
Xiao Hei lay on his shoes with his buttocks, his ankles hugged his ankles, and his heels
caught his laces. Two rows of small fangs bit his trousers. What to do! Whoops! "
Fan Guoping laughed at the door and said, "What do I say, dogs are the most loyal to people.
Don't look at the little temper that has just been picked up. It's only been a few days before
Mr. Shen got stuck. Mr. Shen, it shows it Like you too! "
"Like" Shen Shi'an didn't feel much honor. Bend down and stretch out your long arm, and
pull the small neck and pick up the small neck skin: "You obediently, I will come back and
cook for you after three lessons. If you are not obedient,"
His gaze paused meaningfully in a special place below the dog's belly, his voice soft and
scary: "Don't want it anymore?"
Xiao He immediately clamped both hind legs.
Thirty seconds later, Shen Shi'an and two bodyguards successfully entered the descending
The elevator was running smoothly. Wan Feng was standing in front of Shen Shi'an on the
left and silent as usual. Fan Guoping, on the right, unscrewed the lid of the 1.5-liter thermos
cup in his hand, raised it and mumbled and sipped. After drinking a mouthful, he said to
Shen Shi'an, "Mr. Shen's tomato juice tastes so right that it reminds me of the taste I ate in
my hometown many years ago-my hometown was in the southwest mountainous area. At
that time, tomatoes were grown without pesticides. There is no ripening agent. They are
naturally grown by spring watering. The flesh is full and the size of a fist. At the hottest
noon in summer, a basket of icy tomatoes is pulled from the well and delivered to the
mouth. While taking a bite, that taste ... "
Fan Guoping pouted, apparently immersed in some extremely fond memories. Then said:
"But even the tomatoes I ate at that time didn't feel as good as Mr. Shen. Now I am
concerned about what organic vegetables. Mr. Shen may not buy these tomatoes cheaply.
Rarely think about us both, hehehehehe, thank you what!"
Shen Shi'an said: "It's not worth anything, there are still many in the family. If you like to go
back, I will give you more, don't be kind to me." There are too many tomatoes in the space,
and he has picked places It turned out to grow again. If he hadn't found any signs of decay
due to overripeness, he really didn't know how to take these tens of thousands of
basketball-sized tomatoes.
Shen Shian is not sure how long the "freshness time" of the space is, so it is necessary to
think of a proper solution to the tomato as soon as possible. Juicing and making ketchup is
definitely not enough, unless he opens it for free to all medical masters and students, but
how to explain such a large number of sources will be a problem at that time.
It only takes about five minutes to walk from the entrance of the community to the south
gate of the Medical University. However, the place of class this morning is in the North
Teaching Building. The south gate is exactly diagonally located. It takes at least ten minutes
to walk past.
Shen Shi'an looked at the phone and speeded up again. The young man's figure is tall and
erect, but his appearance is gorgeous, but with a thin layer of frost that no one can enter,
striding across the tree-lined road, it is like a chill wind blowing with a fragrant fragrance.
Because of his appearance and the relationship between Mr. Gu, many people in the
medical university knew him, plus two brave bodyguards not far behind him—these two
were usually able to hide well when they were traveling, but the medical department It's a
school. There are lush and energetic students everywhere. After entering the school gate, it
looks like a pony mixed with a puma. Everywhere is out of reach, so the focus on Shen
Shi'an is more.
Shen Shi'an pressed her lips and pulled the zipper of the down jacket to the top. Most of her
face was covered strictly, leaving only a pair of dark eyes.
He walked so fast that he finally entered the classroom half a minute before the bell rang.
This morning was a public theory class of the Clinical College. There were more than two
hundred people in three classes. The large staircase classroom was densely packed. Shen
Shi'an just entered the door, and a familiar voice came from the window position of the
third to last row: " Hey, An'an, here! "
Shen Shi'an lowered his schoolbag in his hand and walked towards Yunfei.
Yun Feiyang moved the things on the table and left Shen Shi'an close to the aisle: "Why did
you come so late today? I thought you hadn't slowed down from the car accident and was
ready to help you with your monitor. Thank you. I arrived early and grabbed such a good
seat for us. "Hiding in such a place in the sea, Lao Li's one thousand degrees of myopia, can
not see them 100%.
Shen Shi'an took out his textbooks and handed Yun Feiyang a bottle of tomato juice: "Some
things have been delayed. Did you name them?"
"The squad leader of each class just ordered, it's okay, you didn't be late, just say one to
your class after the first lesson." As soon as the voice fell, the bell just sounded.
The first lesson passed quickly in the rustling sound of Shen Shi'an taking notes and the
smirk of Yun Feiyang's short video. After the bell rang, Shen Shi'an found a USB flash drive
from his schoolbag and was preparing to copy the courseware of his hospital stay to the
teacher. A girl in the front row suddenly turned back, her eyes shy and dodging, and her
face was obviously coy: "That, classmate Shen I heard that you were hospitalized in a car
accident. Is it serious? Is it all right now? I helped you copy all the public and professional
courses during this time. Do you need it? "
The girl Shen Shi'an knew, and Zhang was his classmate. The courseware information was
indeed what he needed. Today is December 24th. The New Year's Day holiday is about to
enter the exam week. His course has been pulled down for more than a month, and he must
catch up before the final exam.
Just based on past experience, if you want to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is
best to refuse such kindness.
Shen Shi'an looked at the pink USB flash drive in the girl's hand and hadn't figured out how
to refuse so as to be clear and embarrassing. Yun Feiyang, who was obsessed with mobile
phone, suddenly looked up and intervened: "Ah, what, if not this beauty Remind me that I
almost forgot—Anna, I have copied all the course materials. The U disk is in my bedroom,
and I will give it to you in the afternoon. "
Shen Shi'an turned to look at him: "You helped me copy the materials?" Fortunately, the
public lessons are mostly in the same class, but the two majors are different. How did he
copy the professional course materials?
"It's not easy. There are so many people in your class. You can just solve it with a classmate.
In short, you can rest assured that I have checked it. Each course has courseware and
Shen Shian nodded and looked at the girl: "My friend has helped me copy it. Thank you, it's
really troublesome."
It is difficult for the girl to hide her disappointment, but her mood is not low: "It's all right,
I'm just going to do it, anyway, I have to review it myself. Classmate Shen, are you all right?"
"Yeah, isn't the physical condition of Student Shen a big deal?" Shen Shi'an didn't answer
yet. A sound of deliberately raising the volume rang in the aisle in front of the seat, and
immediately attracted more than half of the eyes of the entire ladder classroom: I was
hospitalized in a car accident and asked for a full month and a half of vacation. My
classmates were very worried. I was also afraid that I might be seriously injured and hurt
my bones. It doesn't seem to be a big deal now, not even a scar can be found. "
The monitor of the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan swept over Shen Shi'an twice, clearly
indicating something: "I don't know if it was Mr. Shen who was lucky in a car accident but
suffered minor injuries, or was he in good health and healed particularly fast?"
Shen Shi'an looked at each other and said nothing.
Yun Feiyang couldn't help, and stood up suddenly: "What do you mean, suggesting that we
are lying or cheating? Or an old man, can't you say something properly, isn't it because the
yin and yang are sandy and intriguing, isn't it interesting? You ’ve watched a lot of dramas,
have n’t you? An An applied for leave with a medical history sheet and an inspection report
to the counselor. According to your intentions, do you want to see his medical records in
person? ”
Lu Xiuyuan's skin was relatively white in the boys, so he was crackled by Yun Feiyang, and
his blush was particularly obvious. I was unwilling to lose the battle, and my neck was
tense: "You are not a member of the class committee. I do n’t know. Our clinical specialty is
to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each class based on attendance, and the students
will take turns to go. The miscellaneous duty of the affiliated hospital is related to more
than just the person's affairs. If the reason for Shen's leave is bright and there is nothing to
hide, it is better to take out the medical record for the students to look at. "
"Ha ha ha ha ha," Yun Feiyang did not hide the ridicule in the laughter, condescending and
rolled his eyes at Lu Xiuyuan: "The patient's data belongs to the patient, only the attending
physician and the patient's family can see it. The squad leader is in the class committee. Li
is busy with important affairs, so did the ethics class go to the dog's stomach? I do n’t
know? I still want to make my medical records public, silly 'force!'
Lu Xiuyuan's face rose sharply and turned red. After taking a half step forward, he seemed
to be rushing to do it. Yun Feiyang immediately couldn't wait to start squeezing his sleeves,
and everyone pulled Ladra to persuade him to make a mess, just as the bell rang in class.
Lu Xiuyuan gave Shen Shi'an a serious look and turned back to his seat.
"Grass his mother," Yun Feiyang sat down. "The youngest brother San Laozi wanted to
shave him for a long time, and he took the feather feathers and arrows to count himself. If it
wasn't for you not to run for the class committee, the monitor Where can I get him. "
Shen Shian took a sip of water and tightened the cap. "Class begins."
Yun Feiyang stared at his exquisite and beautiful side lines that could attract a lot of girls
howling for a long time. "Why do you say he's always targeting you? Can you just like you,
love and kill each other?" The first one: "My mother duck, it's terrible. Promise my little
brother, even if you're a guy, don't look for someone like Xiu Yuan." It looks good, but it's
really annoying.
"Really," Shen Shi'an said casually while taking notes. "Then what should I look for?"
What are you looking for? At least he must be handsome, handsome, open, generous, and
sincere, tall and mighty like him--
Stop, stop!
Yun Feiyang was shocked with cold sweat, quickly cut off the thought that suddenly came
to his mind, and read the four-character motto "I am a straight man" over ten times.
After a long while, you glanced at Shen Shi'an who was addicted to studying:
With a wicked face, men and women have all-enchanting charm, who can hold it.
And recently, a new hobby has been added. When Shen Shi'an accidentally gets into his
closet and rolls, he rolls his jacket and his pants are full of dog hair. If not Shen Shi'an has
checked the information beforehand, he knows that pets like to mark the smell. Seeking a
sense of security, it may be the braised dog meat served at the table.
The author has something to say: Daddy ~ All members survive!
Everyone is a survivor _ (: з''∠) _
Why do so many people guess that Jiamutou can play an important role, it's too good to
guess! I wanted to scare you
If you are interested, you can guess who this player is. You can never guess a dime. → _ →
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angels who released [grenades]: Sunny892;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: proud dumplings z3; Meow Moon, mim8,
28153892, Yueyue,? Maybe? 1 rockwell;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Known 53 bottles; Gongsun Jingmo 30 bottles; I am Meng Meng Nick Fox, good night, eat
every day, round, 20 bottles of Er Meow; 12 bottles every month; long years, Mumu, Xing
Mo and Li Mo , Zhuozhi, Tongtong, New Year's Day = _ =, one Muyu one, is He Daren more
updated today, Qing Huan, Little Planet, Mint Cat 10 bottles; You Yan, crispy shortbread
cookies 8 bottles; pine 6 bottles of eggs; 5 bottles of popsicles, English, small whale, white
dew, planting; 35774411, meet me, you, non-self, Xiao Yishu 2 bottles; 15721282, I am a
lone wolf, Xiao Tang, Fante, summer, purple purple, curling ear cats that can meow, q ...
qnm ?, 1 bottle of blue maple;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 108:

Settings saved..
Such a development was unexpected by Liu Fangzhou. Look at Shen Shi'an and look at the
life-saving benefactor: "Brother Shen, do you know each other?"
Shen Shi'an's confirmation was almost unrecognized.
The figure standing in the dark night was tall and thin, with slightly long hair hanging down
to cover the left eye, and the corners of the drooping lips looked a little shady, and the right
eye wore a black common in pirate film and television dramas. Eye mask, covering the
entire cheekbones of the entire right eye. At this time, the temperature was still too high,
and the air was stuffy and hot, but the other party wrapped himself in trousers and
trousers, and could only see the pale skin from the exposed parts of his face and hands.
In any respect, he looked completely different from the last time Shen Shi'an saw when he
left the small medical auditorium of H Medical University.
Lu Xiuyuan.
Shen Shi'an turned the name around his tongue. It's been less than half a year since we last
met, but it really is like another generation.
When Lu Xiuyuan heard Liu Fangzhou's words, his face was more angry, and he clenched
his fists and rushed towards Shen Shi'an: "Naturally, I know him. Even if he turns to ashes, I
can recognize it: Shen Shi'an, you have made me miserable!"
Shen Shi'an hasn't moved yet. Because he is too big to come out of the door, it is
inconvenient, so Shen Xun, who was a few steps behind, jumped up from the crowd, roaring
towards the road and repairing, and his sharp claws were fully exposed. It's half a foot long,
and there is a gleam of cold light in the moonlight.
"Fuck!" Liu Fangzhou's throat trembled in shock, "What's this, this, this, this!"
Lu Xiuyuan was also astonished. He hurriedly retracted his fist and tried to hide back. The
body was out of balance under the effect of inertia, and he fell to the ground, watching the
giant beating himself down with the momentum of Mount Tai. However, when the
behemoth's claws were less than ten centimeters away from his heart, it seemed like he
had run into an invisible barrier and could no longer enter.
From the perspective of Shen Shi'an and others, Lu Xiuyuan lay on his back on the ground
with his hands crossed to protect himself. At first glance, the big dog seemed to step on
him, but when he looked closely, he could see that his claws were actually separated by
him. A short distance-as if an invisible mirror tilted between one person and one beast,
leaving the two forelimbs of the beast completely suspended.
Lu Xiuyuan seemed to be relieved and turned to look at Shen Shi'an, sneer: "You thought I
would be so easy ..."
A sudden cracking noise interrupted him, and Lu Xiuyuan turned his head hurriedly, only
to see a crack appear in the air in front of him, and the monster who did not know whether
it was a wolf or a dog was pulling the soles of the feet from the crack. Lift it up.
"Impossible!" Lu Xiuyuan exclaimed subconsciously: "My 'wall' cannot even break the
third-level zombies!"
Snapped. Shen Xun immediately patted on the invisible barrier again. There was no
difference between the gesture and the dog's idle and boring shot of the ball.
Click, click, click.
More cracks surfaced in the air.
Lu Xiuyuan seemed to have been punched in the chest, and his face rose quickly.
Seeing that the beast was going to make another effort to shoot all the barriers connecting
Lu Xiuyuan into pieces, Liu Fangzhou who had passed back to the hurriedly said, "Brother!
Brother Shen! Keep someone under the claws! We have to discuss it well in advance?
People are good." It saved my life, and it's ok to kill him if the consultation is not good. "
Shen Shi'an had no intention of killing him. "Look, come back."
The dog spirit was rather unwilling to rub his teeth towards Lu Xiuyuan, raised his paw and
patted it again-his strength was controlled just enough to break all the barriers and not
even hurt the other half of the hair on the other side. It doesn't matter to him if he's not
scared. Turning back to Shen Shi'an, he bowed his head and licked. Originally it was only
intended to lick the back of the hand, but his tongue was too big, and he wrapped his entire
right hand in his mouth and washed it.
Shen Shian flicked his right hand several times with a stern face and wiped the dog's hair
back and forth a few times, looking at Lu Xiuyuan who stood up from the ground: "You said
I hurt you, how did I hurt you?"
"How did you harm me?" Lu Xiuyuan seemed to be stimulated by this kind of sentence, "I'll
show you how you harmed me!"
He raised his hand and took off his sweater jacket and long-sleeved shirt. The lights in the
gym clearly reflected on him, and the scene immediately made everyone breathe in:
Lu Xiuyuan's upper body is divided into two distinct parts from the collarbone. The left side
is the muscles and bones that young people of his age normally have, but it is slightly weak
because the skin color is too pale; the skin on the right side is blue and hard. There are
cracks all over the cracked ground under the scorching sun, and the bulging green tendons
knots are bulging, and the dark black liquid is faintly visible. The most chilling thing is that
his right half is deeply visible everywhere. Bone tooth marks and scars left after flesh and
blood were torn apart.
Xiong Manshan took two steps back and forth, hiding swallowing drool behind Xu Ge: "...
you, are you a human or a zombie?"
Liu Fangzhou was so shocked by Shen Shi'an's "hunting" that all his attention was attracted
by Lu Xiuyuan. A pair of glazed cat's eyes were scary and murmured: "No wonder, no
wonder Half of his light group is gray ... "
Both hands trembled with excitement: if they can dissect ... if they can dissect ...
Another one who couldn't help but rub his hands was Tang Song. The enthusiasm in his
eyes was no less than that of Liu Fangzhou, but considering the tense atmosphere between
the opponent and Shen Shi'an, the desire to sample the root hair was forced to be pressed
In my heart.
Lu Xiuyuan took off his blindfold, exposing the black hole's orbits and the scratch marks on
the edge of the orbits. The intact left eye was filled with hatred: "Am I a human or a
zombie? I also want to know this problem! The reason why I will be reduced to today Shen
Shi'an is all about you, no matter how ghostless you are! Do you know the despair of being
surrounded by thousands of zombies? Do you know the pain of being bitten and eaten by
zombies? Their nails are pierced My skin, their teeth chewed on my flesh, my eye, my eye
was cut out by the zombies! I even remember the zombies chewing their eyes into their
mouths Voice-and all this, and all this should have been yours! "
Lu Xiuyuan looked crazy, as if he had suppressed the fear, despair, anger, and resentment
for too long, and finally found his vent. Tears flowed from his left eyes: "The people in the
rescue team who want to kill as soldiers are actually you, but Throw me into the zombies as
a scapegoat, a total of four people, a total of four people holding a gun to force me to jump
down, no matter how I explain or cry, it is useless, I am also a human! I am also a living
person! On what grounds, on what grounds can you avoid a calamity, on what grounds and
what good things happen to you, on what grounds I will endure for you !!! "
"Has it for me?" Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed coldly: "Since the
rescue team wanted to kill me, why did you mistake you as Shen Shi'an? I know the rescue
team rushed on the third day of the virus outbreak School, does anyone in the school know
you? What about the more than eighty classmates in the small water hall? Professor Li? No
one can help prove that you are Xiuyuan Lu? Or say, "
Shen Shian's thoughts fluttered, and he quickly guessed the cause and effect based on
known information: "The first wave of rescue places is limited, so you replaced my identity
and told the rescue team that you are Shen Shi'an?"
Lu Xiuyuan's face turned white and he clenched his teeth tightly.
Shen Shi'an, who is wanted by the military, knows that after listening to the conversation
between the two, they probably understand what's going on.
Apart from that, you Lu Xiuyuan chose to take the initiative to take the place of another
person's identity. Even after discovering that this identity is actually no good at all, it is
simply a death trap. It has nothing to do with the person you replaced. It is not that they are
forced to impose an impostor. Since you have made up your mind to take the chance of life,
you must be mentally prepared to bear the consequences. If you ca n’t get the benefit, you
can enjoy it calmly. If you suffer a big loss, you blame others for hurting you. How can this
be true?
For a while, everyone looked at Lu Xiuyuan with an unspeakable look. Even Liu Fangzhou,
who had saved his life, stood on the side of Shen Shi'an: "Mr. Lu, what happened to you is
really miserable, but it really depends On Brother Shen. "
Lu Xiuyuan's lips trembled and he raised his chin high: "Yes, I used your identity. But when
the rescue team came you weren't at school at all, and there were two bodyguards beside
you to protect you. Worrying about safety, in this case, instead of wasting this extra place
for nothing, let me do it! I did n’t kill or set fire, I just seized the opportunity that just
appeared in front of you. Ask yourself, In your case, in that case, if you have the opportunity
to leave with the rescue team, will you choose to stay and be surrounded by millions of
zombies because of your noble sense of morality? Why don't you talk? Oh, but they are
extremely hypocritical. A good-looking guy. "
Shen Shi'an's expression remained unchanged: "As you said, I really don't have to worry
about security issues, so I don't really blame you for replacing my identity. But where do
you think you are the one who hurt me? After all, It's all your choice. "
"But the rescue team took me as you! They thought 'Shen Shi'an' was dead! So my
encounter invisibly guaranteed your safety. Can you deny this!"
Shen Shi was silent. He can't deny it.
Although he was instructed to have more than one garrison team, Lu Xiuyuan's "death"
undoubtedly caused one of the teams to think that he had achieved his goal and thus ended
his killing mission. Convinced that he was dead. From this perspective, Lu Xiuyuan's
sacrifice did guarantee his safety more or less.
"what do you want?"
I want you to bear everything I have!
Lu Xiuyuan shouted wildly in his heart. But he knew the idea was simply unrealistic.
"I want you to promise me a condition." Lu Xiuyuan said after putting on his clothes.
"What conditions."
"I want to join your team."
"Impossible." Shen Shi'an flatly refused.
"Why!" Lu Xiuyuan was indignant: "My ability is not weaker than any of your team
members. As long as I am, I can guarantee that you will be in a state of no one in the tide of
zombies of any size. Will attack! "
"Your ability can completely shield the zombies from your perception?" Tang Song asked
with a pinch.
"Not only that," Lu Xiuyuan was quite proud. "My ability is an absolute shield in both the
physical and spiritual senses. As long as I open the 'wall', no creature or zombies can do
anything. One step closer. "
Speaking of this, he looked at the beast beside Shen Shi'an: except for the monster who did
not know whether it was a wolf or a dog.
"This ability evolved suddenly when you were surrounded by zombies?"
Lu Xiuyuan was silent for a moment, seeming to remember something terribly bad, his
fingertips trembled slightly, and then nodded.
When surrounded by zombies and biting, he curled up in pain, with only one thought left in
his consciousness: go away, you monsters, go away, get away from me!
Perhaps it is precisely because such a belief is too strong that a "wall" has been opened up
beside him.
His power was born in the deepest, longest, darkest despair.
He looked up to Shen Shi'an: "My power has told you, you should know how valuable this
ability is in the last days. As long as I join the team, you are free to go in and out of any
zombies ..."
"Impossible." Shen Shi'an refused again.
"Because I don't trust you."
In fact, after experiencing the incident of Zhong Han, not only him, but all members of the
team may have difficulty trusting others.
Lu Xiuyuan clenched his fists: "I saved your companion!"
"I am grateful for this," Shen Shi'an looked at him. "What do you want, as long as it is within
my tolerance, I will try my best to satisfy it."
"I, think, want, add, join, you, of, team, team!"
"I said, this is impossible." Shen Shi'an took out a canvas-covered crystal nucleus from the
space. "Do you need a crystal nucleus?"
Lu Xiuyuan froze, then began to spit fire: "This nucleus is originally mine! I collected it and
hid it, how did you get it!"
Shen Shi'an turned his head to glance at the big dog, and then took out two egg-sized warm
yellow crystal nuclei again: "Second soil system zombie crystal nuclei, do you want?"
"Your life plus your teammate's life, is it worth only two secondary nuclei in total!"
"You haven't saved my life," Shen Shian corrected him, "as for the ark's life is priceless, so
apart from these two crystal nuclei, I can still promise you a condition within my range."
Lu Xiuyuan wanted to say something more, and the dog croaked his back with a roar.
Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head, "Do you want to cash it now?"
Lu Xiuyuan resentfully said: "It's not that easy, I haven't considered it yet!"
"Okay," Shen Shian nodded. "Our goal is Beijing. You should be able to go to Beijing at any
time with your ability. Now, you should go."
Lu Xiuyuan took the two secondary crystal nuclei from Shen Shian's hand, pulled a canvas
bag on his back, took a hard look at the crowd and went out.
"Lu Xiuyuan." Shen Shi'an stopped him.
"Why!" Lu Xiuyuan turned indignantly.
"thank you."
Lu Xiuyuan looked a little bit unnatural. Before we could say anything, the cold light flashed
in front of him, and Shen Shi'an held a long sword in his hand and severely slashed at him,
and a cobweb-like crack immediately appeared on the temporarily supported "wall".
The coldness of the sword blade was so strong that it was embedded in half of the "wall".
The autumn-like blade surface reflected Shen Shi'an's dark and cold eyes:
"If you dare to be secretive, I will definitely kill you."
The long sword suddenly came back to its sheath, and the power wall broke down.
The author has something to say: Why so many people can guess that it is Lu Xiuyuan,
withered _ (: з 」∠) _
Today is another day to lament the cute little ones ~
I know that many readers don't like this role, but please believe that the existence of each
role has its inevitability. I guarantee that he will play a vital role in the subsequent plots, so
bear with me for the time being?
The change of role is not equal to whitewashing. Lu Xiuyuan is still Lu Xiuyuan, but we may
see other aspects of his character that have not yet been revealed. What's more, people
always change, right? Maybe it ’s getting better, maybe it ’s getting worse. Where can there
be absolutely good people or absolute bad people? (: З''∠) _
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Seven fas on a vine, Delphi shrine,? Maybe ?, Bai
Qianyuzhi, traces, proud rice dumplings z, Sunny 891;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
3262734524 bottles; 23 cute bottles; 20 bottles of whole sugar; Jiu Jiu, Ye Yeye, Good Night,
He Daren today, 10 bottles; Coisini_, minioze 10 bottles; Meow Meow Meow 9 bottles;
Plant, 267444468 bottles 6 bottles of winter frost and autumn ice cream; 5 bottles of two
**** ones; 2 bottles of Shaohua; the legendary Mu Tata, Xiao Tang, Zi Zi, have been quiet
and can meet me, Vante, Lucidus, big dream, Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu, Lunca, 28679377, Annie 1
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 109:

Settings saved..
Tang Song just returned to the gym and took a set of needles for blood sampling. When he
returned, Lu Xiuyuan had disappeared into the night. Suddenly, like a weightless treasure, I
feel like I missed a trillion yuan.
Xiong Manshan also responded: "Oh, you shouldn't let him go like this, you have to take two
tubes of blood and pull out a few hairs! It is estimated that this is the only one in the world
that can survive after being bitten by a zombie. This is a precious research object! Major
Tang, is he already immune to the zombie virus? "
Tang Song shook his head: "His body is neatly divided into two parts. The left side is still
normal, but the right side has been completely mutated. This shows that he is not immune
to the virus, but forcibly restricts all zombie viruses to the right half of his body through
abilities. That is, a 'wall' is formed in his body to ensure that the two most critical parts of
the heart and the brain are not affected by the virus-you find that no, his right arm has very
few movements from beginning to end, and I suspect that he The physical function of the
right half of the body has been destroyed by the virus as the zombies, but because he has
the power, the right half of the body is not rotten, and the function is not completely lost. It
is similar to Jiamu who has always absorbed Chen Nan's power. "
From a certain point of view, his abilities are similar to those of Tao Yuan. They all use the
method of breaking the wrist of a strong man to abandon a part of the body, thereby
ensuring the overall vitality. It's just that Tao Yuan can regenerate. I am afraid he can only
maintain this state forever.
Even so, Lu Xiuyuan's case is still incredible and has great value for exploration and
How did he split his body into two parts appropriately? How does blood circulation and
organ function in both sides of the body work? How do you make the zombie virus and
normal body cells in a perfect balance? How long can this state last? Must the power output
be maintained for the duration? Can you apply this ability to others?
Too many questions are running at a high speed in Tang Song's mind, and I urgently hope
to get an answer, but with Lu Xiuyuan's departure, I am afraid that this urgency will be
difficult to resolve for some time.
Lin Ruan couldn't help but sigh: "His desire to survive is really amazing."
According to the results of their research, survivors do have a chance to evolve abilities in
critical moments, but this chance is extremely small, and they can evolve even if they have
been bitten by zombies, and the ability to happen to evolve just allows His defense against
the virus was unheard of.
The willpower is slightly worse, it is estimated that the first bite of the zombies will give up
hope completely.
"He isn't really a bad person," Liu Fangzhou sighed after taking his eyes back. "When I was
surrounded by zombies, I really thought that I would be dead now. The despair and fear
were beyond description. At this point, I had to break myself with a scalpel. He just passed
by at the moment, and he was rescued without a word, and he was escorted all the way
here. There are very few that can do this in the last days. " If you do n’t know who he is, and
if you do n’t know him, you can save him simply by doing good deeds and helping others of
the same kind. There is no cure for it.
"And his ability is also very strong." Liu Fangzhou said again, "Is n’t he just saying that, his
power is a double shield of physical and spiritual, that is, if not by his 'wall' Shrouded, I
can't sense his presence at all, Brother Tang, your illusion is probably useless to him. "
"But he is not suitable for teammates." Lin Ruan said: "People like him are actually the most
common. It is OK to help others without harming themselves, but their own interests will
always come first, and In any case, it can be logical and self-consistent. As long as there is a
problem, it must be the cause of others. In short, it can be shared with Gan, but also a little
too self-centered. Mr. Shen's decision is completely correct. " Because the desire to survive
is too strong, you never know what he will do to ensure his life.
Shen Shi'an patted the dog's head, turned and walked back: "Go ahead."
Looking back from a series of conditions brought by Lu Xiuyuan, Liu Fangzhou finally
turned his attention back to this big dog: "Grass, is this really looking for a brother?
Looking for a brother, you have evolved a new one. Awesome? It ’s so handsome, is n’t it!
What kind of animal is this? A wolf? Especially like the beasts made with CG effects! Cool
and majestic! "
And it's super big. Liu Fangzhou straightened his toes and barely touched the big dog's
nose. Seeing more and more eyes, reaching out and touching the big dog's back: "I can
ride ..."
Shen Xun turned his head, the huge emerald beast eyes stared at him, showing a little teeth.
Liu Fangzhou retracted his hand momentarily, and said with a dry smile, "I will not ride
It's scary.
Tang Song turned around Shen Xun twice: "He should belong to the ancestral power, the
most primitive part of DNA was reactivated, so it degenerates from human form to animal
form. He can only keep it like this for the time being. Come back? "
Shen Shian nodded and said, "It should be able to change back in the future." Sooner or
later, he will change again, always giving others a shot.
The crowd was amazed and looked around Shen Xun. The dog was quite proud, raised his
head and raised his head, and threw the satin-like smooth and smooth fur twice.
Somewhat anomalous, Tang Song, who had been so scary for knowledge, stood still in two
steps. He neither requested plucking nor blood drawing, and seemed very calm and steady.
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, and Tang Song didn't hide it. He said frankly, "When I came
back to rescue me, I left a lot of saliva on my clothes." The sampling was enough. So the look
was very satisfying.
Shen Shi'an wasn't worried that he would find Shen Xun's anomaly. The dog spirit cast a
spell on him. Even if he found something, he couldn't reveal it.
At this time, twelve hours have passed since the crash. For everyone, it is an unprecedented
test of life and death. Being able to survive and reunite all the members is a miracle that
cannot be copied.
The crowd was thrilled, and after deciding that everyone was safe, the hunger and
tiredness that had been suppressed by Anxiety quickly surged up. Shen Shi'an took out a lot
of fruits and food from the space, and the group sat on the ground floor of the gymnasium
to supplement their energy.
When Chen Shian helped Tao Yuan unscrew a bottle of juice, he discovered that his hand
was a bit wrong: the flesh on the palm was blurred, and a third of it was missing.
"How did this happen !!"
Liu Fangzhou also immediately looked at: Tao Yuan ’s right arm had only a few fingers left,
but from the bottom of the forearm, the color of the new limb and the original residual part
were completely different, making it easy for people to Imagine what happened to him.
Tao Yuan put the sleeves of the two of them up and looked back carefully: "It's okay, don't
worry, it's almost better."
Liu Fangzhou's eyes were all red, and his body shivered with great anger: "Zhong Han's
turtle king bastard, I cursed him Malagobi!"
Chen Nan held Jiamu's head and said, "If you meet him again one day, I will definitely let
him survive or die!"
"I actually didn't think about it now," Xiong Manshan said. "Why the grandson is having
trouble with us? Did I kill his father or plan his family's grave?"
Shen Shi'an turned and fed a chicken leg to the dog lying behind him, and said, "Xun Xun
told me that Zhong Han had asked him a word before pushing him down, and asked us
when he voted the night before. He was not voted against. "
"What's wrong?" Xiong Manshan opened his eyes wide. "Just because Brother Xun voted
against him, he had to push such a big child off the plane? Detonate the plane? Isn't he
abnormal? "
Xu Ge found a detail: "Wait a minute, we were carrying him when we voted, and there was
no sound or big movement. How did he know that Xun Xun had voted against?"
"Zhong Han obviously has more than one kind of power. He can see the result of voting by
his ability like perspective and mind reading." Shen Shi'an stripped a ham sausage to the
dog, wiped his hand and wiped it. Holding the saliva in his hand, he said, "I suspect that he
also has the ability to be deceived, which can make people relax his vigilance, and can't help
but approach him and trust him. I'm afraid he has been affected by him since we first met
him. influence."
Lin Ruan nodded: "Yes, we were clearly wary of strangers before we saw him, but after
listening to him, Mo Ming felt that this person seemed to be very credible, and every time I
saw him after that, for His vigilance was reduced by a few points. The so-called dying hall is
now full of loopholes in retrospect: in the last days, there is no guarantee that it will be
difficult to keep yourself alive. How can there be so many people to carry out public welfare
actions with him? To collect information about the deceased and help the deceased to settle
in, is n’t the zombies the deceased? Was n’t the zombies a human before their lives?
Zombies have no family members who live in the world and want to know their
information? It ’s good that the deceased is big, but the deceased cannot always be put
Above the living beings? So a large group of people run around him all day without having
to eat? "
Nowadays, it is almost ridiculous to think of an idealized organization. At that time, he
didn't notice anything that was unnatural and wrong, and it also allowed him to operate
with vigor. If there was no mystery, he would not believe it.
Tao Yuan added: "The leader Yang of the base and Chu Guang, the leader of the
powerhouse, had a bad attitude towards him. To put it plainly, he was a leader of a civil
society organization, and almost had to sit on an equal footing with the base management."
Even zombies When besieging the city, Chairman Yang did not forget to let him go first, it
was like being brainwashed.
"And there is!" Liu Fangzhou raised his hand: "He always asked questions about my
abilities after he went on the road with us, but I still honestly said these things! I usually
never tell outsiders about these things of!"
"And we neither felt wrong nor stopped you," Xu Ge said.
"Grass, this kind of power is too scary, it's totally impossible to prevent." Xiong Manshan
took a sack of bread and wrinkled his eyebrows after thinking about it. "That doesn't
explain why he suddenly attacked us well?" He loves to confuse anyone, who has to come
up with us, and we haven't provoke him from beginning to end? "
The food was consumed too quickly, and Shen Shian took another pile from the space, and
then said, "I guess, it may be because when we voted that night, Xun, I, and Tang Song all
voted against it. If he really can get it, If you know the result of the vote, you may think that
his ability is invalid for some of us, so I want to kill the threat in the cradle. "
"Threat?" Chen Nan was puzzled. "Even if you voted against him, even if you brother Shen
was less affected by him, but we are all leaving, what threats can he pose to him?"
"Isn't he saying that he wants to drive the death hall to the capital," Lin Ruan quickly
followed Shen Shi'an's thinking: "He may not know much about Xun Xun and Shi An, but
according to the attitude of Chairman Yang to the teacher, he I can certainly guess that the
identity of the teacher is not simple. Such a person is about to go to the base of Beijing,
which he regards as his next target. Of course, we must cut the roots as soon as possible. "
"Just killing for this? Is this grandson really a pervert?" Xiong Manshan took a sip of two
noodles: "Why do you start with Xunge? Feeling that persimmon has to be soft?"
I thought the pick was a persimmon, which would be a durian, or a steel cast iron cast.
Tang Song said: "The main reason why we searched for it was to introduce the 10 An. It is
obvious that the 10 An's ability is the most elusive of us."
This is also true. "Hey, this grandson is pretty good at card counting."
Xiong Manshan now remembers that when he meets him again, since he said that he wants
to spread Wang Shengtang to the base of Beijing, he will have a chance to meet sooner or
Until then, see how he cries.
Liu Fangzhou thought for a moment: "If Wang Shengtang is just a cover, then why did he
collect so many corpses?"
No one knows this.
But thinking of the captain in Noah's Ark, Liu Fangzhou always felt that Zhong Han was
planning a bigger plot.
Everyone was hungry for a day. Coupled with the two bottomless pits of Xiong Manshan
and Dagouzi, the fighting power was amazing. Shen Shi'an took seven or eight piles of hill-
like food one after another and all were eaten clean.
Chen Nan looked at Shen Shi'an: "Brother Shen, how are we going to leave here?" Now that
all the members meet, how to get out of the death zone becomes the next most important
Shen Shi'an collected eleven aircraft from the Air Force Base, with various models and
functions. However, Tao Yuan's right hand has just grown out, which temporarily makes
him feel weak and needs a period of rehabilitation. Therefore, the plan to fly directly out
Hold for now.
Fortunately, Shen Shi'an had other plans in mind.
"Don't worry, let's go to bed first and take a good rest. When all our strength is restored, we
will consider how to get out." Shen Shian asked Chen Nan: "Is the zombies outside the
gymnasium still under Jiamu control?"
"If there are other zombies approaching, can Jiamu remind you?"
"No problem, if other zombies appear and fight for control, he will become particularly
That's fine. Even the sentries are readily available.
The size of the gymnasium is large enough for nine people to sleep. For the sake of safety,
everyone gathered on the first floor without separation. Shen Xun occupied a basketball
court alone because of its large size.
Goblin was a little excited. Before he was small, he always slept in comfort while sleeping.
Of course, it was comfortable, but he always felt something missing. At this moment, his
volume skyrocketed. After lying on his side and lying down, he could easily put the whole
group of An'an in his arms, lick and lick again, hee hee, An'an was all his body. taste.
The plan was wonderful, and it did work for a few minutes, but soon Shen Shi'an found a
place to sleep alone.
Shen Xun couldn't help but rely on the past, and Shen Shi'an pushed the dog's head away:
"Keep away from me, hot." The thick and soft fur covered with warmth function simply
threw down the down jacket eighteen streets.
Shen Xun was not reconciled, and wanted to move to him, and Shen Shi'an fixed his eyes on
the spot: "Want to shave?"
The dog took back the meat pad madly tempted on the edge of the beating.
After more than an hour, everyone was asleep. Shen Xun, who was thinking hard about the
solution, suddenly opened his eyes, raised his paw, and drew a circle in the air.
A few seconds later, a raging light snow quietly landed where he and Shen Shi'an were
Shen Shi'an, asleep, curled up slightly, and quickly rolled over towards the only heat source.
A fluffy tail covered him silently, like a soft and comfortable quilt.
In the dawning light gradually outside the stadium, a pair of huge emerald beast eyes
closed with satisfaction.
Hey Hey.
The author has something to say: To name the reader today, I will praise the little cute @ 倪
Your review almost perfected a few key plot points, great!
I always feel that you peeked at my archive, but then I thought it was wrong, I did n’t save it
at all _ (: з''∠) _
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: Kiko1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 3 Shuangxuan; Fei Ge, 7 fas on a rattan, Bao
Zheng,? Maybe ?, proud rice dumpling z, bread bag, and one kid;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Li Jiaxiao obediently 50 bottles; old words are Raytheon Kelly's woman 34 bottles;
2353676530 bottles; egg eggs 29 bottles; amber 28 bottles; dominate the wall to see 27 red
apricots; Duck Duck Duck! , Enron Ziruo, Xiaofengxiang, Orange Door Grain Snow 20
bottles; yellow 12 bottles; flower homes with less sugar, Theravada, minioze 10 bottles;
meaningless world 7 bottles; VIOLA, Dai family team 6 bottles; mental power generation
continued People X, lived in Changbai Mountain, and were extremely angry. Who do you
think you are? 5 bottles; Winter Frost Autumn Ice Cream 4 bottles; Pippi ducks take me
away. , Bone jade, do not want to do information, Lucidus, Vante, q ... qnm ?, Xiaotang 1
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 110:

Settings saved..
The escape plan envisaged by Shen Shian was actually inspired by Chen Nan and Jia Mu.
There is a hierarchy in zombies. High-level zombies can control low-level zombies, and the
higher the level, the more zombies can be controlled. If they can capture a high-level
zombie for their use, making tens or even hundreds of thousands of low-level zombies
surround them to form a natural barrier, it means that they can walk freely in this horrific
death zone. Human realm.
This plan is tantamount to foolish dreaming for other abilities, but it is tailor-made for Shen
Shi'an and others—they have chants.
Tang Song's illusion ability can easily control a self-conscious power zombie, make the
other party treat them as a kind, and treat other zombies as enemies, escorting them away
from here.
The most important part of this plan is to catch the power zombies, and it must be the
highest level power zombies in this area. According to the induction results obtained by Liu
Fangzhou from the helicopter, the highest level of zombies in the death zone is level three
zombies, and the number is not less than two. Between ten thousand, it is precisely because
they can control an extremely large number of zombies, so the two third-level zombies are
far apart from the south to the north. It is estimated that Wang does not see Wang and
usually does not deal with each other. It is positive for everyone. It couldn't be better.
But it is not easy to deal with only a third-level zombie.
"The most terrible and difficult place for power zombies is two points. One is that it can
perform corpse sea tactics to crush the quantity. The other is that it has wisdom and knows
how to hide its body in the corpse sea. So, Our battle plan is mainly divided into four parts,
"Shen Shi'an first looked at Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan:" You two stay on the top of the
building. Ark is responsible for determining the specific location and whereabouts of the
power zombie. Tao Yuan, your hand is not good yet. "If you can snip, you can snip, you can't
snip and don't force it, mainly to ensure your own safety."
They nodded. "I understand."
Shen Shi'an looked at Chen Nan again: "If you transfer all the abilities to Jiamu, can he at
least compete with the second-level zombies for control?"
"Yes, but the third level is not enough, the gap is too big." Different levels of power zombies
have a geometrical increase in control ability. The second power zombies can control
50,000 to 100,000, and the third level surges to two. From 100,000 to 500,000, each level is
absolutely crushed, not at a level. Jiamu has just evolved into an ability zombie. The reason
why he can compete with the second-level zombie is because his ability is the same as that
of Chen Nan. He is born in the same sense in a certain sense, so he can fight against the
ranks with the addition effect, but It is extremely rare to go one level higher, and it is
simply impossible to go two levels higher.
"It is not necessary for him to confront the third-level zombies," Shen Shian said. "It is only
necessary that he steal control of a small number of them, and after Ark has determined the
location of the target, help us clear the road near the target. , And disrupt our control as
much as possible while we are fighting the target. "
"This should be fine." It is equivalent to controlling a circle of zombies around your own
Shen Shi'an took the entire two packs of zombies from the space and gave them to him, and
continued: "After approaching the target, Xu Ge and Manshan both of you are responsible
for solving the low-level zombies around the target, with the goal of emptying as many low-
level zombies as possible As for the target, give it to me and seek; Tang Song and Lin Ruan
wait for the opportunity, once the target enters your illusion range, immediately control it.
If there is any uncontrollable unexpected situation in the middle, such as The second third-
level zombies also appeared, so Manshan immediately gathered everyone together. I have a
way to hide everyone's traces. Do you have any questions? "
Directly expose the space and put everyone in it. It is not impossible for him and the dog to
break into the death zone, but this is the next best thing. What's more, all came, just as
everyone did a big vote together.
The whole plan is quite feasible, but there is still another problem. Lin Ruan raised his
hand: "How can we guarantee that the third-level zombies will definitely come over? The
fresh DNA can attract the zombies to be true, but in the case of the first-level zombies and
second-level zombies?"
Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head: "Rest assured, I have a way."
Today, the southeast wind was blowing. Shen Shi'an stood on the top of the building and
took out a basin of spiritual spring from the space against the wind direction. A refreshing
flavor immediately flew with the wind.
"How long do you think the level 3 zombie can be detected?" He asked the big dog around
The dog shook his tail in the wind. "Up to an hour or two."
Forty-eighth minutes after Shen Shi'an lowered the Lingquan water, Liu Fangzhou jumped
up from the ground: "Here! Here comes the third-level zombies!"
Shen Shian asked, "How many low-level zombies followed?"
"About 250,000." After being repeatedly "stunned" because of too many zombies, Liu
Fangzhou has gradually figured out a more precise way to control his powers, so as not to
release too much at one time. I can't bear it anymore.
Shen Shi'an tightened the sword bag on his back, and said to everyone: "All staff are on
alert and ready to fight."
There was little difference between the combat process and the plan, and it was
unexpectedly smooth from the beginning. Liu Fangzhou quickly found the third-level
zombies from the vast group of zombies-compared to other zombies, this zombies is too
prominent, and it is not known whether the changes were caused by the mutation of the
virus or it was alive This is how it is. It is nearly two meters tall, looks stronger than Xiong
Manshan, wears a black suit and trousers, and even wears a bowler hat. It is particularly
conspicuous among the zombies. It was soon observed by the telescope. Caught it.
Shen Shi'an took the Lingquan back into space and rode on the back of a big dog to jump
straight down from the third floor. Except for Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan, others quickly
Xiong Manshan armed himself from head to toe with a protective suit, and flew back and
forth in the tide of zombies in a blink of an eye. The zombies where he passed were just like
being hit by a locomotive.
Chen Nan absorbed the crystal nucleus while inputting power into Jiamu's head. The
tunnels from Xiong Manshan did not have time to close up. The zombies on both sides of
the tunnel suddenly turned around as if they had hit the evil, and tore up the other
zombies. Expand to a size sufficient for three people in parallel.
Shen Shi'an rode in front of Dahei, followed by others, and wherever the crowd went, the
channel at which location suddenly expanded twice, like a python that swallowed its prey,
and the prey moved into shape. Variety.
In order to prevent the third-level zombies from controlling Jiamu in the reverse direction,
Chen Nan planned to follow the crowd and walked halfway through the passageway to find
a commanding height and stop. This gave birth to the devil vine to keep himself and Jiamu
firmly in the center, watching other people. Continue to approach the target.
"Brother Shen," Liu Fangzhou's voice came from the communicator. The communicator
was modified by Lin Ruan, and now the farthest transmission range has been expanded to
1,500 meters. "The light mass of the third-level zombies is light. The blue one is a bit like
Yang Xueqiu, the first officer we met in Noah's Ark. I think it might be a water system
power. "
Water power?
Shen Shi'an recalled the scene where Yang Xueqiu sucked a man into a mummy instantly,
and his face was a little dignified, immediately reminding others: "Be careful, if this zombie
is a water power, it is likely to have blood ..."
The words didn't end, Xiong Manshan, who was heavily armed and lethal and was running
rampant in the tide of zombies, suddenly screamed and appeared next to everyone: "That
zombie can **** blood! I didn't even approach it, I felt my arm The skin on my upper body
suddenly fell down, or my whole arm would have been ruined now if I ran fast! "
Sure enough, it is a water power.
Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow: "It's not just the blood, all the water in the human body will
be controlled by it. Everyone should be careful not to be too close to it. Manshan, how far
are you from the body to notice that the body is not right?"
"Several meters, I didn't calculate it carefully," Xiong Manshan understood what he meant:
"Boss, do you want to determine its attack range, wait a moment, I will try a few more
"be careful."
The sound of the word "嘞" remained, and Xiong Manshan returned, "It's about 50 meters
away, and it won't respond when it's over 50 meters."
Tang Song realized the trouble: "My illusion can only control the target within 20 meters,
and it can hardly be effective beyond 20 meters."
If he wants to control this third-level power zombie, he must reduce the distance between
himself and the target to within 20 meters, but once he enters the range of 50 meters of the
target, he estimates that he will immediately be deprived of all the water in his body. This is
fundamental It is an unsolved paradox.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, took a long halberd from the second floor of the bamboo
building and threw it to Lin Ruan, and threw a backpack full of ammunition and guns for
him and Tang Song: "You two find a vantage point to avoid, Lin Ruan is responsible for
protecting Tang Song ’s safety, let me and Xunxun see if I can chop off the head of the
zombie and give it to you. ”Zombies can survive as long as their heads are intact, and they
can still use abilities, but at the speed of Xiong Manshan, It is perfectly feasible to hand it
over to Tang Song before responding.
Tang Song then left the team, leaving only Shen Shi'an, Shen Xun, Xu Ge, and Xiong Manshan
to move forward.
The four quickly faced the target, but the situation was more difficult than expected.
The ability to absorb all the water in the human body instantly is difficult to prevent and
difficult to deal with. The best way is to attack long-range without entering the opponent's
ability at all, just like Noah's Ark could solve the first officer. Thanks to Tao Yuan for
sniping from a distance.
However, right now Tao Yuan is damaged by his right hand, and it is difficult to carry out
this ultra-long-range sniper attack. Among the four people, Xu Ge, who has the longest
effective attack distance, can hardly cause significant lethality when the flame is 50 meters
away. The ability to zombies is just enough to restrain her, the effect is even less obvious.
Shen Shi'an tried to win with speed, but the sword's energy was blocked by a wall of water
several meters thick before he approached the opponent. When he tried to attack with
force, the blood in his body was already boiled. After several attempts, all four suffered a
small loss.
Xiong Manshan quickly drank a bottle of water to replenish moisture and wiped the sweat
on his head. "Grass, why is this ghost so sensitive to water? As soon as it enters the range of
50 meters, it will be sucked by it immediately. use."
Just a lot of water was removed from the tail of the dog sperm, and the fluffy and shiny hair
was immediately pulled down. It was so annoying now that he was going to fight with each
Shen Shi'an stopped him: "Don't be impulsive, once the fluid loss of the body is more than a
quarter, we will be in danger immediately." Raised his hand and fed the big dog two bottles
of water.
There was a tide of zombies soon after being cleared by Xu Ge, and the zombie horrified a
few hundred meters away.
While Shen Shi'an was considering whether to retreat first and change the battle plan, a
familiar voice came from the side Youyou:
"Well, in the end I still need my help."
Shen Shi'an turned his head and saw that Lu Xiuyuan walked in the empty court like a walk,
slowly walking out of the zombies. Whether the surrounding zombies were controlled by
the power zombies or controlled by Chen Jiamu, they all ignored him and did not respond.
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while and didn't speak.
"I can really help," Lu Xiuyuan waited for a while and didn't get a response. He couldn't
help but said, "My ability is absolutely shielded. As long as I add a 'wall' around you, the
zombie with a water Don't try to **** molecules out of your body. "
Shen Shi'an was expressionless: "What do you have?"
"Nothing is wrong, just ask me."
"Woo ---" The big dog arched his back and pulled out two more than a foot of Senhan teeth.
Lu Xiuyuan shook his head and stepped back in two steps, while Shen Shi'an turned to look
at him and stopped looking at him: "I advise you to leave early."
"Ah, just a joke, why are you so unbearable?" Seeing Shen Shi'an really had to go, Lu
Xiuyuan stomped and hurry up to catch up again: "It's unconditional, I can help you
Xiong Manshan asked him, "Really?"
"You love it or not."
"I don't believe it." Shen Shi'an didn't hesitate, then opened the communicator, ready to
inform the team members to temporarily evacuate this place for a long time.
"It's really true!" Lu Xiuyuan saw that he just couldn't get hooked, and anxiously clenched
his fist: "I promise you it! No tricks or any other purpose, I definitely just want to help you. I
I really hate you, but you also know that my goal is to join your team. It does n’t do me any
good to die here, not to mention that we are classmates, and we do n’t even trust each
other. ?"
"Not really."
After Shen Shi'an said it, before he got angry, he said, "But let's try it once. If you dare to
play tricks, he will immediately cut your neck."
The big dog gave a more horrible growl in time.
"Everything was said and done ..." Lu Xiuyuan tried to control what he wanted to run away.
"Can we start now?"
"How to do it."
Lu Xiuyuan glanced at the long sword in his hand, "Is your attack mainly output through
the long sword? My ability can absolutely shield the outside world, but this shielding is
two-way, that is, once the wall 'Put up, the outside can't come in, and the inside can't go out
either. So I'll prop up a' wall 'around you first, and give me a signal when you want to
launch an attack, then I will remove the' wall ', Is n’t that zombie able to **** up the body ’s
liquid, that is to say, the wall must not be pulled down too early or too late. If it is too early,
you will become a mummy. Playing on the 'wall' has no effect on zombies, it is always a test
of tacit understanding. "
Tacit understanding.
They really don't have such a thing.
Shen Shi'an took a communicator from the space and gave it to him, and patted him on the
dog's head to show comfort, and then said, "Let's go."
The feeling of the "wall" rising around is very obvious. Shen Shi'an immediately noticed
that he had lost his super perception of almost everything twenty meters away, as if he was
back to the moment when he did not get the portable space. Time for people.
"The radius of the wall is 20 meters, which should be enough for you to show it," Lu
Xiuyuan put his hands in his chest, trying not to look at the monster staring at him: "The
ability of the zombie power has no effect on you, I think I can go at any time. "
Shen Shi'an spent a few seconds adapting to the current situation, then clenched the hilt of
the sword, leaned forward slightly, and galloped towards the target.
After entering the power zombies within 50 meters, the blood in the body was calm and
normal, without any impact. The power zombies seemed a little surprised. When Shen
Shi'an was less than twenty meters away from it, he finally realized that the situation was
not good. He panicked and propped up a wall of water and turned to run.
Shen Shi'an speeded up again, leaving a trail of shadows in the air, rising up like an eagle
spreading his wings, and yelling loudly at the communicator: "Withdraw!"
The five senses returned instantly, and the long sword with a sharp sword energy swept
across the sky, and the screaming sound caused by friction with the air rose into the sky:
Blades such as the emergency electricity with Thunder, a sword light cold shock Jiuzhou.
The author has something to say: 抵达 Arrive in Beijing next chapter!
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket]: 氿 丶 1;
Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 3 in Dongli; Baishanshan, Junlingyu, 34771153,
indifferent and congenial Conner sauce,? Maybe ?, waiting in the wind, you can write more
quickly, Bai shallows, 1 Shuangxuan;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
80 bottles of squeak; 50 bottles of Qingxi; 49 bottles of lucky; 30 bottles of little monsters,
sherryxyy and Dongli; 25 bottles of tide; 20 bottles of perseverance, flowers and flowers,
18 bottles of flowers; 14 bottles of July flowers ; Tang, You, You, I like you ~, headaches,
feet and feet, 10 bottles of cat hair for sleeping and sleeping; 8 bottles of planting; 6 bottles
of Fanyinxue; Mo, Jun Ling 陌, Spring Scent of Rose, and Big Dare, you will update 5 bottles;
4 bottles with slightly cool eyes; 254904253 bottles; 327503172 bottles; Ne Ho Ho, lxah, Qi
yiyi, warm and smooth, 286793771 bottles
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 111:

Settings saved..
The sword flashed, Shen Shi'an lightly landed, and the head of the power zombie flew high.
Suffering from this, the water power that has been continuously activated within 50 meters
suddenly stopped for a moment, and at this moment, Xiong Manshan took a coat and lifted
up the zombie head that flew out, and delivered it in a blink of an eye. Tang Song's hand.
The tide of zombies surging around suddenly fluttered, hissing and rushing towards Shen
Shi'an and others, but just rushed a few steps, as if the machine was pressed by the pause
button, it was a sudden meal, and the blood-stained turbid eyes For a moment, it was as if
the fresh people were completely unaware of it, and the westward journey surrounded
several people.
Tang Song's voice came from the headset: "It's done."
There was a few seconds of silence, and then the team members screamed and cheered.
Xiong Manshan was so excited that Tang Song didn't dare to bother because he wanted to
control the zombies. Instead, he took Lin Ruan up and threw it in the air. He threw it twice
and noticed that something was wrong: "Sure, brother, are you okay, face Why is it so
white? "
Lin Ruan stood on the ground and breathed for a moment, he was born delicate and
delicate, so that it looked like he would faint at any time. Xiong Manshan was stunned, and
saw him smile at himself, raised his hands to two The hundred pound strong man shoved:
"I've always been so white. Why didn't I see you care about me before?"
Xiong Manshan rubbed his sore and numb chest, and lamented that the little old man was
not very strong and was quite big, "Isn't this considered a life and death? Of course, the
feelings are different. Your face is really All right? "
Lin Ruan waved his hand, and slammed a zombie head beside her feet into a slump: "The
fault in the mother's womb is a genetic defect, which is not a big problem."
Shen Shi'an just came over, raised his hand and handed him a bottle of mineral water
mixed with Lingquan, and said to Tang: "Tough work, can this state be maintained
Tang Song nodded: "No problem." And said: "Thank you." He and Lin Ruan both drank the
mineral water given by Shen Shi'an in the research center, knowing that this thing is
absolutely extraordinary.
Shen Shi'an smiled and handed him a bottle: "Next, I'll take care of you."
After completely controlling a third-level power zombie, this absolute death zone became a
free, rich, and safe nuclei mine for Shen Shi'an and others.
They first collected all the zombie crystal nuclei that had been killed but had no time to pick
up after the crash. Among them, Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge took the most significant number of
crystal nuclei on the route-Xu Ge's scope fire dragon attack was huge. , And Shen Shi'an's
search for dog spirits was almost all dead.
After all the bits and pieces are cleaned up, it's time for the main course.
The low-level zombies controlled by the third-level zombies totaled about 260,000, leaving
60,000 to **** everyone out, and the remaining 200,000 were all standing in a row. Xu Ge
absorbed the crystal nucleus to supplement the power while facing Spitfire.
A few hours later, the wind rose and the dust was scattered. Everyone else took a broom
and started sweeping the glittering crystal nuclei all over. They were sealed in sacks with a
dustpan and finally sealed by Shen Shi ’s Ministry of Security. Out of space.
In addition to ordinary crystal nuclei, the crowd obtained a total of four secondary crystal
nuclei from the zombie army brought by the third-level zombies, one of which is golden,
one ice-blue, and two light green, because Did not directly deal with the secondary zombie,
for the time being it is not clear what kind of power corresponds to it. As for the first-level
crystal nucleus, fifty-three are in hand.
What is surprising is that when they lost the crystal nucleus before the collection, they also
encountered a speed-type second zombie, which was extremely fast. After seeing a group of
people, they turned around and ran, and Tang Song held the third-level head. Xiong
Manshan hugged Tang Song to catch up and control it instantly. The obtained nuclei were
just handed over to Xiong Manshan for absorption. Immediately, the speed and endurance
in the state of extreme speed were raised to a new level.
Fearing that they might hit another third-level zombie in the death zone, they did not
search further afield.
Early in the morning of the fourth day after the crash, everyone packed their bags and set
off on their journey north again.
Unsurprisingly, Lu Xiuyuan followed.
Unlike other people's light-weight, Lu Xiuyuan carried a bulging backpack in the back, a
bulging canvas bag, and two bulging snakeskin bags on his hands. It looks like a Spring
Festival after working for a year. Migrant workers returning home.
Seeing Shen Shi'an carrying a long sword leisurely and chic looks a bit angry: "Since you
have the space ability, can't you also help me put things in for a ride."
"You!" Lu Xiuyuan's intact left eye was furious: "How are you like this! Anyway, I also
helped you defeat that power zombie, which indirectly means saving all of you once!"
Without him, These people don't know where to hide now, can they hold the zombie's head
so easily in the tide of the dead?
Now even a good-tempered Chen Nan can't help but vomit: "How did you save us all? Find
out, OK, we can leave here safely without your help."
"Anyway, it's always true that I sent charcoal to help you in the snow, Shen Shi'an, aren't
you pursuing good deeds every day? Why, you don't even want to help with such a hand?"
Shen Shi'an was upset by his noisy, and his hand stretched out: "Bring it here." After a few
thoughts, he took all his large and small packages in.
The burden on his body plummeted, and Lu Xiuyuan felt a lot better, and even solemnly
thanked Shen Shi'an. The eyes turned from the buildings on both sides to the densely
crowded zombies who turned a blind eye to them. From the zombies, they turned to
several members and the third-level head held by Tang Song. Finally, there was three
magnificent men beside Shen Shian. A monster tall.
Originally, I was just curious. I didn't expect to see more and more familiar. After a while, I
suddenly realized: "Shen Shi'an, isn't this the dog you picked up before, and once brought it
to the examination room in your arms, it was mutated because of the virus?"
That said, there was actually a bit of acidity at the end.
At the time when he was bitten by a zombie and became inhuman, he actually hated Shen
Shi'an very much. He felt that Shen Shi'an was the source of his tragic encounter, but there
was a little bit of brooding in his hatred: he It ’s really a bit miserable, but persecution by
the bad guys is hard to die, and even the fire has been reborn and evolved abilities. Shen
Shian learns well, looks good, and has the right to have power at home. It ’s not a
bodyguard. Can ordinary people survive? It's almost ten thousand miles behind him.
It wasn't until he reunited with Shen Shi'an that he realized that not only the other party
could easily take his life, but even the dog around him, a dog randomly picked up in the
community could mutate into a monster and stay beside him in the end time. It's all human.
On the basis of what makes his life so smooth!
Lu Xiuyuan didn't say this, but when he talked about it, Shen Xun immediately remembered
that he secretly went to school with An'an in a schoolbag, and as a result, some people
framed An'an for cheating. He was still young and did not learn human language. He didn't
know anything about what happened in the examination room, but later he realized that An
An had been wronged. In addition, the smell changed after Lu Xiuyuan was bitten by the
zombie, so the dog did not recognize it, and it was only at this time that the original
complaint was this grandson!
Immediately angry, he turned his head and flung at him.
Shen Shi'an stopped the dog until the wall erected by Lu Xiuyuan was crumbling, and when
he saw the blood splattered on the spot, he said to him, "You acknowledged it wrong." Lu
Xiuyuan had seen Xiao Hei, but he gave it to him. forget.
"Admit it? Impossible, I clearly remember that puppy looks exactly like it, even the color of
its eyes ..."
"What are you trying to do with us?" Shen Shi'an stopped suddenly, interrupting him in a
cold voice.
"I said, I want to join your team."
"I also said that this is impossible."
"I've beaten the zombies for you, can't you think about it more!"
Shen Shi'an looked at him coldly: "Don't you say that there was no condition attached to
that help."
"That's the way it is," Lu Xiuyuan murmured, "but you can't be ungrateful ..."
Shen Shi'an was smirked, and his expression was even colder: "Give me a reason, why do
you insist on joining us. I and you have only been a two-year classmate relationship. Thank
you for your gift, fellowship can be said to be Nothing at all, so I can't understand why you
insist on this anyway. If your reason can convince me, maybe I will reconsider. "
Lu Xiuyuan thought about it and was about to speak. Shen Shi'an warned: "Don't lie, believe
me, if you lie, I can tell immediately."
Lu Xiuyuan was silent again. After a long time, he re-opened his words with a bit of
ruthlessness and decisiveness: "You went to Beijing to find your father, right, there are still
people who want to kill you after the last days, indicating that your father is in power even
if he is not in authority. In the whirlpool. The reason why I want to join your team is to use
the power of your family to help me kill a few people. "
"After the virus, the first captain of the rescue team who went to school for rescue and
three of his men." Lu Xiuyuan ate a word, as if every word was filled with blood and hatred:
"It was they who took me Thrown into the zombies. "
Shen Shi'an pondered for a moment: "If I guess correctly, the first rescue team is mainly
responsible for rescue of scientific research personnel like Professor Li to the nearest base
for virus research, which means that the captain should only be at a security base near
Province A. Yes, my father is far away in Beijing. Why do you think of borrowing his power?
Lu Xiuyuan shook his head: "The base moved to Beijing four months ago. All the survivors
in it, including Professor Li, they and the soldiers all went to Beijing. When I found out, the
base was empty. What? There is nothing left. "
"That's why you hurried to the capital many miles away?"
"Otherwise?" Lu Xiuyuan couldn't help but sneer: "Do you think everyone has a rich dad
like you?"
Xiong Manshan looked at Yahuazi with a toothy look: "This young brother Lu Xiuyuan, I
have a question to ask: Have you ever been held in school before?"
Why is your mouth so owed?
Shen Shi'an thought to himself: Why not? If he hadn't stopped him, Yun Feiyang had beaten
people three times.
Lu Xiuyuan's face turned red, and the black eye patch on his right eye became more and
more obvious. He stared at Xiong Manshan fiercely, and continued to persuade Shen Shi'an.
"Brother Shen, look!" Liu Fangzhou suddenly pointed his finger forward: "There are city
The position where the crowd fell from the helicopter a few days ago had already crossed
about two-thirds of the north-south length of the entire death zone. There were three
zombies escorted. The crowd's footsteps were fast. The edge of the area. Looking over the
heavy buildings and looking forward, you can see a towering city wall that is more than ten
meters high and extends east and west.
"That should be the border protection line in the death zone," Tang Song said. "The purpose
is to prevent the tide of zombies from moving in the direction of Beijing."
As he got closer to the protective wall, Liu Fangzhou exclaimed again, "There are people
behind the wall! There are many, at least a few thousand."
"Is it a power or an ordinary person?"
"Everything, but the majority has power."
Shen Shi'an quickly responded: after the end of the world, the crystal nucleus has become a
universal currency in almost all security bases. With so many zombies south of the
protective wall, someone must have come to hunt and kill the zombies. There are more
people rushing for gold. Vendors selling various items and conducting various transactions
have emerged as the times require. Over time, a living area similar to a transit station will
naturally be formed. According to the results sensed by Liu Fangzhou, the scope of this
living area should not be too small.
Shen Shian guessed nothing wrong.
If they fly by over a helicopter, they will find the protective wall as the boundary, the dead
corpse and the dead sea on the south side, and the gold digger gathering place on the north
side. Life and death, life and silence. It is divided here into two distinct sides.
This should be a unique landscape after the last days.
Lu Xiuyuan saw others just discussing what was behind the protective wall, and was
furious: "Shen Shi'an, have you ever listened to me! Why can they be your teammates, I
can't do it! On the competency theory, where do I go? Nothing compares to them! "
Shen Shi'an seemed to sigh and turned to look at Lu Xiuyuan's eyes: "Do you want to know
why I can't accept you as a teammate?"
Lu Xiuyuan clenched his fist subconsciously and raised his chin hard: "I'm no worse than
any of them!"
"Teammates ca n’t be strong enough. Teammates mean unity and fight side by side, which
means that I can give my back to each other at any time, and it means that at the front line
of life and death, I have the sacrifice of protecting others. Prepare. Lu Xiuyuan, you will
never understand this, and you will never do it. "
After she finished speaking, Shen Shi'an stopped looking at him, jumped at the same time as
the big dog, and stepped off the protective wall after jumping on it.
Chen Nan has also taken out the devil vine, and spawned thick vines to support the team
members one by one and sent them to the protective wall. At the end, he looked at Lu
Xiuyuan, who was trapped under the wall, leaving him a branch of vines enough to climb,
and he jumped off the wall.
The north side of the protective wall is a series of temporary shelters built artificially. At
this time at noon, the sun is scorching to death. Except for a few sporadic people sitting in
the shade of the shed door to rest and chat or polish their weapons, it is almost impossible
to see To people.
After seeing Shen Shi'an and others jumping from the protective wall in turn, they did not
seem curious except to look at the big dog a few times. Obviously, survivors coming in and
out of the protective wall are the most common sight here.
On the contrary, Shen Shi'an and others were stranger about this place.
Through the half-covered curtains, you can see that not only food and clothes for daily
necessities are sold in this shed, but also signs that read "Material Purchase" or "Crystal
Exchange" on the sign. Free trade zone.
And when a group of people walked along the street and looked left and right, Lu Xiuyuan
also climbed the vines and climbed up the protective wall. Seeing that they didn't wait for
themselves to go directly, they were angry and anxious now: "Shen Shi'an! You give I stand
still !!! "
This sentence seems to be a mantra that activates some organs. Lu Xiuyuan's voice just fell,
and suddenly a large group of powers surrounded the crowd from the shacks around, and
the expressions were excited and bright:
"Where is Shen Shi'an? Who is Shen Shi'an!"
The author has something to say: I promise to come to Beijing next chapter!
After seeking some cute consent from the readers, I plan to do a puzzle quiz on Weibo. I will
ask questions from this book in the last days, one or two in each issue.
The topics are simple, such as:
How did Jiamu's head fall off?
A laughed off
B was stung by the zombies
C was cut off by neighbors for food
D was cut off by his brother
The first event is tentatively scheduled for June 20th, that is, at 8pm on Thursday, the rules
are as follows:
1. The first three correct rewards are 500 yuan red envelopes.
2. The 6th and 66th reposts reward 500 coins each. The screenshots of the reposted
numbers after reposting shall prevail. If it does not work, I will count them one by one. The
666th forwarding reward is 5000 coins (it is estimated that it is impossible to reach so
much), and then another 1,000 yuan is rewarded.
3. All winners are required to provide full screenshots of the original version of this article.
The purpose of the event is to increase interaction with everyone, give a little benefit to
genuine readers, and by the way, give a little exposure to this article _ (: з''∠) _
If you are interested, you can also submit questions to my private letter through penguin or
weibo @ 何大仁 哒 哒 哒 ~ Each issue will be awarded 100 coins as a reward, and it will
have an advantage when answering the question ~
PS: Qin Weibo has it
Any other suggestions are welcome to put forward in the comments ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: Bao Zheng1;
Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 373849903; in fact, I do n’t pick,
maybe ?, Feige, Meow Yueer, by her, safe and easy, 、 ~, Gu Yao, your little angel, Sunny89,
玖玖 Little Fairy, Shuangxuan, Yi Xiao, waiting in the wind, refreshed, suger °, seven fa1 on
a vine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Moon Cangshan 66 bottles; Joyce 50 bottles; Eine 30 bottles; Qiqi, Xiaomei and Agui, Xiaojin
20 bottles; Gu Qingyun 16 bottles; Joy 15 bottles; waiting arbors 12 bottles; sugar bones,
orange door grain snow, W., Winter is cool and summer is warm, good night, little monster,
Gu Yao, JIMINI, Dongli, Lululu, Mo,., Liu crescent, with it, winter, flower house with less
sugar, 37, no two or two meters high 10 Bottles; 8 bottles of Depth of Love; 37466062, 7
bottles of overweight without eating; 6 bottles of bread bags; a crown, stars, sea, dawn, cats
of A Bureau, Wei Ning, late bell, KK, ha ha 5 bottles; 4 bottles of persimmon; 3 bottles of
Moon Moon Girl, white radish, and heart lift; 3 bottles of Yang, Fante, Little Cola, natural
Teddy, Lu2; Shang, Wenrun Zeze, Moon Boss, An Xi Xi, Zi Zi, Fu Li Yuchen, 28679377, Feng
Qianmian, do not want to do data, 277, Bao Zheng 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 112:

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an held the sword handle with his backhand, and the team members were fully
alert. The big dog arched his back and made a sound, and the situation started immediately.
"Hey, wait a moment," some of the puppets who suddenly rushed out realized that the
atmosphere was wrong, and quickly raised their hands to reconcile: "I'm afraid there is
some misunderstanding in the middle, don't be nervous, we don't want to find Shen Shi'an
To harm him is to **** him safely to the capital! "
Shen Shi'an and Gouzi stared at each other, looking at the middle-aged Hu Zi middle-aged
man who stood at the front of the crowd: "What do you mean?"
Ba Zi Hu laughed, "This is the first time that this little brother has come to the Beijing base.
We have a Gu family in the Beijing base, one of the managers of the base. The Gu family
owner issued a search task in the task center five months ago. Bringing a person named
Shen Shi'an and a child named Shen Xun back to the base safely can get the Gu family's 1%
ownership of all industries in the Beijing base and three third-level crystal nuclei as bounty.
This is also until now The one with the highest bounty value in the mission center so far
has been rewarded. "
At the moment when the mission was released, all the phantom organizations and gold
rush teams throughout the base were crazy. They ran out day and night and wanted to
bring the target back in front of others to receive the reward, but for many months, no A
person can search for any information about the target, and all those who have traveled
thousands of miles to Province A for investigation and search have returned empty-handed.
Over time, everyone has assumed that the target has died long ago. This sky-high reward is
even more tempting, It is unlikely that anyone will get it.
How could it be that the stuffing cakes could really be dropped in the sky, and they just met
them on the north side of the protective wall!
Ba Zi Hu said while looking back and forth along the eight people and one dog, and finally
fixed on Shen Shi'an: According to the information announced in the mission, the target is
20 years old, male, standing at about 1.82 meters, with good looks and right hand. There is
a circle of Buddha lotus tattoos on the wrist-although this young man wears a string of
beads on his right hand and can't see whether there are tattoos, but the most qualified
person is him. If he can match a few more information to confirm his identity Questions and
answers, then 100% can't be wrong. It's just that the child in the task hasn't seen it, but the
child has the highest mortality rate after the end of the world, and it is normal to fail to
survive, just not knowing that the shadow will not affect the bounty. That's 1% ownership
of the tertiary crystal nucleus and Gu family industry.
I could n’t help but be excited when I thought about this character, and just finished the
introduction: “We really have no bad intentions, but we just want to **** Mr. Shen to the
base of Beijing safely. It ’s still far from the base from here. The crisis is very dangerous. It ’s
just me and mine. The brothers are all powers, and their combined combat power is among
the best in any gold rush team. It can definitely protect Mr. Shen's safety. If Mr. Shen
doesn't dislike it ... "
The nonsense has not been finished, and other gold rushers are unwilling: "Hey, why did
you choose to **** you, our team is also an ability, and the combat power is much stronger
than these, and it is guaranteed to be fast and safe. You can be brought to the base of the
capital within an hour ... "
"We only need one and a half hours!"
"We only need one hour!"
"Mr. Shen chooses us!"
"Don't listen to his Mr. Shen pick us!"
When a large group of enthusiasts enthusiastically introduced themselves to Shen Shi'an
Mao Sui, Liu Fangzhou quietly leaned against Tang Song and leaned: "Brother Tang, if I
remember right, you said that there were no more than twenty zombies in the country.
What. "
Tang Song clasped the zombie backpack on his chest tightly and nodded gently, "You
remember, right." Even if the number increased after he got the data, it would never exceed
I drop obediently. Liu Fangzhou secretly froze: Then the reward task smashed all the third-
level crystal nuclei in one-seventh of the country all at once? This has not yet accounted for
the industrial value.
Brother Shen and his dad are really rich.
Seeing the more powerful the noisier, Shen Shi'an's brows became more and more tight,
and Shen Dantian sighed coldly: "Quiet !!"
A circle of intangible air waves surged around him, and Bazihu felt that the eardrums were
painful and stuffy in his chest, and he stepped back two steps subconsciously. All other
abilities around him react in the same way.
The noisy scenes suddenly quieted down.
Shen Shian glanced around, "No need to bother you, we can go by ourselves."
Of course, the psionicist is unwilling to let go of this super fat sheep that is delivered to his
mouth: "What then ..."
The big dog next to Shen Shi'an slammed forward. Two front paws drew a shallow pit half a
foot deep on the concrete floor. The hair was automatic without wind, and the howling
sound was deafening. The vocalist flew out and turned over several heads in a row. The
cold twinkles immediately made the others pale, and backed up again.
Shen Shi'an looked coldly: "Does anyone else have an opinion?"
No one spoke. The psionicist in front of him subconsciously gave way.
When Shen Shi'an led the team members safely through this shed, Lu Xiuyuan, who finally
managed to climb down the protective wall, followed.
With a dull look on Shen Shi'an's face, he whispered, "I didn't mean it. How could I know
that your name is so loud, a shout can attract a large number of people ..."
Shen Shi'an ignored him.
Lu Xiuyuan pouted his lips: "Finally, hasn't this caused any trouble that can't be solved?
Those people want to **** you to the base, but not to kill you ..."
"Mr. Lu!" Even Liu Fangzhou, who had been saved by him once, had a good impression on
him: "This time, I was lucky. I happened to want to **** Brother Shen for a bounty. What if
you meet an enemy? Who can guarantee so many psionic powers to retreat? Brother Shen
has been chased after by others and you do n’t know it! "
"Always chased and killed? The person who wanted to kill him hadn't mistaken me for
him ..." Lu Xiuyuan responded, looking at Shen Shi'an: "More than one wave of people want
to kill you?"
"Yes," Tang Song replied, "The people behind the scenes should be restless, so 80% of the
large and small bases on the road from Province A to Beijing have a warrant against
Lu Xiuyuan suddenly became silent. After a while, he suddenly speeded up and stopped in
front of Shen Shi'an. His eyes floated to a weed on the roadside: "I'm sorry ..."
"What? The voice is too low for me to hear."
"Are you talking to yourself?"
Lu Xiuyuan's forehead popped up and hissed, "Yes! No! Get up !!!"
Shen Shi'an gave two steps in time and frowned slightly: "Your saliva almost splashed on
Lu Xiuyuan was mad, took a few deep breaths, and clenched his fists to calm himself down:
"... I don't know if anyone other than the rescue team wants to kill you. After turning into
this picture, I don't even Dare to be close to a crowded place, afraid of being discovered by
others, and because of my special abilities, so I went to the place where the zombies were
gathered deliberately along the way. I really do n’t know what a warrant is.
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while and raised his hand to take the off-road vehicle out of
the space: "You get in the car."
The seven team members plus Lu Xiuyuan got on the car successively, and Chen Nan was in
charge of driving. As for Tang Song's arms, the three-level head was locked into a wooden
cabinet by Shen Shi'an to earn space.
Liu Fangzhou glanced at the car window with some pity: "I have never seen what a tertiary
crystal nucleus looks like."
Tao Yuandao said: "Major Tang is here. This zombie head can play a huge role in the future.
Now digging out the crystal nucleus is tantamount to killing chickens for eggs."
Liu Fangzhou nodded: "I understand the truth."
But I just couldn't help but feel mad.
Baggage and other things have long been taken up in space, and Xiong Manshan, who
occupied the most space, went to the co-pilot, so it didn't look crowded with eight people in
the car. Chen Nan started the car with fire, the accelerator gradually stepped down, the
speed of the car quickly increased, and he ran across the wide asphalt road.
The dog carried Shen Shi'an easily and chased after him, his shiny hair fluttered in the wind
and went with the off-road vehicle.
Xiong Manshan stared at the handsome young man riding on the beast and couldn't help
sighing: "The boss is handsome."
Liu Fangzhou swallowed enviously, "Early knew that Brother Shen should have a video
camera, this is a living Hollywood blockbuster."
After looking at Lu Xiuyuan for a while, he twisted his head back, put his hands in his chest
and raised his chin, showing that he was very disdainful.
It didn't take long before his gaze drifted unconsciously towards the mirror that showed
Shen Shi'an.
How handsome.
It's just average.
The gold diggers outside the protective wall told Shen Shi'an and others that the shed was a
long way from the base of the capital, and there were crises along the way, which was of
course a nonsense made up.
After more than forty minutes of off-road vehicle driving at high speed, the towering city
walls that stretched endlessly to both sides appeared as if there were no end.
If everyone can't help but marvel when they see the Yangcheng base, then witnessing the
Beijing base with the largest scale and the largest number of survivors in the country is a
complete shock.
Just the infinite outer wall is enough to make people lament the stubbornness of life and
the feat that manpower can achieve, and then a tearful urge is born:
Look, this is humanity, this is my compatriot, even if the virus is raging at the end of the
world, we are still alive and hard to live, not to yield to any disaster.
This is not only a security base, but also a great miracle.
Born to be, fortunately to be.
After a long time, Xu Ge took the lead to retrieve his voice: "Why are the walls here black?"
"It should be sprayed with a protective coating called LINE-X," Tang Song said. "This is a
military explosion-proof elastic coating. The effect is extremely amazing. If sprayed on eggs,
they can have eggs no lower than pebbles. The hardness, Shi'an has this coating on the off-
road vehicle, and it will not leave marks on it with a knife. It should be sprayed on the city
wall to strengthen it, and it should be used to prevent zombies from soil-based abilities.
Xiong Manshan covered his chest: "Oh my mother, how much work is this." It's really
The off-road vehicle stopped slowly when it was more than one hundred meters from the
city gate.
Shen Shi'an rode on the dog, looked up at the big golden characters flying by the four
dragons in the "Beijing Base" above the gate, and patted Shen Xun's neck: "We are here."
The virus broke out on April 3, and officially left H City on May 6 to embark on a journey.
Until today, September 19, after four months and 13 days of long trek and difficult
obstacles, they finally arrived. destination.
Shen Shi'an never thought that this journey would be so long and it would take so long, but
he also did not expect that he could make a group of friends and friends who could trust his
The corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend a little, feeling relaxed and happy, turning
back to the others and saying, "Let's go."
The entrance and entrance of the Beijing base are separated. The exit is located at the most
central, taller and wider. It belongs to the main city gate. The entrance is on the left and
right sides of the main city gate. To prevent zombies from entering the base.
Both sides are fast and convenient. You only need to put a needle on your finger and wipe
the blood on the test strip. Blue means pass and red means the carrier of the zombie virus.
The entrance to the power monitoring is standing in the detection area for a few seconds. ,
The person in charge of the test can get the result.
Lu Xiuyuan naturally chose a blood test. His right half of his body was full of zombies, but
the blood in his left body was still normal, and he quickly entered the base through the test.
Others were free to choose according to their own preferences. When Shen Shi'an was
about to go to the blood test entrance, Tang Song quietly held him down and said, "You and
Xun seek to go to another entrance."
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, without asking why, and brought the dog through the power
detection entrance successfully.
After the approval of all the staff, a registered person sent each of them an introduction
manual about the base: "All necessary information and precautions are listed in the
manual, please be careful, the base is divided into the outer urban area and the inner urban
area. In the outer part of the city, living in the inner city is free of charge. In the inner city,
you need to consume one point every day. If you plan to live for a long time, please go to the
Population Management Office and register as soon as possible. Pay attention to traffic
rules. "
"So," the registrar saluted with a smile: "Welcome to the base of Beijing."
After passing through the city gate, the front is not a residential area, but a row of shops
and rushing city roads that crisscross the horizon and form the traffic artery of the entire
base. At first glance, there is no difference from before the end of the world. It is a bustling
city Hilarious look.
Pedestrians on both sides of the road wore a bracelet on their hands, similar in shape and
size to a smart watch. "It should be the identity bracelet just said by the registrar." Chen
The most amazing thing is that many people have mobile phones in their hands and are
talking on them.
Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened: "Has communication resumed at the base in Beijing?"
"Large-area communications need to launch communication satellites and signal towers,
both of which require special maintenance, and the cost is too high, especially for satellites
that have a slight deviation in their orbits or hit space trash." Lin Ruan opened the
introduction manual. : "The local area network is restored in the base. It is written in the
brochure. Does anyone bring a cell phone and see if it can be connected to wifi."
After the outbreak of the virus, the national communications collapsed and the power was
cut off. The mobile phone has long been a display device. Who will bring it with him? Only
Shen Shi'an's mobile phone is still in the space and fully charged.
Take it out to open the wireless network page, and nodded: "There is a network, but a
password is required to connect."
Lin Ruan nodded: "That's right, the booklet says that you will get a password after you
register your identity."
Liu Fangzhou was anxious to scratch his head: "Even if I have a password, it's useless. I
didn't know where I lost it on my phone." Who can think of the Internet feeling again after
the end of the world!
"Don't worry, since a local area network has been set up, some people will definitely collect
related materials for sale. Are you afraid that you won't be able to buy a mobile phone at
such a large base?"
That's true. Liu Fangzhou settled down, borrowed Shen Shi'an's mobile phone, and stared
at the Manga symbol on the Internet page stupidly: Even if it was temporarily unavailable,
it would be okay to just look at Xie Xieyu. I don't know if I can watch movies or play games
after networking.
Shen Shi'an turned to the map on the last page of the introduction manual, "Gu's family
must be located in the inner city. Let's go on." After entering the inner city, ask about the
specific location.
He is still riding a dog, and everyone else is sitting in the car as usual. Lin Ruan glances at
ten lines and summarizes the main information in the base for everyone:
"... The total population of the base is 6.31 million, which is two-fifths the area of the
original Beijing city. The remaining three-fifths have been razed to the ground in the battle
to clean up the zombies. Fortunately, the Palace Museum and the Temple of Heaven
Landmarks like that still survive. "
Chen Nan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
"At present, a local area network is set up throughout the base, and a 'sky net' has been laid
over the sky to prevent invasion of mutant mosquitoes or birds. Hydropower has been fully
restored, but the outer city limits are limited, but free of charge. The urban area is
unlimited, but it is paid on a monthly basis. In addition, due to the shape of the structure,
the "sky net" in the inner urban area is more protective. "
Everyone expressed their understanding: after all, one point is consumed every day.
"By the way, what is this integral? Is it a concept with crystal nucleus?" Xu Ge asked.
"Yes, a primary crystal nucleus for one point is actually no different from online banking. It
can be used for various daily consumption and should be recorded on everyone's identity
"What about crystal nuclei above the elementary level," Xiong Manshan asked, "for
example, what is the exchange rate for first, second, and third levels?"
"Brother Xiong, you're stupid, did you forget the effect of Sister Xu after absorbing
secondary crystal nuclei? Such power crystal nuclei must be priceless!" Liu Fangzhou
patted on his shoulder, shaking his hand. It hurts.
Tang Song nodded: "Also, the nuclei of different systems play a different role for those of
different abilities. The same nuclei of fire system is an excellent treasure for those of the
fire system. Water powers are not necessarily, so the specific thing is to see how buyers
and sellers trade. "
"The rest is the code of conduct and prohibited matters that the main administrative
department and the survivors must abide by," Lin Ruan has turned to the second half of the
manual: "The acts of fighting, fighting and killing the wounded are Absolutely not allowed.
Once found, eviction immediately and no bases will never enter, very strict. "
The chaos is heavy, and people's hearts are floating after the end of the world. Without
iron-fisted methods, I am afraid that there is no way to make the Beijing base into what it is
Between conversations, a group of people approached the entrance to the inner city. There
is no hard barrier inside the city wall between the inner and outer urban areas, and it looks
more like a ticket gate on a highway. The duty staff checked the basic information entered
by a pedestrian through the computer from the computer, and included dogs for everyone.
The child handed a bracelet: "This is a temporary bracelet, which is directly bound to your
identity information, point numbers, etc. After going to the population management
department for formal identity registration, you can use this to change to a regular
bracelet. What it contains More and more comprehensive. "
Everyone put the bracelet on their hands, and the dog was handed over to Shen Shi'an for
the time being. After a close observation, it was found that the bracelet was made of
silicone and metal materials. It really was similar to a smart watch. Even the interface was
the same. Liu Fangzhou immediately asked : "Can this bracelet also make phone calls?"
"Yes, the contact number of each bracelet can be found in the bracelet's factory
information, but because the bracelet can only make network calls, and the network must
be registered to log in, you can't use it for the time being."
This was enough. Everyone quickly saved each other's contact information. Lu Xiuyuan
quietly glanced at Shen Shi'an's bracelet number, and when Shen Shi'an turned to look at
him, he turned his head back.
"After entering the inner city, one point is consumed every natural day, and the points will
be automatically deducted from the bracelet. According to regulations, you need to charge
at least ten points in your bracelet. Will you recharge now?"
Shen Shi'an took out a snake-skin bag more than one meter high from the space and
smashed it to the ground with a bang. "These are all calculated and divided into nine parts
and charged into nine bracelets."
The duty officer's eyes were a little straight, and he nodded after a short while: "... OK."
There is a special tool for counting the number of crystal nuclei in the platform at the
entrance, and the result is quickly obtained: a total of 5,806 crystal nuclei, accompanied by
a "wowa" coin account prompt, each person has more than 640 in the bracelet integral.
Lu Xiuyuan, who was excluded by Shen Shi'an, rolled his eyes, returned one of his parcels,
and charged two hundred points.
Shen Shi'an wore two bracelets on one wrist and asked the duty staff: "Will the Gu family
Ten minutes later, the off-road vehicle stopped at an intersection. From here, everyone's
destination was different.
Chen Nan was carrying a backpack with Jiamu's head in it. He smiled and said, "I will take
Jiamu to see the Forbidden City first."
Tao Yuan touched a military card on his chest: "The captain's family lives in Beijing. I want
to see their situation."
Xu Ge was carrying a sachet containing a small half-pack of daisy seeds: "I'm fine, just go
Lin Ruan and Tang Song brought the cryogenic storage and a few samples previously saved
by Shen Shi'an: "We need to go back to the investigation to find the superior's life, and then
see if the previous residence is still there."
Tang Song looked at Lu Xiuyuan: "I don't know if Mr. Lu would like to be with us. I want to
have a full-body examination for Mr. Lu, of course, the test results must be absolutely
confidential, and I guarantee my personality." The tone sounded calm. In fact, I was so
sweaty in my palm.
Lu Xiuyuan glanced at Shen Shi'an. Seeing that he frowned slightly, he seemed reluctant to
walk too close to his teammates, and immediately nodded: "No problem! Mr. Tang wants to
check as he wants."
Liu Fangzhou immediately raised his hand: "I will go too, I will go too! Brother Tang, can I
follow you!"
"of course can."
In the end, only one bear left. Shen Shi'an looked at him: "How about you and me with Xun
"Where can I go," Xiong Manshan waved his hands again and again: "You are going to be
reunited with your family. I ’m not in the middle of it. It ’s not appropriate. I discussed it
with Sister Xu. I ’ll take a look around first. There is nothing to eat in the land. "
Shen Shi'an looked around and said to the team members: "Then leave for a while. At ten in
the morning three days later, we will meet again at the gate of the Palace Museum."
"See you!"
"Anyway, the contact information has been saved, and it must not be lost."
"I wish you all a happy fun ~"
The off-road vehicle was left to Chen Nan and others. Shen Shi'an continued to ride the dog
along the inquiring route.
The guard on duty at the entrance of the inner city said that the Gu family in Beijing was
easy to find, and it was true.
The third generation of the Gu family lived in the same house. For three generations, they
have lived in a three-story, three-in, old courtyard house. The antiques are carefully
crafted, which fully demonstrates the heritage of the noble family from the feudal period.
Shen Shi'an stood at the door of the old house and looked at the plaque on the gate for a
He has never been to this place, but from the family photos that Ms. Qin sent to the Shen
family every year, she has already seen a few looks.
Shen Qingran has never been here. After his mother died, Shen Shi'an secretly vowed that
he would not step into this place even in poverty and death, but he came after all.
There was a soldier guarding the door, and his gaze swept over the long sword and big dog
behind Shen Shi'an, and he dared not despise: "Who is this gentleman looking for?"
"I'm looking for Mr Gu Gu."
"Sir surname?"
"My surname is Shen," the young man stood with a sword and stood next to the giant beast,
with a long body standing like a pine and cypress: "Full name Shen Shi'an."
The author has something to say: He said good and long!
To Beijing! New copy opens ~
In order to prevent someone from not seeing yesterday, I will send the event
announcement again:
After seeking some cute consent from the readers, I plan to do a puzzle quiz on Weibo. I will
ask questions from this book in the last days, one or two in each issue.
The topics are simple, such as:
How did Jiamu's head fall off?
A laughed off
B was stung by the zombies
C was cut off by neighbors for food
D was cut off by his brother
The first event is tentatively scheduled for June 20th, that is, at 8pm on Thursday, the rules
are as follows:
1. The first three correct rewards are 500 yuan red envelopes.
2. The 6th and 66th reposts reward 500 coins each. The screenshots of the reposted
numbers after reposting shall prevail. If it does not work, I will count them one by one. The
666th forwarding reward is 5000 coins (it is estimated that it is impossible to reach so
much), and then another 1,000 yuan is rewarded.
3. All winners are required to provide full screenshots of the original version of this article.
The purpose of the event is to increase interaction with everyone, give a little benefit to
genuine readers, and by the way, give a little exposure to this article _ (: з''∠) _
If you are interested, you can also submit questions to my private letter through penguin or
weibo @ 何大仁 哒 哒 哒 ~ Each issue will be awarded 100 coins as a reward, and it will
have an advantage when answering the question ~
PS: Qin Weibo has it
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 113:

Settings saved..
Mr. Gu was very anxious when he came out, because he was so anxious that he tripped over
the stairs and nearly fell to the ground.
He rushed to the door in a panic, and he had repeatedly prepared himself for someone to
come to the door and pretend to be, but when he saw the young man with a sword outside
the door, he was completely fixed.
The young man wore a black T-shirt and a camouflage trousers and stepped on a pair of
dark gray military boots. He looked taller and thinner, and had longer hair, but his face was
okay. Obviously the eyes are still those eyes, and the nose is still that nose, but I don't know
why it makes people feel completely different from before.
In the past, my temper was cold and proud again, and I also had a young childishness on my
body. Occasionally when the emotions were exposed, I still looked like a child, but now I
can teach people to fear even when standing still. .
It's like a peerless warrior, originally hidden in the scabbard, but now he opened his sharp
blade, and no one dared to touch his edge.
What has happened to make a child look like this in just six months?
"An'an ..." Before the voice came out, the sight was completely blurred. The extreme sorrow
and great joy were intertwined, making Mr. Gu's look even distorted, and rushing straight
to the young man to force him into his arms: "You, you coming……"
Shen Shi'an was stiff, and the two of them had never been so close, and Mr. Gu was slightly
taller than him, so that the posture of being completely held in his arms made him feel a
little uncomfortable, and had no time to do What, the wet sensation from the neck dispelled
all the thoughts of struggle.
The corners of his lips froze, and he raised his hand and hugged him, "I'm here."
He was far away, and only felt that Mr. Gu's face looked a little embarrassed. After
embracing him, he found that the body under his palm was very thin, and even the chrome
human bones could be clearly felt.
Anyway, he is also one of the base managers, how can he toss himself into this picture.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help raising his eyebrows. After a moment, he let out his voice and
said, "I'm fine, I'm safe all the way, and I haven't encountered anything particularly
The wet feel became more apparent.
Gu Jia's old house is in a good location. Even after the end of the world, there are many
people living around it. It is really not a good place to stand at the door and exchange
Mr. Gu quickly controlled his emotions, and finally wiped the corner of his eyes to think of
another child: "Hey, what are you looking for?"
Shen Shi'an pointed to the big three-meter-high dog around him: "This is it."
Mr. Gu stared at the dog.
The big dog sprayed a sigh of breath at him, squirting Mr. Gu backwards, with a shocked
expression on his face, "How can ..."
After thinking about it, I stopped Shen Shi'an and walked to the door: "Go ahead and talk."
The old house is very elegant. Although it lasts a long time, it is renovated every few years.
It still looks magnificent. The eaves of the living room are very high. Two carved
sandalwood doors are wide open. It is no problem for five adult men to walk in side by side
and still be hit by a dog.
"It's okay? Did you hurt?" Mr. Gu didn't care about those two hundred-year-old antique
doors, and hurriedly greeted people to remove all the sundries in front of the sofa to make
room for the dog.
The dog took two steps and lay next to Shen Shi'an on the carpet next to the sofa. He
rubbed his teeth kindly towards Mr. Gu: the man gave him a room full of meat, and he
remembered it.
Mr. Gu still couldn't return to himself: "How did seeking become like this? Is it power?"
Shen Shi'an nodded: "I have a friend analyzing his power that should belong to the
ancestral system, degrading from human form to animal form, because he has just evolved
this power not long before, and has limited control over the power. So it's not going to be
human yet. "
"Can you change back later?"
"should be no problem."
Mr. Gu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Several such bases for returning to ancestors
also appeared in Beijing bases, but they were usually half-human and half-beasts, and only
one body became a beast, such as growing It ’s the first time I have seen a complete animal
form of minions or something. "
Speaking of this, look to Shen Shi'an: "You should have evolved abilities too?"
Shen Shian nodded.
"That's great, great, great." Mr. Gu laughed, his eyes were still red, and his eyes remained
focused on Shen Shi'an for half a second and he didn't want to move away.
How long has he not seen An An?
The last time they met was on New Year's Eve, and the child worked hard to pack a large
table of dumplings. The Communist Party did not say a few words. He stayed for less than
twelve hours and left after eating early the next morning.
When An'an celebrated his 20th birthday, he didn't even get there to celebrate, and his
voice promised to make up for the child, but what happened?
The virus broke out.
For almost half a year, he tried everything to find the other person, but An An had no audio
since the vague phone call in the library.
So many people secretly persuaded him to give up, so many people said that it must have
happened unexpectedly, and even he himself thought that he would never see him again in
this life.
Fortunately, heaven is pitted, and heaven is pitted.
Mr. Gu suddenly lowered his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Shen Shi'an didn't speak,
and handed him several tissues in silence.
After a long time, Mr. Gu raised his head again and slowly recalled: "After talking to you on
the night of April 5th, I knew you were in the H City Library. I immediately thought of a way
to arrange a rescue. The team flew over and wanted to pick you up with Xunxun, but did
not expect that the rescue team ran into a group of mutant birds on the way, almost
annihilated. When I got the news, I hurriedly formed the second rescue team. When I
arrived at the library, it was already the end of April. There should be a fire-powered
person named Dong in the library that you should know? She told the rescue team that you
had been searching and two other people more than a week ago. The survivors left
together, so the rescue team flew back and forth along the route from City H to Beijing, but
found no trace of you and the search. "
Shen Shian knew for sure: At that time, he also sought to collect oil materials and zombies
in the suburbs of H City, and he had not yet officially set off. The rescue team could not find
However, Mr. Gu mentioned that Ms. Dong reminded Shen Shian of another person: "There
is a man named Zhang Ze in the library who is the leader of the survivors. Did he react
when the rescue team arrived?"
Zhang Ze's plan was to establish his own political organization in a closed venue such as a
library. The emergence of a rescue team was probably the last thing he expected and did
not want to see.
"Zhang Ze?" Gu was very strange to the name. "The rescue team did not mention such a
person, but the head of the library was the lady Dong."
This is unexpected by Shen Shian. "What about Ms. Dong's son? Has he evolved a power?"
Mr. Gu shook his head: "When the rescue team arrived, there were 47 survivors in the
library without children."
Shen Shian sighed: It seems that the child has not survived the high fever before the
evolution. Lin Ruan and Tang Song did say that fever is only a precursor, and that the rate
of succeeding in developing abilities through fever is not 100%.
"At that time, the Qin family reached cooperation with the military by relying on a large
number of materials and dozens of complete production lines, which attracted nearly half
of the military forces," Gu continued. "At that time, the situation in the Beijing city was
complicated. I will definitely find a way to find you first, and I am worried that you may not
have heard what I told you on the phone and accidentally stepped into the trap set by them.
So on the one hand, I want to use the military to issue a reward task. Outside forces found
you, on the other hand, cooperated with several other forces in the base of the capital, and
captured some of the forces of the military. They issued tracing rewards in various security
bases between the city of H and the capital, but they have not received any relevant
information. You and the search. "
No wonder Tang Song said that several forces in the bases they were passing were looking
for "Shen Shi'an", and now it seems that there is indeed Mr. Gu's men.
Unfortunately, after Mr. Gu released the reward task, the team or organization that
received the task must follow the main road to find it based on normal speculation. After
all, there are many materials on the main road. It is convenient whether you want to refuel
or to find food. No one I expected that he would have space to rely on. He would take the
child to pick the path, where he walked remotely; even if someone thought of how many
various side paths between these thousands of kilometers, I wanted to find two people in
the vast land. It is undoubtedly a dream.
When Mr. Gu regained his strength and wanted to find him through major security bases,
he did not approach the base at all because he had seen the wanted order of the Qin family.
He was committed to staying away from the security base as far as possible, and he would
change his name even if he occasionally entered. Last name, it is even more impossible to
find him.
I don't know how many times I missed it, but fortunately, he still got here.
Shen Shi'an was silent for a moment, and asked Mr. Gu a question: "Qin's looking for me, do
you want to kill me or take me hostage?"
"The Qin family's foundation is too shallow, and even if they are in a position, they don't
dare to tear their faces directly with the Gu family, so I'm looking for you more as a
bargaining chip." Mr. Gu didn't understand Shen Shian's intention of asking this question at
first, but soon Reacted: "Someone in the Qin family killed you ?!"
Shen Shi'an briefly explained Lu Xiuyuan's encounter.
Mr. Gu was furious and shivered with hate, and the green tendons on the back of his tightly
clasped hands jumped up: "Qin Shu, Qin Shu, Qin Shu! Qin Shu's viper woman !!"
At the expense of the Gu family, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources to kill
Shen Shi'an. He didn't even have to think about and know which Qin family could do.
"She doesn't seem to be in the house." Shen Shi'an lowered his head and took a sip of tea.
Before he entered the door, he gave out five senses and sensed the distribution of people in
the old house. If Qin Shu was in an old house, he should have rushed out at this time.
Mr. Gu was still angry, his chest was violently undulating, and his face was undisguised
with disgust: "In March, I found a lawyer to officially start the divorce process. She dragged
the agreement and refused to sign it. She moved back before the end of the end. The Qin
family. I am definitely going to end this marriage. The original plan was to be widowed if I
could n’t divorce, but I later found that it was too cheap for her to disappear directly. It took
me a while to see her torture to dissolve my heart. Hate, so I kept it unattended. I didn't
expect it to be so low today that she dare to use tricks to hide the killer. "
"To this point?"
Which one?
"Do you remember when I told you that she had a serious illness during the Spring
Festival? All day, the ghost cried, and the wolf howled that evil spirits would harm her. She
went to Thailand to pray to the Buddha to buy a large number of amulets. The curse
method turned out to be useless, still crying every day and saying that he was disturbed by
a ghost and a ghost. After several months of continuous stimulation, he became almost half
crazy because of the stimulus. Even the words are unclear. "Mr. Gu sneered:" It's really
retribution, it turns out that there are times when God opens his eyes. "
Shen Shi'an glanced at the dog: I'm afraid it has nothing to do with God.
The dog raised his head like a merits, and licked it on his wrist.
Mr. Gu sighed deeply and looked at Shen Shi'an: "You can rest assured that I will never give
up on this matter. I will definitely come back with all the benefits she has done to Qing
Shen Shi'an did not speak.
After a while he asked him: "What about the rest of the family? It seems that they haven't
seen it."
"All are dead," Mr. Gu faintly smirked on his face: "Before the virus broke out, they were all
infected with the flu. After the virus broke out, they all became zombies, and none of them
ran away."
Shen Shi'an's look remained unchanged.
But only the dog knows that his strong hatred that has been irritating since he came to the
door of the old house has not subsided until then.
Can't help but hook his feet with his paws: An An, you and me. Whoever dares to bully you
will kill anyone.
Shen Shi'an turned his lips and rubbed two on his head.
Then asked Mr. Gu another important question that has always been on his mind: "How is
Mr. Fan Guoping's daughter now?"
As early as during the brief call in the library, Mr. Gu said that he had received Fan Xintong
properly and placed beside him, but he did not expect that after listening to Shen Shi'an's
words, an embarrassing guilt emerged: "She disappeared."
Shen Shi'an frowned: "Missing?"
Mr. Gu nodded: "Two weeks ago, the child suddenly said goodbye and left his old house
with his belongings. I sent someone to search the entire Beijing base again and issued a
reward task in the task center. But so far, I haven't heard anything. I suspect she left the
capital herself. "
Fan Xintong is twelve years old. A twelve-year-old child can leave his old Gu family house
that is safe and hassle-free. Where else can he go?
Shen Shi'an could only think of one possibility: she was probably looking for her father in H
But how could she possibly reach her destination safely by herself? Not to mention, Fan
Guoping died as early as the beginning of the last days.
Shen Shian was in a heavy mood: He promised Fan Guoping that he would do his best to
take care of his wife and daughter. Mrs. Fan was infected with the flu long before the end of
the world, and there was no reason to mutate into a zombie after the end of the world. It
was his sole and only commitment.
But if the child has been away for two weeks, how can she find her now? Shen Shi'an could
not confirm whether the other party was still alive.
The dog felt his anxiety and quietly said, "Ann An, don't worry, I may have a way."
"What did I say to An An."
Shen Shi'an felt sure, and exhaled gently.
Mr. Gu blame himself very much: "I blame me for not paying too much attention to her, and
I haven't carefully considered her psychological condition and what she wants to do. The
child suddenly left, and I cannot blame it."
Shen Shi'an shook his head: "You are already busy. Besides, if she insists on finding her
father, no one can stop her."
Mr. Gu seemed to feel something, and looked at him with hot eyes.
Shen Shian lowered his head by drinking tea and did not respond.
After the excitement and joy of the reunion gradually receded, the rustiness and rigidity
that had ravaged between Shen Shi'an and Mr. Gu for many years have revived.
There were only two of them sitting in the living room, and after the conversation was over,
the atmosphere became awkward.
Thanks to the dogs who have to deal with it, every few minutes there is a movement:
The tail fluttered and swept away the antique blue and white porcelain bottles on the
wooden shelf. I did n’t know which year. The claws stretched out and scratched the carved
solid wood floor from a few cracks. I felt uncomfortable when I was lying on the floor for a
long time. "Wa La La", the entire rack full of various furnishings fell to the ground.
Shen Shi'an couldn't sit still, pinching his ears and twisting it half a circle: "Why?"
Mr. Gu smiled openly: "Don't blame him. He is inconvenient because of his large size. It is
normal to accidentally touch something."
I glanced over the porcelain and jade shards in that place, holding the tea leisurely: "These
things were treasures treasured by my grandfather and my father. No one was allowed to
touch them. Alas, at this time I hope they have not become The zombies are so good, and
they must have witnessed the expression of this scene, it must be wonderful. "
Shen Shi'an glanced at him: this was also driven half crazy by the family.
After taking a sip of tea, Mr. Gu put the tea cup down. "Did you just arrived at the base of
Beijing, you must be tired now? The room has already been prepared for you, and you can
take a bath and rest, although you didn't expect to find It will look like this, but fortunately
the place is big enough, there should be no problem when entering the house. Let me take
you there first to see if there are any dissatisfaction.
Finally, he was able to move the place, and the dog was so excited that he sprang up from
the ground, and he slammed down a string of crystal chandeliers. Shen Shi'an was about to
take Mr. Gu back to avoid him. Wrapped it tightly before landing, turned to look at him
hurriedly: "An'an, are you okay?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head and stared at the water dragon for a while: "This is your
Mr. Gu was a little embarrassed: "It didn't take long to reach the second level, and it was a
bit rusty to use. Go out with Xunxun first. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the room to settle
after the water dragons have dispersed."
When Shen Shi'an walked with his dog's tail into the yard, two people suddenly came from
the end of the left promenade. One was in a wheelchair and the other was responsible for
pushing the wheelchair. They walked very fast as if they were very urgent, but when they
saw Shen Shi'an For a moment, the young man in the wheelchair waved and stopped.
"You are, Shi'an?" The young man opened his eyes slightly, seeming a little excited and shy,
and greeted him.
Even if no one was introduced, Shen Shi'an recognized who the young man was at a glance.
If 70% of Shen Shi'an's appearance follows his mother, then 90% of the young people's
appearance follows his father. Ru Yajun Lang looks exactly like Mr. Gu standing next to her
in the old photos of Shen Qingran, but his face is extremely pale, and he is more morbid
than the beautiful young girl Lin Ruan. She is thin and weak in a wheelchair, and her legs
are covered in such a hot weather. With a thick blanket, it seemed like a cool breeze would
kill him.
This is the son of Mr. Gu and Qin Shu.
If Shen Shi'an remembers correctly, the name should be Gu Changsheng.
The dog was aware of Shen Shi'an's emotions, and immediately lowered his front body and
sent a loud roar to the other side. Gu Changsheng was coughing and was shaking like a
sieve when he was shocked, and a sickly flush soon appeared on his pale face.
Mr. Gu heard the movement come out of the living room: "What's wrong, An'an, are you
Gaze swept coldly when Gu Changsheng turned cold and didn't talk to him, walked straight
to Shen Shi'an: "Go, I'll take you to see where you live."
Shen Shi'an took a deep look at Gu Changsheng and asked Shen Xun to follow Mr. Gu and
walk towards the back of the house.
It was a long time after the two men and one dog left, and Gu Changsheng finally stopped
coughing. The handkerchief covering the mouth was taken off, and there was a bright trace
on the pure white cotton cloth.
Gu Changsheng was obviously accustomed to this. After wiping his lips, he carefully folded
the handkerchief into small squares, and said to the people behind him, "Remove the
rewards from the bases everywhere. He has returned."
The thick eyelashes fell down to cover the eyes, and it was sad or joy to see.
The author has something to say: Mr. Gu Gu is online again!
I saw several readers in the comments who felt that I was cleaning the road, so today I want
to discuss the issue of "whitewashing" with everyone in peace.
Personally, I think that the behavior or personality of the character in the later stage is
obviously inconsistent with the previous setting, or that without any reasonable
foundation, some five-speaking and four-beauty plots are imposed on the villain's
character. This is called "whitewashing" .
Lu Xiuyuan is still that Lu Xiuyuan, or he has a small amount of energy, is still jealous of An
An, or has a low emotional quotient and cannot speak, or after he has caused trouble, he
consciously puts out his own responsibilities first. How can this be whitewashed?
It just said that some detailed descriptions were added to this character to show everyone
the personality characteristics that were not shown in the previous period, making this
character more three-dimensional and vivid.
There can be no merit in a person. Let's recall that after Lu Xiuyuan went online in the early
stage, did he not have "the sudden discovery that this person does not seem to be so bad"?
For example, when all the students fled from the dissection room to the small auditorium?
I don't deliberately whitewash a character, but people always grow and change, right? Or
many, maybe less, let's find out together _ (: з''∠) _
PS: On June 20th, there will be a lottery on Weibo at 8pm on Thursday evening. Don't forget
it ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Zhong Wu, the little prince's senbei, Xiong Bao,?
Perhaps ?, safe and easy, tomorrow will be richer, Bai Qianyuzhi, 25870282, 氿, Sunny89,
Shuangxuan 1 A
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
100 bottles; 60 bottles of tata and European school; 39 bottles of Haiyan Heqing and whole
sugar; 30 bottles of neon white; 20 bottles of moo, dumplings, Enron, 15 bottles; 15 bottles
of **** soil, and porcelain of onion; onlooker 14 Bottles; July 13 bottles; July trees, waiting
trees, Bao Zheng, good night, OOB, Adam, LM, Naimiao, Jinyu, 22916, No Taboo, Ayu, Maple,
Miao 10 bottles; bread bags 6 bottles without drunk; 5 bottles of drunk milk sweet fruit,
nibasan, Xuehua, Mo Fei, Xiao Yi, Mint Candy, Ha ha, steamed bun, Mo Shang Qin Yin,
shadow, citron, ikun 5 bottles; wheat ears are 4 bottles; 282333083 Bottle; Mary 2 bottles;
1 bottle of floating dog, picturesque rain, small Cola bottle Jun, Xiao Tang, Mr. Yichuan, Wen
Yan licking dog;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 114:
Settings saved..
Mr. Gu prepared for Shen Shi'an and Gouzi a loft in the southeast direction of the old house,
which is a total of two floors. The downstairs bedroom and the upper floor are for viewing,
just to see the red maple and yellow leaves in the mountain view park.
The courtyard was planted with flowers and green bamboo, and the traces of constant care
were noticed. The area was wide and wide. The closed door was a single-door single-family
house, which was very quiet.
From the outside, it is an ancient-style house. When you walked in, you found all the
modern decoration. Mr. Gu opened the door first and told the dog: "Be careful, don't run
into your head. Everything in it should be complete, including clothes and towels. I have
prepared everything. If I have to send someone else to buy it, water and electricity can be
used. You and Xunxun take a break and get familiar with the environment. I will call you
when you have dinner. "
Shen Shian nodded: "Thank you."
"What are you polite to me?" Mr. Gu paused at the door and said restlessly: "I never thought
you would see him so soon. If you don't like it, I can let him move out."
Shen Shi'an knew who he was, and shook his head: "No, after all, he's Gu."
Mr. Gu's face was pale, and there was some pity on his face, and some long-rooted
resentment, Shen said, "My son, Gu You, is only you."
Shen Shi'an didn't want to discuss this issue with him, and Mr. Gu didn't stay for a long
"Ann," the dog walked over, and accidentally broke a vase. "Do you hate the wheelchair? I
can help you teach him."
Shen Shi'an didn't say a word, walked to the refrigerator and opened the door, and found
that many fruits were neatly packed in the fresh-keeping cabinet.
The surface of the fruit is still warm. It should have been put in for a short time. I don't
know if it was delivered by Mr. Gu's order, or it just happened to be replaced again.
The windows in the house were clear, and there was no dust on the furniture. The quilt in
the bedroom was the dark gray solid color system he usually used. The clothes in the
cabinet were neatly arranged according to the season, which was also the most commonly
chosen style of clothing before his last days.
"Not annoying," Shen Shian closed the cabinet door gently. "I don't like it."
Dinner was very hearty. Mr. Gu was a bit uncertain about Shen Shi'an's taste, but he still
knew what Shen Xun loved. In order to take care of the dog's food after getting bigger, he
prepared a whole roast suckling pig and a whole roast sheep.
"There is a livestock ranch and a breeding base to the east of the capital." Mr. Gu cut a leg of
lamb for the dog. "There are cattle and sheep, chickens and ducks, and poultry. Anything is
easy. I still have fresh milk and goat milk in the morning. Do you like to drink? "
The dog is too tall, and without a chair, sits directly on the floor and rests his head on the
dining table. Ah, he swallows the lamb-like lamb in the plate into his stomach. Hearing the
words immediately nodded: he likes milk! An An said that drinking milk grows tall! The
action range was too large and almost overturned the entire dining table. Fortunately, Shen
Shian's eyes quickly stopped his chin: "Sit down and don't move."
The dog obediently raised his tail and opened his blood basin to let Shen Shian feed.
"This child listens to you." Mr. Gu watched the "father and son" get along well, but also gave
birth to a joy to enjoy the joy of heaven. At first Shen Shi'an wanted to adopt a child of
unknown origin. He actually disapproved. Now, it seems that many grandsons are quite
good. He and An An can also have more topics, especially this grandson is still a powerful
ancestral power. By.
The more I stared at the big dog, the more satisfied I was. I just saw a bit of cuteness from
the furry dog's face, and cut a hoof for the dog again. You can eat as much as you want. "
He probably shouldn't say that.
That night, when the chef came over and asked if he could start roasting the fifth suckling
pig, Mr Gu thought to himself.
Shen Shi'an stopped the dog when he wanted to eat the sixth one, waited for the residual
dishes to drop down, and personally made a cup of ginseng tea for Mr. Gu: "You are not too
young, you should also pay attention to your body when you are busy . "
"Ah." Being so lightly trained by his son, Mr. Gu laughed openly, and didn't know if it was
psychological. As soon as he took a sip of this cup of tea, he felt much more comfortable.
Looking at Shen Shi'an, she looked at Shen Shi'an: "What do you want to do next? Now
there are five forces in charge of Beijing. In addition to the Gu family, there are the Han
family, Qin family, Huang family, and they were established more than two months ago. It ’s
not the strongest, but it ’s not the weakest. If you are willing to come in and help me, Gu ’s
strength will definitely be higher. ”
Shen Shi'an rubbed his stomach for the dog: "I have several companions who have also
come to Beijing."
"That's right, let them all come over and I can arrange whatever department I want to work
Shen Shi'an did not agree directly: "let's talk."
When the virus first broke out, he had only one goal, that is, to reach the capital as soon as
possible with Shen Xun. Now that goal has been achieved, the next thing to consider is how
to adapt to the post-apocalyptic world and live well in this world. . Regardless of whether
or not to borrow from Gu's family, he must first get a deeper understanding of the
operation mode and specific conditions in the base of Beijing.
Mr. Gu did not demand, "Slowly, you have just arrived here, don't worry. No matter what
you want to do, Gu's family is always your backing."
After returning to the residence with the dog, Shen Shi'an closed the door and went into the
space with the dog.
He hasn't come in for a period of time. The biggest change in space during this time is the
black land. Because of the continuous collection of materials along the way, nearly half of
the original area of the black land has been used, and all of them have been expanded after
being sown, and various things are stored in different categories. If all these materials are
taken out, I am afraid that it will scare people to death. .
In addition to being used as storage, the cultivation function of black land has also been
playing a role. Fruits and vegetables have been consumed quickly since the number of
players has increased continuously. Most of the plants in the black soil have been replaced
several times. Only the cherry trees are still the same ones that they were looking for.
Shen Shi'an picked a basket of cherries, washed them, and sat on the steps of the bamboo
floor. He raised his hand and threw one in the air: "You said there was a way to find Fan
Xintong. What can I do?"
The big dog jumped up and took the apple-sized cherries accurately into his mouth, talking
to Shen Shi'an while chewing: "I have a spell that can track the position of other people, no
matter where the target is, as long as she doesn't run out I can find this world even if it
becomes a zombie. "Without waiting for Shen Shi'an to speak," 噗 呲 "spit out the cherry
core and said," But it won't work for the time being. "
Shen Shian frowned: "Why?"
"I told An An that I accidentally unlocked a part of the mana that was stored after falling off
the plane. Do you remember An An? My body is now in the process of absorbing this part of
the mana, so the energy in the body is very disordered, temporarily No spell can be drawn.
Only after the part of the mana is absorbed to the extent that the remaining part can be
controlled by me, can the circle cast a spell. "
"Roughly how long will it take?"
"Fastest, two weeks should be fine."
Shen Shi'an frowned even tighter: Fan Xintong has been away for two weeks, and two
weeks later, who knows what will happen to her during this period.
"An'an, you ca n’t be anxious about this," the big dog slaps to his leg. "It's so big outside the
base of Beijing. You don't even know which direction or route she left from. In any position,
even if I immediately set out to find her, it would never be possible to find her within two
weeks. But when I can cast a spell, I can locate her directly and find her within one day. And
Gu Hasn't Mr. Ms. already announced the reward for finding her? There are so many people
and she might be found without me casting a curse. "
Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head: At present, it seems that this is the only way.
Go to that task center tomorrow to see if you can increase the task bonus for Fan Xintong a
little bit.
The fur under the palm was soft and smooth, and she touched Shen Shi'an and suddenly
thought of one thing: "What if you let you soak in the Lingquan? If you let you soak in the
Lingquan, can you shorten your mana control time?"
The dog sperm trembled, and strong excitement and excitement erupted in the eyes of two
huge green emerald beasts: An An allowed him to soak in the fountain!
But this excitement quickly receded, turning into a full of annoyance and unwillingness:
"My problem now is not that there is not enough mana, but that there is too much mana. It
is like eating a meal that is particularly supportive, so it takes time to digest it. , If the
bubble springs will make the mana more and more, it will be more troublesome. "
Gozi Jing said more and more regretful, and reluctantly looked in the direction where
Lingquan was: as long as he soaked in Lingquan again, he could completely restore the
appearance of the body! Such a good opportunity is in front of him, but he just can't use it!
Alas! I'm so angry.
She shook her ears twice and shook them up, and then she wanted to discuss with Shen
Shi'an: "An'an, after I have absorbed all the mana in my body, can you let me go in for a
bubble ..."
The voice didn't fall, and when she saw a sudden change in Shen Shi'an's look, she suddenly
stood up as if a gust of wind rushed to the position of Lingquan, and disappeared in the
heavy mist around Lingquan in a blink of an eye.
The dog was startled and hurried to catch up: "An An, what's wrong with you!"
However, before approaching Lingquan, he was stopped by a sharply rising golden barrier,
and the thunder flashed above the barrier, immediately simmering the hair on the paw of
the big dog crossing the boundary.
The dog became more anxious and circled around the barrier: "An An, how are you An An,
what happened!"
As if the wind and clouds change color, the aura rich in space almost turned into a
substance suddenly all concentrated in the Lingquan, concentrically gathered around
something in the Lingquan, and gradually formed a funnel-shaped vortex rotating at high
speed, turning more and more urgent The faster it turned, the more flat winds set off.
After about half an hour, the wind gradually subsided, the vortex gradually dissipated, and
the mist surrounding the Lingquan perennially was blown clean and the sight was clear.
Shen Xun pressed the dog's face tightly against the golden barrier, and saw Shen Shian, who
was in the middle of Lingquan, slowly opened his eyes.
The light flashed in his eyes, then calmed down.
Guixu Gongfa has three steps.
The author has something to say: Slightly short transition chapter ~
The first phase of the Q & A activity is underway, and there is still a random jackpot ~
The next issue is scheduled for 8pm on Sunday, June 23. Everyone is welcome to
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: forced to rename 2 bitter hearts; 1
whole sugar candy;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: CC1;
Thanks to the little angels who cast the [land mines]: Huahuahuahua 2; Shuangxuan,
Sunny89, Bai Qianyuzhi, forced to rename, bitter heart, Haiyan Heqing, Qingshi, Alice,?
Maybe ?, Y , Good night, fego, safe and sound, one wonderful one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
There are 272 bottles of whale in the sea; 150 bottles of Moshang light dust; 140 bottles of
Xiaomi rice porridge; 66 bottles of Natalie_zyq66; forced to rename 55 bottles of bitterness;
50 bottles of dogs when not studying; 30 bottles of cats; 20 bottles of Daisy; Xinyu15 Bottle;
11 bottles of upside-down phoenix; two-clawed raccoon cat, clear soup, CC,.,
Huahuahuahuaah, eat too much to gain weight, Baiyin nine, please make me sweet to ten
pounds, I have not heard , Kapok, red carp and green carp with donkeys, sleepy 10 bottles;
9 bottles of Ni He; 8 bottles of wanton; 7 bottles of Theravada; 5 bottles of 涞 迩, KK, Ling
Yuchen, な つ め た か し; 4 bottles of Gu Bailian; 3 bottles of planting; 277, Bottle of Deep
Alice, Yin, 134690132 bottles; summer, Yuyuyuyuyuyu, Zizi, 32087977, Jinyu, Big Dream,
Lucidus 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 115:

Settings saved..
The sudden advancement of exercises is both unexpected and reasonable.
He hasn't changed his skill level for a long time. The last time he advanced was four months
ago when he passed through Lin'an County. At that time, Liu Fangzhou had not joined the
team yet. Shen Shi'an first encountered the power zombies, and was led by the power
zombies to besiege by nearly 10,000 corpses. After being forced into desperation several
times, he suddenly realized a new attack method, and finally exhausted the victory. It
breaks through the threshold of the second order of exercises.
A few days ago, after Shen Xun was pushed down by the helicopter by Zhong Han, Shen
Shi'an jumped into the Zombie Sea directly to find him. He fought for a long time with all
his strength to support him, and he did not fall down. With today's advanced.
Shen Shi'an raised his palms and slowly released them, feeling the turbulent spiritual force
walking around the meridians, constantly strengthening the bones and muscles: It seems
that only by constantly challenging his own limits can it be the promotion of the exercises.
Second method.
After having breakfast with Mr. Gu the next morning, Shen Shi'an planned to take a big dog
to the population management department for formal identification registration. Mr. Gu
was afraid that he was not familiar with the base of Beijing. He was specially accompanied
by a close friend, whose name was Xie Mingyang, about thirty years old. He looked very
stable when he was only able to condense in the army.
The Population Management Office was a little far from Gu's old house. Xie Yang drove.
Shen Shi'an rode behind a big dog and arrived at the office door about 40 minutes later.
The procedures are not complicated. After providing the real name and entering the
fingerprint information, it is almost the same. The ID number is unified and re-encoded. In
addition, there is an option whether to be an ability person. Shen Shi'an chose yes. Return
the temporary bracelet, take over the official identity bracelet from the staff, and the entire
process is completely completed.
Shen Xun registered a mutated pet in the temporary bracelet. Shen Shi'an changed it for
him and explained the situation to the staff. He also checked the option of "is an ability"-
anyway, he will be changed back to human, save Run again when you get it. It's just that
Shen Shi'an was worried when he filled in the date of birth. According to the information on
the ID card that Mr. Caregiver had given to the children, Shen Xun was three years old this
year, but his voice has changed since he became a big dog. Already a teenager, and listen to
the meaning of the dog, he should grow up when he absorbs all the mana and then changes
back to a person. If the identity bracelet still shows three years old, it is estimated that he
suspects that he has stolen the number or that he is metamorphosis.
After thinking about it, I finally filled in the sixteenth birthday. The birthday was chosen on
the day when Shen Shi'an picked him up. Shen Xun was quite satisfied with it. After getting
the official bracelet, he tried to extend his claws in and almost broke the entire display.
Shen Shi'an picked it up in time, tied it carefully with a rope, and hung it around his neck.
Mao couldn't see anything, and the dog felt like wearing the same model as An'an.
The official bracelet is slightly larger than the temporary bracelet. The display is similar to
a smart watch. After activation, the upper left shows the number of points translated from
the temporary bracelet. One point has been deducted compared to yesterday.
Shen Shi'an wore the bracelet next to the buddha on her right wrist, and just entered the
password to connect to the Internet. A buzzing ringtone rang, and the three characters
"Bear Manshan" appeared on the screen.
"Boss!" Xiong Manshan's excited voice came out of the bracelet, and his mouth seemed to
be a little vague about what he was eating: "I was thinking that you just arrived home
yesterday, and I am sure to register at the Population Management Office this morning.
Sure enough, I guessed it! I registered yesterday afternoon. Do n’t say, it ’s too convenient
to connect to the Internet after registration. No matter what you buy, you can just brush the
bracelet directly. His network signal is good and the call is smooth? ”
Shen Shi'an asked, "Is Xu Ge still with you?"
"Where it is, stand next to me, she also registered. You have a movie theater in the base of
the capital, do you know? The two of us went together to watch a show last night, alas, the
effect is really amazing, The screen size is quite small, just like a private booking. A movie
requires only two points. We are going to eat lunch before checking it out. "
"Ark Chen Nan, did you contact them?"
"Chen Nan got in touch. He and Tao Yuaner both went to the identity registration
yesterday. They are still unconnected by Ark and Major Tang. They are probably doing
"Then you have fun with Xu Ge, pay attention to safety, and contact at any time."
"Ah!" Xiong Manshan said again, "Yes, boss, what's your mobile phone number? I bought a
mobile phone and set up a chat group. By then, all nine of us will be brought in. It's usually
easier to contact."
Shen Shi'an reported his mobile phone number, told him two more words, and then hung
After thinking about it, he turned around and asked Xie Yang: "Will all people who enter the
Beijing base come here for identity registration?"
Xie Yangdao: "Usually, survivors who stay in the base for more than three days will choose
to perform identity registration, because for the convenience of demographics and control,
the base has greater restrictions on non-registered personnel, including traffic restrictions
and consumption restrictions, that is, many Places ca n’t go and many things ca n’t be
bought. If the stay is longer than five days without registration, a reminder of registration
will be sent on the temporary bracelet. Those who have not registered for more than one
month will enter the monitoring list of the Population Management Office. They will be
forcibly evicted-of course, no one has been kicked out for this reason so far. "
Almost immediately he guessed what Shen Shi'an asked for: "Mr. Shen wants someone?"
Shen Shian nodded: "Convenient?"
"No problem, the Population Management Office has our staff. What information can Mr.
Shen provide about the target?"
"His name is Zhong Han, and he is the leader of an organization called" Wang Shengtang "in
Yangcheng Base. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has no obvious defects in his facial
features. I am not sure if he entered the Beijing Base. Within a week, it should be noted that
he has various abilities. One currently known is that it can release electricity, one is speed,
and the other is confusion, which can make people subconsciously trust and favor him. And
the longer the time spent with each other, the more obvious the effect is. There are wings
growing from the back that support the flight. In addition, "Shen Shi'an glanced a gleam of
coldness:" He tried to hunt down the killer. "
Xie Yang became more serious as he listened. "I see. Mr. Shen is assured. I will let people
investigate and expect to get the results within two days at the latest."
"Trouble, thank you."
"Mr. Shen is polite."
After Xie Yang found the Gu family to arrange for the person in charge of the population
management office to go down, Shen Shi'an led his dog to his second destination, the task
center, under his leadership.
The mission center is located at the junction of the inner and outer urban areas. It occupies
an entire four-storey building, which is very wide in area. People can see the entrance and
exit of the gate like a stream of water across the distance.
The majestic three-meter-high dog immediately attracted a large amount of attention,
either astonished or envious or unknown, and Shen Shi'an, who connected the big dog to
the dog, looked back and forth.
Shen Shian jumped from the big dog's back and found that there were more than one using
"mutated animals" as mounts. There were mutant rabbits and mutant turtles around.
Someone was followed by a mutant python, and some were followed by a A mutant
raccoon, the most incomprehensible is that someone even brought a mutant hedgehog
more than two meters high.
In addition, Shen Shi'an also saw a mutant puppet cat, a little taller than big dogs, covered
with white and fluffy hair, two blue eyes were beautiful, and each step was indescribably
light and elegant. Even Shen Shi'an, who has no special hobbies for animals, couldn't help
but stare a few more times.
Shen Xun followed his eyes and looked at it immediately, and immediately jealous of the
sea vinegar wave: Is this okay, even carrying him behind to look at other cats. Across the
crowd, arching his back, he tusked his teeth fiercely at the puppet: "Roar!"
The puppet was shocked and exploded into a ball of hair. It jumped ten meters high on the
spot. After landing, it flew out immediately against the ground. One of the trucks that got
into the back of the mission center building left only a fluffy long tail. No matter how the
host shouted, he refused to come out.
Shen Shi'an felt a little embarrassed when he touched his nose. He secretly grabbed the
dog's tail and scratched it: be honest, otherwise I'll rub the lion when I go back.
The gate of the mission center is extremely high and wide. Even if these mutant animals are
present side by side, it is more than enough. Dogs rarely need to bow their heads to enter
the door. They are also stepping up next to Shen Shi'an and are always alert to any possible
The first floor is the task hall, which is also the place where the crowds are most
concentrated. As soon as you enter the door, you can see the rows and rows of computer
tables in the spacious and spacious hall. There are desktop computers on the table, and
chairs of the same style in front of the table. It looks similar to a bank counter, with a
partition as a space between each other, and many people seem to be looking at what is
sitting in front of the computer.
At the end of the rows of computers, on the entire wall facing the door, there are three huge
LCD screens of equal height.
Xie Yang introduced Shen Shi'an: "Here was originally the largest stock exchange in Beijing.
After the base was completed, it was transformed into a task center that received and
dispatched tasks. The three display screens showed different types of task summary."
The display on the left has the most tasks, the serial number is marked according to the
release time, and the bottom is scrolled slowly. Each task is followed by a parenthesis,
which is marked with a different number, and this number is constantly changing.
"The number in parentheses represents how many people took the task. Generally
speaking, the more rewarding the task, the larger the number of orders. If there are
multiple parties receiving orders for the same task, the first one who completes the task
can receive the reward.
"Can everyone take the task?"
Xie Yang nodded: "Whether it is a large organization, a small group, or an individual, as
long as you are interested and feel that you have the ability, you can take orders; similarly,
both organizations and individuals can post tasks, as far as deep into the urban hinterland.
Fighting with zombies, pets that are too small at home can be issued, as long as the reward
is appropriate, someone will be willing to take over, but each task will consume two points.
The display on the right has relatively few tasks, and there are no brackets to indicate the
number of orders.
"The task on the left is a reward task, that is, everyone can accept the order after the
release;" Xie Yang explained: "The task on the right is the designated task, and the task
publisher will designate the intended order receiver."
"Why not just contact it directly, but publish it?"
"Because the publisher is willing to send, the designator is not necessarily willing to
answer. The ones that will be displayed on this page are those that the designator has not
yet received. If other parties fancy this task, they can be sent to the publisher via a
computer or bracelet. Intent to receive orders, so if the designated person rejects the order,
the publisher will select the next designated order receiver from the received intentions.
Such tasks are usually more difficult and require professional teams and organizations to
perform, as opposed to Will be exceptionally rewarding. "
As for the middle screen, even if Xie Yang doesn't introduce Shen Shi'an, he can guess what
it is:
There are only ten tasks above, and the first one is a tracing notice named "Finding Shen
Sure enough, Xie Yang immediately confirmed his guess: "This screen lists the ten tasks
with the highest bounty bonuses that have not yet been completed in the base. They are
ranked in descending order, with the first and tenth. Articles were issued by Mr. Gu. "
The first is to find Shen Shi'an, and the tenth is to find Fan Xintong.
After Shen Shi'an saw the three screens almost, Xie Yang led him to an idle computer. There
was a small scanner on the computer desk. I saw Xie Yang put a bracelet on the scanner.
With a click, the computer automatically turns on, and the pop-up page looks exactly like
the three display screens.
"You need to pay for using the computer to query. It is not expensive, 0.5 points for one
hour," Xie Yang moved the mouse and clicked on the task of "Finding Shen Shi'an": "You can
view the specific content of the task, related requirements and tasks after you open it.
Bonus, you can also see which organizations or individuals have accepted this task, these
task messages and related pages can also be viewed through the identity bracelet, and the
bracelet can also set new task reminders, but the formal order must go to the task On-site
registration is performed on the second floor of the center. Some tasks will get more
detailed task information after receiving the order, so most people who want to do the task
will come to the task hall to guard it directly. "
Xie Yang logged in to an account. It looks like it should be used by the Gu family. After
entering the release history page, the "Finding Shen Shi'an" is immediately obvious. "So I
cancel this task now?"
Shen Shian nodded.
After Xie Yang clicked Cancel, the content on the screen in the middle of the lobby wall
refreshed, listing the new top ten bounty tasks. It did n’t take long for the page to be
finalized, and the content on the screen suddenly refreshed again. There was only one task
displayed this time, and a bold red was used: "All members call: Go to Province D to ****
personnel from Huaining Security Base to Beijing."
As this mission was completed, the atmosphere in the mission hall immediately became
hot, and noisy discussions began to circulate. The number of orders at the end of the
mission was rapidly rising.
"what is this?"
Xie Yang glanced at: "The group tasks issued by the base management are usually carried
out in cooperation with the military, and the scale of the tasks is relatively large, such as
which city to go to for large-scale zombies cleanup, collection of specialized materials, and
trips to other provinces like this Escort other base personnel to remit. "
"This task seems to be popular?"
Xie Yang nodded: "After all, it is cooperation with the military, the safety factor is relatively
high, and the remuneration is particularly generous. This richness not only refers to the
bounty from management or the materials that can be collected along the way, but also the
most important One point: priority. According to the default rules in the Beijing base, if you
participate in such group missions and succeed, if it is a specialized material collection,
such as drugs or weapons, then the participating organizations or individuals have priority
from the military to this batch of materials The right to make purchase transactions; if it is
escorted by other base personnel to remit, the participating organizations or individuals
have the priority to recruit new personnel from this group. "
Shen Shi'an understands that in the last days, the most important thing for an organization
to grow and grow as fast as possible is the reserves of materials and manpower. If you can
choose the best weapon and the best power every time, it will be difficult for the team to
grow up.
"But don't look at the large number of orders. It's impossible to participate in all of them.
The military has to screen them. The estimated number of successful orders is less than
one tenth."
"Is there a specific criterion for this screening?"
"It mainly depends on the comprehensive ability of the organization or individual. In
addition, the task completion rate is also important: the ratio of the number of successfully
completed tasks to the total number of orders received. "Xie Yang clicked another page
from the computer:" There is also a ranking of the completion rates of major organizations
or individuals in the base. Of these, only three are completed, and two are organizations
and one is an individual. Mr. Shen has If you are interested, you can take a look. "
Shen Shi'an briefly glanced, wrote down the list of the top fifty, and then clicked to exit. He
has more important things to do here today.
"About the task of finding Fan Xintong, could you help me add a little more reward?"
"Of course, how much does Mr. Shen want to add?"
"200,000 primary zombie crystal nuclei."
Xie Yang froze a bit, then proceeded as Shen Shian said.
The content on the middle screen refreshed again, and "Finding Fan Xintong" jumped to the
top of the top ten bounty list.
The author has something to say: I found out that everyone is not interested in the subject
of fast-wearing. The last fast-wearing book that was pushed last time is almost nobody's
favorite. _ (: З''∠) _
Today I recommend another pre-collection article. In the middle and late stages, there will
be similar team adventures and team battles as the end of the world. The cute little ones
who are interested can click into the author's column for a collection.
"Oh hell"
Freshman Shao Dian turned around and met a ghost while making socks in the laundry
The white clothes fell on the ground with black hair and waist, which looked pretty good,
but my brain seemed to be a bit problematic.
In view of the fact that only one of the four buildings of the male dormitory can see the Mr.
Ghost, Shao Dian had to sign a ghost foster agreement with the other party, and the three
chapters of the law:
1. "Brother, don't stand cold and stand behind me or float on the ceiling, ghosts are scary!"
2. "Keep a proper distance between people and ghosts, please be a little farther from me ...
wait a moment, you come here, it's pretty cool, let's sleep together tonight ~"
3. "Possession, can you eat less? I know you haven't eaten for thousands of years and you
want to eat everything, but forgive me if I can bear it ... OK, the last one It's really the last
one! "
This **** ghost will still be cute.
They said that the chance of meeting true love was even smaller than that of a ghost. Didn't
he run into them at the same time?
The urban spirit is borrowed from the ancient mythology system.
Sweet text sweet text
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: 2 mysteries;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Shuangxuan, seven fas on a vine, Doudou is a
cute girl, 氿,?, Maybe ?, the whole sugar candy, let's eat barbecue, Mozhao juan 茕, Rosa, if
you do n’t learn, you are a dog, safe and easy, Mo Yan, hungry to eat? 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
3174915654 bottles; 50 bottles of Shuangmulinxi, Xiaoshi perilla and Qushui Liu; 40
bottles of skin paste; 36 bottles of depression; Han Huohu, Gu Qingyun, W, Duolin 30
bottles; 29 bottles of Su Junli; soft 28 bottles of sugar; hungry ?, Jenny, Fat Hai, kk, xiahku,
passerby B, handsome one 20 meters bottle; little lucky. , The whole sugar candy, ヅ 蕶
crushed memory, minioze, snowflake cake, that's it, 23229275, Baiyinjiu, Doudou is a cute
girl, orange door grain snow. , Stone, prince's senbei, Yuyu Yunxi, Mo Qiu Jue, 10 bottles of
thirty-seven; 306718238 bottles; Tingtingyuli 6 bottles; Adam, ha ha ha, citron 5 bottles; Si
warm mio 3 bottles Only love little angel, Ah Pei_ Pei Peiya 2 bottles; Ne Ho Ho, you can
meet unmet me, non-me, dream chaser, purple purple, Nan Ke Yimeng nowhere to find a
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 116:

Settings saved..
At 9:50 am on the fourth day of arriving at the Beijing base, Shen Shian rode a dog to the
gate of the Forbidden City.
Xiong Manshan and Xu Ge have arrived, and they are greeted across the distance: "Boss!"
Shen Shi'an jumped from the big dog's back: "How long have you waited?"
"Not long," Xu Ge said, "I and Brother Xiong have just arrived."
Shen Shi'an looked at the two again: "It seems you have been doing well these days?" Both
are very good-looking, and Xiong Manshan is wearing new clothes.
"Hey hey hey," Xiong Manshan turned around two times to show the new clothes: "Does it
look good? Sister Xu helped me pick it, and said that I changed into this body more than the
original Swen, I was not so bad-looking, I felt like I was getting it The knife can immediately
go out and chop people. The clothes in the base of Beijing are cheap, so only four crystal
nuclei are needed for this one, and they are still branded. I went to the exchange with Xu
Meizi yesterday and felt that the daily necessities They are all very cheap, which means that
the price of weapons, medicines and food is relatively high. "
After talking, staring at Shen Shi'an carefully, "Boss, how do I feel that you are different? It
seems more ... more ... more ... Oh, I can't describe it anymore, it makes people feel worse
Xu Ge guessed it out, "Brother Shen, have your abilities advanced?"
Shen Shian nodded.
"Oh, I'm going, that relationship is good! I said how the gas field is more powerful. It is air-
conditioned to reach that station for 10 meters. Congratulations, boss!" I said in the
research center Major Tang at the beginning His power is at least three levels, so how many
levels now? Level four? Five levels? Alas, Niubi.
When several people were talking, the big dog walked beside Xu Ge and sniffed into the two
shopping bags she was carrying. Xu Ge laughed: "Look for the tip of the nose." Give one of
the bags to Xiong Manshan and open the other Only one bag took out a packing box: "Wang
Jude's roast duck. That bag is sliced. This bag is specially for Xun Xun. I didn't cut it. Xun
Xun tasted like it?"
The dog stared at the whole box of golden scorching roasted ducks and started to drool.
The roasted ducks may have been out of the oven for a long time, and they were still hot
and fragrant. They made the big dogs shout their noses for a while, but for the singer Xu
holding The duck leg just didn't respond, just looked at Shen Shi'an with his eyes.
Shen Shi'an said to Xu Ge: "I'll feed it." I took the packing box and duck legs from singer Xu,
but I haven't stabilized yet. After a while of hot and humid hands, the duck legs have
disappeared. Swallowing and licking to his hand again, a taste of saliva dipped in roast
"..." Shen Shi'an simply threw a whole roast duck without a leg into his mouth, then took
out the disinfectant wipes and began to wipe his hands carefully.
Xu Ge looked interesting, Xiong Manshan began to blow the rainbow fart: "We have a
principle to find brothers, who does not eat anything except the boss, it is a real man! Roast
duck tastes good, we went to eat it the day before yesterday, and we do not know It ’s not
because there is no way to feed the duck with various additives after the end of the world.
The taste is really nothing to say. It is expensive, especially expensive. This duck is about 30
crystal cores. You can believe it. I think about half of them. Can't afford it. "
Shen Shian nodded: "Normal." He followed Mr. Gu yesterday to a livestock ranch and
breeding base located in the east of Beijing. The species are quite complete. There are
almost all common meat sources before the last days, but the scale is not large. It is far from
enough to satisfy the demand of more than 6 million people in the entire Beijing base. It
needs more supply and less, and the price is naturally high.
It is only a little more than six months after the outbreak of the virus and the severe
damage to human beings. All walks of life have been devastated. The difficulty of
reconstruction is unimaginable, not to mention the constant threat of zombies and viruses.
In the situation where most people in the world still hide in Tibet from eating and eating, as
long as they are willing to work and dare to perform tasks at the base in Beijing, there is
absolutely no problem in ensuring basic food and clothing, which is already a remarkable
achievement. As for the difference in diet level, it is inevitable, even if there are still people
who eat the mountain and sea seafood before the end of the world, and some people can
only dip their heads in boiling water.
The dog just swallowed the roast duck, and Chen Nan also arrived in an off-road vehicle.
Tao Yuan was also on the car. Two minutes later, Tang Song, Lin Ruan and Liu Fangzhou
arrived at exactly ten o'clock.
Tang Song held in his hand the cryogenic storage he had retrieved from Shen Shi'an three
days ago, while Lin Ruanhuai held a black box similar to a toolbox. As he walked by, he said:
"Are you all registered with your real name? Put the ring in. "
Shen Shi'an took off his bracelet and put it into the black box, "Faraday cage?"
Lin Ruan nodded.
"What cage?" Xiong Manshan, who majored in foreign poetry at the university, lost his
"Does Faraday know who it is? The physicist who discovered electromagnetic induction,"
Liu Fangzhou said, "This cage is named after him. In short, it can shield electromagnetic
Xiong Manshan came to understand a little: "Well, there is a problem with the bracelet?"
After the bracelet on Shen Xun's neck was also put into the black box, Lin Ruan locked the
box carefully: "It's not a big problem, but it will automatically collect the location
information of all survivors in the base, just like we used before the end of the world. Many
mobile apps are the same. Otherwise, how do you think it distinguishes between survivors
who are located in the inner city or the outer city to deduct points? In essence, it is not a big
deal. After all, leaving the base area is of no use, and check this data. The permissions are
usually set very strict, which is a very effective method for base management, but our
location information is not good for the time being. "
As soon as the three of them came to Shen Shi'an, they found that they did not wear a
bracelet, and then contacted Xiong Manshan and said that their numbers had been
unreachable and the low-temperature storage in Tang Song's hands. Some guessed: "You
are in trouble Anymore? "
"You can say that," Tang Song handed him the cryogenic storage, pushed a pair of fine-
rimmed glasses on his face, "look for a place to sit down and talk slowly."
The group left the gate of the Forbidden City and drove for half an hour. They found a
coffee shop on the other side of the base that allowed pets and had enough space.
After the waiter brought the drink, Tang Song released a circle of magic around the deck as
a cover and looked at Shen Shi'an: "You remember when we first met, I told you that the
communicator I brought with Lin Ruan was out Question? Obviously there is nothing
wrong with the equipment, but the phone signal can't be transmitted. "
Shen Shian nodded: "Actually, the same problem appeared in the garrison team where Tao
Yuan was."
"Oh?" Tang Song asked Tao Yuan about the establishment of the garrison, and then
thought: "No wonder."
Tao Yuandao: "At that time, the correspondent on our team guessed that either the satellite
was out of order or the signal was intentionally intercepted."
Tang Song placed his hands on the table: "Neither of these two speculations was actually
wrong, the signal was indeed intercepted, and the satellite did have a problem-just because
of human destruction. The whole thing is actually not complicated After the outbreak of the
virus, the whole country lost half of its population instantly. The lack of this half of the
population was completely random, which also led to the collapse of the entire power
command system. The first month after the end of the last century was when the top-level
contradictions were most intense. Some people hold groups, some are neutral, some are
active, and some are passive. After the initial formation of the new superstructure, those
that are uncontrollable, difficult to control, or too expensive to control are all abandoned.
For example, Tao Yuan The garrison, such as the Confidentiality Investigations Division,
which is independent of the military establishment. "
Lin Ruan rolled a piece of duck pancakes with coffee, dipped it into the sauce, put it in his
mouth, chewed slowly and swallowed it: "Simply speaking, all our superiors have
disappeared. The good news is that the teacher is now The bad news is that the only person
in charge of the original Zombie Virus Research Project is that he has only one of my
subordinates. The surviving employees of the Confidentiality Investigation Department
have been reassigned by the current management to a new research institution, even the
investigation department ’s research. The room was also requisitioned, and I didn't go in
with the teacher at all. "
"At present no one knows that I and Lin Ruan have returned to Beijing, and no one knows
that we brought the blood samples back safely, but this situation may change as soon as we
go to the population management office for real-name authentication."
"Will you change your name?" Xu Ge suggested, "Just like Brother Shen before."
Tang Song shook his head: "You need to enter your fingerprints when you register your
real name, right? Then there is more than 80% probability that the base has already
obtained the fingerprint information of the national population before the end of the world.
It is not enough to change the name. "
The big dog lay on the aisle next to the deck. The huge dog's head rested on Shen Shi'an's
thigh. Shen Shi'an threw a roll of duck and cucumber strips into his mouth. The dog chewed
twice: "An'an, I don't want to shallot."
Shen Shi'an froze a handful of dog hair, and already guessed Tang Song's intention: "Do you
want to seek asylum from Gu's family?"
"Yes," Tang Song analyzed. "Both virus research and vaccine research and development
need a stable and safe environment. When the news of the blood sample arrives, it depends
on me and Lin Ruan alone.-Sorry, it depends on the nine of us. It is impossible to achieve
this in the Beijing base. At present, there are mainly five parties in the upper level of the
base, Gu, Huang, Han, Qin, and emerging powers to organize trade unions. Although the
comprehensive strength of the Gu family can only rank In the middle reaches, but Gu ’s
foundation is deep, the military ’s prestige is high, and his appeal is very strong among the
soldiers—if not the entire Gu family ’s line was almost wiped out after the virus outbreak,
only the Gu family ’s owner and eldest son, Gu Changsheng, were left. It is said that the
strength of the Gu family should be far more than that. "
Gu Changsheng?
Except for Lin Ruan and Liu Fangzhou, who has followed a lot of news these days, the rest
of the players quietly turned their attention to Shen Shi'an and then to Tang Song.
However, neither the person involved nor the presenter showed any abnormalities, so he
continued to listen.
Tang Song continued: "Today, plus Shi'an and your relationship, no matter how you look at
it, Gu's family is our best partner. Of course, the specific way to cooperate is up to you. If
you plan to stay in Gu's family in the future Then, we will join the Gu family with you, and
wait until the virus vaccine is successfully developed, and the ownership will naturally
belong to the Gu family; if you do not intend to stay at the Gu family but want to set up your
own team, then we will act as a power organization Cooperate with the Gu family, enjoy
Gu's asylum while committing to part of the ownership of the vaccine. "
Shen Shi'an looked at the others.
Chen Nan and others have stated: "Shen Brother, we listen to you."
The dog stuck his tongue out and licked it on the back of his hand.
Shen Shi'an didn't say a word, and gently tapped his left index finger on the table. It didn't
take long for him to realize that it was not a difficult decision for him.
"That being the case," Shen Shi'an looked around, "then everyone will work hard to start
from scratch with me."
"Yeah!" Liu Fangzhou jumped up directly: "I knew that Brother Shen would definitely
choose this! Wait, shall we change it later? Captain!"
Chen Nan smiled: "Congratulations to the Shen team."
Tang Song stretched out his hand: "The name of the captain deserves its name."
"Captain, then we'll mingle with you later."
"What's the point of our captain's strength? It will develop into the largest organization in
the base in the future, believe it or not?"
"The Shen team is the best!"
Tao Yuan raised his coffee: "Congratulations, Captain."
Shen Shi'an looked at him, his heart was inevitable. He knows what the title of "captain"
means to Tao Yuan, so he can better appreciate the preciousness of the title shouting from
Tao Yuan. Such expectations and trust make him pressure, but more Unprecedented
motivation and responsibility.
He raised the glass: "I will do my best to not disappoint everyone."
"Red duck!"
"work hard together!"
"By the way," Xiong Manshan wiped his mouth. "Since the team has been established, do we
have to think of a team name? It's better to be more aggressive and domineering, if you
shout out there is also momentum."
Liu Fangzhou raised his hand: "How about calling Hydra, aren't we exactly nine people?"
He called HailHydra when he met, alas, more energetic.
"Is that the villain in the movie? No, no, if you call it, you can call it a tiger down the
"It's too earthy, Brother Xiong," Liu Fangzhou turned to ask Chen Nan, "What do you think
of Nan brother?"
"Falcon? Black Panther? Night Tiger?"
"..." more soil. "Tao Yuan brother, you say."
Tao Yuan waved his hand: "I'm named, and everything else is fine. Don't ask me about such
Lin Ruan suggested: "It is better to reflect some of the characteristics of our team, and also
to imply a certain good meaning. It is not possible to achieve one."
"Beast? An Xun? Xun An? The East is undefeated? 6666? The strongest first group in the
Various unreliable names were rejected one after another. Xu Ge thought about it, "Will it
be called dawn?"
"Ah, this seems to work."
"This sounds good."
"Wait a while," Xiong Manshan pulled out his cell phone and checked. "Ah, huh, there are 23
organizations or teams called" Dawn "at the base."
That's fine.
"Or just call light?"
"The word is too small."
"Why is it so difficult to get a name? Oh my god."
After a long time, Tang Song, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "What about a sharp
blade. It represents Shi An and the weapon we are looking for, and it also means that our
team will break through all obstacles and level the obstacles and move forward."
Sharp blade.
Shen Shi'an rolled the name repeatedly on the tip of his tongue, and finally nodded: "Just
call this."
Heavenly Soldier, God's Blade,
Unstoppable, invincible.
The author has something to say: The second Weibo puzzle quiz is in progress, and two
random reposting prizes have not yet been drawn ~
In the future, the activity time will be fixed at eight o'clock in the evening, four weeks a
week, everyone is welcome to participate ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: forced to rename it, bitter in heart,
always love Moxiang, dandan1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: Simon crayfish, CC, 374418291;
Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Gu Yao 6; always love Moxiang, □□ 2; 7
fas on a vine, Xianbei of the little prince, old dementia and amnesia, waiting in the wind, I
was forced to change my name to be bitter, J.Ino?,? Maybe ?, Bai Zhi, Ye Zhi, Shuangxuan,
Bai Qianyuzhi, holding the lamp, no nickname, whole sugar candy, good night 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Single full and 79 bottles; __double, 75 bottles; CC70 bottles; 50 guessed strings; 44 bottles
of Baibai Nobai; 40 bottles of my clothes night, dandan, ⊙40; 38 bottles of Cangzhou;
wshell, heartfelt, meow 30 bottles of ah meow; 26 bottles of Xia Erha; Ye Zhi, Su Xichen, □□,
Mike Saxo, Sister Shao, fu watching the world, Fan Yulan Lan, Gengyue, only Yingyuezuo, Li
Xinyue 20 bottles 19 bottles of standing knifes; 18 bottles of mocking birds; 15 bottles of
cat hair for dinner and sleeping; 13 bottles of Qinghuadu and fudge; trees waiting in the
wind, waiting for night lights, green lanterns, encounter, gentle feeding of wild dogs, SL,
Before the rain, Mou pond, Mo Lu bloom for a long time, love spicy road, pp, Fan Fan,
miracle, small fish love small wow, melon skin, I know that the breeze in the afternoon will
sing 10 bottles; in the woods, shallow Nine bottles of Xiaoyiren; 8 bottles of glass bottle; 6
bottles of bread bag; light, Sima, Mary, Zimu Zuoxixi, No.8, Yi, Ling Yuchen 5 bottles;
wanton 3 bottles; Miki wood, small Cola bottle Jun 2 bottles; q ... qnm ?, Fante, Purple
Purple, Mo Yu picturesque, dropped line, 266454131 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 117:

Settings saved..
After the team was established and the name of the team was settled, everyone was very
excited. They talked or started ideas.
Drawing up the intention to build a team is only the first step. There are too many things to
consider next: where to choose the base of the team, how to divide the work within the
team, what are the development goals of the team, when to start recruiting new expansion,
how much to recruit How to manage new people, how to make specific rules and
regulations ...
Everything can lead to countless new problems.
Shen Shian knocked twice on the table with his knuckles, interrupting the enthusiastic
discussions among the team members: "Don't worry, we have time, one thing and one thing
to solve. At present, the most important thing is to reach cooperation with the Gu family.
Then solve the problem of identity registration of Tang Song and Lin Ruan. "Without an
identity bracelet, it will be difficult to move within the base. Only the Gu family is willing to
release words to show their attitudes. The two talents of Tang Song will not cause other
forces to hunt or even assassinate after their identity is revealed.
He looked to Tang Song: "It should not be a problem to reach cooperation with the Gu
family, but since we are seeking cooperation as an activist organization, it is best to be
more professional and arrange for the two sides to negotiate face-to-face."
Tang Song nodded: "This is necessary."
Mr. Gu had a dinner at noon. Shen Shi'an didn't bother to interrupt him. He first contacted
Xie Yang with his mobile phone. Two minutes later, Mr. Gu personally called him back and
made an appointment to see Gu's old house at two o'clock in the afternoon.
It's still early, and the roast ducks that Xu Ge bought will make everyone appetite. Just next
to the coffee shop is the restaurant, and the group moved to the front and asked for the
biggest private room.
"Where has Lu Xiuyuan gone?" Shen Shian asked Liu Fangzhou.
Liu Fangzhou stuffed a rib in his mouth and shook his head with a cheek: "We found out
that after the research department's research room was requisitioned, he asked Tang to
draw two tubes of blood, and then he disappeared and didn't say where to go. . But I kept
his contact information. Brother Shen, do you want to find him? "
Shen Shi'an thought about it and shook his head. It is not a problem to use the ability of Lu
Xiuyuan to live in the base of Beijing. Moreover, he will find it sooner or later. After all,
there is still a promise that his conditions have not been fulfilled.
Xiong Manshan sucked and sucked away the jjangmyeon for a night, turned to look at the
black box beside Lin Ruan: "Then what about our bracelet? Do you still wear it?"
"Because of insurance, wear it after you formally reach the cooperation intention with the
Gu family," Lin Ruan said: "I find some time to write a small bug in it to ensure that it can
temporarily disguise the positioning at special moments in case there is a need to keep the
location information secret. , In most cases it should be fine. "
When it comes to bracelets, Shen Shi'an remembers one thing. "My trustee checked the
information about Zhong Han at the Population Management Office."
The team members stopped eating instantly, and even Shen Xun lifted the dog's head out of
the extra-large soup bowl specially given to him. Chen Nan gritted his teeth: "Have you
found him?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head: "According to the records of the Population Management
Office, no person named Zhong Han has registered with a real name within ten days."
"Maybe he's still using a makeshift bracelet?"
"If no formal registration has been made for more than five days after entering the base, the
temporary bracelet will send a registration reminder and track the location information of
these people. I have found it, and there is no Zhong Han in it."
Xu Ge thought for a moment: "Is it because he used other powers to deceive others and use
other people's identity bracelets?"
"But there is no reason," Tang Song said, "his purpose of entering the capital was to expand
the power of" Living to the Church ", and from his perspective we are all dead in the
absolute death zone. He has no reason to hide himself. identity of."
Shen Shi'an agreed with Tang Song: "So I speculate that he either left the base after a short
period of time and left, or didn't come to the Beijing base at all, and thought he resolved us
and returned to Yangcheng."
Xiong Manshan burst into swear words.
"But don't worry about it," Shen Shi'an continued. "Gu's family has someone at the
Population Management Office, and the other party promises to notify me as soon as he
detects the news of Zhong Han. As long as he still wants to enter the base of Beijing, it will
fall on us sooner or later. in."
Lin Ruan smiled softly and lovelyly: "At that time, I will have to twitch his muscles and
scratch his skin."
The team members continued to eat, and Shen Shi'an added a little greens to Big Dog's soup
bowl, and said to Tang Song who had put down his chopsticks: "Are you free? I want to talk
to you about something."
The two walked to the small balcony outside the private room, Tang Song asked, "What's
"You should have done a lot of investigations into the Gu family and the situation in the
base these days?"
Tang Song nodded: "What do you want to know?"
"Everything about Gu Changsheng."
"He is the product of the marriage between Gu Qin and the two. He is twenty years old, one
month older than you, and has very poor health. He studied at the Department of Social and
Humanities of Beijing University before the last days." Tang Song leaned on the railing and
raised his hand. Pushing glasses: "But you should have known these long ago? So what you
really want to know is his post-apocalyptic situation. In the current version circulating in
the base, the two Gu Qin secretly struggling to fight for power and gain profits in the post-
apocalypse. , Gradually breaking up, quite a bit of meaning on many matters. But I just
know that Gu Qin and the two have a long history of disagreement. At the beginning of the
year, the Gu family owner even filed a divorce application, but the procedure did not go to
the end. Gu His wife returned to the Qin family long before the last days, but her son Gu
Changsheng stayed with the Gu family. After the outbreak of the virus, the Gu family was
almost wiped out. The reason why Gu Gu could bring the Gu family back to life and develop
it back into the base Gu Changsheng has a big credit for one of the five major forces. I heard
that he secretly used part of the Qin family ’s power to pave the way for the Gu family, and
did not Qin detect it - I do not know how he does it, but he really did consider only the
ability, he is a very good man. ".
"He secretly paved the way for the Gu family, does Mr Gu know?"
"I don't know." Tang Song thought for a while. "But since he can hide the Qin family, it is
reasonable to hide Mr Gu."
Shen Shi'an looked at the pedestrian vehicles in the distance and the sky net reflecting the
sparkling light in the sun for a while. He did not doubt the authenticity of the situation that
Tang Song said, or questioned how he did not even know about the Qin family. As a major
figure who had been the head of the China State Secret Investigation Office, he knew The
relationship between people is absolutely imaginable.
"If a person is born fragile and sick because of premature birth," Shen Shi'an suddenly said,
"can this condition be cured by treatment?"
Tang Song thought for a moment: "Should not. At present, the healing powers I know are
limited to returning the wound to its original state-for example, your hand was cut by a
knife. The healing power can help you accelerate wound healing, making The wound is
restored to the state it was before the injury, rather than making your hands stronger and
stronger than before. In other words, the healing ability does 'recovery', not 'ascension',
like all medical methods it can only Make people recover, but not make them healthier. The
situation you are talking about is inherently flawed, and if it has not improved for many
years, it may be difficult to cure. "
Shen Shi was silent, then nodded: "I see."
It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Nine team members and Mr. Gu had a talk in the study of
Gu's old house.
Mr. Gu agreed that cooperation was expected. The meaning of the virus vaccine to the
survivors is self-evident. In fact, the Gu family had secretly sent several search teams to
grab the Tang Song and the blood samples before other forces. Now the people and blood
samples are delivered directly to the door. There is no reason to accept it, not to mention
they are still Shen Shian's teammates and friends.
In addition, the conditions developed by Shen Shi'an and others are really difficult to reject:
The Gu family only needs to publicly state that the new power organization “Sharp Blade” is
regarded as a partner. Tang Song and the blood samples are members of the Gu family. The
shroud relies on Gu's prestige at the base to eliminate all disputes and harassment that may
be caused by blood samples. Nothing else is needed. After the vaccine is developed, you can
enjoy 50% ownership.
After the agreement was formally reached, Gu Xianshengren invited the other members to
the living room to entertain him carefully. He stood up from the chair and walked in front
of Shen Shi'an: "An'an, there are so many talented people in Beijing. It is definitely not an
easy task for a team to grow from scratch. Are you really determined to go this way? "
Shen Shian nodded.
"Do you have to move out?"
"The number of teams will continue to increase, requiring independent management and
training venues, and I cannot live here forever."
"Then let me find another place for you? Do you have any fancy properties? Would there be
too few people in the team? Would you like me to allocate a group of manpower? Is the
crystal core sufficient? Is the weapon sufficient? I can do all kinds of supplies ... "
"No." Shen Shi'an interrupted him, looking at the sudden emergence of his face and eased
his tone: "You don't have to worry, I have everything that I have. I know that the blade is
just starting now, but I believe in myself, I believe more My partner, we will certainly
develop it into a force that no one can underestimate. "
Mr. Gu froze, then laughed, raised his hand and hugged Shen Shi'an in vain, with infinite
comfort and pride in his voice: "Dad never doubted this."
That night, nine team members were invited by Mr. Gu to have a meal together and stayed
at the Gu family. In the early morning, Mr. Gu personally took Tang Song, Lin Ruan and Liu
Fangzhou to register at the Population Management Office, while Shen Shi'an was with
other members. Led by Xie Yang, he arrived at the largest commodity exchange in the base
of Beijing.
It was originally the largest business center in the capital city. After the transformation into
an exchange, the internal structure has hardly changed: the first and second floors are
mainly used for trading daily necessities, the third floor is food, the fourth floor is medicine,
and the fifth floor is weapons. A VIP room has been opened for trading power nuclei.
That is, the more you go up, the higher the value of the traded item.
Since it is a transaction, there are naturally buying and selling. Shen Shi'an came here today
with the intention of selling things.
He wants to build a team. The most indispensable point is integration. Although the
number of crystal nuclei in the space is huge, the crystal nuclei are directly related to the
combat ability of the psionicist. The materials collected on the way to the capital were
countless, and the capacity of several football stadiums has been accumulated for a long
time. It is time to clear up some of the unwanted ones for money.
Xie Yang introduced them: "The exchange is different from other places. Its ownership
belongs to the base, but the management rights are transferred to the three strongest
power organizations in the base. These power organizations sell their own goods. Or rent
the booth to other people. How to manage the base is not involved, but each quarter must
pay 1% of the total transaction value of the quarter to the base as business tax. "
Liu Fangzhou heard it clearly: "The base is the landlord, and the psionicist organization is
the developer and operator. Not only does it open its own store, it also collects rent for
others to open it."
"Probably that's the meaning. In addition, the mall has an electronic website, and you can
choose online transactions after networking. The specific process is similar to that before
the end of the world." Xie Yang looked to Shen Shian: "If Mr. Shen wants to sell items, he
can choose to consign in other stores. Or you can open your own shop. The management
center of the mall is located on the third floor. You need to submit an application if you
want to rent a shop. "
Shen Shian had too many things to sell, and consignment was not realistic. "Let's go and
look at the third floor first."
As one of them walked down the escalator from the second floor to the third floor, the
other was riding down the escalator.
A man surrounded by people in the middle of the crowd rubbed his shoulders with Shen
Shi'an and looked around as if consciously, his eyes widened suddenly, and immediately
turned and ran up against the escalator:
"Brother Shen, are you Brother Shen!"
The author has something to say: I guess who this is ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Enron, a crown, a whole sugar candy,
Shuangxuan, Bao Zheng, Qi Changye,? Maybe ?, Meow sauce ?, rochellelu1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Li Jia Xiaoguai 88 bottles; small Q75 bottles; meow sauce? 50 bottles; wood and stone 35
bottles; small o perilla and eldest daughter Yan's 30 bottles; cutting happy 22 bottles; 20
bottles of Gongsun Jingmo; 19 bottles of half-curved stringed flowers, 19 bottles of finished
beauty; even 18 bottles of female paper with a little rot; Fu Jun, Wen Xian, rochellelu,
grapefruit and grapefruit show ~, 35562922, dementia and forgetfulness 10 amnesiac,
sixixixi, jasmine; Pippi duck took me 8 bottles; unvoiced circulation 5 bottles; Si Nuo Mi4
bottles; Adam, super agitated ; 3 bottles; fairy three years old 2 bottles; Feige , Happy
every day, Yu, 26645413, green flowers, sugar of the whole sugar, woman dominated by
Sei, flower encounter, purple purple, big dream, 20889950, 1 bottle of Ye Xueru poetry;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 118:

Settings saved..
My dad is coming to accompany the festival. Of course, Yun Feiyang is not good enough to
bother people to turn on the island. Persuaded to swallow back, and raised his hand to
Shen Shi'an and hugged: "Okay, let's make an appointment next year. Good Chinese New
Year, when I come back to bring you an authentic green coconut larger than basketball,
sweet and sweet to keep you safe Still want to drink. "
Looking down at the child next to Shen Shi'an's leg again, "Look for it, come and say
goodbye to your uncle Yun."
Shen Xun did not want to ignore him, and punched out two rows of fangs at him: "Woo ..."
Rui Bao, standing on Yun Feiyang's shoulder, fluttered his wings and screamed, "Goodbye!
Goodbye! Goodbye, baby!"
"Okay, okay," Yun Feiyang quickly appeased: "He's not Xiao Hei, and he won't threaten you
to peel melon seeds. What are you afraid of, huh, getting more and more counseling."
Shen Shi'an hid the child behind him, and said to Yun Feiyang, "Are you sure you can go
home with the parrot? Otherwise, it's OK for me, and raising it is not troublesome."
"Rest assured, no problem." Yun Feiyang pulled down the zipper of the down jacket and put
Ruibao in the inside pocket to reveal only one head: "I was in a moving car and not an
airplane, and the inspection was not that strict. Tuck it in your clothes and put a scarf on
your neck, as long as it can't be seen by anyone, I've been rehearsing with it last night. The
little things are smart. "
To Shen Shi'an again: "Okay, it's very cold outside, you don't have to take your child with
me, I just have a suitcase and a bag, I can take a taxi by going down the elevator."
Shen Shi'an was polite and nodded: "Tell me when I get on the bus and when I arrive."
"No problem, brother, happy new year!"
Shen Shi'an waved his hand: "Happy New Year, all the way."
Watching Yun Feiyang get on the elevator, the two people came home and closed the door.
Shen Shian looked down at the children: "I want to go into the space, you watch TV alone ..."
The words didn't fall, Shen Xun had quickly hugged his calf, and his hands and feet
entangled a pair of nougat stances that could not be torn off: "... No ... with An An ..."
"I have an important job, what if you mess up."
Shen Xun immediately shook his head like a rattle, "... no ... no trouble ... obedient ..." After
speaking, he also extended Bai Nennen's claws to three: "... guarantee ..."
Shen Shi'an thought about it and decided to trust him once.
Entering the space with Shen Xun like Xun Shi, Shen Shi'an put a glass bowl full of cherry
into his arms, and let him sit on the green grass next to the dark earth: "You don't move
here, something called I."
The child blinked his eyes and nodded cleverly. When Shen Shi'an left, the fierce sight
immediately turned to the Lingquan not far away. Around Lingquan at this moment, it
seemed to be uncovered and nothing, but without Shen Shi'an's permission, he could not
approach at all. . Recalling the severe pain of the last time the paw was scorched by the
Thunder, Shen Xun pouted, and reluctantly looked back.
Shen Shi'an walked into the tomato forest. The lush large "tomato tree" looked no different
from the previous one. The big tomato in the basketball was still red and full of flesh, which
looked very attractive. Most importantly, there are no signs of overripeness that are about
to rot.
It seems that the fruit growing in the space has a longer shelf life than he expected. This is
good news, but this is not the purpose of Shen Shi'an's coming in this time.
When she first planted tomatoes, Shen Shi'an initially allocated only three meters by three
meters for a total planting area of nine square meters. Unexpectedly, almost all of the last
two thousand seeds survived and grew into a large and dense tomato forest. What's even
more amazing is that when he looked from the outside of the tomato plantation, the
original planting area of nine square meters did not seem to have changed, but once he
crossed any boundary of the planting area of nine square meters, the surrounding space
would suddenly expand by hundreds. Thousands of times, showing the whole picture of the
whole tomato forest, as if stepping into a completely new space.
If his inference is correct, then there is indeed space folding on this land, and the area can
be expanded freely as the plants on it grow. The purpose of Shen Shi'an is to test how many
times the land in the space can expand.
He originally planned to carry out this experiment after the exam. The materials and tools
were ready, but the secret of the Lingquan protective cover was discovered unexpectedly
before the experiment began, and then he went through the process of turning the dog into
a living person , Was temporarily delayed. Right now, there are only two of him and Shen
Xun in the family. Don't worry about external interference, it is a good opportunity to
continue the experiment.
The space is completely isolated from the outside world, there is no way to receive satellite
signals, and ordinary land area measuring instruments cannot be used. Shen Shian took out
the industrial tape measure prepared in advance and divided it into multiple
measurements to successfully obtain the area of the tomato forest: 3,600 square meters-
Four hundred times more than the initial area he outlined.
Shen Shi'an wrote down this number in his notebook and calculated the optimal optimal
growth area for each tomato tree by default based on the total number of tomato trees of
2362: 1.524 square meters.
Subsequently, three additional experimental fields were set up beside the tomato
plantation, ten centimeters long, ten centimeters wide, and an area of 0.01 square meters.
The reason why the test field area is so small is that there are enough tomatoes in the
space. Although the freshness period is considerable, how to deal with it in case of eating is
still a big problem.
Secondly, Shen Shi'an roughly estimated that the original total area of the land in the space
was only 100 meters by 50 meters, that is, about 5,000 square meters, about half the size of
a playground. Even if this area can be expanded, the original area of each inch is still very
precious. Until no end use is determined, try not to waste or not waste.
After the test field was marked and numbered, Shen Shi'an planted three tomato seeds on
field one, five on field two, and ten on field three. A pot of spiritual spring water was
poured from the stream, and irrigation was completed in turn. . The rest can only wait
According to the default space, the optimal growth area for each tomato tree is 1.524
square meters. Ideally, if the space expansion multiple is not limited, the three test fields
will be expanded to 4.57 square meters, 7.62 square meters, and 15.24 square meters,
respectively. Meters, the corresponding expansion times are 457 times, 762 times, and
1524 times.
Shen Shian wrote down a series of numbers on his notebook. If the expansion of No. 3 test
field is successful, it means that 1524 times is not the limit of land area expansion. Then he
will further increase the number of seeds in the test field of the same area until the
expansion limit is tested.
Hold the pen in the book and close it. Shen Shi'an sat beside Shen Xun, raised his hand and
took a big cherry from the glass bowl. The cherry was just bought yesterday, with reddish
black hair and purple, sweet and sweet entrance. Children like it very much, dominating the
fruit plate, no one except Shen Shian, Yun Feiyang deliberately teased him last night, but
the two almost got into a fight.
After eating, he vomited the nucleus into his palm. Shen Shi'an looked around and asked
Shen Xun: "Where do you put the nucleus?"
Shen Xun's cheeks on both sides bulged, like a little squirrel who only stored grain in
winter, and pointed to the dark land in front of him: OK, all of them went into the soil. I took
the nuclear in Shen Shi'an's palm and buried it, and I poured a little spring water: "...
delicious ..."
A cherry core is buried today and a cherry tree will grow tomorrow.
Shen Shi'an laughed, raised his hand and rubbed his head. After a long while, he turned his
head and glanced at the test field. When the eyes lighted up, he immediately stood up: the
seeds had sprouted.
The last time Shen Shi'an found that the seeds had grown into a tomato forest after one
night-if you count the difference in time velocity between inside and outside the space, it is
actually two nights. He thought that it would take at least a few hours to see the change, but
he did not expect that the seed would grow so fast after being irrigated with the spiritual
spring water.
Seeing a mature tomato forest and witnessing the entire process of a seed growing into a
tree is a completely different experience.
As if watching a video of a plant growing hundreds of thousands times faster, tomato seeds
that were planted more than twenty minutes ago are sprouting, drawing, stretching at an
amazing and breath-taking speed, just one In hours, he had grown to the height of Shen
Shian's waist.
The veins grow along the stalk, the epidermis grows into fine fluff, and the small tender
buds stretch into green leaves ... When listening quietly, you can even hear the sound of the
juice flowing smoothly in the rhizome. The dynamic vitality of a static plant erupts. Such a
carnival and hot dance of life can only be described by the word miracle.
When the stem height exceeded Shen Shi'an's head, the light yellow flower buds gradually
protruded from the leaves. Shen Shian turned on her mobile phone early to record the
growth time of tomato seedlings. When the flower buds are fully bloomed, they should be
able to bear fruit after successful pollination ...
and many more.
Shen Shi'an froze all over, and suddenly realized a crucial question that has been ignored
by himself: How to pollinate tomatoes in space?
The space is completely isolated from the outside world, and no objects or creatures can
enter through it. He stayed in the space for so long and never found any bee-like insects. In
this case, how exactly did the previous tomato plantations pollinate successfully and bear
Waiting for Shen Shi'an to understand, the eighteen new tomato trees have all bloomed. As
if triggering a certain condition, a strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded throughout the
Shen Shi'an turned his head sharply, and followed his voice to the two trees in front of the
bamboo tower—
There are two trees in front of the bamboo building. One is a peach tree with green leaves.
The other one he does not know is full of bright yellow translucent flowers. At this time,
there are dozens of flowers as if The decomposed light spots generally spread out and turn
into numerous buzzing flying insects.
Where is the flower? It is obviously hundreds of bees gathered together, the size of a
sunflower seed kernel. These bees are translucent and light yellow in color, and when they
are entangled with each other on tree branches, they look like blossoming or budding or
blooming flowers.
Shen Shi'an hugged Shen Xun, and hurried across the stream before the bee swooped on.
However, the bee swarm apparently had no interest in the two of them, and flew directly to
the eighteen tomato trees, flying among the trees. .
About twenty minutes later, the swarm gathered into a branch and flew back to the branch
again, and entangled again, forming a steady "flower". When Shen Shi'an entered the space
two times before, he had vaguely noticed that these "flowers" were slightly different from
what he saw for the first time, but there was no way to distinguish the specific differences,
and he finally understood:
After collecting pollen, the bees have slightly increased in size. It's hard to detect a single
one, but when several dozens of them cling together, the size of the "flower" will obviously
Shen Shi'an waited for a while, and determined that the bee colony had returned to a static
state without any movement, and then Shen Xun was released. At present, it seems that the
bee colonies in the space only respond when plants are blooming, and increase in volume
with the amount of pollen collected. Although it is not yet sure what species it is, as long as
it is not aggressive, the existence of the bee colony is rare and good news for Shen Shi'an. At
least it is not necessary to catch bees from the outside for pollination.
Shen Xun obviously thinks more long-term, staring at the bee tree and drooling: "... honey ...
delicious ..." Absorbing the flowers from the spring of life, the honey from the pollen must
be a great supplement!
At this moment of effort, the flowers on the tomato tree have faded one after another,
leaving large green fruits of grapes. Seeing that the tomato tree had almost stopped
growing, Shen Shi'an took a tape measure to measure the area of the three test fields in this
There are three tomato trees in Test Field No.1, with an initial area of 0.01 square meters, a
completed area of 4.57 square meters, and an expansion of 457 times;
There are a total of five tomato trees in Test Field II, with an initial area of 0.01 square
meters, a completed area of 6.66 square meters, and an expansion of 666 times;
There are ten tomato trees in Test Field No. 3, with an initial area of 0.01 square meters, a
completed area of 6.66 square meters, and a 666-fold expansion.
In other words, the expansion limit of land in space is 666 times. Because the test fields No.
2 and No. 3 have reached the expansion limit, the average area of each tomato tree is
smaller than the default space, and it seems to be crowded.
According to this figure, the initial area of 5000 square meters multiplied by 666, the actual
planting area that Shen Shian has in the space is about 3.33 square kilometers, which is
equivalent to the area of 16 bird nests.
Really became a landlord.
On the other hand, the buried cherry cherries of the silly son of the landlord's family have
not yet responded. Shen Shi'an believes that this should be due to the growth difference
between the herbaceous plant and the woody plant.
The experimental goal was successfully achieved, and Shen Shi'an was satisfied. Turning
around to see the child moving around the bee tree, he didn't know what he wanted to do,
and didn't care about him. He packed up the seeds and tools neatly and prepared to soak in
Lingquanchi for a while. Before Yun Feiyang was there, he couldn't get into the space for
too long. Counting from the sperm being refined, he hadn't bathed in Lingquan for two
However, when Shen Shi'an came to the edge of the Lingquan pool, he found something
wrong. There was a dead silence in the misty Lingquan, and the sound of gurgling water
flowing down from the spring's eyes was inaudible at this time.
Tightly in her heart, Shen Shi'an quickly walked through the mist to the spring's eyes:
There was a trace of dry water in the spring's eyes.
Teaching children to learn Pinyin was too difficult, and Shen Shi'an decided to give up. It is
more practical to study the exercises.
In the study of the Bamboo House, some simple renovations were made. Two gray-blue
fabric sofas were placed against the wall, and a thick layer of carpet was laid on the floor.
The round wooden low table could seat more than four people. Throw a few pillows at will,
or sit or lie comfortably.
Shen Shi'an put all the children's comic books, story books, and building block toys on the
round table, and told him, "Play by yourself, don't make trouble." Then place a coaster
under the glass bowl: "Eat is fine, but don't get anywhere Both. "
The glass bowl contains the snacks he made for the children, orange juice aloe, and the raw
material is the aloe vera, which grows wildly after pouring the spiritual spring water. Use
an axe to chop off the long thorns of the forearm and peel the leaf flesh. Select the fattest
and tender part in the middle and cut into long strips. First simmer in boiling water to
remove bitterness, then marinate with freshly squeezed orange juice and honey for two
hours, and finally pour into a glass bowl covered with ice cubes. Suitable for digestion and
tiredness after the New Year.
The only inconvenience is that the temperature in the home and space is not too low. The
glass bowl is filled with ice, and the outer wall will liquefy a lot of water drops if left for a
while. If you do n’t use a coaster, it will stay wherever you go. A circle of water stains. This
is an unforgivable thing for Shen Shi'an.
After getting a guarantee from the child's mouth that "the bowl is on the pad if the pad isn't
only eating vegetables", Shen Shi'an took the exercise book from the bookshelf, calm down,
and tried to decipher it again.
Shen Xun forkd a few sticks of aloe vera with a fork, and while chewing, he snatched a
bone-shaped cushion and smelled it, stacking the blocks randomly and pushing them down.
After barely sharing for ten minutes, he turned his head and began to gather around Shen
Shi'an, his eyes suddenly flashed when he fell on the exercises:
Oh yeah, there are a lot of babies in this portable field.
Shen Shi'an leaned on the sofa with one leg slightly bent and straight, and pulled out long
straight lines from the linen fabric. More than a dozen manuscript papers were scattered
around the legs, each of them was densely packed, and the text in the exercise book was
arranged and reorganized according to various deciphering methods.
Shen Shi'an's hard-lined calligraphy is very beautiful. It is the type of Xiu Xiong who will be
attracted at first glance and can't help but admire. The pen is thin and self-contained. He
won the prize in the hard-writing competition when he was in high school. Like others, "the
aura with aura is in the cold and proud".
It's a pity that these good-looking words were just written out not long after, they will be
crossed out by two black lines soon, and a small cross will be drawn after the deciphering
method used in this text.
The author has something to say: A lot of little cute people guessed that he is the richest
man in Miao, hee hee hee, you are great.
Don't forget to have a lucky draw on Weibo at 8pm on Thursday ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 whole sugar candy;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 3 flowers; pity, peace, youth, sunny89, CC,
maybe ?, wheat ears, three yuan, three, three, three, three, three, three, two Xuan, Kun
sister , JIO, Haiyan Heqing, Meow, Meow 1
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Big Cat Wei 200 bottles; Sixteen leaves of the mysterious Ao orange and Mo hamster, 50
bottles of Enron Ziran; Xiye QAQ44 bottles; Banyue Yin, Orange Zhenqin wife 40 bottles; 30
bottles in my clothes night; Yuantong, waiting in the wind , Rosa20 bottles; waiting trees,
melon skins, always windy, Aozaki, Delphi shrine, guessing strings, smelling strings, can't
think of names, meow, meow, Coisini_, Haiyan Heqing, ah 10 bottles of ya ?, dreaming grass,
scumming soil, and storm; 6 bottles wake up after dreaming; early lemon, summer wood
autumn_, 37258161, hometown, mints, Axingxingxing, Xiaotang, Irish wild boar 5 bottles;
208999504 bottles; 3 bottles of Huahuahuali, Xiao Cola Bottle, Jun, Zhi, and Meow; Feiyu,
KK2 bottles; I am a lone wolf, a woman dominated by Sei, purple purple, etc Lucidus, bone
jade, lonely, big dream, 1 bottle of Qiandeng;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 119:

Settings saved..
In fact, Shen Shi'an did not take much. Not to him at least.
The counties and small and medium-sized cities he passed on the way from H City to
Jingcheng rarely said that there were 50 or 60. In the early stage, they mainly collected food
and gasoline. Because of the survivors, only one-fifth to one-tenth was searched at a time.
Since Xiong Manshan joined, food materials have not been encountered once, but the effort
to clean up the zombies can never return home empty-handed, and the collection goal has
turned to various items other than food, tobacco and wine utensils, household appliances,
kitchen appliances, clothing and furniture. Wait a minute, and even received several sports
cars in the 4S shop-this kind of items need not consider the latecomers, the latecomers may
not necessarily take them away, so after realizing that his space storage volume seems
infinite, The team members fully implemented the diligence and housekeeping spirit of
"don't let go as long as you see it", anyway, there is a place to dress, maybe when it will
come in handy.
Coupled with the vast and absolutely dead area that has never been searched, the original
area of the black land was used up nearly a half, and the toilet paper was filled with a
football field. Fortunately, Shen Shi'an has absolute control over the objects in the space.
Otherwise, just looking for things can make people desperate.
Miao Shoufu looked at the warehouse full of things completely in front of him. If it hadn't
been just a little bit painful in the ankle, he would have suspected that he was dreaming.
Shen Shi'an deliberately left enough passages for trucks when picking things up, and
everything was piled up in categories. Those that could withstand the forces were piled
high, and fragile things that couldn't withstand the forces were lined up. Miao Shoufu
stared straight and walked through the passage: sofas, mattresses, refrigerators, washing
machines, cups, chopsticks, dishes, tobacco, wine, perfume, sunflower seeds, biscuits, bread
and potato chips, and even seven or eight large trucks. What sells well on the exchange.
"Brother," Miao Shoufu swallowed as he touched the truck, and turned to persuade Shen
Shi'an: "Sell something and sell it. You also have to keep a little home for yourself. If you go
out to do tasks in the future, it ’s indispensable for this kind of truck Less."
Shen Shi'an laughed: "Brother Miao, rest assured, I will keep it." He received several
military cards at the air force base. The practicability is much stronger than the ones he
took out.
He asked, "Are these enough?" The contents in the warehouse are still less than one
percent of the total storage in the space, and most of them are of low value after the end of
the world. More precious are petrol and most food materials, medicines, medical
equipment and various high-end research equipment found from research centers, as well
as a large number of weapons, protective equipment and dozens of aircraft found from air
bases. It's too eye-catching, it's not the time to take out the blade before it develops.
Moreover, no one can eat it even if it is taken out. It is no exaggeration to say that it is more
than enough to equip an entire army with the things in his space.
The richest man in Miao stared at him for a while, and couldn't help sighing: "Niubian or
you Niubi."
Of course it was enough, he did n’t have enough space to install it.
Shen Shi'an originally thought that it would take at least a few days to calculate the value of
these items. I didn't expect that the richest man in Miao went to the market two times
before reporting the price. In the face of everyone's surprise, he explained with a smile:
"This is my ability It is estimated that before the end of the world, the account book has
been read too much. Now just go to the warehouse, what is the price, how to coordinate the
allocation, when to buy and sell, how to maximize the benefits, and immediately jump out
of my mind. Knowing what this power is called, I gave it a name called 'Business Sutra'. "
Everyone was surprised: No wonder they can become the head of the exchange. This is
simply a built-in plug-in.
It's a little different from Liu Fangzhou's ability, but Liu Fangzhou is a few people, Miao's
richest man is a few money.
Shen Shian frowned slightly: "Brother Miao, is the price you gave too high?" According to
Xiong Manshan's shopping experience, even brand-name clothing can only sell single-digit
"Not high or not high," Miao Shoufu waved his hand, "These you give are all in short supply,
especially tobacco and alcohol, because there are no factories to produce them. At present,
they consume a little less. For enthusiasts, they are rare treasures. The price is high. You
can rest assured that I have deducted the labor costs that I should have. I ca n’t make a loss,
but I ca n’t make your money, otherwise, I ’m the richest man in Miao. You are helping me,
Brother Shen. When I ’m busy, I ’m worried that I have nowhere to look for supplies. If
these things come back later, I will send them as much as I want. ”The three power
organizations that run the exchange are essentially competitive. As long as he has no
worries about the supply on his side, he can stabilize the other two sides.
Shen Shi'an no longer listened politely. He received the transfer from the richest man in
Miao through the bracelet. Seeing that the points instantly moved to the six digits, he
divided the points into nine shares and transferred them to each team member's account.
After thinking about it, I took out three boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs from the space:
"This is the gift I gave to Brother Miao on behalf of my teammates. It should be a gift after a
long-term reunion. Brother Miao should not leave me since he is my brother."
Miao Shoufu's eyes brightened, and then he laughed twice, "Okay, that brother, I won't lie
with you, so I took it, thank you a few brothers." Medicine and other things are different. In
extremely rare cases, medicine is life, and there is no price at all. Even most of the cough
syrups listed in the exchange are irrelevant. The major organizations that can really save
lives are in their hands and are reluctant to go out. A very small number of anti-
inflammatory drugs are worth the value of more than a dozen trucks when going out.
"Brother, do you have anything else to sell, or want to buy, all wrapped in me."
"I still have a few zombie nucleuses," Shen Shi'an said. "There are one and two. They don't
sell. I want to exchange with others."
"Which line do you want to change?"
"Spirit." At present, most of the other members of the team have completed the promotion
by absorbing the crystal nucleus of the same system. Only Liu Fangzhou and Tang Song
have not encountered a suitable crystal nucleus. As for Tao Yuan's Do n’t worry about
regenerating abilities. At the same time, Tang Song analyzed that zombies ’evolved abilities
do not include this ability of partial treatment. After all, zombies can live as long as their
heads are not broken, and the tissue cells of the whole body have died and ulcerated. It's
useless to do this. Secondly, Shen Shi'an found that Lingquan water actually had a boosting
effect on Tao Yuan's ability.
This was what Tao Yuan told him privately. In the absolute death zone, Tao Yuan broke an
arm, and Shen Shian fed him two bottles of Lingquan water. Because of these two bottles of
water, Tao Yuan ’s ability was allowed to enter. With a level, the promotion effect is really
"This is a bit troublesome," Miao Shoufu scratched his eyes. "It's not that no one wants to
change, but that the nucleus of the spiritual department has not yet appeared. My power is
actually the spiritual department. Our head is for me The promotion was purposely offered
at a high price, but no one has encountered a zombie who has spiritual powers. According
to the analysis of experts in the research institute, those who can evolve mental powers
have higher IQs or more brains, but the zombies are not at all How much IQ, so it is still
unknown whether there is a psychic nucleus. "
On the way to the capital, zombies of all departments have been encountered. Only the
spiritual department has not been seen. Shen Shi'an and others have long been
psychologically prepared for this, so they are not disappointed. After all, the absorption of
crystal nuclei from other departments can evolve, which is almost an effect. .
However, the richest man in Miao felt a little embarrassed, "Is there any other need for
Brother Shen? By the way, don't you want to set up a team, and choose the location of the
Xiong Manshan shook his head: "I haven't taken care of it yet. I'm planning to find it slowly
in the past few days. Last night I turned over the Xiaobanju Atlas. I was dizzy." It was not
easy to find a house. I wanted to find the one that I liked. It's even more difficult. They want
to develop their roots in the base of Beijing. They can't live for a while and find it
inappropriate to move back and forth.
Miao Shou Fule, patted his chest: "Look for me! No real estate developed in the base of
Beijing is more familiar to me than others. All others are Tunjinghetun, I would like to
publish a real estate certificate. Hey hey hey The most clear. What are your requirements?
How many people will the reserve team expand to in the future? "
"The current plan is to have less than two hundred people, which is inconvenient for
management." Shen Shi'an said: "It is best in the inner city, there are no restrictions on
water and electricity, and training venues can be established around it. In addition, the area
of the house must be large, otherwise it will seek Don't go. "
Miao Shoufu thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "There really is a place
that meets your requirements, but the situation is a bit special ... I can't say it clearly, you
have time now, walk around, I will take you directly Take a look. "
The group was about to leave. Shen Shi'an received a call from Liu Fangzhou through his
identity bracelet. As soon as he connected, he heard him shouting, "Shen Brother, you're
Shen Shian laughed: "I sent a little bit. Is your identity registration ready?"
"Okay, just finished. As soon as I opened it, I found that the number of points had risen
more than twenty times and scared me to death. I thought I had a bug in my bracelet.
Where are you?"
"We're going to see the house," Shen Shi'an asked the richest man in Miao's address and
reported to him. "You go straight and meet at the door when that happens."
The place mentioned by Miao Shoufu is located northwest of the base of Beijing. When Shen
Shi'an and others arrived, they saw Lin Ruan three standing at the gate of the community.
Before Shen Shi'an had time to introduce, Liu Fangzhou stared at the richest man in Miao
and shouted, "This brother's light group is a gold ingot!"
The richest man in Miao was confused: "What?"
When the explanation was clear, the two sides also knew each other. The Miao richest man
was very happy: "Gold ingot is good, take me."
Liu Fangzhou's eyes were fiery, and he nodded again and again: "No, brother Miao, you are
really great." The light group can condense into a specific shape. He has only seen this one
except Shen Xun. God of fortune this is.
Everyone talked about entering the community with a smile, and soon found out what was
special about this community.
The green environment of the community is very good, there are many flowers and trees,
and there is even a blue artificial lake, but traces after the fierce battle can be seen
everywhere: the ground is cracked, the turf is flipped, and many trees are uprooted, leaving
only empty deep pits, broken Residual walls can be seen everywhere, most of the buildings
have only one layer of foundation, and everyone walked to the innermost part of the
community to find an intact three-story villa.
The villa is huge, the floor space is particularly high, and the front hall is a dome design.
You can see the top stained glass window on the top. ring.
"Wow," Liu Fangzhou couldn't help sighing. He heard his voice hit the ceiling and bounce
back: "Mansion."
Miao Shoufu explained: "This is a famous rich area before the end of the world. When the
base of Beijing was just established, the military fought fiercely with two power zombies.
What you just saw outside was the legacy of the time. Traces of down. Most of the houses in
the community were damaged during the battle, and some of the remaining houses were
damaged and cleaned up. Only this one is intact because it is farthest from the center of the
fighting. This The plot is located at the border of the inner and outer urban areas. That is to
say, the protection effect of Skynet is relatively weak, so the inner urban area is unwilling
to live and feels that it is impossible to live in the outer urban area. When I bought it, the
price was so low, it was almost nothing. "
A group of people walked down the stairs to the third-floor open-air balcony to get a
panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.
"Don't look at the mess in the neighborhood, but it's easy to organize. Please ask a few soil
or wood abilities to do it in minutes. The biggest advantage here is that the place is large
enough and there are no other households," Miao The richest man pointed to the large
empty tunnel in front: "When you want to build a training ground or build a dormitory, you
will plan as you like, and the building will be convenient. There are special construction
teams in the base, and most of them are mutated soil systems. Psionicists, not only can
control the soil layer, but also the cement bricks. You can tell them in advance what you
want to build, and they can be built for you in at least a week. The quality is absolutely
guaranteed. "
Tang Song asked: "If we only buy this building, how can the land nearby be freely
"Contract!" Said Miao Shoufu: "The base has support policies for the power organization,
whether it is a house purchase or a rent, there is a reduction, and the higher the power
level, the greater the reduction, the greater the number of people in the inner city, anyway,
You can directly apply for contracting the right to use this piece of land. At that time, the
entire community is yours. This is the case with our group. There are more organizations.
There are also two contracted residential areas. By the way, you have tested the ability. Is it
level? "
Xu Ge shook his head. "Did you detect the power level, will the power be exposed? What if
some abilities are special and you do not want to be exposed? Will you not be able to enjoy
the preferential policies?"
"You don't have to worry about this. There are so many abilities in the base. Certainly
someone is unwilling to reveal all the cards. The level testing center has also taken this into
consideration, so there are three main detection methods." Miao Shoufu explained: “If it ’s
the more exposed abilities of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, you only have to use it once if you want to
hide it. Ca n’t you hide it? So these are usually tested directly, and you display all the
abilities on a special test site. On the line, there is a set of detailed measurement standards
for specific levels, such as the fire system, which mainly measures temperature, attack
range, power output endurance, etc .; there is also a kind of spiritual power, which is
derived from such powers. There are many abilities that come out, and the psionicists are
least willing to expose specific effects. Therefore, the testing center has specially developed
a device that can detect mental strength, which is the strength of brain waves. After
wearing the device, the abilities are released directly. On the line, the value will be
automatically displayed, like my ability is just recently broke through to the second level;
the last is the most simple and rude, directly beat the test, which one beat Your opponent
level is the level at which - of course, the test center will not just be able to arrange
different phase grams of a test person. "
Miao Shoufu looked to Shen Shi'an: "Your team hasn't officially registered yet? The power
testing and team registration must go to the power union, and after submitting the
application, you can directly submit the land lease application. The result will be about
three days. You will live with me for a while. Anyway, I have nothing but more houses. "
"Thank you Brother Miao, but Mr. Gu has provided us with a temporary accommodation."
People have to accompany their dad, naturally the richest man in Miao will not be forced.
"Then going to stay with me all night tonight is fine, let's not get drunk or return for an
overnight feast!"
Shen Shi'an responded with a smile.
I have to say that this place selected by Miao Shou rich perfectly meets the requirements of
Shen Shi'an and others. After preliminary discussions and a full vote to choose this place as
the settlement, the team members began to get excited and talk about how to plan:
"The lakeside area can be reclaimed into arable land, and some fruits, vegetables, and
grains can be cultivated. When the time comes, a few more wood abilities can be recruited,
and a wave can be collected every few days."
"The dormitory building is built on the east side, and a training ground is built next to it, so
that Tao Yuan brother will be responsible for training the newcomers. Will there be no
shooting range?"
"Repair a few laps of the track and get up every morning to run five kilometers before
"If there are more people, you can build a canteen. You can build more basketball courts. By
the way, you have to test it for Major Tang and Lin Ruan Gaidong's research building."
"Wow, this whole neighborhood is all ours ..."
"Let's develop the blade into one of the most powerful psionicist organizations!"
"Blades come on!"
"Come on! Duck!"
Shen Xun stood beside Shen Shi'an, shaking her hair, her bright black hair was flying in the
wind, and the emerald beast's eyes were all Shen Shi'an's reflection, and she lowered her
head and licked his face.
Shen Shi'an rarely missed him and raised his hand to touch the dog's head: "Do you like it?"
The dog flicked its tail, which was self-evident.
Shen Shi'an's gaze swept across the joyful partners, and finally he settled on the vast
expanse of land under his feet and urgently needed a new life, and smiled gently:
"Later, this is home."
The author has something to say: I made a small bug in the previous chapters. The dog is
now almost three meters high, which is about the size of an adult elephant, and I hereby
correct it.
Weibo has an answer raffle at 8 o'clock tonight ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket]: Tehran 1943, Kiko 1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 whole sugar candy;
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mine]: one Muyu one, Sunny89, safe and easy,
wky0211 ,? maybe ?, one shocking storm;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
125 bottles of Miss Ben; 60 bottles of 怼 dead bar essence and 60 bottles; vera_145 bottles;
30 bottles of squeak and fudge; 22 bottles of cat hair for eating and sleeping; 21 bottles of
panda breeding observers; Gao Xiaosheng, Su Xiaozheng, Zhu Xing, Shi Zong, 20 bottles of
saliva, 18 bottles of indifferent Conner sauce, wanton 18 bottles; 16 bottles of Ni He; 13
bottles of Xu'an Yong'an; strawberry jam, rainy clouds, flowers, grass, mud, peace of mind,
CC, Gentle spirit, always windy, wind rolling, Victoria C Yinqiao, Kelly, millennium fairy,
worry-free and regret, 10 bottles; 8 bottles of porridge, 7 bottles of L7; slightly cool Eyes,
wky0211, Qingwu, 347859435 bottles; God assists three small dried fishes, three bottles of
super gas; two bottles of big dreams and Qingbenjia; A wind, strange breeze is too
intoxicating, 37181345, q ... qnm? , Meet me, purple, purple, lmagabbit, 32087977, wheat
ears, 20889950, 1 bottle of Seven Nights Snow;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 120:

Settings saved..
Shen Xun was carrying a bag of milk, sitting cross-legged on the head of the sweeping
robot, and gliding forward from time to time while gliding forward to adjust the direction
according to obstacles in real time.
Originally, when he was a dog, he was small and light, and the robot carried him with ease.
He could run around and **** dust while mopping. But he is a human figure now, and it
weighs more than a dozen pounds, which is difficult for a sweeping robot whose original
intention is not "load". The two electronic eyes were pressed into red light and flickered,
almost adhering to the ground. The disc-shaped shell was overwhelmed, and it creaked
along the way.
This scene fell into Gu Yan's eyes, and it was really difficult to say.
Shen Shi'an came out of the kitchen while holding an casserole, and saw Shen Xun's brow
twitched, and lifted him with a stern neck: "How many times have you said that, don't ride
it anymore, do you come to sweep the floor if you break it?"
He looked up at Gu Yan again: "Morning, breakfast is ready."
"An An Zao." Gu Yan replied, his eyes fell on Shen Xun's body, and he seemed to want to say
something. After a pause, he didn't say anything, turned and walked into the bathroom to
After having breakfast, Mr. Gu is leaving. Shen Shi'an is not surprised. The higher the
position, the more busy the business. In his current capacity, it is hard to find time to stay
But before leaving, Shen Shi'an had one more thing to discuss with him: "It's been so long
since the accident, and I have been safe and sound. Even if someone really wanted to do
something to me, maybe I had given up the plan long ago. I think Can the bodyguard be
removed? "He thanked Wan Fan for their due diligence, but being monitored and tracked
by people anytime and anywhere was not a pleasant experience. What's more, he can't let
people protect his life forever.
"She doesn't do anything to you right now, because it's because she can't take care of
herself." Gu Yan sneered, a few cold lights flashed under his eyes.
Shen Shi'an moved in his heart and heard what he said: "Ms. Gu has an accident?"
Gu Xie's disgust with the three words "Mrs. Gu" is obvious: "I didn't know what stimulus I
was receiving years ago, and all day long murmured that evil spirits would kill her, and
screamed and cried every night. Ning, went to the hospital and couldn't detect the problem.
After seeing more than a dozen psychiatrists, it didn't work. Later, he heard that he felt that
he had been lowered. Now he is hiding in a temple in Southeast Asia. Please master to solve
the disaster. "Well, there are so many bad things that can be done, isn't it easy to hit a
Shen Shi'an was a bit surprised: Was he lowered his head? This is where the trouble is
Shen Xun beside him sipped, drank a bag of milk, and took a nap by the way.
"The bodyguards are not in a hurry to withdraw," said Mr. Gu. "Just a few months to see, the
situation in Beijing is more complicated recently, and the Qin family may have made some
big moves. You can rest assured that after a maximum of six months, I promise she will
never Don't dare to make any idea for you. "He will become the person in charge of the Gu
family, and also made it clear that he only admits Shen Shi'an, a son, and must prevent the
other dog from jumping over the wall.
Shen Shi'an agreed and sent Mr. Gu to the door. Gu Yan looked at him and the child who
was next to him. He thought for a moment and then said: "An An, raising a child is not an
easy task. In addition to food, clothing and housing, there are more important educational
issues. You are still young Young, he ’s busy with his studies. This child has reached the age
of going to kindergarten. How can you take care of it by yourself? If you agree, I can take
him back to Beijing and provide him with the best educational resources. And living
conditions, wait until your studies are done and your business is stable, then send him
back. "
Shen Xun had just fangs out, and a warm palm rested on top of his head. Shen Shi'an shook
his head: "I have received the kindness of Mr. Gu, but he is my son, and I have an obligation
to raise him by myself."
The dog was picked up by his own hands, and it was because of him that he became human.
In any case, he must personally ensure that children can live normally in this society.
Mr. Gu seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Shen Shi'an, thinking that he meant
to metaphorically indicate that he was an unqualified father, and his eyes were bitter. Jiang
Qiang smiled and said, "That's fine. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."
Shen Shian nodded: "I will." After a pause, he took a step forward and gave him a very light
hug: "All the way."
This hug made Gu Min feel a lot better, and did not let Shen Shi'an send him off. He took the
elevator and went downstairs. The assistant had taken someone to park the car downstairs
and waited. Before entering the car, Gu Min asked Wan Feng who followed him: "The child
named Shen Xun, is it really safe?"
Wan Feng shook his head: "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be. Mr. Shen went to the mall alone
that day and brought a child when he returned. It seemed that Mr. Shen picked it up after
being abandoned."
Speaking of this, in fact, he and Fan Guoping were neglecting their duties: As the
bodyguards of the 24-hour close protection, they did not even know when Shen Shi'an
went out that day. Wan Feng has confidence in his own abilities, and Fan Guoping is equally
confident. It is almost impossible to avoid the two of them to go down the stairs alone, but
it did happen again. If there is such an omission, no matter what the reason is, it is a bit
ashamed to stand in front of the employer at this time.
However, Gu Yan didn't care about this, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he got into
the car: Did he say that with the genes of the Gu family and the Shen family, the children
born shouldn't be a pair, and the brain was not fully developed.
Shen Shi'an rejected Mr. Gu's proposal to support the children, but the other party's words
reminded him of one thing: Shen Xun is now a human. If he wants to survive in this society,
he must receive a corresponding education.
It's just that the child is about to bite his temper. Shen Shi'an dare not send him to the
kindergarten. Thinking about it, I can only teach it myself for the time being.
During the Spring Festival, most of the shops were closed. Finally, it was difficult to find a
few online ones that can be delivered normally. After careful comparison, I selected a few
sets of teaching materials for children. Shen Xun's biggest problem at present is that he
can't speak clearly and is vague, so Shen Shi'an decided to start with the basics and learn
Pinyin first.
Considering that he hasn't become human for a long time after all, the boring study is
probably unacceptable, and it is better to be entertaining. So in addition to textbooks, Shen
Shi'an also picked him up several comic books and story books, as well as several sets of
easy-to-use Lego bricks. At the end I bought myself a few more professional text password
deciphering books-he had a lot of vacation time, he still wanted to try to find out how to
read the exercises.
The courier arrived slightly faster than he expected. Shen Xun was next to Shen Shi'an.
When the delivery box was opened, she quickly took out a box of building blocks from the
inside and sent it to her mouth to bite. She felt that there was no taste, and she threw it
With the teaching materials, I moved out the small desk and blackboard that had been
prepared earlier, and put the pen and eraser neatly in order. Shen Shian cleared his throat:
"The small sunflower class officially started."
The teaching progress is quite smooth. Although the child seemed stupid, he did not expect
that he was very clever, and the learning speed was much faster than Shen Shian expected.
It took only two days to memorize the initials and finals. If it wasn't for his own witness,
Shen Shi'an would have thought of it anyway. Just over a month ago, he was still a furry,
spoiled, and **** in his pants when he was angry.
Unfortunately, the gratifying teaching process soon encountered obstacles.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and told himself secretly for the twenty-third time: Don't
worry, he is still a child. Children have to learn things slowly. They have to be patient and
teach them a lot. They can always learn. Then point to the pinyin on the textbook: "Come,
read this word again."
The child was sitting upright, looking cute and well-behaved, and **** with a milky voice:
"m-i-force, f-eng-hum, hum!"
It's so simple to read a single thing, it's a long way to go.
"Wrong! What is Liheng, is Liheng a word? How many times have you missed the same
word? Look at the pictures below. How could two bees so big read wrong ..." Shen Shi'an bit
his molar after biting, Try to be as soft as possible: "I just taught it, m, with the tongue
hanging out to pronounce the lips, bees, buzzing bees, swelling a swollen bee, remember?"
Slowed his mood and pointed to the next pinyin "Read this word again."
The child looked at it: "h-ua-fa, h-u-fu, d-ie-butterfly, fa-butterfly!" This is the word.
Shen Shian's eyebrows jumped straight, and the palms hanging on her right leg were loose,
tight and loose: don't worry, don't worry, the child is small, just learned, it's normal to
make mistakes, but you can't kill them.
Why didn't he know before that teaching children how to torture like this?
Grind your teeth carefully and correct each word, then squeeze your smile with the
greatest effort: "Come on, think about how I taught before, you can be so great. Come, how
to read this?"
"X-i-ao-small, s-ong-fierce, sh-u-xu," Shen Xun scratched his face: "little fierce Xu!"
Shen Shi'an closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stunned and stood still, stood up,
rushed to the kitchen, picked up two kitchen knives, and chopped the meat for half an hour.
When the nerves finally relaxed, watching the incredibly smooth meat on the cutting board,
my heart moved, and suddenly I had an idea.
Striding back to the desk, I wrote two words on the small blackboard and put in pinyin,
"Come on, try again, read it right. We'll eat this at noon."
Shen Xun's eyes focused in an instant, this time it was read quickly: "h-ong-red, sh-ao-yaki,
r-ou-meat, braised pork! K-ao-grilled, j-i-chicken, t —Ui—legs, roast chicken legs !!! "
Shen Shi'an breathed a long sigh of relief, and he couldn't help bending the corners of his
lips: he knew.
Hit the iron while it is hot, and quickly pick up the textbook and continue to ask him: "How
to read this?"
The children's words are full of positive words: "d—a—large, x—i—ji, g—ua—eight, eight
Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead and felt that he was an old father with a lot of energy.
In order to make up for it, Shen Shi'an went to the supermarket for purchases on the
afternoon of Saturday afternoon, and made a large table for Hongzi and himself at night.
Full of meat and rice, I carried the dog down and walked around to digestion, returned
home and cut a plate of tomatoes, turned out a few bags of snacks brought by Yun Feiyang
last time, one person and one dog sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.
Shen Shi'an wasn't really interested in TV shows, but Xiao Hei seemed to like it, especially
the costume fairy-tale drama, staring at the colorful special effects and flying magic
weapons on the screen.
Shen Shi'an removed the bale seeds, grabbed a slow strip, and looked down at the furry dog
face lying on his legs full of concentration, some want to laugh.
silly dog.
Xiao Hei soon smelled the aroma of Gua Ziren. He shook his nose twice and leaned against
Shen Shi'an. During the period, his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV screen. The
proportion of whites gradually increased to make people worry that he would turn his
eyes. .
Shen Shi'an peeled out a few tablets and handed them to his mouth. A soft, hot and hot
tongue rolled all over immediately, chewed two bites and felt very delicious, and drew his
head towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few more, Xiao Hei ate a few bites, and brought his head back again.
When a small amount of melon seeds were peeled into melon seeds and entered into the
dog's mouth, Shen Shi'an's guilt born from the "left-behind milk dog" was completely
consumed, and a slap was shot on the dog's head that continued to arch into the palm of his
hand. The voice was cold and scary: "Am I an artificial machine that peels seeds for you? I
want to eat and peel myself."
Xiao Hei screamed in pain, turned his head to fangs, and Nei Li whispered twice, and he
pulled out of the bag by himself. It's just that when God created a creature like a dog,
obviously he didn't consider adding a "snap seed" function to it, crooked his mouth,
squinted his eyes, and bite it for a long time, but he couldn't separate the seeds from the
seeds, so that it was directly into the bag. Take a sip, chew it and swallow it with shells.
"Well." Stupid dog.
Shen Shi'an's dark, black eyes had a smile on his face, and his heart flashed into the space.
Xiao Hei found that he was too late when he was about to disappear. He kicked his hind legs
and ran out of his hands. He extended his claws and scratched the sofa twice: "I didn't catch
There is not much change in the space compared to when Shen Shian came in last time.
This week, he used various methods to squeeze juice, cut raw, cook, and make ketchup. He
tried his best to consume nearly a thousand tomatoes. However, the vibrant "tomato
forest" was still fruitful, and the red lanterns full of trees did not show any signs of
He bought a total of two bags of seeds in the supermarket, a bag of melon and a bag of
tomatoes, of which only a quarter of the tomato seeds were used. He was trying to find a
way to properly handle these tens of thousands of tomatoes, or to determine whether the
fruits in the space were not Before the meeting, for the time being he was afraid to plant
The plants that grow up with water from the Lingquan in the space are obviously unusual.
He is only one person, and at most one dog is added. How to consume so many things?
Can't you just sell it? How can he explain the cultivation techniques and supply of tomatoes
that are big in basketball? It is estimated that others will only feel that the fruit is sprayed
with an expansion agent. In the event that someone who cares for it takes the test and
detects data that violates common sense, it will only cause trouble and cause fire.
After two laps in the tomato forest, Shen Shi'an followed the grassy path to the bamboo
floor. Two trees were planted in front of the bamboo building, one was a peach tree, but it
had not yielded yet, and the other could not see what kind of species. The tree was full of
bright yellow, translucent flowers. Shen Shian felt vaguely that these flowers were with
him. It seemed a little different when I saw it last time, but I couldn't tell where the
difference was, so I didn't care about it.
The giant aloe received from the balcony is next to the peach tree, next to the aloe is a half-
height cactus, two prickly plants you poke me I poke you, it looks like Quite harmonious.
Another gigantic green dillock was placed in the bamboo forest behind the bamboo tower,
and the bamboo was growing up.
Shen Shi'an carefully avoided the spikes on Aloe's body, stepped on the steps and entered
the study. The quaint book called "Guixu Gongfa" was still on the bookshelf. He picked up
the book and sat down to the front page of the desk. Unsurprisingly, everything inside was
still obscure and confusing. It was like someone deliberately shuffled the order of each
word in the book, unless he found the correct " Key ", otherwise this book is just a bunch of
useless garbled characters.
But how to find this "key"? He has read this book back and forth no less than a hundred
times, and tried all kinds of common or uncommon ciphertext deciphering methods that he
can find, but so far, he is still confused and clueless. Speak.
Shen Shi'an rubbed his eyebrows, and put the book back together. Forget it, I lost my life, I
already have such an amazing baby in space, and I ca n’t be too greedy.
What's more, he still needs to complete his studies. The clinical medicine needs to be vast
and complicated, and the courses are full. The second year of his sophomore year will be
more busy after he has determined the specific professional direction. He can't do anything
for this. Ancient books, even the normal life and future plans are abandoned.
In the blink of an eye on Monday, it should be time to take Xiao Hei to the pet hospital for
deworming in vitro and in vivo. However, Yun Feiyang brought the medicament personally,
along with an adult slap parrot.
"Where did this come from?" Shen Shian opened the door and took the bird cage from Yun
"I adopted it." Yun Feiyang said as he changed his shoes. "In October, he followed the
Association for Action to rescue stray cats and dogs. I found it on the Zhangshu Avenue in
the old district. I don't know who is so lacking in morality. After getting a fishing net, this
little thing was wrapped around it. The fishing net was particularly thin, and the more it got
tighter, it was probably afraid that it would struggle too much. When we found it, we
almost tore off our wings. "
Shen Shi'an looked closely, and it turned out that the left wing of the parrot seemed to be
injured and inflexible, and even a large piece of feather was missing. Xiao Hei came over to
whimper and was silenced by Shen Shian's eyes, poking at the parrot's teeth.
Yun Feiyang changed his slippers and took the bird cage: "I thought I couldn't live. I came
back for the surgery that Sister Fang had done, and it took me two months to give my life
back. This little thing is still a famous breed, and its scientific name is colorful \ 'Macaws
cannot be raised in the wild, which is an illegal act. The artificially cultivated market is also
expensive, and an adult bird costs tens of thousands. But this one does not know what the
situation is, and its size is several times smaller than the normal macaw. Times, even Sister
Fang didn't dare to recognize at first. Later, it was diagnosed that it should be crossed with
other breeds and some dysplasia, but it was unclear what kind of breed to cross with. Sister
Fong mainly focused on mammals such as cats and dogs. The bird is less mastered. "
"If it was a breed bird, there should have been a master?"
"We also thought so. After the rescue came back, we contacted the forestry department,
posted a lot of leaflets in the area where it was found to find the owner, and the movement
association also issued a notice on its official website, but no one has been contacted, and it
is not known What ’s the matter with the little thing flying too far? And because it was
almost taken care of by me during the recovery period after the operation, I have the
closest relationship with me, so I will take care of it for the time being. This little thing is
smart and speaks Then, come to Ruibao and say hello to An'an. "
The parrot stood on the horizontal frame and crooked its head: "Hello baby!" The words
were clear and round, and the sound was pretty good.
Shen Shi'an saw the talking bird for the first time, and she was a little surprised. Before
seeing the parrot, she saw the parrot crooked her head to the other side: "Goodbye baby!"
Shen Shian: "..."
"Hey, hey," Yun Feiyang scratched his head. "It just learned to speak for a long time, and
now it only has the words 'Hello', 'Goodbye', and 'Baby'." Then he smiled at Shen Shian:
"What, Sister Fang returned to her hometown on New Year's Day, and Hapi Pet Hospital
was temporarily closed. The temperature in the bedroom was low again. I was afraid it
would be frozen, so I thought of bringing it to your side to disturb you for two days. Can
you rest assured, it is very good , Absolutely noisy. "
"Of course, you still live in the second bedroom." Shen Shi'an agreed, "would you like to
prepare something for it?"
Each time Xiao Hei, who had to grind hard and softly to eat something, didn't hesitate for a
moment, bowed his head and made two holes in Shen Shi'an's trousers.
"I do n’t have to. I bring the bird food. I usually feed it with melon seeds as a snack. Ruibao
likes melon seeds the most. He can eat half a catty a day, and he does n’t dare to feed more.
Today is an extra reward. Now. "
Yun Feiyang put the bird cage on the small round table next to the radiator, added the
seeds and food, teased for a while to make sure that the small things were not suitable, and
turned to ask Shen Shi'an: "Tomorrow is New Year's Day, tonight we will celebrate the New
Year, Shen What is the chef going to do deliciously? I'll give you a hand. "
"The ingredients in the house are almost gone," Shen Shi'an said. "Go to the supermarket
and see what you want to eat. I just need to buy something else."
Yun Feiyang picked up his coat and was ready to go out. Before leaving, he looked at the
parrot in the bird cage, which was so strong that he was holding a pumpkin. He looked at
the little black who squatted and stared at the parrot. He was worried: "An'an "Does your
black guy bully Ruibao?"
Xiao He immediately turned his head and snapped his teeth against him.
"Shouldn't," Shen Shi'an glanced. "It can't reach the stool, and there is a bird cage blocking
Right. Yun Feiyang let down his heart and followed Shen Shi'an to the elevator. The two
bodyguards accompanied him as usual.
The supermarket has a full range of ingredients. Shen Shi'an estimated the number of
meals added by two people and two pets, and bought a full cart of meat and vegetables.
After leaving the supermarket, he asked Fan Guoping to drive to the nearest hardware
store, and bought a spade, a hoe, an ax, a garden scissors, and an aluminum two-way
folding ladder more than four meters high.
Yun Feiyang looked stunned: "Little brother, are you going to farm at home?"
Shen Shi'an thought to himself: You really guessed right.
Buying more things, in fact, it is nothing to share to four adult men. Not only the strength of
the two bodyguards is much higher than that of ordinary people. After the warming and
tempering of the spiritual spring water, Shen Shi'an faintly realized that his current
strength is not much worse than that of Fan Guoping.
The four of them walked out of the elevator door and heard the cry of the parrot Ruibao
from the room. "... Hello baby! Goodbye baby!"
One after another couldn't stop.
Yun Feiyang wondered: What about this little thing? I never saw it like this, the key I
promised An An that it would not be noisy.
Shen Shian stared at him, opened the door and walked in lightly.
Next to the radiator in the living room, Xiao Hei didn't know how to climb to the round
table where the parrot was placed, and dumped the bag of seeds that had not been eaten
before Shen Shi'an was put into the bird cage.
The parrot Ruibao is shrinking in the corner, and spit the seeds into the trough after each
one. After a few capsules, the little black old **** stretched out his paw and ate it, and it was
still in the bird cage Double tap to signal the other party to move quickly.
It trembled as soon as it slammed the cage. Ruibao was trembling with tears in her slick
eyes, and screamed as she smashed the seeds:
"Hello baby!"
"Goodbye baby!"
"Hello baby!"
"Goodbye baby!"
"Goodbye baby !!!"
When Shen Shi'an's trousers were bitten out of the eighth hole, he saw that Xiao Hei's
patience had reached the limit, and the three-day New Year's Day holiday finally arrived.
Shen Shi'an felt a bit guilty about throwing Xiaohe alone at home every day. Fan Guoping
and the dean of the pet hospital both said that the stray animals that were just adopted,
especially Xiao Hei, were so big that what they needed most was the owner's company and
care. Even if you do n’t like pets anymore, it ’s only been one week since the little dog was
picked up. Most of the time, it was letting it face the wall and the sweeping robot at home.
In order to make up for it, Shen Shi'an went to the supermarket for purchases on the
afternoon of Saturday afternoon, and made a large table for Hongzi and himself at night.
Full of meat and rice, I carried the dog down and walked around to digestion, returned
home and cut a plate of tomatoes, turned out a few bags of snacks brought by Yun Feiyang
last time, one person and one dog sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.
Shen Shi'an wasn't really interested in TV shows, but Xiao Hei seemed to like it, especially
the costume fairy-tale drama, staring at the colorful special effects and flying magic
weapons on the screen.
Shen Shi'an removed the bale seeds, grabbed a slow strip, and looked down at the furry dog
face lying on his legs full of concentration, some want to laugh.
silly dog.
Xiao Hei soon smelled the aroma of Gua Ziren. He shook his nose twice and leaned against
Shen Shi'an. During the period, his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV screen. The
proportion of whites gradually increased to make people worry that he would turn his
eyes. .
Shen Shi'an peeled out a few tablets and handed them to his mouth. A soft, hot and hot
tongue rolled all over immediately, chewed two bites and felt very delicious, and drew his
head towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few more, Xiao Hei ate a few bites, and brought his head back again.
When a small amount of melon seeds were peeled into melon seeds and entered into the
dog's mouth, Shen Shi'an's guilt born from the "left-behind milk dog" was completely
consumed, and a slap was shot on the dog's head that continued to arch into the palm of his
hand. The voice was cold and scary: "Am I an artificial machine that peels seeds for you? I
want to eat and peel myself."
Xiao Hei screamed in pain, turned his head to fangs, and Nei Li whispered twice, and he
pulled out of the bag by himself. It's just that when God created a creature like a dog,
obviously he didn't consider adding a "snap seed" function to it, crooked his mouth,
squinted his eyes, and bite it for a long time, but he couldn't separate the seeds from the
seeds, so that it was directly into the bag. Take a sip, chew it and swallow it with shells.
"Well." Stupid dog.
Shen Shi'an's dark, black eyes had a smile on his face, and his heart flashed into the space.
Xiao Hei found that he was too late when he was about to disappear. He kicked his hind legs
and ran out of his hands. He extended his claws and scratched the sofa twice: "I didn't catch
There is not much change in the space compared to when Shen Shian came in last time.
This week, he used various methods to squeeze juice, cut raw, cook, and make ketchup. He
tried his best to consume nearly a thousand tomatoes. However, the vibrant "tomato
forest" was still fruitful, and the red lanterns full of trees did not show any signs of
He bought a total of two bags of seeds in the supermarket, a bag of melon and a bag of
tomatoes, of which only a quarter of the tomato seeds were used. He was trying to find a
way to properly handle these tens of thousands of tomatoes, or to determine whether the
fruits in the space were not Before the meeting, for the time being he was afraid to plant
The author has something to say: Wisteria Flower: Deep Love.
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;
Thanks to the little angel who throws [grenade]: there are idlers, Jingxing 1;
Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 22641158, white deer as 殇, Sunny 892;
33131342, flower encounter and return, Xiaoxin man-machine, Xia Sether, Youtian,
lanthanum is next to 锕, lucky wow, since Cooked dumplings, catching the rain's tail, Xulian,
aze, milk-flavored adzuki sugar, wshell, 28563803,? May ?, Shuangxuan 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
123 bottles of Weiwei; 112 bottles of lucky wows; 75 bottles of meow sauce; 74 bottles of
queen in my family; 72 bottles of Avenue of Love; 70 more bottles of Amu 哆 (^-^); 69
bottles of silent words; no Nickname, late procrastination 60 bottles; small mud 55 bottles;
52 bottles when I came with a large knife, stubborn; Xia Sether, 72650 bottles;
nmzss.mys.m43 bottles; 42 bottles of beautiful love online; I want dogs Grow up,
31749156, 40 bookworms; 37 bottles of sama; 34 bottles of sama; 30 bottles of Devil King
and Gu Qingyun; 29 bottles of Shuangxuan; 25 bottles of radish and dream flowers;
2561085424 bottles; Next to Su Ziluo, Cangyu, Shangjing in March, lanthanides are stern, a
thousand words, aze, linyilibaby, color female meow, small bun, 20 bottles of saliva pocket;
18 bottles of Tao Mantingzhou; 2800239217 bottles; Gxy16 Bottles; 15 bottles of Gongsun
Jingmo; Grasp the tail of the rain, oranges, lxy white, complex, Qinghuandu, rolling into
madness, swords, Tangerine, Muming, juchuas, a bunch of garbled, chestnut sauce,
Tianmen Yexue , Roll roll rice, glazed rice, Daniel & amp; joyc, huangyuzhi1991, Mingfeng
Zazhu, Lizijun 10 bottles; garbled 9 bottles; crispy crispy shortcake, wings & amp; Luo ~
Mo Shangxie, it is a small wooden duck! 8 bottles; Xiaomeng and Weizhu 7 bottles; Sundae,
Qi yiyi, and sugar 6 bottles; chasing the worst, Qianli Qingqiu, Xinyu, Youtian, One leaf
Zhiqiu, Shaohua, tilapia, LM, hattie, Jiangmi Sheng cake, min, Radiant light spot, black ink
stain, sakura feather cherry, son Yuguijia 5 bottles; humanity, contradiction, Au4 bottle;
cute love , Qing Benjia, Li Zi, 24992304, pear? 3 bottles; the rest, Feng Qianmian, I just pass
by, 涞 迩, and Sanye 2 bottles; early lemon, 33197211, late maple light song, Buddhist
department, self-cooked dumplings, q ... qnm ?, ⊙ ▽ ⊙, beef, Qi Yexue, Yun Zui Yue Wei, 10
bottles of ten feet;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 121:

Settings saved..
Xiao Ke's face turned red, and the original tension was mixed with a bit of shame. He turned
his head and took a deep breath. He first greeted the two bodyguards who were familiar
with each other for more than half a month outside the door, and then knocked. When I
knocked on the door, I turned the door **** and pushed in. "Mr. Shen, are you there? I'm
The spacious VIP ward is exquisitely decorated, and the heavy blue curtains are all pulled
open. The bright sunlight falls from the bay window through the second layer of veil, which
brightens the room.
Mr. Shen, who is a little delicious, is standing next to the vertical closet behind the sofa. His
sick clothes have not been changed. He has a few clothes in his hands and a luggage bag at
his feet. It looks like he is packing.
Turning his head after hearing the knock on the door, a pair of dark jade eyes carried light,
cold and deep like a cold moon: "I'm here, what's wrong?"
With such a flat tone, Xiao Ke's flush was immediately deepened by another two points: this
Mr. Shen is really good-looking.
So that he turned his eyes on the hot side and turned to the side immediately: "... Mr. Shen,
Mr. Shen, that, I'll bring you the underwear when you are admitted to the hospital."
Shen Shi'an carefully put the newly folded clothes in his bag, walked over to pick up the
paper bag in Xiao Ke's arms-he had a car accident more than half a month ago, and was
then sent to the largest joint venture in H City The hospital was treating him, and the bag
contained all the things he had taken off him at that time.
The mobile phone was damaged in a car accident. A new one was replaced during the
hospitalization. The student ID and ID were also taken out when confirming his identity.
The rest was just a set of clothes worn at the time and a bunch of keys.
Shen Shi'an simply flipped, and thanked Xiao Ke: "Trouble."
"No, no trouble, no trouble," Xiao Ke said, with red-hot ears again, she didn't know where to
put her hands and feet, thinking that the other party was about to be discharged from the
hospital. Think of the little sisters at the nurse station cheering on her, Qi courage put his
eyes back on Shen Shi'an's face again: "Mr. Shen is packing up? Would you like me to help?"
"No, I can do it myself, thank you."
Xiao Ke scratched a bit of disappointment in his eyes, bit his lip, didn't dare to say the
request for "exchange of mobile phone number", and finally looked at Shen Shi'an,
whispered "Mr. Shen, you are busy," and turned and walked out of the ward.
Shen Shi'an watched her leave and take the door, so she put the paper bag on the coffee
table and walked back to the cabinet to continue packing.
After a while, the door was knocked again. This time it was one of the bodyguards. The
Chinese character had a big face. About 40-year-old Fan Guoping said, "Mr. Shen, it is said
that your little brother of your classmate wants to come in and visit. you."
He didn't finish talking, Shen Shi'an had seen the tall young man standing outside the door.
The coldness of the whole body faded a little, with a smile on his face: "Why are you here,
don't you have classes today?"
He and Yun Feiyang are both sophomores of H City Medical University. They have different
majors in the same faculty, but some public classes will still be together. Today is Friday. He
remembers that there are professional classes in the morning and afternoon.
"How can I not come out when you leave the hospital, am I the kind of unconscientious
person, and Daoshan Huohai can't stop me from running to your footsteps." Yun Feiyang
walked in with his hands around the bodyguards and came in. Speaking of the key points:
"It's almost the end of the period. The teacher is not strict enough to check the attendance.
Besides, there are roommates standing up. I really need to call for a name."
Looking around in the ward and finally falling on Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang blew his whistle:
"You can live this day, my little brother, it is flowers and fruits and nutritional supplements.
I look at you more than before the hospitalization. Okay. "
This is true, probably because I have been indoors for a long time. Shen Shian's skin looks a
little whiter than before, and it is not the kind of pale that has not seen the sun for a long
time. Standing far away, you ca n’t look carefully, and standing close. It was found that even
the pores were almost invisible, and the lustrous luster in the white was still red, which
was better than the medical dog who stayed up late to play games and stay up late at the
end of the period.
Yun Feiyang searched for a long time before finding out the traces of patients who had been
involved in a car accident: "It's a lot thinner." Alas, if the female classmates in the school
can see it, they can't feel bad.
In front of the familiar friends, Shen Shi'an obviously relaxed a lot. "Why don't I renew the
ward and let you stay for two days too? It doesn't matter, let the nurse put two needles a
Yun Feiyang hesitated twice, "That's so embarrassing, I still don't bother the nurse sister."
Seeing that the door had been closed again, he took an orange from the fruit basket and
tossed it to Shen Shi'an: "Your door What's the situation of these two bodyguards? You
haven't seen it when you came back. Your father ... heh, Mr. Gu found it for you? "
Shen Shi'an snorted, and the half-length black hair fell in front of him as he bent to pull the
zipper of the luggage bag, without further explanation.
Knowing that this is not a topic suitable for in-depth discussion, Yun Feiyang did not
continue to ask, "Did the discharge procedure be completed? Is there anything I want to
help clean up?"
As he said, he picked up the paper bag on the coffee table, and was taken aback when he
opened it—
Inside was Shen Shi'an's clothes, which he knew. But the pale gray sweater and coat were
covered with dried dark red blood stains, and the blood stains seemed to have completely
penetrated the fabric of the clothes, because the deep color and large area looked quite
shocking, which made people immediately bear. What kind of trauma did the owner of
Lenovo's clothes suffer?
Yun Feiyang's face was a bit whitish, and the original laughter disappeared, and Shen Shi'an
couldn't hide his worry: "Because you are in such a serious car accident."
After Shen Shi'an had a car accident, the hospital first notified the school through his
student ID, and the school notified the counselor. The counselor contacted Shen Shi'an's
only immediate relative, which is Mr. Gu, who is far away in City B, and waited until he gave
Shen Shi'an called and found out that nothing could be solved. When she noticed something
wrong, she reported to the counselor that it was already the second day of her
At that time, Shen Shi'an had just finished the operation. Although he lived in the intensive
care unit, his looks and the description of the attending doctor did not seem to be
particularly serious. It was only at this moment that he saw these clothes that witnessed
the car accident and were soaked with blood. He jumped fiercely, and felt that the other
party had walked away from the gate.
Shen Shi'an took the paper bag out of his hand and packed it in his bag: "It looks scary, but
it's actually a skin trauma."
Yun Feiyang was a little unbelievable. "Really?" Just looking at the blood on his clothes, it
was clearly the blood loss that could kill someone.
"Really," Shen Shi'an's eyes were clear, and there was a gloss similar to black gemstones: "I
lie to you, there is really a big problem. The doctor will not let me be discharged. Is the
discharge procedure already completed, stuff? I've packed everything, and I can leave when
I change clothes. "
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uneasy. He stared at him on the sofa, for fear that he would
endure the pain, and he would be unable to support the stun and fainted on the ground in
the next second.
According to the distance between the two, if he suddenly faints, he should be able to rush
to catch it? Yun Feiyang thought. After a moment's secret evaluation, the buttocks were
quietly moved away from Shen Shi'an on the sofa. Well, that's about it. It can definitely rush
to the hero to save the beauty in an instant.
The scene imagined in Yun Feiyang's mind was not realized, because Shen Shi'an did not
look like something. He walked back and forth normally. There was no blood-stained
bandage or a bandage under the sick clothes. It is a traumatic wound after trauma.
But when he put his back on himself and put on a thin black slim sweater, Yun Feiyang saw
something unusual: "Well, what about your beads?"
Shen Shi'an has been wearing a string of beads on his right wrist. The texture of ink jade
has been carved into an ancient lotus shape, because it is a relic left by his mother, Mrs.
Shen. Yun Feiyang has never seen him for so long. He took it off.
But at this time, the black woolen clothes were draped over him, and the right wrist was
flat, clearly not wearing anything.
The young man paused for a moment while wearing the coat, and then pulled the zipper as
usual: "After waking up after the operation, I disappeared. It should be the rope was torn in
a car accident."
Understanding the meaning of the jewel for friends, Yun Feiyang didn't know how to
comfort him, and for a long time he uttered a sentence: "... the old one doesn't go to the new
one." I just wanted to give myself a slap: this cheap Will it speak?
Shen Shi'an, who is familiar with his character, didn't care, changed his clothes and picked
up his luggage. "Let's go."
Yun Feiyang hurriedly grabbed the luggage bag. He tried a bit to please Dai Yiliong: "Where
are you sick? Where can you hold things, give me." Glanced around the flower basket and
fruit basket in the ward: "These What about things? "
"Just leave it like this, it wasn't originally given to me." The Gu family was one of the major
shareholders of the hospital. After Mr. Gu's visit, these things were delivered by the
doctor's director and leaders at all levels.
It is common for patients to give things to doctors, but it is rare for doctors to give things to
patients. Shen Shian thought.
Yun Feiyang was reluctant at once: "Why didn't they get it to you when they were all
delivered to your ward! It's a pity to throw so many fruit supplements here, **** your
prodigal child."
Pick up a bunch of flowers, turn around and go out to the nurse's station and ask the nurses
for a few big bags, then choose between the fruit basket and the tonic and fill the three big
pockets. Probe the two bodyguards outside the door Giggle: "Hey hey hey, I'll go home and
give us An An to make up for our body, the bodyguard brother help me."
Fan Guoping was very good at talking, and his big hand stretched out two bags easily. The
other bodyguard was younger, named Wan Feng, higher than Yunfei Yang in 185. He was
staring at him for a moment. Only then picked up another bag of things.
Yun Feiyang quietly rubbed his arms: I don't know where the person Mr. Gu invited from, it
looks like a fire.
A group of four arrived at the underground parking lot after the person in charge of the
inpatient department saw him off. Fan Guoping drove, Wan Feng sat in the co-pilot, and
Shen Shi'an and Yun Feiyang got into the back seat. About half an hour later, he arrived at
Shen Shi'an's residence near H Medical University.
The apartment building was left to him by his grandfather. The district where he belongs
belongs to the family courtyard of the medical staff of the medical university. It is rare to
enjoy municipal heating in H City, a slightly southerly city.
As soon as the key was taken out and the door was opened, the group was breathless for a
while with the oncoming heat.
The apartment is a two bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and two bathroom
structure, with a storage room and a balcony. The area is not too large, but it is more than
enough to live alone.
The house was neatly packed. Even if it was unoccupied for more than half a month, it
could not be seen as dirty. Only a light layer of gray was dropped on the furniture and it
was cleaned after a little cleaning.
Two bodyguards stopped Shen Shi'an from preparing to enter the door: "Mr. Shen, for
safety, it's best to let us check first."
Shen Shi'an pressed his lips, then nodded. Standing at the door and watching the two
bodyguards carefully inspected every corner of the house, until Wan Feng was about to
open the north-facing storage room, he frowned and stopped: "Wait, that room can't enter."
The voice just dropped and walked over, turned the handle and actively opened the door—
The storage room is about the same size as the second bedroom, because it faces north and
back, and the temperature is slightly lower than the rest of the house. The store structure is
written on the storage room, but it is not actually used as a storage room. The room is
empty and unobstructed. There is only a light cyan porcelain pot on the wooden furniture
against the wall. Next is a magnified black and white photo. In front of the photo, there are
a four-corner censer with a length of about 20 cm and a red clay sculpture and two
Wan Feng immediately understood what it was, took a step back, and whispered, "Sorry."
"It's okay." The young man couldn't see any expression on his face, and turned to look at
Fan Guoping who had just checked the bedroom: "Trouble two people have been by my
side for so many days, but I have been discharged from the hospital and arrived home
safely. Both should You can also retire. "
Fan Guoping and Wan Feng looked at each other, and Guozi showed a little embarrassment
on his face: "Well, we are hired by Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu's request is to protect you, Mr. Shen,
twenty-four hours. Your salary has been paid. When it comes to our hands, we would not
dare to neglect our duties without Mr. Gu's instructions. This is also for Mr. Shen's safety
considerations. "
Shen Shi'an is not ignorant, nor will he deliberately embarrass the two. The thick eyelashes
fall and lifted up instantly: "But you also saw it, I can't live with you two at home."
Even if he could live, he couldn't be in the same room with the two men 24 hours a day. It is
unwilling and impossible.
Fan Guoping's expression relaxed immediately, and he smiled and said, "You don't need to
worry," turned and walked out the door, took out the key and opened the door of the
apartment opposite Shen Shi'an's house. "Mr. Gu has arranged it, and we will live together.
Opposite Mr. Shen, usually he will never disturb Mr. Shen's private life, just treat us as if we
didn't exist. "
In this case, Shen Shi'an had to accept such an arrangement. After sending them out, I
thanked them again and closed the door to return to the room.
Yun Feiyang, who had not spoken for a long time, seemed to be wondering something:
"Your dad ... no, why did Gu ask you to ask for a bodyguard? It's twenty-four hours of
personal protection. For your safety, you are not National leaders also have to watch out
for assassinations ... "The words suddenly snapped, and Yun Feiyang suddenly opened his
eyes:" Look, isn't your car accident an accident? "
Yun Feiyang almost jumped up in shock and anger, but Shen Shi'an's expression remained
unchanged, neither admitting nor denying: "Nothing can be determined without evidence."
He bent over and changed his slippers, and brought Yun Feiyang a pair.
"How can you not be sure! If there is no cat in the car accident, how could Mr. Gu have such
a big battle for you?" Yun Feiyang's temper is just like the artillery battle, and he suddenly
learned that someone was going to hurt his brother. Hong could not wait to take the
kitchen knife and the murderer behind the scenes desperately: "Who did it? Who killed
you! I know, it must be Mr. Gu and his wife, right! Hey, your family name is sinking, and the
hukou has nothing to do with the Gu family. No, she's always staring at you! Those things
were not good enough at the time ... "
Shen Shi'an suddenly turned and looked at him, his face could not see the mood, but the
cool coldness in his eyes instantly made Yun Feiyang stop as if he was pinching his neck.
After half a while, he rubbed his hair as if venting. "No more, I won't say it." He muttered
secretly in his heart: After living in the hospital once, his face was more scary than before.
Seeing Shen Shi'an walk into the storeroom, quickly changed his shoes, Biandian followed,
and in the quiet environment and the scent of the scent of candles, he lowered his voice
subconsciously: "I also give the aunt a column incense."
Shen Shian lit the candle, then lit three incense sticks with the candlelight, and whispered
in his hand to the black and white photo: "Mom, I'm back."
The woman in the photo is very beautiful. She has a shawl with gentle hair and eyebrows.
She looks similar to Shen Shian's feet, but her temperament is completely different. A pair
of smiling eyes are slightly bent, and she shines in the sun.
Unlike Shen Shi'an's restrained restraint, Yun Feiyang, who also had a fragrant fragrance,
was much more fussy: "Auntie, I'm here to disturb again, but today An An is a sick person, I
will not work and he will cook and cook. Give him more nutritional supplements and feed
him well. You can rest assured that although An An is in a car accident, it is not a big deal.
Now people are jumping around, and they say that there will be blessings if they do n’t die.
I will take care of you in heaven Taking care of it on the ground, I will definitely have good
luck and luck every day ... "
The author has something to say: The daily greetings of aspiring young people at the
Beijing Capital Base:
An An: nmsl
(This is swearing! Children should never learn !!!
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: Did the rabbits wake up today,
Wushan 2;
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [grenade]: forced to rename the bitter heart, there
are idlers, Rosa, withered grass, porphyrin, porphyrin, porphyrin.
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mine]: 2 are safe and easy; Xiong Bao, Maple,
bread bag, 悪 い, flower encounter and return, maybe ?, Li Shiba, Bai Qianyuzhi, 33050993,
etc. Cat, Jianzhi Cangtian, Awh, Gu Yanyan in weight loss, Theravada, forced to change its
name, bitter, stunned one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
Xiaomi rice porridge porridge 140 bottles; Bai shallow than 139 bottles; Meng Qin, 100
bottles; Mrs. Lu 70 bottles; small buns 46 bottles; Limao Beidu, book wine 40 bottles; 36
bottles of Guagua; 19: 3 30 bottles of small mud; 23 bottles of bookworms; 戬, LZL wooden
fish, floating ing15, Bck, let's raise pigs ⊙ ⊙, Su Ziluo, a little bit, Junyi Fengcheng, X Xiong
X, Hai Yan 20 bottles of Heqing; 13 bottles of clean water; Tang, Adam, 29357855, orange
soda bubbling, seaweed rice, cats waiting for fish when it ’s cold, I ’m a big fool, worry-free,
blue light 10 bottles of lights; 8 bottles of Xuan Yuan and Lucidus; 7 bottles of Bai Wu and
Xia Zhi; 6 bottles of 悪 い, bread bags; EEmp., Huai Qiu, Wei, gentleman, agoni, 22394034,
this child loves sugar, wanton, Awh, 5 bottles of Yu Xinwen; 3 bottles of Yuyu; 2 bottles of
Yanqing, Big Dream, Demon Sin; Zizi, I am a tree, Mao Mao, Yan Cheng, A Feng, pale vision,
Lin Lin, Yan, L, Yan, 1 Shiba Inu bottle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 122:

