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No-Man's-Land: On Walter Benjamin's "Destructive Character"

Author(s): Irving Wohlfarth

Source: Diacritics, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer, 1978), pp. 47-65
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
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Accessed: 14/09/2013 11:08

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"The Destructive Character"
It could happen that, looking back upon one's life, one might come
to the realizationthat almost all the deeper relations one had undergone
originated with people about whose "destructive character"everyone
was unanimous. One day, perhaps accidentally, one would come up
against this fact;and the more violent the shock, the better one's chances
of portrayingthe destructive character.
The destructive character'sonly watchword is: Make room; his only
activity:clearingout. His need for fresh airand free space is strongerthan
any hatred.
The destructive characteris young and cheerful. For destroying re-
juvenates, because it clears out of the way the traces of our own age; it
cheers up because every clearing away means, for the destroyer, a com-
plete reduction of his own condition, indeed the extraction of its root.
Such an Apollonian version of the destroyerimposes itself once one rec-
ognizes how prodigiously the world is simplified when it is tested with a
view to its destruction. Such is the great chain of being. It provides the
destructive characterwith an all-embracingspectacle of the deepest har-
The destructive characteris a tireless worker.It is nature that dictates
his tempo, at least indirectly:he has to forestallit. Otherwise it will itself
take over the destruction.
The destructive characterenvisions nothing. He has few needs, least
of all to know what will take the place of the destroyed. At first, for a
moment at least, the empty space, the place where the object stood, the
victim lived. Someone will turn up who needs it without occupying it.
The destructive characterdoes his job. It is only creative workthat he
avoids. Just as the creator seeks out solitude for himself, the destroyer
must continuously surround himself with people, with witnesses to his
The destructive characteris a signal. Just as a trigonometricsign is
exposed on all sides to the wind, he is exposed on all sides to chatter. To
defend him against it is senseless.
The destructive characteris not at all interested in being understood.
Effortsto this end he considers superficial. Misunderstandingcannot af-
fect him. On the contrary,he provokes it, just as oracles, those destruc-
tive state institutions, provoked it. The most petty-bourgeois of all
phenomena, gossip, only comes about because people don't want to be
misunderstood. The destructive characterlets himself be misunderstood;
he does not encourage gossip.
The destructive characteris the enemy of those whose home is their
case [Etui-Mensch]and who merely want their comfort. They line their
shell [Gehause] with velvet, on which they impress their traces. The de-
structive characterwipes away even the traces of destruction.
diacritics/June 1978 47

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The destructive character stands in the vanguard of the traditionalists.Some
hand things down by making them inviolable and conserving them; others pass on
situations by making them handy and liquidatingthem. The latterare called destruc-
The destructive characterhas a historicalsense: a basic, invincible distrustof the
course of events and a permanent awareness that everythingcan go wrong. Thus the
destructive characteris dependability itself.
The destructive character sees nothing lasting. But for this very reason he
everywheresees ways and means. Whereothers come up against walls or mountains,
there too he sees a way. But because he sees a way everywhere, he also has
everywhere to clear the way. Not always with brute force, sometimes with its refine-
ment. Because he sees ways everywhere, he himself always stands at the crossroads.
No moment can know what the next will bring. He reduces the existing to rubble, not
for the sake of the rubble but of the path that extends through it.
The destructive characterdoes not live out of the feeling that life is worth living,
but that suicide is not worth the trouble.1

Walter Benjamin has long been frozen in this country as a hot tip. More translation
cannot by itself remedy this situation. Sustained mediation is required if his concep-
tion of criticism as "quoting out of context" is not to be unwittingly parodied. The
following essay tries, by way of a telescopic microscopie, to show what reading
Benjamin involves. In necessarily programmatic fashion it situates a crucial "middle"
text within contexts and problematics that anticipate our own. Positive negativity,
non-Hegelian dialectics, the transvaluation of allegory, the undoing of "man," "the
subject," "depth"-these are also the independent concern of much contemporary
thinking, especially in France. My reading has in part been guided by such latent
parallels (and divergences). They could not be mapped out here. Nor was there
room to discuss the growing secondary literature. My implicit claim is, however, that
Benjamin is also to be located between its entrenchments. Least of all can his posi-
tion be reduced to "nostalgia" [Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form (Princeton Univ.
Press, 1971), pp. 60-83].

1. The constellation

"Where is my place of work? In Berlin W[est]. [...] But do you really mean to
forbid me [...] at my little writing-factory from hanging the red flag out of the
window on the grounds that it's nothing but a scrap of rag? Given the 'counter-
revolutionary' nature of one's work-as you quite correctly characterize mine from a
party standpoint-should one do the counter-revolution the further favor of
explicitly placing oneself at its disposal? Shouldn't one rather methylate one's work,
like spirits, to guarantee its unpalatability to the other side-at the risk of making it
unpalatable to everyone?" [Br, 531]. Thus Walter Benjamin, a "prisoner of [Berlin]
West" [GS, 4, 1, 287]-a middle-class neighborhood-on his socio-literary situation
in April, 1931. The immediate occasion for this gesture of self-vindication had been
the sharp response of his friend Scholem to his essay on KarlKraus, which Benjamin
had described as addressing the relation between the "fundamentally metaphysical
orientation" of his research and his "application of the materialist approach" [Br,

' The original text is in Gesammelte Schriften. ed. R. Tiedemann and H. Schweppenhauser
[Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1971- ], 4, 1, pp. 396-98. Reference will also be made to the first draft [4,
2, pp. 999-1001]. Quotations are taken, where possible, from existing English translations; these
are, where necessary, emended. For references in the text, abbreviations, followed immediately
by the appropriate page numbers, will be used: GS for Gesammelte Schriften; Br for Briefe
[Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1966]; ili for Illuminations, ed. H. Arendt [New York: Harcourt, Brace, and
World, 1968]; UB for Understanding Brecht [London: New Left Books, 1973]; CB for Charles
Baudelaire. A Lyric Poet in the Eraof High Capitalism [London: New Left Books, 1973]; 0 for The
Origin of German Tragic Drama [London: New Left Books, 1977].

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522-24]. Scholem answered that the essay merely consolidated an "illegitimate rela-
tionship," which he would merely need to join the Communist Partyto discover to
be an untenable and costly piece of self-deception. The "tension" generated by
"playingwith the ambiguities and interferences" of the materialistmethod, Scholem
went on, could not but "neutralize"the "moralbasis" of his insights [Br,526-27,533].
Benjaminfor his part traced the "ambiguity"of his work to the absence of a "Ger-
man Bolshevik revolution." "To respond in the right way-that is, with something
'right'-to false circumstances," he pleaded, exceeded his powers. Right could in
this situation only mean "necessarily, symptomatically, productively false." He did
admit that the impossibility of "unambiguously distinguishing oneself from the
bourgeoisie" left him vulnerable to charges of ambiguity. "Verywell, I have reached
a limit. Likeone who keeps afloat on a shipwreck by climbing to the top of a mast
that is alreadycrumbling. Butfrom there he has a chance to send out a rescue signal"
[Br,530-32].The situation was indeed desperate. In July, Benjamincould still antici-
pate the imminent outbreak of civil war. But in October he recognized that with the
massive rise in unemployment the National Socialists had replaced the Communists
as the spokesmen of the masses. "The Germaneconomy has as much stabilityas the
high seas, and emergency decrees overlap like breakers"[536-37].Long-rangethink-
ing was a thing of the past [539-40]. The same month he mentioned to Scholem a
newly written piece entitled The Destructive Character[542]. Its model was a banker
friend, Gustav Gluck.
Seven years later the issue of materialismversus metaphysics revived around
Benjamin'swork on Baudelaire. Likethe "theologian" Scholem, Adorno, himself a
"materialist,"feared that Benjaminwas doing "violence" to his innermost metaphys-
ical powers. These would, freed from Marxist"self-censorship," ultimatelyserve the
materialistcause all the better [787]. Adorno was here practicallyciting the earlier
Benjamin'sagainst the later. This did not, in Benjamin'seyes, prevent the argument
from being untrue to present priorities. There were truths and truths. Appeals to his
"most precious asset" (Scholem) or his "very own substance" (Adorno) bore little
relation to his own efforts to expropriate his "little writing-factory"from within. This
side of Russiano revolutionary"melting-down process" of social and literaryforms
[UB, 90] had materialized. His own thinking was, however, in the "process of being
totally overhauled" [Br, 659], and this entailed the "violence" [793] about which
Adorno was apprehensive. To evade a conflict that was incapable of non-violent
resolution--this, as Benjamin saw it, was to "neutralize" the strengths his well-
wishers wanted to see preserved intact.
Brecht's Versuche, the first literarywritings to which he could give his critical
backing "without (public) reservations," gave the most probing analysis, Benjamin
maintained, of existing "socio-political tensions" [534]. It was in their private ex-
changes that the mutual differences emerged. If Scholem and Adorno feared for his
metaphysical powers, Brechtfelt impelled to protect the interests of socialist praxis.
"Depth doesn't get you ahead," he objected after reading Benjamin's essay on
Kafka. Plumbing the depths, Benjamin replied, was his way of "heading for the
antipodes" [UB, 110]. From the destructive tension between materialism and
metaphysics-neither a clear-cut choice (Brecht vs. Scholem) nor their dialectical
harmony (Adorno)-the latter was not, in short, the only one that stood to gain.
His various associates were, despite their differences, all agreed that such a
tension of contraries was likely to result in their mutual neutralization. Benjaminfor
his part looked to their liberating intensification to spark energies which might
explode the bastions of the common enemy. The danger he saw lay not in overex-
tending oneself but in an absence of generative tension between potential allies.
What distinguished his position from theirs was the effort to have the extremes
interact, no less radically, with one another and thereby form a popular front
devenant norme, as the author of earlier Illuminations had put it); to
make himself a medium for antagonisms between which there could be neither
choice nor mediation; and to do so without sitting on the fence. Alreadyin 1927 he
considered the political state of "free-floatingsuspension" [GS, 4, 1, 486], with which
diacritics/june 1978 49

