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Table of Contents

Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION OF CORONA VIRUS......................................................................................................1
1.1. Corona Virus Background......................................................................................................1
1.2. Symptoms Of Infection With The Corona Virus.....................................................................1
1.3. Causes Of Corona Virus..........................................................................................................2
1.4. How Corona Virus spreads.....................................................................................................2
1.5. Corona Virus Prevention........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................................4
CORONA VIRUS DISASTER MITIGATION.................................................................................................4
CHAPTER III............................................................................................................................................8
HEALTHY LIFESTYLE...............................................................................................................................8
3.1. Maintain Personal Hygiene....................................................................................................8
3.1. Maintain Cleanliness Of The Surrounding Environment........................................................9
3.2. How To Maintain Health......................................................................................................11
3.3. Sports...................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................................................15
SOCIALIZING IN THE COMMUNITY.......................................................................................................15
4.1. How To Give Greetings When Face To Face.........................................................................15

Chapter 1

Introduction of Corona Virus


Corona virus or COVID-19,the case began with pneumonia in december 2019.this

case is thought to ber related to the huanan animal market in Wuhan which sells various
types of animal meat,including those that are not commonly consumed,for example
snakes,bats and various types of mice.
Cases of this mysterious pneumonia infection are indeed commonly found in the animal
market. Corona virus or COVID-19 allegedly brought bats and other animals that humans eat
until transmission occurs. Corona virus is actually no stranger to the world of animal
health,but only a few types are able to infect humans to become pneumococcal disease.
Before the COVID-19 epidemic, the world had a stir with SARS and MERS,which is also
associated with the corona virus. With this bacground,the corona virus is not thr only time this
makes peaple in the world panic. Having the same flulike symptoms,the corona virus
develops radiply to result in more severe infections and organ failure.
COVID-19, the case began with pneumonia or mysterious pneumonia in December 2019.
This case is thought to be related to the Huanan animal market in Wuhan which sells various
types of animal meat, including those that are not commonly consumed, for example snakes,
bats and various types of mice.

Cases of this mysterious pneumonia infection are indeed commonly found in the animal
market. Corona virus or COVID-19 allegedly brought bats and other animals that humans eat
until transmission occurs. Coronavirus is actually no stranger to the world of animal health,
but only a few types are able to infect humans to become pneumococcal disease.

Before the COVID-19 epidemic, the world had a stir with SARS and MERS, which is also
associated with the Corona virus. With this background, the Corona virus is not the only time
this makes people in the world panic. Having the same flu-like symptoms, the Corona virus
develops rapidly to result in more severe infections and organ failure.



Reporting from CNN,fever is thr main symptom of peaple caused by the coronavirus.
37.7degrees celcius or more visited by children or adults is called fever.
“there are many misconceptions about fever.the average daily temperature is 37
degrees celcius,but we all experience an increase during the day,” said the head of
the division of pediatric disease at the children’s hospital of pittsburgh University
Medical Center of Pittsburgh,Dr.John Williams.
According to him,if someone has a body temperature of 37.2-37.5 degrees
celcius,then it is not a fever.
Meanwhiel,your compilation is measuring temperature,you should not rely on
temperatures taken in the morning.


Besides fever,cough is also a mild symptom that should not be ignored.

However,coughing infected with the corona virus with coughing is generally not just
any cough.
Professor of Preventive Medicine and infectious diseases at vanderbilt University
School of Medicine in Nashville,Tennessee,Dr.William Schaffner said,dry cough due
to corona virus infection was felt in thr chest.
“it’s not an itch in your don’t just get don’t get anything
out,”Schaffner said.
He explained,coughing with corona virus sufferers such as troublesome,is from your
sternum or stenum.
In addition,you can also find out that your bronchial tubes are inflamed or irritated.