Settings saved..
The recruitment process went smoothly as expected.
After Shen Shi'an stared with the dog for two days and determined that there were no
problems, he was ready to tackle another urgent matter: finding Fan Xintong.
This event has been at the top of the top ten reward list of the task center for half a month
as the highest reward task. There are not many people who take the task, but there has
been no further news. Seeing that Shen Xun's mana has been absorbed enough to carry out
At the point of initial control, the use of spells was no longer restricted, and Shen Shi'an
decided that he could not wait any longer. For every additional day of delay, Fan Xintong's
chance of survival is one point smaller.
"After Xunxun and I left, Tao Yuan and Ark continued to be responsible for recruiting new
people," he said to his teammates. "Chen Nan and Xu Ge are both attentive. You can
compare the rules of the tiger and wolf group sent by Brother Miao to study our rules and
regulations. There is no need for improvement. Tang Song and Lin Ruan Anxiety do
experiments. If there is a shortage of equipment or medicine, I have greeted Brother Miao
and Mr. Gu and can ask them for help. Manshan should pay more attention to the base area.
Security work, since the partnership with the Gu family is open, I am afraid that many eyes
are on us. If someone is in trouble, call the police directly, try not to do it, and do not kill it,
otherwise you will be unreasonable. Become us. If it's spying, don't make a fool of it, wait
for the opportunity to find out which force the other party belongs to. "
Chen Nan and others responded one after another. Lu Xiuyuan sat with his ears upside
down and listened for a long time. He didn't hear his name, and he was unhappy now:
"What about me, what am I responsible for?"
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, "responsible not to disturb other people." After thinking about
it, he added: "In addition, remember to do a good job in the villa."
Lu Xiuyuan bounced two blue tendons.
"Boss," Xiong Manshan said, "Do you really not need us to accompany you? Many people
have more strength, and it is faster to find someone." Tiannan Haibei, who knows where
the child is now.
Shen Shi'an shook his head: "This is my personal commitment to her father, and I can fulfill
it personally. As for how to find you, don't worry, find a way to find her quickly."
"Looking for it?" Lu Xiuyuan interjected again: "Isn't your dog called Xiaohei before, when
did you change your name?" He heard Yun Feiyang cry.
Shen Shi'an ignored him. Xu Ge said, "Brother Shen, how long have you been away this
"Not sure for the time being, it should not be more than one month at most." He knew that
Fan Xintong's target was H City, and Shen Xun said that he had a way to directly determine
the position of the other party, which saved the trouble of detours, so the most time-
consuming The situation is nothing more than returning after arriving in H City. It is
enough for him and Big Dog to come back one month at a time.
What Shen Shi'an didn't expect was that Fan Xintong was actually found much faster than
he expected.
Outside the south gate of the Beijing base, a slender figure jumped up behind the monster,
grasping the soft fluffy mane with his fingers, leaning forward slightly, his two calves
clamped slightly, and the giant monster leapt up. Autumn sky galloped all the way.
The swift wind rushed forward, screaming in the ear with the coolness of early autumn.
Occasionally, a few strands of black hair scattered around his face while being reoriented,
and the young man was choked back again. His hair is getting longer and longer. I do n’t
know if it ’s because of the practice of absorbing the aura. His hair grows much faster than
the average person, especially after being promoted to the third level. A small puppet, now
almost pierced into a short ponytail, but the broken hair in the front is a bit troublesome,
and the pruning is not long enough, and it hangs down and blocks the eyes, so you can only
pinch it behind your ears.
At this time in Shen Shi'an's vision, not only was Shen Xun's dog hair flying in front of the
wind, not only the roadside and green plants that approached and retreated quickly, but
also a very thin thin red line that penetrated the dog. , Straight forward to an unknown
According to Shen Xun, the end of the red line is where Fan Xintong is.
Shen Shi'an was quite new when Shen Xun casted the tracking spell. This was the first time
he saw a dog casting a spell—he had “watched” it before but could n’t see it. This time Shen
Xun fed him a few drops in advance. Blood, you can clearly see that the dog's paw drew a
circle in the air. Inside the circle was a weird pattern of cold white. The strokes were
complicated and mysterious, forming the outline of some ancient giant, and at the center of
the circle It was the word "Fan Xintong" written by the dog dipped in his own blood.
"It's not necessarily the case that the name is Fan Xintong," Shen Shian asked, "what if I
follow someone with the same name?"
Gouzi shook his head: "The name is just 'Lu Yin', and what really works is my blood-this
way the tracking mantra is what I know Fan Xintong: This year, twelve years old, is the
daughter of Fan Guoping, and The photo Fan Guoping gave you looks the same. "
That's it. It can automatically synthesize all the cognition of the target of the spell caster, so
as to screen out the only suitable candidate. This spell is quite scientific.
In fact, the effect is indeed outstanding.
Shen Shi'an originally expected that Fan Xintong's exact location would be determined at
least a week or so, but did not expect Fan Xintong to be on the third day after leaving the
base of the dog with a dog.
Shen Shi'an looked at the large campsite in the distance and asked Shen Xun: "Are you sure
Fan Xintong is in this camp?"
Big Dog nodded: "No more than two kilometers away from us."
This camp is very scientific. Those with soil-based abilities in the outer periphery erected a
barrier, which is not high and will not be overcrowded, but it is just to ensure that ordinary
zombies can never climb in. Outside the barrier is a very deep and wide ditch. Unless it is a
zombie with an ability, even mutant zombies cannot jump over, and there are several
gunmen on patrol and sentry beside the ditch.
Such a large battle, it is estimated that there should be a lot of people in the camp, and most
of them are ordinary people, so it is necessary to protect by layers of defense. As a result,
Fan Xintong's chances of being safe are undoubtedly greatly increased.
Shen Shian had a suspicion in his heart, jumped from the dog, and walked to the camp
He was stopped by the opposite sentinel before crossing the gap. Although the muzzle was
pushed down, he could launch an attack at any time by looking at his posture: "Who?"
Shen Shi'an stopped and showed the identity bracelet on his right hand: "I'm a survivor in
the base of Beijing. I'm here to find someone." At this point, when he got closer, he found
that the ditch was not only wide and deep At the bottom of the ditch was also a row of cold,
sharp metal thorns.
The sentry took Shen Shi'an's identity bracelet and checked it. He probably saw the light
gold number 3 on the bracelet screen representing the power level. When he returned the
bracelet, he was obviously very polite. The gunman Hanging down. "We are also in the base
of Beijing. We are rushing back after finishing the mission. Who do you want to find? Are
you sure the other party is in our camp?"
Shen Shi'an put the bracelet back on and nodded: "OK, we have a way to locate her, so I
only came here. Her name is Fan Xintong and she is twelve years old."
Several sentries glanced at each other and were not impressed with the name. "There are
too many people in the camp. You may have to ask for two laps to find it. Come first. Oh,
what's your name?"
"Shen Shi'an."
Shen Shi'an is not afraid to reveal his name. Even if these soldiers are Qin family horses,
they are unlikely to do anything to him under other tasks. Even if you really want to do
something, whoever solves it can be uncertain.
He happened to cut down a group of troops for the Qin family.
Unexpectedly, the sentrymen heard his name for a moment, and then saluted him in a
polite manner: "Mr. Shen!"
One of the round-faced sentries smiled and explained with a little embarrassment: "We are
all soldiers under Mr. Gu and we all know who you are."
The characters who have stayed at the top of the top ten reward list for nearly half a year,
can't you know?
OK, Shen Shi'an thought to himself: Although the reward didn't find anyone, it helped him
make his name known.
If the Sentinel were originally very polite because of his power level, this time is completely
affectionate of their family. In order to prevent him from finding anyone, the round-faced
sentry who just talked and explained purposefully also showed him the way, and
introduced him to the basic situation in the camp by the way:
"... We came out half a month ago and went to the Huaining base in Province D to **** the
survivors to Beijing. Among them, there are nearly 20,000 ordinary survivors. It is very
inconvenient to protect, so in order to prevent emergencies, we will Ordinary survivors are
divided into several batches, and each batch is handed over to one of the psionicist
organizations participating in the mission, so that in the event that a zombie rushes in,
there will be no ordinary people being scattered and not knowing where to go In the case
of running, you can abandon a small part to save the majority at any time. "
Although it sounds a bit ruthless, this is indeed the best strategic arrangement. It is not
easy for anyone to ensure the safety of so many people along the way from Province D to
the capital hundreds of miles away, and it clearly divides the organizations of different
powers. To protect the target, it is not easy for the catastrophe to fall off the chain. After
returning to the base in Beijing, you can directly calculate credit based on the protection
effectiveness of each organization.
After the round-faced sentry was introduced, he said, "There are more than a dozen teams
here, big and small. Are you asking Mr. Shen one by one?"
"No," Shen Shian patted the dog's head. "He knows where people are."
Shen Xun moved along the red line all the way around the camp, and finally came to the
largest tent area, "She is here."
This tent area is not only large, but also significantly more elegant and cleaner than other
places. It is separated from other awnings by a circle of half-height herbs, and a ten-meter-
high metal pole stands in the front. A flag, it looks like something is painted on it, but it
cannot be seen clearly when it is rolled up by the wind.
Shen Shi'an was about to move forward, and a frivolous whistle came from behind him.
Looking back, a tall young man was raising his eyebrow and smiling at him, his eyes
suddenly heated after Shen Shi'an turned back, and immediately straightened his
expression as if he walked over, blinking his eyes crazy discharge:
"This young lady is familiar, where do I seem to have seen it?"
The author has something to say: Lu Anan: In the underworld, I will send you down.
Guess who's on the field?
Friendly reminder: This character is playing for the first time, but a line has been buried
since An'an first went to the mission center. It is not difficult to guess the consequences
before contacting.
At the time, Gouzi cursed Ms. Qin, and many readers were worried about the same name.
Now that you know it, I will explain it later.
If it is convenient for everyone, if you collect it, you can collect it without clicking into the
author's column, which can help improve article points. Trouble!
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast the [grenade]: 3 Tongtong! Miss Ben, 1 idler;
Thanks for the little angel who cast [mine]: 2 ears of wheat ears and Tongtong; haha, a
stunner, L, a clear sorrow, Sunny89,? May ?, 1 shark;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
175 bottles without marks; 79 bottles of Xianyu; 46 bottles of Beibei; 30 bottles of linen
bag, Weisheng Xiaoxiao, Molu ~ Dust; 29 bottles before; 20 bottles of Heping, 277, and
sword finger Cangtian; 17 bottles; small 15 jars of almond dishes; 13 bottles of Aoxue
Lingshuang small balls; 11 bottles of ten feet; Kelly, Long Aotian, Tu Ji, Cang Lan, Tong Tong
Ye, Ye Luo No Trace, Love Kenny's Carrot, zq81, Meow , Buck City Master, Adam, He Xixi
tonight, 10 bottles of astronomical waste; 7 bottles of ink and ink; to learn in the rain and
fish language, light dust, Wencheng Wude unified the rivers and lakes, Mo Fei, fudge, Xiao
Menghe 5 bottles of Umbra, な つ め た か し, and Luming; 4 bottles of Yuyu and wheat
ears; 3 bottles of the setting sun; 2 bottles of 宝, time to drink Yibao, and 2 bottles of big
dreams; Mingyue Invitation Star, @ honey ~ honey, Qing Zhisuo Rise, a clear lotus root,
grab the tail of heavy rain, Yonda, Nanxun, Xiaotang, sunlight Jin Cancan, misty fog, a bottle
of Moyu;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 123:
Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an's eyes turned sharply: "I can't use my eyes, I can donate to those in need."
When he said this, the man had approached him, and he finally moved his eyes down from
his face. When he moved to his throat, his expression broke instantly: "Men ?! No!
This face, this skin, this small thin waist, these long and straight legs, how can it be a man!
This is too bad!
The man seemed unbelievable. He raised his hand and wondered if it was true.
Shen Shi'an was not polite at all, and took Qicheng force to hold the opponent's wrist like
lightning, and the bones under his palm immediately made a crunching sound. "I can't use
it. I can remove it for you."
The man opened his eyes slightly, but it didn't seem to hurt. Instead, he had a slightly
surprised taste: "Not only does it look good, it's quite big."
The voice didn't fall, and the other hand had already come over.Shen Shi'an lifted his foot
and struck it directly. Before he hit the target, he was grabbed by his ankle. He simply took
advantage of the air to rise and twisted a side kick general boots. The other chest.
The two had a few tricks in succession, in fact, it was only a blink of an eye. The man
covered his chest and took a few steps back and forth. After a few coughs, a flush appeared
on his face. Obviously, he had a small loss, but in the eyes But the taste is stronger.
A few people behind him saw this and wanted to rush over, but he raised his hand to stop
him: "All stand by for Lao Tzu." Raising his eyes to Shen Shi'an: "A fight?"
The long sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and Shen Shi'an held the sword sneer:
"That's the intention."
What the round-faced sentry wanted to say, but in Shen Shi'an's eyes, he stepped back two
steps, only tightening the gun in his hand. Shen Xun grimaced his paw: "An An, I'll help you
kill him!"
"No," Shen Shian's eyes were very wary. "I'll do it myself. You can wait for me for a while,
be good."
Shen Xun slammed his teeth fiercely at the man, suppressed the bloodthirsty brutality in
the beast's eyes, and walked to the sidelines obediently.
In a large open space outside the tent area, only Shen Shi'an and the two men confronted
each other.
Shen Shi'an moved first, his body was almost invisible, and the sword swept across the
sword, like a rainbow, and slashed at the man fiercely.
However, he just felt wrong after entering the 50m range of the man's body. The sword in
his hand swayed from side to side as if it was uncontrolled. If he didn't respond quickly and
grasped firmly, the sword had been released and flew towards the man. Passed.
Looking up at the man's idle attitude, Shen Shi'an, an electro-optical flint, understood it:
this person is a gold power, and he can freely control the metal.
Prior to this, Shen Shi'an had never faced the gold abilities directly, but he has heard about
the near-horrible power of this kind of power. If you have to choose one of the strongest
combat types in each power, then gold Don't let the power work.
When the thoughts in his head fluttered, Shen Shi'an had re-inserted his sword into the
sheath and quickly entered the space.
The man who was exerting power secretly froze, then raised his eyebrows and licked his
lips: "There is still room for power? Hey, a little interesting."
When the power was released again, Shen Shi'an, who had put away the sword, felt a
sudden pull from his waist, leading him uncontrollably to the man's position.
Forced by the toes, military boots plowed a shallow groove on the ground stiffly. With the
help of friction resistance, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and dragged the metal buckle on the
belt to the side. He stared at the man who was close at hand. Blinking: "You have a lot of
"Every one another," the man bullied himself, trying to sink Shi'an's waist, "more powerful
you haven't seen yet."
I ca n’t remember the lesson.
Shen Shi'an lifted his feet on his chest. This time, he took a full force with his feet up. The
front foot was just raised, and the back foot followed closely. With the help of pedaling
force, a backflip stably landed on the ground.
But this time, he failed to hit the target, because a metal wall suddenly appeared in front of
the man. The center of the metal wall was deeply sunken by a large force under the foot of
Shen Shi'an. The man took two steps back due to the recoil. But the look is obviously better
than before, and I even have time to look at the depressions on the metal wall and
exaggerate my eyebrows: "Grass, if I were stubborn and strong, wouldn't I be dead? Since
you are so ruthless, don't blame me I have no pity for the fragrance. "
Shen Shi'an's eyes were full of murderous fate, but before he could do anything, he found
that the metal wall in front of the man suddenly changed shape like a liquid, and instantly
turned into dozens of marbles the size of iron balls, blasting at him like a blast of wind and
electricity. Come.
As soon as Shen Shian's expression was condensed, his figure immediately backed away
and pulled away from the iron pills. At the same time, he flickered, his body twisted and
stretched at an almost unbelievable angle. An iron pill struck through the tip of his nose,
just hitting the metal flagpole at the entrance of the tent area, the flagpole shook twice, and
the bell fell down from the fracture, and the flag fluttering in the wind fell to the ground,
revealing the tiger's head A crimson pattern with wolves' heads overlapping, similar to
some kind of badge.
Witnessing Shen Shi'an's eyes across the whole process: A penetrating power of this kind is
already comparable to the power of bullets.
Shen Xun paced back and forth a little anxiously, but forcibly suppressed and did not rush
The man whistled: "Well, my body is quite soft. Thirty you can hide, how about ninety?"
As soon as the words fell, Tiemaru who shot out \\ 'went out from one to three as if he had
his own consciousness, and once again formed the killing array towards Shen Shi'an.
Fully ninety iron pills aimed at the key points everywhere, and the instant approaching did
not give people a chance to breathe, even when Shen Shi'an changed his position, he could
follow him as if he had grown eyes.
This is not only a high-frequency machine fire, but also a machine fire with positioning and
Shen Shi'an looked dignified, and his eyes became more wary. There was no room left this
time, and the speed of the body was increased to the utmost. He avoided the first wave of
attacks of ninety iron pills with a movement imperceptible to the naked eye, and avoided
the second wave of attacks. When he was a little bit embarrassed, a blood line was rubbed
out of his left arm. When he was about to escape the third wave of attack and stand on the
ground, his ankle suddenly tightened, and he was hugged by the metal ring that did not
know when it appeared. Do not move.
It was this moment of kung fu, two wrists were hooped by metal rings one after the other,
and they were pulled to a cross shape on both sides.
"Ha ha ha ha," the man laughed quite contentedly, and recalled ninety iron pills at hand:
"It's not enough to stare at the air, but you should also pay attention to those who lurk in
the secret, otherwise you will be here now. .How's it, concede? "
The iron pill on hand was buzzing and spinning at high speed. It seemed to be ready to
shoot Shen Shi'an into a sieve at any time. The threat was self-evident.
Shen Shi'an's state at this time is somewhat similar to the red child trapped by the golden
ring of the Guanyin Bodhisattva.
It's a pity that the man does not have the supreme power of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he is
not a red child who can only catch it.
The aura in his body was roaring and roaring, and the man on the other side felt only a
flower in front of him, and there was a light golden light around his prey trapped in his
cage. At the same time, the metal ring that bound the opponent's hands and feet seemed to
be suddenly cut off from the psionic connection with him, and could no longer be sensed.
Shen Shi'an moved his hands and feet, and a series of crackling crackles were emitted from
the joints around his body. The metal rings on his wrists and ankles were torn off and
thrown to the ground like tearing a paper, staring at the man with a smile on his lips.
The next second, it flickered to the front like a ghost.
"Grass!" The man hurried back, directing ninety steel **** to blast toward Shen Shi'an like a
storm, but only touched the circle of Jin Guang without even touching the target's clothing
angle, and they were cut into the sky and falling into the ground.
The man's face was a little pale: "What the **** is this fucking!"
No one answered him. Shen Shi'an took a kick on his left arm, kicked the man to the right
for several steps, and nearly fell on his face with a dog.
The next step was a complete unilateral abuse. After getting rid of the opponent's ability,
Shen Shian Superman's physical fitness and terrible attack power were fully demonstrated.
The man could not keep up with his speed and could only passively avoid being beaten.
Boxing to the physical feet is like a sandbag being crazy 蹂 \\\ '躏.
Gang Wan's attack can no longer play a role. He attacked dozens of times without even
touching Jin Guang's skin, breaking his bones, and using his powers to dodge, but dragged
down his reaction speed. He was slammed even worse.
This is the result of Shen Shi'an not directly using Jinguang to crush him, otherwise he may
have become a flurry of blood.
After being beaten and swollen with a nasal and swollen face, the man was also outraged,
and he convened all the metals within a 100-meter radius and gathered in front of him to
form a two-meter-thick metal wall.
The golden light surrounding Shen Shi'an collided with the metal wall, and the iron filings
flew like falling snow. Regardless of how much metal shavings were ground by the golden
light, they would be instantly recalled by the man. With the ability to control the integration
from the back into the metal wall again a part of.
The harsh friction echoed on the flat ground. For several viewers, the two are now in a
state of stalemate, indistinguishable from each other, but for Shen Shian, if this state
continues, he will undoubtedly lose.
Because of the aura hood formed by the high-speed rotation of the aura, he can only last up
to ten minutes.
The man did not know what Shen Shi'an thought, but he also saw that they might not be
able to distinguish between each other in a short period of time, so he proposed: "If you do
n’t fight, I admit you are great, but I am not weak. Well, let's be flat ... "
The voice did not fall, a whip composed of aura suddenly came out from behind and tied
the two ankles of the man, yanked forward, toppling the man directly, and the instability of
the center "slammed" and slammed on the ground.
The metal wall slipped to the ground because of his moment of absence, a tall and slender
figure had flashed to his eyes, and the general's boots stepped on his carotid artery: "It's
not enough to just stare in the air, you should pay attention to those who lurk in the dark,
Otherwise, it's your end now. How about it, do you admit defeat? "
The arteries were blocked, and the man's complexion quickly rose and became red, his eyes
rolled and he could not even speak.
At this moment, a figure ran far from the awning area: "Mr. Shen! Mr. Shen keeps people at
his feet!"
Shen Shi'an looked at the sound in the past, but did not feel much surprised. He relaxed and
smiled: "Li Cheng."
Li Chengfeng generally ran to Shen Shi'an, his face flushed with excitement, his eyes faintly
burst into tears: "Mr. Shen!"
Shen Shian lifted his feet from the man's neck, and embraced Li Cheng with open arms, "It's
been a long time."
Li Cheng's throat froze and he couldn't hold back a tear: "I haven't seen Mr. Shen for a long
After she let loose with Shen Shi'an, she felt a little embarrassed while rubbing her eyes,
but her eyes were still agitated. "We brought a satellite phone when we came out to do the
task. Brother Miao called me and said that you could n’t believe it when you came to
Beijing. I thought I would go back to see Mr. Shen at least. I never expected to see you now.
It's so good. It's so good. Mr. Shen, it's great that you and Xun Xun are all fine. "
"You **** is that Shen Shi'an?" Shen Shi'an hadn't spoke yet, and a voice with incredible and
some kind of indignation came from behind him.
The man climbed up from the ground, and rushed to Shen Shi'an in anger: "Do you know
how much effort Lao Tzu wasted in order to find you! How much manpower and materials
wasted! You **** can hide! If not for you As for our Tiger Wolf team, because of this
unfinished record, have they been left behind by two other broken organizations on the
task completion rate list! Ahhh! "
He took on the task of searching for Shen Shi'an, but did not know what Shen Shi'an looked
like, because Gu Jia, the publisher of the mission, did not provide the target photo-it was
not that the Gu family owner did not have a photo, I heard it was because other forces
wanted to intercept it secretly The target, in order to prevent the other party from
obtaining the most important appearance information, is not provided, only some private
issues that only the target person knows are used to check the target identity.
But who can be called "Mr. Shen" by Li Cheng with excitement, besides the Shen Shi'an, who
often hangs with Lao Miao, ca n’t wait to read 800 times a day, who else! !!
Shen Shi'an squeezed his fist and leaned forward: "If you don't think it's because you have
sought me out, do you still have a life standing here to call me? Feeling angry? Otherwise,
fight again? "
The man counseled for a second, and spit out a "hum!" From the nasal cavity.
Li Cheng scratched his nose and was particularly embarrassed: "Mr. Shen, let me introduce
you. This is our group leader, Xiao Lang."
Shen Shi'an nodded: "It's better to meet than to be famous, it's better to meet."
Xiao Lang was furious, but in view of the opponent's force value, he did not dare to soar—
the place that was just bloated was still green, so he spit out "Huh!"
However, what he didn't know was that although Shen Shi'an seemed to be full of
deterrence at this time, it was actually the end of a strong crossbow. The sequelae of long-
term use of the aura mask completely broke out at this time. His Dantian was empty and
weak, and if not to avoid leakage The weakness held up, and it had long since fallen to the
But this tone is not good enough. If you look closely, you can see that even his fingertips are
trembling slightly. Every second, the sense of weakness in the body expands several times.
He doesn't even dare to take out the spring water from the space because I'm afraid he
can't open the bottle cap. Just when Shen Shi'an could barely support his tracks, a warm
and wide furry body was attached to his back, which allowed Shen Shi'an to put all his
weight on it without any trace.
"An'an," the boy's clear voice sounded in his consciousness, "I'm here."
Shen Shi'an bent his corner of his mouth, raised his hand and touched the big dog: "Well, I
With the help of Shen Xun, Shen Shi'an stood in the same place and communicated with Li
Cheng again for a while, telling the purpose of coming here, while the internal body work
was running, and the spiritual power was replenished at the fastest speed.
"A 12-year-old girl named Fan Xintong? I don't seem to have seen it," Li Cheng looked at
Xiao Lang: "Have you seen the head of the delegation?"
Xiao Lang hugged his chest with both hands and raised his chin, "Huh!" Clearly refuse to
Li Cheng is even more embarrassed: "Mr. Shen, don't mind, our head is his character, in
fact, he is very good ... Since it is definitely in our camp, then go in and look for it, I believe it
will definitely found."
After this moment of effort, the situation of Shen Shi'an has eased a lot. He took out half a
bottle of Lingquan water and drank half of his body. His body was like the land moistened
by spring rain, and his actions became more freely. Nodded: "It's troublesome for you."
"Where is Mr. Shen? I gave you my life. If you're so polite, I'll have no face to see you. Come
and follow me, ordinary survivors live here."
Shen Shi'an regained his weight from the dog. Before he stepped, Shen Xun asked him,
"An'an, are you sure you're fine?"
"OK, rest assured."
The dog nodded, then turned around and hit Xiao Lang fiercely to the ground, fangs roared
loudly, the meaning of provocation could not be more obvious.
"Grass!" Xiao Lang sneered on the ground and said, "Your dog's no matter what? I can learn
for you."
Shen Shi'an and Gouzi looked at each other, and walked to the sidelines leisurely: "Lessons,
let me see the true strength of the head of the tiger and wolf group."
Xiao Lang was so furious that he raised his hand to recall the metal wall and rushed
towards the dog: I ca n’t beat you, can't even your dog beat it!
Half a minute later, the head of the tiger and wolf regiment, who was arrogant and
domineering, with a high power level, was known as the "first person in the base of the
capital." Shine, biting hard at his thigh.
Xiao Lang hurriedly controlled the metal barrier, but the sharp teeth easily broke through
the protection, and pierced two inches deep in the position of his butt.
The screams were deafening.
The author has something to say: Congratulations to readers on "Nine Nine", readers
"Wang Shu and sleepy", readers "Big Dream" took the lead to see through the new role
identity ~
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: Did the rabbits wake up today 2;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: Did the rabbits wake up today 2;
Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Did the rabbit whine wake up today 9 (baby you
throw too much! Flattered by surprise); light sauce, elegant, one fish, one dark night, red
moon, dementia Amnesia, Jiamu, Xiaofu do not go to bed early, Sunny89,? Maybe ?, Jin Jin 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
78 bottles of Su Mu 湫; 66 bottles of muddy wine; 65 bottles of bird feathers; 61 bottles of
Xiaoxin human machine; 47 bottles of tea and tea seeds; 40 bottles of Mu Alley; 38 bottles
of Yixin Xingxin; 29 bottles of sniffles and 3024684330; 27 bottles of floating life; a piece of
saliva bag, Yuanzi, Passerby B, Meow Meow_20 bottles of Mi Mi; natural rolls, Haiyan
Heqing, Hula Labei shou, Xiao, do not change wine, Jingxing, Tian Yuyu, heavy Sugi,
fortunately knowing the rest of my life, 10 bottles of longevity; 8 bottles of beaver;
31223660, Cai Wei, catching the tail of the heavy rain, 310149765 bottles; 28233308,
Ape_Peipei 3 bottles; HYHTATTAT, @ honey ~ honey 2 bottles ; 1 bottle of tangerine peel
and white paddle;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! Please keep in
mind: rose, wrong chapter, begging for books, please add qq group: 277600208 (group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 124:

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head, and then poured a bottle of mouthwash into his mouth:
"Don't bite your butt, just bite it."
The dog shook his hair and darted affectionately on him: "Yes."
Xiao Lang, who was bitten by two blood holes in his buttocks and thighs, got up from the
ground with the help of Li Chengyi. His face looked like a freshly blooming green daisy.
A few of them were frustrated, and they turned around and rushed towards the dog, and he
shouted at him flatly: "Why! I don't think I'm embarrassing enough! If I can't do it, I will
siege and crowd more people. That ’s how I usually teach you? I ca n’t even **** it, and you
rushed over to have a fart! A group of shameful things, grass. "
After scolding and grunting, he pulled his arm out of Li Cheng's arms and said, "I'm so
angry, why are you still taking him? Take him to find someone!"
"Head of your injury ..."
"Hurt a fart, can't die, hiss ..." Cao, the dog's mouth was too hard. A virtue with its master.
Li Cheng came up and touched his nose. "Mr. Shen, don't mind, although our head looks a
little ... not in touch, in fact, he is very good and his ability is particularly strong."
Shen Shian nodded, affirming the "strong ability". He and Xiao Lang did not play this game
on both sides, and it was more a matter of learning from each other. Otherwise, the
geometry of the casualties is really hard to say.
In his heart, Xiao Lang's fighting power is definitely the strongest among the abilities he has
"Xun Xuan has a sense of importance, without biting bones and vital points."
Li Cheng laughed: "I know, the head also knows, otherwise I won't let me take Mr. Shen to
find someone."
He originally planned to take Shen Shi'an to find a tent next to each other. After learning
that Shen Xun had a way to locate it directly, the two followed him behind the dog and
walked inside the awning area. He finally stopped in front of a gray-green tent that was not
A total of four people, three adults, and one child lived in the tent.
But after seeing what the child looked like, not only Li Chengyi, but even Shen Shi'an was
also on the spot.
Before Fan Guoping completely mutated into a zombie, he once gave Shen Shian a picture
of his wife and daughter, which should have been taken during a picnic. The wife sat on the
tablecloth kneeling, with a beautiful face and a smile, and Fan Xintong, ponytailed, was
hugging a dog by the tablecloth and rolling, the sun was shining brightly, and the eyes were
full of happiness.
This photo of Shen Shi'an has always been on her body, and the characteristics of Fan
Xintong's appearance have long been borne in mind.
But the child in front of him couldn't make anyone connect him with Fan Xintong.
The child is extremely thin, with a layer of black and gray on her face, and her bare wrists
and ankles are as thin as dry wood, and her eyes are indifferent and numb completely
incompatible with her age. What is even more unexpected is that she puts her hair All of
them have been cut, and the stubble is rambling, and the scalp can be clearly seen even in
the shortest place.
Li Cheng hesitated a bit: "Mr. Shen, are you sure this is the person you are looking for?"
From the appearance, no one can see that this is a little girl.
Gozi said: "It's her, you can't go wrong."
Shen Shi'an's throat rolled, his heart burst into sadness, squatting in front of Fan Xintong
on one knee, afraid to scare her, so he softened his voice: "Do you know me, my surname is
Shen, called Shen Shi'an."
Fan Xintong stared at him for a while and nodded: "I know, my dad is responsible for
protecting people."
Before Shen Shi'an figured out how to tell her about Fan Guoping, Fan Xintong said, "Is my
father dead?"
Shen Shi was silent, then whispered, "Yes."
"How did you die."
"I was in school at the time of the virus outbreak. Your father was standing on the stairs
outside the classroom. A student who had mutated into a zombie came downstairs. Your
father was accidentally scratched while trying to help him."
Shen Shi'an looked into her eyes: "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" Fan Xintong shot a sharp light in his eyes: "Is my dad's scratch related
to you?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head for a moment.
"Then you didn't save him when you could save him?"
Shen Shi'an was silent for a moment, and then shook his head again: "I know it was too late
when he was scratched. His mutation was already ... deep, there was no way to save him."
On the first day of Fusion Gongfa, he knew that Lingquan could not save the dead. Fan
Guoping had lost his heartbeat and breathing at that time, and even the spiritual spring
water was lacking. If Fan Guoping was told immediately after being injured, there might
still be some vitality. But even so, he wasn't sure if he would be saved.
The sharp light in the girl's eyes went silent, and returned to indifference and numbness:
"So, what are you sorry for?"
Shen Shi'an hadn't dealt with the child much, and the only one who had been in close
contact had to look for it, but the set that communicated with the dog essence could not be
used on Fan Xintong.
"Before your father was dying, I promised that he would do his best to take care of you," he
whispered, "Would you like to come back to the base of Beijing with me?"
Fan Xintong glanced at him and lowered his eyes again: "anywhere."
Li Cheng brought in a female member of the Tiger and Wolf Regiment and asked her to take
Fan Xintong to clean it before changing clothes. After the two left, she said to Shen Shi'an,
"The child's psychological condition seems to be something wrong."
Shen Shi'an stood up and watched Fan Xintong's back go, "Where did you find her?"
"Waining Base in Province D, where these survivors were transferred from. As for how long
she stayed in the base and when she arrived at the base, I do n’t know, but I can find
someone. Inquire, all the survivors in the base are in this camp, and someone will definitely
know. "
"Trouble." Shen Shi settled again and said, "... In addition, please, please let the lady see if
there is a wound on her."
Li Cheng nodded: "I understand."
Li Cheng was right. It was not difficult to inquire about Fan Xintong. According to the
information provided by survivors at the same base, Fan Xintong was brought back by a
gold rushing team that went out to collect materials more than half a month ago. In the
base of Huaining, she rarely communicates with people during the short life in the base.
The only thing that can be sure is that she insists on going south and has been inquiring
whether there are any southbound teams.
Just before she left Huaining Base and headed south, she was brought back by the troops
who went to perform the migration task.
She cut off her hair and deliberately smeared her face with plaster. No wonder none of the
search teams who took the task could find her.
In addition, what made Shen Shian secretly relieved was that she didn't have any obvious
wounds on her body.
Shen Shi'an had planned to take her back immediately, but it was too late, and she rushed
back overnight to fear that her body could not stand it. Besides, she had just learned that
her father had died. Even if she did not show it on the surface, she should need time to
buffer her heart.
After much consideration, they decided to stay in the camp tonight, and set off with the big
troops tomorrow morning.
Li Cheng specially prepared a big tent for him and the dog, while Fan Xintong was
accompanied by the female member to sleep on the other. At dinner, the garrison set up a
simple banquet, inviting him and the dog to join, Xiao Lang, head of the Tiger and Wolf
regiment, was also at the table, and the operation was quite comfortable. It seemed that he
had been cured by the healing abilities. But I still remember the pain, it was a lot of
honesty, and I didn't say anything to make him violent.
Early the next morning, troops were deployed to the road.
Xiao Lang stood and raised his hand in front of the wide and deep ditch, and the sharp
metal thorns at the bottom of the ditch emptied into a pile in front of him.
Turning his head to see Shen Shi'an's eyes, he flaunted the pile of metal thorns and danced
a few times in the air: "How is it?"
Shen Shi'an ignored him. I had patronized the fight yesterday, and I didn't have time to
observe some details. At this time, I was close to Xiao Lang, only to find that there was a
large piece of metal shavings hanging behind him: extremely fragmented and very fine, it
would be almost difficult to detect if you did n’t look carefully, like A tight net guarded him
No wonder he could make those thirty steel pills out of thin air. The weapon was always
there, but it moved instantly.
Xiao Lang noticed his sight and raised his eyebrows: "The eyes are quite sharp. Do you
think I am very impressed? I am telling you the truth. I did n’t use my best effort yesterday.
Did you know? You know, if I move, I do n’t know who loses and who wins. "
Shen Shi'an clenched his fist, "Would you like to stop it?"
Shen Xun dug out two Senhan teeth at the right time.
Xiao Lang's legs trembled, and he clasped his hands with his chest and "hum!" He turned
over and put the metal spines into a metal plate on the truck roof, pretending not to hear.
Shen Shi'an was about to bring Fanzi to find Fan Xintong, but he did not expect to meet
another acquaintance.
"Mr. Shen!" The man ran along with the child, his face full of excitement and excitement: "I
just couldn't recognize the back view, I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. Shen!"
Shen Shi'an recognized it immediately: "Tian Yi."
"Yes, yes, it's me. I didn't expect Mr. Shen to remember me," Tian Yi laughed. "Thanks to Mr.
Shen for taking us to the door of the security base, we thought we couldn't follow Shen
anymore. The gentleman thanked him and did not expect to meet again and again. "
After touching the little girl's head, "Yao Yao, remember Brother Shen, who gave you
instant noodles and lollipops."
The little girl named Yaoyao looks the same as half a year ago, and still timid, but after she
recognized Shen Shi'an, she smiled on her face: "Shen brother is good ..."
"Hello there."
The dog remembers her. At first she laughed that she would not recite poems, and now she
took a breath and took a breath.
The little girl was frightened and immediately hid behind Tian Yi.
Shen Shi'an raised his hand and touched the dog's head, and said to Tian Yi: "I remember
that you went to the security base of Dongming County in Province A, how did you come to
the survivors of Huaining base?"
"The original Dongming County base was attacked by a zombie tide, and now it is gone.
Later, a new one was built, and later it was merged with other bases several times. Catch up
with the Beijing base to migrate. "
That turned out to be the case. Shen Shi'an looked at him and the little girl, hesitantly, "Your
Tian Yi laughed: "She's okay, well, now I'm packing my luggage in the tent. If you see Mr.
Shen, I will be very happy."
Shen Shi'an nodded. "It's okay."
I have to say that the luck of this family is really outstanding. Not only is no one infected
with the flu, but the family can survive to this day safely. After arriving at the base in
Beijing, the chance of survival will undoubtedly increase again.
It seems that luck is also crucial in the last days.
After saying hello to Tian Yi, the big troops will officially start. Because the dog was
unwilling to carry other people, Fan Xintong and other people Shen Shi'an were uneasy, so
he took the off-road vehicle out of the space. He drove the child in the car, and Shen Xun ran
outside with the car.
I cleaned it up and changed my clothes. Fan Xintong looked better than yesterday. Although
he was still reluctant to communicate, when Shen Shian handed her a pot of strawberries,
he said thank you.
Two days later, Shen Shi'an and the migrating troops arrived at the Beijing base at the same
After passing through the city gate, he found Tian Yi's family.
"I set up an organization in the base. It's small and just started. You can join if you want."
He remembers Tian Yi as a chef and his wife as a teacher, who can all play a role in the base.
The young girl Yao Yao is about the same age as Fan Xintong, and will be accompanied by
her peers in the future, which may play a role in her psychological condition.
Tian Yixi couldn't help himself: "Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Shen. Mr. Shen is willing
to keep us, and of course we are willing to join!"
What is the beginning of the organization? Shen Shi'an defeated the leader of the tiger and
wolf group who was said to be particularly powerful. These two days have been spread
among the survivors. There is no such thing as a strong person who will not develop badly
after the organization. He remembers that Shen Shi'an's identity is not ordinary.
"Then we follow Mr. Shen?"
"I still have some things to deal with," Fan Xintong needs to re-apply for an identity
bracelet, and in addition, she still has some things left at Gu's house and not brought them
out. Shen Shi'an wrote his contact information and sharp edge address on paper and gave it
to Tian Yi, "You go first. When you get to the place, it's just that I let you go."
Tian Yi thanked again and again: "Thanks to Mr. Shen's help several times, otherwise our
family of three will not even have a place to stay. This kind of kindness connects to the
original, I Tian Yi is firmly engraved in my heart, and this life is unforgettable. "
When the three of Tian Yi got on the bus, Shen Shi'an returned to the driver's seat of the
off-road vehicle and said to Gouzi and Fan Xintong: "Go, go to the identity management
office first."
The author has something to say: Although it is still early, but I want to say in advance, if
there is a crazy suggestion in the future, then waist waist old Bath bass umbrella wine.
Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~
Thanks to the little angels who have [Rocket Launcher]: Kiko, Tehran 19431;
Thanks to the little angel who throws [grenade]: there are 1 idlers;
Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: Haiyan Heqing, Good Night, and Siji; Huaming,
Mushroom Su, Yiyixinxin, Yan Yan,? Maybe ?, Sunny89, Xiong Bao, issing, Mrs. Lu, feel at
ease, Jingxing, Ruochu. , CleVim, Fat Da Da 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:
CleVim 318 bottles; 169 bottles are still missing; 165 bottles in Xiaolongbao; M. , Summer,
meow meow_ have 50 bottles of Mi; 44 bottles; Yan 36 bottles; 3788615032 bottles; 30
bottles of Avenue of Love; 25 bottles of Moon Cangshan; water ice according to 1967, Cher.
Mao Tuan, Feng Xiaoxiaoxiang 20 bottles of Coco; 19 bottles of vegetarian; 15 bottles of
Siang and pigs to lose weight; 14 bottles of Yixun; 13 bottles of ising; Liangliang Liangliang
Liangliang; wait for you to love me, jasmine, pampered with water, take my clothes at night,
Coisini_, waiting tree, arrogant, I suspect you are driving, but SL, 10 bottles of winter frost
and autumn ice cream; 9 bottles of snow like snow; 31014976, cold, half-day, spicy road,
deer, lazy Fatty 5 bottles; Haha 3 bottles; Ruochu. , Dai Yule, 29343419, 2 bottles of snail
demon sauce; braised chicken wings, purple purple, ⊙ ▽ ⊙, A Feng, Yuexia Lake, summer,
Yu, sunset afterglow, 14168601, 1 moon invitation star;
Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! Please keep in
mind: rose, wrong chapter, begging for books, please add qq group: 277600208 (group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 125:

Settings saved..
When the Tian Yi family arrived at the gate of the Sharp Blade Base, it was Xu's turn to stay
behind the long table to recruit new people.
"Hello," Tian Yi led her daughter over, "My surname is Tian, my name is Tian Yi. This is my
wife and my daughter. We just came to the base of Beijing. It was Mr. Shen Shi'an who sent
us over."
Xu Ge stood up and laughed. "I know, the captain told me. I'm Xu Ge. Welcome all three to
join us. Please register the basic information here."
"Ah, good, thank you." Tian Yi took the pen from singer Xu and filled in the name, age, place
of origin, presence or absence of abilities, and special information in order according to the
form. After the family of three was filled in, Tian Yi touched her daughter's head. "Yao Yao,
thank you sister."
Xu Ge, who was finishing the register, gave a sudden meal, his heart seemed to be stabbed
by a very fine needle, and a trembling gaze stared at the little girl. "She's called, Yao Yao."
Tian Yi nodded, and nodded a little nervously. "Yes, Tian Shiyao, Miss Xu, please rest
assured, she is very obedient and obedient, and will definitely not cause you any trouble."
"Mr. Tian, don't worry, I don't mean that." Xu Ge crouched down in front of the little girl,
stretched out her hand to touch it and closed it back, her eyes flushed. "My sister is also
called Yao Yao, Xu Yao. Yao Yao, you this year how old are you"
Tian Shiyao was timid and whispered "eight years old"
Xu Ge laughed, tears rolling down his eyes, "Our family Yao Yao is four years older than
you, twelve this year."
Seeing this, what did the couple Tian Yi not understand. In the last days, the number of
people who broke the house is unknown. Their family of three is away. Thanks to the
blessings of Heaven, this is the way to live smoothly today.
Mrs. Tian, Ping Ye comforted, "Miss Xu, your grief changes smoothly. I believe your Yaoyao
is still guarding you now, but in another way."
Xu Ge wiped away his tears, touched the sachet containing the daisy seeds on his chest, and
nodded with a smile. "I know." Then he stood up, "I'm so sorry for making you laugh, you
must not have eaten yet, follow me Come, let me get you some food first. "
Tian Yi was a little cramped and thanked his wife again and again for "troubled Miss Xu."
"No trouble, now that you have joined the organization, you will be a family in the future."
Xu Ge paused, and Shi Tian Chao Yao reached out his hand. "Can I hold you?"
Tian Shiyao glanced back at his parents, and shyly put his hand into Xu Ge's palm.
At this time, it ’s not time to cook, and it ’s too late to cook, so Xu Ge uses the tomato
ketchup, a specialty of the space, as the base, and cooks two packets of instant noodles for
each of the family of three. An extra two eggs were laid.
"Too late to cook, I cooked three bowls of noodles, and you will eat a bit."
Tian Yi was full of food and had not eaten hot food for half a year. Tian Yi looked at the
three bowls of noodles with fragrant feet in front of her, and her tears were almost coming
down. "No, no, no, nowhere. That ’s it, this is a blessing. Thank you, Miss Xu, and Mr. Shen. "
In order to prevent himself from being restrained by the three people present, Xu Ge
arranged the dishes and cups and then went to the living room, leaving the family of three
to sit around the dining table alone.
A few minutes later, the sound of a vehicle coming in from a distance outside the gate of the
base was heard. Shen Shi'an is back.
He drove the off-road vehicle all the way to the door of the villa, picked up a backpack and
carried it on his body, and then pulled the rear door open. "Todd, we're here."
Fan Xintong still did not speak, and followed him into the villa silently.
Xu Ge heard the movement coming out of the living room. Fan Xintong, who was short and
clumsy, was surprised, and looked up to Shen Shi'an subconsciously.
Shen Shian nodded gently.
There was a moment of sadness in Xu Ge's heart. He walked down to half a meter away
from Fan Xintong and squatted down with a soft smile on his face. "Hi, hello, my name is Xu
Ge, are you a Tong Tong?"
Fan Xintong glanced at her and drew her eyes down.
Xu Ge didn't mind, and stretched out his hand. "Meet you for the first time, I'm glad to meet
There was still a long silence.
Just when Shen Shi'an thought that Fan Xintong would not give any response, she did not
expect her to raise her hand and grab Xu Ge's finger and hold it for a short time. It was a
short touch away, but it did hold it.
The little hands, almost all bones, made Xu Ge feel more and more sad.
Excited voices from Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan came from the door of "Boss seeking
brother" "You are back"
Shen Shi'an and Gouzi turned around. In addition to the two, they also saw Chen Nan and
Tao Yuan walking towards the villa. "Where have you been?"
"Go to see Tao Yuan brother training new people, hey hey hey, Tao Yuan brother's skills to
train people is getting better and better, training the group of newcomers is so
embarrassing and crying, far worse than me and Nan brother originally." Liu Fangzhou
took the lead Walked in "We thought you were back after ten days and a half months with
Xunge. I didn't expect to find someone so early."
Gaze moved to the child next to Shen Shi'an "This is Fan Xintong, Fan Xintong is not a girl"
Chen Nan gave a slap on his shoulder.
Liu Fangzhou shut up immediately, touched his nose, and waved his hand to Fan Xintong to
say "Hello Tongtong, my name is Liu Fangzhou. You can call my brother Ark in the future."
This time Fan Xintong lowered his head and didn't even look at him.
Tao Yuan and Chen Nan noticed something wrong with the child and got the answer from
Shen Shi'an's eyes. Also, the parents of such a small child have died, and they do n’t know
how much hardship they have suffered. Where can they be as innocent as they were before
the last days.
"Is everything going well?" Tao Yuan asked.
Shen Shian nodded, "how about recruiting new people"
"We are still recruiting more than 50 people who have already been recruited. We have
strong and weak abilities, but if we can survive the assessment period, the combat power
should not be poor."
"Tough work."
Between the people speaking, Tang Song and Lin Ruan from the research building next
door also hurried back. "When I heard the car rang, I guessed that you should be home.
How's it going?"
Shen Shi'an briefly explained the situation, and then walked to Fan Xintong and squatted
down on one knee. "These are all my teammates and my family. It doesn't matter if you
don't know now, you will have a long time to contact and understand They, they will do
their best to take care of you and protect you like me. This is where you will live in the
future, do you like it? "
Fan Xintong stared at him for a while, then glanced down "anywhere."
"I'll take Tong Tong around to see which room she likes better," Xu Ge looked at Fan
Xintong, "I'll help you arrange it after you have chosen, how about"
Fan Xintong was silent for a moment, stretched his hand to Xu Ge's outstretched palm, and
grabbed one of her fingers.
Shen Shi'an handed her backpack to Xu Ge, "This is her stuff. Tell me what else you need."
Xu Ge nodded, "You can rest assured that I will take good care of her." And said "Mr. Tian's
family has arrived."
Shen Shi'an knew when she entered the door. During the conversation, the three members
of Tian Yi's family had finished eating and stood slightly restrained at the restaurant door.
Tian Shiyao hugged her father's legs and looked curiously at Fan Xintong, who was her age.
Fan Xintong looked up and glanced back at once.
Seeing Xu Ge mention them at this time, Tian Yi quickly led his wife and daughter out,
"Thank you Miss Xu for your hospitality, Mr. Shen, is there anything we can do?"
Shen Shi'an asked Xu Ge "Is the new couple all eating dry food like bread these days?"
"There is a cafeteria in the base area," Shen Shi'an said to Tian Yi. "I will make rice noodles.
If it is convenient, you will be responsible for the food for the newcomers from tomorrow."
"It's ok, it's convenient and convenient," Tian Yi nodded. "The chef is my old one. I still
carry the knife and the pot. Mr. Shen, rest assured, I will never let you down."
"Okay, that's good. All meals and accommodation in the base are all-inclusive, but daily
living in the inner city needs to pay one point, which you need to bear yourself. As a sharp-
edged cafeteria chef, you will pay one hundred points every month in the future as wage."
Tian Yi is grateful "Thank you Mr. Shen"
"There will be more and more people in the organization. The chef's work is not easy. This
is what you deserve." Shen Shi'an looked at Mrs. Tian Ye Ping again. "If I remember
correctly, you were a primary school teacher before the last days. I will be in charge of
teaching children how to write textbooks. Students will only be Yaoyao and Tongtong for
the time being. It may increase with the development of the organization. As a reward, I
will pay you 30 points each month. "
This time, without waiting for his wife to speak, Tian Yi immediately said, "No, that's fine,
teaching is fine, but we can't ask for this point. Mr. Shen took our family of three and paid
for it, and gave me a job. If Whoever pays us again. "
Ye Ping nodded. "There are two children in total. How can it be considered to go to class,
but it is just to accompany them to read and study together. Just for me to find something to
do, Mr. Shen, we must not pay for this. "
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, but didn't insist, "then wait until there are more children
As for the accommodation, there are double rooms on the dormitory building. It is not
convenient for the family of three to live in them. After thinking about it, Liu Fangzhou said,
"Take them to the small building, choose one to settle down first." Although It is said that it
is prepared for outstanding contributors, but it is also a waste to be empty at the moment.
In the future, a few more buildings will be built. Anyway, there is a lot of empty space.
Liu Fangzhou should come down and lead the family of three to go out. "Come with me, the
small building is not far ahead. You just came here today. If you do n’t understand anything,
just ask me."
Tian Shiyao was held by Tian Yi in his arms, lying on his shoulders and looking backwards.
After looking at Fan Xintong, he seemed frightened, and quickly turned his head back.
After Liu Fangzhou left with people, Shen Shi'an said to Xu Ge, who is temporarily in charge
of account management, "after the two-month review period, if Tian Yi's performance is
qualified, add those thirty points to his remuneration."
"Okay, I see. I'll take Tong Tong to choose a house first." Then he took Fan Xintong to visit
the villa carefully.
Tao Yuan went back to the training ground again. Chen Nan and Xiong Manshan wanted to
see the new couple be stabbed 039, so they followed.
Shen Shi'an looked to Tang Song and Lin Ruan "Are you convenient now?"
They nodded.
So they three plus dogs, went out of the villa and went straight to the artificial lake.
The lake was blue and clear, and sparkling waves reflected in the sun. Along the lake
embankment is a row of maple trees that were originally planted on the training ground.
They were transplanted after the construction started. Chen Nan lost abilities twice a day
to take care of them. At present, he is adapting well. .
Shen Shi'an carefully explained Fan Xintong's situation from beginning to end, and then
raised her concerns. "She's obviously in a wrong state now, and I worry about her
psychological problems."
"This is normal," Tang Song focuses on genetic engineering and human biology, but Lin
Ruan is better at psychological aspects. "There are too many people who have died after the
last days. She is as big as her parents, and there are no psychological problems. It ’s not
normal. I just observed it. She is unwilling to communicate with others, and she has a weak
response to external information, right? "
Shen Shian nodded. "Her mother was infected with the flu before the end of the world.
When Mr. Gu found her, her mother was locked in the bedroom, so I guess she should have
witnessed the process of her mother becoming a zombie. She even tried to attack her. She.
As for her father, I told her about her father two days ago, and she had almost no response.
There was no crying, no shouting, no denial and questioning, and it was calm and worrying.
"When we suffer from particularly severe emotional trauma, in order to protect ourselves,
the brain automatically forms a shielding mechanism," said Lin Ruandao. "It blocks both
the perception of the outside world and the expression of our feelings. Autism or
depression. Fan Xintong has now shown a clear tendency to autism, but you don't have to
worry too much, and it can be restored if you get rid of it in time, at least she is willing to
communicate with Xu Ge now. "
"Then what should I do"
"Know her, understand her post-apocalyptic experience, and call back her expression and
perception of emotions through some beautiful things. It is best to make her cry, and to let
the pain of forcible heart be fearful, all vented. come out."
Shen Shi'an thought for a long time and nodded. "I see."
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw out the rocket launcher, did the rabbit wake up today?
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade, did the rabbits wake up today, 2
mushrooms; there are idlers, 1 night snow;
Thank you for the two good night angels who cast mines; 36233838, hera, maybe, the name
is really troublesome, heart wide and long legs, double quotient online, Wen Bai, Yun Chang
Yi Mo, hika, Ruo Chu. , Sherock1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
50 bottles of Ru Qiulin Stones; 28 bottles of Qi Nian; 22 bottles of Ye Luan; Lalayu, h20
bottles; Ruochu. 18 bottles of good night, 16 bottles of ink that I love; aozaki, la la. . , Worry-
free, regret-free, gentleman, a small deer, a deer, a unicorn, youth fed a dog 201810 bottles;
sakurayayue, Lu Zheyi, confused, t1ng5 bottles; 362338382 bottles; purple purple, Bu Yue,
qqn, sur, 1 bottle
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 126:
Settings saved..
The room that Fan Xintong finally chose was on the second floor. Xu Ge was next door. If
you push the window, you can see the green grass below and the red maple cloud-like by
the artificial lake. On the other side of the artificial lake, the two-story small building
specially built for prominent members is in maple leaves. Looming in the middle.
Shen Shi'an picked out a set of blue furniture for Fan Xintong from the space according to
Xu Ge's preferences, and shouted Xu Ge aside while Fan Xintong was familiar with the new
"She has been wandering outside for more than a month when I found her," he said in a low
voice. "Although people have observed that there are no obvious wounds on her body, if
you have the opportunity, ask her about her experience during this time. ask."
In order for Fan Xintong's psychological condition to return to normal, he must first
understand what happened.
Xu Ge's eyes flickered, his eyes turned red immediately. "You mean"
"I'm not sure, but relative to her attitude towards you, she is obviously resistant to men."
Shen Shi'an sighed silently and looked at Xu Ge. "In short, it takes a lot of trouble to get
tired of you."
Xu Ge quickly shook his head and nodded, "Brother Shen, don't worry, I will take good care
of her."
When Shen Shi'an turned and left, he called him again, with boundless anger and hatred
hidden under his eyes, and his palms were stricken tightly. "Captain, if someone really
bullies her, can you give me the full responsibility for handling it?"
Shen Shi'an looked at her for a moment and nodded.
He and his dog were a little sleepy when they came back all the way. After taking a bath and
changing clothes, and resting on the dog for a while, Shen Shi'an remembered that he had
forgotten someone.
Step out of the bedroom and find Liu Fangzhou, who is eating watermelon in the
restaurant. "Where has Lu Xiuyuan gone?"
Liu Fangzhou shook his head with a cheek gangster. "I don't know. He hasn't seen him since
he finished his hygiene every morning in the past few days. I guess it should have gone out
to find someone. It was the ones who pushed him into the zombies at the beginning. It is
expected to wait I ’ll be back for dinner. ”After saying that, he took the cut watermelon to
the dog ’s mouth and said,“ Find your brother, too. ”
He has no birds.
Instead, walk to Shen Shi'an and put his head in his hand. "An'an feeds me."
Liu Fangzhou was right. Lu Xiuyuan came back at dinner. When I walked into the
restaurant and saw Shen Shi'an, I was a little happy. "You are back"
After Shen Shi'an nodded and nodded at him, he turned his eyes to Fan Xintong sitting at
the dinner table. "This is Mr. Fan Guoping's daughter."
Fan Xintong heard his father's name, glanced up at him, and dropped his head again.
Lu Xiuyuan looked at her thin arms, and there was something in her heart, so she walked
carefully to her and sat down. "Hello, my name is Lu Xiuyuan. After the virus broke out,
your father saved me, not only me, but also other things. Dozens of students, if it weren't
for him, we would have been eaten by zombies. Your father is a hero, and I am sorry that he
was sacrificed. "Fan Guoping was not injured by Shen Shian until he moved into the villa.
Saying something else, only gratitude and regrets for him.
Fan Xintong still lowered his head and said nothing from beginning to end.
Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan brought the meals out. "It's time to eat, Tong Tong, can you wash
your hands first?"
The dinner was made by Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge. Because of the arrival of Fan Xintong, he
took out a part of the mutated goose and goose eggs in the space, and went to the animal
husbandry center to buy some other meats. He bought them with the vegetables and fruits
grown in the space or produced by Chen Nan. Full table.
One of the plates of Cola Chicken Wings, Shen Shi'an deliberately put them in front of Fan
Xintong. "Your father told me that your favorite food is Cola Chicken Wings, right? This is
how I made it according to the method he gave me. Taste "
Fan Xintong stared at the chicken wings for a while and said coldly, "You can't make his
After that, Xu Ge ate whatever she clipped her, but did not touch the cola chicken wings
close at hand.
Shen Shi'an didn't mind her attitude. In fact, it was an improvement to allow her to evaluate
something. At least, she knew that she didn't have any reaction to the outside world.
Lin Ruan quietly cheered on him with a thumb, and continued.
Shen Shian made Cola Chicken Wings for seven days in a row. On the eighth day, Liu
Fangzhou made a sorrow. "Tong Tong, brother Ark, please eat a chicken wing. We are about
to eat and throw up, so please help me. "
Fan Xintong looked at him like a fool.
Xu Ge clipped a chicken wing into her bowl, this time she did not refuse.
On the tenth night of Fan Xintong's stay in the villa, everyone sat and watched a movie
together on the sofa in the living room after eating.
The movie screen is projected on a white curtain by a projector. A cartoon from a long time
ago, 101 dalmatians, have a happy ending after suffering and adventure, which is very
suitable for a family to watch together.
Fan Xintong sat next to Xu Ge, although he still didn't speak, but his eyes never moved away
from the curtain.
When the movie was over, Shen Shi'an asked her, "Do you like it, did your father say you
adopted a stray dog?"
"Well, it's called a pudding. It's cute and loyal. It's my best friend." Fan Xintong
unexpectedly replied, but the words that he said later made people nervous. "But it is
She looked up at Shen Shi'an, with something scary under her eyes. "Do you know how it
died? You must not guess. I killed it with my own hands."
"Mom became a zombie and wanted to eat me, and the pudding bit her mother in order to
protect me," the girl's voice rang slowly in the living room. "Then the pudding also became
a zombie, and it will eat me too. I don't want to Was eaten, so I killed it, I used the door to
keep it out, leaving only a gap for it to stick his head in, and then hit the door on it over and
over again, once, twice, three times, four times Finally, it lay on the ground. "
"Grass." Liu Fangzhou cursed secretly, rubbing his arms with Xiong Manshan and hiding
into Chen Nan's arms.
Tang Song and Lin Ruan frowned at the same time, staring at each other.
Xu Ge choked softly, and the dog snorted.
Shen Shi'an didn't move, didn't speak, he quietly looked into Fan Xintong's eyes.
"Sorry?" He asked softly after a long time, but didn't wait for the other party to answer, but
continued to say, "I saw the best friend's best friend leave me a little bit, but I can't do
anything, crying is useless." It ’s no use shouting, asking them to say a word to you is
useless, it must be sad. "
"But it's not your fault." Shen Shi'an sighed silently, holding Fan Xintong's shoulder to let
her look at herself. "It's not your fault whether your mother becomes a zombie or pudding
becomes a zombie. You did not kill the pudding. The pudding is a warrior. It sacrifices to
protect its master. What you kill is only the monster that robs its body of parasites. If the
pudding knows that you have defeated that monster, you know that you still Live well, it
will be very happy, just like your mother and your father will be very happy. "
The skinny shoulders under the palm trembled, and Fan Xintong bit his lips tightly.
Shen Shian took out a transparent glass jar from the space, tied a bow at the mouth, and
inside it was a small half of a jar of peanut candy covered with syrup.
Fan Xintong immediately recognized "This is, this is done by mother."
Shen Shian nodded and twisted the lid off. "Your father brought me gifts after the Spring
Festival. I'm sorry that there are only so many. Do you want to try them? I guarantee that
its taste has not changed." Peanut candy was taken into the second floor of Zhulou by Shen
Shi'an together with other foods. For this jar, time stagnated from that moment until it
continued to flow.
Fan Xintonghong held the glass jar in his arms with his eyes in his arms, reached for a piece,
and took it to his mouth to take a careful bite.
Slap. Liquid dripped on the tank.
Flip-flop. The dripping liquid is getting more and more fast.
Fan Xintong whispered quietly, his body was shaking, crying became louder and more
tears, and finally opened his mouth and cried, "I want mom, I want dad, I want pudding, I
think our whole family still Together mom mom don't leave me alone i want my dad "
Xu Ge wept silently, and held Fan Xintong in his arms. "Cry, just cry, it will feel good when
you cry. Tong Tong is good, not afraid."
No one spoke. Chen Nan and others turned their heads to wipe their eyes, and the dog
licked Shen Shi'an's hand. "An'an, don't you be sad."
Shen Shi'an smiled and rubbed twice on the dog's head.
The emotional release lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, Fan Xintong was
almost out of power, but he was still holding the glass jar tightly with both hands and was
unwilling to release it.
Xu Ge wiped her face and hugged the thin and tired twelve-year-old girl. "I'll take her back
to the room first."
Shen Shian took out a bottle of mineral water mixed with Lingquan from the space and
handed it to Xu singer, "feed her more."
Xu Ge nodded, and whispered the child to the second floor.
After the two entered the room, Xiong Manshan sighed a long time. "His mother, this is 039,
the poorest is the child."
Xu Ge took a bath for Fan Xintong, then sat on the bed and wiped her hair "Did you cut this
hair yourself?"
After a long cry, Fan Xintong resumed silence again. But it was probably just after taking a
shower and drinking the Lingquan water that his face looked much better than before.
Holding the glass jar in her arms and nodding.
"My hair was also cut by myself," Xu Gerou said. "The previous hair was too long, so it was
inconvenient to do anything. Do you like long hair or short hair?"
"Not long or short." Fan Xintong spoke after a short while, looking up at Xu Ge, "just like
you are now."
"Is it my favorite length now?" Xu Ge put the towel aside and touched Fan Xintong's uneven
hair stubble. "Children ’s hair grows fast, and there are at most two or three months. Your
hair The length will be the same as I am now. I will help you to repair it a little bit. Believe
me, my craft is great. "
Fan Xintong nodded.
Xu Ge wrapped a towel around her neck, letting her sit on the clothes that she was going to
discard, and holding a comb and small scissors to help her carefully trim until no obvious
clutter could be seen.
"Oh," she held a mirror and held it in front of Fan Xintong. "Which little fairy is this? How
could it look so good?"
Fan Xintong glanced, and clenched his lips to reveal a vague and short smile.
Xu Ge cleaned up her broken hair, dried her hair, and led her to the bay window sill.
"I have a younger sister," she whispered. "His name is Xu Yao. He is as old as you. He is
twelve years old this year."
"Did she also become a zombie?"
Xu Ge shook his head. "A worse thing happened to her. After the virus broke out, our
parents died, leaving me and Yaoyao. Later, some bad guys broke into our place and they
caught I left Yaoyao and threatened me to listen to them, otherwise Yaoyao would be in
danger of life. At that time I was too weak and I could n’t protect her. I could n’t do anything
but listen to the bad guys. They let me do it. I'll do whatever I want. But Yaoyao is still dead.
Fan Xintong raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. "Crying will make you feel
better, not afraid."
Xu Ge smiled with tears in her eyes, took her hand, and picked off the sachet hanging
around her neck with the other hand. "Do you know what this is? This is the seed of a daisy.
After Yao Yao passed away, he was buried This kind of flower blooms in her place. Brother
Shen once told me that as long as I remember Yao Yao, she would stay with me. I think he
was right. "
She looked at Fan Xintong's eyes. "As long as you remember your father, your mother, and
the pudding, they will always be there for you, and they won't go anywhere."
Fan Xintong held the glass jar tightly, and two tears fell down.
Xu Ge wiped her tears and put the sachet containing the daisy seeds into her hand "wait
until next spring, let's plant these seeds together, OK?"
Fan Xintong nodded hard.
Shen Shi'an was lying on the bed, with his head resting on the dog's stomach, staring at the
curved string outside the window for a long time and unable to sleep.
"I should save Fan Guoping." He whispered a long time later.
"You can't save it, Fan Guoping told you he was dead when he was injured." Shen Xun's
voice sounded in his mind.
"But I should give it a try. I should put him on the second floor of the space just as I did in
Lowe, so at least he can meet with Tongtong."
"Then," the young man's voice was calm and sensible. "After seeing him, do you want Fan
Xintong to experience life and death again and again, and watch the beloved person
become a zombie again? He has lost his breath and heartbeat, and his body cells have been
lost. With vitality, even if Tang Song and Lin Ruan develop the vaccine, it is useless to him.
Instead of losing it, it is better not to get it from the beginning. "
Shen Shi'an turned his head and looked at him. "How many chicken soups have you seen
The dog flicked his tail and swept at him, without speaking.
Shen Shi'an looked back at the moon and sighed softly. "I'm sorry for him anyway. If it
wasn't for the purpose of being a bodyguard for me, Fan Guoping wouldn't show up at
school or be injured by zombies."
"If it weren't for you as a bodyguard, he wouldn't have been able to drink the tomato juice
of the Lingquan water in the space, and he might have died of the flu." Seeing Shen Shi'an,
"An'an, it is not your fault that Fan Guoping will die. He was your bodyguard because Mr.
Gu paid him. Even without him, you have a space and a spirit fountain after the virus
outbreak, and I protect you. You, too, will be fine. You don't owe him anything. Promise that
he will take care of Fan Xintong. Now he has done it. I really want to say who owes him, he
owes you a little bit more. "
Shen Shi'an was silent for a while, raised his hand and rubbed on the dog's head. "We are
really grown up."
Gozi giggled twice, "The longer I grow, the stronger I will get. An An, I will always protect
Shen Shian laughed and was about to say something. Suddenly, a very slight movement was
caught in her ears, and she immediately got up from the bed. "Who"
The breeze stroked the curtains without any response.
The dog snorted and smelled, "Ann, no one else."
The five senses of rapid expansion were also nothing, the tight body gradually relaxed, and
Shen Shian lay back on the dog. "I should have heard it wrong, sleep."
After a long time, until the crescent moon was tilted west, a small figure stood up from the
window and walked away silently.
The author has something to say. Do you remember the jar of peanut candy?
I ’m done with the past, and I ’m going out to do group tasks in the next chapter.
The corpse squad set off again
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher is Mu Yan, not Mu Mu, Kiko, Yun
Chang Yimo;
Thanks for the little angel who threw a grenade. Oh, did you close yourself today? 3
osmanthus osmanthus fragrances; dandan, oseven, sunny 891;
Thank you for the angels who cast mines. Are you autistic today? U5; Gu Gu 2; 隽, I am Shi
Shi Ai, Hua Xian Zi Er, Tian An, herence, 31135732, Qi Zui have you done today, maybe, Yan
璆, Jingxing, Xiaoyu wanted to eat sugar, Shemu ovo, was forced to rename his heart, a
crown, sunny89, core socialist values, confusion, Qi Changye 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
The wind floats 128 clouds; Taipa 100 bottles; I want to eat delicious 89 bottles; a happy
wild pointer, Yan Qingping 60 bottles; dandan 54 bottles; oseven44 bottles; I am a certified
28 bottles; Alsatian, sier-like, are Mu Yan, not Mu title, 20 bottles of Herence; 2642521013
bottles; 12 bottles of Yan Yan; 19: 3, mushrooms do not grow grass, a cricket, two fat
people, tea, 22641158, orange soda bubbling , Smoky, flashy, raccoon, Huanhuan, want to
sleep, can you compare you to one, the author has finished updating, I like Luffy, flying
wounded, lazy lazy, huangyuzhi199110 bottles; some unknown Little fairy, 330509939
bottles; 8 bottles of planting; 7 bottles of young joy; 6 bottles of Li Xi but not Hei Hei Hei; 5
bottles of Qing Qing so, sur, bacheor, 31014976, oak; I love to watch them in one breath,
266454133 bottles; Winter frost and autumn ice cream, like this, 134690132 bottles;
Qianqian, the setting sun, catching the rain's tail, Yu, August laurel, flowers and painting,
purple, purple, Yuyu and Yuyu 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 127:

Settings saved..
The first wave of recruiting was successfully completed after two weeks, and a total of 111
new recruits were recruited, of which 23 were abilities and 88 were non-abilities. In
addition, there were 34 family members who temporarily joined the new staff. According
to the personal directors, they have arranged work, either in the kitchen, or registered in
the warehouse, or specifically responsible for the management of sanitation.Even the place
originally reserved for arable land beside the artificial lake has been cultivated. Vegetables,
fruits and fruits, looking forward to the gratifying growth.
The sharp blades suddenly became lively in the base area, and people could be seen
everywhere. The shouting and drinking on the training ground continued throughout the
day, and the newly built dormitory building and cafeteria gathered more and more
October, with the scorching heat and the scorching heat, quietly passed away, and time
moved to mid-November.
It seemed as if the equator and the pole had fallen abruptly, and the weather suddenly
became cold.
On November 10th, the mission center released a group mission to the emergency disaster
reserve warehouse in province e to transfer supplies to Beijing.
Sharp Blade signed up to participate and was selected successfully.
The members sat in the conference room on the second floor of the villa and discussed who
would participate in the group task.
"Tang Song and Lin Ruan must not be able to go," Shen Shian put his hands on the table.
"You two continue to carry out research. At present, vaccines are the top priority. You don't
have to worry about other things."
Lin Ruan nodded.
"Tao Yuan doesn't have to go, you need to stay and continue to train new people." The
assessment period was only halfway, at which time the suspension was worthless.
He then turned his attention to Xu Ge, who immediately said, "I am with you"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "Tong Tong needs you to accompany him, and Tang Song
praises them for their own affairs. One person in the family needs to be able to manage and
coordinate the overall situation. The task is important, as is the stability of the base area."
Xu Ge thought about it and agreed.
"Then decide so, the people to go include me, Xun Xun, Chen Nan, Ark, and Lu Xiuyuan."
Xiong Manshan immediately raised his hand "What about me, Captain?"
Chen Nan turned to look at him, "Brother Xiong, we are going to move supplies."
"So I am strong enough to move my old nose."
"The most important thing is food stuff."
Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but add, "Take you with me in case your metaphysical
constitution recurs, and if you go to the warehouse and see if there is anything to eat, then
we should not run for nothing."
Xiong Manshan persuadedly retracted his hand to a half, but quickly raised it up. "Then I
can not kill the zombies on the way or turn the zombies down and give them to you, as long
as I do not kill the zombies, it will not affect us That wasn't the case at the research center.
The zombies were all settled by Major Tang and Lin Ruan, and there was nothing to eat in
the cafeteria. "
Shen Shian seemed to be moving.
Xiong Manshan made persistent efforts. "I run fast and with great strength. Even if I do n’t
kill zombies, it can play an important role. For example, spreading news or running ahead
to explore the road for you. In case it is the same as in the base of Yangcheng Encountered
mutation "
"To shut up"
Several drinking sounds rang at the same time, Tao Yuan's eyes were dying to cover his
mouth, and everyone at the table was scared of cold sweat.
Liu Fangzhou's calf trembled a bit. "Brother, it's the same root, so it's so anxious to fry."
Why do you always want to kill your family?
Xiong Manshan obediently raised his hands and waited carefully after Tao Yuan loosened
him. "I promise I won't talk nonsense again, boss, just take me with you."
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment, and finally agreed to join him.
Xiong Manshan is right. His power can indeed play an important role. Even if the zombies
cannot be killed on the way, the return journey still needs as much powerful fighting power
as possible.
After thinking about it, I was still a bit uneasy. I asked Shen Xun in my heart, "You can
always know what the mountain thinks, right?"
"Once he finds the appearance of a crow's beak, let him talk."
So the number of people participating in the mission increased to six.
Xu Ge was a little worried. "I think the number is still too small. Province e is hundreds of
kilometers away from the base of Beijing."
Shen Shi'an tapped on the table with his finger and looked at Tao Yuan. "You told me a few
days ago that there are several abilities in the newly added abilities that are good, right?"
Tao Yuan nodded, "One water system ability, one soil system, and two fire systems, these
four people are more outstanding." If they can pass the assessment period, they must all
"Then take all four and take this task as part of the assessment." There are some things that
cannot be seen in light training. Only in actual combat can we determine whether the other
party is worthy of entrusted partners.
"This is just right," Tao Yuandao said. "I originally planned to take them around the base for
small tasks starting next week."
Shen Shi'an looked at Xu Ge and Lin Ruan again. "This time the mission is relatively far
away and there are many cities passing by. It is estimated that we will be able to return at
least one month at least. I left it in the warehouse for two months. If it ’s not enough, buy it
from Brother Miao. I said hello to Mr. Gu. If there is anything that cannot be solved, go to
the Gu family for help. Is the point enough?
Xu Ge nodded "Enough, captain, you don't have to worry about this."
Tang Song said, "Be careful along the way, I'm afraid this journey will not be easy."
Be careful not only of zombie and mutant animals, but also of zombie-mutated animals.
Viruses have different effects on humans and other animals, which Tang Song knew from
the beginning. The protovirus in the human body will be screened for humans, those with
immunity will be transformed into power viruses, and those without immunity will be
transformed into zombies. Zombie virus is the first priority to obtain human DNA to
complete evolution, so it will only attack humans, and completely ignore animals.
The effect of the virus on animals is much simpler. According to the currently known
information, all animals seem to be immune to the original virus, and the original virus in
the animal will not change, and it always exists in the original structure. Most animals did
not respond to the virus, and a few responded, either growing or shrinking, and remained
Protoviruses in the body will not become zombies, and the transformed zombies have no
interest in them, so in theory, zombies do not exist.
But what if the animal takes the zombie virus?
From Fan Xintong's experience, it can be known that even if animals are ingested, even
animals will mutate. It seems that the cannibal ant colony they met outside the base of
Yangcheng has already become a zombie ant colony. This means they need to be careful not
only of zombies, but also of scavengers that use zombies as food.
Right now it's winter and there is a lot of food outside, even if it wasn't rotten, it might be
forced to try.
Shen Shian nodded. "I know."
However, high risks are accompanied by high returns. This time, the major power
organizations of the material transfer task are rushing to see their attractiveness. If the
blade wants to develop, it must make this first battle beautiful.
The day before the official departure of the army, Shen Shi'an was invited to the Gu family.
"The emergency reserve warehouse in province e is one of the largest combat readiness
warehouses in China." Mr. Gu sat behind his desk and looked at Shen Shi'an Road. "The
huge amount of materials inside is crucial to the development of the base, so this time the
four big families Everyone has sent their staff, so keep your eye on it. "
"What are you afraid of?" Shen Shi'an looked faintly. "If the Qin family dares to move, let
him come back."
Mr. Gu laughed, as if the ten-year-old skinny face was full of pride and comfort, "I know you
are not afraid. If there is any other desirable place after the end of the world, it is
everything that speaks by strength. If I can defeat it, I don't care about those little tricks. I
will only say one more thing. When they come to the group mission relationship base to
survive, they may not dare to do anything, otherwise they will face the joint crusade of the
other factions. Yang, you know him well, just go to him directly if you need anything. "
After speaking, I got up and gave Shen Shi'an a satellite phone. "Call me if something
happens. If it's okay, give me a report every few days."
Shen Shi'an held the phone in his hand and nodded after a moment of silence.
Before leaving, take out a bottle of Lingquan water from the space and put it on the table.
"Drinking a glass every day is good for the body. I have no revenge, I don't want to see you
die in front of Ms. Qin."
Mr. Gu held the mineral water bottle in his hand, and half-smilingly answered, "Hey."
In the early morning of the next day, all members of the blade group participating in the
group mission gathered at the gate. And more than a hundred left-behind personnel came
out to see off.
The weather is cold and cold, and the temperature is particularly low in the morning. Take
a breath and spit it out. All the internal organs are irritating.
Shen Shi'an wore a thin black sweater, tucked into camouflage trousers on the hem, and the
fabric outlined two long, straight, long legs with terrifying power in action.
A sweater is also worn outside the sweater. The sturdy material secures the front chest and
back, and the waist line becomes more visible after tightening.
This is one of the materials he found in the Air Force Base. The number is very large.
Therefore, eight members except the dog have one hand.
Liu Fangzhou shot back and forth in front of the huge long sword that could be read, and
said, "This is too handsome, I feel that I can walk with wind. By the way, Brother Shen, do
we have to do it in the future?" A team uniform or something "
"There are badges," Xiong Manshan said while showing muscles to the long sword. "I see
other organizations have badges, embroidered on the banner and erected to the door, old
and energetic."
"Leave it to me," Lin Ruandao. "I have learned a little bit about design and painting. I'll
make sure the drawings are ready when you return."
"Then it ’s settled. The wolf and tiger are painted on the badge of the tiger and wolf
regiment. I wonder if we have to draw a dragon to press it over, or we can have a lion. We
do n’t have two little lions at home. What? "
Tao Yuan approached Shen Shi'an and "be careful all the way."
Tang Song handed him a pack of things "storage properly, do not shake or bump, there are
detailed instructions for use. Good luck, I look forward to your triumph soon."
Xu Ge led Fan Xintong and came over, "Captain, Tong Tong has something to tell you."
Shen Shi'an was a little surprised, squatted down half-length, and whispered "Tong Tong
want to tell me"
Fan Xintong looked up at him, "Will you come back alive."
"Will do."
Fan Xintong pursed his lips and held out his little thumb.
Shen Shi'an froze, then stretched out his little thumb and hooked it up "I promise."
The time when the big troops gather is getting closer and closer, the light golden sunlight
penetrates the clouds, sweeping the haze in the early morning.
"Be careful on the road," shouted the remaining staff.
"Captain goes all the way"
"Waiting for your triumph soon"
Chen Nan and others waved goodbyes to the left-behind friends and more than a hundred
new members. Shen Shi'an turned over and rode on the back of the dog.
The author has something to say: I have n’t asked for a white liquid for a long time. Today I
can ask for a wave of irrigation: 3 "
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel August osmanthus who threw a grenade; dandan, forced to
rename one bitter heart;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine, it ’s better to see two; maybe, I ’m not a kid, I
’m alone in a pot of sorrow, lamb does n’t know how to paint, one thousand;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
102 bottles of orange probiotics; 50 bottles that are harsh for a long time; 40 bottles of
dandan; 34 bottles of flowers and flowers and gravels; passers-by B, sier-like children,
heron in 20 bottles; Gongsun Xiaosi, 21243454, slightly cool rain, amber, Tang 10 bottles of
Azusa, Jueyuan, a19946122, Bao Zheng, aozaki; 8 bottles of female paper with a little bit of
rot; 6 bottles of 100% better than the first sight; 5 bottles of 249, Jiang Zhi, and 涞 迩; 3
bottles of beef 2 bottles of leaning leaves; the setting sun, green flowers, qqn, Xiaoya eat
barbecue, steamed cabbage, g151 bottle today;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 128:

Settings saved..
The north wind was bleak, and the yellow leaves rolled down, and a convoy rolled on the
wide road from the south like a wave and rolled towards the north.
The large-scale combat readiness emergency warehouses needed for this mission are
located in the northeast direction of the base of Beijing. There are about 400 abilities in the
pool, and the total number of participants is more than 600. Half of them are military
personnel, and the other half are It is composed of eighteen power organizations. With
nearly two hundred large and small motor vehicles connected in a line, the engine sounds
In one of the medium-sized military trucks, nine members of the Blade Squadron sat.
Chen Nan was in charge of driving. A newly joined fire fighter Yang Cancan sat in the co-
pilot, and the rest were in the back compartment. The dog was unhappy with the small
carriage, and was moving his legs and feet side by side with the vehicle on the right side of
the truck.
A small table was placed in front of Shen Shi'an, and a map was spread on the table. After
observing for a moment, he drew a circle in the middle of the base of the capital and the
storage warehouse. "We have already passed halfway."
This is the seventh day they left the base of the capital. This week's journey is quite smooth,
without encountering a large zombie tide. A few counties and small cities with a large
number of zombies were quickly cleaned up by military fire and hundreds of people under
siege. .
"Our mission is quite easy this time," Xiong Manshan put his two hands behind his head.
"No wonder everyone likes to do team missions. The military side used a cannonball to
blow up a machine gun and sweep away any zombies. Debris. "
"Don't take it lightly," Shen Shi'an's eyes carefully patrolled on the remaining routes. "The
reason why I feel relaxed is that we have avoided the main road. So far, we haven't
encountered Level 2 power zombies. You do n’t have to go any further. Besides, the military
has limited ammunition, and it ca n’t be consumed all the time. ”In fact, the military has
used only two thermal weapons in the past eight days. In this case, it is not a good thing to
rely on guns if you are below this level and either use abilities or cold weapons.
"I feel that those soldiers don't seem to be interested in collecting materials along the way,"
said Gao Xiaohui, another fire-powered person. "Except for the large number of zombies,
the small counties are usually handed over to the power-organizers to clean up."
"That's for sure," Liu Fangzhou held a bag of potato chips in his arms, crunching loudly.
"There are more than 300 people over the military side, of which nearly 100 are space
abilities, obviously for the reserve warehouse. It ’s empty. "
The rate of evolution of space powers is very low. Once evolved, they are often the object of
the military and the major power organizations. This time the material transfer military is
estimated to send all the space powers on it. .
Everyone, you say a few words and I whisper a few words, Xiong Manshan coughed and
cleared his throat two times. "This is the end of the chat, let's talk about the serious leader,
what will we eat at noon today?"
The Blade Squad has made a little fame in the big troops performing the task these days.
Not because they are strong, but because their food is so good.
To perform tasks when going out, most people choose to eat portable packaging foods,
compress biscuits, bread, crispy noodles, and at least reheat a few buns. It ’s too much work
to carry the pots and pans, bottles and jars, and it ’s tiring to hit the zombies alone. Who has
the mood to cook?
Shen Shi'an has it, because dogs love to eat.
Free time to cook rice, tomato burdock, casserole baked chicken, sweet and sour pork ribs,
stir-fried lamb, plus a few vegetables and stir-fry, change the pattern every day.
When the time is tight, then make hot noodles and cook the instant noodles. The buns are
prepared before departure. The thin fillings are large and tender, and the soup is splashed
with a bite. Whether it is steamed or fried, it is delicious. Can swallow twenty. Even if it is
light-cooked instant noodles, because there is a special tomato sauce as a soup base, Shen
Shi'an is willing to season, seafood **** with sausages, hams and eggs, and a little green
vegetables, and the aroma is still floating around without boiling.
The head of the tiger and wolf regiment was angry when he first smelled the aroma, and
turned around and reprimanded his staff, "Look at you, look at you, it doesn't work at all,
why does anyone cook instant noodles so delicious?"
He was not afraid of him at all. "The boss is cooking in person, or you will cook it for us,
"Grass" Xiao Lang was so angry that he hit a **** on his body.
They actually eat very well. The white steamed buns are filled with beef jerky. The beef
jerky is carefully cooked and seasoned after cooking. The meat is large and fragrant and
chewy. It is sandwiched in steamed buns and dipped in sauce. Which organization is not the
only envy.
Xiao Lang was always praised when he was doing the task, but now he is snoring with the
rich aroma and faintly transmitted soup from the tip of his nose, every bite tastes like
chewing wax.
Xiao Lang took a big bite and chewed it fiercely in his mouth. He snorted for a long while,
"It just smells good. Instant noodles, where can I eat it?"
A few minutes later, Li Cheng was sent to Shen Shi'an to get beef jerky, but Li Cheng, who
had been kept for a meal, came back holding his stomach, feeling sorrowful, "Mr. Shen's
noodles are so delicious, I have definitely eaten them in my life. Of the best instant noodles.
Then he was smashed by two gimmicks with the anxious head.
When the convoy stopped in an open field outside the county seat, Shen Shi'an glanced at
the time "Today stopped earlier than a few days ago."
It usually enters a short rest period after twelve o'clock, but now it is not eleven o'clock.
Shen Shi'an jumped down from the back of the car, and the dog consciously walked to him.
Soon a soldier ran towards them. Shen Shi'an knew him and was Xie Yang's man.
"The helicopter in front of the road did not return a safety signal as promised," said the
soldier. "Master Xie ordered to stop first and wait."
"How long to wait"
"It is estimated that at least an hour, everyone can come down to eat and rest first."
"I see, thank you."
After the soldiers saluted and left, Shen Shi'an informed the others, "Park the car first, and
then prepare for dinner."
This vacant lot should have been farmland. No one has taken care of it for a long time.
Weeds have been overgrown and deserted. Through the stalks of yellow grass that are
taller than people, you can see the outer circle of buildings in the county. A gray silhouette
was outlined under the sky.
There are not many scattered zombies, which can be easily resolved. The motor vehicles
are parked in the outer periphery in turn, which can ensure that they can start at any time
and form a simple protection. Shen Shi'an and others chose a place next to the truck to
clean up the weeds. The newly added soil-powered person Li Runsheng raised two The
stove, one with a large cauldron, and the other with an iron plate, "Let the fire," Shen Shian
took out the various ingredients from the space, "eat teppanyaki at noon."
The position of the tiger and wolf is opposite to the edge of the blade. Xiao Lang stared at
him for a long time, and pounded Li Cheng with his arm. "Oh, did the beef jerky Shen Shi'an
sent last time not like his dog, do you go and give them a little."
Li Cheng is unknown so "ah"
"Ah, what, let you send some beef jerky to others," Xiao Lang hated iron and steel. "Shen
Shi'an has saved your life. Why ca n’t I even order beef jerky to teach you that?"
Li Cheng opened his mouth and closed it back, wisely without refuting. "Oh." Just pack a bag
of beef jerky and walk across.
As soon as he left his forefoot, Xiao Langyu touched his back and followed. When you faintly
heard Shen Shi'an say the phrase, "Stay here to eat", immediately speed up and walk behind
Li Cheng. "Cheng, what are you doing here? Come back as soon as you've finished your
delivery. We'll wait for another 40-50 minutes It's time to start cooking. "As he said, he
looked at the iron plate covered with meat slices.
"I'm leaving Li Cheng to eat here," Shen Shian politely said.
"Okay," Xiao Lang dragged a bench directly and sat down around the iron plate with a
golden knife. "Captain Shen is going to make something delicious today at noon."
Li Cheng's face turned red, and he kicked himself on the bench secretly, but the leader Xiao
remained motionless.
Shen Shi's hands chopped his bread, and seemed to be surprised by Xiao Lang's
unprecedented style of head. "Teppanyaki."
The fire-powered person Gao Xiaohui is responsible for making the fire. The iron plate has
become hot, and the two rows of slab-sized, one-centimeter-thick goose meat are noisy at
high temperatures, shaking and releasing sufficient oil. This mutant goose was killed before
Shen Shi'an left. Half of it was left to Xu Ge and the other half was taken out. He ate the
grass and the spring water in the space for more than half a year. This batch of goose meat
was fat and tender. Tasty and juicy, it is completely free of the earthy smell common to
There are several iron clips and various spices next to the iron plate. Each goose is brushed
with honey, salt water, and spices in sequence. It can be cooked for up to 40 seconds. It is
soon piled up on the plate and has a fragrant aroma. Nourishing oil.
In addition to goose meat, there are a lot of bacon and sausages. The bacon is grilled with
fragrant goose oil until the edges are slightly curled and crunchy. The sausage is fried on
both sides and fried. After being filled, pour a layer of egg liquid on the iron plate. ,
Spreading on the grease, gurgles with vesicles, and after a short time, it is fried golden and
tender, and the nose is all fragrant.
These things can be eaten directly with lettuce rolls. The lettuce was spawned by Chen Nan.
After being washed and cleaned by the water powers Wu Miao, they were neatly packed
into a basket, which was used to wrap the meat with just the mellow meat and vegetables.
The refreshing 039 meets and blends, and the gravy and vegetable juice burst in the mouth
at the same time. Even dogs no longer resist green vegetables and can eat several in one
If you feel too hot, you can sandwich it in a slice of bread to make a sandwich. The bread
was taken into the space by Shen Shi'an shortly after it was baked. At this time, it was taken
out with a warm aroma of barley baked and cut with a knife. Thin slices, one base,
sandwiched with a layer of goose, a slice of cheese, a layer of bacon, a layer of quiche, a
layer of grilled sausage, and finally covered with two slices of vegetables. The scorched fat
is mixed with the melted cheese. Each bite of the bread is indescribably satisfying. If you
want to dip the sauce, ketchup and chilli sauce are prepared next to it. In addition, there are
strawberry jam and cherry sauce that are popular with two female abilities.
Xiao Lang only ate a five-story sandwich. At this time, he was building a ten-story giant, and
while he was brushing the sauce, he turned his head to another spitting hot stove to see
"What's in the pot?"
The other stove was burning firewood and withered grass. Inside it was a pot full of corn
on the cob. The corn was planted by Shen Shi'an in the space. After being kept, it was
handed over to Chen Nan for the second time. It was the first time to eat it. After the hot
water was boiled, it was almost cooked. Some sweet potatoes were stuffed inside, and then
the corns were clamped one by one and placed in a bowl full of cold water.
Liu Fangzhou took the first one and couldn't wait to take a bite.
It felt cold outside, but it was still hot inside, but it was really delicious. It was sweet and
tender with a sip of 039, and chewed a little twice with the fragrance of corn kernels.
After confirming that it was completely cool, Shen Shi'an fed one to the dog. It was not
convenient for the dog to scoop this thing. He even swallowed it with a stick and swallowed
After more than half an hour, all the hill-like ingredients were consumed, Xiao Lang glanced
at the last two corn cobs in the vegetable basin, calmly retracted his eyes in the threatening
roar of the dog, pretending that nothing happened I patted my belly and gave me a full
Li Chengcheng couldn't stand it anymore, despite the obstruction of Shen Shi'an, insisted
on helping the four new members to clean up, which was invisible to his head.
Xiao Lang stretched one leg straight, and the old **** was taking a strawberry from the fruit
plate. "You wood-powered person is really good. I knew I would bring one too, and what I
want to eat can be spawned at any time."
Shen Shi'an peeled a sweet potato for the dog, and blown it into the dog's mouth. "There
are no wood abilities in Captain Xiao's Tiger and Wolf Regiment."
"Yes, there must be, but they are not brought out in the base of the capital. At present, most
of the wood-based abilities are responsible for food planting, and rarely come out to
perform tasks."
"Yeah," Xiao Lang nodded. "Because the food supply is still tight, come again, you know that
the main combat method of wood-based abilities is to rely on plants to bind. This ability is
of course for living things. The effect is significant, but the zombies can't be killed just by
entanglement. You have to slap your head, so at the same level, the wood abilities of the
power fighter can clear the zombies more effectively and efficiently than the gold fire
superpowers. They must be weak, and the rewards must be distributed according to their
heads. There is a strict limit on the number of people. No one wants to be hindered by
others. Is it necessary to bring water-powered people? It is difficult to find clean water in
the wild. But it's too extravagant to bring a wooden ability specifically for the supply of
fruits and vegetables. "
Speaking of this, Chen Nan "didn't say you're sorry."
Chen Nan smiled and said nothing.
Shen Shi'an also didn't say a word, but Xiao Lang's remarks answered a question for him
why there were only a handful of wooden abilities that the Ark felt in these 600 people.
A plate of strawberries was quickly eaten, Xiao Lang clapped his hands, and was ready to
say two more scenes before leaving. Liu Fangzhou, who was chatting with Xiong Manshan,
suddenly became nervous. "Captain, something is flying over"
"How much"
"Five hundred and forty-four, currently 2.8 kilometers away from us, are approaching
Xiao Lang retracted his astonished gaze from Liu Fangzhou, and the whole person instantly
became serious and serious. "It is estimated that it is a mutant bird. I'll notify others."
Three minutes later, a large swarm of dark birds fluttered from the north, hoarse and
rough, like a shark smelling blood, swooping down towards more than 600 survivors.
The other teams hurriedly organized members to meet the enemy, and Shen Shi'an stood
still, "Chen Nan"
Chen Nan rushed to the center of the open space, and the devil vine in his hand took root
and broke into the ground. It quickly grew and expanded, soaring into the sky, two for two,
two for four, eight for eight, and eight forever, like a mycelium umbrella that suddenly
opened mycelium, blinking from one The root vine is divided into countless branches, each
of them enchantingly dancing in mid-air, entangled one of the mutant birds exactly like a
snake, and dragged it down fiercely.
However, for a few seconds, the original aggressive mutant birds were scattered by the
vines, and they were bundled into mules and hit the ground.
"Grass." Xiao Lang turned the fast-moving steel pellets back into iron swarf, and cursed
softly. Turning his head and asking Li Cheng, "How many birds did he have caught and how
did the wood-based abilities of our regiment have more than 500?"
Li Cheng shrugged how I knew.
If Chen Nan heard this, he would definitely tell him that you thought that my Chinese knot
in the past half year was a hit.
Liu Fangzhou jumped over and squatted on the ground watching the bird "This is a
To be precise, it is a mutant sparrow, which is about ten times the size of an ordinary
sparrow. If it is not dragged down, it may be considered an eagle.
"Don't touch," Shen Shi'an's voice came from behind, faintly dignified. "These sparrows
have been zombified."
About zombies have not been around for a long time, and the temperature is relatively low.
At present, the signs of decay are not obvious, but the eyes are gray and cloudy, and it is
clearly not a living thing. One or two of them struggled harder and pulled their wings
directly from the flesh, exposing two **** sensen bones.
This is the first wave of zombies they met after they set off.
Lu Xiuyuan pried open the beak of one of the sparrows with a wooden stick, and his face
was hard to look at immediately. "This ghost has teeth." It was densely distributed on both
sides of the upper and lower bird's beaks, and the human scalp was numb.
"Presumably it was evolved to hunt humans better." Shen Shi'an said. Obviously, even if the
settlement is an animal body, those zombie viruses still love human DNA. Just don't know if
human DNA can promote the evolution of zombies, and whether zombies have abilities.
More and more people gathered. Shen Shi'an picked two still alive and packed them in iron
boxes and planned to take them back to Tang Songlin and Ruan for research. Burned to
ashes by Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui. As expected, no crystal nuclei were found.
The sudden emergence of a group of zombies has caused a lot of waves among more than
600 people, and they have been talking about it. About twenty minutes later, the helicopter,
which had not heard back, finally flew back.
The helicopter was attacked by a group of zombies, the engine was severely damaged, and
bumps dragged along the road, but fortunately no casualties occurred. Soon after the
helicopter landed, a soldier ran over to Shen Shi'an Road, "Mr. Shen, Master Xie invited you
to the meeting." He looked at Xiao Lang, who was not far away, and "Chairman Xiao was
also invited."
Shen Shi'an told Lu Xiuyuan and other humanities, "It seems that the situation in front is a
bit troublesome. It is estimated that there is no way to set off at one and a half minutes. You
are free to move. Chen Nan is in charge of management. Do not easily conflict with people
in other organizations."
And asked Shen Xun, "Are you with me or with them?"
Is that useless? Shen Xun came over and rubbed his dog's head on his arm.
After Shen Shi'an left with his big dog, Liu Fangzhou grinned, "Captain Chen, what shall we
do next?"
Chen Nan's face turned red, but she did not feel timid because of this joke. After careful
observation, most mission members were heading towards the county seat. It is estimated
that she would go to clean up the zombies and search for supplies by the way.
"We also go to the county seat," said Chen Nandao, and his eyes fell on the four new
members. "The running-in between us is still too little. We can't cooperate with others to
exert our maximum strength during the battle. The captain said that it would be very
troublesome. We just take advantage of this opportunity to practice a lot. "As for searching
for supplies, they are secondary, and they have what they can find in the county.
There was no objection. So the eight people went to the county together, and according to
Liu Fangzhou's sensing ability, he found a place in the most densely populated business
Lu Xiuyuan propped up a wall, Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan hid in their legs and
watched lively. Four new players demonstrated their capabilities first.
Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui are both secondary fire abilities. Yang Cancan's flame
temperature is high and Gao Xiaohui's flame attack range is wide. Both of them have less
lethality than Xu Ge, but if they release the ability together, they can attack the range. And
the attack power is more than tripled.
Li Runsheng is a soil-based power. This kind of power is generally used to build protective
engineering. It has less space to play in the battle with zombies. However, after a short
observation, Chen Nan got an idea. He and Li Runsheng could cooperate, and he would give
birth to the vine. Tie a large circle of zombies together, and then Li Yunsheng releases the
miracles to allow all of them to collapse, and the new soil layer is pulled out to bury the
zombies. The advantage of this method is that it can solve the most zombies at one time
with the highest efficiency, and the disadvantage is that it is impossible to obtain the
zombies unless they are raised one by one afterwards. And if you encounter a zombies of
soil power, it is likely that they will be easily escaped.
But in any case, it is a good strategy.
The newly-added water-powered person is named Wu Miao. Honestly, Liu Fangzhou and
others originally did not report much on her fighting power. There are currently two
known attack methods for water-powered people. One is to collect a large amount of water
vapor. A water dragon or water column attacks, and the other is to quickly drain all the
water in the target.
The key point is that neither of these two types will have any effect on the zombies. Are you
going to drown the zombies or thirst them? Unless the summoned water dragon can
directly blast the zombies, it is difficult to form an effective attack. .
However, this woman named Wu Miao let them greatly unexpectedly. After she came on,
she let the others back into Lu Xiuyuan's wall, and then rushed to her with more than
twenty zombies' heads like It was a watermelon that fell from a height of hundreds of
meters and exploded into a mass of mud one after another. Does the brain fly and blood
flow like a grand firework.
"Wow," Liu Fangzhou whistled. "Cool, it's the first time I've seen anyone kill a zombie like
this. Did you pour water into their brains?"
Wu Miao nodded embarrassedly. "Extracting water is not useful for zombies, so I tried to
release water into their bodies. After many experiments, I found that as long as the ability
can be controlled at a certain speed, it can be just The head of the zombie exploded. "If the
power is released too slowly, it has no effect. If it is released too fast, the staying power will
be greatly reduced. The current attack status is determined by her repeated practice to be
the most suitable for her.
Xiong Manshan took the lead and slammed his head.
Lu Xiuyuan stared at the pieces of brain that slid down the "wall", "It's just a little dirty."
And if you don't protect them in advance, your teammates can easily be injured by the
blasted zombies.
Wu Miao was at a loss. "This is also my concern, so far I have not fought with others."
"Don't be discouraged," Chen Nan patted her shoulder. "First of all, this fighting method is
worthy of recognition. You are equivalent to having the ability to attack a group of zombies.
As for other aspects, we can slowly adjust or control the degree of explosion, such as When
talking about an intracranial explosion, or controlling the scope of the explosion, such as
forming a water wall around the zombie to prevent bone fragments from splashing around,
we try one by one, and the method is always thought of. "
Liu Fangzhou took the lead to applaud, "Captain Chen is right to South Brother, but you are
getting more and more like Shen."
Chen Nan flushed, pretending not to hear, "Come, let's try to practice next."
When the eight people used the zombie group as an exercise tool to torture the sky,
another group of people and horses came around from the side of a building, and they
seemed surprised when they saw the eight people. Would n’t it be to grab supplies, this
department store was chosen first. ”
Liu Fangzhou and others said "What"
"Few pretends, and there are rules for coming out to do the task. Whoever chooses the
venue first is considered to be who. 80% of the zombies are concentrated in the south of
the department store. We have just finished cleaning up. If you want to jump out and bite
gold on the way That's the wrong abacus, "the comer's face is getting worse, and the badge
on his arm is lit up with pride." Seeing this, we can't mess with anyone in the dragon team.
Idle people and other acquaintances retreat as soon as possible. "
Opposite someone recognized "these people seemed to be sharp."
"The sharp blade is the new organization that was established within a few days." The man
in the lead snorted. "No wonder you do n’t understand the rules. Are you not rich enough to
eat meat with dogs? Cheap shameless work "
Gao Xiaohui and others are of very young age. They were inexplicably robbed of each other
by such a yin and yang strangeness. Where they can stand it, they will rush to fight at the
moment and are stopped by Chen Nan. "The captain said, try not to conflict."
But it was so quiet that I couldn't swallow it.
Liu Fangzhou rolled his eyes and smiled mildly and harmlessly. "Some elder brothers, we
are indeed on our first mission. I don't know many things. I'm really sorry. I also asked a
few elder brothers to forgive me. These zombies on the ground are like We give a few gifts,
and in order to apologize, we also want to solve a few more zombies for some. "
After that, he looked at Xiong Manshan. "Brother Xiong, come on, quickly kill the zombies in
front of the department store building."
Xiong Manshan immediately understood what he meant, and did not wait for the other side
to refuse. After taking the stabstick in Liu Fangzhou's hand, a gust of wind also killed four
zombies in front of the supermarket. He smiled and said, "Do you still need me to help?"
A dozen people across the face were suspicious, and they couldn't figure out what medicine
they were selling. "No, we'll do the rest."
"Okay." Xiong Manshan happily returned to his teammates, turned around and walked
towards the camp, waving as he walked.
After the eight people left, a member of the Flying Dragon could not help but "Is this a
disease of the brain?"
"Who knows there is no illness," the captain snorted, "Maybe I heard the name of our
dragon team was scared to pee, ready to come up to kneel and lick in order to hug the
thigh. Alas, a group of music."
Turned around and raised his hand, he strode towards the department store's majestic
spirit "Go searching for supplies to get more food"
The author has something to say that the two are more unified, and what complemented
yesterday and today's update.
Sell cute and ask for nutrition water
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks for the little angel who threw a grenade. Whoops? Are n’t you autistic today? There
are idlers, 304,527,381;
Thank you for the six angels who cast mines, Shuangxuan; withered grass, grains, proud
rice dumplings, maybe, ha ha ha ha, sugar control and mayonnaise, joy of fish,
13273030063, in fact I do n’t pick one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
149 bottles of Neifeng; 130 bottles of Assan ne; 10 bottles of Suiwei; 100 bottles of Sui
Weiwei; 88 bottles of "boss067" 92; 88 bottles of Qinglian; 2106203570 bottles; 66 bottles
of Shuying; 65 bottles of jessyii; Qingge 62 bottles of Dieya; 60 bottles of Rongrong and big
mosquitoes; 59 bottles of Qingqing; 50 bottles of Night Phantom, Hui, Baibai sauce; 40
bottles of dream celery; 39 bottles of whole sugar candy; 38 bottles of Xiong Bao and Zhi;
Muyu one 34 bottles; domestic birds, wells, Xiaoxin man-machine, one person's wonderful,
want to raise cats, mulberries, other 30 bottles; 29 bottles a month; Gu 0, 000, 0, 27 bottles;
flutter 22 Bottle; she, Yan Feiqing, Shizong, 29127009, paper lotus, Yiyi Ye, Ayaya, withered
grass, cat, one book and one world, jii, seeter, 35089635, someone, Irish wild boar, Dandan,
Sunflowers, rain falling slightly cool, 皛 皛 Jie, Lu Yi where are you, Yu Xinwen, avocado la
la la, silent more than 20 bottles; Ye Luan 19 bottles; one stunned 18 bottles; I wish to wake
up 16 bottles; I am enchanted I have 15 bottles of self-produced, uncle, self-cooked
dumplings, big watermelons; 13 bottles of Qinbaobao; 11 bottles of my wife shaking and
shaking; oziu, Mu Ke, love love love dust, aviation reed, ink dye Hua, Huajiasutang, Bronze,
Jueyuan, Baishanshan, Sinai, Little Cute, Lifeless, Lilac Deep Purple, 76, Earth-Eating Huang
Ahuang, Sister Shao, Ningling, Dark Night Red Moon, Fox, Su Susu, Lan Feng, its cat, Hong
Lian, Ling Chen had supper. , Xiao, Huahuahuali, dk2012, yh, Qingfeng residual feathers, She
Sanbai, 鸾 Mirror, orange soda bubbling, want the dog to grow up, Southern kite, oob,
flowing water into the river, ani, Qilian, Groundhog girl, y, cheese, my destiny, unicorn,
things are not so simple, guessing strings, tang radish, ^ piggy, Pei Yuan ^, compound
couplet door 蹭 ifi, warm light, cherry blossom 珞 wind fast, ikun , Joyyi, Yijiajiajiajia, daisy,
Moshanghuakai, 妩 玦, a cup of sake, passerby, Tongtong, 17875576, Yixun, Qianxue,
poisonous people 10 bottles; Chiasa, cari9 bottles; maple leaves 8 bottles of falling, cloud
and mist, Tang, Xuanzigao, winter frost and autumn ice cream; 7 bottles of haha, light rain;
bread bags, addicted and renamed can not be extricated, light and shadow ╮vuv ╭, bck,
small buns, hey, come on, 6 Bottle; Zhishu Dali Aqizai, Black-tailed Phoenix, Ayi, scarett,
Youtian, tdxxxr, honey, dear Fujiko, etc. Return of Jun, Shiroi, Meg Thomas, 249 , Shui
Bingyi 1967, 31014976, Little Red Flower, Mint Candy, Calyx, Hello Freedom, Freedom, Xi
Xitang, Half-Day, Christa, Early Lemon, fragrant, sur, cold, you beat me, flower fairy,
shaman, boring mushroom 5 bottles; ynn acridine, sloppy, apei Pei Peiya, deep Alice 4
bottles; non-me, Xuetangtang , 326273453 bottles; Yiye, too hula hoop, 13469013, rabbit,
big dream 2 bottles; Moyu picturesque, seductive sauce, the setting sun, Lan, Ruochu. ,
26645413, Yunzui Yuewei, Xiaoyan eating barbecue today, purple purple, Feiyu, lighting
acridine, small book, Mingyue invitation star, Huajian, An Xiyu, Chen Ci, 20962980, cool
pickup, Wan 1 bottle ;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 129:
Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an was right, the road ahead was indeed not optimistic.
According to the information surveyed by the helicopter, three waves of zombies are
converging on the main road 20 kilometers away. The total number exceeds one million, of
which there are at least six secondary zombies and tertiary zombies. No, it is estimated that
there are more than ten first-level zombies.
The military leaders of the four major families convened the leaders of the major
organizations for an emergency meeting. It was agreed at the meeting that the winter cold
wave is getting closer, and the first priority must be to transfer materials into Beijing.
There is still half a journey to go. They cannot spend time. And combat power is wasted in
this place. Detour is the best option.
"But if you leave this wave of zombies in place, I am afraid that even worse troubles will be
brewed over time. After all, everyone knows that the more zombies, the faster their
The leader of the Qin family who said this was Xue Wentao.
Regardless of Shen Shi'an's attitude towards the Qin family, he had to admit that he did
have some sense.
So after repeated discussions, I came up with a relatively stable plan for the large army to
detour, and sent another small team to sneak up to the zombie tide to find a way to throw a
few \\ 039 medicines \ 039 packs into the zombies. The more you die, of course, the better,
at least you should allow the zombie tide to be properly diverted after being impacted, so
that they will not all converge.
If the helicopter can still be used, it is of course the best choice to directly drive the plane
and throw bombs in the past, but the helicopter engine is not able to fly at the moment. If
you want to repair it, it will take at least a few days. The 039 bomb is completely
This means that someone must be responsible for approaching from the ground.
How dangerous it is to be close to a zombie tide of millions, let alone throwing \\ 039
medicine into the zombie group, which sounds no different from suicide at all.
Therefore, although the plan was discussed, whoever sent it to implementation left the
meeting table silent for a while.
Shen Shi'an looked around, and he touched his palm on the huge dog's head lying next to
him, and suddenly said, "In this case, let us give it to us."
Xie Yang is a little worried "You are sure"
Shen Shian nodded. "I have a way to approach the zombies in a short period of time
without being attacked. As long as they move quickly, it should not be a problem. However,
in order to ensure the safety of our team members, it is best to place a regular bomb 039
bomb, so we need professional You don't have to have more technical soldiers, just one or
two. "
"No problem," the other three leaders stood up and shook hands with Shen Shi'an in turn.
"Thank you Captain Shen for his righteous action. You can rest assured that we will keep
this contribution in the account. Captain Shen and the members of your organization will
never lose it." "
Xue Wentao landed in the end, and did not know the intention for an extra sentence, "Mr.
Shen, please be careful."
Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes, and the palm of his hand touched off immediately. "Master
Xue has been kindly led, I am not so easy to die."
After the detour route and the process of bombing the zombies were roughly determined,
the meeting was declared over. Shen Shi'an took the dog out of the temporary conference
tent, and Xiao Lang Danglang followed him.
Within a few steps, a member of the Tiger and Wolf regiment ran over to two people and
one dog. He first greeted Xiao Lang, and then said to Shen Shi'an, "Captain Shen, your family
members are about to fight with others."
When Shen Shi'an came to the conflict area, a small leader of the Flying Dragon Regiment
was telling the head of the Flying Dragon Regiment who had arrived first. "It's just that they
have stolen our supplies. We have already announced the search for the department store.
We also cleaned up the zombies. , After entering, they found nothing to eat, not even a grain
of rice, and they all searched for it. "
The members of the blade group headed by Chen Nan stood on the other side. Li Cheng
took a group of tiger and wolf groups to help the team. Liu Fangzhou stood with his hands
on his hips at the forefront. When you appeared in front of the department store, the doors
of the supermarket were all locked, and the lock was split by you. How did we go in and
search for the supplies that turned into mosquitoes? Is it wise to fly in? "
"It's not that you can't go through walls and other things without you. He's so foolish that
you can't do anything wrong."
"We can walk through the wall, then evacuating a supermarket ca n’t be done by bare
hands. There must be room. Do we also have space? If we enter the supermarket before
you kill the zombies, how can the supermarket say the same thing? Let ’s choose it first. If
we entered the supermarket after you killed the zombies, how long is it in the middle, is it
five minutes? So we searched a supermarket in five minutes and did n’t even have a grain of
rice. And it ’s still in front of you. Is it necessary to have speed and time suspend? Why do
n’t you say that we are all immortals, and they just disappeared?
Liu Fangzhou scolded and became more excited, and his mouth fluttered quickly, and he
said while jumping, "I framed others without the ability to find food. Are you really
advocating a new realm? Big brother bullying children is particularly fulfilling, right? We
are in rare supermarkets That little thing, I thought that everyone is as small as you. You ca
n’t stand on the table and cry crying grievances, you shameless **** \\ 039 eye ”
When Shen Shi'an came to the scene, the teenager was still full of thoughts, but in the end
he knew the weight, and quickly came over to tell the story. The little leader on the
opposite side was ridiculed by Liu Fangzhou. His lips were purple and green, and his teeth
were grinning. Rushing into this direction, Zheng Gang, the head of the flying dragon
regiment, stopped with a look.
Zheng Gang's face is also not good-looking. "Captain Shen, how do you solve this problem?"
"How to deal with it"
"That's not true," Zheng Gang's face became more and more ugly. "Your people robbed me
of the goods in the middle. Whether it's a gift or an apology, you must give an explanation."
Shen Shi'an gave a fart.
Holding the hilt of the sword in his backhand, he drew \\ 039 out of the sword and
Zheng Gang said "What"
Shen Shian's face was expressionless. "Since the head of Zheng identified my eight team
members to sneak into the supermarket in front of your seventeen members and ransack
all the food within ten minutes. No grain of rice is left. , What's to say, let's fight directly. "
Brawls without cause are prohibited in the capital base, but voluntary duels between the
two parties are allowed. As long as they do not hurt their lives, it is not a problem. It is also
a way of decompression under high-pressure life in the last days, so it is also derived
specifically for duels and watching duels. The gladiatorial arena also cooperates with the
power level test center.
There was a slap of applause, "Looking at the excitement is not a big deal" behind him. Xiao
Lang slaps and walks to Shen Shi'an. "Since what is Zheng Zheng waiting for, the duel will
be right or wrong. It is fair and reasonable. Xiao Cheeky to be two witnesses, to guarantee
impartiality and justice. Come on, hurry, let us see the superiority of the head of the dragon
team. "
Zheng Gang's face quickly turned into a pig's liver color, his chest was angry and his teeth
creaked, but in any case, he could not say the word "agree to a duel".
He is not stupid. The thing that Shen Shi'an defeated Xiao Lang has been spread in Beijing
base for a long time. He thinks that the fighting power is not as good as Xiao Lang. The
other name Xiao is really awesome. He is not his opponent. Wasn't that a delivery in the
past? Or in front of more than 600 people to deliver food.
Therefore, most of this bite-toothed hate is directed at Xiao Lang, who you ca n’t beat
yourself wants to teach Lao Tzu to teach you, is Lao Tzu a mallet?
But he was directly convinced that he couldn't do it. Anyway, he was one of the three major
power organizations and was a family member. In front of so many people, he gave up a
stinky hairy boy. He is still not in Beijing.
The more you go back and forth, the more annoyed you are with these dozens of
subordinates, what do you do to the bones? A bunch of people only know that it is a shame
to cause trouble.
Just when the two sides were deadlocked and the surrounding discussions were getting
louder and louder, Qin's leader Xue Wentao came over and asked about the beginning and
end of the event. "It seems to be just a misunderstanding. Everyone comes out to do the
task. Zombies are our common enemy for the same goal. There is no need to internally hurt
the peace. We are all ready to go, and we will start in half an hour. "
Zheng Gang borrowed a donkey from the **** and hugged his fist in front of Shen Shi'an.
"Today, this matter is mainly because I haven't dealt with it steadily. I have offended a lot. I
will have the opportunity to discuss with Captain Shen again."
Without saying a word, he walked away with a subordinate.
"Well," Xiao Lang hugged his chest with both hands, and whispered "Well, kind."
Then he touched his nose and said sorry to Shen Shi'an, "The Flying Dragon Group will take
part in the reason that you may still have me. The grandson of Zheng Gang and I have not
dealt with it for a long time, and there are countless contradictions under my hand. It is
estimated that he saw us both go. Get close, so give your team a trip to your team. "
Shen Shi'an pulled a sword flower, and the long sword fell into the sheath without looking
at him. "Am I familiar with you?"
Turn around and walk to the edge of the sharp blade camp like a wind.
Chen Nan and others followed closely. Two female players, Yang Cancan and Wu Miao,
were flushed with excitement at the back, their eyes were pink and careful, and they could
n’t wait to lower their voices. "Ah, ah, ah, the captain is so handsome."
Shen Xun's ears were sharp, and he turned his head and punched them, and it was mine to
be handsome
Shen Shi'an walked to the truck and motioned for Lu Xiuyuan to prop up a wall, "who came
up with the idea of letting the mountain kill the zombies"
Liu Fangzhou raised his hand, afraid that Shen Shi'an was angry and quickly said, "Captain,
don't worry, the zombies that Brother Xiong killed at the supermarket door will not affect
the materials we transfer to the reserve warehouse. I discussed with Ruan Ruan before we
left. In order for Brother Xiong's metaphysical constitution to occur, one of the key factors
is actually to be met, that is, the zombie killing must be a necessary condition for collecting
some materials. For example, if you want to enter the supermarket to collect materials, you
must put the supermarket door and the supermarket The killing of the zombies in it is a
necessary condition. If Brother Xiong killed a zombie in another urban area, the
metaphysical effect would not occur at all in the supermarket. When we met Tang Brother
and Ruan Ruan at the research center, Brother Xiong was on his way Did n’t the zombies
also be killed on the way to the research center, it would have no effect on the materials in
the research center. "
Chen Nan nodded. "To confirm this, after Brother Xiong killed the two zombies in front of
the supermarket, we went to the small supermarket on the other side of the shopping
street and all the food was there."
"Brother Shen, you don't know. Those in the Flying Dragon Regiment are so shameless.
They dragged themselves like two-hundred-and-a-half million. They don't speak at all. If
they do n’t remember, you do n’t get up easily. We had already fattened them for a long
time during the conflict, but fortunately there was Brother Xiong, "Liu Fangzhou was so
excited that he stomped Xiong Manshan's neck." I thought that Brother Xiong was a non-
Chief, but now I know that he is actually The hidden teacher, who has a 100% success rate
against the enemy ’s dbuff, has the ability to call this a bug. In the future, whoever dares to
provoke a sharp edge will be called the one who follows me, and the one who contravenes
me. You can't find a grain of rice
Shen Shian nodded. "Good job."
After the members were excited, they started to talk about the business, and introduced the
specific content of the emergency meeting and the next plan of action in 1510. "Chen Nan
took the others and the army first. I, seek, Lu Xiuyuan. , And two other technical soldiers
went to the zombie tide to bury 039 bombs. "There is Lu Xiuyuan's ability, as long as he is
careful not to attract the attention of the zombie, he can be in the million zombie tide.
Zhongru enters a state of no one.
After listening to Xiong Manshan, he raised his hand immediately, "Boss, or leave it to me
and Brother Lu. I am speedy and take Brother Lu to run, and I can catch up with you in a
matter of minutes. It's perfect for this." Anyway, burying \\ 039 bombs in the zombie tide is
not a necessary condition to go to the warehouse to get supplies, right? "
Shen Shi'an thought about "there are two technical soldiers over the military, can you take
three of them alone"
"So what's the problem, you are not unaware of my strength. It is easy to directly carry the
truck, carry one on your shoulder, hold one in your hand, and then complete the task
easily." While talking, I began to show two thick and strong Big flower arm.
"Okay," Shen Shi'an agreed after a moment of thinking. "Then you both pay attention to
"Well," Xiong Manshan turned to Lu Xiuyuan. "Brother Lu, do you want me to hold you or
carry you? You are your own family and let you choose first."
Lu Xiuyuan looked.
"Brother Shen," Liu Fangzhou dragged Xiong Manshan and asked quietly just before the
trip. "On the ability of Brother Xiong, can we still use the dragon team in the future, they are
too bullying, I don't think it is enough to deflate. "
Shen Shi'an glanced at Xiong Manshan "Can you guarantee it will not be found?"
"No problem," Xiong Manshan patted his chest. "At my speed, Baozhun let the zombies die
without knowing how to die. They come and go instantly."
Shen Shi'an nodded, and jumped onto the dog. "Use it hard."
Impoverish them.
The author has something to say to ask for nutrient solution to water
Add more white liquid, the dog will grow faster: 3 "
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Bai Qianyu who launched the rocket launcher;
Thanks to the little angel Bai Qianyu who dropped the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel Bai Qianyu who dropped the mine; you hit me 2; maybe,
Shuangxuan, roi, singing folk songs, humming u closed one today; u1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Mu Mianmian io89 bottle; ear ears I am Xu ear 87 bottles; Wei language 80 bottles; Meow
sauce 79 bottles; seeter 50 bottles; flexible fat 40 bottles; 咩咩 子 樾, eat and sleep 30
bottles; do n’t order a European Bar, passerby B, hee hee, eating cats and sleeping cat hair,
you hit me, 20 bottles of ingenuity; 1969430619 bottles; stars are eternal but 13 bottles;
think ink 12 bottles; I came with a big knife and chessboard Demon, wait for dog food, fish
joy, 19: 3, midwinter ten, ckid, 偃 墨, pomelo, x, sacrifice prayer, 柒 月, r, sugar control and
mayonnaise, bowl bowl cavity, la la 10 bottles; if first. , Crock pot pie soup, 8 bottles of
goldfish wanting to go to the ground; light as a bird, why choose a nickname, Yuyuyuyuyu,
Wenxian, Xiaomeng and Weizhu, Jiajia 5 bottles; jesica, green lantern 2 bottles of lights;
650529, the place of love, beautiful rain, red, rabbit, seven strings, chasing the most abused,
Daiyueer, 277, drifting past g15, the setting sun, qqn1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse:

Settings saved..
The farther north, the lower the temperature.
Not good for others, but Shen Xun is happy. The colder the weather, the more An An likes to
hug him to sleep together. He doesn't need to sneak down Xiaoxue in the middle of the
It was dark early in the winter in the north, less than five o'clock, and the last touch of
sunlight had lost its temperature. The gray clouds were like cotton wool, stacked thick in
the middle of the sky.
Shen Shi'an held the sword in his hand, and the icy sword light suddenly turned on, cutting
off the skull of a zombie. The sword trembled twice to shake off the blood, and after
walking a few steps, he stooped and picked up a pale blue zombie crystal nucleus from the
This is only a first-class zombies. The first power zombie that Shen Shi'an encountered was
a first-class wind system. Before he knew Liu Fangzhou, that power zombie led a trap with
10,000 low-level zombies to siege him. The situation was critical at the time. The whole
battle was in danger, and he almost exhausted all the stored spring water. He was on the
verge of despair several times, and was almost forced to die on the square of Lin'an County.
Today, half a year later, the first-level zombies can no longer threaten him.
It seems that time does make people grow.
A small county town in the northern part of Huaguo here should have some history, and a
small half-circle of the ancient city wall of blue brick mud was left on the periphery of the
county town.
Shen Shi'an stepped onto the city wall and stared into the distance. In front of him, there is
an open plain rarely seen in the south. The edge and the horizon are merged into one, and
the integration of heaven and earth blends into one. As long as you see this scene with your
own eyes, it will give birth to an illusion that the ancient people's perception of the "round
place" is quite reasonable.
Shen Xun jumped up and jumped up to him, took the dog's head and slap on his face,
"An'an, the zombies have been cleaned up."
Shen Shian nodded. "Let's go and find a place to sleep at night."
The detour plan six days ago slightly increased the time spent on the journey, but
fortunately, everything went smoothly, and no larger zombie tide has been encountered.
This is due to route selection, and another reason is The population density in the northern
region is relatively low.
This place is only half a day away from the final destination, that is, the emergency reserve
warehouse, so the military leader decided to rest here for a night first, and then go all out
tomorrow morning.
Since it is overnight, places like hotels and hostels are naturally the most popular. Shen
Shi'an led the team members to find a three-story antique inn, divided into symmetrical
halves with the lobby as the central axis. There were many rooms. The sharp blade team
lived in the left half and the tiger and wolf team lived in the right half. What happens can
also take care of each other.
Xiao Lang hadn't completely settled here yet. Xiao Lang walked around familiarly, and
raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Captain Shen, let's have something tonight." He
didn't take himself as an outsider at all.
Shen Shi'an turned his head and glanced at him, "Did Xiao Xiao think clearly that he would
bring us the Tiger and Wolf to join us?"
"If Captain Shen is willing to let me be the master, then I can think about it."
Shen Shi'an smiled, "Whoever wins a fight?"
"Cough," Xiao Lang touched his nose. "It's all my own. It's so hurtful to fight and kill all day."
Raising his hand and throwing a pack of beef jerky over, "Well, your dog likes it most." "
Shen Shianyang caught it, smelling it, it was quite fragrant. After disassembling, he gave the
dog a piece, "Call Li Cheng and eat goose hotpot at night."
It's early, don't worry, Chen Nan and others found a coal or gas stove that can be used from
the restaurants in the county, set up two cauldrons and one pot of clear soup, boiled with
goose bones, and added bacteria. Mushrooms, shredded ham, and a few pieces of red dates
are boiled until the skeleton is crisp and the soup is clear and fragrant. The other pot is also
made with goose bones. After the bone is boiled, it is slid into a hot red oil bun. Like fire.
Ten team members and two rice cooks sat in a circle around two pots according to their
tastes. The thin slices of goose meat were cooked in the rolling soup and cooked twice. The
beef and mutton were bought from the Animal Husbandry Center of the Beijing base.
Although the price is a little bit more expensive, it is really delicious, especially when the
cold wind is whistling outside, and a few pieces of meat are simmered in the hot steam. The
clear soup is delicious and the red soup is like a fairy.
In addition to meat, there are various types of sausages, ham and seafood beef meatballs. Q
bomb delicious is also very popular, and vegetarian dishes are promoted on the spot after
Chen Nan asked about his personal preferences. Watery lettuce, green spinach, and tender
He is responsible for the birth of raw green vegetables, and Wu Miao is responsible for
washing. After washing, you can eat it after blanching twice.
Shen Shian blanched some pieces of sweet potatoes and corn as the dog wanted, and the
taste was unexpectedly good.
When his own staff was enjoying the hot pot, Shen Shian cooked another pot of goose broth
and gave it to other members of the Tiger and Wolf Regiment for him to take the food of the
owner of the Tiger and Wolf Regiment. It was impossible, but a pot The hot broth is still
willing to be used as a human touch. Since there is a relationship between the richest man
of Miao and Li Cheng, the Tiger Wolf team is indeed one of the three major power
organizations, and it is not a bad thing to be good with each other. After all, the blade has
just started, and there may be times when the other party needs help.
Xiao Lang's meat hot dish has never stopped, his mouth is always busy, hissing and sizzling
so hot that he can breathe coolly, without even saying a word.
After eating the meat and vegetables, I cooked two packs of instant noodles in a red oil pan,
and then leaned against the wall comfortably and satiated.
"He's so delicious."
Others were almost at the end, Shen Shi'an put a pot of goose soup noodles in the clear
soup pot, put them in a pot, dried them to the right temperature, and put them in the mouth
of the dog. Two tea eggs lay under the noodles.
Xiao Lang sat and looked so surprised that "You are really good to this dog. I heard Seiko
that he is actually your son, really fake."
Shen Shi'an ignored him. When the dog sucked the noodles, he glanced at him. The huge
beast's eyes were cold and ruthless. Suddenly Xiao Lang remembered the pain of the sharp
buttocks, and moved to the side, and turned to another topic. "I listen The people who said
that the dragon group hadn't found anything to eat for nearly a week, let alone bread and
biscuits, and not even dripping oil, you said it was strange. "
Liu Fangzhou held up the tip of a goose wing and sucked vigorously. "What's weird about
this means that they are out of luck."
"What you said makes sense," Xiao Lang nodded, and the conversation turned around. "But
their luck seems to be worse after the last conflict with you. Other organizations have more
or less gained these days, only There are flying dragons. Every time, they are rushing to
collect food materials. The place where it is supposed to be the most concentrated, but they
return empty-handed every time. For example, today, they took a lot of effort to clear out
two supermarkets and three restaurants. As a result, guess what? I have n’t even seen a
piece of vegetable leaves. Makoto went to the hardware store to find a weapon and turned
out a few bags of instant noodles and chocolate from other people's cabinets. You say that
evil is not evil. "
The members of the blade team sucked noodles, sucked noodles, and broths, and broths.
No one ignored him.
Xiao Lang didn't care, and continued to say, "Because of this, there is a recent rumor in the
army that some of you can release the curse or drain the luck of others, who will oppose
you? Whoever is unlucky. Of course, I wo n’t believe such nonsense that is ridiculous at
first. ”
"It's true." Shen Shi'an interrupted him with no expression on his face, which made it
impossible to tell whether he was serious or joking. A pair of bottomless eyes stared at Xiao
Lang and said quietly "Xiao Would you like to try it? "
Xiao Lang ""
After a while, he laughed twice, "Captain Shen is really humorous. Makoto, turn back and
give Captain Shen's son two packs of beef jerky."
Standing up, he did not go back to the direction in which his team was stationed.
Liu Fangzhou smashed Xiong Manshan "Do you guess that this will allow the head of Xiao to
stop here for lunch?"
Xiong Manshan glanced up, poured half a bowl of noodles into his mouth, shook his head,
"What do you want, little brother?"
Does eating mean you can get rid of it? You forgot how my brother joined me.
Alas, young man, naive.
After eating, Shen Shi'an said to the team members, "You rest early, I will go out with
"Ah, the captain is careful."
Shen Shi'an did not ride on the dog, but walked side by side with Shen Xun, walking slowly
along the main road in the county town, to the endless flat ground outside the city wall.
The moonlight was quiet, falling down like frost, and the shadow of the big dog just covered
the shadow of Shen Shi'an. The dog did not know why he was a little happy, and Shen
Shi'an licked his face next to him.
"Don't make trouble." Shen Shi'an wiped the saliva on his face, a spicy hot pot smell. Raising
his chest, he breathed a sigh of relief towards the more open land in the moonlight, and
took the satellite phone out of the space.
After the outbreak of the virus, the communication network collapsed across the board. At
that time, Shen Shi'an thought that it was because everyone wanted to communicate with
the outside world in a short period of time, which caused an outbreak of data flow in some
areas. In fact, this is indeed one of the main reasons, but if it is only because of this, when
the data flow returns to normal, the communication system should also be able to restore
some functions more or less. It makes no sense that zombies can also destroy
communications across the country. Even if the transmission system is not maintained, the
basic hardware facilities should be able to support it for a period of time.
It was not until he entered the base of the capital that he learned from Mr. Gu that things
were far from simple as he imagined.
The reason why modern communication technology is convenient and developed is mainly
to rely on extraterrestrial satellites for support. Until the end of the last days, the total
number of communication satellites launched by countries around the world to the ground
was about 700. These satellites follow their respective orbits, and none of them need real-
time detection and precise correction to prevent any accidents, such as collisions. One of
more than 30,000 pieces of space trash off the ground.
At the moment of the virus outbreak, half of humans randomly turned into zombies and
attacked the other half of humans, causing the entire social system to lose control instantly,
and also causing a small number of satellites to escape from their original orbits in
unexpected operations, like falling dominoes. The domino, which triggered a series of
devastating impacts, destroyed more than 90% of extraterrestrial communications
equipment worldwide.
Today, there are only three extraterrestrial communications satellites in China that are still
functioning normally. In order to prevent signal jams, they have been strictly limited to the
necessary communications used to maintain major security bases. Calls that you can easily
dial out before the end of the world become rare and precious at this time.
Shen Shi'an pressed Mr. Gu's number and was immediately connected with a beep. "Hey
An'an, where have you been? Are you in any trouble?"
"No, everything is fine." Shen Shi'an put his palm into \\ 039 into the warm dog hair. "I
expect to be in the reserve warehouse tomorrow, you don't need to worry."
"Ah, then you pay attention to safety."
"Well, you rest early."
"Okay, so are you, and we have to hurry tomorrow."
"OK, good night."
"Good night." Even with a strong concealment, the perseverance from the phone was still
Shen Shian squeezed the phone case and said, "Did I drink your water?"
"Drank and drank," Mr. Gu's voice rejoiced. "Drinking a small cup every day as you say, I
feel much better."
"Well, that's good." Shen Shi'an pursed his lips, couldn't think of anything else to say, "I'm
hung up."
"Ah, it's dangerous outside, so please protect yourself."
After a short beep, the call was officially over.
Shen Shi'an put away the satellite phone and stood with her hands in her pockets for a
while. Suddenly coldly, "Master Xue did not sleep at night when he grew up, what he
wanted to hide behind me."
A figure walking far from the back of the city wall was Xue Wentao, the leader of the Qin
He was smashed on the spot. Xue Wentao's face did not show much confusion or distress.
On the contrary, he looked very normal. "Mr. Shen misunderstood. I just watched the
moonlight tonight. I was going out for a walk, just to see it. Mr. Shen seemed to be on the
phone, so he planned to return to avoidance. He did not mean to hide. "
Shen Shi'an turned around and took the dog back, and stopped when passing Wentao Tao.
His voice was cold and light. "It's best."
When one person and one dog disappeared at the end of the main road, Xue Wentao took
out a satellite phone and dialed a certain number.
"Yes, he's okay, as if he just came out to call. You can rest assured, I know. Okay, I will, bye."
The author has something to say about cough, a little short.
Tomorrow's battle is also a copy of this mission. I must be thick and long.
Put some nutrient solution to save the child
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw out the rocket launcher for being forced to change his
name to 1 bitter heart;
Thanks for the little angel dandan who has thrown a grenade; there are 1 sentient beings,
idlers, peers, and one hundred seeing;
Thanks to the little angel who dropped the mine for the lack of sugar; 2; one crown, seven
nights snow, Beiliang Weiyu, light sauce, maybe, one person's wonderful, stable as an old
dog, my name is Xiao Momo, Mo Xiao Jue 茕, 唧唧 吧唧, Gu Yao, rosa, double Xuan, unicorn,
whisker, apricot, sitting waiting dog food, Huang Ahuang eating soil, lovely roll, Beibei 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
. 190 bottles; An An An An An, 120 bottles; 115 lazy, Li Tuojun bottles; 98 young spring
shirts thin; 80 anr bottles; Li Jia Xiaoguai 60 bottles; Tang Bian Ba Ba 53 bottles; mountain
ghost 50 bottles; eating soil 45 bottles of Huang Ahuang; 40 bottles of bamboo, combing
hair for Baoju, Yuruo Yulian; 36 bottles of warmth for you; 05, tata, xy, beancurd, 30 bottles
of Oppa; 27 bottles of worry-free; I There will be 26 bottles of dogs; 25 bottles of meows;
Meow meows a baby, loves to eat fish every day, avocado la la la, three days and months
are near, light sauce, orange, repairing ink, love travel, maple sugar, water Hanling
Cigarette, 20 bottles of vsuki; 19 bottles of Jiu Jiu Ah Ya; 15 bottles of Moya Juvenile; 14
bottles of oblique moon half window; 13 bottles of Buddhist fish; Daihatsu rice, cat cat
insect, aqua glass, passerby B, sakaguchi, hundred I ca n’t wait to see you. 10 bottles of dog
food, Xiyan, raccoon, bookworm, sitting, etc., Xiong Bao, bowl, bowls, flowers, flowers,
gravel, kite, unicorn, night, Luming Yixue, fox 10 bottles; qq9 bottles; Indulge in beauty, 7
bottles of cool rain; I'm quiet 6 bottles; when I came, I carried a big knife, white glass,
acquaintance once, Sakura 珞 Fun Xun, 76, pleasant person, bar 唧 bar 唧, 31014976,
xifeier 5 bottles; honeyhone y, bread bag, ten feet, leaning against the window; three
bottles of the sea; heart-smart, Baiyin nine, natural Teddy, two bottles of leftover food; sur,
80 years old with illness, etc., Qiandeng, qqn, An Xi Yan, green flowers, big dreams, zi,
picturesque rain, the setting sun, chasing the most abused 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 1:
Settings saved..
The material storage warehouse is located in the industrial park of a medium-sized city in
northern China, adjacent to the main roads of railway and road transportation, and the
transportation is very convenient.
However, due to the change of route midway, the large troops were bypassed from remote
paths. At this time, to reach the destination, they must pass through more than half of the
urban area. In fact, even if it is not necessary to travel through the urban area, moving,
loading, and transferring materials is a long-term process and must be avoided from
outside interference, which means that it is imperative to clean up the zombies in the entire
The northern region has a relatively small population density. The city is located on the
richest black land and is known for mature and complete mechanized farming. It produces
a large amount of food every year for domestic sales and foreign exports.
The total resident population is about 1.5 million. According to the currently known virus
infection rate, the total number of zombies should be about 1 million.
Xiong Manshan drove, Lu Xiuyuan covered, took Liu Fangzhou around the city for several
laps, and finally arrived at the exact number "52,866.46. Among them were seventeen first-
level zombies and two second-level zombies. There are two zombie abilities, almost all of
them are mutant zombies. "
Someone in the so-called temporary meeting room questioned, "Are you sure that there are
no zombies hiding in the building, so the number is missing?"
"If you have any doubts about this number, you can go to the city and count it again by
yourself." Shen Shi'an glanced coldly at the speaker and took out a bottle of mineral water
mixed with Lingquan and handed it to Liu Fangzhou. Are there survivors? "
Liu Fangzhou's face was not good-looking, his face was white, and a layer of sweat was
floating on his forehead. Even if he had gradually learned to control the output of mental
power, scanning more than half a million zombies at one time was still a huge burden for
him. He took a sip of water and grunted, shaking his head. "No, all zombies."
The leader of the Han family thought for a moment and said, "It is not too far away from the
Changbai base, one of the five major bases. Perhaps it was someone sent over there to
search and rescue the survivors. This will also explain why the number of zombies is
greater than ours. Expectations are less. In any case, a small number of zombies is always a
good thing. "
"If the people at the Changbai Base have already come, will they have been taken away
from the storage warehouse?" The question was asked by Zheng Gang, the head of the
Flying Dragon Regiment.
The leader of the Han family shook his head. "The specific location and entry method of the
emergency disaster storage warehouse are the highest-level state secrets. No more than 20
people have the authority to know. No one in Changbai base has reached this authority
level. Can't open it. "
As long as the stuff in the warehouse is still there. Zheng Gang held his chest with both
hands and stopped talking.
Shen Shi'an continued to ask Liu Fangzhou, "Can you determine the abilities of those two
secondary zombies?"
"It should be all gold." Liu Fangzhou pointed to the two marks he made on the map, "one in
Dongcheng District and one in Xicheng District."
"How confident"
"80% to the east and 60% to the west."
As more and more abilities were encountered, Liu Fangzhou personally summed up a set of
color spectrums, classifying and comparing the most common colors in each department,
except for the abilities of the super-energy department and the spiritual department
because there are too many types. In addition to being elusive, the five systems of Jinmu,
Water, Fire, and Soil are the best to distinguish, and there are obvious rules to follow. For
example, the two secondary power zombies he sensed today, the light group in the east is
almost the same color as Xiao Lang, the leader of the tiger and wolf group. Although the
west one is different, it can probably be classified as a gold power. .
"Both of these zombies are extremely powerful," Liu Fangzhou emphasized. "I guess it
should be able to evolve to level three soon, so be careful."
In addition to these two, Liu Fangzhou also marked the locations and most likely power
attributes of the other 17 first-level zombies on the map. The leader of the Huang family
was surprised and said, "This ability is real. Amazing, thank you for this little brother for
giving us such valuable information. "
Liu Fangzhou smiled neatly and harmlessly. "You're welcome. We are a team. We should
work for a common goal, don't we?"
Moreover, it is not free. Brother Shen has already talked with others for a long time. When
the zombies are all cleaned up, one percent of the primary nuclei obtained by each team
will be allocated to him as a hardship. In other words, even if a zombie does not kill, the
sharp blade has five thousand crystal nuclei in hand.
Xiong Manshan secretly gave him a thumbs up. Little brother, the first bucket of gold was
already available before he started fighting.
Liu Fangzhou blinked with a smile and asked everyone to eat roast duck and go full.
Now that the enemy's combat power level and distribution are known, a specific battle plan
must be arranged next.
There is no doubt that the two zombie abilities that are about to break through are the
most difficult. The gold abilities are inherently difficult, not to mention that each of these
two zombies can control at least 100,000 zombies.
Xiao Lang offered to solve the unexpected east side, whoever killed the nucleus of the
power zombies, Xiao Lang itself is a gold system power, he could not miss such a great
The ownership of the second power zombie took a little time. Killing the zombies can get a
crystal nucleus, but after all, they have come here. Seeing that the warehouse is near, no
organization is willing to risk the loss of soldiers at this time. . Zheng Gang, the leader of the
dragon regiment, seemed a little hesitant. After Shen Shi'an took the initiative to destroy
the second zombie, he had no expression on his face, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
Gu's team leader Xie Yang looked at Shen Shi'an, but seemed to want to dissuade him. The
look of Qin family leader Xue Wentao is also a bit complicated.
No matter what they thought, the meeting went on. After the two power zombies "the
famous corpse has the master", 17 first-level power zombies and the zombie groups they
control are also divided according to their own strength, and the remaining 200,000 low-
level zombies are allocated by the military. Responsible for artillery fire.
The battle plan was formulated, the meeting was dissolved, and the heads of the various
organizations went back to make specific arrangements for the members. The total combat
began formally after 20 minutes.
Shen Shi'an gathered the team members. "I and Xun Xun, who is responsible for the main
attack zombies, and Yang Cancan, Gao Xiaohui, Wu Miao, and Li Runsheng are fighting
together to solve the zombies and prevent lower-level zombies from gathering. The
opponent is a gold zombie, so everyone must make sure that there are absolutely no metal
objects on them. Who needs weapons? "
Wu Miao, Li Runsheng, and Lu Xiuyuan raised their hands. Shen Shi'an took out four thorn
sticks from the space, and gave three to the team members, leaving one for himself.
Turned to Liu Fangzhou again "How do you feel now"
"The head is still a little dizzy." It was dizzy and painful, and it felt like it would explode
with a hard tap.
Shen Shian took out a pack of crystal nuclei and gave it to him, "Don't use the power
anymore, take a good rest. You are responsible for staying in the mountains to protect the
Ark, stay away from the theater, and wait until the battle is over before entering the city."
"Ah, no problem, wrap it on me." Anyway, he couldn't kill the zombies. At this time, even if
he killed a zombie, the food in the entire storage warehouse was in danger of evaporation.
Chen Nan asked, "Would you like Jiamu to join the battle?"
Shen Shian shook his head. "The power zombies are too high, and Jiamu is easily controlled
in the reverse direction. I'll talk to him and Xunxun first to resolve the power zombies."
"it is good."
All parties arranged properly, the team members checked each other for any mistakes and
leaks, and the dog wrinkled his nose. "Xie Yang is here."
Xie Yang naturally came to Shen Shian's "The second-level zombies are difficult to deal
with, especially the golden zombies that are about to break through the third-level
zombies. Is your team member a bit less need me to allocate an additional group of
manpower to you?"
Shen Shian smiled. "Thank you very much for your care. Don't worry, I'm not a reckless
person. I won't put my team members at risk. Since I took this task, I have enough
confidence to complete it smoothly." He added, "Even if I am really in danger, I have a back-
up that can absolutely guarantee my safety."
"That being the case, I wouldn't force it," Xie Yang raised his hand in salutation. "Pay
attention to safety and be careful."
"You too."
Xie Yang turned back to Gu's tent, and behind another tent half-covered tarpaulin, Xue
Wentao, who saw Xie Yang go to talk to Shen Shi'an, and turned back, returned his sight.
Twenty minutes later, the military honked their horns, and all of them started.
City maps have long been kept in mind by everyone. According to Liu Fangzhou ’s ability
zombie location information, Shen Shi'an and others marched straight into Xicheng District
after entering the city. The road was repaired by the wall, and the zombie group completely
ignored them. , Unimpeded all the way.
Identifying the target zombies is easier than you think, because this power zombie is too
conspicuous. It is at least two meters tall, with a wide shoulders, a round tiger's back, and a
bare head shining bright, almost like a beacon. Standing in the zombies, it is difficult to
A group sneaked to a distance of about 100 meters from the zombie corpse. Chen Nan took
the lead. Two and a half meters of vines rushed to the ground, one to the left and one to the
right. The sea opened a wide path through the corpses densely.
Shen Shi'an and Gouzi seized the opportunity and rushed towards the target immediately.
Chen Nan manipulated the vine to form a circle with a radius of about 100 meters centered
on the zombie abilities. The wall once again reinforced the temporarily-built fortifications
in this circle.
"Everyone is responsible for one direction" Chen Nan shouted "stop the zombies from
approaching and get time for the captain"
The fire abilities Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui are the main combat forces in the outer
circle. They are responsible for the west and south where the zombies are most dense.
Occasionally they attack together at the southwest intersection. The lethality instantly
increases several times. .
Water Mighty Wu Miao is in charge of the north. Because there are vines and earth walls
blocking her, she does n’t have to worry about spattering zombies. She may accidentally
hurt her teammates. The power is output as much as possible. Fireworks burst out one
after another.
Chen Nan is in charge of the east. Dozens of vine branches are dancing around like spirit
snakes, and the zombies' heads are violently tightened and crushed. The efficiency is very
clean and clear.
Li Runsheng took a stabstick and walked around, while solving the zombies who broke
through the protection of other teammates and rushed to the earth wall, he continued to
strengthen and repair the earth wall. Lu Xiuyuan freely shuttled among the zombies by
virtue of the shielding effect of the power wall. Leng Buding aimed at the key to carry out a
sneak attack and cleared the zombies from outside the fortifications.
In the middle of the battle, Shen Shi'an and Gouzi encountered a little trouble.
It is very easy to get rid of the hundreds of low-level zombies around the power zombies,
and the dogs can run on them for two laps to step them all into pieces. And Shen Shi'an
increased the speed to the extreme. Like the same rocket 039 gun, it seemed to rush
straight towards the power zombie, stood on tiptoe, and kicked it with a tenth force on its
Under this foot, ordinary zombies will instantly break into the sky, and the 20-centimeter-
thick steel plate will immediately distort the depression under this foot, even if it is about
to break through to Xiao Lang, level 4, Once in a seven-point effort of Shen Shian also
suffered a small loss.
But as soon as this foot hit the target, Shen Shi'an noticed something wrong.
It did n’t seem to kick a zombie, not a flesh, or even a steel plate, as if he kicked a piece of
unknown metal with a hardness that was unimaginably high. A huge reaction force struck
from the sole of the foot instantly, Shen Shi Anli flipped back and forth several times, and
fell on one knee to remove part of the strength, but his calf was still numb.
The power zombies flew back and flew out for more than ten meters. After a while, they
stood up again, their chests were intact without leaving any traces, and a pair of muddy
eyeballs rolled twice, staring at Shen Shi'an.
"An An" the dog rushed over after solving the low-level zombies. "Are you okay?"
Turning his head and fangs grinning toward the zombie, half-foot-long claws scratched it
hard, and after the harsh metal friction, a mark of three millimeters deep was left on the
zombie's chest.
Shen Xun's voice became serious immediately. "An'an be careful, this zombie is a bit
After the sound had not fallen, Shen Shi'an moved again because the speed was too fast and
even left a trail of shadows in the air. With his flexible figure, this time he came to the
power zombie, this time, a sharp thorn stick was heading towards the zombie The softest
part, the depression at the junction of the cranium and the cervical spine, was severely
The mutant aloe thorn with a hardness not lower than that of an ordinary fruit knife was
broken, leaving only a pale white scratch on the zombie's head that was not carefully
observed or even imperceptible.
After being repeatedly attacked, the power zombies were obviously angry. The thick arm
suddenly carried the sound of hunting and hunting, and Shen Shian ducked away in a
timely manner. There was speculation about the specific power of this gold-powered
It belongs to the same gold abilities as Xiao Lang, but its evolution direction is quite
different. Xiao Lang mainly manipulates metal as his weapon, and this power zombie itself
is a weapon. Its power is estimated to be used to strengthen itself. Nowadays, swords and
guns cannot penetrate the fire, and ordinary attack methods cannot hurt it at all.
But this does not mean that it cannot control metals.
Shen Shi'an rolled twice, a metal mace more than three meters long and half a meter thick
hit the place where he stood a moment ago, mud bricks cracked and rocks were scattered,
and a honeycomb was smashed on the concrete road. The huge deep pits in the shape,
spider-like cracks spread everywhere, and even the surface shook twice.
The dog was furious, and rushed towards the zombie again. Senhan's claws arched left and
right, and scratched a dozen marks on the target, but this was nothing to the zombie.
If you want to solve this zombie that has lost power, it must completely destroy its brain,
but with its physical strength, ordinary weapons cannot do it at all. Shen Shi'an's sword
may be okay, but the zombie can manipulate metal, I am afraid that the sword will be
instantly taken away by the opponent.
Shen Shi'an had to admit that this zombie did choose an evolutionary direction that seemed
completely unsolvable.
They can defeat it, they can suppress it, but **** it is the most headache. As long as the
brain is not damaged, it can order the nearby tens of thousands of zombies to besiege. In
fact, after being attacked by Shen Shi'an and Gouzi one after another, the zombies who
were stopped by the fortifications suddenly became manic, like a tide. So far, the pressure
on Chen Nan and others suddenly increased.
After Shen Shi'an tried to attack again without success, Xun Xun said, "You stare and don't
let it run away."
Shen Xun immediately understood what he wanted to do, "An An, rest assured, just leave it
to me."
Shen Shi'an, Qi and Dan Tian, worked fast, and immediately formed a circle of aura with a
radius of about one meter around his body. His shape was like a thunderbolt, and he struck
in front of the power zombies in a blink of an eye.
"呲 呲 呲 呲 呲 呲 呲"
In the harsh sound of friction, the nose that the power zombie first contacted with the aura
mask quickly exploded into a ball of blood.
Shen Shi'an secretly released his mouth okay, and the Aura Mask could restrain it. It's a bit
slower and more laborious than cutting steel.
The zombie was frightened, raised his hand to stop it, and made a few noises, half of his
palms were missing in the flesh.
There was a bit of panic in the cloudy eyes, and he turned to run, and was patted back by
the dog. Alas, the entire back was cut off, and the white spine was faintly separated by the
muscle layer. visible. I wanted to run again and was filmed again.
"Find a way to hold it down," Shen Shi'an said, "I have to aim my head. I can't hold it for
As soon as the voice fell, the dog flew up, two front paws stepped on the power zombie's
shoulders, and its hind paws fixed its ankles, pressing the power zombie's face down and
its head facing outwards. It was severely pressed by the wolf a moment ago. In the deep pit
smashed by the stick, "Ann, cut it"
Shen Shi'an seized the opportunity and rushed in countless ways, like countless auras
spinning at a rapid speed, like tens of thousands of extremely thin and extremely sharp
blades, from the power of the zombie's skull to cut off layers of bones.
The power zombie was scared, all the metal with a radius of hundreds of meters was
concentrated, twisted into various shapes such as daggers, swords, steel pills, and large
pendulums, smashing over Shen Shi'an and the dog. At the same time, it suddenly lifted its
head and shouted, and the tide of 100,000 zombies outside the fortifications was silent for
a moment, and then it seemed like it was completely insane, with an offensive that was
several times stronger than before.
A gap was rushed out of the "grass" soil wall, Li Runsheng cursed, and immediately greeted
him with a stick, and was soon surrounded by zombies.
After avoiding the stormy metal attack, Shen Shi'an turned his head and screamed "Lu
Lu Xiuyuan ran quickly, "What can I do"
"Put up a wall and surround me and Xun Xun and this power zombie all within a radius of
about ten meters."
According to his request, Lu Xiuyuan propped up a wall at the fastest speed, completely
separating Shen Shi'an and others from the outside world. After the closed wall was
formed, the power zombies instantly lost control of the metal and zombies outside the wall,
and the iron ball and iron knife fell down, killing many low-level zombies that were too late
to escape.
Shen Shi'an did not delay a minute, and the high-speed revolving aura mask shook the head
of the power zombie again. In the screams of unwillingness and terror, the entire cranium
was finally blasted into powder.
The blood splattered and the brain cracked. Shen Shi'an led the dog back in time, and after
picking up a dark golden power crystal nuclei from the ground.
As soon as the zombies died, Shen Shian took Jiamu's head out of the space and handed it to
Chen Nan. Under the joint control of the brothers, more than 100,000 low-level zombies
within a few miles quickly abandoned the attack and resistance, lining up The team came
over and became a lamb to be slaughtered.
Shen Shi'an took a breath, and walked up to Li Runsheng. "Are you okay?"
Li Runsheng sat on the ground and shook his head. The rest of the post-hijacking face was
full of faces. "It's okay. Fortunately, the zombie almost bit me, and was stopped by an
invisible wall. You should save me, brother. Right "
Shen Shi'an turned his head to look at Lu Xiuyuan.
Lu Xiuyuan was a little uncomfortable, holding his chin in a hard tone. "Aren't he a
teammate? You can't watch him bitten by a zombie." And he said to Li Runsheng, "Be
careful next time, not everyone can be saved every time." your."
Li Runsheng was grateful. "I see. Thank you for saving your life."
Lu Xiuyuan snorted softly, nodding his head in response, turned around and picked up the
crystal nuclei.
Far from the other directions in the urban area, dense gunfire and loud shouts can still be
heard. Compared to the fierce battle conditions that other teams are experiencing at this
time, the blade team is undoubtedly much easier.
Chen Nan piled up the zombies that had not yet been dug out by spawning vines. Jiamu
controlled the lower-level zombies to come and stand in line. Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui
set fire while absorbing the nucleus to supplement the power. Others did not pick up the
nuclei scattered on the ground before they waited until the two fire abilities burned, and
held the broom to sweep the nuclei in the ashes together, and then loaded them with a
dustpan. Into a sack.
Shen Shi'an drank half a bottle of Lingquan water, and the dog came to him and leaned
against him. "An'an, how are you"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It's okay, don't worry." This time the aura hood lasted about
seven minutes and didn't reach his limit. There was no adverse reaction except that he was
a little bit tired and tired, and he should be fine after a rest.
After more than an hour, all the finishing work on the side of the sharp blade team was
completed. The party found a restaurant and sat down for a quick lunch.
After more than two hours, the battles in other directions gradually came to an end. Shen
Shi'an took the team members to the industrial park where the storage warehouse was
located, slowly and slowly along the way. After arriving at the meeting place, more than 20
minutes passed, and all the teams arrived.
Shen Shi'an roughly glanced, about 20 people were missing.
Compared to the total number of zombies, this casualty figure is already very small.
Xiao Lang looked rather embarrassed. A handsome long trench coat was almost broken
into rotten cloth strips, but the air was still enough. He came over and stared at Shen Shi'an
for a while. "Well, you are quite relaxed."
Shen Shian retracted his gaze from Li Cheng and fed the dog a piece of beef jerky. "The
leader of Xiao is not bad." He counted, and there were no few people in the tiger and wolf
They trimmed for a moment, and then led to the final destination under the leadership of
four leaders.
Before arriving at his destination, Shen Shi'an never thought that the emergency supplies
reserve would be built under a garbage disposal plant. However, it is also reasonable to
think about it. There are large trucks in and out of the garbage disposal plant every day.
With such a place as a cover, ordinary people absolutely can't imagine that this is actually a
large warehouse that stores huge amounts of materials.
The entrance to the warehouse is behind the waste treatment plant, bypassing the stinking
mountain of garbage. The four leaders came to a row of bungalows that seemed to be used
as utility rooms. "Let ’s go down and open the warehouse door, others Wait a moment. "
Shen Shi'an covered his nose with one hand and the dog, and didn't want to speak at all.
"Grass," someone picked up an iron rod and smashed it on the mountain of garbage. "What
kind of stuff are these? Why is it so smelly?"
At this moment, the abnormal changes occur suddenly.
A huge gray figure suddenly emerged from the towering junk mountain, and only a muffled
sound of a sharp weapon was heard. The psionicist who was closest to the junk mountain
suddenly made a scream that pierced the eardrum, holding the left hand of the iron rod.
Together with the left half of the body was actually bitten off, the hot internal organs and
blood immediately dripped to the ground.
A monster the size of a bull is squatting next to Trash Mountain, with round ears and long
beards. A bare long tail is dragged behind it. The abdomen has greatly increased, half of the
cheeks are rotten, and the upper and lower pairs of violent dirty yellow incisors are rolled.
Human limbs, "creak and crunch." The sound of chewing is clear and loud, making
everyone cold.
Suddenly, the uncontrollable panic spread to the crowd in an instant. The screams of terror
and the screams of the attackers were getting lower and lower. "What a **** is it?"
A soldier took a gun and fired a burst, firing 039 out of a dozen holes in the monster, dark
black blood flowing down from it.
The monster looked down, his blood-red eyes quickly aimed at the soldier who fired, and
two pairs of incisors fluttered.
The snow-colored sword light suddenly turned on. Shen Shian held the sword and split the
monster's head. His huge and deformed body trembled twice, then fell to the ground, and
the rancid brain flowing around.
"Be careful," he groaned. "This is a zombie mutant animal. Don't let it touch it."
The words didn't fall, a gust of wind swept past, Xiong Manshan was holding Liu Fangzhou
and appeared not far from the crowd.
Liu Fangzhou looked pale, as if he had suffered some kind of great fright, and hissing at
Shen Shi'an and others shouted "Run, run, captain, run"
Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang, dozens of garbage mountains collapsed at
the same time, and a mass of garbage ravaged, and thousands of zombie giant mutant mice
were drilled out.
"Run, run, everyone, run"
The author has something to say about rough and long make up
Seeking nutrition solution
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to Yan Xiao, the little angel who dropped the rocket launcher, and a sugar shortage;
Thanks to the little angel who threw mines to chase 3 more tiredly; it is better to see 2 than
to see it; perhaps, Simon Crayfish and Shuangxuan 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
123 bottles of floating life dreams; 55 bottles of blue tails; Oh, 9050 bottles of Aixiao; 40
bottles of pick up; 35 bottles of nostalgia; 19586671, Xiaoya, 30 bottles of stable like old
dogs; 23 bottles of rolls; 3, oak, do not order an oppa, alone in a pot of sorrow, 19486696,
guess the string, in fact, I do not pick, milk-flavored pig willow eggs, 1847918620 bottles;
17 bottles of amber; 12 bottles of Qibao; 10 bottles of love, nibasan, Nanke yiyimeng, Gao
Xiaosheng, Weilou, gg, Dorothy, half sky, rain, child chair, rosa, Mingchen; 372952908
bottles; 7 bottles of Xiaomeng and Weizhu; 76. 5 bottles of な つ め た か し, aqua-colored
glass; 31135732, 2 girls of Xueyue, Xuehua, honeyhoney, and 眭 咩咩 's meow; Miwu, Mo
Shang Nan Sheng, Che Tong, Chasing the Most Abuse, Amorell I'm a bottle of lone wolf;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 132:

Settings saved..
"All grass rats are mutant mice"
"Withdraw quickly withdraw quickly"
"Don't come, don't come, don't ah ah ah ah"
More and more giant zombie rats crawled out from under the **** heap, and the blood-red
eyes quickly locked on the target. The dirty saliva on the corner of the mouth was mixed
with rotten flesh and fell to the ground. , Barking squeak and smell.
Screams, screams, and the chewing of zombies were endless.
Shen Shi'an held the sword in his hand, and his body was almost invisible. His flesh flew
across the cold light, and the body of the zombie rat fell quickly around him. Shen Xun was
behind him. The two of them and the other more than forty higher-level abilities first
responded, cooperating with the firepower of the soldiers to suppress and retreat at the
end of the line, and cover the others before evacuating.
"Grass," Xiao Lang scolded with sweat, "these ghosts are too fast"
Each zombie rat is the size of a bull. Their oversized swollen stomachs make them look like
a deformed tumbler that seems to be standing unsteadily, but the figure chasing prey is
extremely flexible, and the bare long tail swings to the left and right. It's so fast that even
aiming becomes extremely difficult. Thirty steel pills pierced the heads of seven or eight
zombies, and two more rushed at him from the top in a hungry wolf.
Shen Shi'an stood up, two flicks of sword light on his wrist, and the two zombie rats were
divided into two in mid-air, the purple belly opened, and the stump of a broken limb was
broken, and the rancidity was soaring into the sky .
"Puke" someone vomited immediately.
The dog held his breath and backed away. Shen Shi'an pressed two aromatherapy pills into
his nose in time. Strawberry flavor, he likes it.
Under the siege of zombies, the crowd retreated to the first half of the garbage disposal site,
but more and more zombies crawled out from under the garbage as if there was no end,
and soon became a gray ocean. Many survivors swarmed over. Several soil-based abilities
joined forces to raise a soil wall to try to block the pace of the zombie. The soil layer rolled
up and down under the power, listening only to the sound of the rumble, and a half of the
garbage centered on the garbage mountain. The treatment plant actually collapsed, and the
mountains shook the smoke and dust in an instant.
By the time the dust had dispersed a little, the Trash Mountain and half of the factory had
disappeared, leaving only a huge pothole like a tiankeng. Crossing the edge of the soil layer
of the collapse, you can clearly see a closed metal building below the utility room that the
four leaders originally intended to enter. The shape is like an elevator that has been
enlarged many times, because most of it is still buried in the soil. There is no way to
determine the length, width, and depth of the layers, but the total area must be surprising
from the bare parts.
In front of the metal building, where the Mountain of Garbage was originally located, is a
huge cave with no bottom and nowhere.
Because it was too deep, it was dark because of the inability of light to penetrate for dozens
of meters. There seemed to be something moving in the thick darkness, and then countless
dense red **** eyes lit up on the cave wall.
A cold chill followed the soles of the feet and quickly swept up the spine. Shen Shi'an pulled
up a soldier next to him who had fallen to the ground due to the ground subsidence, turned
around, and rushed to the team members to drink "Go!"
Those blood-red eyes quickly moved, like a tide, rushing to the ground, the excited snoring
mixed with the friction of the claws and the ground pierced the eardrums, and rushed
toward the prey impatiently. .
"Go" Someone shouted, "Come on, his 039 mother is just a zombie nest."
The survivors hurried back, Xiong Manshan carrying Liu Fangzhou at the door of the dump
and meeting with his teammates. Liu Fangzhou looked like he was about to cry. "Brother
Shen, I'm sorry, they are all hidden under the ground. The position is too deep. I I didn't
find it at the beginning of the scan "
"It's not your fault." Shen Shi'an raised his hand and chopped down the two zombie rats
with a dignified look. "Can you detect how many of them?"
Liu Fangzhou closed his eyes and tried it. A layer of sweat permeated from his forehead,
and his face was scary. "At least 100,000."
One hundred thousand giant zombie rats. Shen Shi'an's heart sank suddenly.
This number may not be able to match even when the people are at full strength, not to
mention that they have experienced a fierce battle with zombies, and almost everyone is
He took out a bottle of Lingquan water and handed it to Liu Fangzhou, "It's hard, take a
good rest, and then leave it to us. Manshan, protect him."
Zheng Gang, the head of the flying dragon regiment, was not far away. His entire right hand
was alienated into the forelimbs of some huge bears. His sharp claws were more than a foot
long. Hearing the numbers Liu Fangzhou said, he shouted, "What? "100,000" smashed the
head of a zombie rat and gasped at Xue Wentao. "What are you waiting for, don't you have
039 bombs? Hurry up and kill these ghosts."
"There is only one entrance to the reserve warehouse." Xue Wentao took the gun in his left
hand and threw out several wind blades in succession. After hearing the numbers Liu
Fangzhou said, his expression was equally dignified. The use of 039 bombs near the dump
resulted in a second collapse. Not only could we fall down, but the entrance to the
warehouse was also at risk of being completely buried. "
Zheng Gang was so anxious to die "when are you still thinking about the warehouse, so
many mutant mice, who knows that the contents of the warehouse are still gone" grass, so a
waste of effort to run away without a word, maybe it still has to Give your life
"Yes." Shen Shi'an calmly analyzed. "If the mutant mouse has a way to obtain the contents
of the warehouse, it will not only eat zombies, let alone be infected by zombies."
The stomach contents of the two mutant rats whose stomachs were riddled with zombies
were full of zombies, which explains exactly why in the urban area where there should be a
total of one million zombies, in fact there are only more than 500,000 zombies.
Xie Yang nodded. "The whole warehouse is made of more than two meters of steel plate.
These mice are not easy to open. It is not convenient to fight here. All the members retreat
to the north, and the farther away from the dump, the better."
More than six hundred people evacuated urgently, but tens of thousands of giant zombie
rats were chasing after each other, and it seemed that the monsters in the entire
underground cave ran out of smell.
After about two kilometers back north, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and threw to Chen Nan
a pot of spiritual spring water "now"
Chen Nan understood it, and immediately squatted down and placed the devil vine on the
ground. At the same time, he sprayed a small pot of spiritual spring water on its root. In
conjunction with the power, the slender devil vine quickly took root, and more than a
dozen vines were split into two directions. Flying in the direction, as if winding pythons
meandering, intertwined with each other to form a circle of five meters high green wall
between the zombie torrent and the survivors.
The barrier that emerged out of thin air gave survivors a chance to stop breathing, but this
time did not last long.
Chen Nan's face quickly became difficult to see. "Brother Shen, those zombie rats are
gnawing at the devil vine."
Shen Shi'an jumped up the fence and saw the first batch of zombies catching up all lying
under the fence. The upper and lower pairs of huge brown-yellow incisors are like four
crazy-running drills, aiming at the vines for a while. The destructive force of the flying
debris was amazing, and soon there were large and small gaps in the vine. At this rate, it is
only a matter of time before the entire devil vine is choked by them.
"Where is the soil-powered person?" Shen Shi'an turned to drink.
Twenty-three psionicists including Li Runsheng, a sharp blade member, responded, and
together they raised two more than five meters of earth walls outside the plant wall,
although they were still smashed by the crowd of zombies that came up. Fly, but anyway
can support for a while.
The leaders of the various power organizations and the four leaders converged in the
center of the wall. There is nothing to discuss at this moment. Unless all the zombie rats are
killed, all of them will be reduced to meals and chewed to pieces.
In the growing screams and rustling bites outside the fence, the team leaders integrated all
survivors as quickly as possible, arranging as many as possible in the same line or with the
ability to promote each other. Use the maximum combat power. Those who have no
abilities, are good at shooting, or are based on long-range attacks. Weak melees stay inside
the fence. Those with melee-based abilities fight outside the fence. Respond to the middle
of the response.
Shen Shi'an walked to Xie Yang and lowered his voice, "How much ammunition is left for
bullets and explosives?"
Xie Yang frowned, and shook his head, "Not enough." Far from enough. Most of the
ammunition was used up when cleaning up the zombies. Who would have thought of
greater trouble hiding under the dump.
But even if it is not enough right now, I can only bite the bullet and the situation can not be
delayed, either it will die, or I will die.
The counterattack quickly began. Twenty-three earth-powered people raised a circle of
stairs inside the wall to facilitate the parties to climb the wall. Now everyone has taken out
their homes, and crystal nuclei are on them. Quickly absorbed and turned into power in my
hand, but even with the crystal nucleus as a supplement, as more and more zombies
outside the fence, the speed of gnawing faster and faster, the pressure to keep the fence
from falling will only increase Some individuals have almost exhausted their physical
fitness in the Zombie War, and at this time have been shaky.
Shen Shi'an found Lu Xiuyuan, "Your wall can be semi-enclosed, right, supporting one
behind the earth wall. If the earth wall collapses, you will be the last line of defense. Can
you do it?"
Lu Xiuyuan's lips were white with sweat in his palm. "I try my best."
Shen Shi'an left him three large crystal nuclei, and gave him a wireless communicator, one
for each of the sharp blade teams of the same communication equipment. "Whenever there
is a situation to communicate, remember that we will not die."
The first wave of gunmen quickly ascended the wall. With the sound of intensive artillery
fire, the zombies fell down one after another, and then they were drowned by more
The head of the dragon team roared, "Chong ah, kill all the mess with Lao Tzu." He jumped
forward and turned into a huge black bear more than five meters high, leading a group of
men to jump off the fence.
Shen Shi'an held the sword with one hand and was surrounded by a mighty dog. "Be careful
not to be caught by a zombie."
"Relax," Shen Xun bowed his head and stunned, "my skin is strong, these things can't hurt
Xiao Lang stood not far from them, and he was surrounded by thirty steel pills rotating fast,
and he said, "Captain Shen, it would be better to kill than the other team. The team that lost
is more than 600 brothers and sisters. How about Wang Jude's big meal? "
Shen Shi'an laughed, and the long sword trembled. "Come on", the tip of the toe jumped up,
and the dog turned into two lightnings and rushed towards the squealing zombies.
"Kill, kill these invisible things"
"A warehouse full of supplies is still waiting for us."
"Damn smelly mouse, grown up, I still burn you to ashes"
If you look down from mid-air at this time, you can see that dense zombie rats are
continuously climbing up from the underground caves of the dump, and they endlessly
merge into the zombie group, eventually forming a rolling gray as if there is no end. Wang
Yang besieged the fence with a radius of more than 50 meters. The turbulent waves are
strong like waves, as if the temporarily isolated human island can be completely destroyed
and disintegrated at any time.
The lights on the fence flickered endlessly, the dense shooting sounds continued, and the
air was filled with acrid but intoxicating smoke. All fire abilities are gathered just south of
the fence. This is also the place with the largest number of zombies and the highest attack
intensity. The magnificent fire light should rise to the sky with a slogan, and they can burn a
large gap of zombies. But soon it was filled with more zombies.
Most members of the Blade Squad are located inside the wall. Wu Miao and a dozen other
water powers are on the southwest side of the wall. As long as they are close to them
within 20 meters, zombie rats will instantly explode their heads into countless fragments,
but with There are more and more zombies, and the speed at which their heads can burst
with the ability to condense water molecules can not keep up with the speed of the zombies
rushing over. Six zombies successfully broke through the protective circle, and their sharp
claws were cut into the earth wall. I screamed and was about to climb up.
Fortunately, before climbing up the wall, several vines were entangled in the body and
dragged down. The thick vines quickly climbed onto the head of the zombie rat and became
more and more entangled. They were twisted at the fastest speed before being broken by
the incisors. Into the sky.
Wu Miao turned her head and looked at Chen Nan's eyes. The two men nodded to each
other at 039, and then resumed fighting.
Chen Nan was standing on a "tower" formed by the devil's trunk. After the earthen wall of
the psionicist and the transparent wall of Lu Xiuyuan had risen, he collected the devil's
vine. At this time, he was standing high and able to bring all parts Panoramic view of the
war. Dozens of branches of vines walked around the wall, like a spirit snake patrolling the
territory, repeatedly repeating the process of tearing the zombie and then smashing it,
resolutely not let go of any fish that leaked the net.
However, with the massive consumption of human strength and abilities, the combat
effectiveness has continued to weaken, and more and more zombies have broken through
and climbed up the wall, just like fleas stuck to their fur, killing waves and emerging waves.
Chen Nan gritted his teeth, and while absorbing the crystal nucleus, he released the ability
to control the devil vine. The blue tendons jumped straight around his neck. He looked up
at the situation outside the wall and his heart sank.
The situation outside the fence is no less optimistic.
Zheng Gang led a dozen hands and ripped apart a gap in the rat tide. The bears' body was
damaging after returning to the ancestors. At least two zombies could be smashed into a
meat mud with a slap. If they fight alone, these stink Xuntian Monster is not his opponent at
all. However, what he was facing was not one, but thousands of giant mutant mice. He had
no pain, no fatigue, no fear of death, and flung his bare long tail into the tide. He caught his
fur and entangled him. His limbs crawled onto him and bite hard.
If it is an ordinary bear, it may have been bitten and rotten, but fortunately Zheng Gang
wore a special transparent protective clothing, which he spent a lot of money to customize
from the Beijing City Research Institute, using the most advanced The high-molecular
memory material can be changed in size at will according to the body's alienation. Its
protective ability is comparable to that of military-grade bullet-proof jackets. Even with a
knife, you can only leave a few slight marks.
But it was such a protective suit. At this time, under the frenzied bites of dozens of zombie
rats, there was a burst of unknown harsh friction sounds. Zheng Gang was terrified, and
people stood upright and shouted, shaking his limbs to try Throw the zombies that were
stuck on his body, but every part of them, more zombies came towards him one after
another, biting, screaming, crawling all over the body and almost drowning him.
The friction was getting louder and louder. In some parts, it was clear that the claws and
teeth of the zombie rat were getting closer and closer to the flesh. Zheng Gang scolded the
grass violently, and his heart could not help but sullen in the sadness of the hero's end. A
roar was about to rush into the sea of rats to pull up more miscellaneous burials, and the
ears suddenly burst into the air. Dozens of fast-moving steel pills flew around him twice,
accurately crushing thirteen and climbing on him. The head of the zombie rat bite, but at
about the same time, the cold light in the field of vision surged into the sword, and the
dense crowd of zombies was suddenly emptied.
"Oh, look at who this is," Xiao Lang looked a little bit embarrassed, but still looked as if he
was always hanging out. "It seems that the zombie has a soft spot for bear meat."
Zheng Gang shook the wreckage and brain of the zombie rat and yelled at his teeth. The
huge black bear's head turned to Shen Shi'an, and just about to express his gratitude, he
saw three zombie rats rushing towards him from behind.
"Roaring" Zheng Gang hurriedly issued a warning, but Shen Shi'an didn't move, and he even
pulled out a piece of cloth to wipe the blood on the blade clean. When the zombie was less
than half a meter away from him, a black giant shadow struck lightning. It easily struck the
three zombie rats to the ground and stepped into a mud. They shook the minced meat on
their paws and walked to Shen Shi'an. Hold fast behind him.
Xiao Langyu said "I haven't seen it, the dogs that Captain Shen keeps are better than you."
Zheng Gang didn't care about quarreling with him, nodded to Shen Shi'an, and turned to
support his men.
A total of fourteen people jumped out of the wall following him. All of them are in a critical
situation at the moment, but the most critical situation is the team leader Qian Tang, who
was searching for a team. When he took the team members to search for supplies, he got up
with Xiong Manshan and others. Contradictions, I haven't found anything since then.
Although Zheng Gang has never blamed him for this, he has always blamed himself because
he feels that he is too useless. Finding supplies is the most important existence value of the
search team. He ca n’t even find food as a small captain. How worthy of the head of the
cultivation and trust in him.
So this time he was particularly hard to clean up the zombies. The dragon team was
responsible for a total of seven first-level zombies and nearly 60,000 ordinary zombies. He
was a power-type ability, carrying a sharp narrow blade and a long knife, he was chopped
to death. Only one level of zombies and more than a thousand ordinary zombies, the record
of which is only under the command of the head, was praised by Zheng Gang face to face, so
even if he was tired, his arms trembled and he was extremely happy.
It didn't take long to know that the zombies had been solved, and then a large number of
more terrible mutant rats emerged.
He forcedly jumped out of the wall behind Zheng Gang, killed 13 or 8 zombie rats together
with 13 teammates, and was successively scattered by the rat tide. The zombie rats were
too big and too tall, and the front teeth and claws saw the ghost. He sharply watched a
teammate scratch his viscera with a claw of a zombie rat, and bit his thigh in two with
another bite.
Crunch. A group of zombies rushed to bite and eat fast, and blood and minced meat
continued to fall from between the claw tips and the incisors rubbing back and forth. The
triangular heads were raised high, and while fighting for food, they stared at the two blood-
red eyes. Living the rest of humans, greedy, crazy, terrifying.
Qiantang was scared. He knew that there was a risk of being killed alive by zombies every
time he went out of the mission, and everyone who signed up for it was also aware and
prepared for nothing, but witnessed these monsters tore the living person to pieces and
witnessed his teammates. Only the bones were left to bite. He was still scared, so scared to
He doesn't want to die, he wants to live, he wants to live back to the base of the capital, live
and talk to his teammates and talk about idiots.
However, the fact did not change in the slightest because of his fear.
The teammates were either torn up by the zombie or scattered by the rat tide, and soon he
was left alone. The long knife in his hand was lifted up again and then waved out
vigorously, howling soaring blood and splattering, until every muscle of the body turned
from tearing pain to numbness, until the vision gradually blurred in the limit of force, until
he was again There is no way to move the knife.
Through the dense shadow of zombies, Qiantang faintly saw the huge black bear
transformed by Zheng Gang dozens of meters away.
It's all useless to me, he thought, goodbye to the head.
Then he closed his eyes in the howling sound that was getting closer.
The expected pain did not come. Qian Tang only felt that his body was shaking suddenly,
and when he opened his eyes again, he was already standing in the middle of the fence.
There were still many people around him who were sitting or lying, all of whom he knew
and those he didn't know, all of them were weak after weakness. appearance.
On the far side, he remembered clearly that it was the boy named Liu Fangzhou in the
sharp blade team.
As for his support at this time, it was Xiong Manshan.
Xiong Manshan took his arm back from Qiantang. "Sit down and rest for a while, drink
some water, and then go out to kill the mice when you feel strong. We can definitely win."
Turning his head and asking Liu Fangzhou, "I'll go out and see, you're all right." He can't
blame, he can do his best to save people.
Liu Fangzhou nodded. "No problem, Brother Xiong, be careful yourself."
"Oh, rest assured."
Qian Tang sat on the ground, seeing Xiong Manshan lightning disappeared.
He hasn't had time to say thank you yet.
Shen Xun raised his paw and smashed the heads of the two zombies. His tail was flicked
fiercely, like a thunderous disease, interrupting the spine of seven or eight zombies and
flying away.
Turn around and look at Shen Shi'an, "An'an, how are you"
Shen Shi'an's face was a little pale and sweat was all over his forehead. If he looked more
closely, he could see that his hand holding the sword was shaking slightly.
With a gap cleared by the dog, he took out the Lingquan water and drank half a bottle,
shaking his head, "It's okay, I can survive it."
Xiao Lang never came far away, hiding behind the dog and taking a short break. He looked
far more embarrassed than Shen Shi'an, and even the rotation speed of the thirty steel pills
around him was slow to the naked eye. Panting while watching Shen Shi'an, "Why don't you
use that trick, that is, the same light gold protective cover that we used in the fight between
us, even the steel plate can be shattered. If you use that trick in the zombie group After two
laps, I immediately killed a big wave. "
Shen Shi'an did not speak. Not that he didn't want to use it, but that he couldn't use it.
The aura hood had been opened for more than seven minutes when the gold zombie was
resolved. After that, he fought with the zombie rat for a long time. If he now uses it again, I
am afraid he will fall to the ground without a minute of consciousness. .
However, it is not a problem to continue so hard. The fierce fighting has been consumed,
and more and more people can no longer bear it. The fence is now almost completely
suppressed by the soldiers with firepower, but the remaining ammunition is unknown.
How long
Such worries just surfaced not long after, and the sound of firings from the fence gradually
Shen Shian sank in his heart, raised his hand and cut the two zombie rats in half, turning his
head and Xiao Lang to look at each other, "the bullets are exhausted."
Xiao Lang's expression calmed down quickly, and he gritted his teeth and scolded "grass."
Once the firepower network dissipated, the zombie rat that had been barely blocked
outside immediately flooded the corpse like a tide and rushed towards the fence. The water
power defense line collapsed first, followed by the fire power defense line, Chen Nan's
devil. The vine couldn't drive it at all, but was caught by the rat group and the two branches
were knocked off in a blink of an eye.
Tens of thousands of zombies climbed up the wall, and two earth walls cracked under their
crazy impact and bite. With the loud sound of "Boom", the earth wall in the southwest
collapsed, one of which was billowing with smoke. The big wave of zombie rushed towards
the gap, seeing that it was about to rush into the wall, bang bang bang, one after another
was stopped by an invisible transparent wall.
It is Lu Xiuyuan.
The other party's hasty and strenuous voice soon sounded inside the radio communicator,
"Shen Shi'an, come to think of a way I can't last long."
The area of the wall is too large, five meters high and more than one hundred meters in
diameter. It is almost reaching his limit just to support the wall. At present, the earth wall
collapses, and almost all the attacks of the zombie fall on the transparent wall. In a second,
the pressure he endured was rising by a geometric multiple, and the power output was like
a bottomless pit. The three bags of nuclei that Shen Shi'an left to him were half gone in an
Shen Shi'an took the initiative and took the sword back into the sheath. Qi Shen Dantian
screamed like a bell. "All the people immediately withdrew into the wall."
The strong penetrating sound swept across the entire battlefield in an instant. Most people
still don't understand what happened, but it must be a death to stay outside, so they
subconsciously did it, and turned and rushed towards the inside of the wall.
More and more zombie rats gather around the wall. After repeated battles, not everyone
has the strength to break through the enclosure of the rats, but if they fall down, they will
be torn into pieces instantly. Shen Shi'an took two on the way back. Xiao Lang took one
hand and carried one on his shoulder. The dog licked one with his mouth. When he ran
halfway, he wrapped his tail with a tail that was almost bitten by a zombie. At the same
time, Xiong Manshan's ability was finally exerted perfectly, like a blaze of lightning that
shuttled the survivors back and forth outside the wall at a speed that the naked eye could
not detect.
Shen Shi'an jumped into the fence and quickly walked to Lu Xiuyuan. "How long can I
Lu Xiuyuan's face turned red, with blue muscles jumping on his neck, his right hand holding
the crystal nucleus, his left palm clinging to the wall "for up to three minutes"
The dense crowd of zombies was lying on the wall and biting wildly, and he could not
absorb the nucleus fast enough to keep up with the speed of keeping the wall intact.
Shen Shi'an nodded, "Enough." He took the five-packed nuclei from the space and placed it
next to him. "Tough work for you."
Twenty seconds later, Xiong Manshan was holding the last two survivors into the wall.
"Captain, everyone is here."
Zheng Gang has returned to human form, looking at the rat covered with transparent walls
full of anxiety. "Captain Shen, can you let everyone all come back to gather, is there any way
to deal with zombie rats?" If there is no way, maybe everyone today Have to die here.
Shen Shi'an went to the center of the crowd, took out a cloth bag from the space, and took
out the contents of the cloth bag to the ground.
The four leaders of the military who first came around subconsciously took a few steps
back. "This is, timed bombing of 039 bombs."
The "what" crowd immediately became restless. "What does this mean calling us all back
and detonating 039 bombs to commit suicide"
"If you want to die yourself, I don't want to commit suicide like this, even if I can't live, I
have to drag a few zombies as my back."
"I would rather die in the mouth of a mouse than to be killed in vain"
"Roaring" the dog screamed on his neck, his ears thundered like a thunder, and the noisy
crowd quieted down instantly.
"I do n’t have much time, I ’ll make a long story short." Shen Shian glanced around. "This is
indeed a timed 039 bomb, but it is not filled with 039 explosives, but a gene-generating
substance. You can understand it as some specific information. This pheromone will enter
the human body with breathing after I detonate the 039 bomb. In theory, it can shield the
zombies from perceiving us, which means that they will no longer actively attack us. "
Regardless of whether it is a zombie or a zombified animal, the method of determining the
target of the attack is based on the mutual communication between the viruses. After the
end of the last days, the proviruses in the human body were mutated into zombies and
virions, but the proviruses in the animals and plants still maintained the original structure
without any changes. Therefore, when the zombie virus judges that the organism has the
original virus, it is regarded as an irrelevant target. If it is a zombie virus, it is of the same
kind. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a prey to immediately launch an attack.
When Shen Shi'an first met Tang Song and Lin Ruan and learned from them how the
zombie mutated, he had put forward a hypothesis that if there was a way to disguise the
signal of communication between zombies, this signal would be sent from the human body.
Zombies should not be allowed to mistake survivors for the same kind and not attack
After the establishment of the blade, Tang Song and Lin Ruan put their whole body and
mind on the research on zombie virus. Although the vaccine has not yet been developed,
the two successfully extracted a harmless substance from human zombie virus. Multiple
tests have confirmed that this substance is the key factor for zombies to communicate with
each other. It can blur the perception of zombies in a short time and judge the ingestors of
this substance as similar.
The explosive 039 bomb made from this material is what Tang Song gave him before
leaving. It was originally to prevent a large-scale zombie tide, but this time came in handy.
Time is short and Shen Shi'an speaks very fast. "The effect of this pheromone has a time
limit. It can only last for ten minutes. After ten minutes, the zombie will still launch an
attack. Ark, now how many zombie rats and survivors each have?"
Liu Fangzhou had already slowed down a bit at this time, and immediately released the
ability to scan again "about 60,000 zombie rats, 584 survivors."
"This means that after I detonate the 039 bomb, on average, each person needs to resolve
at least ten zombie rats within a minute. Does anyone have a weapon? The power cannot
continue to use. Make sure you have a weapon in your hand. The head of the quasi-zombie
was determined quickly. We must solve all the zombies within ten minutes, and the success
or failure is here. "The extraction of pheromones was not easy, and he did not have a
second confused 039 bomb in his hand.
"Shen Shi'an" Lu Xiuyuan's difficult shout came from far away "I can't hold it anymore"
Kaka Kaka Kaka, slender cracks appear one after another on the transparent wall.
Survivors have too many questions and confusions. This substance is extracted from
zombies. Is it dangerous for humans? Will they be infected with zombies and mutate? Is
there something to keep zombies from attacking?
However, the urgent situation and the severe current situation made them full of questions
and more excitement after this question. All of them were pushed down to this point, or
they had to die. Even dead horses should be tried as live horses.
Xue Wentao asked "Mr. Shen, are you sure this pheromone can have the effect you said"
Shen Shi'an glanced at him, and then pressed the 039 bomb switch. "You won't know if you
A group of things like smoke and water mist spread out in the middle of the crowd, and
they hurried to concentrate in the middle. They were afraid that the intake would be
ineffective if they were too little. They stretched their necks and inhaled.
When the smoke was about to clear, the transparent wall shattered, and Shen Shi'an rushed
to the side of the wall in time to support the retreating road Xiuyuan, and the tide-like
zombies poured in.
No one speaks, no one dares to move, everyone is holding his breath, or condensing power
in the palm of his hand, or clenching the weapon in his hand, staring at these monsters that
can easily tear humans to pieces .
"Grass," after a few seconds someone couldn't help but shouted in a low voice, full of
excitement and ecstasy "this thing really works"
Thousands of zombies rushed in and stunned them. They suddenly lost all their senses, and
fluttered like headless flies. They turned a blind eye to the survivors who were close at
hand. Even if you heard someone talking, you swiped your head back and sniffed, and soon
you completely ignored it.
"Hurry up" Shen Shian yelled "Must be resolved within ten minutes"
All survivors immediately rushed towards the zombie swarm.
Once the zombie no longer actively attacked, the situation reversed in an instant. Each
zombie became a target that stood still, and it was still a huge target that would never miss.
Everyone knows that this is their last chance, and whether life or death is decided within
these ten minutes. The strong desire to survive has stimulated the vigorous fighting
potential, the energy broke out again in the exhausted body, everyone has exerted the
fighting power that he did not expect, and the soldiers accurately stabbed the sword into
the brain of the zombie rat over and over again. Under the blazing flames, every large
group of zombie rats turned into flying ash, but wherever the water-based abilities passed,
the brains of the zombie rats bloomed like fireworks.
Chen Nan gave birth to more than ten strands of devil vines, and each vine swam fast
against the ground, as if he had his own consciousness. He skillfully smashed a zombie rat
and ran to the next.
Zheng Gang and his team members jumped out of the wall again. This time, they do n’t have
to worry about being bitten. They just need to slaughter the mouse as fast as possible. The
thirty steel pills around Xiao Lang kept turning, 200 meters around him. Within the range,
the head of the zombie rat was harvested as much as electricity, and a piercing bullet made
no hair, and thick blood stains continued to drip from the steel pills.
Shen Shian urged the exercises to the extreme, and worked side by side with the dogs,
killing all the way to the outer periphery of the rat tide and killing them back from the
periphery, just like two brave strangling machines. stay.
Time passed quickly, and more and more zombie rats fell down, and the corpse ran across
the wild, bloody.
The author has something to say: first, second, third.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel oseven who threw the grenade, and one idle person;
Thanks to the three angels who cast mines, two confused; 2 names really troublesome;
Shuangxuan, lack of sugar, Niu Juan, Fan Mo, maybe, Yan Yan;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
蕗, 100 bottles; bck66 bottles; Lu Xiaoyou 50 bottles; oseven 47 bottles; 41 bottles of Yan
Xiaochun; 40 bottles of Taizi and Yihuan Yan; 38 bottles of Su Xuecheng; 36 bottles of warm
cuteness; 3725816135 bottles; 30 of Meow adults Bottles; 27 bottles of slightly cool eyes;
22 bottles of Moyuan; Fujii tree, 615965, ink and ink, Liunian, combing the treasures,
pampering with water, Ashi, Xiaoxin man-machine, I want to eat delicious, herence It is
always windy and windy, 20 bottles of deserted snow and sun; Hehe, holding cat oo, 15
bottles of Wangwang; 11 bottles of a month; Fa Kaixinjun, sier like child, raccoon, Mo Xun,
Ruochu. , Laugh, Irish little boar, north of Liangcheng is the coast, 10 bottles of Lala, big cats
and big cats; 9 bottles of winter frost and autumn ice cream; 8 bottles of Xiaomeng and
Weizhu; no wine, salamander, rabbit 5 bottles of smashing, unicorn, covering ears; 4
bottles of Chen Ci and wheat ears; 3 bottles of green tea and Yan Shu; 2 bottles of non-self,
涞 迩, annie; drifting through g15, Qi Yexue, heiishu 277. I'm a lone wolf, Shaohua happens
to be, Yun Zuiyue Weiwei, Cen Jiujiu, chasing the most abused bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 133:

Settings saved..
When Shen Shi'an opened his eyes, the sky was full of stars.
Countless stars are like broken diamonds scattered on a dark blue velvet cloth, half covered
by tulle-like clouds.
Such a scene made him instantly fascinated, and even after being replaced by intense
anxiety, he struggled to sit up. "Are the zombies solved?"
"Shh, it's okay, don't worry," Shen Xun's soft voice came from above his head. "Zombies
have all been killed. We killed them together, An An. You fell asleep because you were too
tired, remember?"
Zombies are all killed
Shen Shi'an carefully recalled for a moment, as if that was indeed the case.
Nearly six hundred survivors worked together to eliminate all zombies before the
pheromone expired. Liu Fangzhou checked that within three kilometers of the circle,
including underground, there were no traces of zombies.
The surroundings were extremely quiet. For security reasons, after killing the zombies, the
soil powers joined forces to raise a fence. At this time, the wall was full of survivors who fell
asleep. There is an energetic Xiong Manshan in the sharp blade team. Anyway, I also moved
my teammates to a sheltered place under the wall to settle, put a pillow or blanket on it,
and then raise a few fires on the periphery, but the other teams can't freeze. Almost all the
staff members were exhausted and exhausted, and there was nothing particular about it.
When they fell to the ground, they slept to death. You held my arms and I laid his arms on
his thighs.
The slumbering snoring sounded one after another, echoing gently in the small siege in the
wilderness below Fang Xinghui.
Right now it's the end of November. The wind is cold. Even if there is a wall blocking the
temperature, the survivors in a semi-coma sleep sleep subconsciously curled up to warm
each other. Only Shen Shi, who is resting on the stomach of a big dog, is Warm.
The big dog lay on its side and the furry tail moved, covering Shen Shi'an tightly. He bowed
his head and licked, "An'an, let's go to sleep. I'm here."
A little smile appeared in Shen Shi'an's eyes, which he used to say to children. It turns out
that the child who likes coquetry most has grown up to be such a strong and reliable
In the warmth that was close at hand, every texture of the body slowly relaxed, he raised
his hand to embrace his tail, and did not know when he closed his eyes again.
This sleep was extremely deep, and most people were awakened by a seductive aroma.
As soon as I opened my eyes and adjusted my sight half a circle in accordance with the
aroma, I saw Shen Shi'an firing several fires under the southwest wall. Several pots were
set on the fire. The pot was filled with thick and hot meat porridge and steaming large meat
buns. The golden omelet fry cod and corn on the cob, and there is a fragrant roasted sweet
potato in the woodpile.
For a while, the loud hunger sounded in my stomach.
But even if the stomach yells again, it's useless. That's the head of someone else's house. If
they yell again, they can't eat or drink in the past. Who has such a big face?
Xiao Lang has it.
The first thing that opened my eyes was to go to the blade team, drank two bowls of meat
porridge, ate eight buns, three sweet potatoes, four corns, and three or four centimeters
thick and wrapped a belly full of bacon and diced carrots. The mutated goose quiche with a
big face, wiped his swollen mouth, and breathed a long sigh of relief against the wall. "Oh,
my dear, your craft is really good."
I was probably aware of the poor eyes of the dog, and added, "In the future, your dog and
your son ’s beef jerky will be all-inclusive by the tiger and wolf group. How much is enough
and enough."
The invited Li Cheng buried his head for dinner and calmly moved away from his head.
Shen Shi'an ignored him and devoted himself to preparing the dog for food. Other foods are
okay, but the porridge has just been boiled and it's not hot for a long time, Shen Xun can't
eat it, so please ask the water-powered Wu Miao to put a basin of water, pour a large bowl
of porridge into the air and let it go to the dog Zi mouth, "Taste this temperature will work."
The dog dropped his head and stunned him, "Just so, An An eats."
Shen Shi'an peeled him two more sweet potatoes.
Xiao Langzhang said, "Just like him, say that he is not your son and no one believes it. But
he is also amazing. Yesterday there were so many zombies. It is estimated that he killed five
or six thousand by himself. They are also returning to the ancestors. The power is much
better than Zheng Gang. "
"That's it," Xiong Manshan's mouth was stuffed with food and he didn't forget to blow the
rainbow skin. "You haven't seen it when we were looking for a better brother."
Liu Fangzhou nodded and echoed "being handsome and strong, unparalleled in the world,
the world's first stick is tied with the captain."
The dog loves to listen to these, and the handsome tail turns his attention to Chen Nan, and
Chen Nan immediately keeps up with "Every time we can turn the tide at a critical moment,
it is our well-deserved combat capability."
So the good breakfast turned into a commendation meeting for the dogs. Lu Xiuyuan didn't
want to join, and was glared by the dogs, reluctantly saying, "It's very powerful."
Wu Miao laughed and made fun. "I also love cleanliness. It was dark after killing the zombie
yesterday, and it was very cold. Xunge found me to take a bath." At first she didn't respond,
it took me a long time to figure out the dog. I wanted to let her drain the water, and it
wasn't enough to wash it once. She washed it three times, and even her claws were cleaned.
Shen Shi'an seemed to have realized that he turned his head to look at the dog and was so
tired last night that he didn't realize that after going through the battle with the zombie rat,
the dog didn't have any peculiar smell, the hair was fluffy and soft, and it smelled The smell
of sunshine after baking.
This little fool.
My heart was warm and soft, and I couldn't help bending my lips.
"Anyway," Xiao Lang turned the topic back. "Thanks to you yesterday, we were able to
survive the 100,000 zombie rat tide. I remember this kindness in the future. If there is
anything I need, we will help you Even though everyone is a brother, don't be polite. Hey,
since it was yesterday, "he looked at Shen Shi'an," Your pheromone bomb 039 bomb is
really easy to use. "
Shen Shi'an had already guessed that he had come here not only to have breakfast, "Don't
play around with the corners, say something."
Xiao Lang took Dang Erlang who was full of confusion as a collection, and immediately
straightened up, looking cross-legged to Shen Shi'an. "Your pheromone fried 039 bombs
are not a problem to sell at a price, and how much money is negotiable." The value is
equivalent to making humans invisible directly in front of zombies. Zombies are the
greatest enemy of mankind after the end of the world. Once the threat of zombies can be
weakened or eliminated, which survivor does not mind let alone the effect can last for ten
minutes. At the critical moment, life and death can be decided every minute and every
second, even if only There are many people who want it for one minute.
If the sharp blade is willing to sell to the outside world, you don't need to guess that it will
definitely cause organizations of all factions to rob, and of course he must seize the
"I know it's not easy to extract this substance," Xiao Lang said, so I don't want to buy it
immediately. After you go back, if you have more and are willing to sell, as long as you can
treat our tiger and wolf group as a priority transaction target Just fine. "
Shen Shi'an looked still. "I think about it."
Xiao Lang smiled. "Okay, I'm assured of this sentence. Seiko, let's go. You can't always
disturb others if you're full and drink enough. You need to know whether you know how to
advance or retreat."
Li Cheng "
Stand up and say goodbye to Shen Shi'an and others.
After breakfast, the spirit and physical strength were restored. The first thing everyone
needed to deal with was the broken limbs and bodies outside the wall.
The body of the zombie rat was directly burned with fire. Most of the victims' bodies were
already immature, were buried in situ, or were burned to ashes by their teammates, ready
to be brought back to the base of Beijing.
The joy of the rest of the life after the disaster gradually faded, leaving only the sound of
burning fire and silent silence in the wilderness.
After all the corpses had been processed, they packed up and re-arranged to the location of
the garbage disposal plant.
The original position of the garbage mountain was left with a huge bottomless pit. There
was no way to go directly. The crowd went from the other direction to the back of the
utility room. After the four leaders entered, they found a wall-high storage cabinet and
moved it. Open the cabinet, revealing a hidden and heavy metal code door.
The four team leaders came forward to enter a password and entered their fingerprints.
Along with a mechanical sound, the password door opened. Inside was an enclosed
elevator that was more than four meters long and three meters wide.
The emergency storage warehouse is underground, as everyone knows for a long time.
However, the password door did not go down immediately after opening. "In order to
facilitate the storage of goods, the storage warehouse is always in a hypoxic state, and the
ventilation system needs to run for a period of time before we can enter. The ventilation
system and power system built in the warehouse will operate by themselves after the
entrance is opened , After about half an hour, there will be no problem, you can take a
break first. "The leader of the Huang family explained.
Anyway, idle is also idle, most people choose to walk outside the sundries outside to see the
zombie lair exposed because of the ground subsidence.
From a close observation, the entire pit becomes even more spectacular. Looking down
from the door of the utility room, it looks like an abyss. On the cliffs of the abyss, you can
clearly see the marks left by the zombies when they are moving. You can see all kinds of
garbage, toothprints, paw prints, and leftover zombies. Really shocking.
Someone walked carefully along the edge of the pit to the other side of the utility room.
After carefully examining for a moment, he suddenly screamed "Oops, you guys, watch the
metal walls of the storage warehouse get bitten"
The storage warehouse was bitten. Is anything still in there?
The crowd was shocked and ran to check. Shen Shi'an had excellent eyesight due to
Lingquan and Gongfa washing muscles. He quickly saw the situation clearly.
Xie Yang retracted the telescope and nodded. "The wall is more than two meters thick and
it is not so easy to break in from the outside."
But being able to bite such thick metal walls into potholes, those zombie rats really have
good teeth.
After half an hour, everyone took the elevator down to enter the warehouse for inspection.
In fact, as Shen Shi'an and Xie Yang observed, the inner wall of the warehouse was still
intact, and there were no traces of zombies breaking into it. However, the thinnest part of
the negative two-story wall, where the wall is most damaged, is less than ten centimeters in
length. Shen Shi'an's sword can easily penetrate it.
Everyone was afraid that if they came a few days later, maybe the entire warehouse would
be ruined by those zombies.
"Since the materials have been determined to be intact," said Xue Wentao, the leader of the
Qin family, "then let's start something like that."
The warehouse has seventeen floors, and each floor is more than five meters high, the size
of an entire football field. The first to seventh floors store food materials, cereals, oils, rice
noodles, and various high-calorie packaged foods. The eighth to tenth floors store cold-
proof products, cotton clothes, down jackets, bedding and the like. Drugs, the last four
layers are all military 039 fire weapons. These four floors are accessible only to military
personnel, all others can only wait outside.
In this mission, a total of 342 military personnel, including four leaders, sacrificed 27
people. There are currently 315 remaining, of which 97 space abilities are due to The focus
on protection all survived, at which point it came in handy.
With 97 space puppeteers and 123 undamaged military trucks, military personnel emptied
all the bottom four floors, emptied one floor for medicines, emptied half floor for foods, and
cold-proof appliances. The class is half loaded, and it won't fit anymore.
At this time, there are six layers of semi-food materials, two layers of semi-cold-proof
equipment, and two layers of medicine materials, which is nearly two-thirds of the total
How to transport so many things is a big problem.
The four leaders convened a meeting of the heads of the various power organizations.
"According to the original mission rewards set for this mission, except for the points and
the purchase priority of weapons and other materials, all the materials shipped back by you
will help. 20% will be directly used as compensation. However, considering the difficulty of
this mission and your great contribution, we decided to increase the compensation ratio to
50% of the remaining things, no matter how much you can transport, after returning to the
base of Beijing Half can be directly owned by you. "
You can get half of the transportation materials directly. This is a super fat.
For a time, the leaders of various organizations were moving. Almost all organizations
brought out space powers this time. Even if there are not many people, they can still be
shipped by car. The city has now been cleaned up and it is easy to find large trucks. By that
time, a dozen or twenty cars will be transported, which is equivalent to picking up half of
them. However, the warehouse is really too big, but it is more than ten layers of materials.
When added together, it is as large as five football fields. Even if everyone drives a truck, it
is estimated that it will not be able to transport one third. The rest can only be transported.
Putting it here, it is unlikely that the base will issue another mission here, and sooner or
later, the warehouse will deteriorate, and it is a pity to teach people.
The only thing that needs to be determined next is who picks the supplies first.
The types of materials are different, and the value is different. There is no doubt that the
person who picks first must be the best.
Everyone discussed for a moment and agreed that only by determining the order of
material selection in the contribution of this mission can they be the most convincing, and
the one with the largest contribution is undoubtedly the sharp blade led by Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment, and made a decision that everyone unexpectedly said,
"You pick first, we last."
Xie Yang frowned slightly, not understanding the meaning of Shen Shi'an.
Xue Wentao said, "Mr. Shen, you and your teammates' contributions are obvious to
everyone. This is your right."
Xiao Lang looked at him, "Are you sure that this is not a time to play a modest and friendly
manner, if you don't choose, our tiger and wolf group will remove the best."
Even Zheng Gang showed that Shen Shi'an should pick first.
Shen Shi'an did not explain, "I'm sure you pick first, and the sharp blade voluntarily ranks
Since the other party insists, there is naturally nothing to persuade others. The remaining
power organizations are still ranked according to their contribution value. After the sharp
blade abstains, the first one becomes the Tiger and Wolf Group, and then the Flying Dragon
Group. In order to ship as many materials as possible, each organization has a large scope
in the entire urban area. Searching for trucks and trucks to ensure that the members who
drive will have one hand. The entire material shipment process lasted two and a half days.
On the third night, the other organizations finally filled the cars that could be full, and
reached the team's carrying limit. You can't even add a bag of biscuits.
Shen Shi'an took the team members and took a lap. It was expected that the highest-value
medicines and materials had been moved to almost the same level, leaving only half of the
floor, and the food materials had also been moved a lot. The cold-proof equipment was
moved the least. After all, things like clothes and quilts are more common. You can find a lot
of them in any city, so there are two floors left.
There are eight layers of materials left in total, which together can almost fill eight football
fields. Shen Shi'an stepped on the ground and confirmed with others that "you are sure not
to install more."
Zheng Gang not only has the embarrassment of taking advantage of each other, but also
feels sympathy and ridiculous for Shen Shi'an's unknown abstention. He shook his head.
"No, as long as you can hold it, the rest is yours."
This is of course a joke. There are only ten people in the Blade Squad. Even if each person
drives a truck, how many can be loaded, even if there is a Shen Shian with space power, it is
not enough to load half a layer, which is more valuable than medicine .
Shen Shian nodded. "Let's get started."
He took the dog down for a lap, and twenty minutes later he emptied up all the supplies on
the eighth floor.
Because I know my own storage capacity, I am worried that if you pretend to be too much,
other people will not be able to pretend. Now when other people pretend to pretend he
then shoots, then there is no guilt at all. Pharmaceutical materials are very important to
others, but it is not indispensable for Shen Shi'an, who has a spiritual spring, and the sharp
blade of Taoyuan, a regenerative power. Besides, Shen Shi'an has a lot of medicines in his
own reserves. In addition, plus one-half of this half-tier, there will be no shortage of drugs
for four to five years.
After loading all the remaining materials, Shen Shi'an thought for a while and found Xie
Yang, "Do the military want these metal walls of the warehouse?"
Xie Yang shook his head and shook his head. "No." In order to ensure the safety of the
warehouse, these metals are all specially reinforced military-grade steel. Things are good,
but they ca n’t be taken away. You ca n’t dig out the entire warehouse. go back.
"That's it," Shen Shian smiled. "That's easy."
The author has something to say: Fourth and fifth.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 134:

Settings saved..
Returning along the same route as when you came, the return journey is much smoother.
The mighty convoy went for more than half a week without encountering a group of more
than a thousand zombies.
Shen Shi'an discovered Lu Xiuyuan's anomaly the next day.
That night he and his dog just called Mr. Gu to report his safety, because the leaders of the
zombie and rat tide had already reported back. Mr. Gu was so anxious and worried that he
repeatedly asked if he was injured. It took Shen Shi'an a lot of time just to soothe each
other's emotions. Wait until the end of the call and walk back, the meniscus is suspended,
the star is in the wilderness, there is no sound, except for the patrol and whistle defense
team, almost everyone has fallen asleep.
But Lu Xiuyuan didn't sleep. He was holding a **** stick and leaning on one knee to sit in
the tent. His eyes were vigilant and he even glanced around from time to time with some
amazement. The bow was full but didn't know where the target was located.
Pausing for a while, Shen Shian turned his direction and walked towards him, "Can't sleep"
Shen Shi'an approached him from the oblique right. The absence of his right eye limited his
side of the field of vision, so when he heard the sound, he could clearly see that Lu Xiuyuan
shuddered and grabbed the stick with his hands. Instinctively stabbing here, and after
stopping seeing someone, he hurriedly stopped.
His face was a bit unnatural, and the grass moaned "um".
Shen Shian sat down opposite him "What happened"
Lu Xiuyuan pursed his lips, seemed to be thinking about whether to answer, and glanced
over the big dog behind Shen Shi'an. After thinking about it or telling the truth, anyway, he
knew what this dog was thinking.
"There is something wrong with my power."
"what is the problem"
Lu Xiuyuan stretched out his left hand, and a wave visible to the naked eye slowly
expanded with his palm as the center, but it had just expanded by more than ten
centimeters, as if it could not support it.
"I can't hold up the wall when I see it."
Shen Shian frowned slightly "Do you know why?"
"When fighting Zombie that day, the bearing capacity exceeded the limit, the wall collapsed,
and then it became like this." He retracted his left hand, glanced at Shen Shi'an and added,
"There should be no major issues, just rest for a few days. Well, this situation has been
encountered once before and you can be promoted with good luck. "
Lu Xiuyuan's reaction was nothing like "nothing serious", it was like something would jump
out and bit him at any time.
Shen Shi'an suddenly understood, "You are afraid of zombies"
Lu Xiuyuan's right half of his body was bitten by a zombie wound and appeared again.
He couldn't imagine what Lu Xiuyuan had experienced, and in fact no one could imagine it.
There is no doubt that such an experience will accompany him around like a sacral bone in
this life, can't forget, can't escape, can't get rid of it, and eclipse the bone and swallow the
bone every time the midnight dream returns.
The transparent wall is a strong desire for survival and obsession that broke out when Lu
Xiuyuan was desperate. There was only one purpose, that is, to keep the zombies away
from him, and further away. What many people do n’t know is that, even on weekdays, Lu
Xiuyuan will open the transparent wall for 24 hours, even if he does not fight. Now that his
power is out of order, he can no longer open the barrier. For him, he is undoubtedly like It
was a young animal forced to peel off its minions, and its naked body 039 lost all its
protective capabilities.
"Are you afraid of zombies?" Shen Shi'an put down his voice and asked again.
Lu Xiuyuan lowered his head and didn't speak, his left hand clenching the thorn stick
trembled slightly.
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a moment and stood up with his palms "Follow me."
"where to"
Lu Xiuyuan looked at his distant back and hesitated for a moment to catch up.
Shen Shi'an slept with a dog, so his tent was extra large and more than ten people could
After returning to the tent, take out the bedding, sleeping bag and pillow and lay a floor in
the innermost position, and said to the follow-up Lu Xiuyuan, "You will sleep here."
Three huge latex cushions were laid near the entrance. The dog lay on his stomach. Shen
Shi'an lay down on the fluffy dog's stomach. "Before you recovered, you slept with us. No
zombies can be within 500 meters of you. "
Lu Xiuyuan was silent, went to the floor and got into the quilt.
After a long time, a very slight voice in the tent "Thank you."
"Thank you, isn't it your teammate?" Shen Shi'an closed his eyes and didn't know whether
to talk to others or to himself. "Teammates not only mean giving and responsibility, but
also occasionally relax and give others a backing for you. opportunity."
Sleeping all night long, nothing tonight.
A week later, at noon when the sun was warming, the surrounding walls of the Beijing base
were visible.
There was a burst of cheering from the convoy
"Go home"
"Ha ha ha ha, finally back"
"Grass, all the bread and bread in this way can be faded out of the mouth. The first thing I
go back to is to go to Wang Jude for a big meal."
"Isn't Captain Xiao betting to lose with Captain Shen. Would you like to invite all of us to go
to Wang Jude to eat roast duck and be full?"
Xiao Lang sat on the top of the truck and waved his hands. "Why don't you think that, I'm
the kind of nonsense person. Go back and rest for a few days. I greeted the boss Wang Jude
and asked him to prepare the ducks. Then at noon, the duck shop will meet at the entrance
of the roast duck shop.
"Leader Xiao is mighty"
"Leader Xiao is generous"
"Leader Xiao is handsome and handsome in the world"
After entering the base, Shen Shi'an and others first went to the military station to hand
over supplies. This mission was very important, so the principals of the four came over and
looked at the contents of the military warehouse. mouth. The Blade Team only drove one
car in total, but the car was not loaded yet, but Shen An was filled with eight large
warehouses alone, more than all the power organizations combined.
This is only half of the supplies he brought back, and the other half is the agreed task
reward. As for the metal wall of the emergency storage warehouse, he didn't take it out. He
cut the metal wall of the entire emergency storage warehouse into more than one hundred
pieces with his long sword, and all were collected. In the space, since this is not the scope of
the mission's expected materials, of course, he can take it for granted.
After all the materials were handed over, the leader of the dragon team came to
congratulate him. After experiencing the zombie battle, his attitude towards Shen Shi'an
improved a lot, but his tone was uncontrollably sour. Sharp Blade is returning with a full
load this time, I am afraid that the harvest is more than all of our other organizations
combined. "
Shen Shian glanced at him "I didn't ask you to pretend"
Who can blame yourself.
Zheng Gang froze, holding his hands and not speaking.
Great space.
After handing over the supplies, go to the task center to update the task progress and
receive points rewards. This time the group task is officially ended. In addition to a large
amount of points and half of the returned goods, the psionicist organizations participating
in the mission can also get an additional reward, that is, the purchase priority of the goods,
including the one returned by the military this time. Full four-tier ammunition weapon.
However, this matter can not be anxious. The military will first carry out a wave of
distribution and finishing. About three or four days later, some of the weapons will be
opened for trading to the mission participants. Now they can't buy it.
Out of the mission center, Shen Shi'an rode on a dog and galloped with the trucks carrying
other team members, and returned to the sharp edge base after more than twenty minutes.
Xu Ge, Tao Yuan, Lin Ruan, and Tang Song had taken members to the door early, and after
Shen Shi'an jumped from the dog, he gave him a warm hug in turn "Welcome home."
In the evening, a grand celebration party was held in the villa. Chef Xu Ge and Tian Yi came
to help with the spoon. Ten members who participated in the task as protagonists pushed
the cup for a laugh. The mouths of Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan did not stop at the
dining table. One was to eat, and the other was to fully describe the thrilling group mission
adventure to the left-over team members. There was no detail from beginning to end. I was
frustrated, the plots were over and over again, and I talked about fighting with the power
zombies and the zombie rat tide and back and forth, and I was so excited that I jumped to
the table and heard Xu Ge and others screaming.
Lin Ruan took the lead and raised the cup towards Shen Shi'an. "Respect Captain, and also
respect all our brave and fearless soldiers."
"King Captain, King Blade"
"Everyone is working hard"
Shen Shi'an also raised his toast. "This time, we can successfully complete the task. Thanks
to the pheromone 039 bombs developed by Tang Song and you, it works well and the effect
is very obvious."
"Yes, yes," Liu Fangzhou nodded again and again, "Ruan Ruan, you don't know. At that time,
we all thought that this time was absolutely dead. As a result, Brother Shen took out the
bomb 039 bombs and turned the tide, so handsome I told you to bomb 039 When the bomb
exploded, all the zombie rats stood as silly as we did, and it was really science and
technology that was the first fighting force. You are too great. "
"It's effective." Tang Song originally wanted to inquire about the pheromone's diffusion
range, onset time, duration and other information. Lin Ruan put a bowl of pork rib soup in
his hand. "Let's eat first. Some of the data I want to collect are Chances are, let's talk about
these things after dinner. "
This meal was lively for almost three hours. After the banquet, Yang Cancan, Gao Xiaohui
and the four of them left to return to their new dormitory. Shen Shi'an and his dog walked
around the artificial lake for a while to eat and drink. When the wind blew, the drunken
appetite broke up, and then returned to the study on the second floor to sit around with his
teammates. Lu Xiuyuan was also in line.
Xu Ge cut a plate of watermelon and placed it in the middle of the long table. First, she
reported to Shen Shi'an on the various affairs of the organization since this month. "There
is not enough staff in the cafeteria. I chose two more as chefs in the family of the new
member. Currently, I work under Tian Yi and my salary is tentatively set at 60 credits a
month. Some time ago, the temperature suddenly dropped. I purchased a batch of thick
quilts from Mr. Miao and distributed them as welfare. The plantation has already been
scaled, and it has been asked to build two greenhouses because of the cold weather. At
present, vegetables and fruits are guaranteed to be self-sufficient. Everything else is fine,
and nothing major has happened. "
"How did Tongtong start class?"
"Come on, every day with Yao Yao is taught by Mrs. Tian, Mrs. Tian. The classroom is in a
small study room facing south, downstairs." Xu Ge said, "Although I still don't want to talk
to others, I am in a good condition A lot. "
"That's good, you have to work hard." Shen Shi'an turned to Tao Yuan. "How should the
training period for the new team members be passed?"
Tao Yuan nodded. "In addition to the four who participated in the mission with you, five
were eliminated. One hundred and two people remained, of which fourteen were power
and eighty were non-power. I took them I did five small missions around the base of Beijing
City, and they were generally qualified. By the way, how are Li Runsheng's performance of
the four of them? "
"Very good, I think I can stay."
"Our sharp blades, especially the captain, have spread in the base during your mission." Lin
Ruan leaned in and took a slice of watermelon. "It is estimated that there will be a wave of
sign-ups soon. We still collect person"
Shen Shian asked Tao Yuan "what do you think?"
Tao Yuan thought about it and shook his head. "It will take a long time for the new team
members to run into each other. Let's talk about this group after running in. There are too
many people and it is inconvenient to manage, but it is easy to cause trouble."
"Okay, that's it." Shen Shi'an turned to Lin Ruan and Tang Song. "How is the pheromone
research done? Can large-scale extraction be achieved at present? Zombies are probably
not the few who want to buy after the war." Except Xiao Lang In addition, the rest of the
various power organizations participating in the mission, including the three leaders
outside the Gu family, have successively proposed to him the purchase intention. The
military side even directly proposed that weapons can be exchanged. With the return of the
mission personnel, once the pheromone's The role spreads completely within the base,
which will inevitably cause a frenzy.
Tang Song took out a small glass tube and handed it to Shen Shi'an. It was only about the
thickness of the little finger, two inches long, and contained a large tube of light blue mist.
"The release of the pheromone in the form of a timing bomb 039 bomb was too much.
Trouble, so I took the time to update the container with Lin Ruan. This is just enough for
one person to take effect. After opening the lid, put it on the tip of the nose and take a deep
breath. The utilization rate is much higher than the explosion. In this capacity, Lin Ruan
alone can make one hundred sticks a day. "
"If you can find me two assistants, you can make more," Lin Ruan said. "As long as you are
familiar with the process, the extraction of pheromones is not difficult, mainly because it is
a waste of time to bottle."
"This is not a problem." Lu Xiuyuan said that most of the students from h Medical
University came to Beijing. The students of the clinical college have learned the basic
operation of the equipment and also have the theoretical basis of the experiment. Not
Tang Song looked at Shen Shi'an. "After the news that you encountered a zombie rat tide
came back, I contacted Mr. Gu and gave the pheromone extraction method along with the
necessary experimental data to the Gu family." Gu family has its own research team As long
as these materials are available, it is very easy to rely on the resources of the Gu family to
produce pheromones on a large scale.
Shen Shi'an nodded, "You're doing it right." The condition for the cooperation between Li
and Gu's family is the sharing of vaccine ownership. Strictly speaking, pheromone is not
included. But pheromone is a big cake. It is impossible and impossible for a sharp blade to
eat alone, without the participation of Gu family as a shock, it is only a matter of time before
people are coveted and cause a series of troubles.
"What about the price?" He looked at the two of Tang Song. "How do you think about
"We discussed this with Mr. Gu, and he meant one hundred points per stick."
Buying a pheromone with one hundred points can guarantee that a single person will not
be attacked by zombies within ten minutes. This price is not low, but not too high. From the
data point of view, after inhaling pheromone, it kills an average of ten per minute. A zombie
can be recovered, and it may become the only magic weapon used by gold hunters to obtain
crystal nuclei, not to mention that this can save lives at critical moments.
Of course, because the power zombies evolved wisdom, the effect of pheromone on the
first-level zombies will be slightly affected, and in the face of the second-level zombies, it
will be greatly reduced, but the power zombies are originally a minority. Zombie tide,
mixed into the zombies and not found by the power zombies, there will be no problem.
Shen Shian also thinks this price is quite suitable. "After the first pheromone was produced,
it was sold to the richest man in Miao at a 70% discount." It was the richest man in Miao,
not Xiao Lang. This discount was based on the face of Brother Miao. How to sell it later
requires Xiao Lang to take the initiative. Come over to talk about the conditions.
Tang Song nodded. "I see. But the container Gu family has just contacted the appropriate
manufacturer and is currently in the process of making the pheromone. It is estimated that
it will take a week before the pheromone is officially sold."
"It doesn't matter. Take your time. It won't be us."
Liu Fangzhou calculated the account in his heart, and excitedly embraced Lin Ruan's
shoulder. "One sells 100 points. If you can make 100 a day, that is 10,000 points. We are
getting rich. Ruan Ruan."
Xiong Manshan sat on the other side of Lin Ruan and hugged Xiong together with Liu
Fangzhou. "What is this? You know that knowledge does not change your destiny, science
and technology make your life"
After a while of laughter, Tang Song corrected his look and looked at Shen Shi'an and
others. "During your mission, there was a very important thing that happened."
Shen Shi'an spent two seconds to find this figure from memory "the leader of the psionicist
in the bases of Zhuguangyang City"
"Yes, he led the caravan to the Beijing base for trading half a month ago."
There is a vast and deadly absolute death zone between the base of Yangcheng and the base
of Beijing. It is impossible to pass directly. Even if Shen Shi'an and others used the third-
level zombies to control other zombies, and intentionally avoided another third-level
zombies. In this case, half of the journey was completed. There has always been a
communication link between the two bases, but if you want to conduct business exchanges,
you must detour from the northwest or the northeast. The distance is extremely long, so
the caravans usually come and go once every three months. The traded goods included not
only the specialties in the Yangcheng base, but also the zombie crystal cores. At the time,
Shen Shi'an and others helped resolve the zombie tide crisis in the Yangcheng base. The
base garrison leader Yang Mingwu gave him a check for 200,000 crystal cores. As a reward,
it is precisely because of these three-month trade transactions that they can be effectively
When it comes to Yangcheng Base, for all the members present, the most unforgettable of
course is Zhong Han, who almost put all of them to death.
After arriving in Jingcheng and unable to find Zhong Han's traces in the Jingcheng base,
Shen Shi'an had considered directly contacting the leader Yang to inquire about Zhong
Han's whereabouts, but he could not determine whether Zhong Han's deceptive ability
would affect the manager of the Yangcheng base. To what extent does it work, if it is said
that Chairman Yang and Zhu Guang have been completely controlled by him, then hurriedly
asking not only can not obtain effective information, but it is easy to frighten the snake and
expose the fact that they are not dead.
After that, there are too many things that are important to establish a foothold in Beijing, to
establish a sharp-edged organization, to recruit new people, and to perform tasks. This
matter was unknowingly left behind.
Originally, Shen Shi'an planned to wait for the sharp blade to fully establish his footing. If
Zhong Han still did not appear at the Beijing base, he took the team members to kill
Yangcheng all the way, but he did not expect that he had not started preparations yet.
Yangcheng base came first. .
"Zhuguang has come to a sharp base." As one of the phantom leaders and managers of
Yangcheng Base, he personally leads the team, I am afraid that there are other mysteries.
Tang Song nodded and put his hands on the table, not only him, but Xu Ge Tao Yuan and Lin
Ruan who stayed in the base became serious.
"He originally wanted to find you, but you weren't there, so the four of us came forward to
entertain you. He didn't disclose much, but left two important messages, one of which was
"Missing" Chen Nanguang couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard the name "how to
disappear when and when"
"According to Zhu Guang, Zhong Han and we left the Yangcheng base together and never
This answer greatly surprised Shen Shi'an. He and Gouzi stared at each other. "If Zhong Han
did not come to Beijing or return to Yangcheng Base, then where did he go?" There is his
industry in Yangcheng Base. Do n’t you just leave it to Shengtang? Up
"This is unclear for the time being."
Liu Fangzhou thought for a moment, "Will he die outside?" The wicked had their own
harvest, and maybe they were eaten by the zombies after their front feet were harmed.
Alas, if he was really dead, it would be too cheap for him.
Tang Song shook his head. "It's unlikely. Leaving the base of Yangcheng and erasing his
tracks is more like he's already calculated."
Xiong Manshan is puzzled, "Do you know?"
"This is related to the second message left by Zhu Guang," Lin Ruan took the conversation.
"Do you remember the mutant anteater wave we encountered when we were at the base of
How could it not be remembered that the group of man-eating ants rescued them
indirectly. If the man-eating ants had completely killed the zombies, all they had to face was
the millions of zombies coming down the city.
"In fact, the group of man-eating ants not only consumed the zombies, but also many
corpses buried in the hillside graveyard on the northwest side of the Yangcheng base."
Xiong Manshan stunned for a long time, "Why those ants still plan their graves?"
Lin Ruan nodded, "Because the hillside cemetery is some distance from the base of
Yangcheng, the survivors inside the base are busy cleaning the zombies outside the gate of
the city, so it was discovered a few days later. What was buried in the cemetery Most of
them were ashes after cremation, but there were also many that did not have time to be
cremated. Some of the corpses in these tombs were planed out and burned out, and many
of them were only half as small as 708 scattered everywhere. Survivors in the base found
Later, the remains were reorganized and buried, and this arrangement revealed that
something was wrong. Many of the remains had artificially cut a hole behind the skull, and
after verification, all the remains that occurred were It was buried under the sanctuary. "
There was a moment of silence in the study.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, let me hang on," Xiong Manshan covered his head thinking a bit
confused. "The mutant ant shaved the burial ground at the Yangcheng base. As a result, it
was discovered that these shaved corpses had a head on the back. Holes, and these corpses
with holes in their heads were brought back to Shengtang for burial. That ’s right, so the
people who went to Shengtang cut a hole in the heads of these corpses. Their purpose is not
to collect information about the dead and bury them. Why is it so good to chisel people ’s
heads that this dead person is not a zombie?
Xiong Manshan's expression froze, his voice stopped abruptly, his gaze swept across his
teammates' faces, and when he realized that everyone had the same guess as him, he
murmured "grass, no."
"Always, we all know that crystal nuclei will form in the head of the zombie," Tang Song
said slowly, "but because the hardness of the crystal nuclei is too high, cutting and sampling
cannot be achieved with current technology, so we do not know What exactly is a nucleus?
In fact, our knowledge of zombies is also extremely limited. We do n’t know how it came
about, how we communicate with each other, and even whether this substance can be
classified as a virus. The scope of this is still inconclusive. What we can determine is that
the formation of zombie crystal nuclei and zombies cannot be separated. The more human
DNA information collected by zombies, the larger the size of the crystal nucleus, and the
relative energy it contains. The higher it is, from this perspective, I think the crystal nucleus
is likely to be an aggregate of DNA information aggregated in an unknown way, and most
importantly, this aggregate can be evolved into a human being with abilities Absorbed. "
"If zombies can form crystal nuclei in zombies, will the psionic virus also mutated from the
original virus have similar effects on humans?"
"On this point, Lin Ruan and I made speculations long ago," Tang Song looked at the others,
"this speculation is likely to be confirmed now."
The atmosphere regained its weight unknowingly.
Shen Shi'an nodded with his index finger and tapped twice on the table, "So, the psychic
also has crystal nuclei in his brain."
Lin Ruan nodded. "We know that the goal of establishing Shengshengtang is not simple.
There must be some secrets hidden in it. If the nucleus also exists in the minds of the
abilities, then why did Zhong Han establish a gathering of dead bodies in Shengtang, why?
A hole was dug into the back of the deceased, and why Zhong Han has multiple abilities at
the same time can all be explained. "
Chen Nan followed his thinking. "If Zhong Han's ability is related to the crystal nuclei he
collected from the deceased's head, wouldn't it mean that absorbing the crystal nuclei of
the power can not only improve his own power, but also the other Abilities are absorbed
together "
"I'm afraid that's exactly the case. If you can only increase your power level, Zombie Crystal
Nucleus can do the same, and Zhong Han doesn't need to spend a lot of time using Zhou
Shengtang as a cover."
In this way, the corpses collected in Shengtang were extremely suspicious whether they
were "corpses" when they were discovered.
"No wonder the color of his light group is white." Liu Fangzhou suddenly realized at this
time. "If he has all kinds of powers, if it is mixed, isn't it just white? Grass. The corpses
collected in Shengtang are less than 2,000. Well, how many abilities does that guy secretly
absorb? "
"Is there only a nucleus in the brain of a psionicist? Does the brain of ordinary people have
it?" Lu Xiuyuan asked.
"It should be none."
"Can ordinary people absorb the nuclei in the minds of abilities?"
"It's not certain yet."
"Many of the psionics will choose to go to the hospital for treatment after being injured.
Why has no one ever noticed that a foreign body has grown in their brain?"
"I have tested it. Zombie nuclei cannot be detected by our existing medical devices. The
same is true for the phantom nuclei."
Xu Ge also thought of a question, "Is n’t zombies prefer to attack the psionicist? We all
thought that it was because the phantom's DNA was modified by the psionic virus, and it
carried more effective fragments. The nucleus in the mind of a psionicist is related. "
"It's entirely possible," Lin Ruan agreed. "After the virus outbreak, the evolutionary process
of humans and zombies actually correspond to each other. Since the zombie crystal nucleus
is a DNA information aggregate collected by zombies, the power crystal The core is likely to
be the same, so there is also a law among the psionicists that the more they gather and
evolve faster, the psionicist can absorb the nucleus of the zombies to improve their
abilities, and I am afraid that the zombie can also use the psionicist in another way. Profit
from the nucleus of the crystal. "
Unfortunately, the theory of the nucleus of the phantom has just confirmed that they still
cannot know whether the nucleus of the phantom will directly transform into the zombies
of the phantom after the infection of the zombies, or the nucleus of the phantom. Make
other unknown changes.
Xiong Manshan rubbed his arms and felt that the spine was chilling and murmured,
"Humans can absorb the nucleus of zombies, and zombies can also absorb the nucleus of
humans. Mother, this is just like raising a cricket."
The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive.
Shen Shi'an frowned because of this sentence, his eyes deep and thoughtful. After a
moment, I looked at Xiang Tangsong. "Since the Yangcheng base has realized that going to
the living hall is not as innocent as it is on the surface, has any investigation been carried
out on this? What is the operating system and how does it leak without leaking? Whether
the nucleus of the power-absorbing person is Zhong Han alone or another associate "may
be able to dig out Zhong Han's whereabouts.
Tang Song shook his head "It's too late. After discovering the abnormalities of the corpses
in the cemetery, the heads of Zhu Guang and Yang immediately sent people to Shengtang
for interrogation, but the 13 managers who died in Shengtang had all committed suicide at
home, and the time of death It happened that when Zhong Han left with us, all the rest were
little cockles who had been deeply brainwashed by Zhong Han. They only knew what to do
and did not know anything about the inside story of Shengshengtang. "
Zhong Han anticipated that the cannibal ants would cause damage to the tomb, knowing
that Secret Life is secret, so he secretly planned everything, went to the Beijing base to
share the information of the deceased, and set up the Secret Life branch was false. It was
true that he took the opportunity to run .
"Grass, no wonder we haven't been able to find him. It turned out that this grandson never
came to the base of the capital." Liu Fangzhou thought for a while and didn't understand.
"Since he doesn't plan to come to the capital for development, that means we can't threaten
him , What is he doing to us? "
"One is to hide his whereabouts. He left with us. If we did n’t go to Beijing, we would
definitely have doubts. It is still a hidden danger for him. Second, the captain, Xun and the
teacher gave him You voted against it, maybe because of this you may have a grudge.
Anyway, he ’s definitely not normal. As for this third, ”Lin Ruan touched his chin.“ Everyone
remembers Zhong Han ’s concern to you, especially the captain and Ark Are you
particularly interested in the ability? I guess he should have killed you to take the nucleus,
but perhaps realized that the captain's ability is too strong, and the possibility of his
success is too low, so first use the search to lead the captain away. Afterwards, I attacked
the ark with all my strength. I didn't expect that we and the teacher had a strange number.
We couldn't hit it in one shot. We just detonated the plane and killed everything. "
Everyone was speechless for a long time, and Liu Fangzhou took a long time to utter a
swear word.
"Everything we can guess, the Yangcheng base is probably guessing the same." Shen Shi'an
asked, "Do you already know the Beijing side?"
Lin Ruan nodded. "Zhu Guang came to represent Yangcheng base and Beijing base on this
matter. After all, the ability of the psionics also has a crystal nucleus. It matters to the
survival of all survivors. Once the news is leaked, Going out has unbelievable consequences.
In the last days, powerful self-power is the root of survival, and power is the source and
guarantee of power. As long as the nucleus of the power is obtained, it can be absorbed
together with the other's ability. Such a secret is amazing. Penalties for violent crimes in
the Beijing base are extremely strict, so the base has been established for so long and there
are only a few incidents of vicious violence. But when the "power" is placed on the opposite
side of punishment as a reward, how many people can stop the temptation and take risks?
At that time, I am afraid that all powers will become targets, and everyone will not be at
Tang Song said: "At present, the management of the Beijing base should already know that
they will definitely choose to keep the matter strictly confidential, but no one can
determine how long it can be kept secret."
Shen Shi'an looked dignified. "From today on, as long as you leave the blade base area,
everyone cannot act alone, especially the Ark." After this group mission, I am afraid there
are not a few who are interested in Liu Fangzhou's abilities.
"In addition, the protection system inside the base area must be further strengthened. In
addition to the cameras, personnel are patrolled 24 hours a day."
Tao Yuan answered, "I will arrange as soon as possible."
Lin Ruandao "Give me all your identity bracelets later, I will insert 039 into an alarm
program, if there is any danger, everyone will immediately receive the location information
of the person in distress."
Shen Shian nodded, and then looked around. "Don't be too nervous. With the materials
obtained in this mission, especially after holding the pheromone production technology,
the position of the blade in the Beijing base will undoubtedly be greatly improved. As long
as the sharpening edge is getting stronger, even if someone really misbehaves, we must
weigh and dare to provoke us. "
"I really want to pick up the nucleus of who's going to get it. But you still can't say" Xiong
Manshan took Liu Fangzhou over. "Don't be afraid, my buddy will be your full-time
Everyone talked for a while, and Shen Shi'an stood up. "It's not too late, let's rest early."
"Good night, Captain."
"Good night Shen."
"This road can be exhausting to me. No one will wake me up tomorrow. I have to sleep for a
day and a night."
Shen Shi'an took the dog back to the bedroom on the first floor. Just entering the door, the
dog banged him twice. "An'an, I know where Zhong Han is."
A faint thin red line extended from the dog, and passed through the bedroom through the
bay window.
Shen Shi'an walked to the window and stared at this long line that didn't know where to
point. He looked for a while, "It's a tracking spell I used to find Tongtong"
That said, Zhong Han wasn't dead yet.
"Can you determine where?"
"It's too specific to determine, but I can tell that he is southwest of the base of the capital, at
least a few hundred kilometers away."
Too far.
He has just returned from the task, and now there are more important issues to be
Shen Shi'an's eyes were deep, flashing a cold cold light, and he turned and touched the
dog's head.
"Leave it alone for now, and leave him for a few more days."
The author has something to say: sixth, seventh, eighth.