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Scholem was to reproach him, to be untenable both in fact and on principle. The
historical"disintegrationof a 'free' intelligentsia"[GS, 3, 174]constituted a definitive
refutation of KarlMannheim's still-born conception of a "free-floating intelligent-
sia." Choices had to be made on the vanishing ground between class lines. At the
same time a stand had to be taken in the cross-fire between secretly interrelated
positions in order that something might be salvaged of their ultimate unity. If this
messianic goal was as neutral "as white light to the colors of the spectrum" [!//, 95],
its standardwas red. Energieswhich could neutralize the powers that be were to be
assembled in neutral, strategically organized territory, a (wandering Jew's) no-
man's-land that kept lines open and space free for Elijahand Utopia.
All these motifs intersect in The Destructive Character-unpalatable, objective
ambiguity, the improvisation of a weak rescue signal, the right violence as the
rallying-groundfor the socio-literary vanguard of a dispersed opposition, the dis-
mantling of hardening sectarian antagonisms, the breaking of new paths-not
mediations-through seemingly impenetrable dilemmas, resolution at the cross-
roads, all in the impersonal person of an uncanny, providentialnobody equipped to
handle a runaway emergency and hold an untenable position between the lines.
"Where thinking suddenly stops dead in a configuration pregnant with tensions, it
imparts to that constellation a shock by which it crystallizes into a monad" [///111,
262-63]. As it moves between theology and historical materialism and establishes
("illegitimate," "free-floating"?) relations between Moscow, Berlin West and
Jerusalem, Benjamin'sthinking suddenly stands still amidst a force-field-it was in-
creasingly turning into a mine-field--of tensions and crystallizes around a figure
[Denkbild] which leaves none of its points of reference intact.

2. The destruction of character, the purification of destruction, allegory

The "destructive character" is no "character" in the psychological sense.

Character is rather one of his targets. What emerges from its effacement is the
faceless model of a positively conceived characterlessness. Why, then, still call him a
character?For Benjamin, like Wilhelm Reich, denounced the very idea of character
as an "armoredconcept" [Br,329]. A short treatise written ten years earlier suggests
an answer. Schicksal und Charakter("Fateand Character")sets about clearing away
"superficial" notions of character to "make room" [GS, 2, 1, 176-77] for another,
seemingly retrograde one based not on the psychological novel or "modern
physiognomy" but the comedies of Moliere and the old "doctrine of the tempera-
ments" [179]. The notion of character is progressively disentangled from its associa-
tion with fate, divorced from "moral evaluation," placed beyond "psychological
analysis"[177],2 and thereby, a decade before the addition of the predicate "destruc-
tive," made invulnerableto gossip. "Whilefate ravelsthe enormous complication of
a person's guilt, the tangled skein of debt and liability, character constitutes an
inspired solution to such mythical bondage. Complication turns into simplicity, fate
into freedom" [178].
What "releasing the old words fate and character from their terminological
shackles" [Br,239] ultimatelyintends is the liberation of the bourgeois subject from
the tutelage of his pseudo-emancipation. The returnto pre-bourgeois models opens
up the possibility of a post-bourgeois character. A "multiplicityof charactertraits,"
which is generally considered synonymous with the "richness of a creative personal-
ity" [UB, 97], figures in this context as a mythical "net" [GS, 2, 1, 176-77]. It is as a
highly developed individual that one might not be clear of fateful complication.
Conversely, reduction to a single, seemingly immutable character trait does not
necessarily connote the unfreedom of a compulsive monomaniac but rathera capac-

2 As a characterin a
pre-psychological sense, the destructive characteris proof against the
avenging reversals familiarto us from dialectics and psychoanalysis. His destruction does not
take its toll on him. True,he does, in simplifyingthe world,also simplifyhimself; but his actions
do not returnto plague the inventor. On the contrary,they liquidate mythicalguilt.

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ity for single-minded action capable of cutting through the labyrinth of mythical
"ambiguity"[GS, 1, 1, 288]. The ground is here already cleared for the destructive-
ness that everywhere clears ways. The destructive character too has no personal
charactertraits.To be possessed of a single property is equivalent to ow(n)ing none.
"Anonymity" [GS, 2, 1, 178] of character liberates the individual person from a
labyrinthine"complex of law" [Rechtszusammenhang]and guilt [174, 176]. Subject
means subjection. "The enormous complication of a person's debt" is liquidated by
the discovery that the world is "enormously [. . .] simplified when tested with a view
to its destruction." The "Apollonian image of the destroyer" stands out against the
darkening gloom of bourgeois "inwardness"as clearly as once did the comic hero,
whom Benjamin characterizes as the "sun of the individual in the colorless
(anonymous) sky of man." As a "trigonometricsign" he illuminatesthe "affinity"of
"freedom" and "logic" [178].
What the inverted commas around the "destructive character"markoff is less a
literal quotation-the phrase is not a standard one-than a summarytranslation of
prattle into language calculated to reduce it to silence. The pseudo-quotation is a
doubly false one inasmuch as no-one of that description appears in older charac-
terologies either. This merely makes the quotation all the more destructive. An older
notion of character is cited in order to clear away modern misconceptions. The
bourgeois characterhad flourished between the eras of the old subject and the new
predicate. Their conjunction marks its withering away. The destructive character
expropriates "possessive individualism"(C. B. MacPherson).Where once there was
a variety of simple characters, the figure of the terriblesimplificateuris now singled
out as having the consistency with which to confront the present. Benjamin'sOrigin
of German TragicDrama resurrects the actualityof a quite different character-the
brooding melancholiac, who embodies a buried allegorical interpretation of the
world. The destructive character is his "cheerful" counterpart. Instead of interpret-
ing the world, he changes it. The one inhabits an inner laby-rinth; all the other's
"paths" lead to "success" [GS, 4, 1, 349ff]. But the hostility he evokes in ideologists
of creative individuality is of a piece with the bias against allegory on behalf of
Fate and Characterdestroys seemingly harmless ideas about character; Benja-
min's later theses in The Workof Artin the Age of MechanicalReproduction "brush
diacritics/june 1978 51