Feeling difficulty breathing becomes the third symptom of corona virus patients to
watch out for.
Because,symptoms of difficulty breathing can occur by itself,without being
accompanied by a cough.
If your chest becomes tight or you feel as if you can’t breathe deeply enough to get a
good breath,that is a sign that you need to get serious action.
“if there is shortness of breath,immediately contact your health care provider,local
emergency care or emergerncy department,”said the president American Medical
Association,Dr. Patrice Harris.
He also suggested that you call 911 if you feel that you have severe shortness of


Many other symptoms that resemble flu,including headaches,digestive

problems,body achesand fatigue
Apart from all that other symptoms that can resemble colds or allergies that
arise,such as colds,sore throat and sneezing.
The experts revealed,most likely you only have the flu accompanied by early
symptoms of fever and cough.
One synptom that allows you to be infected with Covid-19 is if you experience
shortness if breath that doesn’t improve for a week or if the condotion worsens.


Meanwhile,recently the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck

Surgery has identified strange symptoms that may occur in Covid-19 patients.
In a statement on their website,the researchers revealed there were symptoms of
anismia or lack of sense of smell, and dysgeusia or lack of taste that were identified
to be signs of someone positive if the coronavirus.
CDC revealed, if you experience these two strange symptoms, immediately contact
the nearest health service.
“anosmia, in particular, has been seen in patients who have finally tested positive for
corona virus without ither symptoms,”the statement said.

Meanwhiel, it has long been known in the medical literature that sudden loss of smell
can be attributed to respiratory infections caused by other types of corona virus.

1.3 How to spread

According to the Woarld Health Organization(WHO), The way the COVID-19 corona
virus spreads through tinydroplets coming out of the nose or mouth when those
infected with the virus sneeze or cough.
The drops then land on objects or surfaces that are touched and healthy person
touches their eyes,nose or mouth. Corona virus can also spread when small droplets
are inhaled by healthy peaple when in close proximity to infected corona.
That is why it is important to maintain a distance of 1 meter more that a sick person.
Until now there has been no research that states the COVID-19 corona virus can be
transmittes throgh the air.
This method is highly recommended when an outbreak or virus has spread but no
anti-virus medication has been found.
Social distancing also advises against attending large numbers of gatherings such
as concerts,worship services or sporting events. The goal is that the virus is not
transmitted to healthy peaple.
WHO added that the most common sysmptoms of COVID-19 are fever,fatigue,and
dry cough. Some patients may experience aches and pains,nasal congestion,runny
nose,sore throat or diarrhea, these symptoms are mild and occur gradually.
Howeve,some peaple are infected but do not show any symptoms and do not feel
unwell. Most peaple (around 80%)recover from the disease without the need for
special treatment. About 1 out of every 6 peaple who get COVID-19 is seriously ill
and has difficulty breathing.
Older peaple and those who have medical problems such as high blood
pressure,hearth problems or diabetes,are more likely to get serious illnesses. Peaple
with fever,cough and difficulty breathing should receive medical attention.


1. Wash your hand often

Wash your hand frequently with soap and running water for 20 seconds.
If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60%
It is recommended to avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth with your hands that
have not been washed,
2. Avoid close contact

Avoid close contact with other peaple who are sick.
Keep a distance between yourself and others if the corona virus has spread in your
This is very important for peaple who are at higher risk for terminally ill.

3. Mantain social distance

One the effcetive ways to prevent the spread of corona virus is to mantain social
This actually has also been voiced by the governent so that peaple keep physical
distance or physical distancing.
By implementing physical distancing when doing outdoor activities or public places,
you have taken one step to prevent being infected with the corona virus.
Keep your distance from other peaple about one meter.

4. Use a mask if it hurts

If it hurts,you should wear a mask when you are around other peaple and before you
enter the office of a health care provider.
If you can’t wear a mask (for example, because it causes breathing difficulties), then
you should do your coughing and sneezing.
Additionally,if you are being treated,the person caring for you must wear a mask if they
enter your room.

5. Stay at home

The local goverment issued a circular for school students from various levels of
independent learning at home for 14 days from March 16,2020 to prevent the spread
of the COVID-19 virus.
This also continues to be encouraged by the goverment so that the spread of the
corona virus is not widespread.
Goverment spokesman for the handling for the corona virus Achmad Yurianto
said,young peaple have great potential as carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 microorganism
that causes Covid19.
As a carrier of microorganism,young peaple are very likely to pass it on to parents or
eldery peaple.
For this reason,it is sugested to stay indoors until the covid19 outbreak disappers from
6. Avoid touching eyes,mouth and nose

Face illustration hands touch many surfaces and can contain many viruses too.