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 135:

Settings saved..
Shen Shi'an had a dream. In the dream, he met a black giant. His fur was fluffy and soft, and
it smelled warm in the sun.
The beast said, "Kiss me."
Shen Shian said "what"
Beast "You kiss me, otherwise I can kiss you."
Shen Shian "I don't want to."
The beast said, "I'll crush you."
Then he sat on his back.
The intense feeling of suffocation forced Shen Shi'an to open his eyes, and a big fluffy black
chest made him almost think that the nightmare had come true. He really was going to be
crushed to death by the beast, and then moved away with tears and laughter Head "Look,
you are too heavy."
The dog rolled over to hang out his belly, and soon got sticky again. He was careful this
time. He lifted his paw and put his forefoot on Shen Shi'an. His head was squeezed into his
shoulder socket. The line is a little hoarse, full of laziness and coquettish meaning "An An,
you wake up"
"Well." Can you not wake up under such pressure from you?
The light golden sunlight slipped in from the edge through the gap in the curtain, and it just
fell on the foot of the bed. It was not dazzling. It was just so soft. There were fine dust flying
up and down in the light path. I could still see a few dog hairs. Sweep into the dark.
Shen Shi'an stretched out his hand from the quilt, took the identity bracelet and glanced at
it more than ten o'clock.
This sleep was extremely sleepy. After traveling for a month, it was still the most relaxing
place in the family, so that the biological clock developed after living with his grandfather
did not work for the first time.
It's early December, and the temperature is extremely low. A thin layer of ice has already
formed on the artificial lake. Fortunately, the villa is equipped with heating pipes and is
located in the heating area of the base, so it doesn't feel cold, let alone. Next to him was a
large warm stove.
Shen Shi'an patted the "hearth" head "Get up."
The "hearth" twisted twice, humming and cuddling, holding him tighter "sleeping again"
"are you not hungry"
Gollum. There was a blast of air in the stomach of the big dog.
"Not hungry."
Shen Shian laughed. "I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat the sweet sweet potato congee
with fragrant meat buns and golden thick thick tender bacon quiche."
The big dog's belly was louder, but he was still unwilling to confess his defeat. He shook his
tail twice and arched into his arms. "Peace me and I will get up."
Shen Shi'an remembered that dream, and was a bit angry, holding the dog's head for a
while and rubbing it, and finally kissed him on the forehead.
The dog was satisfied, turned over on the bed, stretched his forelegs with a long lazy waist,
and chased him into the bathroom.
"You go out and come in later"
"Open your mouth, make it bigger, well, rinse your mouth, and spit it out"
"Don't move at this temperature, and wipe your ears"
After washing one person and one dog, Shen Shi'an wore a pair of beige casual trousers, a
gray-blue sweater on his upper body, and his hair was loosely **** behind his head. Little,
the eyebrows look incredible everywhere. The big dog stared at him for a long time, but he
couldn't hold back and licked his face.
"Don't make trouble." Shen Shi'an wiped off the lemon-flavored drool on his face and met
Xu Ge just after leaving the bedroom.
"Brother Shen, Xunxun, did you wake up and slept well last night?"
"Very good, is anyone else up?"
"Chen Nan and Lu Xiuyuan got up. Now it seems that they are in the training ground. Ark
and Xiong are still sleeping. Last night they said they would sleep for a whole day." Xu
Gedao "Breakfast is still warm in the kitchen, You go eat something first, and I'll make it if I
want something else. "
"No, you're busy, I'll do it myself."
The pressure cooker is filled with half a pot of steaming millet porridge. There are meat
buns, corn and sweet potatoes in the steamer, half a pot of tea eggs are marinated in the
pot, and there is a plate of pumpkin pie on the table. The space output was handed over to
Chen Nan after it was seeded. It was extremely glutinous and very sweet. After cooking, it
was mixed with glutinous rice flour and carefully kneaded evenly. Wrapped in bread bran
and hot oil, the skin was fried golden and crispy. Soft, fragrant and sweet, the dog ate five or
six in one breath and was very satisfied. His favorite dessert after meal was added in
addition to ice cream and toasted sweet potatoes.
Shen Shi'an turned around the kitchen, took out a mutated goose egg from the space, added
minced carrots and chopped sausages and shredded shrimp, and fried a thick, tender
golden brown egg pan, along with two bottles of hot milk and other food. Serve the table
together, "eat slowly, be careful."
He finished breakfast earlier than the dog. After eating, he cleaned up the chopsticks and
boiled a cup of hot tea for himself, holding it slowly in his hand.
The villa is well-lit. The dome on the third floor is a circle of stained glass windows. The soft
rainbow light blends and floats in the air, as if a whole spring has been installed in the
house, flashing tender romance and charming light and shadow.
Shen Shi'an leaned up on the stairs railing and stared at the colorful lights for a long while.
He was soothing and peaceful, took a sip of hot tea, and went forward through the living
He wore two fluffy puppet slippers, which Shen Xun picked for him from the hill-like
slipper storage in the space. Dark gray. The puppet looks like a dog and not a dog. It's weird
and cute. The advantage is that it is very warm, the sole is soft and light, and there is almost
no sound when walking on the ground.
So when he saw him appearing silently in the front hall, Tian Yi's wife Ye Ping was startled,
and quickly got up from the sofa. "Mr. Shen, good."
"Hello," Shen Shi'an greeted with a smile, his eyes turned to Fan Xintong and Tian Shiyao,
who were not far away from her. "What are you doing? May I disturb you?"
Carpets have been installed in the villa since the temperature has dropped. The front hall
has a good view of the space, and the team members often rest and chat here. Therefore,
the carpet is extra thick, and seven or eight pillows are randomly scattered near the sofa. At
this time, two Each child leaned on one with a drawing board on his leg, and crayons of
various colors were laid on the coffee table in front of him.
Ye Ping sat down with some embarrassment. "Don't bother, don't bother. We just finished
two lessons. Now it's after-school activity time. It's too cold outside. I'm afraid to freeze
them when I go out to play. The temperature in the villa is high, and the sun is just here.
Yaoyao, say hello to the captain. "
Tian Shiyao held the drawing board in her arms, leaning subconsciously against Ye Ping,
and said timidly, "Captain is good."
Fan Xintong was much calmer. He stood up and nodded to Shen Shi'an, "Brother Shen." This
title was learned from Liu Fangzhou. He called the captain outside and called Brother Shen
at home. Shen Shi'an returned yesterday when he heard her calling for the first time. A little
flattered, which means that she is already willing to try to integrate into the family. More
than a month later, she completely changed her appearance compared to when she first
arrived at the villa. Her messy hair was trimmed neatly by Xu Ge. Now she has grown to
ears, her face is much harder, and she no longer looks scary. It is obvious that they are
being looked after very well. But maybe because of a lot of hard work, and the development
time is different, she is four years older than Tian Shiyao. When the two stood together,
they could not see a significant difference.
Shen Shi'an went to the sofa opposite the two children and sat down, and put the cup on
the coffee table. "What did you draw to show me?"
Tian Shiyao glanced back at Ye Ping, and handed the drawing board a bit shyly. She painted
the rainbow under the dome on the third floor. It was colorful and full of children's
"It looks so good," Shen Shian praised, "Yao Yao paints so well."
Tian Shiyao flushed with a small face, and whispered in a corner, thanking him.
"What Tong Tong drew"
Fan Xintong handed the drawing board, which was different from Tian Shiyao's colorful
works. Her drawing paper was mainly gray and black. Shen Shi'an carefully discerned for a
moment and recognized that she was painting an artificial lake surface frozen in the
"Tong Tong draws very well," Shen Shi'an returned the drawing board, and watched her
eyes slow down. "Although the scenery by the lake is now monotonous, it will be full of
flowers until spring. You only need to give it a little." a little time."
Fan Xintong did not speak, took the drawing board and continued to apply.
"Tong Tong is particularly smart," Ye Ping smiled. "She has a very rich knowledge reserve
and can already accept junior high school courses. At present, the content of the two
children's lessons is the same. Yao Yao is learning new knowledge. Tong Tong is reviewing
her old knowledge, and when she is getting used to it, I plan to teach them separately so as
not to delay Tong Tong's academic progress. "
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Thank you, bother you."
"What the captain is saying, this is what I should do."
Xu Ge came over with a plate of pumpkin pie and three cups of hot milk tea. "I must be tired
after studying all morning. Come, try the taste of the pumpkin pie I made, just fry it, and be
hot. Tongtong, Yaoyao, go wash your hands, and Mrs. Ye also eats. Don't be polite. "
A full-fledged dog walked behind her, lazily lying to Shen Shi'an's feet and squinting his
eyes to bask in the sun.
The dog is too big, even if lying on the ground, it looks like a small hill. Tian Shiyao looks a
little scared. After he washed his hands, he took two steps and hid it in his mother's arms.
Ping said, "Mom, you eat."
Ye Ping smiled softly. "Mom doesn't like sweet, Yaoyao eats."
Tian Shiyao took a careful bite and handed it to Ye Ping's mouth. "Not sweet, mother, taste
When Ye Ping found that she had been deceived, her eyes widened in surprise, and the
mother and daughter laughed softly, the picture was very warm.
Fan Xintong watched for a while, closed his eyes, and drank milk tea in silence while
holding a cup.
Two hands stretched out at the same time. One bone was distinct, and the other was
slender and delicate. They both held pumpkin pie in their hands and said, "Do you want to
The little girl froze and looked at Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge. The three laughed together.
The dog squinted his eyes and snorted. "Oh woo" sip the pumpkin cake in Shen Shi'an's
hand into his mouth, chew it, and swallow it.
The bright sun and the heat of the heating pipe are intertwined, and under the warmth, the
tempting sweet smell of pumpkin pie and milk tea will soon permeate the lobby.
The two mini mutant cubs smelled the scent and didn't know which corner they came out
of. They ran back and forth around the coffee table, accidentally tripped over by the pillow,
lay on the carpet and kicked their legs Whoosh, how cute it is.
These two small things were taken out of the space by Shen Shi'an before leaving for group
missions. One was to prevent them from running around in the space, and the other was to
accompany Fan Xintong. Lin Ruan said that like her because of emotional encounters For
those with major trauma, they have the tendency to be autistic. Using a pet to open up the
defense is the best way.
After living in the villa for more than a month, the two of them seemed to be very familiar
with it, and after two laps, they picked up Fan Xintong's pants and began to coquettishly.
In fact, they want to sink Shi'an more. He has the taste of Lingquan on his body, but he
didn't dare. The dog was staring. Super fierce.
Fan Xintong immediately saw the expression on the faces of the two little lions, and even a
little smile appeared, raising his hand to hold the female lion fiercely in his arms and asking
Shen Shi'an "Can it eat pumpkin pie?"
Shen Shi'an wasn't quite sure, "or try feeding a little bit"
Fan Xintong tore off and threw it in his palm, and the fierce cousin gathered and smelled it
twice, but did not expect to really eat it.
The male lion was desperate, and he wanted to climb up with Fan Xintong's clothes. Fan
Xintong simply put two cat-like furry monsters into his arms and put them on his legs. A
small piece of pumpkin pie was fed clean.
Tian Shiyao was blindfolded and wanted to touch when he came over, but the two little
lions recognized her life. Before she approached, she pulled out her teeth and started
roaring. She immediately scared the little girl back.
It's a virtue with the dog.
"These two little things are fine," Xu Ge smiled and took one from Fan Xintong's arms. "You
must touch them only if you have fed them. Tongtong, the amount of pumpkin cake oil is
too high. It ’s violently fed. I ’ll get some meat and feed it with Yaoyao. ”It ’s almost time for
them to eat.
Ye Ping looked a little surprised. "Do these two little lions usually feed meat?"
"Yes, lions are carnivores. They also eat other messy snacks, but don't dare to feed them
more. The staple food has to be fed with meat before they can coax." Xu Ge paused and said,
"They are both small heads. I ca n’t eat much. "
Ye Ping smiled. "That's the same."
Xu Ge brought a small bowl of fresh minced meat from the kitchen. Tian Shiyao learned Fan
Xintong's appearance and took it a little bit and slowly passed it to the little lion's mouth.
After hesitating for a moment, the little thing opened his mouth and choked it. After that,
she did not frighten her teeth anymore.
Tian Shiyao carefully touched it and giggled, "The lion is so soft."
Shen Shian's palm was itchy, and he could not help rubbing a few dogs' furry ears.
After sitting for a while, the two children continued to attend the class. Shen Shi'an got up
from the sofa and changed his clothes and shoes. He planned to take the dog to the training
ground together.
The training ground is located in the northeast of the sharp blade base and has the largest
area. It is divided into two parts: the actual training ground and the physical training
ground. The physical training ground is divided into multiple areas to facilitate special
training for different training goals.
Because the newly recruited members have both power and ordinary people, the fighting
methods of the two are very different, so apart from the most basic physical training, the
two are separated in practical training most of the time. The power person mainly trains
the cooperation between different powers, and combines the same powers or symbiotic
powers to exert greater power. However, because ordinary people have limited single-
player combat power, Tao Yuan chose to fight in teams. In the training method, a total of 88
ordinary players were divided into four teams, each of which was 22 people. These 22
people were divided into two groups, and they attacked and defended each other.
When Shen Shi'an arrived at the training ground, ordinary players were performing team
exercises. Each team was surrounded by a circle. Eleven people raised their shields outside.
Eleven people raised their guns inside. The shield was raised. A puncture was performed at
intervals, approximately at the height of the head of the zombie. The round array will
continue to rotate to adjust the position during the advance, so that the combat power is
reasonably distributed, and members in each direction can get a respite, so that members
of a certain wave are always in the position of the enemy's most aggressive attack.
When the long 039 gun stabbed, he drank in unison, and was imposing when he closed it.
Now Chen Nan at the edge of the training ground first spotted Shen Shi'an and Gouzi, raised
his hand and waved twice. "The captain is looking for you."
Shen Shi'an walked over, "Come and see Tao Yuan's training results look very good."
Chen Nan nodded. "Tao Yuan Brother trains newcomers really." These teams took them
out, except for their weapons, they were not much different from regular soldiers.
Tao Yuan, who was directing training, also saw Shen Shi'an and blew a strong whistle, "All
members stand upright."
More than 100 team members stood together and shouted "Squad leader" towards Shen
"Hello everyone," Shen Shian's voice was clear and clear in the ears of each team member.
"I just came here to watch, everyone continues to train, don't be affected by me."
Tao Yuan nodded at Shen Shi'an and blew his whistle again. "The array training continued
to give me the strength to feed milk."
It was probably because Shen Shi'an arrived, and the team members worked harder. The
sound of the power burst and the cries of the formation sounded. Chen Nan felt itchy, and
from time to time he also controlled the Devil's Vine to join in as a newcomer's opponent.
After more than half an hour, the whistle sounded again, and all the members gathered to
listen to Tao Yuan's summary of the problems in the training, and then disbanded.
These newcomers have not been in contact with Shen Shi'an for a short time. Most of their
understanding is limited to various powerful deeds circulating in the base of the capital.
They are admired in private and admire them. At this time, they are afraid to approach.
Only Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui have been together for more than a month because of
performing the task. They are more familiar with Shen Shi'an. He knows that although he
looks colder, he is actually a good character, so he came to say hello after finishing the
"You're ready to eat now." Shen Shi'an followed the crowd and walked outside the training
ground. The dog flung his tail to guard him by the side.
"Yes, it's a meal right now," Yang Canchan said lively. "Is the captain going with us? I heard
you add food today."
Today, I did add food. Shen Shi'an personally instructed Tian Yi last night. This time, the
task came back full load. How can we give members some benefits.
He touched the dog's head, consulted the dog's consent, then turned to look at Tao Yuan
and others. "Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch"
Tao Yuan and others naturally have no opinion.
The cafeteria was built for more than two months, and Shen Shi'an was the first time to
come in for a meal. Lunch was three dishes and one soup, leek bean sprouts, hot and sour
potato shreds, ham sausage and scrambled eggs. Because of adding vegetables, Tian Yi
bought ten broiler chickens from the farm early in the morning, and made another
edamame chicken. The soup is a bone soup made from a chicken rack, sprinkled with laver
and peas, so fresh that it can even be swallowed by the tongue.
Li Runsheng and Gao Xiaohui pulled the two dining tables together and the people sat in a
circle. Chen Nan came back and tasted two bites after the meal, "It tastes great"
"Yeah," Gao Xiaohui said with a smile, "We all say that Chef Tian has good craftsmanship
and can cook everything deliciously."
Shen Shian mixed a bowl of rice with edamame rice, chicken broth, and dogs, and asked the
four new players, "How do you like the sharp-edged meal?"
"Satisfied, of course." Yang Cancan opened his eyes wide. "Every day at noon, three dishes
and one soup, vegetarian and rice tube is enough, meat can be eaten at least once a week,
porridge for breakfast and dinner, and sweet potato corn. My meals before the end of the
world are almost the same. Let ’s go out this time and I have exchanged meals with other
group members. They all say that our meals are already among the best in the entire
Beijing base. "
In the last days, it is not bad to be able to eat enough. The base of Beijing is well-managed
and the average standard of living is still high. Many people who do n’t have enough food or
even starve to death are there.
They are happy enough.
"You have to fill your stomach to have strength to fight," Tao Yuan said. "The four of you
have just returned from your group missions. Take a two-day break first, and start
performing new tasks with others from the day after tomorrow. Laziness arises during the
holidays. "
"Anyway, Teacher Tao can rest assured that we must use our energy to feed."
One table couldn't help laughing.
After eating, Shen Shi'an led the dog around the basement twice, looked at the vegetable
shed next to the artificial lake, and went to the research building to give Lin Ruan the two
some fruits, and then returned to the villa.
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan just got up. They were having a meal at the moment.
Shen Shi'an talked with them for a few moments and returned to the bedroom. He sat on
the sofa in front of the bay window and closed his eyes to bask in the sun.
Such a leisurely time has not been experienced for a long time.
But he still has something to do.
All kinds of thoughts in the mind turned for a moment, and he turned his head and
beckoned to the dog "Go, let's go to space."
As soon as the mind moved, the body flickered, and the strong aura came to his face,
immediately teaching people to refresh.
Except for collecting things everyday, he hasn't been in the space for a long time for about a
month or two. There is no change here. The most obvious change is only the black land.
The black land is now divided into two large areas by him: the plantation area near the
stream on the left and the storage area near the bamboo floor on the right. There is a block
in the middle of the two areas. Shen Shi'an intends to use it as a breeding area, but at
present Only ten mutant geese were raised.
The planting area is divided into neat small squares with different species of plants. The
first one is tomatoes. The more than two thousand tomato trees originally planted have
been consumed, and the rhizomes, branches and leaves have been re-used by the black soil.
Now, the third-generation seed that was bred from the cooperation between Chen Nan and
Black Land is better than the first generation. It is well liked by the team members, so the
planting area is the largest, about three acres;
Strawberries produced in the space are also very popular, but even if the contents in the
space are not easy to rot, the shelf life of the strawberry is relatively short, so only one acre
is planted, anyway, it is easy to grow the herb, and then sprinkle some seeds after eating,
three hours After that, you can eat ripe fruits. In addition, watermelons, sweet potatoes,
corn, pumpkins, etc. also have a variety of acres, under the nourishment of the Lingquan
water, the leaves are flourishing, and the growth is extremely pleasing.
In the beginning, Shen Xun's cherry seeds smashed into the black land grew a total of 28
cherry trees. Today, there are still five trees left. The rest are turned into nutrients after the
fruit is picked and reabsorbed by the black land. However, Shen Xun saved a lot of cherry
cores and filled them with a cloth bag. It is estimated to weigh seven or eight pounds. When
does Shen Shi'an plan to have Chen Nan grow some plants around the villa, so that they can
be carried out in the space after seeding? Secondary planting.
There are not only cherry trees in the black soil, but Shen Shi'an, who was on the
northward mission, also collected several apple trees and jujube trees along the way. At
this moment, they are already full of fruits, and the jujubes grown from the spiritual spring
water are as large as orange It is crunchy and sweet, and the juice splashes with a bite, but
it is a bit troublesome for Shen Xun's mouth structure, so he prefers to eat apples.
The size of the apple has not changed, but it is surprising that all of them are rock candy
hearts, and the rock candy hearts are more than one-half of the whole apple. Each bite can
be sweet to the heart. At present, apple juice is squeezed. Has replaced strawberry juice
tomato juice watermelon juice as the last welcome drink in the villa. It is estimated that the
taste of apple sauce is also a must. Shen Shi'an plans to try it at night.
In general, he has collected the seeds or plants of common herbs, fruits, and fruits, and
there are much fewer woody fruits. At present, there are only three kinds of fruits. There is
a peach tree in front of the bamboo building, but after spending more than half a year, I
haven't seen any other movement, and I don't know if it will bear fruit. Another "flower
tree" full of spirit bees changed quite a bit, because the black ground has been planting
things all the time. After collecting more than a dozen waves of pollen, the size of the spirit
bee became significantly larger. At first, it was about the size of a sunflower seed kernel. It
is now almost the same as a normal bee. Even the "flower bud" with dozens of spirit bees
has increased from the size of the lotus to the size of the durian. The dog turned around the
flower tree several times, and began to estimate that the "flower bud" "Knock down for
Everything was normal in the planting area. Shen Shi'an relocated the mutated goose to a
newly-grown pasture and immediately walked to the storage area.
There are too many things in space. In the past, plus the information obtained during the
mission, more than 120 football fields were scattered and scattered. Among them, rice
alone accounted for three. It is estimated that all members can eat for two or three years.
With so many things, except for essentials and extremely precious weapons and medicines,
other places that are unavailable for the time being take up space. Just in time, Shen Shi'an
intends to clean up all materials from scratch.
Because it has absolute control over objects in space, this project is not particularly
troublesome, although it is huge. When the materials in the space are collected, they are
stacked according to the major categories of food, medicine, daily necessities, and combat
materials. What Shen Shian has to do is to further subdivide.
The food is divided into staple foods such as grain, oil, and noodles, and portable foods such
as bread noodles. Various high-calorie candies and snacks are stored separately. Those that
are not easy to save need to be consumed as soon as possible or converted into points
through the business relationship of Miao Shoufu.
Medical supplies are all good things. Shen Shi'an does not plan to move for the time being.
He only takes a small amount of commonly used medicines and put them in the scientific
research building as a member's medical welfare. At present, the sharp edge healing system
has only Tao Yuan. He was responsible for all the minor injuries.
It is the most troublesome to organize the daily necessities because it is too much and too
complicated. Even if Shen Shian can move objects with his mind in the space, it still took
more than three hours to sort the contents of nearly fifty football fields according to
clothing, footwear, bedding, Washing supplies, paper supplies, furniture, electrical
appliances and other categories are properly organized, with "whether they can be used
within one year" as a standard, and the contents of eight football stadiums are ready to be
sold to the richest man in Miao. Among them, the cold-proof supplies found in the
emergency storage warehouse are placed in a separate area. If the temperature continues
to decrease, I am afraid these things will come in handy.
In addition, two children's toy cars were cleared out. This was originally given to children
by Shen Shi'an in a shopping mall in the city center of h city, in order to prevent him from
running around with a sweeping robot all day. Time flies like a white horse, and the child
grows into a big dog. These two toy cars are probably no longer useful. "Sell it together."
I didn't expect Gouzi to firmly disagree, "No, this is what An An gave me"
"You don't need it now, and maybe you don't need it anymore."
"That's what An'an can't sell for me," he said, holding his claws and pushing the toy car
toward the bamboo forest behind the house. He was quite sloppy while he wasn't paying
Shen Shian "" OK. It can also be regarded as a memory of childhood.
Combat materials are mainly divided into four categories: weapons, protective gear,
vehicles, and gasoline. Because they are carefully collected when they are collected, there is
almost no need to reset them. The only thing to note is that as the number of members
increases, the rate of gasoline consumption is getting faster and faster. I am afraid that in a
few months, it will become a key collection target for sharp blades.
In addition to these things, there is one of the most important collation goals: the tens of
thousands of tons of military-grade reinforced metal that he brought back from the storage
"I plan to give half of the metal to the Gu family." After finishing things for hours, Shen
Shi'an was exhausting, and she had a headache. She took off her shoes and socks, dipped
her feet in the cool stream, and closed her eyes half Leaning on the dog, "What do you
Gouzi has no opinion. He is now fully focused on Shen Shi'an. He twisted his head and put
the wet nose on his temple. "An'an, are you still uncomfortable?"
"It's okay, the stream is full of aura, now it's much better." Shen Shi'an sat up, moved two
times and leaned a little on him, continuing the previous topic, "There is too much metal,
and it's wasteful to put it all in space. Give it to the Gu family. Today, the sharp blade and
the Gu family are tied together, and the Gu family benefits are also good for us. "
The dog nodded. "An An is right."
"The remaining half is sold to Brother Miao," Shen Shi'an calculated in his head. "It doesn't
need to be much, about 20% is enough, and no more tigers and wolves can eat it. As for the
other 80%, I am going to take it Part of it is to create a set of weapons and equipment for all
ordinary people in the new members, including armor, shields and 039 guns. "
In today's actual training, the players used a wide variety of weapons. The "long 039 gun"
in their hands was better sharpened with a metal tube. They almost tied a kitchen knife
directly to the mop stick, and the shields were all Tempered wooden boards are of course
no problem for drill training, but if you really want to fight against zombies, they will be
damaged in minutes.
Ordinary people have limited combat effectiveness, and there is a natural gap compared to
those with abilities. However, if the weapons and equipment can be strengthened, this gap
may be minimized.
The dog nodded. "An An is right."
"But it ’s not enough to build metal weapons. It ’s troublesome if you encounter a zombie of
the gold system. Also, the metal equipment is too heavy, and it is easy to endure the
physical load for a long time." Shen Shi'an's eyes turned around the stream. , And soon
found a solution on the growing green lumens behind the bamboo tower that grew almost
to become a deep-sea giant demon. "It's better to cut a few branches and use the spring
water to give birth. Please give them to a professional craftsman. Everyone weaves a set of
rattan armor, and the weapon uses a thorn stick. Anyway, there are plenty of mutant aloe
thorns and mutant cactus thorns in the space, and the hardness is enough. "
The dog nodded. "An An is right."
Shen Shi'an backhandedly slaps two "Are you a repeater" on his head? After thinking about
it, he remembers one thing, "How is the mana absorbed? When can you return to human
"It's estimated that it will be three or four months," the dog licked in his hand. "This time,
the speed of mana absorption is slower than I expected. It can be changed into a human
now, but the remaining mana is It can only be wasted. "
Shen Shi'an immediately said, "Don't worry, let it be, which way is best for you." He said
that he touched the dog's furry feet and looked at the big dog for a long time, which is quite
pleasing to the eye.
It's only three or four months, and it should be almost after the New Year.
"What will you look like when you become a child?"
"I'm not sure. I have never been injured before, and I haven't become human before the
mana has not been fully recovered." I thought about adding "Anyway, it must be
In Shen Shi'an's mind, a young man with large dark green eyes, bulging cheeks, red lips and
white teeth, looking like a newborn little poplar, could not help but emerge.
It is indeed awe-inspiring.
He couldn't help laughing.
When the two came out of the space, it was just supper.
Lu Xiuyuan squatted in front of the kitchen and beat Xu Ge to peel garlic.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, shouting him aside "Are you doing something tomorrow"
"No, why?"
"Do you remember the name that pushed you into the zombies?"
Shen Shi'an looked at Lu Xiuyuan's red eye and said softly, "I promised to help you find
It's time to fulfill the promise.
The author has something to say: Ninth, tenth and eleventh.
There are three more on the evening of the 30th. The total number of updated words is
guaranteed to be 45,000.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 136:

Settings saved..
There were five people who had thrown Lu Xiuyuan into the zombies.
A driver who hasn't seen his face from start to finish, a man sitting in the co-pilot, two
ordinary soldiers, and the man who forced him to jump the car with a gun, and personally
ordered his men to be thrown from the compartment. Captain of the rescue team going out.
The other people may not know Lu Xiuyuan, but the rescue team captain's name will never
be forgotten.
"Qu Shuo," Lu Xiuyuan's teeth trembled, his left eye flushed with blood, and the bottom of
his eyes was horrific hatred. "His name is Qu Shuo."
With a name and identity, it's easier to find someone.
Early the next morning, the dog led the way, and Shen Shi'an drove Lu Xiuyuan to follow.
"Are you sure he can take us to find someone?" Lu Xiuyuan was a little distrustful of Shen
Xun. He searched for a few months in the Beijing base and found no one. In fact, he could
find him even with a dog. I hope that Shen Shi'an can use the power of the Gu family, as
long as the Gu family can help to check in the system of the population registration
department, isn't it a matter of minutes to find someone?
But Shen Shi'an was unwilling to rely on the Gu family for everything, and even if he was
anxious, he couldn't force it. Obviously there are resources but they will not be used. Lu
Xiuyuan thinks that the second generation of him is too bad.
Might as well let me be.
Shen Shi'an watched the slender red line extending from the dog and turned the steering
wheel to turn left at the intersection in time. "Either trust us or you can find it yourself and
choose one."
Lu Xiuyuan stunned, whispered in indignation, "Don't ask anyone yet"
Shen Shi'an ignored him and turned to another question, "Your ability is definitely
Lu Xiuyuan raised his hand to prop up a transparent hollow ball in the palm of his hand,
just trapped a floating dog hair inside, "Well."
"That's good. I repeat once again that I and Xun Xun are only responsible for helping you
find someone. How to resolve this grievance is a matter between you and the other party. I
won't help you hurt someone." "No one will hurt you."
"I see." The hollow ball in the palm of the palm quickly contracted, squeezing the dog's hair
into a small invisible mass in a blink of an eye, "I don't need your hands."
Since Qu Shuo was the captain of the first rescue team to go to the Medical University of H
City, his personal ability is certainly not bad, and his position in the garrison should not be
too low. Therefore, in the anticipation of Shen Shi'an and Lu Xiuyuan, he would either
perform the task outside the base, or he should be in a certain military stationed area
inside the base.
However, it was unexpected that the red line on the dog's body led them all the way to the
southernmost industrial area of the base.
The industrial area of the Beijing base is quite complete. Except for the high-tech industries
that have suffered a major blow because of the last days, a small part of the heavy industry
and most of the light industry have been restored to a certain extent. The area is large and
the flow of people is extremely high. The main workplace and source of income for most
ordinary survivors.
But what did Qu Shuo, the captain of the rescue team, do here?
Shen Xun finally stopped in front of a food processing factory. "The people are here, I'm
sure. The distance is no more than 500 meters from us."
Shen Shian parked his car, opened the door and jumped down.
The location of the target was determined. It was a problem how to take people away.
Fighting was strictly prohibited in the base of Beijing. Lu Xiuyuan wanted to end the matter,
and he must find a place where no one can confront him. People here come and go, I'm
afraid it's hard to get started.
Fortunately, they are lucky. The food processing plant has a two-shift system, divided into
day shifts and night shifts, and Qu Shuo seems to be in the right of the night shift, because
they just arrived a short time ago, and the dog suddenly said, "An'an, that person is going
out, and we are getting closer and closer. Near. "
Shen Shian tossed the car key to Lu Xiuyuan, "I and Xun Xun arrested, you are responsible
for driving, do not get too close, the other party knows you."
He hadn't seen Qu Shuo, and he didn't know what the other party looked like. The
vicissitudes of his man, his beard, and his face almost filled with disappointment seemed to
be incompatible with the captain of the rescue team. The red line between the dogs is not
wrong. With the guidance of the red line, Shen Shi'an suddenly flashed forward when he
followed the opponent to a more remote alleyway, and a hand knife knocked the other side
into the back of the off-road vehicle.
After half an hour, the off-road vehicle stopped at a deserted gas station outside the Beijing
Lu Xiuyuan dragged people out of the trunk and poured a bucket of cold water.
Shen Shi'an stood with his hands on his shoulders, watching the man named Qu Shuo open
his eyes with a jerk, and quickly climbed up from the ground, probably because he was
stuck in the back compartment for a long time, his legs and feet The movement is slightly
The outstanding military literacy was perfectly displayed at this time. After a glance at Qu
Shuo, he calmed down quickly, glanced over Shen Shi'an and the three-meter-high dog next
to him, and finally settled on Lu Xiuyuan.
It took a second to match him with a figure in memory, and his pupils shrank violently
because of shock. "It's you, how can you be alive you clearly"
"How's it going?" Lu Xiuyuan threw the bucket to the ground, his eyes filled with bleakness.
"He was thrown into the zombie group by you, and it should have been scummed so long
that there isn't any leftover left?"
"Maybe I did die long ago," he said, raising his hand and taking off the blindfolds, revealing
black holes and creases around the edges. "I'm standing in front of you now, but I just
crawled out of the zombies to ask for your life." It ’s a ghost. I ’m afraid. ”
Qu Shuo stared at his right eye for a moment, his expression moved. At the same time, Yu
Guang has carefully scanned the surrounding environment. It seemed to be realized that
today this matter is difficult to be good, and simply took off guard.
"Murder kills people and pays debts. I have nothing to say. If you want to kill, you must
listen to respect."
"Really?" Lu Xiuyuan took out a slender dagger and stabbed at Shuo Shu.
Qu Shuo wanted to hide subconsciously, but he didn't know why he couldn't avoid it in
time. He gritted his teeth and groaned. There was a blood cave in his left abdomen.
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly without intervention.
The dagger is very thin, only about one finger thick, and Lu Xiuyuan is a medical student.
But the pain is probably extremely painful.
Staring at Qu Shuo's expression for a while, Lu Xiuyuan pulled the dagger out of 039 and
carefully wiped the blood. "Does it hurt when the zombie bites a piece of flesh from me, it
hurts more than this. My scars have not yet OK, do you want to take a look "
Just do it, Lu Xiuyuan really lifted the shirt up, exposing the crisscross scars on the right
half of his body, and the black-purple zombie body.
Qu Shuo covered his wound and took a breath of air. He didn't know if it hurt or was
scared. "Are you a human or a zombie?"
"I am a human or a zombie, so many people ask this question. But to be honest, I don't
know the answer." Lu Xiuyuan drew a knife on his zombified right arm, and then
approached the channel step by step. Shuo, the intact left eye is gradually overflowing with
madness. "If we try to see if this dagger gets into your body again, will you be infected with
zombie virus?"
Qu Shuo stepped back two steps, his back came up against a gas tank, his eyes moved from
the dagger to Lu Xiuyuan's face, his chest fluctuated twice, "Go ahead, what are you waiting
Lu Xiuyuan put a dagger on his face and scratched it twice. "It's not so easy to die. Do you
know how many bites I was bitten by the zombie, fifty-three, I counted them in my heart. It
hurts. . But I am more kind to you. As long as you answer my question obediently, I promise
I can make you die happy.
Qu Shuo looked at the long sword behind Shen Shi'an and the big dog beside him again,
"You said."
"First question, why did you kill me."
Qu Shuo leaned on the gas tank, and dazzling blood dripped from the fingers between the
fingers covering the wound, and soon a small beach gathered around his feet.
"After the virus outbreak, the search and rescue team I led secretly received an instruction
to find a student named Shen Shi'an at the Medical University of H City, let him die without
a burial place. You asked me why I wanted to kill you. Is it not you who told me Do you call
Shen Shi'an? "
Lu Xiuyuan clenched his fist, drew his arm and smashed his wound. "I told you clearly that I
am not Shen Shi'an. Before I was thrown into the zombies, I told you clearly that I was not
your mission target at all. "
Qu Shuo was convulsed with severe pain, and he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead after
a long while, "Can you believe if you are dead. If you are telling the truth, then I have
completed the task. If you are telling the truth Well, that's just a thief who pretends to be
someone else. I have no reason to believe you. "
"Who issued the instructions"
"The chief of the rescue team's unit, the Qin family."
"Apart from you, what are the names of the other four soldiers involved in this mission?"
Qu Shuo was silent.
"It's my own idea to think of you as Shen Shi'an if you make a mistake," he said. "It has
nothing to do with other people. If you can relieve your hate, you can throw me into the
zombies. I promise I will never resist. . "
Before Lu Xiuyuan had time to speak, Qu Shuo has turned to Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Shen, I know
that the blade is very powerful, and I know that it is not a problem to find other people with
your ability, but it is me who chooses to execute the order, and me People just do what I do,
they are innocent. "
Shen Shi'an was not surprised that he could recognize himself. After the establishment of
the blade, the sword and the dog were almost his mark.
"This is a grudge between you, and I have no intention of intervening."
He is not here to preside over who is fair. He is here to fulfill his promise and support his
teammates unconditionally. Qu Shuo was right. Murder paid his debts and repaid the
money. Regardless of the cause, it was a fact that Lu Xiuyuan was killed by him. In fact, if it
was him who was thrown into the zombies or he was looking for it, he might not have this.
Patiently stand here and talk nonsense with this captain.
Qu Shuo lowered his head, and then turned his eyes back to Lu Xiuyuan. "About your first
question, why did you kill you? In fact, I missed an answer. After Shen Shi'an died, our
company received a full month of supplies. We have rescued 1,803 survivors, and more
than 1,200 of them have successfully lived in Beijing. "
"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" Lu Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing, and then leaned back
and forth and laughed wildly. After a long time, he wiped the tears from the corner of his
eyes and laughed. "As you say, I don't count as being bitten by zombies Now, at least I have
changed my life for more than a thousand lives. Is it why I am so great? You just use this as
an excuse and you can sleep peacefully every night after throwing me in the zombies. "
Qu Shuo looked at him. "You may not like to hear this, but in the last days it is a must-have.
Don't say you exchange one person for more than a thousand people, even if you exchange
ten people for more than a thousand people, I have the same choice."
"Your luck is a little bit worse, but even if I repeat, I guess I have to throw you into the
No one can bear this kind of stimulation, especially Lu Xiuyuan. He rushed to Qu Shuo and
punched and kicked him frantically. All his sanity was drowned out by anger. The bones
were swallowed, and the strong hatred almost drove him crazy until he hit something that
absolutely did not belong to the human body.
Lu Xiuyuan stopped, kicked Kousuo's right leg again, and snorted, making a muffled sound
similar to a metal impact.
It's a prosthesis.
Qu Shuo's right leg is a prosthesis.
An indescribable pleasure suddenly came to mind "Your right leg is gone"
Qu Shuo spit out blood, "It's just a bite of the zombies, and it's not painful. Don't you want
me to kill someone for my life? I thought it would be so powerful that you could climb out
of the zombies. It turned out to be just that. strength"
Lu Xiuyuan smiled, raised his hand and propped up an airtight transparent wall around
him, the wall contracted quickly, squeezed Qu Shuo in a blink of an eye, his face rose red
and purple due to lack of oxygen, and bones and joints everywhere He received a strong
squeeze and made a crunching noise.
When Qu Shuo was either strangled or squeezed into a mass of meat, Shen Shi'an came
over and held Lu Xiuyuan's shoulder, "stop."
"I don't. I want to kill him. I want him to taste the despair and pain I experienced."
Shen Shi'an stepped up. "Did you not see it yet? He intentionally angered you and wanted
to die."
Lu Xiuyuan paused, the power output stopped, and the transparent wall suddenly collapsed
to invisible.
Qu Shuo collapsed on the ground, his purple face jumped with blue tendons, and he opened
his mouth desperately to breathe, "Do you only have such a skill?"
"He won't say the names of the other four people." Shen Shi'an said, "If you want to kill him,
you can continue to do it. If you don't, we should go back."
Lu Xiuyuan stared at Qu Shuo for a long time, then put away his dagger and put on the
blindfold again. "Kill him like this, it's too cheap for him. Throw him here and wait for
At least 20 kilometers from here to the base of the capital, he wanted to see how a man who
had been stabbed without a leg and then stabbed would go back.
When the two were about to reach the position of the off-road vehicle, Qu Shuo suddenly
shouted, "Liu Xiuyuan."
"Your name is Lu Xiuyuan, right, I remember."
"Sorry. It is not my intention to kill you, but I am a soldier. The superior order is higher
than everything. I have no choice. This insistence may be ridiculous to you." Qu Shuo
laughed and laughed twice. In fact, it seems that even myself think it's ridiculous. I wanted
to kill someone the day before and save him the next day. In the end, this kind of
instruction is basically child play. "
"What do you mean?" Shen Shi'an turned and interrupted him. "What does it mean to kill
someone the day before and save him the next day?"
"You didn't know it." Qu Shuo leaned on the gas tank while covering his wound and gasped
twice. "The Qin family issued two instructions about you. The first is to ensure that you
have no place to die, and In the second week after Lu Xiuyuan's death, we received another
instruction. "
"At all costs, Shen Shi'an was escorted to the Beijing base safely."
The author has something to say: The copywriting was locked at night, so the update time
has been postponed until now, and I apologize to everyone.
It was originally intended to post three changes, but there were a few plots that were
particularly unsatisfactory. After publication, Moonstone was not enough and could not be
changed, so I want to post it after the adjustment is made. I hope everyone will be forgiving.
I owe two more, I will make up as soon as possible.
A lot of things have happened in the past two days, and some of the cute little ones should
have heard about it. Don't panic. Have time to look at the last sentence under the
copywriting, or you can think of the old umbrella with your waist around, and you can't
lose it. of. Refills for everyone.
The nutrient solution will expire soon. Come and water my duck
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everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 137:

Settings saved..
The sharp blade shines in the task of the reserve warehouse, and Shen Shi'an, as the
captain, became famous in the First World War. Coupled with the fact that his name has
been at the top of the reward list of the mission center for a long time, his popularity is
quite high, and he has effectively defeated the record of “the first person in the base of
Beijing” and the head of the Tiger and Wolf team Xiao Lang.
After the end of the mission, the people who came to visit the sharp base in various names
did not stop.
But the person who came today was never thought of by Shen Shian.
With a click, the gray-blue mug was torn apart in his hands, and the hot tea dripped
through the fingers.
Shen Shi'an looked up at Zhao Xinghe, who told him, "Who do you want to see me?"
Zhao Xinghe and his brother Zhao Xinjiang signed up to join the sharp blade, because Tao
Yuan used his power to heal his burns and had a life-saving grace, so he was especially
desperate when training and doing tasks. Both brothers successfully passed the
assessment. Ji became a regular member of Sharp Blade, and it is his turn today to be on
duty at the basement gate.
He was very respectful of Shen Shi'an, but was a little nervous because he didn't touch
much. At this moment, he saw his eyes shivering and shivering, and a layer of cold sweat
was exuding immediately on her back. She is the youngest lady of the Qin family, and the
head of the Gu family. "
Shen Shi'an threw the debris into the trash can, and stretched out his palm to signal that
the dog was all right, "She's alone"
"More than that, eight others followed," Zhao Xinghe tried to calm himself, standing with
his legs close together and straight. "Now outside the base, my brother stopped them."
Liu Fangzhou swallowed the apple immediately and sensed it again, "Brother Shen, the
eight people are all powers, probably all around level 3."
It seems that the visitor is not good.
However, it is useless to have too many people, and you don't have to see who this is.
Although Brother Tao Yuan happened to take most of the members out today to do the
task, he was not bad enough to fight him, and he could solve the group of babies alone.
The people in the Beijing base are talkative, and the fastest spread is the entanglement
between several major families. It is not a secret that Gu Qin's in-laws' anti-objective
matter is secret. It's seven, seven, eight, eight. At this time, naturally, he was fighting with
his enemies. Xiong Manshan clenched his fists and crackled, "Hey, those old ladies dare to
come and let us show their faces." Is n’t that crazy?
Zhao Xinghe was a little hesitant "then I will drive people away"
"No," Shen Shi said quietly, took two paper towels and carefully wiped off the water stains
on his hands, and his eyes were deep and unpredictable. "Let her come in."
After Zhao Xinghe left, he said to Liu Fangzhou, "Go to the scientific research building and
let Tang Song come back."
Shen Shi'an met Mrs. Qin. Before her mother died, Ms. Qin sent several family portraits of
the third generation to the Shen family every year.
In the photo, Mrs. Qin's gentle and beautiful complexion is white, her body is full of fine-
tuned nobles, and she is completely different from the woman in front of her who is blue,
embarrassed and almost thin into a skeleton.
However, even if she became a skeleton skeleton, the lady's style was not lost. After
entering the door, she unbuttoned the mink coat and gave it to her men, raised her chin,
and walked into the living room to look at Shen Shi'an several times. Good-looking, kind of
tone. "You did not die."
Shen Shi'an sat on the sofa and touched the dog's head. "Mrs. Qin hasn't died. Where can I
Qin Shu snorted, "Have your mother ever taught you to respect your elders?"
Shen Shi'an looked indifferent. "Have your mother taught you not to climb relatives?"
"You" Qin Shu's eyes widened, and the sunken eyes became scarier and bigger. After taking
a breath, he retracted his fingers and sat on the other sofa with the model. His eyes turned
around the furnishings in the villa. Circle, red lips evoked cheeky taunts. "I heard that you
set up an organization called What is a sharp edge? A small organization that has been
established for less than three months can make such a huge momentum and have such a
standard of living. It seems I'm not throwing money at you. "
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Of course. After all, there is only such a son that I am willing to admit,
and who does not spend money on me. Mr. Gu said that in the future, the entire Gu family's
industry will be mine."
The words "you dreamed" were clearly poking at Qin Shu's sore face, and she was so angry
that her face began to deform. "Why do you count with Chang Sheng to argue about the
property of the family? My son is the eldest son and grandson of the Gu family. The two big
families of Qin stand behind you. What do you have about this little-known small
organization or these incompetent shrimp soldiers and crabs? I advise you to better
identify yourself, an illegitimate child who can't get on the stage, and even has a dream of
prosperity and wealth. It ’s just delusional. As long as I ’m in Gu ’s house for a day, you do
n’t want to touch your fingers for what belongs to Changsheng. ”
Shen Shi'an continued to touch the dog's head, soothing the blood-thirsty bloodthirsty
killing in Shen Xun's eyes, and his expression remained indifferent. "As far as I know, Mrs.
Qin has been kicked out of Gu's house, and Mr. Gu's divorce agreement has been sent out
for nearly one Years later, when Mrs. Qin intends to sign, she really can't bear the position
of Mrs. Gu, there is no way out. She will find a way to give Mr. Gu another medicine and
force a test tube baby to be refined. Maybe Mr. Gu can forgive you. "
Liu Fangzhou didn't know if he didn't hold back the fake and didn't hold back, he fluttered a
The sound is quite loud.
Qin Shu's face was crimson and red, like a signal lamp about to explode. Long nails would
almost scratch the sofa out of a row of holes, and after a long while, relying on the
nobleman's cultivation, he actually held back.
This little **** was only deliberately trying to anger her, as he wished only to let others see
the joke. He wants to play offensive, but he is still tender.
Raising my hand to clarify my horns, and sighed softly. "If I remember correctly, it will be
your mother's death for a while. I was just a bit busy when she died, so I didn't rush to
worship. Sorrowful. So after your grandpa passed away, I sent a pot of flowers to send it in
the past, I wonder if you received it. "
She did send a pot of flowers, and a pot of gorgeous fortune took the lead.
Shen Shi'an appeased the dog, and his thick eyelashes fell down to cover his eyes, and he
suddenly laughed. "Mrs. Qin, I don't know how it feels like being surrounded by ghosts."
Qin Shu trembled suddenly, and his face instantly lost his blood.
"It's you," she stared at Shen Shi'an. The whole person shook like a sieve. Amazing hatred
erupted in the two sunken eyes. "It really is you, and I know it's you that you did to me, and
you What did you do to me Did you raise a little ghost or lower your head? Do you think
that I will be afraid of you by these crooked ways? Do you think that calling some cows,
ghosts, and snakes will drive me out of the Gu family so that you can get what you want Do
you dream that I am not even afraid of the living? I am afraid of the dead, come on, you let
them come. "
Shen Shi'an didn't speak, and her mouth still smiled.
Qin Shu hated his expression very much, and especially hated his eyes exactly like Shen
Those eyes were remembered for many years, and after many years of reading, they kept
firmly in their hearts and did not allow others to be affected by anything, but she refused to
accept her, and it took so much effort to let those eyes close and rot in the soil. She took so
many thoughts to make her family happy and happy, but there was still only that woman in
her heart. Why, in the end, why she was the one who loved him the most, and she was the
legitimate Mrs. Gu family.
Now this little **** came to the capital with the same pair of eyes, and he dared to take
what was supposed to belong to Chang Sheng, he **** it, he **** it just like that bitch
Thick hate gathered on Qin Shu's chest and surged, and she stood up and looked at Shen
Shi'an. "I'm too soft-hearted, it's all my soft-heartedness. I should have made you and your
"I advise Mrs. Qin to think clearly before speaking." Shen Shi'an interrupted her, and the
light in his eyes circulated. "The consequences of some words may not be borne by you."
"Consequences" Qin Shu laughed. "What consequences do you want to kill me? Do you
dare? I am the only daughter of the Qin family. You dare to hurt me for nothing. The Qin
family destroys you as a joke, but it is the same as killing an ant. Simple. Yes, the Gu family
will definitely protect you, but Gu Yan can keep you alone, can he keep you more than a
hundred young cymbals "
She walked to Shen Shi'an step by step, her face could not conceal her pride. "You thought
that since I dared to come, there would be no reliance. As long as you hurt my hair, my
eight men would immediately inform the Qin family. In addition to you, don't want to live
with everyone. The anger of the Qin family is the kind of ants you have never seen before.
"Really." Shen Shi'an responded softly, and then stretched out his hands to grab Qin Shu's
neck with a thunderbolt, lifting her off the ground.
Crunch, crunch.
Qin Shu's skeleton-like cervical spine made a sore noise.
A thin layer of skin quickly turned purple. She slapped Shen Shi'an in vain, struggling to
twist her head to call eight men, but surprisingly, the eight stood at the door of the living
room and watched Qin Shu was about to be strangled without any response.
"Isn't you curious why they didn't rush to save you?" Shen Shi'an put her on the ground,
just to the point where her toes could touch the ground slightly. She could breathe, but
couldn't breathe freely. She was always in the fear and pain of suffocation. " Because in
their eyes, you are just sitting on the sofa drinking tea. "
The moment Qin Shu and the eight men walked into the door, they all stepped into the
illusion created by Tang Song. The eight power-setters couldn't even see Tang Song, let
alone perceive the illusion to rush over to save people.
"You will come here on your own initiative, which is really beyond my expectation. You
said that I should think you are brave, or arrogant to the extreme stupidity" Shen Shi'an
spoke slowly, and the chill was bitter, and he was close at this moment. Then, Qin Shu
discovered that the eyes that looked very similar to those of Shen Qingran were already
"I have imagined countless scenes at this time. With a little effort, you can completely
disappear from this world. You see, even if I kill you now, in your eyes, it will only be you.
Going upstairs, I accidentally stepped on the empty stairs and rolled down and broke my
neck. "He tightened his palm slightly, and Qin Shu's dry-wood-like neck immediately
twisted into a weird and dangerous angle." You said, the Qin family would do it for
themselves. The daughter who ran into the house privately and lost her foot, completely
tore her face with the Gu family holding the pheromone, or to say that in the face of family
interests, you are just a **** that can be discarded. "
Qin Shu was afraid.
The suffocating pain and death that has never been so close made her frantically struggle,
but no matter how hard she tried, she could not loosen Shen Shi'an's palm, and under the
protection of spiritual power, even her nails could not leave any on the other person.
"Don't" death fear finally made her "Don't kill me"
Why not.
She caused her mother to be melancholy and ended up in love with those she loves. This
life is separated from yin and yang. She caused Mr. Gu to have never been happy and happy
in the past 20 years. She secretly ordered to chase herself. His life is the source of all
misfortunes in his life, why not kill her.
Killing Qin Shu has never been easier. He asked Tang Song to weave the illusion, and even
the ark they could not see what was happening at this time.
She was in her own hands, as weak as an ant. With a little effort, he could avenge his
But not enough, just killing her like this, how can I withstand so many tragedies and pains
caused by her.
Shen Shi'an released his palm and threw Qin Shu on the floor.
"You remember," he said, the darkness in his eyes was so intense that "someday, I will let
your Qin family's financial power disappear, and everyone will be like a bereaved dog, and
survive, all you put on my mother will be The Qin family doubled the repayments, and it
wasn't until that time that you were dead. "
Shen Shi'an sat back on the sofa and wiped his fingers with a tissue. The dog squatted by
his legs and bowed his head.
Tang Song withdrew part of the illusion, and Liu Fangzhou watched Qin Shu who coughed
and coughed and cried, exclaiming, "Oh, what's going on, how can you walk and suddenly
fall down, Madam Qin, don't you be old? Calcium deficiency is so rich at home, so make up
for it. "
I don't want to touch the porcelain door.
The eight men couldn't figure out which one it was. They just laughed and talked harshly,
and suddenly they fell to the ground and they coughed like they really are. Would you like
to help them?
"Is there anything else for Mrs. Qin?" Shen Shi'an half-plumped his eyes and let Shen Xun
put his head on his lap. "If it's okay, let's drop off the Ark. Although our organization is
small, things are quite busy."
"Hey," the ark should come down, and trot to the side of Qin Shu. "Mrs. Qin, get up, men and
women can't accept it. Your rules are big, so I won't help you."
Qin Shu glanced up at Shen Shi'an. After looking at his eyes, he struck a spirit and
immediately retracted it. He gritted his teeth and went up the door.
Liu Fangzhou rushed to Xiong Manshan and winked. "Brother Xiong, Mrs. Qin came all the
way to blame the hard work. This is all going. You must hurry up and say a few lucky
Xiong Manshan reacted instantly, catching up with a stack of sounds. "I wish Mrs. Qin will
neither be sick nor stricken, nor will she die early, nor will her home be ruined, nor will her
children be cut off, and she will not be hit by a car on the road. , Standing downstairs will
not be smashed by bricks, sunny days will not be exposed to the sun and rain, and will not
be showered for a lifetime. She will never be bitten by zombies. She has gone away. "
Going all the way.
The author has something to say, owe two more, I will try to update
Please collect the author, please, click on the author column to see it, you can increase the
article points
It seems that there is something wrong with the automatic thank you list, but I can see the
nutrient solution thrown by everyone who threw thunder, and give refills to all the little
cute people who threw thunder and irrigation liquid.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 138:

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Qin Shuyin went out with a face and bumped into a person at the gate of the base. He
immediately yelled, "Is he blind? I don't know how to walk."
After scolding, I continued to move forward. I didn't know what was going on, and
suddenly my body was crooked, and I fell down on the road and rolled twice, and a truck
A lady of the water system under "Mrs." promptly stopped the truck with a water wall and
rushed to hold up Qin Shu. "Madam, are you okay?"
The bruises on the elbows and knees hurt Qin Shu to get air-conditioning, and his backhand
was slap in the face. "What is the use of a bunch of waste I support in the Qin family, even I
was almost killed, except to waste food. What else can you say about this garbage? "
The sharp nails scratched a few bloodstains on the face of his hands instantly, and the
water-powered person lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and closed his mouth.
After she was vented of anger, another of her men came over. "Madam, are we going back
to Qinfu now?"
Qin Shuping breathed back and folded the luxurious mink coat "No, I'm going to see Chang
Mr. Gu happened to be away, and the four soldiers guarding the gate of Gufu dutifully
stopped them. "Mr. Gu has orders, and no one can step in."
Qin Shugao lifted his skinny chin and sneered. "Open your dog's eyes to see clearly. I'm the
bright lady of Gufu. What kind of thing do you dare to stop me from, even if I get divorced,
I'll come back and see The son must also ask your consent to stop giving up. I will let you all
eat and walk around. "
The soldier ignored her and turned around and called Xie Yang.
Xie Yangdao "Let her come in, pay attention to staring, except for Master Chang Sheng's
yard, it is forbidden to set foot."
The soldier put down his arms "Mrs. Qin please."
Qin Shu headed up and walked in. He walked to the door of the courtyard where Gu
Changsheng lived, stopped his sleeves, and stopped the abrasions caused by the previous
Gu Changsheng was doing his business in the study. A few stacks of documents were placed
on the table, his face was white, and his mouth coughed from time to time. Seeing Qin Shu
was shocked and happy, "Why are you here, aren't you training in your grandfather's
house?" Qin Shu has been mad for more than half a year, and has been staying at the Qin
family for regular medical treatments. Don't say that he walks out. When he is seriously ill,
he is crazy all day Words are crazy, even the most basic communication with normal people
can't be done.
"You sit still," Qin Shu walked a few steps, crouched down in front of the wheelchair, and
held his hand. "Mum came to see you, how is your health, how are you taking medicine
recently? Why are your hands so cold?" I didn't take care of you "
"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry about me, have you recovered? Have you asked the doctor to
check what the doctor said about your grandfather knowing you're out? Would you sit
down first, Xiao Wen? Pot of tea. "
Qin Shu sat down on the sofa, still holding Gu Changsheng's hand, looking at this face that
looks very similar to Gu Yan, his face is full of love and tenderness. "Mom is all right,
mother is completely awake . "
She touched her son's pale and thin face, and was distressed. "We have lost a lot of weight.
My mother is sick during this time, and it worries you. Don't you worry, my mother will
never get sick again and talk nonsense, there is a mother, Do n’t try to bully us Changsheng,
it ’s our Changsheng stuff, do n’t even touch that bitch. ”
Gu Changsheng looked at a "cheese"
Qin Shu held his hand tighter. It seemed that he had accidentally touched a lie that had
been carefully concealed for many years, and suddenly became flustered. His eyes flashed
darkly, and he breathed out with determination.
"Actually, my mother has never told you. Soon after I married your father, he was seduced
by someone and left an illegitimate child. The illegitimate child and his mother were both
bad guys. , Delusion to replace me and your position as a part of the Gu family, but because
they are too bad, grandparents have long seen through their tricks and humanity, so set the
house rules, everyone is strictly prohibited to mention them at the Gu family, to prevent
any letting The possibility of their relationship with the Gu family climbing up. "
She stared at Gu Changsheng's eyes tightly, and did not dare to miss the slightest change in
emotion. "The reason why my mother hid you is for your sake. Before, you were too young
and could not understand a lot of things. Later I grew up but My body is not good. My
mother does not want to be troubled by these messy things. The doctor also said that your
body needs to be relaxed and cultivated. You must not be stimulated. How can my mother
let some unimportant people make you unhappy? Affect your health, so I have never told
you, Chang Sheng, would you blame your mother? Do n’t blame your mother, OK? "
"That illegitimate child, is it called Shen Shi'an?"
"Yes, that's him, he's that cheap." Qin Shu said a word, and suddenly came over. "You know
if you have seen him yourself, haven't he come to Gu's house, has he bullied you
Changsheng, you told your mother, that Did he bully you?
What else, what important things were ignored by her.
After cursing herself and being surrounded by all kinds of ghosts, she seems to be living in
a horrible nightmare. She can hear and see what others say, but it seems to be separated by
a misty glass. Things left some traces on the glass, and some things slipped silently, except
for a few phantom phantoms she saw nothing.
She remembered that I had given her a divorce agreement, she remembered that she had
returned to Qin's house, and then the virus broke out. Many people became cannibalistic
ghosts, with limbs and arms broken everywhere, miserable everywhere. Called wailing,
strong **** atmosphere.
The high degree of coincidence between nightmare and reality made her recover soberly
during this time. She knew that the Qin family quickly attracted a number of troops with
the industrial and material advantages established before the last days, and later became
one of the main managers of the Beijing base. First, she knew that Gu's family was badly
damaged, almost the entire family was overwhelmed, and her strength was greatly
damaged. Qin's family was far behind.
The best way for the Gu family to come back as soon as possible is to use the power of the
Qin family. As long as the Gu family cannot leave the Qin family, I wo n’t divorce her, and
they can still be a loving couple. The family of three can Be happy together forever.
At that time, Qin Shu was very happy, and felt that life was full of hope again.
But there is one more variable.
Shen Shi'an is not dead.
As long as he lives for a day, He will remember that he has a son.
So behind her father, she secretly issued an order to the garrison forces in the Qin family in
various places, and found a person named Shen Shi'an at the Medical University of H City,
leaving him nowhere to be buried.
The more intense the sufferings of all ghosts, the deeper she hated Shen Shi'an. He not only
had to die, he had to die extremely miserably. The torture he suffered absolutely had to be
paid back hundreds of times by that cheap seed.
And then what happened happened her memory began to confuse again, after she issued
the hunting order, what happened in the end
Yes. She remembered the official establishment of the Beijing base, and Ai posted a reward
at the mission center. He hired a psionicist to find and **** Shen Shi'an into Beijing.
As if a pot of cold water was poured down, Qin Shu was full of excitement, and the Lingtai
suddenly became clear. Finally, the past and the present were linked together. "From that
time, from that time on, you will know whether Changsheng is him or not"
Gu Changsheng bowed his head and said nothing. After a while, he whispered, "If it's not
the end of the world, when will my mother tell me, I have an older brother."
"Brother" Qin Shu opened his eyes suddenly, and his voice was almost broken. "Which
brother is he from? Where is he worthy to be your brother? You were born first. You are
the eldest son and grandson of the Gu family."
She gasped for a few breaths, let go of Gu Changsheng's wrist that was scratched by her and
turned to hold his shoulder. "Chang Sheng, listen to me, you must not be deceived by that
cheap appearance, all Only mothers are the closest to you in the world. Only our mother
and son are truly connected. Mothers will never harm you, do you believe in mothers? Shen
Shi'an and his mother are the most despicable and bad people. The reason why mothers
will When he saw a ghost, he was harmed by Shen Shi. He cast a spell on me using a
crooked way. All these ghosts were called by him to harm me. "
She looked up at the long-haired female ghost hanging upside down from the ceiling, her
face grimace, "You are just a ghost that can't do anything, I'm not afraid you will kill me if
you have the ability"
Gu Changsheng frowned, turning his head and attending Xiao Wen to look at each other,
looking a little worried "Mom"
Qin Shu didn't give him a chance to finish his speech, and turned his attention back to him
and continued, "You listen to my mother, you listen to me, God has eyes and took Shen
Qingran that fox essence early. Now only Shen Shi'an is left. A scourge, but do n’t be afraid
of Changsheng. As long as there is a mother, the mother will not let him bully you. The
young master of the Gu family has only you. The cheap guy dreams of stealing family
property from you. I am absolutely It ’s not like he ’s willing to wait for me to go back and
tell your grandfather what he did today. Your grandfather ca n’t spare him. At that time, I
’m going to get rid of that bitch, and let Shen Shian be ashamed. ”
Gu Changsheng's fingers shook and his brows frowned even more. "You went to him"
"Yes, I heard from the subordinate's mouth that when the **** established an organization,
I couldn't believe it, so I personally took a look at it, but I didn't expect his life was so hard,
and it really wasn't dead." Qin Shu hated Gritting his teeth, a bit of madness appeared in his
eyes, as if talking to himself and not like "He **** it, he should have been damned. The
captain of that rescue team had clearly assured me, and he had clearly promised that Shen
Shi'an would have been zombies. The group was torn to pieces, and now he was alive and
well to the capital. It can be seen that the captain was simply lying to a small captain, and
he dared to yin and yang, and waited for me to find him to make him die. It ’s easy to teach
him how to deceive our Qin family. I do n’t know his name, but it does n’t matter. The base
of Beijing is so big. I can certainly rely on the power of my Qin family. ”
"This matter has nothing to do with the rescue captain," Gu Changsheng suddenly
interrupted her. "I did it. It was I that gave you a second order for the garrison while you
were unconscious. Shen Shi'an is protected at the price. "
Qin Shu settled "what"
Gu Changsheng held the handrail of the wheelchair, half-closed eyes blocked the look in his
eyes. "After you learned that Shen Shi'an's death, his mental state deteriorated for a while,
and he couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality. Order the garrisons of major
security bases to **** Shen Shi'an into Beijing at all costs. "
Qin Shu seemed to be caught in a huge mess, with anger and confusion on his face, "why"
"You did something wrong. I don't want you to make mistakes again and again."
"I did something wrong" Qin Shu was very angry and smiled. "I did something wrong. I am
the upright Mrs. Gu family, the wife of your father Ming Media, and Shen Qingran's ****
stabbed her to ruin the marriage and destroy my family. It caused me and my wife to stare
at each other for more than 20 years. The **** she gave birth to wants to replace your
status and seize Gu Jia's business. You tell me, what did I do wrong? "
With tears in her eyes, she seized Gu Changsheng's palm. "Do you know how these stupid
women in Beijing's high circle who have come here for more than 20 years, in the face of
my grandma flattery, laughed at me in secret? The men who were **** with a rope on the
bed of 039 couldn't be tied up. When they got married, they were drilled by the fox outside,
or the Gu family, or the Qin family. Which one doesn't wait to see my joke, do you know
how much I have suffered? How much tears shed, how much pain I secretly swallowed, I
did something wrong, where did I go wrong, I just want to live a good life with my husband,
and want our family to be happy and happy without being disturbed by other people. Is this
wrong? "
Qin Shu wiped her tears, and her expression suddenly became ruthless. "You tell mom, is
there anyone who chewed the tongue in front of your face? Is it a slave who has told you a
falsehood in black and white?" Impossible Yes, she has been very strict these years. All the
people who can get close to Chang Sheng are repeatedly beaten by her careful selection.
Every day he reports what he did and what he said. In order not to let the group of people
in the Shen family dirty his ears, who instilled these ridiculous thoughts that "it was her
fault" for Chang Sheng
Did it happen after she became ill
Suddenly she stood up, raised her hand and gave Xiao Wen behind the wheelchair a slap "Is
it you, isn't it that you deliberately tricked the young master"
"Mom, what are you doing?" Gu Changsheng was so anxious and angry that he couldn't stop
covering his mouth and coughing, "Cough Xiaowen, how do you cough?"
"I'm okay, Master. Don't worry," Xiao Wen patted his back on one knee, and poured him a
glass of water. "That's right, take a deep breath, come and drink slowly."
Gu Changsheng pushed the glass away and looked up at Qin Shu. His eyes were full of pain
and struggle. "You don't blame others. I know what you have done. I know that Ms. Shen
and her father are in love first. You and your father are married at Later, I knew that you
sent someone to spy on the Shen family and threatened Ms. Shen to not allow her to have
any connection with her father. I know that you sent someone to hurt Ms. Shen's mother
and bought the school board of h Medical University to cancel Ms. Shen's father I ’m also a
life-long honorary professor, and I also know that you bought 039 murders, 039 kills, and
039 people at the end of last year. It almost cost Shen Shi'an's life. Your records are well
kept, but I have all seen them. After I knew Shen Shian ’s existence , I figured out how to
find and restore those files. The fact is that I don't need others to tell me. I already knew
everything from the files you were trying to hide. "
He covered his mouth and coughed a few more times, his throat was sore as a tear, and the
handkerchief was faintly bloodied. He held the handkerchief in the palm of his hand, and
the pain and struggle in his eyes became more and more intense. "At that time, Gu Qin
married for family interests. You and your father were both victims, but what's wrong with
Ms. Shen, she is in love with her father. First, she could only be forced to separate from the
gloomy. How innocent is she, and how innocent is Shen Shi'an, who lost his mother's
protection at the age of twelve. "
Qin Shu stood up tremblingly, trembling with anger. "She is innocent Shen Shi'an and
innocent. What about me? In your eyes, I'm a viper woman with a viper heart, isn't Shen
Qingran dead? I have never touched her half a finger, even if she is dead, I have put her in
my heart for more than 20 years, and I even want to bring that **** to look back and
recognize her ancestors, your grandparents I feel that your health is too poor to bear the
heavy responsibility of continuing the Gu family. I even agreed that I worked hard for the
Gu family for more than 20 years. The two old-fashioned old people agreed to let a wild
species enter the family to inherit the family business. Where you are, where do you put
me, and where are our Qin family? I am going to Shen Shi'an to die. I ca n’t wait to peel him
off and smash him. But everything I do is not all For you "
Qin Shu was mad, grabbing what was on the desk, and started throwing it to the ground.
"Even if someone does n’t understand me, even my own son, who was born and raised
hard, treats me secretly as an enemy. You are too disappointed. Changsheng, you are too
disappointed with your mother "
Gu Changsheng's lips were tight, and he suffered the anger of his mother silently, until he
saw Qin Shu grabbing a bottle of water on his desk, and his expression changed suddenly.
"Don't move that Xiaowen"
The attendant Xiao Wen, who had been standing by the side, regained the bottle of water
from Qin Shu, and Gu Changsheng grasped it and hugged it tightly into his arms. "You want
to get angry, even if I copy this yard, I can't stop it, but this is not OK."
Qin Shu could not stand such disobedience at this time, and immediately went to grab "take
it out and let you take it out"
"No," Gu Changsheng insisted. "This is from my brother. No one can touch it."
This sentence was like a bomb 039 bomb, which instantly detonated the last tight string of
reason in Qin Shu's head. "He is not your brother. How many times have I said that he is not
worthy of being your brother. You are the eldest son and grandson of the Gu family. He
killed you like this. Over the years, you have suffered so much and suffered so many sins.
You ca n’t be as healthy and healthy as everyone else. Barely raising to this day, all thanks
to Shen Shi'an
All thanks to Shen Shi'an
Gu Changsheng laughed suddenly, and the laughter was too loud, involving the heart and
lung trachea for another cough, a few traces of sick flushing appeared on his face, and then
he slowly raised his eyes and looked at her.
Qin Shu found out now that those eyes, which were very similar to Gu Jie, did not know
when they were filled with the same indifference.
"I will look like this, isn't it because of you, mom?"
A loud slap rang through the study. Gu Changsheng was beaten halfway, and nearly fell
over from a wheelchair.
"Master" servant Xiao Wen helped him in time, "Master, are you okay?"
He certainly has something.
At that time, Gu Changsheng was seriously injured due to premature birth, and his body
was weak and weak. Both the skin, blood vessels and bones were much more fragile than
ordinary people. His entire left face was swollen and swollen quickly, and the pale skin on
the other parts looked particularly scary.
"Chang Sheng" Qin Shu woke up and was completely panicked. "Cheng Sheng, how are you
sorry? Sorry mom didn't mean it, let mom see where it hurts."
Gu Changsheng blocked her hand that she was trying to touch, and wiped the blood on the
corner of her mouth with a handkerchief.
"You should leave," he said. "Dad will be back soon. He would be unhappy if he saw you."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 139:

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In the last chapter of the overhaul, there are important adjustments to the plot.
Lu Xiuyuan walked into the villa, "Who is the crazy woman who just ran out?"
"Mad woman" Liu Fangzhou thought about it. "You said that Qin Shu from the Qin family
ran over to find the captain, and was given a debuff by Brother Xiong."
Lu Xiuyuan stepped and looked at Shen Shi'an, the Qin Shu who was thrown into the
zombies by the Qin Shu who ordered the Garrison to kill you.
Shen Shian nodded.
Liu Fangzhou was a little curious and came up with an apple. "You met her, what happened
to you?"
"She called me blind."
Oh yeah.
Liu Fangzhou glanced at his right eye blocked by the blindfold, and couldn't help sighing at
the ability to step on a scar. It was a miracle that Mrs. Qin had not been killed today.
After thinking about it and asking "then what did you do to her", Lu Ge's character is not
like he can bear the grievance after being aggrieved.
Lu Xiuyuan sneered, and there was a sneer in his eyes. "I made her fall."
It was a pity that the fall was not severe enough, the speed of the truck was too slow, and
the speed of her men was too fast, otherwise all revenge would be reported.
Tang Song picked up a hair from the ground and said to Shen Shi'an "If there is nothing
else, I will go back to the scientific research building first."
Shen Shi'an stood up from the sofa. "Thank you."
"This is what I should do."
After Tang Song left, Shen Shian paced back and forth in the living room, wondering why he
was a little disturbed.
"I'll go out with Xun Xun," he said to Xu Ge and others after a short while. "I have a
telephone call."
Shen Xun jumped up from the carpet, shivered and followed him out of the villa "An An,
where are we going?"
"Gu family."
Encountered halfway along with Zheng Gang, the head of the Flying Dragon Regiment, Shen
Shi'an asked for a long time about purchasing pheromone reagents. He waited for a while,
and when he rode a big dog to Gu's house, Qin Shu just left.
It was learned from the soldiers on duty that Qin Shu had come to visit Gu Changsheng,
Shen Shi'an frowned, and went straight to Gu Changsheng's residence under the guidance
of the housekeeper.
The courtyard where Gu Changsheng lives is elegant and chic. The only drawback is that
the door is too small for the dog to get in, and he can only stand in the courtyard with a
breath blowing flowers and grass.
Shen Shi'an kissed his forehead on his forehead and calmed the dog. As soon as he entered
the door, he smelled a pungent smell of iodine.
My heart was tight, and I took two more steps inside, and then I saw Gu Changsheng's
bruised bruise, which became swollen, and at this time it looked more and more appalling
on his left face.
For a while, I couldn't figure out what it was like in my heart, pleasure, doubt, confusion but
more of it was anger.
An irresistible anger.
He strode forward, his voice so cold as to be filled with ice scum "Qin Shu hit you"
Gu Changsheng was taken aback and hurriedly turned to hide his wounds. "It's all right
without me, Mr. Shen, what are you doing here, Xiao Wen, go and make tea in a pot."
"I'll ask you something." Shen Shi'an turned his wheelchair around, his eyes fixed on his
wound, and his beautiful eyes shot out the terrifying cold light. "Qin Shu hit you, why did
you change it secretly?" Followed her orders, will the garrisons everywhere protect me? "
Gu Changsheng was shocked. "You, you know how you are. I have no other meaning. I know
my mother has done something wrong, so I want to do my best to make up for it. Don't be
angry, I haven't."
"What's this," Shen Shi'an interrupted, standing upright with his hands on his back, and
smirking at the corners of his mouth. "You and your mother and you have negotiated to
perform a double reed in front of me. Do you think such a bitter plan, I can laugh at you
with gratitude And sincerely respect your brothers and friends "
Gu Changsheng's eyes darkened, and his heart was bitter. He looked at Shen Shian and said
quietly, "Mr. Shen, I know that everything my mother did to you and the Shen family is
unforgivable, and I also know that you must hate me especially, and even hate me so much
that it is I'm afraid the same is true. But whether you believe it or not, I have never lied or
performed in front of you. "
Shen Shian's hands behind his back clenched tightly into fists.
He hated the situation now.
If Gu Changsheng, like his mother, was savage and ruthless, and designed secretly to deal
with himself, then he would never relent in revenge, but would only make the mother and
son's fate worse than one.
But Gu Changsheng just didn't.
At least from the information currently available, this young man, regardless of whether he
wants to admit it or not, has deep blood **** with him. Except for secret protection and
help, he has not done anything intended to hurt him.
But in case he is disguised, in case all this is a deliberate scheme
Shen Shi'an was unwilling to tell, he was too lazy to tell, he hated to tell.
Qin Shu and him have a common hatred. Gu Changsheng is her son, and the mother is in
debt. Is n’t that enough? Why should he let him distinguish between a young man who is
also a blood of enemies? Is bad
Might as well kill it together.
Gu Changsheng suddenly coughed.
The outdoor temperature was extremely low, but the houses he lived in were as warm as
early summer. Not only did the heater turn on, but there were also several braziers in the
corners, and he was covered with several thick clothes on the inside and the outside.
Even so, the ice cubes used to apply cold wounds froze his lips, and once he coughed, it was
Obviously, the chest is surging, but the body first moves in thinking.
Shen Shi'an bent down, raised his hand and pressed Gu Changsheng's back into his body
and lost two spiritual forces.
"Why is your body like this?" Shen Shi'an just saw the bottle of spiritual spring water
wrapped in a blanket by him, and narrowed his eyes. "I didn't drink the water I gave you
last time, why are you afraid of me?" Poison? "
"No, I don't." The two spirits got into the body, Gu Changsheng's cough stopped
immediately, and he turned around and wanted to explain, "This is the only thing you gave
me. After drinking, there will be no more. I think Take care "
I did n’t finish talking, I blushed for a while, and I started **** the cap “I'll drink now”
Shen Shi'an snatched it up and snorted, "You haven't been afraid of stinking after covering
for so long."
Put away this bottle of water, and then take out another bottle from the space, and unscrew
the lid and sip "Drink."
The new bottle is about half the size of the original bottle, but it contains pure spring water
that is directly taken from the spring eye without any dilution.
Since obtaining the portable space and the Lingquan, in addition to Shen Shi'an himself and
the dog who have drank pure spiritual spring water, everyone else, whether they are
friends or teammates or Mr. Gu, most of them drink mixed with ordinary mineral water or
The Lingquan after being diluted in other ways.
This is not Shen Shi'an stingy, but pure Lingquan's effect is too strong. At first, he just
sprayed a few times and mutated ordinary green sage and ordinary aloe into a virgin forest.
The large amount of aura in the Lingquan water is not human and the body is unusual like
Shen Xun. If you rush into the pure spring, you may cause uncontrollable changes. This is
like an ordinary person overeating ginseng. To the proper nourishing effect, it is easy to
cause damage to the body.
However, Gu Changsheng's body was already losing a lot. The original loss was almost an
empty shelf, and he has survived by external forces. He wants to fundamentally improve his
physique. Only living human bones and bones, and pure muscles are easy to clean.
Lingquan can do it.
Holding the bottle, Gu Changsheng was a little bit reluctant. Shen Shi'an swept coldly with
his eye knife, and hurled tightly to his mouth.
Last time he helped a little bit in the land lease application. Shen Shi'an used a bottle of
water as a gift. He guessed that the water probably had some special effects. It wasn't until
he drank it that he realized it. I'm afraid water is more than the word "special".
Since remembering, this body is a prisoner 039 for Gu Changsheng. He is not allowed to
move, he is not allowed to jump. Every step is like walking on a muddy marsh with a huge
rock on his back. And this prisoner At any time, it may collapse completely and bury him
For the first time in his life, he felt that the prison had cracked.
His eyelashes twitched twice, and he looked up to see Shen Shi'an "this water"
"Drink." Shen Shi'an's tone was cold, and he blocked it unrulyly. "Drink it all, no drop left."
Gu Changsheng couldn't help but bend his corners and nodded hard. "Um."
After he drank a small bottle of pure Lingquan, Shen Shian took the bottle back and
tightened the bottle cap to prepare for the space.
"Mr. Shen," Gu Changsheng stared at his hand and said, "Can you give it to me?"
"What" Shen Shi'an sneered "Let you send it on your back for inspection and analysis, so as
to analyze what is in it?"
"I don't." Gu Changsheng held a blanket and smiled with a temperament. "No, it doesn't
matter, I'm too abrupt."
Shen Shi'an was a little dull. He didn't know why it was boring, but it was boring.
It seemed that there was a fire in his chest, and whenever he wanted to vent it and destroy
everything, he was turned into invisible by a light rain.
This uncontrollable emotion really bored him.
But he did not leave directly.
"Why the second order was issued," he asked Gu Changsheng, "the captain of the rescue
team heading to the Medical University of H City has clearly sent back the message and
confirmed that Shen Shi'an's death was not it"
After drinking a whole bottle of pure Lingquan, Gu Changsheng's complexion was ruddy
and ruddy, and even the scary slap print left only a trace of superficial, careful observation
or even invisible traces. .
The whole person has a spirit, and his elegant temperament, which is very similar to that of
Mr. Gu, is more and more obvious.
He looked at Shen Shi'an, both like joy and embarrassment. "Mr. Shen might laugh at me,
but I know you are fine."
Shen Shian frowned "what do you mean"
"My health is bad. I have to drink medicine regularly. There is no way to have fun or enjoy
life like my normal peers. So I have received a closed education from childhood to age.
What to learn, what to read, what to know, It was all planned by my mother. It was n’t until
the end of the last days that Mr. Gu posted that reward in the task center. I did n’t know
that I still had one. I did n’t know that there was another you in this world. Jing, looking at
Shen Shi'an softly, "That was the first time I knew your name, and the first time I knew your
relationship with me, but strangely, in the midst of it, I felt like I already knew your
existence. These words may sound a little weird, but when the captain of the channel
transmitted the news of the completion of the mission, I was 100% sure that you were still
safe. "
Shen Shi'an was silent for a long while, then sneered, "As you said, there is still a telepathy
between us" is ridiculous.
"I didn't mean that," Gu Changsheng seemed to want to explain, watching Shen Shi'an's face
swallow the words again. After a while, he whispered, "I just know you're fine."
Shen Shi'an was too lazy to dwell on this issue again. The dog is already impatient.
"Stand up," he said to Gu Changsheng.
"I can't understand you. I want you to stand up and take two steps." I don't know why, as
long as you watch him Shen Shi'an, you can't help but create a wicked fire.
"Oh." Gu Changsheng stood up obediently and walked two steps, and then froze on the spot
almost petrified. "I, I can walk on my own."
Shen Shi'an ignored him, walked over and put his hand against his back, leading a spiritual
force to walk around him for two weeks. "Is there anything uncomfortable?"
Gu Changsheng shook his head. "No."
"Clenched your fist and punch me."
Shen Shi'an Impatient "Hurry Up"
Gu Changsheng punched him subconsciously, and Shen Shi'an raised his hand to catch the
force slightly weaker than a normal adult male, but considering his previous physical
condition, this level was already quite good. The transformation effect of Lingquan is
continuous, and it should be improved afterwards.
As the body walked along with the flow of spiritual power, a sense of warmth was born, Gu
Changsheng did not remember when he felt warm last time. By this time he finally
responded "You haven't left, just want to confirm whether my recovery status"
Shen Shi'an did not speak. After the spiritual power completed the cycle, he took his palm
off Gu Changsheng's back.
He is slightly taller than Gu Changsheng, and the impact of his face is more and more
intense when he lowers his head slightly. A pair of eyes carry light, the ends of the eyes are
narrow, and the eyes are cold like a knife. The favor of your family is the return of your
protection order. There is a saying that you are right. Everything Qin Shu does is
unforgivable. Whether she or the Qin family who supported her for wrongdoing, I will not
let go of it. If you are willing to be safe and secure, I don't mind removing you from the Qin
family's queue and never disturbing each other, but if you dare to move something secretly,
Shen Shi'an smiled, and there was a bloodthirsty air under his eyes. "You can try my
Gu Changsheng called him when he turned around and went out, "Mr. Shen, can I call your
brother in the future"
The phrase "Who is your brother" is about to blurt out, I wonder why it still dissipates
between the lips and teeth after all.
"My mouth is on you, can I manage you?"
"Brother," Gu Changsheng said with a smile, "Thank you."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 140:

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This is the anti-theft chapter
At the same time, without Shen Shi'an's permission and leadership, Shen Xun was still
unable to approach Lingquan half a step, and was firmly blocked by the golden barrier five
meters away.
Shen Shi'an finally understood the role and significance of the protective cover.
In the blink of an eye, on February 4th, Lunar New Year's Eve.
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes at six o'clock as usual, Shen Xun was ready to lay on the bed,
rubbing his buttocks and lumping himself under the quilt into a ball, but it didn't take long
for him to be stunned by the thick meat scent from the door. The aroma came into the
kitchen, and the bird's nest-like dull hair trembled and drowsyly embraced Shen Shi'an's
calf "meat"
Shen Shi'an tasted the taste of chicken broth, adjusted to a gentle heat and continued to
cook. "Speak well, complete in one sentence." It was about unfamiliar with human
language, and he found that children were increasingly cutting corners when speaking, and
they could use one word firmly without two. This is not a good habit. Even if he can
understand it, sooner or later, he will be found vulnerable to contact with the outside
world, so he is committed to correcting it as soon as possible.
Shen Xun hadn't fully woke up, yawning and squinting on his pants. The fabric of coral
fleece's home clothes was soft and comfortable, filled with the owner's fresh and good
smell. After a while, I said "I want to eat meat"
Shen Shi'an wiped his hands and lifted him to the bathroom. "Brush his teeth and wash his
face first, wash them carefully, and the toothpaste foam can not be swallowed."
"Sweet can't swallow."
Staring at him on the children's bench after washing, peeled two eggs for the child and
poured a glass of milk. "The meat is not good yet. Wait a while, you can eat the couplets."
Shen Shian posted, Shen Xun helped hand over the transparent glue, and by the way looked
up to monitor the couplet. In the end, there was a little golden pig. Shen Shi'an thought
about it, while the child was not paying attention to his back, then he calmly invited Wan
Feng from the opposite side to come and eat together.
Two bodyguards are now only Wan Feng. Fan Guoping's wife and daughter are in City B.
The Chinese New Year and Wanjia reunion are not good for the other party because they
have to separate the two places from their family on New Year's Eve, so Shen Shian
advances. I asked Mr. Gu to take three days off. Before talking, I thought I had to talk a little
bit. I didn't expect Mr. Gu to speak unexpectedly, and I agreed after a little consideration.
Fan Guoping was of course overjoyed, and had already set off for home last night.
According to Shen Shi'an's plan, Wan Feng had been asked to take a leave. One was that
nothing had happened around him since the car accident. The other was that he had room
to rely on. Now it is not easy to want his life. However, Wan Feng refused, saying that he
was the only one left in the family, and it was the same where he spent the New Year.
This point is already considered to be brunch. According to the Shen family's practice, the
broth is under the bar. The soup base is a big bone soup that has been stewed for a few
hours and started to stew. It has a strong color and is bubbling in the casserole. Cooked
noodles in clear water, put them in an open bowl after cooling water, sprinkle with green
onions, blanch two greens, spread a few slices of ham and a golden flowing poached egg,
and pour a spoonful of milky white Bone soup, and a spoonful of chicken soup with golden
fat. Green onions, pink ham, tender poached eggs, hot greens are refreshing and fresh, and
a mixture of bone marrow, chicken, and green onions is scorching hot. After a meal, each of
them sweats.
Wan Feng offered to wash the dishes, Shen Xun sat on a stool and kicked chicken legs, while
Shen Shi'an began to prepare tonight's highlights dumplings.
Wan Feng said little, unlike Shen Shi'an's coldness and alienation towards most people. He
either didn't have a sense of presence, or his presence was so strong that he could scare a
child. Wash all the chopsticks with caution with regard to the sophisticated weapon, turn
around and see Shen Shian's skilled kneading action, with a little surprise. "On the city side,
New Year's Eve seems to make more Chinese New Year's Eve." Eating dumplings is usually
North customs.
Shen Shi'an kept moving, rolling the dough back and forth, and replied, "My grandpa and
grandpa were originally northerners. They went to the south to study in the 1980s. After
graduation, they settled in city H. They lived here for decades. Some northerners still have
the habit of eating dumplings every New Year's Eve. "
Wan Feng knew it, so it turned out. After watching for a while, he said, "Mr. Shen is skilled."
Shen Shian smiled and didn't speak. He still learned the technique of making dumplings
from his mother, and his mother was a teacher-in-law. After his mother died, he followed
his grandfather to practice cooking. After studying for several years, the dumplings he
made were finally similar to his mother's.
Knead the dough thoroughly, and roll it into pieces of palm dumplings. There are three
kinds of fillings: pork, amaranth and corn stuffing, leek, egg and shrimp stuffing, and
shrimp and fish jelly pork stuffing.
The filling is chopped finely and the juice is splashing. Although it is still half-lived, the
aroma is very enticing. Shen Xun learns the appearance of Shen Shi'an and holds the
dumpling skin. , Cold face blasted out of the kitchen not allowed to take a step closer.
Mr. Gu arrived at more than seven in the evening.
Fengchen servant was covered with cold, and after entering the door, he apologized to Shen
Shi'an. "I didn't expect it would be so late. Something has been delayed. Wait a long time."
Wan Feng said goodbye to his employer and returned to the opposite house. Shen Shi'an
stood upright at the entrance, with a faint look. "No, I just finished dumplings." Then he
gave him a pair of disposable slippers for guests.
Mr. Gu took off his coat and looked down to see the child beside Shen Shi'an's leg. Although
he had been known from the bodyguard's mouth for a long time, he was surprised at first
Shen Shi'an said, "My son."
Mr. Gu's handsome and elegant face seemed to be twisted for a moment. Zhang opened his
mouth as if to say something. Shen Shi'an had led the child and turned away. Standing there
for a while, the question was filled with pressure, and I sat on the sofa bench to change my
He's no stranger to this house. Many years ago, when he was planning to propose to
Qingran, he came once. After the death of Shen Hao and Shen Hao, each came once. Shen
Shi'an lived alone for the past two years. .
The decoration and furnishings have not changed much from his impression, which is the
neatness and generosity of the Shen family. It's just that there is a mushroom-shaped dog
kennel next to the fog-blue fabric sofa, which looks a little different from the overall style.
Gaze swept over the kennel, and then headed straight towards the storeroom. The tide
wave faintly turned up at the bottom of his eyes, and Shen Shi'an said, "I'll go and give your
mother a pillar incense."
The storage room is clean and elegant. In front of Shen Qingran's photos, there are
sacrifices that have been changed in the morning. The scent of sandalwood is mixed with
the aroma of fruits and flowers. It is quiet and soft, which makes people clear.
Mr. Gu looked at the photo, his eyes became red, and he smiled and shouted, "Qing Ran, I'm
here to see you."
Shen Shi'an didn't follow up, and took Shen Xun to sit on the sofa for about half an hour,
until he heard the children murmur and started to knock on the door, "Mr. Gu, it's time to
The dumplings were cooked quickly, and when the water pan was opened, the fat
dumplings like Yuanbao turned up their white belly shortly. Shen Shi'an first gave Wan
Feng two pots, and the rest were all served and placed on the table. Set the dishes, cups,
chopsticks, soy sauce and vinegar, and opened a bottle of red wine. The main seat was
empty, Mr. Gu sat on one side, and Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun sat on the other side.
Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in the urban area, but sporadic blasts and
cheerful laughter from the children can still be heard. The TV in the living room started to
play the Spring Festival party. The sound was not loud, and it was full of room lights and
steaming dumplings, but it also showed a bit of annual flavor.
Mr. Gu raised his wine glass, no abnormalities were seen around his eyes, and he smiled
softly. "An'an is hard. I wish you all success in your studies in the new year and a good life
for your youth."
Shen Shi'an also raised his glass and touched it lightly. "I also wish Mr. Gu's wishes come
Shen Xunren had short arms, even when sitting on a specially elevated chair. He could only
drag Shen Shi'an's hand down to touch him. Seeing the attractive red wine in his glass, he
touched his mouth to express his desire. Taste it.
"This is wine, children can't drink it." Shen Shi'an pulled his hand back and rubbed two of
his furry heads by the way "Drink your tomato juice obediently."
Mr. Gu watched his look, his gaze turned back and forth between him and the child for a
while, and he thought for a moment, and asked "An An, this is really your child"
Shen Shi'an put a few dumplings with shrimp and fish paste in Shen Xun's bowl and
nodded. "His surname is Shen, called Shen Xun. This year is three years old, and his mother
is not willing to ask him, so I will raise him later." Gu Ye would believe this rhetoric, but
whether he believed it or not, it didn't really make much difference to him. He looked up
and Mr. Gu looked at him. "His mother and I are having a terrible trouble, and they have
completely cut off contact. I do n’t have his birth certificate, so I ca n’t let him get an
account, so he is now a black household. I ca n’t do anything about it for the time being. I do
n’t know if I can trouble Mr. Gu for help ”
Mr. Gu was relieved because he was so unobtrusive in his words, but also relieved that he
seldom took the initiative to ask for help, and immediately promised, "You can rest assured,
leave it to me."
After saying a word, there was a brief silence on the dining table, only Shen Xun heartlessly
stuffed dumplings in his mouth, the mouth was not finished, and several forks were
Mr. Gu was in the market, and he was a long-sleeve dancer in the officialdom. He was facing
a son who was similar to Shen Qingran's feet. He never thought it was so difficult to talk.
I took a few sips after holding the wine glass and finally found a topic "I talked with your
counselor. You have a good grade this semester. Although you have missed more than one
month in the middle, you still have the highest grades in professional courses. In the future,
when the specific study direction is determined in the next semester, you have the right to
choose. Have you considered it yourself and which direction you want to focus on in the
future? "
"I'm going to choose pediatrics."
Mr. Gu wondered, "Isn't pediatrics originally trying to learn cardiac surgery?"
Shen Shi'an looked the same, and put a few dumplings in the child's bowl. "Well, I changed
my mind."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 141:

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The dog lay three apples on the latex mattress in the bedroom, and Shen Shi'an did not
come out of the locker room.
"An'an," Shen Xun was bored and turned half a circle to bite the hair on his tail. "Are you
"All right."
The door of the locker room was pushed open, and a slender figure emerged after a while.
Shen Shi'an walked to the mirror, fastened his cufflinks, and stunned the corner of his
The mirror was so long that it reflected his entire body.
This is not the first time Shen Shi'an has worn uniforms. He used camouflage during
military training in the past. The biggest feature of this kind of clothing is that the better he
looks, the worse he looks.
When Shen Shi'an was wearing camouflage military training, the school news agency
captured a photo. The long legs, thin waist, red lips and white teeth in the photo, even the
sweaty hair were just right. Finally, the propaganda office posted it on the campus website
homepage. Admissions for more than a year. It was for this reason that his reputation as
"Bingshan Beauty" spread.
And whether it is the texture version of the camouflage uniform at the beginning and the
custom combat uniform today, or the freshness of the freshman in the first year and the
charm of the captain of the sharp blade, it is a world of difference.
Lin Ruan is right. The clothing factory that can make a name after the end of the world
really has some real skills. The combat clothing is cut smoothly and the texture is excellent.
It is not suitable for him to wear on his body. The black belt is tight at the waist and black
short boots. In response, the entire uniform is embellished with a dark green sword sheath
adorned with gold and black patterns, with a peerless soldier hidden in the sheath.
The edge is out, the invincible.
A brief pass. The dog with his own tail rolled down from the mattress like a petrochemical,
with his eyes straight, staring at Shen Shianjiu for a long time.
"What do you think?" Shen Shi'an glanced back at him, then adjusted the belt and neckline
in the mirror. "I think it's pretty good, it fits well, and it can just add a sweater."
And taking into account the fighting needs, the fabric is very elastic, Shen Shi'an did a few
squats, and tried to raise his legs and kicked both feet, and he was free to move without any
impact. The black short boots kicked out a few blasting sounds in the air. , You can predict
how it would look if you hit the target.
"Why didn't you say it?" Shen Shi'an turned his head and was taken aback immediately.
"Why are you bleeding?"
Hurry up and take out 039 a few paper towel pads under the big dog's nose. "Where is it
uncomfortable, headache or stomach? Is it a fever?"
Having raised a dog for so long, he has never seen anything wrong with his body, no matter
during the period of milk dogs or milk dolls. It ’s the first time that his nosebleeds are so
strong. Anxious and panicking, he was about to take him to the scientific research building
for a detailed physical examination, and saw that the dog shook his head twice as if he had
woke up, "I'm fine."
"I'm okay," Shen Xun repeated again. "I was suddenly a little hot, and my heartbeat was a
bit fast, presumably because the temperature in the room was too high." This was also the
first time he encountered this situation, as if there was a heat flow. The body scurryed
around, but couldn't find a vent point, and all came out of his nose.
It seems that it is necessary to restore the body as soon as possible. The current body is still
too weak, and how to bleed nosebleeds is too shameful. This situation will never happen
again when he recovers his body.
Body heat and rapid heartbeat
Shen Shi'an stuck his hand to his heart for a minute and fortunately, he is now within the
normal range of canines. Seeing that the nosebleed also stopped, the high-hanging heart
finally let go of "Are you angry?"
If you think about it, you have eaten a lot of baked sweet potatoes because of the fireplace
these days.
"Drink plenty of water and eat more fruits," Shen Shian wiped his nosebleeds and rubbed
two on the dog's head. "Don't eat sweet potatoes within a week."
Just right outside the door came Liu Fangzhou's unbearable shouting, "Brother Shen, have
you changed, have you changed it? Let us look at the duck."
Shen Shi'an stepped out of the bedroom and immediately ushered in a series of screams,
"So handsome!"
"Good-looking, especially good-looking," Lin Ruan turned around him twice. "It was better
than I expected."
"The captain deserves to be the captain. Whoops, I can go and kill a lot in this gas field
alone." Xiong Manshan drew Shen Shi'an's waist and legs and then struck his own waist
and legs, and then he became envious and began to worry. It wo n’t be a buyer's show to
me. ”
Chen Nanxiao "No, the clothes are tailor-made, Brother Shen is Yushu Linfeng, you are
majestic and majestic, and they are handsome to wear."
Liu Fangzhou excitedly took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Shen Shi'an. He shot
more than a dozen photos. "No change, our regiment ’s combat uniforms do n’t need to be
changed at all, I ’m going to wear such a super cool”
Beauty has the same impact on people, regardless of men and women. Xu Ge saw his
heartbeat speed up, his face turned red, and he quickly covered his face and focused his
attention on the wooden box. "I remember there are two matching clothes."
"Yes." Lin Ruan came over and took out two clothes from the wooden box, one is a dark
green long cashmere coat, the style is simple and atmospheric, especially highlighting the
figure, and the warmth is excellent;
The other is a large black ankle with long ankles. The fabric looks plain at first glance, but it
is embroidered with dark green vine dark lines. The edges are decorated with soft and soft
mink fur. The most prominent is the back and The chest of the combat suit is the same.
Embroidered a sword group emblem enlarged several tens times with gold thread. The
embroidery craftsmanship is exquisite and lifelike. Just at a glance, you can feel the sharp
sword strength and the beast of the sky.
Shen Shi'an took over the grandmother, raised his backhand and put it on his shoulders.
For a while, the whole person almost merged with the sword light sword shadow behind
him, and his eyes were breathtaking.
Even Tang Song couldn't help sighing, "This dress is indeed tailor-made for you."
"This is a winter outfit," Lin Ruan explained. "Because the temperature in the north is too
low, it mainly focuses on the convenience and warmth of the battle. I will customize the
spring and summer outfits when winter passes. If everyone has no opinion, spring and
summer The general style of the outfit is similar to this, with only a few adjustments in
thickness and details. "
"No opinion, no opinion, no opinion."
So handsome, there is a fart opinion.
In addition to the clothes, Shen Shi'an's suit has an additional buckskin sword cover, which
is also a dark green base and embroidered the group emblem with gold thread, which can
just carry the sword on his body.
Shen Shi'an likes it very much. "Thank you, you are interested."
Lin Ruanxiao "Since the design, then it must be in place. Besides, your sword is the symbol
of our regiment. What if we don't serve it well?"
Liu Fangzhou rummaged in the wooden box. "Hey, why is there another set of clothes
"Ah, I almost forgot, there really is another."
This set is an improved version of the military uniform. The cloth is straight, the color and
the emblem are the same as the combat uniform, but the overall style is more formal and
serious, and the design is more refined. In addition to the boots, it is also specially matched
with an off-white shirt and Black tie.
"This isn't for fighting," Xiong Manshan noticed.
"Of course not," Lin Ruan handed the clothes to Shen Shi'an. "You are the facade of our
regiment. In addition to tasks, you will definitely have to deal with the management or the
heads of other organizations at the conference table. Of course, you must prepare a set of
pressure. The formal dress of the court, of course, except for the captain, I am going to
customize a set for each of us to go out to visit relatives and friends. It ’s not bad, anyway.
"Ruan Ruan is awesome" Liu Fangzhou started to play the rainbow fart without any
hesitation, after watching the military uniform in the hands of Shen Shi'an, he was very
stunned, "Brother Shen, try the duck again"
Shen Shi'an walked into the bedroom and came out ten minutes later, "how?"
He hadn't tried this particular formal outfit. He had been wearing a tie for five of ten
minutes, but the effect was outstanding.
If it is said that Shen Shi'an in a combat suit is exposed to the unparalleled strength of
beauty, then he in military uniform is full of majesty and inviolability, with long legs and
waist, black hair tied behind his head, from head to toe. Shows a sense of extreme coldness
and forbidden 039.
Shen Xun's heartbeat accelerated again, and the heat flow in the body suddenly increased
several times, running wildly along the meridian bones. The nasal cavity was suddenly hot,
and he quickly pricked it twice with his paws, and wiped his nose blood before Shen Shi'an
found it.
After waiting for the people to express their surprise and evaluation, there was a sound of
footsteps and the sound of rolling of the wheelchair in the front hall, "Is you there?"
Shen Shian's brows frowned, and the meteor strode along with sound. Her eyes fell on Gu
Changsheng, who was covering her head to toe tightly, her brows frowned even more.
"Why are you here again?"
Since feeding him a bottle of Lingquan, he has to go to the sharp blade every thirty-five
minutes. The duty members all know that he is now letting go.
Gu Changsheng stared at him for a long time, and his ears suddenly turned red. "Brother,
you look so good in this way."
The dog originally followed Shen Shi'an. Hearing this, he suddenly came out and rushed to
Gu Changsheng's fangs. A tooth that was more than a foot long was gleaming. "You don't
need to be careful to say that I eat you in one bite."
Turning his head to Shen Shi'an's legs, "An'an, everything looks good on you, especially
beautiful, especially beautiful."
I don't know why, as soon as the little dwarf named Gu came, he suddenly developed a
strong sense of crisis.
Shen Shi'an rubbed two on the dog's head, and the other members came out to say hello to
Gu Changsheng, and then disappeared in various parts of the villa.
Before Liu Fangzhou disappeared, he whispered, "Isn't that Master Gu one month older
than Shen? Why is he called a brother?"
I do n’t know if Xiong Manshan is spreading his hands, we dare not ask.
After his teammates left, Shen Shi'an added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace in the
front room to make the fire more prosperous, and then came to the sofa opposite Gu
Changsheng and sat down, "I ask you what to do"
"Ah," Gu Changsheng took off his scarf, his face was rosy because of the melting fire, and he
was a bit embarrassed by the corners of his clothes. "The temperature has dropped a bit
recently. I'm afraid your cold protection supplies are not enough, so I brought some."
Shen Shi'an scanned the three military cards outside the low fence around the villa through
floor-to-ceiling windows and said coldly, "No, I have enough cold protection supplies here."
He brought back two football stadiums, cotton trousers, down jackets from the reserve
warehouse. After returning, he opened them for sale at half the market price to all
members in the blade. It was not that he needed this point, but these batches of materials
were members who participated in the mission. Nine deaths were brought back at the risk
of his life. There is no reason to give them to others for free. Moreover, he does not intend
to encourage the inertia of the members without labor. The basic benefits of sharp blades
are among the best in the entire Beijing base. I want the rest. Whether it is food or clothing,
you must buy it yourself.
To date, almost everyone has acquired the necessary cold protection equipment.
Gu Changsheng carefully said, "But from the analysis of the research institute, there may be
a strong cooling in the next two days, or more cold protection supplies will be needed.
There are not too many of these things anyway."
"I said no need," Shen Shi'an was a little impatient, and he tolerated his tone. "I received the
cold wave warning from the research institute, and I was ready to deal with it."
Except for the villa, the newly built dormitory building and several courtyards did not even
think of installing radiators. Fortunately, the two of Tang Song realized this in time. When
Shen Shi'an and others did not return, they asked the construction team to install pipes and
The heating facility was just connected to the main heating system of the base yesterday,
and the heating fee has been paid. Now the room temperature in the new building has
increased significantly. It will not be cold as long as you enter the room.
In addition, the dome building, scientific research building, and the third floor of the villa
are covered with a layer of heat insulation panels to prevent cold air from entering and
water pipes from freezing. As long as the temperature does not drop to minus thirty to
forty, there should be no problems. .
Gu Changsheng smiled. "That's good, then I'll take things back later. You definitely don't
need it."
Shen Shi'an was too lazy to continue to pull with him, his eyes turned to his wheelchair,
"Aren't you able to walk, what else do you do in a wheelchair?"
"I have been in a wheelchair for so many years. If I suddenly stand up, others will doubt it."
Gu Changsheng whispered softly.
Shen Shian froze.
He didn't take that into account.
If the news of Gu Changsheng's sudden recovery comes out, Qin Shu estimates that the first
one will doubt him.
Although the existence of Lingquan can be concealed with healing powers, but too many
people know that it is always a trouble.
Gu Changsheng didn't walk because he wanted to cover him.
Thinking about it that way, looking at him is a bit complicated.
Shen Shi'an didn't speak, the dog couldn't speak, Xiao Wen used to keep silent, and the
front hall quieted for a moment.
Gu Changsheng really enjoyed this quietness. The firewood crackled in the fireplace, and as
long as he could sit and look at his brother, he would be satisfied.
After a long time, Shen Shi'an reluctantly found a topic: "Otherwise, stay for dinner at
When Gu Changsheng's eyes lighted, "Really", he didn't wait for Shen Shi'an to repent, and
immediately nodded, "Okay, Xiao Wen will cook. His fried steak is particularly delicious and
can help."
Shen Shi was silent, nodded, and stood up. "I'll change clothes." The style of this clothes is
very style, and it is strange to wear at home.
The dog followed him into the bedroom, and he protested with all his heart. "I don't want to
stay with the little dwarf at home to eat. I do n’t eat steak. What ’s so good about steak. The
tomato burdock made by An An is delicious. Sugar. The vinegar ribs are also delicious, and
the braised pork is better. "
Shen Shi'an took off his jacket, took off his tie, and unbuttoned two buttons. A small section
of clavicle was exposed from the neckline of the shirt. "He will eat here, and leave after
eating. I will give you what you want. Why are you bleeding again? "
He drew 039 two tissues and rushed to the dog. After checking carefully that there were no
other abnormalities, he breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and patted the dog, "Don't
eat anything at night, drink white porridge."
The author has something to say about the Lu'an'an Love Fire Reduction Package with
pickles and gruel.
It is expected that the emotional line can be formally developed in about three chapters.
If you are happy, give a pre-collection. Wear the text and love me. Are you afraid? Click into
the author's column to see that the attack is the same attack
Copywriting one
For Leon, binding the system to do tasks after death is nothing,
It ’s not necessary to fall in love and collect love energy for the task,
All task hosts seem to have some minor neurological problems.
But every time I catch someone chasing me, it's a big deal.
I think he is also a handsome and handsome man, so he looked for such a tall and tall tree
and hanged him.
Then, in case, the big tree is not willing?
Copywriting II
Qi Yan is a great monster who has practiced for thousands of years and has accumulated
merits in reincarnation.
Mortals are mostly boring, except for one.
The last world "Qi Qibang, Qi Qi early, I am the best with Qi Qi"
The last life "Will you get married and kill you?"
This life "Get off, don't suffer Laozi."
Another life "come, pretend, there is a lot of time anyway"
Why can i meet him in every life
Because Qi Yue asked Yuelao for a red rope and tied it to the other's little finger secretly.
It's so interesting that we have to be optimistic.
Le Ang he didn't know I had a system. Can't tell, just in case he scared him.
Qi Yan, he didn't know I was a monster. Can't tell, just in case he scared him.
Quick wear, attack is the same
Monster Attack vs True Neuropathy
Sweet sand sculpture
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
are opened in the new URL after you bookmark it, the old URL has been unable to be
opened recently, and the old URL will not be opened in the future. , Please keep in mind :,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 142:

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Many years later, when the last zombie was cleaned up, the "Last Century" was officially
declared to end, and the severely damaged human civilization entered the reconstruction
and revival. Survivors have only one word of memories for the first winter after the virus
broke out.
Frozen and cold.
Experts at the Beijing Base Research Institute gave early warnings of the cold wave, but the
ferocity of this great cooling was still beyond everyone's expectations.
In just one week, the average temperature inside the base dropped from -78 to 178 degrees
below zero, and continues to drop.
At the end of December, a heavy goose feather snow whizzed in the cold wind, which lasted
for half a month without stopping. Cotton-like snowflakes fell without layering up, almost
to the entire northern China. Bury into a graveyard.
The consequences of severe cooling and heavy snowfall are catastrophic. Traffic jams and
material damage are still second. For the more than six million survivors at the Beijing
base, the coldest is the deadliest.
Continued cooling makes heating costs continue to increase. Taking the sharp base as an
example, the heating cost of the entire base has surged from 20,000 points per month to
100,000 points per month. Shen Shi'an can afford the money and is willing to pay it, but
other organizations may not.
The situation in the inner city is a bit better.Most of the people living in outer cities are
ordinary people who have no ability and have low levels of physical strengthening.Not only
can't afford the expensive heating costs, most residential areas don't even have heating
pipes. installation.
The base management has set up four disaster relief points in the outer city area for
ordinary survivors to receive cold protection supplies and food for free, but the supplies
are limited, and because the snow-capped city has no way to go out to find, the entire base
is in a state of empty air. The amazing speed of material consumption makes this winter
seem even longer without end.
In the raging cold wave and heavy snow, the survivors survived the last day of December
and ushered in 2020.
On January 2nd, 2020, the temperature dropped again, the lowest temperature at night
dropped to minus 26 degrees, and eleven people were frozen to death in the outer city that
On January 4th, under the advocacy of the Association of the Psionicist Association, the
psionicist organizations set up multiple rescue sites in the outer city area, distributed
various cold-proof materials for free, and actively joined the base management's rescue
On January 10th, the urgently laid heating pipe network connecting all residential areas in
the outer city area was officially completed. This part of the heating pipe was intermittently
heated for eight hours a day. Half of the heating costs were borne by the management and
the other half was divided into "phased" "Payment" method, since April of the following
year, one point has been deducted from the survivor's identity bracelet daily until the
payment is completed.
Of course, the premise is that the survivors can live through this winter.
Not only the base of Beijing, this catastrophic cold wave that has almost covered more than
half of China has caused all survivors to face a severe test of survival.
The only good news is that zombies have also been affected.
Zombies are not afraid of cold, but the residual water in their bodies makes them
impossible to move in the environment of -20 degrees Celsius. A large number of low-level
zombies that were too late to hide were directly frozen into the thick snow layer, according
to the reconnaissance aircraft. According to the image information, the zombies within two
hundred kilometers of the Beijing-based city were in a state of stagnation after the cold
wave arrived.
This winter, the survivors ushered in a rare period of peace.
The weather is too cold to search for materials or kill zombies. Most people choose to stay
at home.
The dog lies on a blanket in front of the fireplace in the living room. The right half of the
dog's hair is hot with wood fire, forming a huge, soft, natural sofa back that can be heated
Shen Shi'an leaned on the big dog, all warm. Raised his hand and grabbed the dog's tail that
was scrambled on his calf and squeezed "Don't bother."
He has a pile of documents on his leg, which was sent to him by Mr. Gu. There are major
bases affected by the cold wave and the distribution map of the zombies around the base in
Beijing. The news is good or bad, but overall The situation is not optimistic.
Shen Xun put his head on his front paw, and the huge emerald beast eyes stared at Shen
Shi'an's side face without blinking, only to feel that a gentle heat flow began to flow in his
body again.
He wants to lick An An.
But An An said he wouldn't let him lick it casually.
Then lick it, An An will definitely not get angry
While Shen Shian was going through the documents, the dog put out his tongue and quickly
licked on the back of Shen Shi'an's left hand, and then pretended to pamper his head into
Shen Shi'an's arms, pretending to get closer and sniffed.
Hee hee hee, all his taste.
Tao Yuan also rarely spends time at home, playing flying chess with Fan Xintong on the
other side. The two baby faces were together, let alone harmonious.
"It seems that I haven't seen Yaoyao for a while." Tao Yuan rolled a dice, moved forward
two steps and then backed up three steps. He also paid a lot of fines, and touched his nose
to continue. "
Originally, Ye Ping came to teach every day, but she often saw two children staying
together. Since the two children began to take a "holiday break" after the temperature
dropped sharply, Tian Shiyao didn't seem to come to the villa once.
Fan Xintong silently, stepped on a gold mine after jumping four steps, "I don't like her."
Tao Yuan was a little surprised. "Why don't you like her? Are you conflicting?" He calmed
down and said, "It's normal for friends to have conflicts. The most important thing is to be
willing to communicate and resolve. You and Yaoyao should be good friends. Last time,
Yaoyao said he really likes you. "
"She lied," Fan Xintong said coldly.
Without waiting for Tao Yuan to continue this topic, the door was pushed open, and Liu
Fangzhou, who was wrapped in a bear, stomped in and walked in. "Ah, it's so cold, it's
freezing, it's freezing, it's too cold outside, I feel I'm almost unaware of my hands and feet. "
Xu Ge came out of the kitchen, carrying two cups of hot **** tea in his hand, worried and
couldn't help laughing. "You can't stand it after just two minutes without going out."
And asked Xiong Manshan, who was walking in behind him, "Is the snow thick?"
"OK, push the shovel for two turns and it's gone."
The heavy snow kept on, if you do n’t shove, you can block the door in half a day. Xiong
Manshan has great strength. He volunteered to shovel snow in the base area. To this end,
he also specially created an oversized snow shovel. It was completed by pushing it two
times along the road. His speed was extremely fast. Within a minute, Xiao Lang came to
Shen Shi'an to talk about the business and saw it once. He was so envious that he wanted to
hire Xiong Manshan to go to the Tiger and Wolf Regiment to scavenge the snow.
"The snow is too thick, and I dare not burn it. The last time the two fire abilities had burned
the forefoot of their feet, the snow and water were frozen into ice, and we could n’t split it
with an axe. Our group was tired every time we shoveled the snow. It ’s not as clean as a
dog. How can this big brother make it. If you think that two hundred points are less, five
hundred is fine. ”
Shen Shi'an didn't care about this matter, and it was all thanks to Xiong Manshan's
willingness. It is said that tens of thousands of small vaults have been saved, and the scope
of business is continuing to expand.
Liu Fangzhou took off his coat and hung up. He took **** tea and drank two sips. Then he
sneaked around behind Fan Xintong and put red fingers on her face. "Cool, not cool, not
cool, not cold."
The two were in a mess, and Xu Ge looked at Fan Xintong, who laughed rarely, and sighed,
"Sure enough, the child and the child can play together."
Tao Yuanshen nodded in agreement, and even when he saw Xiong Manshan, he joined the
"Chen Nan should be back soon." After the fierce battle, Xu Ge asked Tong Tong while
combing his hair. "Lunch has already been prepared, and he can have dinner when he
Xiong Manshan glanced at the time. "It should be fast, isn't it two hours a day? He went out
at nine in the morning, and I was stunned by the time difference."
In order to cope with the cold wave, the Beijing base was forced to heat the entire city. The
original fuel and energy reserves were not enough to survive the entire winter. Therefore,
the management issued a convening order requiring all wood-based and fire-based abilities
to be daily Go to the heating center for at least two hours to work. The fire system uses
direct energy from the power, and the wood system promotes the rapid molding of
economic forest wood.
Because it is paid work, the salary is high, and the working environment is still warm, there
is almost no resistance during the implementation process. After all, the psionics also have
to eat. Now there is no way to do the task. Neither the zombies nor the supplies can be
found, which means that there is no source of income at all, and the maintenance cost of the
"Skynet" is greatly increased due to the temperature. The deducted life points temporarily
increased from the original one point to three points. Those who can share the extra
income are unwilling. Anyway, Daxue Fengcheng's ability is no use, and many people have
taken the initiative to apply for more working hours.
Less than ten minutes after Xiong Manshan finished speaking, Chen Nan came back, his
power level has stabilized to the middle of the third level, and the two-hour work was quite
easy for him.
But one person is still missing.
"Where has Lu Xiuyuan gone?" Shen Shi'an asked.
Liu Fangzhou stared at the furry and warm dog sofa with a few eyes, and was about to
sneak a touch. Wen Yan immediately retracted his hands, and he shook his head. "I don't
know, he went out early in the morning."
Shen Shi'an frowned slightly.
After finding Qu Shuo's location and confronting him, Lu Xiuyuan often didn't know where
he was going. What to do outside of the mission period was his freedom. Shen Shi'an did
not intend to ask, but the dog once was idle to read his mind and told Shen Shi'an that he
was watching Qu Shuo.
At that time, Qu Shuo was beaten and stabbed by Lu Xiuyuan in an abandoned gas station
more than ten kilometers away from the base. Before Shen Shi'an left, he lost a first aid kit.
Two days later, the base entry and exit personnel records showed that He is back again.
Where did Lu Xiuyuan learn about this? Shen Shi'an was unclear, but he originally thought
that after discovering Qu Shuo was still alive, at least Lu Xiuyuan had to make up another
knife. Now it seems that it is just surveillance, and it is not known whether to secretly
obtain information about the other four soldiers from Qu Shuo, or simply to appreciate how
miserable Qu Shuo has been, or for other reasons.
Lu Xiuyuan's ability can prop up a wall to isolate cold air. The low temperature is not
terrible to him, but it is not good to stay outside for too long in this weather.
Shen Shi'an was about to call him and ask, the door was suddenly knocked open, and Lu
Xiuyuan manipulated the transparent wall and wrapped himself in.
"Save him, Shen Shian, save him quickly"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 143:

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Lu Xiuyuan brought back Qu Shuo, with pale blue and purple lips, lying motionless on the
transparent wall, and anyone who saw it felt dead.
Shen Shi'an immediately stood up and "sent to the scientific research building"
Lin Ruan got the news and took two assistants to push a bed out to pick up, "Come on, put it
in, and immediately go to the treatment room."
Turning his head and asking Lu Xiuyuan, "Why did you bring it back into such a way and
freeze it for another two minutes without burying it?"
"He's an enemy," Shen Shi'an said. "It's good to be willing to bring it back."
The enemy Lin Ruan took another look at Lu Xiuyuan. This anxious look didn't seem to be
to the enemy.
"Okay, you wait outside for a while and I try my best," muttered quietly as he ran. "If it
doesn't work, there's only an amputation."
Shen Shi'an put on a disinfectant suit and went into the treatment room together. After the
indicators were checked out, he was slightly relieved. "No danger to life"
Lin Ruan nodded. "The physique is quite tough. Put it in the thermostatic chamber and soak
it with warm water for a while. If the temperature rises too slowly, connect it to the
extracorporeal circulation machine to warm up the blood. There is no major problem. Some
epidermal tissues are so cold that they have become necrotic. It may need to be removed,
and the part where the right leg is connected to the prosthesis will be cut off again, but it is
expected that it will have little effect on him. "
After thinking about it for a moment, Shen Shi'an took out a small tube of pure spiritual
spring water. "Adding it to the drips can promote wound healing. I will go out first."
Lu Xiuyuan sat on the sofa next to the radiator, and it seemed that his mood had stabilized.
After learning about the situation of Qu Shuo from Shen Shi'an's mouth, he obviously
relaxed a lot, and then lowered his eyes to pull a thread on the gloves.
"I've been following him during this time," he said, "I want to see if he can contact the other
four people, but he has never contacted him. The place where he lives is very broken, very
small, no heating, the first few It ’s just the beginning of heating. Drinking water needs to be
picked up in the public water room. Today the main water pipe of the water room was
frozen, so he took a bucket to a nearby emergency point, the ground was too slippery, his
legs were inconvenient, and he fell on the road. When I fell, I could n’t get how I climbed.
The snow was so heavy that no one could hear him, and no one could see him. Gradually, he
lost his strength. "
Lu Xiuyuan looked up at Shen Shi'an. The only intact left eye had anger and hatred, but
more of it was helpless and dazed. "I have been watching beside me, I want him to be
frozen to death like this, but I have If he is not willing, he will be frozen to death so easily.
What is my suffering and what is my sin? Who will I avenge in the future? "
Shen Shi'an did not speak, and reached out and patted him on his shoulder.
After a long time he said, "If you don't want him to die easily, there is something you should
"what's up"
"Qin Shu is looking for him."
"What" Lu Xiuyuan opened his eyes sharply.
"Qin Shu knew that I was not dead, thinking that Qu Shuo was trying to coax supplies from
her, so she lied that she had completed the task. You can also guess her character. She is
crazy and poisonous. If you ca n’t move me for a while, just treat me. His hatred was passed
on to Qu Shuo, and during this time he has been sent to investigate his whereabouts. "
Shen Shi'an looked at him. "This incident was told by Gu Changsheng. I asked him to help
obscure and disturb the eyes of Qin Shu's group of people, but he could not stop for a while,
and Qin Shu would find him sooner or later."
Once caught by Qin Shu, one can imagine the end.
Lu Xiuyuan was angry and hate, biting his teeth squeaking. "That crazy woman, she is
clearly the culprit, relying on her power to use it for public and private use. I haven't
troubled her yet. Why can't she find trouble? Qu Shuo killed Shen Shi'an. Qu Shuo obviously
killed me. Where did he lie to me? "
After scolding, he began to sneer. "Isn't Captain Qu devoted to his duties and obey orders as
his duty, let him listen to this. He obediently obeyed the orders, but he still lived miserably
after breaking one leg. On the contrary, because they are asking for his life, why are they
really paying back? "
An indescribable anxiety and anger writhed back and forth across his chest, and in a blink
of an eye he bit the nails of his left thumb. Suddenly his eyes lighted up. "If you let him join
the sharp blade, if you let Qu Shuo join the sharp blade, Qin Shu can't move him."
"Quo Shuo's character and ability in a healthy state are undoubted." Shen Shi'an carefully
looked at Lu Xiuyuan's expression. "But after all, he is your enemy. Are you sure you can
accept him to join the blade?"
Lu Xiuyuan's expression was fickle, and he seemed to be caught in a huge contradiction and
entanglement. In the end, he was locked into a savage grin. "If you let him add him, you can
only die in my hands"
Shen Shian nodded. "I see."
Just after the conversation was over, Tang Song stepped down from the third floor,
followed Lin Ruan, and greeted Shen An'an with a greeting, "I happen to be here. I need to
talk to you about something."
Two minutes later, Shen Shi'an took the dog to the sofa in a lounge on the second floor.
Tang Song poured a cup of tea for him, then walked across the table to sit next to Lin Ruan,
and raised his hand to release a circle. Illusion isolates the outside world from prying eyes.
Shen Shi'an realized the seriousness of the question, "What happened to me has anything to
do with the new assistant?"
Three new assistants have been hired in the research building. They are all students of the
Medical University of H City. One is a classmate of Shen Shi'an, named Cao Shuang, and two
are senior graduate students of senior colleges. They are currently in the assessment
"It has nothing to do with them," Tang Song shook his head, "I'm coming to you, there are
two very important things to tell you."
"You said."
"First, the research and development of the virus vaccine has reached a bottleneck. To be
more precise, I have not even entered the bottle mouth, and no progress has been made in
these months."
Tang Song crossed his hands, and his face was a bit frustrated like never before. "Before the
formal research on zombies, I and Lin Ruan envisioned the development of two types of
virus vaccines, one of which can effectively kill zombies. Second, find a way to degenerate
the zombie virus to a proviral state that is not harmful to survivors. "
"If you only need to kill the zombie virus, it's not difficult," Lin Ruan said. "But the vitality of
the zombie virus is too tenacious, and its survivability is much stronger than normal human
cells. But we want to destroy the human body without causing destructive harm. It is
impossible to eliminate the zombie virus that has penetrated into the body. So the first idea
is not feasible. "
"As for the second method, it is more difficult." Tong Tangsong pushed the metal thin-
rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I and Lin Ruan have studied for so long, and so
far, I have not been able to analyze the complete structure of the zombie virus and the
different parts of the virus. The specific function is different from any virus known to
mankind, or it is a completely new substance, and its structure is far more complicated
than we think. "
Even the structure is unclear, let alone how the original virus turned into a zombie virus, let
alone trying to reverse this process.
"This matter can't be anxious," Shen Shi'an appeased the road. Hundreds of medical experts
in the scientific research institute researched for almost a year without any results, and the
two of you have successfully developed pheromone in less than three months. Let us
occupy a significant advantage in the base and in the process of fighting zombies, which is
already a very great achievement. I heard that the research institute wants to ask you to go
back and be the general manager. "
Tang Song's expression recovered, and he immediately shook his head. "I won't go back."
Shen Shi'an laughed. "I know. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Everyone has their
own time. Everyone has something they can't do for the time being. Let's work together
and take your time. If you need anything else in the research process, I will. Do your best to
satisfy. "
"Thank you."
Captains like Shen Shi'an, with full trust, full support, and non-intervention in the research
process, are probably the dreams of all scientific researchers.
"You just said this is the first thing and what is the second thing"
Tang Song and Lin Ruan glanced at each other, and then asked Shen Shi'an, "Do you
remember that I told you that we have the last pollution-free pure blood sample in the
world, because the current environment in which humans live, whether it is water Whether
it ’s soil or soil, are they all full of protoviruses? ”
Shen Shian nodded. All the survivors are screened by the original virus, and those who can
adapt to the original virus survive, and the original virus in the body is transformed into a
peculiar virus; those who cannot adapt are infected with influenza and then become
zombies, and the original virus in the body is converted into zombies .
"I picked up one of her hair as a sample when Mrs. Qin came to the villa last time, and
tested the sample. I didn't expect to get a shocking result."
Tang Song looked at Shen Shi'an "She has no virus in her body."
Before Shen Shi'an recovered from the impact of this news, Tang Song said, "You and Xun's
body are also free of any virus."
"This means that you have never been infiltrated by the original virus."
"Theoretically, this is impossible." Lin Ruandao "Because everyone needs to eat, drink and
breathe, as long as they live in this world, the original virus will inevitably be taken into the
"The only possibility is that something has formed a protective film outside the three of
you, filtering out all the viruses. The reason we think there is a protective film, not that you
have phagocytic immunity to the virus, It is because the sample cells obtained from you will
still be infected by the virus and show no resistance to zombies. "
"This means that the filtering of the protective film should only be external epidermal
filtering. If the virus is injected directly, or if it is bitten by zombies to let the virus enter the
bloodstream, it is estimated that none of you can run away."
Shen Shi'an quickly recovered his senses from the momentary chaos, and his brain moved
There is no virus in the body to explain. He is a certain kind of beast in another world. He
can spell and spell. Even if he is injured, he can't restore his original shape. He should
instinctively protect himself from the virus.
Why is there no virus in his body? How is he different from others?
Is it Lingquan?
Shortly after the outbreak of the virus, Shen Shi'an had doubts that nearly half of the
world's population was infected with the flu, and that half of the population had become
zombies. But why all the people who have drank the Lingquan water, whether it is Fan
Guoping, Wan Feng, Yun Feiyang, or Yun Feiyang's parents who have eaten tomato sauce
produced in space, it is a coincidence that they have not had a cold.
So is Lingquan filtering out the original virus?
No, that's wrong.
Mr. Gu also drank Lingquan water before the virus broke out, but he evolved abilities to
evolve abilities, indicating that there must be a power virus in his body, and the power
virus was transformed by the original virus, which means Even after drinking the Lingquan
water, the virus cannot penetrate.
what is that
"It should be the protection matrix that comes with space," Gouzi said. "It is the circle of
golden barriers around Quanyan. An An, you are the master of the space, so the array
protects you together."
"how do you know"
"I've seen it."
"When did you meet?"
"Just when you picked it up," the dog's voice suddenly dropped, whether it was his ears or
the claws of the carpet, a sense of guilty conscience "I didn't know you then, I also found
that you have space and a spiritual spring, so I wanted to eat you, but I was bombarded by
the formation but it didn't take long for me to know that I was wrong. An An is the best
person in the world. I like An An the most. "
Shen Shi'an stared at the dog for a while and smiled softly. "Let's go back and talk."
Why is there no virus in his body? Why does Qin Shu filter the virus?
The dog thought about it, "It is probably because of me. Didn't I give her a curse? The curse
will form an energy field around her, that is, those evil spirits who entangle her. This field is
not a good thing, but it is a mistake. It seems that hitting by mistake can actually stop the
virus. "
I do n’t know if this is the Qin Shu ’s luck or bad luck.
Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered one thing and asked Tang Song "When we arrived at the
base of Beijing, you and me Xun Xun did not take the blood test channel because of this"
Tang Song nodded. "The blood test channel uses a color-developing reagent. It will produce
different color changes when it comes into contact with zombies and power viruses. If you
detect it, you will immediately see a flaw. I am afraid it will be a little troublesome."
Not only is it a bit troublesome, it is probably very troublesome. Maybe it will be
immediately controlled as a virus immune body. Shen Shian thought.
After Tang Xun became a big dog, Tang Song got dog hair, which he took the initiative to
admit, so it is not surprising that Shen Xun had no virus in his body. "How did you get my
cell sample?"
"The night after we met at the research center, because we had negotiated and we were
going to accompany us, we barbecued on the rooftop together. After dinner, I and Lin Ruan
offered to clean up and took your saliva sample from the beer can. "Tang Song gave an
apology after saying" I wasn't familiar with it at the time, but I didn't ask for your consent
due to precautions and the habit of collecting samples. I'm sorry. "
Shen Shi'an was surprised, but didn't mind much. In the last days, when you are unfamiliar
with each other, your hands are normal after staying on the road, but the dog has also
sucked the blood of the two of them for easy control. Besides, if it wasn't for Tang Song's
analysis of his sample, I'm afraid he would be troubled as soon as he entered the base of
After the test results of "there is no virus in the body" were acknowledged by the parties
themselves, Tang Song and Lin Ruan both seemed a little excited.
"Because the zombies are based on the mutual exchange of viruses to determine the target
and the like," Lin Ruan said, "Neither of you has a virus in your body. It stands to reason
that the zombies will ignore you directly without any attack. By observation, this It has
been confirmed in the search. Except for the wise zombie who has turned on wisdom, the
low-level zombies will not actively attack him at all, but this is not reflected in your body. If
I guess correctly, I should be with you. Related to the water used to attract zombies in the
absolute death zone "
Shen Shian nodded, "The kind of water is the same as the water I use to heal you or restore
your energy, but it is an undiluted pure version. It has a strong appeal for zombies. The
water I give you, I guess you also Tested "
Lin Ruan touched his nose a bit embarrassed. "Itchy hands, I didn't hold back. But the test
results are all good news. The effect of this water is amazing. It can not only greatly
enhance the activity of human cells, but also neutralize the original virus. That is, this water
can make humans immune to the original virus. As long as you drink this water, you will
not be infected with the flu due to the allergic reaction to the original virus secretions, and
then become zombies. "
He paused and said, "But today's survivors are originally immune to the original virus, so
this effect is actually a bit of a chicken rib, but it is still effective for both of you. Even if the
protective film on the body disappears one day, the original virus can no longer be filtered.
You don't have to worry about getting the flu. "
That's it.
"Does that affect Versatile and Zombie Viruses?"
"Yes." Tang Song's breathing worsened, and his familiar frenzy reappeared in his eyes.
"After testing, the power virus soaked in this water will become more active, and the
infection rate of zombies will be significantly reduced. Although this water does not have
Method to directly kill the zombie virus, but it is the only substance we know that can have
a significant effect on the virus, and it also causes all three viruses to produce substances
that are beneficial to human change. More importantly, if we study The water is only a
diluted version, so the effect of the pure version is beyond imagination, and it will most
likely have a vital effect on reversing the transformation process of the zombie virus. "
"Do you need a pure version of water for vaccine development?" Shen Shi'an understood
what he meant, and took out two bottles from the space with his heart. "Enough?"
"Enough, Enough," Tang Song won the treasure, holding two bottles of water tightly in his
arms. "I promise, I will use it properly. In addition, if it is convenient, I hope I can make a
difference from you and Xun Xun. Take a tube of blood. One is to keep the sample. If you do
take the original virus in the future, you can use it for comparison. The other is to prevent
the lack of pure blood samples during the vaccine development process. "
Shen Shi'an thought for a moment and agreed.
"I have to emphasize two more things," said Lin Ruan before the four were about to leave
the lounge. "First, this water must not be exposed too much. The diluted version is okay,
the main effect and healing powers. Much like you can use abilities as a cover, but the pure
version must be protected, and the reason why a man is guilty and guilty should not
require me to remind you. "
"Rest assured, I understand."
At present, only the core members of the sharp blade have been drinking the diluted spirit
spring water. Apart from Tao Yuan drinking severely injured in the absolute death zone,
only Mr. Gu and Gu Changsheng have drunk. Mr. Gu will never do anything against him. Gu
Changsheng was staring at the drink himself and getting back the bottle, leaving no hidden
"The second one," Lin Ruan stared at Shen Shi'an's eyes. "Your body is free of viruses,
which means that all the abilities you show are actually not powers. Don't get me wrong, I
don't mean to say this to you Where did your ability come from? After all, there are too
many unknown, mysterious, or not fully understood things in this world, and it seems that
there is nothing impossible in the end of the world. I want to remind you that your ability is
too Comprehensive, speed, strength, detection, healing, spawning plants, absolute defense.
Have you discovered that almost all abilities of other types can find corresponding
similarities in you. If the power person also has crystal nuclei in his mind And the news that
the nucleus can absorb the ability to disseminate is spread out, and you may be mistaken as
the biggest target by the perpetrators. So, you must protect yourself at all times. "
Shen Shi was silent, then nodded, "I will."
On the way back to the villa, the dog flattered and slapped Shen Shi'an. "An'an, now that I
know the curse can filter the virus, do I need to take back the curse from Qin Shu now?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head, "not for now."
After the curse was withdrawn, Qin Shu ingested the original virus. There were only two
results. One was that he did not adapt to the virus and turned into a zombie. The other was
that he was adapted to the virus and may have evolved abilities. Neither was what he
wanted. of.
Wait and talk first.
The dog stunned again "Then I upgraded the curse and now I can only let her see the ghost,
but in fact it can't hurt her. After the upgrade, she can seduce the evil spirit and let her
experience the torture of the eighteenth floor **** in her consciousness. . Her body won't
hurt, but her brain will think it's hurt. "
Deep hypnosis
This time Shen Shi'an agreed "Don't kill me, I need her to live."
"No problem," the dog shook his tail and slap twice. "Are you still angry with me?"
"No birth."
Shen Shian smiled and rubbed his dog's head. "Really. Xu Ge made your favorite chestnut
roast chicken, cumin lamb chops, yam stewed pork ribs, sweet and sour tenderloin, do you
want to eat?"
Without waiting for Xun Xuan to answer, he scratched the dog's hair on his arm. "But
you've lost too much hair, oops, it doesn't seem to be getting angry."
"Still continue to drink porridge."
The author has something to say finally can answer many questions before the reader
wants to know
An An did n’t evolve because his body does n’t have a virus, and he will definitely evolve in
the future.
Are you long and happy?
While you are happy, I recommend a copy of Jiyou Plum Cake.
After inheriting my legacy, I married a wealthy man to wear books, and I happened to be a
v today. Thank you for your support
Copywriting one
People wearing books are either fighting vicious female mates, or fighting female heroes,
White Lotus,
Shen Yan is more powerful, he directly inherited the tens of billions of inheritance
The ex-boyfriend who used to be the heroine of the heroine in the book accidentally
inherited the heroine ’s billion-dollar heritage, and took out everything with the heroine
and the disciples. Unexpectedly, the inheritance died unexpectedly before he could spend it.
After the original heroine died, she took the legacy and said that she wanted to return to
the original owner, so she successfully bridged the eyes with the male lead, and finally
hayendg happily.
There is no ghost here, who believes.
When Shen Zhen came through, the original body was preparing to share the great joy of
getting rich overnight with the hostess.
Shen Yun thought that sharing is impossible, and after the sharing, you have to die. It is
better to keep your money and live a happy little life.
Who knew that in a blink of an eye, he was let to sleep by the man.
Shen Xing's inner ha Ma criticized, isn't this a bg text?
Copywriting II
Chi Dao, who always had a high opinion of himself, suddenly turned everyone away, and
began to deal with a teenager who had not even graduated from college.
In this regard, a group of friends said that the pool is young and big, I beg you to be
Who knows not long, Chi Dashao has a follower, no matter where the young and big Chi go,
Shen Yan will follow, when the last two people get married, everyone knows that it is not
Shen Ye that is a follower But Chi Yu is a wife.
Sweet text, slightly sand sculpture
The demining author logic has fed the dog, had children, the story of the dog blood, the
difference between attack and attack is 10 years old, do not like not to spray, friendly
discard, think of adding.
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 144:
Settings saved..
The heavy snow has been on and off, but the temperature finally stabilized at about -28
degrees below zero at the end of January 2020, and did not continue to decrease.
But at this time has officially entered the year.
As the first Spring Festival after the end of the last days, whether to celebrate the survival
or to boost morale in the face of a more severe future, everyone is struggling to live a lively
The base has begun preparations for various activities during the Spring Festival from the
beginning of the first month of the month, dancing lions, guessing lantern riddles, singing
and dancing parties, and uniquely shaped ice sculptures and ice lanterns all along the main
road and alleys.
On the eighth day of the first month of the month, the management of the Beijing base
opened 128 free congee shops throughout the base, using rice, millet, barley kernels,
crushed corn, white fungus, jujube, peanuts, red beans and other materials to cook Laba
porridge. Available for four hours.
For almost a week, the entire base was full of steaming sweet aroma of Laba porridge.
When the 23rd year of the lunar month passes, the atmosphere of the festival in the base
will become more intense.
All the core members of the sharp blade performed a cleaning after the new year. The
whole villa was completely renovated. In the courtyard outside the villa, Chen Nan gave
birth to the bright red gerbera in the courtyard. As soon as it bloomed, it was frozen into ice
sculptures at low temperature and completely solidified in Sheng. The moment when it was
released, the white snow was particularly gorgeous.
Because everyone said that it was good-looking, Chen Nan, led by three new members of
the wood system, simply gave birth to a circle of gerbera around the edge of the blade base.
From a distance, it looked like an eternal flame in the snow.
In the blink of an eye, it was twenty-ninth.
"The winter combat uniforms have all been distributed. All combat personnel have two sets
of them each, for a total cost of 6,500 points. The year-end rewards have also been issued in
the form of annual goods. According to the contribution value of each member to the
organization, the total 10% to 1% of the value of the materials turned in, with a total cost of
2,044 points "
Talking is that Li Blade has just hired a month's finance director named Huang, named
Huang Chip. I was recommended by Mr. Gu. He was tall and thin, about 26 or 7 years old.
He was handsome in appearance, but his colorful hair style really caught the eye.
Although it may seem a bit non-mainstream, it is really capable. Before the end of the
world, he graduated with a master's degree in economics from the highest university in
Beijing. He took care of all the accounts of Sharp Edge in less than a week after taking office,
and his income and expenditure were clear at a glance.
Shen Shi'an read the financial report in his hand quickly and carefully, and nodded, "It's
hard. In addition to these expenses, I plan to donate three trucks of food materials to the
rescue station."
"Oo, is it convenient to pack food?"
"I'm afraid that's not enough in that warehouse."
"I have it in my space and will replenish it in advance."
Huang Chip knocked twice on the notebook. "Since it was taken from the captain's own
space, this batch of materials should have been collected before the blade was established."
"Then I suggest to set up a separate private account. In the future, this type of expenditure
will go from your personal private account, whether public or private, or private. This is
not easy to confuse with the actual income and expenditure of the cutting edge."
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, "Yes."
"Oo," Huang chipped a few more times and closed his notebook. "If there is nothing else,
then I will go first."
Shen Shi'an sent people downstairs, the wind was bitter outside, and the villa was full of
hot and fried sweet aroma.
Xu Ge and Chen Nan and others were rubbing **** of fried New Year's goods in the kitchen.
When Huang Chip was about to leave, he packed a box full of freshly fried pumpkin **** and
sweet potato balls.
"Brother Shen," Liu Fangzhou wore disposable gloves, and scooped a spoonful of sweet
potato into the palm of his hand. "Help me find what stuff my brother likes. We have cheese
stuffing, cheese stuffing, red bean stuffing." My condensed milk stuffing and honey stuffing.
I'm going to make chocolate as a stuffing again. Once the hot oil is fried, the chocolate will
be full and it will be delicious. "
"It's okay," Shen Shian led the big dog to join the rubbing team. "Just some jam, apple sauce,
strawberry sauce, tomato sauce, not too greasy."
"Tongtong, don't eat too much," Xu Ge told. "Eating too much sweet is bad for your teeth."
Xiong Manshan added, "And I still support my stomach. Do n’t forget, we have a big meal
tomorrow. Whoops, I ’m going to pack a chili stuffing."
"You have eaten this pepper in hundreds of balls. Brother Xiong is really lucky." Chen Nan,
who has been watching him closely, shook his head, and then gave Lin Ruan a hundred
points from his identity bracelet. . "
The cheerful laughter echoed with Xiong Manshan's hilarious sound of chili sauce trying to
"revenge" in the villa.
Everyone got up early on this day of the year. Shen Shi'an and Chef Xu Ge cook, and Chen
Nan, Tao Yuan, and Lu Xiuyuan fight, and Tang Song takes the couplets with others.
Two little lions raged violently in the villa, arched to Fan Xintong's arms and rolled, and ran
to the kitchen to pick up their trousers. They had to throw a small piece of meat and bones
to coax it. He was picked up by the little puppies that didn't last long.
The fierce and violent heads each wore a small red tiger-shaped woolen hat, and the ball of
yarn hanging from the tiger's ears ran up and down with movement, not to mention how
cute it was.
This hat was woven by Xu Ge. Originally, an enlarged version was given to Shen Xun. The
dog was unwilling to wear it. It was too naive. "I'm not a three-year-old child, so I won't
wear this kind of thing."
At this moment, when I saw Shen Shian, he looked at the two lions from time to time. He
looked tender and fed the meat. He couldn't help but ran back to the bedroom and pulled
out the hat from under the closet. I also want to eat. "
Shen Shi was at ease, helping the big dog straighten the red cartoon tiger hat and fed him a
chicken leg. "Wait a little while and you can eat right away."
The dog's heart was so beautiful, his tail swept away and the violent brutality that ran over
turned his head and compared with me. I can eat chicken legs, and you two only have
For breakfast and lunch, I use chicken and tube bones to make the bottom of the soup. The
soup is rich and delicious. No matter whether it is chicken or tube bones, they are crispy,
and you can **** out a full mouthful of bone marrow when you **** hard.
The most important dinner is shared by the entire staff in the cafeteria, because the
members have different north and south, and the custom of the New Year is different. Some
people are used to eating dumplings on New Year's Eve, and some people are used to eating
a table full of chicken, duck and fish. However, since it is a New Year's Eve together, then
you can prepare both, and what you want to eat.
In order for everyone to have a good Spring Festival, Shen Shi'an ordered three pigs, two
sheep, half a fan of beef, and more than forty chickens from the farm in advance.
So many things are not eaten all in one night. One hundred people can't finish it. After the
excess meat is cleaned up, Shen Shi'an is temporarily placed on the second floor of Zhulou.
This cold wave caused most of the poultry and livestock on the farm to freeze to death. It is
estimated that after the beginning of spring, at least for several months, it will no longer be
able to supply to the outside world. If it is not for the farm to limit the purchase, Shen Shian
would like to store more.
Beginning at two in the afternoon, except for the guards on duty, everyone in the sharp
blade base area was concentrated in the canteen. Tian Yi and Xu Ge were assigned to be the
chef's chief task tonight. Orderly again, the middle table was temporarily moved away to
set up three cauldrons, and the firewood was ignited underneath, and the aroma of meat
soon spread out in the warm and bright canteen.
Tian Yi's wife, Ye Ping, also came with her daughter Tian Shiyao, wearing down jackets that
Shen Shian and others brought back from the storage warehouse and sent them down.
Because these down jackets are all uniform styles, there are no special children's models.
Tian Shiyao's piece is obviously handmade. Modified, but still a little big, loosely wrapped
around her almost wrapped her entire body.
Ye Ping first greeted Shen Shi'an and others, and then turned to Fan Xintong. "Oh, Tong
Tong today ’s red coat is really beautiful, elegant and exquisite, like a little princess. Today
is Chinese New Year, so the teacher prepared for Tong Tong A gift, Tong Tong opened it to
see if he likes it or not. "After that, he handed Fan Xintong a box with a bow and carefully
wrapped in colored paper.
A warm yellow sweater was installed in the box. The wool was soft, and a large piece of
cartoon-shaped flowers and grass was hooked out on the front. The texture was beautiful
and fine, which shows that it was a great effort. Tian Shiyao also wore one, but the pattern
on her chest was the sun and rainbow, and the two echoed exactly.
Shen Shian thanked Ye Ping, "It's too much trouble, please bother you."
"No trouble, no trouble, anyway, I don't have to teach classes recently. I'm idle too. Do you
like it? I enlarged it slightly according to Yaoyao's size, and you should wear it just right."
Fan Xintong carefully closed the sweater. "I like it very much, thank you Mr. Ye."
He did not speak to Tian Shiyao.
Tian Shiyao was timidly hiding behind Ye Ping. It looked like she was a little scared of
children. Liu Fangzhou coaxed several times before taking a few sweet potato **** from the
After the mother and daughter left, Tao Yuan remembered something and asked Fan
Xintong with a low voice. "You and Yaoyao are still in conflict, what was the last time you
said that Yaoyao was lying."
Fan Xintong lowered her eyes. "She said she likes me and wants to be friends with me."
"Yeah," Tao Yuan said, touching her head. "Isn't this a good thing?"
"She lied, she didn't like me." Fan Xintong raised his chin indifferently. "She doesn't like me,
and I don't like her."
Shen Shi'an glanced thoughtfully.
After six o'clock, the sky was gradually darkened, and the sky and snow could only be seen
The meals in the cafeteria were all prepared, the long table was repositioned, and everyone
sat in a circle around three cauldrons. Steaming dumplings and a variety of gourmet dishes
were filled.
Shen Shi'an was not used to giving speeches in public, but couldn't stand the warm cheers
of the team members. He raised his toast and stood up. "Blade is a new organization with
advantages and disadvantages. Thank you for your trust and joining. I will be with you at
this time. "
"The sharp blade is invincible"
"happy New Year"
Shen Shi'an's memory of this New Year's Eve gradually faded out less than half an hour
after the New Year's Eve dinner. Too many people came to toast, and one glass after
another almost never stopped.
He was half infected by the atmosphere and half wanted to indulge once. He didn't use the
exercises to deliberately resolve it. Sudden drunkenness continued to pile up. In the end, he
just remembered the cheers and laughter in his ears.
At about nine o'clock, Mr. Gu rushed over with heavy snow. He sat beside Shen Shi'an, and
seemed to say a lot, but seemed to say nothing. Shen Shi'an remembered that he had
poured a glass of wine for him.
At twelve o'clock, the bell rang, the Skynet was temporarily closed, and bright fireworks
illuminated the city.
New Year arrived.
On the morning of the Chinese New Year, Shen Shian was licked by a dog.
"An An An An" The clear teenager's voice sounded in his head "Snow stopped"
Gongfa runs for two weeks, and the misty Lingtai is instantly clear.
Shen Shi'an sat up from the bed, stepped on the carpet and walked to the window, and
opened the curtain with a sigh.
The snow did stop.
After more than a month of heavy snow, the sky above him showed indigo sky light for the
first time.
It's still early, less than six o'clock, the sun hasn't come out yet, there is only the bright
white light reflected from the ice and snow between heaven and earth. Shen Xun jumped
back and forth "An'an, shall we go for a run?" Staying indoors for half a winter, he felt that
he was almost getting rusty.
Shen Shian rubbed his dog's head and gave him a good morning kiss. "Go wash your face
and brush your teeth."
After washing, Shen Shi'an changed into his combat uniform, put on his big cock, and rode
onto the dog. "Go."
It was all night last night, and almost everyone was asleep at this time. Under the misty sky,
the entire Beijing base was silent, with only the sound of whistling wind and the crunch of
big dogs stepping on the snow.
The mighty beast leaps and gallops on the snow, ran out of the sharp base, ran across the
empty street, left the base gate, and finally left the towering black city wall far behind.
"An An, are you cold?"
"Not cold" His physique has been far beyond ordinary people, and he has the power to
protect himself. Such a temperature will not affect him, and the blood on the back of his
bare hands will still glow.
"Then I speed up"
The icy cold wind was blowing from the face, and ice-sculpted trees on both sides of the
road formed a residual image on the edge of the field of vision. Shen Shi'an clamped his calf,
his upper body leaned forward slightly, and naturally fluctuated with the movement of the
big dog.
Looking around, there is endless silver and white. The dark eyes reflected the snow-capped
light, and the golden sword emblem on the back of the owl was wavy in the gale.
Shen Xun finally stopped at a gentle slope, and after Shen Shi's steady landing, Yang Tian
shouted, his nose swelled with white gas, and he threw away his hair happily.
Shen Shi'an took two steps to the edge of the mountaintop. Looking down from here, he
could see the towering Beijing base far away.
A sense of lofty pride erupted from his chest for no reason, and Shen Shi'an rolled his hands
into a trumpet shape, learning to look like Shen Xun and let out a long howl.
The howling sound was clear, and for a long time, the snow shook the mountains and rolled
Shen Shi'an breathed twice, and his lungs were filled with cold and clear cold, turning his
head to look to the east.
"The sun is coming out."
A round of red sun protruded halfway from the silver-white horizon, and a magnificent
light-colored golden light fell on Shen Shi'an, like a sword, with a sharp edge, standing
between heaven and earth.
Shen Xun stared at his side, his heart beating twice. Qinglang's young voice didn't know
why it was suddenly hoarse. "An'an, I like you the most in the world."
Shen Shi'an turned to look at him, and behind him were the white snow and the red sky.
He laughed. "I like searching the world."
The author has something to say: I'm not feeling well these days. The pigeon has changed
three times. I'm really sorry for everyone.
Starting from the next chapter, this article officially enters a stage where both the
emotional line and the plot line are equal.
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 145:

Settings saved..
At the beginning of March 2020, the extreme cold weather that lasted for more than two
months finally showed signs of warming.
In an abandoned town more than 100 kilometers away from the base of the capital, shouts
of killings, explosions, and blazes of fire can be seen from far away.
A backflip of Shen Shi'an turned back sharply, and the place where he stood a moment ago
exploded with a blast of flames. The gravel and mud in the flames were covered with
melting ice and snow and splashed around. The huge impact force rushed in. The soles of
the boots were A shallow trench was plowed on the frozen ground, which stopped by the
resistance of the long sword to insert into the ground.
"An An" Shen Xun's anxious voice rang in his head. "Are you okay?"
Shen Shian knelt down on one knee with his sword on his knees, his chest violently
undulating, there were obvious burn marks on the dark green combat uniform, and it was
obviously still a low temperature of minus 20 degrees, but his flushed face was all sweaty.
He raised his hand and wiped the sweat and dirt on his face, and said "I'm fine"
More than a week ago, that is, after the Lantern Festival, he was invited to take another 20
members to participate in another group mission organized by the management of the base
to transport coal into the province of S, two hundred kilometers away from the base.
The emergence of this task is inevitable. After barely heating more than 6 million people in
the base for more than two months, the fuel storage in the base should have been almost
depleted, all relying on the wood-based abilities and the fire system. The psionicist has
been supporting this for so long as an additional source of energy. If fuel is not replenished
as soon as possible, I am afraid that even Skynet will not be able to maintain it. When the
temperature rises completely, the mosquitoes and birds will become active again, which
will inevitably lead to a catastrophic ending.
The reason for the group mission to actively invite Shen Shi'an, in addition to his
outstanding combat effectiveness, naturally also fancy his superb space storage capacity.
After all, it was the man who had to cut down and take away the metal wall of the reserve
Considering the urgency and importance of the task, as well as the generous remuneration
of the task, Shen Shi'an quickly agreed. Because Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou and others
participated in another material collection mission, the core members that came out this
time were only him and Gouzi. Among the twenty new members, the power and ordinary
people each accounted for half.
The extremely low temperature makes this task difficult for most participants to enjoy. It is
spent in endless cold every day, but the benefits are obvious. On the way to the destination,
few zombies were encountered, and occasionally they were encountered. The group of
zombies was frozen in the snow and could not move. The power arson set ablaze, and the
nucleus of the zombies was equal to white picking.
A total of more than 150 mission participants successfully arrived in the largest coal mining
site in the province, and were filled with space for space psionicists and ten military cards,
and began to rush back.
The first half of the return journey was as smooth as the time of arrival. Everyone had
already made good expectations for an unimpeded way. I did not expect that when we were
half a distance away from the base of the capital, we encountered three power zombies in
this humble deserted town. And tens of thousands of zombies.
These three power zombies are all fire-based abilities, and their ability to release high
temperature should be the main reason why they can move freely at this temperature.
The zombies facing Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun have the highest level, at least in the middle
of the third level, and their abilities are different from ordinary fire abilities. They can not
only release a range of extremely high-temperature flames, but also compress the flames.
Then throw it out to detonate, which produces a similar but more destructive effect.
At the beginning, Shen Shi'an was taken off a dozen meters by a flame bombing 039 bomb
without protection. If he had n’t been seriously injured by the active method, he would
have suffered a lot of losses.
The power zombies failed to hit, raised his head angrily and hissed, an explosion of flames
forced back and searched, and he raised his hand and threw a fire 039 flame bomb, just
aiming at the surroundings that were cleaning up ordinary zombies New member Wu Miao
and others.
Shen Shi'an's eyes were frozen, leaving an afterimage on the spot instantly, rushing to Wu
Miao and others in front of them to stretch the Reiki hood flat to the extreme.
The flame 039 bomb exploded at the instant of hitting the aura hood, and the hot flame of
the sky almost swallowed up a group of people.
Under the terrible impact, the Reiki trembled twice and then stabilized. Shen Shi'an gritted
his teeth, his face turned white quickly, and a flush of faintness appeared in his throat.
The captain exclaimed.
"Backward" Shen Shi'an shouted after closing the aura mask, "Its effective attack distance is
about 100 meters, do not approach this range."
Mud stones flew into fireballs, and the ground that was supposed to be covered by snow
and ice was quickly burnt and cracked by the high temperature.
The battle was also fierce on another battlefield a few hundred meters away. Xiao Lang, the
leader of the Tiger and Wolf regiment, joined four other senior abilities to besiege the
second third ability zombies. How can I help Shen Shencao? The flame temperature is so
high that he can make iron. "The steel pellets were melted before they even approached.
"Take care of yourself"
The power zombie's successive attacks on Shen Shi'an completely infuriated Shen Xun. The
emerald-colored giant beast was so aggressive that, like a black hurricane destroying and
dying, he roared towards the sea of fire released from the zombie.
While taking advantage of the big dog and the power zombie battle, Shen Shi'an took the
time to immediately drink a bottle of spiritual spring water to restore his strength.
The difficulty of this zombie was obviously beyond their expectation. In fact, in a town with
a total population of 200,000, there would even be two third-level zombies in the town.
Although they restricted the movement of zombies, they failed to slow down their
evolution at all.
Thinking of this, Shen Shian couldn't help scratching his dignity.
Another 039 bomb exploded and collapsed with a row of buildings. Shen Xun successfully
tore off one arm of the power zombie, and made three deep visible bone openings on its
right face, almost half of the skull opened halfway, but unfortunately still failed to
completely destroy the brain.
Shen Shi'an has been observing the attack mode of this zombie. It is always burning a sea of
fire within five meters of the body. It is not difficult to pass through this sea of fire. The
trouble is the flame 039 bomb, which compresses the extremely high temperature flame to
the extreme and then suddenly explodes The destructive power is too strong. Not only the
temperature is high, even the metal plate can be melted instantly, and the impact is
extremely terrible. The affected area is made of scorched soil. He estimates that at least two
pounds of c4 explosive 039 can produce similar destructive effects.
But it does not seem to be completely without weaknesses. Although it can release the
flame continuously, it can only throw one 039 bomb at a time, and the interval between
each 039 bomb is at least about five seconds. Plus, it's not as fast as big dogs.
Shen Xun had the same mind as him, and understood his thoughts almost immediately. "I'm
here to attract the zombies, An'an, you can cut it."
"Be careful, don't get too close to it."
"I know"
Shen Xun immediately retreated to a distance of about 50 meters from the power and ran
around the zombie. He did not have a zombie virus in his body. In order to prevent the
attraction to the zombie, Shen Shi'an specially threw a bottle of Lingquan water. In the
mouth, the effect really pulls out the crowd, and the power zombie's attention is
immediately focused on him. The amazing flame 039 bombs explode behind the dog, and
the fire waves are surging.
Shen Shi'an clenched his sword and focused his attention on timing. Wait until Shen Xun,
the power zombie and him are on the same line, and the flame-bomb 039 bomb just enters
the five-second cooling period. The tight body disappears from the spot instantly, the light
golden aura hood breaks through the sea of fire, and blinks in the sky. Strike behind the
The snow-blue sword light whistled along with the sword sword qi, and "Zhutong"
sounded, the head of the power zombie fell to the ground, and his bones rolled for a
distance and stopped at the dog's feet.
The turbid eyeballs turned twice to focus on the bottle of spiritual spring water in the dog's
mouth. Before the flame was raised again, he was stunned by a foot falling from the sky.
Shen Shi'an came over and rubbed his dog's head, then bent down and picked up a fiery red
crystal nucleus.
As soon as the deadliest zombies died, it was much simpler.
After more than an hour, the battle was over in all places, everyone was exhausted, and
almost all the buildings in the town were affected by the fire. But at this time, there was
really no energy to find the next place to stay. It was okay to choose one. Buildings that
were intact and estimated to be unable to fall a short while later hid and set fire to rest.
The temperature was too low, and there was a leak on the top of the building, and everyone
was freezing cold. Xiao Lang looked at Shen Shi'an, who was comfortably resting on Shen
Xun next to the fire, envious
It seems that it is time to have a dog.
This fierce battle in the town was really dangerous, but fortunately, I never encountered
such an accident in the next journey.
Four days later, the crowd successfully arrived in Beijing.
Shen Shi'an paid the task and received the reward, then rode the dog back to the sharp
blade base.
The first thing you do when you get home is to bathe the dog. After traveling for half a
month, he was loading coal and beating zombies. The big dog had long been so dirty. He
was afraid that Shen Shi'an would be rejected. I found and stopped the low temperature of
minus 20 degrees, and taking a cold bath was dead. Even if Wu Miao can recruit the water,
it is likely to freeze quickly.
Considering the volume of the dog, when she first moved into the villa, Shen Shi'an asked
the decoration team to open a room next to the bedroom as a bathroom, and built a
swimming pool as big as a pool for the dog. There is a heating room and a fireplace in the
room. After the shower, you can directly dry and blow dry. Even in winter, you are not
afraid of colds.
Bathing the dog is a physical task. His volume is large, and the hair is thick and long. It only
takes more than an hour to sink 10 amps to just put water in the bath pool, soak the dog,
and apply the shower gel.
Finally, the dog was carefully rubbed from head to toe to foam, and Shen Shian's own
clothes were almost wet, and a thin layer of white T-shirt was tightly attached to the body,
and he could see the smooth and flexible muscle lines, and he was wearing clothes. It
doesn't make a difference to take a bath.
Shen Shi'an simply sat on the edge of the bathing pool, raised his shower head and
beckoned to the dog. "Come here, finish it again."
Shen Xun felt a bit strange. He stared tightly at Shen Shi'an. An inexplicable flame quickly
burned in his body, as if suddenly returning to the day when he was fighting with the fire-
powered zombie that day, the sudden soaring temperature roasted him anxious and dry ,
Subconsciously went to Shen Shi'an and licked his face.
"Don't make trouble," Shen Shi'an rubbed two on his head, and grabbed him under his ears.
"What I want to eat tonight I will cook tonight."
Want to eat you.
I didn't know where this idea came from, and even Shen Xun was shocked.
He doesn't want to eat An An, but wants to lick him.
Licking An'an's hand, An'an's face, An'an's neck, so An's body would be his taste.
The bath was deep, and he was now standing right in front of Shen Shi'an. Can see his wet
black hair sticking to his forehead, can see his quiet gentle bottomless eyes, can see his soft
red lips, and can see the wet clothes clinging to him .
As if someone had poured a pot of hot oil, the flame in the body suddenly rose, burning
more and more quickly, burning more and more vigorously, and scurrying along the limbs.
The voice of the “An'an” was hoarse, as painful and overwhelmed. He subconsciously
arched his head into Shen Shi'an's neck. His nose was hot and scary.
"Why is it that the water is too hot or I combed my hair too much to hurt you? Let me see."
Shen Shi'an's voice came to an abrupt end when he accidentally looked down at something.
The sight now required him to take time to digest it.
But Shen Xun apparently didn't have the patience to let him digest well, and the unknown
and unresolved heat really made him anxious. He stood upright and raised his two front
paws to try to press Shen Shi'an to the ground.
There was a moment of blankness in Shen Shi'an's mind. Then subconsciously twist the
faucet in the direction of cold water.
More than ten minutes later, the big dog was wearing a blanket, and he was lying in front of
the fireplace. "An'an, what's wrong with me?"
Shen Shi'an did not dare to be completely sure. So he dried the dog and went to Lin Ruan.
"What else is wrong," Lin Ruan laughed after listening, looking at a small green bud in the
crack of the stone outside the window.
"Spring is here."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 146:
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Even with the expectation in his heart, Shen Shi'an still found it unbelievable, "But he is still
a child."
"It's nothing strange." Lin Ruan speculated. "Xun Xun is now in the form of beastization. He
was several years old before he was beastified. He is more than three years old and almost
four years old. The age comparison between canines and humans is almost seven to one.
That is to say, as a big dog, he is now about twenty-five years old. It is just normal for young
people to enter the 039 estrus period. "
From this, it can be inferred that the survivors who evolved the ancestral ability can not
only transform into the beast form and erupt a stronger attack force, it seems that even the
physiological habits will be generalized by the transformed animals to a certain extent.
What an interesting research topic. The teacher will love it.
Shen Xun's age before being animalized was not actually three or four years old. Strictly
speaking, he had just turned from a small dog to a talent just one year later. However, his
true identity and experience are extraordinary. Obviously, it cannot be inferred by common
sense. As far as the current situation is concerned, Lin Ruan's inference is already the most
Anyway, it's time to give the dog a sanitation class.
Before leaving H City, Shen Shi'an took away a large number of books and materials from
the library, some of them were placed in the public library in the base, some of the scientific
and medical classes were given to Tang Song and Lin Ruan, and some were placed on the
second floor of the villa. In the large study, most of the rest are still stored in the space.
He originally wanted to find a set of plan for human body structure and a textbook for
young people ’s physiology. He thought that it might not be particularly suitable. He also
found a set of body structure maps for dogs and science popular science books. Simply two
sets of books were prepared. Two anatomy pictures were hung on the blackboard one by
one, and then the dog was called into the study.
After explaining about the origin and growth of life as naturally and easily as possible and
easy to understand, the dog reached the point "so I am in love with 039"
"Yes, this shows that your body has begun to mature, and gender characteristics will
change particularly clearly at this time." Shen Shi'an pointed to his throat. "See? This is one
of the most important second gender characteristics of men. First, when you change back
into a human shape, it should be raised like me, and it will grow a beard. "
The dog's gaze followed Shen Shi'an's fingers firmly, sticking firmly to the place he touched
with his fingers, his throat knot was not very large, because the skin had a beautiful white
neckline, and even revealed a weak and delicate charm, as he spoke It trembled up and
down, like a naughty little fruit, so that Shen Xun suddenly gave birth to an urgent desire,
and wanted to lick and lick it carefully, and what it was like.
An unfamiliar and familiar restlessness swelled again. He looked down at his body and
asked Shen Shi'an "Does everyone feel 039?"
Shen Shi settled, then nodded, "Yes, everyone will, but because humans usually have better
control over their desires, physiological impulses are not generated by breeding instincts,
and they do not change due to seasons. There is a noticeable change, so the term estrus is
generally not used. "
"That means that human beings are in love all year round."
"It can be understood as such. This is a completely normal and healthy way of physiological
expression. It does not require panic or fear, and it does not require shame because of it.
The sexual 039 experience is one of the most beautiful experiences that human beings can
experience, of course. On the premise that both parties are sufficiently mature, have
sufficient judgment, are equal and willing to do so, and take necessary protective measures.
The big dog suddenly raised his ears and erected his front half. "Did An An and anyone have
this experience?"
Shen Shi was silent, "No."
"But the point today is not me, focus on listening to the lesson." Suppressing the
enthusiasm on his face, he suddenly remembered one thing. "I remember you telling me
clearly that your body is over 300 years old, Haven't you experienced 039 in these three
hundred years? "
The dog shook his head, his face was ignorant.
In Shen Shian's mind, did Nahan say that the development process of the alien beast is not
the same as that of humans or dogs. It sounds like three hundred years old. For the endless
alien beast in Shouyuan, it may just be an adult. Or does the strange animal have to have a
certain condition to trigger 039
These questions were asked in vain. He didn't remember any of them, and he forgot what
he was. It seems that he can only wait until he has absorbed the part of the unsealable
mana in the body to re-form into an adult form. The calculation time should be about one
After finishing the sanitation class, the dog has a complete and comprehensive
understanding of his body changes, but he soon realized that when the most important
problem has not been resolved, what should he do to not be uncomfortable?
"An An, what do you do when you get 039"
When Shen Shi'an was twelve years old, he received a professional and complete gender
education from his grandfather who is a professor of medical science. Like all boys, he also
experienced the most restless and energetic youth. Of course, his body also appeared
similar. The change. His approach was either to take a deep breath and wait for the heat to
cool naturally, or to relieve it manually.
But neither of these methods is obviously suitable for dogs.
How to solve Shen Xun's physical changes is really a difficult problem.
Shen Shian holding a trace of luck. Perhaps the previous change was only accidental. He has
not officially entered the 039 estrus. The next time it changes, it is time to become human.
It turns out that he really was too naive.
Shen Shi'an has always had the habit of getting up early. He is a biological clock developed
after living with his grandfather for many years. He opens his eyes on time at six o'clock
every morning. After washing, first drink a glass of honey water, and then usually go out for
morning exercises, sometimes walking along the street or the base wall of the base
yourself, running exercises to absorb the most powerful aura before sunrise, and
sometimes joining the morning training team of sharp blades.
The cutting edge of the morning training tradition was established from the beginning of
the regiment. To this end, a simulated off-road track was also built in the outermost circle
of the base area, which is exactly six kilometers after two laps.
Tao Yuan usually led the team to supervise, but he left the base to do the task, and the task
was given to Qu Shuo.
The cold wave struck years ago, and Lu Xiuyuan brought back the frostbite unconscious Qu
Shuo, and Lin Ruan was successfully treated. Later, after consulting the core team members
and the wishes of Qu Shuo himself, Qu Shuo became one of the candidates for Sharp Edge,
and officially passed the one-month assessment.
As a welcome gift, Shen Shi'an instructed Tao Yuan to use the power to heal Qu Shuo and
regenerate his truncated right leg. After more than half a month of adaptation and
rehabilitation, he is now able to move freely, and now works as Tao Yuan's deputy
Responsible for members' physical and combat skills training.
The dog likes to sleep on the bed, so in most cases Shen Shi'an wakes up and still sleeps.
But today is different. As soon as Shen Shi'an opened his eyes, a furry forelimb suddenly
stretched out, curling his waist and rolling him under him. The dog was obviously not
awake, but his body changed dramatically. There was a humming voice in his throat and his
voice was sobbing, and it was audible that he was calling his name, the wet nose was
arching back and forth at his shoulder socket, his body temperature was hot and his
breathing was hot, his body was full of restlessness.
Shen Shian's mind was blank, and he opened the window and threw the dog out.
When Shen Xun recovered his calmness in the snow and ice, and sadly jumped back to the
bedroom, Shen Shi'an calmed down with a sigh of relief.
He poured a cup of hot milk for the dog lying on the fire in front of the fireplace, kissed him
on the forehead and apologized, then went upstairs and knocked on the door of Lin Ruan's
Lin Ruan opened his bedroom door with sleepy eyes and raised a ball on the bed. He
seemed to be lying alone. After listening to Shen Shi'an's words, he yawned while holding
his waist. "The solution is that the animal's estrus is instinctively. It ’s like a person is
hungry and needs to eat. The more you do n’t feed him, the more uncomfortable you are.
The more you ca n’t control it, there is really no good solution. Otherwise, finding an object
is also a returning ancestral power. Canine females or males will do, too, depending on his
orientation. "
"No," Shen Shi'an vetoed, inexplicably agitated. "He's too young. Let's talk when he grows
Frowning for a moment, "If you use drugs to suppress 039 estrus", it doesn't take too long,
just wait for the search to become a person again.
Lin Ruan carefully brought the door up and took two steps outside.
"Drug suppression is definitely possible, and the most basic anti-androgens can do it, but
you know that, it will definitely have side effects. The estrus is a continuous 039 process,
which means that anti-androgens must be carried out frequently. Hormone injection is
essentially the same as chemical castration, and I cannot guarantee that there will be no
sequelae. "
Shen Shi'an frowned even more, and immediately eliminated this second option.
He couldn't restrain, couldn't find the subject to vent, and he couldn't help himself. Taking a
cold bath or freezing was not the way. Too many times sooner or later, the body would be
out of trouble.
Lin Ruan covered her mouth and yawned again. "In fact, there is the easiest way."
Shen Shian was pleased with "What"
"You help him with your hands."
The author has something to say about the waistband and the old umbrella.
It's fast, it's fast.
Now you know why not hurry to make the dog a human: 3 ''
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 147:

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Shen Shi'an's expression was blank for a moment.
"Isn't it inconvenient for him to be animal-shaped right now, and you can help him directly
by hand." Lin Ruan saw his tangle and hesitation. "This is not a big deal. It is purely for
humanitarian reasons. Don't think about it. Too much, isn't it helpless, otherwise it will
keep him dry so uncomfortable, you do n’t feel bad, everyone is a man, you are still
studying medicine, it ’s easy to get rid of this thing after a long time. In fact, I would rather
Help, but judging by Xun's personality, I guess I'll have to eat before he gets closer, so you
still have to do it. "
"Don't you say that he is expected to recover human shape in about a month, so even if you
can help, you can't help a few times. It will be more convenient when he can get started
Shen Shian returned to the bedroom with two tubes of Lin Ruan's friendship, watching the
dog lying in front of the fireplace with a headache.
Really want to help
Although it is said that Shen Xun has no blood relationship with him, not even a species,
after all, he has been raised as a son for more than half a year. Now he is both a family
member and a strong and reliable partner who can trust his life. No matter how he thinks
of helping him by hand They are a little embarrassing.
Would you still like to do this if you change to Chen Nan or Liu Fangzhou?
But Shen Xun is neither Chen Nan nor Liu Fangzhou. He is unique to Shen Shi'an. He is the
closest and most trusted person in the world. He is more important than all other
members, more than Mr. Gu, and even It surpassed Shen Shi'an himself when he was
pushed off the plane by Shen Han in Shen Xun and fell into the absolute death zone. The life
and death of Shen Shi'an already understood this.
If it is such a close and important person, it is not difficult to accept it by helping him by
hand, it is still awkward.
Shen Shi'an, who failed her psychological counseling, stuffed the tube given by Lin Ruan
into the bedside table, and rarely showed the ostrich spirit. Regardless, when the next time
I send \\ 039 love, I don't know when.
On the fourth day after Shen Shi'an and others completed the group mission home, Xu Ge
and Lu Xiuyuan returned after completing the material collection mission. The mission was
completed smoothly, because the extremely low temperature restricted the operation of
the zombies. This collection of materials has set an unprecedented record of zero casualties
in the Beijing base.
But at the same time, teammates also brought back bad news.
"The temperature is too low, and most of the zombies are frozen and cannot be moved, but
it does not affect my induction." Mianxiang chewed like a squirrel for a long time and finally
swallowed all the food. Then he continued, "I have at least four third-level zombies in this
Lin Ruan said, "Don't you all go to small counties?"
"Yes, the resident population does not exceed 200,000, but there are indeed third-level
zombies. I personally guarantee that Brother Shen, your pork chop is too delicious. It is
crispy and crispy on the outside. "It's delicious." The three bowls of white rice with dried
sauce are not a problem.
"Just eat more. It ’s estimated that you wo n’t be able to eat pork for at least three months."
This is the last stock of the batch of pork bought before the Spring Festival. The livestock on
the farm suffered heavy casualties during the great cooling. Only the remaining Part of it is
to stay for breeding. In order to resume the breeding scale as soon as possible, the
suspension of sales of pig, beef and mutton was announced from one month ago.
In the bowl for the big dogs, another pork cutlet larger than his face was placed. Shen Shi'an
looked a little dignified. "I and Xun Xun also encountered this situation when they went out
for a group mission. Two third-level zombies have appeared in the town, and because they
can release high temperatures, they can still move freely in this weather. "
"Wait a while," Xiong Manshan lifted his face from the rice bowl. "Did we find two third-
level zombies in the absolute death zone at the same time, and the total number of zombies
can be counted as a minimum? Do it! "
"Not only, but there must be more than two third-level zombies. I had limited range at the
time, and it was estimated that even less than one-tenth of the total area was less than
that." Liu Fangzhou corrected.
"Even so, the proportion of Level 3 zombies has increased significantly." Tao Yuan asked
Tang Song "Can zombies communicate with each other at minus 20-30 degrees to evolve?"
"Yes. I have tested with Lin Ruan. The effect of low temperature on the zombie virus is
small, and it can still remain active even at minus 80 degrees. We suspect that the original
environment of this virus should be extremely cold."
The dumb stuttering dog suddenly stopped and flashed a certain fragment in his head, as if
he thought of something and didn't remember anything.
In the cold winter, when most humans can only hide indoors, the zombie group still
maintains its original speed, and even evolves at a faster rate, which is undoubtedly a bad
news for the survivors.
This means that the balance of power has once again tilted sharply, and humans are bound
to face even more unpredictable dangers in the battle against zombies.
The security base that has been divided into isolated islands by the tide of zombies all over
the country, can it really survive this catastrophe and how long?
Will there be another day in this world as usual?
A dignified sense of life and death for all humanity gradually permeated the restaurant.
Xu Ge touched Fan Xintong's head and sighed silently.
In any case, the poorest is the child.
A moment later, he was worried and said, "If the third-level zombies have appeared in the
small counties, does it mean that there must have been a fourth-level zombies in the Jedi
death zone?"
Shen Shi'an nodded. "The probability is over 80%."
The evolution of zombies is basically similar to the evolution of abilities. It also follows the
rule that the higher the level, the harder it is to evolve. The zombies that have evolved to
level 4 in September last year are estimated to not wait until they have evolved to level 5.
too long.
Level 4 zombies can control one million ordinary zombies at the same time, a concept that
is unimaginable.
But it is to be expected that if met, it would definitely be an unprecedented fierce battle.
Shen Shi'an was still thinking about this when he returned to the bedroom to take a bath
after dinner. If he had some confidence in the fourth-level zombies. This problem is difficult
to estimate, because no one has ever faced up to the level 4 zombies so far. The level of the
abilities of the level 4 zombies cannot be measured, let alone the one million people under
it. Commanded zombies.
The good news is that power zombies are not alone, he is not, he also has partners and
dogs. The pheromone developed by Tang Song and Lin Ruan may play a crucial role in
reversing the war situation.
Shen Xun ate a bit at night. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Shen Shian was
kicked out of the bathroom.
When Shen Shian came out of the bath, he was using his claws to pull the opponent ’s head
rope back and forth. The simple black model had no tricks, but was impregnated with the
smell of sweet peach shampoo and Shen Shian from the inside. Hearing the movements and
raising his eyes, he stayed in place immediately.
There is heating in the bedroom, and the fireplace burns in the afternoon during the day.
Because no one is watching the fire, it has just been extinguished for a long time, and the
sweet aroma of hot roasted marshmallow floats in the air. Because the room temperature is
high, Shen Shi'an only wrapped a towel around her waist. After coming out of the
bathroom, she turned to the dressing room to change her pajamas. She had cut her hair
once a year but had a lot of long hair dripping down and half of her face. On the back, half of
my ears are behind my ears, revealing clear and beautiful lines on the face.
The dressing room is next to the bathroom, so Shen Shi'an appeared around a bath towel in
a very short time, less than three seconds in total.
But these three seconds are enough for a big dog to play back countless times in his mind,
and then produce some kind of hot and strong change.
When Shen Shi'an changed her pajamas, what she saw was the annoying and rough voice of
big dogs, pacing back and forth in the bedroom.
"Ann," the boy's hoarse voice was full of helplessness and pain. "I'm so upset"
Shen Shi'an considered for a few seconds, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and walked
to the bedside table to take out a tube of things. "I can help you so that you are not so
"Really?" The big dog sniffed back and forth close to Shen Shi'an's neck. The smell of the
other person and the cool body temperature were like natural tranquilizers, which made
the body burn more and more, and the flames that seemed to explode at any time calmed
down. You help me, Ann, then please help me quickly, okay? "
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and glanced, "Can you be a little smaller?" The dog is now
nearly three meters tall. This size change is so amazing that he may not be able to hold it
with both hands.
Shen Xun reluctantly concentrated on trying for a moment, and successfully reduced his
body size by half. The person stood up just above Shen Shi'an's head. "Now it can only
become like this at most, no matter how little mana is out of control."
Shen Shi'an sat on the bed and patted himself, "Come here, lie down."
From beginning to end, it took more than half an hour.
A strange and strong smell permeated the air.
The big dog wheezed in bed, unable to return for a long time, and Shen Shi'an quickly
entered the bathroom.
He washed his hands, rushed his face, and stared at the flushed face in the mirror for a long
time. No matter how he tried, the boy's hoarse, groaning moan 039 still echoed in his head.
He glanced down and cursed secretly.
Then he turned into the shower and took a cold shower for more than ten minutes.
The author has something to say: This is not the full version.
Remember the words of Chapter 124.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 148:

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Shen Shi'an was a little irritable.
He knew that he would react normally. Since the end of the last days, he has been busy
running for a living, and he has brought a dog spirit beside him. In addition, he has not been
self-relieving for almost a year. Due to the influence of the atmosphere and the emotions of
the other party, his physiology Sexual 039 impulses are completely normal and
It was just that the timing and occasion of this impulse were too inappropriate, so that even
if it was extinguished with cold water in time, it still gave him a vague and indescribable
sense of shame.
It is precisely because of this sense of shame that the relationship between him and Shen
Xun seems to be changing quietly, something is broken, and something is secretly growing.
Unlike Shen Shi'an's entanglement caused by "manual help", the dog's mood is completely
The unprecedented feelings and experiences made him very happy, as if opening the door
to a new world, the "estrous period" that originally made him restless suddenly became a
source of happiness, and just remembering the feelings that night made him instantly
Sexual uplift.
It's a pity that not every sexual frustration will help him to solve it. After some physical
education and "negotiation" bargaining negotiation, the frequency of manual help was
finally set at most once a week, exceeding this frequency. All physical changes outside the
body must be digested by the dog, either showering or holding.
After the second manual help, Shen Shi'an went to the bathroom again to take a shower,
and when he came out, he asked the dog, "When can you become a person?"
Shen Xun was lying on the bed for a while, and couldn't react for a moment, turning his
head to see him "what happened to someone?"
"You can solve it yourself after being changed," Shen Shi'an didn't know why he turned his
gaze subconsciously and didn't look at him, walked to the table, poured a glass of water,
and drank half a cup at a stretch. "This kind of thing is always you It's more convenient to
do it yourself. "
The dog was anxious, and scrambled down from the bed, "An An will not help me after
becoming a human"
"I originally helped you because your current animal form is inconvenient. There is no
other way. If you can turn into a human form, of course, if you encounter such a situation,
you must do it yourself."
Or find an object. Shen Shi'an originally intended to popularize his knowledge of gender. He
thought it would be too small to let him go, or wait to be changed first.
No, I want An An to help me
The dog was anxious to scratch the floor, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that Shen Shi'an
wouldn't help if she said so.
An An, do n’t help him, then do n’t change it for a while
But there is really no time left before he can transform into the form freely. What can we
do? We must not lie to him. He promised that he would never lie to An An.
Gouzi pondered meditation, thinking of a way, he put a spell on himself, limiting his
absorption of the powerful force in his body, and then told Shen Shi'an "At the current rate
of mana absorption, it would take at least three months to successfully transform. "
Shen Shi'an frowned. "How could it have been so long that it wasn't possible to say it would
be within a month?"
Gouzi blinked and pretended to be stupid. "It's probably affected by estrus."
Strictly speaking, this is not a lie. Does he curse himself just because the estrus is so loud?
Shen Shi'an had no choice but to continue the manual service once a week temporarily.
But for Shen Xun, a new problem has arisen. An An's birthday is approaching. He was
planning to restore the human figure on his birthday and surprise An An. Now he ca n’t be
changed. What should I use as a birthday gift?
Shen Shi'an's birthday is in late March. Life and death are unpredictable after the end of the
world. One of the most obvious changes in daily life is that it seems to be less and less
sensitive to the passage of time and the date. It often causes confusion to this day and night,
so that it can only be reached through the bracelet Calendar reminders can barely explore
the context of time.
Because of this, Shen Shi'an forgets his birthday.
On the eve of his birthday, the blades are as usual in the base. Members train every day, go
on missions, team up to the absolute death zone to hunt zombies, or make short rest
adjustments. The last days are difficult, and everyone is trembling in this crisis-ridden
world Strive hard to survive.
If there is any change, it is that the core team members have not been seen recently. This is
the case with Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou, even with the dog. He always sticks to him. In
the recent period, it ’s a whole run. God, asking him what he did is also vague.
Shen Shi'an was suspicious, but the manual help and physical reaction made him feel a little
embarrassed and unnatural when he got along with Shen Xun recently. Having more
personal space made him a lot easier, so he didn't ask further.
On the birthday day, Tao Yuan was invited by the base hospital to participate in an
emergency operation, so Shen Shi'an led two groups of non-powered members to the
periphery of the absolute death zone, both to hunt for zombies and obtain crystal nuclei,
and to improve the array in actual combat. Law and tactics, when it was back to the base, it
was already more than five in the afternoon, and it was just getting dark.
When entering the villa, Shen Shi'an didn't notice any abnormality. The fireplace was
burning and Lu Xiuyuan was mopping the floor. Lin Ruan was sitting on the sofa with a
book in his hand. Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan led the Tongtong to roast cotton candy
in front of the fire Everything is the same as usual.
However, all the scenes in the next second suddenly spread out like mist. Shen Shi'an had
no time to see the colorful balloons and various decorations in the room. Two bangs and
two colorful sequin fireworks burst into the sky Fall on him
"happy Birthday"
"Welcome home captain"
Cheers, whistles, and horns sounded. The colorful lights and balloons were full of people.
Not only the core teammates were all there, but even Mr. Gu and Gu Changsheng came.
Laughing and clapping. Xiong Manshan came over and put on a red birthday hat for Shen
Shi'an, who had not returned yet, and said with a smile, "No surprise or surprise"
It is not easy to conceal Shen Shi'an. Thanks to Tang Song's ability to use illusions, in order
to prevent Shen Shi'an from being aware of the flaws, Lu Xiuyuan, Lin Ruan and others he
just saw are actually true, but all the things they have passed Illusion processing, for
example, Lu Xiuyuan looked at mopping the floor with a mop. In fact, he was holding a
firework cannon. Lin Ruan looked at a book. In fact, he was pushing a cart in his hand. The
big cake is decorated with flowers, not only the name of Shen Shi'an and the "21" candle
representing the year-old, but also a golden sword emblem drawn with syrup.
Suddenly the lights went out, the candle on the cake was lit by Xu Ge, and everyone laughed
in the candlelight and sang "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday
to you, happy birthday to you"
The big dog walked to Shen Shi'an and nudged him, cooperating with others to gather him
beside the cake, "An'an, make a wish."
The mood is endless, the sweetness teaches people warmth. Shen Shi'an smiled and rubbed
his dog's head. "Huh." After he blew out the candle, the lights turned on again. Liu Fangzhou
and others coaxed "demolition gifts and quickly dismantle them."
The first display was a gift from Chen Nan. The box was about half a person tall, very heavy,
couldn't hold it at all, and was pushed out on a trolley.
Shen Shi'an opened it and saw that it was a huge peach. At least two or three adults were
needed to embrace it. The skin was thin and thick, and the color was bright. Through the
peel, you can see the pink flesh inside. The leaf is still carrying water. Beads, apparently just
picked up not long after. The most amazing thing is that there is a painting on the peel of
the peach. The man in the painting is dressed in a large black cormorant and rides a
monster in the snow. The golden emblem on the back is like a wave. , The cold side line can
clearly see that Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an was shocked and pleased that the "how this is done" painting was completely
grown on the peach, and indeed it was not artificial.
Chen Nanxiao "This is a gift that we all came up with together. Brother Xiong found a peach
tree seedling with a particularly good gene and a very good result by publishing a task. The
painting was soft and was created by Tao Yuan and Xu Ge. A pair of plastic molds were
hung on the peach before the fruit was shaped. I was responsible for promoting the birth.
Brother Tang was responsible for technical support. After trying many times, I finally grew
this one with the best effect. Wish Shen Brother a long life. This is a life of joy. "
Shen Shi'an didn't know what to say, and a hot current was flowing in his chest.
"Thank you," he looked at his teammates, "I like it very much." Looking back, he could put it
on the second floor of Zhulou, and this mind would be treasured forever.
Xu Ge took Tong Tong's hand and gave a gift to Shen Shi'an.
It was a set of plasticine dolls, pinching everyone in the villa, Tang Song with glasses, Lin
Ruan sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Xu Ge with the flame in his palm, sitting on the devil's
vine Chen Nan, Lu Xiuyuan squatting on the ground without knowing what to do, Liu
Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan making a mess, Tao Yuan playing chess with her, and a big
dog lazily lying in front of the fireplace and a big dog leaning against the big dog Shen
Shi'an on his body, even fierce and violent, spread his legs and ran happily.
The puppet is not delicate, but accurately captures the morphological characteristics of
everyone, with a child's unique delicate perspective, lively and lively and lovely.
Shen Shi'an carefully collected the doll and squatted down to thank Tong Tong. "This gift is
very good, and I will definitely collect it."
Shen Xun could not hold back long ago, at this time immediately hesitated "Look at my An
An, look at my gift"
The gift he gave was also packed, but it looked much smaller than the one containing
peaches, about the size of a small jewelry box. Unpacking the outer wrapping paper, inside
is an antique wooden box. As soon as the lid was opened, a dazzling light permeated
through it.
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes "this is"
Lying inside the wooden box are seven egg-sized zombie crystal nuclei, of different colors,
red orange yellow green blue blue and purple, which make up a set of rainbow colors, and
the bright light shines from the multiple aspects similar to diamonds. Each other shines
into a box of fantastic brilliance.
Not only was Shen Shi'an shocked, others were also shocked. Mr. Gu carefully looked for a
moment, and it seemed unbelievable that "these are all tertiary crystal nuclei."
Level 3 zombies can control at least 200,000 ordinary zombies at the same time. The
preciousness of the crystal nucleus is conceivable. There is absolutely no value in the base.
To be honest, in the position of Mr. Gu, it is not so bad to see the tertiary crystal nuclei, but
the seven tertiary crystal nuclei are put together, and the seven crystal nuclei with different
colors represent different abilities. This extravagant scene was seen by Mr. Gu for the first
The dog is inconvenient to communicate with other people, so the task of explanation was
given to Liu Fangzhou. The young man was full of eyebrows. "These crystal nuclei are all
played by the hunting brother alone. He started to prepare more than half a month ago. He
must go outside the base to find the third-level zombies. He must also have different
abilities to make up the seven colors. When he finds them, he rushes up to Haibian, and is
particularly prestigious. "
Thanks to the rapid evolution of zombies, three levels of zombies increased significantly
after one winter, otherwise it would be really difficult to find all seven colors in such a
short time.
Alas, don't look at the brother looking fierce, in fact, understand the romance well, these
seven crystal nuclei are put together, all diamonds and gems are weak in comparison.
When he has a sweetheart in the future, he also needs to use This method of confession, but
how to assemble the seven crystal nuclei is a problem, do n’t think about the third level, or
the second level, or the first level, ask Brother Xiong to help, and then the good thing is to
invite him to dinner
Liu Fangzhou thought hard, but Shen Shi'an frowned slightly, and asked the dog, "You
broke into seven zombies alone"
One third-level zombies controlled 200,000 men, and seven were 1.4 million.
Shen Xun turned to look at Lu Xiuyuan. Lu Xiuyuan immediately said, "I went with him. The
ark was responsible for finding the zombies. I was responsible for opening the wall and
sending Shen to the target, so he only had to deal with seven thirds. Just a zombie. "
Seven third-level zombies are equally dangerous and should not be underestimated, what
to do in case of injury
Shen Shi'an was reprimanded, but he swallowed the words back in the eyes of the pair of
giant emerald beasts. Those eyes were soft and bright, flashing the trust and love of the
whole body, and it was all in himself.
Shen Xun was anxious and shouted, "How about, An An, do you like my gift?"
Shen Shi was silent, then rubbed two on his head, "Like, I especially like it, the world's
The dog was satisfied, and the big, furry tail fluttered, hoping to get up into the sky.
There are too many gifts, so I ca n’t afford to disassemble them one by one. Xu Ge proposes,
“Let ’s eat first, then the dishes will be cold, and then eat the cake after eating, as a dessert.
Captain, Mr. Gu also deliberately cooks for two today Dish. "
Shen Shi'an was surprised, and turned to look at Mr. Gu "Thank you."
"What kind of kindness to Dad," Mr. Gu put his arms around his shoulders, "I was too busy
when you celebrated your birthday last year. I didn't celebrate with you all my 20th
birthday. I had promised to make up for you. Whatever you want, it's the end of life. So this
year, you have to be happy anyway, and have a good birthday. Walk around. I made your
mother's most famous braised pork and winter bamboo ribs soup. "
Gu Changsheng fell behind the two, looking at Mr. Gu's concern for intimacy, and there was
a touch of envy in his eyes.
But soon he was happy again, and the gift he gave his brother did not know if he would like
The birthday banquet was not announced until more than nine o'clock in the evening. Shen
Shian and his dog kept sending Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu Changsheng to the door of Lidao. The
weather was cold and the road was still frozen. A slippery slippery foot when getting in the
Gu Changsheng walking beside him quickly reached out and helped "Beware."
"Huh," Mr. Gu faced with frost, and pulled his hand violently "without your help"
Gu Changsheng lowered his eyelid "Sorry."
Shen Shi'an frowned, then slowly let go.
He has no right to belittle Mr. Gu's attitude towards Gu Changsheng. For him, Gu
Changsheng is his father's son, has an inseparable blood relationship with him, has been
secretly maintained many times, and is a completely different individual from Qin Shu.
Therefore, Gu Changsheng is suffering from Qin Shu Separation was not that difficult for
Mr. Gu is different. For Mr. Gu, Gu Changsheng was the product of his infringement under
the condition of being banned, drugged, and completely against his will. It was precisely
because of Gu Changsheng that he caused love between him and his lover. The
misunderstanding caused the deeply loved man to regret his life and succumbed to
depression. Only then did Qin Shu have the chips to persist in marriage, and caused the
tragedy that he and Shen Qingran are now separated from each other.
Whether fair or not, Gu Changsheng is the source of all suffering for him.
How to resolve such a gap, I am afraid it is not a simple matter for anyone.
After sending them away, Shen Shi'an returned to the bedroom, took a bath, changed
clothes, and then sat on the carpet leaning against the dog to start disassembling gifts.
Many gifts were piled up beside the sofa. In addition to what Chen Nan had already
dismantled, they were also given by other members, from Li Cheng and Miao Shoufu, but
from Qin's family. Even Zheng Gang, who had had conflicts in the tasks of the reserve
warehouse and had been helped by him, gave a gift.
With the deepening of the cooperative relationship, Xiao Lang, the head of the tiger and
wolf regiment who got closer and closer to the blade, did not send it, only a greeting card "I
prepared a gift for you, but it will take more than ten days before you can get it . "
Shen Shi'an hesitated, and didn't bother to guess what the gift he said was. After putting
down the card, he picked up another one.
This one was sent by Gu Changsheng. After unpacking the wrapping paper, there are a pair
of dark green gloves, which seem to be deerskin. They are very well tanned, light and soft.
There is no rigidity of leather goods, and the color is dull and low-key. , The position of the
back of the hand is embroidered with a sword and beast emblem, each representing a
sharp blade, in gold thread, which can be matched with the uniform.
Shen Shi'an picked up the right hand and wore it on the hand. It was just the right size. Each
finger fit perfectly, perfectly highlighting the slender and straight hand lines, like a carefully
carved artwork.
The dog stared at his right hand for a long time, and in his mind could not help recalling the
feeling that this hand was clinging to his relief, his eyes deepened, and his breathing was
Turning his head to Shen Shi'an, he said, "An'an, this week's help opportunity is useless."
Shen Shi'an was stiff, and he couldn't figure out why changing a glove could also make him
feel 039. He sighed frankly, went to the bedside and opened the nightstand "Come here."
After more than half an hour, Shen Xun fluttered in bed.
When he turned around, he found Shen Shi'an was leaving, and hugged him "An'an, stay
with me again"
The sound stopped abruptly. He stared at Shen Shi'an's body and opened his eyes with
excitement, as if he had discovered the new continent, "An'an, you also sent \\ 039 love"
Shen Shi'an's face was hot, and his ears were flushed. "Let ’s go and take a shower."
"No shower, no shower, why shower?" Shen Xun pushed him down, "An An, you helped me,
I can help you too"
Shen Shi'an was shocked and was about to get up "What to look for in you"
"Ann, don't move," Shen Xun pushed him back again. "Shh, don't talk, I know what to do."
Although he has no hands, he has a tongue.
The author has something to say: This is not the full version, and it is crazy suggesting.
Guiding 124 spoke.
A bit of Cavern, I'm sorry for being too late, so I added a few yards and it was quite long.
Gouzi becomes a man in about ten chapters, an adult.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks for the little angel Sanskrit for casting the deepwater torpedo, thank you local
Thanks to the little angel Ru Qiulin Lin who cast out the rocket launcher, Bai Wen was
better at first sight and was confused;
Thanks to the little angel rosa and aozaki who threw the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel Jade Bird who threw mines to eat 2 flying fishes; Yestee, Ru Qiulin
Forest Stone, Shuangxuan, Ye Luo Wu Hen, Xi Mu Hibiscus, Amorell, Xing Luo, Su and Mo;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Squirrel 咩 100 bottles; zz83 bottles; Sanskrit 60 bottles; Li Qing, cs 幺 幺 zero, that is,
shallow 50 bottles; Melbourne 39 bottles; flashes and flashes 30 bottles; , Mo Shang Hua
Kai, Yi Xun, March in Beijing, Caviar, Huang A Huang eating soil, zfvj, who's paralysis,
2181739520 bottles; 15 bottles; cooing, maple, su, someone, like Mengfeiren, 36233838,
Time, Xiaomeng and Weizhu, Wei Wuxian are mine, ds, 15544063, Youxian, cake, tobacco
non-love, sick cat. , Flower family with less sugar, hika, mysterious A orange, I am happy,
autumn is strong, zise01, elk 10 bottles; 8 bottles of Sima; 7 bottles of hibiscus in the river;
6 bottles of 懒懒; Xia,, Amorell, against time and space, zq815 bottles; advachie, Mr. Qi 3
bottles; 涞 迩 2 bottles; Cloud drunk moon slightly, rabbit, once once, 24224915, Moyu
picturesque, Daiyueer , Qqn1 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 149:

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This is the anti-theft Zhang Shen Shen Shi'an and he looked at each other for a long time,
still unbelievable. Could not help but reach out his finger and poked "little black" on his soft
The little baby gnawed her teeth twice, slammed Shen Shi'an's fingertips into her mouth,
did not dare to bite it hard, grinded the tiger's teeth a few times, and then spit it out.
He looked down at his tender hands and feet. He looked frustrated and seemed to be aware
of Shen Shi'an's sight. He quickly covered his hands with his hands. His face turned red and
fierce. The "no-look" tone was very strange. There is a little husky in the mix, and the words
are jerky and ambiguous as if they have just learned to speak.
Shen Shi'an "I didn't see it." Peanuts point at something big, what's so nice about it.
After saying this, I remembered that the other party was still naked. Although the space is
as warm as spring, it is still a bit cold when naked, not to mention the little baby just came
out of the Lingquan, and the wet body is covered with drops of water. In the event of a
freeze, it will be troublesome.
Suddenly this kind of accident happened, and the research originally planned to do would
definitely not be able to continue for the time being. Shen Shi'an simply picked up the baby
doll and thought out of space.
The home was very quiet, Yun Feiyang didn't come back, only Rui Bao was holding melon
seeds in a bird cage on the coffee table, and saw Shen Shian patted his wings happily "Baby"
Shen Shi'an didn't have time to make fun of it, and he promised to go into the bathroom and
took out a towel. He wiped the baby from head to toe, and wrapped him in a cashmere
blanket on the sofa. "Sit here. Move, I'll look for clothes you can wear. "
The baby was tangled up like a bitch. After watching Shen Shi'an leave, he twisted to find a
more comfortable posture. He looked up and found that Ruibao in the cage was tilting his
head and staring at him, and immediately spit out two rows of small fangs and stared
fiercely Go back.
Rui Bao was stiff, and some unbearable memories instantly returned to the cage, screaming
back into the corner and screaming "Goodbye, baby, goodbye, baby, goodbye, goodbye"
Shen Shi'an stepped out of the master bedroom and cast doubt on and implicitly accused
Xiao Hei "You bullied Ruibao again"
The little girl widened her eyes and was aggrieved. "I don't have it", angry and annoyed, she
turned her head toward the parrot and snarled a fierce roar similar to that of a beast, and
flung her hands and feet to bite it.
Ruibao shuddered in fear, and his screams became more and more fierce. The chicken
flying in the living room could not rest for a while. Shen Shi'an could only carry it back to
the guest room by the bird cage to be isolated by the door.
He sat on the sofa with two pieces of clothes and a pair of scissors, beckoning Xiao Hei
"Come here."
The little baby twisted her head and snorted very proudly and indifferently.
"You can't come, I gave Rui Bao my clothes," Shen Shi'an said lightly.
The proud and indifferent little baby immediately moved to Shen Shi'an's legs like a
There was no clothes suitable for children at home, Shen Shi'an looked for a long time and
found only a set of autumn clothes that had only been washed once, and a shrinking light
gray cardigan.
Qiuyi has good elasticity. The pants are cut directly from the middle of the thigh, and then
the waist and trousers are tightened with transparent glue. The top is cut short, although it
is still loose after being put on. Fortunately, the shrinking sweater unexpectedly fits. Just
cover the buttocks and roll up the sleeves again, it looks cute. There is no way out for
underwear, so I can only buy it tomorrow.
After putting on clothes, Shen Shi'an touched his hair, a little tide, brought the hair dryer,
and adjusted the mid-range warm air to blow slowly. The little things that were fierce a few
moments ago were pretty good at this time, lying on Shen Shi'an's legs motionless. The
child's hair was originally soft, and it became more fluffy after being blown dry. The fur was
against the palm of the hand, reminding Shen Shian of the touch on Xiao Hei's body.
When the hair was completely dry, Shen Shi'an closed the hair dryer, sat on the sofa and
faced the baby, and considered the language "You are indeed a little black, right?" What
happened under his eyelids. There are no other explanations.
The little doll nodded.
"How did you become human"
The baby shook his head.
"What the **** happened to you in Lingquan"
The baby shook his head, blinked, and continued to pretend to be innocent.
Shen Shi'an did not feel that the other party was pretending to be innocent. To him, the doll
in front of him was still a little milk dog less than three months ago, and even if it suddenly
became fine, it was essentially the soul of a little milk dog.
What can you expect a puppy to know
The reason why Xiao Hei suddenly became sperm is still in the spring. Could it be said that
the spiritual spring water not only accelerates wound healing, not only improves physical
fitness, but also promotes the crazy growth of plants, and can also turn the soaked animals
into humans. Myths and stories are often written like this. If you get some kind of heaven
and earth, you can become a human by eating it. Since the Lingquan can save him from
dying state, in a way, it is equal to rebuilding his body, and it is not impossible to make a
dog into a refined form.
So, can any animal become human after soaking in Lingquan?
Shen Shi'an suddenly thought of Ruibao across the wall.
The idea of "putting Ruibao in Lingquan to see what will change" was just as soon as it
emerged. In case Ruibao became a human, how should he explain to Yunfeiyang?
Not to mention Ruibao, now how to explain this dog sperm is a difficult problem.
Shen Shi'an looked at the baby's dark green eyes and suddenly got a headache.
After Xiao Hei becomes a human, the biggest advantage is that he doesn't have to walk the
dog, but it becomes a problem where he sleeps. He can't let him continue to sleep in the
kennel. Ruibao was asleep in the guest room, definitely not; the sofa could sleep, but there
were always suspicions of child abuse.
Before she waited for Shen Shi'an to think about how to place him, the baby doll had moved
into the quilt of the master bedroom neatly, her eyes closed tightly, and she obviously did
not intend to move the place.
Shen Shi'an laughed and went to give her mother a joss stick, then went to bed from the
other side. As soon as he lay down, a small, soft stove leaned over, and his furry hair was
right on his chin, scratching his skin with a tingling itch. This feeling is very novel, but it is
not annoying. On the contrary, because it is obviously needed to be relied on, it can not help
but give birth to some softness from the bottom of my heart.
silly dog.
He always has a fresh and smelling smell, and because he has been perfumed, his clothes
have a touch of light sandalwood aroma. Xiao He likes it, arching into his arms and sniffing
repeatedly, Shen Shi'an fixed his arm with "Don't make trouble, sleep well." Raised his hand
and turned off the headlights.
Outside the dim yellow light of the night light, a pair of dark green eyes faintly dim, staring
at Shen Shi'an's side face for a long time, without knowing something, bowing his head and
licking slightly on his wrist.
Yun Feiyang came back two days later. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a baby doll
sitting on the sofa, holding a large bowl of dark-haired purple cherries, and watching TV
while eating.
"Hey," Yun Feiyang put on slippers, "who's this?"
"Mine." Shen Shi'an put down his crops and planted them in full color, and touched the little
black head. "Come, call dad."
Little Black drummed his cheeks and said nothing, but Yun Feiyang was shocked. "I did n’t
go home for two days. Who did you even have a child with? When was it really fake?"
Shen Shi'an said, "Fake."
Yun Feiyang covered his chest and sighed, "I'll just say it, I haven't seen you have a target,
scared my little brother." Came over and looked at Xiao Hei up and down several times.
"Hey, this kid looks pretty good Good-looking, really, who is it? "
"I don't know, I picked it up."
Yun Feiyang looked back for a while before getting his voice back. "Are you donkey again?"
"No, it was picked."
"Where did you pick it up? Did you call the police?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I am going to raise it myself." Xiao Hei becoming a human is a
good thing to him to some extent, after all, the life span of a dog is limited, but the life span
of a person is much longer. He has the confidence to raise this child in his own capacity.
For a moment, Yun Feiyang almost thought that his brother's brain was a bit abnormal, and
then he thought whether it was the past few days that An'an had been stimulated by
anything extraordinary, otherwise he would never have had a relationship The good young
man, how can I remember raising a child and raising a child who doesn't know who it is?
He is madly testing on the edge of the crime of kidnapping children, what is the plan?
Concerned about how to start a friendly and profound spiritual discussion with Shen Shi'an
on this issue, Yun Feiyang suddenly found a problem, "Hey, Xiao Hei". As usual, it was time
to rush out and slap him.
Shen Shi'an looked at the dog spirit beside him and hesitated a bit. "Lost."
"Well, I forgot to close the door, it seemed to run out by itself."
"Have you looked upstairs or downstairs?"
"did not find."
Yun Feiyang was excited, because he was going to choose clinical psychology as the
research direction in the next semester. He has been reading books on psychoanalysis
recently. At this time, he learns and uses, and feels that he has found the crux of his
brother's abnormality. Although Shen Shi'an never said it clearly, he could tell how foolish
the dog was. Don't say anything, because Shen Shi'an has a bit of cleanliness, but the master
bedroom ca n’t even step in, but the dog can lie on the bed and walk the dog's hair. This is
not what true love is.
I finally persuaded myself to have a pet, and then lost my affectionate pet. I don't know how
uncomfortable he was now, no wonder he was looking for a substitute. If he wants to dispel
the thought of raising a child, it seems that he has to let him forget Xiao Hei first.
Yun Feiyang secretly thought about it and sat next to the baby doll. He tried to make Shen
Shi'an Dao as light as possible. "If you lose it, you're so good. You have to wait for the big
fish and meat all day to run out. Yes, it was just lost. Let's go back and raise another ang. "
After saying that I took a big cherry from the glass bowl held by the little baby, but I did n’t
put it in my mouth. At first, I watched the cute little baby suddenly suddenly exposed, and
his teeth clicked and bite at him. If it hadn't been for him to hide, he might have blood
splattered immediately.
Yun Feiyang held his hand into the sofa and stared at the two rows of small fangs.
Oh, this **** familiarity.
The house was very quiet. Only the slight sound of a collision of cooking utensils came from
the kitchen. The light golden light in the morning fell through the window sash,
illuminating the ordinary and warm atmosphere of fireworks.
Gu Yan looked soft, stood still for a while, raised his feet and walked towards the kitchen.
Within a few steps, a dwarf shadow came out of nowhere and slid slowly past him in front
of his calf.
Shen Xun was carrying a bag of milk, sitting cross-legged on the head of the sweeping
robot, and gliding forward from side to side while sliding forward, so as to adjust the
direction in real time according to obstacles.
Originally, when he was a dog, he was small and light, and the robot carried him with ease.
He could run around and **** dust while mopping. But he is a human figure now, and it
weighs more than a dozen pounds, which is difficult for a sweeping robot whose original
intention is not "load". The two electronic eyes were pressed into red light and flickered,
almost advancing on the ground, and the disc-shaped shell was so overwhelmed that it
squeaked along the way to teach people the ache of the teeth.
This scene fell into Gu Yan's eyes, and it was really difficult to say.
Shen Shi'an came out of the kitchen holding an casserole and saw Shen Xun's eyebrows
twitched. He lifted his neck and raised him. "How many times have you said that, don't ride
it again. Do you come to sweep the floor if you ride it?"
He looked up at Gu Yan again. "Morning, breakfast is ready."
"An An Zao." Gu Yan replied, his eyes fell on Shen Xun's body, and he seemed to want to say
something. After a pause, he didn't say anything, turned and walked into the bathroom to
After having breakfast, Mr. Gu is leaving. Shen Shi'an is not surprised. The higher the
position, the more busy the business. In his current capacity, it is hard to find time to stay
But before leaving, Shen Shi'an had one more thing to discuss with him. "The car accident
has been so long, and I have been safe. Even if someone really wants to do something to me,
maybe I have given up the plan long ago. I think the bodyguard. "Is it possible to
withdraw?" He thanked Wan Fan for their due diligence, but being monitored and tracked
by people anytime and anywhere was not a pleasant experience. What's more, he can't let
people protect his life forever.
"She doesn't do anything to you right now, because it's because she can't take care of
herself." Gu Yan sneered, a few cold lights flashed under his eyes.
Shen Shi'an moved in his heart and heard what he said, "Mrs. Gu has an accident."
Gu Xie showed the obvious disgust for the word "Mrs. Gu" "I didn't know what stimulation I
was receiving years ago, and all day long murmured that there were evil spirits to attack
her, and she screamed and cried every night, making her home unsettling I went to the
hospital and couldn't detect the problem. After seeing more than a dozen psychiatrists, it
didn't work. Later I heard that I felt that I had been lowered. Now I am hiding in a temple in
Southeast Asia. Please ask the master to solve the disaster. " Oh, there are so many bad
things done, can it be easy to hit a ghost?
Shen Shi'an was a bit surprised by the noise of the head.
Shen Xun beside him sipped, drank a bag of milk, and took a nap by the way.
"The bodyguards are not in a hurry to withdraw," said Mr. Gu. "Wait a few months and see
that the situation in Beijing is more complicated recently, and the Qin family may have
made some big moves. You can rest assured that at most six months later, I promise she
will never Dare to make any idea for you. "He will become the person in charge of the Gu
family, and made it clear that he only admits Shen Shi'an, a son, and must prevent the other
dog from jumping over the wall.
Shen Shi'an agreed and sent Mr. Gu to the door. Gu Yan looked at him and the children who
were next to him. He thought for a while and said, "An An, raising children is not an easy
task. In addition to food, clothing, and transportation, there are more important
educational issues. You are young I am busy with my schooling. This child has reached the
age of going to kindergarten. If you agree, I can take him back to Beijing first and give him
the best educational resources and living conditions. , Wait until your studies are done and
your business is stable, then send him back. "
Shen Xun had just fangs out, and a warm palm rested on top of his head. Shen Shi'an shook
his head. "I have received the kindness of Mr. Gu, but he is my son. I have the obligation to
raise him by myself."
The dog was picked up by his own hands, and it was because of him that he became human.
In any case, he must personally ensure that children can live normally in this society.
Mr. Gu seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Shen Shi'an, thinking that he meant
to metaphorically indicate that he was an unqualified father, and his eyes were bitter. "I'm
fine. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."
Shen Shian nodded. "I will." After a pause, he took a step forward and gave him a very light
hug "all the way."
This hug made Gu Min feel a lot better, and did not let Shen Shi'an send him off. He took the
elevator and went downstairs. The assistant had taken someone to park the car downstairs
and waited. Before entering the car, Gu Min asked Wan Feng who followed him, "The child
named Shen Xun is really safe."
Wan Feng shook his head. "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be. Mr. Shen went to the mall alone
that day and brought a child when he returned. It seems that Mr. Shen picked it up after
being abandoned."
Speaking of this matter, in fact, he and Fan Guoping were neglected as bodyguards for 24-
hour close protection. They did not even know when Shen Shi'an went out that day. Wan
Feng has confidence in his own abilities, and Fan Guoping is equally confident. It is almost
impossible to avoid the two of them to go down the stairs alone, but it did happen again. If
there is such an omission, no matter what the reason is, it is a bit ashamed to stand in front
of the employer at this time.
However, Gu Zheng didn't care about this. He said secretly when he got into the car with a
sigh of relief. With the genes of the Gu family and the Shen family, the children born should
not be a pair of people with an underdeveloped brain.
Shen Shi'an rejected Mr. Gu's proposal to support the children, but the words of the other
party reminded him that Shen Xun is now a human being. If he wants to survive in this
society, he must receive corresponding education.
It's just that the child is about to bite his temper. Shen Shi'an dare not send him to the
kindergarten. Thinking about it, I can only teach it myself for the time being.
During the Spring Festival, most of the shops were closed. Finally, it was difficult to find a
few online ones that can be delivered normally. After careful comparison, I selected a few
sets of teaching materials for children. Shen Xun's biggest problem at present is that he
can't speak clearly and is vague, so Shen Shi'an decided to start with the basics and learn
Pinyin first.
Considering that he hasn't become human for a long time after all, the boring study is
probably unacceptable, and it is better to be entertaining. So in addition to textbooks, Shen
Shi'an also picked him up several comic books and story books, as well as several sets of
easy-to-use Lego bricks. At the end, I bought myself a few more professional text password
deciphering books and had more vacation time. He still wanted to try to find out how to
read the exercises.
The courier arrived slightly faster than he expected. Shen Xun was next to Shen Shi'an.
When the delivery box was opened, she quickly took out a box of building blocks from the
inside and sent it to her mouth to bite. She felt that there was no taste, and she threw it
With the teaching materials, he moved out the small desk and blackboard that had been
prepared for a long time, and arranged the pen and eraser neatly. Shen Shi'an cleared his
throat and said, "The small sunflower class is officially started."
The teaching progress is quite smooth. Although the child seemed stupid, he did not expect
that he was very clever, and the learning speed was much faster than Shen Shian expected.
It took only two days to memorize the initials and finals. If it wasn't for his own witness,
Shen Shi'an would have thought of it anyway. Just over a month ago, he was still a furry,
spoiled, and **** in his pants when he was angry.
Unfortunately, the gratifying teaching process soon encountered obstacles.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and told himself secretly not to be anxious for the 23rd
time. He was a child, and children were slow to learn something. They had to be patient and
teach them a lot. They could always learn. Then point to the pinyin on the textbook, "Come,
read this word again."
The child was sitting upright, looking cute and well-behaved, and **** 039 with a milky
voice "i force, feng hum, hum hum"
It's so simple to read a single thing, it's a long way to go.
"What is wrong, Li Hu, is Li Hu a word? How many times have you missed the same word?
Look at the pictures below. How can two bees so big read wrong?" Shen Shi'an bit his back
molar and tried to put a light tone. " I just taught it. I use my lips to hang my tongue, bees,
buzzing bees, swell the bees, and remember not to "soothe my emotions and point to the
next pinyin".
The children looked at "huafa, hu fu, die butterfly, fa fu butterfly" this time is the word.
Shen Shian's eyebrows jumped straight, the palms hanging on her right leg were loose and
tight but not anxious, not anxious, the child is small, just learning, making mistakes is
normal, but can't be killed.
Why didn't he know before that teaching children how to torture like this?
Grind your teeth carefully and correct each word, then squeeze your smile with the
greatest effort. "Come on, think about how I taught before. You can be so great. Come, how
to read this?"
"Xiao Xiao, song fierce, shu Xu," Shen Xun scratched his face. "Xiao fierce Xu"
Shen Shi'an closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stunned and stood still, stood up,
rushed to the kitchen, picked up two kitchen knives, and chopped the meat for half an hour.
When the nerves finally relaxed, watching the incredibly smooth meat on the cutting board,
my heart moved, and suddenly I had an idea.
Striding back to the desk, I wrote two words on the small blackboard and put in pinyin,
"Come on, try again, read it right. We'll eat this at noon."
Shen Xun's eyes focused in an instant, this time it reads quickly "hong red, shao roast, rou
meat, braised pork kao roast, ji chicken, tui leg, roast chicken leg"
Shen Shi'an breathed a long sigh of relief, and he couldn't help bending his lips to know.
Hit the iron while it is hot, quickly pick up the textbook and continue to ask him "how to
read this"
The children's words are positive, "da big, xi couple, gua eight, big couple eight"
Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead and felt that he was an old father with a lot of energy.
She glanced back at the nurse standing not far behind. Four or five young nurses of the
same age as her failed a few minutes ago and gave the errand to the ward rather
unwillingly. Squeeze and lie on the back of the platform and stare at her, seeing Xiao Ke
turning his head, squeezing his eyes and squeezing his tongue and tongue, and someone
thumping his fists excitedly and silently punched her.
Xiao Ke's face turned red, and the original nervousness was mixed with a bit of shame. He
turned his head and took a deep breath, greeted the two bodyguards who had been familiar
with each other for more than half a month outside the door, and then knocked. After
knocking on the door, he turned the door **** and pushed in. "Mr. Shen, are you in? I'm in."
The spacious ward is beautifully decorated, the heavy blue curtains are all pulled open, and
the bright sunlight falls in from the bay window through the second layer of veil, which
brightens the room.
Mr. Shen, who is young and delicious, is standing next to the upright closet behind the sofa.
His sick clothes have not been changed. He has a few clothes in his hands and a luggage bag
at his feet. It looks like he is packing.
Turning his head after hearing the knock on the door, a pair of dark jade eyes carrying light,
cold and deep like a cold moon, "I am here, what's wrong"
With such a flat tone, the flushing on Xiao Ke's face was immediately deepened by another
two points. This Mr. Shen was really nice.
So that he turned his eyes on the hot side and turned to the side immediately. "Mr. Shen,
Mr. Shen, I'll bring you the underwear for admission."
Shen Shi'an carefully put the newly folded clothes in his bag and walked over to pick up the
paper bag in Xiao Ke's arms. He had a car accident more than half a month ago, and was
then sent to the largest joint-venture hospital in H City. The treatment, the bag contained
all the things that were taken from him at that time.
The mobile phone was damaged in a car accident. A new one was replaced during the
hospitalization. The student ID and ID were also taken out when confirming his identity. All
that was left was a set of clothes worn at the time and a bunch of keys.
Shen Shi'an simply flipped over, and thanked Xiao Ke for "troubled."
"No, no trouble, no trouble," Xiao Ke said, with red-hot ears and no idea where to put her
hands and feet, thinking about the other party's discharge from the hospital soon, think
about the little sisters at the nurse station cheering on her, He had the courage to put his
eyes back on Shen Shi'an's face. "Mr. Shen is packing up things, do you want me to help?"
"No, I can do it myself, thank you."
Xiao Ke scratched a bit of disappointment in his eyes, bit his lip, didn't dare to say the
request for "exchange of mobile phone number", and finally looked at Shen Shi'an,
whispered "Mr. Shen, you are busy," and turned and walked out of the ward.
Shen Shi'an watched her leave and take the door, so she put the paper bag on the coffee
table and walked back to the cabinet to continue packing.
After a while, the door was knocked again. This time it was one of the bodyguards. The
Chinese character had a big face. Fan Guoping, about forty years old, "Mr. Shen, there is a
little brother who says that your classmate wants to come in and visit you. . "
He didn't finish talking, Shen Shi'an had seen the tall young man standing outside the door.
The coldness of the whole body faded a little, with a smile on his face. "Why are you here,
aren't there classes today?"
He and Yun Feiyang are both sophomores from the Medical University of H City. They have
different majors in the same faculty, but some public classes will still be together. Today is
Friday. He remembers that there are professional classes in the morning and afternoon.
"How can I not come out when you leave the hospital, am I the kind of unconscientious
person, and Daoshan Huohai can't stop me from running to your footsteps." Yun Feiyang
walked in with his hands around the bodyguards and came in. When it comes to the key
point, "the teachers are not checking enough to check the attendance at the end of the
period. Besides, there are roommates standing on their shoulders. I really need to name
them and help me answer them."
Looking around in the ward and finally falling on Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang blew his whistle,
"You can live this day, my little brother, flowers and fruits and nutritional supplements. I'm
holding you back than I was before my hospitalization. it is good."
This is true, probably because I have been indoors for a long time. Shen Shian's skin looks a
little whiter than before, and it is not the kind of pale that has not seen the sun for a long
time. Standing far away, you ca n’t look carefully, and standing close. It was found that even
the pores were almost invisible, and the lustrous luster in the white was still red, which
was better than the medical dog who stayed up late to play games and stay up late at the
end of the period.
Yun Feiyang searched for a long time before finding out the traces of patients who had been
involved in a car accident. "It's a lot thinner." Alas, if the female classmates in the school
could see it, it would be sad.
In front of friends who are familiar with each other, Shen Shi'an obviously relaxed a lot. "If I
don't need to renew the ward and let you stay for two days, it doesn't matter. Let the nurse
put two needles a day."
Yun Feiyang hesitated twice, "That's too embarrassing, I still don't bother the nurse sister."
Seeing that the door had been closed again, he took an orange from the fruit basket and
tossed it to Shen Shi'an. "This is at your door. What is the situation of the two bodyguard
brothers who have n’t seen it yet? Your father coughs, Mr. Gu found it for you. ”
Shen Shi'an snorted, and the half-length black hair fell in front of him as he bent to pull the
zipper of the luggage bag, without further explanation.
Knowing that this was not a topic suitable for in-depth discussion, Yun Feiyang didn't
continue to ask, "Is there anything I need to help with the discharge procedures?"
As I said, I picked up the paper bag on the coffee table and was startled when I opened it.
Inside was Shen Shi'an's clothes, which he knew. But the pale gray sweater and coat were
covered with dried dark red blood stains, and the blood stains seemed to have completely
penetrated the fabric of the clothes, because the deep color and large area looked quite
shocking, which made people immediately bear. What kind of trauma did the owner of
Lenovo's clothes suffer?
Yun Feiyang's face was a bit whitish, and the original laughter disappeared, watching Shen
Shi'an difficult to conceal his worry, "Shit, your car accident is so serious."
After Shen Shi'an had a car accident, the hospital first notified the school through his
student ID, and the school also informed the counselor. The counselor contacted Shen
Shi'an's only immediate relative, which is Mr. Gu, who is far away from city b. Wait until he
gives Shen Shi'an called and found out that nothing could be solved. When she noticed
something wrong, she reported to the counselor that it was already the second day of her
At that time, Shen Shi'an had just finished the operation. Although he lived in the intensive
care unit, his looks and the description of the attending doctor did not seem to be
particularly serious. It was only at this moment that he saw these clothes that witnessed
the car accident and were soaked with blood. He jumped fiercely, and felt that the other
party had walked away from the gate.
Shen Shi'an took the paper bag out of his hand and put it in a Li bag. "Looking scary, it's all
skin trauma."
Yun Feiyang was a little unbelieving. Looking at the blood on his clothes, "really" was
clearly the blood loss that could kill people.
"Really," Shen Shi'an's eyes are clear, and there is a gloss similar to black gems. "What do I
lie to you, if there is any major problem, the doctor will not let me be discharged. Is the
discharge procedure already completed, and the things also? They're packed, and I can
leave when I change clothes. "
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uneasy. He stared at him on the sofa, for fear that he would
endure the pain, and he would be unable to support the stun and fainted on the ground in
the next second.
According to the distance between the two, if he suddenly fainted, he should be able to rush
forward to catch it, Yun Feiyang thought. After a moment's secret evaluation, the buttocks
were quietly moved away from Shen Shi'an on the sofa. Well, that's about it. It can
definitely rush to the hero to save the beauty in an instant.
The scene imagined in Yun Feiyang's mind was not realized, because Shen Shi'an did not
look like something, and walked back and forth normally. There was no blood-stained
bandage or a bandage under the sick clothes. It is a traumatic wound after trauma.
But when he put his back on himself and put on a thin black slim sweater, Yun Feiyang saw
something unusual. "Hey, where is your bead?"
Shen Shi'an has been wearing a string of beads on his right wrist. The texture of ink jade
has been carved into an ancient lotus shape, because it is a relic left by his mother, Mrs.
Shen. Yun Feiyang has never seen him for so long. He took it off.
But at this time, the black woolen clothes were draped over him, and the right wrist was
flat, clearly not wearing anything.
The young man paused for a moment to wear a coat, then pulled the zipper as usual. "After
waking up after the operation, I disappeared. It should be that the rope was torn in a car
Understand the meaning of the beads to friends, Yun Feiyang didn't know how to comfort
him, and for a long time he uttered a sentence, "The old is not going to go, the new is not
coming." say something
Shen Shi'an, who is familiar with his character, didn't care, changed his clothes and picked
up his luggage. "Let's go."
Yun Feiyang hurriedly grabbed the luggage bag and tried a little to please Dai Yiliong.
"Where are you sick? Where can you hold something, give it to me." I looked around the
flower basket and fruit basket in the ward. Do it "
"Just leave it like this, it wasn't originally given to me." The Gu family was one of the major
shareholders of the hospital. After Mr. Gu's visit, these things were delivered by the
doctor's director and leaders at all levels.
It is common for patients to give things to doctors, but it is rare for doctors to give things to
patients. Shen Shian thought.
Yun Feiyang immediately reluctantly. "Why didn't they all come to your ward with so many
fruit supplements? It's a pity to throw them here, **** your prodigal child."
Pick up a bunch of flowers, turn around and go out to the nurse's station and ask the nurses
for a few big bags, then choose between the fruit basket and the tonic and fill the three big
pockets. Probe the two bodyguards outside the door Giggle "Hey, hey hey, I'll go home and
give us An An to make up for our body, brother bodyguard help me."
The author has something to say
Seeking nutrition solution
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Sanskrit for casting a deepwater torpedo;
Thanks to the little angel dandan who dropped the grenade;
Thanks for the little angel Tong Tong who cast the mine, maybe, addicted, Shuangxuan,
please call me baby, Melbourne, meow sauce, caviar, fire non-li, fang, a dull, Lu Xiaoyou 1 A
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
118 bottles in the fog; 117 bottles of sleepy day; 108 bottles of half moon Yin; 100 bottles of
what can be eaten; 75 bottles of dandan; slightly 66 bottles; Gillian, run girl, why are you
crazy, 50 bottles of joyce; 46 bottles of white sugar cakes and snowy deserts; 40 bottles of
blue cats, vitamin C silver warp tablets, and sugar deficiency; 38 bottles of cyan, farthest,
and meow; 32 bottles of the moon are not seen; old moon 30 bottles of cane noodles with
Dafa rice and oil-explosive ravioli; 28 bottles of moon summer; 25 bottles of Huang Ahuang
that are fragrant and earthy every night; short night long, Jun Lingzhu, I love big red
mention, akaka, Lu Xiaoyou, Passerby B, 20 bottles of caviar, amber; Huo I want r18 bottles;
Warm white, little yellow duck 16 bottles; Zhijie, 229726915 bottles; Seven Nights Snow 12
bottles; waste heat, 29291752, gloomy, confused, fairy three years old , Yuduoduo, Lanxi, y,
Xiansi, who do you think you are, 29343419, Zhang Qiling, Rong Chen, isi, 夙, 277, Qiuqiu,
Jiang Zhi, noore, ari, evil 犭, red ice, oob It ’s better to see it at first sight, 10 bottles of snow
owl, aozaki, night owl; 9 bottles of Yue mirror dance; 7 bottles of Qibao, Fuchen, Pinellia, 8
bottles; 7 bottles of bamboo willow and willow; hhhhh, Mr. Qi 6 Bottle; a small alpaca, big
cat, big cat, brook, chessboard demon monster, white 5 bottles; verbal, indulging in beauty
4 bottles; Westwood, a salted fish that does not want to stand up, 3 bottles of zero Mo; no
There are 2 bottles of Ouba, Weiweiri, Xuetangtang; no wine, Qiqi, Qizhi, sunset afterglow,
qqn, joy of fish, Guanyu, G15, Jingfeng, six six six , Daiyueer, zzii, 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 150:

Settings saved..
After entering time in April, the temperature has risen markedly. The snow that has not
melted all winter in the Beijing base finally shows signs of thawing and freezing. The snow
water has infiltrated the soil and poured out the tender green.
On April 3, a full year before the outbreak of the virus, several days before and after that,
there was an atmosphere of sorrow that was difficult to dissolve in the base.
In this year, human beings have lost too many things. The total population of the entire
country of China has dropped sharply from 1.5 billion to less than 400 million today. Order
has collapsed, technology has reversed and civilization has been destroyed. For all
survivors, 2019 The nightmare day of April 3 was still clearly engraved in my mind, but the
peaceful life before that was like the words written on the beach, and it was fading with the
At 9 am on April 3, the memorial wall for the deceased, which was supervised by the base
management, was officially opened in the northwest of the base. The 120-meter-long, four-
meter-high black granite stele stands in the forest after the snow melts. On Yincao, the
names of all the deceased who can be remembered by the more than 6 million survivors in
the base are densely packed and can't see the head.
Shen Shi'an and others held flowers, and led Tong Tong to find the name of Fan Guoping
and his wife Xu Shiya about one meter high in the middle of the stele. After these two
names, Xu Ge's sister Xu Yao and Chen Nan's brother Chen Jiamu, Liu Fangzhou's mother,
Tao Yuan's comrades in arms, Xiong Manshan's family, Lu Xiuyuan's parents, and many
strange and long-lost people who have survived in another way because of the memories
and thoughts of survivors .
Tong Tong held the photo of the family portrait entrusted to Shen Shi'an by Fan Guoping
and returned to her by Shen Shi'an. Tears fell on the picture, and he wiped it carefully.
"Dad, mum," the girl's eyes were red, looking at the parents in the photo trying to control
their emotions. "Don't worry, I'm fine, the captain is good to me, and the sister Xu Ge is also
good to me. Brother Ark, Brother Chen Nan and Brother Lin Ruan are all very nice to me. I
can eat every day, I can go to class, I can learn to paint, and I can raise a lion, I, I "
She held the photo in her arms, and tears could no longer control it, "I miss you so much"
Xu Ge wept silently, opened his arms and held Tong Tong tightly in his arms, Xiong
Manshan stood up from the stone monument and turned his head to wipe the corner of his
eyes secretly. Others also mostly had red eyes.
Shen Shian placed the flowers in front of the stone monument, and Shen Xun stood beside
After a long time he whispered, "Let's go home."
For Shen Shi'an, in addition to going to the stele to commemorate the deceased on April 3,
another important thing happened.
When he was celebrating his birthday in late March, the tiger and wolf sent him a greeting
card, which said that he had prepared a big gift, but it would take Shen Shian more than ten
days to receive it.
Shen Shi'an didn't care at the time, thinking that it was Xiao Lang's prank, or he was just
making a fool of it, so he didn't take it seriously.
Then shortly after returning from the monument to the villa, he suddenly received a
message on his identity bracelet, and after reading it for three seconds.
Shen Xun immediately noticed his strangeness, and fluttered his tail to "what happened to
An An, who sent you a message"
"The Activist Union," Shen Shi'an looked a little weird, glancing at his teammates. "The
Activist Union sent me an invitation letter inviting me to be one of the 13 members of the
From the analysis of the historical base of the management of the Beijing base, it can be
divided into three categories. One is the old family forces such as the Gu family, which
belonged to one of the main powers before the end of the world, relying on the deep
foundation and foundation laid down before the end of the world. A huge force, quickly
gained the right to speak after the virus outbreak. In addition to the Gu family, there are
two other representatives: Huang and Han. The main characteristic is that they have deep
roots and high prestige in the army;
The other is the late family forces such as the Qin family. Before the end of the last century,
they had abundant wealth but their power was not obvious. After the end of the last
century, they relied on sufficient supplies and later took over. They succeeded in gaining a
place in the new power system. The main feature is wealth, but nowadays, due to the
pheromone of Gu Jia and Sharp Blade, they are bleeding every day.
As for the last category, it is the special emerging organization that is completely formed by
the current situation and is born because of the last days. As long as you are an empowered
person, you can be a member of a trade union, both in your personal name and in your
organization's name.
Compared with the operation of family forces with the head of the household as the main
decision maker, the power trade union is special in the distribution of power. It is not a
single person's word, but it is selected from the members of the union through democratic
election. Thirteen members of parliament, as the power representatives of the trade
unions, make joint decision-making and management on the basis that all matters follow
the principle of "minority obeys majority".
Thirteen members said that they are democratic elections. In fact, they are only fighting for
the size and strength of the major power organizations. Therefore, almost every member of
the parliament is the leader of a well-known power organization in the base, such as Zheng
Gang, the head of the flying dragon group Another example is Xiao Lang, head of the Tiger
and Wolf regiment.
The strength of the cutting edge is fast and development is not fake, but after all, the
foundation is still shallow and it has not been able to participate in the most difficult initial
construction process of the Beijing base. It has fame but lacks prestige. It would be
unexpected that the union of mighty people would give an olive branch to Shen Shi'an.
The team members heard around and came around
"A message from the Activist Union invites you, Brother Shen, to join the Thirteen
"Crouch, really fake"
"If it is true, doesn't it mean that our sharp blade will enter the management"
"Soft, is there a way to determine the authenticity of this message?"
Lin Ruan took Shen Shi'an's identity bracelet and checked it. "I address is fine, the domain
name and the sender seem to be real, but there is no way to completely rule out the
possibility of a hacker prank, or wait for me to connect The computer is thoroughly
checked again "
His proposal was not implemented because, just as everyone was discussing this news,
Xiao Lang, one of the 13 members of the Psalter Union, came, and did not take it empty,
except for a large bag brought to Shen. In addition to Xun Xing's beef jerky, there are other
talented people who have officially issued paper letters of appointment and appointment
In Shen Shi'an's private study room, he didn't add more politeness. After Xiao Lang took a
seat on the sofa, he went straight to the theme "What is going on?"
Xiao Lang didn't see him either. He picked up the teapot and poured himself a glass of
water. Then Erlang took up Erlang's legs. "How is the tea prepared today? Is the ice cream
coffee still sweet? It ’s really delicious. Drink a glass all day long. Is there any good thing you
found anywhere? If you do n’t know it, it ’s delicious and it ’s delicious. The filling is soft. It
’s sweet and not greasy, and I can pull it out, and I do n’t know how you made it. I went back
and tried the cook a few hundred times and I could n’t make it half delicious. Is there a
recipe for it or is it for me? One "
Gu Ruo talked about him, but he didn't get into the topic, but he just wanted to hang Shen
Shi'an on purpose.
Shen Shi'an sneered, took out a special horn comb from under the coffee table, and slowly
started combing the dog's hair.
Xiao Lang held a tea cup on his left leg for a long time, holding a tea cup for a long time. He
did not wait for his expected scene when he reached the end of the tea cup. Instead, he
sneezed three times with dog hair, and quickly took a tissue to cover his nose "Hey you,
why do n’t you continue to ask the question of hiring Thirteen MPs? You just have to ask a
question and you have completed the appointment letter. If you get the appointment letter,
it means that you are also a member of management. The rightful class in power, you do n’t
want to see how you have to be diligent, be careful, be nice, and break the casserole and ask
in the end. ”
Shen Shi'an glanced at him coldly. "Everything is okay. Nobody is okay. It's not early and we
should eat."
Xiao Lang sniffed the aroma coming out of the door across a paper towel, as if it was pork
ribs and braised pork. He scolded a sentence in his heart, shoved the letter of appointment
and appointment letter into the hands of Shen Shi'an, and said "You are really It's boring, a
little bit funny. "Leng Yan's arrogant looks so beautiful, why is it a man?
Shen Shi'an carefully reviewed the two documents, and it was true that the official
documents issued by the Puppet Union were correct.
Rao is that he has a much calmer mind than ordinary people, and can't help but be a little
excited at this time.
Being one of the thirteen members of the parliament is undoubtedly a huge affirmation
both for Li Blade and his personal strength, and it is of great significance for Li Blade to be
one of the members to set foot in the management of the Beijing base.
I'm in a good mood, and I even eased my eyes with Xiao Lang. I repeated the question I
asked earlier, "What the **** is it?"
"What else can I do, I will stand up for your arrogance, and win you a seat of one of the 13
members. I am not moved, not surprised."
Shen Shi'an looked at him and said nothing. Shen Xun stomped his teeth in a timely
Xiao Lang had a pain in his buttocks, and immediately corrected his look. "It ’s like this. The
Phantom Union has always been a management system of Thirteen Members. You know, in
mid-March, the head of the eagle group, one of the former Thirteen Members, was on a
mission. Sacrifice here, one seat will be vacated. It happens that you are not going to
celebrate your birthday. I thought that the two of us would be too close friends. Anyway,
we have to re-select individuals. It is impossible for us to be in the wolf and wolf group.
Continue to push in. Fatty water does not flow to outsiders' fields, it is better to give you a
seat. This is not a nomination for you at an internal meeting, and the nomination just
happens to pass. "
Xiao Lang said as if it was easy to do, but Shen Shian knew it wasn't.
The activist union is a 13-member parliamentary system. These 13 policy makers have
inextricable relationships with the four major families. In fact, the 13 members of the
parliament are the insinuations of the four major family forces in the activist organization.
They They are independent and restrained from each other. All decisions must be voted
through, and the appointment of a new MP requires a approval rate of more than two-
thirds. This means that in addition to Xiao Lang's own vote, he must also draw at least
seven MPs to stand in line .
Shen Shi'an believes that his personality charm and social ability are not so high that
people who have never dealt with it will vote for him. Therefore, all of them rely on Xiao
Lang's network and strength to succeed.
He looked at Xiao Lang solemnly and said, "Thank you very much. I have written down this
When he was polite, Xiao Lang was a bit uncomfortable, and he even waved his hands. "Ah,
it's not a big deal. It doesn't take much effort. Needless to say, your personal strength is
strong, and the development momentum of the blade is sufficient. You can also convince
the public when you sit up. I ’m not telling you anything. I ’ve vacated a place this time.
Originally, the Huang and Qin families took care of each other, and both nominated the
forces to interact with them. Among them, the Qin family ’s momentum was more sufficient.
So, this seat was supposed to fall into their hands. But the Huang family and the Qin family
were the two largest shareholders of the livestock farm. The losses were not small because
of the disaster of the livestock farm. You blame me, I blame you, just for the trouble. Seeing
that his family couldn't catch it anyway, the Huang family simply sold me a good one and
gave you all the tickets. Do you know what this is called?
It turns out that there is such a layer of insider.
"Anyway, it's mainly you who contributed to this, thank you, Chairman Xiao."
"That's true, too," Xiao Lang put his legs on the coffee table. "Well, this gift is not small.
Although there are many trivial things after joining the Thirteen Members, the benefits are
also real. Stand on the management level and follow the light. Relying on those people in
the group to do tasks and exchange points for development, that is not a concept at all. You
can get not only the status of power, but also information and opportunities. You will know
the specifics anyway after you enter. You say , I give you such a big gift, how are you going
to thank me? "
"what do you want"
"Where can I speak? Isn't it just that Grace reported it to me? No, no, I'm at will, Captain
Shen, take care of it."
He is not stupid. Human feelings are actually guilty feelings. The longer the delay, the
greater the value. If this human feeling is immediately realized, it will have at least three
Shen Shi'an nodded, and he didn't continue to question, as he remembered in his heart.
"Stay for lunch at noon."
Xiao Lang had been waiting for this sentence, and immediately jumped up from the sofa.
When I walked to the door, I remembered something, "Yes, I almost forgot to tell you that
this appointment of you as a member of the parliament, Gu Changsheng also helped, he
secretly sent the nomination plan over the Qin family side. I have it in my hand, just let me
seize the flaw and win two more votes, otherwise it ’s really a little overwhelming. Hey, I
heard that the Gu family does n’t recognize the young master, and his mother is Miss Qin,
and the Qin and Gu families He broke his face and made trouble, but he secretly carried the
Qin family to give you a handle, so whether he is Gu family or Qin family? "
Shen Shian felt warm in his heart and smiled. "He is my brother."
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel mushroom Su who launched the rocket launcher;
Thanks to the little angel Miss Ben who throws a grenade, and a confusing one;
Thanks to the little angel Luo Xiaoyou, Fengyi, Shuangxuan, maybe, Dafami, Nuanmeng,
31112616, aozaki, and Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the mine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Bailu is 100 bottles of cream; 90 bottles of Rongchen; 89 bottles of a certain month; 59
bottles of Huangfu Huateng; 57 bottles of cymbals; 53 bottles of white and white; Xiaolao, a,
get a name really strenuous, beness Nalan, kokoheckdia, Enron 50 bottles; 45 bottles of
picking cases; 44 bottles of Muzi; 40 bottles of Chang'e's mashed rabbit and Jingjing; 32
bottles of sake; 30 bottles of Yi Xian Xian Yi, Luo Xiaoyou and Chen Qingyou; Wan Yanyun,
Huayueying, Good Night, Little Fairy Yeah, Su Mo, Ye Luowuhen, bacheor, Yixun, 20 bottles;
17 bottles of sakurayayue; 15 bottles of green tea; 13 bottles of zero mo; 29357855,
Xiaoer's melon, Warm adorable, evil spirits, clear and white, summer color, brook hibiscus,
dry cave, Xiaoya eat barbecue today, Junfengfeng, Gemini Alice, Qian Xue, Huai Jing's
grandmother ash, Lu Xiaoyou, one gesture, let yourself be Yes, Confused, God of Darkness
of Gunara, Mr. Qi, Despicable Man, Bustling, Seven Nights Snow, isi, aozaki, Yi Qian, 10
bottles of two microphones; Fortunately, I know 9 bottles of my acquaintance for the rest of
my life; 8 bottles; 280023927 bottles; 6 bottles of Sanye, Chongyan, Wanmei, Meimin; Ayi,
Xuehua, icyivy, Wo Gua, Jiu Jiu, Black-tailed Phoenix, Special Path , Summer in Mucheng
Snow, Qi Changye, ivy5 bottles; 4 bottles of Mingming Kong, Remaining, Chessboard
Demon; 3 bottles of Maple, Heart and Spirit; Jiao, 娇 ン ジ ル ー オ, Ruoshui, Wei Weiri, Min
Er, honeyhoney, Afterglow of the setting sun, rabbits smashed 2 bottles; Daiyueer, Guan
Yan, did not deliver wine, who read the west wind alone, six or six, drifted over g15, Yuyu
and Yuyu 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 151:

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Joining the Thirteen Members of Parliament is a good thing for Shen Shian personally and
for the development of the blade, but it is also not possible to go straight in with a blind
eye. You must do some investigation to clarify the doorway and involvement as much as
Xiao Lang has a lot of news, but as an authority, his views on some things may not be
objective, so this task was delegated to the former director of the Confidentiality
Investigation Division, which still has extensive connections in the base of Beijing. Tang
"Before you are nominated," Tang Song sat at the conference table, looking at the top Shen
Shi'an Road. "Five of the 13 members of the Magistrates Union remained neutral, and the
remaining eight were all in harmony. The four major families' interests are tied together to
advance and retreat, which can be seen as an extension of the power of the four major
families in the union of powerists. Among them, Qin family accounted for three members,
Huang Han two accounted for two each, and Gu family suffered heavy losses during the
original virus screening process. Nearly the whole tribe is over. In order to grasp the right
to speak as soon as possible, at the beginning of the last days, the focus has always been on
the army with the greatest advantage. Therefore, in the area of the organization of the
powerheads, the opportunity was lost, and only one of the 13 members won.
Lin Ruan continued, "This time the head of the eagle group that was vacated because of an
accidental sacrifice was an ally of the Qin family. When he died, the seat held by the Qin
family became two, equal to the two of Huang Han. After you entered It must have been
counted as the Gu family ’s forces. Xiao Lang was originally neutral, but this time it took a
lot of effort to help us with a sharp edge. It is estimated that it will be divided into the Gu
family, so the Gu family now has the most seats. "
"The matter is good or bad. The benefits are obvious. With more votes in hand and greater
right to speak, we can naturally win more benefits for the Gu family, including our sharp
blades. The bad part is that it is too eye-catching. Ten The original intention of the three-
member parliamentary system was to restrict each other. One party has a strong potential
and will definitely cause other parties to be wary and targeted. In addition, because the
pheromone pie and the Gu family have been standing on the cusp of the wind, I am afraid
that someone has been secretly watching. Of course, then again, there are risks inherent in
gains. It is impossible for us to take all the benefits, and you have to be prepared. "
Xiong Manshan heard a big head. "Well, I'm going. It's so complicated. It's still simple to
fight zombies. Which one doesn't accept it will kill him directly."
The dog shook his tail deep and thought it was right.
Lin Ruanxiao "There are rivers and lakes where there are people. Where can there be no
point of power struggle in the rivers and lakes, have we climbed the biological chain for
millions of years just to toss this way? But you are right, the strength in the last days That is
the fundamental. As long as we become stronger and sharper, the captain's right to speak
in the trade union of the psionicist will become greater and greater. "
Tang Song handed a thick document to Shen Shi'an, "This is the information of the
remaining twelve MPs and their representative organizations you want. If there are any
omissions, let me know."
Shen Shi'an picked up. "Thank you very much."
Chen Nan asked, "Shen Brother, are you officially inaugurated next Monday, right?"
Shen Shian nodded. The Specialist Union will have a regular meeting on the 3rd and 8th. He
received the letter of appointment on April 3rd, and just waited until April 8th, which is the
official appointment when he participates in the meeting next Monday.
Liu Fangzhou drew his fingers and counted "three days left. Brother Shen will refuel. When
the time comes, he will guarantee that the Quartet will shock the audience."
"Captain cheer"
"Captain mighty"
"Let them see how powerful our blades are"
Tang Song gave a lot of information, and there was a lot of work to be transferred from the
previous term. Shen Shi'an originally thought that there were still three days to prepare,
but an unexpected situation forced the power union to hold an emergency meeting in
Several gold rush teams have disappeared in the absolute death zone.
For Shen Shi'an and others, the absolute death zone is no stranger. It refers to a vast
abandoned area consisting of more than 20 cities and towns located in the southwest of the
base of Beijing, which stretches hundreds of kilometers, and has a high density of zombies.
The total number is more than 25 million. One such number is because the population
density in the region before the end of the world was originally high, and the other is
because the capital and human resources in the early days of the establishment of the
Beijing base were insufficient to surpass the survivors' zombies. It was cleaned up, so a
shunting method was used to hang some of the zombies, and the other part was isolated by
a dozen meters high "Great Wall" in the abandoned area through factors such as noise and
blood that could attract zombies.
Over time, more and more zombies on the other side of the "Great Wall". By the time
survivors realized the rule that "the more zombies gather and evolve, the faster the
evolution," the half-man-made absolute death zone has completely become unstoppable.
The gold rush team came into being after the completion of the base in Beijing. It is also
known as a "zombie hunter". It mainly depends on hunting zombies outside the absolute
death zone to obtain crystal nuclei and collecting supplies. Most of them did not join the
army for various reasons. Or the "scattered people" organized by the powers, when Shen
Shi'an and others escaped the absolute death zone and crossed the "Great Wall", they saw a
typical gathering place of gold prospectors.
Their presence can reduce the number of zombies in the absolute death zone, but the
manpower is limited. Compared with the total of more than 25 million, the zombies that
the gold diggers can solve can only be counted as insignificant.
Because extremely low temperatures have limited zombie operations, most of the gold
prospectors who have crossed the Great Wall since the Spring Festival have been very
rewarding. Zombies have been frozen in the snow and ice, and the vast abandoned urban
area is like a rich and docile virgin land, attracting Batch after batch of gold prospectors
went deeper.
The management of the base has already issued an early warning of temperature rises,
reminding survivors to be vigilant about the zombies that become more and more active as
the temperature rises. After a winter dormant, these monsters will only be more difficult
and dangerous than before.
Everyone has received the warning, but not everyone is concerned that gold rushing is a
business that licks and eats from the knife. If you are scared, you wo n’t do it. The danger is
definitely there. Years The front is also dangerous. Where can it be dangerous to fight with
zombies, but most of the zombies are frozen so that they can be chopped down. Where can
I find such good things, hesitate a day to make less money, so the gold digger not only
Instead of narrowing the scope of the collection, the generous income has instead attracted
a large number of people to join the gold prospectors' team.
Everything was normal until twelve gold rush teams disappeared in just one week.
The Psionicist Union Building is located in the southeast of the inner city. Shen Shi'an and
others have been there while testing power levels and performing group registration. The
power distribution of the management of the Beijing base is about the four major families
that mainly control the public domain such as the population registration center, task
center, protection system, real estate management department, etc., and the level test
related to the power person, the power person organization registration, etc. Then all are
managed by the union of powerists, which means how many powerists there are in the
entire base, what type of power each person has and how high they are, and the
powerhouse unions have first-hand comprehensive information.
When Shen Shi'an arrived at the union building, someone was already waiting underneath
the building. It was a young girl about 25 years old. After seeing Shen Shi'an, she frowned,
and greeted her with a blush. "Is Captain Shen, a sharp blade, my name is Zhu Yue, I am a
member of the staff department of the union. Considering that you are serving on the first
day, I will be responsible for your introduction and commentary work today. The meeting
room of the council member is on the top floor and there is still half an hour before the
meeting. Take a look at your office "
The Allies Association has equipped all members with special offices. Shen Shi'an has not
seen it yet, just to see what it looks like. So led by Zhu Yue to the sixth floor where the office
is located.
He is wearing a modified version of Lin Ruante ’s specially designed military uniform for
him today. He wears a belt, waist boots, and a straight white shirt. Because the weather is
still cold, he has a tailored dark green jacket on the outside. Coat, with a pair of gloves of the
same color on his hands, wrapped tightly from head to toe, like a tall pine in the snow,
majestic and handsome, who dare not look directly, but also reveals apathy. Ascetic breath.
The metallic heel made a crisp knock on the marble floor, and finally stopped in front of an
office on the sixth floor south. Zhu Yue opened the door, and Shen Shi'an had not had time
to go in. A familiar whistle came from behind him.
"Yo ye, ye," Xiao Lang turned several rounds around Shen Shi'an, and the fiery hiding in his
eyes couldn't hide it. "Your clothes are good, especially for you."
Look at this waist, look at this leg, he is so energetic, look at this thin white neck and ****
Xiao Lang's gaze was fixed on that throat knot. One hundred and eighty times he couldn't
help sighing about such a good condition. How could he be a man?
Shen Shi'an ignored him, and led Shen Xun into the office first. The office was very large.
There was a large floor-to-ceiling window facing the south. Standing in front of the window,
he could see the scenery downstairs.
The inside was clearly and carefully cleaned, and there was no trace of a master at all. The
opposite side of the sofa was in front of the wall with two rows of fruit baskets of flowers,
all of which were sent as congratulations.
Xiao Lang pointed to one of the most colorful and beautiful baskets of flowers. "It was from
me. How about being happy?" Turning to Zhu Yue and saying, "Okay, I will introduce him
here. You should be busy." What are you doing? "
After passing people off, he brought them to the door, lowering his voice slightly. "That's
the Qin people."
Shen Shian nodded, but nothing happened.
His election as a member of parliament this time undoubtedly caused the Qin family to eat
another puppet. People didn't want to try to gather around him to be abnormal.
When Xiao Lang saw that he was ready, he didn't say much anymore. He focused on Shen
Xun for a while and said, "Is your son getting smaller?"
"Well, it's too big to move." So it narrowed from three meters to more than two meters, just
one head higher than Shen Shi'an. After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Lang. "I am afraid the
head of Xiao is not very good." Such a noticeable change has not been discovered until now.
Isn't that patronizing you?
This mouthful of flowers Xiao Lang turned around twice in his mouth and didn't dare to say
it. Don't watch the dog become smaller, the teeth look just as scary.
Turning my head to see Shen Shi'an coming in, another person standing by the door
honestly at this time "I remember you, I saw you several times when I went to the blade,
what is it called Zhao Xinhe"
The man replied, "That's my brother. My name is Zhao Xinjiang. It's hard for Chairman Xiao
to remember."
"It turned out to be a brother. No wonder he looks like this," Xiao Lang said to himself,
asking Shen Shi'an "this is to be with me as an assistant"
The Psionicist Guild is cumbersome, and having an assistant will be a lot easier.
Zhao Xinjiang was recommended by Tao Yuan. Although there is no power, he has a calm
personality, a careful mind, outstanding performance in training, and is a good seed to
cultivate. After passing the interview with Shen Shian, he cut his fingers and let the dog ****
"Then you can get along with Li Chengduo," Xiao Lang said. "Li Cheng also helped me share
this work."
Zhao Xinjiang thanked him. Shen Shian asked "Li Cheng is here"
"Come here, don't you just stand by me."
As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared on the right side of Xiao Lang, smiling at Shen
An and waving his hand, "Shen Brother, look for it."
The big dog was taken aback, and when he pulled out his teeth, he was about to jump over
and was stopped by Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an looked at Li Cheng carefully and was very surprised. "This is your power."
The richest man in Miao did say that Li Cheng's ability is invisible, but even if his body
shape can be hidden, breathing, heartbeat, smell, temperature, etc. should never be covered
up, but he and Shen Xun did not have it until Li Cheng appeared on his own initiative. One
senses the presence of the other.
Li Cheng smiled and was a little embarrassed. "Is it scaring you? Sorry, the lady Zhu just
wasn't convenient to expose the power. Yes, this is my ability. I think this ability is more
appropriate than stealth. The argument should be to weaken presence. "
"Weakening Presence"
"Yes, it's not just physical concealment, it also minimizes my sense of existence, which
means that even if you notice me, you will subconsciously treat me as a reasonable part of
the environment and completely ignore it. For example, weeds on the side of the road or a
small pebble, even if you see it, you will not give any vigilance, right? Another example is
not very appropriate. When you order take-out before the last days, you may remember
what you ordered. , But I'm afraid I don't remember what the delivery man looks like. "
Existing like a transparent person, no matter where it appears, it will not attract attention.
This is his ability.
Shen Shi'an understood.
Li Cheng's ability should actually be a combination of "stealth" and "psychic illusion". But
his illusions are different from those of Tang Song. Tang Song weaves the illusion to make
the target "fall into the false", while Li Cheng makes the target "ignore the truth".
The human brain is very magical. When humans use eyes to observe things for information,
our noses have always been in the field of vision, but humans never feel that noses are too
obtrusive to affect vision, and even the existence of noses is almost undetectable. This is
because the brain automatically masks out this shadow when processing the image.
"Does this ability also work for zombies"
"Effectively, as long as there is no big movement, both ordinary zombies and power
zombies will ignore me."
Even the zombie virus can hide it, it really is an amazing ability. No wonder his combat
power is not outstanding, but Xiao Lang took him with him every time.
Something in Shen Shi'an's mind flashed quickly, but he couldn't catch it when he thought
about it.
"It's not early, the meeting is about to start," Xiao Lang looked at the dog. "Except for the
members of the meeting room, no one is allowed to step in. Will your son stay here?"
Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun, who immediately said, "I'm waiting for you with An An."
Xiao Lang guessed the answer from the action of the dog. "Follow me. The outside of the
meeting room is the lounge. Let's go. For the first time, don't be late to leave a message."
Shen Shi'an nodded and said to Zhao Xinjiang, "You stay here, send me a message."
"It's the captain."
The conference room is located in the middle of the eighth floor on the top floor. The
carved wooden gate of more than two meters tall is engraved with the emblem of the
Psionicist Guild, which is a combination of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and other elements
of the Taiji gossip pattern.
After entering the door, there was a huge round table. Thirteen solid wood chairs were
placed around the round table. The cover of each chair was embroidered with the emblem
of the organization represented by the chair owner.
And the dark red tiger head and wolf head pattern is separated by two seats, is the sharp
sword golden beast emblem.
There are more than ten minutes before the start of the meeting. Most of the 13 members
arrived. After seeing Shen Shi'an came in, they had dealt with him and took the initiative to
greet him. For example, Zheng Gang, the head of the Flying Dragon Regiment, has not
contacted Xiao Yingying himself before. For example, Yuan Bing, the captain of Xuanyuan
Team, also had a frown and a cold face, like Shen Shi'an robbed him of millions. Of course,
Shen Shi'an might have snatched it.
Among the thirteen members, Bao Qiuping, the head of the Shuguang Regiment of the
neutral group, had the deepest qualifications, so he stood up and took the lead. After simply
welcoming Shen Shi'an, the meeting quickly entered the topic.
"So far, at least 16 teams have been missing from the gold rush team. The number of
missing people has exceeded 217, and 12 of them have happened within a week."
"Can you determine when the first gold rush team disappeared?" Someone asked.
Bao Qiuping, who was in charge of the explanation, shook his head. "Gold diggers have been
stationed outside the Great Wall for a long time. It is common for them not to return to the
base for a month or two. There is no way to lock in the first missing team based on the
entry and exit records. In fact, two hundred and one The disappearance of 17 people is only
the most conservative estimate. Although the base has issued an emergency convening
order, many gold prospectors have not yet returned, which means that the actual number
of victims is likely to far exceed this number. "
"Are all missing teams disappeared? No one comes back alive"
"As far as I know, almost all gold prospectors have purchased pheromones, and more than
one is generally available. Even if there is an unexpected force, it should be okay to escape.
How could more than 200 people fail to stay? A living mouth said, "The sound intentionally
paused for a moment, and then fluttered softly." The pheromone they bought was out of
order. "
Instantly, all eyes focused on Shen Shi'an.
coming. Shen Shian thought.
Said this was Shi Wanjun, the leader of the Thunder, according to the data collected by
Tang Song, and was included by the Qin family as early as the end of the last days. The
Thunder was a force cultivated by the Qin family in the first hand. One of the three major
power organizations on the base of the regiment's name, it is no wonder that to do this
early bird to attack Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an retracted his gaze from the opponent, and his long, ten-finger fingers wrapped
in gloves were folded together, and his elbows rested gently on the round table.
"The effect of pheromone must meet two conditions. One is to inhale the human body
through breathing; the other is within ten minutes after ingestion. In addition, the effect of
pheromone on the power zombie will weaken as the level of zombies increases. All three
points are fully informed before the pheromone is sold. "
"In other words, pheromones can only increase the chance of survival, and there is no
guarantee that users will survive."
"I believe that everyone here has experienced the use of pheromones. So how should the
pheromone effect have its own evaluation. If the head of history feels that the effect of the
pheromone cannot meet the expectations, it is better to stop buying. Existing in hand If you
want to sell pheromone, it will be very popular. "
It's more than welcome. There are more than 6 million survivors and more than 300,000
survivors in the entire Beijing base. However, the current daily production of pheromone is
only less than 2,000, which means that even if each person only buys one It takes five
months for the power wise to finish the line.
Survivors go out less this winter, and the demand for pheromones is not particularly
obvious. When the temperature further rises and the mission to go out to battle becomes
the norm, the scarcity of pheromones will truly manifest. After all, who does n’t want to die
or who does n’t want to Get an extra stack of chips when fighting zombies or zombies
Take the pheromone hoarded in your hand and take it out unless the brain is choked by the
As soon as Shen Shi'an's words fell, some people laughed. "Why, the head of history wants
to sell pheromones, then sell it to me. Our group's high price will definitely not make the
head of history suffer."
Shi Wanjun froze and closed his mouth and stopped talking.
"No one knows exactly what happened to the missing people at the moment," Bao Qiuping
came out to play a round game. "But it is certain that it can't be separated from the zombies
on the other side of the Great Wall. This winter, their evolution speed may be much faster
than To our imagination, according to the analysis of the scientific research institute, there
are almost four levels of zombies in the absolute death zone, and there is likely to be more
than one. "
Bao Qiuping's voice became dignified. "The absolute death zone is too close to Beijing, only
about 20 kilometers. Once a zombie tide is formed and the Great Wall is breached, the
consequences are difficult to predict. This matter is related to the survival of the entire
base. I believe everyone also All know the benefits, so the other four managements
proposed that a joint task be issued with the Association of our Psionicists, and all
personnel, whether they contribute or provide materials, must join the cleanup of the
absolute death zone. The next Everything else has been put off for a few months, and
clearing the absolute dead zone will be our top priority. "
"With regard to this proposal, voting now begins."
The voting results were unsurprising and all 13 votes were passed.
"Then everyone will go back and arrange it. The relevant fighters will report it as soon as
possible for statistics. It is expected that the army will leave after three days."
Just when Shen Shi'an thought the meeting was about to end, the head of the Thunder
Corps Shi Wanjun spoke again. "Captain Shen, I apologize to you. I was too anxious because
I was worried about the missing person. Do n’t forget the large number of adults. The
magical effect of pheromones is obvious to all of us, and it is absolutely impossible for
problems. ”
Shen Shi'an did not speak. Because usually this suddenly shows up, traps are buried
Sure enough, Shi Wanjun saw that he ignored and ignored him. He smiled and took out the
focus of the second half. "Such a pheromone is such a good thing that it will definitely play a
vital role in the zombie cleanup operation. Since we all have to invest It ’s better for Captain
Shen to give all the pheromones produced during the mission to the combatants. After all,
this is a battle that is related to the survival of the entire base. "
Bao Qiuping just said that this cleanup task would last at least several months, and
Zhangkou wanted to sharpen the pheromone output for many months, and his appetite
was not small.
Shen Shi'an sneered in his heart, but he didn't show anything, even nodded. "The head of
history makes sense. Since it is about the life and death of the entire base, then even if we
have a sharp edge, we will exhaust all our dedication materials. It should be. "
After waiting for Shi Wanjun's face to look happy, he then said, "If I remember correctly, the
Thunder Corps head of Shi should be one of the major shareholders of the farm. The body is
the cost of fighting. Only when you eat well can you play the biggest battle. It ’s better for
the head of history to give all the pigs, sheep, and beef that belong to the Thunder Regiment
during the mission to the combatants. After all, this is a battle that is related to the survival
of the entire base. "
It is true that pheromones are expensive. Fresh meat is not cheap at all, and the cost is at
least seven or eight times higher. See who has consumed who.
Shi Wanjun's face turned blue and white, and he couldn't speak. "Well, the farm has been
affected by the winter disaster, and it hasn't slowed down yet."
"It doesn't matter," Shen Shi'an has a good temper. "Anyway, the mission will last for
several months. It's too late. Before the pigs, cattle and sheep have grown up, does the
Thunder Group still occupy one-third of the ownership of the commodity exchange and use
other materials? It wouldn't mind replacing the wanted combatants. "
Shi Wanjun's face gradually rose into a pig's liver color, and before his brain became
congested, Bao Qiuping came out again to round the field. "Since it is a task, then according
to the rules of other tasks, our team members are responsible for themselves, so we can't
sell it hard. Is it okay to lose my life? Today's meeting is over. Let's go back and prepare. "
Shen Shi'an stood up from his chair, and Xiao Lang came up and pounded his arm.
Shen Shi'an ignored him, turned and walked out the door, Shen Xun came out as soon as he
went out, and bowed his head in an affectionate manner to his neck.
There are many people waiting in the lounge, most of them are deputies or assistants
brought by Members.
Yuan Bing, the captain of the Xuanyuan team that Shen Shian introduced himself to earlier,
came by, and was followed by a gentle man.
"Captain Shen, this is our team's deputy leader Song Mingxuan. I admired Captain Shen for
a long time, so I wanted to come and say hello to Captain Shen."
A man named Song Mingxuan walked over and reached out to Shen Shi'an. Before he could
talk, Shen Xun suddenly pulled out his teeth and arched his back to open his blood basin
and open his mouth.
The majestic vigor immediately lifted Song Mingxuan back and almost fell over.
Shen Shian's eyes froze, and he settled on him for a moment, then shouted "searching"
"Sorry, my deputy captain, Xing Ye, doesn't like outsiders approaching, which shocked Mr.
After the party left, Yuan Bing asked Song Mingxuan "read"
Song Mingxuan shook his head.
"Why, although he didn't hold his hand, he is already within one meter of you."
"It has nothing to do with distance," Song Mingxuan squeezed his palms with cold sweat.
"There seems to be a barrier on his body, and my consciousness can't break through. I can't
see through the dog."
Oh shit. Yuan Bing secretly cursed a lot of doorways for the surname Shen.
He paused and asked, "What about Xiao Lang, what did Xiao Lang think about?"
Song Mingxuan nodded this time, but his face did not know why it was strange. "He thinks
that Shen Shi'an looks particularly good and very energetic."
Yuan Bing froze, and then suddenly realized "I said why he took so much effort to nominate
Shen Shi'an. It turns out that these two are still privately connected"
The more I think, the more I feel irritable, and I take a sip of "grass, dog man."
The author has something to say sorry for keeping you waiting so long
Thick and long
Cheeky for a wave of nutrients: 3 ''
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who threw mines; I am confused, I want to eat
steamed buns, Rong Rong, 33173218, Changan I, Qiushuiyu, maybe one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Mitang 118 bottles; Yinuo 70 bottles; Yunqi and Shiluo 60 bottles; Meow Meow meowed 50
bottles; ann Anmeier 41 bottles; x ° 37 bottles; the world's first beautiful girl's house
rushed 35 bottles; Asa Xi an, peach peach oolong tea, 30 cups of Su Zhuo; 24 bottles of Gao
Xiaosheng; Ye Ruonan, amber, reveal, natural volume, thirteen, 25531590, Taiqing anti-
class customs, western words, runaway for love, Nanxun cold, I love sugar such as 190191,
air, 20 bottles of peppermint; 19 bottles of squeaks; I won't sleep late tonight, wanton
West, sakurayayue, 15 bottles of clear and white; 14 bottles of yayayaya; 11 bottles of zero;
white slippers Fumei,, tata, battle tyrannosaurus, 24516848 ,, crock pot patties soup, fish
on the shore, aggie, yoyo, lemon, 30302942, purple purple, elk, 10 bottles of my little
princess; waiting trees, 9 bottles of feast; 5 bottles of icyivy and 曌 明 空; 3 bottles of 噗噗
啾, 杦 妖 酱; Ju, Zhuge my male god, blowing a fan to drink bean juice, 2 bottles of a small
alpaca; 19153504, a, sunset Afterglow, Daiyueer, 31112616, seeter, six six six one bottles;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 152:

Settings saved..
The announcement of the compulsory large-scale group missions in the city was issued in
the afternoon of the end of the meeting. At this time, Sharp Blade has determined all the
candidates to participate in the mission.
Among the core members, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun will definitely go, and Chen Nan, Liu
Fangzhou, Xu Ge, and Lu Xiuyuan will also join. The primary goal of this mission was to
clean up the zombies, so Xiong Manshan participated in it for the first time without
receiving any objection from his teammates. In addition, Tang Song and Lin Ruan also
confirmed to join.
Tang Song's virus vaccine research has temporarily fallen into a bottleneck. Participating in
the first task is to change the mood, and the raw materials for the production of
pheromones are not enough. He is going to go to the absolute death zone to pack and bring
back a batch.
So far, all the core members except Tao Yuan left to preside over the situation and take care
of the children by the way, all others have participated in the task.
Chen Nan couldn't help but sigh, "It's the first time since we got to the base of Beijing that
we went out to fight together like this."
Liu Fangzhou rubbed his muscles "Either we do n’t take any shots, and the shots will be big
once we take the shot, this time we will try to give Brother Tang a four-level head."
Tang Song nodded. "Okay, I'll wait for you to cut me one."
Liu Fangzhou advised "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
hey hey hey hey this kind of big project, do you still have to give it to brother Shen and Xun
On the new team, Qu Shuo led the 15 abilities and 50 non-abilities to join, leaving Tao Yuan
with 41 people, because the mission location is not too far from the base of the capital, and
the timeline It is expected that it will be pulled longer. At that time, the left-over personnel
and fighters will be rotated. This will also give the team members a breathing and relief
The personnel were determined, but the preparations were far from ready. So many people
went out for battle. All the food, weapons, medicines, and daily supplies had to be brought.
The weapons of the team members were uniformly configured. Each person had a stab
stick and a long handle 039. The gun and a short dagger, the long 039 gun and the dagger
capital are made of special steel brought back by Shen Shi'an from the storage warehouse,
which is extremely sharp and durable. The thorn stick uses the space-produced mutant
aloe thorn and mutant cactus thorn. The main purpose is to prevent metal weapons from
being used in the case of zombies with gold abilities. In addition, each person is equipped
with a gun and a number of ammunition in case of need. After Tao Yuan's half-year training,
the team members' shooting level has been very good, and shooting the zombies head three
meters away is not a problem. Although there are not many ammunitions, emergency time
may become the key to lifesaving.
In addition, pheromone is naturally one of the essential items. After discussions with Shen
Shian and Tang Song, it was finally decided that each member would be allocated three
public funds. Of course, if someone thinks that the three are not enough, they can bring
more, but they must buy it at their own price.
This is not because of insufficient pheromone inventory or Shen Shian ’s small family, but
because the pheromone effect is significant but its limitations are strong. As zombies
continue to evolve, the role that can be played in the future is bound to gradually decrease.
He does not want the team members to Too much reliance on this thing has forgotten the
danger and terribleness of zombies, and thus loses the most important caution and
vigilance in the last days.
Too many and too many things to bring, at this time the importance of the space power is
shown. As long as all the materials are prepared in different categories, Shen Shi'an can
swipe all the space into it, but in order to prevent accidents such as being scattered halfway
Everyone carried a bag with the necessities of survival for about three days.
On the day of departure, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun took the lead. Sixty-five players in total
were wearing uniforms, with bullets and daggers placed in the body armor pockets, and
thorns and long 039 guns crossed and inserted behind their backs. The sword emblem of
the sword shone brightly on his chest, clearly a small well-equipped army.
The day before the official departure, Shen Shi'an took Shen Xun to Hulang and Gufu
To the Tiger and Wolf regiment is to send crystal nucleus to Xiao Lang. At the time of the
storage warehouse mission a year ago, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun worked together to
obtain a third-level gold system nuclei. After returning, Xiao Lang secretly remembered
many times, and even the shares of the commodity exchange gave him three points. The
price codes were all released, and Shen Shi'an hadn't dealt with it. Now that the war is
imminent, and accepting the nomination of the other member of the parliament, it is just
right to give a rare crystal nucleus as a gift.
Xiao Lang almost glared when he saw the deep golden nucleus of the egg. Because he was
too excited, he planned to express his gratitude to Shen Shi'an by physical action. He was
yelled by Shen Xun's fangs, dangerous and temporary Stop your foot, turn around half a
circle and hugged Li Cheng, then opened your throat and shouted, "Come, give me a sack,
Laozi, two sacks of dried beef."
The power of the gold system is powerful, that is, it is too difficult to evolve and upgrade.
There are very few zombies in the gold system. It has been more than a year in the last
days, and the number of gold crystal nuclei that have appeared in the entire Beijing base is
also very few.
He himself also obtained a gold-based crystal nucleus in the operation of the reserve
warehouse, but he did not reach the third level, about the middle of the second level, and
kept it unused. Before the Spring Festival, his ability just broke through the fourth level.
With these two crystal nuclei, plus several first-level gold-based crystal nuclei he collected,
he could rush to the fifth level in one breath.
For his name of "First Man in Beijing Base", no one wants to shake Hahahahahahaha
After saying goodbye to Li Cheng, Shen Shi'an came to Gufu again. Mr. Gu is usually not at
home during the day. He came here to find Gu Changsheng.
Shen Xun didn't wait to see the little dwarf, so he lay down on the yard and drank beef
jerky, but his ears were so tall that he could hear everything in the room.
Gu Changsheng was shocked and delighted to see Shen Shi'an. "Brother, why are you here?"
"I'll send you something." Shen Shi'an took out a low-temperature storage tank from the
space. "There are two hundred pheromones in it. I'm afraid this task will not be easy. Give it
to your people for emergency needs."
He knew that Gu Changsheng had planted staff at the Qin family. Because of the ban on
purchase issued by the Gu family and Li Blade, even if the Qin family could buy
pheromones, the quantity would be limited, and it could not be equipped for everyone. Gu
Changsheng finally managed to cultivate the forces in the dark.
Gu Changsheng hugged the storage tank tightly in his arms, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes
sparkled. "Thank you, you are so kind to me."
Shen Shian's face was stern. "The pheromone is easy to use and easy to use, but it must not
be dependent. When it is time to desperately, you must desperately."
Gu Changsheng nodded obediently. "I see. Don't worry, I will remind them."
"Okay, then I'll go first."
"Brother" Gu Changsheng rushed to catch up in two steps, "No, don't you stay for dinner?"
"Not today, there is still something at home." Shen Shi'an saw the flash of disappointment
in his eyes and thought about it and added, "Next time, wait for me to finish the task and
come back."
"Really?" Gu Changsheng's expression brightened instantly. "That's all right, don't let the
account go."
"Not bad."
When Shen Shi'an turned around and walked out, Gu Changsheng called him again,
carefully and with some shouts "I, can I hug you"
Shen Shian was silent for a moment, and opened his arms at him.
The hug was very warm and short. Gu Changsheng hugged it seriously and quickly released
it. His eyes were full of admiration. "Brother, pay attention to safety, we must come back
Shen Shi'an didn't hold back, raised his hand and rubbed his head, "I see."
Immediately after leaving the door, Shen Xun rushed over, and his voice was full of
complaints, "An An, why have you held the dwarf for so long?"
"Not too long." It was only a couple of seconds.
"It's very long, I'm so long, you don't even care about me"
"Sorry, I didn't hear it," Shen Shi'an said with a temperament along the dog's hair. "Don't be
angry, how about making you braised pork at noon?"
The dog hummed and agreed, turned his head and licked the smell of the two little dwarfs
on Shen Shi'an's neck. The smell of An An could only be his smell.
At eight o'clock in the morning the next day, the mighty, almost invisible convoy, galloped
along the main road between the base of Beijing and the "Great Wall", raising smoke and
The total number of people participating in the mission was as high as 250,000, which was
the largest group mission since the completion of the Beijing base. How to manage and
control so many people is a headache.
"So the power zombies are amazing," Xiong Manshan couldn't help sighing while sitting on
the truck. "A third-level zombies can control two or three hundred thousand ordinary
zombies, what to do, what to ban, and a thought in his mind. It was published instantly.
Alas, even viruses can use brainwaves to communicate without obstacles. Why do we say
that we humans can't do it? "
"Because the human nervous system is highly developed, only a small signal between the
viruses cannot carry the complex information created by the human brain." Lin Ruan
changed her posture on the truck, "and the control of the power zombies The system has
obvious limitations. It deprives ordinary zombies as an individual's will. Once manipulated
by advanced zombies, they can only follow the controller's ideas, and there is no room for
resistance. Therefore, the teacher can rely on a three-level head to cross the zombie group.
Xiong Manshan suddenly said "ah", nodded again and again, "that makes sense."
After a while, he asked, "Well, you said that there are so many zombies in the absolute
death zone. Why don't you launch nuclear weapons directly? After a bombardment, more
zombies will have to be wiped out."
"Well, Brother Xiong, haven't you seen the zombie movie? What if the zombie virus didn't
kill at all, but what to do because of the mutation of nuclear radiation?" Liu Fangzhou Lima
Road "when it mutates into a monster that is more powerful than it is now, we cry
Nowhere to cry. "
Tang Song pushed his glasses. "This is one of the reasons. The second reason is that the
passwords for launching nuclear weapons are stored in the hands of several senior
generals. However, due to the death rate of nearly three-quarters after the end of the
world, some of the command passwords are missing. It is extremely difficult to crack. The
third reason is the most critical point. The absolute death zone is too close to the Beijing
base, only about 20 kilometers. The use of nuclear weapons has unpredictable risks. Any
deviation may cause the Beijing base to be instant. destruction."
Xiong Manshan couldn't help but fight with a chill in his arms. "Don't use nuclear bombs,
it's scary. Hey, how far are we from the Great Wall?"
The co-pilot Chen Nan replied, "It's almost time, I guess it's just a few minutes."
Chen Nan's voice did not fall, and a short-range communicator on each car suddenly
sounded a harsh alarm
"All members please note that according to the latest investigation information, there is a
gap in the northern section of the Great Wall, and a large number of zombies are pouring
out. Please prepare all members for battle."
Shen Shi'an looked suddenly, and immediately issued an instruction through the internal
communicator, "Don't panic, everyone checks the weapons and equipment again, the
auxiliary personnel stay in the car, the fighters listen to my command, and the soil-powered
person gets out of the car, headed by Li Runsheng. Your first priority is to repair the walls,
and others will try to cover you. "
"Ark, feel free to report any news, you are responsible for staying to protect him.
"Be the captain"
The convoy stopped about one kilometer from the Great Wall and spontaneously enclosed
a semicircle to block the road so tightly that a zombie must not be passed over from here.
The vision is slightly better. Standing on the roof of the car, you can clearly see that there is
a slump in the northern section of the Great Wall about 20 meters wide. A steady stream of
zombies is crawling out of the wall, and the snoring noise is rolling.
"Now there are about 110,000 zombies coming out, most of them are ordinary zombies,
more than 700 first-level zombies, 94 second-level zombies, and no third-level zombies."
Liu Fangzhou quickly reported the data. come out.
Shen Shi'an nodded, and the third-level zombies had higher wisdom. They would not easily
come out and expose themselves. These were just cannon fodder, but it was good news for
He immediately shared the relevant information to the general headquarters of the army,
and the combat command of the headquarters was quickly transmitted to all combatants to
face the enemy and cover the earth-based ability to advance to the Great Wall. It must be
within the shortest time. Repair the city walls.
Even though nearly half of the personnel are still behind and have not yet reached the
battlefield, more than 100,000 survivors are more than enough to fight more than 100,000
For the bladed players, this battle was especially easy. Shen Shian had already taken out the
three-level water zombie head that had been cut off from the space and handed it to Tang
Song because the rank of the zombies came out. The highest is the second level. Under the
control of Tang Song's illusion, there is no resistance. One by one, he stands still and even
hits the gun tip.
In the eyes of others, the zombie completely ignored the blade members and did not attack
at all. The heart lamented that the rich man's world was really unthinkable. He started
using pheromone so early, which one has 100 points. .
Hey, what a hell.
The smoothness of the first battle was beyond imagination. In less than an hour, all the
zombies running out of the Great Wall were wiped out, the city walls were properly
repaired, and everything was under control.
The team members burned corpses to collect crystal nuclei to clean the battlefield, while
Shen Shi'an took the dog to the headquarters to participate in the combat meeting. The real
battle has officially begun now.
A total of twenty-one people participated in the combat meeting. They were eight
commanders and deputy commanders from the four major families, and thirteen members
of the Phantom Union. Because the strategy analysis has been done for a long time, the
meeting process is simple and fast. The most troublesome area in the death zone is the 90
existing Level 4 zombies. However, they are currently unable to determine the number of
Level 4 zombies and the specific location. Is carpet cleaning, one is not left.
The meeting finally decided to divide the existing 250,000 mission participants into two
parts, one part is divided into 50 to 60 teams, each team is about 2,000 people, respectively
responsible for a section of the Great Wall, from the outside to the inside to promote the
cleaning of zombies, If you encounter level 4 zombies or other irresistible situations, send a
distress signal immediately; the other part is left to guard outside the city wall. These
people have three tasks. One is to prevent further zombies from escaping the wall and to
concentrate. The force responded, and once the distress signal was received, manned fixed-
point support was deployed. There was also a task to gradually reduce the Great Wall
inward in coordination with the cleaning up of the combat team.
Every week, personnel from both sides exchanged positions. The combat team returned to
guard the city wall, and the left-back team went to fight.
The fairness of this method is that because the periphery of the absolute death zone has
been frequently explored by gold prospectors, the zombies are relatively few and the risk is
relatively low, but the searchable materials are relatively poor. Risk and return match.
After two weeks of rotation, there will not be much difference in the density of zombies and
the amount of supplies, and the participants will be able to rest and adjust enough time.
The first week's battle was conducted by lot. Shen Shi'an was drawn to the first week's
battle group and matched with a Gu family team. The leader was still an old acquaintance
Xie Yang.
After some repairs, the entire crew set off, and Shen Shi'an led the team members along the
section of the city wall that they were responsible for officially advancing into the absolute
death zone.
The biggest advantage of matching with the Gu family is that Xie Yang very simply gave up
all command power to Shen Shi'an. Shen Shi'an said that he can go as long as he can, stop
whenever he says, and trust completely and will not ask questions as early as possible in
the storage warehouse. In the task team, he fully realized Shen Shi'an and his team
members' outstanding talents in fighting zombies.
It turned out that his judgment was correct, and the sharp blade also brought him even
greater surprises.
Since it is a partner with the Gu family, there is not much to cover up. Tang Song fully
demonstrated the control ability of the third-level head through illusion. The soil abilities
combined to create a large pit with a diameter of about 100 meters. Within a few miles, the
zombies lined up and jumped into the pit. The fire-powered arson set fire to others, and
everyone else just waited to clean the nucleus.
In addition to letting everyone be in a state of no-man most of the time, Tang Song's third-
level leader often first notices the existence of a high-level zombie. If it happens that the
other third-level zombies want to compete for control, the third-level head will have an
obvious restless reaction. At this time, Liu Fangzhou will determine the specific position of
the third-level zombies, and then Shen Shi'an will lead the team. The powers are more
difficult. Shen Shi'an and the core players will directly kill them. If the zombie is not very
resistant, Shen Shi'an will hit a half-dead first, and then give it to the new players to
practice cooperation.
After walking down for three consecutive days, the soldiers led by Xie Yang had a rare
chance of doing anything except pouring oil and setting off a fire, and sweeping the crystal
nuclei with a broom into a sack.
This is just like traveling. Xie Yang couldn't help thinking before falling asleep at night.
There is more than one zombie head in Li Dao's hand. In addition to the one held by Tang
Song, Chen Jiamu's head was taken out of the space, and Chen Nan was carried in his
Getting Jiamu out was not counting on him to control the zombies, but because the
evolution of zombies was mainly based on the accumulation of DNA information. Jiamu was
isolated from the zombies for a long time. Although Chen Nan insisted on inputting
abilities, and Shen Shi'an kept feeding spiritual spring water, the evolution speed Still
slower than normal zombies.
The last thing missing in this mission is the zombies, which is a good time for Jiamu to
communicate with similar people and enter the zombies' DNA information “shared
On the afternoon of the seventh day after entering the absolute death zone, Shen Shi'an and
others who have received a total of five third-level crystal nuclei are preparing to return to
the new Great Wall for shifts. The third-level head that has been honestly packed in the bag
suddenly agitates and jumps up and down. I want to bite Tang Song through a layer of
Xie Yang looked over and said, "Are there three more zombies in front of us? Let us solve it
this time." Almost all the ammunition brought so little use.
"No," Tang Song's face was a little dignified. "The third-level zombies will only take control
and cannot affect each other's consciousness, but this third-level head is completely out of
my illusion control."
He looked up at Shen Shi'an. "The fourth-level zombies appeared."
The author has something to say
Water for nutrient solution
There will be important plots in the next few chapters
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the two little angels Lu Xiaoyou who threw mines; Xiaobao, one person's
wonderful, maybe, 35726476, one won't sleep late tonight;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Attacking lazy flower 160 bottles; flowering sixteen 121 bottles; sea whale 99 bottles;
seihako 73 bottles; jessyii and elegant 66 bottles; aggie 60 bottles; Mu Wen 59 bottles; ┑ ̄
Д ̄┍ 58 bottles; meow 57 bottles; official Official 40 bottles; 37 bottles that I do n’t want to
learn today; 34 bottles of ghosts; 2152301832 bottles; Si Shao, Shi Mumu, oseven, deer
stag, oak, esc listen to that and remember 30 bottles; 32627345, who reads the west wind
28 bottles of cool alone; 26 bottles of Hao excellent; 25 bottles of Yueyue and Xiao Cola
bottles; xy, a green onion, n °, 25263539, little yellow chicken, A Xun, March Shanghai Jing,
Xiaobao, salty radish 20 bottles of Yuejing Dance; 3,7,309,309,615 bottles of life, one song
of life; Tong Tong Ye, aozaki, Li Shiba, Yuan Shan, Mr. Qi, 36238943, 26972918, one
person's wonderful, Nan Lian Meng Ling, Zizi, wangwang, squeak, my roommate loves
mushrooms, ee, worm two, thirty-seven, my destiny, id is, 10 bottles of star and moon,
lemon, leaf Yan Fei; 9 bottles of crickets; day 7 bottles of sleepiness; Blue Eagle, Scarlet,
Deep Alice, Kaka, Erji sauce, Lazy is it, Xixi sugar, simmered into the author's
chrysanthemum and 5 bottles; Mo Shang Qin Yin, Xin, did you open the nitrogen so
fiercely? 3 bottles of Qian Xue; 2 bottles of honeyhoney, 22528348, Ruo Shui, Xuehua,
Xuetangtang; think of ink, drifting over g15, bear-like cold, spring bird, Shen Shen has been
occupied , 涞 迩, Axi, rabbit, cxy, 噗噗 啾, joy of fish, the setting sun, qqn, play pig as a tiger
and a bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 153:

Settings saved..
For the sake of safety, a team of 2,000 people in this line retreated hundreds of meters until
the third-level head completely quieted down.
Xiong Manshan carried Lu Xiuyuan on his back, hugged Liu Fangzhou, and went under the
cover of the transparent wall to explore the enemy's situation.
Ten minutes later, the three returned, and Liu Fangzhou's face was a little pale, looking like
a collapse after the power overdraft.
Shen Shi'an handed him a half-wrapped crystal nucleus and a bottle of spiritual spring
water, and asked him "how" when he drank half a bottle at a stretch.
Liu Fangzhou wiped his mouth and nodded at the crystal core. "Tang Brother is right. There
are four zombies, just over four kilometers in front. It is surrounded by zombies, and there
are ordinary zombies. , Because there are too many I can't sense the specific number, but it
definitely exceeds 600,000. "
Someone in the crowd took a breath. The total number of zombies they solved this week
may not reach this number.
"What color is this fourth-level zombie light group?"
"Cyan, with a bit of green and a bit of blue," Liu Fangzhou said to pause. "Its volume of light
is almost the same as that of a third-level zombie, but it is obviously brighter, and there is a
small red dot in the middle. Not sure whether there will be a small red dot in the light
group of all the fourth-level zombies, or whether this zombie has some kind of mutation. "
Shen Shian rolled out the map and determined the location of the fourth-level zombies
according to Liu Fangzhou's clues. It is located in the outer suburbs of the medium-sized
city f, and the surrounding terrain is open, mostly low-rise buildings such as roads,
cultivated land or processing plants. In other words, there is no commanding height, and
there is nothing to cover the whereabouts of more than 2,000 people.
Just two or three hundred meters away from the place where the zombies were located,
Hongsha River, the second largest river in China, just passed through it, because the upper
stream had just opened up and thaw, and the water was fierce and turbulent.
"The light group is a mixture of blue and green, which means that the power of this fourth-
level zombie should be a partial wood system or a water system," Tang Song analyzed. "For
the sake of insurance, it is best to stay away from the Hongsha River. "
Shen Shian nodded, and after giving the basic information, he quickly issued an instruction
"immediately send an emergency distress signal to the Great Wall, and pass the situation
here in detail to ask for support. Chen Nan, Xu Ge, Lu Xiuyuan, Qu Shuo, Wu Miao, Li
Runsheng, The six of you followed me and Xunxun to find the situation of the fourth-level
zombies, Master Xie, please take your brothers to eliminate the low-level zombies as far as
possible from the outside. Mountain, you stay here to protect the party "
"Captain, I will go with you." Liu Fangzhou immediately raised his hand, drank half a bottle
of Lingquan water and absorbed a dozen crystal nuclei, and his face looked much better.
"There are hundreds of thousands of zombies in front. I ca n’t tell which is which, I can help
you determine the specific position of the fourth-level head. If there is any unexpected
situation, I can promptly remind you, rest assured that I can
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and should come down. "Don't be stubborn, don't be too far
from the mountain."
The third-level head can no longer be used, otherwise it will be easy for the siege of the
corpse to be triggered by the fourth-level zombies' reverse control. Shen Shi'an and Chen
Jiamu's heads will regain space.
The distress signal and the details were quickly returned to the Great Wall. Everyone
checked again that the weapons and equipment and communicators were correct. Lu
Xiuyuan, under the direction of Shen Shi'an, stretched the transparent wall and included
the advance team of dozens of people. The target was galloping away.
A few minutes later, Liu Fangzhou, who was carried on the back by Xiong Manshan,
reminded him, "There is one kilometer left from the fourth grade head."
Shen Shi'an stopped to ask Qu Shuo, "Is this distance ok?"
Qu Shuo nodded "No problem, just give me a commanding height."
Chen Nandao "Leave it to me."
"Then Chen Nan, Qu Shuo, Lu Xiuyuan, Manshan and Ark left five of you, Chen Nan is in
charge of the command, everything is in contingency, and the others follow me forward."
After Shen Shi'an left the area of the transparent wall with three people and a dog, Qu Shuo
removed a long wooden box from his back and assembled the sniper \\ 039 gun
components in the wooden box as quickly as possible. Chen Nan held it in his right hand. A
small pot of pure spring water, which Shen Shi'an left to him, planted the devil's vine to the
ground "ready, stand firm."
Half a pot of spiritual spring water is poured to the root of the devil vine, and at the same
time, a large amount of foreign energy is continuously input into the body of the devil vine,
and the ground suddenly shakes. A towering tree emerged from the ground, carrying five
people standing on it to climb higher.
The sway on the stem is more severe than the ground. Lu Xiuyuan didn't stand firmly and
had no time to scream. A thick branch of the forearm intimately wrapped around each
person's waist twice, holding everyone firmly. At the top of the devil's vine, a fence is
formed along the cross section.
Qu Shuo held the sniper \\ 039 gun tightly, and retracted the palm with half of his hand out
without any trace.
Seen from a distance, a towering green giant tower is slowly rising from the ground, and
the stretched stems and leaves are larger than the sailboat, like a fantasy fairy tale scene,
and finally stopped at a height of about 150 meters .
Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the zombie group. Fortunately,
the transparent wall with a road repaired by the virus can isolate the virus communication.
The zombies under the green tower looked up at their necks for a while, then recovered
their sights and continued aimlessly. The ground rocked back and forth.
Shen Shi'an and his party were not so lucky. Almost as soon as they left the enveloped area
of the transparent wall, they received the attention ceremony of tens of thousands of
zombies and the warm welcome that followed.
Shen Shi'an made an immediate decision and immediately ordered the team members to
inhale the pheromone. After a few seconds, the zombie group lost its target again, and the
headless flies seemed to move back and forth, while the four people and one dog took the
opportunity to run to their destination at the fastest speed.
"Ark," Shen Shi'an crouched behind a slightly higher street sign and opened the
communicator. "Where's the fourth-level zombie?"
Liu Fangzhou had already stood firmly on the green tower, and Wen Yan quickly raised his
telescope. "It's about two o'clock in your direction, about fifty meters. There is a long hair
wearing a green skirt, did you see it?"
"One meter six five, wearing red high heels"
"Yes, yes, it's it, it's the fourth head"
Xiong Manshan whispered that the zombie was quite particular.
Shen Shi'an carefully looked at the first level 4 zombie encountered since the end of the
world. Compared to other zombies, this zombie is surprisingly clean and tidy, and his face
can clearly see signs of decay, but there is no slight stain, even Even the rotten parts have
been carefully stitched. If you ignore the few stinging stitches, it will not look much
different from a living person at first glance.
The eyes are not turbid and congested like ordinary zombies, the boundary between the
white eyes and the iris is very clear, the pupils are collapsed to the maximum, and there are
some strange reds in the darkness.
It wore summer clothes, but it was still early spring when the virus broke out, and the
temperature was particularly cold in the north, which meant that the clothes that it was
wearing today were changed after it became a zombie. According to the cleanliness of the
clothes, it should be changed. how long.
All signs indicate that the wisdom of this zombie is far more than they have encountered
Shen Shi'an looked dignified and lowered his voice and said, "Quo Shuo, can you aim?"
"Yes." Qu Shuo's steady voice came from the headset. "The vision is clear and unobstructed,
waiting for the captain's instructions."
Qu Shuo stared at the target in the sight, and his body remained motionless, and he pulled
the trigger decisively.
With the harsh sound of breaking through the air, a ray of silver flew across Shen Shi'an's
field of vision, but the fourth-level zombies did not respond, and a road stone three meters
away from it burst into powder instantly.
Qu Shuo opened his eyes in shock "impossible"
Lu Xiuyuan could not help but ridicule "It seems that Captain Qu is not as powerful as you
claimed, is it that it is so easy to see a female zombie and plan to be fragrant and precious?"
Qu Shuo's lips were clenched and he did not speak, and Shen Shi'an and others, thousands
of kilometers away, were in danger because of this gun.
The fourth-level zombies were shocked by the sound of gunfire, stood up and searched
vigilantly for others to barely hide, and Shen Xun, who was three meters high, was
immediately caught by the other party.
I saw the other person raise their hand and waved, a huge wind blade of half a meter wide
appeared in the air, and chopped towards Shen Xun with a thunderbolt, and the turf
splattered and the turf fluttered. The dog left a little more than a foot deep where it had
been hiding for a while.
The fourth-level zombies seemed a bit surprised when they couldn't hit it. They tilted their
heads and looked at them. Eight wind blades appeared out of nowhere. This time, they
blasted towards Shen Shi'an and others from all directions. There was no room for dodging.
"Be careful"
The long sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and Shen Shi'an stood up, leaving a trail of
shadows in the air, facing the wind blade and smashing four of them. The other four were
stopped by Shen Xun with his claws, but his tail was cut off. A pinch of hair.
The wind blades temporarily resolved, but the threat they faced was far more than the
fourth-level zombies. Once the fourth-level zombies found their tracks, even if the ordinary
zombies were still blinded by pheromones, they would not hesitate to attack these "likes"
according to the instructions. Hundreds of thousands of zombies within a period of time All
came towards them.
The "grass" Li Runsheng hurriedly raised a high platform. For the time being, he broke
away from the zombie tide and became a target of the power zombie. In a blink of an eye,
more than a dozen wind blades whistled. The edge was extremely sharp, which temporarily
condensed Li Runsheng. The rising earth wall was shredded and almost an arm was cut off.
No, there are too many zombies. If they continue to do so, they will only be trapped here.
We must find a way to resolve the fourth-level zombies.
Shen Shian jumped from the platform with a long sword in his hand, and rushed to the
fourth-level zombies while crossing the tide of corpses and shouted at the communicator,
"Please ask Master Xie for help. There are too many zombies. We need support. This
zombies is a wind power. Shuo, try firing again "
As soon as the voice fell, another silver light flashed. This time Shen Shi'an looked carefully.
The bullet did indeed aim at the head of the zombie, and then it was changed by an invisible
air current within ten meters of the zombie. After the trajectory, the target deviated again
by a few meters.
Long-range sniping originally required precision to the slightest. It is no wonder that there
is such a layer of airflow blocking the target.
The power zombies were attacked twice in succession, and a cyclone with a thickness of
more than half a meter was formed. The third shot of Qu Shuo was blown away by a strong
air stream before approaching the target. He did not know where the bomb went.
"Rely on" Xiong Manshan couldn't help but stomp his foot. "The bullet can't hit it at all. The
captain is too dangerous. You are waiting for me here to help."
"I'll go too," Chen Nan took out another devil vine with thick fingers, which Shen Shi'an
gave him before he set off. "The three of you stay on it. There is Lu Xiuyuan who can't find
you in the zombies. Rest assured , I won't be too far away. "
Chen Nan controlled the vines to send himself and Xiong Manshan down the green tower,
and Qu Shuo on the green tower was still aiming. "Mr. Liu, other than the fourth-level
zombie, does the captain have other power zombies near them?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, there is a third-level one across from Sister Xu"
"Trouble Mr. Liu shows me."
Bullets are not effective for level 4 zombies, but not necessarily for other zombies.
The tertiary fire department zombies that were driving Xu Ge back and forth in a row
stiffened, a few drops of black blood dripped from the temple, and then fell straight to the
However, even with the support of teammates, Li Runsheng and others are still in a dire
situation. The tide of zombies seemed endless. One wave after another could not be killed
at all, and the intensive wind blade attack of the fourth-level zombies really made it
Shen Shian's eyes condensed, and Jian Jianguang swept out, clearing a small vacant lot in
the **** sky, facing Shen Xun, who was fighting not far away, chanted "You Left My Right"
"it is good"
The two figures quickly formed a pinch of left and right as lightning. The fourth-level
zombies seemed to feel the threat, and suddenly raised their heads, howling, and the neat
green long skirts were hunting, and numerous wind blades were facing one person and one
dog like a storm. Cut it over.
Kengkeng Kengkeng
The fire splattered on the sword, and the strong shock shook Shen Shi'an's palm. The
exercises are working at full power, the five senses are expanded to the extreme, and
everything around him forms a three-dimensional image in his consciousness, so that all
attacks of the power zombie slow down many times in slow motion. He twisted his body to
an unbelievable arc and passed between the two wind blades. The sword was split into
four, and the other was passed close to the face. Then he blocked a concrete barrier of more
than three meters by the roadside. Severed, the broken stones rolled and fell.
Every time he approached a point, Shen Shi'an realized more clearly that this fourth-level
zombie was more powerful than any zombies he had encountered.
Suddenly a snoring moan sounded in his mind, and Shen Shi'an turned his head
subconsciously, and then found a scarlet blood stream flowing down the right front leg of
the big dog.
"I'm fine, An An, don't worry, you just scratched a layer of skin."
Shen Xun was a bit surprised when he said this. Although the form is far from being the
body, it is also very powerful. His skin cannot be cut with a knife, and he was given a blade
of a zombie power. Cut
After confirming that the dog had suffered a skin trauma, an uncontrollable anger was still
gathered in the chest cavity. Shen Shi'an clenched the hilt, and the speed became almost a
ghost. After paying seven or deep or shallow wounds as the price , Finally through the
dense wind blade to the power zombies two meters away.
The tiptoe kicked up into the air, and the sword crossed a turquoise arc of light in mid-air.
However, before the arc was chopped towards the power zombie, Shen Shi'an felt a sudden
lightness on his body, and then he seemed to be pulled by a giant force. Generally
involuntarily rotates at high speed.
At the same time, Liu Fangzhou, standing at the top of the green tower watching the battle,
opened his mouth in shock.
"Am I, did the fourth-level head just summon a tornado?"
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the grenade;
Thanks to the little angels who cast mines, two of them are clear; maybe, elk, 29840318,
rosa, 20964828, Lu Xiaoyou, and lazy sheep;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Meow sauce ゛ 134 bottles; 鹄 111 bottles; Wan 坻 100 bottles in the water; shake your
wife and shake 80 bottles; Meow: sarro60 bottles; "boss067" 53 bottles; 50 bottles in
summer and summer; Forsythia Xishan, 33351068, acey , Luo Xiaoyou 40 bottles; white
sugar cake 35 bottles; stay up late to see Wenhui bald, yukir, Yun Ruoxi, old words are 30
women of Thunder Lion Kelly; 26 bottles of dreaming grass; 25 bottles of meow , 615965,
light rain, and forgotten the password again, 22617162, 20 bottles of paralysis of
someone's paralysis; 18 bottles of Dongli; 13 bottles of white glass; wake up after the
dream, charcoal grilled spicy cabbage, chessboard monster, open your eyes and look I, qq,
76, Qiushuiyu, Xiyue, Qingtang, Yiluo Moshangxie, Xiaomeng and Weizhu, Habit, Qingwu, I
entered into the author's chrysanthemum, a name really strenuous, Lan Xi 10 Bottles; 8
bottles of caves; 7 bottles of Daiyueer; 5 bottles of i8, aggie, cakes, speech 丞, Ji Mo, Mo Mo
Ju, 噗噗 啾, purple purple, and special roads; Xiyang, evaaa, and warm sun , Xuetangtang,
19411639, radiant light spot, eiry3 bottles; 13469013, sur2 bottles; Xinxin Mengmei, Lala
噜, the setting sun, Hui, qqn, Qingbenjia 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 154:

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Shen Shi'an was flying in a tornado for a while, but did not hit the ground when he fell. He
landed on the furry back of the dog.
"An An An An, are you okay?"
"It's okay," Shen Shi'an said, holding his forehead to stand up.
When he sat down and sat on the dog's back, he found that the surrounding environment
was very strange. He couldn't see the fourth-level zombies or the hundreds of thousands of
zombies under his control.
"Where have I been blown?"
"The northwest side of the battlefield is about six or seven kilometers away from the
fourth-level zombies."
Shen Shi'an cursed secretly, his calf clamped, and lowered his body forward to grab the
dog's neck hair. "We have to go back as soon as possible, look for it, and leave it to you."
"Relax" Shen Xun turned her direction, and her shiny hair flew up against the wind.
The black beast galloped all the way. By the time the two returned, Xie Yang had brought a
team of nearly 2,000 people to the main battlefield. He gathered all the soil abilities
together, about two hundred from the fourth-level zombies. A five-meter-high city wall is
surrounded by the meter's position, and there are stacks on the wall. Black hole guns stick
out from it to form a tight fire network. They are struggling to kill waves of zombies.
Tang Song and his teammates also arrived. At this time, he was standing on the city wall
and co-commanding with Xie Yang. When they saw Shen Shi'an, they were relieved. "It's
great that you two are fine."
Shen Shi'an slashed a low-level zombie and jumped directly from Shen Xun's back to Tang
Song's "What's the situation"
"Lin Ruan took ordinary team members outside the city wall. Xu Ge and Man Shan with
their powers were attracting the attention of the fourth-level zombies in an attempt to
contain its actions," Tang Song quickly said. Only Level 4 Zombies cause effective damage,
and its attack and defense capabilities are too powerful. "
Shen Shi'an deeply realized this, "Can you control it?"
"No, the distance is too far. It will be attacked by the wind blade or stopped by the wind
wall if it is too close."
As soon as the words fell, three wind blades broke through the defensive circle of Xu Ge and
others. They were cut on the wall, and the wall was shaking. The mud splashed and burst
into a v-shaped gap more than two meters high. The soldiers pulled up again, and the soil
powers closest to the gap immediately rushed over to repair the wall.
"When will the support over the Great Wall come?"
Xie Yang "expected to be ten minutes."
"Is there enough ammunition?"
"Reluctantly, I can't but fight with me."
The gunfire, gunfire, and artillery fire were flying around, shouting and hissing everywhere.
More than 2,000 survivors were like a flat boat, and they had to persist for another ten
minutes in the huge waves of hundreds of thousands of zombies.
Shen Shi'an's eyes crossed the tide of corpses, and unexpectedly a large number of spurs of
blood and fresh broken arm stumps were found on the ground.
His eyes were deep and condensed, and he turned to Tang Song and Xie Yangdao, "Hold it
up, and I looked for them to think about a way to break through the defense of the fourth-
level zombies."
After that he clenched the hilt and jumped off the wall.
Xu Ge and others described Wolverine, and fifty-eight psionicists, including Gu Jiajun, were
dodging under the attack of the fourth-level zombies. Feet, and the wind blades are dense
and dense. It is impossible to avoid all of them. At this time, more or less injuries were
sustained, and there were scratches on the protective clothing.
After seeing Shen Shi'an and the big dog, it seemed as if he had found the backbone of his
main body, and he immediately refreshed his "captain".
Shen Shian smashed two wind blades and backhand threw a bottle of Lingquan water to
Gao Xiaohui, who looked the most trauma. "Well, can I handle it?"
"No problem," Gao Xiaohui wiped the blood and sweat on his forehead. "But this zombie is
too hard to hit, and our attack can't even touch it."
Originally, the second and third level men under the control of the fourth-level zombies
could let them suffer. Thanks to the remote support of the channel instructor, they took the
zombies' heads from a kilometer away, and made a dozen hits without any errors. The
difference in the wall Almost all of the zombies that he could clear were removed. Although
there are many ordinary zombies left, they are not impossible to cope with.
But even so, the situation is still not optimistic.
The most important goal remains unscathed.
Whether it's flames or water dragons, or other forms of various attacks and weapons,
before being close to the fourth-level zombies, they were all blown away by strong
cyclones. When they were unlucky, they would even bounce back and eat a big one.
However, this situation of passive beatings can only teach people to be bored.
"And you can't get too close, you start tornado as soon as you get close to this stuff." Xiong
Manshan, who was accidentally caught flying back and running again, added.
Long-range attacks have no effect on it. They will be blown away when approached. How
can these four-level heads be cut? Xiong Manshan looked at the green skirt and felt his head
Xu Ge also came closer, "It seems to only form a tornado at one time. We have tried to hit
the west, some people attracted attention, some people attacked from behind, but it was
not fooled at all. We realized that we had this intention Furiously firing wind blades in all
directions, our team was seriously injured by three, all were sent to the green tower by the
mountain, and Gu's family died one. "
Shen Shi'an's heart sank down, staring closely at the figure surrounded by mass cyclones.
"Captain," Chen Nan's voice suddenly sounded in the earphones. "If I sneak in from the
ground with a devil rat, its cyclone should not cover the ground."
"No, but the cyclone is very close to it. There is only a gap of less than two meters in
diameter on the ground. Are you in the Green Tower now so far away that you can
precisely control the attack position of the Devil's Vine?"
"It should be no problem. I am now under the Green Tower. As long as it is no more than
200 meters away from the Green Tower, I can maintain the power output and maintain the
status of the Green Tower. The remaining 800-meter ark can help me adjust the direction."
"I can" Liu Fangzhou's voice rang out immediately. "I know what to do, just like when I
caught the power zombie Xiaohong, I came to be Chen Nange's eyes."
Shen Shi'an quickly estimated the probability of success, and sparked a hope in his heart.
"Okay, it's up to you. It doesn't need to cause much damage to it, as long as it can interfere
with it and form a loophole in defense, I and Xunxun will Seize the opportunity to attack.
Others, do their best to disperse the fourth-level zombies and fight for opportunities for
Chen Nan and Ark. "
Deep in the ground that cannot be seen by the human eye, a dark green vine breaks
through the mud layer like a python and quickly passes through it, pauses for a moment to
make fine adjustments.
A few minutes later, the python stopped and Liu Fangzhou's voice came from the headset.
"The devil's vine is now three meters deep just below the fourth-level zombies. You can
catch it as long as you go out. Captain, you and the hunter." Are you ready? "
Shen Shi'an hid behind a truncated wall. His sword was buzzing with spiritual power. He
looked up and looked at Shen Xun, who was also ready behind the zombie, "ready."
Chen Nandao "Then I started three, two, one"
Devil's vine broke out like lightning and entangled the legs of the fourth-level zombies, and
the fourth-level zombies stunned. The cyclone rotating around the high speed of the whole
body appeared an instant stagnation. The light and sharp claw's sharp edge are intertwined
into a net, the sword screaming beast roars to the sky, and hacks towards the fourth-level
Everything was between the electric light and flint. The two Shen Shi'an attacks
successfully passed through the cyclone as expected. Although the fourth-level zombies
immediately recruited the wind blade to twist the devil vine into fragments, they were
completely exposed to the sword light claws. There is no way to avoid it.
When everyone opened their eyes wide with anticipation, a whirlwind formed under the
feet of the fourth-level zombies, holding it up like a rocket.
"What am I?" Liu Fangzhou suddenly rose from the green tower. "This zombie will fly."
Both Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun's attacks were aimed at the head of the zombie. The fourth-
level zombies suddenly took off and caused the attack to be misplaced. Jianguang cut off its
two calves, and the sharp claws marked three deep wounds on the lower abdomen. Red
The high heels fell to the ground, the beautiful green skirt cracked into pieces, and the dirty
blood mixed with the broken internal organs dripped down from the wound. Although it
looked a little bit worse, such an injury had no effect on the zombies.
The long black hair stretched its teeth in the wind, like an unknown black lotus. Through
the flying hair, Shen Shi'an clearly saw the spiteful hatred in the eyes of those pupils.
My heart was cold and he turned his head and shouted, "Retreat everyone and retreat
As soon as the voice fell, countless wind blades had been smashed from the air like a heavy
rain. Senhan's blade 039 was intertwined into a sharp celestial net, and the place where it
landed was either mud and rock flying or splashing with blood.
Because the fourth-level zombies were flying high, the wind blade covered a large area, and
even the city walls 200 meters away were affected. The earthy wall was completely
vulnerable to the dense wind blade and there were screams everywhere.
Shen Shi'an gritted his teeth, a long sword danced into a ghost, and a light golden aura
emerged from the whole body and expanded to the maximum. He shuttled the team
members in the wind blade and escorted the team. Has been hidden in the zombies "
Shen Xun is too large and has suffered the most attacks. Fortunately, after he suffered a
first loss, he used a force to form a protective cover outside his body. The wind blade
slashed on the protective cover, and Mars crackled. But he couldn't even hurt a single hair.
At this time, he was acting as a natural barrier and cooperated with Shen Shi'an to ****
others to retreat.
Xiong Manshan is fast, and the wind blade can't cut him, so when he saves people, he rarely
looks up and stares at the fourth-level zombies to look back and forth, and when he looks at
it, he finds that something dark has fallen along with the wind blade.
She flashed over and picked it up. "How can I lose my hair in the sky? Oh, I'm going. The
fourth-level head is bald. The wind is blowing the wig down."
The wind screamed, the sound of gunfire, explosions, and screams mixed into a noisy state.
It should be said that the fourth-level zombies were flying so high that they should not hear
Xiong Manshan's voice, but it was not known whether it was Xiong Manshan's wig or his
face. The expression stimulated it, and the indiscriminate large-scale blast of wind and
blade suddenly burst into a meal, and then converged into a large area of Mi Mi Zaza, all
smashing towards Xiong Man Shan.
Xiong Manshan ran quickly with his wig, but the fourth-level zombie seemed to be staring
at him. Thousands of wind blades formed an airtight knife net. Xiong Manshan shot
wherever he went, and he ground the ground hundreds of meters away. All honeycomb
coals are holes.
In any case, Xiong Manshan successfully attracted all the attention of the fourth-level
zombies and gained valuable time for the evacuation of other personnel.
After all the survivors withdrew from the sight of the fourth-level zombies, they got a
respite in the siege of the zombies. Shen Shi'an returned with Shen Xun, and as soon as he
was close to the main battlefield, he found that the blade net composed of wind blades was
unknown It turned into four cards, radiating from Xiong Manshan from all directions at the
same time.
Shen Shi'an horrified "Manshan"
When Xiong Manshan was about to be broken into pieces by the wind blade, the
surrounding street light poles, abandoned vehicles, metal street signs, etc. suddenly all
pulled up and deformed, forming a tightly-seamed hemispherical fortress to secure Xiong
Manshan in the center.
Keng Keng Keng
The wind blade hit the metal fortress with sparks and splashes. Xiao Lang stepped on a
metal plate and flew from a low altitude of 100 meters. He dropped the cloak and whistleed
with his arms in his hands. "Yo, Captain Shen looks very embarrassed." Well, how about it?
It ’s up to the head of the group to deal with the fourth-level zombies. "
He was not alone, and behind him was a team of more than 2,000 people. The mighty
crowds and Xie Yang gathered together, and soon a new protective city wall was formed
around the fourth-level zombies.
The first batch of reinforcements arrived smoothly.
The metal fort disintegrated and dispersed, Xiong Manshan seemed to be rushing over,
watching Xiao Lang excited. "Head of Xiao Xiao, you also can fly, then you can fly up to fight
the fourth-level zombies."
Xiao Lang looked up at the fourth-level zombies that was at least 50 meters high. He was
proud of his face and raised his hand and touched his nose. "I'm afraid this is still a bit
difficult. Then, I haven't advanced for too long, and flying is OK. It ’s flying, it ’s too high and
I ca n’t control it. ”
"This skill was just learned by our team leader in the past two days. At present, he can only
fly to five meters high, and it can last up to two minutes." Li Cheng, who was then rushed to
the tiger and wolf group, demolished his team leader without any help. Taiwan, although I
did n’t say anything later, Shen Shi'an and others also understood
Except for playing handsome shit.
"The area we are responsible for cleaning is not far from this. Just after finishing the first
week of the task, we are ready to return to the Great Wall for the shift. Immediately after
receiving the distress signal issued by you, the head of the team rushed us over," Li Cheng,
Shen Shian, and others Hug them in turn, then look up at the fourth-level zombies wrapped
by the cyclone group and still firing the wind blade. "I'm afraid this zombie is not easy to
"Why isn't it good to fight? It's so hard to fight."
Xiong Manshan is about to explain the power of this fourth-level head to the new allies.
Xiao Lang probably felt that he had been shaved and could not hang on his face. He took the
first two steps and set off the battle. "Let me come from the advanced four I have n’t fought
all the way after the level, what about flying into the sky, so let it **** power "
Hundreds of steel pellets were spinning around him at high speed, and then dragged a long
stream of air towards the fourth-level zombies at a speed no less than that of a bullet.
In a blink of an eye he was bounced back.
Shen Shi'an had expected this ending long ago, and took Li Cheng and others to stand a bit
ahead of time, wield the sword and cut off a few wind blades. "The leader of Xiao Xiao is
terrific. Did the fourth-level zombies have tasted this or not?"
grass. Xiao Lang didn't believe in evil, this time he stretched the steel pills into thinner and
sharper willow leaves and steel needles, and again launched a fierce offensive towards the
fourth-level zombies.
The ending has not changed.
The members of the Tiger and Wolf regiment jumped away and avoided a flying knife.
"Boss, please be careful, don't wipe out your family before the zombies hit."
Xiao Lang's face was white and green for a while, and he still didn't give up. "It's estimated
that the distance is too far. The shooting force is not enough. I'll try to get closer."
Before Shen Shi'an had time to remind, a tornado whistled past, and people were gone.
Li Cheng and others were overwhelmed by the "head"
"It's okay," Xiong Manshan looked up and estimated the direction of the tornado. "I'll go
and find him soon."
When Xiong Manshan ran back with Xiao Lang on his back, the second batch of
reinforcements also arrived. This batch of reinforcements started directly from the Great
Wall with more than 5,000 people. They were led by Yuan Bing, the team leader of the
Xuanyuan Team, and the leader of the Huang family. Ammunition weapon.
Two successive batches of reinforcements were brought in, and the pressure from Xie Yang
and others was greatly reduced, but the fourth-level zombies hanging high in the air was
still helpless, and the flying blades threatening the lives of everyone.
Just when Shen Shi'an and other psionicists tried to find its weak points while attacking
while attracting the attention of Level 4 zombies, Xuanyuan Captain Yuan Bing did not
know where he carried a rocket 039 cannon. Aiming at Level 4 zombies was a shot. .
The shell successfully penetrated half of the fourth-level zombies' defensive cyclone, and
then was blown out by the other half. The landing site was visually observed as a section of
the new protective city wall. At least a hundred soldiers were standing there to fight the
zombie tide.
"Dead Mud Horse"
Xiao Lang yelled, hurriedly gathered a large piece of metal plate and blocked it above the
protective wall. Shen Shi'an turned his sword back into his sheath like lightning, and yelled
Shen Xun galloped, and fluffy long tail grabbed Shen Shi'an's waist and threw it all in the
air. Shen Shi'an took advantage of the force to rise into the air, hitting a force against the
projectile's head, and deflected its direction again.
The dazzling fire exploded in the center of the fourth-level zombies and the protective wall,
and a strong shock wave swept out. Shen Shi'an opened the aura cover in time and was still
bombarded with a sullen blood on his chest, like a bird with broken wings. Falling straight,
Shen Xun was just on his back.
"An An An An, how are you"
Shen Shian swallowed the smell of sweetness in his throat and propped up the big dog. "I'm
The fire light from the explosion has not yet dissipated. Xiao Lang has rushed to Yuan Bing
and grabbed his collar. It is a fat meal. "You and his brain are stupid, foolish, 255, their
brains have been stung by zombies, zombies are he smarter than you. Waste dim sum
Wang Bagui grandson, I think I live too far to give you a ride. "
Yuan Bing knew that he was in a bad position, and let Xiao Lang fight and scold him and
didn't fight back. But Xiao Lang didn't show mercy. The thief scolded him badly. After a
while, his face became swollen and turned into a pig's head. In the end, he didn't hold back
a water dragon to fight back Xiao Lang. Ah, how does his mother know that this zombie can
bounce back rocket 039 guns? I do n’t want to help too? That thing ca n’t get down in the
sky, how can you hit it other than with rocket 039 guns, you ’re terrible, you have to find a
way to keep it On the ground "
Xiao Lang raised his fist and wanted to sting again. He was persuaded by others to stop
Let the fourth-level zombies stay on the ground, right?
He walked up to fifty meters away from the fourth-level zombies, raised his hands, and the
power was fully output. The metal within a kilometer of the circle flew over as if
summoned, stacked on top of each other and formed a thick cloud. It also looks like a huge
metal plate.
The larger the metal plate, Xiao Lang's complexion became more and more red. The
muscles on his two arms tamped the blue tendons and exposed. When no new metal was
added, Xiao Lang shouted loudly and withdrew the ability suddenly. That piece The metal
plate fell straight, smashing the fourth-level zombies from the air like Taishan pressing.
There was hope in everyone's eyes.
But the noise of the metal plate falling to the ground was not expected.
About half a meter away from the ground, the fourth-level zombies summoned two
tornadoes at the same time, overturning the metal plate, and vacated again.
"What am I?" Xiao Lang stared at the half-rise green skirt, sulking with swear words, how
could this thing be so resistant?
Xiao Lang's tactics were frustrated, but Shen Shi'an got a key message from it. The tornado
summoned by the fourth-level zombies was amazing, but the load bearing capacity was still
limited. The metal plates gathered by Xiao Lang weighed about ten tons. This means that a
single tornado will not weigh more than five tons.
Then how many tornadoes can be summoned by this fourth-level zombie, I am afraid not
too many, otherwise, after releasing more than ten tornadoes in succession, everyone here
will be blown away.
Shen Shi'an and it circulated for more than half an hour. It was found that the appearance
of each tornado should be at least about forty seconds apart, and the simultaneous release
of two is estimated to be its limit. After opening the metal plate manufactured by Xiao Lang,
Even the cyclones around it seemed to be weaker.
"Xun Xun, I remember when you first changed from human to dog form, you were more
than ten meters tall, right?"
"Well, the mana was just unblocked at that time, and it must be so large that it will not be
"Is there a way to get bigger than then?"
"Yes, it's easier to get bigger than smaller, just use some mana directly." Shen Xun
understood his plan, "An'an, you sit still."
Shen Shi'an only felt a shock, and the dog hair that could have been held in his hand like an
aloe watered with spiritual springs also skyrocketed, and soon became thicker than
chopsticks, almost drowning him. among them. The field of vision continued to rise, and the
cyclone that was originally in the mid-air was getting closer and closer. In the end, the head
of the zombie and his teammates all became smaller stick figures.
In the wilderness, a black giant with a height of more than sixty meters walked for a few
steps and then shook the sky. When the wind was blowing, the mountains were shaking.
The fourth-level zombies seemed to be frightened, and immediately threw a tornado at the
monster, the wind was rolling, and it was rolled for a long time without being taken away.
Not only was the monster safe and sound, but Shen Shi'an hiding on the back of the
monster also had no hairs. Hurt.
The zombie was furious, threw his hand and threw a blade of wind and rain, and the sound
of Mars shattered on the protective cover of the beast.
Fart is not used.
The effect of Shen Xun's monsterization is significant, but the limitation is also obvious. The
large size means that its speed has greatly slowed down, and you must be careful not to
hurt your teammates on the ground. It is impossible for him to hit the other party.
Fortunately, Shen Shi'an's original intention to make the dog bigger was not to make him
"Teacher Xie, could you please arrange for the psionicist to contain the fourth-level
zombies from the ground. Don't let it run too far. I and the main attack responsible for
attracting it," Shen Shi'an said to the communicator. "It His power is limited, and we die for
it. "
The fourth-level zombies use a large amount of power to manipulate cyclones and summon
tornadoes, while Shen Xun also needs a lot of mana to maintain the shield. In essence, this
is a competition between the energy reserves of Shen Xun and the fourth-level zombies.
Whoever grows up can win.
In terms of cost-effectiveness of energy output, Shen Xun is actually more disadvantaged
than Level 4 Zombies. After all, Level 4 Zombies only need to control the cyclone to circle
themselves to ensure the most basic safety, and Shen Xun is not to be hurt by the wind
blade. , You must cover yourself from head to toe with a protective cover, and the mana to
be consumed after the monster becomes a geometric multiple.
But Shen Xun has Shen Shian.
Shen Shi'an can drink the Lingquan to replenish spiritual power, and then continuously
transmit the spiritual power to Shen Xun. As long as the crystal nucleus is sufficient, the
spring eye will not dry out, and as long as the spring eye is not dry, Shen Xun is equivalent
to having an inexhaustible energy reserve. .
It seems clear who wins and who loses, and the battle is indeed going in the direction Shen
Shi'an expected.
Hundreds of psionicists form a circle centered on the fourth-level zombies, and understand
the 16-character guerrilla essentials of the enemy's advance, retreat, interference,
exhaustion, and retreat, as long as the fourth-level zombies begin It was windy or smashed
the knife down from the air, and immediately hid under the stomach of the monster, and
once the attention of the fourth-level zombies was not on them or the intention to run was
revealed, the fire sprayed the fire and the water sprayed. Water, even if you ca n’t hit it, you
have to smash it with a metal plate to pull it back.
With the concerted efforts of everyone, the scale of the tornado summoned by the fourth-
level zombies gradually decreased with the speed visible to the naked eye. The power of
the wind blade that could have broken gold and jade was no longer reduced from half a
meter to less than two inches, even in a suspended state. Can't keep it either, falling a little
bit from mid-air back to the ground.
No matter how you look at it, it is a state of exhaustion that is about to be exhausted.
The first thing to notice was that Liu Fangzhou said, "Hey, why did a third-level zombie run
towards you?"
The third-level zombies that suddenly broke into the main battlefield were also wind-based
abilities. They were extremely fast under the blessing of the air, and flew to the fourth-level
zombies in a blink of an eye. The unequals attacked this sudden enemy, and saw that the
fourth-level zombies suddenly condensed a large sword, and cut off the head of the third-
level zombies with their hands, and quickly pulled out a cyan crystal nucleus from it.
In just a blink of an eye, the shining tertiary crystal nucleus turned into flying ash and went
away with the wind. The tertiary zombies shook their heads and screamed. The cyclone
surged up again and waved hundreds of forests. The wind blade caught the puppets on the
ground by surprise.
Shen Shi'an heard Tang Song swear on the other side of the communicator, "This fourth-
level zombie will actively absorb the nucleus of the lower-level zombies. All fighters pay
attention, and make no effort to let any zombies break into the protective wall."
After struggling for so long, I saw that the blood strip of oss was almost at the bottom, but
because of a third-level zombie that broke in suddenly, he returned to a large section, and
the sullenness in it can be imagined.
Both the power and the non-power have fired hard, throwing bullets, 039 bombs, abilities
without money
"Kill all the debris first"
"Stop the protective wall and never let a zombie interfere with the captain."
"Go to death, you ca n’t beat the fourth-level zombies, or you."
"The fourth-level laozi, the mud horse, is still cut today"
When the second third-level zombies suddenly approached, everyone received a warning
from Liu Fangzhou. Xiao Lang was holding two steel pills and was about to show both
hands, "噗嗤", accompanied by a slight breaking sound, level three The zombie's head
exploded into a ball of minced meat outside the protective wall.
"Good job," Shen Shi'an said to the communicator.
There was a sound of replacing the magazines in the earphones, "It should."
There was a smirk on Lu Xiuyuan's face behind him, but he didn't know why he didn't make
a sound.
Shen Shi'an noticed where the bullet that solved the third-level zombies came from, and the
fourth-level zombies also noticed.
It soared up a distance, and quickly looked at the unusually conspicuous green tower in the
Xiong Manshan quickly yelled at the communicator, "The Ark ran four levels and found
After roaring, he pulled out the wig that had not been thrown up and raised it up to the
fourth-level zombies. He shook and said, "Look at what this big girl is. Are you bald, do you
know that your wig is in my hand? Want? Chase me, as long as you can chase me, I will let
you grass "
Xiong Manshan rushed away, and the place where he had stood was split by a half-meter-
long mouth with a wind blade, and the cracks spread like a cobweb.
I don't know if his metaphysical constitution has taken effect, or whether he used a wig to
poke the other person's sore point is too hateful. In short, the fourth-level zombies really
left the Green Tower behind him and chased him. It was a crazy storm.
Tang Song, who is always watching the main battlefield, scratches a touch of refined light.
As wisdom gradually approaches humans, is it as easy to be controlled by emotions as
Lost the crystal nucleus support of the lower-level zombies, this time the blood bar of the
fourth-level zombies has finally decreased in an irreversible trend.
Thirteen minutes later, the maximum load of the whirlwind it summoned dropped to about
70 kilograms.
Shen Shi'an jumped from Shen Xun's back at the right time. The long sword suddenly came
out of the sheath. The sword was cold and cold. A skull flew up with the blood and was
taken by a long-prepared lead box. This is right, and quickly into the space.
Can be considered as solved.
As soon as the fourth-level zombies died, the next things were much easier, especially after
Shen Shi'an secretly gave the backpack with the fourth-level head to Tang Song.
After more than an hour, all the zombies within a few miles were resolved. Others cleaned
the battlefield to collect crystal nuclei. Xiong Manshan and several team members
assembled the remaining bodies of the fourth-level zombie. Major Major Tang will bring it
back for future research. "
Yang Cancan laughed. "This zombie lives better than us. The green skirt is red and high-
heeled. Look, even the nails are dyed red. Not to mention the dyeing is pretty good. Hey,
why is there a piece of nails on the right hand?"
"I guess it was someone who collapsed when we just fought. It's okay. Ten nails are missing
and one is tight. Don't miss the other parts." Xiong Manshan stood up and looked around
for a week. "Where did the captain and Xunge go?" "
Wu Miao said, "I saw that I was going in the direction of the Hongsha River. It is estimated
that Xunge was going to clean it up."
Wu Miao was right, Shen Xun walked to the side of the Hongsha River to wash his paws.
After the beast turned, he didn't know how many corpses he stepped on, and the mud on
his soles was muddy blood.
The river was turbulent, and the bank was high and steep. Shen Xun couldn't rest assured
that Shen Shi'an was too close. "An'an, wait for me on the top, I'll be back soon."
Shen Shi'an thought and nodded, "Be careful."
After the big dog walked down the embankment, he took out half a bottle of Lingquan
water from the space and drank it a few times, coughing too much, and there was a sweet
smell in his throat.
This battle was not easy. His aura mask almost used the limit. Although he had drank
dozens of bottles of spiritual spring water, all the added spiritual power was lost to Shen
Xun, and Dantian was already close to overdraft. In addition, when the rocket 039 was
blocked, he suffered some internal injuries. The overall situation was not bad and it was
not much better. He didn't want Shen Xun to know that he was trying to recover at this
Someone is approaching. Shen Shi'an did not move, but his body was adjusted to a very
alert state.
The comer was a young man, wearing a Gu Jiajun uniform, staggering and trembling with
sweat and blood.
Seeing Shen Shi'an hesitated, and then quickly raised his hand to salute "Captain Shen"
Shen Shian nodded, "come to wash your face"
"Yes," the young man was agitated and a little excited. "The crystal nucleus has been
cleaned up, and my body is too dirty, and I thought of coming over to wash it. I didn't
expect to meet you. Thank you, Captain Shen for his life-saving grace."
Life-saving grace: "When did I save you?"
The young man scratched his head a bit embarrassed. "Captain Yuan of Xuanyuan Team
had shot a rocket and 039 guns and almost exploded to me. Thanks to Captain Shen, you
rescued, and before that, the wall collapsed and I almost fell into the zombies. It was also
Captain Shen that you pulled me up, so you not only saved me, but you saved me twice. "
Shen Shi'an recalled that the soldier he pulled up did seem to be the other party. The whole
body guarded and unloaded, and his look softened a lot. "Since it is a teammate fighting
side by side, of course, we must help each other."
"That's what I said, but I couldn't help you anymore." The youth rubbed his hands back and
forth on his pants a few times, his face turned red. "I actually admire you, I think you are
particularly powerful, me, I can Shake your hand? "
Shen Shian smiled. "Of course."
The youth stretched out his palm with excitement, flashing red between his fingers.
The author has something to say about His Majesty Chapter Looking for Change
Ask for irrigation nutrient solution: 3 ''
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Tong Tong who throws the grenade, 1 whole sugar candy;
Thanks to two little angels Lu Xiaoyou who threw mines; one is wonderful, maybe one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
33952650258 bottles; 120 bottles of King Zishan; 90 bottles of Yibao should be drunk; 84
bottles of manual anti-theft are discarded; 50 big bottles of this lady, troublesome, Gu
Changming; half are ghosts, 40 bottles will be left; big food 31 Bottles: dandan,
1884903830 bottles; 27 bottles of wind and fallen leaves; 36233838, Moshanghuakai,
18040940, mermaids, and 20 bottles; Xiaochai has 16 bottles on the air drum; 15 bottles of
glass cymbals, guess strings, and Sinai; 玖 玖, Please call my baby, Lan Sizhui, Yu Zhibo
Qiuyan, Yu Re, Ann Anmeier, open your eyes and look at me, 33321426, Xuan Yuan,
xxxxxx10 bottles; 381296098 bottles; Zui, 6 bags of bread bags; Qiao Ge, 5 bottles of icyivy,
dust, Ga, yayayaya, Baiyinjiu, Shaohua, Zizi, lazy, Xiaoxiao loves to eat fish, and fat brother;
4 bottles of Yinnian midnight; Su Mo, acquaintance once, and Chen Da lovely 3 bottles;
Dahongpao vitamin, dk2012, Daiyueer, Xuetangtang 2 bottles; Mo Yu picturesque,
19153504, Dream is sweeter than candy, Li Zhennian, sunset, qqn, Simo 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 155:

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When Shen Shi'an and others ended the battle, Gu Changsheng was beading beads.
One hundred and eight top-grade beeswaxes are polished to the same size as oily and
smooth, slightly larger than pearls. Every twenty-seven are separated by royal blue lapis
lazuli, and the bottom main bead is a half-finger pinkie The long rosewood wood carvings
are gentle, calm and solemnly restrained. They look good on the hands and around the
neck. They are most suitable for Shen Shi'an.
Gu Changsheng knew that Ms. Shen believed in Buddhism, and Shen Shi'an did not know
whether to believe it or not, but he always carried a string of beads on his wrist, so he
wanted to give one to himself. One hundred and eight Buddha beads in Buddhism allege to
prove one hundred and eighty-two ambiguous, to eliminate one hundred and eight kinds of
troubles, he hoped that Shen Shi'an will be free from worries, illnesses and disasters from
now on.
Suddenly strong heart palpitations made Gu Changsheng's palms shake, and the rope of the
bead was broken at the same time.
Gu Changsheng froze, panic erupted in his heart, "Xiao Wen" he stood up and shouted "Xiao
Wen come in"
The attendant flashed into "What's the matter, master?"
"Did the news come back from the Jedi death zone?"
"More than three hours ago, Level 4 zombies were said to have been encountered. Level 4
Zombies were successfully destroyed an hour ago. The battle is now probably over."
"Brother, is my brother hurt?"
"No such news was returned."
If no news comes back, it means that Brother must be safe, isn't it? But what about this
frightening feeling?
The indescribable anxiety made Gu Changsheng sit still, glanced at the scattered beads on
the ground, and his heart was more disturbed. "Here is the satellite phone. I want to contact
Xie Yang."
Xie Yang was sitting by the broken city wall and resting. He heard the news from the
correspondent and answered the phone. "Master Chang Sheng is me. Yes, the battle has
ended and the fourth-level zombies have died. Thanks to two Mr. Shen. No, Mr. Shen was
not injured, I'm sure. Do you want to talk to him? "
Xie Yang stood up and looked around for a week, and put the phone closer to his ear again.
"He is not here now, it seems that he is taking Xun Xun to take a bath by the river. OK, I will
send someone to find it immediately and give you a reply when I find it."
After more than 20 minutes, Gu Changsheng, who had accumulated anxiety almost to the
top, finally received a call from Xie Yang, but the news got him struck by lightning.
"They are missing. Both Mr. Shen and Xunxun are missing."
At this time it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, the stars could not be seen in the
sky, and the sickle-like lower part of the moon hovered in the air, mostly covered by a few
thin black clouds, and there was no reason to reveal an unknown.
Gu Changsheng rushed to the Qin family at the fastest speed.
Most of the Qin family members have fallen asleep, and the piece of the house is sleeping in
the quiet night. Only the courtyard where Qin Shu lived was still brightly lit.
Qin Shu dare not sleep. I do n’t know when to sleep has become the most terrible and
unbearable torture for her. As soon as she closes her eyes, the rampant goblins will rush
out from all corners, surround her, and pull her, Bite her, tie her up and down the knife to
the pan, the unimaginable pain makes her dead and die, but after she wakes up, those
painful experiences can't find any trace on her body, no one believes her, The doctor said
that her psychological pressure was too great and she had hallucinations. Her parents felt
that she was hurt by her feelings and she was a bit out of mind. Those low-minded minions
who chewed behind her tongue laughed at her because she had done too many bad things
and had bad news.
She didn't do bad things, all she did was to protect her family and happiness. What really
hurts is the deserved **** and her son who should have been born. They are the most
shameless, humblest and most powerless person in the world.
It's not so easy to hurt her and get revenge on her torture her. Since she can only see evil
spirits when she is asleep, she won't have to sleep.
She doesn't sleep, and no one else can. All the servants serving her were required to sit
cross-legged in the living room, not allowed to talk or disturb, as long as anyone
accidentally dozed off, her body or face would be immediately drawn with a red mark with
blood from a bamboo stick.
When the door was knocked open, she was reprimanding one of the servants for refusing
to accept discipline, threatening to drive him and his family out of the Beijing base and
never allowed to enter. She was frightened by the roar, and her backhand was beaten with
a bamboo shoot. What daring slave would dare hit my door? "
Penny was raised by Xiao Wen and grabbed his hands. Qin Shu was furious. When he saw
Gu Changsheng behind him, it was a joy again. "Chang Sheng, how come you come here so
late, pour tea, master came Are you blind and invisible? Changsheng, you want to drink? "
"Go out." Gu Changsheng turned his back, his eyes faintly red, as if trying to suppress the
anger and chill. "Everyone, now, immediately, please leave here first."
The servant quickly withdrew, and Xiao Wen took the door at the end, leaving only Gu
Changsheng and Qin Shu in the living room.
Qin Shu puzzled, "you"
"What did you do?" Gu Changsheng interrupted her sharply, her chest was violently
undulating, and the blue muscles on the back of her clenched hands jumped straight.
"Where is Shen Shi'an?"
Where is Shen Shian
Qin Shu was too late to question his attitude and first got an important message from his
words "Shen Shi'an is gone"
Unconcealable joy emerged from her face. "When was it missing in the absolute death zone
where it was missing? How long has it disappeared?"
Could it be said that the plan has been successfully implemented?
That's really pleasant
Qin Shuxi can't beat herself. This is really the most exciting good news she has heard in half
a year.
Gu Changsheng got the answer from her expression. Anguish, anger, disappointment, and
deep-seated hatred were entwined in the eyes of Mr. Gu, who looked like Mr. Gu.
"What and why," Qin Shu avoided his sight. "Mom doesn't know what you're talking about."
Gu Changsheng approached step by step, his eyes were surging, and it was unclear whether
there was more pain and disappointment, or more anger and hatred.
"The Qin family is already one of the top five managers of the Beijing base," he said. "You
are the only daughter of your grandfather and grandmother. Even if you do nothing, you do
n’t have to kill zombies, you do n’t have to toil, as long as the Beijing base exists, you can be
safe. Wealthy riches enjoy this life. Why on earth should we start with Shen Shi'an? "
Qin Shu raised his eyebrows. "What are you saying? That's how I taught you to talk to the
elders. Even if Shen Shi'an disappears really has something to do with me, my mother is for
your good. You are still young. I don't see how ugly people are." Do you know what Shen
Shi'an has done to me? Do you know how he threatened me? He wants to kill all of us in the
Qin family. Mother will never give him a chance to hurt you. Such a scourge, of course. Cut
grass and roots as soon as possible "
"He won't hurt me, he is my brother."
"He's not your brother" Qin Shu was anxious, and his face was almost distorted. "How
many times have I told you, he is not your brother's low-quality man who is not worthy.
When you are your brother, you are the only eldest son and grandson of the Gu family. You
are The orthodox heir of the Gu family, what kind of medicine did he give you to make you
so obedient and so confused? Where is he good to make you willing to dwarf him? Do n’t
you forget how much the mother has eaten in the Gu family over the years because of his
existence? Wronged? "
"Chang Sheng, my mother knows that you are a good boy, knows that you have a good
heart and a simple heart, but you must not be deceived by the appearance of Shen Shi'an.
He is not innocent, not innocent at all. Everything he does at the base of Beijing is The
purpose is to want to harm our Qin family and want to steal everything from the Gu family
from you. "Qin Shu took Gu Changsheng's face, and his mother's care flashed in his eyes."
You are a hard mother Born, mom is the person who loves you best to you in the world.
Mom will never lie to you, right? Believe in mom. Only that cheap seed will disappear
forever, and our family can live happily together forever. . "
Gu Changsheng took a deep breath and stared at Qin Shu with his apparently bleeding eyes.
"Tell me where he is. As long as he is okay, I promise that I will do my best to protect you
and the Qin family. "
When Qin Shu's eyes were cold, he turned away.
Gu Changsheng grabbed her hand and looked extremely distressed. "Mom, don't force me."
"Forcing you" Qin Shu was extremely angry, "What do you want to do, what do you want to
do? For an outsider who hasn't known you for a few months, what do you want to do to
your mother? Mommy has worked hard to nurture you and educate you for more than 20
years. Ca n’t you compare to a scum of a little three-life? I have more than one secretly dealt
with. Why, you have become a guardian of the Skywalk, must you deal with your own
mother for those people? ”
"I don't care who you want to kill, who you want to kill, only he can't, you can't move
without him"
"What if I move you? I'm your mother. Everything I do is for you. I'm the one who loves you
the most in the world. Gu Changsheng, you have to do it for Shen Shi'an."
Gu Changsheng let go of her hand and lowered her eyes.
Obviously, she has become extremely angry, hated the extreme, and pained the extreme,
and she even had two smiles in her voice.
"Everything you do is for me, are you the one who loves me the most in the world,"
There seemed to be a sigh of relief in the silence in the room. Qin Shu didn't know why, and
suddenly there was a little confusion in his heart.
"Before I learned of the existence of Ms. Shen and Shi An, I didn't understand why my father
didn't like me, why he hated me so much. I was never naughty, never got into trouble,
studied hard, and never studied at any time. He turned against him on the matter. But why,
he didn't even want to look at me? "
Gu Changsheng said slowly, his voice was very light, as if he had exhausted all his strength
just by saying these words. "I have been sad for a long time, I have been distressed for a
long time, I tried my best to find a reasonable explanation ... I think, think, and have a
speculation that I will not be my father's son at all "
"As soon as this speculation breeds, it starts to grow wildly, because there seems to be no
other explanation for this reason. Throughout my teenage years, I was in the puppet of my
family who was not Gu at all. So when I was an adult, I did For one thing, I tried to secretly
get a dad's DNA sample, and together with my own sample, let Xiao Wen send it to a
biological research institution for testing. "
Qin Shu seemed to have heard a certain kind of bad news, his face suddenly pale, and his
face was full of the biggest secret panic that was revealed by people "No, no, you won't"
Gu Changsheng smiled, "Mom guessed the test result, right?"
"The test results show that the two DNAs are exactly the same, which means that I agree
with my father's DNA100."
"Imagine how shocked I was when I learned this result. It is 100% consistent. How could it
be that even if I am a father's son, half of the genes are from my mother and I have also
experienced the recombination of the gene sequence. How can it be completely identical to
the father? Is it consistent that my father and I are identical twins? This is ridiculous. "
"I firmly believe that the test result is wrong, so I asked Xiao Wen to take another sample to
another biological research institution for testing. However, the test result this time is still
100. I think, think, and finally got it One of the simplest explanations is that these two
samples belong to the same person at all. I have never been the father's son. I am his clone.
"Whether it is Shen Shi'an or Mr. Gu, it is estimated that even Ms. Shen thinks that you got
dad's essence \ 039 son by some special means, and then you got me. \ 039 子 is much
easier, isn't it a hair, a drop of blood, a little saliva, and even skin debris can extract somatic
cells. You have extracted the nucleus of the somatic cell and put it into the egg cell where
you removed the nucleus. Created a me. I am afraid that such a large project is not simple.
How long did it take to prepare for it? How much manpower and material resources did
you have? Apart from your Qin family, does anyone else know the team responsible for this
experiment at the moment?
Qin Shu covered her chest, leaned back, and sat down on the chair with tears in her eyes.
She shook her head. "No, it's not like this, Chang Sheng, listen to me explain"
"Hear you explain what explains how much you love me? Explain how everything you do is
for me. Mr. Gu was supposed to be my father, but you made me a copy of him, and Shen
Shi'an was supposed to be mine. Brother, but you artificially made me premature and made
me a deformed and distorted family relationship with him on the level of genetic
construction. Wasn't it exactly what you created for me in the name of loving me? Who am
I? Who is Gu Changsheng? He is afraid that from beginning to end, you are just the puppet
you use to fight for power. "
Gu Changsheng stood in the center of the living room, and a cold white gallery lamp
sprinkled on him from behind, dragging a slender, almost empty shadow.
"Mr. Gu hates me because I am your son. You love me because I am a copy of Mr. Gu and the
name of my Gu's parents and grandchildren. Your feelings towards me are limited by
conditions. Only Shen Shi'anbu In the same way, he will not alienate me because I am your
son, nor will he reject me because of his attitude toward me. He is good to me, only because
I am Gu Changsheng. "
So I will guard him, at all costs.
Mom is not the most important person to me, nor is Mr. Gu, Shen Shi'an is.
"Tell me exactly where he is."
"I don't know. I never let him be kidnapped. I just wanted to make him infected with the
zombie virus." Qin Shu himself didn't know why he told the truth, maybe Gu Changsheng's
expression and For the first time, her tone truly felt the panic about losing this child. She
stood up and took Gu Changsheng's hand. "Chang Sheng, Mom loves you, Mom loves you
most, no matter who you are, Even if there is no genetic relationship, you were born to
your mother for several months. You are the blood of your mother's bones. The mother's
flesh is so much more than twenty years of hard work and nourishment. Is it more than one
Shen Shi'an? "
Gu Changsheng was silent, then nodded. "You are right. My mother has the gift of education
for me, so no matter what you do, I will take care of you, protect you, and protect you."
"But if something happens to Shen Shi'an," he stared at Qin Shu with a very light voice, his
eyes red with blood. "I want everyone in the Qin family except you to be buried with him."
Feeling a slight tingling in the palm of his hand, Shen Shi'an gathered a vigorous backhand
to beat people away.
The sound of bone fracture sounded crisply, and the young man's chest immediately sunk
in a large area, and a red fingernail slipped from his fingers. The body has not yet landed,
and the blood mixed with broken internal organs has been sprayed from his mouth. He
smashed twice on the bank of the river, his face muscles twitched, and Shen Shi'an, the
soldier who knew and remembered that he had indeed rescued, even exfoliated It gradually
disappeared, replaced by a face of a middle-aged man who had never seen it before and
was full of beards.
Is the power one.
Shen Shi'an was dizzy.
There was a deafening roar below the river embankment, and then a black giant shadow
flew towards the river bank like lightning.
The middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground and turned to run. After two
steps, the body crooked, rolled down the river bank, and fell into the rushing Hongsha
Shen Xun's anger was irresistible, and he was about to chase after the man who had been
removed from the river to smash 10,000 corpses, and beside him came Shen Shi'an's
extremely weak call "Find, don't chase"
He hugged the big dog and he disappeared with his mind.
Shen Shi'an lost consciousness immediately after entering the space.
Shen Xun was horrified "An An An An An, what's wrong with you, An An An An, you wake
up soon"
He shrunk his body to a minimum of two meters high, and soon found a wound in the right
palm of Shen Shi'an. The wound was dark black and purple, with dark black blood exuding
from it. The blood vessels around the wound were swollen in black and black. Spreading
Zombie virus, An An infected with zombie virus
That red nail really was a level 4 zombie.
Huge panic swells wildly in the chest
After the end of the last days, the survivor's body has been modified by the original virus
and the power virus, and the resistance to the zombie virus has become stronger and
stronger. It takes at least two to three hours for a power person to be bitten by a zombie at
the same level.
But Shen Shi'an is different. His body has never been exposed to the original virus, which
means that his resistance to the zombie virus is still at the level when the virus broke out.
As long as he is bitten by a zombie, he will complete the transformation in just a few
Not to mention he was infected with a Level 4 zombie virus.
The mutation speed is so fast that it is unimaginable, but in the blink of an eye, the
alienation part climbed from the right palm to the right wrist, and was finally stopped by a
cyan light in the right elbow.
The glaring normal flesh and the mutated black purple flesh formed a clear dividing line at
the elbow. This is why Shen Shi'an lost consciousness. The virus of the fourth-level zombies
was too overbearing. The survival instincts reacted before the body. Forced all their hearts
into this fierce tug of war.
He is protecting himself, he is trying to save himself.
The rich aura in the space gathered into a funnel-like cyclone, which was continuously
poured into his body from Dan Tian.
But the purple and black alienation still climbed up slowly at a slow rate.
Not enough. The aura in space alone is not enough.
Shen Xun was so anxious that he immediately set his sights on the Lingquan pool
surrounded by mist.
There is enough spiritual power in the Lingquan Pool
He rolled up Shen Shi'an carefully with his tail, and rushed towards Lingquan Pool at the
fastest speed. When it was five meters away from the pool, a golden barrier suddenly rose,
and all the forces bounced off, knocking him with a bang Out.
Shen Xun hurriedly guarded Shen Shi'an into his arms before landing. The strong impact
caused him to break a row of apple trees before he finally stopped.
Grass, forget the protective cover that comes with the space.
The space recognizes the master, and the protective cover only allows Shen Shi'an to enter
and exit freely. Others can't step in halfway unless they get the voluntary permission of
Shen Shi'an.
But now Shi'an sinks into a coma completely. How can he send An'an into the Lingquan
Time is alive, Shen Xun didn't dare to delay, quickly got up and rolled Shen Shi'an back to
the barrier.
The protective cover has no protective loopholes, and will be stopped in any direction. He
has already checked it numerous times when he was young.
Ca n’t crash, if you rush from a distance, all impact forces will bounce back, and if you stand
in front of the protective cover to force forward
A thunder with a thick forearm suddenly exploded, and a deep black fracture of bone was
seen on the claws of Shen Xun forcibly penetrating into the protective cover. The blood had
all been evaporated by the high temperature before it could flow out.
Shen Xun trembled with pain, gritted his teeth and retracted his paw.
He turned his head and glanced at Shen Shi'an. At this moment, the alienation part had
climbed up a few millimeters.
Turn your head and look forward from here to Lingquan Pond, with a total of five meters
left. Every meter is thunderous.
He licked on Shen Shi'an's face. The emerald beast's huge beast eyes were extremely gentle.
Don't be afraid, An's here, I won't let you go.
Shen Shi'an did not know how long he had been unconscious. In a coma, it was as if he had
been engaged in a difficult and protracted battle.
When he opened his eyes, he found that he was leaning on the edge of the Lingquan pool.
The warm spring water just passed his chest, and his right palm was smooth and smooth,
and his skin was fused with blood. .
Successful, he did not become a zombie.
The joy of the rest of the life after the disaster just rose from my heart, even when I noticed
that I was searching
He remembered that he had brought the big dog together before coma, and Shen Xun didn't
accompany him.
How did he enter the Lingquan Pool?
There was a weird, burnt smell in the air that was too deep to think deeply.
The intense panic caused Shen Shi'an to climb up from the Lingquan pond immediately, but
the mess on the grass beside the pool set him completely in place
The thunderous raging land was full of black hair, black meat, black bones, and sporadic
blood stains.
"Xun Xun" Shen Shi'an shivered in panic "Xun Xun Xun Xing where are you"
His total control over the space made him quickly target the second floor of the Bamboo
Tower, and Shen Shi'an clenched his fists and hurled towards the Bamboo Tower.
Blood stains and scorched footprints spread along the steps in front of the Bamboo
Building to the entrance of the second floor. Everything on the second floor is familiar to
Shen Shi'an.
On the right is neatly stacked perishable food, and on the left is a weapon wall. On the
bamboo bed next to the weapon wall lies Lowe, who has been infected with zombie virus
and has been lethargic.
In the center of the second floor, not far from the staircase, a small black figure curled up.
Shen Shi'an's voice trembled, his vision quickly blurred, and his heart seemed to have been
stabbed a few times in a hurry and fiercely, rushing to the figure and kneeling down before
The search situation that turned into a small black form in front of him was very bad. The
whole body was cut by thunder and lightning, and almost no complete fur was found. The
right forepaw was half missing, and the internal organs could be seen faintly across the
worst wound on the chest.
"Xun Xun" tears fell on the floor, Shen Shi'an's palms shook constantly, even he didn't dare
to touch him. "Xun Xun, Xun Xun, can you hear me, can you open your eyes and look at me?"
it is good"
He gritted his teeth and pushed his fingers to the tip of the little black nose.
There is life to save
He directly controlled the plastic basin to scoop half the basin of Lingquan water from the
Lingquan pool, carefully put Xiaohe into the basin, and then took the basin to the Lingquan
pool as smoothly and as quickly as possible, and sat in with Xiaohe .
Shen Xun should go to the second floor of Zhulou immediately after being injured. The
second floor is static, as long as he stays there, his injury will not worsen.
But he could obviously enter the Lingquan pool with himself, why didn't he come in?
Shen Shi'an didn't need to guess to know the answer because he was worried that the
water in the Lingquan pool was not enough to purify the zombie virus, so he left all vitality
to Shen Shi'an, and climbed up to the second floor of the bamboo building with a last
"Shh, it's okay," Shen Shi'an touched the little black head very gently, and then kissed him
on the forehead. "I'm here, I won't let you go."
The spiritual spring water is essentially an aura that is pure to the extreme and therefore
liquefied. At this time, these auras are continuously poured into Shen Xun's body, helping
him repair and heal the brutal wounds inside and outside the body.
But after the wound was all healed, Shen Xun did not wake up, and the trend of crazy
absorption of Aura did not stop.
Shen Shi'an relaxed his tight heartstrings in half after all his physical characteristics
returned to normal. Since then he has been standing by the edge of Lingquan, carefully
observing no changes.
Five days later, Quan Yan did it for the first time. Shen Shi'an quickly recovered with crystal
Three days later, Quanyan dried up again, and then recovered again after absorbing a large
number of crystal nuclei.
From then on, Spring Eye would dry up almost every other day, and Shen Shi'an's focus
would be another Spring Eye besides Xiao Hei. He had never been so glad that the crystal
nucleus he had stored in space was enough for Spring Eye to dry 24 times a day.
After Spring Eye dried up for the seventh time, Shen Shi'an squatted beside Spring Eye as
usual to fill it with crystal nuclei, and suddenly a strange sound came from the Lingquan
Pool behind him.
The mist was full by the pool, and it was hard to see through the heavy white mist.
Shen Shi'an yelled "searching" tentatively
No one answered.
Didn't wake up? Is something wrong with Lingquan Pond?
As soon as my heart was tight, I stood up and walked to the pool.
However, the squatting time was too long, and the legs and feet became numb, and the
water vapor around the Lingquan pool shrouded the grass and slipped. As long as I didn't
notice a few steps, I would fall into the Lingquan pool.
A strong arm pierced out of the mist, holding Shen Shian's waist and turning half a circle,
stable on the shore.
The dense fog spread for a few minutes, and Shen Shi'an looked up, facing a handsome face
and a pair of dark green eyes.
"An'an," the man smiled, and his magnetic voice was low and sweet. "I'm grown up."
Does the author have something to say? Has the dog grown up today?
Grown up
With regard to Gu Changsheng's identity, it was completely solved at this point, and also
solved the previous questions about ECG induction, special feelings about An An, and
almost the same appearance as Mr. Gu. Don't worry about him, he is a good baby.
In the previous chapter, I saw that some readers stated in the comments that they felt that
An An was not vigilant enough. They wanted to explain it a little bit.
The need for the plot is of course also one aspect, but An An is alert enough, and
immediately notices when there is movement, but you think, he just experienced a battle
between humans and zombies. It ’s people who are not zombies This is a little less vigilant
and wearing Gu Jiajun's clothes, who happened to be the one he saved. The soldier was
supposed to have no power, and he took on the attitude of seeing idols. All the tricks are to
weaken An'an's defense. He didn't realize that the trap is true and forgivable. Who could
think that the power actor secretly changed?
Harmful, blame Qin Shu for being too cunning.
Make her die a bit worse.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who threw the grenade, the whole sugar candy, it is
better to see it as one;
Thanks to the little angel Rong Chen, Lu Xiaoyou, maybe Qiu Shuiyu who cast the mine, you
seem to have one, aozaki, and meow sauce;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Sister Xi 仟 110 bottles; snowy border 103 bottles; 渱 pregnancy 90 bottles; 69715087
bottles; Asan ne and Amu 哆 more than 80 bottles; Weiyang 70 bottles; hera, good night, Gu
Qingyun, Meow, and Kemi linen 50 bottles; 49 bottles of cream in the dream; 47 bottles of
doate; 45 bottles of Yan Yan and Yan Yan; 40 bottles of Miao and Qi Nian; siga, three-eared
girl paper, 1913176432 bottles; mermaids, cormorants, white sugar cakes, hr7, h. s. ,
Bookworm, Mobei, Kiki, Peppermint, Ai Lingling 30 bottles; xxxxxx29 bottles; 26 bottles of
love; Sally Yeh, 25575983, the few ghosts, 615965, Xinyue Pavilion, Nanlian Mengling, ohh,
Fishtail bar, An Xun, always love my family Man Man, Zi Bu, Hu Feng Xiao Xiang 20 bottles;
Ke Ke Hu 19 bottles; Ga, Yue Xia, salted fish without turning over 15 bottles; egg tarts, IX 12
bottles; tooth teeth 11 bottles 22865530, fat paper, domestic bird, rotten to stay deep in
nature, Li Zijun, a cup of sake, Qiuqiu, fairy three years old, black ink stain, Banyue Yin, Jiuli,
Dafa rice, 玖 玖, warm Meng, bnni, Mu Mu, Si Shao, huh, evil, my destiny, Wen Xingzhi, end
of the day and endure all ages, first astronomical waste, Yu Yu, Mo Mo, Dai Yueer, Luo Rou,
Xu Yi ,, maple meaning , Elk, orange apple, sorrel sauce, orange emperor, Xiaojiujiu, key10
bottles; Aso, Moshang Qinyin, Musheng 7 bottles; shallow singing, Muge, Qingqing 6 bottles;
gg, aia Xiaoan, Yang Yangyang, 28787880 , Xi Xitang, Maomao, 37673096, Black-tailed
Phoenix, Youtian, Laoshan, Yiye Zhiqiu, July Fence, Huang Huang who eats soil, Erhe sauce,
Hehehehe, Mr. Meow 5 bottles of fish, pinellia, and light as swallows and blue orchids; 3
bottles of la la la, yao, soy sauce, up to duck; Wei Wei ri, purple purple, specious, y76002
bottles; Xixi compound interest, July Half, Shaohua, ra, cloud drunk moon slightly 醺,
35491624, sunset afterglow, Xuetangtang, 蒾 fog, dignified 诶, syuke Wennai, Qi Changye,
icyivy, cxy1 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 156:

Settings saved..
He is undressed.
Shen Shi'an stared at the man in front of him for a few seconds and finally realized the
"You, wait a minute," he pulled the arm around his waist in a panic, "I'll get you some
Shen Xun, who was restored to adult form, was tall and erect, half a head taller than Shen
Shi'an. He must not wear Shen Shi'an's clothes.
Fortunately, before she left the city, Shen Shi'an had collected a lot of large-sized clothes in
the mall.I was originally prepared for myself with the expectation that “maybe I will
continue to grow taller”. After I was idle for more than a year, I was considered a pie. Come
in handy.
It was like an unknown prophet.
Shen Xun followed Shen Shi'an and walked into the bedroom on the first floor of Zhulou.
The furniture, beds and furnishings here were all Shen Shi'an originally moved from the
bedroom in his home when he decided to go to the capital. If you look carefully, you may
still get it from the closet. Several little black dog hairs were found inside.
The bedroom space is not small, and it is more than enough for two people to come in. But
perhaps because Shen Xun is standing too close, the heat and sense of existence that can't
be ignored comes from behind him, as if even breathing is close at hand, blowing itching
after the neck. What's more terrible is that the closet door made of imitation porcelain can
reflect the figure behind him clearly and slender limbs, smooth muscle lines, healthy and
shiny skin, which can be seen by just lifting the eyes, hiding Can't fall.
Suddenly, the person behind "Yi" stepped closer, and his sturdy chest was almost
completely covered with Shen Shi'an's back. A finger pinched his earlobe. "An'an's ears are
so red."
Shen Shi'an shuddered, lowered his head, turned the clothes out as fast as possible, and
turned into the man's arms. "You dress first, I'll wait for you outside."
Until sitting on the sofa in the living room completely blocked the scene in the bedroom by
the door, he squeezed his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.
He already knew that Shen Xun would return to adult form one day, and he had already
prepared himself mentally, but when the day really came, the impact was still not small.
The man in the bedroom was searching, and Shen Shi'an was sure.
He has the scent of searching, the eyes of searching, the dependence and affection that he
does not conceal when facing him, but at the same time, his appearance is strange, his voice
is strange, the oppression brought when he is near him And tension is more strange, such
familiarity and strangeness are intertwined, teaching Shen Shian to be a little helpless.
How should he get along with each other as before? But in the face of an adult man half
taller than him, how to say the word "Xun Xun good"
Shen Shi'an imagined the scene and shuddered with nausea.
When Shen Shi'an was in a mess, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Shen Xun,
wearing camouflage trousers and white short t, came out.
Shen Shi'an's gaze was fixed on his face for a second, and then on him for a second, "How
about, is the clothes still fit?"
"Fit," Shen Xun raised his arm and performed a chest-expanding motion, showing strong
muscle lines under the white cloth.
Shen Shian ""
The underpants did not collect the next largest size, all his size. A hidden sense of
competition between same-sex makes Shen Shi'an's expression a bit subtle "Wait for
another model after you go out."
When he saw a man coming to sit next to him, he wanted to give way to him
subconsciously. How could she know that with a big hand, Shen Xun grabbed his waist and
hugged him to his legs.
Shen Shi'an was startled and immediately struggled. "What are you doing?"
"Hang An'an," the man's handsome face was taken for granted, and he even took a deep
breath near Shen Shi'an's neck. "I wanted to do this long ago."
"How is this?" Shen Shi'an pushed a few times and found that he could not push at all, with
a little anger in his eyes. "Look, let me down."
Shen Xun was puzzled, "Why not, did An An hold me like this when I was a kid?"
"That's different."
"What's different"
Shen Shi'an couldn't speak, and was so anxious that he was about to use his spiritual force
to forcibly break away. Shen Xun suddenly tightened his arms and buried his face in his
shoulder socket. "I'm so scared."
The man's voice was trembling slightly, filled with fear, annoyance, fear, and a bloodthirsty
vigor. "When you are unconscious, I'm scared. I'm afraid you can't wake up, I'm afraid you
can't see me When I grow up, I ’m afraid I ’ve lost my favorite person in the world because I
’m too careless. I think it does n’t matter if An An becomes a zombie. If you really become a
zombie, I ’m like Chen Nanyang ’s brother every day Feed you the fountain of spring water
and the nucleus of zombies, making you the smartest and most powerful zombies in the
world. At that time, we will kill all the people who kill you, and then do whatever you want,
and go where you want. , I will always be by your side, and no one can separate us. "
Shen Shian's heart was soft, and his nose was a little sour, and suddenly he thought of the
small figure that was curled up on the second floor of Zhulou.
Yokohama's unfamiliarity and embarrassment quietly dissipated. He rubbed Shen Xun's
head like he had done countless times and rubbed it. "I'm fine, I'm fine at all. Have you got
all your injuries healed? "
Shen Xun loosened a bit and raised his arms to show the muscles. "All healed, An An, look,
there are no scars left. A few thunders are nothing."
He did n’t say that, but when he said Shen Shianhuo came up, he raised his hand and
knocked on his head. “Are you stupid? Do you want to send me into the Lingquan pond? Ca
n’t you just throw it outside the protective cover? Why not? Go for it, don't die "
If it wasn't for the second floor of the Bamboo Tower with the function of time stillness,
how could this fool sit here and talk loudly, God knows exactly how he felt when he saw the
little black flesh body.
Shen Shi'an thought more and more angry, raised his hand and patted him on the head
Shen Xun didn't mind, he flattered against his face flatly. "The situation was too urgent at
the time, I didn't have time to think so much. Don't get angry, OK?"
The tone of coaxing the child made Shen Shi'an's face unexcitingly hot. This was all he used
to coax the goblin. He never expected that it would be used on his own.
The two were too close, and the dark green eyes were all in the field of vision. They were
gentle, focused, and intense, like a bottomless lake. They could swallow the whole person at
any time.
Shen Shi'an took the lead to look away, reached out and pushed a hand on him, "You put me
down first, we sit and talk well."
"I don't," Shen Xun tightened his arms, "I like to hold An An like this, doesn't An An like to
be held by me?"
"That's not it." Shen Xun adjusted his posture so that Shen Shi'an could lean on him more
relaxed, holding his waist with his left hand, and grabbing his hand with his right hand. "Let
me hold it for a while, OK, I want to be closer to An An , So I wo n’t be afraid of holding An
An. "
Where can Shen Shi'an say half a word.
Settled down and focused on the business. "Aren't you more than two months away to
recover your human form? Why are you suddenly ahead of time?"
"I couldn't restore the human form before, because the part of the original mana that was
unsealed in the body was too powerful, and it had to be absorbed by the beast form. When I
broke into the shield with An An, I tried to fight the thunder generated by the shield, All the
mana that has not been absorbed is completely consumed, and new mana is absorbed from
the Lingquan pool, so it can restore the adult form. "
"The injuries you had in the fight with the enemy all healed"
"All healed, thanks to An An, your spiritual spring."
"The mana is all restored"
"Most have been restored, and the rest must be re-cultivated on their own to fully recover."
Shen Shi'an didn't know why the body was "subconsciously tightened" and "recovered."
Seems to be aware of his subtle anxiety, Shen Xun raised his hand and gently soothed along
his spine. "Also recovered, An An rest assured, I have never liked anyone else."
Shen Shi'an blushed "Who asked you this"
A slightly faster heartbeat calmed down, "So you now know who you are, where you come
from, and who the enemy that hurt you badly at the time"
Shen Xun nodded. "The place I came from is very different from here, and the rules of the
world are also very different. There are two main parts: the human world and the undead
world. The human world is divided and ruled by kingdoms and tribes. Except for the
differences in culture and technology, there is almost no difference. They are also old, sick,
and dead. They are also weak, complex, and have a limited life span. But there is a special
group of people among them. They can summon the undead army through magic stones.
Words are very dangerous, cruel, fresh flesh, and have no consciousness. They are often
used in battles between countries. Those who can control these creatures are called
undead mages. As for the undead world, do you know the **** three-headed dog? "
"Magic creatures in Nordic mythology." Shen Shi'an said after a meal, and seemed to react
"Your original is a **** three-headed dog"
"Yes, no." Shen Xun squeezed his fingers, and there was something novel in his look. "After
recovering my memory completely, I found a very wonderful thing. The world where I live
and this world are supposed to be completely divided and nothing. There is no
communication, but the two worlds are invariably spreading many myths and legends
about each other. Where I came from, the books of the human world record that in the
ancient times, the **** of heaven could create a flying ship and shuttle freely in various
worlds. Gods can fly, dive into the deep sea, transmit sounds for thousands of miles, and
instantly destroy a country, almost omnipotent; and this world also has many stories about
undead mage, undead army, and **** three-headed dog, But the same, these stories that do
not know when they began to circulate are obviously different from the real situation. For
example, the real **** three-headed dog is not a Warcraft with three heads, but a total
Three Warcraft. "
"Every 330,000 years, three Warcrafts will be born in the very center of the Undead World.
These three Warcrafts are called Kerberos, and they jointly control all the creatures in the
Undead World. I was born more than 300 years ago. The third engraved Earberos, one of
the rulers of the undead world. "
It takes much less time to digest this fact than Shen Shi'an expected. Warcraft and Warcraft
are easier to accept than three heads.
But since he is one of the rulers of the undead world, not many people can hurt him, unless
"It hurts you two other Cherberos"
Shen Xun nodded. "At the beginning of the birth of the three carved ears, there was no
difference between them, but when we were four hundred years old, we would go through
a trial. During the trial, one of the strongest would be selected for blood inheritance.
Kerberos, who has undergone bloodline inheritance, will reborn and increase his mana
greatly, becoming the true Supreme of the Undead. "
After pinching his fingers, the man's hand began to rub back and forth between his waist
and was slapped by Shen Shi'an. "Pay attention and continue down."
"Before that trial, the second Kerberus set a trap with the help of the human undead mage,
secretly murdered and devoured the first Kerberus, and took me as his next target. . "
Shen Shian slowed down, "So your second brother ate your big brother, and then wanted to
eat you"
"He didn't eat it. I fought with him and accidentally tore the space and teleported here."
Shen Shi'an's expression suddenly condensed, looking at Shen Xun's eyes and asking the
question that he always wanted to know, "Has he come to this world?"
"Come," Shen Xun's answer sank Shen Shi'an's heart. "And the zombie virus that swept the
world should be inseparable from him. As I said to you, the Necromancer must summon the
Necromancer if he wants to summon it. Through a thing called a magic stone, this kind of
stone can only be found in the undead world or a place very close to the undead world.
There is a saying in this world, called the essence of the heavens and earth, and the essence
of the sun and the moon, can you understand this? The magic stone is actually born of the
heaven and earth aura, but this heaven and earth aura exists only in the undead world,
which is closer to what you call the evil spirit. In my original world, if human beings and
evil spirit Too long contact time will lead to unconsciousness and assimilation into undead
corpses. "
"Hirsch, the second Cherberus, he infused this evil spirit into this world in some way. The
original intention should be to treat humans as a carrier to cultivate evil spirit, as much as
possible. Generate magic stones, so that he can recover his injuries as soon as possible.
However, the reaction of the evil spirit and the humans in this world has exceeded his
expectations. Some humans have indeed become undead corpses as he wishes, but other
humans have not only adapted to the yin. Sha, and various abilities have evolved through
Yin Sha. "
But the human phantom also has a crystal nucleus in his head, which is the magic stone that
the second child Hexiu wants, so from another level, this eschatological calamity is still in
his plan.
Shen Shi'an didn't want to comment on this metamorphosis that would extinct all human
beings because he wanted to heal himself. He just wanted to know one question, "Heshu,
has his injury recovered?"
"No." Shen Xun shook his head resolutely. "The location where we fell into the cracks in
space was different, and the time we were teleported to this world was not the same. He
should be about six months earlier than me. But his injuries were more serious and the
zombie evolved The longer the time, the more the nucleus energy, so he should not yet
begin to absorb on a large scale. "All the low-level nucleus that can be found too early for
absorption are too inefficient.
Shen Shian remembered one thing: "If the absorption of crystal nuclei can speed up the
recovery of his injury, why can't you recover this way?"
Since the end of the world, they have obtained hundreds of thousands of crystal nuclei, and
have never seen Shen Xun absorb them.
"Because I can't absorb it. When An An first found the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head,
I tried it. There was no way to absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus. Heshuo was
worried that I would also come to this world. There is a certain restriction imposed on the
intoxicating spirit in this world, and anyone can absorb the nucleus, only I can't. "
Speaking of this Shen Xun paused, his look was a little proud, "but he did not expect that I
would meet An An."
The world is really amazing. The world is so big, why did he be picked up by An An?
Sure enough, this is called fate.
Shen Shi'an looked hot on his face, and hurriedly asked the next question, "Does he now
know that you have come to this world?"
"I'm not sure. If his injury hasn't recovered yet, it should have been undetectable, but when
I recovered the body, I would have a reaction with the same kind of person for a moment.
Although it was blocked immediately, I'm not sure if he noticed it." Shen Xun squeezed him
tightly. "Annan, don't worry, even if he finds out, he is far from my opponent now." It
happened that he took the opportunity to take revenge.
Shen Shi'an secretly relieved. "Then do you know where he is?"
"Also in Huaguo, probably in the magic capital, because I blocked the induction with him,
the specific location could not be determined for the time being."
If you are in Modu, you should wait for the fifth-level zombies to evolve.
Shen Shi'an felt a heavy cloud in his mind. This trouble seems to have to be resolved as
soon as possible. If the other party is completely recovered, a World of Warcraft that can
sacrifice all humanity to heal himself, Shen Shi'an doesn't think he will have any survivors
Any goodwill.
But this matter can not be anxious, Shen Xun has just recovered, it is impossible for him to
find a deadly opponent and fight again immediately. And there are too many things to
solve, first and foremost, they have to get out of space first.
Shen Shian wasn't sure how long he was in a coma, but Shen Xun spent 18 days in the
Lingquan pond. According to the ratio of time and velocity in space and real world, the two
of them have been missing for at least a week.
Chen Nan, they had to be mad.
Shen Shi'an made up his mind and immediately got up from Shen Xun's leg. How could he
know that he hadn't stood upright and was pulled back by him again.
The man's body temperature was a little high, and there seemed to be something strange in
his voice. A hot breath was sprayed on Shen Shi'an's neck. "An'an, you promised to be my
partner when I grow up."
"I don't." Shen Shi'an subconsciously denied that he held his hand on the man's chest and
kept a distance. His face was hot as if it could be burned. "I mean, if you grow up and
restore all your memories, you still like it. In my case, we can try to socialize. "
"I also like An'an, I especially like it, I like it very much," the low-dumb magnetic sound
sounded in my ears, like a little bug straight into the heart. "I want to associate with An An,
especially want to especially miss you."
"Again, give me some more time."
"Why" Shen Xun stared at his eyes, as if he was a bit grieved "An An doesn't like how I look
when I grow up"
of course not.
When Shen Xun was a child, he was so cute, with red lips and jade carvings, even Yun
Feiyang said that his son Bai Bai picked up was fierce, but his value was absolutely nothing
to say.
After learning that Shen Xun will soon become an adult, Shen Shi'an has more than once
imagined what Shen Xun will look like when he grows up, but his perfect imagination is less
than one-tenth of the other person's true appearance. The search of adult form not only
inherits all the advantages of childhood, but also further magnifies
Dark green eyes, black curly hair, and a sense of subtle and appropriate mixed blood in the
deep senses, the sword eyebrows are beautiful and dazzling, so dazzling that people can't
look away.
If Shen Shi'an had imagined his future partner appearance, then Shen Xun no doubt looked
far beyond the standard from any angle.
"Since An An likes me, why can't I associate with me?" Shen Xun moved forward again, with
the tip of his nose against the tip of his nose, and the dark green eyes were filled with love
and desire. "I remember something, but I forgot to tell you that we have Cherberos. Only
after we identify our partner will we enter the 039 estrus. "
Shen Shi'an was flushed with red ears, and wanted to walk but couldn't leave, trying to hold
his heart and trying to explain to him "You have just become like this, you always have to
give me a buffer time, right, and human interaction is to pay attention to Process, process is
the most important, how can it be settled directly? "
"What process"
"This requires you to understand it yourself," Shen Shian took a sigh of relief, deliberately
frowned. "You have recovered all your consciousness, you are no longer a child, and you
won't even be able to do this."
Facts have proved that even if the dog sperm grows up, the radical method is still effective.
Shen Xun immediately said, "Of course I can understand the process, and I will never let
you down."
He paused and said, "Can I hug as much as I did before I knew the process?"
Shen Shi'an wanted to veto it, and he felt softened after meeting those dark green eyes, but
he was relieved "Yes, but not more."
Shen Xun's eyes brightened, "then I want to kiss An An"
There was a layer of sweat in Shen Shi'an's palm. As soon as he was about to close his eyes,
he heard Shen Xun kiss him on his forehead.
Fine. Shen Shi'an thought, quite kindly.
The author had something to say about Kavanka for a day, and now it is finally out. I'm
sorry everyone.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who launched the rocket launcher, one whole sugar candy;
Thanks to the little angel Jing Mo and Lu Xiaoyou who threw the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who cast the mine, chess goblin demon, maybe, honey
grapefruit, Dongli, all beings, Xiong Bao, Fengyi, Gu Xiongzi, Xiaoxin human machine, dark
night red moon, Wanzi happy today, ru Qiu Linshi, struggling Mu Mu, Dafa rice, crisp sugar,
Shuangxuan, Chang'e's mashed rabbit;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
hzz41 bottle; Xiaoxin human machine 40 bottles; Sanye 39 bottles; Ni Ni, Zhu Xing 30
bottles; 29 wells; one stunned 27 bottles; seihako 23 bottles; wind and fallen leaves 21
bottles; half pot ik, plant , Xia Xunzi, picked up a small fox, Zibui 20 bottles; fortunately, 17
bottles of acquaintances for the rest of his life; 15 bottles of Shiyu; 29357855, is Grandpa
open today, Dahongpao vitamins, Wei, honey Yuzuling, autumn water? , This life only love
angels, cover ears, chessboard monsters, amber, Su Ang 10 bottles; Taipa 9 bottles; clear, 8
bottles away from the cymbals; the setting sun, syuke Wennai, out of time, nestling,
Huahuahuahua, Xuehua, mint, cid, hattie, 5 bottles of Bai Fumei wearing slippers; 3 bottles
of Wenla, Chen Jinjin; 2 bottles of purple purple, leaning leaves, yao, honeyhoney; silver and
tidal Compound interest, Daiyueer, clear soup, random, cloud drunk moon slightly stunned,
smart heart, t1ng1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 157:

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This is the anti-theft Zhang Xun's "Little Black," he shouted two times at the entrance, "I'm
The room was quiet, and no familiar black figure appeared.
I don't know where to hide and still be mad with him. Shen Shi'an didn't care, it was better
to be mad than to snare to bite a hole in his trousers secretly. Pick up the schoolbag from
the sofa. "I'm gone. Don't be fooled, come back at noon and burn your chicken legs."
The examination room and seat number are randomly assigned after different classes of
the same department are disrupted, which means that the same examination room may not
be a classmate. Shen Shi'an's seat was in the penultimate row of the first row. On the way to
the seat, it was found that the class leader Lu Xiuyuan was also in this examination room.
He was sitting diagonally behind him, and the second row was the penultimate row.
Lu Xiuyuan also saw him, and raised his chin high to prepare an arrogant and disdainful
look. Unfortunately, Shen Shi'an did not give him the opportunity, glanced lightly, and
quickly turned his eyes away.
Put down your schoolbag and sit in position, first take out the paper, pen, and student ID
from the outer pocket, arrange them neatly in the upper left corner of the desk, then open
the inner main zipper, reach in and hold the thermos cup
It is expected that the cold feel of the medium insulation cup does not appear, and the palm
is soft and fluffy. Shen Shi'an squeezed two hands subconsciously, lowered his head, just
facing the pair of round green emerald green eyes, the owner of the eyes also stuck out his
tongue, and licked on his fingers flatteringly.
Shen Shian ""
Brow peaked and wrinkled with headache. I bounced a few times into its ears. How did you
run in? I have to take an exam. What do you want to do here?
However, it is obviously not the time to discuss these issues. The proctor's teacher has
taken the sealed roll to the podium. "The exam is about to begin. Please turn off your
mobile phone. Except for pens and pencils, all things like school bags etc. Come up, if you
find that the mobile phone is not turned off after the test starts, or there are professional
books, reference materials and cheat sheets, whether you see it or not, all are treated as
cheating. The consequences of cheating will be known. The school will report the criticism
directly. Rehabilitation, severe expulsion from school, scary, scary, quickly send things up,
everyone competes honestly on the integrity test. "
The test time is two hours in total. It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Hei to sit quietly in
Baoli for two hours without speaking. Although Wan Feng was nearby, the mobile phone
was required to be turned off. It is too late to call them to pick up Xiaohei. Seeing the
urgency of the proctor's teacher more and more urgent, Shen Shi'an unzipped the down
jacket and stuffed Little Black through the cover of the desk and schoolbag.
"Don't make a noise," he said softly. "Otherwise, I'll have dog meat fondue at noon."
Pull down the zipper of the down jacket and school bag again, and then hold the dog's ****
in one pocket with one hand, hold the school bag with one hand, and walk to the empty
table in front.
After the test bell rang, candidates began to answer questions. Needle drop was audible
throughout the examination room, only the sound of footsteps of the proctor walking back
and forth and the rustling of the pen tip on the paper sheet.
The down jacket is very warm, and the tip of the nose is filled with the familiar and unique
taste of the owner of the clothes, which is fresh and smells good, reassuring the dog. Xiao
Hei was so satisfied that the meat pad grabbed the sweater nest and took a nap in the down
jacket. When I woke up, I found that Shen Shi'an was still writing, and bored with
boringness, he began to dig his **** and drill one after the other.
The dog's body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human, and it is almost warm
like a small stove on its stomach. Observing that the small stove suddenly began to be
dishonest, Shen Shi'an put his hand into his pocket and threatened to squeeze it twice
across the fabric.
The small stove stopped, and it didn't take long to settle down, and then poked in his
Shen Shi'an focused his attention and answered the questions carefully, without any pause.
Until Xiaohe turned around and started to drill under the clothes, the speed of answering
suddenly increased. After finishing the last word, put a period, and then put down the pen.
Hold the dog's back neck skin across the clothes with one hand, and open the zipper a little
with one hand, his face turned Cold as frost, pursed his lips and looked down at the "you"
A reprimand that lowered the volume to the extreme just started, and suddenly came out
shouting "report to the teacher, he cheated"
The voice was loud and clear, as the same thunder exploded in the examination room, and
everyone's eyes were instantly gathered. Most of them knew Shen Shi'an. The quiet
examination room was full of whispers.
Shen Shi'an turned his head and, as expected, met the eyes of the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan.
The eyes were very bright, full of excitement and contempt, and when Shen Shi'an came to
see it, he was a little bit more defensive and proud of defending justice, stood upright, and
repeated his allegations in a correct manner. , Something hidden in his clothes, I found him
peeping several times "
There are two proctors, one male and one female. The male teacher should have gone to
the toilet. The female teacher heard that the movement had come in the direction of the
two. Shen Shian bowed his head lightly and quickly and said "remember to be poor." .
Standing upright and cold, his face was soothing and calm, without any panic or anger as he
should be after being charged.
Probably he didn't look like he would cheat. After the female teacher confirmed to Lu
Xiuyuan that the accused was indeed him, he subconsciously softened his voice, "This
classmate, is there something hidden in your clothes?"
Shen Shi'an nodded, his voice clear and clear, like a jade stone striking the summer wind
and brushing the forest, and he inadvertently made people feel a bit like "Yes."
"Look at the teacher," Lu Xiuyuan's face rose slightly with excitement, "I'm right."
The female teacher glanced at him and put her eyes back on Shen Shi'an. "Can you pull off
your clothes and show me?"
The down jacket's zipper was only halfway down, and a fluffy, swollen head immediately
emerged from the clothes, buttocks were slammed with fingers in the pocket across the
fabric, and the emerald green eyes immediately burst into tears. Only a meat pad was
chopped on Shen Shi'an's chest.
Turning her head to the female teacher softly called a "meow"
Shen Shian ""
There was an uproar, and the female teacher waited for a while before responding. "This is"
While asking, she picked up the student ID on the table. "Shen Shi'an, you are Shen Shi'an,
who is the first place in the year."
Shen Shi'an was accepted by the medical university with the first place in the city's college
entrance examination. He also spoke as a freshman representative at the opening
ceremony. He also won a national scholarship with the first grade in his freshman year
finals. He concluded in the semester of the clinical college. Speeches on the awards were
given at the conference. In addition, Grandpa was a professor of Medical University before
his death, and Mr. Gu donated two research laboratories to the school. Even if the teachers
in the school did not teach him, he and his family were more or less heard of it.
"This is a stray dog I picked up in the community," Shen Shi'an replied softly, and he
touched the dog's head at the same time. "The doctor said that he was only two months old,
and it was estimated that he had just separated from the **** shortly after weaning. The
bushes were almost frozen to death. "He was much taller than the female teacher, so from
the perspective of the other side, half of the eyelashes became denser and curled up." It
lacks a sense of security and must be kept You can be quiet with the company, otherwise
you will tremble and tremble. There is no other person in my family who can take care of it,
and there is no way to bring it over. I am sorry to disturb your classmates for the exam. "
The tone of the youth is flat, the pace of speaking is not rush, and there is no meaning in the
look to win sympathy, but once there is a trace of softness on the face of the indifferent and
alienated face, the softness is particularly obvious, like in the ice A flower that blooms is
fragile, stubborn, beautiful and lonely, and instantly makes a surge of protection.
At this time, the male teacher also returned to the examination room. In order to prove
innocence, Shen Shi'an simply hugged Xiaohei with one hand, and took off the down jacket
with his other hand to show everyone "There is nothing else but this dog. I know I have to
Bringing a pet to the examination room seriously violates the discipline of the examination
room and also disturbs other students' exams. I'm really sorry, but the two teachers should
decide how to punish them. I have absolutely no complaints. In order not to cause
interference to other students, I want to submit the papers in advance. "
He bowed squarely to the two teachers, then packed up and hugged the dog to leave the
examination room. As soon as I walked out of the classroom door, the softness between the
eyebrows disappeared instantly, and I held it to the front with my little black neck skin. My
eyes were not deep, and my tone was very soft. "Say, do you like clear soup or spicy?"
In the classroom, the male teacher picked up Shen Shi'an's paper, and glanced over the neat
and clear writings under each question, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, this is all
Lu Xiuyuan's complexion, which was not so good at first, was even worse.
The final exam lasted for more than a week. Under the rigorous defense of Shen Shi'an, the
accident that the dog sneaked into the schoolbag never happened again.
In the afternoon of January 11, the last exam was successfully concluded. Most students
have already bought tickets for their home tickets early. Less than an hour after the test,
most of the campus is empty.
Yun Feiyang didn't return home, and moved into the second bedroom of Shen Shi'an's
house with a suitcase and bird cage. Shen Shian poured him a glass of tomato juice. "You
don't have to stay with me to accompany me." Since the death of my grandpa, Yun Feiyang
always has to stay with him for a variety of reasons during the winter and summer
vacations. Shen Shi'an deeply understands that. I was afraid that he would be alone and feel
sad and sad.
"I didn't stay here to accompany you," Yun Feiyang lay down comfortably on the sofa,
poured tomato juice into Ruibao's kettle, and shared it with him. "I signed up for the
Volunteer Association's volunteer activities. h city as the center, together with surrounding
towns and cities to carry out rescue operations for stray animals in winter, it is estimated
that it will last for two weeks. The school dormitory building will be closed in a few days,
and it will be frozen to death. Brother, I have no choice. Come over to you. "
I said, I changed my posture. "Yes, I may have to live in a foreign city for two days during
the event. When that happens, please help me take care of the rations that Ruibao can
handle. There are several layers of newspapers under the cage. If you think it smells bad,
take out one. "While blinking at Shen Shi'an, try to seduce 039." Also, let your black guy
stay a little farther away from it. . "
Shen Shian nodded "OK." Probably because he had fed Lingbao with Lingquan water.
Although this little thing was afraid of Xiaohei, he was very close to him. Every time he saw
it, he shook his head and shouted "baby". It was very cute.
Yun Feiyang fulfilled his wish and turned to look at Xiao Hei, whose legs were standing
upright in the corner of the living room, motionless against the wall. "What's wrong, it was
punished to sneak into your schoolbag."
There was no secret in the school. When Shen Shi'an took the exam, he had a small milk dog
in his arms and spread throughout the clinical academy that afternoon. Most students were
surprised that Shen Xueba, the beauty of the iceberg, had such a gentle side, and she added
a large number of admirers to Shen Shi'an. In the past few days, she received dozens of
confession text messages. Many of them were classmates. How to refuse Shen Shian's
brains one by one, which is why things have passed for a few days, and Xiao Hei still has to
face the wall to punish him.
Raised his eyes and glanced over, "Stand up."
Little Black Fang wanted to whine, remembering that the three-day meal of Qingshui
cabbage did not dare, he lifted his front paws up, and his belly and the wall were more
tightly attached.
"The results of that examination have not come down yet," Yun Feiyang asked.
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It is estimated that it will not be until the New Year, but the
counselor made me not to worry. It should not be cancelled."
Yun Feiyang glared at "you didn't cheat, you were taking the exam brightly, why did you
cancel the grade and give you the answer?" He said with a sigh of relief, "Fuck, Lu Xiuyuan,
the grandson, sooner or later Give him a hard repair. "
"Don't cause trouble, violent fights are to be expelled directly."
"I'm not stupid." Yun Feiyang whispered secretly. I don't know how to secretly sack you.
After the holiday, the free time suddenly increased. Yun Feiyang often stays away from
home during volunteer activities, which facilitates Shen Shi'an's free access to many places
before he can freely study the space, just to explore carefully during the winter vacation.
After having dinner on this day, Yun Feiyang hadn't returned to Linshi. Shen Shi'an was not
assured to let Xiao Hei stay with Ruibao alone. After thinking about it, he thought of it and
moved into the space together.
Entering the space for the first time seemed to have a great impact on the dog, and he
looked stiff and stiff. When I reacted to where I was, I immediately broke away from Shen
Shi'an, spread my short legs and ran forward.
"This is the realm of Shen Shian"
Shen Shi'an didn't care about it, ran along with it, raised his feet and walked towards the
tomato forest. Just after taking two steps, a bright golden light suddenly appeared in the
vision of the corner of the eye. With a scream, a familiar black hair ball flew in the sky, and
then hit the ground in a parabolic shape.
Small, black
Shen Shi'an failed to understand what was happening for a while.
Xiao Hei, who fell into the soil, didn't seem to feel the pain. He stood up and shook the soil,
and toward the goal, Lingquanquan rushed over. This time, she kept her eyes on it, and
Shen Shi'an finally took a closer look at everything.
Xiao Hei rushed towards Lingquanquan at full speed, and when it reached about five
meters outside the fountain's eye, a golden barrier that penetrated the heavens and earth
suddenly lit up, and the rune on it flashed mysteriously and inexplicably. Surrounded by
Wang Lingquan Pond, blocking Xiao Hei's steps, and at the moment Xiao He bumped into it,
Jin Guangzha shone like a thunder and flew Xiao Hei far away.
There is a barrier around Lingquan before, or it has only recently appeared. Why he never
found out
The shock in my heart was like a stormy sea. Shen Shi'an quickly walked to the place where
Jin Guang appeared a moment ago.
After flying Xiao Hei, Jin Guang disappeared again. At this time, the surrounding Lingquan
looked the same as usual. Shen Shi settled down, and then continued to walk forward to
Quan's eyes and away from them come back. Back and forth unimpeded, Jinguang did not
appear, and did not find any obstacles.
Why it was so obvious that he had seen the golden barrier is definitely not an illusion.
Turning his head and waving at Heihei, "Come here."
The second time seemed to be a bit harder than the first time, but the ground was soft and
Xiao Hei had a lot of hair on it. It was not a big deal except he was covered with mud.
This time it learned to be smart and stopped before the place where Jinguang appeared. It
has recognized it, and this thing is clearly the defensive weapon that it wanted to eat Shen
Shi'an once and knocked it out.
Shen Shi'an hugged the dog and squeezed his paw forward.
Alas. The golden light barrier appeared again. Keep Xiao He's claws firmly in place.
That turned out to be the case.
Shen Shi'an seemed stunned that this barrier was only effective for creatures other than
him, preventing other things from approaching Quanyan, and he was not subject to this
restriction because he was the owner of the space. The golden barrier is actually a
protective cover to protect the spring eyes.
So if he wants to bring other creatures in, but everything that comes into direct contact
with him can be brought into space with a single thought, does this barrier follow the same
Shen Shi'an embraced Xiao Hei, meditating "into" in his heart, and then took a step forward.
The golden barrier still exists, with the runes flashing and colorful, but Xiao Hei has been
standing inside the barrier with Shen Shi'an.
Sure enough, it can be brought in. Then if a creature has direct contact with him, but he
doesn't want to bring it in, for example, if the space is exposed, he is being held hostage by
others and threatens to enter the Lingquan.
Before waiting for Xiao Hei to rejoice because he entered the barrier, Shen Shi'an held it
back and then took another step forward, but this time he clearly refused Xiao Hei to
approach Lingquan
With a flash of gold, Shen Shi'an walked smoothly into the barrier, while the dog fell like a
cinder on the filter paper and fell to the ground with a crack.
Little Black ""
It seems that this shield can also sense his psychological activity, and Shen Shi'an is
somewhat surprised. But if he refuses to let in, but gives a verbal instruction to enter
In order to prove the conjecture, Shen Shi'an stepped out of the barrier again and picked up
Xiao Hei to start the experiment. By the eighth time Xiao Hei was stopped by the barrier
and fell to the ground, the rules of this protective cover have also been studied.
Except Shen Shi'an, no other creatures can enter;
Shen Shi'an can bring creatures into it, but he must willingly give permission instructions,
otherwise he will still intercept them;
Creatures who have not been allowed to order, how much force to impact the shield, will
get a corresponding level of rebound. And if you blindly ignore the protective cover and try
to break into it,
"Hey" Xiao Hei screamed and withdrew his claws. It just tentatively broke the claws
through the protective cover less than one centimeter, and the front-end hair was already
blackened by the sudden electric current, oozing a little blood .
"Xiao Hei" Shen Shi'an was so tight in his heart that he immediately held it through the
protective cover and put it into Lingquan. Little black eyes brightened, he couldn't wait to
turn over and jump and gurgle, drank several springs of water, and then paddled his legs in
the pool tossing back and forth.
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Miss Ben who threw out the rocket launcher;
Thanks to the little angel Tong Tong, Lu Xiaoyou, and Kiko who threw the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel d who cast the mine, Shuangxuan, Erze, Xiaoxian Fairy, oh,
Yixinxinxin, 可 Coco, Lu Xiaoyou, Dongli, hzz, 22641158, maybe, Ian, beings, flowers and
return, bamboo 1 glass and 1 Zhang
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
7759 bottles; 50 bottles of beness, folding cage flower cake; I want to eat delicious 40
bottles; that is, shallow 31 bottles; Ni He, only 30 bottles for Xishan; 23 sugar cakes; 21
bottles ; 20 bottles of Sakurai Garden, Wenbai, Shesanbai, wind and fallen leaves; 19 bottles
of moon summer; 12 bottles of Dahongpao vitamins; Guessing strings, genius, amber,
cough, tea, Xuanyuan, nei, seihako, Xu Xu Slowly, waiting for arbor, dream primrose,
colorless red paper, little ghost, 10 eggs 2 bottles; 9 bottles of mushrooms; 8 bottles of a
small fox, Aye, Qingqing; 6 bottles of bread bags; habits , 29357855, seeter, indulge in
beauty, 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Shaohua; 3 bottles of fish, cat and moon; 2 bottles of qq,
Ruoshui, purple purple, and begonia; Ximu, syuke Wenna, gray blue Pigeon, random,
Junyue, tidal relapse, afterglow of the setting sun, 22641158, cloud drunk moon slightly
faint, drifting over g151 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 158:

Settings saved..
There was a mess in Shen Shi'an's mind, and he paced back and forth.
Shen Xun tries to calm down
"To shut up"
The man sat cross-legged on the bed with a pile of dull hair on his head, grieved and closed
his mouth.
It wasn't just Mr. Gu who rushed back, Chen Nan and they all came back. Shen Shi'an heard
Tao Yuan's invitation to Mr. Gu to the small study next door.
It's not always possible to stay here, and sooner or later. Although it is almost the worst
timing right now.
He simply washed and washed at the fastest speed, changed his clothes, walked to the dark
door of the master bedroom connected to the small study, took a deep breath, raised his
hand and knocked twice on the door.
Mr. Gu sat on the sofa opposite the desk, his expression a little dazed. Hearing the sound of
Shen Shi'an opening the door, he glanced down and stared at the vase on the coffee table.
Shen Shi'an sat across from him, with his back straight, and he was ready to say "I"
"He is your boyfriend," said Mr. Gu suddenly.
Shen Shi'an paused, then nodded, "Yes."
Mr. Gu seemed to sigh, raised his hands and rubbed his two faces, struggling to relax his
face. "Don't be nervous. Dad is not old-fashioned. Knowing that you like the same **** and
the opposite **** is a normal orientation, that is, you want to understand the situation."
Shen Shian nodded again, "OK."
"How long have you known him?"
"It's been a while, and I knew it before the end."
I knew before the end of the world that the minimum ability and luck to live to this day
should be good. Mr. Gu resolved himself in his heart.
And asked "when did you come to the base of Beijing together"
"He is also a power"
"Yes. Strong ability, no worse than me."
Mr. Gu, who was worried about the other party ’s lack of ability, was anxious again. "So,
what if he bullies you?"
Shen Shi'an didn't know why he wanted to laugh, "He didn't dare."
Mr. Gu looked at his expression and sighed again, "Are there any parents in his family?"
"The blood relationship is gone."
That's a good thing. The last days are difficult, and there are fewer relationships and fewer
ties. At least, An An will not be wronged in front of his family.
"You have grown up, and you are an adult. Some things are more mature than me," Mr. Gu
slowed down and said softly. "I like who your freedom is. Dad believes your vision and
judgment will not block. , Not to interfere violently, so if you encounter this kind of thing in
the future, you do n’t need to deliberately conceal that I know that as long as you live
happily and happily, my dad will always support you. Find a chance later Let me meet him
and get to know each other formally. I was just too anxious. I guess the child was shocked. "
Mr. Gu sorted out his mentality and spirit, and then he remembered what he was doing
here. "Where did you go these days? What happened, did you get hurt?"
"No injuries, rest assured that you are safe."
"Xun Xun, why didn't I see Xun Xun?" Mr. Gu jumped in his heart. "Is Xun Xun injured?"
"He's okay, too," Shen Shi'an squeezed his palms, realizing that questions about his
emotional life were at this point the hardest part. "You've seen him."
"When and where"
"Just a few minutes ago when you pushed the door into the bedroom."
Mr. Gu froze for a few seconds, closed his mouth several times, and then closed it back.
After a while, he questioned "Ha"
"The man you saw, my boyfriend, was looking for it." Shen Shi'an simply said in a single
breath. "He is not an ordinary person. This picture is what he was. When you first saw him
for the first time, When he was seriously injured, he could only become a child. His identity
is not suitable for leaking to the outside, so he has always been commensurate with me in
the name of father and son. I am sorry to have kept you for so long. "
Mr. Gu was silent for a long time. He needs time to digest such explosive news.
Seeking is that man, that man is looking for his grandson, who is not his grandson, his
grandson is his boyfriend
The world is so complicated that Gu, a battle-hardened Gu family talker and one of the top
five managers of the Beijing base, has fallen into a huge mess for a while.
"He saved me many times," Shen Shi'an continued. "Without him, I wouldn't have come to
Beijing safely."
No wonder. Mr. Gu found a thread head from the chaos. No wonder Wan Feng and Fan
Guoping did not know where the child came from. No wonder An An insisted on raising
him. No wonder he always felt that this grandson was a little abnormal.
It turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
"So," Mr. Gu thought of the most likely explanation, "he was a power before the end of the
"You can understand that."
Shen Shi'an knows that this change of identity is not an easy thing to accept. He can't fully
adapt himself even when he is mentally prepared and living with Shen Xun, even more so is
Mr. Gu, who is undergoing three-level reorganization and subversion. .
He needs time and distance to digest this matter, just sitting here thinking wildly will only
dig into the horns.
So Shen Shi'an chose to pull Mr. Gu's attention back with another more important thing:
"I'm infected with a zombie virus."
"Don't be nervous," Shen Shi'an pressed Mr. Gu who almost jumped up. "It's okay now, and
I'm looking for a way to save me. Ten days ago, I was attacked by an unknown person on
the bank of the Hongsha River. Zombie nails made me infected with a zombie virus. The
reason why I disappeared for so long is for treatment. "Then he said briefly after picking
what he could say.
Mr. Gu was shocked to hear that "the treatment is successful and it is okay"
"I'm sure it's okay. Tang Song checked me. The zombie virus in my body has completely
disappeared, but Xun's search was almost dead to save me."
"What about him now?"
"During recovery."
Mr. Gu's dissatisfaction with the deceived and the subversion of identity was immediately
transformed into the anger and majesty of Qin Shu. "Qin Shu must be her, except she will
never have anyone else."
The new hatred accumulates one place, anxious to eat its flesh and blood, holding the gun
handle and immediately rushing out "Lao Tzu took someone to the Qin family to directly hit
Shen Shi'an stopped him "Don't be impulsive. She planned carefully, leaving no evidence,
and the murderer's whereabouts are unknown at this time. No witnesses or physical
evidence is available. You will only be awarded if you rush to the Qin family at this time.
Revenge must be reported. But I kept her alive so long and didn't care about this moment.
Tang Song had blood samples of the murderer in his hands. If they can be compared with
the entry and exit inspection records of the Population Management Office and the base, it
may be possible to determine the identity of the other party. It's not too late to do it again.
Don't forget, our goal has never been Qin Shu alone. "
Mr. Gu's chest was violently undulating, like a sleepy beast with extreme anger. After a
while, the blood in his eyes faded, and he took a deep breath and sat back on the sofa.
"Leave the blood sample to me, and I'll let Xie Yang check it. You're right, you can't stand it
but you can't help it. You've endured it for decades, don't care about these days."
He swears to Tian that he will absolutely uproot the Qin family and leave nothing in the
After calming down, I remembered one thing, and anger appeared on my face again. "Gu
Changsheng, he is also a part of it. You can't get rid of the affair this time, and he can't get
rid of the relationship. Ten days ago, everyone didn't know you were missing. He was good.
He called Xie Yang to find you, and Xie Yang found you missing. How could there be such a
clever thing in the world? I asked him after the prophet failed, and he said that because he
suddenly felt that you were in danger, It was ridiculous to make a phone call. It was clear
that I wanted to use this to elute the suspicion. As a result, I was clever and misunderstood,
but my fox tail was revealed. "
Shen Shi'an frowned and quickly relaxed, shaking his head. "It's not him, it has nothing to
do with Chang Sheng."
"An'an, Dad knows that you are soft-hearted and can't see anyone else suffering, but not
everyone can believe it. He was deliberately approaching you from the beginning and I'm
afraid he has no intention." Mr. Gu looked cold and cold. "It's my fault that I shouldn't let
him stay. At the Gu family, after all, it was a child born from Qin Shu. The same blood as that
woman was flowing in the bones, it was broken from the roots, and what can grow out? "
"Mr. Gu" Shen Shi'an interrupted him and forbeared his efforts to ease his tone. "Don't
forget that he also has half of your blood. Do you have to repeat your growth in this life? It
is not you or Qin Shu, he is not anyone. A derivative or accessory, he is himself. I know that I
am not a party, and I ca n’t personally experience how you feel when facing him, but even if
you do n’t want to admit that he is your son, at least, you should give him a fair deal.
Opportunity to treat. "
Mr. Gu's face sank like water, and he didn't speak coldly.
Shen Shi'an secretly sighed, "Did the Gu family run into trouble in the struggle for
management power when the Beijing base was established?"
"There is one point. At that time, Gu's vitality was badly damaged, but it was resolved
afterwards. What do you ask?"
"How to solve it"
"I don't know which side helped secretly."
"You never thought about it. At that time, someone who was willing to send charcoal in the
snow to help Gu's family secretly, who else could be?"
When Shen Shi'an was talking to Mr. Gu in the study, Shen Xun took a shower, turned over
two of Shen Shi'an's loosest home clothes from the closet, and stepped out of the bedroom.
Chen Nan was the first to see him, and after a brief surprise, he immediately put on a
warning posture "Who are you?"
"Xun Brother" Liu Fangzhou sitting next to him jumped up from the sofa, and then rushed
to Shen Xun in a short stride. "Slum, Slum Slum, Slum you, you grow up"
Chen Nan was shocked. "Are you sure?"
"Okay, 10,000, or who else can get out of Brother Shen's bedroom." The black light group is
unique, and he can recognize it with his eyes closed. When he fought with the group of
powers under Noah's Ark and Captain's hands, he had inadvertently seen Shen Xun's adult
form, but he didn't see his face vaguely. I didn't expect to be so handsome when he grew up.
Liu Fangzhou respected Yan Xuan's envious eyes, which made Shen Xun quite useful. He
even had a gentle attitude towards other members. He not only allowed to watch, but also
answered two questions.
But soon I became impatient. I looked down with cold and mighty pressure, and saw with
satisfaction that the other person took two steps back, and then lifted his chin to Tang Song,
"Did he draw blood?"
Tang Song stunned, holding the tweezers in his hand and not knowing when to take them
out, he couldn't believe the gift, and pushed his glasses to keep calm.
The two came to a research room on the second floor of the scientific research building.
Five minutes later, Tang Song pulled the needle from Shen Xun's arm and put an alcohol
cotton on the wound. "Press for a while, wait for the blood to stop and then let go . "
Shen Xun threw the alcohol cotton directly into the trash can, and the big pinhole
disappeared. "I ask you something."
"Please speak."
"What to do if you want to date someone"
Tang Song said, "Do you want to pursue each other?"
"Yes, I want him to be my partner."
"This needs to be done step by step," Tang Song struggled to search his brain for his limited
emotional knowledge. "If you like the other person explicitly, you should tell the other
person first."
"Tell it."
"The other party didn't agree"
"He said he was going to get used to it for a while."
"That is no rejection. It is a good signal. At this time you can start a clear pursuit."
"How to do it"
"You can send gifts, such as flowers, or you can invite him out for dinner or a movie to
create a romantic atmosphere and create an opportunity for the two of you to be alone.
Note that during this period, you must not cross the border, respect the wishes of the other
party, and do not rush Thin and light, if the person accepts your pursuit and formally
establishes a relationship, then you can have a closer contact after that. "
As long as the relationship is established, he can have closer contact with An An
Shen Xun's eyes brightened, and he accurately grasped the point. After a long while, I didn't
know what I thought about, and he grinned, touching his chin.
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Qi Yexue who dropped the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine, maybe lazy sheep, my destiny, Shuangxuan,
rosa, Lu Xiaoyou, aozaki;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Ear ears I have 150 bottles of Xu ears; 30 bottles of Yixun and Liyan; 29 bottles of Cen Qi;
waiting in the wind, hello, free, 20 bottles of passers-by; do n’t order an Ouba, a small
meow dumpling, haruaakk123 , Dorothy 10 bottles; hzz 9 bottles; porridge 8 bottles; Qing
Benjia 6 bottles; cake, come and boast about me, what to eat tomorrow, 柒 月, gentleman is
not fluttering, rosa, black-tailed phoenix, cloud return, 旸 Valley 5 bottles; 2 bottles of
water, purple purple, tidal rebirth, honeyhoney; Ai An, my destiny, syuke Wennai, the
setting sun, flowers and love to paint, random, gray blue pigeons, nest melons, cloud drunk
moon Slightly 醺, floated through g15, 谙 谙 iii1 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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are opened in the new URL after you bookmark it, the old URL has been unable to be
opened recently, and the old URL will not be opened in the future. , Please keep in mind :,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 159:

Settings saved..
This is after the anti-theft Zhang Xun and Xiao He went to sleep together, Shen Shi'an never
dreamed, but he always felt that he had forgotten something important. Unknown
confusion is subtle and unpredictable in the subconscious until finally in the morning
He forgot that Xiao Hei needed to pee.
"The dog may have had a bowel movement at some corner of the house or even by his
pillow." Shen Shi'an was so shocked that he sat up from the bed with cold sweat and turned
his head, his eyes were like sharp swords. Xiao Hei stabbed to his side
A small one-foot-long thing was standing on its feet, its furry belly was slightly undulating,
and a slight little purring sounded in its throat, apparently sleeping soundly. There were no
obvious foreign objects on the sheets, and there was no suspicious smell in the air.
call. Shen Shian was relieved. I looked at the phone at 5:30, raised my hand and poked
Xiaohei twice. "Get up, take you out and shit."
It was late in winter, and the window was still drowsy at this point, so when Shen Shi'an
changed his clothes and washed, and entered the living room through the corridor, he did
not immediately notice the abnormality.
Until he picked up the mug from the coffee table, and inadvertently raised his eyes towards
the balcony. If it wasn't for constant response and quick response, I'm afraid the cup in his
hand had fallen.
Shen Shi'an strode to the balcony, and "opened" the glass door between the living room and
the balcony. Because the movement was too rapid, the metal edge of the glass door hit the
door frame heavily, and the pulley made a harsh friction sound in the track. The unmanned
midwinter morning seemed particularly loud and clear.
A leaf about the size of a fan was squeezed in after the glass door opened, rubbing Shen
Shi'an's cheek and dropping it in his ear. Shen Shi'an raised her head, and her neck was
quivering a few times on her long and elegant neck.
For a moment, he almost thought that a virgin forest had grown on his balcony.
Yesterday, the aloe was still weak. At this moment, it looks like a mutated deep-sea siren.
The triangular fleshy leaves are like the siren's huge and sturdy tentacles. Each one has an
adult man with a thick waist, from the balcony floor. Radially straight as high as the ceiling,
even the small thorns on the edge of the blade have changed from the size of sesame seeds
to countless hard sharp watermelon knives.
And the pot of three-dimensional green dill that was originally placed on the corner of the
balcony, several vines meandered like dark green pythons, entangled with each other, and
the leaves of the giant fan were green, dripping wildly along the vines, blocking the large
balcony. If the windows on the balcony are not closed properly, Shen Shi'an has no doubt
that these vines will pass through the window lattice, and continue to climb and grow along
the wall of the building unscrupulously.
Early in the morning, he was woken up in deep sleep, and the super fierce little black
showed his wrath of wrath. When Shen Shi'an went, he followed him, and threw back and
forth at his feet all the way, struggling his slippers. And trousers. Therefore, when Shen
Shi'an took a few steps and stopped suddenly in front of the glass door, Xiao Hei was unable
to hit his calf with one head and fell back with his **** on the ground and "tonned" to the
ground under the reaction force. Before I got too late, I saw the same scene as Shen Shian
Shen Shi'an swallowed with some difficulty, bowed his head and the dog's eyes stared at
the dog jg.
Why Shen Shi'an's eyebrows are creased, and the shock in his heart is still as turbulent as
yesterday. It was good yesterday. Why did such an amazing and counter-intuitive change
happen overnight? What kind of factor is the cause of the species variation, but it ’s
artificially affecting him. Nothing at all
Shen Shian was watered with a shock. He poured aloe vera and green dill with spring
As if a lightning flashed across his mind, Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered something,
disappeared in the spot instantly, and flashed into the space.
In the open space surrounded by the stream, thirty-one rows and twenty-one rows of seeds
that he planted last night have grown into tomato trees that are more than four meters tall
and lush. Thousands of basketball-sized tomatoes on the "twig" of an adult's arm are as red
as fire, shining seductively in the sky in the space.
Shen Shi'an stood by the brook, looking a little hesitant.
He hoped that the tomatoes would grow a bit faster, but it seemed too fast.
Banyan raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows. Now, at least one thing can confirm
that the aloe, green dill and tomato have such a change that violates the laws of nature
because of the spring water.
Shen Shi'an turned to look at the Lingquan surrounded by mist, and felt that he seemed to
underestimate the magic and function of the Lingquan water.
But now it ’s not the time to think about it, the little black **** has n’t pulled it yet.
With a tight heart, he immediately returned to the living room, changed his clothes and
shoes, and took a few disposable shoe covers from the cabinet at the entrance. He waved to
Xiao Hei.
There is no dog leash in the house. Shen Shi'an grabbed the back of the neck and picked it
up. He said coldly, "Awkward, do you want to eat meat?"
The dog snored a few times in his throat, and it did not move.
As soon as Shen Shi'an locked the door and pulled out the key, the opposite door was
opened. The bodyguard Wan Feng stepped out, dressed uniformly and expressionless, and
nodded at Shen Shi'an "early."
"Early," Shen Shi'an nodded, also surprised, "Don't you sleep all night?"
He also maintained a regular biological clock during his stay in the hospital. He got up on
time at six o'clock every morning. This habit is not difficult to find. But today he got up
earlier than usual, and he did n’t live in the same house. How did this Mr. Wan go out on his
front foot, and his heel followed?
Wan Feng said simply, "Sleep." There was no further explanation.
Another bodyguard, Fan Guoping, came out from behind him and laughed as he locked the
door. "Then definitely have to sleep. The bed is a bullet man and a gun. After resting, there
is strength. Who can hold it without sleep, both of us Shift work. Mr. Shen got up so early
today. "
After speaking, he bent down and said to Xiao Hei, "Oh, yesterday I was holding a black ball.
It looks pretty after washing it."
Xiao He banged his teeth fiercely.
Shen Shi'an pinched the back of his neck and motioned for the small things to rest. At the
same time he replied, "Go out to walk the dog without going far, just in the community. It's
still early now, and the two can continue to rest without following."
"How do you do that," Fan Guoping quickly waved his disapproval. "Mr. Gu said when he
hired us, asked for 24-hour personal protection, and gave people money to do business. We
still have this professionalism. Mr. Shen should not think Sorry, we two are paid higher. "
Shen Shi'an no longer quit, so he nodded and walked into the elevator first. Xiao Hei was
carried on his left hand, his forelegs were lifted, his hind limbs were stiff, and he moved
back and forth with the pace, like an old dried bacon.
The bacon was put down after Shen Shi'an stepped out of the first floor, and he ran forward
with his short legs.
The sun has not yet come out, and the temperature is at the lowest time of the day. The cold
air is sucked into the lungs, and when it is spit out, it is a misty white.
Shen Shi'an pulled out a wet wipe and wiped the palm of his left hand carefully. His long,
straight legs were not uncomfortable, and he followed behind Hei He with a pleasing
frequency. A circle of white fox fur on the down jacket hat surrounded his face, and his lips
were reddish and white, and his eyes were exquisitely cold and gorgeous.
It's too early and the temperature is too low. Today is Saturday again. Except for Shen
Shi'an and his party, there are few people in the community. Occasionally, the sanitation
workers can be seen in the gap between trees and buildings.
Shen Shi'an took out his mobile phone and looked at the temperature of minus four
degrees, but he didn't feel that cold. His knuckled hands were hanging freely on his legs,
and his skin was still glowing with warmth.
The green environment in the community is very good, there are trees and half-height
bushes everywhere. Xiao Hei ran for a while, then went into one of the bushes.
Shen Shi'an stood by the bushes, and as soon as he thought of having to pick it up later, his
face quickly frozen with the speed visible to the naked eye. For the third time, he sincerely
regretted why he picked up the dog.
It was probably too long, and Xiao Hei took a little longer to deal with physiological
problems than Shen Shi'an expected. After it finally got out of the bushes, Shen Shi'an took
a deep breath with both hands, and put five layers of disposable shoe covers on the palm of
his right hand. Then he bent down with a cold face, and plucked away the branches of the
bushes with his left hand. Go inside
I looked around several times and found no trace of shit.
If the dog feces are not treated in time, they will easily form powder after being air-dried
and broken, and the bacteria and viruses attached to them can be transmitted through the
air. If they directly contact the lawn, not only will the soil not be fertile, but a large amount
of heat will be generated by fermentation and decomposition And organic acids and other
toxic substances, burn the plants or cause "burning seedlings"
Shen Shi'an interrupted his thoughts in time. He seems to have read too much information
about agricultural cultivation recently.
But no matter how he finds it, Xiao Hei's uncle is still missing.
Shen Shi'an retracted his upper body from the bushes and looked at the little black face
with a doubt, "You won't eat it."
After reacting to what he meant, Xiao Hei was so angry that he scratched a few times in his
trousers, and then Shen Shi'an grabbed the claws with obvious dirt marks.
The author has something to say I'm dead.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the grenade;
Thanks to the angel angel who released the mine, three ears of paper, Maybe, Xiong Bao,
Good night, Xiaoxin man-machine, Shuangxuan, Oh, Qingye, Qiyexue;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
id is 80 bottles; dumb hair 40 bottles; 珉 珉 25 bottles; tomato, foransang, a, plant base 20
bottles; treasure hunting game 15 bottles; oh 14 bottles; promise 2008, speechless, Yue Xia,
Master Meow, Tangyuan slag, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Duck, Huang Ahuang, who eats the soil, take a
sip, 10 bottles of autumn wind, white witch, haruaakk123, Ape Pei Pei Ya; 8 bottles of
Dahongpao vitamins; 6 bags of bread, Shaohua; Qing 5 bottles of Bai Fumei, easy to wear,
slippery, Yuyu and Yuyu in Qing and slippers; 瓶 iii, 3 bottles of Yang Yangyang; 2 bottles of
unforgettable, Ruoshui, tidal breath, careful stopper, honeyhoney; dk2012, sunset
afterglow , Icyivy, 26348041, Yunzui Yuewei, syuke Wennai, Lulu who loves spicy food,
Erze, irace, and Xiaotaohua are waiting for a bottle of peach;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse:
Settings saved..
By the end of April, the snow had already run out, and warm wind blew across the vast
expanse of the wilderness, with a refreshing scent of plants and trees in the wind.
"Xun Xun" Shen Shi'an rode on a black giant monster three meters high, leaning forward
slightly, his broken hair being blown up by the wind and raising "Where are we going?"
He had a blindfold on his face, which Shen Xun asked to wear after leaving the gate of the
Beijing base, saying he was going to surprise him. The eyes were dark, and nothing could be
noticed except the soft and fluffy dog hair on the palm and the sound of wind filled with
Shen Xun deliberately sold Guanzi and refused to say, "Don't worry, you'll know when
you're done."
The big dog is extremely fast, his limbs are stretched freely, his muscular posture almost
pulls into a flash of lightning, galloping from a distance and then rushing to the end of the
Shen Shi'an lowered his body forward, his calf was tightly clamped, and his hair was
slightly itchy on his face. Because of limited vision, the sense of touch became more
sensitive. Every inch of skin on the inner thigh could clearly feel the muscles of the beast.
Dilated and bulging with running, strong, strong and explosive.
"An'an, sit still"
With Shen Xun's reminder, Shen Shi'an noticed that her center of gravity suddenly shifted
backwards. She should be running towards a high place. She became more and more
curious in her heart and said that she was going out for a date. This is exactly where you
are going to take him. It ’s not right for the stars to look at the moon. The sun is just setting,
it ’s still early when the stars and moon light up.
After running in the upward direction for a few minutes, Shen Xun finally stopped. Shen
Shi'an only felt that his body was falling suddenly, before being able to react, he was
hugged by the man who recovered the human body, and then carefully placed on the
ground. "Do you want to stand still?"
Shen Xunyi got dressed, and then she walked behind Shen Shi'an and unbuttoned the
They are indeed on the mountain, and they are still quite familiar. I came here to watch the
sunrise on the first day of the New Year. When the two people were in conflict, the big dog
came here to be sullen. Brutal logic confuses the mind and gives the promise of "trying to
interact if you become an adult".
It's a land of love
The question is, "What do you bring me here"
The location of this mountain is not bad. There is a vast expanse of plains in front of it.
There are rolling and magnificent mountains in the back. It is not too short. Looking down,
you can see ten miles, not too high. Come, watch the sunrise and sunset when the weather
is nice, do n’t have any fun, but what can you do here?
The temperature on the mountain is slightly lower than the bottom. Although it has also
been frozen, the earth and rocks have just revealed a touch of green; the sun has sunk
below the horizon, and the world is dim, whether it is the plains in front or the mountains
in the back. Gradually into the twilight, if it is to enjoy the scenery, I have to say that Shen
Xun picked a bad time.
Shen Xun got close, his body temperature came through two layers of shirts, and his breath
sprayed on Shen Shi'an's ear. "You look down."
Look down
Shen Shi'an touched his ears and looked down the road down the mountain.
I didn't care about it at first, and the line of sight soon fixed.
In the dusk of dusk, there was a slight snoring sound from under the soil. A tender shoot
emerged from the farthest part of the field in a loop and broke through the soil, and then
grew quickly with the naked eye. In a few seconds Indirectly linked to bloom. As if anyone
has performed magic on this land, large swaths of flowers have been rushing around from
the foot of the mountain, the green stems and leaves are shaking, the delicate flower buds
are stretched and blooming, the clouds are steaming, the red, yellow, blue, and purple,
Gushing towards the top of the mountain like the tide, eventually surrounded Shen Shi'an
in the center, and opened a magnificent sea of flowers.
There was a gust of evening wind in the wilderness, and the aroma was floating in the air.
Shen Shi'an stared at the sea of flowers that emerged in just two minutes, and did not
return to God for a long time.
Shen Xun grabbed his waist from behind, lowered his head and put his chin on his shoulder
and pressed his face to his face. "How about it, do you like it?" Tang Song said that the first
thing to date is to send flowers.
"He told you to send a whole mountain"
"That's not true. He said he wants to give the other one what he likes, but I don't know
what An An likes. I'll just give you everything I can find."
Not to mention, the flower types of this mountain are quite complete. The rose, peony,
hyacinth, and dahlia are all opened again during the season.
"how did you do it"
"Before Chen Nan set off for the mission, I let him lose all his abilities to me."
Shen Xun was unable to directly absorb the crystal nuclei, but could absorb the ability's
abilities and then release them. This was shown as early as Noah's Ark. At that time, the
combination of the abilities of Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou gave birth to The huge Siren's
Bastion allowed the crowd to escape the attack of mutant mosquitoes.
But it's useless to have power, "Where does the seed come from"
"I asked Liu Fangzhou to help me post a task in the task center to buy flower seeds at a high
"You buried yourself a little bit"
"Well, it didn't take much effort. I asked Li Runsheng to lose his power to me."
Ghost. Even with soil-based abilities, planting a mountain of seeds is a big project. No
wonder I didn't see anyone yesterday. It turned out to be digging here.
Shen Shi'an couldn't figure out what it was like in her heart. It was a little bit sour, a little
bit warm, a little bit sweet, and a little bit want to laugh.
Shen Xun froze against his face again. "You haven't answered yet, do you like it?"
"Like," Shen Shi'an turned and looked at him, "especially like it, thank you for finding it, this
is the first time someone has given me so many flowers."
The corner of Shen Xun's mouth should be upright, "Just like it. As long as you like it, I will
give you so much every day in the future."
That's not necessary.
Shen Shi'an admired the sea of flowers for a while, and when the sky gradually darkened,
he asked "Can we go back?"
"Why go back, I want to invite you to dinner."
Yes, dating is for dinner. Shen Shi'an, who has only experienced the romance of the sea of
flowers, gave birth to two points in anticipation of "where to eat"
"Just here."
Just as Shen Xun's voice fell, the trick was to drag two large, half-height baskets from
behind a large rock on the top of the mountain, filled with good skewers, vegetables, fruits,
beer, drinks, salt and vinegar. There are also two bundles of firewood.
Shen Shi'an stared at the pile of ingredients for two seconds and said, "Let's eat barbecue"
"Yeah. Tang Song said, before asking the other party to eat, they must first find out how to
understand the other party's eating preferences. I thought that both An An and I like to eat
barbecue, but also enjoy the flowers while eating. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"
It seems a bit reasonable.
Shen Shi'an walked over to help, and was stopped by Shen Xun. He waved and used vines to
spawn a low table and two futons. "You sit still, you used to bake it for me. It's my turn
today. It's baked for you. "
Shen Shi'an laughed, and she walked down to the futon and sat down, looking at the
handsome side of the man with one hand on his jaw, "Do you know how to bake?"
"Don't underestimate me," Shen Xun took out the same ingredients, "I see you have roasted
so many times and learned it already. The meat has been marinated and the seasonings
have been prepared. Brush later Two layers of oil and honey, sprinkle with cumin and
paprika, and set on fire "
The speech stopped abruptly, and Shen Xun suddenly stopped.
"what happened"
"I forgot to bring a lighter."
Shen Shian held back a smile, "I have it in space, I can give it to you from space."
"No need" Shen Xun calmly, "I let Xu Ge lose the ability to me, just use the ability to ignite."
"How many people do you **** at?"
"Everyone has sucked it. Tang Song said that both parties were nervous during the first
date and they were most prone to errors, so it is better to be prepared."
Shen Shi'an watched as he piled up the firewood. Before he could remind him, Shen Xun
raised his hand and sprayed it with a fire dragon.
What is the concept of Xu Ge's power? The stones can be burned and melted. The mauve
fire dragon is fierce. The two piles of firewood were burned into a pile of fly ash without
even a spark. The wind blew away.
After a brief silence, Shen Xun remained calm. "It doesn't matter. In fact, no firewood is
needed. I can control the fire and directly face the meat. You can rest assured that I can
make you eat."
The kebabs turned into black ash and fluttered to the ground under the thin flame of a
match stick, leaving only a bare iron sign.
The man was incredibly pitiful and funny when he held the iron sign. Shen Shi'an couldn't
bear it, holding his belly and laughing on the futon. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"
Shen Xun threw the iron sign back into the basket, walked over and pressed on him, biting
his neck fiercely, "don't laugh."
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you got up looking for you so much"
"If you don't laugh, I'll get up." Shen Xun took another bite, looking fiercely as before but
not serious, just leaving two rows of shallow marks, and then licked on the marks.
"Don't," Shen Shi'an shook, and now he couldn't help laughing anymore. He quickly broke
away from the man and sat up, his ears cleared, "No more trouble."
Shen Xun didn't stop him, sitting cross-legged on the futon with frustrated faces, pitiful and
dejected, like a big dog without a frisbee. "I'm useless, we are dating for the first time, and I
should let you be good For a meal, it turned out that the meat wasn't grilled well. "
"Who says you're useless," Shen Shian softened into a ball, holding his face to his dark
green eyes. "You can kill zombies, you can transform, you can track, you can curse, you can
use spells. You can protect me in the most critical time, you are not useless, you are terrible.
"But I don't know how to barbecue."
"There are many people who don't know how to barbecue. I also practiced many times with
my grandfather to master the trick. If you want to learn, I have time to teach you later."
Shen Shi'an pulled him up. "Let's cook in the space together. How to make a braised pork, a
sweet and sour pork ribs, a pan-fried sweet and sour fish, and then fry the remaining
skewers with a plate of chili fried meat, you can help me. "
"You don't dislike me"
"What stupid thing to say, of course not."
"Do you like me"
"Like, I like it."
"Will you associate with me?"
"Yes, of course."
There was a touch of slyness in Shen Xun's eyes, and he held Shen Shi'an against his
forehead, hiding a fire under his eyes. "I heard it, An An, you promised to associate with me,
and the gentleman could not chase him, and he must not regret it."
Shen Shi'an took a long while to reflect that the little rabbit was able to bear it.
The author has something to say: The next chapter is still dating.
Expect crazy hints.
After all, the relationship is determined, and the instructions given by Tang Song can be
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Xiaoxin who cast the mine, She Sanbai, Oh, Tangshui Tangsu, Lu
Xiaoyou, maybe 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Deade is the first productivity 30 bottles; 29 bottles; Shen ah, 1978720 bottles; 19 bottles
of Ru Qiulin stone; 15 bottles of treasure hunting games; 10 words of porridge, Ai An,
Fanfan; 8 bottles of dreaming grass; Enter the author's chrysanthemum and mix 6 bottles;
purple purple, 2 bottles of water; Huo I want r, the sunset is a bit cold, 1 bottle is a bit cold
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 161:

Settings saved..
The two came out of the space after dinner, and it was completely dark.
"Going home" Shen Shi'an asked.
"No," Shen Xunguang held his hand upright, his fingers embedded in his fingers and tightly
intertwined. "Since it is a date, how about not going to the movies after dinner."
Shen Shi'an shuddered and didn't shake away, he just let him hold him, his face was slightly
warm, and a single dog who had been single for more than 300 years had quite a lot of
Before going down the mountain, Shen Shi'an picked a red rose that bloomed the most in
the sea of flowers, transplanted it into a flower pot, and put it on a solid wood shelf on the
second floor of a bamboo building.
Shen Xunran said, "An An likes red roses the most."
"Wrong, in fact, the flowers are all similar to me."
"Then why do you just pick this one"
"Red looks at the celebration." And a commemorative word is enough. Only one can make
him remember that there is a silly dog buried with a mountain of seeds to please him. The
flowers blossomed into a sea, and I had to say that it was quite romantic.
"Let's go," Shen Shi'an took the initiative to snap his fingers back again, if the heartbeat
sounded a little loud and stared at him, calm and sophisticated. "It would be a little late for
the cinema to be closed."
The movie theater inside the Beijing base is located near the commodity exchange, and it
uses the facilities and equipment before the end of the world, because movie tickets are not
expensive and enjoy the base policy discounts. It is still very busy during holidays. Liu
Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan often used to relax after the end of the mission. Shen Shi'an
never went in once, so he stood in the neat and bright hall full of human civilization again
after a lapse of more than a year. .
Shen Xun hasn't seen the movie, but he had already inquired with Tang Song to buy tickets
and pay for admission. It was very simple.
Holding Shen Shi'an's hand, walked straight to the counter "I want to watch a movie."
The staff were two men and two women. The girl closest to Shen Xun was a girl. When she
looked up, she blushed immediately. "You, you, hello, what movie do you want to watch?"
Shen Xun turned his head to Shen Shi'an, his tone softened instantly, "What does An An
want to see?"
Shen Shi'an was very calm, and the other hand in his trouser pocket was full of sweat.
"Excuse me, which films are about to be shown in Ms."
"Ah, ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there are movies that will be released right away," the girl
woke up like a dream, bursting her face back to Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun, and turned
around the computer screen in a hurry. "These three have been reflected within half an
hour, and the two can choose which one they want to see."
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun both wore sharp-edged team uniforms, and the golden sword
and beast emblem on their chests were dazzling. Several staff members had clearly
recognized them, blinking their mouths and their mouths, all kinds of expression signals
flying between them.
Shen Shi'an did not find it, still calmly pointed at the screen and asked Shen Xun "what do
you want to see?"
"I'll see whatever An An sees."
"Then this is the latest one." The existence of the cinema is mainly to relieve the mental
pressure of the survivors, so most of the screenings are light comedies or hayendg love
stories, which is no different for Shen Shian.
There are not many people at this point. There is a large space in the middle of the
projection room. Shen Xun didn't know what idea to reach out and wanted to choose the
most corner seat. He was stepped on by Shen Shi'an secretly and stopped in time.
According to the system recommendation I chose the two best seats, bought a bucket of
popcorn and two bottles of Coke, picked up the ticket and turned to the theater.
As soon as the two passed the ticket gate, the staff members' excited discussion came from
behind them.
"The two captains and deputy captains that were just sharp blades, right? Right, my god,
this is too handsome, did they come out of the comics?"
"Wrong. It's handsome and beautiful. Captain Shen is too tempting. I go, it's all my food."
"Do n’t you dream, do you see the two holding hands? Ah, I ’m dead, the captain and the
deputy captain, the affectionate pet drowning and the high cold abstinence, what the most
wanted picture to see before the end of the world is actually after the end of the world. Saw
it, God treats me well. "
"I heard that the deputy captain had been a big dog before long before he became a
"It seems to have something to do with power control. I've seen it once when he was a big
dog. The majesty is particularly domineering. I didn't expect to be not only handsome but
also amazing when I became a human. You found that he had just watched Captain Shen. Do
you have a look? Su should have a broken leg and should take a photo secretly. "
"Dogs return to ancestral powers, hehehe, isn't it a male dog waist?"
"A must, look at that figure."
"And he just wanted to choose the most corner seat. The lonely man and the widow are
dark, hee hee hee."
Fortunately, Shen Shi'an had already entered the projection room, and the whispered
discussion from the counter was covered by the sound of the music in the horn and the last
few sentences were not heard, otherwise he had to step on Shen Xun's feet.
There were not many people in the screening room, and there were seven or eight
scattered. The film has not yet officially started. Shen Shi'an found a seat based on the seat
number on the ticket stub, and the popcorn bucket was placed on a stand between the two.
Shen Xun suspected that the shelf was in trouble, picked up the popcorn and clicked off.
Shen Shi'an dumbfounded "What are you doing"
"It's blocking me." Shen Xun moved to Shen Shi'an and stretched his hands around his
waist. The popcorn bucket was placed on the thighs of the two who were close to each
other. They were very satisfied. "Look, this is not much better . "
"The stand can be lifted straight up."
Shen Xun touched his nose. "I haven't been here before. Don't worry, I will pay before I
leave." After that, he kicked the scaffold down under the seat.
For Shen Xun, who has never seen a movie in a movie theater, the romantic comedy of men
and women laughing and cursing on the big screen can only attract him for three seconds,
and then he focused his eyes on Shen Shi'an.
An An is so beautiful.
Shen Xun did not know how many times he made such a sigh.
From his position, Shen Shi'an's side face can be perfectly observed, from a full and clean
forehead, to thick curled eyelashes, a tall and delicate nose, and soft and ruddy lips.
He clearly remembered the touch of his lips on his face and forehead, soft, warm, and
slightly moist, like a roll of fluffy and fine cotton candy.
Does it taste the same as marshmallow? No, An An's lips look better than marshmallows,
and they will definitely taste better.
Do not know why, Shen Xun suddenly gave birth to an urge to kiss.
But An An has never kissed his mouth before. Will An An get angry if he kisses him?
Shen Shi'an originally wanted to pretend not to know, but with the two eyes getting hotter,
he almost made two holes in his body.
"Always stare at me," Captain Shen lowered his voice, "seriously watching a movie."
"I don't," the deputy captain refused to cooperate. "The movie doesn't look good on An An, I
like watching An An."
Captain Shen's mouth tilted and pressed down quickly. "If you don't look good, then you
don't like it."
"No, I like whatever you look like."
Captain Shen's mouth tilted again, "This is what Tang Song taught you."
"Why do you need Tang Song to teach this? These are the true feelings in my heart. I
promised that I would never lie to you, so of course I would say what I think." Shen Xun
took Shen Shian's hand and put it on himself "You listen."
This is the first time Shen Shi'an has entered Shen Xun's consciousness.
As if all the barriers and barriers from the flesh had faded, Shen Xun displayed his soul
completely and unreservedly in front of Shen Shi'an.
His thoughts, his feelings, the pictures that came to his mind, his joy, sorrow, joy, sorrow,
joy, sorrow, and any slight emotional changes were closely connected with Shen Shi'an's
own consciousness.
There is no distance, no gap, and there is no deeper and closer communication than this.
The darkness obscured the other viewers, and the sound from the big screen obscured all
other movements and gradually blurred away.
In the dim light, barriers to reality and consciousness are disappearing, as if only two of
them were left in the world.
Shen Shi'an couldn't hear any more. He was in front of Shen Xun's eyes, and his mind was
full of the love from Shen Xun's head.
Vigorous, warm, unveiled love.
Why is this so he asked in his heart.
Shen Xun captured his consciousness signal in an instant, and transmitted the signal back
in the next instant because I drank the blood of An An, and An An also drank my blood. We
can stay that way as long as we want.
Can anyone who has drunk your blood also been drunk by you?
of course not. An An is the only one, only An An can.
Because I love An An. The magnetism in my consciousness gave me another two hoarse
sounds, and I laughed a little, and I was pleased to hear that, and An An also loved me.
Shen Shi'an's face was so hot that he pulled his hand back. The blurry background sound of
music is covered again like the tide of high tide, and Captain Shen murmured with a stern
command "No more talking, watch the movie."
The vice captain Mei Zizi turned his gaze to see, anyway, he should have heard, An An loves
him so much.
There is only the last segment of the movie. Shen Xun's patience watched a bar without a
head. He never expected to benefit a lot.
It turns out that couples kiss each other.
When the two walked out of the cinema, the moon was in the sky.
Shen Xun turned into a three-meter-high black giant again, kneeling before Shen Shi'an,
"coming up."
Shen Shi'an grabbed the mane on the neck of the giant beast, and jumped up by force,
sitting firmly on the big dog's back.
It's too late and almost no one can see on the road. Shen Xun did not run, walking slowly
forward in the direction of home.
Today is the middle of the lunar calendar. The moon is extremely round, and the bright
moonlight is like a wave of water, laying a layer of sparkling silver on the sky. There are not
many stars, and a few are scattered.
The night was gentle and quiet, and the sound of breathing was clear and audible.
Shen Xun stared at the two long, closely-knit shadows on the road, changing the position
and direction as the lights of the street lights changed, and suddenly shouted "Ann."
Shen Xun didn't speak, and after a while shouted "An An."
Shen Shi'an laughed. "Well."
This time, Shen Shi'an didn't agree, but touched the dog's hair. "Have you considered one
"Human beings are old and sick."
"I'm not afraid. An'an has exercises and spiritual fountains, and can live for a long time."
"Even so, I will grow old, and I will die, willn't you? What will you do then?" Kerberos is a
world of warcraft, born of luck, and if there is no accident, she will live forever and never
die. If he dies, the endless years left, Shen Xun how to live alone
"If An'an died, I will die with you. At that time, we will find a cemetery in advance and build
it to look like us. I promised that you would not die before you, so I will hold you and wait
for you to close safely. Eyes, help you comb your hair and get dressed, then lie next to you
to stop breathing. "
Death should have been a heavy and sad thing, but Shen Xun's voice was easy to take for
granted and taken for granted, as if death was not a parting, but the two of them
accompanied each other before proceeding to the next agreement.
You will be held in my arms to close your eyes, and then I will stop breathing by your side.
As far as Shen Shi'an is concerned, there is no better love in this world.
"Run fast," he said in a dumb voice.
"Don't you want to kiss me, I'll teach you when you go home."
The beast's body was obviously tense, and then he shouted "Sit tight"
The aftermath has not yet dissipated, and the two shadows have long disappeared from
their place.
The sharp edge of the base is still lit, and the duty members stand on the tower to patrol
and send out a whistle. A familiar black figure suddenly appears in the field of vision. The
hand has not yet had time to salute. The black shadow has rolled like a hurricane. .
The team members stood on the railings to stabilize their bodies. What did they do in their
hearts? I was so anxious.
Before entering the villa, Shen Xun abruptly slowed down, because the lights on the second
floor were off. Tang Song and Lin Ruan had probably fallen asleep long ago, and Shen Shi'an
was afraid to wake them up.
Reluctantly patience walked back to the bedroom step by step, Shen Shian just closed the
door, Shen Xun has returned to a human form.
Before the room had time to turn on the lights, the moon hung high above the window, and
the bright moonlight Qingling splashed to the ground.
A figure stood up from the prone position, tall, strong, full of strength and wildness.
The bedroom was too dark, and he happened to be carrying light. Shen Shi'an couldn't see
his face, but he could only see the healthy and shiny skin in the moonlight, and a pair of
dark green eyes.
Those eyes quickly approached, along with the other's hot body and hot breath.
Shen Shian's heartbeat was so fast that he could hear the sound of blood flowing in the
blood vessels in his ears clearly.
A primitive, uncontrollable impulse is rapidly accumulating in the body, and as the blood
rushes to the limbs, he feels that his body is hot, his face is hot, his hands are hot, and his
mouth is hot. The enthusiasm made his mouth dry and hot, until a hotter body pressed him
against the door.
"An An" Shen Xun shouted in a low voice. He lifted Shen Shi An's chin and almost couldn't
wait to lower his head and put his lips on it.
So soft. Softer than marshmallow.
Stick out your tongue and lick it twice
It is also sweeter than marshmallow.
He was so excited by this new discovery that he squeezed his lips back and forth.
Shen Shi'an was angered by him, and when he saw that he was biting and biting, there was
no next move. He simply pushed hard and pressed him to the door panel with a dumb
voice, "Open his mouth."
Shen Shian never dreamed that he would teach her boyfriend how to kiss this day.
As an aspiring young man who grew up in the era of information explosion, Captain Shen
has also been exposed to various materials. The theoretical knowledge is still rich, but the
practical experience is about zero. Once the most obvious problem is that he will not
Shen Xun can't, but he can hold his breath, and his vital capacity is terrible. In the end, Shen
Shian pushed him away. "You want to strangle me."
"I didn't do it on purpose," Shen Xun's eyes were so scary, it was as if he had found
something novel, and pressed Shen Shi'an back again. "Let me kiss again"
Shen Xun especially liked to eat sweets when he was a child.
Among his many sweets, his favorite is jelly.
Soft, smooth, fragrant, sweet.
If you lick it, you bounce it, and then you lick it again and again. It ’s very hard if you just eat
with your tongue, because you just sucked it and then avoided it. It ’s like trying to hide and
seek. On the other side, even if you occasionally let you suck, before you can taste it
carefully, you will slip away from your mouth, very naughty, people love and hate.
The best way to deal with this naughty jelly is to trap it, don't allow it to run, don't hide,
don't allow it to move, and then swallow it into the belly little by little.
After dating, Shen Xun suddenly became addicted to kissing. It seems that by chance, a door
to a new world has been opened, and once opened, it cannot be closed.
Regardless of the occasion and time, when she saw Shen Shian, she wanted to kiss. Even if
Shen Shi'an was drooling, he could make up 10,000 kissing positions.
And the skills are becoming more and more mature.
A grown-up Kerberus who is in 039's estrus is very dangerous for his partner. Fortunately,
Shen Xun still doesn't know how to do the last step, otherwise Shen Shi'anfei would regret
not having done it to Xiaohei Sterilization is impossible.
But even if the last step isn't enough, it's enough.
So Shen Shi'an decided to contract with him three chapters.
"First, help each other up to three times a week."
"Why" deputy captain protests three times a day he feels less
"Every time we have to negotiate hundreds of millions of dollars of business, and the
turnover of funds is too frequent."
"I'm not afraid, I have money"
"You have to save money when you have money. You don't save money when you are
young, and the boss is very pitiful."
"No, but." Captain Shen stormed 039 to suppress the 039 suppression, and then announced
the second article "Keep in touch, please pay attention to the occasion, and must not be too
close in front of other players."
"Why are you my boyfriend and why can't you kiss me"
"Because not everyone has a boyfriend, as a vice captain you need to pay attention to the
mental health of other players."
I'm happy if I care about them.
Shen Xun snorted and didn't say what he was saying. The eyes rolled twice, "Then just don't
hug in front of other people."
Considering that the two were just in love, it was difficult for them to control themselves.
Captain Shen was very forgiving.
In the afternoon of the same day, Shen Xuan pressed Shen Shi'an, who was working on the
document, on the sofa while Tang Songlin and Ruan were absent.
"Captain Xun brother you are not at home, I'll get it back"
The words did not fall, Shen Xun was pushed to the carpet, and Shen Shian sat up from the
sofa with a red face. "Man, you, why are you back?"
Xiong Manshan cheerfully said, "It's our turn to guard the Great Wall this week. I'll come
back and pick up some clothes and give Major Tang them some zombie materials"
"Noise Cancelling" Shen Xunyin faced, "Close my eyes and turn"
Xiong Manshan commanded one action and responded faster than the intelligent robot.
Haven't figured out what happened, there was a sticky movement behind
"Shen Xun you do"
"He carried it invisible, you said, as long as you don't let others see it."
"Farting what I said is that you get up, you loose it up and hear me."
Xiong Manshan closed his eyes and wanted to move but couldn't move, a series of question
marks went out in his head.
The author has something to say crazy hint.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 162:

Settings saved..
Nearly in mid-May, with the help of the Beijing base, the absolute death zone, which
stretched for hundreds of kilometers, was finally cleared. But the survival of the survivors
has not been made easier.
In just one month, the temperature rose from around zero in early April to about 20
degrees Celsius. Although it is a bit later than in previous years, the northern region of
China has officially entered the Spring Festival. The grass long warbler is flying all things
flourishing. If you ignore the zombies and abandoned towns, there will be a lively scene
But underneath this prosperity is another thrilling mutant animal and zombie.
Since the beginning of April, a total of six mutant animals have been attacked at the base of
Beijing. These animals have been plagued by humans, rats and cockroaches since the end of
the world. After the end of the world, the ants and bugs that have increased their
destructive power due to body changes vary. How did you survive the months of cold
winter that seemed to usher in a breeding outbreak at the same time? The lack of food and
competition from rivals led them to target the safety base where the survivors gathered to
protect the Beijing base. Work brings many challenges and challenges.
Mutated animals are relatively easy to solve.Although the volume is alienated to a near-
terrible level, no matter how much life habits have not changed, there are still obvious
weaknesses that can be used.It is much easier to drive, interfere or eliminate.Variation Rat
meat can also be a source of food for survivors after testing and proper processing.
But zombies are not so easy to solve.
Driven by the zombies virus, all zombies have only one goal, that is, to swallow the
survivors alive, and the zombies have no pain, will not be afraid, and will not easily give up
the target. You must hit the head to destroy them, even if they successfully kill the corpse
How to deal with it is also a difficult problem. Throughout the spring, the black smoke
generated by the burning of animal corpses around the Beijing base has not disappeared.
These are just attacks from the ground. In addition, zombie birds led by zombie sparrows
have become more active. Occasionally, sparks and explosions caused by current surges
appear on Skynet. It is foreseeable that as the temperature increases, mutant flies And
mutant mosquitoes will also step on the stage, and I am afraid it will be even more
spectacular and lively at that time.
As the survivors face more threats and their survival situation becomes more and more
difficult, Shen Shi'an and the core team members have reached an unanimous decision to
expand the recruitment of sharp blade members after consultation.
Compared with the first round, the requirements for the second round of recruiting are not
changed. They are still accepted by both the power and non-power. However, the power
and status of the sharp blade have long been different. Therefore, it is not Ten minutes, the
edge of the sharp blade base was already crowded.
Tao Yuan and Qu Shuo are fully responsible for the recruitment of new recruits. All
applicants must go through the interview and review of the two of them. Xu Ge, Chen Nan,
Xiong Manshan, and Lu Xiuyuan assisted and provided additional opinions. Liu Fangzhou
and Fan Xintong was specially hired as an interview supervisor and off-site consultant. One
was responsible for confirming the type and level of the ability, and the other was staring at
anyone who was secretly misbehaving.
After more than a week, the second round of recruiting was successfully completed. The
number of new members admitted this time was still 111. If they can pass the two-month
assessment test, they can become a full-fledged team member.
At the end of the new recruit, the sharp blade returned to the normal track, Tao Yuan and
Qu Shuo were busy with newcomer training, Tang Song and Lin Ruan were fascinated with
vaccine research, Shen Shian was busy with business, and he ran daily between the power
union, Gujia, and the blade base. New boyfriend Shen Xun voluntarily became his
bodyguard and exclusive driver. From time to time, he gets a full body massage to relax his
body, while Chen Nan Xu Ge and others who have been alone for a long time are
responsible for leading the old members who joined the last round. Perform various tasks.
All tasks in the Beijing base will be released in the task center. Generally, each organization
or individual will choose the task with the highest income according to their own
capabilities. With the current strength of Li Blade, ordinary tasks are difficult to see. Most
of them focus on the area cleanup tasks or group tasks issued by the base management. In
addition to their identity as the captain of the thirteenth member, Li Blade itself is only
half-stepped in. Management, so more base protection tasks in cooperation with the
The first is to gain popularity, and the second is that such missions will be accompanied by
the purchase of some hot weapons, which can be used to allow Shen Shi'an to "wash" a
large number of military 039 fires collected from the air force base. Base protection tasks
are mostly mandatory tasks. As long as you are a base member, you can get money to
contribute even if you don't.
In the last days, no task is easy. Fighting and fighting with zombies for a long period of time,
and continuing to be in a state of high tension, it is easy to produce various psychological
problems. In order to ensure the mental health of members, the sharp blade adopts the
rotation rest system, that is, all combat members cannot perform more than three tasks in
a row. Any task that lasts more than five days must be guaranteed more than three days of
vacation after the end of the task. In addition, scientific research is conducted every Friday.
The psychological counseling room on the first floor of the building will be open to all
members, and Lin Ruan will provide professional psychological counseling.
It's strange to say, as long as the members he has coached, no matter how bad the previous
state is, they will eat after going back. They sleep well and the thief is very good. When they
perform the task, they are more energetic than anyone else.
Xu Ge led a team that set fire to a mutant cockroach outside the city wall for a week, and
finally ushered in a five-day vacation. Nothing to do, she intends to fulfill the agreement
between her and Tongtong and plant a small bag of daisy seeds around her neck.
Tongtong is a bit taller than before. The food in the villa is good. The food that is eaten
every day contains spirit spring water. The children recover quickly. They have been fine-
tuned and cultivated. It was back, and the complexion was rosy and shiny. It can be clearly
seen that he had inherited his father's big eyes and mother's beautiful face, and was
gradually emerging into a strong and brave girl.
In addition to accepting the cultural class of Professor Tian, after the winter vacation, she
proposed to Shen Shi'an that she wanted to follow Tao Yuan to learn shooting and close
combat. Shen Shi'an carefully considered the end-of-the-life difficulties, and no one could
take care of herself more than her strength There is no harm in multi-point self-insurance.
But the premise is that she must complete her homework and strictly follow the training
plan made by Tao Yuan. Since she decides to study, she can't be slack, let alone go too fast
to exceed her body load.
Because of this incident, Shen Shi'an found Lin Ruan privately to customise two sets of
reduced-sized combat uniforms, which are the same as regular combat uniforms. They
were also equipped with holsters and weapon bags, and embroidered team emblems on
the chest and neckline. Initials embroidered on the inside.
When Fan Xintong received the combat uniform, Shen Shi'an first saw her so openly
expressing excitement and joy. She obviously loved this gift very much and held it in her
arms. She even wore it when she attended the cultural class. In my body, I am very proud
and cherish.
Today is Saturday, there is no culture class, and it is also the day Fan Xintong is training
with Tao Yuan. When Xu Ge found her in the training ground, she just finished a round of
shooting, her face was red, but she was very good. When she saw Xu Ge, she immediately
called "Sister"
Xu Ge laughed "Look at this sweat, is the training over?"
Tong Tong turned and looked at Tao Yuan, respectfully saluting a courtesy "Please ask the
instructor for instructions"
"The morning is over, the afternoon continues." Tao Yuan returned a gift, then rubbed her
head. "Go back and take a good rest."
Tongtong returned the magazine of the pistol to Tao Yuan, put the empty gun back into the
holster near the belt, and then took Xu Ge's hand and walked towards the villa.
Xu Ge handed the water to her, and took out a paper towel to wipe her sweat "not tired"
"Not tired," Tong Tong shook his head, his eyes sparkling. "Tao Yuan said that my
marksmanship has improved again. Maybe it won't be long before I can go out and kill the
zombies with you."
"Don't worry, Tongtong is still young, and there will be time in a few years."
"I'm not young, I'm thirteen years old," Tong Tong hugged Xu Ge's arm. "I know it's
dangerous outside the base, so I will train hard. When both Tao Yuan and the captain think
that I'm qualified, I will follow You go out together to do the task to kill all the zombies,
protect others, and become a great hero like my dad. "
Xu Ge was both relieved and distressed, and raised her hand to hold her. "That child needs
to be cheering to become particularly powerful."
Fan Xintong is full of fighting spirit "I will work hard"
"Then I'll wait. How do I get along with my new classmates?" There are two more children
in the new recruiting base, one is nine years old and the other is eleven years old. They are
both boys, and they also attend classes with Mrs. Tian.
"It's all good."
"It seems like I haven't seen you play with Yao Yao for a while"
Fan Xintong and Tian Shiyao almost entered the base together. As the only two little girls in
the base, they went to class together. They exchanged very frequently. They often saw Tian
Shiyao's villa drawing and playing chess with Tong Tong. At that time, Fan Xintong She is
thin and thin. Although Tian Shiyao is four years younger than her, she looks almost tall. At
this moment, it is obvious that she can see the difference in age. I do n’t know if it is
because of this. It is rare to see Tian Shiyao again.
Fan Xintong silently said, "She has what she likes, and I have what I like."
Xu Ge knew, this was still mad. At the time of the Spring Festival, about Yao Yao lying about
loving Tong Tong, she heard about it from Tao Yuan, and she could guess what was going
on, Mrs. Tian Ping Ye was too careful to do things because a little bit on the way to escape
The friendship was left by Brother Shen, and I was still a little embarrassed, so I privately
told Yaoyao to make good relationships with Tongtong and be good friends. I usually have a
biased attitude towards the two children in class.
But a child of seven or eight years is the most sensitive time. Where can she hold her head
and make her friends? The more Mrs. Ye pays attention to Tongtong, the more grievances
in Yaoyao will be. When it comes to Tongtong, can it not leave a crux.
However, the temperament of the child comes and goes quickly, and the child is just
temperament. If they get along with each other for a long time, they can naturally get back
"Tomorrow invite Yaoyao to come as a guest, OK," Xu Ge suggested, "I prepare a little flour
butter jam and the like, you can make dim sum and baked cookies together."
Fan Xintong thought for a while and nodded.
Many new and old players greeted the two along the way. Although Fan Xintong was
willing to show a few years of liveliness in front of Xu Ge and others, he would still keep a
silent attitude in front of others.
Xu Ge and an old team member greeted her, and patted her on her obviously tight back. At
least her self-consolation was better than half a year ago, didn't she? Take your time and
get along with your peers. It can always be recovered, and it is not a bad thing to be more
prepared for others in the last days.
"Where do we grow flowers" asked Tong Tong after returning to the villa.
"It's in the yard. When the flowers are in bloom, you can see it from the bedroom window."
Xu Ge beckoned her with a floral apron. "Come on, put this on first, and save the clothes
later." It ’s all 咦
She raised Tong Tong's arm and lifted the clothes on her elbow. "How is this done?"
The combat suit is dark green, and the ordinary traces are not obvious, but when facing the
light, you can find a large dark stain printed on the position under the elbow. Xu Ge smelled
"Did you accidentally stumble when you did your homework?" Ink out "
Tongtong quickly took off his clothes and looked at the stain distressed "I don't know I
didn't notice"
She loves this dress very much, and insists that she wash it by hand without using a
washing machine after each pass. After drying it, she carefully presses it flat and hangs it in
the closet. She ca n’t bear to get dust when training. How do you know when it gets dirty?
Such a big piece.
Seeing that her eyes were red, Xu Ge quickly comforted "Don't worry, as long as you use the
right method, the ink can be washed off, and we will try it together after we finish planting"
"Can it really be washed off?"
"Really, I promise." Xu Ge handed her a flower shovel. "Let's go, the seeds can't wait."
The yard outside the villa is not small in size. It is divided into two parts by a winding stone
road. The right side is full of various fruits and vegetables, bright red tomatoes, green
peppers, long beans and short eggplants. The fruits are very lively. Even the outermost low
wall is covered with vines, you can find all kinds of melon hidden by opening the leaves;
On the left are all flowers. Seasonal red, yellow, blue, and purple. The flowers that Shen Xun
confession did not run out of are scattered here. When Chen Nan passed by, all the power
was handed over. It seemed to be very lively.
The center of the flower bush intentionally left a place, turned over the soil, sprinkled the
soaked flower seeds carefully, covered it with fine soil and sprayed some water again,
leaving the rest to the seeds themselves.
Right now it's not actually the growing season of daisies, but Chen Nan is there, and a little
bit of Lingquan is mixed in the sprayed water. The next morning, the child knocked on the
door of Xu Ge's room. "
Surrounded by colorful flowers in the center, Singling swings in the wind, fresh and soft
and cute.
Xu Ge leaned against the window for a long time, raised his hands and wiped his eyes, then
smiled at Tong Tong. "It's time to invite Yao Yao to be a guest."
She seemed to expect nothing wrong. The two girls were a little awkward when they first
met, but knead the dough to taste the jam, plus Liu Fangzhou Xiong Manshan's two gags to
adjust from the same vacation, the atmosphere quickly became harmonious.
After the second set of biscuits were baked, Xu Ge went to the research building and gave
Lin Ruan a box. When he walked back, he heard a cry after a dozen meters.
My heart tightened, and I immediately stepped up. I saw Yao Yao fell on the pavement
across the low wall. Tong Tong stood not far from her, and didn't speak coldly.
Liu Fangzhou heard that the movement also came out of the villa. "Oh hey, how did this
Xu Ge ran to lift Yaoyao from the ground, the child was tender, and there were sharp
corners on the stone road, so there were some abrasions on his arms and knees.
Fortunately, it was not serious. He took cotton and water from Xiong Manshan Handle it
carefully and apply some medicinal liquor, and then ask the two children "what the **** is
going on"
Yaoyao probably hurts, holding Xu Ge's neck crying out of breath, and stretched out his
fingers to Tong Tong "She pushes me"
Xu Ge turned to Tong Tong, looking a little serious. "Tong Tong, is Yao Yao true?"
Fan Xintong's lips clenched, "She wants to pick small daisies"
Xu Ge froze, looking up subconsciously to the cluster of daisies in the middle of the garden,
which seemed to be intact.
Yaoyao was very wronged. "I did n’t pick it. I just wanted to see it. Before I got closer, she
rushed over and pushed me down."
"You lied" Tong Tong's eyes were irritated "I saw you picking me and I said I could not pick
you or pick it"
Yaoyao was so scared that her eyes fell on the holster around her waist, and she
subconsciously hid behind Xu Ge.
During the quarrel between the two children, Mrs. Tian Ping Ye also arrived, and Yao Yao
flew over immediately, tears even worse.
Ye Ping was distressed, but I probably took a picture on Yaoyao ’s head immediately after I
understood the matter. “Tong Tong invited you to come here as a guest. Why do n’t you
understand the rules? I have to teach you how to pick flowers.”
He was stopped by Xu Ge when he hit again. "Mrs. Tian, don't worry. I haven't told you the
truth yet. The clumps of flowers were originally on my sister's bones. The seed stayed, just
planted yesterday. Tongtong is not taking flowers for the purpose of taking care of my
feelings, and does not mean to bully people. Today, both children have responsibilities, but
it must be Tongtong The responsibility is greater, and I am here to accompany you instead.
Xu Ge said, squatting in front of Tongtong, "Tongtong, do you know where you are wrong?"
Tongtong's eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth hard to prevent tears from falling "She
picked flowers"
Xu Ge held her hand as softly as possible, "I know you want to protect me, but even if Yao
Yao picked the flowers, it was because she didn't know the special meaning of the flowers. I
do n’t know if you do n’t know, right? I think this bunch of flowers is good-looking. You can
tell her to explain to her, but for whatever reason you should not push her down. You
participate in the training to one day be a great hero like your father and protect other
people. People, not bullying the weak, is Yaoyao younger than you? You should let her be
right, but you see, Yaoyao is now injured, do you think you are doing right? "
Tong Tong squeezed his lips and shook his head.
"Then you should apologize to Teacher Ye and Yao Yao"
Tong Tong turned to Ye Ping and bowed. "Mr. Ye is sorry, Yao Yao is sorry."
"It's okay," Ye Ping waved his hands again and again, and looked down at his daughter. "Yao
Yao, should you also apologize to Sister Tong Tong and Sister Xu"
Tian Shiyao wiped away her tears and twitched and said sorry.
This conflict ended, Ye Ping led her daughter home, and Xu Ge took Tong Tong's hand back
to the villa.
Shen Xun looked away from the window, turned around and sat beside Shen Shi'an. "It's
nothing, the children are fighting."
Shen Shi'an laughed. "Some people may have forgotten that they were still a child half a
year ago." All day, she changed her style and sold her sweets.
Shen Xun leaned forward and bit his ear, his voice was hoarse. "I'm not a kid now, I'm not a
small child, aren't you most aware of this?"
Shen Shian's face was hot, and his head was pushed away. "Don't wave, read your own
The coffee table in front of him pushed a whole two stacks of documents, the internal
affairs of the cutting edge, there was a need to deal with the guild of abilities, and some sent
by Mr. Gu. The situation inside the Beijing base is complex, and Shen Shi'an has excellent
strength, but after all, his experience is not enough, his wrist is still immature, and many
things have to be learned from Mr. Gu, who has long regarded him as the sole heir and has
no reservations in his guidance Almost all internal agreements reached by management
will send a copy over, let him carefully figure out the hidden checks and balances and
interests involved under these agreements.
Shen Shi'an worked **** the file, and Shen Xun was not idle. He is reading a book.
After running around Shen Shi'an for the Psionicist Guild and Gu Family for more than half
a month, he realized that he still knew too little about human society. It is not impossible to
rely on force to dominate the hegemony directly, but there are many hidden dangers later.
Then again, Hexiu ate the big brother because of collusion with humans. He wanted to
know what was special about this small, cunning and belligerent race except An An.
He read history books, some of which Shen Shi'an brought out from the library of city h,
and some of them collected through the task center. He reads the book extremely fast, and
almost can only hear the sound of turning the pages of the book. When Lu Xiuyuan first saw
it, he felt that he was not fooling at all and actually took a thousand points to bet against
Now that thousand points have been fattened.
After reading a book, I couldn't help but put together Shen Shen'an, "An'an, let's kiss."
"No." Shen Shi'an refused.
"Why don't I kiss anyone else here and don't do anything else."
I believe you have a ghost.
Shen Shi'an didn't raise his eyes and reminded ruthlessly, "You have run out of three
opportunities this week."
"Fourteen hours, twenty-seven minutes and seventeen seconds are over this week"
"Then you wait another fourteen hours, twenty-seven minutes, and seventeen seconds."
Shen Xun took a deep breath and got up to take a cool shower in the bedroom next door.
When I returned, I only intentionally wrapped a bath towel, revealing eight strong
abdominal muscles, a slender thigh, a coffee table, arms stretched, and Shen Shi'an leaning
on the sofa. "You're going to a meeting of the Association of Ability tomorrow, right?"
Shen Shi'an raised his head to appreciate the beautiful scenery for a while, and then turned
back to the file without hesitation "Well. So I have to go to bed early tonight."
Tomorrow ’s meeting will announce a major project, the Beijing base plan to clean up and
restore the main railway line from Beijing to Changbai base.
The author has something to say Continue to do the task
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Ocean who has thrown a deep-water torpedo;
Thanks to the little angel who cast a rocket launcher for confusion;
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou, Han Yu, lack of sugar, Yishu Pear White 3119, and
Tong Yao who threw the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel Hanyu who dropped the mine; seven bread bags, maybe two;
seven thousand fires, should be Tianxian crazy drunk, just lazy, like a fire in love, warm
Meng 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
100 bottles of Wei language; 84 bottles under lemon tree; 50 bottles of Momo; 37 bottles of
Wan Jingjing ink; 35 bottles of Wanxixi; 30 bottles of choe and Canglanhai; 29 bottles of
two dog eggs and eggs; 20% of the bottle; 17 bottles of sakaguchi; 15 bottles of treasure
hunting games; 14 bottles of hibiscus in the stream; brooks, leaves, yinyin, 偃 墨, 嗳 尼欧,
Korean Yu, Zhiyu, A'an, Gu Bai, A Yi, Sister Shao , Confused, 10 bottles have been cancelled; I
love learning, 5 bottles of dusting; 2 bottles of nseijg, purple purple; floating life, six six six,
cloud drunk moon micro 醺, visibe family, gentleman like jade, qqn, believe 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 163:
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The plan for cleaning and restoring the main railway line was sent to Shen Shi'an more
than a month ago. This plan was jointly proposed by Gu Jia and Huang Jia, and after two
votes in a management meeting and within the union of powerists, some people Agree with
The reasons for the opposition are obviously too difficult.
Whenever the cities and towns passing by the railway track are bound to have a
population, and the total population is rarely less than 100,000, some of the hub cities have
more than one million people. It is not necessary to know how these cities are like dead
mountains at this time. Scary scene.
The difficulty of clearing the zombies alone makes people's scalp numb, how to maintain
the Beijing base and the Changbai base after cleaning them out are the closest among the
five major security bases, but they are also more than 600 kilometers apart from each
other. How to protect the line from being destroyed or attacked by the zombies?
The reasons for support are equally significant.
Once the main railway line between the two bases is cleared and restored, the situation
where survivors are isolated from each other and the communication is cut off from the
beginning of the last days will be completely changed, which not only means that the two
large bases can integrate their respective human, material and information resources. It
also means that all kinds of resources along the way can also be re-developed and used,
including but not limited to oil fields, coal fields, minerals, and living forces scattered in
small and medium-sized bases, each of which is necessary for the survival and
development of the base. The human and material resources of the initial investment must
be amazing, but the returns after success will only be more generous.
The most important thing is that zombies are getting stronger and stronger. Sooner or
later, human beings will usher in a battle of life and death. We want to avoid being
destroyed by the zombie tide. Yes.
Of course, as one of the proponents of this plan, the Gu family also has its own selfishness.
There are nearly five million survivors in the Changbai base. More survivors mean a
broader market. As long as the two bases are connected, the Gujia and sharp blades who
hold the pheromone development formula will become the most direct beneficiaries.
In addition, for Mr. Gu and Shen Shian, there is a more personal reason to support the
restoration of the main railway line.
There are five weapon processing factories in the Beijing base, which are responsible for
the production of various cold weapons and used in battles with zombies. If the city walls
and Skynet are the "shields" for maintaining the security of the base, then these five
weapons processing plants are the "spears" to defend against the tide of zombies.
Four of these five processing plants were transformed through pre-doomsday mechanical
processing plants, and all four mechanical processing plants were owned by the Qin family
before the last days. Formally relying on this property right and resources, the Qin family
was able to quickly gain a foothold after the outbreak of the virus, and became one of the
top five managers of the Beijing base. After the base was completed, in order to consolidate
its status and rights, the Qin family transferred part of the ownership of the processing
plant, but even so they still have control of three weapons processing plants. This is the Qin
family. The source and root of power.
And unlike the post-apocalyptic temporary processing plant in Changcheng Base, there is a
whole military area in Changbai Base that is dedicated to the production and development
of various sophisticated cold and hot weapons. It can be said that if the As a "Bing \ 039
Factory", at best, the base in Beijing is a small manual workshop without even a business
Once the two places are connected, the Beijing base will be able to trade with the Changbai
base on weapon resources, and it will be able to weaken the Qin family's foundation and
power to the greatest extent.
The Qin family clearly understood this, which is the main reason why they brought the Han
family to the best of their ability to oppose the mainline restoration plan.
The management has a total of five parties, the four major families, and the union of
powerists. If the proposal is to pass successfully, the Gu family must obtain at least three
votes, which means that the attitude of the power union is very important.
In order to get as many votes as possible, to draw more people into the alliance of interests,
and also to benefit the blade and the long-term development of the Gu family, Mr. Gu and
Shen Shi'an made a decision after making a decision to disclose the pheromone formula.
"It's not open for free," Shen Shi'an explained to teammates at a core team meeting inside
Li Blade more than a week ago. "We will sign cooperation agreements with organizations
or forces that intend to attract them. One-tenth of the revenue generated by this is owned
by us, which is equivalent to the franchise fee or the royalty fee. This one-tenth is 5% of our
side and the 5% of our 5% as a Tang The other four percent of Song and Lin Ruan's
personal income are used for public use. "
Tang Song and Lin Ruan have agreed to this decision, and they also have no reason to
disagree. It is very strenuous to supply the Beijing base with the productivity of the blade
and the Gu family. Even if the market expands, it will not be enough. One benefit, win-win
cooperation, why not. What's more, because the pheromone pie Gu Gu and Sharp Blade
have been secretly stunned for a long time, who can not feel the jealousy of the target
behind the jealous Dou Jin. Now that fools can not only reduce the hatred value, but also
attract a large number of votes, but also gain a lot of favors.
Tao Yuan took a closer look at the proposed cooperation agreement and found that at the
end of the agreement there is a confidentiality clause "All cooperation partners are
prohibited from making the pheromone formula publicly disclosed without our consent,
especially the disclosure to the Qin family and Make good friends with the Qin family "
Shen Shian nodded. "The ban on secondary disclosure is to protect our interests as
pheromone developers. The ban on disclosure to the Qin family is due to my personal
"Harm," Liu Fangzhou raised his hand and crossed his head behind his head. "One-tenth of
the gain is not a small amount, and no one is so stupid. He paid a large price for the formula
and disclosed it to others for free. "
"But in case the Qin family secretly do something bad" Xiong Manshan is a bit uneasy. "I like
to make an analogy. If the Qin family secretly finds our partner to make a y transaction, he
proposes that he is willing to pay two tenths of all the proceeds as compensation. The
cooperation partner also earns one-tenth, and he promises that if he leaks out, he ca n’t
help it if it is leaked out. More than one cooperation partner can't figure out which is the
worst thing. ”
"You don't have to worry about this," Lin Ruandao, "I and the teacher also took this into
consideration, so making a slight change to the pheromone formula will not affect the
effect, but the formula for each partner is slightly different. It is equivalent to a mark on a
bank note. Each pheromone produced according to a different formula has a unique
number. If the Qin family really gets the formula and it is produced and sold, we will
immediately know who leaked the formula. "
Liu Fangzhou's eyes lit up "This method can be soft and supple"
"And I have 90% certainty that no one will leak out." Shen Shi'an added.
"Because the pheromone is only an appetizer, the real ace in our hands is the virus
vaccine." Shen Shi'an crossed his hands on the table. "Everyone knows that the only pure
blood sample in the world is in our hands, and everyone knows that we are After devoting
effort to developing vaccines and witnessing the ability of Tang Song and Lin Ruan from the
birth of pheromone, no one will risk offending us and be included in the vaccine ban list to
please the Qin family. "
Xiong Manshan seems to be the case.
Tang Song timely announced the good news. "Breakthrough progress has been made in the
development of vaccines. Without surprise, the results should be seen within two months."
"With the vaccine, we will have a better chance of meeting zombies in the future."
"Brother Tang, you are so good with Soft"
Teammates rejoiced, and Shen Shi'an was very happy, "You worked hard, you did a good
"No hard work," Tang Song pushed his glasses. "Thanks to your support, Captain." The
research can make progress, and the Lingquan water has played a vital role.
Xu Ge immediately announced the second good news. "The apartment building has been
officially completed. The first group of veterans to join is expected to move in in the next
two days."
The old members used to live in a two-person dormitory building, both for the convenience
of management and to cultivate tacit understanding. Now the team members have been
familiar with each other for a long time, and they have newly built two apartment
buildings. In contrast to the specifications of high-end apartments before the end of the
world, the design is a sophisticated single-door single-family house, which is distributed as
the benefits of veteran players. The former dormitory building is now full of new members
who have just joined. They need to perform a two-month assessment here and the
subsequent combat training.
Shen Shian nodded and asked, "Is the small building allocated?"
The small building refers to the two-storey western-style building built near the artificial
lake. It has its own courtyard and faces the villa across the lake. It is also based on the best
living conditions except villas in the area. A total of five buildings were built at the
beginning, and they are ready to be distributed to outstanding contributors among the
team members, so they are also called cadre buildings.
A few days ago was the first half-year anniversary of the first batch of players. Xu Ge and
other core players made a comprehensive review based on their performance and
contribution during this period. "The most prominent ones are Yang Cancan, Gao Xiaohui,
Wu Miao, Zhao Xinhe, and Zhao Xinjiang. And channel. "
There are a total of six people, including Zhao Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang, two brothers living
together. The five buildings should have been just right. However, when the Tian Yi family
entered the base, considering that their family of three was not very convenient, they were
temporarily placed in a small building. As a result, the cadre building was missing.
"It's still a bit difficult," Liu Fangzhou scratched his face. "The new cover takes time.
Brother Tian and his family have lived for more than half a year. It's hard to let them move
out now to make room for others. But then again Then, on the merit reward, their family
living in the cadre building was not in compliance. "
"Then don't assign it to Qu Shuo," Lu Xiuyuan, who had been silent, suddenly said, "What's
the latest time he came, why should he be treated so well."
Shen Shi'an glanced at him before listening to Xu Ge saying, "That's not the case. In fact, this
problem has been solved. Chan Chan said that she and Gao Xiaohui are planning to live
Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and at the same time, a meaningful "Oh"
"Unexpectedly, when did the two of them come together?"
"Are you getting married or just living together?"
"I heard that there are plans to get married."
"No wonder they often team up together for missions. Both are fire-powered, and
emotionally, they are also clear-cut."
"This is a happy event," Shen Shiandao "converted the market valuation of the small
building into points, even if it was a gift of housewarming to us both."
Xu Ge should come down "OK."
While talking about the other team members who are likely to look into the eyes while
being excited, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun beside him cleared his throat and cleared his
throat. "I think I need to tell you something, although you probably already know I and
Xunxun decided to start dating. "
There was a moment of silence in the conference room, followed by a warm cheer
"Lock me up"
"This is called Qiangqiang join forces with two swords"
Xiong Manshan Changshu breathed a breath. "But I was strangled to death. I am still
worried that you have n’t made it public. What, Captain, Xunge, I was a little flustered
because I was too surprised the other day. Actually I was You two are happy, you are so
good, no one else is worthy. "
"That's it," Liu Fangzhou came over. "When do I plan to get married, when will I have a
wedding, and then I will have to prepare an unprecedented red envelope."
Shen Shi'an tried hard to hold his face. "It's just the beginning of the relationship. For the
rest, the eight characters haven't been put aside yet. All right, the meeting will end."
Ears turned red back to the bedroom, and Shen Xun was entangled as soon as he entered
the door. "After that, can I kiss you in front of Chen Nan?"
"Why not, don't they all know that I'm your boyfriend, and it won't affect the mental state?"
"No reason, I said no or no."
Originally when Shen Xun was a child, Shen Shi'an had the patience to explain the truth to
him. Now the other person is an adult man taller than him. The best thing is to have an inch
of absurdity and tell a fart. It is still special. Pa \ 039 right save trouble.
After taking off the beads, he unbuttoned the two buttons on the top of the shirt with one
hand, leaned against the bathroom door and raised his eyebrows to see "Can you kiss now,
Shen Xun fluttered at him with red eyes.
More than a week later, the morning of the third vote on the restoration of the main
railway line was about to happen.
Shen Shi'an stood in front of the mirror in the cloakroom and tied his tie. As soon as he
looked up, he found that Shen Xun had torn his tie into a mess. Seeing that he was going to
break his bones, he was very angry and funny. He turned and took the tie from his hand.
How do you tie it? "
Shen Xun raised his hand on his waist, and his dark green eyes showed a little childishness.
"It's too much trouble."
Shen Shi'an untied the tie that was tied in a knot. After pressing it flat, he put it back on his
neck. His slender fingers flexed in front of Shen Xun's neck through a layer of cloth. "Don't
you have to wear a formal dress? Fighting suit, no one is forcing you. "
"No, I'm going to wear the same clothes as you."
Shen Shi'an's mouth turned up and down. "If you want to wear it, learn it. Are you three
years old and want me to help you dress?"
Lin Ruan's improved military uniforms are very majestic and detailed, which can perfectly
highlight the wearer's physical advantages. Shen Shi'an only wore pants and military boots,
and his jacket had not been worn yet. As soon as he looked up from where Shen Xun stood,
he could see his reflection in the mirror. His long legs were strong and straight, and his
shoulder blades were white with the movement of his hands. There were no traces of
gloom on the shirt.
He lowered his head and snorted at the tip of his nose. "After I learn it, how about dressing
for you everyday?"
Shen Shi'an wasn't stupid. He couldn't find such an obvious pit and really wanted him to
help him get dressed. It's no wonder that he could get out of the door.
Pretending not to hear the wrinkles that smoothed the neckline "OK."
When he was about to step back, he was tightened his arms and carried in his arms. His
handsome face was very serious, but what he said may not be "I want to kiss you."
Shen Shi'an looked up and "baked it" and kissed him in the corner of his mouth. "Okay, let
"Not so kissed," Shen Xun pressed him into his arms again, and "put his tongue out."
Shen Shi'an's ears were hot. "You're enough."
"Not enough. I don't think it's enough to kiss you forever. You said that you can kiss when
we are the only one. Why not now?"
"Insufficient time, we have to rush to the Psionicist Union Building."
"Then I'll kiss a little faster." Shen Xun rubbed his lips against the roots of Shen Shi'an, and
his voice was dumb. "Let me kiss one another, OK, OK?"
Shen Shi'an has never been able to refuse his coquettishness. Before he was a child, he
couldn't, but now he has grown into a handsome, handsome man with gentle eyes, and he
seems to have become more and more resistant.
After nearly twenty minutes, knocking on the door, Liu Fangzhou's careful voice came from
the door, "Well, Brother Xun, I didn't mean to bother. Zhao Xinjiang was waiting in the front
hall. He said he might be late if he didn't leave. Now. "
Shen Shi'an panted and opened the man's beauty, and the ancients did not bully me.
Zhao Xinjiang drove, and the three finally arrived on time at the union building. The signed
cooperation agreement has been signed long ago, and the number of votes to be obtained
has long been obtained. Therefore, today's vote was actually a fallacy, and the proposal was
successfully passed without accident.
After discussing in detail the tasks and the allocation of manpower and material resources
for the first phase of this major project, the host of the meeting, Bao Qiuping, proposed the
next proposal to be voted on for all residents of the outer city. Instead, one-point urban
construction fee will be levied every day; all residents in the inner city, who are 14 years
old and under 55, will increase from the original one-point daily urban construction fee to
two points.
This proposal was jointly proposed by the four major families. Strictly speaking, it will
definitely be implemented even if the dissidents' union disagrees. The reason why the
proposal was sent one is to complete the procedure, and the other is to let the thirteen
members of the organization organize an advance notice. Be prepared, after all, this change
is closely related to all survivors.
"Why this proposal was proposed to make it clear to everyone," Bao Qiuping said, "the
weather is getting warmer, and mutant animals and zombies have proliferated. Skynet now
suffers dozens of waves of attacks on average every day, and the energy consumption is too
large. I'm afraid it won't be possible if we don't concentrate. Okay, let's start voting now. "
The thirteen people present and the organizations or forces they represent are all residents
of the inner city. Since they choose to live in the inner city, it is not a big difference for them
to pay one point or two points every day. The real impact of this proposal is The change of
more than 4 million residents living in outer suburbs from free to paid living may require a
transition period to fully adapt.
The Beijing base has always existed as an official post-disaster sanctuary. It should not be
reasonable to collect fees from the asylum seekers, but this disaster is extraordinary. The
entire human race has reached a precarious position. The proposal also said It is clear that
all the points collected will be used for urban defense maintenance. Since entering the base,
there is no reason to enjoy the benefits brought by the base but not willing to pay. One
point is equivalent to one crystal nucleus. The collection object in the outer city area is over
16 years old and under 50 years old. This age group is just when the young people are
strong, and after the transformation and evolution of the body by the original virus and the
power virus, even ordinary people It is not difficult to hunt a mutant zombie every day.
At this point, those who dare not kill the zombies or can not take out one point per day, it is
impossible to expect them to make any contribution at the moment of life and death.
Thirteen votes were in favour, and no one objected. The proposal passed very smoothly.
At the end of the meeting, Shen Shi'an saw Shen Xun as soon as he went out.
He leaned on the railing facing the door of the conference room, wearing the same dark
green military uniform as himself, with his two long legs crossing at will, staring at the door
and not knowing how long.
When I saw Shen Shi'an, I immediately greeted him, walking dazzlingly like a wind, I was
going to slump, thinking of Shen Shi'an's three chapters of the law again I put my hands
back, and the eyebrows were all with a smile "End"
Shen Shi'an laughed, covering his little finger with a sleeve covering him, "Well, go home."
Suddenly, there was a humorous yin and yang in the back of the two people. When Shen
Shi'an turned his head, he met Xiao Lang, the head of the Tiger and Wolf regiment, as if
someone owed him eight million stinking faces.
Xiao Lang didn't say anything, he held his chest with both hands and aggravated his voice
with a more yin and yang tone.
Shen Shi'an didn't bother him and took Shen Xun's hand directly to the elevator.
Xiao Lang strode after him, staring closely at the hands of the two, gritting his teeth. "Aren't
you telling me that he is your son? I went to the Census Department to check. He is 26 years
old. Why do you come here one more than yourself?" A five-year-old child smashed, ah "
When Shen Xun originally registered, Shen Shi'an filled him with sixteen years old. How can
he know that it has become so big, so he entrusted Changsheng to change to twenty-six
years old without any traces, which is also considered his current appearance. meets the.
Xuanyuan team captain Yuan Bing and deputy captain Song Mingxuan were also waiting for
the elevator. When they saw the three of them trying to come over to say hello, by the way,
to see if they could detect any psychological activity, Shen Xun raised his hand and wiped
his neck. Cold murderous. Yuan Bing shuddered, the sixth sense alarm bell masterpiece,
turned around and took the deputy captain towards the stairs.
Shen Shi'an pressed the down key, and Xiao Lang saw him ignore him even more. "I'll ask
you something. If you don't give a reasonable explanation today, I will."
"Just what"
Xiao Lang was silent, and then said fiercely, "I'll go to your knife every day to eat rice and
eat as expensive as possible, and I will eat the poor." At first, he really thought that the big
dog was the son of Shen Shi'an. How much beef jerky was given to the dog, he thought it
was a son, but why would he want to feed it?
Shen Xun rubbed his teeth and was scratched twice by Shen Shi'an in the palm of his hand.
"There is nothing to explain," Shen Shi'an said. "This is fun."
Xiao Lang's expression was not like someone owed him eight million yuan, like someone
fed him two tons of garlic. "You two treat each other as father and son as fun."
"Yes, any comments?"
When the elevator came, Shen Shi'an lifted his foot into it, and Xiao Lang wanted to follow
in, and was blasted out by Shen Xun's backhand.
Today, a tall and powerful dog embraced Shen Shi'an and made a mouthful to Xiao Lang
outside the elevator.
Xiao Lang recognized it. Is that **** still hurting?
I grass your uncle
Seeing that the elevator was about to close, Xiao Lang hurriedly shouted "You can't go on
this railway mission"
The elevator door was closed tightly, and a clear voice came out, "Go."
This time the task is still a group task, and it is of great significance to execute the first stage
of the main railway restoration plan. In the plan, Luancheng, which is about 80 kilometers
away from the base of Beijing, is used as the end point of the first phase, which is to restore
the main railway line between the base of Beijing and Luancheng.
Luancheng is not only one of the hubs of the railway transportation network before the last
days, but also has sufficient coal mine resources and is a well-known coal mining place. If
the first phase is successfully implemented, it will not only mean that the entire project is
half successful, but also means that the energy problem that Beijing City Base urgently
needs to solve will be solved.
This is the most important step of the whole plan, and Shen Shi'an must go. And it's
certainly not just him and Shen Xun who are going.
In addition to the sharp blade core players, Chen Nan, Liu Fangzhou, Tao Yuan, Xu Ge, Xiong
Manshan, and Lu Xiuyuan all went. Lin Ruan and Tang Song stayed to continue studying
and preside over the overall situation. In addition, the 111 new members will all sign up to
participate in this task. This task is not only for their training, but also their performance
will be an important criterion for assessment.
Shen Shi'an returned to the sharp blade, standing on the training ground, just announced
the staffing arrangements for the task, and there was a mournful sound from the old team.
The female team members mourned especially loudly.
Shen Shi'an was puzzled "you want to participate in this mission so much"
The "want" shout was deafening.
"But this mission is not much different from other missions."
Damn, Yang Cancan clenched his fist and stomped on the task, what does it have to do with
it, mainly because he wants to work with the captain, you and the deputy captain?
But how Shen Shi'an could understand her thoughts. So Yang Cancan went to Xu Ge in
Sure enough, the female compatriots knew the female compatriots better, so on the day of
the official departure, there were two more participating players, Yang Cancan and Gao
Girlfriends are gone, and boyfriends ca n’t stay at home alone.
On May 20, a huge team of more than 2,000 people left the base with all kinds of materials
and set off on a journey. The flags of the mighty long dragon composed of various motor
vehicles flew, and the golden sword and beast emblem was particularly dazzling.
On the second day of the departure of Shen Shi'an and his team, a tall man with a cloak
obscured from the top and bottom of his body came to the entrance of the south gate of the
Beijing base.
He raised his head and stared at the huge plaque engraved with the words "Beijing Base"
on the towering city wall. He took off his cloak hat and exposed a pair of dark green eyes,
which was similar to Shen Xunzu. face.
The breeze floated in the air, the man sniffed lightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of
his lips.
"It really is here."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 164:

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On the straight road parallel to the railroad tracks, the long-line convoy moves forward
slowly, and from time to time someone jumps out of the convoy to clean up scattered
zombies on both sides of the road.
There is a wide flat ground between the railroad tracks and the road. A dark gray off-road
vehicle with a length of more than four meters is exactly like a drunk mad cow. He hurried
to a halt before hitting the road.
The two rear doors opened one after the other, and Chen Nan, Liu Fangzhou, and Xiong
Manshan rolled out from the inside, looking pale and futile, and stooping down for a while.
Shen Shi'an shook the window of the co-pilot and handed out three bottles of water, and his
face was no better than them. See where to go "All right"
The three waved their hands weakly.
"Still on the bus?"
The three immediately shook their heads frantically. "No, nothing. There are still many
empty spaces on the truck. Xunge drives too wildly."
Glanced at the handsome side face in the driver's seat, the three swallowed the second half
of the sentence together, and we were afraid to enjoy it.
Watching the three team members escaping their lives, they rushed towards the back of the
truck. Shen Shi'an drank his own water and was shocked, turning his head to just look up to
Shen Xun's sight "how am I driving?"
The eyes glowed with excitement and kind of excitement.
"Very good," Shen Shian nodded conscientiously. "As a beginner less than half an hour, it is
already very good. Then, do you want to continue learning?"
"Learn," Big Dog said, "I don't think it's hard to drive at all." This mount is more exciting
than a sweeping robot.
"Okay, then you re-ignite, this time when you step on the accelerator, don't act so quickly,
and ease it a little."
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and was about to tighten his seat belt. The rear door was
pulled open and Xiao Lang sat in.
"What are you doing"
"Looking at you driving, I also want to see what kind of man is the effect of driving such a
car with two kicks." Xiao Lang said as he looked around the carriage and circled it once
again, for sure "This car is really good. How much does it cost to buy it?"
"You can drive"
Xiao Lang held up his chest. "Of course, there aren't many people who can't drive this year.
I think I will participate in a racing competition."
"That's right, you come to teach him." Shen Shi'an unfastened his seat belt as quickly as
possible, leaned in and kissed Shen Xun's mouth. "Three people must have our teacher.
Learn how I believe you can."
Jumping out of the station and taking a long breath of relief on the solid ground, Shen Shi'an
found the banner of the sharp blade, chased the truck for a moment, and leapt to the top of
the carriage.
Lu Xiuyuan looked back and said, "Aren't you teaching your son to drive."
Shen Shi'an stepped beside him and sat down. "I have found a tutor. I have nothing to do for
After several days of heavy rain, the weather just cleared in the morning, the sun was
shining, and the wind brought a comfortable temperature.
The location chosen by Lu Xiuyuan is quite good. Most of the tracks pass by are flat, so
when you look down from the roof, you can see the scenery on both sides of the road. The
place that was supposed to be a paddy field was covered with various plants, including
weeds, new seedlings from the seeds left in the old years, and wild flowers of all kinds,
crowded next to each other, as if overturned The palette is so lively.
No matter how far away, there are trees, tall, short, thick, thin, unrecognizable or nameless,
shaking out layers of green waves in the wind, and can't see the end. Only in the gaps
between the green waves can the occasional afterglow of the building complex be seen.
The vast majority of humans have died, and survivors are struggling to survive. Today,
plants that are far away from human influences are flourishing unprecedentedly.
"If it weren't for the end of the world, I wouldn't have appeared in this place forever," Lu
Xiuyuan said.
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and nodded. "I probably do the same."
"If we can live to the end of the last days," Lu Xiuyuan turned to look at him. "Have you ever
thought of what you are going to do?"
Shen Shi'an did not even think about this issue. Because judging from the current situation,
the end of the last days is probably far away.
Lu Xiuyuan looked into the distance, and his right side with the blindfold was crossed by
the sun to Phnom Penh. "If I can still live to that time, I want to go back to school. Didn't we
fill out the main intention of study for graduate school? I know that you are planning to
study pediatrics. In fact, I filled in the same as you. If it were not for a virus outbreak, we
would expect from a school competitor to become a competitor in the workplace in a few
years. "
Speaking of this he suddenly smiled, "Of course, you should never consider me as an
"I was too immature before," Lu Xiuyuan continued. "He is proud and likes to be self-
assured. I know your academic performance is better than mine, but I can't help but
attribute all the advantages of you to your family background. And your family ’s financial
conditions, so that I can tell myself that if I have your conditions and resources, I will
definitely be better than you. Do n’t you say that the more you lack something, the more
sensitive and inferior you are to this kind of thing, Now think about it, all my hostility to
you is inseparable from the word inferiority. "
Shen Shi said in silence, "Why do you say this?"
"Who knows," Lu Xiuyuan shrugged. "Maybe it's because I'm old and I like sentimentality.
Maybe I used to have all the water in my head. I sat here and dried it for a long time."
He turned to look at Shen Shi'an. "I know that I have many shortcomings and I'm not good
at what you have done. Shen Shi'an, thank you, thank you for willing to let me join the blade
and keep me by your side. You are very good. Man, I'm happy to have you as the captain. "
After saying that, I was too embarrassed to sit still. "Well, I didn't want to be so arrogant,
anyway, you just understand what I mean, I'll go down and help clean up the zombies."
"Lu Xiuyuan," Shen Shi'an called to him as he was about to jump off the roof, and a smile
gradually appeared in Mo Yu's eyes. "You are also a very good person. You have to fight
side by side as a teammate. I also Quite happy. "
Shortly after Lu Xiuyuan left with a red face, Shen Shi'an received a message from the
communicator Xue Wentao, leader of the Qin family, "Captain Shen, about four kilometers
from the next cleanup point."
"Okay, I'll bring someone over right away."
Went to the position of the carriage door, turned over and jumped into the carriage, and
found Liu Fangzhou, who was still drinking water, "It's time for you to shoot."
A total of about 5,000 people came out to perform the track dredging task. A total of more
than 2,000 people including Shen Shi'an, two teams, belonged to the advance force. They
were specifically responsible for clearing the zombies along the tracks and the zombies in
towns, counties, and cities; The other team is an engineering unit, with a total number of
more than 3,000. It is mainly composed of technical soldiers and soil abilities. It is specially
responsible for the construction of protection on both sides of the cleaned railroad tracks,
earth-lifting walls, and buried cables. Meters are installed with monitoring probes, and
armed sentry points are set up every ten kilometers to strive to ensure the safety and
smoothness of traffic after the railway resumes operation.
Xue Wentao's face is from the Qin family, which actually belongs to Gu Changsheng's forces,
so Shen Shian's attitude towards him is quite gentle, and he nodded after boarding Liu
There is a lot of space in the truck compartment, because the car is not fast and it is stable.
In addition to Xue Wentao, representatives from the other four major families and the
members of the Thirteen Members are present. After all, no one is stupid. It is natural to
oppose the proposal before it is passed. I ’m desperately opposed to it. Now that the
proposals have been adopted, they have been formally implemented. Not participating in
the task means that the benefits in the future will be insignificant.
Xiao Lang didn't come. The tiger and wolf group came from Li Cheng. After seeing Shen
Shi'an came over and whispered, "Do you know where the head of our family is, brother,
and the communicator did not respond for a long time."
Shen Shi'an touched his nose. "He is teaching Shen Xun to drive."
Li Cheng was relieved and not lost.
"Everyone knows the situation of the next cleanup point. The small cities on the 7th and 8th
lines have a permanent population of about 150,000. The railroads pass through the
suburbs, and there is not much difference from the several cleanup points we encountered
before. Details Everyone has the map in their hands, so I do n’t have much nonsense, "Xue
Wentao turned to Liu Fangzhou." Now I will trouble Mr. Liu. "
The scanning range of Liu Fangzhou has been expanded a bit. Now it can scan targets as far
as four kilometers away, but the principle of playing pigs and eating tigers does not need to
be taught at all. The data is not reported until the convoy is half a kilometer away from the
cleaning point. It came out that "the total number of zombies is in the early hundreds of
thousands, almost all of which are mutated zombies, thirty-seven in the first class, eleven in
the second class, and one in the third class."
It is not difficult to fight, and it is a piece of cake for the battle-hardened advance troops.
The organizations quickly allocated a clearing area, and Shen Shi'an took Liu Fangzhou
back to the sharp blade team, and raised his voice to "collect all."
More than one hundred members stood in four columns and quickly stood up. Shen Xun
stopped the off-road vehicle at the side of the road at the same time, closed the door with a
slam, and walked in the wind with long legs and narrow waists, attracting a large number
of others. Organize female team's glittering eyes.
The big dog didn't notice it, walked quickly to Shen Shi'an, and stood with his hands on the
back. "Please ask the captain for instructions."
Then secretly ticked into the palm of his back, which was also behind him.
"Don't wave." Shen Shi'an smacked his face with a stern face, glanced over his footsteps,
and Xiao Lang, who was almost lifted off by Li Cheng and others, "car learned"
"Learned, how about we go out together at night?"
"Cough, then."
Without waiting for Shen Xun, Shen Shi'an took a step forward. "All the members of the
blade have noticed that we are responsible for cleaning up the Xicheng District, Taoyuan,
Qushuo, Chen Nan, and Xu Ge. We are now at 3 pm, and we will fight for all the zombies
before it gets dark. Is there a problem"
Shen Shi'an threw the Tang sword to Shen Xun, took the sword out of the space and carried
it on his back.
One of the main purposes of this mission is to run in new players, so unless it is a difficult
zombie or a large number of zombies, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun will not easily shoot.
The total number of zombies in the area allocated by the blade does not exceed 6,000. The
highest level of zombies is the second level of abilities, which is completely within the
capabilities of the team members, so Shen Shi'an chose a business building with the highest
floor from the first floor. Began to clear up, and then stood on the top of the building to
overlook the situation.
Liu Fangzhou stood next to them with a small book and recorded while muttering, "The tall
man in Nange's team is not good, it's the soil ability. The coordination is too poor. Nange
just gave birth to the devil vine. When he got up, he moved the soil, and the roots of the
Devil's Vine were all torn. Where can we go? You can see that the wind power in the sister
Xu team is much better. As soon as Sister Xu sets fire, he will blow the hair, and he will
immediately The attack range has doubled, which is a beautiful fit "
Xu Ge and Chen Nan's team are almost all powers. Compared to them, Shen Shi'an is more
concerned about the ordinary people in Tao Yuan and Qu Shuo's team.
Both teams used the shield gun formation that Tao Yuan used to train newcomers, but
because of the lack of cooperation and frequent leaks, if there were two instructors to
remediate in real time, and Lu Xiuyuan and Xiong Manshan walking support, I'm afraid that
There were casualties.
Xiong Manshan held a long knife in his hand. He made the drawing and asked the craftsmen
of the weapon processing factory to create it. He used the super-grade steel that Shen Shian
brought back from the storage warehouse at the beginning. Extremely sharp. The style of
the knife is very unique. The long blade and broad blade are shaped like half a month. Xiong
Manshan is named Qingxiong Yueyue.
Liu Fangzhou watched Xiong Manshan cut eight flying zombies with one stab, and in the
blink of an eye, he smashed eight more than 20 meters away. He couldn't help but keep
talking "Meng or Xiong Gemeng. By the way, Brother Shen, you promised to let Xiong Man
zombies, we I'm sure I can't find anything to eat in a while. "
"You can't find it, it's been more than a year since the outbreak."
Liu Fangzhou was also right, it is estimated to have expired long ago, and the temperature
was so high last summer that he couldn't hold anything. Even if the date has not passed, it
is better to eat less food with a shelf life of more than one year. Preservatives are too much
to scare people. After all, they are not short of food.
The clean-up work was carried out in an orderly manner, but there was still a small
accident. The third-level Fenghuo double zombies actively requested by the Xuanyuan
team broke through the encirclement, wrapped in the wind, and rushed towards the
Originally, it came over, and it did n’t matter much. The other zombies were being beaten. It
might be faster to escape the birth. I don't know if the third-level zombies were so
immortal. When passing by the commercial building, they suddenly sprayed a fire on the
top of the building.
Shen Shi'an held up the aura cover in time to cover Shen Xun and Liu Fangzhou in full. After
a while, the flames dissipated, and the pale gold aura cover disappeared.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun glanced at each other, the long sword Tang Dao came out of the
sheath at the same time, threw down a sentence "Being still" and stood up and chased the
third-level zombies.
Xiao Lang from Beicheng District waved a group of tons of iron golems to squash the
secondary power zombies. As soon as he turned around, he found that the two men who
cooperated with each other and the sword and sword flashing between them were not far
away. Gritted angrily
Grass, even the team logo is showing affection
The author has something to say Chapter 163 Excellent interesting comment
Netizens fun
Surnames have excellent first words.
Little yellow chicken
It ’s similar to looking for seven or eight points. It feels pretty handsome. I think it ’s better
if I think so
Netizen a braised fish
Seven or eight points are similar, then scratch his face first
It ’s over, they ’ll come after they ’re gone, will they pretend to be looking for the elder
brother or younger brother or something? Or work with the Qin family to work together?
Mushroom Su
Captain Xiao is a bit miserable hahaha, but looking for such a big one has never thought of
it, An An didn't expect me to treat you as a son, you treat me as a wife
Here's the second dog, hahaha
Miao Yunhan
I think where the house is allocated, the protagonist does not handle it well. On merit,
rewards should be allocated according to merit. The first five occupy four villas, and the
fifth one should be given to the sixth person, not because of Mr. Huang. If you have lived in
the home, it will be a matter of humanity, and continue to let them live in the family. This is
not unfair to the people who have credit for me, and it should not be rewarded because
they are merit for the newcomer. The house where Mr. Huang ’s family lived for half a year
was spending their apartment money on living in the villa. In fact, it was a discount for half
a year. No reason to continue to give other people what to think. And they do n’t have much
credit for the family. I remember my husband doing it in the kitchen. According to statistics,
Mr. Huang also taught two or three children. Compared with those scientific research
talents who are fighting for their lives and studying vaccines, they really do n’t have much
credit. Even if the protagonist streamlines the talents, both of them are the part that can be
laid off.
Author replyPost time2019091900: 01: 35
The names of the family of three are Tian Yi, Ye Ping, and Tian Shiyao.
You're right, the distribution of benefits should indeed be rewarded for merit, but the
outstanding contributors only selected six people. Since the review standards have been
established in advance, it is impossible to lower the bottom line just because the benefits
have not yet been issued, right?
If Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui didn't decide to live together, there would be one less
house. The An'an character would make the Tian family of three move out, but the key is
that the problem was solved before he spoke.
At first, the three families of the Tian family lived in the cadre building. The first reason was
that the base had just been established, the new members had not yet been recruited, and
the house was empty. Their family had an acquaintance with An An along the way, and they
brought a child again. Fewer children have survived since the end of the world, and this
decision was made under various psychological interactions.
Now that the problem of house allocation is resolved, it's not good to have someone move
again for no reason. The couple worked as cooks and teachers as teachers, and they worked
hard without credit. Together with that friendship, they would definitely continue to live
He said that sometimes the role of friendship is more important than imagined, especially
in the eschatological environment, people and the captain have known each other long ago,
even if others have opinions in their hearts, they will not put it on the bright side. It can
also be regarded as a foreshadowing.
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 165:

Settings saved..
The sharp blades are well-known for their good food, so when everyone camped and rested
in the cleaned county, when bacon and sausages on the iron plate just started to thrive in
oil, Liu Fangzhou and others were uninvited for the nth Xiao Lang was not surprised at all
"Your leader Xiao, come here again."
Xiao Lang was furious. "What's the matter, my name is to represent the tiger and wolf
group to come and exchange feelings with you. Do you know your captain?"
Xiong Manshan gave way to give him a seat. "It seems as if I answered the phone, I expect to
be back soon."
"So, what shall we have tonight?"
Before the nose tip had time to move forward to the iron plate, a tang knife slashed from
the oblique rear, and the metal scabbard was cold and biting. "The white eater died."
Xiao Lang turned his head and was angry when he saw the face. He threw his hand and
threw a pack of crystal nuclei at Shen Xun. "Who said Lao Tzu eats white food"
Shen Xun didn't even look at throwing the crystal nucleus back. He took back the Tang
knife and sat in his own position. "Not enough, get out."
"Your Lao Tzu taught you to drive in the afternoon. Is it a human task to teach you to drive?
Do you know how much it cost to teach you how to suffer?"
This sentence was literally sobbing blood, and immediately won the deep sympathy of
Xiong Manshan and others. It is not too much. Chairman Xiao is totally worth a free meal
coupon for life.
Shen Xun narrowed his eyes, and made it difficult for him to take a seat.
I ate Teppanyaki in the evening, and the one hundred people were divided into more than a
dozen groups, each sitting in a circle around the hot iron plate, each person had a barbecue
clip, freshly baked bacon, hot dog and lunch meat It ’s oily, whether it ’s rolled up with
lettuce and eaten with cucumber sticks, or rolled into strips with laver in rice balls, or
sandwiched into slices of bread to make a sandwich, the taste is great.
When Shen Shi'an returned, Shen Xun had just made a sandwich. Before they set off, a new
crop of wheat was harvested in the cultivated land next to the artificial lake. After grinding
into flour, they baked hundreds of pounds of bread slices. After baking, they were
immediately taken into the space, perfectly maintaining the rich barley aroma at the
moment when they were baked. The fragrant and tender bacon and luncheon meat, lettuce,
golden quiche, tomato slices overflowing with water, and a layer of apple sauce produced
from space make up a rich and seductive giant. Shen Xun took all two halves of the Big Mac
along the diagonal of the slice of bread, and lifted half of them to Shen Shi'an's mouth. "I
made them according to the method you taught, and tasted good or not."
Shen Shi'an took a bite into his hand as he sat down. "Well, it's delicious, it's great."
Shen Xun was very happy, and put his face over "then kiss me."
Shen Shi'an's roots turned red, and he kicked at his calf.
Shen Xunzhen has a word that I ca n’t kiss you in front of other people, but did n’t say you
ca n’t kiss me
Shen Shi'an ignored him and reached for a piece of laver, "Do you want to eat rice with
laver, do you want chili sauce or salad dressing?"
Shen Xun held the sandwich and moved it next to him. "It's all right, what you eat, what I
eat, come and take another bite."
Xiao Lang was stabbed by the two ’s unobtrusive "sexual flirtation", turned his head and
asked Chen Nan, "You have been so stuffed with dog food all day, you can bear it."
"Of course I can bear it," Xiao Lang jumped with a sudden response from the back, turned
around and found that a female player was hiding behind him like a back, holding a cell
phone to take pictures of Shen Shi'an. His cheeks were flushed with excitement. "The more
dog food, the better. I think the dog food made by the captain is not enough."
Gao Xiaohui embarrassed and pulled his girlfriend back by the collar, apologizing "Sorry,
sorry, to make Xiao Xiao laugh. You eat slowly, I promise she won't bother to come over
Yang Cancan complained with dissatisfaction, "What are you doing, I haven't finished
filming yet"
"Auntie, can you shoot me?"
"You don't look as good as the two captains"
"But my girlfriend looks good"
Head Xiao blocked his face to block the new dog food and turned his attention back to
dinner. "You don't have any fresh meat."
The standard of dinner is very high, but all the meat is vacuum-packed, which is clear from
the first time he came to Rizhao Rifan last year.
Shen Shian nodded. "The livestock farm has not been open for sale. The batch of chickens,
ducks, cows, and sheep that were purchased a year ago has already been used up." If it is
not the space-resistant person's space-resistant storage, I am afraid that the vacuum-
packed meat products on the market can be eaten Can't find it. There are ten mutant geese
in his own space, but the current situation is not suitable for taking out, too eye-catching.
"What about the mutant mice that attacked the base before? It tastes tasteless."
Chen Nan waved his hand. "No, we have a shadow on mutant mice, we can't eat them at all."
At the time, the tens of thousands of mutant mice encountered at the Yangcheng base were
eaten by zombies. Although the mutant mouse meat circulating in the market is
quarantine-qualified and does not contain zombie virus, who knows what has been eaten
before, it is better to eat sausage.
"Well, I want to eat meat but I have no place to buy it. Even Wang Jude has been closed for
more than two months because there is no live duck supply." Liu Fangzhou sighed. "I didn't
mean that the pasture was just because there were too many poultry and livestock that had
frozen to death last winter. So for the time being, if you are going out of business and
concentrate on breeding, how can you rest for so long after taking a break for more than
four months? Even if the growth cycle of cattle, sheep and pigs is not well developed, there
should be no problem in resuming sales of chickens, ducks and geese. "
"Not only was it frozen to death, it is said that the outbreak occurred again during the
period when the temperature rose the fastest in spring."
"Grass," Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened. "Avian flu mad cow disease foot-and-mouth disease
new variant virus" zombie virus is finally about to start poultry.
Xiao Lang shook his head. "I'm not sure about the specifics. The companies holding the
shares held the news extremely tightly, fearing to cause panic. However, the prevention
and control of the research institute was timely, and now it is under control, and it can be
restarted in about two months at most. Open to the outside world. "
Xu Ge was a little worried "the meat price is expected to skyrocket by then."
"I'm not afraid of high prices, anyway, we're not short of money." Xiong Manshan held the
bacon hot dog rice ball in his hand, looking forward. "I want to eat the braised pork meat
made by the captain. Pour rice, stir well and stuff a large spoonful of it into your mouth.
"Who doesn't want to eat, brother Xiong, you say my saliva is coming down."
The topic suddenly turned around, and began to discuss the various foods Shen Shi'an and
Xu Ge had made on the way to the capital. Xiao Lang couldn't get in, and when he looked up,
he found that Shen Xun had made another sandwich, or he delivered it by himself. Shen
Shi'an's mouth, from time to time, they whispered and whispered a few words, even
without knowing what the other party wanted. You handed me a bottle of jam, and I
handed you a packet of sausages. The intimate attitude of each other was really annoying.
Xiao Xiao ’s chest seemed to be stuffed with cotton, but he did n’t know why he was upset,
but he could n’t breathe, and he stacked a Big Mac sandwich into two. His eyes stared at
Shen Xun, and the other person took a bite of him. Take a bite and chew your teeth fiercely.
Shen Xun quickly discovered this provocative behavior, raising his chin slightly and
squinting at him, not necessarily moving fast, but he ate a sandwich with a couple of
Xiao Lang was unwilling to show weakness, and stared at the other person to eat a
sandwich. He ate too fast and was a bit embarrassed, fortunately, he tried to resist the urge
to roll his eyes.
There was a sneer in the corner of Shen Xun's mouth, and he wrapped a rice ball to
continue eating.
Xiao Lang did not fall into the wind, holding a bowel in each hand to open the bow.
When Shen Xun continued to eat the 11th sandwich slowly after five seaweed buns and
eight grilled sausages, Xiao Lang finally couldn't hold on, holding his stomach and panting,
"I did this because of the afternoon Motion sickness, loss of appetite, otherwise, you are
definitely not afraid of you "
Shen Xun sniffed and began to stack the twelfth sandwich.
Chen Nan and others looked at Xiao Xiao's eyes full of compassion. Although they didn't
know how it started, they compared the amount of meals to the elder brother, alas, why
Shen Shi'an did not want to comment.
Xiao Lang really ate too much, and he couldn't stand still. It felt like he could pop out of his
throat. Shen Shi'an threw a packet of fasting tablets and informed Li Cheng to come and
pick him up.
Li Cheng walked back with his head, feeling embarrassed and worried. When he reached
the corner of the street, he couldn't help but stopped at a stationery shop. "Head, you won't
be, really Interesting to Brother Shen? "
"Fart" Roar of Chief Xiao You can hear "I like women" three streets away
Li Cheng thinks it ’s no use yelling at me, and I ca n’t guarantee your sexual orientation.
After the roar is completed, it is not inexplicably jealous with Xun Xun, and the key is not to
compete with others. What is the plan?
Xiao Lang roared and calmed down a lot, pulled his arms from Li Cheng's shoulders, raised
his hand and tore the roadside billboards and twisted them into twists.
"I don't know," his face looked anxious and anxious. "I just feel unwilling."
But he was unwilling to tell anything, not even himself.
The place chosen by Shen Shi'an and others is a small hotel. The tap water stopped long
ago, but fortunately, there is a water tank on the top floor. Several water-powered people
flushed the water tank and filled it with water. After flowing through the water pipe, the
drinking standard must be up to Not on, but no problem for simple grooming.
The temperature is getting higher and higher, and all kinds of mosquitoes have become
active. With the experience of dealing with mutant mosquitoes last year, everyone closed
the doors and windows early, sprayed toilet water at each entrance and exit, and the whole
hotel was full of strong mint borneol flavor.
As soon as Shen Shi'an came out of the bathroom, Shen Xun pulled him into his arms, and
lowered his head and buried it in his neck to take a deep breath. "The toilet water tastes too
strong, but it still smells good."
Shen Shian's calf was weak, and he raised his hand and patted it on a koala-like man. "Smell
and smell, you lick, you lick \\ 039 what am I doing"
Shen Xun pressed him against the wall, his fingers pressed tightly against his head, and the
tip of his nose was pressed against the tip of his nose. He was walking around like a big dog.
The dark green eyes implied that "Today is Sunday."
Shen Xun pecked near his lips, his voice hoarse. "I have another chance to be useless."
Shen Shi'an was panting, but still kept his mind. "There are people living here, it's
"It's okay, we can enter the space."
"Well, huh, if there is an investigative power in other organizations, it will be easy to find."
The peck kiss turned from the lips to the earlobe, with the hotter body 039 hot 039 Wen
"Lu Xiuyuan used the wall to wrap up the entire hotel, and others couldn't find it. And we
doubled the time after entering the space. Does not affect rest and tasks at all. "
Shen Shi'an was so angry and funny, "You have all planned"
Dagouzi is kind of proud of it. "This is called preparedness."
Shen Shian still took him into the space.
After a few billion-dollar business talks, Shen Shi'an was lying beside his lover, his eyes
were a little bit dreamy.
Shen Xun stretched out his hands and rubbed his throat knot back and forth, and the red
ones were still with obvious teeth marks, "What are you thinking?"
Shen Shi'an focused his gaze, thinking for a while without concealing, "I was thinking, how
can you also have the right to freely enter and leave the space and the Lingquan Pool."
The last accident was enough. He absolutely could not accept Shen Xun's injury from the
Thunder shield again.
"I think there should be an answer in the exercise book," Shen Shian turned around and
faced him with four eyes. "But I can only see part of the content of the exercise book, and
there is still a blockade that cannot be detected at all." Just like the third floor of the
bamboo building, which was blocked by a transparent barrier, for so long, he still didn't
know what was in the third floor of the bamboo building.
"Maybe I can see more when I move on to the next level," Shen Shi'an continued. "The
second floor of the Zhulou was only opened after I learned the formulas. From the entire
space, To analyze the operating characteristics, the practice book takes the practice of
practice to a certain level as the trigger condition for full display. The possibility is very
high. "
It is a pity that it has been more than half a year since he was promoted to the third level,
and there has been no obvious change in the exercises so far. Is it necessary to achieve a
breakthrough in a fierce battle of life and death?
Shen Xun looked at him, and his dark green eyes were very tender. "This is why you went
into the space in the middle of the night some time ago.
Shen Shi'an shouted, "You, you know I'm into the space."
"Of course I know, if An An isn't with me, I'll find out immediately." Shen Xun grabbed his
hand and stuck it to his mouth and kissed him. "I also know that you don't tell me because
you don't want to worry me. But the space is not at all Important, Lingquan is not
important, An An is the most important. Have n’t you humans said it yourself, do things
naturally, and do not have the urge to hurry, the faster you want, the faster you ca n’t get
up. "
Shen Shian laughed "After reading a few books, you have become a philosopher"
"Of course, and I know that philosophy is divided into several categories."
Without waiting for Shen Shi'an to understand what this sentence meant, Shen Xun
reminded him "It's twelve o'clock, it's Monday."
"So I have three more chances."
"Don't you just find where you are going to kiss?"
The author has something to say, and I want to ask everyone's opinions. The next few
chapters are to see the thrills or the daily life of sand sculptures, because the mission has a
small boss. I wo n’t show up for the time being, talk about two more chapters of love and
end the mission and return to Beijing
Chapter 164 Selection of Comments
White Violet
I ca n’t see the comment so lonely
Netizens want to go west
Wait wait
Head Xiao is so miserable a hahahaha
Seven thousand fires
The big meaning is that it will definitely become a contradictory fuse in the future.
Netizen z8x9
Foreshadowing, I remember another person who seemed to be able to eavesdrop invisibly.
It was the little girl of Teacher Tian's house.
Xiaoyu Baking
Did their family of three come to Beijing before being bought?
Not enough to watch
Netizen Yun Zuiyue
I still want to read the comments. Even if it is a big deal, I ca n’t finish so many comments. I
hate Jinjiang.
Xiao Lang was dead hahaha
Samye Voro
According to international practice, Lu students will get a box lunch.
Good night
How to catch the footsteps of Lu Xiuyuan fg often suddenly wake up and said that they are
about to get a bento, it is rare to like Lu Xiuyuan.
Netizen white sugar cake
So will their family get in trouble later?
Netizen's Little Boar
If An An is still in the search car, it must be love. Hahahaha
The distribution of the house is really unreasonable. Someone will be jealous. But no one
said that they will definitely do things in the future. Especially the little girl must have a
Netizen's small praise
I still think that the little girl in Tian family wants to get rid of moths.
Netizen a braised fish
He ’s still naive than a sweeping robot.
Those three are definitely hidden dangers, especially the little girl, hey, it always gives me a
bad feeling
So that Yaoyao is going to do something
Jun Ling
It's time for Xiao Lang to find a boyfriend
Netizen ani
Ah, foreshadowing, a little flustered
Netizen passerby B
Lu Xiuyuan is so sensational, I suspect he wants to have lunch
Nan Kite
Xiao Lang was mad at his hair
Netizens drifting over g15
Lifting and getting off the car is also very hhhhhh
Yan Xitang
Dog sperm is better to drive a car, and the sweeping robot is sometimes out of my control,
and it is slow, and it doesn't fit my male dog waist.
Little yellow chicken
Heck, I think the Tian family is really a hidden danger. Mrs. Ye seemed to speak very well,
but her behavior was weird, not that kind and gentle and principled, but too deliberately
tolerant to please. Tong Tong Yao Yao had contradictions in the front. She did n’t know it
was Yao Yao ’s fault I can apologize immediately. I think e is very strange. Of course, it may
be that greasy adults always have the interests to tell the truth first. The more honest the
person is, the more terrible it is.
Seven Nights Snow
Speaking of Lu Xiuyuan, I think of a problem. Can the vaccine after the successful
development help him to restore his original appearance? Miss An An ’s dead party, Yun Fei
Yang, and the bodyguard Wan Feng. When will they come out to meet you? Stand a long
time ago
Su Mo
The leader of Xiao Lemon Jing Sao Bao Shen Cabinet was also sour to the back of his head
and didn't realize that he was in a vinegar day
Netizens get into the wind
The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed,
everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL
will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 166:

Settings saved..
Even with the large troops heading north, the temperature is still getting higher. As the
temperature rises, the atmosphere of competition among organizations is getting stronger.
It all comes down to Xiao Lang.
After losing the appetite and being reminded by Li Cheng euphemistically, he also realized
how naive and small he was of this behavior, so he reorganized his spirit and presented
Shen Xun with a manly challenge. Who can kill more zombies in this mission.
Shen Dagou will be afraid that he does not exist.
So the smoke rose between the two, and the zombies within ten miles of the rail line
completely fell over.
The competition soon extended from the two captains to the sharp blades and tigers and
wolf groups they represented. In accordance with the principle of friendship in the first
match and the second, the two teams started a positive and healthy competition.
Because engineering troops need to set up a complete line of defense on both sides of the
rail, the workload is large and the movement speed is relatively slow. As an advance force,
it must also slow down to cooperate. Anyway, idle is also idle. Several main leaders in
charge have simply expanded the scope of cleaning up, extended the friendly match
between the original sharp blade and the tiger and wolf team to the entire advance team,
and held a large group open tournament. , Named "the first Railway Hero Cup corpse elite
contest", also called idle nothing painful game.
All mission participants are divided into eighteen groups according to their organization or
team. By the time they reach the end of the mission, Luan Cheng, that group has the largest
number of zombies and the greatest value, and the group is the winner. The winning group
will not only get the title of "railway hero", and will be publicly praised. One-tenth of all the
nuclei obtained by the remaining seventeen groups will be awarded to the winner as the
competition reward.
One-tenth crystal nuclei, that is not a small number, the competition is getting more and
more fierce under the driving of interests, and the big guys in each organization who have
never done real work have also shown their full strength. The development and use are
extremely ingenious, and the battle with advanced zombies is even more wonderful,
attracting a large number of fans.
Of these, the "rose powder" is the fastest, of course, Shen Shian and Shen Xun.
Everyone has a strong mentality, and everyone has a beautiful heart. Who can not like the
good-looking and strong masters, especially when they are fighting together with swords
and swords? According to Yang Cancan, "That is a beautiful landscape, no more zombies
are enough to cut." As long as the two slender and erect figures wearing dark green combat
uniforms appeared, it would bring not only visual enjoyment and emotional excitement,
but also an indescribable sense of security.
So at noon on this day, when a female psionicist was holding a box in his arms and came to
Lixianying to find Shen Xun, it seemed completely understandable.
The girl was in her early twenties, her cheeks were flushing, and she looked at Shen Xun
and said, "Captain Shen, me, can I say a few words to you alone?"
Shen Xungang found a chance to sneak in to Shen Shi'an in the woods behind him. He still
stuck his tongue out and was in a good mood, so he was rarely willing to talk to strangers.
The girl's face was redder, her lips clenched and her courage said, "Yes, can I go to the side
and tell you alone? I promise, I won't delay you for too long."
Shen Xun didn't want to go, he had to accompany An An to eat. However, Shen Shi'an taught
him to be polite to women. After thinking about it, he said, "I'll be right back" to Shen
Shi'an. Then he stood up and walked with the girl to another shade not far away.
"Look," as soon as the two left, Yang Cancan, who was always following the movements of
An Xun, rushed over. "What the woman wants to do is not to confess to the vice captain."
Liu Fangzhou glanced at Shen Shi'an's face, "It seems like it." It was a little too obvious, and
maybe he couldn't find anything else.
How dare you dismantle my c Yang Cancan's eyes widened. "Does anyone in this world not
know that our captain and deputy captain are a pair?"
In fact, it's normal. Shen Shi'an only officially disclosed the relationship in front of the core
players, and she had another three chapters with Shen Xun. There was no explicit intimacy
in public. It is also reasonable to treat them as teammates. It makes people blind and really
like a person with a burning heart, who doesn't have a point and maybe there is hope.
It ’s just that Xiong Manshan did n’t understand “Why did anyone confess to Xunge but no
one confessed to the captain?”
"Well," Liu Fangzhou lowered his voice. "If you are a woman, you are willing to find a
boyfriend who looks better than yourself."
No matter what other people think, Shen Shi'an's face is calm and normal, and he can't see
any mood swings.
Yang Cancan boldly darted to his side, "Captain, aren't you worried?"
Shen Shi'an looked at her, her eyes were like Mo Yu, flashing a cold and moist light "worry"
In fact, there is nothing to worry about. Because Shen Xun returned in less than half a
minute, the female prodigy turned and ran back, crying while running.
Shen Shi'an has a headache, "What did you tell her?" I don't know if I still think that big
dogs have bullied others.
Chen Nan and others consciously changed a shade to make room for them. Yang Cancan
was so daring that he walked halfway down to pretend to tie his shoelaces, but his ears
stood tall.
Shen Xun sat down next to him. "She asked me if I liked someone, I said yes, she asked if she
could like her, I said no, she asked why, and I said she looked better than someone I liked."
Succeed. Yang Cancan raised his thumb in your heart, where are you like to bend, you reply
more straight than straight men.
Shen Xun observed Shen Shi'an's face, solemnly declared that "I'm telling the truth, she
doesn't care about me"
Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead. "But it cannot be said. Under no circumstances should
appearances be used as a reason to reject a person, especially a girl."
Shen Xun thoughtfully and stood up to go "then I'll go to her again."
"Wait a minute," Shen Shi'an held him. "What are you going to say to her?"
"Tell her that she's not only better-looking than the ones I like, not as good as the ones I
like, and not as clever as the ones I like."
Yang Cancan lamented who said that the most poisonous woman's heart, cutting off peach
blossoms or the vice captain was fierce enough.
Shen Shian asked him to sit down and guide him with patience. "If the other person looks
better and smarter than me, and is smarter and better, would you like her?"
"of course not"
Shen Xun thought for a moment, "I see."
He found the female power again. "Sorry, I don't dislike you because of your appearance."
Female prodigal eyes flushed "That's why"
"Because you are not Shen Shi'an."
Before the lunch break was over, An Xun's c-fan army added another member. Yang Cancan
personally pulled in and shared a lot of sugar materials.
Harsh, how can I find my boyfriend happy.
Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the advance troops entered a small town called
Yangliu Town.
The town is actually not a small one. It is more than double the area of the fifth- and sixth-
tier cities that it passed by, and has a large population. It has a permanent population of
120,000, of which nearly three-quarters have become zombies.
Among the more than 90,000 zombies, there is a third-level wood-based zombie. It is
estimated that it has evolved to the late third-level. It is very difficult to entangle. In just 20
minutes, it turned a small half of the town into a prehistoric primitive forest. The air roots
meandered between the buildings, constantly digging into the depths of the earth and
breaking out of the soil, just like the dying giant python, the humans trapped in it were
almost like little mice chased by giant pythons.
In the end, Shen Xun carried out a knife attack, Shen Shi'an attacked with a sword, and
together he cut off the opponent's cranium.
"Shen Xun," Shen Shi'an stood on the thickest vine with the highest altitude, as if the python
had a high arched belly, still holding the green crystal nucleus with the lingering warfare in
his body. Laughing at him "You come up."
Shen Xun jumped up, and before he could speak, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and caught his
neck, giving him a long and deep kiss.
There were screams underneath, deafening.
For a long time, Shen Xun, whose heart was so sweet that he could draw, gasped and asked
him, "Don't you say the three chapters of the law?"
Shen Shi'an wiped his mouth with his thumb. "I promise you can't kiss me in public, but I
haven't said I can't kiss you."
At this time it is five o'clock in the afternoon. Although it is still a while before sunset,
considering the mutated mosquitoes appearing after dark, it is too dangerous to find other
buildings that can be sheltered. Besides, it is not too urgent to hurry. The troops decided to
stay in the town overnight.
Sharp Blade chose a row of connected civilian houses as a starting point. Shen Shi'an and
Shen Xun walked into one of them and found that the tap water was still available. They
killed more than three hours of zombies. The body was either sweat or blood, and it was
sticky. It was unbearable, so I was going to take a shower first. Xiong Manshan and others
did not have this demand, and after cleaning the house briefly, they decided to go out for a
stroll. Although the estimates of eating were not found, but it was so large here that we
might find something useful.
The southeastern side was covered with wood zombies with tree roots and vines. The
building fell more than half and could hardly fall, so a pedestrian went straight north along
the main road after going out. At this point, the sun still dazzled the eyes, the road Near the
center of the place where it has been exposed for a long time, it can almost smoke, even if it
feels hot when wearing shoes.
The part that picked up the building's shadow slowly walked for seven or eight hundred
meters, and a touch of green standing at the northern entrance of the town suddenly came
into view.
"Look," Liu Fangzhou exclaimed, "a big tree."
It is a willow tree. I do n’t know how many years, the cross section is almost as wide as the
road, the green wicker hangs down and flourishes like a waterfall, and a semi-closed space
with a radius of about five meters is isolated around the trunk. All are fresh and soft
Already other survivors had discovered this huge willow tree before them, and gathered
around it in twos and threes, marveling at it. Several adult men gestured around the tree
with their arms open. "Fuck, at least seven or eight people are needed to surround this
"Such a thick tree is estimated to be fine."
"No wonder this place is called Yangliuzhen, and I don't know how many years ago such a
tree was planted."
"Just look at the annual rings," someone joked. "Let's cut it."
The wind blew through, and thousands of willow branches rustled in the wind.
Xiong Manshan plunged into the opening cloth-like wicker and turned his head out to say
"Hurry up, come in here so cool"
The sun is hot outside, but the green is dense inside. The lush willow branches and willow
leaves block most of the heat waves. In such weather, the slightest coolness is kept, and the
breeze is very cool and comfortable.
Xu Ge and others quickly sat down under the willow tree, and the willow leaves fluttered in
the cool breeze, taking away the summer heat. "It's much more comfortable than blowing
air conditioners."
Chen Nan nodded. "Unfortunately, there are mutant mosquitoes at night. Otherwise, a
mosquito net will be used to sleep underneath. I will never even dream about it at dawn."
Xiong Manshan probe "Brother Chen Nan, gave birth to a watermelon cricket, eating
watermelon with a small wind is called Shu Tan."
Chen Nanbao happened to be carrying watermelon seeds. Two seeds were taken out of the
soil, and four dozen pounds of big watermelons were bred in a blink of an eye.
This kind of seed was cultivated by Shen Shi'an in the space for a second time. The resulting
watermelon peel is thin and crispy, big and sweet, and the juice splashed with a bite.
Xiong Manshan was holding the melon and eating happily, and suddenly felt that he was hit
on the left shoulder.
On the left is Liu Fangzhou. "What are you doing on the boat, don't make trouble eating
Liu Fangzhou inexplicably "I didn't do anything."
"You didn't do anything and who hit it," the voice did not fall, and he was beaten again on
his right shoulder.
Xiong Manshan turned his head to the right "Hey, Yuaner, I didn't expect you to learn
Tao Yuan is more inexplicable "what"
"You still pretend to be with me, I know oops." Xiong Manshan covered his head that was
beaten again. As soon as he looked up, he saw that a branch of willow was swinging left and
right flexibly like a snake, and it suddenly extended to the next level. Covering his ears, he
robbed Xiong Manshan of half of the watermelon.
What about me? This willow tree is really good.
When Xiong Manshan fell into a state of rigidity, the situation suddenly became abrupt.
Thousands of willow branches that originally sent cool waves with the gentle breeze,
suddenly seemed to have their own consciousness, twisted into hundreds of thick green
tentacles, and surpassed the twenty survivors who were cooling down under the tree.
Attacked at the same time
Xiong Manshan responded very quickly and faster. He sent all five teammates, including Lu
Xiuyuan, out of the willow tree shade range in an instant, but the others had no such good
luck. They were all made up of willow branches. The tentacles were tangled firmly and
lifted in the midst of a crazy swing.
Liu Fangzhou stunned, "hitting, hitting willow"
Shen Shi'an had just taken a shower, and relying on her outstanding ears, she heard
screams from afar.
At the same time, an urgent call for help from Liu Fangzhou and others was sent to the
communicator on the stool together with the dirty clothes.
Shen Shi'an asked for directions, and Shen Xun dressed and rushed out as fast as possible.
When the intact figure of Liu Fangzhou and others appeared in his field of vision, the tone
of tightness on his chest was loosened, and he was immediately taken away. The huge,
turbulent emerald green shadow drew all its attention
What is this
Xiong Manshan and others saw that they finally found the backbone, and quickly waved
their hands to say "Captain looking for brother"
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun ran to "what happened"
Xiong Manshan is still in a frightened state "We can't figure it out, well, the willow tree is
crazy when it says crazy"
Tao Yuan reminded "Don't stand too close, as soon as you get close, you will be attacked by
a tree branch, it is particularly fast."
A total of nineteen people **** by willow branches were still sack-like and were thrown
around in the air. Some people were still screaming, some people only had faint groaning,
and others There is no sound.
Liu Fangzhou said, "At present, they are still alive, but according to such a throwing method
of willow essence, they will have to die sooner or later."
"Isn't the plant immune to viruses?" Lu Xiuyuan was puzzled. "I haven't seen mutant plants
since the last days. What is this willow tree?"
Xu Ge suddenly became vigilant "Will there be someone secretly controlling whether there
are hidden wood abilities or wood zombies nearby"
"No," Liu Fangzhou was very determined. "I felt all over, up and down, no one or zombies
could hide. But since this willow essence suddenly went crazy, a small light appeared from
the place of the willow." group."
"Aren't you unable to sense the plants?" Liu Fangzhou could only sense creatures with
obvious mobility, such as human animals and zombies.
"Yeah, that's why I think this willow tree is fine"
Shen Shian asked "What kind of light group"
"It's green. It's about the same as the wood abilities or wood zombies, but it's very small.
Fluttering and flickering like ghost fire. At first I thought I was scared and had an illusion."
At the moment when everyone was exchanging information, members of other
organizations also rushed to it. They were also surprised by the abnormal situation and
wondered how to react. A fire-powered person tried to set fire to the tree. The flaming fire
dragon just spewed out, leaving a black mark on the thick trunk of the willow tree
immediately. The willow trembled as if in pain, and stopped even shaking.
The "Fire Attack Effective" ability was overjoyed, and was preparing to make persistent
efforts. A thick thigh branch swept out at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye,
entangled the attacker, and lifted it into the mid-air crazy swing. The swing speed was
faster than before. More intense.
Shen Shi'an clearly heard the sound of the broken bones of the victim, and his heart sank
As soon as the voice fell, dozens of thick branches suddenly grew on the trunk of the huge
willow. The whole tree was like an enraged ancient Siren beast, waving its thick and long
tentacles to double the size before. The rest of the attack range frantically attacked the
The dust on the ground was pulled out of a shallow trench. Liu Fangzhou and others were
either hugged by Xiong Manshan or reacted in time and backed away a short distance. Shen
Shi'an two backflips steadily landed on the ground, while Shen Xun directly took one.
Holding one of the branches, dragged it fiercely, the pliable branch was stretched straight
immediately, as if it would be pulled off the trunk at any time.
The tentacles swayed for a moment, then more branches attacked Shen at the same time
with a sharp breaking sound.
Shen Xun backhanded 039 and cut out half of the Tang sword, and the other half was
resolved by Shen Shi'an who rushed in at the same time, and the cut off branches fell to the
The two looked at each other, didn't even need to speak, and stood up and rushed towards
Like a strong and elegant cheetah and a strong and mighty lone wolf, it is flexible to shuttle
between the branches that are increasingly crazy. The blade of light is like the electric
sword and the shadow of frost. A person throws the willow tree out of range from a high
The tacit understanding of the core players has long been natural in countless side-by-side
battles. The two of Shen Shi'an just rushed into the willow tree's tentacle network. Chen
Nan immediately spawned a flat platform with a devil vine on the periphery. Every time
they threw one People, Xiong Manshan took a person and gave it to Tao Yuan for treatment.
Xu Ge and Lu Xiuyuan originally intended to rush into the war circle to help, but later
discovered that the two captains who did not need to help the magic soldiers in their hands
seemed to be born of willow sprites, and their swift and swift figures had no "tree" to stop
them. How long, an old willow tree that was five meters thick, ten meters high, and leafy
was cut into a bare willow trunk, and no leaf remained.
Xiong Manshan and others walked across the ground with broken branches and leaves.
"Oh, I'm going, no wonder everyone says that bald and old people are dazzling. This hair
really shows a lot of hair." Such a cut of wicker felt the whole tree. Dwarf.
Tao Yuan carefully examined the trunk twice. "I think this tree seems to have its own
Shen Shian nodded. "I feel the same way."
This event sounds extremely incredible. Zombies evolved self-awareness. It is easy to
understand. After all, they were originally humans, but how does a plant evolve self-
awareness? It has no even the most basic neural structure. At will, the willow tree is
refined, at best, it's just a talk. It's a fact to tell others how many people will believe it. Who
is really stupid?
Xu Ge laughed. "If Brother Tang knows he must be happy, he must be crazy."
Shen Xun asked Liu Fangzhou: "You said earlier that this tree can sense green light
"Can it be sensed"
Shen Xun raised his hand and touched the trunk. He didn't know if it was because of fear or
itching. He shook the trunk while he felt it, as if the leaves were falling in the wind and
there was a pitiful posture. Touching the position of the trunk near the root, Shen Xun
stopped. "There is a wood-based crystal nucleus inside."
"What" exclaimed at the same time.
Shen Shian asked "Are you sure?"
Shen Xun nodded "OK, I can sense it, and the level should not be low, at least it is a tertiary
crystal nucleus."
Crystal nucleus can only be generated in zombies and humans, which is beyond doubt, both
of which have been completely transformed by the virus.
How did an advanced wood-based crystal nucleus run into an old willow tree that looks at
least hundreds of years old?
"Wait a moment," Chen Nan suddenly responded, "If the crystal nucleus is in the willow
tree and there are no obvious scars on the trunk, it does not mean that the willow tree
wrapped it in the growing process."
The growth of the tree is the top and lateral split growth, that is, the height of the root will
not change. You engraved a stamp on the annual small tree. After ten or twenty years, the
stamp will still be at the original height. The position of the crystal nucleus determined by
Shen Xun is less than one foot high, which means that when the crystal nucleus and this
willow tree meet, the willow is only a small sapling.
The point is, this old willow tree looks at least a few hundred years old.
"There is only one explanation," Shen Shi'an said. "This willow tree is not as old as it looks.
The reason why it will grow so big is because of the crystal nuclei."
"Brother Tang and Ruo Ruo said that the crystal nucleus is likely to make some form of
DNA aggregates," Liu Fangzhou's eyes brightened. "This willow tree absorbed the energy of
the crystal nucleus and accidentally merged some human DNA, so Only to have his own
consciousness. ”As for what kind of process and chemical reaction is in this, he does not
know. He's just a high school student anyway.
Tao Yuan nodded. "The ark made sense."
If this willow tree grows so large because it absorbs the energy from the crystal nucleus,
then it should reasonably be possible to shrink the volume by recovering the energy from
the crystal nucleus. All wood-based abilities follow this principle when manipulating
plants. .
Shen Shi'an's eyes flickered and he stared at the willow. "Can you shrink?"
Willow was unresponsive.
Shen Shi'an pulled out his long sword "May I help you"
The trunk of the willow trembled sharply, with a slight sense of grievance, and then
narrowed around at a speed that was visible to the naked eye under the eyes of everyone,
and finally Shen Shi'an pulled it out of the ground like a radish and turned to Chen Nan to
return. You. "Willow tree essence is best suited to Chen Nan. If properly controlled, Chen
Nan's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.
After thinking about it, I added a sentence, "This thing doesn't seem to have low
intelligence, and it has a wild character. I'm afraid we need to adjust the 039 teaching. We
must make sure that it is completely tame before it can be used in combat."
Chen Nanxi couldn't help himself. The most important thing in determining the combat
effectiveness of the wood-based abilities is the combat plant. The ability of the devil vine
has been verified in countless battles, but the limitation is that the defense is insufficient
and the attack is insufficient. With this fight and madness The same willow monster can
just make up for his shortcomings in attack, it is just like tailor-made for him.
At the moment, he did not quit, and immediately took over the radish-like willow essence.
In order to prevent it from temporarily reversing the water, the devil vine was deliberately
entangled and wrapped in a weapon bag around his waist.
Liu Fangzhou had a sudden whistle, and greeted Xiong Manshan and others to collect the
stubbles on the ground. "Don't you say that you will inadvertently insert willow and willow
into the shade, indicating that the willow tree is good for feeding. In case these branches
also carry human DNA, they will also grow up Can it swing wildly? At that time, let Nan
brother create a circle around the courtyard wall of our sharp base, and whoever dares to
approach will be stunned. It is better to protect than anything. "
Shen Shi'an had to admit that there was a little truth in what he said. In the end, all the
branches were properly stored in his space.
After so much toss, the sky was gradually getting dark, and everyone began to go back.
The weapon bag around Chen Nan's waist moved. The willow tree essence seemed to want
to grow branches to escape, but was discovered by Chen Nan in time, and immediately
controlled the devil vine to tighten again, binding the three layers of the willow tree
essence with three layers and five flowers. Rigorous.
Willow essence lived like a little chick with fate around his throat, completely motionless.
The author has something to say about Tamarix you are a devil
Devil vine I am.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 167:
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The closer to the terminal Luan City, the more tense the atmosphere in the team.
As an important transportation hub in province e and a well-known coal resource city,
Luancheng was economically developed and densely populated before the last days, with a
resident population of about two million. According to the national zombification rate,
there are now at least 1.5 million zombies. .
This number of zombie groups means that the possibility of having evolved a fourth-level
zombies is not less than 80%.
Even if they had not personally participated in the fighting, all survivors knew the terrible
nature of the fourth-level zombies. If Luan City does have Level 4 zombies, millions of
zombies will listen to their orders, which is equivalent to the entire city being under the
control of this zombies, not to mention the strength of the level 4 zombies themselves.
This time, the situation was different from when the absolute death zone was cleaned up.
They did not have 10,000 reinforcements, and they did not have the base of Beijing as their
base camp. The main purpose of overcoming Luancheng was to establish a garrison to
maintain smooth transportation of the railway line and re-mine coal resources. This means
that you cannot use a guided weapon of the level 039 for bombing.
If there are really four zombies, more than two thousand of them must resist.
The tense atmosphere continued to spread in the team. The leaders and leaders of the
organizations held meetings almost every day to analyze the possible situations and
corresponding combat plans from all angles, and strived to no matter what the fourth-level
zombies were. Ability can be prepared.
The same caution and tension are clearly reflected in everyone involved. There are still
about two days away from Luancheng, and Qu Shuo has to stand on the roof of the car and
watch it through the telescope almost every half an hour, and dare not let go of any
Tao Yuan noticed that he spent too much time on the roof of the car and climbed up the
outer wall of the car. "What, what did you find?"
Qu Shuo took the telescope away from his eyes and frowned slightly, seemingly worried.
"I'm not sure. Come on, look at it at two o'clock in the northeast."
Tao Yuan took the telescope and adjusted his viewing angle and orientation according to
what he said, "It seems like a village."
It looks like a small village. There are no trees to cover the village, so you can see it quite
clearly. The buildings are not many. Most of them are two-story small buildings. There are
several low-rise villages scattered on the periphery. Blowing in the sun drew clear signs of
desolation. You can't see living people, and you can't see zombies.
"What's wrong with this village"
Qu Shuo frowned even more. "I seem to have seen it yesterday."
Yesterday I saw the convoy going north and never looked back. How could this village have
seen the village yesterday and would not run.
"Did you admit it wrong?" Tao Yuan recalled that "the architectural styles in the north are
similar. We have passed a lot of such abandoned villages, and we will feel familiar with
them. Or it may be a hallucinatory memory, which is often said that The sense of sight, I
have never seen it, but I feel like I have known each other. This is also normal, and I often
feel it. "
Qu Shuo thought for a moment, and released his eyebrows and sighed with relief. "You're
right, I'm a little bit too windy."
Tao Yuan returned the telescope to him and patted him on his shoulder. "Don't be nervous,
there are two captains. As long as we are united, there is no zombie we can't solve."
When Shen Shi'an returned to the Sharp Blade team after the meeting, Shen Xun had just
returned with a cleaning team to Luan City. The corpse competition was still going on. Shen
Shi'an was busy in a combat meeting and had no skills. Therefore, Sharp Blade was here.
The task of leading the team to kill the zombies was given to Shen Xun, after all, Shen
Dagouzi would never allow himself to lose to Xiao Lang.
The weather was too hot, and Shen Xun was sweating on his forehead. As he walked, he
unfastened the belt and took off the combat jacket. Chi 039 bare a strong and strong upper
body. He raised his hand and poured a bottle of mineral water from his head.
Crystal drops of water jumped lightly on his handsome eyebrows, rolled across the knife-
like side, across the raised throat, rolled along the perfect muscle line, and finally
disappeared into the seam of the pants.
He shook his head, and the drops of water splashed in the bright sunlight, like a powerful,
wild, free-stretching beast, exuding a strong and lethal attractive male breath, more
dazzling than the sun. Time attracted countless sights.
The deliberate suppression of screams continued.
The fierce beast raised his hand and frizzled his hair to reveal a full and clean forehead. He
walked long legs and walked to Shen Shi'an in three or two steps.
Shen Shi'an's gaze lingered on his sweaty glittering abdominal muscles for a moment, the
throat knot twitched up and down twice, then he looked away, took out a t-shirt from the
space and handed him "put on."
After a pause, he added, "After adding one more to the three chapters of the law, you are
not allowed to take off your clothes in public."
With half a day to go to Luancheng, everyone was waiting for war.
The long railroad tracks extended forward, and the wide road quickly retreated. Many
people took the telescope to stand on the roof of the car and looked out, hoping to get more
information as soon as possible.
Finally, the undulating and uneven building group appeared at the end of the field of vision.
Also appearing was the striking earthy city wall outside the building complex.
"Why is there a city wall?"
The team immediately exploded.
"That's the rise of the wall of the soil system. Right?"
"The city walls are still intact, are there any survivors in the city?"
"Maybe it's surrounded by zombies."
"Are you stupid, zombies are anxious to eat people, why do the siege walls trap
When ordinary members were in doubt, the responsible people quickly gathered together.
Twenty minutes later, Liu Fangzhou, who was carried by Xiong Manshan on his back to
investigate the situation, brought back the exact message: "There are no zombies, all
survivors are in Luancheng."
Everyone was overjoyed "Liu Xiaoge is OK"
"OK, OK," Liu Fangzhou jumped from Xiong Manshan's back, excited and impatient.
"Brother Xiong took me around the city wall and ran a few back and forth, and I felt the
whole Luan city all over. Inside There is no zombie, all people. "
"How many survivors are there"
"About two hundred thirty thousand."
The expected millions of zombies suddenly turned into more than 200,000 similar ones,
which is really great news.
The good news that Luan City had been cleared to become a safe base spread quickly
throughout the team as the spring breeze, everyone was excited, relieved, and the team's
speed increased to the fastest, galloping towards the wall with excitement and joy.
Twenty minutes later, the advance troops successfully entered Luancheng.
When viewed from a distance, the endless city walls seem to surround the entire city. After
entering, it was discovered that the walls were actually only a concentrated area of living in
the suburbs of the original Luan City, which only accounted for about one-tenth of the
original urban area. About one.
This is easy to understand, after all, the total population has been sharply reduced from
more than two million before the end of the world to more than 200,000. It is not only
unnecessary to occupy the entire original urban area, but there is no way to set up an
effective defense line.
The convoy was slowly driving on the main road inside the city wall and gradually
penetrated into the base of the base. The team members looked out curiously through the
window of the car, and the residents inside the base also looked inside.
After the end of the last days, Shen Shi'an entered many bases and was disturbed. Similar to
a tobacco factory base in a refugee camp, the surface was dark and horrible. Noah's Ark
base was busy and full of unity. Yangcheng base and standardized management shifted to
Attack the actively developed bases in Beijing.
Luancheng base is different from these bases. The residents here not only have the
resoluteness and bravery tempered in the last days, but also the softness and serenity of
the peaceful era, and there is a strong atmosphere of life everywhere.
The oldest member of the car stared out for a while and looked, "Yo, it looks like a small
town back in the 1980s and 1990s."
Five base managers were already waiting while the convoy stopped in front of a cylindrical
high-rise building in the center of the base.
Immediately, seventeen speakers, including Shen Shi'an, followed and led into the building
and had friendly exchanges with the local community.
Everyone learned from the manager's mouth that Luancheng base was established very
early, less than two months after the virus outbreak, at that time the zombie had not yet
evolved significantly, and the action was slow and the response was extremely slow.
Fortunately, people have evolved a high lethal power.
The first group of visionaries was far-sighted, realizing that in this global disaster, they
could not wait passively for rescue and must take the initiative to protect themselves.
Therefore, they went the other way, not only did not stay away from the city, but instead
used the power's deterrent call to success. Hundreds of thousands of survivors were
organized, and guerrilla warfare and traps were set up to actively kill some low-level
In the end, more than 200,000 survivors survived, and the zombies in Luan City were
completely cleared.
Thanks to the early cleanup of zombies, the zombie group in the town near Luan City lost a
million-level "dna data sharing library", so the evolution rate is much slower than in other
regions, and base personnel have encountered the highest level It's just power two.
It's no wonder that the atmosphere in the base is peaceful. It turned out to be a merciless
encounter with high-level zombies.
The origins and identities of Shen Shi'an and others were confirmed, and they learned that
the Beijing base intends to restore the railway transportation line and use Luancheng as an
important site. The managers here sincerely and warmly welcomed the advance troops.
More than a thousand people arranged a proper resting place and hosted a grand welcome
ceremony that night.
Although the zombies do not need to be cleaned up, there are still many follow-up matters
to be dealt with by the advance forces, such as how to arrange the survivors at the base of
Luancheng, whether to remit to the capital or stay in place. What should be done to
Luancheng in order to adapt to the function of the garrison? This kind of transformation
and the division of related interests after the dredging of railway lines require further
specific consultations. However, these things can't be anxious, anyway, the engineering
troops have not yet followed up, and everyone has enough time, so the large troops are
temporarily settled in Luancheng base.
Luan Cheng confirmed the safety. The first stage of the entire rail dredging plan can almost
certainly be successfully completed. After a day's rest adjustment and further negotiations
with the managers here, Shen Shi'an and others decided to go before the engineering
troops arrive. Check another important content of this mission: coal mine resources.
The mining area is not in the city, it is about ten kilometers from the base, and it is twenty
minutes by car.
The risk of this trip is expected to be very low. In the past, you can estimate the situation
and come back soon. After internal consultations, it was decided that the main body of the
advance troops would stay in the city and continue to rest. Half of the seventeen speakers
stayed to preside over the situation and the other half. Take the necessary personnel to
visit the mining area accompanied by the base manager.
Liu Fangzhou's ability is very useful when inspecting the mine, so the sharp side is sure to
go. In addition to the two captains and Liu Fangzhou, the core members are idle and idle,
and they intend to follow up with them, and finally decide that Qu Shuo and Lu Xiuyuan will
stay in charge of the affairs.
"The team members can move freely, don't cause trouble if you are in the city, don't leave
too far if you are outside the city," Shen Shi'an Road. The area of the mine is large and there
are many factories. It will take a little time to check it. We try to come back today and no
later than sunset tomorrow. "
Qu Shuo nodded, "I see."
Lu Xiuyuan hugged his chest with both hands, expressing great resistance to staying with
Qu Shuo, but nodded likewise.
The survey team set off at 9 am and arrived inside the mine less than 9:30. The inspection
results are better than expected. The wind and rain for more than a year did not cause
much damage to the mining equipment, and most of them can still be used normally. The
zombies in the mine are slightly troublesome to handle, but they are slightly affected Not
too big. Various processing plants are also kept intact. As long as the zombies inside are
cleaned up, professionals are required to make simple repairs and adjustments, and they
will soon be put into production. It is expected that the livelihood problems of many
survivors will be solved.
The terrain in the mining area is complicated, and it took much longer than expected to
complete the inspection. It was not able to rush back to the base before dark. That night,
the survey team cleared one of the factory buildings, and everyone would sleep all night,
and set off on the return journey the next morning.
It was less than nine o'clock when we returned to Luancheng base. Shen Shi'an just got out
of the car and Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui rushed over.
"Captain, the instructor and Lu Ge are missing."
The author has something to say Chapter 166 Comment
Mu Mu
So miserable a willow haha
Mi Mi Hu Hu
Is this the pace towards Hogwarts? Hahaha
Netizen Tongtong
Where is Xun Anc? Ah Xun An is in the wrong order.
Netizen doate
Willow tree: I'm too hard 嘤 嘤 嘤
Hahahaha, are you a devil I am, hahahaha
Chick Willow
Netizen white sugar cake
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Netizen Harajuku
I stand the new plant Cipiovo
When I first saw the chapter title, the first reaction was Harry Potter
Author replyPost time 2019092615: 21: 33
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Chicken cub
Qing Yue
C, who willow the willow spirit and the devil vine, hopes that the devil vine will come to
Xuetang Tang
Hahahahahahahaha are you the devil
Mi Mi Hu Hu
After the founding of the Willow Tree, wasn't it forbidden?
Netizen aze
Hahahahahahaha talking so interesting
Hahahahahahahahahahaha so fun too
Inexplicably want to stand the devil vine and willow tree c is swollen?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Devil's Vine is justified, no problem
I was caught off guard by the devil vine x willow tree c
Hahahahahahahahaha so cute
Netizen x stay away from me
I can be single, my uncle c has to get married
Others send dog food to Qixi Festival, I love sugar on Qixi Festival
磕 c is really happy
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Yan Xitang
Tamarisk tree ghost devil vine c ah what name should be called devil willow ghost willow
magic ghost art
Author reply
Ghost fine c
Netizens drifting over g15
Qian Xue
Willow tree is so miserable hhhhhh
Chick, I ’m going to laugh crazy ha ha ha ha, what is the last devil ha ha ha ha ha
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 168:

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\\ "Missing \\" Shen Shi'an Nian Shen Rushui "Tell the story carefully, from beginning to
This matter will start from two days ago, the day when the advance troops arrived in
There are 230,000 survivors in Luancheng, which can be regarded as a medium-sized
security base. In order to ensure the normal operation of the base, these 230,000 survivors
have a similar division of labor, old age, weak health, and low combat strength. Stay in the
city and engage in the most basic physical labor for logistical services. Those with strong
physical strength and high combat effectiveness form a power squad to clear the zombies
and collect various materials daily.
Unlike the Beijing base, Luancheng has a much smaller population. As a transportation hub
city, the surrounding counties and towns are densely distributed, which means that the
source of materials is abundant, and the power team does not need to leave too far away.
Get enough supplies to survive in the city. In order to facilitate management and statistics,
and the frequent occurrence of mutant mosquitoes at night, the risk of activities outside the
city is too high. Therefore, all power teams performing tasks in Luan City will return on the
same day.
Two days ago, three power squads were unable to rush back to the city before dark. The
next day, when Shen Shi'an and others went to the mining area for exploration, the other
two teams searched along the trajectory of the unreturned. Who Zhi also lost audio
whereabouts are unknown.
Five missing power teams have been missing one after another. This is a very rare situation
at Luancheng base, so even if the manager tries hard to suppress the news, it is still very
disturbing. The advance troops, as visitors, enjoyed the proper hospitality of the base. In
this case, it is hard to treat them as ignorant. Therefore, the nine speakers who stayed
behind offered to help with the search, and the organizations voluntarily signed up to
participate in the search. Qu Shuo, Lu Xiuyuan, and eight new talented players were
involved in the search operation.
"The search team set off early this morning after dinner. The time just passed seven
o'clock," Gao Xiaohui couldn't hide his face. "In order to prevent accidents, the instructors
brought a satellite phone, and agreed to communicate every half hour. Under the
circumstances, the call came back on time at 7:30 and 8:00, everything was normal, no
trace of the missing person was found, but there was no audio at 8:30, and no one
answered our call. At 9:15, the phone still didn't work. "
"How many people have participated in the search operation," Shen Shian asked in a deep
"There were more than 200 people out of the base, and a total of more than 140 from our
more than a dozen organizations, adding about 350 people together," Gao Xiaohui quickly
"How many people are there in the five missing power squads"
"Luan Cheng is a fixed establishment of fifty people per team."
That's 250 people, plus 350 people who participated in the search, for a total of more than
500 people.
So many people are all missing
Shen Xun stood beside Shen Shi'an, and narrowed his eyes slightly at this time. "Since the
organizations are voluntarily signing up, why did our two leaders of the blade go out?"
Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui stared at each other. "The original instructor said that he
would let Lu Ge stay, and he led the team out, but Lu Ge didn't agree and insisted to go with
Alas, Shen Xun's tooth was silent.
As soon as Shen Shi'an had understood the situation, Xiao Lang hurried over, with the same
dignity. "Li Cheng was also missing. Nine people in our group participated in the search,
and all of them can't be contacted now."
Shen Shi'an's heart sank again. "Go to Master Xue first."
Seventeen talkers quickly gathered at Xue Wentao. The captain of Xuanyuan Team Yuan
Bing was so anxious. "This is too evil. More than 130 people said they were missing and
they disappeared. We didn't even hear the sound of water." I haven't discounted so many
people when I came from Beijing. "
Yuan Bing is right. In addition to the sharp blades in the advance troops, they took the
newcomers and hone them, most of them were battle-hardened, executed dozens of times,
or even hundreds. The master of this task, even if he really encounters some kind of
accident, he should not be able to return alone. In particular, Lu Xiuyuan's transparent wall
ability and Li Cheng's stealth ability can completely isolate the zombies, even if you can't
escape, it should be fine, not to mention that almost everyone has pheromone in their
This non-returnable situation is really strange and abnormal.
"Will it be a ghost in this base?" Zheng Gang, head of the Flying Dragon Corps, said in a low
"The possibility is very low," Xue Wentao shook his head. "Not to mention that they have
absolutely no reason to do anything to us. Even if they really want to do it, the goal should
be to go to the mines or to stay in the city. More than a hundred of them are of no benefit to
them except to fight grass and frighten the snakes. And the fear and consternation of the
residents of the city over the disappearance of the five power teams is real. They may be as
confused as us. "
The leader of the Huang family turned his attention to Shen Shi'an. "What does Captain
Shen think?"
Shen Shi'an stood up. "I'm going out to find someone."
According to the currently known information, if Lu Xiuyuan really encountered some
unexpected situation, the time should be between 8:30 and 8:30, and nearly one hour has
passed by now. He did not believe that his team members died so easily, and they were
more likely to be in a state of urgent need for rescue, so they had to race against the clock
without delay.
Xiao Lang also stood up. "I'll go too."
Yuan Bing "Count Me One"
"Five minutes after you decide to go, gather outside the city gate," Shen Shi'an Road ".
Considering the special nature of this incident, non-powers and powers below level 3
should not participate, and the team must ensure the team's speed and self-protection
Five minutes later, the 30 highest-level abilities in the advance troops formed an elite
squad, and under the leadership of Shen Shi'an officially set out to find the missing.
According to the information of the left-behind personnel, Lu Xiuyuan and others went
northwest and lost contact. The military trucks galloped along the route they traveled. Liu
Fangzhou extended the sensing range to the maximum, and kept condensing mental power
into rays for clockwise scanning along the way.
Tao Yuan was standing on the top of the carriage, holding a telescope in his hand to
observe the surrounding environment. After the truck was running for about half an hour,
Tao Yuan suddenly moved the lens of the telescope suddenly, and a strong startle appeared
on his face. He immediately crouched down and patted the captain twice on the carriage.
The truck stopped, and Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun jumped up quickly and found something.
Tao Yuan nodded and handed him the telescope. His voice was a little tight because of
doubt. "Northwest, at eleven o'clock."
Shen Shi'an looked at "is a village" and handed the telescope to Shen Xun. After Shen Xun
watched it, he turned it to Chen Nan and others who later climbed up.
"What's wrong with this village" Yuan Bing was puzzled. "It looks normal."
"No, it's not normal." Tao Yuan's voice became drier. "Four days ago, before we arrived in
Luancheng, Qu Shuo showed me a village, exactly like this one, and he said that before that
I've seen the same village. "
"Will you read it wrong?" Xiao Lang also jumped up. "This kind of village is very common in
the north, almost everywhere."
"I thought so at the time and said the same thing to Qu Shuo. But now I can guarantee that
the two are definitely the same village. The number of buildings in the village, the
architectural style, the location of each house, and even the periphery The angles of the
ridges of the farmhouses are all exactly the same. "Tao Yuan squeezed his fists and sighed."
If it wasn't for now, I would think I was dreaming. "
"So the same village, we saw it now, you saw it with Qu Shuo four days ago, and you saw it
in front of it." Xiong Manshan rubbed his arms and shivered. Why is it more like a ghost
If this is the case, the disappearance of Qu Shuo and others is absolutely inseparable from
this village. It is most likely that it was precisely because the village was discovered that Qu
Shuo was suspicious that he wanted to investigate it in the past.
Shen Shi'an frowned, "Ark"
Liu Fangzhou sat in the co-pilot and didn't come up, but he also heard from the beginning
to the end through the communicator that "the distance is a bit far, I can't feel anything
now, so I don't want to try to go there for a while"
The truck restarted. After a few minutes, Liu Fangzhou screamed "stop, stop, stop quickly"
He turned his head to look at Shen Shi'an and others from the car window. A small face
turned white. "Grass, there are only four zombies in the village."
The author has something to say, wow, there are several little cutes who guess the village is
a foreshadowing, and many little cutes guess that there are four zombies.
Holidays soon, I wish you a happy National Day in advance
Chapter 167
The water comes on the last day
Seeing the last sentence, there is only one thought in my mind. This is about c
Netizens commented on the survival of the Jedi in the last days and scored 2 Posted
2019092917: 18: 09 Commented chapter 167
Netizens worry-free
Are you going to die?
Netizen Tongtong
Ghost c can be bald, why are you a clever ghost?
Oh yeah, something will happen
Seven Nights Snow
For a moment, it seemed to me that this base was disguised as a zombie, and there was at
least one level 4 miracle power advanced zombie e.
Xuetang Tang
This zombie is spiritual
Like the author's article
Samye Voro
Why am I so panicked, did I run into a zombies, the whole city is an illusion
Is there a small boss coming online? Vice c's feelings are fast
Netizen Haoyue is rising forever
Where are you going to blow up Captain?
Netizen Ya
I do n’t think it ’s easy for these two people to be together.
Netizen white sugar cake
A bit want to stand in the channel x road repair distance c
Netizen aze
Is Lu Xiuyuan and Qu instructor a pair?
Mu Mu
Wouldn't it be another Noah's Ark?
Netizen aozaki
Dogs are not allowed to undress hahahahahahahaha
Netizen x stay away from me
Alas, is Brother Lu going to have lunch?
Netizen Qiaoqiao Little Fairy kath
Alas, I knew that Lu Xiuyuan was going to have an accident qaq
The troops are too smooth, but I feel uneasy. There will be no zombies in the mind control
department. I hope I think too much
A happy wild pointer for netizens
Feeling problematic, spirit department zombies
I always feel that there is a problem with Luancheng base by pressing the claws
Netizen Sanqing Coconut
Is it an illusion
I used to think that no one commented, but now I know that it was me who realized that I
could n’t read the comment
Does it mean that there is something abnormal? I don't want two deadly things to happen,
although it is a unilateral resentment
Have something to do with that village
Lu Xiaoyou
The squad leader is missing.
Qu Shuo and Lu Xiuyuan don't get into trouble, and they want to eat their sugar.
Frost in the dream
I always think that Luancheng is weird. Will something bad happen and then Lu Xiuyuan
did something wrong?
Netizens Honey Citron
Is there really no problem in this city? I don't think it's right. .
Netizens confused
This wave of disappearance is either Lu Xiuyuan's dog belt or a big step with Qu Shuo's
emotional drama
Yan Xitang
Wrong to drive, they are not driving enough yet
Netizens drifting over g15
I think there must be a foreshadowing in that village
Beibei Weiliang
Is this an illusion?
Netizens July and a half
I knew there was a ghost
Netizen ani
I don't want the squad leader and the Qu team to die. I hope the An'an team is alive.
What kind of devil are you guys who willow the devil vine? I'm going to laugh crazy, seeing
everything is in love
Am I too suspicious? How do I feel this base is a bit problematic?
Su Mo
The chapters of the same village, the unexpected survivor base, and the inexplicably
disappeared two teammates have a strange feeling. It feels like they are in an illusion, but
the enemies are in the power zone and the west fantasy zone.
Is this a zombie that has evolved hallucinations?
Netizens hide a little monster in their hearts
Guess a wave of fourth-level zombies can create hallucinations
Netizen dance
Qu Shuo, Lu Xiuyuan c arrangement
So, do you want to pick up the lunch box?
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will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 169:
Settings saved..
This is the place where the anti-theft accident occurred at a crossroad on the outskirts of
city H. It was raining lightly in the sky, and the vision was dimmed and unclear. Before the
big truck full of coal **** suddenly rushed out, Shen Shi'an didn't notice it. To any
He drove a small car, and his grandfather gave him a graduation gift after the college
entrance examination. The main propaganda point of the producer is that it is light and
smart and suitable for novice drivers. Therefore, under the rapid impact of a heavy truck, it
almost looks like a fragile match. The box was hit by a fly and smashed into a mud puddle
by the road.
When the volley tumbled for several weeks and crashed to the ground, Shen Shi'an, who
was tied to the driver's seat by the seat belt, could clearly feel that his ribs had broken
three, and one of them penetrated the lung lobes and pierced straight from the right side.
Blood filled his chest and scrambled to drain from his mouth, nose, and wounds, quickly
soaking his clothes.
He thought he was going to die, and he couldn't think of any chance of survival when the
co-pilot was completely squashed by the impact and completely incapacitated.
But he did not die.
In the dimness before dying, the blood-drenched bead-stranded string of light was a
masterpiece. For a moment, the pain of burning the right wrist with high heat almost
exceeded the pain of the lungs being flooded with blood. When the vision became clear
again, he came to himself. Where to stand
In front of me is a quiet space with an area about the size of a football field. The
environment is not complicated. The most conspicuous is a three-storey, antique bamboo
building. There are two trees in front of the building, one is a peach tree, and the other he
does not know.
In front of the two trees is an open space, and a clear stream surrounds the open space. At
the source of the stream, there is a hole with a slightly higher spring eye, and under the eye
of the spring, a stream of confluent spring water is gathered. , About three meters in
diameter, the mist is transpiration of the Lingquan.
It was this Wang Lingquan that saved his life.
After the accident, the pain of being burned by a soldering iron on his right wrist just
appeared, and he was "sucked" into the place by the beads and placed in the Lingquan. He
studies clinical medicine, but no medical theory can explain the changes in him
As if there were countless warm currents pouring into his body from the spring water,
soothing, repairing, and healing the wounds on his body and inside his body, the anxiety
and pain caused by the car accident calmed down quickly, and the broken ribs grew back
and were The pierced flesh tissue heals quickly, and the blood in the thorax drains from the
pores in a wonderful way
The warm spiritual spring is like the mother's womb, and keeps feeding him with all the
materials he needs.
He didn't know how long he had soaked in the Lingquan. When the space vomited him out
again, he was still tied to the overturned car by a seat belt. The beads on his wrist
disappeared, leaving only a circle as if Dark cyan tattoos growing on the skin, and the sirens
of the ambulance sounded faintly in the distance.
He was taken to the hospital by an ambulance, and the doctors examined him. The main
trauma was an epidermal abrasion and a light Microsoft tissue contusion caused by the
impact. When Mr. Gu got the news, he was rushed to the hospital and was supervised by
the director of the surgical department. I went through the inspection from head to toe, and
the inspection results remained the same
The most serious wound on his body was the deep and shallow scratches caused by broken
glass, because several vein blood vessels were cut, and the bleeding volume was relatively
large. It looked a little scary. In fact, it was all skin trauma. It could be crusted after two
days of raising. In addition, not even the slightest concussion. If not for Mr. Gu's insistence,
he would not need to be hospitalized for more than half a month.
The driver of the accident that caused the accident fled the scene long before the
ambulance arrived. After investigation, the police found that it was a temporary worker
hired at a mining site. The identity information, contact information and home address on
the work contract were fake. At present Still running without any news.
Only Shen Shi'an knew what mysterious and wonderful things had happened in the rainy
early winter afternoon, in the car accident that was so tragic, and in the **** driver's seat of
the narrow 039 car.
The temperature in the space always seems to be around 25 degrees Celsius, so even if only
a towel around the waist is not cold.
The surroundings were extremely quiet, except the snoring of the water in the eyes of the
spring. Shen Shian leaned against the wall of the Lingquan pool. The warm spring water
surrounded the whole area below his chest. He looked up at the snow-colored "sky" at the
top of the space.
After the initial shock and disbelief, all that remains is doubts
What kind of existence does this space have? Who created this space and what kind of
connection and connection with the Shen family? Besides him, does anyone know the
secret of the bead?
Similar or different questions are endless one after another, but sitting here in the hot
spring, obviously there is no way to answer any of them.
Shen Shi'an lowered his head and poured water on his face. I've died once, and when it
comes, it's safe.
About half an hour later, feeling a sense of energy and strength in the body, he jumped up
from the spring with one hand, wiped off the water droplets on his head with a bath towel,
re-wrap it around the waist, and then walked along a green grass pile The velvet path leads
to the bamboo floor.
The touch of the grass under the feet was very wonderful, with a slight tingling with dense
itching, and the ground next to it was soft and fluffy, showing a rich black in the sky.
Bypass the two big trees that cling to each other in front of the building and set foot on the
steps outside the corridor. Shen Shi'an stopped at the door, took a neatly folded towel on
the bamboo stool, wiped his feet, and put on a pair of cotton slippers next to the stool
Both of these things were purchased by his bodyguard Fan Guoping during the
hospitalization, and then all the items brought in direct contact with his body when he tried
the laws of space can enter the space with him.
The space on the first floor of the bamboo building is not large. There are only four rooms
in total. The center is a living room. On the right side of the living room is a study.
The furnishings in the study were simple and elegant. Shen Shi'an pushed in the door and
walked over the desk full of pen, ink and paper, and walked straight to a book shelf
opposite the desk.
The bookshelf is large and the same height as the entire wall, but there is only one book on
the entire bookcase. Shen Shi'an walked over and picked it up from the bookshelf. The four
large characters on the simple cover came into view again.
Guixu Gongfa.
This book Shen Shi'an has been flipped back and forth many times. In the meditation, he
can feel that this book and Lingquanquan Eye should be the two most important things in
this space. A deeper understanding of space.
It is a pity that most of the books are traditional characters, which are difficult to recognize.
The most important thing is that the words are obscure and the order is chaotic. It is clear
that each word is known, but there is no reason to connect together. It's no different than
The patience reluctantly turned over two pages and found that there was no progress like
the previous few times, and Shen Shi'an could only put the book back again and returned to
the living room on the first floor.
At the innermost part of the living room is a wooden staircase connecting the second floor.
Shen Shi'an walked up the stairs, halfway around the staircase, unexpectedly stopped by an
invisible barrier.
Sure enough, I still can't go up. There are still too many places for him to understand about
this space.
Out of the bamboo building, Shen Shi'an again focused his attention on the tattoos on his
wrist, and his thoughts appeared in the bathroom.
The steaming heat was gone when he took a shower, and his figure was clearly seen in the
mirror. The time velocity in space is different from that in the real world, which is about
two to one. That is to say, staying in space for two hours, only one hour has passed in the
real world.
It may seem like a good choice to hold your feet before the exam.
Unbuttoned the bath towel, put on clean underwear, and put on the pink and white
checkered home clothes. The light color neutralized his cold temperament, and even the
aggression brought by his appearance weakened a bit, revealing and Mom is similarly soft.
With Yun Feiyang's help, the house has been completely cleaned, but there have been no
occupants for more than half a month, and there are still many places to clean up. She was
taken to the balcony by the core and pillows and exposed to the sun. The sheets were
replaced into a washing machine, and the fruit supplements brought back from the hospital
were put in the refrigerator and sorted out. Water the plants on the balcony.
The green plants are all planted by grandpa. When the grandma was alive, the entire
balcony was packed like a small three-dimensional garden. From common pumpkin
peppers and other vegetables to various vines and flowers, it was very colorful and lively. It
was alive all year round. exuberant. After dying, the vegetables and flowers died a lot. Later,
my grandpa turned his spirit and took care of it, which was also a lush.
Until his grandfather died, Shen Shi'an did not know how to take the plants on this balcony.
He tried to take care of the plant habits according to the planting manual and the various
plant inquiries found online, but the plants that enjoyed careful care seemed more
vulnerable than human life. No matter how hard he tried, one or two plants died every day.
Later, most of the undead plants let him give them to the upstairs and downstairs
neighbors who like to take care of flowers and plants. A small half may be left for the
purpose of "wanting to prove their gardening ability." Only one is left. A pot of cacti, a pot of
aloe and a clump of green cypresses still lingered in his hands.
However, no one was watering for more than half a month, and the aloe and green dill that
seemed to be wet did not seem to be able to breathe any longer.
Fingers squeezed most of the shrunken leaves of aloe, Shen Shi'an raised his eyebrows
subconsciously, thinking for a moment, the body flickered from the place, and when it
appeared again, the watering can had been replaced with Lingquan water.
Lingquan can repair wounds and should nourish plants
Shen Shi'an is not particularly certain. After all, the human body needs completely different
nutrients and plants, but at the moment, only a dead horse can be used as a live horse
I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. After pouring in the spring water, the state of aloe and green
dill seems to improve a lot with the naked eye.
The cactus was watered before it was hospitalized and should not be used for the time
being. Shen Shi'an stared at the spikes for a while, reached out and held the cactus
flowerpot, and when the thoughts moved, the cactus disappeared into the palm of the hand
with the flowerpot.
It seems that not only "dead" such as slippers and towels can be transferred, but plant life
such as cacti can also be brought into space. I do n’t know if animals can
The author has something to say: I did not bring a computer to my hometown during the
holidays, and the claw machine could not copy the comments. It is difficult for everyone to
support them for a few days. The comment system will soon be restored.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel vsuki who launched the rocket launcher;
Thanks to the little angel Ocean who dropped the grenade;
Thanks to the little angel 123, 27935331, Lu Xiaoyou and rosa who dropped the mine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
190 bottles of dream pillow red sleeves; 82 bottles from it; Jinjin 60 bottles; 50 bottles of
picking; 40 ink bottles; la la la 30 bottles; 26 maple Italians; 21 bottles of beauty; Qingqing,
Wang Xiaoming, Huaxu, 20 bottles of Sishao; 15 bottles of rosa; Kekeheng, Laoshan, Xiansi,
Zizi, Ou Xiaoou, Wuhuang, Mint Candy, Azhizhi 10 bottles; hr7, random, different routes,
Wenyao, Afanoo , Is up to 5 bottles of Duck and whisk; 272851344 bottles; 3 bottles of 涞
迩; 2 bottles of persimmon; Amorell, G151 bottle drifting;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard
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will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest
update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq
群 647547956 group number
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 170:
Settings saved..
This is the anti-theft chapter
A small one-foot-long thing was standing on its feet, its furry belly was slightly undulating,
and a slight little purring sounded in its throat, apparently sleeping soundly. There were no
obvious foreign objects on the sheets, and there was no suspicious smell in the air.
call. Shen Shian was relieved. I looked at the phone at 5:30, raised my hand and poked
Xiaohei's belly twice. "Get up, take you out and shit."
It was late in winter, and the window was still drowsy at this point, so when Shen Shi'an
changed his clothes and washed, and entered the living room through the corridor, he did
not immediately notice the abnormality.
Until he picked up the mug from the coffee table, and inadvertently raised his eyes towards
the balcony. If it wasn't for constant response and quick response, I'm afraid the cup in his
hand had fallen.
Shen Shi'an strode to the balcony, and "opened" the glass door between the living room and
the balcony. Because the movement was too rapid, the metal edge of the glass door hit the
door frame heavily, and the pulley made a harsh friction sound in the track. The unmanned
midwinter morning seemed particularly loud and clear.
A leaf, the size of a fan, squeezed in after the glass door opened, rubbed Shen Shi'an's cheek
and fell into his ear. Shen Shi'an raised her head, and her neck was quivering a few times on
her long and elegant neck.
For a moment, he almost thought that a virgin forest had grown on his balcony.
Yesterday, the aloe was still weak. At this moment, it looks like a mutated deep-sea siren.
The triangular fleshy leaves are like the siren's large and sturdy tentacles. Each one has an
adult man with a thick waist, from the balcony floor Radially straight as high as the ceiling,
even the small thorns on the edge of the blade have changed from the size of sesame seeds
to countless hard and sharp watermelon knives.
And the pot of three-dimensional green dill that was originally placed on the corner of the
balcony, several vines meandered like dark green pythons, entangled with each other, and
the leaves of the giant fan were green, dripping wildly along the vines, blocking the large
balcony. If the windows on the balcony are not closed properly, Shen Shi'an has no doubt
that these vines will pass through the window lattice, and continue to climb and grow along
the wall of the building unscrupulously.
Early in the morning, he was woken up in deep sleep, and the super fierce little black
showed his wrath of wrath. When Shen Shi'an went, he followed him, and threw back and
forth at his feet all the way, struggling his slippers. And trousers. Therefore, when Shen
Shi'an took a few steps and stopped suddenly in front of the glass door, Xiao Hei was unable
to hit his calf with one head and fell back with his **** on the ground and "tonned" to the
ground under the reaction force. Before I got too late, I saw the same scene as Shen Shian
Shen Shi'an swallowed with some difficulty, bowed his head and the dog's eyes stared at
the dog jg.
Why Shen Shi'an's eyebrows are creased, and the shock in his heart is still as turbulent as
yesterday. It was good yesterday. Why did such an amazing and counter-intuitive change
happen overnight? What kind of factor is the cause of the species variation, but it ’s
artificially affecting him. Nothing at all
Shen Shian was watered with a shock. He poured aloe vera and green dill with spring
As if a lightning flashed across his mind, Shen Shi'an suddenly remembered something,
disappeared in the spot instantly, and flashed into the space.
In the open space surrounded by the stream, thirty-one rows and twenty-one rows of seeds
that he planted last night have grown into tomato trees that are more than four meters tall
and lush. Thousands of basketball-sized tomatoes on the "twig" of an adult's arm are as red
as fire, shining seductively in the sky in the space.
Shen Shi'an stood by the brook, looking a little hesitant.
He hoped that the tomatoes would grow a bit faster, but it seemed too fast.
Banyan raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows. Now, at least one thing can confirm
that the aloe, green dill and tomato have such a change that violates the laws of nature
because of the spring water.
Shen Shi'an turned to look at the Lingquan surrounded by mist, and felt that he seemed to
underestimate the magic and function of the Lingquan water.
But now it ’s not the time to think about it, the little black **** has n’t pulled it yet.
With a tight heart, he immediately returned to the living room, changed his clothes and
shoes, and took a few disposable shoe covers from the cabinet at the entrance. He waved to
Xiao Hei.
There is no dog leash in the house. Shen Shi'an grabbed the back of the neck and picked it
up. He said coldly, "Awkward, do you want to eat meat?"
The dog snored a few times in his throat, and it did not move.
As soon as Shen Shi'an locked the door and pulled out the key, the opposite door was
opened. The bodyguard Wan Feng stepped out, dressed uniformly and expressionless, and
nodded at Shen Shi'an "early."
"Early," Shen Shi'an nodded, also surprised, "Don't you sleep all night?"
He also maintained a regular biological clock during his stay in the hospital. He got up on
time at six o'clock every morning. This habit is not difficult to find. But today he got up
earlier than usual, and he did n’t live in the same house. How did this Mr. Wan go out on his
front foot, and his heel followed?
Wan Feng said simply, "Sleep." There was no further explanation.
Another bodyguard, Fan Guoping, came out from behind him and laughed as he locked the
door. "Then definitely have to sleep. The bed is a bullet man and a gun. After resting, there
is strength. Who can hold it without sleep, both of us Shift work. Mr. Shen got up so early
today. "
After speaking, he bent down and said to Xiao Hei, "Oh, yesterday I was holding a black ball.
It looks pretty after washing it."
Xiao He banged his teeth fiercely.
Shen Shi'an pinched the back of his neck and motioned for the small things to rest. At the
same time he replied, "Go out to walk the dog without going far, just in the community. It's
still early now, and the two can continue to rest without following."
"How do you do that," Fan Guoping quickly waved his disapproval. "Mr. Gu said when he
hired us, asked for 24-hour personal protection, and gave people money to do business. We
still have this professionalism. Mr. Shen should not think Sorry, we two are paid higher. "
Shen Shi'an no longer quit, so he nodded and walked into the elevator first. Xiao Hei was
carried on his left hand, his forelegs were lifted, his hind limbs were stiff, and he moved
back and forth with the pace, like an old dried bacon.
The bacon was put down after Shen Shi'an stepped out of the first floor, and he ran forward
with his short legs.
The sun has not yet come out, and the temperature is at the lowest time of the day. The cold
air is sucked into the lungs, and when it is spit out, it is a misty white.
Shen Shi'an pulled out a wet wipe and wiped the palm of his left hand carefully. His long,
straight legs were not uncomfortable, and he followed behind Hei He with a pleasing
frequency. A circle of white fox fur on the down jacket hat surrounded his face, and his lips
were reddish and white, and his eyes were exquisitely cold and gorgeous.
It's too early and the temperature is too low. Today is Saturday again. Except for Shen
Shi'an and his party, there are few people in the community. Occasionally, the sanitation
workers can be seen in the gap between trees and buildings.
Shen Shi'an took out his mobile phone and looked at the temperature of minus four
degrees, but he didn't feel that cold. His knuckled hands were hanging freely on his legs,
and his skin was still glowing with warmth.
The green environment in the community is very good, there are trees and half-height
bushes everywhere. Xiao Hei ran for a while, then went into one of the bushes.
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to Ety8083 for the little angel who dropped the mine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Negative points and negative points come in 50 bottles; 30 bottles; distant mountains
overlap, 20 bottles of passers-by; 14 bottles of Yueyuejing; 13 bottles of two children;
remember, confused, purple purple, Zhang Qiling, dumplings residue 10 bottles; Tong
Tongya 8 bottles; Xuetangtang 2 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection, the old
URL has been recently Ca n’t open the old website, the old website will not open in the
future, please keep in mind :, the fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error
reporting chapter, seeking books and books, please add qq group 647547956 group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 171:

Settings saved..
This is a beautifully decorated ward with a large area of anti-theft Zhangye. The heavy blue
curtains are all pulled open, and the bright sunlight falls from the bay window through the
second layer of veil, which brightens the room.
Mr. Shen, who is a little delicious, is standing next to the upright closet behind the sofa. His
sick clothes have not been changed. He has a few clothes in his hands and a luggage bag at
his feet. It looks like he is packing.
Turning his head after hearing the knock on the door, a pair of dark jade eyes carried light,
cold and deep like a cold moon, "I am here, what's wrong"
With such a flat tone, the flushing on Xiao Ke's face immediately deepened by another two
points. This Mr. Shen was really good-looking.
So that he turned his eyes on the hot side and turned to the side immediately. "Mr. Shen,
Mr. Shen, I'll send you the underwear for admission."
Shen Shi'an carefully put the newly folded clothes in his bag and walked over to pick up the
paper bag in Xiao Ke's arms. He had a car accident more than half a month ago, and was
then sent to the largest joint-venture hospital in H City. The treatment, the bag contained
all the things that were taken from him at that time.
The mobile phone was damaged in a car accident. A new one had been replaced during the
hospitalization. The student ID and ID were also taken out when confirming his identity.
The rest was just a set of clothes worn at the time and a bunch of keys.
Shen Shi'an simply flipped over, and thanked Xiao Ke for "troubled."
"No, no trouble, no trouble," Xiao Ke said, with red hot ears, and no idea where to put his
hands and feet, thinking about the other party's soon to be discharged from the hospital,
think about the little sisters at the nurse station cheering on her, drumming He had the
courage to put his eyes back on Shen Shi'an's face. "Mr. Shen is packing up, can I help you?"
"No, I can do it myself, thank you."
Xiao Ke scratched a bit of disappointment in his eyes, bit his lip, didn't dare to say the
request for "exchange of mobile phone number", and finally looked at Shen Shi'an,
whispered "Mr. Shen, you are busy," and turned and walked out of the ward.
Shen Shi'an watched her leave and take the door, so she put the paper bag on the coffee
table and walked back to the cabinet to continue packing.
After a while, the door was knocked again. This time it was one of the bodyguards. The
Chinese character had a big face. Fan Guoping, about forty years old, "Mr. Shen, there is a
little brother who says that your classmate wants to come in and visit you. . "
He didn't finish talking, Shen Shi'an had seen the tall young man standing outside the door.
The coldness of the whole body faded a little, with a smile on his face. "Why are you here,
aren't there classes today?"
He and Yun Feiyang are both sophomores from the Medical University of H City. They have
different majors in the same faculty, but some public classes will still be together. Today is
Friday. He remembers that there are professional classes in the morning and afternoon.
"How can I not come out when you leave the hospital, am I the kind of unconscientious
person, and Daoshan Huohai can't stop me from running to your footsteps." Yun Feiyang
walked in with his hands around the bodyguards and came in. When it comes to the key
point, "the teachers are not checking enough to check the attendance at the end of the
period. Besides, there are roommates standing on their shoulders. I really need to name
them and help me answer them."
Looking around in the ward and finally falling on Shen Shi'an, Yun Feiyang blew his whistle,
"You can live this day, my little brother, flowers and fruits and nutritional supplements. I'm
holding you back than I was before my hospitalization. it is good."
This is true, probably because I have been indoors for a long time. Shen Shian's skin looks a
little whiter than before, and it is not the kind of pale that has not seen the sun for a long
time. Standing far away, you ca n’t look carefully, and standing close. It was found that even
the pores were almost invisible, and the lustrous luster in the white was still red, which
was better than the medical dog who stayed up late to play games and stay up late at the
end of the period.
Yun Feiyang searched for a long time before finding out the traces of patients who had been
involved in a car accident. "It's a lot thinner." Alas, if the female classmates in the school
could see it, it would be sad.
In front of friends who are familiar with each other, Shen Shi'an obviously relaxed a lot. "If I
don't need to renew the ward and let you stay for two days, it doesn't matter. Let the nurse
put two needles a day."
Yun Feiyang hesitated twice, "That's too embarrassing, I still don't bother the nurse sister."
Seeing that the door had been closed again, he took an orange from the fruit basket and
tossed it to Shen Shi'an. "This is at your door. What is the situation of the two bodyguard
brothers who have n’t seen it yet? Your father coughs, Mr. Gu found it for you. ”
Shen Shi'an snorted, and the half-length black hair fell in front of him as he bent to pull the
zipper of the luggage bag, without further explanation.
Knowing that this was not a topic suitable for in-depth discussion, Yun Feiyang didn't
continue to ask, "Is there anything I need to help with the discharge procedures?"
As I said, I picked up the paper bag on the coffee table and was startled when I opened it.
Inside was Shen Shi'an's clothes, which he knew. But the pale gray sweater and coat were
covered with dried dark red blood stains, and the blood stains seemed to have completely
penetrated the fabric of the clothes, because the deep color and large area looked quite
shocking, which made people immediately bear. What kind of trauma did the owner of
Lenovo's clothes suffer?
Yun Feiyang's face was a bit whitish, and the original laughter disappeared, watching Shen
Shi'an difficult to conceal his worry, "Shit, your car accident is so serious."
After Shen Shi'an had a car accident, the hospital first notified the school through his
student ID, and the school also informed the counselor. The counselor contacted Shen
Shi'an's only immediate relative, which is Mr. Gu, who is far away from city b. Wait until he
gives Shen Shi'an called and found out that nothing could be solved. When she noticed
something wrong, she reported to the counselor that it was already the second day of her
At that time, Shen Shi'an had just finished the operation. Although he lived in the intensive
care unit, his looks and the description of the attending doctor did not seem to be
particularly serious. It was only at this moment that he saw these clothes that witnessed
the car accident and were soaked with blood. He jumped fiercely, and felt that the other
party had walked away from the gate.
Shen Shi'an took the paper bag out of his hand and put it in a Li bag. "Looking scary, it's all
skin trauma."
Yun Feiyang was a little unbelieving. Looking at the blood on his clothes, "really" was
clearly the blood loss that could kill people.
"Really," Shen Shi'an's eyes are clear, and there is a gloss similar to black gems. "What do I
lie to you, if there is any major problem, the doctor will not let me be discharged. Is the
discharge procedure already completed, and the things also? They're packed, and I can
leave when I change clothes. "
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uneasy. He stared at him on the sofa, for fear that he would
endure the pain, and he would be unable to support the stun and fainted on the ground in
the next second.
According to the distance between the two, if he suddenly fainted, he should be able to rush
forward to catch it, Yun Feiyang thought. After a moment's secret evaluation, the buttocks
were quietly moved away from Shen Shi'an on the sofa. Well, that's about it. It can
definitely rush to the hero to save the beauty in an instant.
The scene imagined in Yun Feiyang's mind was not realized, because Shen Shi'an did not
look like something, and walked back and forth normally. There was no blood-stained
bandage or a bandage under the sick clothes. It is a traumatic wound after trauma.
But when he put his back on himself and put on a thin black slim sweater, Yun Feiyang saw
something unusual. "Hey, where is your bead?"
Shen Shi'an has been wearing a string of beads on his right wrist. The texture of ink jade
has been carved into an ancient lotus shape, because it is a relic left by his mother, Mrs.
Shen. Yun Feiyang has never seen him for so long. He took it off.
But at this time, the black woolen clothes were draped over him, and the right wrist was
flat, clearly not wearing anything.
The young man paused for a moment to wear a coat, then pulled the zipper as usual. "After
waking up after the operation, I disappeared. It should be that the rope was torn in a car
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw a mine, and hungry to eat two; one wonderful one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Eat 60 bottles when you are hungry; 30 bottles for one person; 16 bottles for each month;
13690013, Yang Yangyang, 3 bottles for Er'er; 1 bottle for g15, qqn, Daiyueer, and Cui
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 172:
Settings saved..
This is anti-theft Zhang Yunyun Feiyang went to the pet hospital part-time on Saturday, and
knocked Shen Shi'an's door with two bags of snacks on Sunday.
As soon as the door opened, a seductive sour and sweet fruity scent came upon me.
Yun Feiyang looked at the disposable gloves on Shen Shi'an's right hand, "Why are you
doing so delicious?"
"Squeezing fruit juice." Shen Shi'an sideways let him in, closed the door, took off his gloves,
and threw it into the trash bin in the living room together with the left hand.
Yun Feiyang put the snack bag on the shelf at the entrance, and familiarly found his slippers
from the shoe cabinet. Sitting on the sofa bench and looking in while changing shoes
Shen Shi'an's window was bright and clean, golden sunlight spilled in from outside the
balcony, and the scented incense ornaments on the coffee table dazzled with blue smoke.
Everywhere was fine and clean, everything was the same as usual.
Until he saw the little milk dog sitting on the robot sweeping from the kitchen.
Xiao Hei came out with two rows of small fangs, and whine savagely rushed forward to Yun
Feiyang, only half of the rush, Shen Shian raised his foot to stop the robot, stretched his
hands and pinched his neck and sulked. "Don't make trouble, yourself. "
"You are your own person. Your family is a human being, and a human being dares to call
yourself a human."
Weaknesses are restrained and we do not give up resistance. Hanging on Shen Shi'an's
hands, his limbs twisted back and forth, lowering his voice and flying to the clouds,
After Yun Feiyang changed his shoes, he came over and said, "Hey, where's the dog from
here looks kind of mental."
"Pick it up in the community." Shen Shi'an put the dog on the sofa, threatened softly, "Do
you still want to eat meat?"
Yun Feiyang walked around and sat down on the other side of the sofa, looking at Xiao Hei's
eyes full of novelty, Yang said, "You move fast enough, I only persuaded you to raise a dog
the other day, I still want to go from the pet shop I ’ll bring one for you. I did n’t expect you
to pick it up. Look at this head. It ’s estimated that we just weaned. Did you meet the bitch?
"I only saw one of them when I picked it up. I asked the gatekeeper of the community
yesterday. The gatekeeper said that he didn't see an adult stray dog in the community. He
didn't know where he accidentally hit and got in." Shen Shian's voice came from the
kitchen. "The name is taken, called Xiao Hei."
"Hey hey hey, good name, good name." Yun Feiyang fakely held up, seeing a box of beef
jerky on the coffee table, leaned forward to reach for it. The fingertip just touched the box,
and the little black who was quiet on the opposite sofa seemed to be completely irritated.
His hair exploded violently, and his hind legs kicked hard. The mini-shaped figure was like
a black flash of lightning. Jumping from the sofa to the coffee table, biting his fingers
directly at Yun Feiyang
The upper and lower teeth bite into the air, and the crisp sound of the heavy impact after
piercing the air was clear and audible.
Yun Feiyang ""
Holding his own hand, the whole man was retracted into the sofa, his face pale and
swallowed. He had no doubt. If he didn't react quickly enough, he would have lost a finger
on the spot with blood. Looking at Xiao Hei's eyes were full of resentment, why are you
eating your beef jerky?
Shen Shi'an came over and handed Yun Feiyang the glass in his hand. At the same time, he
pinched Xiaohei's neck and put it on his leg to separate it from Yun Feiyang. The palm of his
hand did not allow him to move "honestly."
"Slump," Yun Feiyang couldn't help complaining. "You're not big and have a bad temper.
Your dog is too fierce."
Shen Shi'an touched Xiaohei's neck and smoothed the dog's hair. "It's okay to be strong and
dry. Looking at the fierce, the courage is actually very small. I was crying because I was
afraid of the dark the night before." When I remembered the scene at the time, my
expression became mild. , Even the movements on the hand are lightened a lot.
Yun Feiyang swears that he sees a twist in Xiao Hei's furry dog face.
Lifted the cup and stared at the blood-red liquid in it for a while, sent it to his mouth and
took a sip of "What is delicious?" Yun Feiyang's eyes became bright, and he raised his head
and murmured a few mouthfuls to drink the liquid "This is your freshly brewed drink. It
looks a bit like a tomato, does it?"
"It's tomato juice. There are still a lot. I'll pack a few bottles later to take you back to
school." The tomato forest in the space is growing too vigorously. There are tens of
thousands of tomatoes in basketball. Shen Shi'an picked a little and squeezed out the juice.
"In addition to juice and tomato sauce, the taste is also good. Now the temperature is low,
and it should be fine for several days on the bedroom balcony."
"That relationship is good," Yun Feiyang said, still pouting. "Where did you buy the
tomatoes? The taste is too good. It is definitely the best tomato juice I have ever drunk." It
takes a few days, and it is estimated that one night Can solve them all.
Before Shen Shi'an answered, Yun Feiyang found that the dog next to his leg was kicking
and kicking his teeth and punching himself again, this time he understood that "yo, this
little thing you picked is kind of food."
He deliberately provoked a piece of beef jerky out of the box, and took a big bite with "ah
Shen Shi'an worked hard to appease Xiao He, who was suddenly irritable, and it was too
late to stop Yun Feiyang, watching him swallow the beef jerky.
The provocative look could not last for three seconds, and Yun Feiyang frowned. "Hey, why
the taste of your beef jerky is a bit wrong, it should not expire." Pick up the box and check
"The production date is not expired in November. . "
Shen Shi'an had two points in his eyes. "Xiaohei licked it."
"Every beef jerky in the box, Xiao Hei licked it."
Yun Feiyang stared at the dog next to Shen Shi'an's leg, his face changed from red to black
to black to green to green to white. After a moment, he moved the bite of beef jerky back
very slowly, rushed into the kitchen with a glass and poured four glasses of tomato juice.
When he returned to the living room again, Shen Shi'an didn't do anything, and turned to
another topic, "Fei Yang, what should Xiao He do not eat dog food?"
"It ’s a hunger strike without dog food."
"No, the meal is still eaten."
In fact, this little thing wants to eat everything except dog food, and the food is so large that
it almost catches up with an adult man. Shen Shi'an was worried that it would kill himself.
So he just fed a small sip last night. I got up this morning and found a lot of chocolates
under the sofa. wrapper
This little thing somehow turned out the chocolate he brought back from the hospital,
chopped off the wrapping paper and ate clean. There is also a box of beef jerky that I can't
eat. It was hidden under the sofa and was pushed out by the sweeping robot. After being
spotted by Shen Shi'an, Xiao Hei rushed in front of him and licked the beef jerky one by one,
and then shaved his paw back into the box.
Chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine, which is a very toxic neurotoxin for
dogs, which can be severe or even fatal.
The dog ate a big box, but it looked like nothing was happening. The sweeping robot
chasing the location of its beef jerky was a fat meal.
Xiao Hei is obviously different from other dogs. This was discovered after Shen Shi'an
picked it up. Not only are eating habits different from ordinary dogs, but IQ is far beyond
the level of ordinary pets.
The author has something to say about willow tree essence i039fei039ok
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw out the rocket launcher more and more lazily;
Thanks to the little angel who cast a mine to confuse one;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Confusing, 27376228, 10 bottles of waffles; 6 bottles of Liyi and Alian; 2 bottles of
Mingkong; 2 children, fudge limit order, 300916071 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 173:

Settings saved..
This summer is hotter than last year.
It wasn't particularly obvious when I went north to Luancheng to do the task. Once back in
Beijing, the hustle and bustling heat wave can almost upset people, as long as the sun came
out, there was no way to stand in the place facing the sun. Skynet was dazzled with gold,
and from a distance, if an incandescent lamp burned a red filament, no mutant mosquitoes
could fly in even if it was not powered.
About the fiery weather caused people's temper to become more and more irritable. On the
second day when Shen Shi'an and others returned to Beijing, a clash occurred in the sharp
blade base.
The conflict took place in the cafeteria. It was noon. When Shen Shi'an and others arrived,
they saw the two gangs tearing. Seeing that the team uniforms were all new members still
in the assessment period, most of the old members tried to pull the frame. There are other
members and their families who have not finished their meals, and the whole cafeteria is
noisy and noisy.
This chaos quickly returned to peace within ten seconds after Shen Shi'an arrived. No
matter it was framed, fought, with wounds on his face, he was still scolding in the last
second, and all stood upright. "Captain, good "
Shen Shi'an's gaze swept across the messy tableware and the food that was trampled on the
ground, and swept across the team members' shameful or ashamed or angry faces. The
voice was so cold that "what happened"
The matter is actually very simple, it is caused by eating.
Because the livestock farm has not been open for sale, meat products are increasingly
scarce, let alone fresh meat. Even ham sausage, sausages, and vacuum-packed chicken legs
and duck legs have become rare items, and the prices on the market have been fried. Got
dozens of times.
Because of the large space storage area, Shen Shi'an collected a lot of materials on his way
to Beijing last year, and the space has a freshness-preserving effect. There are still a lot of
stocks of convenient-packed meat products. The mutant goose is afraid of being
inconvenient to take out. It is possible, so regularly take out a batch of meals to improve the
team members' meals, and ensure that the canteen can at least three times a week meat
dishes similar to ham sausage and scrambled eggs.
But even so, in these three times, it is impossible to be precise that everyone has a share. If
you come early, you can eat it. If you come late, you can only look at the empty plate and
Among the new members, there are both ordinary people and ordinary people. Because of
different abilities, the training methods and training directions are different. Usually, they
are separate special trainings, led by Tao Yuan and Qu Shuo.
At noon today, the ordinary team ended its training first, and came to the cafeteria earlier.
When the power team finally disbanded and walked into the cafeteria to prepare for
dinner, the special dish of bacon enoki mushroom rolls had been sold out. The last copy
happened to be a member of the ordinary team. End away.
One of the members of the abilities team couldn't help but overthrow the opponent's
dinner plate to the ground between the shovels. The two sides intensified from argument
to physical conflict, and the last shot was out of control.
Shen Shian learned from the two veteran team members that things were going on, his look
was colder, and the air pressure around his body was getting lower and lower. "Who stood
up first?"
A young man in his twenties stood up, with an inch head, dark complexion, and raised his
chest to bite the jaw muscles tightly.
"What is your name"
"Reporting Captain, my name is Xu Qiang"
"Do you know what went wrong?"
"I shouldn't do anything to my teammates. I admit that you want to punish the captain, but
I'm not convinced."
"Why not?"
"I am a fire-powered person. Joining the blade for more than a month, the zombies that kill
must not have any new members. They will not be able to fight. They will only be hindered.
Why can I eat better than me?"
This remark was like a fire, and the firewood pile that had just been extinguished
immediately exploded again.
"Who's holding back, who hasn't pressed a few points in his heart, how many times our
puppet team has cleaned up for you during this mission"
"What the **** do you fart you help us clean up the mess who gave you a brash face?"
"That's the fact. If it wasn't for your hindrance, the champion of the corpse competition was
definitely organized by us, so we need to share the ten percent bonus with the Tigers and
"That's a team game and not a personal game. Why not find the cause from yourself? Do
you kill more zombies? I ’ll kill them on a first-come, first-served basis. When the ancestor
offered to eat the first plate "
"Other organizations have long provided meals in different levels. You weak people have no
right to eat with us."
"To shut up"
As the team members' quarrels intensified, a loud drink sounded like a thunder on the
ground, and the eardrums hummed. All the noises immediately calmed down, and all sights
were immediately focused on Shen Xun, who sent out a sharp drink.
Shen Xunyin had a face, and the whole body seemed to have a substantial coercion that
caused all the players to fight a chill, more mentally weak, double-stranded warfare, the calf
was weak, almost kneeling on the ground.
He stunned the crowd. "Who dares to spit out another word before the captain finishes
speaking, I pulled his tongue. Hear no"
Crew ""
"Why don't you speak"
Liu Fangzhou carefully struck him twice with his arms, and he dared not say or dare to say
a gesture of pulling his tongue out.
Shen Xun retracted the coercion and stood back behind Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shian looked at Xu Qiang "Do you think that the psionicist has contributed more than
ordinary people in battle?"
"This is very obvious. Their fighting ability is too weak. If I use the power, one person can
hit them thirty."
The ordinary team seems to be upset, but no one dares to speak.
Shen Shi'an "If I tell you that ordinary people who have received professional training can
play no less than the power of the abilities in battle"
"Captain, I have special respect for you, and I especially adore you. You are the strongest in
the city. As long as it is an order you have given, I will not have half a question. But you say
this," Xu Qiang has a stubble in his neck " Disagree "
Shen Shi'an smiled. "In this case, it is better to try it."
"How can I kill more zombies than anyone who kills them in a given time"
"That's right. But you are not competing with the new players. They have been performing
missions for more than a month. They have not undergone complete professional training,
so ordinary people among the old players will be compared to you. How about it,
confident? "
The last sentence asked all the new ability members who participated in the battle. A loud
response sounded "Yes" in the cafeteria immediately.
This group of talented people is eager to try their hands, and their faces can't wait to be in
harmony with each other. Tao Yuan and Qu Shuo remembered the recruits who were not
afraid of fear in the army and had not been convinced by the devil's special training.
Xu Qiangdao "Since the test, how can it be fair and how come, if they are equal, they will
definitely lose, and we will not take advantage of them. The first-level power on our side
corresponds to one of them, and the second-level power corresponds to them. Three levels
correspond to three, and the number of contestants on both sides should be determined
according to this criterion. "
Shen Shi'an looked at Zhao Xinhe, who is already the captain of the ordinary team of the old
team. "What do you think?"
Zhao Xinhe lowered the sleeves of the combat uniforms and buckled them carefully. "We
can have as many people as they want. We don't take advantage of them."
There was a burst of applause among the ordinary members of the new team members,
and the two sides glared nose-to-nose, and the warfare quickly climbed to the top.
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Let's eat first and meet outside the gate in half an hour."
More than half an hour later, two military trucks carrying the sharp blade regiment drove
out of the east gate of the Beijing base. Two instructors were in charge of driving, each
carrying 25 testers and other members of the power and ordinary teams. .
Shen Shi'an drove in front of the off-road vehicle, and Shen Xun sat on the co-pilot.
Originally a small beanie, sitting in the co-pilot could not even touch his legs. Nowadays,
people are tall and big, and the co-pilot has some space that can't fit those two long legs.
After finally tossing the seat, turning his attention to the steering wheel in Shen Shi'an's
hand, the implied meaning is no more obvious than "An'an."
Shen Shi did not understand the installation, and gave him a plate of watermelons from the
space. "Is it enough to eat two watermelons?"
In addition to the two of them in the car, there were four core players Liu Fangzhou, Xu Ge,
Xiong Manshan and Lu Xiuyuan who came out to watch the lively. Chen Nan failed to come
out because Tang Song had a passionate interest in willow essence, and only the devil vine
could control the willow essence, so he was left in the scientific research building to assist
the experiment.
After more than an hour, three vehicles stopped on the side of a small county more than 40
kilometers east of the Beijing base.
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou, Zi Tong Tiantian, and the bread bag who dropped the
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
68 bottles of Zitong every day; 20 bottles of a unicorn star; remember 10 bottles; 5 bottles
of xran0505, Xuanshuying and Yuan; 1 bottle of Daiyueer, icyivy and Er'er;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 174:

Settings saved..
The county area is small, and you can make a round by driving for more than half an hour.
Liu Fangzhou swept the scan and quickly reported specific numbers. "The total number of
zombies was 42,124, 35 were first-level zombies, four were second-level, and the rest were
mutant zombies."
It's not easy to clean up, but it won't go far beyond the capabilities of the team members.
Shen Shi'an got out of the car and turned towards the two military cards behind him.
Twenty-five new talented players and twenty-five ordinary veteran players have already
formed two square teams beside the military card, standing upright with their heads
They are also lined up. There are no errors in standing and formation, but the difference
between the two teams can be seen at a glance.
The abilities team is confident, high-spirited, and ready to hold, like a group of newborn
calves who are not afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards, and can't wait to show their
abilities and manners;
The ordinary team was calm and restrained, and everyone's face was serious and
extremely calm. If someone compares them now to when they first entered the blade, they
will find that time has brewed amazing changes in them.
They are not just ordinary people who are afraid in the last days, only want three meals to
eat and eat, and survive. They have spent nearly a year of hard training and birth to die on
them to polish a dazzling arc, making each of them a The heroic warriors who have gone
through hundreds of battles have given them an indestructible and invincible temperament
of iron blood, and this temperament is the ability of those who have not yet experienced
the same, raising their chests even higher and stretching their backs. No matter how
straight, it can't be reached.
"The test rules are very simple." Shen Shi'an came to the two teams and stopped. "The two
teams took turns to fight in the county. Each team had two hours of combat time;
pheromones could not be used during the battle, and weapons could be used. Crystal nuclei
can be absorbed, but these will be deducted from the obtained crystal nuclei at the market
price as a cost; if they encounter unparalleled extreme danger, they can ask for help
through the communicator. Once the help is deemed to give up the qualification for the test,
they will automatically admit. Which team will get the highest total value of crystal nuclei,
and which team will be the winner. Is there any doubt? "
"Very good. Which team comes first"
The members of the power team looked at each other and were not sure. Zhao Xinghe, the
captain of the ordinary team, was listed. "Report the captain, let's go first."
"Okay, prepare for twenty minutes, and then start timing."
During this period, the core players will not give any help, and even the data sensed by Liu
Fangzhou is unknown to both players.
While the ordinary team began to collect information to formulate the battle plan, the core
players, the new ordinary players who came to watch the battle, and the psionicist team
who had not yet turned into the county took the lead to enter the county seat, preparing to
find a suitable place to watch the game remotely.
The place is easy to find. The highest place in the entire county seat is the county
government building, which is located in the center of the county seat. It is a great place to
watch the war. In order to avoid disruption to the game, Lu Xiuyuan opened a transparent
wall and wrapped all the people who entered in advance. He went all the way into the
square courtyard in front of the county government building.
More than a year has passed since the outbreak of the virus, and signs of depression and
desolation are everywhere in the compound. The blood stains on the square tiles and the
surrounding walls have been tanned. If it can't be clearly seen that the shape produced by
the palm pressing or forcibly dragging, it will only be regarded as a bunch of irrelevant
There were many zombies wandering from the doorman's room to the entrance of the
building. Lu Xiuyuan's transparent wall blocked the induction of zombies, but there were
still zombies who were attracted by sounds and images and came here.
The crowd passed through the corpse, and from time to time they could face the pair of
black holes, and the owner of the eyes twisted their stiff necks and looked at them silently
across a transparent wall.
The walls are strong, living on one side and dead on the other.
The palms suddenly tightened. Shen Shi'an looked down, Shen Xun held his hand, his
fingers interspersed with ten fingers, his thumb rubbed back and forth on the back of his
I'm hungry
It didn't come out just after dinner
We can think about what to eat at night
What do you want to eat
Bake goose eggs, add bacon and diced ham, not carrots
Another sweet potato
No, it's too sweet. I'm not a kid
The sweet-loving ones didn't know who it was.
There were also a lot of zombies inside the building. The crowd didn't alarm other places.
They only solved a few of them on the stairs and smoothly reached the top floor platform.
They expected it right, the vision here is really good, you can see everything in all
directions, the figure of the ordinary team members outside the county is clearly visible.
The only drawback is that it is too tan and has no cover.
Shen Xun glanced at Shen Shi'an's blushing face, leaving a sentence "coming soon" and
jumping straight from the top of the building.
He returned very quickly indeed, carrying a huge parasol, chose the best angle of view and
clicked into the metal umbrella handle \\ 039 into the concrete floor, and then pulled out
two rattan chairs and A small round table, carefully wiped clean and pulled Shen Shi'an
together to sit down.
Xiong Manshan disappeared and came back again, holding two benches in his hands,
carefully placed at the corner of the shade of the umbrella, seeing Shen Xun did not show
any objection, immediately greeted Liu Fangzhou and others to sit together.
Twenty minutes later, Tao Yuan pressed the timer, Xu Ge raised his glasses and looked out
of the city. "They came in."
The ordinary team chose to enter from the west entrance of the county seat, that is, Shen
Shi'an and others, along the main road to the inside.
From the perspective of everyone on the top floor, it can be clearly seen that the zombies
who had scattered aimlessly around the road like sharks smelling blood, quickly reversed
their direction and gathered toward them.
Almost all wandering around the county seat are mutant zombies. These zombies are not as
terrible as the power zombies, but their evolutionary period of more than a year has made
them more flexible. Ordinary people are no different. Within half a minute, the first wave of
zombies had already collided head-on with ordinary team members.
A total of more than 20 players marched in an arcuate formation, each holding a metal pike
stick in their hands. Their movements were fast and agile, with their sharp tips facing
outward, aiming at the weak points of the zombie's orbit, jaw, or temple. The part was
pinched in and then pulled out quickly, and it was fatal with a sharp blow, and it was all
resolved before the first wave of zombies approached.
But this is just an appetizer, they know it, and the spectators on the top floor know it too.
After the first wave of zombies was resolved, the number of zombies that came sooner was
more. With the attack speed of more than 20 people, there was no way to guarantee that
they would all be destroyed before they approached themselves.
So eleven team members put the stab sticks in the side of the backpack and put them away.
There was a slight commotion among the new players watching on the top floor. "What is
the reason not to take the time to kill the zombies but to put away the weapons?"
"So ordinary people's combat effectiveness is too low. They can only kill at most one at a
time, and a fire-powered person has already burned a large piece at this time."
"Look, they're changing formation."
During the discussion, the eleven ordinary team members who took up their weapons took
out a black metal plate from behind. The metal plate was not large enough to fit in a
backpack, only about five coins thick. What I said was a bit like an ultra-thin notebook, so
the new team members didn't respond to what exactly this thing was.
However, with the slight shaking of the eleven players, the metal plate suddenly popped
open and expanded into a one-man, half-man wide shield.
"This is the latest metal shield developed by the research center," Shen Shi'an said. "It is
made of high-molecular memory material and reinforced metal. It can be folded and
carried around. It has high hardness, good ductility, and strong protection. You are officially
After the members, they can buy them from the sharp arsenal of internal weapons at the
internal price, and those who have reached a certain level of contribution can also apply for
free. "
With the introduction of Shen Shi'an, eleven players set up shields in front of them to form
a semi-circular line of defense, leaving a gap of about four centimeters between each shield,
which can effectively prevent the zombies from approaching and ensure that the stabstick
can penetrate. Attacks continued in the past.
With the protection established by his teammates, more than ten other players still
maintained a continuous attack speed, stabbing sharp metal into the zombie brain.
Although there were a lot of zombies coming up, everyone was holding on to their position,
and there was no disorder in order. How many kills came, and they seemed to be at ease.
"There were zombies behind them," shouted the new members.
The players on the battlefield also found this out and quickly provided countermeasures.
The eleven shields changed from vertical to horizontal and raised to block the upper body
of the zombie most likely to cause damage. At the same time, it changed from semicircular
to four or four The three-structure isosceles triangle, pointed forward, encloses everyone
between the triangles, leaving a gap to continue the attack.
In order to prevent the accumulation of corpses from affecting the offensive, they did not
stop in one place, but kept moving forward.
More than a dozen metal thorn sticks shined brightly under the scorching sun, or moved
forward and backward, or one after another, stabbing from three directions constantly,
fast, fierce and accurate, each shot must never fail, leaving the ground full Return to the
dead corpse completely.
For the people watching the battle on the top floor, the results they achieved became more
and more obvious, like a sharp awl, tearing a hole from the zombies in a never-retreating
trend, and moving forward steadily.
Many spectators thought that they would maintain this momentum all the way deep into
the county seat. In fact, they stopped and walked along the main road for more than 1,000
meters and stopped on a slightly higher square.
There are big drums with stone carvings on the square, more than two meters high and
more than five meters in diameter. More than twenty people are more than enough to
stand up.
They put a mobile phone in the middle of the bass drum, and after a short break, stood
along the bass drum in a circle. It didn't take long for a deafening today to be a good day on
the bass drum, it was bounced by the drum and passed around the square The tall
buildings reflect, and the festive melody goes straight into the sky.
Liu Fangzhou, who sat on the bench on the top floor and smashed the seeds, said with
emotion "I thought that when we were not in Beijing, we killed the zombies like this. The
unity is the strength, which is particularly exciting. Looking for brother, do you still
remember, you At that time, he was still a handsome little handsome man. "
Apart from the core players, no one knows that Shen Xun was a little doll before. Liu
Fangzhou hurriedly and quickly escaped his words before talking about the leak. Don't bite
the tongue too quickly, and tears began to soar immediately.
Xiong Manshan joined the team a little later. He didn't have much impression of what Liu
Fangzhou said. When he turned around and found that he had tears in his eyes and thought
that something sad was happening, he hurried people into his arms. Brother covers you,
you ca n’t eat this melon seed. "
Xu Ge glanced at the timer, "It's almost an hour."
Tao Yuan asked "how many zombies did they solve"
Liu Fangzhou swept back his tears and swept again, "The mountain is fourteen hungry and
This is equivalent to an average of four or five per minute for the main attacker, which is
very impressive.
Ordinary new players cheered with excitement, and there was a commotion in the ability
team, apparently calculating whether their own can achieve this record. "I admit that they
are really powerful, to be honest, this record has far exceeded our expectations for
ordinary people. But so far they have all killed mutant zombies without any power, To put
it plainly, it is the lowest wave in the zombie. Once the power zombies appear, how do they
fight the power zombies will not obediently let them poke in their heads, let alone stay on
the drums safely, At that time, they will definitely suffer a great deal. It will be a matter of
time before music can be played like this and lead the zombies out. "
Xu Qiang was right, the bright music sounded less than ten minutes, and the two power
zombies arrived from the northwest as scheduled.
"A soil system and a wood system are all first-level abilities." Liu Fangzhou couldn't help
but stand up, and couldn't hide the tension in his expression. "They haven't come alone,
and they came with five or six thousand mutant zombies. Up "
The most unfavorable part of ordinary people in the last days is that no matter how hard
they try to improve their physical fitness, there is no way to overcome the capacity gap
brought about by genetic evolution. For various abilities like superpowers, there is no way
to crack them by physical ability alone.
When an ordinary person and an ability are facing the enemy, the probability of winning is
slim. From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with Xu Qiang's point of view.
No matter it is the wooden zombies or the soil zombies, it is easy to force more than 20
members of the ordinary team from the drum, and once they lose the most critical height
advantage, even the power zombies are no longer Thousands of zombie tides can also kill
The tense atmosphere quickly spread on the top floor platform. Everyone's attention was
focused on the big drum on the square, and more than twenty ordinary players on the big
As the power zombies approached, the mutated zombies that were originally surrounded
by the drum and vainly wanted to catch their prey could only be pierced by their team
members through the skull in order. The zombies suddenly stopped, then retreated like a
tide, and retreated far. Out of the attack range of the team members.
"Grass, power zombies are about to attack"
I saw the wooden zombies stretched out their hands, and the overgrown weeds not far
from the drum suddenly grew crazy, and then twisted and twisted into a dozen grass ropes.
They moved quickly toward the drum like a viper, and the goal was clear. It was the drum.
On those twenty players
And just as the grass rope walked around the stone drum for half a circle and saw that the
player's ankle was about to be entangled, the volley seemed to have a glimmer of light,
accompanied by a faint muffled sound, the wooden zombies suddenly appeared between
the foreheads. A blood hole.
The zombies shook twice and fell straight to the ground.
When the wooden zombies fell, there was a glimmer of light. This time they were hit by the
soil zombies.
The fall of the two power zombies will once again bring the mutated zombies showing a bit
of order into a chaotic state of instinct, and howl hoarsely around the stone drum.
The atmosphere on the top floor platform is very different from a moment ago. I saw it with
good eyes, and the two glimmers were emitted from the top of the tallest building around
the square.
Xu Qiang could not help asking "Who is there"
"Zhao Xinhe," Shen Shi'an stood up from the chair and walked to the edge of the platform.
"The captain of the old team and the ordinary team is also a sniper tuned by Tao Yuan Tao
instructor himself."
Xu Qiang is not stupid. He can even be called smart, and soon reacted. "He was ambush in
the morning. They were intentional. The original purpose of playing music was to attract
The whole set of tactics was worked out from the beginning. The sniper looked for
commanding heights, and the rest of the staff looked for a suitable location within the
sniper's cover to attract the zombies. Regardless of whether they attract mutant zombies or
power zombies, they have the ability to deal with them.
In the next hour or so, they attracted 13 first-level zombies and two second-level zombies,
without exception, these power zombies died silently in the sniper rifle. under.
The terrible power of long-range sniping was clearly shown for the first time to these new
As the zombie abilities were attracted one after another, the mutant zombies gathered
around the square became more like a mountain. Someone questioned, "So many zombies
are blocking how they can leave safely. They must leave safely before completing the test."
The voice fell shortly, that is, when there were more than ten minutes left before the end of
the two-hour test period, a terrifying explosion came from the northeast corner of the
other side of the county seat.
The explosion sounded through the clouds, and smoke and dust were visible from the top
floor platform. Attracted by this movement, the zombies at the edge of the square began to
rush to the sound.
Looking down from the top floor platform, the dense crowd of zombies is like tide, and a
large wave of waves on the periphery has begun to change direction, getting farther and
farther from Shigu. Immediately, more than twenty members who had packed their bags
held weapons and held grenades, and quickly covered a **** path by covering up the sound
of distant roar.
Two hours have passed. Xu Ge stopped the timer. The ordinary team members completed
the test, and the entire team was not damaged.
Shen Shi'an looked to Xu Qiang "It's you."
Compared with the thrills and surprises of the ordinary team, the performance of the
power team is completely unexpected, and the dazzling powers are dazzling, but there is
nothing unforgettable.
Liu Fangzhou watched for a long time and found an advantage "much better than when we
started off on the railway task."
After another two hours, the competition was over and all the members gathered next to
the truck outside the county seat.
The results of the two sides were announced by Liu Fangzhou. The total number of crystal
nuclei obtained by the power team was more, but because the ordinary team received
fifteen primary crystal nuclei and two secondary crystal nuclei, comparing the total value of
the crystal nuclei, the two sides loomed. Flat.
"We lost." Zhao Xinhedao "We used a lot of thermal weapons, the cost is higher."
"Don't, the nucleus absorbed when we added the power is not too small, not necessarily
lower than you," Xu Qiang said after a pause, and then looked at Zhao Xinhedao "We lost.
To be honest, the result of such a test We didn't expect it at all. We thought we would
definitely crush you with absolute superiority. We never expected that if we lost, we would
lose. I am afraid to admit it, and I'm really convinced. You are pretty good. "
Zhao Xinhe shook his head. "That's because we know that we can't fight you, so we seized
the opportunity to use the power zombies as the main tactical goal. This is because the
power nuclei are barely tied. If you really want to count, it must be you. Stronger. "
"Even if you do n’t fight those two second-level zombies, we do n’t have to fight with them,
and you have killed so many zombies, but it makes our battle easier. Besides, we are better
than You have two more hours of preparation time, no matter how you count, you win. "
"we lose."
"No, we lost."
"We really lost."
"I say we lose is we lose"
"Obviously us"
"We we we we"
"Hey," seeing the two teams clamoring again, Xiong Manshan put his arms on Liu
Fangzhou's shoulder. "You said they are really interesting."
"Don't make a noise." After the two teams quickly calmed down, Shen Shi'an said, "This test
is recorded as a tie. The crystal cores obtained by all parties belong to the parties and do
not need to be submitted to the public. Are there any objections?"
In the evening, the sun's rays were slightly milder. Shen Shi'an walked to the front of the
ability team, his gaze crossed over every player who was reflected in the setting sun, and
finally settled on Xu Qiang.
"I admit that you are right. Psionics have advantages that ordinary people cannot reach in
terms of fighting methods and combat capabilities. Psionics are more powerful, more
evolved, and more able to adapt to the rules of survival in the last days. Compared to
ordinary people, you will play a greater role in the post-apocalyptic battle. "
"But this battle has never been a separate battle for either side. It is not a battle between
powers and zombies, it is not a battle between ordinary people and zombies, let alone a
battle between powers and ordinary people, it is all human and non-human. The war
between human beings, if this world can really return to normal one day, that day will
inevitably require the concerted efforts of everyone.
"After the outbreak of the virus, I have seen ordinary soldiers without abilities struggling to
protect abilities, and I have also seen abilities that mutilate their siblings because they see
themselves as superior races."
"It's because we don't want the tragedy to repeat, so my teammates and I reached a
consensus when we created the blade, and we definitely won't let the evolution of abilities
become a limiting condition for joining the blade and fighting alongside us. That's exactly
the same. , Then the blade will become the only power organization with more ordinary
people than powers. "
After the end of the world, class differentiation due to the strength of power is inevitable,
but the division in Noah's Ark is too extreme and shocking.
There are more than 300 million survivors in Huaguo, of which only one-twentieth of them
are power. If the two really and completely contradict each other, the result will only be the
acceleration of human destruction.
He does not have the aspirations of all living beings, nor the ability to save the weak in the
world. But at least in the group he established, he did his best to make this class division
slightly slower.
After all, even he himself is just an ordinary person who has not evolved abilities.
Shen Shi settled, watching the abilities team asking, "You have been joining the Blade for
more than a month, and you should also notice that the abilities of the old players and
ordinary people get along very well. Do you know why?"
"Because these ordinary people are worth it."
Shen Shi'an turned his eyes to Zhao Xinhe and others. "In order to reach this stage today
and become a strong player with a record that is on par with yours, they have put in an
effort unimaginable by ordinary people. To formally become a member of the blade, you
must pass a two-month evaluation period. The two-month evaluation period is not easy,
and it is not enough to perform a group task together. You, especially ordinary people
among the new players, will soon realize this.
Shen Shian turned his eyes back to Xu Qiang. "Ordinary people are indeed weaker, but as
long as they have the determination, they may not be stronger. All they need is a little time.
I am not asking you to respect the weak. It ’s a pity. It ’s a shame. I hope that you can give
ordinary people among the new players a chance to grow. In this growth process, they may
evolve the same powers as you, even more powerful ones than you. Yes, maybe they will
become as strong as Captain Zhao in the way of ordinary people. Give them a chance to
grow into comrades you can trust and fight side by side. "
"And all ordinary players, if you ca n’t persist in the assessment period and fail to meet my
expectations and requirements, there will be no place for you in this team. Remember, the
blade is not a welfare institution, not a relief center, and the blade is only strong. And
perseverance. "
There was silence on the field, only the wind passed. Everyone is thoughtful.
Liu Fangzhou suddenly said, "Captain, the last level two zombie corpse seems to have found
us, with a wave of zombies going this way."
Shen Xun, who had been standing behind Shen Shian obliquely, pulled out the Tang sword.
The rabbit went up and down and disappeared a few times. Then he returned a few
minutes later. "All solved."
The only Liu Fangzhou who knew what this meant by "all solved" whispered "grass" in
Shen Shian put his hands behind his back, this time glanced over all the new members, his
eyes turned cold. "How to get along in the future is your own business, but the first rule of
sharp blades is to prohibit internal fighting. Solve There are many ways to do this, and a
blatant fight in the cafeteria is definitely not one of them. The following is an
announcement of the mess in the cafeteria. All those involved in the internal battle will be
penalized with a penalty of one hundred points for public use. In addition, the assessment
time is extended by one month. Are there any objections? "
"Very good." Shen Shi'an continued. "Xu Qiang has a very reasonable statement. It is unfair
that people with different contributions in the battle eat the same meal. Since Sharp Blade
has implemented a contribution hierarchy in other aspects, There is no reason why this is
not reflected in meals. Starting today, the top 20 people with the highest weekly
contribution value can enjoy a week-long small stove meal supplement, and those with the
highest weekly contribution value can go to the villa for dinner. Are there any objections? "
"Dissolve, pack up and get home."
Lu Xiuyuan led the new and old players back to the county to pick up the crystal nucleus.
Although the two sides did not know how to sue each other, the power of the new members
and the ordinary people got a little harmonious.
The return trip was driven by Tao Yuan. Shen Shi'an sat in the back seat and leaned on
Shen Xun's shoulder. He seemed to be asleep for a while with his eyes closed.
Until awakened by a malicious spite, almost crushed the car of the off-road vehicle with one
"What's wrong" Shen Xun reached out and touched his forehead "have a nightmare"
Shen Shi'an said nothing and turned to look out the window. They have entered the capital.
The feeling of being spied on secretly reappeared.
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel hia, Ru Qiulin Stone, and Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the mine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
60 bottles of Qingqing; 40 bottles of leaf whisk; 29 bottles of zcat; 17 bottles of warm
adorable; 10 bottles of wooden pen and water; 9 bottles of dark dust; 5 bottles of purple
purple, spring and eiy; Daiyueer, Er'er, 396651111 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 175:

Settings saved..
This is the anti-theft chapter
This man dared to do that kind of thing to himself, and he has never held a grudge against
him ever since
This so-called revenge against Dai is in fact that Shen Shi'an discovered that Xiao He bullied
Rui Bao and slapped two in the ass.
He and Yun Feiyang came back in time. Ruibao was not injured, but was obviously scared
enough. As soon as Xiao Hei approached, he fluttered his wings and shouted "Goodbye".
Now he can only put it in the second bedroom to separate from Xiao Hei.
Shen Shi'an was very unhappy, cut a small dish of tomatoes for Ruibao, and quietly
replaced the water he drinks with Lingquan water. Now he is quite emotionally stable and
has fallen asleep on the shelf.
Yun Feiyang was sitting on a chair next to the cooking table, staring at Xiaohei while
peeling the peas. "Hey, An An, is your dog going to become a sperm? It's the first time I've
seen a puppy with such emotions. Humane, didn't you just hit it twice? Take a look, and
now I still avenge you. "
Shen Shi'an turned around and glanced at it. Just as Xiao He rode the robot and turned to
the kitchen, he immediately turned around arrogantly and indifferently when he saw it,
because he almost threw himself out of the robot.
"It's not vengeance," said Fan Guoping, who was marinating chicken wings, smiling when
Xiao Hei went away. "I think this little thing is jealous."
"Jealous" Shen Shian was puzzled.
"That's not it." Fan Guoping put the chicken wings on the baking tray into the oven, and
then took off the disposable gloves. "Animals are almost like humans. Mr. Shen, you think
about it, you just picked it up for more than a week. I am completely familiar with the
environment. Suddenly there is another pet in the house, and you hit it for this pet. Do n’t
worry about it, then, in the small black eyes, do n’t you consider other pets to be more
precious than it? It ’s not only jealous, but maybe you ’re afraid you wo n’t want it after you
have a new pet. Stray little things can be sensitive to people ’s emotions. My daughter just
raised a stray dog during the time, even if she got out of the house The smell of other cats,
dogs, and dogs will be anxious for a long time after returning home. To put it plainly, there
is no sense of security. "
After that, he took his elbow and punched his colleague Wan Feng. "Yes, Lao Wan."
Wan Feng was peeling peas with Yun Feiyang, and his arm was suddenly pounded by Fan
Guoping. The peeled peas immediately rolled down from the palm of his hand, looked at
them without changing the color, and fished again before the peas landed, and then greeted
them. Yun Feiyang's amazed glance "um" sounded.
Is that so
Shen Shian was thoughtful.
Four people cooperated with each other, and a hearty New Year's Eve meal was quickly
prepared. The bamboo shoots and pork ribs were stewed and the meat was rotten. The
garlic mullet was fried on both sides. Scent of Cola Chicken Wings coming out of the oven
As each dish was brought to the table, Xiao Hei and its mounts spent a lot of time
wandering around the restaurant. Shen Shian took out his usual bowl, filled it with two
tablespoons of rice, and called it "come over for dinner."
Little black head twisted, right when he did not hear.
Shen Shian pours a large bowl of braised pork with soup on the rice, "I really don't eat it"
Little black ears moved, still squatting on the sweeping robot without looking at him.
Shen Shi'an peeled a few shrimps and placed them next to braised pork. Then he took out
two small bowls, one filled with half a bowl of tomato burdock, and one filled with half a
bowl of pork rib soup. I'll take it to Ruibao. "
The voice didn't fall, Xiao Hei had already rushed over like a gust of wind, and stuck out his
tongue and licked all the food and soup, while licking and squinting provocatively at Shen
The corners of her lips were slightly invisible, and Shen Shi'an raised his hand and rubbed
two on the dog's head. "Eat slowly, not enough."
"Come here," Yun Feiyang opened a bottle of red wine, and poured a small glass into four
glasses in turn. "An'an quickly sat down and waited for your master."
The table is full of delicious aromas. Among them, Shen Shi'an made the tomato burdock
the most popular. The space-produced tomato was boiled into a thick state. The burdock
was cooked thoroughly and crispy. Put it in your mouth and chew it twice. The hot gravy
and tomato juice overflow instantly, and the rich meat and fruit aroma burst on the taste
buds at the same time, so beautiful that you can swallow even your tongue.
Fan Guoping inhaled while eating and raised his thumb high at Shen Shi'an. "Mr. Shen's
cooking is fine."
"Sloppy," Shen Shi'an said, "Mr. Fan's Cola chicken wings also taste great."
Yun Feiyang nodded his cheeks again and again, Cola chicken wings have eaten the most
besides burdock.
Fan Guoping smiled and waved his hand. "I ca n’t compare it. I am because my daughter
likes to eat this, so I usually have nothing to think about at home. I do n’t have a problem
with home-cooked dishes, and I do n’t have a chance on big occasions. I'll only be this one. "
"Anyway, two hard chefs." Yun Feiyang raised his wine glass. "Come and get together is a
destiny. I wish us all the best in 2019, and a happy new year."
Everyone toasted and met "Happy New Year"
At one meal, the guests and the guests were happy. After the meal, Yun Feiyang offered to
clean up the dishes. Shen Shi'an sent Wan Feng and the two out, and took Xiao Hei down
the circle by the way. This little thing was still awkward. After pulling it, I didn't look at
Shen Shi'an, and ran back on my own short legs.
Shen Shi'an didn't care, he hurriedly followed behind. Near the bottom of the building, the
residents of the building next door also came out to walk the dog. It was a large dark brown
Tibetan mastiff, half a person tall, with strong muscles and hair, and turbid saliva running
along the teeth. Going down, it looks quite scary.
I don't know if the aroma of burdock ribs was left on Shen Shi'an, or because he often
soaked in Lingquan, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly got excited when he saw him, and
hurriedly walked forward the dog rope to release his hand from the owner. Barking loudly,
she flew towards Shen Shi'an.
Shen Shi'an frowned, preparing to dodge. Xiao Hei, who had ran into the building, suddenly
turned around and ran back. He hadn't hidden the small half-legged mastiff in front of Shen
Shi'an. Two rows of fangs were cold and exposed from his throat. There was a growl.
This roar is very strange, like the deep roar of some ancient beast, faintly holding the
majesty and anger, so that the Tibetan mastiff that stands taller than people seems to have
heard something terrible. The sound, howling whine, ran back towards the master with his
The dog owner picked up the dog rope with sweat and apologized to Shen Shi'an. "I'm
sorry, I accidentally didn't hold it and let it run away. I didn't scare you. Our dog just looked
scary, but it didn't bite. It ’s human. ”He also looked at Xiaozi Youzi,“ What kind of dog in
your family has a bad temper? ”
Shen Shian bent over and hugged Xiao Hei, without directly answering the other party ’s
words. His tone was a bit cold. “It ’s better to take good measures against large dogs. Not
everyone can be as lucky as me. In case something hurts someone, But it's not a few words I
can solve. "
The other party looked awkward, and what more to say, Shen Shi'an had already held Xiao
Hei and entered the gate of the building.
The protector returned to the protector. Xiao Hei was still angry. When he entered the
elevator, he was troubled to get off Shen Shi'an's arm.
Shen Shian touched Mao a few times, bowed his head and kissed "good."
The dog stiffened and stopped immediately.
After the New Year's Day, the final exam will be held. Yun Feiyang also started a sprint once
a semester. After spending good night with Shen Shi'an Road, he went to his house to pick
up the lights and read at night.
Shen Shi'an returned to the master bedroom to take a bath, gave his mother a joss stick,
and then leaned on the bed with a heavy professional book. After just a few pages,
something was pulled down, and Xiao Hei stepped on the robot. Straightening up beside
the pillow, he still turned his head away from him.
Xiao Hei just picked it up that night because she was afraid of the darkness, so Shen Shian
made an exception and let him sleep in the bed all night, and then every night he slept in
the kennel by the sofa. In particular, after adding the bad habit of rolling dog hair, Shen
Shi'an even forbids him to take a step closer to his bed. Tonight's behavior is quite
Shen Shi'an stared at this little fluffy group for a while. The dark eyes reflected the light,
like a deep pool full of fine stars in the night, and the mysterious charm was unfathomable.
Suddenly I remembered the words that Fan Guoping said before eating, and seemed to
understand the reason for Xiao Hei's actions, and a gentle wave of water poured out from
the deep lake.
He closed the book and put it on the nightstand, turned off the light and lay down on his
side. The fingers touched the hair and smoothed the hair. After a while, the gentle and clear
voice rang softly in the dark. "There are no other pets. I only have one."
Xiao He moved, first struck down a layer of hair on the bed sheet, then turned around and
hugged Shen Shi'an's arm, and licked his lips wetly.
"My favorite grain is first, who dares to rob me and kill someone?"
Fan Guoping laughed at the door. "I said, the dog is the most loyal to people. Don't look at
the little temper I just picked up. It's only been a few days before he started sticking to Mr.
Shen. This shows that he likes How about you "
The author has something to say: Can anyone guess where the critical flaw is?
It is not explicitly mentioned in the text, but there are hints from beginning to end.
The first three guessed little angels' red envelopes have changed the URL, the URL has been
changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL, the
new computer version of the URL, and everyone opened it in the new URL. Open, the old
website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, free and fastest update without
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 176:

Settings saved..
In the scorching sun and clear skies, a military truck galloped on the empty provincial road,
driving the truck out of the speed of the aircraft.
Shen Xun's spirit in the driver's seat was shaken, and Li Runsheng's face on the co-pilot was
as pale as earth.
The satellite phone inserted in the right shoulder pocket of the combat suit suddenly rang.
While Shen Xun slowed down, he made a phone call 039 and scanned the number. After the
car stopped, press the connection button and put it in his ear. what happened"
Li Runsheng collapsed in his seat as if collapsed. His face was filled with the luck of the rest
of the disaster. At the same time, I sincerely thanked Major Tang or Mr. Lin for calling.
There were three satellite phones. In the villa, there is another one in the captain's hand. It
is absolutely impossible for the captain to call him with the tone of the deputy captain, so
the other end of the phone will only be Tang Lin who is in the base today.
Before I can relax in a breath, I was frightened by a sudden shock in my ear and sucked
Hung up the phone and threw it to Li Runsheng, throwing a sentence "stop the mission and
return immediately" and opened the door and jumped down. At the moment of landing, he
had turned into a magnificent black monster with a Tang sword in his mouth and a huge
emerald green The beastly eyes in the beast's eyes, like a black blast, disappeared in the
blink of an eye at the end of Li Runsheng's vision.
While holding the three bullets with his backhand, the appearance of "Shen Shi'an" was
also undergoing a huge change. The face belonging to Shen Shi'an was peeling off a little
like an aging wall skin. When the entire face was completely peeled off, he stood on the
original The ground has become a tall and strong strange man. The familiar face
characteristics make Tang Song secretly startled and look at each other again.
"You haven't answered my question yet," Hexiu threw the three bullets to the ground,
repeating it slowly. "Where did I expose the flaw? I watched it secretly for a long time and
thought I had Shen Shian's imitations of movements, looks and characteristics are very
delicate. Even the names and positions of each of you have been carefully inquired. How
did you recognize them? "
He frowned slightly, seeming to be simply confused by the question, his tone was mild and
harmless, but the strong sense of crisis that made Lin Ruan's hair straightened did not
Tang Song pushed his glasses. "Your Lord has exposed too many flaws. I don't know which
one I want to start with."
"Oh," Hirsch showed a strong interest. "Well, let's start with the first one."
"First, you said Zhao Xinjiang parked his car outside the gate."
"What's wrong with this sentence"
"Zhao Xinjiang drove you back, which meant that the Ark was left alone. It is impossible for
the captain to let the Ark act alone."
"Why is this again"
"To protect the safety of the team members."
Hexiu nodded "What about the second one"
"After realizing from the first flaw that you might have a problem, I set you a language trap.
I tell you that Lin Ruan and I are conceiving several theories about the problem we were
talking about last night, and in fact the captain last night It was late, and the only question
we talked about was whether we ate it. "
"That's it. But in case I just remember it wrongly, or just because I was in a hurry to find the
file, I didn't pay attention to what you said and shot it directly. You are not afraid to kill the
wrong person."
"So we managed to show you the third and the most critical flaw." Tang Song glanced at the
man's right wrist and Shen Shian's string of beads and tattoos. "You intentionally exposed
the beads and tattoos, you should It's to dispel our doubts, but you are mistaken. The most
important point is that our captain is a left-hander. "
Hexiu laughed, raised his hand and touched his chin. "The original reason for throwing
strawberries for this purpose was a bit interesting." Sweat, then fell on Lin Ruan again
"Why haven't you been talking?"
Lin Ruan shrugged. "Nothing to say."
"No." He Xiu narrowed his eyes suddenly, his body flickered, and he appeared in front of
Lin Ruan the next second. He gathered his fingers into his claws and dug hard towards his
Alas. The palm passed straight through without any hindrance, and Lin Ruan's figure shook
like water waves, and then turned into nothingness.
He Xiu's face sank, and his backhand slammed on Tang Song's body, but his figure also
disappeared like green smoke.
"Illusion." He Xiu raised the corners of his lips, but the dark green eyes were full of
coldness. "I thought I explained it to me so much that I liked it, it was just to delay time."
"It's really disappointing."
At the same time, Tang Song hurriedly retreated outside the villa, turned his head and
asked Lin Ruan, who was coming from the basement gate, "how?"
"Several children have been sent out safely. The captain and Ark's bracelets do not know
why they could not be contacted. Both Tao Yuan and Xu Ge did not receive news outside the
city. Chen Nan and Lu Xiuyuan were rushing back. The captain asked us not to try to delay
time as much as possible. He could come back in about 20 minutes. I also called the police,
but the guards may not be able to arrive in time. "Lin Ruan quickly ran to Tang Song." How
can you support Can I live? "
Tang Song's face was a little pale. "It won't last long. The other's mental strength is too
strong. How many people are left in the base area."
"In addition to the family members, there are 36 official team members."
Lin Ruan immediately activated a first-level alarm after leaving the villa. At this time, all
members of the team were fully armed and gathered outside the villa wall.
"The enemy is in the villa and will come out soon," Tang Song turned to look at the thirty-
six players who set up weapons along the fence. "Everyone try not to make a sound. Listen
to my instructions. Don't leave any attacks. room"
As soon as Tang Song's voice was finished, a figure walked out of the villa like a stride.
He didn't seem to be able to see the team members waiting outside the fence, or the black
muzzle in the hands of the team members. He even bent over to pick a flower from the yard
and sent it to the tip of the nose and smelled, "There is a fragrance, really. Pretty good trick.
Tang Song retreated to the outside of the wall, his forehead faintly exploded due to the
large amount of mental power output, raised his hand and shot "shot" next.
All the players pulled the trigger at the same time, the fierce gunfire rang, and countless
silver lights formed a tight firepower network and fired at each key point of the target.
Lin Ruan stared at the man. The other party was in Tang Song's illusion, and his vision and
hearing were disturbed. All he could see was a peaceful scene.
In this case, can you still block the bullets? Even if three can block, then thirty or three
hundred, I do n’t believe how it is possible.
Lin Ruan opened her eyes in shock and all the bullets stopped half a meter away from
Hexiu, as if someone pressed the pause button, time suddenly freezes at this moment.
With a strong omission, Lin Ruan sighed, "Be careful to lie down"
The words didn't fall, and the hundreds of bullets stagnating in front of Hirsch's body
suddenly turned around and shot towards the crowd outside the wall at a faster speed.
Lin Ruan took a few steps and threw Tang Song to the ground. The half-human-high
earthen wall was shot by a bullet into a sieve, soot exploded, dirt fragments were blown up
everywhere, and a drama came suddenly on the left shoulder. The pain made Lin Ruan grit
his teeth and groan.
Tang Song coughed a few times with marl, and when he looked up, he saw the dazzling
blood stains leaking from his shoulder.
"It's okay," Lin Ruanyang smiled, and clenched his hand to comfort him. "The bullet passed
through without hurting the bone."
It wasn't just him who was hit by this stream, and the sound of screams around him was
endless. However, due to Tang Song's sudden fall, the power output was interrupted, and
the illusion that trapped Hexiu disappeared.
He glanced playfully at this side. "So many people have come here already. It ’s good, people
are more lively."
"Wounded back" seeing the other party approaching each other, Tang Song immediately
ordered "the soil abilities to rise to protect, others continue to attack"
A blast of "My Grass" stopped beside Lin Ruan and others. Xiong Manshan put Chen Nan on
his back and Lu Xiuyuan in his arms. "What's the situation?"
Chen Nanben went to Lin Ruan and looked at his wound.
"Can't die." Lin Ruan quickly tied a bandage to the wound and pulled out a dagger from the
weapon bag around his waist. "Stop him, the deputy captain will be back in about fifteen
The first wave of power attacks from left-behind players had hit Hexiu's eyes, but no matter
how intensive the attack was, he couldn't even touch his clothing corners. Xiong Manshan
disappeared in place with his fists in the same frame. The rocket gun rushed towards
He Xiu raised his palm, and did not avoid punching him. The invisible air wave surged from
where the two fists collided. Xiong Manshan seemed to hit a speeding locomotive and was
strongly impacted. Li threw away from afar, and the protective wall that had just risen
crashed halfway.
"Manshan" Chen Nan was frightened and angry, his palms stuck to the ground, and more
than ten thick-armed devil vines and vines pierced the soil from Hexian's body, like a giant
octopus with teeth and claws. Be strict.
"Well," Hexiu's eyes are fixed on the golden spots of the vines. This is the characteristic of
the second variation after the devil vine absorbs a large amount of spiritual spring water. A
strong flavor floats in his eyes. "This is"
The muscle was tense, and the devil vine, which was tightly tied to his body, was instantly
torn apart. He reached for a main vine and pulled it hard. The mud and stones were flying
and the turf splashed. Chen Nan responded quickly and withdrew his ability in a timely
manner to restore the devil's vine to its original size.
Rao was so shocked, he gritted his teeth "who the **** is this guy?"
Lu Xiuyuan blushed. "He's not human."
"What" Tang Song, who is trying to rebuild the illusion, turned his head, "what do you
"I've been covering his mouth and nose with his power for several minutes," Lu Xiuyuan
swallowed. "He didn't react at all."
Xiong Manshan, who had just crawled out from under the protective wall, scolded the
grass, "It will never be a zombie."
"No matter what he is," Lin Ruan stroked a dark tint. "I don't believe I can't die after being
pierced through my head. Chen Nanlu Xiuyuan, cover me"
The author has something to say: Many readers have guessed the first two flaws, but An An
is a left-handed person.
The first chapter has hints that the bead is worn on the right hand.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angels who dropped the mines, 295943841;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
dandan 93 bottles; 10 bottles of confusion; 犽, 134690132 bottles; chasing the most
abused, drifting through g151 bottles;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection, the old
URL has been recently Ca n’t open the old website, the old website will not open in the
future, please keep in mind :, the fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error
reporting chapter, seeking books and books, please add qq group 647547956 group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 177:

Settings saved..
Lin Ruan fell heavily on the grass, and his body pulled back a long scratch due to inertia.
The pain in the chest hit by He Xiu was unbearable, and the throat was sweet, and a trace of
blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.
Tang Lin, a few meters away from "Lin Ruan", was half-knelt on the ground. The overload
of his power caused him a headache. At this time, because of Lin Ruan's injury, he was
anxious. "How are you"
"I'm not coughing," Lin Ruanfei quickly wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. "I'll
stay okay, and the deputy captain will be back soon."
He Xiu was trapped in the fantasy again by Tang Song, but the crisis facing the people did
not abate. Chen Nan's right arm was fractured, Xiong Manshan and Lu Xiuyuan were
injured slightly or severely. More than half of the more than 30 players He lost his fighting
ability and suffered two serious injuries. If he could not be treated in time, I am afraid that
there will be more evil. And after paying such a terrible price, the only result they achieved
was leaving a deep and shallow mouth on Hexiu's face.
Everyone on the scene has gone through various life-and-death tests after the end of the
world, but has never been able to crush such absolute, even cross-dimensional power, as it
is today, it is simply desperate.
He Xiu stood on the lawn beside the artificial lake and raised his hand to wipe a little blood
from the wound on the left face. This was Lin Ruan's stroke with a dagger a moment ago.
The wound was not long. He didn't even feel the pain, but only The fact that he was "hurt by
humans" was enough to anger him completely.
"You flock of ants, try to die"
A frosty, chilling air from the bone marrow swept out of him, the lake creaked by the hot
sun, and soon formed a thick layer of cold ice. He Xiu closed his eyes and stood there for a
while, then the entire right hand suddenly alienated into a giant beast palm, five sharp
claws shone cold, and aimed at Lin Ruan's head, which fell softly, and struck quickly.
"Ran Ruan" exclaimed in exclamation, who did not know who shouted "The vice captain is
At this point, the claw tip was half a foot away from Lin Ruan, and He Xiu suddenly stopped
and took a few steps back as if he wanted to avoid some kind of attack. While taking this
opportunity, Xiong Manshan rushed over and ran Lin Ruan from He picked up the ground
and escaped his attack range at the fastest speed.
The expected attack did not arrive, and the expected figure gradually dissipated. Hexiu
reacted to "illusion".
\\ "Illusion again."
He stood in place and took a deep breath. "Really disgusting ability."
No one knows how he did it, and no one could see his movement clearly. The figure flashed
ghostly, and when he appeared again, he was standing in front of Tang Song, holding out his
left hand and holding his neck. Lifted him up easily.
"Catch you."
"Teacher" Lin Ruan's eyes were crazed, and he rushed forward with a dagger. Xiong
Manshan wanted to stop it, but was soon nailed to the ground by a word from He Xiu
"Going one step further, your teacher is dead."
The palms around the neck gradually tightened, and the throat bone made a sour clicking
sound under the pressure of gravity. Tang Song couldn't breathe at all, and his face rose
Hexiu admired his expression "are you upset?"
He enjoyed this process, enjoying the weak human beings struggling to resist in his palms,
but could not do anything, but could only tragically and desperately go to death. Like a bug
that just dies.
When he was about to crush the bug in his hand, a huge black shadow descended from the
sky like lightning, sinking and biting Hexiu's left shoulder, his sharp teeth pierced instantly,
like a rag It also seemed to shake it a few times, then threw it fiercely into the artificial lake,
and a black hole surrounded by cracks was smashed on the ice-covered lake.
The "deputy captain" members almost wept.
Shen Xun responded, and the nearly three-meter-high giant mighty majestic looked like a
god, and pure black hair shed a golden light under the scorching sun.
Tang Song fell to the ground as soon as He Xiu was bitten. Xiong Manshan quickly hugged
him out, and Lin Ruan immediately rushed over "how was it hurt?"
Tang Song covered his throat and coughed violently, shook his head and said hoarsely, "It's
okay." Then he issued an order "All the wounded were backed off. The severely injured
were immediately sent to the scientific research building for rescue. They could also wait
for the opportunity to support the deputy captain. Don't relax, enemy Not dead yet "
He was right.
Where He Xiu sank, the lake suddenly swelled up like boiling, a wave of water poured from
the cave to the lake and solidified into a new layer of ice. The white cold air soon shrouded
most of the artificial lake.
In the midst of the surging cold, a dark shadow suddenly rose into the sky, and then a black
giant of almost the same size and exactly the same fell to a distance of ten meters away.
He Xiu shook the drops of water on his body, and the huge beast eye, which was also
emerald, drew a narrow arc. "I haven't seen you for so long. Is my dear brother welcoming
his brother like this?"
Shen Xun lowered his shoulders and fangs. "I haven't seen you in such a long time. You
can't fix the stinky problem of talking yin and yang."
After shouting, he shrugged his nose suddenly, a suspicion appeared in his eyes, "Why can't
I smell your taste wrong, you are not Hexiu, you are a stubborn \\ 039 body Hexiu's body?"
No wonder he did not know when When he came to the capital, for the sake of safety, Shen
Xun unilaterally cut off Hexiu's tracking and induction of him immediately after the injury
recovered, but according to the innate connection between Kerberus, as long as Hexiu
himself stepped into the capital He should be aware immediately.
He Xiu shrugged, his tone sounded relaxed and casual, but each muscle of the body was
already tense and charged, staring at Shen Xun slowly turned half a circle. "My dearest
brother is going to kill me as soon as I meet, I How dare you let the body appear in front of
you. But to deal with you, it's enough to divide \\ 039. "
Shen Xun growled and said "try it"
The two beasts slammed together fiercely like artillery shells. The severe impact shook the
ground next to the artificial lake. Two rows of maple trees planted along the lake were
crushed in an instant, and some were blocked by the waist. Some of them were uprooted,
and powerful coercion and air waves swept out of the center of the battlefield, forcing
everyone to back again and again, and they dared not approach the slightest.
Chen Nan looked anxiously at the two beasts who bite in one place. "Let's just watch it,
can't we help you?"
"How to help," Lu Xiuyuan was pale with that terrible coercion, and he felt better after
rising forty-five transparent walls in a row. It is not clear who is who. "
"The tail is longer and the handsomer one is Xunge," Xiong Manshan looked relaxed and
relaxed. "Don't worry, Xunge has the upper hand and beat the grandson. The deputy
captain cheered on him."
Infected by him, the onlookers all started struggling to shout, "Deputy captain, cheer, vice
captain will win."
Hexiu rolled a half-circle on the ground and evasively attacked. He heard a sneer and said,
"The strength is not growing, but it is harmonious with human beings. I remember that you
don't hate these low-level creatures the most. What? Once you have fallen into a situation
where you are going to be greeted with them, and you are willing to submit to the deputy
captain, you are simply ashamed of Earberus. "
Shen Xun took a leap, and the sharp claws left five deep visible bone scars on He Xiu's back.
The chill in the eyes of the beast "It is you who is treacherous with humans. At first, it was
you that you colluded with the undead mage and set a trap. Brother won't lose at all "
"He'll lose to me because he's stupid, stupid Kerberos, only worthy of my food." He Xiu
walked down, trying to find opportunities for offense. "Not to mention those undead
wizards for me It ’s just pieces and tools that can be discarded at any time. Kerberos was
born to be revered and the Lord of the Underworld. In order to achieve the purpose, why
are you using these pieces and tools as your so-called teammates? ”He Xiu showed his fangs
and claws. , Rushed forward, "Do you have that courage to obliterate them?"
Shen Xun dodged sideways, turned his head and bite on He Xiu's right hind leg fiercely,
breaking his right leg into a weird angle with a scream of scream. At this point, Hexiu
completely fell into the wind, and soon was pressed by Shen Xun to the ground.
"I heard that you also found a personal companion," Hexiu, who was covered in blood, lay
on the ground and smiled. "Tell my brother how humans taste"
Shen Xun stepped on his head, lowered his head and bit his neck.
none of your business.
Waiting until the battle had completely subsided, Chen Nan and others dared to walk
towards the black giant.
Xiong Manshan shouted from a distance, "Are you okay?"
The beast suddenly turned his head, and the bloodthirsty murderous gas in his eyes
shocked everyone to look pale. The murderous ice was cold and cold as if it were a
substance, as if numerous sharp knives had been cut from the bare skin. Immediately
someone couldn't hold it soft. On the ground, Tang Song quickly urged the team members
to retreat. "Don't come closer, he hasn't retreated from the fighting status yet."
The monster lowered its head and glanced coldly at everyone, then turned towards the
villa. When he came back a moment later, he had changed back into a human form and put
on a combat suit. He had no obvious wounds on his body, and his appearance looked the
same as usual.
"Xun brother," Xiong Manshan bravely shouted again, "You are not injured."
Shen Xun didn't answer, and circled around suddenly, suddenly had some unknown
"Where is An An?"
Lin Ruan shook her head "I don't know, it should be in a meeting, but I don't know why I
haven't been able to contact the captain and the ark."
Lin Ruan's voice did not fall, and the identity bracelets of several core players suddenly
sounded a sharp alarm at the same time. Lin Ruan once inserted an alarm program on the
identity bracelets of each core team member. When one party was in danger of life,
Everyone else will receive an alert at the same time.
Shen Xun communicated at the fastest speed, and Liu Fangzhou's almost screaming sound
burst out.
"The captain was in danger and Brother Shen was injured"
The author has something to say. First of all, I apologize solemnly, because the story set has
encountered a bottleneck. The recent update has been particularly unstable. I am really
sorry for this. This is a serious misconduct as the author, and I will try to adjust the status.
If you have any comments or suggestions, you are welcome to put forward in the
The last 30 chapters are particularly unsatisfactory. After that, I will start to revise the text
on the basis of ensuring that I update it every day. If you encounter any points that do not
conform to the previous situation, it is likely that I have made changes before and can be
re-compared confirm.
The overhauled chapters will be marked in the chapter title. If you are interested, you can
read it again, and it will not affect the plot understanding.
The frequent revisions caused by this remind everyone to forgive me, and I apologize once
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade. Remember, oh 1;
Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine 2 Lu Xiaoyou, remember 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Oh, Sanqi, Xuanshuying, Dudu Eyu, 38129609, 10 bottles of pink powder makeup; 9 bottles
of Ajing; 2 fudge limit orders, Mumumu, cat and moon 2 bottles; Er'er, Rong Chen, Ruo Xue ,
Moonlight Shura, Daiyueer, Tea Art, Qingyi, G151 bottle drifting;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection, the old
URL has been recently Ca n’t open the old website, the old website will not open in the
future, please keep in mind :, the fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error
reporting chapter, seeking books and books, please add qq group 647547956 group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 178:

Settings saved..
The meeting ended earlier than Shen Shian expected, and the process went more smoothly
than he expected.
When the family members of the four major families attached great importance to the fact
that the psionics they reacted changed to zombies with the same level of power, they also
agreed to the application for the borrowing of four-level crystal nuclei. Hand in with crystal
The meeting place is a semi-abandoned factory located in the northwest corner of the
Beijing base. Few people pass by. Liu Fangzhou complained as he walked to the parking lot.
"Why do you choose this place temporarily when meeting? Like a haunt, even if you need to
keep it secret, you don't have to do it so hard, even the signal is blocked. "
"According to the base regulations, all meetings of the management must be backed up in
text. It is the best way to leave no traces." Shen Shi'an took the lead out of the factory gate.
Sure enough, the signal was restored as soon as he walked into the parking lot. The identity
bracelets were ringing. Shen Shi'an and Liu Fangzhou simultaneously received the
emergency message sent by Lin Ruan nearly half an hour ago.
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou almost jumped up "Some people attacked the base area"
Shen Shi'an and Shen Rushui quicken their pace and "go home immediately"
As the two ran to the off-road vehicle to get on the bus, a familiar figure rushed over, Shen
Xun's face was anxious, "An'an, are you okay?"
"Finding Brother" Liu Fangzhou was very surprised. "Aren't you on your way, why are you
"I received news of Lin Ruan saying that the base area was attacked. I just rushed back to
solve the attackers. I was worried that you would have an accident. So come and see," Shen
Xun took Shen Shi'an's hand. "An'an, are you okay?"
Shen Shi'an glanced at his grasped hand and shook his head. "It's all right."
Liu Fangzhou was so annoyed that "we just received the news that they are soft, how are
they okay? I'd like to see which one is so bold and dare to attack us sharply"
"They're all fine. We'll go back to the specific situation."
"The Ark took the car, remember, don't worry about rushing back to the base as soon as
possible. After the beastization, the speed will be faster. I will go with Xichengmen and
bring Xu Ge along the way," Shen Shian looked to Shen Xun. "No problem."
"no problem."
Liu Fangzhou froze for a moment, glanced at Shen Shi'an and nodded to get into the off-
road vehicle at the fastest speed.
When the off-road vehicle broke out for several hundred meters, the alarm program that
Lin Ruan placed on the identity bracelet was immediately activated. "The captain is in
danger and someone poses as a brother to find something to do."
The other party ’s light group is exactly the same as the brother Xun. If not, Shen Shian
reminded him that he did n’t realize that something was wrong. The brother was beastized
and it was fast. But agreeing to carry other people besides the captain is impossible for you.
Counterfeit goods
While calling for help, he turned his head and glanced at Shen Shi'an's position. The sudden
splash of blood in the field of vision scared Liu Fangzhou into a loud scream and almost
broke the sound. "Brother Cao Shen was injured."
Shen Shi'an covered his half-foot-long wound on his shoulders and backed away. The
dazzling blood dripped down the tip of the sword in the left hand, but the blood on the
sword was not his.
"Shen Xun" glanced at his cut-off palm on the ground not far away, and there was a gloomy
color in his eyes. "Is it seen through again. Where am I doing wrong?" He stepped towards
Shen Shi'an step by step, belonging to Shen Xun's face gradually peeled off, revealing
another face that was similar, "is it not affectionate when you call your name, or your eyes
are not sticky enough to look at you"
Shen Shi'an tightened his sword, and the majestic spirit moved rapidly along the meridian.
The wound cut out by the opponent with his sharp claws had stopped the blood. Although
it had not healed, it did not affect the action. "Don't think too much, simply because you are
too weak. Even if you eat 30 more brothers, you can't compare to him with one finger."
"Ha," He Xiu laughed, and didn't seem to mind the irony. "You do know who I am. It seems
that my dear brother has told you all. Then I guess you should know what I am."
"Encarlos, one of the hegemons of the underworld in the other world." Shen Shi'an raised
an eyebrow and sneered. "Know what, should I be afraid?"
"That may not be so." He Xiu stopped, a huge coercion like a mountain suddenly fell on
Shen Shi'an, every bone in the whole body made a sour voice under the weight of this
terror, Shen Shian's face groaned white, and the concrete pavement under his feet
immediately spread an inch of cracks.
Hexu strolled over, raised his chin, and smiled with narrow eyes. "As long as you cooperate
well, I may not be able to spare you."
Shen Shi'an snorted again, and soon had to use a long sword to support his weight on the
ground. The clenched teeth finally released two points. "How to cooperate"
He Xiu had a deeper smile in his eyes. "Look, how good it should have been so early. It's not
difficult. I just want to know one thing about my brother's injury. How did he recover?"
A layer of sweat quickly oozed from Shen Shi'an's forehead, and the whole person was
teetering "You want to know why?"
"Of course it is because I care about him. After all, there is only such a brother, and I do n’t
understand how his physical condition works." He Xiu released his coercion further,
looking at Shen Shi'an's pale face softly. "As long as you tell me what he is using What ’s the
way to recover from the injury, I'll let you go right away.
Shen Shi'an struggling to stand upright, his voice murmured "He passed
"What" He Xi subconsciously moved a little "loudly."
The pale golden Reiki hood suddenly opened and buzzed. Tens of thousands of Reikis were
like tens of thousands of sharp willow blades. Even if Hexiu hid so fast, his right hand was
cut off from the wrist by his root Everywhere was cut off, flesh and blood splashed.
Shen Shi'an stood upright, his sword crossed in front of him, his eyes cold and snowy. "I
would rather say, I'm afraid you don't know that life."
Hexiu is furious, his left hand is alienated into claws
The two figures slammed into one place like lightning, so fast that they could barely see the
movement, only the sword shadow flew around.
Ten minutes later, Shen Shian rolled over and fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, and rolled
away to avoid the attack. The place where he stood originally left five claw marks that were
more than two inches deep.
"It's fast, no wonder he's going to look at you." He Xiu's eyes were cold, his attacks were
more severe, but his tone was very soft, as if gossip was commonplace. "So many people
choose him as your partner. I might as well guess Does it matter what the reason why his
injury can recover so quickly? "
Shen Shi'an didn't say anything, sweat dripped from her eyelashes, her chest was violently
undulating, her body was tight like a cheetah lurking in the grass, waiting alertly for the
best time to attack.
"If you don't speak, that's the default." He Xiu glanced over the long sword in his hand. "It
seems that you are really not a simple human being. What secrets are hidden in you?" He
suddenly attacked Shen Shi'an. Throat, kicked to his chest after being avoided, Shen Shi'an
held the sword to block, his chest was stuffy, and his face flushed strangely, and he stepped
back two steps.
"I don't want to kill you." Hexiu slowly unfolded the five claws and slowly gathered them
together. "If you really have a cure for Kerberus, how about working with me? What can my
silly brother give you?" Here you are, power, wealth, endless life, oh, maybe there is love.
Although I have never sought a human being as a partner, but I don't mind trying for you.
Don't make a mistake, all you are facing is now mine. It ’s just an avatar. Since I have the
ability to devour my brother, my true strength is far above him. No matter from which
point of view, I am a better choice than him. "
Shen Shi'an swallowed the sweetness in his throat and said, "It seems that you not only like
killing your hands and feet, but also daydreaming."
Hexue stared at him for a moment, obviously very similar dark green eyes, but at this time
flashed a distinct bloodthirsty and purely malicious. Suddenly laughed "You don't think he
chose you as a partner because he really likes you. He is so disgusted with humans. Even if
he really likes a human, why don't he want to fuse the primitive gods and show his nature
in front of you? How about "
Shen Shi'an stunned "Fusion Primordial"
"Don't you know?" Hexiu raised his lips. "It seems he didn't tell you everything. At the
beginning I not only injured him, but sealed his primordial spirit, so he would become
something. Little fool who doesn't know. Now that the injury has been restored, it means
that the seal has also been released, but he has not integrated the Yuanshen to show you his
complete self, hey, it is really thoughtful. "
"He's found his memory, and I know exactly what he looks like."
"Innocent." He Xiu laughed. "Memory and primordial are two different things. For
Cherberus, primordial is the soul and the root. Fusion of primordial can fully exert the
power of the Lord of the Underworld. Otherwise, even if it is retrieved, He is only a
container of primordial memory. "
"He grew up in the underworld for more than 300 years. When he was a Kerberus who
hated human beings for more than 300 years, he only spent more than a year searching.
What are you sure he can leave the past and like you?"
Shen Shi'an's palm trembled, and a slight but sharp panic got from the bottom of her heart.
There was a scorching cold in He Xiu's eyes, and the five claws gathered and stood up,
sulking in anger and rushing towards Shen Shi'an.
No matter what secrets you have, as long as you are made into a corpse, you will not be
sent by me.
The aura hood that was hurriedly held up broke for only a few seconds, and Shen Shi'an
Dan Tian spit out a painful pain, waiting to step back to avoid, and the five Senhan sharp
claws were already in front of him.
A protective cover popped open, holding Shen Shi'an firmly in the center. But it is not the
golden array that Shen Shi'an is familiar with, and it is surrounded by spring eyes. It is a
layer of blood-red strange energy. The energy is surging and overbearing, releasing the
terrible coercion of the sea. He flew away from a distance, smashing a half-meter deep pit
into the concrete floor.
As if it was confirmed that Shen Shi'an was no longer in danger, the blood-red shield
flickered, and then retracted into Shen Shi'an's body, quietly returning to silence.
Shen Shi'an was still in shock, and the harsh brake sounded suddenly. Shen Xun jumped out
of the car like a gust of wind and rolled up in front of him. "An An An An, how are you
Shen Shi'an raised his head, and the familiar dark green eyes of the pair involuntarily
completely relaxed. "I'm fine, I just have a skin trauma."
There was a movement in the shallow pit. Shen Xun carefully avoided the wound and
hugged Shen Shi'an, then lifted his feet and walked to the side of the pit.
He Xiu barely supported half of his body, and his mouth was full of blood. "You are crazy,
you have a blood deed with a human, you are crazy"
Shen Xun smashed his head with a kick, his eyes were drooping, and his eyes were
"You talk too much."
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel ae, Li lotus flower, urhodaun, aozaki who dropped the mine;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Twenty bottles of confusing and lingering pure beauty; 6 bottles of maple meaning; 5
bottles of Xixi sugar and Amu; 3 bottles of Tonger; 2 bottles of Xuetangtang; 1 bottle of
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
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computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection, the old
URL has been recently Ca n’t open the old website, the old website will not open in the
future, please keep in mind :, the fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error
reporting chapter, seeking books and books, please add qq group 647547956 group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 179:

Settings saved..
When Tao Yuan and Xu Ge returned to the base, the battlefield was almost cleaned. The two
seriously injured players were rescued from the dangerous period, and the other wounded
were also bandaged. The more injured Chen Nan and Lin Ruan drank the pure spiritual
spring water given by Shen Shi'an, and they became the first to heal. Even the scars could
not be found.
Only the maple trees uprooted by the artificial lake and the chaos surrounding the villas
show that it has experienced a fierce battle.
Shen Shi'an concentrated all the core team members into the large study on the second
floor, and Lu Xiuyuan supported the transparent wall to block the entire study.
After Shen Xun returned to adult form, some of his identity was revealed to his teammates
by Shen Shi'an, but not all of them, because it was not yet time.
Obviously, it's here now.
After half an hour, the study room was silent.
Liu Fangzhou took the lead in breaking the silence, Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, his
face was full of relief from the secret "grass, I already knew that looking for brother is
definitely not an ordinary person."
Lin Ruan and Tang Song knew more about the inside story and had already guessed, so
they accepted the facts faster than others.
Lin Ruan glanced at Shen Xun leaning on the chair.
I don't know if it was because he knew the true identity of the opponent, or because the
battle with Hexiu activated something deeper, he always felt that Shen Xun was different
from before.
Even sitting motionless there was a strong, cold, and shocking aura.
"If it's only the 傀儡 clone that appeared today," Tang Song pushed the frame, "Where is He
Xiu's body?"
A transparent red line appeared in Shen Xun's palm, and he was then broken again. "He is
still in the magic city." He blocked Hexiu's tracking, but Hexiu did not know why he still did
not screen him.
"If his body enters the base of Beijing, can you immediately sense it?"
"Um." Kerberos's territorial consciousness is extremely heavy. Once the distance between
the two Kerberos is less than a certain level, they will immediately trigger a violent duel.
Xiong Manshan had more than one heart, "Find brother, what's the point of \\ 039 body,
what is the difference between the strength of the body and the body?" One of them almost
wiped out all of them. This is how to fight the body.
"Very big." Shen Xun glanced at Shen Shi'an, patience explained. "The avatars have different
grades and strengths according to the length of the refining time. It is not impossible to
achieve the same strength as the body for hundreds of years. Today this is The time for two
refining is no more than one year. If it was Hexiu's heyday, one hundred such avatars
would not beat him. "
The people who participated in the battle and realized the horror of Bian Hexiu's face were
immediately pale for two points.
A body 100 times stronger than 傀儡
What is that concept
I am afraid that the destruction of the entire base is only in an instant.
Can humans really resist?
"Well," Liu Fangzhou patted on the table when he saw this. "I don't think you all want to
spit it out. King vs. King, General, Soldier, Artillery, we can't use Tian Ji's horse race to
measure each other's strength. You Think about it. If ordinary people are allowed to fight
Level 4 zombies, let alone a hundred, and 10,000 are not opponents, but Level 4 zombies
are invincible? Hexiu is awesome, but we have brothers. Brother Xun and us are a group of
people, and we really have to make sure we step on Hexu Dog ’s head. "
Tang Song nodded. "The ark made sense. The survivor's ultimate goal was to destroy the
zombies from the beginning to the end of the end ages. Now that goal has not changed, but
a few of us learned in advance that there is an amazingly powerful enemy. He Xiu wants to
treat all human beings as his nutrient pool. From a certain point of view, he is equivalent to
the power zombie king with the highest evolutionary level. Survivors will have to face it
sooner or later. "
"And this zombie king is not a time of great power." Shen Shi'an Road "The purpose of the
two puppets is obviously to find out whether Shen Xun's injuries have recovered and how
they were recovered, plus Hexiu's The body is still curled up in the demon, and he dare not
come out, which shows that he is still in a state of serious injury and unhealed, and we are
the party that has the advantage. "
Lin Ruan analyzed, "In this way, we have to do only three things. One is to develop a zombie
virus vaccine as soon as possible, and this is to be handed over to me and the teacher.
Second, to strengthen the power of the human force, the railway resumed by the team
leader and the Gu family. The plan is a good start. When the Beijing and Changbai bases are
connected, at least the number and level of hot weapons will rise a lot. Third, do their best
to clean up the zombies. The nucleus of zombies is the key to Hexiu's recovery. The more
zombies we kill, the fewer nuclei he can get. "
"Don't underestimate your own energy, as long as all survivors unite and continue to fight,
it is not necessarily us who lost to Hexiu on that day."
Morale in the study was refreshed, but Xu Ge quickly raised another concern: "Since Hexiu
wants crystal nuclei, will he directly deal with the power wise"
"The possibilities are not high." Tang Song said, "In fact, I think he probably doesn't know
that there are crystal nuclei in the minds of the psionics."
"How did you get it"
"Our pirate \\ 039 is posing as a captain. One of the vulnerabilities he exposed was a lie
that he came back early, and Ark stayed at the meeting place for testing. When I pointed out
this vulnerability, he declared that the captain When it was impossible to leave Ark alone,
he asked me why. This shows that he did not understand the potential risks faced by the
psionicist. "
Liu Fangzhou thought for a while. "I think Brother Tang is right. Didn't Xun Brother say all
that? He Xiu originally planned to pass the original virus to the whole human race. The
original virus mutated into a power virus and made some of the survivors. The evolution of
abilities was all unexpected. If he stayed in the devil from the beginning of the last days and
waited for the evolution of the nucleus to mature, he would n’t see a few living people at all.
I do n’t know that there is something in his mind. The crystal nuclei are normal, if we hadn't
met Zhong Han's grandson, we wouldn't know. "
Makes sense.
Chen Nan looked at Shen Xun. "Find the team, do you know how many Hexiu's uncles are?"
Shen Xun shook his head. "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be too much. The subdivision \ 039
body must be made of living human flesh and blood, and there is a price. Once the
subdivision dies, the body will be severely back bitten."
Xiong Manshan is both angry and somewhat deflated. "That doesn't mean that He Xiu had a
big loss this time, and he should be pleased to see it."
"According to the camera in the area, He Shiu's true face was captured," Shen Shi'an Road,
"just after Lin Ruan noticed the anomaly, he immediately reported to the police. I have
submitted the relevant image data to the base public security department, and the military
department has also officially File an investigation. "Although the guards could not arrive in
time after Lin Ruan's alarm, the prohibition of illegal violence is the basic principle of the
base of the capital. With the influence of the blade and the assistance of the Gu family,
externally, Hexiu as an unknown intention to attack the blade. Capable people have been
wanted across the city.
Because of Shen Xun's involvement, Shen Shi'an does not intend to disclose Hexiu's true
identity, and even if it is disclosed, no one may believe it, but at least the survivors of the
entire Beijing base have been alert to him.
Shen Shi'an continued, "Screening for Hexiu will be set up at the four city gates. He just lost
two points \\ 039. He also knows that Shen Xun has recovered his injury and should not
take any chances in the short term. But for safety Consider that in the future, Shen Xun and
I will at least guarantee that someone will stay at home. "
The players secretly relieved that they had the backbone, so they wouldn't be afraid even if
they were separated.
"Do you have any questions? If not, go back to rest first." Too many things happen today,
everyone needs time to buffer and digest.
"Actually, I still have a question." Tang Song continued after seeing everyone coming over.
"Since the outbreak of the virus, one problem that I have always wondered is how the
original virus was transmitted. According to the vice captain It is said that the provirus
originated in the coldest place in the underworld, and can aggregate into a special energy
body called magic stone, and Hezheng brought the provirus to this world through the magic
stone and caused the end of the world. But the world Cases of influenza virus appear at
almost the same time everywhere, which means that the original virus must spread to the
world in a very short time. If Hexiu is still seriously injured, can he possibly do this? "
"Isn't the virus going to split on its own," Chen Nan didn't quite understand what he meant
by "infecting some people first, and then letting these people infect others."
Tang Song shook his head. "Infectious transmission is not enough to cause a worldwide
outbreak of cases in such a short period of time, and the place where the cases occur does
not conform to the path of transmission and the law of transmission. If the original virus
spread through the common mode of transmission, Then just isolating the first batch of
influenza patients should be able to significantly improve the epidemic situation. However,
this is not the case. Even if the previous batches of patients have been quarantined, new
cases continue to appear, and the rate of emergence is getting faster and faster. The
proportion of patients has reached one-half of all human beings, and it has completely lost
the meaning of isolation. It is as if multiple virus sources have appeared at the same time all
over the world, and the source continues to increase, so that the air we breathe, drink In
the water, all protoviruses were in the end. "
Lin Ruan gave a more vivid explanation "I want to do this, unless Hexiu puts a magic stone
in every corner of the world and puts it in, and it needs to be completed within 24 hours. At
that time, the virus had not yet erupted , Social order has not collapsed, entry and exit all
require passports to go through related procedures. Looking for a team, do you think Hexiu
can do this in a seriously injured state? "
Shen Xun thought about it, and twisted his eyebrows, "If he can't do it, he can't do it."
Putting viruses around the world is different from doing coolies
Hexter's dictionary would not have the word "doing coolies".
Shen Shian asked Tang Song "what do you think?" If he hadn't guessed, he wouldn't raise
this issue.
"Hirsch was arrogant and ruthless, but he despised humans and was happy to fool people.
Since he can use humans to devour his own brothers, I have no doubt that he can also use
humans to make humans go extinct."
The study room was silent for a moment, and then several "grasses" popped up at the same
Tao Yuan Meifeng wrinkled tightly. "You mean, humans are involved in Hexiu's virus
launch plan."
"But why?" Liu Fangzhou couldn't understand. "How could there be humans who promised
to help him put the virus on, wouldn't they know the consequences? If they didn't know
that the virus would die, they would become zombies. No, what the **** is it?"
Lin Ruan shrugged. "There are many reasons why humans will choose to kill each other.
Hexiu may not tell the true role of the original virus. He may have promised immunity to
the original virus, and may have promised to allow participants to evolve. The power, or
the gap between money, wealth, and desire for power, is never filled. "
In fact, after a brief contact with Hexiu, Lin Ruan felt that it was most likely that he
promised to give the participants eternal life, and then turned the participants into
However, even if Tang Song's guess is correct, indeed, humans have played a certain role in
the end-time outbreak, and they still know nothing about how the original virus was
May never know.
After the meeting, the first thing after returning to the bedroom, Shen Shian called Shen
Xun, "Take off your clothes."
Shen Xun said "What"
"Take off your clothes." Seeming Shen Xuan seemed a little hesitant, Shen Shi'an sank down
his face. "Don't let me say it a third time."
Shen Xun unfastened the belt and took off his pants.
The legs are long and straight, the muscles are well-proportioned, and they contain a
considerable explosive power.
Shundai also put the clothes on and slap up "Although it's not dark, but as long as An An
likes me for sure"
Shen Shi'an interrupted him. "He took off his coat."
Shen Xun looked into his eyes, took a secret breath, unbuttoned the zipper, pulled down the
zipper, and took off his combat jacket.
Underneath the jacket was a black t-shirt. Just pulling the collar and pulling the t-shirt up, a
few circles of gauze wrapped around the waist and abdomen, and the blood stains on the
gauze were nothing.
Shen Shi'an gritted his teeth and untied the gauze, exposing two shocking wounds.
The wound was very long, extending from the left waist to the lower abdomen, and now
healed almost, but the blood on the gauze alone could imagine how serious the injury was.
Take two bottles of Lingquan water out of the space and a clean towel. One bottle is put
into Shen Xun's hand, and one bottle is soaked in the towel and applied to the wound. The
movement is very soft, but the sound is so cold.
When Shen Xun went to find him, Shen Shi'an faintly felt a bit wrong. The beast form was
obviously faster. After receiving Liu Fangzhou's distress signal, Shen Xun actually drove
past, which was not in any way consistent with his personality.
The more Shen Shi'an wanted to get angry, the more he should kick on Hexiu's head
Shen Xun reached out and hugged him, and Shen Shi'an patted him mercilessly, groping his
nose, and stretched his hand again to hold him in his arms. "I'm afraid you're worried."
"I'm not worried now"
Shen Xun froze against his face, at this time it was quite honest. "I'm wrong, don't get angry,
"Shut up and drink water."
Until the wound was completely healed and the scar was invisible, Shen Shi'an closed the
towel and half of the bottle of water. He stared at Shen Xun who was wearing clothes, and
suddenly said, "What is the fusion of primordial gods?"
Shen Xun acted, "Heshu told you"
Shen Shian nodded.
Shen Xun fastened his belt and pulled him to sit on the sofa face to face.
"The adult Kerberos can freely change the form, it can be human or beast, but no matter
which part of the form will never change, this part is called the element god."
"The Yuanshen and human souls are actually a bit similar, but human beings usually cannot
see their own souls, and we can not only see the Yuanshen, but also continuously cultivate
the Yuanshen to make the Yuanshen stronger. It is all mana and memory. The aggregate of
wisdom, wisdom, and emotion can be re-refined for Kerberos if the physical body is
destroyed, but it will be completely destroyed if the primitive **** is destroyed. Only when
the primitive **** and the physical body are completely merged, a carved ear It will be
possible for Belos to reach his full potential. "
"But you didn't fuse the Primordial."
"Yes, neither. I didn't complete the integration of the Yuanshen at once, but slowed down
the fusion of the Yuanshen."
Shen Xun looked a little nervous. He took Shen Shi'an's hand. "Kerbolos is not a mild and
lovely species. On the contrary, we are cruel, tyrannical, arrogant, and blindfolded. Hexiu
was sealed and lived in the underworld for three For more than a hundred years, I have not
encountered you before me, and since I met you, I have new memories and emotions. If I
merge these two with me, I am worried. "
Shen Shi'an lowered his eyes. "You worry you will find that you don't like me at all." The
one who sticks to him, likes to be coquettish with him, and can search desperately to
protect him, will only end up in more than 300 years. A little phantom
Hexiu may not be unreasonable. He was a three-hundred-year-old Cherberus, but only one
year of searching. How could he force him to like the most hated human being?
"What stupid thing are you talking about?" Shen Xun raised his chin and looked at his eyes.
"I worry that you will be scared away by me, and you won't like me."
Shen Shian said "what"
"When I just regained my adult form, that was when the Lingquan suddenly grew up in the
space, and you were very repulsive to me."
Shen Shi'an subconsciously wanted to refute "I didn't."
"You do." Shen Xun rubbed his waist and hugged him horizontally to his lap. "You don't
want to contact me, you don't want to talk to me, and you don't even want to look into my
eyes. Although it's a short time, it's very short. For a short time, you treated me like a
stranger. "
Shen Shi'an couldn't help but defend himself: "You have suddenly changed from a big dog
to an adult man, and you have to give me some buffer time."
"I know. But I also know that if I choose to fuse Yuanshen immediately, you will be more
exclusive to me, it will take longer to buffer, and my eyes will look more like a stranger."
Shen Xunzai He kissed on his face, and his voice was even a bit aggrieved. "I can't stand
that. I like An An and can't wait to get close to An An, so I can't wait to get you close to me. If
I used to scare you away, then I'd rather just search for the wrong moments as Earberos. "
Shen Shi'an was speechless.
He looked at those dark green eyes and felt like a melted cream was put in his heart.
"Can I see it," he said.
"Your primal god, did not meet you before me, this year's 300-year-old Kerberus."
"Yes, yes." Shen Xun was a bit uneasy. "You are sure to watch"
Shen Shi'an kissed his mouth "OK."
Shen Xun took a deep breath and placed him sideways on the sofa to sit cross-legged. Then
he turned around and sat opposite him. "Close your eyes, relax, don't reject my
Shen Shi'an was not the first time to enter Shen Xun's consciousness sea, but what was able
to blend into each other's minds and feelings was never before, as it is now, as if the soul of
the whole person had come out of his head and entered a completely alien space.
black. It's dark all day.
There is no color other than black in front and back, just like a boundless, silent, solidified
Shen Shi'an could only see his own body, nothing else, because it was too dark, and he even
had the illusion that he was about to fall into the abyss or was falling into the abyss.
He yelled tentatively, and the invisible sound seemed to turn into something qualitative,
moving forward in circles.
And when that circle of sound advanced into the distance, at the end of this darkness, in
this void dome, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly opened.
It was a pair of beast eyes hanging high above the zenith. The parts other than the eyes are
still hidden in the darkness, but if you just imagine how huge the unexposed part is, the
bone chill can immediately swallow people.
The heart in this conscious body agitated wildly, and Shen Shi'an's calf almost knelt softly.
He didn't know how to describe the feeling at this time, which was a kind of awe and fear of
absolute power, which surged from the deepest part of the soul.
As if the owner of those eyes only needed a little movement, the world would be destroyed
in an instant.
The fierce heartbeat made Shen Shi'an even have a ghost in front of his eyes. When he tried
to stand still, he found that something new appeared under those eyes.
A three-meter-high black giant that Shen Shi'an couldn't be more familiar with.
It's not true to say that the beast is really small compared to those eyes. It stood under
those eyes, seemingly struggling to bite something from the darkness, and with each bite, a
faint red light appeared on its body, and even its volume increased slightly.
The familiar figure calmed Shen Shi'an's heart about to explode by two points. He couldn't
help but shouted "Search"
Those blood-red eyes suddenly looked over.
At the same time, a shocking beast roar "roar" sounded in the whole void.
For a while, Shen Shi'an felt himself torn to pieces by those eyes and roar.
From head to toe, it turned into powder, and then completely turned into nothingness.
Until another roar put him back together.
The three-meter-tall beast, like it has done countless times, firmly guarded him in front of
him without losing to the darkness.
The roar stopped in the darkness. Then those eyes staring at Shen Shi'an also disappeared.
Without waiting for Shen Shi'an to react, what happened, from a distance, there was a
sound of footsteps from the darkness.
Footsteps of people.
The sound of footsteps sounded haste, but the speed was fast, and a figure appeared in the
blink of an eye in the blink of an eye.
Shen Shi'an had a short breath, and her pupils tightened sharply.
That figure is Shen Xun. At least the body and appearance are Shen Xun.
But he has blood red eyes.
Brutal, violent, cold blood-red eyes.
The beast lowered his body to stop the other side, and he squeezed his neck and flew away.
Shen Shi'an tried to shout, but found that he couldn't make any sound at all, because the
figure had already approached him.
For a moment, as opposed to his eyes, Shen Shi'an felt that he was going to be torn into
pieces again, and then a light red energy hood suddenly popped out of him, the red light
fluctuated, just matching the eyes.
The figure came closer, and looked down at Shen Shi'an.
He didn't speak. He doesn't have to speak.
Shen Shi'an knew that he could kill himself with only one thought.
The figure came closer, and Shen Shi'an could clearly feel his breath.
Hot, hot, like a red-hot knife.
He suddenly lowered his head, breathing closer and closer to Shen Shi'an's neck.
Shen Shian clenched his fists, exhausted all his willpower, and did not escape or hide.
The sharp, cold teeth stuck to the skin.
Then took a bite.
Very light, almost like licking.
Shen Shi'an opened his eyes wide. Shen Xun was already embraced in his arms when he
returned to God, his heartbeat was like a cymbal drum, and his whole body seemed to be
soaked inside and out like falling into water.
It didn't know when it was dark and there was no light in the room.
Shen Xun's body was extremely tight, as if waiting for some final sentence.
Shen Shi'an raised his head to meet his eyes. He didn't know if it was due to light problems
or because the pictures experienced in the sea of consciousness had not faded yet. Shen
Shi'an clearly saw the blood-stained eyes flash past.
With a tight waist, Shen Xun folded his arms. He held Shen Shi'an firmly in his arms, with a
fierce overwhelming "You see it" in his voice
Shen Shian nodded.
"He's me, I'm him." Shen Xun touched his face. "Someday I will be completely integrated
with him. An'an, are you afraid?"
Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while, until the arm around his waist became tighter and
tighter, until he brought the same and different faces together in his head, and raised his
hand around Shen Xun's neck and kissed him at the corner of his mouth. Took a sip
"Afraid of anything, are you afraid of eating me?"
The author has something to say crazy hint 124 words.
There are minor adjustments to the origin of the virus, which will not affect the
understanding of the plot.
The next few chapters will speed up the plot.
Yun Feiyang can play in about ten chapters
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine, singing a mountain song and rosa;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
80 bottles of onica; 20 bottles of gourds; 1000 bottles of 柒, 珺 珺, Aso, half-sky, doom have
not arrived yet, 10 bottles of Junhan; 7 bottles of good years; 6 bottles of sober period; 4
bottles of 涞 迩, 童童 呀; Give up treatment 3 bottles; 396651112 bottles; Moonlight Shura,
Daiyueer 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 180:

Settings saved..
Although the dinner was still not eaten due to technical problems, the appetizer came back
and forth to eat heartily.
Shen Xun was eating well, and Shen Shi'an was serving too frequently and was so tired and
confused that he felt like he had forgotten something important and had no time to ask.
The next day, Shen Shi'an drove to the Research Institute to second a fourth-level zombie
crystal nucleus. This was originally planned to be done the day before, but failed due to the
sudden appearance of Xi Hexiu. Unexpectedly, as soon as we entered the door, we learned
from the population in charge of the academy that the quaternary crystal nuclei were
The news "Her Xiu did it?" The news passed back to Li Blade. The first suspect of Chen Nan
and others was him.
"Not sure." Shen Shi'an frowned slightly. "The nucleus disappeared last night. I watched the
surveillance video of the research institute. Until the nucleus disappeared, that is, the
monitoring probe was working normally at 11:30 in the middle of the night. The signal was
disturbed around thirty-five minutes, all the cameras either had a black screen or a full
screen of snowflakes, and the forty-five minutes of video recording returned to normal, but
the crystal nucleus was gone. "
If it is related to Hexiu, then it means that he has more than two, and there may be other
hidden in the base; if it has nothing to do with Hexiu
"That means there are inner ghosts in the institute." Lin Ruan asserted immediately.
There is only this one in the fourth-level zombie crystal nuclear military, and the degree of
attention can be imagined. There are only a handful of people who can approach, touch,
study or know where the nuclei are located. If it was done by human beings, it would be
absolutely impossible to achieve it without a secret response.
Shen Shi'an Road "At present, the military has sent special personnel to formally file an
investigation. If survivors do it, there will always be clues, and we can only wait for the
results of the investigation."
The quaternary wind zombie head that was captured in the absolute death zone is still in
the space. The question now is whether to remove this crystal nucleus first.
Lin Ruan shook his head. "The Ark sensed red dots in the two light corpses of the fourth-
level zombies. If only one of the crystal nuclei is taken, even if there is something abnormal
in this crystal nuclei, we have no way to determine what the abnormality is. A common
phenomenon is an evolutionary exception. Under the current circumstances, retaining a
level 4 zombie head can play a value far greater than the crystal nucleus. "
"There is another reason," Tang Song added. "Vaccine research has entered the most
critical stage. Even if two quaternary nuclei are available, I am afraid Lin Lin and I will not
be able to do research in the short term."
Shen Shian nodded. "Then let it go." Compared to virus vaccines, this matter is not on the
most important list.
Except for such an episode, the blade regained its peace. Shen Shi'an and Gu's family
continued to vigorously promote the railway resumption plan. Shen Xun led other team
members to take on tasks to clear the zombies. Lin Ruan and Tang Song stayed in the
scientific research building almost all the time. Prepare for the coming war.
From the beginning of July, except for Lin Ruan, who has not evolved abilities, among the
core players, their power level identification has reached the fourth level. Shen Shi'an and
Shen Xun passed the five-level test of their abilities and became the only bases in Beijing.
Two two fifth-level powers.
Everything is moving in the right direction.
On this day, Shen Shi'an stayed in the base and worked with the visiting Gu Changsheng to
discuss related matters on the Beijing-Luanluo Railway.
During the vacation, Chen Nan knocked on the door and came in. "Captain, Xun Xun called
back and said that someone needed to drive our truck with the largest load in the past."
Shen Shi'an stunned "why is he in trouble"
Since the end of June, the reconnaissance aircraft in the base have detected signs of the
zombie tide moving inland in the eastern coastal areas. Therefore, most of the recent
hangouts from the mission center are zombie cleanup tasks. Shen Xun took one of them.
Chen Nan shook his head. "It doesn't sound like he heard it. He didn't say anything
specifically. He just said that trucks are needed. The bigger the load, the better."
This is a gold mine
Shen Shian was puzzled.
Gu Changsheng said, "Otherwise I'll send someone there. I have a large military truck there
to transport aircraft parts, and the load is definitely enough."
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "No, I have a car."
He chose an industrial truck trailer with the largest volume from the space. The rear
compartment was more than four meters high, five meters wide, and twenty meters long. It
should be enough no matter what is installed.
Qu Shuo drove, Chen Nan followed, and the two quickly left the base.
He wanted to see how many things Shen Xun could hold back.
After more than two hours, bursts of loud screams and cheers accompanied by the roar of
the truck came from the position of the gate of the base, and they were introduced into the
villa and entered the small study.
Shen Shi'an and Gu Changsheng looked at each other and went out together.
The truck stopped in the square between the training ground and the cafeteria, and the
huge volume was noticeable.
But even more noticeable, it was a motionless behemoth trapped in the carriage by the
devil's vine.
For a moment Shen Shi'an thought that Shen Xun caught a dinosaur and returned.
Gu Changsheng grew up in shock. "This is a pig."
Shen Xun jumped down from the front passenger seat, his posture was healthy and
cheerful, and he walked to Shen Shian with a smile. "An'an, we have meat to eat"
The turbulence on the square soon attracted more and more left-behind personnel. Even
Lin Ruan and Tang Song stepped out of the scientific research building. The team members
carefully observed and looked at it, and finally determined that it was indeed tied to the car
A pig a giant mutant pig.
This pig is too big, because the body is too wide, and most of its body is still stuck outside
the carriage.
The teammates who followed the mission with Shen Xun stood beside the truck and
explained passionately, "We bumped into it in the wilderness outside the provincial road.
Good guy, looking far away like a small hill, looking closely like a big mountain. The ground
shuddered, and we almost stepped on our truck. It was too large to start. As a result, the
team rushed out and flew, jumping on it with two punches and stunned. "
Shen Shian looked up at him "the pig is not dead"
Shen Xun shook his head, "No." Originally, it was going to be solved with one stroke, but Liu
Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan said that the pig's blood freezing was particularly delicious,
so they brought it back to kill.
Xu Ge and Tong Tong also came out to see the excitement, and looked at it and felt a little
weird. "According to the rules of animal mutation we have summarized before, shouldn't it
be bigger than people, smaller than people, such as the fierce family? Fierce, normal pigs
should be considered larger than humans, how could they mutate into this? "
Lin Ruan quickly gave the answer, "This is a little fragrant pig, who was probably a pet
before the end of the world."
"Xiaoxiang pig is good" Xiong Manshan's eyes brightened and drooled. "Xiaoxiang pig's
pork is thin and tender. In ancient times, it was a tribute for the emperor."
After counting the time, they have n’t eaten meat for nearly half a year. This pig has at least
five tons facing up, how can it be full?
Apparently there was more than one who had fleshed. Shen Xun drove a truck loaded with
such a large mutant pig and attracted a lot of attention. Shen Shi'an quickly received a call
from Xiao Lang.
"Shi'an, I heard that your deputy captain grabbed a mutant pig the size of a Loch Ness
monster and sold it to me for a good price."
"Not for sale."
"That one-quarter head is fine, too."
"Not for sale."
"Other than just hind legs"
"Not for sale."
Shen Shi'an hung up.
A close inspection confirmed that there were no wounds on the mutant pigs, and another
test with a virus test strip for insurance purposes proved that this was a healthy pig that
was not infected. Completely edible.
Faced with the expectant eyes of a group of players, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and waved
"kill the pig and divide the pork"
The warm cheering was deafening.
Everyone joined forces to remove the mutant pig from the car, and Shen Xun personally
fought it.
The pig ’s blood was too much, and the containers taken out of the cafeteria and space were
filled and not filled in advance. , How much can be loaded. "
In the end, every house was full of clothes.
After bleeding, the offal was taken out and handed to a few chefs headed by Tian Yi. The pig
hair was shaved cleanly, the pig head was cut off, and the remaining net meat was more
than three tons.
The pig was caught by Shen Xun. On the merit reward, he must take the big head, cut it
directly from the middle, and ask for the whole half. Hearing Liu Fangzhou said that the pig
’s meat was delicious and the pig ’s head was required. Liver and two pig loins.
Seeing that he swept his eyes up to the first half, Shen Shi'an walked over and coughed.
"Each person participating in the task is ten kilograms, the duty team member is five
kilograms each, and the remaining left team members are three kilograms each. The rest is
frozen. Regularly sent to the cafeteria to add meals. Outstanding performance team
members will enjoy preferential treatment. Okay, starting with the team members
participating in the task.
It's still Shen Xun's knife to cut the meat. The weight of a knife is exactly the same. The
crowd in the square is crowded and lively, like a New Year.
Although there is no place allocated for ordinary family members, the canteen adds meals
at night, the tender and tender pig's blood is frozen, and the milky white bone soup is not
long before, the whole base has a seductive meat aroma.
The strongest aroma is in the villa. Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge are in charge. Others beat them.
Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, pineapple grated pork, crystal pork skin jelly, braised
pork, and pork ribs soup. Gu Changsheng also fry a spring onion himself. The fragrant pork
ribs were filled with more than twenty dishes and set up a large table, and they arranged a
full-fledged full meat feast.
At the foot of Xiong Manshan, when the food was ready, Shen Shi'an asked him to invite Mr.
Gu and the richest man from Li Cheng and Miao to come to dinner. Unsurprisingly, Xiao
Lang also followed.
As soon as I entered the door, I started to inhale vigorously. "Look, this meat is too fragrant.
This can hook out the human soul."
Turning around and finding that Mr. Gu was also there, he straightened his look and
restored the majesty of the leader of the regiment, and greeted "Gu Chief Gu."
Shen Shi'an came out of the kitchen with the last plate of grilled ribs, bypassing the fierce
and violent rampant when he heard the meat fragrant went crazy and put the dishes on the
table. "The dishes are all here. Tonight are family and family. Friends, don't sit back and
relax. "
Shen Xun followed him, stuffed a meatball in his mouth and dropped his apron around his
waist, his action was close and natural.
Mr. Gu coughed and laughed.
Xiao Lang rolled his eyes secretly.
The food and drinks were all in order, and everyone seated in turn. Shen Shian was seated
on the main seat. There were Shen Xun and Gu on the left and right, and Gu Changsheng
next to Mr. Gu.
"Respect the team first," Xiong Manshan raised his glass to thank him for giving us mutant
"Long live looking for brother"
"Vice team invincible"
"Thank you for your search."
"Why did you encounter such a good thing?"
"Pigs must be eaten so deliciously"
After drinking a cup, Gu Changsheng put down the cup and gave Mr. Gu a bowl of Sydney
pork rib soup. "I made it with my brother. Besides Sydney, I also put some apples. You taste
something bad."
Mr. Gu glanced at him, picked up a spoonful and brought it to his mouth. Although his
expression was a bit unnatural, he nodded. "Yes. You eat too."
Gu Changsheng's eyes sparkled, "Um."
Shen Shi'an looked away, and a little smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
It was because of the conversation with Mr. Gu about a few months ago. After returning
from Luan Cheng, he found that the relationship between Mr. Gu and Chang Sheng had
eased a lot.
After all, he is the father and son of blood thicker than water, which is a good thing.
Shen Xun gave him two ribs in his bowl. "What do you want, eat fast. You are too thin."
After that, he glanced around his waist.
Shen Shian's ears were red and he stepped on his feet.
For almost half a year, no fresh meat was eaten, and everyone opened their stomachs.
Liu Fangzhou ate as he ate, "Is there any place around the base that was dedicated to
raising young pigs before the end of the world? I think we can try our luck in the past,
maybe we can catch another one."
"This proposal is okay." The richest man in Miao patted his thighs.
After the business in my mind turned around, I started to think about how to sell to
maximize the benefits and how much money each pig can sell. In the next second, I dumped
all these thoughts and sold a fart. Not enough
Xiao Lang shook his nose half-eaten. "Grass, how could I smell a scent of meat." Going deep
into the heart like a horror.
Xu Gexiao laughed. "The head of Xiao Xiao has a nose and a pig's head is stewed in the
kitchen. It should be okay. I'll go and see."
The pig head of the mutant pig was too big, and Shen Shian only stewed one-eighth. Even
so, he used the two biggest iron pots in the villa and simmered it on the stove with
firewood for almost three hours. Xiong Manshan helped bring one of the iron pots out of
the way, and the lid was lifted, and the hot aroma of meat flew towards him.
Everyone consciously took a few deep breaths, and the fierce violentness was hooked.
"I always think that the best part of the pig is the pig's head meat," Li Cheng said, missing
his face. "Our family used to raise pigs in almost every household. Every time the pig owner
kills the pig, the pig's head will be left behind. Relatives and friends, you do n’t need to put
anything in the roasted pig head. You just need to simmer it in the pot and simmer it in the
pot for a few hours. You can think of it for a whole year after you finish eating the meat.
"Yes, yes," Liu Fangzhou nodded madly. "I also like to eat pork head meat that is fragrant
and tender, especially if it is sandwiched between bones.
He had already picked up a bone while talking, and Shen Shi'an had already split this one-
eighth pig's head into dozens of half-foot-long pieces with a sword, which was just right to
hold in his hand.
Xu Yao also clipped Tong Tong "eat slowly, be careful."
"Eat it all, eat it, it's boring to eat this stuff, you have to get started yourself"
It didn't take long for everyone to eat their hands full of oil, and even the fierce violent chop
his **** on a piece of flesh and bone to cheer.
The flavour of the meat is strong and the laughter is endless.
As the head chef of the sharp canteen, Tian Yi is responsible for purchasing and preparing
ingredients every day, formulating the menu of the day, cooking the main cauldron of the
day, and assigning other dishes to the deputy chefs, and checking the good cafeteria
inventory. Can finish work.
According to the total number of people in the area, more than two hundred people stayed
in front of the stove all day long. This job was not easy, of course, compared with more
ordinary people, it was not hard work.
By the end of work tonight, the sun had not completely set.
He had two cloth bags in his hand, one of which was a lunch box, containing the meals from
the cafeteria, and was ready to take home to eat with his wife and children; the other bag
contained three pounds of meat. Although ordinary family members did not share the
meat, he Be regarded as an employee hired by Zhenger Bajing, and help to deal with the
viscera, so the captain gave him the same share as the left-behind players. The rest of the
chefs who helped deal with it were also assigned. There were not as many as him, and each
person was about a pound.
The residential area and the cafeteria are not too far away. This point is too many members
who just walked back after eating. Someone along the way greeted him, "Master Chef, it's
off work"
"Hey, I've had a lot of fun today. I stole early. Have you eaten the dishes at night, right?"
"Just eaten, Chef Tian's craftsmanship is a must, that must be appetite. Go away, see you
"Hey, you are busy, see you later"
Most of the team members who were born to die in the mission did not look at ordinary
laborers. The reason why these team members were willing to greet him was because he
was working in the kitchen and the people depended on food. Everyone knows that it is not
bad to have a good relationship with the chef The second and most important point is that
he had a friendship with the captain at the beginning of the last days.
This friendship is really nothing to say. It was the captain who was kind to him. He fled his
family on the way to the door of the security base.
But in the eyes of others, he and the captain knew each other before the establishment of
the sharp blade, and the captain brought them back personally to hire them, which is
naturally different from other ordinary people.
Tian Yi knew this and was grateful for it.
After the end of the last age, how many people will endure hunger and freeze, he can find a
stable job, stay with his wife and children to live in the inner city, live without worry, eat
without worry, do not fight with zombies, this is how many people ask for capital Seek no
The captain is his benefactor.
His thoughts were a little bit far from this past, and he unknowingly walked to the front of
the cadre building. He didn't react until he saw the surrounding wall of green plants in
front of the building. He went the wrong way. He only moved the house last month. Now No
longer live in the cadre building.
The reason why he was able to live in the cadre building was because he joined early, and
the new team members did not recruit all of them. The five single-door quadrangle
courtyard buildings along the lake were unoccupied at all. The captain was kind and
watched their husband and wife with a child. It's not convenient to crowd the dormitory, so
I let you live. In fact, it didn't conform to the rules, and Tian Yi was always a little bit
Two new recruits were made after the year, and the apartment building was rebuilt next to
the bedroom building. Last month, the captain returned from the task and called him to the
villa, telling them that they needed to move, and allocated another house in the apartment
building. Tian Yi was loose. Breathed.
The apartment building is smaller than the cadre building, with two bedrooms and one
living room, but it is more than enough to live in a family of three. Now living for half a
month, Tian Yi is very satisfied.
Rerouted climbed to the 12th floor of the apartment building, knocked at the door of the
house, and his wife Ye Ping opened the door and picked up two bags. "Look at this sweat,
I'm exhausted. It's terrible to go up and down without an elevator. "
Tian Yi took the towel and wiped it with a sweat, and smiled, "No, it's tiring. It's just for
exercise. Why not turn on the air conditioner when it's so hot?"
"Electricity is so expensive. Where can I afford it?" Having said that, he still distressed her
husband, found the remote control to turn on the air conditioner, muttered a few words
and turned into the kitchen.
Tian Shiyao was doing homework in her room, and heard Jingfei flying over. "Dad, you're
back. Have you got meat today, can we eat braised pork at night?"
Tian Yi opened her arms and hugged her daughter. "Oh my little baby, the homework is
Tian Shiyao grabbed his neck. "I'm done, I'm reviewing tomorrow's homework."
"So conscious, eat braised pork at night and let your mother make it for you"
Tian Shiyao blushed with joy, kissed hard "Daddy is so good"
Ye Ping's hands and feet were slick, and soon the dishes were heated and served. A plate of
Mao Xuewang, a plate of green pepper and potato shreds, a plate of stir-fried broccoli, a pot
of fragrant white rice, and a small bowl Bowl of freshly prepared braised pork.
It is indeed a small bowl. The mouth of the bowl is not half a slap.
Tian Yi glanced at his wife, but didn't say anything. After serving her daughter, she pushed
the small bowl of braised pork to her "Yao Yao, eat more, and add nutrition to grow taller"
Tian Shiyao looked at the bowl of braised pork, then looked at her parents, and pushed the
bowl towards Ye Ping, "Mom eats."
"Mom can't eat meat if she wants to lose weight," Ye Ping pushed the bowl back again. "Yao
Yao eat, you are the time to grow your body."
Tian Shiyao pushed the bowl to Tian Yi and said, "Dad eats."
"Dad has eaten a lot in the cafeteria and has already been full. Yaoyao eat fast, do n’t push it
around, and then push the meat should be cold." Tian Yi teased her deliberately "If you do
n’t like to eat, I will give it Brother Leilei next door. "
"I like it. I like to eat it. Don't give it to Lei Lei brother." Tian Shiyao was still a child. After
making sure that his parents didn't eat it, he couldn't help but stretch out his chopsticks
and took a bite carefully. He was very happy.
Adults simmer meat, children can only become more stubborn. Just a small bowl of braised
pork Tian Shiyao ate three bowls of rice, and even the soup was wiped clean. After eating,
the aftertaste was still there, and I kept asking until I brushed my teeth and slept. "Can you
still eat braised pork tomorrow? When can you eat it again? Can mommy cook more?
Braised pork is really delicious."
When the child was sent to the bed to cover the blanket, Tian Yi brought the door gently
and walked to the kitchen door to ask Ye Ping, who was still packing, "I did n’t bring back
three catties of meat, why did I burn so much?"
Ye Ping glared at him. "Do you still want to eat all three pounds of meat? Is our family able
to afford the meat? Can you earn 130 points a month, I'm 30, and there are only 100. Six,
living in the inner city alone pays 120 points each month for the tax, and the remaining 40
points are subject to water and electricity costs, and there are some extra expenditures of
787, I can save a few Yaoyao for how long I have n’t bought new clothes that fit me. I did n’t
dare to change her down jacket that was issued last year in the regimen. I ’m afraid that if I
change it, the child wo n’t be able to wear it for long. But for a while, a new piece of clothes,
Yao Yao went to class with her every day. When the child was so big, it was the most
sensitive time. You do n’t think she was uncomfortable with the two pounds of meat left in
her heart. At least, she could exchange for 100 points. It's good to buy clothes and toys for
your children. "
Tian Yi touched his nose. "I didn't say you shouldn't, isn't this a distressing child?"
"I just do n’t feel bad about your child. If you really feel bad about your child, when the
captain asked you to move, you should fight for it again. There is no elevator in the top
floor. It ’s like a furnace that ca n’t be treated at all. Yaoyao ’s back is full of bitches, so why
do n’t I see you distressed? ”
"Turn on the air conditioner when it's hot, don't be reluctant to pay for this electricity."
"Turn on the air conditioner. It ’s easy to touch your upper and lower lips. You know how
expensive the electricity is." Ye Ping was a bit hesitant about it. "When I first joined, I said it
was all-inclusive. It suddenly happened. What kind of energy management and control
requires us to pay for it ourselves. We all say that we have a lot of money and money, can
we not afford this benefit to employees? "
"Energy control is the above rule and not the captain's decision. Is the root cause not to
stabilize the voltage and maintain the Skynet? Before the all-inclusive water and electricity
package, many people turned on the air conditioner and wasted electricity all day. It ’s not
that I do n’t know. ”Tian Yi said of this slowing tone.“ I know that you and Yaoyao both liked
the former cadre building. The place is large and the lake is fine, but that place should not
be where we live. This apartment is so good. When we were on the road before we arrived
in the capital, we thought that we could stay in such a good place and live in a good place.
Now it ’s a little bit more blessed until winter. Rizhao is the first in our family. How warm. "
Ye Ping punched his arm angrily. "It's your indisputable temperament that stunned me
most. Why isn't the cadre building where we live? When we joined the blade, more than
half of the people here didn't come. Regarding qualifications, you do n’t lose anyone, and
you have no hard work or hard work for such a long time. Why ca n’t you live in the cadre
building? I do n’t have to rely on leaving. The key is that the building is empty and there ’s
no one. Why did you rush out and say 10,000 steps, even if we live in the cadre building, it's
easy to get off the talk?
Tian Yi frowned. "What happened to pork?"
"Obviously you are old and you still have to deal with the dirtiest and most tiring job of
launching. Why do you want to pay only three pounds for a bowl of water just like the
group of team members who stay at home and do nothing? Well, I ’m a serious employee. I
’ve never been lazy in class for my children. Why did I miss the vice captain and distribute
one or two tons at once? The little lion in the villa can eat three meals a day. Why? Do I have
a few pounds that I ca n’t bear to give? Do you usually call Yao Qin when you need to
accompany Kaijie as a companion? Tonight, it ’s a big fish and a big meat. It ’s just a group. ”
"Ye Ping" Tian Yi roared and scared Ye Ping three times, seeing her husband angry and
anxious to turn his face flushed "I can be a chef in the cafeteria, and you can teach in the
villa every day Three or four children can receive a salary. It is the captain who is kind. The
captain is thinking that our family of three is not easy to give a way of life. It is not an
ordinary person who owes you like us who have not evolved a power and still have a child.
I can live in an apartment in the inner city without worrying about eating and worrying.
The whole city can have a few rewards for merit, and the whole pig was called back by the
vice captain. It is affection to be willing to share. No hair is given. That ’s reasonable. You ’re
still a people ’s teacher. Before, you ’re so open-minded. How can you be so selfish and
narrow? ”
Ye Ping shuddered, ashamed, ashamed, and annoyed, turning to cover her face and sobbing
Tian Yi's temper is a bit rough, but it still hurts his wife. She lost her breath for a while, and
regretted it when it disappeared. She reached out and held Ye Ping's shoulders to pull her
back. "Sorry, it's too bad for me to talk too much. We have been married for so many years.
I know what you are. Such people, you are the most gentle and kind. You blame me for
being incapable and making you suffer, rest assured, I will work harder in the future, find a
way to find a part-time job to earn extra money, and I will definitely make you and Yaoyao
in the future. Lead a good life. "
Ye Ping didn't hold back, crying in her husband's arms. After a long time, he looked up and
his eyes were red and swollen. "I have never been afraid of suffering myself. I just
distressed Yaoyao. They are also children, and they also have a little friendship with the
captain. Tongtong lives in a villa and is as delicious as a princess. What do you want? Do n’t
talk about fruit snacks. Being bored and wanting to participate in training and experience
life is just one sentence, and we Yaoyao said, “We Yaoyao are as beautiful as a bowl of
braised pork. Two children stay together all day, can't you feel the difference? Last time
Yao Yao was pushed down and hurt by Tong Tong. He couldn't say a word, came back home
and asked me quietly, why can Tong Tong live in the villa? I do n’t know how to answer.
The child does n’t understand anything. I only know that she does n’t have any of them. She
can only bear it if she is bullied.
After speaking, he lowered his voice and cried again.
Tian Yi didn't speak, and sighed and took his wife into his arms. "Okay, don't cry, it's
normal for children to have some disputes. The relationship between people and others is
not the same. How can you be like you?" B: OK, it's not too late, let's pack up and go to bed
early, we have to work tomorrow. "
Ye Ping wiped away her tears and nodded. The two left the kitchen and soon the lights in
the living room went out.
Moonlight spilled in through the window and saw a small figure crouching behind the sofa.
The author has something to say that pork head meat is really delicious, and the aroma of
pork head stewed pork head meat when he was a kid still remembers.
Suck **** suck **** suck.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who dropped the mine, Seven Nights Snow, Good Night and
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
48 bottles of xcy; 30 bottles of dandan and Devil King; 19 bottles of Qianyao; 12 bottles of
chess goblin demon; 10 bottles of Ai'an, Qing Yi'er, Xiaomu, Xi, and Ni Ni; The author's fat
times are 5 bottles on my waist; 2 bottles of cuteness; 1 bottle of Yule, Xiaolizi, icyivy,
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
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computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection, the old
URL has been recently Ca n’t open the old website, the old website will not open in the
future, please keep in mind :, the fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error
reporting chapter, seeking books and books, please add qq group 647547956 group
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 181:
Settings saved..
After several months of missions, Shen Shi'an insisted that Shen Xun rest for two days. So
when he woke up at six in the morning on time, he did not wake him up, and planned to go
out and run as usual after washing.
Walked into the bathroom lightly, just after squeezing toothpaste, a sturdy body stuck from
behind, wearing short-sleeved pajamas of the same style, resting his head on his shoulder,
and burping his nose into his neck A few mouthfuls, like a big dog who is coming to the
occupied area before waking up, "early."
"Early." Shen Shi'an saw his messy curly hair in the mirror and couldn't help raising his
hands and rubbing two "sleeps"
Shen Xun shook his head, sniffed a few more times, and licked two.
"Keep sleeping"
Shen Xun shook his head again. He didn't speak, just clasped his waist without letting his
hands down. His sleepy face was handsome and gentle at this time. It was hard to imagine a
ferocious beast lurking in his body.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help it. Picking up Shen Xun's toothbrush also squeezed a bit of
toothpaste and handed him "brushing teeth" along with the water glass.
There are a total of two sinks on the grooming table. Each of them has one, one with the left
hand and the other with the right hand, performing oral cleaning activities at the same
pace. When halfway through the brush, Shen Xun tried to come together to slap his mouth
full of toothpaste foam on Shen Shi'an's face, and was "violently" suppressed by Shen
Shi'an's backhand, by the way hitting his brain.
After washing, Shen Shi'an looked at the face in the mirror that hadn't dried off the water
drops, and suddenly said, "I have a question for you."
"You ask.
Shen Shi'an turned and leaned on the sink. "The last time I had a layer of red protective
cover popped up when I fought with Min Hexiu, is that related to you?"
Shen Xun motioned and nodded while putting the towel back on the shelf "I made it."
"what is that"
"A little bit of magic can keep you safe."
Shen Shi'an squeezed a lotion in the palm of his right palm. After rubbing it, he raised his
arm and applied it to Shen Xun's face. With a little effort, he rubbed that handsome face into
a deformed shape. Say it again, no concealment is allowed. "
That layer of protective cover could instantly hurt Min Hexiu, and he didn't believe it was a
"little spell".
"It is indeed a spell that can protect you." Shen Xun came over and pressed against his
forehead to please him. "You know, my Yuan Shen is not fully integrated yet."
"The primordial **** is the source of the magic power of Kerberus. Without the fused
primordial god, the part of the original power contained in it cannot be used by me. That
part of the power is very huge, and it is a pity to be idle for a long time, so I thought One
way is to take half of it and form a protective enchantment on you. Whenever you are in
danger, the enchantment will appear automatically, and I can sense it in time. "
Shen Shi'an frowned. "You have taken half of the original power and used it on me. Doesn't
it affect you?"
"No. I have seen the speed of merging the primordial gods, and it will take a long time to
fully integrate. Before I fully integrate, that part of the power is also put on, I can't use it at
Shen Shi'an still frowned. "If this enchantment is attacked or destroyed, will it not affect
"If the enchantment is damaged, I will be bitten back a bit. But rest assured, even if
Hershey's presence is present, the enchantment may not be destroyed."
"Are you 100% sure"
Shen Xun thought for a while, and touched his nose. "He is cunning by nature, more than a
hundred years older than me, and has swallowed the elder **** of the elder brother. It may
be very small. It may be very small. I will know some special things that I do n’t know.
"Then take it back." Shen Shi'an immediately gave a cold face. "Now I will immediately take
back this half of the power. I have exercises and space, as well as the protective matrix
method that comes with the space. I can guarantee my safety."
Things that involve half of the original power, how can the consequences be light if there is
Shen Xun shook his head, waiting for Shen Shi'an to get angry, bowed his head and kissed
him, "You listen to me explain it well"
"The protective matrix that comes with space may not be able to stop Hexiu, and it is easy
to expose the existence of space and spiritual springs. Not to mention that once the matrix
is damaged, you as a space master will back bite and hurt. You do n’t need to worry I, the
enchantment has gathered half of my original strength, and wanting to destroy will
inevitably bring a terrible price. Hexiu's serious injuries are currently unhealed, because
the loss of two puppets has increased the injury, trying to destroy the enchantment unless
he is dead. "
"I know him. I know better than anyone in this world. Now he is not my opponent. He
certainly can't accept it because of his character, so it is very likely that he will target him."
Shen Xun looked down at him. The eye "enchantment can give you an extra layer of
security, even if it is attacked, as long as the enchantment is okay, I know that you are still
safe, for me it is more important than anything. You taught me to learn to put myself in
place, Then tell me, if you are me, and you obviously have a way to keep your partner safe,
would you choose not to do it? "
Shen Shi'an felt that he was about to hate these dark green eyes.
Because it is too gentle, when you focus on yourself, it is easy for him to feel that the words
of the eyes master cannot be refuted.
"You tell me honestly," Shen Shi'an tried his best to calm down, "is there any way you can
take it back?"
"Ah, no, this is a permanent spell."
He knew
After waiting for Shen Shi'an to get angry, Shen Xun added, "However, the effect of this spell
is actually mutual. In the future, if you improve your skills, my mana will be improved, and
there are many other benefits."
"When did you cast this spell on me"
"After becoming human."
"How long later"
"Just that night."
That night, Shen Xun turned back into a human shape. That night, they just rushed back to
the blade from the absolute death zone.
Shen Shi'an narrowed his eyes dangerously. "At that time, I hadn't promised to associate
with you yet." It was so easy to give half the strength.
Shen Xundu was unbelievable. "Anyway, you have to promise anyway, your boyfriend will
only be me."
He had been doomed since the day he was picked up, and still wanted to escape.
Shen Shi'an was so hot that he ignored him and went into the locker room to change
clothes and go out for morning exercises.
The button was not fastened yet, a slamming knock sounded outside the bedroom, and
Shen Xun opened the door. Lin Ruan outside the door was shocked. The excitement on his
face converged a lot. The voice was full of excitement. Captain, the vaccine is coming. "
The sharp-edged scientific research building is well-equipped with solid equipment. In
addition to the three floors on the ground, there is actually one floor underground, but very
few people know, because very few people have access to enter.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun put on disinfection suits armed from head to toe, and led by Lin
Ruan through the back door through the stairs to the negative entrance. The unique cold
lights of the laboratory immediately shot into the eyes.
The negative layer is very large. The outermost is the specimen showroom. All kinds of
zombies' limbs and organs, mutant animals, and zombified animals are all well preserved
and displayed here. The most prominent one is a huge transparent glass jar. It was full of
liquid, soaked in it was the beastly state Hexiu who had bitten his neck.
This sentiment caused Shen Xun to have an instinctual rejection and aversion. Shen Shi'an
noticed the abnormality in time, hurriedly held his hand before his emotional riot, turned
his head and asked Lin Ruan, "Did the animal state get the same?"
"Take it."
"Then cremation, find somewhere to bury the ashes." Even if Shen Xun and Hexiu were
hostile to each other, that was his kind.
Lin Ruan glanced at Shen Xun and understood, "I will deal with it as soon as possible,
In addition to dead specimens, there are also live research subjects. Two zombies were tied
to the dissection table opposite the showroom, struggling to emit a hoarse growl. Liu
Fangzhou held a scalpel in his hand, the tip of the blade flipped up and down, the action
was crisp and sharp, and the anatomy technique was significantly improved by more than
one grade when he first met him. These zombies were quickly disassembled into pieces.
These, Will be sent upstairs as raw materials for extracting pheromones.
Hearing the voice turned around and said hello to Shen Shi'an and others, "What are you
doing here, Brother Shen?"
Shen Shi'an didn't talk to him nonsense "put down the knife and come over."
The laboratory on the negative floor is located at the innermost place, which is also the
place with the tightest protection and the highest value in the entire scientific research
A group of people passed the iris test. Tang Song, who was sitting in front of the console,
immediately stood up, his eyes were blue and black, but his eyes were scary. "You are
Shen Shian threw a bottle of water "How long have you been asleep?"
"A few days." Tang Song opened the lid and took a few sips. "Lin Ruan told you."
Shen Shian nodded, "said the result. If it is not troublesome, please explain it again in
Tang Song speaks quickly and the explanation is not complicated.
"Since realizing that there is no drug that can kill zombies while ensuring normal cell
survival, Lin Ruan and I turned to the main research direction to try to degenerate the
zombies into the original virus.
You should remember that we have three blood samples from the 11th flu patient in China,
collected before infection with the original virus, before mutation into zombies, and after
mutation into zombies.
Through these three blood samples, we found that the transformation of the provirus into a
zombie virus was completed almost instantly. For those who have become zombies and are
not immune to the provirus, the provirus has penetrated into a certain part of the DNA. Will
mutate into a zombie virus.
This process is too short to make it possible for us to find any breakthrough point of
reversal. Until the captain you gave those two bottles of pure spiritual spring water.
Lingquan water cannot directly kill the zombie virus, but it can effectively slow down the
process of the original virus mutation, which allows us more time to observe and record,
and finally found the key point to reverse the virus form. Since then, by continuously
adjusting the ratio between Lingquan water and various commonly used virus inactivating
drugs, yesterday evening, "
Tang Song gave up the position of the operating table facing the microscope. "We
successfully completed a process of reversing the degradation of a zombie virus sample."
Shen Shi'an pointed his left eye at the sight glass lens, his heart beat quickly, and he quickly
recovered his calmness.
"How long did the reversal last?"
"Ten hours, thirty-eight minutes and nine seconds." Tang Song answered in a sigh.
This length of time means that the reversal failure and the probability of the original virus
turning back into a zombie virus are extremely low.
Shen Shi'an straightened up, "What to do next"
"This is just a reversal of a single sample," Lin Ruan said. "The next thing to do is to
experiment on the complete zombies. Last night, during the process of confirming that the
reversal status continued, my teacher and I have been enough to work on a zombie The
dose of the drug is ready. "
He took a slender needle tube from the bio-preservation cabinet, which was full of a
transparent liquid.
Shen Shi'an took a deep breath, and when he first went out, there were ready-made
zombies on the dissecting table outside the door.
The one on the right has been dissected by Liu Fangzhou, with only hands and feet and a
skull. In order to test the accuracy, five people gathered directly next to the operating table
on the left. The zombies bound by their limbs were attracted and screamed
enthusiastically. Through the rotten cheeks, they could clearly see that the upper and lower
teeth were biting hard, and couldn't wait to tear them off A piece of fresh flesh.
Tang Song himself, injecting the whole tube of medicine from the zombie temple into the
brain is the place with the highest residual activity in the zombie, so as to ensure that the
drug can be transmitted to the whole body as much as possible.
Change starts with the eyes.
Zombie turbid and congested eyeballs suddenly stopped, symbolizing that the grayish
whiteness of death spread quickly, and then quickly decayed, and soon there were only two
empty black holes in the eye sockets.
Followed by nose, cheek, chin, neck, collarbone
In less than half a minute, the entire zombie was completely turned into a pool of rotten
black blood, and the skin and muscles slid down from the bones like unattached mud. Soon,
there was only a white skeleton on the dissection table. , And a dazzling crystal nucleus
lying inside the skull.
Except for Tang Song, who was standing still, others could not help but take two steps back
at the beginning of the decay. Liu Fangzhou covered his nose and widened his eyes, and
screamed moaning, "This is a success in the trough."
"Successful," Lin Ruan's face is difficult to hide. "The essence of zombies is corpses. Cells
have long lost their vitality. Only by the control of zombies can they have the function of
movement, slowing or even stagnating the rate of body decay. Degradation, rapid decay in
response to the original natural process is their only outcome, which shows that the
vaccine is working. "
"No," Tang Song pushed the frame, his eyes were frantic, but his expression was calm. "We
want to confirm that the vaccine is effective, we are still one final step."
"Final experiments are also needed on living people infected with zombies."
The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the
nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who dropped the rocket launcher for lack of sugar;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade for reading the article 1;
Thanks for the little angels who cast mines; 2 oceans, Ru Qiulin Stones, Good Night, and
Little Fairy;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
Fourteen 279 bottles; 96 bottles of happy crispy duck girls; 59 bottles of Yuyu; 50 bottles of
Lu Xiaoyou; 30 bottles of Yulie shallow; 24 bottles of sugar deficiency; did An Zhi Ruo Su Xi,
ngc2237, Qi Zui be a man today? 20 bottles Haven't arrived, Xuan, Xiaoyu, 玖 玖, Yun
Nongying 10 bottles; earth is just right, rosa, come and praise me, Mo Shangqin, Maple,
ndgguy 5 bottles; 39665111, Xuan Shuying 3 bottles; Mi Mihu Tiger, Moonlight Shura,
icyivy, Qinghuan 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 182:

Settings saved..
At 5:40 in the morning, Lu Xiuyuan opened his eyes on time in the alarm bell.
The morning training started at six o'clock, which was enough time, so he freed himself to
lie on the bed for five minutes.
At 5:45, Lu Xiuyuan opened the blanket to get out of bed, went to the bathroom to solve the
physiological problem, and then walked to the washstand.
His slightly pale face was clearly reflected in the mirror, the hole in the black hole in his
right eye, and the right half of his body with dark blue and blood vessels.
Gaze across the mirror, reach out and hold the toothbrush into your hand. As he was about
to brush his teeth, his right arm spasmed uncontrollably, the toothbrush came out of his
hand, and he just squeezed the toothpaste and hit the tiles.
He stared at the beach of toothpaste for a while, squatted down, picked up the toothbrush,
and expertly pulled out two sheets of paper to wipe the tiles clean, replacing his left hand to
continue brushing his teeth.
At 5:50, Lu Xiuyuan stood in front of the closet, and put on the combat trousers and
outerwear in turn. The zipper was pulled to the top, the buttons were carefully buckled,
then the blindfold and socks, and finally the gloves.
Looking in the mirror, making sure nothing was missing, turned around and walked out of
the bedroom.
Xu Ge, who also got up early, looked up and said "Early."
"The kitchen is hot, let's have a drink before training."
"Well, thank you."
When receiving the communication request, the morning exercise just reached the end.
The weather was hot and soared to over thirty degrees early in the morning. The other
players either wore short sleeves or shirtless, and only his long sleeved trousers wrapped
himself tightly, so his face turned red and the sweat was almost flowing. Three times more
than others.
He panted and slowed down, raised his wrist and connected to the phone. "Is there
anything convenient to call the captain? OK, I will be here within three minutes, um, I
Qu Shuo, who supervised the training, trot from the back of the queue and stood side by
side higher than Lu Xiuyuan. "What's wrong"?
Qu Shuo is the new team member's instructor and is also responsible for supervising the
new team member. Strictly speaking, Lu Xiuyuan has no obligation to report his
whereabouts, so he rolls his eyes. After the translation, I still explained, "The captain asked
me to go to the scientific research building. What's the matter, the instructor wants to
Qu Shuo automatically filtered out the ridicule in his words, took a bottle of water from his
belt and threw it to him "Go, fighting training starts at nine o'clock. If you can't be late, try
to catch up."
Lu Xiuyuan caught the water and rolled his eyes again. Really treat myself as an official.
When he arrived at the research building, Liu Fangzhou was already waiting for him at the
"You are also looking for you, Captain"
"No, I specifically picked you up. Anyway, you will know when you go in. The captain and
Xunge are here."
After speaking, lead people directly to the negative floor.
Lu Xiuyuan didn't have the authority to enter the negative level alone, but he also
understood that Shen Shi'an had him here for what mattered.
However, even if he was psychologically prepared, the impact of the fact was still far more
fierce than he expected.
After Lin Ruan introduced him to the whole thing, Lu Xiuyuan sat idly in a chair for a long
time and never looked back.
Seeing this, Tang Song thought he was hesitant to accept the experiment, and then
explained that "we have succeeded in experiments on zombies and zombies. Although we
cannot guarantee that the vaccine will be absolutely effective for living people, What
happens is that the drug itself will not cause any damage to the normal human body. In the
worst case, you will still be in the current state. "
Shen Shi'an walked to Lu Xiuyuan. "Don't panic, think carefully. In any case, it is your
freedom to accept the experiment. If you really do not want to, then choose to reject it. We
will understand."
"I'm willing" Lu Xiuyuan said immediately, turning his head and blinking vigorously, the
only intact left eye, "I'm not unwilling, I suddenly heard the news and I need to do
something." When the clothes were out, he unzipped the sterilization suit's zipper,
exposing the mutated right arm with bruises and blackness and bite marks. "Can it be
injected directly?"
Shen Shi'an secretly relieved that his space was actually filled with Luo Wei, who was also
infected with zombies and was currently awake. The reason why Luo Wei was not selected
and Lu Xiuyuan was the primary experimental subject was because of Luo Wei's infection.
The extent is already deep. If he is taken out of the second floor of the space and the vaccine
does not work, the consequences are likely to be fatal for Lowe. Therefore, Lu Xiuyuan
agreed that accepting the experiment was the best result.
Tang Song was so excited that he immediately took out the second dose of the vaccine.
Before the injection, he explained in detail to Xiu Yuan. "After all, the human body is not the
same as a simple virus sample or zombie, so we cannot guarantee a vaccine. It will
definitely succeed. Due to the peculiarity of the power, although your right half of the body
has mutated long ago, it still maintains a part of its vitality. Therefore, it is also most
suitable for the situation of ordinary people when they are just infected by the virus. The
mutated body should return to normal in a short period of time, but for the sake of
insurance, you should not remove the power temporarily until I am 100% sure that this
normal state is stable, understand? "
Lu Xiuyuan nodded and asked a question "If the vaccine is effective, my body is back to
normal. Can these scars heal?"
"No problem. Once your cells are back to life, just let Tao Yuan treat you for a while. He will
heal as before. However, the structure of the eyeball is special. As an independent part, it is
separated from other cell tissues and may not be able to regenerate. "
"I thought about this."
"If you feel any abnormalities in the middle, you can immediately feedback to me. You can
rest assured that the experiment is absolutely safe. Are you ready?"
Lu Xiuyuan took a deep breath and nodded again. Shen Shi'an raised his hand and held his
The crowd held their breath, Lin Ruan opened the camera to record the experiment. Tang
Song calmly calmly pushed a tube of medicine into Lu Xiuyuan's raised right arm blood
For example, a basin of hot water was poured on the snow, and the almost blackish purple
of the right arm mutated quickly, exposing the color that healthy skin should have. This
fade quickly spread around the injection point as if at Under Lu Xiuyuan's skin, a silent and
fierce battle was underway at this time. The vaccine was invincible, and the virus soldiers
fell down.
In just half a minute, the entire right arm returned to normal skin tone, with the exception
of scary tooth marks and scars, and no trace of infection by the virus.
Lu Xiuyuan's eyes widened, it seemed incredible.
He tried to squeeze his palm. "I, my hand is aware, I can punch my fist, my arm seems to
have recovered strength." He turned to Shen Shi'an. "You punch me, you punch me and let
me Make sure you're not dreaming "
Shen Shi'an shrugged on his shoulder, and was really happy for him. "It's not a dream, the
vaccine has succeeded, and you will never have to chant it again."
Shen Shian's face changed suddenly, exclaiming, "What's going on?"
I saw Lu Xiuyuan recovering his normal arm, and suddenly a large blue purple appeared
from the position of the fingertips. This blue purple spread deeper and deeper, and the
blood vessels along the way raised and cracked the skin. It seemed only a blink of an eye,
the entire right arm Once again occupied by a terrible mutation.
Some of Lu Xiuyuan's reactions didn't come to exactly what happened.
Tang Song's face sank like water, and he quickly took a drop of blood from his right arm to
the virus test strip brought by Lin Ruan. The black blood would contact the white test strip,
and the bright red that represented the zombie virus positive appeared instantly and was
Lin Ruan's frown was tight. "Will the dose of the drug be insufficient?" Lu Xiuyuan only had
half of his body infected with the virus, so they were injected at half the dose of normal
people. If only the required dose is infected, the whole must be considered. What
A glimmer of hope burst out in Tang Song's eyes, "Let's try again"
The two re-prepared the medicament as quickly as possible and injected a second injection
into Xiuyuan's body. In the eyes of everyone's anxiety and anticipation, the blue-violet color
faded quickly, but it was only a short ten seconds before it swept again.
Tang Song's face was pale, and the thick blue and black under his eyes reflected the huge
disappointment in his eyes, which made him look endless and on the verge of collapse.
"Why can't I explain why the state of the experiment can be sustained after the
degradation. What did I miss? What's missing "
Lu Xiuyuan's complexion was whiter than him.
Sitting in a chair, he looked down at his appalling right arm.
Shen Shi'an didn't know how to comfort him, supported his shoulder and pressed "Lu
"It's okay," Lu Xiuyuan suddenly looked up, and even smiled at Shen Shi'an and others. "We
knew that the vaccine might not work for the human body, wouldn't it? The worst situation
is the same as before. Major Tang, Lin Ruan, don't be discouraged. Since you can make the
zombie virus degenerate, it means that your research is in the right direction. Although it is
only temporarily degraded, it is already very amazing. With the wisdom of your two people,
you will definitely get the vaccine. Completely successful, come on. "
Liu Fangzhou looked at his face a little worried. "Luke, are you okay?"
"What can I do? Fortunately, Major Tang reminded me that I did not remove the ability, as
long as there is no ability to kill me with the zombie virus." He carefully put on the
disinfection suit and re-zipped, "What else is needed? If I haven't done it, I won't interrupt
your work. I promised Instructor Qu to participate in training in the morning. "
After walking out of the scientific research building, Lu Xiuyuan glanced at the identity
bracelet, which was less than eight o'clock. It was far from the training time that Qu Shuo
He doesn't want to go back to the villa for the time being. The news of the failure of the
experiment is expected to return soon, and all kinds of sympathy and glances will be
greeted by that time.
Originally, I planned to make two turns along the fence, and when I reacted, I was already
standing at the gate of the apartment in the apartment building.
Qu Shuo happened to take a shower and opened the door to eat in the cafeteria. When he
saw Lu Xiuyuan was a little surprised, he realized from his face that something was wrong.
"What happened?"
Lu Xiuyuan stared at him for a while, and half of his left eye, which was covered by broken
hair, gradually turned dark, until he reached the bottom, and suddenly clenched his left
hand and punched it.
Qu Shuo was caught unprepared for a while, and he took two steps back, and the corners of
his mouth immediately leaked blood.
It was too late to ask questions, and Lu Xiuyuan rushed in and raised his second punch.
He played without any rules, as if he had accumulated the ultimate distress and resentment
in venting his heart completely. The depression and resentment were so deep that he even
turned into a sense of hopelessness.
Qu Shuo first blocked a few times, but later he didn't cover up or fight back. He let his fist
greet him in the flesh.
Lu Xiuyuan didn't remember how many times he hit and how long he hit. He only knew that
the entire left arm was sore and unbearable until the end. He had sweat on his forehead
and tears in his eyes. I took it in my arms.
"I blame you and me, the turtle king **** on your horse, you murderer executioner, if it
weren't for you, how could I become this inhuman and ghostless look"
Qu Shuo hugged him and sat on the ground, letting him cry and let out, and patted his palm
over his back again and again. "Yes, blame me, sorry, I hurt you. Hush will be all right. of"
After a long time, exhausted Lu Xiuyuan fell asleep on Qu Shuo's sofa.
Qu Shuo stared at him for a long time, moving his gaze from his intact left eye to the right
eye patch, to the pretty bridge of his nose and pale cheeks, and finally paused briefly on his
pale pale lips for a moment and then closed. Come back.
It will be fine, everything will be fine.
The failure of the vaccine hit Tang Song a lot. Since then, he has spent all night in the
scientific research building. Even the figure with Lin Ruan can rarely be seen in the villa.
At the end of July, the assessment of the new players was completed, and the official
members of Sharp Blade expanded again. However, the entire team was unconsciously
enveloped in an urgent and depressing atmosphere. .
From the beginning of August, a small event happened in the base of the capital. After years
of thinking, people think that this may be the death knell of humanity's gradual demise.
Three psionicists are missing.
The author has something to say. Why do readers feel that it is almost over? I still have a lot
of ducks.
Do n’t you all want to watch it?
The second half officially started.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou and the ocean who dropped mines;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
28 bottles of confusion; 10 bottles of Chiba, apple, Yuejingwu, Xiao Yu, Xiang; 8 bottles of
bread bags; 348288086 bottles; 5 bottles of lazy, maple, and 涞 迩; dk20123 bottles; icyivy,
fish 1 bottle of music
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 183:
Settings saved..
The three psionicists who disappeared were all "scattered people" who neither joined the
army nor the psionicist organization, earning tasks from the mission center for a living, and
are all experienced bounty veterans. The level of these three powers is not high, and the
highest level broke through the second level soon, but they are all interesting.
One is the mutant soil system, the other is the strength and healing dual-line ability, and the
other is the hawk returning ancestry ability, especially good at remote reconnaissance.
Because the abilities are exactly complementary, the three will occasionally cooperate with
each other. After the incident, the task management center found a lot of records of them
receiving tasks in the name of temporary teams. The disappearance occurred during the
three people's joint mission.
The task is not difficult. The publisher offers a high-level reward for the first-level wooden
zombies, which is unlimited in time and quantity, which means that as long as the wooden
nucleus is found, the transaction can be traded with the publisher at any time.
The total number of orders was more than two hundred. One of them was a temporary
team composed of these three abilities.
There is no hard time limit for this long-term mission. It is normal to stay outside the base
for a month or two if you want to. All three power activists live alone in the outer suburbs,
and their social relations are weak. In addition to receiving tasks, they rarely communicate
with people. It is said that even if an accident occurs during the task, I am afraid no one will
find it after a year and a half.
Coincidentally, one of the power and healing dual-line powers accidentally rescued a girl in
a mission a month ago. The girl herself is also a power person. She is also a team leader
organized by a power person in the base, and a dual-line power. The capable person
happens to be a fellow again, because he was grateful to recognize him as his elder brother.
The bipedalist had no news for half a month after participating in the mission. The girl
noticed that something was wrong and went to the website of the mission center to find out
who the other two people were doing the mission. Then she checked in and out of the
population management office. Records, immediately found that the three did not return to
the Ministry of Public Security immediately after the police.
This kind of thing is very common, and all tasks have risks. As long as you eat this bowl of
rice, there are too many cases that you can't go back. After the end of the world,
communication was cut off, leaving the base area to calculate that the Ministry of Public
Security can do only a limited amount. At most, it has been inferred to die after a long
absence, and the name is engraved on the memorial of the victim.
If you replace it with someone else, you will disappear if you know it, and your life will
continue. The girl is a shy girl, she said that she would not renege on the promise when she
came back. She was a canine returning to the ancestral system.
After more than a week of searching, she really found her. She was buried near a farmhouse
in a deserted village ten kilometers northwest of the Beijing base.
The girl dug out the person, and dug out two other companions. The body was still intact,
except that a large hole was cut in the back of the head.
The girl wiped away her tears and pointed at the ground road where the dirt was flying.
The next day, a hundred people's grave ten miles from the outskirts of Beijing shocked the
All kinds of speeches and conjectures are rapidly boiling in the capital, and the secret of
"the peculiar person also has nuclei in his head" is simply a balloon that explodes in one
click, and is made public in the fiercest and most compelling way. .
The base management immediately set up a task force to carry out investigations. In order
to stabilize public opinion and calm public opinion, the relevant investigation results will
be reported on the electronic screen of the task center and the official website of the base.
As a member of the management, Shen Shi'an got the news much earlier than these official
The atmosphere of the conference room on the second floor of the villa was condensed, and
Shen Shi'an sent a copy of the documents he received from the Phantom Union to each of
the core players present.
"A total of 187 corpses were excavated from the hundred people's graves. According to
information such as identity bracelets, fingerprints, and DNA, it was initially verified that
all of them were base residents, all were abilities, and all had their skulls pried open."
"All the victims lived alone," Lin Ruan read through the identity information of each corpse.
"I did not join the organization, no relatives and friends, and the social relationship was
extremely weak. The killer deliberately selected the least likely target, all murders. They
are premeditated, planned, and targeted. "
Liu Fangzhou scolded the grass, and the more he felt the coldness of his hands and feet,
"according to the forensic test report, the earliest death time in these corpses has been
more than three months, does this not mean that someone found a difference three months
ago The secret of the Powerful Crystal Nuclei, and has been lurking in the base quietly to
kill people "
Lu Xiuyuan shook his head. "This is just the corpse we found. There are others that have
not been found or have been destroyed. Who knows how many victims there are. Maybe it
started long before we came to Beijing. . "
"The allies' union has listed all the allies who have not entered or exited for more than six
months as missing. Using the victim information obtained this time for screening, we can
see if we can find more potential victims and determine the earliest incident. "
Xu Ge turned his eyes away from the photos of Hundred People's Mounds and took a deep
breath several times before he managed to calm down. "Captain, are there any clues as to
who the killer is?"
"Most of the victims were missing during the mission, which shows that the killers knew
their mission and itinerary very likely, and were likely to follow them all the way. So the
task force is investigating the information of all relevant mission publishers and each
mission. To see if they can find the overlapping parts; In addition, we are also counting all
the records of each victim's last departure from the base on the day and comprehensively
compare the record list, as long as the killer did follow them out, Expect results soon. "
Chen Nan asked "Will it be Zhong Han's job?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It wasn't him. At least it wasn't him who directly acted. Zhong
Han was no longer in the capital." After the news of the hundred people's grave came back,
he asked Shen Xun to confirm it again. Farther away from the capital than when Shen Xun
first tracked him.
Xiong Manshan asked, "Will it be Hexiu? I'm not talking about the body, but I'm the avatar."
Shen Xun leaned her hands on her back with her hands in her chest. "The level is too low to
be useful."
He only said half of what he said. Fortunately, Xiong Manshan automatically replenished
the victim's power level too low, and the crystal nucleus had no effect on Hexiu at all.
This statement makes sense, Xiong Manshan touched his chin and nodded. His power level
was much higher than the victim. When fighting with him that day, he didn't find that he
had any tendency to pull his back.
"If it was Hexiu, he would not bury the body to hide the evidence, but would spread it out
with fanfare and let humans kill each other." However, it seems that it is not far away from
this step.
Shen Shian asked Tao Yuan "how are the team members' emotions"
"Ordinary people are okay, the psionics are shocked, panicked, and can't believe it."
Suddenly I learned that I had crystal nuclei in my head and could become a target for
hunting by others. It was not panic or normal. "But it's all under control."
"Thank you for your hard work."
"I understand."
Before the meeting, Xu Ge sighed softly. "Even if the killer is caught, the base will not be the
same as before."
No one can answer her.
On August 7, the task force responsible for investigating the Hundred People's Grave
incident locked its eyes on the four suspects and arrested them. After three days of
interrogation, a total of 26 conspirators were recruited and the entire article was exposed.
Underground Phantom Crystal Nuclear Trading Chain.
On the last day of the interrogation, Shen Shi'an went to watch. Because the torture agents
have mind-reading powers, the suspects can't hide the secret at all, but once the question
involves whether there is a master behind the scenes, or how they discovered that the
powers have crystal nuclei in their brains, all suspects People will fall into a state of mental
frenzy and can't ask a word.
Shen Shi'an stood behind the one-way perspective mirror of the interrogation room,
watching the torture officers try again and again to introduce the topic of "behind-the-
scenes ambassador", but one of the culprits only sat in a chair and did not respond.
"Under this circumstance, mind reading can't read anything," Gu Changsheng, one of the
heads of the task force, stood next to him and explained. "All the noise is read, according to
our analysis of criminal psychologists. , They are likely to have been mentally interfered,
that is, brainwashed. "
As soon as Gu Changsheng's words fell, the main culprit, who had always lowered his head,
suddenly frantically frantically broke off the handcuffs and chains and rushed to the one-
way mirror. His face was full of fanaticism. "Angel is an angel who points out the way to the
angel. Towards eternal glory "
The raging flames rose from his body with a frantic slogan, but in just ten seconds, the
living person was burned into a black ash.
Gu Changsheng was taken aback, quickly calmed down, picked up the microphone and gave
the order "All prisoners increase the dose of sedative injections, closely monitored 24
hours. Are you okay?"
Shen Shi'an shook his head, turned and looked at Shen Xun.
On August 15, 2020, in addition to the death of one of the main culprits from \\ 039, the
remaining twenty-nine murderers in the hundred people's grave case held a public
shooting at the victim's memorial. This is the first and largest public gun shooting event
since the last days.
The management's intention is obvious. They want to use this to kill chickens and tamarins,
and to deter those who are so excited because the nucleus of the power is exposed.
On the morning of the same day, the entire Beijing base was empty, and crowds of people
near the memorial to the victims.
Noisy humming
"It's these people who killed almost two hundred powers."
"There are more than two hundred. I heard that people have been murdered since last year,
and more than two thousand have been killed. Didn't many people disappear in the
absolute death zone at that time in March, and they **** it?"
"I'm good, how many crystal nuclei have to be dug."
"Isn't it? It is said that each of these people has at least seven or eight kinds of powers. All of
them were sucked by the nucleus after the killing. In addition to them, there were many
murderers who didn't catch it, and all ran by the power. "
"Seven or eight kinds of abilities are mixed together, so what do the nuclei in their heads
look like?"
"Who knows, see if you can shoot one when you are shot."
"They're dead, whose crystals are in their heads."
"Who else can be counted, it must be the military puppet, and there is probably a crap."
"Well, if only you can get one with luck."
"You're not a power, what do you want the nuclei to do?"
"I've heard that it's dozens of times more expensive than a zombie crystal nucleus, and I
sent it when I found one."
"You do n’t need to publish the rules announced by the military, once the trader's crystal
nucleus is found, he will be expelled and fired."
"Be careful not to be found out. You can pay by hand and deliver by hand. Who can find out
after absorbing?"
To ensure the execution of the executions, all prisoners were injected with a large amount
of tranquilizers.
Immediately before the execution, one of the prisoners turned to look at the crowd of
people watching the crowd, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "Ordinary people
can absorb crystal nuclei. Ordinary people can absorb crystal nuclei. Ordinary people can
absorb crystal nuclei."
You can't hear far away, but you can hear it clearly.
The noisy crowd boils instantly
"He said that ordinary people can absorb crystal nuclei"
"Can't absorb it, I've tried it, the zombie nucleus did not respond to me at all."
"Are you stupid? What he said is obviously the kind that grows in the minds of the miracle
"So ordinary people can have abilities as long as they absorb crystal nuclei."
"real or fake"
"real or fake"
Ten minutes after the shooting, Shen Shi'an got an accurate answer from the mouth of Mr.
Gu, who looked very bad, "Really."
The heart sank abruptly, "Ordinary people can really acquire the ability of abilities by
absorbing nuclei"
Mr. Gu nodded in a chair, and several accidents made him sleepless for half a month. At this
time, his discomfort became even more frustrating. "A few minutes ago, the Huang family
chose an ordinary soldier to try to absorb one of the murderers and stay. Crystal nucleus, it
worked. "
More than 6 million survivors of the Beijing base, of which 5.5 million are ordinary people.
The chaos caused by the nucleus of the power person was originally confined to the power
person, but once ordinary people can also acquire the power by absorbing the nuclei, it is
undoubtedly that the two groups that are already nervous are completely put on the
opposite side.
Mr. Gu sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Go back, don't take on the task anymore, I'm afraid
the capital will be messed up."
Gu's prediction soon came to fruition.
On the evening of August 21, a tragic incident occurred in the Shuguang Regiment, one of
the top ten power organizations of the Beijing base.
Thirty-two ordinary team members were stunned by the oppression and insults of the
power members, causing all members to fall into a coma by poisoning them in the canteen
meals and water sources. They then launched a killing ring and slaughtered most of the
organization overnight. The total number of casualties exceeded two hundred.
The army subsequently sent troops to suppress the killings. Twenty-two murderers were
killed on the spot, and the remaining three were missing.
Two days later, at the regular meeting of the puppeteers' union, except for Shen Shi'an, only
one Zhao Xinjiang was brought with him, and other members of the parliament had a lot of
After the regular meeting, Xiao Lang shouted Shen Shi'an aside, "Doesn't your boyfriend
like to follow you the most? Why let you come out alone at this time?"
"He's at home." He Xiu's uncle did not know if anyone had stayed in the capital. In order to
be safe, they had to discuss that someone must stay in the base. "And I'm not alone."
Xiao Lang glanced at Zhao Xinjiang behind him and immediately disregarded "You're really
big-hearted. Recently, be careful, gossip news spreads, our heads of organizations with high
power levels have been included in the reward list."
"Bonus List"
"It's the kind of money that costs your life. To be precise, it's the nucleus in your mind."
Xiao Lang watched vigilantly and lowered his voice at the same time. "I know you're
capable, but it's because of your ability. As a target, how many people secretly coveted the
ability to **** you away. Strong ability is not a death-proof gold medal, and you can be too
unaware that the ghost can approach you too much. You have heard about the regimental
leader. He was put down with drugs and killed by a knife. It's not just you who is injustice.
Let those under you, such as the Ark full mountain road repair them, be careful, grass, you
A regiment is an awesome power. "
On the way back to the sharp blade, Shen Shi'an stared out the window for a long time.
There were fewer people and vehicles on the road, and the pedestrians I saw by chance had
wolf-like eyes.
He let Zhao Xinjiang detour a little bit past the mission center building, and the bustling
building in the past was mostly empty.
The management successively issued several severe orders aimed at stabilizing the hearts
of the people, but those without abilities dared to go out, and even those without abilities
dared to take on tasks. Anyway, the base can still be monitored. Once you leave the base,
you really don't know how to die.
Afraid of being the target of other abilities, being afraid of becoming the target of ordinary
people, and even more afraid of teammates fighting side by side backhandedly.
The entire Beijing base is like a depressing, bulging, restless explosive 039 medicine kit,
only the last ignition star to completely detonate.
The only good news is that the zombies that had been approaching along the east coast did
not know why they seemed to stop.
Compared with the tense and horrifying atmosphere in other organizations, the sharp
blades of the mixed powers and ordinary people can be regarded as the most harmonious
and friendly.
The new players of the ability headed by Xu Qiang are now very fortunate that the test
against the ordinary old players after the end of the railway line mission is exactly that test,
which made them face up to the powerful combat power that ordinary players can play,
Ordinary new players realize the tremendous value they can achieve.
Each week, according to the contribution value, 20 ordinary members who can eat a small
stove in the cafeteria occupy at least half.
Risking being shot for no reason, hand-blade teammates dug crystal nuclei
That really has a pit in my head
Because the mission could not be completed in the short term, the team members stayed at
home but also idled. Shen Shi'an and Tao Yuan and others discussed to double the training
intensity during the assessment period, and no one could run.
Sharp blades screamed from morning till night.
Shen Shi'an still maintains the habit of doing morning exercises and adjusts his wake-up
time from six to five thirty. After getting up early every day, run along the base wall for half
an hour to an hour.
Running can let people down and he enjoys the process. Because he has too many things to
worry about, how to deal with the nucleus of the psionicist, where will the base of the
capital go, how should the railway plan move forward, and whether Hexiu remains in the
So when he suddenly saw the familiar figure, Shen Shi'an didn't know whether he should
take a breath or lift his heart.
Hexiu leaned on the inside of the city wall, as if waiting for him long ago, even raising his
hand and saying hello, "So clever"
Shen Shi'an breathed slowly and stood upright.
"You seem to be a little thinner," Hexiu walked two steps. "Why, can't you sleep well
because I'm worried that someone might pry open your cute skull?"
Shen Shi'an backhand pulled out a long sword.
"You're wrong with me now, I really don't know that the evil spirit of the underworld has
brought me such a big surprise besides the creation of undead corpses. Ah, the nuclei in the
minds of the psionicists, I have not tasted What is it like? "Hexiu took another two steps."
But I must also admit that the timing of this exposure is really clever. I have to wonder who
has been specially arranged to help me achieve my plan. "
Shen Shi's body was tight and his sword was buzzing with abundant spiritual power. He Xiu
had been hiding in Beijing.
Suddenly a slight tingling came from the neck, and then a cold liquid was injected into Shen
Shi'an's blood vessel.
The body fell down like slime and was caught by someone.
Shen Shi'an took a hard bite at the tip of his tongue, barely looked up, and saw the second
face belonging to Hexiu.
There is also a cricket, why he didn't notice anything, why he didn't find anyone
approaching why
Increasingly heavy and irresistible drowsiness rushed up, even if Shen Shi'an exhausted all
his strength and will, this drowsiness still dragged him to the dark abyss
"Sleep." The second Hexiu laughed. "Wake up, this world is going to change a lot."
The author has something to say, I will look at it first, and it is expected to change.
Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade for confusion;
Thanks to the two little angel glutinous rice dumplings that dropped mines; 39665111,
Dongli, Ru Qiulin Stone, and Lu Xiaoyou;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution
50 bottles full of rotten teeth; 40 bottles in the world's first beautiful girl's house; 30 bottles
of Ru Qiulin stone and super gas; 19 bottles of farthest; 17 bottles of Alian; 15 bottles of
Nanlian Mengling; half of the sky, happy and crisp Skinny Duck Girl, Ye Luowuhen, haha,
did you open today? Drink milk tea in the afternoon, 10 bottles; Dongli 6 bottles; yayayaya,
y5 bottles; 396651113 bottles; love melon beanbags and cxy2 bottles; A bit cold today, 1
bottle of Shura on moon night;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work on the changed URL,
changed URL, changed URL, everyone recollected the new URL, the new URL and the new
computer version of the URL will be opened on the new URL after the collection. Ca n’t
open the old website, the old website will not open in the future, please keep in mind :, the
fastest free update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error reporting chapters, for books and
books, please add qq group 647547956

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 184:

Settings saved..
Shen Shian instantly red eyes "you did not go"
"Who else can save you if I leave"
Al's eyes were swept several times on the large and small wounds on his body, and his eyes
were full of anger. He took off his mask and goggles and threw them out to "drink water
and replenish spiritual power."
"No, the Lingquan water will be besieged by mutant cockroaches as soon as it is taken out"
"You think I will be afraid of these bugs"
Shen Shian was surprised for a moment, only to find that the surrounding roach
cockroaches did not know when they all disappeared. A "vacuum" zone with a radius of
about 20 meters appeared around Al. As long as all cockroaches entered this range, they
would be instantly The invisible power shook into nothingness.
The outside world is in danger.
After a series of three bottles of Lingquan, the wounds on Shen Shian's body healed quickly,
and the body's spiritual power became full again.
Al's face looks a little better, but he still hasn't let go of him "Do you want to take revenge?"
"These bugs hurt you, don't you plan to do that"
Shen Shian glanced up at the tide of cockroaches that were dense and dense 20 meters
away, constantly dissipated and filled, "I can't solve them all."
"Of course there is a way to use your aura cover."
"Aura cover is limited, and I can't hold on for long."
Although spiritual power can be replenished through spring water, the most critical thing
to maintain the aura mask is mental power. Shen Shi’an ’s spiritual power has long been on
the verge of exhaustion after a long battle. Even a little attempt to concentrate will be a
headache. In this state It is simply impossible to manipulate the Reiki hood to kill all
"Did I tell you to solve it by yourself"
Al continued to wrap his waist firmly with one hand, and the other hand interlocked with
Shen Shian's fingers, leaning against his forehead. "Relax, close your eyes, don't resist me."
Shen Shian only felt that the flower in front of him was already in a vast expanse of
He quickly reacted to where this is, this is Al's consciousness sea, when he was almost
buried alive by the colored hair in the Chujiang competition area, he accidentally came in
Shen Shi'an couldn't touch the world or the ground. There was no marginal darkness in all
directions, which gave him a strong sense of falling. In reality, his body's center of gravity
was unstable, and he subconsciously hugged the man in front of him.
"Hush," Al tightened his arms, and a familiar voice sounded in the dark. "Don't be afraid, I'm
Suddenly, there was a white light in the darkness that could not see the end, and Shen
Shi'an, who fell sharply, was held firmly. Shen Shian shook his body twice, and he stepped
on the cloud-like thing under his feet with some surprise. "what is this"
He hadn't seen this last time he came in.
"This is your consciousness."
My consciousness
Shen Shian reached out and grabbed a hand, a familiar, warm, steam-like thing slipped past
his fingertips, and at the same time some memory fragments suddenly appeared in his
mind. He was sitting at the dining table, the candlelight flickering over the table. Together
with grandma and grandpa and mother, they celebrate their tenth birthday.
The cloud floated in the dark like this, emitting a dim and soft light, which was like a drop
of sea compared to the sea of consciousness that Al could not see the end.
As the consciousness of the two people merged together, a large amount of Al's emotions
and memories quickly flew from Shen Shi'an's mind.
These streams of consciousness, full of emotions and memories, are so huge that they roll
over like a torrential flood, so that Shen Shi'an has no time to distinguish them carefully,
and only captures one of the most vivid memories and the strongest emotions.
Al stood on top of the mountain they had agreed upon, and the blazing sun cast a small
shadow behind him.
He had been waiting here for two days, but Shen Shian never appeared.
He gazed stubbornly at the direction of the base in Beijing. Every time the time approached
the last time limit, the expectation in his eyes diminished, and his expression became
When the last second passed quietly, Al's mouth showed a sneer, and turned around and
left without any attachment.
At that time, his pain, his anger, his grievances and hatred were all felt by Shen Shian at this
time. Such a strong emotion made Shen Shian feel at ease. He wanted to explain that he
wanted to tell Al himself to go to the top of the mountain, but If you realize it, what use is it
even if he's been there?
He did n’t go to the top of the mountain to change his mind and leave with Al. He went there
just to give himself a chance to say goodbye. What difference does it make for Al? Saying
goodbye can make Al betrayed and abandoned. A little bit less
Al wiped tears from the corners of his eyes "attentively."
A huge force was introduced into Shen Shi'an through the palms of the two hands tightly
held, and the exercises automatically operated, drawing this constant force into Dantian,
and then spreading from Dantian to the limbs.
"Open the aura cover." Al Dao.
For Shen Shi'an, the condensed aura mask has never been so easy to flash in his mind. A
circle of golden-red spiritual barriers with a radius of more than ten meters was instantly
formed around him.
The terrible power and endless spiritual strength of Al gave Shen Shian the most solid
backing and guarantee. Shen Shian immersed in Al's sea of consciousness and closed his
eyes. In an instant, everything seemed to be under control, and his fingers could make his
dust disappear.
"Very good," Al Dao "Now hold the Aura cover to its maximum, let these bugs taste your
Chen Nan and others were in a hurry, but the dense tide of insects hit the power grid like
moths, and the rushing current was extremely dazzling, completely blocking the field of
vision, and could not see what was happening outside.
There was originally a position where Liu Fangzhou could sense Shen Shi'an. It was a little
comforting to know that he was still alive, but the teenager's face suddenly disappeared.
"It's gone. The captain's light group is gone. I can't sense where he is."
The team member was shocked that even Liu Fangzhou could not sense the captain, but
could he not even sense the zombies?
Wu Miao burst into tears anxiously. "The captain didn't get back to save me. I want to go
down and find him."
"I am going too"
"Add me one"
"Quickly open the city gate"
"Everybody be restless," Tang Song turned around and looked at the team members. "The
ark did not feel that it did not represent the captain. It happened. I have confidence in the
captain. He will definitely be back safely."
As a psychic ability player, Tang Song ’s words have a strong appeasement ability, which
quickly calmed down the excited emotions of the players.
Tang Song turned his body back, and looked at the core players like Chen Nan and other
ordinary players, but they knew that if Shen Shian could not be induced by the Ark, he
would either open the aura cover or he had already hid. Space.
The latter is more likely.
The secret of running the captain ’s space in Tang Song ’s mind is best not to let outsiders
know that if he has entered the space now, what can they do to help him hide the secret?
Before Tang Song came up with a practical operation plan, the crackling explosion on the
Skynet suddenly went down, and the dazzling light like a firework was also weakened.
"What's the matter," the abnormality was soon noticed by the survivors on the city wall
"feeling like the cockroaches seemed to be much less at once"
"Isn't it almost all charged by Skynet"
"Is the insect tide over?"
As the current gradually weakened, the scene outside the city wall gradually appeared in
everyone's field of vision.
"Grass," Xiong Manshan, who sent Xu Ge and Lin Ruan back to the base, suddenly burst into
a swearing and stared at the outside of the city. "Who the **** put a sun outside?"
It was already over ten o'clock, and the night was thick, but outside the city walls, it was as
bright as a golden-red light beam with a diameter of at least one kilometer. Face.
As long as the mutant cockroach is stained with this huge ball of gold and red, it will be
evaporated instantly as if it touched the surface of the sun.
The light ball moved quickly outside the base and swept back and forth. A moment ago, the
scary insect tide that made the survivors talk about the change is like a snow drifting in the
wind. Swallowed easily by the ball of light.
It didn't take long for the dense cockroach tide in the air to have been largely emptied, and
the light ball settled in place, and then began to move in the direction of the East City Gate.
Tang Song and others have guessed from the familiar structure of the light ball that it is
related to Shen Shi’an. Although he did not know how he could suddenly expand the aura
cover with a radius of at most one meter to 500 meters, he did not leave him alone. The
truth of fighting alone below.
"Open the door," Tang Song asked the military. "We are going to fight with the captain."
Du Mingyue stood up, "Let's go too."
"And us"
"Plus our Dawn Group"
"Destroy it while it's sick, kill these stinky cockroaches to avenge the brothers"
Han Yongzhi ordered "all soldiers to drive the door to go out together to face the city"
The Nancheng Gate, which was closed for a long time, opened again, and the survivors who
screamed and roared gathered into a torrent, turning the sorrow and anger that had
accumulated for a long time into infinite fighting power, pouring out towards the mutant
The feeling that everything is under control is so beautiful that Shen Shian doesn't know
how long he has been immersed in this feeling.
When Al's power stopped sending, his consciousness was also drawn from the other
party's consciousness sea. Shen Shian just opened his eyes, and was rushed by Xiong
Manshan to hug her arms, "Boss, you're fine How to do it, the ball of light is just too cool for
him "
"Al help me"
Shen Shian looked around, and the voice stopped abruptly. Surrounded by survivors
rushing out of the base, where there is the shadow of Al.
He left again.
Insect tide was wiped out by the ultimate evolutionary version of the aura cover, and the
remaining points were quickly resolved under the joint efforts of the survivors.
At 11:30 in the evening, the base defense battle, which took more than five hours, was
finally over, and the survivors dragged their exhausted bodies back to their homes.
After returning to Sharp Blade, Shen Shian and others went to the experimental building
first. Xu Ge was lying on the bed in the treatment room. The person had recovered from
sobriety, and his face looked better.
Tong Tong was holding her hand by the hospital bed and was reading a storybook for her.
"How is it" Shen Shian asked Lin Ruan.
"People are all right, the blood has been transfused, and the wound has healed, but for
safety reasons, I will stay here tonight for a night. I will test her nerve response in the leg
tomorrow, and the problem is not expected."
Shen Shian nodded, that's good.
Take out a bottle of spiritual spring water and give it to Xu Ge, "have a good rest."
"Thank you Captain, I'm fine. You should go back and rest as soon as possible." Xu Ge
looked at Fan Xintong. "Otherwise Tong Tong will return with the captain."
"No," Tong Tong immediately held her hand tighter. "I want to stay here."
Xu Ge laughed and opened the corner of the quilt. "Okay, anyway, this bed is big enough,
and we will sleep together."
Confirming that Xu Ge's body was fine, the core team members said goodbye to the villa. It
is not easy to win this tough battle, and everyone is exhausted.
Shen Shi'an walked to the bedroom and opened the door. Before he could see the familiar
figure, he sat on the mattress and waited for his expectation to reach its peak.
However, the room was empty and there was no one.
He leaned on the door for a long time without turning on the lights. He lifted his feet into
the bathroom, took off his combat uniform soaked in blood and sweat, and stood under the
shower head, letting the cold water rush down.
This shower took a long time, but the spirit was much better.
Shen Shian dried her hair, walked into the dressing room and put on her pajamas and
trousers. When she came out, she was pressed hard against the wall by a figure.
The familiar body temperature and taste are like a bullet, shot in the center.
Shen Shian's eyes were wet and he touched his face "Al"
"What kind of spell did you cast on me?" Al grabbed his wrist and trapped him firmly, his
dark green eyes floating in the darkness. "Why every time I want to leave, every time I want
to change After you, a human being, completely think about it, every time you want to be as
far away from you as possible, you will end up returning to you, obviously you abandoned
me, obviously you do n’t want me first. "
"I do not have"
"You lie, you lie" Al squeezed his chin. "Do you know how long I waited for you? Do you
know how long I waited on the top of the mountain like a fool? You should be very proud. I
can't control myself thinking of you. , I ca n’t control myself, care about you, care about you,
you must be very proud, how can you get the true heart of Gerberus and then discard it at
will, does it make you feel particularly fulfilled? ”
The huge guilt and the ecstasy of seeing him again made Shen Shian speechless for a while,
but Al only when he was the default, his eyes were full of murderous but he couldn't get his
hands. He clenched his fists and turned to leave.
"Don't go"
Shen Shian rushed over and hugged him as if hugging himself, the only possibility in his life
to feel joy and happiness "Don't go, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, don't go"
He thought he was strong enough, and he thought that even if Al really left, he would be
able to spend his life on the memories between the two.
But he ca n’t do it, no one can do it, he does n’t want to be with Al ’s memories only for less
than two years, he wants to be with Al forever, just like he had promised, he will die in Al
arms, Then Al stopped breathing beside him.
"Stay," Shen Shian knew how selfish his request was, but he knew that the pain of leaving Al
was absolutely unbearable for him. "Stay with me, I like you, I ca n’t."
Suddenly Al turned and pressed him against the wall again "What do you say"
Shen Shian froze for a moment, then reacted immediately, smiling at him with red eyes, "I
like you."
"Say it again."
"I like you, I like you, I like it"
Al squeezed his chin down and kissed him hard. Once he opened it again, the wonderful
taste was completely out of control.
Shen Shian took the initiative to hug his neck and further deepened the kiss. The hot body
temperature rose at the same time and passed on to each other, completely igniting the last
They were like two beasts who finally released their nature, entangled, biting, anxious
longing burned in the cracks of the bones, the obstructed fabric soon became a piece of the
ground, staggering on the mattress .
Consciousness merged again, and the two used their lips and tongues to please each other.
After a long time, the fierce movement in the room finally came to an end.
Shen Shi'an was held in the arms by Al, his nose was the familiar taste, his familiar body
temperature was around him, and his strong heartbeat was in his ears, but he felt that life
would never be more complete than at this time.
Al put his arm around his waist, and the other hand grabbed his palm and put it in his
heart, suddenly said "you will make me braised pork tomorrow."
Shen Shian laughed "Okay."
"This mattress has to be replaced, it is too soft and uncomfortable."
"it is good."
"I don't like to live on the first floor. The smell of people coming and going is too mixed. I
want to live on the third floor. No one but us is allowed to go up."
"it is good."
"You will accompany me to Keos."
Shen Shi'an stunned "Al"
"Not now," Al continued. "Wait until the zombies are resolved, wait until the end of the end,
wait until Chen Nan and they are all dead, you are no longer concerned in this world, by
that time, you will accompany me back to Keos.
Al lowered his head and looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes. "I am a reasonable person, so I will
give you time to think about one, two, three."
"Time is up," he took a bite on Shen Shi'an's lips. "Quickly agree."
Shen Shian reddened his eyes and suddenly hugged Al "I love you."
Al stiffened, pulling his shoulders away and facing his eyes, his eyes darkening scary "You
say it again."
Shen Shian leaned in and kissed "I love you."
My boy, my beast, my patron saint.
I love you. No regrets in this life, until death.
Al turned over and overwhelmed Shen Shian. "We will come again."
The revision of the full text is all over, and all the revised chapters are marked with the
words "Finished", and the little cute ones who have not read it must remember to read it,
otherwise the plot will not be connected.
This revision involves the original word count of 410511. The revised word count of
437710 does not contain invalid content. A large number of new plots and characters,
especially emotional lines, are almost completely reinvented. The revision of the text lasted
more than five months.
The reason why it takes so long is personal. One reason is that, on the other hand, it is a
very painful process to break all the original frames and re-conceive the building.
During this period, everyone gave me all the support and encouragement in the comments,
and I saw every one. I ca n’t tell you how important these support and encouragement are
to me. I can only try to do better so that I can be worthy of the most lovely and warmest
little angels like you.
Thanks to everyone who accompanied the protagonists here, and there will be more
adventures waiting behind.
In the end, there is a reluctant request, because this article has no list of exposure, if you
can, please help propaganda.
At the end, I like the revised An An and Xun You will like it more
Another, crazy hint.
The riddle waist waist old things think of the dead umbrella. ,, everyone remember to
collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update without anti-theft
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 185:
Settings saved..
At 9 o'clock the next morning, the core team members sat around the long table in the
conference room, and the atmosphere was a bit strange and quiet.
Shen Shian sits on the throne, Al sits beside him.
Five minutes ago, he entrusted Al's origin, identity, and the reason why Shen Xun didn't
come back for so long.
Lin Ruan and Tang Song had the most knowledge and had probably pieced together the
real situation long ago. Liu Fangzhou was the first person to notice Shen Xun ’s special
status. Although Chen Nan, Tao Yuan and Xu Ge did n’t understand that much, they were
more or less rare. As guessed, the acceptance rate is also not slow.
The only one who fell into shock for a long time and couldn't get back to his heart was
Xiong Manshan and Lu Xiuyuan.
After a while, Chen Nan broke the silence for the first time, "What shall we call you later?"
Al-sweeped him a glance, "How to call it before, how to call it later."
"Hey, good." Chen Nan looked back, feeling a little afraid to look at him.
Shen Shi'an looked around. "Do you have anything to ask, just ask, it doesn't matter."
"I have a question," Tang Song pushed his glasses. "Do you know where Hexiu is now?"
Al Dao "The specific location is unclear. After I recovered the body, I had a momentary
induction with him, but then it was cut off. It can only be estimated that it is in the
southeast coastal direction. According to your map, it should be within the range of the
magic capital."
Tang Song nodded. "That means he was really waiting for the fourth-level zombie. He may
have evolved into a fifth-level zombie crystal core."
Xiong Manshan's face was white, "My mother, the crystal core of the fifth-grade zombies,
how strong is that?"
If it was really taken by the other party
"This is actually good news for us," Tang Song said. "Since Hershey is still hiding in the
magic capital and actively cut off the induction, it means that the vice captain guessed that
there was nothing wrong. His injury has not been healed and should be Not badly hurt. "
He looked up at Al. "If he manages to enter the capital base, can you feel it?"
"If it's close enough to me," Al gave an approximate distance of "within five kilometers."
In fact, after recovering the ontology, Al originally intended to immediately hunt into Modu
to seek revenge, but because of his concern about Shen Shi'an, he has never been able to
make a trip. At this time, if you want to go again, Shen Shian will insist on staying with him.
The tide of corpses in the magic capital is like a sea of high-level zombies. He is not afraid of
those things, but he is definitely not willing to put Shen Shian in danger, so he temporarily
stopped this. idea.
Anyway, as long as Hershey is still in this world, a dead battle between the two of them is
absolutely inevitable, regardless of whether Hershey's injury is restored, in fact, it will not
have much impact on the war situation. It may not be necessary for him to slaughter more
zombies, and perhaps to bring the end of the world to an end as soon as possible.
What Tao Yuan was worried about was another question. "If this horrible catastrophe was
planned by He Xiu, would he know that there is also a crystal nucleus in the brain of the
power man?" If he knows it, then all survivors are afraid Will become his hunting target.
"I don't think he knows it." Lin Ruan analyzed. "You think his goal is to turn all humans into
vessels for cultivating crystal nuclei for his own energy, and the level of the crystal nuclei
must not be too low, otherwise it is not enough for him. Recovery, so he has to be patient to
wait for the evolution of advanced zombies in the place where the density of zombies is the
highest. If he knows that the power person also has crystal nuclei in his brain, and he can
accelerate the evolution by absorbing the crystal nuclei of other people, he should have
long since To spread this news as widely as possible, it is best to let everyone know that it
is right to teach humans to kill each other and accelerate the accumulation of crystal
nucleus energy. "
Just like raising Gu, eventually leaving a Gu Wang, then he only needs to solve this goal to
achieve his goal.
Liu Fangzhou and others heard nodded again and again, "This is the truth"
Lying in a trough, fortunately he didn't know, otherwise the number of survivors would be
at least half of it. After a second thought, there were not a few living people left in Modu. He
stayed there and couldn't come out. It was strange to know that.
Lin Ruan asked Al Dao "I also have a doubt, I would like to trouble the vice captain to
"Since the outbreak of the virus, my teacher and I have always wondered how the original
virus spread. According to the deputy captain, you said that the original virus was made by
Hershey, but the original influenza virus around the world The cases appeared almost at
the same time, which means that the original virus must spread to every corner of the
world in a very short time. If Hershey is still seriously injured, is he likely to be able to do
this? "
"Don't the virus split itself," Chen Nan didn't quite understand what he meant by "infect
some people first, and then let these people infect others."
Tang Song shook his head. "Simple infectious transmission requires vectors and processes,
not enough to cause outbreaks of cases worldwide in such a short period of time, and the
location of cases does not conform to the infection path and infection law. If the original
virus is passed If the common mode of infection spreads, then just isolating the first batch
of influenza patients should significantly improve the outbreak, but this is not the case. "
Even if the previous batches of patients have been isolated, new cases continue to emerge,
and the rate of occurrence is getting faster and faster. In the end, the proportion of
influenza patients has reached one-half of all humans, and the meaning of isolation has
been completely lost.
"It's as if a large number of virus sources have appeared all over the world at the same
time, and the source is still increasing, so that the air we breathe and the water we drink
are finally filled with the original virus."
Lin Ruan gave a more vivid explanation, "I want to do this, unless Hersuma goes to the
world to distribute the virus, and it must be completed within 24 hours. But at that time,
the virus has not broken out, and social order There is no collapse. Passports and strict
procedures are required for entry and exit. Deputy team, do you think Hersius can do this
in a seriously injured state? "
"He can't do it, nor can he do it."
What is the difference between spreading viruses worldwide and doing coolies
It is impossible for Hershey's dictionary to have the words "do coolie".
Shen Shi'an asked Lin Ruan "what do you think" if he hadn't guessed, he would not raise
this question.
"If Hersius' strength alone is not enough to produce so many virus sources in such a short
period of time, then he is likely to have some help from our world."
There was a moment of silence in the study, then several "grass" popped out at the same
Tao Yuan Meifeng wrinkled. "You mean, there are humans involved in Hershey's virus
delivery plan."
"But why?" Liu Fangzhou couldn't understand at all. "How could there be humans who
promised to help him put the virus? Didn't they know the consequences? Didn't they know
that if they inhaled the virus, they would die and turn into zombies, wouldn't they?"
Lin Ruan shrugged. "There are many reasons why humans choose to kill each other. Hexiu
may not necessarily tell the true role of the original virus. He may have promised immunity
to the original virus, and he may have promised to let the participants evolve. Out of power,
or the gap between money, wealth, and desire for power, will never be filled. Of course,
until now this has only been a guess. "
That's what it says, but everyone's mood is a bit heavy.
Since the outbreak of the virus, all survivors have experienced unimaginable pain and
At first, they thought it was a natural disaster, and even if they complained about it, they
had no choice; less than half an hour ago, they discovered that this end-of-the-world
disaster was not a natural disaster, but that higher organisms from other worlds used all
humans as fertilizer and cultivated It ’s just; I have n’t had time to digest the news, and I
was told that there is human handwriting
Liu Fangzhou gritted his teeth with hate. "If I knew what the miscellaneous things were to
help Hexiu work together, I had to put them into pieces."
"No matter whether it is a natural disaster or our goal, we have not changed to develop
vaccines, eliminate zombies, end the end of the world, and live well." Shen Shian looked at
his teammates. "Although Hershey can't pose a threat for a while, we must do well. Be alert
and alert. There is one more thing I have to tell you about his ability is very similar to Al's
ability, which means he can also control a person by absorbing blood. "
Xiong Manshan, who experienced the terrible ability, was anxious. "That can be done. If he
takes some blood while everyone is not paying attention, we may not all become puppets
who listen to him."
"People who have been sucked by me will not be affected by this ability. He can't take
control from me." Al Dao.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief, that's good, all the core members present were sucked by
Al for various reasons.
"What should other people do?" Chen Nan asked, "If someone in the base area is completely
controlled by Hershey, what they are doing in secret is probably beyond defense."
"Let all the team members, including the logistics staff, go to the laboratory building to
draw a blood," Lin Ruan thought for a while. "It just happened to have experienced a wave
of mutated cockroaches, just to prevent the risk of being parasitized by cockroach eggs. To
do a physical examination for everyone, although the logistics staff did not directly contact
the mutant cockroaches, but there were so many cockroaches electrocuted by Skynet. It is
estimated that they also sucked a lot of ash. For safety reasons, they should also be checked.
"Yes, this is a good reason."
Witnessing the horror of being parasitized, it is estimated that the team members will rush
to confirm that there are no cockroach eggs in their bodies.
Shen Shian nodded and said to Lin Ruan, "You will be responsible for this matter. You must
ensure that no one has been sucked by Al, and there must be a blood sample."
"Relax, wrap it on me."
"Oh, how can we explain the changes in the vice team to other players?"
"No need to explain," Liu Fangzhou said. "It's enough to say that the ability to advance can
now be freely changed between the animal form and the human form. Others don't know
what the vice team used to be, right, Captain.
Shen Shi'an nodded. "There are not many people who know us except us." Only Li Cheng
and Miao Shoufu, plus a Mr. Gu.
Li Cheng and Brother Miao are easy to deal with, just tell them that they are related to
abilities, and they will never ask more.
But Mr. Gu was in trouble, not only to tell him that Al was Shen Xun, but also to let him
accept the shocking change that his grandson suddenly became a daughter-in-law, and did
not know whether he would faint directly after listening.
Shen Shian glanced at Al and felt his brain hurt.
After the meeting, Shen Shian returned to the bedroom and took out a combat uniform
from the closet.
This combat uniform is almost exactly the same as his own, except that it is obviously one
size bigger. The position of the left chest is embroidered with the dark golden silk thread
and the sword and beast emblem.
Turn around and give it to Al "Try it on."
The size is just right, revealing the advantages of the man ’s wide shoulders, narrow waists
and long legs. Al asked him "when did you prepare"
"After returning from the death zone." Shen Shi'an helped him fasten his belt, looked back
two steps, and took out the Tang sword from the space.
This Tang Sword is heavy and reckless. Al was taller than him when he was a doll. He
walked and dragged on the ground. It was cute and funny. Now it is just right to carry it, the
gas field is perfectly integrated, like the wild beast standing between the world, the
majestic and overbearing Taoists dare not look directly at it.
"Why stare at me." Al suddenly said.
Shen Shian's face was hot, but he didn't take his gaze back. "I think you are very
Al stretched out his long arm, hooked his waist to take the man into his arms, and bowed
his head to blow his neck, "How handsome"
Shen Shian twitched itchyly, trying to hide and avoiding it. "Very handsome, especially Ah,
Alhan bit his earlobe twice and "call me to find it."
Shen Shian froze, raised his hand to hold his face, his nose was sore and unbearable but he
couldn't believe it, "You, your memories have all been fused"
Al nodded and rubbed his nose against his nose. "Sorry, let you wait so long."
A layer of water appeared in Shen Shi'an's eyes, trying to say something but failing to say it,
only hugged his neck and kissed him.
Shen Xun immediately pressed him against the closet door to deepen the kiss. His fingers
were inserted into the hair room. The hot body clung to each other. After a long time, the
two gasped and separated. The dark green eyes of the man were all burning flames. "You
always seduce me."
"I do not have"
"Liar," Shen Xun bit his red lips. "Cunning man, I want to punish you."
Just as the gasp became heavier, the passion for 039 became stronger, and things gradually
developed towards an indescribable plot, Shen Shi'an's identity bracelet suddenly rang.
Raised his hand and pushed Shen Xun back to the untied belt, Shen Shian answered the
phone and said "Hey"
"Captain," Zhao Xinhe's voice rang from the other end of the conversation. "Du Duan of the
Furong Regiment wants to see you."
As soon as Du Mingyue entered the small study room, he noticed that the atmosphere
seemed to be a bit off. A familiar figure sat next to Shen Shi'an, his face was sullen, and his
eyes looked like he was going to chop her with the Tang knife on the coffee table. Let's
With a cold back, Du Mingyue bowed and said hello, "Mr. Ah, I didn't expect to see you here
Shen Shian was a little surprised "You two know"
Shen Xun snorted and said to Du Mingyue, "My surname is Shen."
The surname Shen Yedi also changed the surname the same day as the color chip in the
power contest
Du Mingyue smiled softly and gently, "Of course, Mr. Shen."
Shen Shi'an invited people to sit down on the sofa, "I don't know what happened if Chief Du
came over today"
"I made a special trip today to thank Captain Shen," Du Mingyue was sitting in front of Shen
Xun, feeling half uncomfortable, and then turned to half of the body, only facing Shen Shi'an.
"If last night Captain Shen helped us, I'm afraid Many girls will die tragically in the mutant
cockroach tide. Captain Shen not only saved my team members, but also risked his life to
save the breeze. This great grace is not worth repaying. I can only use this box of crystal
nuclei to express my thanks. In the future, whenever there is a need for the help of our
Furong regiment, Captain Shen speaks. "
The box that Du Mingyue pushed over said that there are also 30 or 40 crystal cores, all of
which are second-level, and the market price is at least about 500,000 points, which is
indeed a gift.
Shen Shi'an didn't accept it, and pushed the box back again. "The breeze is my team
member, protecting him is my duty as the captain; the end of the world is hard and
dangerous, and the survivors should have helped each other and united together,
otherwise we wouldn't be possible last night. Is n’t it successful to fight back the insect
tide? Leader Du ’s thanks I got it, I hope that the Blade and Furong can have more
opportunities for cooperation in the future. ”
Although Du Mingyue is a woman, she does not squeeze and laughs. "Since Captain Shen
said this, then I will not fake you. I still have that sentence. In the future, whenever there is
any need to speak, I Du Mingyue has settled Shen. Captain, this friend. "
After talking, he stood up and shook hands with Shen Shian. Shen Shian's arms had been
raised. Unexpectedly, Du Mingyue's face suddenly changed and he put his hands back. "We
have more things in our group. I will go back first. Captain Shen will stay and don't send it
next time Chat again. "
Yuzhe turned and acted like a wind, and even the opportunity to say goodbye did not leave
Shen Shian.
Shen Shian froze for a while and thoughtfully, turned to look at Shen Xun, "When did you do
it, did you **** her blood"
Du Mingyue's expression was exactly the same as when Xiong Manshan was controlled by
Shen Xun and his eyes were filled with tears when he said he was full.
There was a flash of light in my head, and I suddenly realized that "the last time you were in
the building of the guild of guilders was you right?"
No wonder Du Mingyue's fingers are suddenly bleeding from something poked, and Shen
Xun has gained control of her since then
Once the two things are linked together, more clues will emerge with the memories, "At
that time you have been with me why I can't even notice you"
Suddenly his face turned red, riding onto Shen Xun and grabbing his neckline. "When I was
in a meeting, it was you who secretly blown at my neck."
This **** caused him to almost be ugly in public without telling him, and made him think he
was thinking too much so he had hallucinations.
Shen Xun put his arms around his waist in this posture, took his hand and kissed him. "I
can't bear to be too far away from you, because the memory is not completely integrated
and I don't want to be discovered by you, so I borrowed from Li Cheng Ability. "
Shen Shian is angry and distressed "how long have you followed me"
"It's not long." It's just ten hours a day.
"The last time the union of powers voted on the proposal for dredging the main railway
line, Du Mingyue suddenly came over to show the good, and you let her do it."
Shen Shi'an's heart was sour and soaring, "but at that time, I missed the last time limit and
decided to stay."
He thought that Shen Xungu blamed him for hating him, so he would never return when he
left angrily, but in fact, has he always stood by his side?
At that time, Shen Xun thought how hard it was for him to be abandoned but stubbornly
refused to leave.
"No grievances," Shen Xun kissed his eyes. "How can I feel wronged if I like An An."
Shen Shian hugged his head hard, and for a long time he said dumbly, "big fool."
"Dare you call me stupid," Shen Xun suddenly turned over and pushed him down on the
couch. "Damn man, I want you to pay."
"Don't make a fuss, hahaha, don't make a fuss, stop now, stop now"
The Blades ’team ’s acceptance of Shen Xun ’s return and Shen Xun ’s new image turned out
to be unexpectedly smooth. No one raised any doubts. Yang Cancan secretly bite his ear
with Xu Ge. Looks exactly the same "
The team members even privately launched a poll to determine whether the animal-shaped
Shen Xun is more attractive or the human-shaped Shen Xun is more attractive. In the end,
the votes were almost equal.
The reaction to Shen Xun's image change was the most intense, but it was Xiao Lang, the
head of the Tiger and Wolf regiment.
Xiao Lang heard that the deputy captain of the Blade had returned safely, carrying a large
bag of beef jerky and ready to express congratulations. As soon as he entered the door, he
saw that the surnamed Ah and Shen Shian were embracing each other.
When he was told that the last name was Shen Xun, and Shen Xun was the last name, he
immediately became furious and pointed at Shen Shian and asked, "Did you say he was
your son?"
"When did I say that"
Xiao Lang thought about it carefully, as if he had asked Shen Xun if he was his son, but Shen
Shian had never admitted it.
Is n’t it the default?
He pointed to Shen Xun again. "Did you say you were Shen Xun's dad?"
Shen Xun looked at him like a fool "When did I say that"
Xiao Lang recalled it carefully, as if it were indeed his own bold guess, but the surnamed Ah
never ignored him.
When Xiao Lang thought more and more angry, he thought he was a peacemaker, how
could he know that he would be a matchmaker for man, grass, the oldest man in the world?
Furiously throwing his sleeves away, he turned and walked back, and walked back in a few
steps. He pulled a bag of beef jerky over his shoulder and carried it on the shoulder.
He drove by himself, soaring all the way back to the Tiger and Wolf Regiment, and still
angry after returning to his quadrangle.
It happened that someone sent him a thick stack of financial statements. "Head of the
group, this month's financial summary, Miao Dangjia said that you should sign as soon as
"bring here"
Xiao Lang had a fire in his heart and turned a stack of reports like a leaf falling in the wind.
He turned over and found that nearly half of this month's expenditures were all accounts in
his name. After another look, it was all sinking. Seeking consumption "grass, how can he
spend money so much"
"Isn't that what you said, do you want to meet Mr. Ah's needs as much as possible?" His face
looked at him carefully. "Mr. Ah's food and clothing are all of the highest specifications.
What do you usually give, and In the month before the flower month, I booked a shop and
called 40 or 50 waiters, and drank a dozen bottles of excellent wine with a market price of
hundreds of thousands. "
"Stop and stop talking to me"
Xiao Lang jumped straight on his forehead, and his head hurts even more. He was about to
throw the report out after seeing the sign. He suddenly found an unreasonable place and
greeted his "you come."
"What do you command"
"Look at this, these underwear are all prepared for Mr. A"
"Yes indeed."
"Impossible" Xiao Lang slapped the table fiercely. The two of them were of similar
physique. Shen Xun looked a little thinner than him. How could the size of his underwear be
bigger than him?
It's definitely a cotton jam
After Lin Ruan conveyed the news of the blood test of all the staff, Zhao Xinjiang was the
first to report to the laboratory building.
Zhao Xinjiang and his younger brother Zhao Xinhe had already been sucked by Shen Xun
when they joined the "Lingquan Water Experiment". There was no need to draw another
blood. Lin Ruan had planned to find a reason to send him out. "Mr. Lin, I think I might be
parasitized by cockroach eggs."
The process of accidentally getting mucus on the protective wall last night was detailed in
detail. "The situation was too urgent at that time, and I didn't have time to look carefully.
After I found nothing abnormal on my body, I thought I was too nervous and had
hallucinations, but After I came back, the more I felt, the more wrong I felt that something
got into my skin. I could n’t forget it at all. ”
Lin Ruan and Tang Song glanced at each other and let him sit down on the chair. "Do n’t
panic. It ’s normal to have hallucinations in that situation. From last night to the present,
except for the psychological feelings, there is something abnormal in the body. Place? "
"No." He checked himself in the mirror several times and found no trace of living creatures
moving under the skin.
"The parasitic process of mutating cockroach eggs is very rapid. You also saw this
yesterday. If there are no abnormalities in your body from last night to now, then you
should not be parasitized. But for safety reasons, we will re Give you a thorough body
check. "
The results of the inspection soon came out that Zhao Xinjiang was completely healthy, and
his physical fitness was much higher than the average person's average level, with no signs
of being parasitized.
Zhao Xinjiang breathed a sigh of relief with the result of the inspection. "Thank you Mr. Lin,
thank you Colonel Tang, and trouble you."
"It's okay. If you feel uncomfortable, you can come to us at any time."
After sending the people away, Lin Ruan asked Tang Song, "Teacher, what do you think of
"Mental state and mental state seem to be ok, if he does not have hallucinations, is it true
that cockroach eggs have integrated into his body, but failed to hatch successfully"
"Is it a physical problem"
Tang Song shook his head, "It is not clear for the time being. Maybe he has evolved the
Lin Ruan thought for a while, and called Liu Fangzhou who was helping downstairs to
dissect the corpse of Professor Li with his identity bracelet.
"Have he evolved abilities?"
"No, the light group shows ordinary people."
Lin Ruan was a little puzzled and didn't know how to explain it. Maybe it ’s just luck, that
cockroach egg just happened to be a stillbirth
In any case, it is obviously more than Zhao Xinjiang who may be parasitized by the mutant
cockroach. The blood samples of all members have been collected before the sun sets in the
A total of 250 blades, apart from the ten core team members in the villa, the seven scientific
researchers in the laboratory building, and the two brothers Zhao Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang,
there are still 231 people who have not been sucked by Shen Xun. People, so a total of 231
blood samples
Why is there a missing one who hasn't drawn blood yet?
Lin Ruan took the list of all the staff of Sharp Blade and compared them one by one against
the names marked on the test tubes.
Ordinary team members are here; power players are here; the logistics staff in the canteen
and plantation are also there.
And Ye Pinghe who works in the villa
Lin Ruan frowned Ye Ping and who came
Ye Ping ’s husband is Tian Yi, and there are several people in their family.
Seems to be the two of them.
There seemed to be a moment of trance on Lin Ruan's face, and then he returned to normal.
He put the list back in the drawer, put the blood sample back into the storage tank, and
then carried the storage tank to Tang Song, "Teacher, go back to dinner"
"Well," Tang Song took off his gloves and protective clothing, closed the door of the
laboratory and walked out with him. "Blood samples are all there."
"It's all together, there are a lot of copies." ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or
remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update No anti-theft no anti-theft report error
chapters for seeking books and chatting with friends

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 186:

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Thank you all
When Tian Yi received the news that all staff had a blood test, he just prepared the lunch
dishes after the chef in the cafeteria. After calculating the time, it was estimated that Ye
Ping should also take Yaoyao out of class. He greeted other logistics staff and asked a few
words, then he took off his apron and hat and opened his identity bracelet to contact his
wife while going out. Young people who have meals will go to the laboratory building to
draw blood.
Tian Shiyao ran towards Tian Yi across the distance, and rushed into his arms "Dad"
"Hey" Tian Yi smiled and hugged her daughter and kissed her for a long time. "How tired
are you in class in the morning? Did you mess with your mother?"
Tian Shiyao put his arms around his neck and looked at them in a strange way, "Dad, shall
we not go home"
"Don't go back first. Didn't some bugs want to break into the base last night? The captain
said that we would do a personal inspection to ensure that all of us are healthy and healthy,
so the bugs would never dare to come again."
Physical examination Tian Shiyao subconsciously tightened his arm "Do you want an
injection? Dad, I don't want to get an injection."
"No injection, no injection," Ye Ping patted on her back. "It's enough to draw a little blood.
Soon, we can go home to eat after the extraction. Yaoyao is the bravest, right?"
Tian Yi deliberately lowered his voice, "I heard that the bravest little princess can get a
chocolate, I don't know who this little princess will be."
Tian Shiyao blushed and put his head on Tian Yi's shoulder. "I am particularly brave."
It is the interns Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang who are responsible for registering blood
draws for the members. Even though I have said that I will be brave, the pungent smell of
disinfection water in the laboratory building, the cold medical equipment, and the white
coat on the two interns still make Tian Shiyao nervous again, hugging Tian Yi's neck and
not willing to let go. " Dad, dad, let's go back "
Tian Yi put his daughter down. "We'll go back after drawing blood. Don't be afraid. Dad and
Mom will come to give you a demonstration first. Okay, it really doesn't hurt at all."
Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang separately drew blood from Tian Yi and his wife. Seeing that
the slender and sharp needles prodded into their arms, Tian Shiyao backed away and
squatted around the corner to hug his knee. No one can see me without seeing me
Cao Shuang and the two pulled out the needle tubes one after another, and held the wound
with a cotton swab.
"Hey, well, thank you."
Tian Yi and his wife waited for a while to throw cotton swabs into the trash can, then got up
and left. They just passed Tian Shiyao who was squatting in the corner, but neither of them
stopped, not even in the direction of Tian Shiyao. Taking a look, it seems that I don't even
remember that I still have a daughter.
Tian Shiyao looked at Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang who had returned to normal work after
storing the blood samples. They stood up carefully and walked out, catching up with the
"father and mother" of Tian Yi and his wife more than 100 meters away from the
laboratory building.
There was a moment of trance on Tian Yi's face, and then he bent down and picked her up.
"Yao Yao is also blood-sucked. Are you brave, go, let's go home and eat."
Since encountering the tide of mutated cockroaches, the Beijing base has never
encountered more than one hundred mutated animals for two weeks.
Tang Song analyzed that this should be because the mutant cockroach tide went to the base
to parasitize all the parasitic living things, and inadvertently solved many of the troubles
similar to mutant mosquitoes for the base, which is also an unexpected joy.
In any case, Skynet is rare to stop the current from rushing. When you look up, you can see
the clear sky like a lake and the sun so strong that it can kill people. Without the threat of
zombies and mutant animals, the survivors were active again. The mission center building
was overcrowded every day, and the mission information was rolling on the display.
Xiong Manshan is fast and specializes in guarding tasks in the mission building, which pays
more for which, and Shen Xun takes the initiative to lead the team to execute.
Shen Shi'an doesn't want to force him to "If you don't like to get along with other people,
forget it. With Chen Nan and their presence, there shouldn't be any problems."
Shen Xun put Tang Dao on his back, and stretched his arm to draw Shen Shian and kissed
him. "I promised you would help you protect them together. I like who you like."
Shen Shian stretched his hands around his neck and looked at the dark green eyes. His
heart was soft and sweet. "I like you the most."
"It's a little difficult to do," Shen Xun's eyes sank. "My favorite person is not called Shen
"You are slippery." Shen Shian touched his ears. "You need to pay attention to your safety,
and you don't need to protect them blindly. When it is time to hone, let them hone
"it is good."
"Return after finishing the task. If you can't come back that day, remember to call me."
"it is good."
"All right, then you go."
Shen Xun tightened his arms. "Let me hug for a while."
Five minutes later, "It's been a while, let's go."
"Then kiss me."
Shen Shian laughed and kissed him on the lips. "Okay."
"It won't work, I'll stick my tongue out."
When Shen Shi'an finally met all his requirements and sent the man away, his tongue was
sucked and numb, and he could hardly speak.
When Gu Changsheng walked into the small study with a stack of documents, Shen Shian's
mouth was still red. He took a teacup and took a covert sip, and then sat down across the
The documents brought to him by Gu Changsheng are related to the railway dredging plan.
Since the proposal was adopted, after half a month of discussion and research by all parties,
the "large-scale dredging and restarting project of the Changbai-Jingcheng Base Railway
Transportation Line" was finally referred to as the first phase of the specific plan and the
first dredging target of the Dachangjing project. Down.
It was selected as the first trial end point of the Dachangjing project and the first time the
capital city was connected to Luancheng after the end of the world. It was about 100
kilometers away from the capital base.
Luancheng is not only one of the hubs of the railway transportation network before the end
of the world, but also has sufficient coal mine resources and is a well-known coal mining
site. If the railway between Beijing and Luancheng can be cleared and restarted, then the
Skynet energy problem urgently needed to be resolved at the Beijing base will be solved.
The Changbai base is hundreds of miles away, and the two bases are not connected until
they know how long to wait. Therefore, Luancheng's huge profits in the near future are
undoubtedly the best stimulant for the entire project.
Now only need to wait for the forces of all parties to determine the proportion of output
and the division of benefits, and the plan can be formally implemented. But it is often the
back-and-forth of these interests that takes the most time, especially the Qin family, who
has a jumped up and down and can't plan to abort.
"The Qin family can't drag it for long," Gu Changsheng said. "Now the dredging of the
railway line is already popular. Last time the cockroach Chaotian Net almost didn't hold it,
scaring many people's courage, and even kept a conservative attitude. The Huang family
was relieved, and the Qin family would never be able to take advantage of the world and
face everyone. "
Shen Shi'an nodded. If the Qin family dared to continue to stir things up, it would only push
themselves to the opposite of the entire base. Qin Bozhang is not that silly.
The two analyzed the details of the plan and related interests again. Gu Changsheng poured
himself a cup of tea and asked, "Why didn't I see the captain?"
"He took the team out to do the task."
Gu Changsheng looked at the smile he couldn't hide from the corners of his eyes, and asked
"When do you plan to tell Dad"
He learned Shen Xun's true identity and origin from Shen Shi'an's mouth a week ago, saying
that not being shocked is false, but as long as Shen Shi'an is happy, there is nothing he can't
Hearing this problem, Shen Shian had a headache. Mr. Gu has been negotiating and
negotiating with the parties on the Dachangjing project recently. So Shen Shian only told
him by phone that Shen Xun had returned safely, and that his ability to upgrade could
restore his human form. In addition, Mr. Gu had n’t even seen Shen Xun ’s face.
What should I tell him, Shen Shian didn't really think about it.
Simply break the jar and break it. "Let's do it one step at a time. Anyway, there must be a
way before the car arrives at the mountain." He leaned over and collected all the
documents and asked Gu Changsheng to "stay at noon to eat."
Gu Changsheng just nodded his head and finished a group assignment yesterday. Chen Nan
knocked on the door during the vacation. “Captain, the team called back and said that it was
necessary to have someone drive our biggest truck in the past . "
Shen Shian froze for a while "Why is he in trouble"
Chen Nan shook his head. "It doesn't sound like it. He didn't say anything specifically. He
only said that a truck is needed. The larger the load, the better."
Could it be that Shen Shian was puzzled when he dug a gold mine.
Gu Changsheng said, "Otherwise, I will send someone. I have a large military truck that
transports aircraft parts. The load is definitely enough."
Shen Shian shook his head, "No, I have a car."
He chose the largest industrial truck trailer from the space. The rear compartment is more
than four meters high and five meters wide and more than twenty meters long. No matter
what is installed, it should be enough.
Qu Shuo drove, Chen Nan followed, and the two quickly drove away from the base.
After more than two hours, loud screams and cheers accompanied the roar of the truck
driving from the direction of the base gate, and even the small study room could be heard
Shen Shian and Gu Changsheng looked at each other and went out together.
The truck was parked in the square between the training ground and the cafeteria, and the
huge volume was really eye-catching.
More striking, however, are the giant beasts bound in the carriage bound by the devil's
For a moment, Shen Shian thought that Shen Xun had caught a dinosaur and came back.
Gu Changsheng almost shocked his chin, "This is a pig"
Shen Xun jumped off the co-pilot of the truck, strode meteor to Shen Shian, "An An, I'll get
you a good thing."
The turmoil in the square quickly attracted more and more left-behind players. Even Lin
Ruan and Tang Song came out of the experimental building. Everyone came closer to
observe carefully, and finally determined what was tied to the car. It is indeed a pig and a
giant mutant pig.
This pig is too big, because the body width is too considerable, most of the body is still
stuck outside the car.
The team members who followed Shen Xun's mission stood by the truck and explained
passionately, "We ran into it in the wilderness outside the provincial road. Good guy,
looked like a hill in the distance, looked like a mountain in the distance, and ran away The
ground shook and wobbled, almost knocked over our truck, because the volume was too
big to start, we had n’t figured out how to catch it, and the team searched for it and jumped
up to its back. The fist knocked out. "
Shen Shian looked up to Shen Xun, "the pig is not dead yet"
Shen Xun shook his head, "No." Originally, he wanted to solve it with a knife, but Liu
Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan both said that the pig blood jelly was very delicious, so they
simply brought it back to kill.
Xu Ge led Tong Tong and came out to see the excitement, and looked at it and felt a little
strange. "According to the animal variation law we have summarized before, should n’t it
be smaller than people and larger than people, such as the fierce family? Ferocious, normal
pigs should be considered to be older than people, how can it be mutated like this? "
Lin Ruan quickly gave the answer, "This is a little sweet pig, who had a pet before the end of
the world."
"Xiaoxiang pig is good" Xiong Manshan's eyes are bright and he swallows saliva. "Xiaoxiang
pig's pork is thin and tender, it is a tribute in ancient times, and it is specially for the
The meat in the base is already expensive. During this time, because of the cockroach tide,
there was even a mutated animal near the base that could not be eaten. The meat price in
the exchange rose higher and higher, and it almost scared people to death. .
And it ’s pork. Hey, Shen Shi’an did n’t lack meat in the villa, but most of them ate mutated
goose and mutated chicken. But how can the poultry smell of pork? This mutant pig is at
least 30 tons up, how can it be full?
Obviously, more than one of them is greedy. Shen Xunkai's truck came back with such a
large mutant pig, and attracted a lot of attention along the way. It had not been ten minutes
since returning to the base. Shen Shian quickly received a call from Xiao Lang.
"Captain Shen, I heard that your deputy team grabbed a mutant pig of the size of the Loch
Ness monster and sold me half the price. How can I negotiate the price?"
"Not for sale."
"The quarter head is fine too"
"Not for sale."
"It's not just the hind legs"
"Not for sale."
Xiao Lang fired, "You are not interesting enough, I bought it with you but I didn't want it for
you. Your family Shen Xun lived in our base area during that time and ruined me how much
money you know."
"Come here for dinner at night" Shen Shian interrupted him.
"Call Brother Miao and Li Cheng also."
Shen Shian hung up the phone.
Lin Ruan has checked that there are no wounds on the mutated pigs. For safety reasons, he
has been tested with virus test strips, which proves that this is a healthy pig that has not
been infected.
Completely edible.
In the face of the hot eyes that the team members were expecting, Shen Shian raised his
hand and waved "kill pigs and divide pork"
The warm cheers were deafening.
Everyone worked together to remove the mutant pig from the car, and Shen Xun personally
fought to kill it.
There was too much pig blood, and the containers taken from the canteen and the space in
advance were filled and not filled. Shen Shian gave way to Xiuyuan to temporarily seal the
blood mouth with a transparent wall, and said to the onlookers and the logistics staff How
much can be installed. "
In the end, every house was filled.
After the blood was released, the internal organs were removed and handed over to several
chefs headed by Tian Yi. The pig hair was scraped clean, the pig head was cut off, and the
remaining net meat weighed more than ten tons.
The pig was caught by Shen Xun. On the merits of reward, he must take the big head and
cut half of it directly from the middle to get the whole second half. After listening to Liu
Fangzhou's saying that the pork head is delicious, he also asked for the pig head, as well as
pig heart and pig Liver and two pig waists.
Seeing him sweeping his eyes forward again, Shen Shian walked over and said, "50 jin per
person for the mission, 30 jin per person on duty, 20 jin per person for the remaining team
members and scientific research personnel, and 20 jin per person for the logistics staff Five
pounds, the rest is frozen and sent to the canteen for meals from time to time. Outstanding
contributors have priority to enjoy the treatment of adding meals. Well, starting from the
team members who participated in the task.
Shen Xun is still in charge of cutting and cutting meat. The weight of each piece is exactly
the same. The crowd in the square is lively and lively, like a Chinese New Year.
Shen Shi'an found Xu Ge's family members of Hong Haiwei who had been sacrificed before
and sent another fifty pounds of meat to him. "
After Xu Ge left, Shen Shian thought about it and called Xie Yang again. "Is Mr. Gu free at
night? We caught a mutant pig. Come and eat together if you have time."
Anyway, sooner or later, let him meet with Shen Xun.
Shen Shian had planned to wait for Mr. Gu to have dinner tonight. Let him know that Shen
Xun had grown up. After he became familiar with Shen Xun's new image, he slowly
revealed his relationship with Shen Xun.
I didn't expect that Mr. Gu happened to be Shen Xun's door when he came. Mr. Gu stood at
the door and stared at Shen Xun for a long time. "You are" should not have been seen
before, but why does it look so familiar?
Shen Xun kicked the fierce and violent kick back one by one and closed the door. "I am An
An boyfriend."
Tonight's dinner is extremely rich, and the villa is full of rich meat aroma.
Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge were both in charge. Others took their hands. Sweet and sour
tenderloin, pineapple goulash, crystal pork skin jelly, braised pork, and Sydney pork rib
soup were served on the table successively. Xiao Lang was greeted by the table and inhaled.
Miao Shoufu, who helped serve dishes, looked at him and kicked him. "Head, can we take
into account the image of the tiger and wolf group?"
The image is a fart, Xiao Lang thought that the image could make me catch a 30-ton mutant
pig too
Before the kitchen was finished, Shen Xun opened the door and walked back to stay next to
Shen Shi'an. He helped him to tuck the strand of hair down his face and then fed a deep fry
to his mouth. Meatballs.
Shen Shian laughed, "Don't be so close, stop in the future, beware of being oiled"
Before the words fell, he saw Mr. Gu standing shocked at the door.
After all the dishes were served, the people sat down one after another, and Shen Shian sat
in the main seat, holding up the wine glass against the sight of Mr. Gu on the right hand
side. "Tonight, all are family and friends. . "
"Eat, eat, drink, drink"
"Miao, let's take a drink"
"Eat meat, eat meat, the taste of this mutated little sweet pig is absolutely amazing"
"Sister Ge, the skills of you and the captain are really great"
Shen Shiansheng put a bowl of Sydney pork rib soup in front of Mr. Gu. "Taste it. I made it
with Chang Sheng. In addition to Sydney, I also put some apples. You can try it."
Mr. Gu watched him stop talking again, scooped up a spoonful of soup and delivered it to
his mouth. "Good, you eat too."
Wanting to say something else, she saw Shen Shi'an also served Shen Xun with a bowl of
soup, and a piece of Sydney in her mouth immediately lost its flavor.
Judging from the intimate and familiar atmosphere when An An and the "boyfriend" get
along, the two have met and even determined that the relationship should have passed a
short time.
He could n’t figure out why An An did n’t tell himself, was he afraid that he would block, or
was he afraid he could n’t accept it? Or, he just thought it was a personal matter and there
was no need to let him know
That ’s right, Mr Gu thought a little self-deprecatingly that he, a father who had not done
much responsibility at all, had any power to require An An to report his emotional life to
However, Mr. Gu still hopes that An An can tell himself, so that he can let An An know that
as long as he feels happy and happy, he will never interfere in his life.
The intractable entanglement and distress occupied Mr. Gu's brain, so that he had forgotten
that he still had a grandson who had been missing for many days and had just returned
It's been a long time since I have eaten such a luxurious whole-meat feast, except for Mr.
Gu, everyone opened his belly and enjoyed it.
Liu Fangzhou said while eating, "Xiaoxiang pigs are not easy to see. I think we grabbed the
mutant pigs today. There may be a small Xiangzhu breeding base nearby before the end of
the world. You can try your luck tomorrow. , Maybe one more can be caught. "
"I think it's okay." Miao Shoufu shot his thigh.
Xiao Lang shrugged half of his nose after eating "grass, how can I still smell a flavour of
meat." "
Xu Ge laughed, "Team Xiao has a strong nose and stewed pig's head in the kitchen. I think it
should be better. I'll check it out."
The pig head of the mutant pig is too big. Shen Shian stewed only a small part of it, which is
estimated to be less than one-twentieth. In three hours, the soup was thick and the bones
were crisp and rotten.
Xiong Manshan helped bring out one of the iron pans, lifted the lid, and the hot aroma of
meat flew into the face immediately.
Everyone took a few deep breaths consciously. The fierce and violent being hooked around
the table, Chen Nan threw two pieces of flesh and bones.
"I always think that the best part of the pig is the pig's head," Li Cheng missed his face. "Our
family used to raise pigs. Every time the pig kills the host, he will definitely leave the pig's
head. Relatives and friends, you do n’t need to put anything to burn the pig ’s head. You just
need to boil clean water in the pan for a few hours. The meat is so fragrant that you can
think about it for a whole year. ”
"Yes, yes," Liu Fangzhou nodded madly. "I also like to eat pork head meat, which is fragrant
and tender, especially between the bones. It **** and chews while cheering."
A big bone had been picked up and nibbled up during the speech. Shen Shian had already
split this pig's head into dozens of pieces with a sword, the size of which was just right for
Xu Yao also gave Tong Tong a piece of "eat slowly, be careful of hot."
"Eat everything, eat it, it ’s boring to eat it, you have to get it yourself"
"Don't be polite, there's still a pot inside."
"Fragrant, too fragrant, no wonder it is called Xiaoxiang pig."
"Thanks to the Xun team for grabbing such a good guy, come and come, this cup I respect
the captain"
With a clatter, Mr. Gu's flesh and bones hadn't gnawed and fell into the dish. Look at Shen
Xun and Miao Shoufu. "What did you just call him?"
After the dinner, Xiao Lang and others left and left. Shen Shian received a cheering look
from Gu Changsheng, and walked into the small study room with Shen Xun to sit opposite
Mr. Gu. "Some things, you may need to know."
As the chef of the sharp knife canteen, Tian Yi is responsible for purchasing and preparing
ingredients every day, formulating the menu of the day, cooking the major cauldron of the
day, and then assigning other dishes to the assistant chefs, and checking the inventory of
the good canteen. I can finish my work.
A total of more than two hundred people in the base area, who stayed in front of the stove
all day long and smoked, this job is not easy, of course, compared with more ordinary
people is not too hard.
When the work ended tonight, the sun had not completely set.
He had two cloth bags in his hand. One bag contained a lunch box containing meals from
the canteen. He was going to take it home to eat with his wife and children. The other bag
contained five kilograms of meat.
The residential area and the cafeteria are not far away. This point is too much for the team
members who just walked back after eating. Someone along the way greeted him "Master
Tian, off work"
"Hey, have you eaten the dishes at night, right?"
"Just eaten, Chef Tian's skill is a must, it must be appetizing. Go away, see you later"
"Hey, you are busy, see you later"
Most of the team members who participated in the mission were born and died, and they
did not look down on ordinary logistics staff. The reason why these team members are
willing to greet him is that because he works in the kitchen and people eat food, everyone
knows that a good relationship with the chef is not a bad thing. Second, the most important
point is that he had some friendship with the captain at the beginning of the last days.
This relationship is really not a real relationship. It is the kindness of the captain to him. He
took his family on the way to escape and has been delivered to the door of the security
But in the eyes of others, he and the captain knew before the sharp edge was established,
and the captain brought him back to hire him personally, which is naturally different from
other logistics personnel.
Tian Yi knew this and sincerely appreciated it.
After the end of the world, how many people are ruined and die, he can find a stable job,
can stay with his wife and children in the inner city, live comfortably, do n’t worry about
eating or worrying about wearing, do n’t have to fight with zombies, how many people ask
Good luck not to be found.
The captain is his great benefactor.
His thoughts were a bit far from this past, and he unknowingly walked to the front of the
cadre building. He didn't realize that he saw the wrong wall surrounded by green plants in
front of the building. No longer living in the cadre building, but in the apartment building
was allocated a separate house.
The house in the apartment building is of course much smaller than the cadre building. It
was a little uncomfortable when I first moved, but after living for half a month, I felt quite
suitable and warm.
Turned back and walked to the apartment building, climbed up to the 12th floor, walked to
the door and kicked twice with the foot, Ye Ping opened the door and took the two bags
over. "Look at this sweat, tired. , The floor is too high, it's terrible to go up and down
without elevator
Tian Yi picked up a towel and wiped his sweat, laughing, "Not tired, what's so tired, it's just
time to exercise. Why don't you turn on the air conditioner when it's so hot?"
"Electricity is so expensive, where can I afford it." Having said that, it still hurts my
husband. I found the remote control and turned on the air conditioner. After whispering a
few words, I turned and walked into the kitchen.
Tian Shiyao was doing his homework in his room, and he heard the movement rushing
over, "Dad, are you back? Did you get the meat today? Can we eat braised pork at night?"
Tian Yi opened his arms and picked up his daughter, "homework finished"
Tian Shiyao put his arms around his neck, "It's finished, now I'm reviewing tomorrow's
"It's so self-conscious, eat braised pork at night and let your mother make it for you"
Tian Shiyao was so happy that he blushed and kissed hard, "Daddy is so nice"
Ye Ping had quick hands and feet, and quickly put the food on the plate. A plate of
Maoxuewang, a plate of green pepper potato meat, a plate of fried broccoli, a pot of fragrant
white rice, and a small middle Bowl of freshly prepared braised pork.
It is indeed a small bowl, and the mouth of the bowl is not half a slap.
Tian Yi glanced at his wife and wanted to say nothing but did n’t say. After giving the
daughter a meal, she pushed the small bowl of braised pork to her. “Yaoyao eat, eat more,
supplement nutrition and grow taller.”
Tian Shiyao looked at the bowl of braised pork, looked at his parents again, and pushed the
bowl forward to Ye Ping, pushing "Mom to eat."
"Mom wants to lose weight but can't eat meat," Ye Ping pushed the bowl back. "Yaoyao, you
are just growing up."
Tian Shiyao pushed the bowl to Tian Yi again, "Dad eats."
"Dad has eaten a lot in the cafeteria, and he has been full already. Yaoyao eats fast, don't
push around, and the meat should be cold." Tian Yi teased her deliberately. "If you don't
like to eat, I will give it away Lei Lei next door. "
"I like that I like to eat, don't give it to Lei Lei." Tian Shiyao is still a child. After making sure
that his parents don't eat, he can't help but stretch out a piece of chopsticks. He bites
carefully and smiles into two slits.
Adults are greedy for meat, children will only be more greedy, just eat a small bowl of
braised pork Tian Shiyao and eat three bowls of rice, even the soup is wiped clean, after
eating, it is still aftertaste, and I was asking before brushing my teeth and sleeping "Can I
still eat braised pork tomorrow? When can I eat it again? Mom can burn a little more.
Braised pork is really delicious."
When the children were sent to the bed and covered with blankets, Tian Yi gently took the
door and walked to the kitchen door to ask Ye Ping who was still packing. "Did I bring back
five pounds of meat? Why did it burn so much?"
Ye Pingheng glanced at him, "Do you still want to eat all five kilograms of meat? Is it
possible for our family to eat meat? You earn 130 points a month, and I get 30 points, and
when I add them up, there is only 100. Six, since the residence tax in the inner city has
doubled, both of us have to pay 120 points every month just to pay the tax, and the
remaining 40 points have to pay water and electricity bills. For the extra expenses of 1988,
I can save a few Yaoyao for how long I have n’t bought new clothes that fit well. I do n’t dare
to change her down jacket in winter in the group. It wo n’t take long for the children to be
in a new outfit. Yaoyao takes classes with her every day. When the child is so big, it ’s the
most sensitive time. You do n’t feel uncomfortable in her heart. At least hundreds of points
can be exchanged, even if you give your children clothes and toys, it ’s good. "
Tian Yi touched his nose. "I didn't say you shouldn't. Isn't this a distressed child."
"I don't feel distressed if you dislike your child. If you really distress your child, you should
fight for it again when the captain asked you to move. The top floor has no elevator, not
only can you be exhausted by climbing the stairs, the sun is shining hot all day. The furnace
ca n’t be treated at all. Yaoyao ’s back is full of prickly heat, so why do n’t you feel bad for
you? ”
"Turn on the air conditioner when it's hot. Don't be reluctant to pay for this electricity."
"Turn on the air conditioner and turn on the air conditioner. It's easy for you to talk up and
down. You know how expensive the electricity is." Ye Ping said that this matter is a little
uncomfortable. "It's said that the blade is rich and wealthy. Pay the water and electricity
bills to employees. Can't afford it? "
"What is this? The benefits of our blades are already enthralling. It ’s okay to eat all meals
and meals. The cold weather in winter cools down when I heard that one day ’s heating bill
would cost tens of thousands of points. Did the captain let us spend it? For one cent, you
can ask other organizations which can do this. How can we complain about water and
electricity? "
Tian Yi paused in a slow tone, "I know that you and Yaoyao like the previous cadre building.
The place is large, and the scenery next to the lake is okay, but that place should not have
been where we lived. How good this apartment is. Before we arrived in Beijing, we were
still on the road when we were on the road. Where did we think we could live in such a
good and safe place? Now it ’s a little bit dry. It ’s a blessing in winter. Rizhao is the best in
our family and warm. ”
Ye Ping angrily hit him on the arm, "I am suffocated by your indisputable temperament.
The cadre building is not the place where we live. When we joined the sharp blade, the
people here could count with one hand. Come on, you do n’t lose anybody in terms of
seniority. If you do n’t have credit or hard work for such a long time, why ca n’t you live in
the cadre building? I do n’t have to rely on it. The key is that if we live in an apartment
building, we ’ll talk earlier. Wait for the good floor and the house to be picked by others
before letting us move, leaving the top floor of this unoccupied land on our heads, you do
n’t feel wronged and say 10,000 steps, even if the cadre building we live is easy to fall
People talk about how to count pork this time "
Tian Yi frowned, "What happened to the pork?"
"Obviously, you are old and senior, and you still have to deal with the most dirty and tiring
work, such as the logistics of staying at home with nothing, just giving five pounds even if
you want a bowl of water. What about me? I am also a serious employee. I have never
slacked in giving lessons to my two children. How could I only be forgotten? The deputy
captain could divide half a pig all at once. The little lion in the villa can eat three times a
day. How much is it that I do n’t want to give it? I usually need Yaoyao to accompany me to
explain my companionship. But tonight, it ’s a big fish and a big meat, but there is no
"Ye Ping" Tian Yi roared, shaking Ye Ping and shaking three times, seeing her husband's
face flushed with anger and anxiety "I can be a chef in the cafeteria, you can rely on
teaching in the villa every day Two children can get a salary when they study. That is the
kindness of the captain. The captain is thinking that our family of three is not easy to give a
way of life. It is not that ordinary people like us who have not evolved the ability and have a
child like us. I can live in an apartment in the inner city without worrying about eating or
worrying about it. There are several rewards for merit in the whole capital. The whole pig
was returned by the deputy captain. That ’s also reasonable. You are still a people ’s
teacher. In the past, you were so open-minded, how can you be selfish and narrow to this
point? "
Ye Ping shuddered all over, shy, ashamed and annoyed, and turned to cover his face and
sobbed softly.
Tian Yi was a little rough, and he still hurts his wife. When the anger disappeared, I
regretted it a bit. When I got rid of the anger, I regretted it. I reached out to hold Ye Ping's
shoulder and pulled her back. You are the gentlest and kindest person of this kind. You
blame me for being incompetent and making you suffer. You can rest assured that I will
work harder in the future and find a way to find a part-time job to earn extra money. I will
definitely make you and Yaoyao both. Live a good life. "
Ye Ping couldn't hold back, and she cried a lot in her husband's arms. After a long time, I
raised my head and my eyes were red and swollen. "I was never afraid of suffering. I just
love Yaoyao. They are also children, and they have a little friendship with the captain. Tong
Tong lives in a villa and is as delicious as a princess. If you want anything, let alone snack
fruits, even if you want the stars to ask Captain Moon, she will be picked off, and we Yaoyao
She chuckled, "We Yaoyao are as beautiful as dreaming when they eat bowls of braised
pork. Can these two children stay together all day and can't feel the difference? Last time
the flowers in the villa were picked, Tong Tong didn't ask. If it is clear, it is Yaoyao who did
it. Without saying anything, she was pushed to the ground. Her knee broke a big skin. Not
to mention Yaoyao did not pick flowers, even if you pick them, you can be so bully so small
children. What is the meaning of the potted flowers, even the flowers and plants, cats, cats,
dogs and dogs of the villa are golden and expensive, and they ca n’t be touched or touched.
The more she said, the more sad she was. “Yaoyao quietly asked me several times in
private, why Tongtong can live in the villa. She ca n’t. I do n’t know how to answer it. The
child does n’t understand anything. If you are bullied, you can only bear it. You should be
wronged secretly. "
After crying down, he cried again.
Tian Yi didn't speak, and after a while sighed, put his wife in his arms. "Okay, don't cry
anymore. It's normal for children to have a little dispute. The relationship between people
and people is always different. How can you be like you?" It ’s fine. It ’s not too early. Let ’s
go to bed and go to bed early. We have to work tomorrow. ”
Ye Ping wiped off her tears and nodded. The two left the kitchen and soon the lights in the
living room went out.
Moonlight spilled in from the window and saw a little figure squatting behind the sofa. ,,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 187:

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In mid-July, the group tasks related to the first phase of the Dachangjing project were
officially released in the task center, and the task difficulty was evaluated as a plus.
The sharp blade was led by Shen Shian personally. Among the core players, except Tang
Song and Lin Ruan, who stayed to continue the scientific research and preside over the
overall situation, all the others went. The other players were selected by Qu Shuo. People
stay behind.
On July 12th, a forward team of more than 2,000 people took the lead on the journey with
various materials. Hundreds of motor vehicles composed of various flags fluttering in the
wind, and one of the dark green team flags was the sword and beast emblem. The pattern is
golden and bright, especially dazzling under the hot sun.
After more than a week, Shen Shian was sitting in the back compartment of one of the
sharp blade trucks and raised a pen to make a mark on the map of the low table "We are
almost halfway away. Where is the engineering team?"
"According to the news that Li Runsheng sent them back, we were about twenty kilometers
behind us," Tao Yuan replied.
There are more than 5,000 survivors who came out to perform the mission this time. They
are divided into two teams. Shen Shian and others belong to the forward team. About 2,000
people are responsible for cleaning up the corpses within two kilometers along the railroad
track and passing through the town , Zombies in county towns and cities;
The other is an engineering force, with a total number of more than 3,000. It is mainly
composed of military technicians and earth abilities. It is specifically responsible for
building protection on both sides of the cleaned rail, lifting earth walls, and burying cables.
A monitoring probe is installed at a distance of 100 meters, and armed outposts are set
every ten kilometers to ensure the safety and smoothness of traffic to the greatest extent
after the railway resumes operation.
The tasks of the two teams are different. The former needs to ensure that the cleaning
speed is slightly greater than the construction speed of the latter so as not to delay time.
The Vanguard is expected to arrive in a large township with a pre-apocalyptic population
this afternoon. It will be a little delayed at that time, and the distance of 20 kilometers is
almost just right.
Shen Shian put away the map and turned to look outside the car.
He sat on the far side of the carriage, and when he looked up, he could see the field outside
the road. The place that was supposed to be a rice field was covered with various plants,
weeds, and new seedlings from the seeds of the fields that were left in the old years. Just
after a heavy rain yesterday, the lush growth was flourishing.
In the distance, there are trees, tall, short, thick and thin, those who know or can't say a
name, shake out layers of green waves in the wind, and can't see the end at a glance. Only
after the gap between the green waves can the residual image of the building complex be
seen occasionally.
The vast majority of mankind has died out, and survivors are struggling to survive. Today,
plants far from human influence are unprecedentedly free and prosperous.
The speed of the convoy is not very fast, almost the speed of the bicycle. From time to time,
some people jump out of the car to clean up the scattered corpses on both sides of the road,
then climb the door and jump back.
Liu Fangzhou, who was sitting opposite Shen Shian, suddenly said, "They are back."
Shen Shi'an turned his head and saw that under the scorching sun, a giant beast over three
meters high ran from the wilderness, the black fur fluttering in the wind, and a layer of
shiny gold rim was outlined by the sun. fill.
Five or six meters away from the truck, the behemoth leapt into the air and turned into a
tall and handsome man when he landed. He wore only a black boxer briefs all over his
body. His sturdy body reflected the dazzling luster under the sun. , Exudes a strong and
deadly attractive male atmosphere.
Shen Shi'an had good ears, and immediately heard the screams in the front and rear
vehicles, and even the flashing lights were lit up one after another.
Liu Fangzhou looked at Shen Xun's perfect muscle lines like the sun **** Apollo, and
squeezed his white-chicken-like arms and soft belly, enviously, "When can I grow as much
as the Xun team? Abdominal muscles "
Tao Yuan said, "Would you like me to help you train for eight hours a day, and the results
will be effective for up to two weeks."
Liu Fangzhou recalled Tao Yuan's method of training people, and laughed twice, "Ha ha, ha
ha, it's not necessary anymore." The white cut chicken is also better than the dead chicken.
Shen Xun jumped into the car and Shen Shian handed him the wet towel and mineral water
that he had prepared for a long time, and then the t-shirt and combat uniform were
"cleaned up."
Shen Xun nodded, put on a T-shirt and backhanded his hair, revealing a full and clean
forehead. "There are five villages in total, and there are two small train stops." The total
number of zombies is less than ten thousand, no difficulty, he Almost no hands.
As soon as the words fell, Xiong Manshan, who was behind him, also got on the road with
Xiuyuan on his back. The remaining 80-odd members returned to other vehicles one after
Xiong Manshan began to undress as soon as he got on the bus, gasping shirtlessly, grunting
and handing Liu Fangzhou his mineral water, and hugged one of the innermost ice buckets
in the car, unwilling to let go. It ’s too hot. Was it just raining yesterday? It was n’t cool for a
few minutes. The temperature started to rise again. I looked at it and it was even worse
than last year. "
There will be no spring, summer, autumn and winter in the future. It will be hot or frozen,
and it will become a song of ice and fire, right?
Lu Xiuyuan was also hot and sweaty, his face red as if he had just come out of the steam
oven, but his body was still wrapped tightly and airtight, and he didn't even take off the
gloves on his hands. After drinking the water, he sat down Gasping next to the ice bucket, it
was obviously not too hot.
Qu Shuo, who was seated in the co-pilot, looked back, opened his mouth and said nothing,
but said nothing.
Shen Shi'an took out two iced large watermelons from the space, and Tao Yuan sent two to
the truck where the other members were located. The cold and sweet juice slid down the
throat into the internal organs, and finally solved the heat .
As the sun rose higher, at 1:30 in the afternoon, the team stopped by a large lush elm forest
for a rest.
The weather was so hot that almost everyone had no appetite until there was a loud, langy
sound from the edge of the blade
"Hey I will add another spoonful of garlic water"
"Thank you for the sesame oil and vinegar."
"Who wants shredded cucumber? I cut two more."
"Peanuts, peanuts, give me a little more, this peanut variety is chewy."
"I want to say that chili oil is the most flavorful, ahhhhhhh, oh, it won't work anymore.
Mung bean soup hastened me to a bowl"
The air was full of hot peppers, sesame oil, garlic vinegar and sweet mung bean soup, which
stimulated other survivors to secretly saliva.
Xiao Lang ate three bowls of cold skin mixed rice noodles in a row, wiped a spicy spicy
mouth, and gave a thumbs-up to Shen Shian while drinking iced mung bean soup. I ’m only
serving Captain Shen when it comes to eating. It ’s also embarrassing for the old to eat on
your side, how about going to our side tonight, pork battered noodles, full. "
The pork was still given by Shen Shian. Last time, Shen Xun caught a mutated pig weighing
tens of tons. He wanted to buy Shen Shian, but he did n’t agree. terrific.
Shen Shian glanced up at him without speaking. Liu Fangzhou coughed twice. "At three
o'clock, at three o'clock, someone came again."
It was a young and beautiful female power player who was holding a lunch box in his hand.
The person had not arrived yet, but his eyes were clearly glancing at Shen Xun.
Xiong Manshan leaned closer to Liu Fangzhou and bit his ear, "Guess this time it will last a
few seconds and cry again"
"Five seconds"
"I don't think so, at most three seconds."
"Bet it?"
"Betting on the share of mung bean soup"
By the time the two whispered, the female power had walked to Shen Xun, her cheeks
flushed, her eyes bold and enthusiastic. "Look for the captain, the weather is hot, I think
your appetite may not be very good, I made a lunch box for you."
Shen Xungang finished the fifth Liangpi rice noodles, heard Yan looked up at her, did not
speak, her cold eyes overflowed.
The female power shuddered, her ruddy complexion gradually turned pale, her lips
twitched a few times, and finally turned and ran away in the third second with red eyes.
Liu Fangzhou smiled and put Xiongmanshan's giant one-liter mug in his arms. "Brother
Xiong gave up."
"No," Xiong Manshan couldn't understand why he was distressed. "Why do some people
want to chase after the brother, but they have never seen anyone show a good relationship
with the boss?"
"Well, you don't understand. If you are a girl, you are willing to find a boyfriend who looks
better than yourself."
Xiao Lang looked at Shen Xun's misfortune and said, "Yo, it seems that Captain Xunhua is
very prosperous. This is less than two weeks on the road. The girls who have come to send
things are almost a dozen. I don't know if they have a heartbeat."
"It's about your farts, and get fed when you're full." Shen Xun looked at Shen Shi'an, "An An,
"Do you still eat?" Shen Shian poured him another cup of mung bean soup, his face calm
and normal, but he could not see any emotion.
Around four o'clock that day, the vanguard entered a small town called Yangliu Town.
It is said that the town is actually not small at all. It is more than double the size of the
previously passed 5th and 6th tier cities. It also has a large population and a resident
population of 120,000. Of these, nearly three quarters have become zombies.
Among these more than 90,000 zombies, there is a third-level wooden zombie zombies. It
is expected to have evolved to the third-level late stage, which is very difficult to tangle. In
just 20 minutes, the small town was transformed into a prehistoric primitive forest. The air
roots meandered and flew between the buildings, constantly plunging into the depths of
the soil and breaking out of the earth. Like the Optimus Python, the humans trapped in it
were almost like little mice chased by the python, left and right in a state of
In the end, Shen Xun assisted with the sword, and Shen Shian made a surprise attack with
the sword, and he worked together to cut off the opponent's skull.
"Shen Xun," Shen Shi'an stood on the thick vine with the highest altitude, as if the giant
python arched his belly, still holding the green crystal nucleus with the undissolved stern
warfare Smile at him "You come up."
Shen Xun jumped up and walked to the front before he had time to speak. Shen Shian raised
his hand to hook his neck and gave him a long and warm deep kiss.
There were screams underneath, deafening. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 188:

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After cleaning up the entire town of Yangliu, the sun was almost setting. Considering that
the mutated mosquitoes appeared after dark, it was very unsafe to sleep in the wilderness,
so the team decided to stay overnight in the town.
Sharpblade chose a row of connected civilian houses as a foothold. Shen Shian and Shen
Xun walked into one of the buildings and found that the tap water was still usable. They
killed zombies for more than two hours in succession. It was unbearable, so I prepared to
take a shower first.
Xiong Manshan and others did not have this demand, and decided to go out after a simple
cleaning of the house. Although it is estimated that the food could not be found, even if it
can be found, it has been more than a year since the virus broke out. . But the town is so big,
maybe you can find other useful things.
The southeastern side was disturbed by wood zombies with tree roots and vines, and the
building was half of it, almost unable to settle down, so a group of people walked directly
north along the main road after going out. At this point, the sun was still dazzling. The place
where the center of the road was directly shot for a long time almost smoked, and even
wearing shoes felt hot feet.
Picking up the shadow of the building, I walked slowly for seven or eight hundred meters,
and the green that stood at the entrance to the north of the town suddenly came into view.
"Lying trough," Liu Fangzhou exclaimed "a big tree"
It was a willow tree. I do n’t know how many years it has. The cross section is almost as
wide as the road. The green wicker is hanging down and prospering like a waterfall. The
tree trunk is the center to isolate a semi-closed space with a radius of about 5 meters. All
are fresh and soft green.
Other survivors have discovered this huge willow tree before them. They gathered around
the willow tree in twos and threes, wondering and wondering. Several adult men opened
their arms and gestured around the tree. "Good guy, this tree needs at least seven or eight
people to hug it."
"It's estimated that such a thick tree is fine."
"No wonder this is called Yangliu Town, and I don't know how many years ago such a tree
was planted."
"Look at the annual rings." Someone joked. "Why not cut it."
When the wind blew, thousands of willow branches rustled in the wind.
Xiong Manshan dialed the opening cloth-like wicker and walked in and turned his head out
to greet "Hurry up, come in here so cool"
The sun is scorching outside, but the inside is densely shaded. The lush willow branches
and leaves will block most of the heat waves. In such weather, they are kept cool and the
breeze blows, which is extremely cool and comfortable.
Xu Ge and others quickly sat down under the tree against the willow tree, and the willow
leaves fluttered in the breeze, taking away the heat. "This is much more comfortable than
blowing air conditioners."
Chen Nan nodded. "It's a pity that there are mutated mosquitoes at night. Otherwise, if you
put a mosquito net to sleep under this, you will absolutely feel that you don't even make a
dream at dawn."
Xiong Manshan probes "Brother Chen Nan, gave birth to a watermelon, and eats
watermelon with a small breeze, it is called sultan."
Chen Nanbao happened to carry watermelon seeds. The two seeds were taken out in the
soil, and four large watermelons of ten kilograms were born in the blink of an eye.
This kind of seed was cultivated by Shen Shi'an in the space for the second time. The thin
watermelon skin was crisp and big and sweet, and the juice was splashed with a bite.
Xiong Manshan holding the melon and eating happily, suddenly felt the left shoulder was
Sitting on his left is Liu Fangzhou, "What are you doing in the boat, don't make trouble
eating melons."
Liu Fangzhou inexplicably "I didn't do anything."
"You didn't do anything to fight," the voice did not fall, and was beaten again on the right
Xiong Manshan turned his head to the right "Hey, Yuan'er, I didn't expect you to learn
Tao Yuan is more inexplicable "what"
"You still pretend to me, I know oh!" Xiong Manshan covered his beaten head again, and
when he looked up, he found that a branch of willow was flexibly swinging from left to right
like a little snake, and suddenly stretched down, so that it was too fast Covering the ears
snatched half of the watermelon that Xiong Manshan chewed.
Me, this willow is really fine
Just as Xiongmanshan fell into a state of stalemate, he suddenly became abject.
Thousands of willow branches that originally sent a cool breeze with the gentle breeze,
suddenly seemed to have their own consciousness, twisted into hundreds of thick green
tentacles, and surviving towards the cold under the tree. Attacked at the same time
Xiong Manshan reacted very quickly and was faster. Almost all five teammates, including
Lu Xiuyuan, were sent out of the shade of willow trees in an instant, but others did not have
such good luck. The tentacles were tangled and sturdy, swinging wildly in the air.
Liu Fangzhou was dumbfounded "beating, beating the willow"
Shen Shi'an had just taken a shower, and relying on her superior earpower, she heard the
screams from afar.
At the same time, an emergency call for help from Liu Fangzhou and others came on the
communicator placed on the stool along with the dirty clothes
Shen Shian asked for directions and rushed out with Shen Xun dressed as fast as possible.
When the intact figure of Liu Fangzhou and others appeared in the field of vision, he could
not help being relieved. The shadow took all the attention
What is this
Xiong Manshan and others saw them as if they finally found their backbone, and quickly
waved to greet "Captain Xun Ge"
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun ran past "what happened"
Xiong Manshan is still in a state of shock. "We can't figure it out anymore. A good willow
tree says it's crazy."
Tao Yuan reminded "Don't stand too close, as soon as you get close, you will be attacked by
branches. It's extremely fast."
A total of nineteen people were **** by willow branches. They were still thrown around in
the air like sacks, some people were still screaming, and some people only left a weak
moaning 039, others There was no sound.
Liu Fangzhou said, "At present, they are still alive, but according to Liu Shujing, he will die
sooner or later."
"Isn't the mutant plant only strengthening its own characteristics," Lu Xiuyuan is puzzled.
"Unless it can be moved originally, such as the man-eating flower of the head of the Furong
regiment Du, other plants have never seen it will actively attack. Yeah, what's the situation
with this willow tree "
Su Ge suddenly warned, "Will someone else secretly control if there are hidden wood
abilities or wood zombie zombies nearby?"
"No," Liu Fangzhou was very determined. "I have felt all around, up and down, there can be
no one or a zombie hiding. However, since this willow tree suddenly went crazy, a small
beam of light appeared from where the willow tree was. group."
"Aren't you able to sense the plants?" Liu Fangzhou can only sense the creatures with
obvious action ability, such as human animals and zombies.
"Yeah, so I think this willow tree is fine"
Shen Shian asked "What kind of light group"
"It's green. It's similar to the wood-based abilities or wood-based zombies, but it's very
small. It flutters suddenly like a ghost fire. At first, I thought I was too scared to have
In the moment when everyone exchanged information, members of other organizations
also arrived one after another. They were equally shocked by this abnormality, and I didn't
know how to react. A fire-powered person tried to set fire to the tree. The flaming fire
dragon just spewed out, and immediately left a black mark on the thick trunk of the willow
tree. Willow shook as if it hurt, and even the swing stopped.
The "Fire Attack Effective" ability is overjoyed, and is preparing to make persistent efforts.
A thick thigh branch sweeps out at a speed that is difficult to catch with the naked eye,
wraps the attacker around his waist, and also lifts into the air to swing wildly, and the
swing speed is faster than before More intense.
Shen Shian clearly heard the sound of the broken bones of the trapped person, his face
sinking "retreat"
As soon as the words fell, dozens of thick branches suddenly grew on the huge willow
trunk, and the whole tree was like an irritated ancient sea monster giant, waving its thick
tentacles to expand twice than before. The rest of the attack range madly attacked the
The ground was dusty, and cracks were pulled out by hard and flexible branches. Liu
Fangzhou and others were either transported to a safe zone by Xiongmanshan, or they
reacted in time and backed away for a while. Shen Shian followed two backflips and stably
landed. On the ground, Shen Xun directly grabbed one of the branches, and pulled it hard.
The flexible branch was stretched straight immediately, as if it would be pulled off the
trunk at any time.
The swaying tentacles gave a slight pause, and then more branches rushed toward Shen
Xun with a sharp breaking sound.
Shen Xun backhanded 039 with a Tang sword and cut half of them. The other half was
blocked by Shen Shi'an who rushed over in a flash, and the branches shattered by the two
gods fell to the ground.
The two looked at each other, and at the same time stood up and rushed towards the
willow tree.
One person is as strong and elegant as a cheetah, and one person is powerful and strong
like a wolf. It flexibly shuttles between the branches that are shaking more and more crazy,
and the sword light is like an electric sword shadow like frost. Far beyond the attack range
of Willow.
The tacit understanding of the core team members has already become natural in countless
battles. The two of Shen Shian just rushed into the tentacle net of Liu Shujing. Lu Xiuyuan
immediately propped up the transparent wall in mid-air. Catch a person, and then be
picked up by Xiong Manshan and handed over to Tao Yuan for treatment.
Xu Ge and Chen Nan originally planned to rush into the war circle to help, but later found
that the two captains who did not need to help the soldiers at hand seemed to be born to be
the killers of the willow spirit. An old willow tree more than five meters thick, twenty
meters high and leafy, was cut into a bare willow trunk, and no leaves were left.
Xiong Manshan and others walked on the ground with broken branches and leaves. "Oh,
I'm going. No wonder they all say that the bald, old, and bright are ridiculous. This hair is
really long." They are all short and stupid.
Xu Ge carefully examined the trunk twice. "I think this tree seems to have its own
Shen Shi'an nodded. "I feel the same way."
This thing sounds extremely incredible. Zombie evolved self-awareness. It is easy to
understand. After all, it was originally a human. But how does a plant evolve self-
awareness? It does not even have the most basic neural structure. Liu Shuchengjing's
remarks are at most only talkative. It is really a fact to tell others how many people will
believe. Who is really stupid?
Tao Yuan laughed, "If Tang Song knew he had to be happy, he would be crazy."
Shen Xun asked Liu Fangzhou: "You just said that a green light mass can be induced from
this tree"
"Can I still sense it now"
Shen Xun raised his hand and touched it on the tree trunk. He didn't know whether it was
because of fear or itch. He shook the tree trunk while shaking, like a leaf in the wind and a
pitiful posture. Touching the position of the tree trunk near the root, Shen Xun stopped.
"There is a wood crystal nucleus."
"What" several exclamations sounded simultaneously.
Shen Shian asked "Are you sure?"
Shen Xun nodded, "Ok, I can sense it, and the level should not be low, at least it is a tertiary
crystal nucleus."
Crystal nuclei are only produced in zombies and humans. This is undoubtedly not even in
mutant animals.
So how did a high-grade wood crystal nucleus run into an old willow tree that looks at least
a few hundred years old?
"Wait a minute," Liu Fangzhou suddenly reacted. "If the crystal nucleus is in the body of the
willow tree and there are no obvious scars on the trunk, so the crystal nucleus cannot be
artificially stuffed in, it does not mean that the willow tree is in nature. Wrapped crystal
nuclei during growth "
The growth of the tree is the top and lateral split growth, that is, the height of the roots will
not change. You carved a stamp on the annual tree, and the stamp will still be at the original
height after ten or twenty years. Shen Xun ’s location of the crystal nucleus is less than a
foot high, which means that when the crystal nucleus and this willow tree meet, the willow
tree is just a small sapling.
But the point is, this old willow tree seems to have grown for at least a few hundred years.
Where did it come from?
"There is only one explanation," Shen Shian said. "This willow tree is not as old as it looks.
The reason why it grows so big is because of the crystal nucleus."
"Brother Tang and Ruan soft said that the crystal nucleus is very likely to make some form
of DNA polymer," Liu Fangzhou's eyes brightened. "Maybe the willow tree absorbed the
energy of the crystal nucleus and inadvertently merged a part of humans. DNA, so you can
generate your own consciousness "
As for what kind of process and chemical reaction is inside, then he does not know.
Anyway, he is just a high school student.
Tao Yuan nodded. "The Ark makes sense."
If this willow tree grows so large because it absorbs the energy of the crystal nucleus, then
it should be reasonable to reduce the volume by retracting the energy back to the crystal
nucleus. All wood powers follow this principle when manipulating plants .
Shen Shian's eyes flashed slightly, staring at Willow "Can you zoom out."
Willow didn't respond.
Shen Shi'an pulled out his long sword "Will I help you"
The trunk of the willow tree trembles with a sense of grievance, and then shrinks in a circle
at a speed that is visible to the naked eye under the eyes of everyone, and finally is pulled
out of the ground by Shen Shi’an like pulling a radish and turned to Chen Nan. You're done.
"Liu Shujing can only be best given to Chen Nan. If he can control it properly, it will greatly
improve Chen Nan's combat effectiveness.
I thought about it and added a sentence, "This thing seems to be not low in intelligence, and
its temperament is quite wild. I am afraid that it needs to be tuned to teach 039. It must be
confirmed that it is fully tamed before it can be used for combat."
Chen Nanxi did not win. He decided that the key to the combat ability of wood-based
abilities was fighting plants. Devil vines had more defenses but insufficient attacks. So
when he dealt with the cockroach tide last time, he was particularly envious of Du Mingyue
’s extremely powerful attack. Mutant cannibalism, how to find a similar plant originally,
how to find it, I did not expect to fall directly from the sky.
With this willow monster that fights like crazy, and then complements the advantages of
Devil Vine, his combat effectiveness can at least increase by more than three times.
Not to say anything at the moment, I immediately took over the radish-like willow essence.
In order to prevent it from temporarily turning against water, I specially urged the Devil
Vine to wrap it up tightly and put it in a waist weapon bag.
Liu Fangzhou had a whimsy, and greeted Xiong Manshan and others to put all the branches
off the ground and put them away. "Isn't that the inadvertent insertion of willows and
trees, which means that the willows are good to feed, in case these branches also bring
human DNA, and when they grow up, Can you swing wildly? Then, let Brother Nan
surround the courtyard wall of our sharp-edged base, and give a circle to anyone who dares
to get close, better than any protection. "
Shen Shian had to admit that there was a little truth in what he said. In the end, all branches
were stored in the space by him.
After so much tossing, the sky had gradually darkened, and everyone began to go back.
The weapon bag around Chen Nan's waist moved, and the willow tree spirit seemed to
want to grow a branch and secretly escape, but immediately was noticed by Jia Mu, who
was carrying Chen Nan on his back, releasing the power to make the devil vine tighten
again and tighten the willow tree spirit. The three layers of inner and outer layers are
tightly bound.
Willow Spirit is like a little chick whose fate has pressed his throat, completely unmoved.
Willow spirit are you a devil
Devil vine I am. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 189:

Settings saved..
After dinner, Shen Shian and Shen Xun went out for a walk together.
When walking through the streets of the town, a lot of sight came out of the building and
fell on the two people along the way. Shen Xun held Shen Shian's hand, Shen Shian looked
up at him, opened his palm and interlocked his fingers.
The night is clear and the breezes blow away a lot of the heat of the day. The more you go
out, the fewer the buildings. The cool wind comes without obstruction, and the air from the
wilderness is floating in the air. .
There is a river outside the town, and the stars are reflected in the sparkling waves of the
breeze, which is suffocating.
The two walked forward along the river bank. Shen Shian turned to look at Shen Xun and
found that he was also looking at himself, and his lips could not help but smile "Why look at
"You look good."
"Youzui slips your tongue." As the words said, she couldn't help but stretch out her finger
and gently ticked the other person's palm.
Shen Xun quickly hooked back, like a feather passing across the heart at the same time,
bringing a burst of itchy crispness.
Shen Shi'an hooked back again, and Shen Xun hooked back again. The two portraits were
childish and playful children, playing with each other's hearts in this gentle summer night.
"Are you still used to here?" Shen Shian asked. This is the first time they have discussed this
issue since Shen Xun decided to stay.
Shen Xun squeezed his finger, "I'm used to it if I'm there."
"Tell me about Keos," Shen Shian looked at him. "You said that most of the residents of
Keos live in the underground world. Since it is underground, are there day and night?"
"Kios is different from here. There is no concept of the sun there. According to the concept
of time here, Kios's surface world will enter a two-day darkness after every seven days of
light. Instead, the underground world mostly depends on various Countless fluorescent
plant lighting is closer to here in the day and night. "
Shen Xun thought for a while and found the easiest way to describe it. "Do you remember
the ant observer Lin Tong made Tong Tong with glass and sand?"
Shen Shian nodded. Fill the flat cuboid glass container with sand, and then move into a nest
of ants. Through careful care and feeding, you can clearly observe the ecological activities
of the entire ant colony in the sandbox. It is very interesting and very educational, not only
Tong Tong loved it, even Xiong Manshan was very envious, and wanted Lin Ruan to make
one for him.
"You can think of Keos as a spherical sandbox," Shen Xundao said. "Inside the sandbox,
there are also countless intricate channels similar to those drilled by ant colonies. Then you
will limit this spherical sandbox to infinite Zooming in, no matter where you stand in which
passage, when you look up, it looks like the sky is as high and vast as it is at the moment. "
"The underground world is so unimaginable and complex that it is hard to imagine. There
are hardly any creatures that can travel all corners of the underground world. Even
Cerberus with a life span of tens of thousands of years is difficult to do."
Shen Xun looked at Shen Shi'an's eyes "But if you want, when we leave here, the two of us
can try to be the first pair of people to walk through the underground world of Kios."
Shen Shian laughed and hooked his little finger with the other hand.
Unconsciously, the two have reached the end of the river bank. A thick weeping willow
grows on the bank, and the thin green willow branches hang down and spread on the river,
surrounding a small piece of quiet, sparkling, isolated from the world. Space.
Shen Shi'an was wrapped around Shen Xun's waist and pressed against the tree trunk. The
man's fingers traced carefully along his eyebrows, and he lifted his chin across the side of
the face. Then the dark green eyes came closer.
The hot lip was pressed against Shen Shi'an's slow grind. After holding it, gently sucked it
and then licked it carefully until it was confirmed that the lips were all covered with their
own taste. Only then did you use the tip of the tongue to open the teeth and penetrate into
the lip and teeth.
This is the softest kiss Shen Xun has ever given. It is completely different from his usual
overbearing urgency and strong aggression, as if treating the most cherished treasure in
the world, full of love and tenderness.
Shen Shian was completely intoxicated by this tender love, I do n’t know where tonight or
where I am, just thinking that time will never stop at this moment.
After a long time, Shen Xun finally released him, and his thumb rubbed a few times on his
bright lips, and his eyes were deep. "Liu Fangzhou said, you kissed me in public today
because you are jealous."
The man covered his lips again and sucked twice, "I like you jealous for me."
Shen Shian was flushed and leaned against the trunk to gasp quickly. "I'm not jealous."
"Liar." Shen Xun punished his lips punitively. "I find that you like to cheat me more and
more, but you can't cheat me. I know all your thoughts. Just like,"
He was very suggestive and straightened his waist. "I know that you want me to help you
now. Take me into the space, and I will help you after entering the space, whether you want
your hands or your tongue."
Shen Shian covered his mouth, and gave him a vicious look, "Shut up"
The thought flashed and the two disappeared at the same time.
The two went directly into the bedroom of the bamboo building. After not knowing how
many times they helped each other, the blushing movement in the room finally lowered.
Fortunately, the big idiot didn't know how to do the last step. Shen Shian thought,
otherwise he would be difficult to sustain even if he had the exercises.
It's not that Shen Shi'an is unwilling to teach, but he doesn't have any experience himself.
At most he will only have the theoretical knowledge of a three-legged cat.
The two embraced each other and lay in bed to calm down. Shen Shian suddenly
remembered something and reached out to hug Shen Xun's face. "When you restored the
body, why can you leave the space without me with you?"
Shen Xun tucked his sweaty hair behind his ear, "I was attacked by the formation when I
sent you into the Lingquan Pond, and a small piece of Yuanshen was crushed and merged
with the formation, so I accidentally obtained it Control of a small part of the space.
However, you can only leave freely. If you want to come in, you still need your consent. "
He spoke lightly and casually, as if crushing a small piece of Yuanshen was just an ordinary
thing, but he made Shen Shian sit up and say, "Why is Yuanshen being crushed severely not
affecting you? Can you recover the pain? Not hurt "
How could it not hurt.
In Shen Shian's mind, Xiao Hei was lying on the floor of the second floor of the bamboo
building again, dying and dying, covered with burn marks and blood stains. My heart hurt
like a knife, and my eyes suddenly turned red.
"Not serious, not serious at all, and soon"
"Do not lie to me"
Shen Xun wiped his tears and bowed his head to kiss on his eyes. "It's not particularly
serious, but it's not easy. The crushed Yuanshen belongs to me who lived with you for a
year and a half, so and It took only a long time for the fusion of the ontological spirits and
the recollection of feelings towards you. It can be restored, I promise, it can be restored in a
few decades at most. With you by my side, the recovery speed should be faster. "
Shen Shian hugged him hard, "No more doing that, no matter what happens, I will never
allow myself to be in such a dangerous situation again"
"I can't give you this guarantee. If you can exchange you with a small piece of Yuanshen, I
don't think there is a more cost-effective deal." Shen Xun stroked his hair. "If it is changed
to me, you will be sure Will do it. "
"You" Shen Shi'an was anxious, but helpless, love and anger intertwined into a raging flame,
pushed the man down on the bed, and rolled over to sit on his waist. "You, the disobedient
Gerberus, I will punish you . "
When Lu Xiuyuan got up early to run around Tian Geng and ran to the third lap, he ran into
the same morning run.
Tian Geng is too narrow to allow two people to pass through at the same time, so his face
gloomed down and "let"
Qu Shuo retreated to the field, turned around after Lu Xiuyuan ran over, and ran up behind
When Lu Xiuyuan turned his head, he burst into flames. "You are so crazy, nothing to do
with me."
Even running Lu Xiuyuan is still dressed in long-sleeved trousers, buttoned to the top,
wearing gloves on his hands, and covering himself tightly, the face is already hot because of
long-term exercise, even the blindfold is sweated Soaked mostly.
Qu Shuo lowered his head and glanced back again, "Can your situation be treated by Tao
"What" Lu Xiu was far intolerant.
"Isn't Tao Yuan able to regenerate limbs and organs, if the limbs that were cut off after
infection can grow back, can you remove the infected part of your body and let him again?"
Lu Xiuyuan stopped suddenly, Qu Shuo stopped the car in time, but the pressure and strong
breath brought by his height still made Lu Xiuyuan breathe.
"Remove the infected part of me." Lu Xiuyuan looked up at Qu Shuo, and his eyes were full
of hatred. "Do you know how much of the infected part of my body you want to cut is just a
leg, I want to cut But how to cut the whole right half, you tell me how to cut, ah "
From the entire right half of his body below the neck, including all blood vessels and
organs, they were all flooded with zombies virus. The reason why he can survive to this day
is completely isolated by force.
The entire right half of the body was cut off, even if he was too big to die in this case, he
could survive long enough to give Tao Yuan the opportunity to use the power, but such
super-intensive surgery must be under general anesthesia. It is only possible to do so, and
once he falls into a general anesthesia, the body's powers are out of control, the zombie
virus will soon spread throughout the body, and the surgery will lose all meaning.
"Sorry," Qu Shuo frowned, "I never thought about your situation."
"Of course you haven't thought about it" Lu Xiuyuan sneered. "If Instructor Qu has a little
bit of consideration and sympathy for me, I won't fall to this end now, is it better to stay
away from me if you are conscious, I am happy It can save you a life, and you can take it
back when you are unhappy. "
After talking, he took a sip on the ground and turned and ran away.
Because of this dispute in the morning, Qu Shuo estimated that the two would stay
uncomfortable in the same car, so he took the initiative to replace the location of Zhao
Xinhe and stood on the top of the car to investigate the road conditions.
Tao Yuan noticed that he was staying too long on the roof of the car. He climbed up the
outer wall of the car at noon and also turned up. "What, did you find anything?"
Qu Shuo took the telescope away from his eyes and frowned slightly. He seemed worried.
"I'm not sure. Come and see. It's two o'clock in the northeast."
Tao Yuan took the telescope and adjusted the angle of view and orientation according to
what he said, "It seems like a village"
It appears to be a small village, at least five kilometers away from them, which is not within
the scope of clearance.
There are no trees in the vicinity of the village, so you can see it clearly. The buildings are
not many. They are mostly two-story buildings. The low-lying cottages are scattered
around the outside, and they are clearly depicted by the wind after the end of the world.
Traces of desolation. You can't see living people, nor zombies.
"What's wrong with this village"
Qu Shuo frowned more tightly. "I seem to have seen it yesterday."
Yesterday I saw the convoy go north and never looked back. How could this village see the
village yesterday and not run.
"Did you admit it wrong?" Tao Yuan recalled that "the architectural style in the north is
almost the same. We have indeed passed through many abandoned villages along the way,
and we will feel familiar with it. Either there is illusory memory, which is often said. The
sense of sight, which I ’ve never seen before but feels like acquaintance, is normal and I
often feel it. "
Qu Shuo pondered for a moment, letting go of his eyebrows and sighing with relief. "You're
right, I'm a bit too windy."
Tao Yuan returned the telescope to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't be nervous.
There are two captains. As long as we are united, there will be no zombies that we can't
Tao Yuan was right, the Vanguard had a total of more than two thousand people, each of
whom had been through hundreds of battles, and had not encountered any unsolvable
troubles since the beginning of the mission. The most unexpected, beaten by everyone
unexpectedly willow spirit, is now also entangled by the devil vine, Jiamu is specifically
responsible for the care.
However, the closer to the terminal Luancheng, the atmosphere in the team still became
As an important transportation hub of province e and a nationwide coal mining city,
Luancheng was economically developed and densely populated before the end of the
world, with a resident population of about two million. According to the national zombie
rate, there are currently at least 1.5 million zombies .
This number of zombie groups means that the probability that a zombie of level 4 has
evolved will not be lower than 80%.
Even the survivors who have not fought with the zombies of the fourth level, through the
description of the warring personnel and the various video and picture materials on the
base forum, have deeply understood the terrible place of the zombies of the fourth level.
If there are Level 4 zombies in Luancheng, the millions of zombies will listen to their
orders, which means that the entire city will be under the control of this zombie, not to
mention the power of the level 4 zombies themselves.
This time is different from the situation when cleaning up the absolute death zone. They
did not have tens of thousands of reinforcements, nor did they have a base in Beijing as the
base camp, because the main purpose of capturing Luancheng was to establish garrison
points to maintain smooth railway line transportation and re-exploit coal mine resources.
It means that it is not possible to bomb with 039-class thermal weapons.
If there are really four levels of zombies, they must resist more than two thousand people.
The tight atmosphere continues to spread in the team. Leaders and leaders of various
organizations will meet almost every day to analyze the various situations that may be
encountered and the corresponding combat plans, and strive to regardless of the
department and type of the fourth-level zombies. Ability, they are able to be prepared.
With half a day left before Luancheng, everyone was in strict preparations to enter a state
of preparation.
The long railroad tracks extend forward, and the wide road swiftly retreats. Many people
stand on the roof of the car with telescopes and look into the distance. They want to get
more information as soon as possible.
Finally, the rolling, uneven structure appeared at the end of the field of vision.
Also appearing together is the striking earthy wall outside the building complex.
"How can there be a city wall"
If someone finds in the comments whether Al and Shen Xun are the same person, please do
not reply.
Anyone who has read the genuine edition will know the answer.
Is there any crazy hint in this chapter that I have n’t thought about it yet, but the riddle is
the same waist-waisted old thing, think of the dead umbrella, everyone remember to collect
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 190:

Settings saved..
The team immediately exploded
"That's right, the wall that the earth-based abilities raised."
"The city walls are still intact, are there survivors in the city"
"Maybe the zombies are surrounded by abilities."
"Are you stupid, zombies eager to eat people, why are they trapped by the wall?"
When the pioneers were in doubt, several task leaders including Shen Shian quickly
gathered together.
After more than 20 minutes, Liu Fangzhou, who was carried by Xiong Manshan on his back,
carried the exact message "There are no zombies, all of Luancheng are survivors"
Han Yongzhi was overjoyed "Brother Liu is sure"
"Okay," Liu Fangzhou jumped from Xiong Manshan's back. "Brother Xiong took me around
the city wall and ran a few times back and forth. I sensed the whole city of Luan. There are
no zombies, they are all human beings "
"How many survivors total"
"About two hundred thirty thousand."
The expected millions of zombies suddenly became more than 200,000 of this kind, which
is really exciting news.
The good news that Luancheng had been cleaned up and became a safe base quickly spread
throughout the team. The team members were relieved and the speed of the convoy rose to
the fastest, galloping towards the earthy wall.
When viewed from a distance, the endless city wall seems to surround the entire Luan
City.It was only after the vanguard entered the city gate that it was only surrounded by a
living concentration area in the suburbs of Luan City, which only accounted for the total
About one tenth of the area.
Obviously, when the total population has dropped from more than 2 million before the end
of the world to more than 200,000, it is not only unnecessary to occupy the entire original
urban area, but it is also difficult to erect an effective defense line.
The convoy drove slowly on the main road and gradually penetrated into the base of the
base. Pioneer team members looked out through the car window, and base residents on
both sides of the road also looked in.
After the outbreak of the last days, Shen Shian entered many bases and panicked like a
cigarette factory base in a refugee camp. The Noah's Ark base was dark and frightening on
the surface, the Yangcheng base was busy and full of unity, and under standardized
management. , Turn to defend the capital base actively developed.
The Luancheng base is different from these bases. The residents here have both the
fortitude and courage that were tempered in the end times, as well as the softness and
serenity of the peaceful era, and there is a strong sense of life everywhere.
The oldest player in the car stared at the outside for a while, and said twice, "It seems to
have retreated to a small town in the 1980s and 1990s."
When the convoy stopped in front of a cylindrical high-rise building, five base managers
were already waiting here.
Immediately afterwards, seven responsible persons, including Shen Shian, followed the
guide into the building and had a friendly exchange with the base area.
Everyone learned from the manager's mouth that the establishment of Luancheng Base was
very early. Just less than two months after the outbreak of the virus, the zombies had not
evolved significantly at that time, and the movements were slow and the response was
extremely slow. However, there were a small number of survivors Fortunately evolved a
high-lethal ability.
The first group of abilities were visionary, realizing that in this global disaster, they could
not passively wait for rescue and must take the initiative to protect themselves. Therefore,
instead of moving away from the urban area, they did not stay away from the city, but used
the deterrent effect of abilities to successfully call And organized hundreds of thousands of
survivors, took guerrilla warfare and set traps to carry out active strangulation of zombies.
In the end, more than 200,000 survivors survived and the zombies in the city were
completely wiped out.
Because of the early cleanup of zombies, the zombies in nearby towns have lost a million-
level "dna data sharing library", so the evolution speed is much slower than other regions,
and the highest level of base personnel have encountered It's ability level 2.
Everyone suddenly wondered that the atmosphere in the base was peaceful. It turned out
to have been ruthlessly devastated by high-level zombies.
After confirming the origin and identity of Han Yongzhi and others, I learned that the
Beijing Base planned to restore the railway transportation line and used Luancheng as an
important supply station. The managers here expressed their sincere and warm welcome
to the Vanguard. More than two thousand people arranged a proper place to rest, and held
a grand welcome ceremony that night.
Luancheng has established a safe base, saving the Vanguard a lot of time and energy, but
there are still many follow-up matters to be dealt with, such as how to arrange for the
survivors in the base, whether to remit to Beijing or stay in place, in order to adapt to the
station The function of Luancheng should be reformed, and the question of the division of
relevant benefits after the railway line is cleared needs further specific consultation.
However, these things were not in a hurry, anyway, the engineering forces were still not
keeping up, and everyone had enough time, so they settled down temporarily in the
Luancheng base.
Luancheng confirmed safety. The first phase of the entire rail dredging plan was only a final
step from the successful completion of the last step to ensure that there are abundant and
safe mineable coal resources here.
After a day of rest, Shen Shi'an and others decided to go to the mining area to check it
before the engineering troops arrived.
The mining area is not in the city, about ten kilometers from the base, which is a twenty-
minute drive.
The risk of this trip is expected to be very low. In the past, it was estimated that the
situation would come back soon. After internal consultations, it was decided that most of
the personnel would stay in the city to continue rest. Four of the seven task leaders stayed
to preside over the overall situation, and the other three People, including Shen Shi'an, led
a small group of abilities to visit the mining area accompanied by base management staff.
Liu Fangzhou's ability was very useful in detecting the mine, so he was called by name. In
addition to the two captains and Liu Fangzhou, several core members of the Blade are both
idle and idle. They all intend to follow the past. Only Lu Xiuyuan stays and temporarily
serves as the team leader with Qu Shuo.
"The team members can move freely, don't cause trouble, don't leave the base too far,"
Shen Shi'an Road. "The mining area is more than ten kilometers away from the base. The
communicator can't be used at such a long distance. Solved. The mine area is large and
there are many factories. It will take a little time to check it. We will try to come back today
and at the latest before sunset tomorrow. "
Qu Shuo nodded, "I know."
Lu Xiuyuan embraced his chest with both hands, expressing great resistance to staying
with Qu Shuo, but nodded as well.
The reconnaissance team set out at 8:30 in the morning and arrived at the inside of the
mining area at 9:00.
The inspection results are not bad. One year and a half of wind and sun has not caused too
much damage to the mining equipment. Most of them can still be used normally. Although
the zombies in the mine are a bit troublesome to handle, a little care is not too much. .
Various coal processing plants are also well preserved. As long as the zombies inside are
cleaned up, professionals are required to make simple repairs and adjustments, which will
soon be put into production. It is expected to solve the livelihood problems of many
The terrain in the mining area is complex, and the time it takes to complete all the
inspections is much longer than Shen Shian expected. They failed to rush back to the base
before dark.
That night, the team cleared one of the factory buildings, and everyone will sleep for the
night, and then set off on the return journey the next morning.
It was less than nine o'clock when I returned to Luancheng Base. When Shen Shian just got
off the bus, Gao Xiaohui rushed over
"Captain, it's not good that Qu Instructor and Mr. Lu are missing"
Missing Shen Shian face Shen Rushui "Clarify the course of the incident carefully from
beginning to end."
This matter has to start from two days ago, that is, the day when the advance troops
arrived in Luancheng.
There are 230,000 survivors in Luancheng, which can be regarded as a medium-sized
security base. In order to ensure the normal operation of the base, these 230,000 survivors
have a similar division of labor as the Beijing base
Old and weak people with low combat power stay in the city and engage in the most basic
physical labor for logistics services. Those with strong physical strength and high combat
effectiveness form a power squad. They go out of the city every day to clean up zombies
and collect various materials.
Unlike the Beijing base, Luancheng has a much smaller population. As a transportation hub
city, the surrounding counties, towns and villages are very densely distributed, which
means that there are abundant sources of materials, and the power team does not need to
leave too far to obtain Sufficient supplies necessary for the survival of survivors in the city.
In order to facilitate management and statistics, coupled with the frequent occurrence of
mutated mosquitoes at night, the risk of out-of-city activities is too high, so all the ability
squads performing tasks in Luancheng will return on the same day.
Two days ago, three power teams failed to return to the city before dark. One day later,
when Shen Shi'an and others went to the mining area to investigate, the other two teams
searched along the trajectory of the unreturned. Who knows The whereabouts of the lost
audio are also unknown.
Five teams of abilities have been missing one after another. This is a very rare situation at
the Luancheng base, even though the manager's efforts to control the news are still
As a visitor, the Vanguard enjoyed the warm hospitality of the base. Therefore, the four
people in charge offered to help the search, and the organizations voluntarily signed up to
participate. It was Qu Shuo and Lu Xiuyuan plus eight power players, including Wu Miao
and Yang Cancan.
"The search team set off after eating early this morning, and it was just past seven o'clock,"
Gao Xiaohui couldn't hide his anxiety. "We went to a speed abilities person, considering
that we are unfamiliar with fear of accidents, so Instructor Qu said that he would return to
report the situation every half an hour. He returned at 7:30 and 8 o'clock, saying that no
trace of the missing person had been found, but did not return at 8:30, now It's already past
nine o'clock, and I still haven't seen anyone. "If it didn't happen, it's impossible not to come
back and hug peace.
"How many people participated in the search operation" Shen Shian asked.
"Two hundred people came out of the Luancheng base. We have more than one hundred
and forty people here, adding about three hundred and fifty people together."
"How many people were there in the five missing squads"
"Luancheng is a fixed establishment, with fifty people per team."
That is 250 people, plus 350 people who participated in the search, a total of more than 600
So many people, all missing
Shen Xun stood next to Shen Shi'an, and narrowed his eyes slightly at this time. "Since the
organizations are voluntarily signing up, why do the two responsible persons of our sharp
edge ran out?"
Gao Xiaohui said, "Originally, the instructor said that let Mr. Lu stay, he led the team out,
but Mr. Lu did not agree, insisted to go with him."
Shen Xun snorted and was not satisfied with this reply. Gao Xiaohui felt cold all over, and
immediately tightened his body and lowered his head.
After Shen Shi’an had just learned the situation, Xiao Lang hurried over and looked equally
dignified. “Li Cheng was also missing. Nine people from our group participated in the
search operation, and we ca n’t reach all of them now.”
Shen Shian clenched his fists, "Go to Han Commander first."
All the people in charge soon gathered at Han Yongzhi's residence. The captain of the
Xuanyuan team Yuan Bing stomped anxiously. "This is too evil. More than 130 people said
that they disappeared. Even the sound of water disappeared. We went all the way from
Beijing. I haven't folded so many people when I came over. "
Yuan Bing is right in saying that every member of the pioneer team has gone through
hundreds of battles and has experienced countless times of life-threatening trials to survive
to this day. Even if it is really an accident, it should not be returned by one person. Come.
In particular, Lu Xiuyuan ’s transparent wall ability and Li Cheng ’s invisible ability can
completely isolate the enemy ’s feelings. No matter if they encounter zombies or mutant
animals, even if they ca n’t escape, there should be no problem.
This situation of no return is really weird.
"Will it be the ghost of this base?" Xiao Lang lowered his voice.
"The possibility is very low," Han Yongzhi shook his head. "Not to mention that they have
no reason to do anything with us. Even if they really want to do it, the goal should be to the
heads of the mining area or the large troops staying in the city. More than one hundred
people do nothing for them except playing grass and snakes. And the fear and panic of the
residents of the city about the disappearance of the five powers are real. They may be as
confused as us. "
Team leader Huang Zhou turned his attention to Shen Shi'an. "What does Captain Shen
Shen Shian stood up "I'm going out to find someone."
According to the currently known information, if Lu Xiuyuan really encountered an
unexpected situation, the time should be between 8:30 and 8:30, and nearly one hour has
passed. He did not believe that his team members died so easily, and he was more likely to
be in a state of urgent need for rescue, so he had to fight for time without delay.
Xiao Lang also stood up, "I will go too."
Yuan Bing "count me"
"After five minutes, gather outside the city gate," Shen Shi'an Road "Considering the
particularity of this incident, non-powers and powers below level 3 should not participate,
and must ensure the team's speed of action and self-protection ability."
Five minutes later, the 30 highest-ranking abilities in the vanguard formed an elite squad,
and under the leadership of Shen Shian quickly set off to find the missing.
According to Gao Xiaohui's information, Lu Xiuyuan and others moved northwest and lost
contact. The military trucks galloped along the route they traversed, and Liu Fangzhou
extended the sensing range to the maximum, condensing mental energy into rays along the
way to scan clockwise.
Tao Yuan stood on the top of the carriage, holding a telescope in his hand to observe the
surrounding environment. After the truck had been driving for about half an hour, the
slowly moving telescope lens suddenly stopped, and a strong consternation appeared on
Tao Yuan's face. He immediately squatted down and patted the "Captain" twice on the
The truck stopped and Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun quickly jumped up and "discovered"
Tao Yuan nodded and handed him the telescope, his voice slightly tightening with surprise.
"Northwest, at eleven o'clock."
Shen Shian looked at "It's a Village" and handed the telescope to Shen Xun. After reading it,
Shen Xun handed it to Chen Nan and others who climbed up.
"What's wrong with this village?" Yuan Bing puzzled. "It looks normal."
"No, it's not normal." Tao Yuan's voice grew dry. "Four days ago, when we had not arrived
in Luancheng, Qu Shuo showed me a village, exactly like this one, and he said that before
that I have seen the same village. "
"Are you wrong?" Xiao Lang also jumped up. "This kind of village is very common in the
north, almost everywhere."
"I thought so at the time, and I said the same thing to Qu Shuo. But now I can guarantee that
these two are definitely the same village. The number of buildings in the village, the
architectural style, the location of each house, and even the periphery The sloping angles of
the farmhouse roofs are all the same. "Tao Yuan squeezed his fists and exhaled." If it is not
certain that it is daytime, I will think I am dreaming. "
"So the same village, we see it now, you and Qu Shuo saw it four days ago, and Qu Shuo also
saw it before that."
After Xiong Manshan finished, rubbing his arms and shivering, how could the story become
more ghost-like.
If this is the case, the disappearance of Qu Shuo and others may be inseparable from the
village. It is very likely that Qu Shuo was suspicious of the village and he wanted to find out
in the past, and this broke the news.
Shen Shian frowned, "Ark"
Liu Fangzhou did not sit up in the co-pilot, but he also heard from the beginning to the end
through the communicator that "the distance is a little far away, I can't sense anything now,
so I won't try to drive there for a while"
The truck restarted, and a few minutes later, Liu Fangzhou screamed "stop and stop, stop
and stop quickly"
He turned his head to look at Shen Shian and others sitting in the back car, a small face was
completely white "grass, there is only a fourth-level zombie in the village."
From a distance, there is nothing abnormal in this village.
The flat-roofed buildings scattered high and low, the pigsty farmhouses built up by bricks
and dirt, with the traces of desolation peculiar to the end of the age, are exactly what they
are everywhere in the northern area.
More than two hundred meters away from the village, Tao Yuan raised a sniper rifle and
fired a bullet. The bullet exploded into a puff of smoke on the mud brick wall, and cracks
spread around the bullet hole.
"It's true, not an illusion."
Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it was really an illusion that worked
within a few kilometers, it would be too scary.
Shen Shian took out a pheromone "can be absorbed, move forward carefully and act
cautiously, try not to expose the trace."
Thirty abilities that absorbed the pheromone lowered their body and walked lightly,
moving quietly and quickly towards the village.
Shen Xun was next to Shen Shi'an, and he could see the other person's tight side when he
tilted his head. He had bad news, and he didn't know whether to tell the other party,
especially if he could clearly perceive the other person's anxious emotions.
Soon after they set off, Shen Xun used tracking mantras against Lu Xiuyuan, Qu Shuo and Li
Cheng, but they all ended up with no results.
All living people can be found by the tracking spell.
This means that the three of them are either in an extremely special isolated state that
cannot be located by the tracking spell, or they are already dead.
With Shen Shi'an's meticulousness, it is impossible to forget that he can directly use the
tracking spell to find people. Since it has not been raised, I am afraid that he would not
want to get such a result from his mouth.
Shen Xun took Shen Shi'an's palm, and Shen Shian turned his head to look at him, and
shook back more tightly.
Soon, everyone quietly came to the village. The village is very quiet, the doors of each house
are wide open, there is a black hole inside, there is nothing.
Shen Shi'an carefully observed the village trails and the buildings on both sides, trying to
find the traces that Lu Xiuyuan and others had passed through, but found nothing. This
village is not only quiet, but also too clean to find any footprints on the road.
After walking more than one hundred meters along the village road, the crowd passed two
low-rise brick houses, one left and one right across the village road, which looked like
captive poultry and livestock. Xiao Lang, who had just started, stepped one foot between
the two brick houses, as if crossing a certain line invisibly. The calm and empty village
suddenly rolled up the sky and dust, and in a blink of an eye all 30 people were enveloped.
Went in.
"Grass" Sha Chen shouted "What happened"
The sand is extremely thick, surging in the air like a sun and a sun, and the field of vision is
dim and dark, and even things that are half a meter away are very ugly.
Without everyone's precautions, they were either drilled into the eyes by the sand or filled
with sand, and the mouth and nose were suddenly full of rough and smelly soil.
Shen Shi'an held his breath in time, covered his eyes with one hand and blocked Shen Xun's
nose and nose with the other hand, but found that the other party had the same reaction
and movement, so these two did not matter at all.
"Grass on Horse"
Yuan Bing-Bah-Bah-Bah spit out several mouthfuls of sand one after another, and raised his
hands to gather a gust of wind. The turbulent wind blew away a lot of dust like thick fog,
but soon the sand gathered again, as if it was briefly lifted and fell The curtain once again
blocked the field of vision. Yuan Bing had no choice but to output abilities and continue to
blast, which temporarily emptied a small area where everyone stood in the dusty sky.
"What's the matter?" Chen Nan put down his palms covering his mouth and nose, and when
his eyes fell on Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun, his uneasy mood immediately settled down. "Are
we found by the fourth-level zombies?"
Liu Fangzhou sensed it and shook his head. "It should not be. The thing is still within 500
meters. There is no room for it. Besides, we all sucked in the pheromone. Unless we saw us
in person, the zombie of the power should not respond to us. . "
"Not necessarily found us." Shen Shian looked around and glanced over the two low brick
houses on both sides of the village road. "According to the ark's speculation, the fourth-
level zombie is most likely the earth-based zombie, then The soil layer within a certain
range of it is estimated to be in its induction. As long as it is aware that a heavy object
passes over the soil layer, a sandstorm will immediately gather, which is equivalent to a
kind of stress protection. "
"So the connection between these two brick houses is the boundary of its sensing range"
Shen Shi'an did think this was the case, but according to the memory and the guidance of
Liu Fangzhou, they backed away from the fourth-grade zombies by several tens of meters,
but they still failed to withdraw from the sandstorm.
This shows that the entire village is within the control range of the fourth-level zombies.
The two brick houses are not so much the boundary of "sensing point" as the boundary of
"receiving point".
"This thing is quite clever. I noticed that something was approaching early in the morning.
We didn't endure until we went deeper into the village before we started to recruit. If we
want to come over to collect materials, it is estimated that we have been caught in the trap.
I ca n’t retreat, and I do n’t know where I am. But I am the first to see the earth zombies that
can manipulate the sand. "
Yuan Bing said that he grabbed a handful of sand and dust outside the wind circle. These
sands were suspended in the air and created a dust storm by irregular high-speed rotation.
Can do this, this ability zombie's ability to control dust is evident.
At this time, except for a small space vacated by Yuan Bing, which was forced to "sweep"
with the wind, the surrounding area was still full of sand and dust, and the visibility was
extremely low. Even the original village road was transformed into sand and the
surrounding terrain. There is no reference at all, and it is extremely easy to get lost in this
Not only that, the communicator worn by Shen Shian and others was seriously interfered
by the sandstorm, leaving only a harsh electronic noise.
"The puzzle has been solved," Xiao Lang scolded. "At least I now know why Chengzi would
lose contact even if they brought a satellite phone."
Of those missing, ninety-nine and the fourth-level zombie could not be separated.
Shen Shi'an Road "Go on."
Since the fourth-level zombies can sense the weight on the soil layer, it is not necessary to
carefully hide the whereabouts. Anyway, the validity period of the pheromone has not yet
passed, even if they are aware of the movements, they will be regarded as passing zombies,
so everyone just stood Shaking and shaking, Xiong Manshan occasionally jumped hard
twice, trying to interfere with each other's judgment.
"That level 4 zombie has not moved yet" Xiao Lang asked.
Liu Fangzhou shook his head "No."
"It's also weird," Xiong Manshan touched his chin. "According to the level of zombies in the
fourth grade, why does it take so much effort to lead people into the village? It's enough to
lead its million troops to the city directly. . "
"This shows that this fourth-level zombie is different from other power zombies, and its
ability is likely to have some key limitations."
"It's quite different," Xu Ge said. "In addition to the fourth-level zombies, the low-level
zombies in this village only sensed more than 3,000. It is reasonable to say that the number
of zombies that can be controlled by first-level zombies is not so much. . "
Shen Shi’an ’s eyes carefully passed through the yellow sand outside the wind circle. “Be
careful, sand storms can only trap people in the village. It is difficult to cause enough
lethality in a short time, so this zombie should have no other means. Use it. "
Xiao Lang looked back at Liu Fangzhou, "Are you sure those low-level zombies are all under
the ground"
Although he didn't understand how the good zombies ran into the ground. What can be
under the ground in a village is not to deliberately dig the cellar and then shut all the
zombies in. Or maybe, there is some kind of horrendous conspiracy hidden in this village,
when the zombies were not zombies when they were first locked in
Liu Fangzhou was so immersed in his crazy brain filling that he couldn't extricate himself,
and suddenly his feet fell, as if he stepped into a viscous liquid and sank quickly. Suddenly
the body lost its balance. Seeing that it was about to fall forward, Shen Xun grabbed the
collar and pulled it out.
"Be careful" Shen Shi'an's low warning sound came at the same time, "Don't go any further"
Several abilities were too quick to retract their footsteps, and fell forward just like Liu
Fangzhou, and soon half of their bodies fell into the trap. Fortunately, others helped pull it
up again.
Shen Shian squatted down and looked dignified "It's quicksand."
In front of everyone, it is not known how much area is hidden within the sandstorm, all of
which are quicksand.
The terrible point of quicksand is well known. Once trapped, if you ca n’t get help in time,
you can only sink a little, watching yourself drowning in sand and suffocating to death. This
is a very painful and desperate way of death. The harder you struggle, the faster death will
Someone in "Grass" scolded fiercely, "No wonder that the fourth-level zombie hasn't
moved. How can it be used, wait for the rabbit to wait for people to fall into the sand and be
Survival could make everyone subconsciously move away from the quicksand. Several
abilities retreat too fast, and accidentally stepped into another quicksand. There was more
than one quicksand trap in the village.
Sandstorms interrupted hearing and vision, disturbed the direction of the entrants, and
isolated the communication trying to ask for help, which will undoubtedly stimulate
people's panic to the greatest extent. Whether it is going forward or retreating under a
panic, stepping on quicksand is almost Inevitable thing.
This entire village is basically a tightly-knit death cage, step by step pushing people into
"Don't move at all," Xiao Lang said in a deep voice. "The power zombie hasn't found us yet.
Try to see the way before you go."
"It seems that two problems have been solved," Tao Yuan looked around with caution.
"One, this fourth-level zombie's trick is to turn ordinary soil into sand. Second, why can this
village move around."
Feelings This fourth-level zombie turned into a quicksand river wherever he went, and ran
around with the whole village on his back, as a bait to lure humans in.
Xiao Lang faced Shen Rushui in this village step by step. They were a group of people
because of the presence of Liu Fangzhou. The fourth-level zombies were always used as a
reference to maintain a sense of direction. Yuan Bing ’s ability could just clear part of the
sand and the vision was not It will be completely covered, so you can figure out the
situation so quickly, but if you walk in without care, you ca n’t see clearly, you ca n’t see the
direction, and there are traps everywhere. Even if the zombies at level 4 have n’t found
them He could not think of any possibility of surviving Li Cheng and others.
Shen Shi'an apparently thought of this too, his expression was heavier than Xiao Lang's,
and his body was almost tense as a rigid sword.
He turned to look at Liu Fangzhou, "have you sensed any survivors?"
Liu Fangzhou's eyes were red and he shook his head. His mental strength was confiscated
since he entered the village. He was able to deceive himself because the area of the village
was too large and some places were not checked, but now everyone is almost walking to
the center of the village. The village swept back and forth several times and found nothing.
"In addition to the fourth-level zombie in this village," Liu Fangzhou said a little bit difficult.
"There are only more than three thousand low-level zombies under the sand."
It seems that to verify his words, several zombies stepped on the sand and stepped out of
the sand. The eyes were muddy and the skin was bluish and purple, and there was a noise
in the throat. Quicksand bottom.
"I am **** fucking" someone recognized the figure of the companion.
Xu Yao also had a glimmer of hope "Maybe, maybe Lu Xiuyuan, they successfully escaped
from the village, so the Ark could not sense it."
"If they escaped, the first thing should be to return to Luancheng or contact us." Chen Nan
was much calmer. "We came from Luancheng all the way, and they were not found along
the way."
The most likely situation is that they have sunk to the bottom of the quicksand.
Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun. He didn't speak, but Shen Xun knew what he wanted to
ask, took his shoulder and shook his head. "I tried it, it didn't work. I couldn't find them."
"Do n’t grind, the facts are obvious. The missing people are estimated to have been killed.
The most important question now is how should we get out." Yuan Bing is a bit worried.
"There are quicksands before and after, and the validity period of the pheromone is almost
over. Our existence was discovered by the fourth-level zombies. Who knows if it will turn
this place under our feet into a quicksand pool? "
These words awakened many people. "Yes, supplementing the pheromone is important. As
long as the fourth-level zombies can't find us, it should be no problem to go back."
Xiao Lang also came over. "Sorrow, we had already made this psychological preparation
when we came out. Let's find a way to leave here first. This zombie is not easy to deal with.
I'm afraid we have to think long."
The sound of getting out of the village first became louder. Shen Shian turned pale, staring
closely at the quicksand pool that could easily devour life, and suddenly turned around to
ask his teammates, “Lu Xiuyuan ’s ability is to build a transparent wall that isolates zombies
from prying eyes. Qu Shuo had long realized that something was wrong with this village, so
when they walked in, what do you think Lu Xiuyuan would do? "
"Put up a transparent wall to protect yourself and your teammates." Tao Yuan said.
A light flashed in Shen Shi'an's dark eyes. "Yes, this means that even if they accidentally
step on the quicksand, the transparent wall should not be removed."
"You mean that they might have sunk under the quicksand under the protection of the
transparent wall" Xiao Lang was puzzled. "But did the Ark not sense any survivors?"
Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened, "That's because Lulu's transparent wall can shield my
Without Shen Shi'an's explanation, he has quickly scanned the spiritual power under the
sand, and quickly shouted, "I found some, some, some places are blank in my induction",
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 191:

Settings saved..
"Cancan," Wu Miao shoved a teammate beside him in the darkness where he couldn't see
his fingers. "Cancan, wake up quickly and you can't sleep."
Yang Cancan awakened violently. The strong suffocation on her chest made her open her
mouth to breathe hard, but it was useless. Even if the lungs work harder, there is no way to
get enough oxygen from the more turbid air.
"How do you feel?" Wu Miao's weak voice came from the side.
"It feels like a dead fat man with two hundred kilograms, now sitting on my chest." Yang
Cancan struggled to sit up. "How long have we been sinking?"
Wu Miao opened the identity bracelet, and the faint light on the screen illuminated the
corner of the space where they were, as well as the gravel behind him that was isolated by
a transparent wall. "Almost two hours."
For two hours, except for the increasingly thinner oxygen in the space, they could not
notice any change, no sound, no light, and no rescue.
Yang Cancan smiled bitterly. "I knew that I would be suffocated under the quicksand. I
wouldn't save any money. I took the points and went to the Red Light District. How good I
was. Happy, grass, I haven't lived in the captain's cadre building for a month."
"Don't be so pessimistic, captain them," Wu Miao gasped. "It will definitely come to our
How to save the captain did not know where they were going, what they had encountered,
and even less they were buried under the quicksand at the moment. Even if they could be
found, they would have already become corpses.
Yang Cancan knew in his heart that the possibility of being rescued was minimal, but he did
not want to speak out to attack the other party, raising his arms around Wu Miao's
shoulder. , Which kind of muscular guy do you like or creamy little boy? "
Wu Miao smiled, "It's okay, as long as he looks handsome."
"That's all." Yang Cancan panted hard. "Let's pack four no at a time, pack ten waiters, one
for each style, as long as they are handsome, not handsome, we dance striptease around
us." "
"Hahahaha, okay, then that's it"
When the two girls cheered each other, Qu Shuo also pushed Lu Xiuyuan's shoulder on the
other corner of the transparent wall, "Wake up, don't close your eyes, you can't sleep."
Lu Xiuyuan opened his eyes, but it was no different than closing his eyes.
There was no light in the transparent wall submerged by the gravel, and even if the eyes
were wide open, there was only darkness in front of them.
The temple jumped suddenly due to lack of oxygen, and Lu Xiuyuan covered his head that
was about to burst, and could not help moaning.
"Hold on," Qu Shuo's voice came again from his side. "The rescue may arrive at any time."
"Grass Nyima," Lu Xiuyuan heard his voice and got angry. "If you had to enter the village,
we, shout, do we fall into this situation now?"
"You are right. After we go out from here, you can be as angry as you want."
"If I can't get out, I won't let you off as a ghost."
"If you can go out, you can go out. Don't give up."
Lu Xiuyuan was too lazy to care for him, leaning his eyes closed on the transparent wall to
save energy, trying to ignore the growing sense of dizziness.
"Lu Xiuyuan Lu Xiuyuan Lu Xiuyuan" Qu Shuo shouted several times in succession and did
not get a response, thinking he was in a coma, and raised his hand with a slap in anxiety,
struck the past "Quick wake up"
Lu Xiuyuan's head was crooked and he spit out a blood foam, "My surname is Qu, your
He wanted to return the hand, but his limbs had been weak for a long time. His soft fists hit
Chu Shuo's chest, and the whole person fell into his arms.
Qu Shuo was relieved. "Sorry, I thought you fainted."
Lu Xiuyuan gritted his teeth with hatred. The intense emotional fluctuations exacerbated
the oxygen consumption, and his consciousness was blurred. This time it was really about
to faint.
Qu Shuo patted gently on his back, "Hush, relax, follow my breathing rhythm, breathe,
breathe, breathe, very good, don't you always want to kill me with your own hands, then
you must not be faint at this time Dead past. "
Lu Xiuyuan bit his tongue sharply, broke away from his arms with painful stimulation, and
leaned against the wall to breathe hard. "Wait for us, after going out, I must kill you."
"it is good."
"I'm going to cut your meat piece by piece with a knife, starting with your face."
"it is good."
"After cutting, sprinkle salt into the wound, sprinkle up the bag after bag."
"it is good."
"After sprinkling, hang you up and expose him to the sun for three days and three nights
without giving you a single drop of water."
"it is good."
"After waiting to dry you into dried meat," Lu Xiuyuan's consciousness became more and
more blurred. "I want more, I need more"
"Lu Xiuyuan," Qu Shuo held his shoulder and shook twice. "Can't sleep."
Lu Xiuyuan was shocked, and his consciousness regained some clarity again. The pain of
suffocation is getting stronger and stronger, the lungs seem to explode at any time, the
harder you breathe, the more obvious the dizziness.
He felt he could not hold it anymore.
"Actually I should have been dead." Lu Xiuyuan looked up at the darkness and gasped for a
while, suddenly said, "If it hadn't replaced the captain's name, I would have died in the
small water hall."
If he did not replace Shen Shi'an, he would not follow the rescue team to a safe base, he
would not be thrown into the zombies by Qu Shuo, and he would not step into the end of
the current suffocation that was buried underground.
His life may have long ended at the beginning of the end time, who can say that is not a
"If you die," Qu Shuo's voice also began to drift away. "The Ark will die in the absolute
death zone. I will die in the freezing snow. All the players you have protected with the
transparent wall, all will Cruel death. Your life has long been linked to the lives of many
others, and since it can survive, it must have meaning to survive. "
Meaning meaning
They are all suffocated, and there is a meaning of fart.
Lu Xiuyuan turned his head to look at him, and he could not see anything in the dark, but he
felt like he had met Qu Shuo's eyes. "If this time, if this time we can really escape alive, Qu
Shuo, I decided that I do n’t hate "
Before the words fell, I felt the entire enclosed space suddenly shake.
"What's the situation?" The survivors who were lying on the ground, almost half-comat,
struggled to climb up. "What happened? Has the transparent wall just moved?"
Just as everyone was stunned, the transparent wall shook again and again. This time the
shaking was even greater, and several survivors who were not standing steadily fell to the
Li Cheng's voice rang in the dark, "Mr. Lu, is there something wrong with your power?"
Lu Xiuyuan shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me, I didn't do it."
Wu Miao opened the identity bracelet and used the faint light of the screen to look outside.
Others were inspired to immediately open all the lighting devices on their bodies and
aimed at the outside of the transparent wall.
It was as if something was creeping in the quicksand that buried them underneath. The
strong force made the whole sea of sand slightly undulate. Soon, eight thick thigh vines, like
the tentacles of an octopus, came out of the gravel. Growing rapidly along the transparent
wall, this ten-meter-long enclosed space was tied tightly.
Yang Cancan first recognized "The Devil's Vine is Chen Nan's Devil's Vine. The captain they
really came to save us."
Almost at the same time, Lu Xiuyuan suddenly heard a familiar voice "Are you still alive"?
"Vice captain" suddenly rushed into the blank of Lu Xiuyuan's mind, nodded
subconsciously "alive, alive"
"How many people are there with you?" Shen Xun asked, connecting his consciousness with
Shen Shi'an, so that Lu Xiuyuan's answer was transmitted to Shen Shi'an's mind
simultaneously. Fortunately, the transparent wall can't isolate the idea communication
ability brought by the blood curse, but this ability has a distance limit. It took him a long
time to find a foothold that was just within the communication range at the edge of the
"Thirty-four people, our team members are present, Li Cheng and Tiger Wolf team are also
present, almost the rest are members of the vanguard team. The others were too far away
from me when they fell into the quicksand, and I could n’t use the transparent wall Pack
them all in. "
A total of more than 350 people were sent by the Luancheng base and the vanguard troops
to find the missing. Currently, only 34 are left.
He watched so many people drown in the sand in panic and despair, dragged and bitten by
the zombies in the sand in pain and helplessness, flesh and blood flew like a nightmare that
day, but he could do nothing.
Lu Xiuyuan's voice was a bit harsh. "I tried my best."
"I know," Shen Xun's voice paused. "An An said you did a good job. Listen, we have ****
your transparent wall with the devil vine now, and then we will pull you up. But Because
you sink too deep, the sand above is too heavy, your transparent wall may not be able to
withstand the pressure, do you still have crystal nuclei on your body? "
"Yes." Oxygen in the transparent wall consumed quickly, but maintaining the transparent
wall itself was not difficult for him, and almost all the crystal nuclei brought out had not
"Gather all the crystal nuclei in the hands of your thirty-four people, do your best to
strengthen the transparent wall, and tell me when you are ready."
Twenty seconds later, Shen Xun, who was standing on the edge of the quicksand, turned to
issue the command "pull"
Chen Nan immediately manipulated the Devil's Vine to close up, and the eight branches
stretched straight, making a bitter sound.
Xiong Manshan rushed to hug one of them, "Don't stun brothers, hurry and help"
The rest of the abilities choose one each and pull back with all their strength
"Just work harder"
"Refueling has moved"
"Hurry up and hurry up"
Shen Xun strode to Chen Nan and lost his ability to me.
Chen Nan immediately followed suit, and Shen Xun grabbed the stem of the devil's vine and
shouted "Get up"
The dark green vine-embedded vines suddenly soared in volume, and the eight branches
were tumbling back and forth like a deep sea monster. Soon, a huge transparent container
was suddenly pulled out of the quicksand, and it was slowly retracted to fall to the ground.
Lu Xiuyuan withdrew the transparent wall. Thirty-four survivors seemed to have been
dehydrated for a long time and fell to the ground with their mouths open and breathed
desperately. Tao Yuan and others immediately ran over to check the status of teammates.
Yang Cancan cried and laughed, raised his hands and hugged Gao Xiaohui, who ran first,
kissed him hard, turned his head and kissed Lu Xiuyuan again, holding Wu Miao 'S karate "I
decided, ten are not enough, we have to pack twenty"
Just as the survivors celebrated the miracle of being in a desperate situation, an angry,
hoarse, sharp shriek that almost shattered the eardrum came from deeper in the
sandstorm, inspiring the sandstorm.
After Lu Xiuyuan withdrew the transparent wall, the fourth-level zombie immediately
sensed that prey had invaded his core territory.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun looked at each other, and withdrew their long swords with their
backhands, "Go, and then cut a fourth-level head for Tang Song." If you want to find books
and chat with friends, please add qq group 647377658
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 192:
Settings saved..
Sand and dust rolled wildly, and the world was yellow.
Xiao Lang was coldly filled with sand filled with mouth, and he turned back and shouted,
"What are you doing, Yuan Bing? The sand is coming around again, hurry up and blow up."
"You're a Blower, I have the ability to blow your own grass." Yuan Bing was angry. After he
was angry, he gritted his teeth and continued to release abilities. He and two other wind-
based abilities each took a point at the edge of the battlefield and summoned The wind
circles that come out converge into a huge hemisphere, shielding all the rolling sand and
dust from the wind ball, ensuring the clear vision of the combat personnel.
The crowd is now on a large open space in the middle of the village. It used to be a drying
valley, but it has now become an old nest of Level 4 zombies. There are rushing sand traps
in front and back, left and right, and the surface looks just like the normal ground. , But as
soon as you step on it, you will soon be swallowed by quicksand.
The yellow sand surrounding the area is very heavy, which seriously interferes with
everyone's ability to observe and judge, so it is extremely important to ensure a clear
Several water system abilities, including Wu Miao, also helped. The four water walls
quickly advanced outward with the combatants as the center. The water-saturated sand
particles landed one after another, further restricting the raging dust.
But even so, the scope of clear vision is still very limited. Outside the wind ball and the
water wall, the wider and unknowable space is still hidden in the rolling sand.
"Does anyone know where the fourth-level zombie has gone"
"I don't know. I didn't see it. It was just there."
"Be alert and prevent it from attacking"
"Captain" Liu Fangzhou's voice suddenly sounded, "Fourth-level zombies are coming at
you, at ten o'clock."
As soon as the words fell, a zombie rushed out from under the ground in front of Shen
It is not accurate to say that there is only the upper half of the fourth-level zombie. From
the lower part of the waist, it seems that it was crushed by something, and the broken meat
was dragged by a broken rag. There was continuous blood and internal organs. The block
rolled down from it.
The zombies who lost their lower limbs could not walk, but were able to use the quicksand
for short-range ejection. It grabbed a sand whip in his hand and wanted to drag Shen Shi’an
’s leg, which was cut off by Shen Shian with a sword. Before it fell on it, the fourth-level
zombies had once plunged into the quicksand and disappeared.
"Grass," Xiao Lang spit out the sand again. "This thing is like the loach, it is drilling
everywhere under the ground, and it can't be grasped at all."
"It's not a random drill," Shen Shian stared at the territories where the fourth-level zombies
disappeared. "I'm afraid it's trying to turn this entire village into a quicksand sea."
Seemingly to verify his claim, several abilities closest to the place where the zombie fell
suddenly fell, and the solid ground underneath suddenly turned into a quicksand trap,
nowhere to focus on getting deeper and deeper.
"Don't move, hold tight." Chen Nan quickly spawned several vine branches, pulling their
waists and pulling them up again.
"The quicksand ponds in the village are all scattered, which means that the fourth-level
zombies have a limited amount of quicksand produced at one time, and they must move
back and forth and release abilities repeatedly to connect all the quicksand ponds. At that
time, we are really nothing. The road can go. "Shen Shian turned to look at the team
members." The ground can no longer stand, try to stand on the roof as much as possible. "
If the ground turns into quicksand, standing on the top of the building will persist for some
Soon, except that Xiao Lang could still use the metal plate to disperse his gravity and stand
on the quicksand, everyone else retreated to the roof.
Shen Shi'an asked Chen Nan "Can I still persist"
Due to the desertification of the soil, the Devil's Vine cannot take root in the soil, and must
be completely relied on to generate his powers. When rescued by Xiuyuan Yuan and others,
he lost all the powers to Shen Xun. Came back.
Chen Nan turned pale, but still nodded his head.
Yuan Bing shouted from the top of the roof, "Do you have any surname Xiao? Is there any
way? Now only you can stand on the sand. If we can't solve the fourth-level zombies, our
situation will be dangerous."
"You ask me, I ask who it is hidden under the sand, what can I do, grass, or you go to the
ground to catch it"
Xiong Manshan said, "This thing is quite clever, knowing that there is nothing good to eat
when you touch it hard, so hide in it and play tricks."
"It's burped long before you play tricks," Liu Fangzhou said. "This fourth-level zombie is
obviously not a melee player. Without legs, he can only swim around in the quicksand, or
he will not just rely on the device. The trap can only catch the prey. Seriously, if its ability is
well coordinated, the sandstorm and quicksand just form a death combination. I think its
combat power is far worse than that of the fourth-level zombie in the absolute death zone. "
Gao Xiaohui and others took it for granted. The wind blades and tornadoes of the zombie
wind system are really terrible, as long as they are hit by death or injury.
"Are you sure there are no red spots in its light group" Shen Shian asked him.
"Okay, Huang Cancan, there is no variegation." It is also strange, is there a red dot that can
cause such a big gap in strength?
"You" someone on the other roof shouted, "If there is no way to solve it, let's withdraw first
and wait for Luancheng Base to discuss again."
"Can't withdraw" Xiao Lang manipulated the metal plate to fly a short distance and then
fell, "You forgot what the most important goal we came out this time is. This thing can make
quicksand and can run around, in case it runs near the rails. , Turn all of the railroad tracks
into quicksand pools, then our trip will be a failure. "
After turning around, he found the figure of Shen Xun on the roof. "What time are you
looking for Captain Xun? Hurry up, we can't do it without you."
Shen Xun didn't even give him a look, just looked at Shen Shi'an, "An An"
It happened that the fourth-level zombie sprang out of the sand again for a sneak attack.
Shen Shian stared at his back and seemed to find something, frowning slightly, and nodded
to Shen Xun when it was hidden in the sandstorm again. . "
After playing for so long, he can already be sure that this fourth-level zombie did not
deliberately weaken, or did not hide any big tricks, but did indeed have huge strength with
the two fourth-level zombies in the death zone. gap.
At present, the only known difference is whether there are red dots in the crystal nucleus,
but whether the strength difference is caused by the red dots, I am afraid that it can only be
studied by Tang Song and Lin Ruan.
Shen Xun took a lead box the size of a washbasin from his hand and set it on the spot for a
moment. Then, the rabbit rose and disappeared, and several vertical jumps disappeared
into the rolling sand dust isolated by the wind circle.
He came back in less than two minutes, and even the hair was not messy from head to toe,
and handed the lead box that was locked in his hand and was slammed by something to
Shen Shian ’s "fourth-level head."
The moment the lead box was received by Shen Shian into the space, the violently rolling
sand and dust storms immediately stopped, and even the quicksand became half-solidified
of half the soil and half of the sand.
Xiao Lang re-decomposed the metal plate into countless metal ions floating behind him,
watching the man on the roof who was handsomer than him, taller than him, and his
underwear was one size bigger than him, whispering the grass monster.
The rescue team set off to find someone in the morning, and it was almost evening when
they returned to the Luancheng base. The truth about the missing persons of the abilities
shocked everyone.
In order to prevent a similar situation from happening again, the vanguard forces led the
tens of thousands of abilities in the base to search through and search for several times
within twenty miles of Luancheng. Fortunately, no other anomalies were found.
On the afternoon of the next day, the engineering troops finally arrived, which meant that
the railway line from Beijing to Luancheng was cleared and cleared, and the first phase of
the Dachangjing project was successfully completed.
That night, Shen Shian, along with several core team members, and Li Runsheng, an earth
power man who had been assigned to the engineering unit and had just joined them,
quietly came to the village where he was fighting against the fourth-level zombies.
After the head of the fourth-level zombie was completely isolated from the outside world
by Shen Shian ’s income space, the place where it was originally melted into quicksand was
restored to a solid land. The victims buried deep in it were not easy to dig out, so they
stayed here. Also included in the soil for peace.
The relatives, teammates or other survivors of the victims can be seen everywhere
between the houses and cottages. The incense sticks burned silently, and it was already a
city of the dead.
Shen Shian avoided a pile of unburnt banknotes and a few bunches of flowers, walked to an
open space and stopped, turned around and asked Shen Xun "Is it here"
Shen Xun nodded and picked up a branch to draw a circle about one meter in diameter on
the ground. "Just underneath, about four meters deep."
Shen Shi'an looked at Li Runsheng, and Li Runsheng stood out from the crowd, reaching out
his palm to release his power. The ground swayed slightly, and soon a solid cylindrical
layer of soil rose from the place where Shen Xun painted the circle. When it rose to five
meters high, it stood still. Everyone turned around the layer of soil and saw only the soil
The bottom of the floor was staggered with half corpses, which was the fourth-level zombie
who had his head cut off by Shen Xun.
The soil layer was resolved and filled back to its original position, while the half body was
placed on the open ground.
The moonlight was bright and bright, and this section of the zombie corpse, which only left
the neck to the hip bones, was vividly visible. The zombie wore a coat, the color of which
had been immersed in the mud for a long time and could not be seen clearly, but it could be
seen that the style was similar to the camouflage suit.
Shen Shian put on rubber gloves and squatted down to turn the half body over. The dirt on
the back was carefully dusted, and the words "Minshan Base" on the fabric were clearly
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou subconsciously took a half step back. "This guy really ran out of other
Tao Yuan also squatted down, the expression on the face of the doll dignified. "According to
the degree of wear of the clothes, the time for him to become a zombie should not be long,
at most not more than two months."
In just two months, it is impossible for ordinary zombies to evolve into Level 4 zombies.
Only one possibility
"He is a power man," Shen Shian stood up. Although the guesses were confirmed, he did not
feel relaxed at all. "After being infected with the virus, he directly became a power zombie."
"No wonder there aren't many low-level zombies around him, because he didn't evolve
according to the law that the zombies gather and evolve faster, the faster." Xu Ge said.
"He became a fourth-level zombie, which means that he should also be a fourth-level ability
person during his lifetime," Liu Fangzhou rubbed his arms. "Even the fourth-level ability
person died so miserably. The enemy must be terrible."
"Where is Minshan east?"
"East coast, the population density is particularly high. I don't know how the other people
in the base are."
Everyone was silent for a moment, Xiong Manshan said, "It's still the boss's eyes. We were
fighting against the fourth-level zombies at the same time. It was windy and sandy. I didn't
even notice that there were words behind it."
"What I can see, there is no guarantee that no one else will find it."
Shen Shian took the head of the fourth-level zombie out of the space, waiting for the other
party to release the power, cut off its skull with a sword, and then picked up a clear, bright
yellow crystal nucleus.
If you only appreciate it from an aesthetic point of view, this crystal core can be regarded as
a skillful work of art, but at this time, you can only feel the desolation of the rabbit's dead
fox and the deep sense of uncertainty
"There is also a crystal nucleus in the mind of the psychic. I'm afraid it won't be hidden for
At about the same time, a tall man with his entire body covered by a cloak came to the
entrance of the south gate of the Beijing base in the sky.
He raised his head and stared at the huge plaque engraved with the words "Beijing Base"
for a long time. He took off his cloak hat and showed a pair of dark green eyes, and a face
similar to Shen Xunzu's four or five points. .
The breeze was floating in the air, the man sniffed gently, a smile on the corner of his lips
"Got you."
My dear Albert.
The author has something to say I saw some little cute ducks in the comments that seem to
be not very clear about the power evolution settings of this article. Here I will give you a
little bit of combing.
Before the outbreak of the virus on April 3, 2019, all humans except the An Anxun Qin Shu
ingested the original virus, and from the moment of the outbreak of the virus, according to
"whether they have immunity or not," the original viruses in the human body were
transformed into Zombie virus and power virus.
As long as there is a power virus in the body, there is a possibility of evolution of power,
and power evolution can be divided into two ways
One is conventional evolution, following the rule of "the stronger the constitution, the later
the evolution of abilities", and the evolved abilities are often related to their own abilities.
For example, Jinguancheng ’s ability is to strengthen the power, and Miao ’s richest man ’s
ability is business experience. The abilities of Tang Song and Ark are both spiritual
The other is stress evolution, that is, the explosive evolution when encountering a huge
stimulus or life and death crisis. There are no rules for the abilities evolved in this way.
Usually, which abilities can solve the problem and evolve Species, such as Ms. Dong, which
An An met in the library, such as Xu Ge, such as Lu Xiuyuan.
An An was protected by the practice method, and there was no virus in his body. He was
infected with the zombie virus until he was scratched by the nails of the zombies, and the
zombie virus degenerated into the original virus under the joint action of the practice
method and the Lingquan water After contact with human DNA, it automatically turns into
a virulence virus, so it is less than four months before his genes are transformed by the
virulence virus.
Ability will definitely be there, do n’t worry, everyone remember to collect the URL or
remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update No anti-theft no anti-theft error report
for seeking books and chatting with friends, please add qq group 647377658 group

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 193:

Settings saved..
On August 12, 2020, the Jingluan Line, the first safe railway line after the end of the world,
was officially opened for operation. The super long train "Midsummer" with both
passenger and freight sirens screamed, full of nearly 100 tons of coal More than 5,000
soldiers drove all the way toward the base of Beijing.
It took nearly thirty days for everyone from Beijing to Luancheng, and it took less than
three hours to return from Luancheng to Beijing.
Xu Ge was sitting on the seat near the window. Outside the window was a protective wall
built by more than three thousand people in the engineering force for a month. A solid wall
over four meters high stood on both sides of the railroad track, extending forward along
the arc of the track. , Can't see the end at a glance.
The protective wall blocked the view, but could not block the wind coming over the wall.
The wind came from the wilderness, with the hustle and bustle of summer, with the
fragrance of plants and trees, with a free, warm, and sunny smell.
Xu Ge couldn't help closing his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm about to forget how it feels
to take the train."
"Me too," Yang Cancan sat across from a table across from her, also looking out the window,
with bright eyes in his eyes, "I think we are so amazing."
Who would have thought that in the end of the increasingly difficult survival, more than a
year after the outbreak of the virus, and the number of zombies everywhere and the
number of zombies far exceeded that of humans, they actually opened up a high speed of
up to 100 kilometers The channel closely links the two security bases of Beijing and
Wu Miao sat down next to Xu Ge. "To be honest, before participating in this mission, I felt
that the entire Dachangjing project was like ascending to the sky, but now it feels like it is
not too difficult to ascend to the sky."
"It will be better" Yang Cancan is full of enthusiasm. This is just the beginning. When the
Dachangjing project is completed in the future, the whole country will be fully connected
from south to north and west to east. Then it will be spectacular to wait. We can recover
everything, what the railway is, and the satellite rockets of the high-speed railway, all come
as they are, go wherever you want, eat whatever you want, call whoever you want to call,
No more zombies, more abilities, good days are ahead "
The protective wall outside the window quickly retreated, and the train was moving fast
with loads of materials. The three girls smiled at each other and clasped their hands
Shen Shi'an's seat is next to the trio. At this time, he was sitting sideways on the seat and
looking out of the window, half of his body leaned against the back of the chair, and half of
his body leaned against Shen Xun.
The sunlight that penetrated through the window outlined a layer of light gold on his face.
Liu Fangzhou looked up, and the four characters "beauty like jade" popped up in his mind.
The teenager looked so enthralled, accidentally stared at Shen Xun next to him, and
suddenly woke up with a trembling motion, and quickly focused his attention on Chen Nan
again. "Cough, Nange, can't it work?"
Chen Nan held the Devil Cane in his left hand and a second-level wood-based crystal
nucleus in his right hand. He shook his head and said, "No, I tried it for several days. No
matter what I did, there was no way for the Devil Cane to merge with the crystal nucleus.
Not to mention letting it absorb energy independently from the crystal nucleus. "
Xiong Manshan leaned over from the other row of seats behind him, raised his hand and
flicked at the radish-like willow spirit, "So what did this thing do?"
After being tied for two days by the devil vine, the willow spirit was completely neglected,
and did n’t move much. Chen Nan was afraid that it would die. He found a flower pot and
planted it in it. Now it seems to be more energetic, and the long wicker and the green husks
like a radish are dripping down and gently swaying. It looks pocket-sized and harmless,
and I can't imagine the dozens of abilities He almost shook the heroic posture of vomiting
Was bounced by Xiong Manshan for no reason, Liu Shujing seemed a little unhappy, one of
the wicker suddenly rose, and he wanted to smoke him when he got up, but unfortunately
the wicker just went out of the pot and bound to another root outside the pot The Devil's
Vine pulled out eight branches violently, binding the five main branches of willow essence
like a snake to the bundle and tightening it tightly. The wicker that crossed the border
acted once, and it was collected again.
Xiong Manshan couldn't help but gloating, and he touched Jiamu's head twice with his
courage. "It's still our Jiamu, it's a 24-hour real-time monitoring, just the killer of this carrot
Chen Nan put away the crystal nucleus and rubbed it on Jiamu "OK, let go of it."
Jiamu rubbed the palm of his hand, and the eight branches that bound the willow essence
were quickly withdrawn. The devil vine continued to wrap quietly around the flower pot,
as if it was just a humble ornament.
Shen Xun was originally devoted to playing with Shen Shi'an's finger. He heard the
movement and glanced up at him, thinking to Shen Shian after a moment, "Do you still have
some pour water on me?"
Shen Shian took out a bottle of spirit spring water and poured half a glass into a small wine
Just after the cap was unscrewed, I ate a deflated, scratchy willow spirit at the devil ’s vine.
It was like a cat who heard the torn snack bag, all the wicker sticks upright The willow
leaves are like a compass, all pointing to the location of the Lingquan water.
Shen Xun picked up the wine glass and moved it twice outside the pot, and all the wickers
immediately swayed together, and even the willow leaves changed their direction in real
Liu Fangzhou's eyes shined, and he quickly raised his arm. "I, I, I, I am looking for a team,
and I want to try it."
Shen Xun handed him the wine glass, and Liu Fangzhou immediately went up, down, left,
right, left, and led Liu Shujing to a botanical passion dis.
Yang Cancan and others all came together, "Ha ha ha ha, so cute, just like teasing a dog."
After glancing at Shen Xun, he quickly added, "I didn't mean the dog is bad."
Waiting for everyone to play the willow fine tuning in turn, Chen Nan asked "Find the team,
do you want to feed it"
Liu Shujing immediately shook the leaves full of noise, Shen Xun stared at it and pinched
the wine glass at his fingertips twice, and then turned his hand to Jiamu's mouth, "It's for
Jiamu's eyes were suddenly bright, and the Devil's Vine pulled out a thin slender strip. He
kissed Shen Xun with a bow in his hand, and then a few sips cleaned the Lingquan water.
Liu Shujing didn't seem to have responded to what had happened yet. The full-blown
willow twitched in the direction of Shen Xun, and then twirled in the direction of Jiamu.
Suddenly, all of them were put down and wrapped themselves tightly.
Xiong Manshan commented, "It is autistic."
With willow essence as a regulator, time passed quickly.
When the "Midsummer" train finally arrived at the base railway station in Beijing, it was
greeted by the crowd and the deafening cheers of it and more than 5,000 task participants.
Excited people held up various flags and surrounded the platform. If there were no soldiers
to maintain order at the scene, it is estimated that they would throw each triumphant
soldier high up and carry them out one by one.
Shen Shi'an was kept in his arms by Shen Xun and walked out of the train station. He was
about to get on the bus. Some kind of sight like a man's back suddenly seemed to make him
sweat upright and immediately tightened his body.
It seemed as if someone was hiding in the dark and snooping unscrupulously.
He turned back suddenly, his five senses expanded to the limit, and scanned his sight
carefully, but his eyes were all flying flags and cheering crowds, and there was no unusual
Shen Xun noticed his strange "what's wrong"
"It's okay." Shen Shi'an swept it twice before taking back his gaze. "Maybe I was wrong."
Taoyuan drove, and the crowd was also dense near the station, so the speed was very slow.
Liu Fangzhou sat in the co-pilot and stared at the pedestrian on the road for a while, then
suddenly said, "Hey, is the identity bracelet at the base starting to change?"
"No, where did you see it?"
"Well," Liu Fangzhou pointed to the pedestrian's wrist. "Look, many people are different
from what we wear."
Shen Shian turned his eyes away from the window in the direction he pointed to. It was
indeed different. The identity bracelet of the Population Management Office has always
been a unified dark black, smart watch shape, and the pedestrian's wrist is silver gray, and
there is no display. The strap is smooth and flat, but more like a decorative sports
However, there are not many pedestrians wearing silver-gray wristbands. Xiong Manshan
followed the probe for less than ten days, and less than ten, and even if wearing a silver-
gray wristband on one hand, the other hand still wears a uniform black Identity bracelet.
Chen Nan speculates "what is the new trend"
Liu Fangzhou continued to observe, and soon found another "These people wearing silver
bracelets seem to be all space abilities."
Everyone is more puzzled why this is
This question was finally answered by Lin Ruan after returning to the villa.
"That's the space limitation ring developed by the Qin family," Lin Ruan explained. "You left
this month, and there were several vicious incidents in the base where space abilities
secretly stored materials during the mission. For example, there are ten The cubic storage
space is falsely reported as seven cubic meters and eight cubic meters, and the remaining
space is secretly filled with things, and I am selfish.
Because the storage space of the space abilities is only known to the abilities themselves,
and can be loaded without knowing it, so if you really want to hide things, it is really not
easy to be caught.
The few cases that were exposed this time were all because of the obviousness of their
actions. They were long noticed by the military, and they were caught on the spot through
sales channels.
Some of the arrested space abilities were scattered, some joined the organization, and
some were inside the military. The amount of money involved was not small. The most
valuable materials were hundreds of thousands of points, which had a very bad influence.
Not long after the incident was exposed, the Qin family announced the development of a
space-restricted bracelet. As long as they wear it, they cannot use space abilities. The Qin
family requires all space abilities to perform tasks must be worn. They take it down when
they are loading things, and in this way it is strictly forbidden to have the secret possession
incident happen again.
"At present, only the Qin family has implemented this policy," Lin Ruan continued. "Other
forces have also bought bracelets from the Qin family, but for the time being, there is no
party that will wear a restricted bracelet as a hard requirement to participate in the task.
After all, except for storage In addition, space abilities can also be used as a life-saving
means. "In case the zombie and the zombies collide head-on, it is too late to avoid, and they
can be directly included in the space.
Tang Song added, “Qin Bozhang has submitted a proposal to recommend wearing a
restricted bracelet as a mandatory requirement for space abilities when performing tasks.
The base has not yet voted for management, and the relevant documents are on the side of
the abilities union. Send someone to send a copy and put it in the captain's small study. "
Chen Nan frowned, looking at Shen Shi'an. "Maybe I think too much, but I always feel that
the Qin family did this thing, it seems that it was specifically for the captain."
Liu Fangzhou nodded again and again, "I have this feeling too"
"My teacher and I also took this into consideration, so I bought a restricted bracelet from
the black market," Lin Ruan handed Shen Shian a box. "If the captain is convenient, you can
try this bracelet for you. influences."
If there is no impact, then there is nothing to worry about.
Shen Shian nodded and put the box away.
After talking about the changes in the Beijing base this month, the topic quickly turned to
Shen Shi'an and others' experiences in this mission.
Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou exchanged glances and smiled, "Brother Tang, we will bring
you a surprise this time. I think you will like it."
"Oh" Tang Song pushed the glasses, "What kind of surprise"
Chen Nan put the pots planted with willow essence on the table "Come and say hello to
Liu Shujing remained motionless and died straight.
Chen Nan glanced at Jiamu, and the devil vine wrapped around the flower pot immediately
pumped \ 039 out a dozen branches, staring at the willow tree.
The willow spirit that remained motionless for the last second seemed to be hit with
chicken blood, and the drooping willow branch quickly lifted up two.
The author has something to say Thanks to readers for the "sugar shortage" tossed deep-
water torpedoes
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 194:
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When Shen Shian woke up, he met a pair of tender dark green eyes.
The owner of the eyes supported his head with one hand, staring at him for not knowing
how long he had been watching. When Shen Shian opened his eyes, he lowered his head
and pecked "morning."
Shen Shian smiled with a smile, raised his hand around his neck and kissed back "early."
"Did you sleep well"
This sleep was very sweet, and I didn't even make a dream. I ran around for a month, and it
was still the most relaxing at home.
Of course, several mutual aids before going to sleep also played a very good role in helping
It was still early, and the bedroom they chose after moving to the third floor had floor-to-
ceiling windows facing east and south. The first daylight in the morning slipped in through
the gap between the curtains, which just fell on the foot of the bed, so soft and just right.
Shen Xun leaned over and pressed halfway against Shen Shi'an, holding his fingers to play
He likes Shen Shi'an's hands, his slender white net bones are distinct, and he can clearly see
the thin blood vessels under the skin when he shines against the sun, just like the fine jade
that has been warm for many years.
This hand can be extremely hard when holding the hilt, and the sword can be taken directly
from the enemy's first level. It can be very soft when holding other things. The palm is
smooth and the fingertips are hot. .
The temperature is high, and the two of them didn't wear clothes when they slept, and only
covered a thin blanket at will, so the physical changes and reactions were immediately felt.
Shen Shian's face was hot, and he reached for his ear. "You're thinking about something
again, don't think about it."
Shen Xun clasped his hands and pressed it on the bed. The tip of his hot tongue moved all
the way from Shen Shian's lips to his ears, and then sucked hard with the earlobe a few
times. The white and tender small things were sucked red and congested, lining the half of
the pillow Black hair, more and more bright.
"You know what I'm thinking about," the man's voice was hoarse, and his breath was
sprayed on Shen Shi'an's ear. "You are thinking too."
After talking, the tongue continued to go down, and the dark gray thin blanket was soon
pulled to Shen Shian's waist.
"Xun Xun, don't" Shen Shi'an's face became more and more red, his neck raised high, and
suddenly he groaned, and his distinct fingers gripped the edge of the bed.
When the two men finished washing and walked downstairs, Chen Nan and others were
eating in the restaurant.
Lin Ruan turned his head to say hello, and asked Shen Shian, "Is that the captain of the
space-restricted bracelet have you tried it? Has it affected you?"
"Relax, no effect."
He tried it with Shen Xun five or six times last night, and he was sure that even if he was
wearing a restricted bracelet, he would still be able to collect and take things in and out of
the space freely, regardless of whether the Qin family made this out for him, but his ability
If it is a normal space ability, it is obviously a wrong calculation.
Everyone was relieved when they heard it, and it didn't matter. Whatever the Qin family
wanted to do was doomed.
Liu Fangzhou leaned over and poured a glass of strawberry juice to Shen Shian. "Captain,
are all the branches we cut from the willow tree spirit still in your space and give me two
All the willow branches picked up at that time were properly stored on the second floor of
the bamboo building, and Shen Shian took out a small bundle and gave it to him "what is
this for"
"Let Nange spawn," Liu Fangzhou carefully packed the willow branches, and rushed. "Let's
see if the spawned will also be a hitting willow. If we can hit people, we plant a circle along
the outside of the base wall. , No need to be patrolled, who will beat anyone "
More energetic
His proposal was quite interesting, so after the meal, all core members including Tang Song
and Lin Ruan came to the artificial lake to watch Chen Nan do the experiment.
Chen Nanxuan inserted a willow branch into the soil next to a row of maple trees, and then
opened his palm against the ground. "I started, you go back a little."
The power is fully output, and the willow branches that are more than half a foot long
quickly take root and the longer the bar grows, the longer and soon, a thick willow tree
with a height of more than five meters and surrounded by lush foliage has been formed.
The breeze was blowing, and the pendulous willows wobbled slowly, and it looked pretty.
Liu Fangzhou walked over carefully. The detective picked two leaves, grabbed the wicker
and pulled it twice, and finally walked to the tree and kicked his feet. "No response." It is an
ordinary willow tree that does not hit people at all.
Tao Yuan and others also stepped forward and tried it in turn. Xu Ge, at the encouragement
of Xiong Manshan, also condensed a small flame to burn on the willow tree, but no matter
how everyone provoked provocation, the willow tree did not react.
It's so ordinary that it can't be ordinary, and it can't be normal.
Liu Fangzhou was a bit disappointed by the flower pots planting willow essence. "Well, I
thought we could cultivate a team of beating Liu."
It seems that he thinks too much. But yes, it would be magical to have such a willow tree,
and it would be magical to have a few more.
Shen Xun kept talking, and suddenly said to Liu Fangzhou, "You brought it over."
Liu Fangzhou immediately presented Liu Shujing's hands with "what did Xun Ge have to
Shen Xun took a bottle of spirit spring water from Shen Shi'an, unscrewed the cap and
poured a small cap, shook at the willow spirit "Want to drink?"
The willow spirit raised its head full of leaves than a huge "yes" thought
Shen Xun lifted his chin towards the willow tree on the edge of the artificial lake. "Prove
your ability. If I am satisfied, this bottle of water is yours."
Shen Xun's words just fell, and a big willow tree that was blowing in the wind by the lake
and looked like a good old year suddenly seemed to drink too much inferior fake wine,
throwing branches and starting to swing wildly. The crackling sounded, and in a blink of an
eye, the nearest maple was pumped into pieces all over the ground.
Everyone ""
Lying trough
The willow tree twitched twice in the flower pot, carefully whipped out a wicker and
pointed to the bottle cap in Shen Xun's hand
I'm done and want to drink water.
Shen Xun snorted and poured the little cover spring water at its root.
The willow spirit is full of excitement, and the leaves are stretched out at a speed visible to
the naked eye, and become more verdant and green.
Xiong Manshan and others have all rushed over. "How can it be done in the trough? Can it
still control the part that is cut from himself?"
"How much time and space can be controlled?"
"If all the cut willow branches can control it, wouldn't we have made it?"
"This **** thing is already a group control skill."
At the same time, there were too many questions, Shen Shian simply stopped, and asked
himself, "How many willows can you control at the same time"?
Liu Shujing lifted a handful of wicker first, then pointed to the bottle of spirit spring in Shen
Xun's hand, and raised a large handful again.
The meaning is obvious, as long as there is more water, everything is easy to say.
Jia Mu, who was backed by Chen Nan on his chest, couldn't see it. The eight vine branches
quickly stretched to tie the willow essence into strong and firm. Shen Shian looked at it and
said, "I need a specific number."
The willow tree trembles, and two wicker sticks out of the gap of the devil's vine compare
Xu Ge was surprised "Is this still a willow tree, and its IQ is too high." Almost all can
communicate with humans without barriers.
Shen Shian asked Lin Ruan and Tang Song, "Did you not sample it last night to check it? Did
you find anything?" Why even the devil vine that has been transformed by Lingquan can't
absorb the crystal nucleus, but this willow tree can be
Lin Ruan shook his head "Its genetic composition is no different from that of ordinary
willows, so the assumption that Ark proposed that it is a fusion of human DNA so that
special evolution is produced does not hold. To be honest, we do n’t understand why this
willow is so unique. different."
Tang Song has long taken Liu Shujing from the Ark. Taking advantage of other people's
discussion, he has tried to communicate with Liu Shujing in the fifth language. It is
incredible that no matter which one he uses, The willow spirit can be precise to the
meaning he wants to express and respond accordingly.
Liu Fangzhou felt that his eyes were a little scary. "Well, Brother Tang, I'll take it."
Looking at his expression at this moment, it seems that it is possible to swallow the willow
essence all the time.
Tao Yuan guessed, "If the willow essence is so special and it has nothing to do with it, then
the key point is whether there is a person in the base on the crystal nucleus in his body
who can communicate with the mutant animal, if this The original owner of the crystal
nucleus, the other party ’s ability is to fuse his own strength with the plant and be able to
communicate with the plant. "
In this way, it is not the willow essence that actively absorbs the crystal nucleus, but the
crystal nucleus is actively absorbed, and part of the ability is transferred to the willow
during the absorption process.
"It's possible" Lin Ruan's eyes lit up. "This can explain why the willow spirit can ignore our
language and understand our words. After all, I really want to say that the language of
communication between different animals and different plants is completely different. "
Tang Song's eyes grew fiercer, staring directly at the roots of the willow essence, where the
crystal nuclei were.
The willow tree shook twice, and Chen Nan hurried over to hide the flower pot behind him.
"This crystal nucleus is handed over to the willow tree spirit for great use, or do n’t dig."
Even if it is dug out, the crystal core is so hard, there is no way to slice and sample it.
Tang Song thought of this too, pushed his glasses, and sighed regretfully.
Under the intimidation of Jiamu and the Devil's Vine and the temptation of the spirit spring,
Liu Jingjing became more and more tamed, and Liu Fangzhou also got his wish, planting ten
thick and thick beating willows outside the fence of the base area. Once someone tries to
cross the wall, he can immediately let him experience a crazy dis.
After a short two-day break, the team members returned to normal life again, and under
the leadership of Shen Xun performed various tasks with super high efficiency.
This morning, the core team members gathered in the restaurant for dinner as usual, and
exchanged the results of the previous day's tasks and the work plan of the day.
Xiong Manshan counted again, "Hey, we seem to have exactly half of us going out today."
The production materials of pheromone are almost used up, so he and Chen Nan are going
to lead a team to gather a group of zombies outside the base. Xu Ge is going to take Tong
Tong with him to update the power level identification. Tao Yuan is invited to go to the
base clinic Communication about healing powers.
Shen Xun will lead the team to perform a specially commissioned task.
The mission is issued by the Huang family. The Huang family's treatment department
abilities are relatively the least among the four major families, so the demand for medicines
is very high. Due to the insufficient supply of raw materials for Western medicine under the
current circumstances, the high price hired a sharp edge to f city A medicinal planting base
in the suburb collects medicinal seedlings and medicinal species.
The mission location is not far from the capital. If it is successful, you will be able to come
back that evening.
After the meal, after eating the fruit, Shen Xun pressed his boyfriend on the sofa in the
cloakroom and exchanged a fierce and long farewell kiss. Then he refreshed and led the
team out.
He took a total of fifty members and drove two military trucks.
Li Runsheng's driving skills are top-notch in the sharp edge, but sitting beside Shen Xun,
even if he didn't say a word, that aura is really scary. Therefore, the nerves were tight
throughout the whole process, not even dare to breathe.
In mid-August, it was the hottest time in the north, and the sun was shining brightly on the
road, so that when a figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, Li Runsheng
stepped on the emergency brake and almost thought he had an illusion. " team leader"
Shen Shian stood in front of the truck, but his condition was very bad, covered with wounds
and blood stains, and he stumbled after walking two steps towards the truck.
"team leader"
Li Runsheng was shocked and immediately jumped out of the truck and rushed towards
Shen Shian, but there was a figure who rushed in front of him and took Shen Shian into his
Shen Shi'an pillow spit out blood in Shen Xun's arms and raised his hand to touch his face.
The string of lotus beads on his wrist rolled down, revealing a small section of dark blue
Li Runsheng was so anxious that "What happened to the captain, how could you become
like this?"
Shen Shian looked at Shen Xun's red **** eyes, "Someone is careful when attacking."
His voice was getting smaller and he could hardly hear it. Shen Xun lowered his head and
put his ears together. "What do you want to say?"
Li Runsheng saw that the captain's lips were weak, and he hadn't had time to tell what he
Shen Shi'an, who appeared to be seriously injured, suddenly smiled in a yin, his five fingers
gathered into claws, the claw tips soared, and dug hard towards Shen Xun's heart.
It ’s just that the nails were grabbed before they touched the fabric. Shen Xun did n’t seem
to be surprised at all. The other hand held the back neck of Shen Shen’an, and only heard a
click, and twisted the other person ’s head. One hundred and eighty degrees.
Just about to squeeze his head completely, a great force suddenly hit, "Shen Shian" broke
free his arm and sprang out. The head that had been screwed back looked down, and there
was a little bit of weirdness in the comic, as if it was a horror puppet show, and it started to
turn back a little bit.
The face belonging to Shen Shian peeled off like a aging wall. When the whole head turned
back to its original position, Shen Shian's face completely disappeared. The man standing
between the roads was already similar to Shen Xun. .
He Xiu smiled, his eyebrows slanted, and his dark green eyes pulled out a narrow arc. "I
haven't seen you in such a long time. Is this how my dear Al greeted the second brother?",
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 195:

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Li Runsheng and the team members who subsequently rushed off the truck didn't have
time to react to what happened, so they heard Shen Xun sneer and said, "All retreat, the
farther away from here, the better."
"Oh Al, you are protecting them." Hersius seemed a little unbelievable. He held his chin in
his hands and twisted his neck back and forth a few times. He took two steps forward
without any haste. Do n’t allow humans to appear in front of you, and hope to crush all
these insidious, cunning, ant-like things. Could it suddenly turn around or say, "
He stopped, squinted, and swept around the players. "Too much time spent with humans,
he really regarded himself as a watchdog that he could do."
Li Runsheng just caught his sight, and his hair was blown up in an instant. The bone-scaring
fear crawled up the spine like a viper. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he ran towards the
Too strong. This man is too strong. They are not opponents at all. Staying here can do
nothing but drag the back of the deputy captain. You have to step back and talk.
The two military cards quickly passed away, and He Xiu took two steps as if to chase. Shen
Xun had pulled the knife out 039 with a snap. "I didn't ask you to settle the bill, but you
took the initiative to die."
"It's because you haven't come to me all the time that the second brother has to come over
to see you." Hexiu said. "I haven't asked you yet. How did you recognize me to prepare this
surprise for you, I am I deliberately observed in secret for several days, wanting to see
what kind of human beings can captivate you, and even your dearest brother can be left
behind, "
He took off the string of lotus beads on his right wrist and hooked it around his finger
twice. "Look, I even prepared such boring props carefully, so where is the flaw, um, it's me
The voice is not sticky enough, or your eyes are not affectionate enough, I know, am I not
pretending to be incompetent enough and weak enough to stimulate your desire to
protect? "
Shen Xun's eyes were full of blood, "I haven't seen your nonsense for so long. I have lived
100,000 years and put on 100,000 faces. You can't compare An An with a hair. How did you
cut the connection, Why can't I sense you "
He Xiu did not answer the question, "You have already unsealed the seal. I accidentally hit
you so badly. I thought it would take at least a few hundred years before you can think of
who you are. Sealed the ontological spirit. So if you have any know-how or chance, you
should share it with your second brother. "
What Shen Xun hates most is his face, his eyes are completely turned into red blood, and
how do you do it?
The body that had already been tightened and charged disappeared from the original place,
and the dark Tang knife, with the murderous murderous spirit and the cold wind, slashed
towards He Xiu.
At the same time, Gao Xiaohui, who was sitting on the co-pilot of the truck, hammered a
seat fiercely. "Don't we just run like this, leaving the deputy captain alone to fight alone"
"Of course not." Li Runsheng stopped at the roadside with an emergency brake general
card and shouted, "Xinhe, if you snipe from this position, the man is not in your range"
Zhao Xinhe, who is in another military card, immediately replied, "Yes, but I need to take
Li Runsheng jumped out of the car and "all soil abilities concentrate on me"
After a few minutes, the cylindrical platform raised by the seven earth powers lifted up,
Zhao Xinhe knelt with a gun on the top of the platform, his eyes flashed with the power, and
locked the target. Pull the trigger decisively.
In the battlefield two kilometers away, the two figures collided like cannonballs. The
terrible coercion and the air wave swept out from the engagement center, and all the street
signs and trees within a few hundred meters were blasted into powder. The wind is so
turbulent that ordinary people cannot get close to half a step at all.
The battle was stalemate, but the situation was quite obvious. He Xiu was wounded all over.
His right arm was cut in half, and blood was bleeding at the fracture, while Shen Xun only
had two deep bones cut by the wind in the waist, fixed at The satellite phone on the belt
became debris, and there were not many serious injuries.
The two were fighting hard, and He Xiu suddenly grabbed his sideways and spread his left
palm. The palm of his hand was a flattened bullet. "Oh, it seems that the ants you are
protecting are trying to help. , Really touching "
Sen Han's blade swept across and cut him directly into two sections. The red blood in Shen
Xun's eyes flashed and gradually disappeared. "What the **** are you talking about?"
Hershey fell to the ground in two pieces, her limbs twitched violently. Strangely, no internal
organs slipped from the broken cavity, only a large amount of thick, almost blackened, dark
red blood spouted out. The blood seemed to flow indefinitely, and soon Hershey was
soaked in, and together with the lower half of the amputated body that suddenly turned
into blood, he quickly went into the ground and disappeared.
Shen Xun's brow furrowed. "You're not Hirsch, you're just a puppet," two steps forward
and stomped on his chest "said, where is the body"
Hexiu spit out two bloods and lay on the floor and smiled, "Oh my dear Al, do you only find
out now? It seems coughing, it seems that you not only lost the dignity of Gerberus, but also
lost your mind together. . "
Shen Xun continued to step down and stepped on a pair of blood holes in his chest directly.
"I will ask you again, where is the body or you are too weak to dare to show up in front of
The dark red blood gurgled out of the seven repairs of Hexiu. He struggled and blinked
twice. "I heard that in order to be a partner with the human named Shen Shi'an, you don't
even need to tell your brother his name. How does human taste? "
"court death"
A wave of invisible energy surged out, directly shaking the rest of Hershur into a blood
After the blood mist fell to the ground, Shen Xun also reached the ground, Shen Xun stood
there for a while, raised his hand to get a satellite phone, but touched an empty space. He
was shocked in his heart and turned to look in the direction of the base.
Oops, his goal is An An
Not long after Shen Xun led the team away, Lin Ruan knocked on the door of the small
study room "Captain, come to the experiment building, there is good news"
At the time of construction, the experimental building of the sharp blade was sprayed with
military-grade protective paint several times. The whole building is solid. There are
actually one layer in the ground besides the three floors above the ground, but few people
know, because few people have access rights.
Shen Shian and Lin Ruan went down the secret road hidden in the office on the second
floor all the way down to the killing room outside the entrance of the negative floor.
The steamed disinfectant was sprayed from above and around the head, blocking the line of
sight like a thick cloud. When the gas was completely dispersed, the cold white lights
belonging to the experimental institution and a deep corridor immediately came into view.
The virus research room is located at the innermost floor of the negative floor. After Shen
Shi'an passed the iris test, she opened the door and found that Professor Tang Songli and
Liu Fangzhou were inside.
Tang Song sitting in front of the console stood up, "Captain."
"Lin Ruan said there is good news"
"Well," Tang Song pushed his glasses. "For easy understanding, I will probably explain it
He speaks quickly, and the explanation is not complicated.
"Captain, you should remember that I told you that the zombie virus is too strong to
survive, and there is no medicine to kill it while ensuring normal cell activity. So the
greatest hope for developing a vaccine is to find a way to degrade the zombie virus into The
original virus. "
"We have three blood samples of the eleventh influenza patient in China, collected before
infection with the original virus, before mutated into zombies and after mutated into
zombies. Through these three blood samples, we found that the original virus was
transformed into zombies virus The process was almost completed in an instant. This
process is so short that we cannot find any reversal breakthrough until the captain you
gave those two bottles of pure spring water. "
"Spirit spring water can't directly kill the zombie virus, but it can effectively slow down the
process of the original virus mutation, which gives us more time to observe and record, and
finally found the key point to reverse the virus shape. By continuously deploying the spirit
The ratio between spring water and various virus-inactivating drugs, after countless
failures, yesterday evening, "
Tang Song gave up the position facing the microscope on the operating table, and his eyes
were astonishingly bright. "We successfully completed a reversal of the degradation
process for a zombie virus sample."
Shen Shian leaned over and pointed at the mirror lens, his heart jumped a few times, "how
long did the reversed state last"
"Ten hours, thirty-eight minutes, and nine seconds." The answer is Professor Li, whose
expression is hard to hide fatigue but full of relief. "This duration means that the possibility
of reversal failure and the original virus re-transforming into a zombie virus is very, very
low. "
Shen Shian straightened up, "What to do next"
"This is just the reversal of a single sample," Lin Ruan said. "The next thing to do is to
experiment on the complete zombie corpse. Last night, the professor was in charge of
staring at the ongoing process of reversal, and my teacher and I would be right enough A
complete dose of zombies is ready. "
He took a syringe from the biological preservation cabinet, which was filled with a tube of
transparent liquid.
There are ready-made zombies in the anatomical room across the door, and everyone is
about to push the door in. Like a small tail, Liu Fangzhou behind Professor Li suddenly
burst out, "How did the brother come back?"
Shen Shian's footsteps "you are sure"
"Okay," it's not only Xunge that the light group is dark, it's definitely not wrong.
"Only him"
"Isn't it right? Master Gu came, and the two of them happened exactly one after the other."
When Shen Shi'an rushed to the small square, he just hit Shen Xun covered with blood, and
Gu Changsheng with Shen Xun's arms propping him forward.
Gu Changsheng's face was anxious. "Brother, he was injured. I don't know what happened.
When I met him at the door, I found him like this."
Shen Xun's face was as white as paper, he couldn't hold his knees on the ground without
taking a few steps, he coughed up two more blood, and raised his arm with difficulty "An'an
I'm sorry"
Shen Shi'an was shocked, and ran to the two of them in a flash, grabbing Gu Changsheng's
arm with one hand and pushing him towards Lin Ruan and others, and kicked Shen Xun's
chest fiercely.
He used 10% of his strength on this foot, and the shattered Shen Xun's sternum was
smashed directly and kicked out. It should have been the result of heavy smashing on the
ground, but just disappeared into the air and disappeared. The voice came from behind
Shen Shian
"Once again, it's boring."
He Xiu reached out and pouted, piercing Shen Shian's heart from behind.
However, the expected picture of the other party's spitting blood and death did not appear.
Shen Shi'an's figure shook like a wave of water, and then a circle turned into nothingness.
He Xiu's expression was cold.
Shen Shian took Gu Changsheng up and back to the edge of the square. Tang Song not far
away was full of cold sweat. "Captain, the other party's mental strength is too strong. I'm
afraid I can't persist for too long."
A harsh alarm sounded throughout the sharp blade base area. Shen Shian faced Shen
Rushui and turned his head to ask Liu Fangzhou, "have you not contacted Xun Xuan yet?"
Liu Fangzhou's face was white. "No, the satellite phone has never been able to get through."
"At present, only Tao Yuan and Xu Ge are in the base. I have sent them a message. They are
rushing back." Lin Ruandao also called the police, but the guard may not be able to arrive in
time. "
Gu Changsheng also reacted wrong at this time. "This person is not Shen Xun, who is he,
and my powers can hardly work for him."
The higher the total energy of the target, the more difficult it is to imprison the opponent.
With his ability, he can rest the crowded duel field for a moment, but it is difficult to
produce an effect on the opponent. .
"Don't expose your abilities for the time being, maybe you will be needed in the end"
When Shen Shi'an's voice was not falling, Tang Song suddenly screamed and covered his
head, bleeding at the same time in his mouth and nose, staggering to the ground.
"Teacher" Lin Ruan was so angry that he drew his short knife and rushed towards He Xiu.
"Why did you kill you?"
"Lin Ruan, come back"
Shen Shi'an was frightened and drew his sword to catch up with He Xiu.
With this move, he felt as if he was hit by a high-speed locomotive head-on, his chest was
full of blood and blood, and there was a sweet smell in his throat, and the concrete floor
under his feet immediately spread inch by inch.
Unloading his feet to stabilize his body, Shen Shian hugged Lin Ruan and returned to his
original position. "Don't be close, everyone is not his opponent."
Nearly a hundred team members in the left base have been fully armed under the
leadership of Qu Shuo to the periphery of the small square. Seeing Shen Shi'an separated
from the enemy, Qu Shuo immediately ordered "fire"
All the players pulled the trigger at the same time, the sound of the gun sounded together,
and countless silver lights formed a strict firepower net and blasted toward the target's key
However, all the bullets stopped half a meter away from Hershey, seeming to freeze in the
A strong and unidentified scratched his mind, Shen Shian shouted "Come down carefully"
The words just fell, and hundreds of bullets stuck in front of He Xiu suddenly turned
around and shot back towards the players at a faster speed.
Shen Shian propped up the Aura Wall, but the Aura Wall was far from enough to protect
everyone. Fortunately, another wall blocked him and intercepted all the bullets.
Lu Xiuyuan seemed to be punched in the chest, groaning and taking two steps backwards,
cracks spread on the transparent wall covered with bullets, and soon broke into countless
Hexiu took two steps forward as if he were walking in the court. "Is there any other trick,
might as well make it together."
"All retreat" Shen Shian snorted.
"Captain" Du Qingfeng and others were anxious "We have abilities, we can stay and help"
Shen Shian clenched the hilt "All members retreat, don't let me say it again."
Hexiu stood on his back with his hands behind his back, as if he had no plans to stop it.
After all the players retreated from the small square, Shen Shian asked him "what do you
He Xiu looked at him with interest, and a huge pressure suddenly fell on Shen Shian like a
mountain. Every bone in the whole body made a sour sound under this horrible pressure,
Shen Shian's throat Yi Tian, a sickly flush on his face quickly.
Hexiu wandered over, raised his chin, and narrowed his eyes slightly. "I just want to know
what happened to Al's injury and how he recovered."
Shen Shian shook twice, and soon had to use a long sword to support his weight on the
ground "Why do you want to know"
"Don't pretend to be stupid with me, I don't have this patience." He Xiu grabbed his neck
and tightened slowly. "As long as you say everything I want to know, maybe I can let you
go, and you guys next Sheng Lu. "
Shen Shi'an was crumbling, his voice almost murmured "He is through"
"What" Hershey subconsciously approached a little "loudly."
Shen Shian's eyes were cold, and Chang Jian pulled a sword flower in his palm, and tried his
best to stab him in the heart of the other party with a thunderous and unspeakable
He Xiu immediately backed away, but he didn't know why his body suddenly settled down,
and just between the momentary pauses, his chest was cold, his sword crossed his chest,
and the blood spattered instantly.
Gu Changsheng fell softly behind a bush outside the square, with cold sweat on his
forehead, looking up to Lin Ruan, "Is it successful?"
Lin Ruan nodded, "It should be successful."
The position of the captain was exactly the center of the heart. With the power of the long
sword, it was estimated that the heart was directly smashed. No one could survive this
He Xiu staggered the sword and took two steps back, glancing down, dark red blood
flowing from the wound and mouth, "you you"
"Are you really thinking that you can kill me like this?"
There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Hexiu enjoyed the consternation on Shen
Shian's face, pulling out his long sword, and threw it to the ground with a clatter.
The flesh and blood swelled at the chest, and after just a few breaths, the blood hole left by
the long sword hole could no longer find any traces.
The sudden increase in pressure several times made Shen Shian groan with one knee and
hit the ground, and a ray of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.
"I was thinking of leaving you a whole body for Al, but since you took the initiative to find
death, then I don't have to be merciful."
He Xiu's five fingers gathered into claws, wrapped in a murderous murderous volume, and
grabbed Shen Shi'an's head fiercely.
No matter what secret you and Al Zang, as long as you are made into a puppet, it is not
necessary to spit it out
The aura mask hurriedly held up for only a few seconds and then collapsed suddenly. Shen
Shian Dantian spit out a blood in pain and waited to dodge back. The five forest cold claws
were already in front of him.
"team leader"
Just as everyone was horrified, a golden protective cover suddenly popped open, protecting
Shen Shian firmly in the center. Hershey couldn't reach it, all five fingers hit the protective
cover, and the reaction force of multiple magnification suddenly struck. Half of the arm
burst into a blood mist instantly, and even Hershey was blasted out on the concrete floor. A
shallow pit half a meter deep was hit.
As the dust cleared, He Xiu covered his chest, struggling to prop up his upper body
Shen Shi'an wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gasped twice. "Turn off your
At the same time, a huge black shadow came down from the sky with a deafening roar, and
fell steadily beside Shen Shi'an, "An An"
Shen Shian felt relieved, "I'm fine."
"Haha, hahahaha," He Xiu laughed twice, his mouth full of blood foam. "A cultivator, no
wonder, no wonder you will choose him as a partner, love is really great, rather than return
to Keos Staying with this human being, how can it be suppressed by the rules of the world?
Shen Xun stomped his head, and the blood in the emerald green eyes rolled up
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 196:
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After his head was crushed, Hersius's remaining limbs quickly turned into a pool of blood
and burrowed into the ground and disappeared.
Liu Fangzhou and others ran over "what's the case, this is the oss really got killed by us"
Shen Xun has regained his human form. He stretched his hands around Shen Shi'an's waist
to make him lean on himself, and his eyes were cold. "This is not Hershey, this is just a
puppet he sent out."
When Xiong Manshan and Chen Nan went out to collect the zombies, they led the team back
before dark. The messy little square had already been cleaned up, and the injuries of Shen
Shian and other team members had all healed.
The core team members gathered in the meeting room on the second floor again, and Lu
Xiuyuan propped up the transparent wall to seal off the entire room.
"If today is just a puppet," Tang Song asked, "Where is the body of Hershey?"
"It should still be in the magic capital." The answer was Shen Shi'an. "He sacrificed two
puppets. The purpose was to learn from my mouth to find a way to restore the injury. This
shows that his own injury must not have been recovered, otherwise, otherwise Will be so
anxious. "
What's more, Shen Xun said that if Hexiu's body came to the capital, he could immediately
sense it as long as the distance between them was less than five kilometers.
Xiong Manshan said, "Even the puppets are so strong, what kind of body is so powerful?"
Fortunately, the injury hasn't recovered yet. Mother, it's best not to recover.
Xu Ge is a little worried about "the kind of puppets, is there a limit to the number of them?
We do n’t know if there are more than these two puppets today"
"There are a number of restrictions, but there must be more than two," today nearly
repaired Hirsch's hand and hurt Shen Shi'an, and Shen Xun's face was not good-looking.
"With his character, it won't be so easy to let go, you're prepared."
Shen Shian continued: "For safety reasons, at least one person in Xun and I will stay in the
base area in the future. Don't take scattered tasks, try to ensure that the team members
Shen Xun is very dissatisfied with this arrangement. "Hirsch's goal is you. I should be by
your side anytime, anywhere."
"I have space and formation to protect myself. He can't kill me. In case he is caught by other
people as a hostage to threaten us, that's the most troublesome." Shen Shian took his hand.
"You can rest assured, I must Will pay attention to your safety. "
He also said to Chen Nan and others, “Everyone should be vigilant next, but do n’t worry
too much. Our monitoring probe has captured the appearance of Hershey. At present, the
mission center has released the city-wide wanted for him. The door will also be strictly
screened, and he lost two puppets. The body was correspondingly repulsed to a certain
extent, and he knew that the mana of the search was completely restored. However, anyone
with a little brain will not appear in a short time. "
The body does not dare to leave the magic city, and even if the puppet is 039, no matter
how strong it is, it is impossible to be able to withstand the entire base of nearly one
million abilities.
The players were relieved a little, Liu Fangzhou thought about it and asked Shen Xun,
"Since the puppets are so powerful, then you can get some out of Xun brother."
Shen Xun glanced at him "Refining puppets must use living people as raw materials. I don't
mind if you are willing to dedicate yourself."
The teenager shivered and laughed twice, "Haha, haha, then it doesn't have to be."
After the meeting, Shen Shian and Shen Xun returned to the third floor bedroom.
Shen Shian closed the door and looked up to Shen Xun, "I have one thing to ask you, Hu Xiu,
what the puppet said before he died was suppressed by the laws of the world, what does it
Shen Xun had long guessed that he would definitely ask this.
Sitting short on the sofa, he pulled Shen Shian over and sat on his lap, with two arms
around his waist. "You remember I told you that when I was born, I was so repelled by the
laws of the world, Yuan God ’s instability almost killed him. Did Brother find the fountain of
life and save me? ”
Shen Shian leaned on his chest and nodded, "Uh."
"Every world has a world law, you can understand it as a self-protection mechanism of the
world, including the security of your space. Everything that enters the space, whether it is
living or dead, you can have absolute control. Power, except me, is the exception, because
the refiners of space are not enough to create laws that can restrict Gerberus. "
Shen Shian suddenly realized that this problem had been discovered after the integration of
the exercises, and he had been unable to find the answer for a long time. It turned out that
it was because of this reason.
"On the Keos plane," Shen Xun continued. "All Cerberus has only two chances in his life to
feel the existence of the laws of the world, and only Gerberus can perceive the laws of the
world. It ’s before death. It ’s like a tacit agreement between us and the laws of the world,
telling us that we ’re here, telling us we ’re going. ”
"But this world is different. This world is specially prepared for human beings. Even those
who cultivated must have left to a certain extent. The restored Cerberus is a huge threat to
it, so In order to maintain space stability and balance of power, the world law here will
form a kind of repression for me, if it is really to be described, it is like ""
"It's like living in a cage." Shen Shian touched his face, his eyes slightly red, and suddenly
remembered the mutant prairie wolf that he auctioned from the underground. "Can't run,
can't jump, can't move freely, can't Stretching the limbs, every minute and every second
seems to be imprisoned in a limited space. "
There was a sour astringency in his nose, and Shen Shian pressed his forehead. "Why don't
you tell me?"
When insisting on going back to Keos and deciding to stay with him, why not tell him about
it and why not let him know that staying in this world means paying such a heavy price
Shen Xun rubbed his nose and his dark green eyes were close at hand. “It ’s not as serious
as you think. The laws of the world really limit my ability, but as long as I control the power
to a certain extent, I do n’t touch the warning line of the law. I do n’t even notice the
existence of restrictions at all. Even if it ’s a cage, it ’s a very special cage that is enough for
the two of us to cross the river and the sea together. "
"But if the power is not controlled well, if you accidentally exceed the warning line," Shen
Shian remembered something and suddenly sat up straight. "Cockroach tide. At that time,
you saved me hundreds of millions of mutated cockroaches to save me. Wo n’t you touch
the cordon? ”
"That time you used your own abilities. I just used a little extra help, not counting my
Shen Xun kissed his eyes. "Look, although there are rules, there are also ways to escape the
rules, and even if you can't play your full strength, no one in this world is my opponent. I
can still break He Xi. Zang Wanduan avenged his brother. "
Shen Shi'an was distressed and funny. He rubbed his face and rubbed it hard twice. After
rubbing, he looked at his eyes. "Search, promise me. From now on, there will be nothing to
hide from me, no matter the good news or the bad." News, as long as it's about you, I want
to know. "
"Okay," Shen Xunba gave a kiss on his lips. "It's sealed. I don't think I can regret it."
The two embracing each other and sitting for a while, Shen Xun said, "I do have something
to tell you, but I don't know if it is good news or bad news."
"Do you remember that I put the tracking spell on Zhong Han? I found the tracking spell
could not find him."
Shen Shian raised his head from his shoulder, "What do you mean Zhong Han is dead?"
"Either he got an isolation ability similar to Lu Xiuyuan, but I think it is unlikely."
With a population of more than 6 million in the base of the capital, this is the one that can
isolate the tracking spell.
"Did his position change before the tracking spell expired?"
"No, it's almost a thousand kilometers southwest."
Shen Shian's brow furrowed, and Xu slowly loosened it again. "If it's because of the
isolation-type abilities, he can't always isolate himself for a lifetime. You can stare at it and
tell me about any changes."
Zhong Han had better not die yet, otherwise, it would be too cheap for him.
At about the same time, a shadow covered by a cloak came out of the south gate of the base.
If Shen Shi'an was present at this time, he could see the other party holding a thin red line
with a very light color. In the night to the southwest, I don't know where the destination is.
Hirsch touched his chin, and his dark green eyes were full of interest. "Who can keep Al
using the tracking mantra to determine the location?"
It's really exciting.
At the same time, another shadow, also in a cloak, passed through the heavy guards and
walked into the Qin family mansion like no one else.
Qin Shu has n’t slept yet, she did n’t dare to sleep. It has been half a year since Shen Xun
strengthened the curse. She looks more and more like a walking skeleton. The long-term
lack of sleep makes her unable to tell whether she is awake. It was even more painful, and it
was even more painful to be tortured into a **** by Li Gui after falling asleep.
The door was suddenly pushed open and scared her, but soon, the fear turned into a
surprise "Mr. He"
He Xiuxin walked in and lifted his hand to take off the cap of the cloak. "I haven't seen it in
two years. Madam Gu doesn't look well."
Qin Shuben's chaotic thinking is even more chaotic. "You thought you were alive, I thought,
I thought you died long ago, obviously everyone else died in the past two years, why did
you come to me?"
Hexiu only answered her last question, "I'm afraid the taste of the sword and fire in the
eighteenth layer of **** is uncomfortable. If I say, I am here to help you get rid of this pain."
Qin Shu stood up, and his deep sunken eyes were scary. "You know what happened to me.
You really have a way to help me get rid of the cost of nightmares. What do you want?"
"Not what I want, but what Madam Gu wants."
He Xiu walked to the window sill and Lengyue dragged a long shadow behind him. "I know
your plan, it's very interesting, but it's a pity that it's impossible to make this plan by
yourself. Your enemy is far more than You think it ’s a lot more tricky, and if you want to
succeed, you can only add my help. "
Qin Shu's thin chin stretched tightly. "Why are you helping me."
He Xiu turned around, his lips curled up, and his long and narrow eyes were full of gloom
and chill "Because our goals are exactly the same, that is."
"Kill Shen Shian."
Due to the sudden visit of the puppet Hershey, she was forced to stop. Until the next
morning, Shen Shian had time to go to the virus research room to continue to observe the
drug test on the zombie.
Tang Song personally injected a whole tube of medicine from the zombie temple into the
brain. The brain is the place with the highest residual activity on the zombie, which can
ensure that the medicine can be transmitted to the whole body as soon as possible.
Change begins with the eyes.
Suddenly, the two turbid and **** eyes suddenly stopped, and the gray-white spread from
the pupil, and then quickly decayed. Soon there were only two empty black holes in the
Followed by nose, cheeks, chin, neck, collarbone
In less than half a minute, the whole zombie completely turned into a rotten pool of black
blood, and the skin and muscles slid off the bone like mud. Soon, there was only a bone
skeleton and the center of the skull on the anatomical table A dazzling crystal nucleus.
In addition to Tang Song holding on to the same place, other people could not help but take
two steps back from the beginning of the decay. Liu Fangzhou covered his nose and
squinted his eyes, screaming "The trough is successful"
"Successful," Lin Ruan's face is hard to hide. "The zombies' body cells have already lost
their vitality, and it is only by the control of the zombies virus that they can have activity,
slow or even stagnate their decay rate. Once the zombies virus has completely degraded, it
conforms to the original The natural process of rapid decay is their only ending, which
shows that the vaccine is working "
"No," Tang Song pushed the frame forward, his eyes full of enthusiasm, but his expression
was extremely calm. "We want to confirm that the vaccine is effective, we are still the last
"Final experiments are also needed on living people infected with zombies."
When receiving the communication request, Lu Xiuyuan had just finished his morning
exercises. After finishing the communication, he stood there for a while, his face blank, and
no expression could be seen.
Qu Shuo came over, "Don't you go to the cafeteria to eat?"
Lu Xiuyuan looked up at him as if he had suddenly recovered, and it was rare that there
was no evil language toward him. "Captain, let me go to the experiment building."
Qu Shuo noticed his anomaly, "Is something wrong, do I need to accompany you."
"No." Lu Xiuyuan was suddenly irritable. "It has something to do with you, can't it be far
away from me?"
Just lift your feet and leave.
Lu Xiuyuan did not have the authority to enter the negative floor alone. It was Liu Fangzhou
who took him into the virus laboratory.
There were many people standing in the room. He looked around for a week and nodded to
Shen Shian. "Captain."
He also greeted Professor Li with "Professor."
Lin Ruan asked him to sit on the chair, "Are you ready for psychologically?"
"Is it \\ 039's mom's ready for it?" Lu Xiuyuan squeezed the armrest of the chair and said,
"How sure is it to succeed"
"Eight percent, we have succeeded in experiments on zombie virus samples and zombies.
Although the vaccine is still not guaranteed to be effective for living people, even if there
are any variables, the drug itself will not cause any damage to the normal human body. ,
The worst case is that you will still maintain your current state. "
"You can also choose to refuse," Shen Shian looked at him. "This is your power."
Although Rowe, who was also infected with zombies in the space, was too deep to
withstand the risk of experiment failure and was in a lethargic state, and could not give
relevant feedback, so it was not suitable as an experimental object, but the base had a large
population and was accidentally infected There are not many zombies, and it is not
particularly difficult to find another subject, but it only takes a little time.
Lu Xiuyuan gritted his teeth, pulled down the zipper of the disinfection suit, and rolled up
his sleeves to reveal the mutated right arm with bruising, black spots and bite marks.
"Come on, what are you waiting for."
Tang Song took out the second shot of the prepared vaccine and said to Lu Xiuyuan, "Due to
the special nature of the power, although your right half of the body has been mutated for a
long time, it still maintains a part of life activity, so it is very consistent with ordinary
people. In the case of the virus infection, if the vaccine is effective, the half of the body that
has been mutated should return to normal in a short time, but for safety, you should not
withdraw the power for the time being, until I am 100% sure that this normal state is
stable, do you understand"
Lu Xiuyuan nodded twice, "If the vaccine is effective, my body will return to normal, can
these scars heal?"
"It's no problem. After your cells regain their vitality, just ask Tao Yuan to help you heal
them. It's just that the structure of the eyeball is special. It is separated from other cell
tissues as an independent part and may not be able to regenerate.
"I guessed this."
"If you feel any abnormality in the middle, you can immediately feedback to me. You can
rest assured that the experiment is absolutely safe. Are you ready?"
Lu Xiuyuan took a deep breath and nodded again. Shen Shian raised his hand and held his
Everyone held their breath, Lin Ruan turned on the camera to record the experiment. Tang
Song moved smoothly, pushing a tube of medicine into the right arm blood vessel of Lu
Like the snow that has been poured into a pot of boiling water, the almost blackish purple
on the right arm faded quickly, and the bare skin exposed the white powder that healthy
skin should have. This faded quickly spread around the injection point, as if at this time
There is a silent and fierce battle under Lu Xiuyuan's skin. The pharmacy is overwhelming
and the virus is defeated.
In just half a minute, the entire right arm returned to normal. In addition to the still scary
teeth marks and scars, no trace of virus infection could be found.
Lu Xiuyuan stared at his right arm, and it took a long time before he dared to try to
clenched his fist. "I, my hand is conscious. My arm seems to be recovering."
He turned his head to look at Shen Shian, "You punch me, you punch me to make me sure
I'm not dreaming."
Shen Shian gently thumped him on the shoulder. "It's not a dream. The vaccine was
successful. You won't have to use Tang Song again in the future."
I saw Lu Xiuyuan recovering his usual arm, and suddenly a large piece of bluish purple
appeared from the position of the fingertip. It was once again occupied by a terrifying
Lu Xiuyuan's face was blank, and some reactions couldn't come out.
Tang Song's face sank like water, and he quickly drew a little blood from his right arm onto
the virus test paper passed by Professor Li. The black blood only touched the white test
Lin Ruan frowned, "Will it be that the dose of the drug is not enough" Lu Xiuyuan has only
half of his body infected with the virus, so they are injected according to half the dose of
normal people. If they are infected, the required dose must be considered. Overall
A hint of hope broke out in Tang Song's eyes "We will try again"
The two men re-prepared the medicine at the fastest speed and injected the body of Lu
Xiuyuan for the second time. Under the eyes of everyone's anxious and hopeful, the blue
and purple quickly faded, but only a few tens of seconds, then swept again.
Tang Songru was hit hard, and his face quickly turned white. "How could it be, why did it
degenerate, and then reversed it so that the state in the experiment can continue? What did
I miss? What did I miss?"
Lu Xiuyuan's face was whiter than him.
Sitting on a chair and looking down at his terrifying right arm.
Professor Li sighed and came over to support his shoulder "Xiu Yuan"
"It's okay," Lu Xiuyuan stood up suddenly, "I'll go if it's okay."
"Lu Ge"
Liu Fangzhou wanted to chase and was stopped by Shen Shian. "Don't go, let him be alone."
As soon as Lu Xiuyuan walked out of the experiment building, he saw the ditch waiting
under the camphor tree outside the door.
A nameless anger suddenly erupted, and the left eye covered by the broken hair was
quickly flooded with shadows until it disappeared. Qu Shuo walked two steps forward and
just said the word "you", and he was full of anger Hit his face heavily.
He staggered back two steps, blood dripping from his mouth and nose.
Lu Xiuyuan didn't give him any reaction time, and immediately punched his second punch.
He played unruly, like the extreme pain and resentment accumulated in the catharsis heart.
The pain and resentment were so deep that even the poison that had turned into despair
had poured into the limbs.
Qu Shuo just started to block a few times, and then he didn't cover up or fight back, letting
him punch and greet himself in the flesh.
At this point, most of the team members were eating in the cafeteria. No one passed by in
front of the experiment building. Under the camphor tree Ye Ruhua covered, there was only
one sound that was hit by the fist.
Lu Xiuyuan couldn't remember how many times he played and how long he played, only
knowing that in the end the whole left arm was sore and unbearable, he couldn't even lift it
up. I took it in my arms.
Hot tears poured into Qu Shuo's neck from the young man's chin. He held Lu Xiuyuan and
sat on the ground, letting him cry silently, letting him punch and kick.
"I'm sorry." He said, his swollen eyes were covered with blood and he couldn't see
anything, and his almost dislocated jaw was slurred.
So he hugged Lu Xiuyuan and said "Sorry."
The failure of vaccine development is a heavy blow to everyone. But the bad news doesn't
stop at this one.
Two weeks later, at noon on August 30, Shen Shian had just finished his official duties and
received a call from Gu Changsheng.
"Brother, the big thing is not good," Gu Changsheng's voice was anxious and dignified.
"Someone found a hundred graves in the abandoned village outside the base."
"Everything is buried inside.", Everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 197:

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The village where Bairenzuo was found is located northwest of the base of the capital,
about 50 kilometers away from the base, and the location is very remote.
After receiving the alarm call, the military immediately dispatched an investigation team to
the incident site and sealed the entire village tightly, prohibiting any unrelated personnel
from entering, but the discussion posts about the Bairenzuo have already occupied all the
hot spots on the base forum The entry spewed out explosively.
"Someone went to the scene to watch it? I heard that more than two hundred bodies have
been dug up."
"It's almost four hundred, even more than two hundred. The whole village is full of corpses,
layer by layer."
"Grass, aren't we all recorded in and out of the city gate? No one has been able to find so
many people who have died"
"Upstairs, how many people in the base go out to do tasks every day and how many people
can't come back at all. Do you have no idea at all? Don't say anything, there are more than a
dozen gold panning teams missing in the absolute death zone in April I did n’t find the
whereabouts. Who knows if it was buried in the Hundred People Tomb. "
"Who did it? I heard that all corpses were either cut off from their heads, or they were dug
out of a hole in the back of the head, really fake"
"Really, I have photos and uploaded them."
"Lying trough"
"This is a psychopath, kill if you kill. Why do you have to dig a hole in your brain?"
"I heard that all those who died were abilities."
"It won't be what I thought it would be"
"Grass, I'm so scared."
"Is everyone thinking about one thing?"
"Damn it, there is definitely something in the mind of the power person"
Waiting for Liu Fangzhou to read the last reply of one of the posts, the forum page flashed a
few times and suddenly came back out. When I tried to log in, I always reminded that I have
no permission to operate. The page is blank and I ca n’t brush out anything. .
He swiped **** the computer twice, "After finishing the ball, my account can't log in."
Chen Nan tried his own "I am not good, it seems that the entire forum has been closed."
"Isn't the Guan Forum at this time? Is there no silver three hundred and two here?" Xiong
Manshan said, "Those who didn't think about it now have to think about it. It's different
from announcing directly which decision was made by the iron-familiar. "
Lin Ruan shook his head. "It doesn't matter. If you let public opinion further ferment, it will
only make the situation more difficult to control. This is also no way."
Shen Shi'an looked dignified. "Stop receiving the task immediately. If you haven't
completed the direct refund, call back all the team members. Starting today, no one can
leave the base for half a step without my consent."
He and Shen Xun looked at each other, and then looked at their teammates, breathing
heavily. "Next, be prepared to deal with all developments."
The investigation of the entire case is not difficult. All the abilities to enter and leave the
base are recorded and archived. The criminal investigation team has determined the
identity of a total of 403 victims based on the identity bracelet, fingerprints, appearance,
DNA and other information. , And recalled the travel records of all the victims who left the
base for the last time, cross-contrasted these records, and screened out the list of people
who left the base at the same time period as all the victims. After only two days, the
suspected target was locked in An ordinary survivor's settlement in the southeast area of
the outer city
Minqiang District.
In order not to catch the grass and startle the snake, and reduce the momentum as much as
possible, the military chose to go to the community to capture after nightfall. However,
because the population density in the outer urban areas is too high, and the residents are
too concentrated, seven or eight military trucks and two teams of special policemen with
live ammunition still attract a lot of attention.
Although the al-Qaeda forum was closed, the network was still unblocked. With the news
spreading in tens and hundreds, many survivors started to gather around the Minqiang
The civilians living in the Minqiang community are ordinary people, and the military has
sent more than 100 armed special police officers, nearly half of whom are abilities. This
should have been a simple arrest operation.
At this time no one could have expected that such an arrest operation would turn into an
unprecedented catastrophe for survivors.
Many years later, when the end of the century was completely over, historians named this
"Minqiang Incident" when reviewing this history, and in the mouth of minstrels and literary
creators, this night was also called "Fire Phoenix" "Night" or "Angel Chaos".
When the time was pulled back that night, as more than 100 SWAT team members
gathered around the target residential building in a siege, a circle of more than 30 meters
high fire wall suddenly evacuated and wrapped the entire residential building firmly.
At the same time, a figure with a halo above his head and wings on his back was projected
into the mid-air of the roof of the residential building. , You can hear clearly even a few
miles away
"All our fellow comrades are just like us, only because they have not evolved abilities, they
are oppressed and bullied, and they can only squeeze ordinary people in the outer city to
"Since the outbreak of the virus and the opening of the last days, the abilities claim to be
superior, self-proclaimed is a naturally selected superior group, domineering us, bullying
us, exploiting us, never seeing us directly, when we are bleeding and sweating in the factory
When we work hard, when we shrink into slums and endure hunger and cold, they are
enjoying the best protection and the best treatment in the inner city, wantonly squandering
and indulging in pleasure, do they care about ordinary people not in their eyes, We are just
a group of ants who only deserve to serve as slaves "
"But this situation has been changed. Fellow compatriots, comrades-in-arms, suffering
ordinary people, listen to them. Like zombies, abilities have crystal nuclei in their brains. As
long as they absorb their crystal nuclei, we can become The abilities stand up, fight bravely,
the time to rewrite fate is no longer enslaved, no more oppressed, struggling for freedom
and dignity, seeking the guidance of angels, and moving towards eternal light. "
The last word is still unresolved. Hundreds of shiny crystal nuclei blasted from the roof of
the residential building. These crystal nuclei crossed the fire wall and passed through the
community, drawing a dazzling arc under the night and falling into the tide. Among the
crowd of people violently surging.
At the same time, the fire wall suddenly skyrocketed, and the blazing flames burned half of
the sky, condensing into a huge flaming phoenix flying high, swallowing the entire
residential building and more than one hundred special policemen near the residential
When Shen Shi’an led the team, it was the time when the riots were the most intense and
severe. Hundreds of crystal nuclei thrown from the top of the building triggered a large-
scale robbery. The abilities and abilities, the abilities and ordinary people, ordinary The
fight between people and ordinary people lasted for the most part of the night, before they
were completely quelled by the joint suppression of the four major families and the power
After resolving the riot, go to Gu's house and exchange information with Mr. Gu. By the time
Shen Shi'an finally returned to the blade, the horizon was faintly bright.
Shen Xun Yima first greeted him at the door and hugged him, other members also gathered
around "how is it"
Shen Shian patted on Shen Xun's back to signal him to let go, and said to the crowd, "Go to
the meeting room."
The atmosphere in the conference room was dignified, and after Shen Shian finished
talking about the number of casualties caused by the riots, he became more dignified.
"Twenty-three of the SWAT team members died and another 75 people were seriously
injured. The injured are currently being treated at the treatment center. I asked Tao Yuan,
and he said that there was no life threatening." Shen Shian rubbed his forehead and
continued. During the riot, 211 ordinary people died, 39 abilities died, and more than 500
wounded. At least 300 crystal nuclei were thrown out, but only 17 were successfully
recovered, all the rest Nowhere to be found. "
I am afraid it has been absorbed by now.
Lin Ruan asked "Who is the one who projects in the air and gives a speech"
"His name is Zhu Liang. According to the registration information of the Population Center,
he was an ordinary survivor who entered the base in August last year. The Bairenzuo
investigation team locked a total of 13 suspects this time, and he was one of them." Shen
Shi settled down. He said, "The 13 people all live in one building."
Chen Nan threw a punch on the table fiercely, "Zhong Han is definitely him. This matter is
absolutely inseparable from him."
After Xie Yang helped them investigate, Zhong Han entered the base and realized that Shen
Shi'an's status was unusual. He stayed in the Minqiang community for nearly two days, but
there was no monitoring probe in the community, so there was no way to confirm which
building he went to. Who has Lou contacted.
Now it seems that these 13 people should be the dark pile tumor he buried.
Shen Shian nodded. "According to the autopsy report of more than 400 bodies in the Tomb
of a Mass, the earliest victim was killed at the end of September last year, shortly after
Zhong Han left the base."
"It seems that the thirteen people were brainwashed by him," Liu Fangzhou gritted his
teeth. "Even the projection must be deliberately applied to his halo and wings, and he is
also looking for the angel to go to the light. I **** his bitch."
"Why is it now?" Tang Song's fingers tapped on the table a few times, and under his eyes,
after a few consecutive nights in the experiment building, a dark black surface appeared,
but it did not affect the rapid operation of thinking. "The location of Bairenzuo Very hidden,
there are neither zombies nor supplies, even if you pass by unexpectedly, it is unlikely that
you will suddenly want to dig the ground for three feet. In fact, it can successfully hide for
nearly a year, and murdered more than 400 abilities but was not found. , Guarding
hundreds of abilities of the crystal nuclei, but can not resist all absorption, it has been
shown that these 13 people are not a group of people, they are organized, disciplined, and
have super execution ability, acting concealed style Rigorous, if so, why it happened to be
exposed now "
Shen Shian shook his head, "I don't know."
But there was a growing unpredictability in his heart.
Hercules' appearance, tracking the failure of the curse, the discovery of the One Hundred
Tombs and the exposure of the crystal nuclei of the powers
All this made him feel as if someone was secretly weaving a celestial net, and he and many
people were in the center of the net. But he did not know where the net would fall, or when
the net would fall, and he could only passively wait for it to be tightened a little until all the
targets were captured.
By that time, I am afraid that either the fish died or the net was broken.
The riots caused by Zhu Liang ’s speech, and the impact of the riots, were disastrous and
After the military killed more than 20 violent attackers in public by thunder, the inside of
the base entered a stalemate and peaceful state, but no one dared to go outside the base, no
one dared to leave the communication network and the surveillance probe. In terms of
scope, no one dares to give the back to other people, regardless of whether the other
person is an ordinary person or a power person.
In the bustling mission center of the past, even if there were few cars on the road during
the day, no one dared to come out at night. The whole base was quiet and quiet, like a dead
The base forum was reopened. The management released the details of the Bairenzuo
incident and the results of the investigation and made a top announcement. However, few
people responded to the post, and there were few discussants.
The nucleus of abilities that ordinary people can absorb breaks all balance and trust. The
survivors are like hedgehogs with spikes, coveting and guarding each other.
Every day the blade closed the door as soon as the sun went down, and the defensive
intensity increased several times, so when a scream broke through the silent night that
night, the core members led by Shen Shian quickly gathered outside the wall Somewhere.
Liu Fangzhou turned on the flashlight and took a photo of the man who was entangled in
the beating Liu and swayed wildly. It took a long time to recognize the "color chip"
The beautiful colorful hair of the red chip was thrown into a nest of straw by the beating
Liu, and tears flowed across his face, "Help!"
Shen Shi'an looked at the pot of willow essence in Chen Nan's arms, "OK, let him go."
Liu Shujing twisted twice, and the beating Liu immediately released the branch, only to
hear a muffled sound, and the red chip fell precisely to the front of everyone in a parabolic
I haven't had time to sort out the shifted internal organs and climbed up. One foot has
stepped on the chest. Shen Xun's dark green eyes flashed a chilling light in the night. "Say,
why turn the wall."
The breastbone creaked, and the red chip's complexion quickly suffocated the bruise. "Here
is a hero, I am here to surrender."
Shen Xun snorted and closed his feet before he was suffocated. Ten minutes later, the red
chip was sitting on the corner of the sofa in the living room of the villa, tremblingly raised
three fingers and repeated again, "I ’m really here to surrender, Captain Shen Xun clings to
my life, what do I think He can know that I dare not play any bad ideas. "
Xiong Manshan tweeted "Since it's sincere, you don't want to leave at the main entrance,
why do you have to cross the wall?"
"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I was heading towards the main entrance.
Halfway through, the willow tree outside your house's wall seemed to shake twice. I
thought I was drinking fake wine and drinking. You know, I would like to find a
confirmation in the past Confirm, it ’s gotten up before you get started. ”The red chip said
while wiping his tears.“ I ’m so scared that I ’m scared of urine. ”
Liu Fangzhou hugged Liu Shujing with a sympathetic smile.
Shen Shian said, "I thought that I would have made it very clear to you after the power
contest, and the Blade will not take you."
"I know I know," the red chip was in a hurry, and nodded again and again. "But it was the
beginning, now it is now. After the ability contest, my abilities are known to almost
everyone in the base, but I didn't join any forces. Shan Libo is helpless and helpless, how
many people are secretly staring at this crystal nucleus in my head, do you know that as
soon as I go out these days, there will be five or six people behind me, green eyes waiting
for me to leave For the base, I was really forced to do nothing, and it would be just a matter
of time before I was killed in this way. "
He looked at Shen Shi’an, “Captain Shen, I know that the way we met is not very pleasant,
and you do n’t want to see me very much, but I can only go this way by joining the Blade,
and you do n’t worry if I join other forces. Did Captain Shen Xun **** my blood, he can
guarantee that I will never do anything against you, and my ability is not weak. Last time I
solved that fourth-level zombie, did you help me a little bit? Powers, my crystal nucleus
falling into the hands of others is not good for you. Please, let me be a member of the blade.
Shen Shi'an looked at his teammates and Shen Xun. After thinking for a moment, he finally
nodded under the red-chip eye. "It is only a non-staff member for the time being. I will pass
the two-month evaluation period first."
"Hey, hey," the red chip couldn't win, and immediately stood up to salute "the captain is
good, the deputy captain is good"
Shen Shian said to Tao Yuan "Give him a place to live in the dormitory."
After Tao Yuan took the people away, Lin Ruan said, "His ability is quite good, and joining
us is also a good thing."
Xu Ge nodded and said, "It's just that his character is a little bad. Chancan said that he is
always erratic, good and bad for a while."
"It's okay, there is Brother Xun, and it must be suffocating even if it's cloudy. Even his
surname is a little annoying, we really call him red orange yellow green blue blue purple"
"Be used to him," Xiongmanshan Road "Directly called Caimao, or a golden pheasant."
Dare not to honestly pluck all the feathers.
The red chip has since settled in the sharp blade, and getting along with other players is
still in harmony, but the atmosphere in the base is still increasingly tense.
Xiao Lang has come back several times because of official business, and once specifically
told Shen Shi'an, "You have been careful recently, it is better not to leave the base, there is
rumored news, our high-powered organization leaders are all on the list of rewards. "
"Reward List"
"It's the kind of money that costs you life, to be precise is the crystal nucleus in your brain."
Xiao Lang said "I know that you are strong, but it is because of your ability that you will be
regarded as a target, how many people secretly coveted To absorb your ability. Strong
ability is not a death-free gold medal, you can know that there are too many abilities to
approach you without knowing it, and it is even more unpredictable in case someone is
around you. You have heard about the head of the dawn team. Let's go out to do the task,
and was stabbed to death by the medicine under his hands, and stabbed to death. It is not
just you who are injustice, let those people under your hand, such as Fangzhou Manshan
Road Xiuyuan, be careful, grass, you are all in trouble People are coveting great abilities. "
Originally, I wanted to tell Shen Xun again, and I thought that the person who wanted to kill
this monster might not have been born yet.
The mission center is almost at a standstill, but other departments still have to keep
running. In order to try to maintain a peaceful state, the power union has more issues than
before. On the other hand, the Dachangjing project, which has achieved results, cannot be
This morning, Shen Shian was driven by Zhao Xinjiang to Gu's house as usual.
Recently, Mr. Gu was so busy that he did n’t even have time to eat. The whole person saw
that he had lost a large circle, so after talking about the business, Shen Shian deliberately
left him two big barrels of spirit water and told him to drink every day.
Mr. Gu smiled and said, "I have something to do, I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I
have forgotten too many things recently."
"what's up"
"Half a month ago, wasn't a power person going to the Blade to attack blatantly? I watched
the surveillance video you gave me. That person, I seem to have seen it."
Shen Shian was stunned and immediately tightened his body. "Have you ever seen where
and where you have seen him do anything to you?"
"No, don't worry. It was a few years ago, at least five years ago."
This time Shen Shian was completely stunned for "five years ago"
"Yes." Mr. Gu said. "You remember, I mentioned to you a human test project called a super
soldier. It was the test that your group's young man named Lin Ruan once participated in."
"The project was extremely inhumane, and the failure rate was too high. It was called off
within a few years, but what I did n’t tell you was that the Gu family leader, my father, was
very interested in this project. , It is likely to have secretly invested in support. "
Shen Shian frowned, "what does this have to do with Hirsch"
"After the project was stopped, the two scientists who presided over the project had
frequent contacts with Gu Jia, and it seemed that a research team had been established. I
was in the cold war with Gu Jia at that time, and I was thinking of developing my own forces
outside. It ’s clear, but I occasionally met with the research team members a few times
when I came back. Among them was the man named He Xiu. ”
Shen Shian clenched his palm, "Are you sure?"
Mr. Gu nodded. "His appearance is not a type that will be easily overlooked. I will
remember it right. By the way, do you think that he and Xunxun look a bit like Xunxun to
restore his original appearance, my first time When I saw him, I felt a little familiar. I did n’t
think much at the time. I thought it was like a child. Until I saw He Xiu in the surveillance
video, it was really a match. "
As if he suddenly understood something, Mr. Gu looked at Shen Shian, "This He Xiu is also
from another world."
Shen Shian exhaled for a long time and nodded solemnly.
Until he got back in the car, Shen Shian still failed to recover from the shock caused by Mr.
Gu's words.
Shen Xun did tell him that falling into a crack in space would cause chaos in time and space.
That is to say, even if he and Hexiu both fell in at the same time, the time they came out
would be very different.
If Mr. Gu ’s memory is correct, it means that Hexiu came to this world at least three to four
years before Shen Xun and used human power to implement his plan step by step.
As for the humans who helped him, it was clear that Gu's family occupied one of the
positions. Based on the influence of Gu's family in China, it is reasonable that Hexiu would
choose it as an aid.
No wonder, it ’s no wonder that Gu ’s descendants plus branches, nearly a hundred people
up and down, except for Mr. Gu and Chang Sheng, all of them were infected with flu and
mutated into zombies. From the beginning, I never planned to obey the agreement.
Looking at these human beings driven by desire and greed, they will end up eating their
own evil, and it may be the most interesting game for Hershey.
A strong rage flooded into my heart, and a row of crimson marks was drawn out of my
palm. So when a slight tingling suddenly came from his left arm, Shen Shian didn't respond
at all.
A whole tube of medicine was pushed into the blood vessel, and the effect of the medicine
was amazingly fast. Shen Shian only felt that his sight was blurred for a while, and he could
no longer exert half of his strength.
Zhao Xinjiang was horrified when he saw the figure appearing out of thin air from the rear-
view mirror. When he pulled out his gun, he shot.
He Xiu didn't give him this opportunity. He lifted his foot and kicked gently on the back of
the chair. The entire driver's seat was twisted and deformed towards the steering wheel.
Zhao Xinjiang was squeezed in the middle, almost flattened from the chest down, mixed
with internal organs The blood of the debris immediately spewed out of his mouth and
The off-road vehicle lost control and slammed into a pillar on the side of the road. He Xiu
fixed Shen Shian in his arms in time and smiled in his narrow eyes. "Oh, I didn't expect this
ability to be so useful. I sat After seeing you in the car for so long, you haven't reacted at all.
Shen Shian exhausted all her willpower to stay awake. Her muscles twitched violently due
to the struggle between nerves and drugs. Hersius laughed again. Designed for you for
many months. "
He kicked the door and got out of the car, turned and hugged the nearly unconscious Shen
Shian, and was about to leave, but felt a little resistance.
Zhao Xinjiang turned his head, stretched out the only **** that could move, and hooked
Shen Shi'an's clothes to "release the captain"
"Huh, what a nasty thing."
He Xiu put Shen Shian back on his seat, raised his hand and held Zhao Xinjiang's head, and
turned it slightly, twisting his neck.
Then wipe off a tear in the corner of Shen Shian's eyes.
"Sleep," he said, "Wake up, this world is about to change.", Everyone remember to collect
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 198:

Settings saved..
At about the same time that Shen Shi'an was taken away by Hexiu, Liu Fangzhou rushed
down from the bedroom on the second floor with his laptop in his hand.
The crowd quickly gathered in the living room on the first floor. Liu Fangzhou put the
computer on the coffee table and opened a video.
The video is obviously a video recorded by the hidden camera. According to the shooting
angle of the video, the camera should be hidden in the photographer's chest.
The shaking of the lens and the large number of random silhouettes make the picture a bit
confusing, but the clarity is very high, everyone can clearly see how the photographer
walked through the messy battlefield, while others were not paying attention, he was cut
off from a head The zombie pulled a bright red fingernail with blood on his hand, then hid
the fingernail in his fingernails and walked towards Shen Shian standing on the bank of the
The following development has long known that with the opportunity to shake hands with
Shen Shian, the photographer used a zombie nail to cut a hole in his palm. Shen Shian was
furious and kicked on the photographer's chest, the camera was spewed out The blood on
the side was half covered, and the photographer was completely submerged by the rolling
river after a few weeks of rolling.
The video ends here, and the needle is audible in the living room.
The outrageous air from Shen Xun made everyone shudder. Tang Song first said "when was
the video uploaded"
"Five minutes ago," Liu Fangzhou was too anxious. "Now the forum has gone crazy."
Hundreds or even thousands of high-rise buildings are covered in a flash
"I'm not wrong in lying trough. Isn't this the one attacked in the video by Shen Shian, the
captain of the blade? Shen Shian is infected with the zombie virus."
"The video was not taken recently, I saw snow on the side of the road."
"I know the river next to Shen Shian in this place is the Hongsha River, where is the
absolute death zone, and the first level 4 zombie encountered in the cleanup mission of the
death zone is the one whose nails were pulled."
"I also remember that our regiment went to support. The fourth-level zombie was the grass
that Shen Shian had killed. Did n’t Shen Shian disappear for more than half a month after
the fourth-level zombie died, and later returned safely, saying he was attacked by someone
After falling into the Hongsha River, he was seriously injured and a wanted order was
issued at the base. Do you remember that the serious injury was a fake, and his mother was
infected with the zombie virus? "
"No, since he was infected with the zombie virus, it is impossible for him to survive. It has
not been mutated after half a year has passed."
"Grass, did Sharp Edge have developed a virus vaccine"
"real or fake"
"It must be fake. You don't want to think about it upstairs. Everyone sells 100 points for
each pheromone is not enough to grab. I really want to develop a vaccine and hide it. Why
do you sell a thousand points? I will be robbed, I think I have too much money and I do n’t
want to make money. "
"If the vaccine has not been developed yet, does that mean that Shen Shian is immune to
the zombie virus"
"He is the legendary patient No. 0"
"Patient Zero is not such a brother, but the video is obviously a real video. Shen Shian is
indeed still alive and well, so it is almost certain that he has a way to be immune to the
zombie virus."
"What are you waiting for? You should go to the scientific research institute to report it to
the research institute as soon as you find that you can be immunized. Let the experts take a
few tubes of blood to study it. This is a waste of time."
"Upstairs you are too naive. In other words, are you willing to be treated as a mouse?"
"That's not what I said, just to take a blood for a check, let the experts have the opportunity
to study why he can be immune, but not to dissect him, the vaccine is related to the
realization of life and death of all human beings. Are there none "
"Even if it is necessary to do some experiments on him for research needs, or really need to
dissect something, it is nothing compared to the importance of vaccines. They do n’t have a
treatment system that can regenerate even if their hands and feet are broken. Is it possible?
This means that he will not die even if he is dissected, and there will be no pain even if he is
under general anesthesia. Is it unwilling to do this sacrifice? If the vaccine can be
developed, it can save hundreds of millions. Survivor "
"Do n’t dream about brothers, people are covered in the background and protected by
relatives. How could they be willing to hurt themselves, let alone undergoing a test? It ’s
estimated that a little blood draw would be painful. Ha ha, wait and watch, now video one
Exposure, everyone knows that he is immune to the zombie virus, and others may have
disappeared again. "
Chen Nan sat in front of the computer and read the post. The more he looked, the darker his
face was. "This is not right. I think someone may be deliberately taking rhythm."
Tang Song asked Lin Ruan "Can I find the uploader's id"
Lin Ruan had already brought his computer over, flipped his fingers on the keyboard, and
shook his head a moment later. "The other party came prepared and worked hard to hide
the id. It would take at least several days to crack it."
"Well, there is still a place to check." Xiong Manshan was so angry that his biceps were
straightened. "Anyone who can come up with this video can have anyone other than Qin
Shuna's girls. This video is a strong proof that she sent someone to harm the captain, even
if I really found out that the id is blind. She must have left her alone. "
Xu Ge frowned, "Did the captain kick the sneak attacker into the Red Sand River? The other
side was not injured, and the river was in a hurry. Didn't he die like this?"
"The person should be dead, but the video was also transferred back to Qin Shu. I guess
there should be some kind of short-range wireless transmission device on or near the
Tao Yuan was puzzled. "If this is the case, it means that Qin Shu got the video as early as
April. Why did she not announce it after the captain's disappearance and return, and wait
until today to get it out"
At that time, Shen Shian was elected as one of the thirteen deputies. If it was made public at
that time, would n’t it be more shocking and would have a greater impact on the blade?
Tang Song ’s expression was serious. “I did n’t want to understand, but since the other
party chose to make the video public at this time, I ’m afraid there ’s nothing to do with it.”
Tang Song's words were still falling, and a loud noise shocked everyone. I saw Shen Xun's
complexion. He raised his hand and slammed a solid wood seat beside the sofa into red
powder. An An.
He cast a tracking spell on Shen Shian, but received no feedback.
Everyone was shocked, Liu Fangzhou immediately sent a communication request to Shen
Shi'an's bracelet, and sent dozens of them one after another, but no one was connected, and
he was too panic. What important matters, so the signal is shielded "
The phone rang suddenly, Xu Ge quickly walked over to pick it up, and when he put it
down, his face was pale. "It was from Mr. Gu. He also saw the video and asked if the captain
was there. Mr. Gu said,"
Xu Ge's voice was a little dry. "He said the captain left half an hour ago."
"Lin Ruan" Tang Song shouted.
Without his instructions, Lin Ruan has already begun to try to determine Shen Shi’an ’s
position through his identity bracelet. He has embedded a small program in the bracelets of
all the players of the Blade. As long as the opponent is within the base, he can not only track
and locate in real time, but also when necessary It can tamper with the signal and send
wrong positioning information to the monitoring system of the base.
"The captain's bracelet didn't respond, but Zhao Xinjiang's position was fixed. It was just
east of the intersection of Wenchang Road and Songhuai Road."
Shen Xun directly clamped him under his arm. The other hand grabbed the computer and
disappeared outside the door of the villa in an instant.
Xiong Manshan was fast, and the next sentence "I'll go and see" disappeared.
There are few vehicles on the road, and the off-road vehicle that hit the lamppost is still
parked on the spot and no one can find it.
Black smoke erupted from the sunken hood, and brown gasoline mixed with red blood
stains dripped all over the floor.
Zhao Xinjiang was stuck between the driver's seat and the steering wheel. His lower body
almost became a piece of minced meat. His head was twisted into a strange angle and hung
on his shoulders. His eyes were wide open, and there were still bloodshot drops from the
corner of his mouth.
The rear door was wide open and there was no one above the seat.
"Xinjiang" Xiong Manshan immediately red eyes when he saw this tragic picture.
"He's not dead yet." There was no one closer to Shen Xun within a meter of his body. Lin
Ruan retreated a little slower, almost pressed down on the ground by that horrible
coercion and could not climb.
What ’s more frightening is that the stronger the body is, the stronger the sound is, and the
more the sound cannot be heard.
"He hasn't died yet, and brought Tao Yuan over."
His neck was twisted, and he was n’t dead. Lin Ruan, who could be checking Zhao Xinjiang,
was shocked. It seemed that something in his mind had been swept past, but before he
could think about it, Xiong Manshan had already brought Tao Yuan Here comes Liu
"Father Jiang" Liu Fangzhou flew out of the car door, and the tears immediately rolled
down, and suddenly his eyes widened again. "He evolved the lying trough, and Brother
Jiang is now a power man."
The thing that Lin Ruan just scratched in his head was scratched again, but he still didn't
have time to catch it.
Tao Yuan, while outputting abilities to protect Zhao Xinjiang's still beating heart, said to
Shen, "I can save him, but he is stuck too dead now, and I can't let him regenerate and heal
in this state."
Shen Xun ordered others to retreat and put their palms on the top of the off-road vehicle.
Liu Fangzhou and others did not see exactly what he did. The whole vehicle suddenly
turned into powder and the wind scattered, Zhao Xinjiang was squeezed out of shape.
Sliding down, Tao Yuan took it straight.
After more than ten minutes, Zhao Xinjiang, who was still in a comatose state, continued to
receive Tao Yuan's treatment while lying on the bed in the experimental building. The core
team members were all gathered here. A hand that only grew up when my brother lived.
Chen Nan received a communication request, withdrew for a moment and walked in again,
looking at Shen Xundao, who was standing at the end of the bed with his hand. Still or "
Shen Xun stared at Zhao Xinjiang as if he hadn't heard what he said.
Tang Song whispered "Let them come over."
They came, presumably for the video.
When Gu Changsheng, Xiao Lang, and Li Cheng, who came with Xiao Lang, walked into the
clinic, they were shocked by Zhao Xinjiang's misfortune. Lin Ruan briefly told them about
the current situation. Anxious
"Mr. Shen is gone"
"Lao Zicao, his uncle, who did it?"
"Did you leave any clues? No one sees what is going on? How could Brother El's ability be
easily taken away"
Lin Ruan shook his head. "The monitoring probe at the incident site was damaged. The only
clue at the moment is Zhao Xinjiang."
Although Zhao Xinjiang survived, he was twisted off his neck. When the brain is deprived of
oxygen for a long time, whether he can wake up and how much he can remember after
waking up is a problem, and even more may leave irreparable neurotrauma
Before Lin Ruan was worried, he heard Zhao Xinhe exclaimed, "Brother, he woke up, my
brother, he woke up."
Shen Xun strode forward without asking. Zhao Xinjiang was struggling to sit up despite Tao
Yuan ’s obstruction, and was anxious. “Vice captain, the captain was taken away by him. It
was the one who attacked the blade last time. Man, I want to stop but not stop, he is too
strong, I have no chance to cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
"Hurry down," Tao Yuan caught his coughing blood with a towel and pressed him back.
"Don't move, your internal organs haven't regenerated."
The red light in Shen Xun's eyes is even stronger, Hexiu.
Gu Changsheng also strode over, "How did the other party get it? Didn't you have any
defense?" Even the last time, Shen Shian was able to fight back when he was repairing, and
even let the other party suffer a big loss. Why? Would be taken away so easily
"I don't know what method he used," Zhao Xinjiang coughed a few more times while lying
in bed, repeating the situation as detailed as possible. "I drove halfway, and he suddenly
appeared next to the captain, like it was a big change. Like everyone, I did n’t notice any
abnormalities with the captain before that. By the way, he said a word to the captain after
the injection of the potion. He said that this power is too useful. He has been watching the
captain in the car for a long time. , But the captain did n’t find it at all. "
The crowd hadn't responded yet. Shen Xun had turned around suddenly, and appeared in
front of Li Cheng in a blink of an eye. "Say, when did you lose the power to him."
Li Cheng was photographed by the coercion directly on the wall without moving, and his
face quickly turned blue and purple, "I don't understand"
Xiao Lang was shocked and angry, "Shen Xun, are you crazy? We are all anxious that Shi'an
is missing, but what does he have to do with Chengzi?"
Shen Xun raised his hand and directly flew Xiao Lang, who was rushing up, and then a drop
of blood was stained from Li Cheng's face cut out by the wind.
Xu Yu, the pressure was withdrawn, Li Cheng fell directly to the ground like a force, Shen
Xun's eyes were not his blood, nor his ability to lose to Hexiu.
But who else besides him has this ability, can make Hersius lurking around An'an for a long
time and still not found
The violent murderousness and anxious anger accumulated to the apex. Everyone in the
clinic felt that there was a mountain pressed against him, and even breathing became
Seeing Shen Xun going out, Tang Song opened his arms and rushed to the door to stop him,
"Where are you going?"
Shen Xun glanced at him, and his dark green eyes were completely red and **** "give up."
A layer of cold sweat oozed out of Tang Song ’s back, clenching his teeth and not moving.
“You want to find the captain, but we do n’t even know where Hexiu took the captain. The
capital base is so big, how do you find it?”
"Three feet of digging the ground, the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha." Shen Xun
wrapped a layer of black mist visible to the naked eye. "I'll say it again and let go."
"There are more than six million survivors in the base of the capital, and there are nearly
one million abilities, covering thousands of square kilometers. Can you still kill everyone
and find all the places again in case the captain is taken? What should I do outside the base?
Tang Song snorted suddenly, hitting the ground with one knee, Shen Xun looked down at
him, and the whole body was darker and darker. "An An sees you as a teammate, but I may
not. Do not think that I dare not kill you."
"Don't be impulsive" Tang Song just spit out a few words, and was lifted up by Shen Xun
clutching his neck, and there was no half of human emotion in the blood-red eyes that came
straight to him.
Tang Song has never realized as clearly as he is at this moment, it is indeed an overlord-
level beast from the power world, born cruel and cold-hearted, only because of Shen
Shi’an's existence, he willingly gathered his minions and concealed his nature. , Put on a
docile shackles and stand beside each other.
But the only person who can let him suppress the killing instinct now is unknown. Life and
death are unknown. Is there really a way to stop him and the base from going to
destruction together?
Tang Song knew he had to give it a try.
"Xun Ge"
"vice captain"
Chen Nan and others were eager to rush over, Tang Song was stopped with his eyes, he
held the hand clasped on his neck, and squeezed his voice out of his throat.
"You have to think about it. Hexiu has the invisible ability, and there are 11 million chances
to take the captain away. Why, why should I choose the one that was discovered after the
video was released today, Zhu Liang? The self-immolation of the speech caused a riot, and it
was too coincidental that the crystal nucleus of the power was exposed. "
Tang Song tried his best to look into those eyes. "Huxiu wants to destroy mankind, and you
can stop him. Only you, and thousands of survivors. Looking for the team, this is a
conspiracy, this is against you, Aiming at the sharp blade and the conspiracy of all the
survivors in the base of the capital, Hershey ’s purpose is to let you and the survivors kill
each other. The ability of the captain is best known to you, but even if he is taken away, he
will not be in danger of life. Once you have slaughtered the entire base, even if the captain
is rescued, there is no place in this world. "
In Shen Xun's eyes, the dark mans flashed rapidly, without releasing his hand, but without
further action.
Tang Song is about to make persistent efforts, and he heard Liu Fangzhou screaming,
"Lying trough, trough, trough trough, looking for brother Tang, please come and see this."
He lifted the computer to the two of them and clicked on a video.
It did n’t take long for this video to be uploaded, and it was edited together by many videos.
The protagonist is still Shen Shi’an
Shen Shi'an, who can beat a boulder with a punch in the Chujiang competition area, is as
fast as Shen Shi'an when playing against the blast team. Shen Shi'an will automatically heal
even if he is injured on the high platform of the duel field Take out enough materials to fill
more than ten warehouses, Shen Shian, Shen Shian, an absolute defense that can form an
aura cover in the tide of cockroach variation
The video is not long. On the black screen at the end, there is a line of bold and bold red
text, which looks shocking.
Captain Shen Shi’an, how many abilities there are
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 199:
Settings saved..
After the strong people's incident, the mission center was almost shut down. Pedestrians
were rarely seen on the roads in the inner city, but the industrial area in the southeast of
the outer city was not greatly affected, and there were still busy people coming and going.
Holding her unconscious Shen Shian, He Xiu walked into a food processing factory like no
one else, walked through the busy and workers and roaring machines, into a debris room
inside the factory, opened a Secret door.
The cold and glaring white light illuminates the spiral downward staircase and a wide
corridor with monitoring probes underneath the processing plant, hiding a secretly
guarded and fully equipped secret laboratory.
As soon as Hershey entered the corridor, he withdrew his invisibility. The heavily armed
patrol soldiers were not surprised at his arrival. They stood respectfully and respectfully,
and actively opened a metal door at the end of the corridor for him.
Qin Shu, who was sitting in a chair and waiting anxiously, immediately stood up, staring at
Shen Shian in his arms, shaking with excitement, "really succeeded"
He Xiu placed Shen Shian on the experimental bed that he had already prepared. "Since it is
a partner, Mrs. Gu should trust me more."
"That's natural, and I have always trusted your ability absolutely."
Seeing that Shen Shi'an was locked in the laboratory bed with handcuffs and handcuffs, Qin
Shu's deep eyes burst into amazing light. For the first time, I was fortunate enough that I
was smart enough and visionary, and I agreed to Hersius's cooperation proposal the night
Although I do n’t know how the other party learned about the existence of Bairenzuo, and
how did they persuade the 13 people in Minqiang Community to deliver a speech that was
just right, which triggered a perfect riot, but there is no doubt that, It was precisely because
of the joining of Hershey that her plan was seamless and set a mortal situation for Shen
Shi'an and his babbles.
Qin Shu looked at Shen Shi'an like fish on the anvil, and he couldn't stop seeping from the
corner of his eyebrow with a smile, and turned to ask Hexiu "When will he wake up"
"One or two days."
"so long"
Qin Shu was a little impatient. She wanted Shen Shian to suffer and suffer. She could not
survive to survive. But if the other party did n’t regain consciousness, she was so dizzy,
even if she had prepared many methods, there was nowhere to go.
He Xiu raised his eyebrows. "He is a cultivator and has aura protection. Do you think it's
easy to create a medicine that can make him instantly comatose? If the medicine is not
effective enough, it is to lead a wolf into the room. Mrs. Gu is so anxious to do what,
everyone has already In the palm of your hand, you are still afraid that he will not be able
to run until he wakes up, and naturally there will be a lot of time to remember him with
him. "
Qin Shu pressed his heart and could n’t wait. He smiled at He Xiu. “Mr. He was right, I ’m too
impatient. By the way, the Qin family”
"Relax, Qin Bozhang will completely obey your orders. Whatever you want him to do, he
will do everything. All the strength of the Qin family is now in your palm."
Qin Shu Daxi "How about Qin Xue, did you kill the wild Qin Xue?"
He Xiu's expression was cold, his narrow eyes looked at Qin Shu, and his eyes looked like
snake letters, "I am your subordinate, even the trivial things in the house should be cleaned
up by you."
Qin Shu's face was white, and he immediately lowered his head and took two steps back.
Cold sweat quickly drenched his collar.
He Xiu took his gaze back, "I have some personal affairs to deal with, and I will leave for a
day or two. You stay here and look at him. As long as you don't leave here, no one can find
your place. When he wakes up, every Inject another dose of medicine in two hours, and
then ask him what I want to know in all the ways you can think of. Remember, no means
can hurt his life, or he will be protected by his protection. Do n’t blame me for not
reminding you when the law is smashing.
"Mr. He is assured, I will not let you down." Seeing He Xiu was about to leave, Qin Shu
quickly chased a step. "You promised to help lift the curse on me, I don't know when it will
He Xiu stopped and drew a spell in midair by biting his fingertips, and slapped it into Qin
Shu's body.
"Okay, the curse has been solved, and Mrs. Gu no longer has to worry about being dragged
into the eighteenth floor of **** by the evil spirits. It's almost time, let's send the second
The blow from the second video was devastating.
The crystal nuclei of the abilities have not been exposed for long. The relationship between
the survivors is the most tense and dangerous. All the abilities are panic.
At such a point in time, Shen Shian, who had long known that he was immune to the zombie
virus but has not cooperated with vaccine research, was also guided by intentional people
to "too many types of abilities and unknown sources of abilities". In Shen Shi'an himself, the
entire blade became the target of the public.
The first wave of abilities soon gathered at the edge of the Blade, holding the banner up and
asking the Blade to explain
"Shen Shian, let Shen Shian come out and let him explain why he has so many abilities"
"The first victim of the Bairenzuo was killed at the end of September last year, just after
Shen Shian came to the base in Beijing. Is this coincidence just a coincidence?"
"If it wasn't guilty, why did Shen Shi'an never carry out the power detection base behind
the name of the strongest person, how many blood and corpses of power are hidden behind
the base"
"I thought that with the protection of Gu's family, it would be impossible for the
lawlessness to arbitrarily kill people. Today, we must seek justice for the innocent souls
who died under the sword of Shen Shian."
There are more and more demonstrators gathered around, the emotions are more and
more excited, and the shouting is getting more and more deafening
"Hand over Shen Shi'an, hand over the executioner"
"Mortal life to pay blood debt to pay back blood"
"You have the ability to dig the crystal core, you have the ability to come out"
"Don't hide inside to pretend to be a grandson, I know you are at home"
In the conference room on the second floor of the villa, Liu Fangzhou glanced at Shen Xun,
the air pressure at the other end of the long table was so extreme that no one dared to
approach, and took a sip in the direction of the shout.
The grandson who pretends to be your mother, if it were not for us to stop, Xunge had
already ate you all. A bunch of stupid things.
All the core players were sitting around the long table, and the atmosphere in the meeting
room was heavy.
Since the second video was released, an unclear fact is before everyone's eyes
He Xiu and Qin Shu joined forces.
Tang Song was right, since the discovery of Bairenzuo, everything that happened
afterwards was a huge conspiracy against Shen Shi’an, the sharp blade, and even all the
survivors of the Beijing base.
Chen Nan punched **** the table. "Isn't Hexiu's body always hidden in Modu? How did he
know the Bairenzuo, and how did he connect with the thirteen people in the Minqiang
"There is only one explanation," Lin Ruan said. "He found Zhong Han."
Whether it was forced or the two sides reached a consensus, Zhong Han told Hexiu about
the crystal nucleus of the power person, and gave him all the 13 hidden piles he had buried
in Minqiang Community to help him The conspiracy was planned together.
It can be seen that it is true that people use clusters to divide groups, but it is because these
three are mixed together.
Liu Fangzhou couldn't be angry. "This conspiracy is too vicious. This is to deliberately
buckle our **** pot from Bairenzuo on our captain."
"Even if the pot of the One Hundred People's Mound is not strictly tightened, they are
determined to make the captain carry the charge of murdering the ability to seize the
crystal core." Lin Ruan's face is not good-looking. "Not only the captain, but the muzzle of
public opinion next It may be transferred to us. "
Since Shen Shi'an's power source as the captain is unclear, it is perfectly logical for these
core members to be convicted as murderers.
Xu Ge asked, "Can you delete those two videos?"
Tao Yuan shook his head. "At this time, the deletion of the video was really no silver 302
here. The captain and the blade could not be washed even if they jumped into the Yellow
Just as everyone was angry and angry, the door of the conference room was pushed open,
and Xiong Manshan rushed in like a wind to settle in.
Lu Xiuyuan closed the door again, Tang Song looked at Xiong Manshan in the past, "What is
the situation outside?"
"Very bad," Xiong Manshan wiped his sweat and sat down to drink two glasses of water at
once. Mr. Gu personally led hundreds of soldiers to the Qin family and asked the Qin family
to hand over the captain, but Qin Bozhang bit the captain. The disappearance has nothing
to do with the Qin family. Now the two armed forces are holding their guns against each
other. I think it is possible to work directly at any time. "
"Mr. Gu is afraid to suffer a loss," Tang Song looked solemn. "The current situation is too
bad for us. We have no evidence to prove that the captain's disappearance is related to the
Qin family, and there is no way to prove that the captain is indeed missing. Even worse,
even if The Qin family now publicly declares that the captain is in their hands. With the
current public opinion, I am afraid that most of the abilities will stand on the side of the Qin
family and support the captain for the virus experiment. "
The row of bookshelves behind Shen Xun shattered directly into dust.
Liu Fangzhou, who was closest to him, carefully moved to the other side.
Tang Song again asked, "Huang family, Han family, and the power union there is any
movement over there"
"Huang family and Qin family have never worn a pair of pants. Although they haven't made
a statement on the bright side, they are concentrating on the army secretly. I wonder if they
are ready to support the Qin family at any time. Han family At present, there is no trend.
The head of the trade union of Xiao, said to help us stare, and notify us as soon as possible. "
After watching the second video, Xiao Lang hurried back to submit a proposal to the trade
union of powers, wanting to join the twelve powers organizations except the sharp blade to
put pressure on the Qin family and let the Qin family make friends. However, judging from
the current situation, the odds of passing are not optimistic.
Shen Shi'an's whereabouts are unknown, and no one dares to communicate with Shen Xun.
He may run away at any time. Xiong Manshan panicked to the point once and looked at
Tang Song "What should we do next"?
Tang Song breathed out a breath. "Wait. Waiting for Master Gu's news first."
Gu Changsheng left with Xiao Lang. Before leaving, he only left a sentence "Give me a little
time, I will definitely find out brother."
Since Hexiu is joining forces with Qin Shu, how they choose, how to arrange, and how to
arrange manpower in the place where Shen Shi'an is hiding, cannot be completely traced.
As long as the Qin family participates, he will definitely find Shen Shian's whereabouts.
"I have something to remind everyone," Lin Ruan said. "Even if the captain is rescued, this
matter is far from over, because we have no way to wash away the stigma of the captain."
How to elute There is currently no method or instrument that can distinguish the
difference between self-evolving abilities and the abilities obtained by capturing crystal
nuclei, not to mention that Shen Shi’an ’s ability is not an ability at all, even if they disclose
the identity of Shen Shian ’s true repairer , Revealing his ability is derived from exercises,
does anyone believe it is on the one hand, and more importantly, under the double
temptation of vaccines and power crystal nucleus, I am afraid that not many people are
willing to abandon this and be able to hold Shen Shian upright and slice it up Research, and
maybe even a great opportunity to obtain Shen Shian's ability.
In the same way, if the muzzle is transferred to several of them, they can't justify
The selfishness and greed of humanity have provided a just and awe-inspiring guise and
moral commanding heights, this is the most terrible place of this conspiracy.
An unprecedented pressure and powerlessness permeated everyone's mind. Tao Yuan
listened to the louder and louder screams coming from outside the gate and said the
unspoken words for Lin Ruan
"We can't stay in the base anymore."
Leaving the base is their only way out.
There are more and more powers gathered outside the blade, and even ordinary people
have joined in. The densely packed crowd encloses the entire base area tightly, even after
the sun sets, there is no sign of dispersal.
It seems that the survivors of the entire base have united unprecedentedly, and can't wait
to send Shen Shian and other executioners to the fair and just court.
After nightfall, the small hall was brightly lit. The 208 fighters of the Sharp Edge are
arranged in ten teams, all concentrated here.
Shen Xun faced the team members and stood above the rostrum. The red blood in his eyes
faded a little, but he still shuddered.
"Those who think that the captain is killing and taking the crystal core, stand up."
There was a slight commotion among more than two hundred people, and the two of them
walked to the front with their heads down.
Shen Xunju looked down at them with no emotion in his expression. "Take things away, and
get out of the base within five minutes. You are removed from the sword."
After the two left, Shen Xun continued: "Next, the Blade will become the target of all forces.
As long as you stay here, your safety cannot be guaranteed. Those who want to withdraw
from the Blade will stand up."
There was another commotion. Eighteen people came out this time.
Shen Xun was still expressionless. "Leave the base within five hours, leaving the team
uniform and the emblem."
One of them seemed to want to say something before leaving the auditorium, but after
looking at the arrogant posture of his former teammates, he said nothing and walked away
in shame.
Shen Xun looked around for a week, and followed the remaining 188 people in turn. "The
captain was framed by a conspiracy. The current whereabouts are unknown. I will rescue
him and let the principal behind the scene pay the due price. Who dares to block , Who is
my enemy, and this enemy is likely to include millions of survivors of the entire base. So I
repeat again, staying, it means to live and die with the blade, it means that you are likely to
die, If you want to quit, this is your last chance. "
Du Qingfeng raised his head and took a step forward. "My life was given by the captain. I
will die if I can save the captain."
Wu Miao also took a step forward, "and me."
Yang Cancan went out with a smile, "And me."
Then Gao Xiaohui, Li Runsheng, Zhao Xinjiang, Zhao Xinhe
One hundred and eighty-eight people, no one is behind.
"The brain has a big scar on the bowl, and the Laozi crystal nucleus is here.
"If you want to hurt the captain, you must first ask me if this gun agrees with it"
"The blade is invincible, and the direction is invincible"
"Fearless, fearless, indestructible"
"Life is a bladed person, death is a bladed ghost"
The **** slogan went straight to the sky, and Yang Cancan, headed by Shen Xun, looked at
Shen Xun, "Vice captain, what can we do, you can say it"
Shen Xun and Tang Song on the left side of the podium looked at each other for a moment,
and the red light in the eyes flickered, and finally disappeared completely.
Tang Song walked to his side and faced the players "the plan is like this"
After more than two hours, the team disbanded and Shen Xun and others left the small hall
and walked in the direction of the villa.
"Vice Captain" Zhao Xinhe Zhao Xinjiang's two brothers walked through the rows of maple
trees and caught up by the artificial lake. "Vice Captain, after rescue the captain, you will
leave the base, right?"
Tao Yuan glanced at Shen Xun and explained, "You do n’t have to worry, when the sharp
edge will be merged into the Gu family forces, there is a Gu family cover, and you can still
have a good time after this matter subsides."
"We don't mean that," Zhao Xinjiang said. "We want to leave with you."
Tao Yuan was a little surprised. "Are you sure? Looking for the team just in fact
exaggerated the risk of staying at the edge of the blade. At present, other people are
spearheaded by the captain and a few of us. As long as we leave, no one dares to treat you
under the protection of the Gu family It is the most dangerous to start with us, but to walk
with us. The people around the door, the black hands hidden behind the scenes, they
cannot let us leave so easily. I am afraid that the main firepower will be concentrated on us,
and even if we leave The base will also face endless hunting and chasing afterwards. "
"It is because of this that we want to leave with you even more." Zhao Xinjiang's eyes
reflected the lake water, clear and translucent. "My life and Xinhe are given by the captain
and the instructor Tao. The captain not only saved us, It has given us a place to settle down,
and it has allowed us to evolve abilities. We ca n’t even repay this kindness even if we are in
trouble. Xinhe ’s ability is not weak, he can help, and although I still do n’t know my ability
In the end, what role can it play, but I also want to try my best to contribute my own
strength, absolutely not to hinder you. Deputy captain, Tao instructor, let us go with you. "
"Stay on the base, there is still a shelter for somehow. As one of the largest security bases in
Beijing, the safety and abundance are incomparable in other places. Leaving the base
means hiding from the East and displaced from Tibet. , You guys really think about it "
The brothers nodded vigorously.
Tao Yuan didn't know what to say, he looked at Shen Xun, "Xun Xun"
Shen Xun stared at the two, "Are you afraid of dying"
Zhao Xinhe smiled, "Afraid, but more afraid that death is meaningless, and death is beyond
its means."
The dark green eyes did not reach the bottom of the night, Shen Xun looked at the two for a
long time, turned around and dropped a sentence "then follow."
"Yes" the excited voices of the brothers came from behind "Vice captain, we will not let you
After returning to the villa, everyone immediately started to pack up things in preparation
for the next tough battle and the future escape.
But when they reached the living room, everyone couldn't help but stop.
This is the home where they lived for a whole year. Every piece of furniture and decoration
here was laid out by their own hands. Every corner has left cheers and laughter, and every
room has their own warm memories.
During this year, through countless challenges, overcoming countless difficulties, and
expending countless blood and sweat, the blades were jointly established and developed
into what they are now, and now these must be given up.
There was an unspeakable sorrow among the people. Xu Ge squatted down and hugged the
violent and violent violence that he still didn't know, and still liked to pick people's
trousers. Liu Fangzhou turned around and secretly wiped his eyes, Xiong Manshan raised
his hand to lift him Arm in your arms "Well, don't be sad, we will come back,"
He looked at his teammates. "Let's rescue the boss first, then leave the capital safely, find a
place to settle down, and wait until there is a way to prove the innocence of the boss, we
will definitely come back."
Chen Nan nodded. "Manshan is right. We just left temporarily. This is still our home. We
will definitely come back. Take the time to pack up."
When everyone returned to the bedroom, and Lu Xiuyuan was about to walk to his room,
Shen Xun called him, "Wait a minute."
"what happened"
"When you joined the Blade, An An promised you. If you don't want to stay with the Blade
one day and want to leave, I can take back control of you. Now An An is not there, but this
promise is still valid."
Lu Xiuyuan was stunned, and then an irresistible anger came out. "What do you mean by
this? Do you think I will abandon the sharp blade at this time, abandon Shen Shi'an, and
stay out of the relationship to draw clear relationships? For so long, in your eyes I It ’s just a
villain who is selfish and greedy for life and fears death. ”
He looked around and looked at Chen Nan and others in turn, and suddenly realized, "You
all think this way. If I didn't let Shen Xun **** that blood and didn't give up absolute control,
you wouldn't even disdain." Is n’t you thinking that my efforts and contributions are just
because I ’m under control of Shen Xun as a teammate? I ’m just trying to please you.
A strong sense of humiliation broke out in the chest, and Lu Xiuyuan instantly reddened his
eyes. "Even Zhao Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang can trust you unconditionally. If you want to
leave, you can leave with me. I will eat and live with you for a year. It ’s not a desperate
battle, but it ’s not even one-tenth of a hundredth of them. Is n’t it so? Why did you let me
join the core team? Why did you let me know everything? The set of deaths to coax me to
explain earlier that someone like me who can do anything to survive, is not worthy of being
a teammate with you. It is superficial and kind to live with me under an eaves. Turn it over,
laugh, I do n’t know what to do, I do n’t have a sense of self-knowledge, laugh, I ’m
delusional and want to be a family with you, but I ’m treated as a fool, you, you. ”
Lu Xiuyuan's throat couldn't talk anymore, he wiped his eyes fiercely and turned to leave,
and was stopped by Shen Xun, "Wait a minute."
Shen Xun frowned, "I just asked you a question, I don't want to go if I don't want to go, why
are you so much nonsense."
He bit his fingertips and drew a spell in mid-air, raised his hand to shoot into Lu Xiuyuan's
body, and then drawn another seven in turn, and at the same time shot into the body of
Chen Nan and others.
"The protective effect of blood curse and the communication of consciousness are still
there, but all the control is returned to you, that is to say, I ca n’t interfere with what you
think and do from now on. If anyone has any bad thoughts, It ’s better not to be caught by
me. "
His expression and eyes were stunned at Xiuyuan Shangluo, and his brows were tighter.
"What are you still doing? You aren't going to pack up. An'an is still waiting for us. Time is
running out."
Liu Fangzhou smiled and took a picture on Lu Xiuyuan's shoulder, "Hurry up, Brother Lu,
otherwise we are faster than anyone else"
Among the people, Xu Ge, in addition to packing up his own things, also helped Tong Tong
to pack up his things.
After all the necessities had been packed, she took Tong Tong's hand and sat on the bed "to
stay at Gu's words"
"I want to walk with you" Tong Tong immediately threw herself into Xu Ge's arms and
hugged her tightly. "Don't leave me behind, I want to walk with you"
Xu Ge stunned, her eyes slightly red, rubbed Tong Tong's hair, and then kissed her on the
forehead with a smile
"Okay, let's go together."
When Xu Ge came downstairs, he happened to meet Tao Yuan. Tao Yuan said, "Mr. Gu just
called and said he would send someone over half an hour later. First, he would **** the
general logistics staff to Gu's house. Are the transfer lists confirmed?"
Xu Ge nodded. "The remaining logistics personnel are all family members of the
combatants, and they all moved together."
"I remember there seemed to be a few family members who were not combatants"
"It's not only Tian Yi and Ye Ping who are the three of them" Xu Ge said, and there was a
moment of trance in his expression. "Only Tian Yi and Ye Ping were the two of them. I
asked, and they are willing to go to Gu's house."
"That's good," Tao Yuan nodded, and didn't find anything wrong in her words. "Have your
things packed up?"
"It's almost the same as the last one."
The pot of small daisies left in the lobby was left.
With Chen Nan's power and diluted spiritual spring water, the little daisies are very
beautiful, but unfortunately the place where they were cut off has not grown back.
Xu Ge's eyes fell on the broken stem, how could it be pinched by frowning? Who pinched it?
A ray of bright light suddenly exploded in her head, Xu Ge's eyes widened suddenly, his
expression changed a bit, and he turned and ran upstairs
"I have an important thing to tell you about looking for a team", everyone remembers to
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 200:

Settings saved..
This night is destined for not many people to fall asleep.
After the army sent by Mr. Gu escorted Professor Li and other researchers and the families
of the combatants away, Liu Fangzhou knocked on the door of Xiong Manshan. "Brother, I
can't sleep."
"Come and come," Xiong Manshan gave him a place on the bed. "Let's sleep together."
Liu Fangzhou lay down, stared at the ceiling for a long time, and sighed. "I don't know
where the captain is now, what is going on."
Xiong Manshan reached out and hugged him over his back and patted on his back, "What
kind of person is our captain? It's fortunate that he's awesome. I'm sure it's all right. Keep
me up "
Liu Fangzhou reached out and pulled out two scalpels.
Xiong Manshan's neck was cold, and he subconsciously shrunk his hand back. "How come
come to sleep with a knife?"
Bring so much in the vicinity.
Liu Fangzhou touched it very cherishly. "One was sent by the captain when he first met Xun
Ge, and the other was sent just before Professor Li left. I think it ’s very solid on my body. It
feels like no matter what I encounter The problems can be solved easily. "
This turned out to be the case.
Xiong Manshan secretly let out a breath and half-jokingly said, "Ship, you will not dissect
me while I fall asleep at night"
Liu Fangzhou gave him a surprised look at "how is it possible"
Waiting for Xiongmanshan's response, he said, "I'm sure not tonight."
Lu Xiuyuan didn't fall asleep, lying on the bed with his eyes open, his thoughts didn't know
where it was, he suddenly heard someone knocking on his window glass.
After Shen Shian and Shen Xun moved to the third floor, he moved to the first floor. The
room was picked by himself. Outside the window was a camphor forest. Because it was
relatively close to the base wall, no one would usually come over. It was very quiet.
So when I saw the familiar face outside the window, I was a little surprised.
The window was opened and Qu Shuo jumped in with the window sill.
Others are tall, strong, and physically fit. They are one head taller than Lu Xiuyuan, a
sophomore science man in the medical school before the end of the world. When he stood
at the first step, he felt a bit of oppression.
Lu Xiuyuan took two steps back, lifted his chin with his hands on his chest, and the tone
was not necessarily so friendly. "Don't sleep in the middle of the night, come here to be a
Qu Shuo has long been accustomed to his nonchalant characteristics, and looked down at
his eyes. "After waiting for the captain to be rescued, will you leave the base with the
deputy captain?"
"Then otherwise" Lu Xiuyuan snorted, "I'm a core member, you think it's like you"
"I can't leave. After the captain and deputy captain have left, the remaining members need
someone to lead them and bring them all together, letting them remember their identity as
a sharp knife and wait for the two captains to return, I only stay in The base can only be
used to its fullest value. What's more, I have no abilities, and leaving you can only drag your
hind legs. "
Lu Xiuyuan's sentence "Who cares whether you stay or want to go together" has already
come to my lips. After listening to Qu Shuo's last sentence, I don't know why I swallowed it
back again.
The two were relatively speechless, the lights were not turned on in the room, and the
atmosphere gradually became awkward.
Lu Xiuyuan was not irritable, "Is there anything else, just say nothing, go away, I still have
to sleep."
Qu Shuo was silent for a long while, and suddenly stepped forward to hug Lu Xiuyuan. The
hug was extremely light, extremely short, almost touched away, and then quickly waited
for Lu Xiuyuan to react and quickly turned around and jumped out of the window sill.
Lu Xiuyuan's face burst into red, and he fell on the window sill and gritted his teeth, "Laozi
killed you"
Qu Shuo stood on the edge of the camphor wood, and there was moonlight scattered from
behind him, like a mountain.
He smiled at Lu Xiuyuan. "Then one word is settled. Be careful after leaving. I will wait for
you to come back and take my life as soon as possible."
Gu Changsheng came to the villa in the evening of the next day.
It had been more than ten hours since he last met with everyone, but he looked like he
hadn't closed his eyes in four or five days, his face was white and his lips were purple, and
his eyes were black and black.
He said to Shen, "I found Brother's whereabouts."
After hearing all the information, Tang Song asked "Does Mr. Gu know?"
Gu Changsheng nodded his head and said, "The action will start at eight tonight."
Relieve Shen Shian at all costs.
At this time the old house of Gu family, Mr. Gu just arranged all the matters, sat behind the
desk for a while, and then asked Xie Yang "how long have you been with me"
"Eighteen years."
"Eighteen years," Mr. Gu smiled. "It's almost the age of An An."
He sighed for a long time. "I'm not a good father. For so many years, I have barely fulfilled
my father's responsibilities, and the time spent with the child is very few. So, I can't let him
have an accident."
There was a bitter smile on his face. "Before the end of the world, I thought that as long as I
took control of Gu's family, I would be able to protect him and everything. After the end of
the world, I thought that as long as Gu's family became one of the four major management,
he would be safe and free. Like other people, I am worried about survival. I did n’t expect
that it was me who ultimately hurt him. "
Qin Shu, Qin Shu, Qin Shu.
Grinding the name between the teeth several times, Mr. Gu looked up and looked at Xie
Yang. "According to Chang Sheng, all the forces of the Qin family are now in the hands of
Qin Shu, and she cannot easily be Let An'an be released. This battle tonight means that Gu
Qin and the two of them will break completely and never die. Even if we win, the Gu family
might be seriously hurt, don't you plan to dissuade me? "
"If Qin Shu succeeds, the crime of murdering the ability to seize the crystal nucleus can be
placed on any person, which is the survival crisis of the Gu family and even the entire base."
Xie Yang's eyes were firm and he raised his hand. Respected a ceremony "Gu Jiajun is not
afraid of death, everything is subject to the instructions of the head"
Mr. Gu smiled, "Okay, it's hard for you, and accompany me capriciously."
It was dark before seven o'clock. The demonstrators gathered densely outside the Blade
Base were still there, and everyone had wolf-like eyes.
The base area was brightly lit, but every room was empty.
One hundred and eighty-eight armed combatants gathered quietly under one of the
surrounding walls. Lu Xiuyuan propped up the transparent wall to cover everyone, and
Tang Song gave the final tactical explanation.
"I will use illusion to open an exit among the demonstrators later. After you leave, go to
different locations according to the tasks of each group and wait for my order. Once you
receive the order, you must make the best possible chaos and attract all parties. The
attention of the forces. "
Lin Ruan added, "I have already dealt with the positioning device in your identity bracelet.
If the enemy wants to check your location through the base's monitoring system, it will
only show that you are all in the base area and have not gone anywhere. But wait until the
teacher After the instruction is given, the position signal representing us will be passed on
to you randomly. That is to say, the enemy will probably mistake you as the target. Be
careful and be prepared for everything. If necessary, throw away the bracelet and actively
indicate the members of the Gu family. Identity. "
"Any question"
Everyone shook their heads, Du Qingfeng said, "Mr. Tang, don't worry, we will try our best
to attract firepower, and the captain will give it to you."
Tang Song nodded, turned his head to look at Shen Xun's "Vice Team"
Shen Xun faced the team members. "After the rescue of the captain, we will leave the base
immediately. The return date is undecided, but we will definitely come back. Until then,
save your life, don't relax, and all matters will be arranged by Qu Shuo and Mr. Gu."
Shen Xun said to Tang Song "Get started."
Tang Song closed his eyes and stared, his abilities poured out, and he nodded afterwards,
"Okay, you can go, people outside will not find you."
"Vice captain, you are safe all the way."
"Be sure to rescue the captain"
"Waiting for you to come back soon"
After the 186 combat members quickly crossed the wall and left, Tang Song turned to look
at Tao Yuan. "It's your turn, be careful and ready."
Tao Yuan nodded and waved toward Zhao Xinjiang, Zhao Xinhe and Tong Tong behind him,
and the Tian Yi family of three.
Ye Ping and Tian Shiyao couldn't get over the wall, Tian Yi took it up first, and then was
picked up by the two Zhao family brothers outside.
Tong Tong was picked up by Xu Ge, who was tightly holding Xu Ge's hand before Zhao
Xinjiang took over.
Xu Ge kissed her on her feet "I listen to Brother Tao Yuan, I won't be okay, I promise."
Tao Yuan turned the last one on the wall, lowered his head, and Tang Song and others
stared in turn, "Come in early, I will wait for all of you to meet."
"for sure."
Everyone left one after another, passing through the ignorant demonstrators, quickly
disappearing into the night.
In addition to the eight figures on the edge of the wall, the brightly lit base of the blade has
completely become an empty city.
At 7:40, Shen Xun, who had long been anxious, finally received a message from Mr. Gu.
The red light flashed in the dark green eyes. "Let's go, find An'an."
When Shen Shian woke up, Qin Shu had just ended a sound sleep.
Disturbed by the curse, she hadn't closed her eyes for nearly two years. She was about to
forget what it was like to sleep without a nightmare.
If it wasn't for her men to report that Shen Shi'an had woken up, she would still be able to
sleep for a few days and nights.
But how could sleeping torture Shen Shian be more exciting?
Probably because she slept too long, Qin Shu felt that her head was a little dizzy, and her
forehead seemed to be a little hot, but this did not affect her excitement and joy, and she
could n’t help laughing at Shen Shian ’s eyes. Oops, when I was a sleeping beauty for almost
two days, Captain Shen was finally willing to wake up. "
Shen Shian carefully observed the surrounding environment as soon as he recovered his
This is obviously a confidential research room, and the equipment and instruments placed
around it are all high-end top-level and valuable.
The effect of the medicine that has not faded affects his five senses, and he ca n’t spread out
to collect more information, but according to the temperature here, the sense of
obstruction after the five senses penetrated the wall, and when Qin Shu just pushed the
door in, a From the perspective of the deep corridor without any windows, this research
room is most likely located somewhere underground.
She was a little unhappy about Shen Shi'an's silence and ignoring Qin Shu, so she took a
shock rod from her subordinates and unknowingly sent electricity to Shen Shi'an's neck.
The high-voltage current that quickly rushed to the limbs made Shen Shian arched high, the
neck was exposed with blue muscles, the shackles that bound his hands and feet were
stretched straight, and they collapsed together with the weakened body.
Qin Shu appreciates his painful appearance, but only feels as if it is soaked in honey. It is all
over the body and comfortable and light. "How do you like it?"
Shen Shi’an was lying on the laboratory bed wheezing heavily, and the residual medicinal
effects in his body not only affected his five senses, but also affected his ability. No matter
how many times he performed the exercises, he could n’t gather half-silver aura, his limbs
were weak and weak, as usual The shackles that could be torn off with a light pull were
indestructible at this time.
He looked up at Qin Shu, "You and He Xiu joined forces, do you know, who is he?"
"Who" Qin Shu knocked the electric stick twice in the palm of his hand, with a playful look
"probably the one who can help me catch you and let me taste the long-cherished wish for
"The Qin family unit was wanted by the people and abducted Captain Blade," Shen Shian
gasped again, his body trembling slightly. "You are not afraid of legal sanctions, I am not
afraid of my team members coming to the door."
"Hahahahaha," Qin Shu laughed a few times and told his men to put a computer in front of
Shen Shian. "It seems that Captain Shen has been sleeping too long, and he has no idea what
is happening outside. Let him see it. Including comments under the video, do n’t miss one. "
The more Shen Shi'an sees, the tighter the palms that hang on the edge of the experimental
It turned out to be the case. It turned out that this was a game since the beginning of the
Bairenzuo. It turned out that this was the meaning of Hershey's phrase "when you wake up,
the world will change greatly".
Hexiu, Qin Shu, Zhong Han.
These three guys were stunned and had a good abacus.
Qin Shu showed him not only two videos about him and the direction of public opinion, but
also after that, comments about other members of the Blade
"Shen Shi'an is definitely a murderous madman who digs the crystal nucleus of the power.
This has not been washed. Then the core members of his men who have come to Beijing
together and eat together and live together, how can it be innocent?"
"I have long wanted to say that Xiongmanshan is not a dual-line ability. The population of
the Beijing base is more than 6 million. There are only a few dual-line in total, and they only
account for one in ten people."
"There is also the therapy department's ability, who can regenerate the limbs. Have any of
you seen the treatment department's ability to be so powerful? Broken your hands and feet
or even burned the charcoal damsel all over the body can heal the grass, maybe it is fusion
How many crystal nuclei of healing powers have evolved to this point? "
"What's even more outrageous is that Lin Ruan, who claims to be just an ordinary person,
has no powers, but the power contest has single-handedly eliminated me from the rage,
and he has all powers of level 3, and it is impossible to think that he can do it. Ah, I think
they have found a way to hide their abilities. "
"I agree and not only that Shen Shi'an has not performed the power detection, the deputy
captain of the sharp blade, and the one named Tang Song, which has not been tested, this is
not a ghost in my heart."
"Oh, their wood-based ability named Chen Nan is said to be able to manipulate zombies,
your character, your detail."
"I want to say that none of these are good people, and I don't know how many blood of
innocent abilities are on my hands, all should be shot."
"Support all shots"
"Public crystal nucleus after shooting"
"You can have another ability contest, whoever wins, who owns their crystal nucleus."
"Ha ha ha ha ha this proposal is good"
Qin Shu waited patiently until Shen Shi'an had read all the posts, and then he took the
computer away and walked over and smiled at him. "I heard that there are already tens of
thousands of abilities who gather around the blade to call for demonstrations. Can't wait I
want to rush in and dig out those crystal nuclei in your heart. They are now overwhelmed
by themselves. Do you think you can still come to save you? "
Pressing the scorching heart, Shen Shian looked at her, "You really think that you can trap
There is really no way, he can only hide in the space first. Although the space cannot move,
it must come out from where it enters, but fortunately, it can also perceive changes in the
outside world from the space, and when the efficacy of the medicine fades, his strength is
fully restored, or Shen Xun they can find it, and come out no later.
However, he held his breath and meditated several times in succession, "entering into
space", his body was still tied to the same place, no change at all.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
Qin Shu bowed his stomach and smiled, tears came out, as if he had witnessed some of the
most funny jokes in his own eyes. After a long time, he wiped the corners of his eyes, and he
still could n’t help it. Will you start? "
She bent down and touched the locked silver-gray wristband on Shen Shi’an ’s right wrist.
“You should be familiar with this thing. The space-restricted bracelet developed by our Qin
family is designed to deal with space abilities. You are It ’s not because I bought it myself
and tried to find that it did n’t work for you. Is that because the Qin family ’s external
distribution was originally intended to make you take it lightly. ”
Qin Shuyan smiled Yan Yan, his expression was full of self-satisfaction. "The space
restriction bracelets on the market are only defective products, and they are only effective
for ordinary space abilities. But I heard that your space abilities are not ordinary, even live.
Everyone can put it in. So I created a bracelet specifically for you to enhance the limiting
effect by more than two thousand times. Depending on how you look, there is no way to use
space. "
Shen Shian stared at her "who told you"
The only person who knows the secret of his space, except for the core members, is Mr. Gu
and Gu Changsheng.
Mr. Gu cannot say that Gu Changsheng
No, Shen Shian quickly rejected the idea in his mind that Chang Sheng could never tell Qin
Qin Shu blinked, "Guess what."
She again charged the electric shock rod to Shen Shi'an, looking at him twitching and
feeling only comfortable. "Aren't you going to grab the property of the family with Chang
Sheng, don't you want me to die, let the Qin family have money right?" Two empty,
everybody is like a funeral dog, come here, you continue to speak harshly, you continue to
threaten me with claws and claws. "
Qin Shu remembered Hershey's instructions that he must "never hurt his life" for more
than ten times.
Shen Shian's lips were **** and sweaty, and when the body stopped shaking, he looked up
at her. "You're not afraid, what will Chang Sheng do after discovering all this?"
A trace of panic flashed in Qin Shu's eyes, but he quickly calmed down, "I'm afraid of
something. Now the power of the Qin family is all in my hands. When I solve you, solve the
sharp blade, I will return to Gu's home with Chang Sheng, Qin Gu's two strong alliances, we
are the strongest base in Beijing "
"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" Shen Shian was shackled and couldn't breathe. "You
think, you killed me, Chang Sheng will also accept you, Mr. Gu will also accept you Ms. Qin,
you are really ridiculous and Poor, people can be both contemptuous and sympathetic. "
"What are you laughing, Chang Sheng is my son, Jing Chen is my husband, and of course
they will accept me, the three of us are a family, even if you are a kind of dead, no one will
feel sorry for not to laugh, no Laugh me and say no, do n’t you hear it? "
Qin Shu stared at Shen Shi'an who wanted to laugh, his twisted face was full of jealousy and
She hated this face carved with Shen Qingran, and even hated those eyes full of compassion
and sympathy, which were exactly the same as Shen Qingran.
They should all die, they should have died long ago, this **** and that **** should have been
buried in the ground and rotted into stucco
"Come here," Qin Shu looked at Shen Shi'an, his eyes full of vulgarity, "I dug his eyes for me"
The author has something to say that will not abuse and will not abuse.
An An was shocked several times and it was already my limit. I am a pro-wife.
Two hundred chapters achieved
The lords have passed by and collected the author duck, everyone remember to collect the
URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update No anti-theft no anti-theft
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 201:

Settings saved..
The last chapter has been slightly revised, and the combined taste of the two chapters is
Under the cover of the Gu family army, Shen Xun and others broke through the
encirclement and entered the underground research institute. The corridor was dark and
there was no light. Even the guards on duty did not see half of them.
The surroundings were silent and there was an abnormal cold in the air.
Tang Song lowered his voice and asked Liu Fangzhou, "Can you sense where the captain
Liu Fangzhou shook his head and hid behind Xiong Manshan, also lowering his voice and
saying, "After we come down, my abilities will not be used. There is no way to penetrate
these walls. I think it should be the ghost of Hexiu."
The red light was faint in Shen Xun's eyes, and he didn't stay much, strode directly to the
deepest part of the corridor, and kicked open the metal gate.
The more obvious cold air came from the face.
The ice block almost covered the ground reflects the cold light in the dark. The big one is as
big as a washbasin. The small one is smaller than the fist. There seems to be something
embedded in the ice block, but the light is too dark to distinguish it clearly.
Only a few green emergency lights near the corner of the room are still on. With the dim
green light, you can see that all kinds of lamp stands and instruments have fallen to the
ground. Guns and weapons are everywhere, falling from the ceiling. The wire that came
down was still sparking with sparks, as if it had just experienced a chaotic battle to the
Shen Xun swept quickly, his eyes fixed on the laboratory bed in the center of the room, and
put away the Tang Dao and rushed past "An An"
Shen Shi'an was lying on the experimental bed, his limbs were locked in shackles, his lips
were white and chapped, but his face was red and abnormal, and his body temperature was
More frightening than body temperature, however, were two lines of blood winding from
the corner of his eyes.
Shen Xun splits his mind, twists off the shackles, and shakes his hands not to touch him "An
Liu Fangzhou and Xu Ge who rushed immediately followed by red eyes, Chen Nan burst
into a slur, Lin Ruan turned his head to look at Xiongmanshan's "water"
"Hey, here it is"
Xiong Manshan quickly detached his backpack and took out a large half of the bottle of
Lingquan Water from Tang Song and Lin Ruan from Shen Shi'an, which was left after the
Shen Xun took the water, lifted Shen Shian and carefully fed two. After a small half-bottle of
Lingquan underwater belly, Shen Shian regained some consciousness. The solid chest
behind him and the familiar smell of the tip of the nose made him think that he had the
illusion of "seeking".
"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here to find you."
Shen Xun lived for more than three hundred years, has never been as painful as he is at this
moment, holding Shen Shian but daring not to look at him "your eyes"
"It's okay," Shen Shian held his hand. "Don't worry, my eyes are okay."
Liu Fangzhou was about to cry. Hearing this for a while, "really"
Liu Fangzhou stretched his hand with courage and touched it, and he was instantly excited.
"It's really okay." His eyes are still there.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief, but Shen Xun's heart raised again, "Why can't you open it if
it's okay?"
"A little accident happened, you can't open it now, or you may be hurt." Shen Shi'an was
anxious. "You are all coming to other people. What is the situation in the base area now?"
"Everyone else is good, don't worry about the captain. The blade has been merged into the
Gu family forces. It will be okay to have the Gu family cover the other team members, but
we must leave immediately. Mr. Gu stopped a military transport plane outside the base, Tao
Yuan. We have already waited in advance, we broke through the Qin family blockade and
rushed down. It is estimated that a large number of people will come to support soon,
"Tang Song looked at Shen Xun." It ’s not much time to find a team. "
Shen Xun held Shen Shian up and hugged him, "Go"
Xiong Manshan started, and after Lu Xiuyuan, everyone quickly withdrew.
Shen Shian dragged Shen Xun when she was about to leave this laboratory where she was
imprisoned for 039 days. "Qin Shu, have you seen Qin Shu?"
Lin Ruan said, "We didn't see anyone after we came down, nor in this room."
"Don't worry," Shen Xun tightened her arms. "If she's still alive, she's better, she can't
The curse on her should be solved by Hirsch, but do you really think you can rest easy?
Shen Xun smiled, his dark green eyes red as blood dreaming.
After everyone left, the light in the laboratory suddenly flashed twice and went out again,
but it was this moment of light that illuminated a nearly two-foot-long cylindrical ice cube
next to the experimental bed, one end of which was suddenly exposed A well-maintained
and carefully cared female right hand.
Shen Xun and other talents ran out of the deep corridor into the stairwell, and Liu
Fangzhou immediately exclaimed, "There are many people in the grass, and many people
have come from the north. There are almost 60,000 people."
"It is estimated that the second wave of Qin's army came over," Tang Song said, "Don't stop,
keep going."
Headed by Xiong Manshan kicked the secret door connecting the food processing plant on
the ground, Mr. Gu who had been guarding the door immediately rushed over "How did you
find An'an"
Shen Shi'an turned his head around, he didn't dare to open his eyes, he could only confirm
Mr. Gu's position through the blurred shadow outside his eyelids. "I'm fine, don't worry."
Tang Song quickly said, "Mr. Gu, there are 60,000 horses coming from the north."
With tears in his eyes, Mr. Gu touched Shen Shi’an ’s face. “Do n’t be afraid, there ’s a dad
here, and no one wants to hurt half of your hair from now on.”
Turn around and wave your hand, "Where is Gu Jiajun, rush out with Laozi"
The Qin family army with nearly 60,000 people blocked the outside of the processing plant
tightly, across a square, and confronted the Gu family army with more than 40,000 people.
Under the disc-like moon, the cold muzzle reflected in the gunholes of countless black holes
Mr. Gu walked to the front of the square and shouted, "Who is the Qin family commanding
violent fighting in the base of the capital? For no reason, why should I stop the Gu family
from going?"
Opposite a person came out of the crowd. "This matter has nothing to do with the Gu family
today. We were ordered to arrest the suspected first criminal Shen Shian in the Bairenzuo
case. The Gu family wanted to leave it at their own convenience."
"Fuck your mother's fart" Mr. Gu's face scratched a fiercely. "The Bairenzuo case has long
been closed. The criminals all burned themselves up. Whoever gave your courage to your
courage to retreat as soon as possible according to the crime and knowledge. It can be
treated as if nothing has happened, and you will not be held accountable "
"The family owner has an order, and Shen Shi'an is not allowed to leave this place one step.
Gu Family Master, forgiveness to follow."
"Toast without eating fine wine"
The mechanical sound of the bullet loaded into a piece. Just when the melee was about to
hit, a suv galloped from the end of the road. After emergency braking, it stopped between
the two armies, the door opened wide, and three people jumped down.
Gu Changsheng, his attendant Xiao Wen, and Qin Bozhang's illegitimate son, Qin Xue.
Qin Xue took a cloth package and strode forward to the Qin army. "The soldiers of the Qin
family ordered to withdraw their weapons and all the staff retreated."
The commander who had challenged Mr. Gu before was stunned.
Qin Xue threw the package on the ground, a spherical object rolled out of it and turned
around a few times, illuminated by the strong light outside the factory, which was
completely exposed to the eyes of more than 100,000 people of the two armies
That thing is really Qin Bozhang's head.
"The owner of the Qin family is dead," Qin Xue faced the 60,000 Qin family army, and said
in a cold voice, "According to the family's legacy, I am the Qin family's new leader. I order
you, put away your weapons, and retreat immediately. No one should stop Gu's family. Go
way "
The commander wanted to say more, and Qin Xue raised his hand and collapsed his head.
He looked around for a week, "Is anyone still not clear?"
The soldiers of the Qin family looked at each other and quickly put their weapons away and
retreated to both sides, giving way to an open avenue.
Gu Changsheng ran to Shen Xun as soon as he got off the car, and watched Shen Shian, who
was held in his arms, tears down.
Shen Shian followed his voice and touched his face "It has nothing to do with you, not your
Mr. Gu also strode over meteor, originally wanted to ask Gu Changsheng how to come
together with Qin Xue, but in the end the timing was wrong, he only grabbed Shen Shi’an ’s
other hand, "The passage cleared, but such a big movement quickly Other forces will be
attracted, you go quickly, I will take someone to stay here for you to break. An An, after you
settle down outside, remember to tell my father, I have handed over the encryption
communication line to Lin Ruan, you Rest assured, Dad will find a way to prove your
innocence. Before that, no matter what happens, he must live alive. "
Shen Shi'an couldn't see Mr. Gu's face, nor could he imagine how much the Gu family would
have to pay to rescue him and then send him away, and what kind of public opinion frenzy
would he face in the future.
There are thousands of words in my heart, and finally only the deal with Gu Changsheng,
"Take good care of Dad, wait for me to come back."
Mr. Gu was shocked, he couldn't help rolling down two teardrops, and looked up to Shen
Xun, "Protect him."
"for sure."
"Hurry up"
A group of nine people jumped on the medium-sized military card that had been prepared
long ago, Chen Nan drove, Liu Fangzhou sat in the co-pilot, Shen Xun placed Shen Shian in
his arms and sat in the rear compartment. Under his eyes, he drove into the night quickly.
"A lot of people came around," Liu Fangzhou spread the power to the maximum in a circle.
According to the real-time induction, he planned the best escape route for Chen Nan. This
induction was shocked. "At least one hundred thousand, all directions Yes, all abilities "
"It should be the first wave of Qin Jiajun's defeat when the captain was locked in the news
spread out."
Tang Song used his identity bracelet to send out dozens of instructions at the same time. It
didn't take long for explosions to be heard from both the east and south sides of the base,
and he could still see the fire and smoke rising from the sky.
Shen Shi'an subconsciously tightened his body, and Shen Xun patted on his back, "Hush, it's
okay, that's the other team members of the Blade. They are responsible for creating
confusion, confusing the eyes of all parties, and buying time for us."
Lin Ruan operated on the handheld computer for a moment. "The fake position coordinates
are also scattered randomly, and will jump back and forth between Dongcheng Gate and
Nancheng Gate. No one should be able to find us in a short time. Everyone ’s identity
bracelet can be destroyed. . "
Xiong Manshan crumpled everyone's bracelets into pieces and threw them away.
Shen Xun concentrated on feeding Shen Shian with the remaining spiritual spring water,
but he saw that most of the bottle of water had been drunk, and his condition did not
improve much. His body temperature was still scary, and his sweaty black hair stuck to his
forehead and became more cheeks. It looks as if it is red.
The consciousness that finally recovered a little bit began to blur again under the
uninterrupted heat and the extreme fatigue of the body, leaning on Shen Xun's chest and
almost falling into a coma.
It wasn't until Chen Nan slammed into a sudden stop that he suddenly woke up again.
Xiong Manshan didn't sit tight and hit the car directly, covering his head before screaming,
so he could see the reason of Chen Nan's sudden braking from the window.
Five full repairs, standing in the middle of the road.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 202:

Settings saved..
Five Hershey, standing in front of the military card.
Chen Nan et al.'S face was extremely unsightly for a while, and the tragic scene of the last
battle with Hexiu came to mind again
They do n’t even match one Hirsch, let alone five.
Shen Shi'an couldn't see it, but the dignified atmosphere in the compartment was
immediately noticed, and raised his hand to touch Shen Xun's face, "Xun Xun"
"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here." Shen Xun grabbed Shen Shi'an's hand and dropped a
kiss on his forehead, handed him over to Lin Ruan, got up and jumped out of the car "
As soon as Chen Nan gritted his teeth and released the brake pads, just a second before the
military card ran again, several streams of light sprang out of the middle of the body of
Hexiu, and suddenly merged into the body of Lin Ruan and other people with a
thunderbolt. It's too late to find even if you want to stop.
The people did not suffer any substantial harm, but everyone ’s real-time images were
magnified several times and projected into a height of 500 meters away, even if they were
separated by seven or eight kilometers.
"Lying Groove" Xiong Manshan's eyes widened. "What kind of power is this **** thing?"
The echoes were endless, and even his exclamation was clearly spread out a few kilometers
Shen Xun's face was completely gloomy, and he raised his hand and patted "Go" on the
As soon as Chen Nan stepped on the accelerator, the military card hurried out.
Hexiu did not stop him, nor did he chase him or chase him. Chen Nan and others with huge
projections affected by the power had become bright targets. Soon, most of the humans at
the base would catch up and kill them to seize the nucleus. .
The five Hexiu slowly spread out and surrounded Shen Xun. "Shen Shian was missing for
nearly two days. I thought you would slaughter the entire base and find him out."
Another Hirsch said, "It seems that you don't care so much about this human being."
Shen Xun pulled out the Tang sword directly. The anxiety and tyranny that had been
forcibly suppressed since Shen Shi'an disappeared, as well as the anger and murderous
intent that witnessed Shen Shi'an being tied to the experimental bed, exploded at this time.
Her hair was windless automatically, a layer of black mist poured out all over her, and her
blood-red eyes were staring straight at Hershey. "You thought these five puppets would
stop me."
"Of course not." He Xiu smiled. "I just want to see if you deal with five puppets at the same
time, would you be alarmed by the laws of the world?"
The projection has just appeared, and Mr. Gu and others who are struggling to resist the
first wave of pursuers in front of the food processing plant immediately saw it.
Gu Changsheng was so anxious that "how could this not work, brother must be in danger, I
will go find them now"
Qin Xue stopped him and looked over his pale face and the dark blue under his eyes. "Your
ability has been overdrawn in the past two days and can't be used anymore. Stay here and
don't move. I'll take someone to help them intercept Chasing soldiers. "
After he finished speaking, he turned to Mr. Gu. "I took half of the Qin family, and I will hand
it over to Mr. Gu."
Mr. Gu stared at him for a moment and said, "Take it all away, Gu's army can hold it."
Qin Xue didn't make much politeness and nodded. "You and Changsheng are at ease. I will
do my best to ensure Mr. Shen's safety."
At about the same time, Qu Shuo, who was near the east gate of the base, also found the
shadow on the horizon because the distance was too far.
"It seems a bit wrong," Qu Shuojian frowned, taking off his bracelet and handing it to
another member, pointing to Gao Xiaohui and Yang Cancan. "The other people acted
according to plan. Cancan is in charge of the team leader. Xiaohui went with me to see."
The two pried a Hummer from the side of the road and soon disappeared into the restless
"Hurrying grass" Liu Fangzhou sitting in the co-pilot leaned half of his body out of the car
window, looking up at the huge projection that could n’t get rid of like a tarsal maggot in
the sky. Is there such a power that does n’t mean that the power is related to the pre-
apocalyptic strengths? Is he the president of the student union who has evolved? ”
With such a large projection, the coordinates are displayed in real time. This is to fear that
some people do n’t know where they are. As a result, are n’t all the preparations and plans
they made in advance are in vain?
Xu Ge has long recognized that "Zhu Liang from the Minqiang community used this power
when he gave a speech to incite violence 039. Is this not a strong proof of collusion between
Hexiu and them? If we use this ability to tell the truth Come out, so that everyone can hear,
can you help the captain to wash the charges? "
"It's useless," Lu Xiuyuan stared at his projection, his face blackened. "Do you think anyone
will believe it's the time for it? Others will only think that it's our trick, and even if someone
believes it, it will stop them. Can't help those who are determined to kill us to dig for crystal
nuclei. "
The projection is too eye-catching, no matter what method Chen Nan and others use, there
is no way to make it disappear.
Such a target soon ushered in an arrow.
The first to catch up are speed abilities.
Liu Fangzhou's almost broken sound "Nan Ge Caution" shouted, and the military card was
slammed from the left side of the car. The huge impact caused the body imbalance to be
suddenly deflected, and the wheels were rubbing on the road teeth. , Chen Nan gritted his
teeth tightly to hold the steering wheel, and finally pulled back the direction after dozens of
meters in the shape of a snake.
"Grass his uncle, leave it to me"
Xiong Manshan jumped directly from the car, Lin Ruan firmly guarded Shen Shian, and
there was a bit of viciousness in his eyes, "No need to keep your hands, just beat them to
The voice did not fall, and four or five figures appeared to be hit by the locomotive. They
flew out and smashed beyond the lighting range of the street lamp, and their lives were
"Grass, someone on the right came around, nearly two thousand, all of the abilities," Liu
Fangzhou reminded again "South Brother turned left in front"
"Sit firmly"
Chen Nan knocked the steering wheel to the end, and the whole body was tilted to the right,
and he threw it around the front of the car, and galloped all the way to the left road.
"Someone on the left, turn right"
"Two kilometers ahead, a large number of people quickly approached and changed a road"
"No, this road is blocked, another one"
After adjusting the route more than a dozen times in succession, as more and more chasing
soldiers gathered around, the people were completely trapped in a situation where the
wolf and tiger were all around.
Tang Song asked "Which direction has the least people?"
Liu Fangzhou quickly gave the answer "North"
With a click, the pistol was loaded, and Tang Song said in a deep voice, "Chen Nan drives
north, Lin Ruan protects the captain, and the others are ready to fight."
There are nearly 800 people rushing from the north, all of which are abilities, and their
levels are not low.
This battle is not destined to be easy. Once they are delayed for too long, chasers from the
other three directions will immediately engulf them.
Everyone tightened their bodies, and the tumbling power was ready to go. When a heart
jumped faster and faster and almost jumped out of his mouth, Liu Fangzhou suddenly
yelled, "It seems to be an acquaintance."
Xiao Lang jumped out of the car and ran with Li Cheng's stride Meteor towards the army
card. "You are too stunned, don't you want to sneak away, this is called secretly I can see it
within ten miles."
Xiong Manshan let out a sigh of relief, his eyes wide as if he saw a loved one, "We don't
want to, don't we get shamed by others."
When Li Cheng ran over and opened his arms, it was a bear hug. "Grass, fortunately for you,
I'm almost scared to pee."
Xiao Lang stopped by the door of the car, and his eyes fell on Shen Shian. His face was
sullen because of the blood stains in the corners of his eyes and the burns left by the
electric shock rods on his neck. His chest was ruffled. How is it better.
"Are you okay"
Shen Shian sat up against the bottom of the car with a hoarse voice "Alive."
Li Cheng walked over with his arm almost cut off by Xiong Manshan, and was shocked by
the appearance of Shen Shian, but now it was not a time when he was sad, he looked up at
the huge projection in the sky. "My ability may be able to let This thing disappears. "
Tang Song and others were overjoyed to be "serious"
Li Cheng nodded, "I try."
The abilities are all output, covering all eight people including Shen Shian, and the stealth
effect is enhanced to the strongest
I saw that projection flashed twice, and it really disappeared.
"Grass is really useful"
"Sincere Brother"
"Sungko got on the bus and escorted you out of the city," Xiao Lang said quickly. "I took the
others to stay here to give you a break. Be careful along the way and take care."
Shen Shian's eye twitched a few times, his eyes were still closed, and he followed the sound
in his direction and said, "Xiao Lang, thank you."
"Thank you fart," Xiao Lang looked at his blushing face. "I'm alive, with such a big deal, I
will get it from you sooner or later, and I will go quickly."
Li Cheng got in the car, Chen Nan started the engine, and the military card left quickly in the
presence of the members of the Tiger and Wolf Regiment.
"All people listen to orders" Xiao Lang stood on the middle of the road with his hands on his
back. "Take care of this street for Lao Tzu, an ant must not let go"
Their location is the last known location of Shen Shian and others. After the projection
disappears, all chasers will gather here.
The first group of trackers rushed from the intersection on the left, and they collided with
the second group of people who rushed from the intersection on the right in front of the
main road guarded by the Tiger Wolf.
Behind Xiao Lang, more than 90 steel pellets spun rapidly, looking straight at Du Mingyue,
the head of the Furong Regiment who first arrived, "killing or saving people"
"Aren't you bullshit, of course, to save people"
After learning that Shen Shi'an and others had left the road safely, Du Mingyue was relieved
and raised his hand to take the girls of the Furong regiment to an adjacent main road. "We
guard next door. Shout it out, and we will come to save you. "
The gangsters of the Tiger and Wolf regiment are not happy
"Hey what do you say?"
"Who will save who is not necessarily, wait for our hero to save the beauty"
The members of the Furong group smiled and said, "Beauty is really beautiful, but I don't
know whether it is a hero or a bear."
It was determined that the Furong regimen was not a friend, but Xiao Lang turned to look
at the Xuanyuan team who arrived at almost the same time. His eyes fell on the captain
Yuan Bing and Song Mingxuan, "save or kill"
Yuan Bing Chaotian rolled his eyes. "What's the matter, only you value the sentiment and
righteousness, and have high quality. It's a virtue to have a good relationship with Shen
As soon as he raised his hand, he took the team members to another main road. "If the tiger
and wolf group can't hold it, it's better not to shout. We won't come to rescue if we break
the throat."
When the Xuanyuan team was also at the street, the real chasing soldiers had arrived like a
Yuan Bing glanced at Song Mingxuan beside him before he shot. "We are going to hurt some
bones this time. Axuan, I hope your decision is not wrong."
Song Mingxuan smiled, "I can't go wrong."
At about the same time, Xu Biao, the five-owner of the Flying Dragon Regiment, held his
telescope and jumped anxiously on the top of the building. "Big Brother Shen Shi'an's
projection disappeared less than three kilometers from us. Are you really not chasing?"
Zheng Gang poured himself a glass of wine "why should we chase"
"For the nucleus, for the power, and the strength of Shen Shi'an, you don't know, if it falls
into the hands of others, it is a huge hidden danger to our flying dragon group." Xu Biao
scratched his head and seemed to have several hands in his heart. "I'm scratching" and
there are other people's abilities, such as Tao Yuan, such as Liu Fangzhou. Their abilities
are so valuable. The blades have fallen down. I can't find it anymore "
San Dang rubbed a few peanuts, raised his hand and threw it into his mouth. "Relax, there
are at least hundreds of thousands of people who chase them tonight. You think their
crystal nuclei are so easy to handle."
"We are seeking wealth and insurance, how can we know if we don't try it?" Xu Biao didn't
give up, and began to lobby Liu to be the head of the house. "Lao Liu, you can listen to your
words best, you help."
"Okay" Zheng Gang replayed the wine glass on the table, his eyes cold. "The order I have
given, no matter how fierce it is tonight, our flying dragon team will never run into this
muddy water. Laowu, my words It ’s useless for you, is n’t it? "
Xu Biao shook the whole body, which was completely out of mind.
Liu Dangjia looked up and said, "Take things away and go to bed. It feels like it will rain this
Xu Biao mumbled, "the next rain, I haven't seen rain ideas for more than two months."
Before the words fell, a thick thunder came faintly in the thicker clouds above the base of
Xu Ge took his gaze away from the sky. "It may rain tonight."
"Let's go, the bigger the better, the bigger the easier to be tracked." Xiong Manshan finished
the conversation, remembered one thing, and quickly asked Li Cheng, "Sincere, if your
power maximizes the effect, it is not Can people directly forget that you are the number
one, in case Brother Xun forgets us and hasn't caught up, what can I do? "
"Don't worry," the rapid consumption of the ability made Li Cheng's forehead ooze a layer
of sweat, while absorbing the crystal nucleus. "My abilities are mainly used to offset the
projection now, and the effect can't reach the top level. Can hide his body. "
Xiong Manshan was relieved.
Opened a whole package of crystal nuclei and sent them to Li Cheng, "Come and **** more,
you have worked hard."
Tang Song asked Liu Fangzhou, "Are there any soldiers chasing nearby?"
"No, it is safe within two kilometers"
Since Li Cheng covered up the projection, and there were multiple reinforcements to block
the pursuit, their escape journey suddenly cleared, and they drove westward all the way,
getting closer and closer to the target.
Li Cheng saw that "You are going to leave from Ximen, but isn't Ximen guarding Ximen?"
The kidnapping of Mr. Shen was planned by the Qin family. If he wanted to see it, how could
it be that the east gate guarded by the Gu family or the south gate guarded by the Han
family is a little safer, and it is closer to the food processing factory trapped by Shen Shian.
"The most dangerous place is the safest place. You can rest assured that we are all done."
Originally, there were other players who created chaos and distracted attention near the
East Gate and South Gate, and there were false coordinates set by Lin Ruan to confuse the
line of sight. This plan can be called seamless.
Who could have imagined that He Xiu would be overcast, and the huge real-time projection
directly attracted the attention of most of the bases.
If Li Cheng were not there, they might have been caught up.
During the high-speed driving of the military card, Shen Shian fainted again. There was a
flame in his breath, his lips cracked and peeled, and there was a trace of blood.
The scars on the wrist caused by shackles were bluish, red, and swollen, and the skin was
white, which was more shocking. Li Cheng's heart was tightening, and he couldn't imagine
what kind of inhuman treatment he had suffered in the past two days.
"How is Mr. Shen"
Lin Ruan dipped the tissue with water and attached it to Shen Shi'an's lips. "As long as the
high fever fades, it should be fine."
But the most troublesome thing was the high fever. He found several pinholes in Shen
Shi'an's neck, and he didn't know what medicine Hexiu and Qin Shu injected him.
Fortunately, as long as they can leave safely, with the presence of Shen Xun and Tao Yuan,
plus his diagnosis and treatment with the teacher, the captain will surely be able to heal.
Half a kilometer away from Xicheng Gate, Liu Fangzhou suddenly said "stop Nange and stop
Chen Nan stepped on the brakes, Tang Song asked "what's wrong"
"A lot of people are sneaking up from the north, the number is nearly five thousand, but not
many abilities, less than three hundred," Liu Fangzhou turned his head. "I think it seems to
be an army."
This is the site of the Qin family. The main members of the Qin family and the Gu family are
near the food processing factory.
The military card target is too large, which is not conducive to Li Cheng to hide, so
everyone got out of the car.
Xiong Manshan volunteered to hug Shen Shi'an, but he needed to guard against speed
abilities that might appear at any time, so Shen Shi'an was still in charge of Lin Ruan. Don't
look at his appearance of being harmless to humans and animals. His strength is not small,
and his height is only less than that. Tang Song was just a little shorter, and he easily
embraced Shen Shian.
Through the cover of the night, the people sneaked quickly under the support of Li Cheng's
ability, and finally hid in an alleyway diagonally opposite the Xicheng Gate.
The team of nearly 5,000 people was less than three hundred meters away from the city
gate, and it deliberately concealed movements, obviously with bad intentions.
It is not difficult to identify which forces this team belongs to, because Liu Fangzhou
quickly sensed that the acquaintance "Pingtou brother who returned to the ancestor line is
also inside"
The flat head was recruited by the Huang family after the power contest. The Huang family
attached great importance to him and fed a lot of crystal nuclei. Later, he also played a
game with Shen Xun alone in the duel field, and was attempted to be attacked by Shen Xun
Half dead.
As a result, it is obvious where this army belongs.
Li Cheng did not understand "Huang and Qin have not always been partners. When Mr.
Shen was slandered, he still stood by the Qin family. At this time, sneaky what he wanted to
Lin Ruan crossed the mouth with a sneer. "There is no eternal partner, only eternal
interests. The Huangs are fighting for the benefit of the fish mussels and want to take
advantage of Qin Gu's war." Swallow the Qin family's interests together. "
It is estimated that the owner of the Huang family has not yet known that the seat of the
Qin family has been changed, and now they are joining forces with the Gu family to block
the chase for them.
Tonight, Xue Wentao was leading the soldiers at the Xicheng Gate. He was from Gu
Changsheng, because the main force was transferred by Qin Shu, and the total force on the
city wall was less than 500.
If these five hundred people were resolved by the Huang family, they would not be able to
leave completely tonight.
Tang Song said, "You are waiting here. I will remind Xue Wentao and help by the way."
His psychic powers create illusions and are best suited to confuse water at such times.
For insurance purposes, Lu Xiuyuan and Xiong Manshan also followed, and Lin Ruan
vacated a hand to hold Tang Song "Caution."
Tang Song held back, "I will, you go back a little bit."
The three of them touched the corner of the wall, and soon, there were fierce gunshots and
fighting sounds in the direction of the city gate.
The fighting was too fierce. From time to time, there were skyrocketing fires and deafening
explosions. Lin Ruan and others retreated into the alley.
A thunder suddenly exploded overhead, and the dazzling thunder illuminated most of the
base, as if to split the world in half. Everyone looked up by electro-optics, and then found
that the thicker clouds in the sky somehow had been dark and ink-like, and turned upside
down like a vortex, seeming to be able to completely swallow the entire base at any time.
Liu Fangzhou shuddered, "Do n’t you think, is this cloud too thick to be normal?"
How can it be like someone is in a robbery.
The thunder completely obscured the shouting and gunshots at the city gate. Shen Shian
suddenly awakened from the coma, and suddenly produced a strong sense of uncertainty
"Xun Xun, Xun Xun is back"
"Not yet," Lin Ruan appeased. "Don't worry, captain, the team is so powerful, it is estimated
that he will be back soon."
The Thunder only sounded and stopped. Xu Ge raised his ears. "Listen, the movement
outside has become smaller. It should be the end of the battle."
The battle was almost over. With the addition of Tang Song, the Huang family was in a
illusion and it was difficult to break free. They did not distinguish between the enemy and
us. The bullets and artillery were all greeted from their families without money, even if
they aimed at the enemy. Missing the head and not knowing where to go is tantamount to
helping the Qin family win themselves.
The people hidden in the alley had not yet gone out. Something pierced the night sky and
fell beside them with a snap.
"Grenade Run"
Lin Ruan reacted first, but he didn't have time to hold Shen Shi'an. The hand that had
unplugged the 039 Lei fell right behind Li Cheng, and he had n’t thought of anything in his
mind. The body had reacted first, bent down to pick up the grenade, and tried his best to
throw it away from the crowd.
Chen Nan used Devil Cane to spawn a wooden wall between the explosion point and
everyone at the fastest speed, and at the same time gave birth to a branch that wrapped
around Li Cheng's waist and dragged him back.
However, it was too late, Li Cheng's right arm was completely blown into pieces from the
elbow down, the right half of his face was also affected, and there was almost no good skin.
"Li Cheng"
Lin Ruan handed Shen Shian to Chen Nan, knelt down and tightened his arms with a belt to
help him stop bleeding. The severe pain and blood loss affected the power output. Li Cheng
spit on the ground and spit out two blood, flashing in the air, Chen Nan The giant projection
that was enlarged by others appeared again.
Tang Song three hurried back, seeing this scene, the heart is sinking.
Tang Song knelt on the other side and checked it carefully. "Fortunately, the internal injury
is not serious. Li Cheng, focused on looking at my finger. This is because he has a little
concussion and can't move anymore. He must wait for the treatment system. Come over for
treatment. "
Li Cheng raised his left hand to push Lin Ruan "Hurry up, if you don't go again, it will be too
Although the battle between the Huang family and the Qin family is short, but the
movement is not small, it has attracted a group of people to come and want to find out. Now
the projections of Lin Ruan and others have appeared again. Surge here.
Shen Shi'an can't see anything, and the anxiety and panic in his heart are put to the
maximum "What to do with your injury"
"I'm fine, I'm hiding here, I can contact the head of the ring with his hand, he will find me."
Li Cheng cracked his mouth and smiled, there was blood between his lips and teeth "Mr.
Shen, I can only send you When you are here, go away, you must escape safely coughing. "
"Captain," Liu Fangzhou swallowed. "Someone came over."
Shen Shi'an had no chance to hesitate, Tang Song found a hidden place to move Li Cheng
carefully, Chen Nan folded a piece of devil vine to form a fortress to protect him firmly in it,
the last time everyone said goodbye, and turned to the city Flying towards the door.
The first batch of abilities has already caught up, and it is still a speed-based ability. After
discovering the figure of Shen Shian, he immediately shouted, "He is here in Shen Shian,
they really are here"
"Don't grab anyone, Shen Shi'an's crystal nucleus is mine"
"It's you paralyzing" Xiong Manshan kicked one kick, and beat the other one to vomit blood
and fell to the ground. "I'm afraid that you have no life but life, his mother's lack of virtue."
Xue Wentao has asked people to open the city gate halfway, "Come on and let me stop
The crowd quickly jumped through the gap between the two gates, the city gate closed
again, and a fierce gunshot sounded quickly behind the gate.
"Look," Xu Ge raised his head and found something "The projection is gone"
"It seems that this power is limited by time or distance," Tang Song ran to Shen Shian Road,
who was hugged by Lin Ruan. "Because the electromagnetic field generated by Skynet is
too strong, it will affect the control system of the aircraft, so the transport aircraft stops.
Three kilometers away, as long as we are there we will be safe "
The solid base gate was directly smashed in half by the power, and countless figures rushed
out of it.
"Grass" Xiong Manshan exploded with a slur, and disappeared in the spot instantly, dealing
with those speed abilities that were the most difficult and impossible to get entangled at
this time.
The gate of the base, which had been broken in half, was quickly collapsed by the flow of
people, and not only the gate, more pursuers jumped directly from the city wall, densely
like a tide, desperate to Shen Shian and others.
They are excited and impatient, they are crazy, and there is only a nucleus in the brain of
Shen Shian and others in the center of the eye that is stronger than a powerful ability.
These people are criminals, they are all murderers, and their crystal nuclei are dug out of
other people's brains, so as long as they are killed, those crystal nuclei are all their own. By
Liu Fangzhou glanced back. Numerous pairs in the night were full of **** and madness,
making him feel cold. The last time I had this feeling in my memory, I was still besieged by
the corpse tide in the absolute death zone and almost killed by life when.
But these are obviously not zombies, they are also human beings, and they should have
stood on the same front and defended the zombies together
Why their expressions are more terrible than zombies
An emotion that did not know whether it was sad or horrified filled his chest, and the tears
blurred the boy's eyes.
"Don't look," Chen Nan grabbed his arm. "Ark, don't look back."
Just when Lin Ruan and others had just rushed out of the city gate, three kilometers away,
Zhao Xinhe, who was lying on top of the transport plane, shouted, "The Tao instructor is
here, and the captain they came out."
Tao Yuan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, immediately started the engine, and before
he spoke, he heard Zhao Xinhe say, "A lot of people are chasing behind them."
"Shoot," Tao Yuan squinted, "pointing his head."
Zhao Xinhe aimed at the target and decisively pulled the trigger. The powerful destructive
power of the 039 bullet hit the target's head like a watermelon. The powers around the
opponent were startled, and then they moved towards the shiny watermelon. The crystal
nuclei pounced.
The continuous dull shooting sounds continuously passed into the cabin through the steel
plate. With every sound, Tian Shiyao sitting in the last row of the cabin had to shake.
Ye Ping felt terribly distressed, holding her daughter tightly in her arms, and finally filled
with resentment, she lowered her voice and said to Tian Yi, "What the **** is this, they run
away, so they have to pull our family of three We do n’t have the ability to do anything, we
have n’t killed anyone, how can everyone stay at the base and live a good life, we have no
reason to accompany them to send them to death where there is no such reason, the sins
we do have to be pulled up We ca n’t do anything for the back "
"Enough is enough" Tian Yi snorted. "What are you talking about, since the deputy captain
must have made his reason for this arrangement, and he hasn't let us charge forward, you
can just stay here."
Zhao Xinjiang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, seemed to hear something and turned his
head to glance.
Ye Ping stiffened and immediately opened his mouth to compensate for a smile.
"Didi Didi"
Tao Yuan's cell phone in his pocket rang. When he opened it, it was a reminder memo.
He raised his eyes and looked at the Tian family of three through the rearview mirror.
"Don't move, wait for the captain to come and we can go."
Tian Yi nodded again and again, "Hey, good."
Whatever I want to say, Tao Yuan has taken back his sight.
Have you ever been chased madly by thousands of compatriots behind you? Once you catch
up, will you cut off your head and take out your brain?
If you have not experienced it, then you must not imagine this feeling.
Liu Fangzhou exhausted all his strength and ran for life, wanting to distance himself from
the crowd behind him. The lungs filled with wind hurt badly, and there was blood in his
He didn't dare to stop, he couldn't stop, the teammates beside him were running at full
strength, everyone was almost reaching the limit, he couldn't drag everyone behind.
The two legs repeated the movement of lifting and lowering at a very high frequency, and
in the end almost became a mechanical instinct, so when a famous wood-based person in
the crowd spawned thatch to tie his feet, Liu Fangzhou simply Too late to respond, straight
But he didn't fall, one arm came out in the air, grabbed his belt to lift him up, and
backhanded the wood-based ability into a ball of fly ash.
Liu Fangzhou raised his head, almost crying with joy, "Seeking Brother"
Shen Xun handed him over to Chen Nan and took Shen Shian back from Lin Ruanhuai. A
strong **** gas immediately grabbed Shen Shian's heart, "You are injured"
Shen Xun kissed him in the eyes. "No, the blood is from Hershey."
At the same time, Liu Fangzhou looked at the back of his back that almost traversed the
entire back, with bones visible deep, like a scorched black wound cut by Thunder, and
covered his mouth.
After handing over Shen Shian, Lin Ruan was a lot easier and took Tang Song's hand to run
with him.
The lungs seemed to be sprinkled with a handful of sand and was abraded, but Lin Ruan
couldn't help laughing. "These people reminded me when the teacher took me out of the
This is also the night, this is also the way to rush, and countless killing opportunities are
chasing behind them.
Tang Song clenched his palm. "That time I can take you out, and this time I can."
Under the cold moonlight, the dense crowd of people is like a fierce beast, and can't wait to
swallow Shen Shian and others into his belly.
A year ago, they were full of enthusiasm and wanted to make a move in the capital
A year later, they were embarrassed and fled desperately from the capital city like a dog for
the family.
This world is really fickle.
Three kilometers away from the helicopter, the crowd has ran more than half. Just over a
thousand meters away, the light green military transport plane was faintly visible in the
Only they saw the helicopter, and the pursuers also saw it.
"Grass they have planes"
"If we got on the plane, we would never catch up with them again"
"Push and speed up, don't let them run away"
"Your group of executioners who don't blink, leave the crystal core to Laozi"
Countless fireballs, water columns, gusty winds, flying knives poured out towards the
crowd, Chen Nan and others were forced to reduce their speed, and the distance between
the crowd and them again shortened.
Tang Song glanced back and looked dignified. "That won't work, so even if we can get on
the plane, Tao Yuan won't have enough time to pull the height. The plane will most likely be
shot down."
Everyone's heart is sinking the plane fiercely is their only hope to escape. If the plane
crashes, I am afraid all of them will be buried here.
The time left for everyone to think is extremely short, so Tang Song quickly made the
decision "You go first, I will drag them with the illusion."
Lin Ruan and Shen Shi'an vetoed at the same time.
"You go, I'll stay" Xiong Manshan's voice passed from all around, and he was still dealing
with speed abilities while talking. "I'm fast, I can stop it. I will run after you leave, they
chase Not on mine "
"No way" Shen Shian's heart is like a fire, let alone Xiong Manshan may not be able to stop
tens of thousands of abilities, even if he can stop him, his abilities will be exhausted, and he
can't escape at that time.
Once you stay, the ending will be mortal.
No, he can't accept it, he can't accept any of them because of him
"I stay."
Before Chen Nan opened his mouth, a voice grabbed him.
He turned his head and happened to meet Lu Xiuyuan's only intact left eye.
Chen Nan couldn't figure out exactly what he saw in this eye. It was a decision to die as if he
was going home. It was unwillingness to predict death. It was a relief to meet fate.
Lu Xiuyuan did not give anyone the opportunity to oppose it. After finishing this sentence,
he stopped and the power was output at an unprecedented level, surpassing a height of
more than ten meters and a length of more than one hundred meters on the flat ground.
Huge transparent wall.
Turned his head toward Shen Shian and others and slammed "Quick Walk"
"No, no," Shen Shi'an struggled. "No way to repair the distance, don't stop, run quickly and
continue running."
Shen Xun hugged him tightly, "Hush, Hush is fine, Xiong Manshan"
All speed abilities are isolated on the other side by the transparent wall. Xiong Manshan
instantly relaxed, picked Liu Fangzhou and Chen Nan and rushed in the direction of the
When he turned back and hugged Lin Ruan and Tang Song again, the first wave of pursuers
hit the transparent wall.
Lu Xiuyuan roared, and the blue muscles on his neck were violent. He absorbed the crystal
nuclei in one hand and pressed it against the transparent wall with one hand. He stiffened
the transparent wall with cracks all over again, and turned his head to drink "Quick walk"
"Lu Xiuyuan, Lu Xiuyuan, don't be stupid. I order you to continue running. I heard that
without me, I commanded you as the captain. Run over."
Shen Shi'an struggled harder and harder, and a trace of spiritual force gathered with all his
strength had not been able to strike out yet, and there was a sudden pain in Dantian's
"An An" Shen Xun's eyes sank, further speeding up, and Xiong Manshan had already sent
Lin Ruan and Tang Song to the plane, and turned back to embrace Xu Ge again.
More and more chasers hit the transparent wall, seeing that more than half of the crystal
nuclei are already on the plane, the chasers are very angry, and the colorful power attacks
are like storms and storms, the only thing that blocks between themselves and the target.
The transparent wall was soon covered with cracks again. Lu Xiuyuan's combat uniform
was soaked with sweat, and his two arms holding the transparent wall tremble, kneeling on
one knee on the ground, turning his head to look at the desperately struggling The figure
farther away.
Shen Shi'an, you said that I would never understand the meaning of my teammates. When
you said that I was in danger of life and death, I would never have the determination to
sacrifice to protect others.
This may be true.
But I am not convinced, I am nothing worse than you, I have eaten more bitterness than
you, tasted more tired, I am more diligent, harder and more desperate than you, everything
must be suppressed by you, why even Personality and choice must be defined by you
Shen Xun held Shen Shian and jumped onto the plane. Shen Shian grabbed the door frame
unwillingly to let go, his roar has turned into crying
"Xun Xun Xun I can't leave him behind, you let me go back, you let me go back, Lu Xiu Yuan
Lu Xiu"
Suddenly, the tense arms fell, and he fell weak in Shen Xun's arms.
Shen Xun withdrew his hand knife and shouted "Take off" to Tao Yuan
The helicopter quickly pulled high, and on the ground that went far away, countless powers
were blooming at the same time like fireworks, and finally the transparent wall was
completely destroyed.
Lu Xiuyuan withdrew his arm and allowed all the lights to engulf himself. The blindfold that
kept covering his right eye was turned over by the air waves, and there was a smile on his
Shen Shian, look, you are wrong.
I won you one time after all.
The detonation of the explosion that gathered tens of thousands of powers was deafening,
and a gorgeous mushroom cloud rolled in the night.
Liquid oozed from the corners of Shen Shi'an's eyes, traversed the dried blood scab, and
shed two tears. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 203:

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The pursuers killed their red eyes. No one thought that the power groups that gathered
tens of thousands of full blows would collide with each other, and they would produce such
a terrible explosion after the transparent wall collapsed. Mushrooms engulfed in.
Tao Yuan pulled the helicopter as high as he could, but the airframe was still affected,
cracks appeared in the fuel tank, and he flew southwest in less than two hours, and the fuel
had leaked clean.
Before the fuel completely leaked light, Tao Yuan found a lonely jungle to land on the side.
Chen Nan planted plants to hide the helicopter. Everyone carried their luggage and started
walking from here.
Two nights later, a group of people found a gas station on the provincial road. After
cleaning up the wandering zombies, they hid in a convenience store and took a break.
Xiong Manshan and Zhao Xinhe removed the shelves to make a place. Chen Nan brought Liu
Fangzhou back to bring a lot of firewood. Xu Ge raised the fire. Zhao Xinjiang dragged a few
sofa cushions and hit the fire with the blanket found behind the cash register. A floor shop
"Find the team, put the captain here."
Shen Shian has not been awake, and the high fever has not faded.
Shen Xun leaned on the sofa and let Shen Shian rest on his lap. He took a wet towel from Xu
Singer and covered his forehead. His eyes never left him.
Tong Tong was held in his arms by Xu Ge, staring at Shen Shian's blushing face for a long
time, and whispered, "Will the captain die?"
"No," Xu Ge kissed on her face. "The captain will definitely be fine, I promise."
Tao Yuan was worried, "Will the old burn like this cause problems?" He will help the
captain almost every two hours, but the situation has not improved.
"This is evolutionary fever, there is no way to avoid it, as long as you survive it," Tang Song
"But like the captain, there is no indication in advance, shouldn't it be stress-type
evolution? I remember that stress-type evolution will not have evolutionary fever," Chen
Nan puzzled and turned to ask Xu Ge. "You evolved at the beginning." After the ability is
out, there is no evolutionary heat, right? "
Xu Ge nodded.
Lin Ruandao said, "The situation of the captain is different from that of ordinary people. His
original ability comes from the practice method. Although I do n’t understand the working
principle of the practice method, according to the saying that the practice is easy, the
practice method should already be correct. The captain's body has undergone some
transformation. If the power virus tries to reform it again, it is likely that there will be a
conflict between the two before, resulting in an evolutionary heat reaction. "
In addition, there is also the influence of the drugs injected by Hershey. What is the
composition of the drug? They are still unclear. Under the influence of various factors, it is
inevitable that Shen Shian's body will experience rejection.
"It's no wonder why it's soft to say," Liu Fangzhou suddenly said. "Is the captain's original
light group not golden, we found another ice blue after we left the base, but not like the
brother Xiong, two colors Half of each other is safe, and the two colors of the captain are all
mixed together. For a while, there are more gold and more blue, just like the two colors are
fighting. "
Lin Ruan nodded "this way it can be explained"
"An An" Shen Xun interrupted everyone's discussion with a scream. He carefully touched
Shen An's face, "An An, are you awake?"
Shen Shi'an's eyelashes twitched a few times, as if he wanted to open his eyes, but he
reacted in time and closed tightly, his voice "hooking" hoarsely
"I'm here, I'm here," Shen Xun lifted Shen Shian halfway and let him lean in his arms. "How
do you feel about drinking water?"
Shen Shi'an nodded and drank a small half bottle of mineral water in Shen Xun's hand. His
dry throat was obviously more comfortable.
The members all gathered around, Tang Song asked, "Can you open your eyes?"
Shen Shian shook his head.
"Is it because the power is related to the eyes"
Shen Shian nodded. "I have no way to control it."
His abilities suddenly evolved when Qin Shu was about to dig his eyes. At present, he has
only been used on Qin Shu and her group of men. How strong is the effect, what are the
limits, and how is it correct? The application is half-knowledge.
Liu Fangzhou seemed to think of something, and suddenly stood up "Captain, wait for me
for a while"
I ran to the back of the shelf for a long time, and ran back with a pair of sunglasses. "If you
put on this try, maybe as long as your eyes are not in direct contact, your abilities will not
have an effect on us. "
Lin Ruan's eyes lit up. "The Ark's idea is not unreasonable. If the power is related to the
eyes, then it is very likely to require the direct locking of the vision. For example, the
exchange position of the colored chips, you must require continuous gaze."
Shen Shian put on his sunglasses, but speculation and inference are not enough. He can't
put other people into danger in such a reckless manner, it is better to do an experiment
Chen Nan released the willow essence from his belt. "Just use it."
Live, moving, aggressive, and self-aware, it's perfect for being a target.
Shen Shian turned his back and opened his eyes to the shivering body of Liu Shujing
Very good, sunglasses are really useful.
Returning the willow essence to Chen Nan, Shen Shi'an looked around "Where are we?"
"In the province of Central China, it is about 600 kilometers away from the capital."
"I've been unconscious for a few days"
"Two days."
Shen Shian fell silent. In the convenience store, only the beeping sound of burning wood
was left.
When everyone thought that he would ask Lu Xiuyuan and that tragic big explosion, Shen
Shian raised his right hand. "Can this restriction bracelet be removed?"
Lin Ruan shook his head, "The teacher and I checked these two days when you were in a
coma. The closure of this bracelet is very complicated, and once the hidden syringe inside is
unlocked in an incorrect way, I am afraid it will immediately touch the protective
procedure Inject something. "
With the character and means of Qin Shu, more than 90% of this substance is absolutely
"We can crack, but it requires professional equipment and a certain amount of time."
"Don't be so troublesome," Shen Shian pumped 039 out of the Tang knife that Shen Xun
placed next to him, and chopped it directly to his wrist. "That's it."
"An An" Shen Xun grabbed Tang Dao with his hands, his eyes were full of anger "Are you
Chen Nan and others were also scared out of a cold sweat, Tang Song said, "Captain, don't
be impulsive, you are still in the process of evolutionary heat, and the energy in the body is
disturbed. It is the weakest time, even if Tao Yuan is able to regenerate the broken hand ,
Will also cause great harm to your body. "
Shen Shi'an's expression was so calm that he was afraid. "As long as I remove the bracelet, I
can enter the space and get the spirit spring. This injury has no effect on me."
Shen Xun gritted his teeth. "The entrance to the space is on your wrist. If you cut off your
hand, the space will be completely disconnected from you. How do you enter the space to
get the Lingquan?"
Shen Shian's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't continue to insist.
"Didi Didi"
The phone on Lin Ruan suddenly rang, opened it, and it was a memo reminded regularly
Tian Shiyao has similar abilities as Li Cheng, and he is alert.
He turned to glance at a family of three sitting in the corner with little sense of presence,
and handed the mobile phone to Shen Shian "Captain."
The content of the memo is only two lines, but Shen Shian stared at the phone screen for a
long time, almost fixed his sight on these two lines of words.
Lin Ruan nodded.
"Who Found"
"I," Xu Ge said, "just after the captain, you disappeared."
Shen Shian looked at Lin Ruan "that blood draw"
"She should have used her power to hide, sorry, I was negligent."
In fact, until it was discovered that Tian Shiyao was very likely to have the same ability as Li
Cheng, Lin Ruan recalled the list of blood samples from that blood draw again. It is indeed
This is the terrible thing about this kind of power that can be quietly forgotten, and it can
automatically fill in the memory leak when people remember it.
If there is no evidence of such a reality as Daisy, I am afraid they will never be aware.
Shen Shian returned the phone to Lin Ruan, stood up with Shen Xun's hand, and walked to
the front of the Tian family of three.
Tian Yi stood up immediately "Captain, how are you feeling okay?"
Shen Shian stared into his eyes until Tian Yi's back was all sweaty and almost standing
unsteady, then he said, "Come out, I have something to ask you."
The night outside the convenience store was thick. After the zombies were all resolved,
only insects could be heard around. The cold moon hung on the horizon, illuminating the
abandoned gas station and the endless yellow land on both sides of the road.
All the members came out and stood on the same side as Shen Shian.
On the other side, Tian Yi noticed that the atmosphere was wrong and became more and
more uneasy, subconsciously hiding his wife and daughter back.
"Captain, as long as I know what you want to ask, I will not hide it."
"I am not asking about you," Shen Shian squatted down halfway and aimed his gaze at Tian
Shiyao. "It's her."
Ye Ping wanted to say that Tian Yi was caught, "Yes, you ask, as long as Yaoyao knows, he
will not hide it."
Shen Shian stared at this little girl, who was only nine years old, with a timid and anxious
face, "Do you have any power?"
Ye Ping seemed to be wrong, throwing away her husband and holding her daughter in his
arms. "Without our Yaoyao, we have no abilities. Our family of three are ordinary people,
and we don't have crystal nuclei in our brains."
Shen Shian looked up at her, even though she was wearing sunglasses, Ye Ping's eyes still
made Ye Ping shudder fiercely, closing her mouth tremblingly.
Shen Shi'an repeated the question again "Do you have any power"
Tian Shiyao looked back at his parents and nodded under the shocked eyes of Tian Yi and
Ye Ping.
"In November of last year, the night you just came to Sharp Edge, was it you who hid
outside my bedroom to overhear?"
Tian Shiyao shook his head timidly.
"Liar" Tong Tong rushed out "You lied"
Tian Shiyao shook all over, immediately hiding behind Ye Ping, Ye Ping protected her
daughter with a smirk and said, "Captain, you guessed it wrong, we Yaoyao are still
children. Since it is night, we must be sleeping at home. I will overhear it. There must be
something wrong with it. "
"Full mountains," Shen Shian said. "If she dares to interrupt again, tie her up and find
something to block her mouth."
Ye Ping turned white and turned to see Tian Yi.
Tian Yi gritted his teeth and pulled Tian Shiyao out of her. “Yaoyao, the captain asked what
you answered, do n’t lie, do n’t be afraid, the captain is a good person, he wo n’t hurt you.”
Shen Shian looked at Tian Shiyao "Is it you"
Tian Shiyao hesitated for a moment and nodded.
"What did you hear?"
"You, you have room to put people in." Tian Shiyao glanced at Tong Tong. "You regret not
putting her father in."
Shen Shi'an turned to look at Tong Tong, "My space has an ability to temporarily stop the
passage of time. If I put your father in, he will be able to meet you for the last time. But your
father is infected with mutation too fast. At that time, there was no heartbeat and
breathing. If I really put him in, he would only have half an hour after meeting you, and
then he would become a zombie in front of you. Plus he wanted to return to school to save
people So I made a choice. Sorry. "
Tong Tong raised his hands to wipe his tears, choked and shook his head. "You are telling
the truth. I, I don't blame you."
Xu Ge hugged her into her arms with red eyes.
Shen Shi'an turned back to his eyes and continued to ask Tian Shiyao "You told Qin Shu
about this"
Tian Shiyao bit his lip and yelled.
"After that, you lost your power to a man named Hershey"
Tian Shiyao glanced at him and lowered his head. "I don't know him, I don't know what his
name is."
That is to say yes.
Shen Shian seemed to sigh, and seemed to have no response.
He stood up and looked down at the little girl, "Qin Shu forced you to do everything you did,
or did you take the initiative to find her?"
"She forced me"
"Liaring" Tong Tong's eyes were flushed and he almost rushed to eat people "You lied
Tian Shiyao shook again, looking at Tong Tong's eyes with a trace of vulgarity.
"Why," Shen Shi'an asked her, "what kind of benefits Qin Shu promised you will let you do
these things."
Tian Shiyao clenched his palms and looked up at Shen Shian. "She said I can live in the villa.
As long as you are all dead, my parents and I can live in the villa."
"Yaoyao" Ye Ping screamed and knelt down to cover her mouth, but there was nowhere to
The girl's sharp and vicious voice echoed through the night, clearly ringing in everyone's
Rao Shi Xuge couldn't help but be angry, "Because of this, because of this, you have to help
Qin Shu to kill all of us."
"Grass," Xiong Manshan gritted his teeth. "How old are you, girl, how wicked are you? Do
you know how many people killed you?"
Liu Fangzhou took a sip, "The heart is not enough. The captain has helped you, and kindly
brought back your family of three, and arranged for work, food, and accommodation,
otherwise you can't pick your shoulders, you can't even mention the zombies. Do n’t dare
to kill, there are a few people who can eat, drink, worry, and stay calm in the inner city
without asking for thanksgiving Dade. At least do n’t worry about hurting us, but also want
to live in a villa.
Tian Shiyao's face rose red. "Why can't I live in the villa?" She raised her finger to Tong
Tong. "I clearly arrived before her. I knew the captain before, why she can live and I can't
live. Why do you only like her and don't like me?" You eat meat and give meat to the lion
cub, but neither my parents nor mother have meat. You are all bad people and you all
deserve to die. "
Tian Yi slapped his daughter's face with a slap, his face was pale and trembling, and he
knelt down with a thud, banging his forehead on the ground. "Captain, it's all my fault. It's
because I didn't teach my daughter, it's me. Damn it, it hurts everyone, I do n’t have a face
to live in this world, you kill me, I use my own life to kill Yaoyao, your adults put her in a lot
of horses. "
Ye Ping also knelt down and wiped her head, tears flowing across her face, "I blame me
badly, it was because I Yaoyao gave birth to this kind of thought, I beg you, Captain, you
take my life, don't hurt Yaoyao, she Only nine years old, she is a child "
Tian Shiyao also burst into tears, hugged Tian Yi and Ye Ping and shouted to his parents.
Shen Shi'an didn't look at her, or even to see this family of three.
He wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh.
He remembered Zhao Xinjiang who had his neck broken by He Xiu, Mr. Gu and Gu
Changsheng who wanted to save him desperately, Xiao Lang, Li Cheng covered in blood,
and the soldiers who opened the passage for him I remembered the road besieged by tens
of thousands of people, engulfed by the explosion, and completely left Lu Xiuyuan outside
the base of the capital.
All this should have been avoided.
If He Xiu did not absorb Tian Shiyao ’s abilities, he would not be kidnapped so easily; if Qin
Shu did n’t know that his space could enter, he did n’t develop a space restriction bracelet
for him, even if he was still chased, he could take Lu Xiuyuan and others all earned space
and escaped safely at the speed of Xiong Manshan.
Or even if you hide in the space for a lifetime, Lu Xiuyuan can still live alive.
So many sacrifices and deaths, so much chaos and despair, because what happened in the
end, just because Tian Shiyao wanted to live in the villa
There was a sudden sweetness in the throat, and a spit of blood spit out.
Shen Xun immediately supported him "An An, how are you"
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou suddenly burst out with a slur, "The three of them are gone"
Tian Yi's family of three suddenly disappeared under the eyes of everyone.
A red light flashed in Shen Xun's eyes, "I'll solve them."
"No," Shen Shian grabbed his arm. "I'll come by myself."
Standing straight and taking a long breath, he took off his sunglasses.
Twenty meters away, the three figures of two big and one small were frozen at the same
time, condensed into thick ice, and fell to the ground with a puff.
The broken jade splashed like beads, turning into countless pieces. ,, everyone remember to
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 204:

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The three ice sculptures fell straight to the ground and shattered into countless ice cubes.
Shen Shian put on his sunglasses, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and turned
to the other side of the gas station. "Xun Xun, I have something to tell you."
After Shen Xun left behind him, Lin Ruan walked forward a distance, picked up a bright
nucleus from the ice, and looked back to Chen Nan and others, "Who do you want to
Chen Nan and others waved hands repeatedly.
Xiong Manshan asked, "Aren't you not yet capable, can you absorb it?"
Lin Ruan shook his head. "Even if the ability is acquired by absorbing the crystal nuclei of
the ability, it will still require the rewriting of the gene chain. It is just equivalent to directly
copying the modified gene sequence. I do n’t have any extra genes to carry this kind of
And even if there is, he doesn't want to suck, blame the replies.
Tang Song said, "Keep on doing research later. In any case, the value of this power is
After the processing has been completed, everyone is ready to return to the convenience
Liu Fangzhou murmured, "It's cheaper for them."
It is up to them to dissect themselves, so that they can know the cost of ungrateful betrayal
and the death of so many people.
Shen Shian walked over to an abandoned commercial vehicle and stopped, the cold
moonlight reflected a dark light on the sunglasses "Take off the coat."
Shen Xun was stunned, and then stretched out his hand to hook his belt into his arms,
lowering his head and rubbing it at the tip of his nose. "Although I want to, your body is
probably not the time to do this."
Shen Shian didn't speak, only looked at him quietly.
Even when wearing sunglasses, Shen Xun could know what it was like in his eyes at this
time, secretly sighed, released his hand, and lifted his clothes up.
In order to prevent someone from chasing and hiding the traces as much as possible, all
members including Shen Shi'an's blade uniforms have long been replaced. Shen Xun only
wore a black t-shirt. After taking off, he showed a strong chest and a strong Arms, ****
muscle lines extend all the way into the waist, it can be called the perfect abdominal
muscles shimmering under the moon.
"Turn around." Shen Shian said.
Shen Xun turned around by words.
His back is intact, without any scars.
But if you observe carefully enough, you can find that starting from the left shoulder blade
and extending all the way to the right back waist, there is an area that traverses the entire
back and is about three fingers wide. There are subtle differences in skin color and other
Shen Shi'an's fingers shook slightly, and he touched the place where there was a color
difference. "You really were injured."
"I didn't, the blood at that time was Hershey"
"I just have a fever, I haven't burned silly yet," Shen Shian gritted his teeth. "Do you think I
can't even distinguish between your taste and the taste of Hershey?"
If it wasn't because of a serious injury, how could Shen Xun take him away without
hesitating to stun him? How could he leave Lu Xiuyuan alone at the time.
Shen Xun silently turned and hugged him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide from you."
Shen Shian clenched his fists, his nose strong, "He Xiu did it"
"No, now he hasn't the ability to hurt me to this extent." Shen Xun lowered his head and
kissed him on his face. "It's the law of the world. He used five puppets to force me to use
forces that exceed the limits of the law. The law felt threatened, so the Thunder Small
Commandment was released. "
"Now, is it cured?"
"Tao Yuan cured my trauma, but the internal injuries caused by the power of the law are
beyond his treatment."
"How serious"
Shen Xun embraced his waist and sighed in distress. "I guess Xiao Lang can't beat it now."
This half-ridiculous joke did not receive the expected effect, so Shen Xun held Shen Shian ’s
hand and interlocked his fingers. "Do n’t worry, although Tao Yuan ca n’t cure internal
injuries, Lingquan can be cured, as long as Soak the Lingquan a few more times and the
injury will soon be completely healed. "
If Lingquan is useful, then spiritual power is also useful
Shen Shian immediately put his palm on his chest and tried to send the spiritual power to
him. However, the mantra uttered the first sentence silently. There was a sudden pain in
Dantian's chest.
"An'an" Shen Xun quickly tightened his arms. "Don't use exercises. Your exercises and
abilities are now in a state of wrestling with each other. Before the two are completely
stabilized, you must never use exercises."
Shen Shian leaned back in his arms to calm down and looked down at his right wrist. If the
exercise method could not be used and no way to output spiritual power, then the only
solution was to remove the restriction bracelet as soon as possible.
It is imperative to find a place with professional equipment and instruments for Tang Song
and Lin Ruan to conduct research and research.
It is not difficult to find this place.
"There will be a national key medical university with the same reputation as the medical
university of city h in the province of s," Tang Song pointed to the spread map. "The
university has a research institute built in it to undertake a number of vital medical
experimental projects. Ruan has been there once, the instruments and experimental
equipment are top-notch, and there is an independent backup power system. If we are
looking for a place to study the bracelet, this is the best choice. "
Shen Shian nodded, "Just go here, have a good rest, and leave early tomorrow morning."
When the original space can be used normally, everyone is accustomed to the benefits
brought by the space, and after a long time, it will not feel any particularity. This time,
because of the restriction of the bracelet, space was suddenly out of use, and the players
realized how happy it was to have space as an aid.
The straight-line decline in living conditions is still second, and the most important thing is
The cars are not difficult to find. The main roads near the town are everywhere, and even
their gas stations are crowded with more than a dozen cars.
The key is no fuel.
Nearly two years after the virus broke out, most gas stations have been emptied, and a drop
of gasoline in the fuel pump cannot be pumped.
Fortunately, Xiongmanshan was fast, and found more than a dozen bicycles in the villages
and towns on both sides of the road. Shen Xun took Shen Shi'an, Xu Ge took Tong Tong, and
everyone wheeled the wheels against the scorching sun and went forward along the main
Shen Shi'an still hasn't had a fever, but he has been sober for longer and longer. But even
when he was awake, he seldom spoke, and his eyes hidden behind sunglasses were difficult
to discern, and he was even more silent than Tong Tong.
After riding for two and a half days, everyone successfully entered the provincial capital x
city. Medical University is located in the old city center of the city, with Chen Nan and Jiamu
in it, and the ark's ability induction. Everyone intends to avoid the zombies of higher-order
abilities. The process of arriving at the destination and entering the institute is smoother
than expected.
There are a total of three floors on the ground of the institute, and more than two hundred
zombies are scattered in it. Shen Xun guarded Shen Shi'an waiting on the first floor hall,
Tong Tong sat beside them, Xiong Manshan squatted on the other side.
After others solved the last zombie, dug out the crystal nucleus and then throw the body
out, Lin Ruan found the main switch of the backup power system on the negative layer.
The electric switch was pulled down, and in an instant, the research institute had been
quiet for nearly two years. The ventilation system and disinfection system were restarted.
The reassuring machine buzzing echoed inside the building.
"Wow" everyone hugged and cheered in the hall "It's really great to have electricity"
"Quickly lower the temperature of the air conditioner as soon as possible, and it will kill the
"The doors and windows must be closed and locked. Don't let zombies or mutant animals
run in."
"Relax, it's all locked up, and I can finally sleep comfortably tonight."
"I just saw that there is a bathroom, maybe we can take a hot shower."
"The lying trough is really fake. Where can I walk around and take a quick look, I'm almost
The team members dispersed in the institute, and Shen Xun walked into a laboratory with
Shen Shian behind Tang Songlin Ruan.
"Put the captain on the bed first," Lin Ruan skillfully manipulated one of the instruments
and pointed at Shen Shi'an's wrist. "I need to scan the specific structure of the restriction
After obtaining all the required information, Tang Song told the two of them, "It's okay for
the time being. It will take a little longer to crack. Here is Lin Ruan and I. You can take a
shower and have a good rest."
After picking up Shen Shian and going out, Shen Xun found an office not far from the
laboratory. The owner of the display was at least a leader, not only equipped with a toilet
but also equipped with a private lounge.
Put Shen Shian on the sofa, Shen Xun walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet,
there was hot water.
Go out and put Shen Shian's forehead on the back of his hand. "How do you feel about
getting up now? Do you want a shower?"
Shen Shi'an was helpless. "I just had a fever, not a waste."
"I know," Shen Xun embraced Shen Shian again. "But I like taking care of you."
The bathroom has a lot of space, more than two people standing. Dirty clothes were taken
off and thrown into the sink. Sunglasses were placed next to it. Shen Xun adjusted the water
temperature and hung the shower back. The warm water immediately washed down from
the top of his head.
Shen Shian closed his eyes and couldn't help sighing at this moment.
So many days after leaving the base, the length of time he could not take a shower has
almost reached his limit.
Shen Xunxiao untied his head rope and brushed his wet hair behind his head. He lowered
his head and gave a kiss on his forehead.
Then squeeze out a handful of shampoo and rub it on his hair.
For the first time, he helped Shen Shian wash his hair. His movements were a little clumsy,
but extremely delicate and gentle.
Massage your fingertips from top to bottom along the hair roots, adjust the frequency and
strength according to Shen Shi'an's response, "Are you comfortable?"
Shen Shi'an nodded and couldn't help but stretch his hands around his waist, and the two
slender and slender bodies were close together. Because of his fever, Shen Shi'an's body
temperature was significantly hotter, and Shen Xun's muscles tremble, and his dark green
eyes immediately dimmed.
The two were close to each other, and Shen Shi'an's physical changes soon became
apparent. But what is surprising is that the man did not move much, still patiently and
meticulously help Shen Shian rub his hair out of foam, and took the shower carefully twice.
"Feel it yourself, is it clean"
Before the ending of this um, Shen Shian was pressed to the wall.
Shen Xun's hot lips fell with the intense water flow from the shower.
Shen Shi'an raised his head and kissed back passionately, his lips and tongue were
entangled, but it was originally a kiss. In the end, it was more like the two people carrying
out the most direct emotional venting in this way, venting the panic that almost lost their
lover, venting irreparable regret pain.
The steaming steam was in the bathroom, and Shen Shian couldn't see it, so other feelings
became more acute.
Suddenly the palm was cold, Shen Xun squeezed a shower gel into his hand.
The man's dull voice rang in his ears with burning breath. "I helped you wash, now it's your
turn to help me."
When the two changed their clothes and walked out of the office, it was dark.
With the exception of Tang Songlin Ruan, everyone else gathered in a common room on the
second floor of the institute. When they saw the two people walk in, Liu Fangzhou's
complexion fluttered with red eyes. Xiong Manshan felt unaware and stood excited Get up,
"Boss, have you taken a bath? Isn't it particularly cool? Oh, the shower thief here is pulling
hard, and the water flow is special."
Shen Shian's face was hot, but he had a fever and no one could see it. Shen Xun took his
hand and nodded generously, "especially cool."
Zhao Xinhe gave up a place on the sofa. "Captain, sit here, we just turned around here and
found a lot of good things."
Although most of the food items have expired, a large amount of unopened pure water has
been found. In addition, two large cups of coffee have been found.
"The long shelf life of these coffees has not expired, and even the coffee machines are
ready-made, but they are not used." Tao Yuan made two cups and handed them over.
"Captain, how do you taste it?"
Shen Shian took a sip of "Good."
The coffee powder has been prepared with a good proportion of toffee. Probably
considering that the main effect is refreshing, the bitter taste teaches ordinary coffee to be
heavier, but it is indeed refreshing.
Shen Xun took a sip, flicked the corner of his mouth, and turned his hands away.
It will take a while for the bracelet to be cracked. When everyone gathers for dinner, Tang
Song suggested, "We can temporarily stay here for a few days. The water and electricity are
complete here, basic life can be guaranteed, and it is located in the city center. It is
estimated that no survivors will come to the zombies, which is safer than other places. "
This is actually a bit ironic. For them, it is safer to stay in the zombie group than in the
Shen Shi'an agreed, and no one else objected to taking a hot bath every day. Who wouldn't
want it?
This is the first time since Shen Shi'an was kidnapped by Hershey. It is the first time they
can stay together in a relaxed state. Therefore, some important issues that were too late to
think about now have time to discuss.
Lin Ruan looked at Zhao Xinjiang, "You are still alive after being broken your neck, and you
can even recover from the original cause of jumping up and down. I probably had a guess
with the teacher."
Zhao Xinjiang was a little nervous "what is it"
"Do you remember when you repulsed the tide of cockroaches, you found me and the
teacher and said you seemed to be parasitized by cockroach eggs"
It was the first time that Zhao Xinhe heard about this, and he almost jumped up, "When did
I not know?"
Zhao Xinjiang held him and nodded to Lin Ruan. "But you didn't tell Mr. Tang, should that
be just my illusion and the physical examination did not detect any abnormalities."
"It's true. But after you evolved the ability, we thought about it again and thought it was
more than 90% possible. At that time, you were indeed parasitized by cockroach eggs. But
because you were already at the time The transformation of the power virus is about to
evolve the power stage, so the cockroach eggs not only have no effect on you, but also have
achieved your power. "
Zhao Xinjiang was a little confused "what does this mean"
"Meaning, your body was not successfully parasitized, but swallowed cockroach eggs, fused
part of the genes of mutant cockroaches, and thus gained the ability to mutate
cockroaches," Tang Song pushed the glasses "so you can put it on the neck After being
twisted, I still survived. "
After a weird silence, Liu Fangzhou first burst out a "lying trough"
"So," his expression was both surprised and a little tangled. "New Brother Jiang might
become a cockroach"
Lin Ruan shook his head. "So far, Xinjiang has not had any physiological characteristics
similar to cockroaches, so I and the teacher thought that this phagocytosis and gene fusion
should be a more complicated and delicate process that gave Xinjiang mutant cockroaches.
Ability, but does not require corresponding changes in form or other aspects. "
Shen Shi'an Road "If this is the case, then Xinjiang is likely to be able to acquire the ability of
other species through gene fusion."
Tang Song snapped his fingers. "Yes, the key to Xinjiang ’s ability is not fusion, but
devouring. As long as the method is appropriate, in theory, he can obtain the ability of any
Imagine the speed of a cheetah, the power of a lion, the agility of apes, the bounce of fleas
If all the strongest abilities of these species are concentrated on the same person, how
magnificent and wonderful
Lin Ruan suppressed the enthusiasm of Tang Song in time. "But we don't know what the
proper method of phagocytosis is. Cockroach eggs are because of its solubility. It is just
integrated with Xinjiang. Is it necessary for all phagocytosis to be complete It is obviously
unrealistic to integrate the individual into Xinjiang, so for now, this is just a concept, and
how to realize it still needs to be explored step by step. "
Xu Ge asked, "The inference is that Xinjiang has fused the mutant cockroach gene and
gained a part of the ability. Is there a way to confirm it?"
"Yes, the most basic gene profiling can prove, but a complete genetic test takes time," Tang
Song looked at Zhao Xinjiang. "In addition, there is a simpler way to confirm."
"Cockroaches can survive for more than half an hour even if they are underwater."
Xiong Manshan moved a bucket of water, Zhao Xinjiang buried his head in the eyes of
everyone, and Tao Yuan began to count.
After half an hour in a year, Chen Nan pulled people out of the water "what does it feel"
Zhao Xinjiang felt for a moment, and Yaoya smiled, "I think I can hold on for another half an
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 205:

Settings saved..
When Shen Xun was awake, Shen Shian was not beside him, got up and turned around, and
found him on the open-air balcony on the top floor of the institute.
He stood by the railing, staring down at the crowd of zombies downstairs, dressed in
medical school uniforms, motionless.
When the wind blew, the white t-shirt, which was slightly empty due to the high fever,
floated up, revealing two thin shoulder blades, as if it would fly down the wind at any time.
Shen Xun paused, and then walked over and hugged him into his arms "how to get up so
"Can't sleep," Shen Shian stretched his body, and then relaxed naturally. "Too much sleep
these days. How do you sleep well?"
Shen Xun lowered his head and placed his chin on his shoulders. His thick chest and warm
body wrapped Shen Shian. "You can't sleep without me. Go hungry, go and have breakfast."
Zhao Xinjiang was already there when they walked to the common room on the second
floor. They were holding a watermelon and touching them back and forth. When they saw
them, they stood up immediately, and their slightly red face was a little embarrassing.
"Captain is early."
Shen Shi'an nodded, Shen Xun asked "how is it going?"
Last night, after using a simple and crude method called "breathing for half an hour
underwater", it was initially confirmed that Zhao Xinjiang had indeed obtained part of the
ability to mutate cockroaches by devouring cockroach eggs. Tang Song and Lin Ruan
proposed a hypothesis.
"In addition to continuing the super vitality of ordinary cockroaches, mutant cockroaches
have evolved an ability to adapt to environmental changes. That is, they can change the
composition of the outer membrane of cockroach eggs in real time, making them
completely soluble in the skin of other organisms and penetrating into them. Complete
parasitism. If you also gain this ability, in theory, it is only theoretically, you can change
through your own cell composition and molecular arrangement, and can penetrate any
substance without obstacles. "
Zhao Xinjiang is excited and troubled. "How can this be confirmed?"
Lin Ruan thought about it and asked Chen Nan "Did you bring watermelon seeds"
"Bring it." When packing up his luggage before leaving the base, he just took a part of all
kinds of seeds on hand just in case.
Chen Nan found the watermelon seeds from his backpack and spawned a large watermelon
with black, green and translucent melon skin according to Lin Ruan ’s request. Lin Ruan
handed over the watermelon to Zhao Xinjiang. “Please try this first and see if you can
penetrate it by hand. Go in and pick out the melon seeds, don't worry, take your time, there
are too many unknowns about your powers, we can only explore a little. "
Zhao Xinjiang held the watermelon and touched it in the middle of the night. When he got
up in the morning and continued to touch it, he heard Shen Xun's question and scratched
his head. He was a little embarrassed. "No progress at all."
He was almost balding the watermelon, and he couldn't even seep half of his fingers.
"Then continue to work hard, and getting stronger will not happen overnight. Didn't Lin
Ruan say that this matter is useless in a hurry."
After breakfast, Tang Song and Lin Ruan plunged into the laboratory again. After a full two
days of research, they finally found Shen Shian in the afternoon of the next day. "Captain,
we have a way to unlock the bracelet."
All the members gathered outside the laboratory door, staring closely at Shen Shi'an who
placed his wrist on the experimental table, and Tang Song, who carried out the operation
carefully with a surgical magnifying glass.
More than ten minutes later, accompanied by a slight "click" sound, the bracelet was
completely removed from Shen Shian's wrist.
Tang Song and the two took a sigh of relief at the same time, put the removed bracelet into
a container and carefully sealed it, preparing to keep it for further study.
Lin Ruan said to Shen Shian, "Captain, you should try it, there should be no problem."
Shen Shian rubbed his wrists, his thoughts disappeared in place, and soon reappeared in
the original position. A huge stone fell in his heart. "Okay, you have worked hard."
To celebrate, Shen Shian took a lot of fresh ingredients from the space that night, including
mutant chicken, mutant goose, mutant goose eggs, and the most popular mutant pigs.
It wasn't dark yet, and the whole institute was full of attractive food aromas.
The members assembled the four experimental tables into a large table, which was full of
The fleshy Coke chicken wings are full of fragrance, the delicious roasted foie gras is
sizzling with oil, and the fragrant braised pork fat is not greasy. Considering the popularity,
it burned the three big pots like a hill, and finally all were Destroyed, even the soup was
wiped clean with the rice.
After the meal, Liu Fangzhou lay on the floor with a round belly and sighed, "Ah, happy."
Shen Shian asked Tang Song "Do you still want to continue researching?"
Tang Song nodded. "We can all take away the equipment, but such a place with complete
water and electricity is definitely not easy to find. If we can, we hope that at least we can
wait until Xinjiang's complete gene profile is analyzed and then go.
"how much time is required"
"Two days is enough."
Shen Shian nodded. "Then we will stay for two more days."
Shen Xun put an arm on the chair. "There is a shopping mall near here. I plan to go with An
An to see tomorrow. If someone wants to go, hurry and say."
It is best to find food materials such as rice. If they cannot find them, clothing and daily
necessities are also necessary. Although there is a lot of storage in Shen Shi'an's space, this
kind of thing is always more beneficial. After all, their escape life still does not know how
long it will last.
Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou immediately raised their hands, "I, I, Me," the job of
searching the mall, they liked it the most
Chen Nandao "I'll go too, it's more convenient to go back and forth in the city center if there
is Jiamu."
In the end, except for Tong Tong and Zhao Xinhe, Zhao Xinjiang left to guard, Chen Nan and
others all went. For safety, Shen Shian left the third-level head he had cut off in the absolute
death zone to Tang Song. With it, The surrounding zombies are a natural protective barrier.
At eight o'clock the next morning, Shen Shian picked a large enough SUV from the space,
Tao Yuan drove, Jiamu Qing Road, and drove along the main road to the destination.
Xiong Manshan leaned on the back seat and ate strawberries while blowing a small breeze.
He couldn't help but sigh, "Which car is still comfortable?"
"It's a pity that the captain's original off-road vehicle," Liu Fangzhou was a little lost. "That
car accompanied us all the way to Beijing, and it is also a witness to the growth and growth
of our team."
Xu Ge nodded, "That's a really good car."
Strong performance, fast speed, large space, high defense, and also comes with solar
charging board, almost no shortcomings.
However, after encountering Hershey's secret calculation, the first half of the SUV was
completely squeezed and deformed. In order to rescue Zhao Xinjiang, Shen Xun had to turn
the entire vehicle into powder.
Shen Xun is also very affectionate about the off-road vehicle. The car witnessed him getting
along with An An all the way up and down every night. Every night that An An was hugging
in his arms and coaxing to sleep, he was lying in the back seat with An An The night of the
stars, the night when An An told the story and read the Tang poetry, he clearly
remembered it in his mind.
As soon as I think about it, my heart seems to be soaked in honey water, and a bubble pops
for a while, each bubble is sweet and sweet.
The handsome eyebrows stretched gently, couldn't help but grab Shen Shi'an's hand, and
leaned on his chin and rubbed it back and forth with a stubble.
Shen Shi'an was tickled by him, holding his palm with his backhand, turning his head to see
how "he recovered from his injury"
"Very good," Shen Xun separated his fingers and snapped his fingers in. "I can beat a
hundred Xiao Lang now."
Last night, Shen Shian stared at the Lingquan pond and spent the whole night. The crystal
nuclei at the spring's eyes were replaced in three batches, and the effect was really
"How long will it take to heal completely"
"It's about 4 or 5 more times."
Shen Shian lowered his heart. As long as the spring eye does not dry, Shen Xun can keep
soaking, as long as there are crystal nuclei, the spring eye will not dry, and he has too many
crystal nuclei.
The shopping center is not far from the institute, and it is less than 10 kilometers in total. In
order to prevent accidentally seeing the fourth-level zombies, Xiong Manshan first carried
Liu Fangzhou in a circle while driving halfway.
The two quickly returned, and Liu Fangzhou said, "There are no Level 4 zombies over
there, but there is a Level 4 power."
Level 4 abilities
"Only him," Shen Shian asked.
"Just one, I deliberately induced it several times."
"The other party should be very strong." Tao Yuan said.
x The total number of zombies in the city is nearly five million. If Chen Nan and Jiamu did
not control the zombies together, they would not be able to swing in and out of the city so
easily, and the other party could break into the city center alone Strength is not simple.
Shen Shian asked again "What color is his power?"
"This is also what I want to tell you that his light group is a substantial type."
Xu Ge does not understand "what does it mean"
"Aren't our light groups all light," Liu Fangzhou said, "According to the type of power, the
size, volume, and intensity of light are different, but they are all light, and they will shine.
There is also a vague sense of light bulb on the edge of the group, but this person is
different. The first time he swept his light group, it felt real. The hard substance, the edge is
particularly clear, and a little light. Do n’t leak it out. It ’s like the kind of porcelain bowl we
use for dinner. Everyone has a concept. It ’s like a solid porcelain bowl without patterns. ”
Speaking of this, Liu Fangzhou was a little excited. "This is the first time I have met this
kind of light group. The other party's ability type must be very special, so this kind of light
group will be formed."
"Where is he now?"
"Just in the shopping mall, I guess that all the zombies inside should have been cleaned up
by him, and I didn't even feel one."
Liu Fangzhou was right. People stopped the car in front of the entrance of the shopping
center and saw zombies lying on the ground.
"Hey, the door is gone," Xiong Manshan soon discovered the anomaly. "These zombies have
no injuries on their heads."
Zombies will only die if they destroy the brain. No survivor knows this. But hundreds of
zombies lying in front of everyone, almost every head is intact, there is only a crack under
the chin, but according to the size of the crack, it is far enough to reach out and pull out the
crystal core.
"Could it be that the crystal nucleus is still inside"
Xiong Manshan lifted his foot and stomped down on one of the zombies' heads, but
unexpectedly, with his strength, this head was not broken.
"Ouch I go to his uncle" Xiong Manshan jumped back and forth holding his calf "This stuff is
Shen Xun pulled out the Tang knife and waved it. The head was cut in half from the position
of the brow bone. The upper half turned twice and stopped. There was no brain content in
it. The smooth and sturdy cross section shone under the sun. Shine like a
"Solid porcelain bowl."
After Shen Xun finished speaking, she put the knife into the sheath and turned to look at Liu
Fangzhou. The same is true for others.
"Don't look at me," Liu Fangzhou is also a little stunned. "I don't know what the opponent's
ability is, but his light group really does look like a solid porcelain bowl." Or a solid
porcelain ball is more suitable. .
Shen Shian cut off two heads with a sword and put them in a lead box, put them away, and
prepared to take them back to Tang Song and Lin Ruan for further inspection, and then
walked inside the shopping center first. "All come, there is no reason to go back empty-
handed. "
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 206:

Settings saved..
This large-scale comprehensive shopping mall occupies an extremely large area. For
newcomers, it is like a maze.
But the first-coming level 4 ability is obviously already familiar with this place, because all
the talents have just entered the door, Liu Fangzhou said, "Captain, the other party came in
our direction."
Chen Nanqi said, "How did he know someone came in?"
There is no alarm device other than an iron chain on the entrance door, and the electricity
has been cut off for a long time. The black and gray on the monitoring probe can't be used
at all. Does the other party also have induction abilities? Isn't his ability only one color?
"Rely on that," Tao Yuan raised his hand and pointed to a vr display shed facing the gate
more than ten meters away. When everyone looked in the direction of Tao Yuan's finger,
they found that the corner of the shed was fixed with transparent glue on one side. The
slanted oval mirror is just enough to capture the image of the gate, and the position facing
the mirror is at the railing on the second floor above everyone's head. Another mirror is
fixed in the same way. "The most basic physical investigation One of the tricks is that as
long as the angle is selected properly and the number of mirrors is sufficient, he can
observe the situation at the entrance at any location in the mall. "
Xiong Manshan touched his chin. "At this point, the other party is quite smart."
"Where is he?" Shen Shian asked.
"It should be on the third floor now, and the straight-line distance from us is about 400
"Captain, what are we going to do"
Shen Shian withdrew his gaze from the mirror, and the eyes behind the sunglasses were
unwilling to "wait."
The other party's walking speed is not slow or slow, perhaps also want to take this
opportunity to carefully look at Shen Shian and others from the mirrors fixed in different
After more than two minutes, without Liu Fangzhou's reminding, other people also knew
that the other party was approaching. The sound of the heel hitting on the marble floor was
reflected many times and clearly echoed in everyone's ears.
Click, click, click.
The percussion sound became louder and louder, and Chen Nan and others were alert,
staring closely at the direction of the sound.
Finally, a figure turned around the corner of the shop and appeared at the end of
everyone's vision.
It was a very beautiful woman with long legs, thin waist and white skin like snow, slender
figure with irregular shape, wearing a red glamorous dress, a white long whip tied around
her waist, the whip tail will fall to the ground, Every step of the black leather boots above
the knee will hit a crisp sound with the ground, the calf line is tight and powerful, and there
is no sharp beauty between actions.
The perfect makeup can't pick a little wrong place, from head to toe, everywhere is
exquisite, even the nails are dyed in the most red dress.
The seaweed-like wavy hair curled slowly as she walked behind her, and the woman
stopped at a distance of 50 meters from the crowd. "Are you all right?"
The voice is soft and charming, like amber maple syrup, and the silk can be pulled out with
just a tick.
Shen Shian glanced at her more and Shen Xun glanced at her more.
Even though he was well prepared psychologically, the image of this fourth-level ability still
taught Chen Nan and others to be surprised.
However, since the other party is female and alone, they are not easy to bully others.
As the only female compatriot in the team, Xu Ge looked back at the two captains and took
the initiative to take a step forward to negotiate "Hello, we are not malicious, just want to
come in to collect supplies, do not know if it is possible"
After all, the place was cleaned up by others, so even if it ’s just a polite one, ask first.
The woman looked at the crowd back and forth several times. When the eyes fell on Shen
Shi’an and Shen Xun, she paused for a moment, and her index finger tapped twice on the
handle of the long whip. “What ’s wrong? This is so big. That ’s it, everyone, please. ”
Shen Shian raised his hand and threw three first-level zombies crystal nuclei, "cleaning
The woman grabbed the handle and pulled it away, the long whip suddenly flicked away,
and hit a loud whistling in the air. When the whip was closed, the three crystal cores were
rolled upright. After holding the crystal core, her eyes turned and turned away To Chen
Nan, who was holding Devil's Vine, "You are a wood power"
Chen Nan subconsciously tightened his body "how is it"
"Yes, just do me a favor," the woman threw three crystal nuclei back to him, and the long
whip flicked twice to tie it back to her waist. "I don't lack crystal nuclei. Can you help me
spawn a little fruit? It ’s not bad without fruits and vegetables. "
Chen Nan glanced back at Shen Shi'an, and pulled out a few packets of seeds from his
backpack. There was a florist just a short distance away. When he walked in, he found a
flower basket, which gave birth to a basket full of watermelons and strawberries.
Turn around and carry it back to the other side "is it enough"
"Enough is enough," the woman smiled like a flower, her face stained with a cloud of red
halo "Thank you, you are awesome"
Chen Nan's face was red, but Jiamu on his back seemed to be a little unhappy. He jumped
and banged the backpack a few times, because he was afraid of being noticed by the
woman. Chen Nan immediately waited for her to take the basket. Return to the original
The woman carried the basket in one hand and dropped it from the long whip with the
other hand, "If you are looking for food supplies, go to the second floor. There is a
supermarket on the whole floor, because the temperature is too low for the sun. , Most of
the things inside are not spoiled. "
Xu Ge said, "Okay, thanks for the notification."
"Help and help each other," the woman turned and waved her hand. "If you have any
questions, please call me after you have prepared the fruit. I'm gone, ciao."
When the figure disappeared completely, Xiong Manshan said, "This girl looks pretty
Liu Fangzhou nodded madly, "I also feel really good-looking and never lose the captain"
Shen Shian glanced at him, and the teenager covered his mouth and silenced instantly.
"Do you think she seems a bit familiar" Xu Ge said.
She didn't say it was okay, as soon as Xiongmanshan felt this way, "It seems that I have seen
it somewhere, you know Yuanyuan"
Tao Yuan shook his head, "I have no impression."
Chen Nan shook his head as well, with such an outstanding opposite sex, which he would
never forget if he had seen it.
Shen Xun suddenly said, "I feel familiar too."
For a time, all eyes were on him, including Shen Shian.
Shen Xun rubbed his nose. "It's a bit familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it."
After saying this, he felt strange himself. Xu Ge and Xiong Manshan thought it was normal
to be familiar. Perhaps they were seen at which base, or they had met by accident before
the end of the world, but how could he be familiar? Just get along with Shen Shi'an, if he had
seen it, it should be right that Shen Shi'an should have seen it.
Shen Shian, who has never forgotten, said he had no memory of this.
"If you can't think of it, you don't want to. The business matters."
Shen Shian took out the short-distance communicator and sent a message to each person.
"The area here is too large. It is estimated that a shop will take turns to search in the past.
Let's move separately. Search above the ground first, and then go to the supermarket
before leaving. Each group Guarantee at least two people. "
Xu Ge raised his hand, "Captain, I just need to go shopping alone. Some girls need things
that I can search by myself."
Shen Shian thought for a while and nodded, "Keep the communication smooth and keep in
touch at any time." It happened that the entire shopping mall was within the effective
communication range.
"Well, rest assured, Captain."
So Shen Xun and Shen Shi'an group, Tao Yuan and Chen Nan group, Xiong Manshan and Liu
Fangzhou group, Xu Ge alone group.
"Report your position every ten minutes, and gather here three hours later."
Xiong Manshan carried an empty oversized backpack and took Liu Fangzhou, who was also
carrying the bag, and grabbed it. "Let's go, little brother, let's find something good."
There are a lot of shops in the shopping center. With the all-round and integrated service
tenet, almost any kind of goods can be found.
Xiong Manshan had no hope of his ability to find food, so he skipped all the things related to
eating, he and Liu Fangzhou went all the way, stuffed a lot of socks, underwear, outerwear
into the backpack, and picked After dozens of pairs of sports shoes and hiking shoes, the
shoelaces were all tied together to form a string of elders, and they were dragged around
the waist twice, and each chose two gold watches with diamonds, one on the left hand. One
right hand, facing the solar blinding dog.
When I came out of the jewelry store, the road was almost over. The two were preparing to
climb from the escalator to the second floor, and they found that there was even a shop
The storefront is not particularly large, but the four-character signboard of "adult video" is
particularly conspicuous.
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan glanced at each other, and at the same time saw
something in the other's eyes that was only unpredictable.
Xiong Manshan cleared his throat and wanted to be serious. "Ship, you are not yet a grown-
"It's just a few months away, no difference, no difference."
The two looked at each other again, hehe laughed twice, pushed the door open hand in
hand, and the two went together.
After Xu Tong helped Tong Tong to pick out all seasons of clothing, he turned and walked
into a lingerie store.
Because the electricity is cut off, even if the sunlight can directly shine through the glass
dome on the top floor of the mall, the interior of the store is still a bit dim. So Xu Ge opened
the door and walked a few steps, only to find out that the fourth-level ability who always
knew something familiar was also there.
After a step, the palm began to charge immediately.
Hearing the movement, the woman turned her head, glanced at Xu Ge and turned her head
back. “Come and choose underwear. This underwear is very good, with good design, good
quality, and special sports models.”
She walked twice between the shelves, took out a few sets and put them on the cabinet
closest to Xu Ge. "Try these, I highly recommend it. It is comfortable and not tight. It can
also hold the chest perfectly. It is best for playing. Wear when zombie. "
Xu Ge glanced at it, and it was still his own model.
Part of the power that was ready to go in the palm of his hand was recovered, his face was
slightly warm, and he nodded and said thank you.
"There is also a lipstick counter and a perfume counter next door. If you want to pick and
you ca n’t make up your mind, you can also ask me. I have a good vision, and I can choose
the style that suits you best. I ’ll go first, dear you . "
The woman walked past Xu Ge, her long hair like a waterfall gleaming, and her skirt flew
with a gentle fragrance.
Xu Ge touched her face without makeup for almost a year and felt like she was a little
"How is it," Shen Shian's voice came from the communicator. "Does the other party behave
"No, everything is normal, I don't feel like she's mischievous."
"Sister Sister, you have to be careful, maybe the other party has the ability to make people
less defensive and confuse people's hearts." Liu Fangzhou did not forget the loss they had
suffered in Zhong Han.
"Relax, I count."
Although he didn't feel that the other party was like a bad person, Xu Ge's alertness did not
diminish. If the woman had any signs of attempting to attack just now, I'm afraid it was
already a pile of black dust.
"Don't let your guard down, you can communicate at any time."
"Relax, boss."
After three hours, the time was close to noon, and everyone gathered at the door as agreed.
There are many things that everyone brought back. Among them, Xiong Manshan and Liu
Fangzhou's two huge backpacks, almost one person tall, are the most spectacular.
Shen Xun picked it up and shook it twice, but it was quite heavy, "what is loaded"
Xiong Manshan laughed twice, "Everything has everything, there are fragile products, hey
brother Xun, you can start tapping lightly."
Shen Shi'an packed all the members' backpacks into the space. "Let's eat first, and then
continue in the afternoon."
There is a leisure eating area in the shopping mall for consumers to rest. Everyone just sat
down around a round table, and there was a voice "You are a space power"
Not seen for a few hours, the woman put on a dark green brocade cheongsam again,
wearing a beige lace top hat on her head, the sun shining straight through the dome,
reflecting the dazzling light on the diamond necklace between her necks Shine.
Some people seem to be born with the ability to gather sight, and they can quickly become
the focus no matter where they are. The woman walked down the escalator from the
second floor, and it seemed that all the light shrouded her for a while, and she raised her
hands to show grace.
Shen Shian glanced back at her, then swept a circle of mirrors everywhere, and continued
to take out the battery and microwave oven from the space "What do you want."
The woman's eyes lit up, and the ankle-length whip flicked with a playful arc "Do you have
a cigarette"?
"No cigarettes can be found in such a big shopping mall," Liu Fangzhou said unbelief. "I only
saw several counters for tobacco and alcohol."
"Of course you can find it, but you also know the post-apocalyptic climate, or it will be as
hot as an oven, or as cold as an ice cellar, and after such a long time, the cigarettes have
already deteriorated, and there is still a little bit of tobacco It ’s a pity that it ’s mellow and
tasteless. ”
The woman stopped five meters away from the crowd. "I heard that the space of the space
abilities can effectively delay the deterioration of food because it is similar to a vacuum.
That should be equally effective for cigarettes. Rest assured, I won't want you to use it, I use
The crystal nucleus changes with you. "
Shen Shi'an took out an entire unopened cigarette and raised his hand and threw it over to
"send you."
The smoke started, and the aroma of tobacco through the sealing film lifted the woman's
spirit and did not go away. She sat down directly on the other round table next door, one
foot on the ground and one foot on the chair The slit of the cheongsam was pulled high,
revealing a long thin white jade leg.
Tao Yuan, who was facing her with a red ear, immediately dropped her gaze and changed
her position away from her.
The woman took off her lace gloves and threw them on the table, almost eagerly tearing off
the plastic film and unpacking it. Her nose drew in and took a deep breath, then clipped one
with her **** and forefinger, and took one from the two peaks. Only the lighter, lit the fire,
took it to his mouth and took a sip.
Support the body with your left hand backwards, the waist sags down, the seaweed-like
wavy hair hangs on the table, the eyes are slightly closed, and the head is raised, as if
experiencing some kind of blissful enjoyment. There was a long moan in the red lips
This moaning 039 tone is so ambiguous that even Chen Nan and others are tight. Tao
Yuan's already red ears are even redder. I haven't figured out if I want to change positions.
Behind you heard another hoarse male voice in a hoarse voice
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The husky, sloppy "yeah" came out, and the room was silent.
Xiong Manshan just bitten half of the sausage in his hand, and he fell on the table with a
loud cry, "Big sister smashed, you, you are a male drop"
The "women" coughed twice and turned their heads with the cigarette "oos, they showed
their stuff."
Once the gender cognitive errors were reversed, Xu Ge's mind flashed instantly, "I know
why I think you are familiar, you are the hot actor before the end of the world"
Shen Xun's eyes lit up, "I remember you, you played male coquette."
He was still Xiao He because An An had no time to spend time with him in class. His favorite
thing to do was to watch TV, especially episodes such as Fairy and Ghost. This person
appeared in at least three dramas.
No wonder he felt familiar with Xu Ge and Xiong Manshan, but An An, Tao Yuan and Chen
Nan were completely unimpressed, because the three of them almost never watched TV
series either because of schoolwork or occupation.
"I didn't expect to be able to meet my fans here," since being discerned, the man no longer
changed his voice, took another breath with a cigarette, his soft wavy curly hair flicked
gently, and Erlang was sitting After a half turn on the table, he leaned slightly towards Shen
Shian and others and spit out two smoke rings. "Do you want to sign one cigarette to sign
Xu Ge had indeed fanned him, but the expression at this time was a bit hard to say.
Shen Xun looked at him like a fool. "If you dare to breathe again, don't kill yourself."
"I don't like the smell of smoke. I'm sorry, this handsome guy can take out a whole piece at
once. I thought you smoked too."
The man talked a lot, pressed the cigarette on the table and extinguished the cigarette, then
put the remaining half carefully back into it, and continued to discuss, "If it does n’t work,
one pack is OK, one signature for another pack, I want to make I can write anything. It does
n’t work either, you can change the signature of a cigarette, it should be okay, it ’s more
cost-effective. ”
The eyes turned twice on everyone's faces, making sure that there was no drama at all. The
man sighed in disappointment, "Okay, the business is not in the righteousness. I haven't
officially introduced myself to Ye Shenghua, I am very happy to meet you."
"Hello, hello, hello," suddenly face to face with a star, Xiong Manshan is still a little excited.
"The girlfriend thief of my younger classmate ’s roommate ’s younger brother likes to
watch your play, saying you are doing well, what is it? Fairy actor, face-lifting acting,
without dropping the wall-to-door drama, I always wanted to find out, is your name a stage
name or a real name? "
"True names, such as fake replacements, my dad ’s surname Ye, my mom ’s surname Hua,
all want to embed the surname in my name, but whether it ’s called Huaye or Yehua is too
tacky, the two clap their hands together, simply I added a new character to it, saying it was
a leaf of flowers, which looked literary. "
Ye Shenghua leaned on one side with his hand, his body slightly tilted, and the dark green
brocade wrapped tightly on his body. The curvaceous curvaceous posture was lazy, even if
he was already known to be a man, this naturally revealing softness and gentleness still
taught Xiong Manshan Looked at it for a long time.
Xu Ge stared at his shimmering, curly hair like "Where did you find your wig?"
The quality is great. She wanted something.
Ye Shenghua curled a curl around her fingertips. "This is my own hair. It took a long time to
grow to this length. It takes a lot of time to take care of it, but the results are not bad. How
about looking for a secret of hair care Can I share it with you, a pack of cigarettes is enough
for payment. "
Xu Ge twitched his lips and said nothing.
The cheongsam worn by Ye Shenghua is perfectly tailored, and there is a curved hollow
design under the collarbone, which can perfectly highlight a pair of crisp chest. His sitting
posture squeezed his chest again, and the pair of bare white 039 circles became more and
more spectacular.
Others want to ask and are embarrassed to ask, you see me, I see you have diverted your
attention, but Liu Fangzhou has no worries, and pierced the topic on his own underage. "Ye
Ge, is your chest real or fake?" "
"Of course it's fake. It's emulated by latex. I found a lot of places to find the best pair of
breasts." Ye Shenghua rubbed two of them himself, and invited "Want to touch" on his
Liu Fangzhou actually thought a bit, but in the face of the captain, he really didn't have the
courage to shake his hands. "It's impossible."
I have the opportunity to talk about it later.
I thought about it and asked, "Brother Ye, why are you posing like a girl? Now that the
world is so chaotic, aren't you afraid of someone, cough, someone coveted?"
"How nice girls are, clean and cute. I have loved to be girls since I was a kid. Every year I
was dressed as a princess on Halloween every year in kindergarten. All kinds of blinging
skirts are so pretty. As for people who covet me,
Ye Shenghua tapped her red lips twice with her index finger, and her tone of voice was
silky. "They are all dead."
Even if Liu Fangzhou had no idea about him, he could not help but shivered and shivered.
Taking advantage of the effort of the two of them, the others had already warmed the
steamed buns and boiled the intestines, boiled the water, and ripped the wrapping paper to
make instant noodles.
Ye Shenghua couldn't help rubbing her nose because of the rich aroma of the food. She
looked at Shen Shi'an and wanted to make a final attempt. "Handsome guy, the smoke you
gave is too positive. The aroma of tobacco is particularly sufficient. It should have been
produced soon. It ’s been taken into space by you. It ’s said that meeting is destiny. If it ’s
convenient, sell it to me. The price will be opened by you. ”
Cigarettes Shen Shi'an was so rich that they were all obtained from the base of the cigarette
factory. After arriving in Beijing, nearly half of them were lost through Miao's richest man.
The remaining amount is still very impressive.
If the other party sincerely wants to buy, selling him is not impossible at all.
Shen Shian thought for a while, "A pack of 20 crystal cores will sell you up to ten."
"It's okay" Ye Shenghua jumped off the table. "The gentleman said that the horse is hard to
chase. You are waiting for me. I will come back as soon as possible."
Turning away after talking, the black leather boots knocked crisply on the ground, the thick
curly hair hung down the waist like a cloud, and every step would swing an elegant arc.
Xiong Manshan stared at the back of the people for a long time, and the girl with two good
looks was a male drop.
After eating, Shen Shian and others continued to collect supplies. Such a large-scale
comprehensive shopping mall is difficult to encounter, so Shen Shian, which is necessary
for every life and may be needed in the future, is installed a lot, and Lin Lin has almost filled
up the space of most football fields.
After everyone had halved the contents of the second-floor supermarket, the sun had
turned westward and Ye Shenghua, which had disappeared for several hours, finally
He threw a heavy backpack on the ground, his mouth wide open, and all the crystals in it
were crystal nuclei.
"Two thousand crystal nuclei, a lot of one, handsome guy points."
Even if only two thousand zombies were resolved, Ye Shenghua still looked elegant and
delicate, except for a little blood stained on the bottom of the boot, even the makeup was
not spent.
Shen Shi'an took away his bag, took out ten cigarettes and handed him, "The money and the
goods are two."
Ye Shenghua put the smoke into his arms, "Thank you, brother, you are leaving now"
Xu Ge nodded, as if he wanted to say something, but it seemed that it was not appropriate
to say anything, and he only said "I am very happy to meet you, thank you for letting us
come in to search for supplies."
Liu Fangzhou walked while waving his hand, "Good luck and goodbye Ye Ge"
Xiong Manshan landed at the end, and walked to his shoulder and patted "It's not easy to
live, be brave to be yourself, come on, little brother"
Ye Shenghua stood at the door and watched everyone away. The setting sun bathed him
and outlined a beautiful circle of light and shadow.
After a while, he raised his red lips and laughed, very interesting.
After everyone returned to the institute, Shen Shian took out the two heads cut off outside
the shopping center gate and handed them to Tang Song and Lin Ruan for inspection.
The conclusion they reached surprised everyone. "The things in these two heads are not
some kind of porcelain, they are all bones."
"Bone" Liu Fangzhou was startled. "But I have never heard of it, and bones can make the
whole head thick."
"Accurately, the bones in these two heads are tens of times more dense. It is because the
density is too high, so it looks like a porcelain texture."
Lin Ruan pointed to the small holes in the jaws of the two zombies. "Did you see the hole? If
I guessed right, that Mr. Ye's ability should be to increase the bones of the zombies by
thickening their bones until they are full The brain, thus squeezing the crystal nucleus from
this position, is a very convenient and effective way to take the crystal nucleus. Do you see
how he uses power? "
Chen Nan and others shook their heads.
"If the ability can be activated within a certain range without direct contact, it is a very
terrible attack."
"But he did not attack us," Liu Fangzhou said. "Does this mean that he is not a bad person"
Lin Ruan shrugged. "Maybe it is not a random launch within the scope, but other triggering
conditions are required. It is just that you are not satisfied. It is only the party who knows
what is the case."
In this case, there is no need to delve into this issue. Anyway, it's just a stranger on the
same side, and the chance to meet again in the future may be minimal.
Shen Shian asked, "You have got all the data you need"
Tang Song nodded. "Xinjiang's complete gene profile has been analyzed. My guess with Lin
Ruan is correct. He did incorporate a part of the mutant cockroach gene, but what
capabilities does this part of the gene correspond to? It needs to be slow in the future.
Explore slowly and confirm a little bit. "
He and Lin Ruan's work has ended, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here. What
everyone wants to do is pack and take away everything that can be used, take a good
night's rest, and leave tomorrow.
"Captain," as the members gathered for dinner, Chen Nan asked, "Where are we going
Shen Shi'an had the answer to this question "Go to the southwest area and find the location
where the other party was when he last tracked to Zhong Han."
"The grass is so good." This decision immediately received the enthusiastic support of
Xiong Manshan. "My mother-in-law wanted to kill the grandson. How many sins did the
thing create and how many people lie in the trough. If it weren't for him, where would it
be? "Where did the Minqiang incident happen? Where did the grandson die today? It's a
pity that even if he digs three feet this time, we have to pull him out."
When the time comes, there will be revenge and revenge, and the top ten tortures of the
Qing dynasty will come in turn, so that the turtle and the grandson can't survive or die,
regretting why the intestines want to provoke them.
In the eyes of Xu Ge and others, the tragic memories of the night of the absolute death zone
and the escape from the capital were still vivid in the eyes of all the people, and all the
tragedies and sacrifices given by Zhong Han, the blood and enmity between them, now
finally It's time to settle the liquidation.
Just thinking about it, Liu Fangzhou felt that the two pairs of scalpels in his pocket were
already hungry and thirsty. "Hurry up and eat, pack up and go to bed, and leave early
tomorrow morning."
In addition to various equipment and medical materials, Tang Song and Lin Ruan worked
together to dismantle the power generation system in the basement.
The original power generation system in the Shen Shi’an space, which was the one that was
taken from the library before leaving city H, was replaced with the one from the medical
center as early as the first time when they met Lin Ruan and the new system. Both the
utilization rate and the power generation capacity are much stronger than the old ones,
and the noise is very small. When it is usually operated in the space, it will hardly cause
interference. He and Shen Xun are quite satisfied.
But this kind of thing is not too much, anyway, the space is large enough, simply install the
research institute set, and you can always find a place to use it.
The well-equipped research institute soon became empty, and the crowd did n’t even let go
of the pillows and blankets in the lounge.
Considering the next hot shower, I do n’t know when. This evening everyone ’s bath time
was at least twice as long as usual.
When Shen Shian came out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door outside the
When I opened the door, I saw Lin Ruan standing outside, carrying a half-height climbing
"Captain," Lin Ruan's expression seemed hesitant and paused. "This is Lu Xiuyuan's
The night before leaving the Beijing base, everyone packed and packed their bags and put
them on the helicopter in advance.
Later, Lu Xiuyuan failed to board the plane. After the helicopter ran out of fuel, others took
his luggage out of the cabin together, ran around, and kept it properly.
Shen Shi'an didn't move and didn't speak. Because he was wearing sunglasses, Lin Ruan
could not tell whether he was looking at the mountaineering bag or himself.
When the time of silence was too long, and Lin Ruan had determined that it was a terrible
idea to bring him with him, Shen Shian suddenly extended his hand, "Give me."
"Hey." Lin Ruan handed the bag to Shen Shi'an. "Then I'll go back first. Captain you, take a
break early."
After Lin Ruan left, Shen Shian collected the mountaineering bag into the space, then gently
took the door and walked out of the office.
It's not early, most of the members are ready to rest, and the institute is silent.
He walked up the roof, pushed open the door to the open-air balcony, stood by the railing
and stared at Han Yue for a long time, then took a pack of cigarettes from the space.
Shen Shian had never smoked, so when that choking smoke rushed into the chest cavity, he
immediately could not help bending down, coughing like a heart-breaking lung.
One hand patted his back, and the other hand snatched the smoke from his fingers. "You
don't like the smell of smoke, why bother yourself."
Shen Shian was embarrassed by this cough. Because of the persistent low fever and the
flushed face became redder as if he could bleed, wipe off his nose and tears with a tissue,
and said "I want to try it."
Since so many people are addicted to cigarette smoking, perhaps cigarettes really have
some unknown effect in relieving pain and stress.
Shen Xun hugged him, stared at the red light of the cigarette tail for a while, and took a sip.
This mouthful sucked very hard, and it was particularly easy to see Ye Shenghua smoking,
but I didn't expect it to be the case at all, and soon coughed worse than Shen Shian.
He was unwilling to show weakness, he wanted to hold back more and more, he kept
holding back more and more, and finally the cough was shaking, and the posture almost
spit out all his internal organs from his throat.
"Look for you, are you okay?" Shen Shian was anxious, patting on his back again and again,
but he couldn't help laughing when he patted, "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
Shen Xun became angry and turned around and pressed him to the wall beside the railing.
"What are you laughing and laughing?"
Shen Shian raised his hand to help him wipe away the tears coughing out of the corner of
his eyes, and his face still couldn't stop smiling. "I remember when I was at the base of the
cigarette factory, you secretly learned to smoke while carrying me."
At that time, Shen Xun was still a four- or five-year-old doll. I did n’t know who was the one
who was stunned. He thought that he would be an adult who smoked. .
Shen Xun's ears were red. "I hadn't unblocked Yuanshen to restore memory at that time.
My mind was just a child. You don't know what to do, don't let me laugh."
Shen Shian pinched his earlobe. "I promised you at that time. If you still want to learn
smoking when you grow up, I won't stop you. Why have you never seen you smoke?"
In the end times, the pressure is too great, and many members of the Blade are still
inseparable. If you really want to learn, it is not difficult.
"What's so good about smoking cigarettes, you don't like the smell of cigarettes, and I don't
like it either." Unless Shen Xun suddenly bites the cigarette **** and took another breath,
lowering his head and blocking Shen Shian's mouth tightly.
This kiss is especially spicy and has a long aftertaste because of the smell of tobacco. After a
long time, Shen Xun finally released the other party, rubbed twice on Shen Shian ’s red and
wet lips, and leaned in and kissed again.
"Laugh more, I like how you laugh."
Early the next morning, just after seven o'clock, the crowd was ready to go.
By controlling the third-level head, Tang Song cooperated with Chen Nan and Jia Mu to
drive the zombies to clear the passage. The SUV slowly drove away from the campus and
then galloped on the main road.
Shen Shi'an had a map in his hand. Before leaving, he and Lin Ruan had found and marked
all the gas stations in the urban area of x city on the map. This journey was a long way, and
although there was still nothing left in the space Less gasoline, but always make a little
more preparations in advance, the zombies are dense in the city, few survivors dare to
enter the urban area to search, so it is the best supply point for gasoline fuel.
Two of the first three gas stations have gained a lot. Just when the car was less than one
kilometer away from the fourth gas station, Liu Fangzhou suddenly said, "Wait a second, Ye
Shenghua is two kilometers east of us. He seems to be in trouble." Now. "
Tao Yuan stopped the car, and Liu Fangzhou continued: "According to my feelings, at least
thirty powers have surrounded him. I guess he may not be able to beat him."
Xu Ge looked at Shen Shian "Captain, shall we save"
Shen Shi'an still looked at the map, and his expression did not fluctuate. "Do not save,
continue walking."
Tao Yuan restarted the vehicle, Liu Fangzhou hesitated for a moment and finally couldn't
help saying, "But the group of abilities surrounding him are all multi-line abilities, and the
light group also has at least three colors."
Shen Shian raised his head violently, and his cold eyes penetrated the sunglasses, almost
freezing Liu Fangzhou into ice "What do you say?"
Ye Shenghua was spotted by the group after leaving the shopping mall.
They obviously had a premeditated plan. A total of more than thirty people divided and
besieged from all directions, stepping him into an open park step by step.
The white long whip threw a sharp whistle in the air, and Ye Shenghua, who was wearing a
black trench coat, looked around coldly for a week. "I advise you not to die. It's too late to
leave now."
"Yo, this little girl has a pretty big tone," the head of the man is a middle-aged strong man
with a face full of flesh. There is a scar on the right face that has half a face and a centipede.
"When we catch you, pick up our clothes and use iron bars to teach you how to be a man,
you will know how great your brothers are."
"Don't look so dressed up at the end of the day, isn't it just to attract people on purpose?"
"Don't worry, we of more than thirty people will definitely be able to satisfy you"
"Where to use it together, I am afraid that she will not be able to eat it alone."
"That's how much fun our boss has."
Ye Shenghua's face became darker and darker, and finally she couldn't help laughing.
"Toasting without eating fines, I will do you all."
The long whip slammed, and what seemed to be a whole whip suddenly split into nearly a
hundred segments, each of which was only the size of the little knuckle, one end was round
and the tip was sharp, the rain was as fast as electricity, and the whip was facing the gang
People leaped away.
This group of abilities all have multiple abilities, either covered with earth walls, or evaded
with speed. Nearly half of them escaped the attack of the whip, and the other half failed to
escape, only on the face, A small cut was drawn in the hands and neck.
After hitting the whip, it turned around and flew back quickly, as if listening to people's
control, and re-condensed into a long whip in Ye Shenghua's palm.
The middle-aged strong man raised his hand and wiped the wound that was less than
centimeters behind his ears. He looked at the little blood on the fingertips and smiled. "This
is the fine drink you said, but I was scared to death. So powerful, I thought you could jump
out of the flowers, and do n’t be afraid as a result, follow your brother, as long as you take
care of all the brothers, your brother will protect you, ah. "
Ye Shenghua sneered and was about to activate the power to send him to Huangquan.
Suddenly his calf became soft and he stumbled to the ground in two steps. His body was
empty, and he could no longer release the slightest power.
"Boss," a thin, thin-nosed monkey-billed man walked over to the strong man. "It's done, the
swamp has formed, and she can't make any effort at this moment."
"I already knew that this little beauty is so weak, we don't have to spend so much effort to
make you brew abilities, hey, let her jump around, how tossing it up."
As the man said, he walked towards Ye Shenghua. He first tore off his backpack. "Let me
see, what a good thing is in such a large bag."
Lipstick, perfume, liquid foundation, eyeliner, volume repair cream, high light loose powder
skin care products
The strong man became more and more impatient, and after throwing out two dresses and
four pairs of stockings, he finally pulled out a cigarette at the bottom "Yo, this is a good
"Leave down" Ye Shenghua kneels on the ground and tries to support herself. "If you dare
to tear down my cigarette, I will kill you"
The strong man raised his hand and slapped him, slapped him to the corner of the mouth
with blood and fell to the ground. The centipede-like scar shook twice like a living creature.
"Your smoke, whoever you are, fell into the palm of Lao Tzu. There is a fart that you dare to
force again, and the brothers of Lao Tzu directly die at the same time, believe it or not. "
Grass, obviously long enough to swell and wave, how to sound like a man. Really
The strong man who originally planned to untie his belt lost his interest for a while, turned
his head to sip, and beckoned others to come over, "Okay, it's time to solve the demand,
quickly solve the problem, and dig out the crystal core."
A group of people scrambled forward, and suddenly the sound of breaking through the air,
the three people running at the front were directly blown off their heads by bullets, and at
the same time, a fire dragon rushed, pushing the remaining gangsters back to ten meters
Liu Fangzhou lifted up Ye Shenghua, "Brother Ye, are you okay?"
Ye Shenghua exhausted all his energy to squeeze out the word "Caution"
"Be careful, be careful"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" suddenly came a burst of wild laughter across the face, scared
and brave man with a happy smile "I thought I caught a small miscellaneous fish today, I
did not expect someone to want a hero to save the beauty I took the initiative to send it to
my door. Gee, a total of eleven people, no loss or no loss, this wave of profit. Want to know
what she made you careful about, of course, be careful of us. "
Zhao Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang reacted first, and just like Ye Shenghua's situation a few
minutes ago, he fell all over the floor and could not exert any power.
Shen Shian immediately ordered the team members to retreat, but it was too late, Chen
Nan, Xu Ge, Xiong Manshan and others fell to the ground one after another, and even he
himself was suddenly dizzy, staggering two steps and being taken by Shen Xun. in.
Everyone ’s abilities seem to disappear suddenly, and they are completely unable to be
displayed. The only Lin Ruan who has no abilities is also very difficult to link his hands and
feet softly. He observes back and forth, his face is not very good. "We step into the trap.
Well, if it ’s not poisoned, it means that the opponent ’s ability can extract our abilities and
physical strength in some way. "
"It's the little skinny man who looks like a mouse" Liu Fangzhou quickly set his goal. "Just
now, his volume of light suddenly jumped several times."
"How about, the lack of energy makes unpleasant taste uncomfortable."
The strong man led his men with a grinning smile, and his face was filled with pride. "How
did it all react? I'm in a good mood today, and I'm willing to let you be a ghost from you
stepping into this grassland." From that moment, it was destined to come and send us
crystal nuclei. "
He stamped his feet on the ground. "This grassland is not a grassland now, but a swamp
that can trap you alive, unless you grow wings and can fly, otherwise no one wants to run
The voice of the strong man had just fallen, and from a distance, a melodious voice was
heard from the sky.
Shen Shi'an turned his head back, and his dazzling sunlight made him squint slightly. When
his sight was completely restored, he saw a giant bird with a phoenix draped in the glow of
the sun under the golden red sun, waving his colorful wings and fluttering from the sky.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 208:

Settings saved..
Shen Shian's eyes widened violently, and if not, he almost jumped from the ground.
The giant bird was so dynamic, the gangsters naturally saw it, and the scarred face of the
leader's face was so heavy.
When he finished raising his hand and condensed a machete, he would cut to Shen Shi'an's
neck after raising it.
The blade was half a foot away from Shen Shi'an and was stopped by a dark red Tang knife.
Shen Xun cut the machete from it effortlessly, and at the same time lifted his foot, kicked
the scarred strong man kicked out, blood all the way Spurting.
Shen Xun kept his strength and did not kick the person directly, so the strong man could
rush to the ground and prop up a wall of water. With the help of the cushion, minus most of
the strength, he covered his sunken chest while healing himself while rushing The face-
skinned man scolded, "Did you **** say that the swamp is already formed, coughing
coughing, how could the mother still have the strength to resist"
The thin man also panicked, "I, I don't know, obviously he is standing on the ground, but I
can't **** him at all"
The voice did not fall, the cold light flashed, the thin man was already in a different place,
his head flew out and rolled just to face the strong man, his face was still frozen with the
last minute of surprise and panic.
Shen Xun asked Shen Shian in his arms "Is it all solved?"
"Leave a few live mouths," Shen Shian's eyes were firmly attached to the big bird that was
getting closer, and he said casually, "I still have something to ask them."
"it is good."
After the skinny died, the power effect was lifted, Xiong Manshan and others who fell to the
ground immediately felt the recovery of power and physical strength, and the remaining
gangsters apparently did not want to give them a chance to recover completely, and all the
abilities were all in one time. , Fiercely murdered towards everyone.
Among them, nearly half of the gangsters suddenly started screaming before taking a few
steps. Their hands hugged their heads, blood in the seven tips, and their eyes swelled to a
terrifying position, as if something was being pushed from the inside out. Squeeze, it is
possible to pop out of your eyes at any time.
And even more terrifying is that with a sound similar to a bamboo tube bursting, hundreds
of sharp bone spurs with thick thumb punctured from various parts of their bodies at the
same time, and the top of the pale white bone spurs was bloody, the longer the longer the
longer the longer Rough, in a blink of an eye, the life of dozens of gangsters was poked into
dozens of bone-shaped hedgehogs, even the human form could not be seen.
The accident happened so suddenly that not only the gangsters were horrified, but even Liu
Fangzhou and others were stupid. "What is he doing?"
With a crackling sound, Ye Shenghua, who was sitting halfway behind Taoyuan ’s side,
suddenly collapsed to the ground as if she was out of force. Various, all mixed with a large
pool of blood and brain plasma.
"Lin Ruan" Tang Song's voice came from the communicator, "How about the situation, do
you want me to come and help?"
Lin Ruan withdrew his marvelous gaze from Ye Shenghua and looked up to the sky. "You
come with Tong Tong, the enemy is under control, and we seem to be greeted by
The colorful bird feels big from a distance, the closer the distance is, the more obvious it is.
Xiong Manshan looked up and looked silly. "This **** thing is Dapeng."
The huge shadow beneath the big bird quickly approached and quickly enveloped the
crowd. The gusty winds that lifted the wings made people unable to open their eyes,
waiting for the big bird to land and stop, the two people standing on the back of the bird
jumped directly After coming down, one of them opened his arms and ran towards Shen
Shian. "An An, I want to die you"
Shen Shian, who was also running away, hugged tightly with the other party. His chest was
full of emotions, and his eyes were quickly wet. "I miss you too, flying, I miss you too."
Yun Fei Yang Le was crazy, holding Shen Shian for more than ten laps, he was reluctant to
let go, and finally stopped, the two of you look at me, I look at you, my eyes are flushed.
"Brother, you are thin," Yun Fei choked with a throat, and the tears on his face were
smiling, but he rolled down. "It's not only thin, but it's getting wet. We have known each
other for so many years. We have never seen you wear sunglasses before." "
Shen Shian wiped away the tears that fell on his chin, and his voice was hoarse and his nose
was thick. "This is a long story. I will explain it to you slowly." He looked at Yun Feiyang,
and looked at Wan Feng not far away, his eyes flooded. With tears in his eyes, "It's great,
both of you are safe. It's great."
What more to say, a sturdy and powerful arm looped back around itself, grabbed his waist
and took him two steps away from Yun Feiyang's arms, and he let out a "hum" lightly in his
Shen Shi'an only remembered to introduce the two to "Flying, this is seeking."
"Hello, hello, please meet more for the first time." Suddenly there was a voice, Yun Feiyang
almost glared out his eyes. "Wait, you said who he is."
This park hasn't been stepped on for more than a year, and all kinds of plants grow wild,
and it looks like a virgin forest from the outside.
Everyone found a big tree with a diameter of more than two meters, sitting on the grass
leaning on the trunk. A dozen gangsters who had not died, together with the scarred face,
were **** by Chen Nan with devil vines and thrown at 20 meters. Under the open sun, the
mutant macaw Ruibao stayed alone on the other side, with the blaze of the blazing sun
above his head, which was also twenty or thirty meters away from everyone
It's not that Yun Feiyang didn't want it to stay under the shade of trees, but as soon as she
approached Shen Xun, she began to scream "goodbye baby" frantically, her voice was
pitiful, and her wings were fanned by the wind, and Shafeishi walked away. Can't get close.
Originally Yun Feiyang did not believe that Shen Xun was Shen Xun.
His eyes were taken back from the man ’s face that was not easy to provoke as soon as he
saw it. Yun Feiyang continued, "After Wan Feng and I left City H, it took me more than four
months to return to the island. Do n’t mention the hardships and frustrations, and the
sufferings of suffering. Anyway, the more difficult it is to go south, fortunately, there is no
danger. During this period, Ruibao mutated, and both of us evolved abilities. Eventually I
arrived home at the end of August last year. "
"How are your parents?" Shen Shian asked.
"Okay, okay, both of them have also evolved abilities, both of which are treatment
departments." Yun Feiyang laughed. "The two of them have been studying medicine for a
lifetime, but they didn't expect that even abilities are related to this one. Months may not be
saved, and now it can be cured in less than half an hour, but my father and mother are
happy and broken. "
Tang Songwenyan and Lin Ruan looked at each other in such a way that their inferences
were indeed correct, and there was indeed an inevitable catalytic connection between the
spiritual spring and the evolution of abilities.
Everything is fine in Yun Feiyang's house, and Shen Shi'an is also very happy for him, but
then he can't help worrying, "What do you do with my uncle and aunt this island base? Now
someone knows the crystal core of the power man, do they? No danger "
"It's okay, don't worry, I came to you because we had already made an appointment, and
my parents strongly supported it. The matter of the crystal nucleus of the omnipotent
spread at the island base at the end of last year," Yun Feiyang said. After a while, I would n’t
find it for too long because of this incident. Later, the base directly used iron-blood
suppression to kill all of the public executions, and it was regarded as a slaughter. It was
unjust. In addition, the effect is good anyway, and now the order has been restored. My
parents have helped a lot of people because of the early evolution of abilities and early
eschatology, so they are quite prestige in the base, even the most chaotic. In a few months,
there were too many people willing to protect them, and before I left, I prepared more than
20 mutant animals for them, so you can take care of you, brother. "
Speaking of this, Yun Feiyang remembered, "Did I not tell you that I am a dual-line power,
the main power is a domesticated mutant animal, and I used to call me the animal trainer in
the base, and there is a supplementary space There is not much room for abilities, and
there are only four cubic meters in total, but it is very convenient to decorate things. "
Shen Shian's face was full of smiles, "It's good, you are so powerful."
Yun Feiyang panicked, raising his hand and gently punching him on the shoulder. "No
matter how powerful you are, I can hear Mr. Gu saying that you won the champion of the
power contest again. It ’s because the organization has been set up, and it ’s a brother in the
management of the base. ”
Shen Shian was surprised for a while, "You have been to the base of Beijing"
"Yeah, otherwise how can I find you?" Yun Feiyang had some regrets about this matter. "We
happened to arrive the afternoon after you left. It happened so late that I went directly after
I arrived. The Gu family inquired, Mr. Gu stayed with us for one night, and told us about the
general situation, because you were flying from Ximen, I was afraid that Wan Feng and I
could not catch up late, so please do n’t look around the next morning Mr. left the base and
looked all the way to the west, and I do n’t know if you changed direction midway, so
Ruibao flew west and flew south for a while, so I did n’t expect it to be found by us. It ’s just
that the two of us ca n’t bear the fate. "
Shen Shian smiled and paused for a moment before saying, "How is the situation in Beijing
Yun Feiyang's expression stood upright, "We only stayed there for one night. The specific
things are not particularly well understood, but I do not hide from you. According to what
we have observed, it is definitely unrealistic to say well. The base in Beijing There are too
many people in it, and management is difficult to control, and a lot of people died in that big
riot that night. It seems that the management itself has begun to infight. Now it is probably
the upper chaos and the lower panic. Energetic crystal nucleus, want to recover as usual
that is not something that can be done in one day or two days. "
In fact, even the island base is now only a calm under the force of suppression. The problem
of the crystal core of the powerless person cannot be solved in one day. Driven by strength
and greed, the survivors cannot get peace in one day.
"But don't worry too much about it," Yun Feiyang held Shen Shi'an's shoulder. "Mr. Gu
repeatedly told me that if you find you, you must tell me that everything is fine with Gu's
family and everything is good. They will find out as soon as possible Ways to help you clean
up your grievances. The most important thing for you now is to protect yourself. Wan Feng
and I have been looking for you along the way for several days. I have seen several people
who came out of Beijing to chase you down. More important than anything. "
"Do you know someone named Li Cheng?" Shen Shi'an asked again. "The night we left, he
was seriously injured by his 039 grenade in order to protect us. Do you know how he is
Li Cheng's name Yun Feiyang has no impression, but his arm was blown out. "Is it a thin
and tall young brother who belongs to an organization called Tiger or something."
"Tiger Wolf Group."
"Yes, right, the tiger and wolf group, he is fine, he is good. Mr. Gu has two particularly
powerful treatment powers under his hand. The head of the younger brother also brought
him to the Gu family for treatment. I happened to meet him. He looks good, the wounds
have healed, but the broken limbs can't grow again, but Mr. Gu said that one of your
brothers can have a broken limb to regenerate. "
Tao Yuan raised his hand.
"Brother Niu," Yun Feiyang likes a thumbs up. "This regeneration should have no time limit.
Then, when will you be able to go back brightly and let this brother help him regenerate,
the little brother will be completely healed. Now. "
This is good news, Shen Shian was relieved.
But he knew that what he most wanted to know was not this, other people were not.
So after a moment of silence, he finally asked the question, "Do you know how Lu Xiuyuan
Yun Feiyang's expression stiffened, looking at Shen Shi'an's eyes slowly sorrowful
"That explosion was terrible. Nearly half of the people on the scene were directly
bombarded by shock waves into powder. Lu Xiuyuan was at the center of the explosion. He,
There is no bones in the body.
To be honest, Yun Feiyang's impression of Lu Xiuyuan still stagnate on the bitter, self-
interested, small captain who always likes to hold the feather feathers. If Lu Xiuyuan was
able to save himself and sacrifice himself to cover the evacuation of his teammates, he
would not believe it unless Mr. Gu personally told him.
But it is precisely because even such selfish Lu Xiuyuan can make such a selfless sacrifice, it
is easier for him to imagine how many things Lu Xiuyuan and An An and these teammates
have experienced together, and how deep feelings have been established.
Everyone had expected this kind of ending long ago, but there was still some hope in his
heart. At that moment, that hope was completely shattered by the worst horrible news, and
it was a bit unbearable for a while.
Xu Ge and others immediately flushed their eyes, Xiong Manshan wiped a tear around his
back, Shen Xun raised his hand to touch Shen Shian's spine, but Shen Shian wearing
sunglasses looked calmer than anyone, even the tone of voice did not fluctuate at all.
"The crystal nucleus, who took his crystal nucleus."
"The crystal nucleus is in your own hands. It seems that there are two members of the
sharp edge. Although he failed to save Lu Xiuyuan, he protected the crystal nucleus."
Yun Feiyang's voice just fell, and he was bound to be strong and almost semi-conscious by
the devil vine twenty meters away. The brazen man suddenly started to go crazy. Under the
blazing sun, the ghost cried and wolf howl. "You deserve to be dug out. , The weak and the
strong eat the survival of the fittest, who is useless to blame. The crystal nucleus is better
given to me in your mind. I will not die. I will never die. Do n’t talk, get away. ”
Liu Fangzhou rubbed his eyes and grassed, "What is he doing crazy and fooling in the sun?"
Shen Shian stood up, took the long sword from the space, and walked over to cut off his
The rest of the gangsters had not yet had time to beg for mercy, and they were also killed
on the spot under Sen Han Jianguang.
The bodies were stacked under the scorching sun, and the dazzling blood and smelly brain
splatters quickly flooded the floor. More than ten lives were taken in the blink of an eye,
and Shen Shi'an still didn't seem to react much, calming and teaching people to shudder.
He shattered the blood from the sword and put the sword back into his sheath.
Turned to Chen Nan and other people, "dig out the crystal core and clean up the body, don't
we have to go to the gas station to search for gasoline, there are many zombies there, I will
solve it first."
Yun Feiyang took two steps to chase and was stopped by Shen Xun, "I'm going."
The park is less than four kilometers away from the gas station they were going to. Shen
Shian took the first step and drove again, which was faster than Shen Xun.
By the time Shen Xun arrived, Shen Shi'an had killed his red eyes. Nearly half of the dense
zombies near the gas station were frozen into ice, and they were crushed on the ground
with a light push.
The other half screamed excitedly under the command of a second-level zombie, and
waved toward him like a wave.
Shen Shi’an ’s exercises are temporarily unavailable. His ability was absorbed by the
monkey-faced skinny man after stepping on the trap, and he recovered only less than one-
tenth. I do n’t know if he forgot or deliberately abused himself, and refused to absorb the
crystal nucleus. In addition, the evolutionary fever itself has not ended yet and it has a low
fever, and it was not long before it was blocked in a dead end by the zombies.
Shen Xun looked pale, and an invisible air wave swept through him as the center, directly
shaking all the zombies within fifty meters of him into powder, striding over and grabbing
Shen Shian's shoulder, "Are you crazy?" Don't kill me "
Shen Shian hurriedly turned his head to close his eyes, and his heart was almost scared to
stop. "You do n’t have to die. Do you know what will happen if I look at my eyes"
"Don't kill me, what am I going to do, do you go back to Keos to live alone?" Shen Xun took a
few deep breaths, calmed his breath and tone, and held his shoulders with both hands at
the same time. your fault."
"It ’s not my fault, it ’s not my fault."
Shen Shi'an didn't know how long the depressed emotion was completely detonated by this
sentence, and pushed Shen Xun away, his lips trembling straight, and tears rolled down
from his closed eyes. "It's me, it's my self-esteem that I'm very empty-eyed, I think there is
Nobody hurts me if there is a space method. I have to do a good deed every day to act as a
good person. It is me who brought Tian Shiyao's family into the sharp blade. If it were not
for my sharp blade, how could you be trapped, how could you be forced into a dead end, Lu
Xiuyuan How could there be no bones? "
He stumbled back, almost tripped over by an iron plate on the road, and screamed with
tears. "I killed Lu Xiuyuan, if I could be stronger, if I could be more alert, if I could be less
stupid So self-righteous, put away those useless goodwill and kindness, Lu Xiuyuan will not
die at all, he should not die, he is still so young, he also wants to continue to be a doctor
after the end of the end time, he should not die. I am all me "
The young man's roar was hysterical, and the heavy pain and remorse almost defeated him
completely. Shen Xun walked over, and this time he ignored his struggle and resistance and
hugged him tightly into his arms.
"An An, open your eyes and look at me."
"Are you crazy?" Shen Shi'an roared with a thick nose. "I can't control the power."
"I'm not crazy, and I don't intentionally hurt myself, so you believe me and open your eyes."
The wet eyelashes quivered quickly, and Shen Shian grasped Shen Xun's arm tightly with
both hands. After a long time, he finally opened his eyes slowly.
In a moment of line of sight, Shen Xun's face immediately formed a layer of ice, not waiting
for Shen Shi'an to close his red eyes again, Shen Xun patted on his back, "Hush, it's okay,
you see, I'm fine Well, nothing at all. "
Closed half of his eyes and reopened, his vision gradually cleared up and saw that the layer
of ice on Shen Xun's face was condensing and melting, and soon a thin layer of frost
remained, hanging on his temples.
It seems that Bai Bai is hundreds of years old.
The tears continued to roll down, Shen Shian raised his hand to touch his face, grabbed by
Shen Xun and gently held it in the palm, and sent it to his lips to kiss, "Look, I am really
This is the first time since Shen Shian was kidnapped and disappeared, Shen Xun looked
directly at his eyes without hindrance.
Shen Shi'an's eyes are perfectly inherited from her mother, Ms. Shen. Her eyes are bright
and deep, and her eyes are soft and slender. When you don't laugh, you carry a sharp
sternness. Once you laugh, you are gentle and affectionate. You are always willing to
indulge in it.
At this time the eyes were soaked with tears, and there was something more in the bottom
of the eyes.
Very fine broken, flashing ice blue broken light, and a burst of pain and sorrow.
"An An," Shen Xun hugged him, "Lu Xiuyuan's death is not your fault."
He hugged this young man who was almost drowned by pain, and bowed his head to kiss
the tears on his face. "You taught me. There are good people and bad people in this world.
There are many people you have helped out of goodwill. Yun Feiyang , Li Cheng, the richest
man in Miao, Zhao Xinhe, Zhao Xinjiang and even me were all taken home by you for a
moment. If you did n’t help Yun Feiyang, he could not be your best friend if you did n’t save
when you were in the library Under Li Cheng, it is likely that we will not be able to escape
from the capital this time. Is it just stupid and wrong to guide the goodwill of these results?
"Not everyone is Tian Shiyao. The kindness you have released, most people will only
receive it and then give it back to you."
"Lu Xiuyuan also accepted your kindness, so that night, he decided to protect you for that
goodwill, he decided to hold your back and fight for you all the vitality, in order to defend
his commitment as a teammate And value, as you have done for other teammates countless
times, even if you give your life, you will not hesitate. "
"So it's never you who's wrong, nor your kindness, it's just that a small number of people
happen to be bad people."
"An An, only they are wrong."
Shen Shian couldn't cry. He hugged Shen Xun like a small animal with bruises all over his
body. He walked alone among the thorns of the ground for a long time and finally couldn't
hold it. He was crying in the safest corner. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 209:

Settings saved..
After Shen Xun chased after Shen Shi'an left, Chen Nan and others collected all the crystal
nuclei scattered on the ground and collected them. Tang Song took samples of the corpses
and kept them, then Xu Ge burned them clean.
Liu Fangzhou asked Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng "Brother Yun Brother Wan, will you come
with us next?"
"Follow," Yun Fei said, "I came out this time to go to An'an, where does An'an go and where
do I go"
Xiong Manshan is very happy. He is quite rare. The mutant big parrot named Ruibao. It will
be more energetic if he can ride the cloud on the back of the bird.
Zhao Xinjiang walked to Ye Shenghua, who was still unconscious under the shade of the
tree, and shook a few times without any response. "Why should Mr. Ye stay here?"
Lin Ruan thought for a while, "Bring it first."
I do n’t know how many gangs specialize in killing abilities to seize crystal nuclei. If
someone throws them here and is just discovered by the other party, is n’t it to send them
crystal nuclei?
When Ye Shenghua opened her eyes, there was a clear blue sky above her head, and a
breezy breeze blowing in her ears. In addition to a little sway, it was really a good place to
relax and enjoy the scenery, like cotton candy. The cloud is close at hand, just raise your
Wait a moment, the cloud
Ye Shenghua sat up violently, looked down and almost lost his soul
"I'll grass his uncle, who will send me to heaven"
A gorgeous head turned around and stared at him, his round eyes dark and bright, "Hello
I'm such a fart.
Ye Shenghua didn't have enough time to cover her heart, and the head twisted back again,
shouting "Goodbye baby" to a car on the ground that was driving along the highway at high
Just before Ye Shenghua woke up, Yun Feiyang spliced Shen Shian and him from the
population of Chen Nan and other people. The complete experience of the road from H city
to Beijing base, listening to Shen Shian ’s shoulder, "Brother, I did n’t expect you It's no
easier than me at all along the way "
Shen Shian smiled, still wearing sunglasses on his face, but his look looked normal.
The ups and downs were a bit bumpy, but it was only because of this that they met these
teammates and partners.
The car they ride in has a lot of space, and the compartment is divided into two parts.
When Yun Feiyang sat in front and Shen Shi'an exchanged feelings, Wan Feng sat in the last
row by the window, next to Tong Tong and Xu Ge.
Xu Ge was actually a little surprised, because apart from core members such as Shen Shian,
Tong Tong was always very repulsive to other men, especially adult men, but when Tong
Feng took the initiative to sit down, Tong Tong not only did not show obvious resistance,
even to Wan Feng Some questions raised in a low voice are also willing to reply.
Wan Feng realized her doubts and explained, "Tong Tong had seen me before the end of the
He and Fan Guoping first met because of Mr. Gu's employment. Although there was no
intersection before that, but because of similar military experience, personal contact was
not bad.
Before going to H City to protect Shen Shian, he was invited to eat at Fan's house once. He
had met Tong Tong and Mrs. Fan. Although it has been more than two years now, Tong
Tong obviously still has an impression on him.
Xu Ge knew so.
Being able to see acquaintances again should be a good thing for Tong Tong.
Ruibao's loud call came from midair at this time, Yun Feiyang opened the window probe
and glanced, "Yo, that Mr. Ye woke up."
Shen Xun, who was sitting next to Shen Shian, chuckled, "It has been following you for
almost two years, and still only these two sentences"
Stupid bird, wasting so much spiritual spring water that An An had fed him.
Yun Feiyang was still a bit uncomfortable with Shen Xun's appearance and even his
personality changes. His eyes swept back from his arm wrapped around Shen Shian's waist
and retracted, coughing twice, "Because my power is to communicate with mutant animals ,
Even if Ruibao ca n’t speak, I know what it wants to express, so I did n’t teach it seriously.
Strictly speaking, it blames me, not blame it. "
Shen Xun sneered again, and the mockery came to his mouth, and then swallowed back
after receiving Shen Shian's eyes
Things are as stupid as the master.
Tao Yuan stopped the car, and Ruibao also flew down from the sky. Wan Feng noticed Tong
Tong ’s line of sight, "Do you want to sit on Ruibao, I can accompany you, it's very good."
Tong Tong is obviously a little emotional, but he still looks at Xu Ge "Is it possible"?
Xu Ge laughed "Of course."
Wan Feng said, "Miss Xu, please come together. The space on Ruibao's back is wide, and
sitting in seven or eight people is not a problem."
When the door opened, Tong Tong took Xu Ge's hand and ran towards Ruibao first. Yun
Feiyang was two steps behind, looking at her back and sighing to Shen Shian. "Thanks for
finding her, otherwise I wouldn't repay the grace." Local Newspaper. After taking care of
her, we can count on Brother Fan. Wan Feng has always been thinking about her. He stayed
at Gu's house and asked about it that night. I heard Mr. Gu say she had one. I secretly left
the base and wanted to find my dad, or did you go out and find it yourself?
"It didn't take long," Shen Shi'an held Shen Xun's hand. "It was found by Xun."
Yun Feiyang stared at the closely intertwined fingers of both of them for a while, and had
mixed feelings
There is also a picture of Shen Xun sitting in a specially raised child chair on his mobile
phone, while staring at him with his teeth, while holding the meat with his two hands and
stuffing his mouth with oily face, if it is taken out Let Chen Nan take a look at them, and
they don't know if they will be killed.
When Ye Shenghua jumped off the back of the bird, her calf was almost soft and she knelt
down on the ground. After all, she stabilized her body in time. Her hair flicked gently,
maintaining her elegant posture.
"You are not afraid of falling to death."
"You can't die, you can't die," Yun Feiyang said with a smile. "Our family's Ruibao flight
technology is first-class, fast and stable, and it hasn't been killed. I'm sorry, because there is
limited space in the car, I can't sit down with so many people. I do n’t care if I leave you
there, so I can only put it on my back. "
The limited space is indeed one reason, and the other reason is that I do n’t know when the
other party will wake up. After all, I have n’t known each other for a long time, and it ’s not
convenient for him to say something to An An.
After I finished the explanation, I extended my hand. "I haven't met you for the first time.
My surname is Yun called Feiyang. I've seen your play before. Oops. It's very good. My
mother likes you. I'll sign a name if it's convenient for me later. "
Ye Shenghua's face looked pretty good, "No problem, one sentence thing." He also looked at
Shen Shian and others. "Before in the park, thank you for your help."
"It's just a matter of raising hands." Shen Shi'an stopped a mile away. "We just left the X
City area, and then we have to go south. This is not far from the park. If you want to go
back, you have time."
Ye Shenghua thought about it and raised his hands and clenched his fists. "Then I won't
delay you. The grace of saving lives is not worth repaying. I wish you a smooth journey
along the way."
Shen Shi'an nodded. This is the best. He didn't want to have multiple strangers in the team.
After Ye Shenghua wrote a lot of sincere greetings to Yun Yun according to Yun Feiyang's
request, with autographs and two group photos, Shen Shian took his backpack back to the
original owner, "The world is sinister, Mr. Ye Be careful."
"You too, each cherished."
The two sides said goodbye to each other, Ye Shenghua stood on the side of the road and
watched everyone walk towards the car, and suddenly remembered one thing, "You are
going to the south, right, then I will remind you that if you meet a man with wings, don't
mind him How harmless it is, do n’t hesitate, kill if you can, you ca n’t kill it quickly. "
Shen Shian, who was about to get on the train, had a figure and suddenly turned around,
"What do you say?"
More than ten minutes later, according to the specific description given by Ye Shenghua,
Shen Shian and others have been basically certain that he did meet Zhong Han just half a
month ago.
"Have you ever played with him?"
"At first, I thought he was a good person at first, and almost died by the grandson."
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan immediately uttered a "grass" that fought with the
"When you met him, how many abilities did he have?"
Ye Shenghua shook his head. "It's uncountable. At least he used it to have at least two
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan grassed again.
"Is there any kind of power that is similar to the practice method is the most common kind
in Xianxia TV series, which can exert internal force, or use weapons such as swords."
Ye Shenghua was a little ignorant, but looking at Shen Shi'an didn't seem to be a joke, he
thought back carefully, "This is really not there yet."
"you sure"
"Ok, if he knows this, I will definitely remember it."
Shen Shian was relieved if Zhong Han failed to get the exercises, it meant that either
Qingyang faction had nothing to do with him, or he was deflated in Qingyang faction.
Either way is good news.
He took a map from the space and continued to ask, "Where was the last time you saw
Ye Shenghua took the pen and drew a circle on the map. "Here, not far from Yunchuan Base,
I met him after coming out of Yunchuan Base."
Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun, and Shen Xun shook his head. This was at least a hundred
kilometers away from the last time he sensed Zhong Han. If Ye Shenghua's information is
accurate, it means that Zhong Han may have been moving.
After thinking about it for a moment, Shen Shian made a decision, "Mr. Ye, don't hide it. We
have a blood feud between Zhong Han. This southbound trip is to catch him. If you are
convenient, can you walk with us and help us lead the way?"
He Xiu did n’t know what was happening to Zhong Han, which made Shen Xun unable to
track it. The vastness of southern China, they were unfamiliar, they searched slowly like a
needle in a haystack, and Ye Shenghua came from Yunchuan. The area, familiar with the
local terrain, is their only source of information.
Ye Shenghua thought about it, "It's not impossible, after all, you saved me, and I have
nothing else to do. But I have a small request."
"You said."
"You also know that my demand for various daily necessities is relatively large. The most
painful thing after the end of the world is to clean up an entire shopping plaza but only take
away a bag of things. Mr. Shen is a space ability, I do n’t know if I can give it My three-cubic
storage space "
Shen Shian looked at him without speaking.
Ye Shenghua was a little apprehensive if his request was too much
That's right, I heard that space abilities are particularly difficult to upgrade. Even if the
space size can be ten cubic meters, even if it is very powerful, he will go to one-third of the
storage capacity of one person at a time. It seems that it is really not kind.
So he said, "If three cubes are not enough, one cube will do. I will try to reduce the number
of items."
Even a cubic can hold a lot of things. It's no problem to squeeze two or three people. It's
much easier than carrying a bag.
Shen Shian watched him "just this"
Waiting for Ye Shenghua to carefully understand the meaning of the word "Just this", Shen
Shi'an continued, "I can give you the storage space, you can install as much as you want,
otherwise I can give you unlimited food and Cigarettes, correspondingly, I also have a
request. "
"You said"
"I need a drop of your blood. After we have this drop of blood, we can ensure that you are
all true information, and once you have any wrongdoing, we will use this drop of blood to
seize control of your body."
Ye Shenghua frowned.
"I know this condition is more demanding, so you can consider it carefully. What I can
guarantee is that as long as you do n’t want to hurt us, we will definitely not hurt you. After
finding Zhong Han to finish the cooperation, we can lift this blood Your limits. "
Ye Shenghua solemnly pondered for a long time "how much smoke is in your space"
Shen Shian was surprised for a while, and probably estimated "at least four thousand"
Seemingly afraid of Shen Shi'an's repentance, Ye Shenghua grabbed his hand and shook it
hard, "Mr. Shen, happy cooperation."
The author has something to say. Some people in the group ask why Ruibao is called
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 210:

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Yun Feiyang blended in very quickly. He and Xiong Manshan, Liu Fangzhou and others saw
it as before. Soon afterwards, they called their brothers and brothers on their shoulders,
riding on Ruibao, flying around, gliding, flipping, and spiraling into the sky. Wan Feng
looked at it, and Shen Shian was worried that they would play too crazy and throw
themselves to death.
Another new member, Ye Shenghua, also blended well. At this time, he was sitting on the
sofa in the last row of the RV and shared the skin care tips with Xu Ge and Tong Tong. The
three people were covered with a mask and had tomato juice in their hands. The square
table in front of me was filled with a pot of bright red and lovely cream strawberries, and
the music in my ears was melodious and soothing. I shared a good sister's time in this hot
Tao Yuan was in charge of driving, and Zhao Xinhe was sitting in the co-pilot. Chen
Nanzheng and Jia Mu continued to administer the willow tree essence. Lin Ruan and Tang
Song separately occupied a table with a large stack of documents and a laptop on the
computer screen. It was Zhao Xinjiang ’s genetic analysis data, and Zhao Xinjiang himself
was holding the watermelon and sitting opposite the two. He touched the melon skin while
answering the questions raised by the two from time to time.
Nearly October, the temperature is still high, and the road is so hot that it can fried eggs,
but the RV equipped with the power system is cool and pleasant.
Shen Xun looked around and scratched twice in Shen Shi'an's palm. "Do you remember
when we rushed from H City to Beijing?" It's a bit like now.
When he asked this question, the first thing that came out of Shen Shi'an's mind was the
little doll who had not stood tall and was greedy and sweet and coquettish. His lips were
raised, and he smiled and responded.
Shen Shi'an is looking at an atlas, one of the many maps he had obtained from the H City
Library, which contains detailed topographical data of provinces, cities and towns near the
Yunchuan base.
Across the aisle, Lin Ruan looked away from the computer screen, rubbed his sore eyes,
drank half a glass of watermelon juice, stood up and walked around to move his body.
After looking at the map book in Shen Shi'an's hand, after thinking for a moment, he sat
down opposite him and Shen Xun. "Captain, regarding the matter of grabbing Zhong Han, if
he has been moving, even if Ye Shenghua leads the way, I I feel that we should be prepared
for a blow this time. "
Shen Shian looked up at him "what do you think"
"Based on our understanding of Zhong Han, his biggest goal must be the crystal core of the
powers, and as long as he still plays the idea of the crystal core of the powers, he will not be
too far from the safe base where the powers gather. At present, Beijing Both the island base
and the base already know the existence of the crystal nuclei of the powers, the basic order
has been restored over the island, and the capital is trying to restore it. The two places will
leave him little room for operation, if I were him I will not choose either base. "
Lin Ruan pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from his original table, probably delineating
the locations of the five bases and the distribution of zombies in the country. "The plateau
base and the Changbai base are too far away, there are relatively few survivors, and the
climate is relatively special. The probability of his choice will not be too high; there are no
zombies in the east coast, and there is no significance for him. Then the Yunchuan base,
which is located in the hinterland of the hinterland and is rich in resources and has many
survivors, becomes a His best choice. "
The mountains around the Yunchuan base are closed around the terrain. Once the modern
transportation support is lost, it is almost isolated from the outside world. This
geographical feature makes it uniquely geographically favorable for becoming a safe base,
but it also causes Side effects of message occlusion.
Ye Shenghua left Yunchuan base more than a month ago. According to him, until he left,
there was no news about the crystal nuclei in the base. He would know the existence of the
crystal nuclei in the base. After coming to the northern part of China, almost after being
assassinated and robbed of nuclear weapons.
Such a large base with a population of millions and no knowledge of the crystal nuclei of
the abilities is undoubtedly the best target for Zhong Han.
"I think," Lin Ruandao "even if Zhong Han is no longer at the place where Ye Shenghua met
him, he will not leave the southwest area. If we do get rid of it for the first time, there are
two options, one is to go Yunchuan base, the second is to choose another foothold to
temporarily settle down, as long as the rear stability is guaranteed, then there will be Ye
Shenghua as a guide, the flying parrot Ruibao as a means of transportation, and the ark ’s
scanning sensing ability. Sooner or later. "
In this case, it's better than playing with cats and mice with Zhong Han around the entire
southwest area and dragging their mouths around.
Shen Shian nodded and shook his head, "We are not going to Yunchuan Base."
The lesson of the base in Beijing is enough to eat once. The same kind in the last days is far
more terrible than zombies. Unless the problem of the crystal nuclei of the ability player is
solved, he will not lead the team members into any strange survivor gathering place.
Lin Ruan said very reasonable. In fact, Shen Shian also considered that if he could not catch
the opponent where Ye Shenghua had encountered Zhong Han, he had not intended to let
the whole team continue to pursue the chase without direction.
Seizing Zhong Han is one of the goals of their trip, but it is not the only goal, nor the most
important one.
The top priority of their trip is to find a suitable place to settle down, so that Tang Song and
Lin Ruan can continue to devote themselves to experiments and research without
interference, regardless of whether it is a virus vaccine, a nucleus of a power person or a
right. The research on the genes of the psychic is far more important than Zhong Han.
As for where this suitable place is, he already has a plan in mind.
The weather was too hot, so it wasn't until the sun went down that the summer heat blew
away, and the RV stopped by a clearing.
Shen Shi'an got out of the car and took out two other RVs from the space, forming a half
circle with this one, both as a place to rest at night and as a defense. As for the other half
circle, the defense was given to Jiamu and Willow essence.
The sky was completely dark, and the stars were scattered in the night.
The crowd lit three campfires in the semicircle formed by the RV. The orange-red fire
illuminated more than a dozen figures, long or short, projected on the outer wall of the RV.
The breeze blowing through the wilderness came, the smoke rose, and the air was very
empty. The tempting aroma of food soon floated.
Yun Feiyang did n’t know where to get a karaoke machine, and with Liu Fangzhou and
Xiong Manshan, they tried to find a way to pull the wire from the RV to connect to the
power supply. The colorful neon lights lit up. Affectionate duet
"Friend, friend, did you think of me?"
"If you are enjoying happiness, please forget me"
"Friends walk together for life, there will be no more those days"
"One sentence, one life, one life, one glass of wine"
The magic sound chaosed the howling wolf, and the tracing mantra could not be found.
Ye Shenghua had already prepared the red wine with a knife and fork, and the fried foie
gras with sizzling oil was also put into an elegant and delicate porcelain plate. He was
preparing to eat cross-legged. Napkin on the neck, walked over long legs and walked over
to pick up a microphone again. Dan Tian shook her hair angrily, trying to pull the three
people back.
"Friends have never been alone" Liu Fangzhou sang and danced while beckoning
desperately to Chen Nan, "Nan brother, you come too, you will understand friends"
"There is still hurt, there is pain" Xiong Manshan covered his chest and sang with passion.
"Let's go, and me," Yun Feiyang forgets with his eyes closed.
Ye Shenghua's eyes straightened, and quickly grabbed the callback before the beginning of
the next sentence
"All these years, one person"
The chaotic and cheerful song resounded in Hirano. The cheers and laughs by the fire were
higher than a while. In the end, not only Chen Nan and Tao Yuan were pulled up and joined,
even Ruibao skipped and joined in the fun together. Every few words, you can hear the cute
"Hello Baby" or "Goodbye Baby"
Yun Feiyang sang and jumped crazy, sweating, grabbed the microphone to sing a
paragraph, ran back and took a sausage or a barbecue from Wan Feng, or he took a handful
of iced watermelons in his hands Juice, and then ran back to grab wheat.
Shen Shian leaned on Shen Xun, watching the cheering teammates, all with smiles in his
After Yun Feiyang ran back again to kill a roasted chicken leg and then ran away, Shen
Shian said to Wan Feng "Thank you."
Thank him for escorting Yun Feiyang away, and bringing Yun Feiyang back safely.
Wan Feng overturned the corn and pork belly brush on the grill with oil, and began to stuff
glutinous rice into the chicken wings. He said, "No need to thank, this is what I should do. I
promised you to send Feiyang home safely." , Fortunately, it ’s not humiliating. "
Shen Shi'an watched his cooking action and remembered that before the virus broke out,
when he and Yun Feiyang and two bodyguards got together on New Year's Day, the other
party could not even cut vegetables, and could only help peel the peas to pound the garlic,
laugh I smiled and seemed to feel it.
Lin Ruan had eaten almost, and was watching the "singing and dancing performance" while
picking the crystal nuclei in a wooden box at hand.
A total of thirty-two crystal nuclei were taken from the brains of the gangsters who killed
Ye Shenghua. Originally it should be more dazzling than diamonds, now each one is mixed
with multiple colors, the dark and turbid light can't enter the light, and the strangeness is
I don't know how many innocent lives were behind so many colors.
None of the members of the crystal nucleus was willing to absorb it, so Shen Shijing handed
it over to Lin Ruan and the two for research. Only because the crystal nuclei could not be
cut and sampled, Lin Ruan could only treat them as walnuts.
Tang Song leaned over and picked up the darkest one from the box. "Is this the thin mouse
face you said, he can form a special field within a certain range, and absorb the abilities and
physical strength of all the targets in the field. "
Lin Ruan nodded.
The color of this crystal nucleus is like a dark and stinking green ditch, because the color is
too dark, there is no way to determine whether it is a color or a combination of colors, but
it is undeniable that its corresponding ability is indeed very powerful .
If there is no Shen Xun who is not affected by the power, they may easily be wiped out by
the whole army.
"He absorbed the past powers, can he use them as they are?"
Lin Ruan shook his head, "I don't know, the team search didn't give him the opportunity to
use it."
It lost a lot of reference data.
Tang Song was very interested. "After waiting for the settlement, first analyze the blood
sample of this person."
Ability is so rare and special. There may be some unexpected surprises in the other party's
gene sequence.
Lin Ruangang nodded his head, and not long ago came Zhao Xinjiang ’s exclamation, "I
succeeded, I succeeded the captain, Mr. Tang, Mr. Lin, I succeeded."
Shen Shian looked at it in a sound, and saw that Zhao Xinjiang was holding a watermelon
ecstatically, and the palm of his right hand had penetrated into the watermelon.
"I succeeded"
Zhao Xinjiang ran over and showed the watermelon to Tang Song and others. His wrist was
snugly fitted into the watermelon, and the surface of the melon skin did not have any
cracks, as if the entire hand penetrated through the watermelon skin without hindrance.
"I don't know how I did it," Zhao Xinjiang was a little bit excited, "I just tried to blend my
hands in as Mr. Tang and Mr. Lin said. It didn't work before. Just now, I just lost my mind a
little bit , Waited for the gods to come in already "
Tang Song carefully inspected the watermelon, "Can you take your hand out again"
Zhao Xinjiang tried it and was a little embarrassed, "No, it's stuck, I can't move."
Lin Ruan took two shots on his shoulder. “The first step is the most difficult. It ’s very
successful to be successful. This shows that my guess with the teacher is correct. You do
have the ability to mutate cockroach eggs. You can change your own molecules. The order
of arrangement is integrated into any object. The next thing to do is to keep practicing. If
you can use this skill proficiently, the future effect will be inestimable. "
Shen Shian nodded. "It's a great job. Keep working hard."
Zhao Xinjiang's face was slightly red, and he saluted with his left hand. "It is that I will not
live up to the expectations of Captain He and Mr. Tang Lin."
Yun Feiyang and others ran over and arched Zhao Xinjiang next to the karaoke machine,
and gave him the first song alone. Today is a good day. The melody sounded and the joyous
atmosphere became hotter.
This dinner didn't end until nearly ten o'clock. Tong Tong couldn't bear leaning against
Wan Feng and fell asleep. Xu Ge came over and hugged. Wan Feng passed the person
carefully and whispered, "You take care of her Very well. "
Xu Ge smiled, "It's all a family, so naturally take care of it."
Shen Shi'an's evolutionary fever is not over yet, and he has a low fever and a slight lack of
physical strength. After returning to the RV and taking a shower, he lay in bed and fell
After Shen Xun came out of the shower room, the temperature of the air conditioner was
adjusted slightly higher. He also lay down next to Shen Shi’an. He just took the person into
his arms, and two very light tapping sounds suddenly sounded out of the RV window.
Shouted "find, seek"
I shouted twice and I did n’t get a response. The other party thought for a moment and
changed the name to "Xun Ge Xun Ge"
Still no response.
As Yun Feiyang began to consider calling him to seek the captain, the door of the RV was
pushed open, and Shen Xun walked down with a sullen face. "You better have something to
"It's important, it's especially important," Yun Feiyang nodded again and again, and glanced
into the window. "An An didn't wake up, just wake up, come with me."
Turning around, the cat walked around for three or four meters and found that Shen Xun
didn't keep up with both hands and his chest, but he could only help the cat to walk back
with his hands lightly and lightly. , Do n’t lie to you, I do n’t dare to lie to you, right? "
Shen Xun thought it right. Then he lowered his hand and walked with him to the periphery
of the protective ring.
Halfway between the two, they happened to meet Liu Fangzhou, who was peeing. Liu
Fangzhou rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing, Brother Xun?"
Yun Feiyang was originally prepared to make a random reason to get out, and then thought
about it, beckoning Liu Fangzhou, "You come here too, you better know this matter."
The three men walked like a thief for five or six hundred meters, and finally Yun Feiyang
stopped in front of a grove before Shen Xun's patience was about to run out.
"What happened next might be unexpected," Yun Fei said. "I'm going to take something out
of the space. Then, you are mentally prepared."
Shen Xun snorted.
Before the laughter fell, a figure with a broken right arm and a disheveled hair suddenly
appeared across from Yun Feiyang. The figure staggered around for two steps, quickly
focused his eyes on Shen Xun. Rushed towards him
"You are Shen Shian's running dog, I will eat you"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 211:

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The figure flew two steps towards Shen Xun, and Yun Feiyang used a riot-proof steel fork to
hang his neck. He sternly leaned on the tree trunk, his throat was firmly stuck by the steel
ring, and he couldn't say a word.
Even though psychological preparations have been made in advance, Liu Fangzhou almost
glared out his eyeballs, "Lying Groove Qin Shu"
The teenager turned on the flashlight and looked at it two steps. It was indeed Qin Shu was
right. For a time, his mind was full of paste. "No, what is the case with her? She turned into
a zombie, but she became a zombie. How could she talk? Knowing Brother Xun, remember
the captain, the mind seems to be quite sober. Is it just right that the infection has not
completed the mutation, then it is not right, if she has not become a zombie, how can you be
installed in the space? Is your space not a vacuum-like environment? Is she alive or dead
now? "
Yun Feiyang shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know."
After shrugging, he added a bit of strength to the steel fork, and the crazy woman was quite
Shen Xun looked at Qin Shu, who was not dead, up and down several times, and asked Yun
Feiyang, "Why would she be put into space by you, where did you find her?"
"It's a long story."
To know how Qin Shu fell into Yun Feiyang's hands, the story had to start from the night
Shen Shi'an and others fled the capital.
At the same time when the helicopter took off successfully, the earth-shattering big
explosion focused everyone's attention, and the battles scattered around the base stopped
one after another. It didn't take long for the swarming crowds to surge past the west gate
from all directions like a tide .
The explosion engulfed nearly half of the pursuers, and their crystal nucleus triggered a
new round of scuffles and fighting.
When the fighting finally subsided under the suppression of the military, the dark night
disappeared silently, and there was a faint hint of whiteness in the horizon.
It was at this time that Gu Changsheng took people into the secret research institute located
at the base of the food processing plant.
The ice in the laboratory has long melted, and under a dozen strong lights, the internal
organs of the amputated limbs are everywhere, and the blood is disgusting.
Gu Changsheng stepped over the blood and walked to the experimental bed used to bind
Shen Shi'an. He stared at the four thick iron chains along the edge of the bed for a long
while, and turned back to Xiao Wendao.
Turning about to go out, a secret door opened suddenly on the wall, and the blood-covered
Qin Shu threw himself out, fell to the ground and mournfully called for "Chang Sheng,
Chang Sheng save me"
Qin Shu's condition is very bad, his right arm is cut off, his lips are blue and purple, and his
body has a high fever. If you ignore it, it will kill you in a few hours at most.
Gu Changsheng hated her for her bones and wished to retaliate her with revenge on Shen
Shi’an ’s murder, but Qin Shu was his biological mother after all, and he had the grace of
raising and educating him. He hated it so deeply that he could n’t watch him Die in front of
So he used his powers to prevent the deterioration of Qin Shu ’s injury, protected her life,
and secretly took her back to her home, and ordered the earth abilities to temporarily build
a basement in the yard where he lived. Hidden inside.
Gu Changsheng knew that once Mr. Gu found that Qin Shu was still alive, she would be
dead, so he dared not say anything, and he did n’t dare to ask someone to come over and
treat her. He could only superimpose his abilities on her again and again. I plan to wait until
the tension in the base has calmed down a bit.
But the change of things exceeded his expectations.
Qin Shu has been feverish, and his wits have disappeared. Gu Changsheng originally
thought that this was caused by the injury of her right arm, but after taking Qin Shu back
for eight hours, her skin gradually became blue and hard, and the blood on the wound
changed from bright red to a strange dark red.
Gu Changsheng is no stranger to this kind of change. This is clearly a sign that the virus is
about to mutate into a zombie.
He asked Xiao Wen to take a virus test strip for testing, and the test results proved his
But Gu Changsheng could n’t understand why, Qin Shu was infected with the zombie virus.
She did n’t have any bite marks or scratches on her body, and she could n’t find the obvious
source of mutation, not to mention that there was nothing in the underground research
institute. The traces related to the zombies, is it that she wanted to use the zombie virus to
injure Shen Shian, but accidentally hurt herself
Gu Changsheng couldn't figure it out, in fact, there was no time for him to figure out that
one and a half years have passed since the virus broke out. After this one and a half years of
strengthening and adaptation, even ordinary survivors are infected with the zombie virus,
there are still one or two Hours of survival time.
He has been superimposing the time static power on Qin Shu. It stands to reason that even
if Qin Shu is infected with a virus, under the protection of his almost uninterrupted power,
the mutation rate should be infinitely close to zero, but Qin Shu was brought back. In less
than ten hours, not only did the skin have a large area of chapped blue and purple, but even
the eyeballs began to be cloudy and congested.
The only possibility for this to happen is at the beginning of the virus outbreak, when the
survivors did not have any resistance to the virus. Once infected, they would mutate into
zombies in just a few seconds, even at such a rapid mutation rate, even if With Gu
Changsheng's power protection, as long as the power is interrupted for one-tenth or even
one-hundredth of a second, the mutation status of the infected person will also greatly
But the problem is that Qin Shu is not in the early stage of the virus outbreak. She should
have received the strengthening and transformation of the power virus for a year and a
Gu Changsheng is puzzled and does not know what to do, he can only superimpose the time
static effect on Qin Shu again and again, trying to slow down the mutation rate.
Perhaps it was his efforts that worked. Qin Shu was taken back to the house for the twelfth
hour. The mutation in her body finally stopped, and the high fever retreated.
Gu Changsheng stood beside the bed, watching her open her eyes.
The muddy and **** eyes looked a little weird, but Qin Shu ’s mentality did not seem to be
affected. After looking around for a week, she asked her most concerned question, "Is Shen
Shian dead?"
Gu Changsheng stared at her for a moment, then laughed.
"Shen Shi'an is still alive," he stood up from his chair. "He is alive and well. Not only is he
alive, his teammates are also alive, and he left the capital right away. Your plan has failed. It
is better to worry about him than to worry about him. Worried about the Qin family. "
Qin Shu was shocked, "What do you mean?"
"Qin Bozhang is dead. The Qin family is now in charge of Qin Xue. Coincidentally, he and I
have the same goal, that is, to let the Qin family fall apart, and everyone can't die."
"Qin Xue" Qin Shu gritted his teeth "How could you be involved with that wild seed? Even if
Qin Bozhang died, the person in charge of the Qin family should also be me. Where did he
get his Chang Sheng, he was not a good person, he secretly concealed ghosts Do n’t be
fooled by him, I ’m your mother, you should help me. ”
Gu Changsheng stood far away, Qin Shu sat up and tried to pull the corner of his clothes,
lost his right arm, and moved back, and the left sleeve jumped up, and then he noticed his
abnormality. "My hand I My skin, my mirror, what about the mirror, give me my face? "
Xiao Wen took a mirror and Qin Shucai looked at himself in the mirror and screamed and
flew the mirror out. "This is not me, this is not me, what's wrong with me, Chang Sheng's
mother, what is wrong with this?"
"You are infected with a zombie virus, but the good news is that your mutation stopped
only halfway through, and it shouldn't die." Gu Changsheng didn't want to talk to her more.
"For the time being, stay here and wait for the situation. After the recovery, I will ask the
doctor to come and take a look at you. "
"Chang Sheng Chang Sheng" Qin Shu flung out of bed, knees knocked on the ground, his face
twisted with pain, but he strongly supported Gu Changsheng's trousers. "Chang Sheng, you
don't care about your mother. Do you want to keep your mother alone?" Under this, do n’t
you go, or you can take your mother out, OK? "
Gu Changsheng's eyes were cold and cold. "If you call out louder and lead your father over,
then you never have to stay here."
Qin Shu shook his whole body, letting go of his hands subconsciously, seeing Gu
Changsheng stepping out of the door and closing the iron door, struggling to get up and
rushing to the iron window, "Chang Sheng, Mom knows you want to protect me, Mom No
longer noisy, I ’ll be quiet and stay here, can you, can you tie someone down? "
Tied the person down
Gu Changsheng turned around in surprise, his eyes met Qin Shu ’s turbid and red eyes, and
his eyes full of appetite \\ 039 suddenly realized that “you want to eat people”
Qin Shu ’s eyes dodge, “I do n’t know, I do n’t know what ’s going on. I just suddenly feel a
little hungry. The zombie virus seems to have done something to me. Maybe I do n’t want to
eat people. I just need to spend time with other people I fooled the virus, and then there
will be no such idea "
Gu Changsheng looked coldly at her without any response, but Qin Shu, who was constantly
driven by eating instincts, could not bear it. She clung to the iron railing. "Chang Sheng, do
n’t zombies have to eat people, I have already If you are infected with a virus, you will die if
you do n’t eat. What if you do n’t want your mother to die, right? You can help me, help me
bundle my personal delivery, OK, as long as one is enough, anyone can be long Sheng you
save mother "
Gu Changsheng stepped back two steps, not knowing whether to sigh or laugh. After a
while, he shook his head. "Tianli retribution is uncomfortable, this sentence really makes
sense. When you sent someone to secretly calculate Shen Shen in the absolute death zone, I
I have warned you that if something goes wrong, I will never let you or Qin's family. You are
my mother, so even if you are a sinner, even if you become a zombie, I will not kill you, I
will do my best to protect you, protect you, take care of you, and not let my dad find you
alive, but that's all. You have a good rest, I will let someone deliver you meals. "
"Changsheng Changsheng, don't leave Changsheng, don't leave your mother alone"
Qin Shu's hoarse shouts were stopped by the iron gate, and an increasingly strong
appetite \\ 039 was almost going to drive her crazy, so she smashed all the food sent by Gu
Changsheng and then began to smash. The door, the chair, the table, and finally the body hit
the door over and over again.
One of the benefits of the zombie virus is that she is almost not tired, so I do n’t know how
long it hit, and the iron door embedded in the earth wall was actually hit by a gap.
Qin Shu was overjoyed and tried his best to escape from the gap. After climbing to the
ground, he realized that the night was deep, and there was no one in the courtyard where
Gu Changsheng lived.
The anxious appetite made her seem to be fried and roasted, and she couldn't bear it for a
moment. The zombie virus in her body guided her to the nearest target. She ran to the end,
struggling to cross the courtyard wall, and when she landed, she didn't catch her hand
When he fell to the ground, he would raise his head, and then he looked at Yun Feiyang who
had just finished talking with Mr. Gu and other people after dinner, and came back to sleep.
After listening to Yun Feiyang's remarks, Liu Fangzhou froze for a long time, and then
couldn't help but laugh, "hahahahahahahahahahahaha"
Halfway through the laugh, I realized that I could n’t make too much noise, and then I
suffocated my smile back, so that my eyes were full of tears, "So she is now a human being
and a ghost."
Yun Feiyang nodded. "I briefly studied it before I met you. She seemed to be infected with
the zombie virus, but I don't know why it only mutated half. It has the characteristics of
being zombie not tired and wanting to eat people, while still retaining it. All memory and
sanity. "
"Do you feel pain?" This is what Liu Fangzhou cares most about.
"Yes, I stabbed her halfway, she called in the space for two days."
Yun Feiyang finished looking at Liu Fangzhou. “I heard that you like to dissect the human
body the most. She only mutated half. Except for a bit harder skin, in fact it is not much
different from a living person. And as long as you do n’t hurt your head, you wo n’t die, even
if it ’s I gave you the meeting gift, I am not satisfied "
Liu Fangzhou pounced on him and kissed him fiercely. "From now on you will be my
Shen Xun kept saying nothing until he said "Why can't he tell An An"
"I'm not really sure if I want to tell you or not. Calling you out also wants to ask your
opinion." Yun Feiyang said. "It stands to reason that the surname Qin has created so many
sins. Only An'an is best qualified to avenge her. But I know that he has a good relationship
with Master Gu's family. I also agree that Master Gu is a rare melon that grows out of a
crooked seedling and is not similar to his mother. But the problem is that Qin Shu is his
mother after all. He raises him and pulls him big, even if he does n’t like this mom anymore,
the bones and blood are still connected. If Qin Shu really dies in An’an, if Master Gu does n’t
know, if he knows, even if he knows it completely emotionally, Support, it is inevitable that
a thorn will be born. "
Yun Feiyang said this with a sigh. "An An's bloodline has no two left. I can see that he really
treats Master Gu as a brother, and Master Gu must be the same for An An. Since this is the
case, why bother Let the two brothers leave a gulf between them. Was n’t Anan told Qin
Shu that he had been involved in a car accident? If I could bear it one day and let Qin Shu
fall into my hands, then I must let She might as well die and give a bad breath for Aunt Shen
and An An. I did n’t expect that the end of the world really gave me this opportunity, it
would be called God ’s will if I wanted to say it, so it ’s better to hide An An and let me be
this wicked man and replace him The way to eliminate harm for the people. "
Shen Xun stared at him for a long time, then turned around "I saw nothing tonight."
The author has something to say Qin Shu offline. gg.
Sort out the reasons for Qin Shu's current state
She asked Hersius to help her lift the curse and lose the protection of the curse. Ingesting
the original virus is not immune to the original virus. She started to get the original virus
and transformed it into a zombie virus. Form a balance, resulting in only half of the
mutation. Qin Shu is not dead, everyone remember to collect URLs or remember URLs,
URLs, free and fastest update No anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapters for seeking books
and chatting with friends 647377658 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 212:

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This is an anti-theft seal
The glass bowl contains the small snacks he made for children, orange juice and aloe vera.
The raw material is the aloe vera that grows madly after watering the spirit spring. The
thorns with long arms are cut off with an axe, and the flesh is peeled. Select the most fat
part in the middle and cut into long strips, boil them in boiling water to remove bitterness,
then pickle with freshly squeezed orange juice and honey for two hours, and finally pour
into a glass bowl covered with ice cubes, fresh and juicy, fresh and refreshing. It is suitable
for digestion and greasy after the New Year.
The only inconvenience is that the temperature in the home and the space is not low. The
glass bowl is filled with ice. After a little while, the outer wall will liquefy a lot of water
droplets. If you do n’t use coasters, you will leave it where you put it. A circle of water
stains. This is an unforgivable thing for Shen Shian.
After getting the guarantee from the children that "the bowl is on the mat or not, only eat
green vegetables", Shen Shi'an took the exercise book from the shelf, calmed down, and
tried to decipher it again.
Shen Xun took a few forks of aloe vera, sniffed a bone-shaped pillow while chewing and
smelled it, and piled up the building blocks and pushed it down again. Reluctantly divided
for ten minutes, turned around and began to lean towards Shen Shian, his eyes lit up when
he fell on the exercises
Oh, I have a lot of babies in this field.
Shen Shian leaned back on the sofa with one leg slightly bent and one leg straight, pulling
down a long straight line on the linen cloth. There were more than a dozen manuscripts
scattered around the legs, each of which was densely packed, and the words in the
exercises were arranged and reorganized in turn according to various deciphering
Shen Shi'an's hard-written characters are very beautiful. They are the kind of Junxiu who
will be attracted at first glance and can not help but admire. His strokes are thin and self-
styled. He also won the prize in the hard-writing competition in high school. The Chinese
teacher once praised him. Like his people, "with aura of compelling romance in cold and
It's a pity that these beautiful characters are not long after they are written, and will soon
be heavily crossed out by two black lines. At the same time, a small cross will be drawn
after the deciphering method used in this text.
The more words that were smeared, the thicker the manuscript paper fell around, the more
irritable and impatient the eyes half hidden under the black hair, and when another
manuscript was discarded and thrown down, Shen Shian closed with a "snap" The book of
exercises, lifted your forehead with your backhand, and your forehead is as white as jade,
leaning on the sofa and sighing heavily.
Or not.
Shen Xun stared at him for a long time and finally understood what he wanted to do. The
bulging gangster thought about it, stupid An An. Haw, Haw, swallowed the aloe stick in my
mouth, swallowed it, grabbed one of his fingers, put it into my mouth with a thunderous
bite, and took a bite, then squeezed out a few blood beads and smeared it on the book On
the spine.
Shen Shi'an felt only a pain at his fingertips, and he hadn't had time to question. The
exercise book on his leg suddenly turned into a masterpiece, slowly suspending into the air
like Dongsheng Rising Sun, and instantly turned into countless light spots, surrounded by
Shen Shian and disappeared into the body. No trace.
The Buddha was thrown into the chaos in front of the earth, and it seemed to be awake and
dreamy. There were countless lights and shadows passing by quickly, but he could not see
clearly and could not catch it. He could only drift with the waves in the endless dimness.
Where to go
When Shen Shi'an regained control of his body and opened his eyes, he found himself lying
on the sofa with a small white ball beside him.
"How long have I slept?" He sat with his brow squeezed.
Shen Xun stretched out his hand for "ten minutes"
I looked around for a while, and the exercises have disappeared or existed in another form.
As soon as he moved his mind, the entire contents of the exercises would automatically
appear in his mind. Although the sentence is esoteric and obscure, it is not illegible.
He looked into Shen Xun's eyes, "How do you know that using blood is useful"
Dark green eyes blinked twice, ignorantly cute and innocent, "Bleeding the blood to
recognize the Lord, this is the same on TV"
Shen Shian silently said, "Watch less TV in the future."
In fact, he entered a misunderstanding by himself, because the order of the text in the book
was obviously wrong, so he just wanted to decode it, and because the exercise book was
paper-based, he never thought of connecting it to the liquid like blood. together. Since the
Buddha's beads were merged with his blood to make changes and open up space, this
method should have been tried in the exercises book.
In vain, he thought hard for so long, and finally let a dog who loves to watch fairy tales play
right. Shen Shian couldn't help laughing, rubbed two on the child's head and stood up from
the sofa.
After combining the exercises, the entire space changed completely in his eyes. The air was
filled with light blue materials, which were between liquid and solid and floated around
irregularly. And infiltrate into the human body with breathing.
And when he meditated on the formulas recorded in the exercises, the speed of penetration
of this substance into the human body would suddenly increase. After a week of circulation
along the veins, it gathered at the lower abdomen, like a warm spiritual spring water,
nourishing the limbs An inch of skin, the wound that was bitten by Shen Xun at the
fingertips had healed as it had been repaired. He could even clearly feel that all the cells in
the body were happily excited by this substance, like the spring grass after the rain,
glowing Exuberant vitality.
Shen Shian tried to make a fist, and a surging sense of power immediately surged out. If the
Lingquan water improved his physique, then under the action of the practice, this material
called spiritual force carried him out. Complete transformation from the inside out.
According to the records in the book, if you can practice this set of "Return to the Ruins" to
the 12th-level Great Consummation Realm, you can turn the wind and rain and break the
void, becoming a kind of power similar to the gods. Now Shen Shi'an has just been exposed
to exercises. Although he didn't even touch the first-level barrier, he is very satisfied with
the current results.
A few punches were randomly thrown into the air, and the clear sound of breaking the air
showed the terrible power contained in the fist. At this time, Shen Shian was like a young
adult cheetah. How to vent.
In the study, he turned around a few times to feel the changes in his body. Shen Shian took
a step, suddenly remembered something, and turned away.
"An An" Shen Xun stood up quickly and chased after holding the glass bowl.
Walking to the inner position of the living room on the first floor, Shen Shian continued up
the stairs and stopped at the corner, waving his hand twice in the air
Nothing, the invisible barrier that had been standing here disappeared.
Shen Shian was very happy in his heart. He quickly stepped up and walked up. When the
height of his sight crossed the stairs, the entire second floor was unobstructed.
The second floor is different from the first floor. There are no separate rooms. The whole
floor is open. The floor is about five to six meters high. It is supported by six thick solid
wooden columns surrounded by nothing. There is nothing empty.
"An An"
Shen Shi'an turned his head and found that Shen Xun was climbing up with his short legs,
and for a long time, he didn't even reach a quarter of it, sitting on the stairs.
The corners of his lips curled up, took a few steps back to hug him, and walked around the
post. The first floor was blocked by walls and divided into several rooms. It didn't feel
obvious. After the whole floor was opened, it was found that the area of the bamboo
building was very impressive. In addition, the second floor was higher than the average
house, so it looked extremely spacious and empty.
Walking to the corresponding position of the study downstairs, Shen Shi'an stopped
swiftly, his eyes falling straight on the entire wall of weapons.
All the cold weapons are hanging on the wall, and there are many kinds of halberds. In the
middle is a long sword with a height of half a person. The whole body is black and simple in
shape. The sheath of the sword is carved with a simple but full of strange beauty.
Shen Shian walked forward a few steps, holding the sword with both hands, and carefully
removed the long sword from the bracket. The right hand holds the sheath and the left
hand handles, a little force, a snowy blue sword light illuminates in the field of vision, and
the sword body trembles like a dragon.
Long swords are cold and conspicuous, swords are like autumn water, and blades are frost.
Even though little is known about cold weapons, Shen Shi'an has no doubt that he is
holding a magical soldier who cuts hair and cuts iron like mud.
With one hand holding the sword and stabbing it into the air a few times, Shen Shian
quickly understood the reason why the barrier on the previous staircase existed. The
sword in his hand did not know the specific material, but the density was very large, even if
the sword sheath At least it weighs more than fifty kilograms. If it was not because of him
that he merged the exercises book and his body was transformed by spiritual power, there
is absolutely no way to take it so easily. Then, if he accidentally bumps it, he may break his
hand or break it. foot.
The second floor looked empty, and there was a treasure hidden. Shen Shian moved with a
deep heart, walked to the window and stretched out his right index finger to touch the
blade with great care. The fingertip instantly opened a mouth, and bright red blood came
out and dripped on the sword.
There was no response, straight down the sword.
Cough, he thought too much.
Shen Shi'an embarrassedly withdrew his sword into the sheath. As soon as he turned
around, he saw Shen Xun standing on tiptoe and reached out to reach a Tang sword at the
bottom of the weapon wall.
The Tang Sword is dark red all over, the blade is twice as wide as a long sword, and the
lines on the scabbard are splayed wildly, standing taller than a child.
If it falls down and hits the body, it will be fatal if it is injured.
Shen Shian's pupils tightened and slammed "Don't touch"
But before he rushed to save him, Shen Xun had already taken the knife down, and he
pulled it out with both hands holding the handle of the knife.
Shen Shi'an stopped abruptly in a sudden stop, and then walked over and took the knife
from his hand and beat it twice. The expected heavy hand was heavier than the long sword
in the other hand.
Looking at the child's look instantly weird, "When did your strength become so powerful"
Shen Xun still sells cute and silly "always like this duck"
Shen Shian narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a while without speaking. Then he
turned back and put both the Long Sword and the Tang Sword back to the same place.
"Let's go downstairs." The soldier is a magic soldier, but he can't use it at present, so it's
better to put it here.
I looked down and found that the glass bowl with orange juice and aloe was placed on the
floor, but the coaster that was supposed to be underneath was completely gone, and the
tone immediately became dangerous. "How did I tell you, ah, do n’t put the bowl with ice
Randomly, you will see you everywhere
The sound came to an abrupt end when the finger touched the wall of the bowl.
Wait, something is wrong.
Shen Shian picked up the bowl and checked it carefully to make sure he was not dazzling or
No water drops, no matter the outer edge of the glass bowl or the floor where the glass
bowl is placed, it is all dry and clean without any water stains.
But this is impossible. There are many unmelted ice cubes under the aloe strips in the bowl.
Shen Shian has been holding the bowl for a while. It has been cold in his palm. The
temperature in the space is about 20 degrees. The hot air meets cold and liquefies into
water droplets. The most basic physics In response, he and Shen Xun had been on the
second floor for nearly 20 minutes. It is absolutely impossible that there is no liquefied
water vapor outside the bowl wall. It was still normal in the study before
A flash of light flashed in Shen Shi'an's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.
He squeezed a piece of ice from the bowl, squatted down and put it on the floor, watching
his eyes closely for a moment
The author has something to say Today is "55 off", I wish you all a happy holiday
Originally I wanted to make a change, but considering that I had already asked for leave
yesterday, I just coughed, it's not embarrassing: 3 "
This festival was spontaneously established by the authors of the web, and its purpose is to
resist the hegemonic contract of reading, protect the rights of literary and artistic creators
and laborers, support the writers who have been treated unfairly in this incident, and
prevent similar The incident happened again.
To what extent is the contract overlord that the article was exploded this time? According
to his contract, all copyrights of the works written by the author belong to the article, and
all the profits due to copyright can be swallowed by the article, but once the copyright
appears In case of disputes, the responsibility lies with the author, which means that the
author is no longer a "creator", but can only become a "gunman" hired and hired by the
reader. It is clearly a work written by him, but he cannot own any ownership.
Even more stringent is that after signing the contract, the author must outline the work and
complete the plan. If it is not completed or not completed within the expected time, the
website has the right to refuse to pay the author ’s income and in turn allow the author to
All, no matter how well written or how many people are willing to read, it is the
crystallization of the author's hard work and labor. It is not an exaggeration to say that the
children born in October are pregnant, but now they want to take these children from the
hands of the breeders. Snatch.
If even the most basic ownership cannot be guaranteed, how many authors or willing to
create and how many works can be born
If it did not touch the bottom line of the creator, so many people would not stand up to
I am one of the authors of the web. I am willing to speak for the creator who suffered the
injustice this time. I am willing to fight to protect my work.
Although the earthworm shook the tree, it was not self-disciplined, but the sparks of the
stars could still catch fire.
I hope I can always be full of love and enthusiasm and write a lot of stories that are more
and more beautiful for everyone. Remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the
URL, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft error report, seeking books and
Book buddies, please add qq group 647377658 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 213:

Settings saved..
Jinjiang is the longest river in China and has the largest water flow. Its main channel runs
through the central part of China from west to east. Because of the stepped topography of
China from west to east, the significant drop gives it an unimaginable rich water. can.
Because of this, as of the end of the last days, there were hundreds of hydropower stations
built in the entire Jinjiang River Basin.
Shen Shi'an wanted to find a place to settle down, allowing Tang Song and Lin Ruan to
concentrate on research, avoiding survivors from being disturbed, and ensuring the most
basic water and electricity needs. Small hydropower stations located on Jinjiang tributaries
surrounded by high mountains and deep valleys Is the best choice.
Taking into account factors such as population density near the hydropower station before
the end of the age, suitability for hiding, total power generation, and whether the
equipment can operate normally, Shen Shian picked a total of six pending options on the
way south.
After saying goodbye to Ye Shenghua, they took a short break, and then went to these six
places in turn to investigate.
The first three places were not suitable for various reasons. Two days later, a group of
people came to the location of the fourth hydropower station.
This hydropower station is located near the border of Shuangxi City and Sichuan
Province.The mountains on both sides stretch.The dam is just built at the mouth of the two
mountains, and a two hundred meters wide, deep and flat, sparkling between the two
peaks is intercepted. Beautiful lake.
Standing on the top of the dam, Liu Fangzhou looked up at the two high mountains. He only
felt that the mountains were green and the water was green. Even the air that was sucked
in and spit out was green. The internal organs were washed away by the green eyes. Qing,
could n’t help but put his hands around his mouth in a trumpet shape, screamed out with
all his strength
The cries shone across the lake and echoed between the mountains and forests.
The teenager picked up a cup of water and splashed it on his face.
Tang Song and Lin Ruan entered the internal inspection of the hydropower station, and
every time they came out, both of them had an unstoppable smile on their faces. "The
turbine units are good, and the installed capacity and power generation are enough. Just
open the gate. Can generate electricity. "
"The location is remote," said Lin Ruandao. "The nearest village and town are more than
ten kilometers away from here. The ark has sensed that there are no living people. Even if
there are people, these dozens of kilometers are all mountain roads. It may not be easy to
come over."
"The air is good here and the environment is good," Liu Fangzhou took another handful of
water. "Look at this water, how clear."
Xu Ge made a wreath for Tong Tong with a large collection of wildflowers picked along the
way, and nodded. "This is really good."
"Hello baby goodbye baby"
Two loud shouts came from the sky, Yun Feiyang looked up and smiled, "Yo, Ruibao likes
here too."
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun looked at each other "then choose here"
Shen Xun nodded, "Then choose here."
Liu Fangzhou and others cheered loudly, "Then choose here"
"Boss" Xiong Manshan who didn't know what disappeared suddenly appeared a gust of
wind again. "There is a winery underneath. There are no living people but zombies. I
looked at it as if I could live. The place is quite big."
"It's just below. It's just a walk to the forest. It's less than five hundred meters from here."
This is good news. If you can live in it, you will save even the effort of building a house and
laying electric wires and water pipes.
"Lead the way ahead."
Liu Fangzhou walked two steps closer to Xiong Manshan, "Brother Xiong, did you kill the
"Well, I'm not stupid. I walked back around two circles and didn't even touch the zombies."
If there was anything good in the factory, wouldn't he be all dead if he killed the zombies.
Liu Fangzhou gave him a thumbs up and he was very conscious.
Xiong Manshan is right. The winery is not far away. The crowd walked down the dam and
walked for less than three minutes. The green brick wall among the greenery was faintly
Liu Fangzhou scanned "there are a total of 23 zombies, all of them are low-level, there are
no living people." It is estimated that they were all workers in the winery during their
Jiamu led the zombies out, and the crowds were cleaned up by two, two, two, and two, and
then they went on.
The area of the factory is not small. There are three buildings in total, which are connected
to each other and form a "" shape. Each building is three stories high.
"The circuit system is intact," Tang Song quickly gave the first good news. "The power
station above is connected, and the electricity can be used normally after the sluice is
Tao Yuan unscrewed a faucet. "Tap water can also be used. The water is a bit cold. It should
be the water in the reservoir."
Lin Ruan took up a bunch of sniffs and said, "The water quality is okay. Haven't we brought
out the purification system and the filtration system in the Institute of Medical Sciences?
The problem. "Even the most demanding laboratory water requirements can be met.
After I walked into the factory building on the left, I ran out after a while, and there was a
flash of light in your eyes. “Come and see. The entire floor here is a distillation plant that
can be used as a boiler with a little modification. Every room is covered with heating pipes,
so we wo n’t have to worry anymore this winter. ”
No matter how severe this year's cold wave is, anyway, the electric energy is enough, and
the heater will burn as long as it wants.
The crowd was more and more excited, and Chen Nan took Jiamu to the third floor, walked
around and then walked down. "The upper two floors can be occupied, the debris can be
cleaned a little, and the rooms are particularly large."
"The building on the left serves as a boiler room, and the right is dedicated to Tang Ge and
the two of them as a laboratory," Liu Fangzhou has begun to plan with his fingers on. Room,
kitchen, dining room and living room can be arranged, oh, this is bigger than our villa space
Yun Feiyang also found a large warehouse at the back of the plant, and couldn't help but
call Ruibao down. "Look, even where you sleep is ready."
Members, you said one word to me, looking forward to the prospect, Shen Shian walked to
the top of the third floor of the main factory building facing the gate, stared at the green
trees and mountains that could not be seen in the distance, turned around and asked Shen
Xun. What do you think of this place "
Shen Xun walked over and took him in his arms, buried it in his neck and took a breath.
"Not bad."
Although it's dirty and messy, the air is full of lees. I don't know how many places need to
be transformed, but overall, it is still a good new one.
What's more, as long as Shen Shi'an is there, he can live wherever he lives.
Shen Shian took his hand and smiled, then bowed his head towards the members
downstairs and shouted, "Don't be stunned, come up and pick the room, first come first
While it was still early, after the people had chosen the room, the whole factory was
probably cleaned up. The bulky machines, worn tables and chairs, and various waste
equipment were said to be the most difficult to clean up, but Shen Shian was very easy to
solve. All the things that he doesn't need are earned by him, and then he rides Ruibao and
throws him far to an unmanned village, and he can get it all in one trip.
As night fell, Lin Ruan and Tang Song returned to the power station and opened the gate.
With the torrential water flowing, the electric lights in the plant flashed twice, and then the
lights shone brightly, illuminating the faces of excitement.
"Come here"
"This will be the new home in the future"
"Hello baby goodbye baby"
Everyone was excited, two bonfires in the courtyard yelled and jumped, and Yun Feiyang
held up a high-level cellar of liquor that was turned over from the factory building, "Don't
get drunk tonight"
"Don't get drunk"
"Drink the fuck"
"New beginning, new, new tomorrow"
"Come on Duck"
"Wow this wine is really spicy"
The carnival didn't finish until midnight, and it was a good thing. After returning to the
room, Shen Shian found that he was not burning, his temperature returned to normal, and
the evolutionary fever that lasted for nearly half a month was finally ended.
Instead, Shen Xun's body was hot, and he came over with a red face, and his breath was full
of alcohol "An An, I want it"
The drunken people are not standing steadily, but their strength is quite strong.
Shen Shian was pressed against the door with his tongue and licked his calf straight, and
his waist and eyes were tingling. Since the mutual assistance between the Institute of
Medical Sciences, Yun Fei Yang Feng and Ye Shenghua joined the way, Shen Xunyou Taking
into account his physical condition, the two have never had the opportunity to get in touch
with each other. To be honest, he also has needs, but it is indeed not the time to do this.
After the evolutionary fever is over, the exercises can work normally again. Shen Shian
followed the interlocking palms into Shen Xun's body to input several spiritual forces to
help him disperse some of the drunkenness, raised his head and kissed him on the mouth.
Pack up what you might use and wait for tomorrow, OK? "
Shen Xun was not very happy and bit his earlobe and grinded it "not good."
The earlobe is one of Shen Shi'an's sensitive points. The itching and slight tingling of the
teeth rubbing the thrill along the spine like an overcharge.
Shen Shian grasped his arm tightly and swallowed back the moaning 039 that almost came
out of his mouth. After panting twice, he took the initiative to cover his lips and gave the
man some sweetness "Please"
Shen Xun looked down at him with green light in his eyes. "That won't wait until tomorrow,
help each other after finishing."
Shen Shi'an thought for a long time.
"This time I want to help you a few times, I can help you a few times, but not let me stop
two times."
Shen Shian's ears are flushed, "more is bad for your health."
"Anyway, there is a spiritual spring, what are you afraid of?"
Shen Shian did n’t want to discuss this topic with the semi-drunk man.
When the thoughts moved, the two entered the space at the same time.
There are not many things to pack up. Since the end of the world, Shen Shi'an's income
space has been increasing, and now it has accumulated to a terrible point. Since he had to
clean up, he planned to go through everything.
Fortunately, he has absolute control over the objects in the space, and he can move without
using his own mind, or he may not be able to organize it completely after being busy for
more than ten years.
The original area of the black land in the space is 5000 square meters, which can be
expanded up to 666 times, that is to say, the actual land area he owns is about 466 football
In addition to the planting area, Shen Shian currently uses grass seeds to expand 20 grass
fields for storage, and each grass field is the size of a football field.
One of the pastures was used to raise mutated geese. After more than a year of
consumption, the original 13 mutated geese are now left with eight. The grass irrigated
with Lingquan water is fat and fat. Eggs can be slaughtered at any time;
Three pastures are used to store food, rice noodles, cereals, oil, instant noodles, biscuits,
bread, chocolate, etc., according to the type and date of production, it is stored in a more
orderly manner than any supermarket, looking up At a glance, even the colors of the outer
packaging are distinguished and unified, which is called the obsessive-compulsive disorder
Four grass fields are used to store daily necessities, two grass fields are used to store
household appliances and furniture, and one grass field is used to store pure water.
At the beginning, the twelve helicopters obtained from the Air Force Base alone occupied a
pasture, and various military supplies and ammunition weapons accounted for another,
fuel oil accounted for, medical supplies and medical related equipment accounted for one,
motor vehicles, Bicycles and other means of transportation accounted for one, all kinds of
clothing and footwear collected along the way accounted for one, other members' items
accounted for one, and the remaining miscellaneous debris accounted for one.
As for the last pasture, it was prepared for Ye Shenghua alone, and now almost half of it has
been used. It has become a large exhibition center integrating fashion, beauty and skin care
After finishing all the 20 grass fields, Shen Shian carried out two toy cars with a height of
more than half a meter, and couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect these two things to be
still there."
These two cars were specifically found out from the shopping mall before he left H city to
coax Shen Xun, who was a little doll at the time, in order to divert his interest and stop
tossing the robot.
It was just that afterwards he ran along the road and experienced too many things. Shen
Xun did not ride a few times in total. After he recovered to beast shape, the two toy cars
were completely buried in the sundries and fell into ash.
Seeing these two cars, Shen Xun seemed to see his black history, and he hummed very
disgustedly, "Take what they do and throw them back."
"It's useless to put it in the space, or give it to Tong Tong"
"No way" Shen Xun's face sank, and the undissipated drink rose again, and his eyes were
full of accusations, "This is what you gave me. How can I give it to others? No one should
touch it, whoever touches me Who eats "
Shen Shi'an wanted to laugh a little, leaning in and comfortingly kissed, "Okay, don't touch
it, let me put it in the study room, no one can touch it."
It seems that he still can't let him drink. The monster in its three hundred years old, like a
child when drunk.
"Children" took advantage of him and took him up very childlessly. "It's finished, you have
to help me."
"Wait a little while, the land hasn't been planted yet."
If all the planting areas are added together, there are also three or four football fields. Shen
Shian picked all the fruits and vegetables that have not been eaten in the field, and stored
them in boxes, and put them on the second floor of the bamboo building.
After picking the fruits, the vines and fruit trees are quickly decomposed and absorbed by
the black land. Considering that even if there is a spiritual spring, the land in the space
should have the opportunity to rest and recuperate. Shen Shian changed a place and took
out the seeds to re-divide the planting area .
The most popular and most frequently eaten tomatoes still account for the bulk of the
planting area, with a total of 500 plants planted; 20 cherries planted, 10 apples and green
dates, and perfume oranges collected along the way Because it was the first time to plant
loquat, Shen Shi'an didn't plant much, and each planted five trees.
In addition to fruit trees, strawberries and watermelons are variously grown in five acres,
corn and pumpkins are variously grown in three acres. It is also the first time that
blueberries are planted on two acres. So one acre is planted alone.
After all the vegetables and fruits were planted, Shen Shian thought about it and sprinkled
two rows of rice. This is not for planting. Although the black soil is fertile, it is not suitable
for growing rice. These two rows are ready to grow out and be handed over to Chen Nan as
rice seeds. .
He stood on the dam today and carefully observed that there is a large piece of deserted
arable land less than two hundred meters below the reservoir, which is very close to the
water source. After reclamation, it is suitable for planting rice.
Although there is still a lot of rice in the space, it is not a way to sit down and eat in the sky,
but always plan for a longer future. Land, water sources, rice seeds and even wood-based
abilities are readily available. Even if you have no experience, it should n’t be too difficult to
plant them. After the members are fully skilled in the process, you may be able to harvest
several crops in a day.
Just to improve efficiency, he had better find several harvesters and seeders to come back
A sturdy and hot body covered Shen Shi'an's thoughts from behind, Shen Xun blowing into
his ears, his hoarse and **** voice was like a small brush, and the string of desire was
swayed at once. Okay, eh "
Shen Shian turned and hugged him, his breathing also became heavy, just about to nod, a
familiar sensation suddenly rose from Dantian, and the surrounding aura condensed into a
funnel-shaped vortex, pouring into him violently.
Shen Shian was shocked, or Shen Xun reacted first, and took his hand to "Go to Soul Spring"
He is about to advance. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 214:

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This time the advancement can be said to be huge, the aura in the entire space was lifted up
and condensed into a whirlwind. The blossoming peach tree in front of the bamboo
building shook in the wind for several days, and the rain of petals was gone. Stopped
When Shen Shi'an finally opened his eyes, two peach blossoms fell slowly from his eyes.
One of them suddenly froze, and the first fell into the Lingquan with a thud. The warm
spring water caused the ice to melt, and the petals turned over, reflecting the beauty of the
blue water in the pool.
Shen Xunyou, who has been standing by the pool, came over and hugged him "How is it
Shen Shi'an's sunglasses were taken off before the start of the advanced stage. At this time,
his eyes fell unimpeded on Shen Xun's face, and he nodded with a smile.
The skill was successfully promoted to the fourth level, and the power was completely
stabilized. Now he is completely under his control.
"I want to show you something," he pressed Shen Xun's forehead. "You come into the sea of
my consciousness."
Shen Xun found a ray of consciousness and merged into the past, following Shen Shi'an's
guidance all the way down, and soon saw the bead suspended in Dantian.
It was an ice-blue round bead, about the size of a longan. The bead was transparent and
flawless, and the brilliance was beautiful.
There is also a circle of pale golden light wrapped around the blue beads. The golden light
flickers with the movement of the practice, protecting the blue beads in the center, and a
few cold white mists swim between the golden lights and the blue beads. , As if in harmony
with nature.
"Jinguan City did mention the fact that pseudo Jindan will appear after the evolution of
abilities," Shen Shian said. "But my pseudo Jin Dan seems to be far from what he described."
"The exercises you practice are different from him, and the abilities are different from him.
The fake Jin Dan that is condensed is completely different from him."
Shen Xun was very interested in this newly emerged little thing, trying to touch the ring of
golden light outside of the blue beads with consciousness. The golden light rippled and did
not attack him, but did not allow him to go deeper.
Shen Shian quickly stopped him, "Don't touch it, itchy"
It seems that the most intimate part is being spied.
Shen Xun withdrew his consciousness from Shanruliu and opened his eyes to see "Is there
any other change besides pseudo-Golden Pill"?
"The Gongfa book has also changed and new mental formulas have been added, but there
are still no martial arts moves."
After he was promoted to the third level last time, he speculated that the martial arts
moves might not appear until he advanced again. If he still failed to appear this time, it
either means that he still has not reached the stage enough to learn martial arts moves,
This means that the Guixu Gongfa method is inherently only the inner Gongxinfa method.
No matter what kind of effect it has on Shen Shi’an, it ’s actually not a big deal. The ninety-
nine-eighty-one style learned from Jinguan City has not been fully understood. Now there
are more abilities to explore and chew. At this time, learning new moves may not be a good
thing for him.
"Is there any change in the space when I advanced?" Shen Shian asked Shen Xun. "I always
feel that the changes brought by this advancement should be more than just the mental
Shen Xun scooped a handful of peach flowers from the spring water
Obviously not.
Shen Shian looked around for a week, and suddenly remembered something, pulled Shen
Xun out of the Lingquan pond, and turned straight to the bamboo tower.
Walk down the stairs to the second floor and continue to go up, stopped by an invisible
barrier around the corner.
"Still can't go up." It seems that the change is not here.
There are a total of three floors in the bamboo building, and only this floor is currently
Shen Xun reached out his hand and pressed on the barrier, "It's very strong. The protective
cover in this space except Quanyan is the strongest protective force here."
The stronger the barrier, the more important it is for the space to be protected.
It's just that in the short term, I'm afraid there is no chance to know what is inside.
The advancement of the exercises filled Shen Shian's body, but his stomach suddenly cried
several times and asked Shen Xun, "How long did it take me to advance this time?"
"eight days."
"eight days"
Eight days have passed in the space, and only four days have passed outside the space, but
these four days have been like years for Chen Nan and others.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun's room is on the third floor, and the first one to find them is Yun
Yun Feiyang knocked on the door for a long time and didn't respond. When he pushed open
the door, he didn't see anyone. He looked up and down and still didn't see anyone.
Or Liu Fangzhou and others have experience "If it suddenly disappears, it should be into
the space."
"It's impossible to enter the space and never come out. Is there anything that can be so
Lin Ruan coughed and gave birth to a guess, but even if the vice captain could do it, the
captain would never be of this character.
"Go and ask," he said, "the captain said that even if others are in space, they are also aware
of what is happening outside the space."
Everyone went back to their bedroom and shouted several times. A t-shirt appeared out of
nowhere, as if thrown out by someone, and was taken by Wan Feng.
I don't know if I use grass juice or leaves to draw a line on the t-shirt.
"Advanced Practice" Xiong Manshan came together "That's a good thing"
Tang Song nodded, just make sure that the two did not have an accident. "Ark pays more
attention to this, there are news to report at any time."
"Good, wrap it around me."
So in the morning four days later, Shen Shi'an and Shen Xungang came out of the space, and
Liu Fangzhou's voice was heard from downstairs. "The captain comes out of the hall. The
color of the light group, blue with gold, is absolutely extinct."
The two went downstairs, filling their stomachs while answering everyone's questions,
before they had the opportunity to follow the brewery's renovation.
During the eight days they were in the space, the winery had changed a lot.
All rooms have been cleaned up, according to the planned use of different areas, some areas
have been opened, and some areas have been rebuilt with fake walls to block the entire
Except for the small number of rooms that have kept the original decoration, other places
have been completely renovated. The current brewery is more like a post-modern
industrial wind villa in the process of soft decoration. Where can it be associated with the
original purpose of the midpoint.
"Okay," Yun Feiyang embraced Shen Shi'an's shoulder. "Is it a bit of a home feeling?"
"Well." Shen Shian turned his head and asked him, "But where did the decoration materials
come from?" There are so many related material spaces, but he hasn't had time to take
them out yet.
"I retrieved it. You forget that I also have space to ride a Ruibao to the nearest town. Other
stores have been searched for long ago, but there is no one at the hardware store and home
improvement store. What's inside Yes, it's too convenient to find things, and it takes less
than an hour to go back and forth. And you can rest assured that all I picked are the best
environmentally friendly paints, Mr. Tang said. Once the purification system is installed,
you can live immediately. "
After that, he added, “Your two bedrooms have n’t been painted yet, because you do n’t
know what style you want. Anyway, there are all kinds of colors. It ’s interesting to choose
your own, just like painting. If you want to change the pattern, for example, to separate a
room as a bathroom, or want to get through the next door, just find Wan Feng. He is a
mutant soil ability, and he is the best at this. "
In addition to the interior decoration, there are also changes to the exterior of the winery.
Chen Nan cut a branch of willow essence and spawned dozens of beating willows to
surround the factory for a week. He usually looked at Yang Liuyiyi gently and gracefully.
Once he launched a madness, he was afraid .
Shen Shi’an turned halfway along the wall and found that the beating willow behind the
plant seemed to be missing a few. He asked Chen Nan what was going on. Chen Nan pointed
at the willow tree hanging from his waist and said, “It was fighting with Ruibao yesterday
and was thrown off. A few trees. "
Shen Xun raised his eyebrows, "Ruibao won"
"That's not true." Ling Mao was almost wiped out, so angry that "baby baby" scolded in the
middle of the night, and didn't even eat dinner.
Shen Shian was originally planning to feed the willow spirit with some spiritual spring
water. Hearing this, he collected the water again, and bounced on the trunk of the willow
spirit to warn him, "Do not deal with yourself."
The willow spirit is not convinced, the leaves are banging, and the word "bird" is put out.
"You can't do it yourself."
A tree fights with a bird, and it can bear it.
The willow tree twisted and wrapped itself tightly with branches.
Shen Shi'an ignored it, but Jiamu stretched out a devil's vine and touched it on the leaf.
The protection of beating willows is convenient and effective, so Shen Shi'an took out the
branches that he had cut down when he conquered the willow essence and gave it to Chen
Nan. Soon, hundreds of beating willows surrounded the plant with iron drums, as long as
the willow essence was Let go, no one wants to come in.
Although it has already begun to take shape, the transformation of the winery is not over.
Shen Shian took out various materials and materials from the space according to the needs
of the members and joined Shen Xun in the construction process. Everyone worked
together to make the factory look like it was when the villa was remodeled, making this
factory a little bit what they wanted.
This morning, Shen Shian was nailing a decorative painting on the bedroom wall, and Yun
Feiyang knocked on the door and came in.
"What's wrong" Shen Shian put away the nails and hammer and let him sit on the sofa.
"Well, look for not"
"Not long after you went out, you look for him"
"No, no, I am looking for you." Yun Feiyang scratched his head twice. "I heard from the Ark.
They said that Lu Xiuyuan had a bag of luggage, and it was still here with you."
Shen Shi'an pours water, then nods, "Yes."
Lu Xiuyuan's backpack was received by Shen Shian on the second floor of the bamboo
building. He had never moved. But since Yun Feiyang asked, he just took it out.
There are not many things in the backpack. Two sets of uniforms, a pair of shoes, a pair of
gloves, an eye mask, a few pairs of socks, a small amount of household toiletries, two
bottles of water, three packs of compressed biscuits, a dagger, A gun in the innermost
Yun Feiyang picked up the gun and found a capital letter q carved with a knife at the
bottom of the butt.
"Who is it?" He took a closer look at the gun from top to bottom and left to right, only to
find this mark "His English name is still said to have been sent by others."
Shen Shian took the gun, rubbed on that q for a moment, and shook his head. And said, "You
came to find me, it is related to Lu Xiuyuan"
Yun Feiyang nodded. "After dinner last night, I went out for a walk with Wan Feng. I found a
bamboo forest on the mountainside next to the dam. The mountain is backed by water and
the scenery is very good. It would be a commemoration to build a clothes mound for him. "
Shen Shi'an stayed silent for a long time and responded, "Just do it."
It is not difficult to build a clothing mound. Shen Shian picked a grave he dug in the bamboo
forest and put a team of Lu Xiuyuan into it.
Shen Xun used a Tang knife to cut a flat cuboid bluestone to make a monument. Yun
Feiyang took out the dagger that Shen Shian had given him, and carved a few lines on the
"Buried here is an excellent classmate, a loyal partner, and a fearless warrior. I would like
to use this monument to commemorate Lu Xiuyuan who sacrificed for the protection of his
I still have to engrave the year of birth and death, but found that no one knows which day
Lu Xiuyuan's birthday.
The sound of the bamboo forest strokes Xiao Xiao, as if weeping.
The team members walked in front of the tombstone to put down the bouquets in turn, and
from time to time someone secretly turned to wipe the tears.
Yun Feiyang put down the flowers and pressed twice on Shen Shi'an's shoulders, Wan Feng
said, "Let's go, let's go back first."
Soon, only Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun were left in front of Yiguanzuo.
Shen Shian looked at the tombstone, Shen Xun looked at him, and no one spoke.
After a long time, Shen Shian gently put the cluster of wildflowers in his hand and stood up
and took Shen Xun's hand. "Let's go, we will go back."
The ten-day period agreed upon with Ye Shenghua is imminent.
Because it is not clear what kind of news he will bring, this time only Shen Shi'an, Shen Xun,
Yun Feiyang, Wan Feng, and Liu Fangzhou went to the appointment, plus a Ruibao.
The rest are left in the winery, Tang Song and Lin Ruan continue to study, and the rest of
the members listen to their arrangements.
Ruibao's quills, which had been pulled off by willow spirits, hadn't grown, and there was a
bald head, but it didn't affect the flight. Shen Shian was fed a small half bottle of Lingquan
water and was glanced at by Shen Xun. Opened his wings and flew up the wind, and drove
all the way to the appointed place.
Tens of kilometers after leaving the brewery, Shen Shian took out a satellite phone from the
space and dialed a string of numbers.
The phone was connected after only two rings, and Mr. Gu's voice came from the opposite
side, "An An, are you An An?"
Shen Shian looked at the turbulent Yunhai and nodded, "It's me."
This phone call did not last long, and even the specially developed security line could not
guarantee that it would never be cracked. This is why Shen Shian had to stay away from the
winery before calling.
In just a few minutes, in addition to reporting safety to Mr. Gu and Gu Changsheng, and
learning the current situation of the members of the Blade, Shen Shian also received a
"The Changbai base and the plateau base also exposed the existence of the crystal nuclei of
the powers." After the call, Shen Shi'an said to Shen Xun and others "and the time is not far
"This is not normal," Yun Feiyang frowned. "The Changbai base was exposed. After all, it
was not too far away from the capital, and there were many survivors in North China. The
news spread that it was normal, but the plateau base is so partial. The Yunchuan base
should be closed, and there is no reason to discover the crystal nucleus with Changbai's
front and back feet. "
He looked at Shen Xun, "Will it have anything to do with what Hexiu said?"
Shen Xun nodded. "Nine out of nine is him."
The survivors killed each other, and the power crystal nuclei were continually fused, and
only Hexiu was the biggest beneficiary.
"The situation at these two bases is not good," Shen Shi'an had a haze on his face. "I'm
afraid many people are going to die."
The capital base was a political and cultural center before the end of the world. There were
a large number of orthodox military forces guarding it. The order after the end of the world
was the most solid and perfect. In such a place, even if there is a violent 039 chaos, it will be
under control in the short term.
But Changbai is not the same as the plateau base. These two places are all new power
systems led and built by the abilities after the end of the world. They use strength as the
cornerstone and abide by the laws of the jungle. Therefore, once the great temptation of the
crystal nucleus of the power is in front of you, the order that was not originally stable is
simply unbearable.
If even the stability of these two large security bases cannot be guaranteed, the fate of
thousands of small bases in China and even around the world can be imagined.
Liu Fangzhou hugged Ruibao's neck and said that if it continues to develop like this, I am
afraid that no zombies are needed, and humans can wipe themselves out.
Shen Shian withdrew his sights from the ruins of the endless city under the clouds. "It ’s
most important to think about nothing and focus on the present moment. Tang Song and
Lin Ruan are working hard to find ways to solve the turmoil caused by the crystal nucleus
of the power. Do what we should do. "
They can't stop the greed and desire rooted in human nature, can't stop the survivors from
killing each other, but at least they can solve one of the initiators that caused all this. ,,
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 215:

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This is an anti-theft seal
Xiao Heiqi walked around the living room and dining room on the head of the sweeping
robot. It is quite satisfied with the newly subdued "mountain", that is, the speed is a little
slower, and the IQ does not seem to be very good. It must be beaten hard to know the turn.
Shen Shi'an wore a light gray apron, the sleeves rolled up to the forearm, and his
movements were proficient as clouds and water, and he was busy working in front of the
counter. Occasionally, when he turned to look away, Xiao He, who was driving to the door
of the kitchen, immediately turned his head, looking cold and not squinting, and took his
paws to the "mountain" and swiped twice to go away.
This human being dared to do that kind of thing to himself.
This so-called hatred is not Shen Tian'an. In fact, Shen Shi'an slapped his **** when he
discovered that Xiaohe bullied Ruibao.
He and Yun Feiyang came back in time. Ruibao was not injured, but apparently scared
enough, as soon as Xiaohe approached, he fluttered his wings and shouted "goodbye". Now
he can only put it in the second bedroom to separate him from Xiaohe.
Shen Shi'an was very disappointed. He specially cut a small dish of tomatoes for Ruibao,
and quietly replaced the water it drank with spiritual spring water. Now he has a lot of
emotional stability and has fallen asleep on the shelf.
Yun Feiyang was sitting on the chair next to the counter, peeling peas and staring at
Xiaohei, "Huh, An'an, is your dog almost ready to be refined? I was the first time I saw a
puppy with such emotions Humane, don't you just hit it twice, just look at it and still venge
you with it now. "
Shen Shian turned around and took a look. It happened that Xiaohe rode the robot and
turned to the kitchen. When he saw him, he turned his head arrogantly and indifferently,
because the movement was too close to throw himself away from the robot.
"It's not a vengeance," Fan Guoping, who was pickling chicken wings, smiled and whispered
when he saw that he had gone away. "I think this little thing is jealous."
"Je jealous" Shen Shian puzzled.
"That's not true." Fan Guoping put the chicken wings on the baking tray into the oven, and
then took off the disposable gloves. "The animal is basically similar to people. Mr. Shen,
think about it, you have just picked it up for more than a week. Fully familiar with the
environment, suddenly there is another pet in the house, and you still hit it for this pet, do
n’t worry about it, then in the little black eyes, do you think other pets are more precious
than it? , Not only jealous, but also afraid that you do n’t want it after you have a new pet.
The little things that wander through can be sensitive to people ’s emotions. Even when my
daughter just had a stray dog, even if she got out of the house The taste of other cats, dogs
and dogs, after returning home, only have to be anxious for a long time. To put it bluntly, it
is actually insecure. "
After finishing, he took an elbow and smacked his colleague Wan Feng, "Yes, old Wan."
Wan Feng was peeling peas together with Yun Feiyang. His arm was suddenly pounded by
Fan Guoping. The peeled peas immediately rolled out of his palm. He didn't change his
color and leaned forward to fish. Before the peas landed, he regained it and then greeted
him. "Yeah," Yun Feiyang exclaimed her eyes in wonder.
Is this the case?
Shen Shian thoughtfully.
Four people work together, a hearty New Year's Eve dinner is quickly prepared, the winter
bamboo shoots ribs are stewed, the bones are crispy, the garlic pomfret is fried on both
sides, golden, and the tender green peas fried with shrimps are fresh and fresh. Coke
chicken wings come out of the oven
As a series of delicacies were served on the table, the time for Xiaohei and his mount to
wander in the restaurant became significantly longer. Shen Shi'an took out his usual bowl,
filled it with two tablespoons of rice, and called it "Come and serve."
Little blackhead twisted, Quandang didn't hear it.
Shen Shi'an poured a large bowl of braised pork with soup into the rice "really not eating"
The little black ear moved, still sitting on the floor sweeping robot without looking at him.
Shen Shian peeled a few shrimps and put them next to the braised pork, then took out two
small bowls, one filled with half a bowl of tomato sirloin, and the other filled with half a
bowl of pork rib soup, and put it on the ground beside the dining table with rice. "You do n’t
eat I took it to feed Ruibao. "
The voice hadn't fallen yet, and Xiao Hei had rushed over like a gust of wind. He sticked out
his tongue and licked all the dishes and soup, and squinted at Shen Shian provocatively
while licking.
The corner of the lips bent slightly invisible, and Shen Shian raised his hand and rubbed
two on the dog's head, "eat slowly, not enough."
"Come and come," Yun Fei opened the bottle of red wine, and poured a small half of the
glass into the four glasses in turn. "An An quickly sat down and waited for your master."
The table was full of delicious aromas, among which Shen Shian made the tomato sirloin
most popular. The specialty tomatoes boiled into a thick state. The sirloin was cooked
stewed and crispy. Each piece was filled with sweet and sour tomato juice. Put it in your
mouth and chew twice. The hot gravy and tomato juice overflowed instantly. The rich meat
and fruit aromas burst on the taste buds at the same time. The beauty can even swallow the
Fan Guoping inhaled while eating and raised his thumb high towards Shen Shian, "Mr. Shen
screams that cooking is top-notch"
"Ma Ma Hu Hu," Shen Shian said, "Mr. Fan's Coke chicken wings also taste great."
Yun Feiyang nodded his head with his cheeks. Coke chicken wings were the most eaten
besides sirloin.
Fan Guoping smiled and waved his hand. “I ca n’t compare. I ’m because my daughter likes
to eat this, so I usually have nothing to do at home. I ’m fine with home cooking, and I do n’t
have to deal with it in big occasions. I ’m not afraid of your jokes I actually only have this
dish. "
"In any case, the two chefs worked hard." Yun Feiyang raised his wine glass. "Come and get
together is destiny. I wish us all a happy and happy 2019 and a happy new year."
Everyone toasted and met together "Happy New Year"
After dinner, Yun Feiyang took the initiative to clean up the dishes. Shen Shian sent Wan
Feng and the two out of the way and walked downstairs. This little thing is still awkward.
After pulling the cake, she doesn't look at Shen Shi'an, and runs back on her own short legs.
Shen Shi'an didn't care, and followed his hands in a hurry. When approaching the bottom of
the building, the occupant in the building next door also happened to walk the dog. It was a
large dark brown Tibetan Mastiff, half a person tall, with strong muscles and strong hair,
and turbid saliva running down the teeth. Flowing down, it looks quite scary.
I do n’t know if the smell of sirloin ribs remained on Shen Shi’an, or because he often
soaked the Lingquan, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly became excited when he saw him, and
took a leash forward from the owner. He barked loudly and flew towards Shen Shian.
Shen Shian frowned tightly and was about to dodge. Xiaohe, who had already entered the
building, suddenly turned around and ran back. The half-legged little thing that had not
hidden the Tibetan Mastiff was firmly protected in front of Shen Shian. There was a low
This roar is very peculiar, like the low roar of some ancient beast, with a subdued degree of
majesty and anger, so that the Tibetan Mastiff standing upright higher than people seems
to hear what is terrible. The voice whimpered, and ran back toward the owner with his tail.
The dog owner sweated and picked up the dog rope, and apologized to Shen Shi’an, “I ’m
sorry, I did n’t accidentally pull it to let it run, and did n’t scare you. Our dog just looked
scary, but it did n’t bite. "Human." He looked at You Zi's hairy little black again. "What breed
of dog is your family? It's quite fierce."
Shen Shi'an stooped and hugged Xiaohei without answering the other person's words
directly. The tone was a bit cold. "Walking large dogs is still well protected. Not everyone
can be as lucky as me. In case something happens to someone who bites, But it ’s not
something I ’m sorry can solve. ”
The other party spoke up and said nothing more. Shen Shian had already carried Xiao Hei
into the building gate.
The protector returned to protect the protector, Xiaohei was still angry, just entered the
elevator and was about to get off Shen Shian's arm.
Shen Shian touched Mao a few times, bowed his head and kissed "Good."
The dog stiffened and immediately stopped moving.
After the New Year ’s Day, the final exam is about to take place. Yun Feiyang also started a
limit sprint once a semester. After saying good night to Shen Shian, he went to his house to
pick up a lamp and read at night.
Shen Shian returned to the master bedroom to take a shower, gave her mother a joss stick,
and then sat on the bed with a heavy professional book. Just turned a few pages, the bed
was pulled down by something, and then Xiao Hei stepped on the robot and jumped up.
Justified and clumped up beside the pillow, he still turned his head and didn't look at him.
Xiao Hei had just picked it up that night because he was afraid of black, so Shen Shian made
an exception and let him sleep in the bed overnight, and then every night he slept in the
doghouse next to the sofa. Especially after adding the bad habit of rolling dog hair, Shen
Shi'an strictly forbids him to take a step closer to his bed. Tonight's behavior is very
Shen Shian stared at this small group of furry for a while, and the dark eyes reflected the
light, like a deep pool filled with fine stars in the night, mysterious and fascinating.
Suddenly thinking of Fan Guoping's words before eating, it seemed to understand the
reason of Xiao Hei's actions, and a soft wave of water rose from the deep pool.
He put the books together and placed them on the bedside table, turning off the light and
lying sideways. The finger touched the hair ball and smoothed the hair. After a while, the
soft and clear voice lightly sounded in the dark. "There are no other pets, I only keep you
Xiao Hei moved, first rubbed a layer of hair on the bed sheet, and then turned around and
embraced Shen Shian's arm, licking two wet fingers into his palm.
"I'm fancy the reserve grain first, who dares to **** me to kill"
Shen Shian stared at it for half a minute, and then seemed to remember something, his
expression slightly softened, and squatted down to straighten the small bowl to pick up the
dog food one by one, and then picked it up again. Eat when you are hungry. "
After picking up the dog food, carefully wipe the ground with the wet paper towel twice.
After washing your hands, walk to the table and sit down to eat. The fierce face of the little
black froze for a while, chasing after him.
The legs of the chair are high, the dining table is higher, and the fragrant meals are close at
hand and far away from the sky.
It wasn't until Shen Wuan fluttered around the table for the fifth time that Shen Shian
realized what he wanted to do "you want to eat"
Xiaohei immediately yelled at him twice, "Wang Wang." Although the look was still fierce, it
was obviously not his cry when expressing anger or threats. The tone was soft and soft, and
he even brought a little imperceptible milk. sound.
Shen Shian pointed to the small bowl containing dog food in the corner of the living room.
"Isn't the meal there, go eat."
"Wang Wang" seemed a little angry this time.
"You want to eat my meal"
"Wang Wang" little milk sound is more obvious.
"No," Shen Shian refused in one bite. "This is for humans. You can't eat it, and it will become
a dog if you eat it."
The author has something to say about the overhaul of the last chapter. If you have n’t seen
the revised version, you must read it again. Remember to collect the URL or remember the
URL. Please add qq group 647377658 group number
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 216:
Settings saved..
Liu Fangzhou accidentally tripped over the corner of the skirt when he crossed the railing.
Ye Shenghua, dressed in casual men's clothing and short hair, helped him "Is it alright to
get used to it?"
Liu Fangzhou touched his two ponytails. The cool wind that rushed in from the bottom of
the skirt made him unable to clamp his legs. The tips of the two black round-headed leather
boots were against the toes.
He adapts well, but Ye Shenghua does not adapt well. The short hair on his head is a wig,
which wraps his long, smooth and wavy hair tightly, causing a headache.
Hair must be free to stretch to grow well. I do n’t know how many roots to drop in such a
package. Ye Shenghua is heartache and cruel. When he caught Zhong Han, he had to pull
him out.
Yun Feiyang turned his head to admire Liu Fangzhou, who was a "girl", and then looked up
at Shen Shi'an not far away. He was very sorry, and he could almost see the appearance of
An'an women's clothing.
Although Shen Shi'an didn't change into a women's dress, she also changed her appearance.
The mandible was widened, the cheekbones were high, the forehead was obviously
elongated by two points, and the tall nose bridge also had a touch of eagle hook.
Not to mention Zhong Han, even Yun Feiyang was shocked when he first saw it, and he
barely recognized it.
He was two steps behind and pounded Ye Shenghua who was scratching his headgear.
"Hey, brother, you said earlier how long An An's look is valid."
"Twenty-four hours. The power I input is only enough to last for twenty-four hours. When
the power is consumed, the captain will return to the original state. If I still want to keep it
like that, I will lose some power."
"Awesome brother, so what you want to be can't be able to become what you can and can
help others to change this hand. It's a must for home travel, and it has no side effects. By the
way, since you can control the bones, It should n’t just look, it can change height, shape, etc.
"Of course," Ye Shenghua raised his chin. "Controlling appearance and body shape is the
basic accomplishment of actors."
Yun Feiyang's thumbs up is amazing.
The city, which accommodates 100,000 migrants, is obviously carefully selected. Not only
is the terrain closed and easy to defend, but also there is a small hydropower station
nearby, so there is still electricity in the city. You can see a normal working every few tens
of meters. Street light.
The road is not dark, but empty.
After Shen Shian and others came in, they sneaked for four or five hundred meters along
the perimeter of the city. No living person saw it. Only the lights in the residential building
and the induction of Liu Fangzhou told them that the quiet city really lived well. Tens of
thousands of survivors.
"Captain," the people walked into an alley in concealed form. Liu Fangzhou lowered his
voice and pointed to a two-story house on the roadside. "There are only two people in it."
Shen Shian looked back and looked at several other people, nodded, Wan Feng walked to
the door and pried open the lock silently, pushed the door open a gap, and a group of
people quickly entered.
A pair of father and daughter lived in this house and were eating in the restaurant.
There are not many things on the table. The congee and pickles are paired with a plate of
steamed pumpkin. You can't see any meaty taste, but it is enough to barely wrap the belly.
The father first put down the tableware and poured the last two pumpkins into the
daughter's bowl. Before he could speak, he saw her daughter suddenly looked at the door
and made a short scream, then she closed her mouth tightly.
He turned around and happened to hit a muzzle of a black hole.
Yun Feiyang lowered his voice and threatened to "not speak."
The man's face was pale and he hurriedly took care of his daughter behind him. He was
asking for forgiveness. His eyes swept through dozens of bone spurs suspended around Ye
Shenghua. Going to the ground, "The foolish people don't know that the adults came out of
the **** realm. If there is any offense, please ask the adults not to blame."
Everyone looked at each other, and some could not understand what was going on.
Shen Shian looked at the two carefully for a moment. The two looked like the most common
people in the security base. The men were about forty years old, and the girls looked about
the same size as Liu Fangzhou. Wax yellow and weight loss caused by malnutrition.
Wan Feng checked it up and down, indicating that there was no hidden danger here. Ye
Shenghua tentatively asked "How do you know our identity"
The man was sincerely afraid that he would bury his head lower. "The adult laughed. The
adult has abilities. Of course, his identity is undoubted. He blamed Yumin for not knowing
Taishan and almost rushed into the adult. He also asked several adults to forgive him."
Oh. Ye Shenghua realized that the so-called "adult" originally referred to the power. The
believers here may have been thoroughly brainwashed by the doctrine of "Thanks,
Admiration, and Admiration of the Powers" of the Guangming religion, and further deified
the powers. The light bow can no longer meet the requirements of the teachings, and
instead kneel directly.
But what about the "God Realm" he said
The other party sees them as apparently dominant abilities in the city, which is a good
thing for Shen Shian and others. It is more convenient to hear the news, but at the same
time it means that they can't reveal the stuff.
Shen Shian and Yun Feiyang exchanged glances, and then walked to the living room with
Shen Xun and the old **** was sitting on the sofa.
For years, my friend didn't have this tacit understanding, Yun Feiyang immediately
understood what he meant, put the gun back and put it back in the gun bag, coughed twice
with his hands, "We came out this time, we were a little bit subtle about the meaning of
private visits, so I ca n’t blame you for not recognizing for a while, get up first. ”
The middle-aged man pulled his daughter up, walked carefully to the living room, and Shen
Xun swept over and sat down.
Then he carefully sat on the two benches facing Shen Shian.
Yun Feiyang continued to pretend to be a stick and beat the drums "Do you know what we
are here for?"
"Stupid people are stupid and blunt, please ask the master to express."
"Here, I want to see if you have a good life. After all, we are bright and benevolent, and the
most important thing is to teach the people." Yun Fei paused, paying attention to the look of
the two to make sure that they did not say anything wrong, and then Continue to say, "Why
do you want to raid and check to see if you follow the doctrine and are pious."
The middle-aged man immediately knelt down again. "Adults Ming Jian, our sincerity to the
light gods and envoys can be shown day by day, every doctrine is kept in my heart, praying
sooner or later will not dare any blasphemy, it is absolutely pious."
A new noun emerged from the angel. But the meaning of this word is a good guess. Liu
Fangzhou and other people looked at each other unconsciously and would be fooled by this
name. Ninety-nine percent is Zhong Han's grandson.
"Don't panic," seeing the time is ripe, Shen Shian took over the right to speak. "Are you
pious, we can confirm it by asking a few questions."
"Adult, please, we must know everything, and we dare not have any falsehood."
"What's your name"
The middle-aged man sat back on the bench again. "My name is Ding Zhizhong, this is my
daughter Ding Han."
"Have you ever entered the **** realm"
"No, no," the middle-aged people are a little apprehensive. "Except for the grown-ups, only
the talents selected by the God of Light are eligible to enter the Divine Realm for baptism.
We have never had this honor."
What does it mean to be baptized?
Shen Shi'an thought for a while and thought, "Did you live in this residential area, has
anyone entered the **** realm and received baptism?"
"Yes, Mr. Zhang and his wife in Building No. 1, Miss Li and her boyfriend in Building No. 3,
and Mrs. Wang's family in Building No. 8 all went into God Realm and were baptized," Ding
Zhizhong's expression could not be envied. "They They are all chosen by the God of Light,
and they are also our role models and goals for learning. "
"Where are they now?"
"Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li did not return after they were baptized in God Realm. Mrs. Wang has
been baptized successfully. After receiving the call of the Light God, he awakened and
became one of the adults."
Everyone was shocked, in order to prevent misunderstanding, Yun Feiyang confirmed
again, "You mean, that Mrs. Wang became a person like us after being baptized."
"Of course, abilities are different, but the holy book says that all the awakened and evolved
are the guides appointed by God, and they bear the heavy responsibility of ending the end
of the world. The rest of the beings should be respected, loved, respected, and revered Do
n’t go against your fate. ”To show his piety, Ding Zhizhong memorized the teachings.
Wan Feng asked, "Does Mrs. Wang still live behind?"
"Since the baptism was successful, it is natural to live in the **** realm like all the adults."
"Have you seen her"
"Of course I have seen. She is our role model and often comes out to preside over the
morning prayer meeting."
"What about her family?"
"They have not been baptized successfully, and they are still in God Realm."
Liu Fangzhou understood it and deliberately pressed down the sound. "So those who have
not been baptized successfully, in fact, you have never seen them since they left, have n’t
Ding Zhizhong gave him a surprised look, and seemed to think that he was asking
something strange. "The process of baptism is sacred and indecent, and outsiders must not
interfere. They have not been baptized successfully. They have been in God's domain. How
can I see it?"
Liu Fangzhou immediately realized that he had asked a stupid question, but fortunately
Yun Feiyang returned to the circle. "Very well, we only caught a church member who tried
to break into the **** realm last night to interfere with the baptism process in the name of
visiting his family. The envoy is waiting for the light **** to deal with it. I'm glad you can
clearly realize the sacredness of the ritual of baptism, which has not been eroded by this
evil thought. "
Ding Zhizhong suddenly felt a little bit more happy. "Thank you adults for being sure that
although adults can be assured that they can be selected for baptism, it is the supreme
glory. I will never do such a stupid thing."
Shen Xun asked "Do you know someone named Zhou Hua"
"Know and know, of course, Master Zhou is also one of the successful baptists. I will
definitely keep these examples in mind and aim at them and all the adults to strive for the
chance of being selected as soon as possible."
Therefore, Zhou Hua has become a power person
"About the angel," Shen Shian asked, "do you remember when you last saw him?"
"Remember, the angel sent out the doctrine once every half a month, and the last time he
listened to the teachings of the angel was four days ago."
This means that Zhong Han brainwashed these people every half a month, and I am afraid
that he would not come out of the "God Realm" again in the short term.
Shen Shian looked around and confirmed that others did not want to ask questions, and
said to Ding Zhizhong, "Today's assessment is over, you are doing very well. But we came
out this time not only to assess you, but also to assess other teachers. , So I will temporarily
hide my identity and stay with you for a while, as a reward and reward, "he took two bags
of sausage from the space." This is for you. "
Ding Zhizhong hurriedly waved his hand and dared not ask, "It's my honor that the adults
are willing to condescend. How can I still ask for something that I can't use?"
Shen Xun is impatient. "On merits and demerits. This is given to you by the God of Light.
What ca n’t be done, then."
Zhong Han was indeed invincible in brainwashing. As soon as he heard the meaning of the
bright god, Ding Zhizhong immediately took it over. He was even more respectful to Shen
Shian and others, and took his daughter Ding Ju upstairs to clean up the three bedrooms. "I
This place is small, and only three of them can sleep. Please ask a few adults to take a look. "
Liu Fangzhou, who was dressed up to the girl again, "If this adult doesn't dislike it, you can
go to Ding's room and rest. I'll just make a floor shop downstairs with her."
Liu Fangzhou was shocked, "How can I do, she is the host and I am the guest, how can I grab
her place," looking at the girl a little embarrassed, "Well, you sleep with you, I can just play
on the ground floor."
Ding Zhizhong's face was white. "How can we get our bed and let the adults hit the floor,
which is against the teachings"
"Let the two of them sleep together," Ye Shenghua said. "Anyway, they are girls, and they
won't take up much space if you squeeze."
Liu Fangzhou was even more shocked. His wide-eyed eyes were about to decline, and he
heard Shen Xun secretly saying, "Promise to see if I can get more information out of this
Ding Hun's mouth."
A word of "no" has rushed to the throat, and Liu Fangzhou swallowed it back.
He looked at Shen Xun and then Ding Han, his face red as if he could burn, but fortunately
he was covered by the foundation and could not see clearly, grabbed the little skirt and
Shen Shian asked Ding Zhizhong, "How is your schedule tomorrow?"
"As usual, go to the church at eight in the morning and pray in the morning, go to the
plantation in the morning, and go to the processing plant in the afternoon."
"We go with you in the morning morning prayer. Remember, we need to hide our identity
temporarily, so treat us as an ordinary person after going out, and don't show any
"Adults, rest assured, I understand. Those adults should rest first, I won't disturb, if you
need to directly order anything, I'm downstairs."
After Ding Zhizhong bowed, he asked Ding Ju a few words, and then turned and walked
down the stairs.
Shen Shian and others entered the room separately, and Ye Shenghua blinked at Liu
Fangzhou before closing the door.
Ding Ju walked to Liu Fangzhou, "Master, shall we go back to rest"
Liu Fangzhou's eyes dodged, and he still pressed his voice thinly, "Then, what, please
trouble you."
It's probably not long since I lived here. There are not many furnishings in the bedroom of
the other party, but I can still clearly see the traces of the girl's residence in some cute and
lovely decorations.
There is a bathroom in the bedroom. Liu Fangzhou walked in and washed his face. By the
way, he wanted to calm himself down. When he came out again, he discovered that Ding Ju
had already laid the bed next to the bed.
"The bed is not very big, I just sleep on the ground," Ding Ju raised his head and smiled.
"Adults are assured, the temperature is not low now, it's cooler to sleep on the ground, it
won't bother you."
Liu Fangzhou thought about it, this is actually much better, so there was no objection.
Seeing him sit down on the bed, Ding Heng brought a few magazines, carefully and a little
embarrassed, "Adult, do you read these?"
The magazine is well preserved, and the corners are slightly rolled up due to frequent
friction, which is obviously very popular with the owner.
Liu Fangzhou took the magazine and said thank you, holding his throat. This is the first
time he has grown up with a girl of the same age. He doesn't know where to put his hands
and feet, so he moved himself into the quilt and leaned against the headboard, quickly
turning the magazine up and down.
Ding Han also lay on the floor after washing, staring at Liu Fangzhou for a long while, and
couldn't help but say, "Master, you are so powerful."
"I'm saying you are awesome, lord," Ding Ju leaned on the pillow sideways, and her shining
eyes were full of worship. "You are so young, you have evolved abilities under the guidance
of the **** of light.
"Yeah, no. In fact, it's nothing at all. It's pure luck. It's just a mistake."
The girl ’s focused sight taught Liu Fangzhou that smoke almost came out of his face, and
his eyes flew around uncontrollably. He accidentally found a family portrait on the bedside
table. In addition to Ding You and her father Ding Zhizhong, there was another A gentle and
kind woman, and a lively boy at the age of six or seven.
Liu Fangzhou picked up the photo "This is"
"This is my mother and younger brother, they all passed away."
The girl's voice was very quiet, but Liu Fangzhou gave birth to a sympathetic sadness "My
mother also passed away."
"Because the flu is still a zombie"
"Zombie. What about you"
"Mom was because of the flu, and my brother was because of the zombies. At that time we
fled to a town. My dad got out of the car to collect supplies, and gave my brother to me.
Some zombies came over and broke the window, biting him. I am a sister. , I should protect
him, but I am too weak to do anything. "
Ding Ju wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and looked up to Liu Fangzhou, "So I hope
to be like you, if I can be selected for baptism, I hope to evolve the same ability as adults, so
can wood, and water. Yes, the fire department can also do anything, and then under the
guidance of the **** of light, help those in need, lead others to wipe out the zombies, end
the eschatology as soon as possible, and bring life back to what it used to be. "
Liu Fangzhou wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start, so he gave the girl a
smile, "Come on, you must be OK."
Ding Ju pillowed his palm, "Master, what kind of power are you?"
As soon as Liu Fangzhou smiled, the girl immediately realized that she had asked a
question that she could not ask, and her face instantly turned pale, and she knelt up and
shook her into a sieve. "I was wrong. I knew it was wrong. Do n’t be angry, do n’t throw me
out to feed the zombies, please do n’t throw me out. ”
"Hey, don't kneel, you get up, you get up first, and then you say," Liu Fangzhou did not think
of such a development, he put down the photo to help the girl up "Ah, don't be afraid, I
didn't blame you."
After a pause, he said, "My power is to see if other people can evolve the power, and what
kind of power they can evolve."
Ding Jue blinked blankly, and tears rolled down his red eyes. "Is there such a power?"
"Of course, otherwise why would you send me out for inspection and assessment." Strictly
speaking, his description of his ability is not all a lie, right?
"Then, will I evolve abilities?"
"Must be able"
"Adult can tell me, what kind of power will I evolve?"
"Tianji cannot be leaked, but what I can tell you is that your abilities are definitely not
weak." Liu Fangzhou handed her two tissues to her. "So do n’t worry, go to sleep, tomorrow
morning, there is no morning prayer meeting. Is n’t it good if I ca n’t get up? "
The two lay down again, and the lights quickly went out.
At about the same time, Yun Feiyang, Wan Feng and Ye Shenghua had all gathered in the
rooms of Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun.
"What do you think of the news revealed by Ding Zhizhong" Shen Shian asked.
Ye Shenghua said, "He doesn't seem to be lying."
Everyone agrees on this point.
"But if he didn't lie, it wouldn't make sense at all." Yun Feiyang scratched his face and was
puzzled. "According to what he said, as long as the believers who migrated with him enter
the **** realm and receive baptism, they can really evolve. Do n’t worry about the so-called
**** realm and baptism. The theory of the stronger physical fitness proposed by Lin Ruan
and Tang Song has n’t been verified before. According to this theory, among the 100,000
believers, Not to mention everyone, at least since most people have not evolved so far, it
means that they ca n’t evolve. "
These people have been transformed by allopathic viruses but did not succeed. The new
gene codes randomly generated by the alloviruses attacking DNA are invalid and simply do
not have the ability and opportunity to regenerate effective codes.
That's where the question comes. Zhou Hua, Mrs. Wang and others, how exactly the
evolution of abilities can't be Zhong Han's temperament change, not only does not absorb
the crystal nucleus, but also free crystal nucleus for others to absorb it
"And the probability of this baptism successfully evolved into abilities is also suspicious,"
Wan Feng said. "According to Ding Zhizhong, there are at least thousands of baptisms in
this area into God Realm, but few succeeded, and the rest are left to be waited for. Continue
the baptism ritual in God Realm. "
But is anyone still out of God Realm, who can be sure?
Shen Xun took out the pieces of paper Ye Shenghua gave him a few days ago. "Don't forget,
more than 30% of the names on it are already dead."
Yun Feiyang rubbed his arms. "I always have an ominous hunch, that God ’s Domain and the
baptism ceremony, the more I think, the more I feel wrong. Since Zhong Han is willing to
spend so much energy to confuse 100,000 people to come with him, this is sure What
secrets are there? "
Shen Shian's face was like water, and his mood was not very optimistic.
"Everyone takes a break," he said. "Tomorrow morning with Ding Zhizhong's father and
daughter to participate in the morning prayer, and then see if we can gather more
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 217:

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Ding Zhizhong said that all members of the morning prayer meeting must participate, and
this is true.
Shortly after seven o'clock, people on the road near the window can see the flow of people
rushing in the same direction.
Shen Shi'an carefully observed the dress and appearance of the crowd, and selected some
of the most similar and inconspicuous costumes from the space for the members to put on,
followed by Ding Zhizhong's father and daughter and left the residential building.
Unlike last night's deathless silence, people on the road came and went, greeted and
greeted each other, and finally showed the anger of hundreds of thousands of survivors.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun walked side by side in the flow of people. Yun Feiyang walked a
few steps and stood on the other side of Shen Shi'an. "You see, the people in the
neighborhood next door are not in the same direction as us."
Shen Shian nodded.
This is reasonable. Since the morning prayer meeting is for everyone to attend, it is
obviously difficult to find a place where tens of thousands of believers can gather together,
so the sub-regional collection is an inevitable choice, which is also more convenient to
"The Ark," Shen Shian asked, "how many people are going in the same direction as us?"
Liu Fangzhou touched his twist braid while sensing "about six or seven thousand."
In other words, the people here are divided into at least a dozen areas.
Ye Shenghua took a shot on his hand, "Don't pull it anymore, and you'll be bald by the hair
cover. What did you do with Dinghui last night?"
Liu Fangzhou's face was red, "OK, OK."
Shen Xun looked back to see if he "have heard any news"
"It's all about her family situation, it has nothing to do with the Guangming religion here.
But I found this," Liu Fangzhou pulled out a folded portrait from the skirt. "This is Ding Ju's
own painting, just paste it on Look at her bedside. "
Shen Xun took the paper and saw a holy angel with a halo above his head, wings spread on
his back, and shrouded in holy light.
"Grass," Ye Shenghua glanced at the probe, and immediately recognized "It was his
birdman who almost killed me."
Yun Feiyang also put his head together. "This is Zhong Hanguang's appearance. It seems
Hands closed, eyes closed slightly, not to mention, it really means a little bit compassionate.
"Don't be fooled by his appearance," Liu Fangzhou gritted his teeth. "This grandson looked
like a man, but he was really ruthless and poisonous. I asked Ding Er, Ding Er said that the
painting was a god, so we It must have been the right place this time. "
There's a captain and Xunge, see where the grandson is going
Shen Xuncai crushed the portrait, and the pedestrians on the road suddenly split into two
sides, including the father and daughter of the Ding family, not far in front of them. They all
crossed their hands to their chests and knelt towards the road.
At the same time, two lines of horseshoes were heard from the junction behind everyone.
Shen Shi'an responded quickly, pulling Shen Xun and Yun Feiyang into the crowd in the
same posture.
Liu Fangzhou was not reconciled, and lowered his voice and said, "We are really kneeling."
This group of pretending to play tricks on people is also worthy of letting them kneel
Ye Shenghua thought about opening "Kneel, the dead are big, just give them seven chants in
The breath in Liu Fangzhou's heart immediately went right. It wasn't the time to fight the
grass and startle the snake. It would not be cost-effective if the grandson of Zhong Han
scared away.
So there was something to learn, and he knelt down on the ground and lowered his head
halfway, secretly raised his eyelids and glanced at the sound.
The two people who came from the horse were obviously abilities, and they dared to lift
their nostrils to the sky. It was about to show their special identity. Both of them wore red
robes. Majesty.
Liu Fangzhou rolled his eyes with virtue. A group of brainwashed fish soldiers really take
themselves seriously.
But even if he disdains him in his heart, he can't affect the enthusiasm of the believers at all.
Wherever the horse passes, the worshipers on both sides of the road bow and praise, and
their piety is shocking.
The two abilities apparently enjoyed the process of being treated as a deity, and even
slowed down deliberately, and nodded toward the crowd, while slowly riding a horse.
One of the horses stopped not far from Shen Shi’an and others, and someone jumped down
and said, “You, stand up and talk.”
Ye Shenghua raised his head quietly, and found that a man in his thirties was jumping off
the horse, and he was fair enough to look, but the dark circles were particularly heavy.
The person he pointed to was Ding Ju.
Ding Ju was nervous and excited, stood up with his hands crossed, and looked at her up and
down several times with dark circles. The eyes of Ye Shenghua were familiar, but when he
changed into women's clothing, he was countless times by some males. The dross spied
with the same eyes.
"What's your name, how old is this year and who else lives there?"
Ding Ju answered one by one, and when she heard that she had a father who was also a
believer, some strange light flashed in her dark circles.
"Perform well," the man laid his hands on the **** stick. "As long as you are godly enough to
the **** of light, I believe there will be a chance to accept baptism soon."
The father and daughter are overjoyed and pray to the man again and again. "Thank you for
your kind words, we will not let you down."
The man nodded slightly arrogantly, turned around and just about to mount, his eyes met
Liu Fangzhou directly, and his eyes lit up immediately.
Cao Liu Fangzhou hastily buried her head in the grass, do n’t come, do n’t come
Unfortunately, it was too late, and the same voice rang above him, "You, stand up and
Liu Fangzhou made another slap, gritted his teeth, and stood with his head down, "Good
"Raise your head."
After seeing Liu Fangzhou's appearance clearly, the thing in the man's eyes became more
and more unobstructed, and he couldn't even care about the expression management as a
**** stick
In fact, he ca n’t blame him. Ding Hun and some of the girls in the 100,000 churches are
indeed good, but they are good. The most common feature of ordinary people after the end
of the world is malnutrition, and they are trapped in such a place After more than two
months of pickles, I haven't seen anything a little bit meaty, even if it is a beautiful beauty
with heavenly fragrance, it is inevitable that the skin will be yellowish.
It ’s like Liu Fangzhou. Since I followed Shen Shi’an, I ’ve never been hungry anymore. The
fruits and vegetables irrigated by Ling Spring Water and Ling Spring Water are white,
tender, healthy and healthy. The clothes and styling that Shenghua picked for him, the pink-
faced peach cheeks are good for his eyes, and two twist braids are placed on his shoulders.
The dark circles took another step forward, his eyes licking up and down uncovered,
"What's your name?"
"Liu Chuanchuan."
"The boat is really a good name." The dark circles swallowed. "I look like you are a little
tired. The light **** guides me to care for the church, come and mount. There is still some
distance from the morning prayer venue. You go. "
After that, he will come to pull Liu Fangzhou's hand.
Lying trough
Liu Fangzhou was about to hide, his arms tightened suddenly, and Shen Shi'an was pulled
behind him. "Thank you, but my sister is timid and afraid to ride a horse. I'm afraid it will
cause trouble for adults. It is more appropriate to walk with me."
The black eye stopped and stared at Shen Shian several times, "You are her brother"
"Yes." Shen Shi'an lowered his head, secretly accumulating palms, and could attack at any
The man narrowed his eyes and was about to say something else. Another powerless man
who hadn't dismounted said, "Don't linger, hurry up, we'll be late."
The dark circles seem to be a little unwilling, but fortunately, they did not continue to
struggle, and lifted his chin and said, "Be good, as long as you are religious enough, the
chance of being baptized will fall on you sooner or later."
Then he turned his horse and galloped away with the worship of the congregation.
Shen Shi'an has good hearing and caught a conversation between the two abilities
"What are you doing to stop me, grass, it is rare to see such a beautiful little girl."
"You forget what the messenger said, don't move such people with relatives and bonds,
they have the highest baptism success rate."
"Anyway, for tens of thousands of people, moving one will not affect it"
"Is the messenger discovering that you still need to die? How important is it to be a ritual of
baptism? Anyway, when you are baptized, you don't want to come as often as you want,
and you don't care about these days. The sperm full of brains will be pressed first."
"This is also true, then we have to say yes, I have booked the ship first"
"Hurrying," Liu Fangzhou rubbed his arms desperately after the two abilities left. "It's
disgusting. The man's eyes are too disgusting. I want to get his eyes out."
Yun Feiyang patted him on the shoulder, "rest assured, sooner or later will give you this
opportunity." This time even if they are fatal.
Shen Xun walked to Shen Shian and realized that he had a different look "What's wrong"
"It's nothing, there are some bad guesses." Shen Shian gathered his thoughts. "Come on, the
morning prayer meeting should start soon."
The crowd followed the crowd and came to a gymnasium. The ring-shaped seats have a
large area and can accommodate at least seven or eight thousand people.
Shen Shian and others were originally prepared to sit down in a corner, but they didn't
expect that Ding Zhizhong's father and daughter had already helped them take up the
position, and they stood up and waved at the sight of them.
In order to avoid attracting more attention, the six can only sit around around them.
The so-called morning prayer meeting is not much different from their imagination. It is
nothing more than reading and explaining the doctrine, and consolidating Zhong Han's
brainwashing effect again.
A total of six red-colored abilities stand on the rostrum in the center of the stadium, two are
responsible for preaching, and the other four are responsible for maintaining order. The
dark circles and companions encountered before are among them.
Liu Fangzhou uses Shen Xun's ability to communicate ideas to other people. The luminous
groups of these abilities have at least five or six colors.
The whole morning prayer meeting lasted about half an hour. Towards the end, the one
with the brightest light, the strongest power, and the obvious dominant player among the
six abilities tapped the microphone. “Next, I will announce This time it was selected by the
God of Light and went to God ’s Domain for baptism. "
After a moment of commotion, the entire stadium was silent, all the believers crossed their
arms and closed their eyes, silently recited the doctrine, and prayed for the opportunity to
come to themselves.
"Building 1, Area D, Wang Xue, Gao Qunsheng; Building, Area 3, Sun Yanfang, Sun Qiang;
Building, Area 4, Building 4"
Names popped out of the abilities' mouths one after another, spreading all over the corner
along the microphone, and every time a name was dropped, it would arouse the sincere
admiration of all the congregations and the people's sincere praise for the **** of light.
Shen Shian secretly counted the number of people who were called. When the 28th name
echoed in the gymnasium, the red man's gaze suddenly fell to his position, and he slid one
end along the seat, and finally stopped. On Ding's father and daughter
"Building 7, Area D, Ding Zhizhong, Ding Han."
Ding Zhizhong was stunned on the spot, and was immediately ecstatic. "The God of Light is
grateful to the God of Light. Do you hear that, we have been chosen by the God of Light?"
"Congratulations to the above thirty members, please prepare according to the doctrine,
and enter the realm of God at eight o'clock tonight. The morning prayer will end here."
Shen Shi'an and others followed the crowd out of the gymnasium, and were caught up by
the father and daughter of the Ding family next to the advertising column outside the gate.
Ding Zhizhong was so excited that he could not speak, and there were tears in his eyes.
"Thank you a few, most of you. I know you must have spoken good words, otherwise we
would not have been able to get baptized so quickly. The women will definitely remember
it. "
Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng looked at each other, realizing that Ding Zhizhong might have
misunderstood something.
However, it is no wonder that a few of them only appeared last night. This morning, the
father and daughter were selected for baptism. If Ding Zhizhong is he, he may also think of
these adults who have "privately visited and secretly investigated in the service."
Shen Shian looked at the father and daughter without explanation, and only said, "We have
other tasks next, so we say goodbye. Good luck."
"Hey, well, you are busy, you are busy, if there is a chance, I hope I can see a few more
people in God Realm."
Ding Ju and his father stood on the spot and watched the six people leave. Liu Fangzhou
turned around and saw that she was waving hard at herself, raising her hand and waving
After the two disappeared at the end of the field of vision, Ye Shenghua asked Shen Shian
"What are we going to do next"
"Take advantage of someone outside during the day, take a turn inside the city, let the Ark
sense it again, find Zhou Hua, confirm whether he has indeed evolved abilities, and then
find out where the so-called God Realm is."
These things were completed much more smoothly than expected.
After spending half a day to complete the whole city, they found that the urban area was
divided into twelve areas, numbered by letters, and all ordinary people were placed in
these twelve areas.
"But the number is not right," Liu Fangzhou said. "There are only more than 80,000 people
in these twelve districts, but shouldn't there be 100,000 people in total?"
The obvious answer is that at least nearly 20,000 people have been selected and sent into
the **** realm.
"In this way," Yun Feiyang touched his chin. "D zone where Ding's father and daughter are
located seems to have a high selection rate."
Divided 20,000 by twelve, the average is about 1,600 people in each district, but according
to Ding Zhizhong's recollection last night, there are at least more than 3,000 people in
district d, which is almost twice the average.
"And the living conditions in District D are obviously better, many of them are single-family
buildings," Ye Shenghua also found abnormal. "The father and daughter of the Ding family
are two people, but they can live in such a big house."
Originally they thought it was the reason that there were fewer people and more rooms,
but it turned out that this was not the case. It was true that there were fewer people and
more rooms, but seven or eight survivors in other districts were crowded together to live
in Datongpu.
So why do people in zone d get preferential treatment? This has something to do with the
apparently high rate of residents in zone d being selected
Shen Xun was impatient to think about these. "When you grab Zhong Han, you won't know
If you want to catch Zhong Han, you have to find God Realm first. The process of finding
God Realm couldn't be easier.
As the crowd continued to go deeper into the city, Liu Fangzhou suddenly discovered that
there was a place where he could not sense it at all, as if someone had erected a huge
barrier to shield his mental power.
Shen Shian and others approached the location of the barrier according to his description,
and found that there was a circle of earth walls more than ten meters high along the
boundary of the barrier. Someone was patrolling and guarding on the wall, and there were
people with abilities going in and out of the earth wall, but one hundred from the earth wall
Ordinary church members are strictly prohibited from approaching within a meter. It is a
city with a strict hierarchy.
The six people found a ruined building roof to observe from a distance. Wan Feng put down
his telescope. "There are at least two hundred abilities on the city wall."
"It seems that this is the core part of the city," Ye Shenghua also held a telescope. "There are
only two hundred abilities in the light, and I don't know how many people are hidden in it.
If I rush into it, The situation is probably very bad for us. "
It's a pity that Liu Fangzhou's ability is blocked by the barrier. Although Shen Xun's
tracking spell can still be used, it can only be tracked based on name information. The
current effect is not great.
"I still have to find a way to find out what's inside," Ye Shenghua also put down the
telescope, pointing to Yun Feiyang, who squatting beside the trash bin downstairs and
muttering not knowing what to do. "
Not long after the words fell, Yun Feiyang returned. "I heard about the situation in God's
Ye Shenghua was surprised and curious, "who did you really ask about?"
Ye Shenghua feels he has misheard "with whom"
"Flies." Yun Fei opened his hand, and there was a green-headed fly in his palm. "My ability
is not to communicate with mutant animals. Even non-mutated animals can communicate,
but it's a little more troublesome. Flies brothers and sisters said , There are many people in
Divine Realm, all are abilities. "
Ye Shenghua resisted the urge to slap the fly to death and to root out his abilities, forcibly
focusing on the focus. "How much do you know?"
Yun Feiyang shook his head. "When I communicate with animals, I can only perceive the
information known to each other. Do you think the flies will count?"
"No, since that's the case, how does it know that all of them are abilities?"
Yun Feiyang glanced at him with an indescribable glance. "Although the flies are not good
at math, but their eyesight is superb. It sees that those people are using abilities."
"In addition to the many abilities, the flies gave me another important message." Yun
Feiyang looked at Shen Shi'an. "There are not only abilities, but also zombie animals and
zombies in the **** realm. The number is also a lot."
"Zombie" Liu Fangzhou was shocked. "Isn't this a safe base? What do zombies do?"
"I don't know this, and the flies didn't give me an answer." Yun Feiyang waved the green-
headed fly in his hand to the air. "Thank you, brother, I will talk when I have time next
Shen Shian frowned, and at the same time took out a bottle of water and a packet of sterile
tissues from the space and handed Yun Feiyang "washing his hands."
Shen Xun looked at him "what did you think of"
Shen Shi'an nodded and shared his guess with him, "We'd better enter God Realm tonight."
But with the rigor of the defense of God's domain, it is not easy to sneak in without
disturbing Zhong Han.
Everyone was thinking about methods, and Shen Xun suddenly said, "Zhou Hua came out."
After a few minutes, Zhou Hua galloped out of the **** realm on a horse.
As soon as he left the area of the barrier, Liu Fangzhou immediately sensed his light group
"Grass, he really evolved, and now he is a wood-based ability"
"The light group has several colors," Shen Shian asked.
"Just green."
Shen Xun was originally planning to follow him to control him, but Zhou Hua was not alone,
and there were two other wood-based abilities. He was soon surrounded by a large group
of ordinary church members. Shen Xun followed him all the way The plantation, and back
from the plantation, did not find a suitable mobile phone meeting.
Liu Fangzhou was a little worried about Ding Ju ’s baptism ceremony tonight. After learning
from Yun Feiyang that there are not only abilities, but also zombies and zombies in the ****
realm, the uneasiness became stronger and stronger. Seeing Shen Xun returned empty-
handed, finally Can't help it. "I'll go around the barrier and see if I can find the hole."
Even if it is a hole with a large pinhole, he can manage to squeeze in a little power, so that
he can learn more about it.
Liu Fangzhou went downstairs and released all his mental strength, completely covering
the barrier facing him, moving clockwise little by little to conduct a carpet search.
After moving less than two hundred meters, a figure appeared in front of him, still an
The dark circles are shocked and happy, "Why are you here to come to me?"
Liu Fangzhou's mouth twitched, "No."
The black eye smiled. "It doesn't matter if it's not, I want to find you anyway."
He walked two steps towards Liu Fangzhou, and in the eyes of the wicked, he had a bit of
jokes that he had mastered. "After the morning prayer meeting, I was idle. I found the list of
the dwellings in the d district and checked. Find your name. Do n’t you live in District D or
say that you lied to adults under the witness of the light god, you should know the cost of
lying to the light messenger? "
"Don't be afraid," Liu Fangzhou's pale face seemed to please him, and the dark circles took
another step. "As long as you obediently obey, I promise you won't be in trouble, as long as
you obediently obey"
Liu Fangzhou looked at the palm that was getting closer and closer and did not move. "I
advise you not to touch me."
"Oh why don't you touch me and let me regret the ending"
Before he finished speaking, the dark circles laughed first, as if telling a joke that couldn't
be more funny. The hand was originally aimed at Liu Fangzhou's face, and he didn't cover it
up. He directly attacked his chest.
Two inches away from the target, a slight tingling suddenly came from the neck, and then
the dark circles found that he had suddenly lost control of his body and was completely
Liu Fangzhou smiled eerily, jumped up and raised his knees in situ, struck under the dark
circles with all his strength
"Let you not touch me, you don't believe me, I have someone to cover it, idiot"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 218:
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Shen Xun bounced off the remaining blood stains on his fingers, and a ia chirp similar to the
egg was smashed and fell to the ground gave him some subtle physiological discomfort.
Seeing Liu Fangzhou raise his knees, he would come again and stop him. "There are too
many pedestrians here. Go back and talk."
And he said, "Keep up."
The dark circles on the crotch were severely distorted, and their eyes were suddenly
twisted, but they spontaneously pulled apart and followed Shen Xun and the two back in
the abandoned building.
After all the people were focused, Shen Xun unleashed his physical control over the dark
circles and gave him another instruction "Pouting."
So the dark circles covered his lower body and rolled, and his nose was filled with tears, but
he could not make any sound.
Ye Shenghua stared at the blood stains on his crotch and subconsciously clamped his legs.
Yun Feiyang peeled off the wrapping paper and threw a chocolate bean into his mouth.
Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun "can I ask questions"
"Yes, but it's better to wait for a while." The other party's current state is estimated to be
Everyone was okay anyway, and it was time to eat lunch.
After eating a slice of iced watermelon, the dark circles finally stopped rolling and crying
silently, lying on the ground paralyzed into a dead fish.
"Stand up," Shen Xun kicked him, and then said to Shen Shian "You can ask."
Shen Shi'an asked "How many abilities are there in God Realm"
The dark circles were pale and he opened his mouth uncontrollably "more than 1,300"
"Is Zhong Han in God Realm?"
"What is the purpose of bringing 100,000 ordinary people here?"
"Accept baptism to get crystal nuclei"
Shen Shian and Shen Xun looked at each other and continued to ask "what is the so-called
baptism? How do you get crystal nuclei from ordinary people?"
The dark circles that were originally obediently responded suddenly stiff, his mouth closed
and closed several times but he couldn't make a sentence, and then he was completely at a
"Hey" Yun Feiyang spit out watermelon seeds. "Why didn't he answer?"
Shen Xun frowned, stepped forward and pressed the dark eye cover, "An An, you ask
Shen Shian repeated the question again, eyes under the dark circles turned around,
opening his mouth several times seemed to be the answer, but soon it seemed to be
confused by people's memories, and returned to a dazed state again.
"Xun Xun"
Shen Xun put his hand down, "He was strongly implied by people, but when he touched
something related to baptism, the sea of consciousness was in chaos."
As for who is implied, you can guess with your toes.
Liu Fangzhou was shocked, "Is this suggestion so strong that you can't even crack Brother
Xun's spell?"
Shen Xun felt that he was insulted and narrowed his eyes slightly. "The role of the blood
curse is to understand all the ideas in the target's brain. His brain is now a pile of mud, and
I can force the mud to be reshaped. Of course I can, But he will become an idiot after
shaping, and don't want to ask half a sentence again. "
And to Shen Shi'an Road, "This kind of hint can't be formed overnight, I doubt that he
should have spent a short time with Zhong Han, definitely more than two or three months."
"In other words, we mistakenly grabbed a confidant backbone and came back." Ye
Shenghua couldn't help but sneer. "It seems that this surname Zhong is suspicious, and he
doesn't even trust his confidant."
Shen Shi'an thought for a while, "He just can't answer questions related to baptism, is he?"
Shen Xun nodded, "Yes."
So Shen Shian threw another question, "Here are the first few **** domains you built"
Dark circles are really normal "third"
Yun Feiyang almost threw the melon out of the "slot"
Shen Shi'an continued "Is the first two divine domains here too?"
"No" Under Shen Shi'an's further questioning, the black eye replied, "The first one is in the
township in the southwest corner of the province of S, and a total of more than 800
ordinary people were arrested. The second is in the base of Minshan in the east. Base,
leaving only more than 4,000 ordinary survivors "
Yun Feiyang's expression gradually changed from looking at the lively to dignified. "So, no
matter what activities are carried out in the Divine Realm, it is not the first time they have
done so."
Shen Shian nodded and practiced the first two times, looking for patterns, accumulating
experience, and expanding the scale step by step to prepare for the 100,000 teachings this
Since when did these plans begin? In addition to these three **** domains, is there more
practice in the dark circles? I do n’t know how many lives have been involved in the hands
of Zhong Han since the end of the end.
All questions can only be answered after they have entered the Divine Realm.
Shen Shi'an took out the paper and pen from the space and spread it in front of the dark
circles. "Draw out the topographical picture inside the Divine Realm and mark the
distribution of the abilities and the location of Zhong Han."
After the map was finished, Shen Shian asked a few more questions to get as much effective
information as possible. At the end, he said to Yun Feiyang, "Do you have anything else to
Everyone shook their heads.
"I have" Liu Fangzhou raised his hand and said, "You have ruined too many girls and
"do not remember"
I do n’t remember "Is it more than ten or less than ten"
"More than twenty or less than twenty"
"More or less than a hundred"
"Then you ruined the boy"
Liu Fangzhou took out the scalpel and turned his head to ask, "He is useless, can't you give
it to me? I will dig his eyes, cut his tongue, and then peel his skin."
"Wait a moment," Shen Xun turned to Shen Shian. "Did you bring the crystal core of Tian
Shiyao out?"
Shen Shi'an nodded, the crystal nucleus was originally in Lin Ruan's hands. After they
settled down in the winery, Lin Ruan gave it to him. He kept it on the shelf of the bamboo
study room without moving.
Shen Xun took the crystal nucleus and changed hands to the dark circles to "absorb."
After he absorbed the crystal nuclei, he said, "Lose all your abilities to me."
The entire delivery time lasted for nearly five minutes. After the end, Shen Xun squeezed
his palm. "The ability is really a lot. I try the stealth ability, you see the effect."
The voice has just fallen, and the person has disappeared from the place.
Shen Shian condensed his five senses quietly, walked a few steps towards the window,
reached out and waved twice, and was caught by Shen Xun who was "can sense"
"If you look carefully, you can feel a little bit, but it's easy to ignore."
Shen Xun asked Liu Fangzhou again, "What about you?"
"Like the captain, the light group is particularly blurry and almost invisible, but if you focus,
you can notice a little abnormality."
When Tian Shiyao used abilities, they didn't even notice anything. This meant that the
ability to absorb the crystal nucleus of the ability could indeed gain the opponent's ability,
but it would be a level lower than the original master's ability.
Although it is slightly flawed, it is suitable for diving into the realm of God.
Shen Xun estimated that "if you cover all six people in the power range, you should have no
problem holding on for an hour."
"Enough is enough," Shen Shian said. "We have a topographic map. One hour is enough to
enter the God Realm to find out what we want."
Next, you just have to wait for it to get dark.
Liu Fangzhou pulled out the scalpel again. "Can I dig his eyes now?"
Shen Xun glanced at him, "Dig, let me know before I die."
Shen Shian took a protective suit and handed it to him, and then returned to the rooftop
with Yun Feiyang and others to observe, leaving the room alone for the two.
Liu Fangzhou took a knife in each of his left and right hands, grinded Huo Huo twice,
walked in front of the dark circles with a smile, and cut a blood stain on his terrified face.
Spiritual day. "
After more than two hours, Shen Xun went downstairs and brought back the refreshing Liu
Fangzhou and a colorful crystal nucleus.
He handed the crystal nucleus to Shen Shian and lowered his voice and said, "I entered the
sea of his consciousness, and your previous guess about baptism was correct."
Shen Shi'an didn't speak, but his eyes fell suddenly.
Because of the difference in longitude, the sunset did not start here until 7:30.
At eight o'clock, on the moon's head, there was suddenly a prayer music that could not be
said of any religion in the dark night. It seemed sad and joyous, echoing in the whole city.
All the selected persons, including the father and daughter of the Ding family, have been
bathed and put on a white robe. The wide hood is worn over the head and covers most of
the face.
They walked out of the house with candlelights and continued to lead under the guidance
of the red robe. If someone looked down from the sky at this time, they could see hundreds
of white figures and candlesticks swaying in their hands. Sporadicly distributed in the
twelve areas, they walked slowly between the building and the road, continually merged
close to each other, and finally converged into several long streams, stopping at the
entrance of the **** realm.
Yun Feiyang was lying on the top of the building, watching the dense white figure in front
of the city gate and rubbing his arms. "Grass, do you want to make such a weird, I have
goose bumps."
At the same time, the city gate opened and the flow of people began to merge.
Shen Shi'an had put on his combat uniform long ago, his hair was tied tightly behind his
head, and only a pair of deep eyes could be seen in the night
"Go, it's time for us."
The author has something to say was originally prepared to write this copy and send it
again, but the plot behind was a bit too much and needed to be revised, trying to solve
Zhong Han tomorrow. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the
URL, free and fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error chapters for seeking
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 219:

Settings saved..
Unlike the depression in the outer city, people can see people everywhere in the divine
realm after nightfall, especially on this evening when the baptism ceremony is held.
Under the cover of abilities and night, Shen Shian and others sneaked across the city wall
for tens of meters, and they still heard the sound of talking from the city wall.
"Grass, if you do n’t come sooner or later, it ’s your turn to be on duty today. I heard that
there were three or four hundred people and animals baptized this time, and the condition
is not bad. The group of brothers inside are probably crazy. If you can stay here and feed
the mosquitoes, you wo n’t have any fun. ”
"You're pretty good. I also participated in the last baptism ceremony. Lao Tzu missed the
grass three times in a row. Who is the mother's on-duty watch, and I deliberately put on
small shoes for Lao Tzu?"
"If you miss it, you will miss it. There are 70,000 or 80,000 animals left.
"Why would you pretend to be generous, who doesn't know that you maimed three chicks
last time"
"I was strictly practicing doctrine, you **** know how to fart"
"It's okay, noisy, noisy, noisy, you're betting, you haven't guessed how many people can
successfully awaken this time"
"Isn't it a 5% rate last time, I still bet 5%."
"But this time there are a lot of people selected from the d district, and the ratio has to go
up and down. I bet 10%. I eat meat or drink the wind. It depends on this one."
"I hope this group of people and animals can give a little more power to produce gold
crystal nuclei. I have registered for more than two months. I have n’t seen the shadow of
the gold system. The nets are some auxiliary departments."
"You dream, how difficult is it to open the gold system? If you don't have a number in your
heart, even if the **** doesn't want the gold system, as long as the spirit system, then there
are deputies and other bigwigs waiting to absorb it. To you. "
"Grass, I can't even think about it. The gangsters have finished eating meat, and they will let
me drink soup sooner or later."
Han Yue is cold, and the dim light outlines the night. A group of six cats walked lightly with
their waists and walked around in the shadows of buildings and trees.
There are more and more active abilities outside this point than everyone expected. Shen
Xun ’s stealth abilities drawn from the dark circles are slightly flawed and ca n’t completely
cover the trail. In order to avoid being discovered, they have to be careful. hide.
"Hush," Liu Fangzhou, who was at the forefront, raised **** "Someone."
The remaining five people stopped immediately and held their breath behind the billboard.
After a few seconds, the four drunken abilities had their backs full of words, and walked
over less than five meters from everyone.
The ambiguous wine talk and scolding gradually went away, and finally disappeared at the
corner of the intersection.
Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief, leaned his head out from behind the billboard, and
looked around, "Hey, which direction did the group of selected people walk in?"
They sneaked in behind the selected religious people. The long white robe team was eye-
catching and it was very convenient to follow up.
It was originally intended to be traced to the place where the baptism ritual was
performed, but because of the need to stop and evade or detour from time to time,
unconsciously getting farther and farther away from the team, the trace of the instructor
has been completely lost now Unable to extend the ability to the maximum range.
Shen Shi'an opened the map drawn by the black circles. "We are still one-half of the
distance from the center of God Territory. The baptized place and Zhong Han's hiding place
are all there. We can't lose it. Everyone continues to move forward."
The whole God Territory is an irregular circle. At the center of the circle stands a huge
museum, and the bright lights can be seen from a kilometer away.
"I've been here," Ye Shenghua remembered as soon as he saw the shape of the museum.
"That's when I came to the scene with the crew to film and film. This is a famous local folk
museum. There are many exhibition rooms in it. The same as the maze. "
The museum has a total of three floors. According to Ye Shenghua's memories, it is a hollow
ring structure. You can directly overlook the first floor hall by standing on the third floor
There are multiple power guards at the entrance of the main entrance, it is not easy to
break through directly from the first floor. Six people plan to go up to the top of the
building first, and find a way to see what is going on inside.
The floor distance of the museum is higher than that of ordinary buildings. The three floors
add up to at least twenty meters. The exterior walls are smooth like mirrors, no windows,
and no balconies. You can't even find a place to put your feet on.
Yun Feiyang raised her head and was worried. "I'm afraid it's not easy to climb up."
As soon as the words fell, Shen Shian hugged him horizontally and "grabbed."
Hold on tight
Yun Feiyang just felt that his body flickered in front of him, the wind whizzed past his ears,
and he was already on top of the museum when he stood firm again.
"Lying trough"
He froze for a long time, turned around and grabbed Shen Shian's shoulder and shook it
"Just learned soon."
At this height, with Yun Fei, who is about the same weight as his own, it is not a simple
matter to perform "light exercise". Until half a month ago, Shen Shian could only let himself
take advantage of the air. Now this effect is completely The promotion and changes brought
about after the promotion to the fourth level.
The two had just stood still, and Shen Xun carrying Liu Fangzhou's collar also came up. Yun
Feiyang was informed and interested, and took the initiative to retract his paw from Shen
Shi'an and went to stand at the edge. "Hey, hey, let me see our family."
Wan Feng used the mutated soil powers to create fist-sized depressions on the outer wall
of the museum as an effort to climb freehand. His posture was as strong as a spirit ape, and
his speed was not slow at all. He quickly grabbed Yun Feiyang 'S hand jumped up, and also
successfully reached the summit.
Ye Shenghua was the only one left.
Shen Shi'an is planning to go down again, and as soon as he lowered his head, he found that
Ye Shenghua had "fluttered" himself.
His white bone whip, which he didn't know where he had hidden since he changed his
clothes, came out again, bent into a shape resembling a swing suspended in mid-air, and Ye
Shenghua sat on the swing, swinging his feet around The floor goes up.
When he jumped off the swing and stood firm on the top of the building, the bone whip
returned to its original shape, and he got into the back of his clothes and disappeared again.
Ye Shenghua twisted her neck and turned around and found that everyone was staring at
him, "Look what I'm doing to continue."
The shape of the roof of the building is like a clam shell with an upside down. The area is
extremely wide. There are no problems for more than twenty people to play football. The
ground and the outer wall are covered with tiles, which are a little slippery, but it is not
difficult to walk carefully.
Liu Fangzhou walked lightly from the edge to the center, turned around twice and stopped.
"That's it. Most of the people in the museum are concentrated below this."
"Can you sense Zhong Han?" Shen Shian asked.
"No, wasn't the light cluster white when he met us? I scanned it several times inside and
out, but I didn't find him. Is he not in the museum or because he has absorbed too many
crystal nuclei after that, so the light cluster The color has changed "
Shen Xun said, "Or maybe he blocked your induction."
Since Zhong Han can find a way to cut off his tracking spell, it is also expected to block Liu
Shen Shian looked at Wan Feng "Can you open a gap that is convenient for observation and
not easy to be discovered"
"no problem."
"Ark, choose a suitable observation location, and others are mentally prepared."
Wan Feng put his palm on the place designated by Liu Fangzhou, the power output, the
solid wall slowly separated a two-foot-long, one-finger wide crack, and the dazzling light
penetrated through it, illuminating the six pairs of staring eyes .
Lv Junwei is a cultist in District B, and one of the people selected this time. When he put on
that white robe, it was one of the few highlights in his life.
Before the end of the world, Lu Junwei was very ordinary. After college, he worked as a
clerk in a foreign trade company for a few years. Then he was admitted to the civil service
establishment in his hometown. A middle-aged man who plays in every scene.
For his neighbours and villagers in his hometown, he is already a "successful person". The
only shortcoming is that he has not been married after he has turned 40.
He is not without a favorite.
The first time I fell in love with someone deeply was in high school.
The other party has a pair of clear and bright eyes. As long as they are looked at by those
eyes, it seems as if all their minds are invisible.
One evening when the self-study of the whole campus was suddenly turned off, and the
black fingers were out of reach, Lu Junwei did not know where the impulse came from, and
did the bravest thing in his life
He took each other's hand.
After about waiting for the sea and the sky, the other party gently came back.
So the spring flowers blossomed, and the seeds of love sprouted.
"Early love" in high school always taught people excitement and uneasiness, and compared
with other people's green love, Lu Junwei's love has a few more unspeakable taboos.
Because the people he likes are also boys.
In the second semester of the third year of high school, Lu Junwei obtained the consent of
his parents to apply for staying on the grounds of preparing for the college entrance
examination, and lived in the same dormitory with his lover.
The classmates, sharing the same food and sleeping together, the half year was the most
unforgettable and wonderful time in his life, so that many years later Lu Junwei often
wondered whether he had spent all his happiness and happiness in that half of the year.
After the college entrance examination, they originally planned to report to the same
school, and eventually failed because of the difference in scores.
The distance limitation did not stop the enthusiasm of the two young people. They wrote
letters, made phone calls, and met for a short time in the gap between the holidays. They
used all available methods to maintain this relationship.
But the coldness of time is far beyond their imagination.
Graduation, work, and marriage urging followed one after another. Worldly prejudices,
family expectations, pressure to survive, and troubles a little bit of the first hot love that
was so hot.
After all, they can't be the moths of the fire with the heart of the red child forever, they can
only join the crowds and become the helpless and boring adult who blows out the flames
and sweeps away the embers.
I do n’t know who broke the connection first. When Lu Junwei accidentally recovered from
the pressure of work, he found that the other party had faded from his life.
He had a blind date, had an appointment, and even entered the stage of discussing marriage
on the occasion of his parents' urging. But in the end they all broke up.
After the outbreak of the virus, his parents passed away one after another. Lv Junwei has
stumbled and survived until now. He entered the Yunchuan base, believed in the **** of
light, and followed the angel to come here.
Seeing each other's first sight in the plantation, Lu Junwei could hardly believe his eyes.
But he is indeed him.
Even if the years are like time, they have entered middle age, and they have long lost their
original appearance. Lv Junwei can recognize it at a glance. That is the first and only love in
his life.
The other person's eyes were still clear and bright, and he was seen through through only
one glance, and he waved his hand with a smile, "Hi."
It was never like that moment, Lu Junwei was so convinced and grateful for the compassion
and kindness of the God of Light.
The other person lives in zone e, not far from zone b where he lives.
They work together, eat together, pray together and chat together. The sense of familiarity
that was cut off by time soon returned, but the courage to be desperate when he was young
was never found again. In the greetings and temptations of adults, no one took the initiative
to cross that line.
A week ago, the other party was the first to be selected and entered God's Domain.
Before leaving, he found Lu Junwei, "Do you remember that there was a power outage in
the evening when I was studying in the high school?"
"After I finish the baptism ceremony," the other party smiled and said, "Let's do what we
did at that time."
Lv Junwei turned his head, wiped his tears out of his face in awkward manner, and nodded
in a panic.
Wait for someone to turn and leave, and hurriedly chased the past, untied a zodiac jade
from his neck, and clumsily put on the other side, "I prayed in the temple. , You play with it.
Time passed by quickly in memory. When Lu Junwei recovered, he had followed the team
into the museum gate.
The overly bright lights made people close their eyes subconsciously, and the four red robe
abilities leading the way stopped.
"The selected people from Area D are going out," one of them said "Follow me to this side."
A part of the religious people walked out of the team, and the white robe dragging on the
ground made a rustling rubbing sound.
Lu Junwei was slightly disturbed that the baptism ceremony was not in the same place. Did
he still have a chance to see the other party? Or did he say that only the d district was
baptized in all areas, and the other selected religious people were still together?
Thirty people separated soon went away, and another red robe ability said, "Other people,
continue to move forward."
The museum is huge, and the remaining more than three hundred people followed the
guide for about two minutes, and came to a circular high wall that was more than twenty
meters high.
There is a door on the wall, and two long tables are placed outside the door. On the table
are placed various weapon daggers, baseball bats, steel pipes, scissors, spatulas
There are large, small, long and short, and most weapons are stained with maroon stains,
like blood stains that have long dried up.
"Everyone, everyone chooses the same."
There was a slight commotion in the line, and the red robe ability's face was dull, and the
voice was repeated. , Everyone chooses the same, move quickly. "
Lv Junwei took a pair of scissors in his hand, and was a little uneasy in his heart, but this
uneasiness was soon dispelled by the pious belief in the God of Light and the expectation of
seeing someone soon.
Does the other party know that he has also been selected? If he does n’t know, will he be
particularly surprised when he sees him in the God ’s Domain for more than a week? Did
the other party get used to it? Is it anxious but awakened? I ca n’t be more anxious. I need
to comfort and comfort each other.
Thoughts were not over yet, the door on the high wall suddenly opened, and a gust of wind
screamed from behind, blowing all the three hundred people in.
The sudden dizziness on the ground, the dazzling lights, and the boiling voice made Lu Jun
the only time difficult to respond, lying on the ground, unable to recover, and immediately,
enough screams to pierce the eardrum sounded around him.
"There are zombies, zombies run, zombies"
The religious people retreated crazy, and the crowd was in chaos. Someone stepped
directly on Lu Junwei's hand. A young man in his twenties accidentally stumbled on his calf
and slammed to the ground. Before he could get up, a zombie had already rushed to him.
Opening his mouth and biting off his carotid artery.
The spray of blood splashed Lu Junwei's body, and a few drops slipped from his forehead to
his mouth. The **** smell in his mouth finally dragged his free reason back
Zombies have zombies
He struggled to get up, clenched the pair of scissors, and shoved his hand into the back of
the zombie.
The zombie twitched and fell down twice. Lu Junwei wanted to pull the young man who
was crushed by it, but the other party's eyes widened and he stopped breathing.
"Run quickly" Someone pushed him "Don't stun"
Lv Junwei wandered back in panic, his screams and fleeing figures flooding his hearing and
How could he not understand why there are zombies in God Realm? They were obviously
selected to participate in the baptism ceremony, how could there be zombies?
A hard touch came from behind, and Lu Junwei had retreated to the wall. He raised his
head, only to find that all the candidates were thrown into the five-meter deep pit by the
gust of wind. In the stands, the dense red silhouettes lie down on the side of the railing and
look down, making a crazy and excited cry
"Go on, don't want to be bitten by zombies and hurry up."
"Grass, this year's human and animal qualities are not good, the response is too poor, and
each one is as stunned as a piece of wood. They have already killed seven or eight."
"Look at how much our zombie brothers have bitten them to death, they stole their eyes,
gnawed their mouths, and pulled me out of my heart and liver."
"Cry, cry, don't be afraid, never despair, ha ha ha ha, if you want to survive, hurry up and
evolve abilities"
Lv Junwei's mind was cluttered, as if he was stuffed with ice, and he poured hot lava into
the ice.
"It's all fake." He heard some religious people screaming and roaring. "What test of baptism
rituals and bright gods are all false. They want to kill us with zombies. The so-called ****
domain and awakening are simply lies.
Lu Junwei's lips tremble. If everything is false, where is the person he wants to see?
A staggering figure screamed and rushed over, directly knocking Lu Junwei to the ground.
It was a half-decayed zombie whose face was eaten incompletely. One of the turbid and
bloodshot eyes was half drooping on the face, and the other seemed to be able to pop out of
the eye sockets at any time. The ability to prey on fresh flesh could make it extremely
powerful, pressing Lu Junwei to the ground and opening it. The big mouth of the blood
basin is about to bite off a piece of meat from him.
Lv Junwei desperately pushed it upwards, clenching his scissors with his right hand, about
to poke through the zombie temple, and a jade pendant fell from its neckline.
A zodiac jade.
Before the other party left, he personally wore the zodiac jade for him.
"No" Lu Junwei was struck by lightning, he couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it,
he couldn't bear to believe it, the tears filled his eyes, and rolled down along the fine lines at
the end of his eyes Into this "
What kind of pain and torture he has endured, he ended his life in despair and loneliness.
The gentle and cowardly middle-aged man was crushed to the ground by the zombies,
crying sorrowfully, crying hysterically, and tearing his heart apart. But not because of the
imminent death, but because of his cowardice and hesitation, he missed the joy and
happiness that could have been at his fingertips in this life.
The zombie won't care about his tears, and still struggles and howls. Lu Junwei suddenly
threw away the scissors, embraced it tightly with open arms, letting his teeth bite through
the neck, closing his eyes in the pain and blood spewing out.
At the same time, on the railing of the museum's original third floor, today's best viewing
seat, a power shaker shook the red wine glass in his hand and raised his sight from the hell-
like deep pit. How is it going"
Someone beside him bowed down and replied, "Return to the deputy, that's just the
"Stare at it, and if you have a psychic ability, immediately report it to the angel."
"The deputy is relieved that the people underneath have experience and can't be wrong."
The man finished and glanced into the deep pit. "Yo, some people have evolved abilities, it
seems to be the soil system."
"Does anyone from the Earth Department want it?"
"No, for the time being, the last two batches of soil have evolved much, and those eligible
for registration have been absorbed."
The deputy tapped his fingertips on the armrests of the seat twice. "Then keep it, old rules,
and arrange for him to preside over the morning prayer meeting tomorrow."
The cultivator who had evolved the abilities of the earth system in the desperate situation
stared at the auditorium above his head, raised his hands to solve the two zombies that
threw over, raised a dirt platform and climbed out of the deep pit, full of The anger was
burning, and I wished that the group of red-robin executioners who were playing with faith
and human life would crush their bones to relieve their hatred.
He was stopped as soon as he jumped over the railing, and a power man walked to the front
with a red robe, with a gentle smile on his face
"Congratulations on passing the test of the God of Light. From now on you will be a member
of our evolutionary, a guide chosen by the God of Light, bearing the heavy responsibility of
restoring humanity. Authority and absolute control, everyone praises respect, status is
supreme, and can do whatever you want. This is our celebration banquet for you, please
take a seat. "
The expressions in the eyes of the inhabitants changed, and both fists were still clenched,
but the original hatred and anger gradually faded.
He looked at the dazzling array of food on the table, and at the members of the desperate
howling under the deep pit, took off the white robe stained with blood, and took the red
The deputy glanced back his gaze, and suddenly leaned forward, staring straight into the
deep pit. "Golden abilities have waited so long, and it really appeared."
"Congratulations to the deputy for adding another skill"
The deputy smiled, and after the newly evolved golden ability also took the red robe, he
asked, "Is the room ready?"
"All ready, as soon as he enters he will fall into a coma."
"When he is in a coma, he will inform me that I will take this crystal core in person."
The deputy drank the remaining half a glass of wine and stared at the deep hole for a while,
because the most desired crystal nucleus was already in hand, and he was somewhat
"The zombies are almost killed, and the few zombies will not be released if they can't meet
the stress requirements.", Everyone remember to collect the website or remember the
website, the website, the fastest update for free If you want to find a book and chat with
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 220:

Settings saved..
Wan Feng carefully separated a crack, and a strong **** smell immediately spread out.
The glaring lights through the slits illuminated six pairs of eyes and illuminated the terrible
scene of **** under the ceiling.
The originally hollow part of the museum was completely transformed into a gladiator.At
this time, the gladiator in the stadium was close to the end.The vast majority of the selected
members of the museum had already become broken limbs or minced meat on the ground.
Those who make a sound are either surrounded by zombies, and stretch out a **** arm
from the corpse to pray for death to come quickly; or dragging the remaining body and
wailing in the fangs and claws of the zombies .
The overwhelming blood stains reflected the dense red robe, bright and dazzling.
Ye Shenghua persevered for two seconds and couldn't hold it anymore. He turned and
rushed to the edge of the roof and vomited violently. Even Liu Fangzhou, who only had a
dark eye in the afternoon, was pale. Come in just to kill? "
"No, what they want is a crystal nucleus. All of this is just for the crystal nucleus."
Shen Shi'an looked iron-blue, and an indescribable anger violently turned in his chest,
almost burning a hole in his chest.
There are two ways for ordinary people to evolve into abilities and generate nucleus of
abilities. One is natural evolution, which is based on the explicit coding of the virus's
random code for "junk" DNA, and the other is stress. Change.
When the survivors are in a state of intense fear, anger, desire for survival or other extreme
emotions, they may also stimulate the virus to transform the DNA twice or even many
times, thereby evolving abilities.
In order to save Ms. Dong from the H City Library, Xu Ge after hearing the truth about the
death of her sister, and Lu Xiuyuan, who was besieged by zombies, belong to the evolution
of stress.
The conditions of this evolution are very harsh. Tang Song and Lin Ruan once discussed
this topic. They believe that the so-called "stress evolution" actually refers to the explosive
potential of human beings. The higher the potential, the greater the possibility of stress
evolution. Big.
In addition to potential, another decisive factor in stress evolution is the "stress source",
which is the degree to which the survivors are stimulated.
The greater the stimulation, the more intense and extreme the emotional changes, and the
higher the chance of evolution.
Under the guise of religion, Zhong Han made these 100,000 religious people self-sufficient
and full of hope under the guidance of the "God of Light" in order to obtain the
unimaginable despair and pain they experienced after being pushed into hell.
Yun Feiyang's lips wriggled for a long time, and he didn't find any suitable words. His face
was flushed and he barely suffocated the sentence "otherer, a little boy named Zhong must
"Grass" Liu Fangzhou suddenly panicked, "Ding Heng and Ding Heng also came in with her
Shen Xun quickly drew a tracking spell "Ding Han is not dead," he pointed in the direction
of the red line extending "She is in the other museum"
The voice did not fall, only to hear a loud bang, the place he pointed to suddenly collapsed,
billowing smoke soared into the sky, and even the walls of the whole museum were
The six of them hurriedly stabilized their bodies, and the dusty choking caused people to
cough more than once. Shen Shian was about to prop up the reiki hood, and he saw that the
violent wind suddenly swelled in the collapsed place, and the dust and smoke were rolled
up cleanly.
There were two figures standing tall and one short on the ruins after the wall collapsed.
Shen Shian stared at one of them, his eyes suddenly filled with ice "Zhong Han."
Finally I find you.
After the separation of the 30 D inhabitants, including the father and daughter of the Ding
family, from the large army, they entered a deeper passage under the leadership of two red
robe abilities.
After the four groups of followers were assigned to different rooms, Ding Zhizhong felt a
little nervous and walked a few steps with courage. "Two adults, I would like to ask, are we
selected persons in different places for baptism? "
The two abilities turned around and looked at Ding Zhizhong, and then at Ding Han next to
him. There were things in his eyes that taught people to dare not look closely, "You are
father and daughter"
"If I go back to adults, that's right."
The two abilities looked at each other and smiled. "Relax, you two will definitely be
baptized in the same place."
It didn't take long for these words to be completed, and the two pushed open a door. "Go,
it's your turn, and experience the fun of being baptized."
It was originally an exhibition room in the museum, and a half-height mirror was affixed to
the wall. The light that had been lit up after countless times was even dazzling.
After the renovation, a cross with a height of more than two meters was fixed on one of the
walls, and not far from the cross was a medical chair similar to the one lying down at the
dentist. Large and small stainless steel metal plates were placed on the chair Next to it,
there are various objects such as leather whip, dagger, steel needle, vise and so on.
Ding Zhizhong and Ding Ju walked in one after another. The special decoration and
atmosphere made Ding Ju clenched his father's arm.
There are not only two of them in the room, but also seven or eight red robe abilities who
seem to have been waiting for a long time. One of them closed the door immediately after
they came in.
Ding Ju was even more nervous. Ding Zhizhong was equally nervous. He looked around.
"Masters, the baptism ceremony, has this already begun?"
A tall man with a smile laughed, "Don't worry, start right away."
The two abilities suddenly rushed out and grabbed Ding Zhizhong's arm, dragging him to
the side of the cross and fixing his hands and feet with chains.
Ding Ju was anxious and afraid, and was about to rush to his father, but was stopped by two
other powers and dragged across the cross to the medical chair.
"Hui" Ding Zhizhong struggled twice, and the metal chain on his wrist was rattled. He
smiled and looked at a few abilities. "Adult, if you need me to do anything during the
baptism ceremony, you can just ask, No need to tie me up. "
"Hahahahaha" The abilities laughed. "You hear that this fool hasn't responded yet."
The tall man came over and tapped on Ding Zhizhong's face. "You don't need to do
anything, just look at it."
With a stab, the fattest man pulled the white robe directly off Ding Ju's body, and several
whistles sounded simultaneously. "Yo, I didn't expect this girl to be very young, and it's
developing pretty well."
"Who comes first to bald your hand with a fart, the last time you came first, a good chick
will let you play the lying trough directly"
"I don't care, the back is smoother, hehe hehe hehe"
"If you don't grab it, then I'm welcome. I can't wait for Gil to be too hard. Hold her down,
don't let her move."
Ding Jue's screams were terrified as if an arrow pierced Ding Zhizhong's heart. He couldn't
believe what was happening, and tried his best to break free from the cross. This is for the
ritual of baptism. You ca n’t do it. The angel wo n’t allow you to do it. ”
The bald head, who was temporarily watching, turned and looked at him, almost
sympathizing with him. "Who do you think we did this? This is the ritual of baptism."
The bald head pointed to the monitoring probes in the four corners of the roof. "If you don't
see these, all the angels happening here can be seen clearly and not just the angels. All the
abilities can see it. After all, this is a rare one. The good show I saw ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "
"No, it ’s impossible, you lie, the angel wo n’t do it, the **** of light wo n’t allow this to
happen, let go of her, let her go of my daughter, she ’s only 17 years old, I beg you, a few I
beg you, let me go, let me do what you want to do as a cow or a horse, please do n’t hurt
her. "
Ding Zhizhong's tears were as if madness, the collapse of faith, the screams of his daughter,
and the terrible images everywhere in the mirror were like countless sharp knives, almost
killing him to death, he was crazy and struggling to die, trying all he could Breaking free
from the chain, a pair of eyes are getting red and red, and the bulging blue tendons are
crawling under the skin like earthworms
Disconnect, disconnect quickly, he wants to save Rao, why he has no powers, if he has
powers, Rao wo n’t be bullied by this group of beasts, how could he be so useless, as a
father even himself Daughter can't protect
I will disconnect you
A sudden loud noise startled both the actual combat and the watching abilities. The tall
man looked back and said, "He has evolved abilities"
I saw that Ding Zhizhong had broken the chain, his body magnified several times, his skin
was red as blood, and he became a muscle giant more than four meters high.
The giant pulled the cross from the wall with his backhand, and the target abilities smashed
the tiles. The tiles shattered inch by inch, hitting a giant pit half a meter deep on the ground.
The bald man turned over and rolled for two times, scolding his mother while lifting his
pants, "How can I slap his uncle, who is so stupid, evolved so quickly, I haven't had time to
try it."
"Solve him first, there is still a chance." The fat man gasped for breath. "What kind of power
is he returning to the ancestral power system?"
"No matter what he is, it's not the spirit of the spirit department anyway." The tall man
licked his lips. "I'm very interested. It can be giant to enhance the strength. It just fits my
appetite. He is not suitable for this situation. Solicit, don't keep your hands, let's talk about
it first. "
Ding Zhizhong evolved his abilities with his grief and anger, but he was a novice after all, he
did n’t know enough about abilities to exert his maximum power. The eight abilities on the
scene also absorbed at least a dozen nucleus Under the siege, Ding Zhizhong was not an
opponent at all. Before he ran out with Ding Han, he was cut by a wind blade.
The blood spewed out and Ding Ju was covered all over. She watched her father cover the
huge crack in her neck, plopped down on her knees, and used all her last strength to shout
"Run and run" at her.
The tall man grabbed Ding Zhizhong's hair with one hand, and the other hand squeezed out
the wind blade and stroked hard again, finally cutting off his entire head.
After Ding Zhizhong's death, the power effect disappeared, and his head returned to its
normal size. The tear-stained face was solidified with the last minute anxiety and worry.
"Bah!" The tall man spit out a saliva. "His mother's pretty hard to beat. The grass and blood
all splashed on me. What a shame."
He lowered his head to meet Ding Jue's eyes. "You see what I do is your father's own death,
no one can blame others."
The fat man came over and kicked Ding Heng, "Talk to you, squeak, hey, is this girl scared?"
"Who knows, the ladies are timid, anyway, it doesn't affect Laozi Shuang."
The tall man shook Ding Zhizhong ’s head forward to her twice. “It ’s stupid to get back to
the gods. Although your dad is looking for his own death, he should be shattered. This head
is back to you, let your dad keep it full "
The tall man's head suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, the brain plasma mixed
with blood and the skull spewed out, a colorful crystal nucleus bomb hit the wall and fell
again, the body twitched violently, and fell straight down Ground.
The remaining seven abilities were stunned for a long time before they recovered. "What
happened to the grass?"
"I don't know, did someone steal it?"
The fat man's words didn't finish, his head also exploded into countless pieces.
At this time, the powers finally reacted. "This girl has evolved."
"Grass, it's the spirit department's ability to report the gods quickly"
The six abilities were scrambling to rush out, but none of them ran out alive. Their heads
exploded like fireworks one after another, their bald heads ran the fastest, the doors were
all opened, and the eyes suddenly turned black without their head The body fell heavily out
of the door, and blood spewed out of the broken cavity, flowing down the corridor.
Zhong Han appeared at this time.
Ding Ju stood up from the ground, wearing the almost rotten white robe. The blood ran
down her thighs, with Ding Zhizhong and her own.
She looked at Zhong Han and said, "I'm going to kill you." ,, everyone remembers to collect
the URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft
error report, seeking books and chatting with friends 647377658 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 221:

Settings saved..
Ding Hun floated in midair, the white robe stained with blood was automatic without wind,
and the bitter hatred on her face made her like a fierce ghost from the Nine Nether Hell,
waiting for blood revenge.
Kill him kill him kill him
This thought occupies all the minds of Ding Ju. She is staring at the figure, and the power in
the body appears soon afterwards, aiming at Zhong Han, and rushing towards him like a
tsunami, vowing to use this as a bogus god. The demon of the name is completely torn into
But no matter how hard she tried, the force was still a few meters away from the other side
and was stopped by an invisible barrier. Even Zhong Han's clothing corner could not be
touched, and she couldn't move forward.
He stood there, with a hypocritical and cold smile, looking at her and examining her, as if
she was not a living person at all, just an object that just happened to suit his heart.
"I don't believe you must die"
Ding Ju issued a scream, long black hair dancing wildly in the back, a strong shock wave
rolled out with her as the center, a spider-like crack quickly spread along the wall,
accompanied by a strong shaking, a quarter The museum collapsed and buried Zhong Han
at the bottom.
"Cough cough cough" Ding Han fell from the air and choked in the sky.
The overdraft of abilities caused her body to soften, she leaned against a broken wall,
trying to find out from the dim view
Is he dead? Is he dead?
At the end of the cold moon, a gust of wind swelled, sweeping the flying dust clean.
Zhong Han, unharmed, walked over from the other end of the ruin.
"Not bad," he said. "I am very satisfied with this power. Give it to me, and I will make good
use of it."
Give it to him
Ding Ju didn't understand what he meant, and suddenly covered his temples and issued a
screaming scream, as if there was a drill digging into her brain from the outside of the skull.
Trickled down.
Just when she thought she was going to die under such inhuman torture, the pain that had
been pierced through her brain suddenly stopped again.
Zhong Han recovered his mental strength and turned to look at the hidden roof in the dark
southwest of the museum
"It turns out that an old friend has arrived."
"He found us." Wan Feng said.
Shen Shian saw it.
The collapse of the building was so great that not only the abilities in the arena were
immediately alert, but even the abilities who guarded the walls of the Divine Realm rushed
There are a total of more than 1,300 powers in the Divine Realm, and if they besieged
together, I am afraid that they will cause a lot of trouble. In case Zhong Han took advantage
of this opportunity to escape, he wanted to catch him again and he didn't know when to
Shen Xun said "Go."
Shen Shian turned his head and met a pair of dark green eyes.
Shen Xun looked at him "Go and kill Zhong Han, and let the others leave it to us."
Shen Shian's eyes crossed a soft color, loosened his clenched palms, took out the Tang knife
and handed him "Control point mana, don't exceed the limit anymore."
"I will, you pay attention to safety."
The last time the limit was exceeded has been warned by the law with thunder. For
insurance purposes, this time the combat power is controlled at ten Xiao Lang.
When Shen Shian's rabbit fell and ran towards the ruins, Shen Xun pulled out the Tang
sword, "Let's go."
Wan Feng expanded the crack to two meters wide, and everyone jumped in succession.
The red robe abilities underneath were still in the chaos caused by the shaking of the
building and the blast. Five people descended from the sky and had invisible blessings,
which just caught them by surprise.
Shen Xun cut back the head of a red robe and loosened Liu Fangzhou's collar. "If you don't
want to die, don't leave me more than three meters."
Liu Fangzhou touched the fish in the muddy water and just picked up two leaks with his
Ye Shenghua had been stimulated before, and how fierce the attack was at this time. The 33
bone cones dismantled by the long whip are clearly unique weapons, flying through the
crowd so fast that they ca n’t see clearly. The place left a wriggling, **** bone-bone
The interior of the building is Wan Feng ’s home ground, and every brick and tile block is
under his control. The solid walls and floors under the power control are like waves
tumbling and deforming, or immersing opponents into it, or crushing the enemy into a pool
of blood foam.
Yun Feiyang was tightly protected by Wan Feng with a wall, and it looked like he didn't do
anything, but it wasn't.
This place is located in the southwest mountainous area, with heavy rainfall and heavy
moisture. Snakes, worms and ants are all over. Because of the large base, the number of
mutant animals is especially large.
The abilities left behind on the city wall first discovered something strange. It seemed that
something was moving fast in the dark in the silent night, accompanied by the sound of
rustling from all directions.
"Grass," someone screamed, "a lot of snakes"
A bucket-shaped mutant python rolled him up, crushed the sternum, threw it into the large
mouth of the blood basin, and squirmed a few times before swallowing it into the
abdominal cavity.
More screams sounded one after another
"Mosquitoes have mutated mosquitoes flying over"
"The scorpion is running fast, the walls are full of poisonous scorpions"
"Centipede my grass is a variation of centipede"
"Burn fast, set fire to these grasses, don't come over, save me, come and save"
Thousands of snakes and worms converged into a thick cloud of mist, pouring from all
corners of the city and even the mountains outside the city. They crossed the city wall and
continued to move forward, invading the museum through all the gaps that could be found
Internally, it soon occupied its place in this scuffle.
Liu Fangzhou carefully avoided a scorpion as big as a crocodile. The dark blue poison
needle standing on the tip of the opponent's tail looked scary. As the tail swayed quickly, he
saw the blood-seal throat poking who died.
Seeing that another poisoned needle in a red robe was stabbed in the neck, his face was
black and fell straight down, Liu Fangzhou swallowed a spit, raised his estimate of Yun
Feiyang's combat power suddenly, and then anxiously. Take a few steps to hide behind
Shen Xun again.
Shen Xun, who limited his combat effectiveness to less than ten Xiao Lang, was still
unstoppable. Liu Fangzhou, who was covered by him, felt a sense of security, picked up the
gaps of the black guns, and had a mood to suggest. , Toss your hands and feet and throw
them all into the pit. "
More than half of the more than 300 religious people in the deep pit have become zombies.
They screamed on the walls and fed them with red robes, so that the **** could taste the
flesh of the zombies.
Shen Xun adopted this suggestion, and really cut off the legs of a red robe, and threw him
into the deep pit with his backhand.
Zombie swarms and zombies swarmed up, and a lively scream and chewing came quickly
from the bottom of the pit.
Two more red robes were thrown to add food to the victim. Shen Xun turned to look at the
gap formed after the wall collapsed. On the ruins on the other side of the gap, the battle was
in the most intense state of glue.
Shen Shi'an jumped from the top of the building and fell right across from Zhong Han. He
didn't shoot immediately, but looked closely at Zhong Han.
The last time I saw Zhong Han was more than a year ago, from Xie Yang's surveillance
The change in Zhong Han over the past year is not a big one, with deep sunken eyes, thin
cheeks, and dark blue eyes. It looks a little like Qin Shu, who is haunted by Li Gui. It seems
to be deeply troubled by insomnia and has not slept well for a long time. feel.
Compared to the mild illusion of the first encounter, Zhong Han at this time revealed a
sickly bird of prey from the inside out. He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at Shen
Shian. "It's been a long time, Mr. Yun. Or, I should call you Mr. Shen."
Shen Shi'an turned his head and looked at Ding Han, who was paralyzed on the ground.
"Can you still move as far back as possible."
Immediately disappeared from the place, carrying fists wrapped in Wan Jun's force and
slammed into the place where Zhong Han was.
Zhong Han flashed his body and escaped the blow with the help of his speed ability, but the
suffocating energy in the boxing style taught him to swell his blood and sullen his chest.
The healing power was launched, and the discomfort was suppressed. Zhong Handao said,
"I remember you didn't use a sword, why don't you use it against me, it's best to show your
full strength."
Shen Shian suddenly lifted his body and flipped backwards for two weeks, and almost
immediately after his front foot left, there was a mutant piranha that broke out from the
ground, and the two half-mouthed devices with fangs bite hard in the middle to teach The
shudder of metal knocking.
If Shen Shi'an is still standing, I am afraid that his feet are gone.
Do you want him to use a sword?
The vigorous spiritual power surged in the body at high speed, outputting into substance
along the left arm, and a cold ice blue spirit sword condensed in the left hand in the blink of
an eye.
Shen Shian held the sword in front of him, "It depends on whether you have the ability to
bear it."
The two figures acted at the same time, hitting each other like a cannonball, the wind raged
in time, and even the sky seemed to change color.
Ding Hui retreated to the square outside the museum, still slammed by the splashing
sandstone and could not open his eyes.
She barely looked up to see the situation of Zhong Han, but the ruins were gray, and the
various energies of red, blue, gold, silver, and the dust in the sky formed a huge vortex,
which wrapped the two firmly in the center. Not sure what happened. Only from a burst of
loud noises and growing cracks on the ground can we slightly sense the danger and
fierceness of the battle.
Zhong Han ’s abilities have increased by more than a hundred in this year. As long as she
started tracking, Shen Shi’an was already prepared for a fierce battle.
However, he didn't realize that he still underestimated the terrible level of the other's
combat power until the two met.
These more than one hundred abilities were used ingeniously by Zhong Han. They
complemented each other, and Shen Shian drove away from the sudden crack on the
ground, and ushered in thousands of murderous metal steel needles in mid-air. Not being
pierced by a steel needle into a hedgehog, he almost fell into a large variegated thorn bush.
Finally, he avoided the thorns that shone in the bush and had a half-foot spike, and was
swallowed by a flaming purple fire dragon. Into the abdomen.
The temperature of the fire dragon is extremely high, and even the bluestone bricks can be
melted into mud. By the sudden wind, it is burning more and more fierce, and in the blink
of an eye, it expands into a sea of inferno.
The Aura hood was burned with trembling, and the spiritual power was consumed rapidly.
When Shen Shian escaped from the flames, a layer of blisters had been burned on the
exposed skin.
He looked at Zhong Han on the other side of the fire, his expression dignified.
When Shen Shian became more and more careful because of Zhong Han's ability, Zhong
Han was also worried about him.
Shen Shi'an's demonstrated ability greatly exceeded his expectations. No matter the speed,
strength, self-healing, or protection, it was no worse than him. The sword, which did not
know what material it was, was amazingly destructive, as long as it was scratched. Frozen
the flesh and blood around the wound into ice, and the spiritual power that he is most
proud of has no effect on him. Can his shield even stop mental attacks?
After playing for so long, the only damage to the opponent is that layer of singular bubble,
but in just a few seconds, even that layer of squirt bubble has been healed as before.
Not to mention that there are also unpredictable ones
Zhong Han suddenly fled to avoid, almost at the same time, a big tree behind him was
frozen into ice, and the ground shattered.
Retracting his sight from the broken ice, Zhong Han escaped Shen Shi'an's eyes through a
wall of soil. "It seems that over the past year, Mr. Shen has also absorbed many crystal
Shen Shian was too lazy to take care of him, and he blinked and approached him, smashing
the earth wall with a sword.
"I'm curious," Zhong Han's voice passed from the other direction, along with hundreds of
transparent wind blades. "What color will Mr. Shen's crystal nucleus be now?"
"I'm afraid you don't know it."
The wind blade was too much and too dense. After being smashed, most of them still cut
dense cracks on the concrete floor. Shen Shian wiped the blood stains from his face and
turned back with his sword. The two quickly fought to one place again.
The two of them hit the edge of the city wall from the ruins of the museum, and then came
back from the edge of the city wall. The places where they passed were messy, the
buildings were shattered, the trees were uprooted, and the flames and the ice were
everywhere. The traces of freezing almost destroyed most of God's domain.
The more intense the battle, the more violent the fighting will be in Shen Shi'an's chest.
The new tactics and tricks are running at full strength. The ninety-nine-one-one style
learned from Jinguan City uses the spirit sword as a carrier. The sword light is as
prosperous as Changhong, and the mountain can be cut back and the sea can be blocked.
Crows and whistled, a pair of dark bloodthirsty eyes reflected in the cold cold light.
The ability to advance to Tier 4 is not really revealed until this time.
After another full blow, the two quickly separated.
Shen Shi'an couldn't help sliding back a distance. The bottom of the boots and the sword
dragged three long traces on the ground, and he shook two more steps to stabilize his body.
The chest undulated violently, his arms trembling slightly, sweating A strange flush flushed
from the wet face;
Zhong Han flew out directly, knocking down two walls one after another, and the collapsed
bricks splashed smoke and rolled him into the whole.
After a few seconds, Zhong Han walked out from behind the broken wall, and his muddy
face became more and more gloomy. "Mr. He is right, you are really very difficult."
Shen Shi'an held his sword and stretched his back straight. "Huxiu treated all human beings
as a petri dish for crystal nuclei because of his own self. You have killed countless lives by
killing survivors for any purpose. As good as it is. "
Zhong Han smiled. "You said me like a bad person. If you can become stronger, what can't
be done? This world is originally weak meat and strong food. The end of the world is only
to amplify this rule. Not everyone is eligible to live, Some people are only worthy of
nourishment for others in their evolution. "
As soon as the voice fell, Zhong Han's figure disappeared from the spot, and his five fingers
gathered into claws, like a lightning bolt rushing to Ding Hun a hundred meters away.
A light golden transparent cover appeared out of thin air, twisting a palm of blood less than
half a meter away from Ding Ju.
Zhong Han uttered a scream, and his right hand was cut off from his wrist.
"I guess your abilities are almost consumed," Shen Shian said. "As you said, not everyone is
eligible to live, so do you want to die?"
At the same time, the battle within the museum has come to an end, the screams of the
abilities are getting weaker and weaker, and the mutated worm tide gradually recedes.
Zhong Han glanced at Shen Shi'an after the transparent cover, and his expression changed.
Suddenly a metal long sword condensed in the palm of his hand, the sword body was
electro-optically spitting, and rushed towards Shen Shi'an with the same endless
However, only halfway through, he suddenly spread two white wings behind his back and
flew out with the help of impulse.
"Not good" Ding Ju anxious "He wants to run"
"Can't run."
Shen Shian gathered his spiritual power under his feet, stood up on his toes, and emptied
directly above Zhong Han.
He grabbed his right wing and yanked it hard, and immediately flicked the flesh and blood,
and tore off the entire wing.
"This time, it is for Tao Yuan."
The blood spewed out violently, and Zhong Han suddenly fell out of balance from the high
altitude, hitting the ground and splashing more than three meters of dust waves.
Before he could get up and activate the power again, Shen Shian stepped on the back with
one foot, and the tip of the boot pressed hard, just stepping on the **** wound after the
wings were torn.
The severe pain and the rapid loss of blood made Zhong Han's struggling strength less and
less. He turned his head hard and his face was pale and embarrassed, but his mouth still
had a two-pointed smile. "You are planning to kill me and absorb me again. Crystal nuclei? "
Shen Shian bent down, tore off his other wings, and threw it to the ground with Zhong
Han's more screams. "This is for Li Cheng."
wanna die
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 222:

Settings saved..
When Shen Xun and others found Shen Shi'an, Zhong Han had been pierced by the spirit
sword from the back and nailed to the ground. His legs were cut by the aura cover and the
blood and flesh were blurred. The position from the toes to the knees had been shattered
into flesh and blood. A large beach accumulated beneath him, accompanied by a scream of
screams, meandering into red snakes under the street lights.
Yun Feiyang originally wished to unload Zhong Han Da eight. Seeing this scene, he couldn't
help but feel a bit stunned. "Brother, don't kill it first, or take a breath anyway. Mr. Lin Ruan
and Tang don't say it's best to bring it back alive Research?"
"I can't die," Shen Shi'an's murderous intention violently surged for a moment, but he still
withdrew the aura cover. "He has healing powers, and he won't die as long as he doesn't
Although it is not as good as Taoyuan's regeneration, it is not too much. Just a moment
later, after the wings are torn off, a half-foot-long granulation grows again, and it is almost
the same as the plucked chicken wings.
Can't die
Liu Fangzhou's eyes lighted up, and he took out two scalpels. "That made me cut a few
Shen Shi'an wiped the blood from his palm, stepped back and gave the place to him, and
turned to look for Shen Xun, "have all the other powers solved it?"
Shen Xun nodded, "Except those that evolved tonight."
A total of more than 300 people participated in the baptism ceremony tonight. In addition
to the father and daughter of the Ding family, 29 members of the church also evolved
abilities under stress. Three people have been killed and crystal nuclei have been dug out,
while the other 26 have accepted the red robe from above the deep pit without exception.
While introducing the situation in the museum, he pulled Shen Shian up and down to check
it. Shen Shian was stained with blood. Although he could not see the wound, the combat
uniform was full of burning and cutting marks, even the hair. A break. Shen Xun looked
more and more heavy, and the knife flashed, and the two chicken wings on Zhong Han's
back fell to the ground.
Liu Fangzhou is about to cut it here. When he sees it, he can only change another place.
"You call, you continue to call, even if you break your throat, no one will save you. If it
hurts, it hurts. It hurts. I haven't cut you yet. Sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t expect it, Sun Cub, you
will fall in my hand one day"
"Be careful," Shen Shi'an urged. "He has too many types of abilities, maybe there are other."
The voice didn't fall, Ding Ju held a knife that he didn't know where to find it, and stumbled
over to "Kill you, I will kill you to avenge my dad"
Shen Xun stretched out his arms, grabbed her by the neck and picked her up. "People are
ours, and it's not your turn to kill."
"Xun Ge, Xun Ge left people" Liu Fangzhou quickly put away the scalpel and ran over,
pulling Ding Ju aside. "Don't worry, he fell in our hands is definitely worse than death, it is
impossible to make him better. "
Ding Jue looked at him "your voice"
Oops, forget to disguise.
Since the stuffing was missing, Liu Fangzhou simply told the truth, "You probably
understand it now, you envoy is a big bad guy. He formed the Guangming religion and
brought you all here, in order to force you Evolve the ability, then absorb your crystal
nuclei, and **** the ability. Because of the power of the crystal nuclei, he has killed many
people since the end of the world, including our teammates, and almost killed us, we This
time I came here to catch him and get his revenge. We didn’t know what he was doing here
before we came. We were afraid of playing the grass and scared the snake, so we pretended
to sneak in like this. I cheated you before, sorry."
Ding Ju was still stunned. She lowered her head and looked at the flesh-red crystal nucleus
in her palm.
This crystal nucleus was dug out of the ruins. Ding Zhizhong's body turned into ashes early
in the battle between Shen Shi'an and Zhong Han. She searched for a long time according to
her memory. She dug her nails and turned her hands full of blood. The same thing.
It was for this reason that they were brought into the gods’ domain, treated like animals,
arbitrarily wiped out like ants, and then used the lies of the **** of light to select more
people to come in and die
Just for this
Looking at her look, Liu Fangzhou couldn't bear it, and asked Shen Shian to ask for a dress
to drape over her. "I know there are too many things happening this night. I'm afraid it will
be difficult to accept in a short time. Those who are persecuting you in red robe It’s already
dead, it’s been terrible. You, you mourn."
The kung fu of the two people, a group of people who described the embarrassed figure
gathered behind Shen Xun and other people, and their expressions shrank and shivered. It
was only after experiencing the "baptism ritual" that evolved their abilities, and they were
wearing red robe.
In addition to them, a relatively special character was cast by Shen Xun, who led the crowd
to find it all the way. At the same time, he was also the earliest group of primitive people
who participated in the baptism ceremony and put on a red robe, Zhou Hua.
This person was specifically asked to stay by Liu Fangzhou. The reason is very simple. He
wanted to give Ding Han and the other victims a chance to question themselves. Shen Xun
didn't care, so he only dropped one leg of the other.
At this time, Zhou Hua, who was lame, just walked to the crowd, was lifted from the ground
by an invisible force, grabbed her neck, opened her mouth and opened her hands and feet
in the air, her eyes were bulging, and her face quickly rose to purple.
Ding Er came over step by step, his eyes were red, and his eyes were bitter hatred. "It’s you,
Master Zhou Hua. You know the truth of God’s domain tomorrow, and you know what the
baptism ceremony is in the morning. Why don’t you say why you want to help the angel?
It’s you who killed my dad and other people by coaxing others to come in and die.”
Yun Feiyang approached Liu Fangzhou and cobbled together, "This little girl's abilities are
Just a few hours ago, it has just evolved, and Zhou Hua, which has evolved for several
months, can't fight back, indicating that the starting point is very high.
Liu Fangzhou nodded. "She is very powerful."
As soon as it has evolved, it has almost reached the third level of ability. But this ability was
replaced with pain and despair unimaginable by ordinary people.
When they stayed at the Ding's house the night before, Ding Ju told him that her biggest
wish was to become a powerful powerhouse, capable of destroying zombies, helping
others, and ending the end of the world under the guidance of the God of Light.
If she knew that the evolution of abilities would pay such a painful price, maybe she would
rather be an ordinary person in her life.
Zhou Hua was lifted into the air by Ding Ju's neck with his mind, because the lack of oxygen
tended to faint.
Seeing that he was going to suffocate and die, Ding Han's power was received and he was
thrown to the ground.
"Why" she walked to Zhou Hua, holding Ding Zhizhong's crystal nucleus in her hand, and
she couldn't figure it out anyway. "Why don't you tell the truth about the baptism ritual,
you and those who already know the truth, if you can remind me a little bit For a moment,
there won’t be so many people dying in God Realm at all."
Zhou Hua lay on the ground and gasped desperately, wiped away the sneezing tears from
her choking cough, and turned her head to look at her. "Do you think it's that easy to tell the
truth? They have more than a thousand people. What if we only have the truth?" , If only a
group of ordinary people can set off a storm, if you don’t obey, do you think we can live to
this day?"
"So in order to survive for yourself, you help them maintain this huge lie and push
thousands of people into the fire pit of hell."
"I also went into that hellfire pit. Since I can evolve abilities to crawl out of it, why can’t
other people do those who can’t evolve? In the end, they are all weak, and they will be
eliminated by the end of the world sooner or later. The baptism ritual is only accelerated.
this process"
Zhou Hua stood up, his eyes full of unwillingness and indignation. "Guangming religion is
even based on lies, but there is one thing that is not wrong. Powers are already superior.
They deserve to be respected and enshrined by ordinary people. I am still ordinary. When I
was a human, I have received much contempt and glance from the powers. Now I am also a
powersman. I evolved on my own, and I can’t let me enjoy the power of powers. Look at
them, you look at these people who have only experienced baptism rituals. They don’t
know the truth, but don’t they choose to wear red robes as well?”
It was probably stimulated by the last few words. The twenty or so cult members were
both angry and ashamed, and immediately took off their red robe and threw it to the
Zhou Hua sneered, "What's the use of taking it off now? Since you are willing to wear it,
don't you want the seventy or eighty thousand ordinary people outside to worship you as
gods and enjoy the taste of doing whatever you want from above, so you have to thank me ,
If it weren’t for me, where did your opportunity evolve?”
Ding Ju gave him a happy heart, blowing his head into a cloud of blood mist.
A green crystal nucleus flew out of the blood mist and was ejected into the dim light
without knowing where it landed.
There were more than a dozen eyes chased over and secretly swept several times.
Liu Fangzhou walked in front of Ding Ju "Next, do you have any plans?"
Ding Ju looked around, the original sacred and inviolable God Territory almost became a
ruin in the battle between Shen Shi’an and Zhong Han, and the towering city walls outside
the God Territory had fallen by half. In the murky sky.
According to normal work and rest, in another hour or two, the church members should go
out to participate in the morning prayer meeting.
If she and her father were not selected yesterday, I am afraid they are doing the same
preparation at this time.
Ding Ju retracted his gaze and shook his head, "I don't know."
Regardless of her future plans, it has nothing to do with Shen Shian and others. The most
important goal of this trip has been achieved, and they should leave for the winery.
Zhong Han, who had been cut by dozens of knives by Liu Fangzhou, fell into a coma and
temporarily lost his ability to resist, but for security reasons, Shen Shian still put him into
the space. Since collecting the colored hair chips once in the power contest, he has planted
a grass field and built a small black house, which is suitable for imprisoning the enemy.
A group of six people left the place and joined the Ruibao among the peaks. Ye Shenghua,
who had not spoken since coming out of the museum, suddenly said, "Can we stay here for
another day or two without entering the city, just stay outside."
Shen Shian thought for a moment and agreed to come down.
Two days later, Ruibao fluttered up and took six people to circle around the city with the
help of clouds.
After a long while, Ye Shenghua and Yun Feiyang put down their telescopes at the same
time, unable to express their expressions on their faces.
The wall outside the **** realm rose again.
On one side are the abilities, on the other side are ordinary religious people. ,, everyone
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 223:

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Not long after Ruibao took off, Shen Shian asked Ye Shenghua "Where are you going to go
Ye Shenghua was applying essential oils to her hair, and after hearing her words, she
flicked her long hair behind her head. The remaining essential oils were directly applied to
her hands. "I don't know, but it's so big, it seems that I can go anywhere."
The only trouble is how to transport the tens of thousands of cigarettes stored in the other
party's space. Alas, sad.
"Are you interested in being with us"
Ye Shenghua made a move and turned her head "you're serious"
Shen Shian nodded.
"I thought you didn't want others to know where they were hiding."
"I really don't want to, so if you are with us, the spell on you will not be lifted for the time
being." Shen Shi settled and said again. "And you need to know that we have many enemies
and are still being sought after. status."
Ye Shenghua smiled, "It seems like no one has a hatred of the family. Now in this world,
even if you do a good deed every day and do good deeds every day, you will still be
He squeezed his nails and continued, "Since you asked, then I will tell you the truth. I am
very interested. You are strong, saved my life, and acted in a way that suits my appetite, not
to mention that I can guarantee far The super-average quality of life, joining you will
definitely be better than me alone. But I also understand that everything has a price, my
ability is not weak, but it should not be enough to let you put down your vigilance. The
degree of hiding place, which means that you should have other places that need me. If Mr.
Shen doesn’t mind, can I ask what this need is?"
"To be honest, I don't know." Shen Shian looked at him and did not hide. "Before leaving,
Tang Song and Lin Ruan told me to take you back with you as much as possible. The reason
why you are invited is not because I believe you, But because I believe in them. As for why
they are interested in you, I guess it should be related to your abilities, there may be some
special research value. Rest assured, I will not force you, my team members We will never
do anything against you, and I can assure you of this."
Ye Shenghua did not worry about this issue. He had seen the power of the spell from the
dark circles. If he really wanted to do what he wanted to do, he would have done it early.
Moreover, this person was obviously not interested in other people’s crystal nuclei. So
many red robe abilities were killed in the museum, and none of the crystal cores were
picked up. Finally, Wan Feng was buried in the bottom of the deep pit. This alone is worthy
of my trust.
So he and Shen Shian stared at each other for a while, and nodded. "Then respect is worse
than obey, and bother you. But if I can help, I will definitely say nothing."
Shen Shian reached out his hand "Welcome to join."
The return trip was quick, and the total rest time only took less than two days. The closer to
the winery, the higher the mountain and the more prosperous trees. Ruibao flew along the
rolling green mountains for a long time, and finally saw the sparkling artificial lake
between the forests.
Ye Shenghua was stunned. "You have taken up the entire hydropower station"
Liu Fangzhou hooked his shoulder. "What awesome, join us, we will never lose money.
There are all kinds of water and electricity to ensure that you are comfortable and
comfortable here."
It was just over a week before the people left. The small changes that had taken place near
the hydropower station, the sluice gate was temporarily closed, a bamboo raft was tied to
the lake, and a large piece of flat ground near the dam had been reclaimed into rice fields In
the square ridges, the heavy and yellow Chenggu spiked the seedlings.
Many people in the field were harvesting rice. Xiong Manshan was the first to discover
Ruibao, holding his sickle straight up and waving desperately, "Hello Baby"
Ruibao excitedly responded to "Goodbye Baby"
"Fly to the north of the brewery over there" Xiong Manshan shouted with his hands in a
horn, "There is a bird stop over there"
Yun Feiyang thought he had misheard "what did he say stop the bird flat"
Liu Fangzhou pointed to a place "Is that right?"
Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that about two hundred meters north
of the winery, a circular open space about thirty meters in diameter was opened in the
dense jungle, which was repaired with cement and was firm and flat. I was afraid of being
inconspicuous. I painted a colorful bird on the ground with paint. Ugly is a little ugly, but I
can barely see the shadow of Ruibao.
Yun Fei Yang said, "Seeing that there is no baby, even the landing place specially prepared
for you is ready."
Ruibao hummed his head and shook his wings, and he fell steadily.
The people jumped off the bird's back one after another. Ye Shenghua looked around and
saw a building hidden in the depths of the jungle through the shadows of heavy trees.
A tree-lined path was built between the bird stop and the building. The road was lined with
trees. At the beginning, there were all kinds of trees. When the winery was within 50
meters, it was all willow.
There were more than a dozen black goats grazing on the grass in the woods. When I saw
someone coming, they turned their heads with their tails turned and ran. They were rushed
back by the beater Liu before they ran far. Delineate this place near the winery.
Ye Shenghua dumbfounded "Shepherd, Sheep Willow"
However, what surprised him was still behind. About Shen Shian and others were found.
The rows of willows all bent down towards the winery, and Zhiya stretched forward to
make a welcome posture, even breaking off. The wicker made two wreaths of willow
leaves, one on top of the other and one on the other.
Yun Feiyang tweeted, "Look at this flattering force."
Ruibao echoed "Goodbye baby." Parrot revenge is not too late for ten years.
The wicker along the road wanted to pump it, and the leaves looked in the direction of Shen
Shi'an, but he didn't dare.
Ye Shenghua landed at the end and secretly pinched two on his arm while walking. It hurts,
not a dream.
That's when the willow tree is really good
Not at all.
Suddenly his body emptied, and one of the willows raised his branches and wrapped him
around his waist to tie it into the air. His head was full of willow leaves and stood upright
Shen Xun, who was at the forefront, dropped a sentence, "Be yourself, let it go."
Ye Shenghua was still in shock, and was let go again by the willow tree. It was about
apologizing. He even stretched out the wicker to help him sort out the messy clothes corner
When Shen Shian walked to the door of the winery, Chen Nan and others rushed back from
the rice fields. Xiong Manshan took the lead. "I want to die if you are the boss."
Liu Fangzhou flew over and hugged him in a place "Bear Brother Nange Xinjiang Xinhe I
miss you too"
The two embraced each other with tears in their eyes, as if the old lady's uncle recognized
the scene.
Chen Nan bypassed them and walked to Shen Shi'an, with a look that was hard to hide his
excitement. "Captain, Xunge, I thought you would have to come back in a while. I didn't
expect it to be so fast. Is this trip going well?"
Shen Shian nodded, "How is the situation here, I think the rice is already harvesting"
"Yes, I just started planting two days ago, and now I am harvesting the third crop. The seed
you gave is the captain. We have already eaten it. It is very fragrant. The harvesting speed is
slightly slower."
"Don't worry about this, I brought the seeder and the harvester back." On the way back, I
specially collected it in a county town. The harvesting, crushing, and threshing were all in
one step, and the efficiency was extremely high.
Shen Xun asked "how did the sluice close?"
"Brother Tang said that the current electricity storage has been enough for us for some
time, and then generating electricity is also a waste."
Yun Feiyang leaned over, "Is the flock of sheep in the woods ours, the ones that Daren Liu
"Yes, it was all Brother Xiong grabbing from the mountain next door."
"I tell you that the meat thief is delicious." After Xiong Manshan hugged Liu Fangzhou, he
began to hug Ruibao. Hearing his name, he took the time to look back. "It's all black goats,
and they don't have any fat at all.
Everyone walked in while chatting, and when they walked in, they found that the courtyard
had also changed a lot. The original cement blocks were all pryed off, and the path was
paved with bluestone again. A few borders of land were reclaimed on the left near the gate.
It was simply fenced with green leeks and tender green onions, millet peppers with thick
fingers were red, and the plump eggplants were lovely and watery. Cucumber vines,
pumpkin vines, and loofah vines covered the half of the wall. Bear fruit.
The right side is planted with willow essence, and a thick osmanthus tree is transplanted
near the main building. The branches are densely covered with flowers and covered with
three floors. The top branch is just inside Shen Shi’an and Shen. In the bedroom window,
the orange-red osmanthus was dotted like dark brocade in the dark green leaves. Ye
Shenghua couldn't help but take a deep breath. "Good fragrance, this flower is good, many
and dense, rushed to the end of the flowering period Collected in the front and dried,
whether it is making tea or making desserts is a first-rate bar."
Lin Ruan greeted from the experiment building and said with a smile "Xu Ge said the same,
so we plan to finish planting rice and then plant a little glutinous rice and wheat, and then
make osmanthus dumplings and osmanthus cake."
Tang Song briefly learned about the trip from Shen Shi'an, and greeted Ye Shenghua with
"Welcome to join."
Ye Shenghua slightly nodded, "It's an honor."
"What about sister Xu Ge?" Liu Fangzhou asked, "Why didn't I see her and Tong Tong did
not see it."
Tao Yuan "Xu Ge took Tong Tong to pick wild mushrooms in the mountains, it is estimated
that he would come back soon."
Not long after Tao Yuan said this, Xu Ge and Tong Tong came back. Both of them wore
straw hats. Although their faces were red and hot, they were very energetic. Not only did
they pick up a large basket of mushrooms, they also picked up a full one Basket of wild
grapes and pecans.
Zhao Xinhe helped to dry the wild mushrooms in the yard. Chen Nan washed a large pot of
wild grapes and placed them on the coffee table in the living room. Tao Yuan cut two
watermelons. All the people sat in a circle. Shen Shian announced the issues that everyone
cares most about. "Zhong Han has seized it and is now locked in the space."
The merger with Ye Shenghuahui to hunt down Zhong Han was not complicated, but it took
more than an hour to finish the lecture.
The left-behind members were all angry because of God Realm and everything that
happened in God Realm. Xiong Manshan almost threw the coffee table into pieces. "This
**** grandson king **** can do anything for the sake of the crystal core. Come out, I'll grass
his uncle, this kind of garbage, really die a thousand times or ten thousand times without
"Can you release him from the space?" Chen Nan asked.
"His abilities are too much and too complicated, and he is extremely cunning and cruel,
unless I and Xunxun can stay beside, otherwise it is not safe to release him."
"If you use a spell to control him," Xu Ge said, "isn't the team looking to cast a spell on the
opponent through blood?"
Shen Xun shook his head. "He has been cursed by Hershey. My spell won't work for him."
What should we do? Everyone was a little worried and took so much effort to get the
person back, but it was not for him to hide in the space and steal his life.
Liu Fangzhou sighed. "If only we could evolve an ability, it would not kill him, but also
abolish his ability."
The grandson regarded abilities as destiny, and if he can really do this, it is estimated that
even if he does not torture him, he can be taught to live better than die.
Lin Ruan's eyes lit up, and his eyes turned half a circle, fixed on one of the members.
"Perhaps, I have a way."
There are a total of three buildings in the brewery. After renovation, the building facing the
gate is the main living and living place for everyone. The building on the left is the boiler
room and activity room, and the right is handed over to Tang Song and Lin Ruan for
experimental research use.
At this time, all members were concentrated in a laboratory on the second floor of the
scientific research building. Zhao Xinjiang, who was in the center of sight, was a little
nervous. "I'm not sure if I can do it. What if he is killed if he is killed"
"Don't be nervous, relax." Lin Ruandao said, "You can now fully extract the watermelon
seeds without destroying the melon flesh. The melting characteristics of cockroach eggs are
originally evolved for parasitism. It means that in theory, integration will only be easier and
easier than integration into watermelon."
Tang Song nodded. "Don't think about it. What to do when I took the watermelon seeds
before, this time I still do it. Of course, in order to increase the success rate, it is very
necessary to conduct a simple experiment before the formal operation."
Speaking of which, he looked at Shen Shi'an, "Captain, you can release Zhong Han."
The time in the space is twice that of the outside world. After Shen Shian took Zhong Han
into the space, he stayed outside the realm for two days and returned to the winery for
another two days. During this period, he never fed. I haven’t eaten or drank water for more
than a week. Although Zhong Han hasn’t died and healed all wounds under the power of
healing powers, his weakness is unavoidable. He didn’t stand firm on the ground, he was
taken by Tao Yuan, etc. The man grabbed his arm and bound it to the experiment bed.
Xiong Manshan stared at his chapped lips and pale face, "I didn't expect grandson, you have
today too"
Zhong Han smiled and seemed to want to speak, but Tang Song didn't give him this
opportunity, and he raised his hand and shot a blood hole on his thigh.
The severe pain made Zhong Han Gong a shrimp, and blood dripped from the wound. Lin
Ruan hung a bag of glucose to prevent shock, and said to Zhao Xinjiang, "Okay, let's start,
just treat him as a watermelon."
Zhao Xinjiang took a deep breath and stretched four fingers against Zhong Han's wound.
Zhong Han wanted to call and was knocked out by Shen Xun's hand knife. It is unclear what
happened. In the vision of Shen Shi'an and others, the part where Zhao Xinjiang's fingers
touched Zhong Han's skin seemed to produce a circle of ripples, and then the four fingers
slowly submerged.
Liu Fangzhou's eyes widened in excitement, because he was afraid of disturbing him, and
then covered his mouth.
The whole process did not last long. After just a few seconds, Zhao Xinjiang pulled his finger
out 039, and a bullet was sandwiched between the index finger and the middle finger.
"Are you successful?"
Lin Ruan and Tang Song began to examine the wounds. "Muscles and blood vessels were
not damaged. The blood supply to the legs was normal, and the nerve reflex was normal."
There was a sudden burst of warm cheers in the laboratory, "Oh, Ye Xinjiang
"Quickly open his mind and pull out the crystal nucleus"
"Can you wake Zhong Han with water? I want to see his expression."
Tang Song asked Zhao Xinjiang "how is it, are you confident now"
Zhao Xinjiang nodded. "Mr. Lin is right. It is indeed easier to integrate into the human body
than to integrate into the watermelon."
In order to satisfy everyone's wish to watch Zhong Han's expression, Tang Song and Lin
Ruan fixed Zhong Han's body again, especially his head, tightly locked on the experimental
bed with a steel plate, ensuring that he could not move at all.
Xiong Manshan took a pot of water from the water heater and handed it over to Tao Yuan.
"Come, Yuan Yuan, you splash him."
The temperature of the water was about 80 degrees Celsius. When a pot of water went
down, the pale face turned red immediately.
"Wake up, Master Zhong Zhong," Liu Fangzhou slaps **** his face. "We have a gift for you."
Zhong Han opened his eyes and worked hard twice without struggling, but he was so stiff
that he fell into this situation and dared to laugh. "If I only shot one shot and wanted me to
die, I'm afraid it won't."
"New Brother Jiang gets him"
Zhao Xinjiang's words were too fast to cover his ears, and he put his palm in from above his
head. Zhong Han's expression was blank for a moment. When he regained consciousness,
he heard Liu Fangzhou and others exclaim.
"This is the first time I saw a crystal nucleus like a trough"
"What is colorful black, this is it."
"It takes a lot of abilities to absorb to become black like this. I'm afraid not only the crystal
core is black, even the heart is black."
"Hey, why didn't this grandson stop talking?"
"No, my eyes are tumbling, and we are listening to us."
Liu Fangzhou turned on the camera of the mobile phone, and lifted a strange crystal
nucleus that was completely dark but could refract a variety of brilliance to Zhong Han's
eyes, "Look, see what this is."
Zhong Han stared at the crystal nucleus, and his face was even uglier than a week of not
eating or drinking. An indescribable fear gripped his heart, but he couldn't believe
"Impossible, this is impossible"
"Well, it's impossible to know if you try to use the power by yourself." Liu Fangzhou smiled
and brought the lens close to him to give him a close-up. "Yeah, why is Master Zhong's face
white, do you find that you can't use it suddenly?" I’m powerless. What’s going on? Would
you like to know?"
The teenager’s eyes were curved, and the smile was simple and harmless. “Because your
abilities are all in my hands. I’m not surprised but you’re not surprised when you build up
the gods. When you rob the crystal nucleus from the minds of the believers, did you ever
think of yourself? Also have this day"
Zhong Han's eyes became red and red, and he struggled as suddenly as he was crazy. He
pulled his head out of the steel plate. The temple was cut with screws and two blood stains
with deep bones were visible. My powers give me back. I order you to give me back my
crystal nucleus."
Liu Fangzhou was too lazy to take care of him, ended the camera and put the phone away,
and the crystal core was handed to Shen Shian.
Lin Ruan asked "Do you want to give him a sedative?"
Shen Shian glanced at Zhong Han and shook his head, "Let him stay here alone, let's go."
"Shen Shi'an, don't leave, return the crystal nucleus to me. That's my crystal nucleus, return
the crystal nucleus to me."
Everyone only thought that he didn't exist. "It took so long to finally solve this tumor."
"Have you seen his expression, hahahaha deserves his mother's pleasure"
"Awesome or Xinjiang's awesome ability, I will meet the king **** who **** other people's
crystal nucleus in the future, and use this trick to deal with them."
"Xinhe went with me to grab two sheep and slaughter us. Let's have a whole goat feast
tonight, slurp meat and drink in big bowls, and celebrate."
The sound of discussing what to eat tonight is getting farther and farther away. The
laboratory door is firmly locked, and there is only one figure left in the dark room,
desperately struggling and howling, like crazy. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 224:

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By nightfall, the main building was brightly lit, and the air was full of rich meat,
mushrooms, fresh fruits and vegetables, and oily burnt aroma.
Because of the large number of people, everyone put the two dining tables into a long strip,
and several layers of tin foil were placed in the middle. "Let let be careful not to be hot."
Xiong Manshan and Tao Yuan worked together to roast a whole sizzling oil The whole
sheep moved in from the yard and placed it on the tin foil. "Oh, look at this oil, all of it has
dripped down. It will be used to dip buns or bibimbap later. I will tell you how thieves are."
Tao Yuan pulled the steel braze from the sheep, and Liu Fangzhou, who had already
prepared it, immediately began to slice the lamb with a knife. While Shen Xun was not
paying attention, he cut a piece and handed it to Tong Tong, and he put a piece of hiss in his
mouth. Hot hot hot hot wow fragrant fragrant fragrant fragrant"
When the sliced lamb piled up on the dinner plate, Shen Shian walked out of the kitchen
with the last dish, "Everyone is here"
"It's all done, the captain will sit next to me. You sit next to me." Everyone sat in a circle,
and at the same time raised the cup in their hands, "Celebrate the captain's return."
"Celebrate Zhong Han finally in our hands"
"Welcome Huahua to officially join our family of Blades"
"Sizzle" Yun Feiyang breathed out a whole glass of highly white liquor in one breath,
spicing his tongue out, and was replaced by Wan Feng with watermelon juice. "Drink this."
"Drink juice? Isn't that the same as Tong Tong?" Yun Feiyang whispered softly, holding the
glass and didn't want to let go. After a few seconds, he still took the watermelon juice in
Wan Feng's gaze.
"Don't look at Huahua," Liu Fangzhou filled Ye Shenghua's bowl of roast lamb with
barbecue clips. "Hurry and eat, this meat is delicious, you have to eat it while it's hot.
Everyone is your own. what."
Ye Shenghua is not polite. On the way south from the province of S, he lived with everyone
for half a month, and it was considered that they had a high standard meal with meat,
which was already shocking at that time. Unexpectedly, it was only a tight schedule."
"Travel meal", until it settles down at this time, can only truly see what is called "luxury"
after the end of the world.
He stared at the flesh full of tables, and for a moment felt like a little girl in a costume
Xiong Manshan grabbed the shoulders of "little girl" "how is it better than ordinary lamb?
This black goat is fragrant and tender, rich in fat thieves, not at all firewood," said he pulled
a big root from the sheep rack Come here, try the lamb chops again. The goat is the most
fragrant and tender, and it has more meat. Don’t be polite, open your stomach and eat hard.
There’s a roast on the outside. Captain you also try "
Xiong Manshan turned his head and found that Shen Shi'an's dishes were already full, and
they were all arranged by Shen Xun.
Well, he didn't need to worry about it at all.
"Don't just eat mutton, and drink more soup. Mushrooms are added to the soup, which is
particularly fresh and beautiful."
The soup was simmered with pork bones, pork belly and chicken together with the wild
mushrooms picked by Xu Ge in the afternoon. The stewed bones were rotten until the soup
was white, and the fist-sized hericium edodes and the skirt-like bamboo fungus were filled
with soup It tasted deliciously in one bite, and almost ate with my tongue. The taste was
better than meat.
After the soup, eat another fried lamb. The aroma of the lamb, the sweetness of the onion,
the spicy green pepper, and the seasoning of cumin pepper. The various flavors are fused
together under the package of fat, and at the same time burst on the taste buds, Liu
Fangzhou Gang After taking a bite, I was already thinking about three bowls of rice.
The rice is the new rice that was harvested and threshing. The seeds were poured out by
Shen Shian with Lingquan water. Before it is cooked, a strong aroma of rice can be heard.
When it's cooked, open the lid, the fragrance of the rice comes out, the rice spoon gently
strokes, and the full grains of rice are turned along the traces. The translucent rice grains
show a very light pale blue color, fill a full bowl, and then buckle two tablespoons of braised
pork, the sauce with red sauce and the green rice grains are fused together, mix well and
eat A big bite, sweet and chewy.
Yun Feiyang, who tasted the new rice for the first time, and others praised it very well. "It's
so delicious. It's a jasmine rice. Thai jasmine rice eats this rice at 800 Street. Who can eat
other rice."
"Otherwise, we will only eat this in the future. Isn’t there a harvester anyway? Let’s go to
reclaim a few acres of wasteland tomorrow, rush to plant hard before winter, and try to fill
the captain’s space with his seventeen or eight seats, south Brother, what do you think"
"no problem."
"Oh, I'm going to cook two more pots, the meal tonight is definitely not enough"
When a good meal meets a good meal, it will instantly stimulate endless appetite. Shen
Shi’an’s braised pork is still at the top of the most popular dishes, whether it is meat or
soup with rice, and the fried lamb has also become a new favorite of rice, and in addition to
these two dishes, there is one dish that is quite a bit. The meaning of the latecomers is to
stir-fry chicken and mushrooms.
This dish is also made by Shen Shian. The steps are very simple. The lard is turned on and
heated, and the shredded pork and millet are spicy and sauteed. Then the chicken fir
mushrooms and the needle mushrooms picked in the afternoon are thrown into the fire
and stir-fried, and finally put Just use oil and salt to get the job done.
Because it looked unremarkable, no one noticed at first, until Ye Shenghua tasted a bite
under Xu Ge's recommendation, and his eyes widened immediately.
The fungus is the spirit of the mountains and rivers, and it has a very unique fragrance, and
the pine mushroom is a medium-sized leader. The fat and tender mushrooms are soaked
with the aroma of fat and shredded meat. Half a bowl of rice can be dried with chopsticks. A
large plate full of food is swept away in less than two minutes. Even the little soup left on
the plate is not let go. Xiong Manshan grabbed three tablespoons of rice.
A total of fifteen members have north and south, so some people eat and some people eat
buns. The steamed buns are also steamed. The slap is bigger, white and soft. A cut is made
from the side, a few slices of roast lamb, a chopsticks, chicken spruce fungus, a little salted
mustard, and finally a spoonful of roasted from the roast The fat oozing from the whole
sheep was so delicious, even Shen Xun, who doesn't like pasta much, ate three in one go.
In addition to the meat, there are many kinds of stir-fried cold vegetables. They are freshly
picked from the small vegetable garden. Like rice, they are seeds cultivated with spiritual
spring water. The half-foot-long cucumber water is lovely, sweet and crisp, cut off Cut the
skin into ends, pat a few garlic cloves, pour a little balsamic vinegar, and finally drip a few
drops of sesame oil, which is refreshing and greasy.
Ye Shenghua's eyes were half moist even after eating it. Is this the taste of happiness?
I have known this kind of life for a long time, and he has to come after crying and shouting.
After eating this meal for nearly three hours, the two roasted whole sheep were wiped out.
When the leftovers and cups, plates and dishes were all cleaned up, everyone transferred
from the dining room to the living room, drinking tea and chatting, Xu Ge And Ye Shenghua
brought two desserts.
One is goat's milk pudding. The raw material is also made of black goat. It is put in the
refrigerator for a day. At this time, the taste is just right. The silky q is sweet and not greasy.
There is also a grape burst cake made by Ye Shenghua, which uses wild grapes picked by Xu
Ge in the afternoon. This kind of wild grapes is not big, only the size of fingernails, but the
skin is very thin, the juice is very rich, and the sugar content is very high. Because it was too
well cooked, the fuchsia juice still had a slight wine smell. Tong Tong drank two glasses of
grape juice at night, and was already asleep in Xu Ge's arms.
The Blast Cake was warmly welcomed by everyone. Even if his stomach was already
rounded, Liu Fangzhou still stuffed it in again and leaned on Xiongmanshan to make a
grape-flavored burp. "This grape tastes really good. Sister you Where was it found?"
"It's in Houshan, not far from here. Most of the hills are full of grapes." Xu Ge took a blanket
from Taoyuan's hand and gently covered it with Tong Tong. "I plan to go again tomorrow
One trip, pick more and come back, in addition to eating directly or squeezing juice, it can
also be dried into raisins, wine, boiled grape sauce, the taste should not be bad."
Yun Feiyang raised his hand. "I will go too. I like to explore treasures in the mountains. I
will see if I can dig back two complete vines. I plant it in our yard and let it climb up the
wall. An An poured some more spring water, maybe the wild grapes could grow bigger."
"It's a good idea, then we can pick grapes and eat directly by the window."
Everyone was discussing what else was delicious in the mountain and how to eat it after
getting it back. Lin Ruan stood up, pinched the copper spoon twice on the glass, and
focused all his attention. "Just everyone is here, I There is good news to the teacher to
Shen Shian sat up straight "What good news"
"We have a way to resolve the struggle and turmoil caused by the crystal core of the
After a brief silence, several exclamations sounded simultaneously in the living room
"real or fake"
"If this problem is solved, then there is no need to worry about human beings killing each
Shen Xun slapped two times, the members calmed down again, and Shen Shian reluctantly
suppressed the excitement, "explain in detail"
Lin Ruan sat back on the couch. "Everyone should know that since the survivors have
evolved abilities, my teacher and I have been collecting biological samples of all kinds of
Everyone nodded. Not to mention the others, the members present were all drawn blood or
pulled out by Tang Song. One of the main reasons why Lin Ruan would participate in the
power contest was to collect blood samples. In fact, it was indeed very fruitful, but all those
who had dealt with them left the samples.
"After more than a year of collection and comparative analysis of the samples, at present I
have determined the decisive gene codes of 37 abilities with my teacher," Lin Ruan said.
"That is to say, we can be sure what exactly This sort of DNA ordering has led to the
evolution and effective expression of these thirty-seven abilities, including Taoyuan’s
regenerative ability, Captain’s frozen ability, Xinhe’s Eagle Eye, Xinjiang’s fusion, and the
most basic Five Kinds of Water, Fire and Earth."
Liu Fangzhou discovered the rule "Can you know the source code of Captain Yuan, Captain
and Xinhe Xinjiang, because there are both samples before and after evolution?"
"Yes, human DNA sequences are extremely complex. It is almost impossible for me and the
teacher to complete the spiral chain and experiment in order to find out the small section
that determines the ability. But there is a sample comparison It’s not the same. We only
need to determine which DNA sequence has changed after being transformed by the
allopathic virus. The reason why the five basic systems of Jinmu, Shuihuotu can be
determined is because there are many samples and sufficient data. Can be compared with
each other."
Xiong Manshan is puzzled. "But even if you know the encoding, what does it have to do with
solving the problem of the power crystal core?"
"The reason why the survivors will kill each other is to compete for the nucleus to obtain
the power. If there is a way to absorb the nucleus and stress, it can also allow the survivor
to evolve the ability. "
Everyone was shocked, "There is this way"
"Yes, and the captain has proposed it." Tang Song looked at Shen Shian. "When we first met
at the medical center, I proposed that I would like to take a sample from Tao Yuan and
collect it again after he has completed his evolution. At that time you understood my
purpose, remember?"
Shen Shi'an certainly remembers "comparing Tao Yuan's evolution of DNA sequence before
and after the ability, confirming what kind of coding determines his ability, so as to guide
the specific virus to target the specific position of the DNA sequence and artificially make it.
Out of power."
Everyone's eyes widened.
Tang Song nodded. "This is what I told Lin Ruan to solve the problem of the crystal nuclei of
the power."
"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Yun Feiyang is a medical student after all, and has digested
all the information first. "I understand the two of you. Theoretically, it is feasible, but in
practice, how do you guide The virus attacked a specific location, and it just happened to
get the desired result. Then the virus does not listen to people. Even if it is artificially
changing the genetic code, it can only change one or two cells at most. One or two cells are
different. It’s useless to be able to evolve, unless the people are stuffed back into their
mother’s stomach and rebuilt, otherwise how could all the gene sequences in the other
person’s body change?”
"You are right, we really have no way to control the virus, and it is impossible to change all
the cells by human transformation. But we can't do it, and one person can do it." Tang Song
turned his eyes to Ye Shenghua "Your power operation The principle is to transmit your
unique gene code to the target through a bone whip or other methods, and transcribe it in
the other party's gene chain in a very short time, so that the other party's bones are
assimilated by you and completely controlled by you. On a level level, when you use
abilities, you are a virus, and you have a very high degree of consistency with the way that
the virus attacks."
Shen Shian understood "You want to use his DNA as a carrier"
"That's the case." Tang Song pushed the glasses. "We are not going to directly change the
target gene, but first intercept a DNA from Mr. Ye's cells, artificially compile the gene
sequence we want, and then pass Mr. Ye's Abilities, forcibly transcribe this sequence into
all gene chains of the target."
Ye Shenghua didn't understand it all, but he also understood seven seven eight eight "So,
you need my cells, and then a little power support" This is why they want to let themselves
"Yes, the cells can be extracted directly from the blood sample."
"No problem," Ye Shenghua agreed readily. "Isn't this a matter of putting effort in hand, in
case it really becomes, that's a great merit for the benefit of all mankind."
If the abilities can be artificially manufactured by scientific and harmless means, and can
also choose the types of abilities independently, and who will risk their lives and have to
kill people and grab the nuclear? Then the major bases will make the relevant laws and
regulations strict One thing is, all killers of nuclear killers will not be tolerated by the
shooting, supplemented by iron-blood treatment methods, even if they cannot completely
eliminate the killing of nuclear weapons, at least it can be reduced by more than 80%.
As long as humans are not infighting, they will always have the hope of ending the end
Such a great good news uplifted everyone, and Liu Fangzhou would not say anything, only
to know that two thumbs up, "Tang brother is very soft and soft"
"This method is still at the theoretical level," said Lin Ruandao. "In the end, whether we can
succeed, how we can succeed, and how much success rate we can achieve will require
further experimentation. Exactly, we currently have a ready-made experimental goal."
Xu Ge "You are going to experiment on Zhong Han"
"What if he really evolved his powers"
"Let Xinjiang take out his crystal nucleus again."
"In other words, let him evolve abilities again and again and lose abilities again and again"
Xiong Manshan twiddled his teeth, and it was still soft.
Xu Ge touched Tong Tong's sleeping face, "If this method is really successful, all major
bases should usher in a rare stable situation." By that time, perhaps it is their opportunity
to return to Beijing.
"About the major security bases," Chen Nandao "I have a problem that I have never been
able to figure out."
"According to the news that the captain got from Mr. Gu, just after the base of the capital
exposed the crystal nucleus of the capable person, the base of Changbai and the base of the
plateau have also been exposed one after another. Only human beings are the biggest
beneficiaries of human killing, but since that is the case, why has Yunchuan Base never
been aware of the existence of the power crystal nucleus?"
If it is because of the terrain closure, the plateau base should be more remote and closed.
Hersius has so many points. There are so many people in the plateau base. There are ways
to penetrate the plateau base. In any case, the Yunchuan base should not be overlooked.
The population is second only to the large gathering place of survivors in Beijing.
What I really want to say is more like someone deliberately blocking all information about
the crystal nuclei of the ability against the Yunchuan base.
"This matter was actually discussed by several of us on the way back," Liu Fangzhou looked
at Shen Shi'an and said, "The captain thinks that Yunchuan Base is the slaughterhouse that
Hershey specially left to Zhong Han."
Zhong Han wanted to confuse ordinary survivors, using evolutionary abilities as a bait to
lure them into a hell-like brutal stress assessment. Only if you don’t know the existence of
the nucleus of the power, and you don’t know that the absorption of the nucleus can also
have the power, believing in the light **** and following all the will of the **** will become
the only way out for them to want to evolve the power. It will make Zhong Han's layout
more logical.
Lin Ruan nodded. "I agree with the captain."
"Grass," Xiong Manshan was angry. "That is to say, they prepared to kill all those 100,000
religious people, and then coaxed 100,000 people out of the Yunchuan base."
Liu Fangzhou shrugged. "It's not surprising that Zhong Han will do this kind of thing. Didn't
that dark eye say that, the God Territory we found is not the first time they did this. There
was a small town and east side before A base called Minshan."
Tao Yuandao "Speaking of this, don't you think that the name of Minshan Base is a bit
familiar with, have we heard of it from where?"
Chen Nan frowned. "If you say this, it seems to be a bit of an impression, but I can't
remember anything. Xu Ge, how about you?"
Xu Ge and others shook their heads.
Shen Shi'an took out a Huang Cancan crystal nuclei from the space and put them on the
coffee table.
"Huh, this is not the fourth-level earth zombies near the Luancheng base," Liu Fangzhou
said, and opened his eyes suddenly. "Grass, I remembered the fourth-level earth zombies. It
was transformed after the infection of the powers. Behind the dress it wears, there are four
big captain Wow captains at Minshan Base, you remember that."
"It turned out to be him" Tao Yuan also remembered. At that time, everyone was still very
curious, what happened would kill a fourth-level ability, and ran all the way from the east
to the north of Luancheng. Now it seems that he It is very likely that he was injured in the
battle with Zhong Han and others, and fled all the way, either to save himself or to ask for
help, but unfortunately was infected with the zombie virus.
"No," Xiong Manshan thought more and more angry, "Shi'er, we'll go and give Zhong Han
some chili water later, this grandson is too human."
"Good, cut a few more knives after irrigation."
Yun Feiyang leaned over and took the fourth-level earth crystal nuclei in his hand. "Good,
fourth-level crystal nuclei. I haven't seen the fourth-level crystal nuclei with Wan Feng. It
looks like this."
"Not all fourth-level crystal nucleuses are like this. This crystal nucleus is formed after the
infection of the ability. If it is a direct evolution of the zombie, the crystal nucleus will be a
little different." Shen Shian said another four. The crystal core of the class wind system is
also taken out from the space.
"Well, it really is different," Yun Feiyang held the crystal nucleus and took a picture of the
lamp. "There is a red dot in the middle that seems to be blood."
Tang Song, who was sitting opposite him and whispering with Lin Ruan, suddenly stiffened
and stood up "What do you say?"
"I said the red dots inside seemed to be a bit like blood." Yun Feiyang was a little ignorant.
Goose bumps were seen by Tang Songliang's frightening eyes. "No, I just said it casually. I
haven't studied it. What is it? I don’t know. If anything is wrong, Brother Tang, you forgive
me a lot."
Tang Song seemed to have never heard him, and snatched the wind crystal nuclei in one
hand. “It’s blood, it’s blood. It’s right. It must be so simple, so easy. Why didn’t I find it so
obvious? I have ignored things, I have ignored them for so long"
Everyone looked at each other, Lin Ruan took Tang Song's hand and looked at his eyes.
"Teacher, don't worry if you think of something, slowly say."
Tang Song took a deep breath and slowly spit it out again, turning his head to look at Shen
Shian and others. "For so long, we have overlooked one of the most important issues."
"We already know the origin of the virus and the reason for the outbreak in the last days,
because Hershey returned to the original world in order to restore the injury, so he used all
humans as a crystal nucleus dish. The higher the zombie level, the stronger the crystal
nucleus energy, the more useful it is to him. Great, that’s why he kept the ontology in Modu
all the time."
"But no one has thought that the fourth-level zombies are so powerful. Once the zombies
have evolved to fifth-level, sixth-level or even seventh-level and eighth levels, Hersius, who
has been seriously injured, how to ensure that the zombies will obey the crystal core. In his
hands, the senior zombies already have their own wisdom. The zombies of the fourth-level
wind system we encountered will even care about their appearance and appearance.
However, if they can live, I am afraid that no zombies will willingly sacrifice themselves. It’s
not a zombie, and naturally there is no hierarchical suppression between zombies. So, what
method does he use to ensure his control over zombies?"
Tang Song turned his eyes to Shen Xun, "I have a question. I want to ask you if you can
control the spell by absorbing the target blood, so if the other way around, let the target
absorb your blood, can you achieve the same? Control effect"
Shen Xun and Shen Shian glanced at each other and said, "Yes, the spell is different and
more complicated, but it can be done."
Tang Song took a long sigh of relief, as if he had gone through thousands of twists and
turns, and finally grasped the truth in his palm. “That’s all. I don’t understand the principle
of how your abilities work, but I boldly guess that Hershou should be As early as the virus
was made, a trick was left, perhaps through a spell, or through some other method. He
integrated his blood into the zombie virus. When the zombie evolved to a certain level, this
drop of blood would It is fixed and formed in the zombie crystal nucleus to achieve a
certain contract-like effect, so as to gain control of the advanced zombie."
"Liu Fangzhou raised his hand." In this way, the reason why there is no red dot in the
crystal nucleus of the infected person is because the evolutionary rules of the zombie and
the zombie are not the same, and they did not meet the requirements or abilities to obtain
Hexiu blood. The existence of the author exceeded Hershey’s expectations, and he didn’t
expect this when he left behind
Tang Song nodded. "That's exactly the case. If the hypothesis holds, the red dot in the
crystal core of the fourth-level zombie is indeed the blood of Hersius, then it can explain a
question why the ability gap between the fourth-level zombie and the third-level zombie is
so large. I guess, in addition to being able to curse to gain control, the blood of Cerberus
should also benefit the target."
Shen Xun nodded. This is why he almost never uses his own blood, but only draws the
target blood.
Xiong Manshan is still slow. "So even if we know that the red dot is Hersius' blood, it is
"No, you're wrong. It's too useful to imagine." Tang Song pushed his glasses. "If Hershey did
infuse his blood when he made the virus, then I can speculate on why the vaccine failed."
The vaccine itself is okay. His research ideas with Lin Ruan and Professor Li and others
have always been right. When he experimented on Lu Xiuyuan, the reason why he would
resume infection after a short period of effect is precisely Because Hershey's blood was
The only thing that can control the blood of Gerberus is only the blood of Gerberus.
Shen Shian frowned, "You mean, the vaccine needs blood to find"
One branch or two is okay, but there are still hundreds of millions of survivors in the
country alone. What is the huge demand for vaccines? He wants to find a way to resist the
zombie virus, but it is impossible to find out anyway. At the cost of health and safety.
"No, no, you have a misunderstanding, Captain." Tang Song said, "If Hersius did incorporate
his own blood into the virus, but it is unlikely to be too much, I think his blood or the blood
of the team searcher can play The effect is similar to that of medicine. As long as it is
available, it does not care about the content. This means that even if only one drop is added
to a thousand 10,000 vaccines, it should not affect the effect."
His eyes were getting brighter and he was pacing back and forth in the living room. "Lin
Ruan and I had already brought out the information on the vaccine research. It should not
take long to re-create the vaccine, but the raw materials may not be enough. If you have
trouble finding a team of blood samples, you will also need spiritual spring water, and then
you have to do experiments to make sure the effect is too late. Lin Ruan, we will go to the
laboratory now."
now go
Everyone glanced at the dark sky outside the window and wanted to stop it. Lin Ruanxiao
said, "The teacher is on his head, and no one can stop it. It’s okay. I will accompany him. I
have previous research materials and production experience. This time I should You can
get results within three days."
Shen Shi'an took two bottles of spirit water from the space and handed him to Shen Xun
with a half-tube blood sample. "Pay attention to your body, don't worry too much, we will
wait for your good news."
The crowd watched them leave in a hurry, Xiong Manshan suddenly "hey" said, "Just look at
it, Zhong Han is still a lucky star, since he came, this good thing is one after another."
Liu Fangzhou nodded. "So don't kill him."
A zombie virus infection experiment will be performed on him in two days.
Did he inject the virus directly, or did he catch a zombie and come back to bite him?
Oops, it's hard to choose.
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 225:

Settings saved..
Shen Shian opened his eyes and saw a light golden sunlight slipping in through the gap
between the curtains and gently spilling on the foot of the bed.
The early morning sunlight is not dazzling, and it is just soft enough. There is fine dust
flying up and down in the air penetrated by the sunlight. After jumping for a while, it glides
into the dark place.
A low and lazy voice came from the side to "wake up"
He turned around and saw Shen Xun holding his head with one hand, a few hairs on the top
of his head, a pair of eyes like the best emeralds, deep and charming and gentle, and I didn't
know how long he stared at him.
The heart mouth is like a freshly baked cheese cake, sweet and soft, and you can pull out
the silk with a light press. Shen Shian raised his hands around his neck and leaned in to kiss
"When did you wake up" on his lips?
"It didn't take long to wake up," the kiss apparently pleased Shen Xun, and the ape arm
stretched to hold his boyfriend in his arms, and a slightly rough palm moved down the
smooth back of his "back, did you sleep well"
Before going to sleep, the two helped each other and swayed too much fluid. The body fell
into extreme fatigue after the extreme excitement, and almost fell asleep as soon as the
eyes were closed, and did not even make one dream.
Seeing that the man has the tendency to sway \\039 fluid again, Shen Shi'an hurriedly
pulled his chest back a little distance "What time is it"
Shen Xun rubbed a few on him, leaned over to take the alarm clock on his bedside table,
and the thin blanket slid down to the waist with his movements, revealing a sturdy and
thick shoulder blade, a strong and powerful spine, and smooth and **** muscle lines.
As if the abdominal muscles carved from marble are suspended above the head, each piece
contains unimaginable terrible power. Shen Shi'an's throat twitched, and he couldn't help
but stick out his tongue and licked it.
The strong body suddenly tightened, and Shen Xun stepped back to press him on the bed, a
pair of fierce eyes that were deep in the bottom, "You deliberately."
"I am not, I am not, you are too close, I was just not careful." Shen Shian's ears were red,
and he looked away guilty, seeing that the man's body temperature was getting hotter and
hotter and he had nowhere to hide. He quickly raised his chin and kissed He took a sip.
"Let's get up for breakfast, I'm hungry."
There were a few empty sounds in the stomach at the right time, and Shen Xun stared at
him for a while, biting fiercely on his chin, "Let me let you go first."
When Shen Shian got out of bed, she was full of luck and pleasure that had temporarily
escaped. But when he stood in front of the bathroom mirror and saw the tooth marks and
kiss marks all over his throat, he was not very happy immediately. Don’t bite here, don’t
kiss too hard, are you a dog?”
A tall, hot body sticks up from behind, straightening up, "I am"
Shen Shian laughed angrily, rubbing two **** the dog's head, and started to worry after the
rubbing. "The traces are too obvious, and others will be able to see them at a glance when
they go out." The slight trauma of the outer skin has no effect.
"I can see it when I see it," Shen Xun put his head on his shoulders with his arms around his
waist, sniffing the tip of his nose into his neck and sniffing. He didn't care at all. "It's not that
we don't know our relationship anyway."
Shen Shian moved in his heart and turned his head to see if he "did you do it on purpose",
making traces and swearing if the sovereignty was so naive
"I'm not, I don't, An An's throat is beautiful, I just can't help myself."
Learning is fast.
Shen Shi'an found a box of concealer from the grass field dedicated to Ye Shenghua in the
space, applied it to the throat knot in front of the mirror, and was relieved when the traces
were barely visible.
Put the toothbrush with squeezed toothpaste into Shen Xun's hand, and grab two "Hurry
up, brush your teeth" on his head.
There are a total of two sinks on the grooming table, two of them each occupying one, one
with the left hand and one with the right hand, performing oral cavity cleaning activities at
the same rhythm. When halfway through the brush, Shen Xun attempted to come over and
rub the mouthful of toothpaste foam on Shen Shi’an’s face, and was back pressed by Shen
Shi’an, then bounced on his head.
"What are you going to do today" Shen Xun asked him after changing his clothes.
"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet."
Right now Zhong Han is already a fish on the board. Vaccines and methods to solve the
power nucleus are all on the research agenda and are on the lookout. The members are all
settled in this isolated mountain wilderness. He is far in the capital. In addition, there is no
need to worry about the development of the team, no need to deal with other forces, and no
need to participate in the construction and management of the base as a parliamentarian. It
seems that it is indeed idle at once.
Shen Shian raised his hand and put the t-shirt on his body, tucked his hem into loose
trousers, "Otherwise, let's go into the mountains and see"
Shen Xun put on his trousers, and the detective picked up a coat one size larger than his
style from the closet. He heard his eyes light up, "Okay."
When the time comes, the two will stroll in the mountains and enjoy the world of two
alone, walk hand in hand, look at flowers, water, birds, and trees. When they are tired, stop
and take a rest. If you find a quiet and quiet place in the deep forest, no one is there. It can
also be ridiculous, and count the unfinished accounts in the morning.
I thought it was pretty, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.
Yun Feiyang made an appointment with Xu Ge last night. Today he will go to the mountain
to pick mushrooms and pick grapes. When he heard breakfast, Shen Shian was also
planning to go into the mountain.
Before Shen Xun had time to refuse, Shen Shian nodded and agreed, not only Yun Feiyang
and others followed, but Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan also joined in, and by the way,
Ye Shenghua was pulled.
Ye Shenghua was originally a little embarrassed. After all, I joined it only a few days ago. I
had a big meal last night and didn’t do anything. There is no reason to turn around and go
sightseeing in the mountains. Should I stay and help"
"Well, you don't need it," Yun Feiyang said. "The land reclamation is in our family, and it
can be done in minutes with his power."
Chen Nan nodded. "The captain brought the seeder and the harvester back. The sowing and
transplanting of rice seedlings and the threshing and so on can be handed over to Tao Yuan
by one person, and it has spawned me. In addition, Xinhe Xinjiang is also at home. There is
no shortage of manpower. Even if you go, find more good things to come back. Now the
temperature is still high, it is when the mountains are richest in products, it should be
prepared for the winter." Wrong. The memory of the power of the cold wave last year is
still fresh. Who knows whether this year will be even more difficult.
Since everyone said that, Ye Shenghua would have no more worries. Packing up and
packing things together with Xu Ge and others stepped into the forest.
It's almost November now, but the sky is still burning like a sun. Fortunately, there are
many trees in the mountains. Most of them are blocked by the dense branches and leaves.
They don't feel too hot when they fall on the body.
Liu Fangzhou carried a bamboo basket with a water bottle and led Tong Tong while
walking and singing, "Today the weather is fine, the scenery is beautiful, the butterflies are
busy, the bees are busy, the birds are busy, and the white clouds are busy."
In front of them was Xiongmanshan carrying a green bear and a moon knife to cut the grass
to open the way, and while cutting back, he turned back to a bass assistant sing;
Behind is Xu Ge and Ye Shenghua. Ye Shenghua didn’t wear a skirt today because she was
going to climb a mountain. She wore a bright yellow cartoon t-shirt and denim overalls. The
long leather boots he used to wear were also replaced by sports shoes. Putting two twist
braids on her chest, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat, walking with Xu Ge, who is also
dressed, is really a beautiful scenery.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun walked at the end. Yun Feiyang originally wanted to chat with
good brothers side by side. As soon as he looked up, he saw Shen Xun's black and charcoal
Shen Shi'an took the initiative to hold Shen Xun's hand, "Okay, don't be angry, the crowd is
indeed a little more lively."
Shen Xun snorted, he was not uncommon.
"If you prefer two people together, let's go out alone another day, okay. I will accompany
you wherever you want, as long as you want, just do whatever you want."
Uncle Shen carried his chin "really"
Shen Xun clasped his fingers firmly and put his face together. "Then kiss me and stamp."
Shen Shian's ears were hot, and when no one looked at them, he put a quick lip on his face.
Yun Feiyang secretly took the wildflowers that were in his eyes, and quickly moved them
back before being discovered by Shen Xun. Yo, the two of them were arrogant and calm and
self-possessed on weekdays. They didn't expect to be so pure in love.
The gusts of mountain breeze bring the fragrance of plants and trees, blowing comfortably
on the face. Ye Shenghua looked around for a week according to her straw hat. "There are
so many trees in this mountain." There are dense crowds, and the eyes are green all over
the sky. At first, you can recognize several species.
Not only there are many trees, there are many birds and animals, and along the way there
are endless sounds of birds. At every distance, there are **** or squirrels coming out of the
branches and falling on Yun Feiyang, letting him scratch his chin and rub his head.
Xu Ge looked at the surprise "Flying is so popular with animals."
Shen Shian smiled and said, "He loved animals already. When he was in college, he not only
worked part-time in a pet hospital, but also volunteered to participate in many animal
protection organizations. Ruibao was rescued when he volunteered with the organization,
and the popularity was normal." Maybe also Because of this, the ability to evolve after the
last days is to communicate with animals.
Liu Fangzhou and Tong Tong joined together to tease the bird "Brother Yun, since you can
talk to animals, or ask if there are any pheasant elk or something nearby, let us try the
Yun Feiyang's face was awkward. "No. If we just hunt directly, it would be fine. After all, we
should eat weak meat and eat strong, but we should first establish contact and then cheat
people to kill them. It's inhumane."
Liu Fangzhou was right when he thought about it. It is really not easy to start
communication. If you really want to eat game, you still have to shield your ability.
But it is inhumane to inquire about animals, they can inquire about other properties. So
under the guidance of the birds, birds and squirrels, the crowd walked through the vines
and shrubs that surrounded the branches and leaves, and came to a mountain depression
hidden deep in the jungle.
A creek flows down from the higher end, and the creek flows through the mountain. There
are lush vegetation on both sides of the stream, bushes and shrubs half and half tall are
covered with ripe and full berries, and on the gentle **** further away, there are fat and
fresh mountain mushrooms everywhere.
Everyone seemed to walk into a rich and rich natural treasure trove, Liu Fangzhou's eyes
were shining, and he immediately rushed down carrying a bamboo basket.
Ye Shenghua walked to a cluster of blueberries. The blueberries were already ripe, and the
color was already darkened. I picked two of them and washed them with the stream and
threw them into my mouth. The sweet juice immediately overflowed between my lips and
teeth. "It's so sweet" while welcoming everyone to come over and discuss with Xu Ge how
to eat it after picking it back. "Simpler, just eat or mix salad. It's great to break up and make
a milkshake. If it's more complicated, boil it into jam and make cakes and cookies." You can
also dry the bubble tea"
Yun Feiyang also picked two, and felt a bit strange when chewing. "It should not be the
season of blueberry ripening at this time."
"After the end of the world, the global temperature is abnormal, and the seasons have been
messed up for a long time. It must not be calculated according to the previous one." Shen
Shian raised his voice and advised, "Everyone only picks what they know. If you don't
know, you must first determine whether you can eat it."
"This is Hericium erinaceus. I know it. I have eaten it in a restaurant before." Throwing the
know into a bamboo basket. Xiong Manshan stooped down and picked a few more flowers.
Shen Shian walked over and looked at "Mushroom Mushroom."
"Can you eat it"
"what about this"
"Boletus can also be eaten and delicious."
"Captain," Liu Fangzhou ran over with a handful of red berries. "What is this?"
"Raspberries, which can be used as medicine, can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the
Good things for kidney and impotence.
Yun Feiyang raised his eyebrows, walked to the bush where Liu Fangzhou picked fruits,
and took two into the space.
There are too many types of products in the mountain col. Even if Shen Shi'an never
forgets, he can't fully understand it. He quickly gave it to Shen Xun to distinguish. As long as
he smelled it, he could confirm whether it could be eaten or poisonous, which is probably a
race talent.
The people did not pick too much, and each set only had one or two baskets. After Shen
Shi'an, together with the plants and seeds, was collected into the space, he continued to
walk upstream along the stream.
The stream is clear and translucent, just before the knee, and sparkling under the sun, it is
really lovable.
Xiong Manshan and Yun Feiyang both took off their shoes and put their feet in. "The lying
trough is cool and the pebbles are slippery. They are very comfortable to step on. Let's try it
Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but temptation. Some shoes also took off his shoes. Anyway, the
stream was shallow, running barefoot on the water, and the clear water flowed through the
legs, not to mention how happy. It didn't take long for Xu Ge and others to join in one after
another. Shen Shian didn't want to participate. He was hugged by Shen Xun and placed it
directly in the middle of the stream. The cool stream penetrated the soles and soaked the
soles of the feet.
I don’t know who started it first. A handful of water sprinkled wet half of the people’s
clothes, which triggered a scuffle. Six adults plus a fast-growing adult and Tong Tong
started fighting in this old mountain forest. After the water battle, the sparkling water
splashed all over, and filled with laughter and laughed at countless birds.
By the end of the scuffle, everyone was looking for a place to change their soaked clothes,
and the sun had crossed the top of their heads and began to lean westward.
Yun Feiyang touched the belly that began to call "A little more, let's find a place to rest and
There is an open space not far from the stream, surrounded by greenery like flowers and
grass, and the scenery is particularly great.
They prepared sandwiches and bento before departure, but when Xu Ge changed clothes,
he found a bamboo forest. The bamboo roots had thick arms, and everyone gathered
together. They took the materials on the spot and changed to bamboo rice at noon.
A team of people divided and cooperated, Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou were
responsible for collecting firewood, Ye Shenghua and Yun Feiyang were responsible for
washing rice and washing vegetables. Xu Ge took Tong Tongsheng to boil water and waited
for the water to boil. Shen Shian and Shen Xun also carried more than 20 bamboo tubes
Walked back.
The cut bamboo tube is about one foot long, and both ends of the bamboo joints are intact.
Shen Shian used a dagger to dig a hole twice the size of a coin at one end, and poured water
into it three times.
"The rice is coming" Yun Feiyang came with a large basin of cleaned and cleaned rice,
"Where to put it"
"Just put it on the ground, be careful not to let the branches and leaves fall into it." Xu Ge
put the cut sausage, ham, sweet peas and shredded mushrooms, added two spoons of lard
and stirred well, eight people each He took a spoon and sat in a circle, holding the bamboo
tube and stuffed the mixed rice.
"Can't fill it up," Xiong Manshan asked.
"Cypriot seven achievements, more will burst."
After stuffing, pour the Lingquan water over the rice grains, then seal the mouth with the
cut sweet potatoes, sway back and forth twice, put on the fire and start to roast.
Taking advantage of the bamboo tube being licked by the tongue of fire, Shen Shian took
out two watermelon-sized mutant goose eggs from the space, and did not need to find
another container. He directly cut the bowl with a long sword at the top of the eggshell.
Pour out part of the egg liquid, put the remaining sausage pieces, ham pieces and
mushrooms pieces into it, add oil and salt to taste, and pour a little goat milk at the
suggestion of Ye Shenghua, and beat together with the egg liquid Stir and mix well, then put
on another pile of firewood.
The emerald green bamboo tube gradually yellowed and softened under the flame of the
flames, and a scent of tempting meals emerged. Liu Fangzhou crouched in front of the fire
while inhaling and secreting saliva, only to feel that he was scratching his cheeks all the
year round. Finally, he heard the words "almost done" from Shen Shian's mouth, and
almost thrilled at the fire.
Xu Ge chose the flattest place in the shade and spread a light blue tablecloth. Everyone put
out the fire, put on 15 insulated bamboo gloves and transferred 15 bamboo tubes in turn,
and the remaining 7 were directly received by Shen Shian On the second floor, I plan to
take it back to Chen Nan and they will try it out.
The goose egg was not good, so he scooped it directly into the eight soup bowls. The tender
and smooth steamed eggs shuddered in the bowl, and the milk smelled straight into the
nose before eating.
Now Xiong Manshan couldn't help it, sucking and slobbering, holding the bamboo tube and
looking at it from left to right
"Don't worry."
The freshly baked bamboo tube was very hot. Shen Shian lifted the end of the sweet potato
and dabbed it gently with a dagger. The three-finger bamboo shell was gently torn apart
along the scratch. The steaming rice flavor mixed with the bamboo The fragrant fragrance
rushed to the face immediately, under the heat, the light blue rice grains wrapped sausage,
ham, mushrooms and shredded mushrooms, supporting the whole bamboo tube with a
rounded arc, the grains were bright and shiny.
The sound of drooling one after another was clear and audible.
The first bamboo tube was given to Tong Tong, and the remaining two were for each
person. After finally receiving his own root, Liu Fangzhou couldn't help being hot, and
immediately dug a large spoon with a spoon and couldn't wait to put it in his mouth.
"His, so hot, so hot," I swallowed it after three or two chews, my eyes lost for a moment, and
looked at the sky and issued a long sigh "Ah"
It’s so delicious that I want to shed tears.
The sausage is fragrant, the ham is salty, the mushrooms are fresh, the rice is chewy, the
steamed egg is smooth and tender, the milk is fragrant, the eyes are green, and the wind is
in the ear. This meal is really the ultimate enjoyment.
After eating, there are desserts. The nut cookies baked by Ye Shenghua in the morning are
made of pecans picked by Xu Ge the day before. The walnuts are cooked, crushed and
sprinkled on the pie, and baked in the oven. It's heated, it's fragrant and crispy when bitten.
Liu Fangzhou and others all gave thumbs up. "Yuhuahuahua, your craft is really good.
Yesterday's burst cake is super delicious. Where did you learn from?"
"I have made a drama before, and the character in the drama is a dessert chef, so I asked my
master to learn it for two months and also got a test." The acting skills carefully polished
after the last days are useless. I did not expect this casually learned skill. It can also play a
After finishing asking, Shen Shian asked for eight glasses, each with three strawberries in it,
"Captain, use the power to help."
Shen Shian's eyes swept, and the strawberry immediately froze into ice.
Ye Shenghua picked two mints from the creek, crushed the leaves and put them in a cup,
and then filled them with bubble water in sequence. The bright red strawberry reflected
the green mint leaves. The dense bubbles shuttled between the two. It's summer.
Yun Feiyang ton ton ton dried half a cup, leaned on the tree trunk and took a sigh of relief.
"Fairy days, let me be a god. I won't change it. By the way, An'an, I still have a few coconuts
from the island in my space without peeling. That kind of thing, it’s perfect for you to grow
iced coconut juice in this weather."
"Give me, I'll go back and give it a try."
Xiong Manshan was eating biscuits, drinking strawberry sparkling water, and was still
unsatisfied with the bamboo tube. "Could we cut some more bamboo before we go and take
it home, how about having another meal in the evening"
Yun Fei Yang said, "It would be better to dig back directly to the roots, plant a few circles
along the outside of the beating willow, and after cutting, you can let Chen Nan spawn
again, and eat whenever you want."
"This is a good idea," Liu Fangzhou began to swallow again. "You can add some other
ingredients to the bamboo tube rice at that time, what are the chestnut wolfberry walnut
kernels, or the big chicken made by the sister, and the braised meat made by the captain."
It is beautiful to think about it, sizzling sizzling.
The afternoon forest is quiet and deep. In such a place, it seems that even time has slowed
down. Everyone leaned or sat or lay, chatting casually around and around the tablecloth.
The breezes passed by, and together with the iced strawberry sparkling water, the
steaming heat during the meal was dissolved away.
Xu Ge touched Tong Tong's hair and smiled, "We walked all the way, it seems that we have
such a leisurely time."
Liu Fangzhou nodded. "After the end of the age, we will settle here, anyway, there is
everything in the water and electricity, there is nothing missing."
"Even if you don't settle down, you can use the winery as a holiday villa. We come together
and live for two months every year. No one is absent, just like now."
"That must be the same as now, we are a family, we will never be separated, right?
Shen Xun pillows her eyes closed on Shen Shi'an's legs, and a small light spot sprinkles on
his face through the branches and leaves, with a clear outline, gentle and handsome.
It took a long time to "hmm".
Shen Shian laughed, his fingers brushing his eyebrows, lowering his head and falling a kiss
on his lips.
Liu Fangzhou quickly pretended to cover Tong Tong's eyes. "Children should not be
children, children should not be watched."
It’s up to you to hurry up. If you miss it, you will have no chance. Hahahaha.
The people rested for more than half an hour on the spot, packed things up, dug a dozen
bamboos, and then walked to the place where Xu Ge found wild grapes the day before.
Xu Ge's description is not exaggerated. Sure enough, half of the mountain is full of grapes,
and the rich sweet aroma mixed with the light scent of ripe wine floats in the air. I feel that
I can intoxicate people directly by taking a few more mouthfuls.
The eight people had good hands-on skills. They picked up a total of three hundred
kilograms, put them in bamboo baskets and put them neatly, and then received them by
Shen Shian into the second floor of the bamboo building. When the sun is slanting west, we
will return home with flowers and willows.
When going up the mountain, the cooler it gets, the cooler it gets, and when it goes down, it
gets hotter and hotter. When the door comes home, the members are sweating.
Xiong Manshan is big and bulky, and he is even more afraid of the heat, and his face is
sweating. "Oh, no, this is too hot. Isn’t the lake water cool on the dam? Comfortable, don’t
you go?"
Liu Fangzhou raised his hand "I, I, I Go"
Yun Feiyang originally wanted to join, but Ruibao heard the voice rushing out and sticking
to him, but had no choice but to give up.
Shen Shian took two sets of clothes and two towels and handed them "Pay attention to
safety, don't play too long."
"Good Lao" Yu Yin has not fallen, the person has already run away like a gust of wind.
Others returned to the bedroom to rest and sort out. Shen Shian walked into the bathroom
and just prepared to take a shower. He heard Liu Fangzhou's screams coming from the
direction of the dam.
When he and Shen Xun arrived, Chen Nan and others who were still in the rice fields and
closer were already here first.
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan both stood on the shore. Except for a little shock, the two
didn't look like they were in trouble.
Shen Shian breathed a sigh of relief and strode over "what's wrong"
"Captain" Liu Fangzhou's eyes were red, pointing to the reservoir road "There are monsters
in this lake"
Water monster
"It's true" Liu Fangzhou showed him a trace on his calf. "I was bitten by a water monster
just two minutes after I went down. It's so strong that I won't let go if I bite it. After
dragging me up, I was dragged to the bottom of the lake. When I came up, I found a long
**** bite on my leg. Brother Tao Yuan just helped me cure it, and it hurts me."
The wound has healed as before, and there seems to be no signs of infection, but for safety's
sake, Shen Shi'an still took out a bottle of Lingquan water to let him finish drinking, and
then walked to the dam.
The endless lake surface was clear and calm, and no abnormalities could be seen.
He asked Zhao Xinhe "Can I see anything"
Zhao Xinhe shook his head. "The water is too deep, and the shadow of the tree is reflected,
so I can't see through."
Shen Xun asked Liu Fangzhou, "Aren't you able to sense living creatures? Didn't you sense
anything before being bitten?"
"Something came out, but there is almost no difference in the size of the light mass except
for humans and zombies. There are so many light masses in this lake. I thought it was just
ordinary fish and shrimp."
While others were talking, Chen Nan had manipulated the devil vine to weave a fishing net
that is more than 20 meters long. "I'll fish it again to see if I can fish it out."
The devil net dived into the lake under the watch of everyone and slowly swept along the
place where Liu Fangzhou had just swam.
The vines tightened suddenly, and Chen Nan's expression narrowed, "I have something to
pull up, everyone is ready"
The members waited and waited until they saw the devil's net wrapped in a bath-sized
black shadow breaking through the water, and they were surrounded by the crowd just
after landing.
Xiong Manshan held up the Qingxiongyan Moonblade and was about to stab him to help Liu
Fangzhou take revenge. Suddenly, "wait a moment, this thing is"
Crab, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and
fastest update No anti-theft no anti-theft error report

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 226:

Settings saved..
The vast majority of people who love hairy crabs have had such a dream that hairy crabs
can be bigger, and then bigger, so large that the crab crab paste is piled up like a mountain,
one crab can fill up the belly.
For Shen Shian and others, this dream came true at the end of the second autumn after the
end of the world.
At the end of the moon, the distillery was brightly lit, and there was a fresh aroma of
steamed aquatic products everywhere.
Sitting at the dining table, Liu Fangzhou lifted a spoon to dig a spoonful of crab paste that
was as white as jade and fat like sheep fat from a crab shell as big as a bathtub, ah
whispered into his mouth, and then began to murmur. It’s so delicious, how can there be
such a delicious thing in this world, even if it turns me into a zombie now, I will die without
Xiong Manshan sat opposite him, endured to smash a crab leg with a thick arm, carefully
avoiding the barb, and gently dabbing with Shen Shianfa's dagger, peeling off the shell, and
pulling out a length of crab leg meat. , Put it all in Liu Fangzhou's plate, "Come on, brother,
eat more ang. Today you are a hero, if you put it on your lap, we can't find that there is still
such a good hidden under the lake. Something"
Liu Fangzhou accepted it with a smile, biting off a quarter of the crab leg. How hard the
shell of the mutated crab leg is, the tenderness of the meat hidden in it is full and full in the
mouth. The delicious taste is any. Meat is unmatched.
"What's the matter," Liu Fangzhou grabbed the remaining crab legs and dipped some ****
vinegar. "Wouldn't it be a little bloody, sacrifice me and be happy, everyone."
He did not expect that it would be a crab to "bite" him, nor did he expect that the size of the
crab would be so spectacular after the mutation. If the fermentation barrel in the brewery
is large enough, how to steam it is a big problem.
The crabs are so big that the players are two or three people occupying a table, with crabs
in the middle, tableware and chopsticks and hot rice wine on both sides. A gluttonous feast.
There are fewer rivers and fewer aquatic products near the base of the capital. Shen Xun is
eating crabs for the first time. Before the crabs were steamed, Liu Fangzhou and others had
swallowed the saliva to make the crab meat fresh and the crab crab paste sweet and
exaggerated. Nothing on the ground, to be honest, he didn't quite believe it.
Shen Shian was not in a hurry to persuade him to wait for the crab to go to the table. First,
the crab shell was uncovered. The orange yellow crab flickered with oil, and it piled up
under the crab shell. Then he went to the lungs and peeled the legs of the crab. In a few
moments, the whole crab was dismantled cleanly, the crab yellow was full and trembling,
and the crab meat was as white as snow, piled on the plate into two hills.
Then dig half a spoonful of crab yolk, sandwich a large piece of fresh crab meat and a small
piece of crab legs, and pour a bit of **** vinegar kneaded into perilla leaves, add a few
drops of soy sauce and sesame oil, stir well, The orange-red crab paste and crab oil are
mixed with vinegar to soak the crab meat thoroughly, and the aroma can be smelled from
afar, and a full spoonful is handed to Shen Xun's mouth to "taste the taste."
Shen Xun opened his mouth to catch it, his expression froze for a moment, and waited until
the almost high tide of the taste buds had disappeared, then he nodded and nodded, "OK."
The mouth said it was okay, but the movement in the hand was not slow at all. According to
Shen Shi'an's steps, the crabs and crab meat were dug and the vinegar was poured. The two
hills in front soon fell half. In the afternoon, I still remembered that I would have another
bamboo tube meal at night, which was completely forgotten.
He likes to add ingredients, but Shen Shian prefers to add nothing. The original crab flavor
is full, and a small mouthful of hot yellow wine is the ultimate enjoyment on earth.
Crab is cold and cold. Although it is delicious, it can not be eaten more. Therefore, even if
the spring water is added to the rice wine to offset part of the cold effect, each person is
only given half the amount. But even half of it is enough to satisfy everyone.
Yun Feiyang held a crab leg that had just been peeled, stuffed with **** vinegar and stuffed
it into his mouth. After eating, he raised his head and sighed. "Crabs have to eat so much to
be enjoyable, like the hairy crabs before the end of the world. Ah, no matter how big it is,
you can’t eat anything for half a day. Just digging some meat will kill the individual."
Ye Shenghua nodded again and again and couldn't help but sigh, "This crab looks really
good." The fat-filled fat crab is yellow and oily, and the meat is delicate and not a bit fishy. It
tastes better than all the crabs he has eaten.
Lin Ruanxiao said, "How could it not grow well? There are mountains on both sides of the
reservoir. Trees are on the mountains. A large number of planktons are nourished by
falling flowers and leaves. Therefore, a large number of small fish and shrimp have been
raised, and the water quality is not bad. These mutant crabs eat Sleep well and haven’t been
caught for nearly two years. This is a good time for us.
Xiong Manshan was eating the bowl and remembered the lake, "There must be other good
things besides crabs in the reservoir. Let's continue fishing tomorrow"
Jinjiang is the longest river in China and has the largest runoff. The water quality is clear
and the products are extremely rich. It is much more delicious. Before they opened the gate
to generate electricity, the water flow was too fierce. Mushroom mushrooms are on the
market, so I haven't been able to take care of them. Now the gate is temporarily closed.
"Fish, that must be taken" Liu Fangzhou was also excited. "Since there are mutant crabs,
there may be mutant fish and lobsters. We haven't eaten fresh aquatic products in a long
time. Of course, we have to eat enough to eat." Thinking that there might be shrimp as big
as a washbasin, he started rubbing his hands in excitement.
"The sluice gate is expected to be reopened in two weeks, and it is necessary to take
advantage of this time."
"Let’s fish a little bit more, it’s okay to eat it all. Crab, yellow and crab meat can be picked
out and put on the jar for sealing. Fish and shrimp can be marinated and dried or put in the
space captain. Can your space fit?"
Shen Shian nodded, "Yes." If the second floor can't fit, there is a grass field. He goes in and
scans once a day to keep it frozen.
Do it and do it. In the early morning of the next day, except Lin Ruantangsong staying in the
research building to continue his research, all the others were concentrated next to the
dam. Shen Shian folded a few branches from the main trunk of the mutant green radix in
the space. And gave it to Chen Nan, together with his two roots, to produce three devil nets
over ten meters long and five meters wide. The mesh is about the size of a fist, in order to
let the small fish and shrimps that have not grown up. slip.
Tong Tong took Ruibao on the sidelines and cheered. The remaining twelve people were
divided into three groups, with four people in each group and one net to fish in different
Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan are in a group, and the other two members are Zhao
Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang. Because of the large area of the artificial lake on the dam, it was
only harvested yesterday. Xiong Manshan felt that there were the most things here, so he
took the initiative to take the location of the artificial lake near the dam. Shen Shi'an, Shen
Xun, Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng attacked the right lake area above the dam, while Chen
Nan, Tao Yuan, Xu Ge and Ye Shenghua were responsible for the river area under the dam.
The place was divided, and the Xiong Boat Group could not wait to cast the net down. Xiong
Manshan and Liu Fangzhou grabbed one side, Zhao Xinhe and Zhao Xinjiang grabbed the
other side. One side walked along the dam, and the other walked along the ice path made
by Shen Shian. , Sweeping the lake area from the beginning to the end, the last four people
concentrated, the net mouth tightened, and pulled up empty.
"It shouldn't be," Xiong Manshan scratched his head. "It feels old and fierce in the middle. It
feels like there should be a lot of things on the net. Why not?"
"Is it that our net is not deep enough or the speed is too slow, and the net is stopped and
then ran away"
"Then try again."
So the four re-casted the net, went back along the road and swept it again. At the end, the
net was closed, and when pulled up, it was empty, and even the root of the shrimp hair was
not seen.
There was a burst of cheers suddenly from the couple of people not far away. It turned out
that Shen Xun and others had won the flag. Just after casting their nets, they caught a bag
full of mutated crabs, each as big as a bathtub, and spread their teeth and claws across the
vine net to try to break free. Almost at the same time, similar cheers were heard from
under the dam. Chen Nan and four others also shot Lu. Various fishes and shrimps propped
up the devil's net and seemed to burst at any time.
Tong Tong and Ruibao's excited cheers ran from top to bottom, but did not stay in the
Zhao Xinhe and others looked at each other, and the atmosphere was awkward.
Zhao Xinjiang put forward a hypothesis: "Did the crab we ate last night be salvaged from
here? Could it be that this piece has already been fished out, or the mutant crab has learned
the lesson and dared not swim here again"
Xiong Manshan's eyes lit up, "It makes sense for us to change a place"
So the four people carried the net, and ran across to Shen Shi'an and others. Based on
various factors such as sunshine, water temperature, and vegetation, they chose the place
where the crab looked like the most.
In order to prevent it from failing again, Zhao Xinjiang took advantage of his cockroach's
general ability to hold his breath. He first dived into the lake and carefully observed it. After
a while, he floated up again. One hand wiped off the water drops, and the other hand raised
his thumb. , This time absolutely no problem"
The four of them fought their hands again, and this time the net was deeper and the action
was more careful. Before closing the net, they took a few deep breaths and then pulled up
the devil net with anticipation.
The whirling lara flows like a stream, and the net is empty.
Now, Zhao Xinjiang couldn't figure it out. "No, I have observed. There are indeed a lot of
crabs under our lake."
The cheers of the other two groups still kept coming. Liu Fangzhou probably had a guess.
To Xiong Manshan Road, "Brother Xiong, let's rest for a while, let's try it three times."
Xiong Manshan hadn't had time to respond. Liu Fangzhou had taken the Xinhe River to cast
a net and swept it again along the same route. After the net was confiscated, there was a lot
of noise. Pull out of the water and take a look at "Two Crab Variation Crabs"
Xiong Manshan was stupid, Liu Fangzhou walked over and patted him on the shoulder,
"Brother, this is all life."
Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it. Just open it.
After Xiong Manshan was invited to the team and sent to Tongtong and Ruibao's
bystanders to applaud, Zhao Xinjiang's fishing process finally returned to normal, and the
ten nets were thrown down seven or eight times and they were rewarded.
The people spent a whole day near the dam, harvesting nearly two thousand pounds of fish,
shrimp and crabs. The joy of the harvest shared and passed each other. Even Tong Tong
picked up two long-armed shrimps from the puddle by the river.
Xiong Manshan's expression was so close that he hugged Ruibao's neck. "Bao, only us two
are left."
When the words didn't fall, Ruibao patted his wings and flew to mid-air, swooping towards
the river to catch a spot of water, catching a freshwater fish that was more than half a
meter long and lively, and the silver-white scales shone under the sunset.
Come on, I am sad alone.
The vast Jinjiang has rich food for everyone. The table has been occupied by the fishery for
several days. The breakfast is crab dumplings and shrimp fried dumplings. The lunch
includes fish and sheep pot, steamed mandarin fish, boiled fish fillet, fried shrimp, sweet
and sour. For crucian carp and other choices, dinner is either spicy lobster with barbecue
or steamed crab with porridge. The rice porridge with minced fish, shrimp and mushrooms
is thick and rotten. Even Tong Tong can drink three bowls.
I don’t know the years in the mountains. In a busy and fulfilling life, three days passed by.
Tang Song and the two announced that "the new vaccine has been prepared and can be
Zhong Han, who was the target of the experiment, was still tied to the bed, watching
everything was fine, and there were no scars on his body, but the moment he saw Liu
Fangzhou, he immediately shook it into a sieve.
Liu Fangzhou grinned "What are you afraid of, don't be afraid, I won't cut you off today."
The test process is very simple, let Zhong Han be infected with the virus first, then give him
the vaccine, and observe whether the vaccine is effective.
"If it doesn't work," Ye Shenghua asked.
"Then cut off the infected part, and then healed and regenerated by Tao Yuan, anyway,
don't let him die." Lin Ruan finished looking at Chen Nan, "are you ready?"
Chen Nan nodded.
"Then start."
Chen Nan put Jiamu in his arms to Zhong Han's hand, "Come to Jiamu and bit him."
Jiamu rarely had a chance to bite, so this bite was very hard, and a large piece of meat was
directly torn off. It was originally intended to be swallowed. Chen Nan stared at it and spit
it out obediently.
Zhong Han was cold and sweating, crying and crying, Liu Fangzhou thought he was
annoying and took a mouth \\039 to plug his mouth.
All his abilities were taken away, and now he is just an ordinary person, so the rate of virus
infection is not slow. The bruising blood vessels and cracked and dark skin quickly spread
all the way from the bite.
Tang Song has been paying attention to recording the time and infection status. After the
infection range has crossed the forearm, Lin Ruan said, "Okay."
Lin Ruan injected the entire tube of Zhong Han into Zhong Han's body. The effect was
almost immediate as when he was tested on Lu Xiuyuan's body. The abnormalities
immediately began to fade after being infected.
Next, the most critical question is whether the virus infection will rebound.
Everyone held their breaths and stared at Zhong Han's arm for three minutes.
Nothing happened. The faded mutation did not sweep through again. Except for the wound
bitten by Jiamu, Zhong Han's arm was normal and there was no abnormality.
"Is it successful? Is the vaccine successful?"
Tang Song breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes shone brightly, which was both satisfaction
of the current achievements and eagerness for further research. "It is still not 100% sure of
success. We still need to observe and test the test targets for a period of time. The zombies-
preventing virus has not yet been cleaned up, but is temporarily dormant in his body."
"How long to observe"
"One week should be about the same. But the most important thing is the first 24 hours. As
long as there is no sign of re-infection in the first 24 hours, the vaccine success rate can
exceed 90%. So Lin Ruan and I will stay here tonight Take turns guarding in case something
"I'll come," Tao Yuan said suddenly. "I came to look at him. You two have been busy for so
many days. Go back and have a good rest. I will call you if there is any problem. If the
vaccine fails, you need to cut off his hand. It can also be treated in time."
Tang Song looked at each other, looked at Shen Shian again, and nodded. "That's hard work
for you."
The dawn of the vaccine's success is near, everyone is excited and nervous.
It was probably too nervous. That night Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan couldn't sleep
anymore. Together, they decided to find a way to relax.
Shen Shian was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and there was a knock on the door
outside the bedroom.
Standing up and opening the door, Xiong Manshan stood smiling outside the door, "Boss,
good evening, haven't slept yet, didn't disturb you"
"What's up"
"Hey, hey, a little. In the mall where we met Huahua, we and Ark both searched for a large
bag of things and put them in your boss's space. I thought about bringing them back and
picking them up."
This doesn't matter at all. Shen Shi'an took the two large, half-man bulging backpacks out of
the space and handed him to him. He asked smoothly, "What are you two missing?"
"No shortage, no shortage, we are all right, then I will leave first, without disturbing your
boss, odnight at night."
Shen Shi'an closed the door, and Shen Xun happened to come out of the bathroom. A bath
towel was tied halfway between the crotch and his hair was still dripping. "Who's coming?"
"Full mountain, come and get something." Shen Shian took out a towel, motioned to Shen
Xun to sit on the sofa, and walked over to help him wipe his hair. "He's not quite right this
evening, as if something is hiding from me."
Shen Xun grabbed his waist and was about to knead two, and when he heard this, he raised
his eyebrows,
Xiong Manshan carrying two backpacks, sneaking on his feet lightly and sneaking back, like
a gust of wind, turned back to his bedroom, Liu Fangzhou immediately ushered in "got it"
"Get it, get it."
The two closed the window and locked the door, pulled the curtains tightly, and then
opened the zipper to turn the backpack back on the carpet. After a large number of
underwear and socks rolled out, the backpack was half empty, and the remaining half were
all from them. The discs collected from the adult video store.
At that time, because I was worried about being discovered by Shen Shi'an and others, I
was in a hurry when loading the disc, and I didn't have time to look carefully, and I ripped
off the outer packaging of the disc. There is no difference at all.
Liu Fangzhou was so excited that he rubbed his hands "Brother, which one do we see first"
"Anyway, just pick one casually."
Xiong Manshan picked up one from the pile of CDs, and Liu Fangzhou immediately handed
over the computer that had been prepared. The two of them sat on the sofa with
headphones on, leaned their heads against their shoulders, and each side had a pack of
paper, Press the play button at the same time.
After the familiar warning statement, the picture entered the topic, and a young man came
out of the bathroom.
"Wow Europe and America" Liu Fangzhou opened his excited little eyes.
"The male lead is quite handsome," Xiong Manshan coughed twice, commenting with a
veteran posture of reading the film. "The scene is good, and the shooting technique is also
good. I don't know what the female lead looks like."
As the camera changes, another character appears, a tall suit and leather suit, which looks
like an elite.
"Oh, there is another man" Liu Fangzhou is more excited. "Is it still a multiplayer sport?"
"It should be. Well, ship, you have little contact with this thing, so let's try it out for a while.
If you think it can be accepted, continue. If you can't accept it, we will change it."
"Fat Trough" Liu Fangzhou exclaimed, "How did they bite?"
"Ah," Xiong Manshan is also stupid. "Maybe they adjusted the atmosphere first, and then
waited for the heroine to come over."
"The heroine is a ghost. They both started to undress." Liu Fangzhou took off his
headphones and jumped up. "Brother, you got calcium."
The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, Shen Xun put one hand in his trouser
pocket, and walked in with his foot raised.
Looking at the two people in a panic, "what are you doing, what is in the computer"
"let me see."
The author has something to say interesting quiz
Excuse me, if all the members of the Sharp Blade team except Xiong Manshan jumped into
Jinjiang to catch crabs, who caught the least possibility
Interested little cutes can give answers and reasons in the comments. Don’t think with
conventional thinking, similar to brain teasers, the top three who answered correctly send
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 227:
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Shen Xun picked up the computer and looked darker as he looked.
Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou stood side by side as if they were caught by the teacher
in charge of the class and stealing snacks in class. They blushed and were afraid and
Xiong Manshan summoned his courage. "Brother Xun, it's all up to me. I brought these
things back, and I took the boat together to watch them. It didn't mean anything. I just
wanted to relax. If you want to fight, I want to scold."
"No, no, it's me." Liu Fangzhou also stood up. "I offered to watch it myself. I, I, I, I was
curious. I thought it would be a few days from adulthood anyway. Just look at the
experience of rising. Blame me, don’t blame"
"What are they doing." Shen Xun interrupted him.
Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou looked at each other.
The earphones were not pulled out from the computer jack, and they were hanging on the
ground at this time. Although the sound was not loud, the fierce applause from the air was
still audible because the air was too quiet.
What else can you do, just do something you love.
It was probably that the doubt in their eyes was too obvious. Shen Xun snapped the
computer together with a cold face, unplugged the earphone and threw it, and turned and
strode out.
Xiong Manshan stood for a while in the silence mixed with various emotions such as
embarrassment, shame, and anxiety, Liu Fangzhou suddenly slapped and "sucked"
The calcium tablets are put in the computer, so the team will not think that he and Brother
Xiong are doing it.
Shen Xun carrying a computer, was originally going to go back to the third floor to ask Shen
Shian, half a step on the stairs, and then turned to Lin Ruan's bedroom on the southernmost
side of the second floor.
More than half a minute after knocking on the door, Lin Ruan opened the door with a slit,
sweat on his forehead, and his face was a little red, Shen Xun's eyes sharpened, his eyes
swept a little into the door slit, and he saw a person lying on the bed.
"Looking for the team" Lin Ruan walked out of the bedroom with his waist up, turned and
brought the door back to him "What's the matter?"
Shen Xun turned on the computer and reopened the video. This time without headphones,
the applause and moaning of 039's fierce battle in the video immediately broke the screen
and reverberated in the air, which was particularly deafening because of the quiet night.
Such a situation was not thought by Lin Ruan Wanwan.
The pupil directly earthquake, grabbed the computer at the fastest speed to fork off the
video, look at Shen Xun and then look at the computer, the brain is a bit ignorant
"What are they doing."
Lin Ruan did not expect such a question, silently, "You don't know what they are doing"
Shen Xun is impatient. "Do you know you still need to ask."
"They are buying Coke." Lin Ruan adjusted his breathing rhythm and tried to continue this
exchange with a scientific and rigorous attitude. "You and the captain have never bought
"Of course I bought it." Shen Xun felt that his ability was questioned, and his face
immediately sank. "We buy every day, many times. An An helps me to buy, and I also buy
for him. Just buy whatever you want." Dunton added, "It's just not like this in the video."
Lin Ruan understood. I didn't know for a moment whether he was more sympathetic to the
captain or to him.
Cleared his throat and said, "It's also buying cola, and it's the most intimate and thorough
way to buy cola. When the relationship between a pair of partners has reached a certain
level, it is usually done in this way physically and mentally. Further exchanges on the
Shen Xun didn't believe "Why didn't An'an tell me"? Didn't their feelings deepen their
"Because this method is about methods and skills, if you try it hurriedly without knowing
anything, it is easy to hurt the person you are bearing, and you will not get much pleasant
experience. If you want to do this, you must advance Understand the steps and make
preparations. As long as the method is properly prepared, Coke bought in this way will
bring the ultimate enjoyment that both parties can't match."
"Does it sound like you are very experienced." Before Lin Ruan answered, Shen Xun raised
his hands and said, "Teach me."
Lin Ruan carefully examined his expression and determined that he was not kidding. "just
"You have no time"
Lin Ruan subconsciously glanced back, "Yes. You waited a few minutes for me, I went in to
change my clothes." Then I went back to the room.
Shen Xun stood outside with his back to the door, and heard a depressed voice from inside.
After a few minutes, Lin Ruan came out again, “Let’s go, let’s go to the research building.”
The lights of the laboratory on the second floor of the research building are still on, and Tao
Yuan is guarding Zhong Han. Lin Ruan led Shen Xun to the office on the third floor, looked
for it from the bookshelf, found a human anatomy picture, and spread it on the coffee table
to explain with the video on the computer.
Shen Xun has strong learning ability and fast comprehension, and it didn't take too long to
buy a small class of Coke.
In the end, Lin Ruan emphasized a few key points. "If this is the first time, the burden on the
bearer will be much greater, so don't be rash, you must focus on the other person's feelings,
pay attention to observe his body changes and adjust the rhythm, Make sure that he is
always enjoying this process, and he must not be allowed to develop resistance because he
is too uncomfortable. Only by opening it at the beginning can you both guarantee a long and
happy life in the future."
He paused and said, "I gave him two boxes of ointment on the captain's birthday in March,
one box of peach flavor and one box of strawberry flavor. Is it still there?"
Shen Xun thought for a while and thought, "It should still be in space."
"If you can find it, you can use peach flavor, which can help. I used it with herbs. It has no
side effects on the body. As for the strawberry flavor, don't touch it for the time being."
Lin Ruan coughed twice, "That box is too strong. For the first time, you two can't bear it."
What effect is too strong
Shen Xun intends to find opportunities to explore and explore.
"That's probably it. You don't have a video. Considering that you have no previous
experience, you can watch the video several times in the next few days to learn skills. If you
don't understand, come and ask me."
Shen Xun stood up on the sofa holding the computer. "This matter is known to all."
Lin Ruan raised three fingers and "will never reveal half a word to others."
Do not leave a name for a good thing, even if the captain finds out afterwards, you should
not blame him.
Twenty-four hours say long is not long and short is not short. Tao Yuan has never rested,
always staying beside Zhong Han.
Twenty-four hours later, Zhong Han was safe and sound, and the virus had not recurred.
The vaccine's success has almost become a foregone conclusion.
Next, as long as you wait another six days to end the observation period, you can wake Luo
Wei, who has been sleeping on the second floor of the bamboo floor for more than a year,
from a coma.
At the same time, Shen Shi'an found that Shen Xun's eyes seemed to be getting more and
more wrong, not only with the green light, but also with something scary and scary in his
So after taking a bath that night, Shen Shian asked him, "You have been running to the
scientific research building lately, is Tang Song they have anything to do with you?"
Shen Xun shook his head, walked behind him and took off his semi-dried hair, licked it on
his slender white neck, and took another bite. "I went to Lin Ruan."
The two of them stood in front of the hand-washing table. The mirror clearly reflected the
scene of a tall and muscular man holding the young man in his arms and licking his neck.
With scorching breath and slight tingling, Shen Shian suddenly became a trance. Dracula's
prey, the illusion of being swallowed into the abdomen.
He wanted to break away, but Shen Xun hugged tighter and lowered his head to take
another bite. Those deep, **** dark green eyes lifted up in the mirror and faced Shen Shian
"not allowed to run."
The man's eyes seemed to be with a hook, and Shen Shian's body was tight, his throat
knotted up and down a few times, and he didn't insist for a long time before taking his gaze
back. "What are you doing with Lin Ruan?"
"Study. I learned a massage technique from him. It's very comfortable. Do you want to try
Massage technique "Okay."
When Shen Xun chose the place to experience the massage in the bamboo building, Shen
Shian did not feel alert. When the method and location of the massage became more and
more indescribable, he was still not alert, and even had some expectations.
It wasn't until a sudden cold under him that something seemed to be wrong, but it was too
It was raining that night, at first it was just drizzle. The fine and soft rain fell on a canna in
the yard, moistening the leaves with a little bit of moisture, revealing a more vivid and
delicate color. The condensed drops of water were untenable and rolled along the blades
into the pores of the roots, and each time they rolled into one, the leaves shuddered.
It didn't take long for the rain to grow, and the blades were washed from head to toe, and
nowhere was left. The water droplets rolled into the pores faster and faster, and the blades
could hardly stop. In the end, the violent winds poured into heavy rain, and the dense
raindrops hit the leaves straight. The crackling of the blades was endless, and the pores of
the roots were filled with rain, and a new wave of water was invaded. After a while, the
blade seemed to be unable to bear it, and it turned over by the wind. It didn't stop, but it
was hit by the heavy rain that was catching up.
Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun didn't show up for three days. With the experience of Shen
Shi'an's advanced exercises last time, everyone didn't worry much this time.
"Is it right into the space again?" Yun Fei said at breakfast, "Will you ask me again?"
"No." Lin Ruan put down the tea cup, and there was no trace of lying on his face. "The
captain has a new understanding of the exercises, so he entered the space and practiced."
"How do you know what they told you"
Since it is a closed-door practice, there is nothing more to worry about. The team members
catch the fish to catch the rice, and Xu Ge even took Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou to
pickle two large pots of pickles, and life continued steadily.
Shen Shi'an came downstairs at noon on the fourth day, just before the end of the week of
observation for Zhong Han.
Yun Feiyang first saw the person, walked over and circled him around twice, "Gee, it seems
that this retreat practice is not a small harvest, look at this look, the red light is all over."
Even Shen Xun was radiant and vigorous, as if he had eaten Shiquandabu pills, and even
more rare was that the corners of his eyes and brows were all smiles, and he looked
forward to engraving the four characters "I am happy" on his forehead.
In the face of the inquiries of the people, they showed full patience and nodded, and
certainly benefited from these few days.
Shen Shi'an's earlobe was feverish, and he was secretly warned to become a vegetarian,
which stopped his interest in continuing this topic anyway. From the population of Chen
Nan and other people, I learned about the situation of my family in the past few days, and
went to the scientific research building to find the two Tangsong "Can the vaccine be put
into use?"
Tang Song nodded. “The relevant data has been collected and the new vaccine is confirmed
to be effective. If the injection is made within one hour after infection with the zombie
virus, the cure rate is 99.9%.”
Tao Yuan, who came together, immediately asked "what if it was more than an hour"
"It depends on the degree of infection and the constitution of the infected person. Probably
speaking, as long as the brain and heart have not been infected, there is a possibility of
Lin Ruan took a vaccine from the biological preservation cabinet and delivered it to Shen
Shian. "Captain, you want it."
Shen Shian looked to Tao Yuan "Are you sure you want to try"
Tao Yuan took a deep breath and touched the two military cards hanging on his chest,
focusing on his head.
Of all the members of the Blade, apart from Tao Yuan, only Shen Shian, Shen Xun, Chen Nan
and Liu Fangzhou really knew Luo Wei. But since the Tangsong and the two developed the
vaccine, other people have heard about the existence of Luo Wei and his relationship with
Tao Yuan more or less sooner or later, so they all gathered together at this time to cheer for
Tao Yuan. .
Shen Shian took the vaccine into the second floor of the bamboo building, injected it into
Luo Wei's body from the site where the zombies' nails were scratched, and then brought
Luo Wei out and put it on the bed.
Seeing Luo Wei again after an interval of more than a year, Tao Yuan almost burst into
tears with a sore nasal cavity and threw it over to hold his hand tightly, unwilling to let go.
After breaking away from the time static effect on the second floor of the bamboo building,
the vaccine immediately began to take effect. Lin Ruan turned Lowe over his body and
lifted his clothes to carefully observe the infected area on the back waist. "The infected area
has begun to shrink."
Tao Yuan was also staring at that place, and he didn’t dare to be distracted for a moment.
Seeing that the infection area as big as the washbasin decreased a little bit, the sudden
blood vessels and the bruised skin began to return to the original state, and it took less
than a minute before and after All traces of infection disappeared completely.
But Lowe still didn't wake up.
Tang Song hurried to wear a stethoscope before Tao Yuan panicked. "Every sign is okay,
don't worry, people are healthy. I guess it's because they are resting for too long, so the
body function needs a certain recovery process. Is it hot to rub his hands?"
"Huh." Tao Yuan's eyes turned red and he put Lowe's hand in his arms.
"It's okay," Lin Ruan patted on his shoulder. "Give him some time. I promise he will wake
Luo Wei was lying on the bed, his face flat and his eyebrows stretched. Xiong Manshan
joked for an active atmosphere. “Captain Luo looks like a sleeping beauty. If you don’t want
you to kiss him, you may wake up immediately after the kiss. ."
Tao Yuan was probably in a hurry. He really leaned forward when he said this. Fortunately,
he recovered quickly. His face was hot and he would straighten up immediately.
But before waiting for him to move, Lowe opened his eyes.
After being out of focus for a short period of time, he fixed his face on the doll's face close to
Tao Yuan, and then laughed
"Yuanzi, am I dreaming?"
The author has something to say It's time again to guess the riddles
Crazy hint
Last Q&A If all members of the Blade, except Xiong Manshan, jumped to Jinjiang to catch
crabs, who caught it was the least likely
The answer is Jiamu
Because Jiamu has no part below the neck, he will not encounter river crabs.
Hahahahahahaha! ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL,
free and fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error chapters for seeking
books and chatting with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number

Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 228:

Settings saved..
"Is there any problem?" Three months after the outbreak of the virus, Luo Wei stood by the
moat outside Qujiang City, and listened to the child Shen Shian who said to him, "I suggest
you decide as soon as possible. The mutation in the body will be serious, and his physical
function will be completely still after entering the space, so even if it is finally confirmed
that the zombie virus cannot be cured, then you still have the opportunity to say goodbye."
Tao Yuan's eyes were flushed, his face was still smoked and dust from the fierce battle at
the base of the tobacco factory less than an hour ago, and he grabbed Rowe's arm
He grasped extremely tightly, as if he would lose what is most precious and cherished when
he let go of his hand. His eyes were filled with fear, regret, anger and sporadic hope in
Luo Wei and he stared at each other for a moment, gently wiped away his tears, and then
took off the military badge on his neck and put it into Tao Yuan’s hands, “live well, wait for
me to wake up again, hope that the vice captain will be me The first person to arrive."
Immediately nodded to Shen Shi'an, "Mr. Shen, please."
Shen Shi'an's hand knife was swift and powerful, and Luo Wei hadn't had time to react, so
he fell into a coma in the soreness of his back neck.
Whether the vaccine can be successfully developed is unpredictable, so Lowe has been
mentally prepared for a few months or even several years before losing
consciousness.Unexpectedly, he didn't expect his eyes to close for a long time, he heard a
voice from all around.
"The infected area has begun to shrink." The voice was strange.
"Why not wake up yet" This sounds a bit like Mr. Shen.
"All signs are fine, don't worry, people must be healthy" is another voice that has never
been heard.
"Why don't you try to kiss him, Tao Yuan'er, maybe you can wake up immediately after the
Tao Yuan
Rowe opened his eyes, and the sudden influx of light blurred his vision, and on the other
side of the light, a familiar baby face became clearer and clearer.
He lay in a daze for a moment, then smiled, "Yuanzi, am I dreaming?"
After the wake, Luo Wei smiled, but Tao Yuan couldn't help it anymore, tears rolled down
one by one, and there were still many people standing beside him, sobbing and shouting
"Captain", then thumped Going into Lowe's arms and crying.
In order to give them the opportunity to communicate with each other separately, the
others retreated one after another. Lin Ruan fell at the end and left before saying, "I and the
teacher are next door. If we feel any abnormal changes in the body, we can call out hear."
Luo Wei patted Tao Yuan's back while whispering and raised his head, "Thank you."
"You're welcome, Tao Yuan's comrades are our comrades, and the two of you talk slowly."
In another laboratory next door, Chen Nan lamented, "Fortunately, there is room for the
captain, otherwise Captain Luo will never be able to sustain the successful development of
the vaccine."
Tang Song nodded. "The captain received it in time, and Lowe's infection was not deep.
Otherwise, the virus has invaded the heart or brain. Even if there is a vaccine, it will not
help him."
Xiong Manshan was also wiped a few tears due to the emotional infection between Luo Wei
and Tao Yuan. After finishing the wipe, he remembered something. "Since the time in the
space is still, did Captain Luo go away after closing his eyes and opening his eyes for more
than a year? Hey, I guess he'll have to be dumbfounded when he's happy, and it will take
some time before we can catch up with our progress."
Xiong Manshan guessed right. Over the past year and more, the changes in the end-time
situation and the status of survivors have left Rowe overwhelmed. Various explosive news
one after another. Fortunately, there is a source of Tao beside him.
Because Ye Shenghua was given to the last renovated bedroom, Luo Wei temporarily
stayed with Tao Yuan. Tao Yuan began to learn how he followed Shen Shi'an and others to
travel to the capital and how to build a sharp blade in the base of the capital. From the
beginning of no one's interest to the later fame, he gradually developed the sharp blade. ,
And how to be stolen and framed by the people after the Minqiang Incident, had to flee
overnight and settle down in this wild jungle, including the reasons for the end of the
outbreak and Shen Xun’s true identity, he also consulted Shen Shi’an and Shen After
searching for the consent of the two, they told Rowe all of them one by one without any
He was so happy that he pulled Rowe all night and said that he didn't want to stop when he
talked hoarsely. In the end, he lay down on the bed after being forced by Rowe. Even so, he
didn't want to close his eyes, leaning against his arm and staring at Lowe without blinking.
Luo Wei was lying on his back. He was lying on his back and was stung by Tao Yuan’s sight,
and he turned to stare at him. "It's almost dawn before sleep, not sleepy."
Tao Yuan laughed "not sleepy."
"I'm always staring at me for doing it. Do I look so good?"
"Good-looking, especially good-looking, you are the best in the world, Captain."
Rao Yiluowei could not help hearing this when he heard this. "Whoever learns this is
coughing, and the oil cavity is slippery."
"I feel just like dreaming," Tao Yuan's hoarse voice lightly sounded against the dawn
outside the window. "The captain was now the captain. At that time, the captain of Shi'an
said that the captain you still have a chance of recovery. Although I am hopeful, But I have
already made the worst preparations and waited for a lifetime. If I haven't waited until the
vaccine is successfully developed in my life, I will ask Captain Shi'an to let you out. Let's see
the last one and then together Let’s go. I’m a soldier from the captain, and I’ll die with the
He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and couldn't stop smiling. "But the
vaccine has really been developed. You are really healed, Captain. Now lie in front of me. I
am so happy."
Lowe's expression was so soft that he couldn't help but poked two on his head. "I'm also
happy. Alas, it feels like a blink of an eye. My deputy captain who loves tears has become a
unique ability, strong. I have to look up. You said, why is our home so powerful?"
Tao Yuan's doll had two blushes on her face, smirking with her mouth closed. Suddenly
remembered one thing, pulled two military medals from the collar, took off the one
belonging to Lowe and handed him to him. "Originally I was going to hand over the military
medals to my uncle and aunt, but I arrived in Beijing I haven’t found them after a long
search, and the Population Registry, which specializes in the statistics of survivors, also
doesn’t have their names. I think it’s already the captain, and now it’s the original owner."
Luo Wei's situation with his parents had long been expected. He had flu before the end of
the world, and he shouldn't be guilty of going away. In this life, there is no way to give up to
the elders. Only those who owe them can be repaid in the next life.
He took the military card, which was ironed and warmed by body temperature, rubbed it
twice with his thumb, and wore it back to Tao Yuan. "There is no reason why the sent
things can be recovered again. Once worn, don’t lose it. Take your give me."
Tao Yuan was taken aback, and the obedient general took the card off.
Lowe put his military badge on his neck, and then reached out to touch his eyes. "Sleep,
wake up. I'm still here. I won't go anywhere, I promise."
While Luo Wei worked hard to adapt to the status quo with the help of Tao Yuan, Shen
Shian once again contacted Mr. Gu and Gu Changsheng through the encrypted
communication line and told them the good news of the successful vaccine development.
The success of this time and the failure of the last vaccine experiment in which Professor Li
participated in the whole process were actually only the blood of Shen Xun, and Tang Song
and Lin Ruan had taken Shen Xun’s blood sample, and the research used a part of it, and the
rest was still stored. In the scientific research building of the sharp blade base. Because the
effect of Shen Xun's blood on the effectiveness of the vaccine is not "quantity", as long as it
exists, no matter how low the blood content of a single vaccine will not affect the effect, so
under the guidance and guidance of Professor Li, the relevant production personnel can Mr.
Meng produced enough medicine for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of
people, and then put a drop in it, so that in the short term, there is no need to worry about
the problem of insufficient blood.
Whether it is for the Gu family, for the capital, or for all survivors, the importance of being
able to make vaccines in large quantities is self-evident.
In addition to the vaccine, Shen Shian also told Mr. Gu how the Tangsong solved the turmoil
caused by the crystal nuclei of the powers. Although this idea is still in the process of
testing and testing, as long as the relevant information is disclosed, let The survivors knew
that in addition to killing crystal nuclei by self-conflict, there is a more convenient and
quicker scientific method to evolve abilities, and even free to choose the type of evolution
abilities, which can more or less allow the current situation of the capital base. Ease down.
After two good news, Mr. Gu was relieved, and before this call ended, he also gave Shen
Shian a key message.
That night, Shen Shian gathered all the members in the meeting room on the third floor
above the boiler room. A map of China was hanging on the display board opposite the long
table. The map shows the current distribution of zombies in different countries in different
colors. Among them, the eastern and southeastern coastal areas represented by the magic
capital are the darkest, and the shocking deep red is connected one by one. The western
plateau area is the lightest color. Because of the large-scale cleaning of the absolute death
zone around the base of the capital, it is currently in non-emergency But the orange level
can not be ignored.
"We know that zombies are instinctively attracted by fresh flesh and human DNA, and the
more people there are, the more attractive they are to zombies, so zombies groups all over
the country have been gathering at the location of major security bases." Shen Shian
Holding a pen, I drew a few arrows on the map. "Among them, the capital base is located
between the five bases, and the geographical location is centered. The population density is
large before the end of the world. The frequency of the impact of the zombies after the end
of the world is also the highest. However, according to me from Mr. Gu According to the
information received there, satellite imagery shows that since the presence of the crystal
nucleus of the omnipotent, the zombie swarms of the entire China region have slowed
down and are almost at a standstill. They will no longer move to the survivors’ settlements
and have not taken the initiative. Attacked any security base."
"It's Hershey who controls the zombies," Chen Nan puzzled. "But why would the attack on
the security base be stopped? After the exposure of the crystal nuclei of the all-powerful
bases, all the bases were in chaos. It should be reasonable that it should not be the weakest
and the most defensive base. Is it time to attack?"
Yun Feiyang first responded, "He wants us to kill each other first, and then take advantage
of the fishermen. You think, all safety bases are built to defend against zombies. In fact, this
is the best time for survivors to unite. A good way is to siege the siege. The Chinese are
most united only when the enemy is unanimously facing the outside world. For the same
reason, once the zombie does not attack, it is okay to be idle anyway. Those who originally
thought about each other do not break their heads. He will lead the zombies to the door
when we are almost exhausted. At that time, it will be no effort to destroy the survivors."
"Poison," Xiong Manshan angrily accused "too poisonous"
Shen Shian nodded. "I agree with Feiyang. Hexiu did this to let humanity relax his vigilance
and focus his energy on infighting. This also proves Tang Song's previous conjecture that
Hexiu can indeed control all natural evolution. Zombies at level 4 and above, and control all
zombies through these advanced zombies."
Luo Wei asked "how many zombies are there in China"
"Billion or so."
"What about survivors"
"Roughly estimated, less than 50 million."
Lowe looked dignified. "The gap is too wide."
"The most important thing is that the billion zombies on the opposite side all listened to the
command of Hirsch, and they pointed out where to fight and where to prohibit. We only
have one hundred million left here and less than a whole day of self-expenditure, which is
really right. Fart, even if there is a vaccine, it’s useless.” Liu Fangzhou started to get anxious
while scratching his face. “And our abilities are too few. If ordinary people don’t have the
weapons at their disposal, it’s hard to be the lowest-level mutant zombies. It will work."
When they first met Tang Song and Lin Ruan, Tang Song said that the ratio of powers at
that time was about one-twentieth to one-fifteenth. Later, people with strong physical
fitness began to evolve. The number of abilities is increasing, but until they leave the
capital, the proportion of abilities in the base is only about one-tenth at most, and many of
the remaining nine-tenths have not killed zombies. Don't say it's desperate to fight in the
decisive battle, it is estimated that the dense zombie tide can make them lose their fighting
In fact, if there is no Hexiu, 50 million survivors will stick to the city and consume it slowly.
There is still hope that the zombies will be eaten up a little bit, but Hexiu obviously cannot
give them the opportunity to have one billion troops in their hands and be destroyed by
each base. How happy it is to crush, who is willing to play with you slowly.
Lin Ruan asked, "Look for the team. If you meet Hexiu alone, you can be sure you can win."
Shen Xun thought about "60%."
"This probability refers to the fact that Hexiu's injury has not recovered and he has
recovered his full strength"
"It's the same. As long as it's still in this world, it doesn't make much difference to me
regardless of whether his injury has recovered."
In fact, he had underestimated Hexiu until the night of the escape from the capital and
before the five puppets were confronted at the same time. The strength of the puppet’s 039
identity and the strength of the body were directly related. According to the number and
ability of puppets, even He The injury repair has not healed, and the current strength is
comparable to the upper limit allowed by world law. This means that as long as they are
still affected by the law in this world, even if the other party recovers first, the power he
can exert cannot be much higher than that of Hershey. He Xiu is anxious to absorb the
crystal nucleus, not to worry about defeating him, but both of them can only open the
cracks in the space and return to the homeland when the mana is full.
The best way to kill Hexiu is to first return to Keos, take the opportunity to arrange in
advance, and kill him by surprise when Hexiu returns. But in this way, it is tantamount to
abandoning the world and all remaining survivors under the claws of Hershey. The original
Al did not matter, he abandoned it, but now Shen Xun obviously would not do so. He
promised Shen Shian to wait for the end of the end of the matter before he left, and he
would surely abide by the agreement.
The success rate of Lin Ruan knocking fingers on the table 60% is not high, and this has not
taken into account the senior zombies that might be around Hershey. According to their
speculation, Hexiu should have used Modu as the base camp, and the zombie group
gathered there had at least 100 million. Not to mention Shen Xun alone with Hexiu, how to
get close to each other is a problem.
"Besides Hershey, the biggest threat to the survivors is the one billion zombies." Shen
Shi'an Road "There is no way for any base to stand alone against this level of zombies. Only
by uniting will it be possible to gain a ray of life. The plan is indeed insidious, but it may not
be a good time for us to plan for accumulation. Do you still remember the Dachangjing
This plan was jointly initiated by Sharp Blade and Gu Family. The original intention was to
combine the human and material resources of the Beijing Base and Changbai Base into one,
and to disintegrate the Qin family forces from the roots. Half a year ago, Blade participated
in the opening of the first railway line from Beijing to Luancheng, and harvested a lot of
vital forces and coal resources. However, a series of turmoil caused by the outbreak of the
people's powerful incident caused the plan to be suspended.
"Three weeks ago, the Gu family, together with Qin Xue and several major power
organizations, started the project again. This time without the interference of the zombies,
it is expected to be completely completed within two months. And if The completion of the
Dachangjing project has achieved the expected results, and the next goal of the capital is
the plateau base."
"This is good news. If all three bases can be combined, the total number will be nearly 20
"But the temporary stagnation of the zombie swarm cannot be maintained forever," Lin
Ruan poured cold water. "He Xiu will close the net sooner or later."
Shen Shi'an nodded, "Yes, but winter is almost here. Last year's cold wave began in mid-
January and did not end until the end of May. During the cold wave, the zombies couldn't
move because the temperature was too low, that is, Hershey decided to close the net.
Before we lead the zombie army to suppress the survivors, we have at least six months to
"If you and Tang Song can find a stable and effective method for man-made abilities within
this half a year, we can use the opportunity of zombies to suspend attacks to increase the
proportion of abilities and maximize human combat effectiveness. "
"Lying trough, if this can be successful, when He Xiu comes to the door with zombies, can't
there be 20 million abilities on the human side?"
"Not only 20 million, but also Yunchuan base, island base, and thousands of small security
bases are not counted. When the time comes, we will spread the news that we can
artificially make abilities through the world of satellites. No one came in"
Xiong Manshan couldn't help but pat the table and stood up, "Mother, fight with the
zombies and be afraid of his grandma's legs"
Everyone was frowning a moment ago because of the disparity between humans and
zombies. At this time, Shen Shian’s vision was heated up. Luo Wei said, "I actually have a
question about the crystal nucleus of the ability. of."
"You said."
"If humans can acquire abilities as long as they absorb the crystal nuclei of the abilities, will
the zombies also be able to acquire abilities in this way? Will this way a zombie king with
multiple abilities will evolve?"
"Theoretically, it is possible, because it can explain the preference of zombies for abilities
when attacking humans." The answer to this question is Tang Song. "But the strange thing
is that we have encountered so many differences. No one in the zombie has two or more
abilities, because it is difficult to conduct specific experimental research on this situation,
so I can only give a rough guess either because the zombie absorbed the human crystal
nucleus , For some reason, the success rate of the related gene fragments when copying and
transcription is very low, it is difficult to turn all the abilities; or the zombies can only
absorb the crystal nuclei of the same abilities of the same line as their own. For the zombie,
the nuclei of the energy nucleus only have the function of supplementing energy."
"Then if the zombie absorbs the zombie crystal core, if it is an ability between the same
kind, can it be obtained in this way?"
Lin Ruan shook his head, "The zombie crystal nucleus does not have the ability to
transcribe abilities. We have encountered a fourth-level wind zombie, which killed a third-
level earth zombies and absorbed it when the power was about to be exhausted. The
opponent's crystal nucleus, however, did not obtain the soil power, but its own energy was
restored. Therefore, my teacher and I believe that only human crystal nucleus can realize
the transcription of the power. Zombie crystal nucleus is for zombies or survivors. It can
only be used as an energy storage battery. As for why there is such a difference, we can’t
explain it. The crystal nucleus is too hard to be sliced and sampled. Whether it is nuclear
magnetic resonance or ct, it can’t be distinguished. It is still a huge one. Mystery."
It doesn’t matter if Rover is a mystery or not, as long as he knows that zombies will not
evolve into super monsters with several or even dozens of abilities, he will be relieved.
After the meeting, Shen Shian fell to the end and shouted Tang Song and Lin Ruan, "If you
want to increase the ratio of abilities, the research of your two is very important, but don’t
put too much pressure on yourself, even if the research is not successful, I There is a spare
Tang Song "You mean, spiritual spring water"
Shen Shian nodded. "Mr. Gu has spread the news that abilities can be artificially
manufactured. If your vision cannot be clinically operated within three months, I will sell
spirit spring water through the Gu family in the name of abilities evolution agent. Ordinary
people give injections. Although it is not yet guaranteed whether the rate of evolution of the
power brought by the spirit spring is 100%, it should also play a role."
"This is also a solution, but is there enough spring water?"
"As long as the zombie crystal cores are sufficient, the supply of spiritual spring water can
be guaranteed."
Knowing that there was a spare plan, he lifted the burden of "saving all mankind" from his
shoulders. Tang Song and the two were more or less relieved.
Lin Ruan thought for a while and said, "The spirit spring water is beyond the scope of
worldly understanding. It is even more trouble if it is discovered by Hershey. It is better not
to expose it if it is not exposed. At present, the experiment is progressing smoothly, there
are leaves growing flowers, artificial At least 70% of the feasibility of transcription ability
coding, I have confidence with the teacher."
Shen Shian nodded. "That's hard work for you."
After the two left, Shen Xun walked over and took his hand "worried about the decisive
Shen Shi'an nodded. "Hirth is a strong enemy."
"I am also strong."
"I know, but I don't want to hurt you." The dog he raised by himself, he was distressed
when he broke the skin.
"Then I will try not to hurt myself." Shen Xun bowed his head and kissed his mouth,
rubbing it against the lips after the kiss, and the low-pitched voice was full of temptation
and hint. "You know, massage can improve Mana is good for you and me."
The alarm bell in Shen Shi’an’s mind pushed his chest away and narrowed his eyes. “How
do you guarantee that you have to wait at least a week before leaving the space? This is the
day after, and I’m planning to eat and get fat.”
The needs of foreign animals are really terrible, especially like Shen Xun, who felt that too
many opportunities were wasted before, so they will have to double up after the self-study
according to the small video. Once the gate is opened and the taste is fresh, the taste of
eating marrow is basically stopped. Can't stop, can't wait to stay in the space for 48 hours a
Others only practiced for three and a half days when they were closed, and actually a whole
week passed in the space
When Shen Shian rarely had sobriety this week, it was a question of whether he could move
freely if he had the power to protect his body and the spirit to warm up.
Even if he was a little guilty about not being able to give Shen Xun's instruction on the
operation skills earlier, it was all consumed in his stormy massage that lasted for a whole
Shen Xun didn't think it was a good thing to massage at a loss, he is happy and happy, why
not do it
Raised his hand and lifted a strand of hair from Shen Shi'an's ear. "You can't do it or you are
afraid that you can't stand it just like last time, and you can only cry and beg in the end"
Shen Shian grabbed his hand, pressed his waist against the wall, pressed him against the
wall, his nose sticking to his breath and entangled, "You excite me"
Shen Xunai likes this softly whispered threat to himself, just like a cheetah who has been
provoked slowly to find the opponent's weakness, elegant and **** with a fatal danger.
"How about a bet," Shen Xun rubbed his nose. "Bet you won't cry this time."
Shen Shian's eyes glinted, his thoughts turned slightly, and the two disappeared from the
The author has something to say small theater
After a night, Shen Shian "stopped."
Shen Xun "No, I think you haven't cried enough yet."
Shen Shian was ashamed and annoyed, turned his head and scolded him "Now, it's not time
you chased me and called my father"
"It turns out that you like me to call your father" Shen Xun smiled, backhanded his sweaty
hair behind his head, bent over to blow his ears, "Dad, Dad screamed, relax, relax,"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 229:

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There are changes at the end of the previous chapter, if you haven't read it, remember to
watch the duck
After the torrential rain a few days ago, the weather was clear for two days, and then it
began to rain again, and it fell for more than half a month. The water flow in Jinjiang
skyrocketed, and the turbulent water waves were like galloping horses.
In order to prevent floods from reaching the brewery, Shen Shi'an took people to the
nearby hydropower station to strengthen the dam and clear the river channel.
Xu Ge and Tong Tong ushered in with a dozen dry towels, "Hurry up and wipe, how can the
dam be held up?"
Chen Nan nodded his head. "The dam is okay, because most of the previously reclaimed
fields have been flooded. Wange opened two new rivers to drain the river, and now he
retreats a little bit." Fortunately, they had finished their farming long ago. After being
planted, the rice and wheat stacked in the Shen Shi'an space will not be a problem for a
"Will it flood the brewery?"
"No," after seeing Shen Xun take the towel and wipe it for him, Shen Shian wrapped his
towel around the man's head and rubbed it. "The winery is high, and the water is not too
The river was rising, and even a lot of fish and shrimp aquatic products in Jinjiang were
washed up.When Liu Fangzhou went back, he asked Shen Shian to ask for a bamboo basket.
He walked while fishing in the river without knee depth, and threw the small one back. The
rest are jumping around in the bamboo basket "Sister, add vegetables at noon"
Xu Ge took the bamboo basket, "Ginger soup is being cooked in the kitchen. You are going
to take a shower. After finishing the shower, you just have a bowl to chill."
Everyone went back to their room to take a comfortable hot bath, put on dry and warm
home clothes, and then concentrated on the first floor restaurant, filled with a bowl of
steaming hot **** soup. The **** soup was just cooked, and the soup was sprinkled with a
layer of dried osmanthus. This osmanthus was shaken from the osmanthus tree in the yard,
which was not transplanted for long. Three large baskets were shaken, and one basket was
used to brew sauce. The other two baskets were dried and filled with four tea buckets, all of
which were sealed and placed in the food storage room next to the restaurant.
Probably because Shen Shi’an occasionally poured a little bit of dangui when feeding the
willow essence with the spirit spring. The flower that grew out was not only red in color
but also rich in aroma, and slid into the stomach along with the **** soup, immediately
leaving all the limbs and bones. Get warm.
Xiong Manshan leaned back on the sofa and let out a long "Ah, comfortable."
Yun Feiyang sat on the window sill and received two pieces of rainwater. Wan Feng walked
over and closed the window. "I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while."
"If you can't stop, let him go," Liu Fangzhou also held a bowl of **** soup. "We don't have to
go out anyway." The dam was strengthened, the river channel was cleared, and the winter
food should be hoarded. Don’t go anywhere at home, drink tea, read books, play games, or
play with the two of them, or sisters. When you’re tired, you can sleep with the sound of
rain. If you’re bored, you can poke the clock. How happy he is.
I turned around and asked Tong Tong, "What are you doing?"
"In the research building, help Lin Ruange to do experiments with them."
Sagar, it seems that he has already begun to create abilities manually.
After drinking **** soup, Chen Nan moved a wooden barrel over one meter high from the
warehouse, and half a barrel of mud was filled in the wooden barrel. Liu Fangzhou was
originally watching Zhao Xinjiang wear the melon and buckle melon seeds with his bare
hands, and then came over holding the bowl. "Brother, what are you doing?"
"Grow plants, leave the seeds." There are almost a hundred seeds in his hand. They were all
planted by Shen Shi'an after planting in the space, and the seeds were cultivated by the
black land and could not be reproduced directly. After his incubation, the improvement
effect of Lingquan water can be perfectly preserved. Individuals with large demand and
high frequency, such as tomatoes, strawberries, watermelons, cherries, etc., have optimized
their seeds to more than 20 generations.
Anyway, it's okay to be idle, and you can train abilities while spawning seeds, and you can
do both.
"Then you urge some more chili peppers," Xiong Manshan also leaned over when he heard
the sound. "The mountain has heavy moisture and eats more chili peppers. It's just that
Brother Wan did a few small stone mills the other day, did you give birth, I'll come Grind,
grind the chili paste into a canned bottle and pour a layer of sesame oil, I will tell you the
thief's dinner
Liu Fangzhou also got excited. "The chili is good. You can cook a fish head with chopped
pepper at noon, and then stir fry crayfish with another chili"
To do it dry, Chen Nan found out the chili seeds and chose ordinary green and red peppers,
more spicy screw peppers, especially spicy millet peppers, and specially prepared colored
sweet peppers for people who cannot eat spicy food. He was responsible for spawning, Liu
Fangzhou, Zhao Xinhe and others were responsible for cleaning and shredding. Xiong
Manshan bowed around and pushed two small stone mills together. It didn't take long for a
spicy and attractive smell to float out from under the stone mill.
The smell of chili was heavy, Shen Xun sneezed several times in a row, Shen Shian put
down the bowl and stood up, "I go to the research building to see Tang Song's progress,
how about you?"
Shen Xun originally planned to follow along, and then thought about it, rubbing his nose
and shaking his head, "You go first, I will come later."
After Shen Shi'an left, he lifted his chin towards Liu Fangzhou and secretly motioned to
"come over."
Liu Fangzhou immediately put down the kitchen knife and took off his gloves. He followed
Shen Xun and walked to the corner of the window on the corner of the stairs.
"Is there any last video."
Video Liu Fangzhou did not respond for a while "What video"
Shen Xun frowned "Two men."
Liu Fangzhou remembered this time and scratched his head with a red face. "Well, there
aren't two men, but there are many bear brothers with one man and one woman. See if you
want to see him."
Shen Xun's brows are tighter if he has any good looks
No, Liu Fangzhou wanted to cry without tears. "The brother and I wanted to take the video
of a man and a woman. The video of a man and a man was completely unexpected, and
there was only one copy in total."
Shen Xun's face was gloomy, and he wanted to get angry and put it down. "Where did you
get the video?"
"It was the shopping mall where I met Huahua in the beginning, but all adult video stores of
this kind can be found in any town."
Adult image store. Shen Xun remembered, "It's done, it's all yours."
Turned down the stairs and found Yun Feiyang "I need you to do something."
"what's up"
"Find a reason and tell An An that I and you need to go downhill tomorrow, just the two of
Tomorrow they go down in such heavy rain
"How to find this reason."
"How do I know, I think."
Shen Xun left after he finished speaking, glancing at the direction of the warehouse where
Ruibao was before leaving.
Yun Feiyang felt that this was an implicit threat.
This dog didn't like people when he was a child, and when he grew up, he was even more
annoying, so An An regarded him as a treasure.
It's about the desire to keep Ruibao's life. 039 Hope is too urgent. Yun Feiyang racked his
brain and really thought of a reason.
"A few days is the birthday of our family, Wan Wan," he found Shen Shi'an and said, "I
haven't thought about any gifts for him for more than a month, so I plan to go down to the
nearby town and take a look tomorrow. Isn't your home Shen Xun's size the same as that of
Lao Wan? Let me lend him a day if he's fancy with clothes and accessories, let him try it or
give me some advice."
Shen Shi'an naturally had no objections, and turned to ask Shen Xun, Shen Xun hesitated for
a long time, and then reluctantly agreed, "It's all for An'an's sake."
The rain was too heavy for Ruibao to fly, and the two could only drive down the mountain.
Yun Feiyang was the driver and drove all the way to the foot of the mountain. Then he
learned from Shen Xunkou the destination adult video store this time.
For a long time, Ruibao is not as important as calcium tablets, hetui
Liu Fangzhou is right in saying something, such a place as an adult video store can indeed
be found in any town. Yun Feiyang chose a small city nearby and drove along the main road
for more than half an hour.
Shen Xun just unscrewed the door lock, and Yun Feiyang also followed. He noticed Shen
Xun's line of sight and lifted his chin. "Why, you can see I can't see it."
Shen Xun ignored him and pulled open the door and strode in. The image store is one of the
most unlikely places for survivors to visit after the end of the world. Therefore, the various
facilities in the store are kept intact. It is estimated that the business did not start when the
virus broke out. Except for the heavy dust, it looks like a static time and space. .
The two of them browsed separately. Although Shen Xun didn’t know English, he heard
from Liu Fangzhou what the words “gv” and “boyove” looked like before going out, so he
didn’t go straight to his goal and packed his back in a moment. Full of dangdang, he turned
around and handed it to Yun Feiyang. "No one except me is allowed to touch in the received
嘁, who is rare.
Yun Feiyang took the bag and put it away with his loot, "Shall we go back directly"
Shen Xun originally planned this way, but after going out, he found that the next door was
"adult supplies." There should be many good things to listen to this name, so he turned
around and walked in to find out.
This time it took a long time. When I came out, I held a big carton one meter long and half a
meter high. The heavy weight almost brought Yun Feiyang to the heel.
Shen Xun seemed to be in a good mood. After handing the carton to him, the old **** was
sitting in the back seat of the car, "why did he stun, drive home."
Yun Feiyang looked at the box and then looked at Shen Xun, silently praying for Shen Shian
Sorry brother, I wish you good health and happiness forever.
Wan Feng's birthday was in mid-December, which happened to be the same day as Liu
Fangzhou. Luo Wei's birthday was also in December, which was less than a week away
from the two of them, so they simply lived together.
Everyone prepared cakes, wine, food and delicacies, and celebrated a lively celebration. At
the end of the banquet, Shen Shian was drunk and his cheeks were hot, sitting on the
window sill to blow, Shen Xun also followed, and screwed a hot towel to wipe his face. After
wiping, hugged him from behind, bowed his head and took a bite on his earlobe, and looked
quite wronged. "An An never gave me a birthday."
Shen Shi'an thought too. Turned his head to see "when is your birthday"
"I don't know, Cerberus has never been a birthday, and the calendar of the underground
world is not the same as here." Shen Xun tightened his arms. "Otherwise, how about taking
An'an to take me home as a birthday."
Shen Shian recalled carefully for a moment, "The day I took you home was December 21st,"
he raised his hand to hook Shen Xun’s neck, and leaned in to kiss him on his mouth. The
number is your birthday."
"Can I also have a birthday gift"
"Of course. What do you want"
Shen Xun looked at him, his dark green eyes bottomed out, "whatever he wants"
"Anything you want."
After half an hour, Shen Shian stood at the head of the bedroom on the first floor of the
bamboo building with three things on the bed
After joining the thirteen congressmen, Lin Ruan designed an improved military uniform
for him, a box of strawberry-flavored ointment, and a string of fuchsia grape beads.
Shen Xun embraced him from behind, his voice low and hoarse. "You can say anything you
Shen Shi'an's throat twitched up and down twice, not knowing why, and suddenly gave up
an urge to escape.
The two of them stayed in the space for twenty-four hours. Most of the ointment was used
up. Military uniform buttons were scattered all over the floor. The sofa, carpet, mirror, and
bed sheets were messy. .
Before falling into a lethargy, he had only one thought in Shen Shi'an's head to wait for him
to wake up, and he had to slash Shen Xun with a sword.
The sleep was so deep that he recovered a lot of physical strength after opening his eyes,
but his annoyance was not gone. He was about to get up and look for the sword. His eyes
suddenly caught up with a small child standing beside the bed.
The child's bright eyes were fond of powder carving and jade carving, and when Shen Shian
looked over, he dug out two furry pointed ears from his head, and his voice was soft and
"An An, you wake up"
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 230:
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"Ha ha ha ha ha" Yun Feiyang covered her stomach with one hand and pointed to Shen Xun,
leaning against Wan Feng with a smile that was breathless "How can he ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha baby boy ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
Shen Xun sat gloomy in front of the dining table, his murderous gaze followed Yun
Feiyang's body again and again. If he was an adult, this look would really teach people to
shudder, but the key is that he is not yet high, sitting in a chair. The feet can't touch the
ground, and the deterrence is not cute enough. It looks like a milk baby with a sulking face.
Yun Feiyang laughed louder, "hahahahahahahaha"
Shen Xun narrowed his eyes, wanted to cast a forbidden curse on him, and was afraid of
being discovered by Shen Shian, so he squeezed the spoon on the table and punched two
rows of small, shiny fangs towards him.
Yun Feiyang only felt that the sweat on his neck exploded, he coughed twice and finally
converged a lot, wiped away his tears and filled a bowl of fish fillet porridge and sat across
from Shen Shian. "Seriously, how did he become a child again?"
Shen Shian glanced at Shen Xun, "Love."
Come on, Yun Feiyang thumbs up or you guys will play ah brother.
Yun Feiyang and Wan Feng are just the beginning. The members who went downstairs for
dinner all showed a huge shock and a desperate smile to the child form of Shen Xun,
especially the few people who have never seen this look of Shen Xun. Full of curiosity can
almost diffuse from the eyes.
Shen Xun was a little annoyed at first. After being watched for a long time, she didn’t think
she would become smaller. The older husband can stretch and bend. If he becomes smaller,
he can come to “whatever he wants”. . Moreover, Shen Shian had no resistance to this look,
and even the hand that was vacated during the meal had never been taken from his ear.
The two furry animal ears were erected on top of Shen Xun's head, and the pink skin inside
could be seen vaguely through the black fur. No guts, only to watch secretly obscene.
Yun Feiyang swallowed a thin, thick, thick yellow crab bag, and took a shrimp from the
steamer. He asked Shen Shian, "When will he change back?"
"When will I feel satisfied."
Shen Xun immediately connected "When will An'an feel satisfied with you?"
Shen Shi'an Pi smiled but didn't smile, pinched his ears and grabbed twice, "Guess."
The heavy rain didn't stop, and the clatter fell loudly. After breakfast, Tang Song and Lin
Ruan went to the laboratory as usual. Others either cleaned the house or read books to
study or sorted out the winter supplies.
Shen Shian put down the tableware, turned around and walked upstairs, Shen Xun quickly
jumped off the chair and chased up with his little legs, took his hand at the corner of the
stairs "An An What are we doing today"
Shen Shian flashed attentively and took him into the space with "planting land."
Many new seeds and plants were harvested on the last trip to Youshan, including the few
green bark coconuts Yun Feiyang handed to him. They haven't had time to try planting. It's
just time to plant all of them. The adaptation effect with black land.
Turning out a small bamboo basket from the reserve grassland, Shen Shian stuffed seven or
eight shallow bottles with different seeds in it, and hung the bamboo basket on Shen Xun's
chest again.
According to the number of seeds, the planting area of different crops was divided. Shen
Shian held a **** in front to reclaim the land, Shen Xun pouted his **** in the back, planted
and covered with a layer of soil, and then poured the bucket of spring water from the
stream. , And the rest is left to the black earth and the seeds themselves.
Coconut is a bit more troublesome. According to the explanation in the crop planting guide,
it is necessary to select fully ripe fruits in a semi-shaded, ventilated and well-drained area
to cultivate a depth of 15 to 20 cm to germinate. Shen Shian is not sure about the
environment of the black land. It didn’t meet the requirements, so I didn’t dare to breed the
whole species. I circled a place of one by one square meters and chose the most plump and
round coconut to bury in half, leaving only about one third exposed outside, and from the
eye of the spring. Scooped half a cup of spirit spring water on the bottom of the coconut.
"Okay," Shen Shian straightened his waist and clapped his hands. "Wait a moment to see."
According to the previous cultivation experience on black soil, the growth cycle of herbs,
vines or shrubs is about half an hour to two hours, and woody plants are much slower,
usually growing within a day, but it takes about a week Will result.
However, this time the growth rate of the seeds was greatly unexpected. Shen Shian put the
farm tools in place, and after washing his hands in the stream, he heard Shen Xun shouting,
"An An, the blueberries are blooming."
Shen Shian walked over to see it, and it did indeed bloom. A total of two acres of
blueberries have grown to a height of half a person. The tops of the branches are covered
with clusters of bulging white buds. The unopened trumpet was full of lively trees.
"From the height and the size of the flowers, it seems that the difference from the original
plant is not too big," Shen Shian walked around the bushes "I don't know if the fruit will
He took Shen Xun to stand in the field and waited for more than ten minutes. Two acres of
blueberries were still in full bloom and there was no sign of falling flowers.
Shen Shian noticed something strange, "why is it wrong, why did he not bear fruit"? He
looked at the other several acres of land, and found that the seven or eight plants that were
just planted were like this. After the flowers were opened, the growth process stopped, as if
at Waiting for something is like "No, Ling Ling"
The bee hasn't pollinated, it can blame the result
The usual plants swarmed as soon as a flowering bee swarmed, but today there was no
movement. Is there something wrong? Shen Shi'an walked out of the folding space and
went straight to the bamboo building, standing under the big tree where the bee colonies
and raised his head. Look.
There are two trees in front of the bamboo building, one is a peach tree, and the other is the
dwelling of a bee colony. At first, these spirit bees were not as big as rice grains, and dozens
or hundreds of them were piled up to accumulate light yellow flowers, so that Shen Shian
completely misunderstood it as an unknown plant when he first touched the space.
It was not until Shen Shian planted tomatoes in the space for the first time, which caused
the bee colony to recover from dormancy. Since then, it is not known whether the size of
the spirit bee is getting bigger and bigger because of the increase in pollen consumption.
It's almost the same as ordinary bees, and even the "bee flower" with the savings is more
than half the size of a volleyball.
"The bee colony did not respond." Shen Shi'an stood under the tree and did not observe any
signs of spirit bee activity. He raised his hand and patted on the trunk. The branches and
leaves swayed swiftly as if some kind of organ had been activated. The bee rose into the air,
merged into a whirlwind in the thick buzzing sound, turned around the top of the tree a few
times and then rushed straight down, just like the sky and the fire spread out, and it
became the original rice grain size within a moment. , Clusters piled up on the branches
Shen Shi'an hugged Shen Xun and backed away when the bee swarm suddenly responded.
They didn't come over until they were calm. The whole bee colony changed back to the
original small flowers, but before they became empty, the original big " The location of the
"Bee Flower" leaves an unknown object that is the size of a grapefruit, which reveals a
golden color, as if it is a container.
"what is this"
"In the hive is the spirit bee honey" Shen Xun twisted her arms around Shen Shi'an's neck.
"It turns out that the honey has been brewed, An'an. Hurry and pick one down to try."
Shen Shian put the child down, walked to the side of the tree trunk and grabbed the lowest
one. These containers seemed to be stuck to the branch by something, and they were very
tight. Shen Shian took a little effort to pull the next one.
The container is translucent, it is quite heavy and has a lot of weight. The outer surface is
formed by the tight connection of regular hexagons. Shen Shian carefully observed for a
moment and found that the material forming the container seems to be beeswax, but it is
smoother and harder than ordinary beeswax. Much more, the knuckles were knocked up,
and they could make a sound similar to that of a golden stone clash, not like a beehive, but
like a jade jug with a unique shape.
Shen Shian walked into the living room of the bamboo building and pried the top of the
honeycomb with a dagger. A mellow sweet aroma immediately rushed across the face. Shen
Xun leaned over and shook his nose hard. "Good thing, An'an, take a quick bite."
Shen Shian took a plain blue porcelain cup, the honeycomb tilted slightly, and the amber
honey bee honey slowly flowed out from the gap. The color was pure and translucent, just
like the sun flowing.
After pouring half of the glass, Shen Shian put down the hive, lifted the porcelain cup to the
tip of the nose and smelled it, and then took a small sip, then the body was shocked. "The
strong aura" was higher than the aura contained in the spirit spring. Three or four times.
"That is of course, the plants in this space are all full of aura, and the flowers are the most
concentrated part of the plant essence. These spirit bees collect the powder of the flowers
and gather the essence of the flowers. The strange honey is not strange. "Shen Xun used
Shen Shi'an's hand to drink all the remaining honey in the cup, and even licked the edge of
the cup cleanly. "An An, pour another cup."
Shen Shi'an laughed, and it seemed that his behavior and thinking were inevitably affected
after his body became smaller. He hadn't seen this coquettish and sweet-loving look for a
long time.
I feel quite missed.
After pouring another three cups to the children, Shen Shian sealed the honeycomb and put
it on the second floor of the bamboo building. "Okay, I can't eat it anymore. The honey is too
sweet, and eating too much can easily cause tooth decay. Let's go, let's go out and see ."
Shen Shian now counted carefully along the branches under the tree, and found that there
were a total of thirty-two beehives left by the spirit bees, plus the ones he had already
picked out, that is thirty-three, neither too few nor too many. The bee colony, which
restored the size of the rice grains, still stuck to the branches.
"Are these spirit bees dead?" What if the bee colony dies and pollinates afterwards? Do you
have to find a way to catch a group of bees?
"I didn't die before I finished the honey, I guess I have to rest for a while."
Shen Shian was relieved without dying. But since the bee colony needs dormancy, this time
the planting must be pollinated manually.
Shrubs and wild fruits are pretty easy to handle. Take a bamboo pole and gently pat along
the flower clusters from high to low, or directly use spiritual force to blow it. The only
coconut tree that is tens of meters high is obviously only Can climb up and talk.
Shen Xun volunteered, "An An, let me crawl to restore my adult form, I can climb up
Shen Shi'an ignored him, climbed up the trunk and stepped up, and soon reached the top of
the tree.
Shen Xun stood at the bottom of the tree and looked up at him, "An An, you must be careful,
hold firmly, don't fall down"
He patronized the top of his head, and under his feet he didn't notice that he was stumbled
by the roots of the tree. He squatted firmly and fell on his buttocks. The bamboo basket on
his chest was turned upside down, and the unused seeds slammed all over the ground.
Shen Shi'an heard the movement, looked down and said, "It's alright, let's find it"
Empty under the tree, where there are children.
"Xun Xun" Shen Shian frowned slightly. "I don't have time to hide and seek now. Come out
quickly. Xun Xun"
Still playing, the whole space is under his control, even if you can hide and hide where to
go, Shen Shian secretly grinds this broken child, and you have to beat it when you get it out.
I didn’t expect to release my consciousness and swept the circle twice.
Impossible, if you can't go anywhere in the space, can you go out yourself? But the outside
environment is also in his sense, he didn't find any abnormality at all.
Shen Shian's face was pale and he was about to jump down, and he saw Shen Xun
appearing out of nowhere, and then came out from under the coconut tree. "An An comes
down quickly, you can't believe what I found."
Shen Shi'an couldn't believe it. The place where Shen Xun fell next to the tree roots seemed
plain and unremarkable at first glance, but Shen Xun took his hand and took a step forward,
the space was suddenly bright, and a large lush plant in front of him was all hit by a
bamboo basket After turning, the seeds scattered on the ground grow into "this is the
folding space"
To be precise, it should be a secondary folding space.
The highest magnification of black soil is 666 times, which Shen Shi'an has already verified
with experiments. He set aside a one-by-one-square-meter space for planting coconut
trees. After the coconut trees grow, the entire space expands to about forty square meters.
That is to say, in order to adapt to the optimal growth needs of coconut trees, the black land
has expanded by forty. Many times are far below the expansion limit of 666 times.
When Shen Xun fell, the scattered seeds touched the soil and grew rapidly under the
nourishment of the aura, which caused the black earth to expand again and formed a
folding space within the folding space.
Shen Shian pulled up a raspberry seedling from the ground, still feeling unbelievable "Why
did the land not expand to the limit and accidentally sprinkle the seeds on it happened
before, and more than once, but there has never been space twice The phenomenon of
folding, why this time can be"
"It should be related to your previous advanced practice," Shen Xundao said. "At the time,
did you not feel that there was an important change in space, but you were not sure what
this change was? I think it is because of advanced practice, The power of the law of the
portable space is strengthened, so that the subspace can be derived from the subspace
"Can it be further derived and then fold three more times" Theoretically, if he can control
the multiple of each time the black soil is accompanied by plant growth and expansion, for
example, if it is doubled each time, wouldn't it be possible to nest up to six More than a
hundred times
Shen Shian took another pack of seeds for experiments, but it turns out that the space will
stop completely after being folded for the fifth time. No matter how big the initial area is,
the remaining expansion potential is strong, and it can only be nested up to four times. ,
Forming a five-layer subspace.
Shocked by the new discovery, Shen Shi'an was puzzled. "But what's the use of this space
after multiple folding? Is it just to maximize the use of black land?" If this is really the case,
this is accompanied by advanced exercises. The dividends are too ridiculous. After all, the
black land area is vast and there is no need to open source and reduce expenditure in this
"Of course it’s useful. An An, don’t you feel it? The more the space is folded, the more
restrictive the innermost space rule is. If I can exert 20 Xiao Lang’s strengths in the outside
world, the most in the fifth floor space. Only ten can be played. I guess because you are the
master of the space, this restriction has no direct effect on you, so," Shen Xun thought for a
while. "You try to control me."
Shen Shian said "jump."
Shen Xun didn't jump, but his toes moved obviously. "I found that when the two of us are
outside the folding space, because my power is stronger than the law of space, you can
control other things, but you can't control me; but here I can clearly notice that you are the
master of the space. You haven’t been able to gain control soon, so you haven’t fully
mastered this multi-level nesting space. You will become more proficient in it afterwards,
or you will have more control over me until the next exercise method is advanced."
Shen Xun looked up at Shen Shian's eyes, "An An, are you the same thing I thought now"
Shen Shian rubbed his fingertips and let out a long sigh of relief. "We have found a way to
deal with Hexiu."
Starting today, Shen Xun needs to spend a lot of time in the five-layer subspace to adapt to
the law restrictions in the subspace that are far stronger than the outside world. In this
way, when Hexiu suddenly falls under the same rules, he can beat the opponent by
It's like an athlete who has long-term weight training suddenly loses his weight after lifting
the weight, and vice versa. If the athlete adapts to the state of no weight and suddenly asks
him to carry weight, his performance will immediately drop a lot.
In this way, even if Shen Shian did not interfere as the space master, Hershey, whose power
was suddenly suppressed further, would definitely not be Shen Xuan's opponent who is
used to this state.
The only question left was how to deceive Hexiu in the end.
Inadvertently solved a big problem, teaching Shen Shian to put down a huge rock pressed
against his heart, as easy as being broken through.
Shen Xun looked up at him, "An An, I found out about this."
"I'm great"
"You are not satisfied"
Shen Xun's eyes lit up, "Will I be able to return to its original state?"
Shen Shian bent over and squeezed on his face, and said softly, "Don't even think about it."
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Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse Chapter 231:

Settings saved..
First of all apologize to everyone, this chapter is not an update
Since An An and the others left the capital, many readers have reported in the comments
that the plot is not as good as before. In fact, I have a deep understanding of this. Many key
plots such as Ye Shenghua's joining and running-in, Yun Feiyang's return, and One of the
bosses, Zhong Han’s solution, etc. were not handled properly, which directly led to the
decline of everyone’s experience and the reduction of my own codeword passion, which
formed a vicious circle and further dragged down the quality of the subsequent plot. This is
also the main reason why the update is unstable and always keeps Calvin for more than a
Readers who have been seeing the present should also be able to guess that the plot of this
article has actually been in the late stage, and it is not far from the end of the full text. I am
satisfied with the quality of the first more than 1 million words, so I don’t want this last and
most important. Part of it failed to show its due brilliance, dragging the whole story behind.
So I'm going to start editing again. I'm sorry everyone originally planned to update and
repair it, but when doing this, there is always a kind of crooked foundation, and it feels like
how to write it when I expand it later. It will not be a chapter for a day to delete, delete, and
change, so I just try again.
The scope of this revision starts from 200 chapters, of which 200203 is a fine-tuning, which
has been revised, and there is little difference between before and after. After each chapter
is completed, the chapter title will be marked with the word "Finished", and everyone is
free to choose whether to read it again.
The entire editing process is expected to end within two weeks. I hope you all believe me
again. The modified content will not disappoint you. Please remember to bookmark the
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