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aside a number of outmoded concepts, such as creativity,genius, eternal values and
mystery" [111,218]; and his concluding unscientific postscript Theses on the
Philosophy of History explodes the category of progress. The Destructive Character
focusses on the loaded concept of destruction itself, summarilyeffecting its destruc-
Thatdestruction is bad and creation good is a very old story. Where all was once
darkness and void, the good Lordcreated light and the world: "and, behold, it was
very good." A slot was thereby created for the evil (scape)goat. Goethe's Mephisto,
to be sure, is a mere shadow of his former self-one indication, this, of his latter-day
emasculation, the destruction of the destroyer. With Chaos and "Mother Night"
eclipsed by God the Father, Mephisto is relegated to impotent protest against the
"creative power" which "inwardlyunites the world" [die Welt im Innerstenzusam-
menhalt]. The destructive "bond" that, according to a slightly emended self-
quotation from The Destructive Character,"unites in harmony [eintrichtig zusam-
menhalt] all that exists" [UB, 57], thus constitutes an inversion of the Goethean
theodicy, where it is not the Destroyer but the Creatorto whom the world offers "a
spectacle of the deepest harmony." Not that destruction is now blasphemously
rechristened, a la Sade, to function as a positive, naturalprinciple mobilized against
culture and religion. And far from helplessly trying to introduce diabolical discord
into cosmic harmony, the destructive character has cheerfully made his peace with
the world. Not fighting a losing battle against nature's god-given proliferation, he
can, unlike Mephisto, be cheered by the knowledge that "everything deserves to
perish" [Alles ist wert, dass es zugrunde geht]. It is destruction itself-and not its
cunning Goethean or Hegelian recuperation-that is here divinely authorized. The
unifying Goethean life-force (LudwigKlages called it "cosmogonic eros") is in this
perspective indistinguishable from the universalityof mythical guilt [Schuldzusam-
menhang des Lebendigen, in GS, 2, 1, 175]. The symbolic cosmos, which relegates
destruction to both impotence and damnation, is itself consigned to allegorical "dis-
memberment" [O, 186]. "The false appearance [falsche Schein] of totality evapo-
rates. Forthe eidos is extinguished, analogy ceases to exist, the cosmos it contained
shrivels up" [O0,176]. Goethe's Verweiledoch! du bist so sch6n! now applies to the
moment when beautiful appearances [der sch6ne Schein] are destroyed. Only then
does "Nature-History"[Natur-Geschichte], which appears to the melancholy al-
legorist as a "death's head," "Passion"and "state of sin" [0, 166]and to the angel of
history as a mounting "pile of debris" [III,260], assume a redeeming aspect. "Where
others shine forth as resplendently as on the first day"--herrlichwie am ersten Tag
echoes the Prologue in Heaven in Goethe's Faust-"the image of beauty" which
baroque allegory "holds fast" is that of "the last" [0, 235].
The same holds for the destructive character's "Apollonian" appearance.
Whereas Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy had equated the Apollonian principle with
sch6ner Schein and "the deification of the individual,"Benjamin'sessay on Goethe's
ElectiveAffinities defines the antidote to mythicalnature in supra-individualterms as
"the expressionless." "For it smashes the surviving heritage of chaos beneath all
beautiful appearances: the false, aberrant totality. What completes the work is its
disintegration into a fragment of the true world, the torso of a symbol" [GS, 1, 1,
181]. "The Apollonian image of the destroyer" would thus constitute a paradox. Fair
is foul, and foul is fair. "Classical harmony of form" [0, 166] has been implicitly
transferredfrom the beautiful symbolic facade behind which the old chaos persists
to the allegorical side of the opposition. As a result the destructive character'sApol-
lonian features are as "expressionless" as his cheerfulness is "Chinese." "Whereas
in the symbol destruction [Untergang] is tranfiguredand the radiantface of nature
fleetingly revealed in the light of redemption, in allegory the observer is confronted
with the facies hippocraticaof history as a petrified, primordiallandscape" [ibid.]. In
the figure of the destructive character the paralysed melancholiac has been trans-
formed into a doer whose acts restore the light of judgment to an allegorically
perceived world.
What binds the world together is an ancestralcurse from which it is waiting to be

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released [III,254]. This drasticallyrevised version of "the great chain of being"-a
topos of the same great traditionwhich the allegorist's gaze unmasks as the ideology
of the "victor" [Ill, 258]-results from a historical crisis which had shaken classical
ontology to its foundations. Being no longer has an axiomaticraisond'&tre.Hegel's
"reason in history"has ceased to carryconviction. The world now has to show cause
why it should not be destroyed. The destroyer's relation to the existing order is
thereby inverted. He now calls it to account as if he represented the LastJudgment.
No positive standard ("that life is worth living") is invoked, only a negative one
("destruction of what deserves destroying" [GS, 4, 2, 1001])-but no merely negative
one. Destruction neither takes the place of the destroyed as some new, positive
value, nor does it remain subordinate to the status quo as its loyal opposition. The
eternal objection that the destructive have no constructive ideas what to "put in its
place" is voided from the outset. The destructive character does, however, clear
space as the lieu-tenant [Mandatar,in GS, 4, 2, 999] of an absent power. Destruction
is thus invested with a positive force unmatched even by the powers that be, let
alone their powerless "critic"-unless, that is, the latter is no longer conceived as a
"carper"[GS, 2, 1, 350] or "Thersites"[GS, 4, 2, 999]on the sidelines of world events,
but rather, as in Benjamin's version of the critical annihilation practised by Karl
Kraus,as a divine emissary "on the threshold of the LastJudgment"[GS, 2, 1, 348].
For the destructive character's sociability is poles apart from the "unhappy con-
sciousness" that is the lonely burden of the alienated social or culturalcritic. Rather
he embodies the solution to the unresolvable contradictions which threaten to re-
duce all resistance to spleen. His faits accomplis invalidatethe unanswerable dialec-
tical argument that unqualified destructiveness condemns one to "abstract"or "in-
determinate" negation. Like Mephisto's, it would, on a Hegelian diagnosis, be at
once dangerous and harmless, wreaking nothing but havoc yet also untenable and
easily contained.3 The destructive character is, rather, describable only in negative,
tangential relation to existing models of destruction. He is, however, no intangible
deus absconditus but ratherthe efficient executor of an eviction order.

3. The aesthetics of violence

The Destructive Character identifies the prevailing prejudice against destruc-

tiveness as "the most petty-bourgeois of all phenomena." With the consolidation of
bourgeois modes and relations of production all forms of destruction which do not
in turn contribute to the turnover of capital are, with certain largely diversionary
exceptions, generally tabooed, especially by small property-owners. What alarms
them most is that those who need "free space" do not shrinkat "suspending the rule
of law" [GS, 2, 1, 202]. These "are called destructive". Duringthe last hundred years,
the (anti) bourgeois avant-gardehas regularlyadopted as watchwords terms of abuse
originallydirected against it. The revaluationof the destructive is a case in point. So

3 "Thisis the freedom of the void [. . .] the fanaticismof destruction[.. ..] the elimination of
individualswho are objects of suspicion to any social order, and the annihilationof any organi-
zation which tries to rise anew from the ruins. Only in destroying something does this negative
will possess the feeling of itself as existent" [G. W. F. Hegel, Philosophyof Right,tr. T. M. Knox
(London:OxfordUniv. Press:1942),p. 18]. It is no accident that a philosophy of the state should
choose the reign of terroras a paradigmaticexample of "abstractnegation." Undialectical
destruction can then be condemned as a voluntaristthreat to the social order. The destructive
character,on the other hand, is likened to a "destructivestate institution." If he momentarily
savors a certain "freedom of the void," then not for purposes of self-confirmation.Hegel too
has a psychological theory of the destructive character.The destruction that Benjamin often
equates with dialectics in fact distinguishes his thought from dialectical models. Jacques Der-
ridahas shown how in Hegel's master-slavedialectic a contest between the mastersis evaded in
the interests of the slavish reproduction of the philosophical economy. Cf. "De I'6conomie
restreintea I'6conomie g6n6rale" in L'Ecritureet la Diff6rence[Paris:Seuil, 1967,pp. 369-407].
The destruction that threatens to interruptdialecticalmovement is suppressed by the destruc-
tion that is its motor. Likewise,Benjamin's"dialecticsat a standstill"[CB, 171]is, "fora moment
at least," the standstillof the dialectic that makes the worldgo round. Whichposes the question
of the relationship between Benjaminiandestruction and Derrideandeconstruction ...

