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Name: ________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: _______________________


Science 8│Quarter 1
I. True or False: Write T if the statement is correct, and F if the statement is not correct.
_________1. A ball moves when force is applied.
_________2. A ball moves if it has to be pushed only.
_________3. If a ball is pushed in the direction of its motion, it slows down or eventually stop.
_________4. If a ball is pushed opposite to the direction of its motion, it moves farther and faster.
_________5. When a ball is pushed in a direction different from its original direction of motion, the ball
changes direction.
_________6. Force can make an object move, move faster, stop, or change its direction of motion.
_________7. Force always effect change in the state of motion of an object.
_________8. When a car starts moving it speeds up.
_________9. When a car nears a stop sign, it slows down.
_________10. When a car is covering different displacements at equal time interval, and not moving in
constant velocity, the car is not accelerating.
II. Identify the Laws of Motion described in the following statement.
_________1. The first law of motion.
_________2. An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion will continue to move at constant
velocity unless acted upon by a net force.
_________3. The greater the mass of an object, the harder it is to move when it is at rest, or difficult to
stop when in motion.
_________4. The second law of motion.
_________5. The acceleration of an of an object is directly proportional.
_________6. The third law of motion.
_________7. For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
_________8. When you are on a bus, and it starts, there is a tendency for you to move backward, and
when suddenly stops, you have the tendency to move forward.
_________9. A car is travelling with a speed of 80m/hr.
_________10. A carpenter is hammering a nail.
III. Answer the following.
1. Draw a book resting on top of a table. Identify the force(s) acting on it. (5 pts.)
2. What is the mass of a toy car that requires a force of 5N to accelerate at a rate of 3m/s2?(5 pts.)

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Subject Teacher Validated by: Master Teacher I


Head Teacher III

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