After being contaminated, the hands can transfer the virus to your eyes,nose and
From there,viruses can enter your body and can make you sick.
7. Avoid the crowd

Because in the crowd, it is very possible for transmission if there is one peson infected
with the corona virus.
The govrment of indonesia in collaboration with the indonesia national police and other
parties,has made regulations so that peaple do not engage in crowd activities during
the corona virus pandemis.

8. Do not shake hands

By not doing a handshake,will avoid skin contact,

That will be a little able to prevent the spread of the corona virus, avoiding contact is
the best way for now.
Hands and face can be a corona virus spread media.

9. Always update information regarding covid19

Stay informed of the latets development about covid19.

Follow the advice given by your health care provider,your national and local public
health authorities on how to protect yourself and other from covid19.national and local

authorities will have the latest information on whether covid19 is spereading in your
10. Go to the hospital immediately if you rxperience covid19
If you have fever,cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and contact
first. Follow the direction of your local health authority.
National and local authorities will have the latets information about the situation in your
Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right
health facility.
This will also protect you and help prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.

Chapter 2

Corona Virus Disaster Mitigation

A. Introduction of Corona Virus Handling Protocol

What is Corona virus? The form of the virus that is still related to the cause of SARS and
MERS is exactly the crown. The shape of the crown is characterized by protein S in the form
of shoes that are spread around the surface of the virus.

Quoted from the LIPI website, Corona virus has one RNA chain so it is often called an RNA
virus. This type of virus mutates faster than DNA by a million times.

Corona Paramyxovirus virus had appeared in the Google search engine. Both are different
viruses, although both can infect humans from animals. Diseases caused by Paramyxovirus
are Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Newcastle disease, and parainfluenza.

B. Respond wisely when there is a stigma in the community about the corona virus

keep calm and always be vigilant, follow government policies, while maintaining ablution

C. How to handle when sick

do not panic! Always wear a mask so that the disease does not spread and check with your
doctor before it gets worse

chapter 3

Healthy lifestyle

A. Maintain personal hygiene :

 Always wash your hands with soap

 Use a mask when leaving the house
 Always clean yourself when from outside
 Social distancing
 Do not touch the face often

A. Maintain cleanliness of the surrounding environment

 Clean the home

 Wash your hands regularly
 Hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
 Change the handshake routine
 Clean the handphond

B. How to maintain health

 Washing hands
 Hand sanitizer available
 Don’t touch the face
 Consumption of nutritious food
 Keep the environment clean

C. Sports
 Yoga
 Zumba
 Skipping or jumping ropes
 Push up and squat
 Wall sit

Chapter 4

Socializing in the community

A. How to give greetings when face to face

- Greetings Namaste

Namaste Salam is commonly known in India.Greetings are done when meeting

or when separated. This is the safest way to shake hands because the two parties that
are shaking hands do not have physical contact at all. How to shake hands by clasping
both palms and fingers in front of the chest while bowing.

- Greetings elbows

Greetings elbows still allow contact between the two. However, only the elbows
touch each other. How to shake hands is considered still quite safe because it does not
touch hands directly.

- Greetings feet

Greetings also called greetings Wuhan Shake. This greeting is quite popular
after the outbreak of the corona virus. There is no hand or elbow contact. The contact
with each other is the foot of each party who wants to shake hands. There is another
term that is also used for this way of shaking hands. Concerning security, how to shake
hands like this is also considered safe.

- Wave hands

In addition to the three types of shake hands above, there are also other safest
ways. Similar to the greetings of Namaste, where there is no contact at all between the
two parties that meet, this type of greeting is also pretty much done. When meeting, both
parties just waved and there was no physical contact at all.

A. Wisely use social media (access and disseminate information)

Wisely using social media in terms of access is by:

Accessing things that are positive, add insight to strengthen friendships
Be selective about various information that is accessed
Avoid accessing accounts that can compromise the security of the
device and self
Avoid getting involved in hate speeches, hoaxes, to the pollution of
Wisely using social media in terms of disseminating information is by:

Spread information that is definitely correct

Avoid sharing information that is controversial or triggers conflict
Posting or distributing content that can build a better self-image
Avoiding spreading information that is both personal and private without
the permission of the person concerned


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