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much so that the very gesture of modern literaturehas been plausiblyseen in terms
of a festive metaphorical destruction of the capitalist order.4The work-ethic was to
be recklessly abandoned, its accumulated fruits conspicuously consumed. In re-
habilitatingdestruction, Benjamindoes not, for his part, place a contrarytaboo on
the utilitarian.His strategy is no more identifiable with quasi-aristocraticforms of
revolt than with bourgeois capitalism. Once again the oppositions have been
realigned. For here it is the destroyer who husbands his resources. He does not
squander his energies on uneconomical acts of protest but "remains in control of his
powers" [III,264]. "He reduces the existing to rubble, not for the sake of the rubble
but of the path that extends through it." This sentence itself breaks new ground
through existing oppositions. Whereas Romanticnihilism, wanton destruction for its
own sake, represents a mere mirrorimage of production for its own sake, and to that
extent a harmless by-product of the status quo, the effective nihilist " 'enters,' " in
(un)Hegelian fashion, " 'into his opponent's strength in order to destroy him from
within' " [GS, 2, 2, 481].
And yet the destructive character cheerfully lays himself open to the charge of
aestheticism, without, however, flirting with it-for that would indeed constitute
aestheticism. Though explicitly distinguished from nihilistic variantsof "art for art's
sake", his portraitevokes undeniably literaryassociations. A first draft presents him
(not as rising up from Dionysian depths but) as a "contrasting image of positively
Apollonian beauty" [GS, 4, 2, 999]. No phrase is more conducive to "chatter"
(Gerede, itself, since Sein und Zeit, another loaded term) than "young and cheer-
ful." While still far removed from "blond and blue-eyed," the phrase might, taken in
isolation, seem indicative of Jewish self-denial or a dangerous proximityto superfi-
cially similarfuturist motifs. The effort to distance himself unambiguously from the
bourgeois "neighborhood" of BerlinWest would in that case have landed Benjamin
in the enemy camp. He himself construed his strategy.differently.He assumed that
only advance positions had any prospect of success in the struggle against Fascism.
Abandoning disputed territory for fear of operating in the vicinity of the enemy
meant, on this view, withdrawingto defenses that were bound to be overrun. Even
barbarismwas to be wrested away from the other side. As late as 1933 Benjaminwas
still siding with an avant-garde prepared, "if need be," to survive culture with a
Nietzschean "laugh" that might "at times sound barbaric"[GS, 2, 1, 219]. Such a
"new, positive concept of barbarity"has, needless to say, nothing in common with
"the wrong kind" [215, 219]. Benjamin'sconcept of destruction, while easily misun-
derstood, is no less unequivocal. Thatthere were wrong ways of liquidatingtradition
and purging the world was not something of which in 1931 one needed to be re-
minded. But to abandon "joyful wisdom" and the guilt-free beast of prey to the
enemy-this was the short-circuit to be avoided. "Young and cheerful" is a
Nietzsche quotation that has been liquidated and "hewn out" of (fascist) context
[365], a "tiger's leap into the past" [Ill, 263] rather than the original predator. The
Destructive Characterrests on the political assessment that liberal humanism is no
match for a daemonic perversion of the Obermensch. Only the new Unmensch [GS,
2, 1, 354, 367] who has no dealings with a "noble, time-honored [...] image of man
[Mensch]" but only, like Brecht, with "people" [Leute, 216-17]is equal to the situa-
Such realignments in no way efface the battle-lines. These are, on the contrary,
sharplydrawnwhere others blur them. The Destructive Characteralerts the readerto
aestheticist misunderstanding; and the epilogue to The Workof Art in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction [1936] unequivocally denounces both the fascist ideology
of futurism ("culminationof art for art's sake") and the actual fascist "aestheticiza-
tion of politics" [111,243]. Alreadyone year before The Destructive CharacterBenja-

4 In antithetical ways by Sartrein Qu'est-ce que la litt~rature[Paris: Gallimard,1969]

George Bataille in "LaNotion de d6pense" (in La Part maudite [Paris:Minuit, 1967])and La
litt6ratureet le mal[Paris:Gallimard,1957].


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min had subjected the most recent version of political aestheticism to sustained
critical annihilation. His review of Krieg und Krieger, a volume of essays edited by
Ernst Junger and devoted to the glory of modern warfare, was simply entitled
Theories of GermanFascism [GS, 3, 238 ff.].

4. Between liberalism, Marxismand anarchism

Benjamin saw in pacifism no alternative to the cult of war but only its mirror
image. His own Critique of Violence (1921) was a theory of the "divine" counter-
violence capable of "arresting" the continuity of "mythical" violence [GS, 2, 1, 199].
He rediscovered it in Georges Sorel's conception of a proletarian general strike
which would aim not at political and economic blackmail but at the "suspension of
law" and the "demolition of the state" [202, 194]. As a "pure means" such action
would, regardless of its possibly catastrophic consequences, be "non-violent"; the
state, however, brands such action as violence pure and simple [ibid.]. Awareness
that the state and its laws were founded on revolutionary violence [rechtsetzende
Gewalt] was, Benjamin argued, eroded by the latter's transformation into a law-and-
order conservatism [rechtserhaltende Gewalt] which legitimized the suppression of
subsequent revolutionary subversion merely by identifying it as violence. Modern
parliaments thus exhibited a weakened "sense of the constitutive violence vested in
them" [190, 202]. Unscientific though Benjamin's political analysis may have seemed,
it was uncannily accurate. In the Weimar Republic liberal democracy and ideology
were to prove no match for fascist violence. "While he spoke," Benjamin noted in
1938 after a political discussion with Brecht in Denmark, "I felt the impact of powers
equal to those of fascism," powers that "sprang from depths of history no less deep
than fascist power" [UB, 120]. The destructive character can take on the dark forces
of latter-day, "enlightened" myth only because his own force goes equally deep. It is
a matching combination, at once modern surface and archaic depth, "signal" and
"oracle." Oracles do not, of course, abide by parliamentary procedures. To invoke
such "destructive state institutions" at the critical juncture when parliamentary
democracy was trying to preserve itself from destruction was to invite political mis-
understanding. Benjamin had invoked Sorel's rehabilitation of violence without feel-

diacritics/June 1978 55

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ing impelled to elaborate on its political ambiguity. Disregardingthe rules of liberal
scholarship, he had "cited" it out of context. From a liberal standpoint this was
tantamount to a leap into the wrong camp, a blurringof crucial distinctions.
But a middle-of-the-roadverdict on the extremism of The Destructive Character
would itself have blurreddecisive political dividing-lines. A comparison with Thomas
Mann'sDoktor Faustus indicates as much. So broadlyare the interrelationsbetween
nihilism, aestheticism, and political barbarismthere construed that no positive no-
tion of destruction can be visualized that is not a sinister portent of fascist violence.
From the old-world humanist standpoint of Mann's narratorSerenus Zeitblom no
hard-and-fastdistinction could utimately be made between Benjamin'sdestructive
character and Jonger's front-line hero. His portrayalof the so-called "Kridwisscir-
cle," a group of proto-fascist conservatives who champion Sorel in the name of a
"deliberate rebarbarization"[Doktor Faustus (Frankfurt:Fischer, 1963), pp. 393,
397], is a case in point. "Theirworld was at once old and new, revolutionaryand
regressive," no more or less reactionary than "the path that leads back round a
sphere" [393, 395]. In the image of the sphere "progress and regression," left and
right, pre- and post-bourgeois impulses, both the reconciliation of myth and en-
lightenment and its diabolical parody, are interlinked as part of the same vicious
circle. This no doubt accurate diagnosis of the dangerous games that certain intellec-
tual cliques played simultaneously supplies the ideological scheme for an all-
purpose defense-mechanism. How The Destructive Characterwould have been read
on this basis can be deduced from Zeitblom's shocked reaction to the Kridwiss
circle's claim that the FirstWorld War had definitively demolished bourgeois tradi-
tions. What most alarms him is that this should be announced in accents of joyful
wisdom. That a culturalavant-gardeshould denounce the culture it feeds on-"and
cheerfully at that" [392]-Zeitblom can only interpretas an act of "self-denial"[394].
Anxious humanists might likewise be expected to confuse the destructive character
with the common enemy. It is, however, a different "relation of regression and
destruction" [GS, 1, 3, 1244]that he embodies; and in shedding bourgeois selfhood,
he rids himself in the process of its accompanying forms of self-denial.
If the destructive character lays himself open to the liberalconfusion of left and
right, orthodox Marxists could be counted on to charge him with anarchism. To
protect him against them would indeed be "senseless." A strain of "revolutionary
nihilism" [GS, 2, 1, 299] is inseparable from Benjamin'swritings. The old struggle
between Marxismand anarchismwas far from dead. But Benjaminfelt no compelling
need to decide between them. On the contrary,he regularlyaccentuated his anarch-
ist sympathies whenever he made a move in the communist direction, as if to test
both in the border area between them. His essay on surrealism wants anarchist
"revolt" inserted into the "methodical and disciplined preparation of the revolu-
tion" [GS, 2, 1, 307]; conversely, and synonymously, the political methods of the
communists are to focus on the anarchist goal of ending all political goals [Br,426].
Marx, Bakunin [GS, 2, 1, 306] and Blanqui [11/,262] variously figure in Benjamin's
writings as comrades in arms. Such imaginary alliances, it could be objected,
obscure actual historical conflicts. To this there is a concrete historical answer.
Warringfactions which no existing state socialism could reconcile were to be made
to interact in the non-man's-land of an openly committed mind. Relationsthat had
been prematurelybroken off needed restoring. The destructive characterposts him-
self at their intersection. He conjoins the contradictoryforces of a divided yet com-
mon opposition. Afterall, not only anarchismbut Marxtoo refuses to "envision" the
future, and thereby contaminate it with petty-bourgeois dreams; and, conversely,
organization is Blanqui's watchword. More radical even than radicals, and better-
adjusted, too, the destructive character is an anarchist in the guise of a banker.
Praxisis, according to one of Benjamin's letters, only possible "in religious or
political terms": "I do not grant any essential distinction between the two. Nor for
that matter any mediation" [Br,425]. The Destructive Characterin turn nullifies the
standard alternative between political Romanticismand pragmaticrealism. Opposi-
tions which Benjamindisqualified have, however, reappeared in the secondary liter-

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ature, most elaborately in the case of Rolf Tiedemann's appeal to a "soberly" con-
ceived "historical materialism"against the nihilistic, apocalyptic aspects of a "politi-
cal messianism" which, he claims, led Benjaminto aestheticize politics in ways he
was elsewhere the first to condemn.s And whereas readings of Benjaminthat came
out of the Germanstudent movement tended to discount theology in favor of praxis,
more recent philological work has rediscovered the theological dimension of Ben-
jamin's thought only (in order?) to conclude that no political praxis can come of it.
Where Scholem had warned against the false combination of politics and religion,
the premise shared by Benjamin'syounger readers is that the two cannot mix at all.
He himself assumed the opposite: "I speak here of an identity which emerges only
from the paradoxicalreversal [Umschlagen] (in whatever direction) of one into the
other, the indispensable precondition being that action is contemplated uncondi-
tionally and radically enough. [...]. Always radically, never consistently [kon-
sequent] [ ...]" [Br, 425].

5. "Efface[Verwisch]the traces" (Brecht)

There is much evidence to suggest that Brechtwas one of Benjamin'smodels for

The Destructive Character,which was written during a period of intense discussion
between them.6 "Differences arose over the criteria by which the critic measures
what the truth is. Whereas Brecht [...] defines truth in terms of 'what is socially
practicable,' progress towards it being achieved by the correction of 'thought by
reality,' Benjamin [...] conceives it as the 'radical demolition of the world of im-
ages.' There are, he argues, two ways of achieving this goal: theology and materialist
dialectics" [Cit. Bernd Witte, Walter Benjamin-Der Intellektuelle als Kritiker
(Stuttgart:Metzler, 1976), p. 171]. InThe Destructive CharacterBenjamin'sstrategyof
alternately testing opposing positions against their most searching adversaries in-
volves a furthercriss-crossing of opposites. In recording the corrective impactof the
"pragmatist"on the "theologian," it also smuggles theology into the pragmatism.
For truth is in this instance both "what is socially practicable" ("ways")and the
"radical demolition of the world of images" ("envisions nothing," "rubble"). The
pragmatismborders on the miraculous, and the theology is identifiable only by the
depth of its soberness and the radicalismof its profanation. The interplay between
the poles is also interior to each. What seemed a one-way contact between impervi-
ous agent and passive observer turns out, at least retroactively,to exert a reciprocal
impact. To that extent violence is also done to the destructive character's models.
They are translatedinto a language in which polar opposites engage in a "paradoxical
reversal of one into the other"-a movement which Benjamin captures in such
oxymorons as "profane illumination"and "holy-sober" (Holderlin'sheilignuchtern).
The Destructive Characterinvests a Brechtianfigure with something of that "aura"
which, on a theory Benjaminwas to elaborate four years later, is itself the chief target
of revolutionary, Brechtian destruction. This is in turn subjected to (un)Brechtian
reconstruction [Umfunktionierung, UB, 93]. Aura survives its demolition-without
necessarily outliving itself and turning into an ideological smokescreen-as the aura
of the auraless. Brecht was to return the compliment by translating Benjamin's
paradoxes into the language of "crude thinking" [plumpes Denken; UB, 81]. "Allso

sCf. his Afterword to Charles Baudelaire. Ein Lyriker im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalismus
[Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1969], pp. 185ff. and his essay "Historischer Materialismus oder
politischer Messianismus?"in Materialienzu Benjamins Thesen 'iber den Begriff der Ges-
chichte' [Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975], pp. 106ff.
Benjaminrefers explicitly to Brecht's"destructivecharacter,which puts everythingback in
question almost before it has been achieved" [UB, 119]. Cf. also his commentaryon the eighth
stanza of Of Poor B.B.: "Willsurvive of these cities what went through them: the wind! / The
banqueter is glad to empty the mansion. / We realizethat we arepurelyprovisional/ And afterus
will come--nothing worth mention" [56]. Reduced to his initials, B.B. is himself an interim
stage: "Thebest defender of a cause is one who has made a startby lettinggo of himself"[58].
diacritics/june 1978 57

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much mysticism," he later commented on the theory of aura, "coupled with an
anti-mysticalstance" [Arbeitsjournal(Frankfurt:Suhrkamp,1973), Vol. 1, p. 16].
"And if this soberness seems holy, it is, curiously, perhaps only in Goethe's eyes
that it is not" [GS, 1, 1, 196-97].Two totally different versions of soberness underly
the exchanges between Benjamin and Brecht. The latter feels drawn to logical
positivism, and considers Chopin and Dostoevski unwholesome [UB, 114]. Benja-
min's notion of soberness goes back to German Romanticspeculation, which con-
ceived prose not as the sober antithesis of poetry but as its "creativeground" [GS, 1,
1, 102], the colorless, "sober light" [119]which comprises the whole spectrum within
it. He rediscovers it in the "dialectical optic" of the surrealists,who recognize "the
everyday as impenetrable and the impenetrable as everyday"[GS, 2, 1, 307]. In the
figure of the destructive character one version of soberness is irradiated by the
messianic light of the other. While he "envisions nothing" [kein Bild], his "dialectical
destruction"-the "radical demolition of the world of images" [Bildwelt]-
nevertheless opens up a surrealist"space of images" [Bildraumrn; p. 309], a messianic
world of "liberated prose" [GS, 1, 3, 1235]. The impenetrably everyday language of
The Destructive Characterpoints towards that promised land. At once "oracle" and
"signal," down-to-earth and Luftvon anderen Planeten, it is generated by a tension
between conflicting conceptions of language. The Brechtiancomponent liquidates
"the barbarityof formulaic language" [Br, 329]. If faint traces of a dimension not
wholly "cleansed of all ceremony" [GS, 1, 3, 1235]can still be detected in the repeti-
tive, almost ritualinvocation of "the destructive character,"this is perhaps because,
trapped in a "necessarily false" situation, it subliminallyenacts a litany which, like
the theological ghost in the machine called historical materialism,"has to keep out
of sight" [111,253].
The Messiah will, according to a "great rabbi," "change the world not by vio-
lence but by the merest readjustments" [GS,, 2 2, 432]. It is by similarlyfractional
realignments that Benjaminturns the violent impact of Brecht's"crude thinking"to
messianic advantage. The Brechtian"alienation-effect" is itself slightly alienated by
being conflated with Benjamin's"dialectical optic" on history: "[Epictheater] lets
existence spurt up high from the bed of time and, for an instant [Nu], hover irides-
cent in empty space, the better to bed it afresh" [UB, 13]. Such penetration of the
everyday is synonymous with "profane illumination." Seemingly incomensurable
energies, the mysticalnunc stans and the anarcho-syndicalistgeneral strike, are to
act in concert to bring historyto a revolutionarystandstill. The moment of alienating
suspension-a politicized version of a classic, Schillerian definition of the role of
art-is its aesthetic counterpart, an iridescence which contains the spectrum of pos-
sible futures. It is fleetingly lingered over. "For a moment at least," life appears to
have escaped the laws of inertia. The axioms according to which nature abhors a
vacuum, makes no leaps, etc., would, applied to society, constitute the mythical
constants of its natural history. Benjaminconceives revolution as the leap that ab-
ruptlysuspends it. To the stoppage of time, the "Messianic cessation of happening"
[III,263], corresponds the destructive expropriation of space; to the emptying of
space, the instant that hovers in empty space. "For deep down life does not,"
concludes the first version of The Destructive Character,"go on [. . .] but from one
extreme to the other" [GS, 4, 2, 1001]. At the surface no traces remainof these inner
tensions. They are buried from view, like "the traces of [the theater's] sacralorigins"
since the "filling-inof the orchestra pit" [UB, 1]. But it is only from the surface that
they have disappeared. The pragmaticmotto "Effacethe traces" will later be adapted
to theological ends-another unbrechtian version, this, of Brechtian Urnm-
funktionierung.The parableof a dwarf hidden inside a chess automaton whose hand
it invisiblyguides hints that theology too has to preserve its anonymityto be able to
enter into secret partnershipwith its naturalallies. Whether historical materialism
knows that it should, or already does, incorporate theology, or whether the dwarf
has to infiltrateit as a secret agent, the parable does not say. What does emerge is
that the "eristic dialectic, which [. . .] enters the opponent's strength" is com-
plemented by the opposite strategy of bolstering one's allies from within. But it

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evidently belongs to the hide-and-seek-the cunning of messianic reason-that the
secret also be partlydisclosed.
The destructive character is easily mistaken for a crypto-fascist of the left or
right. But his motto resembles nothing so much as the socio-economic imperativeof
bourgeois society itself. He taps its strength in order to turn it against itself. Forit was
bourgeois capitalismthat was first motivated by the imperious "need for free space,"
the better, of course, to "occupy" it; that has effaced traces on a universal scale in
order to create an imperialist"world in its own image" (Marx);and that could finally
proceed to remove some of the evidence of its own destruction. It represses the
memory of its violent past so effectively as to be able to conceive it in evolutionary
terms. Correlatively, the " 'scientific' character" of positivist historiography is
achieved by the "total eradication of everything that recalls its original vocation as
remembrance" [GS, 1, 3, 1231]. In the process no traces were more systematically
erased than those of the destructive character himself. Revolutionary counter-
violence was, in one exemplary case, silenced twice over-solitary confinement, the
simple punitive answer to the need for free space, being further prolonged by
subsequent oblivion: "Withinthree decades [social democracy] managedvirtuallyto
erase the name of Blanqui, the rallying cry which had reverberated through the
preceding century" [III, 260]. Such methodical destruction reduces the world to
rubble without redeeming it. It would, unchecked, pave the way for a brave new
world which, having removed the last vestiges of a past it considered obscene,
would be left markingtime. So-called "progress" is, Benjaminargues, predicated on
the inert eternity of "homogeneous, empty time" [111,262], the clock-time of
Baudelaireanspleen, which voids its history and effaces its destruction. Only a con-
trary evacuation, which produces "the instant that hovers in empty space," can
arrest its perpetual motion. Making empty space available for the new would thus
constitute a mimetic redemption, an expropriation, of capitalist activity.7Each neu-
tralizes the other's devastation. Capitalismis the most enlightened of mythical, the
most mythicalof enlightened forces. It both capitalizes on the mythical"heritage of
all who ever emerged victorious" [111,256] and brands counter-violence as atavistic.
The destructive character'sstrength is that he does not belong among the "primitive
rebels" (E. J. Hobsbawm). He meets the double threat of a mythical enlightenment
by welding disparate forms of resistance into a force which confronts the status quo
with an apotropaic version of its own undeviating positivism.
The Brechtian motto puts a favorable construction on an unfavorable state of
affairs. Benjamin'scommentaries on the relevant poems accentuate its ambiguity.
Thus the vagrants in the Handbook for City-Dwellers have no individual traces to
efface; those they do manage to leave behind, such as stains in a whore's
bedclothes, are "best unmentioned," and the "precept [...] 'Effacethe traces' " is
"supplemented by the adjunct: 'ratherthat than have someone else efface them' "
[UB, 64]. There is, likewise, hardlyany aspect of the destructive characterthat is not
without its negative counterpart in some other text of Benjamin's.Brechtmay be "an
expert in fresh starts" [UB, 37], but "startingall over again," "the regulative idea of
both gambling and wage-labor" is elsewhere equated with the unsalvageable empti-
ness of someone who has been "reduced to reflex responses" and "cheated of his
experience, a modern" [CB, 137]. Such people "live their lives as automatons and
resemble Bergson's imaginary characters who have completely liquidated their
memories" [135].
There can be no guarantee that the individual, once rid of his inwardness, will,

7 Effacingthe traces-forgetting--is also as imperativea psycho-biological need as remember-

ing. Cf. Freud'stheory of consciousness-which grew out of research on war neuroses-as a
transparentshield, the self-effacing outer layer of a "mystic writing-pad"[Standard Edition
(London: HogarthPress, 1974), Vols. 18, p. 24ff. and 19, p. 227ff.]. This is practicallythe only
psychoanalyticaccount relevant to someone whose task is to be pure ("historical")conscious-
ness. Self-adaptationin his case consists in dismantling the psyche. Likeconsciousness, and
unlike the windowless monad, the destructivecharacter-the product of a "glass culture"[GS,
2, 1, 217]-is all wind-shield.
diacritics/june 1978 59

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instead of becoming a hollow man, "let go of himself" [UB, 58] "in the rightway";
will, ratherthan succumb to collective inertia or the psychology of crowds, emerge
"new-born" from the "matrix"of a critical mass [l11,238]. What, then, distinguishes
right from wrong ways of liquidating the past, and mechanical alertness from true
presence of mind? Benjamin banks on the "exchange of a historical for a political
perspective" [GS, 2, 1, 300]. At the risk, no doubt, of losing perspective. But this is
not necessarily the worst loss one can incur. A poor exchange can nevertheless
constitute the rightcourse of action, a liquidationof traditionwhich thereby restores
whatever liquidity it still has: "We have been reduced to poverty. We have surren-
dered one heirloom after another, often depositing them at the pawnshop for a
hundredth of their value, in return for a few pennies in negotiable currency [die
kleine Manze des Aktuellen]. Economic crisis looms ahead, and beyond it the
shadow of impending war" [GS, 2, 1, 219]. There can, under such conditions, be no
biding one's time; the only right moment is the present. At least from the late
twenties on, Benjamin'swritings constitute an "uninterruptedseries of tiny improvi-
sations" [CB, 70], strategies intended to quell despair, "preventive measures and
antidotes" [Br, 556] calculated to cope with situations in which "everything can go
wrong." Where everything is at stake, thought is driven to new levels of speculation.
The Destructive Character is, like The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduc-
tion, a historical gamble. The vindication of destruction in the one corresponds to
the rehabilitationof "disreputable"[111,239] categories in the other. As an attempt to
wrest the solution from the very givens of the problem by giving a furthertwist to an
already devious turn of phrase, Benjamin'sversion of "Effacethe traces" stakes its
hope on a historicalturn of events which failed to materialize.Only in foreshortened
retrospect, however, did it never have a chance. To speak here of voluntarismwould
be to exchange back a politicalfor a historicalperspective. The destructive character,
for his part, "never thinks he 'has a choice' " [GS, 4, 2, 1001].
The effacement of traces and, correlatively, the loss of aura are objectively
ambiguous developments. Benjamin'sresponse is twofold. The Destructive Charac-
ter is counterbalanced by The Storyteller,which singles out the trace of the artisan's
hand as the hallmarkof a disappearing world of "experience." It is not, at least not
primarily,these authentic traces that invite destruction but rather the secondary
substitutes that cover up their actual historicaleffacement.8 The scene of their mon-
strous accumulation is the bourgeois interior. Comfortably ensconced within it,
celebrating their respective rituals, fussing over the velvet-lined "traces of [their]
earthly days" (Goethe) within the hermetic safety of their own four walls, dwell the
Etui-Mensch and the "creative individual" [GS, 4, 2, 1000]. Traces have come to
belong to the artificialparadiseof interior decoration. They are "phantasmagoriasof
the interior" [CB, 167] based on denial and substitute-gratification.To efface the
substitutes one merely need reapplythe logic of the substructureto the ideological
superstructure.All that the destructive characterhas to do is to introduce bourgeois
matter-of-factnessinto places from which it has been elaborately screened.
Preserving authentic traces and destroying their false substitutes are com-
plementary activities. But while they may share the same ultimate purpose, the two
can in the short run prove irreconcilable. The Destructive Characteris predicated on
the assumption that there are criticalmoments when it is only through "destruction"
that "humanity[...] can prove its mettle" [GS, 2, 1, 367]. "Some hand things down
by making them inviolable and conserving them; others pass on situations by mak-
ing them handy and liquidating them." The former ignore the situations from and
into which seemingly self-sufficient traditions are handed down; a well-preserved
facade of apparently inviolate things blocks the political view. Such traditionalists
include not merely ideologists who shuttle between the "culturaltreasures" and the
respective historical "victor" [Il, 256] but also those spokesmen for the oppressed
who still subscribe to the reigning belief that " 'the truth won't run away from us' "

8 Cf. on a related problematic in Baudelairemy "'Perte d'Aurdole':The Emergence of the

Dandy," MLN,85, No. 3 (May1970),pp. 529-71.


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255]. The Destructive Characterimplicitly defines itself against those conserva-
tives in the socialist camp who, as Lukdcswill, invoke the past as a humanist "heri-
tage" [GS, 2, 2, 473] or a treasury of utopian traces [Bloch's Spuren).
6. CulturalBolshevism between Eastand West

"A fine phrase of Brecht'swill help us out, a long way out: 'Effacethe traces' "
[GS, 2, 1, 217]. For several years after visiting Moscow in 1927 Benjaminsaw Soviet
Russia as pointing the way out. "The new perspective one gains on [Berlin]," he
noted, "is the most unquestionable advantage of a stay in Russia"[GS, 4, 1, 316]. The
East-Westcomparison underlies a number of his subsequent writings; The Destruc-
tive Characteris also written in this margin. If it is in the "wretchedness of the
interior" [GS, 2, 1, 299] that the prisoner of Berlin West experiences the claus-
trophobia of bourgeois society, Russiafigures, conversely, as the answer to the need
for "fresh air," the Archimedean point from which the old world might be moved.
In his own thinking Benjamin seeks to initiate an equivalent process to this
"world-historicalexperiment" in social transformation[GS, 4, 1,330], experimentally
identifying it with the blank space in which solutions to the "antinomies" [UB, 89] of
bourgeois society could be worked out. Where familiarnotions "have almost disap-
peared from the face of the earth" [GS,, 2 2, 743], the anonymous effacement of
traces no longer connotes the social alienation that drives windowless bourgeois
monads back into their shells. The abolition of private property has been im-
plemented by "sealing off everything private to an unimaginable extent" [Br,439],
thereby clearing, for more than "a moment," a tabula rasa, the "empty space [...]
where the thing stood, the victim lived."9Everythought, every day and every life lie
here as on a laboratorytable. [. . .] On the shop-floor, in the houses and buildings,
employees, offices and furnitureare regrouped, transferredand shifted about" [GS,
4, 1, 325]. The furnishings inside Russian houses-which are "merely used as
camping-sites"-may only amount to a collection of "petty-bourgeois odds and
ends," but their weekly rearrangementconstitutes a "radicalmeans of riddingthe air
of 'snugness' [Gemutlichkeit]and its accompanying melancholy" [328]. In the West
Sundays mark a weekly rendez-vous with the spleen that Baudelairepictures as the
hopeless, angry jangle of chafing church-bells [CB, 144]. Moscow, on the other
hand, is "practicallyliberated from the chimes which on Sundays spread such pro-
found sadness over our large cities" [GS, 4, 1, 344]. The insides of overladen byzan-
tine churches have "not merely been cleared out but gutted like game" [346].
Is, then, the destructive characterthe Bolshevik'sWestern counterpartand vice
versa? "What distinguishes the Bolshevik [... ] from his Western comrades is his
state of utter preparedness. He manages on so little that he is, year in year out, ready
to give it up and start afresh. He would not otherwise be equal to the task" [326].
Inapplicablethough it is said to be to the Bolshevik'sWestern comrades, this charac-
terization also holds for the destructive character; conversely, the following sen-
tence might have been formulatedwith the Bolshevikin mind: "Whatmattersto him
are not private adventures but the permanent certainty of having a historicaljob to
do" [GS, 4, 2, 1000].The social arena as the essential dimension of existence, imper-
sonal relations incompatible with a bourgeois or feudal order, authoritarianwatch-
words, the futilityof suicide-these are among the motifs that recur in both contexts.
But every common trait pinpoints the vast divergence between them. "Being able to
insert one's ideas into a pre-given field of force; a mandate, however implicit it may
be; organized, guaranteed contact with one's comrades" [GS, 4, 1, 327]-these ad-
vantages are not available to the destructive character, who first has to gather
"people"-not "comrades"-around him and, significantly, receives his mandate

9 This phrase too is calculated to arouse political suspicions. But if the destructive character
clearsaway, he does not purge. Thereare victims, but no sacrifice. Otherwisedestructionwould
be still caught up in the toils of myth, which is "masteredneither by puritynor by sacrifice"[GS,
2, 1, 367].

diacritics/June 1978 61

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from an unnamed authority. His borderline situation is also implicit in a comparison
omitted from the final version: "Contrast the builder: the conditions of his existence
deteriorate daily; his sphere of action is increasingly narrow; and his equilibrium-
closer, even at the best of times, to the unsteadiness of the creative temperament
than the stability of the destructive character-is progressively imperilled" [GS, 4, 2,
999]. Der Aufbauende-itself an unconvincing neologism-falls unhappily between
the "creator" and the destroyer. He combines the former's nerves with the latter's
commitment to praxis-a discrepancy which threatens to reduce his constructions to
harmlessly "creative" castles in Spain. The refined inmate of the bourgeois interior
has from the outset sought shelter from the testing pressures with which builder and
destroyer have to contend. That only the latter can cope with them is symptomatic of
a specific "historical" situation. He has "a historical sense: a basic, invincible mis-
trust of the course of events." The history is a permanent routine emergency has
become a self-evident truth. It requires the individual to pawn things of sentimental
value, above all himself, and "exchange the play of his features for the dial of an
alarm-clock" [GS, 2, 1, 310]. Only the destructive character knows how late it is.
Where the economy has "as much stability as the high seas," the unsupported pri-
vate initiative of the "builder" lacks any foundations to build on. But where, as in
Russia, the evacuation of the old coincides with the construction of the new, the
alternative between building and destroying no longer obtains. If from within Berlin
West Benjamin distinguishes the destructive character from the bourgeois nihilist,
the two are from a Russian viewpoint practically indistinguishable. "Everything is in
the process of being built or rebuilt," writes Benjamin from Moscow," and almost
every moment poses very critical questions" [Br, 439]. These, however, no longer
place the whole society in question by exposing structural contradictions.
Some pass on "situations by making them handy and liquidating them." "No-
thing short of a German Bolshevik revolution" could decisively alter the destructive
character's situation. Benjamin variously correlates the Russian experiment with the
impulses of the disparate, necessarily superstructural avant-garde he identifies with
Brecht, Loos, Klee, Le Corbusier and others. The Western counterpart to Bolshevik
reconstruction is not the "builder" but the "constructor" who "starts out from
scratch" [GS, 2, 1, 215]. In Russia culture is under standing orders to place itself in
the service of an ongoing process of social renewal; in the West it is the gathering-
place for frustrated social impulses violently at odds with the cultural ghetto within
which they have been confined. The Destructive Character practises a form of cul-
tural bolshevism. Its constructor was aware that the Party would label him "counter-
revolutionary." He did not contradict Scholem's contention that the Russians would
have no use for his "dynamite" except in the bourgeois camp [Br, 527].

7. The "liquidation"of theology

Does the destructive character come to prepare the way for the Messiah, or is it
his job to destroy theology too? Convincing evidence exists for either alternative.
Scholem's reading of "profane illumination" places most weight on the noun; others
accentuate the predicate. Both are surely right only against the other. It was the
difficult, compelling tension-not the well-trodden alternative-between the posi-
tions to which Benjamin responded.
It was, he conceded in a late jotting, beyond his powers to eradicate all traces of
theology. "My thinking relates to theology like blotting-paper to ink. It is totally
soaked in it. But if the blotter had its way, none of the writing would remain" [GS, 1,
3, 1235]. The blotter can only blot theology, it cannot blot it out. It is, however, not
content to dry and thereby consolidate holy writ. Its ambition is to liquefy and
thereby liquidate it, to transform its canonic forms back into ink, leaving behind a
tabula rasa. It can, however, blot nothing without thereby absorbing it; and its
capacity for absorption has limits. Only a blotter more magical than Freud's "mystic
writing-pad," only an apparatus whose possibilities of self-evacuation matched its


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need for free space, could solve the dilemma. The blotter would have to be able to
blot itself, to be constructed, in other words, like the destructive character. For to
erase the tablets completely would require the capacity to efface both inner and
outer traces of one's destruction. That is the destructive character's secret: he can
continue to empty space because he himself never fills up. Only a blotter, a recep-
tive "witness to his efficacy," could, it is true, have registered his impact and
formulated his impress. But by the same token a blotter can only dream of assimilat-
ing a mode of operation no longer based on the usual models of assimilation. Never
immersing himself, the destructive character never gets bogged down. His work
differs no less decisively from Hegelian immersion [Versenkung], with its "patience
of the concept" and its "labor of the negative." The "indefatigable eater with the
iron jaw" [UB, 57] who has " 'eaten his way through' " [gefressen] humanist culture
and "had more than his fill" [GS, 2, 1, 219] works reality over far differently than the
Weltgeist. His relation to the past marks a clear departure from the Hegelian diges-
tive system, an encyclopaedic, (anal-)retentive, self-interiorizing memory [Er-
Innerung] which "preserves-and-negates" [aufheben] the entirety of its prehistory.
Aufhebung might be said, oversimply, to have split apart into its component mean-
ings. Transposing the bourgeois "phantasmagoria of the interior" to academic schol-
arship, historicism had reduced memory to the indiscriminate accumulation of
bric-A-brac from a historical past which, Nietzsche insisted, it was wholly incapable
of digesting and sometimes ought actively to forget. To such toothless
eclecticism-historicism at one level, social democracy at another-Benjamin op-
poses "destructive powers of mind" [GS, 2, 2, 481], which he equates with his
version of dialectics [478].
The blotter is not content to function as a secretarial ancilla to theology. For
theology, the adversary of myth, is itself in need of redemption. Only where "origins
and destruction find one another" [GS, 2, 1, 367] will the reign of myth finally come
to an end. Benjaminian demythologization differs markedly from standard versions
of rationalization, secularization, etc. Even his liquidation of theology is not without
a hidden messianic dimension. This does not, however, make it a "negative theol-
ogy." And to view Benjaminian destruction, la Scholem, in exclusively theological
terms would be to reconstruct the traces instead of effacing them; to deny that the
destructive "process of transformation" on which Benjamin staked his development
ever took serious effect; to be unwilling to concede any destructive powers, how-
ever "weak" [111,254], to the blotter. Nor, finally, is Benjamin's difficult, uneven
relation to theology to be conflated with the steady filtered flow of metaphysical
motifs into Adorno's "negative dialectics."
Were the blotter to succeed in erasing holy writ, it would have cleared the empty
space that is the incognito of the new. Translation into the language of the profane
would leave none of the original intact. But theology would not thereby have been
simply superseded. Its liquidation would be its fulfillment, a void "filled with the
presence of the now [Ietztzeit]" [111,261]. The destructive character "envisions no-
thing." But whenever Benjamin momentarily departs from the Jewish taboo on "in-
vestigating the future" [111,264], the moveable feast that ensues is openly theological
in character. With the unwriting of Scripture re-emerges the original messianic lan-
guage that preceded the written word, a language of "ubiquitous and integral actual-
ity" released from all prescription, "integral prose that has burst the fetters of the
written." The multiplicity of fallen languages is translated into a single idiom that is
no longer "written but [. . .] festively enacted" [GS, 1, 2, 1238]. It coincides with an
uninterrupted messianic effacement of traces, an erotic nihilism. For "true actuality"
is enacted by angels whose destiny it is, "after singing their hymn before God, to
cease and disappear into nothingness" [GS, 2, 1, 246]; and the rhythm of this "eter-
nal and total transience" is the definition of "happiness" [204]. For all this the de-
structive character, who cannot afford to divert any attention from the shifting histor-
ical moment, has no time. But its attainment remains "the task of world politics,
whose method will have to be called nihilism."

diacritics/June 1978 63

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8. "Pessimismof the intellect, optimism of the will" (Gramsci)

The Destructive Character is the scene of a peculiar "identification with the

aggressor."'1 Only in the intervening space it simultaneously creates could the text
have come into being. The brief, self-reflexive preamble hints that one of the text's
enabling conditions was the match made between a character who effaces traces and
the writer who retains them. The destructive character, one of those moderns who
have made it their business to "free themselves from experiences" [GS, 2, 1, 218], is
himself the object of an almost Proustian experience. "Looking back upon one's
life," one might, "perhaps accidentally," be jolted into recognizing the pattern of
one's "deeper relations." This could scarcely happen to anyone as shock-resistant as
the destructive character. It is, on the other hand, only by borrowing his technique
that the "blotter" can trace his portrait. In the interval between the shock and its
articulation-the gap between the first paragraph and the rest of the text-the
"mimetic faculty" [GS, 2, 1, 210], which is itself destructive,11 has been at work. Its
object, the destroyer's strength, is itself mimetic-the protective mimicry it takes to
negotiate the jungle of the cities. The way the text imposes itself corresonds to its
subject's faits accomplis. It likens him to an oracle, and itself exercises an oracular
authority all the more mysterious for having removed any overt traces of the occult.
Instead of offering the reader a piece of well-developed characterization, it leaves
empty gaps, eschews progress, makes fresh starts, and prompts misunderstandings
that it neither seeks nor avoids. It proceeds, in other words, like the destruc-
tive character himself. What began as a simple opposition turns out to be an elective
affinity between secretly interrelated positions. To "hand on" his version of the
destructive character, the author has forged a destructive style; conversely, the
destructive character "stands in the vanguard of the traditionalists." The lines are
crossed: the no-man's-land is formed by the x of a chidsmus. Both the destructive
character and The Destructive Character are intersections of tensions. The text sets
up an interaction between the character, himself a conjunction of forces, and his
"other"; and the destructive character is himself the product of that encounter. Was
Benjamin himself a destructive character? A metaphysician, melancholiac and collec-
tor, he inhabited a far from empty space. He was by his own account no "unwritten
page" [Br, 579] and hence could not bring himself to "clear out" of Europe. But in
Brecht, Baudelaire, Kraus, Loos, Blanqui and others he was drawn to destructive
characters that corresponded to and with his own.
Their Denkbild is both "an image from involuntary memory [...] which sud-
denly appears at a moment of danger" [GS, 1, 3, 1243] and a construct "designed on
the drawing-board" [GS, 2, 1, 216]. The authoritative, if not authoritarian, gesture of
the text imparts self-actualizing power to a speculative construction. Like its subject,
it forces, wills, open a passage. The closed formation of its assertions asserts them
against the power of the facts. Its "technique is that of the putsch" [CB, 100]; it too
"forestalls" normal expectations. Embracing a multiplicity of existing idioms, it
"prodigiously" simplifies them; a montage of heterogeneous materials, it is yet all of
a piece. There is indeed scant trace of any breaks that would betray the hidden
presence of inner tensions. They too have been effaced, no more and no less, to
reinforce "the unreality of despair." Where the Baudelairean dandy represented

Io Thisconcept of Anna Freud'srecursin Adorno's writingson Benjamin.Cf. Br,p. 16and the

following response to The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: "'[. .] as if you
were afraid[. . .] of the invading barbarityand had resorted to placing an inverse taboo on the
feared object" [Ober Walter Benjamin(Frankfurt:Suhrkamp, 1970], p. 130]. More generally,
Benjamin'scriticsregularlyreintroducepsychological categories precisely at those points where
he himself was looking for ways out of bourgeois interiority.By contrast, Benjamin'sOne-Way
Street is dedicated to the woman who "engineered it in the author" GS, 4, 1, 85]. The destruc-
tive characterevacuates "object relations" and "libidinal cathexes"; he no more "invests"
people than he "occupies" space.
". 'In my [KarlKraus's]case psychological insight is combined with the largercapacity to
ignore psychological givens.' This is the actor's inhuman, cannibalisticside" [GS, 2, 1, 358].

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a fictive persona who redoubled the individualism of the bourgeois monad
inan effort to master the problematic situation of the "lyric poet in the era of
high capitalism," the destructive character has the task of rescuing a still bleaker
situation by dismantling the subject. The flineur "makes a virtue out of necessity,
and in this displays the structure which is in every way characteristic of Baudelaire's
conception of the hero" [CB, 70-71]. The analogous brittleness of Benjamin's post-
heroic hero is heroically denied by the contrary assertion of his unshakeable
strength. But his robust doings remain a fragile fiction, his realism magical, and the
leap beyond the merely literary perhaps still all too literary. In reality-a relevant
criterion in his case, if also the touchstone of the "victors"-the established order
would have little trouble in containing or harnessing his subversion. What "the
drowning man clutches at" is a "straw" [GS, 1, 3, 1243]. How, then, decide whether
the intended embodiment of total vigilance is any more than the mirage of a rescuing
organizer, whether the "organ of historical awakening" [CB, 176] is not a last-minute
dream that mistakes itself for its awakening, a phantasmagoria of the exterior, the
trap of antiromantic Romanticism? Benjamin himself left the question open whether
Blanqui's relative lack of interest in the theoretical underpinnings of socialism might
not have been "rooted in a deep-seated mistrust of the findings that wait for anyone
who immerses himself too thoroughly in the structures that govern existence."
This commentary has essayed a "philological" reconstruction of the buried con-
text in which The Destructive Character intervened. Commentators and philologists
are by profession preservers and readers of traces, "collectors, conservative, con-
serving natures," who, rather than make "situations [. . .] quotable" as destructive
types do, seek to ensure that "things" remain "transmissible" [GS, 4, 2, 1000]. What
nevertheless justifies the commentary in Benjamin's eyes is the urgent need to pre-
serve texts from destruction. "Tomorrow," he predicted, "may bring disasters of
such colossal dimensions that we can imagine ourselves separated from the texts
[.. .] of yesterday as though by centuries" [UB, 44]. An "exhaustive" archeology of
The Destructive Character would, however, rebury it. What needs to resurface is its
force. The only adequate response is to "quote" it, thereby destroying it, but intro-
ducing "prudence and circumspection into the destruction" [Br, 709]. For The De-
structive Character not merely describes its own destructive production, it also pre-
scribes what its reception should be-an exchange at the going rate. "Presence of
mind is of the essence [. ..]. To interpret or to use [the signals], that is the question
[.. .]. If we miss the chance, then, and only then, is it decipherable. We read it. But
now it is too late" [GS, 4, 1, 141]. The present reading stops where intervention
should, belatedly, begin.

IrvingWohlfarthteaches ComparativeLiteratureat the Universityof Oregon.

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